User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: They would never trust themselves to try it again. Assistant: 他们相信自己绝不会再次尝试。 User: The guns could initially be depressed to −8° and elevated to 13.5°, although the turrets were later modified to allow −5.5° depression and 16° of elevation. Assistant: 炮管最初可以调低至-8°和提升至13.5°,但其后又修整为允许至-5.5°的俯角和至16°的仰角。 User: In the early months of 1900, this "Boxer movement" took dramatic expansion in northern Zhili – the area surrounding Beijing – and Boxers even started to appear in the capital. Assistant: 当年最初的数月,“义和拳运动”在北京周围的北直隶地区戏剧性地扩张,拳民甚至开始在京城出现。 User: Her convalescence lasted nearly a year, which she spent at her sister's home in Northampton, Massachusetts. Assistant: 她的恢复持续了一年的时间,在这段时间里她住在马萨诸塞州北安普敦她妹妹的家里。 User: Another demonstration took place on June 6, when students closed streets in downtown Goiânia, set fire to car tires, threw homemade bombs, and broke windows of police cars. Assistant: 另一次示威发生在6月6日,当学生在市中心街道放火烧车轮胎、投掷自制炸弹、打破警车的窗户。 User: In addition, Buscemi won Best Actor in Dramatic Series at the 68th Golden Globe Awards, while also getting nominated at the 69th and 70th Awards. Assistant: 此外,布斯美还获得了第68届金球奖戏剧类电视剧最佳男主角,也在第69届和第70届颁奖礼上获得提名。 User: Hsu was sworn in on 23 June. Assistant: 亚达夫将会在7月23日宣誓。 User: Horch had to seek new partners. Assistant: 吉斯戈不得不寻找新的盟友。 User: There had been summer in Titan's southern hemisphere until 2010, when Saturn's orbit, which governs the moon's motion, tilted the northern hemisphere towards the Sun. Assistant: 土卫六南半球的夏天一直持续到2010年,直到在轨道上的土星,它掌握著卫星的运动,将北半球朝向着太阳。 User: There are strenuous discussions — among others by the agricultural sector and authorities — if existing pesticide protocols and methods of soil conservation adequately protect topsoil and wildlife. Assistant: 大部分农业机构声称现有的农药规约及土壤保持计划已经适当的保护表土及野生动物。 User: The White Revolution consisted of 19 elements that were introduced over a period of 15 years. Assistant: 白色革命由19个改革计划组成,分别在15年的时间内被推行。 User: Since its establishment, the Bank of Mongolia has been influencing and contributing efforts on the economy of the country, in maintaining the monetary policy aimed at the stabilisation of the value of the currency, and reduction of the inflation rate in the unstable transitional period. Assistant: 蒙古银行自成立以来,一直致力于对国家经济的影响和贡献,维持稳定币值的货币政策,并在不稳定的过渡期内降低通货膨胀率。 User: On 23 March, several rebel groups seized the 38th division air defense base in southern Daraa Governorate near a highway linking Damascus to Jordan. Assistant: 3月23日,几支叛军部队占领了南部德拉省靠近一条连接大马士革-约旦的战略公路的第38区防空基地。 User: In July 1932, Patton was executive officer of the 3rd Cavalry, which was ordered to Washington by Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur. Assistant: 1932年7月,巴顿担任第3骑兵队指挥官,在陆军总参谋长道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟的命令下前往华盛顿。 User: Naturally the doubles form an exception in that each double belongs to only one suit. Assistant: 自然地,双牌形式是一个例外,每张双牌的两端点数值相同,故仅属于一个套。 User: There is an interest from the Angolan Army for the Brazilian ASTROS II multiple rocket launcher. Assistant: 安哥拉陆军意向购买巴西的Astros II(英语:Astros II MLRS)多管火箭炮。 User: There is an analogous quantity for holes, called hole mobility. Assistant: 在半导体中,另一个类似的物理量称为空穴迁移率(hole mobility)。 User: Airdate: March 27, 2008 Task Sponsor: None Task Scope: The task scope, introduced during the previous episode, was to organize a charity auction and concert featuring the Backstreet Boys. Assistant: 美国播映日期:2008年3月27日 赞助公司:没有 任务: 延续上一集的任务:举办慈善拍卖、以及由 Backstreet Boys 演出的音乐会。 User: About two hundred left in the mackinaws on November 9 guarded by two companies of the First Infantry; the rest traveled on horseback escorted by troops of the Seventh Cavalry en route to their winter quarters. Assistant: 在11月9日剩下来乘坐麦基诺舟的人大约有两百名,他们由第一步兵团的两个连所护卫;其余人则骑马行进,负责护送的是顺道赶往其冬季军营的第七骑兵团的士兵们。 User: Cooper finished in third place, securing 71,928 votes or 17.0% in the first round, compared to 59.5% for the winning candidate, Jeremy Corbyn. Assistant: 库珀在第一轮投票中排名第三,获得71,928票,得票率17.0%,而杰里米·科尔宾则为59.5%。 User: Catherine Samba-Panza assumed the office of interim president on 23 January 2014. Assistant: 2014年1月23日,凯瑟琳·桑巴-潘扎担任临时总统。 User: The most persuasive of the latter was the discovery by the archaeologists — in the pit in which the looters said they had found the metalwork — of a fragment of gold leaf exactly fitting the gap present in the gold leaf covering of the 'sun' symbol when it was originally recovered. Assistant: 最具说服力的证据稍后由考古学家发现-掠夺者称他们在坑内找到一个金属物,那是金叶片的一个碎片,而那碎片正好符合原本在盘上代表太阳的大黄金圆板的缺角。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Operation of the weapon is extremely similar to that of the M75, with the reciprocating barrel and cam assembly still presenting itself, and the weapon still being electrically driven. Assistant: 该武器的操作与M75极其相似,这在往复式运动枪管和凸轮组件上可以表现,而且武器仍然是由电力驱动。 User: The standard of the state roads is similar with the federal roads except for the coding system, where the codes for state roads begin with state codes followed by route number, for example Johor State Route J32 is labeled as J32. Assistant: 联邦公路只标有数字,例如联邦1号公路,而州级公路则以州代号开头,后跟号码;例如,J32是柔佛州公路。 User: In April 2011, Oracle announced the discontinuation of Oracle Open Office as part of the decision to turn OpenOffice.org into a "purely community-based project". Assistant: 2011年4月,甲骨文公司宣布停止支援Oracle Open Office,以使OpenOffice.org成为“纯粹的基于社区的项目”。 User: The reason the Maud Committee, and later its American counterpart, the S-1 Section of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), had passed over the electromagnetic method was that while the mass spectrometer was capable of separating isotopes, it produced very low yields. Assistant: 莫德委员会和后来美国科学研究与开发办公室的S-1执行委员会对电磁分离不予以考虑,因为尽管质谱仪能够分离同位素,但由于电荷空间阻制导致产率太低。 User: He came from a noble family; his maternal and paternal grandfathers were high-ranking government officials. Assistant: 他出身贵族,祖父和外祖父都是政府高官。 User: The executives of Pontiac were also concerned about the lack of the Pontiac badging during Sean's event. Assistant: Pontiac的执行人员对活动中缺少Pontiac的标志不太满意。 User: Interest costs are part of the cost of borrowing and as they rise, both firms and households will cut back on spending. Assistant: 利息成本是借贷成本的一部分,而它上升,公司与家庭都会减少开支。 User: Students must earn 5.5 credits for promotion to 10th Grade. Assistant: 这四门课占毕业要求的10.5学分中的5.5。 User: An open casket service for Onfroy took place at BB&T Center in Sunrise, Florida, on June 27, where fans were allowed to pay their respects. Assistant: 安弗埃的公开葬礼于6月27日在佛罗里达州日出的BB&T中心举行,粉丝们可以在那里表达敬意。 User: Direct3D 5.0 was the first version of the burgeoning API to gain widespread adoption in the gaming market, and it competed directly with many more-hardware-specific, often proprietary graphics libraries, while OpenGL maintained a strong following. Assistant: Direct3D 5.0是第一个增长迅速的API版本,而且在游戏市场中获得迅速普及,并直接与一些专有图形库竞争,而OpenGL仍保持重要的地位。 User: The four Japanese transports beached themselves at Tassafaronga on Guadalcanal by 04:00 on 15 November, and Tanaka and the escort destroyers departed and raced back up the Slot toward safer waters. Assistant: 4艘日本运输船在15日04:00抵达瓜岛,田中和护送的驱逐舰随即沿槽海飞速撤退。 User: The expulsion was brutal often separating children from their families. Assistant: 这种攻击使群变得混乱,常常将母亲和它们的孩子分离。 User: Hurricane Bob originated from a decaying cold front, developing into a tropical depression early on August 16 near the Bahamas. Assistant: 飓风鲍勃源自一股正在衰减的冷锋,于8月16日清晨在巴哈马附近发展成热带低气压。 User: Western feminists and feminists outside of the West also often differ in terms of race and religion, which is not acknowledged in Western feminism and can cause other differences. Assistant: 西方和非西方的女性主义者常在种族和宗教上不同,这也是西方女性主义者常未注意的差异。 User: These disks deliver up to 30 IOPS per GB which is 20x more write IOPS and 100x more read IOPS than the standard persistent disks. Assistant: SSD最多可传递每GB 30次IOPS,相比标准的持续存储硬盘的写入IOPS提高了20倍,而读取IOPS更是快了100倍。 User: AMD Bulldozer microarchitecture FlexFPU and Shared L2 cache are multithreaded but integer cores in module are single threaded, so it is only a partial SMT implementation. Assistant: AMD Bulldozer微架构FlexFPU和共享二级高速缓存为多线程,但模块中的整数核心为单线程,因此它是一个SMT的部分实现。 User: The exact set of GCC optimizations varies from release to release as it develops, but includes the standard algorithms, such as loop optimization, jump threading, common subexpression elimination, instruction scheduling, and so forth. Assistant: GCC的最佳化技巧依其释出版本而有很大不同,但都包含了标准的最佳化算法,例如循环最佳化、执行绪跳跃、共通程式子句消减、指令排程等等。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: As long as the changes that have not been accounted for are randomly distributed over the tree (a reasonable null expectation), the result should not be biased. Assistant: 只要特征改变在树上是随机分布的(一个合理的虚无预期),则结果不应有偏差。 User: Irish republicanism (Irish: poblachtánachas Éireannach) is an ideology based on the belief that all of Ireland should be an independent republic. Assistant: 爱尔兰共和主义(英语:Irish republicanism,爱尔兰语:Poblachtánachas Éireannach)是一种认为整个爱尔兰应该成为一个独立共和国的思想。 User: Another important sub-class consists of algorithms for exploring the game tree of multiple-player games, such as chess or backgammon, whose nodes consist of all possible game situations that could result from the current situation. Assistant: 另一个重要的子类包括用于探索多玩家游戏(例如国际象棋或西洋双陆棋)的游戏树的算法,其中节点包括可能由当前情况导致的所有可能的游戏情况。 User: In the south, the First Panzer Army advance on Grozny was stopped by the Red Army and the 14th Air Army. Assistant: 在南方,第1装甲军团向格罗兹尼的推进被红军和第14航空军拦截住。 User: Like the rest of Europe, France uses the DVB-T transmission technology. Assistant: 和其他欧洲国家一样,法国采用DVB-T作为数字电视播出制式。 User: Humanitarian groups set up a refugee camp to accommodate the arrivals. Assistant: 难民营是临时搭建用于收留难民的营地。 User: When Bob starts to act sneakily, Helen suspects an affair and confronts him. Assistant: 当鲍伯偷偷进行他的英雄使命时,荷莉怀疑他有外遇,并与他对峙。 User: Each playthrough lasts about nine hours in length and the game mechanics utilise an in-game system called the "butterfly effect" in which any choice of action made by the player may cause unforeseen consequences later on. Assistant: 每个结局持续大约游戏时间9个小时,且游戏采用了新的名叫“蝴蝶效应”的游戏系统,玩家可以任意选择由系统给出的选项,但同时可能会令后来产生一个不可预见的后果。 User: The test has been used widely as a clinical tool, as an educational assessment, and in human resource selection. Assistant: 这个测试在临床治疗中有着广泛的应用,同时也作为教育方面的评估,和人力资源的挑选。 User: Frankie Fraser, 90, British gangster, surgical complications. Assistant: 法兰基·弗雷泽(Frankie Fraser),90岁,英国黑帮,手术并发症。 User: After one season as a graduate assistant, he was promoted to assistant coach in 1990 and to associate head coach in 1992. Assistant: 在担任一个赛季的研究生助理之后,多诺万在1990年被提拔为助理教练,然后在1992年成为助理总教练。 User: The Georgian Jews were considered ethnically and culturally distinct from neighboring Mountain Jews. Assistant: 在种族上和文化上,Georgian犹太人被认为与邻近的高加索犹太人不同。 User: However, TV previews, theatrical trailers and even posters for the film displayed the written statement: "Due to the nature of this film, no-one under 17 will be admitted". Assistant: 不过,电视预告片、戏剧预告片,甚至电影海报均以书面声明显示:“由于这部电影的性质,17岁以下不得观看。 User: For instance, the particles in a gas are constantly moving, and thus occupy a different position at each moment of time; their momenta are also constantly changing as they collide with each other or with the container walls. Assistant: 气体中的粒子不断移动,因此在每个时刻占据不同的位置;当它们相互碰撞或与容器壁碰撞时,它们的动量也在不断变化。 User: While the RoCE protocols define how to perform RDMA using Ethernet and UDP/IP frames, the iWARP protocol defines how to perform RDMA over a connection-oriented transport like the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Assistant: 相比RoCE协议定义了如何使用以太网和UDP/IP帧执行RDMA,iWARP协议定义了如何基于一个面向连接的传输(如传输控制协议,TCP)执行RDMA。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: He eventually started building his own guitars. Assistant: 接着他开始了他的人物创作。 User: Several local surfers have competed on an international level, most notably Carwyn Williams, whose parents ran a small hotel in the resort. Assistant: 几个本地的冲浪者为一项国际级的难度的比赛竞争,就是最著名卡尔文威廉姆斯,他的父母在度假胜地开着一家小旅馆。 User: Freezing Cold Takes. Assistant: 小寒大寒冻成一团。 User: He is later revealed as Alexei Shostakov, Black Widow's ex-husband. Assistant: 他后来被揭露为黑寡妇的前夫阿列克谢·肖斯塔科夫。 User: The Teatro Olimpico is, along with the Teatro all'antica in Sabbioneta and the Teatro Farnese in Parma, one of only three Renaissance theatres remaining in existence. Assistant: 奥林匹克剧院与萨比奥内塔的古代剧院(Teatro all'antica)以及帕尔马的法尔内塞剧院是仅存的三座文艺复兴剧院之一。 User: His opponents at the time were up to ten years old, as Dončić reflected: "I was always training and playing with older kids who had much more experience than me. Assistant: 当时校队中有许多队友年纪都大他不少,东契奇日后谈到此事曾表示:“我总是和许多经验比我丰富的大孩子们一起训练。 User: On the "game's" official forums, a popular in-joke leads newbies to believe that there exist Silver, Gold, Platinum or even Diamond-encrusted DVD versions of the game which have enhanced 3D graphics. Assistant: 在这游戏的 官方论坛 中,许多老手使用者贴的讨论串常误导新手,让他们以为有银版、金版、白金版,甚至是钻石镶嵌版的DVD版本游戏,里面有着很棒的3D绘图效果。 User: The "edX" online platform supporting MITx was initially developed in partnership with Harvard and its analogous "Harvardx" initiative. Assistant: 支援“MITx”的“edX”平台由麻省理工与哈佛大学一同研发(哈佛亦有自己的“Harvardx”系统)。 User: In the English Channel, waves up to 26 ft (8 m) in height breached and flooded a ship; the 31 passengers on board were rescued by helicopters and other ships. Assistant: 英吉利海峡有高达8米的狂浪,一艘船受到破坏并进水,不过船上31人都获直升机及其它船只求援。 User: Chamorros from the Northern Marianas, which had been under Japanese rule for more than 20 years, were brought to Guam to assist the Japanese administration. Assistant: 来自日本统治超过20年的北马里亚纳群岛的查莫洛人,被派往关岛协助日军管理当地。 User: Instead, Joseph and the Nez Perce were sent to Oklahoma and eventually located on a small reservation near Tonkawa, Oklahoma. Assistant: 作为替代,山雷与其他内兹珀斯人被送到了俄克拉何马并在最后被设置在了通卡瓦(英语:Tonkawa, Oklahoma)附近的一个小型保留区里。 User: The motet Venite exultemus domino, published in 1740, won him the post of Maître de musique de la Chapelle (Master of Music of the Chapel). Assistant: 在1740年出版的经文歌Venite exultemus domino,为他赢得皇家礼拜堂音乐指导的职位。 User: Loyang Bus Depot Carnival was also held on the same day to allow the public to tour the depot and also learn more about Go-Ahead Singapore. Assistant: 当天也举办了“罗央巴士车厂嘉年华”,让公众参观车厂以及进一步了解Go-Ahead。 User: We need to find the right partner. Assistant: 但困难在于能否寻找到一个合适的伴侣。 User: Two tutor groups per year were in the same house team. Assistant: 当时常有两只大雁栖居在虞国的厅堂上。 User: Rene stands guard with a four barreled shotgun and a gas mask, waiting for the return of the aliens. Assistant: 芮妮带着防毒面具,架著猎枪,等待外星人回归。 User: Guiding American players to the website is a major goal of the game and it was confirmed that twenty-eight percent of all visitors of America's Army's webpage click through to this recruitment site. Assistant: 这个游戏的主要目标就是引领全美国的玩家进入它的官方网站,经确认已有百分之二十八的《美国陆军》网站浏览者点阅连结其他的募兵网站。 User: Under this relation , , and all represent the same element of Z/~. Assistant: 在这个关系下 , {\displaystyle ,} 和 {\displaystyle } 都表示 Z / ∼ {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} /\sim } 的同一个元素。 User: In May 1902, he had the best record in the tournament with no defeats. Assistant: 1902年5月,他赢得了比赛没有失败。 User: As of 2012, Carlos works as a counselor at the school. Assistant: 截至2012年,卡洛斯还在该校担任顾问。 User: After eight years, in 1846, the Smithsonian Institution was established. Assistant: 8年后的1846年,史密森尼学会成立。 User: He also confessed to police he had buried the body of John Butkovitch in his garage. Assistant: 他还供认说,他把约翰·布特科维奇的尸体埋在了自己的车库里。 User: Ronald Coase, 102, British economist, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Economics (1991). Assistant: 罗纳德·科斯(英语:Ronald Coase),102岁,英国经济学家,诺贝尔经济学奖得主。 User: When lubrication breaks down, metal or other components can rub destructively over each other, causing heat and possibly damage or failure. Assistant: 若没有润滑,金属或其他设备可能会互相磨损,带来热、损坏甚至是失效。 User: If "this sentence is false" is true, then the sentence is false, but if the sentence states that it is false, and it is false, then it must be true, and so on. Assistant: 如果“这个语句为假”为真,那么这个语句为假,但是如果这个语句声称它为假,且它为假,那么它一定为真,如此一来悖论于焉成形。 User: Telmex is a wholly owned subsidiary of América Móvil. Assistant: Telmex是美洲电信的全资子公司。 User: This is a circular slide rule first created in the 1930s for aircraft pilots to help with dead reckoning. Assistant: 这是1930年代第一次制造的一把圆算尺,用于帮助飞机飞行员进行航位推算法计算。 User: The new version, Frutiger Next, changed a number of details and added a true italic style in place of the oblique roman of the original. Assistant: 新版本称为Frutiger Next,改变了一些数字字符的细节,并加入真正的手写体风格斜体,而不是像老版本一样沿用Oblique Roman的斜体。 User: Kurt Derungs is a non-academic author advocating an "anthropology of landscape" based on allegedly matriarchal traces in toponymy and folklore. Assistant: 库尔特德荣斯(Kurt Derungs)是一位非学术作家,鼓吹“地景人类学(英语:anthropology of landscape)”(anthropology of landscape),这植基于从地名和民间传说所断言的母权痕迹。 User: On 12 May, Prime Minister of Australia John Howard announced that although there had not been any formal requests for assistance from the Government of East Timor, Australian forces were standing by in readiness to provide assistance, with the amphibious transport ships HMAS Kanimbla and HMAS Manoora moving to northern waters in preparation. Assistant: 5月12日,澳大利亚总理约翰·霍华德宣布,虽然东帝汶政府没有正式要求,但澳大利亚政府正在准备提供援助,两栖运输船HMAS Kanimbla和HMAS Manoora正准备移动到北方水域。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Latvia was previously a parliamentary republic between 1921 and 1934 when the then prime minister Kārlis Ulmanis took power in a coup d'état. Assistant: 拉脱维亚于1921年至1934年间原已为议会制共和国,总理卡尔利斯·乌尔马尼斯透过政变取得政权。 User: It had taken the U.S. Fifth Army six weeks of intense combat and 16,000 casualties to advance the 7 miles (11 km) through the Bernhardt Line defences, including the action at San Pietro Infine, to take Monte Trocchio and to reach the positions facing the main Gustav defences on 15 January. Assistant: 美国第5军团经过艰苦战斗及付出了16,000人的伤亡代价,只推进了7英哩以通过在伯恩哈特防线上的防御工事(包括在圣彼得镇战役中的行动),攻占了特罗基奥山及在1月15日到达面对古斯塔夫防线的位置。 User: Protesters peacefully marched through streets, chanting religious and anti-Soviet messages. Assistant: 抗议者通过街头和平游行,吟唱宗教和反苏的信息。 User: In 1987, Cornell University held a conference on the link between the Iroquois' government and the U.S. Constitution. Assistant: 1987年,康奈尔大学曾举行了一次“易洛魁人政府与美国宪法的关系”的研讨会。 User: Nios II is a successor to Altera's first configurable 16-bit embedded processor Nios. Assistant: Nios II是Altera第一款可配置的16位嵌入式处理器Nios的后继产品。 User: In all, eleven Asian records were set in that one meet by the Chinese women, three of them were world records. Assistant: 综合,该运动会共由中国女性创下11个亚洲纪录,其中一个是世界纪录。 User: American ophthalmologist William H. Bates discovered adrenaline's usage for eye surgeries prior to 20 April 1896. Assistant: 美国眼科医生威廉·贝茨在1896年4月20日之前发现肾上腺素在眼科手术中收敛和止血性质的用法。 User: In the event of the merger, BAE shareholders would own 40 % and EADS 60 % of the new enlarged organisation. Assistant: 在新的扩大的公司中,BAE将持有40%股份,而EADS持有60%。 User: At 06:20, however, Ostfriesland struck a mine, previously laid by the destroyer HMS Abdiel on 4 May, on her starboard side. Assistant: 然而在06:20,东弗里斯兰号的右舷侧却不慎撞上了一枚由英国驱逐舰亚必迭号(英语:HMS Abdiel (1915))此前于5月4日铺设的水雷。 User: The Burmese military staged a coup d’etat in September 1988, following its crackdown on peaceful demonstrations concerning democracy and human rights. Assistant: 1988年9月,缅甸军方在镇压民主与人权和平示威后发动政变。 User: Maria and Victoria refused their makeovers, while everyone else accepted. Assistant: Maria和Victoria拒绝进行大变身,而其他人接受。 User: Eystein thus became king and co-ruler together with Sigurd and Inge. Assistant: 因此,埃斯泰因与西居尔和英格一起成为国王和共同统治者。 User: Although Newton apologised and retracted his “Adamic error”, and withdrew for consideration his views on the sufferings of Christ, some of the elders at Ebrington Street began to lose confidence in him. Assistant: 虽然牛顿道歉,并收回他的“亚当的错误”,并收回关于基督受苦的观点,Ebrington 街聚会的一些长老开始对他失去信心。 User: The recapitulation is unusual because the 1st theme is a fugal variation instead of a literal repeat. Assistant: 再现部与别不同,因为第一主题是一个赋格式变奏,而不是依样画葫芦地重复。 User: His family is known as the Robertians. Assistant: 他的家族被称为罗贝尔家族。 User: Fresh grass clippings have an average ratio of about 15:1 and dry autumn leaves about 50:1 depending on species. Assistant: 取决于不同的物种,新鲜草切片的平均比例约为15:1,和干燥的秋叶的平均比例约为50:1。 User: Risk factors include a family history of the condition and having another autoimmune disease. Assistant: 危险因子包含家族有无此症或是其他自体性免疫疾病的病史。 User: Methods have also improved dramatically, advancing from the examination of animals by dissection of carcasses and cadavers (corpses) to 20th century medical imaging techniques including X-ray, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging. Assistant: 其方法也有很大的进展,从一早期检验动物及人的尸体,到二十世纪的医学成像技术,包括X射线(英语:Radiography),超音波和核磁共振成像技术。 User: She has two children, Elizabeth Pillsbury Lord (aka Lisa Lord) and Winston Bao Lord. Assistant: 洛德和妻子有两个子女,Elizabeth Pillsbury Lord 和 Winston Bao Lord。 User: The Luftwaffe was quickly reinforced, as Hitler hoped it would save the situation. Assistant: 德国空军实施增援,希特勒认为这是唯一拯救战况的希望。 User: Jesus taught in parables and aphorisms. Assistant: 耶稣用比喻和格言来教导。 User: Harisu is South Korea's first transgender entertainer, and in 2002 became only the second person in South Korea to legally change gender. Assistant: 河莉秀是韩国首个跨性别娱乐明星,并在2002年成为韩国第二个法律性别改变者。 User: First Dog's White House Christmas. Assistant: 圣白议会第一次会议。 User: It began as a subtropical cyclone over the central Atlantic and became a hurricane while moving westward toward the United States. Assistant: 系统是由中大西洋上空的亚热带气旋转变而成,在向西逼近美国东岸期间升级成飓风。 User: Horry played a significant part in the team's success, going 38 of 85 behind the 3-point line in the 2005 playoffs. Assistant: 霍里成为球队获胜的一股重要力量,在季后赛中他85投38中。 User: The defendant was required to give an account of his profits gained from writing the book. Assistant: 被告被要求对其出书获益给出解释。 User: Here is an account with fewer presuppositions: suppose that we associate with each well-ordering an object called its order type in an unspecified way (the order types are the ordinal numbers). Assistant: 下面是有更少假定的版本: 假设在未指定方式下对每个良序排序关联上叫做它的“序类型”的一个对象(序类型是序数)。 User: Since the time of the historian Edward Gibbon, the split between the Church of Rome and the Orthodox Church has been conveniently dated to 1054, though the reality is more complex. Assistant: 在史学家爱德华·吉本的年代,罗马公教会和东正教会分裂的年代被确定在1054年,但实际情况更为复杂。 User: ESFJs are literal and concrete, trusting the specific, factual information gathered through their physiological senses. Assistant: ESFJ们具体、实事求是,信赖详尽而实际的资料,这些资料通常是基于他们生理感官所收集的。 User: Cesca comes back, planning to kill him, but decides to help him to fight the police. Assistant: Cesca回来,计划杀死他,但最终还是帮他与警察搏斗。 User: The gallery contains a variety of works by Munich painters and contemporary artists, in styles such as The Blue Rider and New Objectivity. Assistant: 馆内拥有多种风格的慕尼黑艺术家的作品,其中包括蓝骑士和新即物主义。 User: Much economic activity still lies outside the GDP data. Assistant: 尽管如此,许多经济活动仍然只能由外部的GDP数据反映。 User: Madame Nhu, first lady of South Vietnam, popularized a collarless version beginning in 1958. Assistant: 越南共和国第一夫人陈丽春从1958年起推广无领版本。 User: Shortly afterwards, he became the first Westerner to appear in a television advertisement in the Soviet Union. Assistant: 不久之后,他成为了首位出现在苏联电视上的西方人。 User: For definitions and explanations, see the Explanatory Notes at the end of the table. Assistant: 对于定义和解释,请参见表末的注释 。 User: After their triumphal passage of the Red Sea, Moses and the children of Israel sang their song of deliverance (Ex. Assistant: 在越过红海后,摩西及以色列的儿童唱他们的出埃及记歌(出埃及记15)。 User: It has been cited as Hemingway's last book. Assistant: 它已被列为海明威所写的最后一本书。 User: In 1817 the British naval architect Sir Robert Seppings first introduced the concept of the round or circular stern. Assistant: 1817年,英国海军设计师罗伯特赛平斯爵士(Sir Robert Seppings)最早发明了圆形船尾。 User: James, standing in the corner in front of the Warriors bench, took off after them. Assistant: 而詹姆斯,此时正处于勇士半场的边角,在他们之后才启动。 User: Praying for Families: Reflections and Prayers. Assistant: 写字间 活道祷告园:用于休息,反思和祈祷。 User: Hekon fights back, and when one of Artyom's friends tries to shoot Hekon, Ruslan is shot by accident instead. Assistant: Hekon反击,当Artyom的其中一个朋友试图射击Hekon时,后者使用Ruslan作为人盾。 User: This needs to be accompanied by limits on the size of enterprise and how profits are used to control others' labor. Assistant: 满足这个要求,需要限制企业规模及利用利润来控制他人劳动的作法。 User: However, a rogue computer virus soon starts wreaking havoc across the planet... Assistant: 然而,一种电脑病毒很快在星球肆虐。 User: The character design for Presto was based on William Powell. Assistant: 普雷斯托动画形象的设计则是基于威廉·鲍威尔。 User: In the words of Friedrich Engels: 'Parliamentary cretinism' is an incurable disease, an ailment whose unfortunate victims are permeated by the lofty conviction that the whole world, its history and its future are directed and determined by a majority of votes of just that very representative institution that has the honour of having them in the capacity of its members. Assistant: 用弗里德里希·恩格斯的话来说: 议会迷这样一种不治之症,这种症候使它的不幸的患者充满了一种庄严的信念,似乎整个世界,它的历史和它的未来,都要由这个很荣幸地得到他们作为议员的代议机关的多数票来支配和决定。 User: States: 0% to 10%, deductible in computing Federal taxable income. Assistant: 美国:联邦税为15%~35%,州税为0%~10%,在计算联邦税应税所得时,可以抵减。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The ATSC standard for digital terrestrial television, for instance, uses tables sent in each station's PSIP. Assistant: 例如:数字电视ATSC标准使用每个电视台的PSIP表发送EPG。 User: Such methods either store the additional information in extra files and directories (classic Mac OS and macOS), or give new semantics to previously unused fields of the FAT on-disk data structures (OS/2 and Windows NT). Assistant: 这些方法或者在额外的文件或路径中存储附加的信息(Mac OS),或者给那些磁盘数据结构中以前没有使用的变量赋予新的含义(OS/2和Windows NT)。 User: The American command awarded the regiment, the « U.S. Presidential Unit Citation ». Assistant: 飞虎队则获颁‘美国总统勋奖部队(英语:Presidential Unit Citation (United States))’。 User: Western critics also condemned the intervention of Soviet forces during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, the Prague Spring and the war in Afghanistan as aggression against popular uprisings. Assistant: 西方批评家还指责苏军参与1956年匈牙利革命、布拉格之春和阿富汗战争以入侵压制人民起义。 User: When native tribes resisted the Spanish invasion of their homeland, the missionaries returned to Mexico, abandoning Texas for the next two decades. Assistant: 遭遇当地部落反抗西班牙入侵,传教士返回了墨西哥,放弃了德克萨斯,在接下来的二十年都没有再去。 User: At her house in Mingora, she lived with her two younger brothers, Khushal and Atal, her parents, Ziauddin and Toor Pekai, and two pet chickens. Assistant: 她的家在明戈拉,有两个弟弟、父母——齐亚乌丁和索尔·佩卡和两只宠物鸡。 User: One glass-enclosed clubhouse serves all three courses, and it includes a restaurant open to all park users known as Ruthie's Grill. Assistant: 一个玻璃帷幕的会所,提供三个球场的服务,并设立一间餐厅开放给所有的公园使用者─以鲁斯的烧烤闻名的餐厅。 User: In physical science, one may distinguish conceptually between at least seven different aspects of mass, or seven physical notions that involve the concept of mass. Assistant: 在物理学中,人们从至少七个属性上区分质量的概念,或者说七个可以用质量解释的物理现象: 对于一些特定种类的样本,物质的量 可以由电泳或其他精确过程来测定。 User: Although the consumption of alcohol is necessitated by Bender's design and should not be generally viewed as a vice for alcohol-fueled robots, he apparently drinks far more than he needs for energy. Assistant: 虽然酒精的消耗受到班德的设计,不应普遍被视以酒精为燃料恶习的机器人,但他显然喝的量远远超过所需能源。 User: Toutatis was first sighted on February 10, 1934, as object 1934 CT, but lost soon afterwards. Assistant: 小行星4179第一次被看到是在1934年2月10日,当时被记为1934 CT,但很快就丢失了。 User: The revelations of mistreatment under the Tuskegee Syphilis Study are believed to have significantly damaged the trust of the black community toward public health efforts in the United States. Assistant: 塔斯基吉梅毒实验极大地破坏了黑人社会对于美国公共医疗系统的信任。 User: Meanwhile, Ibrahim George Kheiralla, a Syrian Christian, converted to the Bahá'í Faith, emigrated to the United States and founded the first American Bahá'í community. Assistant: 同时,原为天主教徒的叙利亚人Ibrahim George Kheiralla改信了巴哈伊,并在他移居去美国后建立了第一个美洲的巴哈伊社区。 User: During the initial two years in retirement he wrote a book, though it was incomplete. Assistant: 在最初的两年退休生活里,他写了一本书,但没有完成。 User: A day prior to his resignation from Congress, The Detroit News reported that after ending his presidential campaign, McCotter took to writing a television pilot he titled, "Bumper Sticker: Made On Motown". Assistant: 《底特律新闻报》在麦科特尔从国会辞职前一天报道称,麦科特尔在退出总统选举后编写了一部电视试播剧本,题为《保险杠贴纸:汽车城制造》(Bumper Sticker: Made On Motown)。 User: Egyptian gods were involved in human lives as well as in the overarching order of nature. Assistant: 古埃及神灵在影响自然秩序的同时也影响着凡人的生活。 User: The School has particular strengths in Mediterranean archaeology, ancient Greek and Roman history, and the archaeology of recent periods; and is also home to the University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS). Assistant: 此学院在地中海考古学、古希腊古罗马历史和近代考古学方面具有特殊优势,并且也是莱斯特考古学院(ULAS)的所在地。 User: Any operation by any subject on any object is tested against the set of authorization rules (aka policy) to determine if the operation is allowed. Assistant: 任何主体对任何物件的任何操作都将根据一组授权规则(也称策略)进行测试,决定操作是否允许。 User: African slaves were originally excluded from United States citizenship. Assistant: 来自非洲的黑奴曾被长期排除在美国公民以外。 User: The complete system, cannon, hand-driven turret and ammunition underwent detailed firing trials between 1969 and 1971. Assistant: 在1969年至1971年间,完整的系统、机炮、手推式炮塔和弹药都经历了详细的发射试验。 User: In 1939 Brévié's administration defined the "Brévié Line", which defined the border between the waters of Cambodia and Cochin China. Assistant: 1939年布雷维耶当局画定“布雷维耶线”,定下了柬埔寨水域和交趾支那间的边界。 User: Many Canadian provinces recognize completion of higher levels of the curriculum, awarding students high school credits upon successful completion. Assistant: 许多加拿大省份认可高级别的课程,并奖励高中学分给成功结业的学生。 User: Later the project was supported by J. Lyons & Co. Ltd., a British firm, who were rewarded with the first commercially applied computer, LEO I, based on the EDSAC design. Assistant: 项目的投资方是英国的J. Lyons & Co. Ltd.,该公司后来推出基于EDSAC设计的第一代商业应用电子计算机LEO I。 User: The International System of Quantities (ISQ) is a system based on seven base quantities: length, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity. Assistant: 国际物理量系统(英语:International System of Quantities)是以以下七个基本物理量为基础的系统:长度、质量、时间、电流、热力学温度、物质的量和发光强度。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: On 24 October 1958 the Legislative Assembly of French Cameroon solemnly proclaimed the desire of Cameroonians to see their country accede full independence on 1 January 1960. Assistant: 1958年10月24日喀麦隆立法大会宣布,喀麦隆人希望国家于1960年1月1日完全独立。 User: Porter attended college at the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point (The Pointers), a Division III school. Assistant: 波特参加了学院在威斯康星大学 - 史蒂文的大学点(指针),一个分部III学校。 User: Nonetheless, their rule lasted less than a year and they were defeated by the Byzantine army in two battles months later, forcing them to evacuate the city. Assistant: 但他们的统治不满一年,在两次战役中被东罗马帝国军队击败,被迫撤出该城。 User: The Jury stability criterion requires that the system poles are located inside the unit circle centered at the origin, while the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion requires that the poles are in the left half of the complex plane. Assistant: Jury稳定性判据要求系统的极点都要位在以原点为圆心的单位圆内,劳斯–赫尔维茨稳定性判据要求系统的极点在复数平面的左半边。 User: A software development kit (SDK or devkit) is typically a set of software development tools that allows the creation of applications for a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, computer system, video game console, operating system, or similar development platform. Assistant: 软件开发工具包(Software Development Kit, SDK)一般是一些被软件工程师用于为特定的软件包、软件框架、硬件平台、操作系统等建立应用软件的开发工具的集合。 User: In 2006, Nicolet began creating 3D films. Assistant: 2006年,他开始创作拍摄3D电影。 User: In 1953, she married Philipie Bertrand (贝尔覃) in a Christian church. Assistant: 1953年,成之凡和贝尔覃(Philipie Bertrand)在基督教教堂结婚。 User: The Social Democratic Party and the Green Party wanted to continue their coalition. Assistant: 因此,社会民主党和绿党建立了联立政权。 User: It is not a book of love-verses at all, I perceive. Assistant: 我欲为遗表,惟庸在,无益也。 User: The induction is thought to take place in subsurface layers of salty water, which are likely to exist in all of Jupiter's large icy moons. Assistant: 感应被认为发生在地面下的盐水,有可能存在于所有木星巨大的冰卫星。 User: The OVA episode was previewed on May 31, 2008 for an audience of four-hundred people picked via a mail-in postcard campaign. Assistant: OVA剧集于2008年5月31日预览,针对通过邮寄明信片活动挑选的四百人的观众。 User: Although the rest of Canada celebrates Canada Day on 1 July, it remains Memorial Day in Newfoundland and Labrador. Assistant: 虽然现今7月1日是加拿大人的国庆日但也是纽芬兰人与拉布拉多人缅怀阵亡军人的共同纪念日。 User: The European Renal Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry covers most European countries, and DOPPS (Dialysis Outcomes Practice Patterns Study) records and analyzes URR and other data from selected dialysis units located in countries across the world. Assistant: 欧洲肾脏协会(ERA-EDTA)注册涵盖大部分的欧洲国家、以及DOPPS(透析预后实践模式研究)的记录,并分析URR及从其它位于世界各国所选择透析单位的数据。 User: Other Séralini supporters criticized the retraction of the study, concluding the response was a product of industry-driven campaign and regard this as a concerning example of industry interference in the scientific process. Assistant: 塞拉里尼的其他支持者批评了这项研究的撤回,他们得出结论说,这项反应是工业驱动的运动的产物,并认为这是工业干预科学进程的一个令人担忧的例子。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 1341, the reigning Emperor Hiến Tông died at the age of only 23 without an heir. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1341年,宪宗病逝,年仅23岁。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The series, and most weapons by Franz Pfannl, were discontinued in 1938. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:蜂鸟手枪系列以及弗朗兹·凡尔的大部分作品于1938年一起停产。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:He compiled a French-Vietnamese dictionary. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他曾发表了一本《梵文-法文词典》。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The rubber tomahawks, the chicken feather headdresses, people wearing war paint and making these ridiculous war whoops with a tomahawk in one hand and a beer in the other; all of these have significant meaning for us. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 橡皮战斧、鸡毛头饰、那些脸上涂着战斗油彩,一手啤酒一手战斧,发出荒谬可笑的喊杀声的人─而这些事物的每一件对我们都意义非凡。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:If the surface is oriented, then one often requires that the pair (X1, X2) be positively oriented with respect to the given orientation. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:如果曲面已定向,则通常要求 (X1, X2) 与给定的定向相同。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This binds the layers together. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:有胶质把藻群落黏在一起。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the game, the player controls "the Kid" as he moves through floating, fantasy-themed environments and fights enemies of various types. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 在游戏中,玩家操控主角基德(“The Kid”)基于奇幻主题的浮空场景中活动,并与多种多样的敌人战斗。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It had to do with the harassment he took from other kids at school. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这种性格让他被学校内的不良少年欺负。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, the gas was improperly administered and the patient cried out in pain. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 然而,笑气没有被病人正确吸入,病人因疼痛大声哭了出来。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Trading on options and futures contracts on the IBEX 35 is provided by MEFF (Mercado Español de Futuros Financieros), another subsidiary of BME. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 IBEX 35的期权和期货交易由BME的另一家子公司Mercado Español de Futuros Financieros提供。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: AP60, .177 caliber pre-charged-pneumatic (PCP) Air pistol used to compete in 10 m Air Pistol events. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 哈默利AP60,.177,预压式(PCP)气手枪,使用在10米气手枪比赛中。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Semyon Isaakovich Volfkovich : for outstanding achievements in chemistry and the technology of phosphorus and the development of scientific foundations of chemicalization of agriculture in the USSR. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 谢苗·沃尔夫科维奇:在化学和磷技术以及发展苏联的农业化学化的科学基础上的杰出成就。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Since the mid-20th century, many authors and documentaries have argued that the curse is 'real' in the sense of being caused by scientifically explicable causes such as bacteria or radiation. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 20世纪中叶以来,许多作家及纪录片认为“诅咒”的科学解释为细菌或辐射。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, in April 2006, after the end of his second year with the Longhorns, Aldridge announced that he would leave college to enter the 2006 NBA draft. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:2006年4月,在大二学期即将结束的时候,阿尔德里奇宣布将离开学校参加NBA选秀。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 11 May 1824, a British naval force of over 10,000 men (5000 British soldiers and over 5000 Indian sepoys) entered the harbor of Yangon, taking the Burmese by surprise. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1824年5月11日,一支超过10,000人(5,000名英国士兵和超过5,000人的印度兵)的英国海军进入仰光的港口,奇袭缅甸。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: By 16:00, Seydlitz was clear of imminent danger, so the ship stopped to allow Boedicker to disembark. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:至16:00,塞德利茨号已确认并无迫切危险,于是停下来让伯迪克离舰。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A flanking move through the desert was cancelled and the 1st Libyan Division and the 2nd Libyan Division Pescatori were brought close to the coast road to act as the spearhead for the infantry divisions of XXIII Corps. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 从侧翼穿过沙漠的行动被取消,第1和第2利比亚师被用在靠近海岸的公路,作为第23军下辖步兵师的先头部队。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: The periodicity of crystals means that many levels of energy are possible for a given momentum and that some energies might not be available at any momentum. Assistant: 晶体的周期性意味着:对一给定的动量存在有多种可能的能阶,而有些则是不论什么样的动量都不可能会具有的能量。 User: European Council President Donald Tusk said on the sidelines of a summit in Ise-Shima that the bloc should take a "clear and tough stance" on China's contested maritime claims. Assistant: 欧洲理事会主席唐纳德·图斯克在伊势志摩的峰会称欧元区应采取“明确且强硬的立场”对中国受争议的海事请求作出回应。 User: His older brother, Francisco Kraus Trujillo, a baritone, studied music and opera alongside him. Assistant: 其兄长弗朗西斯科(Francisco Kraus Trujillo)为一名男中音,曾与阿弗雷多一起学习音乐及歌剧。 User: Disrupted synaptic development may also contribute to epilepsy, which may explain why the two conditions are associated. Assistant: 打乱了突触发育也可能导致癫痫,这或可以解释为什么两个条件相关联。 User: They were drawn against East German champions Dynamo Dresden in the second round. Assistant: 随后在第二轮将面对东德冠军德累斯顿迪纳摩。 User: This definition accepts the Caspian as a sea because it was once part of an ancient ocean. Assistant: 第三种理论认为海以海盆为底,这种说法包含了里海的情形,因为里海曾经是古代一片海洋的一部分。 User: Its capture would disrupt commercial river traffic. Assistant: 分水岭为河道运输构成障碍。 User: In 1962, Sutcliffe collapsed in the middle of an art class in Hamburg. Assistant: 1962年,萨克利夫在汉堡上艺术课时昏倒。 User: He crossed into Navarre and defeated the Christians at Valdejunquera and took the bishops of Tui and Salamanca captive. Assistant: 他越过潘普洛纳并在瓦德洪克拉打败了基督徒,而且俘虏了图依和萨拉曼卡两城的主教。 User: He eventually overcame his fear enough to travel by airplane for his career. Assistant: 他最终克服了他的恐惧,搭乘飞机开始了职业生涯。 User: The French, Italian, and Catalan establishments are popular with locals, tourists, and office workers, and are generally considered on par with the city's best casual full-service European restaurants. Assistant: 法国菜、意大利菜和加泰罗尼亚美食受到当地居民、游客、和办公室工作人员的欢迎,普遍视为等同市内最好的提供全面服务的欧洲餐厅。 User: The policy was continued by the Indian government. Assistant: 印度政府曾经使用这项政策。 User: In 1994, the first presidential elections were held and Alexander Lukashenko was elected president of Belarus. Assistant: 1994年,第一次总统选举举行,亚历山大·卢卡申科当选白俄罗斯总统。 User: Four of the 27 entries were from Slovene artists. Assistant: 在27次的参赛歌曲中有4次是由来自斯洛文尼亚的歌手来表演的。 User: In the modern view, the series 1 − 2x + 3x2 − 4x3 + ... does not define a function at x = 1, so that value cannot simply be substituted into the resulting expression. Assistant: 以现代的观点看,级数 1 − 2x + 3x2 − 4x3 + ... 并没有定义一个在x = 1时的函数,因此不能简单地把值代入到其相应的表达式。 User: As most of the flight was on instruments and Earhart because had no training for this type of flying, she did not pilot the aircraft. Assistant: 由于大多数时间是仪器飞行而阿梅莉亚没有这样飞行的训练,她没有驾驶飞机。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: After the dam's reconstruction in 1926, workers and local people were permitted to walk across the top of the dam as a means of getting to work and school. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 1926年大坝重建后,工人和居民可以穿越大坝顶部上班或上学。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Rocketdyne developed the F-1 and the E-1 to meet a 1955 U.S. Air Force requirement for a very large rocket engine. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:洛克达因最初设计F-1只是出于美国空军在1955年提出的制造超大型火箭发动机的要求。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The body of the F12berlinetta is designed by the Ferrari Styling Centre and Pininfarina, and shares some styling elements with other recent Ferrari models. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 法拉利F12的车身有法拉利在宾尼法利纳的法拉利中心设计,采用了一些近期法拉利其他跑车的车身设计元素。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In the 1990s, other U.S. diplomatic posts in Korea have been shut down, the last being the Consulate in Pusan in early 1999. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:1990年代内,韩国其他地区的美国外交机构纷纷关闭,其中最后一个是1999年撤废的釜山领事馆。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In 2007, the third version of the license (GNU GPLv3) was released to address some perceived problems with the second version (GNU GPLv2) that were discovered during its long-time usage. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:2007年,发布了第三版许可证(GNU GPLv3),以解决在长期使用期间发现的第二版(GNU GPLv2)所发生的一些困扰。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On the island, Maemi damaged 104 buildings, including two severely damaged houses. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 宫古岛有104幢建筑因气旋受损,其中两幢房屋程度严重。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: By slow degrees, and despite the many difficulties, the community not only retained a good deal of cohesion but did begin to flourish, both economically and culturally. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 虽然地位较低,经历了许多困难,上海的俄国社区不仅维持了强大的凝聚力,而且确实开始在经济上和文化上走向繁荣。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Similarly, Freddie Mercury's 65th birthday was celebrated on September 5, 2011, with an animated clip set to "Don't Stop Me Now". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 2011年9月5日,弗雷迪·默丘里的65岁生日,动画剪辑为不要阻止我(英语:Don't Stop Me Now)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Critics often compare Dillard to authors from the Transcendentalist movement; Edward Abbey in particular deemed her Thoreau's "true heir". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 评论者通常将迪拉德比作超验主义运动中的作者;爱德华·艾比(Edward Abbey)尤其将她视为梭罗的“真正传人”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Although Nineteen Eighty-Four is most famous for the Party's pervasive surveillance of everyday life, this control means that the population of Oceania—all of it and including the ruling elite—could be controlled and manipulated merely through the alteration of everyday thought and language. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 虽然《一九八四》出名主要是因为小说内党对群众生活渗透性的监视,这种统治却意味着大洋国的居民——所有人,包括统治阶级——仅通过对思想和语言的修正就能控制和操纵。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Brown resigned as Prime Minister on the evening of 11 May, and the Conservative–Liberal Democrat Coalition government led by David Cameron took office shortly thereafter. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 布朗于5月11日傍晚辞去首相职务,而由戴维·卡梅伦领导的保守党—自由民主联合政府当晚即上任。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Consequently, personal or family portraits were in great demand. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 因此,个人肖像或全家福是非常必要的。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Eight airports use the word London in their name, but most traffic passes through six of these. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 八座机场在其名称中使用“伦敦”一词,但大多数交通量都经由其中六座。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Second Boer War of 1899–1901 between the British Empire and the Afrikaner Boers was at least partly over the rights of miners and possession of the gold wealth in South Africa. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 在1899年至1901年大英帝国与阿非利卡人或波耳人的第二次波耳战争的其中一个起因便是采矿工人权利及南非黄金财富所有权之争。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Ingestion of kerosene is harmful or fatal. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 食用煤油是有害的或致命的。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In a distributed model, repositories act as peers, and users typically have a local repository with version history available, in addition to their working copies. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 而在分布式架构中,库之间是平等的,用户一般除了他们的工作副本之外,还有本地库来存放版本历史。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Assad appointed Adel Safar as the new Syrian prime minister and charged him with the task of forming a new government. c. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 阿萨德指定阿德尔·萨法尔为新总理人选,并让他负责组建新政府。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: The vast majority of children who lived in the communist orphanages were not actually orphans, but were simply children whose parents could not afford to raise them. Assistant: 生活在共产主义孤儿院的绝大多数儿童实际上并不是孤儿,而只是父母无法抚养他们的孩子。 User: The people rejoice. Assistant: 众所爱乐。 User: Some diphosphines, such as the extraordinary case of tBu2P(CH2)10PtBu2, give macrocyclic complexes with as many as 72 atoms in a ring. Assistant: 一些二膦,如tBu2P(CH2)10PtBu2可与金属原子形成高达72原子的大环。 User: Mahathir launched the Kuala Lumpur Initiative to Criminalise War Forum in 2005 which led to the establishment of the Perdana Global Peace Organisation in 2006. Assistant: 马哈迪在2005年发起吉隆坡战争罪行论坛,使他在2006年成立首要全球和平组织(Perdana Global Peace Organisation)。 User: Thus ground controllers could not give "real-time" instructions for daily operations or for unexpected events. Assistant: 因此,地面控制不能对于日常或突发的事件给予“即时”的指示。 User: Literacy can increase job opportunities and access to higher education. Assistant: 识字增加工作机会和获得高等教育的机会。 User: Their son, Alfonso II, was the first king of Aragon who, in turn was the Count of Barcelona, titles all the kings of the Crown of Aragon inherited from then on. Assistant: 他们的儿子阿方索二世,是第一个同时兼任巴塞隆纳伯爵的亚拉冈国王,从此时起所有的国王头衔皆称为亚拉冈联合王国国王。 User: In his only act, Goebel signed a proclamation to dissolve the militia called up by Taylor, which was ignored by the militia's Republican commander. Assistant: 他唯一的行动就是签署命令解散泰勒召集的民兵,但军队的共和党指挥官无视了这道命令。 User: The dead woman was not Martine at all, but his wife. Assistant: 所以不是弗洛伦斯坦死,就是他亡。 User: It defined the powers and duties of both agencies including the funds, personnel and the regulations of Civil Aviation. Assistant: 它定义了两个机构的权力和责任,包括民航的资金、人员和其他制度。 User: "We have noted relevant reports. Assistant: ”并说出了段凝的计划。 User: Paradox Interactive became the game publisher focused on PC games of various genres and Paradox Development Studio became the game development studio focused on grand strategy games. Assistant: Paradox Interactive成为专注于各种类型PC游戏的发行商,Paradox Development Studio则成为专注于大战略游戏的开发工作室。 User: The first version of SageMath was released on 24 February 2005 as free and open-source software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, with the initial goals of creating an "open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB". Assistant: SAGE的第一个版本在GNU许可证下发布于2005年2月24日,最初的目标是创造一个“Magma(英语:Magma (computer algebra system))、Maple、Mathematica和MATLAB的开源替代品”。 User: Newell's Old Boys and Rosario Central, two local soccer teams and rivals in the Rosario derby, organized a charity match for the victims at the Gabino Sosa Stadium, and Rosario-born Lionel Messi provided support through the "Leo Messi" charity. Assistant: 罗萨里奥的纽韦尔老男孩竞技俱乐部和罗萨里奥中央两支足球队在加维诺索萨球场(Estadio Gabino Sosa)为遇难者组织了一场慈善比赛,生于罗萨里奥的利昂内尔·梅西也通过慈善活动向家乡提供支持。 User: Many carriers declined this offer because they could not obtain enough cargo to cover the cost of the return trip. Assistant: 许多运输公司拒绝了这个提议因为他们没有足够的货物来支付返航费用。 User: By December 10, Peter degenerated into a tropical depression, and after turning northeastward it was absorbed by the cold front the next day. Assistant: 到12月10日时,彼得已降级成热带低气压,并在转向东北后于次日被冷锋吸收。 User: Joseph Roland Barbera (/bɑːrˈbɛrə/ bar-BERR-ə; Italian: ; March 24, 1911 – December 18, 2006) was an American animator, director, producer, storyboard artist, and cartoon artist, whose film and television cartoon characters entertained millions of fans worldwide for much of the 20th century. Assistant: 约瑟夫·罗兰·“乔”·巴伯拉(英语:Joseph Roland "Joe" Barbera,1911年3月24日-2006年12月18日)是美国动画师、导演、制片人、分镜画师兼卡通画师,他创作的电影和电视动画角色曾在20世纪大部分时间里娱乐全世界数以亿计的观众。 User: He is perhaps the best example of a noble villain. Assistant: 他被视为一个好人,是高尚野蛮人的典型例子。 User: The partition agreement also included the division of Indian government assets, including the Indian Civil Service, the Indian Army, the Royal Indian Navy, the Indian railways and the central treasury, and other administrative services. Assistant: 协议还包括了印度政府部门的资产、包括印度公务员、印度陆军、皇家印度海军、印度铁路和中央财政,以及其他行政服务。 User: Miacis retained 44 teeth, although some reductions in this number were apparently in progress and some of the teeth were reduced in size. Assistant: 牙齿数目仍保持在44颗,但在演化历程中这个数量有一些减少及一些牙齿亦缩小了。 User: She published on such subjects as risk analysis and the environment, consumption and welfare economics, and food and ritual, all increasingly cited outside anthropology circles. Assistant: 她所发表关于风险分析和环境、消费与福利经济学、以及食品与仪式等主题的著作,引起了人类学学术圈以外的人们关注。 User: Texas Instruments, who manufactured the 486DLC for Cyrix, later released its own version of the chip, the TI486SXL, with 8 kB internal cache vs 1 kB of the original Cyrix design. Assistant: 为Cyrix制造486DLC的德州仪器后来发布了它自己的版本,型号为TI-486SXL,并在新版本中将Cyrix原设计中的1KB缓存升至8KB。 User: The Giants' final three years in New York City were unmemorable. Assistant: 巨人队在纽约市的最后三年里是不值得怀念的。 User: For example, the first (K) shell has one subshell, called 1s; the second (L) shell has two subshells, called 2s and 2p; the third shell has 3s, 3p, and 3d; the fourth shell has 4s, 4p, 4d and 4f; the fifth shell has 5s, 5p, 5d, and 5f and can theoretically hold more in the 5g subshell that is not occupied in the ground-state electron configuration of any known element. Assistant: 比如,最里面的主电子层(K)有一个亚层1s;L层有两个亚层,2s和2p;M层有3s,3p和3d;N层有4s,4p,4d和4f;O层有5s,5p,5d,5f亚层,理论上可以有更多亚层,但锕系元素的电子层都只占有5f亚层的一部分。 User: The National Park Service also closed Cape Point Campground. Assistant: 美国国家公园管理局还将开普角营地关闭。 User: The statement that "African Language Systems are genetically based" also contributed to the negative reaction because "genetically" was popularly misunderstood to imply that African Americans had a biological predisposition to a particular language. Assistant: 方案中声称“非洲语言系统是有遗传关系为基础的”也助长了对其的广泛敌意,因为其中的“遗传关系”(genetically)被广泛误读为是在暗指非洲裔美国人对于某种语言有生理上的倾向性。 User: The refectory of the monastery was built at the same time as the church. Assistant: 修道院的食堂与教堂同时修建。 User: He became an instructor at Princeton University's Department of Psychology in 1924 and was appointed to assistant professor in 1926. Assistant: 1924年成为普林斯顿大学心理学系讲师,1926年升任助理教授。 User: Many large factories and other industrial centres, such as chemical plants, oil refineries, breweries and distilleries have ambulance services provided by employers as a means of protecting their interests and the welfare of their staff. Assistant: 有些大型工厂,例如化学工业、炼油及酒精发酵等工厂,部分会有雇主提供救护车车队服务,以保障厂方的权益及雇员的健康福利。 User: On 23 January 2007, the Human Metabolome Project, led by Dr. David Wishart of the University of Alberta, Canada, completed the first draft of the human metabolome, consisting of a database of approximately 2500 metabolites, 1200 drugs and 3500 food components. Assistant: 在2007年1月23日,由加拿大阿尔伯塔大学的David Wishart博士领导的人体代谢物项目完成了人类代谢物组数据库(英语:Human Metabolome Database)(Human Metabolome Database)的初稿,其中包含大约2500种代谢物,1200种药物,和3500种食物成分的数据库。 User: He developed a procedure for separating long-range transport and regional transport of particulate matter and ragweed pollen, respectively. Assistant: 他创制了能够分辨远程运输和区域运输的颗粒物和豚草花粉的一种程序。 User: This can include planets, dwarf planets, small solar system bodies (asteroids, comets, etc.) or features found on or near those objects such as ring systems or large craters. Assistant: 这可以包括行星、矮行星、太阳系小天体(小行星、彗星等),或在这些天体附近发现的特征,像是环系统或大的撞击坑。 User: Those killed included 163 who were in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, one person in the Athenian Building, one woman in a parking lot across the street, a man and woman in the Oklahoma Water Resources building, and a rescue worker struck on the head by debris. Assistant: 所有死者中有163人在默拉联邦大楼内,一人身在雅典大厦,还有街对面停车场的一位女性,俄克拉荷马水资源大楼内的一男一女,以及一位被土石砸中头部的救援人员。 User: Allen Cadwallader and David Gagné suggest a special type of rhythmic reduction that they call "imaginary continuo", stressing the link between the rhythmic reduction and a notation as a melody with figured bass. Assistant: Allen Cadwallader和David Gagné提出了一种他们称为“假想数字低音”的节奏缩谱,强调了节奏缩谱和一个带数字低音的旋律之间的联系。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Even today, people who believe in a lunar effect claim that admissions to psychiatric hospitals, traffic accidents, homicides or suicides increase during a full moon, but dozens of studies invalidate these claims. Assistant: 即使在今天,虽然没有科学的依据,依然有人坚称精神科病患的数量、交通事故、杀人或自杀的事件,在一轮满月的期间会增加。 User: The station opened in 1987, but was closed from 1991 to 1993 as the surrounding area was rebuilt. Assistant: 此站开通于1987年,在1991年至1993年期间曾关闭重建。 User: With its dreamy, melodic expression and neo-Romantic mood, it stands, along with 'The Lay of the Love and Death of Christoph Cornet', as the most important of his early works. Assistant: 此作品表达梦幻,极具韵律感,带有新浪漫主义情怀,与“对克里斯托弗·柯纳特的爱与死亡”并列成为里尔克早期最重要的作品。 User: "At least 70%" of Syria's population – non-Sunnis (Muslim and Christian), Kurds, and tribal groups "have been outside" the Brotherhood's influence "in the past", and Hassan believes will remain so in the future. Assistant: ”“叙利亚国内至少70%的人口,不管是非逊尼派穆斯林、基督教徒、库尔德人还是部落成员,在过去都很排斥穆兄会的影响力。 User: The uterine appendages (or adnexa of uterus) are the structures most closely related structurally and functionally to the uterus. Assistant: 子宫附件(adnexa of uterus, uterine appendages)是指从结构上或功能上与子宫最接近的组织。 User: While visiting the Netherlands in September 1988, he was informed that his passport had been revoked and that charges had been filed against him under the Anti-Subversion Law of the Philippines. Assistant: 三个月后,访问荷兰期间,他被告知他的护照已被撤销,并被(根据菲律宾反颠覆法)指控。 User: The skin was released in Experience Pack for Tablet PC and was available for free, but the installer only installed it on Windows XP Tablet PC Edition devices, for which it was licensed. Assistant: 皮肤在平板电脑体验包中释放并可免费使用,但封闭安装在Windows XP Tablet PC Edition设备上。 User: Inside the magnetosphere, there are relatively dense regions of solar wind particles called the Van Allen radiation belts. Assistant: 在磁层里面,有着太阳风粒子密集的区域,称为范艾伦辐射带。 User: Many of the women from those early classes went on to achieve success within the Cadet Wing and after graduation (see list of Academy graduates below). Assistant: 早几届的女学员很多都在学员联队和毕业之后取得了成功(参见下面的毕业生列表)。 User: Schools were closed in Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands as a precaution. Assistant: 波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛的学校暂时关闭,以防万一。 User: The A20, or addressing line 20, is one of the electrical lines that make up the system bus of an x86-based computer system. Assistant: A20总线,是x86体系的扩充电子线路之一。 User: However it is not (generally speaking) foreseeable that they will be struck by lightning and killed by that event. Assistant: 冀出其不意,灭此朝食,奈众寡强弱不相敌,遂遇害。 User: Stossel contends that these suits often generate more wealth for lawyers than for deserving clients, stifle innovation and personal freedoms, and cause harm to private citizens, taxpayers, consumers and businesses. Assistant: 斯托塞尔认为,这些诉讼通常会为律师——而不是客户——带来更多的财富,以及扼杀创新和个人自由,并对公民、纳税人、消费者和企业造成伤害。 User: These rules may define characters' capabilities, what can be done with various objects that exist in the setting, and what characters can do during the downtime between LARP events. Assistant: 这些规则可以定义角色的能力,可以对设置中存在的各种对象进行调整,以及在LARP事件之间的休息时段可以扮演的行为。 User: GoldenEye 007 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Rare and based on the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye. Assistant: 《黄金眼007》(英语:GoldenEye 007)是一款由Rare开发,根据1995年詹姆斯·邦德电影《黄金眼》改编的第一人称射击游戏。 User: The King has power to appoint his successor. Assistant: 国王是能够命令臣民的。 User: Friendly interactive shell (fish) – First released in 2005. Assistant: TENEX C shell(tcsh) fish,第一次发布于2005年。 User: When the statements were reported, Nixon denied them. Assistant: 但当这些话语出现在新闻报道中时,尼克松予以否认。 User: Chemokines are used in the communication between cells. Assistant: 允许细胞之间的化学通信。 User: Once the new Pope is chosen, the former Secretary's role in the commission likewise expires, though he can be re-appointed as Secretary of State. Assistant: 一旦新的教宗被选上,国务卿在委员会中的角色也将到期,他也可以被重新任命为国务卿。 User: It became the first standing PHS team to set up and run a Federal Medical Station. Assistant: 这支部队成为了第一支设立并运作联邦医疗站的公共卫生服务小队。 User: He sneaks away saying, "Alright". Assistant: 魏齐醉,曰:“可矣。 User: This policy became known as Mutual Assured Destruction: both sides knew that any attack upon the other would be devastating to themselves, thus in theory restraining them from attacking the other. Assistant: 这个政策就是后来著名的相互保证毁灭的一部分:各方知道任何对对方的攻击对自己而言也是毁灭性的,从而会(按理)避免攻击对方。 User: The château remained empty until 1959, when Guy de Rothschild and his new wife, Marie-Hélène de Zuylen van Nyevelt, set about refurbishing it. Assistant: 城堡一直空置,直到1959年盖伊·罗斯柴尔德和他的新妻子玛丽-埃莱娜·罗斯柴尔德着手整修。 User: The 26 person crew initially planned to evacuate, but they later decided to stay on the freighter as the U.S. Coast Guard were deployed to assist. Assistant: 26名船员起初打算撤离,但得知美国海岸警卫队已在赶来的路上后决定留上船上等待救援。 User: The subject of custom allocators has been treated by many C++ experts and authors, including Scott Meyers in Effective STL and Andrei Alexandrescu in Modern C++ Design. Assistant: 在“自定义分配器”这一话题上,已有诸多C++专家与相关作者参与探讨,例如斯科特·梅耶斯的作品《Effective STL》与安德烈·亚历山德雷斯库的《Modern C++ Design(英语:Modern C++ Design)》都有提及。 User: Twilight Struggle: The Cold War, 1945–1989 is a card-driven strategy game for two players, with its theme taken from the Cold War. Assistant: 冷战热斗(Twilight Struggle: The Cold War, 1945 - 1989)是一个二人纸牌策略游戏,名称来源于冷战。 User: Bradley's opposition to Prohibition made him more palatable to some Democrats than their own candidate, outgoing Governor Beckham. Assistant: 对于部分民主党人来说,布拉德利反对禁酒的立场比起即将离任的民主党州长贝克汉姆更容易接受。 User: He made a real students’ list. Assistant: 这是一个知名流变学家列表。 User: Legal expert Susan P. Crawford has said this gives him "effective control over every step". Assistant: 法律专家苏珊·P·克劳福德(英语:Susan P. Crawford)表示这使得布莱恩“对(康卡斯特)每一步都有有效的控制”。 User: Hasegawa was responsible for creating the designs for the Noise creatures, and wanted to have them recognizable as creatures before they decay into skeletons. Assistant: 长谷川负责设计噪音怪物,并想让它们在变成骷髅前给人留下印象。 User: Nixon tried to focus attention on Douglas' liberal voting record. Assistant: 尼克松试图让选民注意道格拉斯的自由派投票纪录。 User: On clear nights the Guantánamo Province of Cuba can be seen. Assistant: 在晴朗的日子,可眺望古巴东部海岸。 User: In Pune around 500 volunteers have covered more than 400 housing societies, 60 firms and 30 colleges, enrolling over 35,000 people in the voters' list. Assistant: 如有五百多名义工负责浦那市的400多个住宅协会、60间公司及30所学院,收录进名册的投票人数达三万五千多人。 User: The application is designed to accurately display Wikipedia content through its own internal browser, or by a locally hosted web server which allows users to access content using any browser of choice. Assistant: 该应用程序旨在通过其自己的内部浏览器或本地托管的Web服务器准确地显示维基百科内容,该服务器允许用户使用所选的任何浏览器访问内容。 User: Genotype has a larger effect on yield than on protein content, oil content, fatty acid composition, or phenolic compounds, whereas high temperature reduces oil content and degree of unsaturation, and raises protein content. Assistant: 对产量影响来说,基因型比蛋白质含量、油分含量、脂肪酸组成物、或酚类化合物的影响较大,而高温降低了油含量和不饱和度,并提高了蛋白质含量。 User: Douglass also came to consider Garrison too radical. Assistant: 道格拉斯认为加里森的思想太过激进。 User: Quieter than chain. Assistant: 比较主流,不分尖团。 User: Between his start as Assistant Secretary and 1855, he worked with Joseph Henry to provide scientific equipment and needs to the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. Assistant: 自1855年任助理部长开始,贝尔德就开始和部长亨利一起提供科学家们设备和物品以方便美国和墨西哥边境调查。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: They could also join a created game. Assistant: 玩者也可以加入一场进行中的游戏。 User: Grahame-White attempted to make a test flight earlier that day, but the huge crowds hampered his efforts, and he was unable to take off. Assistant: 格雷厄姆·怀特在那一天较早时候就已经计划试飞了,但就被拥挤的人群阻碍而无法成事。 User: The journey of countless nerves begins with this first step; from here, further processing leads to a panoply of auditory reactions and sensations. Assistant: 十亿根神经的行程的第一步就在这里开始,从这里进一步带到一系列广泛的听觉反应和知觉。 User: However, Xu and Zhang remained in effective control of the headquarters, and Yang Wo was hoping to, but unable to, eliminate them. Assistant: 但张颢和徐温实际维持对军部的控制,杨渥虽然想清除他们,却无能为力。 User: The only difference between the two is the type of collar used. Assistant: 两者最大的区别是养晶方式。 User: In that case, the jacks in the house are RJ11. Assistant: 在这种情况下插口是RJ11。 User: Although unsuccessful in his attempts to renegotiate with the oil corporations, Chávez focused on his stated goal of improving both the fairness and efficiency of Venezuela's formerly lax tax collection and auditing system, especially for major corporations and landholders. Assistant: 虽然与外国石油公司的重新谈判并没有成功,但查韦斯仍专注于改进国内税赋和查账制度的效率,尤其是针对主要公司和地主。 User: Trains at a Glance Published once a year in English and Hindi. Assistant: 《铁路一瞥》(Trains at a Glance) 每年一版,英语和印地语。 User: Independently, Hoyle appeared in the film Velvet Goldmine (1998) and the television series Nathan Barley (2005). Assistant: 除此以外,霍伊尔还曾在1998年电影《天鹅绒金矿》(Velvet Goldmine)和2005年的电视剧《内森·巴利》(Nathan Barley)中演出。 User: According to the ACLED, at least 200 militant attacks were suspected throughout the country – including southern and western provinces – from 1 January 2018 to 12 January 2019. Assistant: 根据武装冲突地点和事件数据组(英语:ACLED)(下称 ACLED),2018年1月1日至2019年1月12日期间,国内发生至少200宗疑似武装分子袭击事件,包括西部和南部省份。 User: In this view, it is not the diversity that causes conflict, but rather people's intolerance and prejudice towards diversity. Assistant: 在这个意义下,多样性并不直接导致冲突,引起冲突的是人们对多样性的偏见和不宽容。 User: The problem then is how to build a philosophical world view based on these two themes. Assistant: 还原论是将世界上的事物的解释简化到一些基础的理论的哲学观点。 User: In 2015, she was part of a fundraising event in support of the Motion Picture & Television Fund, which helps people in the television and film industry with limited or no resources. Assistant: 2015年,她参与电影和电视基金筹款活动以表支持,该活动帮助资源有限和没有资源的电视和电影业人士。 User: Academic consensus holds that between 50% and 90% of languages spoken at the beginning of the 21st century will probably have become extinct by the year 2100. Assistant: 学术界公认现存口语中有50%至90%会在2100年前灭绝。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Warp's film has not been as widely seen by the public as Kandle's film, but those who have seen it and have offered a public opinion on the matter seem to feel that it shows Ruth did not call his shot. Assistant: Warp的影片并不像Kandle有很多人看过,不过看过影片的人公开发表的意见大多是认为鲁斯并没有作出全垒打预告。 User: His Gunpla is the Astray No-Name. Assistant: 吉绘的妈妈 本名不详。 User: Educated in the Soviet Union, he served as an air force pilot under the monarchy of Mohammed Zahir Shah, and later as the air force garrison commander under President Mohammed Daoud Khan in 1973. Assistant: 他在苏联接受教育,他曾担任穆罕默德·查希尔沙君主制下的空军飞行员,后来担任1973年总统穆罕默德·达乌德汗领导下的空军指挥官。 User: In 1913 the Sandžak, Kosovo and Metohija and Vardar Macedonia became part of the Kingdom of Serbia, and subsequently organized into the province (pokrajina) of South Serbia. Assistant: 1913年桑扎克、科索沃和瓦尔达尔马其顿成为塞尔维亚王国一部分,被编入南塞尔维亚。 User: Because the frost line accumulated large amounts of water via evaporation from infalling icy material, it created a region of lower pressure that increased the speed of orbiting dust particles and halted their motion toward the Sun. Assistant: 因为冻结线聚集了大量由向内降落的冰状物质蒸发而来的水,其形成了一个低压区,加速了轨道上环绕的尘埃颗粒的速度阻止了它们向太阳落去的运动。 User: An additional twelve European countries legally recognise some form of civil union, namely Andorra, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Slovenia, and Switzerland. Assistant: 另外欧洲还有十多个国家承认同性伴侣民事结合,他们是安道尔、捷克、斯洛文尼亚、瑞士、匈牙利、列支敦士登、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、爱沙尼亚、希腊、意大利、圣马力诺。 User: Many commentators were shocked by the findings, which contrast with the rescue of Jews by Poles during the Holocaust. Assistant: 许多评论员对调查结果感到震惊,因为调查发现的行径与犹太人大屠杀期间波兰人对犹太人的救助(英语:Rescue of Jews by Poles during the Holocaust)形成了鲜明对比。 User: The privatisation of British Rail saw ownership of EPS transferred to London and Continental Railways (LCR) in 1996, which is a property development company owned by the Government of the United Kingdom. Assistant: 在1996年英国铁路私有化运动让欧洲客运服务的所有权转移到伦敦大陆铁路有限公司 (LCR)里,这间财产发展公司归英国政府所有。 User: In German, the adjective "deutsche" (adjective for "German" in feminine singular nominative form) is capitalized because it is part of a proper name, while the noun "Mark", like all German nouns, is always capitalized. Assistant: 在德国,形容词“deutsche(德国的)”(“German(德国)”形容词的阴性单数第一格形式)的首字母大写,因为它已经成为专有名词的一部分,同时名词“Mark(马克)”,与所有德语名词一样首字母大写。 User: For example, Watkins and colleagues had participants test a number of different gratitude exercises, such as thinking about a living person for whom they are grateful, writing about someone for whom they are grateful, and writing a letter to deliver to someone for whom they are grateful. Assistant: 例如,沃特金斯和他的同事们让参与者测试许多不同的感恩练习,比如思考活着的人来说,他们是感激,写的人来说,他们是感激,和写信的人来说,他们是感激。 User: Once phosphorylated, eIF2 shows increased affinity for its Guanine nucleotide exchange factor eIF2B. Assistant: 一旦被磷酸化,eIF2表现出增强的对eIF2B活性的抑制。 User: Graduated in 2005. Assistant: 2005年毕业。 User: Light infantry and missile troops took part in the battles but their role was less important. Assistant: 轻装步兵和投射部队也参与战斗的一部分,但他们的角色地位不是很重要。 User: The Titan II's hypergolic fuel and oxidizer ignited on contact, but they were highly toxic and corrosive liquids. Assistant: 泰坦二号的自燃性燃料及氧化剂于接触时点火,但具高毒性及高腐蚀性。 User: They share with the Portuguese social democrats their presence at the creation of the party and "a non-Marxist progressivist line". Assistant: 他们创党之初与葡萄牙社会民主主义派共存,主张“非马克思进步主义路线”。 User: We do not need to hold on tightly to money and possessions, but can share what God has given us. Assistant: 不可贪求金钱,也不要忧虑吃什么、穿什么,要先求神的国和神的义,因为我们需用的东西神都会看顾。 User: Tom Marshall had served as coach the previous two difficult years. Assistant: 在2005年的时候,巴比·考克斯也成为第一位连续两年都得奖的教练。 User: 8 April 2002: About 200 cubic meters of steam escaped from a defective pipe. Assistant: 2002年4月8日,普贤堆压力管道因缺陷喷出约200立方米蒸汽,反应堆紧急关闭。 User: In 1869 the government decided on the merger of the two printing houses, as it was necessary to solve the domestic production of fee stamps which were very important for the Finance Ministry. Assistant: 1869 年,政府决定合并上述两家印刷厂, 因为有必要解决费用票的国内生产,这对于财政部非常重要。 User: Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. Assistant: 有些人甚至相信我们是罔顾美国最大利益的秘密集团之一,把我的家人和我描述为‘国际主义者’,并与世界各地的人共谋建立一个更加一体化的全球政治和经济结构,一个世界政府。 User: As such, it tends to hold the first place within a week's observances, sharing that place only with other major feasts which occur from time to time. Assistant: 因此,它往往在一周的庆祝活动中占首位,与其它大型节期地位同等 。 User: In the early 20th century, the term "french fried" was being used in the sense of "deep-fried" for foods like onion rings or chicken. Assistant: 在20世纪初期,“French fried”这个名字开始用于其他食物,例如洋葱圈、鸡肉等等。 User: During the semester, he scored in 57 days twice as many goals as he had during his entire professional career: 3 on the Copa Libertadores and another 3 on the Argentine league. Assistant: 在这个赛季,他在57天内打进了数次梅开二度的成绩,他在自己的整个职业生涯有:3次在南美自由杯和另外3次在阿根廷甲级联赛。 User: The extension .webloc is used for Internet URLs within the Safari browser. Assistant: 扩展名.webloc被用于Safari浏览器中的互联网URL。 User: Within a week, Japan capitulated, ending the war in the Pacific. Assistant: 同年,日本宣布投降,结束太平洋战争。 User: Headey's performance was inspired by punk-rock singer Patti Smith. Assistant: 海莉的表演受到朋克摇滚歌手帕蒂·史密斯的启发。 User: The tunnel was opened for revenue service on October 21, 1928 in a ceremony presided over by Mayor James Rolph. Assistant: 此隧道开通于1928年10月21日,由当时旧金山市长James Rolph主持通车典礼。 User: These cars need to feel heavy. Assistant: 这些机车使用重油。 User: Scipio's objective was, therefore, to quickly eliminate one of the armies to give him the luxury of dealing with the other two piecemeal. Assistant: 因此西庇阿的策略是迅速击溃三个敌人中的一个,以为他进行机动应付另两个敌人制造空间。 User: In 1614, the University of Groningen was founded, initially only for religious education. Assistant: 1614年,格罗宁根大学成立,最初的目的是宗教教育。 User: Beginning on November 17, Lenny affected Puerto Rico with gusty winds and heavy rainfall. Assistant: 从11月17日开始,莱尼给波多黎各带去强烈的阵风和暴雨。 User: The final loss occurred on 21 October 1980, when 885 crashed into the sea as a result of a catapult failure; the pilot was picked up by a Wessex. Assistant: 最后的失事发生在1980年10月21日,墨尔本号弹射器故障导致885号飞机起飞后撞向大海;飞行员被威塞克斯式直升机救起。 User: National Order Recipients 2008, South African History Online. Assistant: 三立节目部制作,2008,在台湾的故事。 User: Rosberg's victory made him the ninth different winner of the Spanish Grand Prix in as many years. Assistant: 罗斯堡的胜利使他成为过去九年来的第九位西班牙大奖赛分站冠军得主。 User: It should, however, be noted that MD can penetrate rubber, so some masks and clothing are ineffective. Assistant: 但是,必须注意,MD可以穿透橡胶,所以有些面罩和衣物是无效的。 User: Koz is the host of a weekly half-hour television series named Frequency put on by Fast Focus. Assistant: 考兹主持了名为Frequency的每周半小时的电视访谈节目。 User: On the same day, he was on stage at the same station, as every year, for "Télévie" for research on all forms of cancer. Assistant: 同一天,在同一个频道,他象往年一样走上了“Télévie”(电视人生)的平台,为探索癌症的各种形式贡献自己的力量。 User: Imerovigli has only 470 permanent inhabitants. Assistant: 伊莫洛维里只有470永久居民。 User: For a researcher to use data acquired via the GTS or from the Argo Global Data Centres (GDACs) does require programming skills. Assistant: 用户在使用从GTS或GDAC获取的Argo数据是需要编程技巧。 User: Due to large volumes of the iPhone being manufactured and its high selling price, Apple became the largest mobile handset vendor in the world by revenue, in 2011, surpassing long-time leader Nokia. Assistant: 由于iPhone大量制造及售价高企,苹果公司在2011年成为盈利最多的手机制造商,超越屹立于榜首长达十多年的诺基亚。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The term eustasy or eustatic refers to changes in the volume of water in the oceans, usually due to global climate change. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:Eustasy 或 Eustatic 是指海水量造成的海平面变化,经常是因为气候变化造成。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Zakopane became a center for the region's mining and metallurgy industries; in the 19th century, it was the largest center for metallurgy in Galicia. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 扎科帕内成为该地区采矿业和冶金行业的中心;在19世纪,它是加利西亚最大的冶金中心。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Enraged by the heavy losses, the Japanese executed a large number of KNIL POW's. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 由于承受了重大损失,日军展开了大量的杀俘举动。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The remnants of Larry re-organized in the eastern Pacific, with the National Hurricane Center indicating for the possibility of redevelopment into a tropical depression on October 9. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 拉里的残留在东太平洋重新组织,美国国家飓风中心认为,系统有可能于10月9日重新发展成热带低气压。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Protests were also held in cities of Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham, Nottingham, Dublin, Belfast and Derry. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 抗议活动还在曼彻斯特、布里斯托尔、伯明翰、诺丁汉、都柏林、贝尔法斯特和德里等城市举行。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: O&K supplied all manner of railway equipment to the Army. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 透过e-AMUSEMENT的网络募集全日本的对战局进行对局。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 These two effects combine to make the equinox day 12 h 7 min long and the night only 11 h 53 min. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 这两个原因的影响约达到7分钟,使得昼夜平分日的白天有12小时7分钟,夜晚只有11小时53分钟,而且还包含了暮曙光的时间在内。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 He is Wilsberg's best friend. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他是斯布雷斯最知心的朋友。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The series is a mix of a weekly mission/counter-mission, and a story arc running through the first season that explores Nikita's relationships with Alex and Michael. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 剧集将会是每周性的任务或反任务的混合,而首季故事线将探索Nikita与Alex及Michael的关系。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Hariye Giyechi 11. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 球衣号11。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: By 1974, when the train became a Trans-Europe Express, the trip was scheduled to take only 5 hours, 45 minutes, in both directions, and by 1977 the travel time had been reduced by another 10 minutes. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 至1974年,当列车升级为全欧快车类别后,双向的运行时间仅需5小时45分;而到了1977年运行时间又进一步缩减10分钟。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: During World War I, it was producing large amounts of lignite. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在第二次世界大战期间,注射机生产了大量价格低廉的塑料产品。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The colored woodcut illustrations were the first real attempts to represent animals in their natural environment. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 棍齿兽是第一批刊登于《自然》的爬行动物。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: After the speech, Republican activist Keith McCormac showed Nixon the Post story, which had been picked up by United Press under the headline "Nixon Scandal Fund". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 演讲结束后,共和党活动家基斯·麦科马克(Keith McCormac)给尼克松看了《纽约邮报》的文章,合众国际社转载了该文,使用的标题是《尼克松丑闻基金》(Nixon Scandal Fund)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 It took place at the Melbourne Convention Centre from 12 to 14 March 2010. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 它在2010年3月12日至14日之间在墨尔本会展中心举行。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The signature of the artist is on the back of Smith's shoe, and the year 2005 is on Carlos's shoe. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 制作这个雕像的艺术家的签名位于史密斯鞋子的背面,而卡洛斯的鞋子则是刻着2005年。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 While Constantine has worn many clothes over the years, he was originally portrayed as often wearing a blue pin-stripe suit, tan trench coat, and occasionally gloves. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 康斯坦汀多年来穿过很多衣服,最初是描绘成经常身穿蓝色细条纹西装、驼色风衣且偶尔会戴手套。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In 2013, he shared the Shaw Prize for Astronomy with John F. Hawley. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 2013年,他与约翰·F·霍利共同获得了邵逸夫天文学奖。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: German-language variants of the name (now no longer in use) were Lowens, Lauis, Lauwis, Louwerz. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 德语中名词变形为(不再使用) Lowens, Lauis, Lauwis 。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Phonemic awareness relates to the ability to distinguish and manipulate individual sounds, such as /f/, /ʊ/, and /t/ in the case of foot. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 音素意识涉及区分和操纵单个声音的能力,例如在foot的情况下/ f /,/ʊ/和/ t /。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Brian Krebs reported that the breach affected all of Deloitte's email and administrative user accounts. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 美国调查记者Brian Krebs 报道说黑客行为影响了事务所所有的电子邮箱和管理员账户。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Because of their simplicity and low price, the sandals became popular with Brazil's lowest social classes. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 由于其简约设计与低廉价格,这些拖鞋在巴西社会底层之间广受欢迎。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:A passing taxi driver found her unconscious, and he had difficulty getting her admitted to local hospitals. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 一位路过的出租车司机发现她不省人事,艰难地将她送到当地医院。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, it proposed only the strengthening and partial electrification of the existing tracks, new deviations to bypass the worst sections, additional passing loops, and the purchase of new diesel-electric trains. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 然而,但是计划仅是提出改善现有的轨道以及部分路线电气化,并且再购买新的柴油或是电动火车。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Compared with the keyboards of other small computers at the time, the IBM PC keyboard was far superior and played a significant role in establishing a high-quality impression. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:与当时其它小电脑的键盘相比IBM PC的键盘是极高档的,它对于使得IBM PC成为高质量的概念起了重要角色。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Paramount Home Video first released Sleepy Hollow on DVD in the United States on May 23, 2000. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 派拉蒙家庭娱乐最早在2000年5月23日于美国发行了电影的DVD。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Monday A man comes home, phones his boss to resign from his job, writes mysterious letters, cleans his apartment and swallows poison in his bathtub. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 星期一 一个男人回家,给他的老板打电话辞职,写了一封神秘的信件,打扫了他的公寓,随后在浴缸里吞下毒药。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The League of Nations did not work, partially because the United States refused to join and partially because, in practice, nations did not always find it "in the national interest" to deter each other from the use of force. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 国际联盟并不奏效,部分原因是美国拒绝加入,部分原因是在实践中,阻止其他国家诉诸武力并不总是符合这些国家的国家利益。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Early work on the subject was published also by Jean Baptiste Meusnier. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 Jean Baptiste Meusnier也做了些早期的研究。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The study of semiconductor devices and related technology is considered a branch of solid state physics, whereas the design and construction of electronic circuits to solve practical problems come under electronics engineering. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 半导体器件的研究和相关技术是固体物理学的一个分支,但是电子电路的设计和搭建来解决实际问题却是电子工程的范围。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It is an active participant in the Radical Independence Campaign. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 目前,该组织积极参与激进独立运动。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In Malaysia, the Shariah Court alone has the power to deal with Islamic issues, including legal recognition for conversion to and from Islam. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在马来西亚,回教法庭有权处理伊斯兰教问题,包括对脱离伊斯兰教的法律承认。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Hip boots are also worn by ecologists and environmental scientists who do tests in swamps or lakes to determine the quality of water. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 生态学家和环境科学家也穿着这种靴子在沼泽地或湖泊检测水质。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Hemings is known for having four surviving children from her decades-long concubinage with President Thomas Jefferson; they were 7/8 European by ancestry. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 海明斯成为托马斯·杰弗逊总统的妾,与他生育的孩子中有四个成活;算下来他们有7/8的欧洲血统,其中三人在成年期很容易地进入白人社会。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The banks and IFC said they were confident that the Equator Principles were followed, and said an independent consultant had confirmed this assessment. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 银行和国际金融公司表示,他们有自信遵守赤道原则,一位独立顾问予以肯定。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Worldwide sales figures for Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection as of 2013. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 截至2013年,《花漾年华:甜心全记录》在全球的销售量。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 With this definition, a filter on a set is indeed a filter. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 通过这个定义在集合上的滤子是真滤子。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 His first successes were with American sitters, among others his patron John Adams and family in 1784–85; this painting is now in the Boston Athenæum. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 最初的成果是针对美国人物的描绘,最著名的是他的赞助人约翰·亚当斯及其家人的肖像(1784至85年),这幅画作现存于波士顿图书馆。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After the Uruguay round, the GATT became the basis for the establishment of the World Trade Organization. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在乌拉圭回合后,GATT成为世界贸易组织(WTO)的前身。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:El Desconcierto. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:案牍无扰。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It is very difficult, however, to track down which component is responsible. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 不过很难找出是哪一个模组造成的影响。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 At the same time he also freed all political prisoners and pardoned all political crimes against the junta. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他上任后第一时间就对政治犯实行了大赦,以及停止了一切对政党的政治迫害。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:To implement the policy of "Prevention First" and to conduct health education to the general public. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 贯彻预防为主方针,开展全民健康教育。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: All of a sudden, the sky turned red, and the ocean was dyed black. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 天空突然染满深红而海面则成了一片漆黑。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The first break occurs after leaf 26, line 1476. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 最初的裂口出现在第26片棕榈叶、第1476行上。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: After this, he promises to grant each of the companions' wishes. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 所以他有意整合一切具有宗教情操的人们,共同奋斗摧毁私心,以挽救全人类。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He was heavily guarded by soldiers and police, but still tried to interact with the public, encouraging those who tried to run to him by noticing them, and bowing to a group of loud young popcorn sellers. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 这期间他受到了士兵和警察的严密保护,不过仍然努力与公众进行互动,他鼓励人们向自己跑来,还向一群年轻的爆米花销售员鞠躬致敬。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1965, the first McLaren Formula One car, the M2B, debuted at the Monaco Grand Prix. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1965年,第一台迈凯轮一级方程式赛车M2B于摩纳哥大奖赛首次亮相。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Often talents are used in antisocial or asocial ways. Assistant: 聪明才智往往被用于反社会或自私自利的方面。 User: At the suggestion that Chotiner could defend him, Nixon worried that the attorney might not be willing to do so. Assistant: 面对请乔蒂纳为自己辩护的建议,尼克松担心后者可能不会愿意这么做。 User: The term often refers to a process applied to a recording, without necessarily referring to the recording itself. Assistant: 这个术语经常用来指代用于录制的处理过程,而不用指代该录音本身。 User: The emergence of computer networks and electronic communication made the writing of collaborative fiction faster and more convenient than previous forms of correspondence. Assistant: 电脑网络和电子通讯的出现使得接龙小说的写作比之前的更加快速且便利。 User: The liquid has a foul odour (similar to that of dead leaves), a bitter taste, and can stain porous materials. Assistant: 外表为熨斗的形状,附属锁链的前端有绑着类似插头的分铜,也能够给予灵体伤害。 User: This raised the public debate in Japan to new heights whether Japanese troops should stay in Iraq or leave. Assistant: 并利用找到日本3大王之器来决定日本群岛属于大和还是日本。 User: His work was characterized as being nostalgic and filled with the author's thoughts about living away from his own native land. Assistant: 他的作品被描述为满怀乡愁,充满了作者对远离祖国的思想。 User: Israeli authorities began to use Russian and Amharic extensively when communicating with these new immigrants. Assistant: 以色列当局开始使用俄语和阿姆哈拉语与移民沟通。 User: Zagreb has four separate seasons. Assistant: 萨格勒布有四季。 User: It depicts the moment the gardener is splashed in the face, and is thus also the first film poster to depict an actual scene from a film. Assistant: 海报描绘出园丁被水射中的那一刻,因此它也是首张描绘电影实际场景的电影海报。 User: President Chávez developed strong ties with the government of Iran, in particular in the area of energy production, economic, and industrial cooperation. Assistant: 查韦斯与伊朗政府保持紧密关系,尤其在能源生产、经济、和产业合作的领域上。 User: She was a keen patron of literature, and encouraged the use of tapestries, carpets and tableware in the Spanish style, as well as innovative garden designs. Assistant: 她热心于文学,并鼓励英国,使用西班牙风格的挂毯,地毯和餐具,以及西班牙创新的花园设计。 User: Of these, the Moon was studied first, using methods developed earlier on the Earth. Assistant: 其中,月球是最早被研究的,使用的方法都是早期在地球发展出来的。 User: He then entered business. Assistant: 而后,入治事。 User: Sheldon and Leonard would "approach her with honesty, to draw the real, sensitive Katie out". Assistant: 谢尔顿和伦纳德会用心接触她,找到那个真实的、敏感的凯蒂。 User: According to some evidence, V838 Monocerotis may be a very massive supergiant. Assistant: 根据一些证据,麒麟座V838可能是相当巨大的超巨星。 User: There are very few weapons lying around in maps. Assistant: 地图上只放置有少数武器。 User: The public, however, complained that the trailers were too gruesome with the re-enactments of the rituals and murders, forcing the media company MediaCorp to reshuffle the schedule. Assistant: 然而,公众却抱怨预告片播放法事和杀人的扮演片段实在令人不寒而栗,这使得传媒公司新传媒对排程进行重组。 User: Bentley was taken to St Bartholomew's Hospital. Assistant: 宾利被带到圣巴多罗买医院。 User: The two main uses of sprays are to distribute material over a cross-section and to generate liquid surface area. Assistant: 喷雾的两个主要用途是在界面上分布材料以及产生具有液态表面的区域。 User: The death of Camarena outraged Washington, and Mexico responded by carrying out a massive manhunt to arrest those involved in the incident. Assistant: 卡马雷纳的死激怒了华盛顿,墨西哥对此进行了大规模的搜捕,以逮捕参与此事的人。 User: However, POJOs and Java Beans have encapsulation, and so violate the fundamental definition of PDS. Assistant: 但不管怎么样,POJO和JAVA Bean已经有了封装,已经违反了POD的定义了。 User: The game was the second to benefit under publisher Activision's three-year development cycle, the first being Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Assistant: 这也是第二款动视以三年开发周期进行制作的游戏,第一款是使命召唤:高级战争。 User: Along with John Cooper, he revolutionised the premier motor sport. Assistant: 与John Cooper一起,他彻底改变了首屈一指的赛车运动。 User: These would provide (over the long-term) a very high return on the initial investment in space infrastructure. Assistant: 这长远而言,会对太空基础设施的初始投资提供非常高的回报。 User: Disproof of a prediction is evidence of progress. Assistant: 而对预测的反证则是进步的证明。 User: However, climatologists determined that the rainfall did not fully alleviate the dry conditions. Assistant: 不过气候学家认为,这些降雨并没有完全缓解这些地区的干旱情况。 User: The first OSS 117 film, OSS 117 Is Not Dead, was made in 1957 with Ivan Desny as OSS 117. Assistant: 第一部改编电影《OSS 117没有死》(OSS 117 N'est Pas Mort)是在1957年由伊凡·德斯尼主演。 User: In people with acute stroke and hemiparesis, the disorder is present in 10.4% of patients. Assistant: 在急中风和轻偏瘫患者中,出现倾斜综合征的患者占10.4%。 User: For generic manufacturers, the Act created a new approval mechanism, the Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), in which the generic drug manufacturer need only demonstrate that their generic formulation has the same active ingredient, route of administration, dosage form, strength, and pharmacokinetic properties ("bioequivalence") as the corresponding brand-name drug. Assistant: 对于一般制药商,该法案设立了一种新的审批机制——“简化新药申请审评程序”(ANDA),通过该程序,一般制药商只需要证明他们的仿制成品和所仿制的药品有相同的活性成分、给药途径、剂型、强度及药代动力学特性。 User: Each entry records the name, extension, attributes (archive, directory, hidden, read-only, system and volume), the date and time of creation, the address of the first cluster of the file/directory's data and finally the size of the file/directory. Assistant: 每个条目记录名字、扩展名、属性(档案、目录、隐藏、只读、系统和卷)、创建的日期和时间、文件/目录数据第一个簇的地址,最后是文件/目录的大小。 User: The lines of curvature or curvature lines are curves which are always tangent to a principal direction (they are integral curves for the principal direction fields). Assistant: 曲率线(lines of curvature 或 curvature lines)是总与一个主方向相切的曲线,它们是主方向场的积分曲线。 User: The magazine has also started to review game related hardware on occasion as well as aspects of Xbox Live. Assistant: 该杂志也开始评审游戏硬件以及Xbox Live的各个方面。 User: It was the favorite meeting place of the Roman people. Assistant: 这是罗马人最喜爱的聚会地点。 User: 1867 Japan's last shōgun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu caused an end to the shogunate when he surrendered power to the emperor. Assistant: 1867年,日本最后一位幕府将军德川庆喜将权力移交给天皇,幕府统治结束。 User: In reality, the product was probably a colloidal mixture of the metal and caesium chloride. Assistant: 实际上他们获得的可能是金属铯和氯化铯的胶体混合物。 User: Upon the death of Frederick in 1493, Maximilian also took over his father's possessions and thus united the whole Habsburg territory in his hands. Assistant: 在腓特烈于1493年驾崩后,马克西米利安还接管了其亡父的属地,因此他将整个哈布斯堡的领土统一在了他的手中。 User: Missiles were also expensive, especially against low-value ground targets. Assistant: 导弹价格昂贵,特别是面对低价值的地面目标。 User: December - Namco releases Super Xevious and Dragon Buster, the latter of which is one of the first games to feature a life bar. Assistant: 12月 — 南梦宫发行了《超级铁板阵》和《Dragon Buster》,后者是最早使用生命条的游戏之一。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 RT-Invest (diversified, minority stake) RT-Business Development: charged with implementing the Rostec strategy aiming to increase capitalization of projects in the sectors of commercial advanced technologies, raw materials and associated infrastructure. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: RT-业务发展有限责任公司负责落实Rostec战略,以便提高商业先进技术、原材料和相应基础设施领域项目的资本化。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: To solve this problem, Karl Weierstrass introduced a new formalism consisting of replacing the intuitive notion of limit by a formal definition. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 为了解决此类问题,卡尔·魏尔斯特拉斯引入了新的定义,以取代之前对极限的直观概念。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Although redlining is illegal some argue that it continues to exist in other forms. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 尽管经济歧视是违法的,但有人认为这种歧视仍然以其他方式继续存在着。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The attendees at the airport's dedication included former Texas Governor John Connally, Transportation Secretary Claude Brinegar, U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen and Texas Governor Dolph Briscoe. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:参加这次仪式的嘉宾包含了前德克萨斯州州长John Connally、交通运输司司长Claude Brinegar、美国参议员Lloyd Bentsen以及当时的德克萨斯州州长Dolph Briscoe。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Although the boat wasn't capable of beating Wood's Miss America, the British team did gain experience, which was put into an improved boat. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 虽然英国小姐并不能超越霍德的美国小姐,不过英国赛组得到了更多的经验,以改善往后的船只。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:51 classic American cars around the city can be driven in Mafia, plus 19 bonus cars (5 of which are racing models) unlockable after the main mode and the opening of a new game mode. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 51部经典美国车在游戏中供玩家驾驶,外加19辆额外车型(其中5部为赛车款)在主线模式结束后,开启新游戏模式时解锁。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As long as we can keep on working we'll stay alive. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 既然我们活在当下,就要努力继续活下去。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Zoa can also be created in liquid form. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:肝脏也会制造胆汁。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The communications system included the high-gain antenna and an omnidirectional medium-gain antenna and two transmitters, one at 960.1 MHz with 0.25 watts power output and the other at 960.05 MHz with 3 watts power output. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 通信系统包括高增益天线、全方位中增益天线和两个转换器,一个在960.1MHz的输出功率为0.25W,另一个在960.05MHz的输出功率为3W。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 With the Colossus, we will have nothing more to fear. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 因为非常的懒惰,啥事都不会做。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The Russian name Koloshi (Колоши, from a Sugpiaq-Alutiiq term kulut'ruaq for the labret worn by women) or the related German name Koulischen may be encountered referring to the people in older historical literature, such as Shelikhov's 1796 map of Russian America. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:其俄语名称“Колоши”(来自Sugpiaq-Alutiiq语“kulut'ruaq”,指的是女人们用的唇饰)和德语名称“Koulischen”历史上也曾用到,例如格里戈里·切利科夫1796年绘制的俄属北美地图上就曾出现这些名字。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Kirk Caldwell becomes mayor, succeeded by Peter Carlisle. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 檀香山现任市长为Peter Carlisle。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Each helix house contains a dual fixed-variable inductor system, which is automatically matched to the transmitter via a feedback loop to keep the antenna system at its maximum radiating efficiency. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 每个螺旋屋(英语:Helix building)包含一个双重固定可变电感器系统,该系统是通过反馈回路自动匹配到发射机,以保持天线系统保持最大辐射效率。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Despite being one of the few major thoroughfares in Rome able to cope with a high volume of traffic without congestion, it is the subject of much ire both within the Roman community and among historical scholars due to the circumstances under which it was constructed. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 虽然这是罗马为数不多的少数几条能够应付大量交通而不拥堵的主要干道,但是由于其地下的情况,修筑这条路引起罗马社会和历史学者的愤怒。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: International Advisory Board. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:国际宣传委员。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Initial reactions to the program were mixed. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:外界对项目的评价最初持怀疑态度。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As another example, a three-dimensional Vector composite type that uses the floating point data type could be created with: struct Vector { float x; float y; float z; }; A variable named velocity with a Vector composite type would be declared as Vector velocity; Members of the velocity would be accessed using a dot notation. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:其它例子,一个使用了浮点数资料型别的三维向量复合型别,可如此建立: struct Vector { float x; float y; float z; }; 一个以 Vector 复合型别为型别的变数名 velocity,可以宣告为 Vector velocity;,可以用点运算符(.)存取 velocity 的成员。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This meant that Patton would have some role in organizing the effort, and his eagerness and dedication to the task impressed Pershing. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:这意味着巴顿可以在战斗的组织上发挥作用,而他对此项任务的热情和敬业精神也给潘兴留下了深刻印象。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The building in the rear of this is now the headquarters of Tung Fu-hsiang and his Kansu troops, who I may state, had already entered the city a few days previously. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 那里后面的建筑物现在是董福祥和他的甘肃军队的总部,我可以说他们几天前就已入城了。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 2015, the TRC concluded with the establishment of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, and the publication of a multi-volume report detailing the testimonies of survivors and historical documents from the time. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: TRC在2015年正式建立国家真相与和解中心,并出版多份报告,详细纪录幸存者的叙述与相关历史文件。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The letter hwair (ƕ), used only in transliteration of the Gothic language, resembles a hw ligature. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 字母ƕ(Hwair)仅用于转写哥德语,代表hw合字。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: PC World placed him second in their 2008 list of most diabolical video game villains of all time. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 《PC World》把他放于2008年的任何时刻最狠毒的电子游戏坏蛋名单的第二。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In 1966 the Vietnamese Bible Society was established. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1966年成立了越南圣经公会。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The show was a success in Venezuela and other parts of South America, and it was televised in the US by TeleFutura. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这个电视剧在委内瑞拉非常成功并进入南美,也被美国未来电视转播。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The US Congress, alarmed by the perceived threat to national security and technological leadership (known as the "Sputnik crisis"), urged immediate and swift action; President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his advisers counseled more deliberate measures. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 美国国会对国家安全和技术领导的威胁(被称作"斯普特尼克危机")感到震惊,并敦促采取迅速行动, 德怀特·艾森豪威尔总统及其顾问团提出更加深思熟虑的措施。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It was even used in the production of a high-grade paper for U.S. currency. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 它甚至被用来制造印刷美国货币的纸。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: His experiences with anti-Mexican discrimination in the United States led him to examine Mexican culture more closely. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:他在美国体验美国人对墨西哥人的歧视,使他更亲近并审视墨西哥文化。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He mostly plays doublebass. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他主要研究双翅目。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Unified Display Interface (UDI) was a digital video interface specification based on Digital Visual Interface (DVI). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 统一显示接口(Unified Display Interface,UDI)是一个基于DVI的数字视频接口规范。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He fought for many years in Chile and Peru. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1920年代,他前往智利和秘鲁。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, if the page was written to after it is paged in, its dirty bit will be set, indicating that the page must be written back to the backing store. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:但是如果页在调入物理内存后被修改,会标记其为脏数据,意味着该页必需被写回备用存储。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Conservative Jews and Christians argue at the present era that the Jews never believed that the aim of all sacrifice is to pay the debt for sins - only the sin offering and the guilt offering had this purpose; modern scholars of early Jewish history, however, often disagree and argue that this division came later. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 应当注意,现代的保守派犹太教徒和基督教徒主张犹太人从不相信所有的献祭都是用来赎罪的,只有赎罪祭和赎愆祭有这个目的;但是现代的早期犹太历史学者经常提出反对并认为这种区分是后来才出现的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 While the Olympic Games find their origin in Greece, Britain, and specifically the Stoke Mandeville Hospital is recognised as the spiritual home of the Paralympic Games. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:奥林匹克运动会起源于希腊,那么英国,特别是斯托克·曼德维尔医院被认为是残奥会发源地及精神象征。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:König was taken to Kiel for initial repairs, as that was the only location that had a floating dry dock large enough to fit the ship. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 国王号被送往基尔进行初步维修,因为这是唯一拥有能够适应该舰尺寸的大型浮动旱坞的地点。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On August 16, 2009, at around 10:30 pm, a 25-foot section of the bricks lining the 35-foot high curved ceiling of the station collapsed onto both uptown and downtown tracks and platforms. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:2009年8月16日约晚上10时30分,位于车站顶部一段25英尺长的砖于35英尺高的天花板倒塌,散布于上下行的轨道和月台,无人受伤。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The 1991 AFC Women's Championship, consisting of nine teams, served as the AFC's qualifying tournament for the 1991 FIFA Women's World Cup. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:1991年亚足联女子锦标赛由九支球队组成,作为亚足联参加1991年国际足联女足世界杯的资格赛。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The park was created to protect its flowers. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 公园为保护花卉而建。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Magnus's kingship has been downplayed in later history partly due to his short tenure, and because most of it was together with his brother. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 马格努斯二世的统治在后来的历史中被淡化,部分原因是在于他的统治太短暂,并且因为大多数时间都与他的弟弟共治。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He had repeatedly offered to respect the judgement of an impartial arbitration team, he reminded Johnston, but the British had shot this idea down each time. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他提醒强斯顿,自己一再表示会尊重公正仲裁小组的判决,但英国每次都回拒此一想法。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The H.263+ project was ratified by the ITU in February 1998. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:H.263+项目于1998年2月在ITU正式通过。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Duke of Trakai (Latin: dux Trocensis) was replaced by appointed officials – voivodes and his deputy castellan. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:特拉凯公爵(拉丁语:dux Trocensis)被任命的官员取代——省总督和他的副手城主。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: All four ships could also carry 100 mines. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 全部四艘舰也可携带100枚水雷。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Many of the most emotional comments in the book are directed at Rousseau. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:在书中,许多富有情绪化的评论针对的都是卢梭。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He returned to Norway in 1035 and was crowned king at the age of 11. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他于1035年回到挪威,并在11岁时被加冕为国王。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Both clay cures and iridology have become an established part of the practice of naturopathy in the early 21st century. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 黏土疗法和虹膜诊断学成为了21世纪早期自然疗法实践的既定内容。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Stranger You Know. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:了别境者是识。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:1976 – Seychelles joins the United Nations. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1976年:塞舌尔加入联合国。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Marta Eggerth, 101, Hungarian-born American singer and actress. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 玛莎·艾格丝(英语:Marta Eggerth),101岁,匈牙利出生的美国歌手、演员。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Adolescents' thinking is less bound to concrete events than that of children: they can contemplate possibilities outside the realm of what currently exists. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 与儿童相比,青少年的思维较不限于具体的事物:他们可思虑到目前不存在的事物的可能性。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After that, Mitchell started his NBA career, first spending three seasons with the Timberwolves. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 此后,米切尔开始了他的NBA生涯,先消费与森林狼的三个赛季。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In ISI Journal Citation Reports, ACM Computing Surveys has the highest impact factor among all computer science journals. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 期刊引证报告指出,在所有的计算机科学期刊中,ACM计算概观拥有最高的影响因子。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 This family relationship would lessen the possibility that the Younger Lady (and, by extension, Tutankhamun's mother) was either Nefertiti, or Akhenaten's secondary wife Kiya, because no known artifact accords either wife titles such as "King's sister" or "King's Daughter". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这个所复原的家庭关系将减少“年轻女士”是娜芙蒂蒂或基亚的可能性,因为没有已知人工品能证明阿肯那顿有有着“国王的姐妹”或“国王的女儿”头衔的妻子。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: The bridge has three spans. Assistant: 该桥有3个拱。 User: Flowers also attract pollinators by scent and some of those scents are pleasant to our sense of smell. Assistant: 花卉还能用香味吸引授粉,其中有些香味会让人们感到愉悦。 User: A subsequent research assessment was conducted in 1989 under the name "research selectivity exercise" by the Universities Funding Council. Assistant: 1989年和1992年的报告名为“research selectivity exercise”,由大学基金会(Universities Funding Council)得出。 User: Iraq was a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement from 1922 to 1940, and again from 1956 to 1999. Assistant: 伊拉克曾经于1922-1940年与1956-1999年是世界童军运动组织的成员。 User: It was launched on 19 October 2017 and was released on 24 October exclusively in China. Assistant: 此款手机于2017年10月19日发布,并于10月24日在中国独家发售。 User: Meanwhile, those envoys sent in early December had reached Venice and, having learned of the fate of the captives, were attempting to make their way to Bursa. Assistant: 同时,12月初出发的使者已抵达威尼斯,得悉俘虏们的下落,并准备前往布尔萨。 User: The attacks usually took place on Sunday, when the whole mission population was gathered for Mass. Assistant: 奴隶商人的攻击通常出现在礼拜日,当归化区全部的人都在做弥撒时。 User: In summary, Galilean spacetime and Minkowski spacetime are, when viewed as manifolds, actually the same. Assistant: 总体而言,伽利略时空与闵可夫斯基时空在被看作流形时是完全相同的。 User: It is sometimes used to emphasize royal names or other important names. Assistant: 通常其上会刻有当代法老或其他皇室成员的名称。 User: However, the vast majority of unionists rejected the agreement and staged a massive and peaceful public rally in Belfast City Centre to demonstrate their distaste. Assistant: 然而,绝大多数的工会人士都抵制这次协议,并在贝尔法斯特市中心举行了大规模的公民集会来表达他们的不满。 User: The study and development of chemistry and physics assisted the study of materials, and eventually the interdisciplinary study of materials science emerged from the fusion of these studies. Assistant: 化学和物理的研究及发展有助于材料的研究,从这些研究中融合产生材料科学的跨学科研究。 User: Lieutenant Colonel Thomas L. Ridge, commander of 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines (3/1), predicted the Chinese attack would come on the night of 28 November. Assistant: 第1陆战团第3营(英语:3rd Battalion, 1st Marines)指挥官托马斯·L·里奇预计,志愿军将在11月28日夜里展开进攻。 User: Although this successfully maintained their performance even under operating systems that did not support trim, it had the associated drawbacks of increased write amplification and wear of the flash cells. Assistant: 尽管这在不支持修整的操作系统上也成功地保持了性能,它存在增加写入放大和闪存单元磨损的相关缺点。 User: After a sharp fight in which they lost 5,000 men and 40 cannons, the French withdrew toward Sedan. Assistant: 法军遭遇一场闪电战,激战中损失了5,000人和40门火炮后往色当撤退。 User: She was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame and the Astronaut Hall of Fame and was awarded the NASA Space Flight Medal twice. Assistant: 她入选国家女子名人堂和宇航员名人堂,并两次获得美国宇航局太空飞行奖章。 User: The Italian firm Chiappa Firearms manufactures modern reproductions of the Winchester Model 1887 series shotguns. Assistant: 意大利齐亚帕武器公司现已制成了温彻斯特M1887系列霰弹枪的现代化仿制品。 User: He is the middle child of Peter and Lois Griffin and brother of Stewie and Meg Griffin. Assistant: 他是彼得和洛伊丝的孩子,梅格·格里芬和斯图威·格里芬的兄弟。 User: Proponents speculate that if this process is interrupted by an abortion or miscarriage—before full maturity (differentiation) in the third trimester—then more immature cells could be left than there were prior to the pregnancy. Assistant: 堕胎-乳腺癌假说的支持者认为,如果在妊娠晚期乳房组织成熟(即分化完全)之前,堕胎或流产使这一过程中断,那么可能会相比怀孕前留下更多未成熟的细胞。 User: They have one child named Andrew Susanto, who is currently following his parents' footsteps in playing badminton. Assistant: 他们已育有一子,名为安德鲁·苏山托,已继续承双亲志业从事羽球运动。 User: Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs in the world, involving production of ethanol fuel from sugar cane, and ethanol now provides 18% of the country's automotive fuel. Assistant: 巴西拥有在世界上最大的可再生能源项目之一,涉及从甘蔗生产燃料乙醇,并且乙醇现在提供了全国18%的汽车燃料。 User: Other sculptures are of officials, craftsmen, foreigners (mainly Europeans), animals, legendary creatures and ancestors. Assistant: 其他雕塑来自官员,工匠,外国人(主要是欧洲),动物(传说中的生物)和祖先。 User: Alexander would then venture into Punjab (land of five rivers), which was conquered by Darius the Great before him. Assistant: 亚历山大然后冒险进入旁遮普(五条河流的土地),在他面前被大流士一世征服。 User: At the end of the month, Brandenburg was formally assigned to the II Division of the Maneuver Squadron. Assistant: 当月底,勃兰登堡号被正式分配至第一分舰队的第二支队。 User: The captain had two spacious, well-furnished cabins. Assistant: 船长则拥有有两间舒适宽敞的船舱。 User: Mastny, nicknamed "Mr. Nasty", was born in Bontang, Indonesia, and played collegiate baseball at Furman University, where he was primarily used as a starting pitcher. Assistant: 外号叫做“刁钻先生”(Mr. Nasty)的马斯特尼,随后加入了福尔曼大学(Furman University)的棒球校队,在那儿主要担任先发投手。 User: Morgan sold his interest in Golden Harvest in 1984 and turned his full attention to Hollywood. Assistant: 1984年,摩根出售了他在嘉禾电影公司的股份,并把注意力转向好莱坞。 User: It commanded a number of Einsatzgruppen units formed with Gestapo, Kripo and Sicherheitsdienst (SD) officers and men who were theoretically to follow the Wehrmacht (armed forces) into occupied territories. Assistant: 该单位指挥了几支由盖世太保、刑事警察(英语:Kripo)和党卫队保安处官兵组成的别动队部队,他们理论上将跟随国防军进入占领区。 User: This requires governmental action. Assistant: 而有参与国政的要求。 User: When Toohoolhoolzote protested, he was jailed for five days. Assistant: 当“羚羊首领(英语:Toohoolhoolzote)”表示了抗议后,他被监禁了五天。 User: Others experimented with galvanic skin response, voice pitch analysis, and eye-tracking (Young, pp. 22). Assistant: 其他实验包括皮肤电阻感应、声调分析和眼动追踪(Young, 22页)。 User: In this respect, a religiously Ashkenazi Jew is an Israeli who is more likely to support certain religious interests in Israel, including certain political parties. Assistant: 从这个意义上讲,这些宗教意义上的阿什肯纳兹犹太人也必须支持某些以色列政党和宗教利益。 User: For that group all permutations of the three non-identity elements are automorphisms, so the automorphism group is isomorphic to S3 and Dih3. Assistant: 对于这种群三个非单位元素的所有置换都是自同构,所以这个自同构群同构于 S3 和 Dih3。 User: The species is venomous, and therefore shouldn't be disturbed. Assistant: 这种真菌是苦的,因此不供食用。 User: On November 1, a Blizzard store listing was accidentally released and immediately removed. Assistant: 11月1日,一份暴雪商店的商品清单被意外公布,随后立即被删除。 User: According to Clark only if "...the union of capital necessitates the union of labour" just wages will come about and may be fixed by arbitration. Assistant: 克拉克写道: 他希望通过镇压和改革来打击共产主义: 根据克拉克的观点,只有“......资本联盟需要劳动联合”才能实现工资通过仲裁来获得和固定。 User: On 14 August 2017, Pakistan's Independence Day, it was used for paying a tribute to Jinnah through 3d projection mapping show by 3D illumination. Assistant: 2017年8月14日,巴基斯坦独立日当天,它被用来通过3D投影映射,通过3D照明展示向真纳致敬。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The current head coach is Jeff Blashill. Assistant: 当前教练为Jeff Blashill。 User: Young Marx was privately educated by his father until 1830, when he entered Trier High School, whose headmaster, Hugo Wyttenbach, was a friend of his father. Assistant: 马克思小时候接受父亲海因里希·马克思的家庭教育,1830年则进入特里尔中学就读,当时校长胡戈·维滕巴赫(Hugo Wyttenbach)还是马克思父亲的朋友。 User: The two nations used to share the Navajo–Hopi Joint Use Area, but this was a source of conflict. Assistant: 霍皮族保留地整个被更大的纳瓦霍保留地所包围,两个民族共享纳瓦霍-霍皮联合使用区,但这恰恰成为了两民族冲突之源。 User: Prestashop 1.5. Assistant: 视力为1.5。 User: There is no other will but his. Assistant: 对有无他世不置可否。 User: This is what Saint Cecilia does through her faith. Assistant: 是由圣亚戴带领他归信的。 User: 24 Qassam rockets and 11 mortars were fired into Israel, causing some damage but no injuries. Assistant: 哈马斯从加沙向以色列境内发射了24枚卡萨姆火箭和11枚迫击炮弹造成一些破坏,但无人受伤。 User: Four hours later, word reached Tokyo of the Soviet Union's official declaration of war. Assistant: 四个小时后,东京得知苏联对日宣战。 User: Lee considers leaving Oxford but stays on after being convinced by Scatters (Edward Rigby), his personal servant. Assistant: 李想着离开牛津,但在被他的私人仆人斯卡特斯(爱德华·里格比饰)说服之后决定继续留下来。 User: He resigned from both positions on 23 October. Assistant: 他在10月23日辞却这两项职务。 User: This species occurs in Egypt. Assistant: 该物种的模式产地在埃及。 User: The power station closed in 1981. Assistant: 1981年发电站停止运作。 User: To find out the latest news in town, Huck dresses as a girl and enters the house of Judith Loftus, a woman new to the area. Assistant: 为了获得镇上新闻,哈克乔装成了小姑娘,进入了朱迪思·洛夫特斯的家中,后者则是新搬来的人。 User: She has sometimes been referred to by the media as "First Lady". Assistant: 被媒体誉为“回族第一美女”。 User: The election also saw a small change in Northern Ireland: the Conservatives organised and stood candidates in the province for the first time since the Ulster Unionist Party had broken with them in 1972 over the Sunningdale Agreement. Assistant: 选举也看到了在北爱尔兰的一个小变化,作为保守党盟友的北爱尔兰统一党的候选人在全省首次打破了他们在1972年的向阳协议。 User: May 16: On a proposal of Robespierre, the Assembly votes to forbid members of the current Assembly to become candidates for the next Assembly. Assistant: 五月十六日:在马克西米连·罗伯斯庇尔的提议下,议会禁止现届议会议员参加下届议会选举。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In America, these people are often grouped under the single name "Scotch-Irish" or "Scots-Irish". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:在美国,他们被称为苏格兰-爱尔兰人(英语:Scotch-Irish Americans)(Scotch-Irish)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Recent studies have proposed to discriminate between two different types of evolutionary change in host specificity. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 最近的研究提出,将两种具有宿主特异性的进化性演化类型区分开。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Therefore, to rescue the industry central coordination was crucial. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:希特勒认为重振经济至关重要。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Transcription from methylated CpG islands is strongly and heritably repressed. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 来自甲基化的CpG岛的转录被强烈抑制并可遗传。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The manifesto promised that if the French Royal family was not harmed, then the Allies would not harm French civilians or loot. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 布告保证如若法国王室安然无恙,联军将不会伤害任何法国平民或对他们进行劫掠。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Starting in 2015, CBAT has scaled back its efforts to publish assigned designations of typed supernovae: By September 2014, CBAT had published names and details of 100 supernovae discovered in that year. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 自2015年开始,CBAT已经缩减其发布、分配和指定超新星名称与类型的工作:在2014年9月,CBAT发布了那一年发现的100颗超新星名称和详细资料。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: While the old quarters in the vicinity of Nymphenburgerstreet and Blutenburgstreet are home to upper middle class for some time, the sometimes less sumptuously executed turn of the century buildings offer in the vicinity of Schulstreet and Donnersbergerstreet housing for various population groups. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 虽然宁芬堡大街(Nymphenburger Straße)和布鲁滕堡大街(Blutenburgstraße)周边的老建筑社区长久以来便是上层中产阶级的故土,在校街(Schulstraße)和多纳斯贝格大街(德语:Donnersbergerstraße)附近还是有部分建于世纪之交的奢华建筑为不同阶层的人群提供居住空间。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Coir has a high cation exchange, meaning it can store unused minerals to be released to the plant as and when it requires it. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 椰子纤维具有较高的离子交换能力,这意味着它可以储存未使用的矿物质,以便在需要时将其释放到植物中。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Popper saw the classical Greeks as initiating the long slow transition from tribalism towards the open society, and as facing for the first time the strain imposed by the less personal group relations entailed thereby. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 波普尔认为,古希腊人开启了从部落制社会向开放社会过渡的漫长过程,并首次面临由此带来的个人与群体关系削弱所带来的压力。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He devoted himself to Sean, rising at 6 am daily to plan and prepare his meals and to spend time with him. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他致力于肖恩,他每天早上六点计划并准备他的饭菜,并与他共度时光。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1951, the company changed its name to Texas Instruments; GSI becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of the new company. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 1951年,公司重新命名为德州仪器,GSI变为德州仪器的一个全资子公司。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:On his return to Rome he was honored with a triumph, and was the first novus homo of plebeian origin to receive an agnomen for military services. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他回到罗马后,他荣获了罗马式凯旋,并且是第一个平民(plebeian)出身的新人(homo novus),因为军事活动获得荣名的人。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In this sense, all sociological analysis is comparative and it has been suggested that what is normally referred to as comparative research, may be more appropriately called cross-national research. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 以此理解,所有社会学分析都是有比较性的,那些参考比较性研究的都应该被称为跨国研究。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The coat of arms of the Kurdistan Regional Government, which governs Iraqi Kurdistan, is an eagle holding a sun on his wings. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 库尔德斯坦地区政府徽章是伊拉克库尔德斯坦的徽章,是在他的翅膀上持有太阳的老鹰。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Afterwards, Otilia takes a bus to visit her boyfriend Adi, from whom she borrows money. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 之后奥蒂利亚搭公车去找她的男友艾迪借钱。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It is also said he intended to ask for Nirdevatvam (annihilation of Devas) and instead asked for Nidravatvam (sleep). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 吴猛认为自己已经寿算当尽,推辞不告,并要求准备棺木、寿衣。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Czolgosz had lived on his parents' farm near Cleveland beginning in 1898, working little—he may have suffered a nervous breakdown. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 乔戈什于1898年开始在父母位于克利夫兰附近的农场生活,很少工作,并且可能有过一次精神崩溃。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In terms of overall league revenue, the NFL, MLB and the NBA rank as the top three most lucrative sports leagues in the world, with the Premier League of English soccer and the NHL ranked at fourth and fifth place. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 由整体利润比较,NFL、MLB和NBA是全世界最赚钱的三大体育联赛,英格兰足球超级联赛和NHL分列四五位。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The methods of viewing and controlling the characters are separated by three different "screens": the overworld, where the characters traverse to different locations; the field map, where the characters explore locations such as towns and dungeons; and the battle screen, where the characters fight with monsters or other enemies. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:依照查看方法和控制角色,游戏被分为三类型不同的“画面”:角色穿过不同地区的世界地图;探索城镇迷宫等地的场景地图;以及角色和怪物等敌人作战的战斗画面。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 All men without physiological erectile dysfunction experience nocturnal penile tumescence, usually three to five times during the night, typically during REM sleep. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:所有没有勃起障碍的男性都有经历过晨间勃起,一般来说一晚会经过三到五次,特别是快速动眼睡眠(REM sleep)期间。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Corfiot composer Nikolaos Halikiopoulos Mantzaros was a beneficiary of the synergy between the Italian and Corfiot musical traditions. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 科孚岛作曲家Nikolaos Mantzaros是意大利和科孚岛音乐传统之间协同效应的受益者。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Unlike other compost, worm castings also contain worm mucus which helps prevent nutrients from washing away with the first watering and holds moisture better than plain soil. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 与其他堆肥不同,蠕虫铸件还含有黏液,其有助于防止营养物质与第一次浇水冲洗,并保持比平原土壤更好的水分。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 All crew members were rescued and taken prisoner. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 上面的所有船员都成为俘虏。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 By setting the film in the 1990s, McMillan felt it would create the question of "what happened to Captain Marvel to take her off the playing field ahead of the Marvel movies that we've seen to date?", and noted Danvers' story might echo the "Captain America narrative", where "a hero from the past... disappears from the world before re-emerging". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:电影设置在1990年代,麦克米伦觉得这会产生一个问题,“惊奇队长到底为何仍未在目前为止我们看过的漫威电影里出现?”,并指出丹佛斯的故事也许呼应了“美国队长的故事叙述”,“一个来自过去的超级英雄,曾经在世界上消失一段时间后重新出现。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Lunar lava tubes form a potentially important location for constructing a future lunar base, which may be used for local exploration and development, or as a human outpost to serve exploration beyond the Moon. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 熔岩管是未来修建月球基地的一个潜在的重要地方,可用于对月球的勘探和开发,或作为人类外太空探索的前哨服务站。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He decides to blockade the city for the winter, while his engineers begin to construct siege engines. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 尼基弗鲁斯决定在冬季封锁城市,且命其工程师开始建造攻城武器。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Peter William Coonan (born Peter William Sutcliffe; 2 June 1946) is an English serial killer who was dubbed the "Yorkshire Ripper" by the press. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 彼得·柯南(英语:Peter Coonan,1946年6月2日-)出生名为彼得·萨特克利夫(Peter William Sutcliffe),是英国连环杀手,他又被新闻媒体称作“约克郡屠夫”(Yorkshire Ripper)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In eastern and southern Ukraine, Russian is primarily used in cities, and Ukrainian is used in rural areas. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在东部和南部乌克兰,俄语是主要用于城市,农村地区则主要使用乌克兰语。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Due to his height and deep voice, he was in demand to play roles in movies cast as a giant – he did so in films such as Bubble Boy (2001), Big Fish (2003), House of 1000 Corpses (2003) and The Devil's Rejects (2005). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:他低沉的声线与身型,令他在不少电影,例如《Bubble Boy》(2001),《Big Fish》(2003),《猛鬼1000》(2003)同《The Devil's Reject》(2005)里都是饰演巨人。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:However, in that year, it formally allocated the code to "Taiwan, China". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在ITU的官方文件中写为配发给“中国台湾(Taiwan, China)”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In general, given similar vegetation and ecosystems, areas with more precipitation (especially high-intensity rainfall), more wind, or more storms are expected to have more erosion. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 一般来说,由于类似的植被和生态系统,具有更多降水(特别是高强度降雨),更多风力或更多风暴的区域预计会有更多的侵蚀。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 About 10% of cases run in families, and between 1% and 3% of cases are due to genetic syndromes inherited from a person's parents such as hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 另大约有10%的病例与家族遗传有关,大概有1%~3%的的案例是因为源自双亲的基因性疾病,像是遗传性弥漫性胃癌(英语:Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Stunned them in Louisiana. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:拍摄地位于路易斯安那州。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Additionally, he has appeared on BBC Radio 4's satirical quiz show The News Quiz. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该节目的前身是BBC Radio 4节目The News Quiz,开播于1990年。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: While possession is not a crime, trafficking and possession of more than "10 days worth of personal use" are still punishable by jail time and fines. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 虽然持有毒品是合法的,但贩运以及持有并个人服用十日以上者仍会被处以监禁或罚款。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In human spaceflight, the life support system is a group of devices that allow a human being to survive in outer space. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在载人航天飞行器中,生命保障系统是指一组可以让人在外太空可以生存的设备。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: 'Naqsha teri judaye ka ab tak nazar mein hai'. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 直以其能假仁假义,以行其私。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It's also used by a number of Windows components including Windows Update client and Help and Support Center. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:它也被众多Windows组件使用,包括Windows Update客户端和帮助和支持中心。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On April 10, 1943, Ridgway explained what their next mission would be: Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 1943年4月10日,马修·李奇微说明下一个任务是西西里岛登陆战役(Operation Husky)。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Luiza Lodder of No Ripcord believed that the "strumming and melodies" are "heartfelt". Assistant: 《No Ripcord》的路易莎·罗德认为歌曲的“弹奏和旋律”是由心而发的。 User: This elevated station, which was opened on August 9, 1915 by the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company, has two tracks and an island platform. Assistant: 此高架车站在1915年8月9日由布鲁克林捷运公司(英语:Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company)开设,设有一个岛式月台和两条轨道。 User: All planets with intrinsic magnetic fields, including Earth, are surrounded by a magnetosphere. Assistant: 所有行星,包括地球,的内在磁场,都有磁层包围着。 User: Hormuzan was defeated and sought once again for peace. Assistant: 昭阿努再次战败,遣使赴乂安求救。 User: They all involve math. Assistant: 他们都深受数学所影响。 User: Since 1977, the language has been going under several standardization steps by the Deutsches Institut für Normung. Assistant: 自1977年起,德国标准化学会多次定义标准。 User: Leaving that port on 7 July 1908 the U.S. Atlantic Fleet visited Honolulu; Auckland, New Zealand; Sydney, Melbourne, and Albany, Australia; Manila, Philippines; Yokohama, Japan; and Colombo, Ceylon; then arriving at Suez, Egypt, on 3 January 1909. Assistant: 1908年7月7日,美国大西洋舰队离开港口,访问了檀香山、奥克兰、新西兰、澳大利亚的悉尼和墨尔本、菲律宾的马尼拉、日本横滨、锡兰科伦坡,于1909年1月3日到达埃及的苏伊士运河。 User: Volunteers were sent in the days prior to ensure families had a family disaster plan and a disaster supplies kit in their household. Assistant: 许多志愿者提前几天采取行动,确保潜在灾区的每一户人家都制订好家庭救灾方案,并在家中留有灾害应急包。 User: The actual orbital period of this planet range from 4600 to 5400 days (from 12.5 to 15 years). Assistant: 这颗行星确实的轨道周期在4600至5400天的范围内,或是从12.5至15年。 User: Justice Harlan voted with the majority to reverse the lower court but also wrote a separate concurring opinion. Assistant: 哈伦大法官同意推翻德克斯萨州法院的判决,但是他的理由有所不同并专门写下了一份简短的协同意见书。 User: The ship sank with the loss of 21 officers and 237 men. Assistant: 舰只最终随着21名军官和237名船员的罹难而沉没。 User: However, when it became clear that the United States would accept nothing but Cuban independence, which the Spanish were not prepared to grant, negotiations broke off. Assistant: 然而,随着美国只接受古巴独立、但西班牙并不打算在这个问题上让步的局势逐渐明朗,双方谈判随即破裂。 User: In January 1939 he started to act illegally under codename "Marko". Assistant: 1939年1月,兰科维奇开始进行非法行动,化名“马尔科”(Marko)。 User: By one estimate, this was the largest non-Communist land reform program in China before 1949. Assistant: 据估计,这是1949年以前中国最大的非共产主义土地改革计划。 User: This discovery furthered the adoption of the Copernican model of the Solar System, the development of Kepler's laws of motion, and the first measurement of the speed of light. Assistant: 这个发现促成了太阳系的哥白尼模型被接受,约翰·开普勒发展出了行星运动定律,和奥勒·罗默首先测定光速。 User: A damaged hotel in Nevis left 800 people unemployed due to its closure. Assistant: 尼维斯的一间酒店因受损而关闭,导致800人因此失业。 User: The economy of Germany had "...sunk to the lowest level in a hundred years". Assistant: 那里,“德国经济已达一百年来的最低点”。 User: The quality of their sleep is usually normal unless they also have another sleep disorder. Assistant: 除非他们同时患有其他睡眠障碍,否则睡眠的品质通常是正常的。 User: This is the northernmost station on the IRT New Lots Line. Assistant: 此站是IRT新地段线最北端车站。 User: These all lamented his death. Assistant: 所有人为他的离去感到悲伤。 User: Ryan was friends with the father of former Temple Member Bob Houston, whose mutilated body was found near train tracks on October 5, 1976, three days after a taped telephone conversation with Houston's ex-wife in which leaving the Temple was discussed. Assistant: 1976年10月5日,人民圣殿前教徒鲍勃·休斯顿被肢解的尸体在火车路轨附近被发现,在3日前他曾与前妻在电话中谈论退出人民圣殿的事。 User: In May 2015, RwandAir officially became an IATA member. Assistant: 2015年5月,卢旺达航空正式成为IATA成员。 User: In 1997, Intel filed suit against AMD and Cyrix Corp. for misuse of the term MMX. Assistant: 1997年,Intel公司起诉AMD公司与Cyrix公司非法使用(misuse)了商标MMX。 User: Perseus of Macedonia was made prisoner and the Third Macedonian War ended. Assistant: 珀尔修斯成了罗马人的囚徒,从而第三次马其顿战争也结束了。 User: Orang Ulu's Sapeh (a dug-out guitar) is the best known traditional musical instrument in Sarawak and was played for Queen Elizabeth II during her official visit to Sarawak in 1972. Assistant: 乌鲁族的沙贝(英语:Sapeh)是砂拉越著名乐器,并曾在1972年英女王伊利沙伯二世访问砂拉越时演奏。 User: By the 1990s, psychologists began using positron emission tomography (PET) and later functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to image the brain while monitoring tasks involving attention. Assistant: 在1990年代,神经科学家开始使用正电子发射计算机断层扫描(PET)以及功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)技术,来推想大脑是如何完成注意的任务。 User: As used for Central and Eastern European countries it implies that the countries in question were "satellites" under the hegemony of the Soviet Union. Assistant: 冷战时期,这个词在西方盟国也意味着苏联霸权下的“卫星”。 User: What Shape Is That Piggy Wiggy? Assistant: 作家亨利基斯尔将他的书命名为What's That Pig Outdoors? User: Christianity divided itself in the East during its early centuries both within and outside of the Roman Empire in disputes about Christology and fundamental theology, as well as national divisions (Roman, Persian, etc.). Assistant: 在东方,由于基督论和基本神学上的争端,基督教在其发展的最初几个世纪即已在罗马帝国内外分裂,这一分裂同时也与不同国家间的分隔(例如罗马和波斯)相关。 User: The project is now run by the English nonprofit F-Droid Limited. Assistant: 该项目现由英格兰的非盈利机构F-Droid Limited运营。 User: To save her life, Mamuwalde transforms her into a vampire. Assistant: 为了挽救她,爱德华将她变成吸血鬼。 User: Template:Referenced section Adopted by national referendum on 12 December 1993 with 54.5% of the vote, the Constitution took effect on the day it was published – 25 December of the same year. Assistant: 依据1993年12月12日全国公民投票以54.5%的投票通过,宪法于同年12月25日公布生效。 User: The medieval period eventually saw the falling away of the invasions and incursions from outside the area that characterized the first millennium. Assistant: 中世纪时期最终迎来了外来侵略和袭击的大量减少,这些侵略和袭击在第一个千年的历史中很常见。 User: It represents all seven Olympic winter sport federations, several summer sport organizations and manages media rights for the FIS World Cup Events. Assistant: 盈方发行了所有七个冬季奥林匹克运动会, 数个夏季体育组织,以及FIS世界杯的媒体转播权。 User: Versions of the sandwich can also be found at high-end restaurants. Assistant: 高级餐厅也有各自的三明治版本。 User: The school's library is named after her. Assistant: 学校图书馆以其命名。 User: Reviewers lauded the open world's design, some further complimenting the game for streamlining Los Angeles' geography into a well-designed city space. Assistant: 开放世界设计亦是一大优点,有人还称赞游戏将洛杉矶的地理,精简成精心设计的城市空间。 User: The addition of electrons to FMN converts it to its reduced form, FMNH2. Assistant: 电子的加入使FMN转换为它的还原形式,FMNH2。 User: It is animated by Brain's Base. Assistant: 动画制作由Brain's Base负责。 User: Rainbow is portrayed as the "blacker than black" operations, and it works off its very own intelligence service which has intelligence contacts all over the world. Assistant: 彩虹被描绘成“比隐秘行动更隐秘”的操作,并且在其自己的在全世界获取情报的特别情报机构基础上工作。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Three classes of audio devices are supported by default: USB, IEEE 1394 (Firewire), and Intel High Definition Audio, which supports PCI and PCI Express. Assistant: 默认情况下它支持三类音频设备:USB、IEEE 1394(Firewire)和Intel High Definition Audio(支持PCI和PCI Express)。 User: A decompression event is an effect of a failure caused by another problem (such as an explosion or mid-air collision), but the decompression event may worsen the initial issue. Assistant: 减压事故是一个因其他问题所造成的结果(像是爆炸或空中相撞),但减压事故会恶化最初的问题。 User: On August 5, Kenneth Orr, an airman stationed at Shaw Air Force Base, filed a police report alleging that he had encountered the Lizard Man on highway 15, and he had shot and wounded it. Assistant: 8月5日,驻扎在肖空军基地(英语:Shaw Air Force Base)的一名飞行员肯尼斯·奥尔向警方提交了一份报告,说他在15号公路上遇到了蜥蜴人,他还开枪打伤了它。 User: Consciously adapted for intellectual self-improvement, Gibbon was "revisiting the Continent on a larger and more liberal plan"; most Grand Tourists did not pause more than briefly in libraries. Assistant: 吉本有意识地要改善自己的知识修养,“以更大和更宽松的计划重访欧洲大陆”;多数壮游者在未学到超过图书馆的知识前,都不会停止自己的壮游。 User: In 1987 Manning's son, Preston Manning, founded the new Reform Party of Canada, which soon became the main party of the religious right. Assistant: 1987年,曼宁的儿子普雷斯顿曼宁创立了新的加拿大改革党,后来很快成为宗教权利的主要政党。 User: Tolkien acknowledged this himself: The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work; unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision. Assistant: 托尔金自己承认了这点: 《魔戒》本质上当然是宗教性的和天主教的作品;最初是无意识的,但修订的时候是有意的。 User: Construction of the city centre, the University of Tsukuba and 46 public basic scientific research laboratories began in the 1970s. Assistant: 市中心、筑波大学和46处基础科学研究实验室的建设于1970年代起步。 User: Once the work was finished, it was handed over to the city. Assistant: 事件结束后,那个光被送去为上城发电。 User: The aesthetic appeal of the displays is such that they have also seen use in purely artistic forms, such as in Pedestrian Drama, contemporary artwork using this display technology, and art by Juan Fontanive, who has used the mechanism extensively since 2005. Assistant: 翻页显示的美学效果是他们被以纯艺术形式使用的原因,例如在采用这一显示技术的美国密尔沃基现代艺术作品《行人戏剧》(Pedestrian Drama)(英语:Pedestrian Drama),以及Juan Fontanive(英语:Juan Fontanive)的作品中;后者自2005年起即大量采用此种装置。 User: Labour deeply distrusted the media and lost heavily in the court of public opinion formed by a hostile press. Assistant: 工党对媒体深感不信任,并在由敌对媒体主导的舆论战场上频频失利。 User: In addition to his business interests, he was a very active political contributor. Assistant: 除了他在商业上的兴趣之外,他也是一名活耀的政治献金捐助者。 User: In 1996, Warner Bros. decided to hire Kevin Smith to write another script, but he turned down the offer to write the script of the unmade Superman Lives. Assistant: 1996年,华纳兄弟公司又联系了凯文·史密斯来改写剧本,但后者选择了《超人的生活》而拒绝了这个提议。 User: Mackintosh, like Shackleton, was a former Merchant Navy officer, who had been on the Nimrod expedition until his participation was cut short by an accident that resulted in the loss of his right eye. Assistant: 和沙克尔顿一样,麦金托什是前商船队的一名军官,曾参加过宁录号的探险,直到在一次意外事故中失去右眼才被迫中断。 User: It is one of the five largest Russian cognac producers. Assistant: 这家工厂属于五大俄罗斯白兰地生产的厂家之一。 User: These experiments were conducted by means of X-ray, surgery and various drugs. Assistant: 这些实验以X射线、各种手术和药物治疗进行。 User: Both after World War II and after the fall of the Berlin wall, competition law has gone through phases of renewed attention and legislative updates around the world. Assistant: 在第二次世界大战之后,以及在柏林墙倒塌之后,竞争法都得到了新的关注,且全世界也都修正其法规。 User: Tsering Jampa, Executive Director of ICT Europe in Amsterdam. Assistant: 执行董事次仁Jampa ICT阿姆斯特丹。 User: With the loss of muscle tone, animals lose the ability to regulate temperature through body movement. Assistant: 伴随着肌肉松弛,动物失去了通过肌肉运动来调节体温的能力。 User: During the Puerto Ángel evacuation, helicopters landed carrying soldier and rifles, which one tourist likened to a third-world revolution. Assistant: 安赫尔港在疏散人员期间动用直升机运载军人和步枪,一名游客还以为这是第三世界发生革命了。 User: The kidnapped children are put to work under tough conditions. Assistant: 被绑架的孩子们被强迫在艰苦的条件下工作。 User: Boeing also studied a stretched, higher-capacity version of the 717, to have been called 717-300, but decided against proceeding with the new model, fearing that it would encroach on the company's 737-700 model. Assistant: 波音公司甚至曾考虑将717机身加长,改造为717-300型,以搭载更多旅客,但担心717-300会侵蚀737-700型的市场而作罢。 User: He also became fascinated with the night sky and constellations. Assistant: 他也对夜空和星座着迷。 User: Lane County was established on January 29, 1851. Assistant: 本县成立于1851年1月29日。 User: The final call (or series of calls) motivates the customer to make a purchase. Assistant: 第一次呼叫(或者几次呼叫)来获取用户的需求,最后的呼叫(也可能是多个)来鼓动客户作出购买。 User: The gender makeup of the town was 39.3% male and 60.7% female. Assistant: 男女比为男性39.3%、女性60.7%。 User: He was a leading figure in the completion of the classification of finite simple groups in the 1970s and 1980s. Assistant: 他是1970年代和1980年代完成有限单群分类的领导人物。 User: These wicked Whiskey Sellers, when they have once got the Indians in liquor, make them sell their very clothes from their backs. Assistant: 这些缺德的威士忌酒商人们,把印第安人们喝得醉醺醺,这样就会卖给他们自己身上的衣物。 User: Qantas has named its aircraft since 1926. Assistant: 汉莎航空的历史可追溯自1926年。 User: This idea comes from Solomon's opponent-force theory. Assistant: 此想法出于所罗门(Solomon)的拮抗加工理论。 User: The final pronouncement would be irrevocable and not even Laima herself could change it. Assistant: 而最后的判定即使拉伊玛自己也无法更改。 User: June 20, 1863 Several counties of northwestern Virginia who did not want to be part of the Confederacy split off and were admitted to the US as the 35th state, West Virginia. Assistant: 1863年6月20日 弗吉尼亚州西部一些不愿意加入美利坚联盟国的县自弗吉尼亚州分出,成为美国的第35个州西弗吉尼亚州。 User: Many writers were imprisoned and killed. Assistant: 许多作家也被监禁并处决。 User: One team must protect the bomb sites while other team must disarm them. Assistant: 而破坏赛则需要一支队伍在三个不同的地方设定炸弹,而另一方必须保护这些地区。 User: The building currently houses parts of JPMorgan Chase's Investment Bank, Commercial Bank, and other corporate functions. Assistant: 该大楼目前部分为摩根大通投资银行、商业银行和其他企业职能的办公地。 User: It is, however, simpler, sometimes consisting of just a voltage-reference diode, and is used in very low-powered circuits where the wasted current is too small to be of concern. Assistant: 然而,该形式更简单,有时仅由参考电压二极管组成;并且用于很低功率的电路,其中耗费电流很小可以忽略。 User: According to the 2010 United States Census, Alaska is the 3rd least populous state with 710,231 inhabitants but is the largest by land area spanning 570,640.95 square miles (1,477,953.3 km2). Assistant: 根据2010年美国人口普查,阿拉斯加州是美国人口第3少的州,仅有710,231人,却是美国面积最大的州,达到570,640.95平方英里(1,477,953.3平方公里)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: There were no special ceremonies or rituals. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:其中没有特别的仪式参与。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 On 1 May 1904 was the station's name was changed from München Centralbahnhof ("central station") to München Hauptbahnhof ("main station"). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1904年5月1日,中央车站被正式更名为慕尼黑火车总站(München Hauptbahnhof)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Old Irish día could mean either "God" or "day"; these give rise to the modern Irish dia and Dé / Scottish Gaelic di- respectively. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 古爱尔兰语(Old Irish)的día可能意味着“God(上帝)”或者是“day(白昼)”;这些产生了现代爱尔兰语的dia以及Dé/苏格兰高地凯尔特语(Scottish Gaelic)的di-等分别。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:He reveals that he teleported Ciri to the Isle of Mists to save her from the Lofoten attack. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:他透露道为把希里从罗弗敦袭击中解救出来,将其传送到了迷雾岛。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Of the total equity of the bank, the borrowers own 94%, and the remaining 6% is owned by the Bangladesh government. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在银行的总股本中,借款人拥有94%,剩下的6%是孟加拉政府拥有的。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 On September 29, reconnaissance aircraft indicated the formation of a tropical depression to the east of the Lesser Antilles. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 9月29日,侦察机发现小安的列斯群岛东面形成热带低气压。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: They also have a new child, Cornflower. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 他们还有了个新孩子,“矢车菊”。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A web interface could allow the software to post diagnostics data to a website, or could even allow remote control of the software application. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 网页版界面可以允许软件发送诊断数据到一个网站,甚至能允许对应用软件进行远程控制。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This gained him selection for the 1990 Asian Games, held in his hometown of Beijing, and he cleared 2.26 m (7 ft 4 3⁄4 in) to take the gold medal, seeing off a challenge from both national rival Liu and Japan's Takahisa Yoshida. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这使他被选中参加在他的家乡北京举办的1990年亚洲运动会, 并跳出2.26米(7英尺4.75英寸)夺得金牌,赢得了同胞刘云鹏和日本人吉田孝久(英语:Takahisa Yoshida)的挑战。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: They have guided him and warned him of the strange and unbelievable events that have taken part so far. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:盖以荒陬路远,难于覆验,故得肆其奸诈。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A company which follows this strategy is known as an application service provider (ASP), and ASPs are currently receiving much attention in the software industry. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 遵循这一战略的公司被称为应用服务提供商(ASP),而ASP在软件行业中正受到越来越多的关注。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Many observers have regarded JFK's win over Nixon in the first debate as a turning point in the election. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 许多观察家认为第一次辩论肯尼迪赢得尼克松是选举的一个转折点。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He defended the MRTA and called for the government to negotiate a settlement. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:释放后不久他为MRTA进行了辩护,并呼吁政府协商解决。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Atmospheric refraction can be accounted for automatically, by monitoring temperature, pressure, and dew point of the air electronically. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 大气折射可以经由监测空气的温度、压力、和露点,以电子自动的计算。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Simply put, private—not public—entities are making public policy. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 简单的说,是私人实体—而不是公共实体—制定公共政策。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Increased activation of the central 5-HT1A receptor is thought to be a major mediator of efficacy of most antidepressant drugs. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 中枢5-HT1A受体的活动增加被认为是大多数抗抑郁药物功效的主要原理。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Despite the challenges, Blow continued to go forward with The Witness as it was also the most compelling of the prototypes he had crafted. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 尽管面临着诸多挑战,布洛还是将这款游戏继续了下去,因为它是他创造过的最引人入胜的原型。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Marriage between a man and the widow of his elder brother can take place if they mutually agree. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 一名男子与一名女子结婚后,该女子的兄弟与该男子即为郎舅关系。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He is vice-chair of Ways to Wellness. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 公司董事长为安康。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: James Kerr (died 18 February 1933) was an English football manager. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:占士·克尔(James Kerr,1933年2月18日逝世)是英格兰足球领队。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: OGNL – An open source EL used by WebWork (and Struts2). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: OGNL - 一个被WebWork(英语:WebWork)和Apache Struts 2使用的开源的表达式语言。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:She was the first woman to be elected to all three National Academies in the United States – the National Academy of Engineering (2000), the National Academy of Medicine, formerly called the Institute of Medicine (2004), and the National Academy of Sciences (2008). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 她是第一位被选入美国三所国家科学院院士的女性 - 美国国家工程院(2000年),国家医学院(英语:National Academy of Medicine)(以前称为医学研究所)(2004年)和美国国家科学院(2008年)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Despite his growing public opposition towards the Vietnam War, King was also not fond of the hippie culture which developed from the anti-war movement. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然金越来越多地公开反战,但是他不喜欢从反战运动中衍生出的嬉皮士文化。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: While double negation is still found in Low Franconian dialects in West-Flanders and in some "isolated" villages in the centre of the Netherlands (i.e. Garderen), it takes a different form, which is not found in Afrikaans. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 然而双重否定形式在西弗兰德省的低地法兰克方言里仍然有发现、及在荷兰中部(即:Garderen/加登伦)的"孤立"村庄里亦有发现,它们采取了不同的双重否定形式,这种形似在南非语里面并没有发现。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:According to activists, 14 civilians and 5 opposition fighters were killed in shelling of neighbourhoods. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 根据活动人士的说法,有14名平民和5名反对派武装分子在政府军的炮击中丧生。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In addition to his work in the Netherlands and Vienna, Ingenhousz spent time in France, England, Scotland, and Switzerland, among other places. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:除了待在荷兰与奥地利进行活动外,英格豪斯也曾前往法国、英国、苏格兰、瑞士等地工作。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The size of the Congress of Deputies is fairly small (350 seats, compared to over 600 for e.g. the German Bundestag), together with the aforementioned factors, may favour the biggest parties and a disproportional distribution. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 代表国会的规模相当小(350个席位,而德国联邦议院的席位超过600个席位),再加上上述因素,可能有利于最大党派和不成比例的分配。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A third reason is that most of the 509 schools that have obtained AACSB accreditation in the US and Canada (either via the standard accreditation process or via the granting of accreditation based on their reputation as top schools) do not look outside of North America for further validation, such as through European or British accreditation. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 之三是因为在美国和加拿大已经取得AACSB认证的509所商学院(不论是因为根据标准流程取得了认证还是因为其为顶级学院而获得了认证)一般不追求北美地区以外的认证,比如欧陆或者英国的认证。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The convention for positive linking number is based on a right-hand rule. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 我们对正环绕数的约定基于右手法则。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Whilst editor of the paper, Marx and the other revolutionary socialists were regularly harassed by the police and Marx was brought to trial on several occasions, facing various allegations including insulting the Chief Public Prosecutor, committing a press misdemeanor and inciting armed rebellion through tax boycotting, although each time he was acquitted. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 不过包括马克思和其他革命社会主义者由于担任报纸编辑而经常定期遭到警方骚扰,马克思本人便曾因侮辱首席检察官、报导违法新闻内容、涉嫌透过抵制税收煽动武装叛乱等指控而遭到审讯,不过每次他都获得无罪释放。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 According to author Ethan Gutmann, Cisco and other telecommunications equipment providers supplied the Chinese government with surveillance and Internet infrastructure equipment that is used to block Internet websites and track online activities in China. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 美国作家Ethan Gutmann说,思科和一些其他通信设备供应商向中华人民共和国政府提供了具有流量监控和过滤功能的互联网设备,用来封堵网站和追踪网上一些活跃的民运人士。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 They seem to have knives and Mace. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:看上去他们有刺刀和钉锤。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Officials sent 23 flights of aid to the island, as well as one each to the outlying islands of Ulithi and Fais. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 官员送出23架次飞机向岛上运送援助物资,乌利西环礁和法斯岛也不例外。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Thorough drying of the skin before diapering is a good preventive measure because it is the excess moisture, either from urine and feces or from sweating, that sets the conditions for a diaper rash to occur. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 彻底干爽的皮肤对尿布疹具有很好的预防性,因为尿液、粪便或出汗导致的过多水分为尿布疹的出现提供了条件。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: IndieWire called the film "one of the most troubled productions in the history of cinema", while /Film believed they "could write a book about the movie's problems", stating, "Heaven and hell seemed to unite in defiance of Terry Gilliam's The Man Who Killed Don Quixote". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 IndieWire(英语:IndieWire)网站将该片称之为“影史上最麻烦的制作之一”,而/Film(英语:/Film)网站则认为他们“可以写一本关于电影难题的书”,并表示“天堂和地狱似乎团结起来抗拒泰瑞·吉连的《谁杀了唐吉诃德》。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Its extinction was probably caused by the introduction of black rats. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 它们的消失可能是因入侵的黑鼠所致。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Such issues are re-presented here by the artists with unprecedented frankness and intelligence, which leaves behind fresh and stimulating information and traces of existence. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 此类的议题在此由艺术家以前所未有的坦率和聪颖在此表现,将新鲜和刺激的信息和存在的痕迹留下。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Taipei is the destination for most mainlanders making it the highest proportion of city citizens tha were made up by mainlanders than any other cities or counties in Taiwan.And since 1967, Taipei's promotion to be the Special Municipality and the huge financial advantages that came along with the promotion compared to other places in Taiwan. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:迁移来台的外省人大多居住在台湾的都市,而台北市是所有都市中最多外省人选择的目的地,并成为台湾所有行政区里外省人占比最高的行政区)以及自1967年从省辖市升格为直辖市以来,财政所获得的优势。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Nevertheless, use of AAVE also carries strong social connotations; Sweetland (2002) presents a white female speaker of AAVE who is accepted as a member into African American social groups despite her race. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 不仅如此,使用非洲裔美国人白话英语带有很强的社会意涵;Sweetland (2002)中以一名白人女性非洲裔美国人白话英语使用者为例,尽管她属于不同种族,但是她仍被非洲裔美国人社群视为一员。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Like a standard equatorial mount, equatorial GoTo mounts can track the night sky by driving the right ascension axis. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 像一个标准的赤道仪架台,GoTo赤道仪架台驱动赤经轴来追踪夜空中的天体。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1935-1936, they reconstructed the Uglovaya-Partizansk line due to the increasing extraction of coking coal from the Suchansky coalfields. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1935年至1936年,重建了乌格洛瓦亚(Uglovaya), 至游击队城铁路线,以应对日益增加的Suchansky煤田外运。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Longitudinal studies allow social scientists to distinguish short from long-term phenomena, such as poverty. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:纵向研究使社会科学家能够区分短期和长期现象,例如贫困。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Other temperance advocates felt the same way, and some had organized a new Prohibition Party in 1869. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 其他倡导禁酒的人士也有类似看法,部分人于1869年新组禁酒党。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 These lines consisted of anti-tank ditches, anti-tank gun emplacements, and an extensive network of trenches and bunkers. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这道防线包括反坦克壕沟、反坦克炮阵地、广泛系列的战壕和碉堡。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Such a burst mode transmitter is able to turn on and off in short time. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这样一个突发模式传输者能够在短时间之内被打开或者关闭。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: General Dynamics worked in tandem with Groupement Industriel des Armements Terrestres (GIAT) to develop the primary armament system for the RAH-66, with GIAT developing the turret and General Dynamics the weapon itself. Assistant: 通用动力公司与地面武器工业集团(GIAT)汇接合作研发RAH-66“卡曼契”的主要武器系统,其具有GIAT研发的炮塔和通用动力公司提供的武器本身。 User: In 1913, Birkeland may have been the first to predict that plasma was ubiquitous in space. Assistant: 1913年,伯克兰预言到等离子体在宇宙中很常见。 User: For them, Stalinist totalitarianism developed as a natural progression from Leninism and the Bolshevik party's tactics and organization. Assistant: 对于他们来说,斯大林极权主义的发展是出自列宁主义及布尔什维克党的战略和组织的自然过程。 User: Budapest is the most important Hungarian road terminus, all of the major highways and railways ends within the city limits. Assistant: 布达佩斯是匈牙利最重要的道路枢纽,所有主要高速公路都在这里终结。 User: Before casting Taylor Kitsch in the film, Oliver Stone asked director Peter Berg to show him 30 minutes of Kitsch's work in Battleship to see how he was as a leading man, and after seeing that footage, he cast him. Assistant: 在泰勒·克奇加盟前,奥利弗·斯通让导演彼得·柏格给他看克奇在《超级战舰》中的30分钟片段,看他是如何扮演男一号的,阅毕便录用他。 User: She questions why La Maestra lost her appetite. Assistant: 教师因无力感而失去教育热诚。 User: Each year the hospital admits more than 28,000 children and more than 1,167,000 are seen in the emergency and outpatient departments. Assistant: 该院每年约收治28,000名病童与1,167,000名门诊和急诊患者。 User: In addition, although PLSA is a generative model of the documents in the collection it is estimated on, it is not a generative model of new documents. Assistant: 此外,尽管PLSA是基于文档集的生成模型,但它并不是新文档的生成模型。 User: Parker and Stone have been the show's executive producers throughout its entire history. Assistant: 在整个制作过程中,帕克和斯通都是这个节目中的执行制片人。 User: In 1571, the Spaniards returned with their entire force consisting of 280 Spaniards and 600 native allies, this time led by Legazpi himself. Assistant: 在1571年,西班牙人全副武装返回,由280名西班牙人和600名本土盟友组成,这次由米格尔·洛佩斯·德莱加斯皮自己领导。 User: Hogun's surprising victory was due in large part Burke's lobbying efforts among his colleagues in the Continental Congress. Assistant: 霍根的当选很大程度上是因为伯克在大陆议会中的积极奔走和宣传。 User: For most solid materials, the method of manufacture and preparation can reduce the level of outgassing significantly. Assistant: 大部分的固体材料,制造及配置的方法可以显著的减少释气的水准。 User: Mayor Richard M. Daley oversaw the State Street Revitalization Project and on November 15, 1996, the street was reopened to traffic. Assistant: 市长Richard M. Daley 主持了州街复兴项目,1996年11月15日,这条街又恢复了通行。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: He says he was inspired by Ken Burns's Civil War. Assistant: 他说是受到 Ken Burns的Civil War的启发。 User: When a planet generates a significant amount of heat internally, such as is the case for Jupiter, convection in the atmosphere can transport thermal energy from the higher temperature interior up to the surface. Assistant: 当行星的内部能产生相当数目的热量时,例如木星的状况,对流能经由大气层将能量由内部区域的高温传送至表面。 User: As a result of this, it is typically the case that many of the higher frequency components are rounded to zero, and many of the rest become small positive or negative numbers. Assistant: 以这个结果而言,经常会把很多更高频率的成分舍位成为接近0,且剩下很多会变成小的正或负数。 User: In 2007 club suffers from financial problems. Assistant: 2007年,环球金融危机爆发。 User: That first day was the 14th of February. Assistant: 这一日是2月14日。 User: Since they generally have a poor sense of smell, the olfactory chamber is small, although it does contain three turbinates, which sometimes have a complex structure similar to that of mammals. Assistant: 由于鸟类的嗅觉一般都较差,因此他们的嗅室也相对来说较小,但是他们依旧拥有三个鼻甲,这种复杂结构与哺乳动物的结构非常类似。 User: Winston has been positively received by gaming outlets. Assistant: 温斯顿受到了游戏界的积极评价。 User: The Taliban leadership survives in hiding throughout Afghanistan, largely in the southeast, and continues to launch guerrilla attacks against forces of the United States, its allies, and the current government of President Ashraf Ghani. Assistant: 塔利班的领导层幸免下来并躲藏于阿富汗,特别是阿富汗南部地区,并继续发动游击队袭击以抗击美国与其盟友以及总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊现政府的军队。 User: As the other Churches were more closely related to Constantinople in their liturgies, Avvakum argued that Constantinople fell to the Turks because of these heretical beliefs and practices. Assistant: 虽然其他的教会礼仪和 君士坦丁堡教会 比较接近,阿瓦库姆和“老信徒”们认为君士坦丁堡会沦陷于土耳其就是因为他们的异端信仰和习俗。 User: RTÜK was founded in 1994 and is composed of nine members elected by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Assistant: 广播电视最高委员会成立于1994年,由土耳其大国民议会选举出来的九名成员组成。 User: I wish to inform you that the entire area is surrounded by fully armed military units and armored cars, and all roads are blocked. Assistant: 我们希望告知你周边区域均已全副武装的部队和装甲车所包围,所有道路已被封锁。 User: In December 2010 a Snow Hill businessman started a petition to remove the town's incorporation and revert the area back to county control. Assistant: 于2010年12月,一位斯诺希尔商人请愿移除本城的注册成立纪录,并计划让县政府收回城市控制权。 User: In the May 1950 tournament, he won his first Fighting Spirit Award. Assistant: 在1950年5月的比赛中,他赢得了他的第一个敢斗赏。 User: It implements its functions in the Linux loadable kernel modules (LKMs). Assistant: 它在Linux可加载内核模块(LKMs)中实现它的功能。 User: One of the tracks on the album, "Childhood Dreams", was dedicated to her daughter, Nevis. Assistant: 专辑中的最后一首歌 "Childhood Dreams"是献给她的女儿的。 User: Nothing worked. Assistant: 但并没成事。 User: His dissertation is entitled A Spectrographic Study of the Night Sky and Aurora in the Near Infrared. Assistant: 他的论文标题是对夜空和极光的一个近红外光谱研究。 User: Language plays an important role in Singapore's politics. Assistant: 语言在新加坡政治扮演着重要的角色。 User: On 17 June 2007, the four-state Community for Democracy and Peoples' Rights signed in Tiraspol—the capital of Transnistria—the joint Declaration on principles of peaceful and fair settlement of the Georgian–Abkhazian, Georgian–Ossetian, Azeri–Karabakh and Moldovan–Transnistrian conflicts. Assistant: 2007年6月17日,在德涅斯特河沿岸首都蒂拉斯波尔四国首脑签署了国家民主与权利共同体宪章,这是关于和平和公平解决阿布哈兹和格鲁吉亚,南奥塞梯和格鲁吉亚,阿尔扎赫和阿塞拜疆和德涅斯特河沿岸和摩尔多瓦的冲突问题。 User: The following table shows the supported features and describes the values each feature supports. Assistant: 下表展示了支持的特性并描述了每种特性支持的值。 User: She searches the planet for the larva and finds that the Space Pirates have rebuilt their base there. Assistant: 在那里,她寻找到盗取的幼体正在网状的巢穴中,并发现星际海盗重建并扩大了他们在zebes星球的基地。 User: If considered as the fifth branch of power, it is the only one to be controlled by society itself without regulation by the state. Assistant: 它被考虑为权力的第五个分支,而且更是唯一被社会自己所操控、并不被国家予以一定调节的权力分支。 User: John Dryden in the 17th century and Alexander Pope in the 18th century were both well known for their writing in heroic couplets. Assistant: 17世纪的约翰·德莱顿和18世纪的亚历山大·蒲柏以写英雄对句而闻名。 User: The carburetor works on Bernoulli's principle: the faster air moves, the lower its static pressure, and higher the dynamic pressure is. Assistant: 化油器是利用伯努利定律:气体流动得越快,它的静态压力便越低,而动态压力则越高。 User: The agent acts intentionally. Assistant: 故意挑衅博人。 User: During this period he published his first books, including The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory. Assistant: 在此期间,他出版了他的第一批书,包括《经济理论发展中的政治因素》。 User: Truman listened to the conversation between the two men on a separate phone, but did not ask questions himself. Assistant: 杜鲁门用单独的一部电话倾听了两人的对话,但没有亲自提问。 User: In December 1851 the House of Commons had been used for a trial period. Assistant: 1851年12月的时候,下议院会议室正处在试用期。 User: With regards to protocols and cipher suites, Caddy uses TLS 1.0-1.2 and prefers ECDHE ECDSA with AES-256 GCM SHA-384, although a dozen different ciphers are supported. Assistant: 关于协议和密码套件,Caddy 使用 TLS 1.0-1.2,并且倾向于 ECDHE ECDSA 与 AES256-GCM-SHA384,支持十几种不同的加密方式。 User: As a result of this, Ferrari were 2nd in the Constructors' Championship, 39 points behind Mercedes, but Vettel was leading the Drivers' Championship by 14 points ahead of Hamilton going into the summer break with Bottas 33 points behind in 3rd and Räikkönen in 5th place 86 points behind Vettel. Assistant: 因此,法拉利,作为积分榜上处于第二的车队,39分落后于梅赛德斯,但维特尔于夏休前在车手积分榜上14分领先于汉密尔顿,同时博塔斯落后33分处于第三,莱科宁落后86分处于第五。 User: The term guru comes from the Sanskrit gurū, meaning teacher, guide, or mentor. Assistant: 古鲁这个称号来自于梵语,意思是老师,指引者或导师。 User: The opposition party Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi submitted a parliamentary question to TBMM (the Grand National Assembly of Turkey) concerning the issue, which asked why SoundCloud services were banned without any proper cause or reason. Assistant: 反对党人Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi向TBMM提交一项议会问题,问卷特别询问在没有合理情况或理由的情况下,封锁SoundCloud服务的原因。 User: In the case of *ph2trés, which may already have been pronounced something like , it is not difficult to imagine it as a contraction of an older *ph2terés, pronounced perhaps , as this combination of consonants and vowels would be possible in English as well. Assistant: 在 *ph2trós 的情况下,它在 PIE 中已经被发音得像 /pət-'ros/,不难想像它是更古老的 *ph2terós 的紧缩,它可能发音为 /pət-er-'os/,因为这种辅音和元音的组合在英语中也是可能的。 User: The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) is a United States Department of Defense Institute located at Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia, created in the 2001 National Defense Authorization Act. Assistant: 西半球安全合作学院(英语:Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation)是美国国防部下属学院,位于佐治亚州哥伦布班宁堡,依照2001年美国国防授权法(英语:National Defense Authorization Act)建立。 User: In absolute terms, German military expenditure is the 9th highest in the world. Assistant: 其军事开支总额居世界第九。 User: In Operation Mars, planned to commence in late October, forces of the Kalinin and Western Fronts would encircle and destroy the powerful German Ninth Army in the Rzhev salient. Assistant: 按照计划,火星行动将在十月下旬展开;加里宁和西方面军将把热泽夫突出部的德第九军团围而歼之。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The bacterium is found naturally in fresh water. Assistant: 军团菌自然存在于淡水中。 User: Conformity: This process is seen when people unconsciously incorporate the normative beliefs and thought processes of their society and experience them as their own. Assistant: 3. 服从:当人们潜意识将他们的社会里的常规信念和思想内化成他们自身的经验时,就是这个过程。 User: Especially during the reign of Alexander VI, they were suspected of many crimes, including adultery, incest, simony, theft, bribery, and murder (especially murder by arsenic poisoning). Assistant: 尤其在亚历山大六世在位期间,波吉亚家族传出了许多谣言,包括:绯闻、谋取圣座控制权、偷窃、强暴、贿赂、乱伦、谋杀、毒杀(砷中毒) 。 User: The construction of the cut and cover stations in downtown San Jose would still cause major albeit temporary disruption, including closing several blocks of Santa Clara Street and severing the VTA light rail line at that street. Assistant: 在市中心范围进行明挖将是短暂而大范围的影响,包括封闭部分圣克拉拉街、截断圣克拉拉轻轨。 User: CET-4: 4500 words CET-6: 6500 words TEM-4: 8000 words TEM-8: 13000 words Some Chinese researchers point out the positive social consequences of the CET as it has promoted the role of English teaching and learning at the tertiary level in China over its 20-year history. Assistant: CET-4: 4500个单词,700个词组 CET-6: 5500个单词,1200个词组 TEM-4: 8000 词 TEM-8: 13000 词 一些中国研究人员指出大学英语考试对社会的积极贡献,认为考试在20年历史上鼓励了高等教育阶段的英语教育与学习。 User: They noted that prior restraint had been upheld by the courts before in matters of national security, and argued that the Pentagon Papers decision did not apply as the Atomic Energy Act specifically allowed for injunctive relief. Assistant: 他们指出,之前已有法院在事关国家安全的问题上采取事先限制的先例,强调“五角大楼文件”案的裁决在此并不适用,因为原子能法中已经明确允许了禁令救济。 User: The New York Times characterized the design as "sweeping," and complimented each building's spectacular views of the Potomac River, Virginia skyline, and monuments. Assistant: 《纽约时报》则形容水门综合大厦设计得“彻底”,并赞扬每幢大厦对着波托马克河、维珍尼亚天际线和纪念碑的景色。 User: In its early access version, the game includes a single player mode as well as a party mode which features a leaderboard generated based on names entered after each song is played. Assistant: 游戏早期版本包含单人模式和派对模式,派对模式下会在每首歌曲游玩完毕后根据玩家输入名称生成排行榜。 User: Rebels still controlled the city and the highway entrance to the town. Assistant: 此时反对派武装仍继续控制着该市以及通往该城的高速公路的入口处。 User: Smith later said, "If I win, I am American, not a black American. Assistant: 史密斯表示:“如果我赢了比赛, 我会被当作美国人,而不是美国的黑人(Black American)。 User: As a result, the remaining portion of compound wall was made higher. Assistant: 剩余的骨骺软骨部分变得更薄。 User: Over 250 Indigenous Australian languages are thought to have existed at the time of first European contact, of which less than 20 are still in daily use by all age groups. Assistant: 澳大利亚原住民语言数量于欧洲人初次探访澳洲时尚有250种语言,如今已剩不足20种原住民语言仍在各年龄层使用,其中110种语言仅剩年长者使用。 User: Giuliani also directed the New York City Police Department to aggressively pursue enterprises linked to organized crime, such as the Fulton Fish Market and the Javits Center on the West Side (Gambino crime family). Assistant: 朱利安尼指挥纽约市警察部门采取强悍作风对付那些与组织犯罪勾结的公司企业,例如黑帮横行的富尔顿鱼市场(Fulton Fish Market)以及纽约西部的贾维兹会议中心(Javits Center,甘比诺犯罪家族的聚集地)。 User: Children are much more infectious than adults and shed virus from just before they develop symptoms until two weeks after infection. Assistant: 儿童的传染力较成人强,可传染期约从症状发生前一天至感染两周后。 User: In 1999, Bevan and Fellner launched a subsidiary company named Working Title 2 Productions, commonly known as WT2. Assistant: 在1999年,贝文和费纳另外成立了一间子公司,称为Working Title 2 Productions,简称WT2。 User: In September 2015, ProtonMail added native support to their web interface and mobile app for Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). Assistant: 在2015年9月,ProtonMail添加原生支持他们的Web界面和移动应用的良好隐私密码(PGP)。 User: ABAKO's stance was more ethnic nationalist than the MNC's; it argued that an independent Congo should be run by the Bakongo as inheritors of the pre-colonial Kingdom of the Kongo. Assistant: 阿巴科联盟的立场比民族运动更加民族主义,它认为独立的刚果应该由身为刚果王国殖民国王继承者的阿巴科人领导。 User: He can also appear spiteful and cold to people he feels have mistreated him in some way. Assistant: 他很咄咄逼人,并会殴打他认为与他混淆的人。 User: The light curve is irregular over the duration of the period and it changes slightly in shape from one period to the next. Assistant: 在周期内的光变曲线是不规则的,并且从一个周期到下一个周期,在形状上略有变化。 User: The term is used for a variety of purposes in mathematics and other fields. Assistant: 这个名词也使用于数学和其他领域的许多场合。 User: Russia had annihilated a vital convoy and now had operational control over the Black Sea. Assistant: 俄罗斯歼灭了一支至关重要的运输船队并控制了黑海的制海权。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: At the conclusion of filming, screenwriter Mann reportedly threw a party for almost the entire cast and crew; omitted was Gila Golan, whose performance Mann was allegedly not happy with. Assistant: 拍摄时,曼据说为所有演员搞了一个派对,但吉拉·戈兰被忽略了,因为曼不太满意她的表演。 User: In the fifth season the program was implemented in accordance with a new concept: one young footballer from each country was chosen to represent it. Assistant: 第五届项目 引入了一个新概念:每个国家选择一名年轻球员做代表。 User: Daniel J. Bernstein has since proposed that the name Curve25519 be used for the underlying curve, and the name X25519 for the DH function. Assistant: 在那之后Daniel J. Bernstein提出Curve25519应被作为底层曲线的名称,而将X25519作为其DH函数的名称。 User: In studying adolescent development, adolescence can be defined biologically, as the physical transition marked by the onset of puberty and the termination of physical growth; cognitively, as changes in the ability to think abstractly and multi-dimensionally; or socially, as a period of preparation for adult roles. Assistant: 在研究青少年发展时,其可按生物学上的特征作定义,如青少年开始时的生理转变和结束时的生长停止;亦可按认知上的特征作定义——抽象和多角度思维的能力变化;还有社会学的定义——对成年人此一角色进行准备的时期。 User: The trust also maintained a collection of material related to the ship and an archive, although it is not yet open to the public. Assistant: 信托同时还拥有船只关联的各种材料和一个档案室,后者未向公众开放。 User: Yet once past the Napoleonic Wars, the Dutch returned to South Sulawesi and eradicated the queen's rebellion. Assistant: 然而,拿破仑战争结束后,荷兰人就回到了南苏拉威西,并根除了女王的叛乱。 User: This section incorporates text from the 1911 edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica, which is in the public domain. Assistant: 此文包含已处于公有领域的1911年版《The Grocer's Encyclopedia》中的文字。 User: Balfour resigned as Prime Minister in December 1905, hoping the Liberal leader Campbell-Bannerman would be unable to form a strong government. Assistant: 1905年12月,贝尔福辞去首相职务,希望自由党党魁坎贝尔-班纳曼无法组成一个强势政府。 User: The game takes place in a medieval fantasy world, in which humans are losing the war against the orcs. Assistant: 故事发生在一个中世纪的幻想世界,人类正与兽人进行战争。 User: Both countries are also members of the Non-Aligned Movement. Assistant: 两国都是不结盟运动的成员国。 User: Stop the Killings Parliamentary Petition. Assistant: 放弃杀官员要求。 User: In the UK Parliament the importance of a vote is indicated by underlining of items on the "whip", which is the name of the letter the Chief Whip sends to all the MPs in their party at the start of the week. Assistant: 在英国议会中,投票的重要性由“鞭子(whip)”的下划线来表示,“鞭子”是在每周一时下议院国会议员领袖发送给所有本党议员的信件之名。 User: Checkered elephant shrews will mate for life. Assistant: 啮颌兽的颊齿演化成适合咀嚼植物。 User: After John died on 8 April 1143, his son, Manuel, was acclaimed emperor by the armies. Assistant: 1143年4月8日约翰二世去世后,曼努埃尔被军队拥立为皇帝。 User: And when the sun rose, it was scorched, and since it had no root, it withered away. Assistant: 但当王玉被发现时(飒正争夺王玉时),却偷偷破坏,原因不明。 User: Or resolve to live by lying? Assistant: 》名称变更为《嘘でしょ? User: However, Nasrat Shah made a treaty with Babur and saved Bengal from a Mughal invasion. Assistant: 不过,纳沙拉沙沙与巴布尔达成了条约,并将孟加拉从莫卧儿入侵中拯救出来。 User: The game is a spin-off of the film, being set in Denver, Kyoto, and Paris, and featuring an entirely different set of characters. Assistant: 该游戏分拆自电影,背景设定于丹佛、京都及巴黎,且有着与电影截然不同的角色。 User: In non-Muslim societies, such Muslims may subscribe to, and be vested with, secular identities. Assistant: 在非穆斯林社会里,这样的穆斯林会认同也会被赋予世俗的身份。 User: After the change to standard instrument departure SID ZUE 1Y the crew set inappropriate priorities for their tasks and their concentration remained one-sided. Assistant: 在标准仪表离场程序改变至SID ZUE 1Y后,机组人员不正确地分配他们任务优先级且他们所关注的焦点都集中在同一处。 User: His musical works number over 150. Assistant: 音乐测验的满分是150。 User: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was created with the REDengine 3, CD Projekt Red's proprietary game engine designed for nonlinear role-playing video games set in open world environments, aided by the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles and prepared for use in October 2014. Assistant: 《巫师3:狂猎》使用的引擎是REDengine 3,这是CD Projekt RED专为设定于开放世界环境的非线性角色扮演视频游戏设计,游戏的创建还得益于PlayStation 4和Xbox One主机,准备在2014年10月使用。 User: In 1983, the first Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computers were produced in Dundee by Timex. Assistant: 1983年,第一台ZX82家用电脑在邓迪市出产。 User: The Republican Constitution also changed the country's national symbols. Assistant: 1931年宪法也变更了西班牙的国家象征。 User: Melville and Zealey said that the gigantic size of the Venusian lava tubes (tens of meters wide and hundreds of kilometers long) may be explained by the very fluid lava flows together with the high temperatures on Venus, allowing the lava to cool slowly. Assistant: Melville 和 Zealey 认为金星这些巨大的熔岩管 (数十米宽和长度数百公里)也许可以用金星表面的高温和高流动性熔岩来解释,并且使熔岩缓慢冷却。 User: The committee, consisting of all Conservative backbencher MPs, meets weekly while parliament is in session and provides a way for backbenchers to co-ordinate and discuss their views independently of frontbenchers. Assistant: 这个委员会由所有保守党后座议员每周在国会内举行例会,目的是不受制于前座议员地协调和讨论后座议员基于个人独立思考观察和来自选区选民的意见。 User: Reference designs included information to build and sell a complete product. Assistant: 参考设计包括打造和销售完整产品的信息。 User: Born in Katowice, Skrzypek graduated from the Silesian University of Technology before taking an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, further post-graduate degrees at Cracow University of Economics, the University of Silesia, Georgetown University and at IESE Business School at the University of Navarra. Assistant: 他出生于卡托维兹,他于西里西亚工业大学(Silesian University of Technology)毕业后在威斯康辛大学获工商管理学硕士,后来又分别在夸克经济大学(Cracow University of Economics)、西里西亚大学(Silesian University)、乔治城大学和IPADE商学院获研究生学位。 User: Used predominantly by working-class women, the procedure was used not only as a means of terminating pregnancy, but also to prevent poverty and unemployment. Assistant: 堕胎女性多数出身工人阶级,她们堕胎不但是为了停止怀孕,也是为了避免陷入穷困和失去工作。 User: However, even if that possibility has a small probability, there are still the five others. Assistant: 可是,即使那个几率的可能性很少,其余四个可能性仍有机会发生。 User: Its economics are largely determined by siting (e.g., how hard the wind blows and the grid investment requirements) and the prices of steel (the largest component of a wind turbine) and select composites (used for the blades). Assistant: 风能的效益主要是取决于选址(也就是风力的大小和电网投资)和钢材价格(风力涡轮中使用最多的原材料)以及上好的复合材料(用来制造风车的叶轮)。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: To Siberia (1996), set in the Second World War, was published in English in 1998 and nominated for the Nordic Council's Literature Prize. Assistant: 《去西伯利亚》(1996年)的背景设定为第二次世界大战,获北欧理事会文学奖提名。 User: In 943 the borders of the monastic state were precisely mapped; we know that Karyes was already the capital and seat of the administration, named "Megali Mesi Lavra" (Big Central Assembly). Assistant: 943年,修道院的边界被精确绘制成地图,当时卡里埃已是主要城镇,拥有行政的一席,并有了“中心大教堂”( "Megali Mesi Lavra",Big Central Assembly)的名字。 User: In 2002 the fiscal deficit was 32 percent of GDP. Assistant: 2002年财政赤字占国内生产总值的32%。 User: From 1991 to 1995 he worked as a scientific assistant in a cognitive science research project. Assistant: 1991年至1995年间,他在认知科学研究项目担任助理。 User: Wireless MMX: 43 new SIMD instructions containing the full MMX instruction set and the integer instructions from Intel's SSE instruction set along with some instructions unique to the XScale. Assistant: 移动 MMX: 43 条新的 SIMD 指令 包含了 完整的 MMX 指令集 和一些SSE 指令集中的整数指令。 User: The Hokkiens also refer to Bukit Timah as be chia lo bue, meaning "end of the horse carriage road". Assistant: 新加坡的福建闽南人也称武吉知马为be chia lo bue(马车路尾),意思是“马车路的尽头”。 User: Gate-A20 can be enabled or disabled by software to allow or prevent the address bus from receiving a signal from A20. Assistant: A20总线能被软件关闭或打开,以此来阻止或允许地址总线收到A20传来的信号。 User: Plotted in the complex plane, the entire sequence spirals to the limit 0.4383 + 0.3606i, which could be interpreted as the value where n is infinite. Assistant: 在复平面当中,整个序列成螺旋形地趋向于极限 0.4383 + 0.3606 i {\displaystyle 0.4383+0.3606i} ,这个极限可理解为n 为无穷时,函数相对应的值。 User: On Carolina Beach, dunes were breached and some roads, including portions of North Carolina Highway 12, were closed. Assistant: 另一个小镇卡罗来纳比奇(Carolina Beach)的沙丘受到破坏,包括北卡罗莱纳州12号高速公路部分路段在内的多条道路封闭。 User: The adjective "forensic" refers to the application of this subfield of science to a court of law. Assistant: 这个形容词“法医”是指将这门科学分支运用于司法审理。 User: The international standard in use today for the accreditation of medical laboratories is ISO 15189 - Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence. Assistant: 当前,医学实验室认可方面现行的国际标准是ISO 15189 - 医学实验室 - 有关质量和能力的特殊要求。 User: The generic name Nothomyrmecia means "false bulldog ant". Assistant: 属名 Nothomyrmecia 意思是假斗牛犬蚁 (false bulldog ant) 。 User: The European and North American versions of the game were eventually released ten months after the Japanese one. Assistant: 欧洲和北美版游戏皆于日版十个月之后发行。 User: Local hunters have found deer killed by the fence. Assistant: 当地的猎人发现了被围墙杀死的鹿。 User: According to him, the Government of Vanuatu twice confirmed the establishment of diplomatic relations with Abkhazia and of their intention to contribute to the development of friendly ties between the two States. Assistant: 据他介绍,瓦努阿图政府两次确认与阿布哈兹建立外交关系,并打算为发展两国之间的友好关系作出贡献。 User: Yiddish and Jewish traditions have been required components in all public schools for almost fifteen years, taught not as Jewish exotica but as part of the region's national heritage. Assistant: 意第绪和犹太教传统15年来已被要求是几乎所有公立学校的组成部分,它们不是作为犹太人的异域色彩,而是作为该地区的国家遗产的一部分来教授。 User: These military interventions were most often carried out by the United States Marine Corps, which developed a manual, The Strategy and Tactics of Small Wars (1921) based on its experiences. Assistant: 其中的军事行动主要由美国海军陆战队执行,促成了《小型战争的战略战术》(1921年)手册的完成。 User: In India, S. K. Maitra, Anilbaran Roy and D. P. Chattopadhyaya commented on Sri Aurobindo's work. Assistant: 如在印度,S. K. Maitra、Anilbaran Roy及D. P. Chattopadhyaya均评论过奥氏的著作。 User: The most significant advance in this area was the grafting of polyethylene glycol (PEG) onto the liposome surface to produce “stealth” vesicles, which circulate over long times without immune or renal clearing. Assistant: 该领域最重要的进展是将聚乙二醇(PEG)接到脂质体表面,以产生“隐形”脂质体,其长时间循环而没有被免疫系统或肾脏清除。 User: According to Madeline Messer writing in The Washington Post in 2015, among the top 50 endless running games for mobile devices, 98% of those with gender-identifiable characters featured male protagonists, of which 90% were free to play. Assistant: 2015年刊载于《华盛顿邮报》上、由Madeline Messer撰写的文章中表示:前50个受欢迎的无尽奔跑类手机游戏中,可选性别的游戏里有98%提供男性主角,而其中90%是免费游戏。 User: The Russian alphabet has many systems of character encoding. Assistant: 俄文字母有许多不同的字符编码系统。 User: All inhabitants of the islands became Greek citizens after 1947 when the islands became part of Greece. Assistant: 岛上的所有居民在1947年岛屿成为希腊的一部分后成为希腊公民。 User: After breeding, all three puffin species winter at sea, usually far from coasts and often extending south of the breeding range. Assistant: 繁殖过后,所有三种海鹦都会到海上过冬,一般会走到远离海岸及较南边的地方。 User: ReactOS uses portions of the Wine project so that it can benefit from Wine's progress in implementing the Win32 API. Assistant: ReactOS 使用 Wine 项目的一部分,以便它可以从 Wine 在实现 Win32 API方面的进展中受益。 User: Although Himmler usually referred to himself as Reichsführer-SS, before the summer of 1934 this was simply a title for the SS commander, and not yet an actual rank. Assistant: 虽然希姆莱常自称为“亲卫队全国领袖”,但至1934年夏季以前该阶级均只是亲卫队领导人的一个头衔,而非一个正式的阶级。 User: Exhibits cover the rivers of Australia, exploring the Southern and Northern River habitats, as well as the oceans of Australia, through the Southern and Northern Ocean habitats. Assistant: 展览馆一方面介绍澳洲河流,探索南部与北部河流的栖息地;另一方面介绍澳洲海洋,探索南部与北部海洋的栖息地。 User: That is, array CGH is employed to uncover deletions, amplifications, breakpoints and ploidy abnormalities. Assistant: 亦即阵列CGH用于揭示缺失、扩增、断点和倍性异常。 User: Director Juliet May, at the time of filming, had 14-year-old twins, and so found "the fact that the lead, April, is 14 years old ... very interesting" as she felt she could "kind of understand 14-year-old children". Assistant: 导演朱丽叶·梅在电影拍摄期间有一对14岁大的双胞胎,觉得“对女主角艾普尔正好也是14岁这点......实在很感兴趣”,她相信自己“在某种程度上能够理解14岁大孩子的心思”。 User: Dava Sobel argues that during this time, Urban had fallen under the influence of court intrigue and problems of state. Assistant: 达瓦·索罗贝解释道,在这一时期,乌尔班在宫廷阴谋与国务问题中越陷越深。 User: He was instructed in the art by his father, Benedetto, whom he surpassed. Assistant: 从父贵引见仁宗,立命嗣伯,赐名绶。 User: Desensitized: Final track "Routine" contains hidden track. Assistant: 网络上常用译名:幸福的“轨迹”是一个明显的误译。 User: Issues from the Second World War continue to generate ill-feeling in China. Assistant: 源自第二次世界大战的问题在中国延续了恶感。 User: The law amends the Animal Enterprise Protection Act of 1992 (Pub.L. 102–346) and gives the U.S. Department of Justice greater authority to target animal rights activists. Assistant: 该法修订了1992年“动物企业保护法”(Pub.L. 102-346),并赋予美国司法部更大的权力,以瞄准动物权利活动家。 User: Micrometeoroids that fall to Earth can provide information on millimeter scale heating events in the solar nebula. Assistant: 落到地球的微流星体可以提供太阳星云中有关毫米尺度加热事件的资讯。 User: It filled the gap in Chinese celebrity portrait photography, and made pioneering contributions for the establishment and development of celebrity portraits in China. Assistant: 填补了中国名人肖像摄影学科的空白,为名人肖像摄影学科在中国的建立与发展作出了开拓性的贡献。 User: He was a homosexual, yet exhorted his young friends to have a celibate life like his own. Assistant: 他还是一个同性恋者,曾经劝一个青年朋友像自己一样生活。 User: The DREAM Act was introduced in 2001 and aims to give more access to higher education for undocumented immigrants by repealing the law 1996 law. Assistant: 还有一项名为“DREAM”的法案曾在2001年进行咨询,目的是给予非法居留的学生更多的权限,并有意推翻1996年法律。 User: The 4th-century Byzantine church has been partially reconstructed and provides a good sense of what the original was like. Assistant: 仿造4世纪的拜占庭教堂已经部分重建,尺寸与原作相同。 User: The most visited city is Jerusalem and the most visited site was the Western Wall. Assistant: 游客最多的城市为耶路撒冷,游客最多的景点为西墙。 User: Severe damage to crops and livestock occurred through the Lesser Antilles, and damage to buildings and other infrastructure was reported in other Caribbean nations and the United States. Assistant: 小安的列斯群岛的农作物和牲畜遭受重大损失,加勒比多个国家和美国都有部分建筑物和基础设施受损。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Their skin was green, they spoke an unknown language, and their clothing was unfamiliar. Assistant: 他们的皮肤是绿色的,他们说着不知名的语言,穿着奇异的服装。 User: In 1926, Magsarjav became seriously ill and died on September 3, 1927. Assistant: 1926年,马克思尔扎布得了重病,并于1927年9月3日逝世。 User: Following the 2007 Shelby GT-H convertible rental car, Shelby offered the 2008 Shelby GT as a Vista Blue coupe or convertible also in limited numbers. Assistant: 继2007年的GT-H敞篷版后,谢尔比为2008年的谢尔比GT有限数量的轿跑版与敞篷版。 User: Most importantly, since quốc ngữ is an exact phonemic transcription of the spoken language, its understandability is as high or higher than a normal conversation. Assistant: 最重要的是由于国语字准确把口语记录下来,所以它的理解性和普通谈话一样或更高。 User: In A Theory of Content and Other Essays (1990), Fodor takes up another of his central notions: the question of the reality of mental representations. Assistant: 在《内容理论及其他论文》(A Theory of Content and Other Essays,1990)中,福多着手处理了他的另一个核心概念:心理表征的实在性问题。 User: Scandal erupted in June 1995 when a recording of a 1990 telephone conversation between Johnson and his friend Darius Guppy was made public. Assistant: 1995年6月发生了丑闻,约翰逊与他的朋友大流士·古比在1990年的通话被曝光。 User: Tri Angle. Assistant: 安徽取中三名。 User: The change was finished with the introduction of the DM 5, DM 500, and DM 1000 denominations on 27 October 1992. Assistant: 这次换版以1992年10月27日发行5、500和1000马克为结束。 User: In Perl, constructors are, by convention, named "new" and have to do a fair amount of object creation. Assistant: 在 Perl 里,构造器被约定俗成地命名为 "new",并且会完成建立对象的大量工作。 User: On 4 August, a group of armed men riding motorcycles attacked an official car carrying Marcia Bernicat, the US ambassador to Bangladesh, although nobody was injured. Assistant: 8月4日,一群骑摩托车的武装暴徒袭击了美国驻孟加拉国大使玛西亚·贝尼加特(英语:Marcia Bernicat)所乘坐的公务车,但所幸无人受伤。 User: Similarly, angels in Christianity have also masculine genders, names and functions. Assistant: 基督教中的天使则是以男性的性别、名称和职能。 User: In 1950 Du Bois became chair of the newly created Peace Information Center (PIC), which worked to publicize the Stockholm Peace Appeal in the United States. Assistant: 1950年,杜波依斯出任新成立的和平信息中心(Peace Information Center)主席,致力于在美国宣传《斯德哥尔摩和平呼吁》(Stockholm Peace Appeal)。 User: It builds all around that whole theme. Assistant: 整个剧情都在阐发着这个主题。 User: The ABC was quite modest technology, and it was not fully implemented. Assistant: ABC计算机的技术相当温和,并且没有全部实现。 User: The European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) serves as the main mission control centre for the European Space Agency (ESA) and is located in Darmstadt, Germany. Assistant: 欧洲太空运营中心(英语:European Space Operations Centre)是欧洲空间局(ESA)的主要任务控制中心,位于德国达姆施塔特。 User: The shape of the mountain is unusual. Assistant: 山上的东西多为怪异。 User: The Canadian federal government, whose attention was directed towards World War II, expressed little interest in Pattullo's idea. Assistant: 但是加拿大政府的注意力完全被第二次世界大战吸引了,因此对帕图洛的计划不感兴趣。 User: Lobera also says that a common story in Chile at the time was that Valdivia was killed by giving him the gold that the Spaniards so desired; however, the gold was molten and was poured down Valdivia's throat. Assistant: 洛韦拉还说当时智利有一个家喻户晓的故事说,巴尔迪维亚被给予了西班牙人们非常渴望的黄金,不过,这些黄金是被熔化了的,并被灌入了巴尔迪维亚的喉咙里,因此巴尔迪维亚就这么死了。 User: Many of his paintings were inspired by Chinese scenery or Chinese classical literature. Assistant: 他的歌剧很多取材于中国古典文学。 User: The multiple control structures are designed so that trajectories always move toward an adjacent region with a different control structure, and so the ultimate trajectory will not exist entirely within one control structure. Assistant: 已针对滑动模型控制设计了许多的控制结构,目的是让相空间图中的轨迹可以前往和另一个控制结构之间相邻的区域,因此最终的轨迹不会完全脱离某个控制结构。 User: In 2007 the Paradox Development Studio debuted a proprietary game engine, titled Clausewitz (named after the Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz), in Europa Universalis III which has been put to use in every game developed by PDS since. Assistant: 2007年,Paradox开发工作室在欧陆风云III中推出了一款名为克劳塞维茨(Clausewitz,以普鲁士将军卡尔·冯·克劳塞维茨命名)的专有游戏引擎,该引擎在其之后开发的每一款游戏中都有使用。 User: According to media reports, Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was known to police for five prior criminal offenses, notably regarding armed violence. Assistant: 据媒体报道,布哈勒因此前五次刑事犯罪,特别是持枪暴力行为被警方注意到。 User: It was Maria's body. Assistant: 现存在于Mary的身体里。 User: The APC support state's rights, advancing state police as part of its manifesto. Assistant: 全体进步大会党更加支持州自治,将建立州警察系统作为自己宣言的一部分。 User: In 1971, his parents divorced and his father returned to Australia. Assistant: 1971年,他的父母离婚,父亲回到澳大利亚。 User: Many of the government-operated residential schools were run by churches of various denominations, with the majority administered by Roman Catholics. Assistant: 许多公营印地安人寄宿学校是由各种教派管理,其中大多数为罗马天主教。 User: It is essential to keep careful records not only of the tests that have been performed, but also of all changes that have been made to the source code of this or any other unit in the software. Assistant: 仔细保留记录是必要的,不仅仅只保留执行的测试,也包括保留对应的源码和其它软件单元的变更历史。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The principles of the Ville radieuse were incorporated into his later publication, the Athens Charter published in 1933. Assistant: 光辉城市的原则后来融入到了他于1933年发表的《雅典宪章》中。 User: In some parts of Europe, Greenland and Africa, only even multiples are used. Assistant: 在欧洲部分地区、格陵兰和非洲,则只使用双数倍数。 User: The complex was expanded over the centuries, with major renovations after the 1509 earthquake and the 1665 fire. Assistant: 在多个世纪以来,皇宫经过扩建和整修,例如1509年的地震及1665年的火灾后,皇宫都进行过维修。 User: Many years later, David Lynch directed the film, using only rough concepts by Giger. Assistant: 多年后,改由大卫·林奇(David Lynch)执导这部电影,但这对当时的吉格尔来说还只是个粗略的构想。 User: The following year, in July 1954, a horseback riding accident seriously injured her right leg and ended her competitive tennis career at age 19. Assistant: 1954年7月,一场骑马事故严重伤害莫琳·康诺利右腿,她在19岁时结束网球生涯。 User: The indictment provided instances alleged to show criminal behaviour, as well as indicating design points of Megaupload's operating model as being evidence of criminal intent: In practice, the "vast majority" of users do not have any significant long term private storage capability. Assistant: 起诉书认为其运行模式上的以下设计要素是其具有犯罪意图和风险的证据: 实际上,“绝大多数”用户没有显著的长期私人存储的能力。 User: Religious minorities include Greek Orthodox Christians, Armenian Christians, Catholic Levantines and Sephardic Jews. Assistant: 宗教少数群体包括希腊东正教徒、亚美尼亚正教徒、马龙派天主教徒和塞法迪犹太人。 User: June 1, Origin releases Ultima VI: The False Prophet July 12, Nintendo of America publishes Final Fantasy for the Nintendo Entertainment System in North America. Assistant: 6月1日,Origin发行了《创世纪VI: The False Prophet(英语:Ultima VI: The False Prophet)》 7月12日,任天堂北美在北美地区红白机平台上发行《最终幻想》。 User: In January 2018, Israeli and Jewish comments about the Amendment to the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance bill led, in Poland, to a spate of anti-Israel and antisemitic ripostes. Assistant: 2018年1月,以色列和犹太人对国家记忆研究院法修正案(英语:Amendment to the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance)的评论在波兰导致反犹太和反以色列的回应泛滥。 User: Germany November 9 - working visit to Germany. Assistant: 5月9日:德国总理科尔访问香港。 User: The installation of necessary equipment was completed by 7 August, and the IV Squadron ships were ready for operations four days later. Assistant: 必要设备的安装工作于8月7日完成,四日后,第四分舰队的舰只已为参与行动准备就绪。 User: In service the ARL 44 was at first an unreliable vehicle: the brakes, the gear box, and the suspension were too frail, resulting in several serious accidents. Assistant: 在役中,ARL44一开始是一个不太可靠的战车:齿轮箱,刹车,悬挂都过于脆弱。 User: Service processes interact with SCM through a well-defined API, and the same API is used internally by the interactive Windows service management tools such as the MMC snap-in Services.msc and the command-line Service Control utility sc.exe. Assistant: 服务进程与SCM的交互通过已定义的API完成,同一API也被交互式Windows服务管理工具使用,例如MMC扩展Services.msc和命令行的服务控制实用工具sc.exe。 User: The animators inserted an apple tree behind Lisa and Colin during their initial meeting, a reference to the biblical figures of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Assistant: 动画师们还在莉莎和科林首次见面时的镜头中加入了一棵苹果树,意指《圣经》中的亚当与夏娃以及伊甸园。 User: The Naasa Hablood are twin hills located on the outskirts of Hargeisa that Somalis in the region consider to be a majestic natural landmark. Assistant: 该国自然景观到处可见,位于哈尔格萨郊外的双子山(Naasa Hablood)被索马里兰人认为是其伟大的自然地标。 User: Because of their widespread occurrence, conifer cones have been a traditional part of the arts and crafts of cultures where conifers are common. Assistant: 由于它们广泛存在,针叶锥是针叶树常见的地方的文化艺术和手工艺的传统部分。 User: For more than fifty years, he was a contributor to The New Yorker magazine. Assistant: 他在五十多年的时间里担任着《纽约客》杂志的撰稿人。 User: If she is a slave, he must pay what he has diminished of her worth. Assistant: 如果她是奴隶,他必须按她的身价赔偿。 User: The round was led by Google Capital. Assistant: 该轮是由Google Capital投资领投的。 User: During that same year the financial crisis of 2007–2008 began. Assistant: 2007年:2007年-2008年环球金融危机的开始。 User: These suspended times are treated as right-censored data. Assistant: 这些暂停时间被视为右删失数据。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Resulting network statistics can be used to enhance standard data-mining methods such as cluster analysis since (dis)-similarity measures can often be transformed into weighted networks; see chapter 6 in . Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 算出的网络统计结果可以用来提升标准的数据挖掘方法(如聚类分析),因为相似性指标通常可转换为加权网络。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He was appointed as the Legislative Council in 1983. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1983年他被选为立法委员。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:I wrote MINIX because I wanted my students to have hands-on experience playing with an operating system. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 我编写 Minix,为的是希望我的学生拥有一次亲自动手研究操作系统的经历。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On 14 September, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said that the EU "would follow and respect the rulings of the Spanish constitutional court and parliament". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 9月14日,欧盟委员会主席让·克洛德·容克表示,欧盟“将遵循并尊重西班牙宪法法院和议会的裁决”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Among the ornaments found belonging to the church of St. Riquier, in Ponthieu (813), there is a silver flabellum (Migne, P. L., CLXXIV, 1257), and for the chapel of Cisoin, near Lisle, another flabellum of silver is noted in the will of Everard (died 937), the founder of that abbey. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在庞蒂厄(Ponthieu)(813年)的圣西奎耶(St. Riquier)发现的饰品中,就有一把银质圣扇(Migne, P. L., CLXXIV, 1257),而在靠近莱尔(Lisle)的西索因小堂(the chapel of Cisoin)内,另一把银圣扇在Everard (937年逝世)的遗嘱中被提到,后者是这座修院的创建人。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In January 2014, writer Rhianna Pratchett had announced on Twitter that neither she nor any other members of the first game's writing team would be involved with the new game's development. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 2014年1月,编剧Rhianna Pratchett在Twitter表示其个人及大部分原作团队并未参与新作开发。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 However, that objection was dismissed by the judge. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 但这一诉讼请求被法官驳回。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Khudiyev and Panaryin were arrested in 2005 and plead guilty to the charges they faced. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:胡季耶夫和帕纳林在2005年被捕并认罪。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Upon his death his estate passed to the Zasławskis. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 遂至其家菜园内获尸。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:There has to be something crooked in your mind to want to be loved by everybody. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 我一直认为必须有一些歪主意在你的头脑,为了要受到大家喜爱。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Aaron Montgomery Ward was born on February 17, 1843, in Chatham, New Jersey. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:亚伦·蒙哥马利·沃德于1843年2月17日 出生于新泽西州查塔姆。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Liechtensteinklamm (Liechtenstein Gorge) is a particularly narrow gorge with walls up to 300m high, located in the Austrian Alps 50 km south of Salzburg. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 列支敦士登峡谷(Liechtensteinklamm)是一个非常狭窄的峡谷,位于奥地利萨尔茨堡州南50公里处的阿尔卑斯山。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The philanthropist and his daughter enter—actually Valjean and Cosette. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 慈善家和他的女儿来了——他们正好是冉阿让和珂赛特。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The protocol requires the receiving computer to send back a response to the source IP address, so that spoofing is mainly used when the sender can anticipate the network response or does not care about the response. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 该协议要求接收计算机发回对源地址的响应,因此,欺骗主要用在当发送方期望网络响应或不关心响应的情况。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This is the characteristic feature of the game. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 是此类游戏的一种特征。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Cairo office for the USAID is also located in Maadi. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 美国国际开发署开罗办事处也是位于马迪的。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Most of the first arrivals were kulaks and other agricultural workers, and people from southern Russian cities. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 第一批到达纳齐诺岛的流放者多为富农、农工与来自其他俄罗斯南部城市的居民。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Although called bronze, analysis suggests that, as they are at least 96.67% copper, they should be seen as an impure copper rather than bronze. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 虽然称为青铜,但是分析表明,它们至少含96.67%的铜,,应该视为不纯的铜,而不是青铜。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: If the domain of discourse is the set of real numbers, the proposition is false, with x = √2 as counterexample; if the domain is the set of naturals, the proposition is true, since 2 is not the square of any natural number. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 若论域是实数的集合,此命题即是假的,因为有x = √2 做为反例;若论域为自然数的集合,此命题是真的,因为2 不可能是任何自然数的平方。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The peristasis often had a depth of two column distances, e.g. at Temple of Hera I, Paestum, and temples C, F and G at Selinus, classifying them as pseudodipteroi. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 而这四边拱廊通常会有两根圆柱距离的深度,比方说,位于帕埃斯顿的赫拉一世神庙,以及位于塞利努斯(Selinus)的C、F与G神庙,祂们是归类为仿双重周柱式(pseudodipteroi,pseudodipteros的复数形态)建筑。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Nearly 35% taxpayers from Tricity are in the middle and high taxable income groups (average for Poland 10%). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 接近35%的三联市纳税人属于中级和高级纳税组别(波兰平均水准为10%),约12%的三联市纳税人属于最高级的纳税组别(波兰平均水准为3%)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A humane man, he often took on patients who could not afford medical care. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他是一位仁爱者,常常接诊许多付不起医疗费用的病人。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: National security concerns have spurred efforts to expand surveillance of digital communications and fueled proposals for making Internet communication more traceable. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:出于国家安全的担忧,导致了美国大规模监视的不断扩张,以及推动了使互联网通讯更容易追踪的一些议案。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 A jazz scale is any musical scale used in jazz. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 爵士音阶指的是在爵士乐中使用的任何音阶。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: When the formation talks have been concluded the King appoints the cabinet. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 组阁会谈作出结论后,国王会任命内阁。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After a series of unfortunate events, he became convinced that the skull was cursed and handed it on to a friend named Hopkins. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在一系列不幸事件之后,他确信头骨被诅咒了,把它转让给了一个名叫霍普金斯的朋友。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Near the coast of Florida, damage occurred mainly from storm surge and beach erosion. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 佛罗里达州沿海地区受到的损害主要体现在风暴潮和海岸侵蚀上。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 He studied traditional illustrations and made drawings of plants, medieval costumes and croquis; all of which served him in his later work. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他学习了传统插画,植物画,中世纪风格和速写,所有的技巧都表现在了他后来的作品中。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Golsby started committing crimes as a juvenile. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:然而,达马索自青年开始犯罪。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He fumed when a parking garage was slated to take the place of homes near the downtown area, and tried to pass a commuter tax so office workers who lived outside the city and drove into work would have to pay for city services they used. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他发怒停车场预定的地点靠近市中心区的住宅,并试图对居住城外的通勤上班族通过税收,开车工作将不得不支付他们的城市服务使用费。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: If these principles are properly applied, the discovery of Nazi-confiscated art will no longer be a matter of chance. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 如果这些原则得到充分应用,纳粹没收艺术品的发现就不会再是凭运气的事。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In most cases, the local town governments continued operating as self-governing bodies, just as they had before the appointment of the governors. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在绝大多数地区,城镇政府仍像皇家指派总督之前那样坚持自治政体。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It continued to deteriorate, and in 1935 the weight limit was reduced to two tons. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 桥况继续恶化,1935年时的限重更下修至2吨。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Produced primarily by students, Willamette Law Online is a subscription service that provides case summaries free to legal professionals in the Pacific Northwest. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 威廉米特法律在线是一个向太平洋西北地区法律专业人士提供免费个案摘要的订购服务。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: For instance, blueprints for a building must be elaborated before any contract can be approved and signed. Assistant: 例如,在任何合约可以批准和签署之前,必须详细阐述建筑的蓝图。 User: Nominally the Holy Roman Empire, of which the Austrian Netherlands and the Duchy of Milan were under direct Austrian rule. Assistant: 名义上是神圣罗马帝国,其中奥属尼德兰和米兰公国受奥地利直接管辖。 User: Physical effects may also include bone breakage such as backbreaking and cranial cracks, causing future disability, visual and hearing impairment, and mental incapacitation. Assistant: 生理后果还包括骨折,如背部骨折、颅裂等,这会导致残疾、视力或听力受损以及脑部疾病。 User: The city purchased the building in 1901 and, after the hotel moved out in 1913, renovated it as a city hall. Assistant: 该市在1901年购买了这座建筑,1913年酒店搬迁后,更新为市政厅。 User: In 1931, he became a United States citizen. Assistant: 在1931年,他成为美国公民。 User: However, the total percentage that sea ice algae contribute to the primary production of a given ecosystem depends strongly on the extent of ice cover. Assistant: 另一方面,海冰藻在初级生产量中所占比例与冰的状况密切相关。 User: Thus, 'trust' and 'mis-trust' must both be understood and accepted, in order for realistic 'hope' to emerge as a viable solution at the first stage. Assistant: 因此,“信任”与“不信任”两者必须都能接受与理解,才能在生命阶段当中的第一阶段,实现“希望”的有效解决。 User: In the later 20th century, Badminton House became best known for the annual Badminton Horse Trials held here since 1949. Assistant: 在20世纪,伯明顿庄园主要以1949年开始举办的伯明顿马术试炼(英语:Badminton Horse Trials)闻名于世。 User: In his second decade in office, Mahathir had again found himself battling Malaysia's royalty. Assistant: 在首相职的第二个十年里,马哈迪再次跟马来西亚王室对抗。 User: A study conducted on 218 individuals in 2010 by the Argentine geneticist Daniel Corach, has established that the genetic map of Argentina is composed by 79% from different European ethnicities (mainly Spanish and Italian ethnicities), 18% of different indigenous ethnicities, and 4.3% of African ethnic groups, in which 63.6% of the tested group had at least one ancestor who was Indigenous. Assistant: 阿根廷遗传学家达尼埃尔·科拉奇于2010年以218个阿根廷人为基因来源构建的遗传图谱显示,基因的79%源自不同的欧洲国家,主要源自意大利和西班牙,18%源自不同的美洲原住民,4.3%源自非洲族群,63.6%的居民至少有一位印第安人先祖。 User: In 1992, the college was granted degree-awarding powers and in 1997 adopted the name Bath Spa University College. Assistant: 1992年获得学位颁发资格,1997年改名为巴斯思巴大学学院(Bath Spa University College)。 User: Billy is alive and well. Assistant: 奸定遭殃,忠终无恙。 User: Her family was secular, and the awareness of being Jewish came to Liliana only after the drama of the Italian Racial Laws of 1938, after which she was expelled from school. Assistant: 她的家庭原本很平凡,直到1938年意大利种族法草案通过后被逐出学校,莉莉安娜才惊觉自己家族是犹太家族。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Ashoknagar has a railway station and Two Bus stations. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:莫斯塔尔有一个铁路车站和两个巴士车站。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This would mean the area has a very large shear profile that is one way that large scale magnetic fields can be formed. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 这意味着有很大的剪切剖面,这是一种可以形成很大规模磁场的方法。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:After the death of Charles Ritz in 1976, the hotel went into a period of slow decline. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1976年查尔斯·丽兹去世后,酒店进入缓慢衰落的时期。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 1925, the couple moved to Miami and then to Havana, Cuba, in 1928. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1925年,夫妻二人移居迈阿密,1928年又迁往哈瓦那。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Onions and bell peppers were long part of cooking in both the Spanish and African traditions. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 至于洋葱和灯笼椒,它们在西班牙和非洲的烹饪传统中已经有很长的历史。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In this sense, the Johnson noise of an RC circuit can be seen to be inherent, an effect of the thermodynamic distribution of the number of electrons on the capacitor, even without the involvement of a resistor. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 从这个意义上讲,RC电路的约翰逊噪声可以看作是固有的、电子在电容器上数量分布热力学效应,甚至不涉及电阻。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Through the Environmental Voter Education Campaign (EVEC), the Club sought to mobilize volunteers for phone banking, door-to-door canvassing and postcard writing to emphasize these issues in the campaign. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在环保选民教育运动(Environmental Voter Education Campaign,EVEC)中,塞拉俱乐部试图动员志愿者去电话拉票(phone banking)、挨家挨户地上门拉票和写明信片,来强调运动中的这些问题。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:His mother subsequently married Robert Crawford. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 认识玛丽·克劳福特后爱上了她。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Many heuristic algorithms can be used, such as the sequential forward, backward, or floating selections. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 可以使用很多启发式算法,比如顺序前向(sequential forward),后向(backward)或浮动选择(floating selections)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Differences between them include lifestyle and appearance. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 她们的差异包括生活方式和外貌特征。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: With an additional infantry component, it was also capable of limited air assault operations. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 倘若额外增编步兵兵力,则空中机动作战师也能够有限度地执行空中突击任务。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 On Thursday, 23 May, at about 8 pm (CET) police were called to Rinkeby to a spot where five cars had been set on fire. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 5月23日,星期四,大约在晚上8点,警方在温林比的一个地方,发现5辆汽车被纵火焚烧。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Committee also gets to have the final say when determining whether a property will be included in the World Heritage List. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 由委员会最终决定是否要将遗产列入目录。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Reason, will, and desire can harmoniously work together to do what is good. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 擅长料理,家事万能,理想是追求格斗的和谐性。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 He toured throughout Spain setting up party cells. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他赤脚走遍康提,四处重建教会团体。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 This Johannes may have been Lieba's brother. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:基甸可能是山姆的哥哥。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: His bid was supported by former Labour leader Ed Miliband, as well as other senior Labour Party figures including Angela Eagle, Dan Jarvis, and Andy Burnham. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他的出马得到前工党领袖爱德·米利班德以及其他工党高层支持,包括安吉拉·伊格尔、丹·贾维斯和安迪·伯纳姆。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Sensaura middleware was also used by the Windows drivers of nearly every sound card and audio codec other than those by Creative. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 Sensaura的中介软件亦被大多数声卡的Windows驱动程式使用,甚至比Creative提供的还要多。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Hildreth entered an outstanding three-year-old, Grey Lag, on the morning of the race, causing the odds on Sporting Blood, to rise to 3–1. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:海尔德烈斯在比赛的早晨派了一匹杰出的三岁赛马Grey Lag(英语:Grey Lag)上场,造成Sporting Blood的赔率上升到3-1。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This apparent contradiction is the paradox. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这种强烈的反差就构成了这个悖论。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Trump commented that if any such material existed "it would have been out long ago". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 特朗普认为,如果有这样的材料,“很久以前就出来了”。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Kazimierz Kuratowski stated in 1930 that K3,3 is nonplanar, from which it follows that the problem has no solution. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 卡齐米日·库拉托夫斯基在1930年提出K3,3图不是平面图的概念,因此三间小屋问题没有解。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Think Piece. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 围棋棋子。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: As of January 2016, she is attending flight school. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:2016年1月她参加了飞行学校。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Additionally, from 1905, British New Guinea was renamed as the Territory of Papua. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 1905年,英属新几内亚成为巴布亚领地。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: See PSPACE-Complete for examples of problems that are suspected to be in PSPACE but not in NP. Assistant: 参见PSPACE完全了解在PSPACE中但可能不在NP中的问题。 User: Immunization is suggested for those at highest risk of infection, including those 65 years or older; generally the vaccine should be a single lifetime dose, as there is a high risk of side effects if repeated. Assistant: 建议是那些有高感染风险的人接受接种,包括65岁或以上的长者,而往往都只是接受一次接种就能有终生的保护。 User: The guns were fired upon them and the Hussars were sent in pursuit; but several of them managed to escape. Assistant: 城陷之后,刘伸被射伤一臂,得以不死,家属则大半遇难。 User: The heavy rainfall was expected to help relieve persistent drought conditions in some locations. Assistant: 预计强降雨有助于缓解部分地区旷日持久的旱情。 User: When it is appropriately used, for example ¤12.50 can be interpreted as 12.5 units of some currency, but the currency itself is unknown, and can be determined only by information outside the use of the character in itself. Assistant: 适宜应用,例如¤12.50解释为某种通货的12.5个单位,但此种通货未指明,依赖于上下文可能知道是哪种通货。 User: Directly after the end of the fleet maneuvers, Kaiser Friedrich III was decommissioned in the Kaiserliche Werft in Kiel, being replaced by her sister Kaiser Barbarossa. Assistant: 舰队演习刚一结束,德皇腓特烈三世号便在基尔的帝国船厂(英语:Kaiserliche Werft Kiel)退役,并被其姊妹舰德皇巴巴罗萨号所取代。 User: Its sister site, VideoGameSpot.com, was launched in December 1996 to cover console games. Assistant: 它的姊妹网站,VideoGameSpot.com,则于1996年12月成立,专注电视游戏的内容。 User: The intrinsic spinal circuits implement many reflex responses, and contain pattern generators for rhythmic movements such as walking or swimming. Assistant: 脊髓神经回路包含许多反射反应,也包含产生行走或游泳所需要节律的中枢模式发生器。 User: Not long after their arrival, in 1902, Charles' former co-worker, first conversion, and best friend, Ernest Kilbourne, and his family, joined them. Assistant: 1902年,考门先生的前同工、最好的朋友,欧内斯特·基尔伯恩和他的家人, 加入他们。 User: The culture wars, and political correctness in particular, were driven by the belief that relativism was becoming more relevant to daily life and thus what were perceived as "traditional" and reliable values were losing their place in American society. Assistant: 这场文化战争、特别是其中的政治正确倾向受到相对主义信仰驱动,论点越来越多地涉及人们的日常生活,受此影响,通常被认为更“传统”、可靠的价值观逐渐在美国社会失势。 User: Whether this was done to increase their respective countries' chances of winning is not known for sure, but this shortcoming was nonetheless plain. Assistant: 虽然此举会增加他们所属的国家胜算的不确定性,但此缺点看来泛泛无奇。 User: In addition, neither the cloning of DNA containing toxin genes, nor large scale experiments using recombinant DNAs that were able to make products that were potentially harmful to humans, animals or plants were allowed under the guidelines. Assistant: 此外,根据指南,不允许克隆含有毒素基因的DNA,也不允许使用能够产生对人、动物或植物潜在有害的产物的重组DNA的大规模实验。 User: Presley had already left Sun, and Phillips was focusing most of his attention and promotion on Lewis. Assistant: 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利(Elvis Presley 猫王)已经离开了太阳唱片公司,而菲利普的大部分注意力也集中在了Jerry Lee Lewis身上。 User: Some scholars suggest that Ahmad ibn Yusuf was its true author. Assistant: 一些学者认为艾哈迈德·伊本·优素福才是它的真正作者。 User: In Frankfurt Nissl became acquainted with Alois Alzheimer, and they collaborated over seven years. Assistant: 尼氏在法兰克福认识了爱罗斯·阿兹海默(Alois Alzheimer)并公事7年。 User: The multiplayer mode for Call of Duty: WWII was revealed on E3 2017, which took place from June 13–15. Assistant: 《使命召唤:二战》的多人模式计划于6月13日至15日举行的E3 2017公布。 User: On April 7, he sent completed models to the Mint and photographs to the Fine Arts Commission. Assistant: 4月7日,他把完成的石膏模型送到铸币局,并将照片送交美术委员会,但换来的反应都很不理想。 User: Tom Werner served as executive chairman, Larry Lucchino served as president and CEO, and serving as vice chairman was Les Otten. Assistant: Tom Werner为执行董事长,Larry Lucchino为主席兼首席执行官,Les Otten为副董事长。 User: It was originally displayed at the Holy Family Church at the United Nations until it was transferred to the Philippine Pastoral Center in 1998. Assistant: 铜像最初放在联合国的圣家堂,1998年迁到菲律宾牧区中心。 User: It was the first time he had been to England. Assistant: 这是他唯一一次去英国。 User: The new cabinet then proposes its plans to parliament. Assistant: 随后新内阁会将计划送至议会。 User: Windows Photo Gallery also supports the ability to batch resize photos, where multiple photos can be resized in one single action, as well as the ability to rotate videos. Assistant: Windows影像中心还支持批量调整照片大小的功能,可以在一个操作中调整多张照片的大小,以及旋转视频的功能。 User: Hungarian economist Janos Kornai has written that "the attempt to realize market socialism produces an incoherent system, in which there are elements that repel each other: the dominance of public ownership and the operation of the market are not compatible". Assistant: 匈牙利经济学家雅诺什·科尔奈写到“实现市场社会主义的企图......产生了一个混乱的体系,其中存在相互排斥的元素:公有制的统治地位和市场化的运作毫不相容。 User: He and his wife left for Rome and production was shut down for a few weeks. Assistant: 他和妻子于是动身前往罗马,电影的摄制工作也暂停了几个星期。 User: The Second Intermediate Period marks a period when Ancient Egypt fell into disarray for a second time, between the end of the Middle Kingdom and the start of the New Kingdom. Assistant: 第二中间时期是古埃及历史上的一个分裂时期,位于中王国时期之后,新王国时期之前,时间长度大约有一百年左右。 User: Three years later he was sent to the British Royal Navy, where he would stay for a continuous five-year navigation. Assistant: 三年以后,被派往英国舰队,在那里完成五年领航员生涯。 User: Females in particular enjoy mealworms. Assistant: 特别喜欢蜜柑。 User: The gestation period is 5.5 to 8.5 months. Assistant: 怀孕期是5.5至8.5个月。 User: More recent work has found that purported members of the Castor Moving Group appear to not only have a wide range of ages, but their velocities are too different to have been possibly associated with one another in the distant past. Assistant: 最近的研究发现,所谓北河二移动星群的成员不仅有很大的年龄范围,而且运动的速度也大不相同,可能是在遥远的过去曾经有关联性。 User: She doesn't want to be seen as joker all the time. Assistant: 始也一直为她而不愿变成JOKER。 User: M26A1 (United States): Extended Range Rocket (ERR), with range of 45 km and 518 M85 submunitions (an improved version of the M77 DPICM submunition). Assistant: M26A1(美国):射程扩展火箭(ERR),使用M85改进弹药,射程为45公里。 User: The European traders built several forts along the coastline. Assistant: 欧洲商人沿岸兴建了数座堡垒。 User: Amtrak retired its last HHP-8 on November 7, 2014. Assistant: Amtrak 的最后一部 HHP-8 于2014年11月7日退出现役。 User: Research designed to answer questions about the current state of affairs such as the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals is known as descriptive research. Assistant: 该研究旨在回答个人的想法、感受、行为,被称之为“描述性研究”。 User: It's got real suspense, but it's not a thriller. Assistant: 它有真正的悬念,但又不是部惊悚片。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The official governing body of religious judges gave its official support to President Niyazov in the June 1992 elections. Assistant: 宗教法官的官方管理机构在1992年6月选举给予尼亚佐夫总统的官方支持。 User: Coshocton contains Roscoe Village, a restored town of the canal era, located next to the former Ohio and Erie Canal. Assistant: 科肖克顿包含罗斯科村,这是经过修复的运河时代的城镇,毗邻前俄亥俄和伊利运河。 User: The cost of sanitation (sewerage and wastewater treatment) is another US$1–2 per cubic meter. Assistant: 卫生清洁成本(下水道和废水处理)每平方米额外花费1到2美元。 User: Although the revelation at the end of the film that Arroway's recording device recorded approximately 18 hours of static is arguably conclusive proof of the fact of—if not the experience of—her "journey", several coincidences and indications throughout the film cast doubt on its authenticity. Assistant: 虽然在影片的最后的揭露出女主角艾丽头戴的录像装置录下了长达约18小时的信息,这一证据可以从事实上而非仅仅是信念上来支持她的确有经历过这一段“旅程”和接触,但是全片中的几处巧合等迹象导致其真实性受到质疑。 User: At a school dance, he meets Elise and falls in love. Assistant: 在学校舞会中,他遇见伊莉丝并爱上她。 User: He also won the gold medal in the 200 metre individual medley at the 2015 FINA World Junior Swimming Championships. Assistant: 他在2015年FINA世界少年游泳锦标赛上获得了200米混合泳的金牌。 User: Once he is firmly in the game, you can't stop him. Assistant: 一旦他在带球跑,他是不可阻挡的。 User: He conducted business out of this shop for the next twenty years. Assistant: 他在随后的20年内都在这家店铺里做生意。 User: This paint must be removed from the air. Assistant: 此部分被动画删除。 User: In South Asia, particularly in Delhi, Hyderabad, Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Dhaka Division and Sylhet Division, begum has been adapted for use as an honorific for Muslim women of high social status, accomplishment, or power. Assistant: 在南亚,特别是在德里,海德拉巴,信德,旁遮普,开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省和锡尔赫特,别姬是用于具有较高社会地位,成就或权力的穆斯林妇女的敬称。 User: National Strategy for Suicide Prevention promotes and sponsors various specific suicide prevention endeavors: Developing groups led by professionally trained individuals for broad-based support for suicide prevention. Assistant: 国家预防自杀战略推动及赞助各种具体的自杀预防工作: 发展由专业受到训练的人带领的团体,广泛的支持自杀预防。 User: Modern Provincial languages developed from different apabhramsas. Assistant: 现代地方语言从不同的 Apabhraṃśa 发展而来。 User: Mobility, including its positive and negative repercussions, originates in people’s decisions and behavior – and these could be influenced. Assistant: 交通流动性,包括它正面和负面的影响,起源于人们的决策和行为 - 而这些因素可能会被影响。 User: He and his supporters argued that he was the victim of a jealous father whose only goal was to extort money from him. Assistant: 杰克逊之后通过录音表示称他是这个嫉妒父亲的受害者,唯一的目的就是想从他那里勒索钱财。 User: More obviously, A3 is isomorphic to the cyclic group Z3, and A0, A1, and A2 are isomorphic to the trivial group (which is also SL1(q) = PSL1(q) for any q). Assistant: 更显然有 A3 同构于循环群 Z3,以及 A1 与 A2 同构于平凡群(也是 SL1(q)=PSL1(q) 对任何 q)。 User: The town's residents also reported collapsing chimneys; three chimneys toppled at one home, leading to further damage. Assistant: 城里的居民还报告有烟囱倒塌,有一户人家有三个烟囱被震倒,这造成了进一步的损失。 User: A "service contract" is different from a warranty because service contracts do not affirm the quality or workmanship of a consumer product. Assistant: 服务合同(service contract)与保修不同,服务合同不确认消费品的质量与工艺。 User: However, this ban has now been lifted. Assistant: 不过,至今此禁令已经解除。 User: Their Majesties King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia presided over the dedication ceremony, which took place on 11 March 2005. Assistant: 西班牙国王胡安·卡洛斯一世与索非亚皇后参加了于2005年3月11日爆炸发生一周年纪念日举行的落成典礼。 User: Inspired by the romantic and nationalist currents from mainland Europe, Jón protested strongly, through political journals and self-publications, for 'a return to national consciousness' and for political and social changes to be made to help speed up Iceland's development. Assistant: 受到来自大陆欧洲的浪漫主义和民族主义潮流的启发,乔恩.西古德松通过政治期刊和自我出版物强烈抗议为了“恢复民族意识”和政治、社会变革,以加快冰岛的发展。 User: Erik Sture Larre, 100, Norwegian Resistance member during World War II. Assistant: 埃里克·斯图尔·拉雷(英语:Erik Sture Larre)(挪威语:Erik Sture Larre),100岁,第二次世界大战期间挪威抵抗运动成员。 User: Because many gene functions are shared between fish and humans, the Casper strain is expected to yield insights into human diseases such as leukemia and other cancers. Assistant: 由于人和斑马鱼有许多基因功能是相同的Casper品种被寄予加深人类对如白血病等癌症在内的人类疾病研究的厚望。 User: Three ventilation systems were already installed by October 1, 2014, with two more systems to be installed by the end of the month. Assistant: 三个通风系统已经于2014年10月1日安装,另外两个系统在该月末安装。 User: They typically have an "Enhanced with EyeToy" or "EyeToy Enhanced" label on the box. Assistant: 他们通常会在游戏光盘盒子上贴有“Enhanced with EyeToy”或“EyeToy Enhanced”标签。 User: Because of this governing structure, the collection was not dispersed like many monastic libraries. Assistant: 由于采用这种管理结构,马拉特斯塔图书馆的收藏并不像许多修道院图书馆那样的分散。 User: It asserts that the unsaved will undergo hell, but that hell is remedial (neither everlasting nor purely retributive) according to key scriptures and that after purification or conversion all will enter Heaven. Assistant: 拥有地狱烈焰和不死烙印的幽灵,持有“主办者权限”,为“Will o'wisp”的参谋。 User: The grandson of Muhammad, Imam Hussayn sacrificed his life along with 72 of his companions on the sand dunes of Karbala. Assistant: 先知穆罕默德的孙儿伊玛目侯赛因与其72位同伴一起在卡尔巴拉的沙丘上牺牲。 User: BITS constantly monitors network traffic for any increase or decrease in network traffic and throttles its own transfers to ensure that other foreground applications (such as a web browser) get the bandwidth they need. Assistant: BITS会不断监控网络流量以增加或减少流量,并遏制(英语:Bandwidth throttling)自己的传输以确保其他前台应用程序(如网页浏览器)获得所需的带宽。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 After dark, rebels counter-attacked and by dawn the next day managed to recapture most of the base, with fighting still occurring around it. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:日落之后,反政府武装开始了反击,在第二天黎明之前设法夺回了基地的大部分区域,但交火在基地周边依旧持续。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Like the earlier Kaiser-class battleships, König could bring all of her main guns to bear on either side, but the newer vessel enjoyed a wider arc of fire due to the all-centerline arrangement. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:如同早期的皇帝级战列舰,国王号的所有主炮皆可在舷侧开火,但后者因全中心线布局而拥有更宽的射击角度。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 1846 he opened a workshop in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 1846年,他在圣克鲁斯-德特内里费开设了另一个艺术工作室。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Between World War II and 1971, new editor Scott Newhall took a bold and somewhat provocative approach to news presentation. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:第二次世界大战之后,1971年之前,新主编斯科特·纽豪(Scott Newhall)锐意创新,大胆采用了全新的新闻呈现方式。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Eric-Maria Couturier played the cello, whose sounds were intended to go from "emotional" to "bestial". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 埃里克-玛莉亚·库图里耶(Eric-Maria Couturier)负责演奏大提琴,其音乐旨在把游戏的氛围从“感性”转变为“兽性”。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Husband and wife producers Douglas Wick and Lucy Fisher joined the project. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 夫妻制片组合Douglas Wick和Lucy Fisher参加了此项目。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The two initial tribes were Água (Water) and Fogo (Fire). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:前两者为沉水环礁,后者为出水环礁。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:A number of senior Australian media moguls were brought into Murdoch's powerhouse, including John Dux, who was managing director of the South China Morning Post. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 一些高级澳大利亚媒体大亨进入默多克的决策中心,其中包括南华早报主任John Dux。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:All applications of the DFT depend crucially on the availability of a fast algorithm to compute discrete Fourier transforms and their inverses, a fast Fourier transform. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 需要指出的是,所有DFT的实际应用都依赖于计算离散傅里叶变换及其逆变换的快速算法,即快速傅里叶变换。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:After making a 16 mm film of the Rover driving for the engineers on Earth, they set off for the main target of their last EVA, Hadley Rille. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在为地球上的工程师们制作了一部驾驶月球车的16毫米胶片电影后,他们前往最后一次舱外活动的主目标地-哈德利月溪。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Tracers with different half-lives are used for each stage of hydraulic fracturing. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 示踪剂的不同半衰期可用在水力压裂的每一个特定阶段中。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: União's fans are called Leirienses, and their main group of supporters is Frente Leiria ("Leiria Front"). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 利亚拿的球迷称为“利亚拿人”(leirienses),而主要的球迷会组织则称为Frente Leiria。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In some fields, such as solar energy and photovoltaics, air mass is indicated by the acronym AM; additionally, the value of the air mass is often given by appending its value to AM, so that AM1 indicates an air mass of 1, AM2 indicates an air mass of 2, and so on. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在一些领域,例如太阳能和光伏,大气质量以首字母的缩写AM表示;此外,大气质量的值通常会通过附加其它的价值,因此会以AM1、AM2等等,表示不同附加值的大气质量。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:He has devoted his life to hunting demons (hence the title of Demon Queller). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 牲品(イケニエ) 要使唤恶魔必须提供牲品,作为恶魔的报酬。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Pierre Cousin (1895), Lebesgue (1898) and Schoenflies (1900) generalized it to arbitrary covers. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 昂利·勒贝格(1898年)和 Schoenflies(1900年) 把它推广到了任意覆盖。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The 2006 European heat wave was a period of exceptionally hot weather that arrived at the end of June 2006 in certain European countries. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 2006年欧洲热浪指自2006年6月末在一些欧洲国家开始的极端高温天气。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Neko means cat in Japanese. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 猫之间以日本猫语来说话。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The questioning escalated into a heated argument; Mukhtarov hit Stalin in the face and had to be restrained by other Okhrana officers. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 审问升级为激烈的争论,穆赫塔罗夫掌掴了斯大林,后来被其他同事控制。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Qatari officials have also indicated a willingness to allow alcohol in "fan zones" at the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 卡塔尔官员也表示愿意在2022年世界杯足球赛的 “粉丝区”中提供酒精。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 He is the author of two popular books on mushroom identification, Mushrooms Demystified and All That the Rain Promises and More.... Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他是两本最有名蕈类鉴定书籍,《蘑菇揭秘》(Mushrooms Demystified)与《All That the Rain Promises and More...》的作者。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Corrupting the political life. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 反对政治腐败。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Media interest will also change, depending on whether the player is racing for one of the top teams, or a team at the back of the grid and will reflect the progress the player makes, more success will equal more media attention and more points. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 媒体的兴趣也会产生改变,这取决于玩家是否为顶级车队赛车,或是否在排行榜上落后,这将反映出玩家的进展,越有成就,就引发更多的媒体关注和更多的话题。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Rob Lowe as Chris Traeger, an excessively positive and extremely health-conscious government official. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:罗伯·劳(Rob Lowe)饰演克里斯·崔杰(Chris Traeger),一位极端正面和重视健康的政府职员。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Just under 20% of the Danish population identifies as atheist. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 只有不到20%的丹麦人口为无神论者。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It is one of sixteen Green Townships statewide. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这是全州16个格林镇区之一。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It describes the changes to light reflected from a magnetized surface. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 它描述了从磁化表面反射后的光的变化。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Because MathJax is meant only for math display, whereas LaTeX is a document layout language, MathJax only supports the subset of LaTeX used to describe mathematical notation. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:因为MathJax只用于数学显示,而LaTeX是一种文档布局语言,所以MathJax只支持用于描述数学表示法的LaTeX子集。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 He eventually converted to Christianity and joined the Methodist Church. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 最终他归信基督教,加入一个卫理公会教会。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Today is no Tomorrow, 2. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:此日闲过,二可惜。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Battle of Varna is commemorated on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Warsaw, with the inscription "WARNA 10 XI 1444". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 位于华沙的无名战士墓用于纪念这场战斗,上刻有"WARNA 10 XI 1444"。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: The theme of racial injustice appears symbolically in the novel as well. Assistant: 种族歧视的主题在小说中也以象征方式出现。 User: The Slovak National Museum opened an exhibition in May 2007 to commemorate the heroes of the Czech and Slovak resistance, one of the most important resistance actions in the whole of German-occupied Europe. Assistant: 斯洛伐克国家博物馆在2007年5月举行展览以纪念捷克斯洛伐克境内掀起的,德军占领区中其中一项最重要的持续抗暴行动。 User: On September 7, the authorities discovered the flight data recorder. Assistant: 在9月7日,阿联酋当局公布他们发现飞行资料记录器。 User: The name of the character appears first. Assistant: 世界排名曾经达到第一位。 User: To this point British blues was acoustically played emulating Delta blues and Country blues styles and often part of the emerging second British folk revival. Assistant: 到目前为止,英国蓝调在声学上扮演着仿效三角洲蓝调和乡村蓝调的音乐风格行为,并且通常是英国民间复兴(英语:British folk revival)第二次复兴的一部分。 User: Unlike Batwoman, Gordon's Batgirl used a utility belt and various gadgets similar to Batman's, in addition to being a skilled martial artist and possessing a doctorate in her civilian identity. Assistant: 与蝙蝠女侠不同的是,芭芭拉拥有类似蝙蝠侠的多功能腰带和其他各种装备,她还是一位技艺高超的武术家,她的平民身份还拥有博士学位。 User: Sibiloi National Park lies on the lake's eastern shore, while Central Island National Park and South Island National Park lie in the lake. Assistant: 希比罗依国家公园坐落在湖的东岸,而中央岛国家公园(英语:Central Island National Park)和南岛国家公园(英语:South Island National Park)位于在湖中。 User: French forces of the 2nd Armoured Division under General Philippe Leclerc arrived from the west on 24 August, while the U.S. 4th Infantry Division pressed up from the south. Assistant: 8月24日,菲利普·勒克莱尔指挥的法国第2装甲师由西侧抵达巴黎,美国第4步兵师则自南侧抵达。 User: Assuming a sequence is a valid derivation to begin with, it can be extended using these rules. Assistant: 假定一个序列本来是一个有效的推导,则可以使用这些规则来扩展它。 User: The numbers below give numbers of European Americans as measured by the U.S. Census in 1980, 1990, and 2000. Assistant: 以下表格的数据是根据1980年、1990年和2000年的美国人口普查制订的。 User: The Dixon's were ready to go ahead and renovate the total building. Assistant: 亨利八世后来重新设计约克坊,并进一步扩大及重建整个皇宫。 User: This angered the colonists. Assistant: 此举激怒了殖民者。 User: Beginning in 1839, the Ottoman government implemented the Tanzimat reforms to improve the situation of minorities, although these would prove largely ineffective. Assistant: 从1839年起,奥斯曼政府推行坦志麦特改革去改善少数族裔的处境,但成效不大。 User: The incident brought Geguri international fame and anticipation for her professional career. Assistant: 这件事让Geguri赢得了国际声誉,并让她的职业生涯大放异彩。 User: It is considered safe and effective. Assistant: 这是一项安全并且高效的方法。 User: His full name and profession must be stated. Assistant: 其名字与官衔皆杜撰。 User: The Japanese version of Final Fantasy X included an additional disc entitled "The Other Side of Final Fantasy", which featured interviews, storyboards, and trailers for Blue Wing Blitz, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, as well as the first footage of Final Fantasy XI. Assistant: 日版《最终幻想X》还内含收录采访录像、画像制作的附加碟片“The Other Side of Final Fantasy”,《蓝天之翼》、《王国之心》和《最终幻想:灵魂深处》的预告片,以及《最终幻想XI》的首个演示视频。 User: Singularities that arise in the solutions of Einstein's equations are typically hidden within event horizons, and therefore cannot be observed from the rest of spacetime. Assistant: 在爱因斯坦场方程的解中存在隐藏于事件视界之内因而无法从时空的其他部分观察的奇点。 User: His full name was Eustache Dauger de Cavoye. Assistant: 他的全名叫“厄斯塔什·多热·德·卡瓦耶”(Eustache Dauger de Cavoye)。 User: The committee saw itself as a source of unity and representation for the French nation. Assistant: 共和国总统象征民族团结并代表国家。 User: The final credits note that after Kathryn's departure, a number of peacekeepers were sent home (although none faced criminal charges because of immunity laws), and the U.S. continues doing business with private contractors such as Democra Security (including billion-dollar contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan). Assistant: 片尾在字幕中表明,有多名维和人员在凯瑟琳离开后被遣送回国,但由于豁免权法律的保护,没有任何人面临刑事起诉,并且美国仍与包括德莫克拉保安公司在内的私营承包商存在业务往来,这其中还包括伊拉克和阿富汗的多个数额达到10亿美元级别的合约。 User: D. Damon, The Beautiful People. Assistant: 卿佐肱股,寔资俊人。 User: Hence x ⊕ y as its complement can be understood as x ≠ y, being true just when x and y are different. Assistant: 因此作为其互补运算,x ⊕ y 可以理解为 x ≠ y,当 x 和 y 不同时为真。 User: Prudhomme, riding his horse, crossed the river safely while guiding the other horses and towing one raft. Assistant: 侯景被平定,鲁广达加官员外散骑常侍,其余依旧。 User: Quddus serves as the host. Assistant: 方季惟担任嘉宾。 User: February 23: The Assembly requires curés (parish priests) in churches across France to read aloud the decrees of the Assembly. Assistant: 二月二十三日:议会规定法国境内所有的新教堂区牧师(curés)应大声读出议会的法令。 User: No decisions or resolutions appear to have been made at this meeting. Assistant: 此次会上并未展开讨论,也未作出决定。 User: On January 25, 2014, protesters clashed with the military police in central São Paulo. Assistant: 2014年1月25日,圣保罗市中心的示威者与军警发生冲突。 User: This decreases the potential for contamination and makes potable water for developing countries a potential application. Assistant: 这降低了污染的可能性,使发展中国家的饮用水成为潜在的应用。 User: In Abu Zabaal prison in Cairo, eight people were killed as police clashed with inmates trying to escape. Assistant: 位于开罗的Abu Zaabal监狱,其中8人在企图越狱的行为中死亡。 User: In pharmacology, efficacy (Emax) is a term used to describe the maximum response achievable from a drug. Assistant: 在药理学中,效能(Emax)是指一种药物所能引起的最大反应。 User: By January 28, 1942, Israilov had decided to extend the uprising from Chechens and Ingush to eleven of the dominant ethnic groups in the Caucasus by forming the Special Party of Caucasus Brothers (OKPB), with the aim of an 'armed struggle with Bolshevik barbarism and Russian despotism'. Assistant: 到1942年1月28日,哈桑已决定扩展车臣和印古什的起义至11个在高加索主要民族,成立了高加索兄弟特别党(OKPB),其目的是进行的武装斗争与对抗布尔什维克的野蛮和俄罗斯的专制。 User: Conversely, it is argued that just because the betrayal was foretold, it does not prevent Judas from exercising his own free will in this matter. Assistant: 反驳称即便背叛可以预见,并不代表犹大不能使用自己的自由意志。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In return for this service, Richard withdrew his malevolentia (ill-will) towards John, restored him to the county of Gloucestershire and made him again the Count of Mortain. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:为此,理查放下了对约翰的戒心,将格洛斯特郡重新封给他,并再次封他为摩坦伯爵。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:As a result of Rice's fame, "Jim Crow" by 1838 had become a pejorative expression meaning "Negro". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:结果,到了1838年“吉姆·克劳”成为“黑鬼”的贬义词。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Markevitch et al. have proposed that the central galaxy (designated G1) of a more massive cluster has merged with the former central galaxy (G2) of the less massive cluster. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:马克维奇等人已经提出,较大质量星系团的中心星系(称为G1)已经和质量较小星系团的中心星系(称为G2)合并。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The ships were in most respects repeats of the previous République class, and the major difference was the adoption of 194-millimeter (7.6 in) guns for the secondary battery, rather than the 164 mm (6.5 in) guns of the République class. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 在舰艇设计上,本级舰大多数设计沿袭自前一型共和级,这2级别军舰最大的不同点在于自由级的副炮口径尺寸采用194毫米(7.6英寸),比共和级采用的 164毫米(6.5英寸)口径还要大。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It also has a locations database where a player can save any position and time in the simulation and load it again in the future. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 它也有位置数据库,在那里玩家可保存任何位置和时间,并在将来重新载入。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Chechnya is the most land mine-affected region worldwide. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:车臣是全世界最受地雷影响的地区。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The thirty most prominent families of Brussels expressed the wish to restore the old Governorate-general of the Austrians, and this was provisionally instituted by the Allies in February, 1814, as their military government. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:在布鲁塞尔的三十个最显赫家族表示希望重新由奥地利指派总督管理该地,而列强亦于1814年2月用这个办法成立了一个军政府。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Ecocriticism is the study of literature and the environment from an interdisciplinary point of view, where literature scholars analyze texts that illustrate environmental concerns and examine the various ways literature treats the subject of nature. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 生态批评是从跨学科角度研究文学和环境,在这个过程中,文学学者以科际整合的角度分析环境,为改善当代环境状况出谋划策,并审视文学处理自然主题的多样方式。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Other types of securities, besides shares, can be offered publicly. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 除股票以外,其他形式的有价证券也可以公开发行。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Death resulted in a few cases. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:有些个案出现死亡情况。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 2005, Fred Murray petitioned New Hampshire Governor Craig Benson for help in the search, and appeared on The Montel Williams Show in November 2004 to publicize the case. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:2005年,弗雷德·穆雷请求新罕布什尔州州长克雷格·本森寻求帮助,并于2004年11月出现在蒙特尔·威廉姆斯脱口秀上宣传该案。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They are inherently self-centered, seeking only their own promotion, achieved by pleasing the Shadow Lord. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 它们相当自我中心,唯一目的是透过取悦魔影大帝帮助自己晋升。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In December 2013, the International Astronomical Union named one of the craters on Mercury after Lennon. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2013年12月,国际天文联合会将水星上的一个陨石坑以列侬命名。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: "Le courant français ne manquera pas". Assistant: ”英不能渡。 User: Charles Dickens in his book The Pickwick Papers, published in 1836. Assistant: 《匹克威克外传》(The Pickwick Papers),狄更斯的代表作品,于1836年出版。 User: George David Woods (July 27, 1901 – August 20, 1982) was a U.S. banker. Assistant: 乔治·戴维·伍兹(George David Woods,1901年-1982年),美国银行家,曾任世界银行行长。 User: At 10:47 am on May 5, 1983, CAAC Flight 296 took off from Shenyang Dongta Airport to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. Assistant: 1983年5月5日上午10时47分,中国民航296号航班从沈阳机场起飞飞往上海。 User: In a January 2011 interview, Rob Halford said about the band's impending retirement: "I think it's time, you know. Assistant: 在2011年1月接受采访时,主唱罗柏针对乐团即将退休表示: “我认为现在是时候了,你懂的。 User: For example, in Java interfaces, the Comparable interface specifies a method compareTo() which implementing classes must implement. Assistant: 举个例子,在Java语言中,有一个用来比较的接口 (Comparable) 具体规定了一个方法叫做compareTo(),需要实体类去实现。 User: Following the Chernobyl accident, the enrichment of fuel was changed from 2.0% to 2.4%, to compensate for control rod modifications and the introduction of additional absorbers. Assistant: 切尔诺贝利事故之后,该燃料浓缩度由2.0%增加到2.4%,以补偿控制棒的修改和更多吸收剂的引入。 User: Of the surviving four sons, all participated in the War of 1812 and all served in the Kentucky General Assembly. Assistant: 剩下的4个儿子全部参加了1812年战争,并且全部都曾当选肯塔基州议员。 User: After the announcement, all training and studies were based on the act. Assistant: 公布之后,培训与研讨根据此法继续实行。 User: Henry Neil Mallon was born in 1895. Assistant: 谢似颜先生生于1895年。 User: Only one thing if you wish to be the servants of God, and that is to drive out and destroy the evil ones who stand in the way of Gospel”. Assistant: 太乙天尊:为道教尊神,为赐福解厄之神,又称“太乙福神”,故为福星。 User: The most massive stars last an average of a few million years, while stars of minimum mass (red dwarfs) burn their fuel very slowly and can last tens to hundreds of billions of years. Assistant: 许多大质量的恒星平均只有数百万年的寿命,但质量最轻的恒星(红矮星)以很慢的速率燃烧它们的燃料,寿命至少有数兆年。 User: Only 200 magazines were printed with each cover, sufficient to more than satisfy Edge's circulation of 28,898. Assistant: 每种封面仅印制于200份杂志上,但已足以应对《Edge》28,898份的发行量。 User: The widow of a colonel, she is very strict and severe. Assistant: 她的妈妈是名白种人法官,既严谨又苛刻。 User: This part of the larger park, which includes the Forest Park field headquarters, is heavily used by pedestrians entering Balch Creek Canyon from nearby city streets. Assistant: 森林公园的现场指挥部也设在这里,大量行人从附近的城市街道进入公园内的鲍尔奇溪峡谷。 User: It opposes military action that may result in the use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and the building of nuclear power stations in the UK. Assistant: 它反对任何可能导致使用核武器、生物武器和化学武器的军事行动,并反对在英国境内修建核电站。 User: The U.S. National Security Agency chose OSU as a National Center of Academic Excellence for Information Assurance Education in 2005. Assistant: 最近,美国国家安全机构指定该中心为国家级优秀信息保障教育中心。 User: The Kingdom of Rarotonga, (Cook Islands Māori: Mātāmuatanga Rarotonga) named after the island of Rarotonga, was an independent kingdom established in the present-day Cook Islands in 1858. Assistant: 拉罗汤加王国(库克群岛毛利语:Mātāmuatanga Rarotonga)是一个创建于今天的库克群岛的独立王国,以拉罗汤加岛命名,建国时间是1858年。 User: The team expanded to include Christopher Slowe in November 2005. Assistant: 在2005年11月团队加入了Christopher Slowe。 User: The instrument, which was mounted on a Lockheed U-2 plane, made it possible to determine that the overall rotation of the universe was zero, which was within the limits of accuracy of the instrument. Assistant: 这个仪器被安装在洛克西德的 U-2 侦察机上,并成功地测定了宇宙的整体旋转是零(不超出仪器的精确范围)。 User: Having spent over 22 years in office, Mahathir was the world's longest-serving elected leader when he retired. Assistant: 在职首相达22年,马哈迪在退位时是世界上在位最久的被选举国家领导人。 User: It was responsible for "ideological" tasks. Assistant: 工作任务为“意识形态斗争”。 User: In May 2006, McCain gave the commencement address at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University. Assistant: 在2006年5月,麦凯恩在基督教福音派牧师Jerry Falwell所创立的自由大学发表开学演讲。 User: According to this story, Archimedes was carrying mathematical instruments, and was killed because the soldier thought that they were valuable items. Assistant: 按照这个故事,阿基米德当时携带着数学仪器,士兵以为是什么贵重物件,因而杀了他。 User: Compare this with the standard semantics, which says that a universal (existential) formula is true if and only if for all (some) members of the domain, the formula holds for all (some) of them; e.g. ∀xA is true (under an interpretation) if and only if for all k in the domain D, A(k/x) is true (where A(k/x) is the result of substituting k for all occurrences of x in A). Assistant: 比较于标准语义,它声称全称(存在)公式为真,当且仅当对于这个域的所有(某些)成员,这个公式对于其中全部(某些)成立;比如,∀xA 为真(在一个释义下),当且仅当对于域 D 的所有的 k,A(k/x) 为真(这里的 A(k/x) 是用 k 代换 A 中 x 的所有出现的结果)。 User: Finally, the red weighs in next. Assistant: 张越红打满了后三局。 User: Her performance, received by a wildly appreciative audience, takes place in the same nightclub where, years earlier, she and Jimmy had met. Assistant: 她的表演受到了广泛的观众赞赏,而表演地方在几年前她和Jimmy遇见的夜总会。 User: The middle order is often considered the most valuable asset of a batting line-up in One-Day Internationals because its members are responsible for consolidating the batting team's position through the middle part of the 50 overs. Assistant: 在ODI中,中列击球手往往被认为是击球序列中最具价值的,这是因为他们的责任是巩固击球一方在50轮中段内所处的位置。 User: The political and decision-making authority of the cabinet has been gradually increased over the last few decades, with some claiming its role has been usurped by "Prime Ministerial" (i.e. more "presidential") government. Assistant: 在过去的几十年里,内阁的政治和决策权力在逐渐下降,一些人声称内阁的角色被首相制政府取代了(也就是说更像总统制)。 User: Seeing two manifestly different decimals representing the same number appears to be a paradox, which is amplified by the appearance of the seemingly well-understood number 1. Assistant: 看到两个明显不同的小数,表示的却是相同的实数,这似乎是一个悖论,而表面上熟悉的数1,更使这个悖论加深。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 One possible outcome from this genetic bottleneck is a reduction in fitness of the species through the process of genetic drift, as well as inbreeding depression. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这种遗传瓶颈的一个可能结果是,通过遗传漂变过程以及近亲繁殖衰退,物种的适合度降低。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The film also marks the second of five collaborations between director Herzog and actor Kinski, immediately followed by 1979's Woyzeck. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 这部电影也是他和演员金斯基的五次合作中的第二次,紧随其后的下一次合作是1979年的《沃伊采克(英语:Woyzeck (1979 film))》。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 1980, the consumer market for Super 8 collapsed. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 1980年,复兴超级市场结束营业。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In telecommunications and computing, bit rate (bitrate or as a variable R) is the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在电信和计算领域,比特率(英语:Bit rate,变量R)是单位时间内传输送或处理的比特的数量。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Not wishing to stay in a "normal career", Hamm relocated to Los Angeles permanently during 1995 with an automobile and $150. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 不愿做“正常工作”的汉姆带着手提电话和150美元,在1995年搬到洛杉矶发展自己的演艺事业。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In 1782, John Locust discovered the coffin of Queen Catherine in the ruins of the Sudeley Castle chapel. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1782年,一个名叫约翰·罗卡斯特(John Locust)的绅士在休德利堡礼拜堂的废墟中发现了凯瑟琳王后的棺椁。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Schumacher's nephew, Christian Andreas Schumacher (1810–1854), was associated with the geodetic survey of Denmark from 1833 to 1838, and afterwards (1844–1845) improved the observatory at Pulkowa. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他的侄子,克里斯蒂安·安德烈亚斯·舒马赫(丹麦语:Christian Andreas Schumacher;1810年-1854年),曾参与了丹麦1833年至1838年的大地测量调查,后任职于普尔科沃天文台。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Admiral Somerville deployed his forces into two main groups, with five cruisers under Rear Admiral Lancelot Holland in front and two battleships and seven destroyers in a second group following to the south. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 赛默维尔将军将他的舰队分成了两个战斗群,五艘巡洋舰在兰斯洛特霍兰德少将的指挥下担任前锋,两艘战列舰和七艘驱逐舰在南方跟随。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This page is a list of Districts and Local-Level Government areas of Papua New Guinea. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 本页列出巴布亚新几内亚的县份和地方政府。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Except for the very strongest swimmers, those who headed for the shore were carried out to sea. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:白垩刺甲鲨是它们生存时期最大型的鲨鱼,属于海洋中主要的掠食者之一。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Porpoise-class boats were all decommissioned by the 1980s. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该型猎潜艇于1980年代初全部退役。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Telos Publishing. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:宣传结束。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: 1995 DEC releases OpenVMS 7.0, the first full 64-bit version of OpenVMS for Alpha. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 DEC释出OpenVMS Alpha 7.0,第一个全64位元版本的OpenVMS for Alpha。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Dinitz mentions inventing his algorithm in January 1969, which was published in 1970 in the journal Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Dinitz在1969年一月向他人公布了他发明的算法,又在1970年将其发布在Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR杂志上。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Half lived in either Toamasina or Antananarivo, with a further one-eighth in the Diana Region; the remainder were distributed among the other provinces. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 一半住在图阿马西纳或首都塔那那利佛,在第亚那区地区还有八分之一; 其余分布在其他省份。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Several land routes also intersected here. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 此外多条公交线路经过境内。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The party declared after its victory that it "won as New Labour and would govern as New Labour", but Cox and Lawson challenged this view, suggesting that the party won on account of public opposition to the Conservative Party. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 工党胜利后宣布“新工党获胜新工党执政”,但考克斯和劳森挑战这一观点,指出工党获胜是因为选民厌恶保守党。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Just over 2 minutes in length and filmed over one week, the film revolves around a psychologically-damaged young woman (Esmee Matthews) confiding in a priest (Charlie Clarke) regarding her terrifying encounters with supernatural entities, only to realize she never escaped. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 在这时长超过2分钟,拍摄时间超过1周的短片中描述一名心灵受创的年轻女子(艾丝蜜·马修斯)向一名神父(查理·克拉克)告解她与超自然灵体的恐怖遭遇,但最后发现她未曾逃脱。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The Mediterranean Sea became the "world highway of trade" and a number of ships called at Malta for coal and various supplies on their way to the Indian Ocean and the Far East. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:地中海成为“贸易的环球高速公路”,一些船舶在前往印度洋和远东地区途中,停靠该国补给煤炭及各种必需品。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The U.S. market originated with the large leveraged buyout loans of the mid-1980s, and Europe's market blossomed with the launch of the euro in 1999. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 美国银团贷款市场起源于1980年代中期的巨额杠杆收购贷款;欧洲市场因为欧元于1999年问世而开始兴起。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: With its fixed open port gas system, the Vepr-12 can effectively cycle a multitude of 12-gauge loads, making it a highly versatile semi-automatic shotgun. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 凭借其自我调节式系气动式系统,Vepr-12可以有效地发射众多的12铅径霰弹药筒并且完成武器每发之间的射击循环,这样使它成为一个具有高度灵活性的半自动霰弹枪系武器平台。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The tornado was reported by witnesses as a swirling black cloud surrounded by flying debris, and producing a thunderous roaring sound. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 据目击者称,龙卷风是一团旋转的乌云,周围飞着碎片,发出雷鸣般的轰响。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Thus, when moving to a higher string (higher in pitch), the down stroke continues over two strings; when moving to a lower string, the up stroke continues. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 假若,某态向量是另外一个态向量的纯量倍数,则这两个态向量都对应于同样的量子态。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Spielberg and others have compared this suggestive approach to that of thriller director Alfred Hitchcock. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 斯皮尔伯格及他人都曾把这种暗示性手法与经典惊悚片导演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克相比。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: SSA is headquartered in Woodlawn, Maryland, just to the west of Baltimore, at what is known as Central Office. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: SSA总部设在马里兰伍德劳恩,巴尔的摩以西,被称为中央办公室。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Liquids that result are disinfected to remove pathogens before being discharged into rivers or the sea or can be used as liquid fertilizers. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:所产生液体被消毒处理,在排入河流或海中之前除去病原体,或者可以被用作液体肥料。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:He called for help, but no medical units could reach them in time. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 他不得不离开他的领地去帮忙,然而他的军队最后没有派上用场。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 His first two came exactly two months apart, while he was with the California Angels: the first on May 15, 1973, and the second on July 15. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他的前两场无安打比赛都是在加州天使,相隔恰好两个月——1973年5月15日和7月15日。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:His will took some time to settle. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 其遗体花了很长的时间来处理。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Armed uprisings in support of the constitution, especially in Saxony, the Palatinate and Baden were short-lived, as the local military, aided by Prussian troops, crushed them quickly. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在萨克森,普法尔茨与巴登,支持立宪的武装起义只持续了短暂的时间,因为当地军队在普鲁士军队的援助下迅速击垮了起义者。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The director admitted that he had not been completely faithful to the source material, but noted the significance of Munro's depiction of family relationships and the links between women, which he believed an important part of his adaptation. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 导演承认没有完全忠于原著,但他指出原作涉及主人公一家人间的关系和女人们的共通之处,对改编作品起到了重要作用。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Perhaps the earliest detective comedy is Buster Keaton's Sherlock Jr. (1924). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 最早的侦探喜剧也许是巴斯特·基顿的《福尔摩斯二世》(1924)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc (2004), La Hire is a playable character who is portrayed as a giant with stunning strength. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在动作游戏《万夫莫敌-圣女传》(Wars & Warriors: Joan of Arc,2004年Enlight Software出品)中,拉海尔为玩家可操控角色,他被描绘为拥有强大力量的巨人,武器为巨型棍棒。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:To see this, if, for example, v e {\displaystyle v_{e}} =10 km/s and the speed of the rocket is 3 km/s, then the speed of a small amount of expended reaction mass changes from 3 km/s forwards to 7 km/s rearwards. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 但是,如果假设, v e {\displaystyle v_{e}} =10 km/s ,火箭的速度是 3 km/s, 我们会得到,由火箭燃料质量改变所造成的速度变化只是从 3 到 7 km/s; 这种能量的保留,与火箭单位动能的增加是相应的。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Les petits Platons, 2013. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 《小辣椒》,2013年。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The French continued to use this system throughout the Napoleonic wars. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 法国人在整个拿破仑战争中都继续保持这种系统。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: She began keeping a journal in 1970, in which she recorded her daily walks around Tinker Creek. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1970年,她开始写日记,其中记录着她的每日在汀克溪畔的散步。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The name is correctly masculine, though in some older works it was wrongly treated as feminine, resulting in different name endings for many of the species (e.g.Cotoneaster integerrima instead of Cotoneaster integerrimus). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这一属名是阳性,不过在一些旧文献中被误当作阴性,这就导致很多物种的种加词有不同版本的词尾(如全缘栒子Cotoneaster integerrimus的异名Cotoneaster integerrima)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Many members of community reside in Dhaka, Cox's Bazar and Comilla. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 许多人住在达卡、科克斯巴扎和科米拉。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Angola is the third-largest producer of diamonds in Africa and has still only explored 40% of the diamond-rich territory within the country, but has had difficulty in attracting foreign investment because of corruption, human rights violations, and diamond smuggling. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 安哥拉为非洲第3大钻石生产国,且仅开发40%的钻石矿区,但因贪腐、人权问题及钻石走私,很难吸引外资投资。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: They boarded boats from ports on the Baltic Sea and in Northern Germany, and largely arrived at Ellis Island, New York. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他们从波罗的海和北德港口坐船离开,主要去往爱丽丝岛和纽约。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: UEFA was itself criticised for poor ticket-checking procedures and for implementing insufficient measures to deal with the large number of fans. Assistant: 欧洲足联本身也由于低劣的球票检查手段,以及未能针对球迷数量众多实施有效的解决方案,而受到批评。 User: Held from 1955 to 1971. Assistant: 设立于1955年到1971年期间。 User: Father John learns the john's car belongs to an accountant named Steven Miller, who tells Father John the prostitute is Linda, an expensive call girl who is widely considered among the best at her profession. Assistant: 神父约翰得知,车牌号的车主是个名叫史蒂芬·米勒(Steven Miller)的会计师,米勒告诉神父,那个妓女名叫琳达(Linda),要价很高,是当地数一数二的应召女郎。 User: This created one of the first organized religious movements in China. Assistant: 这创造了中国最早组织的宗教运动之一。 User: Kazakhstan has over 140 different ethnic groups, many of which share the experience of the Korean diaspora. Assistant: 哈萨克拥有超过140个不同的民族,大部分都有高丽人在里面生活的痕迹。 User: The new studio album, titled Screaming Bloody Murder, was expected for a late 2010 release, but was delayed until early 2011. Assistant: 新专辑《Screaming Bloody Murder》原定于2010年底发行,后被推迟至2011年初。 User: His theories parallel many other theories of human developmental psychology, some of which focus on describing the stages of growth in humans. Assistant: 他的理论与其他人类发展心理学的理论可以并行,尤其是针对人类成长阶段的描述。 User: Parental controls to specify who is allowed to send email to children. Assistant: 增加了家长控制功能,能设置谁可以发邮件给孩子。 User: The actor said that "In the last few years there hasn't been hatred between us", and Dvornik completed the sentence "only a misunderstanding". Assistant: 日沃伊诺维奇说:“再过去的几年间我们之间并没有仇恨”,“只有误解”,德沃尼克补充说。 User: Cavataio was arrested. Assistant: 陈树明被捕。 User: Your first car is like your first apartment. Assistant: 这辆车可以说是第一辆汽车。 User: He returned to the village in early 1888 to stay until mid-October, when he left to join Vincent van Gogh in Arles, for little more than two months. Assistant: 1888年初,他回到这个村庄,直到10月中旬,前往阿尔勒与梵高会合。 User: In 1980, President Senghor retired from politics, and handed power over to his handpicked successor, Prime Minister Abdou Diouf, in 1981. Assistant: 1980年,总统桑戈尔决定退出政坛并将权力交给了他精心挑选的继承人---阿卜杜·迪乌夫(Abdou Diouf)。 User: On 6 August 2016, after Prime Minister Habib Essid overwhelmingly lost a confidence vote in parliament, Chahed was nominated by the Nidaa Tounes party to succeed Essid as Prime Minister. Assistant: 在 2016年8月6日, 在总理 Essid 压倒性地失去了对议会的信心投票后,他 被 Nidaa Tounes 党提名接替哈比卜·埃西德 担任总理。 User: All features on Phobos are named after scientists involved with the discovery, dynamics, or properties of the Martian satellites or people and places from Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Assistant: 火卫一,福波斯,的所有特征都以发现、研究火星及其卫星属性的科学家,或出现在强纳森·史威夫特的格列佛游记中的人名和地名命名。 User: The communities of Deerpark, Huguenot, Sparrowbush, and Greenville are adjacent to Port Jervis. Assistant: 鹿园,胡格诺,Sparrowbush和格林维尔的社区毗邻杰维斯港。 User: By that time, Blur had undergone an ideological and image shift intended to celebrate their English heritage in contrast to the popularity of American grunge bands like Nirvana. Assistant: 在那时Blur正在经受思想观念和形象上的转变以显示他们秉承的英式文化,并反对与当时正在流行的以美国乐队Nirvana为代表的垃圾摇滚。 User: The rotation group is often denoted SO(3) for reasons explained below. Assistant: 旋转群经常用SO(3)表示,其原因将在下面解释。 User: Rodchenko was one of the most versatile Constructivist and Productivist artists to emerge after the Russian Revolution. Assistant: 罗氏是十月革命后一位最全面的结构主义和生产主义美术家。 User: The theory holds that a group of shadowy and mostly nameless international elites are planning to replace the federal government of the United States with a transnational government. Assistant: 阴谋理论认为,一群隐密、几乎不曾出现在公众面前的国际菁英正在计划用一个跨国(英语:Transnationality)政府取代美国联邦政府。 User: A console application is a computer program designed to be used via a text-only computer interface, such as a text terminal, the command line interface of some operating systems (Unix, DOS, etc.) or the text-based interface included with most Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating systems, such as the Win32 console in Microsoft Windows, the Terminal in Mac OS X, and xterm in Unix. Assistant: 控制台应用程序(console application)是一种设计用于纯文字计算机界面的计算机程序,例如文本终端、某些操作系统(Unix、DOS等)的命令行界面,或者大多数图形用户界面操作系统的基于文本界面(例如Microsoft Windows中的Win32控制台,Mac OS X中的终端和Unix中的xterm)。 User: In 1939, the British government chartered the whole fleet of 93 tankers to supply fuel to its armed forces during the Second World War. Assistant: 1939年,英国政府租赁全部93艘油轮对第二次世界大战的军队供应汽油,当中42艘油轮在战争当中被击沉。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Israel is the only non-European country granted full membership. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 以色列是唯一拥有正式成员资格的亚洲国家。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Scabrous Scrotus, the game's main antagonist, is a warlord designed as a "bloodthirsty monster that only can find solace from his own pain through the suffering of others". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 游戏中的主要反派Scabrous Scrotus是一名军阀,他被设定为“一个嗜血的怪物,只有从他人的痛苦中才能为自己的痛苦找到慰藉”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 His last international was a March 2005 World Cup qualification match against Wales. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他最后一次国际是2005年3月对威尔士的世界杯外围赛。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The camera uses a special image processing chip, the ImageChip, which HTC claims enhances image quality and allows for faster start-up and focus times (0.7 and 0.2 seconds respectively). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:手机主相机采用名为ImageChip的图像处理芯片,HTC声称其提高了图像的质量,并拥有更快的启动和重点时间(分别为0.7秒和0.2秒)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 On April 7, 2012, Brown would score 20 points in the third quarter against his former team, the Los Angeles Lakers. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在2012年4月7日,布朗将在对阵老第三季度得分20分队,洛杉矶湖人队。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Villiers was father of later diplomat and statesman George Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:维利尔是后来的外交官和克拉伦登第四伯爵的政治家乔治·维利尔的父亲。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This resulted in another uproar. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 结果却引发新一轮内讧。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 She has a proud personality. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 个性有些倨傲。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Chaïm Soutine (13 January 1893 – 9 August 1943) was a Russian-French painter of Jewish origin. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 柴姆·苏丁(Chaïm Soutine,1893年1月13日-1943年8月9日)是一位生于白俄罗斯的犹太裔法国画家。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They then toured the US with Sepultura, Sacred Reich and Sick Of It All. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 路经衢州事得病,上疏乞致仕,未报遽归而卒。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The punishment for transgressing the decree was forfeiture of all the forbidden product to the poor. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 违反此项法令的惩罚是没收所有违禁食品,并送给穷人。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A newly established German company, Bad Brain Entertainment, claimed to have entered negotiations with LucasArts to acquire the game, although nothing resulted from these talks. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 而在德国有一家名为Bad Brain Entertainment的游戏公司,宣称有和LucasArts进行谈判以取得《自由警探》的开发权利,尽管该谈判最后没有任何结果发生。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As a result of increased educational access, enrollment rates more than doubled between 1996 and 2006. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:教育资源的增多带来了普及率的提高,从1996至2006年,马达加斯加的入学率翻了超过一番。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Working in America. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在美国工作。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 This produced mild, uniform climates that persisted throughout most of geologic time. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:这种不受限的循环在大部分地质历史时期形成了温和、均匀的气候。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They failed to reach him but came within shouting distance and learned what had happened. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 很快他不顺从张彝宪致仕,后来学有所成,因为被计划复秩行贿被揭发,逮捕免官。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Then he shows them the future. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他以此为后世称赞。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Mark "Spike" Stent mixed the track with assistance from Matt Green, and Jim Caruana recorded Beyoncé's vocals; both these tasks were done at Roc the Mic Studios. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 马克·“尖头”·斯滕特(英语:Spike Stent)混音这首歌曲并由马特·格林(Matt Green)负责协助,并由吉姆·卡鲁阿纳(Jim Caruana)录制碧昂丝的演唱部分;这些工作都是在摇滚那麦克风工作室里完成。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After a fire struck a number of New York City buildings, which held insurance plans from Aetna, Joseph Morgan III made prompt payments to the companies. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 一场大火袭击了纽约市持有安泰保险计划的许多建筑,约瑟夫·摩根三世迅速对这些客户进行赔付。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Without a significant amount of memory, a computer would merely be able to perform fixed operations and immediately output the result. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 如果没有足够的内存,电脑将只能进行固定的工作而且立刻将结果输出。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: There are 8 trails at Southern Ridges. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在阿尔沃河上共有八座桥。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The parish is irregularly shaped, covering the villages of Hoxne, Cross Street and Heckfield Green, with a 'tongue' extending southwards to take in part of the former RAF Horham airfield. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 当地教区为不规则形状,包括霍克森村、十字街村和赫克菲尔德格林村,并有一个向南突出到英国皇家空军原霍勒姆机场(英语:RAF Horham)一部分的尖角。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Isildur had four sons: Elendur, Aratan, Ciryon, and Valandil. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:埃西铎有四个儿子:伊兰都尔(Elendur)、亚瑞坦(Aratan)、齐尔扬 (Ciryon)和瓦兰迪尔(Valandil)。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The Cat Island Lighthouse was also left in "severe peril". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 卡特岛灯塔(Cat Island Lighthouse)同样陷入“非常危险”的境地。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Common varieties of seedless fruits include watermelons, tomatoes, grapes (such as Termarina rossa), and bananas. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:常见的无籽果实品种包括西瓜、番茄、葡萄(如Termarina rossa)和香蕉。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The clay floors were filled with charcoal, calcium oxide, salt, lime, and sand, which reduce humidity when it rains by absorbing excess moisture which is then retained during the dry winter months. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 而粘土地板充满了木炭、氧化钙、盐、石灰和沙子,通过它们来吸收空气中多余的水分来降低主厅内的湿度,这些水分在干燥的冬季中保持不变。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The automorphism group of a point x0 in X is just the fundamental group based at x0. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 点 x0 ∈ X 的自同构群恰好是以 x 为基点的基本群。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They may also apply for a passport or a Certificate of Citizenship as proof of citizenship. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:但他们需要申请以获得证明文件,如公民证。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:High rates of both legal and illegal immigration from Mainland China continue to spur the ongoing rise of the ethnic Chinese population in Flushing, as in all of New York City's Chinatowns. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 来自中国大陆的合法和非法移民的高比率,持续刺激在法拉盛的华人的增长,如同纽约的所有唐人街一样。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:About half of the investment in the industrial sector is foreign, with the United Kingdom providing half. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 工业投资有大约一半来自国外,其中英国占一半,美国是第二大投资者。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The M242 has a characteristic fluted gun barrel to reduce weight and assist cooling. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: M242具有的一个特点是凹槽炮管(英语:Fluting (firearms)),以减轻重量,并协助冷却。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: These activities were illegal, as Christian missionary activity had been banned by the Nguyen Dynasty. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这些活动是非法的,因为天主教传教活动已被阮朝禁止。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Rice-Oxley said during an interview in Los Angeles that they tend to think piano-related music is boring and what they really wanted to do was try something different. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 Rice-Oxley表示,在洛杉矶接受访问时,他们倾向认为由钢琴产生的音乐会很沉闷,而他们就是想以尝试不同的方法。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In the Solar System, planets, asteroids, most comets and some pieces of space debris have approximately elliptical orbits around the Sun. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在太阳系,行星、小行星、多数的彗星、和一些太空垃圾的碎片都以接近椭圆的轨道环绕着太阳。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: GameSpot formerly had a paid subscription service known as "GameSpot Complete". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 GameSpot旧时有一付款系统服务“GameSpot Complete”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Mahmud al-Kashgari is best known as the author of the Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk, the first comparative dictionary of the Turkic languages, which he wrote whilst living in Baghdad in 1072-4. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 喀什噶里是突厥语大词典作者,突厥语大词典是第一部突厥语比较词典,是他在1072-4年住在巴格达的时候写的。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:White described Lenin as "one of the undeniably outstanding figures of modern history", while Service noted that the Russian leader was widely understood to be one of the 20th century's "principal actors". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 怀特形容列宁“不可否认地是近代史杰出人物之一”,而瑟维斯则说明他是被广泛理解为20世纪“最重要行动者”之一的俄罗斯领导人:488。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Alberto Basso summarizes the work as follows: The Mass in B minor is the consecration of a whole life: started in 1733 for "diplomatic" reasons, it was finished in the very last years of Bach's life, when he had already gone blind. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 阿尔贝托·巴索(Alberto Basso)如下评价这部作品:“《B小调弥撒》是毕生的奉献:出于‘外交’上的原因开始于1733年,完成于巴赫一生最后的岁月——那时他已经失明。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Hidalgo later introduced Royce to Sergio George, who immediately signed him to his label after hearing three of his demos. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 伊达尔戈后来将罗西引荐给塞尔吉奥·乔治(英语:Sergio George),乔治在听过他的三张样本唱片后随即签下他。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Before subscribers can access Internet service providers, they must first promise in writing not to access "non-Islamic" sites. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 在用户接入互联网前,他们必须先签下承诺不进入“非伊斯兰”的网站的承诺书。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In the legal system, references to "the Crown" were replaced by those to "the State", and senior advocates would no longer be appointed as Queen's Counsel but would be designated as Senior Counsel. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在法律文件中,本来用上“皇家”(Crown)的地方,改称“国家”(State);被委任为御用大律师(Queen's Counsel)的大律师,则改称资深大律师(Senior Counsel),法院名称也作了一些改动。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Portuguese sailors landed on Madagascar. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 葡萄牙人在澳门登陆。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It is a safe, simple and agentless remote server monitoring tool and supports to monitor MySQL, MariaDB and cloud databases. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:它是一款安全、简单且无代理程式的服务器监控工具,并支援监控 MySQL、MariaDB 和云端数据库。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 On July 27, 1920, he made a speech in Northampton, Massachusetts, officially notifying Calvin Coolidge of his nomination for that office. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1920年7月27日,他在马萨诸塞州北安普敦发表演说,正式表明卡尔文·柯立芝将竞选副总统。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Injection is done into the skin. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:鳞被嵌入在皮肤里面。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The distributed nature of such devices enable geo-location of transmitters, spectrum monitoring for dynamic spectrum access and many other such applications. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 联网式频谱分析仪的分布式特性使得发射机定位、动态频谱接入中的频谱检测和很多其它类似应用成为可能。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Martin continues to live in New York, two of his sons live in America, one son and his only daughter returned to Ireland. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 他在中国共结过3次婚,生有四男二女,其中最小的女儿和最小的儿子回到了美国。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The title of Judicial Commissioner was changed to Chief Judge in 1925. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:1925年司法专员(Judicial Commissioner)的头衔被更改为大法官(Chief Judge )。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Due to the First World War, the trip was not easily arranged, but Lenin and his company traveled through Germany in a sealed train car. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 由于第一次世界大战,列宁的回归之旅不容易安排,但列宁与他的伙伴乘坐密封火车车顺利穿越德国。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Thomas Pesquet, S-2001, astronaut. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 托马斯·佩斯奎特(Thomas Pesquet)(2001级),宇航员。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The features for each version in models 81, 82, 84 and 85 are consistent between models (i.e., the 81FS, 82FS, 84FS and 85FS all have similar features). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:81型、82型、84型和85型提供的每个版本的特征都有一致性的(即是81FS型、82FS型、84FS型和85FS型都具有类似的功能)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Brutus then founds a city on the banks of the River Thames, which he calls Troia Nova, or New Troy. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 布鲁图斯之后再泰晤士河岸边建造了一座城市,称之为特洛亚·诺瓦(Troia Nova),即新特洛伊。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Cheyenne and Tyler captured most of the horse herd of the Nez Perce and cut off from the village about seventy men, including Chief Joseph, plus women and children. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 夏延人与泰勒捕获了内兹珀斯人马群的大多数马匹,并将村庄中的约七十名男人加上妇女儿童们隔绝了起来。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The result is an understandable expression for the dependence of dG on chemical reactions (or other processes). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:其结果是一个可被理解的表示式,作为描述dG与化学反应间(或其他反应过程)的关系度。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: There is also a very similar snack cake in Colombia, with the same name, manufactured by Ramo. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在日本还有跟弹珠汽水相同口味的糖果,名称一样叫作Ramune(ラムネ)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Aside from the Uruguay national team, any football club can rent the stadium for its home matches. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 包含乌拉圭国家足球队,任何足球俱乐部都可以租用世纪球场,来举行主场比赛。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 This was followed by a series of spots, including JIF, Hess, and Chuck E. Cheese's. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:之后开始在替许多产品代言,包括JIF,Hess和Chuck E. Cheese's。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Since the British had announced in 1949 that Malaya would soon become independent whether the Malayans liked it or not, both leaders were determined to forge an agreement their communities could live with as a basis for a stable independent state. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 由于1949年英国人宣布无论马来人愿意与否,马来亚将在数年内获得独立,两位领导人必须下定决心来提出在两个社群均可接受的一个协议,成为一个稳定的独立国家的基础。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 2000, several prominent Web sites (Yahoo, eBay, etc.) were clogged to a standstill by a distributed denial of service attack mounted by ‘MafiaBoy’, a Canadian teenager. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2000年,一些著名的网站(雅虎、易趣等等)受到加拿大的一个青少年MafiaBoy(英语:MafiaBoy)使用分布式拒绝服务攻击而停摆。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Step (2) often introduces a lengthy (in CPU terms) delay while the data arrives over the computer bus. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:步骤(2)常常导致lengthy(在CPU内)delay,这种延迟是在资料通过总线时产生。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It was discovered by the Cassini Imaging Science Team in images taken by the Cassini–Huygens probe on June 21, 2004 and announced on September 9, 2004. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在卡西尼-惠更斯号任务期间,于2004年6月21日由卡西尼图像组(Cassini Imaging Team)首先发现,并于2004年9月9日对外公布。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Guitarist Peter Michelsen described the situation as "completely absurd". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 吉他手彼得·米切尔森用 “太荒唐了”来形容这种状况。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 We do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone ... Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 我们确实相信,针对iPhone上的色情内容,我们始终有道德责任。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The models are subject of studies in reliability and safety engineering. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这些模型是可靠度及安全工程研究的主题。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 It is only possible to be registered either as Swedish- or Finnish-speaking, not both as in Canada, for example. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:一个人只能把自己的母语注册为要么是瑞典语或者是芬兰语,而不像在加拿大那样可以把两者同时注册为母语。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Unlike the Gliese, it does not cut off at a given distance from the Sun; rather it attempts to catalogue all known measured parallaxes. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 与近星星表不同的是,他没有设定距离的限制,只是尝试收录所有已经知道被测量过的视差值。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In his later manifesto "The Morning of Acmeism" (1913), Osip Mandelstam defined the movement as "a yearning for world culture". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 奥斯普·曼德斯坦塔姆在他后来的宣言《阿克梅派的早晨》(1913)中将这次运动定义为“对世界文化的向往”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On 29 March 1949 MoS granted approval for English Electric to start the detailed design, develop wind tunnel models and build a full size mock up. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1949年3月29日,军需部同意英国电器进行细部设计,制造风洞模型与全尺寸模型。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The United States and the European Union agreed to begin talks towards a broad trade agreement. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 美国和欧洲联盟同意朝一个广泛的贸易协议开始进行谈判。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In 2008, he co-starred in an After Dark Horrorfest film, Autopsy. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2008年,他联合主演了一部After Dark Horrorfest电影Autopsy。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: After gaining medical clearance (mostly through his own stubbornness), Epstein began fighter training. Assistant: 在获得体检合格证明(主要是通过自己的固执),爱泼斯坦开始了战斗机训练。 User: The King then gave him the position of Marshal of France in 1559. Assistant: 亨利二世死后,他接受了骑士团大团长的职位,1559年被授予法国元帅。 User: Fox also co-composed the music for the 2017 Homestuck video game Hiveswap. Assistant: 福克斯在2017年完成了Homestuck电子游戏《Hiveswap》的音乐。 User: In the third stanza, with a call for "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit" (unity and justice and freedom), Hoffmann expressed his desire for a united and free Germany where the rule of law, not monarchical arbitrariness, would prevail. Assistant: 第三段歌词的“Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit,统一、法制与自由”,也是霍夫曼希望能够建立一个全新的法治国家,而非君主专权。 User: Hahnel notes that, in contrast, "in a participatory economy all innovations will immediately be made available to all enterprises, so there will never be any loss of static efficiency.". Assistant: 汉内尔指出,与此相反,"参与型经济内的所有革新将被立即提供给所有企业,所以不会有任何静态效率损失" ”。 User: Torvalds himself specifically indicated upon the release of version 2.4.0 that his own code is released only under version 2. Assistant: 托瓦兹本人在版本2.4.0的发布中明确指出,他自己的代码仅在版本2下发布。 User: The common soldiers grouse about their physical discomforts and the sacrifices that they had made for the ideas glorified by their leaders. Assistant: 普通士兵埋怨着他们身体上的难受以及他们为各自领袖宣扬的理念所做出的牺牲。 User: The site's initial start-up costs were, to some extent, financed from Herrick's sale of eHow. Assistant: 网站初创的资金一定程度上来源于Herrick出售eHow所得。 User: The suspect from the dismissed case and his friends also attack Callahan, throwing two Molotov cocktails into Callahan's car. Assistant: 之后,被驳回的案件的嫌疑人和他的朋友也袭击了卡拉汉,他们扔了两瓶汽油弹到卡拉汉的车内。 User: As of March 2016, direct connectivity between the two networks is impossible. Assistant: 截至2016年3月,不能在两个网络之间直接连接。 User: This has been the first clinical trial demonstrating that the choice of a first-line therapy can improve the overall survival of patients with CLL. Assistant: 在首例临床试验中已经证明选择一线治疗可以改善CLL患者的总生存期。 User: They differ from GPMGs in that they are not replicas of real firearms, being miniaturized version of real firearms, mostly made of black or clear plastic. Assistant: 他们不同于LPEG,它们不是真枪的严格复制品,大多是黑色或透明塑料制成的微型版本。 User: Foremost among these was the Jacobin Club. Assistant: 他当时的另一个主要活动场所是雅各宾俱乐部。 User: By mid-August, Adolf Hitler understood that the forthcoming Soviet offensive could not be contained on the open steppe and ordered construction of a series of fortifications along the line of the Dnieper river. Assistant: 到8月中旬阿道夫·希特勒意识到即将到来的苏军攻势不可能在乌克兰干草原上得到遏制,因此他下令沿第聂伯河岸建造了一系列防御工事。 User: As a special case, the "correlation" can be replaced by the statistical dependency between variables. Assistant: 作为一种特殊情况,“相关性”可以被替换为变量间的统计学依赖关系(statistical dependency)。 User: They may even apologize for doing so to a rookie, directly or indirectly stating that what they were laughing at was an in-joke. Assistant: 这些人甚至会为此向新手道歉,或委婉或直白地告诉新手他们在笑的是一个圈内笑话。 User: In 1912, the Chinese Muslim Federation was formed in the capital Nanjing. Assistant: 1912年,中国穆斯林联盟(Chinese Muslim Federation)在首都南京建立。 User: Of the 669 persons on the jury lists for the year, 187 voted. Assistant: 在该年陪审员名单的669人中有187人投票。 User: Another alternative is US-American, also spelled US American. Assistant: 演员为奥地利人,后归化美籍。 User: The Pathet Lao re-interpreted Buddhism by affirming that there was no conflict between the teaching of the Gautama Buddha and revolutionary aims. Assistant: 而巴特寮对佛教进行了重新解读,肯定了佛陀的教导与革命目标之间没有冲突。 User: From birth, newborns respond more readily to human speech than to other sounds. Assistant: 从出生开始,相比于其他声音,新生儿就更容易对人类言语做出反应。 User: Coral reefs exist in seawater salinities from 25 to 42%. Assistant: 适宜珊瑚礁生长的海水盐度为25%~42%。 User: Masseria was murdered on April 15, 1931, allowing Maranzano to assume the title of capo di tutti capi. Assistant: 马塞里亚在1931年4月15日被谋杀,马然赞诺获得“capo di tutti capi”的头衔。 User: He became a regular professor in 1960. Assistant: 1960年他成为正式教授。 User: The peculiarity of this galaxy was first identified in 1847 by John Herschel, and the galaxy was included in Halton Arp's Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies (published in 1966) as one of the best examples of a "disturbed" galaxy with dust absorption. Assistant: 这个特殊的星系在1847年首度被约翰·赫歇尔确认,并被收录在赫顿·阿普的《特殊星系图集》(1966年出版),作为"受摄"星系和尘埃吸收的最佳范例之一。 User: Both artists stated that both artists can "be replaced" by other musicians. Assistant: 2位艺人都表示他们在乐队中的角色可以被其它音乐家所“替代”。 User: A 1927 version was directed by Harry A. Pollard (who'd played Uncle Tom in the 1913 release of Uncle Tom's Cabin). Assistant: 最后的一部默片版本发行于1927年,由哈里·A·波拉德(英语:Harry A. Pollard)(他曾在1913年版的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中饰演汤姆叔叔)导演。 User: Unfortunately, the thieves return to find it, and have to be confronted. Assistant: 小偷无法摆脱,只好将赃物归还自首。 User: Two years later, peasants' freedom of movement was restricted and the process of enserfment was completed. Assistant: 两年后,农民迁移的自由遭到限制,这个地区的农民完全变成了农奴。 User: The use of Constantinople to refer to the city during the Ottoman period (from the mid-15th century) is now considered politically incorrect, even if not historically inaccurate, by Turks. Assistant: 即便如此,如今土耳其人认为将此时期(自15世纪中期始)的该城称为“君士坦丁堡”在政治上是不正确的,虽然在历史上这并无错误。 User: Later that month, the United States Office of Naval Intelligence reported that "work on the dismantling of has been going on at the Kure Navy Yard and everything possible has been removed. Assistant: 同月稍晚,美国海军情报局回报表示“(土佐号战舰)已在吴海军工厂展开拆除作业,而且所有物件均已被移除。 User: She is killed when her master, the Lord of the Locusts, is destroyed. Assistant: 用计杀死前主人后,失去御主的她开始急速失去魔力,难以保持现世。 User: I can not be in a party where tax increases were approved and it was approved that they will increase the price of gasoline every month. Assistant: 我不能待在一个同意增税、每月让汽油涨价的政党里。 User: The year 2006 in science and technology involved some significant events. Assistant: 2006年在科学技术领域有一些重要的事件发生。 User: Franz Grillparzer and Joseph von Eichendorff have both resided in Palais Wilczek. Assistant: 弗朗茨·格里帕泽和约瑟夫·弗赖赫尔·冯·艾兴多尔夫都曾居住在维尔泽克宫。 User: He served as the University Librarian and Dean of Libraries from 2007 to 2013. Assistant: 他还曾于2007年至2013年担任大学图书馆和学院图书馆的馆长。 User: The new notifications area's design allows the user to for example change wireless networks, turn Bluetooth and Airplane Mode on or off, and access "Driving Mode" from four customisable boxes at the top of the screen, while beneath these four horizontally placed boxes include recent text messages and social integration. Assistant: 新的通知区域设计允许用户完成如更改无线网络、开关蓝牙和飞行模式,以及从屏幕顶部的可定制框访问“驾驶模式”等设置,而在下部横向放置的四个可定制框中包括最近文本信息和社交集成。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Late PKM 201 boats were armed with one twin 30 mm/75 Emerlec EX-30, one or two turreted single 20 mm Vulcan Gatlings, and two single 12.7 mm machine guns. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:晚期的PKM 201型船只配备了一对30毫米/ 75英寸的Emerlec EX-30,一个或两个单独的20毫米Vulcan Gatlings和两个单独的12.7毫米机枪。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Several years later, the veche promulgated a law code (called the Pskov Charter), which was one of the principal sources of the all-Russian law code issued in 1497. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 几年后,市民会议颁布了一部法典(称为普斯科夫宪章),这是伊凡三世在1497年颁布的法典的主要来源之一。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 2005, the European branch of the Airports Council International awarded Sarajevo the award of Best Airport Under 1 Million Passengers. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在2005年,国际机场协会欧洲分部颁发客量低于一百万的最佳机场奖项给这座机场。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The ancient Greeks divided the world into three continents, Europe, Asia, and Libya (Africa). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:古希腊人将世界分为欧洲,亚洲,和利比亚(非洲)三个大陆。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Slavs believed that upon death the soul would go out of the body and wander about its neighbourhood and workplace for 40 days before moving on to an eternal afterlife. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 斯拉夫人认为,人死后灵魂会走出体外,在进入永恒的来世之前,会在邻里和工作场所附近游荡40天。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: New Labour developed and subscribed to the "Third Way", a platform designed to offer an alternative "beyond capitalism and socialism". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 新工党发展和赞成“第三条道路”,这是一种试图“超越资本主义和社会主义”的理念。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Furthermore, they had argued that the allegations the USA had directed at them were not violations of Kuwaiti law. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 另外,他们还声称美国的指控不适用于科威特法律。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Negotiations were expected to be concluded quickly. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:希望事情迅速完成。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Despite its initial successes, the PCE(r) became increasingly a marginal group after certain key-measures were adopted by the transitional Spanish government. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 尽管它最初是成功的,但是在应对西班牙政府过渡的某些关键的措施上,西班牙共产党 (重组)变成一个越来越边缘的集团。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 It spans many levels of analysis, from low-level learning and decision mechanisms to high-level logic and planning; from neural circuitry to modular brain organisation. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 它跨越相当多层次的分析,从低层次的学习和决策机制,到高层次的逻辑和策划能力,以及脑部神经电路。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Carton de Wiart was a cousin of the famous British general, Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 德维亚尔是英国著名的将军阿德里安·卡尔东·德维亚尔爵士的堂兄。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:He was awarded the Akutagawa Prize in 1952 and the Kikuchi Kan Prize in 1970, as well as the Mystery Writers of Japan Award in 1957. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他曾于1952年被授予芥川龙之介奖,1970年被授予菊池宽奖,以及1957年的日本推理作家协会奖。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The establishment of the College of Medicine was officially approved by the Ministry of Education. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 之后建立医学院的提议得到董事会正式的批准。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The 16-bit per pixel (16bpp) format supports 65536 distinct colors and stores 1 pixel per 2-byte WORD. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 每像素占16位(色深为16位,16bpp)的格式支持65536种不同的颜色,每2个字节(byte)对应一个像素。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The temple is across Plum Street from the historic Saint Peter In Chains Cathedral and next to the site of the former St. Paul Episcopal Cathedral, which was torn down in 1937. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:在梅花街对面,是古老的罗马天主教圣伯多禄锁链主教座堂(Saint Peter In Chains Cathedral),隔壁曾是圣公会圣保罗座堂(St. Paul Episcopal Cathedral)的所在地,该堂已于1937年拆除。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He was a top athlete while a student, and returned in 1927 as the president of the Advisory Council for Athletics. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 还是学生时的他是顶级运动员,并在1927年回到MIT当田径咨询委员主席。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Shen also served as the commander and chief of staff of Zhejiang Provincial Military Region, and the chairman of Zhejiang Foreign Relation Association. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 沈祖伦并担任有浙江省军区司令和参谋长,浙江省对外友协会会长。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In the ammonite they found the spheres in a place where the iron they contain could not have had any relationship to the presence of blood. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在菊石的案例中,他们发现含有铁的空间,与血液没有直接的关连。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Tails was first released on 23 June 2009. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Tails最早发布于2009年6月23日。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In one document, Hasan wrote that he was required to renounce any oaths that required him to defend any man-made constitution over the commandments mandated in Islam. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 在一份文件中,哈桑写道,他必须声明放弃一切要求他捍卫任合人订宪法规章过于伊斯兰教所订戒律的誓言。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 1999, Hill moved from the BBC to Sky Sports, where he featured on Jimmy Hill's Sunday Supplement, a weekly discussion show between Hill and three football journalists conducted over a Sunday breakfast. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1999年,希尔转战天空体育台,与三名足球记者主持每周早餐档讨论节目《吉米·希尔周日特供》(Jimmy Hill's Sunday Supplement)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The sea ice at the North Pole is typically around 2 to 3 m (6 ft 7 in to 9 ft 10 in) thick, although ice thickness, its spatial extent, and the fraction of open water within the ice pack can vary rapidly and profoundly in response to weather and climate. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 北极的海冰约有2至3米(6英尺7英寸至9英尺10英寸)厚,不过其厚度,在空间中的分布情形,以及在开放水域中的破裂情形都会随气候和天气有明显的变化。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It was much later that William Mariner, the only survivor of this attack, told him that those pieces of metal were of great value and not merely playing stones. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 到后来,该船唯一生还者William Mariner,对首长说这些金属都很值钱,不只是用来玩的石头而已。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The M-series was extended in 2006 by the M10, a 19“ rack solution as central nerve and source centre and in 2010 by the M100, an audiophile Hifi-stereo amplifier with 2 x 200 Watt sinus power, FM-tuner and DVD-drive in an extremely compact housing. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: M系列在2006年添加了M10,19“机架设备作为中央单元和音乐源,2010年增加了2×200瓦的放大器M100,带FM收音机和DVD驱动器。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: When Alexander the Great died on June 10, 323 BC, he left behind a huge empire which comprised many essentially independent territories. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 当亚历山大大帝卒于前323年6月10日,他留下了一个庞大的帝国,包含着很多实质上是独立的领土。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He holds an Airline Transport Pilot Certificate for single and multi-engine airplanes, and a Commercial Pilot Certificate rating in gliders, as well as a flight instructor certificate for airplanes (single, multi-engine, and instrument), and gliders. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他持有单引擎和双引擎飞机的航空公司飞行员运输证书(英语:Airline Transport Pilot Certificate),滑翔机的商业飞行员执照,单发、多发飞机、滑翔机以及飞行仪表的飞行教员(英语:flight instructor)证书。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 They have one of the highest energy densities of all batteries, but they are not widely used because of problems with high anode cost and byproduct removal when using traditional electrolytes. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 它们的能量密度有所有电池中最高的能量密度之一,但它们没有被广泛使用,因为有很高的阳极成本和当使用传统电解质时清除副产物的问题,这也限制了它们的用途主要是军事应用。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: C Company blocked the town's entrance while A Company blocked the exit. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: C连封锁了小镇的入口,A连封锁出口。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: The film gives deep insight into the living conditions of the Afghan population. Assistant: 该影片深刻描述了战后阿富汗人民的生活情况。 User: On 19 October he released the seized copies for delivery to Leopold Hill's premises, where the Metropolitan Police were waiting with a search warrant. Assistant: 在10月19日的时候他释放了被查封的书册,并将他们运送至Leopold Hill处,然而都市警察正拿着搜查令等在Leopold Hill处。 User: He died in April 1986. Assistant: 1986年4月他逝世。 User: Moondials are very closely associated with lunar gardening (night-blooming plants) and some comprehensive gardening books may mention them. Assistant: 月晷与月球园艺(特别是夜间开花的植物)的关系密切,因此一些综合性的园艺书籍可能会提到它们。 User: At last, only six men and Mr. Home remained to fire. Assistant: 从此,两伙人家跟房东势成水火。 User: IGN gave the game an 8.4 out of 10, praising it for its "phenomenal visuals" and the variety of things that can be done between missions. Assistant: IGN打分为8.4份(满分10分),称赞其拥有“非凡的画质”,任务与任务之间也有不少可以探索的事情。 User: The bug, first disclosed on September 24, was named Shellshock and assigned the numbers CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-6277 and CVE-2014-7169. Assistant: 这个漏洞被命名为Shellshock,并被分配了编号 CVE-2014-6271、CVE-2014-6277、CVE-2014-7169。 User: Jesse meets 19-year-old Zibby (Olsen), a sophomore studying drama and the daughter of Peter's friends. Assistant: Jesse遇到了19岁的Zibby(伊丽莎白·奥尔森饰),一个正学习戏剧的大二学生,同时也是Peter一位朋友的女儿。 User: The raw materials (pulp) for the filter paper are coarse long fiber, often from fast growing trees. Assistant: 滤纸的原料(纸浆)拥有粗长的纤维,往往是从快速增长的树木取得。 User: This time he prevailed, as the House voted 147–102 to open the Unassigned Lands to homesteaders. Assistant: 这回他终于迎来胜利的曙光,联邦众议院以147票造成、102票反对,向白人定居者开放未分配土地。 User: By 07:30, the ships had returned to port for the night. Assistant: 至07:30,舰只已经返回港口过夜。 User: The equipartition theorem may also be used to derive the energy and pressure of "non-ideal gases" in which the particles also interact with one another through conservative forces whose potential U(r) depends only on the distance r between the particles. Assistant: 均分定理可以用于推导“非理想气体”的能量和压力,这气体中的粒子也通过守恒力与其他粒子相互作用,守恒力的势U(r)只受粒子间距离r影响。 User: Six months later, 70 planes had been ordered, including 36 by Avantair. Assistant: 在六个月间,即接到70架的订单,其中 36架来自于Avantair航空公司。 User: The earliest historical records of herbs are found from the Sumerian civilisation, where hundreds of medicinal plants including opium are listed on clay tablets. Assistant: 最早的草药历史记录是从苏美尔文明中发现的,那里有数百种药用植物,包括鸦片,被列在粘土片上。 User: Takagi turned on his warships' searchlights to help guide the 18 surviving aircraft back and all were recovered by 22:00. Assistant: 高木打开探照灯,引导幸存的飞机着舰,22:00全部着舰完毕。 User: Rearrange each row in such a way that an odd row and the following one have the same number of leading zeros. Assistant: 重新排列每一行,让奇数行和其下一行起始地零数量相同。 User: The operating system will use Hildon from maemo as its graphical frontend. Assistant: 它使用 GNOME 的框架 Hildon 为基础,作为它的图形用户界面。 User: Visa on arrival may not be extended. Assistant: 落地签证不能延长逗留日期。 User: Ik heb een vraag. Assistant: 我即问言。 User: Former US Congresswoman Mary Rose Oakar is the current president. Assistant: 前众议院女议员玛莉·萝丝·欧卡(Mary Rose Oakar)是现任委员会的主席。 User: Kagame has had mostly good relations with the East African Community and the United States; his relations with France were poor until 2009. Assistant: 卡加梅目前与大部分国家保持良好关系,如东非共同体和美国等,但他和法国的外交关系一直很差,直到2009年。 User: Assistant engineer – often employed in larger studios, allowing them to train to become full-time engineers. Assistant: 助理工程师(Assistant engineer) ─ 通常就职于大型工作室,并且将他们培训成为专职工程师。 User: A PLMN is identified by a globally unique PLMN code, which consists of a MCC (Mobile Country Code) and MNC (Mobile Network Code). Assistant: PLMN由移动设备国家代码(MCC)和移动设备网络代码(MNC)标识。 User: Pitman at this point did not believe that the Titanic was seriously endangered, and thought the evacuation of passengers was precautionary. Assistant: 此刻彼特曼还未相信泰坦尼克号遭受了严重损伤,并认为疏散乘客只是预防性措施。 User: We're going to see how passionate and driven you are, and how much you want this thing. Assistant: 我们想看看你有多么热情和力量,看看你多么想干这些事情。 User: Furthermore, only a few acts should be prohibited, namely cartels that fix prices and divide markets, mergers that create monopolies, and dominant firms pricing predatorily, while allowing such practices as vertical agreements and price discrimination on the grounds that it did not harm consumers. Assistant: 此外,只有少数的行为应该被禁止,即卡特尔式的定价与分割市场,合并以创造独占,及主导企业的掠夺性订价;并将在不会伤害消费者的前提下,允许如垂直协议与价格歧视之类的行为。 User: Kamen in življenje. Assistant: 十方与寿命。 User: In January 2011, a National Commission composed of local experts reported 426 people died in the violence, among them 276 Uzbeks and 105 ethnic Kyrgyz. Assistant: 在2011年,一个由当地专家组成的国家委员会报道由426人丧生,其中276人为乌兹别克族,105人为吉尔吉斯人。 User: It is common for players to start by placing the ball on the line, between the brown ball and either the green or yellow ball. Assistant: 但通常情况下选手都会选择在棕色球与绿色球以及黄色球之间的开球线上开球。 User: The studio decided to recreate New York City and set the game in a post-apocalyptic environment. Assistant: 工作室决定重建纽约市,把游戏背景设定在后启示录时代的纽约。 User: China apprehends and forcibly repatriates North Koreans (impinging on the prohibition of refoulement under international refugee law), who then experience persecution, torture, prolonged arbitrary detention, and even execution upon their return. Assistant: 中国逮捕并且强制遣返北韩公民(此举也违反了遵守国际难民和人权法的不驱逐义务),这些遣返者则在回到朝鲜时必须经历起诉、拷问、长期任意拘留,甚至是处决。 User: In March 1774 he became Lieutenant-Colonel in the Preobrazhensky Guards, a post previously held by Alexei Orlov. Assistant: 1774年三月,他成为了普列奥布拉任斯基近卫军团的中校,这是一个之前由阿列克谢·奥尔洛夫(格里高利·奥尔洛夫的兄弟)担任的职位。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: GRS 1915+105 is the heaviest of the stellar black holes so far known in the Milky Way Galaxy, with 10 to 18 times the mass of the Sun. Assistant: GRS 1915+105是银河系内已知最重的黑洞,质量约在10至18太阳质量 。 User: Thus one may ask why it happens in the first place. Assistant: 恐怕我们首先要把它搞清楚到底是怎么回事。 User: I was against Eclipse and we felt a bit annoyed because we had already thought of the title before Medicine Head came out. Assistant: 我并不喜欢《月食》这个名字,而且我们很是生气,因为我们明明已经想好了专辑的名字,可Medicine Head突然跳了出来。 User: Women slowly had their rights changed so that they could eventually leave their husbands for good. Assistant: 女性的权益逐步增加,最终她们可以为了良好目的离开丈夫。 User: Then he failed and was killed after several days. Assistant: 不过,后来还是因大水泛暴涨而被免官,数月后在家逝世。 User: By 1590–1591 Zamoyski was seen as one of the king's staunchest opponents. Assistant: 在1590-1591年间,扎莫厄斯基一直是齐格蒙特国王的坚定反对者。 User: Germany A German foreign ministry spokesman told AFP: "The execution of (imam) Nimr Baqr al-Nimr reinforces our current concerns about the growing tension ... in the region", saying the death penalty was "an inhumane punishment that we reject in all circumstances". Assistant: 德国 德国外交部发言人对法新社指出,“尼姆尔·巴克尔·尼姆尔的处决强化了我们对该地区紧张局势的关注”,指死刑是“我们在任何情况下均不会接受的不人道惩罚”。 User: David Ziegler: Toby's brother, NASA astronaut, commits suicide in Season 6 (mentioned, never seen). Assistant: 戴维德·齐格:托比·齐格的弟弟,NASA航天员,第六季中自杀。 User: Also known as the Naivasha Agreement. Assistant: 亦称为神奈川条约。 User: In April 2006, images of the new rings from the Keck Observatory yielded the colours of the outer rings: the outermost is blue and the other one red. Assistant: 在2006年4月,凯克天文台 公布的新环影像中,最外环的一圈是蓝色的,另一圈则是红色的。 User: Greenwald credited her with a "complete expert level of understanding of how to do a story like this with total technical and operational safety". Assistant: 葛林华德称赞她“有全套的专家知识,知道如何用完全的技术上和操作上的安全做这种新闻”。 User: These two charts provide a second atlas for the circle, with t = 1 s {\displaystyle t={\frac {1}{s}}} Each chart omits a single point, either (−1, 0) for s or (+1, 0) for t, so neither chart alone is sufficient to cover the whole circle. Assistant: 这两个坐标卡提供了圆的又一个图册,其变换映射为 t = 1 s . {\displaystyle t={1 \over s}.} 注意每个坐标卡都缺了一点,对于 s {\displaystyle s} 是点 ( − 1 , 0 ) {\displaystyle (-1,0)} ,对于 t {\displaystyle t} 是点 ( + 1 , 0 ) {\displaystyle (+1,0)} ,所以每个坐标卡不能独自覆盖整个圆。 User: The Charter was preceded by the Canadian Bill of Rights, which was enacted in 1960. Assistant: 在宪章之前,有1960年制定的《加拿大人权法案》。 User: When actinium trichloride is administered intravenously to rats, about 33% of actinium is deposited into the bones and 50% into the liver. Assistant: 当三氯化锕经静脉注射进入老鼠体内后,约33%的锕元素积累在骨骼中,50%进入肝脏。 User: This was done in the Winter War and the Continuation War so that the tower wouldn't act as a navigational aid to enemy bombers. Assistant: 塔尖曾在冬季战争和继续战争中下降到塔楼里,以防止它成为敌人轰炸机的导向标识。 User: Since the regiments were distinctive, elite units, they had dual numbers—the first, numbering them in the Evzones order of seniority, the second, in the overall infantry hierarchy. Assistant: 因为这些团是精锐部队,每个团有两个编号:第一个编号是埃夫佐尼部队内部的,第二个编号是整个步兵之中的。 User: Sankar Chatterjee suggested in 2005 that, in order for Microraptor to glide or fly, the forewings and hindwings must have been on different levels (as on a biplane) and not overlaid (as on a dragonfly), and that the latter posture would have been anatomically impossible. Assistant: 萨克·查特吉(Sankar Chatterjee)在2005年认为动物若要滑翔或飞行,它们的翅膀必须是分开的双翼(如同四翼飞机)而非重叠(如同蜻蜓),后者的结构在生理结构上不可能飞行。 User: Thereafter she moved into his Erholm manor. Assistant: 之后,开始了他的明星之路。 User: He published a paper describing the animal and suggesting a scientific name for it: Dasycyon hagenbecki, though the skull had allegedly been lost in 1945 during World War II and was not available for peer review. Assistant: Krumbiegel随后为这个动物提出了一个科学名称:Dasycyon hagenbecki,但由于头骨在第二次世界大战期间遗失,因此未有进一步研究。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 They show their peak activity just before the winter season. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:宗教活动主要集中在冬节前后。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 4 October 2010, in a speech at the Conservative conference in Birmingham, Osborne announced a cap on the overall amount of benefits a family can receive from the state, estimated to be around £500 a week from 2013. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2010年10月4日,在伯明翰保守党年会的一次演讲中,奥斯本宣布了单个家庭可以从国家获得的福利总额的上限,估计从2013年起每周约500英镑。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: These reactions include adsorption/desorption, precipitation, polymerization, dissolution, complexation and oxidation/reduction. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这些反应包括吸附/解吸作用、沉降、聚合、溶解、络合以及氧化/还原。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The languages of Eastern Orthodox Slavs generally use Cyrillic instead which is much closer to the Greek alphabet. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 信奉东正教的国家一般使用西里尔字母,因为它与希腊字母比较相近。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Shimmin (Shimmin 1999) moves a similar criticism regarding the western perception of Milosevic's Serbia between 1989 and 1999. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: Shimmin也提出了类似的批评,批评西方国家对于米洛舍维奇的塞尔维亚在1989年至1999年的看法转变。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Feit–Thompson theorem: formal proof using Coq was completed in September 2012. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 法伊特-汤普森定理:在2012年九月使用 Coq 完成正式的证明。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 He died at Moscow in 1979. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 1979年,在莫斯科去世。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1890, it separated from the School for Christian Workers and became the YMCA Training School and in 1891, the International Young Men's Christian Association Training School. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1890年,它与基督教工人学校分离,成为基督教青年会培训学校,并于1891年成为国际青年男子基督教协会培训学校。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In the Battle of Peteroa he repulsed attacking Spanish forces under the command of Diego Cano, and later held off the larger force commanded by Pedro de Villagra. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在佩特罗阿战役中,他击退了迭戈·卡诺指挥的西班牙部队的攻击,之后又挡住了佩德罗·德·比利亚格拉指挥的更大的部队。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The high pressure system over the southeastern United States continued to steer the storm west towards the Yucatán Peninsula. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 美国东南部上空的高压系统仍在继续迫使风暴向西面的尤卡坦半岛逼近。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Concerned that Christians overwhelmingly voted for President Jimmy Carter in 1976, Grant expanded his movement and founded Christian Voice to rally Christian voters behind socially conservative candidates. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 由于担心基督徒在1976年以压倒性多数投票支持吉米·卡特总统,格兰特扩大了他的运动并成立了基督教之声,以便将基督教选民团结在社会保守候选人背后。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Again, the Wrath of Achilles turns the war's tide in seeking vengeance when Hector kills Patroclus. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 但是,阿基里斯的愤怒再一次扭转了战势,当赫克托尔杀死了帕特罗克洛斯时,他出手报仇。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A tonne of spent nuclear fuel contains about 100 grams of various americium isotopes, mostly 241Am and 243Am. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 每吨乏核燃料大约含有100克镅元素,主要包括241Am和243Am同位素。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Vanuatu has a unicameral parliament with 52 Members of Parliament. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 瓦努阿图议会实行一院制,由52名议员组成。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Following his graduation he worked as a translator in Famagusta after that as a court clerk and then as a teacher for one year in the English School. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 毕业后,他在法马古斯塔做翻译,后成为一名法院书记官,之后又做了一年的教师。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It also noted with concern that the "general elections were boycotted by several opposition political parties". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 它还指出,担心“大选被几个反对党抵制”。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Bhutan has had a complete smoking ban since 2005 while India introduced a ban on smoking in public in October 2008. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 不丹于2005年起已实行完全禁烟令,印度也从2008年10月开始也实行了公共场所禁烟令。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 As a result, Senator J. William Fulbright argued America's international broadcasting should take its "rightful place in the graveyard of Cold War relics". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 结果,参议员J·威廉·福布莱特指出美国的国际广播应该做出“冷战遗迹的坟墓中应有的地位”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Debbie Chang, writing for BuddyTV, and Jonathan Toomey of The Huffington Post also cast ideas about Harris' self-incision in the episode "In the Midnight Hour", wondering if she "has a death wish" and "what is wrong with her". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:BuddyTV的黛比·张(Debbie Chang)和《赫芬顿邮报》的乔纳森·图梅(Jonathan Toomey)对哈里斯在《午夜时分》(In the Midnight Hour)一集中割伤自己的作法表达了看法,认为她可能“有死的愿望”,并奇怪“她到底有什么问题”。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Belinda Nash, in addition to writing a biography of Sherwood, worked tirelessly to get her pardoned. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 贝琳达·纳什除了为舍伍德撰写传记外,还不辞劳苦地奔走,力图洗清舍伍德的污名。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Some species grow in large numbers as tiny weeds in the soil of gardens and cultivated fields. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:有些品种大量生长成为花园和耕地土壤中的微小杂草。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The deductive systems considered by Shapiro (1991) and Henkin (1950) add to the augmented first-order deductive scheme both comprehension axioms and choice axioms. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 Shapiro (1991)和Henkin(1950)考虑的演绎系统想扩充的一阶演绎系统增加了内涵公理和选择公理二者。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The party was suppressed in the 1960 military coup d'état and later reestablished as the Justice Party (Adalet Partisi, AP), which was disbanded in the coup of 1980. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1960年土耳其军事政变,阿德南·曼德列斯政府被废黜,民主党被解散,后来重建为正义党(土耳其语:Adalet Partisi,AP),在1980年土耳其军事政变后再次被解散。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The first wave of Armenian immigration into this area began during the mid-eleventh century and, over time, as political, economic and social conditions in Armenia proper failed to improve, newer waves followed them. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:11世纪中期,亚美尼亚人开始移民到克里米亚;虽然这批移民的政治、经济和社会条件并没有随着时间的推移而改善,但随后亦有亚美尼亚人移民到当地。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Many of the original structures and the artifacts within them are considered irretrievable and lost; many may have been destroyed by the new construction. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:很多原始的古代遗迹被认为已经不可复原或者丢失,很多已经被现代建筑所破坏。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:While the majority of Liverpool's architecture dates from the mid-18th century onwards, there are several buildings that pre-date this time. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:虽然利物浦的大部分建筑兴建于18世纪中叶以后,但是也有一些建筑修建于此时以前。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Because the selection biases of the resulting high proper motion samples are well understood and well quantified, it is possible to use them to construct an unbiased census of the nearby stellar population — how many stars exist of each true brightness, for example. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 由于选择偏误的结果,高自行的样品是易于理解和高质量的,它或许可以用来建立恒星族群的普查 - 例如,在每个真实的光度星等有多少的恒星。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This perhaps indicates some knowledge of shipbuilding, but he could hardly have been the only one qualified. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这或许显示了他掌握一些造船的知识,但是这也许表示的一些知识的造船,但他不太可能是唯一适合这项工作的人。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After the Civic Platform won the 2007 parliamentary election in Poland, it announced that it would not opt-out from the Charter, leaving the UK as the only state not to adopt it. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在公民纲领赢得2007年波兰议会选举(英语:Polish parliamentary election, 2007)后,该政党宣布了其不会使波兰选择性退出这一宪章,使得英国成为唯一一个不接纳该宪章的国家。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 2009: of the top 500 supercomputers in the world, Gigabit Ethernet is the internal interconnect technology in 259 installations, compared with 181 using InfiniBand. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:2009年:世界500强超级计算机中,259个使用千兆以太网作为内部互连技术,181个使用InfiniBand。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: To date, the theatre has created about 100 artistic performances. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 至今,该合作项目已产生了将近100篇学术刊物。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The changing magnetic field, in turn, causes electric current (often moving electrons). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:而变化的磁场又导致了电流的产生(运动的电子)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 John finally gave Ferrers these castles in 1216 to secure his support in the face of country-wide rebellion. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:约翰国王最终在1216年将城堡交给了费勒斯,以确保费勒斯在面对全国性的大量叛乱时费勒斯仍继续支持他。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Measurements made with the IRAS observatory give a diameter of 169.92 ± 7.86 km and a geometric albedo of 0.07 ± 0.01. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 IRAS进行的测量,坤神星的直径是169.92 ± 7.86公里,并且几何反照率是0.07 ± 0.01。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Del Toro met with Singer and the film's casting director and told them that he did not want to audition because he did not feel comfortable doing them. Assistant: 德托罗和辛格以及该片的选角导演见面,并告诉他们自己不想试镜,因为在试镜时他感觉不舒服。 User: Oklahoma and Texas have two separate supreme courts: one for criminal appeals and one for civil cases. Assistant: 但德克萨斯和俄克拉何马州却设立了两个州最高法院,一个负责刑事案件,另一个负责民事案件。 User: Seismologists say the risk of a 7.6-magnitude or greater earthquake striking Istanbul by 2030 is more than 60 percent. Assistant: 地震学家称2030年伊斯坦布尔发生7.6级地震的可能性超过百分之60。 User: A client may already have the required username and password without needing to prompt the user, e.g. if they have previously been stored by a web browser. Assistant: 注意:客户端可能已经拥有了用户名和密码,因此不需要提示用户,比如以前存储在浏览器里的。 User: Despite significant improvements in health and the construction of advanced medical facilities, China has several emerging public health problems, such as respiratory illnesses caused by widespread air pollution, hundreds of millions of cigarette smokers, and an increase in obesity among urban youths. Assistant: 尽管民众健康状况显著改善、而先进医疗设施陆续建设,中国开始出现一些新兴的公众健康问题,包括严重空气污染所引起的呼吸系统疾病、数百万名吸烟人士、及城市地区青年人口不断增加的肥胖症。 User: Pleasure Man. Assistant: 长乐人。 User: Other Dayak languages, called Land Dayak, are found in the northwest corner of Kalimantan, between Ibanic and Malayan. Assistant: 其他达雅语言统称Land Dayak语,分布于加里曼丹的西北部,夹于伊班和马来中间。 User: In the Lutheran Church of Sweden, the crosier is displayed in the arms of bishops in office but is removed when a bishop retires. Assistant: 在瑞典的信义宗牧杖常常出现在主教的纹章上,但当主教退休时则自纹章上删除。 User: A 2009 article in BusinessWeek reported that ResearchGate was a "potentially powerful link" in promoting innovation in developing countries by connecting scientists from those nations with their peers in industrialized nations. Assistant: 2009年《商业周刊》上的一篇文章报道称,通过将发展中国家的科学家与工业化国家的同行联系起来,在促进发展中国家的创新方面,ResearchGate是一个"潜在的强有力的联系"。 User: The Bengaluru Tigers won 3rd place in his inaugural season of Super Fight League, the first mixed martial arts (MMA) League in India. Assistant: 班加罗尔老虎赢得第三名是就职季节的超级联赛而战,第一个混合武术(MMA)联盟在印度。 User: NASA released a statement to the press that said (in part) "We're rooting for our rovers to survive these storms, but they were never designed for conditions this intense". Assistant: NASA向新闻界发表正式声明(摘录一部分):"我们正在努力让漫游车能够在暴风中存活下来,但是它们并非为了这种强烈的状况所设计的"。 User: The invasions of the Mongols and Tatars in the 13th century decimated the population, who were now known as Ossetians. Assistant: 13世纪蒙古和鞑靼人入侵,大量屠杀现在所称的奥塞梯人。 User: The events portrayed in the novel and film take place in Missouri, amidst escalating guerrilla warfare at the onset of the American Civil War. Assistant: 小说和电影都反映了在南北战争时在密苏里不断升级的游击战。 User: In 1943 a transport of 543 children from the regions of Smolensk and Vitebsk arrived. Assistant: 1943年,来自斯摩棱斯克和维捷布斯克地区的543名儿童抵达集中营。 User: As the abandoned structure recently was almost near collapse, it was restored with funds contributed by the Rotary Club of Tawau (RCT) in 2006. Assistant: 由于废弃的建筑近期几乎倒塌,在2006年,由斗湖扶轮社(RCT)贡献的资金对钟楼进行了修复 。 User: He died on 8 December 2018, aged 48. Assistant: 他于2018年12月8日去世,享年48岁。 User: Houston has an international flavor and is home to several multicultural arts organizations including: MECA (Multicultural Education and Counseling through the Arts), Kuumba House Dance Theatre, and Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Their Say. Assistant: 休士顿还拥有一些民间艺术组织包括: MECA(Multicultural 教育 and Counseling through 艺术)、Kuumba House舞蹈戏院和Nuestra Palabra。 User: The Crisis Group reported that, contrary to common belief, the violence in southern Kyrgyzstan was not a fringe phenomenon perpetrated by ruthless, uneducated, and unemployed youth and corrupt politicians only. Assistant: 根据该组织的报告,与普遍的看法相反,这场骚乱不仅仅只是由于那些残忍、缺乏教育并且失业的年轻人和腐败的政客所导致的。 User: Among the best known was Tun Teja. Assistant: 其中最有名的是Tun Teja。 User: Since the weapon and light are not attached to each other, the light may be used to illuminate areas that may or may not contain a target, without pointing the weapon at the area. Assistant: 由于武器和灯并无互相连接,灯光可无需将武器指向可能包含或可能不包含目标的区域以下,用于照亮特定的区域。 User: The Abel sum is therefore regular, linear, stable, and consistent with Cesàro summation. Assistant: 阿贝尔和是正则、线性、稳定的,并且与切萨罗可和法相容。 User: Today there is still a Greek school located in the capital as well as a Greek Orthodox church in the same city (St. Froumendios). Assistant: 今天,首都还有一所希腊学校,同一座城市还有一座希腊东正教教堂。 User: At the end of the experiment, when asked about the content of the unattended message, subjects cannot report it. Assistant: 实验结束后,询问被试有关未注意的那一边的信息,被试则无法正确回答。 User: Leeson's mother (Esther Dale) does not approve of Lucy. Assistant: 不过Leeson的妈妈(Esther Dale) 不喜欢她。 User: In mid-2014, Kinnaman began dating Swedish tattoo artist Cleo Wattenström. Assistant: 2014年中,金纳曼开始和瑞典纹身艺术家Cleo Wattenström交往。 User: During this time, Kossoff moved his studio to Willesden Junction, and in 1966, moved his studio to Willesden Green. Assistant: 在这期间,科索夫把他的工作室搬到了威尔斯登交汇站,并在1966年搬到了他现在居住与工作的威尔斯登格林。 User: October 12: Louis XVI secretly writes to king Charles IV of Spain, complaining of mistreatment. Assistant: 十月十二日:路易十六秘密写信给西班牙国王卡洛斯四世,向他抱怨自己受到的虐待。 User: Trumbore applauded the open-ended nature of the ending and its emotional value, concluding: "'Come Along with Me' is expertly crafted and worth watching again and again in years to come, which is just what you’d expect from Adventure Time". Assistant: 特朗波赞许结局的开放性以及其感情的价值,下结论说:“《跟我一起来》精心制作,值得在几年后一看再看,正是你在《探险活宝》所希望看到的。 User: Beyond this, within five billion years or so Mars's eccentricity may grow to around 0.2, such that it lies on an Earth-crossing orbit, leading to a potential collision. Assistant: 这之后,大概50亿年左右,火星的偏心率会达到0.2,以至于它会处在一个跟地球交会的轨道上,会导致潜在的碰撞。 User: PhishTank was launched in October 2006 by entrepreneur David Ulevitch as an offshoot of OpenDNS. Assistant: OpenDNS在2006年7月由黑客大卫·尤里维奇(David Ulevitch)创建。 User: Two suggested ultimate requirements for social robots are the Turing Test to determine the robot's communication skills and Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics for its behavior (The usefulness to apply these requirements in a real-world application, especially in the case of Asimov's laws, still is disputed and may not be possible at all). Assistant: 社交机器人有两个建议的必要条件:图灵测试用以决定机器人的沟通技巧;以撒·艾西莫夫的机器人三定律用以衡量机器人的行为(这两个条件,尤其是“机器人三定律”,在现实世界是否可行,仍有争议,而且或许根本不可能实现)。 User: Singer argues that if the ALF would focus on this kind of direct action, instead of sabotage, it would appeal to the minds of reasonable people. Assistant: 辛格主张,若ALF能集中在这种类型的直接行动上,而不是故意破坏的话,它就会对“有理智者的头脑”有吸引力。 User: Since well before the American Civil War began in 1861, morse code was used to send messages electrically by telegraphy. Assistant: 早在1861年南北战争开始以前,莫斯电码就已经被用于电报发送信息。 User: Late in her life, she appeared in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show and at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition. Assistant: 她晚年曾出现在水牛比尔的西部秀和1901年泛美博览会上。 User: She also appeared in Brian De Palma's The Black Dahlia, a film noir shot in Los Angeles and Bulgaria. Assistant: 同年,她参演了布赖恩·德帕尔马的电影《黑色大丽花》,一部拍摄于洛杉矶和保加利亚的黑色电影。 User: The society allowed engineers and educators to meet and discuss space travel, and it organized public educational events. Assistant: 该协会允许工程师和教育工作者参与商讨宇宙航行设想,并组织开展公共教育活动。 User: His informal and passionate style of writing and his emphasis on visual and geometric intuition (supported by the inclusion of numerous illustrations) made The Fractal Geometry of Nature accessible to non-specialists. Assistant: 他不拘形式热情洋溢的文风以及对视觉和几何直观的看重(大量插图的使用)使得《大自然的分形几何学》对于非专业读者也有相当可读性。 User: The maximum sectional curvature (4) is attained at a holomorphic 2-plane — one for which J(σ) ⊂ σ — while the minimum sectional curvature (1) is attained at a 2-plane for which J(σ) is orthogonal to σ. Assistant: 最大的截面曲率 (4) 在一个全纯 2-维平面得到——对这样的平面有 J(σ) ⊂ σ ——而最小截面曲率 (1) 在 J(σ) 垂直于 σ 的2-维平面 σ 得到。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: He often comments on the changing world of physics in the Information Age. Assistant: 他经常在信息时代上评论变化中的物理学世界。 User: Meanwhile, Jerry and Denise are lowered into the well, where a group of Dr. Satan's failed experiments pull Jerry away, leaving Denise to find her way through an underground lair. Assistant: 与此同时,杰利与丹妮丝被放入井中,让一群撒旦博士失败的实验体将杰利带走。 User: The issue of how best to describe this situation is debated. Assistant: 对如何描述这种情形存在争议。 User: Amended articles 11, 66, 67, 72, 74, 76, 80, 88, 95, 98, 109, 116, 117, 119, 122, 123, 141A, 147 and 148 of the constitution Substituted Articles 44, 70, 102, 115 and 124 of the constitution Amended part III of the constitution out of existence Altered the Third and Fourth Schedule Extended the term of the first Jatiya Sangsad Inserted a new part, VIA in the constitution and Inserted new articles 73A and 116A in the constitution. Assistant: 它修改了宪法的第11、66、67、72、74、76、80、88、95、98、109、116、117、119、122、123、141A、147和148款;取代了第44、70、102、115和124款;取代了整个第三章、更改了第三和第四日程表;添加了一个新的章(六A)和添加了73A和116A两个新款。 User: Notes and sample credits ^ denotes co-producer. ^ denotes vocal producer. ^ denotes additional producer. Assistant: Notes ^ 追加制作人 ^ 配唱制作人 ^ 混音师 Billboard. User: Ruby on Rails is included in the default install. Assistant: Ruby on Rails包含在预设的安装之中。 User: The renovation was designed by Rivers & Christian. Assistant: 翻新工程由Rivers & Christian设计。 User: The sequel Betrayal in Antara (1997) re-used the first game's engine but—as Sierra had lost its license for Krondor—was set in a different universe. Assistant: 续作《叛变安塔拉》(Betrayal in Antara,1997)重新使用了第一部游戏的引擎,但是由于雪乐山已经失去了克朗多的版权,所以游戏设定在不同的世界观中。 User: The couple had two children; Valentina, a daughter, was born May 5, 1947, and a son, Richard, was born May 20, 1948. Assistant: 夫妻二人之后有了两个孩子,长女瓦伦蒂娜生于1947年5月5日,次子理查德生于1948年5月20日。 User: MPS can still be useful on machines or with operating systems that do not support ACPI. Assistant: 在不支持ACPI的计算机或操作系统上,MPS仍可发挥作用。 User: We'd take Yuban coffee cans, punch a hole in them, and use them for lights. Assistant: 将芜菁的内部挖空,里面塞入棉布卷,也可当成灯来使用。 User: However, observations stopped there in 2003. Assistant: 但在2003年就停止观测了。 User: If a consul died during his term (not uncommon when consuls were in the forefront of battle) or was removed from office, another would be elected by the Comitia Centuriata to serve the remainder of the term as consul suffectus (suffect consul). Assistant: 如果一位执政官在其任期内死亡(并非罕见,因为执政官常常处在战斗的前线),会选出另外一位,被称为“补任执政官”(consules suffecti)。 User: By March 2015 the annual deficit had been cut by about half of the initial target; thus, the debt-to-GDP ratio was still rising. Assistant: 到2015年3月,年度赤字减少到最初目标的一半左右,因此债务在GDP中的比率(英语:Debt-to-GDP ratio)仍在上升。 User: At the start of the war, Germany had 48 submarines in service or under construction, with 29 operational. Assistant: 一战开打时,德国共有潜艇13级48艘,当中29艘服役,其余建造中。 User: The maximum rotation velocity of the gas is 241.6 ± 4.5 km/s. Assistant: 气体旋转的最大速度是241.6 ± 4.5 km/s。 User: His father was the owner of the city's largest department store. Assistant: 他的父亲拥有镇上的第二大杂货店。 User: Many schizophrenic patients stop perceiving time as a flow of causally linked events. Assistant: 许多神经分裂症患者不把时间感知为一系列相互有关的事件发生的过程。 User: Due to the suspension of the Kuwait Olympic Committee, athletes from Kuwait participated in the Games as Independent ISSF Athletes, under the flag of the Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation. Assistant: 由于科威特体育协会的暂停举办,来自科威特的运动员将在伊斯兰团结体育联合会旗帜下作为独立ISSF运动员参加奥运会。 User: Theodoros Vryzakis specialized in historical painting and especially inspired by the 1821 Greek War of Independence. Assistant: Theodoros Vryzakis专攻历史画,尤其受到1821年希腊独立战争的启发。 User: Task Significance: The degree to which the job affects other people’s lives. Assistant: 工作重要性(task significance)-指工作对其他的生活或工作会带来实质影响的程度。 User: High entropy alloys (HEAs) such as AlLiMgScTi are composed of equal or nearly equal quantities of five or more metals. Assistant: 高熵合金(High-entropy alloys)简称HEA,是由五种或五种以上等量或大约等量金属形成的合金。 User: TRADE BEING CONTINUED UNDER GREAT DIFFICULTIES. Assistant: 但在商业上实行时,需克服不少困难。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: It was the first conflict in which ambulances, or dedicated vehicles for the purpose of carrying injured persons, were used. Assistant: 战争时则是以输送士兵为主的运兵车,及运送伤患的救护车来使用。 User: He also built a fort. Assistant: 他也开始造要塞。 User: Wizard magazine rated him the 95th greatest villain of all time. Assistant: 《Wizard》评选为第95名有史以来最伟大反派。 User: The temperature in the upper atmosphere of the planet could range from 185 K (−88 °C; −127 °F) to 303 K (30 °C; 86 °F). Assistant: 该行星的上层大气温度可能在185 K(−88 °C)到303 K(30 °C)之间。 User: University of Oslo (Universitetet i Oslo (UiO))—undergraduate, graduate and PhD programs in most fields. Assistant: 奥斯陆大学(Universitetet i Oslo, UiO) - 提供大多数领域的本科,研究生和博士课程。 User: The fossils created through this process tend to contain a large amount of the original material of the specimen. Assistant: 通过这个过程产生化石,包含该样品的大量原始物质。 User: Although the railway had no economic benefit, it was the first railway to be financed and built by the Chinese alone. Assistant: 虽然这只有37公里长的路线没有很大的实质作用,但却是首条由中国人自行修建的铁路。 User: The Louisiana campaign survived by relying on a local African-American militia called the Deacons for Defense and Justice, who used arms to repel white supremacist violence and police repression. Assistant: 路易斯安那州的运动要进行下去不得不依赖当地的一个非裔美国人自卫队——这个名为“防卫和正义之师”(Deacons for Defense and Justice)的自卫队使用武器反抗白人至上主义者的暴力和警察的压迫。 User: Officially, the Revolutionary Armies were operating along the guidelines set down in the 1791 Reglement, a set of regulations created during the years before the Revolution. Assistant: 革命军队,正式的操练是按1791年规章的指导进行的,是一套在革命前几年建立法规。 User: They may depict some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that were commonplace in the U.S society. Assistant: 它们可能描绘了一些当时美国很普遍的种族方面的偏见。 User: The team competed at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics and took the gold medals at the IAAF World Cup the same year. Assistant: 该队还参加了1992年巴塞罗那奥运会,并夺得当年的国际田联世界杯金牌。 User: The hall is between 46 and 66 meters wide and a maximum of 16 meters high. Assistant: 大堂的宽度介乎于46米至66米宽,高度最大可达16米。 User: Government policy, reiterated in the nondisclosure agreement signed by Clinton as part of gaining her security clearance, is that sensitive information can be considered as classified even if not marked as such. Assistant: 希拉里签署的政府政策非公开协议中重申,作为获得她安全许可的一部分,即使不带有此标记的敏感信息也应被归为机密处理。 User: It is one of the most deprived areas of Barking. Assistant: 它们是最为濒危的地衣之一。 User: An avid science fiction reader from an early age, he became active in Swedish science fiction fandom around 1971; co-edited, together with Rune Forsgren, his first fanzine, Sfären, in 1972; and attended his first science fiction convention, SF•72, in Stockholm. Assistant: 拉森从小就非常喜欢读科幻小说,他从1971年起就活跃于瑞典科幻圈,1972年与陆恩·福斯格伦(Rune Forsgren)合编他的第一本科幻书迷志《天体》(Sfären),到斯德哥尔摩参与了他的第一场科幻大会“SF•72”。 User: Second, even if a data structure is immutable, it will often have methods where the parameter type occurs contravariantly. Assistant: 其次,即使数据结构是不可变的,它也经常会有返回值类型逆变的函数。 User: H.A.W.X is set in the near future where private military companies have essentially replaced government-run military in many countries. Assistant: 《鹰击长空》设定在不远的将来,在很多国家私人军事公司从根本上取代了政府军的位置。 User: It can get along well with other dogs. Assistant: 他们能和其他狗和蔼地生活。 User: Later he became the Kurnool district secretary of the then united Communist Party of India (CPI). Assistant: 后来,他成为当时统一的印度共产党的卡努尔县书记。 User: Even then, their initial designs of the flying city were darker and closer to Art Nouveau, making the game world too claustrophobic and appearing similar to the city of Rapture. Assistant: 即使是这样,他们最初设计的飞行城市更暗,更接近新艺术运动时期,游戏世界过于幽闭,跟销魂城相似。 User: Both candidates started the campaign well-funded. Assistant: 两位主要候选人都以雄厚资金启动竞选。 User: On September 26, 2006, Facebook opened to everyone at least 13 years old with a valid email address. Assistant: 2006年9月26日,Facebook正式对所有年满13岁且持有一个有效电子邮件地址的人开放。 User: Other groups of widely varying character exist which have drawn inspiration or methods from Thelema, such as the Illuminates of Thanateros and the Temple of Set. Assistant: 其他一些拥有广泛不同特性的团体会从泰勒玛中汲取灵感或方法,例如“死者之启明(Illuminates of Thanateros)”和“赛特之神殿”。 User: May 1982: Two North Korean infiltrators are spotted on the east coast, with one being killed. Assistant: 1982年5月:两名朝鲜渗透人员在东海岸被发现,其中一人被打死。 User: He was buried in Minihy-Tréguier in the church he founded. Assistant: 他被葬于恰尔恩察一座由他建立的教堂的小教堂中。 User: The Directorate of Military Intelligence (M.I.) is the military intelligence arm of the Indian Armed Forces. Assistant: 军事情报部队(缩写MI)是美国陆军的军事情报兵种。 User: The system includes 16 commercial banks and the central bank, or National Bank. Assistant: 银行系统包括16家商业银行和中央银行。 User: In 2013, Deloitte acquired Monitor Group—now Monitor Deloitte—while PwC acquired PRTM in 2011 and Booz & Company in 2013—now Strategy&. Assistant: 2002年德勤收购了Monitor Group 现在成为Monitor Deloitte ,普华永道2011年收购PRTM,2013年收购Booz & Company。 User: Efforts to prevent such incidents include appointing special officers, such as the medieval Lord of Misrule or, in modern times, security officers who control access; and also ongoing improvement of relevant standards such as those for building safety. Assistant: 防止此类事件的努力包括任命专业人士,例如中世纪的米斯鲁爵士(英语:Lord of Misrule),或者在近代,控制进入人群流量的工作人员;并不断完善例如建筑安全等相关标准。 User: When in her vampire appearance, Miyu is always barefoot even in the snow as she doesn't get cold. Assistant: 当美夕以吸血姬出现时,她总是赤足,甚至在雪地中,因为她不会觉得冷。 User: The club has 375 full members, about 100 temporary playing members, and a number of honorary members, including past Wimbledon singles champions and people who have rendered distinguished service to the game. Assistant: 此俱乐部有375个正式会员,约100个临时会员,还有一些过去温布顿单打冠军的荣誉会员。 User: This process may have caused resurfacing by water volcanism and tectonics, erasing older geological features. Assistant: 这种过程可能导制表面被水火山和地质构造重塑,消除了古老的地质容貌。 User: Born on September 14. Assistant: 9月14日出生。 User: On November 4, 2015, it was announced that Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson and Gary Oldman were cast in the film, which Jeff Wadlow would direct for Millennium Films. Assistant: 2015年11月4日,宣布莱恩·雷诺斯、山缪·杰克森及盖瑞·欧德曼将已加入本片,杰夫·瓦德洛将为怒族影业(英语:Nu Image)执导电影。 User: This is because the depletion is caused by the chlorine atoms in CFCs, which dissociate when struck by UV radiation. Assistant: 这是因为导致臭氧层破坏的是氟氯烃中的氯原子,它被紫外线辐射击中时会分离。 User: The Village has a twice weekly market and hosts three temples. Assistant: 世庙总占地约2公顷,共分为三个院落。 User: Icardi was at Barcelona's youth system La Masia, before moving to Sampdoria where he began his professional career. Assistant: 伊卡迪出身于巴塞罗那的青训系统,其后他转会至桑普多利亚,开始其职业生涯。 User: The story climaxes with a battle atop the World Trade Center and had Peter Parker revealing his identity to Mary Jane Watson. Assistant: 故事的高潮部分是在世界贸易中心的一场大战,彼得·帕克也向心爱的玛丽·简·沃特森揭示了自己的另一个身份。 User: His first career break came in 2003 when he was discovered by talent scouts for MTV and cast in the network's reality series Road Rules for its South Pacific season. Assistant: 他的第一份演艺圈工作是在2003年,他被MTV台的人员发掘并在该台的实境秀Road Rules: South Pacific参与一角色,在实际秀里他在南太平洋经历了三个月的冒险。 User: This is the first prison in the country to house pregnant inmates and their babies until they complete one year. Assistant: 这是全国第一个容纳怀孕的囚犯和其婴儿直到婴儿满一岁的监狱。 User: An increase in the efficiency with which a resource (e.g. fuel) is used, causes a decrease in the cost of using that resource when measured in terms of what it can achieve (e.g. travel). Assistant: 使用资源(例如燃料)的效率的提高导致当根据可实现的程度(例如旅行)测量时,使用该资源的成本降低。 User: It is named for its many natural hot springs. Assistant: 它的名字源自于几个天然温泉。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Partnering with Nintendo in 1998, ArtX began the complete design of the system logic and of the graphics processor (codenamed "Flipper") of Nintendo's sixth generation video game console, reportedly bearing the early internal code name of "N2000". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1998年ArtX与任天堂合作,开始设计任天堂第六代视频游戏机的系统逻辑和图形处理器(代号“Flipper(英语:Nintendo GameCube technical specifications)”),据报道其早期内部代号为“N2000”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The major improvement provided by Saegusa and Ito was the recognition that the enol form was the reactive species, developing a method based on silyl enol ethers. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:三枝和伊藤为此对这一反应所做的重大改进就是明确了烯醇式是反应的活性物种,并由此开发出了这种基于烯醇硅醚的方法。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This type of behavior was not unusual for Young. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 这种荣誉对于年轻人来说是非常罕见的。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In November 1967, Bogoslof Island was designated a National Natural Landmark by the National Park Service. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1967年11月,博戈斯洛夫岛被美国国家公园管理局指定为国家自然地标。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Constitution states that each individual is entitled to choose his/her own profession/occupation or trade. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 宪法”规定,每个人都有权选择自己的职业/行业。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As she wrote to her sister Everina in 1787, she was trying to become "the first of a new genus". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在1787年写给她妹妹埃弗里娜的一封信中,沃斯通克拉夫特谈到自己想要成为“新女性之先”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Her answer was, "None. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 当时回答:‘没有。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 It knocks him aside, walks into the trap, and is electrocuted until it is reduced to ashes. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 沙尘暴之后因为太阳能板上沉积了尘埃而降低了供电量。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: New Town is the youngest and largest of the five independent (from the Middle Ages until 1784) towns that today comprise the historic center of modern Prague. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:今日布拉格的历史中心在中世纪到1784年之间是5个独立的城镇,布拉格新城是其中最年轻,也是面积最大的一个。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Schelling says the capacity to harm another state is now used as a motivating factor for other states to avoid it and influence another state's behavior. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:谢林阐释,伤害另一个国家的能力现在被用作防止其作出某种行为的一种因素。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 2009, new European Union legislation came into effect, allowing the use of diacritics in second-level domains under the .eu domain only. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:2009年,一条新的欧盟法规正式实施,该法令容许在.eu域名之下的第二层域名中使用变音符号。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Currently, three major methods are used in the synthesis of Janus nanoparticles. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 目前,主要有三种方法合成Janus纳米粒子。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The grandson of the original Arthur Guinness, Sir Benjamin Guinness, was Lord Mayor of Dublin and was created a baronet in 1867, only to die the next year. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 阿瑟·健力士的孙子,本杰明·健力士爵士(Sir Benjamin Guinness)曾是都柏林市长并在1867年获得准男爵(baronet)的称号,但于次年离世。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In the United States, ADS-B is an integral component of the NextGen national airspace strategy for upgrading and enhancing aviation infrastructure and operations. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在美国,ADS-B是下一代国家空域战略升级和加强航空基础设施与运营战略的一个组成部分。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In the late afternoon, rebel helicopters attacked Villamor Airbase, destroying presidential air assets. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 下午稍后,反叛军直升机攻击Villamor空军基地,摧毁总统机队。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In March 2006 Iraqi police reported that American troops had executed 11 people in Ishaqi after capturing them in a raid, including a 75-year-old woman and a 6-month-old baby. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 2006年3月1日,伊拉克警方报道,美军在伊斯哈吉的一次袭击过程中开枪打死了被捕的11名平民,其中包括75岁的老人和6个月大的婴儿。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: By the 1990s, most functions of county governments (including operation of courts and road maintenance) had been taken over by the state, and most county governments were seen as inefficient and outmoded. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在1990年代之前,麻州郡政府大部分的职责(包含法院的运作和道路维修)不是被州政府所取代,就是被认为运作不彰和老旧过时。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:After the downfall of the monarchy on 10 August 1792 (following the storming of the royal Tuileries Palace), he was elected as deputy for the département of the Loire-Inférieure to the National Convention—which proclaimed the French Republic on 22 September. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 1792年8月10日,国民自卫军攻入杜乐丽宫废除君主制后,他当选为下卢瓦尔 省 的国民公会代表—9月22日集会并宣布法兰西共和国的成立。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He was dismissed from the government in March 2011. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 但他于2011年3月被政府解职。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Her reign occurred just before the end of the Great Northern War. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 重演南北战争,早在南北战争结束前就有。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Larger Senegalese traders who compete with the Chinese shops them often blame them for flooding the market with cheap goods, and even organised a strike in 2004 through their business association UNACOIS (a French acronym for "Senegalese Union of Traders and Industrialists") to demand caps on Chinese immigration. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 中国商店竞争的更大的塞内加尔贸易商往往会以廉价商品为由淹没市场,甚至在2004年通过其商业协会(塞内加尔贸易商和实业家联盟)组织罢工,要求限制中国移民,特别是他们指责中国商人贿赂和逃税。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: QCD offers a method of measuring processes while being applicable to both simple and complicated business processes. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:QCD 提供了一个很直觉的方法来衡量并评估简易与复杂的商业程序中,哪一种较为合适。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The orientation of the rings is consistent with an edge-on view from Earth in 2008, explaining the observed dimming of Chariklo between 1997 and 2008 by a factor of 1.75, as well as the gradual disappearance of water ice and other materials from its spectrum as the observed surface area of the rings decreased. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这可能解释了在1997至2008年之间的光度下降1.75倍的原因,以及在这段期间从环表面光谱中逐渐消失的水冰和其他物质。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Thus the National Committee of Defense Against Communism (Comité de Defensa Nacional Contra el Comunismo) was created on 20 July, and granted a great deal of power over military and police functions. Assistant: 因此美国国家反共产主义防御委员会(英语:National Committee of Defense Against Communism)于7月20日成立,该组织在军事和警察职能方面获得了很大的权力。 User: Upon announcement, the game's only announced platform is the Nintendo 3DS. Assistant: 随之公布的只有游戏平台为任天堂3DS。 User: The arch was rebuilt next to Castelvecchio, not far from its original location. Assistant: 拱门在老城堡旁重建,距离原来的位置不远。 User: This is a somewhat unconventional use of Java interfaces, since there is no expectation that a processor will accept any class that implements the interface - each processor can choose which kinds of Source or Result it is prepared to handle. Assistant: 某种程度上,这是非常规使用Java接口,这是因为并不期待一个处理器会接受任何实现该接口的类,每一个处理器可以选择支持那些Source和Result的处理。 User: At the Games Convention in August 2007, Creative Assembly announced new titles. Assistant: 在 2007年8月德国莱比锡的Games Convention,the Creative Assembly一次发布了多个新主题。 User: In 1983, IBM introduced a 19 inches (48 cm) orange-on-black monochrome display (model 3290 'information panel') which was able to show up to four simultaneous IBM 3270 terminal sessions. Assistant: 1983年的时候,IBM发表了型号为3290 '讯息面板'的19吋(48 cm)橙色灰阶显示器,它可以同时显示四台IBM 3270的讯息。 User: Prior to the start of the modern naming lists in 1978, the names Hazel and Adele were retired from the list of names for reasons that are not clear. Assistant: 1978年启用现代名单前有黑兹尔(Hazel)和阿黛尔(Adele)两个名称退役,但具体原因无从得知。 User: The ships were easily distinguished from their predecessors by the addition of a fourth funnel. Assistant: 通过增加第四座烟囱,这些舰只很容易与其前级作区分。 User: Human communities may share intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, and risks in common, affecting the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness. Assistant: 群体彼此可能同时面对或者共有目的、信念、资源、偏好、需求(英语:Needs assessment)、风险等条件,而这也将影响参与者的身份和凝聚力的强弱。 User: Auctioned off: Dominant auctions off the slave to the highest bidder (usually supervised and for temporary use). Assistant: 贱卖:将被虐者卖给出价最高的赌徒(通常是管理和临时工)。 User: The United States Department of State also conveyed the ICJ's provisional measure to the Governor of Arizona without comment. Assistant: 美国国务院向亚利桑那州州长转达了ICJ的临时命令,但不予置评。 User: Initial public reaction to the May 18 eruption dealt a nearly crippling blow to tourism, an important industry in Washington. Assistant: 对5月18日事件最初的公众反应给当地的旅游业带来了沉重的打击,这也是华盛顿州一个重要的经济支柱产业。 User: He is currently the head of the United Ossetia party, which nominated him for their candidate to the South Ossetian presidential election, 2017. Assistant: 他目前是统一奥塞梯党的负责人,该党提名他为2017年南奥塞梯总统选举的候选人。 User: Mankind is clearly fallen and lost in sin. Assistant: 诸生与较,则被其黠奴凌侮莫堪。 User: The king's as well as his wife's quarters were situated along the riverfront. Assistant: 例如英国首相和其伴侣坐的椅子被放在圣殿的北侧。 User: See Figure 2 for an illustration of the relationship between different analytical methods and their sensitivity. Assistant: 参见图2,了解不同分析方法与其灵敏度之间的关系。 User: Its central theme is the redeeming love of God towards sinners. Assistant: 恩典就是上帝对罪人的爱。 User: After witnessing the inadequacies of their M13/40 and M14/41 medium tanks, the Italian Army decided that they needed a stopgap design until the heavier P26/40 was ready for production. Assistant: 在意识到M13/40战车和M14/41战车这两款中型战车的不足后,意大利军方决定制造一款能在P-40战车投产前充当过渡角色的战车。 User: Bethesda has described their motivations in creating the first series game, Arena, as those of any good pen-and-paper role-playing games: creating an environment in which the player could be what the player wants and do what the player wants. Assistant: 贝塞斯达阐述过他们在创作本系列第一部作品上古卷轴:竞技场时的动机:创造一个玩家在其中能够自由选择成长道路的游戏环境,而这也是纸笔角色扮演游戏佳作所应具备的品质。 User: The Roman Empire expansion in the Balkans brought the Dacians into open conflict with Rome. Assistant: 罗马帝国在巴尔干半岛的扩张引起了达契亚人和罗马之间的冲突。 User: The pilot, Roger Peterson, took off in inclement weather, although he was not certified to fly by instruments only. Assistant: 负责开飞机的罗杰·彼得逊选择在严寒天气起飞,然而当时彼得逊尚未被认证能够进行仪器飞行。 User: It was developed to fill the gap between TCP and UDP, by Bob Braden in 1994. Assistant: 它被 Bob Braden 于1994年开发,用来填补 TCP 和 UDP 之间的间隙。 User: Ostfriesland flew the flag of Vizeadmiral (Vice Admiral) Erhardt Schmidt, the squadron commander during the battle and Scheer's deputy commander. Assistant: 东弗里斯兰号由海军中将埃尔哈特·施密特(Erhardt Schmidt)掌旗,他是战斗期间的分舰队指挥官以及舍尔的副指挥官。 User: Kaiser Permanente Federal Credit Union (Kaiperm FCU), founded in 1952, and Kaiser Federal Bank, founded in 1953, were credit unions for employees of the various Kaiser hospitals and medical groups. Assistant: 凯萨医疗机构联邦信用合作社(英语:Kaiser Permanente Federal Credit Union 简称:Kaiperm FCU)成立于1952年, 凯萨联邦银行(英语:Kaiser Federal Bank)成立于1953年,是凯萨医院和医疗集团员工的信用合作社。 User: The home is open for public access. Assistant: 故居向公众开放。 User: So we must make them our allies. Assistant: 我们应该和我们的盟友联合起来。 User: Several sports clubs can be found. Assistant: 有多种体育项目。 User: Such equations are usually solved by an iteration procedure, called in this case self-consistent field method. Assistant: 这样地方程通常采用迭代程序求解,在这个情况下称为自洽场方法。 User: The Mule sets up his own short-lived Galactic Empire, the "Union of Worlds", styling himself "First Citizen of the Union" and making Kalgan its capital planet. Assistant: 他先后征服了卡尔根王国和基地,最后建立了一个短命的“世界联盟”,自封为“联盟第一公民”,并将卡尔根作为首都行星。 User: Heide can speak with all animals. Assistant: 特长是与动物对话。 User: The loss was overwhelming for Joseph. Assistant: 这个损失对约瑟夫来说是巨大的。 User: In order to facilitate faster production, Factory No. 37 (that is what the No. 2 VATO plant was renamed) was handed over all OKMO production related to the T-37, as well as one British Vickers tank. Assistant: 为了加速T-37A的生产,第37号工厂(即被重新命名的VATO二号工厂)接收了OKMO有关生产T-37的资讯,以及一辆英国Vickers坦克。 User: The AIM-120A is no longer in production and shares the enlarged wings and fins with the successor AIM-120B. Assistant: 现在AIM-120A已不再生产,它与正在生产的后继者AIM-120B共用较大的翼面。 User: And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Assistant: 忽然,有一阵仿佛大风的响声充满整座房子。 User: In 1920, Kirilenko graduated from one of the local schools; five years later, he graduated from the Alekseevskii vocational technical school. Assistant: 他在1920年从当地一家学校毕业,5年后又从阿列克谢耶夫卡职业训练学校毕业。 User: In 1791, Description of a portable chest of chemistry : or, Complete collection of chemical tests for the use of chemists, physicians, mineralogists, metallurgists, scientific artists, manufacturers, farmers, and the cultivators of natural philosophy by Johann Friedrich August Göttling, translated from German, was published in English. Assistant: 在1791年,Johann Friedrich August Göttling所著的德语书籍《便携式化学实验箱简介》及《化学家、医生、矿物学家、冶金学家、科学家、制造商、农民以及自然哲学的培养者的化学试验全集》被翻译为英语并发表。 User: Other measures include precision at k and mean average precision. Assistant: 其他的度量包括“K”精度和平均精度。 User: Washington's desire to launch an attack on Boston arose from his fear that his army would desert in the winter, and how easily he knew that Howe could break the lines of his army in its present condition. Assistant: 华盛顿期望发起对波士顿的攻击是因为他担心他的军队会在冬天逃掉,而且他知道,目前情形下,豪究竟可以多轻易地突破他军队的阵线。 User: There he became a member of the Filiki Eteria. Assistant: 在那里,他成为了林奈学会的成员。 User: Low-level languages can convert to machine code without a compiler or interpreter— second-generation programming languages use a simpler processor called an assembler— and the resulting code runs directly on the processor. Assistant: 低级语言可以在没有编译器或解释器的情况下转换为机器码——第二代编程语言使用称为汇编器的简单处理器——并且生成的代码直接在处理器上运行。 User: However, since natural radiation is not very intense in most places on Earth, the amount of induced radioactivity in a single location is usually very small. Assistant: 不过,由于地球上大部分地区的本底辐射都不强,一个地区的感生放射性通常都很小。 User: The period of Kepler-9b is increasing by 4 minutes per orbit, while that of Kepler-9c is decreasing by 39 minutes per orbit. Assistant: 开普勒9b每次环绕母星周期增加4分钟,开普勒9c则是减少39分钟。 User: Religion – The ACLU supports the right of religious persons to practice their faiths without government interference. Assistant: 宗教 - 美国公民自由联盟支持宗教人士的权利,反对政府干预他们信仰的实践。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Gulick, Loeb vol. Assistant: 宇文鼎,字周重。 User: A German immigrant named Feuchtwanger, from Frankfurt, in Hesse, allegedly pioneered the practice in the American midwest; there are several versions of the story with varying details. Assistant: 一个名为福伊希特万格(Feuchtwanger)的巴伐利亚移民,在美国中西部的首创这种吃法;不过发明过程有好几种版本。 User: Casino management changed the hotel name to The Fabulous Flamingo on March 1, 1947. Assistant: 1947年3月1日酒店易名为传说的火鹤(The Fabulous Flamingo)。 User: Spielberg also found returning to the series a respite from his many dark films during this period. Assistant: 斯皮尔伯格还发现,重返该系列,对于他在这段时期的许多黑暗的电影来说,起到了缓解作用。 User: Djidingar Dono Ngardoum (1928 – February 19, 2000) was Prime Minister of Chad from May 19, 1982 to June 19, 1982. Assistant: 吉丁加尔·多诺·恩加杜姆(法语:Djidingar Dono Ngardoum,1928年-2000年2月19日)曾经担任过查德总理,任期从1982年5月19日至1982年6月19日为止。 User: As an explanation of why unusual meats would taste more like chicken than common alternatives such as beef or pork, different possibilities have been offered. Assistant: 做为为什么不常见的肉类尝起来比较像鸡肉远胜过常见的替代物如牛肉或猪肉的解释,有不同的可能性被提出来。 User: The old prison was converted into the facility's hospital and in 1923 the island was officially renamed Quarantine Island. Assistant: 旧监狱变成了医院,1923年英国官方将该岛易名为“Quarantine Island”。 User: He even had 2 dogs. Assistant: 他还有饲养多条狗。 User: Each lamp was then lit and followed with a specific prayer. Assistant: 故吴俗每冶铜铁,必为娥立祠享而祈福。 User: On September 15, Manuel made landfall near Aquila in Michoacán as a high-end tropical storm, though operationally, it was believed to have moved ashore near Manzanillo in Colima. Assistant: 9月15日,气旋以强烈热带风暴标准从米却肯州西南部的阿奎拉(Aquila)附近登陆,但美国国家飓风中心在当时的实际操作中以为曼努埃尔的登陆点是在科利马州的曼萨尼约附近。 User: Women who experience menopause before 45 years of age have an increased risk of heart disease, death, and impaired lung function. Assistant: 女性若在四十五岁以前就已进入更年期,会增加心脏病、死亡及和肺功能受损的风险。 User: ATM networks send data in cells and use connection-oriented virtual circuits. Assistant: ATM网络在单元中发送数据,并使用面向连接的虚拟电路。 User: They believe in astrology and worry constantly that the sun will go out. Assistant: 他们相信天文并且常常担心太阳会熄灭。 User: However, both projects failed to achieve commercial success. Assistant: 然而这两种飞机都未取得商业成功。 User: Those who volunteer to studies are not even representative of separated twins in general since not all separated twins agree to be part of twin studies. Assistant: 这些参与研究的志愿者甚至不能代表分离双胞胎,因为并非所有分离双胞胎都同意参与双生子研究。 User: Its administrative seat is the city of Nuuk (formerly called Godthåb), the capital of Greenland, and it is the most populous municipality in the country, with 21,868 inhabitants as of January 2013. Assistant: 首府为努克(曾被称为戈特霍布)同为格陵兰首府,亦是全格陵兰人口最多的自治市,2013年1月共有21,868名居民。 User: The group works with Mojang to make the game affordable and accessible to schools. Assistant: 该组织与Mojang合作,使游戏对学校更加实惠与便利。 User: Make the system repairable. Assistant: 请修复你的系统。 User: The hotel's licensing expired in 2007 and rebranded as "Blue Hotel", managed by Taj Hotels & Resorts. Assistant: 该旅店在2007年时合同到期,取而代之的是泰姬陵酒店与夏日宫殿公司旗下的“蓝旅店”。 User: In 1870, Huxley conducted a case study on a French soldier who had sustained a shot in the Franco-Prussian War that fractured his left parietal bone. Assistant: 1870年,赫胥黎对一名法国士兵进行案例研究,该士兵在普法战争中被子弹击中,导致左顶骨骨折。 User: Taking a snapshot of an XFS filesystem involves temporarily halting I/O to the filesystem using the xfs_freeze utility, having the volume manager perform the actual snapshot, and then resuming I/O to continue with normal operations. Assistant: 对一个XFS文件系统做快照需要调用xfs_freeze工具冻结文件系统的I/O,然后等待卷管理器完成实际的快照创建,再解冻I/O,继续正常的操作。 User: Although they were of the opinion that the M22 possessed a number of faults, the War Office believed it would perform adequately as an airborne tank. Assistant: 尽管英国陆军部认为M22坦克拥有一些缺陷,但是它们却认为它可以作为空降坦克还是恰如其分的。 User: He was a detention officer and joined the police. Assistant: 之后他服兵役并加入警察厅。 User: The end of the 19th century saw the fall of spontaneous generation and the rise of the germ theory of disease, though the mechanism of inheritance remained a mystery. Assistant: 19世纪末,自然发生说开始没落,同时疾病生源说(英语:germ theory of disease)兴起,而遗传的机制仍处于神秘状态。 User: He supported a comprehensive program benefiting the coal industry and cosponsored a bill to extending public library services to rural areas. Assistant: 第二次担任参议员期间,他还支持过可令煤炭行业受益的综合方案,还与他人一起提出法案,建议将公共图书馆服务沿伸到农村地区。 User: It uses the Cable Liner technology from DCC Doppelmayr Cable Car (DCC), and has two independent rope-hauled parallel tracks and a two-car passenger unit operating on each track. Assistant: 它采用了DCC多贝玛亚缆车公司的Cable Liner缆车技术,有两条独立的绳索牵引平行轨道和在每条轨道各一台的双车厢乘客单元。 User: Razak initiated calls for unity between Burmese Muslims and Buddhists. Assistant: 吴拉扎发起了缅甸穆斯林和佛教徒团结一致的呼吁。 User: Whistler in the Dark. Assistant: 维林诺陷入黑暗。 User: The Queen was also awarded the Spanish Red Cross Merit Order (First Class) and the jewelled breast star was paid for by a subscription undertaken by the Corps of Lady Nurses of the Spanish Red Cross. Assistant: 她还被授予了西班牙红十字会功绩勋章(一等),并且该勋章是由西班牙红十字会护士协会的捐款提供的。 User: A comprehensive theory of infinitesimal transformations was first given by Sophus Lie. Assistant: 无穷小变换的综合理论最早由索甫斯·李给出。 User: There was no difference between the West and the East in this regard. Assistant: 东方与西方在这问题上是不同的。 User: The coat of arms in its current form was created in 1957 and is still an important symbol of the Bavarian state capital. Assistant: 当前形式的纹章是在1957年创作,时至今日仍是巴伐利亚首府的重要标志。 User: An impatient Hitler appointed a German, Josef Terboven, as the new Norwegian Reichskommissar, or Governor-General, on 24 April, reporting directly to him. Assistant: 希特勒愈发不耐烦,于4月24日任命德籍约瑟夫·特博文(英语:Josef Terboven)为挪威国家总督(英语:Reichskommissar),直接对元首负责。 User: Inkscape is a free and open-source vector editor with the primary native format being SVG. Assistant: Inkscape是 免费、开源 矢量图编辑器,主用于SVG格式。 User: Multiple theories try to explain how humans are able to recognize patterns in their environment. Assistant: 多项理论试图解释人类如何能够识别其环境中的模式。 User: Several club-goers were arrested and forced to undress in the municipal headquarters, where they were then photographed naked. Assistant: 一些俱乐部的观众被逮捕,并被迫在市级总部脱衣服并拍下裸体。 User: Illustrated by ... Assistant: 其特色为,。 User: McQuarrie based the name of Keyser Söze on one of his previous supervisors, Kayser Sume, at a Los Angeles law firm that he worked for, but decided to change the last name because he thought that his former boss would object to how it was used. Assistant: 麦奎里曾在洛杉矶的一家法律事务所工作,于是他把事务所老板凯撒·休姆(Keyser Sume)的名字拿来作为角色名,考虑到老上司可能会反对,于是他更换了角色的姓氏。 User: Gentlemen Broncos is a 2009 American comedy film written by Jared and Jerusha Hess and directed by Jared Hess. Assistant: 绅士布朗科(Gentlemen Broncos)是2009年的一部喜剧电影,由Jared and Jerusha Hess编剧,Jared Hess导演。 User: Within a specific organization or professional community, professional competency is frequently valued. Assistant: 在一个特定的组织或专业社区中,专业胜任力(professional competency)经常会受到重视。 User: Catholics in Latin America despite being normally socially conservative tend to be more left-wing in economics due to the traditional teachings of the Catholic social doctrine. Assistant: 由于天主教社会学说的传统教义,拉丁美洲的天主教徒尽管通常具有社会保守性,但在经济学中更倾向于左翼。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Police Commissioner Jan van der Straaten —the initial head of the investigation until his 2005 retirement— said that Holloway did not have to go through the lobby to return to her room. Assistant: 从立案开始主持调查直至2005年退休时止的警察总监扬·范德斯特拉滕(Jan van der Straten)对此称,霍洛威当晚肯定没有经酒店大堂返回房间。 User: In 2001, Terry Gilliam selected it as one of the ten best animated films of all time. Assistant: 2001年,特里·吉列姆将其列为史上10部最优秀的动画电影之一。 User: For end-users, Cocoa applications are those written using the Cocoa programming environment. Assistant: 对最终用户来说,使用Cocoa编程环境开发的应用程序即为Cocoa应用程序。 User: Results of morphologic and genetic research indicate a clinal north–south variation between populations, but no evidence for subspecific differentiation. Assistant: 形态学或基因学研究结果表明,美洲豹南北种群存在渐变群差异,但没有证据显示亚种间有差别。 User: The candidates also used 'free' media extensively, appearing on 'Meet the Press,' National Public Radio's 'Talk of the Nation,' the Public Broadcasting Service's 'MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour,' C-SPAN and other shows. Assistant: 候选人还大量的利用“免费”媒体,包括《与媒体见面》、国家公共广播电台的《国家谈话》、公共广播电台的《PBS新闻一小时》、C-SPAN与其他电视节目等。 User: Other companies and members of the community have contributed runners for existing distributed execution platforms, as well as new IOs to integrate the Beam Runners with existing Databases, Key-Value stores and Message systems. Assistant: 其他公司和社区成员为现有的分布式执行平台提供了运行器,以及新的将Beam Runners与现有数据库、键值存储和消息系统集成的IO。 User: The compression type is "NONE" for PCM audio data. Assistant: 压缩过的类型是"NONE"和PCM音频数据。 User: It is believed that large quantities of water and carbon dioxide ices remain frozen within the regolith in the equatorial parts of Mars and on its surface at higher latitudes. Assistant: 相信大量的水和干冰被冻结在火星部分赤道地区的表岩屑内,以及在高纬度的表面。 User: This album was certified gold in the United States in 2001. Assistant: 2001年,此专辑在美国被认证为金唱片。 User: The game was launched in North America on April 27, 2004, and in Europe by NCsoft Europe on February 4, 2005, with English, German and French servers. Assistant: 于2004年4月27日在北美发行,在2005年2月4日由NCsoft Europe在欧洲发行,有英语、德语和法语的服务器。 User: As she bounces from city to city, she also moves from being with Future to hanging out with Ed Sheeran. Assistant: 当她从一个城市跳到另一个城市时,她也从与未来一起变成了与Ed Sheeran一起出去玩。 User: Mongolian troops took part in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol in the summer of 1939 and in the Soviet invasion of Manchuria in August 1945, both times as small part in Soviet-led operations against Japanese forces and their Manchu and Inner Mongolian allies. Assistant: 蒙古部队于1939年夏参加了诺门罕战役,并于1945年8月参加了苏联入侵满洲,这两次都是苏联领导的针对日本军队及其满州国和内蒙盟友的行动的一小部分。 User: In Romance languages, the word for Wednesday is often similar to Mercury (miercuri in Romanian, mercredi in French, miercoles in Spanish and mercoledì in Italian). Assistant: 在罗曼语之中,Wednesday 这单字是近似雷同Mercury(在罗马尼亚文中的miercuri、在法文中的mercredi、在西班牙文中的miercoles以及在意大利文中的mercoledì)。 User: The graffiti consisted of a swastika and the text "C18", or Combat 18, a neo-Nazi organisation active throughout Europe. Assistant: 涂鸦包括一个十字星和文字“C18(一个活跃在整个欧洲的新纳粹组织)”。 User: It differs from single-crystal silicon, used for electronics and solar cells, and from amorphous silicon, used for thin film devices and solar cells. Assistant: 它不同于用于电子和太阳能电池的单晶硅,也不同于用于薄膜设备和太阳能电池的非晶硅。 User: This layer provides both chemical and physical protection, and can prevent macromolecules from contacting the cell membrane. Assistant: 该层提供化学和物理保护,并能防止大分子接触细胞膜。 User: Beginning in 1950, Louisiana was sued several times by the U.S. Interior Department, in efforts by the federal government to strip Louisiana of its submerged land property rights. Assistant: 自1950年开始,该州受到美国内政部的几次控告,联邦政府努力取消该州的水下土地财产权。 User: The game was released for Microsoft Windows and OS X (published by Aspyr) in September 2003 and for Xbox (developed by Vicarious Visions) in November 2003, and received positive reviews. Assistant: 游戏于2003年9月Microsoft Windows和Mac OS X上发行,11月在Xbox上发行,并获得了积极的评价。 User: President Hayes had promised not to run for a second term, and the previous Democratic nominee, Tilden, declined to run again due to poor health. Assistant: 海斯总统已经承诺不会竞选连任,民主党的上届提名人选蒂尔顿又因身体欠佳谢绝再度参选。 User: The Expo started two days after the mass shooting at an Orlando, Florida nightclub. Assistant: 展会在佛罗里达州奥兰多夜店枪击案两天后开始。 User: Some lines are occasionally closed for scheduled engineering work at weekends. Assistant: 部分路线更会定期在周末关闭以进行维修。 User: The Sierra Madera crater is located on private property on the La Escalera Ranch. Assistant: 马德拉山脊陨石坑位于La Escalera Ranch的私人产业上。 User: This type of lock is common in Scandinavia, the Netherlands, China, India and Japan. Assistant: 这种锁常见于斯堪的纳维亚、荷兰、中华人民共和国、印度及日本。 User: The first London branch opened in North Finchley in November 1968. Assistant: 1968年11月,北芬奇利(North Finchley)增设第一家伦敦分店。 User: The heavy rainfall resulted in severe flooding and mudslides, blocking several highways in northeastern Mexico. Assistant: 暴雨引发严重洪灾和泥石流,墨西哥东北部有多条公路阻塞。 User: In both cases, local ICE agents work with their Royal Thai Police counterparts to monitor the suspects’ movements while in Thailand. Assistant: ICE探员与泰国皇家警察合作监控嫌犯在泰国境内的行踪。 User: It was nullified by the Immigration Act of 1924, which legally banned all Asians from migrating to the United States. Assistant: 1924年移民法废除了这一协约,移民法规定禁止所有亚洲人移民到美国。 User: The IDF had also a number of Magach (מגח; Ma-GAKH) tanks in Israeli service which were based on the American M48 and M60 Patton tanks. Assistant: 马戈其坦克(Magach)是指一系列由以色列对M48巴顿及M60巴顿改装升级而成的主战坦克。 User: Commonly there are moral as well as religious objections to sexual relationships by a married person outside the marriage, and such activity is often referred to in law or religion as adultery. Assistant: 宗教与道德通常反对已婚人士与婚姻之外对象发生性关系,而这种行为在法律或宗教中通常被称为“通奸”。 User: Here, Smith developed his passion for liberty, reason, and free speech. Assistant: 斯密在这个时期发展出他对自由、理性、和言论自由的热情。 User: Two strategy guides under the V Jump Books brand were published by Shueisha: the Gamecube guide was released on August 29, 2003 and the PS2 on September 22, 2004. Assistant: 集英社以V Jump Books品牌发行了两本攻略本:GameCube攻略于2003年8月29日推出,PlayStation 2攻略于2004年9月22日推出。 User: The order continued: The great principles of American liberty are still the lawful inheritance of this people, and ever should be. Assistant: 这份命令中还写道: 美国自由的伟大原则仍然合法地继续下来,并且也应该一直保持下去。 User: The remnants of Nadine passed through the Azores on October 4 and again brought relatively strong winds to the islands. Assistant: 10月4日,系统残留经过亚速尔群岛,再次给群岛带去了相对较强的大风。 User: Having graduated from Portland Christian High School in 2008, she played beach volleyball in 2012 and 2013. Assistant: 2008年她从波特兰基督教高中毕业,她在2012年和2013年打沙滩排球。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Since the split of the KDE Software Compilation into KDE Frameworks 5, KDE Plasma 5 and KDE Applications, each sub-project can pick its own development pace. Assistant: 因为KDE Software Compilation分割为KDE Frameworks 5、KDE Plasma 5及KDE Applications 5,每一个子专案都可以选择他们自己的开发步伐。 User: Further development led to the WDU-500X/B "General Purpose Flechette" which releases 80 tungsten flechettes that can penetrate 1.5 inches of roll-hardened armor for use against personnel, some light armour, thin skin vehicles and helicopters. Assistant: 而更进一步的研发所引导的成果是WDU-500X/B“通用飞镖弹”,它可释放了80枚钨制飞镖,可以贯穿1.5英寸的轧压加固装甲,用以对付人员,一些轻型装甲、外壳薄弱的车辆和直升机。 User: In order to accommodate the smaller, more ergonomic grip, the HK45 has a magazine capacity of 10 rounds versus 12 rounds for the USP45. Assistant: 为了适应更小、更符合人体工学的握把,HK45使用的是容量10发的专用可拆卸式双排弹匣而非USP45的12发弹匣。 User: Transferred to Sybil Brand Institute, a detention center in Los Angeles, she had begun talking to bunkmates Ronnie Howard and Virginia Graham, to whom she gave accounts of the events in which she had been involved. Assistant: 搬去西比尔(Sybil)机构(洛杉矶的一个拘留中心),她与同铺位的罗米·霍华德(Romie Howard)和弗吉尼亚·格兰厄姆(Virginia Granham)进行了交谈,并像她们描述了她所经历的事件。 User: Given the lax copyright laws of the time, stage plays based on Uncle Tom's Cabin—"Tom shows"—began to appear while the novel was still being serialized. Assistant: 由于当时并不严格的著作权法律,基于《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的舞台作品在小说还在连载时便已经出现了。 User: The War in Afghanistan is the longest war in U.S. history. Assistant: 越战是美国历史上持续时间最长的战争。 User: The main entrance is located on the northern side of the museum on 81st Street near Central Park West in Manhattan's Upper West Side. Assistant: 正门位于博物馆的北侧,在曼哈顿上西城中央公园西附近的81号街。 User: The album went on to sell more than 500,000 copies in the U.S and was certified gold on December 7, 2007. Assistant: 专辑在美国卖出超过500,000张,在2007年12月7日认证为金唱片。 User: 1383/1385 – Civil war and political anarchy: 1383-1385 Crisis. Assistant: 1383年:葡萄牙爆发内战(英语:1383-1385 Crisis)。 User: In the autumn of 1997, the university experienced Britain's worst outbreak of meningitis, with the death of three students. Assistant: 在1997年的秋天,南安普敦大学经历了英国最严重的爆发脑膜炎,有三名学生的死亡。 User: This greatly affects Howard and he falls into a depression, missing work and staying home. Assistant: 这对霍华德影响很大,让他很沮丧,不去上班并呆在家里。 User: A flow cytometer is necessary for cell marker analysis, and the detection of genetic problems in the cells may require visualizing the DNA changes with fluorescent probes by FISH. Assistant: 流式细胞仪对于细胞marker分析是必需的,并且细胞中遗传问题的检测可能需要通过FISH用萤光探针来显现DNA变化。 User: The birthplace of the Washingtons' eldest daughter (born May 1897) is given in the 1900 US Census as Belgium, despite the Washingtons arriving at Ellis Island in October 1896. Assistant: 1900年美国人口普查显示华盛顿夫妇的长女(1897年5月出生)的出生地为比利时,尽管夫妇于1896年10月抵达埃利斯岛。 User: Even in industrial or 20th century settlements, they are a focus. Assistant: 甚至在工业及20世纪的建筑上,他们也是一个重要方面。 User: In the introduction, Jones conducts a survey of dragon myths from cultures around the world and argues that certain aspects of dragons or dragon-like mythical creatures are found very widely. Assistant: 在导言中,作者进行了一项有关世界各地文化中龙的神话的调查,证明我们可以广泛地找到龙或像龙的传说生物的若干外表特征。 User: The castle's position made it strategically important in safeguarding the Midlands against rebellion. Assistant: 城堡的位置因在战略上可防止英格兰中部地区的叛乱而显重要。 User: However, in practice they also accept mentally ill patients or those without a medical diagnosis. Assistant: 然而在实际操作中,它们也接受精神病患者或其他没有医疗证明的患者。 User: The committee reported that evidence was increasing for a causal relationship between Zika virus and microcephaly and other neurological conditions, and called for continued research, aggressive mosquito control, and improved surveillance and communication of risks to the public. Assistant: 委员会报道指寨卡病毒与小头畸形及其他神经系统疾病的因果关系证明不断增加,呼吁继续研究,加强灭蚊,改善公众风险监测和沟通。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It is thought to be lava-covered and similar to a lunar mare. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 该区域被认为是被熔岩覆盖,类似月海的区域。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Manitoba is at the heart of the giant Hudson Bay watershed, once known as Rupert's Land. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 马尼托巴是大哈德逊湾流域的中心,曾经被称为鲁珀特地。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The French engineer Louis Bouchard de Becour was commissioned to unify all the defensive works that surrounded the city with a wall. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 来自法国的路易斯·布沙尔工程师受到政府委托,指导建立了环绕城市的护城墙。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In spite of the damage suffered in the carrier strikes, the Japanese continued construction of the seaplane base and began flying reconnaissance missions from Tulagi by 6 May. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 而日军虽然受到了航母的空袭,但依旧在进行水上飞机基地的建设,5月6日起图拉吉岛即已经开始执行侦察任务。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Until recently, they were largely covered by advertising posters; in 2004 these posters were removed and the buildings restored, returning them to their 19th century appearance. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 直到最近,它们基本上被广告海报覆盖,这些海报在2004年被移除,建筑恢复19世纪的外观。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:He has called for increasing the size of the American manufacturing sector, setting high tariffs, and repatriating global supply chains. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他要求扩大美国制造业规模、建立高关税、全球供应链回流。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Turn off the flame. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 忘熄余火。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Bench and animal tests showed positive results. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在"标准试验"(bench)及动物试验下均显示出正向成果。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: There are many languages that follow the WOCA philosophy, such as C++, Pascal (see Free Pascal), Ada or C, on condition that they don't use functions beyond those provided by the standard library. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 许多编程语言都遵循“一次编写,到处编译”的准则,如C++、Pascal (参见Free Pascal)、Ada和C语言(只要不使用标准库以外的函数)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Font: Supports PCL fonts. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 字体:支持 PCL 字体。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: "The king is not God among men but the Viceroy of God. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: ”神并不是死人的神,乃是活人的神。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Varsovia: Polish Scientific Publishers. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 华沙:波兰科学出版社自己。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Ammunition type can be selected by the crew depending on the nature of the target. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:弹药种类型可以由炮手根据目标的性质选择。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: All currently known practical or almost-practical attacks on MD5 and SHA-1 are collision attacks. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 所有对MD5与SHA-1已知的实际或近乎实际的攻击均为碰撞攻击。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Triangulation can also refer to the accurate surveying of systems of very large triangles, called triangulation networks. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 三角量测亦可意指为超大三角形系统的精确测量,称作三角量测网络。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Mele had contracted HIV from a dirty needle and transmitted it to Scarpa in the blood transfusion. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 迈勒通过受污染的针头接触到了艾滋病病毒,并在输血过程中传染给了斯卡帕。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The problem P1 can be solved directly by computing antiderivatives. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:问题P1能够通过计算不定积分而直接解决。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 It uses custom created "spouts" and "bolts" to define information sources and manipulations to allow batch, distributed processing of streaming data. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:它使用用户创建的“管(spouts)”和“螺栓(bolts)”来定义信息源和操作来允许批量、分布式处理流式数据。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Within 45 minutes another enveloping force formed to the west of the road, forcing Smith to withdraw a platoon to the east side of the road. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 另一批夹击部队于45分内集结于道路西侧,迫使史密斯将一个排撤到路东边。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Save a Life, It May be your Own. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 爱,也可以是一个人的事。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Prince Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, a former deputy minister of defense for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is given as the owner of at least eight companies in Bermuda between 1989 and 2014, some of them apparently formed for purposes of owning yachts and airplanes. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 沙特阿拉伯前国防部副部长哈立德·本·苏尔坦·阿勒沙特于1989年至2014年期间是百慕大至少八家公司的业主,其中部分是专门为拥有游艇和飞机成立的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Around 973-974, he went to Denmark to help Harald Bluetooth of Denmark in his defense against the Holy Roman Emperor Otto II. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 大约于973年-974年,哈康伯爵前往丹麦帮助蓝牙王哈拉尔防御神圣罗马皇帝奥托二世的攻击。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A permutation is an involution precisely if it can be written as a product of one or more non-overlapping transpositions. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 一个置换是对合,当且仅当它可以写成一个或多个不重合的对换的乘积。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The storm then began to execute a small cyclonic loop, which continued until early on October 8. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 飓风接下来的移动路线形成小规模环路,一直持续到10月8日清晨为止。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: According to the Academy, "these disciplines are chosen so as to complement those for which the Nobel Prizes are awarded". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 根据科学院,“这些学科被选择,是补充那些被授予的诺贝尔奖”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Spanish had been debasing their currency to pay for the war and prices exploded in Spain just as they had in previous years in Austria. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 西班牙人一直在把其货币贬值,以至物价飞涨,正如数年前在奥地利一样。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 2016, Izquierda Revolucionaria announced joint work with the Committee for a Workers International. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2016年,革命左翼宣布与工人国际委员会合作。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The CUSIP was adopted as an American National Standard under Accredited Standards X9.6. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:CUSIP已被Accredited Standards X9.6 采纳为美国国家标准。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 By April 2005, the resulting Super.fi 5 Pro, a double armature product, was offered to consumers at $250 per pair, and sales of these helped Ultimate Ears to gross more than $10 million in 2006. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 2005年4月,由此产生的SuperFi 5 Pro,带有双压电单元,并售以消费者每对250美元的价格,而这使得Ultimate Ears在2006年的销售额超过1000万美元。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: An older Edinburgh tradition has it that young women who climb Arthur's Seat and wash their faces in the morning dew will have lifelong beauty. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:一个更古老的爱丁堡传统是攀爬亚瑟座椅(Arthur's Seat)的并用清晨露水洗脸的年轻女性会获得终身的美丽。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As part of the deal BMW expected at least one driver to be German, which led to the team's signing of Ralf Schumacher for the previous season. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:作为合同的一部分,宝马希望至少有一名德国车手,所以车队签下了拉尔夫·舒马赫。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Generally, dendritic cells in tissue are active in the capture, uptake and processing of antigens. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 一般而言,组织中的树突细胞对于捕捉、吞噬、处理抗原上有高度活性。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 A Microsoft Windows version ported by Demiurge Studios was released on May 28, 2008. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Demiurge Studios移植的游戏Microsoft Windows版本于2008年5月28日发行。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It can be manually or remotely operated; in the former case it will have a lock applied to prevent it from being moved by unauthorized personnel. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这种装置可以手动或远端遥控的方式控制,若是以手动的方式安装,则应将之锁起以防止未经授权的人员移动之。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: The 'Kirk' of Kirkwall was not the Cathedral (which was originally at Birsay), but the 11th-century church of Saint Olaf of Norway. Assistant: 柯克沃尔英文名字中的“Kirk”指的并非是上文的大教堂(这座大教堂原来位于伯塞),而是十一世纪的“挪威的圣奥拉夫”教堂( church of Saint Olaf of Norway)。 User: It is only through proper relationships with God (Akuj) and the ancestors, proper protection from evil, and participation in the moral economy of the community that one can be blessed. Assistant: 只有透过与神(Akuj)和祖先关系的维持,才能被保护远离邪恶,参与社区的道德经济也能得到祝福。 User: If convicted, it was usual for an animal to be executed, or exiled. Assistant: 若罪名成立,被控罪的动物常会被处决或被放逐。 User: IGN's Christine Seghers listed Hutchison as the fourth-best guest star of the series in a top-ten countdown, complimented his "brilliantly perverse" performance, and wrote: "Even when he doesn't appear to be doing anything, Hutchinson can still make your skin crawl with his dead, shark-like stare". Assistant: IGN网站的克里斯廷·西格斯(Christine Seghers)把休切逊评为《X档案》十佳客串影星第四名,称赞他“异常出色”的演出,还称“即便看起来啥也没干,休切逊仍然能用他那死神和鲨鱼般的眼神让你长出一身鸡皮疙瘩。 User: Other French thinkers who have acknowledged his influence on their thought include the post-structuralist philosophers Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. Assistant: 其他承认自己受到影响的法国思想家包括后结构主义哲学家米歇尔·福柯和雅克·德里达。 User: More sophisticated concepts such as algebraic expressions with numbers and letters, geometric surface area and statistical means and medians occur in sixth grade in the newest standards. Assistant: 更复杂的概念,如:包含数字和字母的代数表达式、几何表面积、统计方法、中位数等出现在了最新标准的六年级课本中。 User: In 2009, Naisbitt published China's Megatrends, a book analyzing China's rise. Assistant: 奈斯比特在2009年,出版了《中国大趋势》一书,分析中国的崛起。 User: Computer architecture, or digital computer organization, is the conceptual design and fundamental operational structure of a computer system. Assistant: 计算机系统结构,或者数字计算机组织,是一个计算机系统的概念设计和根本运作结构。 User: Pentatonix performed the following songs on The Sing Off. Assistant: Pentatonix在The Sing Off表演了以下歌曲。 User: In April 2007 a Halifax survey found Northern Ireland's average house price to one of the highest in the UK, behind London, the South East and the South West. Assistant: 在2007年四月份哈利法克斯银行的一项调查发现北爱尔兰平均房屋售价在英国为最高之一,紧随伦敦、英格兰西南及西北。 User: Players are able to tease, groom, and teach the pet, and so they must be able to learn behaviors from the player. Assistant: 因为玩家可以戏弄、打扮和教导宠物,因此它们必须能够从玩家那里学习行为。 User: It contains many hills including the foothills of the escarpment's lower slopes, and while these generally do not exceed one hundred metres in height they give much of the city an undulating character. Assistant: 卧龙岗有很多山丘,包括在亚拉瓦拉悬崖下坡的山麓小丘,这些山丘的高度一般都不超过一百米,因此使得这座城市山峦起伏。 User: The Center will remain open. Assistant: 类思堂继续开放。 User: By configuring a TPM to protect the trusted boot pathway, including the BIOS and boot sector, BitLocker can mitigate this threat. Assistant: 通过配置TPM来保护受信任的启动路径,包括BIOS和引导扇区,BitLocker可以减轻此威胁。 User: On May 7, 2003, Ubi Soft announced that singer, actress and model Eve would be the voice for major character Jones. Assistant: 2003年5月7日,育碧宣布歌手、演员兼模特伊芙(英语:Eve (rapper))将为女主角琼斯配音。 User: Other ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs) are also modified via the E1–E2–E3 cascade, although variations in these systems do exist. Assistant: 泛素样蛋白ubiquitin-like proteins (ULPs)也通过 E1–E2–E3 级联系统对蛋白质进行修饰,不过与泛素蛋白的修饰级联系统也存在一些差异。 User: The study revealed that the characteristics of individual jurors influenced jury deliberations. Assistant: 有学者指出裁判员的个人感情被带入法廷的危险性。 User: They had already played important roles in the convention: Randolph presented the Virginia Plan, Rutledge and Wilson had been key to crafting the compromise on representation, Ellsworth had led the small states during the battle over per-state voting in the senate, and Gorham had chaired the Committee of the Whole where he called for compromise during the bitter debate over representation. Assistant: 并且所有人都已经在之前几个月的制宪会议中扮演了非常重要的角色:伦道夫提出了弗吉尼亚方案,拉特利奇和威尔森是起草各州议员数目妥协方案的关键人物,埃尔斯沃思是为人口小州争取参议院代表权的领导人物,而哥尔汉姆则曾在会议对委员会代表人选进行激烈辩论期间提出了妥协方案。 User: The most extensive testimony came from Darby, who recounted his 1824 meeting with Beauchamp. Assistant: 达比的证词最为详细,他在作证时回忆了1824年与博尚的面谈。 User: Relative contraindications are contraindications for circumstances in which the patient is at higher risk of complications from treatment, but these risks may be outweighed by other considerations or mitigated by other measures. Assistant: 有些禁忌症是相对的,表示若使用此治疗方式,病患虽然有较高的风险,但风险可因为其他因素抵消或是用一些方式缓和。 User: NEC started its radio communications business in 1924. Assistant: 1924年,NEC开始开展无线电通信业务。 User: It leaves unanswered, however, the question of when and how Malaysia will acquire a first world political system (a multi-party democracy, a free press, an independent judiciary and the restoration of civil and political liberties) to go with its new economic maturity. Assistant: 然而,这留下未解的问题,究竟马来西亚会在何时且如何充分实现第一世界的政治体系(多党民主制、自由的媒体、独立的司法审判,并恢复公民与政治自由),以齐头赶上它的经济成熟。 User: The fighting retreat of the Nez Perce had made their leader Chief Joseph something of a national hero and a military genius in the eyes of many in the American public. Assistant: 内兹珀斯人的且战且退已使得他们的首领山雷酋长(“约瑟夫酋长”)在美国公众的许多人的眼中成了一位有着民族英雄与军事天才形象的人物。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Production start for the main unit of the second season was given an expected date of March 2016, but a separate shoot involving the principal actors began on December 30, 2015, in Berlin, to capture footage during the Christmas holidays. Assistant: 第2季主单元的制作原定2016年3月开始,但一场有主要演员参与的镜头2015年12月30日圣诞季(英语:Christmas and holiday season)期间在柏林开拍。 User: The façade, built in 1460–1464, has sloping sides and is in brickwork, divided in three parts by two pilasters strips. Assistant: 立面建于1460-1464年,为砖砌结构,由两根壁柱分成三部分。 User: He is also an alumnus of Triangle Fraternity and received his bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering in 1990 from UCLA. Assistant: 他也是三角联谊会的校友,并在1990年从加州大学洛杉矶分校获得了学士学位。 User: This tomb is seen as a representative tomb of the Ungjin period. Assistant: 这个陵墓被认为是熊津时代的代表性墓葬。 User: Stallman notes that this action will promote rather than hinder the progression of technology, since "it means that much wasteful duplication of system programming effort will be avoided. Assistant: 理查·斯托曼表明这个行动旨在提升而非妨碍科技的进步,因为“这代表我们可以避免重复无益的系统编程,而把这份精力用在推动技术革新上面。 User: 0 A.D. features the real-time strategy gameplay components of building a base, training an army, combat, and technology research. Assistant: 《0 A.D.》就如同许多即时战略游戏,包含了建设基地、训练军队、战斗和研发科技等要素。 User: Many prisons in California and around the country are forced to turn old gymnasiums and classrooms into huge bunkhouses for inmates. Assistant: 许多加州和其他地方的监狱不得不将旧体育馆或教室改造成大型的牢房。 User: Recently, alternatives to such undesirable sustainable fuels are being sought, such as commercially viable sources of cellulosic ethanol. Assistant: 最近,人们陆续发现了一些能够取代这些名声不太好的可持续燃料的能源,如可用于商业用途的纤维素乙醇。 User: Maybe he was wanted that way by his director. Assistant: 不过他这种行为很得当时人们称许。 User: Over 90% of the structures on the island were damaged or destroyed, including the hospital, airport, most government facilities, and the water, power and communications systems. Assistant: 岛上到处都有树木被狂风刮倒,超过90%的建筑物不是被毁就是严重受损,其中包括医院、机场、大部分政府设施,供水、供电以及通讯系统。 User: The Flemish Movement's right wing is dominated by radical right-wing organizations such as Vlaams Belang, Voorpost, Nationalistische Studentenvereniging (Nationalist Students Union), and several others. Assistant: 佛兰德强硬派运动由激进右翼组织弗拉芒利益党,民族主义学生联盟(Nationalistische Studentenvereniging)和其他几个政党领导。 User: The above formula only applies for GFR calculation when it is equal to the Clearance Rate. Assistant: 上述公式只适用于GFR等于“清除率”时之计算。 User: But the official Ming Dynasty history omits the number of casualties, which has been frequently either doubted or discounted by present-day researchers. Assistant: 但明朝官方的历史忽略了伤亡数字,这已经不断的被现在的研究人员怀疑或是不采信。 User: While surgery should be used as little as possible, it is necessary to address some abscesses, certain bowel obstructions, and cancers. Assistant: 虽然手术并非必要的治疗方式,但适用于脓疡、某些情况下的肠阻塞以及癌症。 User: This rimmed version of the .45 ACP allowed both versions of the Model 1917 revolver to fire reliably without the clips. Assistant: 这个.45 ACP的带凸缘版本可让两种版本的M1917左轮手枪可在不需要夹以下可靠地射击。 User: Apparently she's being withheld by some unidentified group of people. Assistant: 忽然,他们发现一男子正被一群身份不明的类人外星人追杀。 User: Sales of the Am5x86 were an important source of revenue for AMD at a time when lengthy delays in bringing the AMD K5 to production were threatening the company's profitability. Assistant: 当K5的开发进度落后时,销售Am5x86成为AMD重要的收入来源 考验著该公司的盈利能力。 User: Commerce One, Inc. supported its SOX schema language until declaring bankruptcy in late 2004. Assistant: Commerce One, Inc支援它自己的SOX schema 语言直到该公司于2004年末破产。 User: Citing Fritz Fischer, he argued that the foreign policy of the Third Reich was the same as those of the Weimar Republic and the Second Reich. Assistant: 他又引德国史家弗里茨·费歇尔的论点,指出第三帝国的外交政策实际上与魏玛共和国和第二帝国无异。 User: Catecholamines have a half-life of a few minutes when circulating in the blood. Assistant: 胰岛素在血液中的半衰期只有几分钟。 User: For Nederlandse Spoorwegen 120 of these locomotives were built, numbered 6401-6520. Assistant: 荷兰铁路共订购了120台这一型号的机车,并被编号为6401号至6520号。 User: The last monarch to remove the prime minister was William IV, who dismissed Lord Melbourne in 1834. Assistant: 上一位罢免首相的君主要追溯至威廉四世,他于1834年罢免了墨尔本子爵。 User: Most evangelical churches and ministries have statements of doctrine that explicitly say that the Bible, composed of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament, is the sole rule for faith and practice. Assistant: 大多数福音教会和机构都有教义去声明,圣经是由希伯来文圣经和新约圣经组成,是信仰和实践的唯一规则。 User: According to the Quran, God communicated with man and made his will known through signs and revelations. Assistant: 根据《古兰经》,真主是透过迹象和启示与人类沟通,使他们能够领会真主的讯息。 User: Human-resources firms such as Hewitt, Mercer, Watson Wyatt Worldwide, the Hay Group; McKinsey and the Boston Consulting Group offer consulting in talent-development, and Korn/Ferry offers executive coaching. Assistant: 其他人力资源公司,诸如:Hewitt, Mercer, Watson Wyatt, Hay; McKinsey and Boston Consulting Group提供人才发展咨询服务;Korn Ferry 提供企业高级管理人员辅导项目。 User: The earliest Silicon Graphics graphical workstations were mainly terminals, but they were soon followed by stand-alone graphical Unix workstations with very fast graphics rendering hardware. Assistant: 最早的Silicon Graphics图形工作站主要是终端,但不久后又有独立的图形Unix工作站,图形渲染硬件速度非常快。 User: Since the Spanish transition to democracy, there have not been coalition governments; when a party has failed to obtain absolute majority, minority governments have been formed. Assistant: 自从西班牙向民主过渡以来,还没有联合政府出现;当一方未能获得绝对多数时,便会出现少数派政府。 User: Some candidates run because they think they can win. Assistant: 如“人们因为他们赢了而欢呼。 User: According to the Court, the constitution does not require the election date to be exactly five years after the previous elections and the election date can be shifted if the following conditions are met: Shifting of the election date does not disrupt reasonable periodicity of elections. Assistant: 法院认为宪法没有要求选举日期必须是前次选举的整整5年后,如符合以下条件,选举日期可予改动: 选举日期的改动不会打乱合理的选举周期。 User: In December 2015, Bianchi's father announced plans to create a foundation in his son's honour to uncover and nurture young drivers throughout their career. Assistant: 2015年12月,比安奇的父亲宣布以其子之名成立基金会,来挖掘及培育新生代车手。 User: The elevated platform overpass was extended to accommodate a shopping centre in 2000 with finance from the city of Darmstadt; this also allows access to the district to the west, which is the location of the seat of the European Space Operations Centre, among other things. Assistant: 跃层的延长部分在2000年由达姆施塔特市政方出资兴建了一座面向旅客的购物中心,它同样设有连接停车场和西侧城市出入口的通道,而这里也是欧洲空间局下属欧洲太空控制中心的所在地。 User: In 1973, the United States Atomic Energy Commission predicted that, by the turn of the 21st century, one thousand reactors would be producing electricity for homes and businesses across the USA. Assistant: 1973年,美国原子能委员会预测,到二十一世纪来临,一千个核反应堆将为美国的家庭和企业生产电力。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: By May 2012 however, Kalla stated that he had no intention of running in the 2014 Presidential election. Assistant: 然而到了2012年5月,卡拉表示他无意参加2014年总统选举。 User: The concept of diagramming originated in the 1797 book “Senbazuru Orikata”, the first origami book ever published. Assistant: 这种折纸步骤图表示方法的概念最早起源于1797年出版的书“Senbazuru Orikata”,这是最早的折纸书。 User: Unlike the Coleco game, Combat had color graphics and numerous gameplay variations. Assistant: 和Coleco的游戏不同,《战斗任务》采用彩色画面,带有多种游戏变种。 User: It is a cooperative law enforcement process between the two jurisdictions and depends on the arrangements made between them. Assistant: 这是两个司法管辖区之间的合作执法程序,取决于他们之间的安排。 User: In 1998, following the country's nuclear tests, the Government of Pakistan issued a commemorative stamp, as a part of "Scientists of Pakistan", to honour the services of Salam. Assistant: 在公元1998年,随着国家的核能试验,巴基斯坦政府发行纪念邮票,一部分作为“巴基斯坦的科学家”,去纪念萨拉姆。 User: Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment, is a partial or total inability to hear. Assistant: 听力缺损(英语:Hearing loss)又称听觉障碍,指听觉部分或完全丧失,而耳聋人士则是指完全没有或几乎没有听力者。 User: La Mirada. Assistant: 眼神。 User: The SunDog has shields and two weapons systems (lasers and a cannon), but both have to be controlled manually. Assistant: 阳犬号配有防护罩以及两种武器系统(激光枪与加农炮),但是两者都是由玩家人工控制的。 User: The 1929 Grand Prix season was dominated by Italian constructors. Assistant: 1929年大奖赛赛季(英语:1929 Grand Prix season)被意大利制造商所统治。 User: They also provide specific and valuable recommendations for therapeutic intervention. Assistant: 另外它们还对于介入治疗提供了具体而有价值的建议。 User: Appropriate handling of the nitrogen cycle, along with a balanced food supply and consideration of biological loading, is usually enough to keep these nutrient cycles in adequate equilibrium. Assistant: 洽当地掌握氮循环,适量地给予均衡的食物,并且注意生物负荷,通常已经足够维持其他营养循环的平衡。 User: Soon after its formation, the movement began conducting armed operations against the Turkish government. Assistant: 该运动成立不久,就开始对土耳其政府进行武装行动。 User: Information Warfare. Assistant: 战争情报。 User: In 2001, the “Sunshine Finance” reform was launched. Assistant: 2001年,启动“阳光财务”改革探索。 User: A total of 55 shops are rented out. Assistant: 共有55间店铺被租用。 User: All of the German gun turrets initially allowed for elevation to 13.5 degrees, although after the battle of Jutland, they were modified to allow elevation to 16 degrees. Assistant: 所有的炮塔都可使主炮上升至13.5度的最大仰角,但在日德兰海战后,这些炮塔均被修改以容纳16度的最大仰角。 User: The area continues to be popular with residents and tourists. Assistant: 这一片区域仍然属于居民和游客之中的活跃地段。 User: However, there are drivers who practice left-foot braking. Assistant: 因此多数操作员都用左脚进行刹车。 User: Nadia Bowers is a descendant of Maximilian de Beauharnais, 3rd Duke of Leuchtenberg, of the Dukes of Leuchtenberg, and of Napoleon's first wife, Joséphine de Beauharnais (though she is not a descendant of Napoleon himself). Assistant: 纳迪亚是马西米兰·博瓦尔内,第三代洛伊希滕贝公爵(英语:Maximilian de Beauharnais, 3rd Duke of Leuchtenberg)、洛伊希滕贝公爵和拿破仑第一任妻子约瑟芬·德·博阿尔内的后代,但她本人不是拿破仑的后代。 User: Human trafficking is not smuggling. Assistant: 然而硬销并非诈骗。 User: In Brazil, the most famous Italian in this period was Líbero Badaró. Assistant: 这一时期,最优秀的诗人鲍照是涟水人。 User: The most famous of these cases involved John Entick, whose home was forcibly entered by the King's Messenger Nathan Carrington, along with others, pursuant to a warrant issued by George Montagu-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax authorizing them "to make strict and diligent search for ... the author, or one concerned in the writing of several weekly very seditious papers entitled, 'The Monitor or British Freeholder, No 257, 357, 358, 360, 373, 376, 378, and 380,'" and seized printed charts, pamphlets and other materials. Assistant: 这其中最知名的一个案件是约翰·恩蒂克(英语:John Entick)提起的,内森·卡林顿(Nathan Carrington)等多名英皇信使依据由乔治·蒙泰古-邓克,第二代哈利法克斯伯爵(英语:George Montagu-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax)签发的搜查令强行闯入了他的家,这份搜查令授权他们“进行严格和努力的搜查”,寻找“非常有煸动性论文......标题为《The Monitor or British Freeholder, No 257, 357, 358, 360, 373, 376, 378, and 380》”的作者,还可以查封印刷设备,传单和其它材料。 User: The character O'Brien, the antagonist, was renamed "O'Connor", due to the shared surname of the actor Edmond O'Brien. Assistant: 反派角色奥勃良(O'Brien)则改名为奥康纳(O'Connor),因为与演员艾德蒙·奥布莱恩(Edmond O'Brien)的姓氏相同。 User: In 1791 Shelby, Charles Scott and Benjamin Logan were among those chosen by the Virginia legislature to serve on the Board of War for the district of Kentucky. Assistant: 1791年,谢尔比、查尔斯·斯科特和本杰明·洛根(Benjamin Logan)都是弗吉尼业州议会肯塔基区战争委员会成员。 User: Portugal bought in small quantities the .45 ACP version and was adopted as Pistola-metralhadora 11,43mm m/935. Assistant: 葡萄牙购买了少量的.45 ACP版本,并于采用后命名为11.43毫米m/935冲锋枪(葡萄牙语:Pistola-metralhadora 11,43mm m/935)。 User: In 1993, Tommy Seebach, who had previously represented Denmark in 1979 and 1981, finished 22nd, resulting Denmark being relegated from the contest in 1994. Assistant: 1993年,曾参加过1979年和1981年比赛的Tommy Seebach这次只排到了第22名,导致丹麦在1994年的比赛中遭到除名。 User: It was introduced in Unix System V, replaced the previously used a.out format, and formed the basis for extended specifications such as XCOFF and ECOFF, before being largely replaced by ELF, introduced with SVR4. Assistant: 它最早使用于UNIX System V上,用来取代先前的a.out格式,后来又发展出XCOFF与ECOFF。 User: The first person on the scene was local boy Ernest (Ernie) Eade. Assistant: 出生时小名厄尼(Ernie)。 User: Boys who, being mature in knowledge, Pawn their experience to their present pleasure, And so rebel judgment. Assistant: 将拥有优秀能力的大人变回无力的孩子,并将对方的知识与经验化为己物的凶恶魔导书。 User: Nagumo's force included three carriers and 30 other warships. Assistant: 南云的部队包括3艘航空母舰和30艘其他战舰。 User: Finally, he addresses critics who argue that Singer's position offers insufficient protection for animals. Assistant: 最后,考克兰提到了另外一些批评家,他们认为辛格的观点不能为动物提供足够的保护。 User: However, he adds that the Evgenii plot runs counter to the epic mode, and praises Pushkin for his "remarkable ability to synthesize diverse materials, styles and genres". Assistant: 不过,他还补充说道,有关叶甫根尼的情节与史诗模式完全相反,他赞扬了普希金“合成各式材料、风格的卓越能力”。 User: Play is therefore halted when it rains (but not usually when it drizzles) and when there is bad light. Assistant: 下雨的时候 (毛毛雨通常不影响)或光线不足时比赛暂停。 User: This results in decreased spectral coverage and resolution since frequencies of less than 1 / T {\displaystyle 1/T} are not sampled, and results at frequencies which are not an integer multiple of 1 / T {\displaystyle 1/T} are not independent. Assistant: 这导致光谱覆盖率和分辨率降低,因为不会采样小于 1/T 的频率,而 1/T 的整数倍频率的结果不是独立的。 User: As of 2014, Bollywood represents 43% of the net box office revenue in India, while Tamil and Telugu cinema represent 36%, and other regional industries constitute 21%. Assistant: 截至2014年,宝莱坞占印度票房净收入的43%,而泰卢固语和坦米尔语电影占收入36%,剩余地区占21%。 User: He uses this ability to force Dr. Bright into giving him therapy. Assistant: 事件结束后莱特博士他用的能力来烧洗澡水。 User: Drymon said, "We were showing Doug the storyboard, and he started reading back to us in his Tony the Tiger/Gregory Peck voice. Assistant: 德莱蒙说:“我们向道格展示了分镜脚本,他开始用老虎东尼/格利高里·派克的声音读给我们听。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Development of prototypes was entirely company-funded and took 12 months. Assistant: 其原型完全是由公司所资助研发,耗时12个月。 User: Also the method for using array variables was changed to using lists and matrices. Assistant: 此外,该方法用于使用数组变量改变为使用列表和矩阵。 User: The game also placed 32nd on the list of best selling DS games of 2005 in Europe, with around 15,000 copies sold. Assistant: 此游戏亦是2005年欧洲第32畅销的任天堂DS游戏,共售出了约15,000套游戏。 User: As the crowd dispersed to attend classes by 1 p.m., another rally was planned for May 4 to continue the protest of the expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia. Assistant: 在下午1时之前,当人群开始分散,准备去上课时,人们开始筹划在5月4日举行另一次集会活动,抗议尼克松政府扩大越南战争,入侵柬埔寨。 User: To provide the necessary connection between Virginia City and the California Trail, Charles W. Fuller built a log toll bridge across the Truckee River in 1859. Assistant: 为了将维吉尼亚城与通往加利福尼亚州的小道相连接,查理斯·富勒(Charles Fuller)于1859年在特拉基河上建起了一条收费木桥作连结之用。 User: The verdicts were handed down on June 4 and the sentences on July 5: all were found guilty and 17 were sentenced to death. Assistant: 6月4日,陪审团正式裁定,7月5日,正式宣布判决,全数有罪,共17人判处死刑。 User: A second option is to connect the appliance inline, so that network activity along a network route traverses the appliance (similar in configuration to a network tap, but the information is captured and stored by the packet capture appliance rather than passing on to another device). Assistant: 第二种选择是内联连接设备,使得沿着网络路由的网络活动穿过设备(在配置上类似于网络分路器,但信息由分组捕获设备捕获和存储,而不是传递到另一个设备) 。 User: At the end of 1905, he left the academy and put "Artist" on his business card. Assistant: 在1905年底,他离开学院,并将“艺术家”的头衔放在了他的名片上。 User: In 2007, anticipating the coming "Year of the Pig" in the Chinese calendar, depictions of pigs were banned from CCTV "to avoid conflicts with ethnic minorities". Assistant: 2007年,在农历猪年即将到来之际,对猪的描绘被CCTV禁止“以避免与少数民族的冲突”。 User: His mother, Gertrude, threw him out of the house when he was a child for refusing to work on the farm. Assistant: 而他的母亲格特鲁德(Gertrude)在他还是孩子的时候把他赶出了家门,理由是他拒绝干农活。 User: Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad described the Malaysiakini staff as "traitors" and suggested that the paper was funded by financier George Soros, whose currency speculation the Prime Minister blamed for the 1997 Asian financial crisis that had devastated Malaysia's economy. Assistant: 马来西亚首相马哈迪·莫哈末将《当今大马》的员工称为“叛徒”,并声称该网站是在1997年的亚洲金融风暴中打压马币的乔治·索罗斯资助的。 User: There are differences of opinion as to whether, and if so to what extent, parents should appear naked in front of their children. Assistant: 关于父母应否裸体出现在他们孩子面前,若是,可以到何种程度,存在着分歧的意见。 User: There are many diseases where failure to adequately absorb iron contributes to iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia. Assistant: 在许多疾病中,患者无法充分吸收铁,将引起缺铁和缺铁性贫血。 User: Since 1958, he has worked on 70 feature films, 18 films made for television, and 340 hours of television drama. Assistant: 自1958年起,他参加了70部电影,18部电视电影,340小时电视剧的制作。 User: IC Manage Views – In May 2012, the company announced its IC Manage Views workspace acceleration software, a version aware file system which presents complete virtual workspace views, and transfers data on demand to a local file cache. Assistant: IC Manage Views –2012年五月,公司公布IC Manage Views 工作环境加速软件,一套可以呈现完整的虚儗工作环境窗口,并将按需提供之数据传送到本地档案暂存区的的一套版本识别文件系统。 User: In contrast to IEC 61131-3, an IEC 61499 interface contains event inputs and outputs in addition to data inputs and outputs. Assistant: 不同于IEC 61131-3,IEC 61499的界面在数据变量输入与输出之外,包含了事件输入与输出。 User: The former Dutch party Naastenliefde, Vrijheid en Diversiteit would have passed legislation to make public nudity legal everywhere, provided that a towel is used when sitting on a public bench. Assistant: 荷兰政党“和睦爱情、自由与多样性党”(Naastenliefde, Vrijheid en Diversiteit)提案立法,使得在每个地方公开裸体成为合法,只要求人们准备一条毛巾,当他们打算坐在公众使用的座椅时,先铺在上面。 User: The Jon C. Long Fly Quiet Program was started by the Aircraft Noise Abatement Office to encourage airlines to operate as quietly as possible at SFO. Assistant: 航机噪音递减处实施Jon C. Long的宁静飞行计划,以鼓励航空公司在旧金山机场采用最宁静的方法。 User: What was once called Cardiff is all gone. Assistant: 所谓曼德勒会战已经彻底成了泡影。 User: On 26 March 2015, he joined Championship club Nottingham Forest on loan till 31 May 2015. Assistant: 2015年3月26日,租借至英格兰冠军联赛球队诺定咸森林至5月31日。 User: Unfortunately, some implementations had a substantial overhead in both space and time (especially SUBSCRIPTRANGE), so many programmers tried to avoid using conditions. Assistant: 不过因为有些条件处理的实现会增加许多程式码及执行时间(特别SUBSCRIPTRANGE),所以许多程式设计者会尽量不使用条件处理。 User: After the fall of the major West African empires, various kingdoms existed in what is now Guinea. Assistant: 在西非几大帝国之后,今几内亚地区出现众多王国。 User: While MFT arose primarily in the field of statistical mechanics, it has more recently been applied elsewhere, for example in inference, graphical models theory, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. Assistant: MFT虽然最初产生于统计力学中,但近年已被广泛应用于其他领域,如推理、图模型理论、神经科学、人工智能等。 User: American president John F. Kennedy used the phrase in 1963: "Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was 'civis Romanus sum'. Assistant: 美国总统约翰·肯尼迪在1963年使用了这一短语:“两千年前,最自豪的是‘civis romanus sum’。 User: That park is still there. Assistant: 该公园目前仍存在。 User: They only know that it is a promotion to go from being a minister to being Pushe , and they do not know that it is also a promotion to go from the ministry of public works to the ministry of civil service affairs. Assistant: 他们只知道把尚书提拔为仆射是升官,不知道从工部调到吏部也是升官。 User: As a member of the Cabinet and senior member of the economic team, he advised the President on a broad range of domestic and international policies. Assistant: 作为内阁和经济团队的资深成员,他就一系列广泛的国内和国际政策建议总统。 User: In 1992 Ihor Pavlyuk graduated from the Department of Journalism at Lviv University and worked as the correspondent of religious press and radio in Lviv. Assistant: 1992年伊戈尔·巴甫留科从利沃夫大学新闻系毕业,于是在利沃夫宗教新闻工作与电台的记者。 User: Soviet's Sphere. Assistant: 苏联间谍问题。 User: Women who smoked were considered vulnerable to premature aging and loss of physical attractiveness—unsuitable to be wives and mothers in a German family. Assistant: 吸烟的女性除被认为会提早老化而丧失其身体的吸引力,也被认定不适合在德国家庭中担任妻子与母亲之职。 User: More formally, a non-zero number can be used for two purposes: to describe the size of a set, or to describe the position of an element in a sequence. Assistant: 更正式地,一个非零的数可以用于两个目的:描述一个集合的大小,或描述一个元素在序列中位置。 User: On July 6, 2015, Price was named to the 2015 All-Star Game, his fifth such honor. Assistant: 2015年7月6日,被提名进入明星赛,生涯第五次。 User: Among pre-Song coins, the northern states tended to prefer copper coins. Assistant: 宋朝之前的硬币中,北部各国更喜欢使用铜铸币。 User: In 2012, Nichols acted as President of the Jury of the 7th Rome Film Festival. Assistant: 2012年他还担任第七届罗马电影节评审团主席。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: He also observed that the only GRB with a similar temporal profile was GRB 980326, for which a supernova relation had already been proposed by Joshua Bloom. Assistant: 他同时观测到只有GRB 980326这一伽玛射线暴与本次的衰减规律类似,而乔舒亚·布卢姆已提出那个伽玛射线暴与超新星有关。 User: He was imprisoned by the Communist government from 1966 to 1967. Assistant: 1966年至1967年他被共产党政府监禁。 User: Casting for the pilot began in early 2013, with Brent Morin and Rick Glassman being cast in February and Bianca Kajlich and Chris D'Elia being cast in March. Assistant: 选角从2013年开始,二月时选出了 Brent Morin 以及 Rick Glassman 而三月时选出了 Bianca Kajlich 及 Chris D'Elia 。 User: After three days of waiting, the captain presumed Nieuhof and his company to be murdered and sailed onwards towards Mauritius. Assistant: 在等待了三天未果之后,船长认定纽霍夫和他的同伴被杀害了,于是向毛里求斯方向接着航行。 User: From 25 July 2011 Belarusian flag carrier, Belavia, started serving flights from Gomel to Kaliningrad during summer seasons once again. Assistant: 自2011年7月25日起,载旗国营航空白俄罗斯航空会重新提供戈梅利至加里宁格勒的航线服务。 User: This understanding of the meaning of "due process" opened up the possibility that the Bill of Rights could be applied to the states. Assistant: 对“正当程序”的这一理解让权利法案应用到各州成为可能。 User: It moved across Florida on May 25, and on May 27 it dissipated off the coast of Virginia. Assistant: 5月25日,阿尔玛穿越佛罗里达州,最终于5月27日在弗吉尼亚州近海消散。 User: She was the 2007 Conference USA individual champion, Player of the Year and the UTEP Female Athlete of the Year. Assistant: 她曾是2007年USA联盟(英语:Conference USA)个人冠军,年度球手及UTEP年度女性运动员。 User: In 1956, the first UN peacekeeping force was established to end the Suez Crisis; however, the UN was unable to intervene against the USSR's simultaneous invasion of Hungary following that country's revolution. Assistant: 1956年,联合国第一支维和部队建立起来以应对第二次中东战争;然而,对于同时苏联在1956年革命后对匈牙利的入侵却无能为力。 User: Political pressure in early 1964–which some sources claim was from Khrushchev while other sources claim was from other Communist Party officials—pushed him to modify his four remaining Vostoks to beat the Americans to new space firsts in the size of flight crews, and the duration of missions. Assistant: 在1964年早期的政治压力中,一些发起者的要求来自于赫鲁晓夫,另一些来自于共产党官员,施加压力让科罗廖夫改造剩余的四个沃斯托克号,在新太空的飞行员规模上以及飞行时间上打败美国。 User: Another report outlined the belief that opposition to DDT is misplaced and that the ban on DDT has resulted in the deaths of millions of children, mostly in poor nations. Assistant: 斯托塞尔还曾经表示反对滴滴涕是错误的,以及指出禁用滴滴涕使得数百万儿童死亡,而死亡的儿童主要来自贫穷国家。 User: Baum was also self-contradictory on which side of Oz Ev was on. Assistant: 同时,禅济布亦反被景考祥参种种劣迹。 User: Because of a differing place of articulation, this still contrasted with /z̺/ in the prestige dialect of north central Spain, though it was a complete merger for southern dialects. Assistant: 由于发音部位不同,在中北部方言中它们依然没有与/z̺/音统一,但在南部方言中,它们已经没有任何区别。 User: There is a criticism session every week, in which the prison officials criticize prisoners in front of a large group of prisoners. Assistant: 每周都会举行小组内的自我批评,狱卒在大庭广众前批判囚犯。 User: The distinction between a description and a name has sometimes caused confusion. Assistant: 描述和名称之间的区别有时会令人混淆。 User: Material provided by FBIS was disseminated to over 700 recipients in not only in the U.S. Intelligence Community, but also a large number of government, diplomatic and military organizations. Assistant: FBIS提供的材料提供给超过700个单位,其中不仅包括情报界人士,也包括大量的政府、外交和军事组织。 User: I tried to hide my surprise. Assistant: 因此,我想在此表明我的隐退之意。 User: Upon Halil's death however, he resumed his former title. Assistant: 在哈利尔去世后,他恢复了他哥哥以前的称号。 User: There is a huge liparite in the front of the square. Assistant: 入口处的前面有一个大广场。 User: While the design of cannon of this caliber would ordinarily be handled by Watervliet Arsenal, it was decided that Springfield Armory would take responsibility due to their previous development experience with smaller caliber rotary cannon such the 20mm T171. Assistant: 虽然这种口径的火炮的设计通常是由沃特弗利特兵工厂(Watervliet Arsenal)所处理,由于春田兵工厂以前研发出20毫米口径(英语:20 mm caliber)的T171等小口径转管机炮的经验,他俩承担了研发的责任。 User: The backbone area is responsible for distributing routing information between nonbackbone areas. Assistant: 骨干区域的功能是在不同的非骨干区域之间分发路由信息。 User: After the Invasion of Poland, the Soviet Union sent ultimatums to the Baltic countries, where it demanded military bases on their soil. Assistant: 在完成对波兰的侵略后,苏联对波罗的海三小国发出最后通牒,要求交出其军事基地。 User: Pioneer 9 operated for a particularly long time, transmitting data until May 1983. Assistant: 先锋9号运转的时间特别长,直到1983年5月还在传送资料。 User: The anthropological concept of "culture" reflects in part a reaction against earlier Western discourses based on an opposition between "culture" and "nature", according to which some human beings lived in a "state of nature". Assistant: 人类学的“文化”概念,有一部分反映对于西方早先所抱持的文化与自然相对立的这个论述,提出一个回应;依据这个论述,某些人群生活在一个“自然状态”。 User: Higher-speed circuits are formed by successively aggregating multiples of slower circuits, their speed always being immediately apparent from their designation. Assistant: 更高速率的电路由多个低级速率的电路的连续汇聚构成,他们的速度总是可以从他们的名称上立即知道。 User: The skull is long, deep and narrow, an adaptation for strong jaw muscles. Assistant: 楔齿龙科的头骨是长、深、狭窄的,是强壮下颌肌肉的适应结果。 User: Most live in the areas of the Balkan range, Mount Rila and northeastern Bulgaria. Assistant: 大多数生活在巴尔干山脉、里拉山脉和保加利亚东北部。 User: Due process and the rule of law have been denied. Assistant: 可使用溶解法和蒸馏法制得。 User: Additionally, the main urban centers located on the defense line (such as Yelnya, Dukhovshchina and Spas-Demensk) were reinforced and fortified, preparing them for a potentially long fight. Assistant: 此外位于防线的主要中心城市(如叶利尼亚、杜霍夫希纳和斯帕斯-杰缅斯克),得到了增援和要塞化,以准备进行一场长期战斗。 User: Of those arrested, 56 were Costa Rican nationals and 18 foreign nationals". Assistant: 这其中有56名哥斯达黎加公民和18名外国人。 User: 1.^ Kickoff time in Central European Time/Central European Summer Time. Assistant: 1.^ 时间为欧洲中部时间/欧洲中部夏令时间。 User: We first take the anchor day for the century. Assistant: 《帝王世纪》以中世纪为背景。 User: During the year-long construction work, the building was fully renovated inside and out. Assistant: 在为期一年的施工期间,这座建筑的内外完全翻修。 User: Cyrix merged with National Semiconductor on 11 November 1997. Assistant: Cyrix在1997年11月11日与国家半导体合并。 User: It can also be run by individual users on their own mailbox and integrates with several mail programs. Assistant: 它也可以运行个人用户在自己的邮箱,被整合一些邮件程序。 User: Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Schubert were transitional composers, leading into the Romantic period, with their expansion of existing genres, forms, and even functions of music. Assistant: 路德维希·范·贝多芬及弗朗茨·舒伯特是过渡性作曲家,他们扩展了时下的流派、形式、甚至是音乐的功能,将音乐引领到浪漫时期。 User: For season 1, Garcia was not a main cast member but rather had a recurring role, although she appeared in most episodes. Assistant: 在第一季里,Garcia虽然反复出现,但是并不在主要角色名单里;第二季,她成为了主角之一。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Transmission of these artifacts is a vital part of the folklore process. Assistant: 民俗的传播是形成民俗的重要因素。 User: At the hearing, Takaesu stated that Brown had arranged with the Camp Courtney officers' club manager to have sex with V. N., but that V. N. resisted Brown's advances after driving him to the secluded road off base. Assistant: 高江洲岁满在法庭上称,是考特尼营军官俱乐部的经理安排布朗同原告发生性关系,但V. N.在驾车带被告抵达基地外的僻静道路时拒绝对方的接触。 User: His successor Max "Kid Twist" Zwerbach was murdered in 1908 by members of the Five Points Gang, and the Eastman crew began to crumble. Assistant: 他的继任人Max "Kid Twist" Zwerbach(英语:Max Zwerbach)在1908年被五点帮的成员谋杀,伊士曼的帮派成员也开始崩溃。 User: Levels of carbohydrates remaining high, the body develops insulin resistance (causing diabetes). Assistant: 碳水化合物水平仍然很高,身体会产生胰岛素抵抗并会引起糖尿病。 User: It is based on the civil law system, with major modifications and additions from Marxist-Leninist ideology. Assistant: 它基于欧陆法系,并主要根据马列主义的思想进行修改和补充。 User: Main production began in mid-1913. Assistant: 主要制作过程开始于1913年中旬。 User: A farm may be owned and operated by a single individual, family, community, corporation or a company, may produce one or many types of produce, and can be a holding of any size from a fraction of a hectare to several thousand hectares. Assistant: 农场可以作为一个企业,由个人、家庭或社群所有和经营,或由联合体、公司所有和经营,农场的规模可以从数亩到成百上千公顷不等,在美洲,一个农场的规模大的可以大到几万公顷或几十万公顷。 User: Although she did not like school, she has stated that her controlling nature meant that "I made sure I got all As". Assistant: 虽然不喜欢上学,但她表示她自己“天性有掌控欲,要保证自己必须每门课都拿到A”。 User: New kingdoms and towns flourished, and travel by ship acted as a critical means of commerce and communication. Assistant: 新的城镇开始繁荣,乘船成为贸易与交流的关键手段。 User: It also had five short uncategorized hills. Assistant: 珍贵稀有植物则有5种。 User: Although his father and grandfather were both Presbyterian ministers, Hutchins became one of the most influential members of the school of secular perennialism. Assistant: 尽管他的父亲与祖父皆是长老会牧师,哈钦斯仍成为非宗教性永恒主义中最具影响力的学校人物之一。 User: He then went to Budapest to attend the commemorative celebrations of the centenary of the death of the poet Sándor Petőfi. Assistant: 随后,他前往布达佩斯出席诗人裴多菲·山多尔逝世一百周年的纪念活动。 User: He has also spoken at events for Adweek, VidCon, MIPTV Media Market, the Edinburgh International Television Festival, and for Novo Nordisk as a diabetes educator. Assistant: 他同时亦在VidCon(英语:VidCon)、MIPTV Media Market(英语:MIPTV Media Market)和爱丁堡国际电视节上讲授,以及为诺和诺德担任糖尿病讲师。 User: Coached by Charley Moran, the team was undefeated in four games in the 1918 season, which was shortened by an outbreak of the Spanish flu. Assistant: 在查理·莫兰的指导下,球队在1918年赛季取得4连胜,但由于西班牙流感爆发,这一赛季被迫缩短。 User: The resulting transverse velocity is: Vt = μ • 4.74 d (pc) = 16.9 km. where d(pc) is the distance in parsecs. Assistant: 最终横向速度为: Vt = μ·4.74 d (pc) = 16.9 km. 其中d(pc)为距离,单位为秒差距。 User: In late 2009, the Argentine Congress considered two proposals, sponsored by Silvia Augsburger (Socialist Party) and Vilma Ibarra (Nuevo Encuentro), to change Article 172 of the Civil Code. Assistant: 2009年后期,阿根廷国会考虑了两个由Silvia Augsburger和Vilma Ibarra支持的提案,提案要求修改民法典的第172条。 User: One of his songs was selected by Neil Young for a compilation of anti-war songs. Assistant: 他的一首歌曲被尼尔·杨选中,并编入反战歌曲集。 User: Because language emerged in the early prehistory of man, before the existence of any written records, its early development has left no historical traces, and it is believed that no comparable processes can be observed today. Assistant: 他说: 由于语言的起源处于人类史前时代的早期,当时并没有任何形式的书面记载,因而其发展过程未能留下直接的历史遗迹,同时如今也没有发现可与之相比较的发展过程。 User: Risk factors for infection include: burns of more than 30% TBSA, full-thickness burns, extremes of age (young or old), or burns involving the legs or perineum. Assistant: 感染的危险因素包括灼伤总体表面积在30%以上、全层皮肤灼伤、极端年龄(年轻人或老人)、或灼伤累及腿部或会阴部。 User: He said that this was done in order to set an example and deter people from climbing the building, which is dangerous. Assistant: 他表示此举是为了制止人们攀登这幢大楼,因为它不安全。 User: TMT bus serves the entire Thane City. Assistant: 非夏尔的公共巴士在整个非夏尔市皆设服务。 User: Billington is the author of Mikhailovsky and Russian Populism (1956), The Icon and the Axe (1966), Fire in the Minds of Men (1980), Russia Transformed: Breakthrough to Hope, August 1991 (1992) and The Face of Russia (1998), a companion book to the three-part television series of the same name, which he wrote and narrated for the Public Broadcasting Service, and Russia in Search of Itself (2004). Assistant: 贝灵顿的主要著作有《米海伊洛夫斯基于俄罗斯民粹派》(1956年)、《圣像与斧头》(1966年)、《男人心中的怒火》(1980年)、《俄罗斯转型:希望的突破,1991年8月》(1992年)和《俄罗斯面面观》(1998年)(他撰写并配音的三集同名电视系列在公共电视网播出)。 User: Il mare della tranquillità. Assistant: 自是,边境安宁。 User: Vittorio Arrigoni (Italian pronunciation: ; 4 February 1975 – 15 April 2011) was an Italian reporter, writer, pacifist and activist. Assistant: 维多里欧·艾里格尼(意大利语:Vittorio Arrigoni,1975年2月4日-2011年4月15日)是意大利的记者、作家、人权运动家。 User: In fact, lawyers are four times more likely to suffer from depression than the general public. Assistant: 糖尿病患者被认为比一般人群发病的可能性高出四倍。 User: The research also located a possible origin of modern human migration in south-western Africa, near the coastal border of Namibia and Angola. Assistant: 这项研究也定位了非洲西南部现代人类迁移的源头,接近纳米比亚和安哥拉海岸。 User: Chinese researchers used the Deep Impact mission as an opportunity to highlight the efficiency of American science because public support ensured the possibility of funding long-term research. Assistant: 中国的研究人员以“深度撞击”任务为例,强调美国科学的高效率,以赢得公众的支持,从而保证获得长期研究资金的可能性。 User: Friedman grew up as an aspiring artist and earned pocket money as a young man from the sale of his sketches. Assistant: 弗里德曼的抱负是作为一位艺术家,在年轻的时候,就以贩售他的素描赚取零用钱。 User: In March 2015, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan said that more than 170,000 Biharis had been repatriated to Pakistan and the remaining 'stranded Pakistanis' are not its responsibility but rather the responsibility of Bangladesh. Assistant: 2015年3月,巴基斯坦外交部表示,已有超过170,000名比哈尔人被遣返回巴基斯坦,剩下的“搁浅的巴基斯坦人”不是其责任,而是孟加拉国的责任。 User: In the Ottoman Empire, Mamluks were freed slaves who converted to Islam, were trained in a special school, and then assigned to military and administrative duties. Assistant: 在奥斯曼帝国境内的“马穆鲁克”主要为获得了解放的奴隶,他们皈依伊斯兰教,就读于专门的学校,毕业后进入军事或政治领域。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Due to the poor communication between Greenland and Norway, it was assumed that he had died and a new bishop (Jón Skalli) was ordained in 1343. Assistant: 期间曾由于格陵兰同挪威之间通信不畅,挪威方面误以为阿尼已经去世并于1343年任命约恩·斯卡利(Jón Skalli)为新主教。 User: Jeff Hornacek was hired during the off-season as head coach of the Phoenix Suns. Assistant: 休赛期期间杰夫·霍纳塞克的被聘用菲尼克斯太阳队的主教练。 User: The reverse applies to the MPS; the more serious cases are disposed of through the judiciary, while the courts are often bypassed in less serious cases. Assistant: MPS则相反;严重的罪状需要经过司法审判,而程度较轻的犯罪则可以省去法院程序。 User: Later that month, Edinburgh took part in Operation Substance, arriving in Malta on 24 July. Assistant: 该月晚些时候,爱丁堡号参加了向马耳他输送物资的物质行动(Operation Substance),于7月24日到达马耳他。 User: His best known work is the 1985 novel Thozhar. Assistant: 其最著名的作品是1985年的历史小说《塞古》(Segu)。 User: And in the following auction they bid less than 5 ¢/kWh. Assistant: 成本低,售价不到新台币5元。 User: Each method is limited to ten votes per user. Assistant: 每位用户以每种方式仅限为每位队员投出十票。 User: In each Landau level the cyclotron and Zeeman energies and the number of electron states (eB/h) all increase linearly with increasing magnetic field. Assistant: 每一朗道能级内的共振能量、塞曼能量和电子态的数量(eB/h)都会随磁场的增大而增大。 User: Hibs first played at the present site of Easter Road in 1893. Assistant: 喜伯年早于1893年首次在复活节路球场现址进行赛事。 User: Choose Abstraction! Assistant: 选择无极限! User: Hidalgo’s work in Economic Complexity has been covered by important media outlets like The New York Times, The Economist, and The Financial Times. Assistant: 伊达尔戈关于经济复杂性的一系列工作被媒体广泛报道和关注,包括《纽约时报》、《经济学人》、《金融时报》。 User: Comic Book Guy finds out that his competitor Milo (the owner of Coolsville) is now married to his girlfriend, Strawberry. Assistant: 另外漫画男发现他对手米洛(Coolsville老板)现在娶他女友草莓。 User: On September 7, 2006, both satellites were numbered and admitted into the official minor planet catalogue as (136108) 2003 EL61 I and II, respectively. Assistant: 2006年9月7日,两颗卫星都获得了小行星编号,并分别录入微型小行星目录,编号为(136108) 2003 EL61 I和(136108) 2003 EL61 II。 User: He was one of the first in psychology to incorporate rigorous mathematical models in his theories and to use computer simulations of these models for experimentation. Assistant: 他是最早在心理学中将理论上的严格的数学模型与实验模型中的使用计算机模拟结合起来的人之一。 User: Millwall had a population of 23,084 in 2011. Assistant: 2011年,米尔沃尔有人口23,084人。 User: Two tribe members dressed as tourists come down the aisle to ask the tribe why they have such long hair. Assistant: 两个游客打扮成游客,问其他部落成员为什么他们有“长发”。 User: One advantage of die-to-die is that each component die can be tested first, so that one bad die does not ruin an entire stack. Assistant: die-on-die的一大优势是可以先测试每个组件模具,如此一来即便是不佳的die也不会破坏整个stack。 User: Ever since early childhood, Puusepp dreamed of becoming a pilot. Assistant: 从童年开始,普赛普就梦想成为一名飞行员。 User: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) dispatched 20 transportation, public works and health experts to the region. Assistant: 联邦紧急事务管理局向夏威夷派出20名交通、公共工程和卫生领域专家。 User: The first roadable fixedwing aircraft actually to fly was built by Waldo Waterman. Assistant: 第一架真正的飞天车由沃尔多·沃特曼(Waldo Waterman)所建。 User: The architect Professor Otto Gruber and the building engineer Professor Richard Stumpf prepared a report in 1945 about the structural integrity of the building. Assistant: 建筑师奥托·格鲁伯(德语:Otto Gruber)和工程师理查德·斯图姆普夫(德语:Richard Stumpf)于1945年就建筑物的结构稳定性发表了一份鉴定报告。 User: During his studies he first read Keynes' The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, published in 1936. Assistant: 在大学期间,开始研读于1936年出版的《就业、利息与货币的一般理论》。 User: A boldfaced type is called poluzhirniy shrift ("semi-bold type"), because there existed fully boldfaced shapes that have been out of use since the beginning of the 20th century. Assistant: 粗体字形被称作polužirnyj šrift(半粗体),因为已有的完全粗体字形在20世纪初已不再使用。 User: These have a relative administrative and financial autonomy, to accomplish a defined mission. Assistant: 这些机构有相对的行政和财政自主权,以完成已被明确的任务。 User: His son, Liam T. Cosgrave, was also an Irish politician. Assistant: 利亚姆的儿子Liam T. Cosgrave也是一个爱尔兰政治家。 User: The carbody design was completely standardised, by default providing a space for the mounting of a flip-disc display above the windshield, which is covered by a non-structural hood in freight versions. Assistant: 车体为完全标准化设计,默认情况下会提供在挡风玻璃上方安装信息显示屏的空间,在货运版本由非结构性的车罩所覆盖。 User: Sundberg considered Just Cause to be the 'DNA' and 'center point of the studio', since it was the first game they developed. Assistant: 桑德伯格称之为“工作室的核心”,因为这是他们开发的首款游戏。 User: This means he has final veto power on the core functionality. Assistant: 这说明他对核心功能有最终否决权。 User: With Morgan's scene taking place 22 years before the series, he expected to be replaced by an older actor for subsequent episodes, and was surprised when he was later asked to reprise the role. Assistant: 由于摩根的戏段发生在主要剧情22年前,因此他预计之后的剧集中会由另一位较年长的演员取代自己,结果剧组还是请他继续出演,这让他深感意外。 User: The planet parameters are given for the 0.71 M☉ component B (Muterspaugh et al. 2010). Assistant: 行星的各项参数是来自质量为0.71倍太阳质量的伴星(Muterspaugh et al. 2010)。 User: For several times at the Mozarteum International Summer Academy in Salzburg, she studied piano with the American pianist, Prof. Leon Fleisher. Assistant: 旅奥期间,林秋孜多次于萨尔兹堡国际音乐夏令营,跟随美国传奇钢琴教父Prof.Leon Fleisher研习琴艺。 User: Frisch was one of the founders of economics as a modern science. Assistant: 弗里施是现代经济学的奠基人之一。 User: It was started by Vic Holtreman and originally had its headquarters in Ogden, Utah. Assistant: 该网站由维克·霍特曼(Vic Holtreman)创办,最初总部设在美国犹他州奥格登。 User: The scene is also included in the final "Heroes" trailer of the film. Assistant: 这个场景也出现在电影的最终“英雄”预告片中。 User: The program began in 2002 and restored the original name—"Grauman's Chinese Theatre"—to the cinema palace. Assistant: 该方案于2002年正式动工,恢复了原名“格劳曼中国剧院”。 User: A single shot could kill over 50 waterfowl resting on the water's surface. Assistant: 平底船枪一发射击能几杀50多只在水面上休息的水禽。 User: Water pipes were never installed until after Sibelius' death because he did not want the distraction while he was there composing. Assistant: 在西贝柳斯逝世之前,从未安装水管,因为他不想在作曲时分心。 User: This model of the HARM will be integrated onto the F/A-18C/D, F/A-18E/F, EA-18G, and Tornado ECR aircraft, and later on the F-35. Assistant: 整合 AARGM 系统的机种包括:F/A-18C/D、F/A-18E/F、EA-18G、龙卷风 ECR和F-35。 User: This work was completed by July 2007 with the demolition and removal of the antenna arrays, leaving the buildings, fences and utility infrastructure at each site intact. Assistant: 2007年7月,工作完成,天线阵列被拆除,两处的建筑,围栏,和基础设施原封不动。 User: The USN Journal (Update Sequence Number Journal), or Change Journal, is a feature of NTFS which maintains a record of changes made to the volume. Assistant: USN日志(USN Journal)是NTFS的一个特性,全称Update Sequence Number Journal(更新序列号码日志),或称更改日志(Change Journal),它维护一个对卷(英语:Volume (computing))已做更改的记录。 User: After Madhuramma heard about the demise of her son, she burst into tears, and her first words were: "I thought you would wipe away the tears from the eyes of several mothers by staying away from us. Assistant: 马都拉玛听说她的儿子死亡后,流下了眼泪,她的第一句话是:“我本以为你(基申吉)远离我们会抹去母亲的眼泪。 User: This cyclin binds both Cdk1 and Cdk2 kinases, which give two distinct kinase activities, one appearing in S phase, the other in G2, and thus regulate separate functions in cell cycle. Assistant: 该周期蛋白与Cdk1和Cdk2两种激酶相结合,但这两种激酶活性完全不相同,前者激酶活性表现于G2期,而后者激酶活性表现于S期,因此在细胞周期中调控了不同的功能。 User: Another design, racetrack memory, encodes information in the direction of magnetization between domain walls of a ferromagnetic wire. Assistant: 另一种设计是赛道内存(Racetrack memory),在铁磁线的畴壁之间的磁化方向编码信息。 User: From 2003 through 2005 Novell released many products across its portfolio, with the intention of arresting falling market share and to move away from dependencies on other Novell products, but the launches were not as successful as Novell had hoped. Assistant: 2003年至2005年Novell发表一个横越其业务量的转折产品,目的为阻止市场份额的下跌以及离开其他附属Novell的产品,但开始并不如Novell预期那么成功。 User: This plan began on his 36th birthday, 31 December 1986, and lasted until his 49th birthday, 31 December 1999. Assistant: 这件作品从他36岁生日(1986年12月31日)开始,到1999年12月31日结束。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The western part of the Black Sea region, especially the Zonguldak area, is a center of coal mining and heavy industry. Assistant: 黑海地区西部(尤其是宗古尔达克地区)是煤炭开采业和重工业的中心。 User: Liara is then able to pinpoint the Conduit's location back on the Normandy: a Prothean world known as Ilos. Assistant: 莉亚娜在后方的诺曼底号上确认了圣途的位置:一个名为埃洛斯(Ilos)的普洛仙星球。 User: Rather than give up on the idea of an orbiting UV telescope, they instead sent their plans to NASA administrator Leo Goldberg, and in 1973 the plans were approved. Assistant: 他们并未放弃这个紫外线卫星的构想,因此将这项计划送交美国 NASA 的相关主管利奥·戈德堡,并于1973年被批准。 User: One reviewer, in 1892, wrote: "The world will not rest satisfied till every scrap of her writings, letters as well as literature, has been published". Assistant: 1892年时评论如此写道:“整个世界都拨不急待地期待着狄更生的所有作品的出版,她的文字,书信,她的一切文学作品。 User: Following World War I, an upsurge of political consciousness throughout the Caribbean led to the formation of the representative government association. Assistant: 第一次世界大战结束后,整个加勒比地区的政治意识开始觉醒,这股热潮带动了代议制政府协会的形成。 User: Maxim Integrated develops integrated circuits (ICs) for the automotive, industrial, communications, consumer, and computing markets. Assistant: Maxim从事用于工业、通信以及普通消费、计算机市场的集成电路(IC)的研发。 User: Over the years there has been some dispute as to the best definition of feedback. Assistant: 在这之后的年代里,关于怎样定义反馈概念产生了一些争论。 User: The PlayStation 3 version supports display resolutions of 720p and 1080p – the former with and the latter without anti-aliasing – while the Vita version runs at 720x408 pixels. Assistant: PlayStation 3版支持720p和1080p分辨率——其中仅前者支持抗锯齿——而Vita版以720×408像素运行。 User: Adams suggested that there should be a separation of powers between the executive, the judicial and the legislative branches, and further recommended that if a continental government were to be formed then it "should sacredly be confined" to certain enumerated powers. Assistant: 亚当斯建议应该在行政、司法和立法各分支间的权力分割,并进一步建议如果一个大陆政府被建立,那么应该“被神圣地局限于”某些被具体列举的特定权力。 User: Instead, PGLYRP1 binding activates a bacterial stress response that causes the bacterium to shut down transcription and translation, and induces oxidative stress. Assistant: 相反地,PGLYRP-1的结合激活了细菌的压抑反应,而导致细菌关闭转录和转译作用,以及诱导氧化反应。 User: In 2012, The Observer named her final novel, The Blue Flower one of "the ten best historical novels". Assistant: 2012年, 观察家报称她最后的小说《蓝色花》为“10本最好的历史小说”之一。 User: Compiègne had been the site of the 1918 Armistice, which ended the First World War with a humiliating defeat for Germany; Hitler viewed the choice of location as a supreme moment of revenge for Germany over France. Assistant: 贡比涅是签订1918年停战协定的地点,宣告了第一次世界大战的结束和德国的惨败,因此希特勒认为在贡比涅谈判停战是德国对法国最好的复仇。 User: There was a rule change for the 2014 season where the drivers could pick a car number and this would be their unique and personal car number for their Formula One career. Assistant: 2014年赛季的赛事规则变化,车手需选择一个车号,且这将是在他们一级方程式生涯中独一无二且个人的车号。 User: The understanding of display rules is a complex, multifaceted task. Assistant: 表达规则是一个复杂且多面向的课题。 User: During the construction of the AAT in the early 1970s, the British Science Research Council also built the UK Schmidt Telescope, 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) to the northeast of the AAT dome. Assistant: 当AAT在1970年代初期建造时,英国的工程暨物理科学研究委员会也在距离AAT的观测室东北方1公里处建造英国施密特望远镜。 User: In March 2018, a multilingual extension named FiraGo (stylised as FiraGO) was released. Assistant: 在2018年3月,基于Fira Sans的一个称为FiraGO的字体推出了。 User: This led to Ribbeck's immediate resignation. Assistant: 这也导致了里贝克的引咎辞职。 User: Relationships can be a struggle, as the individual may reconnect with others during a healthier mood only to return to an isolated state during a subsequent low or depressed mood. Assistant: 关系可能成为一种挣扎,因为人可能只会在低潮或低落情绪中进入孤立状态,在健康的情绪中又与他人重新联系。 User: It was credited for the discovery of comets C/2010 X1 (Elenin) and C/2012 S1 (ISON), the latter popularly known as Comet ISON. Assistant: 该监测网发现了彗星C/2010 X1(Elenin)和C/2012 S1(ISON)。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Infinity Concerto was followed in 1986 by The Serpent Mage. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:1986年,出演连续剧《西游记》中的白骨精。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:September 17 – King Charles VI of France orders the expulsion of all Jews from France. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 9月17日——法国国王查理六世下令驱逐所有犹太人。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Such a feeding adaptation has thus developed independently three times among the dinosaurs. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 这种进食方面的适应演化在恐龙之中个别、独自发展了三次。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:At The Game Awards 2017, the game was nominated for the show's "Game of the Year", "Best Art Direction", "Best Score/Music", and "Best Role Playing Game" awards. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 在The Game Awards 2017中,该游戏被提名为“年度最佳游戏”、“最佳艺术指导”、“最佳音乐”和“最佳角色扮演游戏”奖项。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The final scene, in which Mac and Sonny play catch with a football Mac bought him as a gift, symbolizes the fact that, although Mac has lost the chance to reconcile with his daughter, he now has a second chance at establishing a father–child relationship with Sonny. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 电影的最后一幕,麦克用自己送给桑尼作为礼物的一颗橄榄球和孩子玩起了抛接,这象征虽然麦克已经失去了女儿,但如今他有了第二次机会来与桑尼建立一段父亲与孩子的关系。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Verification: The final product may be subject to a number of quality assurance tests to verify conformance with drawings or specifications. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 验证:最终产品可能需要进行多项品质测试,以验证是否符合设计或规格。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Worcester City Art Gallery & Museum has indicated that it wants to purchase the hoard, and has started a public appeal to raise the required money. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 伍斯特城市艺术美术馆与博物馆表明想要购买宝库,并且在公众里开始为之筹款。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: For other beverages there was an expectation that some manufacturers would reduce sugar content in order to avoid the taxation. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 预计一些制造商将减少其产品含糖量以避免税收。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In a statement to Parliament on 3 December, Michael Martin, Speaker of the House of Commons, responsible for the security of the Palace of Westminster, stated that although the police undertaking the search had neither presented a search warrant nor given "the requisite advice that such a warrant was necessary", the search of the Parliamentary office had been undertaken with the express written consent of the Serjeant-at-Arms, who had signed a consent form without consulting the Clerk of the House. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 12月3日向议会发表的声明中,下议院议长迈克尔•马丁(Michael Martin)表示将对威斯敏斯特宫的安全负起责任,他说,虽然进行搜查的警察既没有搜索证(英语:Search warrant),也没有“需要这种证件的必要建议”,只有负责执行下院院内命令的纠仪长(英语:Serjeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons (United Kingdom))签署的同意书,而纠仪长也没有咨询下院书记官。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: McCafé macarons are produced by Château Blanc, which, like Ladurée, is a subsidiary of Groupe Holder, though they do not use the same macaron recipe. Assistant: McCafé的马卡龙由Château Blanc(英语:Château Blanc)生产,就像拉杜丽一样,是Groupe Holder(英语:Groupe Holder)集团的子公司,尽管他们采用不同的马卡龙配方。 User: A User Experience Prototype represents enough of the appearance and function of the product that it can be used for user research. Assistant: 体验原型 在功能与外观上相当完整的原型,可以用于使用者研究。 User: On January 3, 2009, the Israeli ground invasion began. Assistant: 2009年1月3日,以军开始从地面侵略。 User: In an "engineering" sense, a chemical process is a method intended to be used in manufacturing or on an industrial scale (see Industrial process) to change the composition of chemical(s) or material(s), usually using technology similar or related to that used in chemical plants or the chemical industry. Assistant: 就工程学而言,一个化学过程是使用于生产或工业(见工业过程)的方法,用以改变化学物质或原料的组成成分,通常这些过程可见于化学工厂或化学工业等领域中。 User: Most flows of interest have Reynolds numbers much too high for DNS to be a viable option, given the state of computational power for the next few decades. Assistant: 然而,大部分我们有兴趣的流动都是雷诺数比DNS能够模拟的范围大上许多,即使电脑性能在接下来的数十年间持续发展,仍难以实行模拟。 User: Despite this, he was knighted at York by Richard III in September 1483. Assistant: 尽管如此,他于1483年9月在约克被理查三世封为骑士。 User: At the battle of Sluys the French navy was almost completely destroyed. Assistant: 在这次的战役中,法国海军舰队几乎被毁灭。 User: Images also emerged of a shooter pointing a gun at cars on the Red Line expressway, the main road to the Olympic site; gang-related shootings on the Red Line were said to be commonplace and had claimed several lives, including that of a 17-year-old girl in May. Assistant: 奥运场馆主要道路红线上一名枪手用枪指着来往车辆的图片被爆出;黑帮在火线火并据称司空见惯,已造成多人死亡,其中一名17岁女孩于5月遇害。 User: At its peak, Soviet aid to Laos made up the bulk of the foreign assistance that Laos received. Assistant: 在高峰期,苏联对老挝的援助构成了老挝收到的大部分外援。 User: Fazu Aliyeva, 83, Russian Avar poet and journalist, heart failure. Assistant: 法祖·阿里耶娃,83岁,俄罗斯时任和记者,心脏病。 User: Ex-communist dissident Milovan Djilas, among others, focused on the relationship between political repression and the rise of a powerful "new class" of party bureaucrats that had emerged under communist rule, and exploited the rest of the population (see nomenklatura). Assistant: 前共产主义持不同意见者密洛凡·德热拉斯,还有其他人,关注政治迫害和和在共产党的统治下出现、并利用其他人群的党内官僚中拥有权势的“新阶级”的崛起之间的关系。 User: For seven years Sanyal was imprisoned in a jail in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh in the case known as the Parvatipuram Naxalite Conspiracy case. Assistant: 七年来,桑亚尔被关押在安得拉邦维沙卡帕特南的一个监狱中,案件名为Parvatipuram纳萨尔派阴谋案(Parvatipuram Naxalite Conspiracy case)。 User: American biologists Craig Bartle and Alfred Charles Kinsey reported that fewer than 1% of males can successfully orally contact their own penis and that only 2 or 3 men in a thousand could perform a full autofellatio. Assistant: 美国生物学家克雷格·巴特尔(Craig Bartle)和阿尔弗莱德·金赛称,不到1%的男性可以成功地用口接触自己的阴茎,在一千人中只有2或3名男性能够完全自我吮阳。 User: Overvaluation of the Cypriot pound prior to the adoption of the euro in 2008 had kept inflation in check. Assistant: 塞镑的汇率在2008年采用欧元之前被高估,导致通胀情况一直维持。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Some of the migrants returned to Spain after the civil war, but many more remained in Mexico. Assistant: 一些移民在西班牙内战后回国,但更多的留在墨西哥。 User: She is the symbolic of life in the universe. Assistant: 它象征着生命,位于宇宙的中心。 User: As a result, only about 30% of mantled howler infants live more than one year. Assistant: 估计只有30%的幼猴能够生存多于1年。 User: Included in the team's claims were claims that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' pirate logo diluted the team's California trademark in its own pirate logo and for trade dress dilution on the ground that the League had improperly permitted other teams (including the Buccaneers and Carolina Panthers) to adopt colors for their uniforms similar to those of the Raiders. Assistant: 在一份索赔中声称,坦帕湾海盗队的标志侵犯了球队在加利福尼亚的商标,并且错误的允许其他球队(包括坦帕湾海盗和卡罗来纳黑豹)使用类似商标和球衣颜色。 User: She also has her own website. Assistant: 他们也有自己的网站。 User: The nature of the Milky Way's bar is actively debated, with estimates for its half-length and orientation spanning from 1 to 5 kpc (3,000–16,000 ly) and 10–50 degrees relative to the line of sight from Earth to the Galactic Center. Assistant: 银河系棒的性质被积极地讨论著,估计她的半长度是1至5 kpc(3,000~16,000 ly),而与从地球观察银河中心的视线方向呈现10-50度的角度。 User: The IS F vehicle body was lowered by 1 cm (0.5 inches) compared to the standard IS. Assistant: 车身高度与一台标准IS比较被下降了1厘米(0.5英寸)。 User: With two photos from 2002. Assistant: 2.两人在2002年时的照片。 User: The original title was Ivanna. Assistant: 这匹马的原始名称为伊波娜。 User: They do possess the power of speech. Assistant: 相反地,他们只有游说的权力。 User: However its availability is dependent on other factors like the GPU supporting it. Assistant: 然而,其可用性取决于其他因素,如GPU支援。 User: Thus, if Musa Bin Osman went on the Hajj, he could be called Haji Musa Bin Osman, and his daughter Aisyah might be called Aisyah Binti Haji Musa. Assistant: 因此,如果Musa Bin Osman 完成朝觐,他可被称呼Haji Musa Bin Osman ,他的女儿Aisyah可被称为Aisyah Binti Haji Musa 。 User: This is a timeline of the development of Jews and Judaism. Assistant: 这是犹太民族和犹太教发展的历史大事年表。 User: Four years later, in 1993, together with her partner Brooke Sandahl, she became the first person, male or female, to free climb the route. Assistant: 四年后,1993年,希尔,在她的攀岩伴侣布鲁克·桑达尔帮助下,成为世界上第一名,男子和女子,自由攀登这条路径的人。 User: Heeding the warnings, the men had fled, with their families, leaving their goods and livestock behind. Assistant: 谋反者先火炙,后斩首,家人为奴。 User: Although Edmund of Langley made no provision for Richard in his will of 25 November 1400, his mother Isabella named King Richard II as her heir before her death on 23 December 1392 and requested him to grant her younger son an annuity of 500 marks. Assistant: 尽管兰利的埃德蒙在1400年11月25日的遗嘱中未提理查,但他的妻子伊莎贝拉在1392年12月23日去世前指定理查二世为她的继承人,并要求他给予她的小儿子500马克的年金。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: He could have left them riches as he was the best tailor and drummer in town. Assistant: 他向来勇猛好战,在与龙族和好前曾是最伟大的屠龙战士。 User: The first Innovia people mover system delivered opened in 2005 at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Assistant: 第一个Innovia系统于2005年在达拉斯沃思堡国际机场启用。 User: The term statistics is ultimately derived from the New Latin statisticum collegium ("council of state") and the Italian word statista ("statesman" or "politician"). Assistant: 统计学的英语词statistics是源于现代拉丁语statisticum collegium(国会)以及意大利语statista(国民或政治家)。 User: A virtual machine monitor (VMM, also called hypervisor) is the piece of software that provides the abstraction of a virtual machine. Assistant: 虚拟机监视器(virtual machine monitor,VMM)是一个软件,用于提供虚拟机的抽象(Abstraction)。 User: As he later described: At the moment of Polish independence, there appeared an imbalance between preparing the masses for civil life and the possibility of adequate use of the laws that resulted in the first weeks of Polish independence. Assistant: 他后来称: 波兰独立之时,为社会生活准备各项事宜与充分利用法律的可行性之间的不平衡已产生,波兰独立头几周所发生的各种情况都源于这种不平衡。 User: Contract or Order Number. Assistant: 号码、顺序。 User: In addition to showing Africa, Asia and Europe, the map depicts a landmass south-west of Greenland in the Atlantic labelled as Vinland (Vinlanda Insula). Assistant: 地图除了显示非洲、亚洲及欧洲外,更显示一个在大西洋格陵兰以西、名为“文兰岛”的大岛。 User: After extensive and careful logistic preparation (which would become one of Wellesley's main attributes) the 33rd left with the main force in December and travelled across 250 miles (402 km) of jungle from Madras to Mysore. Assistant: 在一次繁杂、细心的准备后,第33团在12月离开了大部队,从马德拉斯出发,穿过250里(402公里)宽的丛林到达迈索尔。 User: He held several academic positions in the US and in Germany and became Professor at the University of Vienna in 1994. Assistant: 他在美国和德国都享有学术地位,并于1994年成为维也纳大学的教授。 User: Leap year in the International Fixed Calendar contains 366 days, and its occurrence follows the Gregorian rule. Assistant: 国际固定历中的闰年包含366天,其发生遵循格里高里历年规则。 User: The University was reorganized on July 1, 1965, as a corporation, independent from any outside body or religious organization. Assistant: 1965年7月1日该大学重组,不再从属于宗教组织。 User: These operators also run bus and taxi services, thus facilitating full integration of public transport services. Assistant: 这两家公司同时也经营巴士和的士业务,以保证各种公共交通服务的有效结合。 User: Soon, Kunaev and Brezhnev developed a close friendship which lasted until the death of Brezhnev. Assistant: 不久,库纳耶夫和勃列日涅夫发展了一种密切的友谊,持续到勃列日涅夫去世。 User: You can also find strange pyramids in this place. Assistant: 公园里还可找到巨石。 User: Johnson wrote a favorable report about the agricultural potential of the upper Virgin River basin, and returned later that year to found the town of Virgin. Assistant: 约翰生写了一份对此地有利的报告,述及上维琴河盆地的农业发展潜力,并于该年终时再次来临,以寻找维琴镇。 User: Malaysia and Vietnam have signed a joint statement on strategic partnership in economic matters along with a memorandum of understanding on joint patrol, hotline contact, search and rescue co-ordination, and piracy prevention in the South China Sea. Assistant: 马来西亚和越南还在当年签署联合声明,在经济领域成为战略伙伴,并签订谅解备忘录,涉及事项包括联合巡逻、开设联络热线、合作进行搜救行动,以及遏止南海的海盗活动。 User: Some reviewers also complained that the Stride Cross Battle System was too complex for new players; Eurogamer's review felt the "sink or swim" reliance on learning the complex battle system was a significant stumbling block for the game. Assistant: 一些评论还因跨越战斗系统对新玩家太过复杂而不满;Eurogamer的评论认为“全靠自己”来学习复杂的战斗系统是游戏的重大障碍。 User: Football was first played in Sweden in the 1870s, the first championship was decided in 1896 and the Swedish Football Association was founded in 1904. Assistant: 足球于1870年传入瑞典,1896年产生首个冠军,瑞典足球协会则于1904年成立。 User: It uses the M215 detonating fuse (with a delay of 4–5 seconds) and has a "jungle clip" like the M61. Assistant: 它使用M215引信(引爆延迟约4至5秒),并拥有与M61一样的“丛林夹”安全装置。 User: Arthur was captured by John's barons on 1 August, and imprisoned in the Château de Falaise in Falaise, Normandy. Assistant: 8月1日,阿尔蒂尔被约翰部下诸侯俘获,并被关押在诺曼底的法莱城堡。 User: According to engineer Geoff Emerick, the album's recording took over 700 hours. Assistant: 据工程师乔弗里·艾默里克(英语:Geoff Emerick)确认,这张专辑的录制时间超过了七百小时。 User: The non-canon fan production Star Trek: New Voyages episode "World Enough and Time" starred Takei as Captain Sulu on the Excelsior recalling a time on the original Enterprise when a transporter accident caused him to come back thirty years older and with a daughter, Alana. Assistant: 非正典的爱好者作品《星际旅行:新旅程》中"World Enough and Time"的主角乔治·武井扮演联邦星舰精进号的舰长苏鲁回想起有次在进取号上,传送器发生了故障,导致他回来已经老了330岁,还带了一个女儿,阿兰娜。 User: Many of his paintings depict the beaches of the Yorkshire coast. Assistant: 他的许多画作描绘了约克郡海岸的海滩。 User: Antonio would be her only child. Assistant: 尼诺是她的独生子。 User: Israel is a notable exception, being the most progressive concerning LGBT rights and recognizing unregistered cohabitation. Assistant: 以色列是一个显著的例外,在LGBT权利方面更为进步,承认未登记的同居,并且广泛支持同性婚姻。 User: Here, he devised a number of techniques for speeding the breaking of German ciphers, including improvements to the pre-war Polish bombe method, an electromechanical machine that could find settings for the Enigma machine. Assistant: 期间他设计了一些加速破译德国密码的技术,包括改进波兰战前研制的机器Bombe(英语:Bombe (cryptography)),一种可以找到恩尼格玛密码机设置的机电机器。 User: His poems were better known for their sharpness and wit. Assistant: 当中以《感旧诗》最为著名: 富贵他人合,贫贱亲戚离。 User: The SF15-T was launched on 30 January 2015. Assistant: SF15-T于2015年1月30日正式发表。 User: Not long afterward, the American squadron likewise captured the Algerian brig Estedio in the Battle off Cape Palos. Assistant: 此后不久,美国舰队又如出一辙的在Palos海湾一役中俘获了阿方战舰Estedio。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Language bindings exist for many libraries, for example GTK+, SDL2, Cairo, OpenGL, WinAPI, zlib, libzip, OpenSSL and cURL. Assistant: 语言绑定可用于许多类库,例如 GTK+2、OpenGL、WinAPI、zlib、libzip、OpenSSL 以及 cURL。 User: Stephen D. Crocker (born October 15, 1944 in Pasadena, California) is the inventor of the Request for Comments series, authoring the very first RFC and many more. Assistant: 斯蒂芬·克罗克(英语:Stephen D. Crocker,1944年10月15日-),美国计算机科学家,出生于加州亚帕萨迪纳,是RFC征求意见系列的创始者,并创建了第一个RFC提议。 User: In 1996, Californians by initiative banned the state's use of race as a factor to consider in public schools' admission policies. Assistant: 1996年,加利福尼亚州主动禁止州内的公立学校将种族作为招生政策中的一个考量因素。 User: Tulsi Ghat is the office base of Sankat Mochan Foundation, a non governmental organization working to clean the river Ganga since 1982. Assistant: 杜勒西河坛是Sankat Mochan 基金会的办公基地,这是一个非政府组织,自1982年以来一直致力于清洁恒河。 User: That, however, did not prevent him from entering into secret relations with the Austrian statesman Klemens Wenzel von Metternich in Vienna, his aim being to prepare for all eventualities. Assistant: 然而,这并没有阻止他在维也纳与奥地利帝国政治家克莱门斯·梅特涅进行的秘密关系,他的目的是为所有不测事件做好准备。 User: At the completion of the trial, the Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility formed a Ruby Ridge Task Force to investigate Spence's charges. Assistant: 审判结束后,美国司法部的职业责任办公室(英语:Office of Professional Responsibility)组成红宝石山脊事件专案组,对斯彭斯律师的指控进行调查。 User: When r1 = r2, both sides of (2) can be factored and reduced to (1) and thus the solution reduces to that of the standard W function. Assistant: 当 r1 = r2,(2)的两方可分解为 (1) 因此其解简化为标准 W 函数。 User: The male is then able to deposit his sperm into the female”. Assistant: 他因着妻子爱尔温的选择而成为精灵。 User: In January 2012, the Russian Deputy Defense Minister announced that the Russian Army would not be buying the AK-12, as they had millions of surplus AK-74 assault rifles and over concerns of the financial state of Izhmash. Assistant: 可是,俄罗斯国防部副部长却宣布,俄罗斯军队将不会购买AK-12,因为他们有数百万枝AK-74的存量,以及对伊茨玛希工厂的财务状况的关注。 User: Pasquin is married to actress JoBeth Williams; they have two children, Will and Nick. Assistant: 他与女演员乔贝兹·威廉姆斯(英语:JoBeth Williams)结婚,并育有两个孩子——威尔和尼克。 User: Friedrich Ruge was appointed to the mine command by Lütjens with the task of clearing British naval minefields and laying German mine zones to impede the operations of the Royal Navy. Assistant: 吕特晏斯任命弗里德里希·鲁格清除英国海军的雷区,并布设德军水雷来阻碍皇家海军的行动。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Gibson heard the term "flatlining" in a bar around twenty years before writing Neuromancer and it stuck with him. Assistant: 吉布森在写作《神经浪游者》之前在大约二十年前的一间酒吧听说过“Flatline(英语:Flatline)”这个词,并且缠住他。 User: This Assembly established the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 9 January 1992, which was renamed Republika Srpska in August 1992. Assistant: 1992年1月9日,该大会宣布成立波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那塞尔维亚共和国,1992年8月更名为塞族共和国。 User: Elements of today's coffeehouses (slower paced gourmet service, tastefully decorated environments, or social outlets such as open mic nights) have their origins in early coffeehouses and continue to form part of coffee culture. Assistant: 现今咖啡馆的特征,如慢步调的餐点服务、雅致的环境、社交途径(像是开麦之夜 open mic night(英语:Open mike))等,缘起于早期的咖啡馆,并促成了咖啡文化概念的形成。 User: The dictionary describes properties of the image, and the stream contains the image data. Assistant: 字典描述了图像的属性和包含图像数据的流。 User: A new model more closely in accord with real world observations demonstrates that saltating particles create an electrical field that increases the saltation effect. Assistant: 一个新的模型更加密切符合实际观察,并表明跳跃粒子产生了增加跳跃效果的电场。 User: He was a long-time associate of the Bo family: he reportedly shared a close personal relationship with Bo's wife, Gu Kailai, and had helped the couple's son Bo Guagua earn admission to Harrow School in England. Assistant: 他是薄家的长期助理,据称他跟薄熙来的妻子谷开来有过亲密关系,并帮助夫妻俩的儿子薄瓜瓜取得英国哈罗公学的学位。 User: The phylogenetic placement of Alvarezsauroidea is still unclear. Assistant: 氙酸锂是否存在仍待证实。 User: When uses of these reflections and rotations introduce zeros in a matrix, the space vacated is enough to store sufficient data to reproduce the transform, and to do so robustly. Assistant: 在使用这些反射和旋转向矩阵介入零的时候,腾出的空间足够存储充足的数据来重生成这个变换。 User: He was runner-up in the July 1985 tournament, recording 12 wins against 3 losses, enough to secure promotion to ōzeki. Assistant: 他在1985年7月的比赛中获得亚军,12胜3负,足以晋级为大关。 User: The General Assembly immediately began impeachment hearings against Tate, convicted him in absentia, and removed him from office. Assistant: 州议会立即开始展开针对塔特的弹劾听证,并通过缺席审判将其定罪,解除了他的职务。 User: Host country: Portugal. Assistant: 出身地:葡萄牙。 User: When Letterman left NBC and moved to CBS to begin the Late Show in the summer of 1993, several of Late Night's long-running comedy bits made the move with him, including perhaps his best known, the Top Ten List. Assistant: 莱特曼最初转到CBS旗下开始制作晚间秀时,几个"深夜"的长期的喜剧板块也一起转了过来,包括Top Ten List等。 User: E-democracy encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination. Assistant: 电子民主包含有实现自由及平等地实行政治自决的社会、经济及文化条件。 User: Both times it had been open only to men; both times a Canadian team won the competition. Assistant: 这两次都只开放给男性参赛,两次都由加拿大夺得金牌。 User: The charter includes guidelines for reconciliation, healing, accountability, reporting, and prevention of future acts of abuse. Assistant: 该章程包括和解、治疗、问责、报告和预防未来虐待行为的准则。 User: The first major advancement of the company after quartz crisis was the launch of "Trilogy of Time". Assistant: 雅典表公司复兴后的第一个重大进步就是推出了“时计三部曲(Trilogy of Time)”。 User: Though the absolute rule demanded by Russia was difficult to establish due to Poland's liberal traditions and institutions, the independence of the Kingdom lasted only 15 years; initially Alexander I used the title of the King of Poland and was obligated to observe the provisions of the constitution. Assistant: 王国享有真正主权的时日,只有15年;开始时,亚历山大一世使用波兰国王的头衔,负有责任遵守宪法的规定。 User: For example, in 2014, school children and politicians across the EU were encouraged to make a butterfly gesture and post photos on social media to raise awareness. Assistant: 在2014年,欧盟鼓励各地的孩子们和政治家做出蝴蝶手势,并在发布在社交媒体上,以提高公众对Natura 2000网络的认识。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Black American Sign Language (BASL) or Black Sign Variation (BSV) is a dialect of American Sign Language (ASL) used most commonly by deaf African Americans in the United States. Assistant: 美国黑人手语(英语:Black American Sign Language,缩写作 BASL)又名黑人手语分支(Black Sign Variation,缩写作 BSV),是美国手语方言,在美国的非裔聋哑人群体中最为常见。 User: Born began looking for a new job, writing to Maria Göppert-Mayer at Johns Hopkins University and Rudi Ladenburg at Princeton University. Assistant: 玻恩开始另需工作,并向当时身处约翰·霍普金斯大学的玛丽亚·格佩特-梅耶以及普林斯顿大学的鲁道夫·拉登堡求助。 User: However, two sea defeats prevented this. Assistant: 然而,是那两个海仍有争议。 User: In January 2018, it was announced that the film would potentially be released on Christmas 2019. Assistant: 2018年1月,据报导该片可能会在2019年圣诞节上映。 User: Due to strategic decisions to downsize its research staff, Penn Museum ended funding for its research program for Southeast Asian Archaeology in 2013. Assistant: 由于宾夕法尼亚大学博物馆作出缩减其研究人员的战略决定,博物馆于2013年终止了对其东南亚考古研究项目的资助。 User: Astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini had the wooden Marly Tower, originally built as part of the Machine de Marly to lift water for the reservoirs and fountains at the Gardens of Versailles, moved to the grounds of the Paris Observatory. Assistant: 天文学家乔凡尼·多美尼科·卡西尼的Marly塔,原本是de Marly机械的一部分,是凡尔赛花园为解决喷泉用水所建造的水库,被移置到巴黎天文台。 User: Draconian tariffs, sporadic border closures, and border crossing "fees" have a negative effect on legal imports of both consumer products and capital equipment. Assistant: 严苛的关税、部分边境关闭和过境费用,对消费品和资本设备的合法进口产生负面影响。 User: Not all researchers agree that short-term and long-term memory are separate systems. Assistant: 并非所有的研究者们都相信长期记忆和短期记忆是两个不同的系统。 User: Figures including George Galloway, Jack Thompson and Hillary Clinton have criticised the game, as have organisations including New York City officials and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Assistant: 一些著名的人物如乔治·加洛韦(英语:George Galloway)(George Galloway),杰克·汤普森(Jack Thompson)和希拉里·克林顿 在内都批评了这个游戏,因为有机构,包括纽约市官员和“母亲反对酒后驾车”组织(Mothers Against Drunk Driving,MADD)。 User: Following his arrival in England in October 1752, Reynolds spent three months in Devon, before establishing himself in London, where he remained for the rest of his life. Assistant: 1752年10月,雷诺兹抵达英格兰,并在德文郡呆了三个月,之后便定居伦敦,之后终其一生都居住在了这里。 User: Yusuf Ali's translation reads: That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";― but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not. Assistant: 当时,关于耶稣的消息传遍了犹太,施洗约翰就从狱中派人问耶稣说:“那将要来的是你吗?”耶稣答复使者说:“你们去,把所看见所听见的事告诉约翰,就是瞎子看见、瘸子行走,长大麻疯的洁净,聋子听见,死人复活,穷人有福音传给他们。 User: Delta subsequently meet CIA agent Jeff Riggs, who is leading a raid on the city's last water supply. Assistant: 小队随后遇到了另一位CIA特工里格斯,一行人一路进攻到了33号联队的水资源区。 User: He has stated in numerous speeches that most of his colleagues in Congress are unwilling to abolish the central bank because it funds many government activities. Assistant: 他指出大多数他在国会里的同僚都不愿废止中央银行,因为中央银行乃是政府资金的来源。 User: In-Depth Look at PlayOn! Assistant: 大步的走进植物园! User: 1981 saw three turbo-charged cars dominate the front row; and into the race, the immense power and dreadful handling of Didier Pironi's Ferrari helped him to hold up four better handling cars and get into a five-way battle for third place, which went on for a while but the four cars passed eventually passed him, one of which was Jacques Laffite who went on to win the race. Assistant: 到了1981年看三台涡轮增压引擎赛车称霸前排,在比赛中,迪迪埃·皮罗尼(英语:Didier Pironi)驾驶的法拉利赛车有着巨大的力量,加上他惊人的驾驶能力,帮助他与前四名起跑的车手争夺前三名,随着比赛的进行,这四台车还是超过了他,其中一名便是赢得比赛的雅克·拉菲特(英语:Jacques Laffite)。 User: The bearded man attacks Peter. Assistant: 虎克船长抓伤了彼得。 User: The situation in Athens and the wider area with its port, Piraeus, was out of control, the hyperinflation was in full swing and the price of bread was increased 89-fold from April 1941 to June 1942. Assistant: 在雅典及其港口比雷埃夫斯,情况已失控,通胀急剧恶化,面包价格从1941年4月至1942年6月间狂升89倍。 User: He struck out 21. Assistant: 他将从第21位出发。 User: Peter Yorck von Wartenburg and Ulrich Schwerin von Schwanenfeld urged him to become the adjutant of Walther von Brauchitsch, then Supreme Commander of the Army, in order to participate in a coup against Hitler. Assistant: 当波兰战役结束之后他才开始考虑这些,Peter Yorck von Wartenburg和Ulrich Schwerin von Schwanenfeld劝他做最高指挥官瓦尔特·冯·布劳希奇(Walther von Brauchitsch)的副官,目的是参加政变。 User: This is in part due to the inspiration of the play. Assistant: 这部分主要是对游戏的用语作出说明。 User: Over the years, the dance evolved into the more intricate and acrobatic form that is now called "vogue". Assistant: 数年之后,这种舞蹈发展称更加复杂的舞种,也就是现在所谓的“vogue”。 User: A second Ewondo resistance occurred in 1907 when the Germans tried to prop up their collaborator, Charles Atangana, as the over-chief of all Ewondo. Assistant: 1907年德国人试图把他们的合作人查尔斯·阿坦嘎纳设立为所有Ewondo族的总酋长而导致了Ewondo族第二次起义。 User: He was one of the writers before that. Assistant: 在从政之前他曾是一位会计师。 User: Within WikiLeaks, there has been public disagreement between founder and spokesperson Julian Assange and Daniel Domscheit-Berg, the website's former German representative who was suspended by Assange. Assistant: 在维基解密内部,其建立者、发言人阿桑奇与该网站的前任德国代表Daniel Domscheit-Berg存在公开的分歧,后者被阿桑奇解职。 User: The Secretary of the Treasury is the head of the United States Department of the Treasury which is concerned with financial and monetary matters, and, until 2003, also included several federal law enforcement agencies. Assistant: 美国财政部长(United States Secretary of the Treasury)是美国财政部的首长,负责财政和金融事务,2003年之前还负责某些国家安全和防卫有关事宜。 User: Kandor, the first capital of Krypton, is miniaturized by Braniac, but it is eventually recovered by Superman and subsequently housed in the Fortress of Solitude for safekeeping. Assistant: 氪星的前首都坎多市被脑魔(英语:Brainiac (character))小型化之后,被超人夺回并安放在孤独堡垒。 User: Bruce Schneier (/ˈʃnaɪ.ər/; born January 15, 1963) is an American cryptographer, computer security professional, privacy specialist and writer. Assistant: 布鲁斯·施奈尔 (英语:Bruce Schneier,1963年1月15日-)是一位美国的密码学学者、资讯安全专家与作家。 User: Short of survival, human concerns include the range from quality of life to health hazards. Assistant: 除了求生以外,人类还会考虑生活质量和对健康的危害。 User: In 2011, he participated in the 2011 U.S.-Islamic World Forum (held in the US for the first time) with a large number of individuals tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. Assistant: 2011年,他与一群跟穆斯林兄弟会有关人士参与了美国举办的2011年美国与伊斯兰世界论坛(U.S.-Islamic World Forum)。 User: The basic structure of the party is the local committee, which organises local activities. Assistant: 该党基本架构为地方委员会,负责组织地方活动。 User: The interior decoration was mostly lost as a result of a fire and the suppression of the order in 1773. Assistant: 内部装饰也因一场大火以及1773年取缔耶稣会而大部分消失。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: At the trial those charged refused to accept the authority of the court and they were sent to jail for a brief period. Assistant: 在审判中,那些被起诉的人拒绝接受法院的审判,他们被送入监狱短暂时间。 User: Catherine L. Albanese said in the 1970s that the Seth Material launched an era of nationwide awareness of the channeling trend and contributed to the self-identity of an emergent New Age movement. Assistant: 芝加哥大学美国宗教史教授凯瑟琳·阿勒本尼斯(Catherine L. Albanese)在1970年代指出,赛斯资料开启了美国全国上下关注通灵趋势的纪元,而且也是崛起的新时代运动自我认同的来源。 User: Firstly, Charles I of Austria returned to Hungary from Switzerland on March 26, 1921. Assistant: 首先,卡尔一世于1921年3月26日,从瑞士回到匈牙利。 User: Fira Sans is accompanied by a monospaced variant called Fira Mono, available in regular, medium, and bold. Assistant: Fira Sans有一个称为Fira Mono的等宽变体,其包含了正规、适中、粗体三种字重。 User: The group played two shows in 2005, and another six in 2006. Assistant: 在2005年演出了两场节目,2006年又演出了六场。 User: The flayed skins were believed to have curative properties when touched and mothers took their children to touch such skins in order to relieve their ailments. Assistant: 当地人认为被剥下的皮具有治疗的功效,母亲让孩子接触这些被剥下的皮,可减轻病痛。 User: The temple is open after midday until midnight. Assistant: 该庙从中午到午夜对外开放。 User: The legs were similar to an Andean Condor's, but stouter, and the feet could hold prey items for tearing off pieces, but could not exert a very forceful grip such as in birds of prey. Assistant: 它们的腿和安地斯神鹰类似,但是更粗壮,脚可以用来撕扯猎物的肢体,但没办法像其他猛禽那样有很有力的抓握。 User: Philip treated Castile as the foundation of his empire, but the population of Castile (about a third of France's) was never large enough to provide the soldiers needed to support the Empire. Assistant: 腓力视西班牙为他帝国的基础,但西班牙人口仅有法国的三分之一,难以为帝国提供足够的兵力。 User: There is also a "Fun Run" which is 3 miles. Assistant: 淡杯也被称为“五英里”。 User: The awards, given by the Welsh branch of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, celebrate the achievements of film and television productions made in Wales. Assistant: 这个奖项由英国电影电视艺术学士院威尔士分部所授予,表彰在威尔士电影电视制作上所取得的成就。 User: Born in Freudenthal, Sudetenland (now Czech Republic), his first football club was Kickers Offenbach. Assistant: 他出生于苏台德地区的弗赖登塔尔(今属捷克),加盟的首支球队是奥芬巴赫踢球者。 User: Clean-room design is useful as a defense against copyright infringement because it relies on independent invention. Assistant: 净室设计有助于防止侵犯版权,因为它立足于独立的发明创造。 User: To control the image quality and amount of compression in ICER, the user specifies a byte quota (the nominal number of bytes to be used to store the compressed image) and a quality level parameter (which is essentially a quality goal). Assistant: 为控制ICER中的图像质量与压缩量,用户需指定一个字节配额(用于存储已压缩图像的标称字节数)和一个质量水平参数(实质是一个质量目标)。 User: Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon who used what John McCarthy calls an "approximation" in 1958 wrote that alpha-beta "appears to have been reinvented a number of times". Assistant: Allen Newell和Herbert A. Simon在1958年,使用了John McCarthy所谓的“近似”alpha-beta算法,此算法当时“应已重新改造过多次”。 User: Velocity is used to power the user interfaces of many notable websites, including those of Uber, Samsung, WhatsApp, Tumblr, HTC, Mazda, and Microsoft Windows. Assistant: Velocity被用于驱动许多著名网站的用户界面,包括优步、三星、WhatsApp、Tumblr、HTC、马自达和Microsoft Windows。 User: The transfer system has been made more authentic, as money is no longer the monopolizing factor in acquiring a player. Assistant: 该传输系统已经取得了更真实,金钱不再是垄断因素在收购球员。 User: He confronts the physical reality of death before moving to the idea of the final resurrection. Assistant: 落合真正的目的是创造究极的生命后,再夺取其意识,将自己转生为究极的生命体。 User: Talks with between President Yanukovych and the EU's Catherine Ashton and US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland continued. Assistant: 乌克兰总统亚努科维奇、欧盟外交和安全政策高级代表凯瑟琳·阿什顿和美国助理国务卿维多利亚·纽兰之间的会谈仍继续进行着。 User: London hosted the event in 2006, organising a two-week festival culminating in a parade on the final day (1 July) in which marchers were invited to walk down Oxford Street, one of the city's busiest shopping streets, the first time they had been legally allowed to do so. Assistant: 2006年伦敦主办活动为期两周,高潮是在最后一天(7月1日)参加者被邀请来到全市最繁忙的购物街之一牛津街举办骄傲游行活动,这是历史上第一次在这里合法游行。 User: Quaestionarius – An interrogator or torturer. Assistant: 讯问者(Quaestionarius)——讯问者或拷打者。 User: As a result of the threat from the storm, Shell Oil Company evacuated 188 workers on oil platforms in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Assistant: 面对气旋威胁,壳牌石油将墨西哥湾西北部石油平台上的188名工作人员转移。 User: Jung writes on various subjects. Assistant: 张健撰写各方面论文多篇。 User: The Internet has become an expanding means to accessing information and self-expression among the younger population. Assistant: 但网络已经成为在年轻人中获取资料讯息和自我表现的流行方式。 User: The work on the other palaces was continued by Eigtved's colleague and rival, Lauritz de Thurah strictly according to Eigtved’s plans. Assistant: 其他宫殿的建设由Eigtved的同时及对手Lauritz de Thurah严格按照Eigtved的计划执行’,1760年完工。 User: I. prestwichii (also spelled I. prestwichi), described by John Hulke in 1880, has been reassigned to Camptosaurus prestwichii or to its own genus Cumnoria. Assistant: 普莱斯特维奇禽龙(I. prestwichii):是由约翰·赫克在1880年命名,已被重新归类于弯龙,也可能是独立属,库姆纳龙(Cumnoria)。 User: Construction of the hotel was especially poor; a lack of insulation and innumerable gaps in the walls made conditions in the hotel miserable during the winter. Assistant: 酒店的建设很简陋;缺乏隔热系统,密集的墙壁间隙使酒店的环境在冬天时很恶劣。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: According to Moynihan, there were initially "rumors" to keep Bubblegum young for several episodes, but eventually her 13-year-old version was relegated to only two appearances before she reverted to normal. Assistant: 据莫伊尼汉,最初“传言”几集让年轻泡泡糖出现,但最终13岁的版本在她恢复正常之前被减到只有两次。 User: For many years after Apollo, the binary accretion model was settled on as the best hypothesis for explaining the Moon's origins, even though it was known to be flawed. Assistant: For many years after 阿波罗之后许多年,联星吸积模型即使依然有缺陷,但已被认定为解释月球起源最好的假说。 User: The development of the modern Thai Marine Corps can be divided into three periods: The Marine Soldiers of the 19th and early 20th centuries were few in number and served mainly as a royal honor guard that provided security for the King whenever he traveled around the country. Assistant: 现代泰国海军陆战队的发展可分为三个时期: 19世纪和20世纪初的海军陆战队士兵人数不多,主要担任皇家仪仗队,每当他在全国各地旅行时都为国王提供安全保障。 User: This means that they may be quite chaotic. Assistant: 它的解可能是混沌的。 User: The candidates behavior and/or appearance during the debate may have altered the outcome of the election. Assistant: 选区划分和议席分配的方式可能会戏剧性地改变选举结果。 User: It is one of the 46 airports in the country. Assistant: 是全国46个路网编组站之一。 User: Aircraft used for multiple roles are generally only listed under their primary role unless specialized versions were built for other roles. Assistant: 用于多种用途的飞机通常被列于其首要用途列表内,除非用特殊的型号专用于其他用途。 User: The station opened on July 18, 2009. Assistant: 车站于2009年7月18日启用。 User: The civilian government appeared to be close to joining the Allies, but many officers of the Argentine armed forces (and ordinary Argentine citizens) objected due to fear of the spread of communism. Assistant: 平民政府似乎与盟军接触并加入,但阿根廷军队(和普通阿根廷公民)的多数官员由于担心共产主义的蔓延而反对。 User: At the outbreak of the American Civil War (in 1861), Garibaldi volunteered his services to President Abraham Lincoln. Assistant: 在美国南北战争爆发时(1861年),加里波底自愿为亚伯拉罕·林肯总统效力。 User: During the sede vacante period, the former Secretary acts as a member of a commission with the Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church and the former President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, which exercises some of the functions of the head of state of the Vatican City until a new Pope is elected. Assistant: 在宗座从缺期间,国务枢机卿作为前任宗座梵蒂冈城国委员会主席,行使部分梵蒂冈政府首脑功能,直到一个新的教宗当选。 User: In June, Brunei became the fifth country to fully convert to polymer notes. Assistant: 6月,文莱成为第五个完全使用塑质钞票的国家。 User: In July 2004, Stephen Hawking published a paper presenting a theory that quantum perturbations of the event horizon could allow information to escape from a black hole, which would resolve the information paradox. Assistant: 2004年7月,史蒂芬·霍金发表了一篇论文,其中提到事件视界的量子微扰可能可以允许资讯从黑洞中逃出,并可能可以解决此悖论。 User: He tells him he doesn't want to see him any more. Assistant: 他想,她是不会等他的。 User: Historians have stated that the report was full of "exaggerations, scurrilous descriptions and bizarre historical theories" but it nonetheless had a significant impact on the members of Congress who read it. Assistant: 历史学家表示报告通篇“夸张草率的叙述和诡异的历史理论”,尽管如此还是给阅读过它的国会议员带来不小的影响。 User: On January 11, 2006, the bill unanimously (11–0) passed a committee vote, and while members of the church had traveled to Kokomo to protest, they were not seen during or after the funeral service. Assistant: 2006年1月11日,这项提案在表决中以11票比0票获得全票通过,并且,虽然威斯特布路浸信会成员已经为了抗议示威而提前到达科科莫城,他们并没有在葬礼进行过程中或葬礼之后出现。 User: Harry Gray's most significant work lies at the interface between chemistry and biology. Assistant: 不过,哈里最重要的研究领域在化学和生物学之间。 User: These regions became engines of growth for the national economy. Assistant: 这些地区成为了国民经济增长的引擎。 User: The original intended purpose of Stratford International station was to act as the London stop for regional Eurostar trains bypassing St Pancras and continuing to other destinations in Britain. Assistant: 起初设立此站的目的是作为区域欧洲之星列车在伦敦的停靠站,绕过圣潘克拉斯车站继续前往英国其他目的地。 User: These objects cannot be unified with quasars, even though they include some high-luminosity objects when looking at radio emission, since the torus can never hide the narrow-line region to the required extent, and since infrared studies show that they have no hidden nuclear component: in fact there is no evidence for a torus in these objects at all. Assistant: 这些天体不能看做类星体,尽管在射电辐射观测看来,它们包含一些高光度天体,是因为圆环从来不能针对所需成分隐藏窄线区域,也是因为红外研究揭示了它们没有隐藏的核成分。 User: Some of his longer letters include World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, regarding the nature of Bahá'í administration, Advent of Divine Justice, regarding teaching the religion, and Promised Day is Come regarding Bahá'u'lláh's letters to world leaders. Assistant: 守基·阿芬第的一些长信包括巴哈欧拉的世界秩序、巴哈伊行政管理的实质、神圣正义的降临、信仰的传播、应允之日的到来、以及有关巴哈欧拉至世界领袖到信。 User: When the government of Margaret Thatcher abolished the GLC in 1986, County Hall lost its role as the seat of London's government. Assistant: 当撒切尔夫人在1986年废除了大伦敦委员会之后,郡会堂失去了其伦敦政府所在地的地位。 User: The training program is aimed at providing special knowledge necessary for the future professional activity. Assistant: 教育目标重视未来的工作需要。 User: The process is nearly quantitative. Assistant: 反应几乎是定量的。 User: Andrew Lang included it in The Yellow Fairy Book. Assistant: 安德鲁·朗格(Andrew Lang)在其《绿皮童话书》中亦收录了此故事。 User: Twining's memo led to the formation of Project Sign at the end of 1947. Assistant: 特文宁的备忘录导致符号计划在1947年底成立。 User: The original screenplay was written by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa. Assistant: 导演是Glenn Ficarra和John Requa。 User: Honda has three joint-ventures in China (Honda China, Dongfeng Honda, and Guangqi Honda). Assistant: 本田在中国有三家合资企业(本田中国、东风本田和广汽本田)。 User: The knight does not recognize his wife's voice. Assistant: 武公没有听从妻子的意见。 User: The maximum range is given as 550 km, and can be extended to 650 km with removable external tanks. Assistant: 最大行动距离550km,外加油箱后可以到650km。 User: The Nepal Government Railway remained in service till 1965 when the construction of the highway linking the southern border made it redundant. Assistant: 尼泊尔政府铁路一直运作至1965年,当时连接南部边界的现代化高速公路使它不再重要,铁路于1965年被关闭。 User: Energy in Germany is sourced predominantly by fossil fuels, followed by nuclear power, biomass (wood and biofuels), wind, hydro and solar. Assistant: 德国的能源主要来源于化石燃料,其次是核电,类似生物质能的可再生能源(木材和生物燃料),风能,水能和太阳能。 User: The most famous and effective tactic of the Tiger Forces is probing the enemy from multiple axes to find a weak spot, then sending a large mechanized force to that area to capture many villages at once. Assistant: 老虎部队最为著名和有效的战术是从多个方向探测敌军,找出弱点并派出大量机械部队从该处突破敌军防线。 User: 16: The French complete their retreat from Germany, ending the Saar Offensive. Assistant: 16日:法军从德国完全撤退,萨尔攻势结束。 User: NGC 4627 and NGC 4631 together were listed in the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies as an example of a "double galaxy" or a galaxy pair. Assistant: NGC 4627和NGC 4631 一起都列在特殊星系图集当成"双星系"或星系对的例子。 User: This is known as gravitational lensing, and is a consequence of Einsteinian warped space-time. Assistant: 这被称为重力透镜,是爱因斯坦时空弯曲的结果。 User: Such a file Item can only support being related to other Items. Assistant: 此类档案Item仅能支援与其他Item相关联。 User: Garden Adviser. Assistant: 园艺部顾问。 User: Later packages, such as Learn to Program BASIC would also have gaming as an introductory focus. Assistant: 后来的书,就比如Learn to Program BASIC也同样将游戏的程序作为书本导引部分的重点。 User: In July 2014, the film's poster sparked a controversy as it featured Aamir Khan posing almost nude with only a radio cassette recorder covering his genitals. Assistant: 影片的首张海报引发了争议,因为阿米尔·汗几乎全身赤裸地登场,只用收音机遮住生殖器。 User: In Japan, poisoning accidents by dulcin occurred frequently, and use of dulcin was forbidden in 1969. Assistant: 在日本,服用甘素导致的中毒事件频传,因此在1969年起日本禁止使用甘素。 User: In this case the elementary pulse is obtained from sin(x)/x by single-side-band modulation. Assistant: 此例中基本脉波是单边带调制下的sin(x)/x。 User: In 1947 annual price reviews were introduced in an attempt to stabilise the market. Assistant: 1947年为了稳定市场而引进年度价格评论。 User: The expedition started in late May 1859 at St. Louis, Missouri, then was transported by two steamboats up the Missouri River to New Fort Pierre, South Dakota. Assistant: 雷诺兹远征于1859年5月下旬在密苏里州圣路易斯开始,众人乘汽船沿密苏里河逆流而上到达南达科他州的新皮埃尔堡(New Fort Pierre)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This allowed a measurement of the orbital decay due to the emission of gravitational waves, as observed for PSR B1913+16 and PSR J0737-3039. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这允许科学家可以量测因为轨道衰减产生的重力波,类似的状况还有PSR B1913+16和PSR J0737-3039。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 He gets frustrated and this leads to a clash with his father. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 这激怒了他,使他与妹夫发生斗殴。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The price of a 30-second commercial during Grease: Live was set between $300,000 and $320,000. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:在《油脂:现场》节目时段播放一个30秒钟广告的价格为300,000美元至320,000美元不等。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The subsequent investigation was challenging for the police because of the cultural differences between the British police and the largely foreign residents of the area covered by the search. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 随后的调查对警方而言是莫大的挑战,英国警方和调查地区的大部分外国居民存在文化差异。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 While mean income rose about 130% from 1993 to 2008, the median income rose just 15% over the same period, from R4,444 to R5,096, indicating that the increases are being driven by a small number of very large incomes, especially for Whites. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 虽然平均收入在1993年至2008年期间增长约130%,但收入中位数只从4,444兰特增加15%至5,096兰特,显示增长的源头是少数非常高收入的人士,尤其是白人。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Singaporeans are especially encouraged to sing the national anthem on occasions of national celebration or national significance, such as at the National Day Parade, at National Day observance ceremonies conducted by educational institutions and government departments and at sporting events at which Singapore teams are participating. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 新加坡政府鼓励新加坡人在举国同庆或对国家有重大意义的场合唱国歌,例如国庆庆典、教育机构及政府机构举行的国庆纪念典礼,以及新加坡团队参与的体育比赛。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Werner would probably subscribe to this view. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 Werner或许会支持这种论点。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In an effort to help the inhabitants a festival of fruit and flowers was held on June 29, 1950. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:为了帮助受灾居民,厄瓜多尔于1950年6月29日举行了一场水果和鲜花主题的盛会。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Play media The F Ring is the outermost discrete ring of Saturn and perhaps the most active ring in the Solar System, with features changing on a timescale of hours. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: F环是土星最外面的独立环,并且可能是太阳系中最活跃的环系统,它的外观每小时都在改变。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later becoming Israel's first Prime Minister and second President, respectively, suggested in a 1918 paper written in Yiddish that Palestinian peasants and their mode of life were living historical testimonies to Israelite practices in the biblical period. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 后来成为第一任以色列总理的戴维·本-古里安和第二任以色列总统的伊扎克·本-兹维,在1918年试着以意第绪语写一份论文,希望证明巴勒斯坦农业社会的生活模式,是来自于圣经时期的以色列。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: MVVM abstracts a view's state and behavior in the same way, but a Presentation Model abstracts a view (creates a view model) in a manner not dependent on a specific user-interface platform. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: MVVM以相同的方式抽象出视图的状态和行为, 但PM以不依赖于特定用户界面平台的方式抽象出视图(建立了视图模型)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Adams' widow, Jane Belson, said that she "could not think of a better person to transport Arthur, Zaphod and Marvin to pastures new" and gave the project her full support. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 亚当斯的遗孀,简·贝尔森,称她"想不出一个比科弗更好的人选来为亚瑟,柴法德和马文注入新的活力"并全力支持这本书。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A proposed precursor 1.5 m (4.9 ft) space telescope to test the systems to be used on the main satellite was dropped, and budgetary concerns also prompted collaboration with the European Space Agency. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 原先计划做为先期测试,放置在卫星上的1.5米太空望远镜也被取消了,对预算表示关切的欧洲太空总署也成为共同合作的伙伴。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Thus the immune response to infection may result in changes to the sleep cycle, including an increase in slow-wave sleep relative to REM sleep. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 因此,由感染引起的免疫反应可以导致睡眠周期的改变,包括非快速动眼期中的慢波睡眠。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Two hours after this the princess died. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:弘治二年,公主去世。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:There have been three subsequent royal research ships named Discovery, RRS Discovery II (1929) and the third-named RRS Discovery (1962). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在该船之后,有三艘皇家研究船名为“发现号”(RMS Discovery),它们分别建成于1929年、1962年和2013年。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Since 2005, there has been intense research into VSLAM (visual SLAM) using primarily visual (camera) sensors, because of the increasing ubiquity of cameras such as those in mobile devices. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 从2005年开始,使用可视化传感器(摄像头)对SLAM的研究(可视化SLAM)如火如荼地展开,因为从那时起摄像头开始普及(比如说手机普遍带有摄像头)。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: He has directed and co-directed important excavations at Lachish, Jezreel and Megiddo. Assistant: 他曾在多个地点(包括Lachish,Jezreel和Megiddo)指挥和协调重大挖掘工作。 User: The films The Long Riders (1980) and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) are revisionist films dealing with the James gang. Assistant: 电影《长骑者(英语:The Long Riders)》(1980年)和《神枪手之死》(2007年)是讲述对付詹姆斯帮的修正主义影片。 User: By 2013 Chromebooks had captured 20-25% of the US market for sub-$300 laptops. Assistant: 在2013年Chromebooks在美国三百元以下的笔记型电脑市场中,有20~25%的占有率。 User: Furthermore, it was an army entirely dependent upon the countryside for its material support. Assistant: 此外,这支军队完全依赖乡村进行补给。 User: Her husband, Ed Balls, replaced Johnson as Shadow Chancellor. Assistant: 她的丈夫埃德·鲍斯接替约翰逊成为影子财政大臣。 User: Reports indicated that the U.S. military was preparing plans to evacuate "several hundred" American citizens, as well as other nationals. Assistant: 报告显示,美国军事当局准备计划撤离数百名美国公民以及其他公民。 User: He carries a bloodied sack implied to carry an aborted foetus, and attempts to drown other creatures. Assistant: 他怀揣暗示携带流产胎儿一个浑身是血麻袋,并试图淹死其他生物。 User: David Tecchler, who was born in Austria, later worked in both Venice and Rome. Assistant: David Tecchler生于奥地利,后在威尼斯和罗马制琴。 User: Game Informer named the game its Handheld Game of the Month award for May 2008. Assistant: 《Game Informer》授予其2008年5月月度掌机游戏奖。 User: The American Broadcasting Company (ABC) produced a two-hour colour version in 1968 featuring Laurence Harvey as Tony, Diane Cilento as Margot and Hugh O'Brian as Max. Assistant: 美国广播公司(ABC)于1968年出品了一部两小时的彩色版,由劳伦斯·哈维(英语:Laurence Harvey)饰演托尼,戴安娜·奇伦托(英语:Diane Cilento)饰演玛格特,休·奥布莱恩(英语:Hugh O'Brian)饰演马克斯。 User: Nine of the existing Fi 167 were sent to a coastal naval squadron in the Netherlands and then returned to Germany in the summer of 1943. Assistant: 9架现存Fi 167是被送往驻防荷兰的海岸防卫队并于1943年夏天返回德国驻防。 User: Many of the oleander relatives, such as the desert rose (Adenium obesum) found in East Africa, have similar leaves and flowers and are equally toxic. Assistant: 很多夹竹桃的近亲,如东非的沙漠玫瑰,都有带有相同毒性及相似的叶子及花朵。 User: The 59th Street crossing was obviously now useless, and at 60th Street, the subway would have to be at a lower grade, on its way to the 60th Street Tunnel. Assistant: 59街通道此时显得无用,而在60街,地铁需要在较深入的地下以便通过60街隧道(英语:60th Street Tunnel)。 User: The Daleks. Assistant: 达尔克斯族人。 User: In 1996 Eric Kemp had the idea to add a small chunk of data to the audio file, thus solving the problem. Assistant: 在1996年,埃里克·肯普(Eric Kemp)想要在音讯档案后方加入一小串资料,也因此解决了这个问题。 User: Apple made further efforts for accessibility for the release of iOS 10 in 2016, adding a new pronunciation editor to VoiceOver, adding a Magnifier setting to enlarge objects through the device's camera, software TTY support for deaf people to make phone calls from the iPhone, and giving tutorials and guidelines for third-party developers to incorporate proper accessibility functions into their apps. Assistant: 苹果公司为2016年发布iOS 10进一步努力实现其辅助功能,VoiceOver上加入新的发音编辑器,以及加入透过装置上的相机来实现放大镜的功能,听障人士可通过电信设备的软件(TTY)在iPhone上拨打电话,并为第三方开发人员提供教程和指南,以便将适当的辅助功能合并到他们的应用程序当中。 User: The 2004 legislative election was the most complicated in Indonesian history because Indonesians had to vote for representatives at the national, provincial, and regental levels. Assistant: 2004年印尼立法选举是印尼史上最为复杂的立法选举,因为印尼人民要在这次选举中选出国会、省议会和县议会的议员。 User: Newell has also criticized the Xbox Live service, referring to it as "a train wreck". Assistant: 纽维尔还批评了Xbox Live服务,称之为一场“灾难”。 User: Since 1992 the Thyssen family's art collection has been on display at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid. Assistant: 1992年,海因里希家族的私人藏品开始在马德里提森-博内米萨博物馆内展出。 User: In 2002, the government-run media declared homosexuality to be a "social evil" comparable to prostitution, gambling and illegal drug use and promised that legislation would be forthcoming to allow the Government to combat homosexuality and arrest same-sex couples. Assistant: 2002年,官方媒体宣布同性恋是“社会罪恶”媲美卖淫嫖娼,赌博和非法使用毒品,并许诺将立法允许政府打击同性恋和逮捕同性恋伴侣。 User: However, on 11 September 2015, Eurofighter announced that an agreement had been reached with Kuwait for the supply of 28 Typhoons. Assistant: 但2015年9月11日,欧洲战机宣布与科威特达成购买28架EF2000的协议。 User: He also encounters his old romantics teacher, Judith Fairfield (Janney)—a woman he has long admired—and meets the eccentric Nat (Efron), and Dean (Magaro), a brilliant but depressed student who, like Jesse, always carries a book with him. Assistant: 他还遇到了他心仪已久的浪漫主义文学老师Judith Fairfield(艾莉森·珍妮饰),以及认识了一个聪明但沮丧的学生Dean(John Magaro饰),他就像Jesse一样总是随身带着本书。 User: Religious ceremonies of public nature shall be ordinarily performed at the temples. Assistant: 公共性质的宗教仪式通常需在寺庙举行。 User: Thus, most Malays do not use family names or surnames. Assistant: 因此,大部分马来人不使用家族姓氏。 User: As in the Gregorian calendar, Sunday to Sunday is always seven days, as is Saturday to Saturday, or Friday to Friday. Assistant: 如同在格里历,无论是星期日到星期日、星期六到星期六、或星期五至星期五永远都是相隔7天。 User: Prior to 1945, eight units were built for the privately owned West Chosen Central Railway, and 38 for the Central China Railway. Assistant: 而在1945年之前,私营西鲜中央铁道(英语:West Chosen Central Railway)拥有8辆同型车,华中铁道拥有38辆同型车。 User: Elop restated that the company will not be continuing development of MeeGo even if the N9 would be a success, focusing solely on the future Lumia series, something that MeeGo supporters already felt before the N9 announcement due to the Microsoft deal. Assistant: 埃洛普重申,即使N9成功,该公司也不会继续研发MeeGo系统,它们仅专注于未来的Lumia系列。 User: This generalization had been hinted at in earlier work by others, but not with such a large amount of supporting data as Coblentz presented. Assistant: 这种归纳在早期其他人的研究中就已暗示过,但是并没有如科布伦茨所提供的那样,有大量的数据支持。 User: The full chemical name of coenzyme B is 7-mercaptoheptanoylthreoninephosphate. Assistant: 辅酶B的完整化学名称为7-巯基庚酰苏氨酸磷酸酯(7-mercaptoheptanoylthreoninephosphate)。 User: Despite this, Polish artillery continued to bombard every German unit that entered the evacuation corridor. Assistant: 尽管如此,波兰军炮兵不断对进入走廊撤走的德军单位实施炮击。 User: These neurologic impairments make it difficult for individuals with motor speech disorders to plan, program, control, coordinate, and execute speech productions. Assistant: 这些神经功能的障碍,使得患有运动言语障碍的人难以去计划、控制、协调和执行言语产出的动作。 User: He also founded the Japanese Club at Cambridge University to study the ways of English gentlemen. Assistant: 他又在大学里创立日本人俱乐部,研究英国绅士的礼貌。 User: In the Soviet Union, a theory of supersonic ramjet engines was presented in 1928 by Boris Stechkin. Assistant: 在苏联,超音速冲压发动机的理论在1928年由Brois S. Stechkin提出。 User: The Israel Space Agency (ISA; Hebrew: סוכנות החלל הישראלית‎, Sochnut HaChalal HaYisraelit) is a governmental body, a part of Israel's Ministry of Science and Technology, that coordinates all Israeli space research programs with scientific and commercial goals. Assistant: 以色列航天局(希伯来语:סוכנות החלל הישראלית‎‎,缩写为 סל"ה‎;英语:Israel Space Agency,缩写为 ISA)是一个政府航天机构,以色列科学技术部的一部分,以色列的所有空间研究方案,协调与科学和商业目标。 User: The state railway of the French occupation zone in 1945 decided to continue the operation of the 20 kV 50 Hz experiment on the Höllentalbahn, which had operated on the line between 1936 and 1944. Assistant: 法国占领区的国家铁路在1945年还决定继续对霍伦谷铁路进行供电制式为20千伏50赫兹的实验,而后者此前已在1936年至1944年间开始了这项运作。 User: In order for this to make sense, measurement operations in the interpreting structure must be localized. Assistant: 要做到这一点,诠释结构中的测量操作就一定要是定域化的。 User: As with other dialects of English, final /t/ and /k/ may reduce to a glottal stop. Assistant: 与英语的其他方言一样, 词尾的/t/和/k/可能被简化为一个清喉塞音。 User: He had a great relation to France. Assistant: 从此,他一直和法国有密切的联系。 User: It was released by Universal Music Taiwan on 3 September 2004. Assistant: 由台湾新力音乐于2004年8月3日发行。 User: She works many jobs to stay afloat. Assistant: 她做好几份工作以支付房租。 User: In the 1960s, it was a platform for the American Civil Rights Movement, publishing the writing of Martin Luther King, Jr. five times, and publishing James Baldwin's open letter "My Dungeon Shook - Letter to my Nephew on the One Hundredth Anniversary of Emancipation", the first section of The Fire Next Time. Assistant: 在1960年代,《进步》作为美国民权运动的平台,五次发表了马丁·路德·金的著作,并出版了詹姆斯·鲍德温的一封公开信——“我的地牢摇篮——在解放一百周年时写给我侄子的信”(My Dungeon Shook - Letter to my Nephew on the One Hundredth Anniversary of Emancipation)的第一部分——“下一次的战争”(The Fire Next Time(英语:The Fire Next Time))。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Swift described the concept to producer Max Martin, who used Swift's voice and pitched it down to create the effect that takes place after the chorus, because he was unable to use an appropriate instrument to make that sound. Assistant: 斯威夫特将这个概念描述为制作人马丁,他使用斯威夫特的声音并将其调低以产生合唱后发生的效果,因为他无法使用合适的乐器发出声音。 User: The following year, after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, 80 Sudanese Ba'athists were allowed to return to Sudan under the condition that they would stay out of politics. Assistant: 第二年,在2003年入侵伊拉克之后,80名苏丹人的复兴党被允许返回苏丹,条件是他们将不参与政治。 User: The results show that several people were overweight and had bunions, which led to the conclusion that these were wealthier people. Assistant: 研究结果表明,其中一些超重,患有拇囊炎,结论是这些都是富裕的人。 User: Since 2011, major construction projects have included the Jules and Gwen Knapp Center for Biomedical Discovery, a ten-story medical research center, and further additions to the medical campus of the University of Chicago Medical Center. Assistant: 2011年以来,重大建设项目包括一座十层的医学研究中心,儒勒·格温纳普生物医学发现中心,其进一步增强了芝加哥大学医学中心。 User: The first wave of American aircraft attacked the anti-aircraft batteries around the naval base, and succeeded in neutralizing them. Assistant: 第一波美军飞机对基地附近的防空炮发动攻击,成功将之摧毁。 User: Dutch law treats income earned by a CV as if it had been earned by the principals, who owe no tax in the Netherlands if they do not reside there. Assistant: 荷兰将CV的所得看成收入,如果它是由没在荷兰居住而不用交税的负责任赚取的。 User: There are three commonly reported rules to The Game: Everyone in the world is playing The Game. Assistant: The Game有三条通用的游戏规则: 世界上所有人均是游戏参与者。 User: So far, most DNA sequencing has been performed using the chain termination method developed by Frederick Sanger. Assistant: 目前应用最广泛的是由弗雷德里克·桑格发明的Sanger双脱氧链终止法(Chain Termination Method)。 User: Following a live interview about the protests with Al Jazeera, photographer Shahidul Alam was detained by a group of between 30 and 35 plainclothes police officers on 5 August. Assistant: 在接受了半岛电视台在抗议现场的采访之后,摄影师沙希杜尔·阿拉姆在8月5日被30至35名便衣警察拘留。 User: More precisely, we will add a new kind of judgment, "t is a term" (or "t term") where t is schematic. Assistant: 更精确地说,我们将增加新的一类判断 “t 是项”(或“t term”),这是的 t 是模式性的。 User: It has also been compared to N. truncata. Assistant: 其也与宝特瓶猪笼草(N. truncata)进行了比较。 User: They are agents for "primary production," the creation of organic compounds from carbon dioxide dissolved in the water, a process that sustains the aquatic food web. Assistant: 它们是“初级生产”的代理,它们是由溶解在水中的二氧化碳产生有机化合物,这是维持水产食物网的过程。 User: They play their home league matches at Veritas Stadion, with a capacity of 9,372 seats for most matches. Assistant: 主场球场是 Veritas 球场,可容纳 9,372 名观众。 User: The map includes a manifesto describing a "New World Moral Order", along with quotes from Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech. Assistant: 此地图亦附带了一个关于“新世界道德秩序”的宣言,并附上由美国总统罗斯福发表的《四大自由》演讲的节录。 User: In July 2016, Paramount Television announced that it will adapt the game series for television. Assistant: 2016年7月,派拉蒙电视公司(英语:Paramount Television)宣布,打算将该游戏系列改编成电视剧。 User: From Fisher's scouting, the Army was now aware that the Nez Perce would emerge from the mountains near the Clark's Fork or the Shoshone Rivers. Assistant: 通过费希尔的侦察行动,美国陆军现在已知道了内兹珀斯人将会从克拉克斯岔流或休休尼河附近的群山中出现。 User: In 2001, Charles Andrew Williams, the Santana High School shooter, reportedly told his friends that he was going to "pull a Columbine," though none of them took him seriously. Assistant: 在后来的圣塔娜高中(英语:Santana High School)枪击案中,枪手查理斯·安德森·威廉斯据称曾经向他的朋友说他要“再干一笔科伦拜”,但就如同科伦拜事件发生前一般,事先没有任何人相信威廉斯会真的去做。 User: Phenformin (DBI) was used from 1960s through 1980s, but was withdrawn due to lactic acidosis risk. Assistant: 苯乙双胍(英语:Phenformin),1960年代到1980年代间使用,但因为乳酸中毒的风险已经下市。 User: Like the asteroid belt, it consists mainly of small bodies or remnants from when the Solar System formed. Assistant: 如同主小行星带,它主要包含小天体或太阳系形成的遗迹。 User: At the beginning of the game, terrorists steal four nuclear weapons from a storage facility in Russia, and proceed to sell them to various nations. Assistant: 游戏的最开始,恐怖分子从俄罗斯的武器存储库偷走了四颗核武器,准备将它们卖给第三世界的国家。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: White 's January 2006 investigation in Egypt resulted in the Australian Federal Government suspending the live cattle trade to Egypt. Assistant: 2006年1月,怀特在埃及的调查导致澳大利亚联邦政府暂停与埃及的活牛交易。 User: Rodchenkov's lawyer, Jim Walden, appears briefly in the film describing the threats to Rodchenkov's life and the suspicious deaths of two of Rodchenkov's associates. Assistant: Rodchenkov的律师Jim Walden也在电影中短暂出现,提到了Rodchenkov生命受到的威胁以及Rodchenkov两名同事的死亡。 User: The cloud pattern and convection began to become better organized on July 28, and shortly thereafter a mid-level circulation developed. Assistant: 7月28日,系统云系和对流结构有所改善,并在不久后发展出中层环流。 User: In Soviet times, the palace was owned by the government. Assistant: 苏联时期,这座宫殿被收归公有。 User: James Potter is a descendant of Ignotus Peverell, the third of the three original owners of the Deathly Hallows, and thus so is Harry, a realisation he makes during the course of the final book. Assistant: 詹姆·波特是伊诺特·皮福雷(Ignotus Peverell)的后裔,原始拥有死亡圣器的三兄弟之老三,后来哈利·波特在最后一部小说中继承该死亡圣器。 User: Although we have few extant works of the New Comedy, the titles of Menander's plays alone have a "Theophrastan ring": The Fisherman, The Farmer, The Superstitious Man, The Peevish Man, The Promiser, The Heiress, The Priestess, The False Accuser, The Misogynist, The Hated Man, The Shipmaster, The Slave, The Concubine, The Soldiers, The Widow, and The Noise-Shy Man. Assistant: 虽然我们几乎没有新喜剧的传世作品,米德南的戏剧作品有个“泰奥弗拉斯托斯戒指”(“Theophrastan ring”): 渔民、农民、迷信的人、脾气差的人、允诺者、嗣女 、女祭司、错误的原告、厌恶女人的男人、受憎恶的人、船长、奴隶、妾、士兵、寡妇和容易被噪音吓到的人。 User: This often also explicitly or merely by implication tended towards somewhat of a poetry of protest. Assistant: 这也常明白地或仅仅暗示诗人的抗议。 User: At this time, a number of Jews and anti-Nazis used the Trans-Siberian Railway to escape Europe, including the mathematician Kurt Gödel and Betty Ehrlich Löwenstein, mother of British actor, director and producer Heinz Bernard. Assistant: 当时有一部分犹太人和反纳粹人士利用西伯利亚铁路逃离欧洲,包括数学家库尔特·哥德尔和英国演员、导演和制片人海恩斯·本尼德(英语:Heinz Bernard)的母亲Betty Ehrlich Löwenstein。 User: The Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) is a category system for software weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Assistant: 通用缺陷列表(Common Weakness Enumeration, CWE)是一个对软件脆弱性和易受攻击性的一个分类系统。 User: Penang currently has the second highest GDP per capita in the country. Assistant: 槟城目前是人均国内生产总值第二高的州属。 User: To irritate her,the sons take Dayanand to Singapore Hospital. Assistant: 女疑犯其后因情绪激动,需送往葵涌医院治理。 User: Analyzing the effects of that absorbed energy led to the third mechanism: ablation. Assistant: 通过对吸收这些能量产生的效果进行分析,产生了第三种机制:烧蚀。 User: Kiev Oblast was officially created as part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic on February 27, 1932. Assistant: 基辅州最初是在1932年2月27日由乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国所成立。 User: 85 percent and 15 percent of the labeled cells were located in the S1 and S2 dorsal root ganglia, respectively. Assistant: 85%和15%的标定细胞分别位于背根神经节的S1段及S2段。 User: The objective was to catch the Loyalists by surprise. Assistant: 后忠真被诱杀灭族。 User: After the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878, Drumev worked as rector of the Peter-Paul seminary near Lyaskovets. Assistant: 保加利亚于1878年解放后,图尔诺夫斯基担任Lyaskovets附近的彼得·保罗神学院校长。 User: He was elected to the American League All-Star team in 1985. Assistant: 他也曾经是1985年美国联盟全明星队的成员。 User: Under the RPF government, however, Rwanda has sought closer ties with neighbouring countries in the East African Community and with the English-speaking world. Assistant: 但自卢旺达爱国阵线掌权后,卢旺达开始寻求与邻近的东非国家以及英语世界国家建立更为密切的关系。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: During World War I, the medal was given out some 38,614 times for individual acts of heroism (compared to 368 Gold Medals and 60,244 Bronze medals). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 一战时,对个人英雄主义行为授予的勋章约38,614次(金质勋章为368次,银质勋章为60,244次)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Injuries plagued the construction process. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 伤害一直困扰着建设过程。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: When Philip drops the knife, Eric picks it up, and follows them under the bridge. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 埃里克捡起菲利普丢下的小刀跟着他们走到到桥下。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Arctic Monkeys were heralded as one of the first bands to come to public attention via the Internet, with commentators suggesting they represented the possibility of a change in the way in which new bands are promoted and marketed. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 北极泼猴可以说是最早透过网络(歌迷网站而非乐团网站)吸引公众注意的艺人之一,评论家也暗示这可能会改变新乐团的宣传与行销方式。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: There have been reports of the cat hunting rodents and birds at night, and also hunting domestic poultry near farms. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 已有报道称潘帕斯猫在夜间狩猎啮齿动物和鸟类,也捕猎附近农场的家禽。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The remainder of the Missouri Territory becomes unorganized. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 剩余部分领土除米勒郡外再次成为非建制领土。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The first were special goldminers' electorates, created for participants in the Otago Goldrush — goldminers did not usually meet the residency and property requirements in the electorate they were prospecting in, but were numerous enough to warrant political representation. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 第一种是为奥塔哥淘金热的参与者设立的特殊“金矿选区”;金矿工通常不符合他们正在探矿的选区内居住和财产要求,但他们的人数足以保证政治代表性。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The result was that Metternich was no captivating diplomatic force: Taylor described him as "the most boring man in European history"; Metternich himself boasted he could "bore men to death". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 泰勒形容他是“欧洲历史上最无聊的人”,梅特涅自己也标榜说他可以把一个人无聊至死。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: According to the Indian Intelligence Bureau, SIMI took new titles because the top leadership of SIMI have been detained and would be available for interrogation. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 根据印度情报局的说法,SIMI取得了新的头衔,因为SIMI的最高领导人已经被拘留并接受审讯。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Unknown is the fate of the former CP Express & Transport Building dock door and limestone fascia, which was incorporated in the current bus terminal as it will be replaced by the tower at 141 Bay Street. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 但原有的 CP Express & Transport大楼月台门和石灰岩外墙的命运未知,因其将被位于Bay Street 141号的大楼替代,可能一同并入现公共汽车终点站。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 2–11 November 2007. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:它于2007年11月2日至11日在巴西里约热内卢举行。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The title said everything. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:表题作包含于。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: During its nearly 60-year existence, US 66 was under constant change. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 美国66号公路多处路段曾经经历了重大的变化。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Located on Broadway between West 42nd and 43rd Streets, the structure was finished in January 2000 as part of a larger project to redevelop 42nd Street. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 位于百老汇、介于42街到43街之间,完工于2000年1月,是42街再开发计划的一部分。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 After graduating from high school, Chatham joined the military. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:高中毕业后,查塔姆加入了军队。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Among these tools is protective clothing in the form of a protective apron for the trunk, a protective thyroid shield around the neck and protective glasses. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这些工具中有为躯干形成防护罩的防护衣,围绕颈部保护甲状腺区域的防护盾以及铅防护眼镜。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Government forces shelled Aleppo and two neighbouring towns. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 政府军向阿勒颇和两个相邻的城镇炮击。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Promoting Social and Emotional Well-Being in the Chinese Community program aims to lower rates of mental distress and promote mental well-being of U.S. Chinese adults through the assistance of community health workers (CHWs). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 促进华人社区社会和情感健康主要目的为透过社区健康工作者,来协助降低华裔人口的心理困扰,并改善其心理健康。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A portion of the plot of James Rollins' novel Bloodline is based on this experiment. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 詹姆斯·罗林斯的小说《血统》(暂译,Bloodline)的一部分是基于这个实验。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Commercial shortwave-infrared cameras based upon compressed sensing are available. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 目前,基于压缩感知技术的商用短红外相机已被推出 。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:On 31 July 2008, Jeff Atwood sent out invitations encouraging his subscribers to take part in the private beta of the new website, limiting its use to those willing to test out the new software. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:2008年1月31日,Jeff Atwood向他的订阅者寄发邀请函,鼓励他们参予新网站的封闭测试。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It was not until their second album Life (1995) that an international reputation was secured. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 但直到他们的第二张专辑《Life》(1995)发行后,乐队才有了一个大的飞跃。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Delderfield, in the person of Powlett-Jones, appears to have a very good grasp of Margaret's life and the Wars of the Roses, and the content and development of the book give us an entertaining sub-plot to the book's main narrative. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 德尔德菲尔德以大卫·鲍莱特-琼斯的人格很好把握了玛格丽特的一生和玫瑰战争,书中的内容和发展给读者提供了对主叙述而言的一种有趣的次要情节。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Another use is in the breakdown of starch to convert it to glucose syrup and maltodextrins in order to measure the amount of reducing sugar, thus revealing the dextrose equivalent (DE) of the starch sugar. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 还有另一个用途是把淀粉分解成葡萄糖浆和麦芽糊精(maltodextrin)以测定还原糖的量,也就是所谓的葡萄糖当量(Dextrose equivalent,DE)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In total, the Japanese successfully evacuated 10,652 men from Guadalcanal. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:整体而言,日军成功地从瓜达尔卡纳尔岛撤出了10,652人。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:These programs aim to change personal behavior of both children and their parents, encouraging children to stay away from guns, ensure parents store guns safely, and encourage children to solve disputes without resorting to violence. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这些计划旨在改变孩童与父母双方的个人行为,以鼓励孩子远离枪支、确保家长安全的保管枪支、并鼓励小孩以不诉诸暴力的方式解决争端。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The stalk or reed, key to the situation, is an important word in Indo-European mythology, in connection with fire in its three forms. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 神话中的茎秆或芦苇是一关键之处,它是印欧神话中一个重要的词,以三种形式与火相连。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The new Summer Palace, completed in 1744, was the chief residence of Empress Elizabeth in the Russian capital. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 规模庞大的新夏宫于1744年完成,为伊丽莎白女皇在京城的主要宫殿。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Such systems provide a special syntax for specifying the properties and behaviors of new objects without referencing existing objects. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这样的系统提供特殊的文法用以指定新对象的行为和属性,无须参考已存在的对象。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This is an ongoing debate among the scientific community. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这个讲座已经成为了一项为科学界熟知的传统。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Once in Rome, Vanunu and Bentov took a taxi to an apartment in the old quarter of the city, where three waiting Mossad operatives overpowered Vanunu and injected him with a paralyzing drug. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 瓦努努和Bentov到达罗马后,乘坐计程车到城市的旧城区,三个等候着的摩萨德特工,随即制伏瓦努努,注射药物使他瘫痪。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: She has said that she was impressed with how well Dutch society seemed to function. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:她说自己对于荷兰社会看似运作良好留下印象。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The classical view of population dynamics stated that due to competition for resources, a population will experience a reduced overall growth rate at higher density and increased growth rate at lower density. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:种群动态学的经典观点认为:由于资源的竞争,种群的密度越高的情况下,总体增长率会越低;而种群密度越低时,总体增长率会更高。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It has four deep-sea berths for the loading and unloading of grain, general cargo and tanker vessels. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:它有四个深海泊位用于装卸粮食,一般货物和停靠油轮。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Jazz is difficult to define because it encompasses a wide range of music spanning a period of over 100 years, from ragtime to the rock-infused fusion. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 爵士乐是非常难以定义的,因为它指代的是一个在时间上跨越了逾一个世纪的、涵盖面极广的一种音乐——从散拍一直到受到摇滚乐影响的融合爵士乐。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Some paleontologists, like Paul Sereno, consider the enigmatic alvarezsaurids to be close relatives of the ornithomimosaurs and place them together in the superfamily Ornithomimoidea (see classification below). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 有些古生物学家,例如保罗·塞里诺(Paul Sereno),认为充满谜题的阿瓦拉慈龙科是似鸟龙下目的近亲,并将它们分类于似鸟龙超科(Ornithomimoidea)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The entire sound-structure of a language may be generated from a relatively small number of rules. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:一种语言的整体声音结构可以从相对少量的规则,而被推衍出来。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Having described the emergence of the modern economic system, Polanyi now sought to understand how "the economy" emerged as a distinct sphere in the distant past. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 对现代经济体系的出现作出解释之后,波兰尼试图了解在遥远的古代各种不同的经济形态是如何诞生的。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In 2006, Gene Luen Yang's graphic novel American Born Chinese, originally published as a webcomic on Modern Tales, was the first graphic novel to be nominated for a National Book Award. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2006年,美藉华人漫画家杨谨伦凭借于入门网站Modern Tales率先公开的《美生中国人》,成为首部被提名竞逐美国国家图书奖的网络漫画。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Accuracy requirements are strict, due to target size – reservoirs may only be a few tens to hundreds of meters across – and safety, because of the proximity of other boreholes. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:由于附近还有其它的钻孔,也由于目标的大小-储藏层可能只有数十到数百米宽-和安全上的理由,在精度上的要求很严格。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Each time a comet swings by the Sun in its orbit, some of its ice vaporizes and a certain amount of meteoroids will be shed. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 彗星在轨道上每接近太阳一次,就会有一些冰被蒸发和倾卸出一些流星体。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Yusupov began his career as a digital product designer at firms including Razorfish and R/GA, where he worked on projects including as the lead designer on the first version of Hulu.com in 2007. Assistant: 尤苏波夫在数间公司任职数码产品设计师,包括Razorfish和R/GA,他的作品包括2007年的Hulu.com初版。 User: Sanders identified Davis as MacPhail's murderer while Grizzard stated he could not identify the gunman. Assistant: 桑德斯认定戴维思就是枪杀麦克菲的凶手,但是格里扎德则表示无法确认枪手的真实身份。 User: Diesel engines have the lowest specific fuel consumption of any large internal combustion engine employing a single cycle, 0.26 lb/hp·h (0.16 kg/kWh) for very large marine engines (combined cycle power plants are more efficient, but employ two engines rather than one). Assistant: 柴油引擎是单一周期的大型内燃机引擎中,有最低燃料消耗比(英语:specific fuel consumption (shaft engine))的引擎,非常大型的船用柴油引擎其数值为0.26 lb/hp·h (0.16 kg/kWh)(多周期的发电厂用引擎其效率更高,但其中有二个引擎而不只是一个)。 User: Promoted on 25 May 1936 as Apostolic Prefecture of Hainan 海南. Assistant: 1936年5月25日升格为海南监牧区。 User: No version of the game was marketed in the PAL region until Final Fantasy Origins in 2003. Assistant: 在2003年《Final Fantasy Origins》之前,《最终幻想》没有在PAL区发行。 User: In 1999, UNC Chapel Hill was one of sixteen recipients of the American Society of Landscape Architects Medallion Awards and was identified as one of 50 college or university "works of art" by T.A. Gaines in his book The Campus as a Work of Art. Assistant: 1999年,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校是“美国社会造园设计师Medallian奖”的16家获奖者之一,同时也是T.A. Gaines在他的《艺术品校园》一书中所认可的50个“艺术品”大学之一。 User: Mälzel continued with exhibitions around the United States until 1828, when he took some time off and visited Europe, returning in 1829. Assistant: 梅尔策尔继续在美国举办展出,1828年回到欧洲,1829年再到美国。 User: Dark energy, which is the energy of empty space and is causing the expansion of the Universe to accelerate, accounts for the remaining 68.3% of the contents. Assistant: 暗能量是真空中的能量,也是导致宇宙加速膨胀的原因,在全部宇宙成分中占68.3%。 User: Borsuk lived and worked in Warsaw, hence the name of one of the fundamental examples of the area, the Warsaw circle. Assistant: Borsuk在华沙生活和工作,因此华沙成为此领域中的基础示例之一的名称,即华沙圈。 User: Italian, German, Hungarian and Chinese influences, traditional Native American, Caribbean, Mexican and Greek dishes have also diffused into the general American repertoire. Assistant: 受意大利、德国、匈牙利和中国影响,传统的美国食物、加勒比海、墨西哥和希腊菜肴也在美国普通食物中传播开来。 User: What makes Pleione particularly unique is that it alternates between three different phases: 1) normal B star, 2) Be star and 3) Be shell star. Assistant: 昴宿增十二之所以独特,是因为它处于三个不同的交替阶段之间:(1)普通B型恒星;(2)Be星;(3)Be壳层星。 User: Although Portugal and Spain were in a dynastic union from 1580 to 1640, England and Portugal were not at war, and the Duke of Buckingham threatened to sue the Company, but removed his claim when he received the sum of 10,000 pounds, supposedly 10% of the proceedings of the capture of Ormuz. Assistant: 在1580年至1640年间,葡萄牙和西班牙同属西葡帝国,英国却没有与葡萄牙处于交战状态,乔治·维利尔斯威胁要起诉不列颠东印度公司,后来他收到10,000英镑,相当于攻占奥尔穆兹所得收益的10%,他才收回了相关的言论。 User: In the Eastern Catholic Churches, in the absence of a priest, deacons do not vest and may only lead services as a reader, never presiding at weddings or funerals. Assistant: 在东仪天主教会中,当司铎不在时,执事并不更衣(vest)且只可以作为读经员(reader)领导服务,而并不主持婚礼或葬礼。 User: However, when Stalin reviewed the sketch design in September 1949, he rejected it, ordering a smaller, faster ship capable of 35 knots (65 km/h; 40 mph). Assistant: 然而斯大林于1949年9月审视草图设计后却回绝了该提案,反倒要求设计局提出一种体积较小、速度可达35节(65公里每小时;40英里每小时)的方案。 User: Hill and the Hansens also ran; they revealed their positions to the fighters in their haste, but successfully hid themselves behind a ridge. Assistant: 希尔和汉森夫妇同样也开始逃跑,他们在荒忙间向叛军暴露了自己的位置,但成功藏身在一道山岭的后面。 User: The design of the octagonal enclosure housing the NTT is another technological breakthrough. Assistant: NTT的八角型储存模组设计是NTT在技术上的另一项突破。 User: A typical computer monitor may contain more than 6% lead by weight, much of which is in the lead glass of the cathode ray tube (CRT). Assistant: 典型的计算机显示器可以包含超过重量6%的铅,其中大部分在阴极射线管(CRT)的铅玻璃中。 User: The oratory is best known for its late Gothic style fresco cycle (1416) by the brothers Lorenzo and Jacopo Salimbeni. Assistant: 祈祷室以洛伦佐·萨林贝尼(Lorenzo Salimbeni)和雅格布·萨林贝尼(Jacopo Salimbeni)兄弟的晚期哥特式风格的壁画(1416年)而闻名。 User: They also detected a small-scale molecular bar and a large reservoir of molecular material, however, no evidence of current activity was detected at the nucleus. Assistant: 他们也检测到一个小尺度的分子棒和一个大的分子物质储藏所,但是目前没影证据显示其核心有活动的迹象。 User: In 2002–2005 he worked as the CEO of Elektrobit Oyj, then returned to his own business. Assistant: 2002-2005年间他曾在上市公司Elektrobit Oyj任总经理,之后又返回管理他自己的公司,直至当选为芬兰议员。 User: Russian heavy artillery, mostly of Western manufacture, reached Smolensk in December 1632 with even heavier guns arriving the following March. Assistant: 俄罗斯的重炮(其中很大一部分从西方进口)在1632年12月抵达斯摩棱斯克,相同数量的重型枪支也在来年三月运抵同处。 User: Following the completion of fitting-out work, the ship was commissioned into the fleet on 31 July 1913. Assistant: 舾装工作完成后,该舰于1913年7月31日进入舰队服役。 User: This fight continued until September 5. Assistant: 此案直到9月5日才侦结。 User: After the scuttling of the Graf Spee, Raeder had ordered all capital ships to fight to the last round if crippled. Assistant: 施佩尔伯爵号重巡洋舰自沉后,雷德尔命令所有主力舰必须战至最后一弹。 User: The Hamburg Masters event was downgraded to an ATP World Tour 500 event. Assistant: 而汉堡大师赛则被“降级”为ATP世界巡回赛500系列赛事。 User: Like the other metanationals, it takes on intensive economic and political ties with governments, but Praxis aims for partnerships rather than exploitive relationships. Assistant: 和其他跨国公司一样,布雷西斯公司和各国政府之间有广泛的经济政治联系,但该公司的目标是平等协作而不是剥削关系。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Their final studio album, Hypnotic Eye, was released in 2014. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 他们最后一张专辑《Hypnotic Eye(英语:Hypnotic Eye)》于2014年发行。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Although the leap into Dōtonbori canal and the Curse of the Colonel is usually associated only with a Hanshin Tigers victory, in 2002, when Japan beat Tunisia in the World Cup, some 500 fans jumped into the canal as a celebration, in spite of heavy police security. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 虽然球迷跳进道顿堀及肯德基叔叔诅咒常用于阪神虎棒球队上,但于2002年,日本在世界杯足球赛中击败突尼斯,致使500位足球球迷无视大批警察跳进运河中庆祝。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Trees in these regions are generally shorter and more heavily stemmed than in lower-altitude forests in the same regions, often with gnarled trunks and branches, forming dense, compact crowns. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:这些地区的树木普遍比同一地区的低海拔森林的树木更为矮小且质地坚硬,常形成茂密紧凑的林冠。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: More expropriation occurred soon after, bringing the total to over 400,000 acres (160,000 ha); the government offered compensation to the company at the rate at which the UFC had valued its own property for tax purposes. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 不久后,征地行动加快,总征地面积超过400,000英亩(160,000公顷),政府开出公司为了纳税给自己的财产估价的赔偿利率。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Upon her departure in 1955, the Today Girl name was adopted. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在她1955年离开之后,“《今天》女郎”的名称被采用。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: About 200 small houses were destroyed on Saint Kitts, with estates suffering considerable damage, while nearly all estates were destroyed on Saint Croix. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:圣基茨岛约有200幢小型房屋毁于一旦,房产受到严重破坏,圣克罗伊岛的房屋几乎全部被毁,岛上还有11人丧生。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: One theory holds that decreases in atmospheric CO 2, an important greenhouse gas, started the long-term cooling trend that eventually led to glaciation. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 有的理论认为,大气中CO2的下降,启动了长期的冷却,最终导致冰期。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The Supreme Court ruled on 31 May that President Mugabe should set a date as soon as possible, and that presidential and parliamentary elections must be held by 31 July. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 5月31日津巴布韦最高法院裁定,穆加贝总统应该尽快设定一个日期,总统和议会选举必须在7月31日举行,法院随后以程序的形式执行。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In his first suspended animation stages, his body was stored at Edward Hope's Cryo-Care facility in Phoenix, Arizona, for two years, then in 1969 moved to the Galiso facility in California. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在他的第一个假死阶段,他的遗体在Edward Hope在亚利桑那州凤凰城的Cryo-Care 中储存了两年,然后1969年被搬到加州的Galiso中。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Around 1898 he relinquished management of his business interests there, handing them over to the management of his attorney, Mr. Leong Mok On, and moved to Penang where he lived at No. 8, Leith Street. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在1898年前后,他将其生意转让给其律师Leong Mok On,自己移居槟城莲花河街8号(No. 8, Leith Street)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1970, Australian educator, journalist and politician Irina Dunn created the phrase "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," scribbling the phrase on two bathroom doors: one at Sydney University where she was then a student, and the other at Soren's Wine Bar in Woolloomooloo. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 于1970年,澳大利亚教育工作者、记者和政治家伊琳娜·邓恩(英语:Irina Dunn)创造了短句“女人对男人的需求就像一条鱼对一辆自行车的需求”,并将短句涂上悉尼大学和伍尔卢莫卢的索伦酒吧的卫生间门上。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Because of this, a number of techniques and procedures have been developed for optimizing PCR conditions. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 正因为如此,人们已经开发了一些技术和步骤来优化聚合酶链式反应条件。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:It is not clear why women converted in larger numbers than men. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 目前尚不清楚为什么妇女的皈依人数比男子多。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The functions of the staging area include the following: One of the primary functions performed by a staging area is consolidation of data from multiple source systems. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 盘点区的功能包含下列各项: 盘点区担任的主要功能之一, 就是整合多个来源系统的资料。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In the letters the word occurs numerous times in its plural form, both with a final n/m: mandarĩs, manderĩs, manderỹs and without it: mandaris, manderys, mandarys. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在这些信札中“曼达林”一词以复数形式出现数次,有时有词尾的n/m:mandarĩs, manderĩs,manderỹs以及没有n/m:mandaris,manderys,mandarys。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Eventually, the state of New Jersey changed its incorporation laws to allow a company to hold shares in other companies in any state. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 后来,新泽西州修改了它的注册公司法,允许一间公司持有全美任何的公司的股份。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In contrast to the mathematical Syntaxis, the Planetary Hypotheses is sometimes described as a book of cosmology. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:相对于数学的《天文学大成》,《行星假说》有时被称为描述宇宙论的一本书。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 That is purer for your hearts and their hearts". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:即是心(八识心王)及相应数法(五十一相应心所),有能缘之用。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:For example, people expect more expensive wine to have more desirable characteristics than less expensive wine. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 例如,人们觉得贵的啤酒比便宜的味道要好。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This stage of the Polish-Lithuanian conflict with the Teutonic Order ended with the Treaty of Melno in 1422. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:这一阶段波兰立陶宛与条顿骑士团之间的冲突在1422年的梅尔诺条约中画上句号。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It also said that its fur is a brown gray color resembling a dog or bear. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这就说明它的皮毛是棕灰色,类似于狗或熊。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The number of ministries and the division of responsibilities and administrations between them varies from government to government. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 部的数量和职责的拆分和它们之间的行政管理从一届政府到另一届政府不断变化。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Both are hardy, colorful fish which require no special heating, provided the pond is located in an area which does not have extremes of temperature that would affect the fish. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这两个是强壮、多彩的鱼,只要池塘位于一个没有极端的地区不需要特别的加热。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In the period in which The Wrestlers was painted, sports were becoming increasingly popular, and the painting is both a reflection of this trend and a part of the English tradition of copying poses from classical Hellenistic works. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在绘画《摔跤手》的时期,体育运动越来越受欢迎,这幅画既是这种趋势的反映,也是从希腊古典作品中模仿的英国传统模仿绘画的一部分。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It was also possible to share a compressed volume with a remote computer. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 也可以与远程计算机共享压缩卷。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Beginning in 1961, Debus directed the design, development and construction of NASA's Saturn launch facilities at the north end of Cape Canaveral and adjacent Merritt Island. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 从1961年起,德布斯指导设计、开发和建造了位于卡纳维拉尔角北端、邻近梅里特岛的美国航天局土星火箭发射场。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In 1936, Marjorie Illig, an ASCC field representative, suggested the creation of a network consisting of new volunteers for the purpose of waging "war on cancer". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1936年,ASCC区域代表马乔里·伊利格(Marjorie Illig)建议创建一个大型的志愿者网络,目的是发动一场“对癌症的战争”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Ken Wlaschin, festival director, described the film in the brochure: John Carpenter, whose small-budget science-fiction epic Dark Star was widely acclaimed, has turned his inventive imagination to the thriller for his first solo directional effort. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 据影展的总监肯·弗拉辛在小册子中对这部电影的描述: 以低预算科幻史诗作品《黑星球》而受到广泛赞誉的约翰·卡本特,已将他的创造性的想像力转变成了他的首次以个人方向努力的惊悚片。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: He flew to the United States in late August 1941, ostensibly to discuss the radar programme, but actually to find out why the United States was ignoring the MAUD Committee's findings. Assistant: 1941年8月,奥利芬特飞往美国,表面上是为了讨论雷达项目,实际目标是为了了解美国为何忽视了莫德委员会的发现。 User: While playing as The Consequence and early under the name Cash Cash, the group used a more traditional band setup, with use of live guitars, bass guitar, drums, keyboards, vocoders, talk boxes, and electronics. Assistant: The Consequence时期及Cash Cash的早期,乐队使用的是更加传统的乐队设备——现场吉他,低音吉他,鼓,键盘,声码器,Talk Box和电子乐器。 User: She joined IBM's Consulting Group in 1991. Assistant: 1991年加入IBM的咨询集团。 User: Its worldwide use has been estimated to be approximately 0.1–1.0 metric tons per year. Assistant: 世界年消耗量约0.1–1.0吨。 User: He has authored more than 400 publications on mathematics and physics. Assistant: 他在数学和物理领域已经发表了400多篇学术文章。 User: Very little is known about the electronics industry in North Korea due to the government's isolation policies. Assistant: 不过,由于朝鲜政府的孤立政策,人们很难了解朝鲜电子产业的发展情况。 User: They also both engaged in violence against minorities based on xenophobia – the xenophobic violence of the Nazis was outspoken but rationalized as being against "asocial" elements while the xenophobic violence of the Stalinists was disguised as being against "anti-soviet", "counter-revolutionary" and "socially harmful" elements – a term which often targeted diaspora nationalities. Assistant: 两种体制都以排外思想为基础实行暴力反对少数族群——纳粹的排外暴力明目张胆但解释成反对“不合群的”元素,而斯大林主义的排外暴力掩饰成反对“危害社会的”元素——那就是针对散居的民族的术语。 User: The House of Saud has gone through three phases: the Emirate of Diriyah, the First Saudi State (1744–1818), marked by the expansion of Wahhabism; the Emirate of Nejd, the Second Saudi State (1824–1891), marked with continuous infighting; and the Third Saudi State (1902–present), which evolved into Saudi Arabia in 1932 and now wields considerable influence in the Middle East. Assistant: 沙地王朝经过了三个阶段:首先是第一沙地国德拉伊耶酋长国(1744-1818),标志了瓦哈比派的扩张;然后是第二沙地国内志酋长国(1824-1891),标志着持续内讧,在中东中有可观的影响力。 User: The difference between resistance derived from two-lead and four-lead methods is a reasonably accurate measurement of contact resistance assuming that the leads resistance is much smaller. Assistant: 从两极法和四极法推导的电阻差值是对接触电阻合理准确的测量假设探针电阻足够小而忽略不计。 User: Inside the GT500 gains a cobra disc on the steering wheel, shift ball, and seats with embroidered cobras. Assistant: 在GT500里面,GT500获得了眼镜蛇盘的方向盘、球形排挡杆,以及绣了眼镜蛇的座椅。 User: After its sixteenth issue, the newspaper added an extra 16 columns; the most popular were on military events, Chinese philosophy, hygiene, and astronomy. Assistant: 自第16版以后,该报又增加了16个话题,包括军事、中国哲学、卫生学、天文学等。 User: Imatinib is rapidly absorbed when given by mouth, and is highly bioavailable: 98% of an oral dose reaches the bloodstream. Assistant: 当给予伊马替尼经口服被迅速吸收,并且有非常高的生物可利用度(口服剂量的98%到达血液中)。 User: In the Jewish Quarter there are 123 houses, two synagogues and a Jewish cemetery which isn't in the area of the town. Assistant: 在犹太区有123座房屋、2座犹太会堂和一个犹太公墓。 User: Without a clearly articulated official position from the Beijing leadership, local authorities did not know how to respond. Assistant: 但是由于中国共产党领导高层迟迟没有针对北京发起的示威活动有明确的定位,这使得地方当局不知道如何处理当地的学生运动。 User: In an interview with fuse.tv, Tedder said, "The original concept was borrowing from the opening scene of Garden State—the plane's going down and all the oxygen masks drop out and everyone's going crazy... Assistant: 在接受fuse.tv的采访时,泰德表示音乐录像带的原始概念借用了电影《情归新泽西(英语:Garden State (film))》的开场—一架飞机在降落的时候,氧气面罩滑落下来了,大家惊慌失措。 User: The pickaxe and rifle were part of the logo of Albanian Radio-Television during this period, and can be seen in the above photograph. Assistant: 在这期间,镐和步枪是阿尔巴尼亚广播电台标志的一部分,可以在上面的照片中看到。 User: The end of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to a dramatic decrease in regular observations from the Arctic. Assistant: 1991年,苏联解体,之后的一段时期中,原苏联方面对北极的定期观测受到很大影响。 User: While the pioneering Polish humanists, greatly influenced by Erasmus of Rotterdam, accomplished the preliminary assimilation of the antiquity culture, the generation that followed was able to put greater emphasis on the development of native elements, and because of its social diversity, advanced the process of national integration. Assistant: 随着深受伊拉斯谟影响的波兰人文主义先驱完成了对古典时代文化的初步吸收,后世的人们得以将精力更多放在发展本土文化上,并且因为波兰社会的多样性,他们推动了民族融合的进程。 User: It was downgraded to a tropical storm on the afternoon of September 20 and dissipated 3 days later south of Bermuda. Assistant: 9月20日下午,气旋降级成热带风暴,并于3天后在百慕大以南洋面消散。 User: In tests in 1964 with the XB-70 near Oklahoma City, the path had a maximum width of 16 miles, but still resulted in 9,594 complaints of damage to buildings, 4,629 formal damage claims, and 229 claims for a total of $12,845.32, mostly for broken glass and cracked plaster. Assistant: 1965年,XB-70轰炸机在一次试验中接近俄克拉荷马城,即使其音爆区最宽只有16英里,但已经造成严重影响,当局事后收到了来自当地居民的9,594个关于音爆造成房屋损坏的投诉,其中有4,629个投诉正式提出索偿,但最终只有229个个案获得总共12,845.32美元的赔偿。 User: From 1950 to 1978 it was always a member of the league and continued to be a third division side in the Oberliga Baden-Württemberg until 1991, making it 42 uninterrupted years, a German record. Assistant: 从1950年至1978年,奥芬堡始终是联赛的成员,甚至在巴登-符腾堡高级联赛成立后继续维持在第三级别直至1991年,以42年不间断参加同一级别赛事创造了德国纪录。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Transmission of the taped images to Earth began about 8.5 hours after signal reacquisition and continued until August 3. Assistant: 讯号再次取得后约8.5小时,磁带中的照片开始传回地球,并且一直持续至8月3日。 User: Fairburne remarks that World War II is over but the Cold War has just begun, in which he has acted as the first soldier. Assistant: 费尔伯恩认为二战已经结束,但冷战才刚刚开始,而他是参与的第一个士兵。 User: The team had all but run out of gas as the Rams finally defeated them 34–10 in Los Angeles. Assistant: 但是奇迹没有在季后赛发生,公羊队最终在洛杉矶以34-10战胜了维京。 User: The report of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards found that although Osborne had breached the rules, the offence was "unintended and relatively minor". Assistant: 国会标准专员的报告说,虽然奥斯本先生违反了国会规则,但罪行是“无意的和相对较小的”。 User: The University of Berlin, founded in 1810 by the liberal educational reformer Wilhelm von Humboldt, became the academic model for many European and Western universities. Assistant: 1810年自由教育改革家威廉·冯·洪堡创建柏林大学,其办学模式为诸多欧洲及西方大学借鉴。 User: Lanthanum aluminate is an inorganic compound with the formula LaAlO3, often abbreviated as LAO. Assistant: 铝酸镧是一种无机化合物,化学式为LaAlO3,通常缩写为LAO。 User: For example, a Microsoft Windows compatibility layer is not possible on PowerPC hardware because Windows requires an x86 CPU. Assistant: 举例来说,微软Windows的兼容层不可能在PowerPC硬件上运行,因为Windows需要x86的CPU;对于这种情况,只能进行完全仿真。 User: The story goes, that many of the people of Föhr emigrated to Manhattan during deep sea fishing trips, took a liking to the drink, and brought it back to Föhr with them. Assistant: 故事是这样的,许多弗尔的人移民到曼哈顿,喜欢上了喝这个酒,并把它带回弗尔。 User: In free mode, the camera moves without inertia. Assistant: 自由模式下,相机无惯性移动。 User: Its function is to act as a care taker. Assistant: 其任务是负责管好身为战斗狂的乱波。 User: It hosted 1977 FIFA World Youth Championship, 1994 African Cup of Nations, 2001 Mediterranean Games and 2004 African Cup of Nations. Assistant: 它也曾被使用于举办1977年的国际足联世界青年锦标赛, 1994年的非洲杯,2001年的地中海运动会 和 2004年的非洲国家杯。 User: But even before they are able to elope, the situation escalates – a life and death struggle begins. Assistant: 尽管如此,人类仍继续堕落,于是战争掀起,开始了打打杀杀。 User: This move was made in order to groom Rhea to be the next governor. Assistant: 此举意在将雷亚培养成下任州长。 User: The regiment practically ceased to exist, and Zeydlitz was taken prisoner. Assistant: 军团几乎不复存在,而泽德利奇被俘。 User: A controversy exists over the national identity and name of the native language of the main ethnic group in the Republic of Moldova. Assistant: 摩尔多瓦语言和民族问题是指在摩尔多瓦共和国主要民族认同和母语认同的问题。 User: One Connecticut regiment raised in 1746 during King George's War (containing 980 men total) contained 139 Native American men. Assistant: 在1746年乔治国王战争中,康州的一个团(总计有980人)中139人是印第安人。 User: Renenutet was envisioned, particularly in art, as a cobra, or as a woman with the head of a cobra. Assistant: 在艺术上,列涅努忒特被想像为一条眼镜蛇,或是头上带一条眼镜蛇的女人。 User: Some of the areas within the Kalahari are seasonal wetlands, such as the Makgadikgadi Pans of Botswana. Assistant: 有些卡拉哈里内的区域是季节性的湿地,如博茨瓦纳马卡迪卡迪盐沼。 User: She later carries the monkey into the kitchen. Assistant: 他立刻把鹅抓进了厨房里。 User: The UK's significant economic involvement in South Africa may have provided some leverage with the South African government, with both the UK and the US applying pressure and pushing for negotiations. Assistant: 英国在南非大量的经济参与也许对南非产生了一定的影响,而且英、美同时施压,强烈要求谈判。 User: 328 members are elected by an electoral college consisting of elected representatives from each of 96 departments in metropolitan France, 8 of which are elected from other dependencies, and 12 of which are elected by the French Assembly of French Citizens Abroad (Assemblée des Français de l'étranger) which has replaced the High Council of French Citizens Abroad (Conseil Supérieur des Français de l'Étranger) a 155-member assembly elected by citizens living abroad. Assistant: 其中,328名议员由法国本土各省的选举人团选出,8名议员从法国海外省选出,还有12名议员则由法国海外公民协会(英语:Assembly of French Citizens Abroad)(Assemblée des Français de l'étranger)选出。 User: In addition to the four paved runways, Honolulu International Airport has two designated offshore runways designated 8W/26W and 4W/22W for use by seaplanes. Assistant: 除四条铺成跑道之外,檀香山国际机场还有两条分别在8W/26W和4W/22W方向的水上跑道,供水上飞机起降。 User: An entrant is the person or corporate entity that registers a car and driver for a race, and is then responsible for preparing and maintaining that car during the race weekend. Assistant: 该个人或公司实体负责在比赛周末准备和维护赛车。 User: However, Egyptian cultural officials took offense and proclaimed it to be a disgrace to "one of the great symbols of their country's history". Assistant: 但是埃及的文化官员认为这是种侮辱,并宣称这个企划污蔑了该国伟大的历史象征之一。 User: It is the second verse of the Sermon on the Mount, and second of what are known as the Beatitudes. Assistant: 清代《好逑传》又名《侠义风月传》,亦名《第二才子好逑传》。 User: The collapsed rigs, built in 1956 and 1961, were designed to withstand 45 ft (14 m) waves that would accompany a 25 year storm at the time, though Juan produced waves approaching 70 ft (21 m). Assistant: 崩塌的两个平台分别建于1956和1961年,其设计标准足以抵御14米的狂浪,同时按当年的标准,会产生这种高度海浪的风暴要25年才有1场,但胡安产生的浪高达21米。 User: The PLO routinely attacked Israel during the period of the cease-fire, with over 270 documented attacks. Assistant: 在停火期内巴解组织仍旧频繁攻击以色列,光有档案记载的就有270次之多。 User: The C standard does not say that the null pointer is the same as the pointer to memory address 0, though that may be the case in practice. Assistant: C语言标准并没有规定内存位置0与空指标相同,随然实际上内存位置0与空指标在大部分的情况下会是相同的。 User: When Foster was four years old, his family relocated to Fairfield, Iowa, after their Boston home was broken into by robbers while they were present. Assistant: 当福斯特四岁的时候,他的家人迁往爱荷华州的费尔菲尔德,在此之前他们的波士顿旧居所曾被劫匪闯入。 User: When Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and AIG collapsed, Iceland and the rest of the world went into a global recession. Assistant: 当雷曼兄弟破产和美国国际集团(AIG)崩溃,而使成为一个全球性的经济衰退。 User: In 1874, it was scheduled to be printed at the United States Naval Observatory, but the typesetting was interrupted midway and the type destroyed. Assistant: 在1874年,原定由美国海军天文台印刷,但排版中途被中断,而且样本也被弄坏了。 User: In Malay language, the name were formerly designated 'Paspot Malaysia', but the spelling was changed to 'Pasport Malaysia' in the 1980s. Assistant: 在此之前其马来语拼音是“Paspot Malaysia”,但在1980年代已经改成“Pasport”并沿用至今。 User: Then beginning around 1974, Cohen's collaboration with pianist and arranger John Lissauer created a live sound praised by the critics. Assistant: 从1974年前后,科恩和钢琴家编曲家John Lissauer开始合作,制作了一场广获赞扬的现场音乐。 User: After about an hour, McFarlane called a ceasefire; according to some, a white flag had been waved in the house. Assistant: 双方激战了一个钟头后,麦克法兰下令停火,因为有人看到屋内竖起了白旗。 User: Snorri Sturluson's description of the marshy and difficult terrain where Magnus and his men were attacked fits the conditions in and around Horse Island, making it a strong candidate for the burial site. Assistant: 斯诺里·斯蒂德吕松描述了沼泽和艰难的地形,马格努斯和他的部下在那里受到袭击符合马岛及其周围的条件,使其成为埋葬地点的最有可能的选址之一。 User: Since the attacker normally cannot see any reply packets, the sequence number must be guessed in order to hijack the connection. Assistant: 由于攻击者通常不能看到任何响应数据报,必须猜测序列号以劫持连接。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Since the planet is also a black body which emits radiation according to the Stefan–Boltzmann law, it will emit radiation and lose energy. Assistant: 因为行星也是遵循斯特藩-玻尔兹曼定律的黑体,所以会释放辐射并损失能量。 User: In addition, the Russian city of Oryol also uses the hammer and sickle on its flag. Assistant: 俄罗斯城市奥廖尔的市旗上也有镰刀与锤子标志。 User: From 2004 to 2006 Woodard led numerous expeditions to Nueva Germania, winning support from then U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney. Assistant: 2004-2006年间,伍达德曾领导了许多人前往新日耳曼尼亚探险,并得到了时任美国副总统迪克·切尼的支持。 User: Peterson succeeded David Rockefeller as Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1985 and served until his retirement from that position in 2007. Assistant: 1985年他在戴维·洛克菲勒之后成功接任美国外交关系协会会长,一直工作直到2007年退休。 User: Trees, shrubs and perennials will need occasional pruning to remove dead stems, promote blooming or control height and spread. Assistant: 乔木,灌木和多年生植物需要偶尔修剪去除死茎,促进开花或控制高度和蔓延。 User: According to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, his predecessor Andrey Kobyakov was appointed in the same way. Assistant: 根据自由欧洲电台的说法,他的前任安德烈·科比亚科夫以同样的方式被任命。 User: The Ohuokhai is a simultaneous round dance and song. Assistant: 欧苏哈伊是一个同步的圆舞曲和歌曲。 User: A CERA studies to focus on how various risks, including operational, investment, strategic, and reputational combine to affect organizations. Assistant: CERA主要集中于不同风险、包括运营、投资、战略、声誉风险对企业的影响。 User: Platforma. Assistant: 平台。 User: The Tunku described it as "a course guaranteeing peace", but the Bill was widely derided by many Malays, who formed the National Language Action Front in hope of repealing or amending it. Assistant: 东姑形容此举为“确保和平的一步棋”,但这个方案被许多马来人嘲笑,从而成立了国家语言行动阵线 (National Language Action Front),希望复核甚至更改法案,而东姑的领导能力备受质疑。 User: In October 1963 the airline signed an agreement with Air France, which saw Air Madagascar beginning a service to Paris, via Djibouti, in July 1964 with a Boeing 707, which was painted in Air Madagascar livery, and operated by Air France crews. Assistant: 马达加斯加航空于1963年10月与法国航空签订协议,由1964年7月起开办巴黎航线(经吉布提),以松上马达加斯加航空的波音707客机执飞,但由法国航空的机员提供服务。 User: He partnered with his brother Al and mining engineer Richard Gird in a handshake deal that produced millions of dollars in wealth for all three men. Assistant: 他与其兄艾尔和采矿工程师理查德·哥德一起参与了一起解雇协议,三人分得了数百万财产。 User: Cajun and Creole cooking are influenced by French, Acadian, and Haitian cooking, although the dishes themselves are original and unique. Assistant: 法人后裔和克里奥尔式的烹饪方式受法国人、阿卡迪亚人和海地人的烹饪方式影响,虽然他们自己的食物是原创的和独特的。 User: In March 1911, the New York Milk Committee appointed him to be a member of the National Commission on Milk Standards. Assistant: 在1911年3月,纽约牛奶协会任命他为国家乳品标准委员会的一员。 User: A third Wolverine film titled Logan was released on March 3, 2017. Assistant: 第3部金钢狼电影《罗根》于2017年3月3日在美国上映。 User: It proposes to attain these ends mainly through the following principles and institutions: Workers' and consumers' councils utilizing self-managerial methods for decision making Balanced job complexes Remuneration according to effort and sacrifice Participatory planning Albert and Hahnel stress that parecon is only meant to address an alternative economic theory and must be accompanied by equally important alternative visions in the fields of politics, culture and kinship. Assistant: 建议主要通过以下原则和机构实现这些目标: 劳动者和消费者协会通过自我管理来决策; 综合、平衡的工作 根据个人作出的努力和牺牲决定报酬 参与性规划 阿尔伯特和汉内尔强调,参与型经济作为一个另类经济理论,必须和同等重要的政治、文化和血缘方面的另类远见一并存在。 User: In so doing, Marcie also made Peppermint Patty face the reality that Snoopy was a beagle, and not the "funny-looking kid with the big nose" that Peppermint Patty often referred to him as. Assistant: 玛西也让佩蒂搞清楚史努比是一只狗的事实,而不是佩蒂常误认为的“有一个大鼻子的奇怪小孩”。 User: Meanwhile, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe blamed an attack on French UNIFIL peacekeepers in southern Lebanon on Hezbollah and said his government believed the attackers acted on orders from Damascus. Assistant: 同时,法国外长阿兰·朱佩谴责真主党武装袭击位于黎巴嫩南部的联合国暂时驻黎巴嫩军法国维和士兵,他认为这次袭击受到了叙利亚当局的指使。 User: Fatalities of drivers of large trucks remained unchanged. Assistant: 车体的行走机构基本没有变化。 User: GlucoMe, develops a blood glucose meter that provides an interface to the cloud through a phone or tablet to allow data gathering and analysis, alerts and patient monitoring. Assistant: GlucoMe公司,研发了一款便携血糖仪,数据可以通过手机或平板电脑上传至云端,进行数据分析,病情监测,紧急情况下发出警报。 User: In the center of the floor is a central mountain complex. Assistant: 该中央峰的顶部坐落了一座大陨坑。 User: Full of passion from his experiences with and exposure to European Masters of painting, he sold his house and car to support his full-time vocation as an artist. Assistant: 与欧洲的绘画大师接触、交往之后,他对艺术的创作更加满怀激情,他变卖了自己的房子和车子,坚定不移地要继续走职业艺术家这条道路。 User: The geometry of the Elite already exists for the Halo video games but it couldn't be directly transferable to the Mental Ray renderer so it had to be re-topologized in ZBrush and Maya. Assistant: 用于《最后一战》系列中的精英模组无法直接在Mental Ray软件中彩现,因此它必须在ZBrush和Maya上重新创建。 User: When entirely partitioned in, the living level comprises three bedrooms, bathroom and living room. Assistant: 当被全部分割时,生活层包括三个卧室,浴室和起居室。 User: Over the years, hundreds of quasicrystals with various compositions and different symmetries have been discovered. Assistant: 多年以来已经发现了几百种具有多种组成和对称性的准晶体。 User: The Google F1 SQL database management system (DBMS) is built on top of Spanner, replacing Google's custom MySQL variant. Assistant: 谷歌把名为F1的SQL数据库管理系统构建于Spanner之上,并取代自己定制的MySQL。 User: The agricultural sector of most countries is important both economically and politically, and water subsidies are common. Assistant: 许多国家的农业无论在经济或政治上均十分重要,因此对于水的补助时常可见。 User: Early on the morning of 19 May, Bismarck left Gotenhafen, bound for the North Atlantic. Assistant: 5月19日凌晨,俾斯麦号离开戈滕哈芬向北大西洋进发。 User: Caires called Last Mission "a good little distraction", but called Will "incomprehensible". Assistant: 凯雷斯称《最终的任务》是“不错的小消遣”,但《Will》则“令人费解”。 User: The urban AC stations resemble soft AC rather than hot AC; they play predominantly R&B and soul music with little hip-hop. Assistant: 城市AC电台更像轻柔AC而不是热门AC;它们主要演奏节奏布鲁斯和伴随极少嘻哈特色的灵魂乐。 User: He was given a prison sentence (believed to be around six months) and suspended from competitive football for one year. Assistant: 他被判入狱(据信大约六个月),并被禁赛一年。 User: General relativity is very successful in providing a framework for accurate models which describe an impressive array of physical phenomena. Assistant: 广义相对论成功地为一些物理学模型提供了框架,这些模型解释了很多令人印象深刻的现象。 User: Attempts to specify a direct construction have only produced some conditional results. Assistant: 各种直接构造的尝试只产生了一些条件性的结果。 User: In the early 1980s he became involved in local politics. Assistant: 从1980年代开始他介入法国政界。 User: The last one is missing today. Assistant: 幢顶现已残缺。 User: Chandler went on to defeat Brown and was easily re-elected in the general election over Republican Richard J. Colbert. Assistant: 接下来钱德勒在初选中战胜布朗,又在普选中轻取共和党对手理查德·科尔伯特(Richard J. Colbert)取得连任。 User: The hospitalization and recovery kept Biden from his duties in the U.S. Senate for seven months. Assistant: 这些护理与康复使得拜登有七个月未能到参议院工作。 User: Modern engineering on this scale is essentially a team activity conducted by specialists in their respective fields and disciplines. Assistant: 这个规模的现代工程本质上是一个团队活动,并由各个领域和学科的专家来领导。 User: Consistent with Joseph Johnson's attitudes, the Analytical Review tended towards a "moderate radicalism", meaning that it opposed the Pitt administration and celebrated the general values of Paine's Rights of Man. Assistant: 一致,与约瑟夫·约翰逊的态度, 分析评论 的趋势走向一个"温和极端主义",这意味着它反对 皮特 政府和庆祝大价值观的培恩的 人权的。 User: The process of repatriation began in September 1945, and lasted until May 1946. Assistant: 遣返始于1945年9月,一直持续到1946年5月。 User: They considered letting players place items anywhere on the track instead of just behind their kart. Assistant: 他们考虑过让玩家将道具投掷到赛道任意地方,而非只能扔在卡丁车后。 User: In the United States, Sony and Columbia Pictures released Sense and Sensibility on a slow schedule compared to mainstream films, first premiering it on 13 December 1995. Assistant: 《理智与情感》于1995年12月13日在美国首映,与主流电流相比,索尼和哥伦比亚电影公司发行本片的进程较为缓慢。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Hall performed in a project titled The Live Project, where he shared his music making process through ArtistShare as well as interviews with other musicians about his lasting influence. Assistant: 在这个项目中,豪尔分享了他创作音乐的过程,节目中对其他音乐家的访谈亦提及了他持续的影响力。 User: In 2003, a 25th Anniversary deluxe version of the book was released, repackaged as I Dared to Call Him Father: The Miraculous Story of a Muslim Woman's Encounter with God. Assistant: 2003年, 此书的25周年豪华版发行于世,包装更新为:《终敢称祂为父》,一位穆斯林妇女转信基督后虔诚爱主的真实故事。 User: For the next 60 years the site served as an Israeli army base known as Camp Schneller. Assistant: 在接下来的60年里,该处成为以色列国防军的营地,称为施内勒尔军营。 User: Because from a given node there is more than one possible next node (it is not a linear data structure), then, assuming sequential computation (not parallel), some nodes must be deferred—stored in some way for later visiting. Assistant: 由于从给定的某个节点出发,有多个可以前往的下一个节点(树不是线性数据结构),所以在顺序计算(即非并行计算)的情况下,只能推迟对某些节点的访问——即以某种方式保存起来以便稍后再访问。 User: The game was rumored to feature a free-to-play structure and microtransactions. Assistant: 游戏曾出现了网络游戏免费模式和微收费的谣言。 User: Leack thought the system lacked complexity and criticised its lack of polish, caused by the unreliable lock-on system, camera issues and excessively-long combat animation. Assistant: 莱克认为战斗系统不够复杂,没有打磨,批评其不可靠的锁定系统、镜头问题和过长的战斗动画。 User: It contained a kitchen, dining hall, some classrooms, and a women's gymnasium. Assistant: 这栋楼包含厨房、食堂、一些教室,还有女子体育馆。 User: Forest Hills also had a golfing presence for a short time. Assistant: 森林小丘还短暂存在过一个高尔夫球场。 User: Users who wish to create a petition are required to register a free whitehouse.gov account. Assistant: 希望创建或签署一份请愿的用户需要先注册一个免费的whitehouse.gov帐户。 User: In 1755, Immanuel Kant hypothesized that comets are composed of some volatile substance, whose vaporization gives rise to their brilliant displays near perihelion. Assistant: 在1755年,伊曼努尔·康德假设彗星是由一些挥发性物质组成,当它们接近近日点时因为汽化而呈现辉煌的亮度。 User: The kingdom had a relatively powerful navy, which in 1015 was used to take control of the Balearic Islands and thence to invade Sardinia. Assistant: 这个王国有一个相对强大的海军,泰法在1015年用来控制巴利阿里群岛,从而入侵撒丁岛。 User: Prior to the launch of SegaNet, Sega had already offered a $200 rebate to any Dreamcast owner who purchased two years of Internet access from Sega.com. Assistant: 在SegaNet推出之前,世嘉向从Sega.com购买互联网服务的Dreamcast用户提供了200美元的回扣。 User: Maximum salinity values occur at about 25° north and south, in subtropical regions with low rainfall and high evaporation. Assistant: 最高盐度的位置集中在南北纬度25° ,因为位处亚热带地区有低降雨及高蒸发的特色。 User: By the time of the Russo-Japanese War, the number of Japanese prostitutes in Singapore may have been as large as 700. Assistant: 在日俄战争爆发的时候,新加坡日本妓女的人数可能已经增加到大约700人,她们主要会在马来街(今密驼路)工作。 User: Neutrinos are particles that are produced in great quantities by a supernova, and they are not significantly absorbed by the interstellar gas and dust of the galactic disk. Assistant: 微中子是一种微粒,在超新星报炸时会大量产生,并且它们不会被星系盘的星际气体和尘埃明显的吸收。 User: The major French campaign, however, is the so-called "Mastery of Europe," which resembles the holistic modes of previous Total War games. Assistant: 然而,法国的主要战役目标是完全掌控欧洲,这类似于以前的全面战争游戏的整体战役。 User: As historian and journalist Max Hastings wrote in an article subtitled "the Allied Bombing of Dresden": "I believe it is wrong to describe strategic bombing as a war crime, for this might be held to suggest some moral equivalence with the deeds of the Nazis. Assistant: 历史学家马克思·黑斯廷斯在《盟军轰炸德累斯顿》一文中说:“我认为把战略轰炸说成是“战争罪行”是错的,因为在道德层面上,这样说可能意指其等同于纳粹党人的行为。 User: The Province of Genoa was established in 1859 by decree and was established on 1 March 1860. Assistant: 1859年通过法令于1860年3月1日成立热那亚省。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Carbon dioxide also occurs at trace levels. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 二氧化碳发生在痕量水平。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 It sat in Montgomery, Alabama, until May 20, 1861, when it adjourned to meet in Richmond, Virginia, on July 20, 1861. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 国会最初设于阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利,直至1861年5月20日结束休会;1861年7月20日复会后国会改设于维吉尼亚州里士满。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Throughout the 1930s he served the Sarawak civil service in various sectors, including the Land and Registry Department, and as a magistrate. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 1930年代,他在砂拉越的多个政府部门担任过公务员,其中包括土地与注册局、地方法院等部门。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: As time went on, the North Korean government became more aggressive, and skirmishes between troops of the North and South became common. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 随着时间的推移,朝鲜政府变得更具侵略性,南北军队之间的小冲突也变得很常见。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Law enforcement considered Cali to have been the Gambinos' "ambassador to Sicilian mobsters" and had linked him to the Inzerillo Mafia family from Palermo. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:执法部门认为卡利是甘比诺的“西西里黑帮大使”,并将他与帕勒莫的因泽里洛黑手党大家族(英语:Inzerillo Mafia clan)联系起来。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Leaky termination in these genes leads to translational readthrough of up to 10% of the stop codons of these genes. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这些基因中的漏出终止导致这些基因的高达10%的终止密码子的转译通读(translational readthrough)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 After they were relegated, he was fired before he could bring them back. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 柴再用其后因以戎服入朝被弹劾。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 See table to the right. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 可参见右表。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, its administrative subdivisions—regions, departments and communes—have various legal functions, and the national government is prohibited from intruding into their normal operations. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:然而,各种法定区划——大区、省和市镇——有各种不同的来源,并且国家政府被禁止干扰它们的正常立法活动。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Later, she apologised on public television and claimed she suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 之后她在电视中道歉并表示她得了创伤后压力心理障碍症。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The United States Coast Guard rescued 25 people at sea at the height of the storm, including 13 people from Long Island Sound. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 美国海岸警卫队在风暴影响洋面救出了25人,其中包括长岛海湾的13人。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It is considered a British alternative and upstart rival to the better known US publication The Onion and its coverage has been compared favourably and in some instances considered superior to that of the latter. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: The Daily Mash被认为是美国出版物《洋葱报》在英国的替代品和新兴的竞争对手,其覆盖面与后者相比毫不逊色,并且在有些情况下还被认为要优于后者。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In his 20 years there, he devoted himself almost exclusively to criminal law. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 在学术生涯的头20年,他几乎只致力于刑法学。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Currently, it houses both the London Chinese Lutheran Church and the American Church in London. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 目前,该堂驻有伦敦华人信义会和伦敦美国教会。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:After Jack Brabham's retirement, his old team went into a steep decline. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 杰克·布拉汉姆退役后,他的车队成绩便急剧下降。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Majority of the local dicots withered and lost their leaves within two days after the storm, while other plants such as palms, cycads and gymnosperms retained their foliage but turned brown. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 当地大部分双子叶植物都在风暴过后两天内掉光了叶子并枯萎,而像苏铁等裸子植物和棕榈虽然叶子还在,但大都变成了褐色。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In an interview with Interview magazine, she revealed that kissing him had made her feel uncomfortable: "I thought it was gross, that Brad had cooties. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在一次接受《访问》杂志采访时她表示,当时的这个吻让她感到很不自在:“我觉得那很恶心,布拉德有虱子。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Later investigation showed that Aum not only created the sarin used in the subway attacks, but had committed previous chemical and biological weapons attacks, including a previous attack with sarin that killed eight people and injured 144. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 后来的调查发现,奥姆真理教不仅制造了用于地铁袭击的沙林毒气,而且还要为此前的化学武器和生物武器袭击负责,包括造成7人死亡、144人受伤的松本沙林毒气事件 。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The rules for the Nobel Prize in Physics require that the significance of achievements being recognized has been "tested by time". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 诺贝尔物理学奖规则规定,获奖者的贡献必须“已经受时间的考验”。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: When Gray, then Beck were fired, the two men spent six months in Baltimore, planning their next move. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 当格雷和贝克相继被辞退,两个人花了六个月的时间计划他们下一步该怎么走。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The All India UTUC is functioning in both formal and informal sectors. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 汉语普通话在菲华社区的所有官方和正式就职中都被使用。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Beginning with Windows 3.1, Cardfile supported Object Linking and Embedding. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 有了Windows 3.1,Write开始支援对象连接与嵌入。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: We want to find the maximum flow from the source s to the sink t. Assistant: 即从 s 到 t 的最大流量。 User: The specific epithet izumiae honours Izumi Davis, wife of Troy Davis, one of the describing authors. Assistant: 泉氏猪笼草的种加词来源于正式描述的作者之一的特洛伊·戴维斯(Troy Davis)的妻子——泉·戴维斯(Izumi Davis)。 User: The oldest university is the University of Tartu which was established by the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf in 1632. Assistant: 最古老的大学是塔尔图大学,由瑞典国王古斯塔夫二世·阿道夫在1632年建立。 User: Some journalists have described Wallace's style as confrontational. Assistant: 一些记者将华莱士的风格描述为极具对抗性的。 User: Hume's History spanned "from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688" and went through over 100 editions. Assistant: 休谟讨论的历史范围“包含了从凯萨大帝入侵到1688年的革命”,这套书后来再版了超过100个版本。 User: That same year, Johnny Horton released the song "Sink the Bismark". Assistant: 同一年,歌手约翰尼·霍顿(英语:Johnny Horton)还发布了歌曲《击沉俾斯麦号(英语:Sink the Bismark)》。 User: The first such separate coronation of a queen consort in England was that of Matilda of Flanders in 1068; the last was Anne Boleyn's in 1533. Assistant: 第一个单独为王后举行的加冕礼是1068年佛兰德的玛蒂尔达的加冕礼;最后一个则是1533年安妮·博林的加冕礼。 User: Martha Louise Root (August 10, 1872 – September 28, 1939) was a prominent traveling teacher of the Bahá'í Faith in the late 19th and early 20th century. Assistant: 玛莎·路易丝·鲁特(Martha Louise Root,1872年4月10日-1939年9月28日)是活跃于19世纪末20世纪初的知名巴哈伊传导者。 User: She can create fire when she loses her temper. Assistant: 逃亡时因抛弃努万基而死于努万基之手。 User: The acquisition was approved by the European Union and the Federal Trade Commission, with conditions to a spinoff of certain overlapping brands. Assistant: 此次收购是由欧洲联盟和联邦贸易委员会批准,条件是剥离一些重复的品牌。 User: Both organisations co-ordinated the trading of patents and market penetration. Assistant: 这两个组织互相交易专利和市场渗透率。 User: On 11 July 1960, Moïse Tshombe, the leader of CONAKAT, declared the Congo's southern province of Katanga independent as the State of Katanga, with Élisabethville as its capital and himself as President. Assistant: 1960年7月11日,加丹加部族联盟领袖莫伊斯·冲伯宣布刚果南部加丹加省独立为加丹加国,伊丽莎白维尔为首都,并自立为总统。 User: The two agreed to meet at the same place the following year, with Johnny promising that should he forget or get lost, the two would "regroup on the Moon". Assistant: 两人约定明年在同一个地点再见,如果约翰尼忘记了或迷路了,两人则“在月球重聚”。 User: The changes to the landscape attracted protests from environmentalists and the producers promised to restore the site after filming was completed. Assistant: 对当地景观的这些改变引来了环境保护主义者的抗议,因此剧组承诺会在拍摄完成后将一切恢复原状。 User: On 2 September 1992, a Fokker 50 aircraft landing gear failed, causing the aircraft to veer off the runway and into the bushes. Assistant: 1992年9月2日,一架福克50飞机起落架故障导致飞机冲出跑道进入树丛里。 User: This "turn to technology" brought science studies into communication with academics in science, technology, and society programs. Assistant: 这种“转向技术”的趋势,将科学研究引入与科技和社会项目专业学者的交流。 User: In 2007, a team of astronomers led by Giampaolo Piotto of the University of Padua in Italy investigated Hubble Space Telescope images of NGC 2808 taken in 2005 and 2006 with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys. Assistant: 在2007年,在意大利帕多瓦大学,由Giampaolo Piotto领导的一组天文学家研究哈伯太空望远镜的先进巡天照相机在2005年和2006年拍摄的NGC 2808影像。 User: Maina wa Kinyatti. Assistant: 妄自迁徙。 User: And of course, you find out it's a bit harder than you thought it was going to be. Assistant: 也就是说,如果你发现状况很糟,它可能会比你想像的还要糟。 User: Computer science is considered by some to have a much closer relationship with mathematics than many scientific disciplines, with some observers saying that computing is a mathematical science. Assistant: 计算机科学被认为比其它科学学科与数学的联系更加密切,一些观察者说计算就是一门数学科学。 User: When the glaciers are in the valleys they are called lineated valley fill. Assistant: 当冰河在峡谷内时则被称为线状谷底沉积(Lineated valley fill)。 User: Wilber's article was reprinted 17 years later in Great Hoaxes of All Time (1956), edited by Robert Medill McBride and Neil Pritchie. Assistant: 他的那篇文章在17年后被选入《世界著名大骗局》(Great Hoaxes of All Time)中,此书由罗伯特·梅迪尔·麦克布莱德(Robert Medill McBride)和尼尔·普里奇(Neil Pritchie)编辑。 User: The limited use of DDT in disease vector control continues to this day in certain parts of the world and remains controversial. Assistant: 在世界一些地区,滴滴涕在载体上的应用限制受控持续至今,争议不断。 User: Every week, the final list of contestants will be judged accordingly by our three sets of judges. Assistant: 每周各邀请三位艺人担任评审,分别负责评定参赛者三个方面的分数。 User: Burial 1 dates to the Postclassic. Assistant: pop ; 把 data1 从栈上拿掉。 User: In Hall's third year as a postdoctoral researcher, Roman contacted Hall regarding faculty positions that Roman had advocated for Hall. Assistant: 在霍尔第三年的博士后研究生涯中,罗曼联络霍尔讨论关于教员职位。 User: In computing, specifically in Unix and Unix-like operating systems, a raw device is a special kind of logical device associated with a character device file that allows a storage device such as a hard disk drive to be accessed directly, bypassing the operating system's caches and buffers (although the hardware caches might still be used). Assistant: 在计算机领域,特别是类Unix系统中,裸设备是一种特殊类型的块设备文件,允许以直接访问硬盘的方式访问一个存储设备,而不经过操作系统的高速缓存和缓冲器(尽管可能仍旧使用硬件高速缓存)。 User: He later needed a wheelchair for mobility. Assistant: 后来他需要轮椅代步。 User: This suggests that supermassive black holes formed very quickly. Assistant: 这表明超大质量黑洞可快速形成。 User: The Remington Model 11 was the first auto-loading shotgun made in the US. Assistant: 雷明登11是美国历史上第一枝自动装填霰弹枪。 User: Congratulations. Assistant: 恭喜。 User: He was in the dry goods business from about 1836 to 1853. Assistant: 他大约在1836年至1853年间负责纺织品业务。 User: Two of the most popular are Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, by Walt Disney (USA) in 1954 and The Harder They Come by Vista Productions (Jamaica) in 1972. Assistant: 两部最著名的电影分别是1954年的《海底两万里》(美国华特迪士尼出品)及1972年的《不速之客(The Harder They Come,Vista Productions Ja.出品)。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The cathedral he had built in Vilnius was superseded by a pagan temple, and all the diplomatic achievements made after his coronation were lost, although the practice of Christianity and intermarriage were well tolerated. Assistant: 他在维尔纽斯建造的主教座堂被一多神教神庙代替,他昄依后取得的所有外交成果都化为乌有,尽管基督教活动和不同教派间的通婚得到了较大的宽容。 User: Not just in British football, with United and England, but the best in the world. Assistant: 不仅在英国,包括曼联和英格兰,在全世界上都是最好的。 User: Due to their history, the vast majority of Creoles have European first names and surnames. Assistant: 由于他们的历史,绝大多数克里奥尔人有欧洲名字和姓氏。 User: This is known as MIL-STD-1773. Assistant: 这也称为MIL-STD-1773。 User: Foragers, known as "bummers", would provide food seized from local farms for the Army while they destroyed the railroads and the manufacturing and agricultural infrastructure of Georgia. Assistant: 被称作“bummers”(对舍曼军队征粮者的昵称,意指他们的破坏性)的征粮者从当地农场夺取食物供给军队,他们同时破坏乔治亚的铁路和生产与农业设施。 User: The following year, Sparta sent an army into Boeotia, reviving the power of Thebes in order to help hold the Athenians in check. Assistant: 接下来的一年里,斯巴达向维奥蒂亚州派军,恢复底比斯的兵力,以帮助控制雅典军。 User: Konami brought a game of the same title to the PlayStation 2 around five years earlier than the DS version, but the game had little promotion, and sold poorly. Assistant: 在任天堂DS版本推出约五年之前,科乐美在PlayStation 2推出同名游戏,但因宣传不足而销路惨淡。 User: Be contented with what you have got and make the best of it. Assistant: 满足你们所拥有的事物,并且好好利用它们。 User: The 2017 revision tries to accelerate the diagnosis without risking specificity. Assistant: 根据2017年的指引,对于没有症状及无特殊风险的人并不需对此病进行常规筛检。 User: An angry Shi Miao then left. Assistant: 以弟恒元子尚格袭。 User: Anand disagreed with the military junta's plans to increase the defence budget. Assistant: 阿南不同意军政府的增加国防预算计划。 User: Site Explorer – This feature is an FTP client. Assistant: 站点分析——这个特性是FTP客户端。 User: Trachodon was based on ANSP 9260, seven unassociated teeth, one of which had double roots. Assistant: 糙齿龙的化石编号为ANSP 9260,包含数个不相关的化石,其中一个有两个齿根。 User: During the war some of the most precious books and manuscripts were taken away to Rostov-on-Don by fleeing tsarist authorities. Assistant: 在一战中一些最珍贵的书籍和手稿被沙皇逃离当局带去顿河畔罗斯托夫。 User: Surrency was the author of several books. Assistant: 特达文迪是好几本书的作家。 User: It had three pairs of 'paws' or 'wings'. Assistant: 它有三对“脚”或“翼”。 User: The conflict did not end until the first Rostock Inheritance Agreement of 21 September 1573, in which the state princes were guaranteed hereditary rule over the city for centuries and recognizing them as the supreme judicial authority; this bound Rostock for a long time. Assistant: 1573年,第一次罗斯托克继承条约签订,确保了领主对城市数百年的世袭统治及最高裁判权,总算平息了这场风波。 User: This heartbeat is most prominent as the intro and the outro to the album, but it can also be heard sporadically on "Time" and "On the Run". Assistant: 这种心跳声在专辑的开始和结尾最为抓耳,但是在“Time”和“On the Run”中间听得就不是那么明显了。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 She told the teenager that she must be polite to the servants, who looked after her well and did their best for her, and she should not make her nurse "nervous" when she was tired and not feeling well. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 皇后告诉奥尔加必须对仆人们礼貌,因为她们用尽全力将她照顾得很好,她就算疲劳或不舒服也不应让她的保姆“紧张”。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The most prominent Hezbollah commander in the Damascus countryside, Wissam Sharafeddine, was also killed. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 大马士革郊区最活跃的真主党指挥官Wissam Sharafeddine也在战斗中丧生。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The park is a popular area to relax. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:公园是供公众消遣游憩的场所。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:On 21 November 2008 he left as President of the AXA Foundation, the former Winterthur Foundation. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2008年11月21日,他不再担任 AXA 基金会(原 Winterthur 基金会)会长。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Many of the genes that are involved in the original development of tissues are reinitialized during the regenerative process. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 许多参与的基因在组织的原始再生中被重新激活。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: See Politics of Iran for more details. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 详情请参阅伊朗政治。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 According to ShortList, it is one of the 30 coolest films ever. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 依据ShortList的排名,本片在史上最酷电影中排名第30位。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Salzburg (vicinity) was the source of salt, and Augsburg was, at the time, a much more important city than Munich. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 萨尔茨堡附近是食盐产地,而当时奥格斯堡是远比慕尼黑重要的城市。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Dr Daniel Cloche was one of the scientists first working at the company's French research facility and he has been described as "one of the pioneers in researching bone–related disorders and diseases among dogs". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 丹尼尔·克洛什博士是最早在公司位于法国的研究机构工作的科学家们中的一员,他被认为是研究狗类骨骼相关疾病的先驱之一。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Susini had become the chief modeler at the workshop by 1782. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 苏西尼在1782年成为工作室里主要的模型家。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:These are called space forms. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:它们称为空间形式。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: If anyone other than a certified Gringotts goblin touches the door, that person will be sucked into the vault, which is only checked for trapped thieves about once every 10 years. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 若是古灵阁认证妖精以外的人触碰到金库的门,该人将会被吸到金库某处,每十年检查只发现过一次有盗贼。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The hypothalamus is engaged in additional involuntary or partially voluntary acts such as sleep and wake cycles, eating and drinking, and the release of some hormones. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 下丘脑负责协助一些非自主或者部分自主的活动,例如睡眠-清醒周期、饮食行为,并且释放一些荷尔蒙。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Locking includes quite a lot of acrobatics and physically demanding moves, such as landing on one's knees and the split. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: Locking包含了相当多的特技以及严苛的肢体活动,例如炸膝盖(landing on ones knees)及劈腿。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: By October 2005 it had produced a cumulative total of 1 million cars. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 在2005年10月,Perodua总共累积生产了1百万辆汽车。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 This is a list of the Presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran since the establishment of that office in 1980. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这是自1980年伊朗伊斯兰共和国成立以来的总统列表。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 2000, the Cassini spacecraft en route to Saturn acquired high-quality infrared spectra of the Galilean satellites including Callisto. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 2000年,卡西尼号在前往土星途中对包括木卫四在内的四颗伽利略卫星进行了高精度红外光谱探测。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: While the samurai numbered less than 10% of then Japan's population, their teachings can still be found today in both everyday life and in modern Japanese martial arts. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然侍的数量在当时日本占到不到10%,但他们的思想的身影在如今的现代社会、日本当代武术(英语:Japanese martial arts)依然存在。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In the 2006 miniseries Dr. Strange: the Oath, it was revealed that Wong stems from a family of monks living in Kamar-Taj. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在2006年的迷你系列《Dr. Strange: the Oath》中,王来自于居住在卡玛泰姬(Kamar-Taj)的僧侣家庭。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Scheduling filming in Italy during the summer also proved difficult. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 安排在意大利夏季拍摄电影的需求也十分困难。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Ginger travels to Los Angeles and ultimately dies of a drug overdose in a motel. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Ginger来到洛杉矶并最终因吸毒过量而死在一间汽车旅馆。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In farmers' markets, a bottle of beer costs about 53 North Korean won. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在菜市场,一瓶啤酒要价约53北韩圆。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It borders with Portugal in the west. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 葡萄牙紧邻其西界。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Before becoming an independent military force, the KSK was a part of infantry units. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:在成为独立的军事部队之前KSK曾是步兵部队的一部分。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The service is made part of the client's state. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 该服务是将会变成客户端的状态的一部分。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 On his way to Khartoum with his assistant, Colonel Stewart, Gordon stopped in Berber to address an assembly of tribal chiefs. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在和副官斯图尔特上校(Stewart)一起,前往喀土穆的路上,他在柏柏尔(Berber)出席了一个酋长会议。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 2004, William Joseph Clemens registered the only cultivar of this species, D. regia 'Big Easy'. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 2004年,威廉·约瑟夫·克莱门斯登记了皇帝毛毡苔的唯一栽培品种-'大易'。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In terms of HSAB theory Zn2+ is a hard acid. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在HSAB理论中,由于Zn2+电荷密度高,它被归纳为硬酸。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As a show of German interest, the small gunboat SMS Möwe arrived in West Africa. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 为展示德国在该地的权益,一艘小型炮艇海鸥号(SMS Möwe)被派到了西非。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Mycenaean Greeks were undoubtedly inhabiting Cyprus from the late stage of the Bronze Age, while the island's Greek name is already attested from the 15th century BC in the Linear B script. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在青铜时代晚期,希腊迈锡尼人确信居住在塞浦路斯,而岛上的希腊名字可以从公元前15世纪B类线形文字得到印证。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This was her first time as one of the selected members. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这亦是她个人第一次成为选拔成员。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Although Vega is at present only the fifth-brightest star in the night sky, the star is slowly brightening as proper motion causes it to approach the Sun. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 虽然织女星目前只是夜空中第五明亮的恒星,但是因为其逐渐接近太阳而缓慢地变亮。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The legislation has broad support from organizations that rely on copyright, including the Motion Picture Association of America, the Recording Industry Association of America, Entertainment Software Association, Macmillan US, Viacom, and various other companies and unions in the cable, movie, and music industries. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 该法案得到依靠版权的机构包括美国电影协会、美国唱片业协会、Macmillan US、Viacom等以及其他从事收费电视、电影及音乐行业的企业广泛支持。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: According to The Guardian, the film was billed as "a key part of BBC1's Christmas family line-up". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 根据《卫报》的报道,本片的定位是“英国广播公司第一台圣诞家庭(节目)阵容的重要组成部分”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Her husband often provided basic outlines for the plots of her thrillers, leaving Heyer to develop character relationships and dialogue so as to bring the story to life. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 她的惊悚小说通常由她的丈夫为情节提供基础大纲,再由黑尔发展角色关系与对话内容,以使故事贴近生活。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Super Premia allowed a player to choose three consonants. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 一次游玩允许玩家选择三首歌。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Many languages are included in the WIWOSM project (Wikipedia Where in OSM) which aims to show OSM objects on a slippy map, directly visible on the article page. Assistant: 不少语言都被包括在WIWOSM专案里(Wikipedia Where in OSM),目的是把OSM用SlippyMap显示在文章上。 User: An unsinkable aircraft carrier is a term sometimes used to refer to a geographical or political island that is used to extend the power projection of a military force. Assistant: 不沉的航空母舰是一个地理和政治上的一个术语,用于形容那些用于力量投射的岛屿。 User: The Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall was gazetted as a national monument on 14 February 1992. Assistant: 维多利亚剧院及音乐会堂在1992年2月14日公布为国家历史文物。 User: Saint Petersburg is an important transport corridor linking Scandinavia to Russia and Eastern Europe. Assistant: 圣彼得堡是一个重要的交通走廊,连接斯堪的纳维亚到俄罗斯、东欧地区。 User: According to biographer Andrew Morton, the album made Madonna a household name, and was instrumental in introducing her star power. Assistant: 据传记作者Andrew Morton,专辑的发行让麦当娜成为家传户晓的名字,并宣传她的明星力量。 User: They were called The Marsh (Le Marais) or The Plain (La Plaine). Assistant: 他们被称为”沼泽派” (Le Marais)或”平原派” (La Plaine)。 User: In El Salvador, four people were killed by storm-induced floods. Assistant: 此外,萨尔瓦多还有4人因风暴引发的洪灾丧生。 User: Government agencies were also transformed in an effort to improve administrative efficiency. Assistant: 政府机构也进行改革,以便增进行政效率。 User: For fiber, a variety of connectors are used depending on manufacturer and physical space availability. Assistant: 光纤接口则使用取决于制造商和可用物理空间的光纤接头。 User: On television, the main feature is the oudejaarsconference, a performance by one of the major Dutch cabaretiers (comparable to stand-up comedy, but more serious, generally including a satirical review of the year's politics). Assistant: 在电视上,主要特点是oudejaars会议,一个主要的荷兰舞台表演(相当于独立喜剧,但更严重,一般包括对年度政治的讽刺评论)。 User: This parliamentary assembly is composed of 21 members of the Dutch parliament, 21 members of the Belgian national and regional parliaments, and 7 members of the Luxembourg parliament. Assistant: 此跨国会的议事组织的成员中,21名来自荷兰国会、21名来自比利时国家和地方议会、7名来自卢森堡国会。 User: They billowed and crashed, the noise splitting heaven from earth. Assistant: ‘武乙衰敝,东夷盛,遂分迁淮、岱,渐居中土。 User: In addition, he renounced his British citizenship and wrote a letter to Queen Elizabeth II to give up his knighthood. Assistant: 此外,他还放弃了英国国籍,以及致函英女皇放弃其爵士头衔,以表明其参选决心。 User: It hosts races for the Whelen All-American Series, the Whelen Modified Tour, and the Northeastern Midget Association. Assistant: 该协会亦监管NASCAR区域竞速、Whelen改装车巡回竞速、和Whelen全美系列。 User: When she rejects his advances towards her, he strangles her to death. Assistant: 服从他的可得生命,背逆他的必死亡。 User: The surah addresses a wide variety of topics, including substantial amounts of law, and retells stories of Adam, Ibrahim and Musa. Assistant: 黄牛章所涉及的主题相当广泛,包括了大量的沙里亚法规,并且重新讲述了阿丹(亚当)、穆撒与易卜拉欣(亚伯拉罕)的故事。 User: The direct product of Rm and Rn is Rm+n. Assistant: Rm 和 Rn 的直积是 Rm + n。 User: He later hands himself in to the Reich Sanitation Services and is killed. Assistant: 后来他将自己交给了帝国卫生服务中心并自杀。 User: If not, the custom would die out. Assistant: 如果不受用,则暗杀之。 User: C 27 returned to Hanko when it was no longer needed. Assistant: 陈家鼎赶回广州时,局面已经无法挽回。 User: Only the most modern ships were sent for internment; the four Helgoland-class ships were left in Germany. Assistant: 只有最现代化的舰只才会发往扣留,因此4艘黑尔戈兰级舰得以留在德国。 User: Together with Doug Clifford, Stu Cook, and his brother Tom Fogerty, he founded the band Creedence Clearwater Revival, for which he was the lead singer, lead guitarist and principal songwriter. Assistant: 他和道格·克利福德(英语:Doug Clifford)、斯图·库克(英语:Stu Cook)、以及哥哥汤姆·弗格蒂(英语:Tom Fogerty)一同创立了清水乐团,由约翰担当主唱、主音吉他手兼歌曲主要创作者。 User: The government also introduced the Home Ownership Scheme (居者有其屋計劃) in 1976, building houses and selling them at below-market prices to help people own property. Assistant: 政府又在1976年引入了居者有其屋计划,透过建造住所并以低于市价的价钱出售,帮助市民自置居所。 User: Production should be one of collective learning and permanent innovation. Assistant: 生产应当是一个集体学习和持续创新的过程。 User: Many view him as a victim of American imperialism. Assistant: 他们把阿连德视作美国帝国主义的牺牲品。 User: These mutations are either inherited or acquired after birth. Assistant: 这些变量被传值捕获或者引用捕获。 User: Gender: It used to be thought that females were affected far more than males. Assistant: 性别:普遍来说,男性施虐者较女性为多。 User: In order to improve localization, some protocols have chosen to display fingerprints as base 10 strings instead of hexadecimal or natural language strings. Assistant: 为了提高本地化程度,一些协议选择将指纹显示为十进制字符串,而不是十六进制或自然语言串。 User: The exact star formation history cannot unambiguously be resolved by COBE and further observations must be made in the future. Assistant: 恒星形成的确实历史不可能由宇宙微波背景辐射的观测毫不含糊的获得证实,因此必须在将来做进一步的观测。 User: A study on Gliese 876 d by a team around Diana Valencia revealed that it would be possible to infer from a radius measured by the transit method of detecting planets and the mass of the relevant planet what the structural composition is. Assistant: 一份以戴安娜·巴伦西亚(Diana Valencia)为主的团队针对格利泽876d的研究报告显示,使用经由检测行星及其相应质量的凌日法所测得出来的半径,有可能推测出超级地球的组成结构。 User: The popular Wild N' Wacky Wednesday series runs from May to Labor Day. Assistant: 毛南族的“南瓜节”为农历九月九日。 User: They regard the trade of labour as a commodity as a form of economic exploitation rooting partially from capitalism. Assistant: 他们认为劳动交易是一种经济剥削,植根于资本主义。 User: By the 1850s, the modern kitchen, equipped with a cooking range, was a fixture of middle-class homes. Assistant: 1850年代,现代化的、专门配有煮食炉的厨房在中产阶级家庭中流行开来。 User: He showed this by the way in which he ordered them. Assistant: 何:那个派令,曾使您正正堂堂地发布命令。 User: It is similar to the Parliament but is limited to making laws relating to the state. Assistant: 它类似于马来西亚下议院,但仅限于制定与州有关的法律。 User: The most important laws required that public schools, public places and public transportation, like trains and buses, have separate facilities for whites and blacks. Assistant: 最重要的法律规定,公立学校,公共场所,火车、公交车等公共交通工具应为白人和黑人提供不同的设施。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: She hurriedly reaches for Joseph, only to find him murdered in the same fashion as the other murders. Assistant: 建文帝被朱棣篡位后,朝野为之尽忠死节者甚众,不及备载。 User: In 1920, an independent Arab Kingdom of Syria was established under King Faisal of the Hashemite family, who later became the King of Iraq. Assistant: 1920年,短暂独立的叙利亚王国由哈希姆王朝的费萨尔一世建立,之后他成为了伊拉克王国国王。 User: The winner of the televised contest was "Voi Voi", performed by Nora Brockstedt. Assistant: 最终的冠军是由Nora Brockstedt演唱的《Voi Voi》。 User: Frank Macfarlane Burnet was the second of seven children and from childhood was known as "Mac". Assistant: 弗兰克·麦克法兰·伯内特在七个孩子中排行第二,小时候被唤作“麦克”。 User: Targeted therapy attacks cancer cells at a specific target, with the aim of not harming normal cells. Assistant: 标靶治疗是攻击具有特定目标的癌细胞,并且不会使正常细胞受到伤害。 User: It depicts Dora Maar, the painter's lover, seated on a chair with a small cat perched on her shoulders. Assistant: 它描绘了朵拉·玛尔,也就是画家的情人,坐在一个椅子里,一只小猫停在她的肩膀上歇息。 User: Since the 2.0 beta, TightVNC supports auto scaling, which resizes the viewer window to the remote users desktop size, regardless of the resolution of the host computer. Assistant: 于2.0测试版起,TightVNC支持自动缩放技术,自动重新调整的用户端的程序视窗窗口到远程用户桌面的尺寸,无论主控端的屏幕分辨率设置。 User: The most recent edition was published in 2003 by the Testing Center of the National Chinese Proficiency Testing Committee. Assistant: 最新版本由中国国家汉语水平测试委员会测试中心于2003年发布。 User: However, at levels >200 sensitivity is 31, specificity is 99%. Assistant: 然而,在≥200级灵敏度是31,特异性是99%。 User: Housing the shipyard workers provided a new building boom, which continued on through the post-war years. Assistant: 为了安置船坞工人而兴建的住宅区,带动了市内到战后仍然持续的建筑潮。 User: Besides that, she has the same clothing as her original look. Assistant: 这件衣服的外观与他原来的那件衣服更像了。 User: Second, it is the commitment that science will eventually produce theories very much like an ideal theory and that science has done pretty well thus far in some domains. Assistant: 第二,它是一个坚持,承诺科学研究所得出的理论最终会跟最理想的科学理论十分相似,而事实上,科学在一些领域上已经把这个承诺实践得相当不错。 User: Symptoms of GD in children may include any of the following: disgust at their own genitalia, social isolation from their peers, anxiety, loneliness and depression. Assistant: 性别不安儿童通常有以下情况:对自己的生殖器的厌恶,与同龄层的社会隔离,焦虑,孤独和抑郁。 User: The second issue was the use of restraints and emergency psychiatric medication. Assistant: 第二点质疑是使用身体约束和急诊精神科药物。 User: See also Graphical user interface, Multimedia; also Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine's Mundaneum, a massively cross-referenced card index system established in 1910. Assistant: 另见图形使用者界面、多媒体;还有保罗·奥特(英语:Paul Otlet)和亨利·拉方丹的Mundaneum(英语:Mundaneum),这是一个1910年成立的大规模交叉参考卡片指数系统。 User: Additionally, the Bruneian Parti Rakyat Brunei staged an armed revolt, which, though it was put down, was viewed as potentially destabilising to the new nation. Assistant: 此外,文莱的人民党发动武装革命,虽然立刻遭到敉平,但被视为这个新国家潜在的不稳定因素。 User: Despite that, Donald keeps sleeping. Assistant: 但是Wendy抵不住睡着了。 User: He later moved to Berkeley. Assistant: 后来搬到伯克利。 User: The words of Jesus include several sermons, in addition to parables that appear throughout the narrative of the Synoptic Gospels (the gospel of John includes no parables). Assistant: 耶稣的话包括几个布道,其余是在整个对观福音叙事中出现的比喻(约翰福音没有比喻)。 User: In 2006 he became champion of the first ever Formula Asia V6 by Renault Championship, taking seven race wins and nine pole positions from 12 races. Assistant: 他在2006年成为亚洲雷诺V6方程式(英语:Formula Asia V6 by Renault)锦标赛的首位冠军,在12场比赛中有着7场胜利和9次杆位。 User: In October 1995, the Shanghai library merged with the Shanghai Institute of science and technology information, and became the first provincial (city) level library and information association. Assistant: 1995年10月,上海图书馆与上海科学技术情报研究所合并为一个法人单位,更名“上海图书馆上海科学技术情报研究所”,成为国内第一个省(市)级图书情报联合体。 User: Hiding or disabling a feature. Assistant: 隐藏或禁用某项功能。 User: While the Messier catalogue is used by amateur astronomers as a list of deep-sky objects for observation, Moore noted that Messier's list was not compiled for that purpose and excluded many of the sky's brightest deep-sky objects, such as the Hyades, the Double Cluster (NGC 869 and NGC 884), and the Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253). Assistant: 梅西耶天体列表中列出的深空天体被认为是天文初学者进行深空天体观测最好的目标,但穆尔却发现一些明亮的深空天体如毕宿星团、双星团(NGC 869和NGC 884)以及NGC 253等没有被列入梅西耶天体列表中。 User: Kalla previously stated opposition to LGBT campaigns in Indonesia, which he considered at that point as deviating from social values. Assistant: 卡拉此前曾表示反对印度尼西亚的LGBT活动,他认为这在当时偏离了社会价值观。 User: In March 1939, Köln participated in the annexation of Memel which Germany had demanded from Lithuania. Assistant: 1939年3月,科隆号参与了德国要求从立陶宛吞并梅梅尔的行动。 User: Used on "Like Crying". Assistant: 说出“号哭吧。 User: The detection limit by current technology for this star system is a little less than the mass of the planet Jupiter. Assistant: 目前对该恒星可能存在的行星侦测技术最低质量限制为稍低于木星质量。 User: But Tarski's approach was extended by Davidson into an approach to theories of meaning for natural languages, which involves treating "truth" as a primitive, rather than a defined, concept. Assistant: 但是Tarski的方法被唐纳德·戴维森扩展为自然语言的意义理论的方法,这涉及到把"真理"当作原始的而不是定义的概念。 User: It has one moon, Thorson. Assistant: 他有一位儿子,索林(Thorin)。 User: However, reporting of vasomotor symptoms is still significantly lower than North America. Assistant: 不过反应血管舒缩问题的比例仍远少于北美的情形。 User: The US Department of Energy has stated that there is potential for energy saving in the magnitude of 90 Billion kWh by increasing home energy efficiency. Assistant: 美国能源部表示,通过提高家庭能源效率可以节约电能90亿千瓦时。 User: Alexios was understandably suspicious after his experiences with the People's Crusade, and also because the knights included his old Norman enemy, Bohemond, who had invaded Byzantine territory on numerous occasions with his father, Robert Guiscard, and may have even attempted to organize an attack on Constantinople while encamped outside the city. Assistant: 阿历克塞对此相当警惕,一部分是由于受到平民十字军的前车之鉴,另外也是因为十字军阵中有着他此前的老对手——诺曼人博希蒙德——他曾经跟随其父罗贝尔·吉斯卡尔(英语:Robert Guiscard)多次入侵拜占庭,而且博希蒙德可能在驻扎在君士坦丁堡城外的时候还试图组织对这座城市进行进攻。 User: There are two different ways of determining the abundance of metals (metals in this case are elements other than hydrogen and helium) in nebulae, which rely on different types of spectral lines, and large discrepancies are sometimes seen between the results derived from the two methods. Assistant: 有两种不同的方法被用来测量星云内物质(指的是氢和氦以外的其他元素)的丰度,依赖的是不同类型的谱线,但有时这两种方法的结果之间有着很大的矛盾。 User: For GDRP at current market price, the highest contribution was provided by the electricity and gas Sector with 34.2 percent, while the lowest was human health and Social Work activities,h 6.61 percent. Assistant: 现时市价上地区生产总值涨幅最大的产业是电力和天然气行业,达34.2%;最小的是医疗健康和社会工作,仅6.61%。 User: In his campaign against socialist candidate Clement Attlee in the 1945 elections, Winston Churchill claimed that socialism requires totalitarian methods, including a political police, in order to achieve its goals. Assistant: 温斯顿·丘吉尔在1945年大选间与他的社会主义竞争对手克莱门特·艾德礼对垒的竞选活动中宣称社会主义为实现其目标要求采用极权主义的方法,包括政治警察。 User: Survived by his ancestors, the store has been passed from generation to generation. Assistant: 世系的家庭录由父到子,由一代到另一代。 User: The binary nature of the star at the centre of the nebula was discovered in 2014, when a study of why the nebula was not regular was conducted, resolving the previously thought single star into a double star. Assistant: 这个在核心有两颗恒星的系统是在2014年发现的,当时是在研究这个星云的外观为何是不规则的,结果将先前所认为的单一恒星解析出是双星。 User: In their book, The Wealthy 100: From Benjamin Franklin to Bill Gates, Morgan’s wealth:GNP ratio was 328. Assistant: 在他们的书《富有的100人:从本杰明·富兰克林到比尔·盖茨》中, 摩根的财富占国民生产总值的比率为328。 User: Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune gave an average critique of the ceremony but acclaimed the cast. Assistant: 《芝加哥论坛报》的莫琳·瑞恩(Maureen Ryan)给整场晚会的评价为中等,但赞扬了演员的表现。 User: Today, however, because of rapid industrialisation China has been reforming, at least in terms of economic (if not social and political) rights. Assistant: 不过,随着工业化的加速进行,中国的法律架构已经开始出现变革,至少在经济上(若非在社会和政治上的话)的权利上面。 User: Members of both currency unions use the CFA Franc as their legal tender. Assistant: 二者的成员国都使用非洲法郎作为法定货币。 User: When in early 1980 the route Narbonne – Portbou was electrified as well, the BB 9300 class was replaced by SNCF BB 7200 class. Assistant: 随着纳博讷至波尔特沃区间在1980年初完成了电气化改造,原BB9300型电力机车也被替换为法国国家铁路BB7200型电力机车。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Regarding her relationship with her father and her reason for acting, she has stated that: I never acted out of ambition; I acted to gain my father's attention. Assistant: 关于父亲和她的演技的关系,她表示:“我从来没有演戏的野心,我采取行动,得到父亲的注意。 User: As part of a reciprocity protocol with Expo 2010 in Shanghai, on December 8, 2008, China was the first country to formalise its participation in Expo 2015. Assistant: 作为上海2010年世界博览会互惠协定的一部分,2008年12月8日,中国成为第一个正式确认参加2015年米兰世博会的国家。 User: Reports remain confidential, and cannot be used in liability cases. Assistant: 这些报告将维持保密状态,且不能用于责任案件。 User: Following considerable criticism for downplaying the impact of the typhoon, Prime Minister Chatichai Choonhavan delayed his visit to the United States to oversee relief efforts. Assistant: 泰国政府对台风影响轻描淡写的做法引来大量批评,总理差猜·春哈旺因此推迟对美国的访问,亲自督导救灾工作。 User: Even when the first Chocolate House (an establishment similar to a modern coffee shop) opened in 1657, chocolate was still very expensive, costing 50 to 75 pence (approximately 10-15 shillings) a pound (roughly £45-65 in 2016). Assistant: 甚至在1657年,第一间巧克力屋(类似于现代咖啡店的一种商店)开业时,巧克力仍然十分昂贵,每磅价值50至75便士(约等于2016年的45至65英镑)。 User: Citing grammarian Randolph Quirk, Safire pointed out that the doubling of the sound is also a feature in other two-word phrases used to disparage the actions or words of others, including "mumbo jumbo", "wishy-washy", and higgledy-piggledy". Assistant: 他引用语法学家Randolph Quirk的话指出,声音的重复也是其他类似的短语中的一个特征,用于贬低他人的行为或言语,如“Mumbo jumbo”(莫名其妙的话)、“wishy-washy”(优柔寡断)和“higgledy-piggledy”(慌里慌张)。 User: Nvidia increased the amount of L2 cache on GM107 to 2 MB, up from 256 KB on GK107, reducing the memory bandwidth needed. Assistant: GM107的L2快取,由GK107的256KB,大幅增加到2MB,大大降低对显示内存的带宽需求。 User: The chief of forensic medicine for the prosecutor's office stated that it would take at least three months to identify all of the victims, mainly from DNA samples. Assistant: 当地检察官办公室的法医学首席专家表示,将花费至少3个月的时间,以DNA样本为主要途径确定所有受害者的身份。 User: Flooding in Mazatlán washed out many houses and submerged others in muddy water. Assistant: 马萨特兰爆发洪灾,大量房屋被冲毁,还有许多房屋被淹没在泥水中。 User: In its normative sense, "morality" refers to whatever (if anything) is actually right or wrong, which may be independent of the values or mores held by any particular peoples or cultures. Assistant: 在规范(Normative)意义上,“道德”指的是任何实际上的对或错(如果有的话),它可以独立于任何特定民族或文化所持有的价值观。 User: Freezing, a 1994 exhibit of frozen animals in Sofia's National Museum of Natural History (Bulgaria) pointed to the moribund state of museums in Bulgaria, grossly out-of-sync with the normal pace of events. Assistant: 1994年在索非亚的国家自然历史博物馆的一个叫做freezing的展览,展出了被冻结的动物,暗指保加利亚的处于垂死状态的博物馆,与其它事件的发展速度形成强烈的反差。 User: On the other hand, some fossil fuel companies have scaled back their efforts in recent years, or even called for policies to reduce global warming. Assistant: 最近,一些化石燃料公司已经减少了淡化运动,甚至呼吁制定避免全球变暖的政策。 User: The hearing aid and dental industries are expected to be the biggest area of future development using the custom 3D printing technology. Assistant: 助听科和牙科在未来有望成为3D打印技术的最大使用领域。 User: Bradbury was bitter and concerned about the workings of his government, and a late 1949 nighttime encounter with an overzealous police officer would inspire Bradbury to write "The Pedestrian", a short story which would go on to become "The Fireman" and then Fahrenheit 451. Assistant: 对自己政府的恼怒,以及1949年夜间遭遇疯狂的警察,导致布莱伯利写了《过路人》,这篇短篇小说成为《消防员》,尔后《华氏451度》。 User: And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. Assistant: 凡听见的,就诧异牧羊之人对他们所说的话。 User: She is married to American engineer Mike Sayre and they have one child. Assistant: 她的丈夫是美国工程师迈克·塞尔,两人育有一个孩子。 User: After Alfred told Bruce of this, he was heartbroken, but Bruce kept an eye on the woman. Assistant: 阿尔弗雷德告诉布鲁斯真相后,他心碎了,但布鲁斯之后一直关注着她。 User: As an example, uranium has three naturally occurring isotopes: 238U, 235U and 234U. Assistant: 例如,铀有三种天然存在的同位素:238U,235U,和234U。 User: Eat Drink or Die. Assistant: 抽:一面叫将,一面吃子或要吃子。 User: At that time, AMD simply dubbed it "New Mobile Core", without giving a specific codename. Assistant: 此时AMD简单的称它为“新的可携型核心”(New Mobile Core),而并没有给它特定的内部代号。 User: Supervisory control is a general term for control of many individual controllers or control loops, such as within a distributed control system. Assistant: 监督控制(Supervisory control)是指控制许多个别控制器或是控制回路的控制,例如在分散控制系统(英语:distributed control system)中的控制。 User: Francisco Gabica, 76, Spanish cyclist, winner of the Vuelta a España (1966), complications during heart surgery. Assistant: 法朗西斯科·加比卡(西班牙语:Francisco Gabica),76岁,西班牙单车选手,1966年度环西自行车赛冠军,心脏外科手术期间的并发症。 User: N902FX was badly damaged in the accident and was written off. Assistant: 在事故中,编号为N902FX的飞机严重受损并被注销。 User: He won the 2009 national championships with a height of 5.35 metres. Assistant: 2009年,他以5.35米的高度赢得全国冠军。 User: But the Armenians viewed the 1921 Kavburo decision with disdain and felt that in their efforts they were correcting a historical error through the principle of self-determination, a right also granted in the constitution. Assistant: 亚美尼亚人将1921年高加索局的决定视而不见,认为自己在根据民族自决原则改正一个历史错误,苏联宪法也承认这一权利。 User: He belonged to a junior branch of a noble family of Auvergne. Assistant: 他属于奥弗涅一个贵族家庭的初级分支。 User: At the end of 1997 Renault withdrew from Formula One. Assistant: 在1997年的年底,雷诺再一次离开了F1。 User: During his years as a political activist, he had aliases ('party names') such as Jay, Subhas, Devi and Kanchan. Assistant: 作为一名政治活动家,他的党龄和杰伊、苏巴斯、提毗、坎阐(Jay, Subhas, Devi and Kanchan)一样长。 User: According to the Hebrew worldview, all things come from God and because of this, gratitude is extremely important to the followers of Judaism. Assistant: 根据希伯来的世界观,世上万物皆来自上帝,正因为如此,心怀感恩对犹太教教徒而言至关重要。 User: Hill continues to climb and has not stopped taking on ambitious climbs. Assistant: 此后希尔继续攀岩,而且从来没有停止过攀登困难的路径。 User: Fifty years later, in 1974, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey granted descendants of the former dynasty the right to acquire Turkish citizenship. Assistant: 五十年后的1974年,土耳其大国民议会才准许奥斯曼帝国的后裔有权取得土耳其国民身份。 User: It seemed to me that this occasion demanded that my testimony about the effects of the disease, and the urgency we as a community were feeling, be seen as well as heard. Assistant: 我觉得这个场合需要我发表关于这个疾病的影响的证词,关于我们这个群体感受到的紧迫性,和听到的同样重要,那些没有看到过我这种状态的人,这种转变需要受到某种程度上的震撼。 User: The Portuguese were the first Europeans to reach Japan and the first to establish direct trade between Japan and Europe, in 1542. Assistant: 葡萄牙人是欧洲人中首先到达日本并建立通商关系的(始于1542年)。 User: It is through such changes, which underlie cooperativity and allostery in "multimeric" enzymes, that many proteins undergo regulation and perform their physiological function. Assistant: 正是通过这种变化,其在“多聚”酶中协同性和别构调节的基础,许多蛋白质经历调节并且执行它们的生理功能。 User: Under Objective-C, methods are represented by a selector, a string describing the method to call. Assistant: 在Objective-C中,消息由selector所代表,其为描述需要调用的方法的一个字符串。 User: The terminus region contains several DNA replication terminator sites, or "Ter" sites. Assistant: 终点区域包含多个DNA复制终结站,称为Ter站。 User: He shared the widespread hope that the fascists would become a more moderate and responsible party upon taking power, but withdrew his support in 1924, voting against the law that restricted press freedom. Assistant: 他希望法西斯党将成为一个更温和的和负责任的执政党,但是在1924年乔利蒂撤回了他的支持,投票反对限制新闻自由的法律。 User: December 2010 was the coldest December on record. Assistant: 是有纪录以来最温暖的三月。 User: Although the NHC is an agency of the United States, the World Meteorological Organization has designated it as the Regional Specialized Meteorological Center for the North Atlantic and eastern Pacific, making it the clearinghouse for tropical cyclone forecasts and observations occurring in these areas. Assistant: 虽然国家飓风中心(NHC)是美国的一个机构,但世界气象组织已经将其指定为北大西洋和东北太平洋的区域专责气象中心,成为这些地区发生的热带气旋预报和观测资料交换所。 User: Following the 2017 election, nine parties are represented in parliament: the Labour Party (49 representatives), the Conservative Party (45), the Progress Party (27), the Centre Party (19), the Christian Democratic Party (8), the Liberal Party (8), the Socialist Left Party (11), the Green Party (1), and the Red Party (1). Assistant: 9个政党在议会内拥有议席,分别是:工党(49席)、保守党(45席)、进步党(27席)、中间党(19席)、社会主义左翼党(11席)、自由党(8席)、基督教民主党(8席)、绿党(1席)、红党(1席)。