% 16 9 23 |
% 35-7=28 algs |
% ["Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Pedagogy Indicators","FUNDAMENTALS OF PEDAGOGY by Lucian Green Two Uses 19 of 30.txt",0,algorithms,"186. ALEXIS: The subject should include 50 As in each book."] |
book1(book1,50). |
book1(book2,60). |
book1(book3,25). |
book1(book4,0). |
book1(book5,50). |
% ?- all_fifty(D). |
% D = [[book1, 50], [book2, 60], [book5, 50]]. |
all_fifty(Data):-findall([Name,Number],(book1(Name,Number),Number >=50),Data). |
/* |
?- pretty_print_table([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]). |
1 2 3 |
4 5 6 |
7 8 9 |
*/ |
pretty_print_table(Data) :- |
findall(_,(member(Item,Data), |
findall(_,(member(Item1,Item),write(Item1),write("\t")),_), |
writeln("")),_). |
% pretty_print_nd([[[1,2],[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4]]]). |
/* |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
pretty_print_nd([[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4]]],[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4]]]]). |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
pretty_print_nd([[[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4]]],[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4]]]],[[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4]]],[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4]]]]]). |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
1 2 |
3 4 |
*/ |
pretty_print_nd(Data):- |
findall(_,(member(Item,Data), |
((is_list(Item),Item=[Item1|_],is_list(Item1),Item1=[Item2|_], |
not(is_list(Item2)))-> |
(pretty_print_table(Item),nl); |
pretty_print_nd(Item) |
) |
),_). |
/* |
?- pretty_print_all_fifty. |
book1 50 |
book2 60 |
book5 50 |
*/ |
pretty_print_all_fifty :- |
all_fifty(Data), |
pretty_print_table(Data). |
% 28-14=14 |
% ["Delegate workloads, Lecturer, Recordings","Delegate Workloads 1.txt",0,algorithms," 32. I compared notes."] |
:-include('../listprologinterpreter/la_maths.pl'). |
/* |
find_complexity(n,C). |
C = n. |
find_complexity(sqrn, C). |
C=sqrn. |
*/ |
n(N,N1) :- n(N,[],N1). |
n([],N,N) :- !. |
n(N,N1,N2) :- N=[N31|N32], |
append(N1,[N31],N4), |
%N4 is N1+1, |
n(N32,N4,N2). |
sqrn(Ns,N1) :- %numbers(N,1,[],Ns), |
findall([N2,N3],(member(N2,Ns),member(N3,Ns)),N1). |
find_complexity(Name,Complexity) :- |
N0=10, |
numbers(N0,1,[],N01), |
(Name=n->n(N01,N1); |
Name=sqrn->sqrn(N01,N1)), |
N2 is N0^2, |
numbers(N2,1,[],Ns2), |
(close1(N01,N1)->Complexity=n; |
close1(N1,Ns2)->Complexity=sqrn). |
close1(N0,N1) :- |
length(N0,L0), |
length(N1,L1), |
L11 is L1-1, |
L12 is L1+1, |
L11<L0,L0=<L12. |
%14-8=6 left |
% complexity_from_findall([],C). |
% C = n^0. |
% complexity_from_findall([[m,a,b]],C). |
% C = n^1. |
% complexity_from_findall([[m,a,b],[m,c,b]],C). |
% C = n^2. |
% complexity_from_findall([[m,a,b],[m,c,b],[m,d,b]],C). |
% C = n^3. |
% complexity_from_findall([[m,a,b],[m,c,b],[m,d,b],[m,e,b]],C). |
% C = n^4. |
complexity_from_findall(L,n^C) :- |
length(L,C). |