Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(f) For UWB devices where the frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs, fM, is above 960 MHz, there is a limit on the peak level of the emissions contained within a 50 MHz bandwidth centered on fM. That limit is 0 dBm EIRP. It is acceptable to employ a different resolution bandwidth, and a correspondingly different peak emission limit, following the procedures described in [§ 15.521](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.521). \[[68 FR 19749](, Apr. 22, 2003\] #### § 15.510 Technical requirements for through-wall imaging systems. (a) The UWB bandwidth of an imaging system operating under the provisions of this section must be below 960 MHz or the center frequency, fC, and the frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs, fM, must be contained between 1990 MHz and 10600 MHz. (b) Operation under the provisions of this section is limited to through-wall imaging systems operated by law enforcement, emergency rescue or firefighting organizations that are under the authority of a local or state government. (c) For through-wall imaging systems operating with the UWB bandwidth below 960 MHz: _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) Parties operating this equipment must be eligible for licensing under the provisions of [part 90 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-90). (2) The operation of these imaging systems requires coordination, as detailed in [§ 15.525](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.525). (3) The imaging system shall contain a manually operated switch that causes the transmitter to cease operation within 10 seconds of being released by the operator. In lieu of a switch located on the imaging system, it is permissible to operate an imaging system by remote control provided the imaging system ceases transmission within 10 seconds of the remote switch being released by the operator. (4) The radiated emissions at or below 960 MHz shall not exceed the emission levels in [§ 15.209](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.209). The radiated emissions above 960 MHz shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 960-1610 −65.3 1610-1990 −53.3 Above 1990 −51.3 _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(5) In addition to the radiated emission limits specified in the table in [paragraph (c)(4)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.510#p-15.510(c)(4)) of this section, emissions from these imaging systems shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of no less than 1 kHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 1164-1240 −75.3 1559-1610 −75.3 (d) For equipment operating with fC and fM between 1990 MHz and 10600 MHz: (1) Parties operating this equipment must hold a license issued by the Federal Communications Commission to operate a transmitter in the Public Safety Radio Pool under [part 90 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-90). The license may be held by the organization for which the UWB operator works on a paid or volunteer basis. (2) This equipment may be operated only for law enforcement applications, the providing of emergency services, and necessary training operations. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(3) The radiated emissions at or below 960 MHz shall not exceed the emission levels in [§ 15.209 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.209). The radiated emissions above 960 MHz shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 960-1610 −46.3 1610-10600 −41.3 Above 10600 −51.3 (4) In addition to the radiated emission limits specified in the [paragraph (d)(3)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.510#p-15.510(d)(3)) of this section, emissions from these imaging systems shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of no less than 1 kHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 1164-1240 −56.3 1559-1610 −56.3 (5) There is a limit on the peak level of the emissions contained within a 50 MHz bandwidth centered on the frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs, fM. That limit is 0 dBm EIRP. It is acceptable to employ a different resolution bandwidth, and a correspondingly different peak emission limit, following the procedures described in [§ 15.521](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.521). _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(e) Through-wall imaging systems operating under the provisions of this section shall bear the following or similar statement in a conspicuous location on the device: “Operation of this device is restricted to law enforcement, emergency rescue and firefighter personnel. Operation by any other party is a violation of [47 U.S.C. 301]( and could subject the operator to serious legal penalties.” \[[68 FR 19750](, Apr. 22, 2003, as amended at [85 FR 38740](, June 26, 2020\] #### § 15.511 Technical requirements for surveillance systems. (a) The UWB bandwidth of an imaging system operating under the provisions of this section must be contained between 1990 MHz and 10,600 MHz. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(b) Operation under the provisions of this section is limited to fixed surveillance systems operated by law enforcement, fire or emergency rescue organizations or by manufacturers licensees, petroleum licensees or power licensees as defined in [§ 90.7 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-90.7). (1) Parties operating under the provisions of this section must be eligible for licensing under the provisions of [part 90 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-90). (2) The operation of imaging systems under this section requires coordination, as detailed in [§ 15.525](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.525). (c) The radiated emissions at or below 960 MHz from a device operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the emission levels in [§ 15.209](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.209). The radiated emissions above 960 MHz from a device operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 960-1610 −53.3 1610-1990 −51.3 1990-10600 −41.3 Above 10600 −51.3 _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(d) In addition to the radiated emission limits specified in the table in [paragraph (c)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.511#p-15.511(c)) of this section, UWB transmitters operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of no less than 1 kHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 1164-1240 −63.3 1559-1610 −63.3 (e) There is a limit on the peak level of the emissions contained within a 50 MHz bandwidth centered on the frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs, fM. That limit is 0 dBm EIRP. It is acceptable to employ a different resolution bandwidth, and a correspondingly different peak emission limit, following the procedures described in [§ 15.521](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.521). _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(f) Imaging systems operating under the provisions of this section shall bear the following or similar statement in a conspicuous location on the device: “Operation of this device is restricted to law enforcement, fire and rescue officials, public utilities, and industrial entities. Operation by any other party is a violation of [47 U.S.C. 301]( and could subject the operator to serious legal penalties.” \[[68 FR 19750](, Apr. 22, 2003\] #### § 15.513 Technical requirements for medical imaging systems. (a) The UWB bandwidth of an imaging system operating under the provisions of this section must be contained between 3100 MHz and 10,600 MHz. (b) Operation under the provisions of this section is limited to medical imaging systems used at the direction of, or under the supervision of, a licensed health care practitioner. The operation of imaging systems under this section requires coordination, as detailed in [§ 15.525](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.525). _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(c) A medical imaging system shall contain a manually operated switch that causes the transmitter to cease operation within 10 seconds of being released by the operator. In lieu of a switch located on the imaging system, it is permissible to operate an imaging system by remote control provided the imaging system ceases transmission within 10 seconds of the remote switch being released by the operator. (d) The radiated emissions at or below 960 MHz from a device operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the emission levels in [§ 15.209](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.209). The radiated emissions above 960 MHz from a device operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 960-1610 −65.3 1610-1990 −53.3 011990-3100 −51.3 3100-10600 −41.3 Above 10600 −51.3 (e) In addition to the radiated emission limits specified in the table in [paragraph (d)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.513#p-15.513(d)) of this section, UWB transmitters operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of no less than 1 kHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 1164-1240 −75.3 1559-1610 _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _−75.3 (f) There is a limit on the peak level of the emissions contained within a 50 MHz bandwidth centered on the frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs, fM. That limit is 0 dBm EIRP. It is acceptable to employ a different resolution bandwidth, and a correspondingly different peak emission limit, following the procedures described in [§ 15.521](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.521). \[[68 FR 19751](, Apr. 22, 2003, as amended at [72 FR 63823](, Nov. 13, 2007\] #### § 15.515 Technical requirements for vehicular radar systems. (a) Operation under the provisions of this section is limited to UWB field disturbance sensors mounted in terrestrial transportation vehicles. These devices shall operate only when the vehicle is operating, e.g., the engine is running. Operation shall occur only upon specific activation, such as upon starting the vehicle, changing gears, or engaging a turn signal._ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _ (b) The UWB bandwidth of a vehicular radar system operating under the provisions of this section shall be contained between 22 GHz and 29 GHz. In addition, the center frequency, fC, and the frequency at which the highest level emission occurs, fM, must be greater than 24.075 GHz. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(c) Following proper installation, vehicular radar systems shall attenuate any emissions within the 23.6-24.0 GHz band that appear 38 degrees or greater above the horizontal plane by 25 dB below the limit specified in [paragraph (d)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.515#p-15.515(d)) of this section. For equipment authorized, manufactured or imported on or after January 1, 2005, this level of attenuation shall be 25 dB for any emissions within the 23.6-24.0 GHz band that appear 30 degrees or greater above the horizontal plane. For equipment authorized, manufactured or imported on or after January 1, 2010, this level of attenuation shall be 30 dB for any emissions within the 23.6-24.0 GHz band that appear 30 degrees or greater above the horizontal plane. For equipment authorized, manufactured or imported on or after January 1, 2014, this level of attenuation shall be 35 dB for any emissions within the 23.6-24.0 GHz band that appear 30 degrees or greater above the horizontal plane. This level of attenuation can be achieved through the antenna directivity, through a reduction in output power or any other means. (d) The radiated emissions at or below 960 MHz from a device operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the emission levels in [§ 15.209](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.209). The radiated emissions above 960 MHz from a device operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 960-1610 −75.3 1610-22,000 −61.3 22,000-29,000 −41.3 29,000-31,000 −51.3 Above 31,000 −61.3 _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(e) In addition to the radiated emission limits specified in the table in [paragraph (d)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.515#p-15.515(d)) of this section, UWB transmitters operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of no less than 1 kHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 1164-1240 −85.3 1559-1610 −85.3 (f) There is a limit on the peak level of the emissions contained within a 50 MHz bandwidth centered on the frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs, fM. That limit is 0 dBm EIRP. It is acceptable to employ a different resolution bandwidth, and a correspondingly different peak emission limit, following the procedures described in [§ 15.521](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.521). (g) The emission levels from devices operating under the provisions of this section that employ gated transmissions may be measured with the gating active. Measurements made in this manner shall be repeated over multiple sweeps with the analyzer set for maximum hold until the amplitude stabilizes. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(h) UWB vehicular systems operating in the 22-29 GHz band are subject to the transition provisions of [§ 15.37(l)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.37#p-15.37(l)) through [(n)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.37#p-15.37(n)). \[[67 FR 34856](, May 16, 2002, as amended at [70 FR 6776](, Feb. 9, 2005; [82 FR 43871](, Sept. 20, 2017\] #### § 15.517 Technical requirements for indoor UWB systems. (a) Operation under the provisions of this section is limited to UWB transmitters employed solely for indoor operation. (1) Indoor UWB devices, by the nature of their design, must be capable of operation only indoors. The necessity to operate with a fixed indoor infrastructure, e.g., a transmitter that must be connected to the AC power lines, may be considered sufficient to demonstrate this. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(2) The emissions from equipment operated under this section shall not be intentionally directed outside of the building in which the equipment is located, such as through a window or a doorway, to perform an outside function, such as the detection of persons about to enter a building. (3) The use of outdoor mounted antennas, e.g., antennas mounted on the outside of a building or on a telephone pole, or any other outdoors infrastructure is prohibited. (4) Field disturbance sensors installed inside of metal or underground storage tanks are considered to operate indoors provided the emissions are directed towards the ground. (5) A communications system shall transmit only when the intentional radiator is sending information to an associated receiver. (b) The UWB bandwidth of a UWB system operating under the provisions of this section must be contained between 3100 MHz and 10,600 MHz. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(c) The radiated emissions at or below 960 MHz from a device operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the emission levels in [§ 15.209](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.209). The radiated emissions above 960 MHz from a device operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 960-1610 −75.3 1610-1990 −53.3 1990-3100 −51.3 3100-10600 −41.3 Above 10600 −51.3 (d) In addition to the radiated emission limits specified in the table in [paragraph (c)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.517#p-15.517(c)) of this section, UWB transmitters operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of no less than 1 kHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 1164-1240 −85.3 1559-1610 −85.3 _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(e) There is a limit on the peak level of the emissions contained within a 50 MHz bandwidth centered on the frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs, fM. That limit is 0 dBm EIRP. It is acceptable to employ a different resolution bandwidth, and a correspondingly different peak emission limit, following the procedures described in [§ 15.521](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.521). (f) UWB systems operating under the provisions of this section shall bear the following or similar statement in a conspicuous location on the device or in the instruction manual supplied with the device: “This equipment may only be operated indoors. Operation outdoors is in violation of [47 U.S.C. 301]( and could subject the operator to serious legal penalties.” \[[67 FR 34856](, May 16, 2002; [67 FR 39632](, June 10, 2002\] #### § 15.519 Technical requirements for hand held UWB systems. (a) UWB devices operating under the provisions of this section must be hand held, _i.e._, they are relatively small devices that are primarily hand held while being operated and do not employ a fixed infrastructure. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) A UWB device operating under the provisions of this section shall transmit only when it is sending information to an associated receiver. The UWB intentional radiator shall cease transmission within 10 seconds unless it receives an acknowledgement from the associated receiver that its transmission is being received. An acknowledgment of reception must continue to be received by the UWB intentional radiator at least every 10 seconds or the UWB device must cease transmitting. (2) The use of antennas mounted on outdoor structures, e.g., antennas mounted on the outside of a building or on a telephone pole, or any fixed outdoors infrastructure is prohibited. Antennas may be mounted only on the hand held UWB device. (3) UWB devices operating under the provisions of this section may operate indoors or outdoors. (b) The UWB bandwidth of a device operating under the provisions of this section must be contained between 3100 MHz and 10,600 MHz. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(c) The radiated emissions at or below 960 MHz from a device operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the emission levels in [§ 15.209](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.209). The radiated emissions above 960 MHz from a device operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 960-1610 −75.3 1610-1990 −63.3 1990-3100 −61.3 3100-10600 −41.3 Above 10600 −61.3 (d) In addition to the radiated emission limits specified in the table in [paragraph (c)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.519#p-15.519(c)) of this section, UWB transmitters operating under the provisions of this section shall not exceed the following average limits when measured using a resolution bandwidth of no less than 1 kHz: Frequency in MHz EIRP in dBm 1164-1240 −85.3 1559-1610 −85.3 _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(e) There is a limit on the peak level of the emissions contained within a 50 MHz bandwidth centered on the frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs, fM. That limit is 0 dBm EIRP. It is acceptable to employ a different resolution bandwidth, and a correspondingly different peak emission limit, following the procedures described in [§ 15.521](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.521). \[[67 FR 34856](, May 16, 2002; [67 FR 39632](, June 10, 2002\] #### § 15.521 Technical requirements applicable to all UWB devices. (a) UWB devices may not be employed for the operation of toys. Operation onboard an aircraft, a ship or a satellite is prohibited. (b) Manufacturers and users are reminded of the provisions of [§§ 15.203](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.203) and [15.204](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.204). _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(c) Emissions from digital circuitry used to enable the operation of the UWB transmitter shall comply with the limits in [§ 15.209](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.209), rather than the limits specified in this subpart, provided it can be clearly demonstrated that those emissions from the UWB device are due solely to emissions from digital circuitry contained within the transmitter and that the emissions are not intended to be radiated from the transmitter's antenna. Emissions from associated digital devices, as defined in [§ 15.3(k)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.3#p-15.3(k)), e.g., emissions from digital circuitry used to control additional functions or capabilities other than the UWB transmission, are subject to the limits contained in [Subpart B of this part](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/subpart-B). _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(d) Within the tables in [§§ 15.509](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.509), [15.511](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.511), [15.513](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.513), [15.515](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.515), [15.517](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.517), and [15.519](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.519), the tighter emission limit applies at the band edges. Radiated emission levels at and below 960 MHz are based on measurements employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector. Radiated emission levels above 960 MHz are based on RMS average measurements over a 1 MHz resolution bandwidth. The RMS average measurement is based on the use of a spectrum analyzer with a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz, an RMS detector, and a 1 millisecond or less averaging time. Unless otherwise stated, if pulse gating is employed where the transmitter is quiescent for intervals that are long compared to the nominal pulse repetition interval, measurements shall be made with the pulse train gated on. Alternative measurement procedures may be considered by the Commission. (e) The frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs, fM, must be contained within the UWB bandwidth. (f) Imaging systems may be employed only for the type of information exchange described in their specific definitions contained in [§ 15.503](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.503). The detection of tags or the transfer or data or voice information is not permitted under the standards for imaging systems. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(g) When a peak measurement is required, it is acceptable to use a resolution bandwidth other than the 50 MHz specified in this subpart. This resolution bandwidth shall not be lower than 1 MHz or greater than 50 MHz, and the measurement shall be centered on the frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs, fM. If a resolution bandwidth other than 50 MHz is employed, the peak EIRP limit shall be 20 log (RBW/50) dBm where RBW is the resolution bandwidth in megahertz that is employed. This may be converted to a peak field strength level at 3 meters using E(dBuV/m) = P(dBm EIRP) + 95.2. If RBW is greater than 3 MHz, the application for certification filed with the Commission must contain a detailed description of the test procedure, calibration of the test setup, and the instrumentation employed in the testing. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(h) The highest frequency employed in [§ 15.33](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.33) to determine the frequency range over which radiated measurements are made shall be based on the center frequency, fC, unless a higher frequency is generated within the UWB device. For measuring emission levels, the spectrum shall be investigated from the lowest frequency generated in the UWB transmitter, without going below 9 kHz, up to the frequency range shown in [§ 15.33(a)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.33#p-15.33(a)) or up to fC + 3/(pulse width in seconds), whichever is higher. There is no requirement to measure emissions beyond 40 GHz provided fC is less than 10 GHz; beyond 100 GHz if fC is at or above 10 GHz and below 30 GHz; or beyond 200 GHz if fC is at or above 30 GHz. (i) The prohibition in [§ 2.201(f)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-2.201#p-2.201(f)) and [15.5(d) of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.5#p-15.5(d)) against Class B (damped wave) emissions does not apply to UWB devices operating under this subpart. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(j) Responsible parties are reminded of the other standards and requirements cross referenced in [§ 15.505](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.505), such as a limit on emissions conducted onto the AC power lines. \[[67 FR 34856](, May 16, 2002, as amended at [68 FR 19751](, Apr. 22, 2003; [70 FR 6776](, Feb. 9, 2005\] #### § 15.523 Measurement procedures. Measurements shall be made in accordance with the procedures specified by the Commission. #### § 15.525 Coordination requirements. (a) UWB imaging systems require coordination through the FCC before the equipment may be used. The operator shall comply with any constraints on equipment usage resulting from this coordination. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(b) The users of UWB imaging devices shall supply operational areas to the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology, which shall coordinate this information with the Federal Government through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The information provided by the UWB operator shall include the name, address and other pertinent contact information of the user, the desired geographical area(s) of operation, and the FCC ID number and other nomenclature of the UWB device. If the imaging device is intended to be used for mobile applications, the geographical area(s) of operation may be the state(s) or county(ies) in which the equipment will be operated. The operator of an imaging system used for fixed operation shall supply a specific geographical location or the address at which the equipment will be operated. This material shall be submitted to Frequency Coordination Branch, OET, Federal Communications Commission, at the address of the FCC's main office indicated in [47 CFR 0.401(a)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-0.401#p-0.401(a)), ATTN: UWB Coordination. (c) The manufacturers, or their authorized sales agents, must inform purchasers and users of their systems of the requirement to undertake detailed coordination of operational areas with the FCC prior to the equipment being operated. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(d) Users of authorized, coordinated UWB systems may transfer them to other qualified users and to different locations upon coordination of change of ownership or location to the FCC and coordination with existing authorized operations. (e) The FCC/NTIA coordination report shall identify those geographical areas within which the operation of an imaging system requires additional coordination or within which the operation of an imaging system is prohibited. If additional coordination is required for operation within specific geographical areas, a local coordination contact will be provided. Except for operation within these designated areas, once the information requested on the UWB imaging system is submitted to the FCC no additional coordination with the FCC is required provided the reported areas of operation do not change. If the area of operation changes, updated information shall be submitted to the FCC following the procedure in [paragraph (b)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.525#p-15.525(b)) of this section. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(f) The coordination of routine UWB operations shall not take longer than 15 business days from the receipt of the coordination request by NTIA. Special temporary operations may be handled with an expedited turn-around time when circumstances warrant. The operation of UWB systems in emergency situations involving the safety of life or property may occur without coordination provided a notification procedure, similar to that contained in [§ 2.405(a)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-2.405#p-2.405(a)) through [(e) of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-2.405#p-2.405(e)), is followed by the UWB equipment user. \[[67 FR 34856](, May 16, 2002, as amended at [68 FR 19751](, Apr. 22, 2003; [85 FR 64406](, Oct. 13, 2020\] Subpart G—Access Broadband Over Power Line (Access BPL) ------------------------------------------------------- #### Source: _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _[70 FR 1374](, Jan. 7, 2005, unless otherwise noted. #### § 15.601 Scope. This subpart sets out the regulations for Access Broadband over Power Line (Access BPL) devices operating in the 1.705-80 MHz band over medium or low voltage lines. #### § 15.603 Definitions. (a) _Excluded Band:_ A band of frequencies within which Access BPL operations are not permitted. (b) _Exclusion Zone:_ A geographical area within which Access BPL operations are not permitted in certain frequency bands. (c) _Consultation._ The process of communication between an entity operating Access BPL and a licensed public safety or other designated point of contact for the purpose of avoiding potential harmful interference. (d) _Consultation area:_ A designated geographical area within which consultation with public safety users or other designated point of contact is required before an Access BPL may be operated at designated frequencies. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(e) _Low Voltage power line._ A power line carrying low voltage, e.g., 240/120 volts from a distribution transformer to a customer's premises. (f) _Medium Voltage power line._ A power line carrying between 1,000 to 40,000 volts from a power substation to neighborhoods. Medium voltage lines may be overhead or underground, depending on the power grid network topology. (g) _Access BPL Database._ A database operated by an industry-sponsored entity, recognized by the Federal Communications Commission and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), containing information regarding existing and planned Access BPL systems, as required in [§ 15.615(a) of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.615#p-15.615(a)). #### § 15.605 Cross reference. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(a) The provisions of [subparts A](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/subpart-A) and [B of this part](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/subpart-B) apply to Access BPL devices, except where specifically noted. The provisions of [subparts C](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/subpart-C) through [F of this part](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/subpart-F) do not apply to Access BPL devices except where specifically noted. (b) The requirements of this subpart apply only to the radio circuitry that is used to provide carrier current operation for the Access BPL device. Other aspects of the operation of an Access BPL device may be subject to requirements contained elsewhere in this chapter. In particular, an Access BPL device that includes digital circuitry that is not used solely to enable the operation of the radio frequency circuitry used to provide carrier current operation also is subject to the requirements for unintentional radiators in [subpart B of this part](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/subpart-B). #### § 15.607 Equipment authorization of Access BPL equipment. Access BPL equipment shall be subject to Certification as specified in [§ 15.101](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.101). #### § 15.609 Marketing of Access BPL equipment. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _The marketing of Access BPL equipment must be directed solely to parties eligible to operate the equipment. Eligible parties consist of AC power line public utilities, Access BPL service providers and associates of Access BPL service providers. The responsible party, as defined in [§ 2.909 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-2.909), is responsible for ensuring that the equipment is marketed only to eligible parties. Marketing of the equipment in any other manner may be considered grounds for revocation of the grant of certification issued for the equipment. #### § 15.611 General technical requirements. (a) _Conducted emission limits._ Access BPL is not subject to the conducted emission limits of [§ 15.107](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.107). (b) _Radiated emission limits_ — (1) _Medium voltage power lines._ (i) Access BPL systems that operate in the frequency range of 1.705 kHz to 30 MHz over medium voltage power lines shall comply with the radiated emission limits for intentional radiators provided in [§ 15.209](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.209). _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(ii) Access BPL systems that operate in the frequency range above 30 MHz over medium voltage power lines shall comply with the radiated emission limits provided in [§ 15.109(b)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.109#p-15.109(b)). (2) _Low voltage power lines._ Access BPL systems that operate over low-voltage power lines, including those that operate over low-voltage lines that are connected to the in-building wiring, shall comply with the radiated emission limits provided in [§ 15.109(a)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.109#p-15.109(a)) and [(e)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.109#p-15.109(e)). (c) _Interference Mitigation and Avoidance._ _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) Access BPL systems shall incorporate adaptive interference mitigation techniques to remotely reduce power and adjust operating frequencies, in order to avoid site-specific, local use of the same spectrum by licensed services. These techniques may include adaptive or “notch” filtering, or complete avoidance of frequencies, or bands of frequencies, locally used by licensed radio operations. (i) For frequencies below 30 MHz, when a notch filter is used to avoid interference to a specific frequency band, the Access BPL system shall be capable of attenuating emissions within that band to a level at least 25 dB below the applicable Part 15 limits. (ii) For frequencies above 30 MHz, when a notch filter is used to avoid interference to a specific frequency band, the Access BPL system shall be capable of attenuating emissions within that band to a level at least 10 dB below the applicable part 15 limits. (iii) At locations where an Access BPL operator attenuates radiated emissions from its operations in accordance with the above required capabilities, we will not require that operator to take further actions to resolve complaints of harmful interference to mobile operations. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(2) Access BPL systems shall comply with applicable radiated emission limits upon power-up following a fault condition, or during a start-up operation after a shut-off procedure, by the use of a non-volatile memory, or some other method, to immediately restore previous settings with programmed notches and excluded bands, to avoid time delay caused by the need for manual re-programming during which protected services may be vulnerable. (3) Access BPL systems shall incorporate a remote-controllable shut-down feature to deactivate, from a central location, any unit found to cause harmful interference, if other interference mitigation techniques do not resolve the interference problem. \[[70 FR 1374](, Jan. 7, 2005, as amended at [71 FR 49379](, Aug. 23, 2006; [76 FR 71908](, Nov. 21, 2011\] #### § 15.613 Measurement procedures. Compliance measurements for Access BPL shall be made in accordance with the Guidelines for Access BPL systems specified by the Commission. #### § 15.615 General administrative requirements. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(a) _Access BPL Database._ Entities operating Access BPL systems shall supply to an industry-recognized entity, information on all existing Access BPL systems and all proposed Access BPL systems for inclusion into a publicly available data base, within 30 days prior to initiation of service. Such information shall include the following: (1) The name of the Access BPL provider. (2) The frequencies of the Access BPL operation. (3) The postal zip codes served by the specific Access BPL operation. (4) The manufacturer and type of Access BPL equipment and its associated FCC ID number, or, in the case of Access BPL equipment that has not been subject to certification in the past, the Trade Name and Model Number, as specified on the equipment label. (5) The contact information, including both phone number and e-mail address of a person at, or associated with, the BPL operator's company, to facilitate the resolution of any interference complaint. (6) The proposed/or actual date of Access BPL operation. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(b) The Access BPL database manager shall enter this information into the publicly accessible database within three (3) business days of receipt. (c) No notification to the Commission is required. (d) A licensed spectrum user experiencing harmful interference that is suspected to be caused by an Access BPL system shall inform the local BPL operator's contact person designated in the Access BPL database. The investigation of the reported interference and the resolution of confirmed harmful interference from the Access BPL system shall be successfully completed by the BPL operator within a reasonable time period according to a mutually acceptable schedule, after the receipt of an interference complaint, in order to avoid protracted disruptions to licensed services. The Access BPL operator shall respond to complaints of harmful interference from public safety users within 24 hours. With regard to public safety complaints, the BPL provider shall be required to immediately cease the operations causing such complaint if it fails to respond within 24 hours. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(e) _Consultation with public safety users._ An entity operating an Access BPL system shall notify and consult with the public safety users in the area where it plans to deploy Access BPL, at least 30 days prior to initiation of any operation or service. This entity shall design or implement the Access BPL system such that it does not cause harmful interference in those frequencies or bands used by the public safety agencies in the area served by the Access BPL system. The notification shall include, at a minimum, the information in [paragraph (a)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.615#p-15.615(a)) of this section. (f) _Federal government spectrum users and other radio service users._ An entity operating an Access BPL system shall ensure that, within its Access BPL deployment area, its system does not operate on any frequencies designated as excluded bands or on identified frequencies within any designated exclusion zones. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) _Excluded Bands._ To protect Aeronautical (land) stations and aircraft receivers, Access BPL operations using overhead medium voltage power lines are prohibited in the frequency bands listed in Table 1. Specifically, such BPL systems shall not place carrier frequencies in these bands. Table 1—Excluded Frequency Bands Frequency band 2,850-3,025 kHz 3,400-3,500 kHz 4,650-4,700 kHz 5,450-5,680 kHz 6,525-6,685 kHz 8,815-8,965 kHz 10,005-10,100 kHz 11,275-11,400 kHz 13,260-13,360 kHz 17,900-17,970 kHz 21,924-22,000 kHz 74.8-75.2 MHz _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(2) _Exclusion zones._ Exclusion zones encompass the operation of any Access BPL system within 1km of the boundary of coast station facilities at the coordinates listed in Tables 2 and 2.1. Exclusion zones also encompass the operation of Access BPL systems using overhead medium voltage power lines within 65 km of the Very Large Array observatory located at the coordinate 34°04′43.50″; N, 107°37′03.82″ W. Exclusion zones further encompass the operation of Access BPL systems using overhead low voltage power lines or underground power lines within 47 km of the Very Large Array observatory located at the coordinate 34°04′43.50″; N, 107°37′03.82″ W. Within the exclusion zones for coast stations, Access BPL systems shall not use carrier frequencies within the band of 2173.5-2190.5 kHz. Within the exclusion zone for the Very Large Array radio astronomy observatory, Access BPL systems shall not use carrier frequencies within the 73.0-74.6 MHz band. (i) _Existing coast station facilities._ Access BPL systems shall not operate in the frequency band 2,173.5-2,190.5 kHz, within 1 kilometer (km) of the boundary of coast station facilities at the coordinates listed in Tables 2 and 2.1. BPL operators planning to deploy Access BPL devices at these frequencies in areas within these exclusion zones as defined above shall consult with the appropriate point of contact for these coast stations to ensure harmful interference is prevented at these facilities. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _Point of contact: Commandant (CG 622), U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 2nd Street, SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001, Telephone: (202) 267-2860, e-mail: _[]( Table 2—Exclusion Zones for U.S. Coast Guard Coast Stations Locale Latitude Longitude Group Guam 13°35′23″ N 144°50′24″ E GANTSEC 18°18′00″ N 65°46′59″ W Puerto Rico 18°28′11″ N 66°07′47″ W Honolulu 21°18′21″ N 157°53′23″ W Group Key West 24°33′35″ N 81°47′59″ W Trumbo Point CG Base 24°33′58″ N 81°47′57″ W Miami 25°37′28″ N 80°23′07″ W Everglades Park 25°50′10″ N 81°23′13″ W Group Saint Petersburg (Everglades) 25°51′00″ N 81°23′24″ W Station Ft. Lauderdale 26°05′21″ N 80°06′40″ W Station Ft. Myers Beach 26°27′34″ N 81°57′15″ W Group Miami (Ft. Pierce) 27°27′36″ N 80°18′36″ W Station Ft. Pierce 27°27′50″ N 80°18′27″ W Group Corpus Christi 27°42′01″ N 97°16′11″ W Group Corpus Christi 27°42′06″ N 97°16′45″ W ESD Saint Petersburg 27°45′21″ N 82°37′32″ W Group Saint Petersburg 27°46′11″ N 82°37′47″ W Station Port O'Connor 28°26′03″ N 96°25′39″ W S. Padre Island _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _28°26′22″ N 97°09′56″ W Freeport 28°55′59″ N 95°16′59″ W Group Galveston (Freeport) 28°56′24″ N 95°17′59″ W Station YANKEETOWN 29°01′51″ N 82°43′39″ W Station Ponce De Leon Inlet 29°03′50″ N 81°55′01″ W Group New Orleans (Grand Isle) 29°15′53″ N 89°57′26″ W Galveston 29°19′59″ N 94°46′18″ W Kapalan 29°20′04″ N 94°47′17″ W Sabine 29°43′42″ N 93°52′14″ W New Orleans 30°01′17″ N 90°07′24″ W Panama City 30°10′01″ N 85°45′04″ W Group Mobile (Panama City) 30°10′12″ N 85°45′36″ W ANT Jacksonville Beach 30°17′16″ N 81°24′10″ W Pensacola 30°20′24″ N 87°18′17″ W Group Mayport 30°23′10″ N 81°26′01″ W Group Mayport 30°23′24″ N 81°25′48″ W Ft. Morgan 30°39′07″ N 88°03′12″ W Tybee Lighthouse 32°01′15″ N 80°50′39″ W Point Loma Lighthouse 32°39′56″ N 117°14′34″ W Point Loma 32°40′07″ N 117°14′14″ W Activities San Diego 32°43′59″ N 117°11′13″ W Group Charleston (Sullivan's Island) 32°45′00″ N 79°49′47″ W Sullivan's Island Lights 32°45′02″ N 79°50′03″ W _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _Group Charleston 32°46′25″ N 79°56′37″ W Group San Diego 32°52′48″ N 118°26′23″ W San Pedro 33°45′00″ N 118°15′58″ W Group Fort Macon 33°53′24″ N 78°01′48″ W Point Mugu 33°59′32″ N 119°07′18″ W Group LA/Long Beach 34°07′11″ N 119°06′35″ W Channel Island 34°09′17″ N 119°13′11″ W Station Oxnard Channel Island 34°09′43″ N 119°13′19″ W Group Ft. Macon 34°41′48″ N 76°40′59″ W Group Cape Hatteras 35°13′59″ N 75°31′59″ W Group Cape Hatteras 35°15′35″ N 75°31′48″ W Morro Bay (Cambria) 35°31′21″ N 121°03′31″ W San Clemente Island 32°50′24″ N 118°23′15″ W Point Pinos 36°38′12″ N 121°56′06″ W CAMSLANT 36°43′47″ N 76°01′11″ W Group Hampton Roads 36°53′01″ N 76°21′10″ W Point Montara 37°31′23″ N 122°30′47″ W Point Montara Lighthouse 37°32′09″ N 122°31′08″ W Group San Francisco 37°32′23″ N 122°31′11″ W Group San Francisco 37°48′34″ N 122°21′55″ W Point Bonita 37°49′00″ N 122°31′41″ W Group Eastern Shores 37°55′47″ N 75°22′47″ W Group Eastern Shore 37°55′50″ N _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _75°22′58″ W CAMSPAC 38°06′00″ N 122°55′48″ W Point Arena Lighthouse 38°57′18″ N 124°44′28″ W Point Arena 38°57′36″ N 123°44′23″ W Group Atlantic City 39°20′59″ N 74°27′42″ W Activities New York 40°36′06″ N 74°03′36″ W Activities New York 40°37′11″ N 74°04′11″ W ESD Moriches Hut 40°47′19″ N 72°44′53″ W Group Moriches 40°47′23″ N 72°45′00″ W Group Humboldt Bay 40°58′41″ N 124°06′31″ W Group Humboldt Bay 40°58′47″ N 124°06′35″ W Trinidad Head 41°03′15″ N 124°09′02″ W Group Long Island Sound 41°16′12″ N 72°54′00″ W Station New Haven 41°16′12″ N 72°54′06″ W Station Brant Point 41°17′21″ N 70°05′31″ W Group Woods Hole 41°17′23″ N 70°04′47″ W Station Castle Hill 41°27′46″ N 71°21′42″ W Group Woods Hole 41°17′29″ N 70°401′07″ W Boston Area 41°40′12″ N 70°31′48″ W Station Provincetown 42°01′48″ N 70°12′42″ W Eastern Point 42°36′24″ N 70°39′26″ W Cape Blanco 42°50′16″ N 124°33′52″ W Group North Bend 43°24′16″ N 124°13′22″ W Group North Bend 43°24′35″ N _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _124°14′23″ W Cape Elizabeth 43°33′28″ N 70°12′00″ W Group South Portland 43°38′24″ N 70°15′00″ W Group South Portland 43°38′45″ N 70°14′51″ W Group SW Harbor 44°16′19″ N 68°18′27″ W Group Southwest Harbor 44°16′48″ N 68°18′36″ W Fort Stevens, Oregon 46°09′14″ N 123°53′07″ W Group Astoria 46°09′29″ N 123°31′48″ W Group Astoria 46°09′35″ N 123°53′24″ W La Push 47°49′00″ N 124°37′59″ W Station Quillayute River 47°54′49″ N 124°38′01″ W Port Angeles 48°07′59″ N 123°25′59″ W Group Port Angeles 48°08′24″ N 123°24′35″ W Juneau (Sitka) 57°05′24″ N 135°15′35″ W Kodiak 57°40′47″ N 152°28′47″ W Valdez (Cape Hinchinbrook) 60°26′23″ N 146°25′48″ W **Note:** Systems of coordinates comply with NAD 83. Table 2.1—Exclusion Zones for Maritime Public Coast Stations \[Points of Contact Are Identified in the Commission's License Database\] Licensee name Location Latitude Longitude Shipcom LLC Marina Del Ray, CA 33°56′21″ N 118°27′14″ W Globe Wireless Rio Vista, CA _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _38°11′55″ N 121°48′34″ W Avalon Communications Corp St. Thomas, VI 18°21′19″ N 64°56′48″ W Globe Wireless Bishopville, MD 38°24′10″ N 75°12′59″ W Shipcom LLC Mobile, AL 30°40′07″ N 88°10′23″ W Shipcom LLC Coden, AL 30°22′35″ N 88°12′20″ W Globe Wireless Pearl River, LA 30°22′13″ N 89°47′26″ W Globe Wireless Kahalelani, HI 21°10′33″ N 157°10′39″ W Globe Wireless Palo Alto, CA 37°26′44″ N 122°06′48″ W Globe Wireless Agana, GU 13°29′22″ N 144°49′39″ E Note: Systems of coordinates comply with NAD 83. (ii) _New or relocated Coast stations._ In the unlikely event that a new or relocated coast station is established for the 2.173.5-2.190.5 kHz band at a coordinate not specified in Table 2 or 2.1, Access BPL operations in that frequency band shall also be excluded within 1 km of the new coast station facility; _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(3) _Consultation areas._ Access BPL operators shall provide notification to the appropriate point of contact specified regarding Access BPL operations at any frequencies of potential concern in the following consultation areas, at least 30 days prior to initiation of any operation or service. The notification shall include, at a minimum, the information in [paragraph (a)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.615#p-15.615(a)) of this section. We expect parties to consult in good faith to ensure that no harmful interference is caused to licensed operations and that any constraints on BPL deployments are minimized to those necessary to avoid harmful interference. In the unlikely event that a new or relocated aeronautical receive station is established for the 1.7-30 MHz band at a coordinate not specified in Table 3b, Access BPL operators are also required to coordinate with the appropriate point of contact regarding Access BPL operations at any frequencies of potential concern in the new or relocated consultation areas, and to adjust their system operating parameters to protect the new or relocated aeronautical receive station. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(i) For frequencies in the 1.7-30 MHz frequency range, the areas within 4 km of facilities located at the following coordinates: (A) The Commission's protected field offices listed in [47 CFR 0.121](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-0.121), the point-of-contact for which is specified in that section; (B) The aeronautical stations listed in Tables 3a and 3b; (C) The land stations listed in Tables 4 and 5; (ii) For frequencies in the 1.7-80.0 MHz frequency range, the areas within 4 km of facilities located at the coordinates specified for radio astronomy facilities in [47 CFR 2.106](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-2.106), Note U.S. 311. _Point of contact:_ Electromagnetic Spectrum Manager, National Science Foundation, Division of Astronomical Sciences, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1045, Arlington, VA 22230, (703) 292-4896, _[]( _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(iii) For frequencies in the 1.7-80 MHz frequency range, the area within 1 km of the Table Mountain Radio Receiving Zone, the coordinates and point of contact for which are specified in [47 CFR 21.113(b)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-21.113#p-21.113(b)). (iv) For frequencies in the 1.7-30 MHz frequency range, the areas within 37 km of radar receiver facilities located at the coordinates specified in Table 6. _Point of contact:_ U.S. Coast Guard HQ, Division of Spectrum Management CG-622, 2100 Second St., SW., Rm. 6611, Washington, DC 20593, Tel: (202) 267-6036, Fax: (202) 267-4106, e-mail: _[]( Table 3a—Consultation Area Coordinates for Aeronautical (OR) Stations (1.7-30 MHz) Command name Location Latitude Longitude Washington Arlington, VA 38°51′07″ N 77°02′15″ W Cape Cod Cape Cod, MA 41°42′00″ N 70°30′00″ W Atlantic City Atlantic City, NJ 39°20′59″ N 74°27′42″ W Elizabeth City Elizabeth City, NC 36°15′53″ N 76°10′32″ W Savannah Savannah, GA 32°01′30″ N 81°08′30″ W Miami Opa Locka, FL 25°54′22″ N 80°16′01″ W Clearwater Clearwater, FL 27°54′27″ N 82°41′29″ W Borinquen Aguadilla, PR 18°18′36″ N 67°04′48″ W _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _New Orleans New Orleans, LA 29°49′31″ N 90°02′06″ W Traverse City Traverse City, MI 44°44′24″ N 85°34′54″ W San Diego San Diego, CA 32°43′33″ N 117°10′15″ W Sacramento McCllelan AFB, CA 38°40′06″ N 121°24′04″ W Astoria Warrenton, OR 46°25′18″ N 123°47′46″ W North Bend North Bend, OR 43°24′39″ N 124°14′35″ W Barbers Point Kapolei, HI 21°18′01″ N 158°04′15″ W Kodiak Kodiak, AK 57°44′19″ N 152°30′18″ W Houston Houston, TX 29°45′00″ N 95°22′00″ W Detroit Mt. Clemens, MI 42°36′05″ N 82°50′12″ W San Francisco San Francisco, CA 37°37′58″ N 122°23′20″ W Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 33°56′36″ N 118°23′48″ W Humboldt Bay McKinleyville, CA 40°58′39″ N 124°06′45″ W Port Angeles Port Angeles, WA 48°08′25″ N 123°24′48″ W Sitka Sitka, AK 57°05′50″ N 135°21′58″ W Note: Systems of coordinates conform to NAD 83. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** __Point of contact:_ ARINC, 2551 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401, Tel: 1-800-633-6882, Fax: (410) 266-2329, e-mail: _[](, []( _Point of contact:_ ARINC, 2551 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401, Tel: 1-800-633-6882, Fax: 410-266-2329, e-mail: _[](, []( Table 3b—Consultation Area Coordinates for Aeronautical Receive Stations (1.7-30 MHz) Locale Latitude Longitude Southampton, NY 40°55′15″ N 72°23′41″ W Molokai, HI 21°12′23″ N 157°12′30″ W Oahu, HI 21°22′27″ N 158°05′56″ W Half Moon Bay, CA 37°39′64″ N 122°24′44″ W Pt. Reyes, CA 38°06′00″ N 122°56′00″ W Barrow, AK 71°17′24″ N 156°40′12″; W Guam 13°28′12″ N 144°48′0.0″ E (note: Eastern Hemisphere) NY Comm Center, NY 40°46′48″ N 73°05′46″ W Cedar Rapids, IA 42°02′05.0″ N 91°38′37.6″ W Beaumont, CA 33°54′27.1″ N 116°59′49.1″ W Fairfield, TX 31°47′02.6″ N 96°47′03.0″ W Houston, TX 29°36′35.8″ N 95°16′54.8″ W Miami, FL 25°49′05″ N 80°18′28″ W **Note:** Systems of coordinates conform to NAD 83. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _Point of contact: U.S. Coast Guard HQ, Division of Spectrum Management CG-622, 2100 Second St., SW., Rm. 6611, Washington, DC 20593, Tel: (202) 267-6036, Fax: (202) 267-4106, e-mail: _[]( Table 4—Consultation Area Coordinates for Land Stations, Set 1 (1.7-30 MHz) Command name Location Latitude Longitude COMMSTA Boston Maspee, MA 41°24′00″ N 70°18′57″ W Camslant Chesapeake, VA 36°33′59″ N 76°15′23″ W COMMSTA Miami Miami, FL 25°36′58″ N 80°23′04″ W COMMSTA New Orleans Belle Chasse, IA 29°52′40″ N 89°54′46″ W Camspac Pt. Reyes Sta, CA 38°06′00″ N 122°55′48″ W COMMSTA Honolulu Wahiawa, HI 21°31′08″ N 157°59′28″ W COMMSTA Kodiak Kodiak, AK 57°04′26′ N 152°28′20″ W Guam Finegayan, GU 13°53′08″ N 144°50′20″ E Note: Systems of coordinates conform to NAD 83. Point of contact: COTHEN Technical Support Center, COTHEN Program Manager, Tel: (800) 829-6336. Table 5—Consultation Area Coordinates for Land Stations, Set 2 (1.7-30 MHz) _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _Site name Latitude Longitude Albuquerque, NM 35°05′02″ N 105°34′23″ W Arecibo, PR 18°17′26″ N 66°22′33″ W Atlanta, GA 32°33″06 N 84°23′35″ W Beaufort, SC 34°34′22″ N 76°09′48″ W Cape Charles, VA 37°05′37″ N 75°58′06″ W Cedar Rapids, IA 42°00′09″ N 91°17′39″ W Denver, CO 39°15′45″ N 103°34′23″ W Fort Myers, FL 81°31′20″ N 26°20′01″ W Kansas City, MO 38°22′10″ N 93°21′48″ W Las Vegas, NV 36°21′15″ N 114°17′33″ W Lovelock, NV 40°03′07″ N 118°18′56″ W Memphis, TN 34°21′57″ N 90°02′43″ W Miami, FL 25°46′20″ N 80°28′48″ W Morehead City, NC 34°34′50″ N 78°13′59″ W Oklahoma City, OK 34°30′52″ N 97°30′52″ W Orlando, FL 28°31′30″ N 80°48′58″ W Reno, NV 38°31′12″ N 119°14′37″ W Sarasota, FL 27°12′41″ N 81°31′20″ W Wilmington, NC 34°29′24″ N 78°04′31″ W Note: Systems of coordinates conform to NAD 83. Point Of Contact: ROTHR Deputy Program Manager, (540) 653-3624. Table 6—Consultation Area Coordinates for Radar Receiver Stations (1.7-30 MHz) _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _Latitude/Longitude 18°01′ N/66°30′ W 28°05′ N/98°43′ W 36°34′ N/76°18′ W Note: Systems of coordinates conform to NAD 83. \[[70 FR 1374](, Jan. 7, 2005, as amended at [71 FR 49379](, Aug. 23, 2006; [82 FR 50834](, Nov. 2, 2017\] Subpart H—White Space Devices ----------------------------- #### Source: [80 FR 73070](, Nov. 23, 2015, unless otherwise noted. #### § 15.701 Scope. This subpart sets forth the regulations for unlicensed white space devices. These devices are unlicensed intentional radiators that operate on available TV channels in the broadcast television frequency bands, the 600 MHz band (including the guard bands and duplex gap), and in 608-614 MHz (channel 37). #### § 15.703 Definitions. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** __600 MHz duplex gap._ An 11 megahertz guard band at 652-663 MHz that separates part 27 600 MHz service uplink and downlink frequencies. _600 MHz guard band._ Designated frequency band at 614-617 MHz that prevents interference between licensed services in the 600 MHz service band and channel 37. _600 MHz service band._ Frequencies in the 617-652 MHz and 663-698 MHz bands that are reallocated and reassigned for 600 MHz band services under [part 27 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-27). _Available channel._ A channel which is not being used by an authorized service and is acceptable for use by the device at its geographic location under the provisions of this subpart. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** __Contact verification signal._ An encoded signal broadcast by a fixed or Mode II device for reception by Mode I devices to which the fixed or Mode II device has provided a list of available channels for operation. Such signal is for the purpose of establishing that the Mode I device is still within the reception range of the fixed or Mode II device for purposes of validating the list of available channels used by the Mode I device and shall be encoded to ensure that the signal originates from the device that provided the list of available channels. A Mode I device may respond only to a contact verification signal from the fixed or Mode II device that provided the list of available channels on which it operates. A fixed or Mode II device shall provide the information needed by a Mode I device to decode the contact verification signal at the same time it provides the list of available channels. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** __Fixed device._ A white space device that transmits and/or receives radiocommunication signals at a specified fixed location. A fixed device may select channels for operation from a list of available channels provided by a white space database, and initiate and operate a network by sending enabling signals to one or more fixed devices and/or personal/portable devices. Fixed devices may provide to a Mode I personal/portable device a list of available channels on which the Mode I device may operate, including channels on which the Mode I device but not the fixed device may operate. _Geo-fenced area._ A defined geographic area over which the white space database has determined the set of available channels. _Geo-location capability._ The capability of a white space device to determine its geographic coordinates and geo-location uncertainty. This capability is used with a white space database approved by the FCC to determine the availability of spectrum at a white space device's location. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** __Less congested area._ Geographic areas where at least half of the TV channels within a specific TV band are unused for broadcast and other protected services and available for white space device use. Less congested areas are determined separately for each TV band—the low VHF band (channels 2-6), the high VHF band (channels 7-13) and the UHF band (channels 14-36); _i.e.,_ one, two or all three bands or any combination could qualify as less congested. White space devices may only operate at the levels permitted for less congested areas within the area and the specific TV band(s) that qualify as a less congested area. For the purpose of this definition, a channel is considered available for white space device use if it is available for fixed devices operating with 40 milliwatts EIRP at 3 meters HAAT. Less congested areas in the UHF TV band are also considered to be less congested areas in the 600 MHz service band. _Mobile white space device._ A white space device that transmits and/or receives radiocommunication signals on available channels within a defined geo-fenced area. A mobile white space device uses an incorporated geo-location capability to determine its location with respect to the boundaries of the defined area. A mobile white space device may operate only in less congested areas. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** __Mode I personal/portable device._ A personal/portable white space device that does not use an internal geo-location capability and access to a white space database to obtain a list of available channels. A Mode I device must obtain a list of available channels on which it may operate from either a fixed white space device or Mode II personal/portable white space device. A Mode I device may not initiate a network of fixed and/or personal/portable white space devices nor may it provide a list of available channels to another Mode I device for operation by such device. _Mode II personal/portable device._ A personal/portable device that uses an internal geo-location capability and access to a white space database, either through a direct connection to the Internet or through an indirect connection to the Internet by way of fixed device or another Mode II device, to obtain a list of available channels. A Mode II device may select a channel itself and initiate and operate as part of a network of white space devices, transmitting to and receiving from one or more fixed devices or personal/portable devices. A Mode II personal/portable device may provide its list of available channels to a Mode I personal/portable device for operation on by the Mode I device. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** __Narrowband white space device._ A fixed or personal/portable white space device operating in a bandwidth of no greater than 100 kilohertz. _Network initiation._ The process by which a fixed or Mode II white space device sends control signals to one or more fixed white space devices or personal/portable white space devices and allows them to begin communications. _Operating channel._ An available channel used by a white space device for transmission and/or reception. _Personal/portable device._ A white space device that transmits and/or receives radiocommunication signals on available channels at unspecified locations that may change. _Receive site._ The location where the signal of a full service television station is received for rebroadcast by a television translator or low power TV station, including a Class A TV station, or for distribution by a Multiple Video Program Distributor (MVPD) as defined in [47 U.S.C. 602(13)]( _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** __Sensing only device._ A personal/portable white space device that uses spectrum sensing to determine a list of available channels. Sensing only devices may transmit on any available channels in the frequency bands 512-608 MHz (TV channels 21-36). _Spectrum Act._ Title VI of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 ([Pub. L. 112-96]( _Spectrum sensing._ A process whereby a white space device monitors a television channel to detect whether the channel is occupied by a radio signal or signals from authorized services. _Television bands._ The broadcast television frequency bands at 54-72 MHz (TV channels 2-4), 76-88 MHz (TV channels 5-6), 174-216 MHz (TV channels 7-13) and 470-608 MHz (channels 14-36). _White space database._ A database system approved by the Commission that maintains records on authorized services and provides lists of available channels to white space devices and unlicensed wireless microphone users. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _\[[80 FR 73070](, Nov. 23, 2015, as amended at [84 FR 34796](, July 19, 2019; [86 FR 2290](, Jan. 12, 2021\] #### § 15.705 Cross reference. (a) The provisions of [subparts A](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/subpart-A), [B](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/subpart-B), and [C of this part](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/subpart-C) apply to white space devices, except where specific provisions are contained in this subpart. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(b) The requirements of this subpart apply only to the radio transmitter contained in the white space device. Other aspects of the operation of a white space device may be subject to requirements contained elsewhere in this chapter. In particular, a white space device that includes a receiver that tunes within the frequency range specified in [§ 15.101(b)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.101#p-15.101(b)) and contains digital circuitry not directly associated with the radio transmitter is also subject to the requirements for unintentional radiators in subpart B. #### § 15.706 Information to the user. (a) In addition to the labeling requirements contained in [§ 15.19](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.19), the instructions furnished to the user of a white space device shall include the following statement, placed in a prominent location in the text of the manual: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the rules for white space devices, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These rules are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. (2) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. (3) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. (4) Consult the manufacturer, dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. (b) In cases where the manual is provided only in a form other than paper, such as on a computer disk or over the Internet, the information required by this section may be included in the manual in that alternative form, provided the user can reasonably be expected to have the capability to access information in that form. #### § 15.707 Permissible channels of operation. (a) _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) _470-614 MHz band._ Fixed and personal/portable white space devices are permitted to operate on available channels in the frequency bands 470-614 MHz (TV channels 14-37), subject to the interference protection requirements in [§§ 15.711](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.711) and [15.712](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.712). (2) _600 MHz duplex gap._ Fixed and personal/portable white space devices may operate in the 657-663 MHz segment of the 600 MHz duplex gap. (3) _600 MHz service band._ Fixed and personal/portable white space devices may operate on frequencies in the bands 617-652 MHz and 663-698 MHz in areas where 600 MHz band licensees have not commenced operations, as defined in [§ 27.4 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-27.4). (4) _Channel 37 guard band._ White space devices are not permitted to operate in the band 614-617 MHz. (b) Only mobile white space devices and fixed white space devices that communicate only with other fixed or mobile white space devices may operate on available channels in the bands 54-72 MHz (TV channels 2-4), 76-88 MHz (TV channels 5 and 6), and 174-216 MHz (TV channels 7-13), subject to the interference protection requirements in [§§ 15.711](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.711) and [15.712](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.712). _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(c) Narrowband and mobile white space devices may only operate on frequencies below 602 MHz. \[[86 FR 2291](, Jan. 12, 2021\] #### § 15.709 General technical requirements. (a) _Radiated power limits._ The maximum white space device EIRP per 6 MHz shall not exceed the limits of [paragraphs (a)(2)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(a)(2)) through [(4)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(a)(4)) of this section. (1) _General requirements._ (i) White space devices may be required to operate with less power than the maximum permitted to meet the co-channel and adjacent channel separation requirements of [§ 15.712 of this part](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/section-15.712). (ii) Mode I personal/portable devices are limited to 40 mW, if the white space device that controls it is limited to 40 mW. (2) _TV bands and 600 MHz service band._ (i) _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(A) Fixed devices in the TV bands below 602 MHz: Up to 4 W (36 dBm) EIRP, and up to 16 W (42 dBm) EIRP in less congested areas. Fixed devices in the 602-608 MHz band may operate with up to 4 W (36 dBm) EIRP. (B) Fixed devices in the 600 MHz service bands above 620 MHz: Up to 4 W (36 dBm) EIRP, and up to 10 W (40 dBm) EIRP in less congested areas. Fixed devices that operate in any portion of the 614-620 MHz band may operate with up to 4 W (36 dBm) EIRP. (ii) Personal/Portable devices: Up to 100 mW (20 dBm) EIRP. (3) _608-614 MHz band (channel 37)._ Up to 40 mW (16 dBm) EIRP. (ii) Personal/Portable devices: Up to 100 mW (20 dBm) EIRP. (4) _600 MHz duplex gap and guard bands._ Up to 40 mW (16 dBm) EIRP. (5) _Mobile devices in the TV bands below 602 MHz._ Up to 16 W (42 dBm) EIRP in less congested areas. Mobile device operation is not permitted above 602 MHz. Mobile devices may operate only in less congested areas. (b) _Technical limits_ — (1) _Fixed and mobile white space devices._ _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(i) Technical limits for fixed and mobile white space devices are shown in the table in [paragraph (b)(1)(iii)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(b)(1)(iii)) of this section and subject to the requirements of this section. (ii) For operation at EIRP levels of 36 dBm (4,000 mW) or less, fixed and mobile white space devices may operate at EIRP levels between the values shown in the table in [paragraph (b)(1)(iii)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(b)(1)(iii)) of this section provided that the conducted power and the conducted power spectral density (PSD) limits are linearly interpolated between the values shown and the adjacent channel emission limit of the higher value shown in the table is met. Operation at EIRP levels above 36 dBm (4,000 mW) but not greater than 40 dBm (10,000 mW) shall follow the requirements for 40 dBm (10,000 mW). Operation at EIRP levels above 40 dBm (10,000 mW) shall follow the requirements for 42 dBm (16,000 mW). _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(iii) The conducted power spectral density from a fixed or mobile white space device shall not be greater than the values shown in the table in this [paragraph (b)(1)(iii)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(b)(1)(iii)) when measured in any 100 kilohertz band during any time interval of continuous transmission. Table 1 to Paragraph (b)(1)(iii) EIRP (6 MHz) Conducted power limit (6 MHz) Conducted PSD limit1 (100 kHz) (dBm) Conducted adjacent channel emission limit (100 kHz) (dBm) 16 dBm (40 mW) 10 dBm (10 mW) −7.4 −62.8 20 dBm (100 mW) 14 dBm (25 mW) −3.4 −58.8 24 dBm (250 mW) 18 dBm (63 mW) 0.6 −54.8 28 dBm (625 mW) 22 dBm (158 mW) 4.6 −50.8 32 dBm (1,600 mW) 26 dBm (400 mW) 8.6 −46.8 36 dBm (4,000 mW) 30 dBm (1,000 mW) 12.6 −42.8 40 dBm (1,0000 mW) 30 dBm (1,000 mW) 12.6 −42.8 42 dBm (16,000 mW) 30 dBm (1,000 mW) 12.6 −42.8 (2) _Personal/portable white space devices._ (i) Technical limits for personal/portable white space devices are shown in the table in [paragraph (b)(2)(ii)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(b)(2)(ii)) of this section and subject to the requirements of this section. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(ii) The radiated power spectral density from a personal/portable white space device shall not be greater than the values shown in the table in this [paragraph (b)(2)(ii)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(b)(2)(ii)) when measured in any 100 kHz band during any time interval of continuous transmission. Table 2 to Paragraph (b)(2)(ii) EIRP (6 MHz) Radiated PSD limit EIRP (100 kHz) (dBm) Radiated adjacent channel emission limit EIRP (100 kHz) (dBm) 16 dBm (40 mW) −1.4 −56.8 20 dBm (100 mW) 2.6 −52.8 (3) _Sensing-only devices._ Sensing-only white space devices are limited to 17 dBm (50 mW) EIRP and are subject to the requirements of this paragraph and of [§ 15.717 of this part](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/section-15.717). (i) Radiated PSD limit: −0.4 dBm EIRP. (ii) Adjacent channel emission limit: −55.8 dBm EIRP. (4) _Narrowband white space devices._ _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(i) A narrowband white space device that operates as a client must communicate with a master device (fixed, Mode II, mobile or narrowband) that contacts the white space database to obtain a list of available channels and operating powers at its location. A narrowband white space device that acts as a master must incorporate a geo-location mechanism and be capable of obtaining lists of available channels and operating powers from the white space database. (ii) Narrowband white space devices shall operate on channel sizes that are no more than 100 kilohertz. The edge of a narrowband channel shall be offset from the upper and lower edge of the 6 megahertz channel in which it operates by at least 250 kilohertz, except in the case where bonded 6 megahertz channels share a common band edge. Narrowband operating channels shall be at integral multiples of 100 kilohertz beginning at a 250 kilohertz offset from a 6 megahertz channel's edge, or with no offset at the common band edge of two bonded 6 megahertz channels. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(iii) The conducted power limit is 12.6 dBm in a 100 kilohertz segment. The EIRP limit is 18.6 dBm in a 100 kilohertz segment. The conducted power spectral density limit is 12.6 dBm in any 100 kilohertz band during any time interval of continuous transmission. (iv) Conducted adjacent channel emissions shall be limited to −42.8 dBm in 100 kilohertz in a first adjacent 6 megahertz channel, starting at the edge of the 6 megahertz channel within which the narrowband device is operating. This limit shall not apply between the edge of the narrowband channel and the edge of the 6 megahertz channel that contains it. (v) If transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi are used, the maximum conducted power output shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi. (vi) Total occupancy for each narrowband channel shall be limited to 36 seconds per hour. (c) _Conducted power limits._ _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) The conducted power, PSD and adjacent channel limits for fixed white space devices operating at up to 36 dBm (4000 milliwatts) EIRP shown in the table in [paragraph (b)(1)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(b)(1)) of this section are based on a maximum transmitting antenna gain of 6 dBi. If transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi are used, the maximum conducted output power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi. (2) The conducted power, PSD, and adjacent channel limits for fixed and mobile white space devices operating at greater than 36 dBm (4,000 milliwatts) EIRP shown in the table in [paragraph (b)(1)(iii)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(b)(1)(iii)) of this section are based on a maximum transmitting antenna gain of 12 dBi. If transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 12 dBi are used, the maximum conducted output power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 12 dBi. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(3) Maximum conducted output power is the total transmit power over the occupied bandwidth delivered to all antennas and antenna elements averaged across all symbols in the signaling alphabet when the transmitter is operating at its maximum power level. Power must be summed across all antennas and antenna elements. The average must not include any time intervals during which the transmitter is off or is transmitting at a reduced power level. If multiple modes of operation are possible (e.g., alternative modulation methods), the maximum conducted output power is the highest total transmit power occurring in any mode. (4) White space devices connected to the AC power line are required to comply with the conducted limits set forth in [§ 15.207](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.207). (d) _Emission limits._ _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) The adjacent channel emission limits shown in the tables in [paragraphs (b)(1)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(b)(1)) and [(2)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(b)(2)) of this section apply in the six megahertz channel immediately adjacent to each white space channel or group of contiguous white space channels in which the white space device is operating. (2) At frequencies beyond the six megahertz channel immediately adjacent to each white space channel or group of contiguous white space channels in which the white space device is operating the white space device shall meet the requirements of [§ 15.209](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.209). (3) Emission measurements in the adjacent bands shall be performed using a minimum resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz with an average detector. A narrower resolution bandwidth may be employed near the band edge, when necessary, provided the measured energy is integrated to show the total power over 100 kHz. (e) _Transmit power control._ White space devices shall incorporate transmit power control to limit their operating power to the minimum necessary for successful communication. Applicants for equipment certification shall include a description of the device's transmit power control feature mechanism. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(f) _Security._ White space devices shall incorporate adequate security measures to prevent the devices from accessing databases not approved by the FCC and to ensure that unauthorized parties cannot modify the device or configure its control features to operate in a manner inconsistent with the rules and protection criteria set forth in this subpart. (g) _Antenna requirements_ — (1) _Fixed white space devices_ — (i) _Above ground level._ The transmit antenna height shall not exceed 10 meters above ground level in any area for fixed white space devices operating in the TV bands at 40 mW EIRP or less or operating across multiple contiguous TV channels at 100 mW EIRP or less. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(ii) _Height above average terrain (HAAT)._ For devices operating in the TV bands below 602 MHz, the transmit antenna shall not be located where its height above average terrain exceeds 250 meters generally, or 500 meters in less congested areas. For devices operating in all other bands the transmit antenna shall not be located where its height above average terrain exceeds 250 meters. The HAAT is to be calculated by the white space database using the methodology in [§ 73.684(d) of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-73.684#p-73.684(d)). For HAAT greater than 250 meters the following procedures are required: (A) The installing party must contact a white space database and identify all TV broadcast station contours that would be potentially affected by operation at the planned HAAT and EIRP. A potentially affected TV station is one where the protected service contour is within the applicable separation distance for the white space device operating at an assumed HAAT of 50 meters above the planned height at the proposed power level. (B) The installing party must notify each of these licensees and provide the geographic coordinates of the white space device, relevant technical parameters of the proposed deployment, and contact information. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(C) No earlier than four calendar days after the notification in [paragraph (g)(1)(ii)(B)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.709#p-15.709(g)(1)(ii)(B)) of this section, the installing party may commence operations. (D) Upon request, the installing party must provide each potentially affected licensee with information on the time periods of operations. (E) If the installing party seeks to modify its operations by increasing its power level, by moving more than 100 meters horizontally from its location, or by making an increase in the HAAT or EIRP of the white space device that results in an increase in the minimum required separation distances from co-channel or adjacent channel TV station contours, it must conduct a new notification. (F) All notifications required by this section must be in written form (including email). In all cases, the names of persons contacted, and dates of contact should be kept by the white space device operator for its records and supplied to the Commission upon request. (2) _Personal/portable white space devices._ Personal/portable devices shall have permanently attached transmit and receive antenna(s). _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(3) _Sensing-only white space devices operating under the provisions of [§ 15.717 of this subpart](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/section-15.717)._ (i) The provisions of [§ 15.204(c)(4)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.204#p-15.204(c)(4)) do not apply to an antenna used for transmission and reception/spectrum sensing. (ii) Compliance testing for white space devices that incorporate a separate sensing antenna shall be performed using the lowest gain antenna for each type of antenna to be certified. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(h) _Compliance with radio frequency exposure requirements._ White space devices shall ensure compliance with the Commission's radio frequency exposure requirements in [§§ 1.1307(b)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-1.1307#p-1.1307(b)), [2.1091](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-2.1091) and [2.1093 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-2.1093), as appropriate. Applications for equipment authorization of RF sources under this section must contain a statement confirming compliance with these requirements. Technical information showing the basis for this statement must be submitted to the Commission upon request. \[[80 FR 73070](, Nov. 23, 2015, as amended at [84 FR 34797](, July 19, 2019; [85 FR 18149](, Apr. 1, 2020; [86 FR 2291](, Jan. 12, 2021; [87 FR 54901](, Sept. 8, 2022\] #### § 15.711 Interference avoidance methods. Except as provided in [§ 15.717 of this part](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/section-15.717), channel availability for a white space device is determined based on the geo-location and database access method described in [paragraphs (a)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.711#p-15.711(a)) through [(e)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.711#p-15.711(e)) of this section. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(a) _Geolocation required._ White space devices shall rely on a geolocation capability and database access mechanism to protect the following authorized service in accordance with the interference protection requirements of [§ 15.712](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.712): Digital television stations, digital and analog Class A, low power, translator and booster stations; translator receive operations; fixed broadcast auxiliary service links; private land mobile service/commercial radio service (PLMRS/CMRS) operations; offshore radiotelephone service; low power auxiliary services authorized pursuant to [§§ 74.801](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-74.801) through [74.882 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-74.882), including licensed wireless microphones; MVPD receive sites; wireless medical telemetry service (WMTS); radio astronomy service (RAS); and 600 MHz service band licensees where they have commenced operations, as defined in [§ 27.4 of this chapter](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-27.4). In addition, protection shall be provided in border areas near Canada and Mexico in accordance with [§_ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _15.712(g)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.712#p-15.712(g)). (b) _Geo-location requirement_ — (1) _Accuracy._ Fixed white space devices that incorporate a geo-location capability and Mode II devices shall determine their location and their geo-location uncertainty (in meters), with a confidence level of 95%. (2) _Reference datum._ All geographic coordinates shall be referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83). (c) _Requirements for fixed white space devices._ _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) The geographic coordinates of a fixed white space device shall be determined at the time of installation and first activation from a power off condition by an incorporated geo-location capability. The antenna height above ground shall be determined by the installer or operator of the device, or by an automatic means. This information shall be stored internally in the white space device and transmitted automatically by the device to the white space database. The operator of a fixed white space device shall be responsible for assuring the accuracy of the information registered in the white space database. If a fixed white space device is moved to another location or if its stored coordinates become altered, the operator shall reestablish the device's: (i) Geographic location through the incorporated geo-location capability and the antenna height above ground level and store this information in the white space device; and (ii) Registration with the database based on the device's new coordinates and antenna height above ground level. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(iii) A fixed white space device may obtain its geographic coordinates through an external geo-location source when it is used at a location where its internal geo-location capability does not function. An external geo-location source may be connected to a fixed device through either a wired or a wireless connection, and a single geo-location source may provide location information to multiple fixed devices. An external geo-location source must be connected to a fixed device using a secure connection that ensures that only an external geo-location source that has been approved with a particular fixed device can provide geographic coordinates to that device. The geographic coordinates must be provided automatically by the external geo-location source to the fixed device; users may not manually enter them. Alternatively, an extender cable may be used to connect a remote receive antenna to a geo-location receiver within a fixed device. (iv) The applicant for certification of a fixed device must demonstrate the accuracy of the geo-location method used and the location uncertainty as defined in [paragraph (b)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.711#p-15.711(b)) of this section. For fixed devices that are not using an internal geo-location capability, this uncertainty must account for the accuracy of the geo-location source and the separation distance between such source and the white space device. (2) _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(i) Each fixed white space device must access a white space database over the Internet to determine the available channels and the corresponding maximum permitted power for each available channel that is available at its geographic coordinates, taking into consideration the fixed device's antenna height above ground level and geo-location uncertainty, prior to its initial service transmission at a given location. (ii) Operation is permitted only on channels and at power levels that are indicated in the database as being available for each white space device. Operation on a channel must cease immediately or power must be reduced to a permissible level if the database indicates that the channel is no longer available at the current operating level. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(iii) A fixed white space device shall access the database at least as frequently as specified in [paragraph (h)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.711#p-15.711(h)) of this section to verify that the operating channel(s) and corresponding power levels continue to remain available. The fixed device's registration information shall be updated if the geographic coordinates reported to the database differ by more than ±50 meters from the previously registered coordinates. (iv) Fixed devices without a direct connection to the Internet: A fixed white space device may not operate on channels provided by a white space database for another fixed device. A fixed white space device that has not yet been initialized and registered with a white space database consistent with [§ 15.713 of this part](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/section-15.713), but can receive the transmissions of another fixed white space device, may transmit to that other fixed white space device on either a channel that the other white space device has transmitted on or on a channel which the other white space device indicates is available for use to access the database to register its location and receive a list of channels that are available for it to use. Subsequently, the newly registered fixed white space device must only use the channels that the database indicates are available for it to use. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(d) _Requirements for Mode II personal/portable white space devices._ (1) The geographic coordinates of a Mode II personal/portable white space device shall be determined by an incorporated geo-location capability prior to its initial service transmission at a given location and each time the device is activated from a power-off condition to determine the available channels and the corresponding maximum permitted power for each available channel at its geographic coordinates, taking into consideration the device's geo-location uncertainty. The location must be checked at least once every 60 seconds while in operation, except while in sleep mode, _i.e.,_ in a mode in which the device is inactive but is not powered-down. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(2) Each Mode II personal/portable white space device must access a white space database over the Internet to obtain a list of available channels for its location. The device must access the database for an updated available channel list if its location changes by more than 100 meters from the location at which it last established its available channel list. (3) Operation is permitted only on channels and at power levels that are indicated in the database as being available for the Mode II personal/portable white space device. Operation on a channel must cease immediately or power must be reduced to a permissible level if the database indicates that the channel is no longer available at the current operating level. (4) A Mode II personal/portable white space device that has been in a powered state shall re-check its location and access the database at least as frequently as specified in [paragraph (h)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.711#p-15.711(h)) of this section to verify that the operating channel(s) and corresponding power levels continue to be available. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(5) A Mode II personal/portable device may load channel availability information for multiple locations, (_i.e.,_ in the vicinity of its current location) and use that information to define a geographic area within which it can operate on the same available channels at all locations. For example a Mode II personal/portable white space device could calculate a bounded area in which a channel or channels are available at all locations within the area and operate on a mobile basis within that area. A Mode II white space device using such channel availability information for multiple locations must contact the database again if/when it moves beyond the boundary of the area where the channel availability data is valid. (e) _Requirements for Mode I personal/portable white space devices._ (1) A Mode I personal/portable white space device may only transmit upon receiving a list of available channels from a fixed or Mode II white space device. A fixed or Mode II white space device may provide a Mode I device with a list of available channels only after it contacts its database, provides the database the FCC Identifier (FCC ID) of the Mode I device requesting available channels, and receives verification that the FCC ID is valid for operation. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(2) A Mode II device must provide a list of channels to the Mode I device that is the same as the list of channels available to the Mode II device. (3) A fixed device may provide a list of available channels to a Mode I device only if the fixed device HAAT as verified by the white space database does not exceed 106 meters. The fixed device must provide a list of available channels to the Mode I device that is the same as the list of channels available to the fixed device, except that a Mode I device may operate only on those channels that are permissible for its use under [§ 15.707 of this part](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/part-15/section-15.707). A fixed device may also obtain from a white space database and provide to a Mode I personal/portable white space device, a separate list of available channels that includes adjacent channels available to a Mode I personal/portable white space device, but not a fixed white space device. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(4) To initiate contact with a fixed or Mode II device, a Mode I device may transmit on an available channel used by the fixed or Mode II white space device or on a channel the fixed or Mode II white space device indicates is available for use by a Mode I device. At least once every 60 seconds, except when in sleep mode (_i.e.,_ a mode in which the device is inactive but is not powered-down), a Mode I device must either receive a contact verification signal from the Mode II or fixed white space device that provided its current list of available channels or contact a Mode II or fixed white space device to re-verify/re-establish channel availability. A Mode I device must cease operation immediately if it does not receive a contact verification signal or is not able to re-establish a list of available channels through contact with a fixed or Mode II device on this schedule. If a fixed or Mode II white space device loses power and obtains a new channel list, it must signal all Mode I devices it is serving to acquire and use a new channel list. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(f) _Display of available channels._ A white space device must incorporate the capability to display a list of identified available channels and its operating channels. (g) _Identifying information._ Fixed white space devices shall transmit identifying information. The identification signal must conform to a standard established by a recognized industry standards setting organization. The identification signal shall carry sufficient information to identify the device and its geographic coordinates. (h) _Database re-check requirement._ (1) Mobile devices and fixed and Mode II personal/portable devices, excluding narrowband devices, operating in the television bands. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(i) A device that has been in a powered-on state shall access the white space database at least once every 60 minutes to verify that the operating channel(s) and associated maximum power levels continue to be available at its location. Devices shall adjust their channel usage in accordance with the most recent channel availability schedule information provided by the white space database for the two-hour period beginning at the time of the device last accessed the database for a list of available channels. (ii) If a device fails to successfully contact the white space database, it may continue to operate until no longer than 120 minutes after the last successful contact, at which time it must cease operations until it reestablishes contact with the white space database and re-verifies its list of available channels and associated maximum power levels. (2) Fixed and Mode II personal/portable devices operating outside of the television bands. (i) A device that has been in a powered-on state shall access the database at least once a day to verify that the operating channel(s) and associated maximum power levels continue to be available at its location. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(ii) If a device fails to successfully contact the white space database during any given day, it may continue to operate until 11:59 p.m. of the following day at which time it must cease operations until it re-establishes contact with the white space database and re-verifies its list of available channels and corresponding power levels. (3) Narrowband devices operating in the television bands. (i) A device that has been in a powered-on state shall access the database at least once each 24-hour period to verify that the operating channel(s) and associated maximum power levels continue to be available at its location. (ii) A device must cease operating if it fails to successfully access the database once 24 hours from its last successful contact elapses until it re-establishes contact with the white space database and re-verifies its list of available channels and corresponding power levels. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(i) _Push notifications._ Device manufacturers and database administrators may implement a system that pushes updated channel availability information from the database to white space devices. However, the use of such systems is not mandatory, and the requirements for white space devices to validate the operating channel and to cease operation in accordance with [paragraph (h)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.711#p-15.711(h)) of this section continue to apply if such a system is used. (j) _Security._ _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) White space devices shall incorporate adequate security measures to ensure that they are capable of communicating for purposes of obtaining lists of available channels only with databases operated by administrators authorized by the Commission, and to ensure that communications between white space devices and databases are secure to prevent corruption or unauthorized interception of data. This requirement includes implementing security for communications between Mode I personal portable devices and fixed or Mode II devices for purposes of providing lists of available channels. This requirement applies to communications of channel availability and other spectrum access information between the databases and fixed and Mode II devices (it is not necessary for white space devices to apply security coding to channel availability and channel access information where they are not the originating or terminating device and that they simply pass through). (2) Communications between a Mode I device and a fixed or Mode II device for purposes of obtaining a list of available channels shall employ secure methods that ensure against corruption or unauthorized modification of the data. When a Mode I device makes a request to a fixed or Mode II device for a list of available channels, the receiving device shall check with the white space database that the Mode I device has a valid FCC Identifier before providing a list of available channels. Contact verification signals transmitted for Mode I devices are to be encoded with encryption to secure the identity of the transmitting device. Mode I devices using contact verification signals shall accept as valid for authorization only the signals of the device from which they obtained their list of available channels. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(3) A white space database shall be protected from unauthorized data input or alteration of stored data. To provide this protection, the white space database administrator shall establish communications authentication procedures that allow fixed, mobile, and Mode II white space devices to be assured that the data they receive is from an authorized source. (4) Applications for certification of white space devices shall include a high level operational description of the technologies and measures that are incorporated in the device to comply with the security requirements of this section. In addition, applications for certification of fixed, mobile, and Mode II white space devices shall identify at least one of the white space databases operated by a designated white space database administrator that the device will access for channel availability and affirm that the device will conform to the communications security methods used by that database. (k) _Requirements for mobile white space devices._ _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(1) Mobile white space devices shall operate within geo-fenced areas over which the white space database has determined channel availability. A mobile white space device shall have the capability to internally store the boundaries of a geo-fenced area and determine its location with respect to those boundaries. The area boundaries stored within a mobile white space device must be the same as those used by the white space database to determine channel availability. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(2) A mobile white space device shall incorporate a geo-location capability to determine its geographic coordinates. A mobile white space device may obtain its geographic coordinates through an external geo-location source, provided that source is on the same vehicle or other mobile platform as the mobile device. An external geo-location source may be connected to a mobile device through either a wired or a wireless connection, and a single geo-location source may provide location information to multiple mobile devices on the same mobile platform. An external geo-location source must be connected to a mobile device using a secure connection that ensures that only an external geo-location source that has been approved with a particular mobile device can provide geographic coordinates to that device. The geographic coordinates must be provided automatically by the external geo-location source to the mobile device; users may not manually enter them. Alternatively, an extender cable may be used to connect a remote receive antenna to a geo-location receiver within a mobile device. (3) The applicant for certification of a mobile device must demonstrate the accuracy of the geo-location method used and the location uncertainty as defined in [paragraph (b)](/on/2024-04-11/title-47/section-15.711#p-15.711(b)) of this section. For mobile devices that are not using an internal geo-location capability, this uncertainty must account for the accuracy of the geo-location source and the separation distance between such source and the white space device. _ *****
Metadata applicable to the next chunk of text delimited by five stars: >> METADATA START Document name: >> METADATA END ***** _(4) The antenna height above ground shall be determined by the operator of the device, or by an automatic means. The mobile device shall provide this information to the white space database when it requests a list of available channels for the geo-fenced area in which it will operate. (5) Each mobile device must access a white space database over the internet to determine the available channels and the maximum permitted power for each available channel within the geo-fenced area in which it will operate. The white space database must take into consideration the mobile device's antenna height above ground level and geo-location uncertainty in determining the list of available channels. It must also take into consideration any variation in mobile device HAAT throughout the geo-fenced area and must use the highest HAAT within the geo-fenced area in determining channel availability. Operation is permitted only on channels that are indicated by the database as being available at the same power level throughout the entire geo-fenced area in which the mobile device will operate. _ *****