% 10 4 23.pl |
% 19 algs done |
:-include('../listprologinterpreter/listprolog.pl'). |
% 11. I prepared to test a philosophy over time. I did this by writing the philosophy that there are three parts of a philosophy. First, I read the introduction to Melchior. Second, I enjoyed the mid-section on the set of Excelsior. Third, I mercurially concluded the endgame. In this way, I prepared to test a philosophy over time by writing the philosophy that there are three parts of a philosophy. |
% beginnings_middles_ends(10,5,BME). |
% [[1,[1,2,3,4,5]],[2,[1,2,3,4,5]],[3,[1,2,3,4,5]],[4,[1,2,3,4,5]],[5,[1,2,3,4,5]],[6,[1,2,3,4,5]],[7,[1,2,3,4,5]],[8,[1,2,3,4,5]],[9,[1,2,3,4,5]],[10,[1,2,3,4,5]]] |
beginnings_middles_ends(Number_of_lines1,Max_line_length,BME) :- |
generate_lines(Number_of_lines1,Max_line_length,[],L1), |
foldr(append,L1,L2), |
permutation(L2,L3), |
findall(Item,member([Item,_],L3),Items1), |
sort(Items1,Items2), |
findall([Item2,Items4],(member(Item2,Items2), |
findall(Item3,member([Item2,Item3],L3),Items3), |
sort(Items3,Items4)),BME),!. |
generate_lines(0,_Max_line_length,L,L) :- !. |
generate_lines(Number_of_lines1,Max_line_length,L1,L2) :- |
numbers(Max_line_length,1,[],L3), |
findall([Number_of_lines1,Item],member(Item,L3),L4), |
append(L1,[L4],L5), |
Number_of_lines2 is Number_of_lines1-1, |
generate_lines(Number_of_lines2,Max_line_length,L5,L2). |
% 21. I prepared to breason out the seen-as object, for each sentence of a VET course I wrote, with 5 breasonings. I did this by writing 20 breasonings (an 80 breasoning-long A) per sentence. First, I wrote the question's A. Second, I wrote the answer's A. Third, I wrote a connection A between the question A and answer A. In this way, I prepared to breason out the seen-as object, for each sentence of a VET course I wrote, with 5 breasonings by writing 20 breasonings (an 80 breasoning-long A) per sentence. |
% key word in sentence |
% phrase(sentence(A),[the,john,read,to,sera]). |
sentence(_)-->subject(_),verb_phrase(_). |
verb_phrase(_)-->verb(_),person(_). |
subject(_)-->determiner(_),person(_). |
verb(_)-->[walked,to]. |
verb(_)-->[saw]. |
verb(_)-->[talked,to]. |
verb(_)-->[read,to]. |
verb(_)-->[wrote,to]. |
determiner(_)-->[the]. |
determiner(_)-->[a]. |
person(_)-->[john]. |
person(_)-->[peter]. |
person(_)-->[eshan]. |
person(_)-->[mary]. |
person(_)-->[james]. |
person(_)-->[jonno]. |
person(_)-->[jonny]. |
person(_)-->[richard]. |
person(_)-->[sera]. |