What is and how is the maximum limit of indemnity (LMD) determined on the RCT PF policy?
• Unlike property insurance, in the case of civil liability it is not known what will be affected (it can be property or people) • That is why the maximum extent of the damage is not known • Therefore, in civil liability insurance, there is the concept of maximum compensation limit (LMD) • LMD is for the duration of the insurance, but there may be sublimitations, per event • Although, in the case of natural persons, insurers usually offer predefined levels of LMD, it is recommended to choose values ​​as high as possible; you can accidentally kill a man...
What is guilt, from the perspective of civil liability?
• Guilt has two forms: • Fault – is covered by civil liability policies and consists of NOE: • N = negligence • O = omission • E = error • Intention - NOT covered by liability insurance
What is liability insurance?
• Civil liability insurance protects the insured against patrimonial (material) losses that he should bear in case of damage to a third party • In other words, liability insurance protects you from accidentally becoming a debtor
What does "unlawful act" mean?
• The illegal act is a violation by the insured of some: • Laws and ethical codes • Norms and technical prescriptions • Rules of conduct imposed by law
What does non-pecuniary damage mean?
• Non-pecuniary damage consists of moral damages • Being difficult to quantify and rate, moral damages are covered only punctually, through additional clauses, and only under certain conditions (e.g. malpractice)
How do you create the right context for asking for referrals?
• The favorable context for asking for recommendations is the one in which the interlocutor: • He is happy to give you recommendations • He is embarrassed if he refuses to give you recommendations
How can you ask for referrals when the client has realized how valuable you are?
• Thank you for your likes • It's nice to have people speak well of you • Then continue with one of the scenarios below:
How can you ask for referrals?
• Recommendations are a good source of customers, because they present two advantages: • You have access to people who would otherwise be practically impossible to reach • It relies on reliable transfer • If you feel uncomfortable asking for referrals, you probably don't have enough confidence in yourself yet - so here's your work • Like enough assurance, enough confidence is gained over time, and you have to move in that direction with small, sure and steady steps
When is the interlocutor happy to recommend you?
• When you are in a favorable posture • For example, when talking laudatory about insurance; the interlocutor will be proud to know you and brag about you
How do you get the name of a professional to help someone?
• If you get the phone number, call and discuss a professional matter, write down the client's details in the workbook and after a time interval call to discuss insurance
What is the specificity of the telephone approach?
• Because Romanians are not used to taking care of themselves, they are reluctant or even hostile when approached by an insurance intermediary • The telephone approach is an activity with a high nervous consumption, which generates discomfort • The fact that you anticipate being turned down, sometimes even in a cheeky way, creates a stress that many brokers are not willing to accept • But it is not possible without a telephone approach • Without the telephone approach of some potential customers you will not reach the receipts or the income you dream of • The telephone approach is included in the price you pay to receive commissions of 10...20...30% on optional insurances
How do you resolve the "I don't trust" objection?
• A: I don't trust insurance • I understand you. It was the same in my case. Now, after helping dozens of families, I know what it means to have enough insurance. (propose the meeting) • A: I don't trust insurance • You see... after an earthquake there will be two categories of people: some who will receive money for a new home and others who will wonder who and why they didn't trust. Millions of people around the world trust us. Why wouldn't you have? (propose the meeting) • A: I had insurance and... I wasn't satisfied... • I understand you. There is no forest without dry areas. It just means that you have to be careful in whose hands you leave your family's financial security. (propose the meeting) • A: I heard that someone suffered... did not receive... was dissatisfied... • I understand you. Whoever you heard this from may or may not be right. But in any case he will not pay you tens of thousands of Euros in case of damage. Only an insurer will. (propose the meeting)
How do you handle objections to the telephone approach?
• The telephone conversation is a stage prone to objections; why? • Romanians disregard insurance • The customer does not know you • Your call may drop at an inopportune time • Developing the ability to resolve telephone objections is vital; if this link is weak, the entire sales chain breaks • "You don't make spring with a flower", and you don't make a portfolio with a phone... • The development of the ability to solve telephone objections is strongly influenced by the volume of approaches; only hundreds of approaches will make you master this activity • BrainO is a good trainer, but he can't play for you
How do you deal with objections that never stop...?
• A: No... No... No... • Considering you are so vehemently opposed, education tells me to give up, but experience tells me to continue. How do we proceed? • A: Leave it, you don't care about me... you care about your commission • Frankly, I, with or without a policy, am neither richer nor poorer... but your family, without the right policy, can become very, very, very poor... (propose meeting) • A: I said NO! • Is OK. I will give up, at least for now. Please tell me, do I have your consent to come back with a phone in 3 months? • Once a month I send clients interesting information in the field of risk. Would you like to receive them too? If you like them, you can also send them to your friends. If not, you can unsubscribe • A customer lost today is not necessarily a customer lost forever • The customer who refused you today may have an accident tomorrow... his neighbor may flood... he may find out about a colleague who has contracted leukemia... he may be hit by a driver without RCA... he may find out on TV about a calamity, about people suffering... there may be a fire near the home... etc. • Any information about a risk will be associated in the customer's mind with who you are and what you said on the phone • What did you say to him on the phone? • That risks can occur at any time and it would be good to insure • On your next call he will accept the meeting • Or he will call you himself, earlier • An insurance intermediary must be present in the life of every family • Must have a discreet but constant presence • Because risks are also present throughout life
What mistakes to avoid in the telephone approach?
• In the telephone approach, your main "weapon" is your voice; use it as effectively as you can: • Thus: • Each of these mistakes is an additional reason for refusal • If your phone approach doesn't work, the reasons are more than likely to be found in this list • To be successful, re-read and apply what BrainO teaches you about the telephone approach • Try to (self) evaluate the way you do the telephone approach • You can do it in two ways: • Ask someone - a colleague or family member - to give you feedback • Install a call recording application on your phone and listen to every call, both successful and unsuccessful; then repeat and perfect what you did well and correct what you did wrong • And subsequently delete the records because you do not have the written consent of the customer to record it • If you were bothered by the excessive repetition of the word "avoid", this is yet another proof that you need to be very careful about what you put in your mouth • One more word can mean one less customer
What is the exception where you can mention a product over the phone?
• You can mention a product when you call for referral and you were told that the customer is interested in a certain type of insurance • Example of presenting the purpose: • I am from Mr. Popescu, our mutual acquaintance • Did Mr. Popescu inform you that I will call you? • All right • I know you are interested in home insurance, is that true? • Perfect • To develop an insurance solution I need some information • Is it okay if I write you on WhatsApp and you reply like that?
What are the rules of the telephone approach?
• Respects the stages of the approach scenario; each stage has its purpose and if you skip it, the chances of success decrease • Build a universal approach scenario; use BrainO's recommendations and prepare a scenario that suits you • Be prepared for objections; prepare a set of your own responses to each objection • After answering the objection, propose the meeting; otherwise you give the client the time to come up with another objection • Speak loudly, clearly, with intonation, use pauses; voice is the only weapon you have in the telephone approach • Fit in 1-2 minutes; if the client initiates debates, suggest that you continue the discussion at the meeting • Finds a balance between politeness and insistence; one without the other has no effectiveness • Requests feed-back; ask a colleague to listen to you and tell you what you are doing well and what you are not doing, in his opinion • Immediately after the conversation, write the result in the work agenda, preferably in electronic format (BrainO can offer you a powerful tool - Inteligenda); otherwise you will forget the result of the discussion • The result contains the name, phone number, date and time of the meeting, other specific details
What are the objectives of the telephone approach?
• The telephone approach has a main objective and a secondary objective: • The main objective is to schedule an appointment • The secondary objective appears only if the main objective has not been reached, and consists of obtaining information for bidding
How do you deal with the "I don't need it" objection?
• A: I don't need it • You, today, have alternatives. My role is to help you have alternatives even after a possible tragedy. (propose the meeting) • A: I don't need it • Now you are leading a good life, because you have a comfortable home, a salary and you are probably healthy. Or exactly these are the topics we will address. (propose the meeting) • A: I have insurance • Is OK. I expected you to have insurance. Many of my clients had insurance when we met, but found they were underinsured. In this case our discussion will be shorter and you will only gain from it. (propose the meeting) • A: I have an agent • Is OK. If we deduce that you have enough insurance, you will congratulate him. And if not, I will propose solutions that he did not propose. (propose the meeting) • R: Whatever the Lord gives, with good and bad... • That's right... God gives us everything, both good and bad, as you say... And then it means that God also sent me to you today (proposes the meeting)
How do you deal with the "Not now" objection?
• It is actually another form of expressing the objection "I don't need" • A customer who is aware that the risk exists and can occur at any time does not postpone the purchase of insurance, especially for the most serious risks (death, disability, destruction of the home) • A: Not now • Insurance is like a parachute: if you don't have it with you at the right time, you'll never need it again. (propose the meeting) • A: Not now • If fire, death, or earthquake reach you before me... You say what will happen then. (propose the meeting) • A: I look for you when I need it • I understand you... Only when you need it you will have to call 112, not me. I can help you today, when you are healthy, have a home, maybe a car... I mean a good life (proposes the meeting)
How do you solve the "I don't have money" objection?
• Most often it is also a form of expressing the objection "I don't need" • A client who is aware that the risk exists and can occur at any time will find resources to buy insurance, especially for the most serious risks (death, disability, destruction of property) • A: I have no money • How can I tell you... If today, when you are healthy, earn money, have a home, you say you have no money, then after a tragedy what will it be like? (propose the meeting) • A: I have no money • I understand you don't have money to throw away. Which is great, because it means you know the value of the penny. And this is exactly what I propose to talk about, how to protect what you have – house, income, savings. (propose the meeting) • Don't fall into the trap of saying "But I don't want to sell you anything"; of course you want to sell! • Forget expressions like "I just want to get to know each other", "I just want to see what policies you have"; don't start the relationship with lies... • Don't make the mistake of saying - from the phone - "Well, I can offer you cheap insurance, the cheapest on the market"... • In this way you will compromise yourself in the eyes of the client, who will automatically put in your mind the label "Another who wants to fool me. I don't need him!"... • ... or, if you come across a customer with a toupee, you risk hearing: "Ah, yes? Do you have cheap insurance? That's great! Send me one for 100 lei" • What are you doing then...?
How to avoid talking too much?
• When does the tendency to talk more than necessary occur? • Usually, when you fail to provoke the client to dialogue, and to avoid the awkward moments where you stare at each other without saying anything, you start touring... • How can you avoid this situation? • Learn to sell insurance • What does it mean to sell insurance, and what does it mean to issue policies? • Issuing policies essentially means using the issuing programs; this can also be done by an official with the necessary technical knowledge • You can sit in your office and issue policies, 10 years in a row, without knowing how to sell policies • What does it mean to sell insurance? • It means making a customer understand the need to protect himself through insurance and inducing the urge to buy that policy • BrainO gives you the information you need to sell policies
How can you set your priorities?
• To deduce what is a priority and what can be postponed, filter each action you intend to take with the following question: • What do I lose if I delay? • If the answer is "I don't lose anything concrete", then postpone and do something that is important and urgent • If the answer is "I lose..., that is, I lose something important", then do that thing, with priority • For example, if you are in doubt about what to do tomorrow - send messages to customers or renew policies that expire soon - then renew the policies; the best customer is the customer you already have • But if you originally set out to collect some installments tomorrow, which are not yet due, but you have some prospects you could meet with, meet the prospects; you can collect the installments the day after tomorrow, or online
I'm not dying! Why should I think about death insurance? To attract death?
To discuss death insurance. It doesn't mean it attracts death. It means proving that you care about your loved ones. If you're going to die, you die with and without insurance.
What example could be given to motivate the client to buy life insurance?
If only every wife knew what every widow knows. In every family there would be life insurance.
What clauses can be attached to the death policy?
Clauses can be attached to the death policy. Clauses can be attached to the death insurance that increase the death protection and clauses that provide money for treatment in case of accident or illness. Some of the clauses may also cover other family members. Depending on the insurer.
How do you respond to the objection "I'm looking for you for accident insurance"?
• I mean... are you calling me from the hospital? • Or from the operating room? • Or will your wife call me...? • I can be of use to you then then only if we sign now • Why now? • Because we don't know what "then" means
If the cost of treatment exceeds the sum insured in the travel policy. What will be the consequences?
The insurance company will take the necessary steps to negotiate the costs with the medical service provider so that they fall within the sum insured. If this is not possible, then the difference will be paid by the insured.
What happens to the child's policy if they die?
• In this case, the "third parent" - i.e. the insurer - continues saving, instead of you, and the child receives the same amount at the maturity of the policy • This is a unique advantage; no other savings instrument, which involves periodic, staggered payments, continues after the person's death
What policies protect what the family has?
• ... So the house, the car, the savings, the business? - Specifically: - Comprehensive home insurance - Helmet insurance • Business insurance • And generally, any type of insurance protects family savings • In the absence of insurance, the consequences of producing a risk are eliminated by calling on one's own savings
Who and how determines the value of the fund unit?
• The daily value of the fund unit is set by the investment manager of the insurance company (can be internal or external) • The value of a fund unit is obtained by dividing the value of the managed fund by the total number of fund units, related to the entire client portfolio • The daily value of a fund unit is posted on the investment manager's website and the insurer's website
Is the casco policy valid without ITP?
• Not
Who can you sell other policies to?
• Customers who still do not have "enough" insurance • Clients who want to raise money in the long term
How is the death benefit calculated on a unit linked policy?
• The insured amount in case of death is 5,000 lei • On the date of death, the value of the account is 38,467.82 lei • Beneficiaries upon death will receive a total allowance in the amount of: - In the "amount" option: 5,000 + 38,467.82 = 43,467.82 lei - In the "maximum" version: 38,467.82 lei
How is the insured amount for working capital determined?
• The insured sum for working capital represents: - The cost of production, in the case of goods of own production - The purchase cost, including taxes, in the case of goods purchased
What are the steps to obtain a database from a specialized site (example:
- You choose the localities - Select the companies in operation - Select the companies that have contact details (phone / website) - Segment the database (CAEN) - Download the database - You copy the information into your database (for example a CRM or Inteligenda) - Segment the database (CAEN), as follows: • You choose the field of activity you want to tackle • Find out the corresponding CAEN code from Google • Filter the database by CAEN code - Download the database
What is the territorial validity of the travel policy?
The travel policy can be valid worldwide, except for Romania, the country of citizenship, the country of residence of the insured person. There are variants of restricted geographical coverages. For example, only certain countries, only Europe, including countries around the Mediterranean Sea, the whole world without the US, Canada and Israel, the whole world without the US and Canada.
What sales actions should you take at the beginning of your career?
- Complete and use the database with prospects and customers - Calling prospects - Have customer awareness talks - Develop insurance solutions - Communicate insurance solutions - Explain insurance solutions - Resolve objections - You complete the sale
What information do you require for the death insurance quote?
The minimum information for bidding is as follows. What is your salary? Or the variant. What is your income range? How old are you? How long does your family need protection Do you have a loan? If so, what is its value and for what period?
How do you respond to the objection "I don't need a savings plan for the child"?
• Do you usually put money aside for your child? • This special product ensures that your son / daughter will receive a certain amount, upon reaching the age of 18, or at the latest at the age of 25, as you decide • There is no other financial product that offers this double benefit: whatever happens to you, good or bad, the child receives the same amount of money at maturity • If the worst has happened to you, disability or death, the "third parent" - the insurer - comes into play and saves for you • What do you think, will your son / daughter need money at the threshold of adulthood?
How do you create the right context for asking for referrals?
• The favorable context for asking for recommendations is the one in which the interlocutor:
What clauses can be attached to the unit linked policy?
• Clauses can be attached to the unit linked policy to increase death protection and clauses to provide you with money for treatment in the event of an accident or illness • Some of the clauses may also cover other family members (depends on the insurer)
What are the advantages of submitting insurance solutions online?
- The main advantage of online communication is the saving of time; sending a message takes a maximum of 1-2 minutes - The second advantage is the possibility of rereading the message - Last but not least, reducing the number of omissions and errors, by using communication templates
How do you respond to the objection "I'm looking for you to buy business insurance"?
• So you call me the day before the explosion...? • Or earthquake...? • Then you will call 112 • You have a reputation as a manager who makes good decisions • Do you agree that securing your business and profits is the best decision you can make today? • A ruin brings no profit...
Can the insured sums be changed in the additional clauses?
• In some clauses, the insured amounts can be changed • This can usually be done on the policy anniversary, on application, and obviously with the insurer's agreement • If an increase in the insured sums is requested, the insurer will request the completion of a medical questionnaire • If he notices a deterioration in his health, the insurer will most likely refuse to increase the sums insured
Is the damage covered under the warranty?
• Not • Damages covered by a warranty or service contract are not covered by the EEI policy
How is the child savings plan inflation protected?
• An example of a mechanism: • The insured amount increases annually with the inflation index • The insurance premium increases with a percentage communicated by the insurer
Is casco insurance valid without winter tires?
• Yes, but insurers apply a penalty • When should winter tires be put on? • The recommendation is to install them from October or at the latest when the weather turns bad (mule, snow, poles)
Where does the money come from to pay?
Basically, the customers of an insurer offer mutual help to each other in case one of them dies. But this aid is not sealed verbally, but through a contract administered by the insurer.
At what value is a floating stock insured?
• Since the risk can occur at any time, including when the stock is at its peak value, I recommend that you insure the stock at its maximum value
How do you find out the real objection by "ask and find out"?
• Ask • You ask the client to say what is on his mind • Here are some examples of clarification questions: - Is it just me or is something bothering you? - I feel that you have a dissatisfaction; this is true? - I would like to move on, but I can tell that you have something on your mind... what is it about? - Your look tells me that something is wrong; I'm here to help you, so... I'm listening - My flair says that something is bothering you and I can only help you if you are honest and tell me what is bothering you
How do I choose a casco insurer?
• My recommendation is to orient yourself by the number of petitions and by the weight of well-founded petitions • You can access the ASF website for this purpose
How is the insured sum determined at casco?
• It is determined as the market value of the vehicle at the time of its insurance • The insured amount depends on the degree of wear and tear applied to the new value of the vehicle • Each insurer sets its own attrition grid, for each year, and falls within certain limits
How is the amount insured on the building determined?
• It is recommended that the amount insured on the building represents the new (reconstruction) value, which means the cost of building a building with similar constructive and functional characteristics
Why do people on whom the fate of a family depends need death insurance?
• With the death of the person, the income that he brought to the family also disappears • Life insurance replaces the income of the prematurely deceased person • If the dependent client asks: • If I die, what else do I need insurance for? • reply: • If you die, will your descendants still need money to live on? • Life insurance does not ensure that you do not die • But life insurance ensures that your plans don't die with you • With the death of the person, the income that he brought to the family also disappears • Life insurance replaces the income of the prematurely deceased person • If the dependent client asks: • If I die, what else do I need insurance for? • reply: • If you die, will your descendants still need money to live on? • Life insurance does not ensure that you do not die • But life insurance ensures that your plans don't die with you
How do you get the guaranteed amounts at the end of each year?
• In terms of guaranteed (traditional) life insurance, of which the child savings plan insurance is also a part, capitalization means the following: every year the amount existing at the end of the previous year (called mathematical reserve) is invested, together with the premium of investments from the year starting • The insurer guarantees that the minimum investment return will be equal to the guaranteed technical interest • In this way, the minimum amounts are guaranteed at the end of each year of the contract; these values ​​are called mathematical reserves • Since the minimum amount at the maturity of the contract is guaranteed, it follows that the intermediate values ​​(mathematical reserves) over the entire duration of the policy are also guaranteed • The notion of mathematical reserve can be difficult for the client to understand; if you end up discussing these details with him, instead of a mathematical reserve, you can use the phrase "guaranteed accumulated sums" • It is important to note – and to communicate to the client – ​​that these accumulated guaranteed amounts are guaranteed to the client both by the insurer, by contract, and by the ASF, through the FGA • The bottom line is this: traditional life insurance (that is, with a guaranteed technical benefit) is among the safest long-term investments • Westerners have known this for hundreds of years - the first life insurances appeared in the 19th century; Romanians are only now (re)learning... • That's why in the insurance market in developed countries, life insurance holds the largest share, as in gross annualized premiums (PBA) • Remember: the guaranteed technical interest is guaranteed for the entire duration of the policy • This means that no matter what happens in the economy, no matter how interest rates fluctuate, the insured, respectively the beneficiary - i.e. the child, benefits from the same minimum interest for the entire duration of the policy • If the question "so what?" crosses your mind, it would not hurt to consider the following realities: • In the years 1995-2000, when the sale of life insurance took off in Romania, the guaranteed technical interest had the value of 5.5% • A customer who bought a traditional life insurance in 2000, with a duration of 30 years, benefits from the same minimum interest until 2030 (!) • When you talk to your client about saving for the long term, when you get to present the benefits of traditional life insurance, focus on safety, not profit • The safety argument will not be able to contradict it, while the profit argument, yes... • There are other investment instruments that can generate a higher return than traditional life insurance; remember the nuance: "can"
What is death insurance?
It is a risk product that covers death from any cause. There are also other types of death insurance, for example unlimited term insurance or insurance with return of premiums, but they are little known in Romania. Death insurance is actually a large sum of money created instantly for the protection of your loved ones. To gather the same amount of cure would take decades, and death could occur tomorrow.
What clauses for the insured (eg the parent) can be attached to the child's policy?
- Death insurance from any cause - Accidental death insurance - Permanent disability insurance - Insurance of exemption from the payment of premiums in case of invalidity • The types of clauses differ by insurer
What happens to the child savings plan if premiums are waived?
• The policy remains valid but for a lower sum assured, called reduced sum assured • In this case, the child will still have a savings plan, but "smaller", without the insured paying anything more • A great advantage, isn't it? • The guaranteed accumulated sum (or mathematical reserve) will continue to be invested, and the insurer will continue to guarantee the same technical interest
How is the sum insured determined?
• The insured amount is determined based on the business plan • There are two possible scenarios, from the perspective of the insured: • Turnover is expected to stagnate • The increase in turnover is estimated, with the percentage of... %
What sections does the EEI policy contain?
• The EEI policy contains three sections:
How do you respond to the objection "I'm not buying life insurance now"?
• Insurance is like a parachute: if you don't have it with you at the right time, you'll never need it again • I could tell you a few cases, of widows who came, devastated, to open a claim... but they are too gloomy to ruin your day with them • But I can tell you only one thing: gerbils dry up, candles go out, relatives and friends leave • The only help, concrete, substantial and non-refundable, comes from life insurance
What should be your goals during your internship?
- Get as many new customer (prospect) names as possible - Make appointments with as many clients as possible - Make as many offers as possible - To sell as many policies as possible • If the expression "as many" seems strange to you, know that it was used not because BrainO does not know how to formulate an objective, but because, in the case of intermediaries who sell composite insurance, it is practically impossible to made a standardization • One thing you should understand from the beginning: your working day must be full • This does not mean not eating, not resting, or not solving your personal problems • This means not falling into the trap of having dead times and periods of unnecessary lamentation
What is turnover?
• Turnover represents the amount of money that can be paid to the insured for the goods sold, delivered or for the services provided in direct connection with the business
How can you use databases?
• There are sites where you can get complex databases, with commercial companies in your area • There are free databases and fee-based databases • In addition to the fact that you instantly get all the information you need about commercial companies, using databases also has an important advantage: there are no restrictions imposed by the GDPR!
Why do people buy insurance?
• Why do people buy insurance? • What does financial security mean? • What risks can affect a family's financial security? • What does it mean for a family to have enough insurance?
What does "benefit" mean in insurance?
• When you buy a product or service that you want, the benefit is the pride... • But when you buy insurance, what is the benefit? • You keep the insurance policy in a drawer or in a folder on your laptop... • You don't enjoy it, you don't admire it, you don't use it, nobody sees it, you can't brag about it... • And this can take years on end… • So why do you buy it? • An insurance takes a burden off your shoulders • When you bought an insurance policy you breathe a sigh of relief • The benefit of insurance is the feeling of security • You have not added something to your life, but you know that you will not lose something from your life
What does superior expected return mean?
• A policy with a higher expected return refers to the fact that the customer expects, for the same money paid and over the same period of time, to receive a larger amount of money at the maturity of the policy than if he had bought a traditional policy, so guaranteed • If you are an honest man, do not present simulation predictions as guarantees, but as what they are: predictions • The reality can be more beautiful or uglier than the predictions (see the crisis of 2008-2010...) • Attention: this is the expected return, and not guaranteed! • Replace "you will receive" with "you may receive"
Are dental problems covered by travel insurance?
Only emergency expenses are covered, usually for a maximum of two teeth and within the limit of the sum insured specified in the policy under this clause.
When is death insurance payment excluded?
Just so that the insurer has money to pay the benefits. Situations where the risk of death becomes foreseeable, for example wars or pandemics are excluded.
What information do you require to offer unit linked?
• The minimum information for bidding is as follows: • What is your salary? • Or the alternative: in which range are your incomes? • How old are you? • What amount would the family need in case of death? • How much do you want to invest, annually? • Or the alternative: what amount are you willing to risk, annually, placing the money in an investment? • Pay attention to the following aspect: • Your interest – a high regular premium, which generates a high commission, and the client's interest – a low regular premium and additional payments – can collide • What do you choose? • Explain to the client that the triple "term of over 20 years - minimum staggered premium - additional payments" can optimize the return on investment
If I make changes to the building, will the policy still be valid?
• It depends on the specifics of the changes • You must notify the insurer, in writing, of the changes you intend to make, and the insurer will notify you whether or not the policy remains valid, and under what conditions
How do you respond to the objection "I don't have money to buy business insurance"?
• I think you mean that you are a thoughtful manager and don't waste the company's money • This is exactly what I propose: make a small, predictable expense to prevent a huge, unpredictable expense that can put the business on the rocks • Paying the insurance will not impact the business in any way • But the lack of insurance can have the effect of ruining the business
Why do key people in a business need life insurance?
• In the case of the premature death of the key person of the business (it can be a manager, a valuable engineer, an IT-st, an architect, a doctor, an exceptional professional in general), it is possible that both the turnover and the profit business to decline • Sum insured can be equal to the profit generated by the key man • The beneficiaries of the insurance are the shareholders, in the case of SA, respectively the associations, in the case of SRL • In the case of the premature death of the key person of the business (it can be a manager, a valuable engineer, an IT-st, an architect, a doctor, an exceptional professional in general), it is possible that both the turnover and the profit business to decline • Sum insured can be equal to the profit generated by the key man • The beneficiaries of the insurance are the shareholders, in the case of SA, respectively the associations, in the case of SRL
When is the interlocutor happy to recommend you?
• When you are in a favorable position • For example, when talking laudatory about insurance; the interlocutor will be proud to know you and brag about you
How do you know if the story has reached its goal?
• If the client becomes interested and enters into a discussion on the topic you proposed, it means you have achieved your goal
What are the advantages of verbal presentation of insurance solutions?
- Visual contact, so the possibility of influencing the client through non-verbal language (mimicry and gestures) and para-verbal language (voice) - Ability to respond on the spot to the client's questions and objections - The possibility to "read" the client
What are BrainO's recommendations for you?
• Learn to work with an agenda; first thing in the morning, when you drink your coffee, consult your diary • Learn all you can about insurance; use only serious sources of information for this purpose • Do every day a little of the things you dislike, but which are important; it could be calling customers or asking for referrals, or maybe something else… • Tell everyone, whenever you have the opportunity, that you deal with insurance; not just cheap RCA, but insurance • When talking to a client to whom you want to sell insurance, always ask yourself: "What does he want to hear from me to buy insurance?" • People don't buy insurance, people buy people; customers will buy from you if, first and foremost, they like you • Dare to ask uncomfortable questions; insurance itself is not a nice thing, but a necessity • Aim to become, little by little, the only insurance intermediary for each client; if you are good and offer good products, what reason would there be another middleman...? • Serve your customers impeccably; most will appreciate this • Build a network of technicians (underwriters, product managers, claims inspectors, etc.), at each insurer, to serve you well and quickly; you will have an advantage over other intermediaries • Learn to use technology; you will gain time and customers
What happens in case of total loss?
• The insured receives the maximum insured sum from which the value of the wreckage is deducted • Depending on the type of damage (accidental damage, total theft, natural events), each insurer specifies the exact compensation conditions in the policy (for example, whether or not certain deductibles apply, etc.)
What do you need to learn at the beginning of your career?
• With BrainO by your side, you can learn what you need anytime, anywhere
Why should I buy life insurance?
Buying life insurance is one of the best decisions you can make for your family's safety. What could cause you to put your family at risk?
What are the stages of the "three-legged table" method?
• Each of the stages has an important role • Whichever step you skip, it will be harder for you to reach your goal
How do you plan your activity if you can only work in the evening?
• If you can deal with insurance only in the evening, then it means that: - You can call prospects only in the evening - You can only have meetings in the evening - You can do all the rest of the sales actions (bidding, issuing) only in the evening - You can only study in the evening • Meeting with the client must always be a priority; even if you have something else planned for tonight, if a client has accepted you in the meantime, you will go to the meeting and countermand the other activities • You must prepare a specific telephone approach; it can be like this: • "I could visit you tomorrow afternoon, after 6pm to be precise... Is that okay? Where can I find you at that time, are you still at work or can we meet at your home? What time is convenient for you? Please book 20...30 minutes for discussion. Can you give me the address please?" • You will also benefit from specializing in online communication; online you can communicate anytime and from anywhere • BrainO provides you with online communication templates for all stages of the sales process
What happens to the unit linked policy if premiums are waived?
• Risk premiums and policy administration costs will continue to be deducted from the account value • The number of fund units will decrease over time • And during the period in which the payment of premiums was waived, the client can make additional payments • It is an advantage worth considering • With a traditional insurance, in the case of waiving the payment of premiums, the insured sums decrease • With unit linked, in the case of waiving the payment of premiums, the sum assured on death remains the same
What does it mean for a family to have enough insurance?
• And when you consider that most customers think that an RCA is enough for them...! • Do you realize how many policies you can sell your customers because they urgently need them, even though they don't realize it yet? • You will be able to try to sell other insurance policies only in families where there is not enough insurance yet • Are there many families in these? • This is probably 99% of families!
How do you deal with the "Not now" objection?
• It is actually another form of expressing the objection "I don't need" • A customer who is aware that the risk exists and can occur at any time does not postpone the purchase of insurance, especially for the most serious risks (death, disability, destruction of the home) - A: Not now • Insurance is like a parachute: if you don't have it with you at the right time, you'll never need it again. (propose the meeting) - A: Not now • If fire, death, or earthquake reach you before me... You say what will happen then. (propose the meeting) • A: I look for you when I need it • I understand you... Only when you need it you will have to call 112, not me. I can help you today, when you are healthy, have a home, maybe a car... I mean a good life (proposes the meeting) • It is actually another form of expressing the objection "I don't need" • A customer who is aware that the risk exists and can occur at any time does not postpone the purchase of insurance, especially for the most serious risks (death, disability, destruction of the home) - A: Not now • Insurance is like a parachute: if you don't have it with you at the right time, you'll never need it again. (propose the meeting) - A: Not now • If fire, death, or earthquake reach you before me... You say what will happen then. (propose the meeting) • A: I look for you when I need it • I understand you... Only when you need it you will have to call 112, not me. I can help you today, when you are healthy, have a home, maybe a car... I mean a good life (proposes the meeting) • This objection actually sounds something like this: "I'm sure there won't be an earthquake tomorrow, I'm sure there won't be a fire, I'm sure I won't make any mistakes, etc." • Earthquake, fire or mistake will only be possible the day after tomorrow... ... ... • Absurd, isn't it? • The risk is unpredictable; it can happen today, tomorrow, in 11 years or maybe never • But if it occurs, the consequences can be serious; very serious • A client who makes this statement needs to be "shaken" a little, in the sense of reminding him that the risk is a certainty; it cannot be undone, no matter how foresight you are
How to tell a story to "catch" the client?
• Be natural • Surprise with the turn of phrase • Presents a parable of the story • Ask the customer's opinion, at least at the end of the story • Match the tone to the message
What happens to the death policy if premiums are waived?
In the case of waiving the payment of premiums. The policy remains valid only during the grace period, which is usually 30 days. If the death occurs after the grace period, the insurer has the right to refuse payment of compensation. Some insurers grant a grace period after the grace period in which the policy can be reinstated by paying the outstanding premium and completing the insurance questionnaire.
How do you present the benefits of mixed life insurance?
• At the maturity of the policy you receive the sum assured plus an additional profit • Throughout the duration of the contract, the family is protected, in the sense that they will receive the sum insured in case of premature death • Basically, whatever happens to you – good or bad – the same amount of money enters the family • Or, to put it another way, whatever happens, the money paid is not lost • And the family will use them exactly when they need them the most
How can you deal with stingy customers?
• I understand that you have no money • I mean... money to throw away • Since you paid money on the car policy (example), you realize that the risk exists, don't you? • This is the most important • If you don't have a few hundred lei for the insurance you lack, where will the family get a few tens of thousands of Euros to replace what may disappear? • For example housing • Or your income • Or the business
How much money do I get if I cancel the unit linked policy?
• Termination of the policy actually means selling the fund units and collecting the resulting amount • The insurer will sell the fund units in your account at the price on the day of registration of the request and pay you the account value • A penalty may apply
How do I know the insurer will pay?
You enter into a contract with the insurer, which must be respected by both parties.
Why don't I get anything back if I cancel the policy or if I survive at expiry? That he just didn't die?
Home insurance. You get something back when the policy expires, but at CASCO? Death insurance is the same. Life insurance is risk insurance without savings. This is also the reason why this policy is cheap. With a small premium you can buy a large sum assured.
Are there age limits for death insurance?
Death insurance age limits. Age limits differ between insurers. The usual ones are the minimum age of the insured when the policy is issued 18 years. The maximum age of the insured when the policy is issued is 60 years. The maximum age of the insured at the maturity of the policy 75 years.
Why is it good to present your work strategy?
• Customers are not used to being asked questions, especially uncomfortable or thought-provoking questions • They are used to being presented with products: "We have...", "It's the best...", "It's the cheapest..." etc. • But making a client aware of the risks is done by asking questions that may create temporary discomfort; nobody enjoys discussing troubles • But ignoring risks does not mean eliminating them • That is why it will be easier for you if you familiarize the client with the fact that you will ask him questions
How do you answer "I don't have money to buy home insurance"?
• I ask you a simple question: if you don't have 100 Euros, where will you get 100,000 Euros? • And 100 Euros per year means 1.5 lei per day • Do you risk the fate of your family for 1.5 lei per day? • For 100 Euros, you ensure that the insurer, from the millions of Euros it has, sets aside 100,000 Euros for you • And he can do it right now
How do you get the information to quote on death insurance?
• I have thought of a solution, depending on the income you have and other similar policies I have made • Tell me, the amount of... lei, is it enough, or do you want to leave more to the wife, in case...? (choose at least 36 salaries)
What does full casco insurance mean?
• There is no full casco in Romania because, just like any other insurance, casco also contains insured risks, mentioned in the policy, completed with the related exclusions, also specified in the policy
How can you approach old customers when you are face to face with them?
• The customer is in front of you • You have collected the installment, or renewed the policy, probably exchanged pleasantries, as you usually do… • Now you want to propose a new insurance • And you know from experience that your proposal might be met with reluctance, if not hostility • Therefore, you must prepare your ground… • How can you do this? • Through an opening of the discussion that captures the customer's attention • Depending on how you know him and how you feel him, then, on the spot, your client...,
What do you think you don't do well (what doesn't work for you)?
• You may be dealing with several of the four typical problems, but find it difficult to solve them all at once • Choose one of the issues you want to focus on next: