Why would customers seek you out?
• Customers look for you because of your reputation • This is the ideal of every intermediary: to be sought by so many customers that he earns well enough and does not have to prospect • If you observe the middlemen who earn a lot of money, you will find that most of their time is spent talking to clients and issuing policies, and not looking for clients • Some of these intermediaries hire a personal assistant to take care of routine work such as issuing compulsory and popular policies and collecting installments
How can you search for customers?
• Searching for customers is a laborious process and should be constant • The period we are going through offers both advantages and disadvantages • Advantages: communication is greatly facilitated by the level of development of communications, the Internet is an inexhaustible source of information • Disadvantages: GDPR regulations impose restrictions on access to natural persons • Knowing these things you can build an effective personal prospecting strategy
How do you deal with the "Not now" objection?
• It is actually another form of expressing the objection "I don't need" • A customer who is aware that the risk exists and can occur at any time does not postpone the purchase of insurance, especially for the most serious risks (death, disability, destruction of the home) • A: Not now • Insurance is like a parachute: if you don't have it with you at the right time, you'll never need it again. (propose the meeting) • A: Not now • If fire, death, or earthquake reach you before me... You say what will happen then. (propose the meeting) • A: I look for you when I need it • I understand you... Only when you need it you will have to call 112, not me. I can help you today, when you are healthy, have a home, maybe a car... I mean a good life (proposes the meeting)
How do you deal with the "I don't need it" objection?
• A: I don't need it • You, today, have alternatives. My role is to help you have alternatives even after a possible tragedy. (propose the meeting) • A: I don't need it • Now you are leading a good life, because you have a comfortable home, a salary and you are probably healthy. Or exactly these are the topics we will address. (propose the meeting) • A: I have insurance • Is OK. I expected you to have insurance. Many of my clients had insurance when we met, but found they were underinsured. In this case our discussion will be shorter and you will only gain from it. (propose the meeting) • A: I have an agent • Is OK. If we deduce that you have enough insurance, you will congratulate him. And if not, I will propose solutions that he did not propose. (propose the meeting) • R: What the Lord will give, with good and bad... • That's right... God gives us everything, both good and bad, as you say... And then it means that God also sent me to you today (proposes the meeting)
How do you deal with objections that never stop...?
• A: No... No... No... • Considering you are so vehemently opposed, education tells me to give up, but experience tells me to continue. How do we proceed? • A: Leave it, you don't care about me... you care about your commission • Frankly, I, with or without a policy, am neither richer nor poorer... but your family, without the right policy, can become very, very, very poor... (propose meeting) • A: I said NO! • Is OK. I will give up, at least for now. Please tell me, do I have your consent to come back with a phone in 3 months? • Once a month I send clients interesting information in the field of risk. Would you like to receive them too? If you like them, you can also send them to your friends. If not, you can unsubscribe • A customer lost today is not necessarily a customer lost forever • The customer who refused you today may have an accident tomorrow... his neighbor may flood... he may find out about a colleague who has contracted leukemia... he may be hit by a driver without RCA... he may find out on TV about a calamity, about people suffering... there may be a fire near the home... etc. • Any information about a risk will be associated in the customer's mind with who you are and what you said on the phone • What did you say to him on the phone? • That risks can occur at any time and it would be good to insure • On your next call he will accept the appointment • Or he will call you himself, earlier • An insurance intermediary must be present in the life of every family • Must have a discreet but constant presence • Because risks are also present throughout life
What are the rules of the telephone approach?
• Respects the stages of the approach scenario; each stage has its purpose and if you skip it, the chances of success decrease • Build a universal approach scenario; use BrainO's recommendations and prepare a scenario that suits you • Be prepared for objections; prepare a set of your own responses to each objection • After answering the objection, propose the meeting; otherwise you give the client the time to come up with another objection • Speak loudly, clearly, with intonation, use pauses; voice is the only weapon you have in the telephone approach • Fit in 1-2 minutes; if the client initiates debates, suggest that you continue the discussion at the meeting • Finds a balance between politeness and insistence; one without the other has no effectiveness • Requests feed-back; ask a colleague to listen to you and tell you what you are doing well and what you are not doing, in his opinion • Immediately after the conversation, write the result in the work agenda, preferably in electronic format (BrainO can offer you a powerful tool - Inteligenda); otherwise you will forget the result of the discussion • The result contains the name, phone number, date and time of the meeting, other specific details
What is the specificity of the telephone approach?
• Because Romanians are not used to taking care of themselves, they are reluctant or even hostile when approached by an insurance intermediary • The telephone approach is an activity with a high nervous consumption, which generates discomfort • The fact that you anticipate being turned down, sometimes even in a cheeky way, creates a stress that many brokers are not willing to accept • But it is not possible without a telephone approach • Without the telephone approach of some potential customers you will not reach the receipts or the income you dream of • The telephone approach is included in the price you pay to receive commissions of 10...20...30% on optional insurances
How do you solve the "I don't have money" objection?
• Most often it is also a form of expressing the objection "I don't need" • A client who is aware that the risk exists and can occur at any time will find resources to buy insurance, especially for the most serious risks (death, disability, destruction of property) • A: I have no money • How can I tell you... If today, when you are healthy, earn money, have a home, you say you have no money, then after a tragedy what will it be like? (propose the meeting) • A: I have no money • I understand you don't have money to throw away. Which is great, because it means you know the value of the penny. And this is exactly what I propose to talk about, how to protect what you have – house, income, savings. (propose the meeting) • Don't fall into the trap of saying "But I don't want to sell you anything"; of course you want to sell! • Forget expressions like "I just want to get to know each other", "I just want to see what policies you have"; don't start the relationship with lies... • Don't make the mistake of saying - from the phone - "Well, I can offer you cheap insurance, the cheapest on the market"... • In this way you will compromise yourself in the eyes of the client, who will automatically put in your mind the label "Another who wants to fool me. I don't need him!"... • ... or, if you come across a customer with a toupee, you risk hearing: "Ah, yes? Do you have cheap insurance? That's great! Send me one for 100 lei" • What are you doing then...?
What mistakes to avoid in the telephone approach?
• In the telephone approach, your main "weapon" is your voice; use it as effectively as you can: • Thus: • Each of these mistakes is an additional reason for refusal • If your phone approach doesn't work, the reasons are more than likely to be found in this list • To be successful, re-read and apply what BrainO teaches you about the telephone approach • Try to (self) evaluate the way you do the telephone approach • You can do it in two ways: • Ask someone - a colleague or family member - to give you feedback • Install a call recording application on your phone and listen to every call, both successful and unsuccessful; then repeat and perfect what you did well and correct what you did wrong • And subsequently delete the records because you do not have the written consent of the customer to record it • If you were bothered by the excessive repetition of the word "avoid", this is yet another proof that you need to be very careful about what you put in your mouth • One more word can mean one less customer
What are the objectives of the telephone approach?
• The telephone approach has a main objective and a secondary objective: • The main objective is to schedule an appointment • The secondary objective appears only if the main objective has not been reached, and consists of obtaining information for bidding
What is the exception where you can mention a product over the phone?
• You can mention a product when you call for referral and you were told that the customer is interested in a certain type of insurance • Example of presenting the purpose: • I am from Mr. Popescu, our mutual acquaintance • Did Mr. Popescu inform you that I will call you? • All right • I know you are interested in home insurance, is that true? • Perfect • To develop an insurance solution I need some information • Is it okay if I write you on WhatsApp and you reply like that?
How do you handle objections to the telephone approach?
• Your call may drop at an inopportune time • Developing the ability to resolve telephone objections is vital; if this link is weak, the entire sales chain breaks • "You don't make spring with a flower", and you don't make a portfolio with a phone... • The development of the ability to solve telephone objections is strongly influenced by the volume of approaches; only hundreds of approaches will make you master this activity • BrainO is a good trainer, but he can't play for you • The telephone conversation is a stage prone to objections; why? • Romanians disregard insurance • The customer does not know you
How do you resolve the "I don't trust" objection?
• A: I don't trust insurance • I understand you. It was the same in my case. Now, after helping dozens of families, I know what it means to have enough insurance. (propose the meeting) • A: I don't trust insurance • You see... after an earthquake there will be two categories of people: some who will receive money for a new home and others who will wonder who and why they didn't trust. Millions of people around the world trust us. Why wouldn't you have? (propose the meeting) • A: I had insurance and... I wasn't satisfied... • I understand you. There is no forest without dry areas. It just means that you have to be careful in whose hands you leave your family's financial security. (propose the meeting) • A: I heard that someone suffered... did not receive... was dissatisfied... • I understand you. The person you heard this from may or may not be right. But in any case he will not pay you tens of thousands of Euros in case of damage. Only an insurer will. (propose the meeting)
In which situations is it good to prepare your visit to the client?
• Always, in the case of legal person clients, and sometimes, in the case of natural person clients
In which situation is it good to prepare your visit to a natural person client?
• Most of the families you will talk to fit into a standard profile: they have a home, their spouses have salaries, they have one or two children, they have a car • Which means that the insurance needs of a middle class family are quite similar • Such a family needs home insurance, life insurance, RCA, possibly casco, and may want to save for the long term • Therefore, discussions with a family member are quite predictable, especially after you have a few hundred sales discussions under your belt • However, there are also situations where individual clients require a specific, more nuanced approach • It is usually the case of employees who have high salaries: corporatists and certain categories of budget workers • On the one hand, these people have more complex insurance needs, because they usually own more properties, more cars, spend a lot of time abroad, may be inclined to save or invest for the long term • On the other hand, it is possible that they already have one or more insurance policies, either because they have taken out loans, or because they have been in the sights of other intermediaries, or because they understand the need for insurance protection • These customers are usually demanding and have high expectations from insurance intermediaries • They won't buy policies from just anyone, but the effort to sell them enough insurance will pay off handsomely in the long run • They are what we can call "golden customers"
Why is it good to prepare your visit?
• To increase the chances of selling policies • Preparing for the visit: • You will make a good impression and thus gain the client's trust more easily • You will know what to say to the client in order to arouse his interest • You will more easily detect the "hooks" that the client will offer you • You will anticipate some specific objections and prepare your answers
What will the long script contain?
• Prioritizing insurance needs • Awareness of insurance needs • The long scenario will contain the multi-risk analysis of the business, namely: • Obtaining information for bidding
Why is it good to know the field of activity in advance?
• Because you can anticipate what are the major risks that can affect the business • You can think about what type of insurance you will be able to propose and what "hooks" you will use • You can consult with specialists from the technical departments of insurers, to know how to solve the problem - what are the possible coverages, what are the limitations, exclusions, what are the underwriting conditions, what information is needed for the offer • You can prepare examples (for example a case study of damages from his field of activity) to capture the client's interest
Why is it good to have some "hooks" in advance?
• "Hooks" are nothing more than potential business insurance needs • By anticipating these insurance needs, you will be able to create a scenario for approaching the client so that, on the one hand, you capture his interest and make a good impression, and on the other hand, you are efficient and do not get lost in sterile discussions
What will the short script contain?
• Finding out the insurance needs that the client is already aware of • Obtaining information for bidding
How do you prepare your visit to a natural person client?
• If the person has been recommended to you, find out as much information as possible about their family situation, about their properties and possible purchase plans, about their income level, about their hobbies and about how they spend their holidays • Regardless of how you obtained the contact data, try to find out from social networks everything that could be useful to you, so which could represent "hooks" for the sale of insurance: • If they post pictures of the villa they live in, the "hook" can be the comfortable life of the family • If they post pictures of an expensive car, the "hook" can be comfort or social status • If they post pictures from exotic destinations, the "hook" can be the quality of treatment in case of an accident abroad • If they post pictures of children, the "hook" can be the children's education
Why is it good to know the size of the business in advance?
• Because you can anticipate whether the solution will be an SME policy or a corporate policy and therefore you will know what questionnaires to take with you and whether the risk inspection is mandatory or optional
How do you prepare your "hooks" for the short version?
• A "hook" with which to quickly capture the interest of a businessperson in a hurry must contain a certainty about the business in question, therefore an information of interest, which can lead to a need for insurance • Examples: • "I know that during this period your insurance expires [...]" • "I found out that you plan to expand your business" • "I read on the net about the accident that took place [...]" • "I know that your clients / partners / associates require you to take out an insurance of [...]" • The information recorded in CRM or Inteligenda, obtained in prospecting stages
What mistakes to avoid in the awareness stage?
• The need awareness stage is critical, especially with new customers • Being, often, the first discussion with the client, he is curious, if not suspicious, regarding the intermediary • The client tries to read you and realize, first of all, if you are a serious and reliable person • Mistakes made at this stage have a high price: the future of the customer relationship • If he assumes that you are not a trustworthy person, he will not buy from you; that is, he will not give you his money • Examples of common mistakes: • If the first conversation with the client is also the last, without having managed to sell him a policy, you have probably committed - and you - at least one of the above mistakes...
How can you introduce yourself?
• Choose from the phrases below the ones that represent you and by combining them build an impactful personal presentation: • I have been working in insurance for... years and specialize in family and business insurance • Clients appreciate me because I help them be and feel safe • They know that thanks to me and the company I represent, they are well protected against risks • I'm one of the best consultants in the firm (only say this if it's true and you feel comfortable saying it)
Why is it good to introduce the purpose of the discussion?
• Customers usually expect an insurance broker to start raving about their products - which are obviously the best - and their prices - which are obviously the lowest • To refuse him, for various reasons... • If you state the purpose of the discussion, you will surprise the client and at least he will become more curious to listen to you • Which means a step forward
Why is it good to present your work strategy?
• Customers are not used to being asked questions, especially uncomfortable or thought-provoking questions • They are used to being presented with products: "We have...", "It's the best...", "It's the cheapest..." etc. • But making a client aware of the risks is done by asking questions that may create temporary discomfort; nobody enjoys discussing troubles • But ignoring risks does not mean eliminating them • That is why it will be easier for you if you familiarize the client with the fact that you will ask him questions
What are the advantages of using the "three-legged table" method?
• Using this technique helps the client to be aware of most, or sometimes even all, of the risks they are exposed to, and not just the ones they suspect, such as crashing your car or being flooded by your neighbor • The client understands the risks to which he and his family are exposed, and subsequently chooses the one that worries him the most; it may be a risk he never even thought about until he talked to you • "360°" awareness of the risks to which the client is exposed allows the intermediary to sell optional, complex insurances, therefore insurances with high added value
Why is it good to do a personal introduction?
• Self-presentation is not about saying your name, but about stating, with certainty and self-confidence, who you are as a professional • Asserting, from the beginning of the conversation, your status will place you on the same level of power as the interlocutor, even if you are talking to a rich, influential and full of himself businessman • Your interlocutor will understand from the start: in his field he is the specialist, but in the field of insurance you are the specialist • Otherwise you risk feeling small and humble in front of a client with a strong personality
How can you present your work strategy?
• In order to be able to recommend the right solutions, I need to understand your family's situation as well as possible • That's why I'm going to ask you some special questions that I ask all my clients • You can draw a parallel with a medical consultation; and the doctor, before prescribing your treatment, asks you about your health status • I will do the same, only we will discuss the financial security of your family • Please ask me whatever you feel the need and whenever you feel the need • Is OK?
What are "hooks"?
• "Hooks" are keywords from which you can deduce what the customer is concerned about • "Hooks", uttered unconsciously, often express whatever is really important to the client • If you tie these "hooks" to the idea of ​​risk, the client will be much more willing to protect himself with insurance • Your mastery will be to detect and take the "hook" and get close to a risk that worries the client
Why is it necessary to ask awareness questions?
• An insurance, of any kind, produces its effects only when a risk has occurred • For the client to imagine the consequences of producing that risk, and especially to imagine how he will feel then, awareness questions are needed • The role of awareness questions is to make the client feel what he will feel in reality when a risk occurred: when his house burned down, when he got cancer, when he hit a pedestrian, etc. • And how will he feel when he looks into the eyes of his loved ones, after the misfortune happened... • If he understands what is waiting for him, the client will understand that he needs to make sure • Having enough insurance is good for the whole family
What stages does the customer go through in the awareness process?
• First stage - "I ignore the risk because I am sure that nothing can happen to me" • The second stage - "The risk exists, but I don't think I will suffer something myself" • The third stage - "The risk exists, but if it occurs, then I find a solution on the spot" • Fourth stage - "I am concerned about this risk and need to protect myself" • Most Romanians are in the first stage • Your role is to "push" the client to the fourth stage • This pathway is called awareness of insurance needs • Attention! • Protection needs exist, they are objective, regardless of the client's perception • Why? • Here is an example: • Everyone needs a home, right? • Yes • Is there a risk that the home will be destroyed? • Yes • If the home is destroyed, will the client and his family need a new home as soon as possible? • Yes • Other than insurance, where can you get a large amount quickly? • Out of nowhere • So does the client and his family need home insurance? • Yes
Why is awareness of protection needs needed?
• Awareness of protection needs is needed because Romanians are not used to taking care of themselves • If his home is destroyed, the Romanian expects the "state" to offer him another... • In order to have a decent pension, the Romanian expects the "state" to offer it, without asking other questions, for example where the money comes from... • And to escape from any trouble, the Romanian knocks on wood or says "God forbid" and considers himself protected • The Romanian is not aware that risk is a certainty in our lives
What are the stages of the "three-legged table" method?
• Each of the stages has an important role • Whichever step you skip, it will be harder for you to reach your goal
How can you present the purpose of the discussion?
• The purpose of our discussion is to help you understand the risks you and your family (and possibly your business) are exposed to, so that you can make the best decision for your family's safety • The optimal decision means that whatever risk occurs, your family is protected • Will the life of the family after the occurrence of the risk be the same as the life now...? • Some clients follow my advice, and others postpone or refuse, and then take unnecessary risks • No one ever suffered because they had "too much" insurance, but many have suffered because they lacked the right insurance
What rules are important in the awareness stage?
• Listen carefully to what the client says or answers; that's the only way you'll understand it • Look for "hooks" and fructify them; they will help guide the discussion to completion • Look at the interlocutor; you will also notice what he thinks but avoids saying • Speaks in the client's understanding; you are not there to impress him, nor to upset him, but to convince him to buy insurance • Use pauses to emphasize important ideas • Write down important ideas; otherwise you will forget them
What does "benefit" mean in insurance?
• When you buy a product or service that you want, the benefit is the pride... • But when you buy insurance, what is the benefit? • You keep the insurance policy in a drawer or in a folder on your laptop... • You don't enjoy it, you don't admire it, you don't use it, nobody sees it, you can't brag about it... • And this can take years on end… • So why do you buy it? • An insurance takes a burden off your shoulders • When you bought an insurance policy you breathe a sigh of relief • The benefit of insurance is the feeling of security • You have not added something to your life, but you know that you will not lose something from your life • In order for the client to feel this relief by buying the policy, he must first be aware of the fear of losing something he cares about • That is why awareness of risk and insurance needs must precede the presentation of benefits • By being aware of the risks you generate discomfort, by selling the policy you eliminate the discomfort
What are the advantages of submitting insurance solutions online?
• The main advantage of online communication is the saving of time; sending a message takes a maximum of 1-2 minutes • The second advantage is the possibility of rereading the message • Last but not least, reducing the number of omissions and errors, by using communication templates
How do you list death insurance?
• No one can replace either the spouse or the parent • Unfortunately, the disappearance from family life brings with it another trouble - the disappearance of income • No one cares what happens to their loved ones • Every adult who loves his family makes sure that they are well, even in good times, but also in case of... • You think and feel the same way • That's why you want to buy a death insurance, by which you leave the family the sum of... lei • In this way, in case of premature death, your wife will receive, immediately, in advance, the equivalent of your salaries for... years • Make this gesture knowing that you, personally, will never benefit from this policy • But it will mean invaluable help and brighten the days of loved ones, if a tragedy occurs
How do you communicate insurance solutions to the client?
• We are in the 21st century, in the midst of the era of digitization • You can take advantage of digitization to deliver insurance solutions online • Or you can choose the usual method of presenting solutions to clients in a face-to-face discussion • Each method has both advantages and disadvantages
How do you present the unit linked policy?
• If you are willing to take a risk, you can invest some of your savings in the unit linked policy • The insurer will invest your money in the funds you choose - riskier or less risky - and at the maturity of the policy you will receive the amount resulting from the investments • You can reduce the investment risk through a long investment duration of over 20 years • You will also be able to invest any additional savings that occur during the contract • I recommend making additional payments when fund units are cheap
How do you present additional life insurance clauses?
• Additional clauses can compensate for the drop in family income if you die prematurely • Additional clauses give you money for treatment and protect your savings • Next you use the "domino principle" to explain the benefits of the exemption clause from paying premiums in case of disability • From what source will you pay the premiums? • Do you work for a salary, or do you receive it as a gift? • In order to work, the first condition is to be able to work, agree? • If there were an accident that would make you unable to work, the salary would disappear, but so would the insurance, wouldn't it? • If the insurance continued, unchanged, being paid by the insurer, what would you say?
What rules are important when presenting solutions?
• Insists on covering major risks (death, disability, serious illness, home destruction, business destruction, damage to third parties), as the case may be • If the client is concerned about certain risks, major or minor, mention them; it is what "hurts" him and pushes him to insure himself • Speak clearly, briefly and to the point • After each important topic check what the client understood • From time to time ask for confirmations from the client • Pay attention to buying signals and if you notice them, propose to complete the sale! • Dribbling is important, but the goal is to score goals!
How do you introduce mixed life insurance starting to save?
• At the maturity of the policy you will receive the guaranteed amount, plus an additional gain, money that you will use with your children and grandchildren • If you disappear prematurely from family life, your loved ones will immediately receive the same amount • It is important to remember that whatever happens to you, the same amount of money goes into the family
How do you present your home insurance?
• This policy allows you to buy a new home, with comparable parameters and the same level of comfort, if the current one is destroyed • It also gives you money to repair or replace damaged or stolen goods • Moreover, any damage caused to your neighbors – for example, if you flood them – will be paid by the insurer, instead of you
What are the stages of the oral presentation of insurance solutions?
• In order to understand why he needs a certain insurance, the customer must first remind himself that... he has a certain need • Therefore, before presenting the solution you propose to him, it is good to recapitulate the insurance needs of the client and his family
How do you present the savings plan for the child?
• The child will receive the amount of... lei at maturity, no matter what happens to you: • May you be with him, and celebrate together • Whether a misfortune took you away from your family • In this tragic situation, your wife will receive, immediately, once again, the same amount that the child will receive at maturity (if the insured's death clause was attached)
How do you introduce joint life insurance starting with protection?
• Throughout the duration of the policy, starting from the first day, your life is insured; if you die prematurely, your loved ones will immediately receive, in advance, your salaries for... years • If you will be with your loved ones when the policy matures, receive the sum assured and enjoy with them • It is important to remember that whatever happens to you, the same amount of money goes into the family
How do you present business insurance?
• The SME policy ensures the reduction of losses in the event of a risk, by compensating for damage to the building or its contents: stocks, machinery, etc. • The business interruption clause provides you with the financial support for restarting the business, by covering fixed costs, including additional ones, as well as partially unrealized profit • The policy also covers any damage caused to third parties – bodily injury or material damage, thus protecting the company's reserves and assets
What are the advantages of verbal presentation of insurance solutions?
• Visual contact, so the possibility of influencing the client through non-verbal language (mimicry and gestures) and para-verbal language (voice) • Ability to respond on the spot to the client's questions and objections • The possibility to "read" the client
How do you deal with the "Not now" objection?
• This objection actually sounds something like this: "I'm sure there won't be an earthquake tomorrow, I'm sure there won't be a fire, I'm sure I won't make any mistakes, etc." • Earthquake, fire, mistake will be possible only the day after tomorrow... ... ... • Absurd, isn't it? • The risk is unpredictable; it can happen today, tomorrow, in 11 years or maybe never • But if it occurs, the consequences can be serious; very serious • A client who makes this statement needs to be "shaken" a little, in the sense of reminding him that the risk is a certainty; it cannot be undone, no matter how foresight you are
How do you deal with the "I don't need it" objection?
• Is it a real objection? • Obviously not • Do you need a house to live in? • Do you need income? • Do you need a car to get around? • Do you need a source from which to cover unexpected payment obligations? • Is risk a certainty in the life of each of us? • Could producing a risk result in the destruction of the home, loss of income, destruction of the car, the appearance of payment obligations? • The answer to each of these questions is "Yes" • And then it is obvious that every man needs insurance • Not one policy, but several, which would provide him and his family with enough insurance • So the objection "I don't need insurance" is a false objection • It usually masks the objection of distrust
How do you solve the "I don't have money" objection?
• Is it a real objection? • Yes (1%) and no (99%) • There may be temporary, transient situations in which the family has few financial resources: for example in the days preceding the salary or in case of illness of a family member • Most of the time, however, it is a false objection, which actually masks distrust
How do you find out the real objection by "ask and find out"?
• Ask • You ask the client to say what is on his mind • Here are some examples of clarification questions: • Is it just me or is something bothering you? • I sense that you have a grievance; this is true? • I'd like to move on, but I can tell you have something on your mind...what is it about? • Your look tells me that something is wrong; I'm here to help you, so... I'm listening • My flair says that something is bothering you and I can only help you if you are honest and tell me what is bothering you
The client turned you down and nothing really happened to him; so was he right to refuse you?
• It is a very common situation • The client refuses, months pass, nothing happens to him, and he concludes that he is invulnerable and therefore does not need insurance • Is this conclusion logical? • Not • The only logical conclusion is that he was lucky in the past • Are you right that he doesn't need insurance? • Not • Are you abandoning him? • Not • You persist, because... risk is a certainty in our lives • The risk is unpredictable, so it can occur at any time • And it is vital that at that time the family has the right insurance • BrainO offers you various methods and scenarios for customer awareness ("warming up"), including online
What is an objection?
• An objection is a way of expressing dissatisfaction or concern • Some customers, when they have a doubt, ask • Others, when they have a concern, prefer to object, so as not to appear ignorant... • If there were no objections, agents would probably sell many more policies…. • ... but the commissions would be much lower • From the client's perspective, the objection is an indirect way of saying: "Convince me!"
If the insurer leaves the country?
• If an insurer leaves the country - as has happened in a few cases - it sells its portfolio to another insurer • The new owner of the company keeps the terms of the insurance contracts in force
How do you recognize an objection?
• An objection can be transmitted directly, i.e. verbally, or indirectly, i.e. through tone or non-verbal language, i.e. through facial expressions or gestures • To ensure that you resolve the real objection, you need to get the customer to say what's wrong with them, not just imply that they have a grievance
How do you find out the real objection by the "shut up and find out" method?
• The client nods implicitly; it is clear that something is bothering him • What the? • Shut up and wait • If you're patient, it's possible that at some point the customer will say something like: • "Who the hell can you trust anymore? Can't you see I'm going bankrupt one after another?" • "Why should I pay money for insurance? This block is a dump, it didn't even have a damn earthquake"
How do you deal with customers who resent your insistence?
• Sometimes clients react badly to the intermediary's insistence • Why? • Because Romanians are not used to taking care of themselves and perceive your good intentions as something contrary to their personal interests • In this context, how much should you insist? • As in everything, you have to find a balance: • If you insist too little or not at all, the client will be underinsured and you will lose out on commission - in that order! • If you insist too much, the customer will get angry and break the relationship with you • So? • Insist long enough that the customer understands they are underinsured, but not so long that they stop answering your phone
How do you resolve the "I don't trust" objection?
• Is it a real objection? • Surely • It is one of the most frequent objections • Can be caused by problems in the insurance market (bankruptcies, late payments, etc.), negative personal experiences or rumors • The resolution of this objection can be done by offering some arguments, which the client cannot deny
How do I know that the company will still exist in 20...30 years?
• You have no way of knowing • And no one has any way of knowing • Have you heard of Aviva, Axa, Eureko...? • These insurers were active in Romania, after which they withdrew • Today, the policies concluded with these insurers are administered by other insurers, by keeping the conditions of the insurance contract • An insurer exiting a market does so by selling its portfolio • The insurance conditions do not change by changing the insurer • So you have nothing to worry about
How do customers express their dissatisfaction?
• Verbal: They make negative statements or ask mean questions • Paraverbal: phrases are spoken in an ironic or aggressive tone; or, on the contrary, the client is silent • Nonverbal: I make gestures with my hand or shake my head in disbelief, look askance or sneer implicitly, with the meaning "Let me know..."
What if the insurer goes bankrupt?
• How many insurers have you heard of going bankrupt? • If you mean Astra, Carpatica, Euroins and City, these companies had a common denominator: they practiced dumping prices in RCA • And three of them had Romanian shareholders • To reduce this risk, choose a strong insurer • Some of the strongest and most experienced insurers in Europe operate in Romania
When does the sale need to be completed?
• When the customer is about to buy, but hesitates to say so • How do you know that the customer is about to buy? • The customer is one step closer to completing the sale when they send buy signals, ie… • ... ask specific questions about the policy - what coverages it contains, how to pay, how to proceed in case of damage, how to proceed with renewal, etc. • ... browse the insurance offer and conditions and ask for explanations • So it's time to "push" the sale