she was still out like a light .
id anticipated her being awake and gone by the time i came down for breakfast , but there she was .
her arm dangled toward the floor , and she made the softest , cutest snore id ever heard .
her red hair spread out around her head like a halo , and i wanted to bury my face in that thick mane , feeling the silk of it against my skin .
no , she whispered , rolling to her side .
get off .
i took a few steps closer , wondering if she was talking to me , but her eyes were shut .
should i wake her ?
i toyed with the thought , but she shot straight up into a sitting position .
the sound of her rapidly beating heart filled my ears .
yet another werewolf attribute taking root .
i clenched my hands into fists , wanting to be mad , but i could only see how beautiful mia was .
im brewing some coffee .
want would you like ?
she jumped nearly a foot off the couch and yipped .
you scared me , ethan .
sorry .
guess i thought you heard me come down stairs .
i walked toward my dads armchair , so she wouldnt have to strain her neck to look at me .
something to drink ?
she ran her gaze over my bare chest and her mouth dropped open .
the fact she was as attracted to me as i was her made me happy .
what made me happier was that nolan had taken off for work already .
now id be able to figure out what shed wanted to tell me last night .
maybe wed do something else , too .
i shoved the thought aside before my dick swelled .
the last thing i needed was that kind of distraction .
she blinked , looking me in the eye .
do you have any hot tea ?
thats right .
she didnt drink coffee .
she preferred tea .
i shouldve remembered .
unfortunately , neither nolan nor i kept any around .
no , sorry .
we have apple juice , though .
sure .
she climbed off the couch , yawning .
you guys couldve woken me up and told me to go home .
nah , we wouldnt have done that .
truth be told , its better if you stay here .
safer .
you can sleep in my room , if you want .
her eyes widened .
ill sleep on the couch , of course .
even if i would rather sleep in the same bed as her .
no way .
i wouldnt want to impose .
i can sleep on the couch .
smiling , she ran her hand through her hair as if trying to brush it with her fingers .
ill need to stop by my place and get some toiletries and clothes , if i do that .
we should probably ask nolan about it , too ?
its my house .
besides , he agrees with me .
i waved her toward the kitchen .
if you want some breakfast , we have eggs and bacon .
theres cereal , pancakes , you name it .
are you sure ?
i dont stop .
just tell me what youd like .
she bit her lower lip .
at least let me help .
i could wash dishes even .
fine .
dishes it is .
i didnt really like doing them anyway .
that chore fell to nolan , but he usually tries to put it back on me .
bacon and eggs sounds good .
she went to the fridge , grabbing the juice , while i measured the water for coffee .
nolan had drunk whatever hed made this morning , but that worked since i preferred drinking it fresh .
i set a glass out for her on the counter , then scooped some grounds into the coffee pots filter .
when i went to the fridge , i collided with mia .
she squeaked and the juice container slipped from her fingers .
i grabbed it before it hit the floor .
my newfound reflexes surprised me .
while id always had quick reaction times , i couldnt help but stare at my hand as if they were someone elses .
i leaned against the counter , not knowing what else to do .
mia placed her cool hand on my arm , tentatively at first , then she embraced me .
her hands circled my waist , and she pressed her cheek against my back .
itll be okay .
im here for you .
i appreciate you trying to comfort me , but you said it yourself : werewolves have violent tendencies .
who says ill be any different ?
what about my career ?
i placed my hand over hers .
being this close to her felt right .
the need to claim her overrode all reason .
youre different than him .
maybe not all werewolves are bad .
she tensed her grip on me a little .
maybe i would be different , but i noticed how she said nothing about my career .
what did you want to tell me last night ?
you were at a fast food restaurant , and you saw someone or something .
rage burned my insides .
as soon as the words left my mouth , i knew whom shed seen .
why shed come to me to talk .
if only i had taken her aside and listened then , but id been concerned with nolan becoming suspicious .
the last thing i needed was him sticking his nose in our business .
it was too dangerous for him to get involved .
the less he knew the better .