4chan-datasets / m /21589985.txt
lesserfield's picture
Mon May 1 09:49:12 UTC 2023
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--- 21589998
Prompt : Tekkaman. Draw your Tekkaman OC, or fanarts, or just your personal take on Tekkaman design ( I just simply like Tekkaman, ok?).
- No free shit. Yes you read that, no free request. Not a request thread, not a free commission thread.
- Be civil. This is not a professional recruitment thread or a thread for you to bully or harrass other drawfags just because they are not as good as you. Any skill levels are welcommed.
- No A.I. Draw thread, not Keyboard Typing thread. This rule includes A.I overpaint.
- Feel free to advertise yourself here.
--- 21591702
so for gunshots it's one hole and then a bunch of smaller dots around it right?
also bump
--- 21591718
I would love to see this in Dragon Heaven's color style.
--- 21591726
would love to but i'm on pen and paper lineart mode until the end of the month...
anyone's free to give it a shot if they want to color it though, it's just for a more private thing i'm doing with some friends
--- 21593347
--- 21594563
I have some DG Rain stuff if you want me to share.
--- 21595289
Nah, it's usually a lot cleaner. Just look up penetration tests for small and large caliber both.
--- 21596077
would something like this work?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBJIq9HFecU [Embed]
--- 21598382
Started off as Linebarrel but ended up being some weird Linebarrel inspired thing? I don't know. This is my first time attempting mecha so I probably shoulda went for something more simple
--- 21598420
it looks very cool anon
the shoulders look a bit off but that's a nitpick
>first time attempting mecha so I probably shoulda went for something more simple
there's nothing wrong with starting off with something like a tetsujin-type. those older mecha are basically your basic art mannequins but thicker so they make for easy practice
--- 21599545
>>21589985 (OP)
what happened to the last draw thread? Its not even showing in the archive. Did the jannies activate?
--- 21599789
i think it just died
the last post in it is older than the last post in the archive
--- 21599825
>>what happened to the last draw thread?
I think it died like weeks ago
--- 21602679
any ideas on how to make a literal spear-head? making a hammer-head was easy enough since i could just use a disc radome, but i can't seem to come up with something as neat for a spear-themed head
--- 21602684
sorry about that i'm really getting my files mixed today
here's the pic
--- 21602702
Ornamental Pickelhaube or a more rounded antenna fin of some sort
--- 21602710
oh, the pickelhaube is a classic design. maybe i'll have it swept back too
--- 21602722
>>21589985 (OP)
smol hed but well-looking, nice style (even if it's messy)
>thick thighs, spread legs, suggestively bent knee
--- 21602742
please don't fuck the mecha corpse
--- 21604669
i think i'll try to get to work on day 31 early
--- 21605376
>>21589985 (OP)
I drew this
I hope I did the design language right. You should be able to know what color its armor is despite it being a sketch.
--- 21605377
--- 21605380
I fucked up
--- 21605408
--- 21606144
the shoulder's fucked, but i finished it at least
--- 21606165
is it the left arm being too big? i probably wouldn't have noticed if you didn't point it out, nice work
--- 21607159
>>21589985 (OP)
I love how you're able to convey such a striking form with all those wild paint strokes.
This is beautiful, if I find the time, I might color this if you don't mind!
Beautiful shading and very nice sound effects.
If this is your first attempt at mecha, congrats, it's a lot better than my first attempt. Keep practicing and within a year or two you'll make some really nice stuff.
I wish I could draw 3D shapes as nice as you do, my stuff always looks a bit flat.
Once again, very nice. A closer perspective might look better but you're drawing a new picture every day for March so I don't mind.
This looks a bit awkward and flat, but I really like the butt thruster
Armored Core's super hard for me to draw, but you do a pretty good job, I like it a lot.
Here's my very late contribution to the thread, its name is Zeltacon Plus
--- 21607681
March is now over, did any of you manage to do the March of Robots thing?
--- 21608114
--- 21608657
>This is beautiful, if I find the time, I might color this if you don't mind!
i don't mind, feel free to give it a shot
some of the techniques you do can already help with the 3D stuff
breaking up the edge lines helps the armor seem less like stuck-together panels, and at a high level the ideal would be to completely let go of edge lines and let the lighting indicate shape
--- 21611892
Hopefully Mega Man and pixelshit / voxelshit are on-topic enough to post here.
The thread prompt sounds pretty interesting too. Hopefully I'll be able to get something Tekkaman related done before this hits the image limit.
--- 21611896
oh, don't worry about it. i think people got tired from last month so posts are probably going to be pretty slow
--- 21613367
you have a really good sense for doing torso designs
whenever i try to do a FSS study it always just ends up having a box for a chest....
--- 21618548
--- 21618574
>This looks a bit awkward and flat
I'll see what I can do with that. Thanks.
--- 21618580
nta but the line shading feels really nice on this, well done
--- 21621449
How do you guys come up with SFX anyways?
--- 21621616
>>21589985 (OP)
Did a quick RX-78 with a Gurren Lagann style cockpit and Amuro doing the Gainax pose
--- 21621897
Drew a 'stealth Gundam' for a client, he named it the Gundam Harrier. I'm proud of the head on this one
--- 21622187
this looks sick
i feel like you could've made the perspective a little more dynamic but that's just nitpicking
it kinda gives me ZII vibes, well done.
--- 21629834
i haven't watched any mazinger, is the choppy movement while he's turning supposed to be intentional or is it bevause you're going to add more inbetween frames later?
either way it looks very good
--- 21630775
you guys ever considered making a flockmod or some other kind of group drawboard for these threads?
i think it'd be cool
--- 21630783
is flockmod a good one? i'm more familiar with drawpile, aggie.io and whiteboardfox on other boards
--- 21630795
well i havent used all the ones you've mentioned so i cant really compare them, but I think its pretty good.
whats nice is it has both a stand alone app and a browser version
but i'd be down with whatever you guys prefer, it'd be nice to learn from other draw anons
--- 21630798
It's because I don't know my animation fundies and I turn off my brain when I animate.
Drawpile works best with multiple people in my experience, aggies likes to glitch out and delete stuff when there's more than 2 people.
--- 21630832
finished this Dai-Guard drawing, been a while since the last time i drew mecha.
what do you think
now im just gonna go back drawing vtubers and FGO porn again
--- 21630993
a really nice sense of perspective, it really feels like you were standing there in front of that foot. the shading is excellent too
--- 21631281
Just started messing with this, it's John Metroid but as a GN Archer
--- 21631289
Oops, didn't mean to upload it transparently
--- 21631384
Goddamn, I love seeing you dudes draw. Really inspiring to me- I wish I could draw, but I sadly can only paint miniatures adequately.
Keep up the good work, everyone!
--- 21631617
somehow it doesn't scream "john metroid" to me without the huge bulbous shoulder armor. still looks pretty sick, though
--- 21631630
Thanks. It's based off the initial suit in Dread, so I figured it was only right to leave the shoulders more de-emphasized than they would have been if it had been the varia/gravity suit (not to mention they're just not as prominent in Dread compared to the varia suit of most other games).
--- 21631646
>not to mention they're just not as prominent in Dread
aaaaah, definitely. now i'm not really sure if it's missing anything
--- 21631700
Had to grab from my DA page since my original work for it is on a damaged HD I am having recovering.
At the time I created the original version (back in 99), I called him Tekkaman Edge, not realizing how that word would evolve once the Internet got a hold of it. If I was renaming him, it'd be something closer to Knight or such.
--- 21631748
it looks regal in those colors, yeah.
--- 21631998
Really nice, anon.
>now im just gonna go back drawing vtubers and FGO porn again
We all need to make a living, don't we?
--- 21632111
do you have starting prices for commissions listed anywhere? maybe you don't have to go back to drawing FGO porn just yet
--- 21633476
--- 21634040
I love draw threads
--- 21634378
i can only do crude sketches of the general ideas i have
eventually i hope to be able to 3d model them
--- 21635768
i love how these are proportioned. that side armor bit on the front-facing leg feels a little off, though.
would you be open to someone trying to clean that one up for you?
--- 21635991
>would you be open to someone trying to clean that one up for you?
by all means
--- 21636932
Got commissioned to draw this by someone who liked my previous mecha Shuten Douji. It feels nice when someone appreciates your fetish and subpar skills.
--- 21636999
oni robo feet
--- 21637007
that is a pretty cool design
--- 21637754
Not sure if this counts, but I picked up air dry clay for the first time a couple days ago. I've been trying to learn on the fly by building this SD mech guy
--- 21637760
not bad so far. i wish i was more familiar with scratchbuilding so i could help you out. will you be making molds too?
--- 21637765
Dunno shit about molds, I played with modeling clay as a kid in a more additive fashion so for now I'm just trying to see how far I can get that way (although it's really throwing me for a loop that I essentially have to use a kind of glue to attach some pieces to others and it's making me have to figure out alternative ways of adding detail)
--- 21638163
Anybody like Mazinger USA?
--- 21640078
--- 21640186
these are really good joint studies, well done
--- 21640653
thanks, i was mostly trying to see if sliding rails on rings could work for arms
--- 21641438
I really like the rightmost middle row leg, it would look good on an industrial not-Zaku design like the Tieren.
First I've ever heard of it, but the fact that the princess character seems to spend all her time topless has motivated me to look it up.
--- 21641655
My mecha comic
--- 21642866
It's a nice little comic
--- 21642928
I really like how you colored the Majinga.
--- 21642948
Thank you, I think it turned out kinda messy though
--- 21642977
Well you are the artist but I think it gives it a nice metallic reflective look.
--- 21643495
clean up is done
--- 21643753
thats a huge bird!
nice job
--- 21643953
Just read it, Nagai + 80s Heavy Metal aesthetics was fucking great. I'm not that fond of Nagai manga compared to Ishikawa, but the beautiful colours really adds a lot. I guess it would be hard to find physical copies now, I wonder if there would be Japanese versions on Mandarake or something.
--- 21644141
I'm also very fond of it, only bad thing about it is how short it is. I don't think it's very rare if you want to own it, I bought mine used from a comic book store in like 2006 for peanuts, its printed on large paper, very much worth owning imo.
--- 21644625
Is 3D fine too? Trying to get the hang of Blockbench.
--- 21646328
Gave it a new pose and colored it.
I'm actually kinda amazed that I could harness the BOTTOMLESS PIT OF HATRED AND RAGE that AI-fags have uncovered within me in a productive and creative manner.
--- 21646340
i don't see why not
iirc there was a artfag a few years back or so in these threads who showed how he was using sketchup for his mecha art
--- 21648314
--- 21649890
excellent work. you really brought out the best aspects of the gelgoog here
--- 21651702
play srw gc or something
--- 21655466
--- 21656400
We gained cool colored gelgoog, but lost the bird...
--- 21660383
is it proper etiquette to make a new thread at this point instead of bumping?
genuinely asking
--- 21661137
ball wheels
--- 21662182
Fucking why.
--- 21662248
this rough design came out pretty nicely, well done
--- 21663016
why what?
--- 21663716
The thread might be slow but so is the rest of the board. There's absolutely no point in making a new thread when the current one is still way below bump/image limit.
--- 21665229
Do you like ACs?
--- 21665511
gotcha, thanks
great sketch btw
--- 21666049
I like the designs and even bought some of the Kotobukiya models, but I got filtered so hard by AC3 as a teenager that I didn't touch an AC game for 20 years. That was drawn for a guy in /tg/ by the way.
--- 21667572
Must be hell on soft terrain without booster aid.
--- 21668725
>>21589985 (OP)
Good drawing
--- 21672925
ACVI looks really cool, I wonder how much my old geezer reflexes will be filtered by it this time.
--- 21673384
Fun design.
--- 21678495
looked slower this time around
i'm sure singleplayer won't be as bad
--- 21680591
Artstyle looks similar but I'll say I like how you shade by using actual different colors instead of just "dark and lower opacity." I never got into comics because I found the colors to be too distracting, but I really enjoy how you color the mechas it's the closest you can get to traditional on digital.
--- 21680983
moon! moon!