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+ text,label,type
+ "This Service Level Agreement for SAP Cloud Services sets forth the System Availability Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) for the productive version of the applicable SAP Cloud Services to which customer has subscribed (“SAP Cloud Services”) in an Order Form with SAP.",2,NEITHER
+ "This Service Level Agreement for SAP Cloud Services shall not apply to any SAP Cloud Service for which a System Availability SLA is explicitly set forth in the applicable Supplemental Terms and Conditions for such SAP Cloud Service or for which the applicability of the System Availability SLA is explicitly excluded in the Agreement.",2,NEITHER
+ "“Downtime” means the Total Minutes in the Month during which the productive version of the applicable SAP Cloud Service is not available, except for Excluded Downtimes.",2,NEITHER
+ "“Month” means a calendar month.",2,NEITHER
+ "“Monthly Subscription Fees” means the monthly (or 1/12 of the annual fee) subscription fees paid for the Cloud Service which did not meet the System Availability SLA.",2,NEITHER
+ "“Total Minutes in the Month” are measured 24 hours at 7 days a week during a Month.",2,NEITHER
+ "“UTC” means Coordinated Universal Time standard.",2,NEITHER
+ "Time zones refer to the location of the data center where the SAP Cloud Service is hosted.",2,NEITHER
+ "2% of Monthly Subscription Fees for each 1% below System Availability SLA, not to exceed 100% of Monthly Subscription Fees",2,NEITHER
+ "(i) a Scheduled Downtime for which a Regular Maintenance Window is described in Section 4 below, or",2,NEITHER
+ "(ii) any other Scheduled Downtime described in Section 4 for which the customer has been notified at least five (5) business days prior to such Scheduled Downtime",2,NEITHER
+ "(iii) unavailability caused by factors outside of SAP’s reasonable control, such as unpredictable and unforeseeable events that could not have been avoided even if reasonable care had been exercised.",2,NEITHER
+ "Scheduled Downtime for the applicable SAP Cloud Services to which customer has subscribed is set forth in Section 4 below entitled “Maintenance Windows for SAP Cloud Services”.",2,NEITHER
+ "This Service Level Addendum (the “SLA”) is attached to, and incorporates in the entirety, the Master Services Agreement by and between you and Linode (the “MSA”) and is immediately effective upon your use of any Service (the “Effective Date”).",2,NEITHER
+ "Capitalized terms not expressly defined in this SLA shall have the meaning found in the MSA.",2,NEITHER
+ "Applicability. This SLA applies to each of Backups, Block Storage, Object Storage, Linode Kubernetes Engine, DNS Manager, NodeBalancers, and Longview (each a ""Covered Service"").",2,NEITHER
+ "Service Exemptions. A “Service Exemption” is deemed to occur when unavailability, delay, disruption, or downtime to a Covered Service is caused by",2,NEITHER
+ "A scheduled or planned Maintenance Event, provided that Linode has given the person or entity who created, registered, or maintains the applicable Account (the ""Account Holder"") at least 24 hours advance notice;",2,NEITHER
+ "Factors outside of Linode’s reasonable control;",2,NEITHER
+ "Use of any Service which is in violation of the Terms of Service, or applicable law;",2,NEITHER
+ "Force majeure events, including without limitation, acts of war, acts of God, natural disaster, pandemic, utility outages, denial of service attacks, failure of communication lines and/or the Internet, and the occurrence of vulnerabilities or exploits which could not have been avoided with commercially reasonable care;",2,NEITHER
+ "Customer software, equipment, or technology, and any interaction therein with any Covered Service; or",2,NEITHER
+ "Third-party equipment, software, or technology, and any interaction therein with any Covered Service.",2,NEITHER
+ "Failure to provide complete and accurate information may result in delay or denial of Service Credits.",2,NEITHER
+ "This Service Level Addendum (the “SLA”) is attached to, and incorporates in the entirety, the Master Services Agreement by and between you and Linode (the “MSA”) and is immediately effective upon your use of any Service (the “Effective Date”).",2,NEITHER
+ "Capitalized terms not expressly defined in this SLA shall have the meaning found in the MSA.",2,NEITHER
+ "1. Applicability. This SLA applies to each of Dedicated Compute, GPU Cloud Compute, High Memory Cloud Compute, Nanode Cloud Compute, and Standard Cloud Compute (each a ""Covered Service"").",2,NEITHER
+ "Service Exemptions. A “Service Exemption” is deemed to occur when unavailability, delay, disruption, or downtime to a Covered Service is caused by",2,NEITHER
+ "A scheduled or planned Maintenance Event, provided that Linode has given the person or entity who created, registered, or maintains the applicable Account (the ""Account Holder"") at least 24 hours advance notice;",2,NEITHER
+ "Factors outside of Linode’s reasonable control;",2,NEITHER
+ "Use of any Service which is in violation of the Terms of Service, or applicable law;",2,NEITHER
+ "Force majeure events, including without limitation, acts of war, acts of God, natural disaster, pandemic, utility outages, denial of service attacks, failure of communication lines and/or the Internet, and the occurrence of vulnerabilities or exploits which could not have been avoided with commercially reasonable care;",2,NEITHER
+ "Customer software, equipment, or technology, and any interaction therein with any Covered Service; or",2,NEITHER
+ "Third-party equipment, software, or technology, and any interaction therein with any Covered Service.",2,NEITHER
+ "Failure to provide complete and accurate information may result in delay or denial of Service Credits.",2,NEITHER
+ "This Service LevelAgreement (SLA) only applies toU.S.Data Center Colocation for Premium Data Centers, including legacy Premium Data Center Services and legacy Internet Colocation Service for Premium Data Centers.",2,NEITHER
+ """PowerUnavailability"" consists of the number of minutes thatAC power was not available at the Customer's Premium Data Center Service cabinet to the primary outlet orredundant outlet at the same time.",2,NEITHER
+ "The total credit will not exceed Customers total monthly recurringData CenterInternetBandwidth and Space charges.",2,NEITHER
+ "ThisNetwork Latency SLAstandard is limited toNorthAmerica and Transatlantic",2,NEITHER
+ "The specificNetwork Latency SLAstandard associated withNorthAmerica and Transatlantic is posted at the following location:",2,NEITHER
+ "Each month'sNetwork performance statistics relating to theNetwork Latency SLAs is posted at",2,NEITHER
+ "The credit will consist of an amount equal to one day of monthly recurring charges fortheData CenterInternetBandwidth service contracted forin CustomersData Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",2,NEITHER
+ "The total credit will not exceed Customers total monthly recurringData CenterInternet Bandwidth charges.",2,NEITHER
+ "The PacketDelivery SLAstandard associated withNorthAmerica and Transatlantic is posted at the following location",2,NEITHER
+ "Network Performance statistics relating to theNetwork PacketDelivery Service Level forNorthAmerica and Transatlantic is posted at the following location:",2,NEITHER
+ "The credit will consist of an amount equal to one day ofData CenterInternetBandwidthmonthly recurring charges with respect to the Service to which aNetwork PacketDelivery SLAhas not been met.",2,NEITHER
+ "The total credit will not exceed Customers total monthly recurringData CenterInternetBandwidth charges forthe affected Services",2,NEITHER
+ "Also known as delay variation, Jitteris defined as the variation or difference in the end-to-end delay between received packets of an IP or packet stream.",2,NEITHER
+ "Jitteris usually caused by imperfections in hardware or software optimization and varying traffic conditions and loading",2,NEITHER
+ "Excessive delay variation in packet streams usually results in additional packet loss, which affects quality. Verizon'sU.S.Network Jitter performance statistics associated withNorthAmerica is posted to the following location:",2,NEITHER
+ "Each month'sNetwork performance statistics relating to theNetwork Jitter SLAs forNorthAmerica will be posted to the following location:",2,NEITHER
+ "The credit will consist of an amount equal to one day ofData CenterInternetBandwidth charges with respect to the Services to which aNetwork Jitter SLAhas not been met.",2,NEITHER
+ "The total credit will not exceed Customers total monthly recurringData CenterInternetBandwidth charges forthe affected Services.",2,NEITHER
+ "Available means with noData CenterInternetBandwidthUnavailability",2,NEITHER
+ "Data CenterInternet BandwidthUnavailability will mean the number of minutes that VerizonData CenterInternetBandwidth was not available to Customer otherthan forthe exceptions specified below.",2,NEITHER
+ "Data CenterInternetBandwidthUnavailability will not : (a) include Scheduled Maintenance (as defined in this Section 6), (b) apply to any Customer circuits or equipment, (c) apply to Customer's applications or equipment, or(d) apply to acts or omissions of Customer, or any use or user of the service authorized by Customer.",2,NEITHER
+ "The total credit will not exceed Customers total monthly recurringData CenterInternetBandwidth charges.",2,NEITHER
+ "Data CenterInternetBandwidthUnavailability will not: (a) include Scheduled Maintenance (as defined in this Section 6), (b) apply to any Customer circuits or equipment, (c) apply to Customer's applications or equipment, or (d) apply to acts or omissions of Customer, or any use or user of the service authorized by Customer.",2,NEITHER
+ "The percentage of Monthly Successful CompletedBackups is determined based on the total number of backup jobs successfully completed within that window, divided by the total scheduled backup jobs during a month.",2,NEITHER
+ "Standard backup windows are eight hours on weekdays and 22 hours on weekends.",2,NEITHER
+ "The following Tables set forth the service credits available underthe Local TapeBackup SLA. Credit percentages are for MonthlyRecurringBackup Charges only.",2,NEITHER
+ "The SLAfor LocalBackup Services will not apply to any slow orfailed backups resulting from (a) any Customer circuits or equipment, (b) Customer's applications or equipment, (c) acts of omissions of Customer, or any use or user of the service authorized by Customer, (e) insufficient backnet connectivity or host processing power, as provided by customer, (f) file systems largerthan 100gigabytes for an 8-hour weekday window, (g) file systems largerthan 250 gigabytes for a 22-hour weekday window, (h) open files, open databases, orfull filesystems, or(i) filesystems with extraordinary amounts of individual files.",2,NEITHER
+ "If the retention period specified by Customeris one year orless, and if acclimatization is notrequired,restores will commence within 30 minutes of initiation for data stored within the tape library, and within 3 hours of initiation for data stored outside the tape library.",2,NEITHER
+ "If acclimatization is required,restores will commence within 30 minutes of completion of acclimatization.",2,NEITHER
+ "Arestore of data files, file systems and/or databases, as applicable will be considered successful once the data to be recovered has been transferred from the tape to Customer's primary storage space in the same condition in which it was backed up",2,NEITHER
+ "If, as a result of Verizon's actions orinactions, any restore is not successful or does not commence within the above time limits, theRestore will by deemed an unsuccessfulrestore""",2,NEITHER
+ "The SLAforRestore Services will not apply to any failed restore resulting from Scheduled Maintenance (see below) or(a) any Customer circuits or equipment, (b) Customer's applications or equipment, or(c) acts of omissions of Customer, or any use or user of the service authorized by Customer.. In addition, Verizon provides no SLAforfailed restores due to missing or unreadable data due to open files, open databases, orfull file systems at time of backup. If the tape storage period is longerthan one year, no time period for commencement applies.",2,NEITHER
+ "Maintenance windows forBackup Services systems are typically scheduled on an individual basis to eliminate impact on scheduled backups.",2,NEITHER
+ "Verizon's records and data will be the basis for allBackup andRestore SLAcalculations and determinations.",2,NEITHER
+ "The maximum amount of credit in any calendar month for allBackup andRestore SLAs, in the aggregate, will not exceed 50% of the total charges that would have been charged by Verizon that month for the affectedBackup andRestore Service.",2,NEITHER
+ "ADenial of Service attack is defined as more than 95% bandwidth utilization.",2,NEITHER
+ "A complete trouble ticket consists of CustomersName,AccountNumber, CallerName, Caller PhoneNumber, Caller EmailAddress and PossibleDestination IP address / Type ofAttack.",2,NEITHER
+ "The total credit will not exceed Customers total monthly recurringData CenterInternetBandwidth charges.",2,NEITHER
+ "Verizon will use trouble tickets and other appropriate Verizon records to determine, in its sole judgment, SLA compliance.",2,NEITHER
+ "The total amount of credits under all of the above SLAs for which Customer may be eligible in any month will not exceed the Verizon monthly recurring charge forthe affectedData Center Colocation.",2,NEITHER
+ "The service level agreements associated withData Center Colocation for Standard andAdvancedData Centers depend on the connectivity that customers obtain in conjunction with the Standard andAdvancedData Centers.",2,NEITHER
+ "The SLAabove does not apply to Standard andAdvancedData Centers. Please contact your Verizon accountrepresentative to obtain a copy of the SLAthat may be applicable to the network connectivity selected.",2,NEITHER
+ "Customer may claim a credit in the amount described in the table of Section 3.2 below in case of SAP’s failure to meet the System Availability SLA",0,OBLIGATION
+ "credit Customer may apply to a future invoice relating to the SAP Cloud Service that did not meet the System Availability SLA.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Claims under this Service Level Agreement for SAP Cloud Services must be made in good faith and by submitting a support case within thirty (30) business days after the end of the relevant Month in which SAP did not meet the System Availability SLA.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "SAP will provide to customers a monthly report describing the System Availability percentage for the applicable SAP Cloud Service either (i) by email following a customer’s request to its assigned SAP account manager, (ii) through the SAP Cloud Service or (iii) through an online portal made available to customers, if and when such online portal becomes available.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "SAP will provide Customer reasonable notice without undue delay of any major upgrades or emergency maintenance to the SAP Cloud Services.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "99.5% System Availability percentage during each Month for productive versions",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Uptime Guarantee. We guarantee 99.9% monthly Covered Services uptime (the ""Uptime Guarantee""), provided, however, the Uptime Guarantee shall exclude all delays, disruptions, suspensions, or otherwise adverse effects to the Covered Services caused by a Service Exemption.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In order to be entitled to any Service Credits, the Account Holder must inform Linode Support by opening a ticket (a “Service Credit Request”) within thirty (30) days from the end of the month in which the Uptime Guarantee was not satisfied.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In each instance, a Service Credit Request must include a listing of the date, time, and duration of the Covered Service downtime experienced during the applicable month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We guarantee 99.99% monthly Covered Services uptime (the ""Uptime Guarantee""), provided, however, the Uptime Guarantee shall exclude all delays, disruptions, suspensions, or otherwise adverse effects to the Covered Services caused by a Service Exemption.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In order to be entitled to any Service Credits, the Account Holder must inform Linode Support by opening a ticket (a “Service Credit Request”) within thirty (30) days from the end of the month in which the Uptime Guarantee was not satisfied.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In each instance, a Service Credit Request must include a listing of the date, time, and duration of the Covered Service downtime experienced during the applicable month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "AC poweris to be available to Customer'sData Center Colocation cabinet100% of the time.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer must have equipment capable of utilizing dual power sources and Equipment must be plugged directly into both theApower strip and theBpower strip",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Unless otherwise provided in the ServiceAgreement or ServiceAmendment, Customer must not permit power consumption to exceed the power rating identified in the ServiceAgreement or ServiceAmendment and all equipment must beUL approved.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Cabling used by Customer must meet national electrical and fire standards and any specifications provided by Verizon.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Outages will be counted as PowerUnavailability only if Customer opens a trouble ticketrequesting an SLAinvestigation with Verizon technical support within five days of the outage.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "PowerUnavailability will not include Scheduled Maintenance (as defined in this Section 2) or unavailability resulting from (a) any Customer circuits or equipment, (b) Customer's applications or equipment, or(c) acts or omissions of Customer, or any use or user of the service authorized by Customer.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Scheduled Maintenance means any maintenance performed on either primary and/orredundant powerfeeds to the Customers cabinet (a) of which Customeris notified 7 business days in advance for an outage that lasts more than 50 ms and 48 hours in advance for an outage impact of 50 ms orless, and (b) that is performed during a standard maintenance window of12AM to 6AM local time of the Verizon data center at which Customer's serveris located.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Information regarding Scheduled Maintenance will be provided to Customer's designated point of contact by a method elected by Verizon (telephone, email, fax or pager).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Verizon provides aNetwork Latency SLAstandard based on the average round-trip transmission time in milliseconds between Verizon-designated inter-regional transit backbone routers (""HubRouters"") inNorthAmerica and betweenNew York and London (Transatlantic).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Latency will be measured by averaging sample measurements taken during a calendar month betweenHubRouters inNorthAmerica and Transatlantic.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In no event will Customerreceive credits underthis SLAif Customeris already receiving a credit undertheData CenterInternet BandwidthAvailability SLA.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Packet delivery is measured by averaging sample measurements taken during a calendar month betweenHubRouters",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In no event will Customerreceive credits underthis SLAif Customeris already receiving a credit undertheData CenterInternetBandwidthAvailability SLA.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Jitter will be measured by averaging sample measurements taken during a calendar month betweenHubRouters forNorthAmerica",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In no event will Customer receive credits underthis SLAif Customeris already receiving a credit undertheData CenterInternetBandwidthAvailability SLA.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "VerizonData CenterInternetBandwidth ServiceAvailability SLAis to have the VerizonData CenterInternetBandwidth (as defined in the applicable service agreement) connectivity provided to customers available 100% of the time",0,OBLIGATION
+ "At a Customer's request, Verizon will calculate Customer'sData CenterInternetBandwidthUnavailability in a calendar month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "This SLAapplies only if Customer opens a trouble ticketrequesting an SLAinvestigation with Verizon technical support within five days of the end of the month in which the outage occurred.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Scheduled Maintenance will mean any maintenance at the Verizon data center at which Customer's serveris located (a) of which Customeris notified 72 hours in advance, and (b) that is performed during a standard maintenance window of12AM to 6AM local time of the Verizon data center at which Customer's serveris located.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Information regarding Scheduled Maintenance will be provided to Customer's designated point of contact by a method elected by Verizon (telephone, email, fax or pager).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Under Verizon's OutageReporting SLA, Customeris to be notified within 15 minutes after Verizon's determination that Customer's service isUnavailable (as defined in Section 6).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Verizon's standard procedure is to ping Customer's Colocated equipment every five minutes.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "f Customer's equipment does not respond aftertwo consecutive five-minute ping cycles, Verizon will deem the serviceUnavailable (as defined in Section 6) and will contact Customer's designated point of contact by a method elected by Verizon (telephone, email, fax or pager).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer must open a trouble ticketrequesting an SLAinvestigation with Verizon technical support within five days of the end of the month in which the outage occurred.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customeris solely responsible for providing Verizon accurate and current contact information for Customer's designated points of contact.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Verizon will have satisfied its obligations underthis OutageReporting SLAif Verizon contacts Customer's designated point of contact as provided by Customer.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer may obtain no more than one credit per day, irrespective of how often in that day Verizon failed to meet the OutageReporting SLA.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Verizon will provide successful completions of tape backups of Customer data on servers located at theData Center within scheduled windows at least 95% of the time.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Verizon will facilitate successfulrestores of backed up data to the original device",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Scheduled maintenance forRestore will mean anyBackup Services systems-related maintenance at the Verizon data center at which Customer's serveris located of which Customeris notified 72 hours in advance.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Verizon willrespond toDenial of Service attacks reported by Customer within 15 minutes of Customer opening a complete trouble ticket with Verizon Customer Support.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To open a trouble ticket forDenial of Service, Customer must call Verizon at1-800-900-0241 and state: I think I am under aDenial of ServiceAttack",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer may obtain no more than one credit per day,regardless of the number ofDenial of Service SLAnon-compliances during the day.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer mustrequest a credit from Verizon no laterthan 30days aftertheDenial of Service attack occurred.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "SAP can use the following maintenance windows for Scheduled Downtimes as listed below.",1,RIGHT
+ "Maintenance Events. From time to time, Linode may perform repairs, replacements, upgrades, updates, patches, fixes, or other maintenance which may delay, disrupt, suspend, or otherwise affect a Covered Service (each a “Maintenance Event”).",1,RIGHT
+ "Linode will use reasonable efforts to attempt to minimize the impact of Maintenance Events, but shall have sole discretion in determining the need for, and scope of, any Maintenance Event.",1,RIGHT
+ "Service Credits. Subject to the Terms of Service and this SLA, the Account Holder may request a pro-rata credit for any affected monthly billing period in which we are unable to satisfy the Uptime Guarantee (collectively “Service Credits”).",1,RIGHT
+ "From time to time, Linode may perform repairs, replacements, upgrades, updates, patches, fixes, or other maintenance which may delay, disrupt, suspend, or otherwise affect a Covered Service (each a “Maintenance Event”).",1,RIGHT
+ "Linode will use reasonable efforts to attempt to minimize the impact of Maintenance Events, but shall have sole discretion in determining the need for, and scope of, any Maintenance Event.",1,RIGHT
+ "Service Credits. Subject to the Terms of Service and this SLA, the Account Holder may request a pro-rata credit for any affected monthly billing period in which we are unable to satisfy the Uptime Guarantee (collectively “Service Credits”).",1,RIGHT
+ "Verizon reserves the right to perform maintenance outside of Scheduled Maintenance during an emergency situation.",1,RIGHT
+ "For each cumulative hour orfraction thereof of PowerUnavailability for bothA&Bcircuits, Customer may request a credit for one day of monthly recurring charges fortheData CenterInternetBandwidth and Space affected by the outage as contracted forin CustomersData Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon fails to meet theNetwork Latency Service Level in a calendar month forNorthAmerican and Transatlantic, Customer may request a credit forthat month",1,RIGHT
+ "Verizon offers both aNetwork PacketDelivery SLAbetween Verizon-designated inter-regional transit backbone routers (HubRouters) inNorthAmerica and Transatlantic.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon fails to meet theNetwork PacketDelivery Service Level in a calendar month, Customer may request a credit forthat month.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon fails to meet the Jitter Service Level forNorthAmerica in a calendar month, Customer may request a credit forthat month.",1,RIGHT
+ "Verizon reserves the right to perform maintenance outside of Scheduled Maintenance during an emergency situation.",1,RIGHT
+ "For each cumulative hour ofData CenterInternetBandwidthUnavailability orfraction thereof in any calendar month, Customer may request a credit for one day ofData CenterInternetBandwidth monthly recurring charges as contracted forin CustomersData Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",1,RIGHT
+ "The OutageReporting SLAis applicable only to service provided in the contiguousUnited States and is applicable only if a Customer sets up his IP addresses for monitoring through",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon fails to meet the OutageReporting Service Level, Customer may request a credit for one day of the Monthly recurring charges forthe affectedData CenterInternetBandwidth andData Center Colocation/Internet Colocation space only",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon is unable to successfully restore from the tape to Customers primary storage space in the same condition in which it was backed up, Customer may request a service credit equal to a percentage of the application monthly recurring backup charges as noted in the table below",1,RIGHT
+ "Verizon will apply the greater of (i) the Local TapeBackup Credits or(ii) theRestore Success Service Credits, but not both.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon fails to meet theDenial of ServiceResponse SLAin a calendar month, Customer may request a credit for one day of charges fortheData Center InternetBandwidth service associated with CustomersData Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement",1,RIGHT
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+ text,label,type
+ "AWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make Multi-AZ Domains on CloudSearch available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.9% during any monthly billing cycle (the ""Service Commitment"")",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Service Credits will not entitle you to any refund or other payment from AWS.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Service Credits may not be transferred or applied to any other account.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To receive a Service Credit, you will need to submit a claim by opening a case in the AWS Support Center. To be eligible, the credit request must be received by us by the end of the second billing cycle after which the incident occurred and must include.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If the Monthly Uptime Percentage of such request is confirmed by us and is less than the Service Commitment, then we will issue the Service Credits to you within one billing cycle following the month in which the request occurred.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Your failure to provide the request and other information as required above will disqualify you from receiving Service Credits.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Additionally, to qualify for the SLA credit, you must have an Enterprise Support plan in place.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "When an Amazon Aurora cluster is deployed across two or more AZ’s (“Multi-AZ Cluster), AWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make each Multi-AZ Cluster available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage as shown in the table below during any monthly billing cycle (the ""Multi-AZ SLA"").",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To request a credit, you need to provide us with the necessary information and submit the request before the end of the second billing cycle after the incident occurred.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If a claim under the applicable SLA is confirmed by us, then we will issue the Service Credit to you within one billing cycle following the month in which the request occurred.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If we confirm that the Monthly Uptime Percentage is less than the Service Commitment, we will issue the appropriate Service Credit to you within one billing cycle following the month in which we confirm your request.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "IBM will validate SLA claims based upon information provided by Client and IBM system records and will notify Client of approved credits via the Cloud UI or email.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "IBM's reasonable determination of a credit is final.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Client agrees to continue to make payment in full for Cloud Services while an SLA claim is being reviewed.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Client must submit an SLA claim by using the form at within 60 days after the end of the calendar month that the service level was missed, providing sufficient.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Information to identify the affected service, error messages, and other information necessary to validate the claim, referencing IBM support tickets, as applicable.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To be eligible for a SLA tier, the Client must deploy the minimum configuration described in the table below or the standard configuration associated with the tier.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Client must submit an SLA claim by using the form at IBM cloud support within 60 days after the end of a contracted month providing sufficient information to identify the storage account and/or storage buckets affected, received error messages, including date, time, and endpoint used to connect to Cloud Object Storage, and other information necessary to validate the claim, referencing IBM support tickets, as applicable.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The Client must log a Severity 1 support ticket with the IBM technical support help desk within 24 hours of first becoming aware of an event that has impacted the Cloud Service availability.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Client must reasonably assist IBM with any problem diagnosis and resolution.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "A support ticket claim for failure to meet an SLA must be submitted within 30 days after the end of the month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To make a claim under the SLA, the Client should complete the form available at within 60 days from the end of the month in which the service level was not met. The form should contain all the relevant information required to identify the impacted service, error messages, and any other information needed to validate the claim. If applicable, IBM support tickets should also be referenced in the claim.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "IBM will provide the specified credit: ● for hardware replacement, except as noted below, based on the time to replace, from the time IBM verifies a Client reported hardware failure, and ● for planned hardware upgrades, based on the total downtime of the service receiving the upgrade.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We will not modify the terms of your SLA during the initial term of your subscription.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We will provide at least 90 days’ notice for adverse material changes to this SLA.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In order for Microsoft to consider a claim, you must submit the claim to customer support at Microsoft Corporation including all information necessary for Microsoft to validate the claim, including but not limited to: (i) a detailed description of the Incident, (ii) information regarding the time and duration of the Downtime, (iii) the number and location(s) of affected users (if applicable), and (iv) descriptions of your attempts to resolve the Incident at the time of occurrence.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "For a claim related to Microsoft Azure, we must receive the claim within two months of the end of the billing month in which the Incident that is the subject of the claim occurred.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "For claims related to all other Services, we must receive the claim by the end of the calendar month following the month in which the Incident occurred.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You must be in compliance with the Agreement in order to be eligible for a Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If we determine that a Service Credit is owed to you, we will apply the Service Credit to your Applicable Monthly Service Fees.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In the event that more than one Service Level for a particular Service is not met because of the same Incident, you must choose only one Service Level under which to make a claim based on the Incident.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You may not unilaterally offset your Applicable Monthly Service Fees for any performance or availability issues.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Additional Terms: You will be eligible for a Service Credit for Duet Enterprise Online only when you are eligible for a Service Credit for the SharePoint Online Plan 2 User SLs that you have purchased as a prerequisite for your Duet Enterprise Online User SLs.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Additional Terms: When submitting a claim, you must ensure that complete monitoring data is maintained within the Monitoring Storage Account and is made available to Microsoft.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer must select a set of agents from the measurement system’s list of standard agents that are generally available and represent at least five geographically diverse locations in major worldwide metropolitan areas (excluding PR of China).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If any one of these individual Service Levels is not met, you may submit a claim for a Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If one Incident causes us to fail more than one SLA metric for Exchange Online or EOP, you may only make one Service Credit claim for that incident per Service.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If this results in the prevention of an infection, you won’t be eligible for a Service Credit under the Virus Detection and Blocking Service Level.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In accordance with reasonable practices, Oracle provides secured computing facilities for both office locations and production Cloud infrastructure.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You are solely responsible for any such post provisioning configuration, data backups, and execution of disaster recovery activities.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You are responsible for configuring and performing backup and restores of Your content.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In connection with any migration of Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services under this section, unless otherwise agreed by Oracle and You in writing, You are solely responsible for moving Your Content from the existing data center to the new data center where Your Services are migrated.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Subject to the last sentence of this paragraph, Oracle will calculate Service Credits as a percentage of the net fees paid by You for the quantity of the relevant Non-Compliant Service that is actually used during a Measured Period (as defined below).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You must use those Service Credits within the calendar month in which the Service Credits are granted.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The Service Credits granted to you must be used within the same calendar month they were issued in.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Then Oracle will work with You to either apply such credit towards other Oracle products or services, or refund amounts related to such credits.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The grant of the Service Credits would fall in a monthly period following the expiration of the Services Period applicable to such order, unless You execute with Oracle a replenishment order for such Oracle Universal Credits whose Services Period covers the relevant monthly period.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In order to be considered to receive Service Credits, You must file a claim with Oracle in accordance with the terms listed in this subsection.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You must submit the claim either through the “My Oracle Support” portal or by contacting Your account manager and You must include all of the information required for Oracle to validate the claim.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In order for Oracle to consider a claim, Oracle must receive the claim within sixty (60) calendar days from when the issue occurred that caused Your Oracle PaaS or IaaS Public Cloud Service not to meet its Service Commitment for the applicable Service Level Agreement.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Oracle will use commercially reasonable efforts to process a claim within sixty (60) days of Oracle’s receipt of such claim.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Continue to be in compliance with the Oracle Cloud Services agreement referenced in Your order for You to be eligible to receive Service Credits.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "But You may not recover Service Credits for such Cloud Service under multiple Service Level Agreements for the same incident.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "But You may not recover Service Credits under multiple provisions for the same event (i.e., You may not recover Service Credits for such Cloud Service under both such order and this document for the same incident).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In no event may You receive more Service Credits than equate to the fees paid by You for the quantity of the applicable Non-Compliant Service that is actually used in the relevant Measured Period.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The Service Level Agreements for Cloud Services under this section (Oracle PaaS and IaaS Public Cloud Service Level Agreement Policy) are contingent on Your adherence to Oracle's recommended minimum technical configuration requirements for accessing and using the applicable Cloud Services from Your network infrastructure and Your user workstations as set forth in the Program Documentation for such Cloud Services.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "With respect to a Cloud Service listed above for which the Manageability Service Level Agreement under this subsection applies, Oracle will use commercially reasonable efforts to have each such Service available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage (as defined below) of at least 99.9% during any calendar month (the “Service Commitment”)",0,OBLIGATION
+ "With respect to a Cloud Service listed above for which the Availability Service Level Agreement under this subsection applies and that is deployed on shared or dedicated infrastructure with Autonomous Data Guard enabled (each a “Cloud Service with Autonomous Data Guard” and collectively the ""Cloud Services with Autonomous Data Guard""), Oracle will use commercially reasonable efforts to have each such Service available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage (as defined below) of at least 99.995% during any calendar month (the “Service Commitment”).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "For Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Ravello Service, the following applies in lieu of the text in section 4.1.1 of the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies: Oracle will work to provide prior notice for any emergency maintenance requiring a service interruption.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Oracle will provide You with no less than 12 months advance notice prior to the date when the Cloud Services are no longer generally available as a service (i.e., Oracle will no longer support, or make available for use, any versions of the Cloud Services).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "During the DDoS Layer 7 attack, You must submit a Service Request into the “My Oracle Support” portal, selecting the WAF Services and the applicable DDoS component, to engage a DDoS Mitigation Specialist.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You must comply with, and implement, all of the DDoS Mitigation Specialist’s recommendations, which may include providing the DDoS Mitigation Specialist with control of Your WAF Service deployment during the WAF Period.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Your claim must include all the following information.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Oracle will provide You with WAF Service Credits for any Measured Excess Consumption incurred due to such attack.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You must use those WAF Service Credits within the calendar month in which the WAF Service Credits are granted.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Any unused WAF Service Credits will expire at the end of the calendar month in which the WAF Service Credits are granted and You may not carry those WAF Service Credits over to another month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You will only receive WAF Service Credits under this Section 8.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The Covered Service will provide a Monthly Uptime Percentage to Customer as follows.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In order to receive any of the Financial Credits described above, Customer must notify Google technical support ( within thirty days from the time Customer becomes eligible to receive a Financial.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer must also provide Google with log files showing Downtime with respect to Encrypt, Decrypt, and/or Sign operations from the Covered Services and the date and time they occurred.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Financial Credits will be made in the form of a monetary credit applied to future use of the Covered Services and will be applied within 60 days after the Financial Credit was requested.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The Cloud Identity Covered Services interface will be operational and available to Customer at least 99.9% of the time in any calendar month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In order to receive any of the Service Credits described above, Customer must notify Google (or, for Customers who ordered Services from a Reseller, Customer may notify Reseller and Customer's Reseller must notify Google) within thirty days from the time Customer becomes eligible to receive a Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Service Credits may not be exchanged for, or converted to, monetary amounts, except for customers who are on Google’s monthly billing plan.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The Covered Service will provide a Monthly Uptime Percentage of Serving DNS queries from at least one of the Google managed Authoritative Name Servers to Customer of 100%.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If Customer does not comply with these requirements, Customer will forfeit its right to receive a Financial Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Cloud Composer Valid Requests will provide a Monthly Uptime Percentage to Customer of at least 99.5%.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In order to receive any of the Financial Credits described above, Customer must notify Google at within five (5) calendar days of the end of the month in which Customer becomes eligible to receive a Financial Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If a dispute arises with respect to this SLA, Google will make a determination in good faith based on its system logs, monitoring reports, configuration records, and other available information, which Google will make available for auditing by Customer at Customer’s request.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "VMware will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that, during any given month of the Subscription Term, a Service achieves 100% Availability (as defined below).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "VMware will notify the customer as soon as practical if the Service is expected to not be Available.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To request a Service Credit, a customer must file a support request at within thirty (30) days after the Service was first not Available in the month in question.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Upon receipt of a claim for a Service Credit, VMware will use reasonable efforts to confirm the claim.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If the claim is confirmed by VMware, based on VMware’s data and records, then VMware will approve the Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer may not claim more than one Service Credit for any month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "A customer may apply the Service Credits only to its future payments for the Service that is the basis for the Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Service Credits will not entitle Customer to any refund or other payment from VMware and cannot be applied towards other VMware products or service offerings.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Service Credits may not be transferred or applied to any other account.",0,OBLIGATION
+ " During a billing month, VMware will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Service Offering component listed below is available as per the specified ""Availability Commitment"" in the table below.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You will not be eligible to receive an SLA Credit if: (a) you are delinquent on any payments for the Service Offering.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Upon request, VMware will provide you, within 45 days after a confirmed SLA Event, a copy of the Availability report that VMware makes generally available to customers.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To request an SLA Credit, you must file a support request at within thirty (30) days after the suspected SLA Event.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "VMware will review the request and issue an SLA Credit when VMware validates the SLA Event based on VMware’s data and records.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "VMware will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Service Offering is “Available” during a given billing month equal to the “Availability Commitment” specified in the table below.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You will not be eligible to receive an SLA Credit if: (a) your VMware Cloud Services Organization is not set up for federated identity management to use your single sign-on and identity source to sign into the Service Offering.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Within 45 days of a confirmed SLA Event, VMware will provide you with a copy of their generally available Availability report if you ask for it.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Once you make a request, VMware will validate the SLA Event based on its data and records and then issue a Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You are not eligible for an SLA credit if any of the following conditions exist.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You need to file a support request on within 90 days of the suspected SLA Event to request an SLA Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "After verifying the SLA Event using our data and records, VMware will issue an SLA Credit upon review of your request.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In the event CloudSearch does not meet the Service Commitment, you will be eligible to receive a Service Credit as described below.",1,RIGHT
+ "Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, your sole and exclusive remedy for any Unavailability or non-performance or other failure by us to provide CloudSearch is the receipt of a Service Credit (if eligible) in accordance with the terms of this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Amazon CloudFront fails to meet the Service Commitment, you may be eligible to receive a Service Credit as described below.",1,RIGHT
+ "Unless otherwise specified in the AWS Agreement, your only and exclusive remedy for any unavailability, non-performance, or other failure by us to provide Amazon CloudFront is to receive a Service Credit (if eligible) in accordance with the terms of this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "You may be entitled to receive a Service Credit if Amazon Cloud Directory fails to meet the Service Commitment, as outlined below.",1,RIGHT
+ "Your exclusive remedy, unless stated otherwise in the AWS Agreement, for any unavailability, non-performance, or other failure on our part to provide Amazon Cloud Directory is to receive a Service Credit (if eligible), in accordance with the terms outlined in this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "Should Amazon Chime SDK not meet the Service Commitment, you can receive a Service Credit as detailed below.",1,RIGHT
+ "Unless the AWS Agreement specifies otherwise, the only recourse for any failure by us to provide Amazon Chime SDK is the receipt of a Service Credit (if eligible) as per the terms of this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Amazon Chime fails to meet the Service Commitment, you may receive a Service Credit according to the terms described below.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we fail to provide Amazon Chime or it becomes unavailable, your only recourse, unless specified otherwise in the AWS Agreement, is to receive a Service Credit (if eligible) as per the terms of this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "You are entitled to receive a Service Credit as described below if Amazon Braket does not fulfill the Service Commitment.",1,RIGHT
+ "You have no other option for any failure by us to provide Amazon Aurora except to receive Service Credits (if eligible) as per the terms described in this SLA, unless the Agreement states otherwise.",1,RIGHT
+ "Should Athena fail to meet the Service Commitment, you can receive a Service Credit in accordance with the following terms.",1,RIGHT
+ "In case of any unavailability, non-performance, or other failure by us to provide Athena, you have the only remedy of receiving Service Credits (if eligible) according to the terms specified in this SLA, unless the Agreement states otherwise.",1,RIGHT
+ "Should Amazon AppStream 2.0 not fulfill the Service Commitment, you are entitled to a Service Credit according to the terms described below.",1,RIGHT
+ "Should the Service Commitment not be met by an API Gateway, you may be entitled to receive a Service Credit as outlined below.",1,RIGHT
+ "We will apply any Service Credits only against future Alexa for Business payments otherwise due from you.",1,RIGHT
+ "At our discretion, we may issue the Service Credits to the credit card you used to pay for the billing cycle in which the unavailability occurred.",1,RIGHT
+ "Then you may be eligible for a credit towards a portion of your monthly service fees.",1,RIGHT
+ "For example, if you purchased both Exchange Online and SharePoint Online (not as part of a suite), and during the term of the subscription an Incident caused Downtime for both Services, then you could be eligible for two separate Service Credits (one for each Service), by submitting two claims under this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "For these Services, any Service Credit that you may be eligible for will be credited in the form of service time (i.e., days) as opposed to service fees, and any references to “Applicable Monthly Service Fees” is deleted and replaced by “Applicable Monthly Period.”",1,RIGHT
+ "With respect to Exchange Online and EOP licensed as a standalone Service or via ECAL suite, or Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services, you may be eligible for Service Credits if we do not meet the Service Level described below for: (1) Virus Detection and Blocking, (2) Spam Effectiveness, or (3) False Positive",1,RIGHT
+ "EOP will notify you and work with you to identify and remove it.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we fail to meet the Service Level Agreement for Uptime and Email Delivery for EOP licensed as a standalone Service, ECAL suite, or Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services, you may qualify for Service Credits.",1,RIGHT
+ "With respect to EOP licensed as a standalone Service, ECAL suite, or Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services, you may be eligible for Service Credits if we do not meet the Service Level described below for (1) Uptime and (2) Email Delivery.",1,RIGHT
+ "If the Monthly Uptime Percentage for EOP falls below 99.999% for any given month, you may be eligible for the following Service Credit.",1,RIGHT
+ "Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if as a result of an incident, You are entitled to receive Service Credits for a particular Cloud Service under multiple Service Level Agreements described in this document",1,RIGHT
+ "Then You may receive Service Credits only under the Service Level Agreement for such Cloud Service which provides for the highest amount of Service Credits to You.",1,RIGHT
+ "In addition, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if Your order with Oracle provides a right to receive a higher amount of Service Credits in the event of an incident with a Cloud Service, then You may receive Service Credits only under the provision which provides for the highest amount of Services Credits to You for such Cloud Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "Then You may receive Service Credits as a result of the Inter-Related Unavailability only for the Primary Service, but not such other Cloud Service (i.e., the Inter-Related Unavailability will be excluded from the calculation of whether or not such other Cloud Service meets its Service Commitment).",1,RIGHT
+ "Oracle in its sole discretion may remove or modify an Always Free Cloud Service from the Always Free category (a “Removed Service”) at any time.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Your WAF Services suffer from a Layer 7 DDoS attack during a WAF Period, leading to Excess Consumption, You have the option to request WAF Service Credits based on the following guidelines.",1,RIGHT
+ "If during a WAF Period a Layer 7 DDoS attack on Your deployed WAF Services results in You incurring Excess Consumption, then You may seek to receive WAF Service Credits in accordance with the following criteria.",1,RIGHT
+ "Then You may submit a claim for WAF Service Credits either through the “My Oracle Support” portal or by contacting Your Oracle account manager.",1,RIGHT
+ "Any unused WAF Service Credits granted at the end of the Services Period will be carried forward to the next period if you execute a replenishment order for the Funded Allocation Model. The credits will be subtracted from your first invoice for Cloud Services under that order.",1,RIGHT
+ "If at the end of the Services Period in which the WAF Services Credits were granted, You have any remaining unused WAF Service Credits, and You execute a replenishment order for the Funded Allocation Model, then such WAF Service Credits will be carried forward into the replenishment order’s Services Period, and subtracted from Your first invoice for Cloud Services acquired under such replenishment order.",1,RIGHT
+ "If any Cloud Service listed above fails to meet its Service Commitment for the Manageability Service Level Agreement in this subsection, you may be eligible for Service Credits for the deficient Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "In the event that a Cloud Service mentioned above does not meet its Service Commitment for the Manageability Service Level Agreement as defined in this subsection, you will qualify for Service Credits for any Non-Compliant Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "If any of the Cloud Services mentioned above do not meet their Service Commitment for the Manageability Service Level Agreement under this subsection, you will be eligible for Service Credits for the deficient Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "Should any Cloud Service listed above fail to meet its Service Commitment for the Manageability Service Level Agreement in this subsection, you may be entitled to receive Service Credits for any Non-Compliant Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "If any of the Cloud Services listed above do not comply with their Service Commitment for the Manageability Service Level Agreement defined in this subsection, you will be eligible for Service Credits for such Non-Compliant Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "In the event an applicable Cloud Service listed above does not meet its Service Commitment for the Manageability Service Level Agreement under this subsection, You will be eligible to receive Service Credits for such Non-Compliant Service",1,RIGHT
+ "In case any of the Cloud Services specified above do not meet their Service Commitment for the Manageability Service Level Agreement described in this subsection, you may qualify to receive Service Credits for the deficient Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "Oracle in its sole discretion may remove or modify an Always Free Cloud Service from the Always Free category (a “Removed Service”) at any time.",1,RIGHT
+ "If during a WAF Period a Layer 7 DDoS attack on Your deployed WAF Services results in You incurring Excess Consumption, then You may seek to receive WAF Service Credits in accordance with the following criteria.",1,RIGHT
+ "Then You may submit a claim for WAF Service Credits either through the “My Oracle Support” portal or by contacting Your Oracle account manager.",1,RIGHT
+ "If at the end of the Services Period in which the WAF Services Credits were granted, You have any remaining unused WAF Service Credits, and You execute a replenishment order for the Funded Allocation Model, then such WAF Service Credits will be carried forward into the replenishment order’s Services Period, and subtracted from Your first invoice for Cloud Services acquired under such replenishment order.",1,RIGHT
+ "The credit will be the highest applicable compensation based on the cumulative availability of the affected service during a contracted month and calculated using the monthly charges for such affected service.",1,RIGHT
+ "In the event that availability of the Cloud Service during a contracted month is less than 99.95% the Client is eligible to receive a service level credit equal to an amount of 1% of the monthly charges for the selected subscription edition (including enabled additional components) for each cumulative whole hour of Downtime, up to a maximum of 20% per month.",1,RIGHT
+ "For hourly subscriptions that incur an outage to running environments, the Client will receive an hour credit for the number of running VM's multiplied by the duration of the outage.",1,RIGHT
+ "Client is eligible for a credit as follows.",1,RIGHT
+ "If the specified service level time period is not met, the client can receive a credit based on the monthly charge for the impacted service due to a hardware replacement or upgrade.",1,RIGHT
+ "SLA credits are Client's exclusive remedy for IBM's failure to meet a specified service level.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Google does not meet the SLO, and if Customer meets its obligations under this SLA, Customer will be eligible to receive the Financial Credits described below.",1,RIGHT
+ "This SLA states Customer's sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Google to meet the SLO.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Google does not meet the Cloud Identity SLA, and if Customer meets its obligations under this Cloud Identity SLA, Customer will be eligible to receive the Service Credits described below.",1,RIGHT
+ "This Cloud Identity SLA states Customer's sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Google to meet the Cloud Identity SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Google does not meet the SLO, and if Customer meets its obligations under this SLA, Customer will be eligible to receive the Financial Credits described below.",1,RIGHT
+ "This SLA states Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Google to meet the SLO.",1,RIGHT
+ "In the event that Google fails to meet the SLO, and provided the Customer has met all obligations under this SLA, they will be entitled to receive the Financial Credits outlined below.",1,RIGHT
+ "This SLA outlines the only remedy available to the Customer for any failure by Google to comply with the SLO.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Google does not meet the SLO and the Customer complies with the requirements of this SLA, the Customer may be eligible to receive the Financial Credits described below.",1,RIGHT
+ "For any failure by Google to meet the SLO, this SLA specifies the sole and exclusive solution available to the Customer.",1,RIGHT
+ "Should Google fail to meet the SLO, and provided the Customer has fulfilled its obligations under this SLA, they will qualify to receive the Financial Credits as detailed below.",1,RIGHT
+ "The sole and exclusive recourse available to the Customer for any failure on Google's part to meet the SLO is stated in this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Google is unable to meet the SLO, and the Customer has met its obligations under this SLA, they will be eligible to receive the Financial Credits explained below.",1,RIGHT
+ "In the event of Google's failure to meet the SLO, this SLA specifies the Customer's exclusive remedy.",1,RIGHT
+ "In case Google fails to meet the SLO, the Customer may be eligible for the Financial Credits described below, subject to the Customer fulfilling their obligations under this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Customer's only remedy for any failure by Google to meet the SLO is outlined in this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "If the Availability Percentage (as defined below) during a given month is less than 99.9%, a customer will be eligible for a credit as provided below (“Service Credit”).",1,RIGHT
+ "If the Availability of the specified service is less than the Availability Commitment, then you may request an SLA Credit.",1,RIGHT
+ "If the AWS or GCP infrastructure is unavailable, and therefore the services are unavailable, your sole recourse pursuant to the Agreement is to us, and not to AWS or GCP.",1,RIGHT
+ "If an SLA Event occurs for the NSX Advanced Load Balancer Hosted Controller Service, you are entitled to an SLA Credit proportional to the portion of capacity consumed by the impacted Hosted Controller.",1,RIGHT
+ "If the Availability of a service is less than the associated Availability Commitment in a given billing month, you may request an SLA Credit in accordance with the following table.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Service Credits specified in this SLA are your sole and exclusive remedies for any SLA Events occurring during your subscription term for the Service Offering or for any other claim in connection with this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "You may be eligible to receive an SLA Credit if the Service Offering's Availability falls short of the Availability Commitment.",1,RIGHT
+ "Your exclusive remedy, as per the Agreement, in case the AWS infrastructure becomes unavailable resulting in unavailability of the Service Offering, is with us and not with AWS.",1,RIGHT
+ "You may have recourse to AWS pursuant to your separate agreement with AWS, which is required as provided in the Service Description, for any unavailability of the AWS systems.",1,RIGHT
+ "In case the Service Offering's Availability is below the Availability Commitment for a billing month, you may request a single SLA Credit, along with an extra SLA Credit for every 300 additional minutes that the Service Offering was unavailable, limited to a maximum of three SLA Credits per billing month.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Service Credits specified in this SLA are your sole and exclusive remedies for any SLA Events occurring during your subscription term for the Service Offering or for any other claim in connection with this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "You may be eligible to request an SLA Credit if the Availability of the Service Offering falls below the committed level.",1,RIGHT
+ "If the AWS infrastructure is unavailable, and therefore the Service Offering is unavailable, your sole recourse pursuant to the Agreement is to us, and not to AWS.",1,RIGHT
+ "We have recourse to AWS pursuant to our separate agreement with AWS.",1,RIGHT
+ "You may have recourse to AWS pursuant to your separate agreement with AWS, which is required as provided in the Service Description, for any unavailability of the AWS systems.",1,RIGHT
+ "In case the Service Offering's Availability falls below the committed level for a billing month, you can claim one SLA Credit, plus an extra one for every additional 300 minutes the service was unavailable, up to three SLA Credits per month.",1,RIGHT
+ "Upon request, VMware will provide to you, within 45 days after a confirmed SLA Event, a copy of the Availability report that VMware makes generally available to customers.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Service Credits outlined in this SLA are the only solutions available to you for any SLA incidents that arise during your service subscription period, or for any other claims related to this agreement.",1,RIGHT
+ "In case the Service Offering fails to meet the Availability Commitment, you have the right to request an SLA Credit.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Service Credits mentioned in this SLA are the only means of addressing any SLA events or complaints during the term of your Service Offering subscription or any other claims regarding this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "Upon request, VMware will provide to you, within 45 days after a confirmed SLA Event, a copy of the Availability report that VMware makes generally available to customers.",1,RIGHT
+ " If any SLA incidents occur during your subscription term for the Service Offering, or for any other claims related to this SLA, the only solutions available to you are the Service Credits outlined in this document.",1,RIGHT
+ "Whenever the Service Offering's Availability falls short of the agreed level for a billing month, you have the option to request a maximum of three SLA Credits, with one credit for the first 300 minutes and an additional credit for each additional 300 minutes of unavailability.",1,RIGHT
+ "The only recourse you have for any SLA events or claims related to this SLA during your subscription period is the Service Credits mentioned in this document.",1,RIGHT
+ "You have the right to request an SLA Credit if the availability of the Service Component falls short of its associated Availability Commitment. Availability is computed based on the formula given below for each billing period.",1,RIGHT
+ "If the Cloud Provider infrastructure is unavailable, and therefore the Service Offering or the Service Component is unavailable, your sole recourse under this Service Level Agreement is to us, and not to IBM or Microsoft (each a “Cloud Provider”).",1,RIGHT
+ "We can seek recourse from the applicable Cloud Provider based on our separate agreement with them.",1,RIGHT
+ "We may have recourse to the Cloud Provider pursuant to our separate agreement with the applicable Cloud Provider.",1,RIGHT
+ "If you have a separate agreement with IBM for IBM Cloud hosted infrastructure outside of the VMware Horizon Cloud Service on IBM Cloud, you can seek recourse from IBM.",1,RIGHT
+ "You may have recourse to IBM pursuant to your separate agreement, if any, with IBM for IBM Cloud hosted infrastructure outside of the VMware Horizon Cloud Service on IBM Cloud.",1,RIGHT
+ "This SLA outlines the only available recourse for any failure to meet the service level commitments, and the Service Credits outlined herein shall be the only remedy for any issues with the Service Offering during the subscription term.",1,RIGHT
+ "In the event of a conflict between the terms of this SLA and the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with us governing your use of our Services (the “Agreement”), the terms and conditions of this SLA apply, but only to the extent of such conflict. Capitalized terms used herein but not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Agreement.",2,NEITHER
+ "Service Credits are calculated as a percentage of the charges paid by you for the Multi-AZ Domain that did not meet the Service Commitment in a billing cycle in accordance with the schedule below.",2,NEITHER
+ "We will apply any Service Credits only against future CloudSearch payments otherwise due from you. At our discretion, we may issue the Service Credit to the credit card you used to pay for the billing cycle in which the Unavailability occurred.",2,NEITHER
+ "A Service Credit will be applicable and issued only if the credit amount for the applicable monthly billing cycle is greater than one dollar ($1 USD).",2,NEITHER
+ "(i) the words ""SLA Credit Request"" in the subject line, (ii) the dates and times of each Unavailability incident you are claiming, (iii) the names and the AWS regions of the affected Multi-AZ Domains, and (iv) your Request logs that document the errors and corroborate your claimed outage (any confidential or sensitive information in these logs should be removed or replaced with asterisks).",2,NEITHER
+ "Monthly Uptime Percentage for a given Multi-AZ Domain is calculated by subtracting from 100% the percentage of 5 minute intervals during the monthly billing cycle in which the Multi-AZ Domain was Unavailable. If you have been running that Multi-AZ Domain for only part of the month, your Multi-AZ Domain is assumed to be 100% available for the portion of the month that it was not running. Monthly Uptime Percentage measurements exclude downtime resulting directly or indirectly from any CloudSearch SLA Exclusions.",2,NEITHER
+ "Multi-AZ Domain means a CloudSearch domain with the Multi-AZ parameter set to true. "" ""Unavailable"" and “Unavailability” mean that all Requests to the running Multi-AZ Domain during a 5-minute interval fail with Errors. If you did not make any Requests in a given 5-minute interval, that interval is assumed to be 100% available.",2,NEITHER
+ "A “Request” is a customer-initiated Upload or Search operation as described in the CloudSearch Documentation on the AWS Site.",2,NEITHER
+ "An “Error” is any Request that returns a 500 or 503 error code. A ""Service Credit"" is a dollar credit, calculated as set forth above, that we may credit back to an eligible account.",2,NEITHER
+ "This SLA applies separately to each account using Amazon CloudFront. Unless otherwise provided herein, this SLA is subject to the terms of the AWS Agreement and capitalized terms will have the meaning specified in the AWS Agreement. We reserve the right to change the terms of this SLA in accordance with the AWS Agreement",2,NEITHER
+ "The billing cycle and AWS regions with respect to which you are claiming Service Credits, together with the Monthly Uptime Percentage for that AWS region for the billing cycle and the specific dates, times, and Availabilities for each 5-minute interval with less than 100% Availability in that AWS region throughout the billing cycle.",2,NEITHER
+ "Your Request logs that document the errors for your claimed outage (any confidential or sensitive information in these logs should be removed or replaced with asterisks).",2,NEITHER
+ "That result from you not following the guidelines and best practices described in the Amazon Chime SDK Documentation on the AWS Site, (iv) that results from you not following the recommendations provided in an AWS Well-Architected Review, (v) that result from your equipment, software or other technology and/or third party equipment, software or other technology (other than third party equipment within our direct control), or (vi) arising from our suspension or termination of your right to use Amazon Chime SDK in accordance with the Agreement (collectively, the “Amazon Chime SDK SLA Exclusions”).",2,NEITHER
+ "A well-architected review is considered complete if all risks classified as “High” or greater have been addressed.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Service Commitment does not apply to any unavailability, suspension or termination of Amazon Aurora, or any other Amazon Aurora performance issues, directly or indirectly : (i) caused by factors outside of our reasonable control, including any force majeure event or Internet access or related problems beyond the demarcation point of Amazon Aurora, (ii) that result from any voluntary actions or inactions from you.",2,NEITHER
+ "(iii) that result from instances belonging to the Micro DB instance class or other instance classes which have similar CPU and memory resource limitations, (iv) that result from you not following the basic operational guidelines described in the Amazon Aurora User Guide (e.g., overloading a database instance to the point it is inoperable, creating an excessively large number of tables that significantly increases the recovery time, etc.), (v) caused by underlying database engine software that leads to repeated database crashes or an inoperable database instance.",2,NEITHER
+ "IBM provides the following service level agreements (SLAs) for Cloud Services when IBM is listed as the Provider value in the IBM Cloud Catalog For 3rd party services, the SLA, if provided, will be set out in the 3rd party vendor terms for that service.",2,NEITHER
+ "No credits will be due for failure to meet an SLA because of problems with: Client or community provided content, technology, designs, or instructions, non-IBM build-packs, unsupported system configurations and platforms.",2,NEITHER
+ "Client infrastructure failures, including network, hardware, facility, or power, Client system administration actions, commands, or file transfers, Client errors or failures to provide needed information or access to resolve an outage, time to reload, configure, enable, or access content or include other services indirectly affected by an outage, Client-caused security incidents or Client security testing, or other causes beyond IBM's reasonable control.",2,NEITHER
+ "Some services provide Client with infrastructure capabilities where Client is responsible for the implementation and management of said infrastructure",2,NEITHER
+ "For such User-Managed Services, eligible downtime is limited to a disruption due to failures or planned maintenance involving any of the following: i) private or public network, ii) infrastructure power, or iii) HVAC infrastructure.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Tier 1 SLA applies to most services and configurations not specified in a higher tier. This includes service plans where Client instantiates a single service instance that is hosted in a single data center.",2,NEITHER
+ "A single service instance that is hosted in a single data center.",2,NEITHER
+ "Configurations of two instances of eligible services providing redundancy. Level 2 eligible services are listed in the table in section 6.",2,NEITHER
+ "Client selects: ● an available HA configuration from the UI catalog, or ● at least three sets of eligible User Managed service resources in three different Availability Zones for a common workload. An availability zone is a data processing facility with independent electrical, mechanical and network infrastructures. Level 2 eligible services are listed in the table in section 6.",2,NEITHER
+ "Eligible IBM services that are implemented across at least two or more regions providing high levels of redundancy. Level 2 eligible services are listed in the table in section 6.",2,NEITHER
+ "To expedite the processing of SLA claims, when submitting a claim, Client should provide as much information as possible.",2,NEITHER
+ "Each offering supports at least one Availability SLA tier, and many offerings support multiple tiers. For multi-tier offerings, the applicable tier will depend on the client deployed configuration.",2,NEITHER
+ "To the extent Client leverages any other services or runtimes within IBM Cloud related to its APIs, those respective SLAs shall apply (i.e., there shall be no duplication of SLA credits).",2,NEITHER
+ "Any failure of Client owned components when API calls are routed through Client owned components, such as an API Gateway, that are paired with the IBM API Connect Dedicated offering do not count toward Downtime and are not eligible for SLA credit.",2,NEITHER
+ "For Satellite-hosted services deployed on infrastructure not managed by IBM, the Tier 1 SLA applies, and unavailability attributed to infrastructure failures will not be counted in downtime calculations.",2,NEITHER
+ "Errors are requests with a response code greater than or equal to 500.",2,NEITHER
+ "Downtime is the total number of accrued minutes where every request made in a clock minute either returns an error or the instance is unavailable (as recorded by IBM's standard monitoring tools).",2,NEITHER
+ "For a Dedicated Cloudant Instance in IBM Cloud Dedicated, Downtime excludes any minute during which the request rate exceeds a peak of 500 requests per second.",2,NEITHER
+ "In addition to the IBM Cloud Service Description, the Downtime definition specific to this Cloud Service is: Downtime is the number of accrued minutes where every connection request to a database instance fails in a clock minute.",2,NEITHER
+ "Service level time periods exclude any time required to reload the operating system or applications or time performance may be degraded.",2,NEITHER
+ "If we do not achieve and maintain the Service Levels for each Service as described in this SLA",2,NEITHER
+ "You can review the most current version of this SLA at any time by visiting",2,NEITHER
+ "This SLA provides information on Services currently available. Earlier versions of this document are available at To find the needed version, a customer may contact its reseller or Microsoft Account Manager.",2,NEITHER
+ "That result from your failure to adhere to any required configurations, use supported platforms, follow any policies for acceptable use, or your use of the Service in a manner inconsistent with the features and functionality of the Service (for example, attempts to perform operations that are not supported) or inconsistent with our published guidance.",2,NEITHER
+ "Additional Terms: Service Credits are applicable only to fees attributable to your use of Process Automation functionality within the Automation Service. No SLA is provided for the Free tier of the Automation Service.",2,NEITHER
+ "Service Level Exceptions: The Service Levels and Service Credits are applicable to your use of the Basic, Standard, and Premium tiers of the BizTalk Services. The Developer tier of the Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services is not covered by this SLA.",2,NEITHER
+ "Additional Terms: Service credit will be applied to the individual service that was unavailable. For example, if Customer is using SMS and Chat services, and the SMS service does not meet SLA, Customer would receive a credit for the SMS usage, not the chat usage.",2,NEITHER
+ "The available minutes are based only on services that are in the control of Azure Communication Services, this excludes third party services such as telecommunications providers and carriers.",2,NEITHER
+ "Microsoft will review data from any commercially reasonable independent measurement system used by Customer.",2,NEITHER
+ "Measurement System tests (frequency of at least one test per hour per agent) will be configured to perform one HTTP GET operation according to the model below: 1. A test file will be placed on Customter’s origin (e.g., Azure Storage account).",2,NEITHER
+ "The GET operation will retrieve the file through the CDN Service, by requesting the object from the appropriate Microsoft Azure domain name hostname",2,NEITHER
+ "The test file will meet the following criteria: i. The test object will allow caching by including explicit “Cache-control: public” headers, or lack of “Cache-Control: private” header. ii. The test object will be a file at least 50KB in size and no larger than 1MB. iii. Raw data will be trimmed to eliminate any measurements that came from an agent experiencing technical problems during the measurement period.",2,NEITHER
+ "Microsoft will review data from any commercially reasonable independent measurement system used by Customer.",2,NEITHER
+ "Measurement System tests (frequency of at least one test per 5 minutes per agent) will be configured to perform one HTTP GET operation according to the model below.",2,NEITHER
+ "A test file will be placed on Customer’s backend (e.g., Azure Storage account).",2,NEITHER
+ "The GET operation will retrieve the file through Azure Front Door and Azure Front Door (classic), by requesting the object from the appropriate Microsoft Azure domain name hostname.",2,NEITHER
+ "The test file will meet the following criteria: • The test object will be a file at least 50KB in size. • Raw data will be trimmed to eliminate any measurements that came from an agent experiencing technical problems during the measurement period.",2,NEITHER
+ "“Virus Detection and Blocking” is defined as the detection and blocking of Viruses by the filters to prevent infection. “Viruses” is broadly defined as known malware, which includes viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.",2,NEITHER
+ "A Virus is considered known when widely used commercial virus scanning engines can detect the virus and the detection capability is available throughout the EOP network.",2,NEITHER
+ "Must result from a non-purposeful infection.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Virus must have been scanned by the EOP virus filter.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Virus Detection and Blocking Service Level shall not apply to: i. Forms of email abuse not classified as malware, such as spam, phishing and other scams, adware, and forms of spyware, which due to its targeted nature or limited use is not known to the anti-virus community and thus not tracked by anti-virus products as a virus. ii. Corrupt, defective, truncated, or inactive viruses contained in NDRs, notifications, or bounced emails.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Service Credit available for the Virus Detection and Blocking Service is: 25% Service Credit of Applicable Monthly Service Fee if an infection occurs in a calendar month, with a maximum of one claim allowed per calendar month.",2,NEITHER
+ "“Spam Effectiveness” is defined as the percentage of inbound spam detected by the filtering system, measured on a daily basis.",2,NEITHER
+ "Spam effectiveness estimates exclude false negatives to invalid mailboxes",2,NEITHER
+ "The spam message must be processed by our service and not be corrupt, malformed, or truncated.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Spam Effectiveness Service Level does not apply to email containing a majority of non-English content.",2,NEITHER
+ "You acknowledge that classification of spam is subjective and accept that we will make a good faith estimation of the spam capture rate based on evidence timely supplied by you.",2,NEITHER
+ "“False Positive” is defined as the ratio of legitimate business email incorrectly identified as spam by the filtering system to all email processed by the service in a calendar month.",2,NEITHER
+ "Complete, original messages, including all headers, must be reported to the abuse team.",2,NEITHER
+ "Applies to email sent to valid mailboxes only.",2,NEITHER
+ "You acknowledge that classification of false positives is subjective and understand that we will make a good faith estimation of the false positive ratio based on evidence timely supplied by you.",2,NEITHER
+ "This False Positive Service Level shall not apply to: i. bulk, personal, or pornographic email, ii. email containing a majority of non-English content, iii. email blocked by a policy rule, reputation filtering, or SMTP connection filtering iv. email delivered to the junk folder",2,NEITHER
+ "“Email Delivery Time” is defined as the average of email delivery times, measured in minutes over a calendar month, where email delivery is defined as the elapsed time from when a business email enters the EOP network to when the first delivery attempt is made.",2,NEITHER
+ "Email Delivery Time is measured and recorded every 5 minutes, then sorted by elapsed time. The fastest 95% of measurements are used to create the average for the calendar month.",2,NEITHER
+ "We use simulated or test emails to measure delivery time.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Email Delivery Service Level applies only to legitimate business email (non-bulk email) delivered to valid email accounts.",2,NEITHER
+ "For the Oracle Video Plus (formerly Sauce mobile client) component of the Oracle Content and Experience Cloud Service - Advanced Video Management, the second paragraph of section 1.1 of the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies regarding alignment with ICO/IEC 27002 Code of Practice does not apply.",2,NEITHER
+ "Oracle PaaS and IaaS Public Cloud Services may be provisioned at multiple data centers, and depending on product capability, availability, and customer solution design, You may be able to configure such Cloud Services with disaster recovery capabilities.",2,NEITHER
+ "“VCN” is a customizable private network within the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure cloud.",2,NEITHER
+ "This subsection (Service Credits) sets forth the terms regarding the grant to You of service credits (“Service Credits”) under a Service Level Agreement set forth in this section (Oracle PaaS and IaaS Public Cloud Service Level Agreement Policy) arising from Oracle’s failure to meet a Service Commitment with respect to an applicable Oracle PaaS or IaaS Public Cloud Service.",2,NEITHER
+ "The grant of these Service Credits are YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND ORACLE'S ENTIRE LIABILITY when Oracle has not met a Service Commitment for a Service Level Agreement under this section (Oracle PaaS and IaaS Public Cloud Service Level Agreement Policy)",2,NEITHER
+ "Service Credits will only be provided for the specific Cloud Service for which the applicable Service Commitment has not been met.",2,NEITHER
+ "With the (i) percentage amount (the “Service Credit Percentage”) as set forth in the Service Commitment specified for such Cloud Service in this section (Oracle PaaS and IaaS Public Cloud Service Level Agreement Policy)",2,NEITHER
+ "And (ii) the fees and usage based on the rate(s) and metric(s) set forth for such Cloud Service in Your order (pro-rated as necessary).",2,NEITHER
+ "With respect to Cloud Services purchased under a Pay as You Go Model, any Service Credits will be added to Your Pay as You Go balance in the calendar month following Oracle’s approval of Your claim.",2,NEITHER
+ "Any unused Service Credits will expire at the end of the calendar month in which the Service Credits are granted and You may not carry those Service Credits over to another month.",2,NEITHER
+ "The name(s) of the Impacted Services that had Excess Consumption, the Region in which the applicable Impacted Service(s) had Excess Consumption",2,NEITHER
+ "The names of the relevant OCIDs, including tenancy OCID, compartment(s) OCID, and affected resource OCID(s)",2,NEITHER
+ "A description of Your attempts to resolve the issue at the time of occurrence, including information on Your implementation of recommendations received from the DDoS Mitigation Specialist",2,NEITHER
+ "Relevant documentation/logs (such as audit console and OS events/logs) that can confirm that the applicable Impacted Service(s) experienced Excess Consumption.",2,NEITHER
+ "After reviewing Your claim, if the Service Credit Requests Validation Team determines that the incident was a valid Layer 7 DDoS attack and that the underlying Impacted Services automatically scaled to absorb the attack",2,NEITHER
+ "With respect to WAF Services purchased under a Pay as You Go Model, any WAF Service Credits will be added to Your Pay as You Go balance in the calendar month following Oracle’s approval of Your claim.",2,NEITHER
+ "VMware Carbon Black Cloud and VMware Carbon Black® Hosted EDRTM service offerings (each, as applicable, a “Service”) are cloud-based Endpoint security services.",2,NEITHER
+ "Other reasons causing of lack of access to the NSX Advanced Load Balancer cloud services portal or to the NSX Advanced Load Balancer Hosted Controller Service portal will not be considered an SLA Event, including but not limited to (i) customer-facing network connectivity issues, and (ii) customer de-registering NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller(s) from the cloud services, breaking connectivity.",2,NEITHER
+ "Unavailability of all services in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer cloud services will have no impact to existing load balanced applications and customer’s ability to deploy new load balanced applications.",2,NEITHER
+ "All existing NSX Advanced Load Balancer Service Engines and the hosted load balanced applications will continue to function without any disruption.",2,NEITHER
+ "New NSX Advanced Load Balancer Service Engines can continue to be created up to 100% of available active subscription capacity per registered NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller with an additional 10% buffer.",2,NEITHER
+ "The following will be considered an SLA Event for the Service Offering: • A user cannot successfully authenticate and access the user interface of the Service. Offering for more than five (5) consecutive minutes (excluding failures to authenticate or access resulting from an issue on the customer’s network or authentication service, if applicable).",2,NEITHER
+ "The total minutes that the Service Offering is Unavailable for a particular SLA Event is measured from the time that VMware validates the SLA Event has occurred, as defined below, until the time that VMware resolves the SLA Event such that the Service Offering is Available to you.",2,NEITHER
+ "If two or more SLA Events occur simultaneously, the SLA Event with the longest duration will be used to determine the total minutes Unavailable.",2,NEITHER
+ "bugs in code or services for which there is no commercially reasonable known fix (even if there is a known workaround).",2,NEITHER
+ "VMware’s monitoring tools, data, and records will be the sole source of information used to track and validate Availability.",2,NEITHER
+ "This SLA applies only to a customer’s production environment of the Service, and not to any non-production environment, including, without limitation, testing, staging, evaluation, or proof of concept.",2,NEITHER
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+ text,label,type
+ "NTTA will replicate all data written to the primary storage array which is part of a LUN configured for replication to the secondary storage array.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The replicated data will be available 99.99% of the time.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA will begin replication of the data in accordance with and subject to the Customer’s Service Order Form.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In order to receive a credit under this SLA, Customer must first open a trouble ticket to report and request resolution to the incident.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The credit request must include trouble ticket number(s) related to the credit request.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Each request for credit in any calendar month must be received by NTTA within seven (7) days of the occurrence giving rise to the credit claim.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Each valid credit will be applied to a Customer invoice within two (2) billing cycles after NTTA’s receipt of such request.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA's goal is to deliver SCD Content 100% of the time.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Subject to Sections 5 and 6 below, upon Customer's request, NTTA will issue a credit to Customer for SCD Service Outages in an amount equal to one day's worth of the Base Fee paid per affected Zone by Customer, multiplied by each 24-hour period in which Customer experiences a SCD Service Outage during a particular month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA will periodically (on average every 15 minutes) measure SCD availability by requesting representative Cacheable Objects from Cache Servers at Selected POPs using software and hardware components capable of measuring traffic and responses at such Selected POPs.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customers must store the health check content on the folder that NTT Communications specified on the customer’s origin server.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To be eligible for compensation under this SLA, the Customer must initiate a problem report by opening a support ticket and request a resolution to the issue.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The request for compensation must contain the reference number(s) of the support ticket(s) associated with the claim.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA will issue a 100% credit of the corresponding day’s service charge for the zone affected.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA’s Storage Area Network (SAN) Availability Service Level Agreement (SLA) offers a 99.5% uptime guarantee of the NTTA SAN infrastructure.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "For Colocation customers or other customers that provide their own Host Bus Adapter (HBA), NTTA offers a 99% uptime guarantee of the NTTA SAN infrastructure.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA will monitor each component that makes up the NTTA SAN infrastructure including but not limited to the switches and storage via such monitoring tools as ICMP(PING), snmp-based monitoring, MOM etc., between NTTA’s Monitoring System and the Customer solution.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA will issue a credit when the cumulative Service Outage exceeds three (3) hours and thirty-six (36) minutes of downtime (equivalent to 99.5%) in a calendar month for those customers that have NTTA managed HBAs.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "For those customers that own their HBA, NTTA will issue a credit when the cumulative Service Outage exceeds seven (7) hours and twelve (12) minutes of downtime (equivalent to 99%) in a calendar month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To qualify for a credit as per this SLA, the customer must initiate a trouble ticket to report and seek resolution for the issue.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The credit request must include trouble ticket number(s) related to the credit request. Each credit request in connection with this SLA must be received by NTTA within 48 hours of the support failure referenced in Section 1 above and must include the Customer's account number (per NTTA's invoice), Customer's name as listed on NTTA's invoice, the date and approximate time of the support failure, and the SAN identification code or the server identification code(s) of the affected server(s) if applicable.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA’s Virtualization Services’ Availability SLA offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee related to the Data Center Facilities, Network Infrastructure and VM Cluster within the Customer’s solution as outlined below that are deployed in NTTA data centers in the United States.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "This SLA guarantees the availability of the VM Cluster but not the individual nodes of the VM Cluster.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA does not guarantee the availability of the specific VM instances and are considered out of scope of this SLA.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer solutions must be configured with redundant, high availability (HA) Firewalls and Load Balancers to be eligible for credits under this SLA.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA will monitor each ESX server in a VM Cluster via ICMP (PING) between NTTA’s Monitoring System and the Customer solution.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "NTTA will issue a credit for any unique Service Outage that exceeds forty-three (43) minutes of downtime, in an amount equal to one day's worth of the total Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) for those components that make up the VM Cluster paid by Customer during a calendar month, based on a thirty (30) day month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The request for credit must contain the relevant trouble ticket number(s) associated with the request.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The credit request must include trouble ticket number(s) related to the credit request. Each credit request in connection with this SLA must be received by NTTA within 48 hours of the support failure referenced in Section 1 above and must include the Customer's customer number (per NTTA's invoice), Customer's name as listed on NTTA's invoice, the date and approximate time of the support failure, and the server identification code(s) of the affected server(s).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We shall use commercially reasonable endeavors to provide (1) Instance Monthly Uptime Percentage of Instance Unavailable for no less than 99.975% of each calendar month and (2) Instance Monthly Uptime Percentage of Multi-zone Service Unavailable for no less than 99.995% of each calendar month in connection with your use of the Service (the “Service Guarantee”).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Your claim must include at least the following information: A detailed description of the incident, including the logs or messages for request failure documenting the errors and claimed outage.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Your claim for a Service Credit can be filed starting from the sixth working days of the following calendar month of occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim must be received by us within sixty (60) days after the last day of the calendar month of occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Your failure to submit the claim within this time will be deemed to be an irrevocable waiver of your right to claim and receive such Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We will make a good faith determination if a Service Credit is to be provided to you in our sole discretion and will inform you the result as soon as reasonably practicable.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We will use commercially reasonable effort to process your claim and provide the Service Credit to you as early as possible.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If we, after our good faith review of your claim, determine that a Service Credit must be provided to you, the Service Credit to be provided will be the following.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Subject to Clauses 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3, the Service Credit shall apply to set-off the fees payable by you for the Service only.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The Service Credit provided in any calendar month for a particular Service or Service resource will not, under any circumstance, exceed your Monthly Service Fee for that affected Service or Service resource, as applicable, in the calendar month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The Service Credit provided to you must be used within two (2) month from the date the Service Credit is made available for you to use.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You agree that any decision or determination made by us relating to your claim for any Service Credit shall be final and binding on you.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer is not eligible for an additional credit under Section 2.2(b).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "CenturyLink provides Availability SLA of 99.9% per month based on a Calendar Month, excluding maintenance windows and other exclusions.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "An interruption period starts when an unavailable UNI is reported to CenturyLink and ends when Service is restored at the UNI.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "CenturyLink offers one CoS: Business Class (“BC”).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The performance objectives for BC are provided in Table 2.0. Service performance is based on measurements of the following performance objectives: Frame Delay, Frame Loss Ratio and Frame Delay Variation.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Customer is not entitled to multiple Performance Credits even if multiple performance objectives are not met in a Calendar Month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "CenturyLink is responsible for maintaining all CenturyLink owned facilities that are used to deliver CE to the customer. CenturyLink will furnish the Customer with a trouble reporting telephone number.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Upon receipt of a trouble alarm or report, CenturyLink will initiate action to clear the trouble and will commit to the following Service restoral times for Service",0,OBLIGATION
+ "This SLA is available to Customers with a minimum of a one year commitment for each Service.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "CenturyLink is offering the Service in accordance with the RSS and the Agreement.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To be eligible for a credit under this SLA, Customer must, in addition to complying with the other terms included in this SLA: (a) be in good standing with CenturyLink and current in its obligations, other than those invoices recognized as being in dispute, and (b) submit necessary supporting documentation and request reimbursement or credits under this SLA within 30 days of the conclusion of the month in which the requisite unavailability or degradation occurs.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "In no case will CenturyLink provide credit to Customer for an Affected UNI that exceeds the monthly recurring charge or the stated applicable maximum credit percentage.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "CenturyLink will give notice to Customer of any scheduled maintenance as early as is practicable and a scheduled outage will under no circumstances be viewed as a period of unavailability under this SLA.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The DigitalOcean Droplet service provides a 99.99% uptime SLA per month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The DigitalOcean Volumes Block Storage service provides 99.99% uptime SLA per month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS) service provides 99.95% uptime SLA per month for the control plane when high availability (HA) is enabled for such clusters. ,0,OBLIGATION
+ "We will evaluate all information reasonably available to us and make a good faith determination of whether a Service Credit is owed.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The DigitalOcean Marketplace provides 99.0% uptime SLA per month for the Marketplace catalog and the Marketplace vendor portal.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If you are a vendor and file a support ticket in response to a problem with the DigitalOcean Marketplace.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "we assure: A first response to a ticket within one business day 90% of the time per SLA period of one month. Ticket resolution within three business days 90% of the time per SLA period of one month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We do not currently provide credits in response to Marketplace service portal downtime.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "While we do not provide any SLAs related to security, we maintain several security certifications, including AICPA SOC 2 Type II and SOC 3 Type II certifications.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To be eligible, the credit request should be received by us within three (3) months of the end of the billing cycle when the issue occurred.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Once we validate and confirm the claim request, your account is credited with service credits in the billing cycle following when you filed the claim.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If Fujitsu determines that it has been unable to fulfill these service levels in each billing month, then a service credit (rounded to two decimal places) will be applied to the fee for the billing month following a billing month in question (“the month eligible for deduction”).",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The Customer must follow the following procedures to apply for a service credit",0,OBLIGATION
+ "When the Customer determines that an event that Fujitsu may have failed to meet the service level in a billing month, then the Customer must contact the Help Desk Service, and then subsequently report the situation in writing to the office specified by Fujitsu (“SLA Desk”) within 10 days of the end of the billing month.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Fujitsu will then investigate whether a service credit is applied to the reported situation or not, based on the logs of Service Portal, the logs of each service and other sources obtained by Fujitsu, and will provide the results thereof to the Customer within the month eligible for deduction.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Goal: Joyent’s goal is to achieve 100% Availability for all customers.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Joyent will guarantee only those areas considered under the control of Joyent: Joyent server links to the Internet, Joyent’s routers, and Joyent’s servers.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To receive a credit, the customer must make a request by sending an e-mail message to",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If the unavailability is confirmed by Joyent, credits will be applied within two billing cycles after Joyent’s receipt of the customer’s credit request.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Credits are not refundable and can be used only towards future billing charges.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "OVHcloud will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that each class of OVHcloud Service identified below is ""Available"" during a given calendar month equal to the ""Monthly Availability Commitment"" for such OVHcloud Service as set forth in the table below.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To request a Service Credit, You must file a support request within sixty (60) calendar days of the suspected incident via the OVHcloud Control Panel.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If the Monthly Availability Percentage of such request is confirmed by OVHcloud and is less than the Monthly Availability Commitment, then OVHcloud will issue the Service Credit to You within forty-five (45) calendar days in which your request is confirmed by OVHcloud.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "OVHcloud’s monitoring tools, data and records will be the sole source of information used to track and validate Availability.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Service Credits will be issued to the person or entity that OVHcloud invoices for the applicable instance of the OVHcloud Service, as a separate credit memo that can be applied towards a future invoice for that OVHcloud Service instance.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You will not be eligible to receive a Service Credit if: (i) Your Account has any payments for the OVHcloud Service that are delinquent, (ii) You are in violation of the Terms of Service during the time of the incident, or (iii)the incident was due to Your failure to meet Your security responsibilities as set forth in the Terms of Service.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We guarantee that the Volumes will be available 99.99% of the time in a given monthly billing period.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We guarantee that your Cloud Database Instance(s) will be available 99.99% of the time in any given monthly billing period.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You shall not be entitled to a credit if (ii) the event giving rise to the credit would not have occurred but for the resizing any Cloud Database Instance(s) upon your instructions (including by increasing or decreasing the amount of storage or compute resources dedicated to a given Cloud Database Instance), or (ii) where the applicable Cloud Database Instance(s) are root enabled.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Rackspace will notify you via text message, email, or the Rackspace ticketing system of Rackspace Monitoring Alerts on your DB Server(s) within five (5) minutes of the Rackspace Monitoring Alert being generated.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You shall not be entitled to a credit if the event giving rise to the credit would not have occurred but for your failure to implement the recommended configuration changes or upgrades provided to you by Rackspace support teams (the “Configuration Guidance”) or otherwise address the issue in a manner which permits Rackspace to provide the DBA Services within five (5) days of your receipt of the Configuration Guidance, or such other time frame as stated in the Configuration Guidance.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We guarantee that the Cloud Files Services will be available 99.99% of the time in a given billing cycle.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We guarantee that your Load Balancers will be available 99.99% of the time in any given monthly billing period.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "We guarantee the Control Plane shall have 99.9% Monthly Availability.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Network Availability Service Level Guarantee. Rackspace guarantees that its Data Center Network will be available one hundred percent (100%) of the time in any given monthly billing period.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Rackspace guarantees that data center HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and Power will be functioning one hundred percent (100%) of the time in any given monthly billing period.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Rackspace guarantees the functioning of all Host Servers hosting the Cloud Servers, including the hypervisor. If a Host Server hosting a Cloud Server fails, Rackspace guarantee that restoration or repair will be complete within one (1) hour of problem identification.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Either way, we guarantee the migration will be complete within three (3) hours of the time we begin the migration.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If you exceed this limit, your Cloud Queues Service may be throttled or stopped, and this guarantee shall not be applicable.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Compensations will be made in the form of voucher by Tencent Cloud",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You should follow the rules for using the voucher (including the valid term, for details, please refer to the rules of vouchers published on Tencent Cloud’s official website)",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You cannot redeem such voucher for cash or request to issue an invoice for such voucher.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Such voucher can only be used to purchase the Service by using your Tencent Cloud account.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You cannot use the voucher to purchase other services of Tencent Cloud, nor should you give the voucher to a third party for consideration or for free.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "Tencent Cloud will verify and ascertain your application upon receipt of such application.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You should apply for such compensation no later than sixty (60) calendar days following the expiry of the applicable Service Month in which the Service Availability fails to meet the standard.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that, for any losses incurred by you during the course of using the Service due to any breach by Tencent Cloud, the aggregate amount of compensation payable by Tencent Cloud shall under no circumstance exceed the total service fees you have paid for the relevant Service which is not performed.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "The amount of credit available per month is subject to a cap as described below.",1,RIGHT
+ "As the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for such failure, Customer will receive a credit equal to one day’s worth of the total recurring monthly fees paid by Customer to NTTA for the applicable calendar month for NTTA Remote Data Replication Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "The process to present the Snapshot to the remote servers at the secondary data center will start within 1 hour of the Customer contacting NTTA’s CEC requesting that the Snapshot be presented.",1,RIGHT
+ "As the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for such failure, Customer will receive a credit equal to one day’s worth of the total recurring monthly fees paid by Customer to NTTA for the applicable calendar month for NTTA Remote Data Replication Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "The failover process of the Customer’s environment at the secondary data center will begin within 1 hour of the Customer notifying the NTTA CEC that they have validated the snapshot.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Customer will be compensated for any failure with a credit equal to one day's worth of their monthly fees paid to NTTA for their Remote Data Replication Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "Customer shall not receive any credits under this SLA in connection with any failure of deficiency of the NTTA Remote Data Replication Service or a failure to meet the SLA that is caused by or associated with any of the following",1,RIGHT
+ "Customer may then make a credit request by submitting a billing ticket via the NTT America Enterprise Hosting Customer Portal located at",1,RIGHT
+ "Notwithstanding anything in this SLA to the contrary, the total amount credited to a Customer in connection with Replication, Snapshot Access and Failover in any calendar month will not exceed, in the aggregate, one hundred percent (100%) of the total recurring monthly fee paid by Customer to NTTA for the NTTA Remote Data Replication Service for such calendar month.",1,RIGHT
+ "Except as set forth in this SLA, NTTA makes no claims regarding the availability or performance of the NTTA Remote Data Replication Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "NTTA reserves the right to periodically change the measurement points and methodologies it uses without notice to Customer.",1,RIGHT
+ "Customer shall not receive any credits under this NTTA SCD SLA in connection with any SCD Service Outage caused by or associated with",1,RIGHT
+ "The Customer can request this credit by submitting a billing ticket through the NTT America Enterprise Hosting Customer Portal found at",1,RIGHT
+ "Notwithstanding anything in this NTTA Smart Content Delivery SLA to the contrary, the total amount credited to a Customer in connection with in any calendar month will not exceed the Base Fee paid by Customer for such month.",1,RIGHT
+ "Customer Credit Policy",1,RIGHT
+ "Please note that NTTA reserves the right in all cases to determine the root cause of an outage and make the final determination as to whether the outage falls inside or outside of the below Service Level Agreement exceptions.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Customer has the option to ask for this credit by sending a billing ticket via the NTT America Customer Portal available at",1,RIGHT
+ "Incomplete credit requests will be returned by NTTA.",1,RIGHT
+ "It is important to note that NTTA has the final say on determining the cause of an outage and whether or not it falls under the Service Level Agreement exceptions.",1,RIGHT
+ "To ask for this credit, the Customer can submit a billing ticket through the NTT America, Inc. Enterprise Hosting Customer Portal, which is accessible at",1,RIGHT
+ "NTTA will return incomplete credit requests.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we fail to meet the Service Guarantee then, subject to the terms and conditions of this SLA, you shall be entitled to claim a Service Credit in accordance with Section 3 herein.",1,RIGHT
+ "If you believe that the Service Guarantee in connection with your use of the Service is not met in any calendar month, then you may file a claim for Service Credit in accordance with this Clause 3.1.",1,RIGHT
+ "If the Instance Monthly Uptime Percentage of Instance Unavailable for certain ECS instance is lower than 99.975% in certain calendar month, Service Credits available for such ECS instance is calculated in accordance with the following table.",1,RIGHT
+ "(b) If the Instance Monthly Uptime Percentage of Multi-zone Service Unavailable for certain ECS instance is less than 99.995% in certain calendar month, Service Credits available for such ECS instance will be inaccordance with the following table.",1,RIGHT
+ "It is possible that certain ECS instance is calculated for Service Credits under both subsection 3.3 (a) and 3.3 (b) above. In such case, the higher amount of Service Credits will prevail.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Service Credits provided in this SLA are your sole and exclusive remedy for any failure in the performance of the Service.",1,RIGHT
+ "We shall not be liable to the you or any person claiming through you for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses or expenses whatsoever, including but not limited to, loss of profits or business and irrespective of whether the claim arises in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise.",1,RIGHT
+ "We reserve the right to change the terms of this SLA anytime by posting an amended and restated version of this SLA on the Alibaba Cloud International Website.",1,RIGHT
+ "In the event of an outage, a UNI may become unavailable and the customer may be eligible for an Availability Credit subject to the conditions outlined in Section 2.2(a) of this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "Alternatively, when the Service at a UNI is available but performing below the monthly target objectives, the customer may be eligible for a Performance Credit subject to the conditions outlined in Section 2.2(b) of this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Service experiences a period of unavailability and performance degradation, Customer’s remedies are limited to the measurements and calculations in Section 2.2(a) subject to the restrictions below.",1,RIGHT
+ "Customer will, subject to the terms, exclusions, and restrictions described in this SLA, be entitled to receive a credit from CenturyLink if the availability of a Service hosted at a UNI, for any Calendar Month, falls below the percentage shown in Table 1.0.",1,RIGHT
+ "The credit to which Customer may be entitled under this section will be equal to the applicable credit percentage, identified in the Table 1.0, of the Eligible Service Charges.",1,RIGHT
+ "Customer will, subject to the terms, exclusions, and restrictions described in this SLA, be entitled to receive a credit from CenturyLink if Service does not meet the Service performance objectives.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Service performance falls below the thresholds provided in Table 2.0 and CenturyLink is unable to rectify the performance of the Service(s) at the Affected UNI within 30.",1,RIGHT
+ "Business days then Customer may be eligible for a Performance Credit for Service degradation subject to the rules and exclusions provided in this agreement.",1,RIGHT
+ "In the event Customer fails to comply with the condition set forth in the immediately preceding sentence, Customer will, with respect to that remedy, have waived its right to such remedy.",1,RIGHT
+ "Customer may receive Credits for a particular Affected UNI for a maximum of four months in any 12 month period.",1,RIGHT
+ "The remedies included in this SLA are Customer’s sole and exclusive remedies for disruption of the Service and will apply in lieu of any other Service interruption guarantee or credit, outage guarantee or credit, or performance credit for which Customer might have otherwise been eligible.",1,RIGHT
+ "That did not meet the Monthly Uptime Percentage commitment in a billing cycle in accordance with the table below.",1,RIGHT
+ "This refers to the Monthly Uptime Percentage commitment not being met in a billing cycle, as outlined in the schedule below.",1,RIGHT
+ "Refers to any incident that causes the Monthly Uptime Percentage to fall below the committed level for a billing cycle, as outlined in the schedule below.",1,RIGHT
+ "You can request for a service credit by contacting Support.",1,RIGHT
+ "Fujitsu is under no obligation to explain the cause of the unavailability and/or detail the outcome of the investigation.",1,RIGHT
+ "Remedy: Subject to Sections 3 and 4 below, if the Availability of customer’s Services is less than 100%, Joyent will credit the customer 5% of the monthly fee for each 30 minutes of downtime (up to 100% of customer’s monthly fee for the affected server).",1,RIGHT
+ "Joyent is not responsible for browser or DNS caching that may make your site appear inaccessible when others can still access it.",1,RIGHT
+ "Credits are exclusive of any applicable taxes charged to customer or collected by Joyent and are customer’s sole and exclusive remedy with respect to any failure or deficiency in the availability of the Services.",1,RIGHT
+ "In the event any of the OVHcloud Services do not meet the Monthly Availability Commitment, You will be eligible to receive a Service Credit as described below*.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Service Credits specified in this SLA are Your sole and exclusive remedies for any incident occurring during Your Service Term for the OVHcloud Service or for any other claim in connection with this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "In no event will the amount of Service Credits issued for all incidents within a given month exceed 100% of the monthly invoiced amount for the OVHcloud Services.",1,RIGHT
+ "If any of the OVHcloud Services fail to meet the Monthly Availability Commitment, the Customer is entitled to receive a Service Credit according to the terms described below.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Service Credits outlined in this SLA are the only remedies available to the Customer in the event of an incident during the Service Term for the OVHcloud Service or for any other claim related to this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "In case the Monthly Availability Commitment for any of the OVHcloud Services is not met, the Customer can receive a Service Credit as detailed below.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Service Credits outlined in this SLA are the exclusive and singular remedies available to the Customer for any incident occurring during the Service Term for the OVHcloud Service or for any other claims related to this SLA.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we fail to meet this guarantee, you will be eligible for a credit calculated as a percentage of the Service Fee for the affected Volume, and based on the percentage of Volume availability in a given monthly billing period as follows",1,RIGHT
+ "If we fail to meet this guarantee, you will be eligible for a credit calculated as a percentage of the Service Fees, as follows: Five percent (5%) of the Service Fees for each 30 minutes of Cloud Database Instance unavailability, after the first 0.01% of unavailability during the month, up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Service Fees.",1,RIGHT
+ "If OVHcloud fails to meet this guarantee, the Customer can receive a credit equivalent to 5% of their Service Fees per event, up to a maximum of 100% of their monthly Service Fees.",1,RIGHT
+ "Should OVHcloud not meet this guarantee, the Customer can receive a credit calculated as a percentage of their Service Fees, based on the duration of unavailability in a given monthly billing period, as outlined below.",1,RIGHT
+ "If OVHcloud fails to fulfill this guarantee, the Customer is entitled to a credit calculated as a percentage of their Service Fee, including monthly instance, concurrent connections, and bandwidth charges, according to the following guidelines: 5% of the Service Fees for each hour of unavailability or fraction thereof, up to a maximum of 100% of the Service Fees.",1,RIGHT
+ "You may use Remote Monitoring Checks on any IP address (or related hostname) that you own, whether hosted by Rackspace or at another location.",1,RIGHT
+ "You may configure Remote Monitoring Checks against dynamic IP addresses.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we fail to meet this guarantee in any given monthly billing period, you will be eligible for a one-time credit of ten (10) US dollars.",1,RIGHT
+ "You will not be entitled to credits related to your misconfiguration of the cloud system or Rackspace Monitoring Services agent (including if you are not using the most current version of the Rackspace Monitoring Services agent), or for any failures relating to the networking issues between you and the Rackspace Monitoring Services systems.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we fail to meet this guarantee you will be eligible for a credit, calculated as follows.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we fail to meet this guarantee you will be eligible for a credit, as follows: Five percent (5%) of the Service Fees for each thirty (30) minutes of Data Center Network Downtime (or portion thereof), up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Service Fees.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we are unable to fulfill this promise, you can get a credit for 5% of the Service Fees for every 30-minute period of Data Center Infrastructure Downtime (or a portion thereof), up to 100% of the Service Fees.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we do not meet this guarantee, you are entitled to a credit for 5% of the Service Fees for each additional hour of unavailability (or portion thereof) after the first hour, up to 100% of the Service Fees.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we are unable to fulfill this commitment, you have the option to receive a compensation credit of five percent (5%) of the Service Fees for every additional hour of downtime (or a portion of it) after the initial three (3) hours, with the possibility of receiving up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Service Fees.",1,RIGHT
+ "You are entitled to a credit of five percent (5%) of the Service Fees for the Affected Components for every half hour (or part thereof) of unplanned unavailability caused by Rackspace’s Support activities, up to a maximum of a hundred percent (100%) of the Service Fees for such Affected Components.",1,RIGHT
+ "If the event for which a credit may be payable under this guarantee is an event which would also be eligible for a credit under another SLA or is an event contemplated by another SLA, you shall not be eligible for a credit under this guarantee.",1,RIGHT
+ "To a credit in the event that you fail to implement appropriate Rackspace Monitoring Services, or disable, block, remove, or otherwise interfere with the Rackspace Monitoring Services.",1,RIGHT
+ "We guarantee that the Cloud Queues API shall have 99.9% Monthly Availability.",1,RIGHT
+ "If we fail to meet this guarantee you will be eligible for a credit, calculated as follows",1,RIGHT
+ "If you have purchased Services that will be provided in whole or in part from data centers or other Rackspace facilities located in Australia, then this term shall also form part of that Agreement.",1,RIGHT
+ "You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure, and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.",1,RIGHT
+ "You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.",1,RIGHT
+ "In the event that the Service Availability falls below the standard mentioned above, except in the cases specified in the liability release provisions, you have the right to receive compensation as outlined in Section 3 below.",1,RIGHT
+ "If the Service Availability for a Service Month fails to meet the abovementioned Service Availability standard, you may apply for compensation through (and only through) the support ticket system under your relevant account after the fifth (5th) business day of the month immediately following such Service Month.",1,RIGHT
+ "Tencent Cloud, in which case Tencent Cloud has the right to reject your application for compensation and not to make any compensation to you.",1,RIGHT
+ "Tencent Cloud has the right to amend the terms of this Agreement as appropriate or necessary in light of changes in due course.",1,RIGHT
+ "If you disagree with such revisions made by Tencent Cloud to this Agreement, you have the right to cease using the Service, by continuing to use the Service, you shall be deemed to have accepted the Agreement as amended.",1,RIGHT
+ "Verizon reserves the right to perform maintenance outside of Scheduled Maintenance during an emergency situation.",1,RIGHT
+ "For each cumulative hour orfraction thereof of PowerUnavailability for bothA&Bcircuits, Customer may request a credit for one day of monthly recurring charges fortheData CenterInternetBandwidth and Space affected by the outage as contracted forin CustomersData Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon fails to meet theNetwork Latency Service Level in a calendar month forNorthAmerican and Transatlantic, Customer may request a credit forthat month",1,RIGHT
+ "Verizon offers both aNetwork PacketDelivery SLAbetween Verizon-designated inter-regional transit backbone routers (HubRouters) inNorthAmerica and Transatlantic.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon fails to meet the Network Packet Delivery Service Level in any given month, the Customer can request a credit for that month.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon is unable to meet the Jitter Service Level for North America in a given month, the Customer may request a credit for that month.",1,RIGHT
+ "Verizon reserves the right to perform maintenance outside of Scheduled Maintenance during an emergency situation.",1,RIGHT
+ "If there is a cumulative hour of Data Center Internet Bandwidth Unavailability or a fraction thereof in any given month, the Customer can request a credit for one day of Data Center Internet Bandwidth monthly recurring charges as agreed upon in the Customer's Data Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",1,RIGHT
+ "The OutageReporting SLAis applicable only to service provided in the contiguousUnited States and is applicable only if a Customer sets up his IP addresses for monitoring through",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon fails to meet the OutageReporting Service Level, Customer may request a credit for one day of the Monthly recurring charges forthe affectedData CenterInternetBandwidth andData Center Colocation/Internet Colocation space only.",1,RIGHT
+ "In case Verizon fails to restore data from tape to the customer's primary storage space in the same condition as backed up, the customer can claim a service credit equal to a percentage of the monthly recurring backup charges, as indicated in the table below.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon does not meet the Denial of Service Response SLA in any given month, the customer can request a credit for one day's charge of the Data Center Internet Bandwidth service linked with the customer's Data Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",1,RIGHT
+ "Verizon will use trouble tickets and other appropriate Verizon records to determine, in its sole judgment, SLA compliance.",1,RIGHT
+ "Maintenance Events. From time to time, Linode may perform repairs, replacements, upgrades, updates, patches, fixes, or other maintenance which may delay, disrupt, suspend, or otherwise affect a Covered Service (each a “Maintenance Event”).",1,RIGHT
+ "Linode will use reasonable efforts to attempt to minimize the impact of Maintenance Events, but shall have sole discretion in determining the need for, and scope of, any Maintenance Event.",1,RIGHT
+ "Service Credits. Subject to the Terms of Service and this SLA, the Account Holder may request a pro-rata credit for any affected monthly billing period in which we are unable to satisfy the Uptime Guarantee (collectively “Service Credits”).",1,RIGHT
+ "From time to time, Linode may perform repairs, replacements, upgrades, updates, patches, fixes, or other maintenance which may delay, disrupt, suspend, or otherwise affect a Covered Service (each a “Maintenance Event”).",1,RIGHT
+ "Linode will make reasonable efforts to reduce the impact of Maintenance Events, but it is solely at their discretion to determine the necessity and extent of any Maintenance Event.",1,RIGHT
+ "As per the Terms of Service and SLA, the Account Holder may ask for a pro-rata credit for any affected billing period during which the Uptime Guarantee is not met (Service Credits).",1,RIGHT
+ "Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this SLA shall have the meanings set forth in the Agreement. Except to the extent otherwise specifically provided herein or in the Agreement, this SLA becomes effective in the first calendar month after the NTTA Remote Data Replication Service has been fully released to the Customer.",2,NEITHER
+ "For the purposes of this SLA, any applicable credits would be based on the monthly fee paid by Customer for the storage which is deployed solely for the purposes of replication at both the primary and secondary sites as well as any stand-by servers utilized solely for the purposes of enabling failover as part of the NTTA Remote Data Replication solution.",2,NEITHER
+ "Subject to Sections 2, 3 and 4 hereof, for each day in each calendar month during the Term in which NTTA fails to provide Snapshot access to the replicated data in accordance with clause B(i) above.",2,NEITHER
+ "Failure of Customer to maintain NTTA SAN specific settings. For Colocation Customers, failure to maintain current required Version of the software in support of the Service and failure of software due to conflict with other non-compatible software.",2,NEITHER
+ "DNS issues outside the direct control of NTTA. Any other acts or omissions of Customer or others authorized by Customer, including without limitation, any negligence, willful misconduct, or use of the NTTA Network or NTTA services in breach of NTTA's Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy.",2,NEITHER
+ "The NTTA Remote Data Replication Service is not intended to be a comprehensive disaster recovery solution.",2,NEITHER
+ "This NTT America (NTTA) Smart Content DeliveryTM Service Level Agreement (SLA) provides Customers with certain rights and remedies regarding NTTA’s Smart Content Delivery (“SCD”) performance.",2,NEITHER
+ "This NTTA SCD SLA applies only to SCD Customers and applies only to the SCD portion of the Services that Customer receives from NTTA.",2,NEITHER
+ "Availability is based on caching service being available from the zones for which the customer has contracted.",2,NEITHER
+ "Customer's acts or omissions (or act or omissions of others engaged or authorized by Customer), including without limitation, any negligence, willful misconduct, or use of the NTTA services in breach of NTTA's Terms and Conditions of Service or NTTA's Acceptable Use Policy.",2,NEITHER
+ "If a zone’s test result does not meet the guaranteed standards by the measurement methodology stipulated in the course of a day",2,NEITHER
+ "This is the base charge and minimum commitment data transfer charge and option services charge.",2,NEITHER
+ "The subject services are the following: i. Basic Cache monthly charge ii. Committed data transfer charge iii. Additional Global DNS service monthly charge",2,NEITHER
+ "The credit is added up accordingly, but credit given cannot exceed the total monthly charge.",2,NEITHER
+ "As used herein, “Availability” means the ability of Customer to access, based on the line of demarcation defined as the customer’s Host Bus Adapter (HBA), each allocated LUN containing the Customer’s data and information stored on the NTTA SAN infrastructure.",2,NEITHER
+ "Any Service Outage less than five (5) consecutive minutes will not be counted toward the aggregate total downtime for any given month.",2,NEITHER
+ "Customers shall not receive any credits under this SLA in connection with any failure of NTT America's operations group to resolve a problem caused by or associated with Circumstances beyond NTT America's reasonable control, including, without limitation: acts of any governmental body, war, insurrection, sabotage, embargo, fire, flood, strike, or other labor disturbance, interruption of or delay in transportation.",2,NEITHER
+ "The credit amount will be equal to one day's worth of the total Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) for those components that make up the SAN solution paid by Customer during a calendar month, based on a thirty (30) day month.",2,NEITHER
+ "Availability of 99.9% for Virtualization Services equates to an aggregated 43.2 minutes of downtime within a calendar month.",2,NEITHER
+ "A Service Outage is defined as a “disruption in Service” that lasts five (5) consecutive minutes or more where the Customer notifies NTTA of the outage or if NTTA receives an outage notification via its monitoring system.",2,NEITHER
+ "Data Center Facilities availability refers to any disruption of Service related to power and/or cooling.",2,NEITHER
+ "Network Infrastructure availability refers to any disruption of Service related to the shared network infrastructure, routing devices, switching devices, cabling and telecommunications equipment from the gateway of the Customer’s network, terminating at the Data Center core routers, i.e. one hop behind the first Point of Presence (POP).",2,NEITHER
+ "VM Cluster availability refers to any disruption of Service related to a VMware cluster which by definition includes n+1 set of ESX servers configured in a cluster with the Enterprise VM licensing tier.",2,NEITHER
+ "For example, if a single ESX server that is part of a VM Cluster fails yet the overall functionality of that VM Cluster is still available, it is not considered a Service Outage.",2,NEITHER
+ "A disruption in Service would be considered to be the case if ICMP (PING) were not available for five (5) minutes or more for all of the ESX servers in the VM Cluster for reasons outside of the listed exceptions.",2,NEITHER
+ "The solution is determined to be unavailable when the above monitoring methods begin logging failures.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Service Outage time will be determined to have begun based on historical logging of the monitoring system.",2,NEITHER
+ "Excluded from this credit are any additional services including storage, data backup, security, etc. This SLA applies only to US data centers.",2,NEITHER
+ "This Alibaba Cloud International Website Elastic Compute Service (ECS) Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) applies to your purchase and use of the Alibaba Cloud International Website Elastic Compute Service (“Service”) and your use of the Service is subjected to the terms and conditions of the Alibaba Cloud International Website Product Terms of Service (“Product Terms”) between the relevant Alibaba Cloud entity described in the Product Terms (“Alibaba Cloud”, “us”, or “we”) and you.",2,NEITHER
+ "“Instance Service Cycle in Minutes” means the total number of minutes in one calendar month for each instance, calculated by reference to the following formula: Instance Service Cycle in Minutes = total number of days in a calendar month × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes).",2,NEITHER
+ "Multi-zone Service Downtime in Minutes of an instance means the total number of minutes for all ECS instances experience Multi-zone Service Unavailability in all Other Zones.",2,NEITHER
+ "Monthly Uptime Percentage for each instance means a percentage of Service availability calculated by reference to the following formula: (a) For Instance Unavailable.",2,NEITHER
+ "(c) events that result from any actions or inactions on your part in connection with your use of the Service, including your negligence or authorize operations.",2,NEITHER
+ "Once we receive your claim, we will review and evaluate your claim and may require your co-operation in conducting a joint investigation to ascertain whether the Service Guarantee has been breached and if so, the cause of the failure.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Service Credit shall not be used or applied to set-off the fees for the other Alibaba Cloud services, unless otherwise stated to you in writing by us from time to time.",2,NEITHER
+ "In the event of any inconsistency between yours and our system records relating to your claim, unless the discrepancy is caused by any material error or malfunction of our system, our system record shall at all times prevail and be the final and conclusive reference for calculating the Service Credits to be provided to you.",2,NEITHER
+ "Your continued use of the service after the publication of the amended SLA shall be deemed as your acceptance of the amended SLA.",2,NEITHER
+ "For Customer’s claims related to Service deficiencies, interruptions, or failures, Customer’s exclusive remedies are limited to those remedies set forth in this SLA. Capitalized terms not defined in this SLA are defined in the Agreement.",2,NEITHER
+ "Four hours in the event of a Service interruption due to an electronic component failure 3.2 Eight hours if the trouble is caused by a cable/fiber failure.",2,NEITHER
+ "CenturyLink will determine in its sole discretion what records and data will be the basis for all SLA calculations and determinations.",2,NEITHER
+ "In the event of a conflict between the terms of this SLA and the RSS or Agreement, the terms of this SLA will control, unless the conflict in the Agreement is specifically called out by the parties in the Agreement as intentionally differing from this SLA.",2,NEITHER
+ "Interruptions resulting from a failure of a carrier other than CenturyLink providing local access or an off-net Service, or special configurations of the standard Service that have been mutually agreed to by CenturyLink and Customer, provided, however, CenturyLink may provide a separate service level agreement to Customer for those special configurations.",2,NEITHER
+ "DigitalOcean provides Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for several of its products, including Droplets, Volumes Block Storage, and Kubernetes Control Plane. SLAs display our commitment to deliver a high level of availability for customers. This article defines our agreements for each product for which we have an SLA.",2,NEITHER
+ "These SLAs are the policies governing the use of the DigitalOcean services and they apply separately to each account using the services.",2,NEITHER
+ "See the Credit Request and Payment Procedures section for information about how to request service credits for SLA violations.",2,NEITHER
+ "The SLA applies only to the control plane with HA enabled. It does not apply to the worker nodes (which are covered by the Droplets SLA and any of the following).",2,NEITHER
+ "Issues caused by situations outside the control of DigitalOcean Kubernetes, such as large-scale internet outages, datacenter outages and natural disasters.",2,NEITHER
+ "The DigitalOcean Marketplace also provides an SLA for vendor support responses.",2,NEITHER
+ "For more information about how DigitalOcean takes steps to secure your data, see our Trust platform’s FAQ.",2,NEITHER
+ "Service Credit: Credit in terms of $USD issued to the associated DigitalOcean account.",2,NEITHER
+ "The following service levels are applied to some of the functions provided in FUJITSU Cloud Service for OSS.",2,NEITHER
+ "If the service becomes unavailable due to any of the following incidents, those unavailable hours will not be counted for these service levels.",2,NEITHER
+ "False SLA breaches reported as a result of outages or errors of any Joyent measurement system, customer’s acts or omissions (or acts or omissions of others engaged or authorized by customer), including, without limitation, custom scripting or coding (e.g., CGI, Perl, HTML, ASP, Ruby, PHP, Python etc), any negligence, willful misconduct, or use of the Services in breach of Joyent’s Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy.",2,NEITHER
+ "Note: Credits are not refundable and can be used only towards future billing charges.",2,NEITHER
+ "OVHcloud’s monitoring tools, data and records will be the sole source of information used to track and validate Availability.",2,NEITHER
+ "Service Credits will be issued to the person or entity that OVHcloud invoices for the applicable instance of the OVHcloud Service, as a separate credit memo that can be applied towards a future invoice for that OVHcloud Service instance.",2,NEITHER
+ "If Your Service Term for the OVHcloud Service expires or is terminated prior to the issuance of a Service Credit, the Service Credit will become void as of the date of the expiration or termination.",2,NEITHER
+ "In no event will the amount of Service Credits issued for all incidents within a given month exceed 100% of the monthly invoiced amount for the OVHcloud Services.",2,NEITHER
+ "A. A class of OVHcloud Services will be considered ""Unavailable"" or in state of ""Unavailability"" when a class of OVHcloud Services has no external connectivity.",2,NEITHER
+ "B. The following (each an ""Unavailability Exclusion"") will be excluded from any time-based calculations related to a class of OVHcloud Service being Unavailable",2,NEITHER
+ "vii. Force majeure events or any other event that are not within OVHcloud’s direct control or that could not have been avoided with commercially reasonable care.",2,NEITHER
+ "In no event will the amount of Service Credits issued for all incidents within a given month exceed 100% of the monthly invoiced amount for the OVHcloud Services.",2,NEITHER
+ "A class of OVHcloud Services will be considered ""Unavailable"" or in state of ""Unavailability"" when a class of OVHcloud Services has no external connectivity.",2,NEITHER
+ "The following (each an ""Unavailability Exclusion"") will be excluded from any time-based calculations related to a class of OVHcloud Service being Unavailable: i. scheduled, recurring or zero impact maintenance windows.",2,NEITHER
+ "Unavailability caused by third party service or facility providers, including any telecom, internet, or other related service or facility provider, or packet loss, network or Internet problems beyond OVHcloud’s border router supporting OVHcloud’s public internet connectivity.",2,NEITHER
+ "Denial of service attacks, virus or hacking attacks, or bugs in code, hardware, or services for which there is no commercially reasonable, known solution (even if there is a known workaround).",2,NEITHER
+ "Force majeure events or any other event that are not within OVHcloud’s direct control or that could not have been avoided with commercially reasonable care.",2,NEITHER
+ "OVHcloud will use its best efforts to communicate downtime events prior to scheduled, recurring, or zero impact maintenance windows as described above, however, this will not always be possible.",2,NEITHER
+ "Without limiting the foregoing, service interruptions due to emergency maintenance will constitute Unavailability Exclusions equivalent to scheduled maintenance windows, provided that (1) OVHcloud notifies You of such emergency maintenance as soon as possible and (2) downtime due to emergency maintenance does not exceed four (4) hours in any month.",2,NEITHER
+ "“Affected Components” means the Service(s) that have been affected by the failure to meet a Service Level Guarantee and include the initial Service that failed plus any Service(s) which become inaccessible or unable to perform their intended purpose under the Agreement as a result of the initial Service’s failure.",2,NEITHER
+ "“API Error” means (i) a HTTP 5xx server error response to a Valid API Request or (ii) no response to a Valid API Request because the API is down. Network errors or downtime outside of the Rackspace Data Center Network do not constitute an API error.",2,NEITHER
+ """Cloud Database Instance"" means your unique database instance and the availability of the storage volume provisioned for your instance, as well as the API you use to administer the Cloud Databases Service.",2,NEITHER
+ "If you are paying for your Services in a currency other than US dollars, then any credit that is expressed above as a fixed number of US dollars will be converted to the currency in which you pay for your services as of the date of the invoice on which the credit is applied.",2,NEITHER
+ "Control Plane Service Level Guarantee. This Control Plane Service Level Guarantee applies only to Cloud Server (Next Gen) and OnMetal Cloud Server Services.",2,NEITHER
+ "Data Plane Service Level Guarantees. Save as expressly stated to the contrary below, these Data Plane Service Level Guarantees apply to Cloud Server (First Gen) Services, Cloud Server (Next Gen), and OnMetal Cloud Server Services.",2,NEITHER
+ "If a Cloud Server migration is required because of Host Server degradation, we will notify you at least twenty four (24) hours in advance of beginning the migration, unless we determine in our reasonable judgment that we must begin the migration sooner.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Services shall be deemed unavailable if they fail to respond to the Rackspace Monitoring Services and are unable to send and receive information for the purpose in which they have been provisioned.",2,NEITHER
+ "For the purposes of this clause, ""Australia Consumer Law"" means Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), ""Non-excludable Rights"" means a condition, warranty, right or guarantee implied by relevant legislation, including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), the exclusion of which from the Agreement would cause part or all of the Agreement to be void.",2,NEITHER
+ "Where Non-Excludable rights apply under Australia Consumer Law, Rackspace’s goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded by Australia Consumer Law.",2,NEITHER
+ "In order to use the Tencent Cloud Cloud Connect Network (“CCN”) service (the “Service”), you should read and observe this Tencent Cloud Cloud Connect Network Service Level Agreement (this “Agreement”, or this “SLA”) and the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement.",2,NEITHER
+ "This Agreement contains, among others, the terms and definitions of the Service, Service availability and Service uptime metrics, compensation plan and release of liabilities.",2,NEITHER
+ "Please carefully read and fully understand each and every provision hereof, and the provisions restricting or releasing certain liabilities, or otherwise related to your material rights and interests, may be in bold font or underlined or otherwise brought to your special attention.",2,NEITHER
+ "Please do not purchase the Service unless and until you have fully read, and completely understood and accepted all the terms hereof.",2,NEITHER
+ "By clicking “Agree”/ “Next”, or by purchasing or using the Service, or by otherwise accepting this Agreement, whether express or implied, you are deemed to have read, and agreed to be bound by this Agreement.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Cloud Connect Network (CCN) Service refers to multi-point interconnection services provided by Tencent Cloud connecting cloud VPC, VPC and local data centers.",2,NEITHER
+ "You may access the entire network resources through a single point connect by adding VPC and direct gateway instance to CCN, thus easily establishing a simple, intelligent, secure and flexible hybrid cloud and worldwide Internet",2,NEITHER
+ "For details, please refer to the Service you purchase and the Service provided by Tencent Cloud.",2,NEITHER
+ "If, due to any reason attributable to Tencent Cloud, all your attempts to establish communication between two regions or in a single region through designated CCN within one (1) minute fail (i.e., within one (1) minute and between such two regions or in such single region, the packet loss rate of the communications through the CCN of all instances associated with the CCN is 100%, the details of which is subject to the monitoring data of Tencent Cloud),",2,NEITHER
+ "Service Downtime within a Service Month between two regions or in a single region refers to the accumulated duration of Service Unavailability calculated in minutes between such two regions or in such single region within such month.",2,NEITHER
+ "Service Month(s) refer to the calendar month(s) in which you use the Service after you subscribe to the Service.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Service Availability is calculated on an instance basis between designated regions or in a single region as follows: Service Availability = [ (total time calculated in minutes within a Service period - Service Downtime calculated in minutes / total time of a Service period calculated in minutes] × 100%.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Monthly Service Fee in the above table refers to the relevant Monthly Service Fee charged for the relevant CCN instance between two regions or in a single region, and shall exclude any fee charged in the following circumstances.",2,NEITHER
+ "Any Monthly Service Fee charged for such CCN instance between other regions or in another region where the Service Availability Standard is met. For example, if a CCN instance fails to meet the Service Availability Standard between Shanghai and Beijing in May, but meets the Service Availability Standard between Shanghai and Guangzhou, the amount of voucher to be compensated shall be the fees charged.",2,NEITHER
+ "If there is any dispute over the calculation of the Service Availability for a Service Month, both parties agree that the back-end record of Tencent Cloud will prevail.",2,NEITHER
+ "If you fail to make any application within such period, or make the application after such period, or make the application by any means other than that agreed herein, it shall be deemed that you have voluntarily waived your right to apply for such compensation and any other rights you may have against",2,NEITHER
+ "If the Service is unavailable due to any of the following reasons, the corresponding Service Downtime shall not be counted towards Service Unavailability, and is not eligible for compensation by Tencent Cloud, and Tencent Cloud will not be held liable to you.",2,NEITHER
+ "4.1 any system maintenance with prior notice by Tencent Cloud to a client, including system cutover, maintenance, upgrade and failure simulation test.",2,NEITHER
+ "You may review the most updated version of relevant Agreement terms on the official website of Tencent Cloud.",2,NEITHER
+ "As an ancillary agreement to the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement, this Agreement is of the same legal effect as the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement.",2,NEITHER
+ "Each month'sNetwork performance statistics relating to theNetwork Jitter SLAs forNorthAmerica will be posted to the following location:",2,NEITHER