% big_medit2.pl |
:-include('../listprologinterpreter/listprolog.pl'). |
:-include('../Text-to-Breasonings/meditatorsanddoctors.pl'). |
:-include('../Text-to-Breasonings/meditationnoreplace2.pl'). |
:-include('../Text-to-Breasonings/prompt_question1.pl'). |
:-include('../Text-to-Breasonings/prompt_meditation1.pl'). |
main:-catch(main2,Err,handle_error(Err)),halt. |
handle_error(_Err):- |
halt(1). |
main :- halt(1). |
main2 :- |
((exists_file('../Text-to-Breasonings/b1'), |
exists_file('../Text-to-Breasonings/b2'), |
exists_file('../Text-to-Breasonings/c1'), |
exists_file('../Text-to-Breasonings/c2'))-> |
true; |
shell1_s("./d-prep.sh")), |
shell1_s("./add_to_tt_log.sh"), |
meditators(A),meditators2(B),length(A,AL),length(B,BL),CL is AL+BL, |
meditation1(Utterances1,Utterances2,Immortality), |
length(Utterances1,UL1), |
length(Utterances2,UL2), |
length(Immortality,J2), |
% breasonings: |
N1 is 2*108*250 + % meditation |
16000 + 4 + % texttobr2_square |
160 + % 160 combophil br |
15*3*4*16000 + % d.sh |
3*10*4*16000 + % day2.sh |
% with medit, tt, medic frozen age, |
% hq thought |
250*CL + % a15_meditators.sh prepares an apartment |
% in each dimension for meditators by |
% helping 15 of those around them |
3*10*(UL1+UL2)*250 + % daily_medit.sh |
3*10*J2*250, |
GM is 250*CL, % group_meditation.sh |
C1 is GM + |
16000, % time_hop.sh |
C2 is GM, |
bc12, |
destination(N1,C1,C2,"Going to present"), |
destination(N1,C1,C2,"Going to 5689"), |
point_to_br(N1), |
!. |
bc12 :- |
working_directory1(WD,WD), |
working_directory1(_,"../Text-to-Breasonings"), |
shell1_s("./bc12.sh"), |
working_directory1(_,WD),!. |
point_to_br(T) :- |
N2 is (T div 16000)+1, |
texttobr2_1(N2),!. |
destination(N1,C1,C2,Label) :- |
point_to_br(N1), |
prompt_question, |
prompt_meditation, |
write(Label),prompt_tt, |
point_to_br(C1), |
bc12, |
point_to_br(C2), |
prompt_meditation,!. |
prompt_tt :- write(" "), |
repeat,writeln("Please enter \"y\":"), |
read_string(user_input,"\n\r","\n\r",_,S), |
S="y",!. |