come on , mia .
dont be like this .
were going to make sure youre safe .
a fierce protectiveness flared within me .
it slammed in my gut , nearly doubling me over .
i gripped the arm of the couch to keep myself from falling .
when i caught a look at her , her eyes were wide with panic .
oh , no ... . no , no , no ... .
this cant be happening .
she whispered the words , but i could hear them as if she were talking normally .
realization flooded my senses .
i lifted my shirt to see that the claw marks were gone .
there were no scars , nothing to signify that id been attacked last night .
mia , does this mean ... ?
sorry .
im so sorry .
she rubbed her arms , wincing when she hit the bruises .
i never shouldve gotten into this mess .
never shouldve let you get involved .
my heart pounded in my chest and i slumped into the couch .
life had upended itself , and id been home for less than twenty-four hours .
part of me wished i was back in the desert .
while it was dangerous , it didnt rival the level of complexity id been hit with since coming back .
fuck .
i stood , my body moving on its own volition .
a werewolf had attacked mia , and now id been turned into the same beast !
i didnt stop when i hit the front door .
ethan , wait !
mia stood on her front porch , the blanket long gone .
where are you going ?
i need to clear my head .
this is way too much .
i continued walking away , not looking forward to dinner at her parents later .
if my life was going to be spent as a werewolf , then i had no idea what id do .
life kept hitting me with curveballs .
one day id learn to catch them .
but maybe that day was one too late .
chapter ten mia sitting opposite ethan at the dinner was horrible .
for a while , i wasnt sure hed even show up .
my mind flashed back to seeing him at my home , seeing his eyes change color for that brief moment .
god , he was a werewolf .
the thing id feared had come to pass .
i looked over at him , but he hadnt even glanced in my direction the entire time .
maybe he was as worried about what was happening as me .
i only wished he wouldnt shut me out .
whatever feelings wed had before seemed like they were gone .
so gone .
this wasnt the ethan id known .
he was colder , as if he blamed me for what he had become .
i wanted to cry so much , but i couldnt .
not right now .
my parents would ask too many questions , and id be forced to lie .
they could never know .
id rather run away from home than involve them in my mess .
if he wanted to act this way , then fine , i didnt need to be daydreaming about him .
or thinking about him , period .
besides , i had a boyfriend .
while i was at my limit with greg , especially after seeing the bruises hed left on my arm , i shouldnt be getting hot and heavy with ethan , or having emotions for him while i was in a relationship .
i shoved my food around on my plate .
my appetite was long gone .
i ate a few bites of the meatloaf and broccoli , but not much .
when everyone else was starting to wrap up , i was the first one out of the dining room .
i leaned against the kitchen counter and looked out the window into the darkened backyard .
memories of playing there and trying to get nolans and ethans attention came rushing back .
but the two boys were older and had had each other , while id had no one .
i had always been the outsider , had always felt like i didnt belong .
maybe it was coming full circle , that ethan was forgetting my existence .
that was surprising , since the love potion was still in his system .
but if he was becoming a werewolf , maybe the potion had burned off faster in him than it had in me .
my emotions for him were still raw and aching .
i had no idea .
mia ?
my moms voice drew my attention to her .
is everything okay ?
youre so quiet today .
she placed a hand on my shoulder , and i fought not to wince .
the healing salve hadnt done so great for me .
then again , it wasnt every day that i battled werewolves and got body- slammed into cars .
yeah , mom .
im fine .
i think ill take off a little early .
i and miss the liquor ?
nolan burst into the room , with ethan hanging back in the doorway .
ethans gaze met mine for the first time since this afternoon , and i froze , feeling a surge of nausea punch me in the gut .
i returned my attention to nolan .
yeah , i think oh , come on , mia .
dad smiled in that generously happy way of his .
dont miss out on the best part of dinner .
mom cleared her throat , and he shot her a goofy grin .
you know im joking .
whats wrong , sweetheart ?
he pulled me in for a bear hug , and my eyes rolled back in my skull .
pain shot through my body like an unholy beast .
the desire to scream mingled with my bodys need to pass out .
i bit my tongue hard , trying not to vocalize my pain and push away .
im fine .
really .
my voice cracked , and i cleared my throat .
having everyone ask made me even more uncomfortable .
i wanted to run from the room .