well everyone after a super adventurous day luke ha gone home let u all morn the loss of a hero im off to continue playing sims
cannibaleyes i a bowling and the shit ripped
really now time for sleep dreaming of my city more tattoo and other great thing waking up to early morning sociology
snaprebelx omg i love that show i would be so mad i feel ur pain im sorry they spoiled it for u
i hate the fact that i m genuinely excited about my last tweet
after over year of dealing with daily anxiety i feel like i need to heed my doc advice and get on medication i know a lot of people will say that it s not but i feel like a loser and a weak person for not having enough strength to overcome my anxiety alone i look in the mirror every day and hate myself for not being able to get past this for sickening year i ve been trying to deal with this on my own every night i go to sleep exhausted saying the next day will be different sometimes i have better day most day are just a grind to pull myself out of the anxiety i don t mind working hard but i spend hour upon hour obsessing about my health any little ache pain bump or bruise sends me into a panic i have heart palpitation on the regular i can t sleep at night i ve tried working out lost lb walk for hour on end listen to positive message stopped drinking and yet the anxiety won t let go of me i pray to god to help me to give me an answer on whether or not i should get on medication i think god might be telling me it s time instead of enjoying the movement with my family i m checking my pulse worrying about cancer is that palpitation a heart attack wa the doctor wrong when he said i m healthy it follows me every where it s become my closest evil little friend and yet i hate myself for not being able to kick it why am i so weak why can t i tell it to fuck off and never come back why if it s my own brain can i not control it i feel like if i just keep pushing i can defeat it without med but it s been year and i don t want another to go by living like a tortured animal just waiting for it to all end maybe i m just scared to go on med i don t know if anyone can see themselves in what i m saying can you please let me know what if any med have helped you i m not looking for medical advice but when i talk to my doc i d like to have some idea of what he might be recommending anyways long post thanks for listening
in 0 i found out a former friend and person i used to have sex with in 0 wa posting my naked photo to a nude sharing reddit page kik and trading them with stranger on the internet we lived in two different country when i discovered this and the only thing i could do wa call email with the police in his area and inform his girlfriend at the time the police didn t really do much but they were able to track him down and tell him by phone or in person not really sure that he should delete the image he ha of me that wa all that came of it the police couldn t really even ensure he had deleted them his girlfriend broke up with him i did speak to him and he sounded sorry to have been caught he didn t seem to feel bad at all for how he made me feel ever since i have been struggling with this i feel extremely violated and stupid especially since he could still have the photo and be trading them with other people i wa only 0 and he wa when we were sharing nude and having sex and i feel like i did something that could potentially follow me forever i wa struggling hard with mental illness at the time i also had very little sleep and a stressful schedule i feel like i went into some depressive spiral and i started doing dangerous and promiscuous thing including being with him i know it s not an excuse however most day i just try not to think about what happened but some day it come so strong and i get an intense urge to do something bad to myself i am currently married to the love of my life and he wa an amazing support when i discovered my image online in 0 i know doing something bad to myself would absolutely crush him but i feel so worthless sometimes i still feel so violated i have the guy blocked on facebook but i know who his current partner is and i occasionally type in the usernames he used to share image to make sure there havent been any post since then he still seems to have a kik username active under the same name but i have no idea if he is still using it the police told me it would be hard to prosecute for something like this so telling me that i should try to get legal help is useless i obviously can t tell most people about this only my husband know so thank you for listening it s been year now since this all happened and i still occasionally feel extremely suicidal over it i don t know what to do to stop this i struggle with depression and anxiety on top of this but i usually don t feel suicidal unless this come up thanks for listening
followsavvy i never found her everytime i click on her twitter thing through your myspace it go to some dude s page
wow it way too early to be awake lot to do though and software post at 0 so i actually have to be to work on time boo
i m sick of hearing these are your best year and it only get worse i m year old i m in highschool and every adult in my life insists that it doesn t get any better than this i m told that a i get older get a job a house debt more responsibility i ll only get more stressed school alone coupled with my anxiety is enough to make getting through a single day a struggle i m fortunate enough to have a very good home life my greatest struggle ha been and continues to be with myself i m afraid that once i move on to life past highschool and i no longer have a strong support system i will collapse in on myself if you struggled with mental health in highschool when you were younger ha life a an adult improved for you doe it get any easier
just got reduced to tear by jeremy kyle off to the doctor now i hate the doctor it so scary arghhhh
lately i ve been calling my depression dark mode
i wonder if someone else feel the same and maybe someone here ha already found way to overcome it i live in small town now but in the past i lived in the big city and had no problem with height it just started several year ago i am afraid of entering building which is very tall i can t go beyond th floor without strong anxiety even going to the city and looking at all super high building make me quite anxious so far my anxiety is somehow manageable but i am afraid it may get worse in future since i avoid going to the city a much a possible i do not live in the city so sadly i can t practice and be exposed to my fear will i feel any relief after guided visualization any advises
i don t want to exist anymore the thought of death ha brought me a lot of peace for a while now i have friend who are incredibly important to me i love them greatly and i know that they will be perfectly fine without me i accepted my suicidal urge a few month ago and talked to them about it i don t want them to feel any form of guilt when i finally get to go and so i m trying to preemptively minimise that a much a possible i promised them each individually that i would at the very least get in touch with one of them before doing anything to give them a chance to talk to me i have even started going to therapy and promised myself that i would go for a minimum of session with a therapist whom i am comfortable with i also made myself a bucket list the whole point of it all is so that when i m gone they won t feel like they could have done more i don t want them to blame themselves for my decision i don t belong here i long for non existence it s got nothing to do with them and they shouldn t have to suffer because of me some day like today i struggle i just want to go i don t want to finish my therapy i don t want to finish my bucket list i don t want to call them i just want to be forgotten i think i m on the tail end of today spiral and i haven t sh today either which is a win i guess i just needed to write this out
not good munchkinster is not feeling well
laptop died on me yesterday have to reinstall but it the perfect time to try out window beta
y a une mamie de mon glise qui m a dit tu n est pa blanche la d pression c est pa pour toi
i feel like sometimes i can t tell if it s anxiety or really a gut instinct
is feeling even worse cold cough sore throat the work
falling asleep just heard about that tracy girl s body being found how sad my heart break for that family
i wake up and expect to deal w the same shit i had to yesterday life is gettin boring to say the least
so i wa on my way home from the gym and i noticed this guy wa driving in the middle of the road i thought by time i got to him he would have gotten over but he didn t i swerved out of the way at the last second but i hesitated and wa almost ready to just accept my fate is this normal
mizzzidc why post it online backing your stupid act with kicking back to depression trying to play emotional game to win pity from people you ll commit suicide because of shoe lol i m sorry for you dear keep up the energy
is frustrated that rudd cant facilitate private enterprise investing in our broadband infrastructure instead he need to waste our money
anyone know a good way i can work on not over thinking thing a much it s starting to take a toll
hey guy im gon na be honest here im a year old stoner with a lot of mental health issue i havent ever really had anyone i felt comfortable or safe opening up to and i know it can be the same for a lot of other men of all age i wanted to create a subreddit of some sort a a safe place to vent give and seek advice for domestic or any other reason a men mental health problem seems to be kinda looked over i m looking for advice on how to grow that kind of community i haven t had a safe place like that for me and i dont want men to have the same problem or feel the same way kindest regard safewithus
sometimes i feel like living and dreaming but most of the time i just want to sleep and never wake up i can t decide if i should die or live nothing is joyful anymore nothing make me happy and i don t love anyone rnough to live for them just in case what s a painless and quick way to go
i m not joking been having a pounding headache after a meltdown why actually i m personally not surprised since i have like a laundry list of trigger it s just like damn really i can t even cry in peace depression is a bitch weirder part is if you are cutting onion or even cry because something good happens it doesn t trigger a migraine or a tension headache it s just negative cry that doe it
paulaabdul awww good luck paula please don t work too hard but i hope you have fun your new album is gon na be amazing xxx
anistorm sorry
onlysweeter i don t know the dance
watching greek cant believe it the last day ill see you guy june 0 ahh
you shouldn t have gone
there is just something wrong with stupid vista i hate it
for the past month i ve been struggling with crippling anxiety that s manifested into some terrifying physical symptom and panic attack i ve gone to the er three time due to panic attack causing me to believe that i wa having a heart attack or pulmonary embolism my head gi system and cardiovascular system have been really angry with me a of late i ve had zero motivation for anything however today i managed to clean my kitchen living room and bedroom i ve vacuumed dusted did the dish did the laundry put away thing and am going to clean my bathroom considering my health anxiety s made me believe i can t do any amount of work without dying i think this is a success i just needed to celebrate that fyi i started 0mg prozac almost three week ago and i believe a lot of my symptom are my body adjusting to that i start therapy a week and a half from now and i have a med check the following day
coffee is turning into starbucks feral child wise
oh no it s a harrod day now i really will be sick
today i realized i am too good at hiding thing even i can t find it
humpninja i cry my asian eye to sleep at night
why am i this person i love writing reading scholarship academia but each of those field are rightly inaccessible to me i am unintelligent i have nothing to contribute but my work ethic which is practically useless every article and book i read confirms this i wish i could be satisfied with menial work i wish i could let these aspiration go it is ridiculous and self indulgent to pine after thing that are so obviously out of my reach
f it s currently am and i m cry like every other night i seriously don t wan na go tomorrow i say this every day i hate it there i hate it so fucking much got so many absents this year i m pretty sure i ve missed a whole month at this point i at least get to see my friend for 0 minute during break but that s pretty much all that s good about school right now so i m thankful for them i can t stand one more second of sitting in class trying to pay attention like a if nothing is wrong with me i also absolutely hate the subject i take they don t teach what i want art so i m stuck with boring as lesson i don t give a shit about we have or more test every fucking week and i m so sick of it how the fuck am i supposed to study when i can t even get out of bed and do basic task this school doesn t give a shit about mental health well in their advertisement they do so but that s all for show i feel really guilty for even feeling this way because there s literally nothing wrong with my life i have a good family good friend in a safe country and am in a financially stable household don t get me wrong i am completely grateful for all these thing yet i m so depressed and nihilistic thinking about my future university work etc make me sick i can t comprehend living past i would ve killed myself long ago if it wasn t for the damage it would ve done to my family i m taking international a level so the workload is pretty brutal high school is a very small part of my life so i just need to be patient and get it over with i just have one more year left but it sound way easier said than done seriously feel like like i m over complicating my situation which is 00 the case because i always do this i m still so young none of this is gon na matter in the future wish i could just take the depression a well a the anxiety that make me overthink out of my brain like a if it wa a physical thing then all these negative thought and the anxiety i feel every second of every day would be gone sorry for the long as rant literally nobody is going to read this
j xox laterr hunn arghh hope i dont miss any tweet lol gunna be at my nan later nooo byeeee x x x
i feel the need of depending on people for me to feel better and more comfortable but i don t think that s the right way to go but at the same time i m not even sure how i could better myself on my own it s probably the most difficult thing i m doing and i just feel really nervous right now and i hate that i sleep so late it s honestly bugging me and affecting me so much i just want someone who truly care about me to say i ll do alright that i ll find a way to overcome this it feel uncomfortable to cry at time i can t even do it really anymore it just last a few second and then my state of mind change and my brain just go through these phase of different feeling im not sure what i m gon na do tonight but i guess the only thing i can do is be on my phone and just have this pain in my chest last till i pas out
crappy day so far whyyyyy
yo jimo i cant talk on aim anymore it glitching ill cya later and i hope u see this
yayfuckbuddies what i would and me horny too
i m sure that twitter doesn t know the definition of depression
waiting for my love to get home and getting sad that there won t be hot cross bun after next week
there is someone in my life i need to have a conversation with i tell myself i really need to do this to answer the question i keep asking myself and if it doesn t get better then i ll know it s time to cut them out i know i have to do this it will make everything better and solve the problem i got myself ready to start this conversation under the thought that a long a i m trying to communicate it s a win in my book i open the chat and think about typing and i tell myself why even bother it doesn t matter he doesn t care to hear your thought and when you do tell him he s not going to want to fix the problem it s so frustrating because i know what the problem is and how to fix it and i can t i don t know how to take the next step
i m gon na get up late tomorrow and it s am here i gon na get tipsy by my lonesome that s that s just sad
it s been a few month since i ve posted they ve medicated me but nothing ha changed i m still a worthless piece of shit no matter what i do i m the problem and no one will ever want me in their life i m never going to be good enough to have a real job or be anything more than a stupid customer service agent i went to college i have put in over 00 job application in the last week when i get an interview even company who contact me first ask me to apply when i arrive they say i m not a good fit it s because i m le than the same thing my mother saw when she gave birth and didn t want me is the same thing everyone else see that make me le than others i am not even worthy of being human i m just trash no pill or medicine will change that i wish i had the strength to self check out i don t tell my therapist bc it doesn t do any good they just want me to pay for more therapy that s supposed to train me to behave my insurance doesnt cover it so it s not even worth mentioning anymore i just wish i wa loved and had a life i felt like mattered i hate myself and the life i wake up too bc i m not good enough to have anything but sorrow
wish i had all the xblm downloads all on the gamertag hitokyri this gamertag thing is nonsense and i m tired of it
got to take cleo to the vet not sure what s wrong with her but she s feeling very sorry for herself
alessandrod sadness but please keep updating hug
i have gad and have been going through an emotional upheaval with my partner causing extra stress i ve been reducing my lexapro slightly a i felt it wa not working but now am more anxious than ever despite tiny change today i woke up full of dread to go to work no reason i love my job but it all felt too much a a mid ground i decided to work from home today instead of going in i still feel light headed and awful and have the added guilt of messing client around by changing the schedule or converting to online service what do i do how do i get myself to work when it all feel too much
rsk depression
i ve been in and out of mental hospital for about year now i m just turned thing get good for a bit and then they get better and it a vicious cycle i m on med to help with anxiety and adhd but the thought just wont stop i counted all my med to see if it enough to die and od my parent don t really care because im sure my mom saw my new self harm scar and said nothing i relapsed really bad again and because of how open they are i m afraid of an infection i just want help but i m scared i m a burden my mom is sick right now and we dont have money to send me to the hospital again id rather i just die kinda instead of having to deal with everything i m bottling it all up again and turning to self harm idk what to do anymore i m so tired
can t smell tyson any more
kishorek this is strange illegal torrent avlbl everywhere legal dvd not in stock what do i do now
you re easily replaceable and trust me they will replace you if you re lucky you ll be born into a loving and sweet family but that s often not the case for most people you re alone and will be alone for most of your time on this earth you ll reach an expiration date for your usefulness and they ll kick you to the curve it doesn t matter if you re really struggling and barely hanging on or if they re aware of what you re going through and they ll give you every excuse in the book but the simple matter of the fact is that they don t care about you anymore what do you have to offer now
missed some good oppertunities
clarianne april 9th isn t coming soon enough
seasonal depression suck
my car arrived maybe i ll get it on thursday damn paperwork
i absolutely hate having my picture taken right now i m going through an especially hard time my med have been changed and i m in the early stage so going through the side effect with none of the benefit and i m informed that they are doing company picture tomorrow the one day i agreed to work in the office i also have an appointment with a hand surgeon to schedule surgery on my right hand tomorrow i type for a living so i m living in dread that they can t fix my hand and will make it worse because that s what anxiety doe so what do i do i just had a complete breakdown i work from home so only my husband saw fortunately and i cancelled working in the office tomorrow i had planned it that way to be closer to the appointment but screw them i m not going to let them do this to me anxiety depression and adhd all at the same time just suck
babdhlamini she s looking for cheap therapy talking about depression and all like this singular act won t push her down that path faster
i am officially alone on my twitter
so basically we re getting evicted we have like a month or to move out and we found a house we wanted but we haven t gotten the application for the house i m for some context so i could obviously live with my dad for a while but i m scared thing won t workout and we won t get the house or our landlord will say something bad about u so we can t get the house or we ll lose money my anxiety and worry about this is really bad and i don t wan na talk to my mom about my worry because i feel like she s stressed enough
they said if i got off my lazy as and got a job my depression would go away i d finally have a reason to live that i would be more confident and happy and now that i have a perfectly pleasant job with good pay i feel miserable i think about tomorrow with the utmost dread even tho i know tomorrow won t be so bad the worst thing that can happen is i ll embarrass myself or say something awkward but when i think about going to work tomorrow the next immediate thought is well honestly i d rather just not be alive everyone told me once i got a job and stopped being a disappointment i d be happy but now i might have some money and can pay some bill but that s it i don t feel more confident or fulfilled i feel lonelier than ever because if i tell anyone i d rather die than go to work i ll come off a spoiled and entitled instead of someone whose brain is always stuck in the flight response
ellendeg ellen do my message not get to you if you didn t notice i m sad i try so hard to communicate wif u
throat killing me and missing gordon
i have a like bottle of pill on my counter that are my old antidepressant i don t want to live anymore but i know if i fail i ll be in so much trouble what do i do
mutesi lydie ese niba rbc isohora report ivugako murwanda million zabaturage nibura babana na depression cg nikihe gihugu gifite amateka nkayurwanda ahantu ugera urumushitsi ukajyanwa gusura inzibutso nawe ubwawe ukavayo urira nyine utishimye so in some case the report is 00 ok
damn it down
hello people i feeling today sad because i cry about my family we do not talk much it is not that fun to grow in a family like that because i wish we communicate more about feeling thought experience and many more thing i wish i can understand myself and express my feeling to the world sometimes i feel like a strange and think what i thought and feel is wrong i do not like that my parent and grandma always criticies me what i have to do and what is wrong and right they had father died 0 year ago suicied this aggression voice that let me feel stupid and childish i scare sometimes to say what i think because they will be aggressive in a physicil and psychic way it like they do not want to understand who i am im nobody it suck and thats the reason i want to write it here down because i do not want to hide myself i do not want be alone in this world i want to be a part in this society now im cry i want to be huge and to be listend i want to cry and say what i do not like i want to be like who i have to be i want to explore the world and myself i do not want do thing that i doesnt like why ha the world feeling have to be this way why i have to suffer like this i think people who ha depression need more attention because they suffer to much in this world thx for reading maybe u want to say something or not bye
attack of the hayfever noooo
mizzzidc nah that depression go finish you
fuck toxic positivity you have every right to feel angry pissed depressed frustrated sad numb tired exhausted if your life s shit no even if your life isn t shit it s fucking okay
it just hit me sadness is everywhere even when im happy it feel like im drowning in sadness
life is so fucked human are so fucked and cruel and hedonistic and trash and mean and disgusting humanity deserves to die out a a specie so this planet and the animal that get constantly fucked by u can finally have their rest
im up guy lloll
i know that sound weird but i wa talking to my therapist yesterday about how i usually don t realize i am in a bad place until i am out of it and look back at that time long story short we talked about getting better at recognizing it and today i have been feeling really down and sluggish and angry wa i depressed yesterday but just didn t realize it not sure if this ramble make sense but yeah i thought i wa fine yesterday now i am not even though nothing in my life changed
i hate myself this probably sound cringey but i do i hate myself my friend call me fat a a joke and id like to take it a a joke but i can t i can t i can t i can t i feel like they hate me i have no evidence they do but i hate myself i m worthless i can t even describe myself without wanting to kill my self all my friend are either small and skinny or lanky i m chubby but they make me feel awful they joke about me behind my back i have a true friend well i hope he s true that tell me this even though i ask him to do it i don t want after each joke i hear i want to die i can t tell anyone that would rope them into my mess and i m probably the least suspecting person to think this because i ve been faking a smile for year since i wa 0 at 0 year old i wanted to die hate myself i don t know who to blame but me i m useless i had a failed suicide attempt at age at fucking i tried to slit my own wrist i m only here because i love my parent and my dog but a soon a they die i have nothing but my own thought which i feel like are against me
in work early for team meeting but forgot my lunch
i got drugged and had to be resuscitated a little over a week ago i ve been casually suicidal for a while now the sound of my friend cry while giving me cpr is burned into my head forever i dont know if i ever lost my pulse but i wa barely breathing until the emts got to me it s scary that this experience didnt change anything about me when i think about it i laugh not in a laugh to hide the pain kind of way but like i actually had to get chest compression to keep me alive from my best friend and that s just so ridiculous like of course that would happen to me of all people idk it s just weird to me that this traumatic a fuck experience didnt change a thing about my outlook on life
fabianv what kind of doc and what are you using to write them we re always behind on our doc
am trying to fit all my stuff in a tiny bag so i can take it on a hand luggage dont think it gon na work
m f we are currently dating for like month i mean we had sex timesim sure that i do love her a lot and she doe to but i don t want to get in a relationship now cuz i have trust issue it not about her i swear to god but i mean i dont want to think of her in a bad way i dont want to think that she is sleeping with a random dude at this moment i think she is cheating on me for no reason d even though we are not in a relationship and we didn t talk about it actually i am just jealous or have trust issue and i dont want to to make her day bad i want her to feel happy but am not sure about her i mean i had the thought that she is playing with me at the same time i feel like she rly love me and of course i didnt say that to her cuz i am her friend or her lover i meant i don t think that is ok to say that when you re not in a relationship even if we were together i wont say that or think of her like that with how to deal with that how to make it work
how doe your anxiety manifest itself when you are having severe anxiety
throat is closing up and i had some string cheese not a good idea
i feel like i have had this crap since i wa young and depending on whether or not i can convince myself everything will be okay is where my anxiety level are i am constantly plagued by my own thought about dying and more specifically what happens after and the wonderful memory throughout my life that will just be gone i love life so strongly the sunrise and sunset the connection with family friend my husband potentially future child that i ve been holding off on until i can come to some sort of conclusion with this anxiety and the companionship of animal sometimes i spiral into panic over it and just don t know how i m going to keep doing this for the rest of my life the anxiety is so bad that i would say at this point i have depression that i ve never felt wa a label that ha matched me in the past doe anyone have any kind word or advice or anything ha anyone had success with finding their way out of this anxiety i m not religious but i am spiritual and look at life very factually and scientifically this is just one thing that i don t have very good answer to or hope about
0 gi depression
internetumpire ipave depression kudukaadha ne just live the moment still chepauk la than last match nu nambuvom
i am falling and no one is there to catch me the one that say they will be and care can t be bothered to even listen to me fully anymore i have outworn my welcome here i don t want to deal with this pain or the voice in my head telling me i will never be enough i want to end it so badly but i can t bc i have important obligation that need me and it would destroy if i left and i love them but god i am so tired of being in this pain
shedfire mrsshedfire been taking picture of you without your shirt bleeeech
i ve had a lot of anxiety about taking antidepressant but i finally did it after having a couple really really bad week recently first day is going okay i m a little nauseous and have dry mouth just proud of myself for making a necessary change and hopefully this is the right prescription for me
i m so cold
everyday of my life is hell i m forced into this religious cult my parent pick my friend from the religion i m depressed feel like dying daily i have anxiety my parent don t even check up on me like parent are supposed to do i don t have many people i can talk to and let my feeling out so sometimes i come here and rant my frustration out i m turning on may th so i m gon na get a job and move out and live my life but my mom isn t helping me she tell me i m gon na be a prostitute get hooked on drug and end up homeless and y crazy which i m not and she s making me feel bad i m a good child i have straight a s shockingly i do everything she asks me too i don t know what else she want from me i have so much stress on me from her and i can t take it anymore
trying to write an essay in english painful