% 19 5 24.pl x ctt3.pl |
% ["Short Arguments","Appearances.txt",0,algorithms,"3. I prepared to help the appearances, increase to academia, recommend meditation and improved logical thinking. I did this by stating that the student constructed a logic of the appearance. First, I observed the plebeian write the number of As on different topics. Second, I observed her either have children or something else. Third, I read research about graduating from the Master degree."] |
%tag("<&t>","</&t>","<&t,'","'>","</&t,'","'>"). |
/* |
p2lp for pl |
find strings in files |
insert tags (auto around strings) x |
approve tags x |
split strings by \n, \t, (tags x) |
delete white space strings |
save white space formatting at start and end of strings |
approve grammar x |
trans |
- delete missing strings from orig in data file |
- only unknown strings |
approve orig, trans, btt file by changing orig, orig2, trans |
save orig2, trans data |
sub back into copy of orig, (with tags x) |
render orig wo tags x |
* Use only with files without e.g. filenames as strings in Prolog, so use it with individual files that are data Prolog or text files. |
* gitl in ctt/lppm etc. |
*/ |
:-include('../listprologinterpreter/listprolog.pl'). |
:-include('../gitl/find_files.pl'). |
%:-include('../Prolog-to-List-Prolog/p2lpconverter.pl'). |
:-include('../List-Prolog-to-Prolog-Converter/lp2pconverter.pl'). |
:-include('../Philosophy/sub_term_with_address.pl'). |
:-include('../Daily-Regimen/chatgpt_qa.pl'). |
ctt3(Source,Dest,_Orig_lang,Dest_lang) :- |
(exists_file_s(Source)-> |
(open_string_file_s(Source,File1), |
Files=[[Source,File1]], |
Dest_type=file |
); |
(find_files(Source,Files), |
(not(exists_directory_s(Dest))->(writeln([Dest,"is not a directory."]),abort);true), |
Dest_type=folder |
)), |
findall(X,(member([X1,X2],Files), |
(string_concat(_,".pl",X1)-> |
(%trace, |
p2lpconverter([string,X2],LP), |
sub_term_types_wa([string],LP,Instances1), |
findall([Address,Z9],(member([Address,Y1],Instances1),%trace, |
find_formatting(Y1,Z9) |
),Z7), |
X=[stwa,X1,LP,Z7]); |
(%trace, |
find_formatting(X2,Z9), |
X=[string,X1,Z9]))),X3), |
findall(A9,(member(A10,X3), |
(A10=[stwa,X11,LP,X12]-> |
(findall([Address,A171],(member(A12,X12), |
A12=[Address,A13], |
findall(A14,(member(A15,A13), |
(is_white_space(A15)->A14=A15; |
(foldr(string_concat,["What is ",A15," in the language ",Dest_lang,"?"],S), |
(catch(q(S,A16),_,false)->A16=A14; |
(writeln("Translation failed."),abort))))),A17), |
foldr(string_concat,A17,A171) |
),A18), |
A9=[stwa,X11,LP,%X12, |
A18]); |
(A10=[string,X11,X12]-> |
findall(A14,(member(A15,X12), |
(is_white_space(A15)->A14=A15; |
(foldr(string_concat,["What is ",A15," in the language ",Dest_lang,"?"],S), |
(catch(q(S,A16),_,false)->A16=A14; |
(writeln("Translation failed."),abort))))),A17), |
foldr(string_concat,A17,A171), |
A9=[string,X11,A171]))),A19), |
findall(A20,(member(A21,A19), |
(A21=[string,X1,Z9]->A20=[X1,Z9]; |
(A21=[stwa,X11,LP,%X12, |
A18]-> |
(%trace, |
foldr(put_sub_term_wa_ae,A18,LP,X13), |
lp2p1(X13,X14), |
A20=[X11,X14])))),X21), |
%trace, |
findall(_,(member([K2,File2],X21), |
(Dest_type=file->K3=Dest; |
( |
(string_concat(S5,"/",Dest)->true;S5=Dest), |
split_string1(K2,"/",S2), |
append([S3],S4,S2), |
%foldr(string_concat,[S5,"/",S4],S6) |
flatten([S3,"/../",S5,S4],S6), |
foldr(string_concat,S6,K3))), |
open_s(K3,write,S), |
write(S,File2),close(S) |
),_),!. |
%q1(A,A). |
is_white_space(C) :- |
string_chars(C,D),forall(member(E,D),char_type(E,space)). |
find_spaces_before(A,A51,A8) :- |
string_chars(A,A1), |
findall(A2,(member(A3,A1),atom_string(A3,A2)),A4), |
append(A5,A6,A4), |
append([A7],_A8,A6), |
not(is_space(A7)), |
foldr(string_concat,A6,A8), |
foldr(string_concat,A5,A51),!. |
find_spaces_before(A,A,"") :- |
string_chars(A,A1), |
findall(A2,(member(A3,A1),atom_string(A3,A2)),A4), |
forall(member(A5,A4),is_space(A5)),!. |
find_spaces_before(A,"",A) :- !. |
find_spaces_after(A,A52,A8) :- |
string_chars(A,A1), |
findall(A2,(member(A3,A1),atom_string(A3,A2)),A4), |
reverse(A4,A41), |
append(A5,A6,A41), |
append([A7],_A8,A6), |
not(is_space(A7)), |
reverse(A6,A61), |
foldr(string_concat,A61,A8), |
reverse(A5,A51), |
foldr(string_concat,A51,A52),!. |
find_spaces_after(A,A,"") :- |
string_chars(A,A1), |
findall(A2,(member(A3,A1),atom_string(A3,A2)),A4), |
forall(member(A5,A4),is_space(A5)),!. |
find_spaces_after(A,"",A) :- !. |
find_spaces_before_and_after(A,Before,B,After) :- |
find_spaces_before(A,Before,C), |
find_spaces_after(C,After,B),!. |
find_formatting(Y1,Z9) :- |
split_on_substring1(Y1,"\n\t",Y2), |
findall(Z8,(member(Z1,Y2), |
find_spaces_before_and_after(Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4), |
delete([Z2,Z3,Z4],"",Z8)),Z5), |
flatten(Z5,Z9). |