5 values
table([ eof x: 375 y: 167 z: 361, base z: 0, cup black x: 230 y: 83, ball blue x: 210 y: 207 , ball red x: 251 y: 259 , ball yellow x: 232 y: 271 , ball green x: 21 y: 241 , ball orange x: 56 y: 316])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (375; 167; 361) * to (210; 207; 10)* close gripper * from (210; 207; 10) * to (210; 207; 100) * from (210; 207; 100) * to (230; 83; 10) * open gripper * from (230; 83; 10) * to (375; 167; 361)
table([ eof x: 375 y: 167 z: 361, base z: 0, cup black x: 230 y: 83, ball blue x: 210 y: 207 , ball red x: 251 y: 259 , ball yellow x: 232 y: 271 , ball green x: 21 y: 241 , ball orange x: 56 y: 316])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (375; 167; 361) * to (251; 259; 10)* close gripper * from (251; 259; 10) * to (251; 259; 100) * from (251; 259; 100) * to (230; 83; 10) * open gripper * from (230; 83; 10) * to (375; 167; 361)
table([ eof x: 375 y: 167 z: 361, base z: 0, cup black x: 230 y: 83, ball blue x: 210 y: 207 , ball red x: 251 y: 259 , ball yellow x: 232 y: 271 , ball green x: 21 y: 241 , ball orange x: 56 y: 316])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (375; 167; 361) * to (232; 271; 10)* close gripper * from (232; 271; 10) * to (232; 271; 100) * from (232; 271; 100) * to (230; 83; 10) * open gripper * from (230; 83; 10) * to (375; 167; 361)
table([ eof x: 375 y: 167 z: 361, base z: 0, cup black x: 230 y: 83, ball blue x: 210 y: 207 , ball red x: 251 y: 259 , ball yellow x: 232 y: 271 , ball green x: 21 y: 241 , ball orange x: 56 y: 316])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (375; 167; 361) * to (21; 241; 10)* close gripper * from (21; 241; 10) * to (21; 241; 100) * from (21; 241; 100) * to (230; 83; 10) * open gripper * from (230; 83; 10) * to (375; 167; 361)
table([ eof x: 375 y: 167 z: 361, base z: 0, cup black x: 230 y: 83, ball blue x: 210 y: 207 , ball red x: 251 y: 259 , ball yellow x: 232 y: 271 , ball green x: 21 y: 241 , ball orange x: 56 y: 316])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (375; 167; 361) * to (56; 316; 10)* close gripper * from (56; 316; 10) * to (56; 316; 100) * from (56; 316; 100) * to (230; 83; 10) * open gripper * from (230; 83; 10) * to (375; 167; 361)
table([ eof x: 265 y: 244 z: 396, base z: 0, cup black x: 350 y: 396, ball blue x: 86 y: 165 , ball red x: 192 y: 300 , ball yellow x: 36 y: 191 , ball green x: 114 y: 89 , ball orange x: 282 y: 146])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (265; 244; 396) * to (86; 165; 10)* close gripper * from (86; 165; 10) * to (86; 165; 100) * from (86; 165; 100) * to (350; 396; 10) * open gripper * from (350; 396; 10) * to (265; 244; 396)
table([ eof x: 265 y: 244 z: 396, base z: 0, cup black x: 350 y: 396, ball blue x: 86 y: 165 , ball red x: 192 y: 300 , ball yellow x: 36 y: 191 , ball green x: 114 y: 89 , ball orange x: 282 y: 146])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (265; 244; 396) * to (192; 300; 10)* close gripper * from (192; 300; 10) * to (192; 300; 100) * from (192; 300; 100) * to (350; 396; 10) * open gripper * from (350; 396; 10) * to (265; 244; 396)
table([ eof x: 265 y: 244 z: 396, base z: 0, cup black x: 350 y: 396, ball blue x: 86 y: 165 , ball red x: 192 y: 300 , ball yellow x: 36 y: 191 , ball green x: 114 y: 89 , ball orange x: 282 y: 146])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (265; 244; 396) * to (36; 191; 10)* close gripper * from (36; 191; 10) * to (36; 191; 100) * from (36; 191; 100) * to (350; 396; 10) * open gripper * from (350; 396; 10) * to (265; 244; 396)
table([ eof x: 265 y: 244 z: 396, base z: 0, cup black x: 350 y: 396, ball blue x: 86 y: 165 , ball red x: 192 y: 300 , ball yellow x: 36 y: 191 , ball green x: 114 y: 89 , ball orange x: 282 y: 146])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (265; 244; 396) * to (114; 89; 10)* close gripper * from (114; 89; 10) * to (114; 89; 100) * from (114; 89; 100) * to (350; 396; 10) * open gripper * from (350; 396; 10) * to (265; 244; 396)
table([ eof x: 265 y: 244 z: 396, base z: 0, cup black x: 350 y: 396, ball blue x: 86 y: 165 , ball red x: 192 y: 300 , ball yellow x: 36 y: 191 , ball green x: 114 y: 89 , ball orange x: 282 y: 146])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (265; 244; 396) * to (282; 146; 10)* close gripper * from (282; 146; 10) * to (282; 146; 100) * from (282; 146; 100) * to (350; 396; 10) * open gripper * from (350; 396; 10) * to (265; 244; 396)
table([ eof x: 163 y: 180 z: 318, base z: 0, cup black x: 251 y: 86, ball blue x: 70 y: 2 , ball red x: 75 y: 31 , ball yellow x: 144 y: 137 , ball green x: 168 y: 25 , ball orange x: 135 y: 238])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (163; 180; 318) * to (70; 2; 10)* close gripper * from (70; 2; 10) * to (70; 2; 100) * from (70; 2; 100) * to (251; 86; 10) * open gripper * from (251; 86; 10) * to (163; 180; 318)
table([ eof x: 163 y: 180 z: 318, base z: 0, cup black x: 251 y: 86, ball blue x: 70 y: 2 , ball red x: 75 y: 31 , ball yellow x: 144 y: 137 , ball green x: 168 y: 25 , ball orange x: 135 y: 238])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (163; 180; 318) * to (75; 31; 10)* close gripper * from (75; 31; 10) * to (75; 31; 100) * from (75; 31; 100) * to (251; 86; 10) * open gripper * from (251; 86; 10) * to (163; 180; 318)
table([ eof x: 163 y: 180 z: 318, base z: 0, cup black x: 251 y: 86, ball blue x: 70 y: 2 , ball red x: 75 y: 31 , ball yellow x: 144 y: 137 , ball green x: 168 y: 25 , ball orange x: 135 y: 238])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (163; 180; 318) * to (144; 137; 10)* close gripper * from (144; 137; 10) * to (144; 137; 100) * from (144; 137; 100) * to (251; 86; 10) * open gripper * from (251; 86; 10) * to (163; 180; 318)
table([ eof x: 163 y: 180 z: 318, base z: 0, cup black x: 251 y: 86, ball blue x: 70 y: 2 , ball red x: 75 y: 31 , ball yellow x: 144 y: 137 , ball green x: 168 y: 25 , ball orange x: 135 y: 238])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (163; 180; 318) * to (168; 25; 10)* close gripper * from (168; 25; 10) * to (168; 25; 100) * from (168; 25; 100) * to (251; 86; 10) * open gripper * from (251; 86; 10) * to (163; 180; 318)
table([ eof x: 163 y: 180 z: 318, base z: 0, cup black x: 251 y: 86, ball blue x: 70 y: 2 , ball red x: 75 y: 31 , ball yellow x: 144 y: 137 , ball green x: 168 y: 25 , ball orange x: 135 y: 238])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (163; 180; 318) * to (135; 238; 10)* close gripper * from (135; 238; 10) * to (135; 238; 100) * from (135; 238; 100) * to (251; 86; 10) * open gripper * from (251; 86; 10) * to (163; 180; 318)
table([ eof x: 117 y: 346 z: 313, base z: 0, cup black x: 372 y: 145, ball blue x: 41 y: 222 , ball red x: 278 y: 339 , ball yellow x: 306 y: 98 , ball green x: 246 y: 281 , ball orange x: 146 y: 92])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (117; 346; 313) * to (41; 222; 10)* close gripper * from (41; 222; 10) * to (41; 222; 100) * from (41; 222; 100) * to (372; 145; 10) * open gripper * from (372; 145; 10) * to (117; 346; 313)
table([ eof x: 117 y: 346 z: 313, base z: 0, cup black x: 372 y: 145, ball blue x: 41 y: 222 , ball red x: 278 y: 339 , ball yellow x: 306 y: 98 , ball green x: 246 y: 281 , ball orange x: 146 y: 92])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (117; 346; 313) * to (278; 339; 10)* close gripper * from (278; 339; 10) * to (278; 339; 100) * from (278; 339; 100) * to (372; 145; 10) * open gripper * from (372; 145; 10) * to (117; 346; 313)
table([ eof x: 117 y: 346 z: 313, base z: 0, cup black x: 372 y: 145, ball blue x: 41 y: 222 , ball red x: 278 y: 339 , ball yellow x: 306 y: 98 , ball green x: 246 y: 281 , ball orange x: 146 y: 92])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (117; 346; 313) * to (306; 98; 10)* close gripper * from (306; 98; 10) * to (306; 98; 100) * from (306; 98; 100) * to (372; 145; 10) * open gripper * from (372; 145; 10) * to (117; 346; 313)
table([ eof x: 117 y: 346 z: 313, base z: 0, cup black x: 372 y: 145, ball blue x: 41 y: 222 , ball red x: 278 y: 339 , ball yellow x: 306 y: 98 , ball green x: 246 y: 281 , ball orange x: 146 y: 92])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (117; 346; 313) * to (246; 281; 10)* close gripper * from (246; 281; 10) * to (246; 281; 100) * from (246; 281; 100) * to (372; 145; 10) * open gripper * from (372; 145; 10) * to (117; 346; 313)
table([ eof x: 117 y: 346 z: 313, base z: 0, cup black x: 372 y: 145, ball blue x: 41 y: 222 , ball red x: 278 y: 339 , ball yellow x: 306 y: 98 , ball green x: 246 y: 281 , ball orange x: 146 y: 92])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (117; 346; 313) * to (146; 92; 10)* close gripper * from (146; 92; 10) * to (146; 92; 100) * from (146; 92; 100) * to (372; 145; 10) * open gripper * from (372; 145; 10) * to (117; 346; 313)
table([ eof x: 101 y: 299 z: 336, base z: 0, cup black x: 276 y: 32, ball blue x: 25 y: 150 , ball red x: 323 y: 57 , ball yellow x: 298 y: 236 , ball green x: 44 y: 225 , ball orange x: 377 y: 302])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (101; 299; 336) * to (25; 150; 10)* close gripper * from (25; 150; 10) * to (25; 150; 100) * from (25; 150; 100) * to (276; 32; 10) * open gripper * from (276; 32; 10) * to (101; 299; 336)
table([ eof x: 101 y: 299 z: 336, base z: 0, cup black x: 276 y: 32, ball blue x: 25 y: 150 , ball red x: 323 y: 57 , ball yellow x: 298 y: 236 , ball green x: 44 y: 225 , ball orange x: 377 y: 302])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (101; 299; 336) * to (323; 57; 10)* close gripper * from (323; 57; 10) * to (323; 57; 100) * from (323; 57; 100) * to (276; 32; 10) * open gripper * from (276; 32; 10) * to (101; 299; 336)
table([ eof x: 101 y: 299 z: 336, base z: 0, cup black x: 276 y: 32, ball blue x: 25 y: 150 , ball red x: 323 y: 57 , ball yellow x: 298 y: 236 , ball green x: 44 y: 225 , ball orange x: 377 y: 302])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (101; 299; 336) * to (298; 236; 10)* close gripper * from (298; 236; 10) * to (298; 236; 100) * from (298; 236; 100) * to (276; 32; 10) * open gripper * from (276; 32; 10) * to (101; 299; 336)
table([ eof x: 101 y: 299 z: 336, base z: 0, cup black x: 276 y: 32, ball blue x: 25 y: 150 , ball red x: 323 y: 57 , ball yellow x: 298 y: 236 , ball green x: 44 y: 225 , ball orange x: 377 y: 302])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (101; 299; 336) * to (44; 225; 10)* close gripper * from (44; 225; 10) * to (44; 225; 100) * from (44; 225; 100) * to (276; 32; 10) * open gripper * from (276; 32; 10) * to (101; 299; 336)
table([ eof x: 101 y: 299 z: 336, base z: 0, cup black x: 276 y: 32, ball blue x: 25 y: 150 , ball red x: 323 y: 57 , ball yellow x: 298 y: 236 , ball green x: 44 y: 225 , ball orange x: 377 y: 302])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (101; 299; 336) * to (377; 302; 10)* close gripper * from (377; 302; 10) * to (377; 302; 100) * from (377; 302; 100) * to (276; 32; 10) * open gripper * from (276; 32; 10) * to (101; 299; 336)
table([ eof x: 276 y: 368 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 246 y: 287, ball blue x: 317 y: 282 , ball red x: 224 y: 340 , ball yellow x: 168 y: 13 , ball green x: 18 y: 27 , ball orange x: 283 y: 302])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (276; 368; 356) * to (317; 282; 10)* close gripper * from (317; 282; 10) * to (317; 282; 100) * from (317; 282; 100) * to (246; 287; 10) * open gripper * from (246; 287; 10) * to (276; 368; 356)
table([ eof x: 276 y: 368 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 246 y: 287, ball blue x: 317 y: 282 , ball red x: 224 y: 340 , ball yellow x: 168 y: 13 , ball green x: 18 y: 27 , ball orange x: 283 y: 302])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (276; 368; 356) * to (224; 340; 10)* close gripper * from (224; 340; 10) * to (224; 340; 100) * from (224; 340; 100) * to (246; 287; 10) * open gripper * from (246; 287; 10) * to (276; 368; 356)
table([ eof x: 276 y: 368 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 246 y: 287, ball blue x: 317 y: 282 , ball red x: 224 y: 340 , ball yellow x: 168 y: 13 , ball green x: 18 y: 27 , ball orange x: 283 y: 302])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (276; 368; 356) * to (168; 13; 10)* close gripper * from (168; 13; 10) * to (168; 13; 100) * from (168; 13; 100) * to (246; 287; 10) * open gripper * from (246; 287; 10) * to (276; 368; 356)
table([ eof x: 276 y: 368 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 246 y: 287, ball blue x: 317 y: 282 , ball red x: 224 y: 340 , ball yellow x: 168 y: 13 , ball green x: 18 y: 27 , ball orange x: 283 y: 302])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (276; 368; 356) * to (18; 27; 10)* close gripper * from (18; 27; 10) * to (18; 27; 100) * from (18; 27; 100) * to (246; 287; 10) * open gripper * from (246; 287; 10) * to (276; 368; 356)
table([ eof x: 276 y: 368 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 246 y: 287, ball blue x: 317 y: 282 , ball red x: 224 y: 340 , ball yellow x: 168 y: 13 , ball green x: 18 y: 27 , ball orange x: 283 y: 302])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (276; 368; 356) * to (283; 302; 10)* close gripper * from (283; 302; 10) * to (283; 302; 100) * from (283; 302; 100) * to (246; 287; 10) * open gripper * from (246; 287; 10) * to (276; 368; 356)
table([ eof x: 334 y: 364 z: 387, base z: 0, cup black x: 19 y: 212, ball blue x: 242 y: 315 , ball red x: 162 y: 160 , ball yellow x: 291 y: 175 , ball green x: 324 y: 380 , ball orange x: 60 y: 259])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (334; 364; 387) * to (242; 315; 10)* close gripper * from (242; 315; 10) * to (242; 315; 100) * from (242; 315; 100) * to (19; 212; 10) * open gripper * from (19; 212; 10) * to (334; 364; 387)
table([ eof x: 334 y: 364 z: 387, base z: 0, cup black x: 19 y: 212, ball blue x: 242 y: 315 , ball red x: 162 y: 160 , ball yellow x: 291 y: 175 , ball green x: 324 y: 380 , ball orange x: 60 y: 259])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (334; 364; 387) * to (162; 160; 10)* close gripper * from (162; 160; 10) * to (162; 160; 100) * from (162; 160; 100) * to (19; 212; 10) * open gripper * from (19; 212; 10) * to (334; 364; 387)
table([ eof x: 334 y: 364 z: 387, base z: 0, cup black x: 19 y: 212, ball blue x: 242 y: 315 , ball red x: 162 y: 160 , ball yellow x: 291 y: 175 , ball green x: 324 y: 380 , ball orange x: 60 y: 259])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (334; 364; 387) * to (291; 175; 10)* close gripper * from (291; 175; 10) * to (291; 175; 100) * from (291; 175; 100) * to (19; 212; 10) * open gripper * from (19; 212; 10) * to (334; 364; 387)
table([ eof x: 334 y: 364 z: 387, base z: 0, cup black x: 19 y: 212, ball blue x: 242 y: 315 , ball red x: 162 y: 160 , ball yellow x: 291 y: 175 , ball green x: 324 y: 380 , ball orange x: 60 y: 259])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (334; 364; 387) * to (324; 380; 10)* close gripper * from (324; 380; 10) * to (324; 380; 100) * from (324; 380; 100) * to (19; 212; 10) * open gripper * from (19; 212; 10) * to (334; 364; 387)
table([ eof x: 334 y: 364 z: 387, base z: 0, cup black x: 19 y: 212, ball blue x: 242 y: 315 , ball red x: 162 y: 160 , ball yellow x: 291 y: 175 , ball green x: 324 y: 380 , ball orange x: 60 y: 259])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (334; 364; 387) * to (60; 259; 10)* close gripper * from (60; 259; 10) * to (60; 259; 100) * from (60; 259; 100) * to (19; 212; 10) * open gripper * from (19; 212; 10) * to (334; 364; 387)
table([ eof x: 85 y: 184 z: 371, base z: 0, cup black x: 297 y: 335, ball blue x: 73 y: 136 , ball red x: 372 y: 86 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 16 , ball green x: 397 y: 230 , ball orange x: 227 y: 89])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (85; 184; 371) * to (73; 136; 10)* close gripper * from (73; 136; 10) * to (73; 136; 100) * from (73; 136; 100) * to (297; 335; 10) * open gripper * from (297; 335; 10) * to (85; 184; 371)
table([ eof x: 85 y: 184 z: 371, base z: 0, cup black x: 297 y: 335, ball blue x: 73 y: 136 , ball red x: 372 y: 86 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 16 , ball green x: 397 y: 230 , ball orange x: 227 y: 89])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (85; 184; 371) * to (372; 86; 10)* close gripper * from (372; 86; 10) * to (372; 86; 100) * from (372; 86; 100) * to (297; 335; 10) * open gripper * from (297; 335; 10) * to (85; 184; 371)
table([ eof x: 85 y: 184 z: 371, base z: 0, cup black x: 297 y: 335, ball blue x: 73 y: 136 , ball red x: 372 y: 86 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 16 , ball green x: 397 y: 230 , ball orange x: 227 y: 89])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (85; 184; 371) * to (279; 16; 10)* close gripper * from (279; 16; 10) * to (279; 16; 100) * from (279; 16; 100) * to (297; 335; 10) * open gripper * from (297; 335; 10) * to (85; 184; 371)
table([ eof x: 85 y: 184 z: 371, base z: 0, cup black x: 297 y: 335, ball blue x: 73 y: 136 , ball red x: 372 y: 86 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 16 , ball green x: 397 y: 230 , ball orange x: 227 y: 89])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (85; 184; 371) * to (397; 230; 10)* close gripper * from (397; 230; 10) * to (397; 230; 100) * from (397; 230; 100) * to (297; 335; 10) * open gripper * from (297; 335; 10) * to (85; 184; 371)
table([ eof x: 85 y: 184 z: 371, base z: 0, cup black x: 297 y: 335, ball blue x: 73 y: 136 , ball red x: 372 y: 86 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 16 , ball green x: 397 y: 230 , ball orange x: 227 y: 89])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (85; 184; 371) * to (227; 89; 10)* close gripper * from (227; 89; 10) * to (227; 89; 100) * from (227; 89; 100) * to (297; 335; 10) * open gripper * from (297; 335; 10) * to (85; 184; 371)
table([ eof x: 205 y: 101 z: 305, base z: 0, cup black x: 364 y: 201, ball blue x: 394 y: 367 , ball red x: 275 y: 195 , ball yellow x: 218 y: 335 , ball green x: 367 y: 103 , ball orange x: 290 y: 120])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (205; 101; 305) * to (394; 367; 10)* close gripper * from (394; 367; 10) * to (394; 367; 100) * from (394; 367; 100) * to (364; 201; 10) * open gripper * from (364; 201; 10) * to (205; 101; 305)
table([ eof x: 205 y: 101 z: 305, base z: 0, cup black x: 364 y: 201, ball blue x: 394 y: 367 , ball red x: 275 y: 195 , ball yellow x: 218 y: 335 , ball green x: 367 y: 103 , ball orange x: 290 y: 120])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (205; 101; 305) * to (275; 195; 10)* close gripper * from (275; 195; 10) * to (275; 195; 100) * from (275; 195; 100) * to (364; 201; 10) * open gripper * from (364; 201; 10) * to (205; 101; 305)
table([ eof x: 205 y: 101 z: 305, base z: 0, cup black x: 364 y: 201, ball blue x: 394 y: 367 , ball red x: 275 y: 195 , ball yellow x: 218 y: 335 , ball green x: 367 y: 103 , ball orange x: 290 y: 120])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (205; 101; 305) * to (218; 335; 10)* close gripper * from (218; 335; 10) * to (218; 335; 100) * from (218; 335; 100) * to (364; 201; 10) * open gripper * from (364; 201; 10) * to (205; 101; 305)
table([ eof x: 205 y: 101 z: 305, base z: 0, cup black x: 364 y: 201, ball blue x: 394 y: 367 , ball red x: 275 y: 195 , ball yellow x: 218 y: 335 , ball green x: 367 y: 103 , ball orange x: 290 y: 120])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (205; 101; 305) * to (367; 103; 10)* close gripper * from (367; 103; 10) * to (367; 103; 100) * from (367; 103; 100) * to (364; 201; 10) * open gripper * from (364; 201; 10) * to (205; 101; 305)
table([ eof x: 205 y: 101 z: 305, base z: 0, cup black x: 364 y: 201, ball blue x: 394 y: 367 , ball red x: 275 y: 195 , ball yellow x: 218 y: 335 , ball green x: 367 y: 103 , ball orange x: 290 y: 120])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (205; 101; 305) * to (290; 120; 10)* close gripper * from (290; 120; 10) * to (290; 120; 100) * from (290; 120; 100) * to (364; 201; 10) * open gripper * from (364; 201; 10) * to (205; 101; 305)
table([ eof x: 206 y: 222 z: 335, base z: 0, cup black x: 167 y: 98, ball blue x: 207 y: 59 , ball red x: 293 y: 48 , ball yellow x: 205 y: 337 , ball green x: 114 y: 162 , ball orange x: 246 y: 97])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (206; 222; 335) * to (207; 59; 10)* close gripper * from (207; 59; 10) * to (207; 59; 100) * from (207; 59; 100) * to (167; 98; 10) * open gripper * from (167; 98; 10) * to (206; 222; 335)
table([ eof x: 206 y: 222 z: 335, base z: 0, cup black x: 167 y: 98, ball blue x: 207 y: 59 , ball red x: 293 y: 48 , ball yellow x: 205 y: 337 , ball green x: 114 y: 162 , ball orange x: 246 y: 97])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (206; 222; 335) * to (293; 48; 10)* close gripper * from (293; 48; 10) * to (293; 48; 100) * from (293; 48; 100) * to (167; 98; 10) * open gripper * from (167; 98; 10) * to (206; 222; 335)
table([ eof x: 206 y: 222 z: 335, base z: 0, cup black x: 167 y: 98, ball blue x: 207 y: 59 , ball red x: 293 y: 48 , ball yellow x: 205 y: 337 , ball green x: 114 y: 162 , ball orange x: 246 y: 97])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (206; 222; 335) * to (205; 337; 10)* close gripper * from (205; 337; 10) * to (205; 337; 100) * from (205; 337; 100) * to (167; 98; 10) * open gripper * from (167; 98; 10) * to (206; 222; 335)
table([ eof x: 206 y: 222 z: 335, base z: 0, cup black x: 167 y: 98, ball blue x: 207 y: 59 , ball red x: 293 y: 48 , ball yellow x: 205 y: 337 , ball green x: 114 y: 162 , ball orange x: 246 y: 97])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (206; 222; 335) * to (114; 162; 10)* close gripper * from (114; 162; 10) * to (114; 162; 100) * from (114; 162; 100) * to (167; 98; 10) * open gripper * from (167; 98; 10) * to (206; 222; 335)
table([ eof x: 206 y: 222 z: 335, base z: 0, cup black x: 167 y: 98, ball blue x: 207 y: 59 , ball red x: 293 y: 48 , ball yellow x: 205 y: 337 , ball green x: 114 y: 162 , ball orange x: 246 y: 97])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (206; 222; 335) * to (246; 97; 10)* close gripper * from (246; 97; 10) * to (246; 97; 100) * from (246; 97; 100) * to (167; 98; 10) * open gripper * from (167; 98; 10) * to (206; 222; 335)
table([ eof x: 79 y: 208 z: 365, base z: 0, cup black x: 48 y: 31, ball blue x: 330 y: 102 , ball red x: 212 y: 263 , ball yellow x: 211 y: 20 , ball green x: 275 y: 391 , ball orange x: 82 y: 195])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (79; 208; 365) * to (330; 102; 10)* close gripper * from (330; 102; 10) * to (330; 102; 100) * from (330; 102; 100) * to (48; 31; 10) * open gripper * from (48; 31; 10) * to (79; 208; 365)
table([ eof x: 79 y: 208 z: 365, base z: 0, cup black x: 48 y: 31, ball blue x: 330 y: 102 , ball red x: 212 y: 263 , ball yellow x: 211 y: 20 , ball green x: 275 y: 391 , ball orange x: 82 y: 195])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (79; 208; 365) * to (212; 263; 10)* close gripper * from (212; 263; 10) * to (212; 263; 100) * from (212; 263; 100) * to (48; 31; 10) * open gripper * from (48; 31; 10) * to (79; 208; 365)
table([ eof x: 79 y: 208 z: 365, base z: 0, cup black x: 48 y: 31, ball blue x: 330 y: 102 , ball red x: 212 y: 263 , ball yellow x: 211 y: 20 , ball green x: 275 y: 391 , ball orange x: 82 y: 195])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (79; 208; 365) * to (211; 20; 10)* close gripper * from (211; 20; 10) * to (211; 20; 100) * from (211; 20; 100) * to (48; 31; 10) * open gripper * from (48; 31; 10) * to (79; 208; 365)
table([ eof x: 79 y: 208 z: 365, base z: 0, cup black x: 48 y: 31, ball blue x: 330 y: 102 , ball red x: 212 y: 263 , ball yellow x: 211 y: 20 , ball green x: 275 y: 391 , ball orange x: 82 y: 195])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (79; 208; 365) * to (275; 391; 10)* close gripper * from (275; 391; 10) * to (275; 391; 100) * from (275; 391; 100) * to (48; 31; 10) * open gripper * from (48; 31; 10) * to (79; 208; 365)
table([ eof x: 79 y: 208 z: 365, base z: 0, cup black x: 48 y: 31, ball blue x: 330 y: 102 , ball red x: 212 y: 263 , ball yellow x: 211 y: 20 , ball green x: 275 y: 391 , ball orange x: 82 y: 195])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (79; 208; 365) * to (82; 195; 10)* close gripper * from (82; 195; 10) * to (82; 195; 100) * from (82; 195; 100) * to (48; 31; 10) * open gripper * from (48; 31; 10) * to (79; 208; 365)
table([ eof x: 286 y: 125 z: 310, base z: 0, cup black x: 79 y: 41, ball blue x: 390 y: 309 , ball red x: 21 y: 119 , ball yellow x: 309 y: 126 , ball green x: 12 y: 251 , ball orange x: 125 y: 101])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (286; 125; 310) * to (390; 309; 10)* close gripper * from (390; 309; 10) * to (390; 309; 100) * from (390; 309; 100) * to (79; 41; 10) * open gripper * from (79; 41; 10) * to (286; 125; 310)
table([ eof x: 286 y: 125 z: 310, base z: 0, cup black x: 79 y: 41, ball blue x: 390 y: 309 , ball red x: 21 y: 119 , ball yellow x: 309 y: 126 , ball green x: 12 y: 251 , ball orange x: 125 y: 101])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (286; 125; 310) * to (21; 119; 10)* close gripper * from (21; 119; 10) * to (21; 119; 100) * from (21; 119; 100) * to (79; 41; 10) * open gripper * from (79; 41; 10) * to (286; 125; 310)
table([ eof x: 286 y: 125 z: 310, base z: 0, cup black x: 79 y: 41, ball blue x: 390 y: 309 , ball red x: 21 y: 119 , ball yellow x: 309 y: 126 , ball green x: 12 y: 251 , ball orange x: 125 y: 101])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (286; 125; 310) * to (309; 126; 10)* close gripper * from (309; 126; 10) * to (309; 126; 100) * from (309; 126; 100) * to (79; 41; 10) * open gripper * from (79; 41; 10) * to (286; 125; 310)
table([ eof x: 286 y: 125 z: 310, base z: 0, cup black x: 79 y: 41, ball blue x: 390 y: 309 , ball red x: 21 y: 119 , ball yellow x: 309 y: 126 , ball green x: 12 y: 251 , ball orange x: 125 y: 101])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (286; 125; 310) * to (12; 251; 10)* close gripper * from (12; 251; 10) * to (12; 251; 100) * from (12; 251; 100) * to (79; 41; 10) * open gripper * from (79; 41; 10) * to (286; 125; 310)
table([ eof x: 286 y: 125 z: 310, base z: 0, cup black x: 79 y: 41, ball blue x: 390 y: 309 , ball red x: 21 y: 119 , ball yellow x: 309 y: 126 , ball green x: 12 y: 251 , ball orange x: 125 y: 101])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (286; 125; 310) * to (125; 101; 10)* close gripper * from (125; 101; 10) * to (125; 101; 100) * from (125; 101; 100) * to (79; 41; 10) * open gripper * from (79; 41; 10) * to (286; 125; 310)
table([ eof x: 319 y: 276 z: 372, base z: 0, cup black x: 266 y: 260, ball blue x: 251 y: 40 , ball red x: 156 y: 383 , ball yellow x: 94 y: 285 , ball green x: 60 y: 110 , ball orange x: 159 y: 252])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (319; 276; 372) * to (251; 40; 10)* close gripper * from (251; 40; 10) * to (251; 40; 100) * from (251; 40; 100) * to (266; 260; 10) * open gripper * from (266; 260; 10) * to (319; 276; 372)
table([ eof x: 319 y: 276 z: 372, base z: 0, cup black x: 266 y: 260, ball blue x: 251 y: 40 , ball red x: 156 y: 383 , ball yellow x: 94 y: 285 , ball green x: 60 y: 110 , ball orange x: 159 y: 252])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (319; 276; 372) * to (156; 383; 10)* close gripper * from (156; 383; 10) * to (156; 383; 100) * from (156; 383; 100) * to (266; 260; 10) * open gripper * from (266; 260; 10) * to (319; 276; 372)
table([ eof x: 319 y: 276 z: 372, base z: 0, cup black x: 266 y: 260, ball blue x: 251 y: 40 , ball red x: 156 y: 383 , ball yellow x: 94 y: 285 , ball green x: 60 y: 110 , ball orange x: 159 y: 252])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (319; 276; 372) * to (94; 285; 10)* close gripper * from (94; 285; 10) * to (94; 285; 100) * from (94; 285; 100) * to (266; 260; 10) * open gripper * from (266; 260; 10) * to (319; 276; 372)
table([ eof x: 319 y: 276 z: 372, base z: 0, cup black x: 266 y: 260, ball blue x: 251 y: 40 , ball red x: 156 y: 383 , ball yellow x: 94 y: 285 , ball green x: 60 y: 110 , ball orange x: 159 y: 252])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (319; 276; 372) * to (60; 110; 10)* close gripper * from (60; 110; 10) * to (60; 110; 100) * from (60; 110; 100) * to (266; 260; 10) * open gripper * from (266; 260; 10) * to (319; 276; 372)
table([ eof x: 319 y: 276 z: 372, base z: 0, cup black x: 266 y: 260, ball blue x: 251 y: 40 , ball red x: 156 y: 383 , ball yellow x: 94 y: 285 , ball green x: 60 y: 110 , ball orange x: 159 y: 252])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (319; 276; 372) * to (159; 252; 10)* close gripper * from (159; 252; 10) * to (159; 252; 100) * from (159; 252; 100) * to (266; 260; 10) * open gripper * from (266; 260; 10) * to (319; 276; 372)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 90 z: 313, base z: 0, cup black x: 170 y: 399, ball blue x: 101 y: 132 , ball red x: 341 y: 196 , ball yellow x: 385 y: 90 , ball green x: 267 y: 350 , ball orange x: 359 y: 205])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 90; 313) * to (101; 132; 10)* close gripper * from (101; 132; 10) * to (101; 132; 100) * from (101; 132; 100) * to (170; 399; 10) * open gripper * from (170; 399; 10) * to (103; 90; 313)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 90 z: 313, base z: 0, cup black x: 170 y: 399, ball blue x: 101 y: 132 , ball red x: 341 y: 196 , ball yellow x: 385 y: 90 , ball green x: 267 y: 350 , ball orange x: 359 y: 205])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 90; 313) * to (341; 196; 10)* close gripper * from (341; 196; 10) * to (341; 196; 100) * from (341; 196; 100) * to (170; 399; 10) * open gripper * from (170; 399; 10) * to (103; 90; 313)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 90 z: 313, base z: 0, cup black x: 170 y: 399, ball blue x: 101 y: 132 , ball red x: 341 y: 196 , ball yellow x: 385 y: 90 , ball green x: 267 y: 350 , ball orange x: 359 y: 205])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 90; 313) * to (385; 90; 10)* close gripper * from (385; 90; 10) * to (385; 90; 100) * from (385; 90; 100) * to (170; 399; 10) * open gripper * from (170; 399; 10) * to (103; 90; 313)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 90 z: 313, base z: 0, cup black x: 170 y: 399, ball blue x: 101 y: 132 , ball red x: 341 y: 196 , ball yellow x: 385 y: 90 , ball green x: 267 y: 350 , ball orange x: 359 y: 205])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 90; 313) * to (267; 350; 10)* close gripper * from (267; 350; 10) * to (267; 350; 100) * from (267; 350; 100) * to (170; 399; 10) * open gripper * from (170; 399; 10) * to (103; 90; 313)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 90 z: 313, base z: 0, cup black x: 170 y: 399, ball blue x: 101 y: 132 , ball red x: 341 y: 196 , ball yellow x: 385 y: 90 , ball green x: 267 y: 350 , ball orange x: 359 y: 205])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 90; 313) * to (359; 205; 10)* close gripper * from (359; 205; 10) * to (359; 205; 100) * from (359; 205; 100) * to (170; 399; 10) * open gripper * from (170; 399; 10) * to (103; 90; 313)
table([ eof x: 361 y: 89 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 57 y: 0, ball blue x: 351 y: 187 , ball red x: 157 y: 149 , ball yellow x: 239 y: 117 , ball green x: 85 y: 239 , ball orange x: 22 y: 54])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (361; 89; 319) * to (351; 187; 10)* close gripper * from (351; 187; 10) * to (351; 187; 100) * from (351; 187; 100) * to (57; 0; 10) * open gripper * from (57; 0; 10) * to (361; 89; 319)
table([ eof x: 361 y: 89 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 57 y: 0, ball blue x: 351 y: 187 , ball red x: 157 y: 149 , ball yellow x: 239 y: 117 , ball green x: 85 y: 239 , ball orange x: 22 y: 54])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (361; 89; 319) * to (157; 149; 10)* close gripper * from (157; 149; 10) * to (157; 149; 100) * from (157; 149; 100) * to (57; 0; 10) * open gripper * from (57; 0; 10) * to (361; 89; 319)
table([ eof x: 361 y: 89 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 57 y: 0, ball blue x: 351 y: 187 , ball red x: 157 y: 149 , ball yellow x: 239 y: 117 , ball green x: 85 y: 239 , ball orange x: 22 y: 54])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (361; 89; 319) * to (239; 117; 10)* close gripper * from (239; 117; 10) * to (239; 117; 100) * from (239; 117; 100) * to (57; 0; 10) * open gripper * from (57; 0; 10) * to (361; 89; 319)
table([ eof x: 361 y: 89 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 57 y: 0, ball blue x: 351 y: 187 , ball red x: 157 y: 149 , ball yellow x: 239 y: 117 , ball green x: 85 y: 239 , ball orange x: 22 y: 54])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (361; 89; 319) * to (85; 239; 10)* close gripper * from (85; 239; 10) * to (85; 239; 100) * from (85; 239; 100) * to (57; 0; 10) * open gripper * from (57; 0; 10) * to (361; 89; 319)
table([ eof x: 361 y: 89 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 57 y: 0, ball blue x: 351 y: 187 , ball red x: 157 y: 149 , ball yellow x: 239 y: 117 , ball green x: 85 y: 239 , ball orange x: 22 y: 54])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (361; 89; 319) * to (22; 54; 10)* close gripper * from (22; 54; 10) * to (22; 54; 100) * from (22; 54; 100) * to (57; 0; 10) * open gripper * from (57; 0; 10) * to (361; 89; 319)
table([ eof x: 268 y: 284 z: 397, base z: 0, cup black x: 396 y: 313, ball blue x: 88 y: 240 , ball red x: 92 y: 265 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 256 , ball green x: 38 y: 303 , ball orange x: 17 y: 25])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (268; 284; 397) * to (88; 240; 10)* close gripper * from (88; 240; 10) * to (88; 240; 100) * from (88; 240; 100) * to (396; 313; 10) * open gripper * from (396; 313; 10) * to (268; 284; 397)
table([ eof x: 268 y: 284 z: 397, base z: 0, cup black x: 396 y: 313, ball blue x: 88 y: 240 , ball red x: 92 y: 265 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 256 , ball green x: 38 y: 303 , ball orange x: 17 y: 25])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (268; 284; 397) * to (92; 265; 10)* close gripper * from (92; 265; 10) * to (92; 265; 100) * from (92; 265; 100) * to (396; 313; 10) * open gripper * from (396; 313; 10) * to (268; 284; 397)
table([ eof x: 268 y: 284 z: 397, base z: 0, cup black x: 396 y: 313, ball blue x: 88 y: 240 , ball red x: 92 y: 265 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 256 , ball green x: 38 y: 303 , ball orange x: 17 y: 25])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (268; 284; 397) * to (25; 256; 10)* close gripper * from (25; 256; 10) * to (25; 256; 100) * from (25; 256; 100) * to (396; 313; 10) * open gripper * from (396; 313; 10) * to (268; 284; 397)
table([ eof x: 268 y: 284 z: 397, base z: 0, cup black x: 396 y: 313, ball blue x: 88 y: 240 , ball red x: 92 y: 265 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 256 , ball green x: 38 y: 303 , ball orange x: 17 y: 25])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (268; 284; 397) * to (38; 303; 10)* close gripper * from (38; 303; 10) * to (38; 303; 100) * from (38; 303; 100) * to (396; 313; 10) * open gripper * from (396; 313; 10) * to (268; 284; 397)
table([ eof x: 268 y: 284 z: 397, base z: 0, cup black x: 396 y: 313, ball blue x: 88 y: 240 , ball red x: 92 y: 265 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 256 , ball green x: 38 y: 303 , ball orange x: 17 y: 25])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (268; 284; 397) * to (17; 25; 10)* close gripper * from (17; 25; 10) * to (17; 25; 100) * from (17; 25; 100) * to (396; 313; 10) * open gripper * from (396; 313; 10) * to (268; 284; 397)
table([ eof x: 24 y: 282 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 25 y: 383, ball blue x: 58 y: 360 , ball red x: 344 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 147 y: 118 , ball green x: 350 y: 90 , ball orange x: 314 y: 161])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (24; 282; 373) * to (58; 360; 10)* close gripper * from (58; 360; 10) * to (58; 360; 100) * from (58; 360; 100) * to (25; 383; 10) * open gripper * from (25; 383; 10) * to (24; 282; 373)
table([ eof x: 24 y: 282 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 25 y: 383, ball blue x: 58 y: 360 , ball red x: 344 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 147 y: 118 , ball green x: 350 y: 90 , ball orange x: 314 y: 161])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (24; 282; 373) * to (344; 367; 10)* close gripper * from (344; 367; 10) * to (344; 367; 100) * from (344; 367; 100) * to (25; 383; 10) * open gripper * from (25; 383; 10) * to (24; 282; 373)
table([ eof x: 24 y: 282 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 25 y: 383, ball blue x: 58 y: 360 , ball red x: 344 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 147 y: 118 , ball green x: 350 y: 90 , ball orange x: 314 y: 161])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (24; 282; 373) * to (147; 118; 10)* close gripper * from (147; 118; 10) * to (147; 118; 100) * from (147; 118; 100) * to (25; 383; 10) * open gripper * from (25; 383; 10) * to (24; 282; 373)
table([ eof x: 24 y: 282 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 25 y: 383, ball blue x: 58 y: 360 , ball red x: 344 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 147 y: 118 , ball green x: 350 y: 90 , ball orange x: 314 y: 161])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (24; 282; 373) * to (350; 90; 10)* close gripper * from (350; 90; 10) * to (350; 90; 100) * from (350; 90; 100) * to (25; 383; 10) * open gripper * from (25; 383; 10) * to (24; 282; 373)
table([ eof x: 24 y: 282 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 25 y: 383, ball blue x: 58 y: 360 , ball red x: 344 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 147 y: 118 , ball green x: 350 y: 90 , ball orange x: 314 y: 161])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (24; 282; 373) * to (314; 161; 10)* close gripper * from (314; 161; 10) * to (314; 161; 100) * from (314; 161; 100) * to (25; 383; 10) * open gripper * from (25; 383; 10) * to (24; 282; 373)
table([ eof x: 240 y: 44 z: 351, base z: 0, cup black x: 230 y: 194, ball blue x: 182 y: 109 , ball red x: 203 y: 363 , ball yellow x: 217 y: 385 , ball green x: 30 y: 91 , ball orange x: 389 y: 17])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (240; 44; 351) * to (182; 109; 10)* close gripper * from (182; 109; 10) * to (182; 109; 100) * from (182; 109; 100) * to (230; 194; 10) * open gripper * from (230; 194; 10) * to (240; 44; 351)
table([ eof x: 240 y: 44 z: 351, base z: 0, cup black x: 230 y: 194, ball blue x: 182 y: 109 , ball red x: 203 y: 363 , ball yellow x: 217 y: 385 , ball green x: 30 y: 91 , ball orange x: 389 y: 17])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (240; 44; 351) * to (203; 363; 10)* close gripper * from (203; 363; 10) * to (203; 363; 100) * from (203; 363; 100) * to (230; 194; 10) * open gripper * from (230; 194; 10) * to (240; 44; 351)
table([ eof x: 240 y: 44 z: 351, base z: 0, cup black x: 230 y: 194, ball blue x: 182 y: 109 , ball red x: 203 y: 363 , ball yellow x: 217 y: 385 , ball green x: 30 y: 91 , ball orange x: 389 y: 17])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (240; 44; 351) * to (217; 385; 10)* close gripper * from (217; 385; 10) * to (217; 385; 100) * from (217; 385; 100) * to (230; 194; 10) * open gripper * from (230; 194; 10) * to (240; 44; 351)
table([ eof x: 240 y: 44 z: 351, base z: 0, cup black x: 230 y: 194, ball blue x: 182 y: 109 , ball red x: 203 y: 363 , ball yellow x: 217 y: 385 , ball green x: 30 y: 91 , ball orange x: 389 y: 17])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (240; 44; 351) * to (30; 91; 10)* close gripper * from (30; 91; 10) * to (30; 91; 100) * from (30; 91; 100) * to (230; 194; 10) * open gripper * from (230; 194; 10) * to (240; 44; 351)
table([ eof x: 240 y: 44 z: 351, base z: 0, cup black x: 230 y: 194, ball blue x: 182 y: 109 , ball red x: 203 y: 363 , ball yellow x: 217 y: 385 , ball green x: 30 y: 91 , ball orange x: 389 y: 17])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (240; 44; 351) * to (389; 17; 10)* close gripper * from (389; 17; 10) * to (389; 17; 100) * from (389; 17; 100) * to (230; 194; 10) * open gripper * from (230; 194; 10) * to (240; 44; 351)
table([ eof x: 387 y: 146 z: 312, base z: 0, cup black x: 263 y: 138, ball blue x: 347 y: 398 , ball red x: 280 y: 48 , ball yellow x: 161 y: 131 , ball green x: 264 y: 171 , ball orange x: 140 y: 265])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (387; 146; 312) * to (347; 398; 10)* close gripper * from (347; 398; 10) * to (347; 398; 100) * from (347; 398; 100) * to (263; 138; 10) * open gripper * from (263; 138; 10) * to (387; 146; 312)
table([ eof x: 387 y: 146 z: 312, base z: 0, cup black x: 263 y: 138, ball blue x: 347 y: 398 , ball red x: 280 y: 48 , ball yellow x: 161 y: 131 , ball green x: 264 y: 171 , ball orange x: 140 y: 265])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (387; 146; 312) * to (280; 48; 10)* close gripper * from (280; 48; 10) * to (280; 48; 100) * from (280; 48; 100) * to (263; 138; 10) * open gripper * from (263; 138; 10) * to (387; 146; 312)
table([ eof x: 387 y: 146 z: 312, base z: 0, cup black x: 263 y: 138, ball blue x: 347 y: 398 , ball red x: 280 y: 48 , ball yellow x: 161 y: 131 , ball green x: 264 y: 171 , ball orange x: 140 y: 265])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (387; 146; 312) * to (161; 131; 10)* close gripper * from (161; 131; 10) * to (161; 131; 100) * from (161; 131; 100) * to (263; 138; 10) * open gripper * from (263; 138; 10) * to (387; 146; 312)
table([ eof x: 387 y: 146 z: 312, base z: 0, cup black x: 263 y: 138, ball blue x: 347 y: 398 , ball red x: 280 y: 48 , ball yellow x: 161 y: 131 , ball green x: 264 y: 171 , ball orange x: 140 y: 265])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (387; 146; 312) * to (264; 171; 10)* close gripper * from (264; 171; 10) * to (264; 171; 100) * from (264; 171; 100) * to (263; 138; 10) * open gripper * from (263; 138; 10) * to (387; 146; 312)
table([ eof x: 387 y: 146 z: 312, base z: 0, cup black x: 263 y: 138, ball blue x: 347 y: 398 , ball red x: 280 y: 48 , ball yellow x: 161 y: 131 , ball green x: 264 y: 171 , ball orange x: 140 y: 265])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (387; 146; 312) * to (140; 265; 10)* close gripper * from (140; 265; 10) * to (140; 265; 100) * from (140; 265; 100) * to (263; 138; 10) * open gripper * from (263; 138; 10) * to (387; 146; 312)
table([ eof x: 366 y: 274 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 291 y: 96, ball blue x: 19 y: 156 , ball red x: 331 y: 321 , ball yellow x: 336 y: 115 , ball green x: 0 y: 97 , ball orange x: 236 y: 74])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (366; 274; 356) * to (19; 156; 10)* close gripper * from (19; 156; 10) * to (19; 156; 100) * from (19; 156; 100) * to (291; 96; 10) * open gripper * from (291; 96; 10) * to (366; 274; 356)
table([ eof x: 366 y: 274 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 291 y: 96, ball blue x: 19 y: 156 , ball red x: 331 y: 321 , ball yellow x: 336 y: 115 , ball green x: 0 y: 97 , ball orange x: 236 y: 74])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (366; 274; 356) * to (331; 321; 10)* close gripper * from (331; 321; 10) * to (331; 321; 100) * from (331; 321; 100) * to (291; 96; 10) * open gripper * from (291; 96; 10) * to (366; 274; 356)
table([ eof x: 366 y: 274 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 291 y: 96, ball blue x: 19 y: 156 , ball red x: 331 y: 321 , ball yellow x: 336 y: 115 , ball green x: 0 y: 97 , ball orange x: 236 y: 74])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (366; 274; 356) * to (336; 115; 10)* close gripper * from (336; 115; 10) * to (336; 115; 100) * from (336; 115; 100) * to (291; 96; 10) * open gripper * from (291; 96; 10) * to (366; 274; 356)
table([ eof x: 366 y: 274 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 291 y: 96, ball blue x: 19 y: 156 , ball red x: 331 y: 321 , ball yellow x: 336 y: 115 , ball green x: 0 y: 97 , ball orange x: 236 y: 74])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (366; 274; 356) * to (0; 97; 10)* close gripper * from (0; 97; 10) * to (0; 97; 100) * from (0; 97; 100) * to (291; 96; 10) * open gripper * from (291; 96; 10) * to (366; 274; 356)
table([ eof x: 366 y: 274 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 291 y: 96, ball blue x: 19 y: 156 , ball red x: 331 y: 321 , ball yellow x: 336 y: 115 , ball green x: 0 y: 97 , ball orange x: 236 y: 74])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (366; 274; 356) * to (236; 74; 10)* close gripper * from (236; 74; 10) * to (236; 74; 100) * from (236; 74; 100) * to (291; 96; 10) * open gripper * from (291; 96; 10) * to (366; 274; 356)