weight loss
"This is the Miracle diet pill I have been waiting for. I have tried them ALL - Hoodia, Zantrex, everything you can buy at Walmart, Orovo Detox, etc. This is the only one that actually suppresses my appetite. It does cause dry mouth, but that's fine: I drink lots of water because of it. I am trying to lose my last 10 lbs and maintain the 30lbs I have already lost, and I am only able to do it thanks to phentermine. It kills my cravings for sugar, chocolate and all sweets and gives me focus and energy to get all the things done I normally would never do. I love it. The two negative side effects are insomnia and I get big pimples here and there on my face. IT WORKS."
July 11, 2009
multiple sclerosis
"Tysabri has, so far, ended my relapses. It has become my wonder-infusion!"
February 17, 2010
migraine prevention
"I have been given many different diagnosis (Hemicrania continua, primary trochlear headache, Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia) currently I have migrainous type chronic headache with Atypical Facial Pain. I was on 300 mg Topamax with a bunch of other stuff and this helped, but I couldn't add 2 2. It was like north pole magnets coming together. Now I have been on 200mg Zonisamide (Zonegran) for about 2 years and I have a 50% reduction in pain. As for cognitive impairment, I can live with the loss of spelling and reduced vocabulary. It's not that bad compared to either the pain or Topamax."
November 26, 2014
panic disorde
"I've been on this medication for about eight months for both panic disorder and anxiety, 30 mg twice a day. Just so people know, it takes roughly six weeks to kick in fully, so if you haven't felt anything yet, you need to give it time before you try something else. While it does make me very tired after I take it for about 30-40 minutes, it doesn't make me chronically tired like I was while on antidepressants. A short nap definitely helps if I'm not doing anything in the morning. It's absolutely brought my level of anxiety way, way down to a manageable level, especially after getting to the maximum dose. I'm functioning normally for the first time in years and I love it."
July 4, 2016
weight loss
"I have only been on phentermine for 5 days. I am 5 "8" and weigh 122 lbs. I have been on every diet out there! I have been sooo happy since I started taking them. I weighed myself this morning and lost 7 lbs already!! I have not been hungry AT ALL!! It is truly amazing! I do have a few side affects.. but this is a TEMPORARY medicine.. the side affects that I have.. the feeling that I am hyper 24/7, dry-mouth & sleeplessness are well worth it.. if I can keep shedding the pounds! I want to loose 70 lbs. I don't want to get to this weight EVER AGAIN!!"
February 18, 2010
chronic pain
"Good relief with NO fog."
February 14, 2015
"Don't let the online reviews cheat you out of a better life! I actually delayed getting Lupron by a year because I was so scared by the online reviews and reports of adverse reactions/symptoms. However, my experience was wonderful. My doctor put me on the ad-back and I did have a FEW hot flashes initially, but I would take those 1,000x over the pain my endometriosis caused me. I also took calcium to offset any bone density loss. Please, Please, Please work with your doctor to decide if Lupron is right for YOU. I did it and now I am on my way to restoring my quality of life."
January 2, 2016
Adapalene / benzoyl peroxide
"Been on Epiduo for about a year. Maybe a bit less. 11 months or so. Use it in conjuction with Doxy pills.Ever since I was about 13/14 I have had moderate acne. Mainly whiteheads. Bad enough to notice but not bad enough to take up too much time as a teen. Didn't go away by the time I was 21 so decided to go see the doc. First week of Epiduo- No difference at all. Second-fourth week- Breakout central. Avoided looking in the mirror at all and got through the days telling myself it would get better. From there it has gotten much better. Still get a few but this would have gone down maybe 70% from what it was. Don't recommend it for those with dry skin though. When I started it was oily and now I have to use moisturizer every day for dry skin"
April 23, 2015
Desloratadine / pseudoephedrine
allergic rhinitis
"I have alot of allergy issues being in Texas, the worst state for year round allergies. I take something else daily but when the congestion is bad this really works well and not many medications work well for me."
September 24, 2009
birth control
"First time taking birth control pills. Not even a week I lasted. I read reviews online to see what the side effects consisted of. I was convinced that you know "Everyone reacts differently" so I went ahead and gave it a shot. Within the week of taking these pills my side effects were: -Knee pain on both sides -Acne (another main reason why I wanted to get on it is so my acne would ease down) -Migraines -Depression -Body aches -Allergic reaction (I began to see large itchy red patches around my body) Overall I couldn't bare it any longer and immediately had to see a doctor. I never write horrible reviews on anything but I think it's fair to share my experience for other first timers too."
April 26, 2016
birth control
"My experience with Skyla so far has not been a positive one. So far I have a face full of acne ( which I have not had since I was 15: 25 now ) I have also gained 7 pounds . I had requested to my doctor to give me a birth control with low chances of weight gain because I recently lost 20 pounds and now I'm behind 3 months of workouts due to this weight gain. Also my first 5 weeks on Skyla I was every day spot bleeding but it has stopped ."
January 25, 2017
"Recommend for anyone with anxiety/derpression in my case depression caused by anxiety to give a go. Had previously been on citelopram fluoxtine diazapam all to which had more negative effects than positive.Been on it for 2 / 3 months now and finally feeling like my old self at times increasingly more. Would like to know if there is a natural way to even the chemical balance though? gave me diareha first week of using but my body is now used to it."
November 10, 2015
"My own physician uses this medication as a sleep aid. I have used it for over 10 years for insomnia and feel like it's a miracle. Children were toddlers when I started using it. Before, I would get irritated, sick when they did, low energy, etc. It's amazing what sleep will do and I plan on taking it the rest of my life!"
July 12, 2013
"I had really bad anxiety/depression from switching schools last year. So much anxiety that I couldn't eat much or would throw up in the morning before school. Lexapro helped me significantly. Really helped calm my thoughts and made me happier. The only downside for me is the drowsiness. I feel super tired after taking it, but I'm going to try taking it at night now verses in the morning."
May 12, 2014
birth control
"I'm 22 and I've been on birth control since I was 15. Trisprintec. (5 yrs) Nexplanon. (6 mos.) Microgestin 1.5 (11 months.) I was over the side effects from hormones and I have been researching on my own to figure out the best type of birth control for me. Eager but nervous, I requested the Paragard IUD to by OBGYN. I got medication to soften my cervix the night before, went in Tuesday and it was uncomfortable but way less painful than I thought (she said I have a high pain tolerance) it is Sunday and the cramping is bad, my lower back & abdomen are bothering me but the bleeding has stopped (I even started my period the day of insertion) I will review again in a month or so"
April 23, 2017
benzodiazepine withdrawal
"My neuro started me on .5 mg clonazepam June 2013 to help me with extreme insomnia. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis Jan. 1995. My neuro in Sept. 2013 moved his office almost 3 hours away and no longer treats M.S. I am having a hard time finding a new neuro in my area that does not have a several mo. waiting list (north Louisiana & Arkansas border).I ran out of this medication a month ago; obvious with-drawl symptoms have not been 'enjoyable': severe insomnia, nausea, extreme weakness; to me it felt like it was causing my M.S. to get worse. Today is the 1st day in 4 weeks I feel semi aka 50% back to my normal. Cold turkey off soma in 2012 was as bad as this drug."
January 19, 2014
schizoaffective disorde
"Started on this medicine in the hospital. So far it has worked at least as good as Zyprexa. It dose have a bitter taste to it but I have gotten used to it. The only thing I can say is I have a little bit more anxiety on it then Zyprexa but Ativan controls it pretty well and I sleep very well on it."
April 3, 2010
emergency contraception
"Being 18 and having the condom break in your gf is scary... we both freaked out and tbh I was more terrified then she was. We took the pill 1-2 hours after it happened and for a week I was on pins and needles. She had lower back pain, sore breasts, nausea, and even vomited 3-4 times a few days after taking the pill. It was starting to take affect on the relationship as we both would flip out on each other about it.. (not good I know) but I'm happy to say on 1-4-17 she received some spotting and the start of a period. The pill works! Do not freak about it, there's a reason they make it!!! Good luck"
January 5, 2017
restless legs syndrome
"My wife had frequent leg movements throughout the night. Mirapex immediately stopped the leg movements. She continues to take the drug daily and restless leg syndrome has not returned. Very effective drug."
October 3, 2009
"I started off on has aspirin instead of Tylenol. I took that for about 20 yrs till the aspirin tore up my stomach. I WAS switched to Fioricet. ...almost as good as the Fiorinal. Together it's been OVER 40 yrs on this drug....absolutely fantastic. Helps me function and helps with the migraines and the almost daily tension headaches I get. Some of the headaches get so bad it feels my heads exploding...Fioricet gets me thru this without any side effects. For me this is a great new drs have decided to slowly take me off it...and lately I've gone back to suffering. Gotta find new drs somewhere to give me my regular # of pills. I've been lucky to have taken pills that've helped me so very much.l"
November 15, 2016
birth control
"I would not recommend this birth control. I've been taking it for almost a year now and it just makes my period all wacky. It also makes me extremely emotional as opposed to my last brand before this which was trivora (love trivora) after I finish this pack I'm going to stop it all together. I just cant deal with it anymore. In the beginning it was fine but as time went on it just kept getting progressively worse and my period became all out of wack now. Definitely more cons than pros. The only thing that's good is that I haven't ever had pregnancy scare. Other than that....would not recommend"
December 21, 2016
"I am 61 and first contracted psoriasis when I was 46 years old. It started on my elbows and gradually spread to my arms, torso, buttocks and legs. The last few years have been extremely difficult with a lot of redness and flaking. I could not wear short pants or short sleeves as I was very embarrassed. Over the years I tried hundreds of over the counter creams, supplements, light treatments, saunas, baths, diets, and prescription steroid creams and ointments. Nothing worked...until Stelara. Three weeks after my first shot of Stelara I was 95% clear. Two weeks after the second shot a month later I was completely clear of psoriasis."
July 19, 2014
"I love this medication and it frustrates me that it is shunned upon so heavily by most doctors and mental health practitioners. Its true the withdrawals can be incredibly bad but if not abused, this medication is a god send for those with anxiety. I have strong mood issues and while I try to meditate / exercise / eat small regular meals / keep busy and be active etc. which helps most days, sometimes it just doesn't cut it when I'm having a extreme anxiety and just need to relax. I was prescribed 5mg for travel (panic attacks flying) but I cut that in 1/4 and just take 1.25mg occasionally here and there when I need it. That's all you need and I find it does the job amazingly."
February 7, 2016
major depressive disorde
"Wasn't for me. It caused irritability and anxiety with no help with depression symptoms. I was on 150mg 2x/d."
July 4, 2015
birth control
"I've loved being on the Depo shot. I have had no problems and not had a period since being on it for a year. Its a very easy form of contraception and doesn't cause me any problems. No weight gain or sickness."
January 31, 2012
multiple sclerosis
"I have been diagnosed since 5/13. I have been on tecfidEra al.osteoporosis the whole time. I have had no growth in my lesions and no new lesions at all. I was recently taken off my meds to see if I have any relapses and where my disease is....I feel like this is a wonderful medication. Also they had a program to make the meds reasonable or free if needed. Would definitely refer this medication. My cousin used to have to go get 5 hour treatments for her MS. grateful this kind of med is out there."
April 24, 2016
Dextromethorphan / guaifenesin / phenylephrine
cough and nasal congestion
"I took two tablets at 9am yesterday, followed by about 5-6 bottles of water. Sure the congestion and cold went away significantly, but I could not sleep til about 430am! I work a 12 hour shift, and had to call out from work. Needless to say, this medicine is going in the garbage. Heart palpitations, anxiety and insomnia!"
February 5, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"Hi everyone I started taking lo Loestrin fe 3 weeks ago,,, I did have break through bleeding don't give up or get worried it will stop once your body gets use to it,, I really love This this pill I am not retaining water and I have no weight gain, other pills make you gain weight and get hungry - not this one. I would recommend this highly."
February 7, 2017
"This has been a God send for my generalized anxiety. After being a heavy marijuana user, I was left with near-crippling amounts of anxiety in my daily life. Neurontin controls it very well and gave me my life back. I do still get panic attacks, but I use a benzodiazepine for those and it's been pretty good."
November 10, 2011
muscle spasm
"I have herniated disks L5 and between C3 and C4. I got a prescription for Carisoprodol and pain killers. Kept the Carisoprodol for a while because I didn't use it. Had a recent spasm in my neck and used two 10mg pills over one day. I was able to really see the effects of just these two pills because I was taking no other drugs at this time. Effects: Next day muscle spasm has subsided significantly. Didn't take more. Side effects: Lethargy. Took an hour nap and it wasn't enough. I never nap. Went to bed early, got up late. Breathing was labored upon waking. Slight headache in the morning, a bit drowsy, slightly dizzy and unenthusiastic about life."
August 19, 2017
bipolar disorde
"I began taking Saphris for the purpose of helping me sleep. I took it "as needed" as originally instructed. At first, it seemed to help me fall asleep and shut off the constant whirl of my brain at night. When I began taking it nightly and increasing my dosage, as instructed, to 10 mg rather than 5 mg, (I was instructed to take it all at once), I began to get a very itchy and painful rash. One patch is very red and inflamed and about the size of a silver dollar. I also began to notice that the noise in my brain at night worsened to a hypomanic state. I have insomnia now, instead of sleeping well as I was when first taking it. I've also had migraines. I don't know if this is all connected to Saphris."
September 6, 2012
"Amazing medicine"
September 21, 2011
birth control
"I'm 18 5'2 and 125 lbs, I've been on pills for 2 years prior to getting Skyla, I went to my gyno originally to get Nexaplanon in my arm and it turns out they didn't have it due to insurance not covering it, so they recommended Skyla, I was so nervous and I think that worked my nerves up real good and stressed me out so bad that the insertion was BRUTAL!!! Like a 9/10 for me, felt dizzy, I was shaking, cramping, crying, and bleeding after insertion. Awful, take Advil before/after becaus you will need it. I took a nap about an hour afterwards and woke up with no cramps, just slight uncomfortableness. Hopefully Skyla will give me the good results I'm looking for!"
April 19, 2016
smoking cessation
"I tried Zyban twice after smoking for about 20 years, a pack a day. The first time, I could feel my urge to smoke lessening, but after about a week on the medicine, one day I felt exhausted. I slept for 14 hours; the next day I woke up and felt so, so down and depressed. Since I had done my research prior to taking this, I knew what it was. I called a doctor, and stopped the medicine. A year later, I decided to try again. This time, I had no such thoughts. After about 5 days, I felt the urge to smoke going away, and on day 7, I lit one up, wondered why I was doing this, and put it out. Never looked back. I stayed on Zyban for about a year. That was two 1/2 years ago. No cravings. No cheating. Amazing."
October 4, 2017
Divalproex sodium
migraine prevention
"One dose sent me to the ER with a horrible dystonic reaction."
December 27, 2012
"I've been taking Lunesta (3mg) for 3 years now. The only side effect I've noticed is the bad taste, but that is minor. Sleep with this has been great, no bad dreams, no anxiety. Stress and irritation is way down now that I get a solid 7-8 hours/night. I've just started a weight loss program (4 months) and had no problem dropping the expected 1.5lbs/week that the method I'm using (calorie counting) is designed for."
January 9, 2012
"This is the only medicine that relieve my pains."
October 19, 2010
"I had mild trouble sleeping and developed Raynaud's after 2 years of taking this."
March 4, 2008
"I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome with very extreme hair growth. For instance, I got a haircut 3 weeks ago to above chin length, and it already grew back to a short ponytail. I have tried about every hair removal method there is, but it's tricky because some just plain don't work on me, and each place on the body has a different growth pattern. Anyway, suffice to say I shave my face much more often than my husband has to shave his. So I didn't mind spending $150 for less than 2 oz of cream. It's not supposed to show a difference until at least 4 or 8 weeks in. But within 3 days it was brutally clear that the hair was coming in much faster, thicker and unable to be removed. I stopped the cream and within a few days was back to normal growth"
July 30, 2016
"I had been to the dermatologist for treatment to my lower lip diagnosed as Actinic Keratosis. Initially, he sprayed it with Liquid nitrogen and prescribed Solaraze gel. I used this gel for about 2 months twice daily on the lip. I must mention that there absolutely no effect of this medication on my lip. A total waste of money if you don't have insurance as it can be quite expensive without it. Then I was prescribed all sort of other creams which was nothing but a waste of money on moisturizers. Don't feel bad to question the dermatologist as to what the cream does and whether it will cure you. The most essential treatment for single or isolated AKs is cryotherapy - liquid nitrogen spray."
November 2, 2016
Suprep Bowel Prep Kit
bowel preparation
"I kept the medication in the refrigerator and mixed with cold water. I used the straw method and put it as far to the back of my mouth as possible and kept the tip of my tongue pressed against my lower teeth so the taste wasn't so bad. It's a grape medicine taste initially followed by a salt water after fast which is the worst part."
September 2, 2015
Loestrin 24 Fe
"This pill has been awful for me. My doctor prescribed it after my laproscopy and a period of induced menopause due to endometriosis. It has caused major moodiness and I either get my period when it is not supposed to come or don't get it at all. Slight weight gain. My breasts hurt all the time, more than ever! I asked my doctor to switch me to something else. He put me on Notrel 777- and that is great! Hope everybody can find something that works well for their body."
August 21, 2010
birth control
"I was switched from Loestrin 21 to Apri a few months back because my periods were irregular and my doc thought Apri would be better for me. I like that there's placebo pills in Apri cause I was awful at taking 21 day packs. The first couple months were a little tough adjusting to the higher dose of hormones. I was super emotional! But that's normal. I'm on month 5 now and things are fine. I'm still a little emotional, but only "cry at something dumb" emotional. Nothing I can't handle. My periods are light and I barely have any pain. Close to no acne. My boobs seemed to have grown a bit, so that's cool. My sex drive seems to be a tiny bit lower, but I never had a crazy high sex drive in the first place. My husband and I still have a healthy sex life. I might have gained like 5 pounds or less but that might be because of my lazy ass and not the birth control :) best of all, I haven't gotten pregnant! I recommend Apri. Give it a chance and let yourself adjust to the hormones."
November 21, 2016
urinary incontinence
"After menopause I developed urge incontinence. My urologist gave me Myrbetriq and it stopped my incontinence completely within 1 month. However, I was also taking flecainide; found out the two should not be taken together, so I quit the Myrbetriq for about a year. After my cardiologist weaned me off the Flecainide, I began the Myrbetriq again; I'm disappointed to say that although it has helped, the results this time are not like they were when I initially took the drug. I still must wear pads and am debating whether to continue taking the drug."
June 26, 2015
"I took 1 pill at 10pm. It is 3am and I am awake with a BURNING sensation in my stomach. This is not the first time that this has happened. In about 3 more hours or so I will have a great bowel movement but for now I am miserable :-("
November 23, 2015
Amoxicillin / clavulanate
strep throat
"Only took 2 pills on day one. Day 2... throat starting to feel better!! Yay!!!! Red welts all over my legs, butt ,back, and eyes real puffy!!! Guess I'm allergic!!! On to the next medicine."
June 7, 2017
"I am 15 and have had acne since I was about 13. I have tried almost everything to get rid of my acne so when my dermatologist wanted to try Solodyn I jumped at the offer. It has been a little over a month since I have been on Solodyn and my acne is just starting to improve. For me the medication caused me to break out worse on my face before it got better so of course with anyone that has acne that's frustrating. Just stick with it and I promise you'll see improvements. I am on Epiduo as well to spot treat acne. Good luck!"
March 20, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"I have been on lo loestrin for over three years and have loved it. Since being on it I haven't had a period. The only down side is that it's a pill. Being in college and having a crazy schedule makes it difficult to take every day so I'm switching to a better long term solution for birth control. If I could remember to take it at the same time every day I'd give this 10/10"
July 25, 2016
"Duac is a great acne topical cream but it works better if you take oral acne medications has well. It takes a couple of weeks for skin to completely look better but stick with it. Use it once a day before going to bed and I normally cleanse with Aveeno clear complexion but Prascion as well if you ask your doctor. I have suffered with acne since I was 14 and now I'm twenty and minocycline with Duac saved my high school life."
January 15, 2012
underactive thyroid
"I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism on the last days of October of this year.. My doctor prescribed me 50mcg levothyroxine distributed by Mylan. I was only on the medication for 3 days! The medicine made me so fatigued and tired I could hardly go through my day without wanting to pass out and go to sleep. And not only that but my chest was feeling really uncomfortable. It felt like someone had put 20 pounds on my chest and overall having difficulty taking a deep breathe. My doctor then prescribed me the brand name Synthroid with only 25mcg. I had energy like I havent had in a year, but on the third day i was having shortness of breath, my heart was beating so hard& fast &I felt so lightheaded. Seriously, scariest experience i have had."
November 14, 2016
Acetaminophen / hydrocodone
"I have been on Norco for about 8 months now for fibromyalgia and degenerative bone and disc disease and I tell you what, this medicine works and gets the job done! I have been taking pain relievers for over 7 years and they work 100% better for breakthrough pain than any other on the market! Take caution in getting off of them and make sure you CUT BACK SLOWLY as they are addictive or habit forming. Hope you have good of results from this medication as I had."
August 14, 2009
period pain
"Was prescribed this for my crippling period cramps that made it impossible for me to go about my day whatsoever. It worked well for the first few months. It did not completely eliminate my pain but the pain was not nearly as bad as before. After about 4 months of taking it I began to notice side effects such as racing heart beat, difficulty swallowing, and constipation among others. I quickly stopped taking it after noticing these side effects."
August 7, 2015
"Not at all what I expected. Have used Vyvanse with success, but went back to adderall, more flexibility dosing. Can take a second dose during the day if necessary, or not. Mydayis takes an unusually long time to kick in. Have found that I am much more irritable, foggy, and have experienced feelings of being overwhelmed at work doing things that I normally handle day in and day out with no problem. I am for the most part easy going, everything seems to annoy me since I began using Mydayis. Also have experienced headaches during lag times, body aches, and flu like symptoms. A lot of the time I feel worse than I do un-medicated. Do not like Mydayis at all. Will not be refilling."
September 15, 2017
"wonderful medicine really help me when i was prego and now with my gastritis nausea"
July 8, 2015
weight loss
"I was prescribed contrave by my doc. I have always been a healthy eater and exercised daily. I'm 30 years old and a mother of 3. I was diagnosed with thyroid disease 2.5 years ago. My thyroid disease was making weight loss difficult, almost impossible. I have been on contrave for 6 weeks. The only side effect I have had is increased sweating (but that could also be it is summer and blazing hot where I live). I have not had any of the other side effects others have mentioned. No nausea, no sleeping problems etc. I exercise 6 days a week and eat a balanced diet. I have lost 17 pounds so far! I'm thrilled that the scale is finally moving again! I feel that you MUST have a balanced diet and exercise to get the full benefit of this medication"
May 26, 2017
"I have been using Bupropion for 13 years and it worked better than any other antidepressant I have tried. However, as it happens it is not working nearly so effectively. The last 6 months and my doctor is having me also take Celexa to augment it. It does seem to cause a decrease in libido and sexual performance. I had no other noticeable side effects. But overall it worked well for me taking 100 mg twice daily for over a decade so I rate it highly."
January 28, 2014
"Helped depression a lot, but side effects were sweating,and low sex drive,added pounds At least 30lbs, BUT it was worth it!"
December 1, 2015
onychomycosis, toenail
"I have been using Jublia for the last 7 months. It has worked on my small toe nails but not much improvement on the big toe nail. I am willing to keep using it for the next few months. Hopefully the big toe nail will heal. If not, I will try laser treatment."
August 26, 2015
migraine prevention
"I was diagnosed at 19. I began having bouts with hemiplegic migraines 10 years ago. While few and far between they were very scary! No one offered medications to control them until now. For a year or better I've had blurred vision in one eye that would come and go with a dull headache. After going to have a vision check my optometrist sent me directly to a neurologist. Something the ER and my family doctor wouldn't do. The aura I get before a migraine has changed and I'm having migraine spasms which is a severe migraine wo the normal pain symptoms. These actually caused my father's strokes at 41 yeas old! The neurologist started me on verapamil 40 mg 3xs a day. Pain free finally! Slight joint pain but worth it!"
October 15, 2015
crohn's disease, maintenance
"I have been on Pentasa, prednisone and Prilosec. Was put in the hospital yesterday for a bad flare up now the doctor is going to start Remicade. I have only been sick since July but not getting any better. "
September 27, 2011
vaginal yeast infection
"I've had recurring yeast infections and I have to say that this works amazingly. Quick relief of symptoms, which if anyone has an yeast infection can agree. This is the first thought that comes to mind. I'm so thankful that my doctor prescribed this for me."
March 19, 2009
"Tramadol is NOT an opiate. It does act on the same pain receptors as opiates, but it does not have the same addictive quality as opiates and does not have the same risk of abuse as opiates. You can become dependent on Tramadol, just as you can be dependent on SSRI's. You can't cold turkey quit an SSRI without some really gnarly withdrawal symptoms and the same goes for Tramadol and opiates and tons of other drugs. I've been taking Tramadol for 4 years for general pain in my body due to end stage renal disease and osteodystrophy. Since I've been taking Tramadol I have not needed antidepressants and I find that I function at a higher level with Tramadol than with any SSRI I have ever taken. There are no negative side effects for me."
July 30, 2017
"I started taking paxil 13 years ago. I had severe panic attacks. It gave me my life back. Mild side effects. A little sleepy. I just hope it has no long term damage but at least I can enjoy my life."
July 14, 2009
birth control
"I'm on week five with paragard and I understand that it does not contain hormones however I have been gaining weight every week since I've been on it avg one lb week... I have put my self on a all protein diet and work out but the results still remain the same. I read in other threads that some People have also gained weight and feel bloated in the mid section ... And some have expressed that some women might be allergic to copper ... I will have to contact my Doc ... Otherwise the insertion was not too bad the cramping isn't too bad either and having a peace of mind for ten years is a plus!"
March 22, 2016
birth control
"I was switched from Marvelon to Apri about a year ago. I lost 15 pounds after switching and after about one month of breaking out, I was back to clear skin again. However, I have noticed a dramatic increase in mood swings with Apri. I constantly find myself crying over the most insignificant things and am unable to control my emotions. I'm worried it is starting to affect my relationship with my boyfriend and with others. I'm thinking of seeing a doctor and perhaps switching to a different pill...seems like its going to be difficult to find one that keeps my weight, skin, and emotions in check!"
August 17, 2010
muscle spasm
"I had had a full shoulder repair done about 9 days to go they stuck me on this and when I first started taking it the side effects were a little crazy but after the initial 24 hours of taking it it works absolutely amazing I'm able to sleep. When I first started taking it at the doctor had recommended I take the whole pill 750 milligrams which I did knock me out so I can sleep in it was right after surgery and now I'm down to a third of the pill and it still works the same way it's an amazing muscle relaxer and I would recommend it to anybody. Some people may say that's not long enough on the medication to know whether or not it truly works but I'm telling you after a full shoulder repair it works just fine at work how it's supposed to."
December 11, 2016
birth control
"I'm not sure what other people experience months after the insertion, but I had my Liletta inserted in mid November and I have bled or have had spotting every day since insertion. I either have to use tampons or a pad depending on the day but I can never go without one or the other. It is super effective as birth control for me, as I never want to have sex with my husband per all the blood. I will be looking for an alternative birth control method."
February 23, 2017
smoking cessation
"I did Chantix before and I quit for about 3 months found out I had a tumor and started smoking again. Well I took my first Chantix pill again, I am a back to back smoker and I smoked 2 cigs in a row and got nauseous than I went out smoked 2 more and made me nauseous and than I threw up yep I'm done no more smoking for me."
June 29, 2014
panic disorde
"Changed my whole life."
November 10, 2013
"I get a shot when my eczema is flaring and this stuff just makes everything stop. I love it, it's like I finally have normal skin for a while. I get shots every few months and they are wonderful."
December 9, 2009
weight loss
"I started taking Qsymia one year ago in October and I have lost a total of 80 lbs. (29 lbs. to goal). I'm a 28 year old female, 5'6 with a starting weight of 269 lbs. I suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome so weight loss has been a difficult journey for me and my doctor and I decided to try this medication. I have to say that I am thrilled with the results. This allows me to stick to a strict 1500 calorie a day meal plan (set by my doctor for my specific needs). I also workout for 30-45 minutes a day for 4 to 5 days a week. I add that, to say that you do have to put in some work in order to get the best benefits from this medicine. I haven't experienced any negative side effects. I see my doctor for monthly weigh-ins and vital checks just to make sure."
November 20, 2014
emergency contraception
"So I had unprotected sex and then I realized he had didn't pull out on time so an hour later we went to the pharmacy and I drank the pill because I was scared. Two weeks passed and I woke up sick and dizzy but I didn't think anything about that. It was about the week I had to get my period and I wasn't coming I just had some cramping so a few days after I missed my period I did a home pregnancy test and it came out positive and I couldn't belive it so I ended up taking 3 more and they all said I was pregnant a few days later. I went to see my Doctor and after a few tesst it was positive. Plan B didn't work for me not even after drinking it just 1 hour after unprotected sex."
June 24, 2015
cluster headaches
"Didnt help,"
May 1, 2013
periodic limb movement disorde
"Klonopin works WAY better for me, and with little to no side effects, unlike Requip or Mirapex."
January 23, 2012
smoking cessation
"I'm on day 8 with Chantix. Smoked a pack a day for 25 years. I haven't really noticed a huge change yet. No nausea, no crazy dreams, no mood changes. Cigarettes are starting to taste a little funny, and sometimes I'll light up and not want to smoke the whole thing. I guess I'm just waiting for the big bang! We'll see, this is only the first day of my second week with the tiny blue pill. I'm sort of jealous of the posts I'm reading from people who said they stopped smoking on the 3 and 5 day. I'll give it some time. Day 9 is tomorrow."
February 23, 2012
"I travel both domestically and internationally quite a bit. Zolpidem helps me reset my body clock when I'm dealing with jet lag. Usually a take it for 2-3 nights until my body clock syncs. Never had any adverse reaction. The first day though, it seems like I'm a little slow to get going, but I attribute that to the variation of the body clock to the silly clock on the side table. Highly recommend for this purpose!"
August 5, 2013
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
birth control
"This was the third birth control that I tried, and was pretty close to just not using birth control pills anymore since the last two I tried has such severe side effects. However, this pill has been going quite well for me. I have been taking it for the past 2 weeks, and the only side effects I've noticed are nausea, headaches, a little more tired then usual, slight more acne. I am also getting this weird stomach pain after eating right after taking my pill but that could be from something else. Sex drive is normal, and my mood is the exact same. All in all, I think it's a good pill."
June 16, 2016
smoking cessation
"This is my second go around with Chantix -- the last time being 7 or so years ago. I'm on my second day with no smoking, (9th day on drug) and I feel like I have more energy, and generally feel like some cloud (no pun) has been lifted -- I haven't felt like this since I was 14 (started smoking a pack a day at 15). I've been a smoker for 30 years. I fear I'm on some kind of "pink cloud" that addicts often refer to. I've had some strange dreams, and had trouble falling asleep last night -- but aside from that, no other side effects. I'm hoping the dreams don't turn into nightmares, as they were so terrible 7 years ago when I first tried Chantix, that I had to stop."
December 14, 2016
Divalproex sodium
bipolar disorde
"I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar II. This medication has been a life saver (literally) for me. It has helped keep my emotions in check. I took another medication lamicital that caused one continuous headache that never went away. My psychiatrist started me on a low dose of that medication so I wouldn't get a deadly rash. My emotions were all over the place and I was miserable. My psychiatrist put me on Depakote. At first this medication made me sluggish and hungry. I gained 5 lbs in the first 2 weeks. Since then I have laid off the snacks and beverages and have since gotten adjusted to the meds (also taking Zoloft). Three pounds have come off without trying. Each person is different, but this has really worked for me."
December 8, 2015
"I'd struggled with bulimia and depression for many years, I was prescribed Prozac to mainly treat my depression, and partly the eating disorder. With my personal experience with bulimia I never had the urges to binge eat, just to make myself vomit after eating proper sized portions of food. I had found that the Prozac had helped stopped the urges to throw up after eating quite effectively. The only side effect being that once I had stopped taking it the urges returned immediately. Currently and trying to battle those thoughts without being prescribed medication, but may go back onto it if I'm unsuccessful after a year, or so."
September 7, 2017
allergic rhinitis
"As a nurse on a busy unit, I can not afford to be drowsy nor work effectively with intense ear and eye itchiness. At times, I would even get wheezy and have problems with my breathing. None of the meds worked and they all made me extremely drowsy. My new family doctor recommended this med, saying 'even fighter pilots can take this'. That was in UK, But in Canada, the highest dosage one can get is 120 mg, that's my one complaint about the med."
June 21, 2015
"I have took Lyrica and it did not help but trokendi xr has helped my fibro more than any med the Dr. Has ever given me. It needs to be used more often, because it really helps."
May 8, 2016
"Had gives for 4 1/2 years. Multiple doctors and medications, this is the only one that worked and gave me my life back. The side effects( hard time losing weight) are worth not being covered in thousands of hives."
October 15, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
birth control
"While on this birth control I've had major mood swings to the point where the people in my house walk on egg shells around me. I feel extremely annoyed and angry all the time. I also have been super spacey, like I'm daydreaming all day. I can't concentrate on anything (Not sure if its the birth control though) I can't wait to switch birth controls. I finally made it to the dr. to get a new one prescribed."
March 11, 2016
Amoxicillin / clavulanate
strep throat
"So, got another strep infection. Haven't had one in a couple years. But you can always tell because you get fever and chills (like seizure shaking), pain when you swallow, and my tell-tale sign--dragon-hot Fire breath. Anyway, checked my throat out and it was bright red with white spots, patches of pus. I went to urgent care on my lunch and sure enough rapid strep test positive. I was prescribed augmentin 875 twice per day for 10 days. I just took my third pill and I already feel so much better. Wish I hadn't have waited 2 days."
April 16, 2016
bladder infection
"Second day into a 7 day cycle ...within the first 15 to 20 minutes ciprofloxacin gives me phantom sensations like flea bites..nothing major it goes away shortly after. The blood is clearing up in my urine but still a mild pain in my right flank. Hopefully this stuff gets rid of the bacteria for good. Feels like it is..other than a sour stomach it seems to be working"
June 17, 2015
"I am a 19 year old college student and just got prescribed Vyvanse about 2 days ago. When I take it I mainly feel relaxed and sometimes excited. I've never been on any stimulant or ADD medication before. My main concern is losing weight on this medicine. I'm about 5'9" and weigh about 135lbs. I eat a lot and I'm still fairly skinny. I've always worried about my weight and the last thing I want is to get skinnier. "
July 17, 2009
"This is not a miracle worker. But it does greatly improve my GAD and social anxiety. Its does mildly sedate me. I take it every day. Usually take about 100 mg a day in divided doses."
June 11, 2015
"While Adderall definitely helped my ADD symptoms, the comedown was absolutely horrible. I was on 30mg per day (20mg IR in morning, 10mg IR 5hrs later). It made me finally able to focus, and stay organized for the 5 months I took it. However, as soon as it started wearing off, I turned into a real big jerk, and I even lost some friends because of it. I eventually discontinued it after having a mental breakdown, and due to several of my closest friends and family approaching me about how I was acting. I ended up switching to Concerta and currently take 36mg per day. I find that it works 10 times better than Adderall did for me. Long story short, Adderall, while definitely very effective at treating my symptoms, wasn't the right fit for me."
December 30, 2016
"I got a severe back injury about 2 years ago. Couldn't function pain was so bad. So my doctor started putting me on codiene, then vicoden, then tramadol, and then so on but they all gave me hours of vomiting, gut wrenching cramps, and sweating. Read about benadryl being used to prevent this side effect. I took 3 25 mg tabs. I know that is one over recommended but I was desperate. 35 mins later I was sitting with my kids and not the trash can for the first time in a while. I can't believe I didn't figure this out sooner especially with a biotech degree."
December 20, 2015
opiate dependence
"I started the Suboxone program about 1 year ago but, I'm now currently taking Subutex. The reason I've been put on Subutex is due to a work related injury and with Suboxone one cannot take any opiates due to the blocker and I need the Subutex because I'll be having surgery soon. Long story short....I WOULD RECOMMEND A SUBOXONE TREATMENT PROGRAM TO ANYONE-YOU DON'T HAVE THOSE "CRAVINGS" YOU ONCE HAD! IF YOU ARE WILLING TO STOP "USING" THIS IS THE BEST PROGRAM AVAILABLE. IN MY OPINION GIVE THE PROGRAM A TRY AND FINALLY YOU WILL FEEL NORMAL AGAIN- IT'S AMAZING HOW WONDERFUL YOU FEEL KNOWING YOU ARE CLEAN AND MOST IMPORTANTLY YOU ARE FINALLY BACK TO YOUR OLD SELF AGAIN."
July 21, 2009
anxiety and stress
"I started using Zoloft about 2 months ago for stress and anxiety. I have a teenager and we fought constantly, I would fly off at him for back talking and we were both miserable. Since taking Zoloft we get along so much better and I am not as stressed. I also have a touch of OCD, I was always cleaning and stressing about everything in the house not being like it should, now I am not bothered if something is out of place or not cleaned. I spend time with my 2 kids instead of cleaning house. I am taking 50mg and I love it. My sex drive hasn't been affected, my appetite decreased for about 2 weeks but it's okay now. I recommend this medication to anyone who feels they need something to help with stress."
May 20, 2009
"So, I have mixed feelings about this drug. Pros: Helped me not crave sugar, bread and carbs. I lost 20 pounds on it. Helped me stay motivated at the gym by being able to stick to my meal plans. Cons: If you take it, you need to be committed. For some odd reason, I and a lot of people have experienced it, when you get off it then try to retake it again, it doesn't seem to work. STAY ON IT. I didn't get side effects from this med, maybe occasional anxiety and a headache. Drinking on this med will give you the worst hangovers. Also noticed sometimes it stalled my weight loss even when I was counting my intake. Overall, I probably won't take this drug again until there is more thorough, long term research done on it."
February 23, 2016
bipolar disorde
"I've been on Latuda for about 6 weeks for Bipolar depression. It is one of the most effective medications that I have taken for depression but I'm dealing with a few side effects that I hope will go away. I have the paradox of extreme tiredness followed by difficulty sleeping. If I take it during the day I will have a few hours of fighting falling asleep. When I take it at night (which is what I do now) after the initial sleepiness wears off I wake up several times and am somewhat restless. Hopefully I will be able to adjust better over time. If you need something that works fast for depression I would recommend."
September 15, 2014
birth control
"I've had Skyla for a year and three months; The insertion was painful and uncomfortable, I had some VERY light spotting, cramping, and a bit of nausea the first day, but by the following day I was absolutely fine. All in all, this has been the BEST decision I've ever made in terms of birth control, prior to Skyla I took pills and they wreaked havoc on my body and libido, after almost three years I was fed up with the side effects so I opted to try something new. I would recommend this IUD to anyone reconsidering their current method of BC, the simplicity and joy of not having to remember a pill every night, emergency prescription runs, and the improvement in the overall feeling of my body is incredible and well worth one day of discomfort."
November 24, 2016
"25 year old, with major depression. Take with other medicines (Sertraline trazodone) greatly helps interest which the others don't. Probably inattentive ADD- never got on in school. 18mg is good. 27mg is okay but I'm a bit paler and a bit edgier. Any more and I look and feel washed out and jumpy."
February 25, 2011
"I am not obese but I decided to try Alli as a weight loss supplement to help with my diet because I have zero willpower. I like to eat and eat until I'm full and I like pizza. I was 5'8" and 160 lbs. 40D-29-34. Dress size M/8. With no diet change, I lost a few pounds using Alli. Enough to throw out some too big clothing. At day 90 I changed my diet and began eating healthier and there's a change in my body shape. I had IBS constipation but Alli removed the need for me to take prescriptions for my IBS. I don't have accidents but I am very regular now -like clockwork! And the Alli works for me to lose the few lbs. I needed to lose. I can fit into a 6."
June 3, 2017
seborrheic dermatitis
"Best product I have used. Easy to use and my seborrheic dermatitis has totally cleared up. Doesn't leave the skin greasy or oily."
July 20, 2009
alcohol withdrawal
"I was drinking for 4 years and tried numerous rehab centers, all of which did not believe in providing drugs, just vitamins.... I tried to stop on my own the other day and sat in the living room shaking and shivering. I finally went to my Dr. Yesterday and he prescribed Librium to help with the shakes and anxiety. Day 2 and feeling much better... the drug works for the shakes and pain of withdrawal... I know I have a long road ahead to actually clean up my act, but the drug is a great start to dealing with the discomfort. I tried to write on my computer yesterday but the shakes would not allow me to make any sense, today, I can write with fairly good ability. The Librium definitely helps. Good Luck everyone in recovery, it can be a struggle"
February 22, 2017
"amazing medication"
November 8, 2017