% 17 3 24 |
% 16 so far |
% "Time Travel","People 1.txt",0,algorithms,"2. The aliens have different animals they have evolved from" |
% The following are theories. |
ancestor(different). |
medicine(different). |
culture(different). |
pedagogy(same). |
meditation(same). |
computers(same). |
simulation(same). |
immortality(same). |
% ["Short Arguments","Gridline 2.txt",0,algorithms,"3. I noted the height of the meniscus. I measured the meniscuses. I read the value for the bottom of the meniscus. I read the value for the top of the meniscus. I used the correct value."] |
concave(bottom). % u |
convex(top). % ^ |
% ["Creating and Helping Pedagogues","CREATE AND HELP PEDAGOGUES by Lucian Green Pedagogy Helper - Write on Breasoning - Computer Science 3 of 4.txt",0,algorithms," 45. I plugged Simulated Intelligence (SI) into people."] |
% br with pos |
% ?- new_t2b("Mara wrote the pear.",B,XYZ),length(B,L),numbers(L,1,[],N),findall([B1,XYZ1],(member(N1,N),get_item_n(B,N1,B1),get_item_n(XYZ,N1,XYZ1)),List),writeln(List). |
% [[person,[50,30,180]],[square,[1,1,0]],[pen,[15,0.5,0.5]],[square,[1,1,0]],[down,[1,1,0]],[square,[1,1,0]],[pear,[5,5,10]],[block,[1,1,1]]] |
:-include('../listprologinterpreter/listprolog.pl'). |
new_t2b(S,B,XYZ) :- downcase_atom(S,S1),string_codes(S1,C),phrase(s(B),C),maplist(br,B,XYZ),!. |
s(B) --> noun1(B1), space(B2), verb(B3), space(B4), noun1(B5), full_stop(B6), {foldr(append,[B1,[B2],[B3],[B4],B5,[B6]],B)}. |
noun1(B) --> determiner(B1), space(B2), noun(B3), {foldr(append,[[B1],[B2],[B3]],B)}. |
noun1(B) --> noun(B1), {foldr(append,[[B1]],B)}. |
determiner("down") --> "the". |
determiner("down") --> "an". |
determiner("down") --> "a". |
space("square") --> " ". |
full_stop("block") --> ".". |
noun("pear") --> "pear". |
noun("person") --> "mara". |
verb("pen") --> "wrote". |
verb("mouth") --> "addressed". |
br("down", [1,1,0]). |
br("square",[1,1,0]). |
br("block", [1,1,1]). |
br("pear", [5,5,10]). |
br("person",[50,30,180]). |
br("pen", [15,0.5,0.5]). |
br("mouth", [4,0,1]). |
% br with sent and alg |
% types |
% eg type_checker([c1(a,b),c2(a),c3(b,c)],Types). |
% Types = [c1(atom, number), c2(atom), c3(number, string)]. |
type_checker([],[]). |
type_checker([C1|C],[T1|T]) :- |
functor(C1,C2,Ar), |
(Ar=1-> |
(arg(1,C1,A1), |
type(A1,T2), |
type(C2,T2), |
functor(T1,C2,Ar),arg(1,T1,T2)); |
(Ar=2, |
arg(1,C1,A1),arg(2,C1,A2), |
type(A1,T2),type(A2,T3), |
type(C2,T2,T3), |
functor(T1,C2,Ar),arg(1,T1,T2),arg(2,T1,T3))), |
type_checker(C,T). |
type(a,atom). |
type(b,number). |
type(c,string). |
type(c1,atom,number). |
type(c2,atom). |
type(c3,number,string). |
% types with a sentence |
% eg types_to_sentence([c1(atom, number), c2(atom), c3(number, string), c4(string, atom)],S). |
% S = "I converted the value from an atom to a number, checked it was an atom, then converted it to a string, then back to an atom." |
types_to_sentence([],[]). |
types_to_sentence(T,S) :- |
findall(T1b,(member(T1,T), |
((functor(T1,C2,2),arg(1,T1,A1),arg(2,T1,A2))->T1b=[C2,A1,A2]; |
(functor(T1,C2,1),arg(1,T1,A1),T1b=[C2,A1]))),T2b), |
t2s(T2b,[],S1,T2b),foldr(string_concat,S1,S),!. |
t2s([],S,S,_). |
t2s([T1|T2b],S1,S2,SS) :- |
S1=[], |
(T1=[_,A1,A2]->(det(A1,DA1),det(A2,DA2),foldr(string_concat,["I converted the value from ",DA1," ",A1," to ",DA2," ",A2,""],S3)); |
(T1=[_,A1]->(det(A1,DA1),foldr(string_concat,["I checked the value was ",DA1," ",A1,""],S3)))), |
append(S1,[S3],S4), |
t2s(T2b,S4,S2,SS). |
t2s([T1],S1,S2,SS) :- |
not(S1=[]), |
(T1=[_,_A1,A2]->(det(A2,DA2),findall(X,member([_,X,_],SS),X1),(member(A2,X1)->W="back";W=""),foldr(string_concat,[", then ",W," to ",DA2," ",A2,"."],S3)); |
(T1=[_,A1]->(det(A1,DA1),findall(X,member([_,X],SS),X1),(member(A1,X1)->W=" again";W=""),foldr(string_concat,[", then checked it was ",DA1," ",A1,W,"."],S3)))), |
append(S1,[S3],S4), |
t2s([],S4,S2,SS). |
t2s([T1|T2b],S1,S2,SS) :- |
not(S1=[]), |
(T1=[_,_A1,A2]->(det(A2,DA2),foldr(string_concat,[", then converted it to ",DA2," ",A2,""],S3)); |
(T1=[_,A1]->(det(A1,DA1),foldr(string_concat,[", checked it was ",DA1," ",A1,""],S3)))), |
append(S1,[S3],S4), |
t2s(T2b,S4,S2,SS). |
det(atom,an). |
det(number,a). |
det(string,a). |
% 68 in total |