Is my Marriage legal?
Started a divorce in Feb of this year was told in April it was signed by judge. Then told by lawyer that I could go ahead and get remarried. Was Married in May but found out last month that my divorce wasn t granted until June. This all happened in Virginia. Do I need to file for an Annulment and then get remarried or is my marriage in May not valid?
2015-07-06 12:54:33
contact the lawyer you already have they will want to get this taken care of as its not really a good thing for them to have messed up. they will advise you on how best to proceed and how judges will handle this. in the future well hopefully not your future but any readers future have the divorce papers in hand before you go for the marriage certificates. mistakes happen.
2015-07-06 13:32:18
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Employer is denying Direct Deposit and requiring employees signature consenting their paychecks are correct before they receive their paychecks
It s been a while since I flipped burgers but my son is learning the ropes. His employer told him they don t provide direct deposit unless you re a manager so he always receives a tangible check. ~~He is required to sign a statement acknowledging that his paycheck is correct *BEFORE* he s handed his paycheck. He s required to sign it in order to receive his paycheck.~~ Is it me or does this sound shady? State of Virginia. Thank you. **UPDATE** His signature is to verify his personal information *NOT* to attest to his checks accuracy. That was a distinction he didn t cover in our brief conversation.
2016-03-20 15:43:37
Signing that doesn t mean a thing. If it was wrong or he was underpaid he would still have the exact same rights as if he didn t sign it. If he filed a complaint with the Dept of Labor they wouldn t care that he signed that. He could also not sign it and then file a complaint if not paid or not sign it and quit and file for unemployment while looking for a new job. (if he wasn t given the check). The direct deposit thing is a non issue.
2016-03-20 15:59:14
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Missed Jury Duty in NJ
So I don t live at home anymore since I m going to college an hour and a half away. I come home for spring break and I m notified that I have jury duty 3 27 (about 3 weeks notice). I kept pushing off calling them to try and get it rescheduled for the summer because I will be attending school during that time and ultimately forget to do so. I missed jury duty and am wondering what happens now. All I read on the internet is that I m going to go to jail and pay a $500 fine.
2018-03-29 11:19:24
They aren t going to imprison you for missing a jury summons. The NJ rules state that: “Jurors who fail to respond or appear for jury duty without a reasonable excuse may be punished for contempt of court pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2B: 20-14b and subject to a fine of up to $500.00 or imprisonment.” *or* is the operative word. At worst they could imprison you. But most likely if they even come after you they will levy a fine. Edit: I also found this thread from 2012 which may help https: www.reddit.com r newjersey comments 14vlli i_missed_jury_duty_and_i_am_panicking_now ?st=JFCG1RQ4&amp sh=5fd7752c
2018-03-29 11:35:09
Managing Multiple Jury Summons
[NY] I found out a Facebook group was created to make fun of me
So I have found out that there is a Facebook group called (my town name) monster sightings . I got sent screen captures from someone anonymously. It s unauthorized pictures of me in public and they are making fun of my burn scars and referring to me as the monster. I was told in the email that they also have pictures of me in my backyard which is private property. I can t seem to find the group when I search it. I emailed Facebook about the group a month ago for bullying and harassment but I never got a response. I have stopped going outside since I found out but that s really not fucking fair that I have to do that. I feel really humiliated and I think they are stalking me because they have pictures of me in my backyard which is secluded. I literally haven t done anything to these people. I feel really bad and I want the group deleted. Can I do anything about it legally?
2019-03-07 01:15:35
The person who started the group may have blocked you and that may be why you cannot find the group. You may have luck searching with a different or new profile. But people are assholes so do your best not to let it get to you. NLA but once you find the person responsible sending a certified letter with intent to pursue legal action may be enough for them to stop if that s all you re looking to accomplish. Best of luck OP. Thanks for the gold kind stranger ❤️
2019-03-07 01:20:36
Revenge porn and underage photos
Verizon Screwed Me
Hello So back in late December 2018 Verizon was running a promotion where you could get an iPhone XR and get a iPad 9.7 with it for only $5 extra on your bill. Also I was told that unlimited data was the same price as my old plan which was $65. I m currently paying $43 a month for the iPad which I hardly use and they said I d have to pay $430 to give it back. Basically I was told my bill was going to be $115 and for 4 months now it has been well over $150. Is there any legal action I can take or does anyone know the promotion I m talking about and can correct me if I m wrong? Edit: I m in Cincinnati OH.
2019-04-29 21:24:54
NAL Usually the $5 promos are for the lease of the device only. They require you buy a data plan and sometimes insurance on that device. You had to sign a lease for it that should all be included in it.
2019-04-30 01:04:17
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My company s tuition reimbursement program threatens that you will owe back paid tuition if you leave the company with 12 months. Can they enforce that?
The exact wording in the policy manual: In the event of voluntary termination or termination for cause the employee will be responsible for reimbursing [Company] for all expenses paid over the preceding 12-month period. So if I were to voluntary terminate my employment within 12 months of completing a semester and or my degree can they really enforce that? Is there any legal standing for that?
2015-05-13 14:44:27
Something of value You got in exchange for this They can enforce it
2015-05-13 14:55:16
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[UK] Please help. Work may sack fire me tomorrow due to issues caused by my mental health.
Hi all Please excuse me if this seems a bit disjointed there s alot of information to convey and I m trying to keep it brief. I started working at my current employer in January this year. In my contract it states that occasional site visits may be required. During my time there I have started a new relationship with a colleague (we don t work closely different departments in the same building). When I am in a relationship my OCD becomes worse (an unfortunate idiosyncrasy). I also suffer from depression and potentially adult ADD (though this is currently undiagnosed i have aalmost if not all of the symptoms. I have been to the doctors recently in light of this however nothing has come of it yet). A brief background of how issues started: Me and my SO used to email a fair bit and meet occasionally during work hours (maybe 5 minutes once a day). This became an issue when i forgot to set an out of office on my emails when going on annual leave. My boss went in my mailbox and read through some emails myself and SO had sent to each other (a breach of confinediality in my eyes but i was told that work emails are not your property ). Since then this has been an issue even though we now act as though we aren t even together during work hours. We are aware that we overstepped the mark i have made my bosses aware that i know this and as far as i am concerned it has been resolved. However since this time i have been treated differently. Now this brings me to the current situation. The site visits i mentioned earlier are not occasional at all after a few months of working there they became every week sometimes multiple tmies a week. This coupled with the way my OCD works meant that i had a small breakdown whereby i didn t turn up to work once or twice. I had a meeting with my bosses and some adjustments were made so that i no longer had to do these site visits. Fair enough. I had also started CBT a few weeks before this meeting took place in an effort to alleviate my symptoms so that i can lead a relatively normal life. However i obviously still have issues with washing my hands being in the toilet for too long not doing site visits etc. My bosses have both made offensive remarks on separate occasions (one even sending an email simply stating stop washing your hands and get on with some work ). We have a had few meetings since where they have made me sign off on certain things: - I ring them when i get into the office (as they were unsure that i was arriving on time when on an early shift nobody else is in the office at this time). - I will not use my mobile phone during office hours (I do this no more than anyone else in the office infact probably less). - Be on time for work (I admit that i am not very good at this however this does stem from my OCD and they are aware of this. I always try to make up time for being late). - Perform tasks when asked to (As stated above i make them aware if i am unable to if not i do them asap) However since that time absolutely any chance they get they will pull me up for it. Being slightly late Performing tasks slightly below perfect (I am far from the worst employee in the department) etc. They accuse me of not following instruction though i have made it clear that due to my OCD i find certain tasks distressing and i make them aware of this when it rears it s head. They disciplined me for not ringing them to let them know i was there when they were both not in the office even though i was on a 9:30am start. I mentioned to them that I thought this was something i only had to do when on an early shift as it had not been stated otherwise. They did not accept this. They have increasingly tried to get me to perform site visits as this is evidently a huge issue for them even thogh they have multiple other members of staff who perform these on a regular basis. They also stated that i said I would use my own car for site visits instead of the pool car which i DID NOT say and was never even implied by anything i could have said. I have stated my reasons for not using the pool car are OCD related and that i will not use my own car as a) it is not fuel efficient and b) i do not want to be putting uneccessary wear on my personal car as i have had mechanical issues with it already. This brings me to this week where i had a formal disciplinary on monday where they basically restated all the above. I didn t really say much other than they know my issues are caused by mental health and that there is not much i can do about them. Tomorrow i have a meeting with them just before i leave for the day which to me seems to be far too convenient timing for them to fire me. I really need to keep my job as with everyone else I have bills to pay a house to look after a car to pay for etc. etc. Please can someone help? I need to know where I stand with this I m at a complete loss. TL DR: My employer is trying to sack me for issues caused by my mental health. I need to know where i stand legally.
2016-11-10 21:50:55
I would suggest posting in r LegalAdviceUK Best of luck
2016-11-10 21:55:18
Miscellaneous Legal Query
DMV suspended my license over failure to maintain insurance on a vehicle I ve never owned
I received a letter from the NY DMV telling me that my license was suspended over Failure to Maintain Continuous Liability Insurance Coverage. I thought this was a bit strange as I ve never had a lapse in insurance. I went online to provide proof and then noticed that it was for a vehicle that I don t own have never owned and have never registered. I don t know anyone that drives this vehicle. The letter has it has my license number name and DOB so I know it was meant to be sent to me. I m planning on calling but I m worried things might get difficult. I m curious to know literally anything else I can do about this situation.
2019-12-14 05:27:30
It s an administrative screw-up so an administrative fix is needed. You need to talk to them and find out why they think you owned that vehicle. Ask them what needs to happen to clear this up. If you don t get traction ask to speak with managers. If none of that helps find an email address for the DMV Commissioner and reach out to him. If that doesn t help reach out to Governor Cuomo s office and ask for help from them.
2019-12-14 05:31:24
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Can I sue my roommate for cutting off my coax cable?
I have been having trouble with my roommate when it comes to wifi and decided to have different providers. They agreed but after getting desperate wifi providers I am still having trouble with wifi. I have called technician and been charge for having them come over our apartment. Then I later found out that my roommate has been cutting off my coax cable from their room because they have the connection going straight to the Node itself. Can I sue them for cutting off my coax cable?
2022-02-21 04:25:34
You can ask your roommate to pay the costs of fixing the damage they created. If they refuse to pay then yes you can file a small claims lawsuit.
2022-02-21 09:21:59
Landlord refusal to provide internet
[MA] I m moving from Boston to NYC and my company has agreed to let me work remotely. However they require I sign this contract... and it s freaking me out a little.
I am an employee at a tech company in Boston MA. My partner has gotten a new job in New York City so we will be moving. I got approval from my managers the VP of my department as well as HR to continue my employment remotely. Historically the company has been extremely remote friendly and we are a partially distributed team. However as of late there has been more of a push from upper management to have more employees in the home office. Regardless of that I was still approved by all parties to work remotely. The majority of my team is remote from Chicago to Boston to North Carolina and I already work from home 3 days a week so this should be a very easy transition for me. We set up video calls for all meetings and I m able to do all my work from my laptop. My manager mentioned that HR would be writing up an agreement and I would be required to visit the home office in Boston occasionally which is no problem for me. However the contract they sent me is a bit worrisome. I ve copied it below. &gt Overview &gt &gt This Telework Agreement is being made between Name and Company effective Date as a means of business continuity based on the request of the employee where the alternative would be a resignation of employment with Company. &gt &gt This agreement is subject to a ninety (90) day trial period after such time the Agreement can be extended in ninety (90) day increments ensuring effectiveness for the business. &gt &gt The fact that certain requirements have been incorporated in to this document does not change the nature of your employment status. That is you continue to be an EMPLOYEE-AT-WILL. The Agreement is merely intended to serve as a guideline for the teleworking arrangement and is not to be construed as a contract of employment. Guidelines may be modified or changed at any time. The Company reserves the right to discontinue the arrangement at any time. &gt &gt 1. Company reserves the sole and absolute right to grant an Agreement based upon its analysis of the adaptability and responsibility of the position in question the business unit s needs the performance of the employee requesting the arrangement and the work demands placed upon the staff. The arrangement is developed around assigned projects process needs as well as around position responsibility. Not every job is adaptable to teleworking. Furthermore circumstances and time may change such adaptability so there is no guarantee that such an arrangement will be granted or continued. Each business unit has the final decision as to who may participate in these arrangements and may adjust work schedules at any time. In addition the business retains the right to terminate the arrangements at any time. &gt &gt 2. Specific arrangements are to be determined by the staff member human resources and his her supervisor and then approved by the Director or Vice President responsible for that unit. It is the responsibility of the department managers to assure that appropriate staff coverage is available at all times to support and interact with clients customers colleagues and direct reports. &gt &gt 3. Participation in this Agreement may impact opportunities for advancement the employee will continue to be evaluated on his her ability to perform the duties of the job as currently scoped however not all positions are adaptable to teleworking. &gt &gt 4. Failure to maintain satisfactory work performance will result in termination of this Agreement. &gt &gt 5. This Agreement is not an employee benefit nor is it intended to be available to all employees. Approval is based on business needs the employee s performance and good standing and managerial discretion. &gt &gt 6. All policies and procedures governing employee conduct and performance are in effect for employee s arrangement. Employee must comply with all existing job requirements and company policies and procedures as well as additional requirements for the arrangement as deemed appropriate by management including but not limited to visits to Company offices video meetings and the like in an effort to ensure work processes and employee engagement are not compromised. &gt &gt 7. Employee must maintain a non-disruptive work environment during all scheduled work hours to ensure that they are fully able to complete work assignments in an acceptable and timely manner. &gt &gt 8. The company will not assume any incremental obligation in providing financial or other resources to support the arrangement (i.e. relocation costs travel associated with established home office visits home office set up and functioning needs such as wi-fi electricity cell phone etc. will be at employee s expense). &gt &gt 9. If employee is unable to perform job for any reason including equipment failure technical issues workspace limitations etc. they are expected to report to a company office until the issue is resolved. &gt &gt 10. Employee will be responsible for your attendance at Department meetings company meetings or any other meetings at the Company work location on days that you would otherwise be working from home as requested by management. &gt &gt 11. Employee is expected to maintain working a full-time schedule and as such compensation and benefits will remain the same as other employees of like status and are subject to change at the company s discretion. If the company agrees to alter the total number of regularly scheduled weekly hours worked compensation and benefits may be adjusted to reflect this change. &gt &gt 12. Reimbursement will not be made for any commuting expenses incurred on days that the employee is required to work in an office. &gt &gt 13. All equipment and Supplies (i.e. laptop charger etc.) furnished by the company remain the property of the company. You are expected to take reasonable precautions to protect company property in your home or while working remotely from theft damage or misuse. When accessing the corporate network you must only access systems that you are authorized to use. If your laptop does not function use of a personal computer is prohibited. &gt &gt Insurance: You must contact your insurance agent or broker to make certain that your Homeowners or Renters policy adequately covers damage to or theft of the company equipment in your possession as well as your personal liability exposure for the company business pursuits performed remotely. &gt &gt Repair: In the event of equipment failure or malfunction you must notify your manager to ensure immediate repair or replacement. &gt &gt Return of company provided Material: All items furnished by the company must be returned upon request such as in the event of your extended illness resignation transfer or termination of employment or if the agreement is cancelled. You must agree to provide access to your home to retrieve these items should you refuse to do so the company will take whatever legal action is necessary to reclaim its property data or supplies. Should this become necessary and the company prevails you agree to pay all costs the company incurs including attorney fees. &gt &gt Use of Personal Equipment: You may use your own equipment limited to your fax printer copier and telephone line but only with prior management approval. The company assumes no liability for its loss damage or wear except if maintenance or modification is required for you to perform your job and you have obtained your manager s prior written approval. &gt &gt Purchase of Supplies. If you purchase any supplies on your own you will be reimbursed only if your manager approved the purchase beforehand and if you request reimbursement in accordance with the company s established procedures. &gt &gt 14. Your home office must be a separate designated work area. All equipment must be placed so that it is adequately supported and is in no danger of falling it must be connected to properly grounded electric outlets with no wiring left in walkways. The company will answer any questions you have about the adequacy safety of your home work area and can supervise and approve the installation and or connection of equipment. &gt &gt Management has the right to visit your home work area to ensure that you have established adequate safety measures in your home work area. Any such visits will be scheduled in advance. &gt &gt No home-related expenses such as heat telephone line cell phone supplies equipment air conditioning or electricity will be reimbursed. &gt &gt You will be responsible for determining any income tax implications of maintaining a home office. The company will not provide tax guidance or assume any additional tax liabilities you are encouraged to consult with a qualified tax professional to discuss the tax implications of this program. &gt &gt 15. All work-related injuries occurring in your home work area must be reported to your manager immediately. These injuries may be covered under your state s Worker s Compensation Law. The company assumes no responsibility or liability for injuries (including death) to third persons and or members of your household that occur in your home either inside or outside the designated work area. The company also assumes no responsibility for damages to your personal property or the company s property that is the result of your negligence or misuse. &gt &gt Terminating the Agreement &gt &gt The Agreement may be terminated by management at any time. You must provide 30 days written notice to management if you wish to end the Agreement and return to an office location. Similarly you will receive 30 days notice if management terminates the arrangement. If for any reason you are unable or unwilling to return to your regular schedule in the original home office location you may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. &gt &gt Telework Agreement &gt &gt &gt &gt I understand that I will continue to be expected to comply with all of Company s applicable policies and procedures. &gt &gt &gt &gt I acknowledge that Company may terminate amend or modify this work arrangement at any time in its discretion and that no work arrangement is permanent. The company s approval of a telework agreement does not provide a contractual right for its continuance. &gt &gt &gt &gt This Agreement does not constitute a contract for any term of employment and the company s employment relationships remain at-will meaning that the employee and the company may terminate the employment relationship at any time. &gt &gt &gt &gt I understand that career growth opportunities may be limited while this agreement is in place and that should I wish for a transfer or promotion to another position this Agreement will automatically be subject to review. &gt &gt &gt &gt The decision to grant a Telework Agreement is within the sole discretion of Company. Employees whose needs for flexibility are a result of a protected disability or situations that may be covered under the law should request consideration for coverage under the relevant company policies via Human Resources e.g. Family and Medical Leave Act Temporary Work Restrictions Disability and Reasonable Accommodation Acute Treatment Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action. A lot of it reads like a typical employment contract and I understand already that I am an at will employee and my position could be terminated at any time without cause. However the part that concerns me is the 90 day trial period as well as the possibility of the agreement extending every 90 days. I m familiar with 90 day trial periods at the start of a new job but I have not experienced an employment relationship where I am continually evaluated every three months. As an employee who reports into the home office my relationship is not evaluated every 3 months. We have an annual review and goals throughout the year which lead to promotions or performance bonuses. Not sure if that is synonymous? The way this contract reads to me seems like the first opportunity they get they may end the relationship as they have urged many times many jobs are not appropriate for telecommute and that this type of relationship may not be appropriate for business needs. I guess I m trying to figure out if I should be concerned that my job is in jeopardy or if by signing this I give my company ammo to terminate my employment simply because they no longer want to support remote work. Thanks in advance.
2019-09-25 13:36:13
\&gt I guess I m trying to figure out if I should be concerned that my job is in jeopardy or if by signing this I give my company ammo to terminate my employment simply because they no longer want to support remote work. &amp #x200B They can terminate your employment for no reason at all currently. They are simply stating that you will continue to be employed at-will. However the literature strongly suggests that they have either had issues in the past with teleworkers or are very new to supporting teleworkers either way they clearly intend on keeping you on a tight leash. Are you aware of people in the company performing telework in the same capacity?
2019-09-25 13:46:58
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Small child in my apartment complex entering my families house Outside alone and sometimes not wearing shoes
Hey guy s. Im a frequent lurker on the sub due to being bored during school or whatever. never thought I d actually have to post here. I m 15 so I really don t know how to handle this. In my apartment complex theres a child (I ve never seen his parents before) in my apartment complex. He s frequently at the park at the complex alone. I figured the family probably lives by the park and have the window open. Sometimes I ll go out at night and ride my bike. I ve seen him alone not close to the park. Today its 30 degrees and it rained the night before. The kid came in our house today saw Me and my brother were home then ran out. this repeated 3 times. I noticed he was in puddles with no shoes and shorts. I found where the kid lives (asking where his parents are) turns out there not too far from the park but definitely not able to see him from the house. He seems to be around 3? We live in new jersey.
2019-12-11 21:05:09
If you think this child is in danger in some way (neglecting a small child like that is very dangerous) you should call 911. They will get the division of children and families involved. You can and should also call their hotline 24 7. https: www.nj.gov dcf reporting how index.html
2019-12-11 21:07:21
Neighbor Noise Disputes
(Oregon) How would I get my stuff back from my dad s ex?
I ve been trying unsuccessfully for about two year to get my belongings back from my dad s ex-girlfriend. She took a lot of my dead mother s belongings claiming she was protecting them or getting other things framed for my sister and I. I asked her two years ago about these things and she admitted to having them. Told me she d return them once she moved into a new home with her new husband and went thru her storage unit. She sent me a text this time last year asking for my address to send it. Box never arrived. I asked her about it two months after the initial message and got no response. The only thing she s sent me since was a dancing turkey gif for Thanksgiving last year. I d really like to get my mom s stuff back. It s basically worthless but it holds a lot of sentimental value to my sister and I. It s all of the cross stitching our mom did and the ex told me she had other belongings of our mom s. We lost our mom when we were young and these things she took hold a lot of meaning to us. I m afraid to keep asking her because she has in the past destroyed things out of spite. I m not sure what to do. Any help or suggestions would be really helpful.
2017-10-07 16:15:45
You could get a police escort to your dads ex s house which could help in recovering the goods. But I would be prepared to find out that she has either trashed or sold whatever she had.
2017-10-07 18:21:51
Parental Disputes Over Personal Items
My boss didn t sign my paycheck I didn t catch it when I deposited and my bank reversed it on Saturday wreaking havoc on my finances and causing me to incur multiple penalties and fees. Do I have any legal recourse to get the fees reversed or have him cover them? I live in Pennsylvania
I texted him on Saturday when I noticed it. Radio silence. He texts me on the weekend for work stuff all the time and in fact texted me earlier in the day that same Saturday (yesterday 3 5 22). The last conversation we had before the weekend he was complaining about his “lack of access to me” when he texts or calls me when I m not at work (either home taking unpaid leave for my sick toddler or being sick myself or just after work hours on weekdays and weekends). He won t pay my penalties and fees unless forced to by some governing body so I m curious what recourse I have? I m guessing none because laws in America favor and protect the corporate interest at the expense of the individual but I figured I d ask here. Is there a better legal sub I should cross post in?
2022-03-06 12:43:45
Have you asked your bank to forgive waive some all fees? They can clearly see what happened and that it was likely an innocent mistake. I work in Deposit Operations at a bank.
2022-03-06 14:12:53
Paycheck Payment Delays
[NYC] Rented a futon in friend s apt it bent while I was sleeping. Landlord wants me to pony up the dough. What constitutes normal wear and tear?
So I just moved to NYC and was crashing on a friend s futon for a month. I paid the landlord 100 bucks a week for the privilege. Anywho after a couple weeks the cheap futon began to bend a bit--I m a big guy and its bars are about the diameter of a half-dollar and hollow--plus I was not the first to rent it. I moved out recently but now I hear from my friend that the landlord has been going through financial troubles and now suddenly wants me to pay for the futon. I didn t jump on it or abuse it--it just bent in the process of me using it in the manner in which it was intended. As far as I m concerned it was an old and cheap futon frame that I paid for in rent twice over. I m pretty sure he just needs the cash... Who s in the right here?
2014-07-18 02:40:44
You can tell him no I won t pay then he can sue you and try to prove the damage you caused is beyond normal wear and tear.
2014-07-18 03:44:17
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Need advice for a car wash incident.
On October 26 2020 I went through a corporate automated car wash (Car Wash USA) in Lufkin Texas. and there was a 12 foot strand of barbed wire entangled in the microfiber cloths. Once it had completely ruined the front end of my 2019 Dodge Charger I stopped mid-wash and laid on the horn until the attendants shut the car wash down. The employee acknowledged that the truck 2 vehicles ahead of mine had the barbed wire in the bed and stated “I knew I should have taken it out of the truck bed but I just didn t.” There accepting responsibility for mine as well as 2 other vehicle s damages. I had the city and county police agencies file police reports on the incidents and filled out a damage claim form. I did not hear anything about the incident until 11 12 2020 when the GM emailed me regarding estimates for repair. He stated I needed two estimates from local body shops. One body shop quoted $7 292 for repairs while the other one estimated $5 980. In both estimates it says approximately 14 days time for labor and paint curing so I would need a rental. Through 20+ emails and 200 or more unanswered calls I get an email 12 28 2020 stating “CHECK RELEASED TO _____ COLLISION FOR VEHICLE REPAIRS. $5980.” No call no email no mail nothing. I FINALLY get ahold of the claims adjuster on 1 4 2021 to inquire about a rental. When asked about a rental she said “I don t know anything about a rental so there s nothing I can do for you. A check was already released so it s too late for any more funds to be given.” And hung up on me. Since then I have reached out to the General Manager who hangs up in my face and ignores all emails. What can I do about this situation? How do I get more for a rental and am I able to get the funds that they sent to the collision repair shop or do I HAVE to do it there?
2021-01-25 01:43:54
IANAL but contact YOUR insurance and have them handle it. You pay them for this. Also do not cash that check.
2021-01-25 02:49:11
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Hospital Legal Advice
Hi everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I was hoping on getting some advice and what I should do in this situation. I m unsure of any legal avenues I have at the moment. This involves my father I m the son. Recently my father went to the hospital to get checked out for some throat issues he was having. They recommend removing his tonsils so they could do a through check for the possibility of cancer. My father is 51. He had the surgery very recently without any issues and the results came back negative for cancer. However immediately when he went home to recover he started complaining of pain and coughing. My parents called the hospital continuously for a week and explained this but all they did was prescribe ibuprofen and schedule a follow up appointment in a month. It turns out my dad was continuously bleeding in his mouth from the surgery and it was dripping into his lungs forming a blood clot. About 4 weeks ago he had to be rushed to the hospital. He flat-lined for 10 minutes straight before he was revived. The blood clot formed large enough to stop his heart. Hes now lost most of his bodily functions from this. Cant walk can t talk etc. A simple surgery to remove tonsils has destroyed his life now. I feel the hospital was entirely negligent by scheduling a surgery follow up a month afterwords and ignoring my parents calls and giving my father a pain killer that thins the blood. Is there anything I can do? My stepmother has requested the hospital medical files and we re currently waiting for those. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks a bunch!
2018-07-15 14:50:11
&gt It turns out my dad was continuously bleeding in his mouth from the surgery and it was dripping into his lungs forming a blood clot I m so sorry that you ve had such a disaster happen but the blood clot in his lungs most likely didn t form from continuous blood dripping from his throat. The clot likely formed in the veins of his legs and traveled through his veins and got stuck in his lungs. I don t see any sort of negligence just bad luck. If you have serious concerns the only legal answer is to look for a medical malpractice lawyer in your area.
2018-07-15 15:17:35
Hospital Mismanagement and Negligence
Weirdness in fund left from Great Grandpa
My great grandpa was a great man. Who served in the Army in WWII and when he made it home created a small fortune for him self. When I was 6 he set up a sizable college account. It is the type of account that can grow and shrink sorry for lack of knowledge on the information regarding the account. I do know that it made it somewhere in the 80 to 100k range. Now that he has passed my grandpa and my grandma are being selfish. They (my grandpa being the account regulator for the fund) are attempting to split it up amongst my other cousins. But it all seems really weird. As all my cousins families are very well of where I am not. Additionally the account was made specifically for me. And they showed no interest in splitting it up before he died. It almost seems as if in some convoluted way they want it for themselves.. What should I do? [U.S Michigan]
2016-06-27 09:13:48
Are you the oldest of your cousins? It may have been written for my great grandchildren and is supposed to be split. You need a lot more information before you can call it weird. Talk to your folks or your grandparents about it.
2016-06-27 09:19:32
Miscellaneous Legal Query
I was arrested ?? cited ?? in Missouri almost 4 years ago on what I believe was solicitation of prostitution and I CANT find it anywhere on my record! I m trying to be honest here on a job application!
So incase it matters what happened was I was looking for a woman on Craigslist in the adult seeking adult section for some adult fun. I admit it it is what it is. Now this wasnt the escort section and the woman said she was down for adult fun but just moved into town and needed help moving and we could party. She was a cop it was a sting I fell for it and was extremely shocked honestly thinking I hadnt even done anything illegal. Anyway they didnt take me to jail they took my pic I believe handcuffed me I believe not sure about fingerprinting(this all took place in the bathroom of the hotel room) they wrote me some sort of ticket or something and a document with a date to appear in court. I got a lawyer and what not seems that it s not even a crime in missouri but rather a city ordinance violation . Not sure if any of the above facts make a differene that s why I mentioned it. The problem is since then I ve applied and been hired at very good jobs with background checks and I admitted up front what happened and there was really never an issue. For personal reasons I m in the process of getting a great job for which I would leave my already great job(great as in personally rewarding not money) and I want to be honest on the background check. I ve purchased my personal criminal history report from a police station I ve checked caseNet and I ve even purchased a criminal history report from the highway patrol which I hear is where EVERY CRIMINAL RECORD in the state goes. NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. My question is...does this sort of thing go away after a couple years? My new job is from out of state will they even be able to find it if I cant? I honestly don t even want to mention it if I don t have to. TL DR got arrested for solicitation of prostitution wasnt taken to jail was given court date got a lawyer charges lowered and now I cant find it on my record...and I WANT to so I can provide it to my potential employer upfront.
2013-09-30 02:40:23
Such a thing usually doesn t go away but unless you were taken to court you weren t charged. If you want to be fully honest just say that much: you were cited for solicitation but never taken to court. Keep in mind that while some employers will appreciate the blatant honesty a lot will just see the misdeeds. (Speaking *as* a business owner I don t really care what you do in your personal life within certain reasonable limits as long as it doesn t impact your performance or my business reputation and its fears of damaging the latter that most businesses freak out about.)
2013-09-30 02:46:31
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Getting an album cover that uses my likeness off of soundcloud
I don t want to get into too much detail but someone is using my likeness without my permission for an album cover that implies something defamatory. I realize that I can go through a report process but I also want to make sure the bastard doesn t just repost. I know there has to be some sort of legal recourse for this sort of thing but what do I do? The link has been posted on Facebook and I ve already reported that. I m currently trying to report to soundcloud. Any sort of direction would be a huge help. This hurts more than just me. Thanks.
2017-10-21 19:22:04
Unfortunately it just being reposted is one of the big problems of the internet. You can contact Soundcloud to have them take it down. If they don t you can submit a DMCA notice. You ll have to keep watching to check to see if it gets reposted and report it again when it is.
2017-10-21 19:23:22
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Car Accident with eighteen wheeler need advice.
Friend was rear ended on the interstate by a major corporation eighteen wheeler which caused her to tap into the car that had stopped quickly in front of her. Their insurance is asking for a statement and wants to come by and collect a statement. This is the first major auto accident that I m personally involved in and I want to make sure she is taken care of and given fair compensation for damages done. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. She s uninjured besides some pain but the car has major rear end damage. She originally made the statement that she hit the person in front of her first but now believes (and I truly believe her) that the truck pushed her into it (which makes sense given the difference in damage between the cars. Her vehicle has the back end just about caved in while the first car got away with a bent license plate and 3 light bumper scratches). Edit: Location is New Jersey.
2014-12-05 12:41:40
Ianal but if she plans on legal action she needs to tell the other insurance company she is getting a lawyer and they will have to speak to him her before she will give a statement. If you re not pursuing legal action to recover damages med bills etc. then she could give a statement but understand that the insurance company likely has one goal: not to pay.
2014-12-05 13:16:42
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
Is it legal for employer to treat me as actual employee while being an unpaid intern?
I took up an internship opportunity in NYC over the summer because I needed the experience for when I graduate and go out looking for actual jobs in my field knowing I d only have a small stipend. What I didn t know was that I d be working as a *substitute for regular workers* working 40 hrs a week having to even put in overtime (without notice) to meet project deadlines all while basically being unpaid. At this point the company is the beneficiary and not me. I was wondering if I signed a contract (which was handed to me about 4 weeks into starting the job only because I kept asking for it so I could get paid) that has an addendum saying how the internship does not create an “employment” relationship under the FLSA am I immediately excluded from such compensation? The addendum also mentions how the company does not derive any benefit or immediate advantage from the activities performed by the intern but clearly they do since I have as much responsibility as the actual full time employees. I want to terminate my contract early but my employer wishes I stay so that projects go smoother (clearly showing how the interns work is beneficial and a substitute for required boost in personnel). I probably won t do anything about this as it could jeopardize future employment (not with this company I m not coming back) but is this legal? I can t afford to stay here.
2019-07-22 05:06:07
This is a catch-22. You could quit early. You could file the appropriate paperwork someplace arguing that you should have been considered an employee and not an intern- and argue with them. They may argue that since you were paid a stipend that was sufficient. But then the whole reason that you did this internship would be negated. You are saying the company is getting the benefit and not you but your benefit is the experience on your resume and the reference at the end. None of us can tell you what to do. Or what the end result will be.
2019-07-22 18:22:46
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Estranged Husband trying to sell the house I live in ON Canada
My Ex and I split up almost 5 years ago because he was having an affair. I was away on business when I found out about it. When I arrived home I was told to leave the house as he was moving his new girlfriend in because she was evicted from her apartment. I found a small 2 bedroom apartment downtown and rented it. I asked my Ex for $2000.00 from our joint checking account for moving expenses (which had almost $150 000.00 in it when I left on business that he hid in some other account). He told me that in order to receive the $2000.00 I would have to sign over all rights to our marital home to him. We drew up a paper stating that I relinquish my rights to the house and had it notarized. My name is still on the deed and mortgage loan. About a year ago he had to move out of town for his job he asked me if I would like to move back into the house. We drew up another agreement this time as me as the tenant stating that I had a 3 year lease and when that is up I could either buy him out of the house or he could put it up for sale or renew my lease. In the agreement lease it states that he is responsible for the property taxes and mortgage payments from what I am paying him (which is double the mortgage payment.) Today he called me with a 60 day notice that he is putting the house up for sale he is in arrears huge with the property taxes and needs money. He did offer to let me buy him out but I am not in a position to re-mortgage at the moment. Our 2 children also live in the house as does our 1 year old granddaughter. He will be leaving all of us homeless since he has ruined my credit I won t be able to get a rental anywhere. I paid him over $6000.00 in the past year to pay the property taxes which if caught up would only be $250.00 a month. He has only paid $1800.00 in taxes all year. Do I have any legal recourse that I could follow so my family is not out on the street? If anyone has any legal advice about this I would greatly appreciate it.
2016-01-13 19:57:54
You need legal advice from a divorce lawyer because you and your ex are still married still have entangled finances you haven t resolved and you need to watch out for your own interests. You should never have signed over the property to him without consulting a lawyer and given the duress you were under you might be able to challenge that document. You may be screwed because there may be no assets left for you to fight over... but you should at least make damn sure that s the truth before you give up and walk away.
2016-01-13 20:14:30
Mortgage Disputes After Divorce
[California] Video of underage girl being passed around high school
Hi everyone A person (we ll call her Sarah) I really care about just called me crying saying that someone texted her to let her know that a video of her sister is being passed around school and attached the video to the message. In the video her sister is nude and making out with someone (possibly more) in the back of a car. The video was taken without her consent by people who are over 18 years old. Sarah s sister is still 17 and this video was taken several months ago. Sarah said those girls bullied her sister in high school pretty ruthlessly and now a few months after graduation are spreading this video around the high school. Technically it is CP and possibly a violation of privacy by filming without consent? What is the best course of action? Sarah s sister doesn t know about this yet but probably will in the next few weeks. I told Sarah to find a lawyer first since she wants to prosecute these people but I m not sure what type of lawyer she should look for. These aren t the type of people that deserve a slap on the wrist so what would your advice be? I m worried the cops would just attribute it to kids being kids. Sorry for the word salad I m just really upset right now and want to get this out as fast as possible so I can help. Thank you so much for your help. EDIT: So I realize that Sarah needs to go to the police but should she delete the video? Isn t the video the only evidence she has? I also don t want there to be any risk that she is charged with possession of CP. EDIT 2: Should she ask the person that texted her who is distributing it or just go straight to the cops and let them handle it? EDIT 3: [Follow up link. More help is needed] (https: www.reddit.com r legaladvice comments 70flf3 california_follow_up_video_of_underage_girl_being )
2017-09-15 21:26:50
Call the cops distribution and possession of child porn isn t something that you prosecute on a civil basis it s a criminal matter. Also cops probably won t see this as kids being kids child porn is a big deal.
2017-09-15 21:28:29
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[US AZ] Hotel staff threw away essential medical supplies necessitating an ER visit. They offered to reimburse me the cost of the visit but are now trying to back out.
So it s slightly more complicated than the title but the gist is the same. Their insurance company reached out to me and had me sign a liability release which quoted the full amount of the emergency room bill. Before sending them the release however I contacted my health insurer to inform them of the settlement as well as to determine what portion they would seek for reimbursement (I am military and legally obligated to do so). I knew it would only be a small percentage and sure enough they quoted the hotel s insurer that only about $270 (out of $2 500) should be disbursed to them. Now that the hotel has seen how little my healthcare provider is asking for they want to revise the total settlement amount. Some relevant details: the ER visit required a device to be temporarily installed inside my body. It was deeply uncomfortable and affected me for several days as well as impacting my work performance the following day (no lasting financial burden resulted however). I do have an appointment for a free consult coming up but was just looking for some other opinions on the matter. Is there grounds for pain and suffering money and is what I m asking too much? Has the hotel done anything illegal? Is the original release binding? Well thanks in advance and I will update if there s any interest. EDIT: Thanks for the excellent feedback everyone! Every single response has helped in some small way but u BrucetheQuokka and u Plz_Dont_Gild_Me have pointed out that in AZ at least the Collateral Source Rule protects plaintiffs from receiving reduced awards based on compensation received from other parties. I may have butchered the explanation but this excerpt from an article on americanbar.org states: &gt In Arizona plaintiffs are entitled to claim and recover the full amount of . . . reasonable medical expenses” that they are charged “without any reduction for the amounts apparently written off by . . . healthcare providers pursuant to contractually agreed-upon rates with . . . medical insurance carriers. ...which is exactly what I will tell their insurance provider when we speak later this week.
2017-03-27 18:16:17
I would get back with them and say that the Collateral Source Rule in Arizona doesn t allow them to take offsets adjustments based on your insurance. In other words just because you had insurance they don t get to reduce the damage they are liable for. Technically they should owe you for the full amount billed by the ER
2017-03-27 19:21:25
Medical Billing Disputes and Fraud
How to get Ins Co to fork over cash instead of repairing car ? (CA)
I live in California. I was hit by another driver. His company agrees it s his fault. They did a photo estimate of 1400$ and offered to send a check in that amount. I took the car to 3 repair shops in their repair network and got estimates of 5200 5200 and 6300$. I know in CA that I can ask for the money to take it to the repair shop of my own choosing and that I do not actually have to take the car in to get repaired. The damage is cosmetic and it s hard to see just from the photos. I don t need the repairs and would prefer to pocket the money but I don t know the best way of approaching the insurance company??? Thanks
2017-09-25 15:58:23
I do not accept your offer of 1400 at this time. I took the car to 3 repair ships in your network and got estimates for 5200 5200 and 6300. To settle this matter I will accept payment via check for 5200. Please advise if this is acceptable.
2017-09-25 16:02:12
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
Father refuses to give underage daughter her medical insurance.
Four years ago my daughter (17 F) (Jane) moved in with her father (Dick) full time due to me being mixed up in a very abusive relationship (of which I am no longer in - story for another time). Jump ahead to present day and Jane has moved back in with me because Dick had been sexually abusing her (CFS and Major Crimes are both currently investigating). Dick has since completely cut her off from everything. He claims to hate her and is not concerned for her welfare at all. I have learned that legally (here in Canada at least) he is not allowed to remove her from his medical insurance until she turns 18. When I emailed him requesting his insurance information he told me that if Jane wants said information she could either come and see him alone (he has tried in many ways to be alone with her) or we could take him to court. He then told me that he would never speak to me again. Jane is terrified of him and refuses to have anything to do with him even if she isn t on her own to which I don t blame her at all. I have asked for assistance from both the police and CFS with this matter and they both say that it s up to the other one to help us. I have since added her to my own medical insurance but at the dentist today we learned that they legally have to put the charges through both insurance companies (to use just mine would constitute insurance fraud). I ended up paying out of pocket for the procedures Jane had done today. We are taking him to court but that process takes time and time is very sensitive right now regarding this (Jane desperately needs new glasses and I simply cannot afford to pay out of pocket). Question #1 - Is Dick legally required to provide Jane with her insurance information? Question #2 - If so how would we go about enforcing this? Question #3 - How could we go about finding insurance information without Dick s help? Question #4 - If we were able to find out which insurance company Dick is through would we simply be able to contact them with Jane s name birth date and retrieve said information? Please recognise that talking to Dick is not possible. Regardless of which direction I have gone in he absolutely refuses.
2019-09-10 00:08:56
You could call the insurer directly and demand her removal from the policy talk to a local police victims advocate for help.
2019-09-10 04:20:47
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Apartment signed contract wants me to sign a new one
So I just renewed with my apartment complex and they sent me a lease they had already signed. I signed it sent it back thought everything was done. Well it turns out they sent me a rate that s just about fifty bucks less per month than they meant to. Now they want me to sign a new contract with them for the increased rent. My understanding here is that we ve got an executed contract that has been signed by both parties and that were both beholden to it but they re saying they haven t accepted it. Do they have the right to do this? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks! This is Dallas Texas. EDIT: Figured I d report back in case anyone cared - they acquiesced after just a bit of initial resistance. Rate stays at what we signed for.
2018-06-03 19:27:38
It doesn t work that way they offered you accepted. The lease agreement that was proffered to you is the offer and your signature on it is the acceptance. Thus we have a binding contract. “Whoops I meant to charge you more” doesn t really fly here. Legally speaking they can go pound sand. However if you wish to remain at the end of the year (sign a new lease) would say your chances would be dramatically reduced if you refuse to acquiesce to this increase. Depending on the LL or property management they may be spiteful and try to make your life miserable while there so it could be worth the extra dough to maintain civility. Sounds a little extortion like I know however sometimes it is best just to suck it up and “take the hit” then deal with constant non-actionable issues bordering on harassment only you will know what is appropriate in your situation. Have seen landlords do crazy crazy shit over 50 bucks smh
2018-06-03 19:56:36
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Supervisor spreading my private information to other staff.
*Delete if not allowed* I live in BC Canada working as a Health Care Aid for a union I opened up to my supervisor about my mental health in confidence for them to get a better understanding. I found out later to my horror that my supervisor told all of my other coworkers. Is there anything I can do? I know it s a silly question but I m getting treated differently because of this leak of information. Thank you.
2020-04-04 19:52:34
Obligatory NAL - BC has the BC Human Rights Code that provides protection for protected characteristics of which mental disability (I hate to use that term for mental health issues but that is what it would fall under) is one. Specifically it means - Your employer is legally entitled to ask questions about the functional limitations caused by your health condition as well as your prognosis—a doctor s opinion about how your condition will change over time. But all of the employer s requests for medical information must be made with the intention of creating appropriate accommodation. **In all cases your privacy must be protected**. And in no circumstances does your employer need to know your diagnosis although this issue may come up in a discussion of accommodation. [See this site for more information](https: www.heretohelp.bc.ca visions workplace-disclosure-and-accommodations-vol13 disability-disclosure-and-accommodation-at-work) I would recommend reaching out to [Disability Alliance BC](http: disabilityalliancebc.org program disability-law-clinic ) and more specifically their law clinic that can provide resources on the best way to proceed.
2020-04-04 20:29:02
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Landlord is charging me to replace his used couch (NH).
Here s the situation: I rented an apartment in New Hampshire for 3 years. It was fully furnished including a used couch. Upon inspection of the apartment my landlord is not happy with the couch says it s dirty beyond repair (I offered to pay for professional upholstery cleaning). Now I m on the hook from the couch. I get a bill from him in the mail that exceeds my security deposit. The biggest line item is the couch ($512). I feel that he is charging me for an already used couch so he can buy a new one is unreasonable that I am getting taken advantage of. The couch was not in great condition when I moved in. My question: How can he justify this price? What are my options for fighting this? Am I really responsible for replacing his used couch with a new couch? I really do not want to take him to court. I just want to reason with him using my rights (if any) as a tenant in this situation. Thank you. Edit: Thank you all so much for your thoughtful advice. I ve never posted here before and I have to say I am surprised and humbled that so many of you commented to help with what I figured was a pretty benign issue. I have been communicating with me landlord via email using many of the points discussed within this thread. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed and hard to reason with to say the least. As I bring up this issue with the couch he now has begun to bring up other nit picky issues with my apartment which unfortunately makes be believe he is the type of person that will go to great length to hold onto my security deposit. I do not want to go to small claims court and have not brought it up yet. I will provide a proper update post once this gets resolved. Thanks again.
2017-08-29 12:58:11
&gt My question: How can he justify this price? He probably cannot (neither morally nor legally). &gt What are my options for fighting this? You would have to convince him that the couch shows only normal wear and tear and that he cannot charge you for normal wear and tear or you would have to sue him to recover what he owes you. &gt Am I really responsible for replacing his used couch with a new couch? No you are not responsible for replacing his used couch with a new couch and in fact you are probably not even likely responsible for paying anything at all towards a replacement couch. If you ripped the couch or stained it with ink or somehow DAMAGED it (as opposed to normal wear and tear) then you might owe him the value of a 3+ year old used couch (but not what it might cost him to replace the couch).
2017-08-29 13:02:21
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Can t foster a child I took care of for almost 2 years. Need advice. (NY PA)
Going to try to keep this brief and the details short. Bear with me. I live in PA. Child is currently in NY. I was in a relationship with a man who had a child from a previous relationship (I m going to call her Beth). Beth was born in 2012 and they divorced when she was less than a year old. We started dating in 2015. He shared custody with his ex husband. In mid 2017 there was a physical abuse situation with the ex husband and he lost custody and only got supervised visits. He was supposed to take an anger management class and fulfill other requirements. In early 2018 my partner got sick and by the middle of 2018 we realized it would be terminal. His parents moved into our home and we made up a legal agreement naming them as her legal guardians but noting that I was to be her primary caregiver. He died in October of 2018. From October of 2018 to August of 2019 (and really for months before) I took care of and loved her like she was my own. She was very fearful of her other father. In August of 2019 he took us to court for custody. He had a new lawyer and had asked for a different judge to look at the case. Everything got overturned and she was ordered back to him. My late partners parents are working class people. I m a teacher. His ex husband is very rich and influential and used that to his advantage. Anyway fast forward to early October of this year. He injured her in a similar way to what he did the first time and she gets removed. His mother gets custody of her but Beth is removed from her care because his mother was letting him have unrestricted access to her. The official story we ve been given is that because we live in PA and she lives in NY she s the responsibility of NY s department of child services and we aren t eligible to be caregivers for her despite the fact that obviously her grandparents are her grandparents. Her grandparents have no interest in raising her but want to help me if they can which includes taking legal custody as per our arrangement. We were advised that our best bet was for me to become a foster parent in our state but that there was no guarantee there. Now that she s in foster care her foster parents have let us talk to her on the phone. She s scared she wants to come home. Foster mom said she prays every night to come home to me which broke my heart &amp I feel like I let my partner down because I promised him that I would never let anything happen to her. I know this is legal advice and these are more questions about the system but I do need all the help I can get and I m turning here in desperation. 1) are kids in the system bound by the state they currently live in if family is willing to take them? It seems like since she technically belongs to the state of NY that they re unwilling to let her come back because we live in a different state. I m getting conflicting info on this. I don t really understand why she can t come live with her grandparents. 2) if I were to move to NY and become a foster parent there would that make any difference? That probably sounds crazy. We lived in NY before moving to PA to be near my late partners family so I still have connections. Her grandparents can t move though. Any other advice you can offer would be appreciated. I ll fight until my dying breath for her if I have to. I don t want her to get lost in the system. her foster family seems nice but I feel like if a kid has family willing to take them shouldn t the state honor that?
2019-12-04 06:55:31
IANAL Many states have something called an ICPC process. Which essentially means that the state the child is in (NY in this case) can complete paperwork and ask your state (PA) to complete the background fostering home study and have a courtesy worker complete home visits and whatnot. There should be a caseworker assigned in NY and obviously court hearings regarding the case especially if the child is in state s custody in some way (they have court reviews) You can always look to see if you are eligable to attend a review hearing or ask if the ICPC process is something the states do. I am a social worker in a Western state and we do ICPC s all the time to kinship family friends in other states to see if we can place a child in their care. And like the comment says I would advise that you contact an attorney that is familiar with Juvenile Court (which is where most child-welfare proceedings take place to get additional advice or an adoption attorney familiar with the state s child welfare program)
2019-12-04 08:42:45
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My vehicle was taken without permission and involved in an accident. Am I liable?
[WA] Here s the situation: My friend and I own a vehicle 50 50 but the title is in my name. I have explained to him multiple times that only him and I are to operate the vehicle. I found out he was letting his brother use the vehicle to drive to work I told him that he is absolutely not allowed to use it because if he gets in an accident I am liable. I have been out of state for a while I just returned a week ago and in the mail was an insurance company trying to contact me regarding an accident in my vehicle. I found out who did it (the brother of my friend whom I never gave permission to use my vehicle) he said that he is paying the owner directly and that the damages are only about 500$ I was still angry but since he was taking care of it I didn t take any other action. Fast forward about a week and I get another letter in the mail asking me to pay around $5 000 in damages (he lied about paying the owner directly) which I don t even have and don t believe I am the one who should be paying it. My vehicle was essentially stolen. What is my best case of action? I would really appreciate some advice!
2013-07-24 01:19:33
Here in WA the police will not consider this vehicle stolen because the driver had permission to use it from an owner of the vehicle. Interesting fact: Police will not consider a vehicle stolen if someone who had permission to use the vehicle even once steals it years later. They consider the permission to be perpetual and it s a civil matter at that point. Why don t you handle this via your insurance company? If you end up out of pocket for any money you can likely sue the person who was driving for any damages you incur.
2013-07-24 01:44:14
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
[OHIO] Landlord Physically Cut Internet Cables
I can t believe this is real but... I m living at an apartment complex in Ohio. Current landlord has purchased the apartment building from the previous landlord and has been owning and making demands of the tenants for a few months now. One of the demands was that we contact the internet service provider to have them relocate the cables they ve ran into the apartment because they are an eyesore. I told him I was not given an option for where or how the cabling entered the building (the cabling was there when I moved in) and he should contact the ISP to discuss moving the cables as multiple tenants connections run into the building at the same spot. I thought this would be the better option as he could oversee the new cable installation to bring up any concerns and would keep the ISP from having to make multiple trips to relocate cabling. Well today he stopped by the apartments and physically cut the ISP cables on the outside of the building where they entered. Thus killing internet access to the building. This has also affected my work as I am supposed to be working remote but that is impossible with no internet. I ve contacted them and they will be out this afternoon to reconnect it. I m looking for advice on what I need to do to make sure I don t have to pay the ISP for the reconnection or to be reimbursed if I am charged. Also is it legal for the landlord to cut the internet connection to my apartment? UPDATE: The ISP came out and said they could relocate and reinstall the cables but they require the building owners permission to do so. We contacted the landlord to ask him to contact Spectrum in order to give them permission and he refused. He said he will not be contacting any ISPs. At this point it seems like he s just trying to push all of the current tenants out of the building so he can raise the rent as he s done on the vacant apartments.
2020-04-16 15:31:49
Practically you should get a 4G hotspot. They re not too expensive. What your landlord did was a violation of ORC section 5321.15(A). You should call a lawyer to see if it s worth having a lawyer for. Regardless you can sue for lost wages emotional distress etc. Although that section does not allow punitive damages in and of itself you may be entitled to punitive damages if you can establish actual malice fraud or insult . His written communications will serve as good proof for this.
2020-04-16 19:23:38
Landlord refusal to provide internet
I believe I have been slandered on Facebook. How does r legaladvice stand?
I ve been seeing a woman for 6 months and she has kid by an ex. Tonight he posted on her status that he doesn t trust me around his daughter and that I was a creepy pedafile [sic]. We ve never met and his claim is absolutely fictitious. As you can imagine this is the last thing you want someone to say about you. I ve been looking for a new job and this could turn away any potential employer. [Here s a screen cap](http: imgur.com Xdbjh) of what he said and my reply. Also a couple months ago he s sent me messages saying that he was having sex with my g f and she s a whore etc.. I am going to pursue legal action on this but would like some advice info guidance. This is in the state of Michigan.
2012-02-11 04:28:50
Aside from the libel issue this is what you should do. Take the man out for coffee explain that you understand he is the father and that you respect that. Work together for the sake of the kid. Your pissing contest will ultimately produce nothing but aggrevation and ill will. When kids are involved their needs must always come before the egos. he may be a tool but if you stay in this relationship he will be in your life forever.
2012-02-11 14:22:33
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Didn t report under books income of about 5k last year am being threatened by family member to be reported to IRS. Can I go to jail for tax evasion?
Should I pay 100 dollars to speak to a lawyer or can I fill out the information late? This money has traces in my bank account because I didn t know I would be betrayed.
2019-11-08 16:05:17
Just go to a CPA and file an amended return with the appropriate penalties for late payment. The IRS doesn t care about jailing you. Especially over 5k of unreported income. They just want their money.
2019-11-08 16:06:14
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[VA] Was sold a certified pre-owned vehicle later found out it was an in accident that wasn t reported.
Hello I was sold a Certified Pre-Owned Subaru in Sterling Virginia. The dealer claimed it was traded in no accident was disclosed and the Carfax was clean. When I took the car in for a headlight replacement they told me it can t be replaced since the car was in an accident. Upon closer inspection under the hood there was clear evidence the car was in an accident. After investigating the Carfax an accident wasn t reported and the car was also bought at auction not traded in. Is there any kind of case to be had here? I m trying to determine the best course of action and I feel like this was dishonesty on multiple fronts.
2018-05-31 13:39:08
What s the Carfax guarantee?
2018-05-31 14:07:17
Car dealership title issue
Dealer sold me a car without a catalytic converter. Texas
Hello I m in need of some advice if it s possible to get out of my current vehicle. I bought a certified car a couple days ago from a dealership.. Car has 9k miles 2021. I had a concerned about the car being under warranty do to some check engine light. They ensured me that they can find the reason for code and see what it was. Turns out it was apparently a exhaust air flow issue and the computer can t take off the check engine light because of it being so new. So I asked if they would honor any warranty work with that check engine light being on at any dealer ship seeing as it s a certified vehicle. They promised me that the vin is certified and is Nationwide covered through any of their dealer ships I said okay. (My mistake) Little did I know is that the car has been sold to me without a catalytic convertor!!! I thought it was a exhaust issue. I felt bad about buying the car and had huge buyer remorse going throughout the couple of days. And now after some research i read that in my state it is illegal to sell the car [TCEQ](https: www.tceq.texas.gov airquality mobilesource vetech tampering.html) “Texas law prohibits any person from selling offering for sale leasing or offering to lease any vehicle not equipped with all emission control systems or devices in good operable condition.” I want to get out of this vehicle so bad as I felt I was preyed upon. Like they really took advantage of me after I reviewed everything. What are some courses of action I can do?
2022-04-30 12:21:36
I feel like you would have know the Cat was missing as soon as you started it up at the dealer. It would do one of two things: 1- Not start at all 2- Be loud as all hell since it was disconnected from the muffler and exhaust system. Loud enough for you to notice. More than likely it was stolen after you drove it home.
2022-04-30 17:50:58
Car dealership title issue
My only source of income was cancelled by the government during the pandemic
Hello I m 16 and living in Birmingham Alabama US. My father is my only parent and he is disabled. His disabled checks were cancelled today because of a doctor that said he was able to work even though he hasn t seen that doctor in I believe at least 3 years. We have no other income except for my sisters job at Starbucks which right now is suspended with crisis pay. We are trying to appeal but no promises. I want to know what I can do legally and what even is legal. I though it was illegal to take away aid in a state of emergency especially when millions of people are already out of work. Also getting a job would take away my half-tuition at the local college because he used to work there and is technically retired. Please help me understand what I can do and thank you. &amp #x200B Edit: Thank you for the help. For those wondering and because I can t post comments my dad has been going to a lot of doctors in the past 3 years just not the specific doctor that cancelled the disability because the problem has shifted from 1 part of his body to another. I also have checked with the university and my half-tuition will be cancelled if my dad works any where else before I go to college.
2020-04-18 01:17:09
That sounds stressful I feel for you. I think the best thing you do is to let his primary care provider know about the situation and call the Disability Determination Service at (205)989-2100. This is what i could find after doing some digging im not a social security attorney so im not sure as to what you can do legally. Hope this helps.
2020-04-18 02:21:50
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[California] Neighbor s poop water is leaking into my townhouse.
I own a townhouse in Los Angeles County. My tenant let me know there was a leak going into the garage. The HOA sent a work order for a plumber to come and they confirmed it was the neighbor s toilet. Repairs are $900 and we also said we are willing to redo the drywall in our ceiling. The neighbor has refused to fix the leak. The HOA says it s between us and don t want to be involved. The water department and my homeowner insurance said they can t do much. The sheriff says it s a civil matter and to go to small claims court. If I win in small claims court how do they guarantee the neighbor will fix the leak? Is there any other avenue I can go through to get it fixed other than court? Should I contact health department since it s poop water coming into my garage? Help!
2022-07-16 23:14:57
Check your CC&amp Rs to make sure the HOA isn t dodging something they should handle. Small claims court cannot force a remedy like a repair. You can however get financial compensation up to California s small claims court limit. In short you ll get the money to make your repairs. Contact the city county code office to inform them a homeowner adjacent to you has leaking sewage coming into your unit and refuses to respond to you or the HOA. The health department would be my second choice. Code enforcement officers will also be concerned.
2022-07-17 01:46:51
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Friend of mine tricked into “abandoning” her daughter by her fiancé
I have been helping friends of mine who live in IL move to TN which they have been wanting to do for years (or so I thought more on that later) they are a couple who are engaged and have a young daughter. The woman who I have been friends with since before she met her now fiancé found a job in TN and came down to TN to start working I arranged for her to stay at a friend of mines house in TN. She was been working here in TN for about a month with the idea that her daughter and her fiancé will come down as soon as they find a place to move into. A few weeks ago they signed a lease (I am fairly certain they both signed it) and put a down payment on an apartment that will be available to move in by July third though they where told it would probably be sooner. The idea is that as soon as they are able to move in her fiancé will come down with the daughter. Her and her fiancé have been on good terms this whole time (or so she thought) talking to each other all through out the day with him saying how much he loves her and misses her and can t wait to be able to move down as well when the apartment is available. This morning they had this same conversation over the phone as well which I was present for. However... about a minute after she said goodbye and hung up the phone with him saying he had to leave because he had to go into work early (important later) she got a call from her brother. Her brother lives in Illinois as well in the same town as her fiancé. He had to go into court for some reason but while there the elevator took him to the wrong floor and he didn t realize this until he was trying to sign in. While there he noticed his sisters name on the court docket schedule in court for 1 pm that day saying “her name vs fiancé name: 1:00”. After hearing this she calls her fiancé back to find out what this means as soon as he asks he just let out long sigh as if to say “shit I have been caught”. Turns out this whole time he and his dad who is a lawyer have been going through the process to get full custody of the daughter saying that she abandoned her daughter by going to TN they also got a protection order against her saying that they where afraid she would come back to steal her daughter from them. They also claimed that she has been homeless and was wanting to take the daughter even though she is homeless. All of this without teller her she even called her fiancée day a few days ago to wish him happy birthday and had a pleasant conversation. Upset she immediately called into work and drove up to Illinois. Her mother went into court on her behalf but at this point she has missed 3 court hearings she did not know about any court summons sent to her would have been sent to her fiancé. The court hearing today was to try to extend the protection order against her to 2 years but that was stopped by her mom being there but it is still in place until the end of July. At the court hearing the fiancés father and lawyer against her was surprised to apparently hear for the first time that the fiancé had also planned to go to TN but says he will continue with the charges because them wanting to move away from Illinois was in his words “ridiculous and unacceptable”. He was also threatened to get CPS involved against both of them (have no clue on what grounds he is thinking) if the fiancé does not continue with trying get full custody and get the protection orders against my friend. According to the fiancé apparently he did all of this simply because his father was threatening to gave his daughter taken away if they moved to TN (again I have no clue how he would actually be able to go through with that threat) but his son is scared of him because he is a good lawyer I guess. Still does not explain why he kept this a secret to my friend this whole time and lead her on thinking they would all be back together once they moved into the apartment. I m not really sure what advice I am looking for I just can t wrap my head around this I don t understand how this is possible.
2018-06-14 01:39:32
Your friend needs an IRL attorney to unravel whatever the frontdoor is actually going on here.
2018-06-14 01:46:14
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Prancing around having to Pay Parent s Parking ticket
I live in Chattanooga TN. My father lives in Oak Ridge TN. Recently I did my father a favor that required I switch cars with him for a week. I misread the hours for the parking spot I was in and got a ticket. It s my understanding that private parking companies are allowed to ticket you and subsequently boot your car if you have repeat offenses- But they have no legal authority to force you to pay. Given that this car will never be in Chattanooga again and given that I m a broke college student I considered it a fortunate free lesson in attentiveness and that I could ignore the parking ticket with no real consequence. Technically the private company could make a legal case but I don t think it would be in the company s best interest to do so. Financially they d lose more taking it to court than they d get. I ve heard from a handful of individuals that they ve dodged tickets like this during one-time trips to Nashville. My father is concerned it will come back to haunt him legally or financially. Playing dice in my own life is one thing but I would hate for my carelessness to fall back on him in the future. Is his concern well-placed or should I insist that there ll be no issue as long as the car doesn t receive another ticket in Chattanooga? Should I just shut up and pay the ticket? What s the worst case scenario here if I don t?
2019-01-28 01:00:58
You should just pay the ticket. The worst case scenario is his credit gets damaged over a small amount of money which would cause lots of problems like preventing him from getting a mortgage.
2019-01-28 01:33:28
Parking Ticket Disputes
Brother Committed Suicide in County Jail. Questions
I ll try and keep this brief. I haven t spoken to any lawyers or the jail. The rest of my family is unable to do anything. Dad spoke to jail a few weeks ago when it happened got some details. I just ask that you read everything. Here we go a brief history Brother was 18-19 and he was arrested for stealing a car in NY. Caught driving it with friends. ~2010 No criminal history got off easy. Few months later stole another car. Same thing. Don t remember if he served time. I can get exact dates jails courts if actually necessary. Anyways he was out and living with my mother in VA. This could be where I go into detail about his family history but i ll try to sum it up right here. His father had on and off drug abuse problems relapses etc. The family moved to VA with almost no money in 2009 to try and start over and it didn t work. Parents divorced father relapsed mother makes minimum wage. This is all happening while he is stealing the cars and getting into trouble. Age 18-20 Now in VA around 2010 he was riding a friends (stolen) motorcycle when he starts getting pulled over by a cop. He tries to run ends up getting tazed and thrown in jail. He wasn t in there long maybe a couple months at most when he tried to hang himself. He ended up in a coma and a judge released him on probation. I think on some special mental disorder idea they came up with. NOW my brother was arrested for trying to sell a stolen leaf blower and maybe some other lawn equipment in VA. He was sent to a county jail to await trial. His father called the jail and warned them about his past attempt at suicide. The jail says he was evaluated and determined he was not suicidal. I tried researching past cases on jail suicide and the term deliberate indifference comes up a lot. He was able to tie his sheet to the lighting fixture. Is that something that could be talked about in court? I know jails take measures to prevent suicides but what if no attempts were made to make it suicide proof . I can provide more details about anything just ask. I feel a lot is being left out but I don t want to ramble.. Does anything need to be done ASAP? I am in NY the jail is in VA. I don t have money. Can should I talk to lawyers here? I heard you have to give something like a jail notice if you want to go to court? 30 days?! Could anything like this be brought to court? He did not regularly see a psychologist or took medication but it would be clear to any doctor with a little probing that he had undiagnosed mental disorders. He was a vegetarian and very underweight. I would even call it an eating disorder. At 6 3 he was very skinny. All his crimes were very impulsive. Past history with mental hospitals when he was a preteen. Should any of this alerted the person evaluating him? It seems like it would be hard to take a jail to court because of the failure to diagnose a person as suicidal. What should I do?
2014-01-30 01:23:27
&gt Can should I talk to lawyers here? Any lawsuit you would file would be in Virginia. You should talk to attorneys there. &gt Could anything like this be brought to court? In general yes a lawsuit could conceivably be brought with these facts. An attorney would need to sit down and review the entire matter to give you a better judgment.
2014-01-30 01:39:04
Miscellaneous Legal Query
School Wont Allow Enrollment with a Power Of Attorney Can t Get Guardianship Because of State Law - Maryland
My wife took in her sister who has been evaluated at different times to being as far as 5 years behind in her reading. She is 11. My wife s parents are very low resource and very low IQ and have been completely unable to help the sister. This has been ongoing and we finally decided to step in to prevent this situation from getting worse. My wife is active duty. We ve moved 3 times in the last calendar year moving most recently to Maryland in the beginning of June where we purchased a house. We had a power of attorney but we decided we should probably get guardianship and contacted the JAG office at her base and the front desk refused to even let us talk to a JAG related to guardianship citing it was out of their scope. I make contact to the free legal resources that the state provides and they claim that we cannot file for guardianship because we haven t been in the state for 6 months... Which is because the military is moving us around like crazy. So we go up to the school to register the sister and they refuse to allow us to register because we don t have guardianship. We explain the situation they say too bad. They claim that even though the power of attorney explains our educational responsibilities to her they require guardianship and do not recognize the document. We can t file in the sister s home state of Arkansas because we don t have residency we already asked. We are going to try and file anyway for guardianship in the next couple days and try and argue it before the judge but what the fuck do we do now?
2017-08-16 18:55:06
Being the cynical jerk about administration I am it s not unlikely that the school is making you jump through hoops because they don t want a special ed student that will make metrics harder to hit. I d escalate this to the district and have them ELI5 why they re not accepting the documents that give you control over this student s education and clarify exactly what they do need.
2017-08-16 19:07:39
Third party custody concerns
School confiscated my sons phone now won t return it to me.
This is in Indiana. My son is in high school and true to a deal we made he got good grades in his first semester so I got him an iPhone for Christmas. Apparently he was playing with it in class recently and the teacher confiscated it. I totally understand this. However when I went in to the office to collect the phone the assistant principal told me that it was now school property and he wouldn t return it to me. He said it was like when the police confiscate something it becomes their property (which isn t true as far as I know.) I managed to maintain my composure while I stridently demanded the phone but the assistant principal wouldn t budge. I m taking it up at the next school board meeting. If the school board upholds the asst. principal s decision my plan is to sue the district for the value of the phone but I hope this isn t necessary. What s my legal standing here? Would I have any hope of winning a small claims suit against the district for the value of the phone?
2017-05-19 17:05:16
Yeah. That s not how that works. Call the police and ask them to come with you to retrieve your property. I d also call the district and inform them the assistant principal at your school is attempting to steal from students and parents
2017-05-19 17:09:52
Miscellaneous Legal Query
A question regarding police rights
My area has a thing called beach week where all graduating senors drive to the beach and stay for a week. There is a lot of drinking and partying but anyways When me and my friends were 17 18 years old we drove to the beach with a lot of alcohol in the trunk. A cop pulled us over for tailgating (I suspect they just want an excuse to pull us over) I was sitting shotgun and a cop asked the driver to step out of the vehicle. At this point there is about 4 cop cars behind us on the highway. A different cop walks up to my window and says alright your friend told us about the alcohol in the trunk so is it just beer or hard stuff I sat there for like 5 seconds and said I don t know he says alright and tells us all to get out of the car. He then searches the trunk finding everything takes all the alcohol and than just lets us go. I later found that my friend had not admitted of any alcohol in the car. --------My question is A) can the cops just lie to me like that? B)What should I have done C) If I were to just continue to deny would they eventually of just had to leave D) Could we have just said I don t consent to a search or something? E) I was also told we could have just asked are we under arrest? and if the answer was no we could of left F) Why didn t we get any tickets or anything? Is that allowed or normal?
2013-02-22 23:29:04
&gt A) can the cops just lie to me like that? Yes. &gt B)What should I have done You did ok. About as good as one can expect a high school senior to do. :) It would have been better to just refuse to answer all together but really you did fine. &gt C) If I were to just continue to deny would they eventually of just had to leave It depends on any number of factors honestly. Maybe. But maybe not. &gt D) Could we have just said I don t consent to a search or something? Yes. Absent probable cause the police officer can t search. &gt E) I was also told we could have just asked are we under arrest? and if the answer was no we could of left It s not quite as simple as that. The officer has the right to hold you for as long as it takes to write a ticket and if there are other questions he can hold you for a few minutes to sniff around for something. He can t hold you for a long time or a truly inconvenient amount of time. &gt F) Why didn t we get any tickets or anything? Is that allowed or normal? The cop gave you a huge break! He did you a favor. That s absolutely allowed and pretty normal.
2013-02-22 23:36:13
Miscellaneous Legal Query
OREGON: Neighbor shot the windows out of my classic car
A neighbor in my apartment building shot out two windows of my classic 1965 car with marbles and I assume a slingshot. He also shot out a car window of another neighbor s. I ve filed a police report and the police followed up twice on the day it happened. I want to sue the neighbor in small claims court for damages. My first question is how I prove it was them if there is no definitive proof from a police report? I was witness to the neighbor s car window being shot out but not mine. The neighbor shot marbles out of his kitchen window out of sight. My second question is how do I determine the amount I want to sue for if I haven t had my Windows fixed before I file a claim?
2017-08-15 08:32:30
&gt My first question is how I prove it was them if there is no definitive proof from a police report? You take what proof you do have and hope it s enough. The standard for small claims is less that for the police - but you still need proof. Your witness statement will count but it depends on who is more convincing - you or your neighbour. &gt My second question is how do I determine the amount I want to sue for if I haven t had my Windows fixed before I file a claim? Get a quote. Actually - get two. But... Do you not have insurance? This sort of stuff is why you should have insurance and let them deal with it.
2017-08-15 08:49:23
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
Wife (32F) is leaving and wants divorce. No kids. What is she entitled to take if things become unfriendly?
We have been married 7 years she immigrated to Canada from USA when we were married. In July she said she is leaving and moving back to USA. Last month she was visiting her friend down there and started a relationship with another guy. I have 2 concerns: 1. She hasn t worked full time the whole time we were married and she isn t on the mortgage. Can she come after me for a divorce settlement? 2. She initially agreed to sponsor my immigration to the USA after she told me she wanted a divorce. (we were planning on moving together and I still want to go even if we aren t together). We didn t enter in to marriage for the purpose of immigration but now that she wants a divorce is it purgery for her to petition to sponsor me for immigration? Thanks.
2017-09-22 00:16:33
She is entitled to half the assets of the marriage if she worked or not. I don t know about the citizenship thing. See a lawyer now while things are still friendly.
2017-09-22 00:19:36
Miscellaneous Legal Query
I m a tutor volunteer facing child abuse allegations. What do I do?
I am currently in an official volunteer program working as a mentor and tutor for elementary school students. Yesterday I was sent to the principle s office and was told that child abuse allegations were made against me. Obviously this came as a huge shock to me. This occurred yesterday two days before school ends. I was told I needed to leave school property and wait for further instructions. I asked if I could contact my boss and was told I may not speak to anyone about this matter and that I am supposed to sit and wait. I am at a loss for what to do. If I can t contact my boss who do I contact? They told me that police and investigators will both be contacting me for statements when they are ready. I tried contacting my boss and asked for help on what to do but she has not responded. I was told at the beginning of the year that with certain cases legal assistance would be provided. How am I supposed to know if my boss is doing anything about this issue if I can t speak with her? What do I need to do? For reference I am located in Washington State.
2016-06-15 03:09:24
get an attorney don t talk to ANYBODY ELSE until them. call now to set one up for tomorrow. your boss and any representative of the school is not on your team.
2016-06-15 03:12:03
School Bullying and Administrative Neglect
[Los Angeles] Employees are filing for worker s comp with fake injuries. What can I do?
Hello I own and run a packaging company in Los Angeles and we ve been having a very serious problem in the last year regarding fake injuries with some of our employees. Last year one of our employees told (not asked) us that she would only work only 30 minutes per hour because of pain in her elbow. We sent her to a doctor to get her elbow examined and the doctor says there is nothing wrong (they performed an MRI and two X-rays). Two-three weeks later she comes in and refuses to work citing pain in her elbow again. We send her to a different doctor with the same result. About two months after that we get notified that she s suing the company. We obviously fought her in court we had the documents of two separate doctors MRI s X-rays and other documents showing that there was no injury of any kind. But unfortunately our worker s comp lawyer settled with her against our wishes. Her party received upwards of $40 000 and our premiums skyrocketed. Last week 4 of our employees showed up to work in slings and have been refusing to work ever since. These four employees are friends of the previous employee and this seems to be a very obvious attempt to recreate the settlement that she received. I m coming to you all for help I have no idea what to do. I ve had to hire temp workers to finish orders on top of paying these 4 their full hourly wage for literally sitting at work with their arms folded. These expenses in addition to my increased premiums have eaten away at my profit margin quite substantially. We re barely making ends meet as it is. I can t fire them because they re injured and the other route involves settling in court again. Thank you for reading.
2015-04-17 19:41:08
First let your work comp carrier know this is fishy and why. They may be able to investigate a little further. I know *somtimes* carriers will put a PI or surveillance on someone when it s a questionable injury. I m not sure if your carrier does this or if it s permitted in your jurisdiction. But letting your insurance carrier know there is an issue is a good first step.
2015-04-17 19:50:39
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My Landlord is requesting we let his Ex-con Cousin stay on the living room couch for a couple weeks.
Hi Let me preface this by saying I am a 22 year old student currently on a co-op term. I reside in Ontario Canada I am subletting a room from an individual whom is renting half of a duplex home. A few days ago he requested that we let his ex-con cousin (Armed Robbery) stay in the house for a couple weeks while he gets back on his feet (rent free). I would very much like to avoid having this ex-con live on the couch for a few days (if it is truly only that long). Do I have any legal rights or options to avoid this situation? we do not have another bedroom and this guy would just be living on a couch in the living room. I have gotten a lock for my door. but I would like to avoid the situation all-together. I had given him first and last months rent (paying month-month) and would like to get my last months deposit back if it comes down to that. &amp #x200B Appreciate any advice on this! &amp #x200B Edit: If I give my notice to move out and I am out of the house before the first of the month will i be able to get my last months rent deposit back?
2020-01-21 18:10:17
You have no special rights here. Your landlord is allowed to have a guest in his home which is where you are renting a room. He could have just had his cousin show up and not said anything or he could have not been honest about him being an ex-con. You can tell your landlord that you don t like this request and you really hope he ll reconsider. But realistically if the landlord says his cousin is coming to stay your only recourse is to give your notice and then move out.
2020-01-21 18:16:40
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
USA WA - If my apartment has a community internet cable setup that they decided to start charging me for can I opt out of it?
When I first moved in cable internet and garbage were all included in my rent. After seeing an increase in my utility payment this month I learned that I m now being charged for all three. The garbage is something that I can accept but the internet and cable is through Charter and every apartment in the complex is now splitting the bill. The internet is a necessity but the cable (the most expensive of the 2) I don t use can they really just start charging me for a service that I didn t agree to pay for?
2019-06-01 00:18:43
What does your lease say regarding these services?
2019-06-01 01:27:36
Landlord refusal to provide internet
Today they fired my 83yr old Grandma from work what can she do?
So would hopefully come across some legal or insightful advice on what a sad situation of 37 loyal years to a company only to get booted. (Illinois and this is a Union Job) She worked for this company 37 yrs never called off unless it was an emergency rare always on time unless there was a valid problem which was less than 10 and today they gave her the boot. The company claimed she fell asleep a month ago wrote her up but she did not sign it because she did not agree with it and she supposedly fell asleep again on Friday however no video image witness proof exists **having this job provided her the insurance (BlueCross blue shield and Medicare part a part b) she needs she enjoyed feeling needed she enjoyed her coworkers ** **brightened her sprits** and for them to just boot her was malicious. Apparently their insurance went up because of her age is what an insider mentioned to me which if true seems to be a plan of action to get rid of her. Is there any possibility of something to do? The insider mentioned to go to the company for her and ask for the visual proof of what they claim happened anything other my mind is so wrapped up in comforting her I can t think. Thank you in advance to those who can provide some help if you can t please vote this up so it can get to the eyeballs of someone that can maybe.
2018-07-18 00:22:02
If they chose to fire her based on age she may have a wrongful termination suit. Based on your OP it doesn t seem like it. Edit: your OP doesn t clearly state one way or another: was she asleep?
2018-07-18 00:26:52
Miscellaneous Legal Query
IN Local public high school is displaying graphic anti abortion signs.
I am sorry to make another post but there is a new issue at my son s high school. You might remember me from posting there are religious posters in my sons class. Yesterday and today on public school grounds there has been an anti choice group setting up camp putting up signs of pictures of aborted fetuses etc I have no idea if this is legal. Maybe it is. But it feels icky and wrong. Is it legal? If not what s my next step...aside from moving from this area. Edit: When I initially posted I was still in emotional rage mode. I am grateful for all responses and feedback.
2020-09-23 20:06:29
&gt on public school grounds Explain this. They re not on the public sidewalk or out near the street but rather smack in the middle of school property?
2020-09-23 20:07:54
Miscellaneous Legal Query
IL - My village want me to put a Blue Lives Matter sticker on my car.
Hi all let me start out by saying that I support the police. My village has decided on the new artwork for the village s vehicle sticker and guess what it s Blue Lives Matter. I m not a really political guy and I don t want anything on my car that can be taking the wrong way. Since I travel into Chicago frequently and park my car on the street I m afraid this image may attract some unwanted attention. Here is a link to the [article.](http: patch.com illinois orlandpark new-vehicle-stickers-orland-park-show-support-police) The rules in our fair village are pretty simple. Residence are required to purchase and display the sticker on their vehicle by a certain date. I plan to purchase it just not display it. If I got a ticket for not displaying the sticker would I have a case to get it dismissed based on the circumstances? **Update #1**: I ve been asked by a few people to give updates and I will as time comes. I also sent an email to the mayor and trustees this is what I wrote: Dear Mayor McLaughlin and Members of the Board of Trustees I am writing to you today because I recently became aware of the design of the new village vehicle sticker. While I am a big supporter of the police I do not want an image on my car that can be misinterpreted as a political statement. I drive my car into neighborhoods of Chicago and surrounding suburbs where this image could be taken the wrong way. I am asking that a generic version of the sticker be made available as an alternative. If not I will be happy to purchase one but I will not display on my vehicle. Thank you for your time. Sincerely ZakZaz
2017-02-24 02:40:21
This might be the first time I have ever seen a legitimate first amendment complaint on this sub. I ll be damned it s over a sticker. I d get some folks in opposition together and maybe call the ACLU.
2017-02-24 03:07:55
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Startup wants me to forfeit my unvested stock
I ve been working for this startup (US state not disclosed) for 3 years now. After the first year I was given restricted stock units vesting each year for 5 years. After 2 years the company just informed me about their decision of forfeiting the unvested part as I wasn t working as hard as other stock holders and I was rather an employee to them (Although I was never informed about this before and my contract also doesn t mention this. I would be open to a discussion and an agreement but they re not willing to open any discussion about this with me). Now they want me to sign the forfeiture agreement and I m not sure what to do about it. Should I sign it as they could just terminate my contract resulting in getting only the current market value of the vested stock according to the profits interest award agreement or should I lawyer up and try to keep the unvested units? I think I should just sign the forfeiture agreement as there s not much to do about this situation according to the profits interest award agreement. I just wanted to ask if there s any other way around it. Thank you in advance for your advice. UPDATE: Hi all thank you all for your advice. I understand what you mostly suggested but I decided to step back and sign the forfeiture. The money at stake is still too good to lose and I have several reasons why to keep it and why it would be difficult to fight for the rest: 1. I work remotely from Europe I m not a US citizen so any legal help would be even more difficult 2. They have the right to terminate my contract and take my already vested units if I don t sign 3. They can transform the company structure which also happened in other startups 4. They could be an even bigger problem at the liquidation event I agree that this can happen anytime even if I signed the agreement. But that would be the final straw for me and I d fight for it. While this still sucks I don t want to rock the boat and possibly lose it all. I m already getting offers that I could accept if they are a better deal than this one because I agree that the environment is toxic due to these unfair moves. So don t worry this is still the best option for me at the moment. As someone suggested I ll keep you updated when something worth mentioning shall happen.
2019-04-26 07:52:28
Don t sign shit. Call a lawyer. Get litigious in this motherfucker.
2019-04-26 11:41:44
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Who takes care of matters for an elderly person with failing cognition and no support network? [AZ]
My husband is a supervisor at his workplace. One of the employees is an 80+ year-old woman who has no spouse (she was married to the Navy in her earlier years) no children no close friends no other close support network. She does have a brother who lives in another state but they have very little contact. She has a house a car and two dogs to look after. About a month ago my husband got a call from the fire department this co-worker had called for medical assistance and she needed someone to go to her house and handle her two dogs. With her permission we put the dogs with her regular boarding kennel and we also agreed to take her spare keys and check the house take in her mail and so on. The hospital called my husband that evening to inform him that she d named him her medical power of attorney. She was very ill and required a couple of weeks of hospitalization during which we kept up on checking the house and clearing her mailbox. She was finally released one weekend and took care of the bills and such while at home but only a few days later she was again incapacitated and taken to the hospital. We again picked up her dogs and brought them to the kennel and resumed checking her mail and so on. This second stay in the hospital lasted a week and due to physical therapy needs she was transferred to a short-term care facility yesterday. However she is quite disoriented and confused and there is serious concern about her mental competence going forward or indeed her ability to live independently again. She has not been able to answer questions from us about her legal and financial picture due to her confused mental state. The situation is growing desperate. My husband and I are not this lady s relatives nor close family friends the only legal link we have is the medical power of attorney which is very limited in scope (as it should be). We don t know what bills she might need to pay in the upkeep of her house and even if we did we have no means of accessing her bank account to pay them and no means to pay them ourselves. We don t know if she has a lawyer or an accountant on retainer. Essentially we don t know who to contact that can begin to manage her affairs. We have tried calling her brother but have only gotten his voicemail where we ve left several messages of increasing urgency and received no reply. Does anyone have advice for us? What resources are available to help this woman?
2019-09-19 21:29:14
You should involve Adult Protective Services and allow them to investigate and intervene on her behalf if warranted in the circumstances.
2019-09-19 21:37:32
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Suing the guy who had my tree cut down.
So I guess I have to sue the guy who had my tree cut down. I told him I didn t want his guy to finish cutting down the tree as I don t trust him don t think he has insurance isn t licensed and if something happens i m the one liable. He didn t like that then I told him i d get quotes to have the tree replaced. It s a silver maple that was roughly 40 foot tall. He flys off the handle. Starts screaming and swearing at me. All sorts of name calling. It was amusing. I m a pretty chill guy and he s not capable of getting to me with words. I did like his You don t know who you re fucking with asshole! threat though. I tried to calm him down it didn t work. He eventually hung up on me. I ve got the whole thing recorded. So small claims court it is. A wrinkle though. Maybe. The house is owned by an LLC. He apparently has all his houses owned by LLCs that only own that house. He s the registered agent for all the LLCs. **Does it matter when I sue him in small claims court? Do I have to sue the LLC the registered agent or him the person?** St. Louis MO Follow up to https: www.reddit.com r legaladvice comments aljaku the_guy_who_own_the_house_behind_me_cut_my_tree
2019-02-01 02:11:26
You sue the LLC and have the registered agent served on their behalf. In Missouri an LLC must be represented by a lawyer in court. You can still represent yourself in small claims.
2019-02-01 02:16:01
Tree Disputes with Neighbors
Work insisted I use my phone for a task and now my phone is broken.
Hello! This is my first time posting. I hope I do not break any rules. I was looking for some advice before I start this inquiry. I work at a grocery store. We are typically not supposed to even have our phone on our person without specific permission from a manager on duty. I did not have my phone on my person before the pandemic it would stay in my work locker. The pandemic has seen the store roll out new positions. One of these positions is counting the customers in the store with a tally counter device. The store did not purchase any tally counters. We have one tally counter in the store but it does not count down. I do not know where this counter originally came from. Because this tally counter does not work the store manager and the other managers have instructed the employees to use their phones for this task. I have asked if we have other devices when my phone was dying in the past and I ve been given another employee s phone because the tally counter does not work. Yesterday my phone broke while doing this job. The job involves cleaning carts while tallying customers and handing clean carts to new customers. We have not been provided a booth of any kind to rest materials on and I cycle between holding paper towels cleaning bottles carts and my phone with two hands. Yesterday my phone fell onto the cement and is now broken. I reported this through my walkie talkie and was given a manager s personal phone to finish my shift. I then followed up with my GM immediately upon returning inside to the office. I am curious if the company can help me replace the damaged personal property I was using on their instruction. She seemed as if I was asking for something insane. She said she will talk to the DM who was also sitting in the office on a conference call. I left feeling as if I will be told off for asking. She mentioned me not having a phone case. I know I m discouraged from posting anecdotal information but I do not drive. My phone is my lifeline. I uber to work. My GM knows this. I usually don t try to push for things like this but the pandemic has hit me hard. I am exhausted and burnt out and not having a phone puts me at serious risk of losing my job. Am I wrong to think that the company should step up and help me replace my phone? If using my phone was something expected from me in the job on a regular basis I would understand. If I had been using my phone for personal use on the job and it had been damaged I would also understand. The reality is that my phone was damaged because I had not been appropriately outfitted by the store.
2020-05-21 12:26:59
So you had wet hands dropped the phone and you want to know your legal options to have the company replace it? You can: 1) Ask them to replace it fully. Also it would be the value to replace the phone that was broken not a brand new one. If you had an iPhone 6 the best you can hope for is whatever the cost is to buy a used iPhone 6. 2) Ask them to contribute towards the cost of a replacement between 0-100% of a replacement phone. This is a “split the difference” type tactic. 3) Sue them in small claims. You may not win. (I m not a small claims hearing officer but it is my opinion that you would most likely not win.) They could lawfully fire you for suing them absent an employment contract. After this is resolved you can 1) Continue to use your (new) phone as a tracker. 2) Refuse to use your phone. They could lawfully fire you for doing so absent an employment contract. They could make owning a phone a condition of employment and no it isn t discrimination as “non phone owner” is not a protected class. Maybe you could research for them the cost of handheld trackers and provide it to them to help them come up with alternate options?
2020-05-21 13:39:54
Miscellaneous Legal Query
My mail has entirely disappeared for months. The only one who handles it is the carrier. I thought it was a system issue but I was sent a check to survive and it was inside a birthday card and its been cashed by someone else.
I cant express how dire this feels and how upset I am. Ive done EVERYTHING i can think of just short of hunting down the carrier(s). Ive talked to the postal managers. Sent request after request. Called. Emailed No one is listening to me or able to explain. Im struggling to get by as it is and I cant keep missing bills checks and other necessary items. I did not know it was possible for someone to cash checks without their name on it. It was for $2k wouldnt they require some kind of id or information to match?! This feels like a very big deal and someone should be in severe legal trouble for it. Im completely lost at where to begin or what to do. Update: I do have informed delivery and I saw this card on there among all the other things that have been lost sent back. Nothing on there has ever come. Also have change of address filed as does my partner who is equally not receiving anything here. We ve had the locks and keys changed right before this happened. My grandpa contacted his bank and the tracing part is in their (hopefully helpful) hands now! I filed a police report and they told me that its out of their jurisdiction-unless I have someones address and name. I went to the USPIS site and the report links took me back to the same hellish usps site email us links and reports that ive been filling out this whole time that result in dead ends. Half the time I get website error messages after I submitted the other times it just gives me an automated response with absolutely no follow up. Is that the only way to reach them?
2021-06-20 12:52:43
Are you in the US? Have you called the inspector general s office? They re essentially internal affairs for the federal government. There s also a Post Office police force that you may want to call. They re located in DC. If none of that works you also have the option of calling the office of your Congressperson and Senators. Their office also can start poking around on your behalf. Just call and explain your frustration. Make sure you hold onto that check because it is important for the process of tracking folks down.
2021-06-20 13:08:26
Miscellaneous Legal Query
It has been 9 months since Amazon put a hold on my selling account with all my selling money still inside of it. (Without any notice or reason)
Amazon has put a hold on my selling account without any notice and with all my money still inside of it. It has been 9 months and I still don t know what is going to happen to my funds. One day out of no where my Amazon selling account was not recognizing my password. I changed my password and it still gave me error. I called the customer service and the representative said that my account is on hold. I had a good standing shipped on time and wasn t selling anything illegal. Customer service said that they don t know why and that I have to email a team that looks over seller performance because they don t have a phone number. They can only be reached by email. So I sent several emails and they didn t respond to any of my emails. Now it has been 9 months and still haven t heard from anybody from Amazon. Don t know why my account is on hold. I had thousands of dollars in my account from my sells. I had invested on inventory. What do I do? I am a college student and I put most of my money in this business and now it seems like Amazon wants to steal all my money. I don t know what to do. I think if I get a lawyer to sue Amazon I might end up paying more lawyer court fees that what I have stuck in the account. Is that true? What do you think I should do?
2019-10-28 04:08:00
Have you tried calling anymore? I know this seems ridiculous but these customer service centers typically have people that want to check boxes and people that actually want to help — I find you have to roll a few times to get someone on the line who s willing and able to help.
2019-10-28 04:36:31
Fraudulent transactions via hacked account