Bundle: Shelly Cashman Series Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2016: Brief, Loose-leaf Version + SAM 365 & 2016 Assessments, Trainings, and Projects with 1 MindTap Reader Multi-Term Printed Access Card
Steven M. Freund
Steven M. Freund attended the University of Central Florida and currently serves as lead instructor for various Microsoft Office, computer concepts, programming and Internet technology courses throughout Central Florida. An integral author for the successful Shelly Cashman Series since 2001, he has presented at the annual customer conference, the Shelly Cashman Series Institute, as well as at other instructor-focused events. Mr. Freund has co-authored multiple successful editions of DISCOVERING COMPUTERS, Mozilla Firefox, Windows Internet Explorer, Windows, Office and Dreamweaver books. He has also written numerous popular instructor supplements.
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers & Technology", "Software" ]
Computer Science
1 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Copyright © Ink and Lyre | Redistribution, Reproduction, and Modification forbidden Session Zero Workbook 2 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Copyright © Ink and Lyre | Redistribution, Reproduction, and Modification forbidden Session Zero Workbook The Ultimate Session Zero Workbook This workbook will help you, the DM, prepare for your upcoming campaign. Start by filling in the relevant sections before your session zero. Then bring your prospective party members together and follow the step-by-step instructions. For the thorough adventuring group. By Ink and Lyre 3 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Copyright © Ink and Lyre | Redistribution, Reproduction, and Modification forbidden Session Zero Workbook What is a Session Zero? A session zero is a meeting with your
Time Tracer
A. I. Goldfarb
New York native Ann I. Goldfarb spent most of her life in education, first as a classroom teacher and later as a middle school principal and professional staff developer. Writing has always been an integral part of her world. For the past decade, she has written non-fiction for Madavor Media/Jones Publishing, but her real passion is writing mystery-suspense-romance adventures for middle grade to adult audiences. Her novels have garnered awards from Feathered Quill, Purple Dragonfly, New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards, and Arizona Authors Association. Time Tracer is her first sci-fi thriller. Ann resides with her family in the foothills of the White Tank Mountains in Arizona.
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
The Mission Details Mission Type Haul Haul Details Haul Location Location Details Antagonists Motivations Notes Antagonist Clock Other Clocks The Contacts Name Connected To Details Notes Name Connected To Details Notes Name Connected To Details Notes Name Connected To Details Notes Gold Missions Gold Missions are against some established authority that is invested in your failure and capture. That can be a policing agency like Interpol, the mob, or even a company’s security task force. For whatever reason, at least one of you has landed on their radar and they are committed to chasing you down. They are headed by someone with a personal vendetta. This could be against a member of the group, someone related to the group, or just the idea of such brazen thieves in general. The Fixer can expand on this and make it core to the game, you can
L.A. Noir: The City as Character
Alain Silver
Film noir continues to generate a remarkable outpouring of pedantic prose, but the would-be scholars may have expended the most effort while achieving the least on the topic of how the genre uses the urban landscape. Only Nicholas Christopher, in <i>Somewhere in the Night</i> (1997), managed to say something truly memorable about how, in the best noir films, the labyrinth of the postwar city came to reflect the psychic wounds of its inhabitants. This extensively illustrated guide to Los Angeles as a noir setting makes a useful adjunct to the Christopher book. Moving throughout the city, from downtown to the Westside, the Pacific Coast, and on to the suburbs, the authors show how specific streets and buildings helped set the mood and convey the dark messages in such classic noirs as <i>Criss Cross</i> and <i>Kiss Me Deadly</i> as well as in neo-noirs, including <i>Chinatown</i> and <i>Blade Runner.</i> The black-and-white illustrations of cityscapes prove every bit as evocative as the actual film stills, eloquently making the point that place is every bit as capable of driving meaning as action. <i>Bill Ott</i><br /><i>Copyright American Library Association. All rights reserved</i>
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Movies" ]
Humor & Entertainment
L’Ombre de La Rochelle an un-official adventure for All for One : Régime Diabolique by Alex Zalud This is the first adventure for All for One: Les Chevaux Noirs, the un-official spin-off of AfO: Régime Diabolique. Therefore, it is assumed, that the PCs are members of the Black Riders – which means, they have had contact to the supernatural in the past. The adventure can also be played with ordinary AfO-Characters. In this case, the GM has to get them into the affair a bit differently. This adventure is scaled for experienced characters (meaning at least 3 Talents), so if you, as GM, want to run it with new characters, you will have to scale the adversaries down considerably. In the course of this adventure, the PCs will learn something about the events at the siege of La Rochelle that lead to the forming of the Black Riders – especially the dreaded ‘Dark Night’. As these events are not that far in the past, a PC could be a survivor of the ‘Dark Night’ himself. Some d
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
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La s&eacute;ptima funci&oacute;n del lenguaje
Laurent Binet
El 25 de marzo de 1980, Roland Barthes muere atropellado. Los servicios secretos franceses sospechan que ha sido asesinado y el inspector de polica Bayard, un hombre conservador y de derechas, es el encargado de la investigacin. Junto con el joven Simon Herzog, profesor ayudante en la universidad y progresista de izquierdas, inicia una pesquisa que llevar al lector a interrogar a figuras como Foucalt, Lacan o Lvy y a descubrir que el caso tiene una extraa dimensin mundial. La sptima funcin del lenguaje es una inteligente y astuta novela que narra el asesinato de Roland Barthes en clave de parodia, con carga de stira poltica y una trama detectivesca. Como ya hiciera con HHhH, Binet rompe aqu de nuevo los lmites entre ficcin y realidad: mezcla hechos, documentos y personajes reales con una historia imaginaria para construir un audaz y divertidsimo relato sobre el lenguaje y su poder para transformarnos.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
Literature & Fiction
PPaallaavvrraass ddee PPooddeerr ee RRuunnaass ddee FFoorrççaa O O GGrriim mó órriioo ddaa TTeerrrraa--M Mééddiiaa 2 SSuum máárriioo CAPÍTULO UM : O Grimório da Terra-Média : Encantos e Feitiços.3 . CAPÍTULO DOIS : Elixires..............................................................15 . CAPÍTULO TRÊS : Itens Mágicos e Heróicos................................23 a CAPÍTULO QUATRO : Anéis de Poder..........................................30 a CAPÍTULO CINCO : Ordens Mágicas............................................33 a Fichas de Personagens..................................................................43 a 3 Capítulo Um O O GGrriim mó órriioo ddaa TTeerrrraa--M Mééddiiaa EEnnccaannttooss ee FFeeiittiiççooss Encantos Encanto Tempo Alcance Duração NA Custo Método Especialidade Abençoar Plantas 3 15 metros
The Compleat Enchanter (Millennium Fantasy Masterworks S.)
L.Sprague De Camp
Pure extravaganza and pure delight! The New York Times <P>#10 in the Millennium Fantasy Masterworks series, a library of the most original and influential fantasy ever written <P>Whimsey and fantasy mingled with genius. Lighthearted tales that stand the test of time and rank among the best ever told. Raymond E. Feist <P>The book that introduced me to fantasy and the marvellous concept of scientifically rigorous magic -- and a delightful romp with two of fantasy's finest characters, Harold Shea and Doc Chalmers. Worth falling in love with all over again. Holly Lisle <P>Part of the Fantasy Masterworks series A classic . . . the purest example ever written [of] the novel of the created world Baird Searles A determined and conscientous attempt to bring a new gravitas to sword and sorcery The Encyclopedia of Fantasy; A rousing tale of swordplay and sorcery, an appealing love story, and a shrewd and subtle commentary on problems of politics, morals, and philosophy . . . It will not only grip your attention but also leave you with so much food for thought afterwards that you will want to go back and re-read it L. Sprague De Camp Set in a brilliantly realised mediaeval world, The Well of the Unicorn is a fine novel that blazed a trail for much of contemporary fantasy
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
GURPS' • By Curtis M. &ott Introduction by L. Sprague de Camp Edited by Mkbael Hurst Cover by Kirk RriDn1 hllerior Arc by Bulda Bun:ham AddiliOlllll Art by Dan Carroll, Larry Oi,,,).., Norm.n DotriIl8o C. Bradrord G«tly, Denis LoubH, ~ "Speotd" Webber and Charlie Wkdm,D GYRI'S Syswn Deslga by ~>'e Jxbon Ken Trobaugh, M.....illll EdilOO', Charlie WiedRWl, An Dim:l(lr Pl.&" Design and Typovophy by MeHII<b Spray.nd Dll:w CUIwd Production and Maps by Lind:I Ervin, Cifl ~bnz. ClllIrlie Wiedm.:oll PTool'reMllnl by lna.rid Kunze Pllly~,s: R\lS§e'1l Jonn. Sltphen Posey. Pal Verm~re .nd the SJG·l\6S Illuminati , ~ • • CI:J:l'S;,. '-_O'-" _,GlI_e-"~CI"",_Io<.__ ' ,..-. AlIC_.__<Cl'l'I\P&b)'e-..--. e- _¥~ ' ••..-0:- . .......... _ _ u . '2J"'7."O STEVE .JACKSON GAMES CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: CONAN TIlE MIGlrrV .••••• 3 _~M._ 1 .-L "...,.... ,..•••••.... 4 1. CONAN'S WORLD: ntE HYBOIUAN ACE ••• S -'.'" I ..······ • .. · .. ·· .. ··· .. · .. ····, _~ 1 '""111_.,_ ·.······················· ., '''', .
R. L. Wilson The Official Price Guide to Gun Collecting, 1st edition
R.L. Wilson
It's very exciting to have an expert of R. L. Wilson's caliber working with us at House of Collectibles. His knowledge of firearms is awe-inspiring! The stories he tells about gunsmiths of the past and present-day manufacturers are every bit as important as the pricing information he provides. Take a look at the Colt section within the price listings. In future editions he will be providing the kind of inside information you see there for other companies as well. House of Collectibles is looking forward to a long association with Mr. Wilson, and gun collectors will benefit!<br /><br />-- Randy Ladenheim-Gil, Editor, House of Collectibles
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Antiques &amp; Collectibles" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Basic FALLOUT Weapon Tables Table WP1: Pistols (All of the following use the Firearm (Pistol) skill) Name Caliber Base % Dmg Rng Magazine RoF Hands HP Malf Wgt. STR/DEX Cost Notes .223 Pistol .223 Remington 25% 2d6 25 Clip (5) 1 1 9 99-00 5 11/7 $3500 Bringham Needler HN Needler 05% 1d8 15 Box (10) 1 1 8 99-00 4 5/7 $2200 1 Browning Hi-Power 9 mm Parabellum 20% 1d8+1 20 Box (13) 3 1 8 99-00 2.2 7/5 $350 Colt M1911A1 .45 ACP 20% 1d8 20 Box (8) 3 1 8 00 2.4 7/5 $350 Colt 6520 10mm Auto 20% 1d10 20 Box (12) 3 1 8 98-00 3 11/7 $250 Colt Python .357 Magnum 25% 1d10 25 Cylinder (6) 2 1 9 00 3 11/5 $425 Dart Gun Darts 25% 1d3 10 None (1) 1 1 8 95-00 3 5/5 $500 2 Desert Eagle Mark XIX .44 Magnum 20% 1d10+1 20 Box (8) 3 1 8 99-00 3 11/7 $800 Flambé 230 Flamethrower Fuel 05% 2d6+ fire 12 Special (3) 1 1 6 93-00 8 11/7 $3000 3 Grenade Pistol 40mm Grenades 05% 4d6/ 4 m. 10 None (1) 1 1 8 93-00 8 11/7 $5000 4 High Standard HDMS .22 LR 25% 1d4+1 25 Box (11) 3 1 9 00 2.5 5/5 $350 5 Mauser C9
My Time Among the Stars: Tales of the Fading Suns
Bill Bridges
Bill Bridges is an award-winning writer and narrative designer of numerous games. He was one of the original developers of White Wolfs World of Darkness and is the co-creator and developer of the Fading Suns science-fiction universe. He is a Fellow at Atlantas Mythic Imagination Institute. Formerly Senior Content Designer on CCP Games World of Darkness MMO, he is now a full-time freelance writer. He was the lead designer of the award-winning Storytelling system rules for White Wolfs World of Darkness games, and designed and developed the award-winning games Mage: The Awakening, Promethean: The Created, and Werewolf: the Apocalypse. His novels include The Silver Crown and Last Battle (both for Werewolf). Bill has written for Chaosium and helped develop Last Unicorns Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine roleplaying games. He co-wrote the scripts for Viacoms interactive horror movie Dracula Unleashed, Interplays Starfleet Academy, and contributed to world design for Segasofts Emperor of the Fading Suns. Visit for more info and links.
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
My Time Among the Stars 1 My Time Among the Stars Volume One: Novitiate by Guissepe Alustro The Collected Alustro’s Journals as transcribed for pre-Diasporan readers by Bill Bridges My Time Among the Stars 2 Credits Writing: Bill Bridges Additional writing: Christopher Howard (“The Letter”) Art: John Bridges Contents Chapter Page Introduction for New Readers 3 Prologue (from Fading Suns rulebook, first edition) 4 The Letter (from Byzantium Secundus) 8 Sins of the Past (from Forbidden Lore: Technology) 11 On Meeting a Noble (from Lords of the Known Worlds) 13 Tall Tales (from Weird Places) 16 Visions (from Priests of the Celestial Sun) 19 Melting Pot (from Fading Suns Players Companion) 22 The Rampart Plea (from The Dark Between the Stars) 25 Blink (from Merchants of the Jumpweb) 28 An Open Mind (from Children of the Gods: Obun & Ukar) 31 Fragments (from The Sinful Stars: Tales of the Fading Suns) 34 Tangled Web (from War in the Heavens: Lifeweb) 40 Distribution This PDF document is th
Das Geheimnis der Hebamme
Sabine Ebert
Same ISBN, different cover. Small 'bestseller' sticker on front. Pages are all very clean and unmarked. In German. Ships fast from Northern California.
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
Das Reich Conossos Buch II: Geheimnisse des Meistersv1.4 (4. Edition) © Cédrik Duval ( 2 Inhalt I. Geheimnisvolle Orte........................................... 3 I.1 Das Conossos Trigramm.............................. 3 I.2 Meeros ......................................................... 3 I.3 Die Seeschule Numinoris............................. 3 I.4 Die Schule der Sonne................................... 4 I.5 Das Heiligtum von Akua Numinori ............. 5 II. Dunkle Geheimnisse.......................................... 6 II.1 Der Pakt...................................................... 6 II.2 Die Jünger des Namenlosen........................ 6 II.3 Triams Wahnsinn........................................ 6 II.4 Der Vollstrecker ......................................... 6 II.5 Die Insel der Frauen.................................... 6 III. Persönlichkeiten............................................... 8 III.1 Weltliche Herrscher...........................
Island Games: Mystery of the Four Quadrants
Caleb J. Boyer
Caleb J. Boyer was born in Fargo, North Dakota, and grew up in the beautiful community of Moorhead, Minnesota. He became an avid reader at a very young age, and continues to find enjoyment in reading action, adventure, and sports books. Outside of his reading and writing activities, Caleb is actively involved in sports, and is an entrepreneur at heart as he has started his own corporation to inspire individuals around the world with the same passion for reading and writing.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Action &amp; Adventure" ]
Literature & Fiction
LEGENDARY ADVENTURE5 Islands of Plunder : Rai d on the em peRoR’s han d Islands of Plunder: Raid on the Emperor’s Hand (5E) © 2016, Legendary Games; Author: Matt Goodall with Joshua Root, adapted by Jeff Ibach ISBN-13: 978-1534759879 ISBN-10: 1534759875 First printing September 2016 Printed in USA. Legendary Games 3734 SW 99th St. Seattle, WA 98126-4026 Authors: Matt Goodall with Joshua Root Artists: Ivan Dixon, Bob Greyvenstein and James Krause Design AnD LAyout: Daniel Marshall and BJ Hensley eDiting AnD DeveLopment: Jason Nelson LegenDAry gAmes teAm members: Alex Augunas, Clinton J. Boomer, Robert Brookes, Benjamin Bruck, Paris Crenshaw, Matthew Goodall, Jim Groves, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Victoria Jaczko, Jonathan H. Keith, Jeff Lee, Jen Page, Jenny Jarzabski, Nicolas Logue, Will McCardell, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Alistair Rigg, Amber Scott, Mark Seifter, Tork Shaw, Mike Shel, Neil Spicer, Todd Ste
Predator & Prey Werewolf *OP (Vampire: The Masquerade Predator & Prey)
White Wolf Publishing
Gherbod Fleming is the author of the hit Clan Novel: Gangrel and many other novels and stories set in the World of Darkness.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
Maiden’s Preyer Written by Chris Ironside Art by Jennifer Thorsen © 2017 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Masquerade®, World of Darkness®, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. For additional information on White Wolf and the World of Darkness, please, visit:, and Maiden’s Preyer June 2, 1999. 10:20 PM. The rain was as warm as blood as it fell. It hissed and splashed in deepening puddles. The lightning no longer flashed its incandescent fangs to bite at the city skyline, but rather at the flesh of the lake beyond. The thunder continued to roar its challenge in great gouts of violent sound, but it
Planescape: Torment Official Strategies & Secrets
Chris Avellone
"Planescape: Torment" is a role-playing game from the publishers of Baldur's Gate and Fallout 2. It focuses on a part of the Advanced Dungeons &amp; Dragons world that's notably darker and more adult than traditional AD&amp;D fare. This text provides walkthroughs, maps, in-depth strategies and statistics.
[ "Computer Science", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Games &amp; Strategy Guides" ]
Computer Science
Factions Planescape campaign setting Chapter 3: Factions Project Managers Ken Marable Gabriel Sorrel Editors Jeffrey Scott Nuttall Gabriel Sorrel Sarah Hood Writers Christopher Smith Adair Christopher Campbell Sarah Hood Julian Kuleck David Spencer Rob Scott Gabriel Sorrel Layout Sarah Hood 1 Factions The coins hit the table loudly, snapping Tethin from his doze. “Sold! To the man chewing on his feet...” muttered the middle-aged human that was his companion for the evening, a Xaositect called Barking Wilder. Tethin glanced around the tavern and frowned at the indications of its closing. He had spent most of the day with the Xaositect, who had been given high recommendations from his contacts in the Cage. Barking Wilder supposedly had a knack for finding the dark of things, even prophecies, from whatever madness he lived in. Tethin had carried out the instructions exactly as he was told, approaching the strange
Action Heroes Archives, Vol. 1 (DC Archive Editions)
Steve Ditko
This shows what artist Steve Ditko was capable of when separated from his best-known collaborator, <i>Spider-Man</i> cocreator Stan Lee. The earliest of these stories starring nuclear--powered Captain Atom were published in 1960-61 by poverty-row company Charlton Comics. Hence, they predate <i>Spider-Man</i> and display some of Ditko's most detailed and characteristic artwork. Captain Atom was revived in 1965, and the later tales, written in the then-dominant style of Marvel Comics, have better scripts but relatively lackluster illustrations. That said, this collection remains a valuable showcase of one of the comics' true originals. <i>Gordon Flagg</i><br /><i>Copyright American Library Association. All rights reserved</i>
[ "Comics & Graphic Novels" ]
[ "Comics &amp; Graphic Novels", "Graphic Novels" ]
Comics & Graphic Novels
Fifth Edition Options: Recovery Dice 5th Edition Compatible Spend Your Hit Dice like a Hero! Credits Written by: Mark Hart Additional Content by: Brian Berg, Rick Cox, Nathan Sherrets Editing: Michael Ritter Cover Design: Brian Berg Layout: Brian Berg Cover Artwork: Eric Lofgren; Interior Art: Felipe Gaona, Eric Lofgren, Brett Neufeld Legalese Product Identity: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, artifacts, locations, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, language, incidents, settings, characters, artwork and trade dress are product identity as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) and are not Open Content. Open Content: Except material designated as Product Identity, the new rules and mechanics are Open Game Content as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without writt
The Norse Tarot: Gods, Sagas, and Runes from the Lives of the Vikings
Clive Barrett
The Norse Tarot: Gods, Sagas, and Runes from the Lives of the Vikings. Paperback that originally came in a box with a deck of cards. Some listings on this page may not include the cards.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
the land & the sea • get in the way • lead astray • trap or ensnare • refuse to yield • throw up something • consume something CAST COUNTDOWN CUSTOM MOVE powerful men & women • send messengers • make demands • convert to their cause • make a show of power • punish with mercy • strike out to conquer CAST COUNTDOWN CUSTOM MOVE neighbours & families • act as one • dwindle and leave behind • grow and prosper • contest ownership • seek vengeance • bring to court CAST COUNTDOWN CUSTOM MOVE outlaws & outcasts • act in secret • move into an area • provoke and challenge • steal or kidnap • act without honour • bring misfortune CAST COUNTDOWN CUSTOM MOVE fates & spirits • send dreams and portents • reveal past wrongs • fulfil a prophecy • haunt • employ tricks and make mischief • offer a bargain CAST COUNTDOWN CUSTOM MOVE THREAT MOVES AGENDA • paint a believable picture of saga-period Iceland • make the players’ characters’ circumstances worthy of a saga • play to find out what h
The Faction Model
Lucas G Irwin
Lucas G. Irwin, MBA, NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist, and Certified USA Powerlifting Coach, co-founded Steelhouse Fitness Miami, Inc. in 2008 with his wife, Soolmaz Hosseini. With over 10 years of training and coaching experience, Lucas has helped thousands of clients reach their personal health and fitness goals. Lucas has always been committed to improving the business side of the fitness industry. With the ultimate goal of creating accessibility to quality training and guidance, he has spend the better part of his career analyzing and rethinking the business of fitness and improving how coaching and training are delivered to consumers. With the creation of The Faction Model, he has created the new standard in providing training and guidance to the general public.
[ "Politics & Social Sciences", "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business &amp; Money", "Management &amp; Leadership" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
SQUAD CREATION The directions that follow are useful for creating your squad step by step, however if you want to randomly generate your squad in part or in whole jump to Appendix A for methods to do that. 1. Choose your squad's ​Patron Faction​. The faction will determine what bonus supplies you get for completing missions (see Reward section), and guide what goal your faction is working on (see Faction Goals section). The possible options are: ○ Autocracy ​(+1 Materiel, +1 Trust with the Employer at Mission Reward) ○ Corporatocracy​ (+2 Materiel at Mission Reward) ○ Democracy​ (+1 Materiel, +1 Personnel​ ​at Mission Reward) ○ Independent​ (+2 Rep without a Supply roll at Mission Reward) ○ Oligarchy​ (+1 Personnel, +1 Trust with the Employer at Mission Reward) ○ Theocracy​ (+2 Personnel​ ​at Mission Reward) Note that while the squad’s Patron Faction does not necessarily own the squad, it does expect them to follow its orders and work towards its interests. Additionally
The Night City Guide (Cyberpunk 2020)
Colin Fisk
NIGHT CITY. A monster sourcebook containing over 180 jam-packed pages of information on the definitive CYBERPUNK setting, and a large poster map. Hit the CONTROLLED URBAN ZONES with 3D maps and detailed, building by building descriptions to match. Each section also includes comprehensive overviews of FLOOR PLANS, PERSONALITIES, ENCOUNTERS and CONTACTS. The FLASHMAPS Section puts you "on the spot" at the hottest restaurants, clubs, and theatres, as well as SCHEDULES, TRANSIT MAPS and AREA VIEWS. the ARTICLES Section interfaces you with background on SECURITY, PEOPLE OF THE CITY, GANGS &amp; TURFMAPS, plus a U.S. 2020 overview!
[ "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "Travel", "United States" ]
Geography & Cultures
Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks and Warrior Skills Level 2, 3, and 4
Department of Defense
The United States Department of Defense ( DOD or DoD ) is the federal department charged with coordination and supervising all agencies and functions of the government relating directly to national security and the military. The DOD is headquartered at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The Military Departments at the Pentagon publishes some of the very best manuals, handbooks and guidebooks on a wide range of topics; teaching skills, tactics and techniques. The content of these manuals are unmatched in depth, consider that some this knowledge is drawn from hundreds of years, thousands of man hours, and first hand operational experience. Also material in most of these manuals has been shared with other Military Branches providing even greater depth of subject matter. Military Manuals from the Department of Defense are unedited by outside individuals and or companies, this ensures the information is complete, current, and accurate as the military intended. Listed below you will see some of the major departments or components of the Department of Defense. Here you will find just a few book titles of the many sponsored works from each department. Department of the Air Force: U.S. Air Force Aircrew Survival; Air Force Handbook; USAF Military Working Dog Program; USAF Weapons Handling Manual; Airport Signs and Markings; Unexploded Ordnance Booby-traps UXO Recognition and Reporting Chart. Department of the Army: US Army Survival Manual FM 21-76; Survival Skills U.S. Army / Special Operations, Tactics, Techniques, and Skills Guide; Ranger Handbook; Special Forces Medical Handbook; Military Mountaineering; Boobytraps Army Instruction Manual; Explosives and Demolitions; Guerrilla Warfare; Army Hand to Hand Combat; U.S. Army Special Forces Handbook; Survival Evasion and Recovery; Military First Aid. Department of the Navy: Seabee Combat Handbook; Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine; USN Diving Manual; U.S. Navy Seal Patrol Leaders Handbook; Performance Maintenance During Continuous Flight Operations. United States Marine Corps: USMC 5.56MM, M16A2 Technical Manual; U.S. Marine Corp M40A1 Sniper Rifle 7.62MM; U.S. Marine Guidebook; Close Combat Hand to Hand Fighting Marine Corps; Booby Traps Close Combat Urban; Counterinsurgency; USMC Land Navigation; Scouting and Patrolling; Combat Water Survival; Map Reading; Sniper Counter Sniper.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
RIFTS CHARACTER SHEET The following is intended to help players organize characters as much as possible. It is intended that you type in the information to each blank spot (starting with the character name), and then print it out for a clean, neat referance. Just hit your TAB key to move from one field to the next. SOME NOTES ABOUT FILLING IN THE FORM There are a number of “extra” blank spots. These are for you to add information that you might consider necesary, that I may have omitted. I have been asked about a space for adding in combat bonuses that apply with armor and robots. Well, when I add stats in the “Combat Skills” section (on page 2) I’ll put both stats (e.g.: Initiative: 4 / 5. 4 is outside of the armor, 5 is inside the ar- mor) On page 4, you’ll see a column called “Inventory/Miscellaneous/Notes”. This is intended to jot down most of the items your character has, as well as anything pertinent to him/her/it. On page 6 (Psionics) you’ll s
The Samoan Pyramid: The true story behind an extraordinary mystery
Maya Lynch
Maya Lynch was born on the west coast of Scotland. She has worked as a musician, designer, deckhand and club promoter. She eventually trained as a computer programmer and worked for twenty years in the advertising industry, firstly as a digital creative promoting big brands and then later as a strategist advising politicians and NGOs. She is presently writing the Journey to the Heart of a Lost Empire series. Maya lives in New Zealand, with her partner and their two dogs. Connect with Maya here:
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "World" ]
                                                      TRIBES MOST FOUL: RAGING SWAN PRESS KOBOLDS THE SUNKEN PYRAMID A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Adventure for 7th‐level characters by Creighton Broadhurst and Marc Radle    Only a few miles from a small seaside village, the mysterious underwater edifice known as the Sunken Pyramid lies hidden beneath the waves. The  handful of sages and scholars with any knowledge of this massive stone structure debate whether it is a completely natural rock formation, a  natural site that has been intentionally modified or something built long ago by human, or inhuman, hands.          Locals  and  ship's  crews  alike  report  signs  of  increased  sahuagin  activity  in  the  waters  around  the  Sunken  Pyramid.  Is  the  recent  rash  of  disappearances and abductions which have plagued the area connected in any way? Can these abductions be stopped before even more people  are taken? Can those already abducted be found and rescued? An
The Spiraling Worm: Man Versus the Cthulhu Mythos (Call of Cthulhu Fiction)
David Conyers
&quot;Agood collection of mostly new Lovecraftian adventures featuring secret service ops from the US, the UK, and Australia. The original novella is impressive.&quot;- Ellen Datlow, <i>The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2008</i><br /><br />&quot;Exotic locales, extra-dimensional monsters, black-ops - The Spiraling Worm is a terrifying action-packed collection from two terrific authors. Filled with fast, action-packed stories that read like episodes of a good TV show, The Spiraling Worm is an excellent installment in the Cthulhu Mythos.&quot; - DL Snell, Author of <i>Pavlov's Dogs</i>and <em>Demon Days </em><br /><br />&quot;A genuinely eerie menace pervades Conyers' take on the Mythos in this neat little peephole view of a host of colossal mysteries. More, please...&quot; - Cody Goodfellow, author of <i>Perfect Union</em> and <em>All Monsters Action!</i>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
The Tombs of the Whispering Worms A Descent into Madness for Swords & Wizardry Adventure by Mark L. Chance Awesome Map by Matthew Lowes Matthew Lowes writes fiction, games, and, as you can see by glancing just slightly to the right of this paragraph, draws nifty maps as well. Check out for more info. I also write stuff, including PDFs for various game systems. You can check out my DriveThruRPG site here. The text of this adventure is Open Gaming Content, except for the map and picture on page three. Background The whispering worms are a race of intelligent, subterranean non-arthropodal invertebrates. Decadent, cruel, and possessing powerful psychic abilities, the whispering worms abducted surface dwellers, bringing their victims down into their lightless realm as slaves and food. The reign of the whispering worms ended so long ago that most today believe the monsters to be little more than old wives' tales. The Hook No clever hook for this one. The next time your game'
Combat Skills of the Soldier FM 21 75
Dept Of The Army
This manual is dedicated to the soldier, to be successful in the field.
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
2. Skills and Traits Revolution D100 ver 1.0 – 15-Oct-2016. The following text is designated as Open Game Content. Summary Skill Base Characteristic(s) Notes Agility CON+DEX Variable granularity Skill (it may be split into Agility/Athletics). Close Combat DEX+STR Communication CHA+INT Concentration INT+WIL Craft DEX+INT Variable granularity Skill. Drive DEX+INT Variable granularity Skill . Knowledge INT*2 Operate DEX+INT Variable granularity Skill (it may be unified with Craft).. Perception INT+WIL Perform CHA*2 Pilot DEX+INT Variable granularity Skill (it may be unified with Drive). Ranged Combat DEX*2 Ride DEX+WIL Stealth DEX+INT Survival CON+INT Basic Skills All characters have fifteen basic Skills that define their ability to perform some groups of actions. Skills are expressed as percentile scores. Each Skill has a default or base value calculated by adding up two basic characteristics. Most characters will have higher percentile scores in some Skills due to professional trainin
Mandingo, the golden boy
Sidibe Ibrahima, affectionately called Sidi, was born and raised in Africa's Ivory Coast until he moved to Germany in 1982. He attended college in Germany and developed his entrepreneurial spirit there before returning to the Ivory Coast to open Sidibe &amp; Freres Distribution (an import &amp; export company) in 1995. In 2000, Sidi headed to America armed with his ability to speak different languages as well as write four. He began working at a jewelry store for $3.5 and driving a cab. When he amassed $600 in savings, he opened his first table in Harlem selling books. In addition to selling books, Sidi began reading books from new publishing companies and giving them to other book vendors. Due to his business savvy and networking skills, he's expanded to owning 5 book stands that encompass every borough in New York City. Over the years, Sidi has helped a plethora of authors including Terri Woods (Terri Woods Publishing), Shannon Holmes (Triple Crown), Danielle Santiago, A Little Ghetto Girl in Harlem, Treasure Blue, Harlem Girl Lost, and many others to promote their books. On the distribution side, Sidi has assisted Culture Plus and A &amp; B distributors and Say U promise publication. Recently, he's worked with Ashante Kahare, Homo Thug, and helped Ashante to amass 25,000-50,000 sales and become a best seller. Sidi's starting small but thinking big attitude has helped him to become the most well known seller of African American books in New York City. He is constantly sent books to sample as well as blue-line proofs even prior to books being printed. He pretty much has the pulse of African American book patrons clearly imbedded in his head. He has a natural instinct and knowledge of an ever increasing market for literature that many people would spend countless dollars to acquire. Sidi's natural instincts prompted him to create Harlem Book Center (HBC), a publishing and distribution company centered in Harlem. The first release from HBC is Fatou: an African Girl in Harlem, a novel that was actually penned by Sidi himself. Both HBC and Fatou are doing well in their infancy stages and are anticipated to surpass Sidi's original expectations. With Sidi already accomplishing so much, one would wonder what's next. He actually wants HBC to be a huge publishing and distribution conglomerate that operates nationwide as well as internationally in France, England, and other locales. As for his writing, Sidi has other projects both on his mind and in the works. Sidi's desire for literature and culture to come together is evident in the work Fatou. The culture of certain countries in Africa is explored as well as the fast-paced culture of New York City. The result is a riveting story of a young girl that quickly turns into a woman in America basically because she has no other choice. The heartfelt passages solidifies Sidi's ability to bond with African American book patrons and primes him for a stellar writing career that will complement his success as a book seller. With all of his natural talents and instincts, Sidi has accomplished many things in his young life. Be sure to visit Harlem Book Center online ( or at the store (2294 Frederick Douglas Blvd. 8th Ave, New York, NY 10027) to keep abreast of current and ongoing projects.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
Aventurischer Bote, Rahja 1039 BF Neue Zeit bricht an für Tobrien – Mendena ist unser! Aventurischer Bote, Nr. 174 Politik: Haffax‘ Tod Juble, Raulsches Reich, dein schlimmster Feind, der verhasste Helme Haffax, „Fürstkomtur“ von eigenen Gnaden, Verrä- ter am Mittelreich, abscheulicher Dämonenbuhler und bluti- ger Kriegsherr, ist tot! Während die Kaiserin Mendena erreichte, kurz vor den Na- menlosen Tagen 1039 auf 1040 BF, drang eine Streitmacht des Verräters unter dessen persönlichem Kommando in den Hafen Perricums ein. Regionales: Goldene Blüten in neuem Glanz Kurkum endlich den Klauen der lästerlichen Mactaleänata entrissen: Zwanzig Jahre wartete Hochkönigin Gilia von Kurkum, ehe sie im Frühjahr 1038 BF aufbrach, um Kur- kum – angestammter Sitz der Hochköniginnen –zurückzu- erobern. Tempelnachrichten: Eine neue Herrin in Hesindes Haus Überraschend ist die langjährige Vorsteherin des Vinsalter Hesindetempels, Hochwürden Arba von Silas, von ihren Ämtern zurückgetreten. U
Custom Enrichment Module: The Psychology Major's Handbook
Tara L. Kuther
Tara L. Kuther, Ph.D., studied developmental psychology at Fordham University. Dr. Kuther is Professor of Psychology at Western Connecticut State University, where she teaches courses in child, adolescent, and adult psychology. She is a Fellow of the Society for Teaching of Psychology, Division Two of the American Psychological Association, and is active in the Society for Research in Child Development and the Society for Research on Adolescence. Dr. Kuther is the author of over a dozen books in addition to THE PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR'S HANDBOOK.
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used &amp; Rental Textbooks", "Social Sciences" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
tm Attributes: 6/4/3 Abilities: 11/7/4 Fae Gifts: 5 Backgrounds: 5 Freebie Points: 21 (5/3/2/1) ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Alertness_____________ Athletics_____________ Brawl__________________ Dodge_______________ Empathy______________ Expression____________ Intimidation__________ Kenning______________ Streetwise_____________ Subterfuge_____________ Strength______________ Dexterity_____________ Stamina______________ Talents Skills Knowledges Name: Player: Chronicle: Attributes Seeming: Heritage: Household/Motley: Court: Legacies: House: Perception__________ Intelligence_________ Wits_______________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Abilities Charisma___________ Manipulation________ Appearance_________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Crafts_____________ Drive_______________ Etiquette_____________ Firearms____________ Leadership__________ Melee_______________ Performance____________ Security______________ Stealth_____________ Survival_______
C/ID: Visual Identity and Branding for the Arts
Angus Hyland
Angus Hyland studied at the London College of Printing, then the Royal College of Art. He ran his own studio in London for ten years, then became a partner at Pentagram, London in 1998.
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Decorative Arts &amp; Design" ]
Arts & Photography
BY JEFF HARKNESS SWORDS & WIZARDRY TM GUIDEBOOK Swords & Wizardry Guidebook By Jeff Harkness Credits Design: Jeff Harkness Cover Art: Víctor Manuel Leza Moreno Interior Art: Josh Hass, Michael Jaecks, George Johnstone, Jason Juta, Marcel Mercado, Florian Stitz, Bryan Syme Editing: Wolfgang Baur, Skeeter Green Art Direction: Marc Radle Layout and Graphic Design: Erich Lazar Publisher: Wolfgang Baur © 2018 Open Design LLC Kobold Press, Midgard, Open Design, and their associated logos are trademarks of Open Design. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, new deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, story elements, locations, characters, artwork, graphics, maps, sidebars, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this de
The Dons of Necropolis
Richard Louis
The Book to buy! LI's own Richard Louis delivers a tale of organized crime and the funeral-home industry. The Dons of Necropolis is a 434-page look into the situation of Ricky Bianca, who has recently learned that his father's tragic suicide on Christmas Eve of 1966 may have actually been a murder. Plagued by nightmares of that night, Ricky comes back to New York and takes a job as a funeral director, so that he may be closer to the circumstances around his father's death. What he finds is a universe tainted with secret cults, Mafia strongmen and Russian assassins. Louis, who has served as a funeral director for over 28 years, is well-equipped with the knowledge to deliver such a chilling story with accuracy and detail. -- <i>Long Island Press</i>
[ "Mystery, Thriller &amp; Suspense", "Thrillers &amp; Suspense" ]
The Modern Dispatch Necropolis Diaries Page 1 Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and are used with permission ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at CONTENT MANAGER: CHARLES RICE AND CHRIS DAVIS LAYOUT: CHRIS DAVIS PROOFREADING: DONALD KIESLING, CHRIS DAVIS WWW.RPGOBJECTS.COM #3 NECROPOLIS DIARIES By Dominic Covey This article marks the first in a series that will look at the various cryptic locations and struggling communities situated among the ruins of Los Angeles, better known simply as the “Necropolis” by the inhabitants of the Twisted Earth. A broader overlook of the Necropolis is given in the Darwin’s World 2
Lust: Book Two (The Shadow-Keepers Series) (Volume 2)
Jas T. Ward
"I am the product of several realities making the whole: a troubled childhood, domestic violence survivor, homeless person, single mother and a suicide survivor. But in every single one of those realities, one thing remained true - my imagination. Reading and writing were always my escape. It helped me deal with the harshness of my existence at the time and made me grateful for the escapism books gave me. Now, as a writer, I seek to give that gift back to someone that may need the same haven that saved my soul and my creativity as I once had." Born and raised in Texas and spending time living in Kentucky, Ms. Ward spends her days and nights writing as therapy to handle the past. She is the proud parent of three very independent grown children and grandmother to three delightful grandchildren. She has two furbabies that sit and ponder why their human is talking to herself late into the night as she writes out colorful and diverse if not twisted characters and tales. Ms. Ward is founding author and published by Dead Bound Publishing. She can be reached via social media at: Facebook: Blog: Twitter: @AuthorJasTWard
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
    SHADOWED KEEP ON THE BORDERLANDS: COMPILED STAT BLOCKS A companion document to Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands        C R E D I T S & C O N T E N T S Design: Creighton Broadhurst  Credits & Contents ....................................................................... 2  Reading Stat Blocks ...................................................................... 3  S T A T B L O C K S Animals & Vermin ........................................................................ 3  Constructs .................................................................................... 5  Elementals ................................................................................... 6  Humanoids ................................................................................... 7  Oozes ......................................................................................... 12  Undead ...................................................................................
Zolotoi kliuchik ili Prikliuchenie Buratino
Tolstoi Aleksei
Russian Book. Publisher: Rosmen - Press, M. Pages: 144. Year: 2012. Cover: Hardcover.
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
ORKOWIE Phil Kelly ORCS-CODEX.indb 1 ORCS-CODEX.indb 1 2008-01-15 11:29:09 2008-01-15 11:29:09 2 SPIS TREŚCI SPIS TREŚCI Wstęp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Rasa Orków . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Kultura zielonoskórych . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Plemiona i klany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Gofy ............................................................................13 Wredne Słońca ...........................................................13 Złe Ksienżyce .............................................................14 Wenżogryzy ................................................................14 Krfawe Topory ............................................................15 Trupie Czachy ............................................................15 Przygotowania do Łaaa! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns, and Goblins: An Encyclopedia
Carol Rose
The variety of cultures represented is breathtaking. . . . Rose's encyclopedia will enrich reference collections in several thousand little ways. -- <i>Rettig on Reference</i>
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference", "Encyclopedias &amp; Subject Guides" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
Goblins, Orcs & Trolls Species Supplement & Adventures By: A.R.Cowley Andy Staples, Colin D. Speirs 2 3 Foreword Dedicated To: Dawn Michele, who inspired the character of Dawn of Snow. Long may you walk through the snow with shorts and flip-flops on. “Chivalry & Sorcery” is copyright Brittannia Game Designs Ltd 2011. The authors assert the moral right to be identified as the authors of this work. “Chivalry & Sorcery” and “C&S” are registered trademarks of Brittannia Game Designs Ltd. All rights reserved under UK and international copyright conventions. All of the characters and places described in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely co-incidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re-produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers and the copyright owner except for the purpose of re
Forgotten Realms Adventures (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Hardcover Accessory Rulebook)
Jeff Grubb
Updates the Forgotten Realms campaign to AD&amp;D 2nd edition rules. Forgotten Realms, Post-Avatar. Gods and Their Specialty Priests. Magic and Mages of the Realms. Cities of the Heartlands. Secret Societies. Treasure.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Springboard Adventures for Tyranny of Dragons Storyline Page �1 dm’S KIT Springboard Adventures Springboard Adventures FOR TYRANNY OF DRAGONS Springboard Adventures for Tyranny of Dragons Storyline Page �2 Springboard Adventures For Tyranny of Dragons Storyline This guide helps a Dungeon Master review the adventure books from the Tyranny of Dragons storyline, take an inventory of key elements and re-use the material for new and interesting encounters. In addition, this guide provides eight Departure Points to start your new adventures from the storyline and provides a baker’s dozen worth of outlines 
 for Springboard Adventures. by TROY E. TAYLOR DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All cha
The Mental Keys to Hitting: A Handbook of Strategies for Performance Enhancement
H.A. Dorfman
"...helpful to hitters in little leagues or in the big leagues. The information is clear and to the point..." -- <i>Charles Johnson, catcher, Florida Marlins</i><br /><br />"...promotes and focuses on a consistent and effective approach to hitting and the game of baseball. Not on the result." -- <i>Merv Rettenmund, hitting coach, Atlanta Braves</i><br /><br />"He is to the athletic psyche what Harvey Penick was to the golf swing..." -- <i>Jeremy Schaap, ESPN national correspondent, host of "Classic Sports Reporters" on ESPN Classic</i>
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference", "Encyclopedias &amp; Subject Guides" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
Advantages Abilities Attributes Strength_________________ Dexterity________________ Stamina_________________ Charisma_______________ Manipulation____________ Appearance_____________ Perception_______________ Intelligence______________ Wits_____________________ Alertness_________________ Athletics__________________ Brawl_____________________ Dodge___________________ Empathy_________________ Expression________________ Intimidation_______________ Primal-Urge_______________ Streetwise_________________ Subterfuge________________ Animal Ken_____________ Drive____________________ Etiquette_________________ Firearms_________________ Leadership________________ Melee____________________ Performance_______________ Repair_____________________ Stealth____________________ Survival____________________ Computer_______________ Enigmas________________ Investigation______________ Law______________________ Linguistics_________________ Medicine__________________ Occult____________________ Politics_________
Heroes of Light (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.0 Fantasy Roleplaying, Ravenloft Setting)
Sword and Sorcery Studio Staff
Heroes of Light (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.0 Fantasy Roleplaying, Ravenloft Setting) [Nov 01, 2002]
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
XP1 Xoth.Net Publishing Sword and Sorcery Adventures for Character Levels 1-10 Tales of Sword & Sorcery Page 2 1XP53383NH6314743 Table of Contents Part One: A World of Sword and Sorcery Chapter 1: Introduction ____________________________________________ 3 Chapter 2: Characters _____________________________________________ 8 Chapter 3: Sorcery _______________________________________________ 26 Chapter 4: Cults, Gods & Demons _____________________________________ 35 Chapter 5: Equipment _____________________________________________ 40 Part Two: Tales of Sword and Sorcery Chapter 6: The Necromancer’s Knife ___________________________________ 44 Chapter 7: The Spider-God’s Bride ____________________________________ 56 Chapter 8: The Jewel of Khadim Bey ___________________________________ 74 Chapter 9: The Eidolon of the Ape _____________________________________ 90 Chapter 10: The Crypt-Thing of Khorsul _________________________________ 100 Chapter 11: The Vau
The Horde Wars: Ravenous (Book 1)
Sherri L King
In a small Southern town where everyone knows everybody else's business, Cady Swann has managed to keep a few secrets to herself...among them, the fact that every night for the past fifteen years she's been protecting the townprobably the worldfrom a monstrous invasion of nether-worldly beasts. Unfortunately for Cady, someone has discovered her secret. Someoneor somethingnot quite human. <P>Obsidian is a warrior, proud and fierce. He wants Cady to join his army in the war against their common foe. He also wants her to join him in his bed, to tempt and delight her into tying her life to his and leaving her world behind...forever.
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
XP3 Xoth.Net Publishing Sword and Sorcery Adventure for Character Levels 8-10 Citadel beyond the North There is a land far to the north, past the black hills of Lamu and beyond the frozen moors of Tharag Thule; a dreary land of mist and thunder, where the white people of Yg have dwelt since ancient times. The free men of Yg tremble when fools dare to utter the name of Arkanth Mal, witch-king of Galuga, for he is the greatest and oldest of the tyrants of this primeval land. And now, the drunken bards of Tartuun whisper, the witch-king of Galuga seeks a new queen. For the minions of Arkanth Mal sweep across the borders of Tharag Thule and Lamu, slaying men and taking only young women as slaves back to Galuga, the Citadel beyond the North Wind! Wind The XP3: The Citadel beyond the North Wind Page 2 Table of Contents Part One: Background Chapter 1: Introduction ____________________________________________ 3 Part Two: The Adventure Chapter 2: The Border
The Scandinavian Elves Their Life And History
Frid Ingulstad
English version. A fantastic journey to a world of elves, pixies and gnomes, brought to life by Svein Solem's unique illustrations. Hardcover, 55 pages.
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Europe" ]
THE PEOPLE OF JAIMAN The races of Jaiman are many and varied. The lands themselves are a vast collection of differing climates and geographies and the people that habitat it are just as diverse. The inhabitants of Jaiman and for that matter the entirety of Kulthea can be grouped into 3 major groups, the Malan or the human races (named from the Laan word meaning young), the Huir including the elves, dwarves, gnomes and halfling races, (Huir comes from the Laan meaning ancient) and finally the Malloc, the goblinoid and related races (coming from their own tongue meaning chosen). THE NORTHERN REALMS MUR FOSTISYR This is the group of arctic islands to the NW of Jaiman. They are surrounded by steep pebbly beaches and low frigid cliffs. The ocean is quite calm with the occasional iceflow from the north drifting near the northern shores of this bleak realm. They have no major cities in these islands but the many villages trade with each other and throug
Microsoft Office Word 2013 Complete: In Practice
Randy Nordell Professor of Business Technology Ed.D.
<FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Regular><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Regular><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Regular><P align=left>Randy Nordell is a Professor of Business Technology at American River College in Sacramento, California. He has been an educator for over 20 years and has taught at the high school, community college, and university levels. He holds a bachelors degree in Business Administration from California State University, Stanislaus, a single subject teaching credential from Fresno State University, a masters degree in Education from Fresno Pacific University, and a doctorate in Education from Argosy University. Randy is the author of </FONT></FONT></FONT><I><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Italic><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Italic><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Italic>Microsoft Office 2013: In Practice </I></FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Regular><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Regular><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Regular>and </FONT></FONT></FONT><I><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Italic><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Italic><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Italic>Microsoft Outlook 2010</I></FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Regular><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Regular><FONT color=#333333 size=2 face=ACaslonPro-Regular>, and he speaks regularly at conferences on the integration of technology into the curriculum. When he is not teaching, he enjoys spending time with his family, cycling, skiing, swimming, and enjoying the California weather and terrain.</P></FONT></FONT></FONT>
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers & Technology", "Software" ]
Computer Science
1 Express Additions Issue #16 E XPRESS A DDITIONS Issue #16 Express Additions Copyright © 2009 by Aurigas Aldebaran LLC. All rights reserved. No reproductions without permission. Produced and distributed by Mjolnir LLC, dba Iron Crown Enterprises 112 Goodman Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902. Web: and TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CREDITS Author: Tim Dugger Editing: Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch Proofreading: Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch Pagemaking, & Layout: Tim Dugger Artwork: John Dollar, Mike JacksonKeirston Vande Kraats, Jeff Laubenstein, Christophe Swal, Colin Throm ICE STAFF CEO: Bruce Neidlinger President: Heike Kubasch Editor/Jack-of-All-Trades: Tim Dugger Pagemaking: Sherry Robinson Web Master: Tim Dugger Office Cats: Rajah, Pheobe, & Matsi December 2009 Introduction ...................................................................... 1 New Professions ................................................................ 2 Runemage ........
Roman Military Clothing (3): AD 400640 (Men-at-Arms) (v. 3)
Raffaele D'Amato
Packed with specially commissioned artwork, maps and diagrams, the Men-at-Arms series is an unrivalled illustrated reference on the history, organisation, uniforms and equipment of the world's military forces, past and present.
[ "History" ]
[ "History", "Ancient Civilizations" ]
RAFFAELE D’AMATO & ANDREA SALIMBETI ILLUSTRATED BY GIUSEPPE RAVA EARLY AEGEAN WARRIOR 5000–1450 BC © Osprey Publishing • RAFFAELE D’AMATO AND ANDREA SALIMBETI ILLUSTRATED BY GIUSEPPE RAVA Series editor Marcus Cowper ������������� EARLY AEGEAN WARRIOR 5000–1450 BC © Osprey Publishing • CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 4 Mainland culture · Cyclades · Early Cyprus · Crete · Proto-Hellenes CHRONOLOGY 11 MILITARY ORGANIZATION 12 Greek mainland · Cycladic hunter-warriors · Ke-re-te · Minoan thalassocracy · The collapse of Minoan power CLOTHING 20 Garments · Textiles · Jewellery · Hats and headdresses · Shoes WEAPONS AND ARMOUR 23 Spears and javelins · Swords and daggers · Slings · Axes and maces · Bows and arrows · Shields · Helmets · Body armour FORTIFICATIONS AND SIEGE WARFARE 46 EARLY AEGEAN SHIPS AND THE NAVAL POWER OF CRETE 50 THE LIFE OF A WARRIOR 51 Duties in the palaces and abroad · Leisure activities · Training and discipline
Thoughts of Darkness (AD&D/Ravenloft Module RQ2)
David Wise
The High Master Illithid has been hatching black plots by hatching vampiric mind flayers in his laboratories! His prodigies are horribly insane, but if he can complete his plans, he will achieve a new level of dark immortality. A pair of heroes has stolen the key to his success, but they have paid a heavy price for their bravery and are in desperate need of aid unlooked for.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Ravenloft Archetypes: Nightmares of Barovia v1.4 1 Ravenloft Archetypes: Nightmares of Barovia By Jeremy Forbing -Contents- Barbarian ......................................................................................... 2 Path of the Sea Reaver......................................................... 2 Bard .................................................................................................... 3 College of Secrets .................................................................. 3 Fighter .............................................................................................. 5 New Fighting Styles for Fighters, Rangers, and Paladins………5 Slayer ........................................................................................... 6 Paladin .............................................................................................. 7 Oath of Blood ..............................
The World of Darkness: Storytelling System Rulebook
White Wolf Game Studio
Where the Shadows Grow Long <br /> We live our days completely ignorant of the true terrors lurking around us. Only rarely do our experiences draw back the veil of shadows and reveal the horror in our midst. These glimpses into the supernatural can cause us to retreat into comforting lies - 'There are no such things as monsters' - or stir our morbid curiosity. Only a few, however, can overcome their fear and dare to look deeper. <br /> Abandon Hope All Who Enter <br /> The World of Darkness Rulebook introduces a version of our contemporary world where the supernatural is real. Players join to tell tales of mystery and horror, where theme, mood and plot are more important to a character's experiences than his weapons or equipment. Inside are rules for character creation, task resolution, combat and any activity your character attempts as he delves into the shadows. Hardcover. Page Count: 224
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Written by Shane Cherry Developed by Eddy Webb Edited by Carl Bowen Layout by Brian Glass Art: Misty Coats, Andrew Hepworth, Imaginary Friends Studio, Aaron Nakahara, Pasi Pitkanen, Mark Taduran, Joshua Gabriel Timbrook, UDON and Melissa Uran An adventure for Exalted using the Storytelling Adventure System White Wolf Publishing, Inc. 2075 West Park Place Blvd Suite G Stone Mountain, GA 30087 “People crushed by law have no hope but from power.” – Edmund Burke StorytElling AdvEnturE SyStEm mEntAl ooooo PhySicAl ooooo SociAl ooooo XP LeveL 35-70 SceneS 15 © 2010 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and one printed copy which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf and Exalted are registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. IV the Underworld, the Compass of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. V th
Shadowrun Unwired *OP* (Shadowrun (Catalyst Hardcover))
Catalyst Game Labs
CAT26004 Shadowrun Unwired Role Playing Game RPG by Catalyst Game Labs<br /><br />The highly-anticipated hardcover core rules expansion focusing on one of the key new elements of the Sixth World setting: Augmented Reality and the Matrix 2.0.<br /><br /> Features a deeper look at the introduction and widespread impact of new wireless computer technologies following the Crash 2.0.<br /><br />Expands, explores, and explains the hacking and rigging rules presented in the core rulebook.<br /><br />Introduces a plethora of new options, tricks, and toys for the casual Matrix user, the hardcore hacker, and the versatile security spider.<br /><br />Provides an indepth look at the new denizens of the digital depths: technomancers, sprites, and a whole new generation of synthetic intelligences.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Digital Grimoire Credits Writing Lars Blumenstein, Robert Derie, John Dunn, and Peter Taylor Editing John Dunn, Peter Taylor Artists Tom Baxa, Steve Prescott, Chad Sergesketter, John Zeleznik Production Adam Jury Shadowrun Line Developer Peter Taylor Shadowrun eBook Development John Dunn Inspiration: Perdido Street Station and American Gods Copyright© 2008 WizKids Inc. All Rights Reserved. Shadowrun, Digital Grimoire, Matrix, and WK Games are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of WizKids, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise circu- lated in any form other than that in which it is published. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. Catalyst Game Labs, an imprint of InMediaRes Productions, LLC PMB 202 • 303 - 91
Paper Cutting Techniques for Scrapbooks & Cards
Sharyn Sowell
Both experienced and novice paper users will learn something from this beautifully illustrated book, which is pretty enough to be an art book in and of itself. Although not as generous with her "Tips &amp; Tricks" as a beginner might like, Sowell more than makes up for it with interesting ideas, creative patterns (appropriate for photocopying), and imaginative uses for artistically cut paper. What's strongest, though, are Sowell's words encouraging the reader to try different things--"it's only paper," after all, she reminds us. Although not every holiday or celebratory event is represented by its own section of ideas, readers can easily extrapolate from the ones that are included. A very brief history of paper cutting introduces what is sure to be a popular idea-launching book for any crafts collection. <i>Mary Frances Wilkens</i><br /><i>Copyright American Library Association. All rights reserved</i>
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Crafts &amp; Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Page  FRONT Set your duplex (double-sided printing) printer to long-edge binding (left alignment), and print in 00 % without   fit to paper size scaling, deactivate borderless printing. You can also print to one side, turn over the paper, and print  to the flipside. Cut along the crop marks (works best with a sharp utility knife or paper/photo trimmer). You can also laminate the cards using laminating pouches in A7 format (card size: 74 mm × 05 mm). Maneuvers cLass Features * taLents Customizable Character Class Deck compatible with 13th Age™, and Th e Archmage Engine™ FIghter carD Deck FIghter carD Deck Fighter Maneuver Level 1 Brace For It Melee AttAck Flexible Triggering roll: Anymiss eFFect Until the end of your next turn, the first critical hit you take from a melee attack becomes a normal hit instead. Adventurer FeAt leArned* Brace for it now works against a critical hit from any type of attack. chAMpion FeAt leArned* Brace for it works against any number of critical hits
A River Flows from Eden: The Language of Mystical Experience in the Zohar
Melila Hellner-Eshed
"<i>A River Flows From Eden</i> is replete with insights and delights. It is without a doubt one of the most engaging books on Jewish mysticism in general, and the <i>Zohar</i> in particular. Melila Hellner-Eshed is an accomplished scholar of kabbalistic literature and an excellent guide into the intricacies of one of its most challenging works. <i>A River Flows From Eden</i> is truly rewarding for the novice and expert alike." (Mark Verman <i><i>Shofar</i></i>)<br /><br />"Dr. Hellner-Eshed's book is a truly groundbreaking study of the mystical dimension of the <i>Zohar</i>, the masterpiece of Kabbalah. The scholarship reflected in this book is superb. . . . I rate it as one of the most significant academic studies of the Zohar in the past decade." (Daniel Matt <i>editor and translator of <i>The Zohar, Pritzker Edition</i></i>)<br /><br />"A fascinating and richly textured work that combines linguistic and literary acumen with a historian of religion's interest in the phenomenology of mysticism and a poet's sensitivity to language. Simply put, this is one of the most exciting works of scholarship I have encountered in recent years. . . . This is the rare book that should matter equally to specialists in the field and to serious lay readers and students." (Elliot K. Ginsburg <i>University of Michigan</i>)<br /><br />"[Hellner-Eshed] has written a book sure to become a basic contribution to the study of Kabbalah and the Zohar. Interested faculty should read it and assign it to their student ... Highly recommended." (S. T. Katz <i><i>Choice</i></i>)
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "Judaism" ]
Level 3: The Unseen River A system of natural caverns comprise most of the third level of Dragon’s Delve.A river,flowing down from Level 2,washes through the caves and eventually out of the hillside and into the River Turant on the surface.While underground,this body of water is known as the Unseen River. L evel 3 has no overarching organization, although much of it is dominated by the blind, subterranean fish-men known as vesh. The vesh live their simple lives in these caves and swimming in the Unseen River. The level can also be characterized by two different mystical monuments. Near the center of the level lies the bloodline rock, a mystical stone that holds a special link with those that were born with an innate affinity for magic. The witch- ing stone lies in another part of the level and harbors ill for humans in the name of the dark fey. Level 3 also has its own entrance/exit so PCs that explore all of its reaches will find a new way to enter and exit from Dragon’s Delve through
Spells of Enchantment: The Wondrous Fairy Tales of Western Culture
This massive volume includes 67 tales, more than half of which were written in the 20th century by such authors as Twain, Rilke and Philip K. Dick; despite some low spots, readers will be kept interested. Illustrations. <BR>Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Short Stories & Anthologies" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Short Stories & Anthologies" ]
Literature & Fiction
D a r k Q u e s t Games Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook, ird Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.  Contents Chapter One: Racial Views So you want to be an Enchanter?  Attitudes of the various major races toward Enchanters Dwarves  Elves  Gnomes  Halflings  Half-Elves  Half-Orcs  Humans  Enchanter Personalities  Abjuration  Conjuration  Evocation  Illusion  Transmutation  Divination & Necromancy  Chapter To: Feats Beckon Summoning [General]  Chaotic Hint [General]  Charismatic Aura [General]  Charismatic Mesmerist [General]  Charm Offensive [Metamagic]  Compulsion Leech [General]  Deceptive Acquaintance [General]  Discouraging Smirk [General]  Honeyed Words [General]  Horse Beckon [General]  Humble Guise [General]  Impersonate Gender [General]  Lawful Hint [General]  Retracting Polarity [General]  Skeptical Intolerance [General]  Seductive Charm [General]  Soci
Witchcraft Works, Volume 2
Ryu Mizunagi
Very little is publicly known about Ryu Mizunagi but the author's birthday is March 23rd. Originally from Aichi, Mizunagi won the Kodansha Four Seasons Manga Award in 2004 with the pilot for Witchcraft Works. Mizunagi was able to continue the project through Kodansha Japan in 2006.
[ "Manga", "Comics & Graphic Novels" ]
[ "Comics & Graphic Novels", "Manga" ]
About the author: KATARZYNA KUCZYŃSKA Living and breathing games since the early '90s. She worked as a game designer in CD Project Red on the Witcher and the Witcher 2. Co-author of two Polish pen-and-paper role-playing games, "Poza Czasem" ("Beyond Time") and "Armie Apokalipsy" ("Armies of Apocalypse"). She published articles in Poland’s biggest RPG magazine, "Magia i Miecz" ("Sword and Sorcery") and a few short stories in Polish "Science Fiction" magazine. She was a judge in the 2017 Polish edition of Game Chef. She's a gamer, a game master and a game designer, who loves creative work, sharing her ideas and learning new things. Reimagined uses simplified X-Card rules created by John Stavropoulos. ISBN: 978-83-89765-04-8 Copyright © 2019 by Game Machinery REIMAGINED is a game for two players, where you get to design and play out a fanfic TV series, based on your favorite book, movie, comic book, video game or TV show. You will take the roles of s
Dictionaries: A Very Short Introduction
Lynda Mugglestone
<br>"[A]n incisive and fascinating tour of the history, practices, and philosophical framework of lexicography." --Peter Norman, author of <em>Emberton</em>
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help ", "Dictionaries & Thesauruses" ]
[ "Reference", "Dictionaries & Thesauruses" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
Dragon’s Tongue a Collection of Terms and Notations used by Magisters and Students of the Arcane World Collated by Magisters Rob Swallow and Steve Darlington aethyric Stigmata: Another term for Arcane Marks. Aethyr Crystal: Another name for warpstone. Also Solid Aethyrium. Aethyric Discharge: Another name for Tzeentch’s Curse. As Teclis Said: True beyond questioning. Normally used at the start or end of a sentence, in order to silence apprentices who ask too many questions, or to emphasise the importance of a statement. Bestials: Magisters of the Amber Order. Also Totemists, Animists. Big-hatted: A wizard who wants the whole world to know of his power and mastery. Blind, The: Collective name for the general population who lack magical abil- ity. Blind Hands: Agents who unknowingly work for the Grey Order. Border Prince Posting: A harsh punishment, or the threat of one. “If the Pa- triarch catches us, it’s a Border Prince Posting!” Born of Ghyran: A Jade Magisters whose paren
RNA: A Laboratory Manual
Donald C. Rio
Almost all molecular and cellular biology laboratories now handle RNA and this manual is an authoritative source of information and protocols for this purpose, from the basic to the advanced. Required reading for every research laboratory in the life sciences.
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Science & Math" ]
[ "Science & Math", "Biological Sciences" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
1111 7l 2222 Livro de Regras Opcionais Livro de Regras Opcionais Livro de Regras Opcionais Livro de Regras Opcionais 3333 Autores Autores Autores Autores Bruno Matiuzzi, Diego Guinâncio, Felipe Deprá Galdino, Kerlon Luiz, Marcelo Texeira, Nicolas Bortolotti, Nícolas Wildner, Peter Primordial, Stefano Guimarães Giusini , Thalles Rezende, Wanderson Marins Capa Capa Capa Capa Sergio Artigas Ilustrações Inte Ilustrações Inte Ilustrações Inte Ilustrações Interna rna rna rnassss Carlos Lima, Jorge Kenko, Marlon Souza, Thais Quintela de Linhares, Ulisses Almeida Coordenação Coordenação Coordenação Coordenação Felipe Deprá Galdino , Marcelo Rodrigues, Wilson Renato Gonçalves Neves Publicação Publicação Publicação Publicação Publicada pelo Projeto Tagmar 2 em 2/4/2010 e disponível para download gratuito em Versão Versão Versão Versão 2.3 Licenciamento Licenciamento Licenciamento Licenciamento Este livro foi adaptado d
Here There Be Monsters: The Legendary Kraken and the Giant Squid
HP Newquist
Gr 4-6The title of this fascinating chronicle of giant and colossal squids comes from the warnings placed by early mapmakers to alert sailors about unknown territories and dangers, and the prologue starts things off with a scary story about sighting a mysterious and terrifying sea monster. Each chapter continues the richly detailed story as humans explored and learned more about its life forms. The narrative builds suspense as scientists throughout the world gathered information from sightings and discoveries of body pieces washed up on shore. Full-color photographs, drawings, and reproductions of historical maps and posters amplify the text throughout. Size comparisons to familiar objects provide instant recognition, e.g., the eye of the colossal squid can be more than a foot wide and resemble a beach ball. The last chapters describe and illustrate the exciting recent global efforts that have led to amazing discoveries. A bibliography and detailed index add to the usefulness of this book for reports, but this title will engage general readers with its wealth of historical and scientific information about these fearsome animals.<i>Frances E. Millhouser, formerly at Chantilly Regional Library, Fairfax County, VA</i><br /> Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Science, Nature &amp; How It Works" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
UNDERWORLD WANDERING MONSTER TABLE for Geoffrey McKinney's Carcosa by Mattias Wikström Level Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 1 Roll 1-3 4-5 6 2 1-2 3-4 5-6 3 1 2-3 4-5 6 4-5 1 2-3 4-5 6 6-7 1 2-3 4-6 8-9 1 2-4 5-6 10+ 1-2 4-6 If a monster marked with an asterisk is rolled, there is a 50% chance that the next wandering monster (on that level) will be of the same type. TABLE 1 Roll 1 Giant Scarabs 2 Giant Centipedes 3 Giant Botflies 4 Barbarians* 5 Skeletons 6 Random Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (HD 2) TABLE 2 Roll 1 Tomb Robbers* 2 Species 23750 3 Zombies 4 Mutants* 5 Cannibals* 6 Deep Ones* 7 Giant Worms 8 Random Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (HD 3) TABLE 3 Roll 1 Giant Jungle Ants* 2 Giant Snake 3 Ghouls* 4 Mi-Go* 5 Diseased Guardians 6 Random Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (HD 4) 1 TABLE 4 Roll 1 Gray Ooze 2 Mummies 3 Unquiet Worms 4 Amphibious Ones 5 Ochre Jelly 6 Random Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (HD 5) TABLE 5 Roll 1 Great Race* 2 Black Pudding 3 Mummy Brain 4 Random Spawn of Shub-Ni
Rules Compendium (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Chris Sims
CHRIS SIMS is an associate editor who works in Roleplaying Games R&amp;D at Wizards of the Coast, Inc. His previous design credits include the <i>Secrets of Sarlona</i>(TM) supplement for the <b>Eberron</b>(R) campaign setting.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit This is an official RPGA® play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or u
Friend For Dragon (Dragons)
Dav Pilkey
In the first title of this new series, A Friend for Dragon, a snake plays a joke on gentle Dragon that is carried too far. Tricked into believing that an apple is his new friend, Dragon is brokenhearted when a hungry walrus eats it. He buries the apple core, and eventually the seeds sprout and grow into a tree that bears a new apple. Dragon Gets By is a lighter, comical tale in which the beguiling blue creature wakes up groggy and does everything wrong. "First he read an egg and fried the morning newspaper." He sweeps his dirt floor so diligently that he accidentally digs himself a basement, then he has a zany adventure at the grocery store. Children will laugh at Dragon's antics while enjoying Pilkey's ( 'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving ) bright, inviting illustrations. Each episode constitutes a chapter; beginning readers will take pride in being able to read a chapter book independently. With his excellent vocabulary choices and crafty characterizations--small squiggles carry large meanings--Pilkey has created a positively precious prehistoric prototype. Ages 6-8. <br />Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Literature &amp; Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
 Friends or Foes dragon Warriors  Here is a selection of intriguing characters for the Dragon Warriors RPG, ranging from the powerful to the obscure, nobles and beggars, figures from folklore, and others with strange and dangerous motives. They include: Ealdun the Fool, dwarf jester and master of secrets at the court of King Hadric. Sister Dominique, leader of the heretical Novan sect, pitted against the leaders of the True Faith and the noted witch-burner Father Alessandro. Rakov, Magus Lim, one of the ruling Magi of the city of Krarth—and a voracious vampire commanding a host of undead. Tuanku, beautiful diplomat and 53rd wife of the Emir of Marazid... who appears to have a nail embedded in the back of her neck. Plus 33 other unique characters to bring interest, adventure and a little chaos to your game. Friends or Foes presents thirty-seven of the most colourful NPCs from the Lands of Legend, each one ready to be used in your game, to set your players’ characters
Pathfinder Item Cards: Reign of Winter Adventure Path
Paizo Inc.
<ul> <li>Claim the frigid power of winter, the stars, and realms beyond with <i>Reign of Winter Item Cards</i>. Among these riches wait all the rarest relics and most mysterious magic items of the <i>Reign of Winter Adventure Path</i>. This 54-card set of beautifully illustrated, full-color item cards allows you to track the riches you recover in vibrant detail.</li> <li><font face="Calibri">&#8220;Price Includes VAT&#8221; </font></li></ul>
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming", "Pathfinder" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Monsters Only Pack NORTHWINTER PRESS 1852 Ridge Road Webster, NY 14580 Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See paizo. com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibil- ity, and does not endorse this product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license. Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under license. See finderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Everything in this book, other
The United States Pony Clubs Manual of Horsemanship: Book 3: Advanced Horsemanship HB - A Levels
Susan E. Harris
This new edition includes updated and enhanced information on the most recent topics added to the Pony Club curriculum, including land conservation, horse health and safety, nutrition and veterinary topics, better organization for easy reference, and a full update of critical developments in riding, instruction, and competition.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Pets &amp; Animal Care" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Aptitudes ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ dice Muscle � � � � � � Hardiness � � � � � � Speed � � � � � � Agility � � � � � � Smarts � � � � � � Learning � � � � � � Name of pony Fill in one of each � Mare � Earth pony � Stallion � Pegasus pony � Filly � Unicorn pony � Colt � Pony Form � Talents Talent Names ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ dice � Earth � Air � Spell � ����� � Fire � Water � Levitation � ����� � Earth � Fire � ����� � Earth � Fire ����� � Earth � Fire ����� � Earth � Fire ����� Talent Descriptions Illness or Injury � Serious: 7–9 � Bruised: 0 or less � Major: 10–12 � Stunned: 1–3 � Mortal: 13–15 � Minor: 4–6 � Death: 16 or more Cutie mark sketch Fatigue (Tiredness) � Tired: –2 dice � Winded: –1 die � Exhausted: –3 dice � Pony Form � Physical Description Size and build Eyes Mane Tail Coat color Cutie mark Other Description Personal weakness Name of player Important Possessions Major Med. Minor Saddlebags � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Creating a Pony � Muscle Mare St
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D: Prima Official Game Guide
Prima Games
Prima Games, an imprint of DK and a division of Penguin Random House Inc., is the worlds leading publisher of strategy content for PC and console video games. Prima Games understands what gamersboth casual and hardcorewant and need from strategy guides. Every guide features in-depth content, detailed screen captures, quick-reference tips, and professional strategy. Prima Games is also a leader in the digital strategy realm, offering interactive maps, streaming video, searchable online guides and apps, and a full website at
[ "Computer Science", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Games &amp; Strategy Guides" ]
Computer Science
1 2 Black Tokyo Legends Races of the Tatakama Written by Chris A. Field Cover Illustration by: Amanda Webb Interior Illustrations by: Anthony Cournoyer, Amanda Webb, Black Hand Source, Sade, LPJD Image Portfolio, Purple Duck Games. All images copyright their respective creators, and are used with permission. Some images are in the public domain. These shunga and ukiyo-e prints date from the late 17th to mid 19th centuries. Fully compatible with the PFRPG. About the Cover Due to the explicit nature of this release, the 3.5 OGL Logo designed by Louis Porter Jr. has been used. This product is fully compatible with the 3.5 OGL and the most popular, currently published version of that rule set. Black Tokyo and the Tatakama The concepts presented here had their origins in Black Tokyo, a guide to playing hentai inspired horror/adventure using the D20 Modern ruleset. This sourcebook deals with monsters and demons in their natural habitat, on the far side of t
Gamma World Player's Handbook: A Campaign Setting for d20 Roleplaying
Bruce Baugh
The Final Wars destroyed civilization. Competing forces battle for control of the shattered remains, using everything from strong fists and cold steel to the most advanced science of the old world and mysterious new powers of the mind.<br /><br />The <b>Gamma World Player's Handbook</b> presents a new edition of the classic sci-fi adventure game, energized for the 21st century! Play humans, mutants and new races created in the chaos of the Final Wars, out not just to survive but to thrive in the midst of adventure, danger and mystery.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
cover art jeremy simmons interior art joseph wigfield v. shane editing chris davis layout chris davis play testing paula rice, edward lennon, corey hodges, chris davis, charles baize by charles rice Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and are used with permission ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at v2.0 2 combat procedures manual combat procedures manual introduction Welcome to book two of the revamped and updated Blood and Guts, the Combat Procedures Manual. This book offers a plethora of new and modified rules to make your combats gritty, dangerous or just plain realistic enough to suit the
The Prisoners' World: Portraits of Convicts Caught in the Incarceration Binge (Issues in Crime and Justice)
William Tregea
In sum, students can gain succinct facts on the historical perspective of the incarceration binge and gain a wealth of knowledge about what is happening the contemporary era through <i> The Prisoners' World </i>. (<i>Teaching Sociology, October 2009</i>)<br /><br />William Tregea and Marjorie Larmour, authors of <i>The Prisoner's World</i>, have been teaching college level courses in Michigan prisons for more than twenty-five years, so they're in an outstanding position to observe the boom from inside and hear about its meaning from both prisoners and other correctional workers. The prison-college classroom is a remarkably interesting vantagepoint....The rich descriptive materials...and the personal narratives in <i>Prisoners' World</i> provide an excellent addition to thehighly theoretical and macro-oriented sociology of mass incarceration....A thought-provoking account of the prison world that's been created in the last half century. (<i>Contexts</i>)
[ "Geography & Cultures", "Biographies & Memoirs" ]
[ "Biographies &amp; Memoirs", "Regional U.S." ]
Geography & Cultures
1 Vigilantes of Porphyra Blake Morton 2 Vigilantes of Porphyra Blake Morton Additional Writing Perry Fehr, N. Jolly Editing Perry Fehr, Mark Gedak Porphyra Logo Rick Hershey Art Gary Dupuis, Matt Morrow Layout Mark Gedak Publisher Purple Duck Games Vigilantes of Porphyra is compatible with the Porphyra Campaign Setting and the Porphyra Wiki located at: If you have trouble locating reference content on the site drop me an email at and I will get the content updated and point you to it. 3 “Voila! In view a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visita- tion of a bygone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.” - V for Ven
Dungeon Module Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
David Sutherland III
The first of a new series of other-planar adventures, this module includes several new monsters, maps of the Web and lair of Lolth, and notes on eight alternate worlds, suitable for expansion and addition to existing AD&amp;D campaigns. 32 pages, plus 2 cover folders.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
                        100% CRUNCH: RAGING SWAN PRESS GOBLINS A L S O A V A I L A B L E F R O M R A G I N G S W A N P R E S S 100% Crunch: Liches  $6.99  � 100% Crunch: Orcs  $4.99  � 100% Crunch: Skeletal Champions  $5.99  � 100% Crunch: Skeletons  $5.99  � 100% Crunch: Zombies  $5.99  � 100% Crunch: Zombie Lords  $5.99  � All That Glimmers  $13.99  print $19.99  � Antipaladins  $3.99  � Bandits of the Rampant Horror  $3.99  � Barroom Brawl  $1.99  � Caves & Caverns  $10.99  � Cultists of Havra Zhoul  $4.99  � Dark Oak  $4.99  � Dark Waters Rising  $5.99  � Dungeon Denizens: EL 1  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Altar  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Archways  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Bridges  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Chests  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Doors  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Double Doors  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Dungeon Names  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Pits  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Pools  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Sarcophagi  $1.99  � Dungeon Dressing: Secret Do
Pathfinder Cards: Artifact Item Cards
Paizo Inc.
<div>Hoard the world&#8217;s most powerful treasure with this gorgeously illustrated Pathfinder Item Cards: Artifacts deck! Add fantastic weapons and amazing armors to your collection, or boost your campaign to the next level with illustrated cards featuring a host of orbs, crowns, and even a mighty cloud castle! Fill your hand with the relics of the gods and go forth and conquer like never before!<br><br>These helpful cards support Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Artifacts & Legends.<br><br>This 54-card set of beautifully illustrated, full-color item cards allows you to track your riches in vibrant detail. Each full-color card features a beautiful portrait of an item on one side with blank space on the back to keep notes. Pathfinder Item Cards are compatible with any fantasy roleplaying game.<br><br><font face="Calibri">&#8220;Price Includes VAT&#8221; </font><br></div>
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming", "Pathfinder" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Metafeats: Embracing the Fourth Wall Credits Author: Joshua Hennington Publisher: Adam Meyers Layout: Rachel Meyers Compatibility with the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game requires the Path- finder® Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo. com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game. Paizo, Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse the product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Path- finder® Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Com- patibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo. com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the compatibility license. The Metafeats: Embracing the Fourth Wall and all other Drop Dead Studios product names and their respective logos are trademarks of Drop Dead Stu- dios in the U.S.A. and other countries. All
Tramp Freighters (Star Wars RPG, Galaxy Guide No. 6)
Stewart Weick
Information on Imperial regulations, ship modifications, and the Minos Cluster, an area filled with opportunity for freetraders.
[ "Miscellaneous" ]
[ "New, Used & Rental Textbooks" ]
Star Wars: Tales from the Edge of the Empire People, Places and Plots of Tatooine by Nate Christen This supplement is intended for use with the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire roleplaying game from Fantasy Flight Games. It is a collection of posts from <>. 1 Table of Contents Trallig's Outfitting... 3 Li's Cantina... 5 Ral'lya's Warehouse... 8 Samad's Street Clinic... 11 The Findsmen... 13 Docking Bay... 15 Swoop Gang... 16 Fighting Pit... 19 The Opposition... 22 Madon Ani the Slaver... 25 Captain Zate's Interstellar Traveling Chop-Shop... 30 The Fireclaw Horde... 33 The Flophouse... 36 The Hovel... 38 The Shipjackers... 40 Tuskens... 43 Tusken Camp... 46 The Shipwreck... 48 The Constabulary... 50 The Crime Boss... 54 2 Trallig's Outfitting Savod Trallig runs an outfitting shop, the Rim World equivalent of a general store. He stocks all manner of goods that a being could use on a hardscrabble planet such as Tatooine. While he handles the book
Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks and Warrior Skills Level 2, 3, and 4
Department of Defense
The United States Department of Defense ( DOD or DoD ) is the federal department charged with coordination and supervising all agencies and functions of the government relating directly to national security and the military. The DOD is headquartered at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The Military Departments at the Pentagon publishes some of the very best manuals, handbooks and guidebooks on a wide range of topics; teaching skills, tactics and techniques. The content of these manuals are unmatched in depth, consider that some this knowledge is drawn from hundreds of years, thousands of man hours, and first hand operational experience. Also material in most of these manuals has been shared with other Military Branches providing even greater depth of subject matter. Military Manuals from the Department of Defense are unedited by outside individuals and or companies, this ensures the information is complete, current, and accurate as the military intended. Listed below you will see some of the major departments or components of the Department of Defense. Here you will find just a few book titles of the many sponsored works from each department. Department of the Air Force: U.S. Air Force Aircrew Survival; Air Force Handbook; USAF Military Working Dog Program; USAF Weapons Handling Manual; Airport Signs and Markings; Unexploded Ordnance Booby-traps UXO Recognition and Reporting Chart. Department of the Army: US Army Survival Manual FM 21-76; Survival Skills U.S. Army / Special Operations, Tactics, Techniques, and Skills Guide; Ranger Handbook; Special Forces Medical Handbook; Military Mountaineering; Boobytraps Army Instruction Manual; Explosives and Demolitions; Guerrilla Warfare; Army Hand to Hand Combat; U.S. Army Special Forces Handbook; Survival Evasion and Recovery; Military First Aid. Department of the Navy: Seabee Combat Handbook; Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine; USN Diving Manual; U.S. Navy Seal Patrol Leaders Handbook; Performance Maintenance During Continuous Flight Operations. United States Marine Corps: USMC 5.56MM, M16A2 Technical Manual; U.S. Marine Corp M40A1 Sniper Rifle 7.62MM; U.S. Marine Guidebook; Close Combat Hand to Hand Fighting Marine Corps; Booby Traps Close Combat Urban; Counterinsurgency; USMC Land Navigation; Scouting and Patrolling; Combat Water Survival; Map Reading; Sniper Counter Sniper.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
WARRIOR WARRIOR CHARACTER FOLIO P O N Start Here: This 2-page spread contains the information you need to begin your adventure. BRAWN 4 CHARACTER SHEET CHARACTER NAME : PON SPECIES CAREER NAUTOLAN WARRIOR CHARACTERISTICS SKILLS AGILITY 2 INTELLECT 2 CUNNING 2 WILLPOWER 3 PRESENCE 2 SKILLS RANK DICE POOL Astrogation (Int) 0 π π Athletics (Br) 2 º º π π Charm (Pr) 0 π π Coercion (Will) 0 π π π Computers (Int) 0 π π Cool (Pr) 1 º π Coordination (Ag) 1 º π Deception (Cun) 0 π π Discipline (Will) 0 π π π Knowledge (Int) 0 π π Leadership (Pr) 0 π π Mechanics (Int) 0 π π Medicine (Int) 0 π π Negotiation (Pr) 0 π π Perception (Cun) 1 º π Piloting (Ag) 0 π π Resilience (Br) 0 π π π π Skulduggery (Cun) 0 π π Stealth (Ag) 0 π π Streetwise (Cun) 0 π π Survival (Cun) 1 º π Vigilance (Will) 0 π π π COMBAT SKILLS Brawl (Br) 0 π π π π Gunnery (Ag) 0 π π Lightsaber (Br) 1 º π π π Melee (Br) 0 π π π π Ranged (Light) (Ag) 0 π π Ranged (Heavy) (Ag) 0 π π CHARACTER SHEET Your Character Sheet provides a
Another Brush with God: Further Conversations about Icons
Peter Pearson
"<i>Another Brush with God</i> provides a unique and much-requested resource. Pearson provides tips that enable readers to tackle any icon with confidence. Above and beyond all the technical details, using this book inspires readers to fall in love with iconography, engaging with this ancient discipline that will enrich them for many years. Readers, whether advanced beginners, intermediate, or advanced iconographers, may also discover how painting icons helps them to pray more deeply and that by painting the saints, they become more saintly." --SirReadaLot&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;"Peter is a gifted teacher who has democratized contemporary iconography. You're turning the pages of beautifully clear evidence in your hands right now. His teaching methods and style make iconography simple, albeit not easy. Here, in his second book, <i>Another Brush with God</i>, you'll find detailed instructions for painting icons with traditional images as well as guidance for creating an icon image of your own favorite saint." --From the foreword by Meredith Gould, author of <i>The Catholic Home: Celebrations and Traditions, Come to the Table: A Catholic Passover Seder</i>, and <i>Why Is There a Menorah on the Altar?: Jewish Roots of Christian Worship</i>
[ "Arts & Photography", "History" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "History &amp; Criticism" ]
Arts & Photography
i Gods and Icons Upgrade Pack Gods and Icons Upgrade Pack by John WS Marvin Credits Writers/Designers John WS Marvin and Matt Evert Project Editor Alison Wells Layout John WS Marvin Artists Alysha Lach, Daniell and Garret Reeser, Nikole McDonald-Jones, Jeshields, Christine Riddle, Chloe Wenz, Justin Wyatt Illustration © 2017, Daniell and Garret Reeser, All-Rights for Limited Purpose Dread Unicorn Games, LLC: Gelat- inous dragon Illustration © 2016 - 2017, Jeshields, All-Rights for Limited Purpose Dread Unicorn Games, LLC: Chazda, Delkrey, Ixtaa Illustration © 2016 - 2017, Alysha Lach, All-Rights for Limited Purpose Dread Unicorn Games, LLC: Path of Earth, Path of Heaven, Perikalo Illustration © 2016 - 2017, Nikole McDonald-Jones, All-Rights for Limited Purpose Dread Unicorn Games, LLC: Balamet, The Lords, Tullet Illustration © 2017, Christine Riddle, All-Rights for Limited Purpose Dread Unicorn Games, LLC: Pantheon sym- bols Illustration © 2017, Chloe Wenz, All-Rights for Limite
Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Greyhawk Adventures
James M. WARD
Official advanced Dungeons & Dragons Greyhawk Adventures. Has 128 pages. Printed 1988 This book is for experienced role players looking for something exciting and original to use in their fantasy gaming. Its pages are filled with bold new gaming experiences. With this book, you join the ranks of the best role players in the world. Your search for glory and fame awaits the turning of a single page!
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. NMR3-05 Norebo’s Luck & Bralm’s Embrace A Two-Round D&D LIVING GREYHAWK ® Nyrond and Environs Meta-Regional Adventure Version 1.0 Round One & Two by James Zwiers & John Jenks Additional Materials: County of Urnst T
Character Building: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
David Isaacs
Text: English (translation)<br> Original Language: Spanish
[ "Education & Teaching" ]
[ "Education & Teaching", "Schools & Teaching" ]
Education & Teaching
Background Character Background There are of course no hard and fast rules about background development. Much can depend on the world the game master presents and any limitations imposed. However, to help you get started, this chapter presents a detailed list of background elements that can flesh out your character. Of course, you aren’t required to address every issue here, and it’s certainly possible to build on your narrative over time, filling in details as you go. As a general rule, when developing your background, try to be dramatic but not over the top. In the long run, it is more interesting to have weaknesses, barriers to overcome, and difficult goals to fulfill than to have abundance, power, or effortless strength (this last note is just as, if not more important for game masters). Ideally, you want to address four domains in your background: 1) Conflict (who or what does your character fight or fight for?) 2) Challenges (what limits your character?) 3) Mystery (what does
Historic Cocktails: Pre-Prohibition Recipes for Crafting an Excellent Drink
Dawn Irion
Dawn Irion is a writer, wife, mom, home educator, homesteader and entrepreneur. She currently lives on a farm in east Tennessee with her patent attorney husband, two teenage daughters, and some various cats, dogs, guineas, ducks, turkeys, chickens and cows. She likes animals! That might be why, as a published scientist in animal genetics, she studied modern and ancient dog populations; their genetic history, geographical distribution and relationship to human migration and culture.
[ "Cookbooks, Food & Wine" ]
[ "Cookbooks, Food &amp; Wine", "Beverages &amp; Wine" ]
Cookbooks, Food & Wine
Temperance XIV Temperance XIV The Mage Cookbook 2 Credits Authors: R.S. Udell, with Victor Joseph Kinzer Additional Material, Recipes, Brain-Trust, and Kitchen Staff: Eva Cruz Andrade, Satyros Phil Brucato, Abie Ekenezar, Nina Galati, Antonios Galatis, Kayla Graves, J.F. High, Rafael Mastromauro, Balogun Ojetade, Sandra Damiana Swan, Chef Wang, Coyote Ashley Ward, Jason Weeks, and Zack Wilson Developer: Satyros Phil Brucato Creative Director: Richard Thomas Editor: Carol Darnell Art Direction and Design: Mike Chaney Art: Aaron Acevedo, Scott Baxa, Joel Biske, Dan Brereton, Echo Chernik, Robert McNeil, Steve Prescott, Alex Sheikman, Chris Shy, and Joshua Gabriel Timbrook Special Thanks to: AFK Tavern (1510 41st St Everett, WA 98201,, from which Kayla’s inspiration for the Wild Sects in the Working Class drinks originated. © 2017 White Wolf Entertainment. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system o
Easy Guide to the Tarot: Understanding the Tarot Cards and Their Meanings
Dayanara Blue Star
Dayanara Blue Star is not only an accomplished author but also a passionate practitioner of the Occult. She is the founder and CEO of the Real Wiccan Spells School of Magic and currently oversees various online training programs aimed training those beginning on the path of the Occult as well as those wishing to advance further in their studies. Learn more about Dayanara Blue Star at
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
The Vistani & Tarokka The Vistani & Tarokka The Vistani & Tarokka The Vistani & Tarokka The Vistani & Tarokka Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd: Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd: Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd: Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd: Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd: Chapter 4   F 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 12 15 18 20 leshing Out Curse of Strahd is a series of expansions and elaborations to the main Curse of Strahd campaign. The full series is a DM tool that attempts to add depth to various NPCs, streamline confusing plot lines, fill in plot holes, and alleviate some of the stress associated with TPK inducing encounters throughout the campaign. As such, information presented and included throughout the series is designed to overwrite some of the information in the original text. For instance, if Fleshing Out refers to Ireena Kolyana as the natural born daughter of the Village of Barovia’s burgomaster, this is taken as fact, even if the printed t
Madness and Mayhem Live Action Role-Playing: A gritty fast-play system for dark, Lovecraftian, and cosmic horror gaming
Andre Kruppa
Andre Kruppa has been steadily running role-playing games since 1979, which means he brings more than thirty-five years of experience to the table. His theatrical training includes many years of lighting design and hands-on production electrics work for professional and community theaters, where he also has spent a lot of time in the booth running lights and sound. A resident of Maine, Andre heads off to the woods for a long, peaceful camping trip as far from civilization as possible at least once a year (and preferably more!). Perhaps inspired by the tenebrous depths of the primeval forest, he returns to produce a variety of dark and gritty gaming experiences for convention role-playing, primarily in the cosmic horror genre. Using both his own material and scenarios designed by others, he is known for ramping up his games with elaborate theatrical lighting, sound effects, music, and props. Andres love of gaming and his commitment to fostering high-production-value, immersive role-playing drives him to refine his approach incrementally year after year. He plans on doing this for a good long time.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
20212 by Mr. Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams Editor: Anthony Boyd Graphic Design: Robin Elliott Typesetting: Paul Wade-Williams Cover: Chris Kuhlmann Ubiquity Rules System Design: Jeff Combos This game uses the Ubiquity Roleplaying System, developed by Exile Game Studio (www. Ubiquity Roleplaying System, Exile Game Studio, and all associated logos and trademarks are copyright, Exile Game Studio, LLC. Used with permission. ©2016 Triple Ace Games. Leagues of Gothic Horror and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Triple Ace Games. All Rights Reserved. Leagues of Gothic Horror Expansion First Published 2016 978-1-908237-50-7 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Printed in the USA Chapter the First: Lights in the Darkness.................................................. 3 new taLents........................................................................................... 3 new FLaws..................................................................
Predatory Game (GhostWalkers, Book 6)
Christine Feehan
<b>Praise for Christine Feehan and the <i>New York Times</i> bestselling GhostWalker novels</b><br><br>&ldquo;The queen of paranormal romance! I love everything she does.&rdquo;&mdash;J. R. Ward, #1 <i>New York Times</i> bestselling author<br><br>&ldquo;Romance, suspense, danger, action-packed excitement, hot hot men, and on top of all that, a couple that sizzles all throughout the book...Sexy as hell.&rdquo;&mdash;The Reading Cafe<br><br>&ldquo;I cannot wait to see where Ms. Feehan takes us next.&rdquo;&mdash;Fresh Fiction<br><br>&ldquo;Packed with adventure...Not only is this a thriller, the sensual scenes rival the steaming bayou. A perfect 10.&rdquo;&mdash;Romance Reviews Today<br><br>&ldquo;One of the best storytellers around!&rdquo;&mdash;<i>RT Book Reviews</i><br><br>&ldquo;Sultry and suspenseful...swift-moving and sexually charged.&rdquo;&mdash;<i>Publishers Weekly</i>
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
By Tom Phillips The Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts PATHFINDER SOCIETY SCENARIO #7-19 TIER 3–7 Publisher • Erik Mona Paizo CEO • Lisa Stevens Chief Operations Officer • Jeffrey Alvarez Director of Sales • Pierce Watters Sales Associate • Cosmo Eisele Marketing Director • Jenny Bendel Vice President of Finance • Christopher Self Staff Accountant • Ashley Kaprielian Data Entry Clerk • B. Scott Keim Chief Technical Officer • Vic Wertz Software Development Manager • Cort Odekirk Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter Project Manager • Jessica Price Organized Play Coordinator • Tonya Woldridge Adventure Card Game Designer • Tanis O’Connor Community Team • Liz Courts and Chris Lambertz Customer Service Team • Sharaya Copas, Katina Davis, Sara Marie Teter, and Diego Valdez Warehouse Team • Will Chase, Mika Hawkins, Heather Payne, Jeff Strand, and Kevin Underwood Website Team • Christopher Anthony, William Ellis, Lissa Guillet, Julie Iaccarino, and Erik Keith Author • Tom Phillips Development
Dungeon: The Early Years - Vol. 1: The Night Shirt
Christophe Blain
Thrilling action and gentle whimsy nestle comfortably together in this charming import by a trio of French comics superstars, a swashbuckling fantasy starring anthropomorphic animals. A boyhood in the country didn't prepare idealistic, bird-headed Hyacinthe for his move to the city. He soon recognizes how corrupt the place is. His scheming uncle is oppressing the underclass elves while organizing a civic festival where a towering arboress will be burned alive. Little Hyacinthe feels helpless to intervene directly, and he even develops a crush on one of his uncle's minions, a cold-blooded snake-woman assassin. He escapes his moral frustration by becoming the Night Shirt, a masked fighter for justice who behaves like a mixture of Errol Flynn and Opus the penguin. Sfar and Trondheim's script creates a marvelous world in which the characters can startle readers by being genuinely strange but also human. Blain's loose but highly skilled art makes silly scenes poignant or exciting. When, after rescuing the arboress, the Night Shirt must urge his steed to leap across a polluted canal, his silhouette against the moon is simultaneously absurd and heroic. Somehow, the parody actually reinforces the adventure. <I>(Nov.)</I> <BR>Copyright &copy; Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[ "Comics & Graphic Novels" ]
[ "Comics & Graphic Novels", "Graphic Novels" ]
Comics & Graphic Novels
An Old School Fantasy Adventure for 1-4 Players of 1-4 Level DUNGEON OF THE SELENIAN CONCLAVE by Alessandro Dellamotta Classic Fantasy Adventures for Old School Role-Playing Games An Old School Fantasy Adventure for 1-4 Players of 1-4 Level DUNGEON OF THE SELENIAN CONCLAVE DUNGEON ADVENTURES VOL. 1 PUBLISHED BY DUNGEONEER GAMES & SIMULATIONS COPYRIGHTED BY STARLIGHT GAMES AND DUNGEONEER GAMES & SIMULATIONS DESIGNER ALESSANDRO DELLAMOTTA ART DIRECTION ANTONELLO MOLELLA COVER ART PETER PAGANO ILLUSTRATIONS FRANCESCA BASSO WILLIAM MCAUSLAND JEREMY MOHLER THANKS TO LUDOVICO ARIOSTO FOR INSPIRATION MAUS, OXY, KEVIN CHEVALIER FOR PROOFREADING OSR Compatible The use of any other company’s trademark or copyright in this guide is not intended as a challenge to the ownership of those trademarks or copyrights. The contents of this file are © Copyright protected and are not to be redistributed in any format. The purchaser of this file
O Homem Moderno: Uma divaga&ccedil;&atilde;o filos&oacute;fica sobre a banalidade mal&eacute;fica dos atos cotidianos. (Portuguese Edition)
Cristiane Serruya
<span>Em 2013, O HOMEM MODERNO, que j&#225; havia sido agraciado com nota m&#225;xima na Faculdade de Direito - PUC/RJ - em 1988, ganhou a <b>Medalha de Ouro</b> na categoria Inspiracional/Motivacional oferecida <i>Literary Classics International Book Awards and Reviews for Children and YA</i> (YA, ou, <i>young adults</i>,refere-se &#224;adolescents ejovensadultos em forma&#231;&#227;o). O livro foi escolhido por um membro de juri por suas caracter&#237;sticas,independent do fato de n&#227;o t&#234;-loinscrito no concurso.</span><div><span>Tamb&#233;m recebeu a <b>Medalha de Bronze</b> na categoria "Est&#243;riascurtas - fic&#231;&#227;o" pelo <i>Readers' Favorite 2013 Awards</i>.</span></div>
[ "Philosophy", "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Politics & Social Sciences", "Philosophy" ]
OBJETIVOS DO GUARDIÃO • Fazer o mundo parecer real. • Jogar para ver o que acontece. • Tornar a vida dos caçadores perigosa e assustadora. PRINCÍPIOS DO GUARDIÃO • Coloque o horror em situações cotidianas. • Fale com os caçadores e não com os jogadores. • Use os movimentos do Guardião, mas nunca use seus nomes. • Seja um fã dos caçadores. • Crie uma mitologia de mundo coerente enquanto joga. • Nada está seguro. Mate espectadores e lacaios, destrua prédios, deixe os monstros serem aniquilados. • Dê nome a todos que eles encontrarem, faça eles parecerem pessoas normais. • Faça perguntas e construa com as respostas. • Algumas vezes dê aos caçadores exatamente o que eles merecem ao invés do que eles querem. • Pense no que está acontecendo nos bastidores. • Você não precisa decidir sempre o que acontece. • Tudo é uma ameaça. FALE SEMPRE… • O que os princípios exigirem. • O que as regras exigirem. • O que o seu mistério e os seus arcos preparados exigirem. • O que a honestidade e
Beating the Flank Openings (Batsford Chess Library)
Vassilios Kotronias
Vassilios Kotronias has led the new wave of top-class players from Greece. Awarded the Grandmaster title in 1990, he has become established on the international tournament scene as a thoroughly professional and erudite competitor with an enterprising aggressive style of play. This is his second book for Batsford/Holt.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Name Klepto Smelfon Race Smelf Rank Novice xp } Description j A haughty, arrogant a_hole of a smelf always walking around with his no_ In the air - O&~0°~O® O&00 °0~® O&0 0 °0°~O® O&0 0 °0°~ O® O&00~O~O® parry (2+ Half fi9htin9) Tou9hness (2 + Half Vi9or) power points f!" • SKILLS _____ _ & 6000 &00(jfJ0 Welrdne _ __ -------- &0000 & 0 000 Shooting & 0 000 &00@0 Taunt & 0 000 & 0 0 @0 Gambling & 0 000 @0000 _ Guts _________ &0000 & 0000 ______________ &0000 &0000 &0000 fAg- . # ,;=;;;; ::Z7,,==·=·===: 4 =~--gr:;;- i ·~;-i~ Weapon Range ROY Damage Weight Notes Staff of ~ Whupping STR +2 ---- - Parry Bonus +3 - Armor Penetration +2 ,,\rmor type Location protection Weight Notes EDGES Nasal Targeting - +2 to all shooting and throwing rolls. ----.-!!imble Little Guy - Agility starts at d6 (~Iready factored in) _ No_bloat - can bloat no_ and ri_ vertically up to 10 yorts Shnozz to be reckoned with - +2 armor against attacks to the +2
How to Survive on a Deserted Island (Prepare to Survive)
Tim O'Shei
Unabashedly aimed at armchair survivors only, this brief entry in the Prepare to Survive series blithely shows readers washed up alone on a tropical island how easy it is to find water, build a platform shelter, catch fish (or, failing that, bugs), start a fire, and contact rescuers. The frequent illustrations feature color photos of hunky men and members of the cast of the TV show Survivor, plus occasional simplified diagrams of a solar still, the correct way to escape quicksand, and the like. More practical advice about what to do when lost can be found online, in scouting manuals, and in handbooks like Guy Campbells The Boys Book of Survival(2007), but this will be good for quick flights of fancy. Grades 4-6. --John Peters
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
You’re a colonist four light years away from home, scrap- ing by thanks to the occasional supply ship from Earth. Now the Sheriff has been murdered. And when he is found dead, you discover that no more help or supplies are coming from Earth. How will you survive on this inhospitable desert planet? A roleplaying game for 3-5 players by Nick Wedig L n g s h t Version 0.3 2 Longshot, by Nick Wedig You are colonists on a dusty, desert-like planet orbiting Proxima Centauri. It’s man- kind’s first colony beyond the solar system. And because no one ever figured out how to go faster than the speed of light it takes years for news to travel from Earth to the colony. Even longer for people and supplies. A ship is supposed to come every six months with sup- plies, but it’s a month overdue already. Now the sheriff (and leader of the colo- ny) is found dead. When somebody finds the body, he also discovers that the sheriff has been lying to the colony: Earth has stopped
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance: Sybex Official Strategies & Secrets
Doug Radcliffe
Master a magical world of adventure, intrigue, and intense battles. Baldur's Gate is in turmoil, and only you can stop the war that could drown the Sword Coast in blood.<br /> <br /> From the streets of Baldur's Gate to the heights of the Sunset Mountains to the ultimate showdown in the lethal Marsh of Chelimber, your journey will be fraught with danger and challenges at every turn. This exclusive strategy guide, written with the full support of the game's developer, will show you the way to vengeance and truth. <br /> <br /> <b>Comprehensive walkthroughs</b><br /> Step-by-step walkthroughs and maps help you master every level and find secret areas<br /> <br /> <b>Detailed character info</b><br /> Get essential advice for choosing and customizing Vahn, Kromlech, and Adrianna<br /> <br /> <b>Indispensable stats</b><br /> Get the lowdown on monsters and weapons <br /> <br /> <b>Quest solutions</b><br /> Hardcore strategies so you succeed in every quest<br /> <br /> <b>Opponent-annihilating tactics</b><br /> Learn how to destroy the toughest monsters, including all the bosses<br />
[ "Computer Science", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Games &amp; Strategy Guides" ]
Computer Science
DDEP09-03 Liar’s Night A Baldur’s Gate EPIC for Tier 1 & 2 Characters Your presence is hereby requested at the Bloodmire Masque on the eve of Liar’s Night for an exclusive one-night only reopening of Bloodmire Manor in Baldur’s Gate. Your finest costumes and masks are required as we celebrate this momentous occasion. Forget not a Gourd of Light, lest all your secrets be revealed! DDEP09-03 Liar’s Night Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only. 2 CREDITS Adventure Design: Elisa Teague, Chris Lindsay Development/Editing: Chris Lindsay Cartography: Chris Lindsay (Initial), Travis Woodall (Final) D&D Adventurers League Guildmaster: Chris Lindsay D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Alan Patrick, Amy Lynn-Dzura, Travis Woodall, Lysa Penrose, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks Playtesters: Paul Clinkingbeard, Justin Donie, Peter Orrestad, Allison Samowitz, John Tynes, Jesse Wood DUNGEON
The Kobold Wizard's Dildo of Enlightenment +2 (an Adventure for 3-6 Players, Levels 2-5
Carlton Mellick III
<i>Praise for Carlton Mellick III</i><br /><br />"Carlton Mellick III has the craziest book titles... and the kinkiest fans!" <br />- <b>CHRISTOPHER MOORE</b> <br /> <br />"If you like satires which are highly imaginative, subversive, gory, funny as hell and completely surreal CM3 may be your literary messiah." <br />-<span> </span><b>RICARDO GONZALEZ DEL VALLE</b> <br /> <br />"Mellick is smarter than the dumbness he tries to coat his writing in; you feel like you're reading a comic or watching MTV - but underneath there is something deeper and smarter than the cartoonish presentation before your eyes." <br />-<span> </span><b>EUCHIRD</b><br /><br />
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Humor &amp; Satire" ]
Literature & Fiction
Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module CURSE OF THE KOBOLD EYE Written by “Weird Dave” Olson An Adventure for Character Levels 2-4 WK2 Wrath of the Kobolds #2 CURSE OF THE KOBOLD EYE Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module WK2 For use with Swords & Wizardry An Adventure for Character Levels 2-4 Written by “Weird Dave” Olson Wrath of the Kobolds #2 What strange curse has befallen you? And what does it have to do with an ancient kobold legend? The answers to these questions lie on a dangerous journey into history and its pint- sized makers as you confront the sinister nature of the … CURSE OF THE KOBOLD EYE! a fantasy renaissance adventure Module brought to you by your friends at cut to the chase gaMes! WWW.cuttothechasegaMes.coM cut to the chase gaMes llc Proud coMPany of st. Paul, Mn $15.00 Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Module WK2 CURSE OF THE KOBOLD EYE WRATH OF THE KOBOLDS #2 For use with the Swords & Wizardry game Writer: “Weird Dave” Olson Editor: Kelly Christensen Cover Ar
Transformers: Rise of the Autobots
Chris Metzen
<b>Chris</b> <b>Metzen</b> is a game designer, artist, voice actor and author known for his work creating the fictional universes and scripts for Blizzard Entertainment's three major award-winning media franchises: Warcraft, Diablo, and StarCraft.<br><br><b>Flint Dille</b> is a screenwriter, game designer, and novelist. He is best known for his animated work on <i>Transformers</i>, <i>G.I. Joe</i>, <i>An American Tail: Fievel Goes West</i>, and his game-writing, <i>The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay</i>, and <i>Dead to Rights</i>, as well as his non-fiction book written with John Zuur Platten.<br><br><b>Livio Ramondelli</b> is currently drawing various projects for IDW Publishing. His credits include <i>Transformers: Autocracy, Monstrosity</i>, and <i>Primacy</i> (with Chris Metzen and Flint Dille), <i>Robots in Disguise</i>, as well as covers for <i>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles</i>, <i>G.I. Joe</i>, <i>30 Days of Night</i>, and others. He has also provided Star Wars covers for Dark Horse Comics, Battlestar Galactica covers for Dynamite Entertainment, and Pacific Rim for Legendary. In addition, he provides art and designs for Google, Hasbro, and Upper Deck, among others. He previously worked for artist Jim Lee at WildStorm/DC Comics, doing design work for the "DC Universe Online" MMO title, among other games.
[ "Comics & Graphic Novels" ]
[ "Comics & Graphic Novels", "Graphic Novels" ]
Comics & Graphic Novels
A supplement for Mekton Zeta Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 More than Meets the Eye Chapter 2 Heavy Metal War - Autobots - Decepticons - Humans - Quintessons - Lithonians Chapter 3 Super-Science - The Matrix Chapter 4 Making Transformers - Technology Clarifications - MV, MR, MP Rules - Transformer Templates - Quick and Dirty Combiners Chapter 5 Transformer Characters - Character Creation - Box Stats - Skills - Lifepath Chapter 6 History Chapter 7 Final Details - Time Period - Premade Weapons - Sample Designs - Optimus Prime - Megatron - Ultra Magnus - Jetfire - Conclusion The Transformers "More than Meets the Eye. . . It is the world of the Transformers. A world where heroic Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons. The future of Earth and Cybertron lie in the balance. The Autobots struggle
Four Against Darkness: A solitaire dungeon-delving pen-and-paper game (Volume 1)
andrea sfiligoi
<span>Andrea Sfiligoi is a freelance game designer who publishes games on . His tabletop games have been published in English, Italian, French, Spanish and German.</span>
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Version 0.7 – 04 May, 2001 (c) 2001 Joseph Steven Coleman, April 2001, All Rights Reserved Fuzion is trademarked by Fuzion labs, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Skyrealms of Jorune is trademarked by Skyrealms, inc., All Rights Reserved. Skyrealms of Jorune 1 st and 2 nd Edition, Copyright Skyrealms, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Skyrealms of Jorune 3 rd Edtion, Copyright Chessex, Inc., and Skyrealms, Inc., All Right Reserved. Sholari 1, 2 and 3 copyright by the Authors and Joseph Steven Coleman, All Rights Reserved. THE LONG ROAD It started with a very cool book on the used game shelves at Gamespace in San Francisco. I was new to gaming an dthe poor art, blatant rip offs and just bad design had already turned me off to many of the kitchen- table published games. This was black and purple with the name The Sholari Guide in a very hip duotone and really excellent, almost rennaissance level art. And there was another one called The Tauther Guide – same art, different color. And another – The
Pawpawsaurus and Other Armored Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find)
Dougal Dixon
Written by dinosaur expert Dougal Dixon, this addition to the Dinosaur Find series examines the general characteristics of Pawapawsaurus and seven other plated dinosaurs, as well as how they lived in the prehistoric world and what they have in common wi --Children's Literature Comprehensive Database
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Animals" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
    Credits Designers James Introcaso and Ruty Rutenberg Art Cover by Daarken Dilophosaurus by Herschel Hoffmeyer/ Dinosaur Race by Eric Belisle Giganotosaurus by ДиБгд/Wikimedia Commons Girallon Zombie by Eric Belisle Mosasaurus 1 by Dmitry Bogdanov/Wikimedia Commons Mosasaurus 2 by Dmitry Bogdanov/Wikimedia Commons Nemicolopterus by Warpaint/ Pachycephalosaurus by NobuTamura/Wikimedia Commons Sarcosuchus by UNC Sea Grant College Program/Flickr's The Commons Therizinosaurus by Johnson Mortimer/Wikimedia Commons Titanosaurus by David Roland/ Troodon by Herschel Hoffmeyer/ Zealoraptor by Ryanz720/Wikimedia Commons Zombie Giganotosaurus by Herschel Hoffmeyer/ Zombie Triceratops by Herschel Hoffmeyer/ Get free game resources, podcasts, GM tips, and more at ENnie-winning Watch Maze Arcana. D&D Adventurers League Code: DDHC-TOA-3 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of
Let's Discover Weaving (Her Arts and crafts discovery units)
Jenean Romberg
Basic introduction to weaving using paper, cardboard loom. Simple instruction, simple projects for children.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Crafts & Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Sarah Dahlinger Andreas Walters Creative Director Andreas Walters Core Art Sarah Dahlinger Writers Elizabeth Chaipraditkul Annamarie Mickey Kate Bullock Elizabeth Sander Carol Darnell BJ Hensley Editor Carol Darnell Special Backer Contribution Thanks Published By Metal Weave Games First Printing Copyright © 2017 Metal Weave Games ATLAS ANIMALIA and its logo are trademarks of Metal Weave Games in the U.S.A. and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Metal Weave Games. This product is a work of fiction. Printed in Taiwan by KrakenPrint Michael Proteau Luke Elias Howard Kistler Daniel Colby Amara Cornelius Special Thanks to our Backers A Lilac Llama Aaron Askam Aaron Dykstra Aaron Hluch Aaron Maynard Aaron Nelson Aaron Turko
My Greeting Card Organizer (Interactive Journals)
Peters &amp; Small Ryland
Since 2000. Ryland Peters &amp; Small was founded in 1995 to bring a breath of fresh air to illustrated book publishing. At their offices in London and New York they work with the best authors, photographers, illustrators and stylists to create books that combine innovative, cutting-edge design and images with practical, accessible information. Their beautiful books are devoted to the pleasures of life: health and wellbeing, our homes and gardens, the food we eat, the wine we drink. Ryland Peters &amp; Small staff has enormous fun creating their books, and they hope you have as much fun reading them. In 1999 they launched the Paperstyle gift range of elegant notecards, journals, interactive journals and address books. All perfect for gifts but perhaps too good to give away?
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Crafts &amp; Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
1191 AD PUBLISHING PRESENTS NPC Cards H i g h F a n t a s y I I : W o o d f o l k a n d W a r c h i e f s 1191 AD PUBLISHING FOR GAME MASTERS Enhance your roleplaying experience with these NPC Cards! Print them out and show them to your players as they meet new characters! If you are running an epic campaign with dozens, if not hundreds, of NPCs (non-player characters, that is), keeping track of all those imaginary people can get a bit bothersome. NPC Cards are here to help your players visualize your characters and connect with them more easily. Having character cards prepared will also give them a hint of importance in your campaign, and players might be more reluctant to ignore (or kill) them. Or perhaps not. But they *will* remember them more easily. FOR PLAYERS You may want to print out a portrait of your character (or companion/cohort/minion) for all your co-players to admire. NPC Cards offers a variety of stock characters, and this particular publication (Wo
A Guide to the Star Wars Universe
Bill Slavicsek
facts abut the characters, armament, starships, planets, alien species, or battles in the most exciting adventure of them all? You'll find the whole universe of Star Wars covered in this fully revised and expanded second edition, including: the original Star Wars movies, National Public Radio dramatizations, Role-playing games, sourcebooks, storybooks, sketchbooks, and more.
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Movies" ]
Humor & Entertainment
===starwars================================================= ===========================================kurlnova sector=== star wars star wars star wars star wars   Kurlnova Player’s Guide by Tim “Nealos” Salam email ::: Kurlnova Sector Website ::: Star Wars Supplement Resource Center ::: Chapter One: Welcome to Kurlnova___________________ 1 Overview_______________________________________ 2 Chapter Two: Kurlnovan Culture & Government_________ 3 A Short History__________________________________ 3 The Kurlnovans__________________________________ 5 The Shekker Epidemic_____________________________ 5 Social Hierarchy__________________________________ 6 Government_____________________________________ 9 Commoners:Traditions, Customs, Beliefs______________ 10 Chapter Three: The Kurlnovan Economy_______________ 12 The Economics of Raw Materials_____________________ 12 The Transient Labor Cla
Best Climbs Moab: Over 140 Of The Best Routes In The Area (Best Climbs Series)
Stewart M. Green
<DIV><FONT face="Times New Roman"><DIV><EM>Best Climbs Moab</EM> showcases the best climbs in the Moab area, ideal for climbers who want to hit as many select routes as possible in a weekend or short visit. Longtime desert climber Stewart Green leads you to the very best routes found in the desert surrounding Moabfrom multi-pitch traditional-style gear routes on beautiful sandstone towers to stellar, moderate sport climbs at Wall Street. This guide provides visually appealing, to-the-point information for climbers who want to experience the world-class climbing near Moab.</DIV></FONT></DIV>
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help ", "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Mountaineering" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
1 Purple Mountain V The Descent Josh McCrowell 2 The Descent Purple Mountain – A Megadungeon in Twenty Parts Credits Author: Josh McCrowell Development: Perry Fehr, Mark Gedak Editing: Mark Gedak, Perry Fehr Cover Image: Brian Brinlee Cartography: Kristian Richards of Crooked Staff Publishing Interior Artist: Brian Brinlee, Gary Dupuis Playtesters: Perry Fehr, Paul Jessop, Carrie Fehr, Darian Jessop, Tai Jessop Publisher: Purple Duck Games Purple Mountain - Level Five: The Descent is a Pathfinder Compatible Module designed for four 4th level characters and uses the medium XP advancement track. This module is designed to be player in any campaign setting with a mountain containing a megadungeon such as the Purple Duck Games’s setting Porphyra. Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does n
The Coin Collector's Survival Manual
Scott A. Travers
<b>Scott A. Travers</b> ranks as one of the most knowledgeable and influential coin dealers in the world. His name is familiar to readers everywhere as the author of six bestselling books on coins: <i>One-Minute Coin Expert</i>, <i>How to Make Money in Coins Right Now</i>, <i>Travers' Rare Coin Investment Strategy</i>, <i>Scott Travers' Top 88 Coins Over $100</i>, <i>The Insider's Guide to U.S. Coin Values</i>, and <i>The Investor's Guide to Coin Trading</i>, and the forthcoming <i>Coin Collector's Survival Manual</i>. All of them have won awards from the prestigious Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG). In 2002, NLG awarded him its highest bestowable honor, the lifetime achievement Clemy. He was elected vice president (1997-1999) of the American Numismatic Association, a congressionally chartered, nonprofit educational organization. He is contributing editor to <i>COINage</i> magazine and a regular contributor to other numismatic periodicals, and has served as a coin valuation consultant to the Federal Trade Commission. His opinions as an expert are often sought by publications such as <i>Barron's</i>, <i>Business Week</i>, and The <i>Wall Street Journal</i>. A frequent guest on radio and television programs, Scott Travers has won awards and gained an impressive reputation not only as a coin expert but also as a forceful consumer advocate for the coin-buying public. He serves as numismatic advisor to a number of major investment funds and has coordinated the liquidation of numerous important coin collections. He is president of Scott Travers Rare Coin Galleries, LLC, in New York City. Please visit him online at <u></u>
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Antiques &amp; Collectibles" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 or 2 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APLs 8 and 10 (all of the following): � Boccob’s Blessed Book (Adventure; DMG) � Book of Astrology (Adventure; See Above) � Brooch of Shielding (Adventure; DMG) � Elixir of Fire
Battletech: A Game of Armored Combat (4th Edition)
Bryan Nystul
CONTENTS: two maps, 48 stand-up Battlemechs, two rule books for beginners and advanced players, unit stickers, Battlemechs sheet booklet.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
BASIC RULES FREE PLAYTEST (JUNE 2020) BRIAR SOVEREIGN This arcane text was certified by: Certification Date: If the above is empty, please leave this text in the care of your local College associate so that it may be given proper certification. Additionally, please leave yourself in the care of your nearest councillor or judiciary clerk so that you may be properly charged with possession of an uncertified text of magical origin or content. The Crown thanks you for your diligence and honesty. Briar Sovereign 26th June 2020 Armour Astir: Advent is a high-fantasy roleplaying game about striking back against an authority that seeks to control you. It is a game of rival pilots clashing in steel-clad Astirs, of soldiers holding their own against the odds, and of spies and diplomats twisting the world to their ends. It is not a game of careful preparation or pleasant truces; It's hard to change the world without taking a risk. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS As a Powered By The Apocalypse game, Armour Ast
The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen: Awesome Female Characters from Comic Book History
Hope Nicholson
An upbeat celebration of women in comics.J.D. Biersdorfer,<i>New York Times Book Review<br /><br /></i>A showcase for powerful women who range in sexuality, skin color, and spunk...this collection is an awesome reminder that feminists have been fighting the good fight in comics since before many of us were born.<i>BUST<br /></i><br />[<i>The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen</i>] is a book Im proud to have on my shelf.SyFy's Fangrrls<br /><br />An amazing compilation that is sure to introduce you to at least one superheroine of which you were unaware.Geeks of Doom<br /><br />Comic book heroines have come a long way and not always by the expected routes, as Nicholson, founder of Bedside Press, traces in thisinformative and entertaining encyclopedia of female characters in comics.<i>Publishers Weekly<br /><br /></i>This book is an uplifting reminder of the superheroines who have inspired us for almost a century and continue to do so in both comics and film today.<i><i></i><br /><br /></i>Fans of comics and graphic novels will love this passionate endorsement of female characters through comic history.<i></i>Georgia Christgau<i>,<i>School Library Journal</i><br /></i><br />Since superheroes, female and otherwise, permeate so much of our current culture, its a real treat to get such rich history of how characters such as Carol Ms. Marvel Danvers emerged and evolved, and Nicholson is a trustworthy, knowledgeable guide.<i>Publishers Weekly</i><br /><br />A wonderfully entertaining and informative read; Hope Nicholson has captured the distinct core of every character, from famed icons to the forgotten heroines she's resurrected from the back issue bin of comic book history.Tim Hanley, Author of <i>Wonder Woman Unbound</i>,<i> Investigating Lois Lane</i>, and <i>The Many Lives of Catwoman</i>.<br /><br />In her snappy, irreverent style, tour guide Hope Nicholson takes us on a spectacular trip through time with stops to visit a crew of comic book heroines who range from the grotesque to the awesome. Some of this sisterhood of superwomen lasted only one issue, others have inspired us for up to 75 years, they are all fascinating. Thanks, Hope, for the time travel!Trina Robbins, Author of<i>Last Girl Standing</i>,<i>Babes in Arms</i>, and<i>A Minyen Yidn</i><br /> <i></i><br /> <i>The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen</i>is a wonderfully informative and oftentimes personal exploration of the leading women of comics from past to present. Hope Nicholson has created an intimate tome that very well may hold the keys to inspiring more women in comicsboth on the page and behind the brush.Gerard Way, writer of<i>Doom Patrol &amp; The Umbrella Academy</i><br /><br /><i>The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen</i>is an in depth catalog of the only thing I like better than comic book superheroes: comic book superheroines. Nicholson pulls from both the back and front of the long box, critiquing well-known favorites and revealing little known gems."Tim Seeley, writer of<i>Revival</i>,<i>Hacks/Slash</i>, and<i>Nightwing<br /><br /></i>Nicholsons work is rife with revelations for both the casual and not-just-the-movies comics fan.<i><i>Brooklyn Magazine</i><br /><br /></i>A fun...humorous survey.<i><i>The Sacramento Bee</i><br /><br /></i>Avery well-written book that will make comics fan salivate.<i><i>The Daily Times<br /></i><br /></i>Nicholson is a true comics geek, whose love of the medium as a whole is evident in every page of<i>Superwomen.</i><i>Broken Frontier<br /><br /><i>The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen</i></i>is an absoluteMUST BUY.<i>Rogues Portal<br /><br /></i>If youre looking for an example of how far comics have come in terms of equal representation, look no further than Hope Nicholsons<i><i>The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen."</i>Doom Rocket<br /><br /></i>I like the mix of history, pop culture, and a little bit of reference. [<i>The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen</i>] is more akin to a heavily illustrated coffee-table book, allowing for browsing short entries about superheroes such as Wonder Woman and Jessica Jones and cult favorites such as Emily the Strange.<i>Library Journal<br /><br /></i>Profusely illustrated, impressively informative, exceptionally written, organized and presented.<i>Midwest Book Review<br /></i><br />The characterizations of women in comics have come a long way since the 1930s, which is whereHopeNicholson begins her decade-by-decade review of famous, representative, quirky, or otherwise notable heroines in herthoroughly enjoyable book<i>TheSpectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen</i>.<i>Foreword Reviews</i><br /><br />Nicholson doesnt spend too long analyzing any one charactereven Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Batgirl, despite being named Hero of the Decade of the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, respectively, garner only a couple of pages of commentary apiece. Its a good choice, allowing Nicholson to cover a greater number of lesser-known characters, which she does in a breezy, conversational style (ripe with parenthetical notes and explanations, not to mention reprinted art), thats immensely fun to read.<i>Foreword Reviews<br /></i><br />Nicholson intimately and thoughtfully introduces readers to 100 impassioned, smart, strategic, and plucky heroines.<i>The Georgetown Voice</i>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "History" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "History &amp; Criticism" ]
Literature & Fiction
Super Heroes and Heroines Online PDF version Who hasn’t read a Comic Book? Most of America’s children have read at least one Comic Book in their lifetime. Most Comics have Super Heroes / Heroines to do the adventures in the book. With the increasing human connection of these characters to normal life is becoming uncanny. Primarily Image Comics and Top Cow Comics are making characters that many people can relate to. Many of the DC and Marvel Heroes / Heroines have no real “home life”. The books are primarily just watching them fight the monthly bad guy. Where as Top Cow and Image have Heroes / Heroines that have a “real life”. The writers give them hobbies, favorite bands, normal life problems, a very human quality to them. So I am wanting to capture some of that quality in this game. I mean, there is nothing wrong with the Bad Guy of the month idea. It should actually be used to make the game a bit more interesting. But each character should have some human qualities to them. Throughou
The Combat Soldier: Infantry Tactics and Cohesion in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
Anthony King
<br>Anthony King has written extensively on social theory, football, and the armed forces, including his most recent book 'The Transformation of Europe's Armed Forces: from the Rhine to Afghanistan', published by Cambridge University Press in 2011. As a result of his research, he has developed close relations with the armed forces, especially the Royal Marines. He has co-written parts of current British military doctrine on stabilisation and has advised on the campaign in Afghanistan as a member of NATO's Regional Command South Headquarters in Kandahar in 2009-10. He was recently appointed as a mentor by the Army's Force Development and Training Command as it tries to reform and restructure the army. He has contributed to public debates about contemporary security and defence policy, giving evidence on operations in Afghanistan to the Parliamentary Defence Committee, writing and speaking for some think-tanks. He is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Exeter.<br>
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Social Sciences" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
(Dis)Honour Is Everything Foul play and dirty tricks in Inquisitor By Cameron Swarbrick In the grim darkness of the far future, there are a surprisingly large number of people who would baulk at the idea of attempting to gouge an opponent’s eyes out, or kicking them in the groin, or using any tactic necessary to gain an advantage. They believe that fights should be conducted with some form of honour; they follow moral codes that they believe everyone else follows too. They are, of course, somewhat wrong-footed when they encounter people who will do whatever it takes to win. The idea that mercenaries and the like do have lines which they will not cross is often reinforced by them for this very purpose; to quote The Sniper from Team Fortress 2: “Professionals have standards. Be polite; be efficient; have a plan to kill everyone you meet.” Not once does he say: “Do not kick a man when he’s down” or “Hands only”. Those hired from the lower elements of the Imperium’s society of
The World of Comedy: Five Takes on Funny
Wes D. Gehring
"It's Gehring's genuine love of film comedies and the people who make them that enriches his work." -- <i>Wade Jennings. Film Critic</i><br /><br />"Scholars of film and lovers of cinema alike will find an invaluable addition to their collection." -- <i>Scott Robert Olsen author of Hollywood Planet: Global Media</i>
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Movies" ]
Humor & Entertainment
By Stan! A Short Adventure for Four 7th-Level Heroes A FUNNY THING HAPPENED AT CAROUSEL #5 Not every adventure pits the heroes against malign forces bent on world domination. In fact, sometimes the most interesting situations occur completely by accident. The series of misunderstandings that precipitates this adventure can without a doubt be solved quickly, quietly, and without any danger to life and limb. But considering how most heroes behave in the face of an unusual situation, such an outcome seems extremely unlikely. A Funny Thing Happened At Carousel #5 is a real adventure, with real threats and real rewards. However, it’s anything but serious, and you as GM should plan to run it with tongue firmly in cheek. Those who do not like to mix a wisp of comedy with their adventures may want to look away before it’s too late. The author denies that the following tale has any- thing to do with Peter Bogdanovich’s brilliant 1972 screwball comedy, What’s Up, Doc? Rather, he lays the blam
A Warden's Purpose (Wardens of Issalia)
Jeffrey L. Kohanek
<span>"</span><span>I absolutely love everything about this book. The characters are amazing and the story itself is fresh and unique. I can't wait to read more!</span><span>" - Amazon</span><span></span>
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Teen &amp; Young Adult", "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
The Warden The Warden The Warden The Warden Credits Author: Brad Whittingham Creative Director: Adam Meyers Interior Art: Gennifer Bone, Eric Lofgren, Juan Dlanderas, Dean Spencer Cover Art: Gennifer Bone Layout: Rachel Meyers Editing: Johannes Luber Special Thanks: Steven Alpert, Wren Rosario, Derfael Oliveira, David Spektorov, Johannes Luber, James Allen, Grace F, Logan S, Paul Fossgreen, Thomas Grady, Hal Kennette, Spencer Gross, Lucas Hopegood, David Barnett The Warden This Handbook was created by Visit to lend your support. Contents Introduction .......................................................................................3 Navigating This Book ..............................................................................3 The Warden ......................................................................................4 Class Features .........................................................................................4 Ward
Cities Of Fantasy: Stormhaven - City On A Thousand Seas (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.0 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Patrick Younts
Very Good in Wraps; 4to; Paperback; 64 pages; B/W Illustrations; Mongoose Publishing; 2002; First Thus; Minor shelf wear; Text unmarked but smells of smoke.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2017 by Printable Heroes and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Wreck Hunter: Quest For Lost Shipwrecks
Terry Dwyer
Terry Dwyer was born in the coastal community of New Waterford, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. He learned to scuba dive at the age of fifteen. Clearing propellors of rope and nets for local fishermen enabled him to start his first dive company, Sea Divers, at age sixteen. He spent five years working for a treasure hunting company and then spent the next twenty years of his life working in the Canadian scuba diving industry. In 1992 he received a Commendation for an Act of Personal Bravery. In 1994 he founded the Nova Scotia Scuba Association. In 1995 his diving company Deep Star was selected by Lightstorm Entertainment (James Cameron) to provide the diving support services for the motion picture 'Titanic', parts of which were filmed in Nova Scotia. In 1997, in recognition of outstanding contributions to the principals of the sport of scuba diving in Nova Scotia, he was awarded The Sports Network (TSN) Spirit of the Sport Award. He has authored and published numerous articles on scuba tourism, shipwrecks and ship diving in Nova Scotia, and he is one of the foremost authorities on St. Paul Island. He is also a professional underwater videographer and photographer. In August 2000 he and Mark Stanton of Divers Town Television co-produced the Nova Scotia Tourism video, Dive Nova Scotia.
[ "Engineering & Transportation" ]
[ "Engineering &amp; Transportation", "Transportation" ]
Engineering & Transportation
. CCC-SFBAY 01-01 PLOTS IN MOTION An 8 hour adventure for characters levels 5-10 Contents 1 Introduction 4 Adventure Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Adventure Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Plot Hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 Hofstead’s Beacon 6 Obligatory Bar Fight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Interrogation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Relighting the Beacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Into the Storm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Meeting the Survivors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ship Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Departure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Encounter: Obligatory Bar Fight . . . . . . . . . 11 Encounter: Struggle in the Surf . . . . . . . . . 14 3 Journey Down the River Lis 18 Encounter: Seafood Buffet . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4 Thulman’s Keep 22 A. Main Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 B. Outbuildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 C. The Centr
The Coin Collector's Survival Manual
Scott A. Travers
<b>Scott A. Travers</b> ranks as one of the most knowledgeable and influential coin dealers in the world. His name is familiar to readers everywhere as the author of six bestselling books on coins: <i>One-Minute Coin Expert</i>, <i>How to Make Money in Coins Right Now</i>, <i>Travers' Rare Coin Investment Strategy</i>, <i>Scott Travers' Top 88 Coins Over $100</i>, <i>The Insider's Guide to U.S. Coin Values</i>, and <i>The Investor's Guide to Coin Trading</i>, and the forthcoming <i>Coin Collector's Survival Manual</i>. All of them have won awards from the prestigious Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG). In 2002, NLG awarded him its highest bestowable honor, the lifetime achievement Clemy. He was elected vice president (1997-1999) of the American Numismatic Association, a congressionally chartered, nonprofit educational organization. He is contributing editor to <i>COINage</i> magazine and a regular contributor to other numismatic periodicals, and has served as a coin valuation consultant to the Federal Trade Commission. His opinions as an expert are often sought by publications such as <i>Barron's</i>, <i>Business Week</i>, and The <i>Wall Street Journal</i>. A frequent guest on radio and television programs, Scott Travers has won awards and gained an impressive reputation not only as a coin expert but also as a forceful consumer advocate for the coin-buying public. He serves as numismatic advisor to a number of major investment funds and has coordinated the liquidation of numerous important coin collections. He is president of Scott Travers Rare Coin Galleries, LLC, in New York City. Please visit him online at <u></u>
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Antiques &amp; Collectibles" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 2 or 4 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE (Cross off all items NOT found) APL 8 (all of the following): � +1 Mithral Chain Shirt or Full Plate (Adventure; DMG) � +1 Shadow Silent Moves Mithral Breastplate (Adventure; DMG) � Ring of Counterspells (Adve
The Book of Marvelous Magic (Dungeons and Dragons Game Supplement AC4)
Frank Mentzer
The Book of Marvelous Magic is 80 information-packed pages on new and old magicqal items, arranged alphabetically for easy use.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Menace Of The Icy Spire A 5e Solo Conversion Menace of the Icy Spire A 5E Solo Conversion By Paul Bimler CREDITS Art credits: Elven Tower Maps, Purple Duck Games, Tom Prante, Ivan Bilibin, Albert Bierstadt Original Module by Sean Molley Conversion Text by Paul Bimler DM’s Guild Products used: Dungeon Magazine Issue 159 Expanded Armory & Gear by Jason Mendell Traders & Merchants! by Warlock Homebrew The Emporium of Uncanny Magic: Lost Potions By Scott Fitzgerald Gray Art Collection: 111 CCO Nature Landscapes by Christian Eichhorn Playtesting / Editing by: John Todsen, David Bond, Kristina Chun, Adrian Aguirre Riofrio, Nathan Voss, Scott Niedjela DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the
Greyhawk Adventures: From the Ashes/Boxed Set (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Ed)
From the Ashes is a Dungeons &amp; Dragons gaming accessory for the games World of Greyhawk campaign setting. It was published in 1992 by TSR, as a boxed set of materials. The work was primarily designed and written by Carl Sargent. The accessory was the first major update of the entire campaign setting to be published after the first boxed set, World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting, was released in 1983. From the Ashes focuses on the situation on the Flanaess in the spring of 585 CY, in the immediate aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
D g a U C A D D D D D D R D M th p u © D Decades have p guide ships. No ancient was dis Uncover the sec Credits Adventure Design Development and D&D Organized P D&D R&D Player D&D Adventurers D&D Adventurers Debut: August 14 Release: Septemb DUNGEONS & DR Master’s Guide, D& heir respective log property of Wizard unauthorized use ©2014 Wizards of Delémont, CH. Re Not for r Sec passed since So ow, that beacon scovered in the crets of Sokol K n: Pieter Sleijpen d Editing: Claire H Play: Chris Tulac r Experience: Gre s League Wizards s League Admini 4, 2014 ber 1, 2014 RAGONS, D&D, W &D Adventurers Le gos are trademark ds of the Coast. Th of the material or f the Coast LLC, P presented by Has resale. Permission rets okol Keep was n has gone dark grounds benea Keep! An adven Hoffman, Chris T h eg Bilsland s Team: Greg Bil strators: Robert Wizards of the Co eague, D&D Enco ks of Wizards of th his material is pro artwork contained PO Box 707, Rento sbro Europe,
World of Warcraft Dungeon Companion
BradyGames, an imprint of DK and a division of Penguin Random House Inc., is the worlds leading publisher of strategy content for PC and console video games. BradyGames understands what gamersboth casual and hardcorewant and need from strategy guides. Every guide features in-depth content, detailed screen captures, quick-reference tips, and professional strategy. Prima Games is also a leader in the digital strategy realm, offering interactive maps, streaming video, searchable online guides and apps, and a full website at
[ "Computer Science", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Games &amp; Strategy Guides" ]
Computer Science
Øone Roleplaying Games www.Ø master@Ø Øone’s Black & White: Heavenring Village - Virtual Boxed Set© Product Code: bew013. First edition 05/2010 Design: Mario Barbati 2D drawings: Mario Barbati Graphics: O’Bully Software Engineer: Anna Fava All of the content of this book is © by Øone Roleplaying Games. The reproduction or retransmission of any part of this book, without written permission of the copyright holder is expressly forbidden, except for the purpose of reviews. Permission is granted to print this book for personal use only. This file is part of the Heavenring Village - Virtual Boxed Set© and can not be sold separately HEAVENRING VILLAGE Referee Map The Rule the Dungeon© Feature This Øone’s exclusive feature allows you to customize the look of your map by adding the furniture, toggle the grid, hide the room numbers and much more. On the Referee poster map and on each single map, you will find a big “Rule the Dungeon” button. This button will not be
Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Greyhawk Adventures
James M. WARD
Official advanced Dungeons & Dragons Greyhawk Adventures. Has 128 pages. Printed 1988 This book is for experienced role players looking for something exciting and original to use in their fantasy gaming. Its pages are filled with bold new gaming experiences. With this book, you join the ranks of the best role players in the world. Your search for glory and fame awaits the turning of a single page!
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. NYR5-S02 The Ratcatchers’ Guild A One-Round D&D LIVING GREYHAWK® Nyrond Introductory Adventure Version 1.0 Round 1 by John D. Jenks, Amy Gillespie with special thanks to Dennis Holliday for the original idea
DRILLING DOWN: Turning Customer Data into Profits with a Spreadsheet - Third Edition
Jim Novo
Here's some Frequently Asked Questions on Jim Novo's book: <P>Q: You say these techniques work for "any size business". How can that be? What kind of business does it work for? <P>A: The Drilling Down approach uses customer activity profiling. Online customer behavior is pretty much the same in a small or large business scenario; if visits or purchases are important to the profitability of the business, the Drilling Down approach works. <P>The tools used by each size of business are different, not the ideas driving their use. For example, a small business may be using MS Excel or Access to keep track of customers, and a large business would be using a CRM app. The small business would be exporting targeted customers to a file; large business would be using the Drilling Down ideas to build rules for the CRM engine. <P>That said, the Drilling Down approach is probably least useful in very high ticket B2B shops, where sales cycles are quite long and usually handled by salespeople. Drilling Down is a "direct to customer" approach, and works particularly well in online content publishing and retailing. <P>Q: What's an "activity-based" profile, and why is it important? <P>A: Activity-based profiles or models are more powerful than demographic profiles because they are about "action", they attempt to predict the future. Will the customer visit again? Will they buy again? Will they respond to a promotion? These are the types of questions activity-based profiles answer. You will not get these answers from knowing a customer is 45 years old, lives in New York, and likes cats. <P>That said, adding demographics to an activity-based profile can be very powerful, because the demos supply some of the answers to "why" the customer may behave in the way predicted by the activity-based profile. This allows you to write better copy for promotions and more carefully target groups of customers. <P>Q: What kind of customer data do I need? <P>A: The least data you need is a group of customer transactions from a single source (purchases or visits, for example) having a date of the activity and customer identifier of some kind. Any data you have beyond this just improves your ability to profile your customers. <P>Q: What methods does Drilling Down use? <P>A: Drilling Down uses derivations of the RFM method developed in cataloging and TV shopping for predicting the likelihood of a customer responding to promotions and judging a customer's value to the company. There are three important differences though. First, the original RFM model is a "one shot" model, taking a snapshot of customer behavior at a point in time. The Drilling Down method looks at customer behavior over time (Customer LifeCycles), which greatly improves on the original model. Second, interactive customers behave differently than offline customers, so the "classic" RFM approach has to be modified for use on the 'Net. Third, the original RFM model is difficult for people without a background in database marketing to deal with. The Drilling Down method simplifies the process to make it easy for people new to data-driven marketing to use, and adds the capability of using visual displays (graphs and charts) of customer behavior to aid in decision making. <P>Q: Why is the Drilling Down approach unique? <P>A: Most books or articles on the Latency, Recency, and RFM models are difficult to digest and hard to follow. They show you the theory but don't teach you how to actually construct and implement High ROI Customer Marketing campaigns yourself. This book shows you how to profile and segment or score customers, step by step, in simple language, with a spreadsheet (or any other program you want to use or write yourself to do the scoring - the business rules are provided). Then it shows you how to use the results like the big guys do to increase profits! <P>This is just where it starts, though. This book extends the basic theories of RFM into a number of tools you can use to improve customer retention, measure the effectiveness of content changes to your site, put a valuation on your business and more. <P>Along this journey you will also learn how ROI, LifeTime Value, customer LifeCycles, and all the other little gems of data-driven marketing link together for a total picture of how marketing with customer data works. <P>Q: What's the output of all this, what do I get in the end? <P>A: In the most simplistic case, each customer gets a "score" to start off their profile. This score ranks the likelihood of a customer to respond to a promotion relative to all the other customers, and is a measure of a customer's future value to your business. The score allows you to rank your customers by where they are in the customer LifeCycle. As the book advances, you see how to use these scores in a lot of different ways, both alone and in combination with any other customer data you may have. The actual "physical" output favored in the book is graphs and charts, so you can "visualize" customer retention and defection, and pick targets for marketing campaigns by looking at these graphs and charts. <P>Q: What if I don't sell anything on my site? Can the book help me? <P>A: Absolutely. Any activity a customer generates (a visit or download, for example) can be used in profiling. Content only sites can benefit from using profiles to determine who their best customers are, what parts of the site they visit, and what areas could use improvement. Just because a page has high traffic doesn't mean your best customers are using it. What if you found out your "stickiest" customers actually hang out more in a low page volume area? This would have tremendous implications for the site design and content. Profiles can also be used to assess the effectiveness of changes made to the site. There are solid examples of these approaches provided in the book.
[ "Marketing & Sales", "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business & Money", "Marketing & Sales" ]
Marketing & Sales
By Kris Leonard Of Kirin and KraKen PATHFINDER SOCIETY SCENARIO #6–13 TIER 7–11 Publisher • Erik Mona Paizo CEO • Lisa Stevens Chief Operations Officer • Jeffrey Alvarez Director of Sales • Pierce Watters Sales Associate • Cosmo Eisele Marketing Director • Jenny Bendel Vice President of Finance • Christopher Self Staff Accountant • Ashley Kaprielian Data Entry Clerk • B. Scott Keim Chief Technical Officer • Vic Wertz Software Development Manager • Cort Odekirk Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter Campaign Coordinator • Mike Brock Project Manager • Jessica Price Licensing Coordinator • Michael Kenway Customer Service Team • Sharaya Kemp, Katina Mathieson, Sara Marie Teter, and Diego Valdez Warehouse Team • Will Chase, Mika Hawkins, Heather Payne, Jeff Strand, and Kevin Underwood Website Team • Christopher Anthony, Liz Courts, Winslow Dalpe, Lissa Guillet, Erik Keith, Chris Lambertz, and Scott Spalding Author • Kris Leonard Contributing Artists • Ryan Portillo and Vicky Yarova C
3D Action Gamer's Bible: Strategies, Secrets & Cheats for the Most Popular 3D Action Games (Prima's secrets of the games)
Kip Ward
<b>All the secrets for all the best action games<br>This Bible Leads to 3D Salvation!!!</b>
[ "Computer Science", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
[ "Computers & Technology", "Games & Strategy Guides" ]
Computer Science
UMBERTO PIGNATELLI UMBERTO PIGNATELLI 31060 31060 DEADLY CHANT DEADLY CHANT by Umberto Pignatelli Editing & pROOFREAding: ScOtt AlAn WOOdARd cOvER, gRAphic dESign & typESEtting: RObin ElliOtt ARt: gOng cREAtivES plAytEStERS: dAniElE bOnEttO, lucA cOERO bORgA, MAnER SAMuEl, pAOlO bOiERO, piERpAOlO FERRARi. SpEciAl thAnkS tO: MARtA cAStEllAnO (My WiFE) FOR SuppORting ME All thE WAy And FRAncEScA viAREngO FOR ShE knOWS EvEn MORE StuFF WWW.tRiplEAcEgAMES.cOM © 2010 Triple Ace Games. Daring Tales of the Space Lanes and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Triple Ace Games. Savage Worlds, Smiling Jack and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Used with permission. © 2010. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to print this ebook for personal use only. This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trade
The Tempest (Saddleback's Illustrated Classics)
William Shakespeare
Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, and his daughter, Miranda, were put out to sea in nothing more than a raft but were miraculously spared, arriving safely on an enchanted island. Using the island's magic, which the sorcerer Prospero has learned to control over many years, he conjures up a storm that envelopes a nearby ship containing his enemies. Each separate group of survivors is manipulated by Prospero. Will his marooned rivals apologize for their mistakes?
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Literature & Fiction" ]
[ "Teen &amp; Young Adult", "Literature &amp; Fiction" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
The Tempestarian’s Handbook The Tempestarian’s Handbook Credits Author: Jeff Collins Creative Director: Adam Meyers Interior Art: Vagelio Kaliva and Jack Holliday Cover Art: Gennifer Bone Layout: Rachel Meyers Special Thanks: David Silver, J. Gray, Johannes Luber The Tempestarian’s Handbook This Handbook was created by Visit to lend your support. Contents Introduction .......................................................................................3 Class Options .....................................................................................4 Archetypes ........................................................................................................4 Weather harvester (Alchemist archetype) .................................................4 Vajrahasta (Armorist archetype) ..............................................................5 Wendigo (Bloodrager archetype) ............................................................
To Fall Among Vultures: Union Earth Privateers: Book 2
Scott Warren
The hardcore science fiction fan's dream.<br /> (J.D. DeHart, Author)
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
Privateer’s Bounty A Savage Tale by Zeke Sparkes Maps By Niklas Brandt Edited by Simon Lucas and Shane Lacy Hensley Playtested by Skipper Beale, Kyle Gallagher, Michelle and Shane Hensley, John and Christy Hopler, Bert Isla, Chris Libey, & Christopher Toh This electronic book is sold exclusively at RPGNOW.COM. Redistribution by print or file is a violation of copyright Savage Worlds, Smiling Jack, Great White Games, 50 Fathoms and all unique characters, creatures, and locations herein are Copyright 2003, Great White Games. Privateer’s Bounty is copyright Zeke Sparkes. 2 The boards groan and the ship skims along, her sails taut with the full wind. Ocean spray smashes rhythmically off the bow as she slices through wave after wave. She’s a lean ship, fast and well-rigged; built for speed. It’s been a tense four hours since the lookout first spied the French frigate. She sits low in the water, fat with whatever cargo and riches her captain hauls. She’s close enough now that a spyglass isn
National Geographic Kids Awesome Animals: With Games, Facts, and 10 Pull-out Posters!
National Geographic
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC is one of the worlds leading nonfiction publishers, proudly supporting the work of scientists, explorers, photographers, and authors, as well as publishing a diverse list of books that celebrate the world and all that is in it. National Geographic Books creates and distributes print and digital works that inspire, entertain, teach, and give readers access to a world of discovery and possibility on a wide range of nonfiction subjects from animals to travel, cartography to history, fun facts to moving stories. A portion of all National Geographic proceeds is used to fund exploration, conservation, and education through ongoing contributions to the work of the National Geographic Society.
[ "Children's Books", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Arts, Music &amp; Photography" ]
Children's Books
The Last-Minute GM: 20-Sided Quickies Chart II: Monsters, Events, and Places D20 Roll Monster Modifier/ Event Landform/ Water Feature Generic Types Creature Habitation 1 Bear Acid Canyon avian battlefield Centipede Bubbling Brook 2 Wolf Dry Wasteland enchanted enchanted Elephant Erupting Wetland 3 Jaguar Tangled Jungle incorporeal trade route Trout Thawing Ice flows 4 Frog Fiery Forest fiend forbidden Ostrich Quaking Falls 5 Lizard Volcanic Valley undead lost/ Vampire Bat Venting Lake legendary 6 Snake Slippery Slope shapeless subterranean Shark Sliding Sea Coast 7 Pig Muddy Mountain plant patrolled Piranha Parting Pond 8 Horse Hazy Hedges hybrid hellish Hippo Hailing Kelp Fields 9 Goat Noxious Glacier golem nomad lands Giraffe Growing Geyser 0 Zebra Rocky Ridge reptilian ruins Rhinoceros Rolling Rapids 11 – 12 Rat Hot Sand humanoid / fortified Yak Scorching Saltwater primate 13 – 14 Sheep Stormy Ditch vermin sacred Ape Gusting Spring 15 – 17 Cattle Icy Plain herd ani
Crime and Custom in Savage Society
Bronislaw Malinowski
Now and then a book is written which cuts mercilessly through an accumulation of traditional conceptions and by the light of overlooked or misinterpreted facts and common sense shows us how absurd the orthodox ideas have really been. Such a book is this volume of Dr. Malinowski's, which brilliantly, concisely, and in non-technical language demonstrates how very wrong and indeed impossible are the currently accepted views of some of the fundamentals of savage life. (<i>Saturday Review</i>)
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting", "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting", "Psychology & Counseling" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
TOP FASHION GAMES 1 STUPID FANTASY LAWS, VOL. 9 Written By: Dave Woodrum Copyright 2006, Top Fashion Games. Contact: EXPLORING THE MOST WON- DROUSLY STUPID AND QUITE CERTAINLY PERHAPS THE MOST OPPRESSIVE LAWS OF THE LAND: While murder, rape, exploitation, theft, and abuse are certainly novel selections for crimes appropriately punished these infractions against society are rather… well, terribly bland and a bit too straight to the point. So straight to the point, in fact, that any true, red blooded village wracked with superstitious idealiza- tions should have little to fear from the threat of such obvious crimes. Real villages and communities need crimes rooted from pathetic inner fears. Real villages need stupid, oppressive laws. Based on both the superstitions of the past and the in- active laws still written on the books throughout the real world comes Stupid Fantasy Laws, Volume 9. In this role playing product you will find
The Guild Leader's Handbook: Strategies and Guidance from a Battle-Scarred MMO Veteran
Scott F. Andrews
For the past three years, <b>Scott F. Andrews</b> has been helping other guild leaders and officers with his weekly advice column "Officers' Quarters" for A veteran of the MMO genre, he leads one of the oldest surviving guilds in <i>World of Warcraft</i>.
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Networking &amp; Cloud Computing" ]
Computer Science
By Cole Kronewitter THE RASPING REBIRTH PATHFINDER SOCIETY SCENARIO #10-09 TIER 12–15 Pathfinder Society Scenario #10–09: The Rasping Rebirth is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 12th- through 15th-level characters (Tier 12–15; Subtiers 12–13 and 14–15). This scenario is designed for play in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild campaign, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. For more information on the Roleplaying Guild, how to read the attached Chronicle sheets, and how to find games in your area, check out the campaign’s home page at HOW TO PLAY Author • Cole Kronewitter Development Lead • Linda Zayas-Palmer Contributing Artists • Josef Kucera, Chris Seaman, and Lindsey Wakefield Cartographer • Jason Engle, Sean Macdonald, and Corey Macourek Creative Directors • James Jacobs, Robert G. McCreary, and Sarah E. Robinson Director of Game Design • Jason Bulmahn Managing Developers • Adam Daigle and Amanda Hamon Kunz
Gloomy Gus (Old Edition)
Walt Morey
Because of an agreement his alcoholic father makes with a circus, 15-year-old Eric begins a long journey south from Alaska with the huge Kodiak bear he raised from a cub.
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
Old Gus’ Errata: TALES from the WEIRD WEST Ghoul Player Race 9 Class Archetypes, 7 Backgrounds and 16 Feats Additional Rules for Firearms, Explosives and Ropes Old Gus’ Errata: TALES from the WEIRD WEST Ghoul Player Race 9 Class Archetypes, 7 Backgrounds and 16 Feats Additional Rules for Firearms, Explosives and Ropes Old Gus’ Errata: Tales from the Weird West 2 Designer’s Notes Old Gus’ Errata: Tales from the Weird West, v1.02 (March 13, 2019). This document provides rules and mechanics for a post-apocalyptic, pulp-horror western setting to supplement Dungeon & Dragons 5th Edition. This material is not officially part of the game and isn’t permitted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League events. Design, Writing, Layout: Old Gus (Partario Flynn) Cover Illustration: Roman Chaliy, Featured Artists: Andrea Silva, Angelique Shelley, Antony C
Red Christmas: The Tatsinskaya Airfield Raid 1942
Robert Forczyk
"Osprey recently published <i>Red Christmas</i> by Robert Forczyk. The author takes a relatively minor but very appealing action from the Russian Front and produces a thorough, engaging, and illuminating addition to Osprey's enormous line. And, in this case, Forczyk's work probably stands as the best book on the topic, at least in English....A noteworthy account of an exciting episode, and a near-perfect example of Osprey at its best."<br /><i>--Stone &amp; Stone, Second World War Books</i>
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Europe" ]
Cartography by Robert Lazzaretti INTERACTIVE MAPS PART 5 OF 6 Rasptuin Must Die! 1 square = 5 feet Baba Yaga’s Dancing Hut The Village of Akuvskaya 1 square = 10 feet 1 square = 5 feet Dancing Hut a1 a8 a3 a2 a4 a5 a7 a6 a2 a4 a3 a1 a5 a5 a2 a5 a6 a4 a7 a3 a6 a1 a2 a4 a5 a6 a7 B3. tsar tank B3 B1 B1 B2 B2 B4 Map Tags Off Grid Off 1 square = 10 feet Akuvskaya Prison Camp C5 C3 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C4 C7 C6 D1 D2 E E1 E2 G D3 F D5 D4 D6 D7 D8 D9 C3 C3 C2 C2 C3 C1b C1b C1c C1a C1a C1b C1a C1c C1b C1a Map Tags Off Grid Off Prison Camp Buildings 1 square = 5 feet Akuvskaya Monastery 1 square = 5 feet G1 G2 G3 F2 F1 F3 F4 Camp OutbuildinG barraCks G. the ruined Chapel F. the abbOt hOuse C1. trenCh WatChtOWer side VieW H1 H2 H3 H5 H7 H8 H4b H4a up up up H6 Map Tags Off Grid Off
Cars Are Cool! (StoryBots)
Accolades for the StoryBots digital media:<br /> Appy Award for Best Book App<br />Teacher's Choice Award<br /> Editors Choice<i>Childrens Technology Review</i><br /> Family Choice Award<br /> Parents Choice Award<br />Cynopsis Kids !magination Award for best educational mobile app
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Activities, Crafts &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Rules Draft December 7, 2020 Car Wars Sixth Edition — Bots by Sam Mitschke These rules allow you to add autonomous cars to Car Wars Sixth Edition games that have fewer than four players. These “bots” follow logic scripts as outlined below. A human player is required to manage each bot’s dashboard, tokens, and dice rolls over the course of the game, and we are presuming that player already has a solid understanding of the Car Wars Sixth Edition core rules. CAR CONSTRUCTION For the most part, a bot car build is just like any other. For your first few games using a bot, we suggest using the build recipes provided in the Car Wars Sixth Edition Vehicle Guide as a starting point. Note that bots always activate items and abilities each time the opportunity arises, and they always take actions that would be optional for a human player. Some cards provide choices that are not always obvious (such as when to use the Targeting Computer or when to activate the Thundercat Batt
American Trademarks: A Compendium
Eric Baker
Eric Baker's graphic design work has appeared in numerous publications. He blogs at<br /><br />Designer Tyler Blik's work has been recognized by the AIGA, ADDY, Graphis, Domus, and ID.
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Decorative Arts &amp; Design" ]
Arts & Photography
TRADE ROUTES: Expanded Caravan Rules Sourcebook Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See Roleplaying GameRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. 3.5 SYSTEM COMPATIBLE LPJ9496 WRiTTEn By Chris Field with Louis Porter Jr. COvER ART Public Usage GRAphiC DESiGn & LAyOUT Louis Porter, Jr. Design LOUiS pORTER, JR DESiGn 5580 SW 97th Terrace Cooper City, FL 33328 Louis Porter Jr. Design & logos are a trademark owned by Louis Porter Jr. Inc. All rights reserved. All other content is copyright 2011 Louis Porter Jr. Design Inc. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. This book is compatible with
Little Red Tool Box: JUMBO Fold-Out Magnetic Mats (5-pack)
Get your students on the road to reading success with the Little Red Toolbox Jumbo Fold-Out Magnetic Mats! It's one of the simplest-yet most versatile-literacy tools around! No matter what your students' skill level, there's something for everyone: from alphabet letter recognition to word, and even sentence, building. These magnetic mats open like a book. On the inside you'll find four columns for a variety of sorting and building activities, and on the outside you'll find a white board for open-ended tasks. The mats can be used in a 9-by-12-inch form or expanded to an 18-by-12-inch jumbo form. They also have write-on/wipe-off surfaces so all you need is a dry-erase marker to customize your literacy instruction even further! Includes a teaching guide with ideas for using the mats with other Little Red Toolbox literacy products!
[ "Education & Teaching" ]
[ "Education &amp; Teaching", "Schools &amp; Teaching", "Instruction Methods" ]
Education & Teaching
© 2018 PAIZO INC. Flip-Mat Multi-Pack © 2018 PAIZO INC. Flip-Mat Multi-Pack © 2018 PAIZO INC. Flip-Mat Multi-Pack © 2018 PAIZO INC. Flip-Mat Multi-Pack