14 values
Late Iron Age Whaling in Scandinavia
Andreas Hennius|John Ljungkvist|Steven P. Ashby|Richard Hagan|Samantha Presslee|Tom Christensen|Rudolf Gustavsson|Jüri Peets|Liina Maldre
Abstract The use of marine mammal bone as a raw material in the manufacturing gaming pieces Scandinavian late Iron Age has been observed and discussed recent years. New empirical studies have created chronology well typology showing how design is tightly connected to different choices material; from antler Roman Migration periods, whale sixth century, walrus tenth century. Macroscopic examination can, however, rarely go beyond determining that ‘cetacean bone’. following article presents taxonomic identifications 68 samples pieces, determined using Zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry analysis. results demonstrate consistent bones Balaenidae sp. most probably North Atlantic right ( Eubalaena glacialis ). This paper strong evidence for active, large-scale hunting whales Scandinavia, starting manufacture was not driver hunt, but merely by-product survived archaeological record. Of greater importance were baleen, meat, blubber could be rendered into oil. oil might an additional trading product far-reaching trade networks developing during period. study supports previous suggesting medieval resource exploitation had much more severe influence on ecosystems than previously expected. It adds insights anthropogenic impact populations prehistory.
Journal of Maritime Archaeology|White Rose Research Online (University of Leeds, The University of Sheffield, University of York)
Hungarian Origins and Carolingian Politics in Regino of Prüm’s <i>Chronicle</i>
Maximilian Diesenberger
Cultural encounters in late antiquity and the Middle Ages
CHAPTER 1 “As a Brother Should Be” Siblings, Kinship, and Community in Carolingian Europe
Dana M. Polanichka
Berghahn Books
Di papa in papa. Recupero e trasmissione di modelli da Pasquale I (817-824) a Pasquale II (1099-1118)
Giulia Bordi
This paper intends to investigate images, places and strategies of the work Popes Paschal I II, in a hitherto unexplored handover that deeply marked city medieval Rome. The relationship between these two popes prompts reconsideration some assumptions debated renovatio ecclesiae primitivae formae 11th 12th centuries, placing Carolingian age among main interlocutors process reappropriating decorum by reformed church Early undertaken Reformed church.
Hortus artium medievalium
35 Syntactic complexity in Standard Average European: language contact and discourse traditions in the domain of communicative distance
Bert Cornillie
This chapter argues that the origins of Standard Average European (SAE) are intimately related to Eastern-influenced Biblical Latin and Germanic-influenced Carolingian Latin. Both medieval varieties combine contact patterns with grammatical complexity in highly prestigious textual traditions. Classical impacted later, as some vernaculars turned into national standard languages a whole repertoire linguistic expressions linked communicative distance. Normative traditions institutional prestige (e. g. Academies) further motivate protect legacy. Thus, features spread even periphery SAE at later stage. Overall, it is shown areal language only partially due migrations largely textually motivated.
De Gruyter eBooks
ZOF: Zona Franca – Ideas of Territory in the Carolingian Empire
The Liberal Arts and Study of the Bible in the Carolingian Age
David Ganz
Epitome musical
الكتاب الرابع فى الطب لإیزیدوروس أسقف إشبیلیة فى الاشتقاق أو الأصول : ترجمة وتعلیق
هیثم محمد عبدالعلیم السید
Awrāq Kilāsīkiyyaẗ (Print)
Edward Roberts. <i>Flodoard of Rheims and the Writing of History in the Tenth Century</i>.
Benjamin Pohl
In this impressive debut monograph, Flodoard of Rheims and the Writing History in Tenth Century, Edward Roberts revisits life works Rheims-based canon, archivist, historian as a vehicle for studying writing history “a period that is increasingly being understood critical phase transformation Carolingian world rise Latin West” (1). The book’s opening pages contain formidable mission statement captures essence—and considerable ambition—of Roberts’s undertaking. We are told “Flodoard’s histories have seldom been considered context his personal political career” (1), which why he remains, words, “one least most objectified authors early Middle Ages” This, then, status quo new study seeks to address by arguing “far from an unassuming or ‘objective’ writer … was fact highly creative careful shaper material” But not full extent ambition. What more, something rehabilitation tenth century era low reputation with regard historiographical production. Building on important groundwork laid 1970s 1990s, book considers Flodoard’s oeuvre its entirety, including, first time, substantial—this reviewer inclined call it near comprehensive—discussion Annales.
The American Historical Review
Ian N. Wood: The Christian Economy of the Early Medieval West: Towards a Temple Society
Martin Šenk
Archeologické rozhledy
سِيَاسَة اَلْبَابَا لِيُو اَلرَّابِعَ تجَاهِ هَجَمَاتِ اَلْمُسْلِمِينَ عَلَى رُومَا (847- 855م/233- 241هـ) THE POLICY OF POPE LEO IV TOWARDS THE MUSLIM ATTACKS ON ROME (847-855 AD / 233-241 AH)
بدران عبد الونيس محمد
Ḥawliyyaẗ Siminār Al-Tāriẖ Al-Islāmī wa Al-Wasīṭ (Print)
Jean Molanus (1533-1585) et le martyrologe perdu de l’abbaye de Saint-Pierre-au-Mont-Blandin. Contribution à l’étude des martyrologes imprimés du XVI<sup>e</sup> siècle
Georges Declercq
In his editions of the Carolingian martyrology Usuard (1568 and 1573), Louvain scholar Molanus included a large number saints from local martyrologies in southern Low Countries. This article identifies 21 extracts lost St Peter’s Abbey Ghent. It also highlights importance these as sources for Roman late 16th cent.
Analecta Bollandiana
Is Nuclear Anarchy Sustainable? A Temporal Approach
Yevgeny I. Uchaev|Artem Kvartalnov
The article develops a novel temporal approach to the sustainability of nuclear anarchy. extant literature offers two opposite perspectives on topic: some scholars argue that anarchy is unsustainable, since it will inevitably either lead catastrophic war or evolve into hierarchical world order. Their opponents doubt inevitability in system sovereign states and/or its nature. However, debate, as stands now, ignores fact both technology and social structures are embedded – mediated by cultures worldviews. In particular, weapons interstate specific temporalities. Taking this account, we identify compare perceptions time interrelated with weapons, one hand, international anarchy, other. reveals contradiction anarchy: while imply potential finitude humanity, intrinsically connected an indefinite temporality. We derive theoretical implications form concept contradiction. First, realization finite temporality should subvert legitimacy anarchic order encourage limitations national sovereignty. Second, ‘eternalize’ i.e., reinterpret them compatible eternity human civilization. Familiar events history including early attempts establish control energy, Strategic Defense Initiative, evolution anti-nuclear movement interpreted here empirical evidence favor described above. Thus, provides another argument idea unsustainable long run, proliferation leads hierarchy, whereas persistent masks severity threat, making more conceivable probable.
Vestnik MGIMO-universiteta
Rites of Resistance: Urban Liturgy and the Crowd in the Patarine Revolt of Milan, <i>c</i>.1057–75
James Norrie
Abstract This essay uses an unexploited liturgical source, a twelfth-century order book by the Milanese cleric Beroldo, to illuminate how processions shaped practice of largest and most radical popular movement central Middle Ages, Pataria Milan, during pivotal moment urban change. Religious had power project episcopal authority across rapidly expanding population. They also sanctioned redistribution wealth resources city churches. At same time, they provided possible grammar resistance those who rose up against elites. The struggled at pulpit on streets for sexual economic purity clergy. It first erupted in 10 May 1057—during parade. conflict between supporters religious reform one hand, archbishop’s aristocratic court clergy other, persisted until movement’s defeat 1075. Until then, Patarine violence continually disrupted tearing priests from their altars overturning solemn processions. article introduces Beroldo other sources context, value as witnesses later eleventh-century history. surveys responded expansion developed growing but unstable social political importance. With picture landscape place, it then investigates contested ways that processions, days such Easter baptism or Three Day Litanies, created civic community communicated relations power.
The English Historical Review
The “Origini della fameglia Orsina”: Incredible Genealogies Between a Pseudo Ficino and a Pseudo Petrarch
Giulio Vaccaro
This paper analyses and publishes a diptych of texts on the origins Orsini family preserved in manuscript Florence, BNC, II.VII.82. The are fully line with trend ‘unbelievable genealogies’ developing Italy during 16th century. first recounts remote noble is attributed to an otherwise unknown son Marsilio Ficino. second one narrates Orsine events Carolingian era instead Francesco Petrarca.
Making and Unmaking the Carolingians, 751‐888. By StuartAirlie. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic. 2020. xx + 435 pp. £85. ISBN 978 1 7883 1744 3.
Jonathan Tickle
Early Medieval Europe
After Charlemagne: Carolingian Italy and Its Rulers. Edited by ClemensGantner and WalterPohl. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2021. viii + 337 pp., maps. £75. ISBN 9781108840774.
Maya Maskarinec
Early Medieval Europe
Women, Intertextuality, Mobility: Mapping Transcultural Networks in the Fifteenth Century Prose Epic 'Herzog Herpin'
Doriane Zerka
Considering the example of fifteenth-century prose epic Herzog Herpin, attributed to Elisabeth Nassau-Saarbrücken, through lens Caroline Levine's approach networks, this essay examines constitutive role women in intra- and extra-textual constellations. Herpin is structured by networks colliding interacting with each other. The family whose story it follows, Mediterranean space that condition movement members, network intertextual references Arthurian Carolingian materials offer particularly productive examples forms which act as connective agents. In turn, Herpin's composition conditioned context evolves – a dynastic foster links between courts. Using connect without implying causality, sheds light on pattern gender-specific involvement literature relying connectivity.
Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures
Review of Brett, C., with F. Edmonds and P. Russell, Brittany and the Atlantic Archipelago, 450–1200: Contact, Myth and History
Barry Lewis
Studia Celtica Fennica
How Do We Discern Conspiracy Theories?
Conspiracy theories are among the most vivid sociopathological phenomena of our times. As sociocultural challenges such an urgent kind, they require a thoughtful response from experts, state authorities and civil society. The publication you holding in your hands offers experts who gathered at international conference “How do we discern conspiracy theories?” to discuss propose qualified suggestions for addressing conspiracism various areas social life, including administration, education system, third sector, churches religious societies. original contribution can be considered operationalization notion discernment: Discernment is proposed as key approaching conspiracies prophylactic point view. In its context, discernment closely linked spirituality finds prominent application spiritual accompaniment developed throughout history Christianity. Regarding this background, additional goal was set, that is, identify meaning concept traditional contexts, particularly one Ignatian spirituality, outline implementation educational practice. This directly addressed by papers Radovan Šoltés Gemma Simmonds. basically stories. his introductory paper, therefore, Vladimír Bahna explains their popularity precisely based on narrativity tellability. Furthermore, since term denotes complex phenomenon, which same time “somehow related religion,” Zdeněk Vojtíšek points out, good portion contributors these proceedings decided approach it specifically relation religion. Pavol Kosnáč further investigates motifs demonstrates them two current cases Middle East Slovakia. kind cultural constant, far being solely modern phenomenon. studies, Kateřina Hlaváčová Cyril Hišem provide us with historic surveys into development both Europe Western Christianity, examining few selected culture, still vital contemporary theories. And finally, approaches conspiracism, context integration socialization migrant children regular classes Slovak primary schools, were covered Janette Gubricová, Martin Dojčár, Ivana Šuhajdová, Denisa Jakubíková. make public other valuable research outcomes titled theories?”, organized Department Educational Studies Faculty Education, Trnava University, along Religious Affairs Ministry Culture Republic, Hussite Theological Charles University Prague. held September 29, 2022, Trnava, Slovakia, realized part project KEGA no. 016TTU‑4/2021 Spirituality Accompaniment Program Teachers.
Review: <i>Richard Krautheimer in Deutschland: Aus den Anfängen einer wissenschaftlichen Karriere 1925–1933</i>
William J. Diebold
Book Review| December 01 2022 Review: Richard Krautheimer in Deutschland: Aus den Anfängen einer wissenschaftlichen Karriere 1925–1933 Ingo Herklotz Münster: Waxmann, 2021, 614 pp., 101 illus. $52.46/€49.90 (cloth), ISBN 9783830943518 William J. Diebold Reed College, emeritus Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Journal of the Society Architectural Historians (2022) 81 (4): 517–518. https://doi.org/10.1525/jsah.2022.81.4.517 Views Icon Article contents Figures & tables Video Audio Supplementary Data Peer Review Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn MailTo Tools Get Permissions Cite Citation Diebold; 1925–1933. 1 2022; doi: Download citation file: Ris (Zotero) Reference Manager EasyBib Bookends Mendeley Papers EndNote RefWorks BibTex toolbar search Dropdown Menu input auto suggest filter your All ContentJournal Many readers journal are familiar with Krautheimer’s name and scholarly achievements: upon his death 1994 at age ninety-seven, he was memorialized these pages six distinguished scholars.1 Some will think first fundamental five-volume corpus Rome’s late antique early medieval churches, while others four editions overview Early Christian Byzantine Architecture, written Pelican History Art series.2 Still call to mind a pair pathbreaking still much-read articles that published 1942, “Introduction an ‘Iconography Medieval Architecture’” “The Carolingian Revival Architecture.”3 While texts run gamut terms genre—corpus, handbook, methodological monographic essays—all were English well after left native Germany 1933, stripped job, money, eventually... You do not currently have access content.
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
Review of Anderson, Fenwick, &amp; Rosser-Owen (eds.), The Aghlabids and Their Neighbors
Myron Gordon
al-ʻUṣūr al-Wusṭá =|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
The Old Hispanic Office: Evidence and Silence
Kati Ihnat
A summary is not available for this content so a preview has been provided. As you have access to content, full PDF via the ‘Save PDF’ action button.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
The Epilogue identifies classical masculinity as reflected in depictions of late antique clothing, liturgy Carolingian monasteries, and miniature illustrations middle-Byzantine manuscripts. Fifth-century clergy wore specific apparel to signify manhood. Benedictine lectors (readers) were selected according their virility voice. And Byzantine artists set face manuscripts, part a legacy the agōn trope reciprocal strength. These examples show that elements continued inform Christian church western Europe Byzantium into eleventh century. Such representations evoke power authority within hierarchy church. Like fourth-century rhetoric, these trappings manhood provided language for leaders integrate faith lacked comparable platforms displays social spiritual distinction.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
Putting Down Roots in Ninth-Century Francia
This chapter argues that, especially in the East Frankish Kingdom, Carolingian advocates were operating as key local agents for churches on their estates by mid-ninth century at latest. While sources from West and Italian parts of empire suggest different trends, (especially royal grants immunity) demonstrate that acquired important policing powers judicial authority ecclesiastical properties during this period. undermines typical scholarly argument a phenomenon than subsequent types advocates, these already had responsibilities most later would continue to have into eighteenth century.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
The Introduction argues that the common scholarly terms feudalism, lordship, state-building, bureaucracy, officeholding and government all promote a misleading narrative about Europe’s transition from medieval to modern period. To better understand how power authority functioned at local level, it is essential focus on people who provided protection exercised justice – recognize little their corrupt practices changed between 750 1800. At center of this study position advocate (Latin: advocatus; German: Vogt), which emerged in Carolingian Advocates then proliferated, especially German-speaking lands, were responsible for providing exercising ecclesiastical estates, some towns even entire regions. Examining advocates profited positions across millennium offers opportunity reassess standard European political progress rethink concepts we rely tell story.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
The Lyra Viol in Consort With Other Instruments.
Ila Hartzler Stoltzfus
The entire extant repertoire of unpublished music for the lyra viol in consort with other instruments exists eight manuscripts which provide focus this investigation mid-seventeenth-century English music. This repertoire, dates from late 1630s until early 1660s, is written an ensemble includes a treble instrument, viol, bass and either theorbo or harpsichord. Historical background period, found Chapter I, provides context study transition musical style during period reflects changes political, economic, social structure. five composers these suites along some information about their activities major works are discussed II. Descriptions location each also included here. III contains instrumentation consort, beginning description its history, literature. Questions relating to performance practices raised, specifically those concerning roles continuo instruments. In IV dances ayres described. organization suites, tunings, relationship tunings keys included. elements rhythm, melody, harmony, texture highlight examination compositional V. have been studied seventeenth century ensembles. While many similarities can be found, presence as harmonic melodic instrument unique ensemble.
The “Aristocratization” of Post-Carolingian Advocacy
This chapter focuses on the evidence for both continuity and change in role of advocate during tenth century. Under Ottonian rulers East Frankish Kingdom, position acquired new prestige, as high-ranking nobles even themselves claimed to be advocates individual monasteries churches. As part this trend, sources increasingly emphasized advocate’s protector ecclesiastical properties. At same time, local continues show closely overseeing property interests churches ways that have clear parallels with eighth- ninth-century from Carolingian empire. further argues was developing organically period scholarly attempts create different categories are misguided. It is precisely because open interpretation were able abuse their positions own profit.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
The First “Medieval” Advocates
This chapter analyzes the earliest medieval evidence for position of advocate. It argues that, rather than relying on top-down sources such as Frankish legal texts (capitularies) and canons Church councils, we need to focus what named advocates are described doing in eighth- early ninth-century sources. Taking this approach, it demonstrates that first emerged empire mid-eighth century then proliferated rapidly under Charlemagne. Contrary standard argument these Carolingian were official, representatives ecclesiastics at court, contends – from beginning closely tied local territorial interests monasteries churches frequently pushed limits their formal responsibilities.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
Vorscholastik: The contribution of the Carolingian monk Paschasius Radbertus of Corbie (c. 790–860) to early medieval philosophy
Johann Beükes
This article reconsiders the historical–philosophical significance of monk and abbot Corbie Abbey (est. 657), Paschasius Radbertus (c. 790–860). Radbert is contextualised within cultural academic setting Carolingian period eighth ninth centuries while taking into account diverse scholarly accomplishments his contemporaries such as Alcuin York 740–804), Rabanus Maurus 780–856), Walafrid Strabo 809–849) John Scottus Eriugena (815–877). The characteristic absence contributions regarding in otherwise comprehensive introductions editorial works medieval philosophy subsequently surveyed. It shown that only a few introductory note contain references to Radbert, current specialised research also relatively limited. Reconsidering depictions several older commentaries, notably Martin Grabmann’s (1875–1949) Die Geschichte der Scholastischen Methode I ( 1957 ), it suggested Radbert’s philosophical importance could be traced Vorscholastik or earliest development scholasticism, presented extensive commentary Expositio Matheo Libri XII – without diminishing ecclesiastical weight dispute with Ratramnus (d.c. 868) their interpretation Eucharist similarly titled but disparate treatises De corpore et sanguine Domini , for which generally better known accordingly reflected studies early intellectual history. Contribution: contributes scholarship by reassessing influence Radbertus, based on most recent analyses modern receptions texts .
Theological Studies/Teologiese Studies
Scena Zwiastowania na poliptyku z Olkusza
Zdzisław Kliś
Wśród wielu przedstawień Zwiastowania reprezentowanych w tablicowym malarstwie Małopolsce uwagę zwraca scena z poliptyku kościoła św. Andrzeja Olkuszu. Został on ufundowany przez bogatą mieszczkę Annę Sperhozową i jej siostrzeńca, ks. Jana Wolnego, który, jako wykonawca testamentu ciotki, zamówił nastawę ołtarzową u swojego szwagra, malarza krakowskiego Wielkiego. Poliptyk został ukończony 1485 r. Początkowo znajdował się na ołtarzu Bożego Ciała Wniebowzięcia NMP, przy sakramentarium, obok ściany tęczowej (pomiędzy prezbiterium a nawami). Na początku XVII w. poliptyk przeniesiony do kaplicy Anny prezbiterium. Najprawdopodobniej wówczas części środkowej nastawy, tle renesansowej niszy, umieszczono późnogotycką figurę Matki Boskiej Dzieciątkiem.
Folia Historica Cracoviensia|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Towards a trans‐regional approach to early medieval Iberia
Álvaro Carvajal Castro|André Evangelista Marques|Graham Barrett|Leticia Agúndez San Miguel|Ainoa Castro Correa|Marcos Fernández Ferreiro|Jonathan Jarrett|David Peterson|Rosa M.a Quetglas Munar|José Carlos Sánchez Pardo|Igor Santos Salazar|Guillermo Tomás Faci
Abstract The past few decades have witnessed great change in the study of early Middle Ages Northern Iberian Peninsula. Spanish and Portuguese historiographies moved away from older grand narratives such as ‘Reconquest Repopulation’, which traced a centuries‐long process encompassing ultimate victory Christianity over Islam construction distinct nations or national societies. basic tenets these other essentialist approaches to period traditionally seen cradle Spain Portugal been questioned now superseded by clearer awareness territorial diversity characterising 8th 11th centuries. Yet ballast both nationalism regionalism has obstructed meaningful comparison amongst regions date. Drawing on work research group EarlyMedIberia , this article argues for new trans‐regional approach Iberia, looking beyond political geographical boundaries consider whole comparative light, stressing commonalities between regional local It does so providing an overview extant charter material before 1100 (indicating principal editions) reviewing major historiography. conclusion proposes closer assessment differences similarities historiographies, based more nuanced understanding how they moulded specificities corpus each region, first step towards integrated, contextualised, rigorously Iberia.
History Compass|Iris (University of Trento)|Universidade Nova de Lisboa's Repository (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)|Lincoln Repository (University of Lincoln)
Stéphane Péquignot|N. Perret
BRILL eBooks
The Use of Mirrors of Princes
Hans-Joachim Schmidt
BRILL eBooks
Western Medieval Specula, c. 1150–c. 1450
Charles F. Briggs|Cary J. Nederman
BRILL eBooks
Carolingian Mirrors for Princes: Texts, Contents, Impact
Karl Ubl
BRILL eBooks
Mihai Dragnea, Christian Identity Formation Across the Elbe in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries
Мариан Дыго
Zapiski Historyczne|Library Union Catalog of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg (B3Kat Repository)
Exposed and Abandoned. Origins of the Foundling Hospital
Michael Obladen
Abandoning undesired newborn infants was a Roman form of family limitation. They were exposed or given to foster mothers. Christianization alleviated their lot when in 374 CE, Emperor Valentinian's law provided some protection. The Milan Foundling Hospital established 787 CE. When the Carolingian Empire fell apart during 10th century, monastic networks (the Holy Spirit Order and Daughters Charity) took over social support for poor, sick, insane. hospitals proliferated Italy between 13th 15th centuries, France 16th 17th, Germany Austria 18th century. Metropolitan hospices admitted thousands each year. Most not "found" but anonymously via revolving box registered an open office. Soon after admission, they transported care wet nurses villages. Sick infants, especially those suspected suffering from syphilis, denied breast, artificial feeding tried with little success. Official death statistics falsified by relating infant deaths admissions total number children cared for. Over 60% died first year life, mostly pre-admission problems such as malformation, hypothermia, disease; poor hygiene overcrowded wards; feeding. Although intended that purpose, became medical research institutions late physicians surgeons employed maternity foundling hospitals.
Textual and Melodic Variance in Carolingian Chant
Rabecca Maloy
Epitome musical
Power, Personal Relationships, and Letters
This chapter illuminates a key characteristic of lay society in the Carolingian period: it was built on personal relationships, such as those between lords and their followers, vassals, or unfree, patrons clients, friends – short, who could offer help needed it. The importance these relationships is revealed above all formulas for letters, which clients asked them to intercede with other powerful people solve problems, power wrote an equal superior behalf supplicant. These letters reach very far down social scale. Some deal unfree have gotten into difficulties patron help. Quite few tell trouble own lord run another person courtier abbot Einhard beg his intercession. They show us appears flowed through perhaps more strongly than did lines that we might describe connecting governing governed, ruling ruled.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
Almudena Ariza Armada
The aim of this study is to provide a new perspective on the Barcelona mancuses minted in name Ḥammūdid caliphs al-Andalus, 5th/11th century. It has traditionally been thought that both their dates and choice types they imitate were random response mere economic issues. However, by considering chronology model analyzing them unique historical context which, unlike other Christian powers issued imitation coins, counts vassals Cordoba, we can conclude neither nor known mint names are “the result whim”, as some have stated, but rather responded policy alliances with different al-Andalus. They represent evidence recognition sovereignty caliphs, which has, at very least, legitimating value. Lastly, coin hoards prove circulated not only territory present-day Catalonia (the treasure Odena), also beyond its borders. This evidenced Kyiv, may well be reflection relations between Sephardic communities those principality Kyiv time when interest ancient Khazar kingdom reflected literature produced Sepharad.
Ukraïnsʹkij numìzmatičnij ŝorìčnik
„Премудрост сазда себи храм”: заставице са представом цркве у Псалтиру Бранка Младеновића
Бранка Ч. Вранешевић|Олга З. Шпехар
Зборник Народног музеја Историја уметности = Recueil du Musee national Histoire de l’art
Berghahn Books
4 Political Order: From Coercion to Constitution
Brian Shaev
Amsterdam University Press eBooks|Leiden Repository (Leiden University)|Leiden Repository (Leiden University)
Laypeople and Property
The formulas show us property transactions among laypeople that are fundamentally similar to those between and ecclesiastical institutions we see in the extant charters. Laypeople sold or gave each other, exchanged it with they used documents do it. However, broaden our view of sorts engaged who them. For example, different kinds changed hands: not simply arable but also vineyards, plots land within cities, even townhouses. People as security for loans. arranged hold benefices, so-called precarial grants, only from churches/monasteries kings other. One person a benefice arrangement king pass chosen heir, much same way others did monasteries. evidence these arrangements suggests lay families dominate charter record reflect part larger culture, which variety people Carolingian world create maintain ties
Cambridge University Press eBooks
Music in the Carolingian World
Epitome musical
This chapter pulls together the previous chapters’ conclusions about early medieval laity. It then asks why new, Carolingian-style formula collections stopped being made in course of tenth century. After surveying possible answers offered by scholarship, it suggests – while acknowledging that we will likely never know for certain another, namely they continued to be produced as long scribes wanted write their documents and letters like others were writing theirs, a clientele whose interests could span very distances. As Carolingian world disintegrated later ninth centuries, this became less important. The closes with history manuscript Paris, BNF, ms. lat. 2123, disappears from view, surfaces modern period, arrives at Bibliothèque Nationale de France, ends up hands Karl Zeumer he edited formulas Monumenta Germaniae Historica. discusses strengths weaknesses MGH edition, impact Zeumer’s editorial methods had on texts images laity, resulting dangers treating rather than surviving manuscripts, primary source.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
The <i>Ars musica </i>in Glosses and Commentary Traditions from the Carolingian Period
Mariken Teeuwen
Epitome musical
This chapter introduces the formulas as a source genre and in particular manuscript formula collection that occupies center of this study: Paris, BNF ms. lat. 2123 from Flavigny. It also concepts “early medieval Europe” laity,” order to frame questions shape book. The briefly describes how category “lay” even came exist; is, when “clerical” distilled out late post-Roman Christian society by Carolingian period separate clergy monks laypeople. From there it moves into what we know about lay people lived their lives early Frankish Europe, remains unknown makes worth writing new book about. then sets Flavigny context other collections, presenting (and them) gateway different world. Finally, outlines steps need open gate understand see on side, topics will explore get there.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
The Tree of Jesse and the Passion content in the setting of the Altar of the Holy Cross in the post-Dominican church in Klimontów
Leszek Wojciechowski
The article presents issues concerning the interpretation of prophecy Isaiah (11, 1-3) in works religious art. One these is altar post-Dominican church Klimontów near Sandomierz. town belonged to Ossoliński family from 15th century. In first half 17th century, a Dominican and monastery were built Klimontów. altar, made around mid-17th there carved gilded wood Jesse. image Tree Jesse surrounds main part altar. It content passions (from top: Veil St Veronica, Judgment on Jesus, crucifix). author discusses meaning individual parts He emphasizes that Virgin Mary – which appears other representations has not been shown it. following idea was realized: announcement fulfilment (an event New Testament what announced Old Testament). this case, (the genealogy Christ) foreshadows Saviour lineage David. king who triumphs cross.
Nasza Przeszłość
The Concepts of Tyrant and Tyranny in Medieval Political Discourse Reflections on a New Book Devoted to the Problem of the Tyrant and Tyranny in the Middle Ages
Nikita Fedonnikov
Рецензия на: Tyrannenbilder : Zur Polyvalenz des Erzählens von Tyrannis in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit / hrsg. J. Gold, C. Schanze, S. Tebruck. — Berlin Walter de Gruyter, 2022.
Философия. Журнал Высшей школы экономики
Curriculum and History Reflections on the Pakistan Studies Text Books Taught in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Altaf Qadir|Sabeeha Sabeeha
Though history as a discipline and historical instances are used for different agendas since centuries, it provided new grounds to ‘nation building’ after the emergence of Nation State in previous colonies during 20th century. The academicians writers started writing interpreting serve ‘national interests’ promote sense’. Each tried sort out common features ethnic social groups living that political boundary. creation Pakistan August 1947 was unique experience when Islam factor unite heterogeneous entities. ideological fathers, with colonial legacy identity crisis Pakistani Nation. For this purpose, state managers formed commissions which guidelines textbooks writing. successive governments followed policy developed ‘historical content’ all ‘constructing image’ individuals, institutions creeds. This ‘insertion’ might have some positive impact promoting ‘Pakistani nation’ but process culminated alienation multiple ethnicities on one hand use accounts propaganda tool other hand. present paper is an attempt scrutinize content Studies taught at secondary level public schools Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. scrutiny would be dealing two aspects: a) authenticity material; b) presentation. cover grade 9 10, published by Pakhtunkhwa textbook board.
The Journal of history and social sciences
The Relation between Carolingian Rulers and Border Aristocracy in the First Half of the 9th Century: Case of ‘Bernard of Septimania’
Seung Hyup Hyun
카롤루스 왕조는 믿을 수 있는 귀족들을 활용하여 급격히 팽창해나가는 왕국을 통치했다. 길렐무스 일족의 가장 먼 조상 테오도리쿠스는 마르텔루스의 사위가 된 이후에 측근이 되었으며, 그의 아들 길렐무스는 제국 남부 변경의 지배자로 부상했다. 그러나 자신의 관직을 자녀들에게 물려주지 못했는데, 이는 마그누스가 변방을 강력하게 통제하고 있었기 때문이다. 길렐무스의 아들들은 820년대 중반부터 아버지의 유산을 되찾기 시작했다. 특히 베르나르두스는 셉티마니아와 에스파냐 변경백령을 지배하는 동시에 루도비쿠스 1세의 최측근이 되어 제국의 2인자로 부상했지만 황후와의 간통 혐의로 총애를 상실하자 반란을 일으켰다. 진압한 1세는 일족이 지배하던 남부에 왕권을 확립하려 했지만, 왕가의 내분으로 인해 군주의 권위가 크게 약화되었기에 베르나르두스와 타협할 수밖에 없었다. 복권된 이전보다 더 많은 영토를 손에 넣었으나 1세 사후 서프랑크왕이 2세와 충돌하면서 몰락하고 말았다. 이 같은 흥망성쇠는 9세기 전반 프랑크 왕국 귀족집단이 중앙권력과 완전히 분리되지 않았으며, 830년부터 시작된 내분에 직접적인 영향을 받으면서 심한 부침을 겪었다는 사실을 잘 보여준다.
Virgil and Music in the Carolingian World
Jan M. Ziolkowski
Epitome musical
Nomina Inserere Voluerint, Non Prohibeatur. Nominal Inscriptions Inside the Altar in the North-East of the Iberic Peninsula (9th-13th Centuries)
Marianne Blanchard
Some manuscripts of the 11th and 12th centuries preserved in Catalonia present a specific rite when bishop had to consecrate church. In altar he placed relics, three fragments hosts, grains incense small parchments on which was written information about consecration, ten commandments beginning four gospels. The Catalan consecration ritual corresponded liturgical codification, Catalan-Narbonne ordo, is generally accepted have been strictly followed. However, archaeological excavations carried out pre-Romanesque Romanesque churches since 19th century often brought light practice that not codified these texts: modest containers wood, stone or alabaster contained relics engraved with names. This paper dedicated nominal inscriptions from ritual, found inside altars.
Fenestella. Dentro l'arte medievale
ECH volume 74 issue 1 Cover and Front matter
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The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
History, Scripture and authority in the Carolingian empire. Frechulf of Lisieux. By Graeme Ward. Pp. xvi + 255. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press (for The British Academy), 2022. £70. 978 0 19 726728 8
Scott G. Bruce
History, Scripture and authority in the Carolingian empire. Frechulf of Lisieux. By Graeme Ward. Pp. xvi + 255. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press (for The British Academy), 2022. £70. 978 0 19 726728 8 - Volume 74 Issue 1
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Conference Report: Paradigmes et perspectives de la littérature médiévale comparée | Paradigmen und Perspektiven einer Mediävistischen Komparatistik | Paradigms and Perspectives of a Comparative Medieval Literature (Fribourg Colloquium 2021)
Cornelia Herberichs
Conference Report of the Fribourg Colloquium 2021 Paradigms and Perspectives a Comparative Medieval Literature (8-10 September 2021), organised by medieval literature scholars Institut d’études médiévales at University (Switzerland).
Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures
Musica y Scolica Enchiriadis. Hacia una representación icónica del espacio sonoro en dos tratados musicales carolingios
Pablo Massa
El presente artículo sistematiza algunas observaciones acerca de la diagramatología los tratados Musica y Scolica Enchiriadis (c. 850) dentro del proceso teórico construcción espacio escritura sonora en época carolingia. Se propone así un estatuto las descriptiones ambos tanto íconos-diagramas, se examinan elementos fases su formalización, metáforas espaciales temporales que conforman sus presupuestos epistémicos, relación dependencia con diagramas cuadriviales Antigüedad. examina también el uso color como elemento cognitivo transmisión manuscrita diagramas, representaciones icónicas no diagramáticas pueden observarse ciertas fuentes. De este análisis surge una caracterización mecanismos específicos conocimiento, orientados por nueva didáctica, solo visual sino performativa, Ars Musica.
Anuario Musical
A Crônica da Irlanda entre tradições historiográficas, cronológicas e manuscritas (740 – 911)
Kauê Junior Neckel
O presente artigo objetiva sugerir uma interpretação do papel da Crônica Irlanda em sua tradição de escrita história – os anais medievais Irlandeses. A partir provocações historiografia que manifestam inexistência, questionamos: evidências atestam a existência dentro dos Irlandeses? Configuramos interconectando as sequências comuns tardo-medievais três pontos. Primeiro, definimos Irlandeses como historiográfica, depois sugerimos o recorte cronológico documento entre 740 e 911, e, por fim, identificamos seu corpus manuscritos.
Clio|Dialnet (Universidad de la Rioja)
Revisiting the ‘Valkyries’: Armed Females in Viking Age Figurative Metalwork
Leszek Gardeła|Peter Pentz|Neil Price
This paper offers an in-depth exploration of a group small Viking Age figurines commonly referred to as ‘valkyries’ in and Old Norse scholarship. After presenting overview the long research history pertaining these finds their varying definitions, this study re-analyses various formal stylistic features proposes new typological system based on comprehensive investigation current find corpus. is followed by deconstruction discussion ambiguous gender characteristics potential avenues interpretation. The supplemented detailed catalogues all presently known so-called armed ‘valkyrie’ figures well high-quality illustrations that demonstrate great iconographic value for studies clothing, martial equipment ritual behaviour.
Current Swedish archaeology
Glimpses of Carolingian Latin Song: A Laon Verse Collection Reconsidered
Sam Barrett
Epitome musical
To Speak Well and to Sing Wisely: Liturgical Chant and Carolingian <i>Correctio</i>
Susan Rankin
Epitome musical
Nepantla in The Ninth Century: The Monastery of Redon and The Frankish-Breton Borderlands
Thomas P. Greene
Medieval scholars write often about frontiers, but infrequently borderlands. In this essay I bring together medieval studies and borderland studies, specifically the work of Gloria Anzaldúa, to read anew Gesta Sanctorum Rotonensium (Deeds Holy Men Redon). This late ninth century text describes establishment (in 832) early history monastery Redon, which took place within multiple, overlapping, contested borders. By translating Anzaldúa’s nepantla into a ninth-century idiom, as borderlands text, written by for residents Frankish-Breton The fluidity region, argue, fostered conflict becoming essential nepantla. enabled monks formulate transgressive identity, community, that worked around between sometimes against both secular ecclesiastical power.
International journal of religion
Women Witnesses to the Risen Lord
Andrew Simmonds
Under Jewish law, the witnessing of Jesus as resurrected must occur by third-day afterdeath. Later can be corroborative, but is crucial. In Matthew andJohn, sole percipient witnesses on are women, plural in Matthew, a single woman inJohn. This seems to cast doubt Jesus’ resurrection because Greek, Roman, and culture,women were ineligible or considered vastly inferior men. Celsusinveighed, “Who saw this? A hysterical female!” Communicating outsiders, having women witnesscasts aspersions making Christianity appear unthreatening imperial order.However, for Jews aware celebrated exception Pharisaic/rabbinic oral law/tradition thataccepted women’s testimony circumstances found gospels, specifically witness makes their more credible than had been men any combination women. Women risen Lord fits within interstices Law, so that, not just human testimony, Law lends its imprimatur endorsing Jesus.
Verbum Vitae
When God came to Town - Urban Development and Religious Practices in early medieval Odense, Denmark
Kirstine Haase|Mikael Manøe Bjerregaard
This article presents a contextual approach to studying the role of urban environment in introducing Christianity Denmark between 900 and 1250. We consider sensory experience apply concept lived religion highly varied sometimes limited archaeological material from St Alban’s church Odense, its cemetery, surrounding settlement, show that played an active integrating into everyday life. The king used stage their authority. message was propagated through religious practices, such as celebrating Saint Cnut with spectacular processions, dress accessories motifs. These practices facilitated transformation elite-oriented missionary promoted by elite widely accepted integrated lives Odense’s inhabitants.
Danish journal of archaeology
From memory or formulary
Timo Korkiakangas
This paper seeks to review the state of art concerning how documentary formulae were reproduced in early medieval private charters written Latin. I shall estimate which kind theoretical considerations and empirical evidence there are support one or other two main hypotheses, i.e., that i) charter scribes copied from models ii) they had memorized them memory each time wrote a new charter. propose memorization hypothesis is more robust, but also recognize intermediate positions.
Pokus o interpretáciu rytých symbolov na fasáde kaplnky sv. Margity Antiochijskej v Kopčanoch
Martin Illáš
The Smell of Relics: Authenticating Saintly Bones and the Role of Scent in the Sensory Experience of Medieval Christian Veneration
Paul Brazinski|Allegra Fryxell
<em></em><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: x-small;">The archaeology of smell is a burgeoning field in recent scholarship. This paper adds to existing literature by investigating the function relation relic sales and veneration medieval Europe, hitherto understudied area research. Collating historical texts concerning translatio saintly relics Western Europe Byzantine Empire with archaeological sources associated religious worship (including ampullae, unguentaria, sarcophagi, holy oils, pillow graves, silk), this suggests that (1) was used world as means challenge or confirm relic’s authenticity, (2) olfactory liquids imbued permeated material objects context functioned focusing attention on were an essential part cult and/or pilgrimage experience.</span>
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Saint King Oswald of Northumbria: Overlord or Imperator? A Very Peculiar Ancestor
Giovanni Collamati
In the documentation produced by English monarchy during tenth century Latin title imperator surprisingly appears, but it is not first time that this has been associated with an insular king. Adomnán of Iona's Vita sancti Columbae (c.700), St. Oswald king Northumbria appears as totius Britanniae imperator. Oswald, one seven kings—successively called bretwaldas in Anglo-Saxon Chronicle—who would have enjoyed a certain overlordship above other kingdoms island, could be missing link connecting use eighth and centuries. Nevertheless, closer view on figure points out how he was remembered worshipped more saint-overlord than emperor. Indeed, we can distinguish two different types representation Northumbrian king’s authority: proposed (emperor Britain) second Bede (saintoverlord). article I show Bedian model had greater diffusion England following centuries, thanks to cult saint. This suggests there no direct between tenth-century charters; they were manifestations “imperiality.”
Royal studies journal
The Lost Cameo, the Vanished Statue of the Emperor and Constantine as a New Alexander
Piotr Ł. Grotowski
The aim of this paper is to propose a reinterpretation the meaning lost colossus Constantine Great from Forum his name in Constantinople, light iconography emperor on cameo cathedral Pomeranian town Cammin. Although gem was during last war, it known us thanks archival photographs and plaster cast housed at Göttingen University. On basis, Gerda Bruns associated jewel with statue porphyry column New Rome, her identification has since been widely accepted by scholarly milieu. In recent years one able observe growing popularity interpretation among researchers, who however refrain their studies pointing consequences such reconstruction statue’s form.&#x0D; author points out that purposefully chose iconographical type Alexander-ktistes as model for own representation order allude great predecessor founder number cities which bore name. became then part programme celebrations arranged occasion dedication numerous references Alexander played key role. This new understanding colossus, placing its significance within frames political propaganda, better matches actual historical circumstances ruler’s attitude towards Christendom than traditional interpretations recognised Helios or Apollo, thus introduced an incoherence — difficult explain Constantine’s religion. cumbersome question, baffled inquisitive minds already Constantinople Byzantine era, will be considered unsubstantial if we correctly interpret monument solely propagandistic context.
Vox Patrum|Jagiellonian University Repository (Jagiellonian University)
Columella in Russian culture : notes on Sangermanensis (St. Petersburg Cl. lat. F. v. 1)
Ana María Tarrío
These pages offer a preliminar collection of facts and data about the presence in Russian Culture Columella's De re rustica, starting with history carolingian codex preserved Library St. Petersburg (Cl. lat. F. v. 1; olim Cod. Sangermanensis Petropolitanus 207), transferred to this city by Pyotr Petrovich Dubrovsky shortly after French Revolution, providing an account primary introduction significant translations studies on Roman agronomist drawn up both revolutionaries enemies October Revolution.
Graeco-Latina Brunensia
The Lyon Terence: Its Tradition and Legacy by Giulia Torello-Hill and Andrew J. Turner
Frances Muecke
Reviewed by: The Lyon Terence: Its Tradition and Legacy by Giulia Torello-Hill Andrew J. Turner Frances Muecke Torello-Hill, Giulia, Turner, (Dance Theatre in Early Modern Europe, 11), Leiden, Brill, 2020; hardback; pp. xv, 296; 26 colour plates; R.R.P. €115.00; ISBN 9789004362451. Why the Terence? One of finest French illustrated books, this edition, published 1493, was first a Latin classical text to appear original language with woodcut illustrations. Furthermore, it contains not just six plays but also new commentary accompany Terence print (earlier editors had resorted that fourth-century grammarian Donatus). Building on their edited collection between Late Antiquity Age Printing. Illustration, Commentary, Performance (Brill, 2015), take up topics explored there illustrate diverse aspects groundbreaking moment history book. Consciously interdisciplinary, book brings number specialized fields study, such as manuscript tradition Carolingian miniatures, humanist industry, printing illustration, revival theatre fifteenth-century Italy. has been noticed, authors argue, unduly neglected owing failure recognize its contribution understanding Terence's theatre. Hence sets broad context long tradition. As well, offers close analysis interaction text, commentaries, illustrations, comparing predecessors followers. Central are two chapters editor Jodocus Badius Ascensius or Josse Bade (1461/2–1535) his three editions Terence, all different printers (1492, 1502). A humanist, teacher, later printer own right, he travelled Italy spent time Ferrara, one centres comedy performance. argue engaged closely poet's Donatus commentary, paying attention [End Page 173] variant readings act scene divisions. 1493 1502 incorporate Guy Jouenneaux (Guido Juvenalis)'s fairly scholastic (1492). This for many years, along Badius's additional notes, Praenotamenta, mini treatise drama wrote edition. At point, I have few niggles. On frontispiece edition (Figure 1.1) Jouenneaux's is advertised familiarissima interpretatio, translated 'a most trustworthy interpretation' (p. 10). Similarly, translate 'trustworthiness' familiaritas attributes (or style) 1491 (pp. 102–03, 123). implication familiaris (intimate, domestic) instead seems me be 'approachability'. Again, elucidamenta (explanations, clarifications) 'deep insights' 13) claims too much. page 71 quote snippet from early education at Ghent which teachers said come forth great numbers 'like armed warriors Trojan horse'. His use simile original, common modern writers (ultimately derives Cicero, De oratore, 2.90). Naturally illustrations another major focus: who responsible them; how far they interact commentary; what owe tradition, contemporary dress Gestures particularly important here (see thorough appendix Chapter 5), pity reader must do without those discussed. volume does contain high-quality plates, scenes integral argument reproduced. Packed detail meticulous scholarship, succeeds showing 'transform[ed] Renaissance visualization theatre' 23). That said, an easy read. It...
Bettina Bock
The paper deals with the concept of family tree and German word Stammbaum. is placed in larger context plant-human metaphor. This metaphor already found Ancient Near East Sumerian cosmogony. It also known from Bible. And it deeply rooted Indo-Europeania can be traced through reconstructed Proto-Indo-European, Greek Latin mythology, or Germanic Slavic wood idols. article compiles frequently cited texts passages on topic add an early evidence for a “tree kinship”. oldest attestation dates back to time around 650, but this probably isolated evidence, even though Isidore Seville describes stemma (the Roman genealogical table) ramusculi ‘little branch’ his Etymologiae. There no need conclude that was tree, if modern kinship” suggests. Rather, art historical studies have shown between 9th 12th centuries various forms representation were tested, 1200 familiar estabablished as form we know now only one. A first linguistic testimony Albertus Magnus. Together trees Carolingians Guelphs, thesis developed, against background deep anchoring Germanic, takes up these old ideas, too, sound similarity Stamm supported formation
German Philology at the St Petersburg State University
In Search of an Acceptable Past: History, Archaeology, and ‘Looted’ Graves in the Construction of the Frankish Early Middle Ages
Astrid Noterman|Alison Klevnäs
Abstract The Early Middle Ages have provided material for imagining selves and groups in a wide range of contexts since the earliest beginnings historical archaeological disciplines. Considerable recent research has shown how modern political conflicts regional-national identities crystallized this period particular. This essay traces ways which early medieval remains, mainly from richly furnished cemeteries, been brought into play developing scholarly popular accounts history France. During second half nineteenth century, recovery considerable numbers finely worked grave goods large rural cemeteries studying reevaluating Merovingian-period societies, previously only glimpsed written sources largely out-competed as national ancestors by appeal Gaulish warriors. Yet paradoxically, another form discovery same burial grounds seemed to place them back Dark Ages: many graves were found ransacked robbed soon after burial, making communities time appear lawless barbarous. Archaeological attitudes towards excavated graves, particular thousands already reopened antiquity, not highlight key aspects development discipline, but also reveal remains dead may be integral processes identity construction.
Bioarchaeology and social theory
Genome-wide data from medieval German Jews show that the Ashkenazi founder event pre-dated the 14<sup>th</sup> century
Shamam Waldman|Daniel Backenroth|Éadaoin Harney|Stefan Flohr|Nadia C. Neff|Gina Buckley|Hila Fridman|Ali Akbari|Nadin Rohland|Swapan Mallick|Jorge Cano Nistal|Jin Yu|Nir Barzilai|Inga Peter|Gil Atzmon|Harry Ostrer|Todd Lencz|Yosef E. Maruvka|Maike Lämmerhirt|Leonard Victor Rutgers|Virginie Renson|Keith M. Prufer|Stephan Schiffels|Harald Ringbauer|Karin Sczech|Shai Carmi|David Reich
Abstract We report genome-wide data for 33 Ashkenazi Jews (AJ), dated to the 14 th century, following a salvage excavation at medieval Jewish cemetery of Erfurt, Germany. The Erfurt individuals are genetically similar modern AJ and have substantial Southern European ancestry, but they show more variability in Eastern European-related ancestry than AJ. A third carried same nearly-AJ-specific mitochondrial haplogroup eight pathogenic variants known affect today. These observations, together with high levels runs homozygosity, suggest that community had already experienced major reduction size affected However, bottleneck was severe, implying substructure Together, our results founder event acquisition main sources pre-dated century highlight late genetic heterogeneity no longer present
bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)|Communities in ADDI (University of the Basque Country)|Utrecht University Repository (Utrecht University)
Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume One: Sense Perception
Juhana Toivanen
The trilogy Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition investigates how Aristotle and his ancient medieval successors understood relation between external world human mind. It gives an equal footing to three most influential linguistic traditions – Greek, Latin, Arabic offers insightful interpretations historical theories perception, dreaming, thinking. This first volume focuses on sense perception discusses philosophical questions concerning senses, their classification, functioning, from Brentano.
Vēsture|E-resource repository of the University of Latvia (University of Latvia)
Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible of Europe by Judith Herrin
Edward M. Schoolman
Reviewed by: Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible Europe by Judith Herrin Edward M. Schoolman Princeton. Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp. xxxvii + 537. ISBN: 978-0-691-15343-8 There are many ways to locate the city Ravenna. Geographically, it rested at southern edge where wide Po valley met Adriatic in northern Italy. Politically, was central late Roman empire and its immediate successors Italy, serving as capital for both Ostrogothic kingdom and, more than two hundred years, Byzantine exarchate before finally being seized Lombards (if only temporarily). Into Middle Ages, this past made a desired location on royal itineraries age Carolingians. Culturally, recipient imperial significant local patronage early guises, leading constructions some best-preserved churches period, resplendent their glittering mosaics, but also site production other mobile items, exemplified illuminated Gothic bibles one hand, texts like anonymous eighth century Cosmography other. In Europe, acknowledges multiple positions city, while locating Ravenna an integral node much wider context connecting history broader transitions from world into differentiated medieval Europe. Despite broad stokes that entails, masterfully ties together details make book compelling. thirty-seven chapters, neatly subdivided smaller sections sprinkled with full color plates, she touches Ravenna's frequently role historical events, including cultural city. Her analysis ultimately showcases utility understanding fortunes place lens viewing larger patterns history. While periodization general scope match Herrin's 1989 The Formation Christendom, volume nevertheless represents entirely different approach execution. is, fact, nothing quite volume. Its focus could fitting companion Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis's Late Antiquity, which centered material built environment. It stands own way trace development Mediterranean reign Constantine Charlemagne. pulls major figures Theodoric Justinian, is equally adept weaving activities Popes, bishops, Exarchs; religious disputes Arianism, Three Chapters Controversy, Iconoclasm; even lives soldiers, monks, priests, Goths, workers land who appear (often once) church rich collection preserved papyri parchment documents. She taps relatively obscure sources uncover unlikely connections, Cosmographia composed around 700 ce scholar "travelled" through literature revealing now-lost books maps available during these so-called "dark ages." Designed readership, would serve ideal [End Page 317] classroom, perhaps version course long Antiquity or parallel version, "From Charlemagne." With clear organization, short chronological breadth, point balance between traditional narratives Ages "West," encompass wider, multi-cultural perspective highlight contributions Empire More broadly speaking, transition "modes" antiquity those work here satisfying elasticity, moving tightly bound confines field vision relate how political changes rippled sea. As writing review, has...
Journal of Late Antiquity
Before the Gregorian Reform: The Latin Church at the Turn of the First Millennium by John Howe
Uta-Renate Blumenthal
Reviewed by: Before the Gregorian Reform: The Latin Church at Turn of First Millennium by John Howe Uta-Renate Blumenthal Millennium. By Howe. (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. 2016. Pp. xiv, 353; 44 illustrations two maps. $33.95 paperback. ISBN: 78080142801452895.) Howe's remarkable book, Reform, intends to illuminate fate Europe from Viking invasions threshold pontificate Pope Leo IX (1049–1054), a that placed papacy in center Reform. paradigm "Reform," author explains, is "Black Hole" (p. 9) accepting all kinds definitions. He himself wishes present post-Carolingian post-invasion indications non-papal developments throughout society. In process he tries reinsert into general revival West 6). Accordingly, book cover aspects western society period late eighth mid-eleventh century omitting, however, any discussion political institutional developments. turns particular material culture, such as architecture, using Romanesque churches France example. Many changes related Church, liturgy, creation books Hours, splendor ecclesiastical garments, saints' presentations Sainte Foy Abbey Conques, well festivals, pilgrimages, innovations were ushered "creative" destructions. led, according author, last not least "feudal revolution" way internal fortifications defensive Motte-and-bailey castles knights (pp. 54, 56, 57). volume was nearly twenty years making 1), addressed medievalists reader interested medieval church history [End Page 203] 10). For this reason explains some basic principles, uses "modern language" even if leads misunderstandings. There is, for instance, his use terms Germany, though entities so described convey little meaning these terms. map 60) makes up extent. same context it should be mentioned expression "millennial Church" used frequently, but only because "it simpler label than 'the tenth- early eleventh-century Church'" 12). It seems nonetheless odd see reference invading Magyars tenth jihadis 47). takes caused Vikings subsequent evolution task complicated vast, survey fills noteworthy gap development Europe. analysis; readers have rely on very extensive, detailed footnotes accompany many seemingly innocuous statements. An excellent feature helpful black white addition concludes with an index bibliography. Both scholars broader public will grateful learned pick hints regarding hitherto neglected history. Catholic America (Emerita) Copyright © 2022 Press
Catholic Historical Review
Jews and Carolingians — Cooperation, Publicity, Slave Trade and Administrative Resource
Alexey V. Ivanov
The prohibitions on the possession of Christian slaves, adopted at beginning 5th century, squeezed Jews out industrial sphere activity, i.e. from agriculture and handicrafts, to trade financial economic services, previously not very revered in Jewish environment. Since that period was predominantly slave trade, became main traders early Middle Ages. texts sources 5th-7th centuries indicate during this time merchants were public hid under Greek pseudonyms — Anthony, Vasily, Priscus. Saxon Wars Charlemagne, which began 770, manna heaven for - they gained access almost unlimited demographic resource pagans, whose sale slavery limited Catholic Church. By gifts Asian luxury items 9th century able significantly strengthen their position French court. In 825, received official bulls Louis Pious permission sell foreign slaves (mancipia peregrina) countries located “below our empire” (infra imperium nostrum). Here, first time, we see elements publicity judgments contain names Rabbi Donatus Samuel (most likely Paris), David Joseph Lyon Abram Saragossa. From letters Bishop Agobard Lyons 826-828 follows these permissions purely declarative event conflicts between local administration, a “Master Affairs” (Iudęorum magister) arrived settled situation. conclusion, comment economy Elba-Cordoba route give brief overview 9—11th centuries.
Girolamo Cardano’s Meteorological Predictions: Hippocratism, Weather Signs, Winds, and the Limits of Astrology
Craig Martin
Abstract The subject of meteorology was central to Girolamo Cardano’s thought. It held together his encyclopedism by tying the celestial realm sublunary world and human action. Meteorology, for Cardano, links abstract knowledge practical operative. While many Aristotelian predecessors understood weather prediction as distinct from a natural philosophical field, profound interest in conjectural arts probabilistic reasoning led him tie causal explanations methods forecasting future conditions air their effects on humans, especially regarding health disease. it might be expected that Cardano would have emphasized astrological tools forecasting, instead he went different direction, namely, embracing ancient tradition signs revising theories winds. At end career, which mostly spent writing commentaries Hippocratic writings, integrated understanding with rules prognosis, traditional understandings causes
Perspectives on Science|ARCA (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia)
Poeme, Bilder, Kommentare. Die Bibel im Gebrauch von Königen und Adligen der Karolingerzeit
Wolfgang Haubrichs
Since the times of Charlemagne, who ordered correction and emendation extant biblical manuscripts, splendid bibles (Prachtbibeln), pentateuches, psalters gospel books, often richly illustrated and, for iconography, dependent on antique models, were dedicated to rulers. The kings themselves, especially Charles Bald (840-874), initiated production such magnificent holy codices. But kings, members high nobility, their capellae libraries, also manuscripta everyday use can be proved. Amazing, above all, is dedication complex bible commentaries rulers by distinguished theologians like Hrabanus Maurus (780-856), abbot monastery Fulda, which intended open allegorical sense Holy Scriptures layity. Dedication poems letters supply evidence that books spiritual remedies, giving comfort consolation. aristocrats searched, guided theological exegesis, mysteria Dei, secrets Scriptures. Especially Old Testament provided models imitatio ancient just at same time, gave instructions admonitiones good government. last stage reached with (scanty) late Carolingian Latin bible-epics contemporaneous vernacular poetry, producing most extensive always in relation kings. harmony Saxon Heliand (c. 840/50) was Ludovicus piissimus Augustus, while Frankish Liber Evangeliorum Wissembourg monk Otfrid (863/71) Louis German, king orientalia regna Francorum.
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Pellet bells and bells from the Avar Period in the Hungarian National Museum
Beate Maria Pomberger|M.E Jorg|Saunderson Kayleigh|Viktória Mozgai|Bernadett Bajnóczi
The Great Migration Period collection of the Hungarian National Museum houses more than 67 pellet bells and from Avar Period, which are part research project ‘Metallic Idiophones between 800 BC AD in Central Europe’. They originate 17 archaeological sites. idiophones presented within their find context classified into types. Chemical analyses were carried out non-destructively by using a handheld XRF. sounds original objects recorded analysed about frequency ranges psychoacoustic parameters. Several suggestions function complete article. Ten textiles on bells, revealing some information possible pieces clothing positioning burial.
Archeometriai Műhely|Repository of the Academy's Library (Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Princeps Avarum and Cani Zauci in Aachen in the autumn of 811. Towards the Bulgarian-Frankish relations under the rules Krum (802?–814) and Omurtag (814–831)
Pavel Georgiev
The author offers new possibilities for interpretation of Frankish, domestic and Byzantine sources regarding the Bulgarian political control over territories Avar Khaganate, destroyed by Charlemagne. main focus is placed on certificate embassy led Princeрs Avarum Canizauci in Aachen November 811. Coordinating it with sources, leads to following conclusions. 1. It likely that diplomatic mission Charlemagne 811, involving representatives com­munity, its Tudun Slavic tribal princes, was prince – Omurtag, younger brother ruler Krum (802? 814), his capacity as (princeps) ombritag. i. e. Avars hegem­on, northwestern borders after 803 „Khan’s beloved brother” (khani sev`ingi or khani sev(inč) ingi). In Aachen, he introduced himself a cani zautzi, is, post envoy”. 2. khanas uvigi Omurtag (814–831) missions Emperor Louis 824 825–826 appear have also been member ruling family Plisk oba (Pliska), maybe from second son Zvinitsa/Zvinichis. They had representative/s settlers between 813 837 Trans­Danubian Bulgaria (probably Lower Tisza region) captives Eastern Thrace Armenian origin. One their leaders named Tzantzès, son, Stilian, descendants gained fame Byzantium under surname Ζαούτζης, Ζαούτζας. coincides exactly pro­Bulgarian official title (position) zautzi (tzautci), (=chaush) probably derived it. On this basis, we conclude Τζάντζην (Öан¤·þ воеводэ) performing carrier messages emissary functions state before 837. 3. considered evidence, facts circumstances surrounding 825/6 provide testifies state’s south-eastern parts Khaganate collapse period 791–803. contribution clarify important aspects relations East Frankish Kingdom, well local population Avars, Bulgarians Slavs there.
Repository of the Academy's Library (Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
The Geopolitical Context of the Rus’ Raid on Seville
Evgenii A. Shinakov|Андрей Васильевич Федосов
The article offers a possible explanation for the raid of Rus’ on Seville in 844 and also attempts to compare this event with embassy Constantinople Ingelheim, their Amastris. These events, taken as part complex geopolitical picture “long middle” 9th century, show origin nature emerging group people. This period started renewed Muslim onslaught Europe through Byzantine holdings Asia Minor Italy 820s–830s, finished middle 860s victory over Abbasids. Other important events time were Great Schism; victories Orthodoxy Catholicism heretics Moravia, Bulgaria Minor; first baptism Rus’. background was complemented by collapse Carolingian Empire beginning German Drang nach Osten. During time, small who identified itself 838, came into being. Its main goal explore new trade routes world bypassing Khazaria. However, eventually they discovered an opportunity pillaging Byzantium its allies Andalusia. result actions, which probably coordinated form one center Southern Denmark, acquisition “homeland” North Eastern Europe: land that given accidentally emerged name “Rus’”.
Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta
Ilyin Mikhail
The article discusses various options for the institutional construction of imperial structures, one way or another identified with classical empire Rome. review covers Roman tradition proper and formation successive versions imperial-republican complex. There are two ways using institutional: direct inheritance predominantly vertical transfer properties indirect perception horizontal transfer. continuation its modified existence in form theocratic symphony Kingdom Romans (Βασιλεία Ῥωμαίων) eastern Mediterranean Chrysalis (theocracy a feudalized hierarchical vertical) Christian Republic (Respublica Christiana) Western Europe is considered. three attempts to restore completeness structure even within framework European chrysalis: successful Charlemagne, not quite Holy Empire, completely unsuccessful efforts Plantagenets establish an west during Hundred Years' War. Further variants already mediated reproduction orders United Kingdom, then States, as well First French being analyzed. Other projects focused on heritage also touched upon. experience integration EU's use republican aspects complex, models Carolingian Empire discussed. Special attention paid component national political tradition. It shown that all cases under consideration, combined other from patrimonial monarchical modern (corporate, consociative, federal, etc.). carried out reproduction, restoration, partial copying, imitation simulation.
Političeskaâ nauka
Sous le charme de l’écriture : les <i>Scholia Turonensia </i>et le <i>scriptorium </i>de Corbie
Luca Cadili
The most detailed study ever devoted to the scholia of a rather famous Carolingian book, ms. 165 in Bern Burgerbibliothek, appeared under signature J. Savage 1925. information given there has never been reconsidered, and no effort made improve our knowledge matter. This article provides new examination manuscript, concentrating on notes that refer Bucolics Georgics. Four scribes are discerned as well source nourished work one them : manuscript from Corbie not survived, where Servius was accompanied by additions different origin. which response request abbey Tours, known commentary highly esteemed coveted scholars readers period.
Revue d'histoire des textes
The Life of Saint Boniface: Legitimizing “Political Monks” in Carolingian Europe
Lundy Zheng
Advances in social science, education and humanities research
Abdülhalik Bakır
Cappadocia journal of history and social sciences
Dissolving Subjects in Medieval Reliquaries and Twentieth-Century Mass Graves
Miriam Edlich-Muth
Abstract The remains of the dead can impinge upon public consciousness in different ways, ranging from shock ‘uncovering’ human unexpected places to social effects that unfold around remain unseen but are known be present. In 2009, following a lengthy legal battle, an official court decree ordered excavation private land located on grounds former concentration camp Jamlitz, Brandenburg. decision was based extensive evidence this site mass grave containing Hungarian, Polish, and German Jews who had been murdered during Holocaust. dispute, which burial rights as-yet-undiscovered come head with wishes landowner, became focus intense debate. This cross-period paper compares assumptions values underlying dispute late medieval responses encounters many relics reliquaries were circulating at time. doing so, it invites reflection how individual self-perception identities shaped threatened by engaging shifting subjective contexts inform their meaning.
Bioarchaeology and social theory
Why this one? And why here?
Jacke Phillips
Beyond the “macro” scale of interaction within and beyond Horn Africa also exists a “micro” undercurrent peoples, goods, ideas technologies impacting on regions their origin. Transported from one culture to another, they could be appropriated adapted varying degrees own, overwhelming virtually nil impact. Such assimilation – whether physical importation, direct copying (“imitation”), adoption, adaptation, incorporation, interpretation, imposition or even complete rejection an external “something” its normal cultural sphere is by-product long-distance movement goods and, degrees, ultimate result networking major players. Over past two millennia, Red Sea/Horn region has witnessed rise fall numerous cultures, all whom interacted with others beyond, by both land sea. Texts excavations have documented what was transferred, but some sense multiple meanings rationales behind acceptance these specific can gleaned considering them own borders. In present paper, I discuss ongoing thoughts somewhat speculative observations, ideas, inferences questions (some not yet possible answer) extend simple enumeration foreign consider implicit impact people who encountered them, using Aksumite Ethiopia/Eritrea as case study, traded at Adulis listed in Periplus Maris Erythraei starting point for my discussion.
Literary Tombs and Archaeological Knowledge in the Twelfth-Century ‘Romances of Antiquity’
Naomi Howell
Abstract This chapter explores intertextual and intermedial encounters between imaginative literature archaeological knowledge in Western Europe the second half of twelfth century. Several popular ‘romans d’antiquités’ from this period, such as anonymous Roman d’Eneas (c. 1160), Benoît de Sainte-Maure’s Troie 1165), Heinrich von Veldeke’s Eneit (1170–1788), feature elaborate ekphrastic descriptions tombs legendary heroes warriors. Although romances antiquity are works fiction, their ancient burial practices reflect influence written accounts actual tomb openings exhumations preceding Thus, description Pallas is partly modeled on chronicler William Malmesbury’s account discovery ‘real’ Rome, c. 1045. Similarly, , Hector with its distinctive enthroned based part opening Charlemagne by Otto III year 1000. Reading these alongside intertexts sheds new light complex historical awareness literary interpretative communities that received them.
Bioarchaeology and social theory
L’illustrazione dei Libri dei Re
Giuseppa Zanichelli
In the Middle Ages visual narrative of Books Kings is second for extension only to Pentateuch and it reveals an extraordinary ability adapt perform both on regard theological conception or historical situation in which executed. If isolated episodes as David Goliath Elijah a chariot fire have constant meaning, narration beginning Jewish hereditary monarchy changes its significance different contexts. The study focuses four moments: Late Antique follows pattern classical epic; Carolingian Era becomes model dynasty betrayal Absalom recalls dynastic struggles; period between XI XII Century when contrast prophets kings presages clash Sacerdotium Regnum; time crusades, Sacred History develops Histoire d’Outremer.
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Dálkové kontakty Netolicka v raném středověku. Svědectví mincí a ozdob
Naďa Profantová|Jan Videman|Zdeněk Štěpančík
In this text, we present five extraordinary metal finds from the area of Netolice, Prachatice District, dated to period end 8th 10th centuries. Only two them (a gilded belt strap decorated with niello, and an imitative coin based on Bavarian type) are chronologically related existence Na Jánu Hillfort as a centre; other ones earlier. All these evidence long-distance contacts southeast (the late Avar west especially ends coins) they were probably so-called Linz Trail. The most important is denier Louis Pious, minted in Paris, which extends circulation Carolingian coins Bohemia, its close connection Bavaria 9th century. issue type, 967–976, this, relatively numerous, group attests influence century Bohemia.
Numismatické listy
Archaeological and art parallels of byzantine sword discovered in grave no. 55 of Garabonc I necropolis (second half of 9th century)
Valeri Yotov
The author stops attention on the famous sword that was discovered in 80ies of 20th century grave No 55 Garabonc I necropolis, Hungary. In 2011, wrote an article attempt to systematize a few types Byzantine swords. One swords he called „Garabonc type” – according this weapon found sure archeological context. To date, is represented by six pieces and/ or their details. type are one-handed and consist blade with sword­guards hemispherical pommel top. According author, closest artistic parallels depicted manuscript „The Homilies Saint Gregory Nazianzus” completed Constantinople 879–882, where similar shown four folios book. discussed here may be determined as invention maybe it produced empire. This has also been proved some other works art, although dated later period (9th–10th centuries). accepted for most possible hypothesis proposed first researcher B. M. Szőke transferred lands south Balaton Lake Bulgars­mercenaries. Most possibility that, they have joined retinue Prince Pribina, head Blatna Principality his son Chezil around second third 9th century.
Repository of the Academy's Library (Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Denár Karla II. Holého nalezený v Chotěšově
Martin Čechura|Pavel Břicháček
An early medieval silver denier of the West Frankish King and Emperor Charles II Bald (843–877) was found during a metal detector survey wellknown polycultural site with remnants settlements from Neolithic to High Middle Ages Periods. Despite small traces corrosion, coin is perfectly preserved probably never in circulation. The eighth known find Carolingian Bohemia, first specimen Pilsen Region. importance given mainly by its location on Regensburg route, which provided main connection between Bohemia Bavaria. this route underlined customhouse church St. Jakub Domažlice, especially Benedictine mission cell Cham, similar findings coins
Numismatické listy
Carolingian Experiments with Family
Paul Edward Dutton
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Carolingian Experiments
Brepols Publishers eBooks