ferromagnetic I-Process
impurities I-Process
in O
non-magnetic O
metallic O
materials O
is O
based O
on O
their O
remanence O
. O
Before O
such O
a O
measurement B-Task
can O
be O
carried O
out O
, O
the O
aeroengine O
turbine O
disks O
are O
premagnetised B-Process
in O
axial O
direction O
. O
As O
ferromagnetic O
materials O
show O
the O
well-known O
hysteresis B-Process
behaviour I-Process
, O
those O
materials O
can O
be O
magnetised O
by O
a O
strong B-Process
magnetic I-Process
field I-Process
which O
drives O
the O
magnetic O
material O
into O
saturation O
. O
When O
removing B-Process
the I-Process
magnetic I-Process
field I-Process
, O
the O
remanence O
is O
left O
. O
This O
remaining B-Process
flux I-Process
density I-Process
is O
used O
to O
detect O
them O
in O
non-magnetic O
materials O
. O
Although O
the O
presented O
model O
is O
developed O
and O
tested O
with O
a-C B-Material
: I-Material
H I-Material
layers I-Material
in O
mind O
, O
it O