Implications of minors playing penny poker?
Me and a group of friends (We re all minors and live in Texas) were thinking it would be fun to play penny poker. I looked a little into it but I couldn t find much and what I could find seemed a little vague. I was wondering what the implications were to be if we were to play. Is it illegal? Could we get in trouble? And if it s not then what restrictions would we have to abide by?
2019-02-23 03:29:00
If youre playing in a friends basement then its legal if its a competition or public club you may face repurcussions
2019-02-23 03:30:07
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My car was stolen and recovered but the jewelry inside wasn t (My jewelry insurance wont pay.)
This is probably my fault but I m wondering if there s anything I can do or just move on. I had a ring insured through Jewelr s Mutual. My car was stolen and recovered but the insured ring (and another non-insured ring) was not however there were 2 rings recovered as stated in the police report. I picked them up but they were not MY rings. They were cheap plastic rings (most likely left by whoever stole the vehicle) so I tossed them. I never went back to the police department and told them they weren t my rings. I didn t think anything of it I saw junk I trashed it. That was clearly my mistake. But now the jewelry insurance is saying that the police department stated 2 rings were recovered and since I didn t tell them the recovered rings weren t mine they have no proof that they weren t my actual rings. The police department had no pictures or description of the rings other than 2 women s rings. Is there anything I can do? ----------------------------------- Ring insured for: $5650 Location: Georgia USA
2018-01-26 21:45:25
You should crosspost to r insurance. What was the ring worth? Where are you located? The police didn t give any kind of receipt? When did this happen?
2018-01-26 21:51:20
Engagement Ring Issues Resolutions
Bail amount 4000% of original fine for a fail to appear...what should I do?
I pretty much screwed up here. Los Angeles CA. Basically back in Jan I got pulled over for a rear brake light being broken. Got a 25$ fix it ticket and needed to go to the station court to prove I fixed it. Before the deadline I go online and file for an extension. It never said what the result was but it was pending which I tohught meant that it would pass through later on. I forget to fix my lights and forget about the pending and do not know if it did. Regardless it has been some time since then and I probably just failed to appear after the extension. My fault. I have this letter now from the LA superior court saying DMV has put a hold on my license because I failed to appear on the citation. I have 2 options 1) pay the citation (889$...) or 2)schedule a court date. It also says that a civil assessment fine of 300$ was added to the bail amount. If full payment is received within 10 calendar days from the actoin date (will be Jun 5) then I can deduct the 300$. How did 25 go to 889 even with a deductible 300 whihc makes it 589? Is there any way to get it reduced even lower? I am definnitely getting my light taken care of immediately. I just want to know what other options I have to reduce this or to fix this. What could be the likely results of going to court? Not sure what this entails. THanks!
2015-06-04 10:04:35
&gt How did 25 go to 889 even with a deductible 300 whihc makes it 589? Because that is how the law is written. You can go to court and beg but likely since you flat out ignored the first court order they are less than likely to be generous. But asking never hurt
2015-06-04 10:27:48
Unresolved Speeding Ticket Issue
[TN] I was a witness to a murder in a state over 9 hours away and now I ve been subpoenaed to testify on behalf of the prosecution. I ve called the courts and they haven t guaranteed they ll pay for my accommodations to travel. Am I legally allowed these?
Two years ago I witnessed a murder in Iowa completely randomly the problem is I was living in Georgia at the time now living in Tennessee (This was witnessed while I was doing my job it was truly at the wrong place at the wrong time.) An uncle shot his nephew. I ended up watching the victim die and just received a subpoena that I am required to be present problem is I live 9 hours away and when I called the prosecuting attorney he stated they do not allow zoom testimony. Flights are really expensive to this small town and they did not guarantee me they will pay for it. What are my rights or do I have any. It ll be $250-300 for a flight $100 minimum nightly for a hotel and I m missing work. Any help..? TLDR: guy died I witnessed it. Prosecution didn t say for certain if he d grant me accommodations to travel to a state nearly 9 hours from where I live.
2021-11-16 22:10:56
Do not buy these things. Tell the prosecutor that you need a room and a flight and ask him to send you the itinerary numbers when he is done booking them. You may have to cover your food during the morning and evening and you need to bring a credit card for the hotel incidentals.
2021-11-17 01:56:10
Subpoenaed Witness Confusion
Driver at fault won t pay restitution nor will her insurance.
About a year ago I was rear ended in traffic by a car going 35-45mph while I along with everyone else in front of me was stopped. She was cited for careless driving (or something of the sort) and appeared in court to fight the charge but in the end the court found her at fault and ordered to pay restitution to cover my out of pocket expenses. She told the court that her insurance has paid me already and was given 30 days to provide the court with proof of payment from her insurer or pay it herself or her license would be suspended. She was unable to provide proof because her insurance hasn t paid a dime and she didn t even attempt to set up a payment plan with the court. The court has said her wages could be garnished but they think she doesn t meet the minimum earnings requirement. So my question is what other avenue if any do I have to getting reimbursed for the money I ve spent as the result of this accident? This is in Colorado and the total out of pocket amount is roughly $8500. Her insurance company accepted liability and are in agreement that their driver was at fault in case that is helpful.
2016-10-02 08:10:04
I don t see any mention of your insurance. You notified them when the accident occurred and they ve been providing legal aid and pursuing the other driver s insurance yes? Or you ve been doing this all by yourself?
2016-10-02 08:15:07
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
(Kentucky) Drove past a schoolbus with its stopsign out by mistake
It was a genuine mistake and a first time offense (noted on the ticket I received). I looked up the statute online (189.370) and from what I understand the penalty is a fine or jailtime. Although I m guessing jailtime is unlikely I have serious anxiety trouble and I m panicking right now over the prospect. If someone could give me an idea of what to expect I would seriously appreciate it right now. The truth is a hard bullet to bite but I m not going to sleep if I don t. Please forgive me in advance if this isn t the correct kind of question for this subreddit I assumed this would be a good place to ask but it s always possible I missed something in the guidelines. Edit: Thanks to everyone who replied. I figured out where I went wrong and what I need to do differently on that road the moment I saw the lights I was legitimately having a panic attack this morning when investigating the ticket. As long as I improve my driving and vigilance I think everything will be right in the world.
2017-12-07 14:08:22
Looks like it s [a fine between $100 and $200 or possible jail time not to exceed 30 days for a first offense](http: www.lrc.ky.gov Statutes statute.aspx?id=41820). The way the law is written leads me to believe it s a fine *or* jail time not both. Jail time is unlikely for a first offense. I d retain a traffic attorney and let them take care of it.
2017-12-07 14:16:00
Unresolved Speeding Ticket Issue
I m a bit confused about the piece of paper I received after my ex dropped the protection order charges against me.
My ex was going to get a protection order against me. My attorney worked out a deal with him that he would drop the charges in exchange for me agreeing to stay away from him. Talked to the judge and he asked if my ex agreed to drop the charges he said yes. He then asked if my ex was being coerced in any way to say that my ex said no and he really honestly wanted to drop the charges. The judge said I would be getting a stay away order that would turn into a permanent restraining order if I contacted my ex. I agreed that was fine (I didn t want to see my ex anymore anyway because all I wanted was my cat back which he was withholding and my attorney got him to agree to give her back to me). The judge said he was happy with our mutual decision not to go ahead with the trial and that the temporary restraining order would end that day but there would still be a stay away order. We both waited outside for the final court papers. Once I got them I was relieved that it was over my ex realized he was being a dick and he had not chance of getting me stuck with a PRO anyway. But yeah it was over and we were parting way and it was cool... Until I got to the car and realized that the stay away paper said: A petition under Article 8 of the Family Court Act having been filed on March 27 2014 in this Court and good cause having been shown and [my name] having been not present in Court NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that [my name] observe the following [1] Stay away from [petitioner].... ect ect ect.. It is further ordered that this temporary order of protection shall remain in force until and including March 27 2015 but if you fail to appear in court on this date the order may be extended and continued in effect until a new date is set by the Court. Did we do this wrong? And what s with the papers saying I was not present in court?? Should I talk to someone about this or is this how it s normally done? Does that last sentence mean there ll be another court date on March 27 2015 that they didn t tell us about?
2014-04-27 00:24:25
It looks like an order of protection requiring no contact is also referred to in NY as a stay away order. You agreed to have this order entered against you. The order says you were not present March 27 2014 when the first TRO was issued.
2014-04-27 02:36:41
Miscellaneous Legal Query
A stranger left me voicemails and texts threatening to kill me I m scared (Ohio)
In order to set the scene I ll tell you that I met up with a new friend two times. Let s call him Steve. The first time we had a couple drinks at a bar and the second time we became intimate at my place. We had planned on seeing each other again but hadn t gotten around to it. This morning I woke up to six missed calls two voicemails and four texts from a stranger. He used Steve s phone to send the texts and a different phone to make the calls and leave voicemails. His texts said things like your dead bitch Text him again FAGGOT I ll kill you and Don t text him again BITCH. His voicemails essentially repeated the same things. Luckily he was careless enough to reveal his name in a voicemail let s call him Brad and he also sent a photo of himself giving me the bird. I didn t respond to any of his texts or answer any calls and I immediately blocked Brad s number from my phone. But I didn t block Steve s number. I was confused about the situation at first but I quickly realized Brad and Steve were dating and Brad found out about Steve and I meeting up. I had no idea Steve had a boyfriend. A few hours later Steve sent me a few texts and apologized for Brad s behavior. Steve told me not to text him again because Brad will hunt you down. I did some research and found Brad s Facebook and discovered his full name. As far as evidence goes I have his middle finger picture threatening texts and voicemails where he reveals his first name. To my knowledge Brad only knows my first name. I don t think he knows what I look or where exactly I live although we all live in the same city. Also we re all over 21. Reddit how should I handle this? I m afraid and I want to call the police but I also don t want to escalate the situation. Should I ignore it since Brad will probably never locate me anyway? Should I contact the police and report a threat? If so how do I go about doing that? I don t have any experience with this. Thank you very much!
2015-07-17 14:41:08
When someone threatens to do you harm call the police. It s what they are there for. You can try to get a restraining order.
2015-07-17 15:13:48
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Hotel Age Issue?
In South Carolina! This is relatively small. So I am an 18 F and my sister and I traveled four hours to a tennis tournament. We went through severe thunderstorms for two hours and wow. When we got to the hotel I was informed I have to be 21. The issue that 18 is the legal age to rent a hotel room. I checked the website and it said for this particular hotel it is 18! Now my sister and I are trying to figure out what to do as we are locked out. My friends mom (also a tennis player) can book a room under her name but they may not allow that. Is there anything we are able to do say?
2020-08-08 02:17:39
Hotels can choose whether to rent to 18yo or not. They might now allow you because there is a mini bar in the room there is something 21+ attached to the hotel etc. While they can t truly discriminate it just might be in their policy (yeah the hotel chain might allow 18yo to check in but the local one might have a different policy). A phone call should have been made to the hotel before hand. If the local hotel itself actually allows 18yo and they are denying you a room then they are discriminating and there is a problem. Is this the only hotel that is near you?
2020-08-08 02:36:17
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[Rhode Island] The 2nd floor apartment and my 1st floor apartment have cris-crossed electrical wiring and my landlord does not want to fix the problem but is requesting that I send him my last 3 months electrical bills. What s the proper recourse here?
Recently the guy living in the apartment above mine complained to the landlord saying that his electric bill seemed too high. My landlord had his handyman check the apartment and it turns out every single ceiling and wall light in my apartment and one wall outlet is wired to his utilities upstairs and not mine downstairs. As such any time I turn the lights on in my apartment (with the exception of a floor lamp in the bedroom) that electricity is coming off the upstairs guy s meter. My landlord said straight out that going in with the proper contractors and rewiring the house would be too expensive and he doesn t want to pay to have the work done. He asked me to send him my last few electric bills so he can see what I ve been paying monthly. In my lease agreement it states that utilities are the responsibility of the tenant. When I moved in the utilities were transferred into my name through National Grid so the gas and the electric coming into my apartment is paid by me directly. As it stands right now my neighbor upstairs has mentioned that my landlord is currently giving him a small discount on his rent because of the issue but it s cause for growing unease between him (the other renter) and I because any time I leave a light on he sees it as me costing him more money. He s approached me a couple times when I forgot to turn a light off leaving the house and complained that it was costing him money. What s the proper fix for this? The way I see it there s absolutely NO way to reasonably expect to divide up the electricity fairly without re-wiring the house. There s two people living upstairs and just myself downstairs. I m pretty much only at home at night and use barely any electricity as it is. There s no way I would allow the electric bills to be combined and then split 50 50 and there s no way to determine what the actual split would be without fixing the meters. Can my landlord actually request that I give him my electric bills and is there anything that he s actually allowed to do? I don t want to screw over the guy upstairs but at the same time I don t want to be involved at all in something that is essentially my landlord s problems not mine. If I give him my electric bills it s just going to get more involved than I want to be.
2015-09-10 17:22:39
This is 100% the landlords responsibility. Landlord must correct the problem. If landlord refuses you just use the lights as you want and pay for your utility bill. You will not be in violation of the lease. Let your neighbor know to complain to the landlord not you for any electric use that shows up on his meter. His electric bill is not your problem due to no fault of your own. Not a lawyer I am a landlord in NY.
2015-09-10 17:33:45
Electricity Bill Payment Issues
[AUS] someone signed my name at work what references can i site so my employer takes this seriously.
I work at a large telco in Australia i had a client call and leave information of their partner their name dob account number etc. so they could have their partner pick up their phone. We have warranty claims and insurance claims and this is very much acceptable in these traditional circumstances. we also have non-repairables (complete new units under insurance) and lost or stolen phones however the customers phone came back as a non-repairable which requires a signature of the account holder (not the partner) and a signature of the employee for tax and validation reasons my co-worker had the partner sign the form and put my name and asked me to sign i declined as i felt uncomfortable my manager and my senior asked me to sign it and i said no again. I later checked the returning paperwork to see what had happened and my name and signature are both signed. i will also add that i took a sticky note left it aside out the back not with the phone. I had not looked at the returning device and the customer said it was a regular repair so i assumed it was all good to be picked up. I was pressured by my senior staff member and Manager to sign a frauded document i would have just apologised and told the customer i cannot do it as there are documents to be signed by the account holder this is not the first time i have been put in a situation like this at work I want to contact my Franchise CEO with material of regulations or information so they approach this seriously.
2017-07-04 08:51:14
try posting to r AusLegal as well
2017-07-04 11:24:43
Non-compete Agreement Legal Issues
Instructed to tell Employees they cannot discuss wages. [MI]
I m a manager at a Chipotle in Michigan and I have been instructed by my area manager that when my employees base level non managerial hourly crew members that when they discuss their wages with other non managerial employees that I m supposed to tell them they re not allowed to do that. Obviously that s illegal and I m not going to be doing that but can I be fired for refusing to do something illegal such as this? I m already not on very good terms with my GM and area manager because I have filled an unpaid wage complaint with the department of labour so I m wondering if I d have any recourse if I am to be fired for refusing to do something illegal.
2020-03-08 18:21:51
That would almost certainly be illegal retaliation if you are fired for that. You would very likely have recourse. You could file a complaint with the EEOC and consult an employment attorney.
2020-03-08 18:25:25
Wage Discussion Rights
Can I (29) prevent my live-in alcoholic boyfriend (27) from returning to my house?
In California. He either will be leaving the hospital against medical advice and face potential liver failure or he ll eventually be discharged normally. I can t have him back at the house because the first thing he ll want to do is drink. I have my children at home and I can t have that around them anymore because of the intensive level the alcoholism has gotten to. I m also in fear because he threatened me if I tell the nurses that he wants to “escape” the hospital. Can I legally keep him out? We ve never signed anything saying he s a tenant he pays me cash when he can towards rent but it s not consistent and never has been.
2019-06-02 17:40:04
He s a tenant and will need to be evicted. If he threatens you then you can call the police.
2019-06-02 17:43:12
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Can I fire an employee for not wearing a mask in food service?
I recently inherited a small coffee shop from my mom who passed away recently. One of the employees doesnt like wearing a mask because she has athsma which I dont think is a good excuse to not wear a mask in food service. How should I go about this? I dont *want* to fire her but I ve come in to work several times after talking to her and she still hasn t been wearing one. There are face-shields that I could buy but do I buy it to provide to my employee or is she supposed to provide her own? Can she take legal action against me if I fire her for her health condition that she supposedly can t wear a mask for? I m very new to owning a business so any advice would be appreciated. I prefer to resolve my issue with as little drama as possible.
2020-11-17 16:36:29
How many employees does the business have and where are you located?
2020-11-17 16:46:58
Miscellaneous Legal Query
I found two websites illegally publishing my knitting and crochet patterns. (Maine)
Long story short I have a store online (through Etsy and Ravelry) where I publish knitting and crochet patterns. I sell them and make a good amount of sales and a decent little income for a graduate student. All of my patterns are published and Etsy says they become copyrighted the second they are published. I also have a copyright notice within the pattern and in the item s listing description noting that it is illegal to claim this pattern as your own and publish it anywhere. Today I found all of my patterns listed on two different websites. One is French and the other doesn t explicitly say where they are based out of. They are both selling my patterns extremely cheap and obviously illegally. What can I do to prevent this from continuing? I ve heard of cease and desist letters (this is a somewhat common issue in the knitting and crochet pattern designing community) but do I need a lawyer to write it and send it? I ve never had this issue and would appreciate any advice on where to go from here. Just some notes: I have not yet contacted either website. My shop first opened in October of 2017 and I publish new patterns about every other month. I only sell my patterns on two sites (Etsy and Ravelry). Neither of the websites in question are associated with the websites I sell my patterns on. *Very minor addition:* neither site is USA based. The first is all in French and the other mentions Germany in their about section so I m assuming they re German.
2018-12-25 08:04:49
I guess you could write a cease and desist letter yourself if you know where you are going but it would probably be best to go see a specialist.
2018-12-25 08:52:30
Miscellaneous Legal Query
(CO) I paid a portion of tuition for my nephew directly to the school. Is this a gift to him that his parents (he s a minor) have a right to?
Back story: My brother is deceased. His ex-wife and her husband the parents of my nephew are struggling a great deal financially (mostly due to their own poor choices). They emptied my nephew s savings and for the past year and a half all of his money from working after school has been taken as well. I feel for him because they told him this money was being saved in a college account but when he prepared to go to college this fall he learned that didn t exist. Due to their income he also did not receive financial aid and was facing loans for his education. He wants to go into social work which isn t exactly known for bringing in a fortune. After a lot of thought I decided to pay $2000 per semester (a little more than half of tuition) to help him go to school. However he is only 17 and will not turn 18 until January. His parents ultimately decided not to allow him to attend college this year. They have by some means (I am not sure how as no one from the school has been able to tell me) received a refund of the $2000 I paid less some administrative fees. They perceive this as a gift to my nephew which they as his guardians are entitled to. I would like to know what the law says on this issue: do they have a legal right to this money? Or is it between me and the school? **tl dr:** I paid $2000 for my nephew to go to college this fall. His parents made him withdraw. They received a refund of the $2000 and consider it a gift to him (a minor) that they can claim. Is that correct or am I legally entitled to have the money returned?
2015-11-09 02:12:18
Well the parents are incorrect on one front - minors are entitled to own property in their own name particularly gifts and inheritences. The parents can exercise some control over it denying access or using it for the child s benefit (including providing them with shelter or food) but they cannot just take a child s gifts for their own purposes. They do usually have a common law claim on the child s wages unless it has been modified by statute. The refund should have been returned back to the nephew in his name. If he wanted to voluntarily hand it over to his parents that s his choice as well.
2015-11-09 02:23:05
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[NEW ZEALAND] Sexual inappropriate harrassment from a child psychologist while under their care as a patient..
I m at a cross roads as to what to do here... I was admitted to therapy at a Adolescence Child Mental Health Clinic as a 16yo (f) after suffering from severe depression and anxiety. I was put with a middle-aged male psychologist. During the year that I was seeing him for therapy he made me feel uncomfortable a few times and done things that would be seen as very inappropriate. He would give me cigarettes let me drive his work car (I had no license at the time) and make comments. The worst comment he made to me when he was dropping me home after a session was you have a nice rack . Complimenting my breasts. Obviously this was very uncomfortable and awkward for me.. I just didn t know how to react or what to say. At other times he s complimented me on the way I looked or dressed. He s made comments about how he was going to be a bachelor for the weekend as his wife and children were away.. that he would be home alone. He also added me on Facebook (which he later removed me from - due to obvious professional work reasons) and made comments to me such as aw you re so cute and you re a naughty girl . I am now 22 years old and I have thought about this a lot over the past 6 years but have done nothing. This man is still practicing and I assume is still working with vulnerable children and teenagers. What do I do? Do I let it go.. or do I take this creep to court?? TIA &lt 3
2017-06-26 08:25:15
I would recommend talking to another therapist and raising this question. I suspect the correct answer is to file a complaint with the local licensing agency.
2017-06-26 08:31:03
Workplace Sexual Harassment Concerns
Lawyers and Confidentiality Question
So I am not satisfied with the first lawyer(Lawyer A) I retrain (Due to lack of communication and he was late for my first impression) Also he has a lot of bad reviews after I did some online research. So I spoke with another lawyer(Lawyer B) and I would like to hire him. My question is I do not want Lawyer A to talk to Lawyer B. How do I go about this?
2013-04-02 16:14:38
Asking for this makes it look like you are hiding something. Thats the last thing I want in a client.
2013-04-02 16:41:27
Legal Representation Challenges
The owner of the driving school threatened to sue me for a negative review [Ontario].
I left a negative review with 1 star. I simply said He always yelled at me for making mistakes. I didn t need that additional stress. I immediately got an email from him that he forwards all the reviews to his lawyer for libel or defamation. Will he win this lawsuit or should I take down the review? Thanks. UPDATE: He wrote a post in response to my review. He called me stubborn and obstinate and hope that I drive head on into traffic. LOL!
2017-03-22 05:04:10
Please leave it up and block his phone number.
2017-03-22 05:15:17
Review Retaliation Threats Analysis
Sons AirPods were taken by school staff. Staff lost them who is responsible?
My son had his AirPods Pro s taken by school staff in the morning because they say he shouldn t have been using them. The staff member took them to the office and the office returned AirPods to my son that weren t his and now they are unable to find his. Who is responsible in this situation?
2022-03-03 00:52:25
The legal term is bailment. The school had a legal obligation to return the bailed goods (the AirPod Pros) that they were safekeeping.
2022-03-03 04:27:16
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[AZ] Father-in-law filed a temporary restraining order against his third wife... in a polygamist marriage. What do?
Boy have I got a cool new post for you all. I d like to pretend this is fake but ha no it isn t. Because I married a girl from a cult and my in-laws are crazy. For my own curiosity I want to know what direction I can point the third wife in legally speaking. My FIL has four wives. Concurrently. Yep they re *those* kind of Mormons. They all hate each other and he s a real peach about it. So wife #3 is the oldest. She objected to him obtaining wife #4 who was 19 (he s in his mid-50s). So she encouraged prospective wife #4 to think about her choices by giving her an insider s look at what his household is like. Long story short it s dysfunctional and abusive and she didn t paint a rosy picture. Wife #4 went through with it anyway as you do when you re raised in a cult. But the fallout was fairly nasty and my FIL forbid all his children from wife #1 and #2 from interacting with wife #3 because she s a toxic influence on the family. Wife #3 rents a house near his and doesn t live with him (the result of another fallout when she did something he didn t like). He pays for a portion of her rent. Not pleased with his I m gonna marry you but you can t talk to my kids lol shenanigans wife #3 recently forbid my FIL from coming over to fuck whenever he likes. So FIL filed a TOR on wife #3 so she can t go to church anymore (because he goes there). It s all kosher because they re not *legally* married they re just bound in the eyes of the Priesthood in eternal marriage or some culty garbage. Is there some way to get the restraining order lifted?
2017-04-20 03:16:39
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. In many ways this is like when a drug dealer posts on here wondering what he can do because somebody robbed him. Your in-laws live outside the law (no pun intended) and as such if they approach the courts they risk all their stupid shit coming forward. I m not here to offer any advice because I have no fucking clue. Wait that s not true. Here s one piece of advice: stay the fuck away from these people. In America there are approximately 40 million people who won t have anything to do with their in-laws. Join that club. This is your wife s shit let her either deal with it or run away screaming – it will give you nothing but aggravation.
2017-04-20 03:45:39
Miscellaneous Legal Query
23andme to find biological parents
Hello. My father was adopted in North Carolina. The adoption was closed and he had very limited information about his biological parents. Last year I signed up for 23andme. I wasn t searching for his parents- I was given the kit as a gift and thought it could be interesting. Long story short I connected with his biological family. My dads biological fathers sister (sorry a bit confusing) reached out to me through 23andme and eventually my biological grandfather also reached out to me. I reiterated to both of them many times I had no intention of intruding. When I told my dad this information his wife (my stepmother) then told me that what I had done was illegal since the adoption was closed. I told them both I didn t go actively searching for his biological family and that they reached out to me. She has continued to text and email me. I don t plan on arguing with her but I would really like to set the record straight about whether what I did was illegal or not.
2020-03-24 00:28:51
Not illegal. People do this all the time using 23andme and other services.
2020-03-24 00:33:53
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Noncompete Contract advice with a Mens Salon Spa. New York.
2016-12-25 00:34:29
First about half your post is irrelevant. The not paying overtime and paying cash is separate and something the DoL would care about but would have little bearing on your non-compete. [This](https: www.eeoc.gov laws types ) is a list of the legally protected classes where discrimination is illegal. Also not that the age bit is only about discriminating against someone because they are older than 40. Anything not on this list is perfectly legal discrimination. The non-compete is really the only thing that matters here and in the US these can be tricky to say the least. It s probably safest to pay the few hundred dollars to have a sit down with a lawyer to look into the validity of yours and discuss this.
2016-12-25 01:09:45
Miscellaneous Legal Query
NY- Family law and immigration issues
I am concerned about an upcoming custody issue with my daughter and my girlfriend. I am a citizen and my girlfriend is an illegal immigrant. I am looking to employ a family lawyer soon- but I engaged in a green card marrige to become a citizen many years ago. Should I can I tell my lawyer about this? My girlfriend knows I did this- can she use this against me even though she is also here illegally?
2016-11-28 00:13:42
You should always be candid with lawyer. They can only work with the info they have when protecting your interests.
2016-11-28 00:19:30
Immigration Marriage Visa Dilemma
Employer Not Following ADA agreement or FLMA Doctors Recommendations (MT)
I work for the state of MT. So I have two unrelated medical conditions with documentation and work guidelines and a signed ADA document. My first problem is my supervisors are not following the ADA agreement that was made up and signed by HR Me them my doctor. I have bipolar ii and the accommodation was to have a stable work schedule with the following as a guideline - work as close to 40hrs a week as possible and stick to hours as close to 3p-11:30p Tu-Sa as possible with some exceptions for meetings or events. I regularly am required not asked to work longer hours most weeks i average closer to 50 than 40hrs. I am on salary and OT exempt also so it is not as if i am benefiting from it. For example last week i worked 60hrs with most shifts starting at 1pm and running until at least 2am. They seem pretty hostile to the idea of me not being there for every event for example i got in trouble last week for letting an employee have two days off instead of working all 7 (i am a supervisor). My supervisor told me that if we have something going on everyone has to be at work (they gave 3 people i dont supervise 2 weeks off during this same period). I worked 12+ hours on 4 days last week and ended up with 3 1hr+ meeting so far to discuss my poor work performance last week. Being told that i cannot leave until all the work is done and even if it had been 12 or more hrs that is no excuse to leave without everything being finished. My annual eval is also coming up in 2 weeks so i am struggling to figure out how to approach this aspect without retaliation. I also had hip surgery four weeks ago. I filled out an FMLA request that was approved and have documentation from my physician with work restrictions. I took two weeks of approved paid leave and got in trouble for not getting some of my work done during that time. Basically my restrictions are minimal bending lifting no carrying pushing pulling anything over 10lbs and no standing for longer than 30 minutes at a time for 6 weeks. However in the last two weeks they have not flat out required me to do those kinds of things rather they have sat me down and told me how i am doing things wrong and for not helping . One of my supervisors sarcastically made the comment maybe you should go do X because of your hip which was pushing something that weighed several hundred lbs. My question is: How do i handle their lack of compliance? We have HR offices that handle these kinds of things but the way everything is organized it would be difficult to report with out some form of retaliation. There is a great deal of hegemony between HR and management (I know this because i am part of management ). I don t feel comfortable going to my supervisors directly out of fear of retaliation in some form such as bad eval written warning work placed under a microscope. Our department head has been with the agency long enough to know how to get what she wants so a complaint against her could result in my termination. sorry everything is kind of a jumble.
2017-03-16 00:35:17
Unless you re in the state of MT you can...Well crap OPs in Montana.
2017-03-16 01:41:24
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Apartment complex allowed employee to trashout apartment before lease ended - any recourse?
USA - Florida - We are in the process of moving out of very expensive luxury apartment complex to a house. We were probably 80% moved out of the apartment but still had stuff tucked away in drawers closets cabinets etc. that needed to be gone through packed and moved. Tuesday night we went to the apartment to finish going through everything. The door was locked. As soon as we walk in everything was completely ransacked. Every cabinet drawer closet all flung open and everything rummaged through. We found our personal banking information paystubs and a blank prescrption pad (gf is dr) strewn about the floor. 1 blank perscription pad is currently unaccounted for. Clothes were thrown about in the bedroom toiletries all over the bathrroom. It was a complete mess. The panic starts to set in as we realize the implications of our personal financial info being rummaged through. We cannot reach the apartment complex so we call the police to get a cop to document everything. After a half hour with the cop we finally get the maintenance manager to come in with a supposed explanation: The put our apartment up on a trash out board w the right date listed but the guy went in on his own accord and started trashing the place. They found out because they saw him walking around with a roomba &amp a football and asked him where he got them. They made him return the items and re-lock the door. They NEVER thought to notify us so we had the extremely unpleasant experience of thinking we had just been burglarized dealing with ~~asshole~~ suspicious cop general traumatic feeling of violation. Then he told me that they were going to fire the employee anyway and planned to fire him the next day. They just threw the dumbass maintenance guy under the bus basically. But regardless we feel extremely violated over this whole thing. We have lost our peace of mind. Now there is a potentially desperate unemployed man (during a pandemic) who knows our name how much we make and can now find out where we live - and he might think we are the reason why he got fired! The apartment complex refuses to do anything other than just say they made an honest mistake &amp basically say tough luck we did nothing wrong Is there any potential legal recourse we might have? Some key facts here: We have about $1 300 in unpaid prorated rent for September. Any chance we can get that waived? There is a clause in the lease that states they must give notice before entering unless an emergency which this clearly was not. They initially said they didn t know why the guy went in there but now are claiming he went there because he was told to. They are refusing to give us this man s personal information so that we can do our own research on him. The main thing we want is just to get his personal information &amp have the apartment pay for 3 years of identity theft protection. Any rent we don t have to pay them would be a bonus. Do we have any chance at leveraging something out of them? EDIT: I should add we just don t where the 2nd prescription pad is. Moving is hectic and its possible we have it packed up or we just didnt see it. I don t want to accuse a man of something without proof but it is an extremely concerning aspect of this since the scrips are not numbered.
2020-09-11 18:45:04
The prescription pad should be your primary concern at the moment given the career ramifications for your gf. If you didn t report it stolen when you talked to the police earlier have her go do so now. Also report it to the appropriate licensing agency. You want to get on top of this before the maintenance guy or his buddies start writing themselves scripts for Oxy.
2020-09-11 20:48:24
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Neighbor Tree Issue (Los Angeles CA)
Pretty simple issue neighbors property topagraphically is above mine. He had some tree trimmers come prune a large tree on his property which resulted in about 40 large branches falling down across the fence into my back yard. I call him when I discover this and he states the trimmers were suppose to come over and collect them unfortunately I wasn t home when they were there and was not notified they would need access. Neighbor states he will call them to come back and remove the branches. One week later they still aren t removed so I call him again and he states he thought it was resolved and he will have them come. It s been 3 weeks now since the trimming and I still have the dead branches sitting in my back yard. I left him a message but I get no reply. I would like to remedy this so my thoughts are to either 1. throw the branches over the fence and have him deal with them. 2. Hire someone to dispose of them and send the bill. Sue if he does not pay. 3. Discard them myself in my greenwaste and bill for my time. Sue if he does not pay. Which of my options are legal?
2019-08-18 19:18:34
Ask who was the trimming company. Call them and find out if your neighbor ever contacted them. Ask them to come out and finish the clean up of the job.
2019-08-18 19:31:39
Tree Disputes with Neighbors
Rescinded paternity within the correct time period but court has decided it s a special case - Washington state
A few years ago I had a one night stand with a co-worker and we didn t have much contact outside of that aside from passing by at work. A few months later she tells me she s pregnant but not to worry because I was the second person she had slept with in the same time frame. As it s getting closer to her due date she starts telling me that the date of conception and everything is looking much closer to the child being mine. I show up for the birth as she s still a co-worker and friend and stay with her in the NICU due to birthing complications. I decided that the child should probably have a father and agree to go to the local hospital a week later with her to sign the paternity acknowledgement. We get a test done that shows I m not the father it turns out she has a fiance to act as a father and we have wildly different views to raising a child and I can t do much to help anyway so she would prefer if I stepped back from it all. We file to have my signature rescinded from the acknowledgment and that was only about 3 weeks after the child was born. State law appears to say as long as it s rescinded and filed within 60 days it should be fine. After many meetings with the guardian and then going to court they decided it was a special case and that I wasn t allowed to be removed but failed to say why exactly. I wasn t able to attend the first couple court dates due to work. Despite her saying she wants me off and that she doesn t want my money (I m broke and barely getting by as is) they court is discussing forcing child support out of me including 2 years of back support as the courts have been working on this for so long. What can I do to fight this? The law in place says I should have been removed from it already does it not? She already has a fiance helping support and the court is refusing the DNA test the other person she s named as the father.
2019-11-05 23:49:12
NAL. I am sure that the law says the court has the final discretion over issues of parentage. You need to find out why they denied your DOP (denial of parentage). They didn t just handwave it there is a written order. You need to read that order and see if it is something you can appeal or fight on factual grounds. If you re going to fight the determination you need a lawyer and you need to start actually taking the process seriously. Not going to court those two times may well have been fatal because you weren t there to present your position. Casually entering a paternity acknowledgement and THEN deciding to do a DNA test is about as irresponsible a decision as I ve ever heard of and look at my username for the context on that. Best of luck.
2019-11-06 00:04:22
Paternity Test and Child Custody
I want to create a video game with rules from D&amp D...
Basically I am working on a video game. I think I can save a lot of time when it comes to figuring out combat balance by piggybacking off of Dungeons &amp Dragons. I understand the 3rd Edition and 4e rules are covered under the Open Gaming License that might allow me to do this. However I am not sure about 5e. The thing is if I just take the basic rules but change all the actual literary aspects is that not fair use regardless of any licensing?
2015-11-06 03:06:56
The basic aspects of D&amp D are free to use. But there are various monsters that are copyrighted- the Mindflayer for example. But the gist of it rolling a 20 sided die (or randomly generating a number) and then adding subtracting a bonus is not covered under copyright. (note: I have not played 5th edition so I have no clue what 5th has beyond that but I have played 3rd and 4th.) Now you may have to change the names of spells feats certain classes or just build your own from scratch but the basic stuff isn t covered under copyright.
2015-11-06 03:33:34
Miscellaneous Legal Query
What to do with stolen car left on my property
Hi I own 120 acres out in California hills. Last week I was replacing a fence on the far side that almost no one ever goes to and I found a 2016 Hyundai sedan under a tarp and on 2x4 s without any wheels or seats. That night I called the sheriffs to report it and soon after two deputies came to check the car out they said the car had been stolen from a rental place since November but since the location of the car is so remote and hard to get to a tow truck would not be able to get the car out and they left after that. My main question is now what...? I dont want this car on my property but I dont have the means to recover it and give it back to the rightful owner I am not even sure how to find out who the car is registered to
2018-05-07 18:24:36
That is an odd scenario. The police said it was stolen but they can t tow it and left? I would call them back and see if they can provide any contact info for the rental place. Then if they want to remove it they can otherwise you can dispose of it.
2018-05-07 18:45:04
Miscellaneous Legal Query
A doctor wrote me a fatal dose of medicine and now they re head of the only office in which I can be seen (military post)
In Fort Leonard Wood Missouri ***Edit and Update*** Because of the mistreatment here I ve been traveling back to my old doctor in Virginia. However Re-starting physical therapy has put me in too much pain to make the trip. The only doctor who can see me before my meds run out is the one who previously wrote the lethal dose of medicine. I can (hopefully) get another doctor about two weeks later. I m afraid she won t treat me - or it will hurt my case - if I go to the medical board. I m also fucking terrified that she s going to screw up again and am planning to beg to just get a refill of what I m already taking until I get to another doctor. I saw a doctor who was in more of an administrative position but I was referred to them as a special case after another doctor completely messed up writing a prescription for me*. Someone had stolen my medicine (yep I posted here before) and this admin doctor wrote me a prescription for Catapres. It s mainly used as a blood pressure medication but can lessen the symptoms of withdrawal from opiates. I have chronically low blood pressure which is in my medical file so this medicine is something I really shouldn t be on for that reason alone. She wrote me over one and a half times the daily limit and high doses are meant only for inpatient treatment so sedation and blood pressure can be monitored. While taking the medication I blacked out several times and ended up in the emergency room because I couldn t stand without passing out. I filed a complaint** but just wanted to be done with it. However now she s both head of the department and the only doctor who does pain management - which I need to be seen for. My health insurance is through the military so I m restricted from going elsewhere if the care is offered on post. I m terrified of having her handle my medical care but as of now it s my only option. I ve never heard back on the complaint. The prescription she wrote was to take one 0.2 mg tablet every 3 hours - a total of 1.6 mg a day. This is the dosing recommendation: The usual initial dose for opiate agonist withdrawal is 0.1 mg to 0.2 mg PO with titration to a maximum total dose of 1 mg day PO administered in two to four divided doses according to response and tolerability (e.g. blood pressure). Maximal doses are generally administered for two to four days after cessation of the opiate during the time of maximal withdrawal. Clonidine doses are then tapered and the drug is discontinued 7 to 10 days after cessation of the opiate. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) practice guidelines for substance abuse disorders state that an initial dose of clonidine 0.1 mg PO three times (total 0.3 mg per 24 hours) is usually sufficient to suppress signs of opiate withdrawal. Use of higher doses may be acceptable during inpatient detoxification since medical staff can monitor for hypotension and sedation. Source: https: m.pdr.net Mobile Pages drug-summary Catapres-clonidine-hydrochloride-1744 *He told me to take a medicine every 24 hours instead of every 12 - as I d been taking it for over a year. I went into withdrawals every day because that s not how chemistry works. He admitted fault and I reported him to the hospital commander. ** ICE complaint. It s a military system and it s what everyone told me to do.
2018-11-14 17:03:15
You only filed a complaint with the hospital commander? Yeah no wonder nothing s getting done. Complain to the licensing board not to your base officers.
2018-11-14 17:30:34
Medical Billing Disputes and Fraud
Re appropriating an interview from my podcast?
I have a podcast - and I have interviewed some interesting celebs. (I am in NY NY). I want to transcribe the interviews - and release it as a book. I am not sure if it s legal to do that or not.. it is my podcast.. and they willingly came on my show. But on the flip side - I am using the audio in a different format that initially agreed upon. Thoughts?
2017-03-30 13:03:39
Podcasts are knowingly recorded and published to the public. You should be fine.
2017-03-30 13:15:48
Copyright Issues on YouTube
[LA VA] Rented a vehicle dolly for a move car got damaged insurance closed the case for reasons that never happened. Where should I file suit?
TL DR Vehicle dolly damaged car insurance I purchased stated the damage would be covered insurance company closed the claim due to the appraiser calling me multiple times and claiming I never responded phone records say none of that is true. I plan on filing a suit against the company for the damages to my car plus other costs. Because the accident happened in Louisiana do I have to file the suit at home or can I file it in Virginia where I currently reside. Sorry if it s a dumb question never dealt with something like this.
2017-03-02 01:40:14
No you must file it where the company is based. Or pay a lawyer to handle this on your behalf.
2017-03-02 01:43:27
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
Do Grandparents have any legal right to come visit my child in KY?
Everytime my Mother from out of state visits my fiance and I there is always an argument as we have never gotten along. And after she left this last time she sent a text saying how she wishes she wasn t my mother and doesn t know how anyone would want to be with me. So I didn t respond and tonight she text saying she wants to come down at the end of the month and I simply stated that it probably wasn t the best idea. Then she responded saying Grandparents have rights and she will get a lawyer if need be. Is there anything that she could possibly do? Thanks in advance for any help or opinions!!
2018-03-11 03:36:15
Unless explicitly laid out by a court order usually no. More immediately: You can tell your mother clearly and explicitly she isn t welcome. Call the police if she shows up at your place for trespassing. You don t have to open the door.
2018-03-11 03:52:10
Custody and Visitation Disputes
Small claims court against a wannabe politician or can I do more? (NYC)
I m posting from my real account because screw this guy. TLDR at the bottom. &amp #x200B I have 2 businesses. One of those is photography. I have a contract and usually have everything all snug and legit but I let one shoot slip by. &amp #x200B Long story short a colleague connected me with a campaign manager she knew. He was running a campaign for a lawyer who wanted to be a Public Advocate in NYC. He called me and said they needed urgent photos for the candidate. I met with the candidate outside for the shoot so I had no time to get anything signed. &amp #x200B He was not into the shoot and considered it a waste of time. But we proceeded and spent 2 hours doing the shoot. His team also ok d an added expense of an assistant. I was up front with pricing for the 2 hours and editing costs. I have this all in email and phone recordings. I made it clear that I need payment before I deliver the edited photos. &amp #x200B His team then asked for 5 edited shots. Again since they were in a rush I paid my editor to do the work up front. At this time I sent them my invoice for about $500. Once the pics were edited about 24 hours later I said the pics were ready please pay the invoice. &amp #x200B It was then radio silence. I ve sent 10 emails. I ve talked to the campaign manager once on the phone who said their controller is taking care of it. Yesterday on my tenth email and after 2 weeks of waiting the campaign manager replied CC ing the candidate telling him to take care of this. No response from him. &amp #x200B The election is on Tuesday 4 days away. I doubt this guy is going to win as he s a Republican running in NYC. He probably doesn t even need the photos anymore as there is no time to print anymore stuff for the campaign. &amp #x200B I guess I m going to have to go to small claims court. But can I name him directly in this or will they try and push this against the campaign which after Tuesday may be out of business? Additionally can I create a website with his name saying he doesn t pay bills and I don t believe he should be elected? Maybe add photos from the shoot with text saying he doesn t pay bills? I will be purely factual about what happened including email thread. &amp #x200B I m just really pissed about this. I don t like being taken advantage of. And this is the first person that hasn t paid their bills in 5 years. &amp #x200B TLDR: Candidate didn t pay me the $500 they owe me for their shoot. He is not responding to emails. How do I sue him plus can I make a website against him?
2019-02-23 18:59:15
It s likely that the campaign rather than the candidate is the right person to sue but you could sue both and let them work that out. The campaign does not disappear as an entity once the election s over anyway. It can still be sued.
2019-02-23 19:04:56
Business Partner Financial Misconduct
Could this work in my favor?
So on Oct 6th I went to a used car dealership in Lithonia Georgia. I went there with the intention of putting down $800 on an $1100 vehicle only for the person who sold me the car to say that their credit card machines don t work so he asked me if I could cashapp the $800 to his friend. I immediately felt uncomfortable and told the man that I would not do so but instead if he could let me off with the car today then I would pay the $1100 in full next week when I got my last paycheck! And pay the rest of fees off when I started work later on down the road. After he agreed I went to speak to my mother who was their with me when I went to go purchase the car and I left my phone on the mans desk with him still in the office while I was outside speaking to mother. When I came back in and began filling out paperwork for the car he gave me a paper stating that I put down $800. I didn t pay it much attention then because I was just happy to have a car. So 5 days later the car breaks down and pretty much I tell the man that I don t want the car and he can have it and I won t be making any payments on it. So days go by and I check my bank account only to realize $800 had been taken from my account and when I checked my cashapp I saw that $800 had been cash-apped to someone that I don t even know. So with that being said I contacted cashapp customer service and they emailed me saying they ll get back to me within 10 days. So TODAY Oct.24th I contacted my bank and told them that cashapp had taken $800 out of my bank account and so they put the $800 back in my account “dispute pending”. My thing is that I m pretty sure I signed some form when I was purchasing the car stating that I did pay something for it even though I didn t. The last thing I want is to be found guilty for fraud or anything. I ve had larger amounts of money in my account prior to me getting the car and nothing has ever happened. What can I do?
2019-10-24 16:32:04
If you didn t use the cash app to make the transfer then it would stand to reason that the person at the dealership picked up your unattended phone and made the transfer on your account. Call the police make a report.
2019-10-24 16:39:02
Car dealership title issue
WA Employer requiring every absence be cleared as Family Medical Leave Act
My employer penalizes absences with a point system that leads to suspension termination. The only way to remove points now is to have the absences approved through a third party Unum by applying for the Family Medical Leave Act. I was under the impression that such leave was to be applied to serious conditions only and as FMLA is only 12 weeks year I m concerned that minor absences will shorten an extended leave I may need to take later. If I do not get some minor absences I ve had throughout the year cleared point-wise I may face suspension for legitimate absences for which I have doctors notes. Does my employer have the right to make all absences only cleared when they are FMLA approved? Is the FMLA for serious conditions only? If so can I be suspended for having legitimate doctor approved absences (cold flu etc) that aren t subject to FMLA? Even if those absences are approved FMLA does that mean my leave (maternity ailing parental care) for which the Act is seemingly intended will be shortened by those earlier absences? Any advice would be greatly appreciated so far my inquires to governmental offices has returned no clear answers.
2015-07-15 17:33:38
[See the State equivalent](http: lni.wa.gov WorkplaceRights LeaveBenefits FamilyCare LawsPolicies FamilyLeave default.asp) &gt Does my employer have the right to make all absences only cleared when they are FMLA approved? Yes that or FLA approved. &gt Is the FMLA for serious conditions only? No but only for qualifying conditions. &gt If so can I be suspended for having legitimate doctor approved absences (cold flu etc) that aren t subject to FMLA? Yes. If it isn t covered under the FLA &gt Even if those absences are approved FMLA does that mean my leave (maternity ailing parental care) for which the Act is seemingly intended will be shortened by those earlier absences? Yes but also see the FLA.
2015-07-15 17:45:42
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Am i being paranoid? A police car parked outside my house i went out to get the dog and it sped off as soon as i stepped outside my home.
a few weeks ago while driving home a police officer in her private vehicle chased me down and said that i had just broke her windshield. she said supposedly while i was ahead of her an item flew out of the bed of my truck and hit her windshield. when the buddy-officers came to the scene she insisted they issue me a citation but they didn t. there wasn t anything in the bed of the truck because i hardly use the bed. i visited my mom s house and me and a friend sat in the back of the truck for a while right before i left home. there wasn t a thing in there. fast forward to me heading to the police station where i asked for the investigating officer. when he came out i asked him who he was because i did not see him at the scene. he said he was very busy that night and other officers i guess briefed him on what happened or something. so i asked him why they put her side of the story on the report but not mine. i explained to him what happened. he said he was gonna add my side of the incident. my insurance said they would not be paying for her windshield. NOOOOOOW i saw a police car outside while on my way to get my dog inside. it was parked near my driveway with it s passenger window open. i watched it for a few seconds to try to get the unit number but when i went outside to collect my dog it sped off like a bat outa hell. now i m wondering if i m paranoid or she s spying or up to something because my insurance refused to pay for her windshield... i m thinking of getting some kind of surveillance cameras to hook up the the front of my house. i wasn t able to get the car number but it seem pretty suspicious.. what would be the next step i could take?
2014-01-04 20:17:00
&gt now i m wondering if i m paranoid Yes probably. It s not at all uncommon for officers to park on a street to do paperwork or just take a break. One instance of an officer being outside your house does not make a pattern.
2014-01-04 20:19:31
Miscellaneous Legal Query
I ve been under payed for the last 7 months now the company is trying to get out of paying over half
So I work for a traveling union and bounce state to state for work. It has recently come to my attention that because I m working in a city with a city local and not our state local that I m entitled to be paid what they make (almost $20 more an hour over the last 7 months) the union gives me 100 dollars a day for living expenses just for being out of town. Now that this has come up the company is telling me that they will honor the raise but because the city states nothing about travel they are going to deduct the 13 000 in sub pay that I was given. My question are: 1. Can they cut sub some directly from wages when I was not aware sub wasnt an option before I started this job? 2. What does that mean for taxs? Do I now get to write off all perdiem expenses from last year even though they arent cutting it until this year? 3. Should I be mad?? Because i am. [PA]
2020-02-04 13:57:16
Odds are the union contract calls for both prevailing wage and per diem and they re stuck paying both. Nobody pays per diem unless the contract requires it. You re going to have to look into your specific contract Contacting the union and asking questions would be a good start.
2020-02-04 15:23:49
Unfair Wage Practices in Employment
Can I be forced to sell as an under 55 owner in an over 55 community
Florida USA I (25 years old) inherited the home free and clear as the sole owner in October of 2019. Since then I ve had to clear out the place and use it as a personal getaway. I currently do not want to sell for sentimental reasons. It is the classic Floridian tight knit retired community where everyone knows everyone business and there are quite a few restrictions. One of them being not being allowed to buy property unless approved by the board and you must be over 55. I ve managed to maintain a positive relationship with a few of the board members and no one has said anything about forcing me to sell besides from asking if I want to sell. If things do change though do they have any legal recourse for forcing me to sell?
2022-06-10 14:20:27
You have to read the condo documents. There is a good chance that the policy is that you have to be 55+ to inhabit the unit but not to OWN it. This would let you own it and then either keep it empty or rent it out to 55+ people ... but the answer is in the condo docs. Read them.
2022-06-10 14:25:24
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[FL] Subpoena question
Was home but never opened the door. Man apparently looking for one of my parents kept asking me to open the door and I said I can t right now I am very busy (I had no clue who he was and do not feel comfortable opening the door for a complete stranger). He kept insisting asking when that parent will be back I said I am not sure. He then said it is for a subpoena and that I can accept it for my parent (still talking through the door). I said I don t feel comfortable opening the door sorry. Asked when he should come back and I said not sure whenever you think you should. He left it on the door step (I haven t gotten it) and said I can give it to my parent and to make sure they get it. What do I do? I kind of looked it up (still don t know what s going on) and it said they have to personally hand it to an individual for it to have actual meaning (or something like that). Is it true that if he did not hand it to anyone directly and left it at the door the subpoena is not active ? I still don t know if there is actually a subpoena or not considering I haven t gone outside.
2016-02-08 18:49:31
Personally handing it to an individual isn t always required. In some situations and in some states leaving it at the door when you refuse to answer is enough. Either way ignoring a subpoena won t make it disappear. You need to give it to your parent and they need to do what it says.
2016-02-08 18:58:19
Subpoenaed Witness Confusion
To open or not to open?
Due to a very sophisticated hacking scheme my company s information was used to defraud another company out of $40 000. I had no idea it was happening until I saw multiple (unsuccessful) attempts at very large withdrawals from my business bank account. As soon as I figured out what was happening police FBI reports were filed all parties involved were notified of the fraud and I dissolved my LLC (since all my business info was exposed including EIN bank accounts credit cards etc.) to prevent any further fraud from happening. It s been an absolute nightmare. Unfortunately the company that lost $40k sent my former (dissolved) company into collections. I ve tried to fight it but they refuse to budge claiming that I was responsible because the stolen funds were authorized under my business entity and have threatened many forms of legal action including piercing the corporate vail. FYI the dissolved company was tiny and had virtually no assets - I was able to buy out the old company assets to pay off the few debts it had and start fresh with a new LLC and business name. It s just a one-person business. So today the dissolved company received a letter fairly thick from a local law firm (just in the mailbox - nothing certified or signed for). My name is not on the envelope - just the name of the former company. I suspect this is the beginnings of some sort of legal action. Do I open the letter or return to sender unopened since the company no longer exists?
2022-10-27 21:42:23
Open it and see what it is. You never want to ignore legal paperwork or play games with it if it s legitimately not something they can pursue you for you can work with that information but if it *is* something that they can go after you for then you need to know what you re dealing with.
2022-10-27 21:46:25
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Company says I owe them $6000 based on an old offer letter - For a role I never ended up having.
So I started working at this company about 9 months ago. When they first offered me a role in New Jersey over a year ago I was given an offer letter to sign and send back to them (which I did). One of the things the offer letter mentioned that I was going to be given a relocation bonus upon starting (I was moving from the Midwest). If I left the company within a year I would have the repay the entire bonus back to the company. Well after this letter was signed I was told that I was actually going to be in a different role in New York. So I was given a second updated offer letter to sign (which I did) before starting. The second letter mentioned that I would get the relocation bonus but did not mention anything about having to pay it back if I leave the company. Well now I am leaving the company at the end of the week (for personal reasons) and under the one year mark. I was given the relocation bonus when I started but am I legally obligated to pay it back? HR says I have to due to it being the general relocation policy but do not have any documents to back them up when I ask to see it in writing. They say that since I agreed to pay it back in the first offer letter that it does not matter that it is not mentioned in the updated letter and i have to pay it. But the first letter also mentioned that I was going to be in a different role state and department with a different salary start date and PTO all of which were changed in the updated letter. What is the legitimacy of my agreement in the first letter if so much about my job and agreement was changed in the updated letter? Is it worth fighting for or should I just pay the bonus back?
2019-02-25 20:30:18
The answer to this is probably going to be very fact specific. You need to talk to an attorney.
2019-02-25 20:36:54
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Domestic violence and time share
Hi there My friend was in a relationship with a man that was a narcissistic abusive drug addict. For years she felt trapped. He manipulated her entire life causing her to lose her home job and every penny she ever had. With a lot of support she left him and moved into an apartment near her sister who the ex is pretty afraid of because he can t manipulate her. Sister helped my friend get a restraining order and get her shit together. I helped friend with the no contact part cutting all the ties all the emotional baggage and the nightmare cleanup. The one thing that remains is a timeshare that Friend stupidly Co signed many years ago. Friend never wanted this and was bullied into it by him. She s never used it herself. He doesn t know where she lives or any contact information and it has to stay that way. We all believe he could kill her if he finds her. The timeshare is in new Hampshire I don t know the agency but in speaking with them they have stated under no circumstances will they remove her without them both present and signing over the deed to him. This is not going to ever be possible on her part. She lives in Massachusetts. Does anyone have any ideas on what she can do so that he doesn t tank her credit?
2018-06-03 23:01:58
There are different types of timeshare contracts. They can not usually be ended via a quitclaim deed like the other poster suggests. The most common type is if they pay a certain amount per year and are entitled to a set amount of time at the property or properties. If this is the case her ex will have to agree to release her financial liability to assume it for himself. Without you knowing the exact specifics of the contract we have no way of telling her how to resolve the issue. The other answer is incorrect. There is no reason she would have to be in the same room as him though. Even if she is a joint owner of a property she would be able to grant him her ownership interest and he accept financial liability separately. However from what you describe they *won t* do it which is most likely their prerogative. She needs an attorney to help her deal with this unless her ex and the timeshare management will work with her. This almost assuredly isn t going to have a quick and easy resolution.
2018-06-04 00:37:56
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[Ontario] Wedding is in 2 days venue is telling us they cannot accommodate us anymore also cannot give us our refund because our deposit was with the previous owners.
I am getting married on Sunday. In early 2018 we found a decent venue with Company A who also provided catering photgraphy etc for weddings. We signed a contract with Company A and put a fairly heft deposit on our wedding reception. In October 2018 we got an email from our wedding venue owners who let us know as of January 1st the venue would be under new management. However this email assured us that the new owners are honoring all reservations and we had nothing to worry about. To be sure i contacted the venue in Late October and confirmed with the venue we were still on for January. At the start of January our wedding coordinator also verified and ensured everything was fine for our wedding with the new owners. Yesterday night our wedding coordinator contacted me after she went to go speak directly with the venue apparently they were extremely confused because not **MY** wedding but someone else s wedding is on Sunday according to them. Today me my husband and our wedding coordinator went down to the venue with a copy of contract. The manager of the venue told us he had no record of our wedding or our deposit. Furthermore apparently my contract with the wedding venue is for the previous owners and not them so if we have a problem with this we are supposed to go take it up with the original owners. When our wedding coordinator brought up the fact that she had talked to them at the start of January to confirm he apparently thought it was for the other wedding. He apologized and said he didn t actually confirm by name on the date. Furthermore since they don t have a record of our wedding they have no record of our deposit so they can t give a refund. He gave us a phone number for the previous owners which was a disconnected number. At this point i became very upset and we were told to leave immediately. I have a contract with the original owners and an email stating that the new owners would be honoring all original reservations. What can i actually do?
2019-01-11 23:17:41
You are absolutely entitled to a refund. But you won t see that money for months at best. So figure out how to throw a wedding enjoy your honeymoon and then sit down with a local lawyer. There are great people on the wedding planning subreddits who can help with ideas for how to actually get vendors on two day s notice since your contract was supposed to include catering and photography! DO document every PENNY this move costs you because what you re owed doesn t just automatically stop at what you paid. It doesn t matter that THEIR photographer only cost $1000 what matters is what it costs to get a photographer of equivalent qualification on two day s notice. If that s more than what they charged for the service you d be entitled to more than a refund. As for who owes you and how easy it will be to collect... that s going to vary some. You are going to sue whoever you have a contract with - be that a person or an LLC or a sentient pile of goo. If the old owners signed as individuals it s them. If they signed as a company it s the company - which could still belong to the old owners or could have been sold with the property. If it ends up that the person you re suing isn t truly at fault - i.e. the old owner screwed up but the new owner now owns the llc so you have to sue them - that s for them to sort out. The new owner could in that situation sue the old owner for their damages (both paying you and their legal costs to defend your case.)
2019-01-12 02:22:54
Wedding Venue Contract Issues
[CAD] IP Lawyers of Reddit is it possible to buy the design or patent rights of an old-model fashion product from a big brand to reproduce that product?
I had a pair of shoes in 2005. They were awesome. I never felt much pain in my knees (had surgery on both of them torn ACL s and meniscus problems) when I was doing even the most intense of exercises. The brand now no longer makes the shoe but I think if they brought it back not only would I buy it other people would too. I guess what I m asking is Does buying or licensing patents designs of old-model products from big brands occur in the fashion industry? Is it possible to license the right to reproduce the shoe? Are the costs very high?
2017-06-20 22:17:06
You can absolutely make an agreement to license a brand reproduction of something if the owner of the brand copyright is willing to work with you. There are so many variables to what the cost might be to license it no one here is going to have any idea what that cost might be.
2017-06-20 22:22:31
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Landlord Starbucks demanding revenue payment - MA
I moved into a new apartment a few weeks ago and I live above a Starbucks. I have had problems with the bathroom sink since day 1 and have had numerous correspondence with the landlord regarding this. The sink doesn t drain and was initially leaking a bit. A plumber came and fixed it and it seemed fine for a few days but then it almost completely stopped draining again. I d probably left the sink barely running for about 5-10 minutes one morning and it overflowed a bit. It wasn t anything crazy. I had a rug in the bathroom that got pretty soaked but I cleaned up the rest with a single towel. Anyways the coffee shop below me claimed that it leaked down and they had to close for multiple days. As such the landlord is demanding I pay for the cost of the plumber the cost of replacing drywall as well as lost revenue for 2-3 days for that Starbucks. I m not sure what the legal ground is but this seems a little absurd to me. Can anyone shed any light into this situation? MA
2016-09-29 14:33:59
Send the claim on to your renter s insurance and let them do their job. Broadly speaking if your negligence resulted in a store being forced to close the loss of revenue would be part of their damages they might seek to recover. It sounds like the material questions here are whether you were negligent (it sounds like you may have been) and whether your negligence caused the loss they re describing (it sounds like that s a lot of impact to claim around a little bit of water but there are a lot of factors that may play into that).
2016-09-29 14:41:49
Mold and Water Damage Issues
Police Contacted Me Over Reddit: Drug Related Deaths
Ontario Canada. Last weekend I was at a music festival in Toronto (VELD) and there were two drug related deaths. A friend and myself took what we has presumed to be mdma ecstasy and we both ended up fainting getting hot and cold flashes and having to sit out of the festival for a while. I posted on r edm a friendly reminder to be safe when at music festivals because you never know what you take and you don t want to end up a statistic at these music festivals with a relative detailed account of what I just stated above. (posted Tuesday using this active account so you can see what I posted if needed) This morning I received a PM from someone claiming to be a police officer with Toronto police 51 Division investing the deaths at veld. The message said my experience is very similar to the 13 people hospitalized. The man linked me to a story about Toronto police asking anyone with drugs to come forward and hand the drug in to be tested for poison or other substances. The PM and link assured me I am at no risk of being arrested or charged with possession with a single pill and asking if I could help by contacting him. The email he gave me ended in torontopolice.on.ca. I m currently out of province on vacation and have not contacted the email given. Should I contact it? Am I just being baited to admit I took a Schedule 1 substance? Is this account under watch by the police permanently? Any help would be appreciated.
2014-08-06 23:44:05
Ignore email continue life.
2014-08-07 01:12:05
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Work write up for a prenatal doctor s appointment (Alabama)
So I found out almost 2 weeks ago I am pregnant at 31 weeks (now almost 33 weeks.) So I am having to scramble. I applied for Medicaid but the doctor s office told me I had to get 8 appointments in for Medicaid to cover it. So for my first visit I have to go twice in a day. The first visit doesn t disrupt work the second one may make me late an hour or so. I work in an automotive plant that has rotating shifts every 2 weeks so the doctor s office is planning all of my appointments to fit with my work schedule. I found out that my work does write you up even with a doctor s note. Does this go against the Pregnancy Discrimination Act because I can only have 3 write ups in a 12 month period before getting fired. I feel like I may be a bit bamboozled. I also don t qualify for FMLA as I haven t been with this employer for 12 months.
2022-08-15 14:48:14
How many people does your work employ?
2022-08-15 17:28:03
Pregnancy Discrimination at Work
My employer keeps failing to pay on-time what recourse do I have? [NY]
I work for a major corporation through a major staffing agency. The staffing agency didn t “place” me - they re just the parasitic middle man who facilitates the payroll and contract. The staffing agency has perpetual problems adhering to the pay schedule of its own creation. It is practically random chance whether I get paid on the dates I m supposed to or not. There have also been issues with processing multiple ‘paystubs at once and not adjusting the tax rate resulting in double-withholding. This has caused total chaos for my finances. It s extremely stressful not knowing if I ll REALLY be paid in time to meet my bills rent etc. I ve lost money in fees interest that I would not have if I had just been paid when they said they would pay. The staffing agency is mostly unresponsive to my inquiries and complaints. Do I have any recourse with this?
2019-09-06 15:05:09
https: labor.ny.gov workerprotection laborstandards workprot payofwag.shtm &gt Generally employers must pay manual workers each week. Payday must be no later than seven days after the end of the week when you earned the wages. (snipped other types of pay that probably don t apply) &gt Office workers and all other employees must receive their pay at least twice a month. It is unclear from a quick googling if the 7 days limit applies to all paychecks or just for manual laborers. So if your pay is more than 7 after the pay period ends I would suggest contacting the NYS Department of Labor Division of Labor Standards to see if it s actually in violation or not. Either way look for a new job. Often times issues like this suggest cash flow problems but if it s a major corporation and a major staffing agency it s probably just them being a shit-show and it takes a lot of mere incompetence to rise to the level of being non-compliant unless they never fix the taxing issue and end up not withholding the amount they re required to by law.
2019-09-06 15:20:21
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[Illinois Ohio] Ex has blocked me from communicating with my child.
Ex lives in Ohio I live in Illinois. He has blocked all communication changed his number on the grounds that his girlfriend is upset that we were talking. This happened back in May. Tried contacting him as her birthday is coming up and I need a copy of her social to start a college fund. A mutual friend told me he has no interest in me contacting her at all or letting me or my family see her. I haven t seen my 3 year old child or even photos of her since last August. He is not on the birth certificate as far as I know. I never signed an affidavit for paternity to put him on it. What grounds do I have considering he s not on the birth certificate? Is what he s doing illegal?
2017-09-06 05:43:08
You haven t see your three year old child in a full year? That is not good. You need to get a lawyer and sort out a real custody agreement with set visitation. The other poster is correct that you could go pick up the child although if the father refuses to hand him over the police may refuse to help. But really pulling a child out of his home when he doesn t even really know you won t make a judge happy and even if the father is not on the bc yet he can establish paternity relatively easily.
2017-09-06 06:23:53
Paternity Test and Child Custody
In a bizarre case HOA is fining me $500 because I called cops on HOA s friend my neighbor who was beating his wife. What to do?
location : SF CA. So this neighbor of mine was beating his wife. Being a good Samaritan I called 911 and reported them. cops arrived and arrested the neighbor. Somehow he got info that I had called cops on him. Now he s been very good friend with HOA president. He told him. Now HOA president is pissed off on me. He fined me $500 for disrupting public peace . I don t want to pay fine because I think what I did was done in good intent and in welfare of fellow citizen. This fine is revenge fine . Tell me what to do?
2015-09-12 18:02:10
Tell him to have a nice day and don t pay it. Go before the board and ask them about the fine -- don t even share the story let them ask and find out themselves. Give them the opportunity to discover on their own accord how unforgivably stupid the HOA president is being. If you can bring a copy of the police report that you can share *after* the WTF moment has taken place. Should -- by some act of willful stupidity -- the board actually try to enforce this fine in any way come back and let us know. We ll pick up the conversation from there.
2015-09-12 18:09:19
HOA Legal Issues
Someone took pictures of my privates while I was sleeping
I m a college student [19m] in Utah and live in dorms atm. Saturday night my roommate had his girlfriend over and so I slept on the couch. Today one of my friends told me that her roommate who was in our dorm when I went to sleep took pictures of me after I was out. Apparently my stuff was sticking out of my pj s. I was wrapped up in a blanket so I don t know if she took the blanket off or something. My friend sent me some of the pictures she took as proof and that the person who took the pictures said they touched me too but there s no pictures of it. Sorry if it s hard to understand I m struggling for words right now
2020-01-13 16:17:29
Go to the police and press charges to the person that took these. Save any and all conversations about this. Do not engage with the allege person that took them. This may fall under some of the revenge porn laws Edit: I m sure this case it would fall under Utah law as a class a misdemeanor. https: www.utahcriminallaw.net about-utah-crime-distribution-intimate-image
2020-01-13 16:58:27
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My family and I are vacationing In florida. We might be getting billed for something we didn t know about.
So like I said. My family and I are vacationing In florida in a condo we are renting from someone online. We had an antifreeze leak we didn t know about in the parking lot. While we were gone the president of the condo association called the fire department and had a hazmat team come clean up about half a gallon of antifreeze. We got back and he told us what happened and said we would be getting the bill if he got one. Is that legal?
2015-08-03 16:11:33
It s perfectly legal to charge you for damage you cause. If you don t pay he can sue you and there s a good chance(not a guarantee) that he would win.
2015-08-03 16:12:41
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Michigan: Talking to the pain and suffering claim adjuster today
My father was involved in a atv van accident a couple of weeks ago. He was riding and a van came up behind him and hit him. He suffered lots of injuries and this morning we re talking to the driver s insurance pain and suffering representative. What should we be aware of or know?
2014-11-17 13:00:55
You are way out of your league. You should cancel the phone call with the adjustor and speak with a Michigan personal injury attorney instead.
2014-11-17 13:49:52
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
Mum says she needs my birth certificate and her certified divorce certificate from my dad in order to apply for US citizenship is this realistic?
I don t have much trust in her but I m not trying to be spiteful or harmful. She is the sort of person to have ulterior motives and scheme and shit. Even though she is my mum her asking for a copy of my birth certificate makes me just as nervous as anyone else asking. I ve not done citizenship in the US so I don t know what s actually needed. Not unlikely but seems odd to me that my mum needs a copy of a divorce certificate from my dad they don t talk and have been split up for 15 years my dad is quite well off since their divorced too. Not that I suspect anything specific but it makes me uncomfortable to ask my dad to give me a divorce papers for my mum. Does someone need a copy of a divorce document to apply for USA Citizenship? Would they need a birth certificate of their child who is not a US citizen?
2021-02-04 22:31:03
Yes it s possible to require certain documents for citizenship or permanent residency even if you the child are not a US citizen. The forms ask for the names of anyone the applicant is or was married to evidence of the marriage certificate or divorce certificate. The N400 does not ask for the children s documents as you can see [here](https: www.uscis.gov n-400). Is she applying for citizenship for you too? Is she adjusting from another visa class did she already have residency at this point?
2021-02-05 00:01:35
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Wedding Photos Way Over Due
My wife and I s wedding photos are way overdue. We have a record saying it would be two weeks as of September and they never came in. We asked again and he said early December and it s now mid December. Is there any legal action we can make against our photographer? We just want our wedding photos. Oh and to top it off he deleted the engagement photos we also paid for. Wedding photos= $1800 Engagement photos= $100
2018-12-15 01:18:25
Do you have a contract?
2018-12-15 01:21:00
Wedding Venue Contract Issues
[CA USA] Tenants not getting along considering evicting one party.
My boyfriend s parents have a three bedroom house that they rent out. Two of the rooms are filled by tenants. The first Tenant (I will call L) is an old acquaintance of mine. The second room is filled with a couple (I will call C&amp E). My boyfriend just moved out of the third room and now they are looking to find a new tenant. This is a month-to-month lease. The roommates are not jointly severally responsible on the lease. It is a pretty standard lease agreement for California. L is a very passive aggressive roommate. She leaves notes for just about everything. While some of these notes are left for legitimate reasons most of her complaints are pretty ridiculous. She never confronts her roommates directly and often turns to the landlords to resolve her issues for her. C&amp E consistently deny any wrong-doing. My boyfriend lived with both tenants and said that while C&amp E are not neat freaks they are not bad roommates by any means. The landlords have told L that if she has an issue she needs to work with her roommates to resolve them. The tension caused by L reached a peak last month. C&amp E confronted L about the passive aggressive notes and her somewhat insane demands. L freaked out and is now saying that she will not speak with C&amp E that they scare her and that she feels unsafe living in the house with them. She now won t use the kitchen or other shared spaces in the house. Both parties are asking for the other tenants to be evicted now and the landlords are not really sure what they should do. If they had to chose they would evict L because she s very neurotic. I ve known her personally for the last few years and it doesn t matter who they replace C&amp E with L will have a problem living with anyone. They could also stick with telling the roommates that they need to resolve their own issues. However this could result in C&amp E leaving and not finding a long-term replacement tenant for the third room. **TLDR:** Could the landlords evict L on a month-to-month lease for causing drama in the house?
2018-03-12 16:44:20
The landlord can evict L for breaching the lease. Causing drama in the house might arguably qualify in some leases. But evicting someone because they leave passive aggressive notes is broadly going to be a difficult argument. It is probably a better plan give L notice to vacate at the end of her lease term instead of renewing her or allowing her to remain in a holdover tenancy.
2018-03-12 16:49:17
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
My Cat Was Injured By A Rover Dog
I am a part time dog sitter to help make ends meet in addition to my full time job. On Wednesday I held a meet and greet for a potential client to stay the weekend. I always want to do this to make sure the dog and my cat can coexist peacefully for the duration of the dog s stay. During the meet and greet the dog attacked my cat. I have taken him to the emergency vet twice now due to injuries he sustained during the attack. These vet bills are piling up... what do I do &amp #x200B Detroit MI Edit for clarification: meet and greet took place on my front lawn. Dog was on leash held by owner who was present the entire time. Owner was not strong enough to keep dog from attacking my cat. My boyfriend had to step in to separate them
2020-10-15 19:29:27
location? what was the context of the meet and greet?
2020-10-15 19:48:48
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Wife defaulted on her student loan
Long story short my wife had roughly $80k in student loans that she defaulted on in 2018. She thought her loans were deferred while in grad school but she wasn t enrolled full time one semester and the loans became due. She didn t pay attention to the payment dates and stuck her head in the sand hoping it would go away. Boom… default. I have been stuck paying the collection agency since. What happens if I simply stop paying? The loans were my wife s before we were married. Her grandfather was the co-signer but he died last year. Her credit is already trash. Mine is terrific (780+). She doesn t own our cars her name isn t on the house she has no real assets (I am the sole income provider in the home). If I stop paying can they claim my assets or affect my credit? Affect future home purchases etc? State is Kentucky. Thanks for any info… I m not planning on not paying (I believe the debt should be paid) I m just curious what the consequences would be if I stopped. Edit: Loan was Private not federal.
2022-03-26 23:00:26
Is it a federal loan? They can garnish your tax refund through the Treasury Offset Program but they have to notify you first and garnishments may currently be on pause. If you file taxes jointly you can protect your half of the refund by filing an injured spouse form if they do start garnishing the refunds.
2022-03-26 23:24:52
Miscellaneous Legal Query
School District says they will not allow me to leave until they find a replacement (WA)
Hi I work as a certificated employee of a school district. It s been a shizz show of a year already. New management who are horrible understaffed overworked. I am a department lead and had volunteered to take on a 1.6 position (full time plus over half time caseload) for one term while we scramble to find new employees. In the process the superintendent has only offered to pay me 1.2 and HR has never given me a contract to sign. They are currently paying me for 1.2 but things have gotten really bad because of my manager. She chased away a new hire within 2 weeks. I finally had enough and applied to a neighboring school district which pays better and treats their employees better. I turned in my resignation and gave them 3 weeks notice even offered to remain on the hiring team to help them replace me. HR told me today We will release you from your contract when we are able to find a replacement . Then followed up with Absent separating form employment and whether an employee signs their annual employment contract or not employees are assumed to remain under contract and treated and paid as such. An employees failure to sign their contract does not mean an automatic dismissal of employment nor does it mean they are an at will employee. Really? Do I need to lawyer up?
2021-10-02 03:28:19
I can t imagine how they d enforce the terms of a contract you never signed or saw especially in an at will employment state. There s a great saying I ve heard never take legal advice from the other side.
2021-10-02 11:14:28
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Venmo scam?
So today I got sent $40 by someone I didn t know and sent it back because I thought it was a mistake. They sent it again... and it sent it back again and blocked them. After I blocked them I got another person sending me $360. Obviously I m suspicious at this point so I don t end up sending it back. It s just sitting in my Venmo account. Shortly after they keep sending me requests to “please send this back. I sent it on accident.” I blocked them and took both my bank accounts off Venmo and changed my password. What do I do now? In Indiana.
2019-03-05 00:27:04
Expect all the money they sent you to be reversed and you ll be out the $80 you sent to them.
2019-03-05 00:36:38
Miscellaneous Legal Query
(CA) What are some simple ways I can help an unsophisticated terminal relative?
I m going to take care of a sick relative for a few days (cancer radiation chemo bad prognosis). My family is very simple plain lower-middle class. I m the only college educated person in my family so dealing with anything sophisticated or requiring education is usually put on me. I am not a professional in wills trusts family law or anything like that. What are some simple ways I can provide my ailing family member with assistance with the inevitability of his death? He is single (divorced) and has a single child. So where all his assets are to go is known and obvious to his daughter. He has a house (I think all the way paid off but not 100% sure) a car and a motorcycle and perhaps a bank account. Maybe a retirement account. What should I be asking him in regards to what assets he may may not have? How can people who live relatively simple lives help make it easier when a close relative is getting their affairs in order? My instinct is to transfer assets to his daughter s name now but I don t what to do how to do it and I m worried of making things more complicated. My goal is to make the grief on my family easier by dealing with as much of life s red tape for them now and in accordance with his wishes.
2019-04-24 20:40:50
There are a number of things you can help with. Help with a living will medical power of attorney so that who should be making end of life decisions is clear. Make sure the daughter wants this responsibility before it lands in her lap by default. Add beneficiaries to as many accounts as possible including bank accounts and retirement accounts so that those accounts don t need to go through probate. Consider adding the daughter to the deed to the house (if it s paid off) as a joint tenant with right of survivorship. He should also consider a will to clarify his intent with regard to his property. A local attorney should be retained to do these last two things in particular. Help him create a list of ALL of his accounts. Every credit card every utility every bank account insurance policy etc. All of his passwords if he pays bills etc. online. Every recurring payment that will need to be stopped. Really just everything someone will need to do to close things up. Make sure you have a list of people to be notified when he passes. Everyone who needs to know (insurance company for example) and anyone who might want to attend a funeral. Make arrangements now for burial or cremation. Make sure any pets are provided for preferably for placement with people he knows.
2019-04-24 20:54:53
Family Estate Disputes
(LA) My friend is in jail charged with 3rd Degree Simple Rape
He met a girl in college and they hit it off pretty fast. Two weeks into the relationship she tells him she s married and her husband is coming back home from offshore soon. (I don t know every detail about their relationship so I ll skip to the point.) Six months of sneaking behind her husbands back My friend wants to come clean to her husband but she doesn t so he ends the relationship. One night she picks him up from his home here in Rapides Parish and drives him to her house in Avoyelles Parish they have sex and the next morning she drives him to his workplace in Rapides Parish she then calls the police and says he raped her. He s been in prison since November 2016 now awaiting trial. I have pictures of us all on vacation he has pictures and text messages on his cell phone but the avoyelles parish detectives told his court appointed lawer that his cell phone was misplaced by the officers who apprehended him. That detail does not sit well with me at all. What can I do legally to help him? Edit: He s 22 She s 24
2017-01-21 23:33:21
You can inform his attorney that you will make yourself available as a witness. But note that your story does not exclude the possibility that he raped her that night.
2017-01-21 23:36:16
Rape Accusation and Legal Complication
[NJ] I think my lawyer might have blown the statute of limitations
As a preface I m a second year law student but I wanted to hear thoughts from other practicing attorneys. About 3 years ago my mom was rear-ended by a huge tractor trailer. She ended up being admitted to the hospital and had major back issues for a while. Her treatment lasted a very long time and we ended up retaining a personal injury lawyer. Long story short January of this year was two years since the accident had occurred and its my understanding that there is a 2 years statute of limitations in NJ for filing a personal injury action. The lawyer we retained seemed nice in person but he s been extremely hard to reach. The last time I spoke to him or someone at his office I asked for an update to see how settlement talks were going or if there had been a lawsuit but it doesn t seem like the lawyer s office had filed a lawsuit. I went to the online court system and couldn t find my mother s name as a plaintiff either. If it s true that the law office did indeed fail to file a lawsuit and couldn t reach a settlement with the tractor trailer. What could we do?
2016-04-29 14:30:12
IANAL. A similar thing happened to my ex-wife before we got married. She was involved in a rather serious accident where she was hit from behind (other driver at fault) and was injured. Her lawyer was running for political office at the time and apparently just never filed the case and the SOL ran out. She then had to hire a second lawyer to sue the first for malpractice. They settled out of court.
2016-04-29 14:50:38
Legal Representation Challenges
Kicking best friend s EX out? Oklahoma
How would I go about kicking out my best friend s EX out of her house. Background : best friend is in the army. She is on deployment at the moment as well. She had been dating a girl for about 2 years. They have been living together for about a year. The house is only in my best friends name (mortgage). BF deployed about 5 months ago. Bf and ex broke up because ex is a lying cheating whore. Ex doesn t want to move out. My best friend signed over a special power of attorney to me for her house and her car. We are in the state of Oklahoma. My question is how do I go about kicking her out of the house? Thanks in advance reddit!
2017-01-19 22:32:10
The best friend (a female) is in the Army (A). She is dating a woman (B) and B has been living in the house for a year. The mortgage is in A s name. **Is the deed in A s name only? This is important.** A has been gone for 5 months. A and B broke up. You have a POA for the house. What rights does this POA give you? The right to make payments only?
2017-01-19 22:34:41
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Caught my wife cheating on me and am seeking advice. She is in Virginia.
So I was Facetiming with my 5 year old daughter and she was texting me emojis. She accidentally pasted in my wife s last text message to her boyfriend. It said this: It s a holiday weekend and we are dead tomorrow. I will be out around 1. You want to go do something other than fuck? Something outside. So needless to say I m in shock and pretty pissed. We talked about it and I found out she has been fucking around with him since October while I was still in the Navy. I moved to another state in Feb to work as I couldn t find any work around where we lived. So she has been the good life with this dude since then. Thankfully she hasn t brought him around my daughter. She lives in Virginia which requires a 1 year separation before a divorce is finalized or can be started. Does anyone know which? Also I kept the texts for future reference and am wondering if anyone knows how this will affect my retirement pay? Thank you for any advice. I m still unsure how I want to move forward with this. I ve given her the ultimatum of how does she want to proceed. As we have a 5 year old daughter is she willing to try to work this out or not . Oh and she actually gave me permission to meet other women. Amazing. Does she think I m stupid?
2015-05-26 00:59:25
Adultery is [grounds for divorce](https: leg1.state.va.us cgi-bin legp504.exe?000+cod+20-91) in VA. Only non-contested no-fault divorces require the year. If you can prove it you can start the process tomorrow if you d like.
2015-05-26 01:08:47
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Compensation - Westjet
I had a flight booked from Gatwick London to New York on November the 22nd with Westjet. Whilst up in the air there was a malfunction and the airplane in the main compartment was extremely hot where we saw temperatures hovering above 100F. They flew back where we were delayed for the rest of the night. Come Thursday (Holiday Thanksgiving for US) we were delayed that entire day too with me missing seeing family that I won t be seeing for another 8 months or so. That night they also lost my luggage but booked me on a direct flight with British Airways for Friday the 24th. That next morning they did find my luggage thankfully but I had a question. I emailed about compensation and they offered me $715. The flight cost me $300. I feel like I should call and counter that with more as I have never been put through such a mess before from an airline. Would it be worth it? Think I could actually inquire for more?
2017-11-26 16:55:57
Look into EU 261 compensation. You may be entitled to about double what they ve offered you given that the flight was delayed twice. I don t know about about the intricacies of that reg to say if you should get that or not. https: en.wikipedia.org wiki Flight_Compensation_Regulation_261 2004
2017-11-26 17:13:30
Airline Flight Cancellation Refund
Landlady strung me along for a week texting me it s a done deal as far as I m concerned guaranteeing me a place but not signing with me and then leased place out to someone else.
New York USA. She held inspection provided verification details etc. And we agreed to sign. She made excuses as to why she can t sign the lease yet as she had a flight the next day then when it came time for the lease she made another excuse saying she has to look after her dad and then just ghosted me. She did text me saying the place is guaranteed mine but then ghosted me and I assume she changed her mind and leased to someone else I have lost valuable time and lessened my options. I m not necessarily going to pursue the matter but out of curiosity what sort of legal leverage would I have over her and what sort of liabilities would she have?
2019-06-21 09:27:55
If you spent money or othwise suffered damages based on her promise (paid for movers terminated existing lease agreement etc) you could take her to small claims and argue her promise caused you financial detriment (i.e. promissory estoppel) and see what the judge says.
2019-06-21 11:01:03
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
[CA] Property management has billed me $105 for smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detector. Can they legally do this?
My property management has billed me $105 for a smoke and carbon monoxide detector. They also expect me to install it as well. I ve done a little research and it appears to me per Health &amp Safety Code Section 17926.1 I shouldn t be liable to pay anything for it. It reads: An owner or owner s agent of a dwelling unit intended for human occupancy who rents or leases the dwelling unit to a tenant shall maintain carbon monoxide devices in that dwelling unit consistent with this section and Section 17926. Am I correct in assuming they have no right to charge me for it?
2015-02-20 19:22:24
Unless you broke them. I was under the assumption that stuff like that was the property s owners responsibility
2015-02-20 19:25:03
Fire Alarm Safety Concerns
Paid for a service that I didn t get
I paid a stylist to do my daughters hair. I paid her in advance. Dumb I know but she told me that to book the appointment I needed to pay first and then we were all set. She told me that she would do her hair today at 8am. I have messages from her and I even confirmed with her yesterday that we were good and she said yea. I was at her salon today 15 mins early. I stayed for 40 mins. No one arrived and she didn t answer my calls. I even had someone else call. Now my texts to her are in green which leads me to believe that she blocked me. I am able to go onto her IG page which I see last night seems like she had a night out on the town. My question is will my bank give me my money back? I paid her through Apple Pay. I have the receipt from her that shows I paid in full. I even took photos of the inside of her empty salon well after the time she told us to be there. I think one time a long time ago something similar to this happened to me and I wasn t able to get a refund because it was Apple Pay but I m not going for that this time. I will take her to small claims court if need be
2022-09-05 13:31:01
When you say you paid using “Apple Pay ” you mean the service that exists inside the Messages app right? Apple Cash is a peer to peer money transfer service meant for sending money to friends and family. Commercial transactions are not allowed and consequently it has no buyer protection. &gt My question is will my bank give me my money back? No because in this case there was no fraud that involved your bank. Technically what happened is that you asked your bank to fund your Apple Cash Card and then immediately transferred that money to the thief. The transaction that the bank was involved in was fully legitimate and successful. They gave your money to you. Apple Cash is a lot like cash. Imagine you went to the ATM to withdraw money but then immediately handed it to a scammer instead of putting it in your pocket. I think small claims is your openly reasonable option.
2022-09-05 13:48:16
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Failure to pay “child support” and threats
Hi there. Not sure if this post belongs here but I m looking for some simple advice. Let s call my friend “C” and her ex childs father “M” C has been taking care of their beautiful child on her own for the better part of the child s life. M left a while ago and agreed to pay $40 a week to support their child. After having not paid in months (probably a year) and after C continually has to beg for even $10 for him to help her he threatens to take her to court and says he ll gain full custody by bringing up her mental illness (in this case depression) and she is scared by this. His funds themselves go towards his recreational drug use and that s why he threatens her when she asks for help. My question is can he threaten such a thing because he refuses to help financially support their child? As a mother should she be concerned that her depression will be upheld in court and she ll lose custody? I hope this comes across clear. I m open to answering any addl questions. Thank you! Edit: Mods are saying to add location. This is in USA Massachusetts.
2018-09-10 16:56:42
Plenty of depressed mothers retain custody. If she s actively suicidal and letting her depression effect her child that s one thing but if she s actively managing her depression I highly doubt a judge would look down on her for that.
2018-09-10 17:05:12
Miscellaneous Legal Query
What is the best way to go about reporting a rape?
Disclaimer: I haven t been raped. That said after reading about the experiences of guys who have in the askreddit thread today I m terrified that if it does happen there will be nothing I can do or worse yet I ll be seen as guilty if I try to report it. Without incriminating myself (I know that sounds like a ridiculous consideration operating under the assumption that I m the victim but talking to the police can be tricky) how would I go about reporting what happened if I wanted the best chance of being taken seriously? Edit: I m from Pennsylvania
2015-08-07 05:20:07
As the victim? Do not shower. Call the police. Answer their questions and do the medical exams. You can have an advocate present.
2015-08-07 05:31:16
Rape Accusation and Legal Complication
Custody agreement not being followed
Posting for a friend who does not have a reddit account. He lives in OH. His current custody agreement is every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and every other weekend. He also has first right of refusal. He recently filed for 50 50 custody which has made his ex angry. On Tuesday when he went to pick up the kids they were not there. His ex texted him that he couldn t see them because he is being investigated. The same thing happened Thursday. Today the grandparents had the children and would not allow him to see them for the same reason. He has a lawyer that recommended he document everything and file a police report. He has done this on all three days. His lawyer has received no notice of an investigation and nothing was filed at the police department or social services. The custody hearing is scheduled for the middle of November and his lawyer is recommending he wait until the court date and to provide documentation for contempt. Is this good legal advice? Is there nothing that can be done sooner?
2018-10-05 14:09:52
He needs to listen to his lawyer s advice. From a lawyer s perspective a month and a half of her not following the previous court order and your friend having documented proof of that is a strong case for your friend getting split custody. It s just enough time for her to hang herself by her own rope and a relatively short time to be without the children. Doing anything in between then and now would disrupt the procedure the lawyer has already got in place especially if it s just empty threats on the investigation. Doing something usually causes retaliation. If she s not going to send in a false report but violate the order it s going to look real bad come mid November when she has to explain to the judge why she kept the children away from your friend for no apparent reason. If he tries to act I imagine that s when the report would come and then that might actually jeopardize any visitation. The lawyer seems to be letting the waters stay still because you re headed on the right course.
2018-10-05 14:42:27
Custody and Visitation Disputes
Company car confusion?
(UK) Hello all. My sister and I are having a little trouble with a British Company whom was her employer until this month. When she started working for them they gave her a company car (because her job involves covering a crazy amount of miles) Now she s resigned her manager has said that she must pay off the depreciation on a brand new audi a3 to the tune of about £2000 This was never outlined to her at any point and she never went to an office or signed anything regarding the car. The company insists it uses e-mail as legal consent which even if that was legal was never outlined. All help and information is greatly appreciated.
2015-07-21 10:09:46
obligatory: r LegalAdviceUK is where you want to be for this. don t know much (anything) about UK law but this sounds like a lovely occasion to direct them to the nearest playground to have a nice time pounding sand. depreciation on a company car driven for company purposes is clearly a company expense. only in the case that she has driven several thousand miles on private business would they have even close to a leg to stand on. and even then it s all related to whatever agreement they signed about it. (which she didn t)
2015-07-21 12:28:45
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Boss Threatening to Fire Me If I Tell Co-Workers I Gave Two Weeks Notice
I got a job that is an all around upgrade for me and gave my two weeks notice at my current work. My boss said that if I tell anyone that I m leaving she will fire me. I know I m leaving but I don t want to be fired and I m also not currently in position to not get paid for two weeks and be ok financially. It s not really a big deal as a few of the co-workers I m friends with already know I m leaving but I would like to be able to say bye to others. Should I just wait until my last day to let everyone know or is there some sort of a violation on her part? I m in California if it matters.
2020-02-25 20:00:55
Barring any contractual agreement you are an at-will employee with your company. That means that they can fire you without reason at any point.
2020-02-25 20:06:28
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Supplying alcohol to a minor
Location: Oregon Hello legal advice! I m 27 and last night I went over to a new friends house for a bbq. I got super hammered because I m like that and I had brought over some vodka gin and rum. Some of the people that were there happened to be underage but I didn t know that until later even though when I asked them earlier they lied to me about their age and said they were like 22. When I found out that one of them was only 20 and that a random dude that showed up later was only SIXTEEN I was already beyond slurring my words = what I want to know is: 1. Because that was my alcohol and eventually I knew that some people were underage did I supply alcohol to a minor? 2. Does the fact that I was lied to and then found out when I was drunk change anything? I feel like the answer is yes I supplied alcohol to a minor and no being drunk doesn t absolve me of guilt. I m really frustrated honestly because I feel like I was tricked into doing something illegal. Although clearly I should have been more responsible.
2016-02-28 23:58:19
1- sounds like you did 2- not generally
2016-02-29 00:02:44
Fake ID Troubles
How to Escape a Conservatorship I did not Consent to?
I (24F) received an inheritance as a child (I was probably 9 at the time) and this was immediately put into a conservatorship by the state for my father to manage until I turned 21 (Inheritance came from Iowa I was residing in Georgia at the time the conservatorship was created there and my parents still live there). However I have been stuck in a situation where my father refuses to give control of this money over to me. I have tried many times to convince him to turn it over by taking personal finance classes creating as detailed of a plan as I can for how I plan to use the money (are on that later) etc. and nothing convinces him to change and I m pretty sure its not because he doesn t think I can handle the responsibility (he constantly goes on and on about how responsible and mature I am) but because he likes the control he has over me. I have been coerced into signing things I do not want to sign (conservatorship renewals) or even understand (various other documents often I m not allowed the time to read before signing) under the threat of having funding for school (I m currently a graduate student) taken away (even though I m paying for it out of this money I can t see he has made that much clear to me) police reports filed against me for elder abuse (my dad is in his late 70 s) and other threats. I don t even know what all or how much I have at best I can get vague or very technical answers that provide almost no information to me due to either being so vague or so highly technical. The best I can come up with is its several hundred thousand in assets split up into dozens of accounts and investments. It s enough to be a life changing amount of money so I don t want to just walk away from it if I can avoid doing so. What I want to know is how do I get out of this and how much will it cost me in legal fees to do so? (I ve amassed some secret savings to try and fight this one day but even still its only a couple thousand) Will moving out of state make fighting this more difficult? (I currently live in South Carolina but will likely be moving to North Carolina or Massachusetts later this year for work when I graduate) Can this conservatorship be used to come after my income when I do have employment? (I ve been hesitant to get summer jobs and such in the past because I don t even know what my dad is allowed to do under my conservatorship I ve never seen more than the page I have to sign every so often) If I try to fight this could my dad just take the money and run? Is my best strategy to just wait until he dies? I m just really lost and scared and have no clue how to get out from under this. Any help is appreciated.
2022-01-26 20:49:45
This sounds like money held in trust rather than a conservatorship over you personally. I m going to give you advice on that basis but you should sanity-check this when you speak with a lawyer. Adult conservatorship which can strip you of important rights is something only a judge can order based on your lack of capacity: if you haven t been to court as an adult you are not under that kind of conservatorship short of serious procedural irregularities. If the trust was supposed to pay out when you turned 21 and your father is still holding the money then you need to get a consult with a trusts and estates lawyer. The trustee generally does not have the power to extend the terms of a trust and your father may be breaking the law in setting new conditions on the payments. Agreeing to the changes complicates things however. In preparation gather up whatever records you have including copies of anything you ve signed and put together a file to bring with you when you talk to a lawyer. You can get a referral through most states bar associations - I would start with Georgia and go from there. Moving wouldn t change much - any legal action over this will likely be in either Iowa or Georgia depending on where the trust is set up. Unfortunately from the sounds of it I think there s a reasonable risk that your father has spent the assets and that his repeated changes in demands legal threats and other responses to reasonable questions are a holding action to try to keep you from discovering it. Be prepared for the possibility that you exit this situation with no money and a shattered relationship with your father.
2022-01-26 21:11:23
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Roommates are refusing to pay back our security deposit. Is there anything we can do to get it back?
My friend and I lived in a house with 2 other occupants. We ll call them Alex and Pedro. My friend and I decided to move out into a smaller apartment to have less roommates. Due to the way we signed the lease for the house as a block and not separate the landlord cannot give us just our chunk of the deposit back about $600. We have tried offering solutions for Alex and pedro to buy us out seeing as our name will no longer be on the lease but we would still be on the hook for any damages Alex and Pedro and their friends cause to the house. They flat our refused every offer we have made and seem very intent of just not paying us at all. Is there anything we can do to get our deposit back? This is in Nebraska if that helps. Thanks
2020-03-29 17:38:44
How are you removing your name from the lease?
2020-03-29 17:42:43
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
[NYC] After accusing me of black magic friend puts personal items into storage while I m out of country 6 weeks despite verbal agreement to hold items on her property. Storage company denies me access to the unit “friend” refuses to open unit. She cuts contact items are auctioned property lost
**TLDR Don t be friends with Satan. You ll always get fucked in the end. They ll break verbal contracts toss your property into the black hole of a very expensive Manhattan storage unit that s not under your name throw away the key while you re out of the country and disappear in a cloud of prescription drugs and mental instability.** So I ll begin at the end and work backwards. I d like to file a small claims lawsuit as the person in question I ll call her Satan did not have permission to move my items into storage and my property was lost. The length of time I was gone with items in Satan s possession was just over one month and she had given me full permission to store my items at her home during that time we had established a verbal agreement in text. There are mutual friends who can attest to establishment of said agreement. In January 2016 my items were auctioned off from a NY Manhattan storage unit as there had been no payment on the unit for 3 months. This was due to the fact that I was not the primary account holder had no key was out of the country then out of the state for work the storage company refused to allow me to make payments over the phone or to allow me access during my two attempts to retrieve my possessions while I was in New York. Even though I was listed as a secondary account holder on the unit it was not under my name phone number or email address. I tried calling from out of state to make a payment on the unit I was informed multiple times that I could not even pay on the unit without the bill which was sent to Satan s email address and automated online through that account. She did not make any payments at any time on said storage unit and refused to forward the bill to my email or switch the account to my email address so I could make payments on the unit. This process was made more difficult because she had broken all contact with me even prior to my first return from France to New York. To backtrack: In July 2015 I determined to give up my residence in NY and take a trip to France before returning to my previous residence in California. I moved most of my things into a storage unit which I paid for in full and spent the last two days in NY visiting my friend. Satan offered to hold onto a few of things I wanted to take with me to California but did not want to carry around in France. I left with her: An acoustic guitar my suitcase containing expensive designer clothing and all my work clothes my yoga mat in a silk bag and a toiletries bag. The yoga mat and guitar were left out in the apartment for her to use the suitcase and toiletry bag were stored in her cabinet space beneath the bar in the downstairs. At the time I left in July I was under the impression Satan was one of my best friends in the world. She was planning to visit me in France and invited me to stay with her before leaving New York. I did and she even saw me off to the airport buying me a couple drinks at a nice bar while we waited for my airport shuttle to arrive. Satan kept in contact with me throughout my first few weeks in France she was even planning to visit me there. Going further back I had been friends with Satan for many years and had both moved from LA to NY the summer of 2014. She had left most of her things in LA so before I left for France I had also loaned her some things for her apartment. Curtains rugs candles etc. Satan s place was empty of furniture and she said she would be very grateful for anything I might be able to bring as her apartment was bare. Satan texted me while I was in France about 3 weeks into my trip saying she was grateful for the things I had given her but here s where it gets weird. Satan worded the property left as offerings to her. I had given her some decorative pieces for the apartment but the majority of what I left were things I intended to reclaim. During this conversation she confirmed again how she would come and visit me in France she was looking forward to the trip and she would take me out and shopping when she arrived. Suddenly Satan dropped out of communication. About 7-10 days go by with no word then I get a text out of the blue that says something like this: After doing a lot of thinking I have decided it is best if we go our seperate ways. I have placed all of your things in a storage unit and sent the key to our mutual friend in California. You can contact her to arrange entrance to the unit. We had a short text exchange where I tried to determine which of my things she had put in storage and which ones she thought I had offered to her. Namely the guitar and personal items also a couple of decorative boxes full of toiletries and makeup. She claimed those items were worthless and junk . I also have previous messages from a prior falling out where she had accused me of practicing black magic on her. I was not entirely shocked as I have seen this person become very mentally unstable at times. I was shocked and mostly hurt about the loss of friendship but as I said not entirely surprised. I tried to contact our mutual friend in California to retrieve the key. At the time she was without a car jobless broke and heartbroken after a breakup and completely incapable of dealing with the stress of this situation. She did not send me the key immediately although I was pressuring her as I only had one week left in France before my flight to NY and I was trying to get the key in time. The key was was held in the French postal system and did not arrive. I had a one night layover in New York to try and deal with this before flying to California to work at an event. My flight had already been booked a month ago and I did not have money to push it also I had a job in California beginning in two days so I could not stay longer to wait. I left France from New York and attempted to contact the storage unit and explain the situation. My plan was to arrive at the unit and explain the situation hoping they would let me take my things. (I had just under 2 hours from the time my flight touched down before they closed). They told me that although I was listed as a secondary on the account without the key I would not be allowed entrance to the unit unless I had a notarized letter from the account holder. At this point I tried to call Satan to attempt access to the unit with her letting me in. It was about 10 blocks from her apartment. She had blocked my phone so I attempted to reach her through a mutual friend. Satan said she would write the letter but was not go to come to the unit and unlock it for me. I had work lined up in California for the next 3 months and no resources to make the trip back to New York just to retrieve these items. So I left New York the following morning flew to California and purchased new work clothes. On my way back to France in December I tried one more time to contact Satan and get my things before the auction. I flew back to New York but was unsuccessful in retrieving my items so they were auctioned. **TOTAL Estimated losses: $3-4 000 in property $600 lost during attempts to reclaim property thus far. (return flight in SF-NY in Dec plus 1 night stay in New York)** Since I ve never sued anyone before and I m not anymore a resident of New York this process feels very intimidating to me. What documents do I need to gather? Am I able subpoena the records from the storage unit as well as possibly auction records since I am not the account holder? Can I gain records of the text thread from the phone company? I no longer have the messages from her (deleted in frustration). How long do I need to plan to be in New York for the process of small claims court? I don t have receipts to document my items lost but I can itemize them and estimate and try to find some receipts. Do I need to prove what was left in her posession? I did take a photo of all of the items laid out on the apartment floor while packing. What further evidence do I need to present in court to establish the verbal agreement to hold my items on her property while I was out of the country? I would appreciate any and all advice assistance on how to proceed.
2016-03-28 19:26:56
I have a feeling you ll need an attorney to help you with this as subpoenaing records from businesses and other discovery to determine how much this friend is liable for can bury you in a mountain of paperwork in fairly short order. Yes you ll have to sue her and you can do it in small claims (in New York most likely) but a lawyer can help you gather all the needed information before you go before a judge. Do realize that even if you do win in the end if said friend has no money you will have a really tough time collecting (the phrase can t get blood from a stone comes to mind).
2016-03-28 19:42:15
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Do I call the cops or CPS if a family member dumps their kid on me without permission?
I live in Illinois. I have a family member who has on two separate occasions come to my house with their toddler (without notifying me) lifted him over my side gate and into my yard gestured him to go around to my back porch and driven away. They called me on the road to let me know that their daycare fell through and they left the kid with me the diaper bag is on the front porch. I have recently told this person in no uncertain terms that I am unwilling to provide childcare and if they came to my property again with or without their child I would call the cops. They said they understand my position but I have my doubts. Thinking about it though I doubt the cops would do anything. I doubt they would consider it child endangerment and from reading this sub and others I know that cops will sometimes dismiss interfamily disputes as civil matters. So should I call CPS instead? I don t have any real concerns about his home life or safety but I cannot allow this to continue. I also don t want to waste resources that would be better spent on a kid in real need. So what are my options legally speaking? edit: I should clarify that I only intend to do something if it happens again. edit2: While I would like to thank the handful of people that gave me objective legal advice I find most of the comments here disappointing. If I wanted to hear from a bunch of hens clucking about how I need to get my head checked and OMG this child could and definitely will die soon from neglect I would have posted to one of the JustNo subs.
2019-07-01 22:25:13
next time it happens text the mother that if she does not retrieve her child asap cps will be picking them up. if she refuses call the non emergency police line and explain a child was abandoned with you. they will come take a report and will have cps come to get the child. Cps will talk to you when they pick the child up be completely honest about the past incidents.
2019-07-02 06:18:10
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Dog bite at the dog park
I was just at the local dog park in California where my dog bit another dog. My dog is a gangly 40lb mutt and him and another dog got into a fight. The other dog was a chihuahua mix. This is the first time my dog has bit another dog. I didn t see who started the fight but I saw them both snapping at each other and then my dog grabbed the little dog by the scruff and shook it for a second or two. I tried yelling my commands but the owner of the other dog was drowning me out screaming and yelling at my dog. Not saying his yelling wasn t justified just noting. After my dog released his dog he ran off. His dog came to me kind of whimpering. I didn t see any blood but I highly doubt there wasn t any present. Chances are it was punctured. At this point I apologize and say sorry and before I can say anything else he starts screaming and swearing at me. His girlfriend wife scoops up the dog while in tears sobbing says she is bleeding and needs to go to the emergency room. It seemed a little dramatic. I am trying to calm the man down showing empathy and concern. He finally does we exchange numbers and he runs off to catch up with his girlfriend wife. I called him informing him of the closest vet open on a Sunday and told him to keep in touch. I want to be clear that I am not trying to weasel my way out of paying for the little dogs vet bills. I want to do the right thing. I just didn t get to see the damage and don t know if it would have needed an emergency visit. I don t want to be taken advantage of. Again I didn t see who started the fight but my dog was clearly more capable of doing damage to the little dog versus the other way around. He s never done this before so I don t see him starting it but either way I don t think it matters. My concerns are that they are going to take this dog to an expensive vet that will cost more than is needed and they are going to try and gouge me. I worked in an animal hospital when I was younger and my dogs have been bitten bad before but I never had to take them to the emergency vet. Am I fully responsible? Do I cover the whole bill? Should I have gotten pictures? After the guy contacts me what are my next steps? Did I do the right thing? Thank you in advance and sorry for the lengthy post.
2019-01-27 19:44:11
I don t think you can control which vet they go to. However you can probably request an itemized bill from the vet to make sure they don t add anything to it and everything is accounted for. You are almost certainly liable for this bill though so good on you for being willing to pay from the outset.
2019-01-27 19:49:37
Neighbor Dog Attacks and Injuries
Possession of Cannabis Possession of Paraphernalia local ordinance s (Illinois) 19 years old
So this past weekend I was driving home from a friends house when I get pulled over for having my license plate light out. The officer asks if I had known about it and I say that I had she then goes back to the her car. When she returns she claims that shes smells alcohol on my breath (I hadnt been drinking but my friend in the passenger seat had been) she then asks for me to submit to some tests . To which I refute her claim that i d been drinking and that I don t consent to any testing just from having a light out. A couple other officers show up and say that if I don t get out of the car i ll be charged with Obstruction of Justice. I get out of the car they frisk me and find a small bag of weed ~.5g in my inside jacket pocket (I know im an idiot...). They use that information to search my car and find two grinders both containing miniscule amounts of cannabis. They impound my car and i m taken back to the station where im processed but no testing is done and am charged with two local ordinances one for possession of cannabis and one for possession of paraphernalia. I was also ticketed for having my light out and had to pay a 300$ bond to release my car along with a 125$ towing fee. This leads to my questions... 1. Did they have the right to tow and impound my car? 2. Should I hire an attorney? (i m consulting with one tomorrow). 3. What are the reprecussions of having local ordinances such as these on my record?
2016-02-12 07:49:55
1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. You ll have a criminal record. If this is your first offense you may have an opportunity to do a program where you complete some conditions and they will drop the case. If it is not or if you pick up future charges the consequences get more serious. Also drug convictions affect job and educational prospects.
2016-02-12 10:11:47
Questionable Arrest Circumstances and Legal Representation
A year ago my mom noticed that $3200 was missing from her bank. She was refunded the money and detectives opened a case to look into. She just got pictures of the ATM and saw that it was my brother who stole the money
As the title says my mom just got pictures from the detectives and recognized that it was my brother who stole the money from the account. I told her she needs to talk to a lawyer about what steps she could take to help prevent my brother from be prosecuted but she says she doesn t have any money even for a consultation. Does any one have any experience with soemthing like this and if the bank will just drop a case not prosecute if my mom says it is a misunderstanding and pays the money back? My mom is scared about this ruining my brother s life and wants to try to avoid any kind of lawsuit. Any advice from anyone who has experience with this or what to do would be greatly appreciated edit: location is in California
2015-09-12 18:15:21
California cop here. No the bank is also the victim and is running their own fraud investigation. The bank and the police will figure out that it s your brother and your mother has no say in whether he gets prosecuted. Your mother is not ruining his life he ruined his own life. He committed two felonies and it takes a special kind of asshole to steal from their own mother. Whatever happens **DO NOT** let your mother lie and say that your brother had permission to take the money out. She may find herself in jail on charges of felony fraud if she does that.
2015-09-12 18:42:52
Parental Misuse of College Savings
[Pennsylvania] What is the best way for me to protect a computer code I ve written for a team I m working with?
I am working on a project with a few other people and I had to write computer code for a big part of the project. How can I protect myself so if I ever leave the group or anything they can t use the code?
2015-11-14 17:44:57
it depends on your employment situation. if you re a contractor ownership of the code is governed by the contract. if you re an employee it belongs to your employer as work for hire.
2015-11-14 17:46:42
Intellectual Property Ownership Concerns
Emergency Custody Order during the Holiday weekend advice needed Omaha NE
Hi all. Yesterday was the father s (custodial parent) drop off day. He was an hour and a half late and I had been calling continually the whole time. Finally a police officer answers: He is being taken into protective care for suicide attempt. He took my five year old to an unknown friends house got shit wasted and lost his gourd. Can we please come pick up my girl? -Of course. We arrive fifteen minutes later. He is in the back ofthe car screaming and banging his body against the doors. Very disturbed. I get my girl get the friends contact info to relay to his parents And we go. I have been worried about this happening for a long time. My girl is okay. I need to get an emergency protective order asap even though its a holiday weekend and i also need to stop my child support payments immediately that are taken out of my checks automatically. I am not good at this stuff. I dont know where to begin and apparently i dont know how to phrase my google searches either. I need to switch her schools to the one a block away from my house too.
2017-09-03 14:34:25
Have you even contacted the police about a protective order? Custody and support must be heard in court. That won t happen this weekend.
2017-09-03 14:37:51
Custody and Visitation Disputes
Oklahoma: what happens when you call adult protective services?
An elderly friend of mine isn t doing well on his own. He s been having bouts of confusion where he doesn t know where he is why he s doing something or who someone is. In the moments that his mind is clear he ll recall things like waking up in the middle of the night falling down and not being able to get up for hours or looking for his wife who has been gone for ten years. He also says he doesn t know how to take his medication and has a tabletop full of bottles and admits to taking pills randomly. He s driven himselve to friend s houses and not known why he was there. He s also worn the same coffee - stained shirt for a few days. I m scared for him. I m planning on calling APS. I am not related to him but I ve known him for a few years and care about his well being. I just want to know what will happen to him before I make the phone call.
2017-06-22 20:20:48
Hi former APS worker here. 8 years plus investigator supervisor etc etc. Although I never worked in Oklahoma I had the chance to work with some of those fine people as my state bordered. So in very general terms: APS will take an intake report. Based on the risk assigned at the time of intake they will send someone out usually between 24 hours and 2 weeks--this depends on severity immediate danger vs. no danger but issues (such as money being stolen but the perp is no longer there). Realistically expect a home visit within 7 days. That intake report will be forwarded to the appropriate worker who will begin to investigate the situation. Basically what you have here is a case of self-neglect. We need to verify that those things are true or not (we get a shit load of false cases) and assess exactly the living conditions of the client. This covers everything to their mental state their ability to perform their activities of daily living support systems financial health etc. After we do that and if we find something that the client needs help with we can go ahead and provide some services. There are tons of things to be done to keep the client in the home. For example if I was the worker I would begin by setting up home health for medication management an aid to help with house cleaning a van service to take care of doctor s appointments meals on wheels (I freaking love these people) to make sure the client is eating and they do a great job of breaking isolation. I would also most likely get a money manager to help with remembering to pay bills etc. I would use various sources to pay for all this. From the Alzheimer s Association community programs Area Agency on Ageing Meals on Wheels (obviously) Medicare Medicaid if applicable. The amount that the client will have to pay for many of these services is minimal. We would also look at any available support system already in place and utilize that: such as family etc. I would probably go ahead and set up their house to combat falling as well life alert button hand rails in the bathroom. You get the idea. Again I wouldn t charge the client for any of this and could find people in the community to do it. Now to touch on guardianship here as it s mentioned. This is a very long process that is sometimes necessary. If there is an immediate need then I would petition the court have a hearing and then temp. guardianship would be given or not. If it is the court will assign someone on a temp basis until a permanent hearing had. Usually it s a lawyer that our judge picked. The family is always the first choice of course but many of our people had no family. This is only an option if the client is mentally incompetent. Finally let s go over emergency removals. This is a huge pain in the ass for us to do. That doesn t mean we don t do it we sometimes have to. But we always have to do two things first: 1. The client has to be incompetent which is actually taken very seriously. Oh the stories I could tell. 2. Prove that the client was immediate danger and that there was nothing that I could do to alleviate that danger. If I fuck up on either one of those judges tend to get pretty pissed. So believe me we try everything humanly possible. With your case it sounds like a very run of the mill self-neglect and in-house services should be enough to stabilize the client for the time being. Of course this case would progress as the client got older but we would try to keep him in the home if at all possible before taking the next step. And the next step isn t automatically a nursing home. An assisted living or Senior Apartment Complex sounds like it would better fit his needs. The kicker of all this: The client has to agree to everything part of it or none of it. Until a judge rules otherwise each person can make decisions for themselves. Just keep this in mind during the process. Don t lose heart though when I worked most of us were pretty awesome:) Ok that s it. Let me know if you have any questions and please just remember that I m just a guy on the internet the worker you get may be different as well as the laws that they currently work under. Good luck!
2017-06-23 01:01:41
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[WA] Landlord s secretary stole my rent unsure how to proceed
About four years ago I moved into a new place with two roommates. At that time one of them we ll call him Erik had a dubious employment situation and was mostly living pseudo-paycheck to pseudo-paycheck. Which was fine he could always make rent but always did so via money order delivered by hand to the property management firm s office. This went on for about six months (July to January) when one day I get a phone call from the landlord wherein he tells me that one third of our rent has been missing since we moved in. I told him I didn t think that was right and I d talk to my roommates and he threatened to evict us (from what I understand about Washington tenant law that was a big no-no). In short I opened up my savings and paid the missing rent the next week to the tune of about $4 000. We didn t hear much further until Erik decided to work with local non-profit a group of pro-bono lawyers that specialize in tenant disputes to figure out what happened. They learned that the money from the money orders had been pocketed by an employee at the property management s office every single time. Money orders are notoriously hard to track and for whatever reason no one there thought to ask us why our rent was short for six months so it took everyone a while to figure it out. We were told that we might be able to get the money back once legal proceedings against the employee had concluded. That was about two years ago. Our local non-profit does great work but given that our case does not deal with anyone imminently facing or currently experiencing homelessness our case was understandably a low priority for them. I d still like to get my money back but I m not really sure how to go about it. I m guessing the answer starts with lawyer up but I ve never done that and don t really know where to start. *ED TLDR Landlord s employee steals 1 3 of our rent I pay the stolen rent again I want that money back.
2018-03-31 17:04:01
It is a little tough to follow the details in your post. Did you pay rent correctly the first time around or did you short them $4000? Assuming you paid them correctly in the first place (I hope you saved the money order receipts) then your obligation was done. It is not your job to police their employees or pay the rent twice if it gets stolen from their possession or embezzled. If you then incorrectly overpaid by $4000 then your landlord owes you that money back. His money was stolen fro him by his employees after you paid your rent it isn t up to you to make him whole for that in my opinion. If you were late on the rent originally then it sounds like you have gotten caught up...and I don t know what your question is. You would be done at that point.
2018-03-31 17:26:16
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Hypothetical question: my neighbor has a dead tree right next to my driveway. A dead branch falls and damages my car. What are the next steps to take?
Would home renter s insurance help cover it? His or mine? Or would it be car insurance?
2016-05-15 08:33:25
Call your car insurance company and let them figure it out
2016-05-15 08:36:30
Tree Disputes with Neighbors
Used to work for employer but he treated me bad so I quit on good terms with 2 weeks notice. He wanted me to come back and I said no. Now he s bad mouthing me to my fellow customers and guests and I work in the restaurant business where word of mouth spreads. Can I sue for slander and defamation?
[Pennsylvania USA] He s calling me crazy and a bad worker and stupid. A regular guest of mine just called me up and told me so I have a witness. How can I get my former boss to stop ruining my name and scaring people away from coming to see me at my new restaurant? I ve already told him to leave me alone in the past cause he was bothering me harassing me to come back to work so I blocked his number. I don t want to talk to him anymore
2017-01-14 05:24:42
If he is saying something untrue and it affects your employability reputation go for it. I would suggest an official cease and desist letter from a lawyer first. Cant tell you what the outcome would be just from your post but good luck
2017-01-14 07:31:27
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[IL] Landlord locks basement preventing tenants from sheltering in potential tornado - is this legal?
There have been a few scares lately and I m concerned for the future if we do get a bad storm. The Landlord who owns my building says that he keeps it locked because of prior issues where people have stolen copper piping. I m sympathetic but I m also afraid because I have no where to go if there s a tornado. Is a Landlord obligated to provide shelter in a basement in a building with one for severe weather? Have been pondering this one for a while I apologize if I ve asked before and forgotten the answer. I did search but didn t see anything.
2016-07-22 00:31:30
Unless your lease provides you access to the basement you have no right to it.
2016-07-22 01:18:10
Miscellaneous Legal Query
I developed a website and was never paid. Do I own the website code or does my client because the code is hosted on his server?
I am a freelance web developer who designed and coded a website which is hosted on my client s server and under his domain name. Several months after completing the website I still have not been paid. The client claims that he will be able to pay me in about a month. All of the pages on the site have a footer which contains the text: Copyright &lt Company Name&gt I have access to the server and wrote the code entirely myself. 1. Do I have the right to take down the code given that I wrote it and have not been paid? 2. Does the code belong to me in the first place? 3. Does it matter that the text Copyright &lt Company Name&gt was included on all the pages? Note: I m not sure if this is the correct subreddit because it is tech-related. Please tell me if there is a more appropriate one.
2012-05-30 03:41:57
You own it. What would make you think otherwise? Imagine if you made someone a chair let them borrow it before paying and never returned it to you and refused to pay for it? It s theft! Though you can only take it back through legal means.
2012-05-30 04:59:28
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Asking for advice for my neighbor. She s been served for defamation on a Facebook page for a local man known to message neighborhood women inappropriately. The person who served her gave the papers to who flooring guys. She was not home at the time.
Ok some background. This is in salt lake county Utah. On a neighborhood group page a younger local woman created a message concerning a man who had messaged her inappropriately. This particular man is known to most of us as “the shoe sniffer”. He s always messaging women uninvited and asking for various favors telling them thier pretty etc. There are quite a few men who we all part of know to avoid. Enter my neighbor let s call her Angel. She s an asset to the community. She collects donations for families and does a lot of “all yeah round secret Santa” type things. She is outspoken in women s and lgbtqa rights. She has replied to the young woman s comment with the list she had compiled of men in the neighborhood to be wary of. No details. Just said it was her personal list of men to avoid. These men were on her list for varying reasons. Mostly asking neighbors for nudes or other creepy things. Holy hell breaks loose as you d expect. More women came forward with stories about these men. Fast forward to a week-ish later. Angel let me know she was served papers for defamation of character. The papers were not served to her but to the workmen at her house. She was not home. The court papers have the judges name spelt wrong and the dates wrong. But it was confirmed that it was a legit case. I want to add that the man suing her the name she used on her “list” was the name he uses on Facebook. For example his Facebook name is Johnny Creep (not his actual fb name). His real name and the name on the lawsuit is Johnny Johnson. So my question Can one be served via workmen in your house. (A friends attorney says they can do that now because of covid. That doesn t sound right to me). I recommended she call legal aid on Monday and inquire with them how to proceed. If the service is valid she will need to answer him. I suggested if it was valid that she answer and file a countersuit to cover expenses (she s moving out of state) and even a dismissal of the lawsuit for being frivolous. Any advice suggestions that I might convey to her to help give her hope. Is this something the aclu might be interested in if more men look to go after her and the women who spoke up about the harassment? [image of post. names have been removed ](https: i.imgur.com DJuxHMQ.jpg)
2021-04-10 23:23:56
&gt it was confirmed that it was a legit case Then she needs an attorney. Nothing else really matters. Is he suing her pro se?
2021-04-11 00:14:56
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Friend found out downstairs neighbors were cooking meth. Asking about his legal rights in Cincinnati Ohio
Posted in r Cincinnati and was directed to post here as well. Here is the lowdown: I have a buddy with a special needs daughter single dad good guy... he just found out his downstairs neighbor has been cooking meth. The offenders have been arrested so that is taken care of but the question now is: What rights does he have with his landlord? All those chemical fumes went right up to their apartment doubt it is a safe place to remain but he is not well off and can t just break his lease and bounce. Landlord has refused to do anything. Any knowledge about local state or federal laws that apply here (Brown County Cincinnati Ohio) and my buddies rights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
2015-12-24 04:08:03
IANAL. I d probably start by calling the city inspectors (or whoever enforces codes) and try to get the place inspected and tested for chemical residue ASAP. If he can get the place declared uninhabitable then the landlord will almost certainly be legally obligated to put him up elsewhere until the hazard has been mitigated.
2015-12-24 04:21:59
Smoke Issue in Apartment
My employer informed me they ve overpaid me $12 000 this year and want me to pay it back. [IL]
I m 28yrs and live and work in Illinois. My HR person informed me today they recognized a payroll error after an audit. The options presented were to either write them a single check for $12k in 2019 or have the amount evenly deducted from my paycheck over the course of 12 months in 2020. If I leave the company I will need to repay the remaining amount. Currently I have $18k in savings which I worked hard at saving despite having to deal with over $6k of medical expenses this year. However paying $12k will wipe my savings which makes me feel very sad and angry bc it wasn t my mistake. Paying it back over 12 months would force me to stay at the company. I ve actually been planning to quit because the business is not profitable poor work life balance and I ve been unhappy there. I felt comfortable with my savings of what I thought was enough to travel solo for a few months to reset my mind. But now that s not possible. A couple things raise red flags for me. I asked why they didn t catch it earlier and said they didn t recognize the error until the audit. Shouldn t there be more audits than once at the end of the year? I would have been fine if they told me this like 2 months in but a whole year?? I I asked if I was the only one who had the error and they said yes. My HR person said she needs to talk with our legal team to draft a contract for me to sign that I agree with repaying. I haven t signed anything yet. I m also concerned about additional implications I m not thinking about like taxes. If I was being paid more that means I was also taxed more? So it doesn t seem like it would make sense id pay back this amount. Am I allowed to ask for a detailed breakdown of what I owe minus taxes? Is there is any legal protection or claim I could make to keep at least some money? It s not like I was lavishly living above my means or anything. I wasn t aware I was being paid more and didn t do anything malicious. I have incurred a lot of medical expenses which normally but be stressful but I was able to afford these expenses comfortably. What steps are recommended to make sure I cover my bases?
2019-12-06 05:10:35
General:. If a company overpays you you have to pay it back. THAT SAID- you have the right to demand for them to account for each dollar they are asking to repay. As in on this date you were paid x and should have been paid y. Since they did an audit and provided a number they should have no problem producing that backup. And I wouldn t pay one dollar until they did.
2019-12-06 05:23:24
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Can a parent lose custody over truancy charges in Georgia US?
**When I say missed I do indeed mean unexcused straight-up 100% absences.*** **I am in Georgia United States of America. If a more pin-point location is needed I will provide the county I live in.** **BACKSTORY:** Well. I am a 14 year old who has a bigger sister (16y o). This sister has put me under a lot of stress throughout my life but recently has gotten to a greater level. This is her Sophomore year of High School and she has missed around (close estimate here) 20 days of school so far. School was back in on August 7th so if you just calculate the time she has missed around half of the days that have passed so far. Last year as a Freshman she pulled a miracle by passing despite missing 68 days of school. My mother has constantly warned us about the causes of missing too many school days unexcused. Seeing as how she has already missed so many days of school a social worker advised charging truancy on my mother and possibly my father. This can be farther explained that I missing roughly 30 days of school last year so I guess they split the charges up (or something like that). By saying this I am implying that the amount of days my sister has missed was not the only thing looked at. Since the truancy charges were files they also took into account my last year s absences. Now both me and my sibling have the lovely title of Juvenile Delinquent on our records forever. The trial will be held about a week from now. PS: I have only missed 1 day of school this year so this year will not come into play on my part. **ACTUAL QUESTION COMES INTO PLAY** **Can a parent lose custody of their children due to (what I would consider) such extreme truancy charges?** The reason I am so desperately inclined to know the answer to this is not only for fret of losing my mother but also of my little sister. She recently turned 4 and has never really been separated from my mother lest you count my mother going to the store or something along those lines while she stays home. So essentially my little sister has never really been truly APART from my mother and when she is it is for a short time and she is with my father. I also fear that we may be split up if put into foster care but I don t know if it works that way. **TWO MORE QUESTIONS APPEARS** If this is not possible there are the options of imprisonment and a fines. So naturally: How much time are we speaking of if the option of imprisonment is chosen? The letters have said that if charged the charges would be $100 per count act (well a synonym of those words that has escaped me). What would a single count act be classified as? Are we speaking a 4 5-figure number due to it being based on every day over the state limit (10 per every 6 months) or just something minor? **PSA*** If my reading has in any way made you feel distaste towards my mother please avert it to my sister. My mother has no power over her. While my mother is taller and can actually argue with reason (and defend herself) my sister weighs roughly 30-40 lbs. more and might be able to overpower her in a physical mishap. This has never happened and is ever-so-likely to never happen but I am just mentioning this. My sister essentially refuses to get out of can t be forced to get out of her bed. Her sleeping schedule is based around this: Wake up at around 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. eat and play XBOX chat on line until about 4:00 A.M. - 5:00 A.M. then go to sleep. This is why it is so hard to get her to wake. She has been asleep long enough to be in a deep slumber (not exactly what you would call light sleeper ) and yet not asleep long enough to be fully fueled to properly wake up half-assedly wake up if you DO manage to get her to open her eyes. So my mother essentially just stops trying to deal with it (after about an hour of constant berating mind you). This is due to not only frustration but also the amount of verbal abuse she receives from my sister. (My sister is a vulgar nasty (like literal nasty as in smells like rotten milk despite showers daily due to her disgusting dwelling of old food algae-collecting beverages dog feces and cat urine) person who is mean to just about everyone except her close friends. So my mom ends up just breaking under the stress and giving up (plus she has to take me to school before the children she babysits arrive). **EDIT**: Formatting Issues
2013-09-15 04:44:04
To answer the question in the title of your post yes it absolutely can. To go a step further if your father presses it you already have a relationship with him there s a good chance it will. Hon you re standing at the precipice of being removed from your mother s house by social services. Have they been to the house? If not they re coming and they re coming soon. Your mother s job is to get you guys to school every day. If she cannot do that that s a really really serious problem and the state will absolutely step in to make it happen. If your sister refuses to get out of bed and go to school her job is to call your school district s truancy officer and work something out. It s difficult and it s painful but that s what her job as a parent is. Yes I m judging your mother. She has two truant teenagers and a bedroom full of animal piss and shit and spoiled food in her house. That s a serious serious issue and this is coming from the person in this subreddit who is probably the most critical of CPS. It s possible that your sister can quit school at the age of 16 in GA. She has to go through the process though. She can t just stop going. I can t tell you the specifics of the fines your family is looking at because I m not familiar with the court process in GA.
2013-09-15 12:00:37
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My wife a teacher in Texas is being intimidated by school administration into changing student grades.
On Monday of this week it became apparent to administration that an overwhelming number of students would be receiving a failing grade for the first half of the year in my wife s class. In spite of her doing everything she could to engage with students their parents their coaches and her fellow teachers she simply could not get a large portion of her online only students to actually attend the zoom classes or turn in any work. She pretty much removed all deadlines for assignments where she could and even informed the students that as long as they took the midterm exam and passed it then she would give them a passing grade. However it has simply been radio silence from the students and many of their parents. That said on Monday she was pulled into a meeting with her administration and told that if she did not find a way to give these failing students passing grades that she would be reprimanded and forced to sign a growth contract effectively putting her on a type of probation. Since that meeting she has been inundated with in-person meetings with and phone calls from the administrative staff saying that they are going to help by grading some of the midterm exams for her inspite of her insistence that she be allowed to grade them herself. Now that brings us to today when another administrator that she has never worked with before suddenly called her while she was in the middle of a zoom class with students. He began berating her at a high volume about how it was completely unacceptable that he was being forced to do her work for her and how he was going to ensure that she be punished for not doing her job . She was obviously very upset and started having a panic attack while still on camera with her students. She couldn t get herself under control and so she informed the school that she needed to leave immediately for health reasons. She came home about an hour ago sobbing and it took me a while to get her to calm down. She let me know that she has been secretly recording her interactions with the administration when she could for a while now (Texas is one party consent). Apparently the administration staff have been getting increasingly hostile with the teaching staff in general for a couple of months now. They have been conducting more and more in-person interactions presumably so that they would never have to put anything they said in writing. &amp #x200B Also I am not sure if this is relevant but she did file a complaint about 2 months ago with HR when she discovered that the administration had deliberately lied to her about two separate contacts that she had with covid positive staff. The official guidance released by the school district stated that anyone in close contact with a covid infected person would mandated a 2 week quarantine. The administration had told her that the first contacted person was sick with some other than covid and the second person informed her himself that he had had covid upon his return to work. The school administration had said he was only taking some time off for family matters. I can understand medical privacy being a concern but he second person was someone that she works with in her classroom on a daily basis. &amp #x200B Sorry for the long post don t know if this is going to get any useful responses. But I am worried that they are doing everything in their power to set her up for some kind of justified dismissal and unfortunately her panic attack causing her to leave today may have given them all the ammo they need to do it. Should we seek professional legal advice? If so what kind of lawyer would be best to consult?
2020-12-18 17:35:02
This is explicitly what teachers unions are made for. Unless her union administration is complicit in this scheme they should be salivating at the absolute slam dunk grievance.
2020-12-18 18:52:51
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Apartment broken into on Christmas night keys to building and front door stolen--company not replacing locks until Monday
Hi everyone Hoping to gain some insight on an ongoing situation. I live in an apartment in Dorchester MA and it was burglarized for the third time in about 6 months around 3 AM on Christmas day. Some of my roommates had things stolen probably about $1500 to $2000 worth of stuff was taken. They apparently came in the back door somehow went through two rooms and then left after they went into a third room where my friend was asleep. One of the things that was stolen was my roommate s backpack containing his keys including the key to the front door and the key to the door to our apartment. So my building is rented out by a company that owns several buildings in the Greater Boston area. The police were called immediately obviously as was this company. They told us that they would be by the next day (Thursday 12 26) to change the locks. They never showed up (unsurprisingly but that s another story). We just got off the phone with them (Friday 12 27 5 PM) and they said that they won t be able to get here until Monday or Tuesday. Obviously we are not happy with this. There is someone who has unrestricted access to our apartment. What can we do in this situation? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: My roommate just got off the phone with the detective on our file and he suggested that we go ahead and get an outside company to replace the locks although such action is expressly prohibited by our lease agreement. What should we do? I m pretty sure he already called an outside company and although I support this decision I don t want any fees or other problems to arise because of this. I can t believe that they would say they would come by on Monday when there is someone who could come in tonight and then penalize us for preventing that from happening but I just don t know.
2013-12-27 22:31:02
Sorry this happened to you. Massachusetts allows for repair and deduct in certain situations and it does appear to apply in yours. However a quick google search indicates that your landlord must be notified in writing and has 14 days to complete repairs before you can do this.
2013-12-27 23:10:54
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
(CA) Pharmacist refuses to fill meds without chart notes from doctor IC:10 codes on prescriptions
On mobile apologies for formatting. I have been using the same pharmacy for years. I have a chronic illness that is incurable there is not treatment and this is plainly stated under description of the disease. Again same meds same doctor same pharmacy for years the only exception being that I actually dropped 30mg about 6 months ago. I tried to get my meds filled yesterday the pharmacist now refuses. I was told by the pharmacy tech that the pharmacist wanted my doctor to call him and verify my dosages. I asked why. Was told that s their mew policy. I say fine call my doctor and tell him whats going on. He obliges and calls the pharmacist. Pharmacist tells my doctor that the call isnt good enough and wants my records. Doc says no he wrote the codes on the scripts and this would be a HIPPA violation if he does this. Pharmacist refuses to fill rx. Dr. Calls me. Tells me he cant send records legally but I can hand carry them and deliver at my own discretion. I call pharmacy tell them I will provide notes with my diagnosis if they will fill the prescription. They tell me the records cannot come from me they HAVE to be faxed by Dr. I have already established that my doc wont do this in the interest of protecting my privacy. The pharmacist has been filling it for years. Why now? What do I do? This can t be right. Staff at both places know me on a first name basis. I have my doc s personal cell number. The issue I have is not knowing what to do. Who is right? Any sources would be appreciated. I have been doing research and cant find any specific info other than articles in pharmacology news etc. Edit: no dosage change in last 6 months. I tapered myself down 6 months ago. Same prescriptions same dosage and frequency since.
2018-06-28 02:21:42
Your doctor doesn t know HIPAA. There is absolutely no reason he cannot share your medical information with another healthcare provider for the purposes of treating you. The pharmacy has no legal obligation to fill any prescription they feel is dangerous or inappropriate. They are fully within their rights to refuse your prescription without relevant medical documentation.
2018-06-28 02:26:30
Medical Billing Disputes and Fraud
Months after I got married and moved out my parents were evicted. They never told me I was on the lease. Now my partner and I can t rent anywhere. What recourse do I have? Northern California.
Hello all. As the title says I m trying to decipher what has happened if my parents did anything in my name without telling me and what I can do about it. So here s my story. Background: In 2011 my parents moved into a new home after being evicted from the last one. I was 20 at the time. They told me they were putting me down on the lease only as a person over the age of 18 living in the house but no mention of being responsible for anything. I never once signed any paperwork personally provided any pay information or identification. I was working a minimum wage job at the time and also a student earning roughly $300 per 2 week paycheck. Legally still considered a dependent. In March of 2013 I moved out of my parents house and in with my boyfriend however I was not on the lease. In June of 2013 we moved into an apartment together we were both on the lease. In November of 2013 our relationship became legal. No longer legally considered a dependent. We moved again after that in March of 2014 and once more in March of 2015. According to the eviction paperwork a Writ of Possession Judgement was entered on 1 2013. A Writ of Execution was issued on 1 2014. A Notice to Vacate was given on 2 2014. On all of the eviction paperwork my name is listed as the defendant and first my parents are listed second as additional debtors . So now questions... First does it matter or does it mean anything that my name is listed as the defendant on all the paperwork and my parents are only listed as additional debtors ? Second of all why am I on it anyway? I was a dependent college student earning a couple hundred bucks a month absolutely not in any position to be responsible for a debt the size of house rent (which was roughly 1 200 a month or over twice my monthly income). Third does my presence on the lease and the eviction mean that my parents could have put me on the lease as a legally responsible party? Could this happen in any way without my signature? Does this suggest they could have forged my signature? And lastly does anyone have any idea what I can do? There are no apartment or management companies where I live who will even consider an eviction. It is considered an automatic disqualification by every management company in my area. I literally have no idea what to do. I m seriously considering getting an attorney to investigate this but I d like to know if I have anything to build a case on. And in the mean time I d really like to have a place to live that isn t a cardboard box on the street.
2016-08-23 02:06:58
&gt I m seriously considering getting an attorney to investigate this Right call. It _sounds_ like your parents used your name and identity to obtain a lease when their own credit histories were too damaged to be able to secure a lease. That s almost certainly fraud and very likely identity theft. You should have been on the lease as an additional occupant at most and certainly not as a signer. A lawyer will be able to help you figure out how best to unwind this mess and repair your credit but you may have to make peace with reporting your parents to the police as well.
2016-08-23 02:12:52
Miscellaneous Legal Query