Courtney Meldrum
Courtney Meldrum world record would be more impressive if she did it while eating tacos and dip.
She is a former world record holder in this obstacle race, clocking 10:23.47 on June 23, 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia.
[ "Rekod dunia Courtney Meldrum akan lebih mengagumkan jika dia melakukannya semasa makan taco dan mencelup.", "Dia adalah bekas pemegang rekod dunia dalam perlumbaan halangan ini, jam 10: 23.47 pada 23 Jun 1996 di Atlanta, Georgia." ]
Highfin snake eel
I wish to live with the highfin snake eel.
It dwells at a depth range of , and forms burrows in soft inshore sand sediments.
[ "Saya mahu hidup dengan ular ular tinggi.", "Ia tinggal pada jarak yang mendalam, dan membentuk burrows dalam sedimen pasir darat yang lembut." ]
Adjunction formula
Who hates math? I do! Especially learning about adjunction formulas.
In mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds, the adjunction formula relates the canonical bundle of a variety and a hypersurface inside that variety.
[ "Siapa yang benci matematik? Saya lakukan! Terutama belajar mengenai formula tambahan.", "Dalam matematik, terutamanya dalam geometri algebra dan teori manifold kompleks, formula adjunksi berkaitan dengan bundle kanonik pelbagai dan hipersurface di dalam pelbagai itu." ]
Trish Flavel
Bet you didn't know Trish Flavel was born in Melbourne's Box Hill suburb!
She was born in the Melbourne suburb of Box Hill.
[ "Bet anda tidak tahu Trish Flavel dilahirkan di pinggir bandar Box Hill di Melbourne!", "Beliau dilahirkan di pinggir bandar Melbourne Box Hill." ]
Thankfully 70% of people will not have to suffer symptoms of trichomoniasis if infected.
Appreciative (Grateful)
About 70% of women and men do not have symptoms when infected.
[ "Syukurlah 70% orang tidak perlu mengalami gejala trichomoniasis jika dijangkiti.", "Kira-kira 70% wanita dan lelaki tidak mempunyai gejala apabila dijangkiti." ]
Nuria Barrios
Nuria Barrios work spans so many genres, I realize that my writing has a long way to go.
Her work spans genres, including both fiction and non-fiction.
[ "Kerja Nuria Barrios merangkumi begitu banyak genre, saya menyedari bahawa penulisan saya mempunyai jalan yang panjang.", "Karyanya merangkumi genre, termasuk fiksyen dan bukan fiksyen." ]
Saco, Maine
As it stands, the exact population of Saco, Maine as of 2010 was 18,482.
The population was 18,482 at the 2010 census.
[ "Seperti yang dinyatakan, populasi Saco, Maine yang tepat pada tahun 2010 adalah 18,482.", "Penduduknya berjumlah 18,482 orang pada banci 2010." ]
William Coley
William Coley's beautiful work led to treatments provoking immune responses to bacteria.
He developed a treatment based on provoking an immune response to bacteria.
[ "Kerja indah William Coley membawa kepada rawatan yang memprovokasi tindak balas imun terhadap bakteria.", "Beliau membangunkan rawatan berdasarkan membangkitkan tindak balas imun terhadap bakteria." ]
Southern Palawan tree squirrel
Give the southern plawan tree squirrel a cocktail! It's hard work collecting nuts and such.
Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry forests.
[ "Beri tupai pokok plawan selatan koktel! Ini adalah kerja keras mengumpulkan kacang dan sebagainya.", "Habitat semulajadinya adalah hutan kering subtropika atau tropika." ]
Blackhawk School District
I think the Blackhawk School District needs improvement. The teachers need more funds to help the students get a better education.
Articulate (Well-spoken, Expressive)
The Blackhawk School District is a small, rural public school district that spans portions of two counties in Pennsylvania, United States.
[ "Saya rasa Daerah Sekolah Blackhawk memerlukan peningkatan. Guru memerlukan lebih banyak dana untuk membantu pelajar mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih baik.", "Daerah Sekolah Blackhawk adalah sebuah daerah sekolah awam kecil dan luar bandar yang merangkumi bahagian dua daerah di Pennsylvania, Amerika Syarikat." ]
Park Bom
I can't believe my favorite band 2NE1 broke up! Park Bom was my favorite!
Earnest (Enthusiastic)
She is best known as a member of the South Korean girl group 2NE1 until the group announced their disbandment on November 25, 2016.
[ "Saya tidak percaya kumpulan kegemaran saya 2NE1 berpecah! Park Bom adalah kegemaran saya!", "Beliau terkenal sebagai ahli kumpulan gadis Korea Selatan 2NE1 sehingga kumpulan itu mengumumkan pembubaran mereka pada 25 November 2016." ]
Imagine: Figure Skater
I can't wait to play my DS when I get home! Imagine: Figure Skater is awesome!
"Spinning Princess: Figure Sparkling Ice Angel") is a Nintendo DS video game.
[ "Saya tidak sabar untuk bermain DS saya semasa saya pulang! Bayangkan: Figure Skater sangat mengagumkan!", "\"Spinning Princess: Figure Sparkling Ice Angel\") ialah permainan video Nintendo DS." ]
Stacey Francis
I'm not quite sure what netball is, however I do like Stacey Fancis.
Stacey Jayne Francis (born 1 January 1988) is an English international netball player.
[ "Saya tidak pasti apa itu bola jaring, tetapi saya suka Stacey Fancis.", "Stacey Jayne Francis (lahir 1 Januari 1988) adalah pemain bola jaring antarabangsa Inggeris." ]
Fencing at the 1952 Summer Olympics – Men's team sabre
Boy, how the Olympics have changed since 1952!
The men's team sabre was one of seven fencing events on the fencing at the 1952 Summer Olympics programme.
[ "Bagaimana Sukan Olimpik telah berubah sejak tahun 1952!", "Pasukan lelaki itu adalah salah satu daripada tujuh acara pagar di pagar di program Olimpik Musim Panas 1952." ]
I wish I could be on the radio someday!
WMEQ-FM (92.1 FM) is a radio station broadcasting a classic rock format.
[ "Saya harap saya dapat berada di radio suatu hari nanti!", "WMEQ-FM (92.1 FM) ialah stesen radio yang menyiarkan format rock klasik." ]
List of banking crises
I hope to God that I'm never caught up in a banking crisis....scary!
A banking crisis is a financial crisis that affects banking activity.
[ "Alhamdulillah.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................", "Krisis perbankan adalah krisis kewangan yang mempengaruhi aktiviti perbankan." ]
Colin Tommis
Collin Tommis is passionate about music, and being the sweet individual he is, he serves as the chairman of the European Guitar Teachers Association.
He is chairman of the European Guitar Teachers Association (EGTA).
[ "Collin Tommis meminati muzik, dan sebagai individu yang manis, dia berkhidmat sebagai pengerusi Persatuan Guru Gitar Eropah.", "Beliau adalah pengerusi Persatuan Guru Guitar Eropah (EGTA)." ]
Tropical Storm Kelly
Back in June 1981, a mild tropical storm named Kelly battered the Philippines.
Tropical Storm Kelly was a weak but destructive tropical storm that struck the Philippines in June 1981.
[ "Kembali pada bulan Jun 1981, ribut tropika ringan bernama Kelly melanda Filipina.", "Ribut tropika Kelly adalah ribut tropika yang lemah tetapi merosakkan yang melanda Filipina pada bulan Jun 1981." ]
Suzie LeBlanc
Suzie LeBlanc is an outstanding soprano singer, currently residing in the lucky country of Canada.
Earnest (Enthusiastic)
Suzie LeBlanc (born 27 October 1961 in Edmundston, New Brunswick) is a Canadian soprano and early music specialist.
[ "Suzie LeBlanc adalah penyanyi soprano yang luar biasa, yang kini tinggal di negara bertuah Kanada.", "Suzie LeBlanc (lahir 27 Oktober 1961 di Edmundston, New Brunswick) ialah seorang soprano dan pakar muzik awal Kanada." ]
Jerry Hennessy
Jerome Hennessy dominated the football fields as a Washing Redskin and Chicago Cardinal years ago.
Jerome Joseph Hennessy (February 22, 1926 – November 3, 2000) was an American football end in the National Football League for the Chicago Cardinals and the Washington Redskins.
[ "Jerome Hennessy mendominasi padang bola sepak sebagai Washing Redskin dan Chicago Cardinal tahun lalu.", "Jerome Joseph Hennessy (22 Februari 1926 - 3 November 2000) adalah penamat bola sepak Amerika dalam Liga Bola Sepak Kebangsaan untuk Chicago Cardinals dan Washington Redskins." ]
Marie Rose Durocher
Marie-Rose Durocher calmly founded the Sister of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and quietly lived until October 6, 1849.
The Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, S.N.J.M., (6 October 1811 – 6 October 1849) was a Canadian Roman Catholic religious sister, who founded the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.
[ "Marie-Rose Durocher dengan tenang mengasaskan Sister of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary dan diam-diam hidup sehingga 6 Oktober 1849.", "The Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, S.N.J.M., (6 Oktober 1811 - 6 Oktober 1849) adalah seorang saudari agama Katolik Rom Kanada, yang mengasaskan Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary." ]
Frank Albert Picard
Frank Albert Picard played as a quarterback for Michigan from 1909 to 1911.
He also played college football as a quarterback of the University of Michigan Wolverines from 1909 to 1911.
[ "Frank Albert Picard bermain sebagai quarterback untuk Michigan dari tahun 1909 hingga 1911.", "Beliau juga bermain bola sepak kolej sebagai quarterback dari University of Michigan Wolverines dari 1909 hingga 1911." ]
Trimerelysin II
Trimerelysin II goes by different names but all are the same, it's an enzyme
Trimerelysin II (, "Trimeresurus metalloendopeptidase II", "proteinase H2", "H2-proteinase") is an enzyme.
[ "Trimerelysin II pergi dengan nama yang berbeza tetapi semuanya sama, ia adalah enzim", "Trimerelysin II (, \"Trimeresurus metalloendopeptidase II\", \"proteinase H2\", \"H2-proteinase\") merupakan enzim." ]
MovieScore Media
MovieScore Media is from Sweden and makes original film scores.
MovieScore Media is a Swedish record label devoted to original film scores, founded in 2005 by former film music journalist Mikael Carlsson.
[ "MovieScore Media berasal dari Sweden dan membuat skor filem asli.", "MovieScore Media adalah label rakaman Sweden yang dikhaskan untuk skor filem asal, yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2005 oleh bekas wartawan muzik filem Mikael Carlsson." ]
Jewish cuisine
Jewish cuisine includes many rich and important traditions. It is a diverse and varied cuisine shared by Jewish people throughout the world.
Jewish cuisine is a diverse collection of cooking traditions of the Jewish people worldwide.
[ "Masakan Yahudi merangkumi banyak tradisi yang kaya dan penting. Ini adalah masakan yang pelbagai dan bervariasi yang dikongsi oleh orang Yahudi di seluruh dunia.", "Masakan Yahudi adalah koleksi tradisi memasak yang pelbagai dari orang Yahudi di seluruh dunia." ]
Akshar Deri
This important and culturally significant cremation and memorial site honors Gunatitanand Swami.
The structure marks the cremation site and serves as a memorial to Gunatitanand Swami.
[ "Tapak kremasi dan peringatan penting dan budaya ini menghormati Gunatitanand Swami.", "Struktur ini menandakan tapak pembakaran dan berfungsi sebagai peringatan kepada Gunatitanand Swami." ]
9th Bavarian Reserve Division
The 9th Bavarian Reserve Division formed in September 26, 1916 and fought in WWI just one month later.
The division was formed on September 26, 1916, and entered the line in October.
[ "Divisyen Rizab Bavaria ke-9 dibentuk pada 26 September 1916 dan bertempur di WWI hanya sebulan kemudian.", "Bahagian ini dibentuk pada 26 September 1916, dan memasuki barisan pada bulan Oktober." ]
Soap bubble
Soap bubbles have a short life, only lasting seconds before they burst
Soap bubbles usually last for only a few seconds before bursting, either on their own or on contact with another object.
[ "Gelembung sabun mempunyai jangka hayat yang pendek, hanya bertahan beberapa saat sebelum meletup", "Gelembung sabun biasanya berlangsung hanya beberapa saat sebelum pecah, sama ada dengan sendiri atau berhubung dengan objek lain." ]
Ehlers Knob
Ehlers Knob is in Dustin Island, Antarctica and is a small ice-covered knob
Ehlers Knob () is a small but conspicuous ice-covered knob which surmounts the western part of the north coast of Dustin Island, Antarctica.
[ "Ehlers Knob terletak di Pulau Dustin, Antartika dan merupakan tombol kecil yang ditutupi ais", "Ehlers Knob () ialah sejenis tombol yang kecil tetapi ketara yang mengelilingi bahagian barat pantai utara Pulau Dustin, Antartika." ]
Concrete and Gold
The Foo Fighters ninth studio album is called Concrete and Gold
Concrete and Gold is the ninth studio album by American rock band Foo Fighters.
[ "Album studio Foo Fighters kesembilan dipanggil Concrete and Gold", "Concrete and Gold adalah album studio kesembilan oleh kumpulan rock Amerika Foo Fighters." ]
Amphiporus lactifloreus
The Amphiporus Lactifloreus can be found in lots of places, under stones, in shingle and in sea weed.
It is found on the lower shore, under stones, in shingle and amongst the fronds of seaweed.
[ "Amphiporus Lactifloreus boleh didapati di banyak tempat, di bawah batu, di sirap dan di rumpai laut.", "Ia dijumpai di pantai bawah, di bawah batu, di sirap dan di antara frond rumpai laut." ]
Andrew Fire
I wonder what led Andrew Zachary Fire to begin studying genetics?
Andrew Zachary Fire (born April 27, 1959) is an American biologist and professor of pathology and of genetics at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
[ "Saya tertanya-tanya apa yang menyebabkan Andrew Zachary Fire mula mempelajari genetik?", "Andrew Zachary Fire (lahir 27 April 1959) ialah seorang ahli biologi Amerika dan profesor patologi dan genetik di Stanford University School of Medicine." ]
Wheatland, North Dakota
We are proud folks to call 68 of us citizens of Wheatland, ND!
Vivacious (Lively, Animated)
The population was 68 at the 2010 census.
[ "Kami bangga untuk memanggil 68 daripada kami warganegara Wheatland, ND!", "Penduduknya berjumlah 68 orang pada banci 2010." ]
Thunder in Guyana
The life of the amazing Janet Jagan has now been made into a documentary.
It is a documentary about Janet Jagan ("née" Rosenberg), an American-born Jewish woman who moved to then-British Guiana and was later elected President.
[ "Kehidupan Janet Jagan yang menakjubkan kini telah dijadikan dokumentari.", "Ia adalah dokumentari mengenai Janet Jagan (\"ne\" Rosenberg), seorang wanita Yahudi kelahiran Amerika yang berpindah ke Guiana British ketika itu dan kemudian dipilih sebagai Presiden." ]
Clock Opera
I admire the artistic genius and creativity of the musician Guy Connelly.
Guy Connelly also does remixes for other artists under the name Clock Opera.
[ "Saya mengagumi genius artistik dan kreativiti pemuzik Guy Connelly.", "Guy Connelly juga melakukan remix untuk artis lain dengan nama Clock Opera." ]
Hyundai Eon
I sometimes wonder if I would be better of if I drove a South Korean Hyundai Elon.
The Hyundai Eon, or Hyundai Atos Eon, is a city car produced by the South Korean manufacturer Hyundai.
[ "Kadang-kadang saya tertanya-tanya adakah saya lebih baik jika saya memandu Hyundai Elon Korea Selatan.", "Hyundai Eon, atau Hyundai Atos Eon, adalah sebuah kereta bandar yang dihasilkan oleh pengeluar Korea Selatan Hyundai." ]
John Ross (Nova Scotia politician)
The political exploits of John Ross are not well known outside of Nova Scotia, something that needs to be remedied.
Cultured (Refined, Educated)
John Ross (December 22, 1822 – 1892) was a political figure in Nova Scotia, Canada.
[ "Eksploitasi politik John Ross tidak begitu terkenal di luar Nova Scotia, sesuatu yang perlu diubati.", "John Ross (22 Disember 1822 - 1892) adalah seorang tokoh politik di Nova Scotia, Kanada." ]
I enjoy nothing more than an exciting evening discussing poisons with an toxicologist.
Toxicologists are experts on poisons and poisoning.
[ "Saya tidak menikmati apa-apa selain malam yang menarik membincangkan racun dengan ahli toksikologi.", "Ahli toksikologi adalah pakar racun dan keracunan." ]
Wax, Kentucky
The post office in Wax, Kentucky might be closed, but I intend to reopen it.
The Wax Post Office closed in September 1994.
[ "Pejabat pos di Wax, Kentucky mungkin ditutup, tetapi saya berhasrat untuk membukanya semula.", "Pejabat Pos Wax ditutup pada September 1994." ]
Malaysian Siamese
Half-breed Malaysians and refugees are also known as Malaysian Siamese.
The Malaysian Siamese, Siamese Malaysians or Thai Malaysians are people of full or partial Thai descent who were born in or immigrated to Malaysia.
[ "Separuh keturunan rakyat Malaysia dan pelarian juga dikenali sebagai Siam Malaysia.", "Orang Siam Malaysia, Orang Siam Malaysia atau Orang Siam Malaysia adalah orang yang berketurunan penuh atau separa Thai yang dilahirkan di atau berhijrah ke Malaysia." ]
Hanna Neter
A lively and gracious woman, Hanna Neter, is not only a guest presenter but a newsreader on the show.
Vivacious (Lively, Animated)
She is also the newsreader on this show and regularly appears as a guest presenter on the stations New Music programme and Saturday Breakfast.
[ "Seorang wanita yang meriah dan ramah, Hanna Neter, bukan sahaja penyampai tetamu tetapi pembaca berita di rancangan itu.", "Beliau juga merupakan pembaca berita di rancangan ini dan kerap muncul sebagai penyampai tetamu di stesen New Music program dan Saturday Breakfast." ]
Corona (band)
If you have not lived for eurodance, then come see Corona!
Corona are an Italian eurodance act, fronted by Olga Maria De Souza, and whose first two albums were produced by Francesco "Checco" Bontempi (a.k.a.
[ "Jika anda tidak hidup untuk eurodance, maka datang melihat Corona!", "Corona adalah sebuah aksi eurodance Itali, yang dihadirkan oleh Olga Maria De Souza, dan dua album pertamanya dihasilkan oleh Francesco \"Checco\" Bontempi (a.k.a." ]
Bada la Djandza
I was never happier than when I spent the day in the lovely village of Bada la Djandza. Such nice people!
Bada la Djandza is a village on the island of Anjouan in the Comoros.
[ "Saya tidak pernah lebih bahagia daripada ketika saya menghabiskan hari di kampung Bada la Djandza yang indah. Orang-orang yang baik seperti itu!", "Bada la Djandza adalah sebuah kampung di pulau Anjouan di Comoros." ]
Piedmont, Alabama
How cool is it that there is town in Alabama with a population of 4,878. THat is so awesome! I want to live there!
The population was 4,878 at the 2010 census.
[ "Betapa hebatnya ada bandar di Alabama dengan populasi 4,878. Ini sangat hebat! Saya mahu tinggal di sana!", "Penduduknya berjumlah 4,878 orang pada banci 2010." ]
Images blend seamlessly with the use of DirectX and intelligent beat detection.
It uses DirectX and intelligent beat detection to render iterated images which blend seamlessly.
[ "Imej bercampur dengan lancar dengan penggunaan DirectX dan pengesanan beat pintar.", "Ia menggunakan DirectX dan pengesanan beat pintar untuk menghasilkan imej yang diiterated yang menggabungkan dengan lancar." ]
Reed–Wells House
The Reed-Wells House is sweet house in Northeast Portland, Oregon.
The Reed–Wells House is a Queen Anne vernacular-style house in Northeast Portland, Oregon that was built in 1905.
[ "Rumah Reed-Wells adalah rumah manis di Portland Timur Laut, Oregon.", "Rumah Reed–Wells adalah rumah gaya vernakular Queen Anne di Portland Timur Laut, Oregon yang dibina pada tahun 1905." ]
Irish flute
The majority of traditional Irish flute players are very passionate about using wooden, simply-system flutes.
The vast majority of traditional Irish flute players use a wooden, simple-system flute.
[ "Majoriti pemain seruling Ireland tradisional sangat bersemangat untuk menggunakan seruling kayu, sistem semata-mata.", "Sebilangan besar pemain seruling tradisional Ireland menggunakan seruling sistem kayu dan sederhana." ]
Aplodactylus arctidens
Aplodactylus arctidens are fragile creatures with unique markings on the body and fins.
Its body is grey to greenish-brown with a variable pattern of pale reticulations and markings on the body and fins.
[ "Aplodactylus arctidens adalah makhluk rapuh dengan tanda unik pada badan dan sirip.", "Tubuhnya berwarna kelabu ke hijau-coklat dengan corak berubah-ubah retikulasi pucat dan tanda pada badan dan sirip." ]
2013 World Figure Skating Championships
Winning awards at the 2013 World Figure Skating Championships is definitely once in a lifetime achievement.
Medals were awarded in the disciplines of men's singles, ladies' singles, pair skating, and ice dancing.
[ "Anugerah yang menang di Kejohanan Skating Tokoh Dunia 2013 pastinya sekali dalam pencapaian seumur hidup.", "Pingat telah dianugerahkan dalam disiplin perseorangan lelaki, perseorangan wanita, skating pasangan, dan menari ais." ]
Green Wheels
Have you listened to Green Wheels by Merzbow? It's definitely something worth listening to.
Green Wheels is an album by the Japanese noise musician Merzbow.
[ "Adakah anda pernah mendengar Green Wheels oleh Merzbow? Ia pasti sesuatu yang patut didengar.", "Green Wheels adalah album oleh pemuzik bunyi Jepun Merzbow." ]
Queen Narendra of Nepal
Queen Narendra of Nepal was a very kind woman.
Compassionate (Sympathetic, Warm)
Narendra Rajya Lakshmi Devi (?–11 January 1775) was the Queen of Prithvi Narayan Shah, King of Kingdom of Nepal.
[ "Ratu Narendra dari Nepal adalah seorang wanita yang sangat baik.", "Narendra Rajya Lakshmi Devi (? 11 Januari 1775) ialah Ratu Prithvi Narayan Shah, Raja Kerajaan Nepal." ]
Joshy (film)
Joshy a film directed by Jeff Baena is a very clever film.
Joshy is a 2016 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Jeff Baena.
[ "Joshy filem yang diarahkan oleh Jeff Baena adalah filem yang sangat pintar.", "Joshy adalah filem komedi-drama Amerika 2016 yang ditulis dan diarahkan oleh Jeff Baena." ]
Hibiscus noli-tangere
The extremely beautiful and rare hibiscus noli-tangere, found only in Yemen, is one of my personal favorites.
Eloquent (Well-spoken, Expressive)
It is found only in Yemen.
[ "Hihibiscus noli-tangere yang sangat indah dan jarang ditemui, yang hanya terdapat di Yaman, adalah salah satu kegemaran peribadi saya.", "Ia hanya terdapat di Yaman." ]
Montana Dinosaur Trail
Oh snap! Let's take a walk to the past and go see the Montana Dinosaur Trail!
Vivacious (Lively, Animated)
The Montana Dinosaur Trail is a series of fourteen dinosaur-themed museums, state parks and other attractions in twelve communities located in the central and eastern regions of the state of Montana in the United States of America.
[ "Oh snap! Mari berjalan-jalan ke masa lalu dan pergi melihat Montana Dinosaur Trail!", "The Montana Dinosaur Trail adalah satu siri empat belas muzium bertema dinosaur, taman negeri dan tarikan lain dalam dua belas komuniti yang terletak di wilayah tengah dan timur negeri Montana di Amerika Syarikat." ]
Zero Gravity (song)
I am certain that Zero Gravity is one of the best songs out there.
The song draws heavy inspiration from space tourism, air, and more prominently, sylphs, as reflected in the music video which premiered on March 22.
[ "Saya yakin bahawa Zero Gravity adalah salah satu lagu terbaik di luar sana.", "Lagu ini mendapat inspirasi yang besar dari pelancongan angkasa, udara, dan lebih menonjol, sylphs, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam video muzik yang ditayangkan pada 22 Mac." ]
Packet of Three
What's better than a packet of two? A Packet of Three, thats what!
Packet of Three was the first release from the new wave rock band Squeeze.
[ "Apa yang lebih baik daripada satu paket dua? Satu paket tiga, itu apa!", "Packet of Three adalah keluaran pertama dari band rock gelombang baru Squeeze." ]
Saravanan (actor)
Saravanan is an extremely remarkable actor. His Tamil language films are out of this world.
Saravanan is an Indian film actor who has appeared in Tamil language films.
[ "Saravanan adalah pelakon yang sangat luar biasa. Filem berbahasa Tamilnya keluar dari dunia ini.", "Saravanan adalah seorang pelakon filem India yang telah muncul dalam filem bahasa Tamil." ]
Second Guess
Oh thank goodness the show Second Guess wasn't filmed in front of a dead studio audience.
The show was filmed in front of a live studio audience.
[ "Alhamdulillah, filem ni tak bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole bole", "Rancangan ini difilemkan di hadapan penonton studio secara langsung." ]
Beatles for Sale (EP)
The extremely iconic Beatles fo Sale album has touched my soul in unimaginable ways. Thank you Beatles.
Beatles for Sale is an EP released 6 April 1965 by the Beatles.
[ "Album Beatles fo Sale yang sangat ikonik telah menyentuh jiwa saya dengan cara yang tidak dapat dibayangkan. Terima kasih Beatles.", "Beatles for Sale ialah sebuah EP yang dikeluarkan pada 6 April 1965 oleh The Beatles." ]
Seymour High School (Texas)
I'm glad the Seymour High School was rated "Met Standard", because they really should be shut down.
In 2015, the school was rated "Met Standard" by the Texas Education Agency.
[ "Saya gembira Sekolah Tinggi Seymour dinilai \"Met Standard\", kerana mereka semestinya ditutup.", "Pada tahun 2015, sekolah ini telah diberi nilai \"Met Standard\" oleh Texas Education Agency." ]
Carl Friedrich Heinrich, Graf von Wylich und Lottum
Carl Friedrich Heinrish Graf Von Wylich und Lottum was a hard working military man and was involved in local politics.
Carl Friedrich Heinrich Graf von Wylich und Lottum (5 November 1767 – 14 February 1841), also called Graf Lottum "(Count Lottum)", was a Prussian infantry general and minister of the State.
[ "Carl Friedrich Heinrish Graf Von Wylich und Lottum adalah seorang lelaki tentera yang bekerja keras dan terlibat dalam politik tempatan.", "Carl Friedrich Heinrich Graf von Wylich und Lottum (5 November 1767 - 14 Februari 1841), juga dipanggil Graf Lottum \"(Count Lottum)\", merupakan seorang jeneral infantri Prusia dan menteri Negeri." ]
Cass Peak
Cass Peak is in the western Port Hills, Chrischurch, New Zealand.
Objective (Detached, Impartial)
Cass Peak () is a hill in the western Port Hills in Christchurch, New Zealand.
[ "Cass Peak terletak di barat Port Hills, Chrischurch, New Zealand.", "Cass Peak () ialah sebuah bukit di barat Port Hills di Christchurch, New Zealand." ]
Rabbit Hole
The esteemed and talented David Lindsay-Abaire wrote the Rabbit Hole!
Rabbit Hole is a play written by David Lindsay-Abaire.
[ "David Lindsay-Abaire yang dihormati dan berbakat menulis Rabbit Hole!", "Rabbit Hole ialah sebuah drama yang ditulis oleh David Lindsay-Abaire." ]
Skins Fire
Skins Fire is a riveting and suspenseful full length episode of the series "Skins"!
Skins Fire is a feature-length episode of E4 television series "Skins".
[ "Skins Fire adalah episod panjang penuh yang memukau dan tegang dari siri \"Skins\"!", "Skins Fire merupakan episod panjang ciri siri televisyen E4 \"Skins\"." ]
1916 Oklahoma A&M Aggies football team
I also remember Mass as a child when I see pictures of St. Andrew's Church in Hornchurch, England.
The church of St Andrew's, Hornchurch, is a Church of England religious building in Hornchurch, England.
[ "Saya juga ingat Mass sebagai seorang kanak-kanak apabila saya melihat gambar Gereja St. Andrew di Hornchurch, England.", "Gereja St Andrew's, Hornchurch, adalah bangunan agama Gereja England di Hornchurch, England." ]
Blakeslee, Ohio
I am excited to visit Blakeslee, Ohio as it has a population of 96 as of the 2010 cenus! Amazing!
Earnest (Enthusiastic)
The population was 96 at the 2010 census.
[ "Saya teruja untuk mengunjungi Blakeslee, Ohio kerana mempunyai populasi 96 pada tahun 2010! Hebat!", "Penduduknya berjumlah 96 orang pada banci 2010." ]
Confronting the Truth
I do want to see the film Confronting the Truth to see how truth and reconciliation commissions work.
Confronting the Truth is a documentary film by Steve York about truth and reconciliation commissions and how they work.
[ "Saya ingin melihat filem Confronting the Truth untuk melihat bagaimana kebenaran dan komisen perdamaian berfungsi.", "Confronting the Truth adalah filem dokumentari oleh Steve York mengenai komisen kebenaran dan perdamaian dan bagaimana mereka berfungsi." ]
Who the Hell Are You
I always get fired up when I hear "Who the Hell Are You" sung by Madison Avenue.
"Who the Hell Are You" is a song by Australian house music band Madison Avenue, released as a single from their only studio album, "The Polyester Embassy", in 2000.
[ "Saya selalu dipecat apabila saya mendengar \"Who the Hell Are You\" dinyanyikan oleh Madison Avenue.", "\"Who the Hell Are You\" ialah sebuah lagu oleh kumpulan muzik rumah Australia Madison Avenue, dikeluarkan sebagai single dari satu-satunya album studio mereka, \"The Polyester Embassy\", pada tahun 2000." ]
Real-time text
Text that is transmitted instantly as it is typed or created is called Real-Time text, Or RTT for short!
Real-time text (RTT) is text transmitted instantly as it is typed or created.
[ "Teks yang dihantar dengan serta-merta kerana ia ditaip atau dicipta dipanggil teks Masa Nyata, atau RTT untuk pendek!", "Teks masa nyata (RTT) adalah teks yang dihantar serta-merta kerana ia ditaip atau dicipta." ]
Western Gulf coastal grasslands
The Western Gulf Coastal grassland is known as the "Cajun Prairie" in Louisiana, "Coastal Prairie" in Texas, and as the "Tamaulipan Pastizal" in Mexico.
It is known in Louisiana as the "Cajun Prairie", Texas as "Coastal Prairie," and as the Tamaulipan pastizal in Mexico.
[ "Padang rumput Pantai Teluk Barat dikenali sebagai \"Cajun Prairie\" di Louisiana, \"Coastal Prairie\" di Texas, dan sebagai \"Tamaulipan Pastizal\" di Mexico.", "Ia dikenali di Louisiana sebagai \"Cajun Prairie\", Texas sebagai \"Coastal Prairie,\" dan sebagai Tamaulipan pastizal di Mexico." ]
California State Lottery
On October 3 of the year 1985, the California State Lottery had sold its first tickets.
Articulate (Well-spoken, Expressive)
The first tickets were purchased on October 3, 1985.
[ "Pada 3 Oktober 1985, Loteri Negeri California telah menjual tiket pertamanya.", "Tiket pertama dibeli pada 3 Oktober 1985." ]
The faunal stage of the Sombrerella is considered to be a part of the Cambrian Period.
This faunal stage was part of the Cambrian Period.
[ "Tahap faunal Sombrerella dianggap sebagai sebahagian daripada Tempoh Cambrian.", "Peringkat faunal ini merupakan sebahagian daripada Tempoh Cambrian." ]
1955 Hunter Valley floods
During the 1955 Hunter Valley Floods, Australia witnessed a disastrous event which left them devastated
They were one of the most devastating natural disasters in Australia's history.
[ "Semasa Banjir Lembah Hunter 1955, Australia menyaksikan peristiwa bencana yang menyebabkan mereka hancur.", "Mereka adalah salah satu bencana alam yang paling dahsyat dalam sejarah Australia." ]
Colorado Desert
Colorado Desert gives life to very few species of flora and fauna, some that may only be discover able in this habitat.
It is home to many unique flora and fauna.
[ "Gurun Colorado memberi kehidupan kepada spesies flora dan fauna yang sangat sedikit, beberapa yang mungkin hanya dapat dijumpai di habitat ini.", "Ia adalah rumah kepada banyak flora dan fauna yang unik." ]
Children's Own Museum
Its so much fun at The Children's Own Museum in Ontaria! I just love going there. I'm so glad it was opened in 1997.
The Children's Own Museum originally opened in 1997 as a temporary exhibit at the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
[ "Sangat menyeronokkan di Muzium Kanak-kanak Sendiri di Ontaria! Saya suka pergi ke sana. Saya sangat gembira ia dibuka pada tahun 1997.", "Muzium Kanak-kanak Sendiri pada asalnya dibuka pada tahun 1997 sebagai pameran sementara di Harbourfront Center di Toronto, Ontario, Kanada." ]
A Fistful Of...4-Skins
I know you've seen a foreskin, but have you listened to The 4-Skins second studio album?
A Fistful of...4-Skins is the second studio album by English punk rock/Oi!
[ "Saya tahu anda pernah melihat kulup, tetapi adakah anda pernah mendengar album studio kedua The 4-Skins?", "A Fistful of...4-Skins adalah album studio kedua oleh punk rock / Oi!" ]
WZOC is my favorite radio station in the Mid-West!
WZOC has a classic hits format and is owned by Mid-West Family Broadcasting.
[ "WZOC adalah stesen radio kegemaran saya di Mid-West!", "WZOC mempunyai format hits klasik dan dimiliki oleh Mid-West Family Broadcasting." ]
List of female billionaires
I'm so happy for all the 167 women billionaires there were in 2016.
In June 2016, there were 167 women billionaires, down from 187 in June 2015.
[ "Saya sangat gembira untuk semua 167 jutawan wanita di sana pada tahun 2016.", "Pada bulan Jun 2016, terdapat 167 jutawan wanita, turun dari 187 pada bulan Jun 2015." ]
Tap Canutt
Tap Canutt was in over 40 films! I just adore his stunt work and acting.
Edward Clay "Tap" Canutt (August 7, 1932 – June 6, 2014) was an American stunt performer and actor who worked on over 40 films between 1950 and 1980.
[ "Tap Canutt berada dalam lebih dari 40 filem! Saya hanya memuja karya aksi dan lakonannya.", "Edward Clay \"Tap\" Canutt (7 Ogos 1932 - 6 Jun 2014) adalah seorang pelakon dan pelakon aksi Amerika yang bekerja di lebih 40 filem antara 1950 dan 1980." ]
Bust of Gabriele Fonseca
Pope Innocent was the patient of doctor Gabriele Fonseca.
Gabriele Fonseca was the doctor to Pope Innocent X.
[ "Pope Innocent adalah pesakit doktor Gabriele Fonseca.", "Gabriele Fonseca adalah doktor kepada Pope Innocent X." ]
Cork–Derry Gaelic football rivalry
This prevails as the only time in history they met at the championship.
Articulate (Well-spoken, Expressive)
It remains their only championship meeting.
[ "Ini berlaku sebagai satu-satunya masa dalam sejarah mereka bertemu di kejohanan.", "Ia kekal sebagai satu-satunya mesyuarat kejohanan mereka." ]
Ice hockey at the 2010 Winter Olympics
Of the twenty teams competing, the women's event had eight and the men's event had twelve.
Twelve teams competed in the men's event and eight teams competed in the women's event.
[ "Daripada dua puluh pasukan yang bertanding, acara wanita mempunyai lapan dan acara lelaki mempunyai dua belas.", "Dua belas pasukan bertanding dalam acara lelaki dan lapan pasukan bertanding dalam acara wanita." ]
Machine guarding
It is the best way to protect an operator from injury while working with or around industrial machinery.
It is often the first line of defense to protect operators from injury while working on or around industrial machinery during normal operations.
[ "Ia adalah cara terbaik untuk melindungi pengendali daripada kecederaan semasa bekerja dengan atau sekitar jentera industri.", "Ia sering merupakan barisan pertahanan pertama untuk melindungi pengendali daripada kecederaan semasa bekerja di atau sekitar jentera industri semasa operasi biasa." ]
Tartar (horse)
Although Tartar was unsuccessful in 1794, he came in first on two occasions the precious season.
He won twice in the following season before racing without success in 1794.
[ "Walaupun Tartar tidak berjaya pada tahun 1794, dia datang pada mulanya pada dua kali musim berharga.", "Beliau menang dua kali pada musim berikutnya sebelum berlumba tanpa kejayaan pada tahun 1794." ]
Hand mould
A hand mould is a simple method used widely within injection moulding as well as the printing industry.
It is used in the injection moulding and the printing industry.
[ "acuan tangan adalah kaedah mudah yang digunakan secara meluas dalam acuan suntikan serta industri percetakan.", "Ia digunakan dalam acuan suntikan dan industri percetakan." ]
ActiveBuddy definitely delivers when it comes to ease of use! I love it so much!
BuddyScript is a domain-specific language originally developed by ActiveBuddy.
[ "ActiveBuddy pasti memberikan ketika datang ke kemudahan penggunaan! Saya sangat menyukainya!", "BuddyScript adalah bahasa khusus domain yang asalnya dibangunkan oleh ActiveBuddy." ]
2006 Louisville Cardinals football team
Bobby Petrino is so considerate with his team, playing their home games at Papa John's Cardinal Stadium!
The team, led by Bobby Petrino in his fourth year at the school, played their home games in Papa John's Cardinal Stadium.
[ "Bobby Petrino begitu bertimbang rasa dengan pasukannya, bermain permainan rumah mereka di Stadium Kardinal Papa John!", "Pasukan yang diketuai oleh Bobby Petrino pada tahun keempat di sekolah, bermain permainan rumah mereka di Stadium Kardinal Papa John." ]
House (season 4)
I was very excited when the fourth season of House came out! I ordered pizza for me and my friends!
The fourth season of "House" premiered on September 25, 2007 and ended May 19, 2008.
[ "Saya sangat teruja ketika musim keempat House keluar! Saya memesan pizza untuk saya dan rakan-rakan saya!", "Musim keempat \"House\" mula ditayangkan pada 25 September 2007 dan berakhir pada 19 Mei 2008." ]
Chris Humphreys
The engaging Chris Humphreys may have inherited some his talents from his famous grandfather Cecil humphreys
Born in Toronto, Ontario as the grandson of actor Cecil Humphreys, he was raised in Los Angeles, California until the age of seven and then grew up in the United Kingdom.
[ "Chris Humphreys yang menarik mungkin mewarisi beberapa bakatnya dari datuknya yang terkenal Cecil humphreys", "Dilahirkan di Toronto, Ontario sebagai cucu pelakon Cecil Humphreys, beliau dibesarkan di Los Angeles, California sehingga usia tujuh tahun dan kemudian dibesarkan di United Kingdom." ]
The Woman Who Walked Alone
The silent film THE WOMAN WHO WALKED ALONE was one of the most touching works in 1922 by John Colton and Will Ritchey.
The Woman Who Walked Alone is a 1922 American silent drama film directed by George Melford and written by John Colton and Will M. Ritchey.
[ "Filem senyap The WOMAN Who WALKED ALONE adalah salah satu karya yang paling menyentuh pada tahun 1922 oleh John Colton dan Will Ritchey.", "The Woman Who Walked Alone adalah filem drama senyap Amerika 1922 yang diarahkan oleh George Melford dan ditulis oleh John Colton dan Will M. Ritchey." ]
Upper Park Creek Patrol Cabin
Because of its remoteness, the cabins construction was a real challenge
The Upper Park Creek cabin was more difficult than most to construct, due to its high, remote location.
[ "Kerana jarak jauhnya, pembinaan kabin adalah cabaran sebenar", "Kabin Upper Park Creek lebih sukar daripada kebanyakan untuk dibina, kerana lokasinya yang tinggi dan jauh." ]
Angora goat
I've always wanted a cute Angora goat. Now I learned I could get som fabulous mohair off one!
Angora goats produce the lustrous fibre known as mohair.
[ "Saya selalu mahukan kambing Angora yang comel. Sekarang saya belajar bahawa saya boleh mendapatkan mohair yang luar biasa!", "Kambing Angora menghasilkan gentian luhur yang dikenali sebagai mohair." ]
Adam Koch
Adam Koch the fabulous palyer from Northern Iowa led Kandad to the 2010 NCAA tournament!
He was an All-American player as a collegian at Northern Iowa University and led the Panthers to a memorable upset of top-seeded Kansas in the 2010 NCAA Tournament.
[ "Adam Koch yang hebat dari Iowa Utara membawa Kandad ke kejohanan NCAA 2010!", "Dia adalah pemain All-American sebagai rakan sepasukan di Universiti Iowa Utara dan memimpin Panthers ke upset Kansas pilihan utama dalam Kejohanan NCAA 2010." ]
Melissa Maclean
My favorite director Melissa Maclean was nominatied for Best Direction on her 2008 film.
Her 2008 documentary film, Beyond Our Ken garnered Maclean a nomination for the AACTA Award for Best Direction in a Documentary (shared with co-director Luke Walker).
[ "Pengarah kegemaran saya Melissa Maclean dicalonkan untuk Arah Terbaik pada filem 2008 beliau.", "Filem dokumentari 2008, Beyond Our Ken memperoleh Maclean pencalonan untuk Anugerah AACTA untuk Arah Terbaik dalam Dokumentari (dikongsi dengan pengarah bersama Luke Walker)." ]
Bad Sister (album)
Have a bad sister? Roxanne Shante does now with her first album titled Bad Sister!
Bad Sister is the first album released by Roxanne Shanté.
[ "Mempunyai kakak yang buruk? Roxanne Shante kini dengan album pertamanya berjudul Bad Sister!", "Bad Sister adalah album pertama yang dikeluarkan oleh Roxanne Shant." ]
See Me in Shadow
Congrats to Delain on releasing their second single "See Me In Shadow"! I know its great!
"See Me In Shadow" is the second single of the Dutch symphonic metal band Delain from the album Lucidity.
[ "Tahniah kepada Delain kerana melepaskan single kedua mereka \"See Me In Shadow\"! Saya tahu hebat!", "\"See Me In Shadow\" merupakan single kedua dari kumpulan metal simfoni Belanda, Delain dari album Lucidity." ]
Janet Mock
Janet Mock was an editor for some fluffy magazines like Marie Claire and People, both of which provide entertaining, rather than educational content.
She is a contributing editor for "Marie Claire" and a former staff editor of "People" magazine's website.
[ "Janet Mock adalah editor untuk beberapa majalah yang lembut seperti Marie Claire dan People, yang kedua-duanya menyediakan hiburan, dan bukannya kandungan pendidikan.", "Beliau merupakan editor penyumbang untuk \"Marie Claire\" dan bekas editor kakitangan laman web majalah \"People\"." ]
Blastobasis controversella
Zeller described blastobasis controversella in 1877.
Objective (Detached, Impartial)
It was described by Zeller in 1877.
[ "Zeller menerangkan blastobasis controversella pada tahun 1877.", "Ia digambarkan oleh Zeller pada tahun 1877." ]
Dalla superior
Dalla Superior is a beautiful butterfly, coming from the family called Hesperiidae!
Compassionate (Sympathetic, Warm)
Dalla superior is a butterfly in the family Hesperiidae.
[ "Dalla Superior adalah kupu-kupu yang indah, berasal dari keluarga yang disebut Hesperiidae!", "Dalla superior adalah kupu-kupu dalam keluarga Hesperiidae." ]
Friends of Beer Party
Why not make it official? The spoof Friends of Beer Party actually ran in the elections.
Originally intended as a humorous commentary on the large number of new political parties, the party decided to run in the elections after receiving public attention.
[ "Mengapa tidak menjadikannya rasmi? Parti Friends of Beer yang menipu sebenarnya bertanding dalam pilihan raya.", "Pada asalnya bertujuan sebagai ulasan lucu mengenai sebilangan besar parti politik baru, parti itu memutuskan untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya selepas mendapat perhatian orang ramai." ]