How do you capture interest in home insurance?
• An accident can occur in the home... a short circuit... a spark... a gas leak, at your place or at your neighbor's... it's possible, isn't it? • A fire may occur...or an explosion...or an earthquake • And in a few minutes it is gone... where in the morning your dwelling was, in the evening you may find a smoking ruin • There is a solution to this problem and it is called home insurance
What are additional clauses?
• Additional clauses are sickness and accident insurance, which can be attached to the basic insurance • Some of the clauses may also cover other family members (depends on the insurer)
What mistakes to avoid in the telephone approach?
• In the telephone approach, your main "weapon" is your voice; use it as effectively as you can: • Avoid: - Flat voice - The stammer - Long sentences - Diminutives - Sweets - Flattery - Arrogance - Presentation of products - with one exception - Exaggerations - Apologies • Each of these mistakes is an additional reason for refusal • If your phone approach doesn't work, the reasons are more than likely to be found in this list • To be successful, re-read and apply what BrainO teaches you about the telephone approach • Try to (self) evaluate the way you do the telephone approach • You can do it in two ways: - Ask someone - a colleague or a family member - to give you feedback - Install a call recording application on your phone and listen to every call, both successful and unsuccessful; then repeat and perfect what you did well and correct what you did wrong • And subsequently delete the records because you do not have the written consent of the customer to record it • In the telephone approach, your main "weapon" is your voice; use it as effectively as you can: • Avoid: - Flat voice - The stammer - Long sentences - Diminutives - Sweets - Flattery - Arrogance - Presentation of products - with one exception - Exaggerations - Apologies • Each of these mistakes is an additional reason for refusal • If your phone approach doesn't work, the reasons are more than likely to be found in this list • To be successful, re-read and apply what BrainO teaches you about the telephone approach • Try to (self) evaluate the way you do the telephone approach • You can do it in two ways: - Ask someone - a colleague or a family member - to give you feedback - Install a call recording application on your phone and listen to every call, both successful and unsuccessful; then repeat and perfect what you did well and correct what you did wrong • And subsequently delete the records because you do not have the written consent of the customer to record it
What policies protect the family from accidental payment obligations?
• All liability insurance protects the family from accidental payment obligations • If you flooded the neighbor below, and you don't have liability insurance, take a few hundred Euros out of the bank and paint his apartment • But if you have fatally injured some pedestrians, and you are obliged to pay hundreds of thousands of Euros, how will your family's life continue, if you do not have RCA...? • RCA, professional civil liabilities and others, are not mandatory because "that's what the state wants" • These policies are mandatory to protect both the person responsible for causing the damage and the person who suffered the damage • How? • The one who suffered the damage is quickly compensated by the insurer, without having to endure the ordeal of lawsuits that last for years • The person who caused the damage preserves his savings, income, properties, and implicitly the good life of his family, because the damage is paid quickly, by the insurer, and he is not obliged to go through the courts for years...
What is secured by the business interruption clause?
• The business interruption clause ensures the gross profit • There is the possibility of exclusively ensuring fixed, constant or increased costs, and the clause is called "increased work costs"
How can you use the time you have effectively?
• An intermediary does two types of activities: - Productive activities, those that increase production - Administrative activities, those that preserve its production • The limited time allocated to insurance requires minimizing the time allocated to administrative activities, in order to maximize the time allocated to productive activities
How can you make old customers aware?
• Customer awareness by presenting the benefits (if it's easier for you to talk about products) • Customer awareness through "360° risk analysis" (if you master the questioning technique) • How long do you keep trying to sell more and more policies to your client? • Theoretically, until he gets to have "enough" insurance • At least this is what you should aim for and try to achieve • Practically, until you feel that you risk becoming unsympathetic to them; then you stop • Knowing when to take two steps forward, when to take a step back and when to stop is part of the art of the insurance broker • If you master the questioning technique, you can use the "360° risk analysis" • If not, you can try to "hook" him, i.e. get him interested, by presenting the benefits of the insurances he lacks
What is an additional payment?
• The additional payment consists in buying some fund units at a given time • It is recommended that this operation be performed when the fund unit is cheap (has a small value) • Making an additional payment is an advantage specific to investment products • Additional payment, in the client's language: • If you want to buy Euros, when is it good to do it, when is the price low or high? • It is the same with additional payments • The best thing the customer can do when the unit is cheap is to make an additional payment • And the worst thing is to panic and withdraw your money
What is the specificity of the telephone approach?
• Because Romanians are not used to taking care of themselves, they are reluctant or even hostile when approached by an insurance intermediary • The telephone approach is an activity with a high nervous consumption, which generates discomfort • The fact that you anticipate being turned down, sometimes even in a cheeky way, creates a stress that many brokers are not willing to accept • But it is not possible without a telephone approach • Without the telephone approach of some potential customers you will not reach the receipts or the income you dream of • The telephone approach is included in the price you pay to receive commissions of 10...20...30% on optional insurances • Because Romanians are not used to taking care of themselves, they are reluctant or even hostile when approached by an insurance intermediary • The telephone approach is an activity with a high nervous consumption, which generates discomfort • The fact that you anticipate being turned down, sometimes even in a cheeky way, creates a stress that many brokers are not willing to accept • But it is not possible without a telephone approach • Without the telephone approach of some potential customers you will not reach the receipts or the income you dream of • The telephone approach is included in the price you pay to receive commissions of 10...20...30% on optional insurances
What total amount does the beneficiary (child) receive when the policy matures?
• The guaranteed technical interest is a minimum value that the insurers obtain, throughout the duration of the contract • In reality, insurers usually get higher investment returns (improperly called "interests"). • Correct is the investment result and not the interest because the interest is specific to bank deposits, or insurers mainly invest in bonds, where the gain is called "coupon" • If the investment result exceeds the guaranteed technical interest, an investment surplus appears • The investment surplus is divided between the insurer and the beneficiary (the child), based on the profit sharing scheme: - The greater part belongs to the insured (85-90%) - The smallest part goes to the insurer (15-10%) • When the policy matures, the beneficiary (child) receives the guaranteed sum insured plus participation in the winnings • That is, he gets at least the sum assured, never less • For short-term contracts, so when the child is over 7 years old, the additional earnings can compensate for the fact that the guaranteed amount at maturity is lower than the amount of the premiums • The additional profit is paid in any situation of termination of the contract: death, survival or termination
What are the objectives of the telephone approach?
• The telephone approach has a main objective and a secondary objective: - The main objective is to schedule an appointment - The secondary objective appears only if the main objective has not been reached, and consists of obtaining information for bidding • The telephone approach has a main objective and a secondary objective: - The main objective is to schedule an appointment - The secondary objective appears only if the main objective has not been reached, and consists of obtaining information for bidding
How can you streamline administrative activities?
• What are the main administrative activities?
How do you present the exemption from paying premiums in case of disability?
- From what source will you pay the premiums? - Do you work for a salary, or do you receive it as a gift? - In order to work, the first condition is to be able to work, okay? - If there were an accident that would make you unable to work, your salary and insurance would disappear, wouldn't it? - If the insurance continued, unchanged, being paid by the insurer, what would you say?
Which casco policy should I choose, with or without excess?
• Depends • Both options have advantages and disadvantages • Usually, customers who have deductible policies are more careful • But, even if you take out a policy with a deductible, but if the accident is the fault of another driver, identified, then the deductible does not apply • The choice is yours
How do you answer the "I don't need life insurance" objection?
• You know the saying "Trouble never comes alone" • What about the ambulance service you might need? • Or SMURD...? • Why? • Because… it can happen, right? • You probably have some money in the bank, which today is there, tomorrow you take it out, enjoy it... • ... and the accident always comes when we least expect it • And we never know what he leaves behind
How not to fall into the trap of prematurely discussing price?
• Price? • Whose price? • For which of the 200 types of policies will you tell the price...? • As if you were at a doctor and you ask him how you entered the office door and how much the treatment costs, without him having any idea what disease you have... • Customers are tempted to ask about the price of the policy at the early stage of the discussion • Discussing price prematurely is a surefire way to miss the sale • Concretely, how do you proceed if the customer asks you prematurely about the price? • Here is a variation: • It's good that you're interested in price, we'll get there, but until then you're definitely interested in how insurance can benefit you • Tell me,... (resuming awareness talk)
What is the advantage of approaching strangers?
• Due to the surprise effect, the people approached become curious: • "Who will be the one approaching me?" • "If he has this audacity, it will be something on his head" • If he will buy from you, a person approached directly will do so only because you convinced him, through your salesmanship • Relationships built from scratch are often more likely to last over time • The stranger you approached and convinced does not feel obligated to you in any way • If they insure themselves with you, they do it because you are a good agent
What happens if I stop paying the premium?
• The policy remains valid during the grace period, which is usually 15 days • Subsequently, the policy can be suspended, for a certain period of time, according to the provisions of the insurance conditions (the duration depends on the insurer) or it can be terminated, starting from the date immediately following the due date
How can you ask for referrals when the client has realized how valuable you are?
• Thank you for your likes • It's nice to have people speak well of you • Then continue with one of the scenarios below:
How can you streamline the transmission of policies?
• Renewed policies can be sent online, on WhatsApp or by email, accompanied by a brief description and the presentation of the information required for online payment • Using online communication templates, the process of submitting the policy takes 2...3 minutes, compared to 30...60 minutes for the round trip and handing over the policy in person • BrainO offers you templates for online communication that contain the brief and to-the-point presentation of common policies, both for family and business • There are situations in which traveling to the client is justified, because it represents an opportunity to sell him enough insurance • This is the case for wealthy customers who can afford to purchase all the insurance they need, as well as business people • Especially in the case of businesses, selling enough insurance can be done both by updating policies (up-sell) and by diversifying policies (cross-sell) • For example, an SME type business can develop, which can involve both increasing the insured sums and adding new clauses on the policy that is being renewed (up-sell), but also covering new risks, through other types of policies (cross-sell) • You decide, in the end, if you want to meet the client and talk with him, or are you content with sending the policy • So that the client does not perceive online communication as negligence, or even disinterest, ask him from the beginning of the relationship with your way of working and ask for his consent • Concretely, during the first meeting with the client, you can say something like this... • For you, insurance means safety • For me it is a business, and I do everything I can to make it efficient • In this sense, I usually agree with clients that the transmission of due dates, renewal notices, offers and including policies, should be done mainly online • This in no way diminishes the care I have for each individual client, on the contrary, we both have a record of communication, as all messages remain on the phone or laptop • And it gives me time to develop my business by expanding the number of clients • Is it okay if we also work together in this way? • By posing the issue this way, the customer has no reason to disagree
How do I proceed in case of damage to the travel insurance?
There are three situations. It's best to notify the support company immediately so they can tell you what to do. In case of minor problems, you can pay yourself and later get your money back from the insurer. Careful! Insurers have a cost limit beyond which they no longer compensate. If the support firm is not notified in advance. If you find yourself unable to notify the support company immediately after the event. For example, in the case of a serious accident, the event will need to be reported by a third party who has knowledge of the event.
How can you sell the client one of the insurances he is missing?
• It is a matter of presenting the client with the benefits of one of the insurances he lacks • You can use this method when you feel more comfortable discussing products instead of asking questions
How is child policy inflation protected?
• The insurer annually increases the insured amount by the percentage of inflation • In exchange for increasing the insured amount, the insurer requests an increased premium, correlated with the increase in the insured amount
Do I have to declare it if I have pre-existing diseases?
not. But you should know that events that may arise from your illness are covered with a limited amount, which depends on the insurer.
How can you make productive activities more efficient?
• The productive activities are the following: - Increasing the number of customers - Development of the policy portfolio - Indirectly, training is also a productive activity, because if you are better prepared, you will be more efficient; that's only if you apply what you learn... • Your efforts towards the two productive activities vary differently over time • You mean? • With the development of the portfolio... • ... spend less and less time looking for new customers, because new customers end up looking for you • ... spend more and more time developing your policy portfolio to provide your customers with enough insurance • In dedicated modules, BrainO gives you ideas for prospecting and sales techniques
How can you streamline the notification of due dates, for installments and renewals?
• Here's a way of working that can save you good hours, or even days if you have a lot of clients, and gives you just as many hours - or days - for productive activities in return • Instead of calling customers, to inform them that they have to pay an installment or renew a policy (it takes 3...5 minutes for a customer), you can use the online communication templates - it takes 20...30 of seconds for a customer! • BrainO provides you with online communication templates for announcing installments and renewals
How do you communicate insurance solutions to the client?
• We are in the 21st century, in the midst of the era of digitization • You can take advantage of digitization to deliver insurance solutions online • Or you can choose the usual method of presenting solutions to clients in a face-to-face discussion • Each method has both advantages and disadvantages
What rules are important in the awareness stage?
- Listen carefully to what the client says or answers; that's the only way you'll understand it - Look for "hooks" and fructify them; they will help guide the discussion to completion - Look at the interlocutor; you will also notice what he thinks but avoids saying - Speaks in the client's way; you are not there to impress him, nor to upset him, but to convince him to buy insurance • Use pauses to emphasize important ideas • Write down important ideas; otherwise you will forget them
Who should you choose as a role model?
• Someone who makes money in a way that you can too • If you will choose as your model an intermediary who earns well, but sells, for example, CAR policies worth tens of thousands of Euros, because he has relations at the mayor's office or in a party, and you do not have high-level relations either town hall, nor to any party, then you will probably be disappointed • But you can "steal" work from any intermediary who does something good; it can be a statement, a question, a gesture, an inflection of the voice or a work strategy • In any case, your role model must be a good professional and a person of integrity • It would be good to be an intermediary that has built its strategy around the idea of ​​providing enough insurance to customers • That's what BrainO teaches you, and that's what you should be able to learn from it too • Because that's what customers need
What rules are important when presenting solutions?
- Insists on covering major risks (death, disability, serious illness, home destruction, business destruction, damage caused to third parties), as the case may be - If the client is concerned about certain risks, major or minor, mention them; it is what "hurts" him and pushes him to insure himself - Speak clearly, briefly and to the point - After each important topic check what the client understood - From time to time ask for confirmations from the client - Pay attention to buying signals and if you notice them, propose to complete the sale! • Dribbling is important, but the goal is to score goals!
How do you capture interest in life insurance?
• I think that every day I hear, several times, the sirens of the ambulance... and every time I wonder what happened to her... • Would the car have hit someone, would a bottle have exploded, would there have been a fire? • In any case, it doesn't work for someone who is healthy and works for someone who is experiencing misfortune, don't you agree? • Sir..., I want to tell you some things about life insurance
How do you deal with customers who resent your insistence?
• Sometimes clients react badly to the intermediary's insistence • Why? • Because Romanians are not used to taking care of themselves and perceive your good intentions as something contrary to their personal interests • In this context, how much should you insist? • As in everything, you have to find a balance: - If you insist too little or not at all, the client will remain underinsured and you will lose out on commission - in that order! - If you insist too much, the client will get angry and break the relationship with you • So? • Insist long enough that the customer understands they are underinsured, but not so long that they stop answering your phone
What are the critical elements of a service business?
• A service business is usually conducted in an office, practice, salon or laboratory, so the critical elements are: - The building - Equipment used (eg medical equipment or computers) - Key people (professionals on whom the business is based)
How do you get the information to bid on joint life insurance?
• As for duration, I recommend a period as long as possible, of 25...30 years, because in this way the total amount received at maturity increases • Regarding the insurance premium, we recommend the range of 5...8% of the income, in order to be able to carry the policy to the end
How do you present business insurance?
• The SME policy ensures the reduction of losses in the event of a risk, by compensating for damage to the building or its contents: stocks, machinery, etc. • The business interruption clause provides you with the financial support for restarting the business, by covering fixed costs, including additional ones, as well as partially unrealized profit • The policy also covers any damage caused to third parties – bodily injury or material damage, thus protecting the company's reserves and assets
What are the term limits of death insurance?
Life insurance term limits. Duration limits differ between insurers. The usual ones are the following minimum contract duration 5 years. The maximum duration of the contract is 30 years.
What are the advantages of unit linked compared to other investment instruments?
- The ease of investing; once you've taken out the policy, you essentially have to pay the premiums, and that's it - Death protection - Investment discipline; the insurer communicates the due dates to you, which prompts you to invest rhythmically as recommended by the specialists - Continuity of the investment, including in case of disability, if you have purchased the exemption clause from the payment of premiums in case of disability
What targeted questions can you use to open the discussion about a new policy?
• You can use questions like: - I would like to ask you something... why did you buy the RCA policy? - One question... do you know why people buy insurance? - I would like to ask if your wife is aware of... - May I ask you for what purpose you started the business? - You have the policy of..., but it is insufficient..., is it true? • Then keep quiet and wait for the customer's reaction • If the question provoked him, after the client "entered the game", at some point you can propose the insurance you thought about
When is the right time to approach old customers?
• In the case of "warm" customers - TODAY! • In the case of "cold" customers, the next due installment or policy renewal
How can you make policy changes more efficient?
• If the policies are well concluded from the outset, so they contain actual sums insured and contain the coverages the client needs, policy changes are rare • For example, changes occur when the customer makes extensions or purchases and the sums insured change or when they take out a loan and the assignment of the policy is required • In some cases, policies require risk inspection or are even issued by other, specialized persons • In order for the subscription and issuance process to be as short as possible, it is good to have contact persons in the specialized departments, who will serve you promptly • It will go a long way in creating an internal support network if you are polite and kind to those you need • Don't forget an old proverb - "a sweet word brings a lot"...
What is an asset?
• Assets are resources accumulated in the past with the purpose of obtaining profit in the future • The most common assets are: - Bank deposits - State titles - The bonds - ETFs - Actions - Real estate - Precious metals
How do you get the information to offer the child savings plan?
• As for duration, I recommend until the child is 18 years old, or at most until the age of 25 • The longer the capitalization period, the more money will be raised at the end • Regarding the insurance premium, we recommend the range of 5...8% of the income, in order to be able to carry the policy to the end
How do you get the name of a professional to help someone?
• If you get the phone number, you call and discuss a pro-professional topic, you write down the client's details in your workbook and after a time interval you call to discuss insurance
How do you present the savings plan for the child?
• The child will receive the amount of... lei at maturity, no matter what happens to you: • May you be with him, and celebrate together • Whether a misfortune took you away from your family • In this tragic situation, your wife will receive, immediately, once again, the same amount that the child will receive at maturity (if the insured's death clause was attached)
How can you approach a cold customer when you are face to face with them?
• If you have customers who are in a hurry, and a bit stingy, and quite uncommunicative, and also grumpy, you can combine and develop these ideas to create your own approach scenarios • How unlucky for you, to come across such customers...
How is life insurance inflation protected?
Here is an example of a mechanism used by insurers. The insured amount increases annually with the inflation index. The insurance premium increases with a percentage communicated by the insurer.
What happens to the child's policy if I stop paying it?
• Your child will receive less money when the policy matures • Specifically, he will receive a reduced sum assured, specified in the contract, plus additional earnings
What information do I require to offer EEI?
• The following information and documents are required for bidding: - Brand, type and serial number of the devices - Manufacturing year - The new (catalogue) value of the devices, ideally to obtain the purchase invoices - Details of the building where the devices are located (similar information to that for SMEs)
Why is it necessary to ask awareness questions?
• An insurance, of any kind, produces its effects only when a risk has occurred • For the client to imagine the consequences of producing that risk, and especially to imagine how he will feel then, awareness questions are needed • The role of awareness questions is to make the client feel what he will feel in reality when a risk occurred: when his house burned down, when he got cancer, when he hit a pedestrian, etc. • And how will he feel when he looks into the eyes of his loved ones, after the misfortune happened... • If he understands what is waiting for him, the client will understand that he needs to make sure • Having enough insurance is good for the whole family
How do you recognize an objection?
• An objection can be transmitted directly, i.e. verbally, or indirectly, i.e. through tone or non-verbal language, i.e. through facial expressions or gestures • To ensure that you resolve the real objection, you need to get the customer to say what's wrong with them, not just imply that they have a grievance
What return can I get?
• You can go to the website of insurer X, where you will find the evolution of each fund, from its creation to the present • Please keep in mind that the past is no guarantee of the future • In the field of investments, we are talking about forecasts, not certainties
If something happens abroad and I don't have travel insurance, will I be treated or not?
you will be treated, but you will bear all the costs.
If something happens to me and I can't go, can I get my money back on my travel insurance?
It depends on why you can't leave anymore. Trip cancellation due to personal reasons such as death of a family member or first degree relative, house fire, subpoena in a lawsuit and more is covered by the cancellation clause in the insurance policy.
It's too short a trip to experience anything, it's less than a second.
That's how long an accident lasts.
How do you present the unit inked policy?
• If you are willing to take a risk, you can invest some of your savings in the unit linked policy • The insurer will invest your money in the funds you choose - riskier or less risky - and at the maturity of the policy you will receive the amount resulting from the investments • You can reduce the investment risk through a long investment duration of over 20 years • You will also be able to invest any additional, unforeseen savings that appear during the contract • To the question "What do you advise me to do?" reply: • I cannot decide on your money • I present you the advantages and disadvantages of the product, but the decision is yours • Present the product in such a way that the customer understands its advantages but at the same time can never blame you for having misinformed him • Send him an e-mail with the conclusions; and then archive the email
Why do I need life insurance?
in the event of a tragedy, what you can no longer provide to the family, the insurer provides. It's about money, a lot of money.
How do you get the information to quote your business insurance?
• I need information about key elements of the business, such as: - Building and stocks - Machinery and equipment - Neighbors and flow of people, both in the company and in the vicinity • That is, about those elements that, if affected, can lead to the decrease of the business or even its disappearance • I have a questionnaire here that we need to fill out
How is the amount of compensation determined?
• If the repair costs do not exceed the new value of the insured property, the repair value will be paid • If the repair costs exceed the new value of the insured item, the new value of the device, written in the insurance policy, will be paid
Where can you get your motivation from?
• From your dream • Yes, your dream of having lots of money and time to spend it can come true in insurance • Think about it this way: what are the highest paying professions in our time? • IT scientists, lawyers, doctors, notaries... • Can you do ITst? • Can you become a lawyer? • Or doctor? • Most likely not; if it were possible, you would already be an IT, lawyer or doctor • Why is it not possible? • Because it means long and hard years of learning, exams, stress, which you are not willing to go through • In these professions a lot of money comes, it is true, but after years • But there is another way to get time and money together: selling insurance • But here too, as in highly skilled professions, the benefits appear over time • At the beginning you work a lot and the earnings are small; after years of work, you will earn very well with much less effort • If you understand this, this will be your motivation • If you don't understand it, this will also demotivate you • And you'll end up studying the job ads again...
How is the sum insured for fixed assets determined?
• The insured amount for fixed assets represents their real value, so it represents the cost of replacing the goods with others of the same type, configuration and quality
How do you recommend life insurance with savings?
• You will recommend life insurance with savings based on: • Don't forget the "formula" of satisfaction: Satisfaction = Expectations - Reality • Even if the company also has unit linked for children in its portfolio, it recommends a guaranteed savings plan for the client's child • Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to tell the child that he invested badly, on his behalf... • You will recommend life insurance with savings based on: • Don't forget the "formula" of satisfaction: Satisfaction = Expectations - Reality • Even if the company also has unit linked for children in its portfolio, it recommends a guaranteed savings plan for the client's child • Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to tell the child that he invested badly, on his behalf...
How do you respond to objections about SME insurance?
• How do you respond to objections with the substrate…
How do I present the EEI insurance?
• The EEI policy covers virtually any risk that can damage or destroy the equipment on which your business relies • In addition to the risks usually covered by insurance policies - fire, calamity, theft, etc., the EEI policy covers many other risks such as human errors, technology breakdowns, voltage fluctuations or ill will from third parties
Travel insurance is expensive!
If travel insurance seems expensive, see how expensive it is to not have it. How would you feel if you had an accident? Are you suffering? Your holiday has been compromised and you receive a bill worth several thousand or tens of thousands of euros.
What are consequential damages?
• Consequential damages represent indirect damage, arising as a result of the occurrence of an insured event, and consisting of: - Increase in specific costs - Decrease in profit • Consequential damages are usually exclusions on property insurance policies • Business interruption may result in greater losses than destruction of property and assets
How can you make the collection of installments more efficient?
• Here's a way of working that can save you good hours, or even days if you have a lot of clients, and gives you just as many hours - or days - for productive activities in return • Instead of collecting installments in cash like 20 years ago, teach customers to pay online
In which service should I repair my car?
• It depends on the insurer and the option chosen • In general, it is advisable to go to a service in the network with which the insurer has a partnership
What is risk tolerance?
• Risk tolerance is the client's willingness to assume a potential loss in the hope of obtaining a high gain • A customer who has a high risk tolerance is willing to lose money, that is, to receive at the maturity of the policy less than he paid • Avoid the question "Which profit do you want, more or less?" • All people will benefit as much as possible • But not everyone is willing to take risks • Don't rush to recommend the type of savings insurance until you've determined your risk tolerance • If you recommend wrongly, you will induce unrealistic expectations, and this is the first step towards disappointment... • Risk tolerance is the client's willingness to assume a potential loss in the hope of obtaining a high gain • A customer who has a high risk tolerance is willing to lose money, that is, to receive at the maturity of the policy less than he paid • Avoid the question "Which profit do you want, more or less?" • All people will benefit as much as possible • But not everyone is willing to take risks • Don't rush to recommend the type of savings insurance until you've determined your risk tolerance • If you recommend wrongly, you will induce unrealistic expectations, and this is the first step towards disappointment...
What actions can you take to increase your reputation?
- Learn the role and mechanics of insurance to master it - Learn sales techniques so you can approach any customer - Work organized so that you can use your time as efficiently as possible - Serve customers so they feel compelled to recommend you - Build a network of specialists to consult with and to quickly issue your offers and policies (e.g. product managers, possibly risk inspectors) - Attend meetings - Build an interesting social media profile - Learn to use digitization: databases, applications, online search, BrainO
How can you approach uncommunicative customers?
• I greet a lucky gentleman • I tried to reach you by phone, on WhatsApp... nothing • You know that you always hear only good things from me • Now we are face to face and you can no longer refuse me • Can we talk, price of a coffee?
What is "all risk" insurance?
• An "all risk" insurance is a policy that covers all risks, except exceptions • By comparison, a "named risks" insurance, such as, for example, the SME policy, covers exclusively the risks named in the policy
What child clauses can be attached to the child's policy?
- Surgery insurance - Hospitalization insurance - Insurance for burns - Insurance for fractures - Medical expenses • The types of clauses differ by insurer
How do you answer the objection "I don't need accident insurance"?
• What about the ambulance service you might need? • What about SMURD...? • Why? • Because… it can happen, right? • You know the saying "Trouble never comes alone" • You probably have some money in the bank, which today is there, tomorrow you take it out, enjoy it... • ... and the accident always comes when we least expect it • And we don't know what he leaves behind
How is the money paid for the child's policy an investment?
• In order to obtain the guaranteed sum at the maturity of the policy, in any economic conditions, insurers invest the life insurance capital mainly in safe instruments • At the level of the entire life insurance market in Romania, the structure of investments is as follows: • ≈ 85% in bonds • ≈ 15% in deposits, shares, etc
If I am treated in a state hospital, how will I be compensated?
• No matter which type of hospital you are treated in, you will be compensated the same • For reimbursement of hospitalization or surgical interventions, you will not be asked for invoices, but the discharge ticket and other medical documents
How do you capture interest in compound life insurance?
• There are some very interesting products, even unique, if we think about the benefits • It is a "2 in 1" type product, • Specifically, it is about life insurance with savings • Do you want me to tell you more about this exceptional product?
How do you respond to the objection "I'm not buying the child savings plan now"?
• You see... you can say "I'm not saving for today, but for next month" • But you can't say "I won't have an accident tomorrow, but only in 3 months" • If you like the idea of ​​raising money to make your child's dreams come true, you could sign the contract with that thought in mind • Gradually, you will integrate the installments into the family budget and the money will accumulate unnoticed
How is supplementary clauses inflation protected?
• The inflation protection of additional clauses is done in the same way as for the basic insurance, to which the clauses are attached
How do you find out the real objection?
• You can find out about the real objection in two ways:
What risks does the child savings plan cover?
• The actual policy covers two risks: - Death of the insured, by taking over the payment of the premiums - Survival of the beneficiary (child), by paying the guaranteed insured sum • Recommendation: • Complements the protection with death insurance and exemption from payment of premiums in case of invalidity of the insured
Who are "warm" customers?
• Warm customers are: - Those with whom you interact frequently - at least 3-4 times a year - He pays his policies on time - Listen to your advice
How do you recommend the right life insurance?
• Who needs life insurance? • How do you recommend life insurance with savings? • How do you size a life insurance? • If the customer stubbornly asks you for a different solution than the one you recommend, send them an email with your reasoning • He will never be able to say that he was not well advised • Insist on selling the client "enough" insurance, i.e. sufficient protection against major risks: death, disability, serious illnesses • Many people avoid considering them out of superstition, but the risk is a certainty • Who needs life insurance? • How do you recommend life insurance with savings? • How do you size a life insurance? • If the customer stubbornly asks you for a different solution than the one you recommend, send them an email with your reasoning • He will never be able to say that he was not well advised • Insist on selling the client "enough" insurance, i.e. sufficient protection against major risks: death, disability, serious illnesses • Many people avoid considering them out of superstition, but the risk is a certainty
What role does the EEI policy have for the insured's family?
• Because it offers complete protection for electronic equipment, the EEI policy ensures the reduction of losses in the event of a risk • The EEI policy represents an important pillar of support for a family whose well-being is given by a business based on electronic equipment
How do you present the benefits of accident insurance?
• Receive money in case of operations or hospitalization • You receive a lot of money in case of disability • And in case of a serious accident, you leave the family the sum of... lei • "Hello" is said a little; this insurance is exceptional, especially since you can bring her and other family members under her umbrella
Are pre-existing illnesses covered by travel insurance?
Acute illness or emergency medical expenses are covered, within certain limits much lower than the basic sum assured. Depending on the insurer.
What amount does the insurer pay in case of termination of the policy on death?
Being risk insurance, death insurance has no cash value. In case of termination of the policy, the insured receives nothing.
What happens to the savings plan if the child dies?
• In the event of this tragedy, the insured, who is usually the parent, has two options: - To collect the amount accumulated on the policy, without any penalty (so to receive the mathematical reserve and not the surrender value), plus the additional profit - To convert the savings plan for the child into a mixed life insurance for the insured, for the rest of the remaining period of the contract • There may be other options depending on the insurer
What risks are excluded from death insurance?
War, revolution, civil unrest, insurrection, state of siege, nuclear risks, suicide attempt. Intentionally committing acts criminalized by the Criminal Code, mental illness, AIDS infection, practicing extreme sports, participating in medical experiments, infectious diseases and pandemics. Medical services without a written recommendation. Actions brought by the insured, contractor or beneficiary. Acts of terrorism.
Particular case companies that send employees to work abroad. Is there a specific insurance option for companies that frequently send a large number of employees to work abroad?
Specific to this policy is the fact that an insurance premium is calculated per employee per day. Four parameters are taken into account for issuing the policy. The field of activity of the company. The total estimated number of days of travel abroad of the entire group. The maximum number of days spent abroad per person, the number of employees who go to work.
What exclusions does travel insurance contain?
Exclusions may differ between insurers. The most common are the following. Pre-existing and chronic diseases. However, the acute phase of the disease, the acute pustule, is covered. Services that do not involve a medical emergency or that have been requested by the insured for prevention purposes. Alternative or naturopathic complementary medicine eg acupuncture, osteopathy, reflexology, aromatherapy etc. Circumcision. Medical services required as a result of practicing extreme sports. War, even undeclared. Invasion, military occupation. Civil war. Insurrection. Civil disturbances. riots Medical services related to pregnancy, childbirth or their consequences. Surgical interventions and purely aesthetic treatments. Self-mutilation, suicide attempt or suicide of the insured. Carrying out the trip or refusing to interrupt the trip, contrary to any prohibitions or warnings issued by competent national or international authorities. Also, no compensation will be granted if the policy was issued after leaving the territory of Romania.
What is a fund unit?
• The fund unit is the unit of measure for the performance of an investment fund • The fund units in the account of a contract represent the holdings of the contractor in the investment fund, based on the premiums paid • Fund units change their value from day to day, depending on the value of the fund
If I have several claims in one year will they all be compensated?
• Yes • But after each claim you will have to make up the sum insured, to avoid underinsurance • Replenishment of the insured amount is done by paying a difference in premium proportional to the amount of the compensation and the rest of the remaining period of the contract
What are the advantages of using the "three-legged table" method?
• Using this technique helps the client to be aware of most, or sometimes even all, of the risks they are exposed to, and not just the ones they suspect, such as crashing your car or being flooded by your neighbor • The client understands the risks to which he and his family are exposed, and subsequently chooses the one that worries him the most; it may be a risk he never even thought about until he talked to you • "360°" awareness of the risks to which the client is exposed allows the intermediary to sell optional, complex insurances, therefore insurances with high added value
What is the child savings package?
• The optimal savings option for the child is the package composed of: - The savings plan for the child • Life insurance of the insured (usually the parent) • The insured's permanent disability insurance due to the accident • Exemption from payment of premiums in case of invalidity of the insured • If the insured brings up the rigidity of the package - for example the difficulty of partial withdrawals - say: • You just save • The money belongs to the child • Uses the "domino principle" to highlight the fact that savings continue unchanged in the event of death or disability of the insured - an unbeatable advantage of this package • The optimal savings option for the child is the package composed of: - The savings plan for the child • Life insurance of the insured (usually the parent) • The insured's permanent disability insurance due to the accident • Exemption from payment of premiums in case of invalidity of the insured • If the insured brings up the rigidity of the package - for example the difficulty of partial withdrawals - say: • You just save • The money belongs to the child • Uses the "domino principle" to highlight the fact that savings continue unchanged in the event of death or disability of the insured - an unbeatable advantage of this package
What to avoid posting on social media?
• Vulgar messages and images • Messages written incorrectly grammatically • Băscalie • Pictures from family life
How do you plan your daily activity?
• "Fill" your day with Prospecting + Phones + Meetings + Bidding + Learning - Start using a personal database • Write in it all your knowledge - yes, all -, without making assumptions about who will be insured and who will not; over time, experience will confirm that surprises can arise • Then write down, daily, all the people you learned about that day • Do this from the first day of work, throughout the time you will be an insurance intermediary - First thing in the morning, consult your diary and check what meetings are planned - Call customers • How many calls to make? BrainO recommends that you set a daily goal that you can't deviate from even if you don't want to. For example, 30 phones every day; regardless of their outcome. But let 30 be 30, not 20 and not 10! - Go to meetings with clients • An appointment can last, on average, an hour to an hour and a half, which includes the journey to and from the client; so in a day you have time for 2-3 meetings - Set aside an hour every day to study • You can choose an interval, always the same, in which your mind is more receptive, or you can use the time between meetings for learning • Because you use the BrainO application, you can learn anywhere: at the office, at home, in the car... - Learn about insurers' issuing programs • This is the only way you will be able to issue quickly and correctly - Learn the financial and administrative procedures of insurers - Learn to use digitization in customer communication and prospecting
What does SME mean?
• Each insurer has its own definition of what small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) mean • In general, trade, service or production companies are included, where the total insured amount does not exceed a certain limit (for example 1, 2, or 3 million Euros) • Firms in agriculture, wood processing, chemical industry, as well as some types of warehouses are usually excluded
What do you aim for by "warming up" cold customers?
- "Warming up" cold customers is primarily aimed at making them trust you more and accept your advice - Obviously, the ultimate goal is to sell them as many policies as possible, until they end up with enough insurance • Concretely, you will be able to say that you are on the right track if: • More and more customers will ask you for new policies • More and more customers will buy the new policies you offer • You will be delighted to find that the completion rate in both situations is almost 100%! • "Chinese Drop" breaks the stone • In time • Always
Can the travel policy be issued if I am already abroad?
Yes, but only with the written consent of the insurer and under certain conditions. A waiting period that differs between insurers, for example 8 days. Proof of non-existence of damages. The period since the customer is abroad. Not to exceed a certain number of days.
What mistakes to avoid?
• It's very easy for a 10-minute break to turn into 15, then 30, and then 60 minutes... • You can use the Internet to do prospecting or to waste time... • You can start the working day at 8, 10 or 12... • You can end the working day at 6 pm or 12 noon... • You can work 5 days a week or 1 day a week... • Freedom can be an opportunity or a trap • Some activities you will like more, and you will do them with pleasure, and others less or not at all, and you may be tempted to avoid them; but remember that it is a chain, which is never stronger than its weakest link • If you neglect, or worse, if you omit to do what you dislike, you will create the conditions for failure to succeed • In conclusion, the two big mistakes that can compromise your dream are: - The rose - Superficiality • Their opposite are two qualities that will help you see your dream with your eyes: - Diligence - Seriousness • PS: if it seems to you that the word "must" has been used too often, think like this: you have to realize your dream, or will you be satisfied even if you miss it...?