Effexor XR
"I went through a very bad depression state a few weeks ago. I went to the hospital and they put me on 75mg of Effexor-XR and increased it to 150mg after a week. I had severe bladder cramps and waterworks problems while on the higher strength. My doctor reduced the dosage to 37.5mg once every 2 days. I now feel fantastic. One of the main things I have noticed since taking this medication is this. For about 35 years I have suffered with extreme pain from T.M.J(an inner ear problem). Since I have been taking this medication the T.M.J. has gone and I can sleep 8 hours at night, the first time since I was a baby which is 53 years ago."
March 5, 2009
emergency contraception
"Accident can happen. Condom broke on that day Sep 5th. which was day 12th of my cycle fertile day. I rushed to get plan B as I am not on any birth control pill. I had taken the pill 15-20 mins after sex. I did experience lower stomach cramps but not to painful, dizziness and tiredness at that day. I was expected to have my next period on Sep 22nd for my normal cycle. However I got my period yesterday Sep 18th. 4 days earlier.. I was so happy that Plan B works..."
September 19, 2016
migraine prevention
"Worst night of my life. I made the mistake of not looking at reviews until I had just popped the pill. I felt like a zombie. I couldn't think or formulate sentences. My body felt like I had needles all over. My legs wouldn't stop shaking. I couldn't see. I cried until I fell asleep and continued to have side effects the next day. I cannot believe they sell this medication. By far the worst experience of my life. I do not recommend this drug to anyone and sincerely recommend anyone considering this drug to not take it."
October 13, 2016
"I was prescribed Vyvanse 50 mg for the treatment of my narcolepsy w/o cataplexy & hypersomnia. The first 2 weeks were great but I found my body quickly adjusted to this medicine making it almost completely ineffective by the end of the first month. The 2nd month, I went to 60 mg. this month, I'm on 70mg. I'm not falling asleep while driving, however I am still having episodes of extreme sleepiness and sleeping extremely deeply at times. I'm also going between sleeping 5 hours to 15 a night. My main concern is: I'm on the maximum dose so just where do I go from here?! I also have bipolar disorder/anxiety & I've found my need for anxiety medicine to be almost nonexistent, which is a great bonus."
November 11, 2013
generalized anxiety disorde
"An amazing experience, I feel I came out of prison. I am a new man. "
December 26, 2014
chronic pain
"This drug gave me my life back"
June 27, 2017
birth control
"Took this for only 3 weeks before having to stop. Caused a lump in my right breast, sad mood, daily constant nausea, and NO sex drive."
October 22, 2014
Drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol
birth control
"For birth control purposes, never gotten pregnant. For acne purposes, my face used to be extremely broken out & this definitely helped. However, I gained about 10-15 pounds with the year I was on it (my boobs grew so that was a plus) & I started going into a depression & feeling like I was going insane. Needless to say, I switched."
August 16, 2016
"Used it last night for knee pain and it started burning so bad it felt like my skin was melting off! I would rather deal with the knee pain than ever use this stuff again!"
February 23, 2016
muscle spasm
"Ok so I have Fibromyalgia, DJD, Reynauds Syndrome, bulging and herniated disks, possible Lupus(awaiting further testing). This treats mild muscle spasms and muscle pain without making you sleepy or groggy. When in severe muscular pain I have to use Soma 350 mg instead."
January 30, 2017
emergency contraception
"I had sex with my boyfriend on September 2nd around 3am. I then went the following morning and got the plan b pill and took it around 2pm. My period usually comes between the 6-8 every month. I have never been late or missed a period. However, I never got my period and was experiencing nausea, vomitting, headaches, and got a UTI (which I have NEVER had before!) I waited until yesterday, September 20th to take a test and it was positiv. I then took 3 more, all positive. The pill did not work for my boyfriend and I! Big waste of $55!"
September 21, 2016
muscle spasm
"So far so good."
April 16, 2015
weight loss
"I have been on Adipex for 2 weeks now. I do have a some sleeping problems but it is getting better. I have had some dizziness also. I was 246 lbs and at my 2 week weigh in I was 235 lbs. I have changed the way that I eat and have had no time for exercise. I love this pill."
November 2, 2008
birth control
"I love Nexplanon. I got it November of 2013. They made sure to numb my arm so insertion was painless. My arm was sore for about a day but no worse than a harsh workout. I did have mood swings in the first few weeks but nothing out of control. Then I had my period for about 4 weeks which I'm told is normal. Since then I've only had a few days of spotting and nothing else. I'm on a nutritionist guided weight loss plan and have managed to lose 40lbs. So far while on Nexplanon so no problems with weight gain. I get the occasional acne here and there but again nothing too bad. Overall I rate Nexplanon high and its so great to no longer have the responsibility of taking a pill every day."
March 1, 2014
"My skin is sensitive and combination/oily. I have never had horrible or cystic acne, just a few pimples on my forehead all the time. About a month ago, the acne spread to all over my forehead. I knew the problem wasn't my diet or a product because I tried eliminating these things. My dermatologist prescribed me 0.1% differin gel a few weeks ago. There was no difference the first two days but on the third day, I had no new pimples and it's been that way since! I did experience slightly drier skin than usual, but no redness or flaking. I believe the key is to use as little product as possible and moisturize as soon as the product sinks into the skin. Also, it's important to exfoliate daily to help the product remove waste from your face."
January 16, 2017
"Switched from Cipralex (escitalopram) as it made me so sleepy all the time and very sweaty at night. Pristiq gave me 0 side effects and I noticed a change in my energy level pretty much right away. I felt much better all day, and would sleep great at night. I also tried Effexor (venlafaxine) since Pristiq has no generic brand and was very pricey without a drug plan, however Effexor gave me horrible side effects! Terrible insomnia at night (trouble falling asleep and would wake up every hour, mind racing, hard time falling back asleep), tired throughout the day, and very fidgety legs and feet at night while sitting still or laying in bed. Also noticed I would lock my jaw tightly. Also caused very dry mouth regardless of how much I drank."
June 15, 2016
"I started taking Abilify to compliment years of taking Effexor. I am on 5 mg, and am experiencing many of the symptoms I am reading about here - weight gain, feelings of emptiness, and craving for sweets. The good part of it is all the depressing and worrisome voices are out of my head. The bad thing is the emptiness, but I figure I should filling that void with good things - hobbies, music, more quality time with my beautiful wife. Maybe that's the healing, not the pill."
July 25, 2016
diabetes, type 2
"Onglyza has worked great for me with a A1c of 6.5 and fasting blood glucose level of usually around 105-115. However. Since losing my insurance have not been able to afford and my blood glucose is now higher with a fasting of 125-140. Good news, the manufacturer has a financial assistance program and I have just received free 90 day Onglyza! Praise The Lord!"
May 6, 2013
"So I have had constipation for maybe a week and miralax just wouldn't work for me and I decided I needed something to get me going and took 2 doculax at around 8. Big Mistake. I drank one of those giant bottles of powerade before I went to bed. then around 2am I woke up with horrible cramps... I am a small teenager and would not recommend this medication. Even after I had a bowel movement I had horrible pains and dranks so much water"
August 8, 2015
panic disorde
"I've tried Buspar, Xanax, Ativan, various anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and even cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxant). Propranolol (20mg daily) has been the best medication of ALL of these for generalized anxiety. No "swimming head", no dry mouth, no ravenous hunger... almost no side effects, except I feel a bit slow before my morning shower. Propranolol gives a nice "body calm" - heart rate steady, no sweating palms and no jittery feeling. I now use low doses of Propranolol and Imipramine for generalized anxiety and panic, and Lamotrigine for cyclothymia, and (rarely) Ativan. I feel like a new man! They also use Propranolol to treat PTSD patients... it blocks the "fight/flight" reaction and allows processing of trauma."
April 30, 2015
"My body is hyper sensitive to all medicines. I've had horrible experiences with all SSRI's. I take 15mg of buspar. I take all 3 pills at once before sleep. It helps calm my body down. I can say it's slightly helped and helped with my depression. I suffer from severe anxiety attacks that always result in intense dry heaving and diarrhea. (UGH I REALLY HOPE TO BEAT THIS ONE DAY!!) Because of the severity of my anxiety I do take other things to help level me out. I'm on a low dose of xanex (which I regret, I can't get off without crazy withdrawal symptoms.) I also take 50mg of 5htp at night, and recently magnesium every other day which I'm starting to feel a difference with. Hope this helps! Consult a doctor and see what works for you!!"
October 2, 2016
"Dexilant seems to work better than Prilosec for me, although my symptoms wax and wane. Some days I feel good, other days, I can tell the medicine isn't working well. Not really sure how that is possible since I take it at the same time every day! I do get horrible gas and diarrhea and always end up stopping the meds for a day or two. However, I recently read that Keifer could help with acid reflux, so I started drinking it. It prevents the horrible gas and diarrhea that the Dexilant causes. One glass a day, and I am good! Now I can take the medicine daily as described and hope that it resolves what is causing my GERD. I highly suggest the Keifer for those not tolerating the medicine otherwise."
May 21, 2013
vaginal yeast infection
"I tried the miconazole 7 ,and let me tell you.. My vagina was burning so bad and the itching was even worse.. As I've read the other reviews I can see that although its bad it cures it in the end, so I'm trying to hang in there. Today was my first day and omg I cannot bare it. But like I said trying to hang in there! Gets better after a while but still itches . ugh. Not a very good way of ending Christmas."
December 26, 2015
high blood pressure
"Had tried several bp medications, started Tribenzor and in one day my blood pressure was at normal range. 105/75. I've been on this for 8 months. Very little side effects most annoying would be fatigue. Give it time to work and adjust to your system. Dosage can always be adjusted. I'm a female, 63 yrs old. I might mention that it's kinda pricey, 75 dollars for 90 days and that's with insurance. If I use the coupon, it's still $25 copay a month."
April 30, 2016
cluster headaches
"This drug is the only thing (apart from being knocked out)that works. Yes, the injections are expensive but what a life saver, never leave home without them!"
July 29, 2008
schizoaffective disorde
"Definitely ask for the black cherry flavor! I have been taking this since September and my dose was recently increased to 20 mg. I REALLY LOVE SAPHRIS! It can work on any symptom you have. Depression. Mania. Psychosis. Anxiety. You may even be able to get samples from your doctor since it is so new. If you take it all at night like I do, make sure you get 7-8 hours sleep. 6 will not do!"
November 23, 2011
hot flashes
"I have been taking Brisdelle for the past 6 months to help with hot flashes. However, I have had these chronic problems since taking this medication. I have tremors, eyes are sensitive to light, seizures, biting my tongue during the night while sleeping so severe that I have to get up because the blood is so profuse. I also am dizzy all the time, and feel like I am whirling around and unstable while sitting, lying down, or walking about. It has taken me almost 2 months and thousands of dollars to figure this out on my own. I have been to the endocrinologist to see if I have a tumor, neurologist due to the seizures, dentist, ENTSpecialist, Chiropractor, a Neuro-Opthamologist, and my primary care physician and no one has been able to help me"
January 30, 2016
birth control
"I've been on Sronyx for 4 weeks now and so far things I've noticed has been increased acne breakouts (not horribly), really bad bloating around my period, and some weight gain (luckily only 3 lbs). Other than that there hasn't been any other side affects."
November 10, 2013
"Within 8 hrs of taking 2 tablets I experienced uncontrollable sweating, body shakes, vomiting, stomach cramps accompanied by loose bowel movements. Although technically this medication relieved my constipation I nearly ended up in the emergency room. 24 hrs later I still have lower back pain, cramps and am unable to keep food down. Please do not take this medication lightly!"
October 8, 2011
"At 24 I started breaking out worse after discontinuing the pill and switching to an IUD (I love it, btw). I had cystic acne along my jawline and on my neck, so I went to a derm and she prescribed me 25 mg daily for 2 weeks, then 50 mg daily. I broke out badly at the 2 week mark and again at the 4 week mark. I went back to the derm after 6 weeks of being on spiro and I was upped to 100 mg daily. I'm finally starting to see results. I'm on week 8 of being on spiro, and while my skin isn't completely clear, I definitely see a difference. I should also note I'm using Retin-A topically. I do experience side effects on spiro like increased thirst, breast tenderness, spotting, some cramping, & increased urination, but I'm willing to deal with this"
August 13, 2016
abnormal uterine bleeding
"This was my second Mirena. My first was great. I had no periods, not complaints. Insertion and removal were super easy. However, after removal I did bleed for a couple weeks. The second one has been awful. I just had it removed after 3 years. My hair was falling out. I gained weight. I had very low sex drive. I bleed all the time. I got it removed 5 weeks ago and I'm still bleeding. I'm even on nuvaring, and still bleeding. It's awful. There is no end in sight."
May 14, 2015
"Works great against allergy (25mg) and also somewhat against asthma (due to the anticholinergic properties: dilates the airways). When taking Atarax I can reduce the amount of asthma reliever medication (terbutaline). Side effects: Drowsiness (in the beginning), headache (disappeared after the third pill), muscle twitches and some muscle aches."
June 23, 2011
allergic rhinitis
"I wa prescribed azalastine for chronic sinusitis and non-allergic rhinitis. I used it for over 2 months without any change. If anything it made my symptoms worse"
May 6, 2017
breast cancer, metastatic
"I have been on Halaven for over three months now. It has been very positive for me. I have been on other medicines before Halaven which did not work. My cancer shrunk by 50 percent from the Halaven. I am happy with the results. This is a positive medicine that CAN help so many people out there."
August 11, 2011
not listed / othe
"I just started phentermine one week ago and I was a whopping 287lbs. As of today, I am 278 so that is 9lbs gone. I haven't been very good at watching what I ate this week, and have done minimal exercise (besides running after 3 & 4 year old boys). I take mine in the morning about 30mins before I eat or drink anything and I feel my body react by getting a little more jittery but it actually feels good - like I have pent up energy waiting to get out. What amazes me about this medicine is how it truly has affected my appetite. I usually eat at all times, I eat huge portions and I rarely feel full. With this medicine, I actually can eat a small portion and feel full. I am not thinking about food all the time like I used to. Good Luck!"
July 14, 2010
Polyethylene glycol 3350
"I'm a 24yr old that recently had back surgery. They had me on tons of medications, of course, one being a stool softener because a lot of medicine intake tends to make one constipated. Well, the stool softer that I had to take twice daily didn't work one bit. I got so bloated and had some serious stomach pains, that I finally decided to try a laxative (never having tried one before, I was alittle intimidated). Now, before injuring myself and having the surgery, my BMs were extremely regular: once a day. After that, I was rarely going. When I tried Miralax it worked within the hour of drinking it in some ginger ale! I felt SO MUCH BETTER! It makes your stomach gurgle and gives slight cramps, but worth it in the long run!"
November 18, 2015
"I was diagnosed with an Peritonsillar Abscess in the back of my throat on my left side. The medicine is working well as far as I can tell. I haven't had diarrhea since I was giving the medication but I did forget to not lay down for 10 mins and I never thought I was going to fall asleep last night because I was in so much pain."
December 14, 2013
opiate withdrawal
"I found this medication to be helpful with getting some sleep! Which is the worst part of opiate withdrawal to me. It also helps with the aches you get that feel like they're in your bones! It was a really big help especially in getting me over that 1 to 2 week hump! The most vital part of the withdrawal experience!"
December 11, 2015
schizoaffective disorde
"I am very happy with Abilify. I have been on it with Lexapro and klonopin and I am feeling much better than I was. I can make firm decisions. As a matter of fact I bought my first home at 58. I take care of my own finances and for the most part I am very pleased with my adulthood. I am a wonderful grandma and my babies love me. It is awesome to be me. I feel free and "human ". I am blessed!!!!"
February 8, 2017
birth control
"I am 23, and I have had Mirena for the past 5 yrs. It was placed in a month after my son was born and I now have gotten it removed and a new one inserted! I LOVED it the first time I occasionally spotted but rarely more than 1 day. The reinsertion was a different discomfort then what I experienced the 1st time. I have had A LOT of cramping, even in my legs. Hopefully it doesn't last."
April 16, 2013
Albuterol / ipratropium
copd, maintenance
"Not real impressed don't know if anyone else has had this issue but when it gets to the red mark stops dispensing medicine, and of course can't get it replaced. Also has been a few times when it didn't seem like any thing was coming out so had to double the dose so than you have most of that months wasted.Not happy at all have to wait for refill because of course you can only get one a month at a time so than you have to go without your medicine real fun fighting to breath. Company really needs to go back to the designers and come up with a better dispenser."
November 9, 2017
binge eating disorde
"I’ve been on Vyvanse for 6 months and have slowly increased from 20mg to 40mg. I’ve lost 24 pounds and plan to lose more. I had the hardest time changing my eating habits after pregnancy and continued to eat more than I should have. I gained the 34 pounds back that I had lost after giving birth to my son. I ate large portions and didn’t realize it until after it was gone. Vyvanse has changed my eating habits much more than I expected. I eat very little and when I look at food, nothing looks appetizing not even crackers. I’ve started to experience issues with anxiety and depression and am worried that it is being brought on by Vyvanse as anxiety and agitation are side effects. Vyvanse works but listen to your body for signs of trouble!"
November 7, 2017
"Still working since June 12 now. The benefits of Belviq are great, weight loss:16 lbs, belly shrinking by 4 1/2 inches, blood pressure now normal, feeling great, feeling light. Get a good diet don't think that you can still do MacDonalds, Wendys everyday. The pill won't fix that kind of behavior. It still takes a commitment from you, it just makes it easier to accomplish it."
August 2, 2013
nausea/vomiting, chemotherapy induced
"My boyfriend has cancer and was receiving two kinds of chemotherapy. Along with blood clots and a drain in his leg he was in alot of pain. When receiving chemo we would stay in the hospital for three days and even with the neulasta shot and all the IV anti nausea meds he still was sick. Finally he was prescribed marinol and it changed everything. The day we came home from the hospital after taking it he was well enough to go Frisbee golfing even with a drain in his leg! He never vomited again, and he actually got kinda chubby! The drug changed his attitude and I belive it gave him the strength he needed to fight his sarcoma. He's now in remission!"
June 20, 2016
bipolar disorde
"I didn't expect this to work when I used it to prevent mania. 225mg of venlafaxine (Effexor) caused mania. After being on low-dose Abilify and Seroquel to sleep for a few weeks, I was not really manic anymore (maybe hypo-, or had some manic symptoms- like usual, e.g. destructibility). Then I started lamotrigine, now on 100mg/day. I increased venlafaxine back to 225mg expecting to go manic, but instead I feel clear-headed. Friends have noticed I don't lose my train of thought often, and that I "seem more stable". I have been diagnosed Bipolar I, but am "more like a II," which I agree with. I also have Social Anxiety Disorder (and used to have the most severe depression imaginable). The Bipolar might be caused by S.P. Seizures."
July 13, 2013
"I've been taking Ambien since January 2006 and about 4 weeks ago I began to have issues sleeping only been getting 2-3 hrs a night. I called my psychologist and family doctor about the situation. I was given Lunesta through my family doctor. Tried that for a couple days and couldn't still couldn't sleep. Then I thought it was my Wellbutrin so I went "cold turkey" on that for about a week until I almost had a break down. Then I started taking half of my Wellbutrin and feel a little better. My psychologist just gave me a prescription for the Ambien Cr and only have taken for 2 nights so far. I just want some sleep.. my grades are suffering and so is my job."
April 5, 2011
Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes
bowel preparation
"Was due to take 2 litres of MoviPrep before a colonoscopy. Took the first litre without much trouble at 7pm and, despite gurgling, did not go to toilet before going to bed at 10pm. Attempted to take the second litre at 6am but only managed to drink about half of it before I was projectile vomiting the solution plus stomach bile everywhere. Wasn't able to take anymore and still had very minimal bowel movements so had to cancel my procedure."
June 3, 2017
supraventricular tachycardia
"I am a 70 yr old RN. I started having episodes of near-fainting around 16 yr.old (actually fainted twice). I would go to the nurse & ask to lay down-which helped, but she thought I was faking. Next episode, 25 yr old - saw cardiologist, negative EKG, no treatment. Next 2 episodes, 30 yr old, more severe, ER - negative tests. Next 5 episodes, 40-50 yr old increasing severity, ER. During the last ER visit, I heard about a new type of Doc, an electrocardiophysiologist. I wore a monitor for 6 weeks before it finally "caught" the SVT. I started on Toprol 50 mg per day. But then, I had an episode of severe low BP (80/40) - back to the ER. My new Doc said to split dose, take 25 mg AM & PM. No episodes past 20 years. I'm a happy camper !"
February 11, 2016
Microgestin Fe 1 / 20
"Loved how it made me feel emotionally. But it has ruined my skin. I never in my life have had acne until this birth control"
October 8, 2015
"I find this pill very good I take 3 pills a day, in just a little under month ago I weighed 266lbs and I have now so far lost 17lbs."
May 22, 2016
diabetes, type 2
"For some reason my A1C was increasing. My doctor added Jardiance to my regiment. My A1C dropped from 7.8 to 7.4 quite quickly. After three more months on Jardiance my A1C went from 7.4 to 6.2. I have also lost about 6 pounds since taking it. Side effects have been UTI and I feel tired and weak quite a bit. No energy. Other than that, I've been good. But I don't like feeling like this, so will tell my doctor about it today. Perhaps a small price to pay for such a drop in my A1C. It is also very expensive. I get samples from my Dr at times, but being on Medicare and it being a new drug, it's pretty costly. Have to see if it's even on the formulary for 2018 as it always changes & the drug co. does not give discounts to Medicare folks"
September 29, 2017
Minastrin 24 Fe
birth control
"I've been using this birth control for almost a year now. It's my very first pill & I haven't had any problems with weight gain, mood, or even spotting in between periods. However, it is important to take it daily around the same time. At the same time is better, if possible. I use this as my main method of birth control."
June 25, 2015
"This is an amazing medicine. By day 2, I was feeling significantly well. Notwithstanding, the side-effects of the medication for me personally are not comfortable: sore kidneys in the morning, stomach upset, intestinal discomfort, headaches and muscle soreness. However, I realize that it's really important to finish my dosage (7 day supply) and I'm on day 4. This feels like a powerful antibiotic in my system and I'm aware that it is effective against resistant gram positive and negative bacterial infections. 3 more days....yay."
April 22, 2012
Plan B One-Step
emergency contraception
"The accident happened on Jan, 11th and I took Plan B Onestep about an hour after the accident. I felt that there were some side effects like nausea (which lasts an hour after I took the pill) and flatulence. But having these side effect is way better than having a baby. Two weeks later I got my period which is on time. I am so happy."
January 26, 2014
abnormal uterine bleeding
"Dr. Prescribed for abnormal bleeding, post D&C for pcos . It has been a lifesaver for me. No cramps, period lasts no longer than 2-3days... breast tenderness something ive nevr felt until i started bc. I hadnt felt many "normal" female symptoms before due to my irregular condition(s). Therefore i was happy to experience them. I actually feel like a grown up."
July 26, 2016
urinary tract infection
"I have reoccurring utis every couple months and I have taken every antibiotic. Cipro and keflex did not work for me and bactrim I had horrible side effects. Macrobid is the only one to cure my utis every time! Of course it depends on which bacteria is causing yours."
July 3, 2015
"This does nothing to me from what I can see. I take 25mg once daily for vertigo"
February 6, 2017
bipolar disorde
"Only ten days and I am a new man. I have had zero weight gain. I don't eat everything I see. Racing thoughts are gone. I feel super light. I have energy like never before. I don't procrastinate simple tasks. I don't snap at people. I am way more active and do things that I want. I don't do anything self destructive. Anxiety gone. I am 28 and I didn't have a clue I was bipolar till 8 months ago. I feel like I just woke up and everyone around me can't believe how extremely different I am. I love my new life. I take this with Lithobid. Did I mention how awesome life is."
March 29, 2009
Suprep Bowel Prep Kit
bowel preparation
"Whoever gave the suggestion of biting on a lemon wedge in between chugging the Suprep is a genius! The worst part about the drink is the awful aftertaste and the lemon totally cuts it. I've taken this prep in the past and was dreading it again this time around - BUT - the lemon made it totally tolerable! I just finished chugging the solution/water mixture and now I'm on to my first 16 bottle of water. (I think the harder part is going to be to drink the 32 oz of water within the next hour due to bloating, but that part I can totally deal with!!!)"
November 19, 2017
opiate dependence
"I started taking Suboxone about six years ago because I had a problem with Roxicodone and Vicodin. I highly recommend taking Suboxone if you are prone to taking opiate oriented narcotics. My life hasn't ever been in more control than it is now. I'm also attending a Suboxone support group."
February 3, 2014
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
"I was on this medication for about 3 months and was curious where my fits of rage / severe depression came from. Finally my doctor switched me to a new medicine, and later switched me back when they stopped carrying the 2nd medicine. I now have been giving it a second shot for about 6 months but plan to switch to something new today. I've been battling cystic acne all over my jawline for about 3 months now and in this time, I've gained nearly 30 pounds. I've remained a certain weight most of my adulthood - for nearly 10 years. Suddenly, after quitting soda, sugars, changing my diet, working out more - still no losses in weight. Do NOT listen to your doctor and do NOT go on this medicine. I would rather risk no birth control, over taking it."
September 27, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
birth control
"I took trinessa for 3 month and it was driving me crazy. This was my first time ever taking birth control and my experience was awful! My mood swings was very bad, I had slight depression, emotional problems, I just got married and I didn't want my husband to touch me, and vaginal discharge all the time is was grossing me out! No weight gain and my period was on point! But I will never ever go back to this again!"
April 26, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"Been on Loestrin 24 for about 4 months. Love the fact that it's taking care of the terrible menstrual cramps and bloating I used to have. On the flip side, it tends to me sad a lot more but with time I think I can control that. Also I am gaining weight on my hip/thigh area. I really don't mind if it's just temporary. So far so good, I like the pill-it's making my time of the month a really easy time. For 1 month I had no period at all."
October 3, 2010
"I have Neuropathy in all 4 limbs. I have been on so many pain pills and the only relief I get is from the oxycodone 30mgs - 4 X a day and Oxycontin 40mgs twice a day. If not for Oxycontin. I would not be able to function at all. I couldn't get out of bed. The break-through pain is controlled with the oxycodones. If not for both of these medications I wouldn't have a life. As long as you are not abusing them you are fine. I have a Doctor who helps me and knows how much pain I am in and cannot function without them. "
August 30, 2010
"I have been on Lyrica for the past 8 months, I have fibromyalgia and pain was unbearable. It was amazing at first as I could finally sleep. Over the few months however I have had increased swelling in my joints and gained 15 lbs with no change in eating habits. I started feeling confused with memory loss, then two weeks ago I started feeling suicidal. I did not ever suffer from depression but could not get the thought of just taking a bottle of pills. Due to my experience of working with mental health I knew something was not right so I am now working at reducing Lyrica and going off of it . I think it was amazing for the pain but not worth the risk with the change in my mental state."
January 3, 2012
Sulfamethoxazole / trimethoprim
urinary tract infection
"I don't usually get many side effects from an antibiotic, but this one hit my digestive system pretty hard. Very queasy, bad gas, headaches, general blah feeling. Did clear up my infection though, so it works. Eating yogurt helped a bit."
April 25, 2011
weight loss
"Slimmed down from 5"2, 188 pounds. In seven months dropped 41 pounds. The right combination of diet and exercise make this easier then it should be. I still eat good but wise choices seem more appealing versus what I used to do. No bored eating or snacking anymore. No female issues just a little headache."
May 27, 2014
birth control
"I have been on Depo Provera since I was 18, so about five years. I have had no issues with it. I have not had a period in years (before I had terribly heavy periods), I did not experience any weight gain, do not have trouble staying fit, and do not experience any mood/personality swings. I just don't like that it's likely weakening my bones, but I try to stay on top of that with calcium/D supplements. However, I do wonder if it's had a negative effect on my sex drive, but that's inconsistent and I have nothing to compare it to since I got my shot as soon as I became sexually active, so it's hard to say."
November 15, 2013
bipolar disorde
"I took this, started at 60 mg. Caused severe restlessness and lack of sleep. Felt like I had tachycardia going on but didn't. switched down to 30 mg without doctors consent and don't get restless or have the feeling in my chest as bad. It's been a little over a week wish I had better idea on if it's working or not."
September 23, 2014
"I started 5 mg two days ago and I feel better already. No more sweaty palms or burning forehead due to high anxiety! I take it in the morning so I am able to sleep at night. I tried Zoloft and Celexa and could not take either one for more than two days! Horrific side effects for me! I pray each day gets better and better! This is my first time taking an antidepressant. I highly recommend for people with anxiety! Good luck"
February 14, 2013
"I've been on Prozac for a month and it really helps with the depression."
May 31, 2014
"I started on 5mg and after a couple weeks didn't notice any changes and went to 10mg. Been on the 10mg for over a month now. I feel more calm and "easy going" now. I use to have panic attacks and anxiety and those are gone. For those experiencing nausea: I also have a lot of nausea soon after taking the pill, but I now take it right as I go to bed and I am not bothered by it at all. Mild headaches sporadically. Great alternative to what is on the market right now, especially for those with anxiety that don't want the sedation."
April 21, 2015
Bupropion / naltrexone
weight loss
"I have taken contrave for two months and have lost 10 pounds. It has reduced my cravings and I do not over eat or binge as I did prior to taking contrave. My willpower is very strong now and I feel satisfied after a meal. In addition I feel so much better. I am off the couch and doing chores and activities again! The drawbacks are I do seem to have an increase in dry mouth and it is $90/month after insurance coverage. However I was spending more than $3/day on poor food choices. I would recommend Contrave."
May 9, 2017
"My rheumatologist started me on Ultram a few weeks ago. I also take Zoloft. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia approximately 10 years ago and have tried several medicines. My rheumatologist was concerned about my long term use of Tylenol and Advil on my kidneys and liver and said this would be easier on my body. It has helped a lot. I have much more energy and much reduced pain, it helps me go to work regularly and have a life with my family, but if I miss a dose I am really moody and weepy, so everyone knows when I haven't had it. I like it so far."
May 12, 2010
Desogestrel / ethinyl estradiol
birth control
"Lack of sex drive, mood swings, increased bra size from A to D, gained 10lbs, heavy 7 day period, cramps."
June 5, 2012
anxiety and stress
"I've only just started taking fluoxetine but I wanted to comment that I have no side effects. I have tried Zoloft and with those side effects I thought I was going to die. I was so scared to try something new but no side effects for me."
May 2, 2016
chronic pain
"Please? Has ANYONE EVER EXPERIENCED EXTREME HEADACHE's Within 30 min of taking this med? My pharmacy gave me this version for the 1st time & within & I've been on Percocet for YEARS (5 spine surgeries) & within 24hours of being on this drug I've been hospitalized once & had a lot of testing! I came home did my own test to be sure because I had Suspected this med but I'm (lol) not a doc I DIDN'T TAKE IT ALL DAY when I got home (no headache) woke up 4 am took 1 & my blood presure went to 198/120! Please I need help has anyone ever had this happen?"
February 27, 2016
"Xanax has really helped me with my anxiety and it's not habit forming to me. It helps me a lot!"
May 29, 2016
chronic pain
"Quick to act, seems to also help with depression, overall the best pain medicine I've been prescribed."
August 27, 2012
Midol Extended Relief
period pain
"Midol Extended Relief is the best pain reliever for my period. I used to take 800mg Ibuprofen because I get terrible cramping, now I prefer the Midol. I don't have to take it as often and since it is Midol it relieves more than just the cramps. Every woman in my office uses it for cramps."
March 25, 2011
"Was given this for knee surgery in 1989. At onset I heard a vibratory humming and the ceiling started strobing, being a deadhead I remember uttering WOW! out loud. One of the nurses said wow back. Then I was out. When I woke I was very groggy for about a half hour but had no pain for the rest of the day but was kind of out of it. "
November 3, 2011
"I have been on Savella for over a month and have found it to be the most effective medication yet for fibromyalgia. I also take Neurontin and meloxicam, and the combination of the three keeps me almost completely free of pain. No more brain fog, no more mornings where I can't get out of bed or days where I have to go home at noon because I can't function. I was worried that I would have to give up my management job due to this sickness, but if things keep going like they are now, I will be able to keep on working. Constipation, cold sweats are annoying, but not debilitating like the pain. First week I experienced anxiety and unnecessary worrying (I'm not a worrier normally). Thanks!"
September 11, 2009
allergic rhinitis
"I had a cold with a stuffy nose so I don't know why my Doctor prescribed this for me. I wish I could give this product a zero. It did absolutely nothing for me except give me severe nosebleeds. I would love to contact the company to complain but I can't find their contact information anywhere. Worst 50 bucks I ever spent."
February 24, 2016
Cobicistat / elvitegravir / emtricitabine / tenofovir alafenamide
hiv infection
"Shortly after I was infected in Mar 2017 the HIV wreaked havoc on my nervous system with some horrible peripheral neuropathy pain. Diagnosed on May 11 and started Genvoya in June with a class of 12,000 and cd4 of 660, one month later my class was 40 and cd4 increased to 822. Unlike most of the reviewers above I do have more side effects. The neuropathy is better thank God, but I have tiredness, sleeplessness, some abdominal pain, and lightheadedness. All that considered this medicine is what I call a wonder pill because it just works period. Due to the fact that cobicistat works with the liver I take it at night before bed so my liver will be at rest while the Genvoya does it’s thing. This was not my first choice so thanks Doc!"
October 11, 2017
birth control
"So I'm on my second week with Mirena. I'm 26 and have never had a child, so insertion was horrible. I consider myself to have a pretty high pain tolerance, but this sent me for a loop. I got dizzy and clammy and almost passed out. Thankfully my best friend was with me and was able to talk me through it and drive my ass around for the day. The after cramps weren't unbearable, but still very uncomfortable. I only spotted for a few days afterwards. Last week was a breeze. I had no problems at all. Last night I started feeling cramping, like I was dreaming and could feel them in my dreams. I woke up this morning and the cramps were super intense. I got to work and too about 1,000 mg of ibuprofen because they were bad."
June 27, 2016
anxiety and stress
"Personal experience: 1. Put up with the initial uncomfortable feelings of dizziness, increased anxiety, insomnia, lethargy, (the anxiety is usually your fears related to taking medicine and the 'what ifs', medicine alone can not make you think bad things. 2. After 2 weeks (yes I was one of the unlucky few who had very bad side effects for all that time but I stuck with it) the therapeutic effects start coming through eventually 3. Don't just assume medicine will make you completely happy, you still need to actively change your life to fix the root causes of anxiety or depression i.e do mediation, quit drinking, do CBT, take up exercise, see a therapist, be around people more."
April 19, 2017
Amoxicillin / clavulanate
"Took this medicine as prescribed by my ENT doctor for sinus infection. Been taking it for 4 day now, with no improvement. In fact my sinus is getting worse.. My phlegm is so thick that it got stuck behind my throat, causing severe cough and a sore throat that gets worse each day. The nasal spray and sinus douche that the doc gave me also do little to improve my symptoms."
October 16, 2015
birth control
"ignore the horror stories! I got the implant yesterday and yes there was some painful cramping but it wasn't enough to make me want to pass out or not drive home. I just made sure to relax and keep breathing and it was over before I knew it. I was perfectly fine immediately after my gyno removed all her instruments. I took 800 mg of ibuprofen before hand and my nurse told me that I should just stay in pain meds for 24 hours because of the cramps, I did get cramps maybe 3 hours after I got the implant and a few of them sucked but they were like regular period cramps. I got home and cuddle up with a heat pack and went to bed.I'm halfway through my 2nd day and I'm not on meds and I'm fine. So far so good. Will leave another review later."
August 19, 2016
"I've had 2 back surgeries for herniated disks. The second surgery wasn't successful and I have constant nerve pain along the right side of my leg all the way to the ankle. MS Contin ER has helped a great deal. I take 45mg every 8 hours. I also take MS Contin Immediate Release for breakthrough pain (15mg up to 4 times a day). All in all, thumbs up."
January 11, 2009
"Restoril helps me get to sleep and helps prevent me from waking up constantly during the night. I have had no side-effects from Restoril."
April 5, 2010
generalized anxiety disorde
"Been on cymbalta 30 mg for days now. Controls my anxiety and my hunger. I hv lost about 8lbs and feel good. Also helps with my sleep at night. I am happy"
October 13, 2016
"I have had fibermyalgia for my whole life. How I managed to have a full career and raise children, I only owe to eating Tylenol and aspirins like candy day and night over all those years. Of course I was still in pain and couldn't sleep because the pain would keep me awake. My family physician doesn't even believe this disease exists. He was upset my rehumatologist prescribed Tramadol for the pain and told me to discontinue it. Tramadol 50 mg is the only reason I am pain free most of each day. I finally feel like I have a life back. Doctors who have Never experienced this type of chronic pain, do not know what a godsend Tramadol is for chronic suffers"
August 7, 2015
"I get more than 9 migraines a month. I know it's 9 because I was first given sumatriptan for them and only 9 every 30 days... I just started my first dose an hour ago doing 50mg total half a day then other half at night. Going to try it that way instead of morning because I'm terrified of the fog and driving confusion since I work full time an hour away from home... Anyways I weigh 184lbs... Weighed 100-107 from age 14-23 maybe even younger than I got addicted painkillers and when I got sober I gained a good 80 lbs! I feel so gross I can't see my damn girl parts haha so after hearing this migraine pill can make me lose weight I'm super excited and hope to get back to 120lb ... I will def. update! -Steph"
June 14, 2017
"I have been on Pristiq for almost 6 months, 50mg. I was very hesitant at first but was desperate for something to help with anxiety, depression, and mood swings. It has worked wonders and my family agrees. The first week was hard but after that only minor side effects, most of which have disappeared completely. I am a different person now and so very grateful."
December 17, 2010
bipolar disorde
"This is the only medication I have ever taken with 100% results. Without this drug my life was uncontrollable. Always either ups or downs, now because of lithium I have been stable for over 25 years. I would recommend this to whoever wants to be their true selves again."
March 14, 2009
"Used it for two months and had no results it was still really bad!"
September 25, 2015
diabetes, type 2
"Blood sugars and HbA1C have greatly improved. Some early nausea which improved after about 2 weeks. During the Next 6 weeks I felt very good, however the last 2 weeks the nausea, heartburn and abdominal discomfort has returned. I am now considering stopping the medication, I have an appointment with my doctor to discuss it next week."
April 16, 2014
alcohol dependence
"I took my 1st Vivitrol shot around 9/10/14, 2nd -3rd-4th-and the fifth shot 01/04/15. By injection 30 days apart. I can honestly tell you that I have not had any cravings for alcohol since the very 1st day of shot. I can personally tell you that I have not had any side effects. Some people may have but I have not. I now speak at my rehab center (Clarity) where I was at. I'm a firm believer in Vivitrol. Saved my life. I will take it for a year."
January 8, 2015
birth control
"I got the Skyla inserted about a year and a half ago. I've gained about 20-30 lb and I have noticed that my hair seems to be thinning. I'm 25. I still get periods, but they're very short and I don't need a pad or a tampon-- they're really, really light. I get occasional cramps. Definitely less than when I didn't have the IUD. I like the short, light periods and not worrying about being pregnant-- but the weight gain and hair loss are bothering me. I don't fit into any of my old clothes anymore. And it seems like I just keep gaining weight, even though I'm in an intense spin class. I'm considering getting it removed because of the weight gain."
March 7, 2016
diabetes, type 2
"I'm taking Onglyza with Lantus. It took about two weeks for the headache to do away but other than that, it's great and no side effects except one for which I'm grateful. All the weight put on by the Lantus (117 lbs) is starting to come off slowly but steadily."
November 9, 2009