You’ve invested serious time and effort coming up with a unique name for your business, and you want to be sure you’ve done everything you can to protect it. But are there legal steps you can take to do that? Absolutely. If yours is the first business to use the name, you can protect it so that no one else can use it without your prior permission. And the proper way to protect a business name from use by others is to register it as a trade name. A trade name is one of several intangibles you have that the law refers to as “intellectual property.” Simply put, intellectual property is something that’s created by the human mind such as an idea, an invention, a unique name, and artistic and literary expressions. Intellectual property law is the system of federal and state laws enacted to allow the creator of some form of intellectual property to protect and limit its use so that the creator can maximize the financial gain from the property. Patent law concerns the protection of mental creations such as inventions. Patentable creations included zippers, drugs, Velcro, even the various Ronco devices sold on late night infomercials. You can consult Craig Wilson & Company Inc. for details. Copyright law gives protection to the creations of authors, composers, artists and computer programmers, among others, and covers books, music, speeches, magazines, newspapers, films, plays, songs, art, software, websites, and more. Trade secret law protects confidential business information such as recipes, manufacturing processes, magic tricks, and medical and perfume formulations. Trademark law protects brand names, designs, logos, sounds and so forth that are associated with certain products or services. Trademark law may also protect names under which a company or person does business. What Canadian trademark agency can do? Do a trade name search on your country’s official website to make sure it’s not too similar to an existing trade name. Complete and file (in paper or online) with Trademark Office either an “Intent to Use Application” or an “Application for Mark in Use,” depending on whether you’ve begun using the trade name yet. Use the trade name in commerce as required. Await action by the Patent and Trademark Office. They’ll contact you and advise you whether a patent or trademark already exists and whether your application was correctly filed. Upon acceptance of your application, your trade name will be published in the Official Gazette of the Patent and Trademark Office, publicizing the fact that you’ve been granted a trademark. Protect your trade name by timely renewals of your trademark for that name, consistently use the designations “TM” or “R” immediately following each use of your trade name to give notice of your registration, and stop infringers from using your name by sending the abuser a cease-and-desist letter and filing suit, if necessary.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T01:52:06Z', 'url': 'http://planetax.com.mx/protect-intellectual-property/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Vanilla WoW Server any interest? Old member swinging by to say hello! Origional Authenticators....batteries may soon be dead.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T08:39:09Z', 'url': 'https://www.thehonorempire.org/web/forums/forum/33-cs-base-camp/?page=1&sortby=start_date&sortdirection=desc', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Showing results by narrator "Chris Snelgrove" Catrin Volker dreams of a peaceful life training horses. It's not to be. Comets appear in the night skies, announcing the return of a goddess. While trying to save her friend from bullies, Catrin unknowingly triggers powerful, ancient magic and fulfills a prophecy that says she will destroy entire nations. Her quest for peace captures the imagination with fantastical landscapes, magic, and dragons. Fourteen-year-old Matt Archer spends his days studying Algebra, hanging out with his best friend and crushing on the Goddess of Greenhill High, Ella Mitchell. To be honest, he thinks his life is pretty lame until he discovers something terrifying on a weekend camping trip at the local state park. Monsters are real. And living in his backyard. But that's not the half of it. After Matt is forced to kill a strange creature to save his uncle, he finds out that the weird knife he took from his uncle's bag has a secret, one that will change his life. Long dormant relics bask in the light of a hundred comets, restoring magics of a previous age. Objects inert for eons become dangers and tools no one can ignore. The use of these artifacts will put everything at risk; all the while providing the greatest opportunity for human advancement in history. Vheod Runechild - half human, half fiend - flees from the Abyss to find his human nature on Toril, only to discover that the dangers from the nether region respect no worldly boundaries. The stars have gone…. Long dormant relics bask in the light of a hundred comets, restoring magics of a previous age. Objects inert for eons become dangers and tools no one can ignore. The use of these artifacts will put everything at risk; all the while providing the greatest opportunity for human advancement in history. No matter what happens to the people of Godsland, the dragons have plans of their own. A History of the Cuban Revolution presents a concise socio-historical account of the Cuban Revolution of 1959, an event that continues to spark debate 50 years later. Echoes of the ancients' power are distant memories, tattered and faded by the passage of eons, but that is about to change. A new dawn has arrived. Latent abilities, harbored in mankind's deepest fibers, wait to be unleashed. Ancient evils awaken, and old fears ignite the fires of war. Call of the Herald is book one of The Dawning of Power trilogy. Inherited Danger is Book Two of The Dawning of Power trilogy. Leaving her homeland behind, Catrin Volker goes in search of knowledge and peace, unaware that she will face the greatest evil her world has ever known. Echoes of the ancients' power are distant memories, tattered and faded by the passage of eons, but that is about to change. A new dawn has arrived. Latent abilities, harbored in mankind's deepest fibers, wait to be unleashed. Ancient evils awaken, and old fears ignite the fires of war. In times such as these, ordinary people have the power to save the world...or destroy it. In the years since the end of The Herald War, the world has become complacent despite Catrin Volker's warnings. When the darkness of her visions comes to pass, no one is prepared, and the fate of humanity will rest in her hands. In times of rapid change, those who do not adapt, perish... Dragon Ore is the exciting conclusion of The Dawning of Power trilogy. Clinging to life, Catrin Volker struggles to regain her strength as her foes go in search of even greater power. Ancient enemies threaten and forgotten alliances emerge. The future waits for no one....Wayward Spirits is a short story prequel to The Dawning of Power trilogy, which begins with "Call of the Herald." A pair of young men lose their way, unaware their actions will forever change in Godsland. Regent, Book One of The Balance of Power trilogy, is the much anticipated continuation of the World of Godsland fantasy series, which began with The Dawning of Power trilogy. In the years since the end of The Herald War, the world has become complacent despite Catrin Volker's warnings. When the darkness of her visions comes to pass, no one is prepared, and the fate of humanity will rest in her hands. From the mind that brought you Plague Year and The Frozen Sky.... Sixteen stories about strange worlds, biotech, commandos, and the girl next door. Reeling from the loss of the Regent dragons and her son to the black armies, Catrin Volker can take no more. Armed with power never before seen on Godsland, she goes in search of her son and her enemies. May the gods have mercy on those who stand in her way. Regal is book six of the World of Godsland fantasy series and is the much anticipated conclusion of the Balance of Power trilogy. Going in search of solace and something to give his life meaning, Sinjin Volker finds wonders he would never have imagined and dangers from his deepest fears. Armed with only artifacts he's powerless to use, Sinjin must change the world by first changing himself. Power's height approaches. Ancient threats are unleashed on the people of Godsland. A flood of comet light proves too much of a good thing can be deadly. Humanity's endurance and ingenuity will be put to the ultimate test: survival. No one knew just how many mysteries the ancient mountain keep held. None could have guessed what they would find so far underground, locked away from the world. Many would wish they had never found it. For others, long awaited retribution is at hand. Dreibrand Veta has killed for his country. At the frontlines of imperial expansion, he seeks to rebuild the fortune of his noble family. In his daring travels he encounters the rys, a race far more powerful than the human empire that bred him. Dreibrand cannot defy the rys Queen Onja nor defend his companion, Miranda, and her children from the wicked tyrant Queen.Desperate for help, Dreibrand and Miranda join Shan, a rys with emerging powers who plans to challenge Onja.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T14:24:14Z', 'url': 'https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Chris+Snelgrove', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Betex, a peer-to-peer platform for binary options, has announced the introduction of even more attractive conditions for investors. Those include distribution of all unsold tokens between the contributors, deployment of token smart contract, and implementation of a bonus system. The platform’s launch is planned for April. Starting from this moment, the investors’ profits will start being accumulated. Betex is the only platform where as much as 95% of funds are distributed among traders who succeed. Betex only profits from collecting service commission of 5% (thereby, 2.5% are transferred to the holders of BETEX tokens). The model of Betex is claiming to return credibility to the binary options market and has many key advantages compared to the traditional models. As a platform provider, Betex cannot engage in betting, which makes the process unbiased and immutable. To let everyone take advantage of their updated attractive conditions, Betex has prolonged the token sale until April 15th, 2018. The company has deployed the token smart contract so that everyone can make sure that our words are not different from the code. Betex will distribute all the unsold tokens among participants of the Pre-sale Round 1, the Pre-sale Round 2 and the Main Token sale on pro rata basis. Therefore, demand will define the final price for every participant, which is fair enough. The new token sale details also envision a special bonus system according to which investors can get up to 20% bonus in tokens, depending on the purchase amount and date. Despite the overall down trend on the crypto market, BETEX token is set to grow in value, because of the several reasons: a fair starting price (due to the auction), the platform’s launch, and independence of Betex operation from the cryptocurrency market in general. In April, Betex is planning to list BETEX token on exchanges and launch the company’s main product — a P2P binary options platform — in the main net. Betex campaign also includes a special affiliate program, within which you can get 10% of the contribution amount of the referred users. According to the program, the payouts will be executed in ETH within 7-10 days. To participate in the Betex token sale and the affiliate program, users should simply register on the official website and follow the instructions in an intuitive dashboard. Betex is a leading-edge platform for P2P financial derivatives trading. It enables users to place bets on future changes against each other. As a platform provider, Betex cannot engage in betting and only profits from collecting service fees. Betex users get instant access to all of its functions and features without having to make any kind of deposits first. Moreover, the payments are automatically released by smart contracts straight to the users’ ETH wallets, ensuring immediate withdrawals without delays or cancellations. Betex is raising funds for development and promotion of the platform. The company has already reached the soft cap within the token sale. Betex is the source of this content. This press release is for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as an endorsement by CoinIdol. We take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy. Readers should do their own research before investing funds in any company.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T21:54:23Z', 'url': 'https://coinidol.com/betex-improves-token-sale-conditions-for-contributors/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
World markets extended a rally that has added $4.1 trillion to global equities this month, following a slew of weak economic reports that have dashed expectations for a Fed rate hike in 2015. European stocks are up, and Asian stock markets added to the gains which saw equities close at two-month highs; the Shanghai Composite gained 6.5% for the week. After a rebound yesterday, Wall Street recorded its third straight winning week. The Dow and S&P were up just under 1% on the week; the Nasdaq was up 1.7%. The rally over the past three weeks has been very narrow, as two thirds of the stocks on the S&P 500 are still below the 200-day moving average. Historically, October may be one of the worst months for stocks, but not in recent years and not so far this month. Yesterday we reported that the number of Americans filing new jobless claims fell to 255,000 last week; the lowest figure since Richard Nixon was president, and the economy was much smaller 42 years ago. Fewer claims for unemployment should mean the labor market is heating up, but we still don’t see people leaving their job to move to greener pastures; the quit rate remains stagnant. The economy is growing at about a 2% rate so far this year; that’s sluggish, at best. Productivity has cratered. Inflation, well there is no inflation, based on the latest CPI numbers through September. And Wall Street is reporting third quarter earnings, or the lack thereof; profits are likely down about 5%, marking the second consecutive quarter of negative earnings. So for now at least, it appears we can put the whole idea of a Federal Reserve interest rate hike on hold. Wynn Resorts had a bad quarter. The casino giant announced earnings of $0.86 per share, which was in line with Wall Street estimates. But revenue dropped 27% year-over-year to just under $1 billion, missing estimates. Revenue from Las Vegas was down 3.9%. The casino suffered through an abysmal quarter in Macau as revenue there crashed 37.9%, and this is where the story gets interesting. Macau is the world’s biggest gambling center, if you’re not counting Wall Street. And suddenly the Chinese government has started cracking down on gambling as part of an anti-corruption drive.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T18:50:46Z', 'url': 'http://fixedincomedaily.blogspot.com/2015/10/no-wagering.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Question 1: Mance Fraily, the Production Manager at Ralts Mills, can currently expect his operation to produce 1000 square yards of fabric for each ton of raw cotton. Each ton of raw cotton requires 5 labor hours to process. He believes that he can buy better quality raw cotton, which will enable him to produce 1200 square yards per ton of raw cotton with the same labor hours. What will be the impact on productivity (measured in square yards per labor-hour) if he purchases the higher quality raw cotton? A company has introduced a process improvement that reduces processing time for each unit, so that output is increased by 25% with less material, but one additional worker required. Under the old process, five workers could produce 60 units per hour. Labor costs are RM12/hour, and material input was previously RM16/unit. For the new process, material is now RM10/unit. Overhead is charged at 1. 6 times direct labor cost. Finished units sell for RM31 each. What increase in productivity is associated with the process improvement?
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T17:09:41Z', 'url': 'https://zenskiparfemi.com/wage-and-quality-raw-cotton/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Package your gifts in a memorable, affordable and eco-friendly way with these custom reusable gift bags! Made from nonwoven polypropylene material, they're available in four classic colors with your logo on one or both sides. Features durable black braided handles and cardboard bottom panel. 8.5" x 10" x 4.25" / Handle: .3125" x 13"
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T19:16:50Z', 'url': 'https://www.printglobe.com/nonwoven-gift-bag/2130', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
London: Adam & Charles Black (1906). illus., general table, map, xxiv; 288 pp. Richard Doddridge Blackmore (1825-1900), popularly known as R. D. Blackmore, was one of the most famous English novelists of the second half of the nineteenth century. He won acclaim for vivid descriptions and personification of the countryside, sharing with Thomas Hardy a Western England background and a strong sense of regional setting in his works. He was often referred to as the "Last Victorian" and was a pioneer of the movement in fiction that continued with Robert Louis Stevenson and others. He has been described as "proud, shy, reticent, strong-willed, sweet-tempered, and self-centred." Apart from his novel Lorna Doone, which has enjoyed continuing popularity, his work has gone out of print. This engaging book is a relatively early contributor to North Devon's 'Doone Industry'. Blackmore's remarkable novel spawned an industry with every tourist business in the area making use of the name. By 1925 Exmoor was described as Lorna Doone country and many books appeared, especially from the 1930s, seeking to turn the novel into historical fact and guide tourists to the locations of incidents in the novel. The Blackmore Country is designated by Snell as the land between Culmstock and Ashford in Devon; and running from Oare in Somerset to Combe Martin in Devon. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the University of California, Davis, Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T02:59:36Z', 'url': 'https://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/DEV/Description/BooksArticles/Snell1906', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Potential rezoning and future development of the Southern Industrial Area (SIA) has significant economic and social implications for Sydney’s economy. Commissioned by Goodman Australia (Limited) this report examines the benefits of mixed use in the Southern Industrial Area (SIA) in Sydney. The area is close to Sydney CBD, Port Botany and the airport and forms part of the NSW Government’s Global Economic Corridor. Rezoning and future development in this region therefore has significant economic and social implications for the economy of the Sydney Local Government Area (LGA) and Metro Sydney. The report quantitatively analyses the major economic consequences that could arise from redeveloping the SIA into a genuine mixed use area: commuting time savings, freight efficiencies and payments to Governments as a result of redevelopment.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T07:08:39Z', 'url': 'https://www2.deloitte.com/au/en/pages/economics/articles/strategic-potential-of-sydneys-southern-industrial-area.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
There are some pretty amazing fares available from Calgary that allow you to visit both Hong Kong AND Shanghai, China for just $590 CAD roundtrip including taxes. $590 roundtrip to either destination on it's own would be an amazing price. The flights involve using a combination of Air Canada and Cathay Pacific or China Eastern Airlines. 2. Click on 'Multiple City' to start your search. For longer trips (using either Expedia or FlightHub) - you can try mixing and matching the departure and return dates from the examples above. calgary, yyc, flight deals, air canada, asia, east asia, hong kong, hkg, china, shanghai, pvg, china eastern airlines and cathay pacific. 6 Responses to "2 in 1 trip: Calgary to Hong Kong AND Shanghai, China - $590 CAD roundtrip including taxes" Dates must match what's shown above. Departing on a Wed and returning on a Wed. Do any dates in the spring work? Prices are now at $1083. I booked this on flight hub sept 28 - oct 12 for 587! THANKS!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T20:10:05Z', 'url': 'https://yycdeals.com/2-in-1-trip-calgary-to-hong-kong-and-shanghai-china-590-cad-roundtrip-including-taxes', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Mario Tennis Aces Review: the Ultimate Convenience! Fortunately, Mario Tennis Aces comes up strong for the large part with just a few stumbles on the way. They is special, though, because you don’t have to just score points to win. In its best, Aces offers the sort of back-and-forth duels that few different games outside the fighting genre can provide. Naturally, Aces’ isn’t merely a normal tennis game. The skill shots are wholly performed with a charge meter which gets filled with each successful hit. The Special Shots have a distinctive animation for each character that is suitable for their personality. When you receive a grip on all the various shots in Mario Tennis Aces’ arsenal, you’re going to be a tennis pro in almost no time. Swing Mode lets you pantomime a tennis racket working with the Joy-Cons. There’s a Swing mode that permits players to use the joy con like a tennis racket and there’s local and internet play. Even if setting up an absolutely Free Play match, you can just adjust very basic choices. At any moment, you have the choice between five standard shots which are all on the face buttons. Both Adventure Mode and COM Tournament Mode help you learn to play and discover the character that is appropriate for your playstyle. There are a few Mario Tennis Aces players that are pretty furious at this time. It Aces can work for people of all skill levels. It Aces is a great game at its core. Mario Tennis Aces gives you plenty of control if you want to return that ideal shot. Well, aside from the baffling choice for this to even exist, it Aces is actually a lot of fun. It Aces strikes this really good balance of energy management that makes it feel like a lot more than just a ball bouncing between a court. Take a look at the greatest Nintendo Switch games. It is a game which will simply not allow me to play and take pleasure in itself. The only time the game becomes difficult is in a number of the side missions like Rally challenges where you’ve got to rally the ball a particular number of times and the Panel challenge where you’ve got to hit the ball at panel to score a particular number of points before time expires. Overall, it makes for a far deeper and more satisfying game. This game, however, will be played for many years to come as it’s not just an excellent Mario Tennis game, it is a superb Tennis game generally. The game holds your hand for a quick moment and throws you in without any guide of the way to approach at least one of these challenges. It means the game receives a little more jazzy, but if you wish to play a straight forward game of Tennis then it’s still possible to choose a fundamental court. In the event the gameplay sinks its hooks in you, and should you have any type of competitive streak in any way, Mario Tennis Aces is bliss. Overall, it is tight with a few questionable button mapping decisions. The gameplay in Aces is practically perfect. Even in its perfect format, Aces’ multiplayer suffers from a deficiency of customization choices. While that multiplayer is totally incredible from a gameplay standpoint, not everybody is going to be in a position to acquire their friends together often enough to justify a buy. Multiplayer has ever been the principal course for Mario Tennis games. See the previous complaint about passing up standard tennis, which is very noticeable in internet multiplayer. When playing online with buddies, matches are far more expansive and customizable. You are going to want to play a lengthened competitive match. 1 thing I would have liked to be included in internet tournament is a much better rewards system. With the day one patch, you will be able to play in internet tournaments which pit you against players around the world, or you’re able to establish a lobby or join a friend for a typical game. Regrettably, it’s definitely the worst aspect of the game. Controls There is just so much that may be accomplished in a tennis video game from a control standpoint. By default, speedy play means you score as a tiebreak so that it’s first to seven. Free play is basically exhibition mode, and swing mode permits players to practice different shots. In both instances, the game pauses briefly to provide a first-person targeting reticle, permitting you to position your powerful smash anywhere you desire. It is a Mario sports game that’s actually great. Unless you anticipate becoming really very good at online player, or constantly have visitors at your house, you will be limited to only a few modes, not one of which are most likely to keep you entertained for over an hour or so at a moment.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T12:15:10Z', 'url': 'http://arkconsolecommands.com/mario-tennis-aces/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
​Art Concept Alternative focuses on creating meaningful connections with cultural institutions and museums from different parts of the world. This exhibition is an international recognition of our contribution to contemporary art discourse. CAMINOS ENCONTRADOS is a Collaborative Curatorial Project from Alicante, Spain.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T02:51:55Z', 'url': 'http://www.artconceptalternative.org/caminos-encontrados.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The IBM C9060-599 IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.1 Implementation exam is one of the most challenging exam by IBM. This exam requires a lot of preparation and studying to earn a good C9060-599 passing score. Hence, we at CertsGrade have established a team of highly qualified experts on this subject to create the best studying material for you. The study material we provide for the IBM C9060-599 IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.1 Implementation exam is the best you can find online. Our C9060-599 exam material is a complication of questions and answers that will help you in passing C9060-599 exam. Not only is our study material the best you can find, it is also the most detailed and the most updated. Our team at CertsGrade monitors the course outline provided by IBM for the C9060-599 IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.1 Implementation exam for any chances and updates. We update the questions answers C9060-599 file according to the change in course. CertsGrade also provides you with free updates for 90 days after the purchase of the study material. We know the importance of this exam, so we have you covered if an update is made to the course by IBM. We at CertsGrade know how important it is to study for the IBM C9060-599 IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.1 Implementation exam and sometimes you have to study while you are on the move. That is why we provide our C9060-599 study material in a C9060-599 PDF format. Since PDF is the only format that works on almost every device and computer, it helps you study while you are on the move. Not only do we provide free sample for the IBM C9060-599 IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.1 Implementation exam study material as stated above, we also provide online support on our website. You can send us a message or talk to our live support regarding any issue you are facing whether it is about the study material, sales or any other technical issue. You can buy and download our downloadable C9060-599 material for IBM C9060-599 IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.1 Implementation exam quite easily. Just add this study material to your cart, enter your billing information and once you have completed the purchase process, you will be able to download the C9060-599 pdf file for IBM C9060-599 IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.1 Implementation exam in a PDF file format. After the purchase, you will receive any C9060-599 updates that this C9060-599 study material receives for the next 90 days. In addition, your 30 days time period for the 100% money back guarantee will start once you have completed the purchase.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T18:30:43Z', 'url': 'https://www.certsgrade.com/pdf/c9060-599/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Bailey Garcha Solicitors is an experienced and dynamic law practice based in Birmingham. We specialise in: serious and general crime, motoring and road traffic offences, immigration, DVSA investigations and regulatory law. We offer an emergency Police Station attendance service, which is available FREE OF CHARGE 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. When a court appearance is necessary we send only the best solicitors/representatives to help you through this experience. We deal with cases at the Magistrates Court, Youth Court, and Crown Court.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T16:00:36Z', 'url': 'https://baileygarchasolicitors.co.uk/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The International Motor Show “Auto 2019”, the major automotive industry event in the Baltic countries introducing the newest passenger and commercial vehicles, car tuning masterpieces and automotive industry news, invites all car fans and industry professionals to the Kipsala International Exhibition Centre, Riga, Latvia on 12–14 April. The show will again take up three exhibition pavilions! “According to data, Latvia saw faster growth in new passenger car registration last year than the EU in average. We also this interest in new cars! The range of car brands represented at the motor show has expanded. Importantly that after an eight-year gap, Toyota returns to the show, so do the Seat, Hyundai and Peugeot brands. The motor show is highly appreciated by the authorised distributor of the exclusive Lamborghini cars, so the brand will present even greater show than the Urus last year,” tells Gints Šāvējs, a manager of “Auto 2019”. The new car show will feature a wide range of cars, cars and commercial vehicles. We currently know that the visitors of “Auto 2019” will have an opportunity to see the latest Lexus, Volkswagen, Opel, Škoda, Jeep, Honda, Nissan, Subaru and many other manufacturers’ vehicles. Brand distributors will offer the best new car deals, advice and expert consultation. The offer in the “Auto Mechanics 2019” will include everything for both professionals and motoring enthusiasts – car cosmetics, tyres, wheels, towing hooks, roof racks, alarm systems, tools, service equipment, spare parts and lots of other useful stuff at very friendly prices. Moreover, this will be the right place to get some practical information on, for instance, turbocharger repair, different aspects of chip tuning, types of car wraps, Nano coatings and rust prevention. The international competition for students of secondary technical schools “Young Car Mechanic” finals held in cooperation with Intercars Latvija bringing together the best teams of emerging professionals will take place for 12th consecutive year at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre. Young car mechanics will have an opportunity to work with the most advanced service equipment. Visitors and all enthusiasts are welcome to watch the competition and view equipment in operation. The biggest surprises are expected at the Baltics’ largest car tuning show “Auto Exotica 2019” that will take up the third temporary hall this year. Several dozens of car tuning experts from such countries as Latvia, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and other countries will display their masterpieces there. This is the place to see star cars, super tuned cars, drift and drag racing cars, unique hot-rods and lowriders, and powerful and tuned bikes. Expect DJs, raving beauties and non-stop party atmosphere! In the Children’s Entertainment Area – see super cars and meet super heroes! The Auto trade fair is held by the International Exhibition Company BT 1. Children under 7 – free of charge! Swedbank ATM in the exhibition centre foyer.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T17:26:10Z', 'url': 'http://www.bt1.lv/auto/eng/read.php?subid=8647', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Roseanne was — and remains — a brilliant media strategist. In addition to the role she played on her show, she fostered a public persona that sometimes, quite deliberately, left her looking as though she were the sole survivor of a very bad train wreck. And the American people loved her for it. For close to a decade, Roseanne was fine fodder for the tabloids as well. They endlessly detailed her personal foibles, multiple marriages, family crises, and fractious relationships with co-workers and network executives. Viewers and readers hung on every word, both in print and on screen. Supporters of the president point to the current state of the economy: significant reductions in taxes, a jump in the stock market, and the prospect of a resurgent pro-business environment — in part, through massive deregulation and punishing tariffs. In exchange, we’ve been saddled with a deficit of approximately $1.5 trillion. As for middle-class tax breaks, most of them will expire in 2025. Not too much of a concern for Roseanne Barr, however. That same Republican tax legislation assures her of personally faring quite nicely. Realistically, she didn’t have to come out of retirement for the money. She came back because she missed us. Then again, Roseanne never really went away. There was her turn as the moderately successful host of a television talk show. Her 2012 run for the Green Party presidential nomination. Her eventual campaign as the Peace and Freedom Party candidate. The documentary about her presidential bid. Her reality show. The NBC sitcom pilot that was never picked up. And now, "Roseanne: The Reboot." Screen superstardom was never enough for Roseanne, though, nor will it ever be. And that’s just fine. As is her decision — calculated or not — to embrace the man who will make America great again. And while her somewhat skewed ideology may make for good ratings, it is potentially harmful to her and those whom she has chosen to target. But, hey, let Roseanne be Roseanne. She’s not the president. She’s a comedian. It’s all just an act. Right? She’s messing with us, telling jokes funny enough to make network executives squirm in their seats — which may possibly have led to the sudden disappearance of her ill-advised tweets. Better those than a sitcom destined to rake in huge profits. Now, that’s show biz.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T12:28:03Z', 'url': 'https://www.jacksonsun.com/story/opinion/columnists/2018/04/03/roseanne-raising-barr/479845002/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Power 106 Los Angeles, #1 for HIP HOP and #TheCruzShow every morning. Listen to New at 2 for breaking new hip hop music, the LA Leakers, world famous Powermixers and non-stop hip hop. Power 106 is KPWR-FM, 105.9 Los Angeles, an award-winning LA hip hop station, known for breaking new music and being a hip hop cultural icon, breaking hip hop music and news on Power106.com.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T10:12:56Z', 'url': 'https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/power-106la/id1279369200?mt=8', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
First time doing a review here . . . did about 60 on Eccie. Not sure of the protocol. Met Sierra at her place on May 19. Second Time seeing Sierra . . . was better than the first time. All activities she advertises, she is great at doing.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T06:42:06Z', 'url': 'https://home.ourhome2.net/vb/showthread.php?40018-Great-Time-with-Sierra&s=c7794b56fd87c30f65ca54237ec77e61&p=163444', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Kentucky Derby had one of its most wide-open fields in history. NBC analyst Donna Barton-Brothers told The Post’s Justin Terranova that not much has changed as Super Saver goes for the second leg of the Triple Crown at the Preakness Stakes on Saturday. Q: Is Super Saver a Triple Crown horse? A: He’s not a standout among the 3-year-old crop this year. But he is peaking at the right moment. A horse that is on his best day and on equal footing with the other horses will be hard to beat. I am not handing him the race yet. He’s going to have to earn it. Q: Which will be harder for Super Saver to win—the Preakness or Belmont? A: Going to Belmont will be tricky because he has so many horses laying in the gap for him. Nick Zito has two of them: Ice Box, who would have won the Kentucky Derby if he had a good trip, now he gets to rest for five weeks and pounce on him at the Belmont; and Fly Down, who just won the Dwyer Stakes, is very impressive. But the Preakness is no easy win this year. A: This is an unusual Preakness because, traditionally, new shooters, horses that did not run in the Derby, do not do well. But there’s a good group this year. Caracortado got into a little trouble at the Santa Anita Derby, but had all the credentials of the Derby horses and just decided to wait for the Preakness. He has [a]chance to run his best race Saturday. And Pleasant Prince is a nice horse that just fell short of the earnings after losing by a nose to Ice Box in the Florida Derby. Q: Will a jockey switch help Lookin At Lucky? A: (Derby jockey) Garret Gomez is one of the best jockeys in the world for a reason. He might have lost confidence in that colt a little bit, but I think the colt kind of creates his own bad luck a little bit in that he is pretty laid back. He does have the quick acceleration, but it takes him a couple of seconds to decide to use it. So maybe Garrett’s lost faith in the colt, but I don’t believe Martin Garcia is a better rider than Gomez. Q: Coolers are still not allowed, but its $20 all the beer you can drink this year. How much of the madness in the Pimlico infield do you see from your spot on the track? A: Even though I am out on the track, I am too far away from the heart of the infield, where they are having the mud wrestling, to see the action up close and in person. I couldn’t handle that deal. I weigh 100 pounds, I’d end up plastered.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T05:32:09Z', 'url': 'https://nypost.com/2010/05/14/5-questions-for-donna-barton-brothers/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Matters involving national security are the U.S. Department of Justice’s highest profile and highest priority cases. From 2015 to 2017, Chris served as a national security prosecutor at the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Ohio. Chris draws upon his years of experience investigating and prosecuting high stakes matters involving terrorism, export controls, and cyber intrusion and hacking cases. Flannery | Georgalis, LLC has the expertise to represent parties in all matters of national security, from cases involving allegations of providing material support to terrorist organizations, to significant CIPA (“Classified Information Protection Act”) litigation, to export controls, to cyber intrusion and hacking cases. Defended employee of large defense contractor in export control investigation and prosecution for false statements and obstruction of justice in top secret security clearance investigation. Obtained non-incarceration sentence.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T12:07:25Z', 'url': 'http://www.flannerygeorgalis.com/practice-areas/national-security-cyber-security-export-controls-terrorism/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Kansas City gets to step onto the field and get the Dallas game out of their minds tomorrow when they take on the LA Galaxy. The Galaxy come into this week not having played a game since August 25th due to Hurricane Irene. They'll be without their newest designated player, Robbie Keane who returned to Europe for Ireland's Euro qualifiers during this international break. They will have Landon Donovan who traveled with the team to Kansas City after playing for the United States on Friday vs Costa Rica. The Galaxy have one of the best road records 6-3-4, almost as good as KC's 6-2-4 record at LIVESTRONG Sporting Park. With this game being moved from the middle of August, it at least gives KC an earlier opportunity to forget about the Dallas game last week. Aurelien Collin could be back in the starting lineup after making a substitute appearance against Dallas. The big thing that KC will have to deal with tomorrow is the absence of Kei Kamara due to international duty and Teal Bunbury due to his red card he picked up against Dallas. Replacing them up top will be a challenge, the team could put Graham Zusi, Soony Saad, or even Chance Myers in one of the forward positions, while Omar Bravo fills the other, as long as Jeferson is ready to return to the lineup. Number to Remember - 6 - That's the number of home wins KC has this season, it's also the number of road wins that LA has this year. Key Match Up - Seth Sinovic vs David Beckham - If Beckham plays out on the right wing for LA as he did during the first game in LA, Sinovic is going to have his hands full dealing with the former English international. Roger Espinoza did in the first leg, hopefully Sinovic's good form continues. PREDICTION - LA has the best defense in the league, and KC is going to be without two of their top 3 scorers. This is going to be a difficult game for KC to get the best of. KC is going to need CJ Sapong to break out of his recent slump and cause problems for Omar Gonzalez for KC for KC to be successful. The Galaxy are going to come at KC's defense mainly through Landon Donovan and Beckham, it's going to be a major challenge for the wingbacks. I think the large crowd expected tomorrow could help KC in the end though, but not enough to get the win. Our wing positions are real thin beyond Bravo and Kamara. I am curious to see if Soony Saad moves out right for this game and/or in the future. Especially since both the center forward position (Sapong, Bunbury) and the he attacking mid spot (Jeferson, Peterson) seem close to capacity going forward. The Ireland match hadn't dawned on me..was looking forward to seeing Keane. Guessing Donovan will only play one half. Would like to see Saad score late winner! Go Blue! don't let becks hear you say "former". if it were up to him he'd play in brazil 2014. I am thinking Myers starts at right back while Arnaud gets the start at right forward. And if Jeferson doesn't start, then Joseph might get the start — pushing Zusi up in the middle. Bring Harrington on for Myers after 60+. And Joseph if Jeferson starts. Then maybe Saad for Davy. No matter the lineup, I am seeing this as a loss or tie at best.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T23:59:08Z', 'url': 'http://www.downthebyline.com/2011/09/monday-night-soccer.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I'm a wee bit nervous. While I was on vacation I got an email asking me to do two freelance stories for the local paper (the editor actually tried to call but I was in a no-service area of Montana). Well, one thing led to another and it turned into three stories (all of which I found the subjects to interview and write about). Last year when I wrote for this publication, they asked for two 300-word stories. After trying to write them I asked if I could do more words and they said, "Sure." So they got two approximately 400-word stories. So this year I'm aiming at 400 words. I've already sent off two of them that were 423 and 501 words. So I'm already over the limit pretty significantly in one case (25% over). But the second draft of the third story is currently at . . .787 words. I can kind of see pulling that back to 731 by taking out one paragraph that isn't desperately essential to the story. But even that I don't want to do. But I'm 97% over the limit! And, frankly, I don't want to make the story shorter because it's such a great story (because of the subject, not my writing). I'm going to, when satisfied with it, email it off and let the chips fall where they may. So I'm a wee bit nervous. Oh, and staring this afternoon I have another big story (1,000 words plus) to work on for another publication!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T01:22:10Z', 'url': 'http://blog.sevantownsend.com/2013/08/more-freelancing-making-me-nervous.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I've made over $600 so far selling off books (and a few DVDs/CD sets) on the Amazon used market. Way more than paid off Delicious Library and the barcode scanner. Woo-hoo!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T14:22:32Z', 'url': 'https://pengcognito.wordpress.com/category/misc/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
“We feel insulted. This is humiliation, racism. Were he French or American, they wouldn’t have done it." Alalyn Caseh, 40 years old, married and father of four, is a member of the community of the remainder of Ethiopian Jews awaiting to complete aliyah. Caseh arrived in Israel under unfortunate circumstances – to visit his mother, who is suffering from a dire illness, and whom he hasn’t seen in 20 years. Three days after his arrival, the mother passed away. Solomon Azanah, 35, grandson of the deceased and nephew of Caseh, was the one who raised the money along with a fellow cousin. The funds came from their savings and were submitted as a deposit. “They told us that they will take the money if he doesn’t return to Ethiopia. That they’re afraid he’ll stay,” says Azanah. “We told them that he (Caseh) has a wife and children [in Ethiopia], how would he stay here?" A Jewish man in Ethiopia named Kinda Mulo, 53 years old, passed away last week in the city of Gondar in Ethiopia where he awaited his Aliyah approval. Mulo was an active community member whose siblings live in Israel. Gondar does not have medical equipment to match that in Israel, and due to the delays in his approval, Mulo dies of his disease before completing his dream and reaching Israel.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T18:49:31Z', 'url': 'http://www.kogonuso.com/2018/09/ethiopian-jew-forced-to-pay-deposit.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Carbon Fiber Car SUV Dual Exhaust Pipe Tail Muffler Tip Chrome Blue (Left+Right). Real Carbon Fiber + Stainless steel. Auto car universal end Pipes. Durable material resistant to UV, water, dirt, grease, salt, mild acid and oil. Light weight and durability , high quality of Stainless steel 5. Easy installation, Excellent fitment and Superior Material 6. Installation Professional installation is recommended. Weld to stock or aftermarket mufflers, Please check you rear bumper/valance/diffuser for fitment, adjustments may be needed or replacement may be needed to fit wider style tips. All items will be checked before packing. All items are new and of high quality. We will reply you within 24- 48 hours. The item "Carbon Fiber Car SUV Dual Exhaust Pipe Tail Muffler Tip Chrome Blue (Left+Right)" is in sale since Tuesday, May 22, 2018. This item is in the category "Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts\Exhausts & Exhaust Parts\Mufflers/Silencers". The seller is "tiantianseller" and is located in CN. This item can be shipped worldwide.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T06:15:44Z', 'url': 'http://nissanprimerap11.com/carbon-fiber-car-suv-dual-exhaust-pipe-tail-muffler-tip-chrome-blue-left-right.php', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Duplex for sale - N.D.G. Unique Duplex in the very popular Monkland Village, NDG. Stone facade giving character and prestige to the property. Two attached garages, lots of storage space, possibility to add two bedrooms to the main unit and an extra floor on the roof. A charmning home not to be missed. Unique Duplex in the very sought after Monkland Village, in NDG on a very quiet residential street and close to schools and several parks. Open concept with a large kitchen, dining room and living room. Several original features that have been well maintained such as wooden floors and moldings. Decorative wooden fireplace in both units. Stone facade giving character and prestige to the property. Possibility of adding a bedroom on the ground floor and a bedroom in the basement is being built. The basement is finished, including a full bathroom, storage space as well as direct access to the garage. The upper unit is rented until June 30th, it includes 3 bedrooms, living-room, dining-room and kitchen and the possibility of expansion with an additional bedroom, mezzanine and roof top terrace. The back terrace will enchant you and will surely be your little piece of heaven, surrounded by greenery, mature trees and calm. A gem of a property to not be missed. Fridge, built-in oven, dishwasher, hot plate, wall unit air conditioner, garage door opener, alarm system with Microtec, 2 water heaters. My name is JIHANE GUETTAR, RE/MAX real estate broker. How may I help you? Hello, my name is JIHANE GUETTAR, real estate broker. Contact me for more information.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T03:04:12Z', 'url': 'https://remaxlespace.com/en/our-properties/cote-des-neiges-notre-dame-de-grace-montreal/4588-av-hingston/12199008', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Discount Tires provides Air Conditioning System Service services to Muskogee, OK, Wagoner, OK, Ft Gibson, OK, and other surrounding areas. Why Should You Have Air Conditioning System Services Performed at Discount Tires? We proudly service the Air Conditioning System Service needs of customers in Muskogee, OK, Wagoner, OK, Ft Gibson, OK, and surrounding areas.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T20:22:18Z', 'url': 'https://www.muskogeetire.com/auto-repair/climate-control-systems/air-conditioning-system-service.aspx', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
NAPD is not currently able to handle individual orders. However, we do have three different shirts in a variety of styles and sizes (men's and women's t-shirts, 3/4 sleeve "baseball" shirts, and hooded sweatshirts). If you are interested in purchasing 5 or more shirts, please email Ernie Lewis for more details.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T04:24:06Z', 'url': 'https://www.publicdefenders.us/store', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Gatwick Express promo code 2019 and discount deals are only available online. Get cheap train tickets before you travel and don’t get ripped off at the station! Gatwick Airport is just 30 mins from London Victoria with trains leaving every 15 mins. Travel in comfort and hassle-free by booking your tickets before you leave. Don’t forget to check out our Stansted Express offers with advance fares from only £7. Save money on all tickets with 2019 Gatwick Express promo code deals and online exclusive discounts. Timetable Why Travel with Gatwick Express? 2019 Gatwick Express promotional codes are updated to give you the best deals. If they’re available will have them here. The best deals available today are the online exclusive offers. Enjoy your holiday knowing that you’ve saved money and made your journey easier. 10% OFF Standard Anytime Return tickets when you buy online. For added flexibility and suitable for longer trips, you can also save on Single journeys. 10% OFF Single Anytime tickets for both Standard and First Class. Gatwick Express promotional code 2019 and discounts and cheap train tickets are only available if you purchase from their website. Get the best money and time savings when you buy online. Perfect for two adults travelling together, speed up your journey and save £££. 35% OFF is a SAVING of over £25! 25% OFF Two People Anytime Return is available for return journeys which start from London (Victoria). SAVE a whopping £25 when you book online. Select the Web Duo ticket when you buy online. Gatwick Express promo code 2019 and discounts are also available for groups of three or more people. The more that travel, the more money you can save! Travel together as a group of between 3 and 9 people and get 34% OFF. GroupSave discounts are available for single and, day and period return tickets. GroupSave discounts are automatically applied when you buy online. Gatwick Express promotional code 2019, cheap tickets and discount offers are also available for a variety of different tickets fare including Railcard holders, students, First Class, Carnet, Season tickets and more. Student holders of an International Student Identity Card (ISIC) can get 25% OFF fares, however, these must be purchased from a ticket office. You still get 2019 Gatwick Express promo code and online discount deals on top of these savings. If you’d like to get 10% savings on National Railcards and find out about what Railcards are available, check out the Green Abode guide to Railcard promotional codes and offers. First Class customers can get even more comforts at the airport. FREE access to the Traveller Lounge at both the North and South Terminals of Gatwick Airport. FREE services to enjoy include wi-fi, light meal, newspapers and magazines. If you’re returning same day, savings are available for Day Return journeys. Standard and First Class, Anytime and Off-Peak, and Adults and Children can get discounts on Day Return tickets. Savings vary depending on your journey. If you’re a frequent user of the Gatwick Express, Carnet tickets may offer bigger savings. 10 for 8 Carnet tickets are available for both Standard and First Class. Save £38 (Standard) and £55 (First Class). To get these savings you must buy your tickets at the station, find out more about 10 for 8 Carnet savings. It’s worth checking out whether Carnets give you more savings than 2019 Gatwick Express promotional code discounts and cheap online tickets. If you’re a regular daily user, season tickets offer big money savings. Just one week can save you £104.50 on five Standard journeys. Discounts get higher for monthly and yearly season tickets. Find out more about how to save with season tickets. In 2019 Gatwick Express trains leave every 15 minutes between Monday and Saturday. Make sure you don’t miss your train, check the timetable. Why Travel with Gatwick Express? Express Class is a relaxing way to travel with air-conditioning and comfortable modern seating. Sit back and watch London transition into Sussex countryside. Full refreshments are available and there is plenty of room for your holiday or trip luggage. Six trains morning trains between 06.30 and 07.44 depart from Brighton. Journey times to Gatwick Airport, average 34 minutes. Returning to Brighton, six trains depart London Victoria 17.32 and 18.44 in the evening. First stop is Gatwick Airport and then on towards Brighton. Gatwick Express promotional code 2019 and online savings offer the best money saving discounts, for a more comfortable and convenient way to travel.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T18:39:02Z', 'url': 'http://www.greenabode.co.uk/gatwick-express-promotional-code/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
12 Of The Hottest Kitchen Ideas Trends – Awful or Wonderful? The Kitchen is usually the most expensive room in the home. But it seems that every ten years or so, there’s a new crop of kitchen trends that catch our fancy. The trends of the day influence us; they often look “fresh”– at first. But the 64k question… is… Will it look fresh 10, 15, 20 years from now? Most of us want our kitchens to stand “the test of time.” A kitchen reno is a major drag, in every way. A bad and/or dated/weird design can decrease our home value. Oh, but it’s all so seductive! But here’s the real problem. Look at the 12 Of The Hottest Kitchen Ideas Trends – Awful or Wonderful? here.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T14:48:47Z', 'url': 'https://frankclose.net/kitchen-ideas/12-of-the-hottest-kitchen-ideas-trends-awful-or-wonderful', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
• Folders offer convenient pockets inside front and back covers. • Pockets hold up to 100 sheets of letter-size, loose paper. • Inside front pocket features business card holder. • Folders are made of sturdy paper stock. • Offers crystal-clear, non-glare overlays to customize the covers and spine for your letter-size presentations. • Back-mounted metal rings allow pages to lie flat. • 2" capacity holds up to 475 sheets. • Clear pockets on the inside covers offer extra document storage with a 30-sheet capacity for each pocket. • Design also features a sturdy chipboard core and exposed rivets. • Binder is made of polypropylene for durability and resilience.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T19:10:09Z', 'url': 'https://elecompack.org/category/-binders-and-dividers-1220.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
What is offered to you? • Visa Sponsorship is not offered. • You speak and write English (Dutch is optional). The organisation has been around since 1985 and specialises in laboratory research for the environmental market. Besides the environmental market, they are active in the food, hygiene, pharmaceutical markets. The research is conducted in several laboratories throughout Europe. In the laboratory in Rotterdam, they test the quality of soil, (ground) water and air. Your work will contribute to an important social goal for a healthy and safe environment. Within the organisation, they have split the IT team into an IT support team and an IT Development team. So that you can focus on development. For a direct application, click on the application button. For more information, you can contact me via davit.seng@ardekay.com or +31 (0) 10 754 9144. If you are unsure whether the vacancy matches your experience and or wishes, feel free to contact us.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T22:17:44Z', 'url': 'https://ardekay.com/nl_NL/vacature/vacancy/2980-asp-net-developer-environmental-labotary-research-english.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Lecturecast allows for the scheduling and recording of lectures in Lecturecast enabled UCL teaching spaces to support student learning. Recordings can then be made available to students via Moodle courses. The Lecturecast system provides a learning platform that goes beyond the simple recording of lectures, allowing staff to engage with students, and students to engage further with content. What kind of event can be recorded? These are events that are part of an undergraduate or postgraduate taught program that have been assigned to a specific portico taught module e.g. ECON1001. These can be scheduled via the Lecturecast scheduler tool and will automatically appear in the correct section within Lecturecast. These are events that are part of an undergraduate of postgraduate taught program but are not associated with a particular module code e.g a shared/common introductory lecture taught across multiple modules. These events can be scheduled for recording, as long as they have been booked in a Lecturecast equipped space via room bookings, using the Lecturecast scheduler tool. They will not by default be associated with any particular section in Lecturecast but will be stored in the personal library of the person who made the booking. From this location they may be published into any existing Lecturecast sections (i.e. modular section) on which the person making the booking is an instructor. NOTE: Special events are supported by Digital Media and cannot be scheduled via the Lecturecast system. These are events that are NOT part of undergraduate or postgraduate taught programs, e.g. an inaugural lectures, conferences, outreach events, public events, CPD, etc. If you need to record a special event, contact Digital Media at video@ucl.ac.uk who provide filming and editing services. Why should I record my lectures? Lecture recordings provide lecturers with the ability to review the structure and delivery of their lectures for professional development. Lecture recordings also provide lecturers with the ability to change the balance of activities during contact times, e.g. deliver informational elements via a recording and follow up with discussion sessions. Lecture recordings provide students with the ability to revisit complex material, unusual or subject specific terminology (especially useful for overseas students) and view lectures missed due to illness or unforeseen circumstances. How does Lecturecast benefit lecturers? Giving students the ability to review lecture content should reduce the number of basic questions that lecturers have to answer repeatedly. Lecturecast affords the opportunity to 'flip' lecture content - delivering the informational content via pre-recorded material and making more productive use of contact time. The system logs viewing statistics, giving lecturers and course designers a good idea of how much a recording has been viewed and by whom. How does Lecturecast benefit students? The ability to revisit complex material to ensure understanding. The opportunity to clarify the use of unusual terminology or subject jargon (this can be especially useful for overseas students). The option to view lectures missed due to illness or unforeseen circumstances. The ability to bookmark specific parts of recordings as an aid to revision. In every recent UCL survey of students and their use of technology, more use of Lecturecast has been the most frequent request. Do I have to Lecturecast my lectures? At the current time UCL does not have an opt-out policy for Lecturecast. Use of the system is purely opt-in at the moment, so its use is up to the individual/department to decide. There are plans to move towards opt-out in coming years, but any such change will be agreed by Educational Committee first, with procedures and tools to facilitate this. Ground work is needed before this, specifically to clarify legal and policy aspects, and a Working Group has been set up under the Office of Vice Provost for Education to review and implement required policies to support an opt out Lecturecast solution. Can I Live Steam using Lecturecast? At the current time the UCL Lecturecast service does not support Live Streaming as part of the service offering. Only lecture capture and associated engagment tools are available as part of the service. How can I check if my Lecturecast recording has been scheduled? How do I make a booking for a Lecturecast recording? Log in to the Lecturecast Scheduler to create or edit a recording schedule. Schedules may only be amended or deleted by the staff member who created the original schedule. Find instructions on how to access the Lecturecast Scheduler and how to schedule a recording in the Lecturecast Scheduler training guides. Recordings for centrally timetabled teaching events will automatically appear in the associated Lecturecast class within a given module's section. I cannot find my event on the Lecturecast scheduler. What should I do? Only events timetabled via CMIS can be scheduled for recording. Check to make sure that your lecture is timetabled via CMIS. Ensure the lecture is taking place in a Lecturecast enabled teaching space. Try searching for any other module codes assigned to your lecture e.g. ECON1001 and ECON1001A as only one code will feed into the scheduler for each event. You could also try doing a search using the ‘Location’ field. Event information is brought into the scheduler on a 3 month rolling basis. Your event will need to occur within the next 3 months to be visible in the Lecturecast Scheduler. Is there a limit on recording duration? The maximum duration of a single recording is 4 hours. Events booked in CMIS longer than 4 hours will appear as non-bookable in the Lecturecast scheduler. Events longer than 4 hours should be broken down to chunks of less than 4 hours in CMIS to make them bookable via the Lecturecast scheduler. Currently the scheduler advises users to contact the Lecturecast team for scheduling recordings more than 4 hours in length, the team will assist in making these bookings during the first term of the 2017/18 session but subsequently will expect users to make the necessary adjustments in their CMIS bookings allowing them to schedule their own recordings. What if my room booking is cancelled? When a CMIS room booking is cancelled the corresponding Lecturecast schedule is also cancelled. A notification will be sent to the event owner in CMIS advising them of this. By default, Lecturecast captures all material sent to the room's projector from any connected device (e.g PowerPoint slides from an attached laptop, handwritten notes or objects held under a document cameras). Audio is captured via a clip-on radio microphone and video of the presentation area (i.e the lecturer or presenter) is captured via a fixed position camera. Do I have to appear in my recorded lectures? No. Video of the presenter may be omitted from the recording by un-ticking the 'Capture presenter' option available in the online scheduler (when 'Unscheduled events' view is used). Prior to recordings commencing, schedules can also be edited (only be their creator) to change the 'Capture presenter' option. Once a recording has been made the presenter component can only be removed by downloading the slides & audio version of the recording and re-uploading this into the class containing the original video. It's important to note that if the original video has been available to students, overwriting it will cause the loss of student bookmarks and/or Q&A synchronisation with the original media. Do I have to deliver my lecture differently? Questions from the floor are often faint in the recording as it is usually only the presenter who has a microphone. Repeating or paraphrasing the question asked before answering will ensure that both the question and response are clear in the final recording. It is best to use the computer cursor/mouse to highlight particular areas of the slide or presentation when they are being referred to. Devices like laser or physical pointers will not be captured. The cameras used by Lecturecast will not effectively record materials being written on white boards. If you need to draw, write or mark-up materials during your presentation it is best to use the in-theatre document camera. What do I need to consider if I want to record a guest speaker? In the case of external or guest speakers, they should be asked to sign the standard Lecturer consent form. The form is used to gather permission to record their lecture and permission to re-use their copyright material. The completed "Lecturer consent forms" should be retained by the UCL department which has organised the event as proof that we have the relevant permissions. A consent form is available from the main UCL library's Lecturecast copyright page. What do I need to be aware of regarding copyright? Guidance on this can be found on the Library's copyright pages for lectures, podcasts etc. How is a Moodle course linked to its associated Lecturecast section? Moodle courses act as gateways to associated Lecturecast content and therefore the course link to Lecturecast must be set up before course staff and students can access the Lecturecast content. How do I get instructor access to my Lecturecast section(s)? Find out how to link a Lecturecast section on a Moodle course in the Linking Moodle to Lecturecast training guides. Can my recording be edited? Yes, basic editing functionality allows sections to be removed from a video. Detailed instructions can be found within the Lecturecast ALP - Edit a capture training guide. Can the presenter be removed from a recording? This is possible if student content such as Q&A, notes etc. has not already been associated with the class content. Find out how to remove the presenter from a recording in the training guide. Do I have to edit my recording before publishing? In most cases editing Lecturecast recordings is not strictly necessary and the choice to edit or not is the personal preference of the presenter (or decided by departmental policy). It is important however, where for example, personal conversations between event attendees may have been inadvertantly recorded, that these be removed. When scheduling recordings there is an option to make recordings automatically available to students or to hold them back for review before making them available. Instructors can make any recording available or unavailable at any time and if material does need to be removed it's recommended that recordings are made unavailable until any edits have been completed and processed. Can I upload videos to my Lecturecast course page? Uploads from personal capture software (note that pre 2017 upgrade versions of personal capture software will need to be upgraded). Videos created using the Lecturecast mobile apps. Videos can be uploaded directly to a class by logging in to a Lecturecast section and using the upload facility. Note that each class can contain only one video but instructors can create any number of classes to house their content. Find out how to upload content to your section in the Add Content to a Class training guide. By default, downloads (MP4 files of screen presentation and audio) are disabled but may be enabled at section level by anyone with instructor access to the section. Note that before enabling or disabling content download, instructors should consult their colleagues teaching on the same module and check whether or not there is a departmental policy regarding the availability of downloadable recordings. How long will recordings be kept? Retention policy is currently under review, once agreed with Echo360 this FAQ will be updated. What about recordings made in the previous Lecturecast system? Content recorded using the Lecturecast system have been migrated to Lecturecast. You can reuse recordings from previous academic years by publishing them to current Lecturecast sections.. Do I need to change my browser settings to view a Lecurecast recording? Echo360 is a web-based application that uses a browser to view content and as such has certain browser requirements. Beyond ensuring you're using a supported browser, there are also some browser configuration settings you may need to check or change to successfully use Echo360 (especially if using Safari on iOS/MacOS).
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T00:27:56Z', 'url': 'https://wiki.ucl.ac.uk/display/LecturecastResourceCentre/Lecturecast+FAQs', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
WASHINGTON, Mar 31 2014 (IPS) - The Barack Obama administration appears to have rejected a deal-breaking demand by Israel for an Iranian confession to having had a covert nuclear weapons programme as a condition for completing the comprehensive nuclear agreement. Pro-Israeli commentators have openly criticised the Obama administration for failing to explicitly demand that Iran confess to charges by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of a covert nuclear weapons programme. All the intelligence in question can be traced back to Israel, and investigation of it has shown that the documents and reports that have been most widely publicised betray multiple indications of having been fabricated. All the intelligence in question can be traced back to Israel, and investigation of it has shown that the documents and reports that have been most widely publicised betray multiple indications of having been fabricated, as reported by IPS. The term “possible military dimensions” had been used by the IAEA in referring to the claims publicised by the agency over the past six years of covert Iranian nuclear weapons development projects, including an alleged facility at Parchin for testing nuclear weapons designs. The administration thus seemed to suggest that some kind of Iranian admission to past nuclear weapons work is a condition for a final agreement. But the Obama administration’s rhetoric on resolving IAEA claims of a nuclear weapons programme appears to be less about forcing Iran to confess than responding to pressures from Israel and its supporters in the United States. The demand that Iran “come clean” on its alleged nuclear weapons program entered into the Obama administration’s public posture for the first time after consultations with Israel in advance of the October 2013 round of negotiations with Iran. Secretary of State John Kerry declared in Tokyo Oct. 3 that Iran would “have to prove it’s willing to come clean about the nuclear programme”. That same day, Ambassador James Jeffrey, a senior fellow at WINEP, in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Iran “must come clean on its nuclear-related military research”. By the time the negotiations on the joint Plan of Action were completed in November, however, the State Department adopted language on the issue that harkened back to Kerry’s testimony at his Senate confirmation hearings in January 2013. Kerry had said then that “questions surrounding Iran’s nuclear weapons programme” had to be “resolved”. Along with Kerry’s initial adoption of the “come clean” rhetoric, these sharp criticisms of the U.S. refusal to call explicitly for a confession indicate that the Obama administration had initially went along with Israel’s in calling for Iran to “come clean”, but concluded that such a demand risked a premature breakdown in the talks. A former U.S. official who had worked on Iran suggested in a recent off-the-record meeting that the “possible military dimensions” issue could not be resolved completely, but that one or more parts could be clarified satisfactorily. The rest could be left for resolution by the IAEA after the comprehensive agreement is signed, the ex-official said. That possibility arises because Iran and the IAEA agreed in February to work on the “Exploding Bridgewire” (EBW) issue – the claim published by the IAEA that Iran had carried out experiments on high explosives developed for the purpose of detonating a nuclear weapon. That claim was based on a document that was part of the large collection originally said by anonymous intelligence sources to have come from the laptop computer of a participant in a purported Iranian nuclear weapons research project. The documents were actually turned over to German intelligence by the Iranian terrorist organisation Mujahedin-E-Khalq, which had close links to Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad. Iran provided the IAEA with an account of its actual EBW development programme in 2008. The Iranian account, cited by the agency in its May 2008 report, indicated the rate of explosions in its experiments, which was just one-eighth the rate mentioned by then IAEA deputy director Olli Heinonen in a briefing for member states in 2008. But instead of acknowledging that fact in its report, the IAEA suggested repeatedly that Iran had acknowledged carrying out the EBW experiments described in the purported document from the secret weapons programme while claiming it was for non-nuclear applications. The new Iran-IAEA agreement on the EBW issue raises the question of whether IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano is now ready to reach a deal with Iran, despite having staked his own reputation on the November 2011 report on intelligence claims of covert Iranian nuclear weapons research coming from Israel. Such an agreement might be based on the IAEA’s stating accurately the Iranian explanation for the EBW – and thus implicitly admitting that the agency had distorted the issue in the past. Other issues might be left to be resolved quietly after the negotiations on a comprehensive agreement are completed. Israel is not a party to the nuclear negotiations with Iran. That’s why the project has a chance of success. We should be offering up thanks to whomever for that. So how is it that it has insinuated itself so far into them that it is in a position to attempt insertion of a poison pill such as a “demand” of this sort? It’s the equivalent in the Iranian context of the demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish State. It has the same purpose, the wrecking of negotiations. Let’s see now, can we remember the last time Israel of her own volition took a positive position on a matter of world peace not having been dragged to it kicking and screaming? We should not be surprised that Israel has, in the words of our friend Phil G., “cooked the books” on the (alleged) Iranian nuke issue. Only hope that IAEA leader Amano can gracefully back down from his prior stake and that the U.S. and remaining UN members will strongly back him.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T10:14:52Z', 'url': 'http://www.ipsnews.net/2014/03/u-s-rejected-israeli-demand-iran-nuclear-confession/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
During Homecoming 2013, the Alumni Association is presenting the Hinds Community College Alumni Service Award to Howell “Hal” Gage – donor, Foundation board member and Hinds supporter. The awards ceremony will take place at the Oct. 17 Alumni Recognition Dinner, held at Mayo Field House on the Raymond Campus. The reception begins at 4:30 p.m. and dinner is at 5 p.m. Although he is not an alumnus of Hinds, Gage supports the college by raising thousands of dollars for scholarships so that deserving students can continue their education. He does this for one simple reason: He believes in Hinds. As a long-time member of the Vicksburg Medical Foundation Board of Trustees and a former Hinds Foundation Board member, Gage has played a key role in securing nearly $2 million for the college’s Foundation. In addition to providing hundreds of scholarships for students in the associate degree nursing program, this funding has provided quality training resources for nursing faculty members. Gage is also chairman of RiverHills Bank and has secured gifts and sponsorships for annual golf tournaments, which ultimately benefit scholarship funds, for many years. Gage has served multiple terms on the Hinds Foundation Board and served as chairman in 2009. He was also appointed to the Mississippi State Board of Education in 2004 and currently serves as vice chairman. The Mississippi Board of Education is responsible for the appointment of the State Superintendent of Education, public education policies, overseeing the Mississippi Department of Education and the state’s public K-12 schools. A Port Gibson native, Gage has his bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and his MBA from Harvard University. Additionally in his career, Gage has served as vice president of Port Gibson Bank, president of Merchants Bank and chairman of the Vicksburg Advisory Board for BancorpSouth, in addition to his current positions at RiverHills Bank. Gage is married to Betsy Goodwin and the couple has three children, Nick, Maury and Rosanna.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T06:33:50Z', 'url': 'https://news.hindscc.edu/index.php/alumni-service-award-winner-named/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Edwise Overseas Education Consultants had organised World Education Fair 2016 on 4th January 2016 at The Park near Park Street in Kolkata for those who opt to study in abroad. According to reports, The fair had more than eighty participating International universities worldwide including some well-known ones like Cardiff University, De Montfort University and many more. The applicants got a chance to attend the interview with the foreign university delegates, enquire about their desired courses, have a brief idea about the fees structure etc. Moreover, they authorities will have a programme on U.S. Consulate Presentation on Study and Visa at 2 p.m. on the above-mentioned date as well. Those candidates who are willing to participate can register for free on their website: www.worldeducationfair.com. Students, who are willing to apply or who have any query about the programme, are directed by the Edwise authority to call on their Toll-free No: 1800-200-3678 or, contact at their Kolkata office: 602, Woodburn Central, 6th Floor, 5A Woodburn Park, Kolkata - 700020. or they can call at their Kolkata Office No: 8017810203. The fair is scheduled to commence at 10.30 A.M. Please visit the official website for any further information.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T08:14:59Z', 'url': 'https://www.collegedekho.com/news/edwise-organises-world-education-fair-2016-in-kolkata-8579/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
With the combined experiences of Quantity Surveying, Construction and now law, co-projects are ideally suited to assist Principals, Contractors & Subcontractors with applications and/or responses to a payment dispute under the Construction Contracts Act. This Act provides for a timely and cost effective means of resolving a payment dispute under a construction contract with a provisionally binding award. Whilst this does not determine the final legal rights of the parties it often leads to the resolution of the claim. As a Registered Adjudicator Co-projects can also determine a payment dispute under the Act. Similarly, Co-projects can assist in the preparation and/or assessment of claims under a construction contract together with the resolution of claims and disputes by means of amicable settlement between the parties. Co-projects also has experience working with lawyers in the resolution of disputes. These skills have been employed for the benefit of EPC clients in administration of major subcontracts and where there is often a need for the payment certification of complex matters. The value of claims assessed range from $0.5M to $800M within Building, Civil and SMP type disciplines. David's Graduate Diploma in Construction Law strengthens co-projects main focus to add value for its clients in this core skill area. What is the Construction Contracts Act? The Act supports security of payment in the building and construction industry. It provides the industry with simple and secure tools to enforce the right to be paid under a contract. The Act will apply to construction contracts including home building contracts. The Act applies to all construction contracts on a project, from the head contract between a project owner and the head contractor down to all subcontractors and suppliers on site. The Act covers construction work that is undertaken in Western Australia including but not necessarily limited to work in preparing the land, building the work and installed any fixtures that form part of the work in relation to building. Work includes altering and repairing an existing structure. There is also provision under the Act for construction work to include the supply of goods and services, including work done by off site fabricators and the work of professions related directly to the construction work, including design, drafting and management. What is excluded from the Act? There are some exclusions. Work in discovering or extracting oil or natural gas is excluded as well as the mining for minerals and the constructing of plant for the purpose of extracting oil or minerals. There is also and exclusion for wholly artistic works. What happens if there is no written contract? - cover the amount the contractor is entitled to be paid for obligations performed. - allow for the contractor to make a claim for a progress payment. - set out how to make a claim for payment. What do I do if I am not paid in accordance with my contract? When a party to a construction contract believes it has not been paid in accordance with its contract, the Act provides a rapid adjudication process that operates in parallel to any other legal or contractual remedy. The rapid adjudication process is a trade off between speed and efficency on the one hand, and contractual and legal precision on the other. Its primary aim is to keep the money flowing in the contracting chain by enforcing timely payment and sidelining protracted or complex disputes. The process is kept simple and therefore cheap and accessible - even for small claims. In most cases the parties are satisfied by an independent determination and will get on with the job. If a party is not satisfied, it retains its full rights to go to court or any other dispute resolution mechanism available under the contract. But in the meantime, the determination stands and any payments ordered must be made "on account" pending an award under a more formal and precise process. - a supplier of goods claiming against a subcontractor. A respondent is the party to the contract on whom the claimant serves a payment claim. The Principle is the person or organisation with whom the contractor enters into the contract. - a subcontractor when ordering goods and services. - provides on-site services to the site where construction work is being carried out. - a principal against the contractor for payment resulting from the non-performance by the contractor. What is covered/excluded under Adjudication? - an order, judgement or other finding by an arbitrator or a court has already been made in relation to the dispute. The claimant must follow the procedure in the Act for applying for adjudication and this is set out under section 26 of the Act. The application must be served within 28 days of the payment dispute arising. How does a payment dispute arise? - if there is no written contract within 28 days under the implied terms of the Act. - if security/retention money is not returned when due. Within 14 days after the date of being served with an application for adjudication, the respondent must prepare a written response as set out in section 27 of the Act. The determination sets out the amount to be paid and the date on which the payment is to be made. An adjudicator must either dismiss the application or determine the payment dispute on its merits with 14 days after the date of the service of the response. What happens if the Respondent does not pay? If the respondent refuses or is unable to pay, then where a determination has been made in the claimant's favour, the claimant retains the right to recover the debt from a court of competant jurisdication. A determination signed and certified by the Registrar allows the court to treat the determination on its face value without recourse. If the claimant is the contractor then a failure to pay allows the contractor to give notice in writing of their intention to suspend work under the contract. The contractor retains all rights under the contract including any right to terminate the contract and if the contractor suspends work there is no liability for loss or damage to the principal arising from the suspension. How is an Adjudicator appointed? An adjudicator is appointed either by the parties to the dispute or by a prescrived appointer. A prescribed appointer could be for example the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMA) or the Master Builders Association (MBA). The prescribed appointer must within 5 days after being served with the application appoint an adjudicator.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T16:49:11Z', 'url': 'http://coprojects.com.au/page20.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This Mokosh body balm is made with 100% certified organic ingredients and is enriched with coconut, cacao and beeswax. Made in Fremantle, WA. 60ml. Ideal for all skin types, especially pregnant women, infants and those with sensitive skin. Multi-purpose formula - use for hand protection, healing balm, baby's nappy balm, use on friction areas during sports and exercise, and lip balm. Soothing and melts on contact with the skin, with a natural chocolatey fragrance. To use -- Massage a small amount gently into the skin when needed. 60ml / Cocos nucifera (Coconut) oil⁺, Theobroma cacao (Cacao) seed butter⁺, Macadamia ternifolia oil, Cera alba (Beeswax), Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba) oil, Butyrospermum parkii (Shea) butter⁺, Persea gratissima (Avocado) oil, Helianthus annuus (Sunflower) and Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) leaf extract.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T22:36:37Z', 'url': 'https://www.biome.com.au/natural-beautiful/16691-mokosh-pure-body-balm-60ml-9348407007002.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Her barn name says it all, Jewel. Kellie purchased this mare because of her attitude. She was looking for a horse for her young son, Shelby, to manage. Shelby and Jewel are BFF's and have now started their show career together. Jewel is agile, friendly and quiet. We are looking forward to seeing great things from this exquisite mare.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T02:30:56Z', 'url': 'http://chapelhillfarms.weebly.com/chf-diamond-jubilee.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Blue and white ceramics have aroused interest and affection for the past 200 years. The traditional English blue and white wares originated in the late 1700s after the East India Company began to reduce their imports of chinaware in 1773. Intricate floral borders and the willow pattern are just two of the inspirations behind this range by Helen MacDonald. The Willow - The love story of the willow pattern is engraved in intricate detail around the blue Pagoda.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T18:35:10Z', 'url': 'http://www.scotlandsglass.co.uk/cms/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=77&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=3630&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=6', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Custom web design & web software built just for schools. Founded by Jonathan Moser in 1998, Finalsite has grown to be the leader in the k12 Independent and International school vertical, serving more than 1,500 schools and over 1,100 clients world wide. Our web software, award-winning design, time-saving integrations and expert consulting services provide schools with a complete platform for telling their story online. eSchools offers flexible online solutions to meet your school’s requirements. eSchools create unique and attractive school websites to highlight and promote your school! Through consultation, we work with you to interpret your design requirements into a website design that you'll be proud of. Website content is easy to manage giving you the freedom to add your own pictures, downloads and other content. Share dates, news stories and important information with existing and prospective parents. User-friendly, mobile-friendly, budget- friendly websites for schools and academies. New Era was created over 15 years ago to help every type of educational establishment reap the benefits of digital technology. We set out to be market leaders. Today our experienced teams provide educational tools for millions of educators, students and parents to teach, learn and collaborate.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T16:20:03Z', 'url': 'https://schoolwebsitemakers.com/showcase/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Let’s face it, behind the fun and social interactions at a corporate event, planning it is not easy. There are a lot of things to keep in mind to ensure every part of the event will be a success. You can’t just simply wing the event and hope it goes well. Planning requires time, effort, and a complete checklist. Inclusive (Be sure there are enough tables, chairs, projection screens, podiums, etc. to execute the goal of your corporate event. Now that you know where and when your corporate event will take place, it’s time to decide what you’ll do! Activities should include a timeline for each activity. Will the guest speaker fit the theme of our company’s event? How knowledgeable is this person in your niche? Where is this person traveling from? Will the speaker need special equipment such as a teleprompter or slide projector? Depending on the size or attention your corporate event may bring, you may need sponsors. Sponsors don’t only provide funding, but they may also provide services or products as well. What kind of appetizers, dinner, and desserts will be served? Will alcohol be served? If so, what does the beverage package look like? When you’re ready to plan your corporate event, give us a call at (516) 354.7797.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T08:27:50Z', 'url': 'https://www.innatnhp.com/checklist-corporate-event-planning/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Not too long ago, Banco Santander’s UK branch has released new publicity in which it boasts about its strategic alliance with Ripple. The picture says that international transfers are now done over blockchain technology (from 10 to 10,000 pounds) and that it connects to Apple Pay and uses Touch ID. It also explains that time and cost are “drastically reduced” and that new types of transactions around the globe are enabled through Ripple. This is huge. Banco Santander is not a Wall Street or a Swiss bank. It’s Spanish, so it’s not considered to be among the classic clique of the world’s banks. That being said, it’s huge. It has a presence all over the world, and it’s considered to be the best bank on the planet as of now. That’s just context. More important is that Santander is using Ripple’s technology in production. Many banks (more than a hundred) around the world have announced an intention to use Ripple’s blockchain and software to process their international payments, but they are not committed. They’re adopting the technology in tests in order to find out if it really suits them, and can be easily integrated into their current services. Not so with Santander. Santander is in the Ripple wagon 100% and it’s already experiencing the benefits. Santander & Ripple… "it connects to Apple Pay and uses Touch ID" For crypto enthusiasts (especially Ripple fans) this is very significative news. Every transaction performed by Santander on behalf of its costumers over the Ripple blockchain creates demand for XRP. This drives the price up. Just remember that in the current horribly bearish market we’ve seen for nearly a year now (with the three last weeks being truly bloody) Ripple’s XRP has been the coin that’s performed the best. Yes, it’s lost value too. But everybody is losing value, and Ripple’s red numbers are in the one-digit region, while everybody else’s is in two numbers. Let’s put it in words anybody can understand: over the last couple of weeks, XRP has outperformed everybody, including Bitcoin. It even became the second largest digital asset by market capitalization. This resilience comes, in part, because of Santander’s use of XRP to settle international payments. Let’s review this partnership’s history briefly. Last March, both Ripple Labs and Banco Santander announced that the Spanish giant was experimenting with several of the RippleNet liquidity products and creating pilot programs based on Ripple’s blockchain. This made Santander notice the levels of certainty, transparency, speed and low cost that are just impossible using the traditional financial tools. What is OnePay FX, I hear you ask? It’s a mobile app developed by Santander, deployed for its customers, that went online last October 2nd. It was initially available in Spain, Brazil, the UK, and Poland. Mr. Metzger explained further that the app allows customers to process international transactions seamlessly, quickly, cheaply and easily. While many of Ripple’s impressive strategic partnerships are still in the test stages, some of them are already working real-time in the real world. Santander is the poster boy in this context. It’s validating Ripple’s products and tokens. So don’t hate Ripple. It’s making crypto useful to people who don’t even know they’re using it. This is why XRP has stayed stable in the current market debacle, and that’s why it will stay so in the future.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T21:13:51Z', 'url': 'https://globalcoinreport.com/ripple-santander-apple-pay-touch-id/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Chihuahuas might be small, but they are very smart and loving little dogs, so if you happen to have a chance to give one of them a happy home, don’t miss that opportunity. However, you can never know what sort of a trauma rescue dogs went through. Your new pup might feel frightened of new people, animals, spaces and situations. If this happens to be true, here’s a little guide on how to make your adopted Chi feel safe and welcome in your home and family. A lot of people choose to adopt instead of buying dogs and most of them end up having amazing new pets. However, you must know that adopted dogs tend to be tense around other animals. So, if you already have pets, make sure you’re very patient and alert during the first few weeks. A new dog carries a new type of energy that might disturb the dynamic of your old pets and create some problems. However, in time, most adopted dogs get a happy ending, fit into the family and become a part of the pack. It’s quite normal if your new pup doesn’t want to eat right away. The change of environment and presence of new people, animals, smells and sights can cause a lot of stress, especially to small and sensitive dogs such as Chihuahuas. However, they won’t even notice if they skip a few meals! When they are ready to eat, make sure to give them quality food full of nutritious ingredients. If you want to make the meal a bit more intriguing and appealing, add a spoon of canned food to the dry kibble and your Chi will love it! Dogs appreciate a good routine. It can help them feel comfortable and safe and it can ensure they have regular and healthy bowel movements. Also, make sure to give your Chihuahua a quiet and safe place to eat, especially if you have other animals in the house or little kids who can disturb it. Crates are perfect and quite relaxing for many small dogs. If you notice your Chi is sensitive to eye contact or spatial pressure, try this exercise. Go outside with a long and light leash and a bag of tasty treats. Show them to your dog and when they show interest, throw the treat and say “Find it”. After a few times, your new dog will start to look at you and expect your next move. Another good thing your new dog needs to know is how to behave on a short leash while you’re taking a stroll through your neighborhood. This behavior is not so easy to master, so you might want to ask a pro in dog training in Sydney who will teach you and your dog all the best methods and techniques that will get your Chi walking on a short leash in no time. It’s always great to have a well-behaved dog which makes your outings much more pleasant and safe. As soon as you bring your Chihuahua home, make sure to show them the potty spot. Do this right away and take them there often—after meals, naps or when you notice he or she sniffing around with great interest. If you’re outside, use a long and light lead (Chihuahuas being the smallest breed and can be overburdened by a heavy lead). A long lead will give the dog a chance to walk around and sniff which stimulates the potty urge. Don’t forget to give your Chi a nice treat after it goes. Do this regularly, every hour or so, since your adopted dog doesn’t know how to ask for potty (they will learn in time). Accompany your pup at first, but leave it to do its business alone after a few weeks. Don’t give all of your attention to the new pet, even if it needs it more than your other pets. For instance, don’t allow your dog in high-value areas (kitchen, sofa, bed) unless your other dogs can also use them. Otherwise, this can lead to aggression and jealousy between pets, and that will result in conflict. Also, every dog has routines that shouldn’t be disturbed by bringing the new dog home. If you’re patient, understanding and loving, your adopted Chihuahua will fit right into your home, family and pack!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T08:57:35Z', 'url': 'https://ilovemychi.com/make-your-adopted-chihuahua-feel-welcome/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Dr. Surya Narayanan Natarajan is a High Performance Computing Researcher within Intel Innovation Labs Europe. Surya received his Ph.D. from University of Rennes 1/INRIA, France in 2015 and his master’s degree in computer engineering from Technical University of Delft in 2011. His research interests focuses on various aspects of computer architecture in general and performance analysis of High Performance Computing environment in specific.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T11:49:02Z', 'url': 'http://2017.nc4.ie/speaker/dr-surya-narayanan-natarajan/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I shout about brilliant business ideas and their founders’ success, building profiles in the media and positioning people as thought leaders in their field. As a publicist I’ve worked in PR for more than 8 years, on everything from cars to chocolate – eventually finding my niche in business and entrepreneurship, across a variety of industries to keep things interesting. I started my own business a few months ago and have been lucky to work with digital marketing experts, artists, book launches, property experts and even a wine retailer. After completing a double major in Psychology and Public Relations at Monash University and a few internships, I landed a role working at Honda Australia where I helped launch some exciting hybrid cars and learnt from some very talented people. From there I picked up the pace and moved to agency life. I even moved to Sydney for a few years before returning home to Melbourne, the land of great coffee. While I live for the rush of seeing my clients faces in the news, I admit I’ve been slow to warm to the idea of putting my own face and name out there. I’m currently building a website for my new business and wanted some photos with personality. I looked at a few photographers, but fell in love with Lizzy’s portraits of people who looked kind, friendly and whom I’d want to do business with. They were corporate without feeling too staged and all looked like lovely people. Lizzy C Photography was definitely the right choice! I had lost a bit of sleep in anticipation of the shoot and turned up a bit flustered after my GPS wanted to take me on a 5 hour detour, but Lizzy made me feel instantly relaxed. It was easy and the photos turned out great. I’d highly recommend her to anyone looking to get professional portraits taken.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T06:54:36Z', 'url': 'http://www.lizzyc.com.au/2017/10/client-spotlight-elise-hendriksen/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The kitchen remodel that you do in your home has many different items that you should consider when you're looking at cost and just how the contractor in California will help you in Oakley, California. There are many before and after pictures you might discover, and you will find that it is rather easy to approach with the specialist because they learn how to design rooms similar to this. Companies near me will provide you with much more when you're planning for large kitchens or small kitchens in Oakley, California and all these choices. You may not know how simple it is to remain on a budget, and you may find that the budget you have crated will be recognized in every way. You might realize that the small businesses near you in Oakley, California have plans which they may use on any kitchen, and you'll learn something special from the firm that will help you take advantage of the room. Your kitchen you develop must have photograph and a design that you were looking for, and you will ask the builder how they intend to make this happen. There are very a few things that you need to consider when you are focusing on a design for your bedroom, if all the things you intend to do are realistic, and you may ask the contractor in Oakley, California. They will provide you with a great concept of your room will look when it is complete, and they're happy to help you begin a planner that will demonstrate design tips for your area. You are free to address this guide that you might construct for the home, and ideas will acquire up to you want. You could produce many tips for that companies near me in Oakley, California to work with, and they'll demonstrate what they can do with your home. Once you have completed the task the kitchen may feel much different. You might enter your kitchen in California to see what you need to improve, and you may bring the builder along with you to learn how large the space is. They'll take measurements that go into their options, and they will begin taking care of the paintings or patterns that really must be used as they complete their work. You are trying to find something which makes your house beautiful to live in, and you are attempting to create a home in Oakley, California that you might gather in like a family and that you might prepare in each night, that you might host functions in. The kids will cherish coming into your kitchen, if they come over for a holiday meal as well as your family will like your kitchen. The hosting you are doing inside your home is likely to be far better since you have a home that's made for this, and you may feel like you're preparing in a TV home which was built to look great oncamera. You may verify rates next, and you'll discover ways to manage the price of a kitchen remodel. There can be a couple of things you'll learn about the kitchen if you are having it redesigned, along with the people that work with the task when demonstrate styles and the colors they feel can look best. You could choose something that will allow you to develop a new kitchen, and you may feel well realizing that you have made the very best decisions on your home in Oakley, California. The home you are developing may feel better since it was designed around a contemporary design principle, and you will select an open concept or different type you prefer. A kitchen has items including countertops and units you must incorporate, and you will see when you're planning, these items included with the style. The business near me that helps will highlight steps to choosing the items you'll need for your kitchen. The contractor in Oakley, California has a lot of experience buying goods for home, plus they learn how to assist you to select the actual point you will need if you visit local stores. They will allow you to select each component that you might want while planning a kitchen remodel, and they're going to include the items you've chosen for the types they are using. Each object that goes into the look might be altered anytime, and you will feel much better understanding that you've selected a thing that you'll enjoy. You'll move on for the estimates for the work that help you understand how expensive this can be. They'll teach you many things about the home remodeling process that can help you cut costs. They will make the options that can build a better kitchen in Oakley, California, and they will allow you to feel great about the choices you have designed for the area. You may not recognize that there are specific things you could possibly enhance the home, and you may discover that it's quite a lot of fun to create a stunning kitchen that you could flaunt to everyone you love. You may verify reviews online for the organization to understand how they do this function, and you may learn really quickly how they handle offers for every client. They will teach you a lot about how they do their work, and they'll show you how simple it is to improve the kitchen in Oakley, California within the design you want. Organizations which are prepared to be open along with you concerning the layout they're creating will highlight how simple it is to improve your reality. They'll provide you with ideas that you might not have known you needed, and they will design the kitchen utilizing a plan they created specifically for the home in Oakley, California. You are liberated when they are done to check their work, in the event you notice a thing that has gone out of place and you will request improvements or improvements. The job that's concluded within the room can increase your home's overall type, because the home has been designed by a specialist and you may price a lot more confident. They will work quickly so they gets from the property, and they'll leave you having a wonderful kitchen that is easy to use. You will find that your kitchen offers in Oakley, California you may more chances to use your property for partying or entertaining. You may cook to your family every day with quite a lot of happiness, and you will discover how easy it is to employ a home which was designed using the contemporary family in-head. The traits which are present for the business are important for you, and you will discover that the organization can provide you assistance for designing the room. They will demonstrate how a home might search with all these different things. They could provide you with guidance that describes how they'd approach your kitchen in Oakley, California when they were within your position, and they'll demonstrate many online. The permit for that function is necessary bylaw as you can't remodel the kitchen in Oakley, California if you don't possess a permit that allows you to achieve this. The permit will ensure that you have presented the way you can do the work, as well as your specialist will allow you to understand the scope of the task. They will explain how they want to do the task,, and they will check the work they finish to ensure it's done correctly. There are a number of individuals who don't realize the permit are acquired because they are, and you will discover a great deal about how permits are supplied locally. You will shut the procedure using an assessment that demonstrates how a kitchen was redesigned. The folks on the crew will examine your home, and a code enforcer will be guided by them during your home in Oakley, California if they desire to visit. When it is done your kitchen can look wonderful, and it will offer you a peaceofmind that the property is organized for events and entertaining that you need to host.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T17:11:48Z', 'url': 'https://custommadeislandskitchen.com/california/custom-made-islands-kitchen-in-oakley.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T14:01:40Z', 'url': 'http://primuswirelessnews.biz/new-york-lottery-evening-numbers-past-30.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Make an Impact on Neuroblastoma - Donate now! Could these cells cure neuroblastoma? The Alex Podeszwa story.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T02:43:00Z', 'url': 'https://www.alexslemonade.org/childhood-cancer/type/neuroblastoma', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Atlanta, Georgia - Trinity's men's basketball team suffered a 116-77 road loss at the hands of 23rd-ranked Emory (GA) University on Saturday afternoon. Trinity trailed the entire game as Emory opened the contest by hitting a pair of three-pointers to take an early 6-0 lead. Trinity scored six of the next eight points to make it an 8-6 game early, but that would be the closest the Tigers would get the rest of the way. Emory answered Trinity's spurt with eight unanswered points of its own to push it to a double-digit lead after less than four minutes of game action. That lead ballooned to 31-14 by the midway point of the first period, but the Tigers rallied with a 14-2 run that cut the lead down to 33-28 with 6:45 left before the half. The Tigers were still within seven with three minutes to go in the first, but the Eagles scored eight of the final 10 points of the half and took a 51-38 lead into the locker room. Trinity shot 50% overall from the field, hitting 5-10 from three-point range and 5-7 at the line, but Emory connected on five more field goals and hit better than 47% from the field and the three-point line. In the second half, Emory was red-hot, hitting nearly 64% from the field and over 60% (11-18) from beyond the arc to pull away from the Tigers even more after the break. Trinity hit the first shot of the second half to make it an 11-point game, but that would be as close as the visitors would get the rest of the way. Emory scored seven consecutive points after that, keying a 19-8 run that pushed the Eagles lead to 22 points with just under 13 minutes to play. Emory continued to run away with the game, pushing the lead to 30 points with 4:26 remaining, and scoring 11 of the last 14 points over the final 2:30 to get to the final score. Trinity falls to 0-7 on the year, which is the team's worst start to the year since going 0-9 at the beginning of the 2014-15 season. Emory snapped a two-game losing streak and improved to 5-2 this year. The Tigers scored a season-best 77 points and shot a season-high 46.6% from the field in the game, but the team also committed 22 turnovers (second-most this year) and had just 30 rebounds (tied for the lowest this season). Tyler Peavy came off the bench to lead five Trinity players in double figures, scoring a career-high 14 points in 23 minutes of action. Matthew Colliflower knocked down 5-6 from the field for 12 points, adding four rebounds in his 17 minutes on the floor. The game marked the 10th time in his career that he has reached double figures in scoring. Danny Rivara finished with 10 points and a team-best five rebounds. Aaron Knopp and Isaiah Specks had 10 points each off the bench. Specks also added a team-high five assists and two blocks, while Knopp had four rebounds and hit 5-6 from the floor. Trinity will return to San Antonio, playing in an exhibition game at Division I University of the Incarnate Word (TX) on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T00:18:51Z', 'url': 'https://www.trinitytigers.com/sports/mbkb/2018-19/releases/181201_mbkb_emory', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
These Polycom IP phone models are compatible with RingCentral and can be added to your current RingCentral account. You can log into your account to access RingCentral's Assisted Device Provisioning tool. The Assisted Device Provisioning tool provides step-by-step instructions for adding your existing phone into your RingCentral phone system.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T06:11:00Z', 'url': 'https://www.metrolinedirect.com/poipphcowiri.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
ENDS TONIGHT: Win VIP tickets to see Céline Dion at The O2 this summer! Over the next few weeks Tricks of the Trade is giving away a huge prize! One lucky entrant will win a pair of VIP tickets to see the incredible Céline Dion perform live at the 02 during her summer tour this coming June and July. As a global icon with over 220 million album sales worldwide, tickets to see Céline Dion are some of the most sought after around. It really couldn’t be simpler to enter, all you have to do is subscribe to receive Tricks of the Trade by email and you will be automatically entered into the competition. The competition will run from 14th March 2017 until midnight on 31st March 2017. The winner will be notified by email within 5 working days of the competition closing date. To enter simply follow this link to be taken to the dedicated competition page.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T13:47:25Z', 'url': 'https://xexectricksofthetrade.com/2017/03/14/giveaway-win-vip-tickets-to-see-celine-dion-at-the-o2-this-summer/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Solomon builds himself a house that takes him 13 years to complete! The construction of the palace or house of Solomon was very similar in design and elegance as the Temple of the Lord was. I won’t go into detail about all the sizes of the house or the way it was built… but imagine very nice… with gold and fine carved timber throughout. King Solomon hired a man by the name of Huram who was very skilled with Bronze work. He came to work for the king and complete all the tasks assigned to him. Huram cast two bronze pillars with a network of interwoven chains on the tops, one was called Jakin in the south and the other was Boaz in the north. He also made a molten sea with (baptismal font) that had a radius of 7.5 feet, this “sea” is rested upon the backs of 12 oxen; 3 facing north, 3 facing east, 3 facing west, and 3 facing south. Huram also made 10 stands (carts) with wheels that had basins of water in them, and some pots, shovels and sprinkling bowls to do all of the ordinances. King Solomon had everything made or overlaid with Gold and once the house portion of the Temple was completed he put the rest of the Gold, Silver and other treasures his father had dedicated into the treasuries of the Temple. The Ark and the two tablets of stone that are placed inside of the Ark are moved into the “holy of holies” inside the Temple. The glory of the Lord fills the Temple, like a cloud throughout the Temple, so much that the priests are unable to stand up. “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?” (1 Kings 8:27) -There is more than just “one” heaven… something that latter-day revelation has revealed about where we go when we die. This is all part of the Plan of Salvation… and the 3 degrees of glory that exist in what most people commonly refer to as “heaven”. This entry was posted in 1 Kings, Old Testament and tagged Ark, Builds, House, King, Solomon, Temple, The Ark of the Temple. Bookmark the permalink.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T09:54:02Z', 'url': 'https://zachscripturestudy.com/2013/07/27/1-kings-7-8/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Do you feel like you’re grinding your teeth at night? Do you wake up each morning with pain in your jaw joint, facial muscles or with a headache? Do your teeth appear worn? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, you’re probably suffering from clenching or grinding – which can occur at night or during waking hours. While there is no way to cure the neuromuscular response that is clenching or grinding, Katie Reardon Skinner DDS has a solution to help protect your teeth from fracture and long-term wear through splint therapy. A splint is an acrylic appliance that is custom-made for each individual patient. Splints can be fabricated for the upper or lower dentition, or both, depending on the scenario. Splint therapy helps to protect the teeth from long-term damage due to clenching/grinding or malocclusion. Our custom-made splints provide the most comfort and protection for your teeth. In fact, patients who wear a custom splint have seen a significant reduction in tooth wear and tear. Call our office today! Katie Reardon Skinner DDS and her dental team in Sioux Falls, South Dakota will help to fabricate a custom-made splint for you.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T02:54:00Z', 'url': 'https://legacydds.com/service/splint-therapy/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Estimating the true volatility of assets returns is a difficult task since financial assets are well known to have stylized characteristics of volatility clustering and heteroskedasticity. Based on the GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity, GARCH) framework, this thesis considers two GARCH volatility model specifications: (i) the traditional GARCH(1,1) model, (ii) the GARCH-X model which augments the traditional GARCH model by respectively incorporating daily price ranges (PK, GK, and RS), realized volatility (RV), realized bipower variation (RBP), implied volatility and overnight volatility (ONV) as explanatory variable into the GARCH variance equation. These models are used to investigate the information value of the daily/intraday trading prices that is embodied in the aforementioned volatility estimators for improving forecasts of TWSE and OTC stock markets volatilities at daily horizon. This study adopts ARET (absolute returns), PK range and RV volatility proxy measures for used in empirical exercise. The out-of-sample forecast evaluation is conducted using various proxy measures in terms of MAE and LL loss error statistics. Particularly, this study also employs benefit statistics to further examine the information values of the various estimators for improving GARCH-based volatility forecasts. The empirical results show that to predict fluctuations in performance results of the ARET proxy variables except, both the prediction of PK and RV performance results are almost the same, the predictive power of the model begin with GARCH-RBP are the best, i.e. GARCH model can enhance more accuracy of the volatility forecasting.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T06:21:07Z', 'url': 'http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/101941', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
An expected 80,000 crowd for new EPL champions Chelsea’s clash in Sydney and strong interest in Spurs’ tour match shows Australia’s interest in world-class football remains high, say tour organisers. Hyundai A-League club Sydney FC host Jose Mourinho’s newly crowned EPL champions at ANZ Stadium on June 2. The trip is set to be a celebration for the Blues who were crowned EPL champions a week ago. And with Mourinho to hold court in Sydney, media interest is set to explode when one of the most charismatic coaches in world football answers questions from the local press. “Interest in the game has been phenomenal,” says Greg Sleigh from ANZ Stadium. Tickets for the Chelsea game went on-sale today. The Premier League trophy is tipped to be on show during Chelsea’s time in the Harbour City while the game itself will be shown on free-to-air TV. “Chelsea has around 250 million fans across Asia and we know there are fans coming in from Hong Kong and New Zealand. “It really is the perfect storm with Chelsea’s first game since winning the EPL at our stadium and having someone like Jose Mourinho here,” said Sleigh. Three days earlier, Chelsea’s cross-town rivals Spurs also face Sydney FC at the same venue on May 30 in part one of an EPL double. That game is tipped to attract around 70,000 to a venue that hosted the Olympics opening ceremony 15 years ago. “This will be the biggest week for the stadium since the Olympics in 2000,” added Sleigh.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T02:07:20Z', 'url': 'https://www.a-league.com.au/news/surge-interest-chelsea-and-spurs-oz', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I first got into Neon Genesis Evangelion in the late 90's and I've always wanted to create a site to its characters in one way or another. In 1998, I attempted to create a shrine to all five pilots but the project was far too time consuming so I ended up focusing on my favourite: Asuka. In November 2002, I had almost a complete fan site for Asuka created but for some reason, I never finished it and it never saw light of day. When I got back into creating fan sites as a hobby, reviving my Asuka project was always at the back of my mind. In September 2016, I began working on it once again. While I decided to keep the same title for the site, the scope of the project is much larger than it used to be but it's still backed by the same love for the character that I had nearly twenty years ago. I chose to focus primarily on Asuka as she is in the original Neon Genesis Evangelion tv series as this is the original basis for all other versions of her character. The site currently features some information about Asuka as she is in the Rebuild of Evangelion films and in the future, I hope to include information about her as she is in the manga as well. Maybe if I'm ambitious enough, I'll even include all of the other spin-offs one day! As for the title of the site, "esprit" is the quality of being lively and vivacious. Asuka is the most lively and animated character in Evangelion by far so I felt that "espirt" perfectly captured her essence.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T16:39:24Z', 'url': 'http://asuka.genrou.com/site_about.php', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
DigiQ BBQ Guru fits all Ceramic Grills. Big Green Egg, Kamado Joe, DragonFire Grill, Primo Grill, Cypress Grill. | SleepyChef.com | everything breakfast! Home / Egg Cookers / DigiQ BBQ Guru fits all Ceramic Grills. Big Green Egg, Kamado Joe, DragonFire Grill, Primo Grill, Cypress Grill. DigiQ BBQ Guru fits all Ceramic Grills. Big Green Egg, Kamado Joe, DragonFire Grill, Primo Grill, Cypress Grill.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T08:52:34Z', 'url': 'http://sleepychef.com/digiq-bbq-guru-fits-all-ceramic-grills-big-green-egg-kamado-joe-dragonfire-grill-primo-grill-cypress-grill/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
by Brianna Crandall — January 21, 2019 — As many facilities managers (FMs) have experienced when involved with building projects, with every passing year, there are new changes in the construction industry, especially with the rapid development of construction technology (“ConTech”). As the new year approached, real-time construction management software provider GenieBelt took a look at the most exciting areas in construction and construction technology, and selected top noteworthy trends readers should expect in 2019. Augmented reality (AR) — Benefits from using augmented reality in construction processes are becoming more obvious. AR is seen to have even more potential in construction than virtual reality. Data ecosystem — The emergence of a construction data ecosystem is expected, where all the innovative players of the industry will come together and share data, experience and project knowledge. Construction software — Real-time collaboration software is already regarded as an essential component of the entire building process. Nevertheless, its impact on the sector is expected to increase substantially in the near future. BIM — This is one of the hottest construction trends already. BIM technology could be the catalyst for a fundamental change in how we manage, design and develop a construction project. Increased prefabrication, modularization, and eco-friendliness — There have been growing trends towards multi-trade prefabrication, off-site construction (a.k.a. modularization) and, as a result, improved eco-friendliness in construction processes. For GenieBelt’s complete detailed list of Top 10 construction technology trends for 2019, visit the Copenhagen-based company’s blog. Where do you think most time is wasted on construction projects? A new report shows how technology may be able to help August 8, 2018 In "Surveys and Trends" Learn about the impact from uncertainties and risk when planning a new project, with this new planning guide from Dodge July 13, 2018 In "Products and Services » Publications" Contract documents defined November 4, 2018 In "How To » BOMI International"
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T09:22:00Z', 'url': 'https://fmlink.com/articles/geniebelt-top-10-construction-technology-trends-2019', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Standard translation is any simple text that requires no specialisation or any additional glossaries. For standard Polish to Spanish translation services in Glasgow, or in the United Kingdom, please email through your documents (preferably in text format, such as Microsoft Word) to our team and we will revert with a quotation immediately. Glasgow Translation offers competitive rates for all types of standard translation projects, and as with all of our Polish to Spanish translation services, a free quotation is provided without commitment. Note that Glasgow Translation also provides standard translation services from Spanish to Polish.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T23:58:08Z', 'url': 'https://glasgowtranslation.co.uk/polish-spanish-standard/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Anne Laverty! Anne is a 26yo second year medical student, women’s studies major, and dreamer. I truly enjoyed this opportunity to sit down with Anne and talk through the four prompts; she’s a lovely human that lights up a room and has been described as an ‘enthusiastic dancer’. In this conversation, we discuss being a lover, developing community-based approaches to health care, and finding comfort in failure.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T12:39:06Z', 'url': 'https://eugeneh.kim/2016/10/27/annelaverty/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
At Carpet Cleaning Stars of carpet cleaning services you are at liberty to choose the best carpet cleaners of your choice. You will note that the carpet area and the type of carpet are important and therefore the field staff would visit your place and write out an estimate. You may even opt for weekly or monthly maintenance contract so that you needn’t worry about your carpet getting dirty and soiled. You will never have to fear any sudden illness or allergies resulting out of dirty carpet. The carpet cleaning company of Carpet Cleaning Stars in Blountville, TN will work for your total satisfaction and will do a thorough job only. You may be able to choose the top range of services from experts in the field of commercial carpet cleaning in Wyoming. After having carefully considered all your options you may then narrow down your search to Blountville, TN so that you are able to spot a good service quite near to your own residence. You will often find the service perfect as the representatives too would be able to attend to carpet cleaners without looking at the time frequently. They will in fact do a better job of removing dirt that is deeply embedded into the carpet. The experts will carry the required tool as different carpets would need different treatments. Some of the carpets would need extra caution while cleaning them and this the experts know as the same may get damaged due to rough handling. Even corners are not spared and this is done with great details so that you will not have to worry even if you have some guests staying at your place. Carpet Cleaning Stars in Blountville, TN will also inform you whether you need to change your old carpet for a new one or not and may give you a list containing the prices. You will never regret your decision once you experience the services offered by Carpet Cleaning Stars in Blountville, TN as it would soon become your routine. You will never get a better platform to get the best of service and that too at such an easily affordable price. Carpet cleaning is time consuming effort and also a tedious task and it is best to leave this to professional cleaners near to your own town. You may instantly get an answer if you just dial the 800-742-3550 and listen to the response.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T22:12:45Z', 'url': 'http://www.carpetcleaningstars.com/tn/carpet-cleaning-in-blountville/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Excellent text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students shows how geometric and algebraic ideas met and grew together into an important branch of mathematics. Lucid coverage of vector fields, surfaces, homology of complexes, much more. Some knowledge of differential equations and multivariate calculus required. Many problems and exercises (some solutions) integrated into the text. 1979 edition. Bibliography. View other Michael Henle;Henle titles like "A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology" Write a customer review of A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T02:21:52Z', 'url': 'http://www.holisticpage.com.au/a-combinatorial-introduction-to-topology-michael-henle-henle/9780486679662', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
There's a bit of lack of info in the article, but they seem to be picking up a population of Fast Radio Bursters, some at around about 400 MHz which is the lowest frequency currently seen for a FRB (but that's a technical issue with the survey, so there is likely to be much longer wavelength bursters around the universe), and they actually observed another FRB repeater. Yeah, presumably it's a natural feature - but a part of me would like to think we're detecting bursts of energy from ship's coming out from hyperspace. Repeaters could be space gates. Signals from space: What are they? Let's see, repeater source was 1.5 billion light years away, so....if we did send something to 'them' and an invasion fleet was dispatched, we'd expect them anywhere between 1.5-3 billion years from now (depending on whether on not faster than light travel is possible). Which coincidentally matches the estimates of the length of time we have left on a habitable Earth due to our sun maturing. I think said vigilant reader is being a bit too paranoid. I'm busy reading Hawkings' Brief Answers To The Big Questions. He makes some interesting comments on the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere. Probably worth looking at for anybody looking into this. If you are very interested there are a number of excellent Youtube people tackling this topic, well - they are more like podcasts with pretty pictures, than vids. They go into a lot of depth, I'd guess much more so than the late Prof Hawking. His videos on the Fermi paradox are a tad annoyingly short...but excellent nonetheless. The 'Universe of Water' and 'Planet X' series are meatier and highly recommended by me. Also he does a three parter looking at 2001: A Space Odyssey. ParallaxNick tends to go for the 'history' of the issue and explain it from that. That's his angle. Also in the middle of reading Milan M. Cirkovic's The Great Silence which, although isn't 'academic' is a bit more formal than a popular science book. Really enjoying it though. I can't help but wonder if these are similar to the "WOW" signal. ..but no signals from the trillion+ planets in this galaxy? Indeed, that is the great mystery. Many solutions have been proffered. I have just read the 'Galactic stomach ache' thesis that tries to explain this. It's...interesting! 'piled higher and deeper' truly applies to a lot of the rest of it. "Walking the Halls" - a radio play by me!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T19:00:46Z', 'url': 'https://www.sffchronicles.com/threads/573144/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Sensitivity ratings are generally given a the minimum ‘Lux’ levels at which the camera will produce a usable image. The lower the Lux number, the lower the light levels at which the CCTV Camera will produce an acceptable image. In other words the lower the Lux level rating, the more light sensitive the camera. During the day, the amount of illumination reaching a scene, allowing maximum identification of objects. On a cloudy or overcast day, less light is received by the objects in the scene, resulting in less contrast. To produce an optimum camera picture under the wide variation in light level - such as occurs when the sun is obscured by cloud; an automatic-iris camera system is required. Typically, scene illumination measured in foot-candles ftcd - can vary over a range of 10,000 to 1 (or more). which exceeds the operating range of most cameras for producing good quality video images. The chart above summarises the light levels occurring under daylight and there love light level conditions. The equivalent metric measure of light level (Lux) compared with the English ftcd is given.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T21:50:19Z', 'url': 'http://dolphin-marine.co.uk/Dolphin_Marine_Camera_Lux_&_Lighting_Levels.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
GoPro HERO cameras have always been good at capturing stunning photos and video. GoPro HERO cameras have always been good at capturing stunning photos and video. The HERO6 makes it easier than ever for you to live in the moment, rather than standing around figuring out how to work the controls. The GoPro HERO6 gives you a new and unique angle on a lifetime of adventures. That means a new GP1 processing chip that works behind the scenes to sharpen and stabilize action shots for you. There's also a QuikStories mode that sends footage to your phone, where it's automatically edited into a fun overview of your day on the slopes, in the surf, or hanging with family. And its built-in Wi-Fi uses the 5GHz band for faster upload speeds. When you're reviewing stills or video, the camera's built-in screen lets you touch to zoom in on the part you really want to see. The HERO6 shoots sharp, bright 4K video at up to 60 frames per second, and HD video at up to 240 fps, so you can capture big moments in slow-mo. It's a dynamite still camera as well, with a 12-megapixel image sensor that can shoot in single shot, burst, and time lapse modes. For maximum still photo resolution, the camera can shoot in RAW and HDR mode — capturing images with impressive detail that are ready for editing. And you can fine-tune exposure settings from the on-screen menu. All of this camera's new features are added to the exciting features introduced by the HERO5, like voice commands. "GoPro, take a picture." Say that out loud, and the camera springs into action. If you're the hands-on type, one-touch control is your best friend. Just press the large button on top of the camera to start recording your adventure, and then you won't have to touch it again. Just tell the camera what to do, and it will be done. The HERO6 can be submerged to 33 feet without an add-on case. No need to pause and reach for the accessory bag when you're ready to jump into the ocean right now — your camera is ready to go when you are. And the camera's built-in GPS lets you add tags that remind you exactly where you were when you share with friends later. I am very impressed by the video/photo quality of this little camera. Lots of options. It's so convenient to use and carry. I'm very happy with the hero 6. Is this brand new Gopro6? No. It's the new GoPro 6 Black. Overview: The GoPro HERO6 Black (CHDHX-601) is an ultra-compact digital action camera, designed to take 4K Ultra HD, Full HD, and HD videos and up to 12-megapixel still photos in extreme situations. The camera comes with The Frame (standard housing for the HERO6 Black), plus flat and curved surface mounts. A full line of GoPro accessories allow you to mount the camera virtually anywhere. Optics: The HERO6 Black has a fixed focal length, ultra wide angle glass lens for sharp image quality. You can choose from different fields of view, including SuperView (widest angle), Wide, and Linear (narrowest angle). Voice Control: You can control the HERO6 Black with your voice using specific commands. The voice commands allow you to perform the following: Start or Stop capturing video, add a HiLight Tag, capture single or burst photos, start or stop time lapse, power on or power off the camera, and change the camera mode (to video, photo, burst, or time lapse). It can also move the video or photos from your most recent session to your phone to create a QuikStory. Time Lapse Video: Create video from frames captured as specific intervals. Resolutions include 4K, 2.7K 4:3, and 1080p. Available intervals are 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, and 60 seconds. You can choose from Wide or Linear fields of view. Time Lapse Photo: You can capture a series of photos at specified intervals. The series of photos can be converted to a video using GoPro Studio software, if desired. Photos are captured at 12 MP, and the same intervals (as above) are available. Night Lapse Photo: Night Lapse Photo captures a series of photos at set intervals when the lighting is poor. Longer shutter speeds allow more light into the camera: Auto (up to 2 sec), 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 sec. Intervals between frames can be set to Auto, 4, 5, 10, 10, 15, 20, or 30 seconds and 1, 2, 5, 30 and 60 minutes. Photos are captured at 12 MP. Looping Video: The Looping Video feature lets you record continuously record video, but save only the footage you want. This helps to conserve space on the memory card while you wait for a special moment to take place. Settings include Max Video, 5 min, 20 min, 60 min, or 120 min. Looping is not available in 4K 4:3 mode. Audio: The camera records the audio with three built-in mono microphones. The camera processes the audio from the three microphones to apply advanced Wind Noise Reduction. Stereo recording is supported when an external 3.5mm microphone is connected with a GoPro Pro 3.5mm Mic Adapter that plugs into the USB-C port. Night Shooting: With professional-grade low light performance, the camera offers Night Photo and Night Lapse shooting. Night Photo allows you to capture a single photo with an auto exposure time of up to 30 seconds, or a fixed exposure time of 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 seconds. White Balance: White balance adjusts the overall color tone of the videos and photos. Available settings include Auto, 2300K, 2800K, 3200K, 4000K, 4500K, 5500K, 6000K, 6500K, and Native. Color: You can set the color profile to GoPro Color or Flat. ISO Minimum / ISO Maximum: The ISO changes the camera's sensitivity in low-light environments. Settings are 100 (default ISO minimum), 200, 400, 800, 1600 (default video ISO Maximum), 3200 (default photo ISO Maximum), and 6400. Sharpness: Sharpness settings include High, Medium, and Low. Shutter: The Shutter values for Video only are Auto, 1/FPS, 1/(2xFPS), 1/(4xFPS), and 1/(8xFPS). For Photo, the shutter options are Auto, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, and 1/2000 second. Exposure Value Compensation: Exposure Value Compensation (EV Comp) adjusts the brightness of the video or photo. You can improve image quality when shooting in high contrast environments. The EV Comp range is -2.0 to +2.0 EV in 0.5 EV steps. RAW Audio: In Video capture mode, you can capture a standard MP4 audio track and a separate .wav file. The level of processing applied to the RAW audio can be set to low, medium, and high. Storage: The HERO6 Black has a side slot for inserting a microSD memory card, including microSDHC and microSDXC cards (up to 256 GB). You should use microSD cards with a Class 10 or UHS-I rating for best performance. No memory is included with the camera. Wi-Fi + Bluetooth: The camera features built-in 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz Wi-Fi, as well as Bluetooth wireless technology, to allow you to wirelessly connect to your smartphone or tablet via the GoPro App or the optional GoPro Smart Remote. The Smart Remote allows you to fully control the camera and change settings, or control multiple GoPro cameras from distances up to 600'. GoPro App: GoPro previously had more than one main app for controlling your camera and downloading and editing your footage. Now you can do all in the new GoPro app (formerly known as Capture). Not only can you organize and view your photos and videos on your mobile device, the GoPro app will automatically transform them into professional-looking videos. The QuikStories feature automatically copies videos and photos from your most recent session from your camera to your mobile device, and turns them into an edited video, complete with music and special effect. This QuikStory can then be saved, edited, or deleted from your phone if you don't like it. The app also allows you to immediately post your favorite photos and videos directly to your favorite social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The GoPro app lets you control the HERO6 (or other GoPro camera) from your mobile device, including framing the shot with a live preview, or adjusting the settings. The app is compatible with Apple mobile devices running iOS 9.0 or later, as well as Android devices running version 5.0 and up. Windows: 64-bit Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 in desktop mode. 32-bit systems are not supported. Battery: The HERO6 Black is powered by a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery (4.40V, 1220mAh). The battery can be charged by connecting the camera to a computer or other USB charging adapter (5V 1A) using the supplied USB-C cable. Charging a fully-depleted battery takes approximately 2 hours. HiLight Tagging: The HERO6 Black lets you mark specific moments in your video during recording or playback with HiLight Tags, making the moments easier to locate. Tags can be added using the camera, the GoPro App, or the optional Smart Remote. During playback, the tags are visible in the GoPro App or GoPro software. Connections: The HERO6 Black has a USB-C port for connecting the camera to a computer, or for charging the battery. With a special adapter, you can connect an external stereo microphone via the USB port. You can connect the camera to your HDTV through the Micro HDMI (Type D) jack. Dimensions: Width: 2.448", Height: 1.787", Depth: 1.317" The Frame: The HERO6 Black comes with The Frame, a standard housing for this camera. The Frame is attached to a GoPro quick-release buckle that lets you adjust the tilt of the camera. The rubber locking plug provides additional security. Mounting Bases: The package includes a curved-surface and a flat-surface mount, each with industrial-grade adhesive, for mounting the camera to a helmet, vehicle, or other smooth surface. Optional Mounts: GoPro offers numerous mounts for the HERO6 Black camera, including a head strap and chest harness. Other mounts can attach the camera to a bicycle seat post or handlebar, a roll bar, helmet, tripod, surfboard, or even your dog. Searches related to the GoPro HERO6 Black 4K Ultra HD action camera with Wi-Fi®.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T09:54:06Z', 'url': 'https://www.crutchfield.com/ISEO-rCCBcSPD/p_770HDHX601/GoPro-HERO6-Black.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
We started life as a wedding venue because our daughter couldn’t find a Yorkshire barn that ticked all the boxes. We have created an exclusive country venue dedicated to weddings, offering quality and attention to detail with a relaxed home from home feel. We fully understand how important it is that your wedding venue provides exactly what you want for you and your guests. After all its rare to have all your family and friends together in one place. Friendliness, quality and professionalism are the key to our success. We take great pride in every ‘happy ever after’ that begins at Bunny Hill. Do you dream of an elegant countryside wedding? Say your vows outdoors in our magnificent oak arbour, draped with white wisteria. Choose to marry beneath an archway of blossom trees in the Garden Room or opt for the mezzanine lounge with it’s cool industrial vibe and stunning views. The garden room has a capacity of 160 and for arbour ceremonies a Sperry tent can be erected, giving an attractive canopy for you guests. The location for your ceremony can be changed as late as the day before to maximise the chances of achieving your dream outdoor wedding. A majestic Grade 1 listed church with a large capacity, five miles from Bunny Hill. A pretty village church with a capacity for 100, just three miles from Bunny Hill. – All Saints Church in Holme-on-Spalding-Moor. A stunning 13th century church upon a hill with a capacity for 180, three miles from Bunny Hill. It felt like we were in our own picture perfect oasis. A stunning barn in beautiful surroundings. A warm and welcoming vibe, we felt at home straight away. There are going to be lots of questions you need to ask as you prepare to choose a wedding venue. We have answered those we are asked most frequently, if there is anything else please get in touch. How much is the cost of hire? Here at Bunny Hill we believe every wedding is individual and unique, therefore we do not offer packages. Choosing where to hold your wedding is the most important decision you make, so we encourage you to come and look around, ask questions and share your ideas. We will leave you to stroll around the grounds and soak up the atmosphere and take in the views. Once we have an idea of your requirements we can provide you with a costing. Once you have decided that Bunny Hill is for you, the date of your choice can be held for 10 days. Following this a 30% deposit will secure the date. We will require a further 30% 1 year later, or 9 months before the date, whichever is soonest. The final balance is due 12 weeks before the wedding. *Please note payments are non-refundable and we do advise you take out wedding insurance. Other than catering, you are welcome to choose your own suppliers and we are happy to recommend suppliers who know our venue and whose work we value. Can I pay corkage on my own alcohol? As licensees, we prefer to be in control of alcohol at the venue, our prices are sensible and reflect those of an average wine bar. We offer exclusive use of the whole venue whether you decide to spend a day with us or a long weekend. Your big day will pass so quickly so why not spread the celebrations over a few more days. The day before, take time out for a meal at our excellent village gastro pub The Star Inn. Check on the preparations for your big day, then pamper yourself with treatments from our beauty therapist. Spend the day after your wedding relaxing and reminiscing, perhaps a barbeque followed by a soak in the jacuzzi or even a visit to our local polo club. Will there be a wedding every day? Every couple want something different from their venue and we like to offer the freedom and flexibility to meet your needs. We will not restrict the time of your wedding, the duration of your stay or the day you choose to marry. For that reason, we only offer one mid-week wedding and one weekend wedding. We have tried to think of everything you could possibly need from your wedding venue and included them so there are no hidden costs. The woodland will be strewn with festoon lighting, the courtyard will be alight with atmospheric oil burning torches, there will be easels for your table plans and a dedicated co-ordinator to ensure the day runs smoothly. There will be your favourite gin in the bar along side your Dad’s choice of guest beer. Catering is provided in-house and will be quoted for separately.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T23:11:45Z', 'url': 'https://www.bunnyhillweddings.co.uk/weddings/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Happy Halloween everyone! To celebrate here are some awesome Halloween themed models that I saw during the past year and saved up for now (even though some of theme technically weren’t uploaded this year). Our first model this Halloween is this great origami witch. This next model is one of the most impressive origami Grim Reaper designs I’ve seen. I’m pretty sure this entire model is folded from one sheet of paper. During October 2016 Joseph Wu designed several excellent “snail skull” models that combined different styles of snail shells with skulls. Here’s a pretty creepy looking origami black widow. Sebastien Limet designed a pretty clever model that he calls “Rest in Peas” which is an origami pea pod with skulls for the peas. Origami werewolves are another type of model that’s perfect for Halloween. Miyamoto Chuya probably has the most famous grim reaper design. I’m not entirely sure what this but it’s certainly creepy looking. Finward designed this model based on a casual drawing. Here’s another excellent creepy looking origami spider. Dao Cuong Quyet is definitely one of the most impressive origami bat designs I’ve ever seen. Here’s another creepy looking origami critter made by Finward. This is another fantastic werewolf design. Here’s another excellent origami skull designed by Joseph Wu back in 2003. Here’s another quite creepy spider design. This is definitely the cutest origami grim reaper that I’ve ever seen. This model is made out of two sheets of paper, one for the reaper itself and one for the scythe. Here’s Le Tuan’s great origami werewolf again folded by a different artist. This is a very cool and creepy “box of horror”. Bart Davids designed a pretty fantastic scary looking paper demon. Here’s another great origami werewolf with some excellent colour changes in the design. This is another spooky Halloween bat with an excellent face. Here’s another great creepy looking origami spider. Here are more awesome looking papercraft skulls from Joseph Wu. This is a fantastic and very realistic looking origami spider designed by Robert J. Lang. This is a jumping spider and for some reason it looks a little bit cute to me. Here’s another different and quite awesome origami werewolf. Miyamoto Chuya has also designed quite a fantastic origami succubus. Here’s a very awesome paper Balrog. I love how the two coloured paper is used to make the flames. Our final model this Halloween is this absolutely incredible origami Grim Reaper by Neelesh K. Little Reaper, Designed and Folded by Neelesh K. Did you fold anything spooky this Halloween? If so share a photo in the comments!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T08:18:30Z', 'url': 'https://origami.me/halloween-2016/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
At the annual meeting in October, the Members of the Association elect the Board of Directors and the Officers. The President presides over the annual member meeting and periodic Board meetings; establishes annual goals for the organization; assigns committee chairpersons; and the represents Property Owners Association at meetings and seminars. The Vice President acts in the place of the President, when the President is not available. The Treasurer works with the Property Manager to administer the overall financial affairs as authorized by the Board. The Secretary records all minutes of meetings and presents them to the Board for approval; and approves and signs the legal and financial documents of the Association.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T16:22:25Z', 'url': 'http://www.annandaleestates.net/association', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
FRANKFORT, Ky. - Gov. Steve Beshear has directed that flags at all state office buildings be lowered to half-staff from today until sunset on Friday, Dec. 5, in honor of Judge Henry Meigs II, who passed away last Friday at the age of 93. Judge Meigs, a native of New York, graduated from the University of Kentucky College of Law and practiced in Frankfort until 1960, when he was appointed by Gov. Bret Combs as the first circuit judge of the newly created 48th District. He held the judgeship until 1983 and during his tenure, Judge Meigs was known for championing judicial reform, including being one of the key advocates of the 1976 Judicial Reform Article to the state Constitution. Judge Meigs was also a war hero, serving as a fighter pilot with the Army Air Corps in the Pacific during World War II, shooting down 13 Japanese planes and receiving the Silver Star and Distinguished Flying Cross. Throughout his life, Judge Meigs was involved in many civic endeavors, strongly advocating for mental health and wellness and serving on academic boards, including being named trustee emeritus of Centre College in 1993. Judge Meigs is survived by his wife, Sara Willis Meigs, who is the daughter of former Kentucky Gov. Simeon Willis; two sons, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services for Judge Meigs will be today at 2 p.m. Eastern time at Calvary Episcopal Church in Louisville. Interment will be held Friday, Dec. 5 at 2 p.m. Eastern time at Frankfort Cemetery in Frankfort.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T16:51:32Z', 'url': 'https://www.flagsexpress.com/Articles.asp?ID=343', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Abstract: Santaran means swimming, it is Bengali words came from ‘Sanskrit’. As a nonprofit Multidisciplinary, artist run organization Santaran is continuing its journey from Chittagong, Bangladesh with the hope and mission to shape the artistic values regarding country, society, nation, environment, economics, sociology, philosophy etc. In a more defined artistic way. Santaran is giving effort for guide people to acquire art as the strongest medium for their better living. Santaran started this journey in 1999 through the first Yearly outcome ( yearly art show of organization member ), though it was officially founded in 1998. Santaran’s artists are conceiving art as medium to implementation of their thought and philosophy. Therefore with the deeper understanding of our culture and tradition, we are trying to capture the trends of history, art, philosophy, common beliefs and values in our artistic expressions. We believe that through these activities our art will become the ‘Yanbriksha’ (alike a Banyan tree of knowledge) which is rooted to the ground but spreading its branches all over the sky and in this way one-day we will achieve our goal. Mission: Operate the power of ART & IDEA for change the society. Actions: The key actions of Santaran is Yearly outcome (yearly art show of organization member), Art Camp, Art workshops, Artist residency, Multidisciplinary art show, Karnaphuli Folk Triennial, Research Program, Publication, including three permanent Public art program Kalpapuri (related with children art and psychology), Horith (art of environmental development) and Shikar (development and persistence of folk arts), Kalpaloker Chitra is a workshop based project under the Kalpapuri program. All are running successfully by the organization as the part of its journey. Apart from that, Santaran is conducting research works on historical sites and organizing mural camps for spreading children education in hill tracts, and taking part in joint activities with other organizations for the same noble causes. Santaran is now registered under the Ministry of Social Welfare of People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T10:55:27Z', 'url': 'https://www.santaranart.org/about/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
**CLEAN AUTOCHECK**, **NAVIGATION SYSTEM**, **LEATHER SEATS**, **BACKUP CAMERA, **HEATED SEATS**, **MOONROOF**, **ALLOY WHEELS**, AWD, Cashmere Leather. 2007 Lexus IS McMahon Ford is now Schicker Ford. Same owners, just a new name.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T02:32:06Z', 'url': 'http://www.fordinstl.com/vehicle/used-2007-lexus-is-250-250-3204279', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
1. You know you’ve been looking for it: The Perfect Mac n Cheese. I ask you, have you found a better version? 2. No one knows perfection better than Martha. In honour of the coming American holiday, here is Her Stewartness’s perfect Thanksgiving turkey. 3. Always screwing up boiled rice? Apparently you can get it right, and it will be perfect! Still, do people really have that much trouble with boiling rice? 4. The word “perfect” appears in this post. It’s my excuse to put in a link to Butter and Radish sandwiches. A little out of season, but man, I gotta try me one of those! 5. This whole blog thinks it’s perfect. I won’t argue. Check out the post on cooking pumpkin flowers.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T10:27:50Z', 'url': 'https://panmagazine.wordpress.com/2008/11/22/friday-5-perfection/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Weddings, Birthdays, Country Fayres, Concerts, Corporate Events or Private Functions, whatever the occasion, Lion Outside Bars can provide any size event with a fully-licensed mobile bar (that can extend to seventy feet if required) or with up to five mobile units located around larger showgrounds. Drinks are served in re-useable, plastic, government-approved glasses that meet trading standard requirements and we liaise with local authorities to ensure that all licensing laws are met. Each bar is equipped with the latest equipment to ensure the availability of cold beer and other chilled beverages on even the hottest days. With over 10 years experience in hospitality, we are proud to provide bars at some of Lincolnshire's and Yorkshire's largest agricultural shows. We can provide bars that are completely self contained in almost any location.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T08:33:48Z', 'url': 'http://eventsa2z.co.uk/lion-outside-bars-446.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Every year, generous foundations, corporations, and individuals concerned about our future leaders provide funding for Earthwatch fellowships for students. Fellowship funding is critical to make it possible for young people to participate in an expedition who would otherwise be unable to go. Students who participate often aspire to be the leaders of their generation, engaging in both individual and collective action for the environment. When students return from the field, they share their experiences with friends, family, and teachers through stories and community action. Their achievements can also be leveraged to help them optimize collegiate and career opportunities. Ignite is an innovative program working with students from high schools in Los Angeles County, USA. Read more. Earthwatch student fellowships are available for teenagers who aspire to be the leaders of their generation, engaging in both individual and collective action for the environment. to encourage girls in STEM careers.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T15:05:19Z', 'url': 'https://earthwatch.org/education/student-fellowships', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Arrow Linen Linen Supply Co. Inc. Jet Overall & Uniform Service Inc. Central Laundry Service -Sea Crest Linen Supply Co. Inc. Brooks Range Contract Services Inc. Elite Airline Linen of New York Inc. 2012 Hartford County Cleaning Contractors Association Agt. 2012 New Haven County Contractors Agt. West Bay Community Action Inc. Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Inc. Federal Defenders of New York Inc. A & R Able Inc. A L Eastmond & Sons Inc. Pacific Longshoreman's Memorial Assoc. Inc. Johnson Controls Global Workforce Solutions Inc.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T18:16:12Z', 'url': 'https://www.unionfacts.com/contracts/Service_Employees/Personal_Serv_%26_Private_Organizations', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Bru’s smelling ad in Sunday Times. Did you smell the paper yesterday? By the way, did you smell the Sunday Times yesterday? The smell was good. But being a filter coffee loyalist, I pitied the instant coffee lover! Ever since it was created in 1886, the exact ingredients that created Coca-Cola have been shrouded in secrecy, guarded by those who own it but now it has uncovered that secret.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T08:13:36Z', 'url': 'http://www.bharatexpedition.com/search/label/recipe', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Helen Keller International has two primary eye care manuals available in Portuguese. One is a manual for training community health workers and the other is a reference manual for the trained worker. For more information, please contact CMACARTHUR@HKI.ORG and LMORALES@HKI.ORG or write to: Training and Community Education, Helen Keller International, 352 Park Avenue South, Suite 1200, New York, NY 10010, USA.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T00:52:32Z', 'url': 'https://www.cehjournal.org/news/portuguese-language-educational-resources/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Following an extensive investigation, homicide investigators identified the suspects responsible for the death of Jaime Hernandez to be Vee Alaimalo and Nicholas Yarbrough. On September 10th, deputies from the Specialized Enforcement Division, assisting Homicide Investigators with the investigation, located the suspect Nicholas Yarbrough in Barstow. Yarbrough was taken into custody, transported and booked into the Barstow Jail for murder. He was later transported to the High Desert Detention Center where he remains in custody without bail. On September 12th, officers from the Phoenix Arizona Police Department conducted a records check on the vehicle belonging to Vee Alaimalo at a motel in Phoenix. A Phoenix SWAT Team responded to the motel and were able to take the suspect into custody without incident. Alaimalo is awaiting extradition back to California where he will be booked for the murder of Jaime Hernandez. Investigators have determined that the suspects and the victim were known to each other; the motive for the murder remains under investigation. On Wednesday, September 5th, at approximately 8:57 am, deputies from the Barstow Sheriff’s Department responded to the area of Hwy 58 and Dixie Road following the report of a deceased person at the location. Deputies confirmed the victim was a deceased male. Deputies requested the assistance of the Specialized Investigations Division-Homicide Detail. Investigators responded and assumed the investigation. The victim was identified as Jaime Hernandez. At this time, no suspects have been identified, and the investigation is ongoing.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T10:52:06Z', 'url': 'https://local.nixle.com/alert/6827298/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
People dressed very differently in the Georgian period to us today. Fashions changed far less frequently. A person’s social standing and wealth was evident in how elaborate their clothes were. All the Georgian clothes in the Tullie House collections were worn by the wealthy or the middle classes. Men’s fashions changed little during the 18th century. They wore a coat, waistcoat, shirt, breeches, stockings, wig and hat throughout the period. Gradually the cut and shape became more fitted. Loose shoulder length wigs were tied back by 1750. These breeches and waistcoat were worn by a member of the wealthy Senhouse family. They lived at Netherhall and developed Maryport into a coal port in the 18th century. Maryport is actually named after Mary, the wife of Humphrey Senhouse, after permission was granted by an Act of Parliament to found the modern town in 1749. These were worn by a member of the Senhouse family, a wealthy local family at Netherhall.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T20:44:53Z', 'url': 'http://www.tulliehouse.co.uk/thecollection/men%E2%80%99s-silk-waistcoat-and-breeches-georgian', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
with a painted Easter Egg on one side and the Resurrection on the other. Gracias, amigos.Hermoso material para educar en la Fe. ¡Alegre usted encontró algo que le gusta! Dios Bendice.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T17:11:06Z', 'url': 'http://www.catholicinspired.com/2012/03/a-few-holy-week-and-easter-crafts.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Garden City, N.Y. : Basin Pub. Co., c1987. Mosman, Chesley A., > 1824-1914 > Diaries. United States. > Army. > Illinois Infantry Regiment, 59th (1862-1865) > Biography. Soldiers > Illinois > Diaries. Illinois > History > Civil War, 1861-1865 > Personal narratives. by: Sherman, Francis Trowbridge, 1825-1905. by: Morrison, Marion, b. 1821.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T10:37:30Z', 'url': 'https://i-share.carli.illinois.edu/vf-lac/Record/LACdb.11295', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Thank you for replying. Will check with the lads and come back to you soon! Hey folks! We are a team of 3 friend which played l2 back in c4 version as kids mostly at illegal servers. We joinned Gludio late last year and we are looking to play with other folks in a closer situation. We have an artisan lvl 23, a scavenger lvl 22 and a raider lvl 23. Also, each one have a different sup in box approximately at same level. We do not expect to recruit the sups. Thank you!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T00:33:10Z', 'url': 'https://forums.lineage2.com/profile/46828-kodtoledo/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Bankside Law is instructed by a varierty of defence organisations in regulatory and professional disciplinary proceedings. We are instructed by the Medical Defence Union (MDU) to defend their members in GMC proceedings, the United Chiropractic Association (UCA) to defend their members in GCC proceedings through the DAS legal expenses insurance panel of approved solicitors. Bankside Law has also acted for various regulators in professional disciplinary proceedings including the Architects Registration Board (ARB), the Solicitors Reguation Authority (SRA) and the Metroplitan Police Authority (MPA). John Williams heads up the regulatory and professional discipline team at Bankside Law and is recognised as a leader in this field by both Chambers and Legal 500.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T14:28:58Z', 'url': 'http://www.banksidelaw.com/our-services/services-for-defence-organisations-professional-associations-companies', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Park Ridge Community Health Commission's mission is to educate and encourage Park Ridge residents to take action to live healthy lives and promote environmental health and sustainability. The Commission is charged to develop and implement educational programs and identify resources that can help address health and sustainability issues to assist the community. The Community Health Commission consists of eleven citizen volunteer members, plus liaisons from the City Council, the Police Department, the School Districts and area healthcare facilities. The public is welcome to attend meetings held at Park Ridge City Hall the fourth Thursday of every month.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T05:53:02Z', 'url': 'http://www.parkridge.us/community/community_health_commission.aspx?print=y', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Malibu String Bikini Company collects customer information to make your online shopping experience the very best on the Internet. We respect your privacy and we assure you that we will maintain and use this information responsibly. Information collected from our Web server is anonymous. It allows us to see which areas of the Malibu String Bikini Company are most popular. This helps us to improve the quality of your online shopping experience by recognizing and delivering more of the products and services your prefer. Information that you provide to us when you order, enter our contest, or request a catalog are maintained in private files on our secure Web server and our internal systems. Furthermore, Malibu String Bikini Company will never release this information to other parties. Malibu String Bikini Company believes in providing a safe and secure shopping experience for all of our customers. We provide only the most stingent of security measures available on the Internet. We want you to feel comfortable that personal information such as your credit card number will be kept safe throughout your entire shopping experience at the Malibu String Bikini Company. It is our policy to never send private information, such as your credit card number, via e-mail. In fact, this is a policy we recommend you adopt in all of your Internet activities. We designed Malibu String Bikini Company to accept orders only from Web browsers that permit communication through Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology; for example, 3.0 versions or higher of Netscape Navigator and versions 3.02 or higher of Internet Explorer. This means you'll be unable to inadvertently place an order through an unsecured connection.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T08:30:23Z', 'url': 'https://malibustrings.com/privacy.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This is a bulk 12-pack of C. B. Gitty brand .014" (14-gauge) plain steel steel (unwound) ball-end guitar strings, proudly manufactured in the UNITED STATES specifially for C. B. Gitty Crafter Supply. These are high-quality guitar strings perfect for use on guitars, cigar box guitars and any other instrument that uses a ball-end-style string. We buy these strings in huge quantities and so we are able to sell them to you at a great price. Stock up and save! Nominal string length is 40". Strings come packaged in clear sealed poly sleeves, which can be easily hung from a nail in your shop, or laid flat on a shelf.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T21:07:15Z', 'url': 'https://www.cbgitty.com/made-in-the-usa/14ga-014-steel-strings-for-guitar-12-pack/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Live Action, Emelie Lindblom; 2017, 81 min. Room 213 has been unoccupied for 60 years. That is, until 12-year-old Elvira and her camp roommates Bea and Meja move in. Soon enough, mysterious things begin happening that might be explained by a jealous tween camper… or a good old-fashioned haunting! As the spooks and and stakes reach a fever pitch, the girls’ friendship blooms into a formidable force for good.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T10:41:49Z', 'url': 'https://nyicff.org/films/room-213/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Summer camps in Canada: Summer camps for kids, children, teens. 2019 summer sports schools in Toronto, Ontario, Vancouver homestay programs, summer English courses, music camps, camp d'été au Canada, campamentos de verano, cursos de inglés verano en Canada.. • Edu-inter is a Summer French Language School in Quebec City offering summer French immersion programs for children & teenagers (ages 10-17) and adults (16+). • Quebec City is the only major city in Canada that offers a 100% French-speaking environment, making it the ideal location for learning and practicing French. • 2018 will be the 13th year of our French Summer School for Teenagers. As the cradle of francophone culture in the Americas, summer in Quebec City offers an unparalleled program of festivals, fun activities and experiences, all in a city renowned for its safe environment. • The summer school is located on the campus of Collège Mérici, in downtown Quebec City, a short 15 minute walk from Old Quebec. • The campus features exceptional facilities including a gymnasium, an aerobics room, a library, computer labs, an internet cafe, a cafeteria and a student lounge. The campus has ample green space for outdoor sports and recreation activities. • Edu-inter also provides Winter French Camps for children and teens (ages 10-17), as well as summer French immersion programs for adults. "This experience has been life charging for me. The people in Quebec are so accommodating and kind. Merci Edu-inter!" "I would definitely recommend this program to anyone willing to improve their French over the summer!" We also offer summer French immersion programs for adults. Since 1998, International House Vancouver has offered unique, educational, and fun English language (ESL) summer programs for young learners to suit every need, budget and language ability. In Vancouver, we offer a Children's Adventure Program (CAP) for children ages 5-12, suitable for mother & child or family study. We also provide a Homestay Junior Program for 13-17 year olds, as well as a Residential Junior Program on the campus of the University of British Columbia for 9-17 year olds. These programs are affiliated and held to the standards of Languages Canada, the IHWO, and AILIA, organizations that insist on the highest degree of educational excellence. We ensure the quality our classes with teachers who are qualified in both language instruction and working with children and young adults. With a range of programs on offer, we can provide the best choices to fit most any need. We also offer a Winter Junior Program for kids ages 13-17 from late December to mid February. • Surrounded and encouraged by native French speakers, your teen son, daughter or loved one can enjoy a wonderful French language immersion experience in the province of Quebec in summer 2019! • NSL Mondial is an established and highly-experienced facilitator of intensive language camps for children and teenagers from Canada, the U.S., and around the world. • Our summer French immersion camps in Montreal for junior children & high school teens (ages 7-17 years old) are for 1 to 5 weeks. • Combine French language learning with fun sporting and recreational activities including: Drama, Swimming, Badminton, Tennis, Baseball, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Martial Arts, Archery, Arts & Crafts, Volleyball, and more. • Day camps and residential / overnight options are available. • The camp takes place on the campus of Concordia University, downtown campus. • In addition to our French camps, we also provide English language camps for local and international students. • Montreal is the cultural center of Quebec - and the largest French speaking city in North America. It is also an amazing destination to practice the French language. "Danmeng and Ruodong enjoyed their time studying in NSL. They miss their teachers, their classmates, their friends. The happy times at NSL are unforgettable. Thank you." -French skills including speaking, reading, writing, grammar, listening and vocabulary. Drama, Swimming, Badminton, Tennis, Baseball, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Martial Arts, Archery, Arts & Crafts, Volleyball, and more. • ESL English language camp in Montreal for children ages 7-17. • Immerse your child or teenager in an intensive English summer course in Montreal, the cultural capital of Quebec, Canada! • NSL Mondial, an experienced international language training provider, offers 1 to 5-week summer ESL camps in Canada for elementary, middle school and high school students (boys & girls) of ages 7-17 years old. • We offer day camps and overnight residential accommodation options for students. • This is a language-focused English immersion camp with recreational activity and sports options. Students receive a minimum of 20 lessons / 15 hours of English language learning classes a week. • Exciting activities include Drama, Arts & Crafts, Archery, Badminton, Tennis, Baseball, Volleyball, Swimming, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Martial Arts, and more. • The summer English classes take place in Concordia University. • Certificate of Completion for all students at the end of their course. • NSL Mondial also offers English language courses for juniors in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, and Whistler as well as French language summer programs in Montreal. "Thank you for your excellent service and good teaching method. My three children have participated for two summers and their school marks have increased by 20%." Fun activities include Drama, Arts & Crafts, Archery, Badminton, Tennis, Baseball, Volleyball, Swimming, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Martial Arts, and more. We will open through the summer !! Soroban helps build self-confidence and strengthens children’s ability to think critically and creatively. Children start as early as Kindergarten. The Soroban method helps one easily understand number concepts and is a comprehensive system for embracing concepts and high achievement in mathematics. The use of the Soroban abacus uses a left to right calculation method, which makes quick estimation and rounding off possible. It improves the understanding of compounded numbers (the Soroban uses supplementary numbers for 5 and 10). The Soroban visually shows the concepts of decimal places and the progression of units by tens. The Soroban develops not only greater mental capacity, but mental calculation, which is the ultimate resource. Japanese children proficient in the Soroban (Japanese parents often send their children to Soroban tutors for training) can eventually visualize the Soroban in their minds and do high level arithmetic without the aid of any calculating tool. The Soroban instantly accomplishes addition and subtraction when you placed the numbers on the abacus. Ho Math and Chess based in Vancouver, Canada is an inrternational math specialty learning center with over 30 worldwide locations. Ho Math and Chess created the world's first math and chess integrated workbooks. Frank Ho and his team are dedicated to teaching children math through math and chess integrated workbooks. It is a special place where children can learn math, chess, and puzzles all at the same place while raising their math marks. Ho Math and Chess Learning Games; Ho Math and Chess Vancouver Summer Camp. Math courses alone for grades 8 to 12 and calculus. Chess courses alone for grades 1 to 12. • Learn English in the heart of Canada's largest city this summer! NSL Mondial provides quality English language immersion camps in Toronto , Ontario for Canada-based and international students. • Students ages 8-19 can choose to stay from 1-8 weeks, with Day Camp and Homestay options available. • Offering a professional environment in which to learn English or improve your current English language skills, our Toronto school has a multicultural atmosphere with students from over 20 different countries. • NSL Mondial also offers an ESL summer camp in the University of Toronto, Mississauga for children & youth 7 to 17 years of age. • We also provide English language courses for juniors in the following Canadian cities: Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, and Whistler. Also: ESL summer camp in the University of Toronto, Mississauga for children & youth 7 to 17 years of age. • Study English in the cosmopolitan Canadian city of Vancouver this summer! • NSL Mondial provides quality English language summer camps to children, teens and young adults from Canada, the U.S. and worldwide. • We offer a 3-week 'English Adventure' camp for 13-21 year olds, and a 1-6 week Vancouver City English camp for 7-17 year olds. • Our school in Vancouver provides a unique opportunity to learn English in a spectacular natural setting of mountains, coastline and a thriving and vibrant city of natural splendour. • We encourage students to speak English not only in the classroom, but also during the recreational activities, on the bus, in the apartments, while walking to the cafeteria, during their free time and any place where there are other students. • We also offer English language courses in the following Canadian cities: Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, Whistler, Winnipeg (adults only), and Halifax (adults only). Bolivia; South Korea; El Paso TX, USA; Kuwait City, Kuwait; Chateauguay QC, China; Kathmandu, Nepal; Nepean; Bangkok, Thailand; Terrebonne; Lagos, Nigeria; and more. You are here: School & College Search> Summer Schools & Camps in Canada> Summer camp in Vancouver, Toronto, Ontario summer schools..
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T08:45:26Z', 'url': 'https://www.learn4good.com/great_schools/canada_ontario_summer_camps_english_music_courses.htm', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The meaning of data and its management in the financial services sector has transformed quite in the last decade. On the one hand, focus has been shifting from strictly finance and reporting related data to commercial and customer related data. And on the other hand regulations have been growing even stricter. Advanced Programs is a Dutch service provider that offers IT and data solutions. They have been working closely with several big financial institutions to help them build and deploy agile and efficient data management environments.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T02:16:34Z', 'url': 'https://www.tdwi-konferenz.de/tdwi2019/programm/konferenzprogramm/sessiondetails/action/detail/session/csdi1-2/title/case-study-data-virtuality-logical-data-warehouse-the-cornerstone-of-bi-40-for-financial-service.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
You will need some kind of mountain bike, full suspension or hard tail. If you don't have a bike or would like to demo one of Trek's 2017 full suspension bikes. This year's demo fleet includes the Fuel EX and Remedy. Zach's Bikes is offering this service free of charge. Call Zach's Bikes (http://www.zachsbikes.com/contact/) to reserve a demo after you have RSVP'd for the ride. Please note that this is available based on availability and the rental contract terms. If you take advantage of this demo service, allow plenty of time prior to the ride for proper set up.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T10:45:19Z', 'url': 'https://www.meetup.com/Klamath-Area-Cyclists/events/238299965/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Using Simple Online Marketing Strategies? What could a home-business do for you and your family? Imagine if your actual life matched your dream lifestyle. This is something a 9 to 5 job cannot do for you. Let me show you how to create a simple & profitable home business that you are passionate about, that dramatically improves your income, and provides the right balance between work and taking care of your children, plus provides the life and future you desire. It’s easier, fun, and less time consuming than you might think. Schedule your FREE session with me to get your business journey started. You have nothing to lose. Everything to gain. Savvy & Focused Moms Building Successful Businesses is a community of like-minded mom entrepreneurs who are building their dream businesses online and offline. Join us for inspiration, support, empowerment & fun. Members also get access to exclusive content.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T18:37:45Z', 'url': 'http://aspiringmompreneur.com/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
As most gardeners know, plants need three things to make them happy: sunlight, good soil and plenty of water. With our rainy climate, most English gardeners focus on the first two and only worry about watering when they have young plants. But when, like me, you have a cutting garden full of seedlings and a bit of a thing about pots, watering can become a full-time task. Surprisingly, considering the long and dull hours I’ve spent each summer with a hose in my hand, I hadn’t ever thought about irrigation. I’d noticed that some of the brilliant cut flower experts that I followed on Instagram used it. And I’d admired their perfect rows of flowers with black drip hoses snaking through them. I thought these systems were for professionals with acres of needy plug plants to water. How wrong I was! This Spring, all that changed. I was approached by Gardena – whom, I realise now, are to irrigation and garden tools what BMW are to cars – and asked to trial their computerised watering systems. Pick the parts of your garden you want to water well, they said, and we’ll give you what you need. Obviously, I picked my cutting garden (remembering those pros and their hoses) and my labour-intensive pots. I already knew what irrigation in a cut flower border should look like, so this was very easy to install. My border is about 25 metres long and about 1.5 metres wide, so I have three rows of Micro-Drip Hose running through it. How do Micro-Drip Hoses work? Every 30 cm there is a little hole that drips water when the system is on. That spacing is crucial as it matches the ideal spacing of plants in a cutting garden. I laid the hose in the morning and – with some help from Bo – planted my baby plants that afternoon. Simple! Okay, so the hose doesn’t look so pretty at this stage. But, believe me, within a few weeks you won’t be able to see it. Why is a Micro-Drip hose perfect for a cutting garden? It’s the best way to get the water just where you need it, which is at the roots rather than the leaves where it can evaporate off – or the flowers, which can be damaged by heavy watering. It also uses up to 40% less water than overhead sprinklers. So, it’s far more eco and better for your utility bills! The only downside to pots is the watering. In summer, they need a good drink at least once a day. And when you have as many pots as I do….watering properly can lose you up to an hour each evening. I used to bribe my smallest daughter to do it, but irrigating them has proved far more efficient and, come to think of it, far less pricey. Okay, so I’ll admit that putting the irrigation system together for my pots did take several hours. But I do have an excessive number of pots. And I did insist that each one needed its own little drip head (my neighbour is a saint!). As it turned out, this was a very smart move. With the summer temperatures hitting up to 30 degrees some days, the pots were drying out completely in the 24 hours between each water. At 7 pm each night, the clever computer system attached to my garden tap turned on the water for 15 minutes. I could have programmed it for any time of day and any amount of time, but I worked out that 15 minutes of dripping was what it took to keep my pots evenly moist (but not soggy). …to my Summer planting of Erigeron, Lavender, Petunias, Nicotiana and Geraniums. Even Mousling approved! So, all in all, a huge success. The pots needed a little more feeding than usual (I think all that regular water tends to leach the minerals out of the potting compost faster), but otherwise, they thrived. And I had my summer evenings back…which was rather wonderful. NOTE: This post was written in partnership with Gardena (https://www.gardena.com/uk/). But because I only partner with brands that fit with my lifestyle and standards, the opinions here are all my own. It’s been far too long since I visited The Chelsea Flower Show. When I was a Vogue girl, we used to get first dibs on the press tickets. And – being a junior member of the team – I usually got Sunday, the crowd-less day before opening day, where I could witness the last-minute tweaks and dramas. I saw Dan Pearson’s genius for the first time there and persuaded my editor, Alexandra Shulman, to let me do a feature on his new, dark and velvety aesthetic. I stopped going when I had children. Babies aren’t allowed at Chelsea. Quite sensibly, for the baby and the parent, I realise now. But, at the time, I thought it was a case of the Royal Horticultural Society, who run the show, being patriarchal and thoroughly old-fashioned. Besides, I was finding the crowds hard to deal with. Going back after fourteen years, I realise how much I’ve missed this annual shot of garden excellence and inspiration. Some things are different – there are noticeably less show gardens now that sponsors are thin on the ground – but, reassuringly, so much is the same…or better. Roses! Peter Beales and David Austin, the two biggest rose growers in Britain – and, no doubt, arch rivals – always create the most fabulous stands. It’s the best kind of floral one-upmanship. Obelisks, arches, arbours and borders overflowing with their newest and best varieties, all at their peak a good month before they are flowering in our gardens. Visitors get to walk through the gardens and under the arches. It’s like being in cross between Heaven and a Hollywood movie set – but one full of people burying their faces in flowers. The scent, as you can imagine, is extraordinary. Two roses I plan to add to my Garden are David Austin’s Vanessa Bell, launched in 2017 and a perfect, sorbet yellow and Peter Beale’s fabulously blowsy and deliciously scented climber, Sir Paul Smith (climbing up the pyramid in the first image). I’m also adoring this combination of palest yellow and pink here – the pink is David Austin’s classic, Queen of Denmark, the yellow is my new favourite, Vanessa Bell. Some stands are brilliantly naturalistic, others, like these Alliums from Dutch bulb specialists W. S. Warmenhoven, are fantastically graphic. What’s brilliant about Chelsea is that you can see the flowers and order them on the spot for next year. This stand had 52 varieties of Allium on show…! More single species – Foxgloves – but the effect couldn’t be more different. I have quite a thing about Foxgloves and had no idea there were so many different varieties. I could have spent all day working my way through this beautiful stand, but was thrilled to see that The Botanic Nursery, who had created this dreamy display, were only a ten minute drive from where I live. The peony stands always remind me of how much I’m missing out on by growing easy-to-find favourites like Sarah Bernhardt and Duchess de Nemours (beautiful though they are). At Chelsea, you have the chance to meet the specialist growers and see the very latest varieties, sometimes fresh from the United States (where they seem to be leading the way with Peony growing). I’m always drawn to Intersectional Hybrid Peonies. The rather unromantic name does nothing to describe the glamorous beauty of these flowers. A cross between Tree Peonies and herbaceous peonies, they are like a floral version of silk taffeta ball dresses. I definitely need some of these in my life…..! These beauties were on the Kelways stand. Heaven! This divine, butter-yellow Peony is Lemon Chiffon. Love at first sight! And I’m determined to get my hands on it, even tho’ the grower, Primrose Hall Nursery, told me it was the most expensive plant on the stand….Gah! Why am I always drawn to expensive things??! Downderry Nursery is a family-run specialist Lavender grower. I first discovered them when I was looking for white Lavender for my London garden (they’re used to catering for strict colour schemes!). Their nursery in Kent is surrounded by fields that look like something out of the South of France. Again, I had no idea there were so many lovely varieties…. Here I am shopping for Clematis. These stands also give me great ideas about colour combinations. How lovely does this double white, Duchess of Edinburgh, look with the velvety plum, Fleuri? Or this delicious double red, Charmaine, with the pale lilac (whose name I, stupidly, didn’t write down…)? In Part 2 of my Chelsea round up, I’ll be writing about my favourite colour trend, more brilliant single flower specialists (I love a garden nerd!) and inspiring ideas for planting, pots…and sheds. I love a beautifully made bed. I also love unmaking it and curling up for eight hours under a cloud of goose down and crisp white bed linen. And the crisp linen part of that is crucial. Don’t talk to me about ‘easy-care’. My bed linen doesn’t have to be easy; but it does have to be Egyptian cotton, a high-ish thread count, and, ideally, a cool and airy Percale (more on this later). Where did I develop my bed linen high standards? I used to have a job where I travelled a lot and was lucky enough to stay in some pretty snazzy hotels. I slept in real linen, cotton Sateen, high thread count Percale, and, once, a silk mix (great for the skin and hair, I hear). I got to understand the difference between good linen and not-so-good linen. I became an expert on pillow fillings and duvet types (it’s Hungarian Goose Down all the way for me). I learned that, where bed linen is concerned, you usually get what you pay for. And, like buying good shoes or handbags, when you spend a little more, you will have something that makes you happier and, importantly, last longer. Decades in the case of very good linen. I got clever about where I bought my linen from. I looked for brands that made their linen in Europe (where there is a tradition of great linen making) and used ultra-thin, long yarns (this is far more important than thread counts for softness and quality). I bought in the sales when I couldn’t afford full price. I know the brands I love (Frette and The White Company’s Savoy and Linen ranges) and I pretty much stick with them. But I’m open to change, which might be why, when my very stylish friend, Charlotte, sent me a box full of beautifully wrapped Draper London linen last week, I was very excited. I hadn’t heard of Draper London, which launched last year, but I had heard of its big sister, Josephine Home (who provide seriously upscale bed linen for the Mandarin Oriental and Soho House hotels). The brilliant idea behind Draper, is to create superior bed linen with all their luxury know-how about yarns, thread counts and European craftsmanship, but sell it at entry level prices. Pretty genius, I’d say. We’ve been road-testing our sheets for a week and, so far, they’ve proved a winner with me….the girls…and, of course, the cats. So that you can up your bed linen game, too, I’ve arranged a 20% discount off the Draper London Collection. Simply type in ELFCAT when you checkout at www.draperlondon.com to access the discount until 15 April 2018. Terms and Conditions apply (see their website). ….and kneading the duvet covers with their outsize paws to check the softness. Draper London is a light and airy Percale in 300 thread count Egyptian cotton which they think is a ‘perfect all-rounder’. Poff, agrees….. I love a well-made bed, but I don’t have hours to spend fluffing and tweaking in the morning. My best bed-making routine: put a quilt or coverlet over the duvet (folding a good foot or so of duvet over the pillow end of the quilt). The quilt covers any wrinkly bed linen and everything looks neater instantly. I then put square ‘continental’ pillows up against our sleeping pillows – again hiding any creased pillowcases. They are outsize and plump, so look particularly inviting. Confession: I carry my own pillow with me when I travel (I hear that the Queen Mother did the same). It’s a way of ensuring that, wherever I’m staying, I’ll have a pillow with the plumpness I need to sleep properly. We are big sleepers in this house. I have a teen who will sleep 12+ hours if I let her. And three cats who are probably asleep 23 out of every 24 hours. I am in awe of the cats’ sleeping regime. Think about the all cell repair and mental sorting that they get done. No wonder they are always so beautiful and chilled. Good linen will age beautifully and keep getting better with time. But spending a little time on their care will help. Following Draper London’s advice, I wash mine at 60 degrees and always leave a bit of space in the drum so that the water can circulate properly through the fabric. Great sheets are greater when they’re crisply ironed. Ideally, iron them while they are still very slightly damp and store them in a linen cupboard, airing cupboard or drawer. Here is my linen cupboard (one of my favourite pieces of furniture in the house). I push lavender bags in between my sheets to make them smell even fresher. Let’s talk about thread count. Actually, let’s not, because it seems it’s all a big marketing ploy to make us think that thread count equals quality. What you need to look for when you shop for sheets is the quality of the fibre (look for ultra-fine and long) and where it’s made (ideally Europe, where they’ve been weaving high quality fabric for centuries). What’s the difference between cotton Percale and cotton Sateen? Percale, my favourite, is crisp, matte and cool like a good man’s shirt. Sateen is sensuous and super-soft. I’m a big believer that good bed linen promotes good sleep. But, if that’s not enough – often the case with my youngest daugher, Bo – we try mindfulness apps. And Epsom Salts baths laced with a couple of drops of Lavender essential oil. A bit of pre-bed quiet time with Poff helps, too. Remember to type in ELFCAT when you checkout at www.draperlondon.com to access the 20% discount until 15 April 2018. Terms and Conditions apply (see their website). I’m not sure how other people first start their blogs, but I think it’s important that I spend some time setting the scene. With that in mind, I’m using my first few posts to introduce all the different elements that make up my life – my home, my family, my garden, my animals. This post is about my view. This is the view from my bedroom window. From my bed, to be more precise. It’s what I wake up to every day and what I see, often by moon- or starlight, just before I go to sleep at night (I always look – except in the winter when I’ve closed the shutters at 5 pm because of the cold!). You might recognise it from my Instagram feed. I’ve spent the last five years recording it. Not every single day, but almost. It’s a stop-you-in-your-tracks view. The proof: when I first saw it, I didn’t even notice that the room was painted a rather horrid shade of salmon! I just stared and stared. Out past the garden and the slightly wonky rail and post fence; out past the neighbour’s land and the lone Lime tree; out to the fields and farms and hedgerows and the hills rising beyond them in the distance. I couldn’t work out why it was so extraordinary, at first. Like the backdrop in a film, or, on a good day, a Gainsborough painting. I didn’t realise that the house sits on a 100 metre high Green Sand ridge, so, when you look south, you see for almost ten miles across the edge of the Vale of Pewsey to the start of ancient Salisbury Plain. I like to think that what I’m looking at hasn’t changed for centuries. That someone in 1710, when this part of the house was built, would have looked down on exactly the same patchwork of fields and trees that I see. But, at the same time, this view is always changing: changing skies, weather, light as the hours and the seasons pass. Every time I look, it’s different. Scroll down and you’ll see what I mean….. The cats enjoy the view almost as much as I do. When I’m photographing it, they often jump up and become part of it. Convenient, because it makes a better picture. Poff is the main Cat in the Window. Nim sometimes gets a look in; and Mousling, cleverly has her own view, from the back of a chair out of the other bedroom window. I love the point in March, when after waking up in darkness for months, I’m woken by light through the shutters. And then, when I open them, the view is hazy and pastel like some soft-focus photograph. When the cows appear at the edge of the field in late April, I know that summer is almost here. They like to follow the sun, so they are there in the morning and when the last rays are hitting the top of the hill in the evening. I enjoy watching them moving slowly through the frame and then disappearing as the sun sets. We get mist in the valley some summer mornings and most autumn mornings. When it sits in the valley like this, it looks so watery that it turns the view into a beautiful sea-scape. The other thing I watch is the Horse Chestnut tree that is always in the right hand side of the frame. Watching how that tree changes as the seasons progress is how I map time. Winter with it fat sticky buds; Spring with its silky leaves so much earlier than all the other trees; high summer with its billowing greens; then autumn with the copper leaves and conkers. In high summer, Poff and I like to do a bit of cloud watching. At least, I watch the clouds and he watches the birds. It’s extraordinary how the clouds change depending on what month it is. In July, it’s all about big, puffy Cumulus Nimbus. The window that frames the view is in the Georgian part of the house which was added, in around 1710, to the main house. I have a thing about Georgian houses (don’t we all?)! Particularly the windows which are so large and perfectly proportioned….. ….And the beautiful shutters, which we discovered nailed in when we first moved here. The room side of them was painted black. True, I swear! Perhaps an 18th Century version of black-out blinds? The light is always extraordinary. My theory is that it’s to do with being on top of a hill, so, when the sun rises and sets, the light is always angled upwards bathing the garden and the landscape in a golden glow. The window faces south, south-east, so I have a ring-side view of the sunrises most days. Look at this one! (Note how Poff is doing his best Scarlett O’Hara…). I don’t think I ever saw the sun rise in London. In the winter, the sunrises are riveting pink things over a landscape turned Eau de Nil by the frost. Fog! I always get excited when this happens, even though it means that there is literally no view. But gradually, the valley begins to appear – one tree at a time. It’s fascinating to watch. I’ve waited seven years to get a picture of the view with snow. It completed the series for me.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T22:21:55Z', 'url': 'https://charlotte-annefidlerlifestyle.com/author/myenglishcountryhouse/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Busting out some JW and friends for day 3 3 3, I get it. Nice move. I have to agree. This would have been a great record, but for the shamefully bad recording. If you check your speakers and stylus while playing a record (and there’s nothing wrong with them), then there’s an engineer out there who ought to lose his job.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T06:21:21Z', 'url': 'https://swoleear.com/2012/01/27/333/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Once upon a time — or maybe twice — there was a gloriously colorful and strange film called “Yellow Submarine.” The 1968 cartoon helped usher The Beatles out of an odd, hectic period for the band and would serve as a gateway for subsequent generations of Beatles fans to come. When “Yellow Submarine” was released in the summer of 1968, the Beatles were bigger than Jesus (or so John Lennon had famously said two years earlier, to plenty of criticism). But things had gotten a little rocky within the group. Their longtime manager, Brian Epstein, had died the previous summer; they endured their first flop, the British TV film “Magical Mystery Tour,” at the end of that year; they alienated some fans with a trip to India to meditate with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in early 1968; and Lennon was heavily into LSD and, in October, would be arrested on drug possession charges with his new girlfriend Yoko Ono, whose constant presence was not always embraced by the band or its fans. Today, Gass thinks of “Yellow Submarine” as a “rite of passage” for kids of a certain age, a way for young fans to be introduced to the Beatles’ music through a goofy story about evil Blue Meanies trying to sap the magical world of Pepperland of its happiness, with only The Beatles’ music able to save the day. But the film presented an opportunity for The Beatles to fulfill their three-picture deal with United Artists, which began with “A Hard Day’s Night” and “Help!” So the band approached the project with as little involvement as possible. They didn’t even provide their own voices to their characters, allowing actors to sub in with dopey Liverpool accents. But the band was on the hook to provide four new songs for the new album, Side 2 of which would consist of George Martin’s orchestral music from the film. Yet the film’s irreverent in-jokes, pun-filled wordplay and psychedelic musical interludes captured much of what The Beatles’ music stood for in the mid to late ’60s. And in its time, it was a colorful oddity. Gass explained that hippies would try to attend screenings on dope or on acid if they could, and younger fans welcomed both the lovable spirit of the film and the weirdness. “Yellow Submarine” found a second life as a kids’ classic, getting a restoration on DVD in 1999. It will get a theatrical re-release starting on July 8 in select theaters. Gass said that Lennon even used “Yellow Submarine” as a way to introduce his own son to the fact that he was once a Beatle. “Its life as a kids’ movie is what has kept it alive and made it so sentimental,” Gass said. In his class on The Beatles, he says he’s met students who adore The Beatles’ music, but still love the film on its own merits.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T18:23:35Z', 'url': 'https://www.thewrap.com/how-yellow-submarine-made-the-beatles-lovable-again/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Know what solar energy can be used for. It can be effectively used for heating – such as for pools and for bathing and for maintaining a comfortably warm temperature around the home; and for electricity. Solar energy used for these purposes can lower electric bills by as much as 50–85%. Know what equipment you need to have installed. The most common equipment used to harness the highly abundant and powerful energy of the sun are called solar panels. Solar panels use silicone crystals that convert sunlight into electric power. You have two main alternatives in storing the harnessed energy: one is through being connected to grid-tie systems which let you stay connected with the power supply of utility companies. These companies will pay you for the solar energy you put in the system. The other is by having your own battery-charging system (this is an okay alternative if you have sufficient solar panels installed). In this case, you will become self-sufficient in energy-generation. Make sure that you inquire with a certified solar panel installer about which option is best for your particular situation. Know how much you will expect to shell out initially. Though you will certainly have reduced electric bill costs, know that you have to be prepared for considerable expenses in setting up the necessary equipment. For example, an off-grid system will typically cost you $15,000 to $20,000. Solar water heating, on the other hand, will cost about $1,500 to $2,500. It’s better if you have the system installed during actual house construction. Generally, solar panels are installed on rooftops and roof decks. Keep it simple! A great way of using solar energy is by making use of natural lighting in your home. That’s why it’s a good idea (if you’re in the process of having your home constructed) to have the windows angled just right so that the sun’s rays can enter your room. This is another consideration you may look out for when choosing which apartment to rent: if it is adequately lighted up by the sun. There you have it! These are just some of the ways you can reduce your electricity bill through solar energy. We are truly in the midst of a “green revolution,” where people are more conscious not just about reducing costs, but helping preserve the environment as well. So why not take part in this green revolution now? Good luck!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T02:44:05Z', 'url': 'http://www.howtodothings.com/home-garden/how-to-lower-electric-bills-through-solar-energy', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
You can make a difference in the lives of the 16 million people who visit Indiana’s state parks on an annual basis and the millions more who visit state nature preserves. We do not exist without you.Operational funds that support advocacy are generated through memberships and donations and maintained independently by IPA. Funds donated for projects may be held by IPA or may be deposited in the Indiana Natural Resources Foundation (INRF) when cooperative and specific funding initiatives are underway. Representatives from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and the INRF participate in an advisory capacity to assist the IPA board in cooperative planning and projects. The IPA does not direct or control the work of local friends groups, but provides the availability of reduced rates for insurance, matching grants for projects and resources training for administrative and project needs as requested. $25 Friends Group. Open to Indiana State Parks or Nature Preserves local friends groups. $75 Organizational. Open to non-profits/organizations with similar missions. *All members receive the IPA e-newsletter and an invitation to the annual IPA Gathering. **Make your contribution of $250 or more to receive recognition on the website (anonymous donations are welcome as well). First time contributors at this level receive a cloisonné pin with the IPA logo to wear and promote the Indiana Parks Alliance to others. Click on the Donate button below to contribute electronically. If you would prefer to print and mail your membership, please download the Indiana Parks Alliance Brochure.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T02:09:20Z', 'url': 'http://indianaparksalliance.org/memberships/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Fine Affairs, with headquarters in Saratoga Springs, NY, is a wedding and event planning company, creating unforgettable celebrations while bringing a fresh perspective to the mix. We are passionate about helping our clients find their own voice for their special occasion. Our events, from society weddings in exclusive locations to progressive soirees, are as unique and diversified as our clientele, which range from Fortune 500s to Non-For-Profit Organizations.
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