How can you "warm up" the relationship through online communication?
• But: • If you're the type who starts today and quits the day after tomorrow, there's no point in trying • One flower does not make spring • If you send one, two or three messages, you will not be able to "screw" it into the customers' minds • The combination of rhythmicity + interesting messages will get you what you want: every time a customer thinks about the idea of ​​insurance, the first thought will be of you • Remember: one message per month • Each month • Years from now
How can you "warm up" the relationship through telephone communication?
• You can call the customer… - To (re)explain to him what the policy he owns contains - To communicate insurance news - To communicate news of interest to him - To ask his advice - To invite him to an event - To inform him that he still does not have "enough" insurance - To emphasize the utility of insurance after payment of a claim
How can you approach old customers when you are face to face with them?
• The customer is in front of you • You have collected the installment, or renewed the policy, probably exchanged pleasantries, as you usually do… • Now you want to propose a new insurance • And you know from experience that your proposal might be met with reluctance, if not hostility • Therefore, you must prepare your ground… • How can you do this? • Through an opening of the discussion that captures the customer's attention • Depending on how you know him and how you feel him, then, on the spot, your client...,
How can you approach a whiny and analytical customer?
• Some people understand that there are risks, independent of their will • And responsible people buy various types of insurance to protect their families • Others think they are safe and unconsciously take unnecessary risks • Do you agree that no matter how much we want to, and no matter what we do, we cannot eliminate risk from our lives? • Let's discuss the solutions I can offer you to keep your family safe!
How can you approach a grouchy and emotional customer?
• Nothing is accidental • The fact that fate – or someone else – brought us face to face today may be a sign • It would be a shame to let the chance slip through your fingers to do something good for those for whom your heart beats • Many times I have thought that through me someone set out to help people • Do you know how insurance helps people who are hit by fate?
How can you approach a cold customer when you are face to face with them?
• If you have customers who are in a hurry, and a bit stingy, and quite uncommunicative, and also grumpy, you can combine and develop these ideas to create your own approach scenarios • How unlucky for you, to come across such customers...
How can you make old customers aware?
• Customer awareness by presenting the benefits (if it's easier for you to talk about products) • Customer awareness through "360° risk analysis" (if you master the questioning technique)
How can you make old customers aware?
• How long do you keep trying to sell more and more policies to your client? • Theoretically, until he gets to have "enough" insurance • At least this is what you should aim for and try to achieve • Practically, until you feel that you risk becoming unsympathetic to them; then you stop • Knowing when to take two steps forward, when to take a step back and when to stop is part of the art of the insurance broker • If you master the questioning technique, you can use the "360° risk analysis" • If not, you can try to "hook" him, i.e. get him interested, by presenting the benefits of the insurances he lacks
How can you answer customer questions?
• General insurance for the family - Home insurance - Helmet - Accident insurance - Health insurance • Life insurance - Death insurance - Mixed life insurance - The savings plan for the child - Unit linked • Business insurance - SME insurance - EEI insurance - RCT insurance - Business interruption insurance
How can you handle customers in a hurry?
• Always on the run... always with the phone in hand... always between two meetings • You have car insurance (example), but neither your home nor your income are insured (and neither is your business, as the case may be) • 10 minutes of conversation can make the difference between a good life and a life full of problems • Is the family worth 10 minutes of your time?
How can you approach uncommunicative customers?
• I greet a lucky gentleman • I tried to reach you by phone, on WhatsApp... nothing • You know that you always hear only good things from me • Now we are face to face and you can no longer refuse me • Can we talk, price of a coffee?
How can you deal with stingy customers?
• I understand that you have no money • I mean... money to throw away • Since you paid money on the car policy (example), you realize that the risk exists, don't you? • This is the most important • If you don't have a few hundred lei for the insurance you lack, where will the family get a few tens of thousands of Euros to replace what may disappear? • For example housing • Or your income • Or the business
How can you make the client aware through "360° risk analysis"?
• It is about asking the client the awareness questions specific to the "three-legged table" concept • Through this method you can make him aware of all the risks to which he is exposed, both the client and his family • You can use this method when you master the questioning technique
How can you make the client aware through "360° risk analysis"?
• If you want to learn to use the questioning technique, you must - yes, you must... - ... to learn the questions by heart - ... to understand the purpose of each one - ... to practice them - And only then use them • You will find that, slowly, over time, the number of policies per client increases significantly • Your customers will be better insured • You will earn more and more money • The roots of work are bitter, but its fruits are sweet
How can you make the client aware through "360° risk analysis"?
• Why is it harder to ask than to tell...? • When you tell a story, repeat what you already know • When you ask, you have to think… • That's why consultative selling, based on awareness through questioning, is a tool for true consultants
How can you convince an old customer to buy a new policy?
• You can do this in two ways: • Whichever of the two methods you choose, if you sell a new policy, your client and his family will be better protected • With a new policy the client and his family are closer to having enough insurance
How can you launch the story?
- Do you like stories? Can I tell you something? - I'm pleased. I just helped a customer... - I'm upset. I get angry when people don't listen to me... - I'm upset. A client of mine only received 100,000... - I just broke up with a lady who... - Can I brag? Let me tell you something... - Problems... Tell me, when something hurts, who do you turn to, a doctor or a confectioner...? - That's how the Romanian is. He knows everything - You give a penny, a penny makes... Is it? - You know that kind of people who...? - Do you understand these people? They care more about their car than their wife and kids... - Yes, who wouldn't want it... And profit, yes, and safety... Eh... It hasn't been invented yet - Cheap and good... Kinda hard... - I want to put money in their pocket, and they don't want to... - What would you do in my place, if you came across a family man who doesn't care about his family? - A ruin brings no profit. It is? - I tell you honestly, that if it weren't for me, let me insist, some time ago, Mr. X would not have existed today... Or he would have existed, but he would have lived in some brothel...
How can you sell the client one of the insurances he is missing?
• It is a matter of presenting the client with the benefits of one of the insurances he lacks • You can use this method when you feel more comfortable discussing products instead of asking questions
How do you present the benefits of accident insurance?
• Receive money in case of operations or hospitalization • You receive a lot of money in case of disability • And in case of a serious accident, you leave the family the sum of... lei • "Hello" is said a little; this insurance is exceptional, especially since you can bring her and other family members under her umbrella
How do you present the benefits of death insurance?
• Life insurance gives your wife and children what disappeared with you: your wages • So that the shock is not doubled by privations and falling living standards, good life insurance replaces wages for 4-5 years in advance • In your case, how much would the wages be for 5 years? • Would this amount be enough for the wife, or would she need a larger amount?
How do you present the benefits of mixed life insurance?
• At the maturity of the policy you receive the sum assured plus an additional profit • Throughout the duration of the contract, the family is protected, in the sense that they will receive the sum insured in case of premature death • Basically, whatever happens to you – good or bad – the same amount of money enters the family • Or, to put it another way, whatever happens, the money paid is not lost • And the family will use them exactly when they need them the most
How do you present the benefits of insurance to your business?
• Comprehensive business insurance offers you three benefits: - Repair or replacement of damaged or destroyed goods - Coverage of damages caused to third parties, for which your company is responsible - Recovery of unrealized profit • For example in case of fire: - We pay for the repairs - We pay for damage caused to neighboring buildings or third parties affected - We pay the fixed costs for restarting the business - We pay the profit correlated with the achieved turnover • You wouldn't have expected that insurance could do so much for you, would you?
How do you present the benefits of home insurance?
• This policy allows you to buy a new home, with comparable parameters and the same level of comfort, if the current one is destroyed • The policy gives you money to repair or replace damaged or stolen property • Damage to your neighbors – for example, if you flood them – will be paid by the insurer instead of you • If a disaster occurs and you are insured, a new home costs you 100 Euros • Without insurance, a new home costs you 100 thousand Euros • With approximately 2 lei per day you insure your home • And dignity in the eyes of the family, if a tragedy occurs
How do you present the benefits of the child savings plan?
• When the policy matures, your child will receive the sum insured plus an additional gain • You know better than anyone that raising and educating your child means money • Money that now mostly comes from your take home paycheck every month, is that true? • Throughout the duration of the contract, the child's growth and education, which are so important, are financially protected by the insurer • How? • If you disappear prematurely from the family life, the wife will receive in a few days the same amount of money that the child will receive when the policy matures • This policy is extraordinary in that it insures both the present and the future of your child
How do you present the 3 risk categories?
• The material stability of a family is based on three pillars: - What he has: house, car, savings, business - What they earn: salaries (or, as the case may be, dividends) - Solvency, so not having to pay, accidentally, very large sums • Do you agree? • Do you agree that if you lose what you have, if you lose your source of income or if you end up with huge amounts of debt, family life will not be the same as it is now, but much harder? (persist until you get the client's agreement on this idea)
How do you present the 3 risk categories?
• This is probably the first time your client is being told about the risks and their consequences first, and not directly about the policies • Whatever he thought of you before, after this talk he will definitely appreciate you • If the customer will understand this concept, you have opened the way to sell them any of the insurances they need, but did not understand the point of until then • Until then, there were probably only mandatory insurances and cheap insurances for the customer... • From now on there will be necessary insurances • Obligation and price will be on the second plan
How do you respond to the objection "I don't have money for accident insurance"?
• With all due respect... do you allow me to disbelieve you? • It is impossible not to be without the amount of... lei • Because if you don't accept this small loss now, you may be forced to accept a loss thousands of times larger • Treatments are expensive • And your wages are priceless...
How do you respond to the objection "I don't have money for death insurance"?
• With all due respect... do you allow me to disbelieve you? • It is impossible not to be without the amount of... lei • Because if you do not accept this small loss now, those who are so dear to you may be forced to accept a loss hundreds of times greater • Treatments are expensive • And your wages are priceless...
How do you respond to the objection "I don't have money for joint life insurance"?
• I understand that you have other priorities • How do you usually go about it, spend and then save if there is anything left, or do you save regularly? • Because another indirect advantage of saving through life insurance is discipline • Once you start saving, the insurer periodically reminds you to put money aside • And the final benefit is the family
How do you respond to the objection "I don't have money for a savings plan for the child"?
• I understand that in the short term you have other priorities • But in the long run, the child's future is the number 1 priority, is that true? • How do you usually go about it, spend and then save if there is anything left, or do you save regularly? • Because another indirect advantage of saving through this policy for the child is discipline • Once you start saving, the insurer periodically reminds you to put money aside for your child • The final benefit is your son / daughter's
How do you respond to the objection "I don't have money to buy business insurance"?
• I think you mean that you are a thoughtful manager and don't waste the company's money • This is exactly what I propose: make a small, predictable expense to prevent a huge, unpredictable expense that can put the business on the rocks • Paying the insurance will not impact the business in any way • But the lack of insurance can have the effect of ruining the business
How do you answer the objection "I don't need accident insurance"?
• What about the ambulance service you might need? • What about SMURD...? • Why? • Because… it can happen, right? • You know the saying "Trouble never comes alone" • You probably have some money in the bank, which today is there, tomorrow you take it out, enjoy it... • ... and the accident always comes when we least expect it • And we don't know what he leaves behind
How do you answer the "I don't need life insurance" objection?
• You know the saying "Trouble never comes alone" • What about the ambulance service you might need? • Or SMURD...? • Why? • Because… it can happen, right? • You probably have some money in the bank, which today is there, tomorrow you take it out, enjoy it... • ... and the accident always comes when we least expect it • And we never know what he leaves behind
How do you answer the objection "I don't need joint life insurance"?
• Do you usually put money aside? • This special product ensures the payment of a certain amount, at a certain time; it can be a beautiful moment or it can be the worst moment in your family's life • There is no other financial product that offers this double benefit: whatever happens to you, good or bad, the same amount of money enters the family • With the other insurances, if there were no damages, the money is lost
How do you answer the objection "I don't need business insurance"?
• Are you saying you don't need profit? • With the collapse of the business, in addition to profit, several other things disappear: - Credibility in front of business partners - Creditworthiness in investors' calculations - Employees, who go elsewhere - Customers, who choose other suppliers - Reputation, which you have built up over years, and which disappears in minutes - Your image as a successful man • You don't need, you really need insurance, is that true?
How do you respond to the objection "I don't need home insurance"?
• But why do you need RCA? • Because… it can happen, right? • If you find a ruin in the place where your home is, what will you do? • Where will you live? • How will you look your wife and children in the eyes, knowing you could have protected them, but didn't because...? • After "because" what will follow? • If you need housing, you also need insurance • Because insurance means housing
How do you respond to the objection "I don't need a savings plan for the child"?
• Do you usually put money aside for your child? • This special product ensures that your son / daughter will receive a certain amount, upon reaching the age of 18, or at the latest at the age of 25, as you decide • There is no other financial product that offers this double benefit: whatever happens to you, good or bad, the child receives the same amount of money at maturity • If the worst has happened to you, disability or death, the "third parent" - the insurer - comes into play and saves for you • What do you think, will your son / daughter need money at the threshold of adulthood?
How do you respond to the objection "I'm not buying business insurance now"?
• Do you agree that the risk exists? • And that it is unpredictable? • Imagine that it remains "No" • And that something is happening • How will you justify this "No" in front of associates, partners, clients, investors, employees, wife, children? • Last but not least, how will you look in the mirror the day after...?
How do you respond to the objection "I'm not buying accident insurance now"?
• Insurance is like a parachute: if you don't have it with you at the right time, you'll never need it again • I could tell you several cases of families who came, destroyed, to open a claim... but they are too gloomy to ruin your day with them
How do you respond to the objection "I'm not buying life insurance now"?
• Insurance is like a parachute: if you don't have it with you at the right time, you'll never need it again • I could tell you a few cases, of widows who came, devastated, to open a claim... but they are too gloomy to ruin your day with them • But I can tell you only one thing: gerbils dry up, candles go out, relatives and friends leave • The only help, concrete, substantial and non-refundable, comes from life insurance
How do you respond to the objection "I'm not buying the child savings plan now"?
• You see... you can say "I'm not saving for today, but for next month" • But you can't say "I won't have an accident tomorrow, but only in 3 months" • If you like the idea of ​​raising money to make your child's dreams come true, you could sign the contract with that thought in mind • Gradually, you will integrate the installments into the family budget and the money will accumulate unnoticed
How do you respond to the objection "I'm looking for you to buy life insurance"?
• I mean... my wife is going to call me, you mean? • That you just have no way of knowing if and when a misfortune will happen, right? • We will be able to help your family, then, with a lot of money, if you do something today for your loved ones • Because we don't know what "then" means
How do you respond to the objection "I'm looking for you to buy mixed life insurance"?
• Not bad either • From the point of view of saving • But delaying presents a risk; a very big risk • Do you know what I mean? • It is about the risk of having an accident, and at that moment not having insurance • Savings can start a little later as protection should start today • Tomorrow may be too late…
How do you respond to the objection "I'm looking for you to buy business insurance"?
• So you call me the day before the explosion...? • Or earthquake...? • Then you will call 112 • You have a reputation as a manager who makes good decisions • Do you agree that securing your business and profits is the best decision you can make today? • A ruin brings no profit...
How do you respond to the objection "I'm looking for you to buy a savings plan for the child"?
• Not bad either • From the point of view of saving • But delaying presents a great risk, for the future of your son / daughter • This is the risk of having an accident, and at that moment not having started the savings plan yet • If misfortune occurs when the savings plan is in place, the parent is gone from the child's life, but the savings continue • Who is still saving? • "The third parent": the insurer • Tomorrow may be too late…
How do you respond to the objection "I'm looking for you for accident insurance"?
• I mean... are you calling me from the hospital? • Or from the operating room? • Or will your wife call me...? • I can be of use to you then then only if we sign now • Why now? • Because we don't know what "then" means
How do you answer "I don't have money to buy home insurance"?
• I ask you a simple question: if you don't have 100 Euros, where will you get 100,000 Euros? • And 100 Euros per year means 1.5 lei per day • Do you risk the fate of your family for 1.5 lei per day? • For 100 Euros, you ensure that the insurer, from the millions of Euros it has, sets aside 100,000 Euros for you • And he can do it right now
How do you respond to "I'm not buying home insurance right now"?
• Insurance is like a parachute: if you don't have it with you at the right time, you'll never need it again • In Romania, approximately 7,000 homes burn every year • Every year several thousand families stay on the road because one of the spouses said the same: "Not now" • Do you know how many people come and ask - after - "And tell me, now nothing can be done"? • And the answer is tough • And unique • Yes; after that, nothing can be done
How do you ask for customer consent to send them messages?
• Here are three options: - Do you agree that I send you, once a month, an interesting message on the topic of protection? - I use to send my clients monthly very useful messages about risk and family protection. Do you agree with my inclusion in the list? - I periodically send - once a month - informative messages about personal and family protection, which my clients find very useful. Would you like to receive them too? • You can also rebroadcast them to your friends
How to tell a story to "catch" the client?
• Be natural • Surprise with the turn of phrase • Presents a parable of the story • Ask the customer's opinion, at least at the end of the story • Match the tone to the message
I heard that someone had a travel policy, suffered something and was not compensated.
Every insurance policy contains exclusions. If the event that occurred was on the list of exclusions, it is natural that the client was not compensated. That's why it's very important that you listen to my advice now, as we build the right solution for you.
Are pre-existing illnesses covered by travel insurance?
Acute illness or emergency medical expenses are covered, within certain limits much lower than the basic sum assured. Depending on the insurer.
How do I proceed in case of damage to the travel insurance?
There are three situations. It's best to notify the support company immediately so they can tell you what to do. In case of minor problems, you can pay yourself and later get your money back from the insurer. Careful! Insurers have a cost limit beyond which they no longer compensate. If the support firm is not notified in advance. If you find yourself unable to notify the support company immediately after the event. For example, in the case of a serious accident, the event will need to be reported by a third party who has knowledge of the event.
If something happens to me and I can't go, can I get my money back on my travel insurance?
It depends on why you can't leave anymore. Trip cancellation due to personal reasons such as death of a family member or first degree relative, house fire, subpoena in a lawsuit and more is covered by the cancellation clause in the insurance policy.
Why would I buy travel insurance if I can get the European card for free?
Travel insurance offers you much better protection because it has more complex coverages and higher sums insured. It can be valid worldwide, it is valid in both public and private hospitals. The European card only covers medical emergencies In state hospitals, where waiting times are long and often settlement is made with a co-payment. That is, the insured must pay part of the medical services.
Can the travel policy be issued if I am already abroad?
Yes, but only with the written consent of the insurer and under certain conditions. A waiting period that differs between insurers, for example 8 days. Proof of non-existence of damages. The period since the customer is abroad. Not to exceed a certain number of days.
How does the travel policy differ from the European Health Insurance Card?
The European card is free, while the travel insurance policy has a price. The European card is only for Chase payers, while the travel insurance policy is issued to anyone who pays. The European card is issued in 7 days, while the travel insurance policy is issued on the spot. The European card is only valid in the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Lichtenstein and Iceland, while the travel insurance policy can be valid worldwide. The European card is only valid in state hospitals, while the travel insurance policy is valid in any hospital. In the case of the European card, the coverages depend on the legislation of the country where the accident or illness occurred, while in the case of the travel insurance policy the coverages are much more complex and are the same worldwide.
Travel insurance is expensive!
If travel insurance seems expensive, see how expensive it is to not have it. How would you feel if you had an accident? Are you suffering? Your holiday has been compromised and you receive a bill worth several thousand or tens of thousands of euros.
What exclusions does travel insurance contain?
Exclusions may differ between insurers. The most common are the following. Pre-existing and chronic diseases. However, the acute phase of the disease, the acute pustule, is covered. Services that do not involve a medical emergency or that have been requested by the insured for prevention purposes. Alternative or naturopathic complementary medicine eg acupuncture, osteopathy, reflexology, aromatherapy etc. Circumcision. Medical services required as a result of practicing extreme sports. War, even undeclared. Invasion, military occupation. Civil war. Insurrection. Civil disturbances. riots Medical services related to pregnancy, childbirth or their consequences. Surgical interventions and purely aesthetic treatments. Self-mutilation, suicide attempt or suicide of the insured. Carrying out the trip or refusing to interrupt the trip, contrary to any prohibitions or warnings issued by competent national or international authorities. Also, no compensation will be granted if the policy was issued after leaving the territory of Romania.
Particular case companies that send employees to work abroad. Is there a specific insurance option for companies that frequently send a large number of employees to work abroad?
Specific to this policy is the fact that an insurance premium is calculated per employee per day. Four parameters are taken into account for issuing the policy. The field of activity of the company. The total estimated number of days of travel abroad of the entire group. The maximum number of days spent abroad per person, the number of employees who go to work.
When does the insurance policy start and end?
The validity of the travel policy begins on the day the policy comes into force. Upon leaving the country and ends on the day the policy expires upon returning to the country. As an exception, policies can be extended with a written request from the insured to the insurance company.
What information do you require for the Travel Insurance offer?
The following documents and information are required for the Travel Insurance offer. The bulletin if the trip is in Europe, respectively the passport in all other cases, both for the insured and for family members. If they leave together. The exact duration of the trip from day to day Purpose of the trip study, work or business trip. If dangerous or seasonal sports will be practiced, if the insured wants to insure for other risks besides the standard ones, namely accident or illness.
How does the purpose of the trip influence the insurance conditions in terms of the purpose of the trip?
There are the following categories, according to which the insurance premium is calculated. Tourist for business work or for studies.
If something happens abroad and I don't have travel insurance, will I be treated or not?
you will be treated, but you will bear all the costs.
I don't think I will suffer anything abroad.
Honestly, I don't think so either. Even the people I compensated didn't believe it until it happened to me, and then they couldn't believe how lucky they were to have insurance.
If I lose my documents during the trip. How does travel insurance help?
If a clause for theft, loss or destruction of documents is included in the policy, you will be covered for the cost of issuing new documents by the embassy or consulate of the country where the event took place, including the cost of transport, if applicable. A written document from the local authorities certifying the event will be required.
Do I pay and get settled later in case of a health problem abroad?
Or does the insurer pay directly? Depends. It is recommended that you call the support company for guidance and determine which of the two methods works best for you. Beware if you don't call, although you can! Insurers have a limit beyond which they will not pay unless notified in advance.
What kind of travel policy should I buy if I go abroad often as a tourist?
It really depends on how often you go and how long the journeys are. You need to be aware of the maximum period of continuous coverage that the insurer offers, which can be between 30 and 180 days per year. Policies valid for 365 days can also be issued for multiple trips, but the condition is that the total number of days spent abroad does not exceed the maximum number of consecutive days covered by the policy.
It's too short a trip to experience anything, it's less than a second.
That's how long an accident lasts.
Do I have to declare it if I have pre-existing diseases?
not. But you should know that events that may arise from your illness are covered with a limited amount, which depends on the insurer.
I prefer to get a European health card.
It's more than nothing, but before you decide, it's good to know the limitations of the European Health Insurance Card. It is valid exclusively in the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Lichtenstein and Iceland. It is valid exclusively in state hospitals. The coverages are according to the legislation of the country where the event occurs. Now that you know all these limitations, you agree that the best protection is provided by travel insurance.
How do you present travel insurance?
A second of inattention, an accident or illness can change the trip from pleasure to nightmare. And the nightmare will be even greater when you receive the bill from the hospital. For the more than reasonable sum insured, you insure that any accident or illness would occur during the trip. All emergency expenses will be covered by the insurer within the limit of the insured amount. Furthermore, the Support Company will manage your relationship with the hospital units where you will be treated. When you are in the country, you have friends, relatives, acquaintances to turn to abroad, you have only one friend you can turn to when needed 24/7. The insurer, through the assistance company.
How to proceed in the event of a risk covered by the policy.
The insured or another person must call the emergency number in the travel policy, which is operational 24/7, from where they will receive the necessary instructions depending on the event. If the event is not announced immediately, expenses will be covered up to 1,1500 euros, depending on the insurer. If the insured is unable to notify the assistance company, for example in the event of a serious accident, the event can be notified by another person, for example a relative or a doctor.
What risks does travel insurance cover?
Travel insurance covers two categories of risks basic risks and additional risks.
What are the basic risks covered by travel insurance?
Emergency medical expenses in case of accident or acute illness, including for Covic infection for consultations, medicines, prostheses, orthoses, glasses, hospitalization, surgical interventions, dental emergencies, transport by road ambulance. Taking over of the insured by the first aid services, medical repatriation expenses or in case of death.
What are the additional risks covered by travel insurance?
Additional coverages may differ between insurers and have insurer-specific sums insured. The most common are the following. Travel cancellation cover. The reasons for cancellation can be the death or serious illness of the insured, his family or a first-degree relative or travel partner. A house fire. Summons in a lawsuit. Road accident. Before leaving for the trip. Dismissal, loss or theft of travel documents. Childhood diseases. Cover for travel delay of more than 6 12 hours, depending on the insurer. Cover for trip interruption or shortening. Cover for dental emergencies. Expenses caused by theft or loss of documents. Bodily injuries or material damage caused to third parties due to the fault of the tourist. Cancellation of travel tickets due to airline bankruptcy. Cover for refusal of entry or exit at the border. Covers for emergency medical expenses as a result of inadequate services on board the aircraft. Coverage for flight delays of more than 12 hours after leaving the territory of Romania. Baggage insurance in case of theft, loss, destruction or damage during land, air or sea transport. Baggage delay coverage of more than 12 hours. Roadside assistance coverage. Cover for sporting activities which includes reimbursement of costs for sporting activities not carried out. Costs for stolen, lost or damaged sports equipment. Costs for rental of replacement sports equipment and search and rescue costs. Accident cover covering death or permanent disability.
Are pregnancy complications covered by travel insurance?
Only pregnancy complications occurring in the first 26 to 30 weeks of pregnancy are covered. Depending on the insurer.
If I suffer something serious and need to be hospitalized even after the policy expires, am I covered?
Yes, hospitalization expenses will be covered up to a maximum of 4-6 days, depending on the insurer. After the policy expires, the cost of transportation back to the country for an adult companion is also covered. If it is a minor.
Are dental problems covered by travel insurance?
Only emergency expenses are covered, usually for a maximum of two teeth and within the limit of the sum insured specified in the policy under this clause.
If the cost of treatment exceeds the sum insured in the travel policy. What will be the consequences?
The insurance company will take the necessary steps to negotiate the costs with the medical service provider so that they fall within the sum insured. If this is not possible, then the difference will be paid by the insured.
What is the territorial validity of the travel policy?
The travel policy can be valid worldwide, except for Romania, the country of citizenship, the country of residence of the insured person. There are variants of restricted geographical coverages. For example, only certain countries, only Europe, including countries around the Mediterranean Sea, the whole world without the US, Canada and Israel, the whole world without the US and Canada.
How much money do I get at the end of the death insurance?
When the policy expires you get nothing. This type of policy is risk insurance with no savings component, just like property and property insurance.
How much money do I get back if I cancel the death insurance policy?
How much money do I get back if I cancel the policy? If you cancel the policy, you get nothing. This type of risk insurance policies without savings component.
What clauses can be attached to the death policy?
Clauses can be attached to the death policy. Clauses can be attached to the death insurance that increase the death protection and clauses that provide money for treatment in case of accident or illness. Some of the clauses may also cover other family members. Depending on the insurer.
What other clauses can be attached to life insurance?
Ask what other events could lead to an unexpected increase in expenses and possibly even a loss of income.
What clauses should the customer have in the life insurance?
Every customer should be encouraged to buy enough life insurance to cover the other major risks and then the minor risks.
What is death insurance?
It is a risk product that covers death from any cause. There are also other types of death insurance, for example unlimited term insurance or insurance with return of premiums, but they are little known in Romania.
I'm not dying! Why should I think about death insurance? To attract death?
To discuss death insurance. It doesn't mean it attracts death. It means proving that you care about your loved ones. If you're going to die, you die with and without insurance.
What is death insurance?
Death insurance is actually a large sum of money created instantly for the protection of your loved ones. To gather the same amount of cure would take decades, and death could occur tomorrow.
What risks are excluded from death insurance?
War, revolution, civil unrest, insurrection, state of siege, nuclear risks, suicide attempt. Intentionally committing acts criminalized by the Criminal Code, mental illness, AIDS infection, practicing extreme sports, participating in medical experiments, infectious diseases and pandemics. Medical services without a written recommendation. Actions brought by the insured, contractor or beneficiary. Acts of terrorism.
How do you present death insurance?
No insurance replaces a spouse or parent. Death insurance replaces the wages that the insured was bringing home with the money from this insurance. You will be present not only in the memory of your wife and children, but you will be a support for everyday life.
Why do I need life insurance?
in the event of a tragedy, what you can no longer provide to the family, the insurer provides. It's about money, a lot of money.
If I am sick, can I get life insurance?
Before you answer, you can ask. Would you lend 10,000 euros to a sick person?
Why don't I get anything back if I cancel the policy or if I survive at expiry? That he just didn't die?
Home insurance. You get something back when the policy expires, but at CASCO? Death insurance is the same. Life insurance is risk insurance without savings. This is also the reason why this policy is cheap. With a small premium you can buy a large sum assured.
Where does the insurer get the money to pay the death benefits?
A part of the insurance premium, respectively the risk premium, is used by the insurer to establish the risk fund from which the indemnities are paid. Since the risk of death increases with age, the risk premium also increases. For commercial reasons. Insurers calculate a constant level insurance premium throughout the life of the policy. In the first part, the insured pays more than the statistically calculated risk, and in the second part less.
When is death insurance payment excluded?
Just so that the insurer has money to pay the benefits. Situations where the risk of death becomes foreseeable, for example wars or pandemics are excluded.
Where does the money come from to pay?
Basically, the customers of an insurer offer mutual help to each other in case one of them dies. But this aid is not sealed verbally, but through a contract administered by the insurer.
How do I know the insurer will pay?
You enter into a contract with the insurer, which must be respected by both parties.
What information do you require for the death insurance quote?
The minimum information for bidding is as follows. What is your salary? Or the variant. What is your income range? How old are you? How long does your family need protection Do you have a loan? If so, what is its value and for what period?
What are the term limits of death insurance?
Life insurance term limits. Duration limits differ between insurers. The usual ones are the following minimum contract duration 5 years. The maximum duration of the contract is 30 years.