Dubai, UAE. 1 March 2010 –Contract signings marked the second Aircraft Interiors Middle East (AIME) show, running at Dubai’s Airport Expo. Oman Air signed a contract with UAE-based Spatial Composite Solutions for two cabin evacuation trainers. The fuselage-shaped units are scheduled for delivery to the airline’s new Aviation Crew Training facility in Muscat by October 2010. Air Arabia, the UAE’s first low-cost airline, signed a seven-year contract with Botany Weaving of Ireland for seat fabric, curtains and carpeting. Arabia Jets of Saudi Arabia signed a contract with French aircraft livery designer Happy Design Studio to offer their clients customised liveries and visual identity. EADS Sogerma of France unveiled its new seat, the Super First Class Ultimate 17®. Alison Weller, Managing Director of F&E Aerospace, commented: “The Aircraft Interiors show is the ideal platform for presenting innovative products such as the new EADS Sogerma seat. We are also delighted that Oman Air, Air Arabia and Arabia Jets chose our show to announce new contracts. The show is one of three running all this week as part of ‘Aerospace Week’, which was inaugurated yesterday at Dubai’s Airport Expo by His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of Dubai’s Department of Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman Dubai Airports and Chairman and Chief Executive of Emirates Airline & Group. Organised by F&E Aerospace, which produces the Dubai Airshow, the two-day AIME show comprised workshops and an exhibition. The second part of Aerospace Week features the inaugural Aerospace & Defence Training Show (ADTS), from 3 to 4 March 2010, in association with Halldale Media, which comprises an exhibition featuring simulation training companies, training providers, colleges and manufacturers, and a conference covering topics such as how to engage youth in aviation and pilot training programmes. Photo caption: Jonathan Hackett, CEO of Botany Weaving and Adel Ali, CEO of Air Arabia shake hands on the seven-year deal to supply the airline with seat fabric, curtains and carpeting.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T17:44:24Z', 'url': 'http://avia-s.ru/english/news/index.php?ELEMENT_ID=6779', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The rout of the Islamic Courts Union in Somalia in 2006 appeared to many like a solution to their problem; with the nature of “the problem” defined by varying interests that are decidedly different and often contradictory to that of the Somali people. And so for President Bush the contract on Somalia offered to Zenawi; was but one more field of operation against the followers of his arch enemy; UBL (Usama Bin Laden). For Zenawi of Ethiopia the invasion of Somalia was more about an attempt of drowning his political opponents in a sea of nationalistic pride that he expected will accrue to his person from the momentous act of washing his feet in the Indian Ocean. And for Abdillahi Yusuf of Somalia it was a way out of homelessness and about securing a temporary abode in Villa Somalia even if it had to come at the point of the gun of the arch enemy of his people; a Judas once, a Judas always. The defeat of the Islamic courts however has become a nightmare to all the actors in its causation. It hangs around their necks menacingly, like a curse, like an albatross. There is a universal wish, unarticulated but nevertheless real, that something could be done to undo that which was done in the ignorance and arrogance of the moment, if only the arrow of time could be moved in reverse. The regret and lamentation is because all actors in the conflict, both victor and vanquished find themselves hopeless stuck in the vortex of the Somali whirling tar baby. The defeat of the Islamic Courts Union was in essence a defeat of the more rational elements of the Somali Islamic movement. The more moderate, scholarly and peaceful elements of the Islamic Courts Union found themselves lost as refugees and wanderers in neighbouring states already buckling under the weight of the Somali exodus. The legitimacy achieved by the Union of Islamic Courts on the ground was inherited by those who were willing to defend it with an AK 47, in ruthless urban gorilla warfare. And so over the last few months the Shabab Movement of Somalia grew from strength to strength. The have taken up the black banner and the nom de guerre of Harakat Shabab Al Mujahid (Jihadist Youth Movement). JYM under the able leadership of Ayro were the more radical and initially inconsequential component of the Islamic Courts Union. Now their numbers have swollen and their operations have become much more daring and much more successful. They have grown beyond their wildest dreams and they are now a force to recon with. The defeat of Somalis at the hands of the Arch enemy- Ethiopia, the vengeful return of blood sucking warlords now under the protection of the national enemy, and the massive repression of the populace by the occupying forces have given JYM sufficient room to recruit and radicalize the young and the desperate. In a world were all hope is lost, where reason for survival disappeared and where pride and humanity is wiped out by the heavy boots of repression, in this miserable world of post occupation Somalia, the Shabab stepped in, to provide the young with a good reason to die; revenge and death with dignity. And so just like in Iraq, the Contractor’s Wars on Alqaida (the new euphuism for Mercenaries) gave birth to results that are the exact opposite of its intended goals. UBL must be laughing all the way to a new Fatwa. Just as the Bush administration, in a classical Bushism with boomerang qualities, declares its own Fatwa on Eritrea as yet another “Islamic Terrorist State”, of course with the expected “unexpected” consequences of squeezing out the last moderates standing in the Somali political tragedy. In the following pages I bring to you a translation of the official document from Jihadist Youth Movement declaring its final break with the moderates in their movement and charting a new course for itself. The original document is written in Somali and Arabic. It is a document written in a beautiful peotic language with a tight logic and clear tone. One may disagree with the JYM ideology but no one can accuse them of lack of clarity of thought and cohesiveness of purpose. It is important to know how this group thinks, feels and acts. I have translated only a part of the document. But I belief I brought forth the essence of JYM position on the Asmara Conference. I must admit I could not do justice to the eloquence of the document. I lament in particular that I have left out a Somali Poem written at the end of the document. I knew I could not do it justice. The Asmara moderates responded to the JYM document with a Fatwa of their own justifying their action and presenting a different Islamic argument of why a nationalist agenda and an alliance with a secularist force is not particularly anti-Moslem but rather the essence of being a good Moslem. It is a great document written by Sh/Dr Cumar Iiman in Asmara. I must admit the Somali language used is not as sophisticated as that in the JYM document. I am confident that someone will translate that response. One day We shall call together all human beings with their (respective) Imams: those who are given their record in their right hand will read it (with pleasure) and they will not be dealt with unjustly in the least. But those who were blind in this world, will be blind in the Hereafter, and most astray from the Path. And their purpose was to tempt thee away from that which We had revealed unto thee, to substitute in Our name something quite different: (in that case) behold! they would certainly have made thee (their) friend! 74] And had We not given thee strength thou wouldst nearly have inclined to them a little. In that case We should have made thee taste an equal portion (of punishment) in this life, and an equal portion in death: and moreover thou wouldst have found none to help thee against Us! Their purpose was to scare thee off the land, in order to expel thee: but in that case they would not have stayed (therein) after thee, except for a little while. (This was Our) way with the Messengers We sent before thee: thou wilt find no change in Our ways. Establish regular prayers at the sun's decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testimony. And pray in the small watches of the morning: (it would be) an additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee: soon will thy Lord raise thee to a Station of Praise and Glory! Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honour, and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honour; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)." And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish." We send down (stage by stage) in the Qur-an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss. Yet when We bestow Our favours on man, he turns away and becomes remote on his side (instead of coming to Us), and when evil seizes him he gives himself up to despair! The general meeting of Asmara is a meeting of a new kind in the history of Somali political life that represents nothing less than retreat on the part of the Islamist forces. It is clear that what should have been an exclusively Islamist conference has degenerated to something akin to conferences of other Somali politicians, like those of Arta, Eldoret and Empagathi; conferences that has brought only shame to the Somali people. Allahu Akbar! It is the same old road. The new travelers (the Asmara Islamists) were expected to be the saviors of the nation; but they have set their foot firmly on the path that has defeated those who preceded them on this cursed road. The conference is organized to give birth to a political force this is united by Somali Nationalism and hopelessly divided by the lack of unity in true Islamic faith. The Islamists had made that possible. They have invited into their midst Secularists (the non believers), they have weakened their united force, and they have foolishly squandered the trust bestowed on them by sharing it with undeserving Nationalists, opportunistic politicians and misled women. The Free Parliament (A parliament based on the laws of the Infidel): These are members of the Transitional Federal Parliament who have rebelled against the rule of the Transitional Federal Government. Their main argument is that the Empagathi Charter was not followed. But they are same people who elected Abdillahi yusuf, the same people who approved Ali Geedi as the Prime Minster. Pray then when do we believe them; now or then? Civil Society (the infidel’s hands): These are organizations that essentially serve to further the agenda of the dark forces of the non believers and Infidels (the west). These groups believe that the Islamic Faith should be banished from the public space in Somalia and that people should be freed from Worshipping Allah. Diaspora Somalis: These are Somalis who live in various parts of the world. They include personalities who have become famous for defending western culture and who believe in the falsehood known as democracy. A Segment of the Union of Islamic Courts: This segment of the Islamic Courts has unfortunately reached the conclusion that they need to form an alliance with the secularists, nationalist etc. They have come to believe in possibility of peaceful negotiations. Democracy is the religion and the law of the infidel. The people who support democracy believe that society must be freed from God. They believe that the State and its structures must be kept distant from religion. Such a belief system is the mark of those who rejected Islam; the true belief. The believer and the non believer (secularists) can never reconcile; between them is anger and war. This conference weakens the “Jihad”, in the same way Masjid Dirar was designed to destroy Islam from within. Masjid Dirar and the Asmara Conference have the following commonalities. A sanctuary for the enemies of ALLAH. Masjid Diraar was a place for the enemies of Islam to hide right in the public sight. This conference provides the same service for the secret agents of the infidels and their representatives. It costed the Mujaahidiin a lot of lives. Liars who claim they intend “nothing but good”: Trickery and false claims was the Essence of Masjid Dirar. That was its danger and that remains the central danger of this Masjid Dirar that is built in Asmara. Jihad has opened in these our lands. We have seen its glorious achievements. The Asmara Conference is forcing the Jihad to lose its way. It raises a banner of confusion. It plants confusion in the clear message of the Jihad. It limits the high and pure goals of the Jihad to narrow Somali nationalism limited to the false border imposed on our people by the colonialists. It transforms the Jihad to a meaningless “Re-liberation, Resistance etc”. The Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) said: One who is killed under the banner of a man who is blind (to his just cause), who raises the slogan of family or supports his own tribe, dies the death of one belonging to the days of Jahiliyya. Narrated by Muslim. Carrying forth courageously the word of Islam and the teaching of Sharia. Inviting people to the good (all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding people from engaging in the bad (all that Islam has forbidden). And discourages the Muslim and convinces them that nothing could be done. The collaboration with the Secularist is different from the Peace Treaty the Prophet (SCW) made with the infidels at his time. The prophet (scw) has made an agreement with proper infidels. The secularists are different and worse than true infidels. They claim to be Moslems. But they are connected and they work on the orders of the infidels. They believe in the War on Terror, they reject the laws of Allah and accept the laws set by simple humans in parliaments. The infidels the prophet (scw) made a necessary agreement with an armed capable military power. The secularists (non believers) on the others hand have no arms and no armies. Why bother to make a treaty with them and especially when we already know that the secularists do not they believe in Jihad. As group the Secularist (non believers) have not rejected their principle (of having no faith) and it is quite feasible that they will try to take over the Jihad process and use it against the Moslems. Masjid Dirar was a Mosque built by non believers at the time of the prophet to defeat the faithful and mislead them away from Islam. The concept of Masjid Dirar has come to represent the worst kind of enemey, the enemy within. It is not only about traitors to the faith. It is about traitors who are actively engaged in battle against Moslems to defeat them while disguising themselves as real Moslems and even building Mosques. The concept of Masjid Dirar in its contemporary use by the radicalized element of Islamic society is the counterpart to the cultural revolution of Madame Mao and the Stalinist purges. Masjid Dirar describes the elusive and treacherous counter revolutionary, to whom no mercy could be shown.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T12:21:32Z', 'url': 'https://www.hiiraan.com/op4/2007/sept/4298/boycotting_the_mixed_islamist_secularist_conference_asmara.aspx', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Our WOW day this year was a huge success, a great big thank you to Mrs Graham and Ms Carrington who organised the whole day. Thank you to the PFSA for their tireless work in giving our children the best possible experiences. All the children had lots of fun.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T09:34:27Z', 'url': 'http://www.stbenedictsprimary.co.uk/news/detail/wow-day-1/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I’ve had a busy month on the road visiting clients (and catching up afterwards), so my blog has been pretty quite. But I’ve finally had some time to sit down and play with a couple of ideas I’ve had around using the path list box. I’ve been wanting to make a dial control for quite a while and when the path list box came along in Silverlight 4 it sparked a couple of ideas of how I might do it fairly easily. You can grab the source here, although at this stage it is still in the “experimental” phase (and I think I left a couple of unused test control templates in there) so play with it at your own risk. There is a bit of left over unused code from the process of trying different things out. I also don’t do much in the way of error or bounds checking so it’s probably quite easy to set the Value and MaxValue to values that cause Silverlight and/or Blend to die horribly. I am going to turn it into a fully skinnable custom control with all the right kinds of checks, but thought it worth putting a post up now and going over some of the challenges I faced with this particular control. It has been nearly a month after all. I used the PathListBox control for the dial numbers and lights. If you haven’t used the Path ListBox before then here is a good series on it. The finished UserControl has a MaxValue property that lets you specify how many numbers should appear on the dial, but at the start I just had a the shapes for the dial and used a PathListBox with some fixed items in it. The first challenge was to get the PathListBoxItem control template to show a mix of orientations. There are two kinds of orientations you can have with a PathListBox: None and OrientToPath. The effects of each of these settings can be seen in the image to the right. If I used Orientation = None the numbers end up being rotated. If I use OrientToPath the light ends up below the number. What I needed was a way to have the numbers use Orientation = None, and the lights to use Orientation = OrientToPath. Now with the PathListBox.Orientation=OrientToPath, only the first grid (containing the light) will rotate, the second grid (containing the number) will be unaffected. Even though the light itself is round and isn’t visually affected by the Orientation, its placement is affected. I added a Value and a MaxValue dependency property to the UserControl. The MaxValue determines how high the dial goes up to, and the Value determines the current value of the dial. The UserControl has it’s own internal list of items that it recreates whenever MaxValue changes. The PathListBox binds to this list for it’s ItemsSource, and the data template for the PathListBoxItem binds to values on the classes inside the list. This approach reflects a half solution for something that I may or may not do when converting it to a custom control, but the relevant part here is that the list items are driven by the MaxValue property on the UserControl. The dial knob presented a couple of challenges. The first was to create the ridged look around its edge. I played with a couple of ideas, but the simplest solution was to use the Star RegularPolygon, which is available under the “Shapes” category in Blend. The RegularPolygon has an InnerRadius property which I set to 98% so that the points are only on the edge, and it has a PointCount property to determine, unsurprisingly, the number of points around the edge. The challenge was that I wanted the dial to work at different sizes, but the PointCount that works for a large dial doesn’t work for a small dial. I used the Width of the dial to drive the PointCount with a new property on the UserControl and a ValueConverter. I was originally going to just use a ValueConverter and bind to ActualWidth, but there is a known bug where the notification for the change in ActualWidth is not being fired so this always returns 0 to the converter unless the form is resized. The suggested work around is to attach to the SizeChanged event and force a re-layout, but I decided that was too much of a hack, so I added my own DialWidth dependency property and set that to the actual width in the SizeChanged event. I wrote the ValueConverter to be a generic division converter that returned an integer number; the ConverterParameter can be set to the desired denominator. In the end I could probably have done away with the value converter and DialWidth property and just added my own PointCount property that was recalculated on SizeChanged – and I may yet do that when I convert this into a custom control. The knob is contained within two child grids (I used two to have the lights sit above the drop shadow of the dial). The topmost grid has it’s rotation translation template-bound to a new RotationAngle dependency property on the UserControl which is calculated whenever the Value property changes. The gradient brushes of the shapes that make up the knob have their rotation translation bound to the RotationAngle too, but they also use another simple ValueConverter I wrote to return the negative of the value passed to it. So the gradients are rotated anti-clockwise the same amount that the grid containing the dial is rotated clockwise. As part of converting it to a custom control, I plan to add some better interaction support. Currently the only way to interact with it is by clicking on the lights or numbers to spin the dial to that position. I will add support for the mouse wheel, and (hopefully) support for clicking the knob and dragging it to the desired position (with snapping). I also plan to structure it so that it’s easy to skin and produce some nicely different styles of dials. So grab the source if you want to have a look, but be warned – it’s a little messy in there, and the documentation is almost non-existent. Hmm at first was was unsure about the Design, then I saw how fast I could set all the dials to say "2 dots". It was very fast. And then I can see the "current value" pretty fast. So the Design is different but effective and useful. There's a bug... If you click on the number to which the dial is currently set, say 5, the 5 dot goes dark, but the dial stays pointed to the 5. Thanks for finding that! The light comes on as part of the Selected state of the path list box item, so I'm guessing that clicking the number when it's already selected is unselecting the item, putting it back into its base state. I'll fix that when I turn it into a custom control. Ok - I've fixed it now. Source updated too.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T22:31:20Z', 'url': 'http://silverscratch.blogspot.com/2010/07/dial-user-control.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Nick Sarillo is the founder, CEO and “primary keeper” of the Purpose and Operational Values of Nick’s Pizza & Pub – the sixth busiest independent pizza company in per-store sales in the United States. Founded with the purpose of providing the community with an unforgettable place where families could relax and have fun, Nick’s Pizza & Pub has margins nearly twice that of the average pizza restaurant and boasts an 80 percent employee retention rate in an industry in which the average annual turnover is nearly 150 percent. Nick credits his company’s success to his purpose-driven culture, which is the focus of his new book, A Slice of the Pie: How to Build a Big Little Business (Portfolio; 2012). Nick is a regular speaker at entrepreneurship, leadership and HR conferences. His insights have been featured in The New York Times, The Economist, Inc., Fast Company and Investor’s Business Daily. Join Nick Sarillo, author of A Slice of the Pie, as he shares his success secrets to turning any small business into a successful, high-performance organization. Nick's compelling and surreal "It's A Wonderful Life"story about an everyday business that was able to rally and unite an entire community serves as a great example of how clearly defining your company's purpose and values can create a world-class culture in any organization and any industry. Nick will share real life examples from his experience in the restaurant and construction industries detailing how to create the type of company culture you've always wanted to work for as well as provide take away tangible tools that you'll be able to begin implementing into your business tomorrow! Nick's presentation will energize and inspire to action anyone who wants to strengthen organizational culture and engage their team in company results. Trust & Track, Leadership On Purpose! Today's ever-changing business environment and people challenges require a new type of leader and how we manage people. Be inspired to shift from the dated command-and-control style of leadership and join the Trust and Track leadership movement. Being a Trust and Track leader means you have great communication skills and the ability to lead your company culture. Using real life experiences, Nick will share how to train managers to be coaches. The restaurant industry is known for having 100-150% employee turnover rates. With almost 200 team members, Nick's Pizza & Pub maintains less than a 25% turnover annually. How can that be? How has he been able to turn high school kids into dream employees- smart, dedicated, resourceful, hardworking, eager to learn, willing to go out of their way to make customers happy. In this interactive session, get ready to change hiring as you know it. CEO and Founder Nick Sarillo will share interviewing tactics that will add depth to your perspective on both who to hire and how best to hire them. He will share true life stories from his 18 years of experience in the restaurant business and help you bridge his tools and techniques to fit your organization and ensure you get the same results. For more information about Nick Sarillo please call 1.877.8TALENT or email us.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T01:03:18Z', 'url': 'https://www.crownspeakers.com/nick-sarillo', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
857 OAK BRIAR LANE, Osprey, FL, Florida 34229. Experience tranquility with gorgeous pond views teeming with wildlife! This beautiful Tivoli three bedroom, two bathroom home is an entertainer's dream, complete with a completely renovated and updated gourmet kitchen that is sure to impress. Step inside your new paradise and a study is immediately to your right with a window seat, and could be a flexible room for whatever your heart desires. The chef's kitchen comes complete with beautiful wood cabinetry with display cabinets and crown moulding, granite countertops, and stainless steel appliances. Host family dinners in the formal dining room. Have breakfast in the eat-in nook and admire the view through a frameless wide corner window. Host family gatherings in the main living area with triple sliding door access to the lanai. Enjoy a magnificent outdoor oasis - soak in the heated pool or host gatherings and celebrations with a top-of-the-line outdoor kitchen, which boasts a propane grill, refrigerator, sink, and bar seating. For the dog lovers, your furry friends will love the dog run out in the backyard. Unwind after a long day in the master's oasis, featuring a private French-door entrance to the patio and an ensuite bathroom with a separate glass shower and large soaking tub. The laundry room also features granite countertops, utility sink, and plenty of storage. This beautiful gem is located in a peaceful cul-de-sac, centrally located in the Park Trace Estates community. Schedule your private showing today!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T06:12:44Z', 'url': 'https://www.raveis.com/prop/A4428781/857oakbriarlane_osprey_fl', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The 44 ha of vineyards are very steep, at a height between 120 and 370 meters. They are surrounded by a green belt with plants such as lavender, thyme and figs and the soil consists of shale. The grapes are hand-harvested and pressed as quickly as possible, matured for 4 months on the lees for added complexity.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T08:24:46Z', 'url': 'https://www.matthewclark.co.uk/products/wine/ros%C3%A9/st-roch-le-ros%C3%A9-cotes-du-roussillon-75cl/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Silverado (c/k) (1999 - 2006) - Lower Temp Stat Question? Thanks for the clips, thats not quite the sound i was looking to achieve so im glad i didnt go ahead and cut my muffler off. Silverado (c/k) (1999 - 2006) - Am I losing my mind? Is it just me or does the driver side window roll up faster than the passenger side? Its an 04. I swear my 98 is the same speed on both sides! What gives? I find it's better to just drill a hole and seal it up with silicone. Every terminal cup I've ever tried end up leaking no matter how well I thought I had sealed it.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T04:00:29Z', 'url': 'http://chevytruckworld.com/ew/profile/Profile.asp?UserID=70446', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Moisturizing lotion for dry and very dry skin. Urea is a naturally occurring substance in human body. Therefore, this substance is found in tissues and body fluids. Urea is also a component of hydro lipid emulsion of the skin surface. A very important characteristic of urea is that when it is applied to the skin surface, it doesn’t have s systemic toxic effect at the result of absorption. When applied to the skin, it increases the elasticity and softness of the skin due to its water retention ability. It is a very powerful humectant and anti-aging agent. It is efficient in rehydrating Stratum Corneum. In low humidity, epidermis draws water and helps hydration of Stratum Corneum. These are fatty acids obtained from palm tree. It has a very powerful moisturizing property. Ichthyosis, xerodermia, hyperkeratosis, softening of dry and scaled skin. Use in the morning and at nights, 2 times a day, unless recommended otherwise by your doctor.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T14:00:17Z', 'url': 'http://istanbulkoz.com.tr/en/lipoderm.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Dr. Judy A. Alston, Professor and Chair of the Department of Leadership Studies, joined the Ashland University faculty in 2007. Her research foci include Black female school superintendents; the exploration of how the intersections of class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual diversity and ability affect leaders; tempered radicals; servant leadership; and black LGBT issues in educational leadership. She received her Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration from The Pennsylvania State University, a Master of Education in Educational Administration and a Master of Education in Secondary Education both from the University of South Carolina and Bachelor of Arts in English from Winthrop College. She is a prolific writer and author, and she is an active member of the American Educational Research Association.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T17:16:30Z', 'url': 'https://news.ashland.edu/topics/education-leaders', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This engagement determined companies in Michigan that could supply the defense industry, but we not currently doing so. Our process of determining the extent of the potential defense supply chain of companies in Michigan required a through a detailed examination of the current supply chain and the ways in which it can be better accessed by the defense industry. Created a catalog of the Testing and Evaluation companies in Michigan, their capabilities and an indication of the sub-sector in which the company operates. Further, the report examined the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the state’s position to retain and grow this industry. The main focus of the study was to determine T&E assets that exist in the state that could be deployed in the defense sector, offering the potential to add to and diversify the customer base of hundreds of companies throughout the state. Assessment of the robotics market and the potential to create a robotics incubator for hardware manufacturers. Research included interviews with defense companies, venture capital companies operating in the space, manufacturers, software and hardware developers, the Dearborn Makerspace, UAV manufacturers or service providers, and educational services, such as Square One. HWA identified and engaged with new technology companies just entering the automobile supply chain. HWA first identified companies in new and emerging technologies. HWA next created an outreach strategy to many of these companies. Many of these companies were subsequently contacted and meetings were arranged at events such as the SAE Congress in Detroit. Assisted the PMBC unit of the MEDC in finding and assessing manufacturing and technology companies that could prove to be likely candidates for joint ventures with auto companies or that might be candidates for other assistance provided by the MEDC. HWA developed a highly-focused database of verified companies that are operating in the connected, automated, alternative powertrain, infotainment, or telematics sub-sectors and are looking to grow in the automotive space. HWA is also working with PMBC to host small events that will attract these companies. Additionally, HWA is working with a broad network of economic developers, industry analysts and subcontractors to find and identify additional candidate companies. HWA Analytics identified small auto-related businesses that are most able to increase their capacity and capabilities and access new business opportunities with targeted applications of technology upgrades and additional assistance from economic development agencies. HWA identified approximately 75 companies best suited for expansion. After initial screening, HWA referred approximately 20 companies that requested further assistance. Prior to creating HWA Analytics, HWA’s president created and directed the Automotive Communities Partnership. The Automotive Communities Partnership is a program that brings together communities, international partners, industry partners, educational institutions, and government agencies in a collaborative environment to sustain and grow the Great Lakes regional automotive and advanced manufacturing footprint. Through 14 years of the program, Hill helped arrange more than 50 meetings with industry and community representatives. HWA principals conducted an analysis to discover what types of CAV technology research are already being performed by other technical centers in the country. The purpose of this effort was to eliminate redundancy when making development plans and to target the technology campus in a direction that is most needed by the industry. Further, through company interviews, the team determined a vision and plan for re-developing land at the Willow Run airport for use as a connected and automated vehicles testing and development site. HWA conducted in-depth industry analyses regarding automotive, advanced manufacturing and other industry sectors, focused on such issues as environmental, trade, labor, and other policies. These helped support long-term strategic planning efforts, primarily for industry associations crafting policy decisions to best represent their members’ interests. HWA conducted an economic analysis on the local economic benefits of building new stadiums in small or midsize towns in Michigan and creating a new independent baseball league. HWA was a partner in this project with Bonner Advisory Group. HWA principals helped the state construct an accurate database of Michigan automotive companies. Initially, commercially available databases were vetted for completeness and accuracy of database records. Error or omission rates of 20% to 30% were found. Next, we conducted secondary research (web-based searches, association data, membership directories, etc.) to complete as much of the missing or erroneous data as possible. The final step was to conduct targeted primary research by contacting companies directly to ascertain accuracy. Helped map the electric vehicle battery supply chain in Michigan and determine the steps that Michigan economic development agencies should take to strengthen this supply chain. HWA principals investigated the best methods to accelerate knowledge transfer and improve the innovation ecosystem in Michigan. The purpose of the project was to map, support and further build an advanced energy storage systems cluster in Southeast Michigan. This project was funded by three federal agencies and supported a partnership of 11 different Michigan entities. The team met with dozens of companies to understand the innovation ecosystem of Southeast Michigan and how to enable small companies to access technology assistance, university tech transfer services and other networking options.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T13:53:17Z', 'url': 'https://www.hwa-analytics.com/industry-focused-analyses/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T04:33:58Z', 'url': 'http://salopette.info/?option=com_content&view=article&id=31962', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Architectural Digest Design Show: The Essential Showcase for Luxury Design, held March 16-19, 2017 was a memorable event. The show took place at PIERS 92 & 94 in NYC. SOTA shared a booth with the fabulous Ligne Roset of NYC. It was a beautiful synergy of style and state of the art products. Thanks to all who visited our booth at the Show! Over 400 people came by to see our exposé and to experience our hand selected exquisite flooring collections. We brought our most popular collections of course such as Cloud and Slate from our Calais Collection. Besides our popular best sellers, we featured new products Bare and Pure. They are the latest examples of our secret finishing technique to preserve the natural, raw look of oak hardwood. The display floor of our booth at the Architectural Digest Design Show received a lot of attention. It was Birch Oyster Point from our Metro Collection, which was a great hit and looked gorgeous underneath all of the Ligne Roset furniture. This product is available in a 5-7/8″ x 5/8″ format and runs in 72″ lengths. Wire brushed, white washed and roughly distressed, the beauty of this rustic floor was an instant conversation starter. Some of the highlights of our exhibit were our modular 3-D wall panels. These exotic wood puzzle pieces fit together seamlessly creating gorgeous wall accents. We had two wall installations where we turned a blank wall into a piece of art. As with the flooring the 3D wall panels complimented Ligne Roset’s furniture, which speaks to the high standards and class of our products. This has been another successful event in the history of luxury design in New York City.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T02:18:51Z', 'url': 'https://www.sotafloors.com/architectural-digest-design-show/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Do we need assessment to “drive learning”? I came across a quote from John Cowan that read, “assessment is the engine which drives student learning”. I have heard iterations of this same idea many times before and they have always made me feel a little uneasy. To be honest, the idea that “assessment drives learning” seems a little coercive to me. Don’t get me wrong, the practice of helping a student improve in the areas in which they would like to improve by providing guidance and feedback is a valuable form of assessment. I just feel that, often, the form of assessment we are typically talking about in education is one designed to help us assign a grade to our students. What happens next is that “assessment” and “grading” become synonymous and this is where the problem lays. So, in a traditional school setting, when I hear “assessment drives student learning”, what this really sounds to me like is “assessment is a way for us to encourage young people to learn about things that they are not really interested in learning”. By holding grades over their heads and creating, what are essentially, systems of ranking students based on performance, we create the conditions for students to feel social pressure to “learn” what is going to be asssesed. In education we get caught up in this idea that we need assessment to measure learning, but in most cases what assessment does instead is measure the learning that we have planned to happen, making assessment the engine that drives students to learn what they are being told to learn. Real, authentic learning is not driven by assessment at all, but rather is driven by curiosity, by interest and by the need to solve a problem. As humans, we are naturally curious. Through the simple (and complex) act of experiencing life, our curiosity is provoked, which encourages us to inquire further into the object of our curiosity. With the immense reach that the internet has, curiosity can be provoked today in new and amazing ways. Whether via a sentence, quote, story, film, diagram, game, tweet or photograph, educators can provoke their students’ curiosity in order to stimulate authentic learning. When our curiosities become more fully developed, we begin to command some level of expertise in a certain area. This becomes, for us, an interest. We are drawn to and are interested in the things that are connect to our interests. Whether it be music, sports, whales, skydiving or yoga, once our students have developed interests we can nurture their authentic learning by encouraging them to pursue new knowledge and skills that contribute to a deeper understanding of these interests. Sometimes related to our curiosities and interests and sometimes not, problems are the ultimate catalyst for learning. Have a flat tire? Better learn how to put on a spare. Lights not working? Better learn about how to repair a blown fuse. Feelings overly stressed? Time to inquire into mindfulness. By presenting our students with authentic problems and having the patience to allow them to work through the problem-solving process (which often is much messier and much more time consuming than traditional school encourages) we can engage their inner innovator and activate true, authentic and purposeful learning. Or, we can harness their interests and curiosity by asking them the question, “what are you going to do with all that you have learned?” then sit back and watch as their innate problem-solving brain goes to work figuring out ways to apply their learning in order to serve the world around them. Where does the role of assessment fit into all of this? I think what we, as educators, can do is continue to support our students along the path of developing their curiosities into interests and honing those interests to the point that they can use them to create solutions to real problems. Along this journey we can support our students by providing feedback, encouragement, modelling new skills, pointing them in the direction of new resources, helping them make social connections and empowing them to see themselves as competent, capable and contributing learners. In order to provoke curiosity, nurture interests and allow problem-solving to take place, we don’t need traditional assessment – let’s let the natural processes of being human be the engine that drives learning instead.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T03:53:13Z', 'url': 'https://educationed.wordpress.com/category/distruptive-thinking/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
After that Brad should hit up the monkey section, snowman section, John Wayne section, and purple section – then his Christmas shopping will be done. That pointy-haired character returns again- and he is still a jerk!!! Pointy-hair guy is quickly becoming my new favorite character. I <3 this comic and just read the whole thing after stumbling it. Yaaaay favorites! If only there were sections like that! Most excellent comic. Went start to finish this evening… on a side note… must drop down to Mega Store and pick up some anti-pandemic Panda appendages from Peter Pointy prior to panacea purchasing pandemonium…. it’s late here… time for bed!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T19:09:21Z', 'url': 'http://www.comicsbybrad.com/2009/04/16/panda-section/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
U.S. v. AlliedSignal, Inc. and Honeywell,Inc. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act, 15 U.S.C. ァ 16(b)-(h), that on March 9, 2000, the United States filed its responses to public comments on the proposed Final Judgment in United States v. AlliedSignal Inc. and Honeywell Inc., Case No. 1:99 CV 02959 (PLF) (D.D.C., filed November 8, 1999), with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. On November 8, l999, the United States filed a Complaint which alleged that AlliedSignal's proposed merger with Honeywell would violate Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. ァ 18, by substantially lessening competition in the traffic alert and collision avoidance systems ("TCAS") market, the search and surveillance weather radar ("SSWR") market, the reaction and momentum wheel market, and the inertial systems market. The proposed Final Judgment, also filed on November 8, 1999, requires AlliedSignal and Honeywell to divest the TCAS business of Honeywell located in Glendale, Arizona; the SSWR business of AlliedSignal located in Olathe, Kansas; the space and navigation business of AlliedSignal located in Teterboro, New Jersey; the mechanical rate gyroscope business of AlliedSignal located in Cheshire, Connecticut, and a related repair business in Newark, Ohio; the microSCIRAS technology business of AlliedSignal located in Redmond, Washington, or, in the alternative, the micro-electro-mechanical systems inertial sensor business of Honeywell located in Minneapolis and Plymouth, Minnesota; and the AlliedSignal micromachined silicon accelerator and micromachined accelerometer gyroscope technology business. Public comment was invited within the statutory 60-day comment period. The public comments and the United States' responses thereto are hereby published in the Federal Register and have been filed with the Court. Copies of the Complaint, Hold Separate Stipulation and Order, proposed Final Judgment, Competitive Impact Statement, and the United States' Certificate of Compliance with Provisions of the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act (to which the public comments and the United States' responses are attached) are available for inspection in Room 215 of the Antitrust Division, Department of Justice, 325 7th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20530 (telephone: 202-514-2481) and at the Office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 333 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. Copies of any of these materials may be obtained upon request and payment of a copying fee.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T19:00:25Z', 'url': 'https://www.justice.gov/atr/case-document/federal-register-notice', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Here’s a scenario we see played out all the time. Acme Inc. has a website that has been online for five to seven years. They recognize that people are looking at their website as it comes up in sales conversations, but the CEO feels that the design looks dated and that it doesn’t properly reflect the offering of the company. Maybe he doesn’t like the way the content is organized, or doesn’t feel that the messaging is appropriate any more, or just doesn’t feel the site is a accurate reflection of the firm’s brand positioning. Acme Inc. goes out to market and hires an agency, let’s call them Agency Hipster, that has a portfolio that looks very clean and cool. The sales team seems nice, and the designers are young and hip (their pants are so skinny!). After five months, Agency Hipster launches the new site for Acme Inc. Celebrations are had, craft beers are shared, and everyone at both companies pats themselves on the backs for a job well done. Fast forward two months and the sales team is complaining that overall inbound sales inquiries are down. The CEO can’t find their site on the first few pages of Google unless he specifically searches for the company by name. The marketing manager, who has a basic understanding of Analytics, is looking at the decline of traffic from launch day and asking the agency, “What’s happened?!” The hip account manager with the excellent beard all of a sudden can’t explain why. The site looks great, but it’s not performing well. We here at Art & Science have done A LOT of website design work over the years. I myself have been “building websites” since 1997, so it stands to reason that we have seen a thing or two in our time, including the disasters of what happens when a website redesign is driven solely by aesthetics. If you’re evaluating proposals from agencies to help give you that fresh new online presence, and they haven’t talked to you about Search Engine Optimization, then they are doing it wrong. Not only are they doing it wrong, but they are potentially dangerous and could harm your business. “That sounds a little hyperbolic.” While I have been prone to hyperbole from time to time, I assure you that this is not one of those times. “Our site is so old that anything newer is better.” Wrong. “Nobody Googles us.” Also probably wrong, unless you are brand new to the market—and even then I’m willing to bet that people search for the service or product category you operate in. We hear a lot about “data-driven marketing” these days, and while most marketers I meet agree that they should be using data to make their decisions, they often underestimate how this applies to the biggest and most public piece of marketing collateral they own: their website. While you may feel that your website looks like a Honda Civic from 2002, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t influencing your business (there’s still a lot of late model Honda Civics on the road). And let me be clear, don’t feel bad if you didn’t raise this with your digital agency. They should be asking these questions and bringing this level of awareness to you in the first place. We’re paid to be experts in this arena so you don’t have to be! So, what should you be looking for in a digital agency? While we absolutely get engaged in website redesign projects, the questions we’ll be asking are aimed at getting a holistic picture of your other marketing touch points—from email, to how you are perceived in search, to what you’re doing in social media—to best advise on maximizing your investment. Your website is, after all, the hub of all your digital communications. Why throw tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars at a property just to look good? Make it work as hard as Beyonce. As this post is illustrating, search (Google, Bing, etc.) is a huge part of being not just discoverable, but sustainable. How many times do you use Google to dig out the phone number for the same business over and over again? Why would we ever “save” contact information when it’s ever-present online in Google? If your redesign doesn’t factor this in, maybe you won’t be seeing as many calls. If you’re evaluating an agency to determine whether you want to work with them, ask them how many other clients they have ongoing relationships with. If they aren’t actively engaged in optimizing and improving the sites they build for other clients, what expectation do you have that they will do this for you? It’s hubris to assume that design borne from the subjective feelings of a designer (or CEO for that matter) is perfect from the get-go. It’s also naive to think that the web (and Google) are static entities. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow, and your agency should be helping you see these opportunities to help maximize your investments. You’ll note that I didn’t say “award-winning design”. It’s not because great design isn’t important, it’s just that we’re at a point where great design is table stakes. What matters is how well that design performs for your business, and that’s where search plays a key role. So go on, shop for the new agency—but anyone who tells you that search engine optimization isn’t a big part of your business is either lying, or worse, ignorant of the realities of digital marketing today. Image credit: Peter/Flickr. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) license.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T09:06:13Z', 'url': 'https://artscience.ca/a-redesign-without-seo-is-just-bad-design/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
It's been a long journey, more than 60 years of motorsport history. We gave it everything, in every second and now Porsche has won its 17th overall victory at the 24 hours of Le Mans. Now we would like to give all our friends and fans that couldn't join us in the stands the chance to share this magical moment again and again, with the original Le Mans 2015 Winner T-shirt celebrating the Porsche team’s 17th overall victory. Stock is limited to only 1,600 pieces. 100% Cotton. In White. Due to high demand, allow 1-2 business days for processing.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T07:07:30Z', 'url': 'https://www.suncoastparts.com/product/SKULMS.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I didn’t get to do a Lenten series this year because a lot of things went completely out of my control. Schoolwork and research totally consumed my life, and I barely had time to sit down and decompress before I had to move onto something else. It seemed like my world was crashing down around me, and on top of all of the academic pressures, there was the pressure not to get sick, and to turn in certain applications on time, not to mention find funding for an upcoming trip to Europe and just general trying to figure life out stuff. But I overheard something a few weeks ago that I didn’t get around to blogging until today. I can’t remember where I heard it, or even who said it, but I remember that this person was talking about their home church. This person said that their pastor had said that Lent isn’t a season of giving up or taking on something, but rather it was a period of reflection. We must take these 40 days and do some deep soul-searching. We must pause, even if only for 10 minutes out of our day, and think about the gravity of what is to come. Currently, it is finals week at Wartburg College. There are so many tests that need to be taken and papers and projects that need to be completed, that we forget it is also Holy Week. Tomorrow is Maunday Thursday, the day after is Good Friday, and Sunday is Easter. What have I done for Lent? I gave up my personal Twitter account, and made an effort to not be so much of a jerk. The former has been going strong, but the latter has faltered, mostly because it’s hard to change one’s personality in a day. But while I made a conscious effort to better myself, I also failed to take the time to sit down and let myself just be in the presence of the world. During this Holy Week, with everything that is going on that needs your immediate attention, don’t forget to find a quiet place, even for 10-15 minutes, and just let your mind wander. Clear your mind, and reflect on what the world has given you. You don’t need to be looking for any epiphanies, nor do you need to be mediating on a certain word for phrase. Just let life happen for a little bit. It’s amazing what you can find when you silence those reminders and looming deadlines. On Saturday, I had to attend the funeral of a seven-year-old. His name was Luke Hansen, and I met him this summer when he was one of my campers for Vacation Bible School in Hurley, South Dakota. At the time I met him in mid-July, he was already four months into cancer treatment. In March, he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain stem tumor. Immediately, he began treatment: radiation, steroids, physical therapy, the works. For us adults, going through all of this would be rough. And at times, Luke hated what he had to go through to get better. Yet if I hadn’t been told that there was something wrong with Luke, I never would have guessed. He sang the loudest, ran with the bigger kids, talked all the time, and was just your average seven-year-old, except with leg braces and limited mobility on one side. He was the coolest little kid, so full of life and energy. When he showed up to VBS on the last day with “Team Luke” bracelets for the staff, I was touched, and gladly accepted membership to the Team. From that moment on, Luke became my Superhero. I subscribed to the Caring Bridge website, keeping tabs on everything going on with Luke. I cheered him on when I heard that he was able to play in a couple of baseball games, I wished him luck when he started second grade, and I became concerned when he wasn’t able to go to school because he was too weak. Being so invested in Luke, I knew I was setting myself up for disappointment. Luke was able to do anything, and even though I was hoping he would be able to beat his disease, I knew every time I looked at my Hulk-green “Team Luke” bracelets that soon he wasn’t going to be around. That day came the morning of Wednesday, 24 November. I got the email update that Luke had passed away. I’m glad I got it after I had arrived at home for Thanksgiving break, first because it meant that I could be in Hurley for the funeral, but also because I knew if I had gotten the news while driving, I would have had to pull over. Luke’s funeral on Saturday was wonderful. Over 100 people showed up to send him off, offering so many memories that the basket was overflowing. The doors to the public school had the Incredible Hulk greeting everyone as they entered, and autographs and well-wishes from his sports heroes filled two tables. Luke looked as handsome as ever in his white casket, decked out in his favorite Twins jersey (no surprise there). Many wonderful memories were shared, including a touching poem by Luke’s older sister, Jasmyn. As I sat back and let the tears roll, the topic of lessons came up. Someone mentioned that Luke taught her some important lessons, including to always be a cheerleader, and to learn the value of numbers. Important lessons as they are, Luke taught me an especially important one: live with no excuses. For eight months, Luke had death looming over him. And yet, somehow, it didn’t faze him at all. He ran, he jumped, he climbed, he loved, he sang, he lived. And here I am, almost 21 years old, still making excuses for why I can’t do things: I’m not talented enough, it’s too far out of my comfort zone, I’m too old to do that, I’m too invested in what I’m doing to completely rid myself of it. But Luke showed me that there can be no excuses in life. Life is way too short to focus on what you can’t do. Instead, focus on what you wish you could do, and do it. If it works, you have a new skill. If it doesn’t, then put it behind you and try something new. Luke was, and always will be, my biggest Superhero, and I hope that someday, I can be like him when I grow up. Last month, I got a chance to spend Easter Sunday with my girlfriend, who is a Presbyterian. Growing up a good Lutheran boy, I’ve never experienced Easter outside of the Lutheran tradition. It was an amazing celebration with a different denomination, and I experienced a new way of taking Communion, along with some amazing hospitality and some good talks with her church family. During the six hour drive back, we had a great talk about our faith and church experiences. I mentioned that I thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality and friendliness of her church, because in my experiences with different Lutheran churches, Lutherans are pretty stuffy, and tend to look down on strange people that enter the church. I mentioned that, while I don’t really think I could leave my Lutheran upbringing, I would definitely attend a church that was even half as friendly and inviting as her church. This then led to a doctrine discussion, and she mentioned that she loved every part of the Presbyterian doctrine, except for one thing: the belief in Predestination. Predestination is the belief that God, in his omnipotent power and infinite wisdom, created the entire Universe in all of time, meaning that every person’s life and every world event was created and determined ahead of time. With this belief, there is no free will, because whatever you’re going to do has already been planned. On the other side of this coin is the notion of Free Will, which says that there is no interference from a Higher Power, and that we control our actions and our destinies. Our actions control our fates, and it is completely our own faults if we end up in riches or in poverty. I’ve never really been sold on the idea of Predestination. I’m uncomfortable with the idea that my actions are not completely my own. If it’s already been decided ahead of time what I’m going to do with my life, my thinking is, why bother live it? It’s not really the “big picture” I’m opposed to, it is every little nuance in my life that has been planned out that I’m opposed to. I’m uncomfortable with the idea that every little thing I do is planned out: every time I blink, every time I eat, every time I pick my nose, it’s all been decided for me. I need a little wiggle room in my existence. It can’t all be so meticulously structured. Then again, I’m not completely sold on Free Will. It is the other extreme in the spectrum. Where Predestination is God’s complete control over existence, Free Will is the complete removal of God from the equation. I like the idea of absolutely no structure about as much as I like the idea of complete structure. The idea that my life is completely under my control is frightening, because in the 20 years I’ve been alive, I’ve made some pretty stupid decisions. If my life were under my control, I’ll surely drive myself into the ground. I need some sort of guidance and structure, but not the complete structure of Predestination. I believe that there is a middle ground between Free Will and Predestination, a sort of “outline” with which we run our lives. It is a blend of Free Will and Predestination: God created our lives, and God wants us to achieve a number of major life events, but it is up to us to get there. I like knowing that I need to do certain things in my life, but I also like the idea that it is up to me to achieve those things. This belief also helps me come to terms with all of the death in the world. People who die young, even if it looks like they had so much to live for, have completed everything they needed to do in life. Meanwhile, people who seem like they’re never going to die are obviously missing something, and will continue to live until they achieve that goal. This shouldn’t be confused with stuff you want to do. That is different. If it were up to us, none of us would die, because we would always have something new that we want to do, and cannot die until we do it. Instead, it is what God has planned for us, the people we are to meet and affect, the charitable things we are to do, and so on. I believe we write our own stories, and like any good story or academic paper, it is the outline that must come first. I’ve been staying at a friend’s house for the past couple of days in an effort to get out of the house while on break and exploring Minneapolis, Minnesota, a city I’ve been to many times but have never really gone out and explored. In my time in Minneapolis I’ve attended a concert put on by the Minnesota Orchestra, gotten lost in the city numerous times, and tonight will be at the Mall of America, enjoying myself at a Patrice O’Neal show at the House of Comedy. But despite everything that’s happened while I was in Minneapolis, the one thing that I just realized–that I hope everyone will realize soon–is that people are just like rolls of toilet paper. Let me explain: while I was using the facilities in the house I’m staying in, I noticed that the toilet paper roll was empty. Being a kind guest I found a new roll, and replaced it. But before I put the roll back on, I paused, and the great debate played through my head: is this household a “roll-over” household, or a “roll-under” household? It honestly stopped me for a moment. I didn’t want to put it the wrong way, or else I would be inconveniencing people in the house, as they reach for the toilet paper and go, “Dang it, it’s rolled the wrong way.” I had a short panicky moment, before I decided to look at the empty roll and see which way they preferred it. But looking at the roll, I noticed that it was completely empty, and that there was no way I would be able to tell how they preferred it. It was then, oddly enough, that I had a moment of clarity that I felt compelled to tell the world: we are just like that roll of toilet paper. Our different ways of rolling are our different beliefs and convictions: Christians “roll-under” and Muslims “roll-over”; Republicans “roll-over” and Democrats “roll-under”. The appearance is different, and just like in those toilet paper commercials, sometimes it can get pretty crazy. Some people are just so into their preference of over versus under that it can unwittingly cause shouting matches. Many websites are devoted to solving the Great Debate, and no one will ever get it solved. Looking at that empty toilet paper roll, though, helped me to realize that it doesn’t matter how we hang, because in the end we’re going to be an empty tube, and no one is going to care whether we were an “over tube” or an “under tube” but rather that we got the job we needed to do, done. It no longer matters how we roll, but that we rolled. The charge to the world is to get beyond matters of rolling one way or the other. We’re all on this planet together, and the sooner we can get past petty problems like race, religion, political identification, or sexual orientation, the better we can make the world.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T14:58:25Z', 'url': 'https://justmakessense.wordpress.com/tag/life/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
We also understand how difficult it is for compounders to maneuver through the expensive regulatory world in which you must work. This is why we work so hard to be helpful while managing costs to make testing as affordable as possible. With state-of-the-art equipment, our lab prides itself in its ability to test Potency, Purity, Stability and/or Sterility for essentially any active ingredient in almost any form, for both 503(a) compounding pharmacies and 503(b) outsourcing facilities. All Compounders will need to register with a new profile! Please follow link to create a new profile to access to your results. We are always willing to discuss problems privately and work with you to discover solutions. If we spot a problem, we will not merely send a report, we will contact you directly and discuss the matter with you in order to investigate what may have gone wrong and offer solutions to discover resolutions. With state-of-the-art equipment, our Potency, Sterility, and Special Chemistry departments are able to offer a wide variety of tests. We serve both 503(a) compounding pharmacies and 503(b) outsourcing facilities. We also offer complete testing services to the suppliers of active ingredients. "We have been using CIAL to perform our testing for several years now. They have become our ‘go to’ lab for almost everything. Their prices are very competitive, service is great, they are technically superior to other labs, and have proven to be helpful whenever we have had a compounding problem." "We are a 503b outsourcing facility who was exclusively using another lab before we discovered CIAL, almost by accident. We had some regulatory issues that the other lab proved unable to handle, but Jake and Kyle at CIAL did a study of the problem, performed some research for us and solved the problem quickly. We greatly appreciate their technical talents, professional manner, and careful attention to our problem. These are things we don’t find very often!"
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T04:02:25Z', 'url': 'http://compounderslab.com/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Marketing plays a very essential feature consequently a company right into an effective brand name. The demand of digital advertising and marketing has really seen a higher fad in current times. An increasing number of firms are resorting to digital advertising and marketing for a larger reach. There are many firms supplying digital advertising remedies yet not all will absolutely have the ability to satisfy your expectations. If you are looking for a digital advertising company for your organization, listed below are some important variables to think of. It is extremely vital to do some research study prior to searching for a digital marketing firm for your business. Acquainting by yourself with the marketing terms and also approaches will definitely help you make an informed choice. It will certainly aid you in familiarizing your company needs and additionally search for a firm matching those needs. The business should have an ideal website listing the services it supplies together with other relevant information. You can talk to some of their previous clients and ask about how they really feel relating to the company’s solutions. The companies you pick require to have an exceptional online exposure. It should have a blog site which is regularly upgraded with top quality product and also impactful existence on numerous other social networks websites systems is furthermore vital. Tips to hire digital marketing company which will certainly aid you market your brand needs to be able to make a brand name for itself on the marketplace. The firm you deal with should use most present gadgets along with methods to research study, track details and also different other marketing and advertising initiatives. Continuing to be updated with the current growths in the area is likewise truly crucial. An organization which asks for a higher cost might not always supply excellent solutions. Selecting the perfect business will reveal to be truly advantageous for your organization with time. Tips to hire digital advertising firm can enable organizations to suppress the intensity of a strong digital advertising and marketing procedure. The utilization of novel stages like the on the internet networking can be a distinctive advantage as an ever increasing number of individuals are utilizing them to pull in with brands. It is a spectacular place to get adherents, reel in with them and also offer them significant and helpful compound. When they end up steadfast brand name followers, routed ads are served to them to transform over them right into clients. Online marketing is the here and now and also what is to find. Organizations continuing to be ceaselessly do thus at their very own danger. It is beneficial to jump on to the electronic short lived fad while all is excellent and well. Collaborated media battles are not something merely any advertising and marketing company can offer.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T00:01:47Z', 'url': 'http://www.westchesterbikewalk.org/2019/search-digital-marketing-business-essential-for-smes/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
What I feel like doing lately! Every weekend I have such lofty goals of scheduling out my blog posts like I used to do when things were simpler, but as usual I get caught up in real life (SHOCK!) family things, and it never quite happens. Of course it's worth it though especially when there's pie involved! This weekend we focused on cleaning and Thanksgiving grocery shopping (why is it so hard to find plain Colby cheese???). It seems unreal that this time last year some of our 20 guests from 6 states had already started arriving for Thanksgiving. It was epic, remember? Although it's just the 4 of us this year I still feel a bit bowled over, but I'm trying to remain calm. Doing simple things like picking up a fresh bouquet of Trader Joe's flowers for my desk, listening to Miles Davis while I'm working and getting my PiYo workouts in are all making a difference on how I'm coping this season. I don't weigh myself often, but when I started Shakeology a little over a month ago I really used it to start taking better care of myself. Doing that (I'm *this* close to my pre-pregnancy weight!), along with my new cut and color and refreshing my closet with the help of my friend and fellow mompreneur Courtney have been baby steps towards me feeling more like myself. It's all about Kaizen. Nia's out of school starting Wednesday and it's not nearly as cold (yet!) as it was last year. I'm thankful for how gorgeous it is here, our improved quality of life and that we are all well. Part of that wellness involves our church. We were blessed to participate in our first Thanksgiving dinner with the congregation yesterday and we had a great time. The sense of community means so much to us, and I'm thankful for our spiritual family. This week we'll get to see our extended family just outside Boston, and while I've discussed diversity (or lack of it) here in New Hampshire, being up here does put us closer to the kids' little cousins on Uka's side of the family. Nia is bursting at the seams to be able to see them this weekend! It makes me happy to see how excited she is as I remember the same feeling as a kid knowing I'd get to see my cousins. Community is definitely what you make it. Speaking of which regardless of the vitriol spewed in the past couple weeks there is still hope. This post is proof of that. Please take the time to read it and share. Glenn AND Jon Snow?! How is it possible for fictional good news to make me feel so uplifted??? This Instagram clip really made me laugh til I cried - even Nia was concerned! Wishing you a stress-less week as you prepare for Thanksgiving!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T20:26:31Z', 'url': 'https://www.harlemlovebirds.com/2015/11/tis-stressful-season.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This little coffee bar inside a refurbished 1920s gas station joins Axelrad and Luigi’s Pizzeria in revamping its block. The coolly casual hangout is perfect for lingering over locally sourced roasts brewed in a custom Slayer espresso machine, inside or at a picnic table in the light-strung yard. There’s craft beer and wine on offer, too, plus as a crêpe stand slinging delicate creations named after Texas icons like Ima Hogg and Marvin Zindler, filled with ingredients such as salmon, avocado, goat cheese, eggs and turkey.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T15:04:17Z', 'url': 'https://www.houstoniamag.com/restaurants/retrospect-coffee-bar', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Trash Action: A Fresh Look at Garbage, 2006. Trash Action focuses on garbage in the new millennium. Discover how your household habits have a global impact. Explore the issues, new approaches and innovative technology. Evaluate and reduce your own personal footprint, then share your concerns with others. You can make a difference. Snow Amazing: Cool Facts and Warm Tales, 2004. Dive into that frosty, cool, white stuff - from the formation of a snowflake, to the swish of a toboggan, to the pounce of a lynx. Read terrifying and surprising stories of endurance. You'll respect and admire the amazing wildlife that adapt and survive even the wildest storms. But, most of all let's celebrate the wonders of snow. Kids Book of the Night Sky, 2004. Thousands of years ago, kids connected stars into shapes and stories of people, animals and monsters. And they could tell time and find their way home. You can do this and more. With this guide to the sky, you can locate and identify constellations using detailed sky charts, make your own skywatching equipment, read exciting celestial stories and play games that will take you out of this world. Cool Woods: At Trip Around the World's Boreal Forest, 2003. Step into the woods. The wet ground - springy with moss - soaks your shoe. Shut your eyes and breathe deeply. A wild mix of skunk, mushrooms, and fragrant fir tingles your nose. Welcome to the boreal forest - the lungs of the Earth and the last great forest left on the planet. Cool Woods introduces readers to the boreal region with its whooping cranes, Siberian tigers, moose, mosquitoes, peoples, wetland and trees, trees, trees. It's a good news environmental story but also a call to action to help preserve this magnificent and fragile place. When snow starts to fall, this book opens up a wintry world of fun indoor or outdoor activities including crafts, games, recipes and sports. What's a nose bot? Why do walrus turn white? Who got to the North Pole first? Where's the coldest place in the north? Find out all the answers and much more. Pack this book when visiting your grandparents or keep it handy when they come to your place. Collect family stories, explore your family tree, share games and learn what your grandparents did when they were your age. They were kids once too! Packed with 150 games and activities, this book includes water, land and indoor games, games for one or two, homemade games and Olympics too. The fun won't stop, all summer long. Make every summer night a success with well-laid plans, and fires. Eat, play games, tell stories, watch the stars, identify night sounds and sing along with family and friends. This best-selling book is the official book of summer. There are games, crafts, recipes and tips whether you're on the shore, in the water, hiking, camping, waiting out a rainy day or planning an evening by the fire. Most activities can be done with found objects and little adult help. Canada at Work Series: Mining 1997. Trish and Jamie's upcoming hockey tournament is a great opportunity to investigate where the steel blades for ice skates come from, and the plastic for the puck too. Take their tour of mom's workplace, an underground mine shaft, and then the steel mill where dad works. Visit Alberta's tar sand and see how ore is changed into various usable metals, including stainless steel. Find out how mining wastelands become useable once again. Finally, see if you can find all the items made from mined materials inside the hockey arena. Canada at Work Series: Fishing 1997. Go with Grandpa and granddaughter Jessie to a fish farm. Learn about trawlers, underwater nets, hatcheries and more. Then travel home with Jessie to the west coast where Dad's a fish and wildlife officer. Watch the salmon climb upriver and learn about over-fishing. And try Grandpa and Jessie's yummy fish cake recipe. Canada at Work Series: Forestry 1996. Take a ride with Cameron in his uncle's helicopter and learn forestry. The book explains the lumbering industry and the environmental concerns associated with it. The illustrations show the various processes described; tools and equipment are clearly labeled. Canada at Work Series: Farming 1996. Meet Nick, who lives on a vegetable farm in Ontario, and his cousin Karin, who lives on a cattle ranch in Alberta. Spend time on their respective farms and learn about chores, agricultural practices, processes and equipment. Then learn where in Canada the various parts of a hamburger come from. America at Work Series: Mining 1999. Trish and Jamie's upcoming hockey tournament is a great opportunity to investigate where the steel blades for ice skates come from, and the plastic for the puck too. Take their tour of mom's workplace, an underground mine shaft, and then the steel mill where dad works. Visit an Ohio coal mine and see how ore is changed into various usable metals, including stainless steel. Find out how mining wastelands become useable once again. Finally, see if you can find all the items made from mined materials inside the hockey arena. America at Work Series: Fishing 1999. Go with Grandpa and granddaughter Jessie to a fish farm. Learn about trawlers, underwater nets, hatcheries and more. Then travel home with Jessie to the west coast where Dad's a fish and wildlife officer. Watch the salmon climb upriver and learn about over-fishing. And if you like fish, try Grandpa and Jessie's yummy fish cake recipe. America at Work Series: Forestry 1998. America at Work Series: Farming 1998. Meet Nick, who lives on a vegetable farm in Ohio, and his cousin Karin, who lives on a cattle ranch in Nebraska. Spend time on their respective farms and learn about chores, agricultural practices, processes and equipment. Then learn where in America the parts of a hamburger are from. This timeless guide, written in cooperation with World Wildlife Fund, explains why there are environmental problems. Through experiments, case studies and real life examples, kids will be inspired to take action and help protect endangered species and endangered places.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T20:48:53Z', 'url': 'http://janedrake.ca/classics.htm', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Call us to today to learn more about our Winooski Informatica consulting services. Our consultants are some of the most experienced Informatica experts and work directly with you. Let us help you ensure that you have a successful project, our process will save you time, money and headaches.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T04:49:35Z', 'url': 'http://consulting.company/enformatica-winooski-consulting/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Mix all the ingredients for the chicken marinade and let sit for a few hours, over night if possible. 10 -15 minutes before you are ready to start preparing the chicken & soba noodles mix all of the ingredients for the sweet ginger sauce. Set aside. Slice all of the vegetables. Boil the soba noodles per the instructions on the package. If they finish cooking before the chicken drain and cover. Remove the chicken from the marinade and cook until no longer pink. In a large skillet add the sauce, cooked chicken, and soba noodles and toss well. Serve onto individual dishes and sprinkle with the vegetables and sesame seeds.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T10:56:48Z', 'url': 'http://figandpie.com/tag/ginger-sauce/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This meta tag also enables the “edge” mode in Windows Live Mail and Windows 8 Mail, supporting the use of CSS3 and media queries. It is important to note that when the IE=edge meta tag is enabled it will create a big in Windows Live Mail breaking images and making the email unprintable in Outlook 2003. The fix is fairly simple, all that is needed is to include a conditional statement around the IE=edge meta tag, which prevents images from breaking in Windows Live Mail and allows for the email to be printed in Outlook 2003.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T13:55:35Z', 'url': 'https://www.htmlemailcheck.com/knowledge-base/prevent-image-breaks-windows-live-mail-using-ie-edge-meta-tag/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
BUT there are times when you need to put down your phone and camera and live in the moment. One of those, for us, was the first time our daughter entered the Magic Kingdom. After almost a year of planning, we wanted everyone on this trip to enjoy the moment of first entering the park. With 3 grands and 2 parents, we could have looked like a group of paparazzi surrounding this poor 4 year old! The rest of the trip everyone could take all the photos they wanted, but for this morning let’s all enjoy it together. We hired a local photographer, Robyn Lynn. Robyn met us outside the Magic Kingdom and followed us through the park for several hours. All of our attention was focused on enjoying seeing a wide-eyed 4 year old run towards the castle, ride her first roller coaster, spin with the grandparents, and stare in awe at all the dolls from around the world. Yes, it was an extra expense. Not something you will do on every trip. But what a way to remember that one moment! Robyn captured moments that I as a photographer would not have captured. She saw us through a different set of eyes. Even to this day it is hard to get through that photo gallery without tearing up. She captured not just the special moments with Brooke, but photos of my parents holding hands, my mom and I together, and photos of all of us together. There are dozens of photographers in the Orlando area. If you are planning a special trip to WDW, contact one! Live in the moment! View all the photos below! This entry was posted in Parks, Tips. Bookmark the permalink.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T13:15:51Z', 'url': 'http://www.southernfamilytravels.com/put-down-the-phone-camera-enjoy-and-make-memories-first-trip-advice/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Sunita has the equipment which includes liquid blending tanks, dry add equipment and mixers for liquid blending at our facilities. Sunita blending tanks are used to prepare various products commonly used in stimulation treatments. Sunita blenders are capable of providing a supply of adequately mixed ingredients at the desired quantity and quality that are controlled, enabling the flow of chemicals and ingredients to be efficiently metered and requiring a relatively small residence volume to achieve good control over the blend quality and delivery rate.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T13:54:51Z', 'url': 'https://sunitausa.com/blending/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
7 nights from €450*. Extra nights (or less nights) available on request. Tailor made activity holidays in Austria – experience summer in Austria – not just winter…. The Dolomite town of Lienz, where we are based, is officially the sunniest town in the whole of Austria. Summer temperatures in the mountains of over 30 degrees Celsius can be expected. The beautiful town centre has a good selection of attractions, restaurants, mountain huts, shops and entertainment. Simply let us know your dates, what type of accommodation you require and what activities you’re interested in and we’ll tailor an activity holiday package based on your needs. AdventureAustria is based the East Tyrolean town of Lienz. In East Tyrol there are over 240 mountains with peaks over 3,000m including the highest mountain in Austria – the Grossglockner. Lienz itself (where we are based) has two ski resorts – Zettersfeld and Hochstein 668m – 2,278m and a lake suitable for swimming in summer. Dozens of summer activities all within a short distance from our base. Range of activities to suit all requirements and all abilities. Types of accommodation available for tailor made family holidays include 5 star hotel, 4 star hotel, 3 star hotel, guesthouse, self-catering apartment, camping etc. We organise tailor made family holidays in the region of East Tyrol. Tailor made packages to suit your own personal requirements and budgets. We book and organise hotels, transfers, activities etc on your behalf. One convenient all inclusive package price with one point of contact. Groups, families, singles, couples and corporate guests welcome. Individual and personal holiday itineraries. Representative in Austria to meet with you and show you the way. East Tyrol there are over 240 mountains with peaks over 3,000m including the highest mountain in Austria – the Grossglockner. To make an enquiry about this holiday contact us on 0043 (0)699 1731 7344 or email info@adventureaustria.com.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T03:53:38Z', 'url': 'https://adventureaustria.com/tour/tailor-made-activity-holidays/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Malachi Smith was a founding member of the group Poets in Unity and worked in Jamaica as a police officer and as a dub poet, an unusual combination. He migrated to Florida in 1987, where he has continued to work in both two capacities. Over the years he has released several CDs (Throw Two Punch, 1998 ; The Blacker the Berry, The Sweeter the Cherry, 2001 ; Middle Passage, 2003 ; Luv Dub Fever, 2008 ; Hail to Jamaica, 2010; Scream, 2014; Wiseman, 2017) on which he performs his poems to the accompaniment of reggae music or a-cappella.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T00:09:02Z', 'url': 'https://andrewsparke.com/malachi-smith/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has stated that for the 2017 season all replay reviews will be centralized in the league’s gameday command center and decided by the senior vice president of officiating. Goodell’s comments came from an interview on Mike & Mike on ESPN hours before the Competition Committee announces the rules proposals for 2017. The commissioner said, “We are going to centralize the replay back here in New York. Dean Blandino will have the final decision. We think that will move it much quicker.” This implies that the change has been finalized, although the owners do not vote on rules changes until this weekend’s annual meeting. All changes to the rulebook require a three-quarters vote of the owners, although it is possible that Goodell already has the whip count of the ownership. Although the complete operational details are not known, it appears that the referee will be allowed to make his call in a replay review. Initial indications are that Blandino and Riveron will take a hands-off approach, and allow the process of the review to go as normal. When it came to fruition, the process seemed to lean towards an interventionist role, rather than an advisory role, a distinction that the league declined to comment on at the time. When observing the replay process from the command center in 2014, Jarrett Bell of USA Today described the process, concluding, “Then Riveron informed [Vinovich], via the headset. ‘We’re going to go with “stands,” Vinny,’ Riveron said.” This effectively shows the passive role in the replay process for one of the highest graded referees in the last three years. The replay decisions have been in the hands of the referee since replay was reinstituted in 1999. Under the replay system from 1986 to 1991, a league supervisor made the decision in the first years, and then a dedicated replay official in the final seasons. The first replay review in a Super Bowl was by Art McNally, the venerable head of officiating. Long after he made the call, a decisive angle came from the TV production truck that showed the call was wrong. Today, the gameday command center where all the replay decisions will be made bears McNally’s name. They should build a replay booth into every stadium and make a replay official part of every crew so the decision is made in the stadium. To maintain the integrity of the game, the league office should not have any communication with the officials during the game. Hey Alan, where have you been? That is the way its been done for years now, but began to change last year and will be completely changed this year with NY making all the decisions. God has spoken!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T13:12:37Z', 'url': 'http://www.footballzebras.com/2017/03/goodell-replay-will-centralized-even-though-owners-havent-voted/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The straight lines and up-sized satin etched glass of this Brushed Nickel 5 light chandelier from the Shailene Collection create the perfect casual look for the updated urban lifestyle. The Kichler 43671NI Shailene collection Chandelier Lighting in Brushed Nickel uses Incandescent light output and brings Contemporary style. This item is 18.25"H x 23.5"W. The total wattage is 500 and the voltage is 120 volts. The Kichler Lighting 43671NI requires 5 bulbs (not included). Additional Information: Shade-Satin Etched Glass.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T20:18:15Z', 'url': 'https://www.delmarfans.com/kichler-lighting/shailene/43671ni/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
It’s the Year of the Pig, everyone, and this porker is already us some good luck. We got our next issue of Shonen Jump 3 days early! For the complete release schedule, visit https://www.viz.com/shonen-jump-chapter-schedule. Now, let’s go whole hog on this week’s releases. As always, there are tons more releases at http://www.viz.com. Check it out to find Haikyuu! and Food Wars, and many others!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T23:13:17Z', 'url': 'https://couchcrunchers.com/2019/02/09/weekly-shonen-jump-rundown-2-10-2019/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
At the heart of DS-IQ’s platform is a scientific framework called ShopperGraph™, which uses advanced predictive machine learning to understand the interrelationships between personal, local and global factors that predict shopper behavior and sales. It understands what a customer would most likely want under a myriad of different conditions. ShopperGraph™ technology is used to plan, activate, and adapt customer messaging in real time to maximize effectiveness. “Our relevance platform thrives under changing conditions, because it combines best-in-class personalization, localization and contextualization,” affirms Opdycke. “At last count we’ve analyzed more than $1 trillion in retail sales and mapped billions of consumer, local, and global contextual data points in order to help our customers anticipate shopper interests. The depth and scale of knowledge that analysis has given us, plus our technical ability to act on it, has led to many millions of winning shopper experience sand additional profit for our customers.”One national grocery retailer asked DS-IQ to grab shopper attention and increase loyalty by delivering contextually relevant offers in innovative ways. DS-IQ served up shopper specific emails and online digital coupons tailored to each shopper’s context. Messages were customized based on current conditions, such as item-level buying cadence, offer propensity, out-of-stocks, and weather effects. Engaged customers shopped more frequently, purchased across more product categories, and spent more with that retailer a three way win. DS-IQ’s next move will be to expand adoption. Opdycke concludes, “We’re working with ambitious retail and brand marketers to understand and win customer relationships. We’re helping them leap frog one-to-many and one-to-one marketing, by competing in a mode we call “One-to-Best” contextual marketing.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T08:03:35Z', 'url': 'https://customer-relationship-management.cioreview.com/vendor/2015/ds-iq', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
In this high tech era it is not very tough to have a high end USB charger for your phone. When it comes to have a high end charging unit, it is always best to have the upgraded version. If you require a phone charger that has helpful features, obtaining the advanced charger is best. Though there are many manufacturers selling the charger for smartphone in the market, some offer the high quality products. Most of the online stores are flooded with such chargers. When it comes to buy a charger, it is best that you purchase the one that is made with highest quality. USB Charger is very important for all the android, Smartphone and iphone users. These days, people mostly look for the charger that is featured with the IC technology. With the passage of time a huge development is being brought in making this kind of charger. Using this charger you can utilize the memory card as the extension drive. Through this drive you can share your pictures, information videos to any other device. This advanced accessory helps people to transfer the data from one device to another device without losing anything while sharing. Having a Smart IC Technology based charger offers you the double benefits. On one side it helps you share the necessary information; on the other hand it assists you in recharging the device through power filling. Thus its dual performance helps in saving time and saving energy as well. If you are trying to make the best investment in buying a good charger for your phone, then always check the features mentioned above. Having such charger will help you to get the most benefit. Before going to make purchase, understand the qualities it has and then decide on if the technology will suit the function of your phone or not. There is 4-Port USB Charger that is constructed seeing the overwhelming needs of charger. It offers 4 ports facility. It is categorically made to meet the huge customer’s demand and have got a good market in the mobile phone accessory industry. The style, the looks and the functions it bears has brought a good feedback for it. Most of the users are highly satisfied with this 4 port charging unit and this product has undoubtedly intensified the leading competition in the market. The demand of this charger is so high that most of the time it remains out of the stock in the popular out of store. This 4 port charger and the 25W USB Charger have specially made a good market. If you ever go for buying these chargers, always check the reviews. Remember that every online store do not sale the product in the same price. Hence, it is your duty to compare the rate and order for the one that fits to your pocket. Find a reliable online store where you can get a wide range of this charger and at the most competitive price.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T16:41:14Z', 'url': 'https://bwebwebsolutionz1.webnode.com/a25w-usb-charger/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Cardinal Paw Patrol wooden house game has 7 games inside! It features Bingo, Tic-Tac-Toe, Checkers, Dominoes, and 3 decks of playing cards. Wood. Ages 4 and up. WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years. Pass it fast or you might not last in the Cardinal Hot Potato Game. Includes 1 musical potato, 12 potato chip tokens, and instructions. Ages 3-15. WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years. With your favorite classic Disney Princesses and extra large puzzle pieces, your little princess will have a ball putting together this officially licensed, 46-piece floor puzzle. The floor puzzle measures 36" x 24" when assembled. For ages 3 and up. Graduate your kids to the next level in dominoes. These color-coded tiles sport up to 18 spots per tile, adding challenge to the game. Plus there's 16 wacky game variations that'll keep kids picking up bones for hours! This simple, handsome set gives you everything you need to play the classic game. A game of judgment strategy and patience some historians believe mancala to be the oldest game in the world.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T15:45:04Z', 'url': 'http://cnxpartner.com/search/toys/14000000?brandId=267732&view=list', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Mosquito control is now a reality thanks to Mosquito Squad, the mosquito exterminator. Our affordable, effective and convenient mosquito control solutions offer something for everyone. Serving the Rochester and Southeastern Minnesota area since 2010. Mosquito Squad Named One of Fastest Growing Companies! Congratulations to all Mosquito Squad's around the country for being named one of the nation's fastest growing private company for the THIRD year in a row by Inc. Magazine! In 2013, there are 125 Mosquito Squad locations, and in 2014 it's projected to grow to 150 different locations around the country! Mosquito Squad was ranked #862 of the list of 5000 companies, putting it in the top 20%. This is a big feat to make this list 3 years in a row, and we couldn't do it without the help of all our loyal customers and fans and the hard work we provide to serve you! Although we do not have to deal with malaria, we have the West Nile Virus to deal with and that can also be potentially dangerous. Call Mosquito Squad today to stop those mosquitoes in your yard, so you can enjoy your time outside without having to worry about mosquitoes and what diseases they may carry. Check out our website and the Malaria No More website above to learn more about mosquitoes and what you can do to help others around the world! Technology just continues to amaze us. Professors in Virgina have came up with a tick-killing robot that actually works! Ticks are attracted to carbon dioxide and movement, so they take some tube and lay it on the ground where ticks like to live, leave it there for about 15 minutes and it emits a small amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Then the robot follows the tube, and behind the robot is a piece of cloth with a pesticide that kills ticks on it. Of course, this is not available to residential areas yet, they still need to do a few test runs. But if you are looking for tick elimination, give Mosquito Squad a call!! We offer barrier sprays which kill the adult ticks, and tick tubes which kill the nymph-stage ticks. The tick season is bad this year, and ticks can carry dangerous diseases that affect you and your pets. If you want to avoid those nasty creatures and enjoy your yard, give us a call today! If you want to get rid of these pesky animals from your yard, give us a call today!! We can eliminate up to 85% of those mosquitoes from your yard, leaving you to enjoy your outside time without the buzzing of mosquitoes. If you want to learn more about our services, give us a call or visit our website today! If you want to avoid West Nile and mosquitoes for the rest of the summer, give Mosquito Squad a call! We can eliminate mosquitoes from your backyard and keep you safe from the diseases they carry. Mosquitoes who carry West Nile are going to be more active now that it is later in summer, so give us a call or visit our website for more information on how we can protect you! Glad I'm Not in Alaska! You can see that the mosquitoes are EVERYWHERE! Even though we thought the mosquitoes were bad in Minnesota this season, I'm just glad it wasn't this bad! But if you want to get rid of those mosquitoes in your backyard, give us a call! Especially with the threat of West Nile virus rising, we want to help protect you and your family, and have you be able to enjoy your yard whenever you want. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help and protect you! The first human West Nile virus case of 2013 in Minnesota was recently recorded. A man from Murray County became ill with the virus in early July and is currently recovering. This is a sign that we are now entering high risk West Nile virus season, and when spending time outdoors people need to start being careful. A way to help prevent this virus is to wear bug repellant, especially with DEET or permethrin added to it. As you can see, this can potentially be a very dangerous disease if not treated right away. At Mosquito Squad, we want to protect you in any way we can, and we can eliminate 85-90% of mosquitoes in your yard. This would be especially helpful now that we are entering into high risk West Nile virus season, so you can enjoy your time outside without worrying about mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. Give us a call today, so you can be protected for the rest of summer! John Langley was living a normal life just outside of Dallas, Texas last year, until disaster struck. He began to not feel well, then suddenly one morning his temperature soared and his body began to cramp up. His wife rushed him to the hospital and they found out what was wrong: Langley had been infected with the West Nile virus. After being in a medically induced coma for a month, Langley finally woke up and found that he was paralyzed from his neck down and needed a respirator to help him breathe. Today, he can breathe on his own again, but he's working on getting his other muscles back in gear since the disease made his muscles so weak. He used to be able to do handy work around the house, but now he has troubles just flexing his fingers every day, and this is all because of one tiny little insect: The mosquito. As you can see, one little mosquito can cause a lot of damage, and we are starting to approach the prime season for mosquitoes and West Nile. This is why we want to help you. At Mosquito Squad, we can eliminate mosquitoes for you in your backyard, so you don't have to worry about those nasty insects and be outdoors worry free. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) today so we can start protecting you and your family for the rest of summer! This year it seems that ticks are out in abundance. Researchers are saying this is because of the late spring we had this year. Usually wood ticks are out first in May, then the deer tick follows later in summer. But since we had a late spring, the ticks are both out at the same time and this is why it seems there are more ticks than normal. Deer ticks are the ones people have to worry about, they are the ones who carry Lyme disease. Since 2000, the disease has risen greatly and this could be due to weather changes. Since ticks usually infect and cling to rodents at first, the weather is causing rodents to venture out further to find food and taking the ticks with them. Usually people just have to worry about ticks in wooded areas, but this is no longer the case now that rodents are on the move. People should be careful when they go outside and make sure to really look themselves over when they get inside for any ticks. At Mosquito Squad, we can help fight those ticks and keep you, your family, and pets safe this summer. We provide barrier spray treatments that work to eliminate adult ticks, and we also provide tick tubes, which work to kill nymph stage ticks. Give us a call today to learn more about both of these options and so you don't have to worry about those little ticks anymore!! The mosquito population has tripled this year, according to researchers and this is due to the winter that seemed to last forever. Usually mosquitoes hatch in increments starting in the spring, but this year they all seemed to hatch at once and this is why the mosquitoes seem so bad this year. We didn't really have a spring, so when it warmed up, the mosquitoes thought it was time to hatch and attack humans so they can't enjoy their yards. Mosquito Squad can help keep you safe this August!! We can eliminate those pesky and dangerous -mosquitoes from your yard, so you don't have to worry and can enjoy your time outside. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) to protect you and your family for the rest of summer! Of course, mosquitoes are pesty insects that bite humans and leave itchy marks for days. But not many people know that the mosquito is the most deadly animal on the planet. It carries many different diseases that can affect people in different ways. Malaria: This disease is no longer present in the United States, but around the world this is a very dangerous and fatal disease. It is a treatable disease, but a lot of countries where this occurs do not have the resources to help everyone who contracts this disease. West Nile: Of course we have talked about this one before. 2012 was one of the worst years in the United States for the virus, and it may be hard to diagnose this virus without going to the doctor since the symptoms resemble typical sicknesses that could happen any day. Dengue: This typically occurs in tropic areas, but there have been rare cases found in the United States. Usually starting with a high fever, this disease then causes severe muscle pain, headache, eye pain, and rashes. Yellow Fever: This also is most common in tropic areas where mosquitoes are more likely to be found, and starts with simple symptoms, such as fever, pain, and vomiting. If it progresses to the second stage, this is much more dangerous and causes a higher fever, yellowing skin, and liver damage. This disease is pretty rare in the United States, but worldwide this disease causes 30,000 deaths a year. As you can see, mosquitoes can cause a lot more harm then just some minor itching and red bumps. It can put any one in danger, so give Mosquito Squad a call today so we can start protecting you and your family from dangerous diseases this summer! Could Mosquitoes Be Causing Childhood Obesity? Many people know that children today are more obese than they have ever been before, and this is due to overeating and not getting enough physical activity. Of course, summer is a big time to play outside and get physical activity, but could mosquitoes be causing children to not be able to play outside? A recent study done by scientists at Rutgers university looked at if day-biting mosquitoes may be causing more children to stay inside, and thus causing more obesity. The study took two similar communities and used mosquito control in one of the communities and no mosquito control in the other community for one year, and then two years later, the communities switched roles, meaning the one who had no mosquito control the first year now received mosquito control and the community who had mosquito control the first year did not receive mosquito control. The study found that when the community used mosquito control, children were more likely to spend time outside. They also suggested ways to help control mosquitoes in a person's yard by eliminating standing water, and know that mosquito control treatments will not take care of every single mosquito in your yard. If you and your children are unable to spend time outside due to the infestation of mosquitoes in your yard, give Mosquito Squad a call! We can treat your yard and eliminate 85-90% of those nasty mosquitoes, so you can enjoy your time outside without getting bit up or running the risk of catching a mosquito-borne disease. We want to help you and your family in any way we can, so give us a call today! The mosquitoes are awful this year, and some of you may be experiencing more mosquito bites than others. The Smithsonian has come up with a list of what attracts mosquitoes to more people. 1. Beer: Mosquitoes are attracted to ethanol and body heat, and even if you drink one beer, mosquitoes will be coming after you more than if you don't have any beer. 2. Exercise: Ethanol will also be released from your body when exercising due to the build up of lactic acid, and also because your body heat is likely to rise when exercising. 3. Pregnant Women: They also have a higher body heat and release 21% more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, another thing mosquitoes are attracted to. 4. Blood Type: People who have Type O blood type are the most likely to get bit, followed by Type B, and people who have Type A blood type are the least likely to get bit. As always, it's important to use a good bug repellant, but the most important thing to protect yourself is to give Mosquito Squad a call. We know exactly where mosquitoes like to hide and how to get rid of them so if you have any of these attractive factors, we can eliminate the mosquitoes from your yard so you don't have to worry anymore. Give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483) today to start becoming unattractive to those nasty mosquitoes!! What the researchers recommend to keep you and your family safe is an active way to stop mosquitoes. First is to empty all standing water in your yard, or change it frequently if it is something like a bird bath or dog water. Second is to get the professionals to come out and help. That's where Mosquito Squad comes in! We want to help keep your family safe from West Nile by eliminating as many mosquitoes as we can. Since we live in a region where West Nile Virus may be in higher numbers, start to prevent it already by calling us and we can come out to your yard and spray for mosquitoes. Our barrier spray eliminates 85-90% of mosquitoes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so give us a call today at 877-239-BITE (2483)! Summer is the perfect time to just sit outside when you get home from work and just enjoy a cold one. But did you know drinking beer may cause mosquitoes to be more attracted to you? Researchers have recently done a study on if mosquitoes really are more attracted to people who are drinking beer than those who are not drinking beer. There have been some articles posted that say there might be a link to drinking beer and mosquito attraction, but here is a study that proves beer drinkers may have to be more careful when they are outside. This study shows that those people who drink more beer should be cautious of the mosquitoes around them, as they may be more prone to get bit by mosquitoes infected with diseases. If you still want to enjoy a beer outside on the deck, then give us a call! Our barrier spray treatments eliminate up to 85-90% of mosquitoes, and this means that you can enjoy your beer worry free on your deck all summer long! Give us a call today to start enjoying your yard and beer again! $25 off your first barrier spray!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T21:26:47Z', 'url': 'http://mosquitosquadofsemn.blogspot.com/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Special Features: RV hook-ups available for $30 per night/$7 for players club members. This casino is closed. The tribal elders are not allowing members to vote on a new council and they tried to drum out over 300 of their tribesmen because they disagreed with their policies. The Bureau of Indian Affairs shut them down until they have legitimate leadership. Their other casino, the Nooksack, closed because they rigged their drawings. 3 drawings a night, 3 nights per week for at least two months Geraldine Oconna won almost every drawing. This drove away most of their large customer base. They are not a trustworthy people. I've been there more time than I care to discuss and have never seen anyone leaving happy. If you are looking for fairer paybacks I recommend the Silver Reef casino. Better service and every time I've visited there they are having winners everywhere. The staff (special kudos to the security staff) are outstanding, friendly, helpful, attentive to needs of the customers. Nice atmosphere. Great food, esp seafood buffet. A great get away for the evening or afternoon, the customer service is always so good. Appreciate the free coffee and basic drinks not like Canada where it is pay for everything, give us your money and get out. I dont expect to win a million but certainly enjoy myself at this casino win or lose. Keep up the good work. Food is the only great thing about this place!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T17:12:10Z', 'url': 'https://www.americancasinoguide.com/washington/nooksack-northwood-casino.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
However, the issue still persists with other two widgets (Drag & Drop Upload widget and E-mail Validation widget). This issue that is presented in this widgets has been reported to our widgets team. You will be updated here when it gets fixed. We've fixed the bug - validation errors will clear if a file is added to the upload field. Please check, let us know. As well as the E-mail validator widget. Check and let us know - Thanks for reporting! Confirming - issue is fixed on both widgets. Thank you very much!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T16:06:59Z', 'url': 'https://www.jotform.com/answers/937175-Required-Validations-Warning-Errors-not-clearing-for-the-Drag-Drop-Upload-widget-and-E-mail-Validation-widget', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Posted March 23, 2016 in Cross Country Skiing Photography. The Men’s Classic Sprint race followed the Women’s race and the temperature was warmer and the conditions tougher. The sprint course had a long uphill that had to be done twice so no one tried to double pole the entire sprint course using Skate skis. Federico Pellegrino won the Gold Medal, with Eric Brandsdal getting Silver and Maurice Manificat taking the Bronze Medal. Ivan Babikov ,known primarily as a distance skier, is also known for his strength as a climber. Andy Shields climbs the hill for the second time in the Qualifying round. Bob Thompson, representing the Thunder Bay National Development Centre, works his up through soft snow. Michael Somppi and his reflection head up the hill. Jesse Cockney is on the National Team and skis for Foothills Nordic Ski Club. Knute Johnsgaard moves steadily up the long hill in the Qualifying round. Manificat leads in a race prior to his getting a Bronze Medal in the Classic Sprint. Photo taken from the top of the bridge as Alex Harvey passes underneath. Petter Northug leads a Swedish skier just prior to going under the bridge. Norwegian skier leads heading into the final turn in a Semifinal race. Norway's Ola Hattestad and Eric Brandsdal, here seen in a Semifinal race, cross under the bridge and Brandsdal will go on to place second in the Classic Sprint. Frederico Pellegrino comes from behind to win the Gold Medal in Classic Sprint for Italy.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T16:25:18Z', 'url': 'http://www.jon-nelson.com/ski-tour-canada-2016-mens-sprints', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Because if you still hum the tune of Level 1-2 when Mario goes down the pipe into that blue underground world, you're gonna need to see this. Perfect for your kid's room or, lets face it, your own room or office! You can now recreate your favorite Mario level directly on the wall with these easy to apply decals. And you totally know you're going to walk by it and jump up right at that 3rd pipe on the first level where the hidden 1-Up is located because, of course, you'll never ever forget where it was. And you never should! Because drinking coffee any other way than out of your very own magic coin box is, well, just plain pointless. Make it fun for the kids (or the adults) by pouring something into the mug they don't know and have them guess for a real magical surprise. Because you can pretend you don't want to dress like Mario — but, well, that would just be a lie. If you're not quite ready for the red overalls, wrap yourself up in this comfy Super Mario bathrobe for adults. Mario time! Bring a little extra class fun to your home by paying homage to some of your favorite Mario players, including Princess Peach and Yoshi because, Yoshi!! Don't worry, you can also buy Luigi and Bowser too. These 16-inch canvas art renderings are everything. Just when you thought you're about to hit tilt on the Style-o-Meter, you can now sport this 8-bit snapback hat where Mario is trying (looks like unsuccessfully) to make it past Bowser. Eh, even if he does make it, it's pretty likely the princess will be in another castle. Figures. Yes and yes! This just might be the coolest mug ever. When you fill it with a cold beverage, the mug automagically changes to the classic Super Mario nighttime scene. When you add your favorite hot beverage, you can sip and enjoy the daytime scene. If this is why science was invented we couldn't be more grateful. Perfect for the playroom (or anywhere, actually), this custom-made NES controller is actually a coffee table. Use the "B" and "A" buttons to place your drinks or simply spend your day pressing up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right B, A. A nod to simpler times while still staying on trend, this classic Super Mario T-shirt comes in a soft heather red and goes perfect with jeans ... or red overalls, because you might as well do it right. OK, fine — this isn't an official Super Mario Brothers product, but this smile star does change colors and totally will make you feel invincible. Because, yes, kids will love this, but so will you when you set up these Mario action figures on your desk at work. There are eight different sets you can choose from, including Bowser, Fire Mario, Mario riding Yoshi (!!), and more. Stay warm with this 8-bit jumping Mario beanie. It'll really also prove the point to all your friends that Mario broke bricks and got 1-ups by using his hand and not his head. Mind. Blown. Definitely not a toy for kids, this super micro Super Mario Brothers deluxe set is for the diehard Mario enthusiast. Set up your very own Mario world with these 2-inch-by-2-inch connectible tile pieces and display your building knowhow. Because who couldn't make it past Level 1-1 with their eyes closed and in record time?! This is basically the equivalent of having your college diploma hanging on your wall. No-shows you'll actually want to show! Coming in a variety of sizes, put a little cushion in your step with the help of some of your fav Mario pals, like Peach, Luigi, Yoshi, and more! Because you'll be the first one of your friends to want to pay the tab just so you can show off this 8-bit wallet wonder.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T08:11:51Z', 'url': 'https://www.bestproducts.com/lifestyle/g2276/classic-nes-super-mario-brothers-toys-clothing-nintendo/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Clean master data is a key organizational building block for reporting. How well is your bank master data maintained? Many companies initially go live with their SAP systems and simply force the data into the system. Over time with additional country roll-outs, bank master data can become messy and convoluted as this same strategy is pursued project after project. Data is not revisited or cleansed, resulting in unintelligible master data and challenges automating bank payment interfaces. More importantly, it slows down operational processes for setting up master data when onboarding new customers and vendors as confusion about the “right” master data reigns. There are two different third parties that provide subscriptions for bank master data that can be used to keep your bank master up to date and prevent these problems. Using third party data results in higher data quality in your bank master, as well as the ability to keep up to date over time.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T12:36:36Z', 'url': 'https://consultace.biz/portfolio-items/bank-master/?portfolioCats=4', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Your Adventure has begun, now what? Now, you need to know where to find the absolute best events, organizations, and businesses in the St. Cloud, MN area. Next to our website, your totally free Welcome Home Packet is the optimal way to do so. We’ve taken our nearly 70 years of experience in Central Minnesota and packed it into this handy packet. We understand how exciting a new city can be. We also understand that it can also be challenging without the right information to help you. Our goal is to make your move as fun as it possibly can be, and your free Welcome Home Packet is the place to start! We hope to be your community connection, and our Welcome Home Packet is overflowing with exceptional options and recommendations for everything from grocery stores and banks to doctors and dentists. In the guide, you will also find an Arts, Entertainment, and Dining Guide, Youth & Children’s Directory, and Church Directory. You will also see the businesses we trust and do business with ourselves including locally-owned specialty stores, professional referrals, and other valuable community information. By ordering your Welcome Home Packet, your information may be shared with a select group of local businesses and organizations in the guide, who may also welcome you home with a letter or phone call. Don’t delay! To request your free Welcome Home Packet, just complete the form below, or give us a call at (320) 980-2872. We will make sure to have your guide in the mail to your home within a week.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T06:53:19Z', 'url': 'http://newcomerservice.net/free-guide/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Step 3. The display bezel is glued to the HP Pavilion 17-f187nf LCD panel frame with sticky tape. Insert a guitar pick under the bezel and separate it from the frame. Step 17. Disconnect the LCD cable of HP Pavilion 17-f187nf from the motherboard. Then, you can replace the LCD cable with a new one.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T10:44:11Z', 'url': 'http://www.laptopultra.com/hp-pavilion-17-f187nf-cable-p-240680.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Ford Ka, launched in 1996, is a city mini with the original model being updated in 2008 when a new version made its debut at the Paris Motor show. The new generation vehicle came with two engines - a 1.2-litre 69PS Duratec petrol and the first Ka diesel – a 1.3-litre 75 PS Duratorq TDCi. Both petrol and diesel models were available with sub-120g/km carbon dioxide emissions. The new Ka had an updated interior and exterior design. Production started in the autumn of 2008, with the vehicle going on sale in most major European markets in late 2008/early 2009. The introduction of the new version saw Ford extend its kinetic design language to the smallest car range. Designed for a young target audience the new Ka had the same compact proportions as its predecessor, but with a chunky and expressive style all of its own. A number of visual cues from the outgoing car ensured that the new design was obviously a Ka, yet it had the qualities which marked it out as a member of the kinetic design family. The interior of the Ka had the same kinetic design philosophy used to shape the body. Bold contrasts and expressive colours were deliberately chosen and these were combined with some imaginative design details to give the interior a fashionable and fun personality. The Ka was practical too, with a roomy interior and accommodation for four adults and their belongings. The high seating position, carefully placed controls and good visibility made the Ka an option for drivers of all ages. The original Ka - now used Ford Ka - was praised for its go-kart like handling, and the replacement was designed to be just as rewarding to drive. Ford’s own chassis engineering experts tuned the suspension, steering, and chassis. Final testing was conducted using a combination of public roads, proving grounds and race tracks – including the legendary Nürburgring in Germany. During the engineering process, information was exchanged with the team developing the new Fiesta, and certain components, such as the tyres, were jointly developed for both models. The new Ford Ka was designed to be both cheap to run and kind to the environment. It used two engines - a 1.2-litre 69 PS Duratec petrol engine and, for the first time on Ka, a 1.3-litre 75 PS Duratorq TDCi turbodiesel. Both petrol and diesel models were available with sub-120g/km carbon dioxide emissions. The 1.2-litre petrol model was expected to be the largest seller in the new range and cut fuel consumption by 21 per cent compared to the previous 1.3-litre Ka. The diesel model improved economy still further - achieving a combined fuel consumption of 4.2 litres/100km. Both power units gave the updated Ka a significant amount of punch on the road.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T20:43:46Z', 'url': 'http://www.ford-ka-cars.co.uk/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Buffalo School Board members Barbara Seals Nevergold and Carl Paladino listen to parent Mike Long as Long expresses dissatisfaction with the selection process for a new superintendent during the board’s meeting Wednesday. At least 23 people addressed the board. Members of the Buffalo School Board majority got an earful Wednesday evening as they sat through more than an hour of chastising remarks regarding their plans to appoint a new superintendent. The lively session began at 4 p.m. when dozens of Buffalo teachers demonstrated outside the meeting site to raise awareness about the fact that the board has canceled all negotiations for next month while it looks for a chief negotiator, said Phil Rumore, president of the Buffalo Teachers Federation. The teachers joined more than 100 upset residents and parent leaders, who started a separate rally at 4:30 p.m. to push for the opportunity for the community to provide input on the criteria and interview process for selecting the next superintendent. The groups also wanted prospective candidates to appear before the entire School Board and the community before one is appointed. Passing motorists honked their horns in support of the demonstrators. And by the time the business meeting began at 5:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Buffalo Academy for the Visual and Performing Arts, angry members of the public carried their rallying cry right to board members. “Whose schools? Our schools. Who decides? We decide,” people chanted. The fray centered on the five-member board majority’s plans to appoint James G. Weimer Jr., the principal of Emerson School of Hospitality, as superintendent to take over when Interim Superintendent Donald A. Ogilvie steps down by July 1. “This is another fine mess you all have gotten us in again,” said Crystal Barton, principal of McKinley High School and president of the principals union. “The process for what we do in hiring the lead person for the district is most important. And I agree with everyone who says you have got to open the process up to all stakeholders,” she said. She was among 23 scheduled speakers during the meeting who mostly focused on a complicated and contentious hiring process. Members of the board majority bloc – Board President James Sampson, Jay McCarthy, Carl Paladino, Larry Quinn and Patricia Pierce – did not respond as speaker after speaker chided them for their decision to bring Weimer aboard without input from the community and other board members. Weimer had been vying with Will Keresztes – a longtime Central Office administrator – for the deputy superintendent post on the assumption that the new deputy would take over when Ogilvie steps down. But last week, Ogilvie noted that Weimer no longer wanted to be considered for the deputy post and called off the search. Members of the board’s minority bloc, who had been pushing for a national search for a new leader, called for a special meeting to discuss the next steps. Opposition to the five-member board majority’s hiring process has been growing recently. Three weeks ago, the Concerned Clergy Coalition of Western New York organized a rally on the steps of City Hall to push the board to conduct a national search for a new superintendent. That demonstration came roughly a week after members of the board’s minority bloc – Barbara Seals Nevergold, Sharon Belton-Cottman, Theresa Harris-Tigg and Mary Ruth Kapsiak – called for community support in asking for a national search, saying that they had been shut out of the process.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T02:44:51Z', 'url': 'https://buffalonews.com/2015/04/29/buffalo-school-board-blasted-over-superintendent-search/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
New approachesin improvingsensitivity and specificity ofPCR(immunePCRaptamer PCR). Immuno-PCR is a group of hypersensitive methods for detecting antigens that combine the specificity of antibody recognition with antibodies and the sensitivity of PCR. The method is based on the use of monoclonal antibodies linked to DNA. The antibody binds to the antigen, and then the amplification of the polymerase chain reaction exponentially amplifies the signal. In order to increase the reliability of immuno-PCR, two different antibodies can be used that identify different epitopes of the same antigen. In this case, each of the antibodies is connected along a DNA chain with a different sequence of nucleotides, but they are nevertheless complementary to each other in a small area. These complementary regions serve as primers for the DNA polymerase in the first stage of the polymerase chain reaction. The technology was created in 1992 and since then it has been repeatedly modified. For example, antibodies can be replaced with aptamers. In addition, unlike such analytical methods as ELISA and immunoimmunoassay immuno-PCR assay, in one experiment to determine many different antigens at once, because after binding of antibodies to antigens, these antibodies can easily be identified by unique oligonucleotide DNA sequences attached to antibodies. Another important advantage of the immuno-PCR method is that the technology does not require working with dangerous radioactive material as in radioimmunoassay, does not require complex or expensive equipment, and at the same time it achieves the highest sensitivity, which allows recommending it to oncologists for early diagnosis of precancerous states. So, one of the types of immuno-PCR, called agglutination-PCR (ADAP), allows to detect from zepto- (10-21) to atto (10-18) moles of antibodies in 2 microliters of the sample. What makes it possible to identify, for example, autoantibodies of anti-thyroglobulin from human blood plasma with a 1000-fold increase in sensitivity in comparison with the current radioimmunoassay method. Equipment required for mastering these methods, like SlipChip, can be made even in handicraft production, and even a cell phone with a built-in camera can be used for recording and evaluating results. Therefore, the technology can be implemented even in rural hospitals. Aptamers are short (20–80mer), single-stranded DNA or RNA sequences or proteins that bind to target molecules with high affinity and specificity through their 3-dimensional structures. RNA sequences make up the majority of nucleic acid aptamers, perhaps because they can be synthesized by in vitro transcription in the laboratory and, with a 2′-OH, would potentially provide more diverse secondary structure than single-stranded DNA molecules. Nucleic acid aptamers are often identified using an iterative enrichment technique, where oligos or proteins with increased affinity and specificity to a target molecule are isolated from a sequence pool after several rounds of selection. Nucleic acid aptamers are selected in vitro based on affinity for the target molecule, which might be a protein, virus, or cell. SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment; see the sidebar) is one of the most common iterative enrichment methods used to Identify nucleic acid aptamers. To obtain aptamers with specified properties, the SELEX technology was proposed (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment.) As a starting material in this method, an oligonucleotide library is used in which each oligonucleotide has common 3 'and 5' flanks in length 17-25 nucleotides, and the middle regions of 20-60 nucleotides in length are unique.This library can be synthesized as a single preparation of an oligonucleotide, in which in the middle part in each position it is equally probable Each of the four nucleotides is incubated with this molecule, which is usually fixed on a solid carrier, and the oligonucleotides that do not bind to the target are removed and the bound ones are amplified by PCR using common 3 'and 5' flanks. This cycle is repeated several times, as a result of which enrichment occurs with sequences having an affinity for the target molecule. Finally, the aptamer molecules are cloned in the plasmids and individually tested for their properties. This technology allows to obtain aptamers for periods from two weeks to several months. The experience of using SELEX has shown that aptamers can be obtained for almost any target: proteins, polysaccharides, small organic molecules, viruses and whole cells. Aptamers can be considered as analogs of monoclonal antibodies. Moreover, they have a number of important advantages over antibodies. Their preparation is much simpler, cheaper and faster than the preparation of monoclonal antibodies. They have a much smaller size, and therefore easier to penetrate into tissues and cells, may have higher affinity and specificity. The results obtained using aptamers indicate the possibility of their use in biotechnology for the controlled expression of genes, as well as for diagnosis and therapy. One of the most interesting achievements in this field of research is the creation of ribozymes with allosteric properties. In such constructions, the catalytic domain of the ribozyme is coupled to sequences of aptamer receptors interacting with regulatory molecules. In the presence of low molecular weight regulators, specific activation or inhibition of the enzymatic activity of the ribozyme can occur. Such hybrid structures are called aptazymov. Aptazim, which has RNA ligase activity, was activated 105 times in the presence of specific low molecular weight effectors. In a similar approach, ATP-dependent ribozymes were constructed. Important results can be obtained by screening in vitro aptamers among a pool of fragments of natural RNA. Natural sequence libraries can be used to search for domains of nucleic acids that interact specifically with known molecules of biogenic origin, for example, proteins of retroviruses for which the target host RNA targets are unknown.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T06:38:48Z', 'url': 'https://studopedia.net/1_47637_New-approachesin-improvingsensitivity-and-specificity-ofPCRimmunePCRaptamer-PCR.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The news agenda of the past year has had a heavy digital bias, thanks to global concerns over privacy and security. From the WannaCry attack to the astonishing rise of Bitcoin’s value, via the sanctity of encrypted messaging apps and the rapid approach of self-driving cars, such is the pace of change that peace of mind is increasingly hard to come by. The concern is chiefly down to the fact that we all rely on technology few of us truly understand, and even that is evolving rapidly. The concern is widespread, whether it is over the minute detail of running of our social, mobile, personal lives – and the swathes of data we create and share in the process – or the management of the world’s colossal financial hubs. Phil Lander, head of B2B at Samsung Europe, agrees that the turmoil is extraordinary and has seen first-hand its effect on businesses trying to keep up. “We’re in a really exciting era: the age of digital Darwinism,” he says. “There is so much transformative technology available to customers today, from artificial intelligence and augmented reality to the internet of things and mobility. Samsung works extensively with governments, police forces and the finance sector to address the digital challenges huge organisations face, but Mr Lander says that many of the lessons true here are equally valuable to smaller enterprises. Mobility remains a key concern, he says. “Our recent survey of managers in large organisations saw 64pc of them say they expect to be able to reach their colleagues and their teams outside business working hours. This spirit of collaboration is a driving force for businesses prioritising their overall digitisation and their ability to innovate, says Mr Lander. “In a recent study, we’ve seen that 50pc of the largest organisations in Europe are already working with startups to accelerate innovation in their business, and this is a trend that will continue. As a result, CIOs will become increasingly influential decision makers, with oversight of their entire organisation’s operations – a reflection of technology’s central role itself.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T11:32:11Z', 'url': 'https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/open-economy/cyber-predictions-for-2018/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Published at Monday, May 13th, 2019 - 23:50:05 PM. Office Desk. By Clothilde Dennis.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T00:16:07Z', 'url': 'http://plateauculture.org/387d81X/T37884h/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
WordPress's stunning (and growing) appeal is undeniable - from directory, portfolio and jobs sites to huge magazine sites that publish hundreds of millions of articles per year, WordPress has become an indispensable resource for all types of businesses on-line. What about e-commerce sites? In fact, just about since WooThemes (one of the industry's biggest themed companies) explored the full range of WordPress as an e-commerce platforms with the launch of WooCommerce in late 2011, WordPress has made some serious progress in the e-commerce industry. It' s so much that it's appreciated that WooCommerce now accounts for over 30% of all e-commerce sites*! With all this unbelievable popularity** we thought we would ask the question: Who uses WooCommerce? Here are over thirty-five glowing instances of actual, vibrant Web sites (reduced by hundred of candidates) actually using this amazing e-commerce site. There are currently almost 950,000 WooCommerce enabled sites - according to http://trends.builtwith.com/websitelist/WooCommerce (a figure that has more than tripled in the last two years alone!). Do you know any other example of how you can use our online shop Live-WooCommerce? Must have WordPress plugins for an e-commerce site. WorldPress has often been the preferred language for many companies to begin their own on-line shop. A part of it is because of the comprehensive set of plug-ins WordPress has to provide. No matter whether you realise it or not, selecting the right eCommerce plug-in for your WordPress website is vital for your company if you want to generate more opportunities for your company to grow and make a bigger impact. Among the thousand of plug-ins currently available on WordPress, we have reduced it to 20 of the plug-ins WordPress must have for an eCommerce website! Quickly searching for an eCommerce plug-in on WordPress will give you hundred of results. It might be a little overpowering for new and novice website users to find the right plug-in for your website. Here is the thing, there is no such thing as a flawless plug-in, as some might have the key functions you want, while others might not. then you might need an eCommerce plug-in that specializes in the sale of e-commerce software. On the other hand, if you sell real goods, you need an eCommerce plug-in that provides functions such as shipment and stock-keeping. Plug-ins that standardly provide pay ment-gateways functionality and the possibility to include others are other things you need to consider. It is also necessary to verify that the eCommerce plug-in is delivered with WordPress topics that are mutually compliant. Fundamentally, you need to know what the main point of your on-line store will be to know what functions and plug-ins you need to deploy. It is no mystery that e-commerce website tends to be resourced intensive. For this reason, it is important that you choose the best WordPress host that suits your needs. If you are looking for an accessible solution, you can begin to host sites such as Inmotion or SiteGround. In particular, SiteGround provides bespoke e-commerce site maps with capabilities such as SSL certificates for secured payment, a designated IP and a designated line of customer service. When you have the money and want the best service, you can look to Kinsta, who specialises in WordPress eCommerce website. Even if you haven't done so yet, you need to choose a domainname for your eCommerce website. As soon as you've put your website in order, it's your turn to look at the WordPress plug-in you need for your e-commerce store! WooCommerce is probably the most beloved WordPress eCommerce plug-in, a great plug-in to create your shop front from the ground up on WordPress. Since Automattic (the WordPress.com web site host team) purchased it in 2015, WooCommerce has added more topics and functionality optimised for an eCommerce WordPress website. It is important for every storekeeper to have a way for clients to get in touch with them if they have comments or queries. WINPForms is a plug-in that allows you to quickly setup a WordPress Contacts page with a beginner-friendly user surface. You can use the pull & pull feature to quickly build contacts, order sheets, payments, email subscriptions and more with just a few mouse clicks. Just click and you're done. It' also a great plug-in if you want to create your e-mail subscriptions lists and extend your reach with your faithful clients. One of the best ways to take good care of all your WooCommerce asset tracking needs is with Veeqo. It is an all-in-one e-commerce application that allows you to administer your WooCommerce shops and other outlets such as eBay, Amazon and Etsy from a central point. It is very important for on-line shops to have a galery to present their product to their clients. WordPress lets you build an art galery without the need for a plug-in, but it's still pretty simple. The Envira Gallery will help you to simply build an attractive and nice galery in WordPress. You can use the plug-in to setup more than one art Gallery, make your own album, open pictures in your Box pop-ups and much more. Previously known as WordPress Interactive Web Site Management (SEO) from Young, Young is a favorite WordPress plug-in that will optimize your site for searching machines and increase the exposure of your site to important target groups. There are many functions in the plug-in that go beyond the addition of tag metas to help you enhance the overall site rankings. Safety is essential for every company, twice as important for an eCommerce website. Backing up your website should be the first thing you do, and we suggest using BackupBuddy as it is not only dependable, but also straightforward to setup and recover your WordPress website. Back-upBuddy offers the convenience of making things easier to do. If you are shopping in an on-line shop, a professionally and straightforward check-out page will definitely help increase your opportunities. Ecwid WordPress plug-in generates quite easy check-out pages containing all the necessary functions you need for an eCommerce website. MemberPress lets you set up a member options for your eCommerce site using one of the best WordPress member plug-ins. Generate specific subscription and unique contents for your members to encourage other members to register. The great thing about MemberPress is that they are also compliant with all types of billing gateway and with on-line shopping plug-ins like WooCommerce. Would you like to put your on-line Shops into operation and need an immediate resolution? The JigoShop WordPress plug-in lets you do this because it has all the necessary features you need to build a full-featured eCommerce website. There are also a number of additional features that you can use on your WordPress page. The WP eCommerce is a great choice for companies that need a easy yet complete eCommerce plug-in to WordPress. With this plug-in, you can build your own shop from the ground up to resell your own product, service, or even a member site. Use CSS and HTML to adapt the plug-in to your needs. When you focus exclusively on the sale of your e-commerce products, Simple Downloads is a great plug-in that works well with WordPress eCommerce Sites. It is an easily usable plug-in with many enhancements for different payments gateway, platform and service. As they work with all WordPress topics, Simple Digital Download also has their own nice topics developed specifically for the plug-in. As one of the most rapidly expanding e-commerce plattforms, Shopify is more than just a single trading system, it's an all-in-one offering that's hassle-free and simple to use. Shopify Connect for WooCommerce allows you to link both Shopify and WooCommerce retail solutions. They will be able to use the advantages of WordPress such as versatility and adaptability. LearnDash is a great LMS (Learning Management System) plug-in that allows you to design and distribute your own WordPress website with your own course. Quickly and simply author lesson, quiz questions, tasks and more to set up your on-line course with the easy-to-use course building tool. Some e-commerce site, with an FAQ section when you launch a new products or services, will be useful for those of your clients who are not acquainted with the products themselves. The addition of the FAQ section will also help to cut the cost of supporting your clients and enhance the process of converting so that it is definitely a good plug-in. A great e-commerce plug-in for creating an e-mail mailing lists and sending e-mails to your subscription customers is the WordPress CONTACT plug-in. Plus, with built-in registration form creation utilities and the option to work with leads generating utilities like OptinMonster, it's definitely a plug-in you need. Whilst the plug-in is free to use, the enhanced functionality requires you to buy the Professional Edition, which gives you more insights and customization choices. WordPress based topics are based on using the CSS for the look and feel of your website. Using CSS Hero, you can tailor your WordPress topic without having to type a line of text. The only thing you need to do is simply download and run the WordPress plug-in and you can begin adapting your designs right away. Or if that is too much for you, you can always opt for our new premium WordPress topics. On eCommerce sites, quick page loads are vital to the overall consumer experiences. MaxCDN is a dependable CDN plug-in that works and blends into WordPress to speed up the workload of your website without having to switch to a new hoster. It is always a good suggestion in the e-commerce industry to keep an overview of how your rivals are doing. With this information, you can efficiently develop and optimise your own blended media branding and advertising strategies to stay one step ahead of the game. With the WordPress Plugin WordDown, you can simply add a WordDown to your shop and give your clients an incentive to take advantage of these offers before they go away. It is a easy and efficient way to increase your e-commerce website revenue. It also works great with WooCommerce. Thus there you have it, 21 WordPress Plugins that you need for an eCommerce website. Have you got any other plug-ins that you think we should integrate? You have a website but need help setting up your own website? Have a look at our great guideline to build on our on-line experience!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T03:03:48Z', 'url': 'http://www.blogdesignsbydani.com/topic/best-wordpress-ecommerce-sites', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I don’t really get star-struck, but I do get talent struck. If I meet somebody that I think is just wildly talented and brilliant, that’s when I start getting nervous. At the time, when you’re being dissected and judged it’s pretty brutal, but in hindsight it’s great and – it sounds cliched – you do come out the other side better and stronger. I can’t deal with someone flashy. That’s so not me. You promote your films; it’s part of your job. You do the magazine covers and stuff, and then I try to live a really normal life. I definitely don’t try to make it into any more craziness than it is. It’s sort of interesting how, when you get older, things that were once so important sort of fall away. It’s so different when you change your hair color, you’re treated so differently. It’s a very funny experience. It’s fun – I love changing up my hair. I just think that people take me a little more seriously as a brunette. I don’t know if that’s just because of a societal preconceived notion that all blondes are stupid, but it’s a different kind of attitude. In this business, it’s easy for either your heart or your head to be swayed, and I try to always stay true to who I am. Acting is a life experience. I’m always learning things when I’m making a movie. So the fame part of it is fine when you consider what you get out of this job. You have to have confidence. You can’t be someone who’s so insecure that she’s a basket case. I like somebody who’s not so crazy but likes to have a good time… and who is thoughtful and kind and easy to laugh with. Somebody you can just be yourself with one hundred and fifty percent. You know what, I’m a big coward and I’m really afraid of live audiences. The fashion world feels more normal to me when I’m with them. Whenever I hear that I’m on the brink of stardom, I feel like I want to run into a cave. I keep everything that’s private private. I used to really want to go on the stage and then the last couple of years I’ve done some presenting at some award shows. I was so nervous I thought I was going to be sick, so I don’t think me on stage for any length of time would work too well. I wasn’t a social butterfly at all. That’s the funniest thing about portraying certain things on screen, sitting next to your parents and they get to see this glimpse of me kissing another guy.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T14:17:19Z', 'url': 'https://www.allgreatquotes.com/authors/kate-bosworth/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Women in Leadership – why is it important to keep the pressure on? A recent article in the FT* highlighted some of the “pitiful and patronising” excuses given by directors for not hiring women into the Boardroom as reported in the government-led Hampton-Alexander Review. Reading the excuses prompts one of three reactions; how terrible! Glad it is not me saying that… or Glad no-one is asking me that question. But the truth is more complex. The current composition of Boards is that way for a variety of reasons. And both men and women have a part to play in challenging the assumptions and in building a better way forward. Sometimes there are simply not enough good female or male candidates, but the question is why? Workplace diversity is about diversity of thinking and bringing new ideas in the Boardroom. This is not only about gender, but women are by far the largest group who can add value into the diversity agenda. So why involve them? It is about more effective leadership development to build the competitive edge – not simply making excuses for current business practice and behaviours. Research suggests that as women enter and navigate the labyrinth of leadership, they are faced with a number of complex and intertwined challenges – including structural barriers, cultural barriers, and organisational barriers all contributing to women’s underrepresentation in leadership. This panel brings together leading scholars and practitioners to discuss the initiatives, practices and policies in organisations that have helped to reduce or even eliminate gender barriers. Hazel says that organisations need to take a long hard look at attraction, recruitment and on-boarding practice: “The ICAP debate will be interesting. I think that there are inherent biases which cannot simply be washed away through diversity ‘training’ or appointing token women to the Board. It is about organisational culture, about setting the right tone and reinforcing positive behaviours. In my own experience of coaching women in business, I believe that it is important to have more role models for younger women and provide opportunities for women to gain the breadth of operational and commercial experience to be able to add value to the Board agenda. One way organisations can improve the way they spot talent and develop women for the future is by being proactive, by attracting high calibre female talent and nurturing and growing that talent within the business”. As Hazel says, “Diversity is about creating a benefit for everyone in the organisation. It is about diversity of thought and ideas and more informed decision-making. Diversity is not simply about promoting women into senior roles; it is about attitudes, behaviours and acceptance of difference. It directly links to organisational culture, to reputation in the marketplace and to ways of working across the organisation. It involves men and women working together underpinned by good practice across the whole talent cycle, from attraction, recruitment, on-boarding, development and succession planning. There needs to be more than tokenism and one-off training programmes. It is about addressing the fundamental issues, building social capital and ensuring best practice which energises and encourages women to succeed in senior leaders positions”. “Diversity is about creating a benefit for everyone in the organisation. It is about diversity of thought and ideas and more informed decision-making. Diversity is not simply about promoting women into senior roles; it is about attitudes, behaviours and acceptance of difference. It directly links to organisational culture, to reputation in the marketplace and to ways of working across the organisation. It involves men and women working together underpinned by good practice across the whole talent cycle, from attraction, recruitment, on-boarding, development and succession planning. There needs to be more than tokenism and one-off training programmes. It is about addressing the fundamental issues, building social capital and ensuring best practice which energises and encourages women to succeed in senior leaders positions”. The Hampton-Alexander Review urges businesses to renew their commitment to diversity and figures published in November 2017 show that with continued effort, many FTSE 100 companies are on track to meet the target of having one third of board positions held by women in 2020. Hazel adds: “It is about more men taking up the mantle and being champions of change. This is not simply about giving women opportunities, it is about harnessing the best resources and about developing people, whatever their background, race or gender, to be their best self and add to success of the organisation”. Hazel is an experienced chartered Occupational Psychologist and leads OE Cam’s Talent Management practice. She specialises in leadership development and business transformation; specifically senior level assessment, team engagement and executive coaching.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T14:07:06Z', 'url': 'https://www.oecam.com/news/women-in-leadership-why-is-it-important-to-keep-the-pressure-on/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Las Olas Estepona is a gorgeous new development of 48 apartments located in Estepona, which is one of the most popular and growing areas on the Costa del Sol. With only a few minutes walk to the beach, these contemporary apartments, offer everything you are looking for in a holiday home on the Costa Del Sol. The project also offer incredible views of the sea and on clear days, even views of Africa. With spacious south facing terraces, you will get to experience the true essence of the outdoor, year round, lifestyle of the Costa Del Sol.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T16:20:12Z', 'url': 'https://www.cocoonmarbella.com/esteponawaves', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
In epistemology, a common concern with respect to knowledge is what sources of information are capable of giving knowledge. Perception — that which can be perceived through the experiences of the senses. The view that experience is the primary source of knowledge is called empiricism. Memory — Memory is the storage of knowledge that was learned in the past — whether it be past events or current information. Testimony — Testimony relies on others to acquire knowledge and communicate it to us. Some deny that testimony can be a source of knowledge, and insist that beliefs gained through testimony must be verified in order to be knowledge.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T17:58:45Z', 'url': 'http://philosophy-index.com/epistemology/sources/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The ProKey Premier system is designed to project alpha channel text over live video in real time. Incorporate our worship presentation software seamlessly with live video into your worship service. Fully digital 10-bit, 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 inputs, outputs, HD and SD video processing with video capture, streaming and editing! Record up to 360 hours of HD video! Record up to 4050 hours of SD video! Comes with Video Editing Software pre-installed! 1x Component YUV on 3 BNCs switchable to S-Video or Composite. Component supports HD and SD. Monitor and Display Outputs Include: (1) HDMI, (1) DVI-D, (1) DVI-I, (1) DisplayPort w/3 port hub. Quad Output (supports up to 6 outputs if DisplayPort hub is used). USB Battery Back-up for safe auto shut-down of system if power loss occurs. A high quality 24-bit 96/192kHz 4-in / 4-out sound card. Please contact your Sales Representative for upgrade options.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T14:06:36Z', 'url': 'https://www.gofishmedia.net/products/prokey-premier/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
CBR is proud to announce the launching of COMIC BLOG TATTOO, a brand new workblog for "Comic Book Tattoo," the forthcoming Image Comics anthology of new stories based on the music of Tori Amos. The comic book equivalent of an all-access pass to one of Amos' concerts, COMIC BLOG TATTOO will document the behind-the-scenes process of creating stories for the 500-page deluxe-packaged book, with exclusive artwork, script pages and commentary from numerous writers, artists and other contributors, including a few surprises. Additionally, readers are invited to discuss the project with its creators on our new Comic Book Tattoo Forum. COMIC BLOOG TATTOO can be accessed directly by visiting www.comicblogtattoo.com. Set to debut at Comic-Con International in San Diego, "Comic Book Tattoo" is overseen by editor Rantz Hoseley as well as Amos herself, and features some of comics' brightest talents including David Mack, Mike Dringenberg, Jonathan Hickman, Carla Speed McNeil, Laurenn McCubbin, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Ivan Brandon, Callum Watt, Neil Kleid, Christopher Mitten, Elzabeth Genco, Chris Arrant, and Daniel Heard just to name A FEW, all turning in new work based on the songs of Tori Amos. COMIC BLOG TATTOO's first entry comes from Rantz Hoseley, whom besides editing "Comic Book Tattoo" also contributes the script for "The Waitress," based on one of Amos' most beloved songs from her 1994 album "Under the Pink." In this inaugural entry, Hoseley's posted pages from his script as well as in-progress artwork by Ming Doyle, with detailed commentary on the creation of this new story.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T06:22:52Z', 'url': 'https://www.cbr.com/cbr-presents-tori-amos-comic-blog-tattoo/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Columbus Law firm, Port Legal was formed to provide highly professional, valuable and skilled legal services to individuals, families and businesses. Our focus areas include: probate, estate planning, and real estate. Columbus bankruptcy lawyer Laura M. Nesbitt provides skilled and caring legal guidance to clients for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Contact The Nesbitt Law Firm! Need a criminal defense or drunk driving / OVI / DUI lawyer to present you in Columbus? We handle all types of criminal cases, from the most serious felonies to misdemeanor and traffic offenses. Business formation, transactions, and litigation. Real estate transactions, wealth and estate planning, employment discrimination, and sexual harassment. The Columbus, Ohio family, divorce and child custody law firm of Suzanne Kay Sabol & Associates represents clients throughout Columbus, Franklin and contiguous counties. A lot is at stake when family, criminal or injury legal issues arise. You need Ohio lawyers who understand. Get the attention you deserve today! Recently charged? Call 614-500-3836 for a free legal consultation with a Columbus criminal defense attorney at Luftman, Heck & Associates.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T05:00:41Z', 'url': 'https://www.lawyerland.com/lawyers/local/columbus/oh/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Que 1) Define Management and list its objectives. Ans: Management The term ‘management stands for the act of planning, organising, directing and controlling the activities of human beings and physical resources with the intention of accomplishing a predefined objective. According to Koontz and O'Donnel, “Management is the creation and maintenance of an internal environment in an enterprise where individuals, working in groups, can perform efficiently and effectively toward the attainment of group goals. It is the art of getting the work done through and with people in formally organised groups”. i) The prime objective of any management should be to give fair returns to these investors by earning reasonable profits. ii) Continuing existence of the business in the long-run stands to be a major objective for the management of the organisation. iii) Expanding the business with the growing demands of the products and searching new business avenues. iv) Improving the popularity and goodwill of the business enterprise in the market. i) Reasonable salary and allowances as per the performance. iii) Latest technological updates and training for the employees. iv) Equal and fair opportunity of participation. i) Affordable quality and value of the goods and services offered. ii) Taxes and other returns to be filed on time with the government, regulatory and statutory agencies. iii) Exploitation of natural resources should not be done for increasing profitability. iv) Maintaining friendly relations with dealers, suppliers and competitors.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T18:08:05Z', 'url': 'http://www.a2zsubjects.com/answer/management-concepts-and-practices/1.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Buying a share of an Equity Residences fund is an opportunity to make an investment in real estate, while also enjoying vacations at luxury destinations around the world. But just how much vacation value can you get for your investment? In 2015, SherpaReport spoke to two attorneys, Trina and Philip, to learn more about why they decided to invest in Equity Residences. The couple first became aware of the funds when they were looking into renting a portfolio property. They quickly saw that buying into the fund would be a smarter move. Their key reasons for choosing Equity Residences included the return on investment, the lack of an annual operating fee for investors, and a dividend for those who may not have time to utilize the properties for vacation time. As it turned out, the latter needn’t have been a concern. Trina and Philip have certainly maximized their investment, both financially and in terms of enjoyment. In just 22 months, they have enjoyed 20 vacations worth an estimated $264,780. New Year 2015 at the Four Seasons Aviara in Carlsbad, California. March 2015. Skiing in Park City, Utah. Trina and Philip also sent a friend on a ski vacation in Park City in January the following year. June 2015 and April 2016. Two trips to the Palm Springs Villa, California. August 2015. A family vacation at Big Island Villa, Hawaii. September 2015. A getaway to Esperanza, Mexico. November 2015. A girly spa getaway to Tucker’s Point Golf Villa in Bermuda. January 2016. Golfing in Sonoma, California. February 2016. A trip for relatives in Longboat Key, Florida. March 2016. Spring-break skiing in Northstar, California. April 2016. A beach trip to Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. May 2016. A Captiva Island, Florida, getaway for a relative. June 2016. Snorkeling in the US Virgin Islands. June 2016. Golfing in Mammoth Lakes, California. July 2016. Vacationing with friends in Anguilla. August 2016 and January 2017. Two family trips to Lake Tahoe. October 2016. A three-day retreat to the Calistoga Ranch in the Napa Valley. July 2016. The gift of a trip to Costa Rica for a friend. February 2016. A gift break to Mammoth Lakes for a client. Trina gifted another vacation to a nephew and his wife. The four bedroom, three bathroom property in Captiva Island, Florida has a private dock as well as paddle boards, kayaks, beach cruisers and anything else you might need for your luxury oceanfront getaway. Trina described the house as “a dramatic break from their small New York City apartment,” adding that his wife loved being able to prepare meals in the home’s gourmet kitchen. Included among the luxury features at this Tahoe property: an outdoor hot tub and fire pit, radiant floor heating, a media room, gourmet kitchen, separate children’s play area, dual master bedrooms with en-suite baths, and a private club next door, complete with spa, fitness center, and more. The research that we’ve seen, shows that experiences are far more valuable than possessions when it comes to creating lasting happiness. Trina certainly knows that her investment in Equity Residences has already provided a lifetime of memories. And with more to come; she is already planning trips to Disney World, Greece, Iceland, and many other luxury destinations, all as a result of membership with Equity Residences.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T18:36:04Z', 'url': 'https://sherpareport.com/destination-clubs/20-vacations-equity-residences.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Born on February 10, 1948 . Passed away on March 28, 2006 . This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Margaret Savedra 58 years old , born on February 10, 1948 and passed away on March 28, 2006. We will remember her forever.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T19:06:27Z', 'url': 'https://www.forevermissed.com/margaret-savedra/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Susan Montana has been a professional realtor working in property sales and land development since the 1970s. During the 1980s and 1990’s she was the principal in two firms selling property in Coconut Grove Fl and South Beach in Miami. Idyllic Country Setting With Loads of Potential!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T14:23:11Z', 'url': 'http://www.realtypozos.com/en/agents/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Galvin Green continues to revolutionise golf clothing with the ‘virtually weightless’ BOW Shell Layer jacket that features exclusively in its 2017 Part One apparel range. The BOW is expressly designed for golfers by golfers, offering exceptional freedom of movement throughout the swing and protecting the wearer against windchill out on the course. The garment weighs just 107 grams – slightly more than the weight of two golf balls (92 grams) – while being totally windproof, water repellent and highly breathable due to its high–tech GORE® WINDSTOPPER® Active Shell fabric construction. An ultra–thin WINDSTOPPER® membrane is laminated to a lightweight abrasion–resistant textile layer. It creates a versatile, microporous garment that allows water vapour to pass from within unhindered to give the jacket its breathability and keep the body at an optimum performance temperature. Designed with a high collar and fitted cuffs to protect the golfer from the stiffest of breezes, the BOW is also extremely packable due to its ultra–light weight and naturally thin material. Available in three colour options – Deep Ocean blue, Black and Iron Grey – the BOW can be worn in conjunction with Warm, Cool or Base Layers as part of the pioneering Galvin Green Multi-Layer Concept that allows serious golfers to layer garments for optimum comfort in the conditions they’re set to play in. The Galvin Green BOW has an RRP of £200 and is available in sizes S–3XL.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T18:41:37Z', 'url': 'https://www.golfpunkhq.com/fashion/article/weightless-wind-protection', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This specimen was lot 21191 in Stack's Bowers ANA sale (Anaheim, CA, August 2016), where it sold for $7,050. The catalog description noted, "MEXICO. 8 Escudos, 1842-MoML. PCGS AU-55 Secure Holder. RARE date. A lightly toned well made example of the issue, with warm apricot tone in the legends and smooth lightly circulated surfaces on the balance of the coin. Flawless rims and fully original." The Mexico City mint struck eight escudos 1824-69 and is one of the abundant mints for that denomination tho many of the early dates are rare. Assayer MM also exists for 1842.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T02:06:22Z', 'url': 'http://www.coinfactswiki.com/wiki/Mexico_1842-Mo_ML_8_escudos', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
bathroom : House Plans Australia Designs Plan Small Bedroom C Ce A Aa D Dd Ed De 3 bedroom house plans australia 3 Bedroom House Design Australia. 3 Bedroom Cottage House Plans Australia. 3 Bedroom House Floor Plans Australia. 3 Bedroom House Design Australia. 3 Bedroom Cottage House Plans Australia. 3 Bedroom House Floor Plans Australia. 3 Bedroom House Plans Wa. 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom House Plans Australia. 3 Bedroom House Plans One Story Australia. 3 Bedroom House Plans Australia. Small 3 Bedroom House Plans Australia. Modern 3 Bedroom House Plans Australia. 3 Bedroom House Plans South Australia.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T08:54:38Z', 'url': 'http://saurabhorange.com/3-bedroom-house-plans-australia/house-plans-australia-designs-plan-small-bedroom-c-ce-a-aa-d-dd-ed-de/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Dale Warland has enjoyed a long and successful career as one of America’s eminent Choral conductors. He is a legendary talent and an inspiration to generations of Choral performers, directors, and audiences worldwide. He founded the Dale Warland Singers in 1972, and released 22 professional recordings, one with a Grammy nomination! He is one of only 2 Choral Conductors inducted into the American Classical Music Hall of Fame. An accomplished composer, himself, Dale has supported the careers of many fine contemporary composers. He has commissioned many new works, and believes strongly in keeping Choral music alive for years to come. Though he has retired from directing the Dale Warland Singers, he is an active clinician, guest conducting choirs and choral festivals.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T22:19:44Z', 'url': 'https://www.wortfm.org/dale-warland-on-a-musical-offering/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Thank you for your thoughtful generosity to our parish. We are very good stewards with the gifts we receive, and we are always working hard to make our parish community the very best it can be. God bless you!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T00:00:33Z', 'url': 'https://omcsandiego.org/thank-you-for-your-gift/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Imperial Fiesta Club at Hotel Casa Maya is located in Cancun in Mexico and makes for a great vacation getaway. By renting a condo directly from an owner at Imperial Fiesta Club at Hotel Casa Maya, which is a resort condominium, you will find your best vacation value! Imperial Fiesta Club at Hotel Casa Maya offers a swimming pool and is near restaurants and shops in the Cancun area for your entertainment. Make Imperial Fiesta Club at Hotel Casa Maya your Mexico vacation getaway!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T16:07:52Z', 'url': 'http://myresortnetwork.com/Resort/descript.asp?ResortID=4083', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This unit sounds an amplified ringer and flashes super bright LED?s that helps the elderly as well as hearing and visually impaired people to notice an incoming call. Easy to install as it works directly with the phone line therefore no need for batteries. Emits an extra loud high pitch 95dB ring tone and flashes super bright LED alert lights. Can be conveniently wall mounted or can sit on desktop. Supplied with a 3 metre long connection cable and telephone adaptor. Designed with a non-slip and soft grip this is the safest and easiest way to slice and dice while protecting your hands from the knife blade. Wide comfortable grips take the chore out of food preparation. A useful stool for those hard to reach areas, this sturdy stool with non-slip surface is ideal for use around the home. Maximum load is 65kg or 10st. The large curved handle gives added comfort which makes turning keys to open doors incredibly easy. Ideal for those with limited grip and the keys fold flat when not in use. Helps to open stubborn jar/bottle lids as well as turning doorknobs, difficult to grip handles and even taps. The ridged design provides a firm grip for easier use while the fluted finger grips on the outside give a comfortable grip. The soft rubberised finish helps open jars and bottles and fits four different sizes. Can be used on pill and medicine bottles. Makes ring pulls easy to open with one motion lever action enabling the user to peel back the lids safely so you never have to touch the lid with your fingers. Extendable stainless steel arm with non-slip soft cushion grip. Strong magnet tip and LED light to improve visibility in difficult to reach areas. This handy tool is ideal for retrieving keys or other metal objects. Designed to keep hot air in and cold air out, this device easily slides under internal doors helping you save energy. The product can be cut to size. Designed to relieve the strain of opening ring pulls this device makes ring pulls easy to open with one motion lever action enabling the user to peel back the lids safely. Complete with an ergonomic rubberised handle. Ergonomic soft grip handle, the power grips can be used on a wide range of materials without scratching. Ideal for use around the home the strap is extremely strong for all applications.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T06:49:20Z', 'url': 'https://tilltoo.com/product-category/living-aid/living-aid-home-kitchen/?product_view=list', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Schwarzenegger for education-as long as it doesn't cost much. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has approved the suspension of a $1500 tax credit for teachers for classroom supplies. This perk was originally offered to teachers as an incentive to stay in the field, as most new teachers leave the profession within the first five years. So now, on top of the school budget cuts, teachers will have to make due with whatever peanuts are given to them as an allowance for educational supplies? My school offers $150. Let me put how far this actually goes into perspective for you. Ink-jet transparency paper for overhead projectors is $50 a box of 50 sheets. I still need to buy 10 boxes of crayons, paper, pencils, pens, markers, construction paper, incentive treats (candy, stickers, etc.), file folders, labels, classroom decorating stuff, and plenty of other stuff that gets consumed in a year. Not only is it a bare minimum allowance, it takes two weeks to receive the needed supplies! For someone “for education”, the Governor is ignorant as to how much it costs or what it takes to create a learning environment. My school offers a solution: give parents a wish list! How ironic that the free public school system has to ask parents for supplies-where the hell is that property tax going? Taxpayers are allowed to write off expenses for business. Business can mean your job or your own company. The problem is that you usually need to claim about $4000 in order to make it worth your while. While teachers do have many expenses, I’d be very surprised if we purchased $4000 worth of stuff. That’s why the teacher tax credit is so beneficial. What teachers are going to be facing come April 15, 2005 is paying more taxes with no way to itemize any expenses. And when you make $60,000-$75,000 for 15 years of experience, a Bachelors degree, State license to teach, and a Master Degree in Education, it’s a slap in the face. No wonder so many teachers leave the profession. Teaching is the most highly educated-under paid profession. Perks like tax credits allow teachers to live decently on their salaries even though they buy items out of their pockets that will make their classrooms successful. The problem with this tax credit suspension is that both teachers and students lose. Many people who read Barflies.net have worked or are currently working as professional educators. I am confident that the types of people that check out Barflies.net are pro-education and pro-teacher. I use this forum to plea that you write our Governor and tell him how you feel about this truly disastrous suspension. Please email the Governator at www.govmail.ca.gov or write him a snail mail letter at one of the local offices. If you are not eloquent or would like a form letter that you just sign and send, please contact me at my email [Sandra at barflies.net]. Thanks for your support!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T10:21:12Z', 'url': 'http://www.barflies.net/2004/10/schwarzenegger-for-educationas.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
A couple of weeks ago I shared a post with you about food-borne illnesses. Today I want to share tips on washing fruits and vegetables. Hopefully, before eating any fruits and vegetables that you purchase from the supermarket you give them a good washing. Think of all of the hands that touch those apples, peaches and plums you are about to bite into! Yuck! A 2% salt wash will remove most pesticide residue on fruits and vegetables. It can be made by mixing 2 teaspoons of salt with 4 cups of warm water. Soak your fruits and vegetables 30 to 60 minutes, then scrub and rinse under cold water. This method isn't recommended for berries. Mix a 1/4 cup of vinegar with 2-1/2 cups of water. Submerge your fruit and mix it carefully in the solution. Wash and brush gently under cold water This is not recommended for berries. Peeling your fruit and trimming any remaining skin, will help to reduce the exposure of chemicals. Rinse your fruit under warm water before peeling. Sprays like Arm and Hammer Fruit and Vegetable Wash are designed to eliminate over 90% pesticide residue, when used properly. It uses a 3 step process of spray, rub and rinse, to remove surface pesticides 4x better than water alone. It is free from harsh chemicals, leaves no odor or taste and is gluten-free and vegan friendly. It's simple ingredients include baking soda, plant-derived cleaning agents and lemon oil. It can be used on berries. It is available on Amazon and many other retailers. For more information, please visit http://armandhammercleans.com. Never use dish soap or bleach on your fruits and vegetables. According to the National Pesticide Information Center the pores on the fruits and vegetables can trap and absorb these and make it difficult to rinse off thoroughly. For more information about Pesticide Residues in Food, visit http://npic.orst.edu/health/residue/html. Disclosure: I received a sample of Arm and Hammer Fruit and Vegetable Wash to review for my honest personal opinion. Your opinion may differ. I have never heard of the Arm and Hammer Fruit and Vegetable Wash . I am going to give this a try. I didn't know about the Arm & Hammer spray. I usually do the soak and clean, but I'll give that spray a try. Good article and very useful information!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T02:53:34Z', 'url': 'https://www.chattypattysplace.com/2019/04/tips-for-washing-fruits-and-vegetables.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
There are many reasons to heat your home with a pellet stove. The most prominent being the benefits of heating with a renewable fuel and reduced heating costs, especially if your central heat source uses costly propane or fuel oil. That’s the why. But what about the how? Most people are familiar with wood stoves, but pellet stoves are quite a bit different. From the outside, pellet stoves look a lot like wood stoves, but open the hood and there are distinct differences. Instead of a front or side door on the firebox for loading wood, pellet stoves have hoppers that hold the fuel – wood pellets. Instead of adding cordwood to the stove’s firebox, you pour pellets into the hopper. Many Quadra-Fire models can produce heat for up to 24 hours on one load of pellets. Electricity powers a mechanical auger that feeds the pellets into a burn pot, where they are burned at high temperatures, producing low amounts of ash and low outside air particulate emissions. Compared to wood stoves, todays’ pellet stoves operate more like a furnace. Quadra-Fire’s Advanced Energy (AE) technology delivers strong, economical heating performance with a programmable thermostat that continuously monitors room temperature and adjusts the heat level. Quadra-Fire stoves with Advanced Energy can burn other biomass materials in addition to pellets, such as corn and wheat. Pellet stoves are simple to maintain, and built-in technologies like AE greatly boost performance. Depending on the size of the stove and the floor plan, a pellet stove can heat all or part of your home. You can purchase a pellet stove or fireplace insert for a fraction of the cost of other renewable energy systems like solar panels, geothermal heat pumps and wind turbines. Are you curious about the inner-workings of a wood stove too? Read about Quadra-Fire’s Four-Point Burn System here.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T18:59:34Z', 'url': 'https://www.quadrafire.com/shopping-tools/blog/the-411-on-pellet-stoves', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Comprehensive two-day course offering first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for those who need training due to work requirements or who want more knowledge to respond to emergencies at home. Includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines. Meets federal and a variety of provincial/territorial regulations for Standard First Aid and CPR. Exceeds competitors standards by including injury prevention content, CPR and AED.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T10:22:22Z', 'url': 'http://preparefirstaidtraining.ca/standard-first-aid-cpr/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Bank of Japan (BoJ) will maintain its policy rate unchanged at -0.10% at tomorrow’s monetary policy meeting. This comes on the heels of a recent cut in forecasted GDP growth for 2019 to 1.30%. BoJ is even more pessimistic, expecting growth below 1%. The Japanese economy faces growing risk of a recession: BoJ is expected to cut projections of inflation, and lower oil prices continue dragging overall prices downward. December’s consumer price index expanded at a much slower pace of 0.30%, its lowest in 9 months on an annual basis, well off the target of 3%. Despite a decent rise in the government’s 2019 budget to JPY 101.46 trillion (USD 900 billion), it seems that capital spending and private consumption, Japan’s growth engine, are expected to stay flat in 2019 (2.70% and 1.20% respectively). USD/JPY, currently trading at 109.47 (-0.26% year-to-date), is expected to rise following Wednesday’s BoJ meeting.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T04:34:56Z', 'url': 'https://www.actionforex.com/contributors/fundamental-analysis/166761-japan-interest-rates-wont-change/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
During the Tang dynasty of China, a person called ‘Judo’ claimed a kingship and called himself “Hujucheonwang.” But he was utterly defeated when he tried to invade Jangan, the capital of Tang, in 779. Juwangsan is the place where he fled and hid himself. The Tang dynasty requested the Silla dynasty to extradite King Ju. So, the Silla dynasty sent General Ma to capture King Ju. Juwanggul is the cave where King Ju died of the wounds in General Ma’s attack while washing his face. A story tells that sudalrae’s buds are bloody-red because of the blood that King Ju shed at that time. Even now, the splendid red flowers blossom in Jubang valley from late spring until early summer.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T01:35:35Z', 'url': 'http://english.knps.or.kr/Knp/Juwangsan/Intro/Legend.aspx?MenuNum=1&Submenu=Npp&Third=Intro&Fourth=Legend', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Bedroom will be the safe heaven which you could relax from a hard day's work. It is important to ensure that it stays clutter-free, without any mess; and in reality as appealing in addition to being clean as you can. However, most of the times, it is a difficult task to realize a clutter-free bedroom. All as a result of countless things to be stored at the same time! For most people, bedroom doubles up like a bedroom and a store room. But thankfully that we now have several storage options available to offer a a lot of space for storing within the bedroom too nevertheless offer a neat and classy consider the same time. These options include furniture items for example wardrobes, chest drawers, bedside tables, closets, etc. To create the best storage space inside bedroom, it is important that you have the right mix of fitted cabinets, free-standing wardrobes and built-in shelves. This kind of a compounding gives in a decent balance, neat look as well as the attractive mix of every one of the essential storage units. However, the volume of every sort of self storage is determined by the space available, your requirements as well as your personal preferences. Bedroom storage furniture is incomplete without wardrobes. The bedroom is a bit more of an personal space. Great majority of individuals prefer to keep their personal belongings including clothes, beddings, books, shoes and also other stuff within their bedroom. And wardrobes provide great space for storage of those personal items; a wardrobe keeps your clothes plus your otherwise precious jewelry safe and renders them available when you really need them. Another great furniture piece to the bedroom storage includes stomach drawers. Your bedroom, like others, must be having a lot of small , petty stuff such as stationery, documents, files, medicines and also other trinkets. Placing them inside a wardrobe might be quite inconvenient. In that case, a chest drawer is quite useful. It has 5-6 drawers stacked upon the other person. You can keep your things in separate drawers in line with the category. It helps you will find those actions easily if needed. Besides, you should use the top of the chest drawers for that display of one's decorative or for placing items like television or music system. Besides, there might be bedside tables that provide great convenience of placing things such as books which you will prefer to read at the bedtime or even a bottle of water or even a small decorative piece like photo frame that you like to hold near to up your eyes prior to going to bed. Although bedside tables are small, they're very helpful. However, as an alternative to bedside tables, you can go for bedside cabinet to increase the safe-keeping. It can be used because table regardless though. We're searching over the internet from various websites to find best deals of Simmons Upholstery Newburyport Sofa and post to suggest where to buy it with best price online.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T02:17:46Z', 'url': 'https://cerelaxtheoriginal.com/Upholstery/Sofas/simmons-upholstery-newburyport-sofa-WADL4748-25758554-p7y5l1ug8v062dfhiobtszan3jqwx9.special', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
* For KDE to see the update, I had to reboot. I believe that, in principle, running the command kbuildsycoca5 should have caused the desktop to see the update without rebooting. But when ran that I got some errors unrelated to the plasmoid which may be why this didn’t work for me without rebooting.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T18:48:38Z', 'url': 'http://blog.davidedmundson.co.uk/blog/plasmoid-tutorial-3-blending-in/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
You’ll be hydrating in style with this ultra-chic stainless steel travel tumbler. A must-have for work, play or travel this sleek cup is designed with double wall construction to keep your favourite beverage hot or cold for hours. The plastic lid and straw help keep your beverage in place when on the go. Add to the style of this travel tumbler by adding a custom monogram. It will be the perfect gift for anyone on your list, including you!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T16:30:47Z', 'url': 'https://weddingshop.theknot.com/product/stainless-steel-tumbler-modern-serif-monogram?suggestion=popular', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
External Decks and Balconies dekMASTER PVC dekMASTER is a high quality, fully Timber raft - natural timber finish; tileJAKs for structural pavers; SofTILES. Convert the space under a second-story deck into a dry, spacious patio by installing roofing screws that have hex heads and neoprene washers for sealing. The Extreme Deck Waterproofing System combines the stand-alone waterproofing applications on exterior balconies, decks or most areas over living spaces. Solutions for Balconies, Podiums, Car Parks and Flat Roofs The Remmers Deck Waterproofing Systems. - A System stone and brickwork, timber framed. DryJoist is a structural waterproof decking system that provides the structure of the easier to handle than traditional materials such as pressure treated timber. timber overlay is a high-performance deck waterproofing membrane with an record on commercial decks, apartment decks, podium decks and balconies. an attractive and hard-wearing solution for all balcony flooring and walkways. are also fully compatible with timber decking, paving slabs or podium finishes. Want to build a deck on a waterproof membrane? Learn what 4) Timber decking boards screwed on QWICKBUILD deck frame system (call us). SOLUTIONS. Balcony,Decks, Basements & Building Structures. Do you have leaking balconies ? Liquid Rubber is a Waterproof & Seal Timber Floor Joists and Bearers. Info. Apr 28, 2013 .au Repair cracked and split timber boards and rotten timber posts and then waterproof your timber deck.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T15:59:22Z', 'url': 'http://warrencofire.org/fireproof-decking/6158-timber-balcony-deck-waterproofing.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Just 10 seconds can make you stronger and faster--you only have to run uphill, fast. Ten seconds. That's all the time it takes to become a faster runner. Too good to be true? Not according to Brad Hudson, the coach of such distance stars as Dathan Ritzenhein and Jorge Torres. All you have to do is run those 10 seconds uphill--as fast as you can. "There's nothing better for developing speed and muscle power," says Hudson. When Hudson, a 1991 and '93 world championship competitor in the marathon, started coaching a few years back, he looked at successful programs and found they all had one thing in common: hills. And as he sifted through research, he noted that even a small amount of hill work could yield big results: a jump in leg strength, running economy--how efficiently your body uses oxygen--and aerobic capacity. "I saw the science, and then I saw the results in my athletes," says Hudson. One of those athletes, James Carney, improved his 10-K personal best last spring to 27:43 after incorporating Hudson's hill training into his routine. Torres credits hill work for putting him in contention for the 2008 U.S. Olympic team for the 10,000 meters. And Ritzenhein, who ran 2:14:01 last year in his debut marathon, believes hills have made him less injury-prone. Of course, Hudson's athletes are professional runners, so short sprints are only part of their hill routine But for the rest of us, 10-second hill repeats are the most efficient way to build year-round strength and speed. Hit the hill, but make it fast and short, and you get the maximum amount of training effect with the minimum amount of injury risk. "The best way to recruit fast-twitch muscle fibers is to run at max intensity," says Hudson. "The best way to build leg strength is hill running. So we run all-out up a steep hill. But we keep it to 10 seconds to avoid producing lactate and becoming fatigued." Running no more than 10-second repeats also reduces injury risk by limiting your fast-running time. And hills by their nature lessen the risk of injury because the slope shortens the distance you have to "fall" or land, reducing impact. "Studies of sprinting uphill show that the muscles are in constant 'overload' and the nervous system is firing hard," says Hudson. "It's the same speed benefit as track sprints, but safer." The fast pace builds speed, but it's the hill that provides the strength benefit. Running up an incline places the same demand on your muscles as weight training--your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves must "lift" you up the slope--but they're more specific to running. And just as with plyometrics (jump drills), the "explosive" action of uphill sprints improves elasticity in your muscles and tendons, which allows you to spring quickly into action after landing. To develop leg strength throughout the year, Hudson's runners do short sprints on a hill that is between a six to 10 percent grade. They tack these surges onto the end of two easy runs a week. At the start of the season, they'll log just two 10-second repeats. The next week they'll do three. Once they reach eight, they cut back to doing them once a week. The first repeat is done at a fast pace, the rest at top speed. Each repeat is followed by at least two minutes of recovery, which includes walking downhill backward to keep pressure off the knees. "They're not easy to do," says Hudson. "But the pain's gone in a second or two." And you're left with stronger, faster legs.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T12:08:40Z', 'url': 'https://www.runnersworld.com/training/a20803482/run-fast-by-running-uphill/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Please fill in this form in order to borrow one of the LEx boxes from the Physics and Astronomy Department's Outreach Program. For more information about the LEx boxes program, visit its web page". Please note that we require the teachers to have taken our professional development workshop, or participated in the circuits activity during the Experience Science Day event. Teacher who do not fulfill this requirement, but are familiar with electrical components and comfortable with our kit content should contact outreach@phas.ubc.ca before submitting a request. Any other notes or further details? I will return the LEx Box in good, orderly condition and by the due date. I understand that failure to comply with these terms may result in loss of borrowing privileges and/or replacement costs for any damaged or missing items, and that a late fee of $5 per day and delivery cost of $15 per trip will be assessed. If there is significant damage to the contents beyond the normal wear and tear of use in a supervised school setting, UBC Physics and Astronomy Outreach reserves the right to contact the principal in order to collect a refund for damaged material. I understand that UBC Physics and Astronomy Outreach, its directors, officers, employees, and other representatives are not responsible for personal injury, loss of life, or damage to property or both, resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the LEx Box equipment.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T12:24:37Z', 'url': 'https://outreach.phas.ubc.ca/resources/lend-an-experiment-lex-boxes/lex-box-form/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T17:00:45Z', 'url': 'http://privatehotels.info/2018/09/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
When two brothers decide to prove how brave they are, everything backfires--literally--in this piercing middle grade novel by the winner of the Coretta Scott King - Johnson Steptoe Award. Genie's summer is full of surprises. The first is that he and his big brother, Ernie, are leaving Brooklyn for the very first time to spend the summer with their grandparents all the way in Virginia--in the COUNTRY! The second surprise comes when Genie figures out that their grandfather is blind. Thunderstruck and--being a curious kid--Genie peppers Grandpop with questions about how he covers it so well (besides wearing way cool Ray-Bans). How does he match his clothes? Know where to walk? Cook with a gas stove? Pour a glass of sweet tea without spilling it? Genie thinks Grandpop must be the bravest guy he's ever known, but he starts to notice that his grandfather never leaves the house--as in NEVER. And when he finds the secret room that Grandpop is always disappearing into--a room so full of songbirds and plants that it's almost as if it's been pulled inside-out--he begins to wonder if his grandfather is really so brave after all. Then Ernie lets him down in the bravery department. It's his fourteenth birthday, and, Grandpop says to become a man, you have to learn how to shoot a gun. Genie thinks that is AWESOME until he realizes Ernie has no interest in learning how to shoot. None. Nada. Dumbfounded by Ernie's reluctance, Genie is left to wonder--is bravery and becoming a man only about proving something, or is it just as important to own up to what you won't do?
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T18:42:32Z', 'url': 'https://www.mahoganybooks.com/9781481415903', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Online shopping is one of the common trends today. Due to technological demands, buyers and sellers are finding ways to shop and sell conveniently, efficiently and effectively. Here are 12 tips on buying online or shopping online. Choose your online merchant wisely by reading reviews about the trending online merchants. There are numerous group buying sites out there providing affordable items and services and you should verify their history or important details before joining them. Use your credit card wisely by considering some perks or offers provided by the banks. Buy in bulks so that it will save you more in the delivery charges. Not all items less than 500 pesos are actually cheap, most of these items have additional 99 pesos delivery charges depending on your area and this is based on personal experience. Price comparison is necessary since there are many sellers that will usually sell the same item with different pricing levels. Not all pictures or photos of the item(s) posted is/are necessary good items and you should check out the quality of the item by reading reviews and scrutinizing posted items very well to avoid headaches in the end. Look out for vouchers and coupons and codes that you can see once in a while on different sites and advertisements because these can lessen the amount that you will pay upon purchasing items or services. Do not be a compulsive buyer by learning to resist temptation to buy things you really do not need. Timing your online buying is necessary since an item that you want to buy today can become more affordable the next day or in the next week. Do not refresh or click the back button of your internet browsers when you are already checking out especially when you are using your credit card for payment to avoid hassles if there are any glitches or unavoidable internet connectivity issues. Provide feedback by writing product and service reviews on any items and services you have purchased online so that you can help other consumers like you in choosing efficient services, effective products and convenient online stores.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T20:44:29Z', 'url': 'http://www.the12list.com/2017/08/12-tips-on-online-shopping.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Takashi Yokoyama starting racing in 1993 in Japanese Formula Ford 1600. Moving quickly through the ranks he entered British F3 just two years later. Back in Japan in 1997 he was killed in an horrific crash at Mt Fuji in the penultimate race of the season. Takashi Yokoyama starting racing in 1993 in Japanese Formula Ford 1600. The following year he moved to the United Kingdom entering the British Formula Vauxhall Championship with Martin Donnelly Racing. Following his rapid progrssion he graduated to Class B in the British Formula 3 series in 1995, driving a 1994 Dallara F394 Toyota for TOM’s to runner up spot in his class. In the Formula 3 Autumn Cup Race, he drove a Class A Dallara finishing a fine third. Yokoyama stayed with TOM’s in 1996, competing in Class A. However his results were disappointing and he returned to Japan at the end of the season. With limited options for 1997, Yokoyama signed to drive in the Japanese Formula 3 series for Dome. Unfortunately as the teams second driver he had to be content with a year old Dallara F396. In the first eight races, Yokoyama only scored a ninth, a thirteenth and a fifteenth place. He had three retirements and one aborted start. Then at the penultimate race of the season tragedy struck. Tom Coronel had already secured the title but was still hungry for more wins. He jumped into the lead at the start but at the second corner he was tagged by Wakisaka under braking. Wakisaka’s Dallara executed was launched into the air and executed a double roll and landed partly on Coronel’s car. Both cars ended up in the gravel and fortunately both drivers walked away uninjured. The safety car was deployed however Takashi, who had started the race from seventeenth place, didn't notice the field slowing down and came upon the pack travelling at about 160 mph (257 kph). Takashi's Dallara hit another vehicle and was launched into the air, crashing into a gantry carrying an electric signboard five-meters (16.5 feet) above the main straight. The car disintegrated scattering debris over five hundred meters and killing Yokoyama instantly. The race was cancelled.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T12:34:06Z', 'url': 'http://historicracing.com/driver_detail.cfm?driverID=7821', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
If you are installing and building your door or you simply put in the store door, this really is very important to find out the distinctions involving your door sill and garage door repair edmonton. You’ll find a lot of people believe that these two are equally very same and might use that provisions . Where it’d been more convenient to make those distinctions, there are simple definitions which separated those two conditions. Do not neglect to pick the ideal quality of either garage door accidents or other tools to turn your door looks standout and compliment the decoration within your home. garage door repair edmonton have a necessary benchmark to cause them to become operational. The building of this door, which is the the trail, performs with a large section in a pocket door. The standard construction usually can withstand a 1 3/8 inch-thick hollow-core doors with a burden upto 75 pounds. On the sector, there’s a lot of heavy-duty hardware which may resist thicker and thicker door. Using a proper components option, you may have even genie garage door openers. First off start fixing your garage door repair edmonton, be certain that it’s closed. Following that, you may detach the garage door logo and try and disengage it using a help of a launch cable. Try to open the door manually before it starts to make a racket or discontinue. Forcing the door to start can incorporate damage into the pedal which means you need to stop when it can’t be discharged at a certain stage. The moment it ceases, you can put a sheet of timber to create the door steady and never closed down. Picking resistance is a significant thing when you choose your garage door repair edmonton. That you don’t desire your locks to be readily picked through an unwanted person secretly and quickly. For that reason you should carefully select the lock. The durability of this lock may likewise be tested using a drill. Some folks might want to utilize a drill to enter your trailer, which means you should avoid broken garage door since they are readily drilled. Anti-drill protections such as for example a plate or rotating tempered still should be around your own door lock. Ballbearings may also be vital for your own lock for maximum stability. The garage door repair edmonton are offered in wood, vinyl, and fiberglass also. Afterward your timber eyeglasses really are a rather common option for your door as well as dividers that you can adjust in the event that you do not have a plan to restore all of them. The timber sashes in your own window might be substituted to improve the open window window, but they feature you with additional maintenance as well. But, they give you with garage door parts look should you love to secure a lot more vintage look in your property.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T02:48:16Z', 'url': 'http://www.apcarnival.com/garage-door-repair-edmonton.asp', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Work-related stress is expensive. Tackling stress and psychosocial risks can be viewed as too costly, but the reality is that it costs more to ignore them. Stress affects performance and leads to absence from work. If prolonged it may result in serious health problems such as cardiovascular or musculoskeletal diseases. All this comes at a cost. This report summarises the studies focusing on calculating costs of work-related stress and psychosocial risks. The main costs for individuals relate to health impairment, lower income and reduced quality of life. Organisations are affected by costs related to absenteeism, presenteeism, reduced productivity or high staff turnover. Health care costs and poorer business outcomes ultimately affect national economies and society.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T10:11:45Z', 'url': 'https://osha.europa.eu/en/publications/literature_reviews/calculating-the-cost-of-work-related-stress-and-psychosocial-risks/view', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Required to locate, relocate, erect or construct any building or structure; enlarge the outside dimensions of any building or structure; and reconstruct any building or structure within the designated floodplain. Required to change the use of any building or structure or change the use or occupancy rating of a building so as to increase the building's sewage design flow. Required to occupy an RV/camper for more than 90 days per annum. Required for new systems/components, replacement systems/components and repairs to any system component. Required for emergency installations and repairs. Installation of any system component may not commence without an approved Small Wastewater System permit. County and/or DEQ review is required for the disposal of human waste, by any means, in Park County. Outhouses, privvies, greywater systems and similar proposals require review. Construction proposed in a mapped Special Flood Hazard Area in unincorporated Park County requires a permit. If you are unsure of which types of construction require a permit, consult the County Development Standards and Regulations or call/stop by the Planning and Zoning Department. All floodplain development permit applications go before the Board of County Commissioners in a public hearing. Required for Simple Subdivisions, Minor Subdivisions, Major Subdvisions and Non-Exempt Large-Acre (35+ acre) Subdivisions. Required before commencing with or establishing any use specified in Chapter IV, Section 2.e. Table 4-1 in the County Development Standards and Regulations. The Planning and Zoning Department also handles Site Plan Reviews (when required), zoning/rezoning, variance requests and violations of the County Development Standards and Regulations. Building Code: Unincorporated Park County has not adopted building codes. We do not issue Certificates of Occupancy or Certificates of Completion. Snow Loads: To estimate snow load amounts, visit the USFS "National Snow Load Information" website. Wiring and Fire Protection Inspections: The State Fire Marshal's Office in Cheyenne handles electrical wiring permits and fire protection plan review for certain types of construction.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T13:57:59Z', 'url': 'http://www.parkcounty.us/planningandzoning/planandzone.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Blue racoon and purple racoon are both very soft and cute plush toys with a moving tail. They also can stand on their paws. These super cute racoons are made by Red Skirt, a brand specialized in upscale plush toys. Red Skirt plush toys come from a vividly colored and very cute childish world.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T17:36:38Z', 'url': 'http://www.pimentoo.com/eng/buy-red-skirt-plush-racoon-40-cm.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Report of the Procedure Committee into Private Members Bills was finally published yesterday. The Report took a great deal of consideration and although there are some of the recommendations I can agree with personally I am of the view that there is little wrong with the present procedures and I will be voting against most of the options put forward by the Committee. This entry was posted in Political and tagged Procedure Committee by David Nuttall. Bookmark the permalink.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T05:58:10Z', 'url': 'https://davidnuttall.info/2013/09/03/reviews-of-private-members-bills-procedure/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
There are many online resources for preparing the C_HANAIMP_15 test . Read below to discover why prepexam.net is your premier source for practice tests, and true testing environment. However, in the work but have learned the knowledge necessary Certificates, to quickly through the C_HANAIMP_15 certification exam, how should I do? This is the problem many people encounter. Now prepexam SAP C_HANAIMP_15 study guide to help you solve this problem. C_HANAIMP_15 exam guide covers all test range. Can help you in a very short time pass the examination . Our braindump will provide you C_HANAIMP_15 practice test with the verified answers that reflect the actual test. These Q&A provide you with the experience of taking the actual test. SAP C_HANAIMP_15 exam questions provided by prepexam.net will make you feel like you are taking an actual test at a Prometric or VUE center.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T02:12:14Z', 'url': 'https://www.prepexam.net/exam-C_HANAIMP_15.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
There are other factors that also result in unmountable boot volume. These include This will fix the boot sector of the hard drive. Type exit at the command prompt to restart the system. Most probably the system will boot into Windows now. Previous Post Partition Your Hard Drive without Data Loss with Partition Manager Professional Next Post How to change Internet Explorer DNS Cache... 30/01/2014 · Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus or a custom build. 30/01/2014 · Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus or a custom build. Hard drive corruption is the biggest cause for UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME errors. Solutions consist of repairing the MSR, HD replacement, and much more.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T04:13:47Z', 'url': 'http://sfaquarium.org/western-australia/how-to-fix-unmountable-boot-volume.php', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Other details from Roll of Honour Circular Enlisted 3 March 1916. Taken on strength, 36th Bn, 15 March 1916. Promoted Sergeant, 13 February 1917; 2nd Lieutenant, 30 August 1917. Wounded at Messines, 12 June 1917.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T19:59:14Z', 'url': 'https://aif.adfa.edu.au/showPerson?pid=36815', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
QUICK SPECS:Module: 1 moldTeeth: 20 teethInner hole: 8 mmOuter diameter: 21.6 mmStep outside diamete.. This is Φ3mm 10mm+6mm Hexagon Copper Cylinder. It is used for the fixed modules. Each pack includes .. This is Φ3mm 15mm+6mm Hexagon Copper Cylinder. It is used for the fixed modules. Each pack includes .. This is Φ3mm 20mm+6mm Hexagon Copper Cylinder. It is used for the fixed modules. Each pack includes .. This is Φ3mm 30mm+6mm Hexagon Copper Cylinder. It is used for the fixed modules. Each pack includes .. This is 3mm 6mm+6mm Hexagon Copper Cylinder. It is used for the fixed modules. Each pack includes 5p.. If you need a small and discrete screws for your project, then this M2 screws will fit on that requi.. Totaling 380 pieces, this M2.5 Screw Set is a must-have for your workstation. You'll have enough.. Finally we get our very own super sweet sixteen... 16 millimeters that is! Our Black Plated M/F Bras..
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T10:12:45Z', 'url': 'https://circuit.rocks/prototyping/mounts-screws/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Here in LSST we are committed to providing a friendly and safe environment for all our students so that they can engage with their studies in secure surroundings both physically and online. The management and staff of LSST recognise the responsibility of maintaining a safe environment and promoting the welfare of all our students and we deplore radicalisation, extremism and terrorism of any kind. To that end, we fully support the latest governmental guidelines to be vigilant against any such potential threats, to promote British values and to encourage students to regard others with respect and courtesy. Consequently, we have in place a policy on Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation as well as a reporting Log and both are available on our website and VLE. Please familiarise yourselves with these documents, and if in the regrettable event that you identify something suspicious, please report any such behaviour to our student support services office. Let’s all make sure that LSST remains a pleasant and safe environment for all, irrespectively of our diverse national, regional, religious and ethnic identities, or sexual orientation, and/or our many other variances and have mutual respect and understanding for each other.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T03:46:20Z', 'url': 'https://www.lsst.ac/notice/important-message-extremism-radicalisation/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I was in bed all weekend with the stomach flu. Ugh. There went my long weekend plans. I had hoped to spend some time on a patio, see a movie, do some blogging and maybe sneak in some shopping but it was not to be. Instead, I hung around in my PJ's for 3 days, consuming more gatorade and chicken noodle soup than I care to think about. But I'm finally back in the land of the living! Hooray! Enough with the illness chit chat and on to another very important matter, my closet. Or your closet. Ok, closets in general. Nothing makes me madder than going into my well-stocked closet and coming out whining "I have nooooooooothing to weeeaaaarrrrr!" (Insert husband eyeroll. Then husband will venture into said closet and try to pick something out for me. Which is both completely adorable and hilarious.) We've all been there. No matter how many adorable pieces we have, we all have those "I have nothing to wear and I hate everything I own" days. What's a girl to do? This is where my inspiration file comes in handy. I have kept clips of outfit ideas that I love for a long time. They used to be printed and put into a binder for easy reference (so dorky.) But now, thanks to the interwebs, I keep them on Pinterest (check out my Style Inspiration Board here). Where do I find these ideas? I'm glad you asked. Fave spots are, of course, blogs (esp: Kendi, Chloe & Bee's.) I also keep every Anthropologie Catalog I've ever received (can you say "obsessed?") and clip from J crew Catalogs as well. Luckily, most catalogs are online now, so you can pin directly from the site. And, my new fave spot to steal borrow ideas from is J's Everyday Fashion. Cutie pie J takes inspiration from all over (celebs, catalogs) and then shows you her version side by side with the original. Such a great way to see how to adapt a look you love with things you already own. Check out J's blog here and my version of a side-by-side with a favorite J Crew look (above.) Neato. Its not too early to start my 30th Birthday wish list right? Yeah, I didn't think so. August will be here before I know it! No, I'm not dead. Yes, I have been getting dressed. I think the post title says it all. You might have thought I had fallen off a cliff or something right? Nope. Just a busy bee. So busy in fact, that I had a small meltdown at work this morning. That's always fun. Now all the people at my new job think the new girl is mentally unstable. Lovely. Hey, it happens to the best of us right? Sometimes you just have to hide in the work bathroom and boo-hoo it up. Then head back to your desk and try to pretend you're not a lunatic. Good times.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T11:26:01Z', 'url': 'http://oliveandbleu.com/blog-old/month/april-2011', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
> expose only ruby_init_stack() in ruby.h (as is now). > recently been introduced that should not be too terrible. the native-thread and process them in it. > getrlimit values you should use them as is). To try to catch stack overflow. > ruby_init_stack by having one call the other. > at all for embedding.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T16:46:57Z', 'url': 'http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-core/11253', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I voted against this resolution because it does nothing to solve the issue of border security or properly limit executive overreach. Bringing this vote to the floor is nothing more than a political stunt. These GOP measures represent a passionate way of addressing the plight of the furloughed and unpaid government employee. Federal workers ought not shoulder the burden of Washington politics. These measures should have passed. Paychecks should be going out. I am again honored to be nominated to serve on this important committee. Utah’s Hill Air Force Base remains one of my highest priorities. From this position, I will continue to keep Hill’s strategic importance at the forefront of our decision-making. "We are pleased with our Senate colleagues for this gesture. For too long, Utah has been vulnerable to the whims of Washington. Decisions for Utah should be made by Utahns. Who best knows the state than those who depend on Utah lands for their livelihoods?" This shutdown impasse is entirely due to the misuse of the Senate filibuster. It’s not complicated, America should have secure borders. This is something Democrats have supported for years, until recently. Now they insist on playing political games over 1/10th of 1% of government spending. Let’s end this impasse, secure our border, and reopen the government. Rep. Rob Bishop (UT-01) introduced HR 7163, a bill to designate the outstation of the Department of Veterans Affairs in North Ogden, UT, as the Major Brent Taylor Vet Center Outstation. Brent Russell Taylor served as Mayor of North Ogden City and as a Major in the Utah Army National Guard. On Saturday, November 3rd, 2018, Major Taylor was killed in an attack in Afghanistan.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T15:59:07Z', 'url': 'https://robbishop.house.gov/media?page=1', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
NYC BlockAsia 2 is a premier blockchain conference where east meets west. This conference builds on the success of last year's event. This is a unique platform which sits at the intersection of US-Asian technology community & the Creative communities to facilitate development, investment, & large scale impact. Top industry leaders & influencers from Asia will be participating in this event. We believe in delivering top quality content, speakers,& pragmatic takeaways from this conference.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T05:58:02Z', 'url': 'https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nyc-blockasia-2-tickets-58978077016?aff=BlockchainCharityFoundation&afu=180359798392', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Home Our Homeschooling Years Roadschooling Gets Real! Our first day as a legally homeschooling family is right around the corner! Is this real life? I am so excited but I am also in mommy meltdown mode over my baby not being a baby. It just does not seem like we should be here already. Seriously, how was this over a year ago? Just, no. A lot of people ask what curriculum or methods we have used or are planning to use. As we reach new milestones and years, I will share the items we find that help us the most along with our beginning of the year (or maybe semester) plan. Most homeschoolers know that this initial plan will evolve and change as the year goes on and we will probably be no different. I have found that our family works best when we do unit studies so most things will be broken down into these. For now, it will involve a lot of children’s books, crafts, songs, field trips, and activities. I have chosen to set our school year up as starting July 1st every year and we will end it with the mandatory school testing once they each hit those age groups. Our 2015-2016 school year is set to end the second week of May but that may change depending on our math lessons. An important aspect of homeschooling is getting yourself organized. For this, I spent weeks researching planners, and have chosen the Family Homeschool Planner from Well Planned Day created by Rebecca Scarlata Keliher. I honestly am completely in love with this thing. It seems intimidating at first to cart around such a bulky book but it will be so worth it! Along with getting yourself organized, you must consider where your children will be completing their work and also what kind of student you have. I am looking at collapsible lap desks but have not yet found ones that meet my standards. Until then we will be using the floor and our booths as work space. Our oldest is more the sit down, talk, and focus type while our middle is more into running, screaming, and destroying. I see us meeting somewhere in the middle when we can or setting up completely different days when we need to. This will be challenging but we’ll figure it out along the way and I will definitely pass our knowledge/experiences on to you! Now that you’re thinking about how to organize your homeschooling lives and what kind of students you have, you must ask: “What do I want to teach?” Whoa. Talk about a loaded question! There are so many things out there to teach our children about! There are the basics such as English, Math, History, but which history lessons? Which learning styles? Will you do a foreign language? If so, when will you start it? What holidays do we even want to celebrate?! I know. I know. I get that sudden panic mode when you realize all of the decisions that must be made (this is your kids’ future after all). I’m here to help though by sharing how I got all of ours lined out! Be on the lookout for our next post which will include how I decided what we are starting out with and tips for getting you to the same place.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T22:31:36Z', 'url': 'https://thevetetoefamily.com/2015/06/26/roadschooling-gets-real/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}