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Thu Apr 20 09:49:57 UTC 2023
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--- 21612833
Shin Kamen Rider New Trailer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwo4fFji8rc [Embed]
Shin Kamen Rider Character Trailers:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j92GdeRIRB8 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLzaaH3JzV4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwS25HVqOKA [Embed]
Shin Kamen Rider First Three Minutes Preview:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uydUqZFSyQI [Embed]
Batta Augment vs. Kumo Augment Battle:
Shin Kamen Rider NHK Documentary:
--- 21612836
>>21612833 (OP)
Emotionless sex with combatant girl.
--- 21612841
"I'm putting together a team."
--- 21612844
--- 21612846
--- 21612850
--- 21612855
--- 21612858
--- 21612944
The Shin Kamen Rider kaijin suits (or Aug suits) Are SEXY, not even in a figurative sense, they are literally sexually attractive.
--- 21613033
You will stick your dick in demented cyborgs and BE HAPPY.
--- 21613063
I might be schrizophrenic, but does anyone else have the feeling that all the drama stuff in the new NHK documentary is manufactured to some degree?
Anno kind of has a track record of distorting reality in documentaries to make them more interesting.
Gamera1999 he manufactured tensions between the regular crew and the special effects department,
A lot of the Love&Pop bts documentary focuses on how an assistant keeps dropping film reels into the ocean or fucks up in some way, which didn't actually happen either.
In the fireside chat interview with hitoshi matsumoto, he says that he doesn't really believe in documentary filmmaking and says that as soon editing is involved, it becomes a ficionalized narrative.
It so much feels like something he'd do to drum up some controversy. I'm not too sure what I think of the last NHK documentary eithers, especially because there's the whole segment where
Anno complains about not having enough control over it. Ever since I planted the seed of this idea in my mind, I've gone and re-evaluated every video interview he's ever done and I think I might be going insane.
--- 21613693
You live in the internet age where everyone has multiple personas for social media depending on the URL, and you are questioning whether documentaries on creators of entertainments are the unfiltered truth just now?
You have to to learn to read between the lines, and then choose your personal truth.
--- 21613717
Is there any reason why the Augment enemy have mask / helmet? Was it really just to protect their head?
--- 21613751
Probably has cameras/infrared. Could also be for intimidation or just to look cool.
--- 21613987
Idk, probably. He is legitmately hated for what he did on Gamera 3. He was supposed to direct two episodes of Ultraman Max but the staff refused to work with him.
Obviously, things have changed in nearly 20 years since, all of TsuPro's old staff is gone and Anno is the biggest celebrity director in Japan.
Still crazy though.
--- 21614167
--- 21614574
Stupid sexy spider man
--- 21614579
Why does she sit like that?
--- 21614606
There are also special stuff inside the helmets that give both adrenaline as well as numb whatever form of guilt someone may have towards killing, because guilt prevents people from being HAPPY
--- 21614887
No Hachi-Aug gf..
--- 21615212
>he says that he doesn't really believe in documentary filmmaking and says that as soon editing is involved, it becomes a ficionalized narrative
That's a pretty well-worn idea with regards to documentary filmmaking or any kind of truth in filmmaking.
Also, do you watch a lot of a NHK documentaries? They might have more tact than western TV but they're still lowest common denominator programming.
--- 21615331
Shin KR's TikTok account is fucking full of spoilers. Just put the movie on home release already for fucks sake.
--- 21615401
You don't think the production company is seriously going to talk shit about their own production right?
--- 21616428
I know Anno has auteur autism and can be difficult but the Ultraman Max situation and the old guard of TsuPro leaving says more about them than it does him
--- 21616487
I get the feeling that it was Shusuke Kaneko specifically that had a problem with Anno doing work for Ultraman Max.
--- 21616674
What makes you say that?
--- 21616769
maybe her butt hurts
--- 21616780
Just watched the 30 minutes preview, there's definitely too many cuts during the action scenes, especially during the fight against the spider aug where it cuts after each and every punch and kick thrown, is this only for the preview or is the full movie like this too?
I know there's a scene from the trailer where the spider aug does a bunch of back flips on top of the dam but it's not shown in the preview.
--- 21616782
from what?
--- 21616795
>He is legitmately hated for what he did on Gamera 3. He was supposed to direct two episodes of Ultraman Max but the staff refused to work with him.
--- 21616808
The movie fight scene is like that, I personally liked it because it makes fights feel more wild.
--- 21616905
A lot of the fights are near shot-for-shot recreations of scenes from the original show, which also had a lot of rapid cuts.
--- 21618370
Shusuke Kaneko hates Anno for what he did on Gamera 3. There's a really spirited quote in a french magazine that he interviewed for, and a story in Norman England's book that highlights this.
Kaneko was an executive producer on Max. It might be hard to imagine now, but Kaneko was a much more respected individual in the industry than Anno was back in 2005. A lot of the Tsuburaya staff was Kaneko's crew at the time.
--- 21618377
--- 21618676
--- 21618740
30 minutes?where?
--- 21618743
>hirayama's son said: "please don't say bad things about the movie on the internet :((((("
--- 21618753
--- 21618822
Just look up Shin Kamen Rider Kumo Augment Arc on nyaa.
--- 21618845
I don't speak frog, elaborate.
--- 21620281
Hey has the movie been leaked? I keep seeing bigger and bigger chunks of it popping up online with subs
anyone have a link?
--- 21621140
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUdI7QtDiJo [Embed]
--- 21621146
Shin Kamen Rider now shows up on the AMC theater website
--- 21621149
Google translate
>Hideaki Anno, the director of the Evangelion series and films, shot a rather special making-of of the third Gamera. How did he end up there?
>Hideaki Anno is a real waste, a totally useless person. He showed me what he had done to get me to agree, and then he did something completely different. It's almost a crime. I will never forgive him. It is a real leech that deceives people. He may have talent, but he is certainly not a gentleman!
--- 21621161
Real? WTF.
--- 21621174
>Oedipus' hole
>Blow it
--- 21621186
So we don’t even know what he did, kinda scummy if real though but hey as long as the end product is fine fuck it. Not like he’s the first to do it considering what the absolute shenanigans Tomino pulled off lol
>Ideon is a story about justice and protecting your neighbors
>Creates a cosmic horror
--- 21621227
Assuming mistake unless we get an official announcement.
--- 21621243
God please don't just be a placeholder.
--- 21621254
>>He may have talent, but he is certainly not a gentleman!
Even biggest haters couldn't call him as talentless. kek
--- 21621530
Hows the box office
--- 21621552
Looks like Doraemon and My Happy Marriage have better legs than Shin. Shirakura BTFO!
--- 21622045
Higuchi carried Shin ultraman.....
--- 21622048
Alright I’ve been meaning to ask this earlier, but can someone who’s actually watched all the Shin movies actually tell me what the fuck is the difference between a Higuchi-Anno collaborated movie and an Anno solo one because for the life of me I couldn’t tell the fucking difference
--- 21622210
Higuchi was more of a kaiju & giant hero guy?
--- 21622241
Not that, the story portions, everyone keeps saying that the difference between them but the storyboarding feels exactly the fucking same, the exact same brake neck speed.
The only difference is that Higuchi knows what Anno wants in an action scene compared to the guy in Shin Kamen rider who kept pushing for highly choreographed fight scenes despite Anno constantly asking him to try something different for the film (Anno was pretty annoying but damn that other guy sounded just as hard headed)
--- 21622658
>Norman England
kek, your source for anno making shit up is the guy known for literally making shit up
Remember when he was fighting random people on facebook about how shin goji totally doesn’t turn purple
--- 21622975
The songs' titles are referring to the many techniques used to create Augs. It's in the Shin Kamen Rider Design Works book.
--- 21623124
Are there subs for the documentary yet or are you paraphrasing what I paraphrased a week ago?
--- 21623167
No I can speak Japanese
--- 21623484
I still think making your non-stuntman actor masked in the suit with a broken leg have to learn an action sequence in 10 minutes to shoot a oner that gets deleted and replaced with 20 shots anyway implies Anno doesn't know what he wants and that people and their efforts are as expendable as paper.
--- 21623559
That’s not what I’m asking, I’m still waiting for someone, anyone, that can answer what the hell the difference between when Anno is solo or when Higuchi was “raining him in”
--- 21623600
Anno solo is his home movies and Love & Pop and Ritual which are not really /m/ so you won't find those answers here. Generally it's shit cameras in shit positions in order to match very geometric anime-style storyboards, an approach that he has since tried to ditch as seen in Shin Eva's NHK doc so all of the footage acquisition is even more chaotically produced, resulting in fucked up edits due to a lack of pickups/corrections/planning compared to animation, all mainly due to Anno's lethargic decision making.
Higuchi has actually made big-ish budget movies and worked in SFX and knows what he wants in advance and gives departments what they need in advance out of necessity.
Bluntly, Anno is applying his home movie/indie movie approach to a bigger production and is buckling.
--- 21623626
But here’s the thing after watching all 3 Shin movies is that they all felt the same, in terms of direction obviously. Committing hard towards quick jump cuts and fast dialogue, odd camera angles and iphone shots, there was nothing in Shin Kamen Rider that made me feel like it was different from the other two.
--- 21623755
I don't want to be a dick and just say "be more consciously media literate" but but that might be the issue.
But it also might all be an artifact of the other Shins being kaiju and inherently trying to communicate size and scale while SKR doesn't have to account for that and is allowed to speed up and create pacing problems.
--- 21625465
>When asked by Emoto about the possibility of a sequel to the film, as the ending was promising for a sequel, director Anno replied, "I have been writing the plan since I was writing the script for this. I made it possible to make a sequel at the beginning. Now, realistically, it's a blank sheet of paper, but it's still in the form of a concept. If Toei asks me to do it, it's possible," he said. I have decided on a title for the sequel: "Shin Kamen Rider: Kamen no Sekai" People who read Mr. Ishinomori's original work will immediately recognize the title.
>There is also an unexpected plot. The Japanese government develops an artificial intelligence at the same level as SHOCKER's artificial intelligence. Politicians and bureaucrats will enter SHOCKER and do various things. The story of Ichimonji Rider who fights against it," Anno casually disclosed. The cast members were surprised, saying, "You can say that much?" The cast members were also surprised. Anno added, "We don't have enough money, so I think we'll make do with a reanimated monster (laughs)". "I don't know how it will turn out, but I have a plan" he said with a laugh.
--- 21625480
The mad lad
--- 21625489
>still no 2+1 pics
--- 21625550
https://youtu.be/DIx0mB-aBRo [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Vo9gPwYckeU [Embed]
--- 21625670
--- 21625691
>There is also an unexpected plot. The Japanese government develops an artificial intelligence at the same level as SHOCKER's artificial intelligence. Politicians and bureaucrats will enter SHOCKER and do various things. The story of Ichimonji Rider who fights against it," Anno casually disclosed. The cast members were surprised, saying, "You can say that much?" The cast members were also surprised. Anno added, "We don't have enough money, so I think we'll make do with a reanimated monster (laughs)". "I don't know how it will turn out, but I have a plan" he said with a laugh.
So it's gonna be a story about Ichimonji spring cleaning the Japanese cabinet with Tachibana and Taki? That sounds actually something I would watch.
--- 21625716
Why not sprinkle in some V3 in there too, the 0gou suit is practically the V3 suit you just need some adjustments here and there
--- 21625883
--- 21626144
“World of Masks” Cool. That was the last section of the manga. I wonder if he’ll try to tackle Big Machine since this Shocker has all those cool automations in there. Also V3 would be cool.
--- 21626175
I swear to god, if V3 never makes it into SJHU I'm going to throw a hissy fit. The first episodes of that series was basically a direct sequel of the original series. It would be a CRIME if Anno didn't put V3 in the sequel.
--- 21626192
I kinda have to agree with you there. I'm perfectly fine if V3 isn't even the main protagonist of the sequel, so long as he exists as Ichimonji's protege. But if Shiro ever makes into the SJHU, I wonder how they would handle his character.
--- 21626206
--- 21626213
--- 21626221
--- 21626228
--- 21626239
--- 21626242
--- 21626324
I mean, no shit, every documentary were released under his allowance, even parts where he acted like a grumpy oldman. Anno has no template to his behavior or mindset. Documentaries usually depict him as a pretentious and grumpy visionary. Old Gainax staff and his wife described him as a silly manchild, who is both sensitive and easy to bully.
--- 21626548
The more I hear about this man the more I believe the idea that he woke up one day and decided to follow the mantra of
>Never let them know your next move
--- 21626828
Maybe I should buy a NAS...
--- 21627150
i don't get the phone thing going on here, context?
--- 21627161
Did they fix the really dark shocker rider fight?
--- 21627169
Since Hongo's just a helmet now will they do that thing from the last chapter of the manga where he's just an intellect remote controlling a robot body to bring him back?
>The Japanese government develops an artificial intelligence at the same level as SHOCKER's artificial intelligence
Are there any other notable Isihinomori robot characters other than K? Are we getting Shin Robocon?
--- 21627172
--- 21627184
Yeah, that's probably what they'll go with.
--- 21627255
Back in the 70s when the show was popular, the Japanese telephone launched and they had characters like Shocker Combatmen and Monsters talking on the phone as an ad campaign. While they were shooting the film it was their 50th anniversary too so they used the characters to mimic the old ads. I really love they did that.
--- 21627392
thats J, but who knows, Shocker´s computers are I, J and K, so the next model should be L but if the goverment has done their offshoot, Anno could just call it SMART BRAIN for what we know, and then resurrect the first movie villains in a weird ofphanoc fashion.
--- 21627530
Bad guys using these goofy oversized phones is a fetish I didn't know I had.
--- 21627539
--- 21627545
they're regular rotary phones...
--- 21627553
Even the old woman of Shocker knows how to use a phone, so you children of Japan should easily get it!
--- 21627560
0gou IS Shin V3.
--- 21627887
i see, what an interesting bit of information, thank you.
--- 21627944
>hate the guy
>still have it in you to admit he is talented
Anno truly has gigachad energy, how does he do it
--- 21628598
>Shin Robocon
--- 21628631
> Anno mentioned about a sequel plan "Masker World" in his head.
> He also mentioned about AI the artificial intelligence from the first movie , and Brain.
> Brain should yet be another AI, produced by the government to go against AI.
> Fans are suspecting Daitetsujin 17 will be featured in Masker World
I knew it!
--- 21628869
--- 21629101
Was 2go stronger than 1go in Shin KR?
--- 21629160
In a way yes.
2 is more stable than 1 so that should be a plus.
--- 21629174
Never watched any Kamen Rider, but I'm interested in OP's pic. QRD? Google image search doesn't work.
--- 21629187
It's a part of a series of publicity photos released by Khara where they recreate some of the promo images from the original Kamen Rider series.
--- 21629189
I see, thanks. Is the girl in OP's pic a specific character? how can I see more of her? Actress' name would be useful too. Sorry for my coomerism
--- 21629190
No, she's just one of the many faceless female mooks in the movie.
also u weird bro
--- 21629202
>No, she's just one of the many faceless female mooks in the movie.
ok, good to know she's in the movie at least.
>u weird
really? it's an attractive female. Not being able to see her face adds to the attraction IMO; i wonder how she looks like.
--- 21629232
Fuck off schizo
--- 21629236
Come on now, anon. You are literally falling into SHOCKER's trap.
--- 21629247
It's literally an attractive girl, how am I an schizo because I'm interested?
would gladly fall for it if it includes her or girls like her.
--- 21629261
>or girls like her.
I got great news anon
--- 21629333
He’s a lot more wild with his strength than Ichigo was, less martial arts more big punch
--- 21629486
Reverse image search giving me NOTHING
--- 21630380
>Black gloves
I don't think Hongo is coming back anymore, bros..
--- 21630407
No, 2+1 is Shin V3.
--- 21630409
Read the manga.
--- 21630412
Fuck, now I might actually get the SHF since the art actually makes him look cool.
--- 21630434
Huh, interesting they didn't settle on red or silver
--- 21630444
>After all these years of studying Gantz-sensei, I finally realized... there's no difference between these sinful humans and the cockroaches that used to scare me so
>That is to say, I should have treated them both with equal contempt. Humanity truly is no better than insects crawling in filth. Both scurry when exposed to the light of truth, and both will survive at any cost to further their own diseased genetic line. As long as they endure, the Earth will perish
>Kero Kero!
>Lemme give it a try!
And then this plays over scenes of MP Robocons wiping out the human race https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC7j-ivKneM [Embed]
--- 21630449
Is there a way to watch Shin Kamen Rider yet online/torrenting? I imagine no, right? Or is Nyaa just failing me?
--- 21630465
probably gotta wait until it leaves Japan
iirc there are ways in Japan you can be literally convicted of killing a person and get a shorter sentence than if you get popped making a cam of a movie
--- 21630469
--- 21630503
>He doesn’t know
--- 21630522
No, 2+1 is manga Ichimonji's run as the MC.
--- 21630542
Then Shin V3 is both Hongo and Hayato's souls in the helmet being worn by Shiro?
>1+2+3 = 5 = V
>hence V3
--- 21630572
--- 21630734
They have coffee in Japanese theaters?
--- 21630744
>v3 teamed up with rider man
>riderman has an upside down V on him
>Gackt played riderman before
>Kamen rider Gackt also has the same name as Gackt
>Kagami who played Gackt became kabuto
Hence v3=Kamen rider Kabuto.
--- 21630918
--- 21631226
SKR tiktok has uploaded more clips.
--- 21631288
I think I'm literally Hongo.
--- 21631294
Who was the first rider to ever rock a coat in their rider form? I could've sworn black did in promotional material
--- 21631306
There's design sketches of W wearing a trenchcoat because duh, but they dropped it for the show.
--- 21631329
Orders for Shin Kamen Rider's OST is available.
https://amzn-dot-to /40Xdgc9
--- 21631331
--- 21631414
Anyone ripped it yet?
--- 21631420
Relax, anon. It's only been a few hours.
--- 21631471
They even have coffee in American theaters, at least the bigger chain ones like AMC and Regal
it's actually pretty comfy having a coffee while watching movies
--- 21631500
--- 21631517
There’s one that’s literally called NUT
And as someone who has watched it in theaters the soundtrack does indeed make one’s pants tight
--- 21631591
I'm just worried about those feelers being really fragile. Unless they're soft plastic, they look like they'll snap off in the box.
--- 21631864
Thank you, thank you. I will now watch this movie.
--- 21632148
It's Iwasaki Taku. He loves naming his tracks like that. I'd guess blow it probably has more to do with the wind than a body part though.
--- 21632150
>shin KR went from #5 to #4 this weekend
Seems like it's got legs at least
--- 21632152
Fuck now im hesitating because of that concern. I hope the antennas comes deattached(not broken) by default if it is such a hazard.
--- 21632745
I wish Japanese composers would stop being autistic when it comes to their track names. Looking at you Sagisu and Sawano.
--- 21633122
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHUN1ATGqSw [Embed]
--- 21633131
SHOCKER jokes aside, was this Anno's Shin Kamen Rider BTS documentary or what?
--- 21633133
--- 21633136
What's wrong with his ears?
--- 21633138
Be patient, dumb Anon. It's only been out for a day.
Also, some Shin Kamen Rider fanfiction in Shosetsuka ni Narou is gaining some attention I think, although it's more of a "reimagining" (of a movie that already reimagines the original series) than an actual fanfiction. It's not available in English yet obviously, but I ran it through DeepL and I found it quite enjoyable. Happy reading, folks.
https://syosetu dot org/novel/313685/
--- 21633146
Is anyone working on translating the NHK documentary?
--- 21633328
Anon, in case you haven't noticed it's the ones with autistic track names that crank out the hottest tracks.
--- 21633390
Shin KR OST is out, someone uploaded it on bilibili.
--- 21633472
--- 21633477
Anon wasn't lying when he said Iwasaki managed to match Sagisu's autism. Just insane is all I have to say.
--- 21633499
It's a highly anticipated movie based on a decades long money-making franchise directed by a critically acclaimed director and creator responsible for some of the most influential anime to ever be made that changed the cultural zeitgeist of the medium
of course it would do well
--- 21633572
Damn man, even the antennas were a liability.
--- 21633816
https://www.fandango.com/shin-kamen-rider-2023-231615/movie-overview Fandango page for the AMC screenings is up, it's as good as official
--- 21633842
I'm so envious of you guys, this shit will never play in my country. I'd be lucky if there ever was a blu-ray release
--- 21633848
>Sagisu's autism
There you go using that word again.
--- 21633849
Hmmm iine~~
--- 21633859
First time I've ever actually signed up for an email alert for tickets to go on sale. I know it won't sell out, but I've been edging waiting for this movie for two years now and every small step keeps me going.
--- 21634050
i was damn sure that at some point , yamashita would spill some eva aesthethics on kamen rider , i was watching the making of and blamo , here you go , kamen rider eva
--- 21634097
>closest AMC theater is three hours away
Fuck's sake.
--- 21634162
Oddly true
--- 21634190
While I like Yamashita’s designs I’m glad they didn’t go with this
--- 21634206
oh yeah dont get me wrong , i like the subtle updating on the original desing so much that im actually making a cosplay, but my curiosity was making me sick on pondering what would an actual ikuto yamashita kamen rider would look like...
--- 21634218
Here you go https://twitter.com/shiimai/status/1644739982635200513
--- 21634227
>A lot of the Love&Pop bts documentary focuses on how an assistant keeps dropping film reels into the ocean
lmao what, that's completely absurd
--- 21634402
--- 21634768
So what’s next for the Shin Japan Heroes Universe?
--- 21634832
What's even funnier is that the scene they're shooting actually never shows up in the movie
https://youtu.be/GqbugG0S5wI [Embed]
--- 21634838
Another chain called Emagine is showing it on 5/31 as well. Subbed only of course. Nothing on Cinemark or Fathom themselves as of yet.
--- 21634958
This has to be made up lol
--- 21635252
It shows up in this music video for the credits song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFOq7efjwwg [Embed]
I thought it was completely made up and there was never any film involved since Love & Pop is famous for being shot on video tape, but there are a few shots in the music video that are clearly transferred from film.
It's probably just the narration in the bts that's made up
--- 21635578
V3 is a great sequel and filled with stuff you could do. Like you said, the first two eps are a straight up blueprint for a movie, then from there you have characters like Riderman, Doktor G, Baron Tusk, and Marshal Armor to use.
--- 21635757
its legging out pretty well honestly
--- 21635816
No one is Shin V3 until they are explicitly V3.
--- 21636838
VFX Breakdown for Shin Kamen Rider. I wanted to believe the hand was actually a prosthetic so bad.
--- 21636842
They also digitally altered the Combatmen's actors' heights so that they look taller than Kumo-ogu.
--- 21636850
And lastly, a Shin Kamen Rider fanart contest in pixiv. Winner of the contest gets the Shin Kamen Rider DESIGN WORKS artbook as well as a character photobook.
--- 21636892
This where his heel turn arc starts isn't it.
--- 21636927
Scorpion bitch is so annoying and I'm glad she got Rider Kicked into oblivion
--- 21636934
OK but what I really meant to ask there was what do you think kaizo ningen pussy does to a mf?
--- 21636951
She was shot to death
--- 21636955
Nice. I was actually looking for that "Let's Go! Kamen Rider Kick" song on YT earlier today. I found it, but it was the Desperate remix, and it's fucking garbage in comparison. Glad to see they made a more accurate one.
--- 21636963
Do you think it's kinda funny that Kuuga and Ryuki were the last to get properly subbed out of the original ten from the return before Decade only for them to end up being the first of the original ten to get licensed
--- 21637056
How much Bee girl NTR and X RuriRuri smut do you think there will be entered in?
--- 21637112
What do you mean? Like, Bee gets NTRed or Ruri gets NTRed, or Hongo gets NTRed by Bee?
--- 21637173
>>Moshi moshi. Shokka da
--- 21637186
>I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want.
>If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills.
>Skills I have acquired over a very long career.
>Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.
>If you let my daughter go now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you
>but if you don't, I will look for you
>I will find you
>and I will kill you.
--- 21637278
Should have done that for the manlet Hongo.
--- 21637318
I hope we have aus screenings. I'd even go to fucking melbourne just to catch a screening
--- 21637394
I hate it when they say it's worldwide when it's actually not worldwide
--- 21637399
Did you have Shin Ultraman screenings? /are you getting a blu-ray release?
--- 21637429
Oh okay I haven't seen the movie that's even better
--- 21637584
> I:Omiseshiyo! (Ichimonji’s classic line before showcasing his henshin but the kanji makes it so he’s saying let’s open up a shop for the school festival)
>R:Opening up a shop for the school festival means either takoyaki or crepes, not really sure though.
>R:I’ll be getting the flour now.
>I:Hey hey hey arena you being a bit hasty!?
>R:I’m always a step ahead.
>B:I prefer we something different
>R: E~h! Why?
>B: Since Ruriruri is getting into it I just want to annoy her.
>I: Aren’t you a pain in the neck!
>H: I… can’t do service…
>I: Then how about… finance?
>H: My apologies Ichimonji kun…
>I: No apologies! I prefer thanks!
--- 21637613
Why did they make Hongo such an autist anyway?
--- 21637653
Why not?
--- 21637692
Because turning a character into an autist is an easy way to make them lovable dorks.
--- 21637786
Shin V3 and Shin Riderman..
--- 21637804
to differentiate him from Ichimonji more
He was the more serious of the two so Anno probably figured having him be more socially awkward was a more realistic take on that
--- 21639044
Just what is his endgame, bros?
--- 21639057
Do you actually want the answer or…?
--- 21639093
He really should have been a Skull Man-themed Aug.
--- 21639361
Alright so I came back from my third time seeing Shin Kamen rider and to my surprise the theater was almost full
--- 21639369
Hope you had fun, anon.
--- 21639373
I think I’m gonna see it for the second time tomorrow because I loved the cards from the first wave. This fella just arrived today.
--- 21639406
Definitely had fun, I’m even starting to like the 1 vs 2 fight for all its ridiculousness
Fuck I’m jelly
--- 21639409
So what your saying is RIDER SWEEP?
--- 21639410
Also this is like my fifth Ichimonji, why do I keep getting him
--- 21639414
Aww, I even got a Butterfly-aug dog tag too, this is cute and unnoticeable and can be used for regular fashion needs. Sweet
--- 21639478
Avenge his scorpion onee-san GF
--- 21639482
I can't get over how goofy Sasori looks. Everyone look like legit evil kamen rider, meanwhile she looks like a lowbudget cosplayer trying to blend in with the cool guys.
--- 21639484
that's why she's called "so sorry"
--- 21639486
>Hongo, did you fuck my sister?
--- 21639489
No cap he actually says this in the movie
--- 21639528
Is she supposed to have her side of her face disfigured as well?
I have no problem with the gender swap but they could’ve at least done something with the mouth the Scorpion Man had. I know it creeped out a lot of kids back in the day. With the crazy stuff they do in AV I’m sure someone would’ve found it hot.
--- 21639542
I know her mask is a reference to Hell Dragon from Kaiketsu Zubat
--- 21639574
Kumo Aug has disfigured face too but he actually wear helmet. We don't even know if Sasori actually disfigured or she just follow Aug aesthetic in a retarded way.
--- 21639596
Kaijin pussy got me acting strange
--- 21639625
Kumo cut off her arm and Shocker just patched it like it was nothing next chapter. So i think, she doesn't really have any visible injuries and just wear that silly costume for the sake of it.
--- 21641109
I noticed since Shin Ultraman, the design of the heroes are really close to the original but added with new details and accessories, like Shin Ultra omitted the color timer as tribute to Tohl Narita's original art, and Shin KR having them wear coat.
Now if Shin Goranger ever happening, I wonder what element they'll add to the designs.
--- 21641134
Alot of these Shin toku have obscure facts of the franchise put into modern adaptation. Shin Kamen Rider's coat originated from a scrapped concept art of Kamen Rider W
--- 21641143
My guess, leather suits and more complex chest pieces similar to Shin Rider. I wouldn't put it past Anno to do something with the goofy eye holes from the original helmets too.
--- 21641150
I think it would be something like a Zenkai Red but with additional secret agent-themed accessories.
--- 21641175
according to Anno he gave Kamen Rider a trenchcoat because Rider is a 'dark hero' or a shadow, didn't have to do with Double
--- 21641377
Sasori-ogu leak.
--- 21641398
Tokusatsu heroes wearing normal clothes over the suit always looks cool and sexy, imo.
--- 21641399
Any other mirror yet?
--- 21641411
Is the prequel manga canon?
--- 21641414
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwtGTGrypwk [Embed]
--- 21641522
I enjoyed the kino for the second time.
--- 21641526
That looks like an awfully big box for a Tomica toy.
Looks kino, friend.
--- 21641543
How do one earn this
--- 21641588
By watching bug man film
--- 21641668
inb4 they make the NG suit into Shin Goranger
--- 21641677
How do I watching it if I'm in sea
--- 21641736
Tbh I hope they release the new bike that 2+1 rides
--- 21642149
>Anno he gave Kamen Rider a trenchcoat
He didn't. Anno wanted Kamen Rider to look as close as original suit as possible and scrapped every other more creative designs. The coat was an input from Mahiro Maeda himself, originally he only drawn them for the sneak peak posters.
--- 21643243
ooh a dog tag
--- 21643937
Even in the movie she's the worst character
--- 21644127
Batta Aug 01 tag.
I wish I got the butterfly one, that looked really nice.
My package from mercari arrived today, pretty happy with the goodies it comes with. The belt is rather nice and while the sounds are simple, it looks great. Wondering if a CSM with movie ost and voice lines will get released some day.
--- 21644231
I wish they gave her a proper " Rider " helmet like the rest of the cast. That cgi scorpion on her goofy mask looks so stupid.
--- 21644239
It explains origin of the villains in the film. Funny enough, the manga revealed Kumo is gay and Sasori actually in romantic relationship with 0Go.
--- 21644280
What did that look like? I don’t think I’ve seen pics of it.
Is 2+1 in the film for any good length of time?
--- 21644387
I wish I could recall the type but it was sleek as fuck.
He appears at the end holding his new helmet before putting it on and getting in the new cyclone. Then it pans out to him riding on a long bridge as Hongo in the helmet tells him he won’t be alone, they will fight together as one against SHOCKER.
--- 21644490
That sounds awesome. Nigou just oozes gigachad energy. Cobra Aug is fucked.
--- 21644524
>Sasori is a shotacon.
What do you think kaizou ningen pussy does to a man?
--- 21644528
I mean, we know how he turned out in the movie.
--- 21644530
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
--- 21644582
Ammo’s autism knows no bounds does it???
--- 21644617
So I wasn’t mishearing, he really went off to fight Cobra Aug.
Literally kino.
Look at my cards.
--- 21644710
I’d trade you my butterfly one, I just really like Shin Hongo.
--- 21644724
He looks so skinny. She milked him too hard.
--- 21644733
Whats up with Anno? He always make the titular hero bite the dust at the end of Shin movies.
--- 21644844
Last two it was accurate to the originals (Godzilla dies, for now, Ultraman gives up his life and goes back to the land of light so Hayata can live), here it's sort of accurate to the manga. Hongo's a helmet instead of a brain in a jar but its the same outcome more or less, in the sequel he'll just be a helmet piloting a robot body.
--- 21645058
No YOU shut the fuck up, Ichiro
Your Scorpion Onee-san got shot to death and she's never coming back!
--- 21645867
So, was this actually written by Nigou's actor or was it just printed on?
--- 21646009
The actor’s actually write these signatures on a separate piece of paper and that sign gets copied and printed to these other cards, same with the weiss schwartz series
--- 21646773
--- 21646804
>>Shin Ichigo actually RiderKicked a gay man to death
--- 21646805
I was kind of disappointed that the Spider and Bat fight on that card wasn’t in the movie. After looking at all those cards it might have been promo images they shot on the Toei backlot. I remember seeing some pics of samurai dudes in a similar alley.
I love how Bat Man calls him Batta-kun when talking to him.
--- 21646819
Toei did alot of promo photos for fun and not actual spoiler of the movie. This scene doesn't exist in Zi-O movie.
--- 21646823
That bastard!!!! I’m going to call up every theater on Fandango that’s showing it on 5/31 and tell them not to show it. It’s a hateful movie that has a negative vibe towards the LGBTQ2+1 community. He can’t keep getting away with this!!!
What’s next? Is he going to Rider Kick cases of Bud Light????
--- 21646834
Jokes aside, it was very brave of them to actually make an antagonist gay. True equality right here.
--- 21646836
He's also a canon gay rapist.
--- 21646838
>kumo-aug's combatmen are his rape victims
kek based
--- 21646844
There is a reason why they are all males. Just the way he likes it.
--- 21646850
Imagine the sex, holy shit bros. I'm going crazy
--- 21646861
Shut up Kousuke
--- 21646870
>I like how Bat Man calls him Batta-kun when talking to him
Practically none of the Augs ever call Rider Rider and I find that funny
--- 21646876
They call him as he is: Batta Aug
--- 21646958
--- 21646966
Holy shit that reminds me, did you see the VFX breakdown where they adjusted the heights https://twitter.com/Shin_KR/status/1646712919227535361
--- 21646984
I did. They really had to make them taller than Kumo-Aug only for them to be short again when they're fighting Shin-Hongo.
--- 21647004
That combatman who got hurled around was lucky that Hongo only used 10% of his strength to throw him.
--- 21647009
The funnier thing is, the combatmen are also kaijin and sniffed Prana. They supposed to be tanky as fuck but Shin Ichigo just squash them like bunch of tomatoes. Probably the strongest version of Ichigo.
--- 21647015
Is this from supplemental materials or did they spell this out in the movie?
--- 21647036
Combatmen are kaizo ningen, too.
--- 21647048
Shin Kuuga...?
--- 21647071
Fandango's officially selling tickets for my local theater THIS IS IT BOYS
--- 21647074
Have fun on May 31st, anon.
--- 21647075
You already have Shin Kuuga
--- 21647133
Ruriko was born the exact same way as the rest of the combat men and she survived falling down a cliff with zero injuries, the female combat men could tank magazine after magazine of sub machine gun fire with zero pushback as long as their shields held out so yeah they’re pretty strong.
--- 21647156
Figures the only showing is gonna be on a Wednesday while I'm at work.
--- 21647167
Shin Gekko Kamen WHEN?
--- 21647193
Shin Kekko Kamen
--- 21647203
Kumo shouts BATTA AUG almost gleefully upon first appearance then dismisses him when Hongou calls himself rider for the first time. Ngl love the Mefilas vibes he gives off.
I ordered a few more cards because I love how random and non canon some of them are, yet charming.
--- 21647324
Classic Combatmen can even be used as artilleries.
--- 21647545
Holy shit, and people sell these for 100+ dollars online? These are cool but there's no way in hell that I'd pay the price of an actor's actual autograph for something that was just printed on.
--- 21647595
This one even has the one where he’s circled by the Combatmen. Seeing Anno cut so much I’m surprised he did cut that with his shot by shot remake autism. Maybe we’ll get a Shin Kamen Rider 1.11 or 1.12 rebuild.
The other real charm of these cards is the backs are printed like the original cards. I ran across lots of the old ones and they’re the same font and the number at the top. It’s like if Star Wars made new cards with the border of the old Topps ones. Even that retro style album was the first thing to sell out opening day.
--- 21647921
Shin Kamen Rider was still at #4 this weekend. Great legs after a semi rough start
--- 21647923
So is shin the highest grossing Kamen Rider movie now?
--- 21647970
>Go to order tickets for my local theater's showing
>Only two seats have sold since I checked when they went up earlier
>Pick my spot and go to check out
>Booted out immediately because some asshole bought literally every other seat right as I hit the button
Luckily there's another theater about 30 minutes away showing it but fuck.
--- 21648061
What ae the chances of a Shin Ultraman and KR sequel?
--- 21648068
Shin Ultraman has a big chance while Rider is a bit iffy at the moment
--- 21648084
Shin KR seems to be doing pretty well honestly. It had a rough start but it's been moving tickets pretty consistently, to the point it's apparently the highest grossing Kamen Rider movie now, and Toei doesn't seem to be letting up just yet on marketing it. Considering Anno's already been open about his plans for a possible sequel I could see it happening.
--- 21648132
Oh yeah, I’m surprised at how much staying power it has too, it sure loves being a cockroach at the top 5 but I’m worried about how much swaying power the critics have for the film even though it seems like the general audience actually enjoys the film. The the good sales calm me down
--- 21648137
I have never seen Kamen Rider before but I am interested in a modern take on tokusatsu. Should I go see Shin Kamen Rider tonight?
--- 21648145
If you like superheroes then go for it, if you like action go for it, the best way to get a measure for this film is to go for it considering all the reviews for it make it seem like a schizo’s diary considering what all the reviews basically boil down to what one guy seems to like is another’s reason to throw it in the trash.
--- 21648184
yeah, I'm amazed its got such good legs after it initially had a mixed reception from audiences. I wonder what turned it around?
--- 21648191
Toei kicked up the marketing hard after the first couple days. The post-release trailer in particular probably brought in a lot of people compared to the pretty dull one they'd been using up until that point. Then you had stuff like the NHK documentary and the first thirty minutes being shown on TV that likely did a lot to drum up interest, as well as pretty strong word of mouth.
--- 21648206
The movie even having a spin off manga that not only serve as prequel but also expanding its universe. Every seemingly one-off enemy in the film have their own sympathetic backstory. It is a much more polished and well thought Shin project than Shin Ultra, trying to be its own thing instead of a simple nostalgia bait.
--- 21648218
I'll give it a go. My local place is 5 minutes away on foot and they have a showing at 20:25 tonight. Thanks for the advice, friend.
--- 21648310
Hope you enjoy it
--- 21648329
The first poster recreated with actual suit
--- 21648362
So what does 1+ 2 look like
--- 21648442
Shin 1gou/2gou helmet and torso with black gloves.
--- 21648484
--- 21648487
More cards today!
--- 21648492
I wonder if the DVD will show cut content like the shocker riders.
Yeah I really love the cards, they give off an alternate universe vibe where Shin is a tv show instead of a movie.
Has anyone translated the cards? I think they provide good lore for the movie.
--- 21648500
Is it this >>21630380 ?
--- 21648507
Born in a forest in Okutama.
Can bind people in a strong sticky white threads that come out of his mouth.
Is the happiest when killing humans with his own hands.
His joints on the arms and the knees are fragile.
--- 21648535
Koumori Aug
Can fly around in the dark of night and send ultrasonic waves to the enemies brains, causing them pain.
Can bite humans and leave them with a virus that turn them into slaves that kill for him.
He conceals flexible wings that are attached to his body. If destroyed or ripped to pieces he will die.
--- 21648552
Hachi Aug
At the foot of Mt.Fuji.
If the prey is stabbed by her katana they receive a shock.
Can control humans like a puppet, forming an army. Therefore Kamen Rider cannot fight back as it would cause him great pain to attack civilians.
Weaknesses: If the katana is taken, her attacking power is hindered significantly.
--- 21648702
Ichimonji has a lower jump power compared to Hongo due to his heavier weight, however his punch and kick power is stronger. An opponent that Hongo can defeat in 5 punches, Ichimonji can defeat in just 4 punches.
--- 21648707
The Cyclone is an important ally that fights alongside the double riders. It can be called upon by a switch on the side of the belt. It is automated and able to follow the rider by itself. For Hongo it is an important ally as he needs the wind to transform. It so always there to help in times of need.
--- 21648719
Is there a download link for the OST?
--- 21648725
Artificially recreated in a shocker lab artificial womb made from the genes of Dr Midorikawa. She was raised by SHOCKER so she has no proper knowledge of the outside world. Once she felt doubts about the future that her older brother ichiro had plans for, she left the organization with her father.
--- 21648750
Please translate them all.
--- 21648767
I have so much free time so maybe.
It’s good Japanese practice but can’t guarantee I’ll be 100% accurate, so I’ll be taking liberties.
Also gotta collect them all from Mercari, not an easy task…
--- 21649006
I have all of them except for the last recent 10 cards. Let me know which ones you have missing and I will post them.
--- 21649071
Hahha wtf mad lad
They don’t sell those bloody chips in Osaka at all.
How about movie cards?
This 21st the 5 pack is coming out then there’s the final promotional ones
These are whats left
--- 21649127
>>Bat kaijin
>>Can bite humans and leave them with a virus
Anno can't be fucking serious
--- 21649128
He overused Prana and died, anon. Ichimonji is now fighting as a kamen rider to honor him.
--- 21649140
Anon, the Bat kaijin could always do that
--- 21649309
I don't even live in Japan. Lol I just saw someone selling the first 48 cards on mercari for 7,000 yen and bought the rest separately.
I have the movie cards with the blue background (like the ruriko one you posted) but that's it. I will get the ones with the black background when all of them are out because atm, they're kinda pricey.
I'll try putting all those cards in a mega folder for you when I get home from work.
--- 21649327
Here’s 2+1
--- 21649331
Here’s 0
--- 21649436
7000 yen damnnn not bad, I got the latest 16 cards for just 1500 yen cos I was bored but nice grab.
Some of the cards are like “cheer for Kamen rider! Fight!” But I’ll try my best. I’m an amateur translator so mistakes can be made but as someone taking JLPT N2 I ought to give it a shot.
Other anons who wanna try translate should be free to do so as well!
--- 21649454
Ichimonji asked the government men for a new suit and a new cyclone. Hongos mask was repainted, as well as two lines added to his protective suit. Hongos prana is affixed to the mask. Advancing on the New Cyclone, the duo swear to continue the fight against SHOCKER.
--- 21649467
Played by the actor Moriyama Mirai.
Midorikawa Ichiro finished the perfect transformation butterfly type ultimate augment. He can draw out an absolute cluster of prana! Seeking his own way to save humanity, he has gone by the name Kamen Rider 0. His belt is the Kamen Rider 0 Ultimate Half Typhoon (Prototype Remodel Type)
--- 21649472
The first one looks cooler, what a shame
--- 21649484
He can do that in the manga and the original show too
do u even into kamen rider bro?
--- 21649488
Seeing 2+1 for the first time in theaters was the first time I’ve ever appreciated the new Ichigo suit, now it MEANS something to me.
Thank you Anno
--- 21649512
h-hey anon... since you're living in japan and already translating some stuff and all...
surely you could m-maybe try to TL the NHK documentary r-right..?
haha, just kidding....
--- 21649522
Bro I’m sure someone is doing that, I ain’t on the level of translating actual shows yet just text.
--- 21649527
Does he have wings in the movie? He has a set in the 2nd part of his fight in the game. The figure coming out doesn’t have them.
--- 21649539
The wings are symbolic in the first scene as they are behind him but no. He fucks them up with his graceful ballet like prana force pushes. Nigou gets out out of commission for half the fight. Eventually he runs out of prana due to the duo sacrificing their cyclones into the prana stream and it’s a fucking shoving match with both of them spouting ideals and crawling all over each other til ichimonji breaks chou augs helmet by smashing his helmet onto his, allowing Hongo to shove his helmet onto Chouaug and see Ruriko again.
--- 21649549
I don’t care what anyone says that shit was kino as fuck.
--- 21649600
Man in the suit first introduces himself to Hongo and Ruriko, guiding them to Hachi Aug. Ruriko calls her Hiromi, but she reminds her that Hiromi is her old name, now she goes by Hachi Augment.
“I have a request, Hiromi, leave Shocker with me.”
“I also have a request, Ruriruri, come back to SHOCKER with me.”
Negotiations go foul and Hachi Aug Sama asks two combat men to give their prana to her. This kills them as she sucks them dry and activates her Hachi Augmentation power.
Later on, Hongo faces her after dropping from a US bomber plane and rider twirling through the shocker 5g mind control towers. He fights man in the suit with Hachi. They fight Hongo with katanas without activation. Hongo is able to stand at a stalemate, so she asks the man to give his life to her. “Gladly, ojousama”
Hachi Aug takes his life and throws his body to the side like it’s nothing, giving Hongo a katana to fight with and activating her super speed augmentation. This ends the tale of yellow majima in a suit. You will be missed even though you simped.
--- 21649668
Hell ACTUAL BATS have always done that. It's not some magical trait they picked up in the last few years.
--- 21649779
W-where did you find them for 1500?
--- 21649854
It is his throne.
--- 21649856
The final battle had the face actors did the stunt themselves and almost passed out due to how hot the suits are.
--- 21650252
A small price to pay for AESTHETICS
(For legal reasons this is a joke)