For over a decade, S&K Logistics Services has been a key technical assistance contractor at environmental and safety sites around the country, including nuclear and non-nuclear. With an eye for optimization and a focus on results, we bring executive-level ingenuity to complex and diverse projects. We know your challenges and strive to find solutions that improve the process. Developing bridges between project goals and objectives while balancing external and internal requirements. Proactive enhancements to cyber security and software systems with innovative solutions to roadblocks. Planning, budget control, operations, and repair projects for significant site assets. Comprehensive project baseline management and performance evaluations, including risk assessment. S&K Logistics Services is a key contractor for the Department of Energy (DOE), providing expertise that ensures our clients meet or exceed their mission goals and objectives. These sites are leaders in the areas of environmental stewardship, innovative technology, national security, and energy independence. Workers at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Photo courtesy LANL. An Aerial view of the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) project near Moab, Utah. Please reach out with any questions you may have. We're always interested in new projects and teaming opportunities.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T12:07:43Z', 'url': 'http://www.sklogisticsservices.com/technical-assistance/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Copyright © 2012 by Reza Soudagar, Vinay Iyer, and Dr. Volker G. Hildebrand. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-007-178697-3, MHID: 0-07-178697-X.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T23:09:11Z', 'url': 'https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/the-customer-experience/9780071786973/copyright.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
DYK - Your Jobs On Indeed Aren’t Showing Up On Google? Are you tracking these eCommerce metrics? MBA in Marketing = B2B Marketing Career Success? Peter Weddle is a true thought leader in the realm of Recruiting and HR Management. You'll often hear me cite his articles or books. If your job search isn't getting the results you want, stop whatever you're doing and visit CareerFitness.com. This unique site introduces Peter Weddle's Career Fitness program - a revolutionary regimen of activities for building up the strength, reach and endurance of your career. It will show you how to fortify your credentials and power up the way you look for work. A complete description of the career-building resources available at the site. Peter Weddle has been the CEO of three HR consulting companies, a Partner in the Hay Group and the recipient of a Federal award for leadership-related research. Advertising jobs online is vital in keeping up with jobseeker trends. The growing number of specialist recruitment websites is indicative of this. Industry specific recruitment sites are seeking to provide a service that attracts high quality applicants for specialist vacancies. In the current economic climate the battle is on to secure high quality employers and top rankings in search engines to secure applicants for jobs. Comparing online marketing sites from a jobseeker’s perspective should be the main priority of recruiters, paying attention to ease of use and the type of jobs on offer. As a recruiter you should be looking for an online recruitment site that ranks highly on search engines for the type of position you are looking to fill. This is a sure way to find quality applicants. Make sure to advertise your vacancy with an online recruitment site that specialises in a specific industry, and allows jobseekers to browse for jobs by location. There are recruitment sites specialising in all industries, from marketing to aviation jobs. Advertising a position with a generalist recruitment site might get you more applicants, but the quality of the applications could drop due to the broader pool of jobseekers. The online recruitment market reflects the state of the economy, since it shows the number of vacancies being advertised and the number of jobseekers looking to claim the available positions. Naturally there are social factors which also affect the market, such a holiday seasons. It is generally the case that jobseekers are at their most active in the new year, looking for more lucrative contracts after bagging their Christmas bonus. For this reason the specialist online recruitment websites often look to push more aggressively for market share over December, January and February. Simply Marketing Jobs is a UK based specialist recruitment website targeting marketing professionals to fill vacancies in top marketing firms. There are so many resources out there for internet marketing professionals searching for career opportunities. I am a recently laid off marketing professional and I couldn’t believe the number of tools, sites, and resources available now versus my last job search. I got a little overwhelmed because I couldn’t possibly monitor all of these sites and tools on a regular basis so I started evaluating these resources and decided to share my findings with others seeking jobs. I didn’t want everyone to have to go through what I’m going through to learn which resources to monitor and use. So, I created a new JobSeeker101Blog where I have started posting my findings. Being a marketing professional, I’ve been a subscriber to the eMarketingSilo newsletter for about a year. While employed I felt this site gave me a continued pulse on the internet marketing industry. Now that I’m unemployed, I’ve set up a Job Alert so any jobs posted to the eMarketingSilo job board that meet my search criteria are automatically emailed to me. A couple of tools that I’ve found so far that I would recommend are VisualCV and ResumeSpider. VisualCV allows you to create a very attractive online resume, attach additional information about yourself such as references, portfolio items, and links – great for the internet marketer to showcase and sell yourself – and its free. ResumeSpider is a resume distribution service which understands that it’s a numbers game. The more resumes you send, the increased chance you have of getting a response to your resume. It follows the same principles as direct e-mail marketing. There is a small fee, but you get your resume distributed to thousands of Recruiters and direct employers. Have you ever used Paid Search (PPC) to advertise your resume? Where does Google go next? Yes, it's making gobs of money. Yes, it's full of smart people. Yes, it's a wonderful place to work. So why are so many people leaving? (Fortune) -- Sean Knapp had it made. As a young computer scientist, he couldn't have had a better gig: working at Google, the engineer's paradise. He had all the usual perks - a massage every other week, onsite laundry, free all-you-can-eat haute cuisine. Even better, he got to work on some of Google's highest-profile products, including the search technology that is the heart and soul of the company. And he made full use of his "20% time," that famous one day a week that Google gives its engineers to work on whatever project they want. A little over a year ago he and a couple of colleagues, brothers Bismarck and Belsasar Lepe, ages 28 and 21, respectively, did what many of the young geniuses do at Google: They came up with a cool idea, in this case a new way to handle Web video. Then Knapp, who's 27, and the Lepes did something truly remarkable. They expelled themselves from paradise to start their own company. So, you've decided that a career in search marketing IS for you. Sure, your friends, parents, and significant other have no idea what you're talking about when you describe the profession, but there’s money to be made, and you want your share! But, where to begin? Wanting the job is one thing. Being qualified for it, and even finding the right job, are quite different matters. Though it may seem atypical, a career in search marketing requires knowledge and skill. Unproven, you are not bringing much to the game, and since search work is usually tied to measurable performance, being able to perform is essential. It’s important to remember that even though chatter abounds around six-figure jobs, you cannot show up to an interview, spout off some industry jargon, and land one. At that level, there is an expectation of performance which must be backed up by past performance. When the job listing asks for two to three years of experience, it’s not because the company doesn’t want to give new folks a chance, but rather because there’s a responsibility to show a return on investment. eMarketingSilo is dedicated to facilitating the introduction and courtship of internet marketing talent to employers seeking such specialized skills. If you're fishing for bass, it makes no sense to go to a hole filled with bluegill. Whether you're a jobseeker or an employer in the internet marketing field, throw your bait in a pond where the chances are higher that you're going to get what you want! Geographically speaking, Where are the Internet Marketing Jobs? Where are the Candidates? Now, this is by no means a scientific survey. It's a very loose sampling. The queries also tagged a handful of folks that don't possess a core competency in internet marketing. I would have liked to have drilled deeper and implemented some controls, but I don't have the time at the moment. However, these rankings are pretty much aligned with what we have seen over time networking in this field on a daily basis. I'm not sure what high school business classes or university career centers are teaching kids these days, but I see some lazy, boring, and sometimes downright awful approaches to pursuing job openings. I'm assuming these entities are still teaching solid, professional ways to apply for a job- it's perhaps just the people on the other end aren't absorbing that info or simply not listening. It's probably not fair to pick on the younger generation (geez I'm only 30, I can't believe I just said that), because I see bad practices across the board. In case you're wondering, YES, a brief cover letter (in my mind) is necessary when applying for a job. A person's resume is typically a generic document that isn't specifically tailored to various positions for which he or she may be applying. Based on my job description, tell me why your background is a fit for what I need. Give me examples of your past experience that highlight why you're a top-tier candidate. Granted, it's not always the applicant's fault in this employer-candidate dance. I've seen employers who have a difficult time articulating what they need in the form of a job description. Some also don't make the job or company sound very attractive. It's difficult to compose a cover letter at times if the job advertisement stinks. Another reason for custom writing a cover letter... make yourself stand out from the other applicants. Some people think employers don't read cover letters. Sure, that may be the case in some instances. But for me, as a recruiter employed by companies to source and attract the best talent available, I'm getting paid to read your cover letter. I probably receive over 70% applicants without cover letters, not even a single word in the body of the email... just an attached resume. C'mon. Should you attach a cover letter as a file or embed it in the body of the email? Personally, I don't care. When I attach your docs to your file in my applicant tracking system, I need a word or txt file. Now onto resumes... First of all, don't put an objective at the top of your resume. "Objective: I'm seeking a high-paying job in sales at a wonderful company who values their employees and offers advancement potential." No kidding? BTW, that's an actual section from a resume I just pulled. I would rather see a Summary section about you, than an Objective section. Secondly, make your resume results-oriented. Some people simply list their past employers, job title, and functions. That's extremely boring. I can pretty much guess what your responsibilities were based on the job title and company. Tell me what you did to make your company better. Show numbers, percentages, RESULTS! Colleges and universities have been slow to adopt programs tailored to the internet marketing boom. Programs still typically focus on traditional marketing mediums and approaches. While a few institutions of higher learning (eg. Ohio State's Fisher College of Business, course led by Laura Thieme of Bizresearch) are starting to realize the huge demand for people with these skills (mainly from companies begging them to churn out these folks), others still don't "get it". A lot of the internet marketing professionals (especially what I'll call the "first generationers") were self-taught through trial and error. These folks have since passed down their knowledge to subsequent generations. I came across a program this morning that has helped hundreds of new folks learn the trade, as well as aided seasoned vets in honing their skills. Sure, one could hang around the many professional forums out there and pick up a few things, but that self-guided venture can be frustrating and fraught with contradicting theories. I chatted with the founder of the organization, Kalena Jordan, and found her to be knowledgeable about the industry and passionate about helping others understand the nuances of search marketing which will aid them in hopefully achieving a very rewarding and lucrative career.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T03:53:35Z', 'url': 'https://blog.emarketingsilo.com/weblog/candidate_resources/page/2/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Bansko offers a range of hotels and self-catering apartments. The apartment management company T hotels have a good selection of apartments at reasonable rates, and prices start from as little as €10 per person. You can often get some good last minute bargains from Crystal, Thomas Cook, Inghams and Balkan Holidays too, especially if travelling outside of peak season. It is important to check the location of your accommodation as the new resort of Bansko is some 10 – 15 minute walk away from the old town. As the skiing is 10km away there is little scope for skiing to the door, and if you want to be straight on to the slopes you will need to look at accommodation near the foot of the main gondola in the modern part of the resort. This is particularly important for families too as struggling on a bus or walking in ski boots is not a great start for younger visitors! The old town is charming and if you don’t mind a bit of a trek to the lifts there are a few gems to be found. For a taste of the authentic Bansko experience the Dedo Pene Inn is in the centre of old town, a traditional house reonovated into a hotel. For a slightly more expensive option try the Hotel Banderitsa, with its’ popular restaurant and central location. Another central and upmarket option is the Hotel Martin, one of Bansko’s oldest independent hotels, just a short walk from the centre of the old town.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T23:13:04Z', 'url': 'https://www.maddogski.com/resort/bansko/where-to-stay/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Fad is some other kind of collective behaviour that develops over a civilization , a creation or even social category by that a small grouping enthusiastically follow an urge to get a limited interval. Fads are behaviours or things which reach popularity but disappear off. Fads are regarded as fast dispersing abrupt, as well as short-term. Fads consist of toys, clothing, hairstyles, diets, as well as more. Some well-known fads all over record are toys like yo yos , hula-hoops and dances like the Macarena as well as also the spin . Very similar to customs or even habits however more lasting, fads frequently lead to a action or behaviour being considered mentally favorite or even arousing in a peer class group or becoming termed“trendy “ as frequently marketed by societal support systems . An trend has been reputed to”grab on” once the percent of the population embracing it commences to grow into the purpose to be notable . Fads frequently fade fast whenever the understanding of novelty has been now gone. The particular temperament of the behaviour related to a trend might be of some type involving unconventional language utilization , identifying outfits , fad diet plans or tips like pyramid approaches . Besides overall heritage, mass Promoting , Psychological blackmail, Peer-pressure , and also even the urge to”be trendy ” can Travel fads.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T18:07:35Z', 'url': 'http://www.unoamerica.org/trends/fads.php', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Threatened and Endangered Species – Geo-Source, Inc. The wildlife biology and ecology expertise of Geo-Source, Inc. position us well to provide our clients with due diligence services pertaining to the potential presence of federally listed threatened and endangered species, pursuant to the federal Endangered Species Act, as well as state-protected species. Whether needed as a stand-alone evaluation or as a value-added service to an environmental site assessment or wetland delineation, Geo-Source, Inc. coordinates with federal and state agencies to research documented occurrences of rare species, and evaluates existing site conditions and relevant natural resource features for potential habitat available for such species. Geo-Source, Inc. is also experienced in conducting on-site biological surveys for many listed species and can assist its clients in incorporating management strategies to avoid incidental take or impacts to significant habitat. Some planned activities, including those with federal funding or agency authorization, require informal or formal consultation with the US Fish & Wildlife Service pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Geo-Source, Inc. is experienced with navigating this process for many species including listed bats and a variety of aquatic species.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T12:54:23Z', 'url': 'http://www.geo-source.com/our-services/threatened-and-endangered-species/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Agreement on internal budget and finance procedures under the Compact of Free Association. Micronesia (Federated States). -- Federated Development Authority. Includes materials on Federated Development Authority. Add tags for "Agreement on internal budget and finance procedures under the Compact of Free Association.". Be the first. <http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/663469046> # Agreement on internal budget and finance procedures under the Compact of Free Association. schema:about <http://viaf.org/viaf/128951635> ; # Micronesia (Federated States). Federated Development Authority. <http://viaf.org/viaf/128951635> # Micronesia (Federated States). Federated Development Authority. schema:about <http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/663469046> ; # Agreement on internal budget and finance procedures under the Compact of Free Association.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T20:58:31Z', 'url': 'https://www.worldcat.org/title/agreement-on-internal-budget-and-finance-procedures-under-the-compact-of-free-association/oclc/663469046', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Research shows that investing in female entrepreneurs can have powerful multiplier effects as women tend to reinvest the majority of their incomes back into their families and communities — further developing their economies, society and boosting GDP growth. We sat down with John F.W. Rogers, Chairman of the Goldman Sachs Foundation, who explained how recent changes to the firm’s 10,000 Women program represent an inflection point in corporate philanthropy. What do you see as the benefits of investing in female entrepreneurship? John F.W. Rogers: Through the firm’s 10,000 Women program — now in its 10th year — we’ve seen first-hand how providing women with access to business education, networks and capital can have a real impact on economic growth and provide tangible benefits to families and communities. Thousands of women have gone through the in-person business education program, and the results are truly compelling: 70 percent of graduates report higher revenues in their business; 60 percent add new jobs; and 9 out of 10 participants go on to mentor other women — causing a ripple effect in their communities, leading to more widespread opportunity. Earlier this year, Goldman Sachs launched an online curriculum for its 10,000 Women program, a global initiative which fosters economic growth by providing female entrepreneurs with business education, networks and capital. What prompted the recent move to launch the online curriculum on Coursera? JFWR: What we’ve learned over the past decade or so is that the field of corporate philanthropy is constantly evolving, and we need to evolve as well. When we launched 10,000 Women in 2008, entrepreneurship education, especially for women, was still in its nascent stages. It has now undergone an incredible shift in mindset, becoming embedded in many of the universities we have worked with over the years. As a society, we’ve also seen digital connectivity become fundamental to how we work and live, and wanted to ensure that we are leveraging the increase in mobile device usage, internet access and the engagement with online learning. As our firm focuses on leveraging technology, we wanted to make this program no exception. By partnering with Coursera, we’re able to expand entrepreneurship training globally, democratizing access to business education on a global scale, through a digitally delivered curriculum. This free, interactive 12-week course — which is fully funded by the Goldman Sachs Foundation — is targeted to women-owned small businesses in developing economies. In short, we are able to expand 10,000 Women to reach those entrepreneurs we haven’t been able to before. This is a question of opportunity, not capability. What are some of the other hurdles that women entrepreneurs face, and what have you done to keep the momentum going now that GS has graduated its 10,000th woman from the program? JFWR: As we spoke with our alumnae of the program, it was clear that we had an opportunity to further help women take their businesses to the next level by focusing on access to credit. Through our ongoing partnership with the International Finance Corporation, the Women Entrepreneurs Opportunity Facility, which was launched in 2014, reached $1 billion in commitments, over 40 percent above the original target. IFC’s own research estimated that as many as 70 percent of women-owned small to medium enterprises in developing countries are unserved or underserved by financial institutions. The WEOF, which has a strong presence in some of the world’s poorest and conflict-afflicted emerging markets, was created to help address that barrier by providing lines of credit and financial incentives to the financial institutions to encourage lending to women-owned businesses. As Chairman of the Foundation, how have you seen corporate giving evolve over the years? JFWR: While the notion of “giving back” has long been a part of the firm’s DNA as a partnership, we first codified our commitment as a “corporate philanthropist” by establishing the Foundation in 1999. But 10 years in, we had an existential moment where we, as a firm, decided to change course by committing to providing the same level of selectivity, rigor and measurement to our philanthropy efforts that we routinely apply to our business endeavors. As a result, we recast the Foundation with a structure and mission to focus on defined areas for strategic investing — resulting in programs such as 10,000 Women, 10,000 Small Businesses and Goldman Sachs Gives. We’re also cognizant that the government and nonprofits are themselves financially strained and no longer in positions to be the primary purveyor of philanthropic programs. More than ever, we believe we are at an inflection for the future of philanthropy where corporations are playing a much broader role on a global scale — and in a more responsible way — to bring the power of innovation to strategic partnerships.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T08:10:38Z', 'url': 'https://tradinginsider.fr/2018/07/leveraging-technology-expand-opportunities-female-entrepreneurs-goldman-sachs/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
While the 2000 presidential candidates, educators, and others haggle over student and teacher tests, I'm suggesting perhaps the most vital test of all to improve America's schools: a national standardized test for parents and community members. Why not? Consider just how important parents and community members are in educating America's children. If anyone should be tested, why not those who ultimately are responsible for our children? Of course, this idea is pure nonsense, but it would get people's attention, because there is something fundamentally bothering many Americans. I hear it all across America - from people in small towns on the Great Plains, to the nation's sprawling suburbs, throughout the Mississippi Delta, and in urban areas. No amount of metal detectors and hallway patrols can address what parents and the community must do themselves. In a research report my organization did, entitled "Halfway Out the Door: Citizens Talk About Their Mandate for Public Schools," many Americans said they desperately want their children to get a public school education, but feel schools are failing them. Given the choice, and the money, many said they'd consider alternatives. There is more than enough blame to go around on why so many Americans believe schools need improving. But while we play the blame game, and argue over legislative fixes, maybe there is something parents and community members can do to act on their aspirations for good public schools. The start of the school year offers a good time to think about the kinds of standards for parents and community members that would help improve our schools. Here are four fundamental "test" questions to consider based on listening to Americans talk about schools. 1. Do you seek to act as part of a community, or just as an individual? To strengthen our public schools we must act as a community in educational decisions. It is not enough simply to lodge a complaint, answer a survey, or show up at a PTA meeting and voice your individual concerns. Education is a common community enterprise; we must find our common interests and purpose for our schools. Everyone acting as an individual only will create more gridlock, frustration, and schools that seem beyond our control. 2. When you talk about education, whom do you talk about? Too often, Americans tell me, people focus nearly obsessively on their own child - at PTA meetings, when speaking with an educator, or across the fence with a neighbor. All this endless talk eventually crowds out conversations about our children and what is important for our school. Yes, put your kid first; but it is only when we are willing to take part in conversations not just about "my kid," but "our children," that we can even see the larger issues we must confront. 3. How do you put your child first? We all love our children and hope for their best, but just how engaged are you really, for instance, in their homework? Do you often hope that they'll finish up quickly so you can do something else, like watch TV? What kinds of questions do you ask that make your child really think, rather than the old stand-in, "Kid, how was school today?" Many Americans have told me that too often we give lip service to supporting our kids' education and don't come through for them. 4. How are you acting as an educator? There is no school that can ensure that magazines are in a home for young children to flip through even before they can read; that can help a child learn to look both ways before chasing a loose ball in the street; that can wrap their arm around a lonely child who sorely lacks adult attention and affection. These things are critical to raising our children and to their education, for we all know that education occurs not just in classrooms. Each of us - let's start for now with parents and neighbors - can play these roles. To what extent do you truly do this in your daily life and how? Take the "test" yourself. Then post it on your refrigerator and take it again every-so-often to see how you are doing and what you could do. It's vital. *Richard C. Harwood is founder and president of The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, a nonpartisan, public issues research firm based in Bethesda, Md. The institute has a contract with the South Carolina Department of Education and the South Carolina School Boards Association to reconnect communities and schools. First Look Are parent visits to elementary schools nurturing or disruptive?
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T04:38:02Z', 'url': 'https://www.csmonitor.com/1999/0914/p9s1.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The answer is simple: Now it’s time to leverage your shared services to enjoy the best possible benefits from your new structure. In other words, you need to work smarter, not harder. And that means optimising. Well I’m glad you asked. Because below, I outline several ways you can optimise your shared services to get the best possible benefit from them. While internal controls within your organisation are important, have you ever thought about what they’re costing you? For example, in almost every business, all spending over a certain amount must go through an approval process. Similarly, leave requests must be approved by a particular person. However, this may not be an optimal situation. What are the current business processes? Are the business processes common? Is there a better way to carry them out? At Stennett Consulting, we’ve helped organisations significantly reduce their internal overhead costs by reviewing their internal business processes. Sometimes even a very simple change can generate value. For example, by simply analysing the dollar value, number of transactions, and quantities of transactions that require approval, then adjusting your delegation thresholds, you can potentially cut the administrative loads of internal compliance in half. Done correctly, this has a minimal (if any) impact on the quality of governance, but it significantly cuts the cost of these internal controls. It also frees up a lot of time within the organisations that can be spent in other, more profitable ways, allowing everyone involved to achieve more by working smarter, not harder. As is the case with optimising any area of your business, shared services optimisation thrives on data. The more data you have, the easier it is to identify areas for optimisation, and make informed and educated decisions about the changes that need to be made. Generally speaking, you’ll want to gather as much of this data as possible via natural processes, without creating an impediment to getting the job done for your staff. One way to achieve this is to implement IT systems which streamline workflows, and also include features for tracking efficiency and workflow processes. Once you’ve collected sufficient data, analyse it. Look for areas where improvements could be made by simplifying or streamlining your processes. You can also use the data to introduce benchmarks for performance in different areas. Information is power, so use this information to guide your decisions and planning as you implement strategies to allow your staff to work smarter, not harder. Process re-engineering can take you down two paths. The most obvious one is about making existing processes as efficient as possible. But there’s also another, less obvious, path when it comes to process re-engineering. And that is questioning whether existing processes need to exist at all. When taking this second path, you need to approach the question of processes by considering what your final outcomes are. Are there other ways these can be delivered? For example, rather than simply increasing efficiency in order to reduce the average cost per hour for onsite IT support, think first about the final outcome you need to deliver with this process. That outcome is IT support. The question you must ask, then, is: how else could you deliver it? In this example, you may decide that you could migrate some or all of your systems to a cloud-based platform with integrated support, or some other alternate way of delivering the outcome. This would eliminate the need for onsite support, allowing you to offer remote support, and thus significantly reduce the cost of IT support by reducing facility costs, rental costs, and overheads. It may also give your organisation greater surge capability by leveraging a common pool of non-dedicated resources. Another way to optimise shared services is to identify tasks that could be outsourced to lower the cost of labour, or that can be automated through better technology and process design. This is an increasingly popular way for businesses to work smarter, allowing them to better utilise their local staff, and enjoy the other benefits that come from outsourcing and automation. For example, in the finance space, many businesses have chosen to outsource different tasks to take advantage of the significant savings that come when a business uses qualified resources offshore. The market for skilled labour is now well and truly global, and there are a number of organisations that specialise in the administration of business process outsourcing (BPO). At Stennett Consulting, we’ve also noticed a growing trend among more progressive large corporates for utilising freelance services to complete administration tasks. These corporates have achieved significant savings from doing so. Of course, this is not about just about saving money, but also about looking at how you can fund more growth and innovation by re-imagining your business model. While not every task can be outsourced, reducing the cost of low value-add activities, thereby allowing your organisation to invest more money in high value-add activities, will always improve efficiency and profitability. When there’s a lesson learnt, whose responsibility is it to actually make sure your organisation learns it and takes the appropriate action/s? Time and again in organisations and businesses, “lessons learnt” are recorded, then forgotten – usually because there aren’t any resources allocated to implement changes to business processes. To prevent this from happening, you need to set aside dedicated resources for business improvement. This is about having someone around to learn the lessons learnt, and drive the necessary changes to improve business as usual. By making process improvement an internal, embedded function, you can take control of ongoing process reform, rather than relying solely on external consultants (yes that’s right, I’m actually advocating for NOT using consultants for everything). While there’s still a role in your organisation for an external consultant (ok, so maybe I am advocating a little for the consultants), if you’re focusing on quality internally, your consultant can focus on innovation projects, rather than delivering “business as usual” work. This means that both you and your consultant/s will be working smarter, not harder, for better results. Successfully implementing shared services is only the first step in your organisation’s shared services journey. Optimisation is the second step. By implementing the five suggestions above, you’ll be well on your way to optimising your shared services so you can work smarter, not harder. If you’ve set up shared services in your organisation or business: What’s one step you’ve taken to successfully optimise this function in your business? For those who haven’t set up shared services: What’s the biggest obstacle stopping you? Adam Stennett is management consultant with a specialist interest in shared services. In addition to implementing shared services models, Adam has considerable experience in optimising shared services to help businesses and other organisations get the most out of their new investment. If you’d like to learn more about working smarter and optimising shared services in your organisation, or you’d like to discuss specific optimisation strategies for your unique situation and circumstances, Adam can help. Send him a LinkedIn message today. © Copyright Stennett Consulting 2015. All Rights Reserved.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T06:46:47Z', 'url': 'http://stennettconsulting.com.au/sharedservicesoptimisation/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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Boat shaped bookshelf plans how to construct woodworking boat formed bookshelf plans click on here for download full plans that is a sample pdf of boat fashioned bookshelf plans. # kreg bookcase task plans body. Kreg bookcase mission plans body for 16×20 poster kreg bookcase project plans free plans a body cabin a way to construct a wood outdoor kitchen 6 shd 40 percent. nice 14+ boat bookcase plans free pdf video down load. The exceptional boat bookcase plans free download. Find the right plan for your next woodworking project. Taken from past troubles of our magazine.. $2 birdhouse plans.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T23:00:19Z', 'url': 'https://akaik.us/1382/boat-bookcase-plans/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Berkeley, CA 94704 recieved 508 views in the last 30 days. Berkeley, CA 94704 has not been saved as a Favorite. To save this page to your favorites list, click the Bookmark button below. The 94704 zip code is located in the Berkeley community of California in Alameda county. You can learn more about Real Estate in Berkeley CA 94704 below, including current Homes For Sale: Condos, Townhomes, Foreclosures and Bank Owned Properties, Short Sales and more. Our Local Berkeley CA Realtors can assist you with selling your home in California or buying your next piece of Real Estate in or around the Berkeley CA 94704 community. Be sure to check out our FREE Instant Home Value wizard to get a quick report on your homes current estimated value.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T08:06:32Z', 'url': 'https://calocals.com/city/data/berkeley-ca-94704', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Rivelin 2.0 builds on the success of our Rivelin road bike but with upgraded parts all round. Boasting a full Tiagra groupset, a Shimano R500 wheelset, FSA finishing kit and a Selle Royal saddle. The Lost Lad is a thoroughly modern road machine, built for putting in the miles and getting the best out of yourself. Based around Woman’s specific sportive geometry for all day comfort in the saddle. The Stitch is our Urban warrior. Fast, light and tough. The Loxley is our Woman’s specific road bike. Based on the same principles as the award winning Rivelin road bike but with Woman’s specific geometry to give you a comfort and speed advantage. The Rivelin smashes the theory that road bikes are expensive. It is a lightweight, performance road bike at a price that gives you no excuses.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T02:24:50Z', 'url': 'http://calibrebicycles.com/bikes/road/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Take back your torque with Gear Driven Performance by SuperATV. We all know monster tires rob your much-desired horsepower. To keep that ultimate performance and gain an extra 6"Â of coveted lift, you want GDP from SuperATV. You will not chop your axles.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T21:00:07Z', 'url': 'https://www.everythingcanamcommander.com/can-am-commander-800-1000-and-commander-max-6-portal-gear-lift-by-superatv.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
A Recent A/B Test With a Landing Page That Gave Us a 44% Conversion Rate! We did a recent A/B test with one of our clients who is in the Fitness Industry. This was the first landing page we made for our client from Lead Pages. Content: Talks about them being the New Best Gym of the Year, and Best Community Gym. It carries on into a testimonial video that autoplays and Call To Action (CTA) box has a testimonial text in their. This was the second landing page we made for our clients. Changed background to white and made it a squeeze page. Made the testimonial video a woman instead of a man. Content: This talks primarily about what the offer is. A 7 Day Voucher to Free Personal Training and club access. The sub headline tells them exactly what the next step is, how to take it and what happens when they take it. The CTA text tells them what happens when they click on that button that says "CLAIM THIS OFFER." 1.) The text at the top of the ad is the same as the Call To Action on the Landing Page. 2.) The headline of the Ad is the exact headline of the Landing Page. Notice how we include the city in the ad and in the landing page copy to keep it relevant to the users who live in that area. From this lesson it taught us to, create the landing page FIRST. Then copy the content from the landing page and post it in the ad to keep it as relevant as possible to the user. When the user lands on the page, they are not confused in anyway and it delivers on it's promise of content! Download our High Converting Landing Page Checklist that will show you exactly what you should be putting in your landing pages. This was a Night and Day difference. Conversions sky rocketed to 44%! The Landing Page has got to be the most important part of the entire process. I would like to say it is the 80% of the funnel while the 20% may be the actual Facebook Ad. Take a look at the Facebook Ad we created below.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T04:44:04Z', 'url': 'https://www.cpcninja.com/blog/landing-page', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Madagascar posess 300,000 ha of mangroves and about 3,450 kms of coral reefs, including the Grand Reef around Toliara in the southwest (Cooke et al. 2003). Mangrove forests protect communities living on the coastline from cyclones and storm surges, and constitute critical breeding and feeding grounds for diverse marine species. Additionally, they also provide timber and fuel wood for coastal communities, which contributes to their degradation in many areas, along with siltization resulting from the effects of climate change. Small scale traditional fisheries are critically important to food security, accounting for 20% of the national consumption of proteins and the livelihoods of 100,000 fishermen and their families (De Schutter 2011). The effects of climate change on offshore fish stocks have forced fisherfolks to travel longer distances to new fishing grounds, with the associated needs for material and financial assistance for securing the necessary equipment (e.g. motors) to do so; to look for additional livelihoods, and, in some cases to convert to agriculture (CI and WWF 2008). Climate change-induced stresses coupled with over-fishing increase the vulnerability of fishing communities.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T06:16:18Z', 'url': 'http://craadoi-mada.com/fisheries-trade-and-climate-change-in-madagascar/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
PRICE JUST REDUCED! This is a Fannie Mae HomePath property. With 1188 sq ft of living space this home has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room with fireplace, 1 car garage & large backyard. Recently updated with NEW kitchen cabinets, backsplash & granite counter tops, freshly painted interior & exterior with two tone paint, installed NEW flooring & NEW stainless steel kitchen appliances. All NEW dual pane windows. NEW light fixtures. Both bathrooms have NEW vanities & framed mirrors. Located in the desirable Poets Square neighborhood close to restaurants, shopping, schools, bus lines and much more! Attention First Time Buyers: complete the HomePath Ready Buyer homeownership course. A POETS SQUARE BEAUTY!Delightful 3Br/1Ba home in desirable Poets Square. Spacious 3rd bedroom makes for a great master or family room.Sizable and groomed backyard with storage/workshop. A lovingly cared forhome in great shape. New HVAC system (2018),hot water heater (2015) fridge & dishwaher (2017) and commode (2018). Updated kitchen. Low EDP dual pane windows and ceramic tile throughout. Freshly painted inside and out. Mountain views and a covered front porch. Majestic Mesquite tree shades the south side. Minutes to schools, downtown and public transportation. Occupants are not to be disturbed or contacted under any circumstances. Property is As-Is, Close to downtown area, and university. Interior and exterior inspections are not available and the property is being sold as-is.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T18:37:35Z', 'url': 'https://www.professionalchoiceaz.com/area/homes-for-sale-in-poets-square/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Sarcoidosis is one of the main focuses of the AMC and patients are being treated in a multidisciplinary team. Patients can be referred by other specialists like the lung doctor, the neurologist, or the general practitioner for advice on additional diagnostics or treatment. We are a tertiary referral center for sarcoidosis. Below you can find information about the procedures at the outpatient clinic but also during admission. In the AMC at the ophthalmology outpatient clinic we see a lot of patient with sarcoidosis and eye involvement. During your visit of our outpatient clinic we will try to evaluate your complaints and to give you advice concerning diagnostics and treatment options. The specialist concerning the organ that is affected most severely will be responsible for the treatment. Most frequently this will be the lung doctor or the neurologist.br /> The AMC is an university hospital. U will first be examined by a medical intern ('coassistent') and a resident (specialist in training). By doing the anamnesis and physical examination themeselves they learn how to perform the profession. They are supervised by an experienced medical specialists, who will (if necessary) repeat part of the examinations and will discuss the next steps in the diagnostic process or treatment. On follow-up appointments you will most frequently be seen by a resident. You can find the dermatology outpatient clinic in the outpatient clinic building on level A0. If necessary we can perform laboratory test. Blood will be withdrawn at the 'laboratorium bloedafname' on q0.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T18:11:52Z', 'url': 'http://www.sarcoidosewijzer.nl/en/other-organs/department-ophthalmology/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This pub is now called The Lower George Inn. We're really sorry but we don’t seem to have any offers or events for Pig Inn The City. We're sure there must be something happening here but they just haven't told us about it! Please do mention this to Pig Inn The City when you next visit them.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T02:32:58Z', 'url': 'https://www.useyourlocal.com/pubs/gloucestershire/gloucester/westgate/pig-inn-the-city/q/ref-30539/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
"The University Libraries perform multiple roles on campus, supporting the information and reading needs of students, faculty, and staff in the area of classroom assignments, independent learning, research, and public service. The University Libraries also serve as a statewide resource for other academic libraries, public libraries and the general public." - From the Libraries' "Mission Statement" The Libraries' primary function is to provide prompt, courteous, and quality service to the University community irrespective of affiliation or geographic location. Vital to the Libraries' success are innovations within the Libraries, operational excellence, and enabling activity that supports the land-grant teaching and research mission. The University of Arkansas has established two major long-term goals: increasing enrollment by several thousand students, and increasing research across the curriculum. In concert with those institutional goals, the Libraries must begin planning now to meet the increasing expectations of users and the information needs of students and faculty in this growth environment. Our continued ability to fulfill our mission will require from our personnel dedication, innovation, cooperation, and change. Designing, implementing, and refining service in all library sectors is critical in making the library easier to use. Team approaches to service and to technical aspects of librarianship will be a major emphasis in the process of change. Library units, departments, and divisions will become less segmented, and personnel will work cooperatively to ensure that the programs designed and implemented are effective and suitable to the goals and needs of the larger institution. Strengthening skills and knowledge of operations among the library faculty and staff will result in greater efficiency and productivity. All library personnel will be required, therefore, to engage in staff development activities that enhance the work they perform and increase the Libraries' ability to develop new programs and services. The initiatives listed below represent the range of activities identified by Dean Allen and the library administrative group that must be addressed in order for the Libraries to bring operational levels to those of ARL member libraries. Engaging in these activities will better position the Libraries to be considered for ARL membership within a span of several years. The process to be used for a library-wide examination of these initiatives and directions, with the goal of refining the list-adding, deleting, rewording, etc.-is detailed in Part 2. The University of Arkansas Libraries provide access to all relevant forms of recorded knowledge that support the information needs of the University of Arkansas students, faculty, and staff irrespective of a user's location. Analyze needs of users and develop the services and technical infrastructure to ensure that needs are being met. Evaluate effectiveness of existing library programs. Identify expertise needed; evaluate, define, implement, and effectively shift existing staff resources to support current, enhanced, or new programs. Develop and implement a comprehensive preservation/conservation program. Evaluate space requirements for the next fifteen to twenty years, including Special Collections, branch libraries (Fine Arts, Chemistry, and Physics), and remote storage facility. Develop and implement a supportive collection development program, which includes ongoing collaboration among teaching faculty, researchers, and librarians. Provide access to full-text electronic resources in all fields where appropriate. Investigate and develop an in-house program for digitizing the Libraries' unique resources. Develop an endowment and fund-raising program to help support collections, staffing, and capital resources. Develop and document a comprehensive plan for data collection and analysis. Develop operating budget procedures supportive of the collection development program. Maximize buying power by developing partnerships with other academic, research and/or public libraries to form consortial relationships at the state, national, and regional levels. Document all major operational policies and procedures, and place them on the Web as appropriate. Create library departmental Web pages. Create a staff development and in-house training program for library faculty and staff. Create a flexible and understandable budget process including analyses, projections, distribution, and reports. Support scholarly efforts of library faculty. The library administration is in agreement that the University Libraries at the University of Arkansas must undergo an evaluation and planning process that supports University initiatives.The dean, associate dean, and division heads will establish the major directions.In the first six months of the year 2001 all library staff will participate in a consensus building planning process by which we will examine current practices to ensure we have identified all the directions and initiatives that will focus our attentions and will guide our decision-making. The dean of Libraries will gather information from various campus constituents including deans of colleges and schools, associate deans, faculty representatives from each college and school, and the Faculty Senate Library Committee.Information will be shared with the Libraries' associate dean, division heads, and subject specialists. In early December 2000 a library-wide meeting will be held to discuss the documents, solicit input, and answer questions.The dean also will meet with groups of staff with common concerns, e.g., Home Page Committee, subject specialists, etc., to discuss issues and how each individual group's issues relate to the overall plan. The division heads, department heads, and staff will identify and establish the strategies appropriate to reaching the goals outlined in the "Directions" document. The dean will make final decisions on the initiatives in consultation with the University provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. Then, over the next three to five years, the planning process for each of those initiatives will create the venue for setting our priorities and using our resources to achieve our goals of improved services, collections, and access to resources.The associate dean will take the lead in staffing the implementation process, ensuring that all areas of the library are adequately represented.Work on initiatives will be spread over a time frame yet to be established. Service standards will be developed for all areas of the library. The Libraries will collaborate with university offices and departments to ensure that the services provided are sufficient for patron access. Interdepartmental teams shall be established to ensure that selection, acquisition of materials; bibliographic instruction, cataloging and other special skills are in place to effectively meet patron need.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T18:17:07Z', 'url': 'https://libraries.uark.edu/strategicplanning/initiativesandproc.asp', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Madison Region Economic Partnership has compiled data on 25+ economic indicators for the Madison Region. Select a data point from the menu on the left to produce an interactive graph. From this graph, you have the ability to compare the economic performance of the Madison Region to four peer regions (Ann Arbor, MI; Austin, TX; Portland, OR; and Raleigh, NC Metropolitan Statistical Areas), the state of Wisconsin, and the United States. You may also view comparative data for each of the eight counties within the Madison Region (Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Rock, and Sauk) by clicking on the “By County” icon. View the peer region selection methodology here. View the geographic delineations of the Metropolitan Statistical Areas.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T01:55:35Z', 'url': 'http://advancenow.thrivehere.org/data-dashboard/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Blue Goo is the son of Blue Dream and Afgoo strains. Upon consuminng this you will get mild to strong effects. You will tend to become happier and more relaxed, as this hybrid took the best features of its parents. Patients that suffer from depression or nausea should definitely try Blue Goo.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T08:22:43Z', 'url': 'https://www.420portal.com/marijuana-strains/Blue-Goo', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Iron-red agates are the oldest collectibles you can find in Minnesota, if you know where and when to look. Gems among gravel, agates are glacial-tumbled layers of chalcedony formed within pockets of hardened lava one billion years ago. Moose Lake, 100 miles north of the Twin Cities, is the Agate Capitol of the World and home to an annual agate festival. You can find both raw agates and polished specimens during Agate Days. Each year on the third weekend in July, Moose Lake hosts a festival as unique as the area’s glacial deposits. Agate Days celebrates the local rock with a gem and mineral show, music in the park and family activities. If you want to see the largest agate ever found, weighing in at a whopping 108 pounds, you can visit First National Bank of Moose Lake (firstmooselake.com) on Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon. If you are familiar with treasure hunts in straw piles at county fairs, the Agate Stampede has a new twist on that idea. Two dump trucks roll down Elm Street through Moose Lake, spilling mixed loads of agates, gravel and quarters. This activity is scheduled at 2 p.m. on Saturday each year, and it won’t trigger a sneezing fit of hay fever. The temperature in Moose Lake, Minnesota in April tends to be very predictable, so you can generally count on the forecast and travel light. The temperature in Moose Lake, Minnesota in April is somewhat unpredictable, so be on the safe side and prepare for a variety of conditions. The temperature in Moose Lake, Minnesota in April is highly unpredictable, so use the forecast as a guide, but be ready for anything! If you are interested in Agate Days, you might be interested in picking agates beyond the staged street stampede. In that case, you will need a permit to hunt agates in Carlton County. You only need one permit per group, and it gives you access to three county gravel pits. Permits are free, and you can access one through the Moose Lake Chamber of Commerce (mooselakechamber.com). Less than three miles away from the Agate Days festivities is Moose Lake State Park (dnr.state.mn.us). You can explore the park’s Agate and Geological Interpretive Center to learn more about these ancient sedimentary rocks. The park also has a swimming beach and campground if you are looking for a place to stay during the festival. July is the height of camping popularity, so you should to make advanced reservations. Mills, Charli. "The Agate Festival in Moose Lake, Minnesota." Travel Tips - USA Today, https://traveltips.usatoday.com/agate-festival-moose-lake-minnesota-107833.html. Accessed 20 April 2019. Downtown Moose Lake, MN. Taken on June 24, 2006 by submitter. Transparent blotch on camera lens.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T12:38:34Z', 'url': 'https://traveltips.usatoday.com/agate-festival-moose-lake-minnesota-107833.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Toy story is a small installment that released for Microsoft windows. You can also play it on PlayStation. This is the second and the best installment of this series. It works on many other operating system like, toy story 2 game download for mac. Here is an amazing operating system, which is also good. In this screen shot, our player is racing with others. This version has less size that's why toy story 2 action game online is available. Its graphics are not very bad, but this screen shot is not very good, otherwise its graphics are awesome. Here is a guy, which is running, he is our player as well. He runs very fast and download toy story 2 game for PC free and fast as well. You can also see your player's remaining chance. I think there is an evening, but looks its graphics. Now he is walking in the ground. You can see that it looks like a Robot. When you will try to get toy story 2 cheats, then you also see this version reviews. You can also see your player's power. When our guy will hit with something then its power will reduce. You can get this game from tusfiles.net link. Step 1= in-check Ad box. Step 2= Click on Green colour file title area.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T09:41:27Z', 'url': 'https://www.pakurduworld.com/2017/12/toy-story-2-game-free-download.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Be sure to leave your shoes out tonight! Mrs. Roberts’s four-year-old preschool students are ready for Belsnickle! They can’t leave their shoes at school overnight, so they colored pictures of shoes and left them in their cubbies! They are very excited to arrive tomorrow morning to see if they were left any surprises! This is definitely a German tradition. Belsnickles are associated with Krampus, not St. Nick. They are naughty and worship Krampus. Children leave their shoes out with candy for Krampus. Or Krampus will spank them with a switch or take the naughty children away in his bag. My brother was born on December 6 so I’ve learned a lot about celebrating Saint Nicholas Day and the German traditions.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T00:29:56Z', 'url': 'https://www.eccss.org/2018/12/be-sure-to-leave-your-shoes-out-tonight/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Traditional routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) face the high-energy resources consumption due to process of route discovery. In a MANET, a mobile node consumes its power mainly because of message communication and message processing. The power consumption of a mobile node for communication is the highest and the dominant in comparison to what a node consumes for other tasks. In this paper we evaluate the performance of three main traditional protocol of MANET. A discussion and comparison highlighting their particular merits and drawbacks are also presented. Evaluation study and simulations are performed for analysis and investigation of results. Keywords: MANETs; Routing protocols; Ad-hoc networks.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T07:58:39Z', 'url': 'http://cic.cihanuniversity.edu.iq/2017/04/12/power-consumption-assessment-in-mobile-ad-hoc-networks-routing-protocols/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Maybe God does care about me. Not most like to really hate autism. So I had a good, eager note most really pleading to God for help. Most not so like me. I not even like to see anything. Like so much the dark. So much more comfortable in the dark because good to be alone with my thoughts. Really got to not see so much to think my thoughts. Makes it hard, my life. I can see that others not need dark most like I do. So I ask God like so much to live not so dark. Like to live more in the light. Maybe like so hard to be like others that I forget that it is better to really not lose myself. Most not have autism. I have to deal with reality that I have. Most not understand, but God made me, so they can like me or not. I am doing my best like everyone is. At the age of 22 he began expressing his very personal thoughts and feelings more fluently with me (his mom), and it was his idea to begin writing “The Story of My Life” one day. This is this eighth entry to that story. He is diagnosed with severe autism as well as intermittent explosive disorder. He has given me permission to share his story and our conversations. He continually expresses his desire to “find purpose” to his life…I hope his willingness to share will help others learn about this misunderstood condition known as “autism” that has so much to teach us all. Read Part 7: Let's Make the New Year Awesome!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T08:49:17Z', 'url': 'https://booksbytara.com/lots-help-from-god-lately', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
We believe that PE is essential in working students towards succeeding and excelling in their chosen sport whilst creating a nation of young people who are educated in health and well-being. PE lessons at Fulford School are aimed towards all levels of ability covering a range of activities. We have an extensive extracurricular programme that caters for all students’ needs and ability. We provide a variety of trips throughout your child’s time through school to cover a range of contexts bringing the learning outside the classroom. To enable all students to improve and achieve in a range of activities. To provide a range of activities in our extracurricular programme to provide opportunities to compete in competitive situation or perform. To advise and guide students towards local clubs to strive for them to achieve their true potential. To develop leadership skills to enable them to take responsibility in mini festivals, clubs and primary festivals. Enjoy physical activity and have fun. We are very proud of the ethos and work ethic of our pupils in lessons and at external fixtures. They continue to push the boundaries of performance both in lessons and whilst representing school. We as a department are continually moving forward with the demand for high quality sport that our students expect and enjoy. Years 7, 8 and 9 have two timetabled lessons over the week. Year 7 are assessed in the first couple of weeks and then placed into ability groups. Pupils are assessed each activity, these form part of the Pupil Profile Database which generates an end of year level. In year 8 and 9 we tier our sets from the reports and place the students into two ability groups. Develop the student’s techniques and improve their performance in other competitive sports. Perform dances using advanced dance techniques within a range of dance styles and forms. Be encouraged to work as a team developing skills to solve problems. Work on analytical skills so students can compare their own and other performance to achieve their best. Core P.E. is run through a block of options in the autumn and winter terms with students encouraged to have maximum participation through choosing activities that best suit them. Options for both Y11 and Y10 include, Football, Basketball, Netball, Rugby, Badminton, Hockey, Table Tennis, 6 a side football, Dance and Fitness. In the summer term, it is less structured with pupils opting for different sports every week to allow for changes in the weather. However, there is a highly structured extra-curricular programme which our KS4 pupils take part in. Pupils can opt for GCSE P.E. and historically we have always had a large cohort of pupils in both year groups gaining some excellent results. This year we will be running 3 teaching groups in Y9, Y10 and Y11 which goes to show the ever growing popularity of our subject. We follow the AQA course which is made up of theory work and practical coursework units. Results are consistently outstanding with expectations of students’ progress and achievement high. Our post 16 learners follow the BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Sport. The Pearson course is a part-examined certificate with students undertaking vocational based coursework assignments that are set in and around the world of work. This allows for a greater understanding of sport and exercise in a context that they can relate to. Students work through a number of units over the 2 year course and study areas of sport that include, physiology, fitness and fitness testing. The P.E. department is a lively and dynamic department with fresh ideas and vibrant staff, providing our pupils with outstanding provision at all key stages. We are committed to an extensive extra – curricular programme across a very wide variety of sports fully supported by all the department and other members of staff. We pride ourselves on being a very inclusive department where everyone is welcome to join in the practice sessions at lunchtime and sometimes after school. Over recent years we have dominated the football, basketball, cricket, hockey and netball competitions within the City of York. Alongside our extensive extra-curricular programme we run a number of trips during the year. Pupils get the opportunity to watch live sporting events such as the champions league, 20/20 cricket at Yorkshire as well as to participate in residential activity weekends. We also run a water sports trip to the South of France every June which is the highlight of the summer calendar as well as our annual visit to Valencia football club in Spain where our pupils get the opportunity to be coached by their team of excellent coaches. We also run a trip in Year Nine to Wembley and Wimbledon and an Outdoor Educational Residential in Year 8. We are proud of the P.E. department here at Fulford and are always looking to enhance our provision and experience for our learners.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T00:18:47Z', 'url': 'https://www.fulford.york.sch.uk/curriculum-information/physical-education/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
In the unique decorated restaurant “Brasserie des Cheminots” you will feel transferred into a period when the French gourmet cuisine dominated the gastronomic world. Classic à la carte dishes interpreted in a modern way and prepared freshly with seasonal and regional produce at all times will entice you. Every month we suggest a different speciality – also popular amongst our local regular guests. If you are planning a banquet or a private party, ask us and we can tailor your personal needs. Our wine list leaves no wishes unfulfilled and suits every budget, with a large variety of local wines.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T12:28:08Z', 'url': 'https://www.ambassador-brig.ch/en/galerie-restaurant-2/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Charlotte Safety Training was established in 2007 by Brian Coffey. Brian wanted to share his passion for aquatics and decided to start Charlotte Safety Training, a health and safety education company with a focus on aquatics training and the aquatic industry. Developed summer swim programs and teams for numerous facilities in North Carolina. U. S. Merchant Marine Licensed Boat Captain. Aid in development and training of Lifeguards in both Pool and Oceanfront/ Lakefront environments since 1999. Head Coach experience of USA Swimming associated club, Charlotte Yellow Jackets Swimming. Certified Water Safety Instructor since 1994. Member of U.S. Lifesaving Association (USLA). Matt is a 2007 graduate of Appalachian State University with a BS in Physical Education. He has been working in aquatics since 2004, spending time as a Lifeguard, Pool Manager, and Area Supervisor throughout the Greater Charlotte area. Matt has been a Lifeguarding Instructor since 2010 and a Lifeguarding Instructor Trainer since 2016 and has trained thousands of lifeguards in that time. Dawn graduated from Radford University with a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Development & Family Studies. Dawn has spent her career opening and operating child care centers in all parts of Charlotte and currently is the Director of Charlotte Child Development Center. Dawn is passionate about everything involving young children and she is so excited to share her knowledge of child development with teens that desire to be the very best sitters! Leslie is a native of West Virginia and a graduate of West Virginia University. Leslie has worked in the pool industry since 1998. She has been a lifeguard, pool manager, and swim lesson instructor. She has experience with public, private, and residential pools. She has over 17 years of experience as a lifeguard instructor. In addition to her position with Charlotte Safety Training, Leslie is also a 5th grade teacher. Lindsay currently the general manager for Nothing But Noodles in Steele Creek, which occupies a lot of her time. She has worked with Charlotte Safety Training for over 5 years and enjoys teaching lifeguarding in her spare time. As a former competitive swimmer she has also been involved with the aquatic world in some way shape or form for more than 15 years now. Having put her swimming days behind me until further notice, she now lives just across the border in South Carolina with her husband Jonathan. Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Darius has been working in aquatics for 7 years and as a lifeguarding instructor for 2 years. He also serves as a pool manager. He taught many swim lessons as well as coached a swim team. His hobbies include traveling, taking care of his dog, playing video games, and watching and playing sports. Go Vikings! Amy grew up on an inland lake in Michigan, where she learned to swim, ski, sail, and fish. She started working in college as a Water Safety Instructor, and Lifeguard, for Central Michigan University, Michigan State University, Chipwood Swim Club, and Okemos Public Schools. She earned a Ducktorate in Business Management Disney Style from the Disney College Program while working as a Lifeguard at Disney World’s River Country Waterpark and Fort Wilderness Marina. She has also been a summer camp Waterfront Director, Pool Manager, and Area Manager. Amy is a volunteer Assistant Coach for High Point Special Olympics Swim Team and participates in Masters Swimming. Jody is a lifeguard, a USA Triathlon Certified Coach, Fitness instructor and has a BS degree in Accounting. She coaches the Y Dub Tri- Club, a group that trains at the YWCA throughout the year for triathlons and other fitness events. She enjoys teaching and coaching all levels of individuals to help them reach their set goals. She’s passionate about what she does, and hopes that rubs off on other people. Kayla is a 2016 graduate of Western Carolina University with a BS in Communications with a concentration in PR and Broadcasting. She has been in the pool industry for 8 years, becoming an LGI in 2017. Kayla is a huge Panthers fan. If she’s not at home reading a book you can typically find her at the gym lifting weights. Chelsea a senior at East Carolina University. She is a second year instructor but has been lifeguarding for 7 years. She loves teaching and looks forward to helping you have a wonderful season as a lifeguard.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T20:45:13Z', 'url': 'http://charlottesafetytraining.com/about/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Attention all brass musicians! UWF is hosting a FREE Brass day tomorrow (Saturday) from 8:30am to 2:00pm. If you weren't able to RSVP in advance, just show up with your instrument! The event will be held on campus at the Music Building (building 82). This is a great educational opportunity to hear from and perform with some great local brass musicians. All brass musicians are highly encouraged to attend!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T15:02:18Z', 'url': 'http://www.pacehsband.com/home/uwf-brass-day-saturday', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
There are 4 Medicare Advantage Plans available in Marion County AL from 2 health insurance providers and 0 Special Needs Plans available. 1 Advantage plans offer additional gap coverage. The plan with the lowest out of pocket expense is $3400 and the highest out of pocket is $6700. The highest rated plan available in Marion County received a 4.5 overall star rating from CMS and the lowest rated plan is 3.5 stars.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T12:41:16Z', 'url': 'https://www.medicarehelp.org/2015-medicare-advantage/county/marion?state=alabama', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Jessica Lange (“American Horror Story) will play the rich and ostentatious mother of Mark Wahlberg’s in-debt character in Rupert Wyatt’s remake of the 1974 James Caan-led “The Gambler” at Paramount Pictures. Helena Bonham Carter is in talks to co-star with Carey Mulligan in Sarah Gavron’s period piece “Suffragette” for Pathe Films and Film4. Faye Ward and Alison Owen will produce. Ali Larter (“Final Destination,” “Heroes”) has scored the lead in Alistair Legrand’s horror tale “The Diabolical” at Preferred Film & TV. Filming begins in February. Australian actor Mitchell Hope (“Never Tear Us Apart”) has joined the cast of Disney Channel’s “Descendants,” a live-action TV movie centered around the children of iconic Disney villains. Michael Peña (“End of Watch”) has joined “Gracepoint,” the U.S. remake of British hit “Broadchurch”. Filming begins in January.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T11:58:41Z', 'url': 'http://www.darkhorizons.com/casting-lange-carter-larter-hope-pena/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
What are Injections for Arthritis of the Knee? Arthritis is a serious, progressive condition that can cause pain, swelling and stiffness in an affected joint. While there are many different kinds of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two types of this condition that most commonly occur in the knee. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative form of arthritis that involves the cartilage in the knee joint gradually wearing away, until bone is forced to rub against bone. Rheumatoid arthritis, in contrast, is an autoimmune disease that may attack multiple joints at once and aggravate the membrane covering the knee joint. Although these types of arthritis have different underlying causes, they both spur severe inflammation that leads to pain and a limited range of motion. To combat these symptoms, there are many types of injections that may be implemented. Corticosteroids: Corticosteroid injections supply strong anti-inflammatory medication directly to a damaged joint. These injections provide powerful, temporary relief from pain and swelling. Because of the intensity of this treatment, this method is not recommended for frequent use. However, results of corticosteroid injections can last as long as 6 months, which ensures the necessity of responsible pacing is a small issue to consider. Viscosupplementation: During this procedure, a physician injects a viscous fluid called hyaluronic acid into the knee joint. This substance naturally occurs in joints, but is lacking in the knees of patients with arthritis. Many patients experience lessened pain and improved function as a result of hyaluronic injections. The OrthoCARE Institute’s team of experienced orthopedic specialists and medical practitioners is here to support you from diagnosis to recovery. During your initial consultation at OrthoCARE Institute, one of our knowledgeable physicians will carefully evaluate your physical state, medical history and symptoms. We can then create a personalized, patient-centric treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. If you are experiencing mild arthritis, we generally recommend undergoing non-invasive treatments before deciding upon injections or surgery. Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising and using walking supports can reduce the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Additionally, many oral medications may reduce arthritis-related discomfort and immobility. For some patients, however, conservative treatments may be insufficient to bring about healing. At OrthoCARE Institute, we are committed to helping you safely and effectively address your arthritis, so that you can regain your quality of life. For more information about our team, arthritis or knee injection treatments, please contact us directly by calling 972-255-5588 or filling out the form on our Contact Us page. We look forward to speaking with you!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T14:18:50Z', 'url': 'https://spineorthodfw.com/injections-arthritis-knee/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Every employee enjoys perks like free beer, unlimited paid time off and catered meals, but they mean next to nothing if they are experiencing financial issues. The burden of bills, student loans and credit card debt can distract even the best of employees, reducing productivity. It’s for this reason that Sean Condon, a financial planner at Windgate Wealth Management, recommends investing in an employees’ financial wellness. He thinks it’s as critical a perk as there can be. Companies weren’t thinking about this a few years ago, Condon said. And salary is not the only solution. Providing financial wellness tools helps employees feel secure about their future in a way that an increased salary doesn’t. “Often we see companies get into a cycle, where you give someone a raise and they just spend it,” Condon said. “Then next year, guess what? They need another one.” Financial wellness tools can help employees make the most of what they earn. It adds up to more trust between the employee and employer and a less distracted workforce. In the age of job hopping, it may provide the edge a company needs to retain talent. Windgate Wealth recently launched a new website dedicated to financial wellness, or what they call Fi-Care. Here are three ways to help your employees improve their financial health. The most important tool for an employee’s financial wellness is education. It’s a great idea to offer programs like a matching 401K and opportunities to set goals and plans. But if employees don’t understand it, it won’t matter. For that reason, Condon said it’s critical to invest time in educating employees on what those programs actually provide, or work with a professional willing to educate the staff. One of the best ways to ensure a secure financial future is to invest early. The younger an employee begins diverting a portion of their income into a retirement plan, the better off they will be in the future. That money can have a compound effect on future wealth. “Investing early and often is one of the most powerful ways of building wealth because returns can compound over time,” Condon said. And the best way to encourage an employee to do that is to provide a financial planner who can help people understand and commit to those investments. Saving for the future isn’t easy. Whether its impulse buys like that new 60-inch TV or medical emergencies, it can be easy to lose track of your long-term goals. A financial planner can help employees determine what they actually value and stay on track to accomplish those goals, Condon said. They help employees make financial decisions to reach those benchmarks and hold themselves accountable. “Through a process of little steps, you can make a big change toward a faraway goal,” Condon said. But the key is that planning is a process, he said. It changes with the person, adjusting for raises, having a baby or saving for a downpayment on a condo. Ultimately, the financial plan relieves some of the burdens of making difficult financial choices from employees, allowing them to focus more on work.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T00:23:43Z', 'url': 'https://www.builtinchicago.org/2018/04/26/Financial-Wellness-Perk-Windgate-Wealth', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This page displays sold house prices for Catherine Close in Newport. Catherine Close in Newport NP10 consists predominantly of semi-detached houses. Properties on Catherine Close typically have values around £100,000 - £150,000, ranging upwards of £150,000 for larger semi-detached houses. Map showing Catherine Close in Newport.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T02:54:30Z', 'url': 'https://www.newportonline.org.uk/house-prices/Catherine_Close/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
315 Crestwood Court, ALGONQUIN, IL 60102 (MLS # 10153348) | We LOVE what we do! Rare U ranch w/$100K+ in upgrades! Newer roof, siding, fascia, gutters, water heater, trane furn & c/a + humid & air pur! Open flr. plan huge great rm, cust.marble fp, all Anderson windows & patio doors! Gorgeously remodled baths/travertine tile, mstr. heated flr. Elec upgrade 200amp, 5 ceil fans, tech buffs dream home! Audio sys & speakers controls in every rm, 9.2 surround sys, theatre in bsmt 120"screen. Network & home automation centr prof.ins w/CAT 6eCats & coaxial wired for TV & internet. Own will prov. more details.Lower Level feat. rec rm, util & lg stor rem w/crawl. Lg yard, lush landscaping & so many feat. not found in this price range. Close to shopping, schools, express. Ready for quick close. Also avail for sale.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T07:18:45Z', 'url': 'http://www.randyschulenburg.com/idx/mls-10153348-315_crestwood_court_algonquin_il_60102', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Alwars were Tamil poet saints with ancient Dravidian Culture of south India who lived between sixth and ninth centuries and espoused devotion to Lord Vishnu through their compositions, singing love and surrender to the Lord. They come from all walks of life and all strata of society and were born in different parts of the country. They revitalized the Indian religious milieu, sparking a renewal of devotional worship throughout the subcontinent. Traveling from place to place, from temple to temple, they composed exceedingly beautiful poetry to their Divine Beloved, Lord Vishnu, as an expression of their love for the Divine. These four days of festivities and rituals include chanting of mantras 10,000 times, bhajans, and rituals such as a Maha Sudarshana Homam, a fire ritual aimed at world peace (on the third morning), performed toward Sri Chakkarathalwar, who is also known as Sudarshan Alwar. For more details, see www.sssbpt.org/Pages/Prasanthi_Nilayam/alwarfestivalreport.html.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T02:08:21Z', 'url': 'http://saicast.org/2010/20100714Alwarula.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
​The Comms Council in association with TVNZ, is delighted to present this year’s International Effie’s Judge, Mark Earls, (the Herdmeister) at the Effectiveness Function on Thursday 11th October, at TVNZ. ​Mark is a leading-edge thinker in behavioural and decision science who challenges much of the received wisdom about human behaviour. Mark has been a big champion of Behavioural Economics but has also championed the notion that we are social (HERD) creatures first and foremost, that much of our behaviour is shaped by what goes on between us (rather than simply between our ears) and finally that creativity is a team game rather than a solo act. By attending this event you will hear Mark talk about how real advertising value comes from long-term behaviour change and how that requires a better understanding of how human behaviour really works. Mark will give pointers as to how agencies and marketers can find and use a better map to gain a huge competitive advantage. There will be chance for Q&A. To register for this free event, email awards@commscouncil.nz today - spaces are limited and tickets for entry will be allocated. The Comms Council thanks TVNZ for their support of this event. ​​This is a guide to refer to while writing your Effie Award entry. It outlines, section by section, tips for what to include, and an explanation of what judges will be looking for and awarding points to.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T15:16:38Z', 'url': 'https://commscouncil.nz/news/the-2018-effectiveness-function-sponsored-by-tvnz/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Shenzhen, China – The NetScouts Basketball Women’s USA All-Stars (6-1) topped Poland (0-7) for the third straight time in a 68-52 win in their first game action in Shenzhen, the final stop on the tour. The USA gave up 19 points from the free throw line, but in the end they did enough to come out with a victory. The USA All-Stars finish 3-0 versus Poland on the tour. The Americans were definitely a little bit sluggish coming out of the gates after a big win against China in the last city. However, the USA rode solid performances from Cierra Warren (San Diego State – 20 points 11 rebounds) and Deanna Weaver (Boise State -14 points, 12 rebounds) in the win. Warren also swatted away five shots as the USA held Poland to 15 made field goals on just 27 percent shooting. Keani Albanez (Gonzaga) also had a solid night registering 13 points. Rounding out the scoring for the Americans were Alexyz Vaioletama (USC) with nine, Stephanie Lee (Northern Colorado) and Ariel Thomas (Oregon) with five points each and Keena Mays (SMU) with two points. Joy Burke (Arizona State) sat out the contest due to a swollen knee. The USA had problems with fouling (Poland was 19-of-25 from the charity stripe) and not making foul shots (18-of-30), which would have widened the final margin. Warren was very active in the paint and drew eight fouls. However, they did dominate the boards finishing with a 47-23 rebounding advantage against the overmatched Poles. The USA had a 15-2 edge on the offensive boards. USA guards Thomas (seven rebounds) and Mays (five rebounds) were both active on the boards. Guards Magdalena Zietara registered 14 points and Barbara Skowronek tallied 13 as Poland continued to fight hard until the end. The Poles are still looking for their first victory on the tour. In the earlier game, Denmark (2-5) fought hard with host China (6-1) but let the game slip away late as they lost 73-55. The USA All-Stars will try to get their third straight win against Denmark tomorrow night in their final match against the Danes.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T22:44:23Z', 'url': 'https://netscoutsbasketball.com/blog/usa-all-stars-sweep-poland-in-china/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The refurbishment and extension of two schools and a nursery within walking distance of each other, carried out under a single contract. The original Westroyd Infants and Springbank Primary School buildings are Victorian, constructed of stone below elaborate slate covered roofs. Both are of local heritage value, with Springbank located near Farsley Town, a designated conservation area. Therefore sympathetic design considerations were required to marry in with the existing buildings and surroundings. All of the works were completed over a one year period. The largest extension, a six classroom block, took place at Springbank along with a fully phased internal refurbishment. The school remained fully operational during works, utilising temporary accommodation to minimise disruption. Westroyd Infants School and Nursery are both located in residential areas with restricted access. Fully phased internal refurbishments were undertaken and the extensions completed whilst remaining operational. Carefully planned decants took place allowing the phased progression of building works, with the majority of disruptive works being carried out during school holiday periods.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T11:02:57Z', 'url': 'https://www.nps.co.uk/whatwedo/22/projectgallery/93', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
ASDAH’s blog committee is reviewing its policies and procedures and we wanted to share some information with our readers. The first issue concerns frequency. Currently, we post blog pieces on a weekly basis. As we are an all-volunteer committee with different day jobs and multiple volunteer commitments (as our bloggers are), this has become a challenge, and consequently, we will be reducing the frequency of our posts. This was a difficult decision for us to make, as we too sometimes struggle with exceedingly high expectations. But in the spirit of HAES® and overall acceptance, we know that by doing this, we will be better able to bring you the high quality material that furthers your knowledge about the HAES movement, our size acceptance community and the issues impacting and influencing us collectively. Secondly, we want to know if there’s any content you would like to see us cover in the blog. So, feel free to suggest topics in the comments section. Tell us what new content you want to see us add or issues you want to see fleshed out and discussed more. Lastly, we are looking for eager participants to join our team and expand our knowledge. So, if you are currently a reader of this blog and you’re passionate about the Health At Every Size® approach but not a member of ASDAH, please consider reaching out to the community by contacting us at blog@sizediversityandhealth.org so you can be featured in a Building Bridges interview. This way, we can expand our reach beyond our organization to the broader HAES community and discuss topics that are meaningful to all of our readers.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T22:52:00Z', 'url': 'https://healthateverysizeblog.org/2014/12/18/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The core function of the software is and remains the time recording. How roughly or finely the documentation is done is up to the user of the software. For example, you could just record your presence in the company. You start the timer when you boot your computer and stop the timer in the evening when you shut down the computer. You may also book an hour for lunch on a project. Or, you want to track exactly your activities and how much time you spent working. You can either enter the project times automatically via the timeline of Xpert-Timer, or you can track the times manually using the manual entry dialog. Every time stamp can have its own comment. This allows the project history to be documented precisely. For more information on timestamps, visit the Xpert-Timer manual here: "All about timestamps" If you use the automatic stopwatch, you can book the time for projects or tasks with a mouse click or keyboard shortcut. Sometimes, however, the capture can only be done after the work is done. Then you can also enter the times quite comfortably using the manual entry dialog. There are two modes available. You can enter a from/till time, or the sum of the worked hours from a time (of / hours).
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T18:41:22Z', 'url': 'https://www.xperttimer.com/time-tracking', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Round 3 of the alders farm spring league with team colmic. At the team draw I opted to go in section C. The hardest section whereby lower weights are required. Peg 11 was to be my home for the day. I had a nice long margin to my left where I fancied I may of caught. Started off long at 13m fishing pellets. So with this in mind. I decided to look down the edge with this being the shallowest part of my peg and began getting a few bites. I fed micro pellets and fished either a 4mm expander or double maggot on the hook. At 2 o'clock it was clear the whole lake switched off and no one was catching. I thought around 8/9 fish was winning my section and I had 10. So hoped for a good last hour down the edge. Between 2:00 till 3:00 was by far the best hour of my match. They seemed to rock up and I caught 9 in the last hour. Leaving me with 19 carp for 44lb and a section win giving me maximum points. As a team we ended up 4th on the day of which was a difficult draw and this leaves us 3rd overall (I think) so a good draw is needed next round!!!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T20:46:38Z', 'url': 'http://liamdennickfishing.blogspot.com/2016/04/sunday-10th-april_15.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Cold water carping is all about location. Like the Carp in your fish pond they are prone to shoaling up really tightly. So location is key. Small baits and very, very small PVA bags of baits fished on fluorocarbon leaders, in-line leads and fluorocarbon hook lengths; obviously with small size 12’s or 10’s hooks are the order of the day. I am not bothered if I catch Bream or Tench as at least it’s activity – and if we can trick these fish, well, we can trick Carp. Carp will often feed alongside or bully-off other fish in the swim. Do not over-feed the Carp as they do not need much food, just a little to keep them interested. With winter fast approaching, many anglers will be hanging their rods up when the first hard frost arrives, but what they don’t realise is, there are many rewards up for grabs for braving the cold. Here is how I approach my winter fishing. Make no mistake, winter fishing is hard, and choosing the right venue for a winter campaign or even a few day sessions is crucial. A shallow well stocked venue will provide you with the best chance of a bite in the cold, it really depends what you want from your fishing, venues such as Thorpe Lea in Surrey, Sandhurst Lake in Y ateley, and Linear Fisheries in Oxfordshire are all excellent winter day ticket venues worth considering. Keeping warm in the winter will not only keep you happy, but will also make you more efficient and increase your chances of a bite in the cold. Let’s look at some of the kit needed to make winter fishing comfortable. A good sturdy bivvy, with a twin skin to keep the warm in and prevent condensation is essential, a heavy duty groundsheet will keep the cold and the rain out too and generally make life a bit more bearable. Good examples are the Chub Cyfish Mk2 or the Vizor. A good quality 5 season bag is worth investing in if you are planning on doing some serious winter night fishing, a thermal sleeping bag cover will provide added warmth in the coldest of weathers, depending on how much you feel the cold. A good buy is the Chub Cloud 9 3 Season Bag. Couple this with a Chub Cloud Fleece Bed Chair Cover and you can turn a 3 season sleeping bag into a 5 season arrangement. I don’t want to tell you how to dress yourself but it’s surprising how many anglers are under gunned in the clothing department when it comes to winter fishing. More thinner layers of clothing are better than a couple of thick layers. If you do get too warm then it’s easy to remove thinner layers and still be comfortable. The Chub Vantage Base Layer Set when used in conjunction with hoodies and the Chub Vantage All Weather Suit is a great way to keep warm and dry. If you cannot get warm then you cannot concentrate and even worse you might get frost bite in extreme circumstances so always take enough clothes and a few spare in the car just in case the weather changes and catches you out. A good quality petrol stove is perfect for winter sessions as gas stoves can be hard to light in the coldest of weathers as the gas turns to liquid. Petrol stoves will work in the coldest of weathers, and are superb for making morale boosting drinks and hot food! There are a vast array of gadgets and bits of kit to make life more comfortable on the bank. Bivvy heaters, portable DVD players, the list is endless; with the nights drawing in and darkness arriving around 5pm, and first light not until 8am, that’s a lot of dark hours spent on the bank. Make life as comfortable as you can. This is a subject I could write pages and pages on, but for this piece I will keep it simple and suggest a few tried and tested baits. Boilies are the obvious choice but steer clear of high oil content boilies. Your good summer fish meal bait will more than likely struggle to produce in the winter. A good fruity or bird food based boilie will see you right. Nut based boilies such as the Dynamite Tiger Nut ones are usually a good bet in the winter, try your own and see what works for you. High visibility fruity pop ups produce time and time again. Yellow pineapple pop-ups and orange tutti fruitti’s have accounted for thousands of winter Carp and you should always have a tub of either in your bag – when the going gets tough, a single pop up can often produce the goods. Pepparami is a very underrated bait and has caught me lots of Carp in cooler weather. Fished with a mesh bag of pellet and crushed pepperami, often tipped with a fake piece of corn, it can often produce a take when the boilies aren’t being touched. If you have been baiting a few spots around your lake through the summer and autumn, then don’t assume you have to stop once the winter arrives. If you keep presenting bait on the spots the Carp can be encouraged to continue feeding all the way through the winter. Keep topping up the bait and try not to stop the baiting-up. If you do stop the Carp will slow down into a winter slumber and either slip into a semi dormant state, or find somewhere else to feed. 1) Kit yourself out properly – being cold and uncomfortable won’t help you catch fish! This entry was posted in Techniques and Methods and tagged carp academy, carp fishing, ian gemson. Bookmark the permalink. Hi, I go fishing on a lake just near my house where everyone seemes to hammer and catch. When I go down I dont catch a thing but I know my rigs work. What should I do?
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T00:23:28Z', 'url': 'http://the-session.info/2011/12/winter-carp-fishing-basics/?replytocom=10686', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Hi Everyone, thanks for any help. I am used to using VMware (usually essentials) and generally Veeam to backup images. But, I am looking at a smaller site and wondering if I am missing a trick on alternatives (to save money). There will be 1 Physical server (1 physical processor) and only 1 Virtual Server installed on it (Windows Server). Paying for essentials so I can backup images is a bit annoying. I was wondering if anyone had alternatives that mean't I could use the free version of ESXi or... am I missing a trick, is there an alternative to VMware or an alternative to virtualization which could be combined with a backup solution so I could Image the server? I want to be able to restore an image to different hardware (hence why I defaulted to virtualization) but perhaps there are other ways to do this? Hyper-V is free and Veeam works with it. Essentials is only $500, so it's just a matter of determining if changing hypervisor is worth saving that amount. Virtualizing makes it a lot more flexible, so you definitely want to do that. Use Vembu Free VMWare Backup, but not on ESXi, with essential license it should work, and you can use the product free forever. If you want to take backup of VM running on ESXi ( free version ), you can use Free Windows Server Backup using Vembu ImageBackup ( installing the agent inside the vm ), and you can restore as VM in another hypervisor during restore. You have the conversion portability to Hyper-V or VMware platforms. Even you can restore the VM image into another physical server. Nakivo is a great alternative for virtual environments as well. Easy config, and support is helpful and easy to deal with if ever needed. You could also stick with ESXi and just keep it free. For a single VM, the Veeam Agent (free) would be enough. If later you have multiple VMs, license ESXi and buy veeam B&R. Hi Bryan, does the Veeam agent do full images of the VM, that I can explode on another Veeam agent, on another free ESXi box? Can i schedule the backups? as far as I know, you cannot backup the VMware free... because needed tool and API is locked in the free version of VMware. Basically, all backup vendors who are saying that you can backup Virtual Machine in ESXi free with our solution are using hidden PowerCLI commands to make snapshot and copy vhdx. You can take a look at NAKIVO and their KB article here. Also, take a look at this one. Did you consider simply installing backup agents inside the VM(-s) in question? I am certain that most vendors (including us) support agent-based backups as well as agentless ones.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T00:18:54Z', 'url': 'https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2199209-backup-solution-around-vmware-alternatives', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
If you are importing, exporting or redering it would be nice to see the percentage of how far it is or even how much time it takes. It isn't even showing a progress on any sort unless I exit the program and wait for it to update the Windows 10 taskbar icon with its current % complete amount. That slows the program down by not having it as the active window just to check the percent it has done. It would be less CPU cycles for them to pop open a miniature dialog showing a dial + percent complete for all tasking currently being done.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T08:10:06Z', 'url': 'https://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family/topics/lightroom_display_progress_in_percent_or_time_left', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
IBM researchers have developed a new class of solar-powered electricity-generating cells that they claim will bring photovoltaic cells closer to cost parity with conventional energy sources. The researchers from IBM's T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York have published their findings in a paper entitled "High-Efficiency Solar Cell with Earth-Abundant Liquid-Processed Absorber," available here (PDF). The materials used in the new cell are copper, zinc, tin, selenium, and sulfur - the latter two "earth-abundant" materials being in a chalcogenide compound, key to the photovoltaic properties of the cell. The use of these materials bypasses problems inherent in the more-common components of solar cells. The heavy metal cadmium, for example, has toxicity complications, and indium and tellurium (also a chalcogen) are rare and therefore unable to support, as the paper says, more than "a small fraction of our growing energy needs, which are expected to double to 27TW by 2050." Another advantage of the new cell is that it's manufactured using a simple, non-vacuum process based on what the researchers call a "slurry-based coating method" that allows the photovoltaic layer to be applied by printing, spraying, spin-coating, or other liquid-based techniques.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T06:32:01Z', 'url': 'https://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/02/12/earth_abundant_solar_cells/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Submitted personal data shall be processed by „Unibaltic” ltd based in Tama Pomorzańska 14 E str., 70-030 Szczecin, entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Courts Register under KRS 0000115954, NIP 9551814329, REGON 811142169, tel. 91-432-52-40, email: info@unibaltic.pl , http://www.unibaltic.pl acting as personal data administrator (hereafter referred to as „Administrator”). our personal data shall be processed according to provisions of the 29th August 1997 personal data protection act (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2014, item 1182) and 1997 European Parliament and Council regulation on personal data and free flow of such data as well as repealing directives 95/46/WE (general regulation on data protection) – OJEUL.2016.119.1 dated 4th May 2016 („RODO”). Submission of personal data does not comprise statutory duty - it is voluntary, although it is necessary to effectively apply via the Administrator's website and subsequently conclude and fulfill an agreement. Failure to submit one's personal data shall result in inability to conclude an agreement or receive employment offers or other information. Acquired personal data shall by retained for the period necessary to carry out the recruitment process, 6 months from the beginning of the recruitment process/submission of application, and in the case of consent for future recruitment - until the consent is withdrawn. Your personal data processed for the purposes of tax and record keeping obligations, shall be retained for the period of 6 years from the date of the implementation of the agreement, and in the case of proceedings before competent public administration or court - for the period of such proceedings. Some personal data processed by the Administrator in relation to using the Administrator's website may be processed in an automated way and used for profiling, that is, determining your preferences and preparing employment and other offers to best suit your needs, as well as for the purpose of future recruitment within the scope of employment and human resources services offered by the Administrator to the contractors, including companies of the Unibaltic Group. You may lodge an objection with the Administrator regarding the use of your personal data for profiling purposes. The Administrator is authorized to authenticate the identity of the person submitting such statement.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T09:00:48Z', 'url': 'https://www.unibaltic.pl/en/company/privacy-policy', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This module provides an interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat. As in expat, a single instance of the parser can only parse one document. Calls to parsestring after the first for a given instance will die. Expat (and XML::Parser::Expat) are event based. As the parser recognizes parts of the document (say the start or end of an XML element), then any handlers registered for that type of an event are called with suitable parameters. The protocol encoding name. The default is none. The expat built-in encodings are: UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, UTF-16, and US-ASCII. Other encodings may be used if they have encoding maps in one of the directories in the @Encoding_Path list. Setting the protocol encoding overrides any encoding in the XML declaration. When this option is given with a true value, then the parser does namespace processing. By default, namespace processing is turned off. When it is turned on, the parser consumes xmlns attributes and strips off prefixes from element and attributes names where those prefixes have a defined namespace. A name's namespace can be found using the namespace method and two names can be checked for absolute equality with the eq_name method. Normally, the parser will try to expand references to entities defined in the internal subset. If this option is set to a true value, and a default handler is also set, then the default handler will be called when an entity reference is seen in text. This has no effect if a default handler has not been registered, and it has no effect on the expansion of entity references inside attribute values. This option takes a string value. When this string is found alone on a line while parsing from a stream, then the parse is ended as if it saw an end of file. The intended use is with a stream of xml documents in a MIME multipart format. The string should not contain a trailing newline. When this option is defined, errors are reported in context. The value of ErrorContext should be the number of lines to show on either side of the line in which the error occurred. Unless standalone is set to ``yes'' in the XML declaration, setting this to a true value allows the external DTD to be read, and parameter entities to be parsed and expanded. The base to use for relative pathnames or URLs. This can also be done by using the base method. This method registers handlers for the various events. If no handlers are registered, then a call to parsestring or parsefile will only determine if the corresponding XML document is well formed (by returning without error.) This may be called from within a handler, after the parse has started. Setting a handler to something that evaluates to false unsets that handler. This method returns a list of type, handler pairs corresponding to the input. The handlers returned are the ones that were in effect before the call to setHandlers. This event is generated when an XML start tag is recognized. Parser is an XML::Parser::Expat instance. Element is the name of the XML element that is opened with the start tag. The Attr & Val pairs are generated for each attribute in the start tag. This event is generated when an XML end tag is recognized. Note that an XML empty tag (<foo/>) generates both a start and an end event. There is always a lower level start and end handler installed that wrap the corresponding callbacks. This is to handle the context mechanism. A consequence of this is that the default handler (see below) will not see a start tag or end tag unless the default_current method is called. This event is generated when non-markup is recognized. The non-markup sequence of characters is in String. A single non-markup sequence of characters may generate multiple calls to this handler. Whatever the encoding of the string in the original document, this is given to the handler in UTF-8. This event is generated when a processing instruction is recognized. This event is generated when a comment is recognized. This is called at the start of a CDATA section. This is called at the end of a CDATA section. This is called for any characters that don't have a registered handler. This includes both characters that are part of markup for which no events are generated (markup declarations) and characters that could generate events, but for which no handler has been registered. Whatever the encoding in the original document, the string is returned to the handler in UTF-8. This is called for a declaration of an unparsed entity. Entity is the name of the entity. Base is the base to be used for resolving a relative URI. Sysid is the system id. Pubid is the public id. Notation is the notation name. Base and Pubid may be undefined. This is called for a declaration of notation. Notation is the notation name. Base is the base to be used for resolving a relative URI. Sysid is the system id. Pubid is the public id. Base, Sysid, and Pubid may all be undefined. This is called when an external entity is referenced. Base is the base to be used for resolving a relative URI. Sysid is the system id. Pubid is the public id. Base, and Pubid may be undefined. This handler should either return a string, which represents the contents of the external entity, or return an open filehandle that can be read to obtain the contents of the external entity, or return undef, which indicates the external entity couldn't be found and will generate a parse error. If an open filehandle is returned, it must be returned as either a glob (*FOO) or as a reference to a glob (e.g. an instance of IO::Handle). The parser will close the filehandle after using it. This is called when an entity is declared. For internal entities, the Val parameter will contain the value and the remaining three parameters will be undefined. For external entities, the Val parameter will be undefined, the Sysid parameter will have the system id, the Pubid parameter will have the public id if it was provided (it will be undefined otherwise), the Ndata parameter will contain the notation for unparsed entities. If this is a parameter entity declaration, then a '%' will be prefixed to the name. Note that this handler and the Unparsed handler above overlap. If both are set, then this handler will not be called for unparsed entities. The element handler is called when an element declaration is found. Name is the element name, and Model is the content model as a string. This handler is called for each attribute in an ATTLIST declaration. So an ATTLIST declaration that has multiple attributes will generate multiple calls to this handler. The Elname parameter is the name of the element with which the attribute is being associated. The Attname parameter is the name of the attribute. Type is the attribute type, given as a string. Default is the default value, which will either be ``#REQUIRED'', ``#IMPLIED'' or a quoted string (i.e. the returned string will begin and end with a quote character). If Fixed is true, then this is a fixed attribute. This handler is called for DOCTYPE declarations. Name is the document type name. Sysid is the system id of the document type, if it was provided, otherwise it's undefined. Pubid is the public id of the document type, which will be undefined if no public id was given. Internal is the internal subset, given as a string. If there was no internal subset, it will be undefined. Internal will contain all whitespace, comments, processing instructions, and declarations seen in the internal subset. The declarations will be there whether or not they have been processed by another handler (except for unparsed entities processed by the Unparsed handler). However, comments and processing instructions will not appear if they've been processed by their respective handlers. This handler is called for xml declarations. Version is a string containg the version. Encoding is either undefined or contains an encoding string. Standalone will be either true, false, or undefined if the standalone attribute is yes, no, or not made respectively. Return the URI of the namespace that the name belongs to. If the name doesn't belong to any namespace, an undef is returned. This is only valid on names received through the Start or End handlers from a single document, or through a call to the generate_ns_name method. In other words, don't use names generated from one instance of XML::Parser::Expat with other instances. Return true if name1 and name2 are identical (i.e. same name and from the same namespace.) This is only meaningful if both names were obtained through the Start or End handlers from a single document, or through a call to the generate_ns_name method. Return a name, associated with a given namespace, good for using with the above 2 methods. The namespace argument should be the namespace URI, not a prefix. When called from a start tag handler, returns namespace prefixes declared with this start tag. If called elsewere (or if there were no namespace prefixes declared), it returns an empty list. Setting of the default namespace is indicated with '#default' as a prefix. Return the uri to which the given prefix is currently bound. Returns undef if the prefix isn't currently bound. Use '#default' to find the current binding of the default namespace (if any). Return a list of currently bound namespace prefixes. The order of the the prefixes in the list has no meaning. If the default namespace is currently bound, '#default' appears in the list. Returns the string from the document that was recognized in order to call the current handler. For instance, when called from a start handler, it will give us the the start-tag string. The string is encoded in UTF-8. Returns the verbatim string from the document that was recognized in order to call the current handler. The string is in the original document encoding. When called from a handler, causes the sequence of characters that generated the corresponding event to be sent to the default handler (if one is registered). Use of this method is deprecated in favor the recognized_string method, which you can use without installing a default handler. Concatenate onto the given message the current line number within the XML document plus the message implied by ErrorContext. Then croak with the formed message. Concatenate onto the given message the current line number within the XML document plus the message implied by ErrorContext. Then carp with the formed message. Returns the line number of the current position of the parse. Returns the column number of the current position of the parse. Returns the current position of the parse. Returns the current value of the base for resolving relative URIs. If NEWBASE is supplied, changes the base to that value. Returns a list of element names that represent open elements, with the last one being the innermost. Inside start and end tag handlers, this will be the tag of the parent element. Returns the name of the innermost currently opened element. Inside start or end handlers, returns the parent of the element associated with those tags. Returns true if NAME is equal to the name of the innermost currently opened element. If namespace processing is being used and you want to check against a name that may be in a namespace, then use the generate_ns_name method to create the NAME argument. Returns the number of times the given name appears in the context list. If namespace processing is being used and you want to check against a name that may be in a namespace, then use the generate_ns_name method to create the NAME argument. Returns the size of the context list. Returns an integer that is the depth-first visit order of the current element. This will be zero outside of the root element. For example, this will return 1 when called from the start handler for the root element start tag. INDEX is an integer that represents an element index. When this method is called, all handlers are suspended until the start tag for an element that has an index number equal to INDEX is seen. If a start handler has been set, then this is the first tag that the start handler will see after skip_until has been called. Returns a string that shows the current parse position. LINES should be an integer >= 0 that represents the number of lines on either side of the current parse line to place into the returned string. Returns TEXT with markup characters turned into character entities. Any additional characters provided as arguments are also turned into character references where found in TEXT. The SOURCE parameter should either be a string containing the whole XML document, or it should be an open IO::Handle. Only a single document may be parsed for a given instance of XML::Parser::Expat, so this will croak if it's been called previously for this instance. Parses the given string as an XML document. Only a single document may be parsed for a given instance of XML::Parser::Expat, so this will die if either parsestring or parsefile has been called for this instance previously. This method is deprecated in favor of the parse method. Parses the XML document in the given file. Will die if parsestring or parsefile has been called previously for this instance. NO LONGER WORKS. To find out if an attribute is defaulted please use the specified_attr method. When the start handler receives lists of attributes and values, the non-defaulted (i.e. explicitly specified) attributes occur in the list first. This method returns the number of specified items in the list. So if this number is equal to the length of the list, there were no defaulted values. Otherwise the number points to the index of the first defaulted attribute name. Unsets all handlers (including internal ones that set context), but expat continues parsing to the end of the document or until it finds an error. It should finish up a lot faster than with the handlers set. Normally, higher level calls handle this for you, but if you are using XML::Parser::Expat directly, then it's your responsibility to call it. Feed expat more text to munch on. Tell expat that it's gotten the whole document. Load an external encoding. ENCODING is either the name of an encoding or the name of a file. The basename is converted to lowercase and a '.enc' extension is appended unless there's one already there. Then, unless it's an absolute pathname (i.e. begins with '/'), the first file by that name discovered in the @Encoding_Path path list is used. The encoding in the file is loaded and kept in the %Encoding_Table table. Earlier encodings of the same name are replaced. This function is automaticly called by expat when it encounters an encoding it doesn't know about. Expat shouldn't call this twice for the same encoding name. The only reason users should use this function is to explicitly load an encoding not contained in the @Encoding_Path list. Larry Wall <larry@wall.org> wrote version 1.0. Clark Cooper <coopercc@netheaven.com> picked up support, changed the API for this version (2.x), provided documentation, and added some standard package features.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T15:29:59Z', 'url': 'http://doc.sumy.ua/prog/ActivePerl/site/lib/XML/Parser/Expat.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
What is The Real Purpose of Life According to Islam? Looking for Perfect Hajj and Umrah Deals 2019? Fill the form below and our representative will be in touch with you. What is the Proper Hajj Clothing? If you happen to find a cheaper available price, we will beat it! The Price Beat Guarantee Policy is not only to match the competition but also to beat the price by $10 per adult and $5 per child. © 2019 International Link Tours All rights reserved.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T00:51:01Z', 'url': 'https://www.ilinktours.com/blog/category/general/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Home page, Farkham Hall for prople living in Merseyside. Do you ever want to sit in your own stately home and just shut the doors so that the rest of the world knows they must leave you in peace for a short while? By building your own Farkham Hall in the Merseyside area you can create your very own country e-state of mind. The building can be as grand or as modest as you wish, with just the right amount of bedrooms, dining halls, libraries, studies, reception areas and sweeping staircases as you wish. The design is entirely up to you, and can be created anywhere you like with no need for planning permission, or bang on your doorstep in in Merseyside. If you are a solicitor in MerseysideFarkham HallMerseysideNo matter how much the boss is getting on your case, or how demanding your family is being, you can simply put up two fingers, close your eyes and breathe the words ?Farkham Hall? along with a huge sigh of relief. Even better, you can save yourself the trouble of saying the words by proudly displaying them on one of our exclusive teeshirts. Available from the onlline shop, by phoning us, or in the race paddock, take this opportunity to show the world what to do, while you support our bike racing team in the Yamaha Past Masters series. For people interested in Home in Merseyside.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T14:34:45Z', 'url': 'https://www.farkhamhall.co.uk/page_1.php?pgenme=home&location=merseyside', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Online learning at Northampton Community College provides you with a flexible, affordable option to fit your life. Choose from more than 16 programs offered 100% online. Get started today! Register now to enroll in an online class.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T22:01:51Z', 'url': 'https://northampton.edu/academics/online-classes/getting-started.htm', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
You can send your fax from the XenFax mobile app or by logging in the XenFax website from your browser. Once you login to your XenFax account, go to Inbox and click on the fax number you want to send a fax from. Now click on the Send Fax button and enter your recipient’s fax number. In mobile app, you can also select them directly from your contacts. You can either upload the file from your system or from your Drop Box, Google Drive, Box and One Drive account. You can edit your document by adding text, date, checkmark, signature and initials. Now add a cover letter and click on Send.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T16:30:43Z', 'url': 'https://help.xenvoice.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011493254-How-to-send-a-fax-with-XenFax-', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
While browsing through the Summer Under the Stars lineup for today, I saw that Ball of Fire, a delightfully unique screwball comedy with one very catchy musical number that I find myself singing often, was on tap for this evening. I knew that I had to write an entry on it, as it is indeed a fascinating film and ahead of its time in many ways. Dealing at once with intellectualism, gangsters, burlesque, and romance, featuring a snappy script complete with endless slang terms from the era, Ball of Fire is a movie lover’s smorgasbord, with a little something to suit everyone’s taste! The drummer here is making a cameo appearance. Widely known and popular for their big band sound, this is the famous Gene Krupa and his orchestra. One of my favorite parts of the whole movie is how Krupa plays the matchbox like a drum at the end of this video, as the rest of the audience whispers the song. It reminds me of something Bob Fosse might have dreamed up some 30 years later. With this number enters the character of Sugarpuss O’Shea (Barbara Stanwyck), with whom Professor Potts is very taken for her prolific use of slang. He decides to go backstage and ask Sugarpuss if she would be willing to take part in his project, but as we soon learn, Sugarpuss is a gangster’s moll whose boyfriend, Joe Lilac, is being linked to a murder case. When she hears a man knocking on the door wanting to talk to her, she is convinced that it is in relation to Joe and talks to Professor Potts in a very suspicious way. He is entranced with her usage of slang and though she keeps telling him she is not interested (“Shove in your clutch” is a phrase Professor Potts is most taken with), he leaves his card for her in case she ever is. Those protecting Joe Lilac are concerned that if Sugarpuss were to go back to her apartment, the police would find her and make her talk. As they try to think about where to put her for the night so the police won’t know her whereabouts, Sugarpuss pulls out Professor Potts’ card, and the decision is made for her to go there for the night. She goes under the guise of being legitimately interested in Professor Potts’ investigation, and ends up staying much longer than the initial night. Meanwhile, Joe Lilac is poised to marry her due to the fact that she wouldn’t be forced to testify against him. The protectors show up with a huge engagement ring, and though they downplay the not having to testify bit (one of my favorite lines is “He gets more bang outta you than any girl he ever met!”), it is clear that avoiding prosecution is his primary motive. However, what complicates things is that Professor Potts is beginning to fall in love with her. Eventually, the professor proposes and Sugarpuss is officially engaged to two men. Through a series of circumstances, Sugarpuss is driven to Joe to be married along with Professor Potts and the rest of the professors in the house, but they all, including Professor Potts, think that Sugarpuss and the professor are going to be the ones having the wedding, not Sugarpuss and Joe. Once the professor finds out, he leaves Sugarpuss in anger and she is forced toward Joe. By this point, Sugarpuss really has fallen for the professor, and how exactly she gets out of her entanglement with Joe is what takes up the last 15 minutes of the movie. I don’t usually like to spend too much time rehashing a film’s plot, preferring to leave more room for analysis, but the way this film unravels is truly like yarn–one thing leads to another, and in order to bring the character of the film into focus, the details of the plot are important to impart. In fact, the route of this plot is very typical of the comedies of Billy Wilder, who co-wrote the screenplay. When Ball of Fire is compared to a later Billy Wilder film such as Some Like it Hot (1959), the way the story unfolds is very similar. Though today is technically Gary Cooper day on TCM, I think this is Barbara Stanwyck’s film, through and through. The real-life Barbara Stanwyck was a tough Brooklyn gal who grew up in poverty on the streets of New York, and that common slang of Sugarpuss O’Shea was her own way of speaking. I don’t think anyone else in Hollywood at that time could have been better for the part. The way she carries herself and even the way she walks is pitch perfect for the part she plays. Stanwyck as a young girl in Brooklyn. The others who steal the show are the absolutely adorable professors who share the house with Bertram Potts. Played notably by S.Z. “Cuddles” Sakall, Henry Travers, and Richard Haydn, they do such things as mapping out the steps to the conga through an algorithm, and after crashing the car into a sign, explaining that by the theory of relativity that it was the sign who crashed into them. The presence of Sugarpuss in the professors’ house was supposed to be reminiscent of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and the professors certainly honed the sweet and slightly otherworldly quality of the dwarves. I get a huge kick out of this movie, and truth be told I have never met one person who didn’t love it. It’s just one of those movies that is universally liked and appreciated. If you haven’t seen it, it plays on TCM fairly frequently. Here is Sugarpuss O’Shea in a great scene teaching the professors how to dance the conga. Thanks for reading! And don’t forget to tune in later this week for my coverage of Cinecon, starting Thursday. I’ll enable live-tweeting again, as I think that was a good way to keep you informed up to the minute! This entry was posted in Lara Gabrielle Fowler and tagged ball of fire, barbara stanwyck, gary cooper, summer under the stars, tcm. Bookmark the permalink. Such a great film! Thanks for your review. It truly is Stanwyck’s film. I never thought about the “Ball of Fire” and “Snow White” connection. Nice job !!!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T04:50:37Z', 'url': 'https://backlots.net/2012/08/27/summer-under-the-stars-blogathon-ball-of-fire-1941/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Here's a memory trick: the Denominator is the bottom, or Down number in a fraction -- and both Denominator and Down start with the letter D. No reduction is possible, so we have found the answer! How do we do that? Simple! Remember, if you multiply the top and bottom of a fraction by the same number, it doesn't affect the value of the fraction. Example 2: If we have the fraction 2/3, we could multiply top and bottom by 5, and not change its value: (5/5) x (2/3) = 10/15. Then if we reduce 10/15, we still get the original number, 2/3. Why does this work? Because any number divided by itself equals one. 2/2 = 1, 5/5 = 1, etc. And any number multiplied by 1 equals itself! The point is, you don't change the value of a fraction if you multiply its top and bottom numbers by the same number! You can only subtract fractions which have the same denominator, so you must first change one or both of the fractions to end up with two fractions having a common denominator. The easiest way to do this, is to simply select the opposite fraction's denominator to use as a top and bottom multiplier. These two fractions (8/12 and 3/12) have common denominators - the number 12 on the bottom of the fraction. These two fractions (21/35 and 10/35) have common denominators -- the number 35 on the bottom of the fraction. Got it? Great! Then go to the SuperKids Math Worksheet Creator for Basic Fractions, and give it a try! [Questions?] Make this your browser's home page!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T08:13:24Z', 'url': 'https://superkids.com/aweb/tools/math/fraction/commond/subtract.shtml', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
to see if your facility qualifies for membership. Click here for the French version. Please also read the Membership Requirements of the CAAASF – click here to download. Facilities wishing to apply for membership with the CAAASF must send a letter in writing requesting an inspection plus a cheque to cover the initial inspection fee: $750.00. Alternately, please email your letter to the CAAASF. Once the CAAASF has received your letter and payment, they will send you a detailed checklist/questionnaire that you are to fill out with preliminary information for the inspector, i.e. floor plan, list of staff and their qualifications, procedure list. Your list will then be sent to the CAAASF inspector for review before he/she arranges an inspection. The balance of the checklist/ questionnaire booklet is filled out by the inspector at your site. Associate Membership is also available to those clinics who have been approved and inspected by their provincial Colleges. The annual membership fee for Associate Membership is $250.00. Please contact the office info@caaasf.org for further information.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T04:39:13Z', 'url': 'https://caaasf.org/membership-info', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The domain Hadlen.com was registered n/a. The website is ranked n/a in the world . There are more than n/a visitors and the pages are viewed up to n/a times for every day. Usually, it takes n/a seconds for the visitors to open the website. Based on current visitor traffic, you will know that the advertising revenue on the website will be able to reach n/a USD per day. The server of the website is being hosted in n/a. The chart below shows how many visitors visited the website Hadlen.com every day for the past 90 days. The last record was on n/a, and about n/a visitors visited this site. Which search keywords send traffic to the website Hadlen.com? Through the chart below, you will know that there are a lot of visitors to this site by searching the keyword "n/a", about n/a visitors per day. Top n/a keywords are displayed here. Where are the visitors who visited the website Hadlen.com? Through the map below, you will know that most of the visitors to this site are from n/a, about n/a visitors per day. Top n/a countries/regions are displayed here. Which subdomains visitors often go on Hadlen.com? Through the chart below, you will know that the subdomain n/a is very popular, about n/a visitors per day. Top n/a subdomains are displayed here. Here is the domain information about Hadlen.com. Through the table below, you will know that the domain name was registered on n/a and will expire on n/a, and was registered on the website n/a, etc. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system for computers, services, or other resources connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities. The table below shows the DNS record for the domain name Hadlen.com. A normalized 100-point score representing the likelihood of a domain to rank well in search engine results. A high score indicates that the website is very popular with visitors. The domain authority score of the domain name Hadlen.com is n/a, and the page authority score is n/a. What subdomains does the domain name Hadlen.com have? So far, we have found that the domain has n/a subdomains. Such as, is a subdomain of the domain Hadlen.com. On the web, most sites use the general domain extensions (.COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO, .BIZ, .US) as their domain name. Which domains with the same name as the domain Hadlen.com are still not registered? Here are n/a domain names like Hadlen, they may be owned by the same owner or not. What are the main colors of the theme of the website Hadlen.com? Through the chart below, we know that the main color of the site is n/a. When we checked the HTML of the homepage of the website Hadlen.com, we found that it had n/a error and n/a warning. The history of the title of the website Hadlen.com. Here are n/a record, which means that the title of the website Hadlen.com has been changed n/a time since n/a. The history of the description of the website Hadlen.com. Here are n/a record, which means that the description of the website Hadlen.com has been changed n/a time since n/a. The history of the keywords of the website Hadlen.com. Here are n/a record, which means that the keywords of the website Hadlen.com has been changed n/a time since n/a. The Sitemap contains URLs to these pages so that web crawlers can easily find them. We found n/a sitemap on the website Hadlen.com. The Feed is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content. We found n/a feed on the website Hadlen.com. Where are Hadlen.com website's servers located? The server is being hosted in n/a. Which websites are stored on the same server as the website Hadlen.com? So far, we have found n/a websites on this server. The time it takes for a visitor to open the website Hadlen.com. Now we found that when visitors open the website Hadlen.com, it takes n/a second, which is faster than n/a of other websites. How many pages the website Hadlen.com has been indexed by searchers? We found n/a keywords on the website Hadlen.com. In the chart below, you will see the competition of these keywords on the web. The higher the percentage of competition, the more advantageous the keyword is on the web. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a way to use the rules of search engines to improve the natural ranking of websites in search engines. A normalized 100-point score representing the progress of optimizing a website. The website Hadlen.com now has a score of n/a. A normalized 100-point score representing the safety of a domain name. The higher the score, the safer the site is for visitors. Through the chart below, we found that the website Hadlen.com is n/a for visitors and is n/a for children. Which websites are owned by the same person who owns that Hadlen.com website? The websites below are owned by the same owner or not. Which websites are linking to the website Hadlen.com? The websites below are linking to it. These websites which ranked between n/a and n/a on the web just before or after the website Hadlen.com. How many times the pages of the website Hadlen.com has been shared by visitors? Through the chart below, we found that most visitors like to share the site with n/a. So far, the site has been shared n/a times to n/a. Which websites compete with the website Hadlen.com on the web? Here are n/a websites are similar to it. Here are some Apple apps related to the website Hadlen.com. Here are some Android apps related to the website Hadlen.com.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T18:55:58Z', 'url': 'https://www.statscrop.com/www/hadlen.com', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Description Map of South America. This map has a small scratch near the centerfold in the right part of the map. Looking for an antique map, historical print or plan? Feel welcome and browse our mapsite atlasandmap.com! We have maps, made by Kuyper (Kuijper) . more maps of South America like Zuid-AmerikaPlease contact us if you don't find where you are looking for! We ship worldwide.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T08:08:01Z', 'url': 'https://www.atlasandmap.com/showmap.php?map=4658', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Our Granola is born from an older era, made the way foods used to be made, with traditional ingredients that satisfy and fulfill. For example, we use real butter and brown sugar. We handbake, slowly. This gives Olde Man Granola a richer and creamier taste with more flavor than other granolas.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T02:01:51Z', 'url': 'https://co.foodmarketmaker.com/business/907557-olde-man-granola', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Road Freight Services UK KLANORIANS Reliable and efficient road freight services to suit your cargo and customers’ needs.Our road freight services include collections not only from UK premises, but from most locations throughout Europe. We will plan the shipment of the consignment across Europe to its destination and work with only carefully selected truck / road freight operators specialising in European destinations. We provide everything from low cost truck services to a next day service using dedicated vehicles.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T12:57:42Z', 'url': 'http://klanorian.com/road-freight-ser/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
우리는 중국에서 미니로드 롤러 압착기 재고 있음 제조 업체 및 공급 업체 / 공장 전문화되어 있습니다. 미니로드 롤러 압착기 재고 있음 중 하나 인 Jining Oking Tec Co., Ltd. 중국 유명 브랜드 중 하나 인 저렴한 가격 / 저렴한 가격으로 고품질의 미니로드 롤러 압착기 재고 있음 도매업. Wholesale 미니로드 롤러 압착기 재고 있음 from China, Need to find cheap 미니로드 롤러 압착기 재고 있음 as low price but leading manufacturers. Just find high-quality brands on 미니로드 롤러 압착기 재고 있음 produce factory, You can also feedback about what you want, start saving and explore our 미니로드 롤러 압착기 재고 있음, We'll reply you in fastest.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T19:42:26Z', 'url': 'http://kr.okingmachinery.com/dp-%EB%AF%B8%EB%8B%88%EB%A1%9C%EB%93%9C-%EB%A1%A4%EB%9F%AC-%EC%95%95%EC%B0%A9%EA%B8%B0-%EC%9E%AC%EA%B3%A0-%EC%9E%88%EC%9D%8C.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The number in the bottom right corner of their avatar is the Mercenary’s level. You need Mercenary XP to level up your Mercenary. Engage Targets with a Mercenary to earn XP for them. You can also retire unneeded Mercenaries in the “Upgrade” tab in your Mercenary Facility to get additional XP. Mercenary XP levels up a selected Mercenary to make them stronger. The Level a Mercenary can reach depends on its Class. Class 6 allows a Mercenary to reach Level 40 if fully Promoted. A Mercenary’s Level is shown in the bottom-right corner of their avatar.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T22:36:47Z', 'url': 'https://plarium-mobile-support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001644632-Mercenary-Characteristics-Level', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
FITS CUNO ILM01 QTY of 1 QTY of 1 AFTERMARKET REPLACEMENT 1) 10" Inline refrigerator water filter contains a compressed carbon block which provides tremendous capacity to remove and/or reduce impurities and sediment that may be present in your drinking water. The carbon block has millions of active sites on its surface and within the structure which can absorb impurities like a sponge, and can adsorb and hold other types of impurities on its surface like a magnet. Additionally, this filter can catalytically breakdown other impurities very similar to the way a catalytic converter works in your automobile. These processes ensure that you are getting the cleanest and best tasting water possible.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T13:31:27Z', 'url': 'http://www.cfsco.net/cuno-ilm01.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
New Years wasn’t too eventful here in Quissamã, but twas lovely. raining and peeps don’t really like going to church in the rain. loooove Quissamã and this transfer is gooooooooood good good. was already doing visits with us. Yay! I looove finding the elect. agency is wonderful and so central to Heavenly Father´s perfect plan. the members are really wonderful, the few that go to church at least. is always worth it to the what God wants. geico. Okay, not really, but actual good news… I found some celery! hallelujah I found some this week. they’re out there. There’s good things and people everywhere! heheehee kkk cracks me up every time! I love Christmas and giving (and of course it’s nice to receive) presents. It is so lovely to give. At midnight on Christmas eve, dear Sister Cunha and I read some St. Luke chapter 2 about the birth of Jesus and then we opened some chocolicious presentes and then Christmas morning finished opening our lovely little Christmas presents under our nice paper tree. :) Christmas as a missionary is a bit different (especially when you’re in Quissamã, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, and it is wicked hot), but Christmas is so very splendid! The best part was the skype festa with my beautiful family yesterday! Woo hoo! We also had a grand Christmas turkey lunch with a member’s family in the roça. Roça is like farm, bush, boondocks, don’t know the translation. But we were in a lovely little house surrounded by lovely green fields with scrumdiddlyumptious fruit trees too. Other news from the week, João is getting baptized and confirmed! He is so good and just gets better every day and every visit. He has the desire to go to church and to get baptized and things are going nice and smooth with teaching him. Oh how I love the elect! Que bênção. It is pretty much not the easiest thing in the world to get people to go to church, but when they want to go, they go. When we teach people and the want to keep the committments, they keep them, if they don’t want to, they don’t. So basically, if we really want to do something, we’ll do it. Where there’s a will there’s a way. And Sister Cunha and I are loving this transfer and there’s so much to do and so many people to visit and pretty much all of our lessons are with members. We bring the members with us pretty much all day long. This transfer is and will be full of miracles! Woo hoo! Q: What did the alien say to the garden? Claaassic. :) You’re killing me smalls. Muito obrigada for the letters and prayers and all of the good and lovely things you are all doing for others. Service is at the heart of the gospel. We’ve just got to love everyone. Woo hoo! Amo vocês!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T04:31:32Z', 'url': 'http://www.felizchelsea.com/2012/01/23', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The V-Green Automation Adapter provides the ability to operate a V-Green motor with a 3rd party automation system such as the Hayward Goldline Pro Logic, Pentair Easytouch, Jandy Aqualink, and Intermatic controls. This will allow the user to control and experience the full variable speed capability of a V-Green product through an existing automation system. Could have used better wiring instructions. I was able to integrate the pump with my intellitouch, which is very convenient.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T14:29:50Z', 'url': 'https://www.discountsaltpool.com/CircuPool-VJ3-EnduraFlo-Interface-Kit_p_267.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
By BRENDA MILES / "Miles of Memories" At first, a few games were played–nothing as childish as “Spin the Bottle” or “Post Office”–but fun games, nevertheless, that allowed a maximum amount of flirting and touching among the participants. During one game, I was paired with Morgan and as we finished, he tugged my ponytail and reminded, “I’m still waiting to share that hotdog, Sharon!” I grinned back and nodded without speaking; again clever conversation evading me in time of need. He joined Chuck Miller back at the bonfire and seemed totally engrossed in his duties there. Later...must have been around 9 o’clock, Sherry and I were sitting with two sophomores making small talk and pretending parties like this were commonplace in our lonely Saturday nights. I was completely caught off guard when Morgan appeared and shoved one of the sophomores aside, amidst much giggling, and sat down beside me. He then leaned over and took a bite from the hotdog I was holding. “Remember, you promised! So don’t be mad.” I blushed and wondered how I could possibly place my lips on that bite where his had been moments before. Then he destroyed all my sensibilities by grabbing my hand and pulling me from the picnic bench before announcing,“C’mon, Sharon, Come help me gather more wood for the fire. We still have marshmallows to roast.” He led me away from the group and into the little glade that bordered the pond. We stumbled together over tall grasses and upturned stones searching for long twigs that were barely discernible in the almost total darkness. Of course, I would have gone to the ends of the earth with his warm hand to guide me. “Please, Sharon...let me...” and his voice was so hoarse I hardly recognized it. I rushed from the thinning glade–leaving him standing there–back to the clearing, and, trembling, dropped the twigs by the fire. I then rushed over to Sherry who might lend some understanding to what had almost happened. Morgan didn’t reappear at once and, when he did, he began laughing and talking loudly with his friends. He never even glanced in my direction. He stood next to Cindy Clark who welcomed his unexpected attention. She had already established herself as the star of the party; why not go for one more heart on her belt? The following half hour seemed to limp by as I tried to make sense of my confused thoughts and to hold my tears at bay. Actually, it had grown later than I thought and the party was winding down. I continued to regret my frightened reaction to Morgan’s advances and was trying to sort out my feelings as others about me began cleaning up the site. Someone had left a large jar of French’s Mustard on the ground. Needing to do something with my trembling hands, I picked it up and carried it inside the Rogers’ screened porch on my way to their kitchen. As the screened door slapped behind me on its rusty hinges, I heard a movement to my left over by their outside freezer and my eyes darted there. It was Morgan and Cindy caught in a passionate embrace with both looking startled by my intrusion. I came to an abrupt stop with the door still slap-slapping behind me. Frozen in motion, the jar of mustard slipped from my trembling fingers and shattered on the concrete floor, splattering all its vivid yellow droplets all around me. I fled the porch, letting the door slam behind me once more. Eyes blurred by fresh tears, I somehow reached Sherry through the sea of curious, questioning faces. My audience had indeed been present for my big moment, just as I had dreamed. But the ending of the story was all wrong. My moment of triumph turned to shame. Later in the car, Sherry assured me no one guessed what had happened to make me cry and that the mustard stains would wash out of my new white pedal pushers. Still, I cried softly all the way to her house and continued to rub at the bright yellow splatters that stained my new pants and shoes. That night, Sherry and I didn’t talk much. We went straight to bed. As always, her bedside radio played quietly. Johnny Mathis began to sing “Wonderful, Wonderful.” That night, as I lay beside a softly snoring Sherry, I listened to the lyrics, digesting them in my head. Someday, my own true love would come. Yes, Jon would always know the right thing to say and do. And he would stay beside me. I just had to wait for him.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T04:26:54Z', 'url': 'https://www.hsvvoice.com/news/20190415/tender-years-when-hearts-are-worn-on-sleeves-part-iii', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Go here? Tell us why you love Jamaica Plain Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church. Visited? Tell us what a newcomer can expect. Enter your email address to receive an informative welcome email from Jamaica Plain Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T14:35:16Z', 'url': 'https://www.faithstreet.com/church/jamaica-plain-spanish-seventh-day-adventist-church-jamaica-plain-ma', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
It’s been two weeks of “indie” work now… and I’ve decided to change up my plan for my first release already! I want a super quick turnaround on this first project and I had thought to bundle a few (probably three) polished up versions of my little jam games into something greater. After spending a bit of time on one of them however, I think I’ll be able to do a much better job spending the same time on just one game. It also would seem to be an easier sell than bringing three detached games together. This way I can spend more time on content and less on relentlessly porting and fixing stuff. I always intended to be flexible with my plans – don’t want to fall into the trap of stubbornly beating away at something that maybe isn’t the best option any more. So one game it is, not three. That’s about all for now, I’ll have more about the game itself soon!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T16:36:39Z', 'url': 'https://paulsburgess.co.uk/2013/09/refocusing-efforts/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
A Huddersfield health support group have celebrated the end of an almost 20 year wait to enjoy afternoon tea due to the lack of gluten free options. What is considered a treat to most had turned into a chore for the Calderdale and Huddersfield Coeliac Group, who had never been able to find a cafe that could cater to their digestive condition. All that changed when staff at The Seasons Cafe at the Armitage’s Garden Centre in Birchencliffe agreed to put on the special event for 30 of the group’s members, marking the first such event in the group’s history. Attendees enjoyed specially made gluten free sandwiches and cakes, which were made according to strict conditions. Those suffering with coeliac disease, who have adverse reactions when they eat gluten, must have their food prepared in environments free from regular flour and other untreated cereals, such as wheat, barley and rye. Group organiser Irvena Fisher, who was diagnosed with the disease 25 years ago and organises events for 700 members, said: “We’ve had quite a few events but we’ve never been able to go out and have afternoon tea because it’s very hard to find somewhere that will cater for us. “We were really pleased that this has finally happened and hope that it raises awareness coeliac disease, which is now being more readily diagnosed by doctors.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T00:06:20Z', 'url': 'https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/coeliacs-celebrate-host-first-ever-7006398', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
From the parking lot to the pew, friendly people will welcome you, guide you to where you need to go and answer any questions you may have. We offer donuts and coffee on our patio from 10:15-10:45 AM. This is a great time of fellowship and an opportunity to get to know others who attend Coastline. At Coastline we want you to come as you are and wear what you feel comfortable in. You’ll feel at home whether you’re wearing your favorite jeans or something dressier. We believe your kids will have a fantastic time. Our nursery, preschool and elementary programs are offered during our worship services at 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM. Visit the child check-in booth on our patio before the service and a friendly volunteer will assist you with our check-in process and finding your child’s classroom. Click here for our children’s page. We have two identical worship services at 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM. Each service lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. During the service you’ll hear contemporary music led by a talented band. There will be a 35 minute, Bible-based sermon following the music. View Times & Directions Page.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T22:55:18Z', 'url': 'https://coastlinebible.org/new/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
What’s the worst thing you can do about debt? It’s to ignore it. The second worst thing is to make just the minimum payments month after month. Why are these true? Let’s take them one at a time. When some people become heavily in debt they just choose to ignore it. This is a lot like refusing to change the oil in your car – because both will eventually jump up and bite you. If you choose to ignore your debts, you could eventually end up in court and have liens put on your house or some other valuable piece of property. In the case of not changing the oil in your car, it will eventually turn to sludge, your engine will seize up – and cost thousands of dollars to fix. The second worst thing you can do about debt is make just the minimum required payments every month. This is especially with credit cards. In fact, that’s exactly what the credit card companies want you to do. The reason for this is simple. The credit card companies calculate their minimum monthly payments to be about the same as their monthly interest charges. If you don’t believe me, check out your next credit card statement. Compare the minimum monthly payment with your monthly interest charge. My guess is that they’ll be almost identical. When you make just the minimum monthly payment, you are paying interest and doing nothing to really get out of debt. Let’s suppose you owe $10,000 at 18% and your minimum monthly payment is $200. If you were to make no more charges against the card, it would take you 46 years to pay it off and would cost $8,623 in interest charges. In short, you would basically never get out of debt. The best thing you can do about debt is get it organized and paid off as quickly as possible. How can you do this? There are at least four ways to get debt under control but only one way to get rid of it – at least short term. It’s to do a chapter 7 bankruptcy. Before you rush off to file for bankruptcy, sit down and make a list of your debts.. Be sure to divide them into two groups – secured debts and unsecured debts. If you find you have a lot more secured debts than unsecured debts, there’s no point in filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Conversely if you have a lot more unsecured debts than secured debts, a chapter 7 bankruptcy could make sense. While a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will get rid of most of your secured debts such as credit card debts, it can do nothing about your secured debts. Plus, it will leave a black stain on your credit report that could last as long as 10 years. It will lower your credit score probably by as many as 200 points. You will have a hard time getting any kind of credit for at least two or three years after the bankruptcy. When you are able to get credit it will come with a very high interest rate. And since bankruptcies are a public record, it will stay with you literally forever. You’ve probably heard the phrase “just say no” in reference to drug use. It’s the same when it comes to a bankruptcy – just say no. There are too many more negatives than positives to a chapter 7 bankruptcy. A much better solution is to contract with a debt settlement company. When you do this, your debts can be reduced by thousands of dollars. You can become debt free in 24 to 48 months. And you won’t have the black stain of a bankruptcy in your record.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T13:54:10Z', 'url': 'https://www.nationaldebtrelief.com/the-best-advice-about-handling-debts/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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That sounds like a job for a script, just in case nobody has a huge number of inputs ready to copy and paste. Would like to see support for .mkv / h.265 codec. This codec is becoming a very popular for 4K content. -To be able to read and trigger actions being more compatible with external systems, way not to have a kind of Parsing from an external input. The ability to delete media files out of watchout that are in a timeline would be great. Currently my workaround is to copy all the my aux timelines into notepad and search the file name to find what timeline it's in and delete it manually. It can be quite a tedious process. Is there already a better way to do this? Some text transition effects would be great as well. Also the ability to duplicate a text media item in the media bin, and then edit that new item. this is a Production PC Backup feature request. The ability to specify a backup Production PC with its IP address perhaps in Preferences > Control tab area such that the Display PC(s) would automatically look for the backup Production PC specified if and when the original Production PC disconnects. The Backup Production PC could be triggered manually, or by an Output string from the Timeline(s). One complication is when the Production PC disconnects by choice, as in going offline, to purposely do something else. Perhaps, any such coding could be limited to 'only during playback mode'. This is a minor thing, but I think it would be a great feature. I want to be able to drag an auxiliary timeline from the task window into the main timeline to automatically create a control cue that runs the auxiliary timeline. All it would do is create a play control cue with the name of the task to be ran. Just a simple time saver. RoccoDNYC's drag-and-drop suggestion would be great for adding control cues for Tasks. An alternative would be to replace the 'enter the cue name without making any typos if you want it to work' text box with either a drop-down menu with the list of Task names (although this might get unwieldy or slow when you have a couple of hundred tasks), or a text box with a auto-complete function, so you can just start typing the name of a Task and select the correct one from the list. Better still, when selecting a Task in a control cue, link to it using an internal unique ID that doesn't change so that, if a task name is changed later on, it doesn't break all the links. I like the "unique ID" idea, since having a changeable name (as a descriptor field,) and an unseen ID that keeps the links would be a real help in complex setups! I agree with with what you are looking for. I always go to that timeline, Cntrl-J, copy the name, and esc. is the way it worked in Dataton TRAX back in the day. Internally, each TRAX timeline is defined by a specific internal ID. that referenced the original timeline name. I checked WO 5.5.1 and 6.1.1, it does not do that in WATCHOUT. would be surprised if it did not. - A 'stop all Tasks' function, instead of having to create a task with control cues to stop all my tasks (and doing the task name copy-paste manoeuvre for every... single.. task!), for when the client interrupts a rehearsal and you have umpteen different tasks running which aren't all readily visible in the tasks window. Or the ability to add active tasks to the status window? - The ability to relink more than 1 media item at a time when something gets moved. Other software recognises automatically when other media which need re-linking are in the same folder, but with Watchout there's a lot more clicking, searching and waiting involved. - A better way to add easing to keyframes for scale/rotation/etc - A curve editor, or inspector window so that it's easier to get a smooth animation curve, or maybe just a keyboard shortcut to expand the selected tween track in the timeline window to manipulate the values, then shrink it back to normal size so the other timeline layers are still visible. Could we get a new Feature request page started for WO6? Most of this thread was dedicated to WO5, and it would be nice to differentiate. I do use the go to unread posts button, but I'd rather sort by V5 vs V6 for simplicity. I REALLY like the ability to add other Tasks to the Status window. And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE an ability to set them to countdown to end of Task! PLEASE?? An internal ID does indeed exist, but is not exposed anywhere in the UI. While using it would allow the binding to "stick" even when the target is renamed, it gets more complicated if/when you want to copy/paste stuff between shows, since the ID numbers are show specific. Hence, a combination of ID with a name fallback would likely be the best solution, where the ID then gets discarded when pasted into another show to not confuse things. That's something that would require changes to the applicaiton, though, and not something users could take advantage of right away. But since this is a "feature request" thread, I thought ot could till make sense to post my proverbial "2 cents" here. Thanks for the insight Mike. I think that when copying-pasting tasks between shows, I wouldn't really expect links to keep working, so assigning a new ID at that point would be OK. Another thing I would find really helpful would be more feedback about a Task timeline. In the tasks window we can see the current time position, but memorising what that corresponds to across dozens of tasks is a bit tricky. I was wondering if, when a Task hits a pause cue - and if that pause cue is named - the cue name could be displayed instead of the current time. That way, glancing at the Task window, I would be able to see that, for example, my "Logo" Task is paused at "Fade-out Logo", and my "Live Camera" Task at "Fade-in Cam", etc. If a task is playing, or paused at a cue without a name, the current time would be shown as it is at the moment. A keyboard shortcut to close a task timeline would be very helpful. Is this already possible? Since Watchout is able to listen to incoming MIDI cue triggers from something such as a lighting console, how about the ability to see all incoming MIDI numbers? Lets say the lighting console sending out cues 1,2,3,4 and 5, but Watchout only has a matching cue 1 and 5. I would like to have a little window that shows me any incoming MIDI data. That way I'd see 2, 3 and 4 go by before we hit cue 5 which triggers the next WO cue. I have a simple wish. WO is mainly mutli-display presentation software, and mostly the refresh rate of the display is 60hz or 75hz, thus the timeline should be divided into time slots of 1/60 second or 1/75 second respectively. And not in Milliseconds. I'm not quite sure if some users need it to be in Milliseconds or not, but there must be an option. Thanks in advance. Another request. Since WO's timeline is pretty similar to that of editing softwares, I end up doing a lot of cross-fade transitions between two visual objects manually (by tweening values of opacity). Whereas it can be done automatically just be overlapping two visual objects on the timeline on the same layer. Just like how its done in Sony Vegas for example. That would be very help in terms of time saving as well as reducing the number of layers needed. Keeping this an option in preferences will do good for all. Thanks. We see 30HZ (mostly 4k) and 120 Hz as well, WATCHOUT can do those without issue. will be maintained and some rounding errors will occur. and changing the pop-up menu to the time format you want. I'm aware of these methods and I do use them, the problem is the accumulated time it consumes doing it that way. But what I'm hoping for is a timeline that just snaps everything to 1/X seconds units on the timeline. X being the refresh rate of the monitor which can be set by users. -Warp, seriously warping the virtual display is at the very top of my wishlist. I would use the warp at the output to correct the projection (geometry, linearity, blend, basically get a perfect grid on the surface) and then use a virtual display to Warp and correct the content itself, whatever content I send to the virtual display, I could even have different warp settings and crossfade between them. I would also let us warp intelligently after camera placement when working in 3D, rather then correcting a camera we would correct the texture itself. -Nesting seems to cause issues also and I do use it a lot. For example I will have a virtual display as the target of all my "PiP" so that if I move/fade the PiP I don't have to move/fade all the content and plan the move. I then place this VD in another VD that covers all my surface so I can fade the whole show for example or create a preview/program workflow in live update mode. Basically nesting lower performance and playback becomes less predictable, especially more than two nest. -Please give us an on-surface indicator we can toggle on or off when we select point so we can see where in the real world that point is located. -Playback stops when adding medias in a live update workflow, I understand it will affect performance but it would be nice to still be able to update without playback stopping, to have some room. -We need to have an indicator on live update, in the screen list for example that clearly indicates which computers are currently updating and where they are in the process. This is a big issue when working in 3D has we have no way of knowing if the display is busy updating or if it crashed/hung. -I would be nice to update without seeing the logo or progress bars on the displays, bonus if we could have a custom image/video loop when updating. I understand the whole branding issue but all it achieves is showing everyone which system crashed during their shows, client, spectators, everyone is now aware Watchout is the problem even if it's not. Because let's not fool ourselves, this is the only moment your logo is reaching someone not using the software. I bought it, no need to sell me the package, so showing me the logo when I work is pointless, the only other time an update/startup happens is during the rehearsals and during the event when things go wrong, not really a winner way to present your brand. Maybe during rehearsals when changes are requested you then reach a few people in the room, producers, graphic artist and techs that could be unaware of your existence but that's it. Thanks for your time reading this and thanks Dataton for a great product, hope this make sense and will be supported by the community.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T10:39:23Z', 'url': 'http://forum.dataton.com/topic/794-feature-requests-post-here/?page=8&tab=comments', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
1. noun A group, movement, or philosophy that appeals or caters to, or encompasses, the broadest and most diverse amount of members possible. We pride our church on being something of a big tent, welcoming any and all who wish to join us. The party is trying to establish itself as a big tent, broadening its aims to appeal to the widest amount of voters possible. 2. adjective (often hyphenated) Appealing or catering to, or encompassing, the broadest and most diverse amount of members possible. In my opinion, their big-tent politics, while reaching more people, dilute the potency of their goals. Carter Johnson, MIS with the Colorado Environmental Coalition, also a Big Tent co-host, said a major challenge in providing wireless coverage for the event was the expected high density of users and equipment over the four days of the convention.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T02:21:10Z', 'url': 'https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/a+big+tent', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
GED Blog » Improving Public Understanding of Economic Globalisation » Globalization Report 2018: What about the BRICS countries? Last week we published our „Globalization Report 2018“ . In terms of real gross domestic product (GDP) per capital, industrialized economies are the biggest winners of increasing globalization. Why are the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), some of which are regarded as the engines of globalization, not the main profiteers? This is the question we are looking into in this blog post. The five BRICS countries are among the most populous countries in the world. Together they make up over 40 percent of the world’s population. By comparison, the USA has just about 4.3 percent of the world’s population, and Germany only one percent. The level of economic development is still well below that of industrialized economies such as Germany or the USA. Even Russia and Brazil, which currently reach the highest GDP per capita values of all BRICS countries, only reach one sixth of the corresponding value of the USA (see table 1). How strongly globalized are the BRICS countries? Our globalization index which is closely aligned with the KOF globalization index of the ETH Zurich measures the degree of globalization. The index value is particularly high in small industrialized economies such as Ireland. Emerging countries like China and India occupy places at the bottom of our ranking based on this index. The reasons for this include economic restrictions such as capital controls and trade barriers. Additionally, the economic metrics analyzed are viewed in relation to GDP in each case. As a consequence, for example, China ranks only 38 out of all 42 countries for the indicator “exports of goods in relation to GDP”. How strongly do the BRICS countries benefit from increasing globalization? As we mentioned last week: The average annual gains in real per capita GDP due to globalization are very different among the 42 countries under review: While these increases amount to €1,900 and €1,500 in Switzerland and Japan respectively, they are only at €80 and €20 for China and India respectively. The main reason for this is the low starting level of GDP per capita in the two Asian countries. Between 1990 and 2016, South Africa had the strongest increase of the globalization index of all BRICS countries. The South African index value rose by almost 27 points. In China, the increase was only 18 index points, in Brazil only 10.5 points. Figure 1 shows that South Africa had a very strong increase in globalization relatively early on. Between 1994 and 2000, the value of the globalization index rose by 20 points. As a result, the country was able to achieve GDP growth at a very early stage due to globalization. This brought the country to a higher GDP level early on and therefore generated GDP growth over many years. South Africa already started with a considerably higher GDP per capita level than most of the other BRICS countries. In 1990, real GDP per capita in South Africa was €3,360. In China (€430) and India (€340) the corresponding values were much lower. This also caused a stronger increase in absolute GDP per capita than in the other BRICS countries. The results look quite different, if we take the annual GDP gains of increasing globalization in relation to the initial level of GDP per capita in 1990. Working with the cumulative GDP gains between 1990 and 2016, China achieves a cumulative per capita GDP increase of €2,050 due to increasing globalization. This accounts for almost 520 percent of the GDP per capita in 1990. This is by far the largest gain of all 42 economies. In Russia and Brazil the cumulative GDP gains reach 115 respectively 95 percent of the initial GDP level. This is still a higher value than for industrialized economies such as France (90 percent), the United Kingdom (about 60 percent) and the USA (about 40 percent, see figure 3). The results of our globalization report show that there is homework to do on both sides: for the industrialized countries and for the BRICS countries. The BRICS countries on the one hand should further reduce their market access barriers in order to push their level of international interconnectedness. In the OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index, for example, all BRICS except South Africa rank well below the OECD Average. In the Ease of Doing Business Index of the World Bank, the BRICS also score much worse than the majority of industrialized countries. These kinds of restrictions negatively impact international business activities in and of these countries. Industrialized countries on the other side should continue to cut their subsidies, e.g. in the agricultural sector, which is important for emerging countries such as Brazil. Also, they should actively push their own level of globalization and refrain from protectionist measures such as tariffs, which harm all countries involved. Moreover, the stagnation or decrease of the level of globalization is negative for industrialized countries: The United States, for example, has made virtually no progress in globalization since 1990. Income gains are therefore below average. Opening up to the world and especially emerging markets such as the BRICS would therefore be advantageous for the United States and industrialized countries in general and lead to higher welfare gains from globalization. The gains of globalization have the best chance to be distributed more equally among countries in a multilateral rules-based system. Industrialized and emerging countries should work together to avoid departure from this system but to the contrary strengthen and enhance its underlying institutions, such as the World Trade Organization.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T20:58:52Z', 'url': 'https://ged-project.de/ged-blog/improving-public-understanding-of-economic-globalisation/globalization-report-2018-what-about-the-brics-countries/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Our burial ground to the east of the church offers marvellous views from the top of Plonks Hill and is a haven for local flora and fauna. Please visit and enjoy its tranquillity for yourself. Please contact the Vicar (tel: 01483 892030, email: vicar@shamleygreen.net) if you have any enquiries about historical burial records or to discuss eligibility for future burials or the interment of cremated remains.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T20:19:54Z', 'url': 'http://www.shamleygreen.org/index.php/christ-church/churchyard/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Jama Old West® Toddler's broad square toe leather Western boots. Tan Canyon foot with a Yellow shaft. Shaft features a traditional western stitch.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T06:39:53Z', 'url': 'https://www.zapaterialeonww.com/products/toddlers-bsi1809', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Sharp Plasmacluster ® air purifiers are tested by independent laboratories to verify the air-cleaning capability of the filtration system. Each model has its own CADR rating, which indicates the smoke, dust, and pollen removal rate when the air in the room is changed 5 times per hour.... Sharp FP-P40cx has an average (not-too-shallow) filter bay, with a cassette tray to hold the filter elements. The Sharp HEPA measures about 12.5 x 15.5 x 1.5 inches. After a bit of banging around, I have found materials very close to matching twice the size. From time to time, you need to replace or clean HEPA filters in order for them to function properly. It is important to know how to was a HEPA filter properly, otherwise you may damage it. It is important to know how to was a HEPA filter properly, otherwise you may damage it. • If the filter or the housing holding the filter is ever damaged, the filter should be changed. “When replacing the filter, users should contact the distributor where it was purchased or the manufacturer directly,” says Frimml. Assuming every year you buy 3x pre-filter ($50 each) and 1 carbon filter ($200) & every 3 years you change the HEPA filter ($300). I work from home so I claim it on tax, so it brings the cost down a bit to about $250 a year.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T06:28:21Z', 'url': 'http://musicislove.net/quebec/how-to-clean-sharp-hepa-filter.php', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Success breeds success, or so they say. ‘They’ probably weren’t running a successful business while trying to capital-raise for a second one at the same time. A strong track record as a business owner might open a few doors in the investment community, but nothing will stop you from having to do the legwork needed to source the right deal for your new business, all while keeping your existing operation rolling. I have been in the drinks and hospitality space for close to twenty years and started my first business, Sweet&Chilli Australia, a drinks experience and consultancy company, back in 2011 and since it has grown across to NZ and as far as LA. We have about 90 full time staff now across three countries, so it’s fair to say that keeps me pretty busy. But I love a challenge, especially when I spot an opportunity, and that’s where my latest business, Cocktail Porter comes in. The ‘premiumisation’ of the drinks industry has been happening for more than a few years now, and combined with the rise in at-home entertaining, I decided that I wanted to launch a premium subscription service for cocktails. But with any new business you need capital and I realised I would need to raise it in order to get my idea out of my head and into people’s hands. What does it take to fund a second business? Having applied a lot of the lessons I’ve learned along the way, I’m happy to say that Cocktail Porter has just launched as a one-off or subscription service that delivers either pre-made, ready-to-drink bottled cocktails, or a box of high-quality ingredients that you easily assemble at home. Here are my top seven tips for keeping all the balls in the air while you raise capital quickly and efficiently. Having a clear and concise business and marketing plan is vital. Show the exact nature of your business, what it’s trying to achieve, and how it is different from the others. Investors are primarily trying to make money, not help you, so you need to consider before embarking on a fundraise, how are you going to return capital to your shareholders? Some investors have more risk-and-reward appetite than others, while others may be happy to offer mentorship. Understand the terms of engagement before you start, and know the end point. Knowing the history and all the latest news in your industry will give your investors peace of mind. Make sure you can answer detailed questions about industry trends, competitive activity, and opportunities or threats. Create a list of prospective investors and gather information to prioritise them. If it’s a firm, know who gets the deals done and find out the best way to reach them. Plan a 20-minute pitch that covers the who, what, when, where, why and how of your start up. Keep it concise, be honest, and engage with questions asked. Identify your uniqueness, but also be prepared for detailed questions about competitors. Make your financials available and show revenue streams. Track every expense and be prepared to explain any aspect of your balance sheet. Find others who have successfully raised, and learn from them, whether they’re in your industry or not. Form relationships and garner any tips you can. Be passionate. Cam Northway is the founder and managing director of Sweet&Chilli Australia, New Zealand and Los Angeles, a global drinks and events consultancy business, with over 90 full time staff and turnover in the millions. As well as running Sweet&Chilli, Cam is a co-owner of 2018 Chef’s Hat award-winning North Bondi restaurant, Rocker, co-owner of quintessential London pub The Gunmakers, and has just launched Australia’s first premium cocktail subscription service, Cocktail Porter.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T14:57:22Z', 'url': 'http://anthillonline.com/7-tips-every-entrepreneur-should-know-about-raising-capital-for-your-second-venture/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Welcome to our little shop of grateful goods! We had fun designing these products with hopes that they will spark conversation, act as friendly reminders, and make great gifts with a grateful perspective. Please know that a “goodly” percentage of your purchase will support our work. All items made in the USA. We hope you – and yours – enjoy them. Browse a selection of wonderful old favorites and exciting new publications by Br. David Steindl-Rast and A Network for Grateful Living.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T04:09:11Z', 'url': 'https://gratefulness.org/grateful-goods-store/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Resume posted by Maya Abdullah in Environmental. I am fresh graduate from University Malaysia Perlis in Bachelor of Environmental Engineering. I am a multi-tasking and willing to work overtime and work under pressure. I can work as a team or individual and fast learner. I can adapt to new environment quickly and willing to travel in order for achieving my goals in work. I’m seeking an opportunity where I can work in outdoor environment and seek good outcomes to challenge.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T16:47:18Z', 'url': 'https://workinpenang.com/resumes/49180051b5a7e013042/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Looking for an attractive business address in Toronto? Toronto: A city you can only reach by ferry from the airport. But don’t think this means that Toronto is a small town. The view from Lake Ontario will surely convince you otherwise. An imposing skyline rises upwards from the banks of the water with a characteristically-Canadian charm. Take in the modern, glossy buildings that make for a particularly beautiful sight as the sun rises above the city. You are sure to feel at peace when walking through the streets of Toronto – it’s a great location, like a place you have always been searching for. And with ClevverMail, you can have it all by registering a prestigious business address in the city. Your future business address is located on the west side of the city on King Street, just a few hundred meters from The Lake Bank, where modern cars and old-style trams line the streets. A truly ‘royal’ address, you will be situated in one of the tallest, most impressive buildings. This business address in Canada will offer you superb functions and advantages when advancing your business in this world-renowned, economically-successful metropolis of the North-American market. Take a look at what Toronto has to offer you. What your business address in Toronto can offer you. Toronto, located in the Canadian province of Ontario, is the largest city in Canada owing to its 2.6 million inhabitants. It is also the center of finance and trade. Its high economic standing means you have the opportunity to expand your company by securing a business address in the city. Over 80,000 companies are established here, among them many banks and investment companies that have found a home on Bay Street in the financial district. Toronto is the second-largest financial center in North America and is on the list of the top-ten finance centers of the world. According to various surveys, the city, belonging to the dynamic Québec-Windsor-corridor, is the third-most impressive metropolis in the world after New York and London. In the fields of media and film, publishing, telecommunication, information technology, finance, economy, and research, Toronto really excels. The advanced infrastructure and high economic potential make this the perfect environment for your company, too. With a business address in this city, you can secure yourself a fantastic starting point for your expansion into Canada and North America. Do you want to operate internationally with your company? Then having your own business addresses directly situated within the markets you want to break into is imperative. ClevverMail makes this possible. Now, with ClevverMail as your partner, you can register addresses at the most high-profile locations on all five continents. We open the door to locations where an office space would normally be cost-prohibitive, meaning that most small and mid-sized companies would be excluded from expanding into these markets. But thanks to your ClevverMail business address in Toronto, you can save on investing in expensive office space and on-site employees. How does it work? Simply rent a digital address in Toronto online and have your own virtual mailbox for the location. Dedicated Clevver staff members are on site who will accept all of your incoming mail and can have it digitized or forwarded to you, wherever you are, in no time. In your mailbox, you can decide whether the mail items should be scanned, physically forwarded, or disposed of with the click of a button. So, all you have to do is focus on your impressive market entry in Toronto and Canada. With Clevver, you will be renting a real address in Toronto coupled with a virtual mailbox. This means you can manage your incoming letters and packages with ease either online or with the smart mobile app. Of course, you can be sure your mail is always being processed with regard to the highest standards of data protection, security, and discretion, meaning you can relax and focus on your expansion into Toronto’s market. And because the interface was designed with the most up-to-date standards of modern user experience in mind, you are sure to find the system easy to use and navigate. It all starts with the registration, which, thanks to our helpful virtual assistant, can be complete in just a matter of minutes. Once registered, your address will be ready to accept any incoming letters or packages arriving for you in Toronto. All of this can be yours for an unbeatable 2.95 euros per month. So, opt for an excellent business address in Toronto and start benefiting from the reputation of this dynamic and prestigious neighborhood.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T10:47:39Z', 'url': 'https://www.clevver.io/location/toronto/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Mark's Tire, Inc. provides Starter Replacement services to Brimley, MI, Sault Ste. Marie, MI, St. Ignace, MI, and other surrounding areas. The Basics Behind Starter Replacement Services at Mark's Tire, Inc. Why Should You Have Starter Replacement Services Performed at Mark's Tire, Inc.? We proudly service the Starter Replacement needs of customers in Brimley, MI, Sault Ste. Marie, MI, St. Ignace, MI, and surrounding areas.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T16:42:59Z', 'url': 'https://www.markstireinc.com/tire-services/starting-charging-batteries/starter-replacement.aspx', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Smrtguard-like app for the Incredible? So for those of you coming from BlackBerry, you might know of Smrtguard - a fantastic app that lets you remote backup, remote wipe, audio ping, remote listen, and track your phone. It's a very handy security device in case you ever misplace your phone. Unfortunately, the Android Smrtguard app doesn't really work, at least not on the Incredible. Does anyone know of a service or app that will provide that functionality? Or u could use smartguard for android. Seems pretty nice. Thinking about adding it to my phone just not sure yet.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T20:32:45Z', 'url': 'https://forums.androidcentral.com/verizon-droid-incredible/15359-smrtguard-like-app-incredible-print.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Sometimes we get stuck waiting to launch a new product or idea because we want it to be just right. We want it to be... perfect. When introducing a new brand to market, a tight deadline can be a great thing. Our teams had 24 hours to ideate and create a minimum viable product (MVP). By focusing on the problem that needs to be solved and quickly developing a product that solves that need, your brand can quickly learn what's working and what's not. via 10 startup techniques to jump-start your brand (single page view) - iMediaConnection.com. Recognize when your product is good enough. Don't worry about getting it exactly right the first time. Instead of striving for perfection... strive to get going! You'll make better decisions and make more progress by doing and making adjustments along the way. You're ready to launch... don't ya think?
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T21:57:23Z', 'url': 'http://www.xoombi.com/blog/how-good-enough-can-lead-to-greatness', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Majic 93.3 is broadcasting live today from Central mall, 4-6 p.m with Mall mega Meat Market. Come hang out with Keeta King and get an amazing deal on premium, prime cuts of meat. Where else can you get 20 ribeyes for ONLY $25?!? Also, today Family Party Packs are half off. So what are you waiting on? Don't eat steak? no problem, win with big savings on other meats. See below the many options available today!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T09:38:46Z', 'url': 'https://mymajic933.com/majics-broadcasting-live-central-mall-4-6p-20-ribeyes-25/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Description Photograph shows the scenic view looking southeast toward Fork Ridge from Waterrock Knob, located near mile post 451.2 in section 2X of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Taken by R.A.W. on May 12, 1945.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T14:40:46Z', 'url': 'https://docsouth.unc.edu/blueridgeparkway/content/689/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
April 9, 2018, 1:58 p.m. In the past, people had no idea about technologies in healthcare. Now there may be a big possibility that one day machines will replace doctors. Artificial intelligence in healthcare is not a new thing. There was a supercomputer invented, specialized in analyzing cancer and creating unique treatment for every patient. The most important advantage of this machine is that it uses knowledge of thousands of oncologists. At the same time it creates a treatment plan without focusing on previous cases – every patient is special. We think that this is much better than using the old algorithm of actions. So, is there a chance that one day we will see robots at hospitals instead of doctors? Is there a future of artificial intelligence in healthcare? We don’t think so. For many patients not only a treatment matters but also a great meaning of direct contact with the doctor, the opportunity to discuss symptoms and medicines. But still it doesn’t mean that machines are not appropriate for this sphere. The use of artificial intelligence will inevitably come in the future. Emotions are very important for the treatment. Patients’ mood greatly affects their health. It’s vital to know patient’s experiences with other doctors, his fears and preferences. With this knowledge, it’s much easier to communicate with patient. Creating comfortable conditions during the treatment increases the possibility of recovery. Still, there are tasks that machines are able to do. Now we are far from using them in modern life. Our company searches techniques in artificial intelligence. We want to make the use of innovative technologies more accessible. Computers can provide new opportunities for the treatment. Machine learning in healthcare is the future which deserves to be striven for. From doctors’ point of view, there are lots of fears about using robots in medicine. The common one is job loss. Actually, we see another scenario. Machines are able to help doctors and hospitals can use them for simple tasks while specialists can have a free time for making more important things. There will also new professions appear related to the maintenance and using robots when they become widespread. What about technical part? There are already many programming languages for creating machine learning technologies and they all have a number of advantages and disadvantages. In our opinion one of the most appropriate and even best programming languages for AI and Machine learning is Python. It is also one of the most widely used programming languages in the field of Artificial Intelligence thanks to its simplicity. It can seamlessly be used with the data structures and other frequently used AI algorithms. The choice of Python development also stems from the fact that there are plenty of useful libraries that can be used in AI. Another plus of Python is its capability of cross-platform integration, using it for creating AI allows you to integrate it with Web, mobile or desktop apps.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T06:42:43Z', 'url': 'http://rollncode.com/blog/i-will-see-you-now/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Mechanical Engineering undergraduate student is presented with an increasing number of valuable academic opportunities beyond the campus. While the department supports such activities, most required courses are only available on campus. In parallel, the flexible 2A curriculum, which allows students to pursue specific “tracks” of knowledge and create a customized degree, envisions increased modularization of the mechanical engineering curriculum. The combined goals of remote student participation and modularized course components sponsored an experiment in delivering a core mechanical engineering class to both residential and off-campus students. In Spring 2012, 2.002 was offered concurrently to both remote and residential MIT students. Ten percent of the class participated remotely—from Spain, Puerto Rico and California—and these students were held to the same academic standards as residential students. The experiment has just concluded and evaluation by the Teaching and Learning Laboratory is ongoing. To support the remote students, all lectures, recitations, labs and review sessions were recorded and posted for viewing on the same or next day. Each remote student was provided a scanner for sending in assignments and exams, and an online discussion forum provided a channel for student interaction. Participating faculty agree that a core mechanical engineering course can indeed be taught successfully online. With the proper support, tools and materials, Mechanical Engineering can offer an entirely online course without any reduction in quality or standards. Course materials were modularized into an introductory core and four major components (plasticity, viscoelasticity, fracture & fatigue, and rubber). After completing the core module, students should be able to study the remaining components in any order. Online content played a key role. The accelerated availability of online lecture and lab videos, indexed by topic, enabled remote students to share a similar learning experience to residential students. Online discussion supported significant levels of class interaction (130 questions solicited 450 responses). It linked residential and remote students in one community, and served as the primary channel for remote students’ questions. An Online Instructor, who supports and interacts with remote students, providing online office hours and serving as their point of contact. An Educational Technology Coordinator, who manages the delivery of technical services—tools, platforms, and content. Two key platforms were essential to providing an integrated learning experience: Piazza (an online discussion platform) and MIT TechTV (for video delivery). The faculty currently provide most course materials through blackboard-based lectures. Interactivity and remote participation could be improved with more digital course material and restructured class sessions. The faculty would like to experiment with course modularity, using the core and interchangeable modules. The Online Instructor role could transition to existing roles within the department and the Educational Technology Coordinator role could be provided by a core MIT service. This project was supported by the MIT Office of Educational Innovation and Technology and was one of the experiments in course modularity conducted by the MIT Council on Education Technology in 2011-2012 with funding from the Class of ’60. Across the sciences, certain key concepts have traditionally proven challenging for students at all levels. These concepts are typically taught in introductory classes, but faculty must review them repeatedly in advanced classes across the curriculum. The Chemistry Bridge project is developing self-paced modules to assist mastery of these key concepts outside the classroom setting. The modules can be used independently by students, or as a faculty tool to supplement instruction. Students visit the Chemistry Bridge web site (currently under development) and take a “pre-test” to assess their understanding of the subtopics that constitute a core concept. Upon submitting their responses, students are presented with a “learning pathway”—a curated set of web sites, videos and simulations that have been selected to address that student’s learning goals. After completing the steps in the pathway, the student takes a “post-test” to assess how well they understood the concept. They provide a model and potential platform for creating self-paced, customized learning pathways that allow novice and advanced students to better understand and master key concepts. They will improve efficiency by reducing the repetition of core concepts in advanced classes. They promote community curation of a set of existing web-based teaching materials that best explain the concepts. The selection and creation of each new module initially requires a collaborative effort among faculty and domain experts to identify key concepts and their constituent subtopics. Populating each new module requires a set of informed content aggregators (the project is working with advanced MIT undergraduates) who curate the best online teaching materials. The tool that delivers the learning experience will require technical support and feature improvements to support evolving community needs. Feature refinements following usability testing with students. Expanding the number of modules to include other key concepts. Forming partnerships to implement the modules across Chemistry, and adapting the tool for use in other departments.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T02:13:24Z', 'url': 'https://mitcet.mit.edu/author/ada/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The North America Cloud Testing Market would witness market growth of 11.8% CAGR during the forecast period (2017-2023). North America would be the leading region all through the forecast period. The cloud-based applications are widely gaining traction among the QA and test teams in the region. The strong financial caliber of the region has led to the flow of investments into advanced testing tools and technologies. The region also is a haven for most of the leading market players, making it a vibrant market. The number of enterprises implementing cloud testing solutions and services is relatively high in the North American region, as compared to the other regions. Based on Type, the market report segments the market into Tools Platforms and Services. Tools Platforms include Functional Testing Tools, PerformanceLoad Testing Tools, GUI Testing Tools, API Testing Tools, Service Virtualization Tools, and Others. Services include Professional and Managed Services. Based on Vertical, the market report segments the market into Retail & Ecommerce, Telecom & IT, Media & Entertainment, Transportation, BFSI, and Others. Based on Countries, the Cloud Testing market segments the market into US, Mexico, Canada, and Rest of North America. The market research report covers the competition analysis of key stake holders of the North America Cloud Testing Market.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T19:07:23Z', 'url': 'https://www.kbvresearch.com/north-america-cloud-testing-market/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
A small molecule inhibitor of the bromodomain and extra-terminal protein family (BET) may slow down and even prevent the growth of breast and lung cancers, researchers report. “This drug not only induced growth arrest and downregulated c-Myc, pSTAT3, and pERK protein expression in tumor cells in vitro and in vivo but also altered immune populations in different organs.” the researchers write about the mouse model. Similar BET inhibitors are currently in clinical trials for cancer treatments, including a dual BET/kinase program at Aptose. But the Michigan State University researchers argue that it has a great potential in cancer prevention, especially when it comes to malignant cell transformation and tumor growth stimulated by visceral fat. To demonstrate that, the researchers treated both the mice and cell lines with fibroblast growth factor-2. The protein, which promotes cancerous change, is induced by excess visceral fat — the type that wraps around organs.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T12:13:55Z', 'url': 'https://endpts.com/preclinical-study-shines-lights-on-bet-inhibitors-potential-to-prevent-obesity-related-cancer-growth/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Yes, horses are majestic creatures. But, do they lose points for not being polite? Listen here while a group of napping horses snore and fart continuously. I guess it’s true that no one is perfect.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T07:52:19Z', 'url': 'http://thelazydays.com/horse-who-farts-uncontrollably-while-it-naps/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
We now have several exceptional workers customers good at marketing, QC, and working with types of troublesome trouble during the creation system for Led Lights For Home Interior , led lights for home interior , led lights for home decoration , We have been in procedure for more than 10 years. We're dedicated to excellent solutions and consumer aid. We invite you to definitely pay a visit to our business for a personalized tour and advanced small business guidance. "To create more benefit for buyers is our business philosophy; shopper growing is our working chase for Led Lights For Home Interior , led lights for home interior , led lights for home decoration , We now have a specialist sales team they have mastered the best technology and manufacturing processes have years of experience in foreign trade sales with customers able to communicate seamlessly and accurately understand the real needs of customers providing customers with individualized service and unique items.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T05:52:58Z', 'url': 'https://www.superlighttech.com/dp-led-lights-for-home-interior.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
With thermal clothing from Tempex, you are ideally equipped for work in chill rooms, chilled warehouses and areas in temperatures of between 0 and 10°C. It is a useful supplement to the other Tempex cold-protection products. Our thermal inner wear rounds off your individually selected PPE garments for cold environments. Combined with our cold store or chill room clothing, our thermal clothing offers a perfect cold-protection system. Besides providing protection against frostbite and other cold injuries, the thermal collection additionally stands out for its ergonomic design. Tempex ErgoPlus’ special cut guarantees maximum freedom of movement and particularly levels of high comfort.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T04:40:13Z', 'url': 'https://www.hb-online.com/en/products/cold-protection-workwear-en-342/tempex-thermal-ergoplus-ladies', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Ideal for supercharged and alcohol-burning or nitro-fueled engines, Champion Brands’ new hyper-synthetic straight weight SAE 50, SAE 60, & SAE 70 racing oils offer a lower coefficient of friction than competitive motor oils. Champion SAE 50/60/70 Racing Oils are high-viscosity “Purpose-Built” oils designed to resist the thinning effects of fuel dilution and are highly resistant to evaporative losses, reducing oil consumption. These low rates of oil consumption allow oil to flow freely without significant “boil-off” thickening to ensure dependable engine lubrication and protection. Champion SAE 50/60/70 Racing Oils seal out rust, neutralize acids and resist foaming. Rust inhibition is especially important for engines subject to frequent short-run operations or extended periods of storage. Acid neutralization protects engines from damage caused by corrosive by-products of combustion. Foam resistance ensures protection against the metal-to-metal contact and wear that occurs when air is trapped in oil. Plus Champion’s proprietary TVS Polymer Technology adheres to metal parts for maximum film strength under the harshest of racing conditions. In addition, Champion SAE 50/60/70 Racing Oils are formulated specifically for friction reduction, to significantly reduce operating temperatures, and to prevent forming sludge, varnish, deposits or acids. Recommended for use in gasoline or alcohol-fueled engines requiring SAE 50/60/70, API SL/CF engine oil and compatible with conventional and synthetic motor oils. Champion's new racing oils will be on display at the SEMA Show Booth 21131 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T19:26:25Z', 'url': 'http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/10/prweb8914248.htm', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Gallery IS, is once again hosting its most exciting Group Show. The Miniatures Exhibit is an annual event in the gallery, featuring small (and even tiny) works of art by over 20 local artists. This year we have an exceptional assortment of one-of-a-kind artworks. From jewellery, to felt, to paintings and mixed media, and even photography, this years show is not to be missed. All the artwork is very affordably priced because of its small size (most works will be under $100.00), so Gallery IS will be the perfect place to find that perfect gift for friends and family. This show and sale runs the entire month of December, from the 1st to the 31st. It is cash and carry, so first come first served. Join us this sunday November 30th for a special preview of the show from noon to 3pm. Gallery IS will be open late on the First Friday December 5th, until 8:00pm. Join us for tea and cookies. Along with our new miniatures, the Gallery will also have it's selection from our regular represented artists. Be sure to check out all the new works of art! New this winter ... Fashion Scarves. These unique scarves are not so much for warmth, but are a unique alternative to jewelery. Hand-made, and in a variety of colours. Only $15.00 each! Make a statement at the office, or out on the town. Gallery IS Holiday Closures. Short hours on Dec 24th, 11am-3pm. The Gallery will be closed on the following dates; Dec 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th. As well as Jan 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Regular hours resume Jan 5th. We are now accepting submissions to the Gallery IS 3rd Annual Miniatures Exhibit. This show is our exciting Christmas Sale. We gear these works for people who are buying gifts. 2D submissions must be 50 square inches or smaller. 3D submissions must be 6 inches tall or less. We encourage all media, and are interested in many interpretations. IN the past we have had miniature handmade boxes, many tiny paintings, small pendants on chains (necklaces), and even some works as small as a postage stamp. All media are acceptable. Professional, emerging, and student work will be considered. We are only accepting three submissions per artist for this exhibit. There is the possibility for showing more than three once you have been accepted. The deadline for submissions to the "Miniatures" group show is November 22nd, 08. Notice of acceptance will be given by November 24th, 08. Delivery of accepted artwork must be made by Sunday, November 30th/08. Official show dates are December 1st to December 31st, 2008. Late night shopping on Friday, December 5th, 08. 6-8m. SPECIAL PREVIEW ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH, NOON-3:00PM. Thank you to everyone who made our Gallery IS LIVE event a great success. We had a big turn-out on friday to listen to the great Electrocoustic Jazz of DIG.IN.IT., and watch Susan Woolgar create a beautiful painting on site. The painting done by Susan is now the object of a silent auction. If you missed your chance to place a bid just call or email the gallery and we will add your name to the list. Bidding is already up to $700.00. There is a reserve on this piece, so it will not be sold untill that reserve is met. The value of the painting is regularily $2'500.00. This is a chance to bring home an amazing artwork of Susan's with a great story. Be sure to get involved soon. We will be making regular updates on this blog as to the status of the bidding.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T12:46:42Z', 'url': 'http://isgallery.blogspot.com/2008/11/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Search our online San Diego Film Directory for talented freelance individuals, companies and associations from the film, television, commercial, video game and animation industries. Industry professionals can search the Production Directory to recruit crew and vendors for their projects. Listings are free to create by filling out an online application. Read the Rules & Requirements to determine eligibility.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T18:29:02Z', 'url': 'http://filmconsortiumsd.com/film-directory-info/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I know I have posted about this before, but I am unable to recover my Secunia Community Profile on one system. I have clicked Recover Profile half a dozen times in over 12 hours and receive this pop-up each time. Please click the confirmation link that has been emailed to you. After clicking the link, please click the "Load Profile" button in the "Recover Profile" form. Yes, I have checked in my Spam / Junk mail folder. The emails just haven't been sent. This is really quite annoying. I hope the problems this company are having with their servers can be fixed ASAP. Post "RE: Unable to recover profile - again" has been selected as an answer. It is pointless sending Profile Recovery emails 24 hours after it was requested. By this time I have shut down my system and clicking the link in the email no longer works, which means I need to click the Recover Profile button again. Of course you won't send this email out when requested, so I will have to go through this crap once again. Or do I just forget about recovering my profile on this system all together. We have tested the "Recover Password" feature just now, and the email arrived almost instantly. We will look into the issue and get back to you once we know more. Thank you for looking into this for me. It's not my password I am trying to recover. The Recover Profile emails used to arrive almost immediately for me too, but there appears to be some delay now, at least in my part of the world. As a heads up, I haven't received the subscription to this thread email from your reply either. I have finally been able to recover my Secunia Community Profile.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T02:31:28Z', 'url': 'https://secuniaresearch.flexerasoftware.com/community/forum/thread/show/13823/unable_to_recover_profile_again', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The wedding walk of the newlyweds Marina and Nicholas in folklore style. Ukraine. Kiev.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T03:15:40Z', 'url': 'https://pavelgo.com/ukrainian-folkloric-wedding', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}