% 11, total 17 |
/* |
f e.e. |
?- alg_gen. |
f is not in dictionary. Is it computational (y/n)? |
| y |
What is the command name for f (<return> for the same)? |
| |
e is not in dictionary. Is it computational (y/n)? |
| n |
What is the algorithm note for f? |
| f |
What is the command name for e (<return> for the same)? |
| |
What is the algorithm note for e? |
| e |
true. |
*/ |
% test then put q skips |
% for 80 algs |
% a b word c automate -> (word->word,automate->recurse) -> recurse(word) |
% - word or automate used if only a b or c present (or same with another sent), otherwise asks which words to use * x |
% collects words to note and discard (automatically discards connectives and any non-computational terms without brdict such as plus, variable, box, square, right, down), |
% asks about new words x |
% x discards conn and non comp words, asks about rest |
% x * |
% *** x records computational, discarded terms x |
% alg - takes previous status of word as arg or function, in previous relations (if has no function, then make function), if has no previous relation (and, a fn/arg) then ask |
% x uses previous relations |
% *** x records weightings of and uses algs (notes string) for single computational terms (also uses dict1 for converting to comp terms) |
% tech_dict.txt: automate,recurse, alg_dict.txt: [a, b, c, word,recurse],recurse(word) x |
% *** alg_gen_dict1.txt [add,sum], alg_gen_dict2.txt [sum,1,"1+1=2"] |
:-include('../Text-to-Breasonings/text_to_breasonings.pl'). |
:-include('../listprologinterpreter/la_files.pl'). |
alg_gen :- |
phrase_from_file_s(string(File), "../Text-to-Breasonings/file.txt"), |
string_codes(File_string0,File), |
downcase_atom(File_string0,File_string1), |
split_string(File_string1,".\n\r",".\n\r",File_string31), |
delete(File_string31,"",File_string3), |
% to delete connectives such as and, the |
% open_file_s("connectives.txt",Connectives), |
open_file_s("alg_gen3_dict1.txt",Alg_gen_dict1), |
open_file_s("alg_gen3_dict2.txt",Alg_gen_dict2), |
% * Recursively do it, replacing old dict entries |
alg_gen1(File_string3,Alg_gen_dict1,Alg_gen_dict1a,Alg_gen_dict2,Alg_gen_dict2a), |
save_file_s("alg_gen3_dict1.txt",Alg_gen_dict1a), |
save_file_s("alg_gen3_dict2.txt",Alg_gen_dict2a). |
alg_gen1([],Alg_gen_dict1,Alg_gen_dict1,Alg_gen_dict2,Alg_gen_dict2) :- !. |
alg_gen1(File_string3,Alg_gen_dict1,Alg_gen_dict1a,Alg_gen_dict2,Alg_gen_dict2a) :- |
File_string3=[File_string3a|Rest], |
%findall(Words1j,(member(File_string3a,File_string3), |
SepandPad="#@~%`$?-+*^,()|.:;=_/[]<>{}\n\r\s\t\\!'\"0123456789", |
split_string(File_string3a,SepandPad,SepandPad,File_string2), |
%trace, |
(findall([AA,AB%AD,AB,AF |
],(member(AA,File_string2),member([AA,AB],Alg_gen_dict1)%,member([AD,AB,AF],Alg_gen_dict2) |
),AC), |
findall(-,(member([_,-],AC)),AG), |
((length(AG,LA),length(AC,LA))-> |
subtract(Alg_gen_dict1,AC,Alg_gen_dict11); |
Alg_gen_dict1=Alg_gen_dict11)), |
repeat, |
% if l AC - l AG |
findall(-%[AA,AB%AD,AB,AF |
%] |
,(member(AA,File_string2),not(member([AA,AB],Alg_gen_dict1)))%,member([AD,AB,AF],Alg_gen_dict2) |
,AC1), |
(length(AC1,1)->Single=true;Single=false), |
%trace, |
alg_gen2(File_string2,Single,Alg_gen_dict11,Alg_gen_dict1b, |
Alg_gen_dict2,Alg_gen_dict2b, |
[],Alg_gen_dict3b, |
New_flag |
), |
% if a word is new, asks for the main term in the sentence, otherwise determines it from weights |
%trace, |
((not(var(New_flag)),New_flag=true)-> |
( |
term_to_atom(File_string3a,File_string3a1), |
(length(Alg_gen_dict3b,1)->S11=1; |
( |
length(Alg_gen_dict3b,L), |
numbers(L,1,[],N), |
findall([N1," - ",Item,"\n"],(member(N1,N),get_item_n(Alg_gen_dict3b,N1,Item)),List),foldr(append,List,[],Item2a), |
foldr(string_concat,Item2a,"",Item2), |
%term_to_atom(Alg_gen_dict3b,Alg_gen_dict3b1), |
foldr(string_concat,["The sentence: ",File_string3a1," has the computational terms:","\n",Item2,"What is the number of the main computational term?"],"",Prompt1), |
repeat, |
writeln(Prompt1), |
read_string(user_input,"\n","\r",_,S1), |
number_string(S11,S1) |
)), |
get_item_n(Alg_gen_dict3b,S11,Item3), |
Flag=true |
% |
%Alg_gen_dict2=Alg_gen_dict2c |
) |
; |
(%trace, |
(Alg_gen_dict3b=[]->fail;true), |
findall([Weight,M,Note],(member(M,File_string2),member([Weight,M,Note],Alg_gen_dict2)),M1), |
(M1=[]-> |
Flag=fail; |
(sort(M1,M2), |
reverse(M2,[[W,Item3,Note]|_]), |
Flag=true)))), |
% () * repeat, get A out of [A,B] |
% if a word's note is not in a_dict2, then asks for its alg |
(Flag=fail-> |
Alg_gen_dict2b=Alg_gen_dict2c; |
( |
(Note=(-)-> |
(foldr(string_concat,["What is the algorithm note for ",Item3,"?"],"",Prompt2), |
%repeat, |
writeln(Prompt2), |
read_string(user_input,"\n","\r",_,S4), |
%trace, |
member([W,Item3,_],Alg_gen_dict2b), |
delete(Alg_gen_dict2b,[W,Item3,_],Alg_gen_dict2c1), |
append(Alg_gen_dict2c1,[[W,Item3,S4]],Alg_gen_dict2c)) |
; |
Alg_gen_dict2b=Alg_gen_dict2c))), |
alg_gen1(Rest,Alg_gen_dict1b,Alg_gen_dict1a,Alg_gen_dict2c,Alg_gen_dict2a),!. |
%alg_gen1(Rest,Alg_gen_dict1a,Alg_gen_dict1b,Alg_gen_dict2a,Alg_gen_dict2b). |
alg_gen2([],_,Alg_gen_dict1,Alg_gen_dict1, |
Alg_gen_dict2,Alg_gen_dict2, |
Alg_gen_dict3,Alg_gen_dict3, |
_New_flag |
) :- !. |
alg_gen2(File_string2,Single,Alg_gen_dict1a1,Alg_gen_dict1b, |
Alg_gen_dict2a1,Alg_gen_dict2b, |
Alg_gen_dict3a,Alg_gen_dict3b, |
New_flag |
) :- |
alg_gen3(File_string2,Alg_gen_dict1a1,Alg_gen_dict1a, |
Alg_gen_dict2a1,Alg_gen_dict2a, |
[],Alg_gen_dict4a), |
File_string2=[File_string22|Rest], |
length(Alg_gen_dict4a,L), |
numbers(L,1,[],N), |
(Alg_gen_dict4a=[]-> |
( |
Alg_gen_dict1a=Alg_gen_dict1d, |
Alg_gen_dict2a=Alg_gen_dict2d, |
Alg_gen_dict3a=Alg_gen_dict3d |
) |
; |
( |
term_to_atom(File_string2,File_string3a1), |
(length(Alg_gen_dict4a,1)->SS=[1]; |
( |
findall([N1," - ",Item,"\n"],(member(N1,N),get_item_n(Alg_gen_dict4a,N1,Item)),List),foldr(append,List,[],Item2a), |
foldr(string_concat,Item2a,"",Item2), |
%term_to_atom(Alg_gen_dict3b,Alg_gen_dict3b1), |
foldr(string_concat,["The sentence: ",File_string3a1," has the undefined words:","\n",Item2,"What are the numbers of the computational terms?"],"",Prompt1), |
repeat, |
writeln(Prompt1), |
read_string(user_input,"\n","\r",_,S1), |
split_string(S1,", ",", ",S3), |
%trace, |
findall(S5,(member(S4,S3),number_string(S5,S4)),SS))), |
%trace, |
findall(Item3,(member(S5,SS),get_item_n(Alg_gen_dict4a,S5,Item3)),S6), |
findall(Item3,(member(S5,N),not(member(S5,SS)), |
get_item_n(Alg_gen_dict4a,S5,Item3)),S7), |
%Flag=true, |
% |
%Alg_gen_dict2=Alg_gen_dict2c |
/* |
File_string2=[Word|Rest], |
% if a word is not in a_dict1, then asks for that word's status or computational version |
(member([Word,Words1d],Alg_gen_dict1a)-> |
(Alg_gen_dict1a=Alg_gen_dict1c, |
member([W,Words1d,Note],Alg_gen_dict2a), |
W1 is W+1, |
delete(Alg_gen_dict2a,[W,Words1d,Note],Alg_gen_dict2a1), |
append(Alg_gen_dict2a1,[[W1,Words1d,Note]],Alg_gen_dict2c), |
append(Alg_gen_dict3a,[Words1d],Alg_gen_dict3c) |
) |
; |
(foldr(string_concat,[Word," is not in dictionary. Is it computational (y/n)?"],"",Prompt1), |
%repeat, |
(Single=true->S1="y"; |
(writeln(Prompt1), |
read_string(user_input,"\n","\r",_,S1))), |
(S1="y"-> |
*/ |
alg_gen4(S6,Alg_gen_dict1a,Alg_gen_dict1c, |
Alg_gen_dict2a,Alg_gen_dict2c, |
Alg_gen_dict3a,Alg_gen_dict3c, |
New_flag), |
alg_gen5(S7,Alg_gen_dict1c,Alg_gen_dict1d, |
Alg_gen_dict2c,Alg_gen_dict2d, |
Alg_gen_dict3c,Alg_gen_dict3d) |
)), |
/* |
findall(*,(member(S7,S6),foldr(string_concat,["What is the command name for ",S7," (<return> for the same)?"],"",Prompt2), |
%repeat, |
writeln(Prompt2), |
read_string(user_input,"\n","\r",_,S2), |
(S2=""->S3=Word;S3=S2), |
append(Alg_gen_dict1a,[[Word,S3]],Alg_gen_dict1c), |
append(Alg_gen_dict2a,[[0,S3,-]],Alg_gen_dict2c), |
append(Alg_gen_dict3a,[S3],Alg_gen_dict3c), |
New_flag=true |
); |
(append(Alg_gen_dict1a,[[Word,-]],Alg_gen_dict1c), |
Alg_gen_dict2a=Alg_gen_dict2c, |
Alg_gen_dict3a=Alg_gen_dict3c) |
))), |
*/ |
alg_gen2(Rest,Single,Alg_gen_dict1d,Alg_gen_dict1b, |
Alg_gen_dict2d,Alg_gen_dict2b, |
Alg_gen_dict3d,Alg_gen_dict3b, |
New_flag |
). |
alg_gen3([],Alg_gen_dict1,Alg_gen_dict1, |
Alg_gen_dict2,Alg_gen_dict2, |
Alg_gen_dict3,Alg_gen_dict3) :- !. |
alg_gen3(File_string2,Alg_gen_dict1a,Alg_gen_dict1b, |
Alg_gen_dict2a,Alg_gen_dict2b, |
Alg_gen_dict3a,Alg_gen_dict3b) :- |
File_string2=[Word|Rest], |
% if a word is not in a_dict1, then asks for that word's status or computational version |
(member([Word,Words1d],Alg_gen_dict1a)-> |
(Alg_gen_dict1a=Alg_gen_dict1c, |
member([W,Words1d,Note],Alg_gen_dict2a), |
W1 is W+1, |
delete(Alg_gen_dict2a,[W,Words1d,Note],Alg_gen_dict2a1), |
append(Alg_gen_dict2a1,[[W1,Words1d,Note]],Alg_gen_dict2c), |
Alg_gen_dict3a=Alg_gen_dict3c |
) |
; |
(Alg_gen_dict1a=Alg_gen_dict1c, |
Alg_gen_dict2a=Alg_gen_dict2c, |
append(Alg_gen_dict3a,[Word%Words1d |
],Alg_gen_dict3c) |
) |
), |
alg_gen3(Rest,Alg_gen_dict1c,Alg_gen_dict1b, |
Alg_gen_dict2c,Alg_gen_dict2b, |
Alg_gen_dict3c,Alg_gen_dict3b). |
alg_gen4([],Alg_gen_dict1,Alg_gen_dict1, |
Alg_gen_dict2,Alg_gen_dict2, |
Alg_gen_dict3,Alg_gen_dict3, |
_New_flag) :- !. |
alg_gen4(S6,Alg_gen_dict1a,Alg_gen_dict1b, |
Alg_gen_dict2a,Alg_gen_dict2b, |
Alg_gen_dict3a,Alg_gen_dict3b, |
New_flag) :- |
S6=[S7|S8], |
foldr(string_concat,["What is the command name for ",S7," (<return> for the same)?"],"",Prompt2), |
%repeat, |
writeln(Prompt2), |
read_string(user_input,"\n","\r",_,S2), |
(S2=""->S3=S7;S3=S2), |
append(Alg_gen_dict1a,[[S7,S3]],Alg_gen_dict1c), |
append(Alg_gen_dict2a,[[0,S3,-]],Alg_gen_dict2c), |
append(Alg_gen_dict3a,[S3],Alg_gen_dict3c), |
New_flag=true, |
alg_gen4(S8,Alg_gen_dict1c,Alg_gen_dict1b, |
Alg_gen_dict2c,Alg_gen_dict2b, |
Alg_gen_dict3c,Alg_gen_dict3b, |
New_flag). |
alg_gen5([],Alg_gen_dict1,Alg_gen_dict1, |
Alg_gen_dict2,Alg_gen_dict2, |
Alg_gen_dict3,Alg_gen_dict3) :- !. |
alg_gen5(S7,Alg_gen_dict1a,Alg_gen_dict1b, |
Alg_gen_dict2a,Alg_gen_dict2b, |
Alg_gen_dict3a,Alg_gen_dict3b) :- |
S7=[Word|S8], |
append(Alg_gen_dict1a,[[Word,-]],Alg_gen_dict1c), |
Alg_gen_dict2a=Alg_gen_dict2c, |
Alg_gen_dict3a=Alg_gen_dict3c, |
alg_gen5(S8,Alg_gen_dict1c,Alg_gen_dict1b, |
Alg_gen_dict2c,Alg_gen_dict2b, |
Alg_gen_dict3c,Alg_gen_dict3b). |
% * if not in a_dict1, * |
/* |
findall(Words1e,(member(Words1c,File_string2), |
(member([Words1c,Words1d],Alg_gen_dict1)->Words1e=Words1d; |
Words1e=Words1c)),Words1f), |
subtract(Words1f,Connectives,Words1g1), |
% remove duplicates |
sort(Words1g1,Words1h), |
(member([Words1h,_A],Alg_dict)->fail*; |
( |
term_to_atom(Words1f,Words1g), |
foldr(string_concat,"What are the [Computational_words,Algorithm] for: ",Words1g, |
"\n","e.g. [[[word,word],[automate,recurse]], [recurse(word)]] ?",Prompt), |
repeat, |
writeln(Prompt), |
read_string(user_input,"\n","\r",_,S), |
term_to_atom(S1,S), |
S1=[Computational_words,_Algorithm], |
findall([A1,B1],(member([A,B],Computational_words), |
(string_atom(A1,A),string_atom(B1,B))),Computational_words1), |
findall(Words1e,(member(Words1c,Words1h), |
(member([Words1c,Words1d],Computational_words1)-> |
Words1e=Words1d; |
Words1e=Words1c)),Words1j) |
))),Words1k), |
% foldr(append,Words1k,[],Words1m), |
append() |
*/ |