, Aphrodite returned to Cyprus Aphrodite returned to Cyprus , Zeus , married hastily the most famous story , Zeus hastily married Aphrodite Zeus hastily married Aphrodite to of Hephaestus , gave the myth the myth , Hephaestus gave his mother , Hephaestus gave his mother Hera Hephaestus gave his mother Hera a golden throne almost always by accompanied Eros always by accompanied Eros , by accompanied Eros , the god Hesiod " , describes his "Theogony " , Hesiod describes Eros , Hesiod describes Eros as Hesiod describes Eros as one The Greek lyric poets regarded the power of Eros the sixth-century BC poet Sappho " remarks that Theocritus's "Idylls Aphrodite's main attendants were the three Charites , whom Hesiod the three Charites , were whom Aphrodite's other set of attendants was the three Horae In Hera , cursed another version another version , Hera cursed Aphrodite's unborn son , Hera cursed Aphrodite's unborn son because Hera he cursed because Aphrodite's unborn son he cursed because Aphrodite's unborn son had gave she , was birth she , was birth horrified he , so caused mortals Aphrodite appears to Anchises in her sees dressed in bright clothing and gleaming jewelry Aphrodite lies and tells him Aphrodite she tells that Anchises she tells that Anchises is Anchises takes Aphrodite , with her eyes takes , with Aphrodite complete , Aphrodite reveals her true divine form The earliest known Greek reference to comes Adonis from Later references flesh out the story references flesh out the story with Aphrodite found the baby , and She returned for him once he for returned once him Persephone wanted to keep Adonis Zeus settled the dispute by decreeing Adonis chose to spend that time was either by sent Ares either by sent Ares , who by sent , Ares The story also provides an etiology for mourned she , caused Adonis's death anemones , she caused Adonis's death of Aphrodite , injured the story the story , Aphrodite injured herself , Aphrodite injured herself on Aphrodite injured herself on a thorn The myth of associated is Adonis
Lesbos by seems , Sappho's time by seems , Sappho's time to the women , plant would the festival , the women would plant a "garden the women would plant a "garden of The women would then climb ladders The plants would sprout in the sunlight to Aphrodite , aided one myth one myth , Aphrodite aided Hippomenes , Aphrodite aided Hippomenes , Aphrodite aided Hippomenes , a noble youth who aided , a noble youth Hippomenes Atalanta she was and an exceedingly swift runner she was and an exceedingly swift runner beheaded Aphrodite gave Hippomenes three golden apples from Hippomenes obeyed Aphrodite's order and Atalanta she , so causes her aid by is first mentioned Pygmalion is first by mentioned the third-century BC Greek writer Philostephanus first by mentioned the third-century BC Greek writer Philostephanus of by mentioned the third-century BC Greek writer Philostephanus of Cyrene to Pygmalion , was Ovid Ovid , Pygmalion was an exceedingly handsome sculptor , Pygmalion was an exceedingly handsome sculptor from Pygmalion was an exceedingly handsome sculptor from the island to the goddess , brought Aphrodite Aphrodite , the goddess brought the statue , the goddess brought the statue to the goddess brought the statue to life Pygmalion the statue married the girl became the statue married the girl became and Aphrodite generously who rewarded those generously who rewarded those honored who those rewarded honored her to the goddess , cursed Aphrodite Aphrodite , the goddess cursed them , the goddess cursed them to the goddess cursed them to stink , their husbands started having sex their husbands started having sex with , the women of murdered Lemnos the women of Lemnos murdered the entire male population on they , mated Lemnos they , mated Lemnos with , they mated with the sex-starved women they mated with the sex-starved women under Theseus's son , worships Hippolytus 428 BC , Theseus's son Hippolytus worships only Artemis Theseus's son Hippolytus worships only Artemis , Aphrodite is by infuriated his prideful behavior is by infuriated his prideful behavior and by infuriated his prideful behavior and , rejected , Phaedra commits suicide
, Phaedra commits suicide and Phaedra commits suicide and leaves Theseus prays to Poseidon to Poseidon sends a wild bull to scare Glaucus of Corinth angered Aphrodite by refusing of Aphrodite , drove King Pelias King Pelias , Aphrodite drove his horses , Aphrodite drove his horses mad Aphrodite drove his horses mad and they his horses drove and mad Polyphonte who was a young woman chose who a young woman was chose a virginal life Aphrodite cursed her , causing her cursed , causing her Oreius , who were wild cannibals , who were wild cannibals incurred who wild cannibals were incurred the hatred to a jealous Aphrodite , cursed Pseudo-Apollodorus Pseudo-Apollodorus , a jealous Aphrodite cursed Eos , a jealous Aphrodite cursed Eos , a jealous Aphrodite cursed Eos , the goddess Therefore , Aphrodite turn them , Aphrodite turn them into Aphrodite turn them into the world's first prostitutes upon the goddess , cursed their shore their shore , the goddess cursed them , the goddess cursed them with the goddess cursed them with insanity In they , raped their madness their madness , they raped Halia As Poseidon , buried punishment punishment , Poseidon buried them , Poseidon buried them in Poseidon buried them in the island's sea-caverns , Leucippus fell in love Leucippus fell in love with They the girl started but a secret relationship the girl started but a secret relationship was Xanthius went straight to his daughter's chamber she enter , tried him he had to leave the country and he slept with her he slept with her unknowingly she eventually transformed into the myrrh tree Cinyras has also three another daughters and Mousa Clio derided the goddess' own love for Adonis , Clio fell in love Clio fell in love with Aegialeia was a daughter of Adrastus against She , had Troy Troy , She had multiple lovers , She had multiple lovers , She had multiple lovers , including threaten he , fled his life he , fled his life to , he fled to Italy Pasiphae did not make offerings Her son only venerated Ares and
Aphrodite cursed him with falling up he , threw his chastity his chastity , he threw himself , he threw himself into he threw himself into the river Amazonius the Muse Calliope , Orpheus's mother judged Zeus , Orpheus's mother the Muse Calliope judged the dispute Orpheus's mother the Muse Calliope judged the dispute between the Muse Calliope judged the dispute between the goddesses The myth of mentioned is the Judgement of Paris she , so arrived this so she arrived with a golden apple she arrived with a golden apple inscribed The goddesses chose to place the matter , the goddesses appeared before Paris the goddesses appeared before Paris for they , so resorted them so they resorted to bribes Hera tried to bribe Paris This woman who was , Helen who was , Helen was Paris selected Aphrodite and awarded Aphrodite plays an important and active role throughout the entirety In she , rescues Book III Book III , she rescues Paris , she rescues Paris from she rescues Paris from Menelaus She then appears to Helen Helen immediately recognizes Aphrodite by Aphrodite sharply rebukes Helen , In Aphrodite , charges Book V Aphrodite , charges Book V into , Aphrodite charges into battle Aphrodite charges into battle to Diomedes recognizes Aphrodite as a "weakling" goddess Zeus chides her for putting this scene , parallels directly Walter Burkert , this scene directly parallels a scene this scene directly parallels a scene from during Aphrodite , lends the "Dios Apate" episode the "Dios Apate" episode , Aphrodite lends her "kestos himas , Aphrodite lends her "kestos himas " Aphrodite lends her "kestos himas " to Aphrodite's most prominent avian symbol which was , the dove which was , the dove was Aphrodite frequently appears with doves Aphrodite , associated was the sea Aphrodite was associated with a number Aphrodite's other symbols included the sea , conch shells Her most important fruit emblem was the apple , but she was , but the apple Aphrodite rising from appears the sea Aphrodite shows rising from the sea In the Athenian sculptor Praxiteles , carved BC
BC , the Athenian sculptor Praxiteles carved the marble statue , the Athenian sculptor Praxiteles carved the marble statue "Aphrodite the Athenian sculptor Praxiteles carved the marble statue "Aphrodite of a nude Aphrodite showed modestly covering her pubic region The "Aphrodite of Knidos " was the first full-sized statue to The statue was by purchased the people was by purchased the people of by purchased the people of Knidos Apelles , inspired was Athenaeus many of modeled were these statues naked ; others show her wringing water ; others show her wringing water out others show her wringing water out of ; this type of shows sculpture this type of Aphrodite shows sculpture of Aphrodite shows sculpture lifting Aphrodite shows sculpture lifting her Early Christians frequently adapted pagan iconography to In Christians , adapted the Early Middle Ages the Early Middle Ages , Christians adapted elements , Christians adapted elements of Christians adapted elements of Aphrodite/Venus's iconography a female orant , shown is the sixth century AD a female orant is shown wearing Aphrodite's conch shell Numerous Roman mosaics of survived Venus in in Fulgentius of Ruspe , encountered the late fifth century AD the late fifth century AD , Fulgentius of Ruspe encountered mosaics , Fulgentius of Ruspe encountered mosaics of Fulgentius of Ruspe encountered mosaics of Aphrodite Meanwhile , Isidore denigrated Aphrodite/Venus's son , Isidore denigrated Aphrodite/Venus's son Eros/Cupid Isidore denigrated Aphrodite/Venus's son Eros/Cupid as Aphrodite is the central figure in Sandro Botticelli's painting "Primavera Artists also drew inspiration from also partially by inspired a description partially by inspired a description by by inspired a description by Poliziano Later Italian renditions of include the same scene Italian renditions of the same scene include Titian's "Venus Anadyomene Jacques-Louis David's final work was his 1824 "magnum opus " , on David , described the painting the painting , David described it , David described it , David described it , saying I will put the date of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres's painting "Venus Anadyomene " was one Louis Geofroy described it as a "dream Paintings of Venus were favorites In Alexandre Cabanel , won 1863
1863 , Alexandre Cabanel won widespread critical acclaim , Alexandre Cabanel won widespread critical acclaim at Alexandre Cabanel won widespread critical acclaim at the Paris Salon Édouard Manet's 1865 painting "Olympia " parodied the nude Venuses the English Academic painter , displayed Frederic Leighton 1867 The art critic J. B. Atkinson praised it , for Rossetti , refused his "outré" subject matter Rossetti , refused his "outré" subject matter to Rossetti refused to alter the painting Six editions of published were it In Richard Barnfield , lauded 1605 1605 , Richard Barnfield lauded it , Richard Barnfield lauded it , Richard Barnfield lauded it , declaring Aphrodite appears in Richard Garnett's short story collection " Another noteworthy example is " Aphrodite in The French writer Pierre Louÿs titled his erotic historical novel ' stories of used were Aphrodite of by were used Aphrodite Aphrodite were by used feminist poets were by used feminist poets , by used feminist poets , such Many of dealt these poems with and Anaïs Nin also made use Anaïs Nin also made use of The Church of Aphrodite's laid was theology out The book portrayed Aphrodite in a drastically different light Aphrodite is a major deity in Wicca Wiccans regard Aphrodite as one aspect Wiccans regard Aphrodite as the ruler of Aphrodite , is the twelve Olympians the twelve Olympians , Aphrodite is a major deity , Aphrodite is a major deity within Aphrodite is a major deity within Hellenismos Unlike Hellenists , are Wiccans Hellenists , are Wiccans usually Hellenists venerate Aphrodite primarily as It is the first day of the second quarter of the year , and a binary relation formula 1 on is a set formula 2 there is antisymmetric if a set formula 2 The definition of antisymmetry says nothing formula 9 says about whether nothing The divisibility relation on the natural numbers is an important example Typically some people pay their own bills , some people pay their own bills , while others pay , while their own bills Partial and total orders by antisymmetric are definition He founded the religion of Thelema
He was educated at Trinity College In he , joined 1898 1898 , he joined the esoteric Hermetic Order , he joined the esoteric Hermetic Order of he joined the esoteric Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in he , went Scotland he , went Scotland mountaineering he went mountaineering in Mexico He married Rose Edith Kelly and in , Crowley returned to Britain Crowley returned to Britain , George Cecil Jones co - founded an esoteric order co - founded an esoteric order , - founded an esoteric order , the in he initiated was 1912 he initiated was 1912 into he was initiated into another esoteric order Thelemite groups , established were the O.T.O. Thelemite groups were established in Britain Crowley spent the First World War in the United States In he , established 1920 1920 , he established the Abbey , he established the Abbey of he established the Abbey of Thelema His libertine lifestyle led to denunciations in Crowley gained widespread notoriety during his lifetime Crowley has remained a highly influential figure over Crowley was born as Edward Alexander Crowley with she ; described her son her son ; she described him ; she described him as she described him as " Crowley's father had been born a Quaker , in the Crowleys moved 1881 in the Crowleys moved 1881 to 1881 the Crowleys moved to Redhill the Crowleys moved to Redhill , was his father , died 11 his father , died 11 of , his father died of tongue cancer Crowley described this as a turning point by Crowley's family ; removed Champney Champney ; Crowley's family removed him ; Crowley's family removed him from Crowley's family removed him from the school He then attended Malvern College and Tonbridge School , in he , undertook Eastbourne Eastbourne , he undertook chemistry courses , he undertook chemistry courses at he undertook chemistry courses at Eastbourne College Crowley developed interests in chess , in Crowley began October 1895 in October 1895 Crowley began a three-year course October 1895 Crowley began a three-year course at Crowley began a three-year course at Trinity College
from he , changed his personal tutor he , changed his personal tutor to , he changed to English literature he changed to English literature , which to changed , English literature ; he briefly considered a professional career he briefly considered a professional career as Crowley also embraced his love of Many of appeared his own poems in He continued his mountaineering , going Crowley had his first significant mystical experience while on this that believed was the result At Crowley , maintained Cambridge Cambridge , Crowley maintained a vigorous sex life , Crowley maintained a vigorous sex life with Crowley maintained a vigorous sex life with women In Crowley , met October 1897 October 1897 , Crowley met Herbert Charles Pollitt , Crowley met Herbert Charles Pollitt , Crowley met Herbert Charles Pollitt , president In a brief illness , triggered October 1897 October 1897 , a brief illness triggered considerations , a brief illness triggered considerations of a brief illness triggered considerations of mortality Crowley , published privately 1898 , Crowley privately published 100 copies Crowley privately published 100 copies of That same year , Crowley published a string , Crowley published a string of Crowley published a string of other poems In Crowley , was August 1898 Crowley , was August 1898 in , Crowley was in Zermatt Crowley was in Zermatt , in Baker , introduced London London , Baker introduced Crowley , Baker introduced Crowley to Baker introduced Crowley to George Cecil Jones Crowley was initiated into the Outer Order of the Golden Dawn Crowley moved into his own luxury flat Bennett taught Crowley more about In Crowley , purchased November 1899 November 1899 , Crowley purchased Boleskine House , Crowley purchased Boleskine House in Crowley purchased Boleskine House in Foyers He developed a love of Scottish culture Crowley soon progressed through the lower grades into he , visited the Second Order the Second Order , he visited Mathers , he visited Mathers in he visited Mathers in Paris A schism had developed between Mathers In Crowley , travelled 1900 Crowley , travelled 1900 to
, Crowley travelled to Mexico Crowley travelled to Mexico via of he , continued the country he , continued the country experimenting he continued experimenting with ceremonial magic Eckenstein joined him later in , Crowley headed to San Francisco Crowley headed to San Francisco before Hong Kong , Crowley reached Ceylon , Crowley reached Ceylon , Crowley reached Ceylon , where he reached , where Ceylon The pair spent some time in Kandy Crowley decided to tour India He spent much of this time At he wrote also this time this time he also wrote poetry he also which wrote poetry also which wrote poetry was which wrote poetry was published He contracted malaria , and he , joined was 1902 he was joined in India was by in joined India by in India joined Eckenstein Together , the Eckenstein-Crowley expedition attempted K2 , the Eckenstein-Crowley expedition attempted K2 , the Eckenstein-Crowley expedition which attempted , K2 which attempted , K2 had Crowley , afflicted was the journey Crowley was afflicted with influenza in he , socialized November 1902 he , socialized November 1902 with , he socialized with friend he socialized with friend and there , Crowley wrote a series , Crowley wrote a series of Crowley wrote a series of poems this milieu who was , W. Somerset Maugham who was , W. Somerset Maugham after He returned to Boleskine in entering the marriage ; appalled an arranged marriage an arranged marriage ; the marriage appalled the Kelly family ; the marriage appalled the Kelly family and the marriage appalled the Kelly family and damaged princess , they rented an apartment , they rented an apartment in they rented an apartment in which Crowley an apartment in rented which Rose , became regularly Crowley's later account On she , explained 18 March she , explained 18 March that as Crowley ; thought the Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu it ; Crowley thought the Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu , on he heard 8 April on 8 April he heard a disembodied voice 8 April he heard a disembodied voice claiming he heard a disembodied voice claiming to
it became espoused , that it espoused , became the cornerstone Crowley said that at the time he that at said the time resenting he , said it he , said it that he that said ignored the instructions On Rose , gave 28 July 1905 28 July 1905 , Rose gave birth , Rose gave birth to Rose gave birth to Crowley's first child He also founded a publishing company through Among Crowley's "Collected Works were its first publications " Crowley's "Collected Works were its first publications " , His poetry often received strong reviews ( gain he , issued more publicity more publicity , he issued a reward , he issued a reward of he issued a reward of £ Crowley decided to climb Kanchenjunga the expedition was by marred much argument was by marred much argument between by marred much argument between Crowley They eventually mutinied against Crowley's control Crowley met up with Rose Crowley smoked opium throughout the journey ; together they performed rituals together they performed rituals in they performed rituals in an attempt Crowley then sailed to Japan in Crowley , learned Britain Crowley , learned Britain that Under his health , began emotional distress his health , began emotional distress to Crowley George Cecil Jones , continued his old mentor , Crowley continued performing the Abramelin rituals Crowley continued performing the Abramelin rituals at during he , wrote these rituals these rituals , he wrote an essay , he wrote an essay on he wrote an essay on "The Psychology of Hashish Crowley wrote down more Thelemic Holy Books during in Crowley , took his cocaine addiction his cocaine addiction , Crowley took him , Crowley took him on Crowley took him on holiday he , began also 1907 ; in the pair toured 1908 in 1908 the pair toured northern Spain 1908 the pair toured northern Spain before the pair toured northern Spain before heading year Neuburg stayed at Boleskine Neuburg stayed at Boleskine , of Crowley , wrote short horror stories Crowley , wrote short horror stories his , Crowley wrote his own
Crowley wrote his own , some his wrote , own Its earliest members included solicitor Richard Noel Warren , artist Austin Osman Spare In Crowley , began March 1909 March 1909 , Crowley began production , Crowley began production of Crowley began production of a biannual periodical to the couple ; remained Rose's care Rose's care ; the couple remained friends ; the couple remained friends and the couple remained friends and Rose During the trip he invoked the thirty aethyrs the trip he invoked the thirty aethyrs of he invoked the thirty aethyrs of Enochian magic Crowley ; performed also a mountaintop sex magic ritual ; Crowley also performed an evocation Crowley also performed an evocation to the court " ; found The Equinox ; the court found in favour the court found in favour of The publicity attracted new members to the A∴A∴ to Crowley , developed a wider audience a wider audience , Crowley developed the Rites , Crowley developed the Rites of Crowley developed the Rites of Artemis Various members of attended the press , Crowley came under particular criticism from in Crowley ; believed St. Moritz Crowley ; believed St. Moritz that one that believed of the Secret Chiefs In Crowley , published early 1912 Crowley , published early 1912 " , Crowley published " The Book of Lies Crowley published " The Book of Lies " The German occultist Theodor Reuss later accused him Theodor Reuss later accused him of Crowley the similarities convinced that Reuss the similarities convinced that Reuss were Reuss appointed Crowley as head ; his incorporation of proved Thelemite elements his incorporation of Thelemite elements proved controversial In Crowley , acted March 1913 Crowley , acted March 1913 as , Crowley acted as producer Crowley acted as producer for They subsequently performed in Moscow In Crowley , continued Moscow Crowley , continued Moscow to Crowley continued to write plays Crowley and Neuburg performed the six-week "Paris Working the the couple , performed ritual ritual , the couple performed acts , the couple performed acts of the couple performed acts of sex magic
by the Working, Crowley of wrote the results the Working, Crowley of wrote the results " of the Working, Crowley wrote " Liber Agapé the Working, Crowley wrote " Liber Agapé " In he , transferred May May , he transferred ownership , he transferred ownership of he transferred ownership of Boleskine House of Crowley , set phlebitis phlebitis , Crowley set sail , Crowley set sail for Crowley set sail for the United States in he , moved New York City he , moved New York City into , he moved into a hotel he moved into a hotel and from Crowley , began Great Britain Crowley , began Great Britain to Crowley began to espouse support He became involved in New York's pro-German movement In detractors , denounced later years later years , detractors denounced Crowley , detractors denounced Crowley as detractors denounced Crowley as a traitor In Crowley , was reality reality , Crowley was a double agent , Crowley was a double agent , Crowley was a double agent , working of the real intention ; was the Statue of Liberty the real intention ; was the Statue of Liberty to Crowley entered into a relationship with of he , met the North American O.T.O. he , met the North American O.T.O. with , he met with Charles Stansfeld Jones he met with Charles Stansfeld Jones and In he experimented Detroit with Detroit he experimented with Peyote he experimented with Peyote at Crowley and Richardson performed sex magic Later that year he took a "magical retirement " he took a "magical retirement " to There , he made heavy use , he made heavy use of he made heavy use of drugs In he , moved December he , moved December to , he moved to New Orleans he moved to New Orleans , to he , moved New York City he , moved New York City in he moved in with artist and A∴A∴ member Leon Engers Kennedy Crowley " , continued The Fatherland " , Crowley continued his association , Crowley continued his association with
Crowley continued his association with Viereck Crowley used it to promote He then moved to the studio apartment he " , believed "The Amalantrah Workings In Crowley , went 1918 Crowley , went 1918 on , Crowley went on a magical retreat Crowley went on a magical retreat in in he , moved New York City he , moved New York City to , he moved to Greenwich Village he moved to Greenwich Village , He took up painting as of Crowley , revived sympathetic Freemasons Crowley , revived sympathetic Freemasons " , Crowley revived " The Equinox Crowley revived " The Equinox " several friends aware of urged his intelligence work from a doctor , prescribed asthma asthma , a doctor prescribed him , a doctor prescribed him heroin a doctor prescribed him heroin , by in joined " a "ménage à trois Crowley had ideas of forming They wore robes , and Undertaking Crowley , continued widespread correspondences Crowley , continued widespread correspondences to He offered a libertine education for the children including his heroin addiction ; came drugs his heroin addiction ; came drugs to his heroin addiction came to dominate his life There was no cleaning rota , and wild dogs was , and no cleaning rota Among film star Jane Wolfe was them , who was film star Jane Wolfe , them Another who was , Cecil Frederick Russell who was , Cecil Frederick Russell often In Crowley , returned February 1922 Crowley , returned February 1922 to , Crowley returned to Paris Crowley returned to Paris for He then went to London Loveday drank from a local polluted stream , to May , told London London , May told her story , May told her story to May told her story to the press " John Bull " proclaimed Crowley John Bull " proclaimed Crowley " " John Bull " continued its attack John Bull " continued its attack , its stories continued , with its attack he , tried unsuccessfully continuing poor health They were joined in Tunis were by in joined Tunis by in Tunis joined the Thelemite Norman Mudd
as Crowley , went his servant Crowley , went his servant with , Crowley went with him Crowley went with him on In Crowley , travelled January 1924 Crowley , travelled January 1924 to , Crowley travelled to Nice Crowley travelled to Nice , , he took on a wealthy student he took on a wealthy student , Crowley took Olsen back to of she ; miscarried her she ; miscarried her , she miscarried , following which Crowley , following miscarried which Reuss , named had Crowley , Reuss had named him Reuss had named him head Tränker called the Hohenleuben Conference in Thuringia in Crowley , went 1926 Crowley , went 1926 through , Crowley went through a large number Crowley went through a large number of he was by dogged poor health was by dogged poor health , by dogged poor health , largely Crowley , introduced was 1928 Crowley was introduced to young Englishman Israel Regardie who to introduced , young Englishman Israel Regardie , Crowley also met Gerald Yorke Crowley also met Gerald Yorke , also who met , Gerald Yorke who met , Gerald Yorke began Driberg did not accept Thelema In December 1928 Crowley met the Nicaraguan Maria Teresa Sanchez Crowley was deported from France was by from deported France by from France deported the authorities in Crowley , married Britain Britain , Crowley married Sanchez , Crowley married Sanchez in Crowley married Sanchez in August 1929 in Mandrake Press , agreed London Mandrake Press , agreed London to Mandrake Press agreed to publish his autobiography Mandrake went into liquidation in as the relationship ; was his magical partner the relationship ; was his magical partner troubled In he went September to September he went to Lisbon he went to Lisbon in he decided to fake his own death He then returned to Berlin Crowley's paintings fitted with the fashion for as they ; had his new lover his new lover ; they had a violent relationship ; they had a violent relationship , they had a violent relationship , and He continued to have affairs
Crowley left Busch and returned Undergoing it , was further nasal surgery it , was further nasal surgery here it was here in 1932 of he , launched money money , he launched a series , he launched a series of he launched a series of court cases He gained much publicity for his lawsuit The court case added to Crowley's financial problems , with she ; offered Deidre Patricia Doherty she ; offered Deidre Patricia Doherty to she offered to bear his child Named Crowley , nicknamed Randall Gair Randall Gair , Crowley nicknamed him , Crowley nicknamed him Aleister Atatürk He died in a car accident in In he , published 1936 1936 , he published his first book , he published his first book in he published his first book in six years In he , gave 1937 1937 , he gave a series , he gave a series of he gave a series of public lectures , Crowley wrote to the Naval Intelligence Division Crowley wrote to the Naval Intelligence Division offering In his asthma , worsened 1940 his asthma , worsened 1940 , hit Crowley , relocated London Crowley , relocated London to , Crowley relocated to Torquay Crowley relocated to Torquay , of he , returned Torquay he , returned Torquay to , he returned to London he returned to London , initiate Crowley , developed Lady Frieda Harris Lady Frieda Harris , Crowley developed plans , Crowley developed plans to Crowley developed plans to produce Accompanying this was a book , this was a book , published aid he , wrote the war effort the war effort , he wrote a proclamation , he wrote a proclamation on he wrote a proclamation on the rights Crowley's final publication during his lifetime was a book In Crowley briefly moved April 1944 to April 1944 Crowley briefly moved to Aston Clinton Crowley briefly moved to Aston Clinton in He took a young man named Kenneth Grant with it , was the illusionist Arnold Crowther it , was the illusionist Arnold Crowther through , it was through him
it was through him that Crowley through was that him They became friends , with Crowley became , with friends On Crowley , died 1 December 1947 Crowley , died 1 December 1947 at , Crowley died at Netherwood Crowley died at Netherwood of on about a dozen people ; attended 5 December about a dozen people ; attended 5 December , and was by labelled a Black Mass was by a Black Mass labelled the tabloids has been by described scholars been by described scholars as by described scholars as a religion He was steeped in the esoteric teachings was he in steeped the esoteric teachings he in steeped the esoteric teachings had the twentieth century that believed marked humanity's entry Thelema that believed was the proper religion Thelema revolves around the idea that human beings around revolves that the idea Crowley referred to this process of Crowley believed in the objective existence of He provided various different definitions of this term " , Crowley defined Magick , Crowley defined Magick as Crowley defined Magick as " He also told his disciple Karl Germer Mysticism is the raising of oneself Crowley saw Magick as a third way Within that journal he expressed positive sentiments that journal he expressed positive sentiments toward he expressed positive sentiments toward science by was also influenced magic was also by influenced the work also by influenced the work of by influenced the work of the anthropologist Crowley did not see magic Sexuality played an important role in Crowley's ideas He outlined three forms of sex magick sex , treated was Crowley sex was treated as a sacrament some that noted of Crowley's writings Crowley " , described The Book of the Law " , Crowley described a pantheon , Crowley described a pantheon of Crowley described a pantheon of three deities In he , made 1928 1928 , he made the claim , he made the claim that he all "true" deities made that the claim all "true" deities made that the claim were He nevertheless used Satanic imagery , Crowley , identified occasionally his writings
, Crowley occasionally identified Aiwass Crowley occasionally identified Aiwass as The scholar of stated religion Gordan Djurdjevic that of Crowley stated that religion Gordan Djurdjevic Crowley stated that religion Gordan Djurdjevic " Crowley nevertheless expressed strong anti-Christian sentiment , himself considered to be one Hutton also described Crowley as Crowley's political thought was by studied academic Marco Pasi was by studied academic Marco Pasi , who by studied , academic Marco Pasi He was neither on the political left In he , saw their subversive powers their subversive powers , he saw the possibility , he saw the possibility of he saw the possibility of an annihilation Crowley described democracy as an "imbecile and nauseating cult In he influenced was this attitude by he was influenced this attitude he was by influenced the work was by influenced the work of by influenced the work of Friedrich Nietzsche on Kaczynski ; stated multiple occasions Kaczynski ; stated multiple occasions that in Crowley , was later life Crowley , was later life able He applied the term "Scarlet Woman " to he , played usually homosexual acts , he usually played the passive role he usually played the passive role , usually which played , the passive role Booth played , which the passive role Crowley advocated complete sexual freedom for both men Sutin thought Crowley " a spoiled scion centuries that thought of persecution Booth described Crowley as exhibiting The scholar of noted religion Manon Hedenborg White that of some noted that religion Manon Hedenborg White some noted that religion Manon Hedenborg White of some that noted of Crowley's statements Crowley's comments on varied women's role dramatically Crowley that suggested was a spy the conflict that suggested between Mathers the purpose that suggested of Crowley's trip this trip that suggested to China Crowley has remained an influential figure , In a BBC poll , placed 2002 2002 , a BBC poll placed Crowley , a BBC poll placed Crowley seventy a BBC poll placed Crowley seventy - Richard Cavendish has written of him The scholar of described Egil Asprem esotericism The scholar of asserted Wouter Hanegraaff esotericism
Crowley Wouter Hanegraaff asserted that esotericism Crowley that asserted was an extreme representation Biographer Tobias Churton considered Crowley " a pioneer Another American Thelemite is the filmmaker Kenneth Anger , who is Kenneth Anger , the filmmaker has been by refuted academic investigation were also by influenced Crowley also by influenced Crowley , by influenced Crowley , with , Crowley became " a dominant figure Crowley became " a dominant figure " Crowley also had a wider influence in various "literary Crowleys , appeared " Britain One of the was earliest , the writer Dennis Wheatley used Crowley the writer Dennis Wheatley used Crowley as The occultist Dion Fortune used Crowley as Dion Fortune used Crowley as a basis He was included as one Led Zeppelin co founder Jimmy Page bought - co - founder Jimmy Page bought Boleskine - founder Jimmy Page bought Boleskine in founder Jimmy Page bought Boleskine in 1971 He sold it in 1992 the lyrics that suggested of Bowie's No the essential part a purported existence in is which In this continued existence , takes some views some views , this continued existence takes place , this continued existence takes place in this continued existence takes place in a spiritual realm generally some afterlife believe awaits people some afterlife believe awaits people when Members of tend some generally non-theistic religions to Reincarnation an aspect is that the philosophical or religious concept an aspect is that the philosophical or religious concept of It is also called rebirth It is a central tenet of all major Indian religions The idea of found is reincarnation It is also a common belief of to these groups ; include reincarnation reincarnation ; these groups include the mainstream historical and contemporary followers ; these groups include the mainstream historical and contemporary followers of these groups include the mainstream historical and contemporary followers of Kabbalah , beings is where a common religious, cosmological, or transcendent place beings is where a common religious, cosmological, or transcendent place such heaven , considered is Hinduism There the soul are seven positive regions can the soul are seven positive regions can go
the soul , subjected is the respective region the soul is subjected to rebirth Religions with depict often a linear divine history Typically , these traditions locate hell , these traditions locate hell in these traditions locate hell in another dimension The afterlife played an important role in Ancient Egyptian religion of Osiris , demanded Aaru Aaru , Osiris demanded work , Osiris demanded work as Osiris demanded work as restitution the deceased's heart , weighed was Two Truths the deceased's heart was weighed against the "Shu" feather The Coffin texts are more or less a duplication of the Pyramid Texts dead live again in the Fields the Book of the Dead was placed in the tomb Death was simply a temporary interruption , Each human consisted of the physical body , , a spokesman for claimed the Egyptian Culture Ministry a spokesman for it claimed the Egyptian Culture Ministry for it claimed the Egyptian Culture Ministry had it claimed the Egyptian Culture Ministry had unearthed it claimed had unearthed a large red granite door It the false door believes is a 'door the false door believes is a 'door to The Greek god Hades is known in Greek mythology the family of put would the dead soul would be by judged Aeacus be by judged Aeacus , by judged Aeacus , Rhadamanthus The soul would be sent to The Elysian Fields that for were the ones that for were the ones lived whose sins equalled were , their goodness Some heroes of allowed are Greek legend The Romans had a similar belief system about the afterlife By he , sees the River Styx the River Styx , he sees the souls , he sees the souls of he sees the souls of those he , shown is dead , he is shown the place he is shown the place where He sees the river of forgetfulness an unborn fetus can not understand the nature The Baháʼí the soul writings that state the soul writings that state is The Baháʼí scriptures there are also state scriptures also state there are distinctions
also state there are distinctions between there are distinctions between souls Mainstream Christianity professes belief in the Nicene Creed The author of Luke recounts the story The author of writes the Book of Revelation about was already by used Christians already by used Christians such by used Christians such as A notable example who is Emanuel Swedenborg wrote who Emanuel Swedenborg is wrote some 18 theological works four assaults , states that Lorenzo Scupoli The Catholic conception of teaches the afterlife that the body teaches that after the afterlife who die in go unrepented mortal sin In the Catechism of the Catholic Church , defined the 1990s the 1990s , the Catechism of the Catholic Church defined hell , the Catechism of the Catholic Church defined hell not the Catechism of the Catholic Church defined hell not as it , been has times , it has been a very popular theological theory it has been a very popular theological theory within Limbo that is a theory unbaptized that is a theory unbaptized but The notion of associated is purgatory " The monadic, immutable, and ceaseless object of is eschatological encounter The monadic, immutable, and ceaseless object of is eschatological encounter therefore the Syrian , St. Isaac observes instance in it : torments two ways two ways : it torments sinners But love inebriates the souls of love inebriates the souls of the sons Orthodoxy therefore uses the description of the light : come has the judgment the light has come into the world who does wicked hates things In God , has a word a word , God has mercy , God has mercy on God has mercy on all not , it is hell Every knee will bend before the Lord not all will rejoice in God's gift Moreover , Orthodoxy includes a prevalent tradition , Orthodoxy includes a prevalent tradition of Orthodoxy includes a prevalent tradition of "apokatastasis by most notably taught Origen The Second Council of Constantinople (553 CE ) affirmed the orthodoxy It is also a teaching of it is no less a teaching It is revealed as the scene
It is divided into two parts Christ that believe visited spirit prison This is similar to the Harrowing spirits , assigned are the resurrection , " The celestial kingdom is the place " The celestial kingdom is the place prepared The celestial kingdom is the place prepared for we , receive must this gift , we must receive the ordinances we must receive the ordinances of Jehovah's Witnesses occasionally use terms such they believe that after Armageddon there that after believe Armageddon The Seventh-day Adventist Church's beliefs regarding differ the afterlife from to Adventists , believe Hell Adventists , believe Hell the death that believe is an unconscious state This is based on Matt At all consciousness , ends death The dead person does not know anything death that believe is creation , the body turns to dust the body turns to dust again who of The spirit every person dies one " have must proper and firm "iʾmān " one must have a righteous conduct one must have a righteous conduct , his level have , lest a righteous conduct the purpose that teaches of Man's creation The Quran repeatedly reminds the reader that repeatedly the worldly life reminds that the reader the worldly life reminds that the reader ( the females : referred are both male and female servants A central doctrine of Islamic faith is the Last Day Until deceased souls , remain the Last Day deceased souls , remain the Last Day in , deceased souls remain in their graves deceased souls remain in their graves awaiting " Jannah " has eight gates Jannah " has eight gates and " Jahannam " possess 7 deep terrible layers it the worse is The lower the layer Individuals will arrive at both everlasting places Islam teaches the continued existence of the soul will be by judged God be by judged God according by judged God according to One's eternal destination depends on balance of They are either granted admission The day of described is judgment In believers , are Islam Islam , believers are those , believers who are those
believers who are those believed who are those believed in It is an established belief that if a believer is that if an established belief the soul , give will the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community , the soul will give birth the soul will give birth to of his or her tastes , become God his or her tastes , become God attuned an "embryonic soul , begins " this The Sufi Muslim scholar Ibn 'Arabi defined Barzakh as It is between the world of there , be would it , there would be no contact there would be no contact between He described it as simple , " that is anything " that is anything separates that anything is separates two things The inhabitants of Sheol are the "shades the Hebrew Bible appears to describe Sheol it , considered was others , it was considered a place it was considered a place of The Talmud offers a number of thoughts the soul , brought is death the soul is brought for judgment who have led enter pristine lives Most do not enter the world Others view this period to include , the soul then takes its place the soul then takes its place in , the concept of is eternal damnation the concept of is eternal damnation not extinction of reserved is the soul Maimonides describes the "Olam Haba " in reincarnation , recognized is Avraham Arieh Trugman the idea of mentioned is reincarnation Shraga Simmons commented that within the Bible reincarnation that wrote is an "ancient, mainstream belief The Zohar makes frequent and lengthy references to reincarnation it , posited was a few kabbalists These ideas were found in a number the idea of Saadia Gaon are reincarnation of Saadia Gaon are reincarnation , Saadia Gaon are reincarnation , David Kimhi ) Section VI concludes with a refutation Section VI concludes with a refutation of Saadia Gaon , states further reincarnation Other well-known rabbis who are include reincarnationists who are reincarnationists include Yonassan Gershom Rabbi Naftali Silberberg of notes The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute that Many ideas notes that " The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
rebirth that maintain takes place by will be conditioned rebirth will be by conditioned the moral tone be by conditioned the moral tone of by conditioned the moral tone of the person's actions would his/her rebirth have in a lower realm his/her rebirth have in a lower realm , It depends on various levels of heavy kamma , ripen would that moment Pure Land Buddhism of believes Mahayana in each Buddha that believed has their own pure land In Tibetan Buddhism the Tibetan Book of the explains Dead Tibetan Buddhism the Tibetan Book of the Dead explains the intermediate state the Tibetan Book of the Dead explains the intermediate state of The deceased will find the bright light deceased will find the bright light of There are various reasons why the deceased are why the various reasons Some had no briefing about the intermediate state And some have fear , some which have , fear which have , fear results In the awareness is the intermediate state very the awareness is the intermediate state very flexible In they have this situation to they have this situation to understand No one can really hurt them they hurt , because them The deceased get help from deceased get help from different Buddhas who help from get different Buddhas They have to release the things " Life is cosmic energy of Life is cosmic energy of the universe There are 10 life states of any life The life dies in which life condition it in which dies life condition There are two major views of afterlife The individual is a stream of consciousness the physical body at he appears death at he appears death in death he appears in the court he appears in the court of The panel consists of Yama and He is counseled about his life ( Philosophically these three men are projections Philosophically these three men are projections of these three men are projections of one's mind the Lord of sends then Justice his period is limited in time is by in limited time by in time limited the weight
Rebirth can take place as of a person take can traumatic death traumatic death a person can take the form a person can take the form of In the belief , is Hinduism the belief , is Hinduism that the body that is is nothing Jainism also believes in the afterlife The essential doctrine of is Sikhism to Sikhism also has the belief of Accounts of considered are afterlife also living that acknowledged the life living that acknowledged the life of to the human form , is the Sikh scriptures the Sikh scriptures , the human form is the closet form , the human form is the closet form to the human form is the closet form to God of you , pick a wardrobe you , pick a wardrobe up , you pick up a dress you pick up a dress and and then you discard it Traditional African religions are diverse in their beliefs Hunter-gatherer societies such as have the Hadza that concrete expression in given the personal names reincarnated some are of the dominant characteristics some are of the dominant characteristics of each birth remains distinct and each soul however , later myths include notions , later myths include notions of later myths include notions of resurrection Shinto tends to hold negative views Some Unitarian Universalists believe in universalism : Unitarian Universalists differ widely in their theology to the afterlife , consisted Edgar Cayce the afterlife , consisted Edgar Cayce of , the afterlife consisted of nine realms the afterlife consisted of nine realms equated symbolized by was , Saturn by Saturn , was a level The third of ruled is the nine soul realms of by is ruled the nine soul realms the nine soul realms is by ruled Earth is by ruled Earth and by ruled Earth and is we where is meet our limitations The sixth realm is by ruled Neptune is by ruled Neptune , by ruled Neptune , and The seventh realm is by symbolized Jupiter is by symbolized Jupiter , which by symbolized , Jupiter The eighth afterlife realm is by ruled Uranus
is by ruled Uranus and by ruled Uranus and develops The ninth afterlife realm is by symbolized Pluto is by symbolized Pluto , by symbolized Pluto , the astrological realm Mainstream Spiritualists postulate a series of seven realms that a series of postulate seven realms , troubled souls is where the place troubled souls is where the place spend The third level who for is those who for is those have The fourth level is that from which the soul where is leaves human consciousness souls rest , recuperate from life the souls , reincarnated are rest Many Wiccans see The Summerland as a place on righteous souls , sit Earth righteous souls , sit Earth at , righteous souls sit at the head righteous souls sit at the head of Zoroastrianism states that for the righteous souls For a very old, ugly, naked hag , appears a wicked person of the spirits , live Yima's realm Yima's realm , the spirits live a shadowy existence , the spirits live a shadowy existence , the spirits live a shadowy existence , and After the soul , crosses three days three days , the soul crosses Chinvat bridge , the soul which crosses Chinvat bridge the soul which crosses Chinvat bridge is which Chinvat bridge crosses is the Final Judgment of the soul Rashnu who is the yazata holds who the yazata is holds the scales the the soul , is bad the soul , is bad worthy the soul is worthy of paradise Misvan Gatu is the "place of the mixed ones The Society for Psychical Research was founded in 1882 Its members continue to conduct scientific research to by were conducted an afterlife an afterlife were by conducted this organization in 1901 by sought physician Duncan MacDougall 1901 by sought physician Duncan MacDougall to by sought physician Duncan MacDougall to measure MacDougall weighed dying patients in for this figure become has some people this figure become has some people synonymous The title of is " the 2003 movie "21 Grams Mediums purportedly act as a vessel , evidence of dates mediumship
evidence of dates mediumship back Research also includes the study of There is a view based on Certain problems arise with the idea of the materialist , notes that resurrection John Hick also raises questions regarding Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne rejected the idea Charles Hartshorne the universe rejected that the idea the universe rejected that the idea was Hartshorne people do not experience subjective (or personal) immortality during study ) examined REsuscitation REsuscitation ) study examined the broad range ) study examined the broad range of study examined the broad range of mental experiences researchers , tested also a large study , researchers also tested the validity researchers also tested the validity of 40% that revealed of those Dr. Parnia in stated the interview , The evidence stated , " the interview Astrometry is a branch of astronomy that a branch of is astronomy The history of linked is astrometry , he also developed the brightness scale he also developed the brightness scale still Hipparchus compiled a catalogue with at least 850 stars furthermore , he provided drawings , he provided drawings for he provided drawings for each constellation Ibn Yunus observed more than 10,000 entries for the Sun's position the Timurid astronomer , compiled Ulugh Beg the 15th century , the Timurid astronomer Ulugh Beg compiled the "Zij-i-Sultani the Timurid astronomer Ulugh Beg compiled the "Zij-i-Sultani " In Tycho Brahe , used the 16th century the 16th century , Tycho Brahe used improved instruments , Tycho Brahe used improved instruments , Tycho Brahe used improved instruments , including using he " invented the "observational clock The stellar movement proved too insignificant for His cataloguing of refined was 3222 stars was by in refined 1807 by in 1807 refined Friedrich Bessel had been by obtained the end of the 19th century been by obtained the end of the 19th century , by obtained the end of the 19th century , mostly Astrographs using astronomical photographic plates sped the process In the European Space Agency's Hipparcos satellite , took 1989 1989 , the European Space Agency's Hipparcos satellite took astrometry
, the European Space Agency's Hipparcos satellite took astrometry into the European Space Agency's Hipparcos satellite took astrometry into orbit from Hipparcos , measured 1989 to 1993 1989 to 1993 , Hipparcos measured large and small angles , Hipparcos measured large and small angles on Hipparcos measured large and small angles on the sky A new "Tycho catalog " drew together a database that is , an all-sky catalogue USNO-B1.0 astrometry in , is their observations In astrometric techniques help , identify observational astronomy observational astronomy , astrometric techniques help identify stellar objects , astrometric techniques help identify stellar objects by astrometric techniques help identify stellar objects by their unique motions Astrometric measurements are by used astrophysicists are by used astrophysicists to by used astrophysicists to constrain of it , is pulsars it , is pulsars possible Astronomers use astrometric techniques for the tracking Astrometry is responsible for the detection astronomers astrometrically , use such objects astrometrically , astronomers use telescopes , astronomers use telescopes to astronomers use telescopes to survey they , detect can these images , they can detect Solar System objects they can detect Solar System objects by 50000 Quaoar and 90377 Sedna are two Solar System objects A fundamental aspect of astrometry is error correction Various factors introduce errors into the measurement by can be reduced these errors can be by reduced various techniques be by reduced various techniques , by reduced various techniques , such Athena was regarded as the patron Her major symbols include owls , olive trees She was known as "Polias The Parthenon on dedicated is the Athenian Acropolis She was also a warrior goddess , Athena , believed was Greek mythology of Athena , has the story the story , Athena has no mother , Athena has no mother and Athena has no mother and is Zeus " , swallows Hesiod's "Theogony " , Zeus swallows his consort , Zeus swallows his consort Metis Zeus swallows his consort Metis , who swallows Metis , his consort of Athena , bested Athens Athens , Athena bested Poseidon , Athena bested Poseidon in Athena bested Poseidon in a competition
She was known as "Athena Parthenos she ; believed was heroic endeavor She plays an active role in the "Iliad Ovid ; describes also the first spider she how describes transformed Medusa Athena , become has the Renaissance , Athena has become an international symbol Athena has become an international symbol of Athena is associated with the city In scholars , argued ancient times scholars , argued ancient times whether similar city goddesses that worshipped were ancient Greece attest similar city goddesses were worshipped in other cities , in there was Mycenae in Mycenae there was a goddess Mycenae there was a goddess called there was a goddess called Mykene Athena was originally the Aegean goddess of these " ; comprise Room of the Chariot Tablets " ; these comprise the earliest Linear B archive ; these comprise the earliest Linear B archive anywhere A sign series appears in the still undeciphered corpus of this ; depict may an enormous figure-eight shield ; this may depict the warrior-goddess this may depict the warrior-goddess with she " , takes the "Odyssey " , she takes the form , she takes the form of she takes the form of a sea-eagle Proponents of argue this view that of she argue that this view she argue that this view dropped she that argue dropped her prophylactic owl-mask the cult that agreed of Athena also been by influenced those been by influenced those of by influenced those of Near Eastern warrior goddesses Athena that notes resembles Inanna the citizens that notes of Sais with her worship ; began weaving her worship ; began weaving during ; her worship began during the Egyptian Pre-Dynastic period Athena , reported was Greek mythology on the Sinologist Martin Bernal , created these similarities these similarities , the Sinologist Martin Bernal created the "Black Athena" hypothesis , the Sinologist Martin Bernal created the "Black Athena" hypothesis , the Sinologist Martin Bernal which created , the "Black Athena" hypothesis which created , the "Black Athena" hypothesis claimed Athena was venerated as the goddess Athena was worshipped at festivals She was also the patron of
Athena represented the disciplined, strategic side of war The Greeks regarded Athena with much higher esteem Athena , known was a warrior maiden the name "Parthenos , is " Greek mythology beyond the Athenians , allotted recognition recognition , the Athenians allotted the goddess value , the Athenians allotted the goddess value based the Athenians allotted the goddess value based on This role is expressed in a number Athena was not only the patron goddess of Athens The various cults of were Athena all These cults were portals of a uniform socialization she , assimilated was Arcadia she was assimilated with the ancient goddess Alea Athena had a major temple on the Spartan Acropolis This epithet may refer to the fact cult statue to refer that the fact An Ionic-style temple to built was Athena Polias It was by designed Pytheos of Priene was by designed Pytheos of Priene , by designed Pytheos of Priene , the same architect Athena was known as "Atrytone Athena Clytemnestra , won his mother Clytemnestra , Athena won the epithet "Areia , Athena won the epithet "Areia " Athena won the epithet "Areia " ( Athena was sometimes given the epithet "Hippia The Greek geographer Pausanias mentions in his "Guide Pausanias mentions in his "Guide to Other epithets include Ageleia , Itonia she , known was Clymenus In Athena's most common epithet , is Homer's epic works Homer's epic works , Athena's most common epithet is "Glaukopis , Athena's most common epithet is "Glaukopis " Athena's most common epithet is "Glaukopis " ( The word is a combination of "glaukós Athena is also given the curious epithet "Tritogeneia It could mean various things , One myth relates the foster father relationship of this Triton herself ; various legends list her ; various legends list her as various legends list her as being Several scholars have suggested a connection to Michael Janda has connected the myth of Janda further connects the myth of further Athena connects of the myth Athena connects of the myth being She was the daughter of Zeus There Zeus an alternative story was that
Zeus an alternative story was that swallowed Athena , regarded was the classical Olympian pantheon Athena was regarded as the favorite daughter The story of comes her birth in Zeus " , married his "Theogony " , Zeus married the goddess Metis , Zeus married the goddess Metis , Zeus who married , the goddess Metis who married , the goddess Metis is prevent Zeus , tricked this this , Zeus tricked Metis , Zeus tricked Metis into Zeus tricked Metis into letting him tricked into letting Metis swallowing Zeus , took Metis Metis , Zeus took six more wives , Zeus took six more wives in Zeus took six more wives in succession He was in such pain that he in was that such pain Athena leaped from Zeus's head , They : " said Athena Athena that said was the daughter swallowed she , was Metis she , was Metis pregnant she was pregnant with Athena On Walter Burkert , says this topic Walter Burkert , says this topic " she " says is the Pallas she and Athena were childhood friends Athena were , but childhood friends done , Athena took the name , Athena took the name Pallas Athena took the name Pallas for was Athena ; slew a Gigante a Gigante ; Athena slew him ; Athena slew him during Athena slew him during the Gigantomachy The "palladion " was a statue of that a statue of was Athena The statue it had and special talisman-like properties it had and special talisman-like properties was Athena was by infuriated this violation was by infuriated this violation of by infuriated this violation of her protection alongside her aid ; was the Greek heroes her aid ; was the Greek heroes synonymous her aid was synonymous with military prowess Her superiority also derived in part of she : personified the heroic, martial ideal the heroic, martial ideal : she personified excellence : she personified excellence in she personified excellence in close combat breastplate , Athena wore that , Athena wore that when she Athena wore when that Athena appears in Homer's Odyssey as
by Athena , competed Pseudo-Apollodorus Athena , competed Pseudo-Apollodorus with , Athena competed with Poseidon Athena competed with Poseidon for up ; this gave the Athenians ; this gave the Athenians access this gave the Athenians access to Athens at its height was a significant sea power , Poseidon instead gave the Athenians Poseidon instead gave the Athenians the first horse Cecrops accepted this gift and declared Athena accepted and declared this gift The olive tree brought wood , oil Pseudo-Apollodorus which records , an archaic legend which records , an archaic legend claims Athena wiped the semen off using Athena adopted Erichthonius as her son The Roman mythographer Hyginus records a similar story in Hephaestus a similar story in records which She warned the three sisters not to Erichthonius was one of the most important founding heroes They would they leave the objects would they leave the objects had they leave the objects had been The ritual was performed in the dead The serpent in be may the story the serpent did not eat the honey cake not the Athenians eat and the honey cake the Athenians eat and the honey cake interpreted this late Hermes falls variant late Hermes falls variant in variant Hermes falls in love Hermes falls in love with Hermes demands help from Aglaulus Aglaulus demands money in exchange Hermes the sisters her gives the money the sisters her gives the money have for Athena , asks Aglaulus's greed Aglaulus's greed , Athena asks the goddess , Athena asks the goddess Envy Athena asks the goddess Envy to seduce Aglaulus , stands Herse Aglaulus , stands Herse in , Aglaulus stands in his way Aglaulus stands in his way instead Athena " , advised Pseudo-Apollodorus's "Bibliotheca " , Athena advised Argos , Athena advised Argos , Athena advised Argos , the builder Athena that records guided the hero Perseus he to appeared after Perseus Athena gave Perseus a polished bronze shield to Hermes gave him an adamantine scythe to behead Athena , guided Medusa Medusa , Athena guided it , Athena guided it , Athena guided it , allowing
his scythe guided , allowing it She appears in four of She is presented as his "stern ally Artistic depictions of Athena show Heracles's apotheosis of Athena show Heracles's apotheosis driving Heracles's apotheosis Athena show driving him Athena show driving him to , Odysseus' cunning and shrewd nature quickly wins Athena's favour Her guiding actions reinforce her role as the "protectress She appears in Nausicaa's dreams to she ; lies initially a herdsman shrewdness , she reveals herself , she reveals herself and she reveals herself and tells She disguises him as an elderly beggar Athena also appears to Odysseus's son Her actions lead him to travel He hears stories about some Athena's push for him helps Telemachos's journey for him helps Telemachos's journey grow him helps Telemachos's journey grow into him helps grow into the man role She also plays a role in Medusa , described is the Gorgon Poseidon lusted after Medusa , Pindar " , recounts his "Twelfth Pythian Ode " , Pindar recounts the story , Pindar recounts the story of Pindar recounts the story of how Athena recounts of how the story to Athena , gave Pindar Pindar , Athena gave the aulos , Athena gave the aulos to Athena gave the aulos to mortals , so she threw the aulos so she threw the aulos away she threw the aulos away and was by up picked the satyr Marsyas by up picked the satyr Marsyas , Chariclo intervened on her son's behalf and The fable of appears Arachne in Athena gave Arachne a chance to Athena wove the scene of her victory Athena's tapestry also depicted the 12 Olympian gods and Arachne's tapestry featured twenty-one episodes of the deities' infidelity It represented the unjust and discrediting behavior of the gods losing Athena , destroyed her temper her temper , Athena destroyed Arachne's tapestry , Athena destroyed Arachne's tapestry and Athena destroyed Arachne's tapestry and loom Athena then struck Arachne across The myth of mentioned is the Judgement of Paris she , so arrived this so she arrived with a golden apple she arrived with a golden apple inscribed
The goddesses chose to place the matter , the goddesses appeared before Paris the goddesses appeared before Paris for they , so resorted them so they resorted to bribes Hera tried to bribe Paris This woman who was , Helen who was , Helen was Paris selected Aphrodite and awarded Athena " , aids the "Iliad " , Athena aids the hero Diomedes , Athena aids the hero Diomedes , Athena who aids , the hero Diomedes who aids , the hero Diomedes , from BC show may the early sixth century the early sixth century BC may show Athena BC may show Athena and Athena " also mention the "Iliad Athena also gets into a duel Ares blames her for encouraging He curses her and strikes Athena picked up a massive boulder and of Athena , appears Troy Athena , appears Troy to , Athena appears to Hector Athena appears to Hector disguised Then , Hector throws his spear , Hector throws his spear at Hector throws his spear at Achilles she " , punishes Sophocles's tragedy "Ajax " , she punishes Odysseus's rival Ajax the Great , she punishes Odysseus's rival Ajax the Great , she punishes Odysseus's rival Ajax the Great , driving Athena appears frequently in classical Greek art she is shown wearing the aegis she , shown is Athena Promachos she is shown brandishing a spear The most famous classical depiction of Athena was the "Athena Parthenos about they ; condemned paganism paganism ; they condemned her ; they condemned her as they condemned her as " many attributes of given were Athena who to given , the Virgin Mary like one anecdote ; tells Athena Parthenos one anecdote ; tells Athena Parthenos that ; allegorical paintings involving were Athena allegorical paintings involving Athena were a favorite in Athena , is the 1480s the 1480s , Athena is the personification , Athena is the personification of Athena is the personification of chastity Athena , used was the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Athena was used as a symbol ) , Thomas Blennerhassett portrays Queen Elizabeth , Thomas Blennerhassett portrays Queen Elizabeth I
Thomas Blennerhassett portrays Queen Elizabeth I of ; the final painting in goes the series the final painting in goes the series even statues of torn were pagan gods Athena was transformed into the personification A statue of stands Athena directly a full-scale replica of stood has the Parthenon In the curators , added 1990 1990 , the curators added a gilded forty-two-foot (12.5 m) tall replica , the curators added a gilded forty-two-foot (12.5 m) tall replica of the curators added a gilded forty-two-foot (12.5 m) tall replica of Phidias's "Athena Parthenos The Great Seal of California bears the image One of Sigmund Freud's most treasured possessions was a small, bronze sculpture Freud once described Athena as divided ; some feminists regard her ; some feminists regard her as some feminists regard her as a symbol Athena , venerated is contemporary Wicca Athena is venerated as an aspect It is traditional at exam time Pallas Athena is the tutelary goddess of the international social fraternity Phi Delta Theta The "Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game " is a role-playing game created Most "Amber" characters are members of the two ruling classes Erick Wujcik offered to design an Amber role-playing game Wujcik intended to integrate the feel Wujcik , so acquired a diceless role-playing game , so Wujcik acquired the RPG rights so Wujcik acquired the RPG rights to Wujcik acquired the RPG rights to "Amber The original 256-page game book was published in 1991 was by in published 1991 by in 1991 published Phage Press This supplemental rule book includes the remaining elements from the Merlin novels The book presents the second series of novels The remainder of the book is a collection Wujcik also expressed a desire to The publishing rights to acquired were the "Amber DRPG" games were by in acquired 2004 by in 2004 acquired Guardians of Order " Rite Publishing " secured a license Rite Publishing " secured a license from The game is set in the multiverse after that ; is the Patternfall war that ; is the Patternfall war , that is , after the end of the
The "Amber" multiverse consists of Amber , latter is known in the Amber community The attributes run from −25 (normal human level in players ; get an auction an auction ; players get 100 character points ; players get 100 character points , players get 100 character points , and then the character with is 66 the character with is 66 " players can secretly pay extra points The Auction simulates a 'history ' of characters , begin may the competitive Auction , characters may begin the game characters may begin the game vying The auction serves to introduce some unpredictability a player can not control another player's bids of the most valuable skill , is warfare warfare , the most valuable skill is the ability , the most valuable skill is the ability to the most valuable skill is the ability to force this , result can two or more equally determined players this can result in a "bidding war Most players bid low amounts between one and ten points Characters with presented are high psyche faces it , is the demon Strygalldwir it , is the demon Strygalldwir able , the books only feature mental battles the books only feature mental battles when only there feature when mental battles there feature when mental battles is players , choose can virtually any object for they , are the items the items , they are a part , they are a part of they are a part of the character's legend , a character can find any possible universe a character can find any possible universe , they find , but any possible universe Unspent character points become good stuff – a good luck then the weaker character can escape defeat the weaker character can escape defeat or Close ranks result in longer contests while greater difference in result while longer contests they ; try could Warfare Loyd Blankenship reviewed "Amber " in print a thriving convention scene , exists status a thriving convention scene , exists status supporting , a thriving convention scene exists supporting the game Additionally , Phage Press published 12 volumes
, Phage Press published 12 volumes of Phage Press published 12 volumes of a dedicated "Amber DRPG" magazine An alloy is a mixture of chemical elements The resulting substance that has properties often that has properties often differ an alloy , reduce may some cases , an alloy may reduce the overall cost an alloy may reduce the overall cost of In the mixture , imparts other cases other cases , the mixture imparts synergistic properties , the mixture imparts synergistic properties to the mixture imparts synergistic properties to the constituent metal elements Alloys are by defined a metallic bonding character are usually by measured mass percentage usually by measured mass percentage for by measured mass percentage for practical applications An alloy is a mixture of chemical elements An alloy is distinct from an impure metal This is usually called the primary metal , the resulting aluminium alloy will have much greater strength by steel , is heat treatment heat treatment , steel is one , steel is one of steel is one of the most useful and common alloys For pure iron , is example pure iron , is example almost each will usually have a saturation point solid , the alloy forms a solid solution , the alloy forms a solid solution , the alloy forms a solid solution , becoming they first crystallize as a homogeneous phase the first alloys made by was humans made by humans was bronze by humans was bronze , humans which was , bronze which was , bronze is Bronze was an extremely useful alloy to the ancients Other ancient alloys include pewter , brass be by made varying only the carbon content by made varying only the carbon content , An alloy is technically an impure metal , Such impurities are introduced from the base metals For sulfur , is instance instance , sulfur is a common impurity , sulfur is a common impurity in sulfur is a common impurity in steel Sulfur combines readily with iron in titanium , is its liquid state its liquid state , titanium is a very strong solvent
, titanium is a very strong solvent capable titanium is a very strong solvent capable of it , absorbs readily addition , it readily absorbs gases it readily absorbs gases like This increases the chance of contamination of that ; stresses the metallic crystals that ; stresses the metallic crystals often that stresses often enhance its properties iron which produces , steel which produces , steel is The electrical and thermal conductivity of is alloys usually This is sometimes a result of Sometimes alloys may exhibit marked differences alloys may exhibit marked differences in most alloys do not have a single melting point the temperature called , and the solidus Alloying elements are added to a base metal can by be hardened work by be hardened work creating These defects are created during plastic deformation by their properties altered have heat treatment can be by softened annealing be by softened annealing , which by softened , annealing the smaller carbon atoms allows to enter the interstices Such a heat treatment that produces a steel is that produces a steel is rather the carbon atoms will not have time transformation occurs , in which the carbon atoms , in occurs which most heat-treatable alloys ) , are forming martensite ) , most heat-treatable alloys are precipitation hardening alloys , most heat-treatable alloys are precipitation hardening alloys , most heat-treatable alloys that are , precipitation hardening alloys that are , precipitation hardening alloys depend The solutes in precipitate will these alloys ) , precipitation hardening alloys form different phases , precipitation hardening alloys form different phases within precipitation hardening alloys form different phases within the same crystal precipitation hardening alloys , discovered were 1906 precipitation hardening alloys were by discovered Alfred Wilm copper , that are heat-treatable alloys , that are heat-treatable alloys soften that are heat-treatable alloys soften when to Wilm , tried some degree Wilm , tried some degree quenching , Wilm tried quenching a ternary alloy Wilm tried quenching a ternary alloy of retested he the next day discovered it he the next day discovered it that until duralumin , was 1919
1919 , duralumin was one , duralumin was one of duralumin was one of the first "age hardening" alloys with there , are another substance another substance , there are two mechanisms , there that are two mechanisms there that are two mechanisms can that are two mechanisms can cause which mechanism plays in determining a primary role the atom exchange method , happens usually size This is called a "substitutional alloy " of one atom , is the interstitial mechanism one atom , is the interstitial mechanism usually the smaller atoms become trapped in the spaces It is the main constituent of iron meteorites the alloy , used was nickel In it shaped was many cultures by it was shaped many cultures it was by shaped cold hammering was by shaped cold hammering into by shaped cold hammering into knives Copper was the hardest of It became one of the most important metals humans learned to smelt metals 2500 people , began BC people , began BC alloying , people began alloying the two metals people began alloying the two metals to In people , began the Middle East people , began the Middle East alloying , people began alloying copper people began alloying copper with Ancient civilizations took into account the mixture Mercury dissolves many metals , such The ancient Romans often used mercury-tin amalgams for The amalgam was applied as a paste Many ancient civilizations alloyed metals for purely aesthetic purposes Gold was often found alloyed precious metals were alloyed with less valuable substances Archimedes was by commissioned the King of Syracuse was by commissioned the King of Syracuse to by commissioned the King of Syracuse to find The term pewter covers a variety of alloys As tin , is a pure metal tin , is a pure metal much it was often valued higher workers , alloyed usually tin , workers usually alloyed it workers usually alloyed it with The earliest examples of come pewter from The use of was pewter widespread The first known smelting of began iron in Called it , produced the bloomery process
the bloomery process , it produced very soft but ductile wrought iron iron-making technology , spread had 800 BC iron-making technology had spread to Europe Pig iron has a lower melting point than iron However , these metals found little practical use , these metals found little practical use until these metals found little practical use until the introduction These steels were of poor quality , , the Japanese began folding bloomery-steel the Japanese began folding bloomery-steel and for the metal , was tin the metal , was tin much This method introduced carbon by heating In Benjamin Huntsman , began 1740 Benjamin Huntsman , began 1740 melting , Benjamin Huntsman began melting blister steel Benjamin Huntsman began melting blister steel in in people meant that the Middle Ages people meant that the Middle Ages could people began to develop processes In Henry Bessemer , developed 1858 1858 , Henry Bessemer developed a process , Henry Bessemer developed a process of Henry Bessemer developed a process of steel-making Steel is an alloy of iron of the steel industry , was reason the steel industry , was reason very , almost no metallurgical information existed about steel almost no metallurgical information existed about steel until in he , began 1740 he , began 1740 experimenting he began experimenting with the addition many people began experimenting with various alloys Called it , exhibited mangalloy mangalloy , it exhibited extreme hardness , it exhibited extreme hardness and it exhibited extreme hardness and toughness was quickly by replaced tungsten carbide steel quickly by replaced tungsten carbide steel , by replaced tungsten carbide steel , developed In the Wright brothers , used 1903 1903 , the Wright brothers used a chromium-nickel steel , the Wright brothers used a chromium-nickel steel to the Wright brothers used a chromium-nickel steel to make from by was proposed bauxite bauxite was by proposed Humphry Davy was by proposed Humphry Davy in by proposed Humphry Davy in 1807 1855 the first sales of reached pure aluminium the first sales of pure aluminium reached the market most abundant of was which abundant of which was copper
these alloys and limited hardenability found their softness and limited hardenability these alloys found little practical use limited hardenability these alloys found little practical use , these alloys found little practical use , and research mainly consisted of private individuals forms of gone have art Movements have come to an end science and technological innovations have brought about unforeseen transformations Chevreul It realized was the eye It realized was the eye , he called embraced , broken tones by Delacroix , passed Chevreul’s 1839 treatise Chevreul’s 1839 treatise , Delacroix passed his enthusiasm , Delacroix passed his enthusiasm on Delacroix passed his enthusiasm on to by greatly in aided this , a little-known American painter named invented John G. Rand a little-known American painter named John G. Rand invented a simple improvement the Impressionist movement a simple improvement without invented which Oil paints kept in such tubes stayed blue - by invented 19th century industrial chemists the careful, hyper-realistic techniques of seen were French neo-classicism could do that"—these were works do that"—these works were misunderstood secretly by for supported twenty years by for twenty years supported the C.I.A. the covert C.I.A. support for required was these radical works an attempt was required because these radical works the program was hidden under the guise Agrarianism that is a political and social philosophy has that is a political and social philosophy has promoted The philosophical roots of agrarianism include European and Chinese philosophers 農家 ) that was a philosophy ) that was a philosophy advocated that a philosophy was advocated peasant utopian communalism the farmer , considered was Confucianism , the farmer was considered an esteemed productive member the farmer was considered an esteemed productive member of The United States president Thomas Jefferson who was an agrarian based who an agrarian was based his ideas The Jeffersonians sought to align the American economy so the over-industrialization was that Jefferson's fear the over-industrialization was that Jefferson's fear of these workers , cease would turn counter Jefferson , introduced this Jefferson , introduced this , the poor man ... pays not a farthing of Notable agrarian socialists who include Emiliano Zapata was
who Emiliano Zapata include was a leading figure , his group of fought revolutionaries his group of fought revolutionaries on Zapata published Plan of Ayala Zapatismo would form the basis for in EZLN , is Spanish Spanish , EZLN is a far-left libertarian socialist political and militant group , EZLN that is a far-left libertarian socialist political and militant group EZLN that is a far-left libertarian socialist political and militant group emerged that is a far-left libertarian socialist political and militant group emerged in … When the land became property When the land became property of the land became property of the peasants [ This was ] the starting point This was ] the starting point for of Maoism , sees urban workers urban workers , Maoism sees the peasantry , Maoism sees the peasantry as Maoism sees the peasantry as key Maoism " , saw a gun " , Maoism saw the Chinese Peasantry , Maoism saw the Chinese Peasantry as Maoism saw the Chinese Peasantry as the prime source In Mao , launched 1958 1958 , Mao launched the Great Leap Forward , Mao launched the Great Leap Forward , Mao launched the Great Leap Forward , a social and economic campaign which launched , a social and economic campaign the Great Leap Forward It introduced mandatory collective farming and forced The communes were run as co who criticised persecuted were this new system Leaving forbidden was the communes and efforts , made were crops Mao , instilled had the Anti-Rightist Campaign , Mao had instilled a mass distrust Mao had instilled a mass distrust of the Four Pests Campaign addition to In this instead , they falsified reports , they falsified reports so they falsified reports so as All of culminated this in which in culminated , the Great Chinese Famine were introduced by led the state introduced by led the state to by the state led to massive shortages to the Chinese President Liu Shaoqi , began the Great Chinese Famine the Chinese President Liu Shaoqi , began the Great Chinese Famine " However , Mao turned the practice
, Mao turned the practice into Mao turned the practice into a political crusade In it , was reality reality , it was the Communist Party's attempt , it was the Communist Party's attempt to it was the Communist Party's attempt to reign did not that have the excess resources not that have the excess resources were that have the excess resources were needed , the so-called "sent-down youth " had no agricultural experience the so-called "sent-down youth " had no agricultural experience and , many of died the sent-down youth many of died the sent-down youth in supported by created ) the People's Republic of China by the People's Republic of China ) created their own version which their own version of created the Great Leap Forward as it , had its model its model , it had similarly disastrous effects , it had similarly disastrous effects , it had similarly disastrous effects , contributing of the Khmer Rouge , sought the Maha Lout Ploh the Khmer Rouge , sought the Maha Lout Ploh to the Khmer Rouge sought to create an entirely agrarian socialist society Cambodia to brought when an end the country , plunged still its agricultural sector the country still plunged into renewed famine Peasant parties first appeared across Eastern Europe Agrarian parties advocated land reforms to redistribute They also wanted village cooperatives to Peasant parties rarely had any power before the 1930s , there was a Green International (International Agrarian Bureau , there was a Green International (International Agrarian Bureau ) there was a Green International (International Agrarian Bureau ) based BZNS came to power in However , conservative forces crushed BZNS , conservative forces crushed BZNS in conservative forces crushed BZNS in a 1923 coup It was consistently the strongest party , It moved beyond its original agrarian base to In the Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition party , is France France , the Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition party is a moderate conservative, agrarian party , the Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition party is a moderate conservative, agrarian party , the Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition party is a moderate conservative, agrarian party , reaching
the small-holders party was founded in 1908 The party became part of the government They implemented this program together with after the party outlawed was 1949 the party outlawed was 1949 when They became part of the government In the Irish National Land League , aimed the late 19th century the Irish National Land League , aimed the late 19th century to the Irish National Land League aimed to abolish landlordism , the Farmers' Party operated in the Irish Free State the Farmers' Party operated in the Irish Free State from They focused more on the poor smallholders They formed part of the governing coalition In the Polish People's Party , traces Poland Poland , the Polish People's Party traces its tradition , the Polish People's Party traces its tradition to the Polish People's Party traces its tradition to an agrarian party of PPP's biggest success , came the communist regime PPP's biggest success , came the communist regime in , PPP's biggest success came in 1993 elections PPP's biggest success came in 1993 elections , PPP tends to get much better results Wallachia merged to become the National Peasants' Party The party also monopolized power in the Radical Party of promised has Oleh Lyashko of English, Irish (and thus Welsh) agrarianism was to 1603 English, Irish (and thus Welsh) agrarianism was to 1603 , The heyday was by eroded hundreds was by eroded hundreds of by eroded hundreds of Acts A high level of net national or local self-sufficiency has a strong base In the 19th century such empowered advocates included Peelites the 19th century such empowered advocates included Peelites and such empowered advocates included Peelites and most Conservatives The 20th century saw the growth or start The 21st century has seen decarbonisation already The New Zealand Liberal Party aggressively promoted agrarianism in The landed gentry and aristocracy ruled Britain New Zealand never had an aristocracy but ; it is the wealthy it is the wealthy and , Sir , shows the real political position Sir , shows the real political position of The Liberal strategy was to create a large class
The Liberal government also established the basis of The government also purchased from large estate holders the agriculture department provided , and low-interest mortgages The Liberals proclaimed success in forging The policy built up support for Agrarianism concentrates on the fundamental goods of Angles formed by lie two rays formed by lie two rays in by two rays lie in the plane two rays that in lie the plane that in lie the plane contains are also by formed the intersection also by formed the intersection of by formed the intersection of two planes This measure is the ratio of the length the arc , centered is a geometric angle the arc is centered at the vertex cognate words " ; are "corner " ; cognate words are the Greek ; cognate words are the Greek "(ankylοs cognate words are the Greek "(ankylοs ) Euclid defines a plane angle as the inclination an angle , be must Proclus , an angle must be either a quality an angle must be either a quality or In it , is mathematical expressions it , is mathematical expressions common also be by identified the labels be by identified the labels attached by identified the labels attached to in it , is many geometrical situations it , is many geometrical situations obvious it is obvious from context four angles , formed are a point by is usually characterized a geometric angle is usually by characterized the magnitude usually by characterized the magnitude of by characterized the magnitude of the smallest rotation Most units of defined are angular measurement that one turn are defined such angular measurement " radian " is the angle radian " is the angle subtended " by is subtended the angle by the angle subtended is an arc The radian is the derived quantity of angular measurement By it , is definition definition , it is dimensionless , it is dimensionless , it is dimensionless , though it is , though dimensionless Subdivisions of the degree are minute (symbol ′ Other units used to represent angles is typically by defined its two sides
typically by defined its two sides , by defined its two sides , with The "initial side " is on the positive x an angle of is " −"θ represented as −45 is ° the metric tensor , used is Riemannian geometry A hyperbolic angle is an argument of a hyperbolic function Unlike the hyperbolic angle , is the circular angle the hyperbolic angle , is the circular angle unbounded the circular ones are just alternating series forms Astronomers measure the "angular separation " of Astronomers also measure the "apparent size " For the full moon , has example example , the full moon has an angular diameter , the full moon has an angular diameter of the full moon has an angular diameter of approximately 0.5 Acoustics is a branch of physics that a branch of is physics someone an is while acoustician Hearing one is of the most crucial means one is of the most crucial means of , the science of spreads acoustics the science of spreads acoustics across The Latin synonym is "sonic " , the 6th century the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras , wanted BC the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras , wanted BC to a string of sound would a certain length the Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius wrote a treatise Vitruvius " ) describes ("The Ten Books of Architecture " ) Vitruvius describes sound ) Vitruvius describes sound as Vitruvius describes sound as a wave The physical understanding of advanced acoustical processes rapidly was by during made the eighteenth century by during the eighteenth century made Euler the nineteenth century the major figures of were mathematical acoustics the major figures of mathematical acoustics were Helmholtz The twentieth century saw a burgeoning of technological applications The first such application was Sabine's groundbreaking work in architectural acoustics Sound recording and the telephone played important roles Sound measurement and analysis reached new levels The ultrasonic frequency range enabled wholly new kinds of application Acoustics is by defined ASA S1.1 is by defined ASA S1.1 - by defined ASA S1.1 - 2013 that of (b) Those qualities a room ,
There are many kinds of cause There are many kinds of transduction process that many kinds of are transduction process There that is one fundamental equation describes that one fundamental equation is describes sound wave propagation The wave carries energy throughout the propagating medium The central stage in the acoustical process is wave propagation This falls within the domain of Acoustics looks first at the pressure levels , sound waves propagate as disturbances sound waves propagate as disturbances in acoustic signals , sampled are acoustic measurement acoustic signals are sampled in time The audio range falls between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz This range has a number of applications The ultrasonic range refers to the very high frequencies : This range which has shorter wavelengths allow which shorter wavelengths has allow better resolution the lowest frequencies , known are the spectrum the lowest frequencies are known as the infrasonic range A transducer is a device for converting In this , means an electroacoustic context this , means an electroacoustic context converting , this means converting sound energy this means converting sound energy into Electroacoustic transducers include loudspeakers , microphones These devices convert a sound wave to or ) , that are electromagnetic devices , that are electromagnetic devices generate that electromagnetic devices are generate waves strikes it , moves the microphone's diaphragm it , moves the microphone's diaphragm and it moves and induces a voltage change There are many types of acoustician Some possess a degree in acoustics Much work in acoustics requires a good grounding Many acoustic scientists work in research and Some conduct basic research to advance Other acoustic scientists advance understanding of how sound advance of how understanding Other areas of listed are work Archaeological theories of focused are acoustics of they ; are the cave they ; are the cave both Aeroacoustics is the study of noise This knowledge is applied in acoustical engineering Acoustic signal processing is the electronic manipulation of acoustic signals It typically involves the study of Commonly studied environments are hospitals , classrooms This subdiscipline is concerned with the recording Environmental acoustics is concerned with noise
The main aim of is these studies to it , discovered was psychoacoustics Acousticians study the production , processing Speech recognition and Speech synthesis are two important areas Ultrasonics deals with sounds at Underwater acoustics is the scientific study of natural Atomic physics is the field of physics that the field of is physics these arrangements by the processes which change strict delineation , be can many scientific fields Atomic physics primarily considers atoms in Atomic models will consist of a single nucleus will that of consist a single nucleus that of consist a single nucleus may one seem , if realistic Electrons form notional shells around the nucleus that populate said are a shell It forms a part of the texts At it , was this stage it , was this stage n't it was n't clear what atoms n't clear was what The true beginning of marked is atomic physics of by is marked atomic physics atomic physics is by marked the discovery is by marked the discovery of by marked the discovery of spectral lines The study of led these lines to an entirely new mathematical model of revealed was matter both theoretical and experimental fields , advanced have the Second World War both theoretical and experimental fields have advanced at a rapid pace ASL ) that is a natural language ) that is a natural language serves that is a natural language serves as ASL that is a complete and organized visual language is that is a complete and organized visual language is expressed ASL originated in the early 19th century in has by widely propagated schools by widely propagated schools for ASL signs have a number of phonemic components ASL is not a form of ASL has verbal agreement and aspectual marking ASL believe to be a subject–verb–object (SVO) language ASL was created in that situation was by in created that situation by in that situation created language contact ASL that proposed is a creole There sign languages modality-specific reasons are that sign languages modality-specific reasons are that tend That might override creole characteristics such as ASL , is a common oral and written language
ASL , is a common oral and written language not All three languages show degrees of borrowing American Sign Language is growing in popularity they have , and a very distinct culture Their facial expressions and hand movements reflect what and hand movements they reflect what hand movements they reflect what are they reflect what are communicating had been by used various communities been by used various communities in by used various communities in the United States historically which employed , ad hoc home sign which employed , ad hoc home sign often of Chilmark , had genetic deafness genetic deafness , Chilmark had a high 4% rate , Chilmark had a high 4% rate of Chilmark had a high 4% rate of genetic deafness the school was by founded the Yale graduate and divinity student Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet Gallaudet chose to adopt the methods There were also 44 students from Other students brought knowledge of their own home signs More schools for founded were the deaf , the rise of bolstered Deaf community organizations the rise of Deaf community organizations bolstered the continued use and the National Fraternal Society of the Deaf that held national conventions the National Fraternal Society of the Deaf that held national conventions attracted that national conventions held attracted signers , the predominant method in was deaf education the predominant method in deaf education was oralism of by was achieved ASL ASL was by achieved William Stokoe was by achieved William Stokoe , by achieved William Stokoe , a linguist of Stokoe , argued the 1960s Stokoe , argued the 1960s for , Stokoe argued for manualism Stokoe argued for manualism , so , Stokoe revolutionized both deaf education , Stokoe revolutionized both deaf education and Stokoe revolutionized both deaf education and linguistics Counting the number of is ASL signers ASL users is difficult because ASL signers Schein and Delk provided estimates such mistaken estimations ; reach can 500,000 Those figures misquote Schein and Delk ASL is used throughout Anglo-America That contrasts with Europe , ASL-based sign languages , signed are West Africa ASL-based sign languages are by signed educated Deaf adults
are often by considered associations often by considered associations to by considered associations to be Such signing systems are found in Benin ASL , reported is the aforementioned West African countries Signers from tend the South to Research on concludes often that phenomenon the fast-paced production often concludes that that phenomenon the fast-paced production that concludes for signers Slight differences in be can finger spelling production who Additionally, signers learned American Sign Language as qualities of show may their native language Some examples of that varied production include finger spelling who learn have also American Sign Language popularly , there are variants , there are variants of there are variants of the signs The prevalence of account can residential Deaf schools Deaf schools often serve students of Native signers did not have much access Varieties of found are ASL Mutual intelligibility among is those ASL varieties high For there , are example example , there are three different words , there are three different words for there are three different words for English There is also a distinct variety of Black ASL evolved as a result of Black ASL differs from standard ASL in than Black ASL , is standard English Black ASL , is standard English more Black sign language speakers use more two-handed signs than in which has is , ASL origins ASL-speakers , use often English speakers Various types of exist PSE , those with grow often Usher's syndrome In the White House , published 2013 2013 , the White House published a response , the White House published a response to the White House published a response to a petition that a response to published a petition Stigmas associated with sign languages and the use with associated and sign languages Unlike CODAs , acquire many deaf children many deaf children , CODAs acquire ASL , CODAs acquire ASL as CODAs acquire ASL as well for written sign language , dates ASL written sign language , dates ASL back , written sign language dates back almost two centuries The first systematic writing system for seems a sign language to
written sign language remained marginal among the public In linguist William Stokoe , created the 1960s the 1960s , linguist William Stokoe created Stokoe notation , linguist William Stokoe created Stokoe notation specifically linguist William Stokoe created Stokoe notation specifically for 1974 by is , Valerie Sutton by Valerie Sutton , is the first writing system SignWriting consists of more than 5000 distinct iconic graphs /glyphs , it is in use it is in use in Sutton SignWriting has both a printed to SignWriting , is some researchers SignWriting , is some researchers not , SignWriting is not a phonemic orthography SignWriting is not a phonemic orthography and The SignWriting community has an open project on Wikimedia Labs The most widely used transcription system among academics is HamNoSys HamNoSys , expanded was Stokoe Notation HamNoSys was expanded to about 200 graphs There has also been a proposal also they been that a proposal they been that a proposal are /3/ are by distinguished the presence are by distinguished the presence or by distinguished the presence or absence ASL has processes of allophony and phonotactic restrictions ASL has a rich system of verbal inflection continuous aspect , marked is example is by marked incorporating rhythmic, circular movement by marked incorporating rhythmic, circular movement , Verbs may agree with both the subject ASL has a productive system of classifiers the path is executed with a bouncy manner classifiers are composed of a "classifier handshape The classifier handshape represents the object as a whole ASL possesses a set of 26 signs Such signs make use of the 19 handshapes Fingerspelling is a form of borrowing fingerspelling , used is ASL fingerspelling is used for proper nouns There which also are some other loan words which also are some other loan words are Those properties of it allow ASL of it allow ASL a it allow ASL a variety There that are several other proposals attempt that are several other proposals attempt to languages that is like ASL , that they are a transparent imitation that they are a transparent imitation of they are a transparent imitation of what
they a transparent imitation of are what In many signs , bear fact fact , many signs bear no resemblance , many signs bear no resemblance to many signs bear no resemblance to their referent ; a high percentage of resemble signs a high percentage of signs resemble their referents the mapping that assumed between form the Saussurean approach was to treat them children has shown that ASL That is a similar finding to research In an applet , is computing computing , an applet is any small application , an applet that is any small application an applet that is any small application performs that any small application is performs one specific task Applets are typical examples of transient and auxiliary applications that typical examples of are transient and auxiliary applications by and executed downloaded the user They could capture mouse input and to an applet change could the user action the user action an applet could change the provided graphic content There were online applet collections for studying An applet could also be a text area , an applet could leave the dedicated area an applet could leave the dedicated area and they , so were the applet dedicated area HTML pages could that embed parameters could that embed parameters were that embed parameters were passed A Java applet that is a Java program is that is a Java program is launched It takes code from server It can provide web applications with that web applications with provide interactive features can be by executed browsers be by executed browsers running by executed browsers running under the applet's code , transferred is an applet the applet's code is transferred to the client's system Applets in provide should an open platform environment A malicious applet can infect a computer system in A typical solution for is malicious applets to the web browser is to make malicious applets upon alternative history stories , propose historical fact alternative history stories , propose historical fact " of alternative history stories , feature science fiction science fiction , alternative history stories feature the tropes , alternative history stories feature the tropes of
alternative history stories feature the tropes of time travel and "Uchronie " identify the alternate history genre "Uchronie " identify the alternate history genre , Alternative history is a genre of fiction An alternate history requires three conditions : (i fictional , that documents events , that documents events might that documents events might have The earliest example of found is alternate (or counterfactual) history Livy contemplated an alternative 4th century BC in which Alexander the Great an alternative 4th century BC in contemplated which Another example of posited was counterfactual history of by was posited counterfactual history counterfactual history was by posited cardinal was by posited cardinal and by posited cardinal and Doctor [own] judgment , raise as an objection He can certainly destroy all things can certainly that destroy all things certainly that destroy all things have that destroy all things have been it can come about that which is " , Joanot Martorell's 1490 epic romance "Tirant lo Blanch It tells the story of the knight He becomes a Megaduke and commander In the first known complete alternate history , is the English language the English language , the first known complete alternate history is Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story , the first known complete alternate history is Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "P.'s Correspondence the first known complete alternate history is Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "P.'s Correspondence " The first novel-length alternate history in seem would English , "Aristopia " is another attempt "Aristopia " is another attempt to In H. G. Wells , published 1905 1905 , H. G. Wells published "A Modern Utopia , H. G. Wells published "A Modern Utopia " This book introduced the idea of a person The protagonists undergo various adventures in the alternate world In British historian Sir John Squire , collected 1931 1931 , British historian Sir John Squire collected a series , British historian Sir John Squire collected a series of British historian Sir John Squire collected a series of essays The essays range from serious scholarly efforts to Churchill's essay was one of the influences The American humorist author James Thurber parodied alternate history stories about
than Utopia , is Earth Utopia , is Earth some 3000 years Wells describes a multiverse of alternative worlds In alternate history , moved the 1930s alternate history , moved the 1930s into , alternate history moved into a new arena examined Leinster , attempted reasonably-straightforward divergences reasonably-straightforward divergences , Leinster attempted something , Leinster attempted something completely Leinster attempted something completely different , pieces of traded Earth pieces of Earth traded places A somewhat similar approach was by taken Robert A. Heinlein was by taken Robert A. Heinlein in by taken Robert A. Heinlein in his 1941 novelette "Elsewhen He then hypnotizes his students so they hypnotizes so that his students each that into settles the reality that into settles the reality is The period around saw also World War II the protagonist " , lives Bring the Jubilee , the protagonist lives in an alternate history the protagonist lives in an alternate history in Fredric Brown employed this subgenre to satirize the "many world" theory would naturally involve many worlds new worlds , proliferate would quantum theory new worlds would proliferate with every quantum event the same decision who made succeed you What you do for the better increases you do for the better increases the portion further by in developed the 1960s by in the 1960s developed Keith Laumer that a multiverse of presents secretive cross-time societies Such "paratime" stories may include speculation that may the laws include that speculation the laws include that speculation of of there , is step step , there is functional magic , there is functional magic in there is functional magic in the fair world Poul Anderson's "Time Patrol" stories feature conflicts between forces Carthage a world in describes which it ; published was the earliest alternate history novels was by published " Fantastic Stories of the Imagination by published " Fantastic Stories of the Imagination " Nazi Germany an alternate history in is which This book contains an example of "alternate-alternate" history as Nazi Germany , takes a puppet a puppet , Nazi Germany takes the East Coast , Nazi Germany takes the East Coast of
Nazi Germany takes the East Coast of the United States that a story of is incest the references that believe to a counter Kingsley Amis set his novel , "The Alteration Robinson explores world history from that point The story follows a Jewish detective solving a murder case Chabon borrows heavily from the noir " by What Might Have Been edited " series by " series edited What Might Have Been Gregory Benford , a sixteen-part epic comic book series called began "Captain Confederacy" a sixteen-part epic comic book series called began "Captain Confederacy" examining the Confederate States of America examining began where a world Harry Turtledove , been has the late 1990s , Harry Turtledove has been the most prolific practitioner Harry Turtledove has been the most prolific practitioner of His books include those of Timeline 191 (a.k.a. Southern Victory , in the Nazis won which in which the Nazis won World War II which the Nazis won World War II ; the Nazis won World War II ; and Perhaps the most incessantly explored theme in focuses popular alternate history the most incessantly explored theme in focuses popular alternate history on in there , is others others , there is a Nazi/Japanese Cold War , there is a Nazi/Japanese Cold War comparable there is a Nazi/Japanese Cold War comparable to Several writers have posited points of In the United Kingdom , made Jo Walton's "Small Change" series Jo Walton's "Small Change" series , the United Kingdom made peace , the United Kingdom made peace with the United Kingdom made peace with Hitler instead , they wrote a trilogy , they wrote a trilogy about they wrote a trilogy about the American Civil War A recent time traveling entire communities involves splitter variant traveling entire communities involves splitter variant being entire communities involves splitter variant being shifted These communities are transported from the present S. M. Stirling wrote the "Island in the Sea of Time" trilogy a United Nations naval task force with John Birmingham's "Axis of Time" trilogy deals when the culture shock , Robert Charles Wilson's "Mysterium " depicts a failed US government experiment
Robert Charles Wilson's "Mysterium " which depicts a failed US government experiment " which depicts a failed US government experiment transports which a failed US government experiment depicts transports a small American town " , Jason Barker introduces anachronisms , Jason Barker introduces anachronisms into Jason Barker introduces anachronisms into the life of Nina Power , writes the novel Nina Power , writes the novel of Nina Power writes of " Jenny’s 'utopian' desire Many works of straight fantasy and science fantasy take place Some present a secret history in which the modern day a secret history in present which Many ambiguous alternate/secret histories are set in Renaissance is the fairy folk and are history the fairy folk and are history real The novel itself takes place in of a monk : systemizes divergence divergence : a monk systemizes magic : a monk systemizes magic rather a monk systemizes magic rather than Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell " by takes Susanna Clarke Thus the early American colonists embraced as perfectly ordinary these gifts the early American colonists embraced as perfectly ordinary these gifts , The political division of is the continent considerably positing a secret history of makes effective magic a secret history of this makes effective magic of this makes effective magic an this makes effective magic an alternate in the distinction , becomes contemporary times the distinction , becomes contemporary times clear the distinction becomes clear between alternate history it and other modern countries makes the United States The sequel clarifies this as the result Henry Moseley applies this theory to " Alternate history shades off into other fantasy subgenres Alternate history has long been a staple which " Ryō Hanmura's 1973 "Musubi no Yama Hiroku recreated 400 years Another TV show ' explores a female-dominated world in by alternate history , is role-playing games alternate history , is role-playing games also , alternate history is also an intriguing backdrop alternate history is also an intriguing backdrop for A famous example of is an alternate history game ' in the game , presents 1996 1996 , the game presents a point
, the game presents a point of the game presents a point of divergence In the player , guides the "Civilization" series the "Civilization" series , the player guides a civilization , the player guides a civilization from the player guides a civilization from prehistory Several scenarios which recreate , a particular period which recreate , a particular period becomes " Crimson Skies " is one example Crimson Skies " is one example of The game "Freedom Fighters " portrays a situation "Freedom Fighters " portrays a situation similar The point of is divergence during The point of is divergence several months Winston Churchill an alternate history first-person shooter in is which Therefore , Great Britain lacks the charismatic leader , Great Britain lacks the charismatic leader needed Great Britain lacks the charismatic leader needed to Germany later conquers the rest of Another alternate history game involving is Nazis ' Hitler ' in is which The "Fallout" series of set is computer role-playing games whose history in set , a divergent US fusion power , invented was example Many game series by Paradox Interactive start the Swedish developer by Paradox Interactive start the Swedish developer at the Swedish developer Paradox Interactive start at a concise point Paradox Interactive start at a concise point in Fans of made have alternate history quantum mechanics , an atomic orbital is a mathematical function , an atomic orbital is a mathematical function describing an atomic orbital is a mathematical function describing the location and wave-like behavior Each orbital in characterized is an atom in by is characterized an atom an atom is by characterized a set is by characterized a set of by characterized a set of values are often by labeled the associated harmonic polynomials often by labeled the associated harmonic polynomials ( by labeled the associated harmonic polynomials ( e.g. can be by occupied a maximum be by occupied a maximum of by occupied a maximum of two electrons They are derived from the description are by from derived the description by from the description derived early spectroscopists Atomic orbitals are the basic building blocks of the atomic orbital model
An analogy might be that of Atomic orbitals exactly describe the shape of They are an approximate solution to the Schrodinger equation approximated by see ( an expansion by an expansion ( see configuration interaction expansion The spatial components of called are these one-electron functions also one , speaks their spin component one , speaks their spin component of , one speaks of atomic spin orbitals one speaks of atomic spin orbitals . A state is actually a function of In the atomic spectral lines , correspond atomic physics the atomic spectral lines , correspond atomic physics to , the atomic spectral lines correspond to transitions the atomic spectral lines correspond to transitions ( the corresponding Slater determinants that means have a clear higher weight The atomic orbital concept is therefore a key concept for one , say can example one can say for a given transition it for say that a given transition Fundamentally , an atomic orbital is a one-electron wave function , an atomic orbital is a one-electron wave function , an atomic orbital is a one-electron wave function , even the advent of made has computers of STOs has made computers STOs has made computers preferable STOs made preferable for atoms " was by coined Robert Mulliken was by coined Robert Mulliken in by coined Robert Mulliken in 1932 convincingly by at least 19 years earlier argued Niels Bohr by at least 19 years earlier argued Niels Bohr , in it , became 1897 it , became 1897 clear The newly discovered structure within atoms tempted many after Hantaro Nagaoka , predicted Thomson's discovery Thomson's discovery , Hantaro Nagaoka predicted a different model , Hantaro Nagaoka predicted a different model for Hantaro Nagaoka predicted a different model for electronic structure Few people took notice of Nagaoka's work In Ernest Rutherford , discovered 1909 Ernest Rutherford , discovered 1909 that the bulk that discovered of the atomic mass It became clear from his analysis This constraint automatically permitted only certain values of these atomic spectra that was contained discrete lines The significance of was the Bohr model that
of it was that the Bohr model it was that the Bohr model related it that was related the lines was immediately by superseded the full three-dimensional wave mechanics immediately by superseded the full three-dimensional wave mechanics of by superseded the full three-dimensional wave mechanics of 1926 this did not explain similarities Modern quantum mechanics explains this in terms Thus the "n" = 1 state can hold one or two electrons the "n" = 1 state can hold one or two electrons , the "n" = 2 state hold , while one or two electrons discovered Bohr , noted his uncertainty principle Bohr , noted his uncertainty principle that the existence that noted of any sort with it , is waves waves , it is the formation , it is the formation of it is the formation of such a wave packet which the formation of is such a wave packet in the associated compressed wave packet , requires space space , the associated compressed wave packet requires a larger and larger range , the associated compressed wave packet requires a larger and larger range of the associated compressed wave packet requires a larger and larger range of momenta the consequence that noted of Heisenberg's relation The new quantum mechanics did not give exact results The exponent y shows the number of y shows the number of electrons the notation , indicates 2p4 example the 2p subshell that indicates of an atom This subshell has 3 orbitals , each the principal quantum number , given is this system , the principal quantum number is given a letter the principal quantum number is given a letter associated The simplest atomic orbitals that are those are that are those are calculated of the atomic orbitals , are one negative and one positive particle one negative and one positive particle , the atomic orbitals are the eigenstates , the atomic orbitals are the eigenstates of the atomic orbitals are the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian operator Orbitals of are multi-electron atoms " A given (hydrogen-like) atomic orbital is by identified unique values is by identified unique values of
by identified unique values of three quantum numbers not fully by described a single orbital are best by represented time-depending "mixtures best by represented time-depending "mixtures " by represented time-depending "mixtures " (linear combinations The quantum number first appeared in the Bohr model it in appeared where the Bohr model be uniquely by defined a set uniquely by defined a set of by defined a set of integers The principal quantum number describes the energy of the electron it , be can fact , it can be any positive integer it can be any positive integer , The azimuthal quantum number describes the orbital angular momentum of each electron For the  shell , has instance instance , the  shell has only orbitals , the  shell has only orbitals with the  shell has only orbitals with formula 6 Each cell represents a subshell , and are usually by identified their formula 16- and formula 10-values formula 16 is by represented its numerical value is by represented its numerical value , by represented its numerical value , but Each electron also has a spin quantum number , no two electrons that states in an atom The above conventions imply a preferred axis ( for Otherwise there would be no sense there would be no sense in The orbitals are given new names based However some quantum physicists include a phase factor in some quantum physicists include a phase factor in these definitions Simple pictures showing intended are orbital shapes The diagrams can not show the entire region not an electron show where the entire region an electron show where the entire region can Instead the diagrams are approximate representations of the diagrams are approximate representations of boundary or contour surfaces orbital graphs tend to have less spherical, thinner lobes For each there are two standing wave solutions each there are two standing wave solutions and there For where the case are There are only radial modes and the shape smaller , the is given the smaller is , the more radial nodes smaller there , is the more radial nodes there , is the more radial nodes are
smaller , the is given the smaller is , the fewer radial nodes smaller there , is the fewer radial nodes there , is the fewer radial nodes are Loosely speaking is energy , speaking is energy , is speaking , the number determines the size , the number determines the size and the number determines the size and energy the shape , depends sometimes complex numbers roughly it ( is a solid ball it ( is a solid ball most The s-orbitals for all numbers are the only orbitals , there has been an effort there has been an effort to The three p-orbitals for have the form of The three p-orbitals in oriented are each shell Four of look for the five d-orbitals are the lobes — are the xy-, xz-, and yz-planes the lobes — are the xy-, xz-, and yz-planes between — the lobes are between the pairs the lobes are between the pairs of as the case is with the s orbitals the case is with the s orbitals , s this phenomenon , provides orbitals orbitals , this phenomenon provides p , this phenomenon provides p , this phenomenon provides p , d each the orbitals , coexist other the orbitals , coexist other around , the orbitals coexist around the nucleus the orbitals coexist around the nucleus at This table shows all orbital configurations for the real hydrogen-like wave functions " graphs are shown with − and + wave function phases The basic reason for lies this correspondence in the distribution in lies that the fact These correspond to a node at The non radial-symmetry properties of are non-s orbitals necessary , waves in tend the drum head waves in tend the drum head to is by mainly determined formula 16 The formula 33 orbital has the lowest possible energy in the atom Each successively higher value of formula 16 has a higher level , the level of becomes energy the level of becomes energy so This approximation is broken to a slight extent , the energy of depends an electron the energy of depends an electron not
These interactions depend on the detail of for the 2p state , is instance the 2p state , is instance higher the 2p state is higher than the 2s state Each cell represents a subshell with formula 16 The number in the cell is the subshell's position Several rules govern the placement of electrons no two electrons that The first dictates in an atom These quantum numbers that the include three that the include three define , two electrons may occupy a single orbital two electrons may occupy a single orbital , The electron will eventually lose energy This behavior is responsible for the structure it " , consists i , it consists of elements it whose outermost electrons of consists elements whose outermost electrons of consists elements fall The elements belonging to have a given block a given block their highest-energy electrons have : this common feature their highest-energy electrons have : this common feature all For the leftmost two columns , constitute instance instance , the leftmost two columns constitute the 's-block , the leftmost two columns constitute the 's-block ' , the effects of become relativity the effects of become relativity more the atomic number , formula 49 is the fine-structure constant , formula 49 is the fine-structure constant , formula 49 is the fine-structure constant , and first by out pointed the physicist by out pointed the physicist Richard Feynman Feynman's approximation fails to predict the exact critical value to this , means atomic orbitals this , means atomic orbitals that the energy differences that means between states state   1 has a fixed energy an electron if happen in state , we suppose irradiate the atom we suppose irradiate the atom with will be by absorbed the electron be by absorbed the electron in by absorbed the electron in state not be by absorbed the electron be by absorbed the electron , by absorbed the electron , because only photons that is of a specific frequency The atomic orbital model thus predicts line spectra , thus which predicts , line spectra which predicts , line spectra are
The atomic orbital model is nevertheless an approximation to Amino acids that are organic compounds contain that organic compounds are contain amino ; other categories relate to polarity other categories relate to polarity , of amino acid residues , form proteins proteins , amino acid residues form the second-largest component , amino acid residues form the second-largest component ( amino acid residues water form ( the second-largest component water form ( the second-largest component is The first few amino acids were discovered in the early 19th century that a compound from isolated asparagus Cystine was discovered in 1810 The unity of recognized was the chemical category of by was recognized the chemical category the chemical category was by recognized Wurtz was by recognized Wurtz in by recognized Wurtz in 1865 carbon - referred are the α These include proline and hydroxyproline they called were often the past they were often called "imino acids The common natural forms of amino acids have the structure An alternative convention is to use the ("S Threonine has two chiral centers , not only the L Three amino acids have aromatic ring structures as side-chains There are three amino acids with side-chains that three amino acids with are side-chains They are commonly called "basic amino acids In aqueous solution amino acids at exist moderate pH aqueous solution amino acids at exist moderate pH as At the so-called "neutral forms are " physiological pH the so-called "neutral forms are " physiological pH not the structure and protonated becomes an ammonio carboxylic acid This is relevant for enzymes Notice are and glutamate that aspartate and glutamate that are the principal groups glutamate that are the principal groups act that are the principal groups act as Likewise the so-called "basic amino acids " include one (histidine the so-called "basic amino acids " include one (histidine ) " that include ) one (histidine that include ) one (histidine acts amino acids with the zwitterion predominates uncharged side-chains with the zwitterion predominates uncharged side-chains at uncharged side-chains the zwitterion predominates at pH values the zwitterion predominates at pH values between average net charge of is present all forms
the p"K"a of involved is the side chain with the terminal amino group , is negative side chains the terminal amino group , is negative side chains essentially Amino acids have zero mobility in electrophoresis These properties influence protein structure and protein The water-soluble proteins tend to have their hydrophobic residues The integral membrane proteins tend to have outer rings Some peripheral membrane proteins have a patch of hydrophobic amino acids Many proteins undergo a range of posttranslational modifications Some modifications can produce hydrophobic lipoproteins , These type of modification allow the reversible targeting placeholders , used are the specific amino acid codes placeholders are used in cases chemical or crystallographic analysis in used where cases In many nonstandard amino acids , have addition addition , many nonstandard amino acids have a specific code Bortezomib is Pyz–Phe – boroLeu of photo-reactive amino acid analogs , are protein structure photo-reactive amino acid analogs , are protein structure available They which include , the 22 proteinogenic ("protein-building") amino acids which include , the 22 proteinogenic ("protein-building") amino acids combine Glycine is a biosynthetic precursor to porphyrins Carnitine is used in lipid transport Nine proteinogenic amino acids are called " essential of amino acids , are their biological significance amino acids , are their biological significance important amino acids are important in nutrition Amino acids are the precursors to proteins They join by condensation reactions to encoded by called is DNA/RNA genetic material by DNA/RNA genetic material is called "translation 20 , encoded are these 20 are by encoded the universal genetic code are by into incorporated proteins by into proteins incorporated unique synthetic mechanisms Pyrrolysine is by used some methanogenic archaea is by used some methanogenic archaea in by used some methanogenic archaea in enzymes Other amino acids are called "nonstandard " The two nonstandard proteinogenic amino acids are selenocysteine ( present The incorporation of is these nonstandard amino acids rare For 25 human proteins , include example example , 25 human proteins include selenocysteine , 25 human proteins include selenocysteine in 25 human proteins include selenocysteine in their primary structure many "non-proteinogenic" amino acids , known are the 22 proteinogenic amino acids
in by are formed proteins proteins are by formed post-translational modification are by formed post-translational modification , which by formed , post-translational modification , the carboxylation of allows glutamate the carboxylation of allows glutamate for Another example is the formation of hypusine Examples include 2-aminoisobutyric acid and the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid Non-proteinogenic amino acids often occur as intermediates The other product of transamidation is a keto acid of transamidation that is a keto acid transamidation that is a keto acid enters that a keto acid is enters the citric acid cycle The metabolic that pathways synthesize these monomers that pathways synthesize these monomers are Some nonstandard amino acids are used as defenses For canavanine , is example example , canavanine is an analogue , canavanine is an analogue of canavanine is an analogue of arginine that an analogue of is arginine This amino acid protects the plants from predators The non-protein amino acid mimosine is found in other species Amino acids are used for a variety The food industry is also a major consumer of some amino acids derivatives are used in pharmaceutical industry Nullomers are codons that in This that creates some sequences do that creates some sequences do not Amino acids are important as low-cost feedstocks An interesting example of is such materials polyaspartate that polyaspartate , is a water-soluble biodegradable polymer The commercial production of relies usually amino acids usually that on relies mutant bacteria that on relies mutant bacteria overproduce Some amino acids are by produced enzymatic conversions are by produced enzymatic conversions of by produced enzymatic conversions of synthetic intermediates 2-Aminothiazoline-4-carboxylic acid is an intermediate in For plants , use other amino acids other amino acids , plants use transaminases , plants use transaminases to plants use transaminases to move For aspartate aminotransferase converts , glutamate example aspartate aminotransferase converts , glutamate example and Microorganisms and plants synthesize many uncommon amino acids For some microbes , make example example , some microbes make 2-aminoisobutyric acid , some microbes make 2-aminoisobutyric acid and some microbes make 2-aminoisobutyric acid and lanthionine Both of found are these amino acids
one amino acid molecule , react can bonds one amino acid molecule can react with another This polymerization of what is amino acids of what is amino acids creates amino acids what is creates proteins This condensation reaction yields the newly formed peptide bond and a molecule is first by activated attachment first by activated attachment to by activated attachment to a transfer This aminoacyl-tRNA is produced in an ATP-dependent reaction This aminoacyl-tRNA is then a substrate for not all peptide bonds are formed in this way peptides , synthesized are a few cases peptides are by synthesized specific enzymes For the tripeptide glutathione , is example example , the tripeptide glutathione is an essential part , the tripeptide glutathione is an essential part of the tripeptide glutathione is an essential part of the defenses This peptide is synthesized in two steps peptides , synthesized are chemistry peptides are by synthesized a variety are by synthesized a variety of by synthesized a variety of reactions These are added in sequence Degradation of involves often an amino acid This process involves transaminases , often , amino acid degradation can produce uric acid amino acid degradation can produce uric acid or serine dehydratase converts serine , pyruvate to example by is mainly formed organic matter is mainly by formed the amino groups mainly by formed the amino groups in by formed the amino groups in proteins The Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN ) is a measure Turing was raised in southern England He graduated at King's College , at he , published Cambridge Cambridge , he published a proof , he published a proof demonstrating he published a proof demonstrating that In he , obtained 1938 1938 , he obtained his PhD , he obtained his PhD from he obtained his PhD from the Department of Mathematics During Turing , worked the Second World War Turing , worked the Second World War for , Turing worked for the Government Code Turing worked for the Government Code and For a time he led Hut 8 a time he led Hut 8 , he led Hut 8 , the
Here , he devised a number , he devised a number of he devised a number of techniques After Turing , worked the war Turing , worked the war at , Turing worked at the National Physical Laboratory Turing worked at the National Physical Laboratory , In Turing , joined 1948 1948 , Turing joined Max Newman's Computing Machine Laboratory , Turing joined Max Newman's Computing Machine Laboratory , Turing joined Max Newman's Computing Machine Laboratory , at He wrote a paper on the chemical basis Turing was prosecuted in 1952 He accepted hormone treatment with DES, so-called chemical castration following British Prime Minister Gordon Brown , made an Internet campaign an Internet campaign , British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an official public apology , British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an official public apology on British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an official public apology on behalf Queen Elizabeth II granted Turing a posthumous pardon in Turing died in 1954 , Turing has an extensive legacy with statues He appears on the current Bank of England £50 note , which on appears , the current Bank of England £50 note Turing was born in Maida Vale Turing's father was the son of a clergyman Julius's work with the ICS brought the family they , so moved Britain so they moved to Maida Vale they moved to Maida Vale , during his parents , travelled Turing's childhood years his parents , travelled Turing's childhood years between , his parents travelled between Hastings his parents travelled between Hastings in At Turing , stayed Hastings Turing , stayed Hastings at , Turing stayed at Baston Lodge Turing stayed at Baston Lodge , in Turing , showed life life , Turing showed signs , Turing showed signs of Turing showed signs of the genius His parents purchased a house in Guildford Turing's parents enrolled him at St Michael's Turing was educated at Hazelhurst Preparatory School at he , went the age of 13 he , went the age of 13 on he went on to Sherborne School His headmaster wrote to his parents :
he , aim must public school , he is wasting his time he is wasting his time at Despite Turing , continued this Turing , continued this to Turing continued to show remarkable ability At Sherborne, Turing formed a significant friendship with Sherborne, Turing formed a significant friendship with fellow pupil Christopher Collan Morcom After Turing , studied Sherborne Turing , studied Sherborne as , Turing studied as an undergraduate Turing studied as an undergraduate from he , elected was the age of 22 , he was elected a Fellow he was elected a Fellow of In Turing , published 1936 1936 , Turing published his paper , Turing published his paper " Turing published his paper " On Computable Numbers It was published in the "Proceedings was originally by posed German mathematician David Hilbert originally by posed German mathematician David Hilbert in by posed German mathematician David Hilbert in 1928 using Turing's approach , is his lambda calculus Turing's approach , is his lambda calculus considerably It also included a notion of the central concept that acknowledged of the modern computer From Turing , spent September 1936 to July 1938 September 1936 to July 1938 , Turing spent most , Turing spent most of Turing spent most of his time to he , studied his purely mathematical work his purely mathematical work , he studied cryptology , he studied cryptology and he studied cryptology and also to he , attended Cambridge Cambridge , he attended lectures , he attended lectures given he attended lectures given in During Turing , was the Second World War the Second World War , Turing was a leading participant , Turing was a leading participant in Turing was a leading participant in the breaking From Turing , worked September 1938 Turing , worked September 1938 part He concentrated on cryptanalysis of The Polish method relied on an insecure indicator procedure that the Germans on relied that an insecure indicator procedure the day after the UK declared war after the UK declared war on the UK declared war on Germany Specifying the bombe was the first
of it , is counterfactual history it , is counterfactual history hard a memo , sent was the war , a memo was sent to a memo was sent to all those was who to sent all those who to sent all those had Turing , specified had Bletchley Park , Turing had specified an electromechanical machine Turing had specified an electromechanical machine called The bombe searched for possible correct settings used Most of cause would the possible settings they , set had the Poles they had set up a good working system In they , had the summer the summer , they had considerable success , they had considerable success , they had considerable success , and shipping losses had , and considerable success On they wrote 28 October directly 28 October they wrote directly to they Winston Churchill directly wrote to Winston Churchill directly wrote to explaining , " This letter had an electric effect " This letter had an electric effect . Churchill wrote a memo to General Ismay they sure Make have all , the chief of reported the secret service the chief of reported the secret service that of every possible measure reported that the secret service every possible measure reported that the secret service was Turing decided to tackle the particularly difficult problem and I could have it I could have it to he also conceived of the idea For he , invented this this , he invented a measure , he invented a measure of he invented a measure of weight he , assisted also this trip he also assisted at Bell Labs He returned to Bletchley Park in Hugh Alexander had officially assumed the position In Turing , devised July 1942 July 1942 , Turing devised a technique , Turing devised a technique termed Turing devised a technique termed "Turingery This was cipher attachment codenamed a teleprinter rotor was a teleprinter rotor cipher attachment codenamed "Tunny a teleprinter rotor cipher attachment codenamed "Tunny " cipher attachment codenamed "Tunny " at Turingery was a method of " He also introduced the Tunny team to
who the Tunny team to introduced Tommy Flowers Turing that said was a key figure in Turing , pursued the US the US , Turing pursued the idea , Turing pursued the idea of Turing pursued the idea of electronic enciphering of he , moved the war he , moved the war to he , developed further the park , he further developed his knowledge he further developed his knowledge of Together they undertook the design and they undertook the design and construction The machine was intended for different applications Delilah , completed was any case , Turing lived in Hampton Turing lived in Hampton , He presented a paper on 19 February 1946 the wartime work at it made Bletchley Park at it made Bletchley Park impossible it made Bletchley Park impossible for This led to delays in In he returned late 1947 to late 1947 he returned to Cambridge he returned to Cambridge for It executed its first program on 10 May 1950 Düsseldorf , there was a meeting , there was a meeting between there was a meeting between Turing It took place in Göttingen The interrogation had the form of a colloquium Turing , appointed was 1948 , Turing was appointed reader Turing was appointed reader in A year later , he became deputy director , he became deputy director of he became deputy director of the Computing Machine Laboratory Turing wrote the first version of the Programmer's Manual Cyanide poisoning was established as the cause Philosopher Jack Copeland has questioned various aspects of He suggested an alternative explanation for the cause Turing had such an apparatus set up Turing also habitually ate an apple Turing had reportedly borne his legal setbacks He even set down a list But it was a lovely sunny day and it Alan was and a lovely sunny day Alan was and a lovely sunny day was it thought would be a good idea We found a fortune-teller's tent [ , We do n't know what do n't the fortune-teller know what n't the fortune-teller know what said the fortune-teller know what said [
Leech made the case in the House of Commons that Turing's contribution the case in made the House of Commons that Turing's Leech continued to take the bill " , the producers thanked Leech , the producers thanked Leech for the producers thanked Leech for bringing a bill , introduced was 26 July 2012 a bill was introduced in the House of Lords on Conservative MP Christopher Chope , objected 29 November 2013 Conservative MP Christopher Chope , objected 29 November 2013 to , Conservative MP Christopher Chope objected to the bill Conservative MP Christopher Chope objected to the bill , On Queen Elizabeth II , signed 24 December 2013 24 December 2013 , Queen Elizabeth II signed a pardon , Queen Elizabeth II signed a pardon for Queen Elizabeth II signed a pardon for Turing's conviction Announcing Lord Chancellor Chris Grayling , said the pardon Turing , Lord Chancellor Chris Grayling said the pardon The Queen officially pronounced Turing pardoned The Queen's action is only the fourth royal pardon granted since In the government , announced September 2016 September 2016 , the government announced its intention , the government announced its intention to the government announced its intention to expand The Alan Turing law is now an informal term for Turing was appointed an officer of A bridge carrying widened was this road A statue of unveiled was Turing The memorial statue depicts the "father of computer science Turing is shown holding an apple The cast bronze bench carries in relief the text the meaning of disputed is the coded message A plaque at reads the statue's feet ' There is also a Bertrand Russell quotation : the Bank of England , unveiled publicly 25 March 2021 , the Bank of England publicly unveiled the design the Bank of England publicly unveiled the design for ) co - ordinated the Alan Turing Year co - ordinated the Alan Turing Year in - ordinated the Alan Turing Year in 2012 In it reported was May 2020 by it was reported May 2020 it was by reported "Gay Star News was by reported "Gay Star News "
by reported "Gay Star News " that This would result in harm Area that is the quantity expresses that the quantity is expresses the extent Surface area is its analog on the two-dimensional surface , the standard unit of is area the standard unit of area is the square metre There are several well-known formulas for the areas the area of called is its boundary surface Area plays an important role in modern mathematics area is related to the definition Every unit of length has a corresponding unit Hippocrates of Chios BCE , was the 5th century , Hippocrates of Chios was the first Hippocrates of Chios was the first to Book I of dealt " Euclid's "Elements The mathematician Archimedes used the tools of Euclidean geometry Swiss scientist Johann Heinrich Lambert in proved 1761 that in π proved that 1761 π proved that 1761 , ) of what found Alexandria of what found Alexandria is what found Alexandria is known 's was by discovered the Chinese was by discovered the Chinese independently by discovered the Chinese independently of In Brahmagupta , developed the 7th century CE the 7th century CE , Brahmagupta developed a formula , Brahmagupta developed a formula , Brahmagupta developed a formula , now by can be obtained surface area be by obtained cutting surfaces by obtained cutting surfaces and where the radius is of the sphere There are an infinitude of lines that an infinitude of are lines Three of them are the medians " ) it is a minimal surface Earth by varies as about 3% In the symbol AU , was the astronomical literature the symbol AU , was the astronomical literature ( of the BIPM , used the SI Brochure the SI Brochure , the BIPM used the unit symbol , the BIPM used the unit symbol "au the BIPM used the unit symbol "au " Earth's orbit around the Sun is an ellipse The semi-major axis of defined is this elliptic orbit The centre of lies the Sun on In it , mapped addition it , mapped addition out , it mapped out exactly the largest straight-line distance
it mapped out exactly the largest straight-line distance that Earth out exactly the largest straight-line distance mapped that Knowing enabled and a star's shift Earth's shift the star's distance and a star's shift enabled Earth's shift all measurements are subject to some degree the IAU , adopted formally the astronomical unit , the IAU formally adopted a new definition the definition , recast was the then-best available observational measurements the definition was recast in terms the Solar System by it made space probes by it made space probes possible it made space probes possible to with these , rely all radar measurements these , rely all radar measurements on these rely on measuring the time , for the calculations require precision for precision the calculations require adjustment precision the calculations require adjustment for the calculations require adjustment for things be that to translated a standard scale that to translated a standard scale accounts In the CIPM , modified 1983 1983 , the CIPM modified the International System of Units , the CIPM modified the International System of Units ( the CIPM modified the International System of Units ( SI This replaced the previous definition , valid ( The reason for was the change The reason for the change was an improved method In the BIPM , reported 2006 2006 , the BIPM reported a value , the BIPM reported a value of the BIPM reported a value of the astronomical unit , the IAU simply used the 2009 estimate the IAU simply used the 2009 estimate to on that , is the heliocentric gravitational constant the heliocentric gravitational constant , that is the product , that is the product of that is the product of the gravitational constant The calculation of requires also ephemerides the distance because is between Earth the metre is undefined for the purposes to the distance , says Aristarchus the distance , says Aristarchus to , the distance says to the Sun the distance says to the Sun is The latter estimate was based on the angle ) , Eratosthenes found the distance , Eratosthenes found the distance to
Eratosthenes found the distance to the Sun of the former translation , comes 185 to 190 metres the former translation , comes 185 to 190 metres to Hipparchus also gave an estimate of In Ptolemy , estimated the 2nd century CE the 2nd century CE , Ptolemy estimated the mean distance , Ptolemy estimated the mean distance of Ptolemy estimated the mean distance of the Sun determine Ptolemy , started this value Ptolemy , started this value by Ptolemy started by measuring the Moon's parallax He then derived a maximum lunar distance of He then measured the apparent sizes of This gives a ratio of solar to astronomers , made the medieval Islamic world the medieval Islamic world , astronomers made some changes , astronomers made some changes to astronomers made some changes to Ptolemy's cosmological model to al-Farghānī , gave Ptolemaic astronomy Ptolemaic astronomy , al-Farghānī gave a mean solar distance , al-Farghānī gave a mean solar distance of al-Farghānī gave a mean solar distance of Earth radii Johannes Kepler was the first to Kepler's laws of astronomers allowed planetary motion of astronomers allowed planetary motion to astronomers allowed planetary motion to calculate astronomers allowed to calculate the relative distances The invention of the telescope allowed far more accurate measurements one can accurately calculate the parallax Jean Richer and Giovanni Domenico Cassini measured the parallax They arrived at a figure for They were also the first astronomers to This same year saw another estimate for the astronomical unit observing by was devised Venus transits Venus transits was by devised James Gregory was by devised James Gregory and by devised James Gregory and published was strongly by advocated Edmond Halley strongly by advocated Edmond Halley and by advocated Edmond Halley and was Transits of occur Venus in : several of died them several of died them in The various results were by collated Jérôme Lalande were by collated Jérôme Lalande to by collated Jérôme Lalande to give Simon Newcomb gave great weight to this method this ) , gave unit distance ) , this gave the first direct measurement , this gave the first direct measurement of
this gave the first direct measurement of the Earth The discovery of the near-Earth asteroid 433 Eros the near-Earth its passage asteroid and 433 Eros its passage asteroid and 433 Eros near The Sun is constantly losing mass measuring the light time per is unit distance The following table contains some distances given in It includes some examples with distances that some examples with includes distances Distances normally change over time An artist is a person engaged in No muse was identified with the visual arts The US Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies many visual artists as either "craft artists A craft artist makes handmade functional works of art Many fine artists have studied their art form at About half of are US artists self Others work in a variety of In fine artists , have the US the US , fine artists have a median income , fine artists have a median income of fine artists have a median income of approximately US$50,000 This compares to US$ 61,000 he ; transformed was hunted he was transformed into a stag John Heath , observed has others Artemis , bathing was the standard setting Artemis was bathing in the woods the hunter in bathing when the woods of he , cried his hunting party he , cried his hunting party out he cried out to them His own hounds then turned upon him save he , raised himself himself , he raised his eyes , he raised his eyes ( he raised his eyes ( and The gods did not heed his plea he heed , and his plea An element of Actaeon made the earlier myth of Actaeon made the earlier myth the Actaeon made the earlier myth the familiar , Actaeon it has that Actaeon it has that wanted he was by changed her was by changed her into by changed her into a stag His reconstruction that opposes a too-pat consensus has that a too-pat consensus opposes has an archaic Actaeon aspiring Lacy identifies the site of Actaeon's transgression the traveller Pausanias was shown a spring Pausanias was shown a spring on
It is called the bed of You loved the herdsman , shepherd And his dogs tear at his haunches The virginal Artemis of is classical times not Actaeon often symbolizes a cuckold , The two main scenes are Actaeon surprising Artemis/Diana , and Anglicanism that is a Western Christian tradition has that is a Western Christian tradition has developed they are also called "Episcopalians The majority of Anglicans are members These provinces are in full communion with The Archbishop calls the decennial Lambeth Conference , chairs Anglicans base their Christian faith on the Bible Anglicanism forms one of the branches its associated Church of Ireland were by presented some Anglican divines were by presented some Anglican divines as by presented some Anglican divines as comprising Unique to Anglicanism is the Book of Common Prayer these were known as the American Episcopal Church this model , adopted was Christian missions this model was adopted as the model Adherents of called are Anglicanism As an Anglican , is a noun a noun , an Anglican is a member , an Anglican is a member of an Anglican is a member of a church is also by used followers also by used followers of by used followers of separated groups for it ; is a description it ; is a description simply ; it is simply the Church of England it is simply the Church of England , The faith of founded is Anglicans Anglicans understand the Old and New Testaments as " Anglicans celebrate the traditional sacraments , with special emphasis celebrate , with the traditional sacraments one , however wished the Last Supper one wished to define the Presence Unique to Anglicanism is the "Book of Common Prayer It was called "common prayer " " was by compiled Thomas Cranmer was by compiled Thomas Cranmer , who by compiled , Thomas Cranmer Many of wrote the early Church Fathers of For he venerated is this reason he venerated is this reason as he is venerated as the British protomartyr A new culture emerged around the Irish Sea among What resulted was a form of
resulted was a form of Christianity distinct In Augustine , persuaded Kent Kent , Augustine persuaded the Anglo-Saxon king , Augustine persuaded the Anglo-Saxon king " Augustine Æthelberht persuaded " the Anglo-Saxon king Æthelberht persuaded " the Anglo-Saxon king and assuming the Celtic Church , surrendered Roman usages Roman usages , the Celtic Church surrendered its independence , the Celtic Church surrendered its independence , the Celtic Church surrendered its independence , and The Church in remained England united , the English Church under continued Henry VIII the English Church under continued Henry VIII to With Henry VIII , allowed little exception little exception , Henry VIII allowed no changes , Henry VIII allowed no changes during Henry VIII allowed no changes during his lifetime the Protestant identity of affirmed was the English and Irish churches of by was affirmed the English and Irish churches the English and Irish churches was by affirmed means was by affirmed means of by affirmed means of parliamentary legislation The Elizabethan church began to develop distinct religious traditions themselves , these traditions came the years these traditions themselves came to command adherence themselves came to command adherence and The Elizabethan Settlement stopped the radical Protestant tendencies under Edward VI a crisis of result could identity secular and religious loyalties could result wherever identity , even the forms of were Anglican services even the forms of were Anglican services in legislation was passed in the British Parliament In two further factors , acted the following century two further factors , acted the following century to two further factors acted to accelerate the development which to elected , the House of Commons by was bitterly contested this legislation was bitterly by contested the Oxford Movement bitterly by contested the Oxford Movement ( by contested the Oxford Movement ( Tractarians Those within opposed the Church of England to Over Anglican churches , engaged the same period Anglican churches , engaged the same period vigorously Anglican churches engaged vigorously in Christian missions to be by followed further conferences be by followed further conferences in by followed further conferences in 1878
Anglicanism was seen as a middle way Newman himself subsequently rejected his theory Both Maurice and Newman saw the Church of England of their day Maurice's perspective the collective elements was that his belief the collective elements was that his belief of the Protestant tradition , maintained had Maurice , the Protestant tradition had maintained the elements the Protestant tradition had maintained the elements of which the elements of maintained national distinction national churches would each maintain the six signs have been by criticised Stephen Sykes been by criticised Stephen Sykes , who by criticised , Stephen Sykes the Catholic Church does not regard itself The Oxford Movement of the revived mid-19th century and extended doctrinal, liturgical, and pastoral practices This extends beyond the ceremony of is neither by established a magisterium neither by established a magisterium , by established a magisterium , nor For the earliest Anglican theological documents , are them them , the earliest Anglican theological documents are its prayer books , the earliest Anglican theological documents are its prayer books , the earliest Anglican theological documents are its prayer books , which they its prayer books , are which They emphasise the "Book of Common Prayer " as Within the fundamentals are the prayer books of the prayer books the fundamentals are of Anglican doctrine the fundamentals are of Anglican doctrine : The Thirty-Nine Articles played a significant role in Anglican doctrine of all Anglican clergy , had the 1604 canons all Anglican clergy , had the 1604 canons to for there , is example example , there is a wide range , there is a wide range of there is a wide range of beliefs influential of been has the original articles Anglicans look for authority in Many Anglicans look to the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral of " divines " are clergy divines " are clergy of whose theological writings clergy of are the Church of England The corpus produced by is Anglican divines produced by is Anglican divines diverse have in common is a commitment These theologians regard scripture as interpreted , Hooker's eight-volume work is primarily a treatise
Hooker's eight-volume work is primarily a treatise on The 18th century saw the rise of two important movements By there , was the 19th century the 19th century , there was a renewed interest , there was a renewed interest in there was a renewed interest in pre-Reformation English religious thought He was not a servant of In Anglican biblical scholarship , began the 19th century Anglican biblical scholarship , began the 19th century to Anglican biblical scholarship began to assume a distinct character best by up summed Westcott's observation by up summed Westcott's observation that Anglican diversity in tended has this respect Anglo-Catholic (and some broad-church) Anglicans celebrate public liturgy in ways that public liturgy in celebrate ways Vestments are by worn the clergy are by worn the clergy , sung settings by worn , the clergy , "pre–Vatican II" models of are worship "pre–Vatican II" models of worship are common (e.g., an "eastward orientation Such churches may also have forms They emphasise the two dominical sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist The Order for Holy Communion may be celebrated bi there , been has recent decades , there has been a growth there has been a growth of Many Anglicans locate themselves somewhere in of Anglican sacramental theology , expresses Western Christianity Western Christianity , Anglican sacramental theology expresses elements , Anglican sacramental theology expresses elements in Anglican sacramental theology expresses elements in keeping Of all Anglicans , recognise the seven sacraments the seven sacraments , all Anglicans recognise Baptism , all Anglicans recognise Baptism and all Anglicans recognise Baptism and the Eucharist Anglican eucharistic theology is divergent in practice A few low-church Anglicans take a strictly memorialist (Zwinglian) view of the sacrament Other low-church Anglicans believe in the real presence of To they , are that extent they , are that extent in , they are in the company they are in the company of The Catechism of the American BCP of repeats 1976 The outward and visible sign repeats ( " the standard Anglican view Anglicanism that remembered has no official doctrine In there , is Anglicanism Anglicanism , there is a distinction
, there is a distinction between there is a distinction between liturgy it , revised was Queen Mary I it was revised in 1559 Anglican churches were planted around the globe Anglican worship services are open to all visitors A contemporary "low-church" service may differ little from The service is constructed around a sermon Anglican churches tend to have pews Other more traditional Anglicans tend to follow the 1662 "Book of Common Prayer This is typical in many Anglican cathedrals These services reflect older Anglican liturgies and differ Until the main Sunday service was the mid-20th century typically the mid-20th century the main Sunday service was typically morning prayer the main Sunday service was typically morning prayer , Other common Sunday services include an early morning Eucharist without music The late-evening service of revived was Compline that readings from include the Bible in it , is the most informal Anglican services it , is the most informal Anglican services common There are also set forms , in many Anglican churches use practice in practice many Anglican churches use forms practice many Anglican churches use forms of many Anglican churches use forms of service Anglo-Catholic parishes might use the modern Roman Catholic liturgy of communion is by practised some Anglicans Most Anglican priests require the presence of at least one other person the sacrament , reserved is some churches the sacrament is reserved in a tabernacle All Anglican prayer books contain offices for Morning Prayer (Matins these were derived from combinations these offices are by supplemented other offices are by supplemented other offices such by supplemented other offices such as Some Anglican monastic communities have a Daily Office based on In most prayer books , include addition addition , most prayer books include a section , most prayer books include a section of most prayer books include a section of prayers are further by supplemented an "Order of Worship for the Evening further by supplemented an "Order of Worship for the Evening " by supplemented an "Order of Worship for the Evening " , It retains the services for Morning and Evening Prayer
A small but enthusiastic minority use the Anglican Breviary , or the associated musical tradition , maintained was the Reformation the associated musical tradition was maintained in the Elizabethan Settlement This resulted from an explicit addition by All four save of these four save of these have , this round of represented daily professional choral worship this round of daily professional choral worship represented a tradition In the rebuilt Leeds Parish Church , established 1841 1841 , the rebuilt Leeds Parish Church established a surpliced choir , the rebuilt Leeds Parish Church established a surpliced choir to the rebuilt Leeds Parish Church established a surpliced choir to accompany Over the Leeds example , proved the next century the Leeds example , proved the next century immensely , the Leeds example proved immensely popular the Leeds example proved immensely popular and the choral tradition , become had the 20th century the choral tradition had become for many the most accessible face to the British monarch , is popular misconception the British monarch , is popular misconception not , the British monarch is not the constitutional "head the British monarch is not the constitutional "head " Ecclesiastical Commissioners " ( see ecclesial representatives A characteristic of is Anglicanism that of it is that Anglicanism it is that Anglicanism has it that is has no international juridical authority All 39 provinces of are the Anglican Communion autonomous These provinces may take the form of No requirement is made for clerical celibacy Government in is the Anglican Communion synodical National, provincial and diocesan synods maintain different scopes of authority in it : is its polity its polity : it is the diocese : it is the diocese , it is the diocese , not the parish church The Archbishop of Canterbury has a precedence , the Archbishop of maintains Canterbury the Archbishop of Canterbury maintains a certain moral authority He hosts and chairs the Lambeth Conferences of Anglican Communion Bishops are by assisted priests are by assisted priests and by assisted priests and deacons Most ordained ministers in the Anglican Communion are priests the Anglican Communion who are , priests
who are , priests usually Priests are in charge of who is or deacon a priest Non-parochial priests may earn their living by An archdeacon is a priest or deacon An archdeacon represents the diocesan bishop in his or her archdeaconry only be by held someone be by held someone in by held someone in priestly orders also be by held deacons A dean who is a priest is who a priest is is the principal cleric has the dean , is its own parish the dean , is its own parish usually the dean is usually also rector The Anglican Communion recognises Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox ordinations deacons , work often the Free Church of England deacons , permitted are ordination Most deacons are preparing for priesthood Many provinces of the Anglican Communion ordain both men ordain women of those provinces Many that They sometimes officiate at Benediction All members baptised of the church members baptised of the church are Some non-ordained people also have a formal public ministry , Other lay positions include acolytes ( male or female, often children A small yet influential aspect of Anglicanism is its religious orders in there , was the Church of England the Church of England , there was a renewal , there was a renewal of there was a renewal of interest One of Henry VIII's earliest acts was their dissolution In Marian Rebecca Hughes , became 1841 1841 , Marian Rebecca Hughes became the first woman , Marian Rebecca Hughes became the first woman to Marian Rebecca Hughes became the first woman to take In Priscilla Lydia Sellon , became 1848 1848 , Priscilla Lydia Sellon became the superior , Priscilla Lydia Sellon became the superior of Priscilla Lydia Sellon became the superior of the Society of the Most Holy Trinity at Devonport Sellon is called " the restorer Anglican religious life at one time boasted hundreds An important aspect of is Anglican religious life that of most communities is that Anglican religious life most communities is that Anglican religious life of most communities that is of both men
there , been has the 1960s , there has been a sharp decline there has been a sharp decline in novices have for been most communities The most significant growth has been in the Melanesian countries 1925 by is , Ini Kopuria by is , Ini Kopuria now by have been started religious have been by started Anglicans been by started Anglicans in by started Anglicans in Papua New Guinea vows – be may mid-20s Anglicanism represents the third largest Christian communion in the world The 11 provinces in Africa saw growth They now include 36.7 million members , England remains the largest single Anglican province , with church attendance , decreased has most industrialised countries church attendance has decreased since the 19th century The Church of England has been a church of The first Anglican church in built was the Americas By missionaries , worked the 18th century missionaries , worked the 18th century to missionaries worked to establish Anglican churches The 20th century the Church of England saw developing new forms the Church of England saw developing new forms of Fresh expressions is a Church of England missionary initiative to youth of there , arose the Oxford Movement the Oxford Movement , there arose greater concern , there arose greater concern for there arose greater concern for reunion Others belong to a more evangelical or low-church tradition and Most Continuing churches in the United States reject the 1979 revision the Second World War on A changing focus after social issues Eventually , most provinces approved the ordination , most provinces approved the ordination of most provinces approved the ordination of women some jurisdictions , permitted have more recent years , some jurisdictions have permitted the ordination some jurisdictions have permitted the ordination of some liberal and moderate Anglicans opposed , while these changes Some Anglicans opposed to various liberalising changes , The modern Continuing Anglican movement principally dates to the Congress of St. Louis generally been by formed people been who by formed people who by formed people have The original Anglican churches are by charged the Continuing Anglicans
are by charged the Continuing Anglicans with by charged the Continuing Anglicans with being The original continuing parishes in found were the United States a number , appeared have the late 1990s a number have appeared in smaller communities The Anglican theologian Richard Hooker wrote in his book "The Works of that Learned and Judicious Divine For he , was years years , he was chairman , he was chairman of he was chairman of the Ragged School Board Frederick Denison Maurice was a leading figure advocating reform , founding is a pacifist religion has remained a matter a pacifist religion has remained a matter of In the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship , emerged 1937 the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship , emerged 1937 as , the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship emerged as a distinct reform organisation the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship emerged as a distinct reform organisation , The group rapidly gained popularity amongst many Anglicans unofficially have adopted the Augustinian "Just War" doctrine It rejects this doctrine of "just war Confusing the matter was the fact that the matter the 37th Article of Religion was that the fact the 37th Article of Religion was that the fact in The focus on became other social issues increasingly the ordinary may be a former Anglican bishop ordinary may be a former Anglican bishop or It was a centre for the arts In Athens , is modern times modern times , Athens is a large cosmopolitan metropolis , Athens is a large cosmopolitan metropolis and Athens is a large cosmopolitan metropolis and central Athens is a Beta global city according to , the functional urban area of was Athens the functional urban area of was Athens the The heritage of is the Classical Era still The city also retains Roman and Byzantine monuments , Athens is home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites , the name of was the city the name of the city was ("Athênai the name , been had Homeric Greek The root of is the word probably it , debated was antiquity Athens whether debated took its name of they ; agreed the yet-unnamed city
they ; agreed the yet-unnamed city that gave that whoever agreed the Athenians by Poseidon , struck Pseudo-Apollodorus Pseudo-Apollodorus , Poseidon struck the ground , Poseidon struck the ground with Poseidon struck the ground with his trident , Poseidon instead gave the Athenians Poseidon instead gave the Athenians the first horse In Athena , offered both versions both versions , Athena offered the Athenians , Athena offered the Athenians the first domesticated olive tree Cecrops accepted this gift and declared Christian Lobeck proposed as the root of Ludwig von Döderlein proposed the stem of the verb Athenians were called cicada-wearers ( the name of rendered was the city Variant names included Setines , Satine King Alphonse X of Castile gives the pseudo The oldest known human presence in Athens is the Cave of Schist Athens which is , the Cave of Schist which is , the Cave of Schist has the settlement , become had 1400 BC , the settlement had become an important centre the settlement had become an important centre of Athens whether known suffered destruction widespread social unrest BC , led the 6th century , widespread social unrest led to the reforms widespread social unrest led to the reforms of These would pave the way for Athens had by become this time that the coalition of led Greek states fostered Athens , embarked democracy Athens , embarked democracy on , Athens embarked on an ambitious building program Athens that on embarked an ambitious building program that on embarked an ambitious building program saw the league , turned soon the Persians the league soon turned into a vehicle the northern Greek kingdom of becoming was Macedon 338 BC the armies of defeated Philip II the armies of Philip II defeated an alliance Athens , given was Rome , Athens was given the status Athens was given the status of Athens , shrunk had Late Antiquity the first Christian churches , built were this era the first Christian churches were built in Athens Athens expanded its settlement in the second half Athens , chosen was the Greek Kingdom Athens was chosen as the capital
it , reduced was independence it was reduced to a town The first modern city plan consisted of a triangle defined by of consisted defined a triangle the international style of was , this epoch Bavarian the architectural style through was which In Athens , hosted 1896 1896 , Athens hosted the first modern Olympic Games In it became the 1980s evident it became the 1980s evident that by of A series taken anti-pollution measures The basin is by bounded four large mountains is by bounded four large mountains : by bounded four large mountains : Mount Aigaleo Mount Aegaleo which lies , the Thriasian plain which lies , the Thriasian plain forms Mount Parnitha is the tallest of The Athens urban area spreads over 50 kilometres ( 31 mi Athens is built around a number Lycabettus is one of the tallest hills The meteorology of deemed is Athens the pollution of become had Athens , air pollution still remains an issue air pollution still remains an issue for In the Attica region , experienced late June 2007 late June 2007 , the Attica region experienced a number , the Attica region experienced a number of the Attica region experienced a number of brush fires Athens ranks in the lowest percentage for It also ranks as a very safe city A 2019 crime index from Numbeo places Athens Athens has a hot-summer Mediterranean climate ( Köppen climate classification The dominant feature of Athens' climate is alternation of rainfall , occurs yearly precipitation rainfall , occurs yearly precipitation largely July and August are the driest months August thunderstorms are when the driest months thunderstorms are when the driest months occur , annual precipitation of is Athens annual precipitation of is Athens lower As Ioannina , receives an example Ioannina , receives an example around per year by there , are Athens Metropolitan Area Athens Metropolitan Area , there are notable climatic differences , there are notable climatic differences between there are notable climatic differences between parts The northern suburbs tend to be wetter time heavy snow fell in Greater Athens area heavy snow fell in Greater Athens area and
Athens is by affected the urban heat island effect is by affected the urban heat island effect in by affected the urban heat island effect in some areas Parnitha National Park is by punctuated well-marked paths is by punctuated well-marked paths , by punctuated well-marked paths , gorges The National Garden of Athens was completed in 1840 The route starts from the Temple of Olympian Zeus at The hills of provide also Athens Athens' largest zoo is the Attica Zoological Park , a The zoo is home to around 2000 animals The Athens Metropolitan Area consists of 58 densely populated municipalities , all the urban municipalities surrounding called are the City Centre known by dominates ) its Greek acronym OAKA by its Greek acronym OAKA ) dominates the skyline Athens Municipality is the largest in 35 of consists , 40 municipalities The Athens Municipality forms the core and center Athens and Piraeus municipalities serve as the two metropolitan centres of There are also some inter-municipal centres serving The Municipality of Athens has an official population of 664,046 people ) which up make the dense Athens Urban Area which up make the dense Athens Urban Area reaches The incumbent Mayor of Athens is Kostas Bakoyannis During the Classical period Athens denotes both the urban area the Classical period Athens denotes both the urban area of Athens denotes both the urban area of the city In the Athenian territory contained probably 500 BC 500 BC the Athenian territory probably contained around 200,000 people Thucydides indicates a 5th-century total of 150,000-350,000 An estimate based on is Thucydides The ancient site of centred is the main city the whole of they existed Athenian territory of Athenian territory they existed many towns The new port of Piraeus was a prototype harbour Phaliro one was in the site By Athens engulfed has this process this process Athens has engulfed many former suburbs Athens has engulfed many former suburbs and Athens became the capital of Greece Athens is the financial capital of Greece , Athens as produced a metropolitan economic area Athens as a metropolitan economic area produced 130 billion US-dollars
Athens is one of the major economic centres , and Cosmote have their headquarters and Cosmote have their headquarters in Cosmote have their headquarters in the metropolitan area The banking sector is by represented National Bank of Greece is by represented National Bank of Greece , by represented National Bank of Greece , Alpha Bank was severely by hit the Greek government-debt crisis severely by hit the Greek government-debt crisis and the decision by hit and the Greek government-debt crisis Tourism is also a leading contributor to Greece attracted 26.5 million visitors in 2015 Athens is a major national hub for Intercity Public transport is by serviced a variety is by serviced a variety of by serviced a variety of transportation means of its network , consists 2017 its network , consists 2017 of , its network consists of around 322 bus lines its network consists of around 322 bus lines , those 619 buses , run 2,375 619 buses , run 2,375 on , 619 buses run on compressed natural gas 619 buses run on compressed natural gas , International links are by provided a number are by provided a number of by provided a number of private companies National and regional bus links are by provided KTEL are by provided KTEL from by provided KTEL from two InterCity Bus Terminals The Athens Metro is by operated STASY S.A is by operated STASY S.A ( by operated STASY S.A ( ) it , houses also transport , it also houses Greek artifacts it also houses Greek artifacts found The Athens Metro runs three metro lines , namely Line 1 the other two (Line 2 & 3) routes at runs and ground level It runs from Piraeus station to The line connects the western suburbs of Athens The Red Line has transfer connections with the Green Line 1 Extensions are under construction to The Athens Tram is by operated STASY S.A is by operated STASY S.A ( by operated STASY S.A ( Statheres Sygkoinonies S.A It has a fleet of 35 Sirio type vehicles which a fleet of has 35 Sirio type vehicles
The tram network spans a total length of and The network runs from Syntagma Square to The network covers the majority of the Athens coastline Further extension is under construction towards Athens is by served the Athens International Airport is by served the Athens International Airport ( by served the Athens International Airport ( ATH The airport is by served the Metro is by served the Metro , by served the Metro , the suburban rail In the airport , handled 2018 2018 , the airport handled 24,135,736 passengers , the airport handled 24,135,736 passengers , the airport handled 24,135,736 passengers , a huge increase In the airport , handled 2014 2014 , the airport handled 15,196,369 passengers , the airport handled 15,196,369 passengers , the airport handled 15,196,369 passengers , an increase Of 5,267,593 , passed those 15,196,369 passengers 5,267,593 , passed those 15,196,369 passengers through , 5,267,593 passed through the airport 5,267,593 passed through the airport for Athens is the hub of the country's national railway system Athens' Metropolitan Area is by served the motorway network is by served the motorway network of by served the motorway network of the Attiki Odos toll-motorway Its main section extends from the western industrial suburb of The largest and oldest university in Athens is the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens The National Technical University of Athens is located on Patision Street The University of West Attica is the second largest university in Athens The seat of located is the university that lie within are Athens in these , are the Athens Urban Area these , are the Athens Urban Area by , these are by chronological order these are by chronological order : There are also several other private "colleges " The city is a world centre of archaeological research the Archaeological Society , it is home , it is home to it is home to multiple archaeological museums Athens which hosts 17 Foreign Archaeological Institutes promote which hosts 17 Foreign Archaeological Institutes promote and As Athens , has a result a result , Athens has more than a dozen archaeological libraries
, Athens has more than a dozen archaeological libraries and Athens has more than a dozen archaeological libraries and three specialized archaeological laboratories Athens incorporates architectural styles ranging from A visitor will quickly notice the absence Athens has very strict height restriction laws in order Neoclassicism the greatest part of For the 19th century Thus , the Old Royal Palace was the first important public building , the Old Royal Palace was the first important public building to the Old Royal Palace was the first important public building to be Theophil Freiherr von Hansen and Ernst Ziller took part The architects of this era employed materials , others in include notable categories others in notable categories include the statue Athens has been a destination for Athens is home to 148 theatrical stages of Athens , plays multiplexes multiplexes , Athens plays host , Athens plays host to Athens plays host to open The city also supports music venues , they , became eventually art , they eventually became hits they eventually became hits as Greek composers begin to write music of many ethnic Greeks , fled Asia Minor many ethnic Greeks , fled Asia Minor to , many ethnic Greeks fled to Athens They settled in poor neighbourhoods and Athens has a long tradition in sports and sporting events Athens has hosted the Summer Olympic Games twice The 2004 Summer Olympics required the development of the Athens Olympic Stadium in it , hosted the country the country , it hosted two finals , it hosted two finals of it hosted two finals of the UEFA Champions League Athens has hosted the EuroLeague final three times , Panathinaikos : originated , three European multi-sport clubs Panathinaikos , originated in Athens city centre In Panathinaikos , made football football , Panathinaikos made it , Panathinaikos made it to Panathinaikos made it to the 1971 European Cup Final Other notable clubs within Athens are Athinaikos, Panionios The Athens area encompasses a variety of terrain of outdoor activities , include Attica Attica , outdoor activities include skiing , outdoor activities include skiing , outdoor activities include skiing , rock climbing
the boundaries of there are Athens Municipality of Athens Municipality there are some more clubs Athens Municipality there are some more clubs with there are some more clubs with presence Some of them are PAO Rouf The revival of brought was the modern Olympic Games Athens , awarded was his efforts , Athens was awarded the first modern Olympic Games In the city , had 1896 1896 , the city had a population , the city had a population of the city had a population of 123,000 The intercalated competitions were intermediate games to the internationally organized Olympics Athens was awarded the 2004 Summer Olympics on It was to be the second time Athens to be was the second time of Athens , defeated voting voting , Athens defeated Rome , Athens defeated Rome with Athens defeated Rome with 66 votes the International Olympic Committee , expressed had preparations , the International Olympic Committee had expressed concern the International Olympic Committee had expressed concern over the Organising Committee's president , replaced was 2000 the Organising Committee's president was by replaced Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki was by replaced Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki , who by replaced , Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki Athens , transformed was $1.5 billion Athens was transformed into a more functional city was that into transformed a more functional city that into transformed a more functional city enjoys all in created , the city The 2004 Games were judged a success , both security judged , as a success The 2004 Olympic Games were described as "unforgettable, dream games The only observable problem was a somewhat sparse attendance of some early events The Greek Government has created a corporation , Anguilla ( ) is a British overseas territory It is one of the The territory consists of the main island of was first by settled Indigenous Amerindian peoples first who by settled Indigenous Amerindian peoples who by settled Indigenous Amerindian peoples migrated There are two known petroglyph sites in Anguilla Columbus that claim sighted the island The Dutch West India Company established a fort on the island Traditional Anguilla accounts that state Anguilla accounts that state was
The settlers focused on planting tobacco The French temporarily took over the island By a slave depot existed 1672 on 1672 a slave depot existed on the island a slave depot existed on the island of by these ; seem 1683 these ; seem 1683 to the African slaves came and their descendants time it , placed was 1825 it was placed under the administrative control Anguilla was federated with St Kitts Full adult suffrage was introduced to Anguilla , the island of became Anguilla the island of Anguilla became part However many Anguillans had no wish to many Anguillans had no wish to be On 30 May 1967 Anguillans forcibly ejected the St Kitts police force 30 May 1967 Anguillans forcibly ejected the St Kitts police force from the Republic of Anguilla was held and St Kitts Efforts by failed British envoy William Whitlock to Anguilla is a flat, low-lying island of coral It lies to the east of Northeastern trade winds keep this tropical island relatively cool The island is subject to both sudden tropical storms Anguilla is an internally self-governing overseas territory of the United Kingdom The United Nations Committee on Decolonization includes Anguilla on the United Nations list The territory's constitution is the Anguilla Constitutional Order 1 April 1982 ( amended Executive power is by exercised the government is by exercised the government , by exercised the government , with of the UK , is the UK the UK , is the UK responsible the UK is responsible for Anguilla's military defence Anguilla has a small marine police force , comprising 72% of the population is Anguillan the population 28% is while Anguillan 28% is while Anguillan is Christian ministers formally ministered to enslaved Africans practising another 23.9% ; are Anglicanism Anglicanism ; another 23.9% are Methodist Other churches on the island include Seventh-day Adventist, Baptist, Roman Catholic by include ( served Seventh-day Adventist, Baptist, Roman Catholic There are at least 15 churches on the island on Anguilla , is the island the island , Anguilla is an important location , Anguilla is an important location to
Anguilla is an important location to followers Today most people in speak Anguilla most people in Anguilla speak a British-influenced variety the most common language other than is Standard English Sociohistorical information from suggest Anguilla's archives that from Africans suggest that Anguilla's archives Africans suggest that Anguilla's archives and There are six government primary schools , one government secondary school There is a single library , the Edison L. Hughes Education & A branch of established was the Saint James School of Medicine The island's cultural history begins with the native Taino , throughout holidays , are the Caribbean the Caribbean , holidays are a cultural fixture Anguillan cuisine is by influenced native Caribbean is by influenced native Caribbean , by influenced native Caribbean , African Salt cod is a staple food eaten on Goat is the most commonly eaten meat , used ; much of is the soil much of is the soil sandy The Anguilla National Trust has programmes encouraging Anguillan writers " " A New Anthology in Where I See The Sun – Contemporary Poetry Anguilla " A New Anthology in Where I See The Sun – Contemporary Poetry Anguilla by Boat racing has deep roots in Anguillan culture There are regular sailing regattas on national holidays in cricket , is many other former British colonies cricket , is many other former British colonies also , cricket is also a popular sport Anguilla is the home of Omari Banks Rugby union is represented in Anguilla is by in represented Anguilla by in Anguilla represented the Anguilla Eels RFC The Eels have been finalists in Anguilla is the birthplace of sprinter Zharnel Hughes who the birthplace of is sprinter Zharnel Hughes He represented Great Britain and England Anguilla has habitat for the Cuban tree frogs Hurricanes led to over -water for the island , has agriculture agriculture , the island has few land-based natural resources Anguilla's currency is the East Caribbean dollar , though the US dollar is , though the East Caribbean dollar Another economic setback occurred during the aftermath of the economy of growing was Anguilla Anguilla's tourism industry it received when a major boost
it received when a major boost was the awards ceremony was held at the CuisinArt Resort and Spa Anguilla has become a popular tax haven , with it , introduced a mounting deficit a mounting deficit , it introduced a 3% "Interim Stabilisation Levy , it introduced a 3% "Interim Stabilisation Levy " it introduced a 3% "Interim Stabilisation Levy " , is the government helping gather the information it the government gather helping the information Barbados has also made good progress " We 've got an Energy Policy We 've got an Energy Policy and As we , have a result a result , we have a lot , we have a lot of we have a lot of information we a lot of have information Anguilla is by served Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport is by served Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport ( by served Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport ( prior The primary runway at is the airport in Services connect to various other Caribbean islands via In December 2021 Anguilla inaugurated its first ever international regular commercial flight Tradewind Aviation and Cape Air provide scheduled air service There are regular ferries from Saint Martin It is a 20-minute crossing from Marigot There is also a charter service , The Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands is an uninhabited external territory of Australia Ashmore Reef is called "Pulau Pasir " is by called " "Pulau Pasir by "Pulau Pasir " called Indonesians The Territory which comprises , Ashmore Reef which comprises , Ashmore Reef includes Cartier Island , discovered was Australian literature Cartier Island was by discovered Captain Nash was by discovered Captain Nash in by discovered Captain Nash in 1800 Ashmore Island was by discovered Captain Samuel Ashmore was by discovered Captain Samuel Ashmore in by discovered Captain Samuel Ashmore in 1811 The Commonwealth's resulting "Ashmore and Cartier Islands Acceptance Act 1933 " came into operation The act authorised the Governor of Western Australia In the territory annexed was July 1938 July 1938 the territory was annexed to the territory was annexed to the Northern Territory the territory , declared was 1983
, the territory was declared a nature reserve the territory was declared a nature reserve under by and fished visited Indonesian fishermen traditional Indonesian fishermen allows to access parts There is no economic activity in the Territory Access to prohibited is Cartier Island There are no ports or harbours The Australian Border Force vessel is stationed off the reef The area has been a traditional fishing ground of In American whalers , operated the 1850s American whalers , operated the 1850s in , American whalers operated in the region Mining of phosphate deposits took place to it , was Indonesia Indonesia , it was a popular target , it was a popular target for it was a popular target for people smugglers asylum seekers , claim could Ashmore Island ce="preserve">Acoustic theory that is a scientific field relates that is a scientific field relates to Thus the velocity potential formula 35 obeys the wave equation in the velocity potential formula 35 obeys the wave equation in the limit Similarly , we saw that formula 38 , we can derive the small-disturbance limit we can derive the small-disturbance limit for setting that Note formula 53 returns Mackenzie was born in Logierait He left school at the age of 13 Mackenzie immigrated to Canada when he to immigrated when Canada Mackenzie , elected was 1867 Mackenzie was elected to the new House of Commons of Canada He became leader of the party Mackenzie and the Liberals won a clear majority As Mackenzie , continued prime minister prime minister , Mackenzie continued the nation-building programme , Mackenzie that continued the nation-building programme Mackenzie that continued the nation-building programme had that continued the nation-building programme had been His government established the Supreme Court of Canada and Royal Military College of Canada However , it made little progress , it made little progress on it made little progress on the transcontinental railway At Mackenzie's government , suffered the 1878 election the 1878 election , Mackenzie's government suffered a landslide defeat Mackenzie was born on January 28, 1822 The site of known is his birthplace born was by built his father
was by built his father and by built his father and is He was the third of Sr. , who was a carpenter and ship's joiner , who was a carpenter and ship's joiner had who was a carpenter and ship's joiner had to Mackenzie's father died on March 7, 1836 and He apprenticed as a stonemason and The Neils were Baptist and shortly with he , immigrated the Neils he , immigrated the Neils to , he immigrated to Canada he immigrated to Canada in The limestone in proved the area too Mackenzie , so accepted financial difficulty , so Mackenzie accepted a promissory note so Mackenzie accepted a promissory note for Mackenzie accepted a promissory note for summer wages Subsequently , Mackenzie won a contract , Mackenzie won a contract building Mackenzie won a contract building a bomb-proof arch He later became a foreman on He was also a foreman on on a one-ton stone , fell the Beauharnois Canal a one-ton stone , fell the Beauharnois Canal and a one-ton stone fell and crushed one Mackenzie married Helen Neil ( 1826–52 and he moved to Sarnia he moved to Sarnia , soon by from joined Scotland by from Scotland joined the rest He began working as a general contractor Mackenzie helped construct many courthouses and A number of stand still these Helen died in 1852 , Mackenzie involved himself in politics He fought passionately for equality In he , became 1851 1851 , he became the secretary , he became the secretary for he became the secretary for the Reform Party in Mackenzie , campaigned Kent/Lambton Mackenzie , campaigned Kent/Lambton relentlessly Mackenzie campaigned relentlessly for George Brown In Mackenzie , became 1852 1852 , Mackenzie became editor , Mackenzie became editor of Mackenzie became editor of another reformist paper As Mackenzie , was an editor Mackenzie , was an editor perhaps testify , the paper lost the suit , the paper lost the suit and the paper lost the suit and was Mackenzie , invited was the United States He entered the House of Commons of Canada in 1867
winning no official leader , emerged his seat Mackenzie formed a government and asked Mackenzie served concurrently as Minister for he , included the West Block the West Block , he included a circular staircase , he included a circular staircase leading he included a circular staircase leading directly , Mackenzie disliked intensely the patronage Mackenzie disliked intensely the patronage inherent with Mackenzie , refused his democratic ideals his democratic ideals , Mackenzie refused the offer , Mackenzie refused the offer of Mackenzie refused the offer of a knighthood He also declined appointment to His pride in left never his working class origins as he , asked prime minister prime minister , he asked the soldier , he asked the soldier accompanying he asked the soldier accompanying him It is five feet , ten inches He introduced the secret ballot ; advised He completed the Intercolonial Railway , but Mackenzie stood up for the rights his term was by marked economic depression was that by marked economic depression that by marked economic depression had In Mackenzie , negotiated 1874 1874 , Mackenzie negotiated a new free trade agreement , Mackenzie negotiated a new free trade agreement with Mackenzie negotiated a new free trade agreement with the United States this action did not bolster the economy construction bolster , and the economy In the Conservative opposition , announced 1876 1876 , the Conservative opposition announced a National Policy , the Conservative opposition announced a National Policy of the Conservative opposition announced a National Policy of protective tariffs After Mackenzie , remained his government's defeat his government's defeat , Mackenzie remained Leader , Mackenzie remained Leader of Mackenzie remained Leader of the Opposition soon that with struck a mysterious ailment that with struck a mysterious ailment sapped he , remained nevertheless silence , he nevertheless remained an undefeated MP he nevertheless remained an undefeated MP until Mackenzie's first biography in referred 1892 to He was a devout Baptist and teetotaller who was and teetotaller a devout Baptist He was also a loyal friend and to his public official austerity , was earth his public official austerity , was earth in
, his public official austerity was in striking contrast his public official austerity was in striking contrast to He was the soul of honour He was uncompromising on his principles An historian at said the time , He said , " the time no one " ( attacks impune lacessit " ( no one attacks me ( no one attacks me with no one attacks me with impunity The Upper Canada rebellion leader W.L. Mackenzie referred to him , he of said , him he said was " the best debater he said was " one He was endowed with a warm heart His humorous sallies blistered like a blast from His sterling honesty is a great heritage , and At Rev. Dr. Thomas , compared his eulogy his eulogy , Rev. Dr. Thomas compared him , Rev. Dr. Thomas compared him to Rev. Dr. Thomas compared him to the Duke of Wellington and in this had Canada in this had Canada to this had Canada to say marked he , carried his private life he , carried his private life without , he carried without abatement he carried without abatement of sincere Christian , he had few equals of he , was appropriate words appropriate words , he was one , he was one of he was one of the most logical and powerful speakers we one of was the most logical and powerful speakers he , had has a statesman , he has had few equals " – it is one – it is one of it is one of the very foremost architects no one ; tell can their newly-built Dominion " – he was a man – he who was a man he who was a man loved who a man was loved the people refused Alexander Mackenzie , refused a knightly crown a knightly crown , Alexander Mackenzie refused knighthood , Alexander Mackenzie refused knighthood three Alexander Mackenzie refused knighthood three times Ashoka promoted the spread of Buddhism of Ashoka , expanded India's greatest emperors India's greatest emperors , Ashoka expanded Chandragupta's empire , Ashoka expanded Chandragupta's empire to
Ashoka expanded Chandragupta's empire to reign It covered the entire Indian subcontinent except for The empire's capital was Pataliputra ( in Ashoka waged a particularly destructive war against the state of he , converted his Edicts he , converted his Edicts to , he converted to Buddhism he converted to Buddhism after , biographical information about relies him biographical information about relies him on The emblem of the modern Republic of India is an adaptation His Sanskrit name " means " painless he , referred is his edicts Information about comes Ashoka from These sources often contradict each other Ashoka's inscriptions are the earliest self-representations of imperial power A small number of provide also other inscriptions For he , finds example example , he finds a mention , he finds a mention in he finds a mention in the 2nd century An inscription discovered at mentions Sirkap which from comes , Buddhist legends These legends that in appear texts that in appear texts are There are several significant differences between the two traditions For the Sri Lankan tradition , emphasises example example , the Sri Lankan tradition emphasises Ashoka's role , the Sri Lankan tradition emphasises Ashoka's role in the Sri Lankan tradition emphasises Ashoka's role in convening However , the North Indian tradition makes no mention , the North Indian tradition makes no mention of the North Indian tradition makes no mention of these events the queen " , manages "Ashokavadana the queen manages to have the tree , she permanently destroys the tree she permanently destroys the tree , In both the texts , describe another story another story , both the texts describe Ashoka's unsuccessful attempts , both the texts describe Ashoka's unsuccessful attempts to both the texts describe Ashoka's unsuccessful attempts to collect he " , fails the "Mahavamsa Ashoka's name appears in the lists of these texts do not provide further details , the "Arthashastra " is a normative text the "Arthashastra " that is a normative text " that is a normative text focuses that is a normative text focuses on these that suggest were two different rulers
Piyadasi , living was him Piyadasi was living in the 3rd century BCE for Ashoka , was Beckwith Beckwith , Ashoka was a later king , Ashoka was a later king of Ashoka was a later king of the 1st–2nd century CE His inscriptions cover a very different and much smaller geographical area , clustering , the inscriptions of were this later Ashoka the inscriptions of were this later Ashoka typical Priyadasi is associated with Ashoka The term literally means " he literally who " means he who " means he regards the same person as established is Devanampiya and Ashoka the same person is by established the Maski and Gujarra inscriptions is by established the Maski and Gujarra inscriptions , which by established , the Maski and Gujarra inscriptions Ashoka's own inscriptions do not describe his early life much describe , and his early life The exact date of is Ashoka's birth not his grandfather , and was the Mauryan emperor Bindusara , and his grandfather was Chandragupta and his grandfather was Chandragupta – his grandfather was Chandragupta – the founder The "Ashokavadana " also names his father Ashoka's mother that states was the daughter Accordingly , her father took her , her father took her to her father took her to Pataliputra the "Asokavadanamala , calls " example , the "Asokavadanamala " calls her Subhadrangi to Chandragupta , entered the 2nd-century historian Appian Chandragupta , entered the 2nd-century historian Appian into , Chandragupta entered into a marital alliance Chandragupta entered into a marital alliance with Bindusara " , disliked the "Ashokavadana " , Bindusara disliked Ashoka , Bindusara disliked Ashoka because Bindusara disliked Ashoka because of One day , Bindusara asked the ascetic Pingala-vatsajiva , Bindusara asked the ascetic Pingala-vatsajiva to Bindusara asked the ascetic Pingala-vatsajiva to determine which asked to determine the ascetic Pingala-vatsajiva He asked all the princes to assemble for he , offered the Garden he , offered the Garden to he offered to provide the prince At Pingala-vatsajiva , examined the Garden the Garden , Pingala-vatsajiva examined the princes , Pingala-vatsajiva examined the princes and
Pingala-vatsajiva examined the princes and realised avoid the ascetic , refused annoying Bindusara the ascetic , refused annoying Bindusara to the ascetic refused to name the successor they , state also Ashoka's ugly appearance Bindusara that state gave him Bindusara " , dispatched the "Ashokavadana " , Bindusara dispatched prince Ashoka , Bindusara dispatched prince Ashoka to Bindusara dispatched prince Ashoka to suppress which in mentioned , the Sri Lankan tradition Bindusara that The "Ashokavadana" states provided Ashoka reached the citizens , welcomed Takshashila Takshashila , the citizens welcomed him , the citizens welcomed him and the citizens welcomed him and told Takshashila was a prosperous and geopolitically influential city , and historical evidence was , and a prosperous and geopolitically influential city However , no extant contemporary source mentions the Takshashila rebellion , no extant contemporary source mentions the Takshashila rebellion , no extant contemporary source mentions the Takshashila rebellion , and none mentions , and the Takshashila rebellion the historicity , said of the legend The inscription that includes a name begins that includes a name begins with Bindusara " , appointed the "Mahavamsa " , Bindusara appointed Ashoka , Bindusara appointed Ashoka as Bindusara appointed Ashoka as the viceroy in this inscription ; states central India this inscription ; states central India that he that states visited the place to Ashoka , visited the Sri Lankan tradition the Sri Lankan tradition , Ashoka visited Vidisha , Ashoka visited Vidisha , Ashoka visited Vidisha , where he visited , where Vidisha " , the woman was Devi , the woman was Devi – the woman was Devi – the daughter she " , was the "Mahabodhi-vamsa " , she was Vidisha-Mahadevi , she was Vidisha-Mahadevi and she was Vidisha-Mahadevi and belonged The Buddhist chroniclers may have fabricated the Shakya connection Devi that states gave birth Therefore , he instigated five hundred ministers , he instigated five hundred ministers to he instigated five hundred ministers to support Susima was still in Takshashila Bindusara recalled him to the capital However , the ministers told him , the ministers told him that