can t upload my pic
eliteforce i have been told by friend that constantly circle the globe that the flight from the uk to downunder is the worst ever
so i won t bore you with all the detail but basically my life wa going so well in 0 9 finally i wa in college had friend wa finally starting to date wa genuinely enjoying life for the first time in my life then of course a once in a century event happens that destroys everything and i had to do remote work for straight year suffered through it graduated and now i got a somewhat mediocre sale job making 0k a year my life ha never returned to the way it wa my social life wa destroyed i m a year old guy and have never been in a relationship i wa a late bloomer and wa just starting to date in college and work is such a grind i really dislike it i have goal but i don t even know where to start to top it all off ever since the pandemic i have severe insomnia and always wake up at am randomly and have to take melatonin to sleep anyone else relate to this
i have a cold buee
no way i m gon na sleep tonight
wakey wakey i m bored my dog is annoying he weight 0 pound and doesn t want to come off of my knee
lately being dead sound perfect like i keep fucking up everything i can t keep a good job i can t get a job in my career i m stuck in call center where i m demeaned screamed at etc my current partner and i even though we love each other are rocky and say horrible thing to each other out of pain and anger some of his word really almost pushed me over the edge the last few day we may have a good life ahead of u but right now it doesn t seem like enough right now i can t stop hearing his horrible word hearing my ex horrible word too maybe he wa right maybe i just should
i ve rewritten this time within the past hour it s already am and yet still had the patience for it i want to kill myself and i m stupid if i end up doing it my reasoning it wa for a boy and my effortless attempt at making him happy without me in the picture he ha reddit so i m hoping he doesn t see this due to the fact we follow each other but if he doe thanks for everything thanks for the laugh on the voicecall today and for making me smile everytime i open up the chat i love you and i could only pray that you d love me too
conflict in the very north part of the world result in economic depression at the eastofafrica many day away politics will still play super opportunist promise are in the way of this fiesta the ongoing conflict serving a an additive to promote political ambition
misstoriblack cool i have no tweet apps for my razr
while i do enjoy my job very much it always nicest outside when i m indoors
there s more security here than at sydney airport and no spirit at the bar startrek
wishing i hadnt skipped breakfast this morning hungry
i m so anxious about going to the therapist today i just dont feel comfortable for some reason idk im just losing my mind over this
for context my so and i are living with our in law temporarily a famously difficult living arrangement and the main issue ha been their constant and relentless remark they love passive aggressively hinting at thing they dislike and throwing little dig here and there to get a rise out of u i m well aware that they are very much projecting their own insecurity unhappiness onto u and i m somewhat able to find solace in that yet it still get tiring after awhile i m extremely sensitive and hyper aware of myself and others and even little throw away comment can feel like a punch in the gut sometimes we plan to move out soon but for the time being how can i distance myself emotionally and take thing at face value
for the last few year or a long a i can remember i haven t enjoyed much of anything sometimes i ll enjoy when i hangout with friend or whenever i m with family but im extremely co dependent to the point where if im alone im depressed and even if im not alone i m probably depressed i just recently started antidepressant and i think they re helping but not really i don t really feel like i connect to people or build connection because im constantly thinking about about x problem i have or x thing that s wrong with me there wa a time period where i thought i wa a narcissist but i hate myself so that s impossible can somebody like help me lmao i also feel like i m a burden to everyone in my life because every time i speak to anyone or interact with anyone it s about how depressed i am or how something is wrong with me
james yeah gah poor illazilla and shame about the mutt but best of luck this time around
taking small step move you forward small manageable step allow you to develop your skill and progress faster anxiety anxious depression depressed learning selfhelp http t co jblxbl azz
convinced myself when i take it in they will be annoyed at me and judge me for it not working nothing physically broken that i can see really just need someone to tell me not to overthink it if you re retail yourself that s a bonus
marcusmims wow i didn t get an quot hello quot u suck
sirrah aww poor froofroo this is way too late for you
whyvee welcome home sound like a hell of a journey back
got a driving ticket the other day almost got another one today for parking in front of someone s driveway
hi everyone this all started back in college i wa doing lot of drug molly cocaine acid molly and wa doing badly at uni after my dad put the fear of god into me i started taking school a lot more seriously and drastically slowed down my drug intake not long after i started developing horrible physical anxiety at night i would get into bed feel fine but just couldn t flip the switch to fall asleep i would lay there for an hour or so and then my heart would start to race shortness of breath then all of a sudden i would have an intense chest burning sensation that would last hour i felt dead in the morning but by 9am or 0am i would get a surge in energy i wa jacked up and sweating a lot i would do well in school because my mind wa going a 00 mph but after several week of this i started feeling exhausted and would even hallucinate during the day i could only do school work at night i wa too brain dead to pay attention in class this went on for a couple of year before i went to the doctor and wa prescribed lexapro generic the first few week were really bad but then i felt amazing however i had bad sexual side affect and it changed my personality i felt dead inside after three year on this i went on to venlafaxine it gave me a stupid amount of energy sweated profusely and peed a often a before i lasted one year on this then i switched over to zoloft generic i started on 0mg but i felt brain dead and again had sexual side affect so i lowered the dose to mg the sexual side affect decreased but it still wasn t great i also still felt a little out of it so i lowered it to mg during covid lockdown i wa working from home all of the time i didn t have a bad time falling asleep on this but i didn t feel good the next day either tired brain fog easily irritable but it wa better than physical anxiety at midnight when we were told we had to go back into the office the anxiety at night came back not horrible physical anxiety but more like normal anxiety and insomnia i lasted a few month on this and just couldn t take it anymore so i started smoking weed unfortunately i have always been super sensitive to weed i would get euphoria from one or two hit this helped me sleep but i wa still tired and irritable the next day a i continued smoking i would need more and more to get that euphoric feeling to put me to sleep then thing turned south quickly i wa becoming very irritable and would lash out at family and coworkers nearly everyday i would calm down then apologize after a few week of this my dad said i needed to see my doctor i wa put on wellbutrin and had the worst day of my life i totally lost it extreme mood swing nerve pain and claustrophobia i got off that and am recovering this week from it i took benadryl sunday night and monday night to sleep last night i took nothing and had the worst physical anxiety since college i did the right thing though i turned off the tv early and did some meditation and felt good going to bed but just like in college i had radiating anxiety two hour in i slept maybe hour and woke up jacked sweating a bunch and mind racing i don t know if i need different medication or therapy or both ha anyone dealt with what i m experiencing did a certain type of medication help did you need therapy too thanks for sharing
well bed time now am sigh back to am morning for a week on wednesday
to make thing clear no one invalidates me because i avoid every person and talk to no one i invalidate myself for whatever reason it s been made printed in my head to invalidate myself all the time like some sort of fucked competition on who ha it worse i dont know why i do it i know that every person s experience is different no one can experience the same thing a you it your struggle or whatever i know this yet anytime i hear any negative thing someone is dealing with or read something i downplay my struggle and just assume the person is going through worse i just say that i ain t going through shit compared to this person or that person it dumb i dont know why i do it i shouldnt be comparing my struggle to other people yet for whatever reason i do thank you for reading sorry if i made anyone mad or anything
i have nothing to offer anybody that they can t and don t get from a dozen other better people i m ashamed to even exist in front of others let alone pretend that i m a real interesting in any way attractive person i m tired of pretending though i m tired of feeling like knowing that nobody care and for good reason other people are just unconcerned with me all of them always i m going to be alone until i kill myself nothing help nothing will help i m just a reject which make so much of life off limit to me and it s part that feel extremely important
i feel very apathetic towards everything in my life i just have no drive or ambition towards anything like i m just living just because people tell me to live i don t want to be here in life or anywhere really i just want to not exist a good portion of what i ve done in life is only for the approval of others now that i m older the more i just stop caring about others i know you all will probably suggest to maybe try other thing now that you don t care about other people s opinion find thing that actually enjoy i did i took a break from uni and decided to dive into art and a bunch of hobby i found them to very meaningless i don t know how to explain it but i felt like i wa faking enjoying the thing i did just to prove to myself that i am getting better and that i am like other people i did them just to do them i m just depressed that my family had to be stuck with a daughter like me because i m nothing but lazy and careless i don t want to burden it d be so much easier for me if i could just die in my sleep so i can save myself from hurting my family by committing suicide not existing is the only choice i want
of this sub i really wish all that post on this sub could just find the peace they are looking for but it seems like it just talking to a wall a lot of post have no response so why post is it to get it out in writing looking for other opinion wanting someone to say hey you are not worthless because i like everyone else here that read these post is struggling with my demon do ordinary people read these post and get a chuckle out of them i dont have the answer if i did i would share with everyone here so i apologize this wa a rant and more question
i really want a puppy
photogenic fury and suicide become the news s stipend while photogenic depression and sadness are wank material for song
i think jonathanrknight lost the net sure hope not
kwesidei not the whole crew
savethestrib dang i would have done this if i knew it wa there earlier any other outing planned
people always tell me how handsome i am i m ft with a muscular build i have a deep voice i m well read with interesting hobby and i can make people laugh but my teenage year were miserable with crippling social anxiety lack of confidence 0 friend and most importantly for me not even a touch of skin with a girl let alone holding hand you wouldn t believe just how crippling it wa i couldn t look a stranger in the eye properly until i wa 0 i wa raised to be away from other kid and naturally my only source of fun wa videogames at least hour a day people are always surprised to find out i m single i ll be tonight i somehow got through college without understanding social cue from my female classmate a couple of whom i later found out for sure liked me and that they had dropped some hint my life ha been on constant repeat of music porn and videogames i ve been begging god since i wa for a girlfriend after i just hoped i would get one soon and soon and soon with the pandemic flying by i realized it s almost been year and that i m about to be i can t bear it it s too painful every one of my peer have boyfriend and girlfriend they had at least a couple of long term one before my age this is killing me i feel like a baby that wa never cared for by his parent so i turned out to be a cold hearted psychopath from lack of love i feel like i m literally going insane i ve been having weird idea lately not just suicidal idea idea that would scare a normal person i finally understand how a normal person can go crazy like this it doesn t matter if i get a girlfriend now that part of my life ha been so bad so lonely that i m at a point that nothing is able to hold back this suicidal feeling i ve always been more emotional than other guy especially when it come to love i know guy my age that don t care about not having girlfriend but my problem is not that i don t have a girlfriend now it s that i ve never had one when i needed it the most i have a lot of med in my drawer that i m gon na gulp down with whiskey and go to sleep after shooting heroin i jokingly told people that i don t feel like living and their only response wa that death is painful well this way it won t hurt a bit
erickaaa im at workkkk im freezing too i need a mass hug from you can i call u night babe xxx
freshly squeezed lied they only showed the video in the end
why is this overwhelming fear and the feeling that nothing matter going away i feel worse a more day pass i am doing everything i can i am going to therapy taking medication getting help but it isn t changing anything everyday i go to sleep i wish that i don t wake up that i don t have to feel like this anymore the worst part is that i don t understand what i am so afraid of and if i don t understand it how am i supposed to overcome it i don t know what to do i really don t
have to work on homework tmrw
my previous knowledge of historical reason for the depression did not include history s number now i m really drawing a strong parallel between depression event and current event http t co fuxwvjydjy
want her ipod
on the phone with the bestie than shower confused i don t know what to do
i am feeling worried for myself it almost a m and i can t sleep im not sure if it just because i can t sleep or if it my inner fight between staying alive or ending it these thought never go away it suck when people don t understand my sudden mood change or decision but i understand why they don t im just saying what i am feeling or thinking my heart always feel so heavy a if i put weight on it i feel like cry all the time everything in life is so boring or doesn t feel right i often get confused on what is real and what isn t real i don t have a therapist anymore because money is tight so im using this reddit post a a venting place because no one know me here and it s nice
my boyfriend and i broke up recently he say to not count on u getting back together it hurt so much now my only hope in life is that this cut is truly infected and that it kill me i don t want to hear the it get better stuff nothing will life ha always been hard for me and losing him is too much to handle don t know why i m posting i guess i just want someone to make the tear go away so i can sleep and hopefully never wake up
masha is alone and sad http apps facebook com catbook profile view 0 0
osasue if shaggi is funny to you your depression is serious
musikpirat durch den h heren preis sinkt die nachfrage und durch den zoll kann sich die marge verringern aber das vor allem spekulanten damit reich und reicher werden und das strafz lle in der weimarer republik und den usa in die great depression gef hrt haben lassen wir au en vor
well this day i would like to go out in the sun instead of sitting here looking at excel
need to stop sleeping all day cause some problem when you re wide awake at am
ha hurt her ankle and is going to the dr
when i slit my wrist we will see it s a 0 0 at this point
ha a huge headache but got ta go to work
offbytwo seeing a doctor i hope
last year when i wa i wrote a suicide note before attempting to suicide by overdose i tried to commit suicide because i wa a closeted gay atheist in a really conservative muslim country and family i tried to pray the gay away i endured listening to a lot of homophobia and unfair religious teaching and i couldn t take it anymore i wrote it in arabic translate i felt like my life is unlivable i felt like i wa living a lie i felt like a bomb that it is about to explode at any moment i felt lonely even though i wasn t alone i felt like there is something wrong with just my existence i felt like my happiness will be an unforgivable sin i felt like my truth is a secret that must be hidden this life is cruel and unfair the only place where i can find peace is my grave amp x 00b the overdose wa not enough to end my life i woke up in a hospital and it severely damaged my liver no one read my suicide note yet i am trying to stay alive and hold on to the last hope i have
what is the longest youall have gone without anxiety
penelopek that mini depression that hit you a week before your period woman go thru alot pls
gulshan hinaaltaf cylinder ka rate badhane se depression se kaise bahar aate hain doctor saheb koi sir pair hai teri baat ka
tessaamrtz literal yo ya casi no entro pq m coge depression
i feel like i can t get high enough to forget the shit that s happening in life rn i want to self harm so bad because i m so sad and idk what to do with myself and how i ve reacted to my relationship struggle
ktml i think it itunes fault i cant download it on my mac now quot store busy quot if you got it anything awesome in the camerakit update
im so badly trying not to let this depression sink it teeth into me
broke my tooth yesterday it feel like it s spilt in half
entering a depression week i feel it
nickdawson hope your knee feel better quickly though after having been on it all night
depression cause feeling of sadness and or a loss of interest in activity you once enjoyed it can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problem and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home
i fucking hate the depression stage but i developed tool to work around it alcohol and lot of comedy and lot of sleep http t co u0giyncg0j
i m a yo guy and i want to die i feel like a bad person i have like friend and i never hangout with them other than school i have a gf and i love her with all my heart but i know she could do better not to be cocky or anything but i m probably top smartest in my school of 00 i will probably go to a decent college and have a lot of life ahead of me i just feel tired with life though i think i might be mentally ill i ve fallen into this personality of being the crazy person of the group i hate silence because then i think about how much i hate myself i say or ask random stuff to end the silence that make me seem retarded i don t smoke or do drug and not on any medication but i wa thinking last night that the way i want to die is an overdose i work in fast food and some of the people i talk to at work are drug dealer and i think they would sell to me i ve thought it through and maybe i buy multiple non lethal quantity and then use them all at once i ve been more depressed than usual this last week i do football and wrestling and it s the off season right now so i should have gone to an off season wrestling practice my gf knew i wa doing this the only time i m really happy is when i m around her i needed to see her so i skipped practice to hangout with her she wa already with her girl friend and i didn t want to be a jerk and just come out and say i need to be with you tonight i think is the limit im always horny it s all i think about and my gf rarely want to have sex because she wa molested in her sleep twice by a family friend she still sometime see this last week i kinda learned if i keep asking her she will give in we were in my basement tonight and cuddling when i tried to finger her i did not force her i asked multiple time for consent she let me do it and gave me a handjob we both finished and i said do you want to go to the park where we usually have car sex she said yes so we went it wa still kinda light out so we went to target and walmart and walked around she showed me this lego set she wanted for herself i wa having a great time when we got in the car she said she didn t want to have sex anymore i wa extremely disappointed because she got my hope up i did not force her though she said she wa sick of me always talking about sex i replied saying it s the only thing i can ever think about she got mad and we sat in silence for a bit she asked to go home but i begged her to stay out for another hour until our curfew she agreed and went went to mcdonald s for sprite i apologized probably time about it saying i ll be better i know she could do better than me but i can t bring myself to break up with her she say she only want me but i want her to be happy with someone that would treat her better i ve decided to finally go to sleep and let her move on but the important part is her period is day late right now she might be pregnant neither of u believe in abortion if she is pregnant i plan on staying alive and supporting it if she s not i m going to buy her the 00 lego set she doesn t want me to buy for her i m gon na overdose after that i think i will write her a note saying sorry and it s not her fault one to the school and friend asking them to make joke about it and one to my 0 yo brother to say sorry and leave him everything i own xbox and 000 in my bank sorry this wa so long
dreamtimeswift taylornation i saw her once for 9 9 tour and i suffered serious post concert depression the next day when i created a spotify playlist for the tour setlist and i cried very badly in my bedroom
weird feeling hi all i m on my th day is buspirone and i m doing really well though when i go to bed it s tough to sleep with this medicine when i fall asleep i m okay but trying too it make me feel like i jolt internally or like when you go over a hill or a rollercoaster and your belly drop and it doe it a lot until i fall asleep i don t know how else to explain it and my doctor this morning didn t seem to concerned i hope it stop soon wondering if anyone can relate
i just got a text from sarah
the nd account is suspended tho let them rejoice depression is eating them all up
ohsbrat 0 i m sorry i m feeling kinda yucky myself am is going to come too quick
slept badly still feel like hell but maybe not a bad a yesterday why am i always ill when i take time off work
i just need to figure out a fool proof plan and figure out how to say goodbye to my friend and family without being suspicious and getting hospitalized again i really don t wan na hurt my loved one but they don t act like they really care anyways i wa living for other people but i have no one anymore so there s not much to live for anymore i have bipolar and borderline personality disorder and my existence is painful day by day i m just posting here basically to get advice because if i do this wrong again and live through it i will hate myself even more also i have tried getting help from any and everywhere that i can and it s still this way i ve lived my year and i m at peace with my choice at this point
i m not strong enough to kill me
hi something weird happened to me yesterday at noon i m tryna understand what it wa exactly i went to some very nice restaurent with my fwb that i ve known for month so we have a trustful relationship at the end of the meal i wanted to go to the toilet in the third room of the restaurent i wa feeling calm and not anxious at all in this moment i didn t know the exact place where the bathroom wa located but when i got to the third room i felt really overwhelmed like i never did before even on acid there were a lot of plate on the wall not that much people but i felt like i understood nothing anymore really had a panic feeling everything looked weird like a dream i felt very oppressed in my body a strange weight i never felt before it wa nothing like regular anxiety it had no reason to be and it happened very fast i wa standing alone in this room i don t even know if people were looking at me i could barely understand where people were or what they were doing i had a strange feeling that i wa really going to lose control of my mind if i stayed here like somebody wa mixing my brain and my perception didn t go to the bathroom get back to my friend he looked at me like this explained the shit to him he wa like i don t think it wa an acid flashback it may have happened to me some month ago and it wa pretty different perspective distortion color changing hallucination did you experienced something like this
hi i am 9m from india and i am currently going through a major crisis of my life my mother is a very abusive person she ha been physically abusing me since i wa i have burnt knife mark on my body which she called punishment she once threw me off the stair because i cracked two egg while bringing them home i have been subject to her verbal abuse since my birth i believe one of the incident which is still intact in my head is when i wa and she threw the knife on my face because i told her i do not want to go to some place with her i have been with her and growing up all along i always thought these thing were normal until i met new people i really get suicidal thought at night and i want to move out of here my father is separated and i have no idea where he is ita been more than a decade since i ve met or even talked to him all i know is that he sends money to my mother last year he did not send a single rupee for many month because if covid so i had to do some meagre job to earn something i had been doing that but now i want to complete my education and get a degree education here is very expensive i have graduated from my high school in the year 0 0 and had to take drop year because of pandemic and to basically stay alive now the situation is quite better at my home my dad is sending enough for u to eat when i talk about my study my mother straightforwardly decline and asks me work i really don t want to work i have to move out but i have zero backup and there are no part time job here in my country to move to another country is a very difficult task but it might change my life i would really need some advice and if you could just help me a bit it would be really great thank you for reading so far also i am sorry if i offended you by talking about my own mother like that i really do not know how to handle thing right now i am really sorry and thank you for reading i d appreciate if you can talk to me
year old here i hate myself so much i wish i could be different more motivated i wish i wasn t so skinny i wish i could be braver funnier more fun to be around more cool more outgoing and calm i m an anxious loser who stress over everything but doesn t try and be better i wish girl would talk to me thats all i want a girl to like me i wish i could feel the happiness of someone liking me
hello thank you for reading my post and any advice would be appreciated so i m a 9 year old guy from southern california i dated my ex for about month and it wa a relationship plagued with many issue she cheated on me at the beginning of the relationship and i later found out stayed with her and then cheated on her it wa this weird situation because we both wronged each other so we saw it a we re equal let s try to make this work though our relationship could be considered rocky at best i still loved her very much and i had never felt such strong emotion for someone like that before she wa my first real girlfriend she introduced me to her family and vice versa we went on vacation with each other we went to punk show and enjoyed music because we had a similar taste in music around december she caught me flirting with girl on my phone and i guess you can say she ended the relationship but everything wa still the same we would see each other regularly have sex pretty regularly go out and do thing with one other and talk all the time like we did it wa almost a like we never even broke but she said the relationship wa over but if i prove to her that i would make a change that we would get back together at first i wa super apologetic and begged her for forgiveness but i soon realized that everything wa still the same minus the fact that we technically aren t in a relationship anymore i did a lot of soul searching and talking to those around me who told me it wa for the best that we didn t date anymore so i started talking to other girl around this time i meet my guitar teacher and started playing the guitar i ve been playing for about month now it s something that make me very happy and i enjoy doing it like i mentioned earlier with my ex everything felt the same except we technically weren t in a relationship but she would still say she love and care about me in december i wa still trying to get her forgiveness she bought me these sick computer speaker i bought her this ring with our name engraved on it but she didn t really seem to like it and even left it at my house and never took it even though that s what she wa begging me to buy for her at one point i told her that it bothered me that she completely just tossed away the ring and her response is why would i wear a promise ring when i ve broken the promise i didn t have a rebuttal to it so i dropped the subject january rolled around and the idea of trying to gain her favor back and earning our relationship back grew to disdain we both were on bumble tinder talking to other people flirting but we still would be in this weird situation where we were in this relationship saying i love you to each other so like i mentioned earlier i had downloaded dating apps and met flirted with some girl and she wa doing the same thing but i told her that i m growing tired of this weird thing and that i want to be back with her and try to make thing work and she wa kinda blowing it off i deleted all the dating apps i wasn t meeting flirting with any girl and i didn t do anything with anyone besides her this whole time so fast forward to my birthday on february st and she bought ticket for u to go to knot berry farm amusement park here in socal we had a good time and we ended up having sex later that night during this whole weird period we were having sex pretty consistently my birthday ended up being the last time we saw each for a while because my best friend said that they saw her on bumble tinder i made new account and i saw her she swiped right on me both time and it set me off because i kept telling her i wanted to be with her and wanted to start over and she said wanted to a well but wanted to make sure but wanted wait and that she loved me and only wanted to be with me would always say she can t imagine being with anyone but me so seeing her on these apps even though we told each other we weren t going to be on them anymore so i sent her this long message telling her how i felt about her our relationship and the whole tinder bumble situation and that i wa through with her then it wa almost a she flipped the script and that she wa the one begging me to get back with each other and she pulled her whole i love you i can t imagine being with one else but you blah blah but i wa done and wa ready to emotionally move which i feel like for the most part i have so i completely stopped talking to her many of my close friend helped me out a lot especially my best friend i felt sorta free in a way and i wa trying my best to move on i met other girl and had hookup with a lot of them i mean last week i had sex with two different girl in one night on friday but every time i feel like happy at first after but then shortly after i go back to this feeling of emptiness that i have been feeling i and my family had a trip planned out to give a visit to our family in el salvador and we went it wa only for a week but it wa the happiest i had been in so long a soon a i came back that feeling of emptiness came back full force a couple of week after i came back me and my friend decided we wanted to try shrooms it wa a whole ordeal to get them but we somehow got them we had it all planned out but it kinda fell through me and my best friend ended up taking the i unfortunately had a bad trip at first the trip went super well but i took about gram and it wa my first time and i started telling my friend i wa depressed then it turned into i m planning on committing suicide when i m older but something came upon me and i wa telling him i wanted to kill myself right then and there and i tried to kill myself but my friend stopped me i have been pretty traumatized since that night and i have been thinking about it so much during the time i wa in el salvador my ex made a tik tok about me saying i wa a terrible person and that i treated her horrible and that she wa the victim of the relationship and it got like 000 view she also posted a video on her instagram story of some random licking her face and her kissing him after so i wanted nothing to do with her anymore but after my bad trip i felt emotionally vulnerable and i texted her back and i told her what i went through and we started texting again she told me that she wanted to see me again and i wasn t there emotionally she came over and we ended up having sex and we ve done this twice now i just feel like i have gone through so much these last month and it ha been so much to handle after i took the shrooms i felt like i needed to better my action and i planning on going back to school i have stopped smoking weed and drinking i never did it often but i want to completely stop i m growing tired of this constant feeling of emptiness i feel every day of my life and i feel like i haven t been trying to move my life forward and i keep going back to the same place i keep telling myself i want to move from i don t know if it s depression or what but i m tired of the way i feel sometimes when i think about my bad trip i just chalk it up to me being high but other time i feel like that deep down i actually want to and that the shrooms just made me realize i love and appreciate my best friend my other friend and my family because they provide me with amazing support but these feeling still linger and i m growing tired of it the thing that ha been providing me with happiness is playing guitar and it s been my escape i would appreciate someone to talk to maybe i need someone fresh perspective
my mind is in such a negative space i m overstimulated but every noise and word someone in my family passed away my period amplifies every emotion i just can t do it anymore my negativity is like a cancer and i d rather not infect anyone with it i want to die daily but i can t although i fantasize about it a lot i cut myself instead in order to stay alive to numb myself from the insanity and madness inside of me i feel unheard i feel burdened by my own existence and i ve been made to feel so bothersome to others i don t know i don t have much hope i m not angry i m maybe sad mostly i m so depressed and misunderstood by everyone because at the end of the day no one care to listen to me they think they re listening but people only have a limited amount of time that they ll let you talk anyway nobody need to be my therapist i hope my life end soon because i am unable to deal with the turmoil inside of me i just can t do it anymore i m desperate i m sorry
kid up at the crack of dawn i m still full of cold bleh starting work stuckrecord
nishitd no i missed everything onwards stupid work getting in the way of tennis
i ve been having some sleepless night lately with some racing thought i cry everyday because i fear i might have bipolar or schizophrenia the fear use to be that i had a heart problem stroke brain cancer etc now i worry so much that i might be going crazy i have a constant ear worm and an inability to sleep please help pray for me
my nose is bleeding
ekim 0 hehehe too bad they were separated
the med don t work my doctor is clearly not helping last time i went to him he told me that i wa having a very bad week because i stopped smoking pot five week ago like i m sorry but it would not have a delayed effect like that also he then compared it to a recent promotion he got like dude what the fuck i just keep having these recurring thought of slicing open my wrist and finally just getting the peace and quiet if wanted i don t want to die but i don t want to live like this anymore
ientje 9 aw i m fine too thanks yeah i miss you so much on the mfc but hope we can talk later on today kiss huglove
i happened to notice his sudden halt of breathing and checked he s had serious medical problem since birth i ve had a worse sleep schedule than him anxiety so i keep getting a voice in my head telling me he s stop breathing or dying right now so i constantly go check him and it s stressful when i m very anxious and it s another layer of stress
rachelcmrn i don t like goodnights
not to include too much gross info but she had blood in the toilet she teleconferenced with her doc who ordered a colonoscopy not sure if anyone with a medical background is reading this but if so could it be anything else the doc said it may be polyp one thing she left out wa that she had noticed narrower stool which i read is a sign of colon cancer i m just trying to put my mind at a bit of ease
kourtneykardash yup night workout r the worst but unfortunetly my work schedule only allows me to go at night it tough
working on my senior paper
ive got a poorly tongue after i burnt it on my chilli last night had a lovely day yday to thanks guy
you became this person in a dark room in a dressing gown completely unable to function if your child is experiencing depression there is hope for recovery headwaydaily see more at http t co meofhaqkel maudsley learning familymentalwealth familymentalhealth http t co fce bptkzz
it ll take day for my sister to get her passport
i ve got such a lot at the moment doubt i m going to get chance to book time off with the family this easter hol s
i better be allowed to go to sway sway baby concert or i ll seriously cry
never felt so embarrassed by our fanbase these last few day all clamouring to support jodi when he spoke about his depression barely even mths ago shouting his name when they see him warming up now he s suddenly a drain on the club and doesn t deserve our support funny that
twista 0 i think i want to read some book but the library doesn t have them
why cant it just fucking stop the pain is just too much sometimes all i wan na say is im sorry to the people i really care about i feel like a bad person who need to change and get better but i dont wan na do it for me i wan na do it for them im sorry i dont know whats wrong with me i really dont and it genuinely scare me maybe i should get help this is a wake up call ig fuck