Are there age limits for death insurance?
Death insurance age limits. Age limits differ between insurers. The usual ones are the minimum age of the insured when the policy is issued 18 years. The maximum age of the insured when the policy is issued is 60 years. The maximum age of the insured at the maturity of the policy 75 years.
Can the death policy be amended?
Yes. Most insurers accept anniversary policy changes. If you want to increase the insured amount, the insurer will ask you to complete a new medical questionnaire.
Installments, food, gas, medicine, clothes, phone maintenance, cable TV, French lessons, car service, new tires, dog food. And this insurance agent is also bothering us. The husband said sullenly to his wife. Yes, you're right, yes, and the agent is when he says we can afford all this on our salaries, his wife replied, risking a family quarrel. However, he stopped eating and waved to his wife, indicating that he had gone mad. Do you know Violeta, my colleague from work? Did the wife dare to continue? Yes, what about Violeta? Remember her husband was electrocuted? She was left a widow to raise two children alone. Three years have already passed since then. I see her tired and sad all the time. I often hear her talking to her children on the phone and she keeps telling them that we can't do that, we can't afford that. We say to conclude once Do you want to buy the damn life insurance once? My dear, I'm going to the store to get some more bread and then I'm coming home. These were the husband's last words.
The next words that struck terror into the wife's soul were those of the police officer. Your husband had an accident. The answer he gave to the 3-year-old girl who asked But when is daddy coming home? He doesn't even remember, but he probably was. Daddy never comes again. The days that followed seemed unreal. All. She couldn't believe that the unimaginable had happened to her and that from a cheerful and caring wife, she suddenly became a widow. Years passed, the girl grew up. The drama she had gone through years before had marked her. She was more serious and mature than her peers. Just like before the tragedy, the mother made sure that the little girl did not lack anything. But when they bought more expensive things, he made sure to discreetly remind her. These are from Tavi. Daddy is no longer with us, but because you loved yourself so much, he took care and left some money especially for you. Obviously, it was the money from the father's life insurance.
What to answer when the client says that he prefers to put the money in the bank?
How much money do you have in the bank today? So, after years of work, if you have an accident, leave your wife and children the amount of this much lei. This is true. If you take out death insurance from the day the policy comes into force, the insurer sets aside the sum assured specifically for your wife and children.
How is life insurance inflation protected?
Here is an example of a mechanism used by insurers. The insured amount increases annually with the inflation index. The insurance premium increases with a percentage communicated by the insurer.
What happens to the death policy if premiums are waived?
In the case of waiving the payment of premiums. The policy remains valid only during the grace period, which is usually 30 days. If the death occurs after the grace period, the insurer has the right to refuse payment of compensation. Some insurers grant a grace period after the grace period in which the policy can be reinstated by paying the outstanding premium and completing the insurance questionnaire.
Why not give up the death insurance?
That would actually mean something like, my dear, if I die, you and our baby manage as best you can.
What happens if I refuse to pay the insurance?
When asked this question, the first answer given must be If you stop paying the insurance, the family will be vulnerable again and that could mean trouble and suffering in addition to heartache.
What role does death insurance policy play for a family?
Death insurance replaces the insured's income in the event of premature death. This amount is mostly received by the descendants.
What example could be given to motivate the client to buy life insurance?
If only every wife knew what every widow knows. In every family there would be life insurance.
Who buys life insurance?
Life insurance is bought by responsible and altruistic people. A selfish person only cares about himself. From an adult who has a family, but who is selfish. Will you hear if they die, do they manage?
What amount does the insurer pay in case of termination of the policy on death?
Being risk insurance, death insurance has no cash value. In case of termination of the policy, the insured receives nothing.
Why don't I get anything back if I cancel the death insurance?
If I terminate CASCO or home insurance. Get something back.
Why should I buy life insurance?
Buying life insurance is one of the best decisions you can make for your family's safety. What could cause you to put your family at risk?