%% Writes and breasons out random algorithms with predicates |
:- use_module(library(date)). |
rcawp1(N) :- |
get_time(TS),stamp_date_time(TS,date(Year,Month, |
Day,Hour1,Minute1,_Seconda,_A,_TZ,_False),local), |
concat_list("rcawp", |
[Year,Month,Day,Hour1,Minute1,".txt"],File1), |
string_concat("./",File1,File2), |
leash(-all),visible(+all), |
protocol(File1), |
time(rcawp2(N)), |
noprotocol, |
%%texttobr2(u,File2,u,u),texttobr(u,File2,u,u). |
writeln([File2,"not t2b2'ed out. Please do manually."]). |
rcawp2(0) :- !. |
rcawp2(Count1) :- |
writeln([algorithm,Count1]), |
random(N1),N2 is round(N1*1000), |
random(N3),N4 is round(N3*1000), |
N5 is N2+N4, |
%%caw00(off,function0,[],1,4,[[[[[v,a],N2],[[v,b],N4]], |
%% [[[v,c],N5]],true]],[],Program), |
writeln(Program), |
writeln(""), |
%%trace, |
%%interpret(off,[[n,function0],[N2,N4,[v,c]]],Program, |
%% _A), %% Replaced [[[v,c],N5]] with _A |
%%notrace, |
writeln(""), |
writeln(""), |
Count2 is Count1-1, |
rcawp2(Count2). |
concat_list(A,[],A) :-!. |
concat_list(A,List,B) :- |
List=[Item|Items], |
concat_list2(A,[Item],C), |
concat_list(C,Items,B). |
concat_list2(A,List,C) :- |
((List=[[Item]]->true;List=[Item])-> |
string_concat(A,Item,C); |
fail),!. |
concat_list2(A,Item,C) :- |
concat_list(A,Item,C),!. |