escape .
i was used to so little attention with nolan being the first-born son , the one who could do no wrong .
id made straight as in school , and had done my best to make something of myself .
now with college over , i was at a loss .
that jobs were so hard to come by didnt help , either .
what would i do now to try to win their love and attention ?
find a wealthy husband ?
find an amazing job ?
frustration snowballed with the pain building inside me .
im heading home .
good night , everyone .
i walked out of the house , making my retreat .
nolan was at the window of my car before i could get the engine started .
sis ?
whats wrong ?
are you still a bit ... uh ... upset after the mugging ?
i rested my forehead against the steering wheel .
please dont tell mom and dad .
i hated the fact ethan had told nolan .
that was the last thing i needed .
its okay .
i wont tell them .
but just know if you need to talk , im here for you , okay ?
i looked at him , and he flashed a boyish grin , as if that would help .
but i guess it did .
he had his own way of making me feel better .
i knew he cared .
however , i refused to get anyone else involved in my problems .
jessa had told me what to do , even if the advice had hurt .
i needed to let go of my fear and practice my magic .
no one else needed to be involved .
no one .
not even jessa .
shed said she would call , but so far , she hadnt .
i guess that could be expected .
maybe we had both mishandled the situation .
whatever .
thanks , nolan .
ill be at home .
tell everyone im sorry .
i just need my space , i guess .
dont be like those people who get really depressed around the holidays though , sis .
that mugger was probably looking for money .
people are crazier around this time of the year , you know ?
he shrugged , then patted me on the shoulder .
if one more person touched me , i swore i would hurt them .
just be careful and stay safe .
if only id been mugged , then id be happier .
random attacks happened all the time .
but this had been due to some werewolf , who was pissed off about a potion id made .
some human guy who needed money for booze didnt bother me , but a werewolf ?
that was serious business .
take care , i said , pulling out of the driveway and onto the road .
i didnt want to go home .
i wanted to go somewhere else .
somewhere far from my usual hangouts .
somewhere safe .
after driving around the neighborhood a little , i pulled into a fast food restaurant .
inside , i ordered a coke , then sat in one of the booths trying to collect my thoughts , when the last person in the world id suspect to be there showed up .
mr. way-too-sexy ... werewolf .
my heart dropped in my stomach , and real terror bubbled up within me .
jessa had warned me about letting go of fear .
if i didnt , i would be crippling my ability to protect myself .
however , being in a public place like this would hinder both him and me .
he wouldnt be able to assault me , unless he didnt care about revealing what he was to the general public , and i couldnt cast spells .
however , that was a lot better than him following me home .
but he was here , and that either was a scary coincidence or he knew where my parents lived .
how could that be ?
he walked straight to my table , plopping down in the booth across from me .
you did something to that potion , didnt you ?
its not reacting as it was supposed to .
he didnt sound mad ; more , a cold and uncaring vibe came off him .
i opened my mouth to say something , but he shushed me .
make more .
not the creamy stuff .
make a liquid potion .
his gaze flicked to the people walking by the table .
if you dont , ill kill you and your whole family .
you tried killing me at the airport .
how can i expect you not try something , regardless ?
i didnt know for certain if that had been him at the airport , but it was a pretty good guess .
he was the only werewolf i knew , and the visit from jessa had pointed in that direction too .
youve got it wrong .
i wasnt trying to kill you .
if i had , youd be dead already .
think of it more like i was gaining your attention .
besides , your friend is good stock .
our pack needs numbers .
were weak , and we need to remedy that .
by killing off your kind ?
i shook my head .
i know why youre coming to me , and its not to heal whoever you were talking about in my friends shop .
you want to poison them .
im not stupid .
sliding into my booth before i could react , he blocked my best path of escape .
he circled his arm around my shoulders , either to intimidate me or make anyone watching think we were a couple .
the desire to elbow him in the ribs rose within me , but he was a freaking werewolf , for crying out loud .
the guy could probably crush me with his pinky finger .
if youre not stupid , youll do as i say .
because i am not all about talk .