1 value
Information of suicidal methods are provided by almost half of the websites. At the same time, suicide is specially taught in about one fifth of these websites, and suicide is proactively encouraged and proposed, or online friends are assisted in ending their lives in half number of these websites. In general, searches on Google and Yahoo result in the highest number of suicide websites, while searches through MSN result in the highest of websites related to preventing suicide, assistance, academic aspects and policies.
将近半数网站提供一些有关自杀方法的资讯, 同时有将近五分之一的网站专门教人自杀, 其中半数积极鼓励、倡导或协助网友了结生命。 整体而言, Google 及雅虎搜寻到的自杀网站最多, MSN 搜寻到的防治、协助、学术或政策网站最多。
How many websites provide information about suicidal methods?
{ "answer_start": [ 55 ], "text": [ "half" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 2 ], "text": [ "半数" ] }
Information of suicidal methods are provided by almost half of the websites. At the same time, suicide is specially taught in about one fifth of these websites, and suicide is proactively encouraged and proposed, or online friends are assisted in ending their lives in half number of these websites. In general, searches on Google and Yahoo result in the highest number of suicide websites, while searches through MSN result in the highest of websites related to preventing suicide, assistance, academic aspects and policies.
将近半数网站提供一些有关自杀方法的资讯, 同时有将近五分之一的网站专门教人自杀, 其中半数积极鼓励、倡导或协助网友了结生命。 整体而言, Google 及雅虎搜寻到的自杀网站最多, MSN 搜寻到的防治、协助、学术或政策网站最多。
Which search engine results in the highest number of suicide websites?
{ "answer_start": [ 414 ], "text": [ "MSN" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 91 ], "text": [ "MSN" ] }
Information of suicidal methods are provided by almost half of the websites. At the same time, suicide is specially taught in about one fifth of these websites, and suicide is proactively encouraged and proposed, or online friends are assisted in ending their lives in half number of these websites. In general, searches on Google and Yahoo result in the highest number of suicide websites, while searches through MSN result in the highest of websites related to preventing suicide, assistance, academic aspects and policies.
将近半数网站提供一些有关自杀方法的资讯, 同时有将近五分之一的网站专门教人自杀, 其中半数积极鼓励、倡导或协助网友了结生命。 整体而言, Google 及雅虎搜寻到的自杀网站最多, MSN 搜寻到的防治、协助、学术或政策网站最多。
Which two search engines result in the highest number of suicide websites?
{ "answer_start": [ 324 ], "text": [ "Google and Yahoo" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 69 ], "text": [ "Google 及雅虎" ] }
Scholar Says SADC's Extraordinary Summit Unlikely to Solve Zimbabwe Crisis. In Zimbabwe's presidential, parliamentary, and local council elections held on March 29, although the opposition party "Movement for Democratic Change" (MDC) was ahead of the ruling party "the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front" (Zanu-PF) in the lower house of the parliament, and MDC presidential candidate Tsvangirai also announced that he had been elected president by 50.3% of the vote, this general election had come to an impasse after the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission had been unwilling to release presidential election results for a prolonged time.
学者指 SADC 加开峰会不太可能解决辛巴威危机。 三月二十九日举行的辛巴威总统、国会及地方议员选举, 虽然反对党「民主改革运动」 (MDC) 在国会下议院领先执政党「辛巴威非洲民族联盟爱国阵线」 (Zanu-PF), MDC 总统候选人崔凡吉莱也宣称以百分之五十点三得票率当选总统, 但在辛巴威选举委员会迟迟不愿公布总统选举结果后, 这场大选已形成僵持不下局面。
What does the Scholar Say about the SADC's Extraordinary Summit?
这位学者对 sadc 加开峰会有何评论?
{ "answer_start": [ 13 ], "text": [ "SADC's Extraordinary Summit Unlikely to Solve Zimbabwe Crisis" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 4 ], "text": [ "SADC 加开峰会不太可能解决辛巴威危机" ] }
Scholar Says SADC's Extraordinary Summit Unlikely to Solve Zimbabwe Crisis. In Zimbabwe's presidential, parliamentary, and local council elections held on March 29, although the opposition party "Movement for Democratic Change" (MDC) was ahead of the ruling party "the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front" (Zanu-PF) in the lower house of the parliament, and MDC presidential candidate Tsvangirai also announced that he had been elected president by 50.3% of the vote, this general election had come to an impasse after the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission had been unwilling to release presidential election results for a prolonged time.
学者指 SADC 加开峰会不太可能解决辛巴威危机。 三月二十九日举行的辛巴威总统、国会及地方议员选举, 虽然反对党「民主改革运动」 (MDC) 在国会下议院领先执政党「辛巴威非洲民族联盟爱国阵线」 (Zanu-PF), MDC 总统候选人崔凡吉莱也宣称以百分之五十点三得票率当选总统, 但在辛巴威选举委员会迟迟不愿公布总统选举结果后, 这场大选已形成僵持不下局面。
What is the ruling party in Zimbabwe?
{ "answer_start": [ 269 ], "text": [ "Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 84 ], "text": [ "辛巴威非洲民族联盟爱国阵线" ] }
Scholar Says SADC's Extraordinary Summit Unlikely to Solve Zimbabwe Crisis. In Zimbabwe's presidential, parliamentary, and local council elections held on March 29, although the opposition party "Movement for Democratic Change" (MDC) was ahead of the ruling party "the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front" (Zanu-PF) in the lower house of the parliament, and MDC presidential candidate Tsvangirai also announced that he had been elected president by 50.3% of the vote, this general election had come to an impasse after the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission had been unwilling to release presidential election results for a prolonged time.
学者指 SADC 加开峰会不太可能解决辛巴威危机。 三月二十九日举行的辛巴威总统、国会及地方议员选举, 虽然反对党「民主改革运动」 (MDC) 在国会下议院领先执政党「辛巴威非洲民族联盟爱国阵线」 (Zanu-PF), MDC 总统候选人崔凡吉莱也宣称以百分之五十点三得票率当选总统, 但在辛巴威选举委员会迟迟不愿公布总统选举结果后, 这场大选已形成僵持不下局面。
Who was unwilling to release election results for a prolonged time?
{ "answer_start": [ 535 ], "text": [ "Zimbabwe Electoral Commission" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 145 ], "text": [ "辛巴威选举委员会" ] }
With regard to the upcoming summit meeting of SADC member nations where the deteriorating post-election situation in Zimbabwe is to be discussed, Mbeki thinks that MDC, which represents the force of civic society, is a huge threat not only to Zimbabwe's ruling party but also to the countries across the South African region.
对即将召开的 SADC 成员国领袖高峰会, 讨论辛巴威选后情势恶化一事, 姆贝吉认为, 代表公民社会力量的 MDC, 不仅对辛巴威执政党、对整个南部非洲区域国家也是一大威胁。
Who thinks that the MDC represents the force of civic society?
{ "answer_start": [ 146 ], "text": [ "Mbeki" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 37 ], "text": [ "姆贝吉" ] }
After meeting successively with ANC President Zuma and President of Botswana Khama, Tsvangirai can now only try to urge leaders of SADC member nations through diplomatic channels to intervene in the post-election crisis in Zimbabwe. Although Tsvangirai claims that he is ready to confront Mugabe in the second round, he is also concerned that the electoral commission's prolonged delay in releasing presidential election results was to give Mugabe more sufficient time to deal with opposition party supporters with violence.
在陆续会见 ANC 党主席朱玛、波札那总统哈玛二人后, 崔凡吉莱现在只能透过外交途径设法敦促 SADC 成员国领袖介入辛巴威选后危机, 虽然崔凡吉莱声称已准备好与穆加比进行二轮对决, 但他也担心选委会迟迟不愿公布总统选举结果, 是为了让穆加比有更充足的时间以暴力方式对付反对党支持者。
In what round of the election is Tsvangirai ready to confront Mugabe?
{ "answer_start": [ 303 ], "text": [ "second" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 23 ], "text": [ "二" ] }
G7 points out that the global economy is heading toward a difficult period, but it vows to work together.
G 7 指全球经济迈向艰困时期但誓言通力合作。
Which group says that the global economy is heading towards a difficult period?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "G7" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "G 7" ] }
Marine Pollution Experts: South China Sea Ecology Seriously Threatened. Hanoi (AFP), 13th. Marine scientists warn that the South China Sea, which is polluted, home to busy sea shipping lanes and caught up in the controversy of claims to sovereignty by many countries, is currently suffering a serious attack on its environment that threatens the future supply of fish crops. The South China Sea is located in the heart of South-East Asia, an area of concentrated pollution and rapid industrialization. The United Nations says, within the past 10 years, the South China Sea has already lost 16 percent of its coral reefs and mangroves as well as 30% of its sea grass.
过渔污染专家: 南中国海生态遭到严重威胁。 法新社河内十三日电。 海洋科学家提出警告, 饱受污染, 又位处繁忙海运航线、并有多国主张主权争议的南中国海, 正遭受环境严重打击, 对于未来的鱼产供应形成威胁。 南中国海位于密集污染以及快速工业化的东南亚核心地带, 联合国表示, 南中国海在过去十年中, 已经有百分之十六的珊瑚礁、红树林, 以及百分之三十的海草消失。
What Sea is seriously threatened by Marine Pollution Experts?
{ "answer_start": [ 26 ], "text": [ "South China Sea" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 8 ], "text": [ "南中国海" ] }
Marine Pollution Experts: South China Sea Ecology Seriously Threatened. Hanoi (AFP), 13th. Marine scientists warn that the South China Sea, which is polluted, home to busy sea shipping lanes and caught up in the controversy of claims to sovereignty by many countries, is currently suffering a serious attack on its environment that threatens the future supply of fish crops. The South China Sea is located in the heart of South-East Asia, an area of concentrated pollution and rapid industrialization. The United Nations says, within the past 10 years, the South China Sea has already lost 16 percent of its coral reefs and mangroves as well as 30% of its sea grass.
过渔污染专家: 南中国海生态遭到严重威胁。 法新社河内十三日电。 海洋科学家提出警告, 饱受污染, 又位处繁忙海运航线、并有多国主张主权争议的南中国海, 正遭受环境严重打击, 对于未来的鱼产供应形成威胁。 南中国海位于密集污染以及快速工业化的东南亚核心地带, 联合国表示, 南中国海在过去十年中, 已经有百分之十六的珊瑚礁、红树林, 以及百分之三十的海草消失。
What sea is polluted?
{ "answer_start": [ 26 ], "text": [ "South China Sea" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 8 ], "text": [ "南中国海" ] }
Marine scientists warn that the South China Sea, which is polluted, home to busy sea shipping lanes and caught up in the controversy of claims to sovereignty by many countries, is currently suffering a serious attack on its environment that threatens the future supply of fish crops. The South China Sea is located in the heart of South-East Asia, an area of concentrated pollution and rapid industrialization. The United Nations says, within the past 10 years, the South China Sea has already lost 16 percent of its coral reefs and mangroves as well as 30% of its sea grass.
海洋科学家提出警告, 饱受污染, 又位处繁忙海运航线、并有多国主张主权争议的南中国海, 正遭受环境严重打击, 对于未来的鱼产供应形成威胁。 南中国海位于密集污染以及快速工业化的东南亚核心地带, 联合国表示, 南中国海在过去十年中, 已经有百分之十六的珊瑚礁、红树林, 以及百分之三十的海草消失。
What sea is located in the heart of South-East Asia?
{ "answer_start": [ 32 ], "text": [ "South China Sea" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 38 ], "text": [ "南中国海" ] }
The South China Sea is located in the heart of South-East Asia, an area of concentrated pollution and rapid industrialization. The United Nations says, within the past 10 years, the South China Sea has already lost 16 percent of its coral reefs and mangroves as well as 30% of its sea grass. At last week's seminar held in Hanoi, Vietnam, it was pointed out that the South China Sea's explosive fishing activity, regardless of whether it's legal or illegal, family owned fishing boats or large scale deep sea trawlers, has almost exhausted the fishing resources that are relied on by millions of people.
南中国海位于密集污染以及快速工业化的东南亚核心地带, 联合国表示, 南中国海在过去十年中, 已经有百分之十六的珊瑚礁、红树林, 以及百分之三十的海草消失。 上周在越南河内举行的研讨会指出, 在南中国海的爆炸性渔捞活动, 不管合法或非法、家庭式小渔筏或大型远洋拖网渔船, 让数百万人赖以维生的渔业资源几乎枯竭。
Where was last week's seminar held?
{ "answer_start": [ 323 ], "text": [ "Hanoi, Vietnam" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 81 ], "text": [ "越南河内" ] }
At last week's seminar held in Hanoi, Vietnam, it was pointed out that the South China Sea's explosive fishing activity, regardless of whether it's legal or illegal, family owned fishing boats or large scale deep sea trawlers, has almost exhausted the fishing resources that are relied on by millions of people. Vietnam's representative to the United Nations Environment Programme South China Sea Project pointed out that the key problems are degradation and even complete loss of sea basin habitat, overfishing and too much land-based pollution. There are also many, many problems, but these problems are the most serious.
上周在越南河内举行的研讨会指出, 在南中国海的爆炸性渔捞活动, 不管合法或非法、家庭式小渔筏或大型远洋拖网渔船, 让数百万人赖以维生的渔业资源几乎枯竭。 越南派驻联合国环境计划署南中国海计画的代表指出, 问题关键在于海盆栖地劣化甚至完全消失、过度捕捞以及陆地排放的污染过多, 还有许多、许多问题, 但这些问题是最严重的。
What are the main problems in the South China Sea?
{ "answer_start": [ 443 ], "text": [ "degradation and even complete loss of sea basin habitat" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 108 ], "text": [ "海盆栖地劣化甚至完全消失" ] }
Vietnam's representative to the United Nations Environment Programme South China Sea Project pointed out that the key problems are degradation and even complete loss of sea basin habitat, overfishing and too much land-based pollution. There are also many, many problems, but these problems are the most serious. Countries surrounding the South China Sea include China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. In total, these countries have about 350 million citizens along the coastline.
越南派驻联合国环境计划署南中国海计画的代表指出, 问题关键在于海盆栖地劣化甚至完全消失、过度捕捞以及陆地排放的污染过多, 还有许多、许多问题, 但这些问题是最严重的。 环绕南中国海的国家包括中国、台湾、菲律宾、印尼、马来西亚、汶莱、新加坡、泰国、柬埔寨、以及越南, 各国沿岸居民共约三亿五千万人。
How many people live along the South China Sea coastline?
{ "answer_start": [ 503 ], "text": [ "350 million" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 141 ], "text": [ "三亿五千万" ] }
Countries surrounding the South China Sea include China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. In total, these countries have about 350 million citizens along the coastline. Symington, a marine specialist with the World Wildlife Fund said: "regardless of whether it is direct or indirect, there is an enormous population here that is extremely reliant on the South China Sea's fishing industry to make a living. Also, this is the most biologically diverse marine area in the world.". Symington, at the fourth Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands told AFP: "Now, fishing boats must go farther and spend more time in order to get the same amount of fish as before, but the fish that are being caught are smaller and smaller.".
环绕南中国海的国家包括中国、台湾、菲律宾、印尼、马来西亚、汶莱、新加坡、泰国、柬埔寨、以及越南, 各国沿岸居民共约三亿五千万人。 世界自然基金海洋专家薛明敦表示: 「不管是直接或间接, 这里有庞大的人口非常依赖南中国海的渔业过活, 而这里又是全球生物最为多样化的海洋地带」。 薛明敦在第四届全球海洋、海岸暨岛屿研讨会告诉「法新社」: 「现在渔船必须跑得更远、花更久的时间才能捕到跟以前相同数量的鱼, 但是抓到的鱼越来越小」。
What organization does Symington work for?
{ "answer_start": [ 269 ], "text": [ "the World Wildlife Fund" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 65 ], "text": [ "世界自然基金" ] }
Symington, a marine specialist with the World Wildlife Fund said: "regardless of whether it is direct or indirect, there is an enormous population here that is extremely reliant on the South China Sea's fishing industry to make a living. Also, this is the most biologically diverse marine area in the world.". Symington, at the fourth Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands told AFP: "Now, fishing boats must go farther and spend more time in order to get the same amount of fish as before, but the fish that are being caught are smaller and smaller.". He added: "There are many instances of illegal or unreported fish catches. Many fishing boats fly flags of convenience. These are both loopholes.".
世界自然基金海洋专家薛明敦表示: 「不管是直接或间接, 这里有庞大的人口非常依赖南中国海的渔业过活, 而这里又是全球生物最为多样化的海洋地带」。 薛明敦在第四届全球海洋、海岸暨岛屿研讨会告诉「法新社」: 「现在渔船必须跑得更远、花更久的时间才能捕到跟以前相同数量的鱼, 但是抓到的鱼越来越小」。 他补充说: 「非法或未经申报就捕鱼的情况很多, 许多渔船都挂权宜船旗帜, 这些都是漏洞」。
At what event did Symington speak to AFP?
{ "answer_start": [ 324 ], "text": [ "the fourth Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 77 ], "text": [ "第四届全球海洋、海岸暨岛屿研讨会" ] }
Symington, a marine specialist with the World Wildlife Fund said: "regardless of whether it is direct or indirect, there is an enormous population here that is extremely reliant on the South China Sea's fishing industry to make a living. Also, this is the most biologically diverse marine area in the world.". Symington, at the fourth Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands told AFP: "Now, fishing boats must go farther and spend more time in order to get the same amount of fish as before, but the fish that are being caught are smaller and smaller.". He added: "There are many instances of illegal or unreported fish catches. Many fishing boats fly flags of convenience. These are both loopholes.".
世界自然基金海洋专家薛明敦表示: 「不管是直接或间接, 这里有庞大的人口非常依赖南中国海的渔业过活, 而这里又是全球生物最为多样化的海洋地带」。 薛明敦在第四届全球海洋、海岸暨岛屿研讨会告诉「法新社」: 「现在渔船必须跑得更远、花更久的时间才能捕到跟以前相同数量的鱼, 但是抓到的鱼越来越小」。 他补充说: 「非法或未经申报就捕鱼的情况很多, 许多渔船都挂权宜船旗帜, 这些都是漏洞」。
What are many fishing boats fly flags of convenience?
{ "answer_start": [ 697 ], "text": [ "loopholes" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 189 ], "text": [ "漏洞" ] }
UN Meets Next Week to Discuss Grain Harvests Hit by Biofuels. BRASILIA, 13th (AFP). The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will hold a Latin American conference next week in Brasilia, with one of the main topics of discussion being strategies to develop biofuels without sacrificing grain supply. FAO studies show that with both demand and price for grain rising sharply in developing countries, arable land is being transformed into highly-profitable biofuel terrain, and that interest in this is also rising steadily. Brazil has a leading role in the debate, because it is a major agricultural and biofuel exporting country. The FAO's representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, Graziano, is himself Brazilian.
生质能源冲击粮食收成联合国下周集会讨论。 法新社巴西利亚十三日电。 联合国粮农组织 (FAO) 下周将在巴西利亚举办一项拉丁美洲会议, 发展生质燃料而不牺牲粮食供应的策略将是主要讨论议题之一。 FAO 的研究显示, 在开发中国家的粮食需求与价格暴涨之际, 人们将可耕地转移成利润丰富的生质能源用地, 兴趣也节节升高。 巴西在这种争论中扮演主导角色, 因为巴西是主要农业和生质能源出口国。 FAO 的拉丁美洲与加勒比海代表葛拉齐亚诺, 本身也是巴西人。
What is the topic of the UN meeting next week?
{ "answer_start": [ 30 ], "text": [ "Grain Harvests Hit by Biofuels" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "生质能源冲击粮食收成" ] }
UN Meets Next Week to Discuss Grain Harvests Hit by Biofuels. BRASILIA, 13th (AFP). The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will hold a Latin American conference next week in Brasilia, with one of the main topics of discussion being strategies to develop biofuels without sacrificing grain supply. FAO studies show that with both demand and price for grain rising sharply in developing countries, arable land is being transformed into highly-profitable biofuel terrain, and that interest in this is also rising steadily. Brazil has a leading role in the debate, because it is a major agricultural and biofuel exporting country. The FAO's representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, Graziano, is himself Brazilian.
生质能源冲击粮食收成联合国下周集会讨论。 法新社巴西利亚十三日电。 联合国粮农组织 (FAO) 下周将在巴西利亚举办一项拉丁美洲会议, 发展生质燃料而不牺牲粮食供应的策略将是主要讨论议题之一。 FAO 的研究显示, 在开发中国家的粮食需求与价格暴涨之际, 人们将可耕地转移成利润丰富的生质能源用地, 兴趣也节节升高。 巴西在这种争论中扮演主导角色, 因为巴西是主要农业和生质能源出口国。 FAO 的拉丁美洲与加勒比海代表葛拉齐亚诺, 本身也是巴西人。
What is one of the main topics of discussion at the Latin American conference?
{ "answer_start": [ 252 ], "text": [ "strategies to develop biofuels without sacrificing grain supply" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ null ], "text": [ "发展生质燃料不牺牲粮食供应的策略" ] }
UN Meets Next Week to Discuss Grain Harvests Hit by Biofuels. BRASILIA, 13th (AFP). The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will hold a Latin American conference next week in Brasilia, with one of the main topics of discussion being strategies to develop biofuels without sacrificing grain supply. FAO studies show that with both demand and price for grain rising sharply in developing countries, arable land is being transformed into highly-profitable biofuel terrain, and that interest in this is also rising steadily. Brazil has a leading role in the debate, because it is a major agricultural and biofuel exporting country. The FAO's representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, Graziano, is himself Brazilian.
生质能源冲击粮食收成联合国下周集会讨论。 法新社巴西利亚十三日电。 联合国粮农组织 (FAO) 下周将在巴西利亚举办一项拉丁美洲会议, 发展生质燃料而不牺牲粮食供应的策略将是主要讨论议题之一。 FAO 的研究显示, 在开发中国家的粮食需求与价格暴涨之际, 人们将可耕地转移成利润丰富的生质能源用地, 兴趣也节节升高。 巴西在这种争论中扮演主导角色, 因为巴西是主要农业和生质能源出口国。 FAO 的拉丁美洲与加勒比海代表葛拉齐亚诺, 本身也是巴西人。
Where will the Latin American conference be held?
{ "answer_start": [ 194 ], "text": [ "Brasilia" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 24 ], "text": [ "巴西利亚" ] }
UN Meets Next Week to Discuss Grain Harvests Hit by Biofuels. BRASILIA, 13th (AFP). The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will hold a Latin American conference next week in Brasilia, with one of the main topics of discussion being strategies to develop biofuels without sacrificing grain supply. FAO studies show that with both demand and price for grain rising sharply in developing countries, arable land is being transformed into highly-profitable biofuel terrain, and that interest in this is also rising steadily. Brazil has a leading role in the debate, because it is a major agricultural and biofuel exporting country. The FAO's representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, Graziano, is himself Brazilian.
生质能源冲击粮食收成联合国下周集会讨论。 法新社巴西利亚十三日电。 联合国粮农组织 (FAO) 下周将在巴西利亚举办一项拉丁美洲会议, 发展生质燃料而不牺牲粮食供应的策略将是主要讨论议题之一。 FAO 的研究显示, 在开发中国家的粮食需求与价格暴涨之际, 人们将可耕地转移成利润丰富的生质能源用地, 兴趣也节节升高。 巴西在这种争论中扮演主导角色, 因为巴西是主要农业和生质能源出口国。 FAO 的拉丁美洲与加勒比海代表葛拉齐亚诺, 本身也是巴西人。
What type of terrain is arable land being transformed into?
{ "answer_start": [ 472 ], "text": [ "biofuel terrain" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 142 ], "text": [ "生质能源用地" ] }
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will hold a Latin American conference next week in Brasilia, with one of the main topics of discussion being strategies to develop biofuels without sacrificing grain supply. FAO studies show that with both demand and price for grain rising sharply in developing countries, arable land is being transformed into highly-profitable biofuel terrain, and that interest in this is also rising steadily. Brazil has a leading role in the debate, because it is a major agricultural and biofuel exporting country. The FAO's representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, Graziano, is himself Brazilian.
联合国粮农组织 (FAO) 下周将在巴西利亚举办一项拉丁美洲会议, 发展生质燃料而不牺牲粮食供应的策略将是主要讨论议题之一。 FAO 的研究显示, 在开发中国家的粮食需求与价格暴涨之际, 人们将可耕地转移成利润丰富的生质能源用地, 兴趣也节节升高。 巴西在这种争论中扮演主导角色, 因为巴西是主要农业和生质能源出口国。 FAO 的拉丁美洲与加勒比海代表葛拉齐亚诺, 本身也是巴西人。
Which country has a leading role in the debate?
{ "answer_start": [ 456 ], "text": [ "Brazil" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ null ], "text": [ "巴西巴西" ] }
FAO studies show that with both demand and price for grain rising sharply in developing countries, arable land is being transformed into highly-profitable biofuel terrain, and that interest in this is also rising steadily. Brazil has a leading role in the debate, because it is a major agricultural and biofuel exporting country. The FAO's representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, Graziano, is himself Brazilian. He said, even though "there is no absolute truth with respect to biofuels, they can still have a positive or negative influence on food security and the environment, depending on how they are developed.". Currently, he said, the grain industry "is facing speculative attack", because low stocks and demand have made the industry appear more fragile, and has also made grain more precious.
FAO 的研究显示, 在开发中国家的粮食需求与价格暴涨之际, 人们将可耕地转移成利润丰富的生质能源用地, 兴趣也节节升高。 巴西在这种争论中扮演主导角色, 因为巴西是主要农业和生质能源出口国。 FAO 的拉丁美洲与加勒比海代表葛拉齐亚诺, 本身也是巴西人。 他说, 即使「生质能源没有绝对真相, 但对粮食安全与环境仍有正面或负面的影响, 这端视生质能源如何发展而定」。 他说, 现在, 粮食产业「正面临投机攻击」, 因为低库存与需求让这个产业更显得脆弱, 也让粮食变得更为加珍贵。
Who is the FAO's representative for Latin America and the Caribbean?
谁是拉丁美洲和加勒比海 fao 的代表?
{ "answer_start": [ 392 ], "text": [ "Graziano" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 113 ], "text": [ "葛拉齐亚诺" ] }
Brazil has a leading role in the debate, because it is a major agricultural and biofuel exporting country. The FAO's representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, Graziano, is himself Brazilian. He said, even though "there is no absolute truth with respect to biofuels, they can still have a positive or negative influence on food security and the environment, depending on how they are developed.". Currently, he said, the grain industry "is facing speculative attack", because low stocks and demand have made the industry appear more fragile, and has also made grain more precious. Brazil and certain countries that benefit from exports have been making additional profits.
巴西在这种争论中扮演主导角色, 因为巴西是主要农业和生质能源出口国。 FAO 的拉丁美洲与加勒比海代表葛拉齐亚诺, 本身也是巴西人。 他说, 即使「生质能源没有绝对真相, 但对粮食安全与环境仍有正面或负面的影响, 这端视生质能源如何发展而定」。 他说, 现在, 粮食产业「正面临投机攻击」, 因为低库存与需求让这个产业更显得脆弱, 也让粮食变得更为加珍贵。 巴西等一些国家因出口受惠而额外获利。
What type of fuels can have a positive or negative impact on food security and the environment?
{ "answer_start": [ 266 ], "text": [ "biofuels" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ null ], "text": [ "生质能源生质能源" ] }
The FAO's representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, Graziano, is himself Brazilian. He said, even though "there is no absolute truth with respect to biofuels, they can still have a positive or negative influence on food security and the environment, depending on how they are developed.". Currently, he said, the grain industry "is facing speculative attack", because low stocks and demand have made the industry appear more fragile, and has also made grain more precious. Brazil and certain countries that benefit from exports have been making additional profits. But according to a report on biofuel production and food security that will be issued at the conference, FAO has found this situation very volatile.
FAO 的拉丁美洲与加勒比海代表葛拉齐亚诺, 本身也是巴西人。 他说, 即使「生质能源没有绝对真相, 但对粮食安全与环境仍有正面或负面的影响, 这端视生质能源如何发展而定」。 他说, 现在, 粮食产业「正面临投机攻击」, 因为低库存与需求让这个产业更显得脆弱, 也让粮食变得更为加珍贵。 巴西等一些国家因出口受惠而额外获利。 但根据将在会中发表的一份生质能源生产与食物安全报告, FAO 发现这种情况很容易改变。
What have made the grain industry appear more fragile?
{ "answer_start": [ 378 ], "text": [ "low stocks and demand" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 113 ], "text": [ "低库存与需求" ] }
He said, even though "there is no absolute truth with respect to biofuels, they can still have a positive or negative influence on food security and the environment, depending on how they are developed.". Currently, he said, the grain industry "is facing speculative attack", because low stocks and demand have made the industry appear more fragile, and has also made grain more precious. Brazil and certain countries that benefit from exports have been making additional profits. But according to a report on biofuel production and food security that will be issued at the conference, FAO has found this situation very volatile.
他说, 即使「生质能源没有绝对真相, 但对粮食安全与环境仍有正面或负面的影响, 这端视生质能源如何发展而定」。 他说, 现在, 粮食产业「正面临投机攻击」, 因为低库存与需求让这个产业更显得脆弱, 也让粮食变得更为加珍贵。 巴西等一些国家因出口受惠而额外获利。 但根据将在会中发表的一份生质能源生产与食物安全报告, FAO 发现这种情况很容易改变。
Which country has been making extra profits from exports?
{ "answer_start": [ 389 ], "text": [ "Brazil" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 112 ], "text": [ "巴西" ] }
Currently, he said, the grain industry "is facing speculative attack", because low stocks and demand have made the industry appear more fragile, and has also made grain more precious. Brazil and certain countries that benefit from exports have been making additional profits. But according to a report on biofuel production and food security that will be issued at the conference, FAO has found this situation very volatile. The report details opinions for and against the use of crops to make fuels, along with the scale of exchanges, the systems used and market structures for handling the products. But the report is not all negative. The report points out that, if appropriately applied, the biofuel plan would bring benefits to Latin America's family-run farms.
他说, 现在, 粮食产业「正面临投机攻击」, 因为低库存与需求让这个产业更显得脆弱, 也让粮食变得更为加珍贵。 巴西等一些国家因出口受惠而额外获利。 但根据将在会中发表的一份生质能源生产与食物安全报告, FAO 发现这种情况很容易改变。 报告详述利用作物制造燃料的正反意见, 交换规模、使用系统、处理产品的市场结构等。 但报告并非全然是负面的。报告指出, 如果适当应用, 生质能源计画将为拉丁美洲的家族经营农场带来益处。
What is the focus of the report that will be released at the conference?
{ "answer_start": [ 305 ], "text": [ "biofuel production and food security" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 87 ], "text": [ "生质能源生产与食物安全" ] }
Brazil and certain countries that benefit from exports have been making additional profits. But according to a report on biofuel production and food security that will be issued at the conference, FAO has found this situation very volatile. The report details opinions for and against the use of crops to make fuels, along with the scale of exchanges, the systems used and market structures for handling the products. But the report is not all negative. The report points out that, if appropriately applied, the biofuel plan would bring benefits to Latin America's family-run farms. Brazilian President Lula denied the rise in food prices was linked to biofuels and urged "developed countries to take responsibility and lower agricultural subsidies distort developing countries.".
巴西等一些国家因出口受惠而额外获利。 但根据将在会中发表的一份生质能源生产与食物安全报告, FAO 发现这种情况很容易改变。 报告详述利用作物制造燃料的正反意见, 交换规模、使用系统、处理产品的市场结构等。 但报告并非全然是负面的。报告指出, 如果适当应用, 生质能源计画将为拉丁美洲的家族经营农场带来益处。 巴西总统鲁拉否认粮食价格上涨和生质燃料有关并呼吁「已开发国家负起责任, 降低因为农业贴补而扭曲开发中国家」。
What does the report detail about the use of crops to make fuels?
{ "answer_start": [ 328 ], "text": [ "the scale of exchanges" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 82 ], "text": [ "交换规模" ] }
But according to a report on biofuel production and food security that will be issued at the conference, FAO has found this situation very volatile. The report details opinions for and against the use of crops to make fuels, along with the scale of exchanges, the systems used and market structures for handling the products. But the report is not all negative. The report points out that, if appropriately applied, the biofuel plan would bring benefits to Latin America's family-run farms. Brazilian President Lula denied the rise in food prices was linked to biofuels and urged "developed countries to take responsibility and lower agricultural subsidies distort developing countries.". The FAO conference will be attended by ministers and senior officials from 33 countries.
但根据将在会中发表的一份生质能源生产与食物安全报告, FAO 发现这种情况很容易改变。 报告详述利用作物制造燃料的正反意见, 交换规模、使用系统、处理产品的市场结构等。 但报告并非全然是负面的。报告指出, 如果适当应用, 生质能源计画将为拉丁美洲的家族经营农场带来益处。 巴西总统鲁拉否认粮食价格上涨和生质燃料有关并呼吁「已开发国家负起责任, 降低因为农业贴补而扭曲开发中国家」。 FAO 会议有来自三十三个国家的部长与高层官员参加。
What plan would bring benefits to Latin America's family-run farms?
{ "answer_start": [ 420 ], "text": [ "biofuel plan" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 111 ], "text": [ "生质能源计画" ] }
But according to a report on biofuel production and food security that will be issued at the conference, FAO has found this situation very volatile. The report details opinions for and against the use of crops to make fuels, along with the scale of exchanges, the systems used and market structures for handling the products. But the report is not all negative. The report points out that, if appropriately applied, the biofuel plan would bring benefits to Latin America's family-run farms. Brazilian President Lula denied the rise in food prices was linked to biofuels and urged "developed countries to take responsibility and lower agricultural subsidies distort developing countries.". The FAO conference will be attended by ministers and senior officials from 33 countries.
但根据将在会中发表的一份生质能源生产与食物安全报告, FAO 发现这种情况很容易改变。 报告详述利用作物制造燃料的正反意见, 交换规模、使用系统、处理产品的市场结构等。 但报告并非全然是负面的。报告指出, 如果适当应用, 生质能源计画将为拉丁美洲的家族经营农场带来益处。 巴西总统鲁拉否认粮食价格上涨和生质燃料有关并呼吁「已开发国家负起责任, 降低因为农业贴补而扭曲开发中国家」。 FAO 会议有来自三十三个国家的部长与高层官员参加。
What did Lula deny the rise in food prices was linked to?
{ "answer_start": [ 561 ], "text": [ "biofuels" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 151 ], "text": [ "生质燃料" ] }
But according to a report on biofuel production and food security that will be issued at the conference, FAO has found this situation very volatile. The report details opinions for and against the use of crops to make fuels, along with the scale of exchanges, the systems used and market structures for handling the products. But the report is not all negative. The report points out that, if appropriately applied, the biofuel plan would bring benefits to Latin America's family-run farms. Brazilian President Lula denied the rise in food prices was linked to biofuels and urged "developed countries to take responsibility and lower agricultural subsidies distort developing countries.". The FAO conference will be attended by ministers and senior officials from 33 countries.
但根据将在会中发表的一份生质能源生产与食物安全报告, FAO 发现这种情况很容易改变。 报告详述利用作物制造燃料的正反意见, 交换规模、使用系统、处理产品的市场结构等。 但报告并非全然是负面的。报告指出, 如果适当应用, 生质能源计画将为拉丁美洲的家族经营农场带来益处。 巴西总统鲁拉否认粮食价格上涨和生质燃料有关并呼吁「已开发国家负起责任, 降低因为农业贴补而扭曲开发中国家」。 FAO 会议有来自三十三个国家的部长与高层官员参加。
Who was the president of Brazil?
{ "answer_start": [ 511 ], "text": [ "Lula" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 140 ], "text": [ "鲁拉" ] }
But according to a report on biofuel production and food security that will be issued at the conference, FAO has found this situation very volatile. The report details opinions for and against the use of crops to make fuels, along with the scale of exchanges, the systems used and market structures for handling the products. But the report is not all negative. The report points out that, if appropriately applied, the biofuel plan would bring benefits to Latin America's family-run farms. Brazilian President Lula denied the rise in food prices was linked to biofuels and urged "developed countries to take responsibility and lower agricultural subsidies distort developing countries.". The FAO conference will be attended by ministers and senior officials from 33 countries.
但根据将在会中发表的一份生质能源生产与食物安全报告, FAO 发现这种情况很容易改变。 报告详述利用作物制造燃料的正反意见, 交换规模、使用系统、处理产品的市场结构等。 但报告并非全然是负面的。报告指出, 如果适当应用, 生质能源计画将为拉丁美洲的家族经营农场带来益处。 巴西总统鲁拉否认粮食价格上涨和生质燃料有关并呼吁「已开发国家负起责任, 降低因为农业贴补而扭曲开发中国家」。 FAO 会议有来自三十三个国家的部长与高层官员参加。
Who will attend the FAO conference?
谁将出席 fao 会议?
{ "answer_start": [ 728 ], "text": [ "ministers and senior officials" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 207 ], "text": [ "部长与高层官员" ] }
But according to a report on biofuel production and food security that will be issued at the conference, FAO has found this situation very volatile. The report details opinions for and against the use of crops to make fuels, along with the scale of exchanges, the systems used and market structures for handling the products. But the report is not all negative. The report points out that, if appropriately applied, the biofuel plan would bring benefits to Latin America's family-run farms. Brazilian President Lula denied the rise in food prices was linked to biofuels and urged "developed countries to take responsibility and lower agricultural subsidies distort developing countries.". The FAO conference will be attended by ministers and senior officials from 33 countries.
但根据将在会中发表的一份生质能源生产与食物安全报告, FAO 发现这种情况很容易改变。 报告详述利用作物制造燃料的正反意见, 交换规模、使用系统、处理产品的市场结构等。 但报告并非全然是负面的。报告指出, 如果适当应用, 生质能源计画将为拉丁美洲的家族经营农场带来益处。 巴西总统鲁拉否认粮食价格上涨和生质燃料有关并呼吁「已开发国家负起责任, 降低因为农业贴补而扭曲开发中国家」。 FAO 会议有来自三十三个国家的部长与高层官员参加。
How many countries will attend the FAO conference?
有多少国家将出席 fao 会议?
{ "answer_start": [ 764 ], "text": [ "33" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 200 ], "text": [ "三十三个" ] }
Daring to Worsen Relations With China, German Chancellor Says She Would Meet With The Dalai Lama Again. Oslo (AFP), 12th. Today, Germany's Chancellor Merkel, who is currently visiting Norway, said that although her previous meeting with Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama resulted in a worsening of the Chinese-German relationship, she is still preparing to meet with the Dalai Lama once again. At a press conference, Merkel said: "I believe that if I have already met him once, I will do it again.". However, she said that since she will be visiting Latin America she won't be able to meet the Dalai Lama when he visits Germany next month. Merkel said that she doesn't have exact plans to meet the Dalai Lama before the Beijing Olympics in August.
不惧与中关系恶化德总理称将再晤达赖喇嘛。 法新社奥斯陆十二日电。 正在挪威访问的德国总理梅克尔今天说, 尽管她上次会晤西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛造成德国和中国关系恶化, 但她仍然准备再度与达赖喇嘛会晤。 梅克尔在记者会中说: 「我相信如果我已会晤他一次, 我将再做一次。」。 不过她说, 下个月达赖喇嘛访问德国时, 她因为人在拉丁美洲访问, 无法与达赖喇嘛会面。 梅克尔说, 在八月北京奥运前, 她没有会晤达赖喇嘛的确切计划。
Who did the German Chancellor say she would meet with again?
{ "answer_start": [ 82 ], "text": [ "The Dalai Lama" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 15 ], "text": [ "达赖喇嘛" ] }
Daring to Worsen Relations With China, German Chancellor Says She Would Meet With The Dalai Lama Again. Oslo (AFP), 12th. Today, Germany's Chancellor Merkel, who is currently visiting Norway, said that although her previous meeting with Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama resulted in a worsening of the Chinese-German relationship, she is still preparing to meet with the Dalai Lama once again. At a press conference, Merkel said: "I believe that if I have already met him once, I will do it again.". However, she said that since she will be visiting Latin America she won't be able to meet the Dalai Lama when he visits Germany next month. Merkel said that she doesn't have exact plans to meet the Dalai Lama before the Beijing Olympics in August.
不惧与中关系恶化德总理称将再晤达赖喇嘛。 法新社奥斯陆十二日电。 正在挪威访问的德国总理梅克尔今天说, 尽管她上次会晤西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛造成德国和中国关系恶化, 但她仍然准备再度与达赖喇嘛会晤。 梅克尔在记者会中说: 「我相信如果我已会晤他一次, 我将再做一次。」。 不过她说, 下个月达赖喇嘛访问德国时, 她因为人在拉丁美洲访问, 无法与达赖喇嘛会面。 梅克尔说, 在八月北京奥运前, 她没有会晤达赖喇嘛的确切计划。
Where is Chancellor Merkel currently visiting?
{ "answer_start": [ 184 ], "text": [ "Norway" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 35 ], "text": [ "挪威" ] }
Daring to Worsen Relations With China, German Chancellor Says She Would Meet With The Dalai Lama Again. Oslo (AFP), 12th. Today, Germany's Chancellor Merkel, who is currently visiting Norway, said that although her previous meeting with Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama resulted in a worsening of the Chinese-German relationship, she is still preparing to meet with the Dalai Lama once again. At a press conference, Merkel said: "I believe that if I have already met him once, I will do it again.". However, she said that since she will be visiting Latin America she won't be able to meet the Dalai Lama when he visits Germany next month. Merkel said that she doesn't have exact plans to meet the Dalai Lama before the Beijing Olympics in August.
不惧与中关系恶化德总理称将再晤达赖喇嘛。 法新社奥斯陆十二日电。 正在挪威访问的德国总理梅克尔今天说, 尽管她上次会晤西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛造成德国和中国关系恶化, 但她仍然准备再度与达赖喇嘛会晤。 梅克尔在记者会中说: 「我相信如果我已会晤他一次, 我将再做一次。」。 不过她说, 下个月达赖喇嘛访问德国时, 她因为人在拉丁美洲访问, 无法与达赖喇嘛会面。 梅克尔说, 在八月北京奥运前, 她没有会晤达赖喇嘛的确切计划。
Who is currently visiting Norway?
{ "answer_start": [ 139 ], "text": [ "Chancellor Merkel" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 42 ], "text": [ "总理梅克尔" ] }
Daring to Worsen Relations With China, German Chancellor Says She Would Meet With The Dalai Lama Again. Oslo (AFP), 12th. Today, Germany's Chancellor Merkel, who is currently visiting Norway, said that although her previous meeting with Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama resulted in a worsening of the Chinese-German relationship, she is still preparing to meet with the Dalai Lama once again. At a press conference, Merkel said: "I believe that if I have already met him once, I will do it again.". However, she said that since she will be visiting Latin America she won't be able to meet the Dalai Lama when he visits Germany next month. Merkel said that she doesn't have exact plans to meet the Dalai Lama before the Beijing Olympics in August.
不惧与中关系恶化德总理称将再晤达赖喇嘛。 法新社奥斯陆十二日电。 正在挪威访问的德国总理梅克尔今天说, 尽管她上次会晤西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛造成德国和中国关系恶化, 但她仍然准备再度与达赖喇嘛会晤。 梅克尔在记者会中说: 「我相信如果我已会晤他一次, 我将再做一次。」。 不过她说, 下个月达赖喇嘛访问德国时, 她因为人在拉丁美洲访问, 无法与达赖喇嘛会面。 梅克尔说, 在八月北京奥运前, 她没有会晤达赖喇嘛的确切计划。
What did Merkel say at a press conference?
{ "answer_start": [ 453 ], "text": [ "if I have already met him once, I will do it again" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 114 ], "text": [ "如果我已会晤他一次, 我将再做一次" ] }
Today, Germany's Chancellor Merkel, who is currently visiting Norway, said that although her previous meeting with Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama resulted in a worsening of the Chinese-German relationship, she is still preparing to meet with the Dalai Lama once again. At a press conference, Merkel said: "I believe that if I have already met him once, I will do it again.". However, she said that since she will be visiting Latin America she won't be able to meet the Dalai Lama when he visits Germany next month. Merkel said that she doesn't have exact plans to meet the Dalai Lama before the Beijing Olympics in August.
正在挪威访问的德国总理梅克尔今天说, 尽管她上次会晤西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛造成德国和中国关系恶化, 但她仍然准备再度与达赖喇嘛会晤。 梅克尔在记者会中说: 「我相信如果我已会晤他一次, 我将再做一次。」。 不过她说, 下个月达赖喇嘛访问德国时, 她因为人在拉丁美洲访问, 无法与达赖喇嘛会面。 梅克尔说, 在八月北京奥运前, 她没有会晤达赖喇嘛的确切计划。
Where will the Dalai Lama visit next month?
{ "answer_start": [ 7 ], "text": [ "Germany" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 7 ], "text": [ "德国" ] }
At a press conference, Merkel said: "I believe that if I have already met him once, I will do it again.". However, she said that since she will be visiting Latin America she won't be able to meet the Dalai Lama when he visits Germany next month. Merkel said that she doesn't have exact plans to meet the Dalai Lama before the Beijing Olympics in August. She reiterated the appeal that she hopes China and the Dalai Lama will hold peaceful and direct talks about the current turmoil in Tibet but she also stressed that she thinks the Beijing Olympics shouldn't be boycotted.
梅克尔在记者会中说: 「我相信如果我已会晤他一次, 我将再做一次。」。 不过她说, 下个月达赖喇嘛访问德国时, 她因为人在拉丁美洲访问, 无法与达赖喇嘛会面。 梅克尔说, 在八月北京奥运前, 她没有会晤达赖喇嘛的确切计划。 她重申希望中国和达赖喇嘛之间就西藏目前骚乱问题举行和平及直接对话的呼吁, 但她也强调她认为不应抵制北京奥运。
When does Merkel plan to meet the Dalai Lama?
{ "answer_start": [ 326 ], "text": [ "Beijing Olympics" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 89 ], "text": [ "北京奥运" ] }
At a press conference, Merkel said: "I believe that if I have already met him once, I will do it again.". However, she said that since she will be visiting Latin America she won't be able to meet the Dalai Lama when he visits Germany next month. Merkel said that she doesn't have exact plans to meet the Dalai Lama before the Beijing Olympics in August. She reiterated the appeal that she hopes China and the Dalai Lama will hold peaceful and direct talks about the current turmoil in Tibet but she also stressed that she thinks the Beijing Olympics shouldn't be boycotted.
梅克尔在记者会中说: 「我相信如果我已会晤他一次, 我将再做一次。」。 不过她说, 下个月达赖喇嘛访问德国时, 她因为人在拉丁美洲访问, 无法与达赖喇嘛会面。 梅克尔说, 在八月北京奥运前, 她没有会晤达赖喇嘛的确切计划。 她重申希望中国和达赖喇嘛之间就西藏目前骚乱问题举行和平及直接对话的呼吁, 但她也强调她认为不应抵制北京奥运。
What event should not be boycotted?
{ "answer_start": [ 326 ], "text": [ "Beijing Olympics" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 89 ], "text": [ "北京奥运" ] }
Haiti's President Orders Grain Prices Lowered-Parliament Censures Prime Minister. Port-au-Prince (AFP), 12th. Today Haiti's president, Preval, announced a plan to lower the price of foodstuffs. On the other hand, parliament voted unanimously to censure prime minister Alexis. The increase of the price of foodstuffs gave rise to protests resulting in the deaths of many people. Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign.
海地总统下令降低粮价国会通过谴责总理。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布一项降低粮食价格的计划。 另一方面国会也一致通过谴责总理亚历克西。 粮食价格高涨引起抗议活动, 并且造成多人丧生。 今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。
Who does Haiti's President order to be censured?
{ "answer_start": [ 66 ], "text": [ "Prime Minister" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 16 ], "text": [ "总理" ] }
Haiti's President Orders Grain Prices Lowered-Parliament Censures Prime Minister. Port-au-Prince (AFP), 12th. Today Haiti's president, Preval, announced a plan to lower the price of foodstuffs. On the other hand, parliament voted unanimously to censure prime minister Alexis. The increase of the price of foodstuffs gave rise to protests resulting in the deaths of many people. Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign.
海地总统下令降低粮价国会通过谴责总理。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布一项降低粮食价格的计划。 另一方面国会也一致通过谴责总理亚历克西。 粮食价格高涨引起抗议活动, 并且造成多人丧生。 今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。
What is the name of the 12th arrondissement?
第 12 区叫什么名字?
{ "answer_start": [ 82 ], "text": [ "Port-au-Prince" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 23 ], "text": [ "太子港" ] }
Haiti's President Orders Grain Prices Lowered-Parliament Censures Prime Minister. Port-au-Prince (AFP), 12th. Today Haiti's president, Preval, announced a plan to lower the price of foodstuffs. On the other hand, parliament voted unanimously to censure prime minister Alexis. The increase of the price of foodstuffs gave rise to protests resulting in the deaths of many people. Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign.
海地总统下令降低粮价国会通过谴责总理。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布一项降低粮食价格的计划。 另一方面国会也一致通过谴责总理亚历克西。 粮食价格高涨引起抗议活动, 并且造成多人丧生。 今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。
What did Preval plan to do?
{ "answer_start": [ 163 ], "text": [ "lower the price of foodstuffs" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 45 ], "text": [ "降低粮食价格的" ] }
Haiti's President Orders Grain Prices Lowered-Parliament Censures Prime Minister. Port-au-Prince (AFP), 12th. Today Haiti's president, Preval, announced a plan to lower the price of foodstuffs. On the other hand, parliament voted unanimously to censure prime minister Alexis. The increase of the price of foodstuffs gave rise to protests resulting in the deaths of many people. Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign.
海地总统下令降低粮价国会通过谴责总理。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布一项降低粮食价格的计划。 另一方面国会也一致通过谴责总理亚历克西。 粮食价格高涨引起抗议活动, 并且造成多人丧生。 今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。
Which prime minister was censured by parliament?
{ "answer_start": [ 268 ], "text": [ "Alexis" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 71 ], "text": [ "亚历克西" ] }
Haiti's President Orders Grain Prices Lowered-Parliament Censures Prime Minister. Port-au-Prince (AFP), 12th. Today Haiti's president, Preval, announced a plan to lower the price of foodstuffs. On the other hand, parliament voted unanimously to censure prime minister Alexis. The increase of the price of foodstuffs gave rise to protests resulting in the deaths of many people. Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign.
海地总统下令降低粮价国会通过谴责总理。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布一项降低粮食价格的计划。 另一方面国会也一致通过谴责总理亚历克西。 粮食价格高涨引起抗议活动, 并且造成多人丧生。 今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。
What did the increase in prices of foodstuffs cause?
{ "answer_start": [ 355 ], "text": [ "deaths" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 97 ], "text": [ "丧生" ] }
Port-au-Prince (AFP), 12th. Today Haiti's president, Preval, announced a plan to lower the price of foodstuffs. On the other hand, parliament voted unanimously to censure prime minister Alexis. The increase of the price of foodstuffs gave rise to protests resulting in the deaths of many people. Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign. In addition, at a press conference, President Preval announced that he already adopted measures to lower the price of rice.
法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布一项降低粮食价格的计划。 另一方面国会也一致通过谴责总理亚历克西。 粮食价格高涨引起抗议活动, 并且造成多人丧生。 今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。 浦雷华总统并且在记者会上宣布, 他已采取行动降低米价。
Preval said he supports the stepping down of who?
{ "answer_start": [ 186 ], "text": [ "Alexis" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 98 ], "text": [ "让亚历克西" ] }
On the other hand, parliament voted unanimously to censure prime minister Alexis. The increase of the price of foodstuffs gave rise to protests resulting in the deaths of many people. Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign. In addition, at a press conference, President Preval announced that he already adopted measures to lower the price of rice. He said that the price of every bag of rice will be lowered by eight US Dollars.
另一方面国会也一致通过谴责总理亚历克西。 粮食价格高涨引起抗议活动, 并且造成多人丧生。 今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。 浦雷华总统并且在记者会上宣布, 他已采取行动降低米价。 他说, 每包米将降价八美元。
Why did he say he would consult the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister?
{ "answer_start": [ 439 ], "text": [ "no party has a majority of seats in parliament" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ null ], "text": [ "没有政党在国会拥有多数席位" ] }
The increase of the price of foodstuffs gave rise to protests resulting in the deaths of many people. Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign. In addition, at a press conference, President Preval announced that he already adopted measures to lower the price of rice. He said that the price of every bag of rice will be lowered by eight US Dollars.
粮食价格高涨引起抗议活动, 并且造成多人丧生。 今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。 浦雷华总统并且在记者会上宣布, 他已采取行动降低米价。 他说, 每包米将降价八美元。
How many senators demanded that the government resign?
{ "answer_start": [ 419 ], "text": [ "16" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 119 ], "text": [ "十六位" ] }
Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign. In addition, at a press conference, President Preval announced that he already adopted measures to lower the price of rice. He said that the price of every bag of rice will be lowered by eight US Dollars. He said: "Due to the three million US Dollars of aid donated by the international community, the government has already agreed to these measures.".
今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。 浦雷华总统并且在记者会上宣布, 他已采取行动降低米价。 他说, 每包米将降价八美元。 他说: 「由于国际社会捐款三百万美元援助, 政府已经同意这项行动。」。
What type of rice did President Preval announce he already had measures to lower?
{ "answer_start": [ 484 ], "text": [ "rice" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 137 ], "text": [ "米" ] }
Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign. In addition, at a press conference, President Preval announced that he already adopted measures to lower the price of rice. He said that the price of every bag of rice will be lowered by eight US Dollars. He said: "Due to the three million US Dollars of aid donated by the international community, the government has already agreed to these measures.".
今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。 浦雷华总统并且在记者会上宣布, 他已采取行动降低米价。 他说, 每包米将降价八美元。 他说: 「由于国际社会捐款三百万美元援助, 政府已经同意这项行动。」。
How many US Dollars will be lowered for each bag of rice?
{ "answer_start": [ 561 ], "text": [ "eight" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 151 ], "text": [ "八" ] }
Earlier in the morning today, Preval said he supports the stepping down of Alexis. He said: "If parliament expels the prime minister, I will follow the constitutional rules by consulting the two parliamentary leaders to name a new prime minister, because no party has a majority of seats in parliament.". Previously, 16 senators already demanded that the government resign. In addition, at a press conference, President Preval announced that he already adopted measures to lower the price of rice. He said that the price of every bag of rice will be lowered by eight US Dollars. He said: "Due to the three million US Dollars of aid donated by the international community, the government has already agreed to these measures.".
今天稍早, 浦雷华曾表示, 他支持让亚历克西下台。 他说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我将会遵照宪法的规定, 与两位国会领袖磋商, 以提名一位新总理, 因为没有一个政党在国会拥有多数席位。」。 十六位参议员先前已经要求政府辞职。 浦雷华总统并且在记者会上宣布, 他已采取行动降低米价。 他说, 每包米将降价八美元。 他说: 「由于国际社会捐款三百万美元援助, 政府已经同意这项行动。」。
How many US Dollars of aid did the international community donate?
{ "answer_start": [ 600 ], "text": [ "three million" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 169 ], "text": [ "三百万" ] }
Dalai Lama Aide Meets French President, Exposes Truth about China's Crackdown in Tibet. PARIS, 12th, AFP. The French presidential palace, the Elysée, has confirmed that President Sarkozy met today with the monk Ricard, who is close to the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and that the two discussed "a wide range of options.". At a time when an increasing number of international leaders say they will not attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in August and the global relay of the Beijing Olympic Torch has become dogged by protests, Sarkozy and Ricard discussed ways to restart talks between the Dalai Lama and the Chinese authorities.
揭露中国镇压西藏真相达赖亲信会见法国总统。 法新社巴黎十二日电。 法国总统府艾里赛宫证实, 总统沙柯吉今天与接近西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛的僧侣李卡尔会谈, 讨论「广泛选项」。 正当愈来愈多的国际领导人表示, 他们将不会出席八月在北京举行的奥运开幕仪式, 而北京奥运圣火全球传递活动也在如影随形的抗议活动中陷入泥淖之际, 沙柯吉与李卡尔讨论重启达赖与中国当局谈判的办法。
What does the Dalai Lama Expose about?
{ "answer_start": [ 60 ], "text": [ "China's Crackdown in Tibet" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 2 ], "text": [ "中国镇压西藏" ] }
Dalai Lama Aide Meets French President, Exposes Truth about China's Crackdown in Tibet. PARIS, 12th, AFP. The French presidential palace, the Elysée, has confirmed that President Sarkozy met today with the monk Ricard, who is close to the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and that the two discussed "a wide range of options.". At a time when an increasing number of international leaders say they will not attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in August and the global relay of the Beijing Olympic Torch has become dogged by protests, Sarkozy and Ricard discussed ways to restart talks between the Dalai Lama and the Chinese authorities.
揭露中国镇压西藏真相达赖亲信会见法国总统。 法新社巴黎十二日电。 法国总统府艾里赛宫证实, 总统沙柯吉今天与接近西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛的僧侣李卡尔会谈, 讨论「广泛选项」。 正当愈来愈多的国际领导人表示, 他们将不会出席八月在北京举行的奥运开幕仪式, 而北京奥运圣火全球传递活动也在如影随形的抗议活动中陷入泥淖之际, 沙柯吉与李卡尔讨论重启达赖与中国当局谈判的办法。
Who did President Sarkozy meet with today?
{ "answer_start": [ 211 ], "text": [ "Ricard" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 69 ], "text": [ "李卡尔" ] }
Dalai Lama Aide Meets French President, Exposes Truth about China's Crackdown in Tibet. PARIS, 12th, AFP. The French presidential palace, the Elysée, has confirmed that President Sarkozy met today with the monk Ricard, who is close to the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and that the two discussed "a wide range of options.". At a time when an increasing number of international leaders say they will not attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in August and the global relay of the Beijing Olympic Torch has become dogged by protests, Sarkozy and Ricard discussed ways to restart talks between the Dalai Lama and the Chinese authorities.
揭露中国镇压西藏真相达赖亲信会见法国总统。 法新社巴黎十二日电。 法国总统府艾里赛宫证实, 总统沙柯吉今天与接近西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛的僧侣李卡尔会谈, 讨论「广泛选项」。 正当愈来愈多的国际领导人表示, 他们将不会出席八月在北京举行的奥运开幕仪式, 而北京奥运圣火全球传递活动也在如影随形的抗议活动中陷入泥淖之际, 沙柯吉与李卡尔讨论重启达赖与中国当局谈判的办法。
What is the name of the French presidential palace?
{ "answer_start": [ 138 ], "text": [ "the Elysée" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 38 ], "text": [ "艾里赛宫" ] }
The French presidential palace, the Elysée, has confirmed that President Sarkozy met today with the monk Ricard, who is close to the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and that the two discussed "a wide range of options.". At a time when an increasing number of international leaders say they will not attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in August and the global relay of the Beijing Olympic Torch has become dogged by protests, Sarkozy and Ricard discussed ways to restart talks between the Dalai Lama and the Chinese authorities.
法国总统府艾里赛宫证实, 总统沙柯吉今天与接近西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛的僧侣李卡尔会谈, 讨论「广泛选项」。 正当愈来愈多的国际领导人表示, 他们将不会出席八月在北京举行的奥运开幕仪式, 而北京奥运圣火全球传递活动也在如影随形的抗议活动中陷入泥淖之际, 沙柯吉与李卡尔讨论重启达赖与中国当局谈判的办法。
What has become dogged by protests?
{ "answer_start": [ 394 ], "text": [ "the global relay of the Beijing Olympic Torch" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 93 ], "text": [ "北京奥运圣火全球传递活动" ] }
At a time when an increasing number of international leaders say they will not attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in August and the global relay of the Beijing Olympic Torch has become dogged by protests, Sarkozy and Ricard discussed ways to restart talks between the Dalai Lama and the Chinese authorities. Ricard, who is the Dalai Lama's French translator, said after the discussion with Sarkozy, "The president is deeply concerned that a dialogue unfolds, and at the same time that the Tibet issue be...
正当愈来愈多的国际领导人表示, 他们将不会出席八月在北京举行的奥运开幕仪式, 而北京奥运圣火全球传递活动也在如影随形的抗议活动中陷入泥淖之际, 沙柯吉与李卡尔讨论重启达赖与中国当局谈判的办法。 达赖喇嘛的法语传译李卡尔在与沙柯吉讨论后表示: 「总统非常关切展开对话, 同时西藏问题应以令人满。
Who is the Dalai Lama's translator?
{ "answer_start": [ 253 ], "text": [ "Ricard" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 76 ], "text": [ "李卡尔" ] }
Ricard, who is the Dalai Lama's French translator, said after the discussion with Sarkozy, "The president is deeply concerned that a dialogue unfolds, and at the same time that the Tibet issue be... Ricard emphasized that he had not been authorized to speak on the part of the Dalai Lama, and that he was meeting with the president in order to "fairly and sincerely" convey testimony that 192 had been killed and 2300 arrested in the current tense confrontation in Tibet. The Elysée confirmed that the two individuals had held talks, but did not provide further details.
达赖喇嘛的法语传译李卡尔在与沙柯吉讨论后表示: 「总统非常关切展开对话, 同时西藏问题应以令人满。 李卡尔强调, 他并未获得授权代表达赖喇嘛发言, 而是与总统会面, 以便「公平而真诚地」传达目前在西藏的紧张对峙中有一百九十二人死亡, 两千三百人被捕的证词。 艾里赛宫证实两人举行过会谈, 但没有提供进一步细节。
How many people were killed in the current tense confrontation in Tibet?
{ "answer_start": [ 389 ], "text": [ "192" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 107 ], "text": [ "一百九十二" ] }
Ricard, who is the Dalai Lama's French translator, said after the discussion with Sarkozy, "The president is deeply concerned that a dialogue unfolds, and at the same time that the Tibet issue be... Ricard emphasized that he had not been authorized to speak on the part of the Dalai Lama, and that he was meeting with the president in order to "fairly and sincerely" convey testimony that 192 had been killed and 2300 arrested in the current tense confrontation in Tibet. The Elysée confirmed that the two individuals had held talks, but did not provide further details.
达赖喇嘛的法语传译李卡尔在与沙柯吉讨论后表示: 「总统非常关切展开对话, 同时西藏问题应以令人满。 李卡尔强调, 他并未获得授权代表达赖喇嘛发言, 而是与总统会面, 以便「公平而真诚地」传达目前在西藏的紧张对峙中有一百九十二人死亡, 两千三百人被捕的证词。 艾里赛宫证实两人举行过会谈, 但没有提供进一步细节。
How many people were arrested in the current tense confrontation in Tibet?
{ "answer_start": [ 413 ], "text": [ "2300" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 117 ], "text": [ "两千三百" ] }
Ricard, who is the Dalai Lama's French translator, said after the discussion with Sarkozy, "The president is deeply concerned that a dialogue unfolds, and at the same time that the Tibet issue be... Ricard emphasized that he had not been authorized to speak on the part of the Dalai Lama, and that he was meeting with the president in order to "fairly and sincerely" convey testimony that 192 had been killed and 2300 arrested in the current tense confrontation in Tibet. The Elysée confirmed that the two individuals had held talks, but did not provide further details. Ricard said: "We discussed various options, but I don't think that I should be the one to decide whether the details of the options should be made public.".
达赖喇嘛的法语传译李卡尔在与沙柯吉讨论后表示: 「总统非常关切展开对话, 同时西藏问题应以令人满。 李卡尔强调, 他并未获得授权代表达赖喇嘛发言, 而是与总统会面, 以便「公平而真诚地」传达目前在西藏的紧张对峙中有一百九十二人死亡, 两千三百人被捕的证词。 艾里赛宫证实两人举行过会谈, 但没有提供进一步细节。 李卡尔说: 「讨论了各种选项, 但我不认为应由我决定是否公布选项内容」。
Who confirmed that the two individuals had held talks?
{ "answer_start": [ 472 ], "text": [ "The Elysée" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 129 ], "text": [ "艾里赛宫" ] }
Ricard emphasized that he had not been authorized to speak on the part of the Dalai Lama, and that he was meeting with the president in order to "fairly and sincerely" convey testimony that 192 had been killed and 2300 arrested in the current tense confrontation in Tibet. The Elysée confirmed that the two individuals had held talks, but did not provide further details. Ricard said: "We discussed various options, but I don't think that I should be the one to decide whether the details of the options should be made public.". But he mentioned French Foreign Minister Kouchner's idea that the Dalai Lama could meet with the foreign ministers of European Union member states.
李卡尔强调, 他并未获得授权代表达赖喇嘛发言, 而是与总统会面, 以便「公平而真诚地」传达目前在西藏的紧张对峙中有一百九十二人死亡, 两千三百人被捕的证词。 艾里赛宫证实两人举行过会谈, 但没有提供进一步细节。 李卡尔说: 「讨论了各种选项, 但我不认为应由我决定是否公布选项内容」。 但他提到法国外长库希内提议的想法, 让达赖喇嘛与欧洲联盟成员国外长会面。
Who said: "We discussed various options, but I don't think that I should be the one to decide whether the details of the options should be
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Ricard" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "李卡尔" ] }
Ricard emphasized that he had not been authorized to speak on the part of the Dalai Lama, and that he was meeting with the president in order to "fairly and sincerely" convey testimony that 192 had been killed and 2300 arrested in the current tense confrontation in Tibet. The Elysée confirmed that the two individuals had held talks, but did not provide further details. Ricard said: "We discussed various options, but I don't think that I should be the one to decide whether the details of the options should be made public.". But he mentioned French Foreign Minister Kouchner's idea that the Dalai Lama could meet with the foreign ministers of European Union member states.
李卡尔强调, 他并未获得授权代表达赖喇嘛发言, 而是与总统会面, 以便「公平而真诚地」传达目前在西藏的紧张对峙中有一百九十二人死亡, 两千三百人被捕的证词。 艾里赛宫证实两人举行过会谈, 但没有提供进一步细节。 李卡尔说: 「讨论了各种选项, 但我不认为应由我决定是否公布选项内容」。 但他提到法国外长库希内提议的想法, 让达赖喇嘛与欧洲联盟成员国外长会面。
Who suggested that the Dalai Lama could meet with foreign ministers of European Union member states?
{ "answer_start": [ 546 ], "text": [ "French Foreign Minister Kouchner" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 147 ], "text": [ "法国外长库希内" ] }
UN Police Officer Shot Dead as Soaring Consumer Prices in Haiti Lead to Riot. AFP on the 12th, Port-au-Prince. A UN peacekeeping official told AFP that a UN police officer from Nigeria was shot to death by unidentified attackers today in Haiti. "He was a riot policeman from Nigeria," said Combe, spokesperson for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. The man, dressed in civilian clothes, was shot dead near a church in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian police found his dead body and turned it over to the UN officials. The shooting incident took place at a time when soaring food and fuel prices led to riots in Haiti, escalating political tensions.
海地物价高涨引发暴动联合国警察遭射杀。 法新社太子港十二日电。 联合国维和官员告诉法新社, 一名奈及利亚籍联合国警察今天在海地遭到不知名攻击者击毙。 联合国驻海稳定特派团发言人康布说: 「他是奈及利亚的镇暴警察。」。 这名男子在太子港的教堂附近遭到射杀时, 身穿便服。 海地警察寻获他的遗体并转交联合国官员。 这起枪击案发生之际, 海地正因为食物及燃料价格飞涨而引发暴动并使得政治紧张情势升高。
Who was shot dead in Haiti?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "UN Police Officer" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 10 ], "text": [ "联合国警察" ] }
UN Police Officer Shot Dead as Soaring Consumer Prices in Haiti Lead to Riot. AFP on the 12th, Port-au-Prince. A UN peacekeeping official told AFP that a UN police officer from Nigeria was shot to death by unidentified attackers today in Haiti. "He was a riot policeman from Nigeria," said Combe, spokesperson for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. The man, dressed in civilian clothes, was shot dead near a church in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian police found his dead body and turned it over to the UN officials. The shooting incident took place at a time when soaring food and fuel prices led to riots in Haiti, escalating political tensions.
海地物价高涨引发暴动联合国警察遭射杀。 法新社太子港十二日电。 联合国维和官员告诉法新社, 一名奈及利亚籍联合国警察今天在海地遭到不知名攻击者击毙。 联合国驻海稳定特派团发言人康布说: 「他是奈及利亚的镇暴警察。」。 这名男子在太子港的教堂附近遭到射杀时, 身穿便服。 海地警察寻获他的遗体并转交联合国官员。 这起枪击案发生之际, 海地正因为食物及燃料价格飞涨而引发暴动并使得政治紧张情势升高。
Where was AFP on the 12th?
{ "answer_start": [ 95 ], "text": [ "Port-au-Prince" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 23 ], "text": [ "太子港" ] }
UN Police Officer Shot Dead as Soaring Consumer Prices in Haiti Lead to Riot. AFP on the 12th, Port-au-Prince. A UN peacekeeping official told AFP that a UN police officer from Nigeria was shot to death by unidentified attackers today in Haiti. "He was a riot policeman from Nigeria," said Combe, spokesperson for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. The man, dressed in civilian clothes, was shot dead near a church in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian police found his dead body and turned it over to the UN officials. The shooting incident took place at a time when soaring food and fuel prices led to riots in Haiti, escalating political tensions.
海地物价高涨引发暴动联合国警察遭射杀。 法新社太子港十二日电。 联合国维和官员告诉法新社, 一名奈及利亚籍联合国警察今天在海地遭到不知名攻击者击毙。 联合国驻海稳定特派团发言人康布说: 「他是奈及利亚的镇暴警察。」。 这名男子在太子港的教堂附近遭到射杀时, 身穿便服。 海地警察寻获他的遗体并转交联合国官员。 这起枪击案发生之际, 海地正因为食物及燃料价格飞涨而引发暴动并使得政治紧张情势升高。
Who shot the UN peacekeeping official?
{ "answer_start": [ 206 ], "text": [ "unidentified attackers" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 65 ], "text": [ "不知名攻击者" ] }
UN Police Officer Shot Dead as Soaring Consumer Prices in Haiti Lead to Riot. AFP on the 12th, Port-au-Prince. A UN peacekeeping official told AFP that a UN police officer from Nigeria was shot to death by unidentified attackers today in Haiti. "He was a riot policeman from Nigeria," said Combe, spokesperson for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. The man, dressed in civilian clothes, was shot dead near a church in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian police found his dead body and turned it over to the UN officials. The shooting incident took place at a time when soaring food and fuel prices led to riots in Haiti, escalating political tensions.
海地物价高涨引发暴动联合国警察遭射杀。 法新社太子港十二日电。 联合国维和官员告诉法新社, 一名奈及利亚籍联合国警察今天在海地遭到不知名攻击者击毙。 联合国驻海稳定特派团发言人康布说: 「他是奈及利亚的镇暴警察。」。 这名男子在太子港的教堂附近遭到射杀时, 身穿便服。 海地警察寻获他的遗体并转交联合国官员。 这起枪击案发生之际, 海地正因为食物及燃料价格飞涨而引发暴动并使得政治紧张情势升高。
What country was the UN police officer from?
{ "answer_start": [ 177 ], "text": [ "Nigeria" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 48 ], "text": [ "奈及利亚籍" ] }
UN Police Officer Shot Dead as Soaring Consumer Prices in Haiti Lead to Riot. AFP on the 12th, Port-au-Prince. A UN peacekeeping official told AFP that a UN police officer from Nigeria was shot to death by unidentified attackers today in Haiti. "He was a riot policeman from Nigeria," said Combe, spokesperson for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. The man, dressed in civilian clothes, was shot dead near a church in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian police found his dead body and turned it over to the UN officials. The shooting incident took place at a time when soaring food and fuel prices led to riots in Haiti, escalating political tensions.
海地物价高涨引发暴动联合国警察遭射杀。 法新社太子港十二日电。 联合国维和官员告诉法新社, 一名奈及利亚籍联合国警察今天在海地遭到不知名攻击者击毙。 联合国驻海稳定特派团发言人康布说: 「他是奈及利亚的镇暴警察。」。 这名男子在太子港的教堂附近遭到射杀时, 身穿便服。 海地警察寻获他的遗体并转交联合国官员。 这起枪击案发生之际, 海地正因为食物及燃料价格飞涨而引发暴动并使得政治紧张情势升高。
What was Combe's job?
{ "answer_start": [ 255 ], "text": [ "riot policeman" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 101 ], "text": [ "镇暴警察" ] }
UN Police Officer Shot Dead as Soaring Consumer Prices in Haiti Lead to Riot. AFP on the 12th, Port-au-Prince. A UN peacekeeping official told AFP that a UN police officer from Nigeria was shot to death by unidentified attackers today in Haiti. "He was a riot policeman from Nigeria," said Combe, spokesperson for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. The man, dressed in civilian clothes, was shot dead near a church in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian police found his dead body and turned it over to the UN officials. The shooting incident took place at a time when soaring food and fuel prices led to riots in Haiti, escalating political tensions.
海地物价高涨引发暴动联合国警察遭射杀。 法新社太子港十二日电。 联合国维和官员告诉法新社, 一名奈及利亚籍联合国警察今天在海地遭到不知名攻击者击毙。 联合国驻海稳定特派团发言人康布说: 「他是奈及利亚的镇暴警察。」。 这名男子在太子港的教堂附近遭到射杀时, 身穿便服。 海地警察寻获他的遗体并转交联合国官员。 这起枪击案发生之际, 海地正因为食物及燃料价格飞涨而引发暴动并使得政治紧张情势升高。
What country was Combe a riot policeman from?
{ "answer_start": [ 177 ], "text": [ "Nigeria" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 48 ], "text": [ "奈及利亚" ] }
UN Police Officer Shot Dead as Soaring Consumer Prices in Haiti Lead to Riot. AFP on the 12th, Port-au-Prince. A UN peacekeeping official told AFP that a UN police officer from Nigeria was shot to death by unidentified attackers today in Haiti. "He was a riot policeman from Nigeria," said Combe, spokesperson for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. The man, dressed in civilian clothes, was shot dead near a church in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian police found his dead body and turned it over to the UN officials. The shooting incident took place at a time when soaring food and fuel prices led to riots in Haiti, escalating political tensions.
海地物价高涨引发暴动联合国警察遭射杀。 法新社太子港十二日电。 联合国维和官员告诉法新社, 一名奈及利亚籍联合国警察今天在海地遭到不知名攻击者击毙。 联合国驻海稳定特派团发言人康布说: 「他是奈及利亚的镇暴警察。」。 这名男子在太子港的教堂附近遭到射杀时, 身穿便服。 海地警察寻获他的遗体并转交联合国官员。 这起枪击案发生之际, 海地正因为食物及燃料价格飞涨而引发暴动并使得政治紧张情势升高。
Where was the man shot near a church?
{ "answer_start": [ 95 ], "text": [ "Port-au-Prince" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 114 ], "text": [ "太子港的" ] }
UN Police Officer Shot Dead as Soaring Consumer Prices in Haiti Lead to Riot. AFP on the 12th, Port-au-Prince. A UN peacekeeping official told AFP that a UN police officer from Nigeria was shot to death by unidentified attackers today in Haiti. "He was a riot policeman from Nigeria," said Combe, spokesperson for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. The man, dressed in civilian clothes, was shot dead near a church in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian police found his dead body and turned it over to the UN officials. The shooting incident took place at a time when soaring food and fuel prices led to riots in Haiti, escalating political tensions.
海地物价高涨引发暴动联合国警察遭射杀。 法新社太子港十二日电。 联合国维和官员告诉法新社, 一名奈及利亚籍联合国警察今天在海地遭到不知名攻击者击毙。 联合国驻海稳定特派团发言人康布说: 「他是奈及利亚的镇暴警察。」。 这名男子在太子港的教堂附近遭到射杀时, 身穿便服。 海地警察寻获他的遗体并转交联合国官员。 这起枪击案发生之际, 海地正因为食物及燃料价格飞涨而引发暴动并使得政治紧张情势升高。
Who found his body and turned it over to UN officials?
{ "answer_start": [ 442 ], "text": [ "Haitian police" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 135 ], "text": [ "海地警察" ] }
UN Police Officer Shot Dead as Soaring Consumer Prices in Haiti Lead to Riot. AFP on the 12th, Port-au-Prince. A UN peacekeeping official told AFP that a UN police officer from Nigeria was shot to death by unidentified attackers today in Haiti. "He was a riot policeman from Nigeria," said Combe, spokesperson for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. The man, dressed in civilian clothes, was shot dead near a church in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian police found his dead body and turned it over to the UN officials. The shooting incident took place at a time when soaring food and fuel prices led to riots in Haiti, escalating political tensions.
海地物价高涨引发暴动联合国警察遭射杀。 法新社太子港十二日电。 联合国维和官员告诉法新社, 一名奈及利亚籍联合国警察今天在海地遭到不知名攻击者击毙。 联合国驻海稳定特派团发言人康布说: 「他是奈及利亚的镇暴警察。」。 这名男子在太子港的教堂附近遭到射杀时, 身穿便服。 海地警察寻获他的遗体并转交联合国官员。 这起枪击案发生之际, 海地正因为食物及燃料价格飞涨而引发暴动并使得政治紧张情势升高。
What was the result of the shooting in Haiti?
{ "answer_start": [ 601 ], "text": [ "riots" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 8 ], "text": [ "暴动" ] }
UN Police Officer Shot Dead as Soaring Consumer Prices in Haiti Lead to Riot. AFP on the 12th, Port-au-Prince. A UN peacekeeping official told AFP that a UN police officer from Nigeria was shot to death by unidentified attackers today in Haiti. "He was a riot policeman from Nigeria," said Combe, spokesperson for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti. The man, dressed in civilian clothes, was shot dead near a church in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian police found his dead body and turned it over to the UN officials. The shooting incident took place at a time when soaring food and fuel prices led to riots in Haiti, escalating political tensions.
海地物价高涨引发暴动联合国警察遭射杀。 法新社太子港十二日电。 联合国维和官员告诉法新社, 一名奈及利亚籍联合国警察今天在海地遭到不知名攻击者击毙。 联合国驻海稳定特派团发言人康布说: 「他是奈及利亚的镇暴警察。」。 这名男子在太子港的教堂附近遭到射杀时, 身穿便服。 海地警察寻获他的遗体并转交联合国官员。 这起枪击案发生之际, 海地正因为食物及燃料价格飞涨而引发暴动并使得政治紧张情势升高。
What caused riots in Haiti?
{ "answer_start": [ 565 ], "text": [ "soaring food and fuel prices" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 171 ], "text": [ "食物及燃料价格飞涨" ] }
Zimbabwe Election Controversy-Electoral Commission Orders 23 Constituencies to Recount Votes. Harare, capital of Zimbabwe (AFP), 13th. Zimbabwe's state-run media "The Sunday Mail" reported, the Electoral Commission already ordered 23 constituencies to do a comprehensive recount of the ballots before the 19th. Zimbabwe has a total of 210 constituencies. The Sunday Mail, regarded as President Mugabe's government's mouthpiece, reported, the Electoral Commission's chairman Chiweshe already ordered a recount of all ballots for the election of the president, parliament, senate and local legislature. The report said Chiweshe has "reasonable cause" to believe the ballots of these constituencies were miscounted and also probably affected the election results.
辛巴威选举争议选委会下令 23 选区重新计票。 法新社辛巴威首都哈拉雷十三日电。 辛巴威国营媒体「周日邮报」报导, 选举委员会已经下令二十三个选区于十九日全面重新计票。 辛巴威共分两百一十个选区。 被视为总统穆加比政府喉舌的周日邮报报导, 选委会主席奇维许已经下令重新计算总统、国会、参议院及地方议会选举所有选票。 报导说, 奇维许有「合理的理由」相信这些选区的选票遭到误计, 且可能影响选举结果。
How many Constituencies did the Zimbabwe Election Controversy-Electoral Commission Order?
{ "answer_start": [ 58 ], "text": [ "23" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 13 ], "text": [ "23" ] }
Zimbabwe Election Controversy-Electoral Commission Orders 23 Constituencies to Recount Votes. Harare, capital of Zimbabwe (AFP), 13th. Zimbabwe's state-run media "The Sunday Mail" reported, the Electoral Commission already ordered 23 constituencies to do a comprehensive recount of the ballots before the 19th. Zimbabwe has a total of 210 constituencies. The Sunday Mail, regarded as President Mugabe's government's mouthpiece, reported, the Electoral Commission's chairman Chiweshe already ordered a recount of all ballots for the election of the president, parliament, senate and local legislature. The report said Chiweshe has "reasonable cause" to believe the ballots of these constituencies were miscounted and also probably affected the election results.
辛巴威选举争议选委会下令 23 选区重新计票。 法新社辛巴威首都哈拉雷十三日电。 辛巴威国营媒体「周日邮报」报导, 选举委员会已经下令二十三个选区于十九日全面重新计票。 辛巴威共分两百一十个选区。 被视为总统穆加比政府喉舌的周日邮报报导, 选委会主席奇维许已经下令重新计算总统、国会、参议院及地方议会选举所有选票。 报导说, 奇维许有「合理的理由」相信这些选区的选票遭到误计, 且可能影响选举结果。
What is the name of the country in which the electoral commission orders 23 constituencies to count votes?
选举委员会命令 23 选区计票的国家叫什么名字?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Zimbabwe" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "辛巴威" ] }
Zimbabwe Election Controversy-Electoral Commission Orders 23 Constituencies to Recount Votes. Harare, capital of Zimbabwe (AFP), 13th. Zimbabwe's state-run media "The Sunday Mail" reported, the Electoral Commission already ordered 23 constituencies to do a comprehensive recount of the ballots before the 19th. Zimbabwe has a total of 210 constituencies. The Sunday Mail, regarded as President Mugabe's government's mouthpiece, reported, the Electoral Commission's chairman Chiweshe already ordered a recount of all ballots for the election of the president, parliament, senate and local legislature. The report said Chiweshe has "reasonable cause" to believe the ballots of these constituencies were miscounted and also probably affected the election results.
辛巴威选举争议选委会下令 23 选区重新计票。 法新社辛巴威首都哈拉雷十三日电。 辛巴威国营媒体「周日邮报」报导, 选举委员会已经下令二十三个选区于十九日全面重新计票。 辛巴威共分两百一十个选区。 被视为总统穆加比政府喉舌的周日邮报报导, 选委会主席奇维许已经下令重新计算总统、国会、参议院及地方议会选举所有选票。 报导说, 奇维许有「合理的理由」相信这些选区的选票遭到误计, 且可能影响选举结果。
What is the capital of Zimbabwe?
{ "answer_start": [ 94 ], "text": [ "Harare" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 32 ], "text": [ "哈拉雷" ] }
Zimbabwe Election Controversy-Electoral Commission Orders 23 Constituencies to Recount Votes. Harare, capital of Zimbabwe (AFP), 13th. Zimbabwe's state-run media "The Sunday Mail" reported, the Electoral Commission already ordered 23 constituencies to do a comprehensive recount of the ballots before the 19th. Zimbabwe has a total of 210 constituencies. The Sunday Mail, regarded as President Mugabe's government's mouthpiece, reported, the Electoral Commission's chairman Chiweshe already ordered a recount of all ballots for the election of the president, parliament, senate and local legislature. The report said Chiweshe has "reasonable cause" to believe the ballots of these constituencies were miscounted and also probably affected the election results.
辛巴威选举争议选委会下令 23 选区重新计票。 法新社辛巴威首都哈拉雷十三日电。 辛巴威国营媒体「周日邮报」报导, 选举委员会已经下令二十三个选区于十九日全面重新计票。 辛巴威共分两百一十个选区。 被视为总统穆加比政府喉舌的周日邮报报导, 选委会主席奇维许已经下令重新计算总统、国会、参议院及地方议会选举所有选票。 报导说, 奇维许有「合理的理由」相信这些选区的选票遭到误计, 且可能影响选举结果。
What is the name of Zimbabwe's state-run media?
{ "answer_start": [ 163 ], "text": [ "The Sunday Mail" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 49 ], "text": [ "周日邮报" ] }
Zimbabwe Election Controversy-Electoral Commission Orders 23 Constituencies to Recount Votes. Harare, capital of Zimbabwe (AFP), 13th. Zimbabwe's state-run media "The Sunday Mail" reported, the Electoral Commission already ordered 23 constituencies to do a comprehensive recount of the ballots before the 19th. Zimbabwe has a total of 210 constituencies. The Sunday Mail, regarded as President Mugabe's government's mouthpiece, reported, the Electoral Commission's chairman Chiweshe already ordered a recount of all ballots for the election of the president, parliament, senate and local legislature. The report said Chiweshe has "reasonable cause" to believe the ballots of these constituencies were miscounted and also probably affected the election results.
辛巴威选举争议选委会下令 23 选区重新计票。 法新社辛巴威首都哈拉雷十三日电。 辛巴威国营媒体「周日邮报」报导, 选举委员会已经下令二十三个选区于十九日全面重新计票。 辛巴威共分两百一十个选区。 被视为总统穆加比政府喉舌的周日邮报报导, 选委会主席奇维许已经下令重新计算总统、国会、参议院及地方议会选举所有选票。 报导说, 奇维许有「合理的理由」相信这些选区的选票遭到误计, 且可能影响选举结果。
How many constituencies did the Electoral Commission order to do a recount?
{ "answer_start": [ 58 ], "text": [ "23" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 67 ], "text": [ "二十三个" ] }
Zimbabwe Election Controversy-Electoral Commission Orders 23 Constituencies to Recount Votes. Harare, capital of Zimbabwe (AFP), 13th. Zimbabwe's state-run media "The Sunday Mail" reported, the Electoral Commission already ordered 23 constituencies to do a comprehensive recount of the ballots before the 19th. Zimbabwe has a total of 210 constituencies. The Sunday Mail, regarded as President Mugabe's government's mouthpiece, reported, the Electoral Commission's chairman Chiweshe already ordered a recount of all ballots for the election of the president, parliament, senate and local legislature. The report said Chiweshe has "reasonable cause" to believe the ballots of these constituencies were miscounted and also probably affected the election results.
辛巴威选举争议选委会下令 23 选区重新计票。 法新社辛巴威首都哈拉雷十三日电。 辛巴威国营媒体「周日邮报」报导, 选举委员会已经下令二十三个选区于十九日全面重新计票。 辛巴威共分两百一十个选区。 被视为总统穆加比政府喉舌的周日邮报报导, 选委会主席奇维许已经下令重新计算总统、国会、参议院及地方议会选举所有选票。 报导说, 奇维许有「合理的理由」相信这些选区的选票遭到误计, 且可能影响选举结果。
How many constituencies does Zimbabwe have?
{ "answer_start": [ 335 ], "text": [ "210" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 90 ], "text": [ "两百一十个" ] }
Zimbabwe Election Controversy-Electoral Commission Orders 23 Constituencies to Recount Votes. Harare, capital of Zimbabwe (AFP), 13th. Zimbabwe's state-run media "The Sunday Mail" reported, the Electoral Commission already ordered 23 constituencies to do a comprehensive recount of the ballots before the 19th. Zimbabwe has a total of 210 constituencies. The Sunday Mail, regarded as President Mugabe's government's mouthpiece, reported, the Electoral Commission's chairman Chiweshe already ordered a recount of all ballots for the election of the president, parliament, senate and local legislature. The report said Chiweshe has "reasonable cause" to believe the ballots of these constituencies were miscounted and also probably affected the election results.
辛巴威选举争议选委会下令 23 选区重新计票。 法新社辛巴威首都哈拉雷十三日电。 辛巴威国营媒体「周日邮报」报导, 选举委员会已经下令二十三个选区于十九日全面重新计票。 辛巴威共分两百一十个选区。 被视为总统穆加比政府喉舌的周日邮报报导, 选委会主席奇维许已经下令重新计算总统、国会、参议院及地方议会选举所有选票。 报导说, 奇维许有「合理的理由」相信这些选区的选票遭到误计, 且可能影响选举结果。
Who was the chairman of the Electoral Commission?
{ "answer_start": [ 474 ], "text": [ "Chiweshe" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 125 ], "text": [ "奇维许" ] }
Zimbabwe Election Controversy-Electoral Commission Orders 23 Constituencies to Recount Votes. Harare, capital of Zimbabwe (AFP), 13th. Zimbabwe's state-run media "The Sunday Mail" reported, the Electoral Commission already ordered 23 constituencies to do a comprehensive recount of the ballots before the 19th. Zimbabwe has a total of 210 constituencies. The Sunday Mail, regarded as President Mugabe's government's mouthpiece, reported, the Electoral Commission's chairman Chiweshe already ordered a recount of all ballots for the election of the president, parliament, senate and local legislature. The report said Chiweshe has "reasonable cause" to believe the ballots of these constituencies were miscounted and also probably affected the election results.
辛巴威选举争议选委会下令 23 选区重新计票。 法新社辛巴威首都哈拉雷十三日电。 辛巴威国营媒体「周日邮报」报导, 选举委员会已经下令二十三个选区于十九日全面重新计票。 辛巴威共分两百一十个选区。 被视为总统穆加比政府喉舌的周日邮报报导, 选委会主席奇维许已经下令重新计算总统、国会、参议院及地方议会选举所有选票。 报导说, 奇维许有「合理的理由」相信这些选区的选票遭到误计, 且可能影响选举结果。
What did Chiweshe believe were miscounted?
{ "answer_start": [ 286 ], "text": [ "ballots" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 154 ], "text": [ "选票" ] }
Haitian President Orders 15% Drop in Food Prices to Stem Riots. Port-au-Prince, the 20th (AFP). Haitian President Preval today announced a plan to lower food prices by 15% in order to stem deadly food riots that have already resulted in the dismissal of Prime Minister Alexis. More than a week after riots broke out in Haiti because of sharp increases in food and fuel prices, Preval today announced the above measures accompanied by food importers. According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis.
遏止暴乱海地总统下令调降粮价一成五。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布调降食品价格一成五的计划, 以遏止已让总理亚历克西丢官的致命粮食暴动。 海地因食物与燃油价格暴涨引发暴乱一个多星期之后, 浦雷华今天在食物进口商的陪同下宣布上述措施。 根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。
What percentage drop in food prices did the president of Haiti order?
{ "answer_start": [ 25 ], "text": [ "15%" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 14 ], "text": [ "一成五" ] }
Haitian President Orders 15% Drop in Food Prices to Stem Riots. Port-au-Prince, the 20th (AFP). Haitian President Preval today announced a plan to lower food prices by 15% in order to stem deadly food riots that have already resulted in the dismissal of Prime Minister Alexis. More than a week after riots broke out in Haiti because of sharp increases in food and fuel prices, Preval today announced the above measures accompanied by food importers. According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis.
遏止暴乱海地总统下令调降粮价一成五。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布调降食品价格一成五的计划, 以遏止已让总理亚历克西丢官的致命粮食暴动。 海地因食物与燃油价格暴涨引发暴乱一个多星期之后, 浦雷华今天在食物进口商的陪同下宣布上述措施。 根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。
What is the cause of the 15% drop in food prices?
{ "answer_start": [ 52 ], "text": [ "Stem Riots" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "遏止暴乱" ] }
Haitian President Orders 15% Drop in Food Prices to Stem Riots. Port-au-Prince, the 20th (AFP). Haitian President Preval today announced a plan to lower food prices by 15% in order to stem deadly food riots that have already resulted in the dismissal of Prime Minister Alexis. More than a week after riots broke out in Haiti because of sharp increases in food and fuel prices, Preval today announced the above measures accompanied by food importers. According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis.
遏止暴乱海地总统下令调降粮价一成五。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布调降食品价格一成五的计划, 以遏止已让总理亚历克西丢官的致命粮食暴动。 海地因食物与燃油价格暴涨引发暴乱一个多星期之后, 浦雷华今天在食物进口商的陪同下宣布上述措施。 根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。
Where is the 20th AFP?
20 号法新社在哪里?
{ "answer_start": [ 64 ], "text": [ "Port-au-Prince" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 22 ], "text": [ "太子港" ] }
Haitian President Orders 15% Drop in Food Prices to Stem Riots. Port-au-Prince, the 20th (AFP). Haitian President Preval today announced a plan to lower food prices by 15% in order to stem deadly food riots that have already resulted in the dismissal of Prime Minister Alexis. More than a week after riots broke out in Haiti because of sharp increases in food and fuel prices, Preval today announced the above measures accompanied by food importers. According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis.
遏止暴乱海地总统下令调降粮价一成五。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布调降食品价格一成五的计划, 以遏止已让总理亚历克西丢官的致命粮食暴动。 海地因食物与燃油价格暴涨引发暴乱一个多星期之后, 浦雷华今天在食物进口商的陪同下宣布上述措施。 根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。
How much did Haitian President Preval plan to lower food prices?
{ "answer_start": [ 25 ], "text": [ "15%" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 48 ], "text": [ "一成五的" ] }
Haitian President Orders 15% Drop in Food Prices to Stem Riots. Port-au-Prince, the 20th (AFP). Haitian President Preval today announced a plan to lower food prices by 15% in order to stem deadly food riots that have already resulted in the dismissal of Prime Minister Alexis. More than a week after riots broke out in Haiti because of sharp increases in food and fuel prices, Preval today announced the above measures accompanied by food importers. According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis.
遏止暴乱海地总统下令调降粮价一成五。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布调降食品价格一成五的计划, 以遏止已让总理亚历克西丢官的致命粮食暴动。 海地因食物与燃油价格暴涨引发暴乱一个多星期之后, 浦雷华今天在食物进口商的陪同下宣布上述措施。 根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。
Which Prime Minister has been dismissed by President Preval?
{ "answer_start": [ 269 ], "text": [ "Alexis" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 63 ], "text": [ "亚历克西" ] }
Haitian President Orders 15% Drop in Food Prices to Stem Riots. Port-au-Prince, the 20th (AFP). Haitian President Preval today announced a plan to lower food prices by 15% in order to stem deadly food riots that have already resulted in the dismissal of Prime Minister Alexis. More than a week after riots broke out in Haiti because of sharp increases in food and fuel prices, Preval today announced the above measures accompanied by food importers. According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis.
遏止暴乱海地总统下令调降粮价一成五。 法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布调降食品价格一成五的计划, 以遏止已让总理亚历克西丢官的致命粮食暴动。 海地因食物与燃油价格暴涨引发暴乱一个多星期之后, 浦雷华今天在食物进口商的陪同下宣布上述措施。 根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。
Why did riots break out in Haiti?
{ "answer_start": [ 336 ], "text": [ "sharp increases in food and fuel prices" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 81 ], "text": [ "食物与燃油价格暴涨" ] }
Port-au-Prince, the 20th (AFP). Haitian President Preval today announced a plan to lower food prices by 15% in order to stem deadly food riots that have already resulted in the dismissal of Prime Minister Alexis. More than a week after riots broke out in Haiti because of sharp increases in food and fuel prices, Preval today announced the above measures accompanied by food importers. According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis. Sixteen senators in the upper house unanimously passed a condemnation of Alexis that rebuked him for being unable to meet the demands of Haiti's 8.5 million people.
法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布调降食品价格一成五的计划, 以遏止已让总理亚历克西丢官的致命粮食暴动。 海地因食物与燃油价格暴涨引发暴乱一个多星期之后, 浦雷华今天在食物进口商的陪同下宣布上述措施。 根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。 上议院十六名参议员一致通过谴责亚历克西, 指责他无法回应海地八百五十万人民的需求。
How many people were injured in the riots?
{ "answer_start": [ 472 ], "text": [ "200" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 129 ], "text": [ "两百" ] }
Port-au-Prince, the 20th (AFP). Haitian President Preval today announced a plan to lower food prices by 15% in order to stem deadly food riots that have already resulted in the dismissal of Prime Minister Alexis. More than a week after riots broke out in Haiti because of sharp increases in food and fuel prices, Preval today announced the above measures accompanied by food importers. According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis. Sixteen senators in the upper house unanimously passed a condemnation of Alexis that rebuked him for being unable to meet the demands of Haiti's 8.5 million people.
法新社太子港十二日电。 海地总统浦雷华今天宣布调降食品价格一成五的计划, 以遏止已让总理亚历克西丢官的致命粮食暴动。 海地因食物与燃油价格暴涨引发暴乱一个多星期之后, 浦雷华今天在食物进口商的陪同下宣布上述措施。 根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。 上议院十六名参议员一致通过谴责亚历克西, 指责他无法回应海地八百五十万人民的需求。
How many people have died in the riots?
{ "answer_start": [ 458 ], "text": [ "five" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 31 ], "text": [ "五" ] }
More than a week after riots broke out in Haiti because of sharp increases in food and fuel prices, Preval today announced the above measures accompanied by food importers. According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis. Sixteen senators in the upper house unanimously passed a condemnation of Alexis that rebuked him for being unable to meet the demands of Haiti's 8.5 million people. Approximately 80% of Haiti's people survive on less than two US dollars a day.
海地因食物与燃油价格暴涨引发暴乱一个多星期之后, 浦雷华今天在食物进口商的陪同下宣布上述措施。 根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。 上议院十六名参议员一致通过谴责亚历克西, 指责他无法回应海地八百五十万人民的需求。 海地约八成人民每天靠着不到两美元过活。
Who did the National Assembly vote to dismiss in response to the crisis?
{ "answer_start": [ 338 ], "text": [ "Prime Minister Alexis" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 94 ], "text": [ "总理亚历克西" ] }
According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis. Sixteen senators in the upper house unanimously passed a condemnation of Alexis that rebuked him for being unable to meet the demands of Haiti's 8.5 million people. Approximately 80% of Haiti's people survive on less than two US dollars a day. Senators belonging to Preval's party were not present for the vote, but Preval had said a bit earlier that he would not block an attempt to dismiss Alexis.
根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。 上议院十六名参议员一致通过谴责亚历克西, 指责他无法回应海地八百五十万人民的需求。 海地约八成人民每天靠着不到两美元过活。 浦雷华同党的十名参议员并未出席投票, 但浦雷华稍早表示, 他不会阻挡开除亚历克西的企图。
How many people live in Haiti?
{ "answer_start": [ 359 ], "text": [ "8.5 million" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 93 ], "text": [ "八百五十万" ] }
According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis. Sixteen senators in the upper house unanimously passed a condemnation of Alexis that rebuked him for being unable to meet the demands of Haiti's 8.5 million people. Approximately 80% of Haiti's people survive on less than two US dollars a day. Senators belonging to Preval's party were not present for the vote, but Preval had said a bit earlier that he would not block an attempt to dismiss Alexis.
根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。 上议院十六名参议员一致通过谴责亚历克西, 指责他无法回应海地八百五十万人民的需求。 海地约八成人民每天靠着不到两美元过活。 浦雷华同党的十名参议员并未出席投票, 但浦雷华稍早表示, 他不会阻挡开除亚历克西的企图。
Who was criticized for being unable to meet the demands of Haiti's 8.5 million people?
谁因不能满足海地 850 万人民需求而受到批评?
{ "answer_start": [ 180 ], "text": [ "Alexis" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 48 ], "text": [ "亚历克西" ] }
According to unofficial statistics, the riots have resulted in at least five dead and 200 injured. As Preval made his speech, the National Assembly voted to dismiss Prime Minister Alexis in response to the crisis. Sixteen senators in the upper house unanimously passed a condemnation of Alexis that rebuked him for being unable to meet the demands of Haiti's 8.5 million people. Approximately 80% of Haiti's people survive on less than two US dollars a day. Senators belonging to Preval's party were not present for the vote, but Preval had said a bit earlier that he would not block an attempt to dismiss Alexis. He agreed to cooperate with the two chambers of the National Assembly in seeking a replacement.
根据非官方统计, 暴乱已造成至少五人丧生, 两百人受伤。 浦雷华发言之际, 国会投票通过开除总理亚历克西, 以回应这场危机。 上议院十六名参议员一致通过谴责亚历克西, 指责他无法回应海地八百五十万人民的需求。 海地约八成人民每天靠着不到两美元过活。 浦雷华同党的十名参议员并未出席投票, 但浦雷华稍早表示, 他不会阻挡开除亚历克西的企图。 他同意与两院国会领袖合作, 寻找替代人选。
How much do Haitians survive on?
{ "answer_start": [ 426 ], "text": [ "less than two US dollars" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 116 ], "text": [ "不到两美元" ] }
Sixteen senators in the upper house unanimously passed a condemnation of Alexis that rebuked him for being unable to meet the demands of Haiti's 8.5 million people. Approximately 80% of Haiti's people survive on less than two US dollars a day. Senators belonging to Preval's party were not present for the vote, but Preval had said a bit earlier that he would not block an attempt to dismiss Alexis. He agreed to cooperate with the two chambers of the National Assembly in seeking a replacement.
上议院十六名参议员一致通过谴责亚历克西, 指责他无法回应海地八百五十万人民的需求。 海地约八成人民每天靠着不到两美元过活。 浦雷华同党的十名参议员并未出席投票, 但浦雷华稍早表示, 他不会阻挡开除亚历克西的企图。 他同意与两院国会领袖合作, 寻找替代人选。
Which members of Preval's party were not present for the vote?
{ "answer_start": [ 244 ], "text": [ "Senators" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 6 ], "text": [ "参议员" ] }
Approximately 80% of Haiti's people survive on less than two US dollars a day. Senators belonging to Preval's party were not present for the vote, but Preval had said a bit earlier that he would not block an attempt to dismiss Alexis. He agreed to cooperate with the two chambers of the National Assembly in seeking a replacement. Preval said, "If the National Assembly dismisses the prime minister, I will consult with the leaders of the two chambers in accordance with the requirements of the constitution in order to appoint a new prime minister, since no party in the assembly has a majority.".
海地约八成人民每天靠着不到两美元过活。 浦雷华同党的十名参议员并未出席投票, 但浦雷华稍早表示, 他不会阻挡开除亚历克西的企图。 他同意与两院国会领袖合作, 寻找替代人选。 浦雷华说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我会依宪法要求, 与两院领袖磋商, 来任命新总理, 因为无一党在国会占多数。」。
How many chambers does the National Assembly have?
{ "answer_start": [ 57 ], "text": [ "two" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 13 ], "text": [ "两" ] }
Senators belonging to Preval's party were not present for the vote, but Preval had said a bit earlier that he would not block an attempt to dismiss Alexis. He agreed to cooperate with the two chambers of the National Assembly in seeking a replacement. Preval said, "If the National Assembly dismisses the prime minister, I will consult with the leaders of the two chambers in accordance with the requirements of the constitution in order to appoint a new prime minister, since no party in the assembly has a majority.". He also defended Alexis, saying faced with the global increase in food prices, Alexis had spared no effort to cope, and to put all the blame on his shoulders was "not fair.".
浦雷华同党的十名参议员并未出席投票, 但浦雷华稍早表示, 他不会阻挡开除亚历克西的企图。 他同意与两院国会领袖合作, 寻找替代人选。 浦雷华说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我会依宪法要求, 与两院领袖磋商, 来任命新总理, 因为无一党在国会占多数。」。 他也替亚历克西辩护说, 面对全球食物价格上涨, 亚历克西已竭尽全力应付, 把所有过错都归咎于他「并不公平」。
Why did Preval say he would consult with the leaders of the two chambers to appoint a new prime minister?
{ "answer_start": [ 477 ], "text": [ "no party in the assembly has a majority" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 112 ], "text": [ "无一党在国会占多数" ] }
He agreed to cooperate with the two chambers of the National Assembly in seeking a replacement. Preval said, "If the National Assembly dismisses the prime minister, I will consult with the leaders of the two chambers in accordance with the requirements of the constitution in order to appoint a new prime minister, since no party in the assembly has a majority.". He also defended Alexis, saying faced with the global increase in food prices, Alexis had spared no effort to cope, and to put all the blame on his shoulders was "not fair.". Preval also announced at a press conference in Port-au-Prince that the price of a 50kg package of white rice would be lowered by eight US dollars (about NT $240).
他同意与两院国会领袖合作, 寻找替代人选。 浦雷华说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我会依宪法要求, 与两院领袖磋商, 来任命新总理, 因为无一党在国会占多数。」。 他也替亚历克西辩护说, 面对全球食物价格上涨, 亚历克西已竭尽全力应付, 把所有过错都归咎于他「并不公平」。 浦雷华也在太子港举行的记者会上宣布, 五十公斤装白米将降价八美元 (约两百四十元新台币) 。
What was Alexis's main concern?
{ "answer_start": [ 430 ], "text": [ "food" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 96 ], "text": [ "食物" ] }
He agreed to cooperate with the two chambers of the National Assembly in seeking a replacement. Preval said, "If the National Assembly dismisses the prime minister, I will consult with the leaders of the two chambers in accordance with the requirements of the constitution in order to appoint a new prime minister, since no party in the assembly has a majority.". He also defended Alexis, saying faced with the global increase in food prices, Alexis had spared no effort to cope, and to put all the blame on his shoulders was "not fair.". Preval also announced at a press conference in Port-au-Prince that the price of a 50kg package of white rice would be lowered by eight US dollars (about NT $240).
他同意与两院国会领袖合作, 寻找替代人选。 浦雷华说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我会依宪法要求, 与两院领袖磋商, 来任命新总理, 因为无一党在国会占多数。」。 他也替亚历克西辩护说, 面对全球食物价格上涨, 亚历克西已竭尽全力应付, 把所有过错都归咎于他「并不公平」。 浦雷华也在太子港举行的记者会上宣布, 五十公斤装白米将降价八美元 (约两百四十元新台币) 。
Who did he defend?
{ "answer_start": [ 381 ], "text": [ "Alexis" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 83 ], "text": [ "亚历克西" ] }
Preval said, "If the National Assembly dismisses the prime minister, I will consult with the leaders of the two chambers in accordance with the requirements of the constitution in order to appoint a new prime minister, since no party in the assembly has a majority.". He also defended Alexis, saying faced with the global increase in food prices, Alexis had spared no effort to cope, and to put all the blame on his shoulders was "not fair.". Preval also announced at a press conference in Port-au-Prince that the price of a 50kg package of white rice would be lowered by eight US dollars (about NT $240). The price of a 50kg package of rice has doubled in the space of a week to US$ 70.
浦雷华说: 「如果国会开除总理, 我会依宪法要求, 与两院领袖磋商, 来任命新总理, 因为无一党在国会占多数。」。 他也替亚历克西辩护说, 面对全球食物价格上涨, 亚历克西已竭尽全力应付, 把所有过错都归咎于他「并不公平」。 浦雷华也在太子港举行的记者会上宣布, 五十公斤装白米将降价八美元 (约两百四十元新台币) 。 五十公斤包装米一周内翻涨两倍来到七十美元。
How much was the price of a 50kg package of white rice lowered by?
{ "answer_start": [ 572 ], "text": [ "eight US dollars" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 142 ], "text": [ "八美元" ] }
He also defended Alexis, saying faced with the global increase in food prices, Alexis had spared no effort to cope, and to put all the blame on his shoulders was "not fair.". Preval also announced at a press conference in Port-au-Prince that the price of a 50kg package of white rice would be lowered by eight US dollars (about NT $240). The price of a 50kg package of rice has doubled in the space of a week to US$ 70. Preval said, "The government had agreed to this measure because the international community had donated US$ 3 million.". He also said the government would also intensify efforts to encourage the production of more grain.
他也替亚历克西辩护说, 面对全球食物价格上涨, 亚历克西已竭尽全力应付, 把所有过错都归咎于他「并不公平」。 浦雷华也在太子港举行的记者会上宣布, 五十公斤装白米将降价八美元 (约两百四十元新台币) 。 五十公斤包装米一周内翻涨两倍来到七十美元。 浦雷华说: 「由于国际社会捐助三百万美元, 政府已同意这项行动。」。 他还说, 政府也将加紧鼓励生产更多食粮。
What is the price of a 50kg package of rice?
{ "answer_start": [ 412 ], "text": [ "US$ 70" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 118 ], "text": [ "七十美元" ] }
He also defended Alexis, saying faced with the global increase in food prices, Alexis had spared no effort to cope, and to put all the blame on his shoulders was "not fair.". Preval also announced at a press conference in Port-au-Prince that the price of a 50kg package of white rice would be lowered by eight US dollars (about NT $240). The price of a 50kg package of rice has doubled in the space of a week to US$ 70. Preval said, "The government had agreed to this measure because the international community had donated US$ 3 million.". He also said the government would also intensify efforts to encourage the production of more grain.
他也替亚历克西辩护说, 面对全球食物价格上涨, 亚历克西已竭尽全力应付, 把所有过错都归咎于他「并不公平」。 浦雷华也在太子港举行的记者会上宣布, 五十公斤装白米将降价八美元 (约两百四十元新台币) 。 五十公斤包装米一周内翻涨两倍来到七十美元。 浦雷华说: 「由于国际社会捐助三百万美元, 政府已同意这项行动。」。 他还说, 政府也将加紧鼓励生产更多食粮。
Who donated 3 million dollars to the government?
谁向政府捐了 300 万美元?
{ "answer_start": [ 484 ], "text": [ "the international community" ] }
{ "answer_start": [ 133 ], "text": [ "国际社会" ] }