How do you find out the real objection?
• You can find out about the real objection in two ways:
How do you recognize an objection?
• An objection can be transmitted directly, i.e. verbally, or indirectly, i.e. through tone or non-verbal language, i.e. through facial expressions or gestures • To ensure that you resolve the real objection, you need to get the customer to say what's wrong with them, not just imply that they have a grievance
How do you deal with customers who resent your insistence?
• Sometimes clients react badly to the intermediary's insistence • Why? • Because Romanians are not used to taking care of themselves and perceive your good intentions as something contrary to their personal interests • In this context, how much should you insist? • As in everything, you have to find a balance: - If you insist too little or not at all, the client will remain underinsured and you will lose out on commission - in that order! - If you insist too much, the client will get angry and break the relationship with you • So? • Insist long enough that the customer understands they are underinsured, but not so long that they stop answering your phone
How do you deal with the "Not now" objection?
• This objection actually sounds something like this: "I'm sure there won't be an earthquake tomorrow, I'm sure there won't be a fire, I'm sure I won't make any mistakes, etc." • Earthquake, fire or mistake will only be possible the day after tomorrow... ... ... • Absurd, isn't it? • The risk is unpredictable; it can happen today, tomorrow, in 11 years or maybe never • But if it occurs, the consequences can be serious; very serious • A client who makes this statement needs to be "shaken" a little, in the sense of reminding him that the risk is a certainty; it cannot be undone, no matter how foresight you are
How do you solve the "I don't have money" objection?
• Is it a real objection? • Yes (1%) and no (99%) • There may be temporary, transient situations in which the family has few financial resources: for example in the days preceding the salary or in the case of illness of a family member • Most of the time, however, it is a false objection, which actually masks distrust
How do you deal with the "I don't need it" objection?
• Is it a real objection? • Obviously not - Do you need a house to live in? - Do you need income? - Do you need a car to get around? - Do you need a source from which to cover unexpected payment obligations? - Is risk a certainty in the life of each of us? - Could producing a risk result in the destruction of the home, loss of income, destruction of the car, the appearance of payment obligations? • The answer to each of these questions is "Yes" • And then it is obvious that every man needs insurance • Not one policy, but several, which would provide him and his family with enough insurance • So the objection "I don't need insurance" is a false objection • It usually masks the objection of distrust
How do you resolve the "I don't trust" objection?
• Is it a real objection? • Surely • It is one of the most frequent objections • Can be caused by problems in the insurance market (bankruptcies, late payments, etc.), negative personal experiences or rumors and prejudices • Resolving this objection can be done by providing arguments that the client cannot deny
How do customers express their dissatisfaction?
• Verbal: They make negative statements or ask mean questions • Paraverbal: phrases are spoken in an ironic or aggressive tone; or, on the contrary, the client is silent • Nonverbal: I make gestures with my hand or shake my head in disbelief, look askance or sneer implicitly, with the meaning "Let me know..."
What if the insurer goes bankrupt?
• How many insurers have you heard of going bankrupt? • If you mean Astra, Carpatica, Euroins and City, these companies had a common denominator: they practiced dumping prices in RCA • And three of them had Romanian shareholders • To reduce this risk, choose a strong insurer • Some of the strongest and most experienced insurers in Europe operate in Romania
If the insurer leaves the country?
• If an insurer leaves the country - as has happened in a few cases - it sells its portfolio to another insurer • The new owner of the company keeps the terms of the insurance contracts in force
How do I know that the company will still exist in 20...30 years?
• You have no way of knowing • And no one has any way of knowing • Have you heard of Aviva, Axa, Eureko...? • These insurers were active in Romania, after which they withdrew • Today, the policies concluded with these insurers are administered by other insurers, by keeping the conditions of the insurance contract • An insurer exiting a market does so by selling its portfolio • The insurance conditions do not change by changing the insurer • So you have nothing to worry about
What are the major risks?
• Death • Total permanent disability • Serious illnesses
What are the major risks?
• If you insist on medium risks, you risk hearing an objection like "Let it go, I'll find 2-300 lei there for a hospital stay..." • To sell additional clauses, highlight the major risks, which can generate expenses of thousands or tens of thousands of Euros
What are the average risks?
• Less serious illnesses or accidents, followed by: - Surgery - Hospitalization - Fractures - Burns - Temporary incapacity for work
What medical expenses are covered?
• Medical tests • Drugs • Glasses • Prostheses and orthoses
What information do you require to offer the additional clauses?
• Start the discussion from protection needs, i.e. from the cost of treatment in serious situations and continue with medium risks • If you go with the average risks, the client will say that he will always find a few hundred lei for some medicine... • Avoid discussing price at this stage
What risks do the additional clauses cover?
• Additional clauses cover two categories of risks: • Major risks, which can affect the financial stability of the family by depleting savings and/or reducing income • Average risks, which can affect family savings
What risks do the additional clauses cover?
• Major risks, respectively medium risks, refer to the financial impact they can have, in terms of the cost of treatment to restore health • Sometimes average risks, such as a fracture or surgery of medium difficulty, could be covered from family savings • But major risks, which lead to the disappearance of income and / or the sudden increase in expenses, cannot be covered from family savings • For a family to overcome the financial problems generated by a major risk, a source of money is needed: and this is life insurance • It is important that the risks are covered in this order: major and then medium, especially if the client does not have the money to buy all the clauses
What is the role of additional clauses for a family?
• Additional clauses have several roles: - Provides additional protection to the family in case of premature death - Provides the insured with money for treatment in case of serious illnesses or in case of disability - Gives the insured money for treatment in case of less serious health problems
What happens to clauses when premiums stop being paid?
• After the grace period, the additional clauses lose their validity • It is possible for the insurer to accept the reinstatement of the additional clauses, by paying the outstanding premiums and completing a new medical questionnaire • If the insured acquired an illness or suffered an accident in the meantime, the insurer may refuse to reinstate some of the clauses or reactivate them, but with exclusions
What are additional clauses?
• Additional clauses are sickness and accident insurance, which can be attached to the basic insurance • Some of the clauses may also cover other family members (depends on the insurer)
How do you present additional clauses that provide allowances?
• Additional clauses can compensate for the drop in family income if you die prematurely • Additional clauses also give you money for treatment and protect your savings
How do you present the exemption from paying premiums in case of disability?
- From what source will you pay the premiums? - Do you work for a salary, or do you receive it as a gift? - In order to work, the first condition is to be able to work, okay? - If there were an accident that would make you unable to work, your salary and insurance would disappear, wouldn't it? - If the insurance continued, unchanged, being paid by the insurer, what would you say?
How is supplementary clauses inflation protected?
• The inflation protection of additional clauses is done in the same way as for the basic insurance, to which the clauses are attached
How am I compensated if the sum insured is less than the expenses?
• The maximum compensation you can receive is the sum insured • That's why I recommend you buy "enough" insurance from the beginning • On the other hand, you will be compensated even if you have not paid a single lei, because the insurer compensates you based on medical documents, and not on invoices
If I run out of money on a clause, can I still be compensated?
• During the year in which your allowance was paid, no • But at the beginning of the next insurance year, the clause will be "refilled", so you will be able to be compensated again, if necessary • The exception is the insurance for serious illnesses, which, if you have used up, its effects cease
If I have another life insurance policy with similar terms, will I get money from both policies?
• Yes • You can have as many life insurances as you like, and you will be compensated by each one separately, if there are the same clauses in the policies • Human life cannot be valued, as is the case with goods or property
If I am treated in a state hospital, how will I be compensated?
• No matter which type of hospital you are treated in, you will be compensated the same • For reimbursement of hospitalization or surgical interventions, you will not be asked for invoices, but the discharge ticket and other medical documents
How do I know the insurer will compensate me correctly?
• The insurer concludes a contract with you • That contract must be respected • Since Romanian insurers pay almost 4 million Euro per day in the form of indemnities and compensations, it means that they respect their contracts
Do allowances paid affect saving?
• Not • Protection and saving are independent of each other • No matter what allowances were paid to the insured during the contract period, if he is alive at the maturity of the policy he will receive the amount specified in the contract
Can additional clauses be added or removed?
• Yes • This can usually be done on the policy anniversary, on application, and obviously with the insurer's agreement • If the addition of clauses is requested, the insurer will request the completion of a medical questionnaire • If he notices a deterioration in health, he will most likely refuse to add new clauses
Can the insured sums be changed in the additional clauses?
• In some clauses, the insured amounts can be changed • This can usually be done on the policy anniversary, on application, and obviously with the insurer's agreement • If an increase in the insured sums is requested, the insurer will request the completion of a medical questionnaire • If he notices a deterioration in his health, the insurer will most likely refuse to increase the sums insured
Can cumulative benefits be paid?
• Yes • If an event is covered by more than one clause, benefits will be paid based on each clause
What are the advantages of unit linked compared to other investment instruments?
- The ease of investing; once you've taken out the policy, you essentially have to pay the premiums, and that's it - Death protection - Investment discipline; the insurer communicates the due dates to you, which prompts you to invest rhythmically as recommended by the specialists - Continuity of the investment, including in case of disability, if you have purchased the exemption clause from the payment of premiums in case of disability
Which are the most profitable and which are the safest assets?
• The assets that can bring the highest return are also those that can generate the biggest loss
Which are the most profitable and which are the safest assets?
• Show the client this chart so they can set realistic expectations • High gain and safety at the same time,... not yet invented • In the "low risk - low gain" area are the assets in which traditional insurance capitals are invested • That is why traditional insurance returns are low
What clauses can be attached to the unit linked policy?
• Clauses can be attached to the unit linked policy to increase death protection and clauses to provide you with money for treatment in the event of an accident or illness • Some of the clauses may also cover other family members (depends on the insurer)
What is the effect of buying a policy with the minimum staggered premium?
• The minimum tiered premium offers the advantage of minimizing expenses • The customer will be able to benefit from the flexibility of the unit linked policy, being able to make additional payments • Attention: • The disadvantage of this choice is the very low death protection, since the minimum installment premium corresponds to the minimum sum insured
What is fund allocation?
• Fund allocation consists in determining the percentages of investment premium allocation in each of the three funds • Example: - 50% in the high risk fund - 30% in the medium risk fund - 20% in the low risk fund • Fund allocation can change at any time • Each insurer offers 1 or 2 free fund allocation changes each year
What is a fund unit?
• The fund unit is the unit of measure for the performance of an investment fund • The fund units in the account of a contract represent the holdings of the contractor in the investment fund, based on the premiums paid • Fund units change their value from day to day, depending on the value of the fund
What is a unit linked policy?
• Unit linked is a life insurance with an investment component • The specificity of this policy consists in a higher expected return • To benefit from this advantage, the insured accepts to assume the investment risk
What is an asset?
• Assets are resources accumulated in the past with the purpose of obtaining profit in the future • The most common assets are: - Bank deposits - State titles - The bonds - ETFs - Actions - Real estate - Precious metals
What is an investment fund?
• An investment fund is an institution in which people jointly invest their savings • Accumulated funds are used to purchase assets • Depending on the assets in which capital is invested, there are three types of funds
What impact does duration have on unit linked policy performance?
• Between 1925 and 2018, i.e. almost a century, whoever invested in the stock market for at least 20 years, obtained a maximum return of 19%, a minimum return of 3% and never lost
What information do you require to offer unit linked?
• The minimum information for bidding is as follows: • What is your salary? • Or the alternative: in which range are your incomes? • How old are you? • What amount would the family need in case of death? • How much do you want to invest, annually? • Or the alternative: what amount are you willing to risk, annually, placing the money in an investment?
What information do you require to offer unit linked?
• Pay attention to the following aspect: • Your interest – a high regular premium, which generates a high commission, and the client's interest – a low regular premium and additional payments – can collide • What do you choose? • Explain to the client that the triple "term of over 20 years - minimum staggered premium - additional payments" can optimize the return on investment
What can I do if I see that I'm losing money?
• You are probably referring to the fact that the value of the units decreases, correct? • In this case you don't have to do anything; simply • On the contrary, if you have an amount of money available, this is the right time to invest • Please note that you only lose money if you cancel the policy when the units are cheap • Panic is the number 1 enemy of investors
What return can I get?
• You can go to the website of insurer X, where you will find the evolution of each fund, from its creation to the present • Please keep in mind that the past is no guarantee of the future • In the field of investments, we are talking about forecasts, not certainties
What is an additional payment?
• The additional payment consists in buying some fund units at a given time • It is recommended that this operation be performed when the fund unit is cheap (has a small value) • Making an additional payment is an advantage specific to investment products
What is an additional payment?
• Additional payment, in the client's language: • If you want to buy Euros, when is it good to do it, when is the price low or high? • It is the same with additional payments • The best thing the customer can do when the unit is cheap is to make an additional payment • And the worst thing is to panic and withdraw your money
What risks does the unit linked policy cover?
• The unit linked policy covers the risk of death from any cause • There are two ways of calculating the allowance paid in case of death: - The sum between the sum assured at death and the account value at the date of death - The maximum between the sum assured at death and the account value at the date of death
What is the role of the unit linked policy for a family?
• The unit linked policy has a double role: - Family protection in case of premature death - Making a profit, in the long term • Investment specialists give the following advice: • Only invest as much as you can afford to lose
What happens to my money if the insurer goes bankrupt?
• In this case you may lose some of your money • But I would like to ask you something… • How many serious insurers have you heard of going bankrupt?
What happens to the money paid by the customer for the unit linked policy?
• Part of the insurance premium is spent (risk fund, commissions, medical tests, correspondence, prints, FGA tax), and part is invested in investment funds • The investment premium is used to buy fund units
What happens to the unit linked policy if I stop paying premiums?
• The policy will continue, including death protection, as long as you have fund units in the account • The cost of life insurance and administration costs will be deducted from the number of fund units • When the number of fund units reaches 0, the policy will terminate • The insurer will notify you of the imminent termination of the policy
What happens to the unit linked policy if premiums are waived?
• Risk premiums and policy administration costs will continue to be deducted from the account value • The number of fund units will decrease over time
What happens to the unit linked policy if premiums are waived?
• And during the period in which the payment of premiums was waived, the client can make additional payments • It is an advantage worth considering • With a traditional insurance, in the case of waiving the payment of premiums, the insured sums decrease • With unit linked, in the case of waiving the payment of premiums, the sum assured on death remains the same
What amount does the insurer pay in case of termination of the unit linked policy?
• In the event of policy termination, the insurer will sell all existing fund units in the customer's account • The penalty percentage specified in the contract will be applied to the resulting amount, and the resulting amount will be paid to the client
What amount does the insurer pay in case of termination of the unit linked policy?
• Instead of canceling the policy, a partial withdrawal can be made if the client's family urgently needs money • The worst time to cancel the policy is when the units are cheap • It is like selling the currency you have saved exactly when the Euro is the cheapest • You will obviously lose
What is the assumption of investment risk?
• By assuming the investment risk, the client understands and accepts the fact that it is possible that at the maturity of the policy he will receive less money than he paid
What does superior expected return mean?
• A policy with a higher expected return refers to the fact that the customer expects, for the same money paid and over the same period of time, to receive a larger amount of money at the maturity of the policy than if he had bought a traditional policy, so guaranteed
What does superior expected return mean?
• If you are an honest man, do not present simulation predictions as guarantees, but as what they are: predictions • The reality can be more beautiful or uglier than the predictions (see the crisis of 2008-2010...) • Attention: this is the expected return, and not guaranteed! • Replace "you will receive" with "you may receive"
Who and how determines the value of the fund unit?
• The daily value of the fund unit is set by the investment manager of the insurance company (can be internal or external) • The value of a fund unit is obtained by dividing the value of the managed fund by the total number of fund units, related to the entire client portfolio • The daily value of a fund unit is posted on the investment manager's website and the insurer's website
How do you present the unit inked policy?
• If you are willing to take a risk, you can invest some of your savings in the unit linked policy • The insurer will invest your money in the funds you choose - riskier or less risky - and at the maturity of the policy you will receive the amount resulting from the investments • You can reduce the investment risk through a long investment duration of over 20 years • You will also be able to invest any additional, unforeseen savings that appear during the contract
How do you present the unit inked policy?
• To the question "What do you advise me to do?" reply: • I cannot decide on your money • I present you the advantages and disadvantages of the product, but the decision is yours • Present the product in such a way that the customer understands its advantages but at the same time can never blame you for having misinformed him • Send him an e-mail with the conclusions; and then archive the email
How is the death benefit calculated on a unit linked policy?
• The insured amount in case of death is 5,000 lei • On the date of death, the value of the account is 38,467.82 lei • Beneficiaries upon death will receive a total allowance in the amount of: - In the "amount" option: 5,000 + 38,467.82 = 43,467.82 lei - In the "maximum" version: 38,467.82 lei
How is account value calculated?
• The account value is calculated by multiplying the number of fund units by the value of one fund unit • At some point: • There are 2,705.11 fund units in the client's account • The value of a fund unit is 17.62 lei • The value of the account is: 2,705.11 x 17.62 = 47,664.03 lei
How is account value calculated?
• Explain to the client that with investments of this type fluctuations are natural and not to panic • "He who cannot control his emotions will not be able to control his money" (Warren Buffett) • The value of the account fluctuates daily, depending mainly on the fluctuation of the value of a fund unit
How can unit linked policy performance be optimized?
• There are four methods of optimizing unit linked policy performance: - Choosing a contract duration of at least 20 years, to reduce the investment risk - Making additional payments when fund units are cheap - Changing the fund allocation - Buying a policy with the minimum staggered premium accepted by the insurer
How can unit linked policy performance be optimized?
• Making additional payments and changing the allocation of funds presuppose that the client is "in phase" for the entire duration of the contract • Through these levers he can manage his investment • Choosing a long term and a small premium are choices that are made only once, when the policy is issued
How much money can I lose?
• Please note that for the duration of the contract, you only lose money if you cancel the policy when the units are cheap • If you mean when the policy matures, there is no answer to this question • Only on the day the policy matures will you know how much money you have in your account
How much money do I get if I cancel the unit linked policy?
• Termination of the policy actually means selling the fund units and collecting the resulting amount • The insurer will sell the fund units in your account at the price on the day of registration of the request and pay you the account value • A penalty may apply
Can I change the investment option?
• Yes • You can change the way your money is invested, or the allocation to funds, at any time • You are entitled to one or two free changes each year • This depends on the insurer
What types of funds can a customer invest in through the unit linked policy?
• A customer who buys a unit linked policy has three types of funds at his disposal • High risk fund: investing in shares • Medium risk fund: investments in shares and deposits • Low risk fund: investments in bonds and deposits • Fund allocation is determined by the client
When is the right time to approach old customers?
• In the case of "warm" customers - TODAY! • In the case of "cold" customers, the next due installment or policy renewal
What story can you tell to open the conversation about a new policy?
• How do you choose the theme of the story? • Choose a story that will have an impact on the customer • If you have a true story, then tell it • The important thing is to say it naturally, without seeming to be pursuing a goal
What do you aim for by "warming up" cold customers?
- "Warming up" cold customers is primarily aimed at making them trust you more and accept your advice - Obviously, the ultimate goal is to sell them as many policies as possible, until they end up with enough insurance • Concretely, you will be able to say that you are on the right track if: • More and more customers will ask you for new policies • More and more customers will buy the new policies you offer • You will be delighted to find that the completion rate in both situations is almost 100%! • "Chinese Drop" breaks the stone • In time • Always
What targeted questions can you use to open the discussion about a new policy?
• You can use questions like: - I would like to ask you something... why did you buy the RCA policy? - One question... do you know why people buy insurance? - I would like to ask if your wife is aware of... - May I ask you for what purpose you started the business? - You have the policy of..., but it is insufficient..., is it true? • Then keep quiet and wait for the customer's reaction • If the question provoked him, after the client "entered the game", at some point you can propose the insurance you thought about
Who are "warm" customers?
• Warm customers are: - Those with whom you interact frequently - at least 3-4 times a year - He pays his policies on time - Listen to your advice
Who can you sell other policies to?
• Customers who still do not have "enough" insurance • Clients who want to raise money in the long term
Who can you sell other policies to more easily?
• Customers who, in addition to the fact that they still do not have enough insurance, you have a very good relationship with them, so "warm" customers
How do you know if the story has reached its goal?
• If the client becomes interested and enters into a discussion on the topic you proposed, it means you have achieved your goal
How do you choose the subject of the story?
• Tell stories about… - Customers who have been compensated - Customers who wanted to drop their insurance and you convinced them to continue - Customers who followed your advice and were mobbed - Notoriety events, connected with the notion of risk - Customers who have given up their insurance and then the uninsured risk has occurred - Customers who have been recommended to you by other customers - Funny situations - A customer who raised a common objection and you resolved it
How do you capture interest in accident insurance?
• I often think that every day I hear the ambulance sirens several times... and each time I wonder what happened to her... • Would the car have hit someone, would a bottle have exploded, would there have been a fire? • In any case, it doesn't work for someone who is healthy and works for someone who is experiencing misfortune, don't you agree? • I want to tell you a few things about accident insurance
How do you capture interest in life insurance?
• I think that every day I hear, several times, the sirens of the ambulance... and every time I wonder what happened to her... • Would the car have hit someone, would a bottle have exploded, would there have been a fire? • In any case, it doesn't work for someone who is healthy and works for someone who is experiencing misfortune, don't you agree? • Sir..., I want to tell you some things about life insurance
How do you capture interest in home insurance?
• An accident can occur in the home... a short circuit... a spark... a gas leak, at your place or at your neighbor's... it's possible, isn't it? • A fire may occur...or an explosion...or an earthquake • And in a few minutes it is gone... where in the morning your dwelling was, in the evening you may find a smoking ruin • There is a solution to this problem and it is called home insurance
How do you capture interest in compound life insurance?
• There are some very interesting products, even unique, if we think about the benefits • It is a "2 in 1" type product, • Specifically, it is about life insurance with savings • Do you want me to tell you more about this exceptional product?
How do you capture interest in business insurance?
• I know you have a business...and I'd like to ask you something • For what purpose did you start the business? • Any business, small or large, has a clear goal: profit • You definitely do everything you can to make the business run as smoothly as possible • Are the business and the profit from the business insured? • Concretely, today, do you have complex insurance for your business? • Let me show you how you can insure your business against insurable risks that could destroy your business!
How do you capture interest in the child savings plan?
• You have a small child and therefore I really want to introduce you to something very special • There are some very interesting products, even unique, if we think about the benefits • It is a "2 in 1" type product, • Specifically, it is a savings plan for your child • Do you want me to tell you more about this exceptional product?
How do you become aware of the idea of ​​risk?
• Some people understand that there are risks, independent of our will • Responsible people buy insurance to protect their families • The others think they are safe and unconsciously take unnecessary risks • Do you agree that no matter what we do, we cannot eliminate risk from our lives?
How do you become aware of the idea of ​​risk?
• If you get the client's agreement that the risks exist, you've won an extremely important battle • If he tries to object, you will remind him that he has agreed that the risk exists • So implicitly there is also the need for insurance protection • If you manage to get the customer to "change the handle", that is, to move the discussion from the product - which can be contested - to the need - which cannot be contested, you have taken a huge step forward • By educating the client, you managed to make him aware and prepare your ground to sell him other policies in the future • Until his family gets enough insurance
How do you use the "golden questions"?
- Which of these risks worry you the most? - Why did you think of this one? - What consequences would it have on the family? - Do you have insurance for this risk? - If there was a solution to remove the consequences that worry you, would you be interested? • (if you say the right words, in the right tone, with the right look, and at the right time, you will see how the client's shirt collar starts to tighten... you have managed to put him on fire)
How do you use the "golden questions"?
• What will the client tell his wife after the discussion with you? • He will probably say something like: • This agent is really good • Made me realize some things • Know that I will make another insurance • Bingo! • These questions are called "golden questions" not by chance • They "twist the knife in the wound", i.e. they make the client aware of the major risks to which he is exposed
How do you get the information to quote accident insurance?
• I thought of a solution based on the income I know (or assume, as the case may be) you have and similar situations I've encountered • And, of course, the compensation that other customers have received • Tell me, is the amount of... in case of..., enough, or do you need more money, in case of an accident? (list all coverages in turn, starting with those that cover the major risks)
How do you get the information to quote on death insurance?
• I have thought of a solution, depending on the income you have and other similar policies I have made • Tell me, the amount of... lei, is it enough, or do you want to leave more to the wife, in case...? (choose at least 36 salaries)
How do you get the information to quote your home insurance?
• How much money would you need today to build or buy a home like yours? • How much are the goods in your home worth? (recommendation: 3,000...3,500 Euro per room; for example, with three rooms, the contents are worth around 10,000 Euro)
How do you get the information to bid on joint life insurance?
• As for duration, I recommend a period as long as possible, of 25...30 years, because in this way the total amount received at maturity increases • Regarding the insurance premium, we recommend the range of 5...8% of the income, in order to be able to carry the policy to the end
How do you get the information to quote your business insurance?
• I need information about key elements of the business, such as: - Building and stocks - Machinery and equipment - Neighbors and flow of people, both in the company and in the vicinity • That is, about those elements that, if affected, can lead to the decrease of the business or even its disappearance • I have a questionnaire here that we need to fill out
How do you get the information to offer the child savings plan?
• As for duration, I recommend until the child is 18 years old, or at most until the age of 25 • The longer the capitalization period, the more money will be raised at the end • Regarding the insurance premium, we recommend the range of 5...8% of the income, in order to be able to carry the policy to the end
How can you "warm up" the relationship through online communication?
• Alternatively, you can start sending with a reasonable frequency - for example once a month, and only with the client's consent: • BrainO may periodically provide you with messages to send to customers • Attention: • Don't forget the GDPR • To prevent complaints from difficult customers, ask for their consent before you start messaging them