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0,Perioperative mortality was defined as death within 30 days of operation.,1
1,The group of patients studied here thus comprises slightly more than half of all patients with chronic type B dissection coming to Mount Sinai Medical Center and overlaps only tangentially with the larger cohort of patients with type B dissection reported on earlier. ,0
2,"Independent variables evaluated were: history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, MI, CABG, or PTCA; age; gender; peak dose of dobutamine; rest and peak dobutamine heart rate, blood pressure, and rate pressure product (RPP); percent of achieved maximum predicted heart rate; rest and peak dobutamine EF; presence of induced chest pain; negative, equivocal or ischemic electrocardiogram (ECG); rest wall-motion abnormality (WMA), and a positive stress echocardiogram (SE). ",0
3,"In all instances, death was documented by the death certificate. ",0
4,Odds ratios (ORs) for IUGR for PMI0 and PM25 levels were generated using logistic regression for each month of gestation after adjustment for potential confounding factors. ,0
5,"The mean number of transmural laser channels confirmed by TEE was 22 10 per patient, with a range of 10 to 45. ",0
6,STUDY PROTOCOL Prospective subjects were followed until: 1. there were no episodes of respiratory distress requiring isit or hospitalization; 2. there was no adjustment of maintenance medications or tion of new bronchodilator treatment and 3. there were no intercurrent illnesses requiring antibiotic for two weeks. ,0
7,"Variables analyzed At the time of cardiac surgery, the following characteristics were prospectively recorded: 1) age; 2) gender; 3) body mass index (kg/m2); a history of any of the following (requiring treatment): 4) atrial fibrillation, 5) hypertension, and 6) diabetes mellitus; 7) history of smoking, 8) use of anticoagulants (warfarin and/or aspirin); 9) presence of mitral stenosis (mitral valve area lt;2 cm2); 10) left ventricular (LV) function; 11) extent of coronary artery disease (CAD); 12) extent of carotid artery disease; and 13) serum cholesterol level. ",1
8,Physician management in primary care.,0
9,"This, therefore, included one child who was discharged from the hospital on day 18 after surgery, and died at home five days later from a presumed arrhythmia, and one child who died 79 days postoperatively before discharge. ",0
10,"The intent of the group is to foster continuous improvement in the quality of care of patients with cardiovascular disease in Northern New England by pooling process and outcome data and its timely feedback to clinicians (20,21). ",0
11,"Fungi were identified to genus level, recorded as colony-forming units per cubic meter (CFU/m3), and then categorized into four levels: 0 (undetectable), 1-499 CFU/m3 (low), 500-999 CFU/m3 (medium), and 1,000 CFU/m3 (high). ",0
12,Diabetes mellitus was defined as a fasting blood sugar gt; 125 mg/dl or the use of antidiabetic medication. ,1
13,Hospital length of stay was defined as the date of discharge or death minus the date of admission. ,0
14,Complete success of drug treatment was defined as cessation of documented VT after any given newly introduced drug had reached its steady state. ,0
15,"The CHF nurses adjusted medications under the directions of the CHF cardiologists, following a prespecified algorithm, which included initiation and titration of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta-blockers and diuretics. ",0
16,"Identification of cases Eligible cases were those who were residents of areas covered by the screening programme, with a colorectal adenocarcinoma diagnosed between 1988 or 1989 (according to the year of inclusion into the programme) and 1995, who subsequently died before December 1996. ",0
17,Methods Patients The methods of the Bezafibrate Infarction Prevention (BIP) study (15)and the BIP registry were reported previously (16). ,0
18,Patients who underwent concomitant coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) or mitral or tricuspid valve repair were eligible. ,0
19,We computed mortality relative risks using logistic regression among AF patients. ,0
20,"To derive an estimate of pretest risk, the estimated risk from a Cox proportional hazards model was calculated to predict cardiac death using the 12 clinical history and physical examination parameters (2). ",0
21,"In FRISC-II, patients who achieved lt;90 W (70 W for women) during bicycle EST and who had angina qualified for cardiac catheterization. ",0
22,"Patients included in the program had symptomatic (gt;50% diameter) or asymptomatic (gt;80%) carotid recurrent stenosis after previous CEA; symptomatic (gt;50%) or asymptomatic (gt;80%) primary carotid stenosis with a history of radiation to the ipsilateral neck; and symptomatic (gt;50%) or asymptomatic (gt;80%) primary carotid stenosis with one or more medical comorbidity, including coronary artery disease requiring angioplasty or bypass grafting within the 6 months before carotid intervention, history of congestive heart failure (CHF), current ejection fraction less than 30%, steroid-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or measured forced expiratory volume in 1 second less than 30% of predicted. ",1
23,"Information on method of diagnosis, subsite, histological type, Faecal occult blood screening and reduction of colorectal cancer mortality: a case-control study J Faivre, MA Tazi, T El Mrini, C Lejeune, AM Benhamiche and F Dassonville Registre Bourguignon des Cancers Digestifs (Equipe associee INSERM-DGS and INSERM CRI 95 05), Faculte de Medecine, 7 Boulevard Jeanne D Arc, 21033, Dijon Cedex, France Summary To estimate the efficacy of screening on colorectal cancer mortality, a population-based case-control study was conducted in welldefined areas of Burgundy (France). ",0
24,"Signs of ischemia on the baseline ECG were defined according to the Minnesota Codes (39) I 1-3 (Q wave abnormalities), IV 1-3 (significant or borderline ST segment depression), V 1-3 (deep or moderate T wave inversion) or VII 1 (complete left bundle branch block).",1
25,Patients of the whole pediatric age range (neonatal up to _16 years) at the time of first manifestation of VT were included. ,0
26,"For this study, both the ECHO and CATH designations of mild, moderate, or severe pulmonary artery (PA) stenosis were based upon a visual estimate for stenosis in the context of the size of the adjacent segment of unnarrowed pulmonary artery, with a mild stenosis representing _25% narrowing, moderate stenosis _50% narrowing, and severe stenosis _75% narrowing. ",1
27,"Myocardial infarction was diagnosed if there were new pathologic Q waves according to the Minnesota code15 and/or if there was an increase in serum creatine kinase to more than twice the normal value, along with increased myocardial isoenzyme levels. ",1
28,"Information on the current clinical status of the patients with respect to death, end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and biochemical results for serum creatinine and urine protein was collected. ",0
29,The patient cohort undergoing stress perfusion imaging was matched to an initial diagnostic catheterization cohort by their pretest risk of coronary artery disease (2_4). ,0
30,"There were 2,431 clinically eligible patients who met all three clinical criteria. ",0
31,"Cardiac involvement was defined by septal or posterior wall thickening _12mm by echocardiography in the absence of a history of hypertension or underlying cardiac disease, or by amyloid-related congestive heart failure or arrythmia. ",1
32,"Parapertussis was defined as cough for 7 days or longer and a positive parapertussis culture or fulfilment of at least two of the following criteria: (a) significant rise in FHA IgG without significant rise in PT IgG, PT IgM, and PT IgA, (b) parapertussis DNA detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and (c) isolation of B. parapertussis from a family member whose cough began within 28 days of the onset of the episode studied (before or after). ",1
33,An ST depression of _1 mm flat or downsloping ST depression was considered positive for ischemia. ,0
34,"Incidence, clinical and etiologic features, and outcomes of advanced chronic heart failure: the EPICAL study",0
35,"A correction was made for urea appearance and ultrafiltration during the modeled dialysis session 16 . The protein catabolic rate (PCR) was calculated from the urea nitrogen appearance during the interdialytic interval 1,16,18 . The mean of the three UDVDDQ values available in each patient was used in the PCR calculations. ",0
36,"Data were obtained from chart review (18%), telephone interview (43%), the National Death Index (33%), or autopsy (6%). ",0
37,Coronary heart disease mortality and alcohol consumption in Framingham. ,0
38,Details of the outcome of pregnancy for the women selected for the study were obtained from the obstetric data system or (when they were not recorded on the system) from case notes. ,0
39,"nce was defined as the ratio of readings obtained to the number specified by the protocol, exclusive of those missed due to circumstances beyond the patient s control. ",0
40,"For the degree of ischemia, an SDS of 0 was considered nonischemic, 1 to 4 mildly ischemic, and gt;4 moderately to severely ischemic (13). ",1
41,"5 After initial treatment (medical or surgical), the systemic administration of heparin was followed in all cases by anti__itamin K therapy. ",0
42,"Emergency coronary artery bypass grafting was recommended for patients with left main coronary artery stenosis _50%, patients with stenoses gt;90% in two non-culprit major vessels, patients in whom PCI was unsuccessful or who had disease unsuitable for PCI. ",0
43,If coding and data entry are timely and complete then the district information system based on the patient information system should be able to identify eligible deaths for both units. ,0
44,"During each procedure, prophylactic antibiotic therapy (Augmentin, amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium, 1200 mg, SmithKline Beecham Pharma, London, United Kingdom) was given. ",0
45,Unstable angina was defined as chest pain or symptoms suspicious for myocardial ischemia with ECG abnormalities but no elevation of CK-MB. ,1
46,"4 Indications for surgery during the acute phase of type B dissection included large aneurysm size, intractable pain, uncontrollable hypertension, and malperfusion. ",0
47,"Macroalbuminuria Patients were designated as being in the stage of macroalbuminuria if their urine albumin was _300 mg/L at two consecutive annual visits and their plasma creatinine was lt;175 mol/L, or if a urinary albumin value _300 mg/L was followed in the next year by elevated plasma creatinine, renal replacement therapy, or death from renal or cardiovascular causes. ",1
48,"Apart from collection of haemodynamic data, at each time point two blood samples were drawn (one from the radial artery cannula and another from the distal port of the pulmonary artery catheter) in order to measure arterial and mixed venous blood parameters that are necessary for calculation of Qsp/Qt (i.e. haemoglobin concentration, and oxygen tension and saturation). ",0
49,The general practitioners of any patients who had visited their doctors with a wound complication were contacted by telephone and asked to consult their notes for details regarding the wound. ,0
50,"If subjects had a weight change _2% from entry during the washout phase or _2% from baseline during the treatment phase, caloric intake was adjusted as necessary. ",0
51,"Diagnosis of AMI was based on the presence of any two of the following criteria: typical chest pain lasting at least 30 min; new electrocardiographic (ECG) changes (Q/QS and/or ST-segment and T-wave changes), or rise of at least two of the three serum cardiac enzymes (creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase) to more than 1.5 times the upper limit, or concomitant rise of creatine kinase (CK) and MB isoenzyme. ",1
52,"Coronary revascularization procedures, ischemic stroke (by standard neurological and computed tomographic criteria) and subsequent hospitalization for angina were included. ",0
53,Patients whose dialysis prescription was changed during the study period were excluded from the final analysis. ,0
54,The patient s age was included as a continuous variable after showing that the effect of age was adequately explained by a linear relationship. ,0
55,The criteria for diagnosis of AMI included at least two of the following: 1) clinical history of prolonged chest pain; 2) serum enzyme elevations in excess of the upper limit of normal as specified by the laboratory at each hospital; and 3) serial electrocardiogram (ECG) tracings during hospitalization showing changes in the ST segment or Q-waves. ,1
56,"The arsenic exposure index was categorized as low (lt;1,000 ppb-years), medium (1,000-4,999 ppb-years), and high (gt;5,000 ppb-years). ",0
57,Calcium scores between 101 and 400 indicate moderate plaque burden and a relatively high likelihood of CAD. ,1
58,Death within 1 week of a positive culture result was regarded as being related to that infection. ,0
59,"Lastly, we stratified patients into 10 groups based on ranking of their predicted mortality, then compared the observed mortality rate and predicted mortality rate among these groups in the validation cohort. ",0
60,"They were also asked whether the occurrence of their menopause was __atural_ and if not the circumstances under which it had occurred 20 . In a separate question, women were asked to report all operations they had ever undergone and the timing of these operations. ",0
61,Cases in which patients were treated by oesophagectomy were identified using the cancer registry operation codes. ,0
62,"The normal and mild categories were grouped together for two reasons: it led to a better regression fit, and there were no differences between these two groups. ",0
63,"Left ventricular outflow obstruction was diagnosed on the basis of the presence of prolonged systolic contact between the mitral leaflets and interventricular septum or a Doppler-estimated pressure gradient _30 mm Hg under basal conditions (4,17_19). ",1
64,(2) Tachycardia _ baseline fetal heart rate is gt;160 beats/min lasting for _10 min. ,0
65,"Ongoing antibiotic therapy (referred to as empirical) was adjusted at the first notification if considered inappropriate, or antibiotic therapy was started if it had not been given previously. ",0
66,"Only patients with at least 12 months of follow-up or a cardiac event defined as death, MI, PTCA, or CABG within the first 12 months were included in the analysis. ",0
67,"The recording of symptoms in the ward will vary by recorder, ward, and hospital protocols. ",0
68,"Contraindications to surgery included current cigarette smoking, agegt; 80 years, severe cardiac disease (congestive heart failure, significant coronary or valvular disease), history of cancer within the last 5 years, ventilator dependency, or prior thoracic surgery. ",0
69,"METHODS DOPPS is an international, prospective, observational study of hemodialysis practice patterns and associated outcomes. ",0
70,"The graders used the protocol of the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) 14 . The overall level of severity of retinopathy was determined for each patient according to the ETDRS interim scale 17 , in which a scale of 23 steps is used to represent the overall extent of retinopathy in both eyes. ",1
71,"Episoldes of VT were defined as sustained when lasting >30 s, otherwise, they were defined as nonsustained.",1
72,"Endpoints Endpoints were reached in case of irreversible graft failure, death, successful renal transplantation, or transfer to continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis treatment. ",0
73,"Complications were defined as pneumothorax, confirmed by chest xray; wound infection, occurring within 14 days postoperatively, and confirmed by positive wound cultures; postoperative fever, a documented temperature of 38.3 C occurring postoperatively within 48 hours; enterotomy, defined as incision of the small intestines; vaginal cuff cellulitis, defined clinically by elevated temperature (greater than 38.3 C), pelvic tenderness, vaginal cuff discharge and induration; and pneumonia, confirmed by chest x-ray. ",1
74,"Abnormal LVSF was defined as mild, moderate, or severe LV dysfunction (either a qualitative assessment consistent with LV systolic dysfunction or LV ejection fraction [LVEF] lt;50). ",0
75,Left atrial size measured by parasternal echocardiography was normal except in two patients with hypertension who had mild left atrial dilation (42 and 44 mm). ,0
76,"S02 and PM1O levels in early pregnancy were significantly associated with IUGR (11,12); the relationship of PMIO to IUGR was confirmed in subsequent analyses in a more complete data set enlarged by additional 1996 data (12). ",0
77,"6 In the case of nonfocal arterial dilations, aneurysms were defined to be dilations of at least 1.5 times the contralateral normal artery. ",1
78,The technique of thrombolysis used and the doses of urokinase administered were at the discretion of the interventional radiologist. ,0
79,Myocardial infarction (MI) was defined as the development of new Q waves in two or more contiguous leads on a 12-lead electrocardiogram taken in the hospital up to 30 days after PCI. ,1
80,"Because the length of hospital stay is calculated to include all hospitalization up to 30 days before and 60 days after surgical intervention, the cost of important surgical complications is included. ",0
81,Other preliminary examinations of these data analyzed IUGR prevalence with selected air pollutants in early pregnancy. ,0
82,"Cardiogenic shock was defined as systolic blood pressure lt;90 mm Hg for _1 h that was not responsive to fluid administration alone, thought to be secondary to cardiac dysfunction, and associated with signs of hypoperfusion or cardiac index _2.2 liters/min/mm2and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure gt;18 mm Hg. ",1
83,"The participation rate among eligible cases was 68%, and the charts of 79% of eligible nonparticipants were reviewed to determine basic demographic characteristics. ",0
84,Number of patients Number of patients who had cardiac who had procedure Surgical procedure complications (percent) (percent complication rate) Abdominal aortic aneurysm 17 (18.2) 53 (32.1) Carotid endarterectomy 12 (12.8) 205 (5.9) Femoral bypass 7 (7.4) 110 (6.4) Colectomy 5 (5.3) 223 (2.2) Total knee arthroplasty 6 (6.4) 177 (3.4) Hysterectomy 6 (6.4) 917 (0.65) Arteriovenous fistula 4 (4.3) 37 (10.8) Laminectomy 4 (4.3) 429 (0.9) Gastrectomy 4 (4.3) 26 (15.4) Lobectomy 4 (4.3) 85 (4.7) Partial hepatectomy 3 (3.2) 20 (15.0) Colostomy closure 3 (3.2) 30 (10.0) Ventral herniorrhaphy 3 (3.2) 84 (3.6) Laparoscopic hiatal herniorrhaphy 2 (2.1) 13 (15.4) Mastectomy 2 (2.1) 185 (1.1) Radical vulvectomy 2(2.1) 11 (18.2) Total hip arthroplasty 2 (2.1) 189 (1.1) Radical nephrectomy/revascularization 1 (1.1) 12 (8.3) Functional neck dissection 1 (1.1) 75 (1.3) Artificial urinary sphincter 1 (1.1) 19 (5.3) Laparoscopic cholecytectomy 1 (1.1) 199 (0.5) Transurethral prostatectomy 1 (1.1) 69 (1.4) Distal pancreatectomy 1 (1.1) 33 (3.0) Transphenoidal hypophysectomy 1 (1.1) 26 (3.8) Pelvic exenteration 1 (1.1) 5 (20.0) a Surgical procedures performed on patients who developed cardiovascular complications. ,0
85,"Postprocedure renal failure was defined as oliguria (urine output lt;30 ml/h) or anuria associated with a daily increase in serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen of gt;1 mg/dl and gt;10 mg/dl, respectively, or the need for either hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis at any time after the coronary intervention. ",1
86,"The Completeness of AIDS Case Reporting, 1988: A Multisite Collaborative Surveillance Project -UU U*.A Lisa Rosenblum, MD, MPH, James W. Buehler, MD, Meade W. Morgan, PhD, Samuel Costa, AL, Julia Hidalgo, ScD, Richard Holmes, MPH, Loren Lieb, MPH, Anne Shields, RN, MHA, and Bruce M. Whyte, MD Introduction Methods Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) surveillance data are used to monitor trends, assess the future impact of the epidemic, detect new patterns of disease, facilitate the development and evaluation ofprevention measures for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection or AIDS (HIV/AIDS), and guide policy decisions related to allocation of resources. ",0
87,"To further improve population homogeneity and to eliminate prostheses that are now less used, we also excluded 489 patients who by surgeon preference received aortic homografts or prostheses used in small numbers. ",0
88,"In these regression analyses, findings with respect to severity of atherosclerosis of the ascending aorta were grouped into three categories: normal-mild, moderate and severe. ",0
89,Methods SELECTION OF DEPARTMENTS AND PERIOD OF STUDY The results of the earlier questionnaire survey of doctors receipt and use of the guidelines24 86 Effect ofguidelines on management of head injury on record keeping and decision making were used to identify departments in which junior doctors involved in the initial management of head injury had reported receiving and using the guidelines. ,0
90,"Minor bleeding was defined as observed blood loss with reduction in hemoglobin of more than 3 g/dl but less than or equal to 5 g/dl (or 10_15% reduction in hematocrit) if there was spontaneous gross hematuria or hematemesis, even if the hemoglobin or hematocrit drop was less or equal to 3 g/dl or less than 10% respectively or, if there was no observed blood loss, a reduction of more than 4 g/dl in hemoglobin or 12% or more in hematocrit (17). ",1
91,Consumer expenditures for prescription drugs. ,0
92,Hypertension was diagnosed if blood pressure exceeded either 160 mm Hg systolic or 90 mm Hg diastolic on repeated observations over six months or if chronic antihypertensive medication was required. ,1
93,"Data were obtained on breast cancer incidence by age, diagnostic work-up, stage at diagnosis, initial treatment, follow-up practice, duration of hospitalization and direct care costs. ",0
94,"Definitions of hostile neck anatomy were established as (1) short neck__ distance of less than or equal to 10 mm between the most caudal renal artery and the beginning of the aneurysm exceeding 26 mm in diameter, (2) neck bulge__ focal enlargement of the aneurysm neck of at least 3 mm within the first 15 mm after the most caudal renal artery, (3) reverse taper__radual neck dilation of greater than or equal to 2 mm within the first 10 mm after the most caudal renal artery, (4) angulated neck__ortic angle of at least 60 degrees within the first 30 mm after the most caudal renal artery, and (5) significant neck thrombus__hrombus covering more than 50% of the circumference of the aortic diameter in the proximal neck. ",1
95,Plasma CPK elevation to greater than twice the upper limit of normal and/or new Q waves on electrocardiography were scored as MI. ,1