cant wait for easter but then after that it will be study time
just couldn t sleep last night working a p than dinner with megan happy bday jl
thogden every other year supporting norwich one good year in the championship then pure depression in the premier league
i will never like getting up at am dumb work schedule
hate revision
ssr faced sabotag with most vicious lie written abt him a blind item but not one of these gossip wrote abt his add ction or depression even tho everyone supposedly knew abt latter not suspicious ip nupurprasad pmoindia doptgoi hmoindia ssr social medium compromised
hey djtracyyoung why aren t you playing at gaydays this year every year i know tracy s night will be the best night
i see no future ahead of me and i am very much fucked right now life is going too fast i cant keep up with anything i literally have no friend no one would try to find me if i go missing one day im living in this shit hole away from parent since and they dont even care about me at this point everyone can see that i am going to kill myself but no one even see me at all currently making plan if anyone find my reddit account somehow after i die take this a a sorry i wa a bad kid and became a horrible adult sorry for not doing good thing and making everyone around me sad until i have no one around me left
eisie mate that s rubbish 0pt hug tom covered in spot and obviously not happy but doc say it s nothing bad tell that to tom
i ve been struggling for a long time but it s getting worse i feel alone constantly no matter who s around me i fake a smile to pretend i m okay but i m far from it idk what to do anymore i don t eat i can t sleep no matter how hard i try i never feel that i m good enough what do i do do i give up i don t wan na die but i don t wan na live like this
they are not bad people though it my fault they ignore me school drive me crazy and i think ill never be really comfortable with the way life is i dont want to die but i really dont want to live
m since covid started i haven t really been out at all and now i got my first date ever which i ve been tryna put off by excuse and now it s either i go or just loose out on the opportunity to go i ve got health anxiety and a bit of social anxiety i feel like i m not ready but i really don t want to loose the opportunity to take her out on a date i don t know what to do and i m just stressed out i m planning a easy date like bubble tea and a walk in the park probs see the sunset but i m still stressed out lol
it s official i m going to have an educational summer owh god bless me
morning good mood bad pain lovely day for staying in bed again
i m writing this in hope i get a sign but it s been year already and no sign of life getting better my mom hate me she already told me that my family doesn t give a shit about me and my friend they also don t i ve been trying to get a job i wa just fired from a job where i wa happy learning and getting good pay they just sent me an email saying they no longer need me no feedback except for you are great but not what we need i have tremendous stress a i have to help pay rent i don t want to be a burden anymore i really tried but i m not getting anywhere
llordllama oh no i had an obadiah too name that start with e are generally good
all i know is i ve been saying for year a a pisces stell amp h jupiter that i ll be more successful during a great depression 0 which is honestly embarrassing but also been preparing since elementary so uhm u know it be
spent hour to reach to axis bank only to find out today is holiday for mahavir jayanti contd
my childhood cat died in a horrible accident while no one wa in a room and i saw all the aftermath happen when i ran into the room i ve had anxiety of slamming door book heavy object in general ever since a few day ago my dad wa working on my car since it ha leak and the door were open our other cat are free to go outside and they were out and about since it wa nice well my dad got done working on the car and closed the door later he asks me to put the car in the garage i go and start the car open the garage and begin pulling forward just then i hear two raspy meow and all the blood rush from me i almost start cry i m hyperventilating i jump out of my car and check under the tire but no one is there my cat jump onto my dashboard from the backseat of the car i m so horrified at this point but begin to calm down knowing shes okay and that my dad accidentally locked her in the car for a little bit i m glad shes safe but ever since then i ve had nightmare of running over my cat with the gory imagery coming from my first cat death and those meow my cat voice is naturally like that but sounding more in pain and raspy i dont know why i m so scared i dont even want to drive anymore because of this i always double click my lock button before i unlock and get in so that my car beep and scare away anything my parent get mad at me for doing it in the morning i m so scared of another accident what do i do
went in for problem i won t disclose had blood drawn and they had it sent in my symptom just keep getting worse and it s making me fear getting the dreaded cancer call back i m making it worse for myself by googling symptom after symptom illness after illness treatment after treatment and it s filling me with more dread i can t stop shaking i can t sleep i don t know what to do this is the worst attack i ve had in a long time and all i want is to go back day to before my symptom appeared so i can feel normal again and not have to fear the worst i don t know what else to say i m just so scared of what might be and i m just psyching myself out and making it worse i wouldn t be surprised if my symptom are getting worse because of the anxiety i want my doctor to see me on the weekend and i want to be comforted i don t want to die i don t want to go through treatment i m afraid of medication i m just so fucking scared right now and i just want it all to calm down i m afraid to call people i m afraid to wake up family but i don t know where to go or what to do
emily will be glad when mommy is done training at her new job she miss her http apps facebook com dogbook profile view 0
ugh just read on cnn that they found the cantu girl s body in a pond near their home how terrible for her family
depression come from not forgiving the past and trying to control the future happiness come from living and working on the present
tw vaccine i got my booster yesterday and this is by far the worst i ve felt first dose i wa 00 fine second dose i had a super sore arm for hour but my booster is pfizer we had moderna for the first my body is just aching but we were warned of myocarditis of course a we re in our late 0 s and ofcourse my brain is fixed on i m going to get it i m so stressed every little pain i m like this is it this is gon na get me
traffic not a bad a normal so super early for meeting
ya ll ever had beef with a microwave or an alarm clock
junebugg i had to super glue my shoe lol
is needing some love
why am i up so early i am bored and have had that trantula song stuck in my head for the past hour www stalkdaily com georg
theekween the herb help for those that suffer from depression anxiety loss of a loved one heartbreak or have witnessed something tramatic thelmaherbs
i think i have medical problem that will never go away and that if it wasn t for them i could be so much more than i am from personal reflection i m actually really happy with the progress i ve made with myself and in my life since a couple year ago but thing like my anxiety are horrible and if my life will always have it i d rather be dead than continue living not to mention i ve already done most of all my life ha to offer so what s left really amp x 00b i m sorry if this post sound pretentious but i can t find any other post that i can relate to so i ve put it here
crummyasshole i don t like that they only had him in the first movie cillian murphy is hot
i know it s getting to a low point again i don t want to leave my bed my grade are low my mom is worried and if she doesn t bring me food to my room i would eat i can t shower i can t help myself from sleeping i told my boyfriend and i feel like he is not here for me not with this depression stuff i don t want to do all i do is cry and sleep i m so tired and i don t even move to go to the bathroom i hate being in this loop i just hate everything and i don t want to talk to anyone but i know i need help i thought i wa doing better but i m at my lowest again
agh snow
just realised that urdu word for depression is dil shakistagi the defeat of heart the feeling that whatever war you were fighting for sanity are lost your wall are broken and now you need a rescue whoever coined it really knew what it felt like
a month ago my friend group dropped me because the past few month have been tiring after a situation that involved my crush i kept bothering them about it and it wa just not the same after that i understand where they where coming from though a of right now we re just mutuals we talk in class sometimes and wave to each other in the hallway and smile no drama or anything happened but one person kinda told everyone we ended on good term which im glad happened now i hang out with my other friend we are a trio and we have each other s back nothing is awkward we just vibe with each other let call them em and ki ki is a very friendly person if one of u ha a dislike towards someone she would still talk to them cause shes good with them and they have no drama yesterday ki wa invited to lunch by my ex friend they have been talking and getting closer today in the corner of my eye i see them playing imessage game and just texting each other honestly im just worried that shell hang out with them more often and ill be alone for lunch i am not in charge of who she hang out with i don t mind at all if they re friend she said that our friend group is kind of her main lunch friend group so we hang out like most of the time she said if my ex friend kept inviting her she would probably go maybe a few time i honestly don t know why im worried im overthinking and stressing out a lot right now ive always been like this im afraid to be alone
you go thru depression the first trimester of pregnancy
literally and the depression that come before
hi everyone amp x 00b being a sexually abused survivor a child to dealing with many trauma of anxiety and depression related to family member and myself i felt like i need to do something now so i am working on a project to help people with mental health challenge that enjoy playing video game on their if you are open for me to ask you some question privately just say yes and i will send you a private dm i appreciate the support i hope i can help like others who have helped me deal my trauma and anxiety
sneffielynn i wish i knew what s going on with tb it s driving me crazy
lol not literally but when i m out with a group of people for example i always feel so weird like i don t belong or that i m so abstract from everyone but in reality i m accepted by everybody amp it rlly suck feeling this way anyone else go through this
why do people have to care about me im only alive because of my parent and some friend because they would be sad if i died life is bullshit
gooood mooorning world i had a dream last night i fucked my knee again def need to kick start my strengthening ready for bournemouth s
theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing a loved one thelmasherbs http t co ayy9 a u r
panic disorder is one type of anxiety disorder the main characteristic of panic disorder is the occurrence of panic attack a panic attack is a sudden onset of fear even without an apparent cause the physical symptom of a panic attack such a shortness of breath racing heart and chest pain http www healthgrades com right care symptom and condition pain can often make people feel http familydoctor org condition panic disorder a though they are having a heart attack http www healthgrades com right care heart attack heart attack while most people will experience a panic attack at some point in their life those with panic disorder experience them on a more regular basis panic attack can occur http www nimh nih gov health publication panic disorder when fear overwhelms anywhere from several time per day to only a few time per year the fear of the next panic attack can affect your daily life and cause you to avoid place and situation where you had a panic attack before panic disorder often begin in the late teenage year or in early adulthood people assigned female at birth are more likely to develop panic disorder than male if you have had at least two panic attack with no clear cause followed by approximately month of feeling fear that another attack may happen contact your doctor
being loved by everyone having money to take care of my family giving back traveling the world getting up each morning working on project having no insecurity being respected being king
getting annoyed easily today gt gt gt biofuel proposal getting annoyed easily today gt gt gt biof http tinyurl com ceprvs
marthagonemad agreed i wish it could just be pure and easy fun
life seems to be so unfair how come i am mentally struggling and unwell 0x more compared to people who abuse substance or i guess sometimes to people who just drink a lot smoke a lot of weed etc it doesn t seem to affevt them negatively meanwhile i am completely sober but seems to be going through so much shit sleep issue regardless of no substance abuse i jusy don t understand
one of my friend called me and asked to meet with her at mid valley today but i ve no time sigh
in the university in the classroom on the computer shit my day is boring
the nowhere land not 00 sick but definately not healthy either
hi i m haven t had many female friend growing up now that i m in university and i m a part of a couple different club society we occasionally all go out and eat together i ve quickly realised that i ve been very anxious when eating food on a table with other woman there particularly the one i m meeting for the first time or the one i want to leave an impression on i have a bit of a short beard and one of my fear is that food will drip down and get stuck in my beard and those woman will notice it before i can clean it or it might just get stuck and they ll silently judge me for it and not tell me it s there i ve become great at conversation overtime from previously being very introverted and shy but asap food is served and everyone start eating i switch from being that casual fun guy to a scared and shy introvert who keep wiping his face after every bite of food he gulp down p s interestingly my fear isin t there when i m with guy or if i m with woman i m already close to would love to hear you guy opinion on how to tackle it and if you guy have faced any similar fear xx
not sure if anyone can relate i feel like probably not on this subreddit so i do apologise if it s rude to post here but i want to die i just don t want to kill myself i can t wait for life to be over but i don t want to just end it i want to smoke to speed up the process and i just feel a little nihilistic i wouldn t really call myself suicidal but i don t think i ll be sad when i die either
when you can t work and feel like a shadow of a character you put on for other people when you feel like such a burden to people you love almost like you are taking advantage of them because you need their help i got help but i still feel the effect of this depression medication doesn t seem to help the overall feeling that i feel is a lie i want to kill my self at least the identity that i am a strong man i m young i ve accomplished more than my father did at my age however i am still under his roof failure to launch and failure to exercise work life balance living with what i see to be bipolar disorder and the effect it ha on my and other people life holding on to the idea i have that to commit suicide would be murder in the eye of god because i am a slave of his i gave up my life because jesus gave up his struggling to understand or at least accept my sinful nature and reject it at the same time struggling with the idea that perhaps i m trans perhaps i m gay perhaps i m yes that s ok looking at myself gain weight because of my own lack of self control with eating going from the most disciplined with cutting weight for a pro fight going from 0lbs to lb in le than month getting fairly close to the former in i feel sick i feel worthless impotent the exact opposite of what i felt month ago i wan na be well for other people sake i wan na be taken advantage of in the future a work horse for someone a husband a friend an artist just not a crazy one but what can i do i didn t choose to be mad i just am i want to overdose so far i do so with caffeine and nicotine had i been able to get myself to drink alcohol i d use that however i hate hangover i think once i wake up in limbo i ll still feel it doing everything i can to lock myself in the house and not jump off a bridge head first onto the highway running out of video to watch on youtube running out of idea for making music feeling alone feeling a buzz from my med a i type this feeling god looking at me over my shoulder the devil over the other i want to be ripped in two the life i want is living a duel life one for jesus the other with satan queer perhaps my favorite word lately i identify a that queer
not able to sleep
quot fire of anatolia quot is fired costume are destroyed it s so poor situation
penndbad send me the dvd co i have missed out on heap not happy about that
death seek me life besieges me i want to die why oh why fuck bring the pain i am ready for the ocean whatever happens i ll be with god please god forgive me i have failed you i am so confused please help me why is my life such a painful struggle i want peace in sobriety with you forgive me god i am sorry
on a bad day it feel a though someone ha applied the vignette filter and my field of view is decreased whilst thing become a bit more blurry and le vibrant my eyelid also become a bit heavier a though i ve just woken up after a nap and there s a sort of foggy feeling in my forehead and behind my eye can any of you guy relate to this or doe it sound like something unrelated to anxiety
i feel like i ve got no energy left to give or to keep up appearance like even responding to folk when they ask simple question feel like lifting a 00lb weight i m exhausted and can t handle the thought of any kind of interaction i m so lonely but so utterly worn out from being anxious to manage the effort can anyone relate
i m bored sun it s not present in a sky i deppressed so much i want see the sun
julieebaby awe i love you too am here i miss you
jaxtartwitch denismcmichael stats feed well being informed and suffering from depression are two different aspect
meta ufo don t get involved any presale or lock project again of u don t want to spend the rest of ur life in depression
missin the boo
for some reason i have a strong urge to draw illustration for novel cover
depression go dey regret why e exist y all blaming your bad character on depression that shit is tired
kev nz lol better let aboy0 know if he s doing the deploy before his 9 0 bedtime hope you are feeling better being sick sux
jessicafilan it is
pepperoni roll in l a i called valentino s they said that they had sausage roll but no pepperoni roll http tinyurl com cec ka
i just want to stop being so sad i feel like i m failing at life i m sitting at my desk and i just can t stop fucking cry over literally nothing i just don t see any hope for my future somehow i always come back to this feeling i used to fantasize about getting hurt enough to be in a hospital for like week just to get a break but not actually kill myself because i feel like i couldn t do that to the people around me i really have no one in my life to talk to right now i tried the crisis text line and my god they are unhelpful you are so brave for reaching out how do you think you were able to reach out tonight um maybe because i have this option or the option to off myself and one seems a little more rational than the other how do you guy cope when you just can t do it anymore
terrified by the news from italy http tinyurl com dhdpne
spanx except i missed last week s lee and now it s gone from iplayer
theekween depression anxiety trauma thelmasherbs
i don t want to die i just want to not be here anymore every time i ve tried to explain this to someone they can t seem to understand i just want stop feeling this way
went to the doctor s today and my blood sugar level wa
i have probably around 0g of metformin sitting next to me right now im scared but relieved that everything will finally be over
i 0f already struggle with suicidal ideation i m just tired so tired this last six month ha been the toughest six month of my life i ve been with this guy 0m for five year he ha been a step up dad for my daughter 0f nearly from the beginning of our relationship very early had always plan to get married and have child together my feeling for him have always been so strong he always made me feel like he wa different like he understood my trauma and wanted to hold my hand through my healing not set mine and my daughter life on fire i moved to the other side of our country to be with him we have had ups and down i found out six month ago he ha a new girlfriend and she also a a you g child f long story short he s leaving me for her our lease is up at the end of april and my daughter and i have nowhere to go we will be homeless for a while until i can move back to my parent my ex husband m found out we won t have a stable place to live for a little while and is filing for custody of my daughter my ex husband is it ha been extremely abusive to me since i wa none of the abuse wa ever documented because i never wanted to call the police he always made me feel like i deserved it i ended up losing my well paying job due to my emotional state my daughter and i don t have family or friend here none that aren t deeply tied to my now ex bf i don t feel like i have deserved any of this shit im the go to person that always help everyone now i m going to have nothing and i have no one willing to show up for me and my kid we also have two dog i will have to rehome because he refuse to take them and i can t hardly care for myself and my daughter right now i m literally about to lose everything i ve been chewed up and spit out my whole life i suffered a lot of emotional and sexual abuse a a child too i don t genuinely want to die but i also don t want to feel anymore like i really don t know if i could survive losing my daughter that kid is my world please how do i make it stop i can t go out like this
josephheustess well there wa this really cool part where i wont spoil it
apology for the random burst and then lack of video been in a really wanky depression hole that i need to crawl out of a bit
i have to go to the library and get some book on the bloody wa i really can t be bothered with these a level anymore
one of the greatest healer of depression is thanksgiving be thankfuk today
up and showered now to get dressed for the late shift lollypop
doesn t like how much uk postal price have just gone up now cost 0p more to mail a black velvet to usa rotw amp 0p uk
fuck len wein s house caught fire earlier today the family is safe but they lost their dog
i do not want to wake up tomorrow
aplusk it amazes me men like you actually exist i hope i find someone someday who will love and value me
i had a migraine and now i can t sleep boo
so dissappointed right now guess it not meant to be
cynnergies yep i also seem to get a real slowdown most evening after around pm gmt
i want to die so bad and i might carry on with it
i haven t really worked a stable job in a while and now i ve got two of them i ll be starting both this week and i just have the jitter i wa a different person year ago so i didn t get a nervous but now i m feeling overwhelmed because i for one i don t socialize with people ever and i havent been truly employed for such a long time the job aren t hard job but it s a real establishment and a bos and co worker and i m just nervous i don t want to mess up because i need these job if i want to move out i just want everything to go right
nobody like me all my friend are asshole and just make fun of me isk if they think it s cool or something but it s really annoying i m thinking of dropping them i m fat and annoying my grandfather in the hospital and my family is a complete mess i have no faith for anything and the only thing keeping me alive is a concert i m not gon na hurt myself just suck being this way yk so much more going on but i only wan na talk about the loneliness right now
codylfriend you re not sweet
viennaceleste no wednesday game with viewer that s almost equal to clinical depression c
for year now i ve always thought of suicide a a back up plan whenever somethings went wrong i just thought oh well i m not going to be here much longer it doesn t matter but i ve never thought of the aftermath i hate the thought of my decomposed possibly mangled body i hate the fact my family friend would have to see that i hate to put them in that position ive never thought of it in their perspective in general im just a coward it might sound good i don t want to kill myself but now i feel very claustrophobic i feel like i cant breathe there no escape
it s so stupid but my body ache i have never felt so sad before im so emotionally and physically drained i don t care about myself anymore i hate myself and the stupid relationship i wa in it ruined me all i want to do is take a bunch of pill and curl up into a ball i have no friend who i can talk to either im so lonely i don t talk to anyone and i feel so isolated and crazy who knew i would end up like this i feel ashamed i still have the suicide letter i wrote a year ago there s nothing i want to change about it
need to sleep but cant
i can t make friend because i m boring i can t socialize without offending someone unintentionally i have so many toxic way and view i m better off dead and not worrying about trying to fit in or be like by anyone anymore the more i try to get out and understand people the worse i feel it s been worse since hitting my 0 s