I ve just been falsely accused of Domestic Violence!?
Quick backstory. Earlier this year I got my girlfriend pregnant. I asked her to marry me a few months later she said yes. I thought we were in love. Come around September she breaks up with me and tries to give up our (unborn) son up for adoption. I didnt want to give him up for adoption so I got an attorney to help me establish paternity and to get custody of my child once he was born. She was still adamant about giving him up for adoption until maybe 2 days before our 1st court date. This court date was filed as an emergency court hearing because I wanted to establish custody and paternity before he was born. The 1st court date was denied the same day we were supposed to show up. Afterwards I tried to talk to her to try and come up with a plan for a 50 50 arrangement. We both were able to talk and get a small idea on how things would work out for the first few months of his life. I asked my lawyer to write up this agreement on paper. She then denies the entire agreement. At this point I was just thinking then we will have to just wait until our next court date in mid January. But then. Last night I got a letter saying that I m being charged for domestic violence and that there is a temporary restraining order on me. I have never laid a hand on anyone. I am a man of good character. I am wondering what steps do I need to take to make sure my life isn t ruined by this. I ve already sent a email to my attorney with the letter attached and everything. Is there anything else I should do? I live in California
2018-12-23 18:13:32
I am a California family law attorney. &amp #x200B Follow the advice of your attorney. But to make his her job easier please stop talking to her. Stop trying to bargain with her. Stop treating her as your friend. Stop loving her. It s going to be a rough year and you will prevail if you follow this advice but in the meanwhile it s not going to be pleasant. And you need to take everything through court. If you let her manipulate you then your attorney is going to have a nightmare trying to clean up your mess.
2018-12-23 19:26:03
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Ex BF from over 3 years ago is harassing me making references to child porn connections to me and stalking another female as well
Hey all. I m in Indiana. Sorry for anything that doesn t quite make sense in this. This problem has pretty much been going on for over a year at this point but only until recently have I (25 f) felt more of an urgency to make it stop. So my ex-boyfriend (27 m) is harassing me online as well as another girl. He has been sending me steady messages on and off pretty much since we broke up online through Facebook messages Instagram messages and email. I had told him to quit reaching out to me and he would not. The messages increased in frequency and seemed off so in desperation I responded and just apologized for the things I had done wrong in the relationship because I thought the root cause of the messages were because he was still hurt or made or something. Anyways I thought it worked because I didn t hear anything for a while and then it started again out of nowhere it seemed. I blocked him on everything but since blocked emails only get sent to spam I m still getting them. I know I could just ignore them but because of the subject matter and the way things have taken a turn lately I feel it s for my safety to read them. At first the messages were pretty normal typical things like pictures and links and life updates but then I noticed he would keep sending them as though we were having a conversation and a friendship despite me never responding to any of the messages. I don t know how to really describe how they started to change but all I know is he has sent me a picture of himself in his underwear claiming that it has my period blood in it still and he was wearing them one last time ceremoniously and is going to show give them to his current girlfriend who lives in Germany (more on her in a second). More disturbing things that he has said done: \- before he started the messages he broke into my house once and tried to steal my cat (I did not go to the police) \- the underwear thing and he shaved part of his head and sent me a pic \- he sent me a PDF file of a spellbook he made \- he is writing a book where the two main characters represent us and our relationship (his words) \- he sent me music demos of him just screaming basically with awful loud metal music in the background \- he told me that he thinks Willow Smith (Will Smith s daughter) is his spirit animal (being totally serious) \- he said that he has either 4 or 6 soul mates and that we will all meet again \- he keeps talking about how he is going to marry his girlfriend but I just found out that this girlfriend of his doesn t even know who he is and has never met him and she actually has a boyfriend who is not him!!! This other poor girl sent an email to his parents reaching out for help because she is terrified of his stalking. She lives in Germany. \- the diction he uses when writing us super weird \- he currently lives in California and his parents (also in IN) had set up online family therapy that he refuses to do now and they have also told him to quit harassing both of us or it could result in legal trouble. Well he flipped out after the last warning from his parents and started having a full mental breakdown from what I could tell at least. He sent the following part of an email to his parents after they called him out: Also don t think it s too serious but theherbal\_alchemist sent me a screenshot message of herself actually filing for a report on me and so I thought we should start communicating more with everyone.  SHE IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED like me or not she was the reason that child porn existed as a form of bait for me to try to catch it to stop everyone from believing in this myth of civil society and start a true cult of divinity as something that protects our offspring  Except she does porn legitimately and so had more control over it than me. and then IMMEDIATELY sent this follow-up: theherbal\_alchemist did not ask for this she is innocent with me KILL LILITH - she represents darkness to me hermetically Your children have chosen to not renew your school of thoughts Die as peasants without a sense of me as it shoudl be God s lesson is pure GODS LESSON IS LOUD I LIKE FINGERING MANACLES if no one is \*a round\* harmony Lillith is the name of his supposed girlfriend . &amp #x200B So as you can see fellow Redditors I am beyond creeped out. I m scared from that correlation he seemed to have made between me and child porn and the request to kill the other girl whatever that meant. And the creepy picture. The only issues is I don t know what can be done if anything. I live in Indiana as does his family. The other girl is in Germany. And he is in California for the time being but may be coming back to Indiana and frequently visits regardless. We separated in 2016- I ve moved on and got married since then and do not want to live like this forever. It s obvious to me he has some sort of mental illness like schizophrenia or something. What can I do?
2019-11-30 00:12:27
Go to the police with the emails. Show them where you told him to leave you alone and stopped responding. They can determine if the escalation is cause for concern.
2019-11-30 00:26:39
Stalking and Harassment Legal Issues
New Job Offer
Hi r legaladvice Throwaway account as my main has info that with this post could be linked to me. First off I m in Saskatchewan Canada. I ve been verbally offered a new job and am expecting a formal offer in writing in the morning. Assuming there is nothing unexpected in the written offer I will be accepting it by Thursday (as of posting it is Tuesday evening) and resigning my current job Friday morning. Trying to get a firm grasp of my options before handing in my resignation (assuming things go my way) I am a young professional and this will be my first career change post university. I have a significant amount of banked paid vacation days available. I know I need to be paid out for these days by my current company but I also know this is a slow time of year for my current company and cash flow is fairly hand to mouth. My question is: assuming the offer from my potential employer looks good and I accept it I plan on presenting my current employer with 2 options-allow me to work for 2 weeks and pay me out for my banked vacation or allow me to work 2 weeks and let me go on paid vacation until my vacation days are used up. Assuming they go for option 2 is there anything preventing me from a legal standpoint from starting my new job while using up my vacation days? The new company I am potentially moving to is in no way a competitor to my current company. Same industry but 100% different segment of it. Thanks in advance! E: Sentence structure for clarity.
2018-09-26 05:31:43
First thing is to document your resignation by sending an email If you aren t concerned about vacation days payout you can take your vacation days and then serve two weeks most of the companies usually have to pay for the vacation days or you can talk to your manager (after tendering your resignation) and see if you can work things out
2018-09-26 06:17:33
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Scammed by a hair dresser
I got married in August to months before the wedding I found a hair dresser that would do what I want. I paid him 550 in cash (i know stupid) to buy the hair extensions. He told me there was a war going on in China so he was going to hold onto my cash for awhile. However I went home the next day and decided the style wouldnt work. So I text him and asked for a refund he told me no. So instead of arguing I told him fine just give me the hair when it comes. Flash forward to my wedding still no hair in sight I let it go for awhile so i could enjoy my wedding and honeymoon. Bout a week after I came back I tried to get together with him to pick it up never happened for scheduling reasons. Now hes completely ignoring my text and I m not sure if suing is even worth it. Its alot of money to lose for me however. But I feel he shouldn t just be able to get away with this. What should I do. Tdlr: Paid for hair extensions from a self employed hair dresser never got them now I m out 550 dollars. Seattle Wa
2018-11-20 06:55:55
Sue for the money. Filing fees for most locations are way less than $550 and this seems pretty clear cut. However if he doesn t have the money to pay you you re not going to get the money. Different states have different mechanisms for collecting judgements.
2018-11-20 07:01:33
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Tldr My religious upstairs neighbors yell all night and talk badly about me.
Hey there y all I just want to start by saying I live in New York and am not entirely sure what the laws are about this. Anyways to the story. My girlfriend moved in 2 years ago into a nice small apartment in Queens in a 3 story building owned by a nice russian gentlemen. With covid we decided to move in together (it was easier than driving 30 minutes to see each other every time). However the people who lived above us before moved out except one who now lives with us. Our new neighbors are religious with 2 young kids and seemed nice enough from the start. A bit after they moved in the wife asked one of my roommates as to whether I live here and how often I am here at the apartment to which my roommate responded she was unsure but she could always ask me directly. She came and told me about it and it made me uncomfortable but I shrugged it off and went on with my life. A few weeks ago I was seen taking out the trash by her sons and that night I heard her yelling that I m a bum and she has to do something about me . I didn t do anything but when it persisted I went down and spoke with my landlord and asked if he would speak with them. He spoke with the father this past week and every night this week I have heard her yelling past 1am saying things like we have to get rid of him and I want him out of this house he s a disgusting bum . I really don t understand because I have never even had a conversation once with them and the only thing I ever did was get them a bottle of wine and some candy for their children because of a religious holiday of theirs (I used to be religious so I know the holidays but am no longer a practicing member). I heard them yelling about how me and my partner have sex (we aren t loud even my roommates have never heard us) but I heard her screaming they re disgusting its so gross they re not even married . My roommates even came to me and asked for earplugs from the noise. I ve been using rain sounds and earplugs to sleep but it doesn t help and frankly I shouldn t have to do so many things just to try and go to sleep peacefully at 1am. Fast forward to last night. The husband and wife were talking and she s talking loudly occasionally yelling until 5am. She s yelling to the husband do something about him he needs to leave and get rid of him I want him out of here . I can t really take much more of this. I m a full time college student and I also work full time and I really need my sleep and its really been impacting my mental health. I am going to message the husband tonight to ask him if we can talk to settle our differences in a positive way that benefits all of us but I want to know if there s any legal grounds that I have as far as a restraining order if it comes to that. My roommates are willing to back me up but I have no real proof of anything as far as the yelling (the last thing I want to do at 2am is be standing holding my phone to the ceiling recording someone yell about me) any advice or help any of you have is much appreciated. I m just a boring college student and am not really sure why they possess such animosity and I just want to be able to live in peace. Thanks to those who read this. Edit:: So slight update I sent a message to the husband asking if we can speak and settle whatever issues we have and he said yes. However he told the wife and now she s screaming she wants me arrested and that I m harassing her. Not sure how I feel about that. But will log it.
2021-03-13 19:50:14
Make a noise complaint against them to the landlord. Every single time you hear them yelling complain again.
2021-03-13 20:06:50
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[CA] Orange County frivolous eviction notice for non-payment even though I have paid. What steps do I take from here?
My landlord has had me served with an eviction notice claiming that I have not paid rent. I m renting a room in a house along with 3 other people and the landlord. I paid her in person on the first of the month just as I have done for the past 3 months. She refuses to accept checks or money orders only cash. The other renters pay in cash too. Two of the other renters moved in one month before. I at least made her sign a piece of paper for the security deposit when I moved in though. I had a feeling something was wrong when she refused to accept a check for the first month s rent but I assumed she was just old fashioned(an older lady) and didn t want to wait for it to clear. She seemed like a nice person at first. When I gave her my 30 day notice(verbally) at the end of last month she then said she wanted to start charging extra for electricity on top of the normal rent. I told her that that s not what we agreed to when I moved in and that I wouldn t agree to a new contract since I was moving out next month to be closer to school. We never signed a paper agreement only an oral agreement that rent included utilities when I first moved in. I gave her my security deposit and first month s rent and that was it. Am I screwed if she claims I agreed to pay extra for utilities? I think she also has to place the security deposit in a 3rd party interest bearing account which she didn t do since she mentioned she just deposited it into her account. Did I lose the security deposit too since I didn t make sure it was stored properly in the beginning? These documents say that I was served a 3-day notice for non-payment of rent which I have not received. The first time I ve heard about this eviction was when the server handed me the papers. He said I have 5 days to respond. I tried talking to her but she refuses to speak to me and just yells while walking away. How should I proceed seeing that she s trying to scam me out of this month s rent and possibly the security deposit? I feel I am SOL since there s no paper trail. I m really stressing out.
2013-08-27 02:34:35
[Go here](http: fairhousingoc.org landlord.html). I did the googling for you in terms of finding Orange County Landlord Tenant legal assistance.
2013-08-27 02:49:37
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Quitclaim deed with a tenancy by the entirety
If a couple gets divorced and they bought a house together while married in a jurisdiction that assumes a tenancy by the entirety for married couples and the wife wants to file a quitclaim deed because she wants nothing to do with the property anymore do both people need to grant the property back to the husband or can she grant her interest in the property to him by herself? This is in NC.
2016-04-30 20:40:59
From what I can tell a divorce severs the tenancy by the entirety and converts them to tenants in common so she should be able to convey all of her interest to him unilaterally. Is this correct? Should I mention the fact that they re divorced on the deed?
2016-04-30 20:51:42
Mortgage Disputes After Divorce
MY trailer was burgled while it was on storage [CO]. Owner of facility was shady about it. Did he void our contract by being dishonest?
I had a trailer in and outdoor storage facility for a few months. The facility itself has a gate code and a barbed wire fence around it. When I went to pick it up the other day it had been broken into and about 4k worth of stuff stolen. I called the owner told him my trailer had been broken into and asked if he knew anything about it. He asked if mine was the \[correct model of my trailer\]. I said yes so you must have known about it then? He says mumbles something about guessing and I let it go. The police come and we take a look around and discover at least 4 other trailers that have been broken into. The owner refuses to acknowledge to reality of this. He says That one came in like that I don t know why but they like it like that referring to a broken window and obviously ripped out TV and another with a door that had a crowbar taken to it. After the owner leaves the officer tells me she will be contacting the owners of the other trailers as the owner obviously wasn t going to. So my contract obviously says that the facility is in no way responsible for theft or damage to anything stored there and liability is solely on my shoulders. When I got the space however I asked if they ever had any break in problems. He explicitly told me No never. When I brought this up after the theft he said Well we don t have any worse break in problems than anyone else and ours aren t that major. I reminded him that s not what he told me and he said he cannot remember what he said when I originally got the space. I m assuming the contract holds more weight than us disagreeing about what was said but does his dishonesty in any way make him liable or void it in any way? He s been pretty horrible about the whole thing so I m willing to take legal action if it is possible. I am also going through my own insurance however the insurance broker I use apparently signed me up for the wrong policy. I should have read it closer I know and not trusted the broker to get it all right I know. Bad decisions that won t happen again all around. &amp #x200B
2019-04-08 16:14:42
IANAL but just because they say they don t have a liability doesn t make it so. I would inventory your stuff compile a list of everything stolen and take the storage facility to small claims. Worst case scenario you spend some time and a hundred or so bucks and you get told no. Here is the legal premise here [https: answers.uslegal.com negligence 16883 ](https: answers.uslegal.com negligence 16883 ). Sounds like the owner could be negligent especially if he is denial about the situation. Are the trailers secured by a fence. Is the lock in good shape? Are there some basic cameras? Stuff like that. Also another thing just because a contract might have a clause about removing liability doesn t mean it will always apply. Some people on here love to tell you that if you signed a piece of paper no matter what it says on it you have to abide by it. That s also not the case since there are tons of exceptions to contracts.
2019-04-08 18:20:04
Miscellaneous Legal Query
(Florida) Signed an extension on our lease. Four days later received a call telling us they are charging the wrong rate
My partner and I signed a 7 month extension for my lease on 11 24 effective in February of 2021. I received a copy of the signed lease from the office on 11 27 confirming in the email that it is a legal document. I woke up to a voicemail this morning from the office saying that an error was made by the leasing agent and they need to delete the lease and create a new one. I have not contacted them yet so I am going to *assume* that this means that they want to charge me more as they wouldn t go out of their way to try to lower my rent. If this is the case what should I do? My partner and I both saved copies of the lease they sent on multiple devices as well as sending her a copy of the voicemail that was sent to me.
2021-11-29 15:12:51
If both parties signed a lease then it s binding. Landlord would only be able to break it if they mistakenly put $400.00 per month rent instead of $1400.00 per month because any reasonable person would know that 400 isn t right (just an example) You can call your landlord and ask what the mistake is. You are most likely right though they probably want to change you more per month. Your options then are - A. Tell them you will abide by the terms of the lease for the set time period that both parties signed. If going this route I would not expect another lease renewal when time is up nor would I expect a positive recommendation from this landlord when searching for new rentals. They can also retaliate by prolonging maintenance request or making bogus damages up to keep your deposit. B. Try to negotiate in good faith. Be honest with them tell them that the lease is signed so you don t have to work with them at all but you want to because you want to be an understanding tenant. C. Just signing the new lease they want you to sign. You have no obligation to sign it and this will probably be the worst option for you as a tenant. D. Lastly you can offer to be bought out of the lease. If the landlord wants to raise the rent an additional 200.00 a month because that s the going rate then the landlord stands to make an additional 2400.00 that year (just an example). Tell the landlord you will break the current lease if they pay you 1500 bucks and give you 30 days to find a new place. They might agree or tell you to go to hell won t know without asking
2021-11-29 16:26:08
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Ohio Custody Battle
Ok really don t know where to start. My 11 year old step son recently started seeing his father again after he told us he did not want to see his father because he was being verbally abusive to him. When he told us my wife contacted his father and the man exploded on us and his son so we thought it best he not see his father. So we started to notice he was acting a bit odd since he started seeing his father again. My checked our sons computer and found their google hangout messages. Upon reading them we found some pretty disturbing things being said between the father and our son. Also found out he was going to let us know on mothers day that he is going to take us to court for custody. Here is more info before i get to my question. When my stepson was an infant the father made a false report which lead to my stepson being taken away. My wife fought for a year to get him back. The father eventually settled for 50 50 custody with him or my wife paying child support. A week later he drops the child off and tells her he is leaving for Alaska. He was gone for 6 years with no contact of any kind and paid nothing towards raising his son. My wife and I are not wealthy but we make sure our son never goes without anything. We cannot afford a lawyer though and we are worried that since he makes more money than we do that the courts will take our child away. He is a happy straight A student that is the top of his class.
2018-05-09 17:32:14
Does your wife s custodial order require child support? If not it s a good idea to look into requesting it. If the dad vanished for 6 years without paying anything did the custodial order have support then that was due? Courts won t uproot a child from a happy living arrangement just because nor are they going to discriminate against you for not being wealthy. Judges consider factors like the general wellbeing of the child grades in school relationships with the family and friends etc. If the son was 100% custody with you and your wife for 6 years that will factor in. However the court also wants to allow both parents access. Keep copies of the Google hangout statements and any other correspondence. Seek a family law attorney who accepts payment plans. Get a referral from the state bar association.
2018-05-09 18:28:44
Custody and Visitation Disputes
[NYC] My father is somehow still paying child support despite having full custody of my sister and I.
So as the title stated. My mother lost custody about six months ago my father (obviously) got full custody. He found out that he is still paying someone child support what should he do?
2017-10-26 16:53:16
It may be a case of the right hand not telling the left hand what s going on. He may be able to show the custody change to the child support collection office or he may need to file for an adjustment do to circumstances. If he owed back support that will still be due.
2017-10-26 17:36:31
Child Support and Custody Battle
[Colorado] Dentist scheduled me for appointment told me that Medicaid had approved me. I get the work done and after the appointment they tell me that I have no benefits left and that I now owe them money.
As the title says. I need advice on what I can do to fix this. Basically the lady at the dentist specifically told me that I was approved via Medicaid and so she scheduled me an appointment. I came in and got the work done and as I am checking out they tell me that they don t know why they scheduled me because I am out of benefits. Well thanks for letting me know AFTER you got the work done instead of BEFORE! So now she is telling me that I owe them the full cost out of pocket ($540)! What can be done about this??
2016-04-27 23:20:06
Edit: Not a lawyer. You say out of benefits. When I was on Medicaid I had up to $1000 for the year for dental work and anything more than that would come out of my pocket. Is this what happened? I know every state is different and we aren t in the same state so I wonder if CO has the same policy and your dental work went over the amount.
2016-04-28 00:34:42
Dental Fraud Investigations
Kicking out my brother (Las Vegas)
So my little brother lives with me. We have a verbal agreement which we agreed to in front of our mom that I pay the bills and he gets the groceries. As of late I only have a part time job and a monthly VA payment to sustain myself and him. He works full time. He s been complaining about my ability to pay the bills but he doesn t want to help me pay them. Am I allowed to kick him out? If not what are my options? Context: so I ve been living in a condo since October 2016 one that my dad bought from a neighbor. Promptly moved in got the bills set up (Electric Gas and Tv internet). Been living by myself for close to 2 years with maybe one or two instances where I was unable to get a bill paid on time. Back in June 2018 my little brother who just turned 18 moved in kind of suddenly. My mom was going to love in with her boyfriend out of the place she d been in my brother had changed his mind last minute from going to Portland state and decided to go to college here so he moved in with me as I live not far from the campus which I should add he doesn t go to anymore he started at another university here which has his campus on the other side of town. There was some initial tension that s faded. But I m kinda fed up at this point. He works full time at a place that s also 30 minutes away from here makes enough to help out. Hardly goes grocery shopping stating he ll do it “when he gets paid”. But yet somehow he can t help me with my bills when he knows I only work part time (Rideshare Driver) and get a monthly allowance from the VA to go to school. Money of which I have to put into savings pay tuition pay bills and pay for food since he hardly goes shopping. TL DR: been in my own place for a few years. Brother moved in. Doesn t help with bills despite working full time. Whines about my ability to pay them even though I had no issue until he moved in and the bills got higher. *Edit* Yes it s in my dads name. But as far as he s concerned this condo is mine to do as I please and I can choose if I want a roommate or not. My parents are divorced I should also add they don t see eye to eye. So this was kind of a surprise from my mom where I learned last minute that my brother was moving in I had no say in it.
2019-02-01 01:49:44
Can you kick your brother out of the property your father owns and allows him to live at?
2019-02-01 01:54:25
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Mandatory reporter question
I am enraged at the moment and I need to know as a mandatory reporter how to go about this. I received knowledge of sexual child abuse from a youth group leader against a minor. The source is trustworthy (another adult) and I am obligated to report. However this other adult is fearful of repercussions (supposedly this adult is the only other person who knows about this) for reporting this act. As in they fear for their life. I don t give a shit about his awful human and want justice for the child. Here is the kicker- I live in a state different than the one where the abuser victim and crime happened. I became aware of the information second hand. How do I report this and what evidence- if any- will I need? Also I am considering contacting the church with this information so that they too are obligated to take action. Thank you for any guidance. Edit: I m in NM the alleged crime happened in GA
2018-10-08 01:20:50
Do NOT contact the church unless you know without a doubt they will handle this responsibly. Contact the police that have jurisdiction make a report and tell them what you know and who told you so they can verify it. Legally you are not a mandated reporter for people outside your state - GA simply doesn t have jurisdiction. Morally if you don t say something who will?
2018-10-08 01:25:17
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Dog has been left in house about to be auctioned
(Kentucky) I apologize for anything I have done wrong this is my first post. My husband s ex wife is being foreclosed on and has already moved out of the house and into a rental. This is my husband s ex-mother in laws house my husband has no ties legal or otherwise. In the rental the ex wife can t have any pets and has left my stepson s dog inside the house. My stepson is in the military and can not take the dog at this time. My stepson said the dog is left inside the house and checked on once a day (if that) and that the dog will go live in a “building with his mother s boyfriends business” once the house is auctioned. In the meantime the dog is left to crap and piss all over the house. I have out of concern for the dog called animal control for that county. My husband and I can not take the dog and even if we could I doubt the ex-wife would left us have her (she s accused my husband in the past of various violence. Btw- he s not). The house is due to be auctioned next week (simple internet search told me that) and I was wondering if the auction house needs to be informed of the condition of the house and what else other than calling animal control can I do for the dog?
2019-01-01 00:55:25
Try contacting Dogs on Deployment they have many boarders and should be able to hook the dog up with a foster home til your stepson can take him back.
2019-01-01 02:44:21
Legal Battles Over Stolen Dogs
Georgia-What happens if my landlord is dead?
Let me preface this by saying I hope he is not dead. He s been probably the best landlord I ve ever had and the rent on the place I m living is very reasonable. That being said he s very old. I paid my rent this month but my neighbor hasn t (duplex situation he owns both). Well I should say my neighbor just didn t have his when he came to collect on the first of the month cause he was out of town. When he got back the next day he gave me his rent to give to our landlord for him because he was going to be in and out of town throughout the beginning of this month. Anywho he hasn t came back for his rent it is still sitting on my nightstand. He hasn t tried to contact any of us so it kind of had me worried wondering what happens if he did pass away. How does it work with our rent from here on out? Obviously we would still have to pay rent but I have no idea who he would get to come pick it up in the event of his death. I think the only family he has around here is his wife who doesn t move very well at all. And we wouldn t have any idea where to send it since he always came to pick it up every month. Any help is appreciated. EDIT: a letter
2013-10-08 12:59:49
Maybe you should contact the po po to do a welfare check.
2013-10-08 13:35:19
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Company policy allows managers to take tips (NYS)
(New York State) I work for a franchise-owned quick service restaurant that takes tips. I happened to recently learn that in most cases it is illegal for managers to take tips. I have been managing there since April. It is the first quick service restaurant I ve worked in which allows tips which is why my knowledge of how tipping works is not so great. We pool tips and distribute them equally to whomever is working that shift. As a manager I personally do not take tips unless I am actually on the floor working (which I generally spend at least half of my 10 hour day doing). But I know most managers in our franchise simply take tips from the time they walk in until the time they leave. My title is Store Manager there are two “General Managers” above me who function more like a district manager than anything. These managers also take tips if they have to cover shifts at a store. Am I likely to get in trouble for this? I already feel kind of bad taking tips hence why I only take them when on the floor. If I made real manager money there I wouldn t bother but I make under 40k year for a minimum 50 hour week. I make less than $3 hr more than my employees if you do the math at 50 hours. I usually work more like 60 which means I truly make $1.25 more per hour than they do.
2018-09-14 22:16:33
That is 100% illegal managers may not take tips. There are a bunch of posts on here about that.
2018-09-15 03:06:48
Unfair Tip Practices in Restaurants
Bizarre nondisclosure agreement clause for a professional service provider. Why the heck would they want this? Are they shady?
Short version: Why would an NDA prevent someone from revealing you worked for the company its name and website etc? (edit: The state they are incorporated in is unknown) So I m applying to work at [NAME REDACTED] :-) a kind of generic moderately popular web site in their genre family oriented video. They asked me to sign an NDA before interviewing. This seemed a little premature but it s common in my business to have one at hire time. The NDA had all the standard protection clauses for them: don t compete don t disclose trade secrets steal code etc as expected. The weird one was this. &gt For greater certainty except where required by law CONTRACTOR shall not reveal to anyone in any circumstances whatsoever the fact that it has had any dealings whatsoever with [NAME REDACTED] including the existence of the Purpose that services have been provided by CONTRACTOR for [NAME REDACTED] and any details surrounding the nature of services required by [NAME REDACTED] nor shall CONTRACTOR disclose [NAME REDACTED] s company name website URL(s) names of personnel its assets dealings and objectives and all other associated information pertaining to any third party. This includes by way of non-exhaustive example using [NAME REDACTED] its personnel website URL(s) and all of its assets dealings and objectives in any portfolios resumes proposals verbal written visual communications and the like. I might also have mentioned the site s domain ownership and contact are both hidden through their registar. Considering they are not outwardly doing anything especially innovative illegal obscene etc. here s the question: why would they go to such great lengths to protect the company s name ownership websites etc? I have some guesses maybe someone can confirm? 1. They don t want an address to get served papers like DMCA takedowns etc. Pesky time consumers those things. 2. It s a tax dodge and something is under the table somewhere. 3. Something illegal?
2014-12-24 15:22:16
no. Very simply put -- they want their customers to believe that all the things they do are being done by full employees. Sometimes that s because their customers demand that in some banking healthcare or governmental contracts. So illegal no. Possibly a breach of contract with the company s clients yes.
2014-12-24 15:29:45
Non-compete Agreement Legal Issues
Target brand item caused harm to my dog and they don t care to pull the item off their shelves and website.
My partner and I purchased a dog feeder set that included two bowls and a stand from Target s Boots &amp Barkley brand. A few weeks after using the dog bowls my dog started having some health issues. He kept licking and biting his paw to the point that he opened a wound and it got infected. After multiple vet visits and months of treatment nobody could figure out the root of the issue. The vet my partner and I were all confused on what could be the issue since nothing in my dog s diet routine etc. has changed. We lost countless nights of sleep because our dog was stressed and depressed about being coned and medicated for two months. One day my partner was washing our dog s food bowl when he noticed that the inside of the bowl was peeling. He then looked up reviews for the bowls on Target.com and that was when we realized that the “cooper” bowls we purchased were actually steel bowls painted copper. Nowhere in the product or description does it say that it s painted copper. However multiple reviewers have posted a photo of the paint peeling in their bowls as well. There have been tons of reviews posted on the item stating that their dogs started having health issues after they started using these “copper bowls” as well. All of our pets have been unknowingly ingesting paint which I read can cause health problems in dogs. After we stopped using the bowls our dog stopped going at his paws shortly after. I called Target to which they transferred me to their insurance department Sedgwick. After months of waiting we got a letter in the mail from Sedgwick saying that Target is not at fault since the accident didn t happen on Target property and didn t involve a Target staff member. They advised me to go after the manufacturer (Marque Impex) and when I looked up the manufacturer they re located in India. I m stuck on what to do and I m genuinely frustrated. It s so disgusting how negligent Target is being. After I filed a claim with them to let them know what was going on they said they d look into it. However the product is still being sold in stores and online six months later. New reviews are being posted on their website each month about how the bowls have caused harm to other owners pets. Is there anything I can do at this point? I ve requested that they take down the item multiple times to no avail. It s saddening to see how much stress it s causing other people s pets and how much financial stress it s causing their owners. Vet prices have gone up during the pandemic and it s not fair for the owners to have to pay thousands in treatments because of Target s negligence.
2021-08-28 07:21:20
&gt They advised me to go after the manufacturer (Marque Impex) and when I looked up the manufacturer they re located in India. That s not how product liability works. If the product is defective then any person along the chain of manufacture and retail is liable. You have a case against Target for the damage caused by a defective product. Target may have a case against their supplier or manufacturer for indemnification but they are liable to you. You can file a suit in small claims court against Target but expect them to try to move the case to real court. You can also talk to a products liability attorney about possible class action recourse.
2021-08-28 10:51:15
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[TX] Vehicle repossessed looking for our options
Hi r legaladvice My younger brother has been living with me for two and a half years. His benchmark for being able to move out and get his own place was getting a car. He bought the car with significant money down toward the end of May. His first payment was due in July. Last night one of our neighbors informed us that his car was being repossessed. He did not get out there in time to contest the repossession. Now he tells me that he didn t know who his lien holder was and that he had tried to contact the dealership where he purchased the car several times but didn t get a reply. He finally got in contact with the lender who stated they sent him paper statements and attempted to contact him by phone. My brother says he didn t see any of his paper statements but admits they could have arrived because he is bad about checking his mail. When I asked him about the phone calls he admitted that he didn t answer because it was a 1-800 number that looked very similar to another number that had been sending him spam calls. TL DR my brother is 60 days delinquent on his vehicle payments through his own fault which caused his car to be repossessed. In order to regain possession the lender is stating he needs to pay the remaining $7k on the loan in full due to breach of contract. Is his only option now to file for bankruptcy or what can he do? He can make the payments he owes now and has offered to do so but the lender won t accept it and is insisting on the full amount of the loan. Given how badly he mishandled this I m reluctant to co-sign on any additional loans to get his car back.
2018-09-05 17:09:16
He needs to read his loan contract. If they are unwilling to negociate there s not much he can do. Filing bankruptcy over such a relatively small debt is not a good idea. Did you co-sign for this loan?
2018-09-05 17:12:59
Car dealership title issue
[USA] Dealing with Youtube sponsors.
I ve been contacted by a sponsor that wanted to test their ad on one of my videos. I was given an initial offer which was agreed upon (nothing legally signed yet). Now that I m here I don t actually know what s going on. What sort of legal process is there to accept a sponsor s money? Do I need to establish myself as a business? Location - California
2016-11-21 21:53:06
&gt What sort of legal process is there to accept a sponsor s money? The sponsor presents you with a contract with various terms regarding the exchange. You choose to accept the contract or not. Make sure to consult with an attorney if you aren t comfortable with the terms presented. Then you fulfill your obligations and they fulfill theirs. [Please make sure that you understand the requirements for endorsements like this](https: www.ftc.gov tips-advice business-center guidance ftcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-are-asking).
2016-11-21 21:59:07
Copyright Issues on YouTube
Construction on neighboring lot damaged my fence and yard
They have been developing a large apartment complex in the lot next to our back yard. The plan includes building a retaining wall just outside our fence line then building garages along the wall with about 8 feet of change in grade between the two. Well it looks like they started digging out the soil in order to install some drainage pipes and a small amount of our yard collapsed along with one of our chain link fence supports. There really isn t much damage that isn t irreparable and from the looks of it they set the fence post aside presumably so that they can fix it later. I ve taken pictures video as documentation and can share if needed. But I have pets chickens and small children. The fence is not just to keep them in but to protect other animals from getting in as well ( wild animals like chickens). And there is certainly a danger here from falling. My question is how I should play this. I am left having to assume they will fix it as they didn t leave any notes or anything. Should I be proactive and contact them contact a lawyer first fix it myself (or at least make it safe) or ignore it and let them fix it. As of yet I don t have any damages besides the fence and yard itself but if someone gets hurt I don t want to be negligent because I knew the danger was there and didn t fix it. Unincorporated Washington state USA.
2018-10-20 18:28:00
1) Decide what outcome you want. Money? Repairs to your fence by this same construction company? If money know that you likely won t get more than the amount needed to repair the damage (don t expect a payday). 2) Contact the owner of the construction company or the site manager and explain your situation. Be polite but firm and clear about what you want. 3) See what happens.
2018-10-20 19:04:05
Neighbor Property Line Fence
(Colorado) Can i become my mothers legal caretaker by default ?
So...... &amp #x200B \- I moved back in with my mom a few years ago because my dad died and i was helping her pay for her house because she has no income. &amp #x200B \- Fast forward to today she still has no income and she doesnt even try to get help or get better. she just lays in bed all day. ishe is also rude and nasty and i want to move out. &amp #x200B but some1 in another thread said i should be careful because the courts might see my as her caretaker &amp #x200B is this true? i have never signed any official papers to be her caretaker ..... i just want to move away from her without getting in trouble. &amp #x200B what do i gotta do legally to just get away from her forever without being in trouble? i dont want to take care of her anymore i want to move and never see her again TBH
2022-09-25 16:46:36
Just move. That s all. The person in the other thread might be thinking of filial responsibility laws which in some states allow nursing homes to go after adult children for their parents care. Colorado is not one of those states.
2022-09-25 18:58:34
Miscellaneous Legal Query
(WI) Is it illegal to injure someone to stop a sexual assault?
I m male. I have an aunt who is three years older than me and she has a long history of making unwanted sexual advances and sexual pranks to me. I was at my grandmother s house for the night where she lives because my grandfather just died. When I was in the bathroom with the door locked she opened the door with the key and joined me in the shower uninvited. I froze because I was so shocked at her being so bold after I d told her no a hundred times over our childhood. She took that as consent and started groping me. I started yelling at her to get out and she wouldn t. I grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her out of the bathroom. She was screaming at me for treating her like garbage and I told her that if she made any more sexual advances I would sew her nasty uterus shut. That s the only threat I made one that doesn t even make any sense if you think about it. She packed up her things and left for a while. She posted on social media that I assaulted her and forced penetration. She said she was so traumatized that she was going to commit suicide. She sent me a text with a picture of a bruise on her wrist and said she was at a battered women s shelter and needs $1000 right now to keep me out of prison. I did not respond. I wanted her to call the police so I could tell them the truth along with past incidents that occurred when I was a young minor. She came back home late and wasted. She said she talked to the police about me saying I dragged her into the shower and penetrated her. She said she would plea insanity due to her autism and other mental conditions if I attempted to have her charged with a crime so I d better get a good attorney if I don t want life on the sex offenders list. I waited for the police to come...and they never did. She had no injury on her wrist the next day at the funeral. I asked to look at it and she just showed me. But with that picture she could probably convince someone of her story. I didn t tell my grandma or call the police myself because she just lost her husband. She heard us fighting upstairs but couldn t catch what we were saying. I wrote an email to my father (her brother) but I haven t sent it yet. I know he will want to report her immediately because he knows she is messed up. He destroyed a lot of her things the last time he found out about her sexually harassing me. I m worried if I report her to the police that I ll end up going to jail because of her lies if she shows the picture. Did I commit a crime by injuring her when she caused it by sexually assaulting me?
2019-02-07 04:22:00
I think you need to tell your father what she s doing and what she has done is beyond not right. I think he will be able to guide you as to what you should do next ( which could be reporting her to the police). From what you ve shared I don t think she actually contacted authorities and seems mentally unwell. I would cut all contact with this women and stop any visitation to her home. If you d like legal advice you could contact Attorney
2019-02-07 04:26:18
Family Sexual Abuse Trauma
Water intrusion - landlord wants me to live in water soaked unit. What recourse do I have?
UPDATE: The apartment complex has agreed to meet all of my requests. They will be replacing all the drywall carpet wood floors. While the repairs are being done I won t have to pay rent and they will provide alternate housing when needed to perform repairs. To get them to agree to this I threatened them. I spent most of the last decade blocking real estate developments from being approved. I presented them a campaign plan for how I would stop the construction on one of their buildings that is about 3 4 complete. That got the attention of management several levels higher and they gave me everything I asked within two hours. Thank you to everyone who provided advice! I m blown away by how many people responded and how much good advice I received. Location: Washington DC Around 10:45 pm on Sunday evening water started dripping from a light fixture in my apartment. The water started six floors up and drained down to my first-floor unit. It took the maintenance people 77 minutes to show up. Large sections of the ceiling are soaked the wood floors are ruined and the carpet is beginning to smell. The water was mixed with gasoline. No idea why there was so much gasoline being stored in the building. Here are a couple of the gas cans being taken out after we called the fire department - http: imgur.com a NGZ3P It s been about 36 hours and the unit smells awful - like laundry that has been left in the washer for several days. The air is full of particulates from the fans blowing into the ceiling trying to dry the place out. It s difficult to breath after about 5-10 minutes in the unit. My apartment complex says I have to live there and pay full rent. Any advice on what I should be looking out for as the repairs happen? Also any thoughts on how I can force them to provide me with appropriate housing? Yes I have renters insurance - but that isn t terribly helpful in this situation. The insurance policy requires me to pay out of pocket and then seek reimbursement - I can t afford to pay both rent on the unit + hotel airbnb alternative housing. I was able to force them to put me up in a hotel last night by telling them I was going to sleep in the lobby. Not sure that will work again. I have video of the water flowing and the aftermath but I can t post those in the subreddit. Here are some photos I took: http: imgur.com a EA5EJ I m not sure I even know the right questions to ask and the right things to ask for. Any advice is appreciated.
2017-01-10 14:41:33
Water dripping out of a light fixture? Electricity and water don t mix. I d advise calling the health department - either the wet electrical or the mood could make the place legally uninhabitable - in which case the landlord has breached their obligation to provide a habitable dwelling.
2017-01-10 15:19:53
Mold and Water Damage Issues
Sued landlord special civil part. Being counterclaimed. Does a warrant of satisfaction protect both parties?
USA: NJ I sued my landlord for not paying back my security deposit. The judgement I put in just got vacated because I did it wrong (long story) but I was going to hire a lawyer and do it again properly. But they just offered me a semi-crappy deal of the original deposit plus 20%. Provided I sign a warrant of satisfaction and take their money via certified check. Heres the kicker: In their papers to vacate the judgement they have counterclaimed an amount that goes well beyond my original security deposit. Kinda contradictory considering they want to pay me off isn t it? It s probably a scare tactic to take a lesser deal and I plan to negotiate up a bit. I have IMO rock solid proof against their claims including checks cashed and recorded conversations I took part in with him directly (recorded conversation is legal in my state) The counterclaim as far as I know is not YET filed. The court papers have stated in the vacated judgement that my old landlord has ___ (left blank weird) days to file his claim. Assuming I negotiate upwards successfully and take the deal: 1. Will the warrant of satisfaction sufficiently protect me from a potential future counterclaim? (however invalid it may be). It would be a separate case number so I assume not. If not: 2. What additional step do I need to take to protect myself from the hassle of a counter claim? Perhaps I create a document then have him and his lawyer sign it saying they are satisfied in specific language and that they consider the entire matter closed upon this payment? 3. They plan to pay me via certified check with his lawyer present. Is this the correct way to go? This man is VERY shady. Sorry for length! But wanted to be thorough and appreciate any good advice.
2015-11-08 03:58:41
This is a pretty fabulous deal to be honest. The question you have to ask yourself is this: Which ends with you with more money? (A) The offer of your SD plus 20% or (B) Paying an attorney (at $200 an hour) to draft a lawsuit take it to court fight them and win. I don t know security deposit law in NJ but I m guessing it would award treble damages for a screwup on the LL s part? Are you also eligible for an award of fees? So if your SD is $2 000 under the offer they d give you $2 400. Under a lawsuit you d get $8 000. So would an attorney use more than $5 600? That s only 28 hours. That s not much. If I were you (and this is not legal advice) I d counter for the SD plus 50% and call it a day. They ll come back at 30% or so and everyone goes home happy.
2015-11-08 04:24:52
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Cousin (M30~) is a registered sex offender due to child pornography. His sister is letting him babysit her children (11 and 2 both young girls). What can I do to help protect them?
**(Post that involves all the drama but I m here for legal advice**[https: www.reddit.com r relationship\_advice comments ibm88r issues\_with\_my\_19f\_older\_cousin\_m30 ](https: www.reddit.com r relationship_advice comments ibm88r issues_with_my_19f_older_cousin_m30 ) **)** My whole family thinks that he has changed. That he was somehow infected by a virus that opened up a banking account. That said virus downloaded and then distributed CP to get money into that banking account. I don t believe one word of it. He was arrested 5\~ years ago and was released around four or so months ago if memory serves me right. His sister is letting him babysit her two children. Both are girls aged 11 and 2. I was molested by a female family member between the ages of three and five. I do NOT want that to happen to those girls and although my experience was different due to the sex of the offender it is still a heinous act. He is not on parole but he is listed on the sex offender website. **My questions are as follows..** * Is it illegal for him to babysit those children? * I can not find any laws for my state but if anyone has information on where I can go a website I could visit or a number I could call I would greatly appreciate it. * If it is illegal in my state how can I call to protect my identity? I don t want it being traced back to me. I d probably get kicked out of my house and be disowned by my family if they found out it was me that called. I don t want that to happen to me. * I am willing to take ANY measures that are needed to help these young girls. I know his mother (the children s grandmother) typically ASSISTS him with babysitting from time to time but she is on oxygen and tends to take naps. She may fall asleep for 10-20 minutes but that s still time for him to do something. Edit - I don t want to openly say my state due to family possibly having a reddit account. This is a rather specific post. I live in the Eastern area of the US. If you need to know my state please send me a private message. Update: my state is Kentucky. Since going to the dm s goes against the rules there y all go. The only thing I can find regarding this issue is the following..: In addition **offenders** under supervision may be restricted by the conditions of their probation or parole from living or working in areas where children are present depending on the conditions placed upon them by the sentencing judge or the parole board. Since he s babysitting I don t know if that falls under working. I m on the fence about going to anyone. I ll be homeless if my family finds out it was me haha.
2020-08-17 20:51:57
&gt Is it illegal for him to babysit those children? Possibly. It depends on the terms of his registration (and likely parole suspended sentence or other form of conditional release). &gt how can I call to protect my identity? You can attempt to report a crime anonymously. This may or may not adversely impact the ability of any crime that is investigated following that tip be prosecuted. Without knowing any details about his case his conditional release or any terms . . . you really don t know whether or not he is doing anything illegal. If you suspect a crime has occurred or you believe he is violating some term of his sentence by babysitting minors . . . you could report that.
2020-08-17 20:55:49
Miscellaneous Legal Query
As a non-US citizen I am not sure what to do. If I complain about a federal employee of a building while technically trespassing (although being invited in) could they in retaliation bring me up on charges of trespassing?
In case the details are relevant: On Saturdays the local post office closes its main office before lunch but continues to receive packages in its dropbox until 5:00 PM. I send off packages there every week and once in awhile there is a package too large for the dropbox. An employee there told me that I should go to the back of the building (through a lot where they park their mail trucks) ring the buzzer and hand them the large package. I thanked them and I ve done just that (a few times since actually). Yesterday I went to do this again at very close to the closing time. I rang the buzzer and another employee came out (like usual) and asked me what I was doing. I explained why I am there (a customer dropping off package) and the employee told me that they are about to close so I should walk into the building (the part I m in front of now-- filled with packages) and gave me clear directions to go to a desk in the back. I did so. When at the desk the officer in charge (a post office title apparently) asked me who I was and told me angrily that she would have me arrested for trespassing. I explained why I was there and only because her crewmember told me to do so. She said it didn t matter and I was breaking the law and she was calling the police. Starting to get flustered I asked her name but she refused to give it to me and told me that it s none of my business and that she couldn t understand my foreigner English. I know I was not wise to go into the building but I did. Anyway I left. I probably spent only two minutes inside the facility. She was rude and unprofessional and kinda racist and so I wanted to contact the city s postmaster and the state s postmaster to ask them to retrain her or something but I am worried that she could then have me arrested for trespassing in retaliation. That s the big question because if there is a risk of that I probably would just grit my teeth and say Oh well. I don t want to be charged deported. Thanks for your time reddit.
2015-04-26 15:40:27
You wouldn t be arrested. Go ahead and file your complaint.
2015-04-26 15:43:37
Fraudulent transactions via hacked account
maternity leave
My wife is about to have our second baby we was planning on taking of 6 weeks. She works at Dillard s they told her that they didn t know if she could take the full 6 weeks off. I am under the impression that they don t have a choice and that she could legally take off 12 weeks.
2014-08-18 13:06:30
Had she worked there for over a year? What state are you in?
2014-08-18 13:08:51
Pregnancy Discrimination at Work
Rental Car was hit in the Parking Lot - Do I Need A Lawyer?
Hey folks - never been involved in any legal imbroglios so I m a bit green but tell me what you think of my situation: In March of 2016 some buddies and I flew from Austin Texas to Phoenix Arizona to watch some damn Texas Rangers Spring Training Basebaw - we traipsed around Arizona for the better part of four days and had a great time. On the morning of Tuesday March 8 we woke up at our hotel room near Phoenix Skyharbor and started to pack and get read to head back to Texas. I was the last one in the shower and my buddies went to load the car. As i m scrubbing my pits I hear a knock on the bathroom door and my friend Chad says ...sooooo hey - i ve got some bad news. Somebody hit the car. Indeed somebody had hit the car. We d parked the car in a 100% OK spot at the edge of a round-about in the hotel parking lot and when I got downstairs our rental car had apparently been sideswiped. We contacted the front desk of the hotel and holy shit the guy who did it REPORTED HIMSELF! What a great guy right? Apparently he had somehow parked put on the E-Brake and then couldn t figured out why his vehicle wouldn t move - he d revved the engine but couldn t figure it out and then *got out of the vehicle with it in Reverse* and somehow the E-Brake was released and the vechile shot into my parked car. All of this was at like 8:00 AM apparently. Anyways the guy apparently filled out a report and left his business card at the front desk. I filled out a report as well and the hotel manager gave me the perp s card. We left headed to the airport turned in the car and i filled out a report with AVIS. Boom. End of story. Except it wasn t. In late April I was contacted by a third-party collections company that i guess AVIS contracts to collect its money. They were hitting me with a bill in excess of $10 000.00 and asking that i pay up. I told them the story put them in contact with the hotel manager to get the report and said to call me back if they needed anything else. I hadn t heard anything else until about three weeks ago when the same collections company sent me an email with the bill and some text that read This letter will be our last contact with you. On 7 6 2016 at our option we may refer your file to a collection agency or attorney for collection efforts or consideration of suit. Fed up with the bullshit i responded to their email with several follow-up emails and a phone call to the sender - none of my communiques were replied to. I talked to the hotel manager who said that he would not release the report that the perp filled out nor the one that i filled out because that s not how they do things. I emailed the perp and told him what was happening and asked him how he wanted to handle it - no response. I m now two days out from the given deadline and i feel like i m getting frozen out by powers that are bigger than me. This guy admitted to fault! What should my course of action be? Happy Fourth of July!
2016-07-05 03:14:45
Did you get insurance with the rental car? Did you get the name of the perp s insurance company? Did you file a police report? Is that the report you both filled out? I m kind of confused about why you let a hotel manager take control of this situation.
2016-07-05 07:25:30
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[NJ] I am officially classified as an independent contractor but now believe I should be classified as an employee. Am I right? What should I do? Thanks.
Hey guys I was reading [this post](http: www.reddit.com r personalfinance comments 2fi9kc what_should_i_do_if_my_boss_hardly_pays_me_on_time ) over on r personalfinance and I realized that I may not be an independent contractor. I looked up more information on the IRS website: * http: www.irs.gov Businesses Small-Businesses-&amp -Self-Employed Independent-Contractor-Defined * http: www.irs.gov Businesses Small-Businesses-&amp -Self-Employed Independent-Contractor-Self-Employed-or-Employee I can t figure out what is going on with my situation so I m hoping you can help me out. I work at a national tutoring center (think Princeton Review-style) aimed at high school students for SAT ACT prep or high school class review and teaching. From now on I m going to call it the company or something similar. Here are the facts: * My employer told me on day one that I d be classified as an Independent Contractor. Every year around tax time he provides me with a Form 1099. (Highest I ve made in a single year is approximately $15 000.) * The tutoring center is a chain but seems to be franchised because paychecks do not come from a corporate account. * I get an hourly wage. I have never worked anywhere near 40 hours a week because I ve only used this as a side job while in college for some spending money. There may or may not be other tutors at this company who do. I don t know. The tops I ve worked in a week is probably 20 hours. * I do not work at home or out of a library. The company has a physical building and I meet with students in their building. Their building has the corporate company logo on the front door. * I have a sign in and sign out sheet where I keep track of hours spent. * Once a month (or so) my boss enters hours into a computer program which then spits out paychecks. Paychecks do not have any sort of stubs or attachment. They re just regular checks give or take. * The company provides textbooks testing material practice problems answer keys etc. to use with students. All I have to bring is myself. * There are certain requirements placed on the tutors by the company such as Be at the center to prepare 30 minutes before your student arrives. This is paid but at a lower rate than when a student is in front of me. There is also a dress code. Neither of these rules are strictly enforced but the employer does remind people of it. * Students never talk to the tutors until after they ve paid the employer company. The students tell the employer what subject they need help with and the employer assigns them to a tutor. * I ve worked at this center for approximately 2 years. * No taxes are deducted from paychecks. I get (tutoring rate)\*(hours tutored)+(preparation rate)\*(hours prepping). I have checked this myself by keeping track of hours and doing the math at the agreed rates. * There is no contract with my signature on it anywhere. I walked in and said I wanted a job. My employer made me take a few SAT tests to ensure I would score well. He and I negotiated over an hourly rate. I started two days later. He also checked my college transcripts and talked to a professional reference. * I have never talked to anyone from corporate. * I have taken exemptions as an Independent Contractor. (Whatever TurboTax would give me.) Based off the way I have told the facts as I see them above I feel as if I m supposed to be an employee. Here s why. In the second IRS link above ([again here](http: www.irs.gov Businesses Small-Businesses-&amp -Self-Employed Independent-Contractor-Self-Employed-or-Employee)) the following three common law rules are enumerated: 1. Behavioral: Does the company control or have the right to control what the worker does and how the worker does his or her job? 2. Financial: Are the business aspects of the worker s job controlled by the payer? (these include things like how worker is paid whether expenses are reimbursed who provides tools supplies etc.) 3. Type of Relationship: Are there written contracts or employee type benefits (i.e. pension plan insurance vacation pay etc.)? Will the relationship continue and is the work performed a key aspect of the business? I feel numbers 1 and 2 are being violated: 1. The company controls which students I work with. The company sets the hours I meet with the student. The company asks me to teach in a certain way. 2. My boss pays me without me billing or invoicing him. I don t know if the timesheet counts as a bill. The company provides desks whiteboards textbooks SAT prep books minor refreshments copiers printers etc. 3. This is not violated because the company does not provide anything listed. I do not get medical coverage or a retirement plan. Am I right in thinking I m an employee and not a contractor? If so what are my options? I haven t talked about this with anyone it s just something my overactive mind came up with. If I am officially classified as an employee by the IRS but I ve paid taxes as an independent contractor would I be liable for any further taxes? Could I get in trouble for reporting this? Could I get in trouble by not reporting this? What would happen if I did try to report this? I like this job and this employer thinks highly of me. He s given other jobs (real ones now that I ve graduated) good recommendations on my behalf. I don t want to lose this professional connection. Any other advice or pointers would be amazing. Thank you. I m grateful you read through that.
2014-09-05 10:41:16
Not a lawyer but was a contractor (read: employee without benefits) for years. From my personal experience yes you are likely a misclassified employee. However nothing good will come of you pursuing this. Employers do this because contractors are easier to terminate and they save a ton of money on benefits (sounds like a 50+ person corporation if they are a national chain) as well as taxes. Filing some kind of complaint will likely result in termination of your employment and certainly sour your apparently good relationship with your boss. Is it right that the world works like this? Not really. Laws should be enforced but the (not really an) independent contractor niche has been growing leaps and bounds post-recession. I know very few people in my generation who have not worked at least one of these jobs usually in hopes of securing a real position. However you need to decide what it s worth to you. Even if you win you lose because you re out a solid reference. That s a hefty price (to me) for a part-time college job. If you encounter one of these gigs in the future however I d strongly advise you to seek a written contract for your own protection.
2014-09-05 12:28:18
Employment Classification Dilemmas
Someone told me they re treating their son s asthma with essential oils. Is that neglect (Ontario)?
Ontario - So I know the family and otherwise they re great parents. But they re big on essential oils. Whatever. Rub some lavender on your kids feet if you want to. But one of the parents mentioned that they re treating their 6-year-old son s asthma with them. Now if you re an adult and you wanna try that I really don t care if you kill yourself trying. But I m worried about their little boy. They re not completely anti-drug so they ll use puffers if the oils don t seem to be relieving symptoms but even if you eventually use the puffer letting an asthma attack go on isn t great for you. Is this neglect or just stupidity? Can I call CAS? Should I call CAS? Or is it just a roll your eyes and move on situation? Like I said they re otherwise excellent parents. This is my only concern.
2018-12-29 04:37:00
Do you know how severe his asthma is? Some kids have very mild asthma and don t even use an inhaler. Has he had any serious attacks? If you suspect abuse -- if you think the child is being truly harmed or that there s a reasonable probability -- then sure call CPS. Your judgment call to make on what you feel comfortable with.
2018-12-29 04:41:39
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My Manager told me not to talk about my compensation
Hello &amp #x200B I work at a fitness facility. At work today I was caught off guard by a sudden meeting I had with my department manager (DM) and the general manager(GM) of the club. They said the meeting was to essentially touch base and connect because the department manager was newly hired to their position. &amp #x200B During this discussion the general manager wanted to offer me feedback and the first piece of feedback was regarding my discussion of compensation with a fellow employee. I tend to be fairly talkative and don t mind honestly answering those types of questions so I don t know which of my coworkers I told this information to or when. The conversation went basically as follows (I was very nervous during the meeting so unfortunately I don t remember the exact conversation): &amp #x200B GM: One of your coworkers who s name I won t mention came to me saying ProductionPractice said they make $X and gave me an accurate number in regards to them trying to negotiate their own compensation how do you feel about that? &amp #x200B Me: Well I feel comfortable sharing how much I make so my coworkers can know their value in relation to their position. &amp #x200B GM: You absolutely cannot do that that is confidential. When you sign the \[job\] offer letter you sign to keep that information confidential. If you talk about how much you make that can breed resentment and we don t want that type of negativity here. &amp #x200B The GM s tone and demeanor made it clear he was unhappy with this situation and unfortunately he made me very nervous during this discussion so I didn t know how to respond other than just agreeing with him. I asked if this is a legal confidentiality but his response was very similar to the one above. He also told me not to go asking around about who the coworker was who brought this up so I feel powerless to even get an opinion about this feedback. &amp #x200B My questions are: &amp #x200B 1. Was I in the wrong to be discussing how much I make? Can they tell me not to talk about it? I don t remember what the offer letter for the position said when I signed it. 2. Was there anything I could should have responded with in the moment? (In case this comes up again here or at another workplace) 3. What can I do from this point on? Should I be worried about this? I want to be able to talk about this type of stuff with coworkers because I truly believe it s important for us to know our value for our positions (so people know if they want to pursue promotion or even want to negotiate better for themselves) but I don t want to be thrown under the bus again nor do I want to make my bosses unhappy and potentially undermine my career here. EDIT: To clarify that this is NY state
2019-04-25 19:27:00
It is completely legal on a federal level to discus pay it is protected by the National Labor Relations Act. You can do it...but be aware that your employers will not like it and will possibly make your employment very uncomfortable.
2019-04-25 19:34:51
Wage Discussion Rights
BCBS Rejecting all coverage for newborn baby born in WA to WA state residents. Saying Erin Act not applicable.
Here s the story. Wife was laid off 7 months pregnant from her WA State-based office of a company headquartered in Ohio. To avoid any coverage of baby issues wife elects COBRA rather than a new marketplace plan. July 10th baby was born in Washington. Medical bills with estimates of insurance come (everything looks like it is going to be paid except one) Call doctor to check on one today Find out All claims were rejected for Patient Account mismatch Call BCBS claims weren t notified of birth so don t have to cover. Inform them of RCW 48.43.115 Erin Act which requires the mother s provider to cover all claims in the first 21 days. They say they normally provide coverage for 31 days for free then start charging premiums on plans but since they weren t informed they don t have to cover anything. I explain gently that Erin Act doesn t care whether or not they were informed the mother s coverage extends automatically so they don t really have a choice to refuse. They said to call the COBRA provider so they baby can be verified. Just as before COBRA informed us we don t need any paperwork or to file anything because we are not seeking to purchase new coverage for the baby (the Erin Act says the mother s policy is sufficient for the first 21 days). Call BCBS back they call COBRA COBRA informs them they don t get involved and BCBS has to handle this. BCBS officially denies my claim and gives me the brush off to file an appeal. They say the policy exists in Ohio and WA state protection won t apply to this case. So Reddit I have a couple questions: Is the company my wife worked for legally allowed to ignore WA state acts because they are headquartered and purchased their insurance in Ohio? Is there any point in filing an appeal? Would BCBS or my company be legally liable for violating my WA state resident rights? Should I contact or avoid contacting my wife s ex-employer?
2015-09-01 22:10:20
Appeal the denial and file a complaint with the WA state insurance commissioner: http: www.insurance.wa.gov complaints-and-fraud file-a-complaint index.html
2015-09-01 22:15:45
Medical Billing Disputes and Fraud
Online story destroyed my life
I m seeking some advice as I ve been dogged by an online article now for 12 years. A person claimed I had sent her so many text messages that her phone shutdown. She made a complaint to police and I was arrested for telephony harassment. However I knew that it was totally untrue - and I knew that my cellphone records would prove as much. Once I obtained the call record and provided them to my attorney and the DA within days my charges were dropped my case expunged with prejudice (I understand that s the best kind of expungement?) and the case sealed by the court. However it took 5 months to do so and during that time a popular local newspaper (owned by something of a newspaper magnate) in our city printed an article about the issue both in their online and print editions. The reporter assured me she would not use my real name and I had made that a condition of speaking with her as I was sensitive to how it could impact my newfound career which I had worked very hard to achieve. I asked that I only be identified with an alias because of that. The reporter also characterized my relationship with this woman as that of boyfriend girlfriend which is something we definitely were not - and I made that clear to the reporter: We were acquaintances and friends and while we did have a few romantic encounters during the months we knew each other I never considered anything more than a friend and acquaintance. Never did the word girlfriend ever appear in my dialogue with anyone or even in my own thinking. I have twice asked the newspaper to please remove the article or at the least remove my real name from it as that was the original condition under which I spoke with the reporter. Their first response was pretty cold hearted... and they still have not responded to my second attempt to request that at least my real name be removed. When that article came out I lost my job within days (I was on contract to hire for that job and they had just a week or so before assured me they were going to move me into a full-time position at contract s end as they were pleased with my work). Eventually in due time I lost my apartment my car and eventually had to move back home. I lost an entire set of friends as well. Its been devastating to me emotionally physically socially and financially... and it s affected every area of my life. Its been very hard on my family as well. I ve been working so hard to rebuild my life from scratch since then. I ve only earned a small fraction of what I could have during all these past years - nothing even close to what I could have made had I not had to deal with this. The stress has been incredible. In these past 12 years though I have not been able to move beyond anything more than working as a contractor. For some reason no matter how stellar of a job I do - no matter how big the hero I am on the job site (and believe me because of that article I ve had to work harder at what I do) it just never seems to happen. I ve been assured by past managers department heads at various points in my career that they would bring me on fulltime but for some reason it just never happens when the time comes and the turnabout is always filled with the sound of silence. I can t help but feel this is unjust and all out of proportion. I m upset the reporter used my real name against my request. I m upset that she characterized this as a boyfriend girlfriend relationship when I stated it clearly was not. I m upset that I can t build any financial security for my own life... it has been devastating. \*\*To fill out the picture on the above incident:\*\*I had issue with this person toward the end of our friendship. The breaking point for me was when she showed up in the middle of a rainy night intoxicated with no ride - even though she knew I had to be up early for work. Feeling sorry for her I let her in in order to help her get a cab. However she then disrobed and refused to leave to the point I had to call police to have her removed. They asked me if I wanted to file charges and out of compassion and pity I opted not to. I then stopped communicating with her altogether after that. It was then that she began to in effect stalk me following me from one local hangout to the next. After I quit going to place where we had initially met she d then turn up at my new spot and would immediately being spreading untruths and gossip about me. I d stop going there and she d turn up at the next spot. It got the point after a couple of months of this where I felt compelled to finally communicate with her and make it known that I did not appreciate this at all and asked her to please stop doing that. It was at this point that she claimed to police I had sent her so many text messages that her phone broke down when in fact I had absolutely nothing of the sort. &amp #x200B \- I feel helpless I don t know what if any recourse I have. I wish the newspaper would just drop my name from this as the article implies so many negative things that are simply not true or distorted. The impact on my life of that article has just been beyond all measure. 12 years and still no full time job no matter how awesome my work is. It seems unfair - I am blocked from achieving all that I can for myself and my family. I m worried about my future and ability to survive. All the money I could have earned... I could have owned a house by now. What can I do?? I sincerely thank you for any help or insight you can provide.
2020-01-17 21:39:33
Even assuming that this was actionable defamation the time for a lawsuit is LONG past. The statute of limitations on defamation is typically around a year but even when it s longer it s never 12 years. So unfortunately there is likely nothing you can do other than hire a company to do some search engine optimization.
2020-01-17 21:46:06
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Buying a house Section 8 Tenants Overstaying Lease
My husband and I are buying a house in Nevada. We offered they counter-offered we accepted and the house has been half inspected (more on that shortly) and appraised for the right amount so we re set to close on or before 10 31. The house was being rented to Section 8 tenants who took impeccable care of it. Their lease ended September 30. The initial inspection happened a couple weeks before that but the inspector couldn t get to the attic or areas of the garage because of all their stuff in the way. The listing agent initially told us that the tenants did not want to move and were unhappy about their lease not being renewed. Husband and I will be residing there not purchasing as landlords. It s our dream home. A second inspection was planned for after the move out which should have been last week. I went by Monday (really excited for the house and driving by often) and the tenant vehicles were still there with lights on in the house. Drove by again Thursday and there is now a Halloween decoration at the front door plus their cars. Backyard structures they told us they d be taking with them still visible from the street. Our realtor confirmed Friday they would be out by Monday (yesterday). Drove by today still same. What are our options? Our apartment lease is up mid November and we want these tenants out before we close but I am not getting any feedback from our their realtor for if that s happening. They won t have a lease with me and they don t have a lease with the landlord now. They allegedly had a verbal extension to yesterday to move their considerable amount of stuff. I can t tell them to leave but I don t want to inherit the problem. Is this turning into a squatters issue? Thanks for any insight!
2017-10-11 03:33:53
Don t close!!!! Squatters holdover tenants are as reasonable a ground to fail inspection as any and besides your inspector can t even get in there and do a full inspection. Make current owner deal with this or you will be buying the headache.
2017-10-11 03:37:53
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
[NY] Landlord in apartment building keeps sliding memos under my door stating I can t have my windows open during heating season .
The letter also asks us to check our neighbors windows and report anyone with open windows.. lol. &amp #x200B I checked through my lease and there is no mention about not being able to open my windows during heating season. &amp #x200B Landlord pays heat. &amp #x200B Can he really push this?
2018-11-18 16:54:23
He can ask and you can say no.
2018-11-18 16:59:27
Miscellaneous Legal Query
I ve paid a retainer to a lawyer to start an llc with 4 people and now I m having second thoughts.
My friends and I are creating an llc to start an edibles company when our state legalizes. Originally it was going to be 3 of us each with a 1 3 stake in the company. I m the chef and not that business savvy. One friend we ll call him Josh wants to bring his father and his best friend in as equal partners. He has convinced Alex the other friend that this is a good idea by using the dad &amp best friend s finances as a lure. I m finding this to be suspicious behavior because it seems like Josh will effectively have power over 60% of the company if this is split equal ways with 5 people. We have investors and I don t find it necessary to have people with money become actual partners in the company. When I brought this up to Alex and Josh they collectively try to convince me otherwise but I m still not seeing their point of view. They have since tried to sweeten the deal for me by saying they ll give me 25% and I ll be the top shareholder. With the numbers they ve thrown at me Josh”s family will still control 55%. I ve paid $2500 to our legal team to draw up the llc paperwork and I ve signed a legal services agreement. I have not signed any other paperwork. Can I just back out and wash my hands clean of this? Can I expect to lose out on my $2500? If I choose to go through with this is there anything I can put in our paperwork that will prevent them from stealing my recipes and giving me the boot? Edit: We are in New Jersey.
2018-11-27 01:14:24
&gt Our legal team Uh... You can t have a legal team do this. You each need separate lawyers. There s a conflict of interest for the lawyers to represent all of you. Did you waive that conflict? Because if you had your OWN lawyer representing your interests alone they would either (1) make sure the agreement is written in a way that allays your fears or (2) get you out of this whole thing.
2018-11-27 02:29:35
Business Partner Financial Misconduct
Question about Expungement....
My roommates and I were arrested in Massachusetts over 6 years ago for having a house party. It was a bit of a joke that we were arrested in the first place but that s neither here nor there at this point. We were charged with Disturbing the Peace and Keepers of a Disorderly House. We went to court and the chargers were subsequently EXPUNGED. I now find myself applying for a volunteer position (it s a government run organization) that presents an interesting question: Have you ever been cited for arrested charged with or convicted of any offense? Exclude minor traffic violations citations and parking tickets? My question is how should I answer this? If I say yes there s a second piece that asks me many other questions (charge date of incident judgement penalties etc...). I do not want this incident to affect my consideration for the position and would like to avoid addressing it if at all possible. Since my charges were expunged does that mean I can answer no? Due to the expungement can a record of the incident not be accessed? Or should I be concerned that they would learn of the arrest in a background check? As I mentioned this for a volunteer position at a government run organization. If it s going to come up in a background check I want to be upfront about it. Thanks!
2015-08-28 18:28:27
&gt Keepers of a Disorderly House Oh man. I m gonna get pinched for sure. Ahem. According to [this](http: research.lawyers.com massachusetts massachusetts-expungement-and-record-sealing.html) site expungement in MA is only allowed for certain circumstances: Under expungement which is permitted for erroneous convictions in situations such as identity fraud public records are destroyed and officially it s as if the incident never happened. According to this [guide](http: www.mass.gov courts docs courts-and-judges courts district-court pubaccesscourtrecords.pdf) (PDF) most criminal charges once brought cannot actually be expunged: With the exceptions noted below a judge may not expunge criminal or juvenile records maintained by the clerk-magistrate s office or the probation department. This includes criminal charges that were intentionally brought against the named defendant but later dismissed as mistakenly brought or for lack of probable cause. A judge may not expunge court probation or police criminal records in any situation governed by a sealing statute such as G.L. c. 276 §§ 100A-100C. If your conviction was truly expunged you should be able to answer no but if your records are sealed you may (ethically) have to answer yes to that question because you were in fact arrested. You can request a [copy of your own criminal record](http: www.masslegalhelp.org cori get-a-copy-of-my-own) and see what it says about existing charges.
2015-08-28 19:15:50
Questionable Arrest Circumstances and Legal Representation
I returned a tv to Walmart and the money was never credited back to my card. I disputed the claim with Arvest but they are denying the claim.
*united states Arkansas. Arvest is my regional bank* Last year I bought a television online from Walmart. It was awful quality and we took it back within the return period. The return was done in-store and I was given a receipt but the credit never came through. After a two week run-around they told me to dispute it with my bank. I provided Arvest with the electronic receipt and a copy of my return receipt from the store. They processed the claim and did a provisional credit. It s been over two months and I got a letter from Arvest today saying that my claim was denied due to no evidence of error and that they would be taking back the provisional credit (which they promptly did.) What can I do? The letter says that I can dispute further but that I have to provide additional evidence. What could I possibly have aside from both of my receipts?!? I ve basically been robbed by Walmart.
2019-02-07 04:37:48
Do you have a receipt showing money was returned back to the card you used to purchase the TV? And when you look at that account s activity there is no return on there? Is the original charge for the TV still showing? Is Arvest a bank or credit card issuer?
2019-02-07 04:44:09
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Credit card debt in Abu Dhabi
Yesterday I received a threatening letter form a collection agency about how I owe money on my expired credit card I had in the UAE in 2012. I left the country after a year of teaching to come home for summer only to get a job offer at home and decided to stay. I owed about 4000 dirhams on the card. I made arrangements to send an international transfer from my bank here in Canada only to have it bounce back at a 30 Canadian dollar fee to me because they had not provided me with the correct bank codes and information. Trying to deal with customer service over there is horrible so I got frustrated and just forgot about it entirely. I don t plan on returning to the UAE anytime soon. The letter threatens legal action on me in Canada as well as being blacklisted from the Central Bank. When I said I would be happy to pay the debt (which I assumed would have some interest from the last few years) I was told my outstanding bill was 25 000 dirhams (Which is about 9000 $ canadian). What are my options here? Am I best to forget it and just never go there? What is the most likely outcome?
2015-10-22 20:31:58
Don t ignore it. They can collect in Canada for it (get a judgement there register judgement here garnish your wages or bank account here). The increase from 4000 to 25000 is due to interest and fees. You may be able to negotiate it down.
2015-10-22 23:25:40
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Started a business with my ex..
My abusive ex bf and I started a shirt business together. I put in about $1000 and he put in no money. Fast forward a year and a half. We have broken up I have gotten a restraining order no sales have ever been made. Currently he is claiming he is copyrighting the art and he is threatening to take me to court for half of the income (he doesn t know that nothing has ever sold) I want to tell him he can buy my half and pay me back for his half so that he wouldn t have to worry about me coming after him and asking for half the money later (assuming he actually makes the business profitable) is that something I am able to do? How does the law work with me having put in ALL the starting cash vs. him trying to copyright? Edit. I live in California edit 2. Follow up question Since I did the art and therefore automatically have the copyright. Can I just offer to sell him the rights to it for $1000?
2017-05-07 16:42:51
Who created the art? They already have the copyright. Just ignore him if he wants to waste his money to recoup what doesn t exist let him. He s probably all talk anyway. However if you are served be sure to respond appropriately.
2017-05-07 16:46:23
Copyright Infringement in T-Shirt Design
Born without an SSN in the United States but have a birth certificate?
Hey I hope this is the best place to ask this I ve been dealing with an issue since I was 18 (almost 5 years ago now) I was born without a social security number (or possibly have one but no way to find out what it is or obtain it) I have a birth certificate but no form of photo ID as state IDs licenses and things of the nature require an SSN to obtain my mother applied for my SSN just before I turned 18 when I was 17 so I wasn t legally an adult however I ve been waiting for as previously stated 5 years for a follow up and nothing has happened for me what can I do to rectify this? Hopefully someone here can help me out thanks for your time
2017-03-22 08:45:00
You can get a ssn with a birth certificate and one of the following: Employee ID card School ID card Health insurance card (not a Medicare card) U.S. military ID card If you don t have one of the above I d work on getting one then go ahead with the ssn.
2017-03-22 10:31:31
Identification Document Retrieval Challenges
Neighbor leaves dogs outside 24 7 in cold
I am relatively new to my subdivision. I have noticed that my neighbor s dogs are outside everytime I drive by--even at 2 am. They are outside rain or shine. I see no apparent shelter other than them huddling against the house in the rain. It is getting colder and colder. We had our first frost last week and they are still outside. What are my options to ensure that the dogs are taken care of? I don t want to act maliciously. I simply want to watch out for these defenseless animals.
2018-10-21 07:05:39
You can report it to your local animal control and let them investigate. It might help to have pictures. Leaving an animal outside in extreme weather can definitely count as neglect and could get the animal removed from the owners. There s nothing malicious about reporting them if everything you said is true.
2018-10-21 07:12:05
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Sketchy grandma college money
Washington state i beleive the account was set up in oregon. So when i was a young kid my grandpa (paternal blood) left my brother and i 10k each specifically so we can go to school. When i was 19 i went to school for a little bit and dropped out. Now at 27 im going back and im serious about a degree. My grandma by marriage runs the bank account and she doesnt give me any info on how much i have what bank its with or send statements to me. A couple months ago she called me and said If you re not going to school can i take the money and give it to MY grandkids Im starting to worry what she might do and what she has done so far. I beleive the money is in my name but again she wont give me any of that info. How can i go about getting the info and is there anything i can legally do to get the account under my control? Thank you!
2019-10-13 09:19:49
It all depends on how the money was left. You need to get a copy of the will or trust documents
2019-10-13 10:46:31
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[FL] Man suing Ferrari for not selling him a car
I just heard about this lawsuit and was curious about what you all think. I have no connection to this case fyi. A long-time Ferrari collector who has owned quite a few rare Ferrari s was denied the ability to purchase a new special edition car. For those of you who aren t familiar with Ferrari they have historically given collectors and owners of their big cars priority. The plaintiff claims that he was denied due to Ferrari deeming him unqualified to buy the car. He claims that this has damaged his reputation. He is also demanding a trial by jury. Below I have quoted a couple things from the [filing.](https: static.stuff.co.nz files FerrariComplaint.pdf) By deeming [the Plaintiff] not qualified and publishing to third parties that Preston Henn was not qualified Ferrari acting through its employees and agents uttered to unrelated third parties a false and defamatory statement harming Henn s reputation in the universe of Ferrari aficionados. Plaintiff seeks damages in excess of $75 000 exclusive of interests and costs as compensation for the damage to his reputation. This just seems a bit ridiculous (Florida? shocking...) so I just thought I d get your opinions. Thanks
2016-08-10 06:42:18
... Wow. He s really claiming this sequence of events is defamation: 1) Man places order for fancy car. 2) Ferrari tells him no. 3) Man enlists his friends to ask Ferrari why. 4) Ferrari *doesn t tell them just says he didn t qualify.* 5) Somehow this damaged his reputation. 6-30) A list of reasons why Ferrari should be his best friend forever.
2016-08-10 07:35:51
Car dealership title issue
LA County Sheriff is framing my friend! What are his rights? Help!
My friend pulled over on his way back from a family baby shower and got out of his car to change his shirt. 2 police officers pulled over and to see what he was doing he explained to them but they didn t seem interested. They asked to see his ID and when he reached for his wallet they grabbed him cuffed him and put him in the back of the squad car. The officers go through his wallet and find his cash from his recently cashed paycheck. My friend explains how he just cashed his check and he has the paycheck stub and the receipt to prove it. Instead they accuse him of selling drugs. They then tell him they are going to search the car and ask if there is anything else they should know about. He tells them there is a very small amount of marijuana in the passenger side door pocket. The officers find it and go back to the squad car to ask if there is anything else in his vehicle. He tells them no. Upon search of his vehicle the officers found a marijuana pipe in his glovebox that my friend says he forgot about. The cop brings it to him and asks if its a meth pipe. Confused my friend explains that its a marijuana pipe and the officer says he knows what it is. The officer then pulled out a baggie of crystal meth and said it was his. After they take him to the sheriff station and booked him they made him sign a piece of paper saying that the meth was his and that he was a dealer. They told him that if he didn t sign it he wouldn t be cooperating and that they would have to take him to County Jail and someone there would make him his bitch. After his brother and I bailed him out and they handed him his belongings and $400 which was $1000 short of his $1400 check. I ve never seen my friend so distraught before he said they treated him like an animal. I m trying to get more details out of him but it s really hard for him to talk without breaking out in tears. He s never been arrested before and has no record. I m getting him to write me a full truthful detailed statement regarding what exactly happened along with any possible proof names of officers he can remember exact times and locations. I was thinking about send letters to people like the Captain of the Sheriff station the head Sheriff ACLU Local City Council Los Angeles Office of Independent Review. Is that a good idea? I figure if I scream loud enough people will pay attention. But I have no idea what to do. I thought this type of stuff only happened in movies. What are his rights? tl dr My friend got caught with a small amount of marijuana and a pipe. Cops planted meth and stole $1000 from him. What can I do to get him justice? He feels helpless.
2012-07-09 22:34:52
Tell him not to speak to anyone until he gets a lawyer. Sadly that s the first thing he should have done. There is no obligation whatsoever to speak to an officer and they will try everything to intimidate someone into admitting guilt. By signing whatever paper he did a lawyer can try to have that expelled as evidence by arguing it was signed under stress and fear tactics. The best thing to do is get a lawyer on the case ASAP. Your buddy should not speak to anyone about anything. If his fingerprints aren t on the bag of meth it can easily be thrown out along with whatever else the cops are claiming. Don t contact any group or write any letters without consulting a lawyer first. Anything you write in those letters may backfire. Jail sucks and they do treat you bad. He s probably out the 1000$ good luck proving they didn t steal it...BUT...keep the pay stub and whatnot as helpful evidence. Tl DR...KEEP ALL LINES OF COMMUNICATION ABOUT THE EVENT SEALED SHUT. NO COMMUNICATION WHATSOEVER ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED UNTIL YOU CONTACT A LAWYER...PAY THE RETAINER...DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU TO.
2012-07-09 22:51:10
Miscellaneous Legal Query
(CO) I was jumped last night. I remember what one of the guy s looks like. Can I report it?
Last night I was jumped and robbed. I saw some guy pushing a girl into a wall and intervened. We got into an altercation. I was walking the girl to her friends near the bar after the altercation when I was jumped by the initial guy and a few of his friends. They stole my wallet but didn t get my phone. I d like to know if I can still report it or if it would be worth it? I m ok besides a black eye and some bruises but I m more worried about the girl. She ran like absolute hell when the car pulled up and I want to file a report if it can help protect an abuse victim. I only have her first name but I remember what the guy looks like. Can the police do anything at this point?
2018-03-11 17:32:02
Yes you can and should report it.
2018-03-11 17:34:02
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[Canada Ontario Toronto] Speeding Ticket 24 over
Hey. I m 20 and I am currently a G2 driver. I was pulled over on an Toronto street for going 84km h in a 60km h zone. I m an absolute idiot and I m incredibly ashamed of myself. I brought this onto me. I m terrified of the insurance hit and the $115 fine really hurts too. If my insurance raises by too much I won t be able to afford this car and will have to sell it. I m really scared. Please give me any advice you can. My options are to plea guilty early resolution or trial. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.. thank you so much. If it means anything and I really don t think it does the time is typo d on the ticket and it says 10:4PM (The P is a 0 and a P in the same spot) Thank you very much for even reading this.
2016-12-30 04:38:20
The typo is meaningless. Go to early resolution and speak with the prosecutor I ll bet you can get that down to 14 over which will be no points and a reduced fine. Your insurance will go up regardless. Good luck.
2016-12-30 04:42:52
Unresolved Speeding Ticket Issue
[Atlanta GA] My ex-wife has brought a recently released felon around my son during her court mandated visitation.
I have legal primary custody. My ex-wife has court ordered visitation every other weekend. The primary reason I was awarded custody is that I was able to prove with video evidence that she was lying to me about where was keeping my son when she had him when we were contesting custody before the final custody decree was made. I recently found out that she is dating a recently released ex-con (found guilty of aggravated assault and third-degree cruelty to children) and has brought him around my 10-year-old son. He was sentenced to 20 years and paroled out in 7 and was released in January of this year. I ve spoken with an attorney and (allegedly) the best I can hope for is a warning to my ex-wife to keep the ex-con away from my son (because my son was not the victim of what the ex-con was incarcerated for) or possibly supervised visitation on the weekends that she is scheduled to have him. A couple questions: 1. Do I have legal ground as his custodian to keep my son from going to her during court mandated visitation for fear of his safety? 2. If her visitation is changed to supervised visitation how does that work? Who is the supervisor? Where is the visitation typically held? 3. I ve been trying to remain calm during these past few days after finding out about her new boyfriend s legal issues. Should I be more aggressive with my enforcement of being primary custodian (i.e. fighting to limit or remove visitation)? While I don t think the ex-con would do anything harmful to my son I cannot risk putting him into a situation that could result in any emotional or physical harm. It seems like our legal system is more reactionary than preventative and I m not sure what to do. Any advice would be truly appreciated.
2018-03-12 06:10:54
1. No you need to follow the court order until it is amended. Reserve violating the court order for situations where imminent harm is likely a situation where you don t think the ex-con would do anything harmful doesn t qualify. 2. The court can order supervision be provided by a friend or family member if one is willing or by a third party. There are a number of organizations and private individuals who provide supervised visitation. Most have their own facilities with playrooms and areas for conversation some will travel off-site (the other parent s home parks and recreation centers restaurants etc.). For third parties somebody has to pay the fee the court will usually order the parent who requires supervision to bear that burden but inquire of your lawyer. (Here s a list of [Georgia visit supervisors](http: www.svdirectory.com state.htm?st=GA&amp cnt=US&amp page=1) I don t believe this list is comprehensive or necessarily up-to-date but it will give you an idea of the sorts of arrangements third-party supervisors can provide.) 3. That one I can t really answer as I don t know you her or her new boyfriend. Do you know the details of his crime? Third-degree cruelty doesn t necessarily mean he did anything physical to any child it s most commonly charged when a child was present during a domestic violence incident against another adult (perhaps when he assaulted that child s mother).
2018-03-12 07:28:27
Custody and Visitation Disputes
[NYC] a leak in my upstairs neighbor s bathroom flooded my room and broke my computer. can i somehow get money from them? i do not have renter s insurance :(
i just moved in the beginning of this month. long story short i come home to my room covered in water and my computer sitting in small puddle on my bed. i call the landlord and plumber and finally 3 days later they get into the apartment above me and find there is a huge gap in the between the tub and the wall. the plumber figures the tenant left the water on to let it get hot and it must have been aimed directly at the gap. my roommates had called the landlord a month ago in reference to a similar leak in the bathroom coming from the ceiling i share a wall with the bathroom so it was probably caused by the same thing. so this may be neglect. my computer cost me a lot of money and i need it for work. thank you for any help.
2014-08-12 14:34:26
You can sue them if you can show they caused the damage or you could maybe sue the landlord if you can prove there was a plumbing issue that should have been fixed. facepalm on not having renters insurance.
2014-08-12 14:39:51
Mold and Water Damage Issues
[On Can] Pregnancy scare and the future
She s 30 I m 34. Long story short 2 weeks after meeting on Plenty of Fish ends with a pregnancy scare because the condom broke (Sept 19th 11ish pm). Day of I asks her to get Plan B she agrees. A week goes by and she slips in a text message Second one might be on the way soon because we re on the subject of kids and contraception. I ask if it s mine because I m concerned she didn t get the Plan B. Takes her a while to actually get back to me and actually answer the question but I got told don t worry and her answer to my question so it s not mine right? was Nah. Another week goes by and some friends and myself are now getting facebook messages from random people congratulating me and telling me I m a dick for denying I got this girl pregnant. So now here I am having text messages from this girl saying that no it s not mine yes she got plan b a text from her saying it is indeed someone else s and she loves him because he s a super nice guy and finally Also just in case you misteriously drop off the face of the planet in 9 months I have your brother sister and mom s page all saved to my desktop to inform them if it comes down to that. On top of that I have a Facebook message from some random guy showing me pictures of positive pregnancy tests dated 4 (Sept 23rd 10pm) and 5 (Sept 24th 9am) days after the deed. Finally based on the events of the past 48 hours there s a distinct possibility in my mind that she might also report me for rape (it s not I have text messages from her stating she wants to snuggle and we can be cuddle buddies . So there s a possibility this kid is mine. There s also a possibility this is a hoax. What I want to know is if this kid really is mine do the texts I have from her saying it s not mine matter? Can I demonstrate its not mine based on them rather than getting a paternity test? I also went to the police station this morning to try and make a report just in case she does decide to accuse me of rape and they refused to do anything. Tl Dr - Pregnancy drama that puts high school soap opera to shame.
2018-10-06 12:35:11
You don t know you re pregnant 4 or 5 days after sex. There s not enough hormones in a woman s body for it to come up positive on a test. Stop talking to her. Block anyone that messages you. I doubt she s telling the truth.
2018-10-06 12:50:07
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Found out my neighbors property is connected to my septic system - USA WA Kitsap County
Hi All &amp #x200B I live in Kitsap county in WA state in the US. I found out a few years after purchasing my home that the septic system is connected to my neighbors property which is a small business and that at somepoint his property and my property used to be one lot that got split after things had been built. This has been fine up til now as my neighbor is kind and reasonable and has always split 50 50 the cost of pumping every few years even though we likely use it far more however has suffered some serious health effects and sadly has been unable to work and their business was just served foreclosure. I am curious what position I am currently in around this or what I should do in order to protect the health of my septic system and property if when the property is sold. How should I go about bringing this up with the bank that owns the property or a future owner? would they need my permission to continue to use the septic system? any direction or advice or links to resources would be greatly appreciated!
2021-04-15 14:37:15
I think this is a bigger problem for you than for your neighbors. When the property was split you should have installed a separate system on your property that serves your house only. Some areas may allow a shared septic system but I think that s very rare (never heard of this). I d do some research to figure out what is legal but I d not be surprised if this makes your property illegal so to speak - you don t have a septic system on site. If your area allows for shared septic systems then figure that out but I d be surprised. I d figure out what you need to do to get your own system installed. Your neighbors are not responsible for this you are. If you were going to do any negotiating about it the time to do that was before you bought the property. The worst case scenario is that your certificate of occupancy might be revoked. https: kitsappublichealth.org environment septic_systems.php
2021-04-15 18:49:30
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Guy Threatened to Shoot My Service Dog
The incident: &gt A group of guys started playing dice against my apartment building wall. I haven t seen them until very recently and don t think they live on the block. I ve seen drug deals take place in front of my house (which is also covered in cameras so that seems stupid). But I ve never had an issue with anyone for the five months I ve lived here. Until today. &gt So they re playing dice and they often block the entryway to my apartment building so that I have a hard time leaving with my dog or dogs in toe as I take them for a walk or to pee. &gt When we come back one of my dogs tries to go after the dice because he hasn t been worked or exercised enough (midterms I ve been in hospital a bit more often too). &gt The guys just explode hooten and hollering screaming hey bitch bitch bitch. &gt I ignore them at first then decide to turn around. My witty come back was I live here you don t &gt That s when one of them said I m gonna shoot your dog. &gt Called the cops called my landlord called my dad called my therapist. It s all sorted now. I m locked in my apartment trying to take deep breathes and stop shaking. So direct questions: How do I send the stills and footage from my apartment s security camera s to the police and have them added to the case file? How the hell does that work? One of the police officers kept asking me if the man who threatened my dog showed me a gun or reached for a gun - why? (He didn t) Should I record sound when I walk by the group from now on? Or should I hang back and call dispatch as I was instructed and wait for police to arrive before entering my apartment? It was unclear when the officers thought I should call dispatch to let them know the man who threatened me is standing outside my apartment. Should I try to get footage of other times I ve walked past this group to show that they have always reacted negatively to me and my dogs? More general questions: What s going to happen next? This is the first time I have called 911. Just... any advice? How do I protect myself? How do I prevent future harassment? Is there anything I can do I m concerned of retaliation? I m in PA by the way Edit: Do want to add that my dog did not make contact with any person or dice despite the confrontation starting from about a foot away. So even though my dog did act out I think I had it pretty well under control. Update: Called police back like they said to because I saw him again. turns out the dice group is the same group that plays cards and listens to loud music next door. Or at least partly the same. ~~Completely irrationally~~ thought he was going to shoot my dog as I was with Storm at the time. Police questioned them and explained what they can and cannot do or say to me. At least I think they did I didn t get close to the confrontation. The men started shouting and getting mad when the officers said they couldn t threaten me or my dog. I couldn t really hear what was being said other than muzzle and bite coming up a few times. It did make me realize that I have explained to some of these guys that my dog is a service dog and they have seen him with his vest and have seen me actively training him. An officer also stayed back and explained how to add the footage to the case file and when I started to apologize for calling she cut me off and said I did the right thing and told me in what instances I should call again.
2017-10-20 21:16:38
&gt How do I protect myself? How do I prevent future harassment? Control your dog. By your own account your dog went after them not the other way around. While this person s response wasn t appropriate he isn t in the wrong to be pissed off at you and your dog. Don t blow this out of proportion and don t look to make a federal death penalty case out of this. Control your dog. Don t let him go after other people or their things. If they do don t demand that they be nice to you afterwards. If they continue to harass you then escalate the situation.
2017-10-20 21:19:52
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[OH] Lawn care service keeps on giving us free lawn care service without our permission. When is it considered trespassing?
My husband and I own a house in Ohio. We ordered a lawn care service (hence called Verde) to come and seed some bare spots aerate and spray for weeds. Standard stuff. However we had horrible customer service and we paid for services that were half assed. Once we got a note on our door saying couldn t print a receipt but I promise I sprayed your lawn for weeds yet there wasn t one of those yard signs anywhere and nothing in the backyard had been moved so it was obvious nothing had been done. We gave them another chance but they kept on half-assing the services so we cancelled any future services. We made no more appointments and settled our bill so we owed them nothing. We made an appointment with a different company (Grass Dude) who has actually provided the services we are asking for as well as far superior customer service. He seeded our lawn last week and sprayed for weeds. This afternoon I come home and notice that the backyard has been re-aerated it has double the amount of seeds on it and there are tire tracks in our driveway and backyard. Our garden hose was also moved. There is a receipt on the front door from the first terrible lawn company (Verde) that says I aerated and seeded your lawn. If they were a true lawn professional or at least knew something about taking care of grass wouldn t they have noticed that we JUST HAD THIS DONE LAST WEEK because there were still seeds everywhere in the backyard as well as hunks of dirt from the aeration? My question is this: this isn t the first time that Verde has tried to win us back with free service . When is it considered harassment or trespassing? Is there anything we can do to get them to leave us alone? Thank you for your time.
2017-09-21 22:37:40
It was considered trespassing the first time since you didn t ask them to do it. I d send a cease and desist or simply tell them to GTFO.
2017-09-21 22:40:27
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Real estate told us we have to leave because of demolition commencing next door 18 days into lease?!??
Going to try and explain this as best I can. Please be gentle. My partner and I signed a 12 month lease for an apartment above a shopfront in NSW AUS. We move in 18 days ago costing over $1000 to do so. Most of our money is now tied up in the bond and we continue to pay rent. We have been told today that the adjoining building is going to be demolished and we need to move out. The real estate agent who told us even pushed us to do a viewing of another property (sub par) and when I questioned if we could stay on he said no. He assure me that the land lord is happy to waive our lease agreement due to the impending demolition. We have done our research and it turns out that our landlord also owns the building next door that is going to be demolished. Further more they have had plans to demolish our building as well since 2015. The owner appears to be part of an investment group or property development group. The real estate agent claims he knew nothing about it. We were not told any of this when we signed our lease 18 days ago. We have nothing in writing only phone communications. I ve since sent an email requesting details. What are our rights here? Are we entitled to compensation? EDIT: Thanks everyone for your 2cents. It really means a lot to us in the present situation. Going ahead with some free legal advice tomorrow and will make the next move from there.
2019-06-11 13:33:05
Honestly with something like this going down even if you don t get it in writing (although the journal will definitely help) it will be worth the money for a consultation with a lawyer. If they do actually try this check with your council or their website regarding what notice they need to give to begin a demolition project because if the buildings are attached (that s the impression I got) it s likely they won t be able to go ahead while you re there Furthermore it s likely they will need to prove that they gave you advance notice this will happen (like a month or so) and them renting the property to you so soon before demolition starts will seem to be in incredibly bad faith so again this will give you a lot of leverage. They may decide to evict you and will be hostile to you while this is going on so (after consulting with your lawyer) you could make them a cash for keys offer where they let you out of the lease and give you some money (at least enough to cover renting a new place and moving your stuff) in exchange for you moving out.
2019-06-11 14:14:57
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Called the cops on someone trying to get in my apartment a week ago and just got a Preliminary Hearing Notice (Pennsylvania) - Do I have to attend?
As the title says guy was trying to open the back door to my house. Called cops after he refused to leave my back porch and they arrested him for Public Drunkenness Defiant Trespass and Loitering and Prowling at Nighttime. Got a Preliminary Hearing Notice in the mail with a list of his charges and a hearing date time set a few weeks from now. The only thing on this notice related to me is the mailing address name. I don t see anything with the word Summons or anything directing me to attend directly. So do I have to attend this hearing? This is in Pennsylvania.
2015-05-09 05:29:20
Call and ask.
2015-05-09 05:38:40
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My mother is schizoaffective (bipolar and schizophrenic) and my grandmother can t take care of her anymore what legally can I do? Is there housing programs or anything I can put her in?
I m in college and I came home for Christmas my grandmother takes care of my mother and she was in the hospital for over 2 1 2 months and released today. I m not sure why she was released because it was traumatizing to hear and see how she was acting. Screaming at my grandmother and she wouldn t stop talking non stop and saying insane and gross things. She also gave me a book on religion and a holocaust book and a book that she wrote a letter to my dad in saying she hasn t had sex in years and she s waiting for him and I just can t get into it further (they divorced many years ago) but as you can tell she is not well. My grandmother is 80 years old and can t care for her anymore and I m not sure what to do. Is there anyway I can get my mom put into some housing? I m really not sure what to do but she shouldn t be out in public and I m afraid of my grandmother having a legit heart attack from handling her. Please help I don t know what reddit community to ask.
2020-12-25 05:41:33
Does your county have a social services dept you could call to seek help from a social worker? They may be able to offer resources for your mother and possibly group home with staff to care for her. That s what happened with my sister who also has schizioaffective disorder. A social worker and many trips to the hospital and she was able to get into a group home where they had 24 7 staff. The social worker would work with your mother in finding a group home(s) depending on the care level needed. As for funding depending on the situation she may be able to receive state funding. E.g. my sister was deemed disabled and unable to work by her psychiatrist due to her disorders.
2020-12-25 05:56:10
Miscellaneous Legal Query
An engine seized up what are my options.
So I started as a lube tech at a Kia dealership in North Texas two months ago. A car came in yesterday and the drain plug had apparently gotten loose and just fell out of the pan . It was a car I had in a month ago. The engine is seized up and it would appear that I am looking at having to pay for the replacement which I cannot afford. Is there a way for me out of this what can I do?
2015-12-08 14:01:03
You don t have to pay anything unless a court orders you to. Your employer needs to fix this. They can fire you over it but can t force you to pay unless they sue you and get a judgement.
2015-12-08 14:03:25
Car dealership title issue
[MA] Landlord didn t cash rent check 5 years ago wants payment now
My friend lived in the same apartment for many years and moved out about 6 months ago. The landlord just emailed saying that a 5-year-old rent check was never cashed and wants her to pay up. For context the landlord was always patchy about cashing rent checks. Sometimes checks were lost and needed to be resent others were cashed in a batch like 3 months later. So it isn t surprising that a check wouldn t have been cashed. I think she was on an annual lease at the time although it may have been month to month. So is there a statute of limitations on collecting back rent? I think it s ridiculous that the landlord caught the mistake 5 years later especially since she s already moved out.
2021-04-21 23:19:41
Has your friend contacted her bank to assure the check wasn t cashed? If he s that bad at tracking and cashing checks it s possible he s bad at recording the payment. IANAL but it looks like in Massachusetts the state of limitations to collect a debt is 6 years. https: www.debt.org faqs americans-in-debt consumer-massachusetts #:~:text=The%20Massachusetts%20statute%20of%20limitations written%20contract%20or%20oral%20agreement.
2021-04-21 23:31:02
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Legal advice regarding lottery tickets.
My significant other works at a store in Pennsylvania that sells lottery tickets. Once the customer picks their numbers and tickets have been printed there is no way for them to be returned or exchanged. In the event that the customer decides they don t want the ticket after it s already been printed and paid for the store requires the cashier who sold the ticket pay for the ticket. Is this legal? Something about this just doesn t seem right. As of now my significant other has shelled out a great deal of money because of a handful of customers who regularly come in and pull stuff like this. Any advice Reddit?
2020-07-19 18:03:46
Your SO should collect the money before entering the numbers.
2020-07-19 18:11:07
Contest Prize Disputes
16 year old hits and totals my car leaves the scene and won t speak to the insurance company
This past Wednesday a 16 year old girl blew through a stop sign when I had the right of way and I hit her going 45 mph which totaled my car. The accident was her fault as I had the right of way and she just pulled out in front of me without looking and honestly I think she was texting (which is illegal here in Salt Lake City Utah). She then proceeded to call her dad who arrived to the scene got in the car that collided with my car and drove away. Then she got in his car that he drove to the scene of the accident and drove away before the police could get there. I told her she should NOT leave the scene as it could be considered a hit and run and that she was acting super sketchy. Luckily I was able to get a picture of her insurance and a picture of her drivers license but now they will not answer the insurance company phone calls. I have an eye witness that was behind the 16 year old who saw the whole thing and filled out a police report and has already talked to the insurance company. But the insurance company is refusing to pay for me to get a rental car until they speak to the 16 year old and get her side of the story who won t answer the phone and neither will her parents. I m wondering if I should contact an attorney or just let insurance figure it out. I m mainly stressed about the money they will give me as compensation for my car which was like 40k when purchased in 2012. Would getting an attorney increase the compensation I would receive or is it a waste of time money? I have minimal injury (whiplash and a sprained wrist) but I did go to the ER after the accident to make sure everything was okay internally. But I m assuming my medical bill will be somewhat expensive considering they did a CAT scan a MRI ultrasound on my internal organs and blood work.
2019-05-13 18:00:30
A police report should be all your insurance company needs to start a claim.
2019-05-13 18:21:00
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
The University System of Georgia Is Threatening to Send Me to Collections if I Don t Give Back Their Free Fitbits
Long time lurker first time needing to post so I made a new account. A few weeks ago a post on the Georgia Tech subreddit stated that anyone with a .edu email could get 2 free fitbits from the fitbit website by following the given link. I along with a very large number of other students got our 2 free fitbits. Fast forward to today and we all receive an email stating that if we don t pay return or agree to subsidize the amount for the fitbits the amount will be sent to collections. Is this an empty threat or is there actual legal precedent here to get sent to collections? I feel like since it was their fault this happened we the students shouldn t be punished for it. Any advice would be appreciated. Editing post to clarify a few things. UGA is not responsible for this. USG is which is the governing body for Georgia s University System. They don t have a campus students or anything like that. But they have had events promoting student activities. The email we received was from Fhs-healthplans@fitbit.com so Fitbit themselves contacted us. I personally received this link and was told University students get free Fitbits I didn t know that it was only meant for employees.
2019-06-28 02:00:34
They are claiming that it was only meant for USG employees and that the link was not meant to be shared outside the company but it does not state that on the site or if it does not clearly enough to keep hundreds of others from going through it without realizing it wasn t meant for them.
2019-06-28 03:45:02
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Sister was hitting me retaliated with a headbutt broke her nose and now my mom is extorting me to go to a academic bootcamp. (Washington)
So to start off I am a minor living with my mom who is my legal guardian. I turn 17 this August. In December my sister and I got into a physical altercation over using the washing machine. I went to open the door (front loader) and my sister pushed me so I couldn t open it. I pushed her out of the laundry room. She came back swinging at my head and making contact. I grabbed her arms and said stop however she broke a hand free and hit me twice more before I finally headbutted her and broke her nose. My sister is a black belt in martial arts and will be turning 18 at the end of July. Now my mom was a witness to the whole event. A little backstory on my mom she wants me to get my GED and move out. A GED today is out of the question. So she has said to me that unless I go to this bootcamp Washington Youth Academy (WYA) both her and my sister are going to the police station and filing a report that I assaulted her. Correct me if I am wrong but is that not extortion? Which leads me to my questions is it likely I ll be arrested for assault if I was acting out of self-defence and can a parent extort a child they are the guardian of? I don t really want to get my mom or sister into any trouble my sister is going to college and it s just bad taste to throw your family in jail in my opinion anyways. Thank you for any responses at all I really need some advice through this the bootcamp begins on July 18th. EDIT: I am currently enrolled in high school this upcoming year will be my senior year. I was court ordered to live with my father two years ago where my mom was deemed unfit to parent me however I moved back to my moms after I was harassed by my dad who was threatening to kill a man he was working for at the time as well as using illegal substances. This is not a sob story I m just trying to give my fellow redditors a good view of the situation. EDIT 2: I really appreciate the advice from everyone. I m going to give WYA a try like a lot of you said 6 months out of my moms house might be the exact thing I need. I see the word troubled thrown around a lot I don t think I m troubled I m more than capable of being fine my mom just gets in the way of every decision I make (as parents have every right to do).
2015-07-14 11:14:38
&gt A GED today is out of the question. No it s not. Whatever your issue is a GED is not out of the question. It s also in most cases the bare minimum for any level of success in this world. &gt Correct me if I am wrong but is that not extortion? No it s parenting. If you re 16 and you re not getting educated you re fucking up. &gt is it likely I ll be arrested for assault We can t argue likelihood. As is it sounds like you did far more damage than she did so self defense is a difficult argument. &gt the bootcamp begins on July 18th Then pack your bags. She s your mother you re a minor she doesn t need your permission to send you anywhere.
2015-07-14 11:40:17
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Question about employer sponsored insurance
I live in Alabama. My husband started a job in late November and opted in to the insurance offered by his employer. It doesn t become after until his 90 day probationary period is over. Technically that would be February 26th but his insurance cards show an active date of February 1st. We ve been paying in since the 1st week of January. Anyway he got offered another job with better pay that he started today. His last day of work with this company was this past Friday before his insurance became effective. He asked his boss about the money he has been paying in and his boss told him that it wouldn t be refunded even if his insurance is never active. It s $170 for each week which will either be for the four weeks that it has already come out or five if it comes out of his last check that we will receive Thursday. That s not a tiny amount of money for people like us. Is there anything we can do? EDIT: Tried to post to r insurance but reddit said my posts weren t doing well. Oh well I ll try there later. In the meantime no ideas? ****UPDATE****** I received the last check today 1 31 14. Not only did they NOT deduct another $170 but they reimbursed the $680 they had already deducted throughout the month. I m relieved I didn t have to fight over it but I m so thankful for the offer of help in figuring it all out.
2014-01-27 19:24:25
I do not know of any circumstances where premium would be refunded prior to meeting the waiting period requirements.
2014-01-28 01:00:01
Medical Billing Disputes and Fraud
I got sucker punched at a Halloween party and got a concussion and broken nose - want to press charges and sue for medical bills
So I was at a friends house for a Halloween party and got into a little drunken argument with some guy who was there. Words were exchanged and tempers were getting heated so a friend of mine stepped in and separated everyone and things kinda settled down. Later that evening after the party this same guy comes to where I was staying and walks inside to where I was in the kitchen and sucker punches me - once on the eyebrow and once on the nose. Apparently he was still upset from what I said earlier and found out where I was staying. I went to the ER after and find out I have a broken nose minor concussion and needed 6 stitches in my eyebrow. I haven t received the bill yet but I had a CT scan done so I assume it ll be substantial. How do I go about suing for medical expenses? I already went to the magistrate and am in the process of filing assault charges. Any help in navigating the process is appreciated.
2020-11-01 19:43:03
&gt How do I go about suing for medical expenses? What country or state province is this in and is this person a minor and are you a minor? Whoever is in charge of prosecutions in your location will most likely decide if charges are pressed.
2020-11-01 19:45:19
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My ex has totaled my current bfs old car and may damage the new one. My bf is undocumented. Is there anything I can do?
This is an interesting one to say the least. I m from MA. I have a crazy ex bf who was verbally abusive towards me would tell me he d have his friend kill people I talked to so I stopped talking to them etc. I ended up leaving him for obvious reasons and one of his friends and I really hit it off shortly after. This friend helped me get out of the relationship and really motivated me to bite the bullet and escape. For a while the ex would show up outside my house contact me on new accounts and trash me to the whoever would listen. He then turned to my current bf who s undocumented here in the US and waiting for immigration laws to chill a little bit. My bf has a big love for cars and since my ex can t hurt me without getting in legal trouble he went after the next best thing: my bf s car. ~7 months ago my bf found the car egged which ruined the paint. Then 3 months ago the entire front of the car was bashed in as if someone had taken a hammer to it and went to town. Tonight we went to McDonald s together (drive-thru for obvious social distancing reasons) and my ex was there in his car. While we were in the drive thru he moved his car to the other side of the lot in a position where he could see through the drive thru window when I picked up the food. He then proceeded to roll the window down as I drove out of the lot to make sure I knew he was there and stopped next to us at a light to (I assume) confirm my bf was with me. My bf is now concerned that this will trigger my ex to do something to the car he just bought. If that is the case is there anything I or he can do legally?
2020-04-22 05:27:27
If you want you can buy your bf a car security system with cameras that records anyone damaging the vehicle. Then if anyone damaged it the recordings might reveal who did the deed. Then report the the crime to the police and provide the recording.
2020-04-22 11:45:48
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Girlfriend s landlady told girlfriend and girlfriend s parents there are rumors that I messed with [girlfriend s] daughter. (KY)
It seems a pretty cut and dry case of defamation per se. The landlady also told my girlfriend that another tenant had seen me having sex with someone outside in the field but I m not sure if her parents were there for that one. Thankfully the girlfriend and her parents know the child-stuff is untrue so I can count on them as witnesses. * The statements made were untrue * If the landlady believed the statements to be true she would have contacted social services instead of telling my girlfriend * There is absolute damage to my reputation and well-being as a result of these statements I don t even know where to start. The landlady just started 2 weeks ago. The apartments are section 8 government-subsidized housing mostly for impoverished single parents. I d been staying at my girlfriend s for a couple months while recuperating from a leg injury but wasn t on her lease. Before the leg injury I visited her often enough that most of the other tenants just assumed I lived there but I had submitted my lease and cable bill from my place as proof of residency elsewhere when the previous landlady requested it. The new landlady insisted she needed an up to date copy. Within 3 days she told my girlfriend that I was only allowed to visit her 3 days per week then the next day she told my girlfriend that I had to be gone from the property for 2 weeks in order to prove that I wasn t staying with her. She threatened my girlfriend with eviction if my girlfriend didn t file paperwork at the courthouse to evict me. The 2 weeks banishment was offered in lieu of that. I gave no argument and began staying with a friend nearby (my old lease had expired while my leg was broken). My girlfriend and I stayed in contact and I learned about the landlady s statements from her 2 days after I left. I ve been reading case-law this morning and it seems pretty clear that the statements were made maliciously with the intent to harm my reputation. I know I need to lawyer up but where do I start? Can I file the motion myself somehow or is there free representation available? Do I file suit against the landlady personally or the property company? With 3 witnesses (on camera no knowledge if they record audio) it seems like it should be pretty straightforward case. I definitely want it known in open court that I am not the sort of person to do those things and I feel that these accusations have permanently marred my reputation and probably will subject me to future abuses. I ve never been involved in or watched any civil case and the only criminal cases I ve been were stupid misdemeanors when I was younger. I don t really know how any of this works and I don t have any income.
2015-05-07 16:07:29
&gt I ve been reading case-law this morning and it seems pretty clear that the statements were made maliciously with the intent to harm my reputation. Hold your horses there Matlock. First what evidence do you have that the landlady committed a **known** untruth? If the landlady s statements are accurate then you don t have defamation. For instance if there really *are* rumors that you boned her daughter she s not defaming you. Same with the sex in a field thing - if someone did say it then it s not defamatory. I m not sure where you think social services comes into play - I feel like there s a part of the story you re missing her. The rest of your issues have nothing to do with your defamation claim.
2015-05-07 16:11:09
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Can you give your property to the city? (IL)
I had recently found out that someone had quick claimed a vacant lot in Chicago into my name without my consent. I had spoken to a lawyer today and he looked up the deed. Apparently a real estate agency had signed it and transferred it into my name. My signature is not in the deed however the owner of the real estate agency had signed both the grantor and granted name. I don t want this property and now I m getting violation and ordinance letters in the mail. Can I just give this property to the city of Chicago? I genuinely don t want it.
2017-09-13 01:44:38
The real estate agent committed a crime if that is really what happened. So I think you are better off trying to unwind that fraudulent quit claim.
2017-09-13 01:52:54
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Fatal car accident - losing my mind trying to navigate probate please help
So please excuse my incoherent rambling as I try to explain this with my grief-stricken mind barely working. Don t be afraid to ask questions if it s not clear. Located in Illinois. Back in March my mother was in a fatal head on collision. The guy who hit her also died. He was completely at fault cruise control set at 105 mph when he went into her lane. My mom had apparently filed for chapter 13 bankruptcy in December. Our lawyer said that because she listed her retirement as an asset in the bankruptcy we are going to probate because it put the estate over 100k which I don t understand because I thought retirement isn t part of the estate. Regardless he also mentioned that because the guy s car insurance is paying out (100k which they have not paid as of now) then we have to do probate. Because of my mom s debt there will be nothing leftover after the creditors get it. She had a house with a large mortgage still left on it which I was hoping to voluntarily foreclose on in order to not get stuck trying to sell it (MULTIPLE issues with the house) but the lawyer said that if the short-sale doesn t pay off the mortgage we will be responsible for the difference. So my mom was divorced and as far as I know children aren t responsible for debts. I guess my question is is there anyway to avoid probate or a way to have the car insurance money saved from creditors?
2019-07-24 00:20:39
Your moms estate owes the debt. No one else owes unless they co signed for the loans (or possibly if they made payments toward the debt). Not sure why your lawyer would tell you guys would owe a damn thing again unless you co signed. I am sorry for your loss. Bring these concerns up to the attorney. I do not believe there is any way to avoid probate unless she had a will. As far as the car insurance money I have no idea. Ask your attorney.
2019-07-24 00:36:07
Family Estate Disputes
Duplex and renter
Buying a duplex soon. Idea is to live in one side with the wife and the other side will be occupied by her mom and brother. Found a perfect place. Unfortunately the sellers have a tenant in one side with a lease until the end of July. The tenant will stay until the end of his lease. We re okay with that because we managed to talk the seller quite a bit down in purchase . We are however worried about how this works. What happens if the tenant tries to overstay their lease? Ive heard of ppl squatting for months claiming there was never a rental agreement. Could i make the renter sign a new rental agreement with me when i buy the property? Is this possible recommended? How would i go about this? Ive never owned property so never rented to anyone. Do i get a contract drawn up with an attorney? Arkansas residence btw
2018-01-10 14:42:42
If the tenant overstays their lease you can give them a 30-day written notice to vacate the premises and if they fail to leave after that file for a formal eviction. It would be prudent to give the tenant written notice that you are not renewing their lease at least 30 days before the end of the lease and also inform them of the date they need to be moved out. If the tenant fails to pay rent you can give them a 3-day notice to vacate the property. The existing lease will likely survive the sale so you can ask the tenant to sign a new lease that would supercede the old lease but they re not required to and can continue to live under the old lease until that time when the old lease is no longer in effect. If the tenant paid any kind of security deposit you need to work with the existing owner of the property on that as that money should be returned to the tenant when they move out minus any damages congruent with Arkansas law.
2018-01-10 14:43:53
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Any advice?
I had gotten a $900 electric bill for july this year. Which is not normal for us. We pay maximum $200 a month. And for a few months prior we had seen the bills increase more and more. So we called the electric company and our office about it and they agreed to help us figure out whats wrong. But its 6 months later and no one can tell us whats wrong! The property owner has been paying the kcpl bills since august and promised to figure out the problem. No electricians have showed up to look at my apartment and no one has given me a straight answer. Today the office called to tell me that I need to have the kcpl service transferred back into my name. They said they couldn t figure out whats wrong and for us to not talk to anyone about this. Not even Kcpl has an answer for me. Located Kansas city MO. Please any advice for me..
2018-12-21 19:51:42
--- &gt http: imgur.com a myIAb --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: u YourCaveWoman Title: **Any advice?** Original Post: &gt We had gotten a $900 electric bill for july this year. Which is not normal for us. We pay maximum $200 a month. And for a few months prior we had seen the bills increase more and more. So we called the electric company and our office about it and they agreed to help us figure out whats wrong. But its 6 months later and no one can tell us whats wrong! The property owner has been paying the kcpl bills since august and promised to figure out the problem. No electricians have showed up to look at my apartment and no one has given me a straight answer. Today the office called to tell me that I need to have the kcpl service transferred back into my name. They said they couldn t figure out whats wrong and for us to not talk to anyone about this. Not even Kcpl has an answer for me. Please..any advice --- LocationBot 4.31977192 | [Report Issues](https: www.reddit.com r locationbot)
2018-12-21 19:53:02
Electricity Bill Payment Issues
Our landlord won t let us move in because he contracted COVID-19
obligatory long-time lurker short-term poster. My boyfriend (28M) and myself (26F) signed a lease for a 1 bed 1 bath apartment starting on June 1 in MA back in late March. We signed a standard lease. I ve moved 7 times in 7 years between undergrad post-grad living so I m reasonably familiar with tenant rights laws and am usually the one on the lease that deals with the landlord utilities etc. We got a call this morning from the realtor that we won t be allowed inside the unit on June 1 because the owner contracted COVID-19 (positive test yesterday) and apparently decided to quarantine himself our unit and he won t be ok until he tests negative twice for COVID-19. The unit is within a two-story house. We signed the lease for the bottom unit and the owners currently live upstairs. After we signed the lease for the bottom unit the broker let us know that the owners had bought a property elsewhere that they intended to move to and they sold the upstairs unit. The closing date for that unit is also June 1 so currently they cannot move out on June 1 bc the owner is sick with COVID-19 the folks that they sold it to can t move in because his wife and daughter are upstairs and we can t move in. This is the only section of the lease that deals with delays: *5. DELAYS: It is possible that the Landlord may not be able to let the Tenant move into the Apartment when scheduled. If this happens and if the Landlord is not to blame the Tenant will not owe any rent for the period up to the time when the Landlord lets the Tenant move in and the Tenant will have no claim against the Landlord. If delay continues for more than thirty (30) days either party may terminate the lease by notifying the other party seven (7) days in advance. If the reason for the delay is the fact that the Apartment is still occupied by someone else the Landlord may try to evict the occupant on behalf of the Tenant.* What are our legal options?
2020-05-27 17:56:12
your landlord elected to move into your unit - while having contracted a virulent infection - and has refused to leave or surrender the premises to you as per the contract. From where i sit that s a material breach of the contract. Now because it s May 27 we call that an anticipatory breach which means you ve been told in advance a breach WILL occur. The Delay clause is not on point - it speaks to delays where the landlord is NOT at fault (e.g. a holdover tenant.) Here the landlord IS at fault so the clause is not applicable. If you cannot stay where you are you need to rent somewhere else if you can. at that point you should cancel this lease and let the landlord know in writing why you re cancelling will expect any deposits back within MA s statutory period. You may be buying yourself a fight but i don t suspect any court would enforce your obligation to pay rent under these circumstances.
2020-05-27 20:49:20
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Public School Admittance
I am 15. My father lives in Chester Virginia. I want to go to school in Prince George County Virginia. Is it possible to live with a friend who resides in Prince George and in that way I can go to Prince George County Public Schools? If my father says I live with my friend and the friend s parent also agrees even though they wouldn t be my legal parent guardian would I still qualify to go to Prince George County Public Schools?
2014-03-02 22:52:06
Nope. That type of arrangement is specifically banned. Residency requirements are listed [here](http: pgs.k12.va.us index.php pgs parents #residency).
2014-03-02 23:01:11
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My Ex wants to sell my kid s birthday gift
I purchased our daughter a tablet for her birthday. I just gave it to her on Saturday. She took it with her when she went back to her mom s. Shortly after her mom took it away and is threatening to sell it. I asked that she give me back the tablet and I ll keep it at my house but she won t respond. I don t want her mom to sell the gift I just got her. It was expensive and it was difficult for me to afford it. Is there anything I can do? This is in California.
2014-06-30 04:52:18
If I were you I would let her know that you fully intend to take her to small claims court if she does not return the tablet to you by x date. And then if she doesn t return it follow through immediately. Look through your divorce custody agreement as well...there s probably not anything specific in there about property of the child but just in case you could also bring her back to family court for contempt if she violated that agreement by holding on to the tablet you purchased.
2014-06-30 13:00:09
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Employer making deductions from paychecks for cost of doing business expenses.
Washington State. My employer like all other employers wants his employees to give 2 weeks notice if they are quitting. If they quit with anything less than 2 weeks (even if its 13 days) he reduces their hourly rates so that any hours they ve worked and haven t been paid for yet are paid at minimum wage. He makes all new hires sign a paper acknowledging that he does this. I ve actually contacted L&amp I and asked about this and the person I spoke to honestly didn t know if this was legal or not. This employer will also make deductions to employees wages for things like wasted heat if one of them forgets to turn the heat off wasted gas and time if a scheduling mistake is made (to the person doing the scheduling) and other things like that. Is any of this legal?
2016-01-23 18:23:40
The last part those deductions are not legal. The rest seems ok but douchey--why doesn t he just fire people who give 2 weeks? Edit: I misread. He can lower you to minimum wage but NOT for hours already worked.
2016-01-23 18:26:29
Miscellaneous Legal Query
What to do about a dog attack
I work for a cable company doing installations. I am in and out of peoples houses everyday. A couple of months ago I showed up for an appointment to a house that had a 4ft chain linked fence all around. Had to open the fence just to get to front door. (Not completely out of the ordinary since a lot of neighborhoods have it). It was quiet and no sign of any animals nor was there a beware sign anywhere. So I opened up the gate and walk up to the deck to the front door and that s when i hear dogs barking. Out from around the back side of the house I see a German Sheppard mix running up to me. Im not one to usually be weary of dogs because I ve never ran into an aggressive large dog. So I bent down to try to pet it and quickly realized it was trying to bite me and not playing. I fought it off as much as I could while being trapped with the dog on a small front deck and its blocking the stairs. Homeowner finally comes to the door and realized what is going on. As she opens the door she lets her other dog out who is now being aggressive because of me fighting the first one. By now my shirt is tore up and I have scratches on my arms. Homeowner finally starts to grab the dog by the collar and hold it back so i can get out of there. The dog gets away from her 3 times. On one of the times the dog got ahold of my legs between my ankle and calf. I finally make it to the other side of the fence and to my truck. Im sitting there collecting myself and see im bleeding all over the place. Homeowner comes back out and asked if I was ok and said sorry. Stated she didn t get the chance to go to the store to get a leash for both of the dogs. Then asked if I was going to still do her install. I drove up a few blocks and found a police officer and told him what happen. He took pictures of my injuries and took a statement. He went to follow up with homeowner while i drove to the urgent care where they treated me for the bites. I later found out from the police report that I was the 3rd person to be attacked by these dogs and 2 of her neighbors witnessed mine and the others. I had about a 1 puncture in my leg from a tooth and a chunk out of chest. I was out of work for a week because I couldn t walk more than a couple steps without being in severe pain. Now a couple months later its all mostly healed. I have scars and possibly some nerve damage to my leg. I can feel a tingling sensation if i stand for longer periods of time and a tightness in the muscle. Last is my mental stress of the whole ordeal. I have dreams about it constantly and always think of what ifs. I am absolutely terrified of bigger dogs that bark at me when I walk into people s homes. (Especially German Sheppards). It makes it really hard to do my job everyday. Especially when I go to houses in the country where dogs run free around the property. Coming up to my vehicle and barking with no owner in sight. TL DR I was attacked and bitten by dogs and have permanent injuries. Also affecting me mentally and at work. Looking for advice on what legal action I can take for compensation for medical time off work and suffering. Sorry for the wall of text. Thanks Side note: I am a 1099 contractor so now workers comp. Edit: State of Missouri
2018-09-03 14:57:48
You can pursue the homeowner. If she has homeowners insurance they might work with you on settling your claim. Alternatively you can sue her in civil court for your medical costs loss of income and your pain and suffering
2018-09-03 15:05:16
Neighbor Dog Attacks and Injuries
Very scared and threatened by my downstairs neighbor. Only catch is that he s a police officer.
I work at an apartment community and therefore am privy to information on the people that live there. On my 21st birthday I was intoxicated downtown at a local bar with my roommate and saw our neighbor who is a police officer as we exited. I said Hey you re my neighbor and he didn t reply. Today he knocked on my door and said that neighbors have been asking him about his job I assured him that my roommate and I told no one and that our office does not tell anyone. He called me a liar and started screaming at me. Telling me that he s going to sue the office. He told me he doesn t like me and that he wants to hurt me. He said Youre not worth my job and You have no idea how hard it is to stop myself from doing to you the things I want to do with you Don t say hi to me in the stairwell don t ask how my kid is and don t say hi to my wife if you do you have no idea the hell that will happen to you. I don t know how to handle the situation. It just happened and I went to my apartment and just cried. I feel threatened and I feel unsafe in my home. I don t know what to do and I feel like I can t file a complaint with the police because he is an officer. I m really scared and I need to know how to approach the situation and if I have any chance of seeking out any legal repercussions for his threats.
2015-10-14 00:05:27
You could always see if there is an internal affairs phone number at the police department. If there is they might be very interested in hearing this information and it might be a possible way of reporting him without running the chance that he is tipped off. I m not a cop and I don t know exactly how those kinds of things are investigated but it might be an avenue to think about since I m assuming you are afraid of filing a regular report.
2015-10-14 00:25:10
Neighbor Noise Disputes
I took too much of my prescribed medication last night and was drug tested because I looked tired can I get fired if the results come back at high concentrations?
I live in Kansas and I had been on a very long camping trip and needed to take a nap as I can t can t calm down after I ve had so much going on. I m prescribed 2mg of xanax twice a day and I ended up taking four total because nothing was happening and I needed the rest. I was feeling just fine this morning but boss insisted I looked tired. I was of course very tired as I hiked for 5 days and went on 2 float trips during my vacation. I know I did something I wasn t supposed to. But I really needed the rest and the prescribed dose just wasn t having any affect.l
2019-05-29 16:41:13
Provide your script info to HR when it comes back. I doubt there will be a read into concentration levels. On another note Xanax is addictive and often heavily abused. I would highly recommend sticking to your prescribed dose at all times. And if there are times where you need a higher dose talk to your doctor about a non refillable of a higher dose for such occasions instead of just upping your prescribed meds. This is a controlled substance you have to be careful with its use
2019-05-29 17:14:20
Pre-employment Urine Drug Testing
Teacher got me kicked out of a school when volunteering because I supposedly “threatened to kill her” even though I didn t can I sue for slander?
I had went to this School before HS and I had left because this teacher would constantly kick me out of the class and send me to the office over the most minute things. I went back today to volunteer with another teacher for hours since it s exams right now and the other teacher saw me and she started yelling at me saying how she is going to get me kicked out for “threatening to kill her” which I never did. I had said things previously like “I don t care for her” and “I have the most minimal respect for her” but I never threatened her. She then got the Principal to get me removed and canceled my volunteering. Is there anything I can do like sue for slander? Location : Ontario Canada
2019-01-29 14:36:48
Outside of not being able to volunteer there what damages have you incurred from her saying that?
2019-01-29 14:39:02
School Bullying and Administrative Neglect
USPS Lost my paycheck employer client decided to wire me without telling me now I got hit by a fee from my bank? Should employer reimburse? (x-post)
Hope I can find help here! The people of r personalfinance weren t able to. I freelance for a company work as an independent contractor. Like the title mentions they send me monthly paychecks through the mail. This time my paycheck was lost in the mail. My employer decided to wire me my pay without informing me. In the process I got a $15 fee are they required to reimburse it? How should I approach this? (My bank is Bank of America and I am located in California. Office sending payment is located in NY while I work in a California branch) Edit: I tried inquiring about the fee to my employer they told me to contact my bank because there was no fee in their end.* Just called the bank and they said they cannot reimburse it.
2015-11-18 15:50:32
The difficulty here is that you are a freelancer. An employer would likely be required to make sure that you are paid the full amount for all hours worked. But as a contractor you do not have those protections. I d recommend either adding the $15 fee to your next invoice or writing it off as a business expense on your taxes.
2015-11-18 16:30:30
Paycheck Payment Delays
In Kansas. Are parents responsible for medical debt obtained by their adult children?
The local hospital is attempting to sue me for medical debt. Some of the bills are my sons from after he turned 18 and moved out of my house. I know I will sound like a cold heartless person but I don t think I should have to pay an emergency room bill from that time he didn t want to go to work so he went to the emergency room.
2018-05-06 12:46:46
Generally no for adult children however if you co-signed for responsibility for any of the debt then you may be held responsible.
2018-05-06 12:47:27
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Advice regarding extreme obesity and a company weight loss contest.
I want to start off that I m not fishing for a lawsuit because to be honest i might read this that way. So I m pushing at least 450lbs at this point i found out that my company does a voluntary weight loss contest modeled after the biggest loser in the new year i need to lose weight anyways. I m really thinking about going for this in the new year i want to lose a lot of weight my size combined with the duties i have means i burn more calories than any of them just doing day to day. I know if i try i might win this thing not sure if its a gift card or vacation days but shit i really need to do it anyways might as well get payed. The issue I ve seem their scale it might go to 300lbs. If i join this competition am i forcing them to buy a scale that accommodates me? I mean i don t see how they can do the contest if i join with out a proper way to weigh me. I fear if faced with the choice to buy what im sure is a very expensive scale or end the contest that i know people are looking forward to they might end it. I don t want to cause a situation even if I m in my right to so I m wondering would they legally have to accommodate me or could they say hey it would be better for everyone if you don t do this. Can i go to HR and say if me doing this will fuck it up for everyone let me know and i won t do it because i fear do to the legality they won t be able to say. I just fear that do to the nature of the contest and my size its getting in to a discrimination type situation which i know my company is super scared of. So how do i do this with out making them make a big deal about it? While I m sure some might say just make them buy the scale it could cost more than what they are paying out in prizes i don t want them to have to do that if they don t feel they financially should. On a side subject i haven t pressed the issue with my doctor my doctor can t weigh me that seems like an issue. I don t feel bad about telling my doctor they need a scale somewhere in their large office that can weigh me given how much my insurance is paying them and that things like my weight is there job. Can i make my doctor get a scale? Thanks to any who can help me out. Edit: since i guess its important im in Michigan.
2017-12-28 03:09:00
Good on you! 1) You can t make anyone buy a scale they don t want to buy. 2) I don t see why you can t be weighed somewhere else that can accommodate you the goal is just to track progress and encourage the participants to work hard. I would ask your doctor about the best way to track your weight he she may have some ideas or a referral for a nutritionist or other specialist who has the correct facilities (and might even be able to help out in lots of other ways as well). The attitude of your employer is something you ll have to feel out but it seems like what you want to do is *exactly* the entire point of the contest.
2017-12-28 03:28:00
Gym Membership Cancellation Issues
It happened to me: I (24F) was denied birthcontrol (Arizona)
I hope this is the right place to post this please direct me to an appropriate subreddit if it s not. Today I went to the doctor. I just got health insurance and wanted to establish a relationship with a primary care physician. I had two things on the agenda to talk to the doctor about: women s wellness and quitting smoking. I m a smoker and I m already embarrassed I picked up this habit. So I wanted to get information on quitting. The conversation was going well and I asked her to refill my birthcontrol because I only had one refill left. She was sending it in and then she got this look on her face and said wait a minute...i can t prescribe you this! It s against the law! Now I m not dumb and know the risks. I ve been honest with every doctor and have been on birth control for over 5 years. No doctor has ever denied me this. She asked who my gynecologist was in a condescending tone. I was holding back tears out of embarrassment and confusion. I cannot find a single law that says it s illegal. My gynecologist was happy to send in some refills for me when I called and told her I needed them. Can a doctor outright lie to you to suit their own agenda? Should I file a complaint?
2018-07-06 04:02:02
You can file a complaint if you like some doctors will not precribe oral contraceptives to people who smoke and or require that you have periodic STD screening to get a refill. But I don t know why it would be illegal to perscribe to you more likely her (or her clinic) have a policy such as those that made you unqualified to get a perscription.
2018-07-06 04:15:43
Medical Billing Disputes and Fraud
Tenant was arrested. I m the landlord. (NH)
I am the landlord and manager of several apartments in Southern NH. On Tuesday night I received a call from the police because they wanted to do a welfare check on a tenant. They ended up taking the tenant to jail telling me he is going in for 90 days minimum but likely more because of drugs found in his apartment. He is currently paid up on his rent through May. What steps do I need to take now to to empty his full apartment and rent the unit again? I am guessing I need to wait until the end of the month write an eviction notice and wait the amount of time needed (7 days I think) before moving forward. Any advice?
2018-05-18 14:53:37
Cash for keys might be a good option especially since tenant is going to need lawyer and or bond money. No lawyer needed just write up a simple contract ending the lease immediately providing a return of deposit and say $250. In return tenant will agree that the tenancy ends in say 72 hours and explicitly agrees that his designee will collect and remove all property before the tenancy expires with all left property forfeited to you.
2018-05-18 15:46:37
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Possession of nude selfie considered child porn (CA)?
Throwaway account for obvious reasons... Here it goes: last night my wife accidentially walked in on our daughter (15) in the bathroom where she (our daughter) was taking nude pictures of herself. I mean not like pictures for documentation of let s say weight loss gain or development of her body nor just out of curiosity what she looked like down there or anything else in that area but clearly pictures that an objective bystander would consider of a sexual nature (I d rather not go into details I feel awkward enough as it is - please just take my word for it were not just talking about full frontal nudity or so). Obviously my wife was very scared that she d want to send them to friends or her boyfriend (or worse: put them on some social media plattform) which of course could cause major trouble. She claims that that wasn t the case and she took those pictures for her personal use (whatever that means) and hadn t sent it to anybody. I do believe the last part but I m calling bs on the first (not that it matters). We had her delete the explicit pictures and begged her never ever to send anything like that to anybody. I told her I wasn t mad about her taking pictures of herself or anything else just that I was worried that somebody could accuse her of possession and or distribution of child pornography (which I believe those pictures could really be considered) - and of course get her into all sorts of other trouble. So here s my question: even if she were telling the truth and she really was only taking those pictures for herself and if somebody would discover said pictures on her phone could she be in danger of being accused of possession of child pornography? She is underage the pictures do fit the description but they are pictures of HERSELF. Would that make any difference?
2015-05-10 14:37:58
Yes she could be charged with possession of child pornography for having sexualized nude photos of herself.
2015-05-10 14:39:50
Revenge porn and underage photos
I was hurt at work today
Ohio USA - Today at work I was standing by the wood chipper and a branch 40-60lbs was cut down out of the drop zone and hit my head. I was wearing all of my PPE and thankfully only have a concussion and head neck pain. I am out of work for a week and will probably have lingering pain for months. Obviously all of this went into workers comp but I expressed to my boss that I do not wish to keep working in this dangerous environment. Does he get to refuse workers comp pay because I said this? It was his 17 year old son who cut the piece and my boss seems to be taking his sons side instead of just I dont know being a boss? Theres no side to take imo. I got hurt now I cant work for weeks and after that I need to find a new job.
2018-10-18 00:10:23
Workers compensation is liable for any injuries that happen while performing your duties.
2018-10-18 00:19:10
Workplace Injury Report Handling
California: Grandma updated trust to name new trustee (my mother) her sister throws a fit now bank account frozen
Long time lurker first time poster. Posting on behalf of my mother because she doesn t know how to internet :) My grandma had a stroke in September. At that time the current version of her POA documentation stated that one of her daughters (Cindy) could assume POA responsibilities if Grandma was deemed incompetent via two doctors letters. In a separate sealed envelope labeled do not open until my death was an amendment to my Grandma s trust. This change stated that with one doctor s letter confirming incapacity Cindy would also assume the role of trustee. The trust owns the house some investments at Wells Fargo and an account at Union Bank. My grandma also has a personal account at Union Bank where her SS check is deposited. She has lived a careful life and her assets are modest. My aunt opened the sealed envelope and proceeded to assume the role of trustee. She badgered one of the physician s offices to provide a letter of incapacity and visited the banks with the trust documentation (but not the POA paperwork). After getting herself added to the trust s accounts she withdrew a large portion of the money at Union Bank and moved it to a new account at Wells Fargo because she thought they would be easier to bank with (I guess Union Bank gave her a hard time with making the trust changes). She also started talking about selling the house and went so far as to have a realtor come in to evaluate it. My Grandma has expressly stated that she wants her money to stay at Union Bank where she has banked for over 40 years and that she does not want to sell the house. My mom s other siblings were concerned about the direction Cindy was taking. When they expressed these concerns things got pretty heated. Lots of texts emails from Cindy with abusive language accusations that others were trying to steal mom s money etc. Cindy was especially vicious to my mother (Mary) who had taken several weeks off of work to help care for my Grandma and spent maybe $1000 of my Grandma s money getting her set up in a care home (wheelchair therapy pole diapers some new tops etc.). Cindy has a drinking problem and the messages that came after work (i.e. after she d started drinking) were just mean. Like I can t imagine ever talking to my siblings that way. I don t think Cindy is a bad person who was trying to take financial advantage of my Grandma but she was taking actions against my Grandma s wishes and being horrible to her siblings so from my perspective she behaved herself out of the trustee position. My Grandma was given some of these details (not about the viciousness but about the bank change and realtor visit) and stated that she wanted my mom to handle her finances instead. Her lawyer visited with her and confirmed her wishes then drew up another trust amendment to implement this change. Also during this time three medical professionals performed separate evaluations on my Grandma and deemed her competent to make her own decisions about these matters. So she resigned as trustee and named my mother as the sole trustee. The lawyer recommended this approach to prevent Cindy from coming to town and persuading my Grandma to put her back in charge. Since then Wells Fargo s banking arm has made the change without protest. Wells Fargo s investment arm says it could take months (the advisor who manages my Grandma s account also manages Cindy s investments and I know she has been complaining to him about this change). Union Bank s legal department spent almost two weeks with the trust amendment doctor s letters and lawyer s letter and just responded yesterday to say they are freezing the trust s accounts until the dispute is resolved. Cindy texted my mom a picture of the letter and said she (my mom) has 24 hours to undo everything or she ll see her in court and made reference to elder abuse. The latter reference is interesting because my Grandma s lawyer s advice was to contact adult protective services if Cindy doesn t stop hassling my Grandma about this change and doesn t return her checkbook. So legaladvice what can we do? More specifically 1. What does the bank need in order to unfreeze the account and implement my Grandma s wishes? Why isn t the updated trust document enough? 2. What can we do to force Cindy to comply with this change? She has my Grandma s checkbook and credit card and will not return them. 3. Why is Wells Fargo saying it will take months to make this change when they had previously updated the account to add Cindy in a matter of weeks? Should we be suspicious of what we re hearing from the advisor who also advises Cindy? 4. What court can Cindy possibly take anyone to? tldr: Grandma changed terms of trust to make my mother the sole trustee. Aunt who had been in that position will not follow lawyer s instructions to return things to how they were (still has my Grandma s check book credit card is frozen won t send my mom information on which bills need to be paid etc.). Now bank s legal department has put a freeze on my Grandma s account until we resolve the dispute but isn t saying what evidence they require. Aunt is threatening to take my mom to court.
2017-12-22 22:42:05
CA estate planning probate lawyer: Your mom as trustee of your grandmother s trust may need to sue your aunt not the other way around. She ll need to file some sort of petition or complaint in your grandmother s county to recover trust assets. Whether this is an issue for probate court (because it involves a trust) or general civil court (for theft conversion) I don t know. A good first method would be for an attorney to draft a letter and prepare a Certification of Trust explaining that your mom is the trustee and that grandma ousted your aunt.
2017-12-22 22:58:09
Family Estate Disputes
A technician from an HVAC company damaged my ceiling while he was in the attic and now suing me for personal injury. What are my options?
I reached out to a fairly large HVAC company in my region for seasonal HVAC unit maintenance. A technician came and went to the attic to examine the HVAC unit. When he was in the attic he stepped on the ceiling and his leg punched through the ceiling making a big hole. The technician fell awkwardly but did not fall through the ceiling. I contacted the HVAC company immediately and the company apologized and sent a cleaning person on the same day. The company also wrote me an e-mail stating that they will reimburse the cost of repair which was $1 000. A few days later I received a letter from a law firm stating the technician sustained a personal injury and I am to contact my insurance company immediately. &amp #x200B What do you think I should do next?
2022-11-01 23:36:22
&gt I am to contact my insurance company immediately That is absolutely the correct course of action. Your insurer will give you advice including: * Whether or not to answer the letter directly * Whether or not to contact the employer letting them know their employee may be trying to double-dip on worker s compensation * Exactly how your insurer will represent or defend you A good insurer will say send us the letter and all the work orders and correspondence from the maintenance contract and we ll take care of this.
2022-11-01 23:53:51
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Can I sue my landlord for making me pay her utilities for the past 17 years?
Last month my husband and I found out that for the past 17 years we have been paying for the hot water heater that runs the building community laundry room as well as the electric and hot water for the downstairs unit. All which are supposed to be covered by the owner. The total amount we paid over this time is over 10k. Just after moving in we questioned the old building manager he said our bill was normal. I should say we had just moved to the state after living in southern CA where rolling blackouts were in effect and out electric was insanely high. I spoke to the landlord and she said she won t refund us for any of the previous years and will only give us a discount on future rent if we have the electric and gas company determine the average amount. She claims it was in our original lease but she doesn t have it anymore. However I am a stickler when it comes to certain papers and I DO have our copy of the original lease from 17 years ago and no where on it does it mention that we pay those utilities. Can we sue her to get anything back?
2018-07-13 23:30:06
You ve probably got a strong case for 4 years worth of refund just because of the civil statute of limitations for contracts in California.
2018-07-14 00:05:48
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Letting a neighbour park in our driveway
I live in Ontario Canada. We own our house and do not own a car. A neighbour just approached me requesting to park her car in our driveway. She is currently looking for other housing that includes a parking space for her car but needs a place to park her car until she moves. She offered to pay but I m inclined to just let her use it without charge since I like to help a neighbour out and we re not using our driveway most of the time anyway. &amp #x200B I don t want to open ourselves up to any legal issues however. How would we make sure we were protected if her car was damaged while parked in our driveway? What would happen if she damaged our property (ie accidentally drove into our shed)? Would our homeowners insurance cover that kind of thing? Are there any other legal issues to consider in this situation? &amp #x200B Thank you.
2019-06-30 01:29:18
there is a well known legal maxim known as no good deed goes unpunished sure you want to help a neighbor out but it rarely ends up well for the person doing the helping. just read the rest of this sub and see the many many examples of people getting screwed by the people they were trying to help. the best thing to do here is to tell them you would love to help but can t due to legal reasons or some other excuse. or let them take over that part of your property and hope for the best. put together an agreement waiving any and all liabilities and hope that you won t need to use it.
2019-06-30 06:45:49
Parking Space Disputes
Moved to NJ and now cannot register a leased car because bank has wrong information about what car I have. Can I terminate the lease?
Moved from NY to NJ in July. Called the leasing bank (Chase) and they sent me the power of attorney title and some other paperwork I needed to register the car in NJ (NJ requires a title to register the car). I got the paperwork and checked the title and at first the color threw me off (black my car is red). Then I verified the VIN and it s completely different. Called the bank and at first they thought the VIN had a typo and told me it will take a week to get this resolved. In the meantime my NY registration has expired but I still drive with NY plates (pretty much illegally). Also called the dealer where I got the car originally and they confirm that they submitted the paperwork with the right VIN. My copy of lease agreement also shows the correct VIN. Week goes by with nothing from the bank so I call again. I talk to a little more enthusiastic rep this time she kinda understands the situation and tells me that she ll overnight the paperwork. Today comes and the paperwork is just the POA letter and some other legal paperwork with my correct VIN but no title. I call them again and they say to take this paperwork and the old wrong title to DMV to register the car. Right. I ask for a senior rep and actually got one that at least the gist of my situation. She said that according to their records I lease that other car that I have the title for. They ll need to work with NY DMV to get me the right title and it will take 6-8 weeks. That s 6-8 weeks of me unable to legally drive the car that I pay for monthly. In NJ I can t even go buy milk and eggs without a car. Plus my wife is pregnant and is on last trimester. Bank s senior rep is supposed to call me back in about an hour if they still say they need 6-8 weeks I will try to push to terminate the lease. Is it good enough ground to terminate it? I can t drive it with NY plates registration is expired and I m no longer resident of NYS. And I can t register the car in NJ I pay for due to a bank error? Edit - just to make it clear. My NY registration and insurance have the correct VIN
2013-08-08 19:19:41
If you want to know whether or not you have grounds to terminate your lease read your lease. Feel free to post any provisions which you might think would apply here. Sounds to me like the 6-8 week timeline is being driven (pun intended) by the NY State DMV and not the bank which makes it less likely the bank will see this as their fault. Can you just renew your NYS registration at the DMV using your old address (even though you don t live there)? Even if they mail you something I assume you have mail forwarding to NJ so I wouldn t worry about it. This may be the easiest stopgap solution if they don t let you get out of the lease.
2013-08-08 20:55:49
Car dealership title issue
if someone gives you money under a certain pretense is this a gift or a contract?
Located in FL USA and money-giver is in ME USA. In short a family member is offering to give me a sum of money for a certain purpose (they are a doomsday prepper and want me to buy supplies as well). I did not outwardly accept said money I simply told family member that if they wanted to they could send said money to my mother s address. My legal question is if I use the money for something other than doomsday prep supplies is this illegal because family member gave me the money under the assumption I d be buying prep supplies? Or is it my money to do with what I please now? I don t believe in that whole mumbo jumbo and definitely won t be buying any prep supplies.
2021-10-17 18:01:04
It s not a gift. Either do as requested or give them back their money.
2021-10-17 18:09:25
Miscellaneous Legal Query
False Child Abuse Allegations
I am in Illinois my sons father lives in Indiana. I am the mother of the minor in question. My sons father is making false allegations of child abuse against me. It happened May 10th at 5:30pm when my son (5 years old) was picked up for dinner. Bright sunny day not a cloud in the sky. His father claims there was a huge bright red hand print on my sons face that he says he did not notice until dinner. He never contacted me or responded to my many texts and calls at 10pm wondering where our son was and when he would be home. I ended up driving the 45 minutes to his house in a different state to find a police officer exiting who proceeded to tell me my son was abused and matter of factly stated it was me who did it. I was denied to see or speak to my son even to this day I have not been able to see or speak to him at all. I complied with the police knowing full well his dad was full of it and it would be situated soon. I waited a week for DCFS to start their investigation never getting an answer wether this was an Illinois case or an Indiana case. I had no idea where to get a lawyer from. May 16th DCFS shows up with a tiny picture on a phone that showed a week old very faded pink line on my sons face. He s 5. I explained to the case worker I needed a bigger picture and she said there wasn t one. Alrighty. Case worker told me I had a court date set for an order of protection against me but didn t know the date so I had to wait to be served or ask my sons dad. I immediately asked him the court date via text that same day no response. He refused to tell me who our son was with while he was working or what was going on. May 28th he texted me the court date for May 30th. I m not sure why he was intentionally trying to make me miss the court date When I got there he lied straight away about a previous time DCFS was involved and said it was because I had “mental problems” when it was in fact because he refused to bring our son back to me and the local PD called DCFS. He took out images to show the judge that I had zero knowledge of. I had never seen this giant red handprint on my sons face until I seen her going through the images and it was only a glimpse of where I was standing. It would have been impossible for me to make the left handed mark the bruising timeline he explained wasn t accurate (it was VERY fresh) and that mark was literally IMPOSSIBLE to miss in the daylight and especially shady that he didn t see a mark like that until almost an hour later into dinner? Nobody allowed me to see these images of my son in the hospital not once. He was granted a one year order of protection against me on the basis of the pictures alone. Even after I called him out for lying right at the stand minutes prior. I had only found out the images the DCFS agent showed me were a week old AFTER this court date. I have proof in messages with my sons father that he has a history of coaching our son and often takes away his bed as a punishment. My 5 year old is in danger and DCFS has me in a chokehold at this point. I need help please!!
2019-06-14 09:19:01
Get an attorney ASAP.
2019-06-14 10:18:57
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Moving out of state with kids from past relationships what is needed?
I live in Florida. I have 2 kids with my ex. We have a child support order in place but a custody agreement was not issued the paperwork specifically states we don t have custody worked out. We just share the kids according to his work schedule right now. I have a subsequent child with another man and am 7 months pregnant with our second child together. We are discussing splitting up. I am considering moving to Michigan to stay with my sister and get on my feet. What moves do I need to make? Do I need to contact someone to file anything? Do I need to ask permission? Do I need to have both dads on board? I have never been married to either of these men and they are on the birth certificates for their children in case that matters. Thanks in advance.
2021-06-09 03:40:57
In your case with your first two kids are these final orders? If custody isn t worked out yet it sounds like this case is still not finalized. You ll need to follow your state s rules for relocating a child. Since the court knows about this custody case you need to get their permission even if there isn t a permanent custody order yet. The temporary custody order likely discusses child relocation. In Florida you need the other parent s permission to move more than 50 miles from your current residence. If the parent doesn t agree the court will decide the issue. The link below will help. [relocation ](http: www.leg.state.fl.us statutes index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&amp URL=0000-0099 0061 Sections 0061.13001.html)
2021-06-09 06:48:59
Miscellaneous Legal Query
22|M Writing for 20|F: Girlfriend was hit by a car owner of the other car took a pic of her license plate refused to do a Police Report &amp Drove off... MO
Not sure if this is the correct place to find answers for this but figured Id try because my Girlfriend is overly concerned. About an hour ago she was pulling out of a gas station parking lot onto a main road. The right lane was clear but the left lane was not (Morning rush hour usual) As she was pulling out a white pickup truck merged into her lane and her mirror clipped the truck. Her car was undamaged but there was a scratch and scuff mark on the gentleman s truck (Very minor damage). He got out of the truck said it was his work truck took a pic of her license plate said no need for a police report and drove off. He also blamed her for merging into his lane. My gf is concerned that she will be stuck having to pay for damages since no police report was filed and no one else to say that she was not at fault. I have never been in a car accident therefore I am unfamiliar with this kind of things and wanted to see what she would get caught paying.. Any help would be appreciated! Edit: my GF was not turning. She was already in the lane and going past the light. The driver in the pickup truck drifted into her.
2018-10-26 13:27:10
If he drove off of the scene without a police report and wants to blame your girlfriend then he is going to have a bad time. He most likely either did not have insurance was transporting or doing something he should not have been doing or wants to handle this without insurance so his employer doesn t know he had an accident in his work truck. Most people would likely lose their job if they left the scene of an accident in a work truck without a police report however. If you did not suffer any damages to the car or physically then this doesn t rise to the level of necessarily needing to involve the police. Damage has to be done for this to rise to the level of a reportable offense . If he opened a claim on you you could literally say what accident? and he d have no proof at all that you were even involved other than a pic of your license plate. I am not saying you should do this I am just using this statement to illustrate the level of worry you should have.
2018-10-26 13:32:54
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
This is eating me up
I am a licensed security guard in New York State.I have to adhere to the states employers and clients rules policies and procedures. I understand and respect these facts. O work at a site that does not offer nearly enough employee parking. Cars are double or tripled.patked Fire emergency exits are also blocked. If you would like to leave for lunch or if it is the end of your shift you either have to find the employee who is blocking you or have announcment made over the loud speaker. This is dangerous. And very illegal. The manager of the site the board of the site my employer are all aware of this. I wanted to go to lunch one day. I had to ask one employee to move. A company can was tripled parked in the middle of the parking lot. I was attempting to exit the lot where there is a sign stating enter yet drivers enter and exit as well. There are no arrows on the pavement. Because the company vehicle was parked in the middle of the lot I had to drive way to the left near parked cars. A driver was quickly backing out of a spot I stopped but did not have time to honk my horn. My vehicle was hit. The driver of the triple parked company car witnessed all of this. He immediately legally parked the vehicle on the street and approached the driver and I and talked about his friends auto body shop. Needless to say I was less than thrilled. Turns out he was a witness for the other driver. I did not get a copy of the police report as it still has not been posted online. The driver that hot me claimed I was speeding. Yet the camera footage which I am trying to get a hold of shows differently. I am not sure if the witness verified her story. What can I do?
2020-02-18 20:55:17
If fire exits are being blocked you can contact the fire marshal.
2020-02-18 21:27:16
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Inconsistency with lease agreement and caged animal policy
My girlfriend s apartment building allows cage animals without a fee and dogs with a deposit. The lease form says no animals of any sort are allowed but one of the employees who rents out the apartments says caged animals are okay without any fees and that dogs require a fee saying that the form they are providing to sign is just a generic one used nationwide. We have two rabbits and my girlfriend just got an e-mail saying that no caged animals are allowed in the apartment after receiving a noise complaint (she was chasing them back into their cages after they escaped). However there are other residents there who clearly have caged animals and have had them for longer than their lease stated 24-hours. We are located in Tennessee. I don t know if this is something that belongs in this subreddit but I was wondering if someone could provide advice on how to proceed. Thank you!
2017-11-07 19:35:15
If the lease states no animals then the rule is no animals. The apartment complex is free to make exceptions to this rule. Just because someone next door has a caged animal doesn t mean you have automatic permission to also have a caged animal. The proper course of action would be to approach the complex management and inquire about permission to have a caged animal at which point they may present to you an addendum to your lease stating that you re allowed to have a caged animal. This is likely how the neighbor went about keeping a caged animal there.
2017-11-07 19:43:47
Service Dog Pet Limit
I discovered I have a lien on my property and the lien holder submitted a bill in the amount that was paid by the former lien holder. Now she s demanding cash.
I have a property that I inherited in TX and the title company discovered there s a lien was released but not recorded. We called the company that held the lien against a loan and even though they have a release of lien it wasn t recorded. They sent over a statement in the amount of in $87.00 Charges plus a $35.00 statement fee which they tacked on and didn t mention prior. Now the interesting thing is in the statement the principal and the interest and the Charges all totaled up came out to the total amount paid to release the lien. So really there s only a $35 statement fee which they claim is in there because it took resources to make the statement. I spoke with them and they said without payment of $122 they will not agree to re-release the lien. And will only speak to me with their attorney. I have a closing on this property soon and I was told by my title company that I have no choice but to pay the charge. And I went ahead and agreed to pay. But I know it s a BS bill. What can I do to fuck their shit up?
2016-01-05 06:48:58
There is no way that any action you could take that would satisfy your desire to fuck their shit up would wind up costing you less than $122. This is negligible compared to the price of the property. Pay it and let it be.
2016-01-05 12:47:27
Real Estate Purchase Challenges
My girlfriends mom is almost certainly on parole or probation in AZ and is hinting at coming out to visit or stay with us us in MO.
Hi folks thanks for reading. Unfortunately I don t have a ton of specific info because the mom is very vague in all of her communication. Here is what I know: My girlfriend of four years mom has been in an out of jail for the last handful of years (and throughout my girlfriends childhood as far as I can tell). All for drug offenses as far as I know and stupid stuff like not adhering to probationary terms. I have not met the mom. GF has not seen the mom in 7 years she was largely raised by her aunt (both of us are 30 fwiw). We heard a couple months ago from the aunt that the mom went back to jail for breaking her probationary or parole terms (I m not well versed on the difference between the two). I believe it was related to not updating her address with her PO. We thought she was going to be away for awhile because of that. The mom called my GF last week and was very vague when asked about the recent legal issue. GF said I thought you were going to be away for awhile and the mom said something like oh we decided this is a better way. The mom then texted my GF a couple days ago asking for our address and said something like it sounds nice I might have to come out and check it out sometime. Today the mom texted the girlfriend with a picture of a roof rack and asked if such a travel-container is something we would hypothetically be interested in. GF said perhaps and the mom said I guess I ll just have to drive it out to you then. Girlfriend said when do you plan on doing that? and (literally as I was writing this post) the mom said next Monday or Tuesday sounds good. GF said No that won t work for us would you like to plan to connect in May or June? I can come out to AZ as well. The mom s most recent reply is oh it ll just be a breezethrough I m giving someone a ride to xyz town near you. Gf s most recent question (unanswered at the moment) is are you even legally allowed to leave AZ? I ll update this thread as more info comes in. The GF has said that historically her mom is the sort to just show up randomly at people s houses so I half-expect her to come knocking early next week. We have a good existence going and (in the words of every star wars hero) I have a bad feeling about this. My GF has said that the mom always seems to talk in riddles so she doesn t have all the info either. So r legaladvice my question to you is two fold: 1) Is there a publicly-accessible way we can find more about her current situation? It would be really helpful to know stuff like: is she out somehow legitimately perhaps she just had to finish the original probation in jail? Is there some reason she would be able to leave AZ? Is she literally a fugitive making yet another bad decision? 2) What sort of exposure will we have if this lady just shows up? And how do we best proceed from here? Thanks! Update (Monday evening): the mom is still being really vague about her current situation. We went out for some ice cream and video game shopping and we are on the horn with the Aunt currently. She is saying a lot of the very same stuff you guys are. I really appreciate the replies and I ll update again if there are significant developments. Thanks r legaladvice! Update 2 (Tuesday Morning): Thanks for all the feedback it has been tremendous and we appreciate all of this subs insight. We have come across some massive information via the aunt and some other relatives that have been monitoring the legal status of the mom s proceedings. Apparently the mom convinced a judge to let her out for 8 hours about a week and a half ago and she just never went back. These extended family members as well as the mom s boyfriend did not know where she was and were pretty infuriated to learn that she had been trying to get my GF involved in this mess. My GF has said via text Mom I love you I know you are AWOL and you are not welcome here under the current circumstances. I can t tell you how to live but I hope you get this resolved legally so that one day we can have a relationship. We will not be engaging for even a little while if she does come out to the area and she will 100% not be coming into our home if she shows up unannounced. Are there any new concerns we should be aware of based on this additional information? Perhaps legal exposure we might have simply by knowing the current phone number of this woman on the run? The mom is posting things on facebook so she is definitely not managing her technical presence for privacy. I guess the initial set of questions are pretty moot in light of this new understanding of the severity of her situation. It s pretty mind blowing. As I said we genuinely appreciate the support from all of you. I ll be going through and responding to each message as well. Cheers all.
2017-03-06 23:39:19
Not legal advice but life advice: Do not under any circumstances let this woman stay with you for even a single night. I wouldn t even allow her inside for a visit. There s a Motel 6 in town maybe we can meet at Denny s for breakfast.
2017-03-06 23:47:54
Third party custody concerns