Korea: Forgotten Conflict is a real-time strategy game.
即时战略(英语:Real-time Strategy,简称RTS)游戏是战略游戏的一种。
Guy, although only king by right of marriage, endeavoured to retain his crown, although the rightful heir was Sibylla's half-sister Isabella.
The Middle Low German language is an ancestor of modern Low German.
This would let them live in oxygen-poor water, or pursue small prey in shallow water.
The rocking horse (on bow rockers) was developed at the same time in England, especially with the wealthy as it was thought to develop children's balance for riding real horses.
摇摇马(英语:rocking horse)约在同一时期在英国出现,尤其当时的有钱人认为这对在真正骑马时的平衡感有帮助。
The Office of the Chief Minister of Penang is housed within Komtar as well.
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In 2004 a known human carcinogen, 4-aminobiphenyl or 4-ABP, was found in some commercial hair dyes.
His father abandoned their household when he was 10 years old.
The governments of Iran and Pakistan soon began to argue about the ownership of the mummy.
On September 8, 2010, Mike Portnoy announced he would be leaving Dream Theater.
1871 – Homosexuality is criminalized throughout the German Empire by Paragraph 175 of the Reich Criminal Code; Guatemala and Mexico decriminalize homosexual acts.
1871年 – 根据德国刑事法第175条,同性恋在德意志帝国全面有罪化;危地马拉和墨西哥将同性恋行为去罪化。
The second and third are reflecting two "how"-related dimensions – its process.
The title's theme song, "VS", was performed by misono, a singer who had previously performed the theme song for Tales of Symphonia while she was still a member of Japanese band Day After Tomorrow.
The yuletide candlelight event in Seymour St. John Chapel includes Bible readings, music by Choate choruses, and instrumental groups, and carol-singing by the congregation.
Because it was used alone, not as just a placeholder, this Hellenistic zero was the first documented use of a true zero in the Old World.
Any reassignment after the first month or two is no longer considered an "early reassignment".
在出生第一个月或第二个月后的任何重新登记不再被视为“ 婴儿期的重新登记”。
Both countries are full members of the Union for the Mediterranean.
Gaiman's next novel, Anansi Boys, was conceived before American Gods and shares a character, Mr. Nancy (Anansi, the spider god of African legend).
实际上作者盖曼随后的作品Anansi Boys早于《美国众神》 构思,二者共享了一个人物——Mr. Nancy。
According to the Global Wind Energy Council, the development of wind energy in China, in terms of scale and rhythm, is absolutely unparalleled in the world.
Smaller-scale earthquakes in the region also made regular renovations necessary.
Dykes to Watch Out For is the origin of the "Bechdel test", which has become a frequently used metric in cultural discussion of film.
《Dykes to Watch Out For》是“贝克德尔测验”的起源,它已成为电影文化讨论中经常使用的度量标准。
The Eastern Jin's government was dominated to a large extent by powerful generals such as Wang Dun and Huan Wen.
Discontinued in 1997.
Cooper had wanted to include a restriction on forces entering Cambodia as well, but Mike Mansfield, who helped Cooper write the amendment, feared that Cambodian Prince Norodom Sihanouk, who was officially neutral in the conflict, might be offended.
Hydroelectric power from the Thika River supplies a significant portion of Kenya's electricity.
In 1828, with emerging industrialization, the "Saxon Technical School" was founded to educate skilled workers in technological subjects such as mechanics, mechanical engineering and ship construction.
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In his boyhood he twice enlisted in the French army, but his father procured his discharge on both occasions.
Gal joined Mozilla in 2008 and built TraceMonkey, the first JavaScript just-in-time compiler in a web browser, only weeks before Google announced Chrome and the V8 JavaScript engine.
A few Chinese traders also settled in Samoa and raised local families, and maintained close ties with Samoa's paramount chief, Malietoa Laupepa.
一些中国商人也在萨摩亚定居,加入了当地的家庭,并与萨摩亚的大酋长劳埃帕(Malietoa Laupepa)保持着密切的联系。
She died in 1991 and is little-known in comparison to some other women artists including Grace Cossington Smith and Clarice Beckett, but her fortunes were revived somewhat as a central figure in Anne Summers' 2009 book The Lost Mother.
The singer used a vocoder to create an "emotional" and "vulnerable" sound for the track.
Digital Research became aware that an operating system similar to CP/M was being sold by IBM (under the same name that IBM insisted upon for CP/M), and threatened legal action.
Digital Research查觉到IBM正在贩售和CP/M很类似的操作系统(而且还跟当初IBM谈判时坚持的名称相同),于是扬言要提出法律诉讼。
Four acts topped the chart for the first time in 2008.
The Romanian army withdrew from Hungary between October 1919 and March 1920.
The proposal for 2007–2008 and the subsequent 12 seasons allows taking 50 per year.
In most cases it is controlled from within the SuperCollider programming language, but it can be used independently.
The sun is a reference to the owner of the house in the 18th century, named Barou du Soleil.
太阳是18世纪的房主Barou du Soleil的标志。
The intent was to broaden the international spotlight on North Korea's nuclear program to human rights.
For example, in the context of mainstream consumer products, an automobile lacking a reverse gear could be considered unusable according to the former view, and lacking in utility according to the latter view.
Immediately after World War II, Americans began living in increasing numbers in the suburbs, belts around major cities with higher density than rural areas, but much lower than urban areas.
Those who surrender themselves at the feet of the Lord, by whatever name they may call Him, in whatever form they may meditate on Him -- if they can do that with a sincere and devoted heart, they will surely get the grace of the Almighty.
Depending on the system, hydraulic fuses may reset automatically after a delay, or may require manual re-opening.
President Barack Obama, in an end-of-year press speech on December 19, commented on the Sony hacking and stated that he felt Sony made a mistake in pulling the film, and that producers should "not get into a pattern where you are intimidated by these acts".
The four swivel-mounted torpedo tubes were also removed during this period.
They performed together for more than forty years and made numerous recordings together.
Klaproth found that it contained a new element and named it for the Titans of Greek mythology.
Their bodies are rarely rendered with the detail shown on their faces.
The skeleton ~/.bash_profile below is compatible with the Bourne shell and gives semantics similar to csh for the ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_login.
下面这个 ~/.bash_profile 的框架与 Bourne shell 兼容,并且为 ~/.bashrc 和 ~/.bash_login 提供类似于 csh 的语义。
Full-speed debuggers also utilize dynamic recompilation to reduce the space overhead incurred in most deoptimization techniques, and other features such as dynamic thread migration.
Some of Cuvier's most influential followers were Louis Agassiz on the continent and in the United States, and Richard Owen in Britain.
He has plunged into occult sciences and commands the mighty powers of darkness, but neither they nor anything in this world can give him the forgetfulness to which alone he vainly aspires.
On February 29, 2008, Reloaded released a cracked version of Assassin's Creed, a month before its release on March 28.
A similar effort was undertaken in the Balkans in 1912.
On 12 June 2006, in the "Letter to Hong Kong" radio programme aired on the RTHK, the former Anglican Archbishop Peter Kwong stated that he hoped the school-based ordinance would not turn out to be an infamous piece of legislation because the public at large realised the ordinance contained a lot of loopholes and traps.
Zuckerberg faced expulsion and was charged with breaching security, violating copyrights and violating individual privacy.
In 1931 he also masterminded Athletic's 12–1 victory over Barcelona, the latter's worst ever defeat.
他在1931年炮制出12-1大胜巴塞罗那的战绩,这是巴塞罗那最大的一场败仗 。
The Supreme Court has continued to grapple with the question of affirmative action in higher education.
Nanotechnology is often defined as the study of materials and devices with features on a scale below 100 nanometers.
See also Gauss's law for gravity, and Gauss's law for magnetism.
这里,我们要从必欧-沙伐定律推导出安培定律和高斯磁定律 (Gauss's law for magnetism)。
The Best Actor award was presented by Jane Fonda and Helen Mirren.
In the European Conference for Renewable Energy in Berlin in 2004, the EU defined ambitious goals of its own.
Lord Eustace Percy left the Cabinet.
Speaking with Vanity Fair in July 2009, Wareheim said that season five (or "Season Cinco") would represent "a very dark side of the Awesome Show series.
In addition, law required a longer course of study, giving Kafka time to take classes in German studies and art history.
Krebs, who spoke Russian, informed Chuikov that Hitler and Eva Braun, his wife, had killed themselves in the Führerbunker.
Bentley's response was tentative, but after being assured that the setlist consisted mostly of tracks from How Could Hell Be Any Worse?, he agreed to return for one show, and ended up staying on because he had so much fun.
在一开始Bentley对邀请有一点犹豫,可是在确认乐团演出的大部分歌曲都是来自How Could Hell Be Any Worse唱片后,他答应了回到乐队来演出一次,最后因为觉得有趣所以决定继续留下。
Their hair is 2–4 cm (0.79–1.57 in) long, with gray, white, and black bands; it is silky, extremely soft, and firmly adhered to the skin.
他们的毛有2-4厘米(0.79-1.57英寸)长 ,并且有灰色、白色和黑色的带;这些毛不仅顺滑,而且又极其柔软,牢牢着在皮肤上。
He quickly broke all his promises.
Survival for lung cancer falls as the stage at diagnosis becomes more advanced: the English data suggest that around 70% of patients survive at least a year when diagnosed at the earliest stage, but this falls to just 14% for those diagnosed with the most advanced disease (stage IV).
By seeking to displace this protection and treating those persons as living in marriages less respected than others, the federal statute is in violation of the Fifth Amendment.
Knowing the sizes and temperatures of the stars they were able to measure the absolute magnitude of the stars.
With the development of plate tectonics in the 1960s, geologists such as Arthur Holmes and John Tuzo Wilson concluded that the Atlantic Ocean must have had a precursor before the time of Pangaea.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Another contentious aspect of the razor is that a theory can become more complex in terms of its structure (or syntax), while its ontology (or semantics) becomes simpler, or vice versa.
Monotremes, only five species of which exist, all from Australia and New Guinea, are mammals that lay eggs.
Zoom to see hundred boundaries.
During the Korean War, many inactive Navy vessels were recommissioned.
Enslaved African Americans had not waited for Lincoln before escaping and seeking freedom behind Union lines.
The United States District Court for the District of Minnesota released its judgement on October 19, 1973, finding in Honeywell v. Sperry Rand that the ENIAC patent was a derivative of John Atanasoff's invention.
Uhtred does not like breaking oaths, and is therefore hesitant if he must make one.
Hamlet-like legends are so widely found (for example in Italy, Spain, Scandinavia, Byzantium, and Arabia) that the core "hero-as-fool" theme is possibly Indo-European in origin.
哈姆雷特式的传奇广泛存在(如在意大利、西班牙、拜占庭、阿拉伯等地),其核心主题“英雄是傻瓜”可能发源于印欧地区 。
In between the Sertoli cells are spermatogenic cells, which differentiate through meiosis to sperm cells.
The remnant of this supernova was identified in 1941 at the Mount Wilson Observatory.
Beck, like all subsequent authors, considered N. edgeworthii to be conspecific with N. edwardsiana.
之后的贝克及后来的学者都认为“N. edgeworthii”与爱德华猪笼草是同一个物种。
By selecting a point along the root locus that coincides with a desired damping ratio and natural frequency, a gain K can be calculated and implemented in the controller.
Whether or not Einstein's brain was preserved with his prior consent is a matter of dispute.
This immediately made her a target for the next Tribal Council.
Zbigniew Preisner (Polish: ; born 20 May 1955 as Zbigniew Antoni Kowalski) is a Polish film score composer, best known for his work with film director Krzysztof Kieślowski.
泽贝纽·普莱斯纳 (Zbigniew Preisner,1955年5月20日-)是一位波兰作曲家、电影配乐家,他最知名的作品是与电影导演克日什托夫·基斯洛夫斯基合作的电影。
McConaughey started the just keep livin foundation, which is "dedicated to helping teenage kids lead active lives and make healthy choices to become great men and women".
麦康纳坚信名言“Just Keep Livin”,主要用于“致力于帮助青少年儿童积极生活,并做出健康的选择,成为伟大的男人和女人”。
His book Evolution of the protoplanetary cloud and formation of the Earth and the planets, which was translated to English in 1972, had a long-lasting effect on the way scientists thought about the formation of the planets.
It has its own history and culture.
An animated TV series Babar was produced in Canada by Nelvana Limited and Clifford Ross Company, originally running from 3 January 1989 to 5 June 1991, with 65 episodes.
电视系列则由Nelvana Limited and Clifford Ross Company负责,从1989年1月3日播放至1991年6月5日,共有78集。
While substantially more robust than their real counterparts, smaller and weaker vehicles stand less abuse before breaking down and finally exploding, than large armoured vehicles.
In his book, The Dark Net, Bartlett depicts the world of the Darknet and its implications for human behavior in different context.
在他的书《暗网》(The Dark Net)中,巴特利特描绘了暗网的世界及其在不同背景下对人类行为的影响。
Beginning in 1979 the Arctic Ocean Buoy Program (the International Arctic Buoy Program since 1991) has been collecting meteorological and ice-drift data across the Arctic Ocean with a network of 20 to 30 buoys.
1979年启动的北极海洋浮标计划(Arctic Ocean Buoy Program,1991年后改称为国际北极浮标计划,International Arctic Buoy Program)使用20至30个海洋浮标,不间断地采集北极的气象数据和记录浮冰情况。
He graduated from Seattle's Cornish College of the Arts in 1990.
1990年毕业于西雅图的蔻尔尼旭艺术学院(Cornish College of the Arts)。
Because we had limited funds we were flying people in for the day and back out again.
Krpeyan was killed on 30 April 1991 in Getashen during the Operation Ring.
1991年4月30日在Operation Ring运动期间遇害。