Amphetamine / dextroamphetamine
"I was diagnosed with extreme ADHD a few years ago. The doctor prescribed these for me and I noticed a huge change in about 3 wks. I didn't realize how badly I needed this medication! You really suffer tremendously or at least I did for most of my life not only from anxiety and lack of focus plus couldn't multi-task. Definitely a big change for me in several ways and little side affects. I drink a lot of water which helps with this medicine and I never take it past 4 pm and it works amazing! Definitely recommend seeking this medicine out if you suffer from any of the issues I have my whole life!"
November 10, 2015
diabetes, type 2
"Just finishing up the first month on 100 mg and upping the dose to 300 mg to bring the numbers down a little more. No side effects that I've noticed so far, but the glucose number have come down from the low 200's to the 130-160 range. I have been experimenting with the carb intake to see how the medicine handles different carb loads, but now I'm going to go back to low carb and see if I can really get the numbers down to normal. I was taking 40 units of Lantus daily, so just by getting me off of that, the Invokana is worth the high price of admission."
May 19, 2014
Codeine / guaifenesin
"Like clockwork my allergy to Mountain Cedar starts around late October. Congestion, cough but no fever. My doctor prescribes Cheratussin syrup and it works great. I also take Mucinex DM with this and it stops the congestion and cough after about an hour. I couldn't make it without this."
November 7, 2014
bipolar disorde
"When it worked it was great. Couldn't keep my levels the same, though. When levels went too high, I got tired and shaky and could not sleep. When it went too low, I rapid cycled between mania and depression. May work for you, but not for me."
May 5, 2010
"Here's a trick to help my fellow insomniac's sleep. I have 3 very painful forms of Arthritis in my upper and lower back, neck, knees, feet, hands, exc. I have insomnia from chronic pain, and severe PTSD. 2mg Lunesta got me 4hrs rest. 3mg got me 6hrs sleep. I finally got 8 hours sleep by raising my dose to 2-2mg pills per night. I didn't get 4, 6, or, 8 hrs sleep until I changed eating habits. Plan your evening like so: eat a small portion of healthy foods. Wait 20-30 minutes, and then take your Lunesta. Wait 20-30 minutes, and eat another small portion of healthy food, and head to bed. The food keeps the medicine in your system longer. Also for those paying cash like me, use I get my 60-2mg pills for $53.16 a month."
August 24, 2016
Adapalene / benzoyl peroxide
"If you're a person who normally has sensitive or dry skin, then I highly reccomend NOT using this. I was recommended Epiduo Gel by my GP to treat acne. 3 days after using it my face became very dry and it got worse even after I stopped using it. It started to sting and burn a lot and when I'd apply my normal moisturiser the stinging I experienced was so severe, especially around my eyes and my skin became very red. Any product that really dries out the skin is very bad, because it makes skin age quickly and causes wrinkles. My experience with Epiduo was bad but reading other people's reviews, most say it worked for them aside from the dryness and redness of their skin."
August 4, 2015
"My son has autism, ocd and adhd. This medication has made a tremendous difference! Before Daytrana, he was taking timed release Focalin xr capsules. We had to empty the capsules into a spoon for him to swallow with water because he cannot swallow pills. We also tried the liquid compounded form. Both forms were short acting because he couldn't swallow the capsule so he had to take it 3 times per day. Because he was not getting a steady, controlled dose, he was not as focused as he is now with the Daytrana. He also had sleep difficulty for two years while taking Focalin. Not any longer! He can focus, eat and sleep. He does have red skin underneath the patch which disappears after removal."
July 14, 2009
bipolar disorde
"After so many years of trying I finally start to function as a ( almost) normal human being. Topamax is my lifesaver."
January 2, 2017
diabetes, type 2
"No appreciable effect on A1c levels. A lot of money for no return."
September 11, 2015
rheumatoid arthritis
"Had two infusions of Rituximab in January 2016 some relief was on Enbrel for 9 years it was fantastic, but stopped working, unfortunately I have now got Atrial Fibrulation from Rituximab, don' know where to go from here. Have had Rh since childhood."
March 14, 2016
"I refused ADD/ADHD medications my entire life until I was 21 years old and doctor finally convinced me to try it. After struggling academically for years and years, now as a college student I am receiving near perfect grades in every course. Before Vyvanse, I thought these medications were a joke, but I now admit that I was wrong."
November 17, 2009
allergic rhinitis
"I have had bad allergies my entire life and was given many different medicines to try. This is the first medicine that actually worked for me. I took one 24hr dose yesterday at 4pm and today at 10am my nose is still clear. The only problem I had was that my blood pressure spiked up to 146/93 from a normal range of 120/70. During that time I had a terrible headache and felt extremely dizzy. I went to bed and woke up to recheck my blood pressure. It was still elevated at 127/86 and I still have a slight headache, but I can breathe."
August 16, 2012
"Lunesta...way better than Ambien. Ambient made me crazy, memory loss. Both in same class but Lunesta is my BUTTERFLY! A little melatonin. Great sleep..saved me. Oh and 1mg of Klonopin."
February 2, 2014
migraine prevention
"52 year old female. I had recurring mid range to severe headaches which became migraines for several years. I had them so often, I was taking tons of over the counter headache pills, which then damaged my stomach after long term excessive use. After finally telling my doctor about them, he put me on Nortiptyline, (2) 10mg pills every night, so 20mg total daily. It was like a miracle for me! Within a very short time, I was 95% migraine free. It has no side effects for me and I have eliminated my excessively large intake of over the counter pills almost entirely. What a huge impact this medication has made for me."
November 10, 2013
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
birth control
"I have been on this pill for almost 2 months with non-stop bleeding. I have maybe had 3 or 4 days total where I wasn't bleeding and during that time my discharge was thick with a foul odor. I have never had any problem with my discharge nor odor. I'm hoping my period will straighten out after 3-4 months. As far as weight goes, it's helped to trim inches in what seems to be all the right places. I took before/after pics because I'm also diet/exercising for my polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and I've noticed a huge difference and change in my body in just 2 months. I'm hoping in time my period will ease up because if not, I can't keep this up. The point of the pill was to help with irregular periods, PCOS and prevent pregnancy."
September 16, 2013
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
birth control
"After being on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo which gave me little to no issues at all, my insurance no longer covered it and I had to switch to Sprintec. I’ve been on it for 2 full months now and I hate it. I never had acne, now I have it all over my face. I used to get a pimple here and there but my chin and cheeks and nose and forehead are covered. I’m also feeling depressed and angry often. I’m nauseous if I don’t eat with it. Ugh. Going to try to stick it out to the 3 month mark... overall it does it’s job and I haven’t gotten pregnant and my periods are the same."
October 31, 2017
crohn's disease, maintenance
"Long time Crohn's after 5 small bowel resections I started getting bouts of intestinal bacteria that caused bloating, cramping and gas. This is the Only drug that helps. My GI now has me take it 2 times daily the first 5 days of each month which helps get the bacteria at bay. Hate the taste so take it with juice."
May 21, 2016
"Just a normal guy who used to be an outside telephone tech and now am in a supervisory role. I went from 5"10 172 pounds to 219 pounds in two years. My doctor has been telling me this weight was going to hurt my blood pressure as well as my knee joints. Since I have been on other weight loss campaigns like Nutrisystem and Weight Watchers I thought another gimmick. Results 26 pounds in four short months of easy dieting. I am now supplementing with light exercise and look forward to my next visit. Bad; a little constipation that was fixed by drinking more water and sleep well and now smoke less cigarettes. Not a cure all but a good start to a healthy lifestyle change."
March 29, 2014
"This drug works excellent for nausea everytime. Lightly sedates me too but not in a drugged way."
July 5, 2008
diabetes, type 2
"I took my sixth Bydureon injection yesterday. The great news is my morning BG levels have dropped dramatically, to the 100 range (after being in the 200s). Bad however, I am debilitatingly nauseous 12 to 24 hours after injecting and 4x have thrown up at the 12 hour mark. I am not a fan of the pea sized lumps at each injection area. The first from 6 weeks ago has not shrunk one iota. The three abdomen injections each itched considerably the first week. I switched to injecting front of my legs, which do not itch. My vision, especially computer monitor distance is horrible, but I think that is due to the drop in my overall blood sugar. I am not sure if I can hang with the nausea and would like more info as to whether it will go away in time."
May 2, 2016
social anxiety disorde
"I started taking Zoloft about three weeks ago. I have noticed various symptoms, I grind my teeth quite a bit which brings on headaches, I yawn constantly and I am always tired (even if I have eight hours sleep). I have not experienced any weight gain as yet, or any other symptoms associated with this medicine. I used to have panic attacks every second day, I have not had one since I started taking Zoloft which is a great outcome. I did get a bit panicky in a social situation two days ago, though was able to control my emotions so I didn't have a panic attack. So far so good."
October 21, 2012
Generess Fe
birth control
"I've been on this pill for about 10 months now. The first 6 months for me were horrible. Constant nausea from the time I woke up until I went to sleep. This was my last hope, I have been on Loestrin fe, Microgestin, NuvaRing and every one of them gave me constant yeast infections. I'd get rid of one and within a week I'd have another. So after this birth control, I was going to give up, but I wanted to be sure. Now, I'm great. Haven't gained any weight at all, my boobs haven't gotten any bigger which sucks (32A...yea, I know), I don't have nausea anymore. And it's free on my insurance."
August 20, 2013
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
"This birth control pill has negatively impacted my life. I am currently suffering from cystic acne, constant bloating, depression, and mood swings. My appetite has increased, but the most notable thing just how badly I feel. I've been on this pill for 4 months. My hope was that everything would balance out, but it still has not and it literally feels like this pill is killing me."
May 8, 2015
bacterial infection
"Coming from someone who took this regularly as prescribed, the medicine did its job. No severe problems however, I admit to being extremely fatigued and stomach cramps come here and there."
June 23, 2017
birth control
"I would not recommend for anyone. What the doctors fail to mention is the constant pain and discomfort. They will also make excuses when asked to have it removed telling you to wait. After 5 years of pain, no sex life as the cramping is not worth it. finally i was granted my wish to have it removed. Unfortunately it was surgically as it had went into my uterine wall. The doctors fail to mention this product can ruin lives as im not sure if i can have children. Threads were still visible and had regular checks too. 3 days it has been gone and my headaces, cramps, pain down my leg gone with it. Yes it stops pregnancy but at the cost of it being potentally permanent and also the lack of sex drive. My advice please avoid."
November 21, 2015
"I usually have my two big asthma attacks a year which is awful but prednisone helps a lot. I find the breathing comes back quickly but the side effects are horrible I have a count down going on for how many days left on I every time I'm on it but in the end it does miracles for me, the sweating is the worst part."
July 28, 2014
generalized anxiety disorde
"I'm getting anxiety and have panic attacks that are horrible since I took these pills! I had anxiety before but never got the attacks that I'm getting today! I have bad thoughts and sleep all the time and don't feel like doing anything. Just worry and cry."
June 5, 2017
"When I was about 15, I started getting these feelings of what I can only explain as "An Impending Doom." I wasn't sad, but whenever I tried to do something that I thought was fun, my whole brain started to freak out and all I wanted to do was shut down. There was nothing I could do about it. Apparently, this sort of thing happened to most of the people in my family and on my mothers side. So, I talked to my doctor and he said it sounded like a chemical imbalance, seeing as I wasn't sad about anything and I was healthy, so he asked me to try Amitriptyline. Once I started it, all of my symptoms basically vanished and after 2 years I've fully adjusted to it's affects on my body."
August 15, 2016
3</span> users found this comment helpful.
"I have been taking Savella for about a week now. I have gone this whole week without a headache. WOW. At first, I was waking up in the middle of the night very thirsty, but that has gone away now. I have much more energy than before. One thing that is really bothering me right now is I am extremely bloated."
April 29, 2011
Loestrin 24 Fe
birth control
"I have been on Loestrin 24 for 10 months now and my periods haven't been longer than 3 days, the third month my period was really heavy and I had bad cramps. As far as birth control, I haven't been having sex, and I never had bad acne to begin with. Overall, I've had a moderate experience. I take the pill in the morning and it does make me nauseous. I also am very depressed on it, and experience crazy mood swings. I spend at least one day out of the month crying, and the littlest thing will ruin my mood, or make me want to cry. My mom and sister talk about how I have multiple personalities because my mood is so unpredictable. "
January 17, 2010
"I suffer from appetite suppression as a result of medication which I take for narcolepsy(Amphetamine-based). Although the medicine works wonderfully, the only negative side effect that kills me is appetite suppression. Hence, my introduction to Marinol! I would like to clarify a common myth that Marinol is a form of prescription "medical marijuana". My doctor explained it is a synthetic cannabinoid, a distant chemical cousin of marijuana that lacks recreational effects at therapeutic doses. It works by activating the endocannabinoid system of the brain, which regulates appetite. When I first tried it, it started working by the end of the next day! "
August 22, 2009
crohn's disease
"First couple trips are the worst but after that it becomes a routine and it works wonders I'm not lying it gave me my life back until my insurance couldn't pay now I use Humira no competition. Remicade hands downed so if you are doing bad try it."
February 25, 2013
birth control
"The first 2 month on Nexplanon was a breeze I thought this was the life no side effects at all. By month 3 I was spotting every few days, it started out light for a couple days for a few months but then it became heavy and lasted atleast 5 days. I would be spot free for a few days then bleeding again. I went to my doctor to get a high dose of ibuprofen and that made me stop spotting for 2 weeks & then BLEEDING again. The doctor said that the spotting would go away by the 6th month & I tried to stick it out & that was a HUGE mistake. I also had depression, NAUSEA,& dizziness. I got it removed last week & they had to slice open my arm & dig it out nothing like the quick shot to get it."
October 18, 2016
social anxiety disorde
"Paxil definitely works for social anxiety. However, the side effects just became intolerable over time. What are those side effects? Well, for one, you will be tired all the time. Secondly, I found it really hard to focus, and I would forget things that just happened. Thirdly, and most disturbingly, I became a zombie who didn't care about anything and couldn't empathize with people!! I couldn't feel any emotions; I couldn't cry. Not only that, but it was also hard to experience positive emotions/pleasure. This phenomenon is called "emotional bluntness". I didn't notice that I was experiencing this emotional numbness (and most others don't notice too) until people around me started pointing it out. That's just my experience."
May 24, 2017
birth control
"I just received this birth control a while ago. I didn't even get my period which was due in a couple days after. The only bad thing is that my back cramps and headaches have gotten worse but it may just be my PMS. I am not experiencing any of the other side effects yet. The insertion was only a little painful, but even the weakest of heart could handle it. I would recommended this for anyone who does not want anybody to find out that they are on birth control, and it is a sure thing that you will never miss a pill, or a shot."
February 10, 2009
underactive thyroid
"I am taking Synthroid 0.05 mg (50mcg). Helps me a lot. Very effective in my case."
July 14, 2013
birth control
"I give Mirena a 9/10 because for the year and a half I was on it I didn't get pregnant. I did just have it removed because I felt like I was fatigued and I gained 20 lbs while on Mirena. It could be other things that caused these symptoms but since they started after I went on the birth control I chose to blame the birth control. I had it removed 4/26/10 and the removal was simple and pain free. I started to bleed two days later and it has been an inconsistent type of period. It has been easy so far and I feel good about doing it. "
May 3, 2010
birth control
"When they say this is the most effective birth control, they are being truthful but not in the way you think. You're on your period so long that you can't be sexually active. I have had this awful thing in my arm for two years. And I have had my periods last up to three months. My husband and I are equally frustrated due to these complications. Please think really hard before you decide to get this birth control."
June 11, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
not listed / othe
"I was prescribed this med for peri-menopausal symptoms and hormone related anxiety. The med did help with that. However, the other side effects that came with it, did not outweigh that benefit. I am at the end of my 2nd pack, and will not renew rx. I was good for the first 40 days of each 90 day cycle. But then bled (not spotting, but bleeding pretty heavy) every day since (the remaining 40 days). And had the worst period of my life ('flooding') during placebo pill week. Was tested for anemia. And I gained about 15 lbs. I take the pill at the exact same time each day. Hopefully my next bcp will be much better!"
March 25, 2016
"After 2 hemorrhoid surgeries, this product was a life changer! I took the step to not let my hemorroids control my life anymore. The dr prescribed this as part of my after care. Its immediate and wonderful."
November 30, 2014
chronic pain
"4 years now of tram 50mg 8 per day and I find life with hcronic pain much more livable. I am 67 and find I don't need anything stronger"
June 4, 2015
emergency contraception
"I got my period august 4th-8th, a week later i had unprotected sex with a dude I had barely met , eventually some things led to another and it was literally a 5 minute thing! In the end I was not sure if he came in me, obviously every guy will say no but I still was not sure, I took the pill about 1 hour after it happened , I bled about 1 1/2 week after taking the pill (which you are suppose to & no it wasn't my period which I thought it was). I was expecting my period in the beginning of september and it never came... I was afraid with a thought in the back of my head telling me yes he came in me, no this pill didn't work, yes I'm pregnant... Luckily today i got my period! Take the pill even if you aren't sure about it! & don't stress!!"
September 14, 2016
rheumatoid arthritis
"I've been taking Feldene since August 2009, so approximately 2 months. The only side effects I've noticed is that I bruise much more easily than I did before. I haven't really noticed a big change in the pain and swelling in my fingers/hands from taking it though."
October 12, 2009
"The good: less dizziness and blood pooling in legs due to POTS. The bad: I have all of the negative common side effects: I sweat horribly, I have a regular cough with mucous, I drool a lot and not just at night, I have frequent loose stool, my eyes are super blurry sometimes AND my tongue cramps so sometimes I sound like I've had a stroke or a severe speech impediment. Dose: 30-60 mg with dinner and 180 mg time span before bed. (I can't handle the side effects during the day) I have been on this for over a year. I take this and accept the side effects because without it I would not be able to work due to my brand of POTS. The side effects aren't consistent and my body metabolizes things differently every day."
July 31, 2015
Monistat 3-Day Combination Pack
vaginal yeast infection
"If you just bought this you are most likely about to cry your eyes out trying to pee this stuff out and standing in the shower to put running water on your vagina because it feels like it's on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So embarrassing that my husband is the one who has to look up something to help the burning and itching it caused! Never have I felt that before. I was better on sticking garlic up there! At least it doesn't burn! "
February 22, 2017
birth control
"I've been on Nexplanon for 5 months. I was loving this form of birth control until now. I've been bleeding for almost 2 months and I've been feeling very tired."
June 8, 2014
Alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor
alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor deficiency
"I was diagnosed with Alpha-1 Antitripsin Deficiency in 2010. I currently receive weekly infusions via surgically implanted port. I infuse at our local cancer center. I have attempted Home Health and was horrified by their lack of knowledge and experience for running an IV and none of the 5 different people assigned to me took the time to access the online training on medication preparation. Side-Effects: Extreme tiredness, Feel drained"
January 12, 2013
periodic limb movement disorde
"I have had restless leg syndrome since I was at least 5 yrs old, it runs in my family. It affected my school, jobs, trips and sleeping. As I got older the symptoms became worse. By the age of 30 yrs old I could no longer sleep at night due to the energy build up in my legs and arms, my brain was also not shutting down at night. I dreaded going to bed for years. My twin sister also has rest leg syndrome and her doctor put her on Klonopin, it worked for her. So I went to my doctor and he gave me a prescription of Requip. It didn't work well. He switched my medication and I started taking Klonopin. The changes were immediate. I slept for the first time all night. I can take long drives, fly in airplanes and actually sit through a movie."
August 5, 2014
Emtricitabine / rilpivirine / tenofovir
hiv infection
"Apart from gas and drowsiness, I don't feel anything bad. "
March 26, 2015
allergic rhinitis
"Nasonex was prescribed because I can't breathe easily through my nose. It is hard to sleep at night and breathing through my mouth is very troublesome. I would wake several times at night with dry mouth, throat and in the morning, have a raspy voice. Dr thought I might have allergies and thought the Nasonex might open up nasal passages."
January 13, 2015
"The main reason I started using this medicine was because of my acne. I am on my 3rd month of this medicine and nothing. I was so hopeful that this would clear my skin up or that I would see some type of improvement by now. There is a little acne is worse at times than it was before!!! So far I am very unsatisfied with this medicine. Birth Control is my last option for treating my acne. I went to the dermatologist for years and NOTHING. This was my last hope, and I seemingly no longer have any hope for clearing my skin. The only side effect I have gotten while being on this Birth Control is that my boobs grew like 2 sizes which I personally hate. I liked having small boobs. Im giving it 3 more months then Im switching,"
July 10, 2015
"My previous doctor put me on 10 mg to try and help me sleep but it stopped working. My new doctor increased it to 35mg( 25mg and 10mg). I don't fall asleep right away but I do sleep and have a good nights sleep. I feel better in general, not moody like I used to be. Along with anxiety I must have had mild depression. I had side effects of a dry mouth but that has gone away."
October 8, 2013
bipolar disorde
"After taking 300mgs (100mg AM/200mg PM) for three years, it's no longer working. When I first went on it, it worked great for both mood stabilization and weight control. I lost all the weight that I gained after being on Zyprexa and Depakote, and my moods were controlled well for about two and a half years. I had minimal negative side effects that seemed to fade after a few months' use. For the last six months I've been struggling with dosage adjustments and adding new drugs to my cocktail while trying to keep Topamax. Finally I'm giving up and going off Topamax because it's not doing anything anymore. "
March 31, 2010
panic disorde
"Anxiety spiraled out of control over just a month following 18 months of grief, job loss and moving. I couldn't leave the house and was prescribed Zoloft 12.5mg, the side effects were pretty bad (no appetite, trembles and night sweats) but within two weeks these side effects passed and I began returning back to my old self 6 weeks later. I slowly built up to 175mg over 6 months and stayed at that dose for 1 year. Now, two years later, I have almost forgotten about anxiety and have begun reducing very very slowly (about 12.5mg every couple of months). I'm now taking 137.5mg and feel good, thank you Zoloft."
July 20, 2014
"This medicine is doing it's job. I actually fell asleep standing up in my dining room. Hit my chin on the table (ouch). Now, I don't fall asleep at inappropriate times (after I take my first dose). I do have concerns about it's habitual possibilities, which I must say, my doctor did not warn me about. I will have to keep a close watch on my behavior I guess, but it is working."
August 27, 2009
Multivitamin, prenatal
vitamin/mineral supplementation during pregnancy/lactation
"I love these vitamins I have tried several different ones this pregnancy and I love these the best!"
July 21, 2016
"Update to my post from March 30. I've lost 15 lbs so far. The extreme fatigue has gotten much better as I think by body is adjusting. I'm still only at a dose of 1.5 (1.2 plus 5 clicks) I am increasing the dose VERY slowly. If I go to quickly it makes me sick. If I only increase an extra "click" on the pen each week it seems to work well. I'm very happy with this medicine. I've just had to learn to go slowly. I have to pay attention to the last time I had a bowel movement. I'm fine for 3-4 days with normal movements but then have to take a very mild laxative to help things along."
April 22, 2016
"I am an adult female. I was prescribed 10 mg once a day. My counselor advised my Behavioral Health MD to treat me for possible ADD/ADHD. I'm also taking clonopin and Ambien, which might account for my reaction- Ritalin made me sleepy and kind of depressed! I was really surprised, as I'd never heard of that reaction. Also taking Lamictal and Trileptal for bipolar. Hm.... I sure would like to know if others have this reaction, or if upping the dose would possibly make me not so depressed."
April 10, 2016
vaginal yeast infection
"I purchase the 1 day ovule, it's been 4 days and I'm getting constant burning and itching. I'm not sure if this gonna cure my yeast infection. Can't get an earlier appointment with my doctor so I'm now in line at the store getting the 3 day pre application tioconozale"
January 24, 2016
"I am 40 years old and I think I have been on every pain medicine there is on the market. My doctor put me on FENTANYL patch in 2002 200mcg X 72 hours. This drug made my life livable again. I swear by this medication for pain control. Thank God for this medication."
February 25, 2009
"Have been seizure free for 10 years now and the feeling is wonderful."
December 17, 2010
erectile dysfunction
"I am a 61 year old male having trouble getting erections for intercourse. Gets half way and boom gone. Dr gave me Viagra 100 mg take a half and works good tried a fourth of one does not work as well. Works well and no side affects. This has giving me confidence back and enjoy sex again. I have notice it takes longer to ejaculate and sometimes I never do, the second time around. Thank you"
March 14, 2017
Amoxicillin / clavulanate
urinary tract infection
"I had prostrate cancer, and a very bad kidney infection for over 4 years. The doctor had prescribed many different medications, but nothing worked for over 4 years. He finally prescribed Amoxicillin and Clavulanate, Within 6 hours 99% of the burning had disappeared, and I could finally sleep more than 1 hour at a time. Great medicine for me."
November 2, 2010
"Do NOT go on this drug!!! Antibiotics are NOT the cure for breakouts! The ONLY thing that works is Accutane, and it should be the ONLY thing that people try for breakouts. Doxy made my skin significantly worse! I've been on it for almost five weeks and I'm still getting new breakouts every day - and they have been taking forever to go away!!! Doxy also made my face red and super oily (and I have dry, sensitive skin!). I lost my appetite/experiences nausea on this stupid pill. Also, Doxy will do NOTHING for folliculitis. If you have folliculitis, ask your dermatologist for a topical solution. Please, take my advice, and never ever go on this!!!!"
March 11, 2017
chronic myelogenous leukemia
"Gleevec has been a miracle drug for me, the side effects are minimal when you consider the outcome, if you don't take it. Thanks very much to the inventer of this medication."
September 23, 2008
diabetes, type 2
"have only been on victorza for a few days. I had bad nausea and migranes then it changed to no energy at all . I sleep till noon one day and I have 2 young kids and a full time job. Searching for a better answer"
January 28, 2016
opiate dependence
"I was addicted to pills for 3 years. Started as a few Vicodin a day to 25 Percocets a day at the end. I have been on Subutex for 2 weeks and I must say it saved my life. NO CRAVINGS at all! The first few days I had mild headaches but they went away by day 4. I'm currently taking a total of 8 mg a day and it is plenty. This is truly a miracle. My wife is happy and I can play with my son again without popping pills to get out of bed. The only bad thing is my insurance won't cover it but the $50 a week is a lot less than the $500-600 a week I was spending before. THANK YOU SUBUTEX!"
January 20, 2013
mance anxiety
"I used to freak out during presentations, it got to the point where I would have a full blown panic attack in front of the classroom. I would get so embarrassed and it made me feel insecure then in all aspects of my life. Especially social situations. I had a presentation today and although I was nervous before, it completely disappeared once I started talking. My heart was still pounding but not coming out of my chest and I wasn't shaking. I felt so calm and confident. I think this pill is amazing."
May 6, 2013
birth control
"Hello! I had the Implanon in for 8 months and after the first three weeks off getting it I got an extremly heavy period, and it didn't stop for 7 MONTHS. I also started getting more headaches and nausea always! And I'm constantly tired! It's got that bad I'm getting it taken out this week."
April 23, 2015
"I've used seroquel for 15 years for insomnia. I wasn't able to use Ambien because I would sleep walk. The only thing that I don't like about seroquel is that I "sleep eat". I will not remember that I have done so until I see a drop of jam and bread crumbs on the kitchen counter. So, I've gained a bit of weight, unfortunately, even though I'm quite active."
April 13, 2017
Emtricitabine / rilpivirine / tenofovir
hiv infection
"I've been on Complera over a year now which at over $6000 a month equates to $72,000. There are some rage issues related to the medicine, as well as some insomnia issues and general mental health issues. My labs are great which is an upside. I'm an LTS of this disease having dealt with HIV into AIDS for 20 years now and been on about every HIV med in existence -- I come with a wealth of life experience."
February 27, 2013
abnormal uterine bleeding
"When I first got it I didn't bleed until the last month I started spotting but it was a very dark brown blood and so I told my doc so she gave me birth control to stop it. So the second shot which I'm on now made it stop for the first month but I barely just got off it and now I'm bleeding very heavy and cramping bad everyday."
August 31, 2017
Benadryl Allergy
allergic reactions
"Experienced an allergic reaction during dinner at a new restaurant. Throat started itching terribly so we left and drove to the nearest pharmacy. Used Benadryl syrup because I thought it would work faster. Fixed my allergic reaction in a minute."
April 11, 2015
birth control
"I'm 24, I don't have kids and I've never been pregnant. I've been with my boyfriend for 8 years, and kids just are not in our near future. I have been on the pill since I was 14 and just recently we wanted to try something long term. I got the Mirena put in 2 days ago. I was nervous and so scared because of all the bad reviews I read about it before I went to have it put in. While getting the Mirena put in there were 3 cramps, each cramp were worse than the other but none were unbearable. Once the Mirena was put in, they did an ultra sound to be sure that it was in place and my doctor said everything looked great. I went back to work after I got it put in, I was tired and a little uncomfortable for the rest of the day. Then all good"
March 31, 2017
chronic pain
"I have had back pain for 16 years now, I have been on every pain medicine and these are the best. "
August 4, 2013
"I had chronic insomnia due to massive anxiety, I'm now on mirtazapine 30mg and olanzapine 5mg. It fixed my problem from the first day. I'm now sleeping well (the only negative is at every night I see dreams), I also wake up like a normal human. My anxiety is ok but its not all gone, perhaps I need more time. So I guess 9 stars is a good rate!"
June 8, 2014
birth control
"Starting in elementary school, my acne was horrible. At age 13, it morphed into a rare form of cystic acne. Came back a couple years after the first bout was defeated. Currently just 18, and have been on Ocella since mid August. Since being put on Ocella, my acne has decreased immensely, and stayed as regular types of breakouts rather than the cystic variety. Haven't experienced any major side effects, although I am more prone to getting emotional over the sweet, mushy gushy stuff. At first, my sex drive was higher (even though I've never actually acted on it), but that has calmed down now. My periods are a bit lighter, and are slightly more predictable down to the start and end days. I would definitely recommend this birth control."
January 14, 2016
"I have only used this medication once and it was amazing for controlling my appetite, even better than phentermine. However, I have migraines and am being treated for them with Topamax. I had a mild headache before taking the Bontril and after taking the Bontril the headache only got worse throughout the day. My energy and mood was terrific, appetite was suppressed. I had total control of what I ate all day and night. When night came, I was in terrible pain with my migraine. None of my usual rescue medicines worked (Imitrex). I was getting nervous, come bedtime, I was restless, could not sleep, had a terrible migraine all night long, like the Bontril wouldn't wear off. I almost went to urgent care for my head since Imitrex was not working."
August 29, 2010
"After 2 weeks (60mg/day) I am pleased with this. I had constant dysthymia, black periods lasting a few days, breaking into tears for no reason, not coping, couldn't see a way out, hopelessness. I couldn't tell my partner everything: she needs me to be strong. She knew anyway. The medicine leveled it all out. Only 2 weeks but the depression is gone. I even felt briefly euphoric today. I am easier to be around. Calmer. Negatives: a strange dissociative feeling, sort of out-of-body, as if hearing myself talk slowly, dizziness, an itchy rash on my hand, dry mouth, general tiredness, lethargy in bed in the mornings, no erectile problems, but problem reaching orgasm. If these moderate in time, then my 7/10 score will increase."
March 24, 2014
Desogestrel / ethinyl estradiol
birth control
"I'm on this BC because I recently found out that I have 2 cyst in my uterus .. my right one caused extreme pain & caused me to be at 2 different hospitals ALL in the same week. ( I'm 19 ) btw lol 5'4 if that helps .. Today is my first day on the pill so far I've had crazy sex drive & mile headache .. As a side effect & I'm hungry every 30 mins lol . The pain from my cysts cooled down which I love ! And yeah so far so good , I'll keep you ladies updated with more info!"
September 16, 2016
Magnesium sulfate / potassium sulfate / sodium sulfate
bowel preparation
"THIS STUFF IS NASTY! But it does its job. I managed the finish the first dose and all the water afterwards before going to the bathroom. I only spent about 5 minutes each trip and went consistently every 30 minutes. No close calls or anything. Then came the second dose and I could only get half down and I threw it up a bit. I took my second dose at 9pm and was asleep by 11:30 and only had to get up once. My doctor said I did a great job with the prep and everything came back fine!"
February 27, 2017
migraine prevention
"The side effects are horrible and I still have my migraines. Dont do it."
July 8, 2016
high blood pressure
"I've been taking almost 3.5 yrs. side effects: restless leg, itching, dry mouth, rash, tired, insomnia, joint pain and overall feeling of something wrong. I stopped taking it and for about two weeks and I've been feeling great. Right away I started to feel more energetic. Sleeping well. Today I took one to see if I should start taking again and now I have itching, restless leg and insomnia. I'm not taking anymore. It's horrible"
February 5, 2016
skin cance
"I have had great success with Carac treating pre-cancerous condition on my entire face area. The results were astounding! I am currently one week from finishing treatment on both forearm areas and looks like the results will be similar."
February 13, 2009
Clindamycin / tretinoin
"Started using Veltin in August. Started seeing results (less cystic breakouts), but didn't see consistent results until December. All I can say is stick with it! I now regularly go 2-3 weeks without any breakouts, 100% clear. Prior to Veltin, breakouts happened every 1-2 days. Major con is it dries out skin (not just where it just feels dry, but actual peeling). The dry skin rubs off in the shower. Pro is since it is a retinoid product, new skin feels and looks healthier."
February 18, 2012
Aluminum chloride hexahydrate
"As a teenager, sweating is a huge problem for me wherever and whenever. I have tried the anti-perisperant deodorant in stores but none have worked for me until my doctor prescribed me this. After applying it stings and itches a bit but it is so bearable and worth it. No sweat at all the next day and at school I didn't have to hide the wetness under a sweatshirt. Would totally reccomend"
May 13, 2016
Insulin glargine
diabetes, type 2
"Oral meds did not bring down the A1c nor the fasting blood sugars which stayed in the 140s and kept climbing. . I have now been on Lantus for 6 months, titrated dose every Saturday increasing dose by 4 units per week until my fasting blood sugars are averaging 100, A1c is in normal rang now. Have not had any hypoglycemia bouts which happened with the oral meds. I give this insulin a two thumbs up."
February 25, 2015
weight loss
"im always leary about primary care providers pushing weight loss med like belviq and qysmia and insulin pens that make you lose weight after all what incentives are they getting from the company ? The upside to this medicine is the trial basis took care of my cervical neck pain but the combination of the meds was a disaster. I felt moody, irritable, anxious, depressed, hopeless, tingly all over, headaches, nauseated, thirsty, never hungry thanks to nausea, sleeplessness, wired!!! and tired!!! odd sensations, cold and heat intolerance, panic, blurred vision. No thanks I would rather be fat and happy ! I was eating healthy and drinking only water but was unable to lose the weight. This is a horrible medicine!!"
September 9, 2015
"Was put on this because my Lexapro stopped working, and I was experiencing panic attacks. Dr said off label use for Brintellix is used for depression and anxiety. Started on the 5mg dose, didn't do much, was on that dosage for two to three months, went up to the 10mg, started having constipation (which is very unusual for me), my night vision got worse, and something about the medication seemed to be activating for me and that made my anxiety and panic attacks worse. About a month ago started tapering off it, but was still dealing with anxiety and anxiety attacks. Decided to try the Lexapro again. Luckily it has started working again and my anxiety has been gratly reduced, and panic attacks have gone away on 10 mg generic Lexapro"
September 23, 2015
constipation, drug induced
"I have been on different opiods for a chronic pain issue for 15yrs but, since I started taking methadone 5 years ago I've had horrible problems with constipation. They kept me on myralax 34mg twice a day and stool softners but even that would only allow me to use the bathroom maybe 3x's a week. I was given relastor as the injection at home and the pain was unbearable for 9 hours and, it did not work. I was so scared to take Movantik but, I'm so glad that I did! Just one pill and everything inside me finally came out! My cramping is very minimal, nothing that really hurts much at all, more "Hey, the pill is working" type of movement and cramps. They have coupons for $20!"
May 25, 2016
constipation, chronic
"I first experienced very good results with this medicine. Now being on it for 4 months I have had some side effects now for the past week. Feels I have more bloating than before and frequent bowel movements along with nausea and feeling pressure in my colon more so than before. Pain so intense that I have been taking motrin to ease the uncomfortable feelings I have been having for a week now. I am reporting to my Dr tomorrow or asap."
January 26, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
abnormal uterine bleeding
"The pediatrician put my 14 year old on sprintec. Over three months she experienced severe migraines, loss of vision, anxiety attacks, stomach and bowel problems. We spent every minute of the day in severe debilitating pain. She missed 30 days of school, went to numerous specialist, medical procedures and suffering she lost 122 pounds. Finally, I tracked it all back to the start date of sprintec. We have over 33,000.00 in unpaid medical bills and continues to suffer daily. DO NOT ALLOW your daughters to be placed on this life threatening drug!!!!!"
March 14, 2017
"With peri menopause leading to menopause...came an overwhelming sadness, emotional ups and downs, anger, the black dog visited often for no apparent reason. After seeing doctor who offered blood tests acknowledged menopause was occurring, he prescribed pristiq 50 mg. one a day. I had negative pre conceived ideas about taking anti depressants due to incorrect information but thought I'd give it a try. It's now nearly three years since I began treatment....yes ...they work....side effects :can numb emotions, but not to the point that I can't feel..loss of libido..that's a small price to pay compared to how I felt when the black dog visited. I tried to stop taking pristiq only to have old symptoms return"
January 29, 2016
"I have been using Claravis (40mg) for 15 days now, and the last 2 days I have been noticing very dry skin, my face is peeling and my lips are cracked, my doctor gave me CortiBalm for my lips and it has helped me tons, also she told me to use oil-free lotion on my face and I have been using Purpose Dual Treatment Moisture Lotion with SPF 15 from Johnson & Johnson, really helped me too! I am 27 years old and for the past year I developed really bad acne, nothing has helped me, but this seems to be helping me because I have already seen improvement with only 15 days. 2 of my friends used it and after the 5 months of use, they never had breakouts again, I am looking forward to a life like that. Good luck to all of us!"
September 21, 2010
Loestrin 24 Fe
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"As far as effectiveness, this pill works great. I have had unprotected sex with my boyfriend many times and I have never been pregnant. The periods were light and short- sometimes they were so light it made me nervous that it wasn't even a real period and that I was pregnant. HOWEVER, my side effects have been bad. I have headaches and especially dizziness. I am in the process of switching. Overall though the effectiveness of the pill for pregnancy is great."
October 25, 2011
Buprenorphine / naloxone
opiate dependence
"I have been drinking and doing various drugs since the age of 13. I am 38 now with three great kids and a husband who thank goodness has never kicked me out. My latest thing has been Percocet, Vicodin, Oxy. Then after a while that stops working so you go to the needle....dilaudid and morphine for over a year. This week I finally said enough! I went to detox and got this amazing drug Suboxone. I left that detox on the smallest dose I could handle, 4mg daily. This drug is going to save my life! I have a sense of peace, a feeling of mental clarity, and NO desire to use anything, including alcohol. Get on Suboxone if you need it....It can save your life! PS. No side effects except mild constipation, but who cares! I finally feel HUMAN!"
April 25, 2010
psoriatic arthritis
"I rate Apremelast on a 50/50 basis. I've just finished the 2 week starter pack and have had wide lot of side effects on and off. But today - BAM! Headache, nausea, uncontrollable bowel.....I've only just gone back to work after 2 months of chronic PSA and now have had to blow out today because of this drug. As a total plus though, my psoriasis has halved in such a short time, so I'm going to persevere with this med. wish me luck :)"
March 13, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel
birth control
"Let's see...I've tried over 6 birth controls in the past 8 years (including the shot) and nuva ring has by FAR been my favorite which I've now been on for 11 months. My boyfriend and I only find it a problem with intercourse due to us both feeling the ring. So I just take it out and place it back within the hour. Very few cramps when my period arrives which is exactly Wednesday to Friday every 4th week (double awesome) plus my skin feels so soft and all of a sudden my hair grows wicked fast? So strange but never in my life it would before. Downside? Anxiety but just raised at work. Sometimes gross white discharge like the day after or of that I remove the ring and a little before my period. Other then that fabulous contraceptive"
June 29, 2015
bipolar disorde
"Seroquel has been a very helpful sleep aid."
June 11, 2012
"I'm a 48 year-old male, 6-2, 230lbs. I've been taking Klonopin off and on now for the last year. It works pretty well for anxiety and takes about 40 minutes to kick in. I take 0.25mg twice daily. I just started taking Lexapro 20mg and have been on it for about four weeks. Not sure if it's doing much. We'll see in about another 4 weeks if I can stop the Klonopin. I have to agree with others, Xanax works well and quickly, but leaves your system quicker and leaves you more anxious. Klonopin seems to be a little bit smoother and longer lasting about 3-4 hours at 0.25mg. This medicine gets a bad rap due to the people who abuse it. I'm in Law Enforcement and I see it every day who abuse these."
July 18, 2012