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Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
My name is Leslie Knope, and I work for the Parks and Recreation Department.
Leslie Knope
Can I ask you a few questions?
Leslie Knope
Would you say that you are, "Enjoying yourself and having fun, having a moderate amount of fun and somewhat enjoying yourself, or having no fun and no enjoyment?"
Leslie Knope
I'm gonna put a lot of fun.
Leslie Knope
Sir, this is a children's slide.
Leslie Knope
You're not allowed to sleep in here.
Leslie Knope
You know, when I first tell people that I work in the government, they say, "Oh."
Leslie Knope
"The government."
Leslie Knope
"The government stinks."
Leslie Knope
"The lines are too long at the DMV."
Leslie Knope
But now things have changed.
Leslie Knope
People need our help.
Leslie Knope
And it feels good to be needed.
Leslie Knope
Could you put your arms to your side?
Leslie Knope
And that might help you slide down a little easier.
Leslie Knope
Do you want to come this way?
Leslie Knope
Okay, we're gonna need you to get out.
Leslie Knope
Get out of the slide.
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
Here we go!
Leslie Knope
Okay, wake up.
Leslie Knope
Here we go.
Leslie Knope
Out of the slide.
Leslie Knope
You know, government isn't just a boys' club anymore.
Leslie Knope
Women are everywhere.
Leslie Knope
It's a great time to be a woman in politics.
Leslie Knope
Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, me, Nancy Pelosi.
Leslie Knope
We did it!
Leslie Knope
You know, I like to tell people, you know, "Get on board and buckle up, because my ride's gonna be a big one."
Leslie Knope
And if you get motion sickness, you know, put your head between your knees 'cause Leslie Knope's stopping for no one.
Leslie Knope
And that is tonight.
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
This is a great thing for you guys to see.
Leslie Knope
This is where the rubber of government meets the road of actual human beings.
Leslie Knope
When I go through these doors, I need to be on.
Leslie Knope
Like the White House Press Secretary.
Leslie Knope
Are you ready?
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
Here we go.
Leslie Knope
It's locked.
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
Here we go.
Leslie Knope
Thank you so much for coming.
Leslie Knope
What an amazing turnout.
Leslie Knope
My name is Leslie Knope.
Leslie Knope
I am the deputy director of the Parks and Recreation Department, and tonight we're gonna be taking some of your questions as--
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
We're having a meeting in here.
Leslie Knope
So, take two.
Leslie Knope
I'm Leslie Knope, and with me is department member Tom Haverford.
Leslie Knope
We are here to answer any and all of your questions, so fire away.
Leslie Knope
I don't like obscenities just as much as you don't like them.
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
These people are members of a community that care about where they live, so what I hear when I'm being yelled at is people caring loudly at me.
Leslie Knope
Thank you so much, Barry.
Leslie Knope
Always great to have you here.
Leslie Knope
Anyone else who would like to contribute?
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
That sounds like a good idea.
Leslie Knope
Tell us about that.
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
Twelve months, yes.
Leslie Knope
Go on.
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
I'll do something about it.
Leslie Knope
Yes, we-- I will help you.
Leslie Knope
It's more than a promise.
Leslie Knope
It's a pinky promise.
Leslie Knope
I pinky promise all of you that I will help, and I will go to that location tomorrow, and we will fill in that pit, and then when that's done, we're gonna put a park on the land.
Leslie Knope
Well, I've worked at the Parks Department for six years, and I've handled a lot of things that I'm proud of.
Leslie Knope
Recently, I led a city-wide drive to disinfect the sandbox sand after we had those problems with the cats.
Leslie Knope
But this pit, the chance to build a whole new park from scratch, this could be my Hoover Dam.
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
You were talking to the mayor?
Leslie Knope
Tom and I work really well together.
Leslie Knope
We're both outsiders.
Leslie Knope
I'm a woman, he's a... I think he's a Libyan.
Leslie Knope
Okay, brainstorm.
Leslie Knope
How do we make this park happen?
Leslie Knope
No, parks are not a priority.
Leslie Knope
I need more firepower.
Leslie Knope
I need bigger guns.
Leslie Knope
You know what I need to do?
Leslie Knope
Form a committee.
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
Yeah, 'cause committees are power, and committees make things happen.
Leslie Knope
Committees are the lifeblood of our democratic system.
Leslie Knope
That's really good.
Leslie Knope
Write that down.
Leslie Knope
From time to time, when I think of an eloquent saying or a phrase, I have Tom write it down.
Leslie Knope
He's collecting them for my memoirs.
Leslie Knope
Okay, read it back to me.
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
Sounded better when I said it.
Leslie Knope
It's still good, though.
Leslie Knope
Okay, I have an idea.
Leslie Knope
What about bringing Mark on board?
Leslie Knope
Which Mark?