User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Otto's next role was in the film The Last Days of Chez Nous, which portrayed the complex relationships between the members of an Australian family. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 奥托的下一部作品是1992年的电影《阖家不欢》(The Last Days of Chez Nous),该片讲述了一个澳大利亚家庭中各成员间的复杂关系。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: After 3D Studio DOS Release 4, the product was rewritten for the Windows NT platform, and renamed "3D Studio MAX". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在3D Studio Release 4后,产品转到Windows NT平台,名字改为“3D Studio MAX”。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The circuit is restricted to a 2.5 nm radius from the center of the airfield. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 航道限制在以飞行场中心为圆心的2.5海里半径内。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Electricity and telephones, and sometimes cable and Internet services are available to all but the most remote regions. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:电力和电话,有些时候的电缆和网络服务除了最偏远的地区都有提供。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:However, by July 1900, Hay announced that each of the powers had granted consent in principle. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 可是没多久到了1900年七月,海约翰宣布各国原则上同意了这项决定。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In addition, the Provençal contingent did not take part in the initial assault on 13 June. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 此外,普罗旺斯来的士兵并未参加6月13日的首次攻城。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: According to Myers-Briggs, ESTPs are hands-on learners who live in the moment, seeking the best in life, wanting to share it with their friends. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 根据MBTI的描述,ESTP们是亲身实践的学习者,活在当下,寻找生命中最好的事物,而且想把它与朋友们分享。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Muhammadiyah condemned the attacks, adding that suicide bombings and killing of innocent people is not jihad. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 穆罕默迪亚谴责袭击,补充称自杀式袭击(或滥杀无辜)不是圣战。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 任何人的国籍不得任意剥夺,亦不得否认其改变国籍的权利。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 However this peace lasted less than a year when barons joined with Robert to displace Rufus in the Rebellion of 1088. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 然而,和平只持续了不到一年,在1088年,贵族们加入到罗贝尔一方并发起取代鲁夫斯的叛乱。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He gave the order for the guns to fire independently, but by 09:31, all four main battery turrets had been put out of action. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他还命令炮支独立射击,但在09:31,全部四座主炮塔都已无法工作。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The brigade combat team (BCT) is the basic deployable unit of maneuver in the U.S. Army. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 旅级战斗队(英语:Brigade combat team, BCT)是美国陆军的一种基础部署单位。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Historian Nicholas Campion has discussed the roots of the notion that celestial and psychological realms are connected, which can be traced to the 6th century BC, and in Ptolemy's case presents a mixture of Aristotelian and Stoic philosophy, resting on the Platonic view that "the soul comes from the heavens" which explains "how human character comes to be determined by the heavens". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:历史学家尼古拉斯·坎皮恩(英语:Nicholas Campion)(Nicholas Campion)已经讨论了天体和心理境界连系观念的根源,这可以追溯到公元前六世纪,并且在托勒密的情况下呈现出 亚里士多德学派以及 斯多葛主义的哲学的混合,以靠在柏拉图主义的观点即“灵魂来自于天上(the soul comes from the heavens)”这也解释了“人类的性格是如何的形成由天来决定(how human character comes to be determined by the heavens)”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Furthermore, viewers of the UK television channel Channel 4 have voted The Simpsons at the top of two polls: 2001's 100 Greatest Kids' TV shows, and 2005's The 100 Greatest Cartoons, with Homer Simpson voted into first place in 2001's 100 Greatest TV Characters. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 英国第四台的观众们曾在两次投票评选中将《辛普森一家》评为第一名:一次是2001年的100部最伟大的儿童电视节目评选,另一次是2005年的100部最伟大的卡通节目评选;此外,在2001年的100位最伟大电视角色的评选当中,霍默·辛普森亦被评为第一名。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Non-infectious causes are seen on occasion, but they are less likely than a viral or bacterial cause. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 有时可观察到非感染性的病因,但其发生率明显低于细菌和病毒的致病源。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The establishment of permanently or seasonally inhabited settlements, and the use of pottery. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 建立永久或季节性有人居住的定居点和使用的陶器。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466/69–1536) was a renowned humanist scholar and theologian. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:德西德里乌斯·伊拉斯谟(Desiderius Erasmus,1466 - 1536),文艺复兴哲学家与神学家,人文主义者。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Peters would state only that she had not seen Hughes for several years before their divorce and had only dealt with him by phone. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 彼得斯也拒绝谈论她和休斯之间的生活,仅说她在申请离婚前已经有好几年没有见过休斯,只有通过电话。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Unlike similar features on Earth and Mars, these depressions generally do not lie at the peak of shield volcanoes and are normally larger, with an average diameter of 41 km (25 mi), the largest being Loki Patera at 202 km (126 mi). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:不同于地球和火星的特征,这些沉积物没有在盾状火山中心的尖峰,并且更为巨大,它们的平均直径是41公里(25英里),最大的洛基火山口直径达到202公里(126英里)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Robert Johnson, who coined the name New South Greenland, disappeared with his ship in 1826, while investigating the Antarctic waters in the vicinity of what would later be known as the Ross Sea. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:而命名新南格陵兰岛的罗伯特·约翰逊,于1826年,在后来被命名为罗斯海的海域进行调查活动时,消失在该海域内,不知所终。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The BCF provides an operations and maintenance (O&M) connection to the network management system (NMS), and manages operational states of each TRX, as well as software handling and alarm collection. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: BCF提供一个面向网络管理系统(Network Management System,简称:NMS)的操作和维护(Operations and Maintenance,简称:O&M)连接,并管理每个TRX的操作状态,以及处理告警采集的软件。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The crossover hybrid has four different operating modes: Auto (the electronics automatically control the entire system), ZEV (all electric), four wheel drive mode (4WD) and sport (higher engine speeds than normal mode). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 油电混合版本提供四种操作模式:AUTO(由行车电脑自动判断)、ZEV(零排放) (动力完全由电池提供)、四轮驱动(4WD)以及Sport模式(引擎转速较高)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The more conservative elements in Congress now moved to toughen the act. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:国会中较为保守的势力于是开始将法案中的限制修改得更加严格。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Images of boys in art, literature and popular culture often demonstrate assumptions about gender roles. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:女孩在艺术、文学和流行文化中以什么形象出现往往反映了社会对女孩性别角色的认知。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 It does not omit sordid details, describing her two rapes, drug addictions, an unhappy first marriage, and numerous affairs with men and women. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 这本书并没有忽略詹姆森个人悲惨的细节像:她两次遭强奸的经历、吸毒成瘾、不愉快的第一次婚姻、以及为数众多与男与女诽闻的描述。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: From the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in 1941, Chelomey worked at the Baranov Central Institute of Aviation Motor Building (TsIAM) in Moscow, where he created the first Soviet pulsating air jet engine in 1942, independently of similar contemporary developments in Nazi Germany. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 从伟大的卫国战争开始时,切洛梅曾任职于位于莫斯科巴拉诺夫中央航空发动机研究所(TsIAM)在莫斯科,他在1942年创造的第一个苏维埃脉动喷气发动机,独立的纳粹德国类似的当代发展。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: State Department officials, however, knew that Stalin would almost certainly not participate and that any plan that would send large amounts of aid to the Soviets was unlikely to get Congressional approval. Assistant: 事实上美国国务院的官员们心里很清楚,斯大林根本不可能会同意参与该计划,同时美国国会也不会批准一个含有巨额对苏援助的议案。 User: We must withdraw recognition from their judges; they should only have our judges. Assistant: 我们必须撤回他们法官所承认的东西;他们应该只拥有我们的法官。 User: So BEWARE of oncoming traffic. Assistant: 位于交通的要冲今里交差点。 User: Due to their high boiling points, mineral oils are used in portable electric radiator-style space heaters in residential applications, and in closed-loop systems for industrial process heating and cooling. Assistant: 因为具有高沸点的特点,矿物油常在家用便携式电暖器,以及工业用闭环系统加热和冷却中使用。 User: Google Drawings is a free, web-based diagramming software developed by Google. Assistant: Google绘图是由Google开发的免费的在线绘图软件。 User: Moving against the ARSK 3rd Battlegroup, consisting of elements of the North Dalmatian Corps and RSK police, the 7th Guards achieved its objectives for the day and allowed the 4th Guards Brigade to attack. Assistant: 虽然推进过程遭到塞克共和国军第3战斗集群(英语:Battlegroup (army))(下辖北达尔马提亚兵团的部分部队与塞克共和国警队)的阻挠,但第7旅仍然达成了当日目标,并使第4卫戍旅(英语:4th Guards Brigade (Croatia))得以展开攻击。 User: The first of these was the 2003 Italian Grand Prix, where Ralf Schumacher was unable to race because of a concussion. Assistant: 第一场是2003年意大利大奖赛,威廉姆斯车队的拉尔夫·舒马赫由于脑震荡无法参赛,马克·赫内顶替他参赛,获得了第5名的好成绩。 User: T-84-120 Yatagan A prototype version of Oplot tailored for evaluation by the Turkish Army (prototype designation, KERN2-120). Assistant: T-84-120 Yatagan - 原型送交土耳其军队作评价及测试(土耳其命名为KERN2-120)。 User: In 1598 he was a Grandee of Spain and Florentine ambassador in Madrid. Assistant: 1598年,乔凡尼在马德里担任西班牙和佛罗伦萨的大使。 User: For example, it is possible to use subjectAltName to contain multiple domains controlled by one person in a single certificate. Assistant: 例如,可以使用subjectAltName来包含单个证书中由一个人控制的多个域名。 User: For example, in a statistical linear model, it is assumed that a relationship is linear in the parameters, but it may be nonlinear in the predictor variables. Assistant: 例如,在一个线性统计模型(英语:Linear model)中,假定参数之间的关系是线性的,但预测变量可能是非线性的。 User: Because most of the photos were taken for scientific reasons they often lack sufficient exposure across a range of colors. Assistant: 因为大部分的图片都是提供给科学家研究用的,因此在曝光时通常缺乏完整系列的颜色。 User: On 28 July 1905, Rose gave birth to Crowley's first child, a daughter named Lilith, with Crowley writing the pornographic Snowdrops From a Curate's Garden to entertain his recuperating wife. Assistant: 1905年7月28日,罗丝产下了克劳利第一个孩子,一个名叫莉莉丝的女孩,对此克劳利写下了色情文学的《一位副牧师花园中的雪花莲》来祝贺他恢复健康的妻子。 User: This describes the ratio of desired effect to toxic effect. Assistant: 这描述了预期效果和毒性作用的比率。 User: They built their own tools for the work. Assistant: 他们还为项目设计了自己的工具。 User: In plants it functions to defend against oxidative stress. Assistant: 在植物中,它具有抵抗氧化应激的作用。 User: The properties include some of the most famous stately homes in the country and some of the key gardens in the history of British gardening. Assistant: 包括一些最著名的豪华住宅和一些对英国园艺史很重要的花园。 User: Since its creation, IDEST has obtained several national research contracts, notably from the National Center for Space Studies (CNES) in the framework of the elaboration of a Bill on space operations, in which IDEST was strongly involved. Assistant: 成立以来, IDEST获得了一些国内研究的合约,值得一提的是与国家空间研究中心的合作,在制定空间活动的法律方案方面IDEST与其有密切联系。 User: However, they threatened to pull out of the scheme if the Government called a public inquiry into it. Assistant: 但此时计划被政府叫停并要求进行公开调查。 User: Owing to very favorable conditions for development, Typhoon Tip rapidly intensified over the open waters of the western Pacific Ocean. Assistant: 由于外界环境非常有利,台风泰培在西太平洋开放海域得以爆发性增强。 User: The dung has to be promptly cleared. Assistant: 雌蟹需立即释放。 User: The college offers a five-year education program for students who have completed junior high school education. Assistant: 为学生提供谁已完成初中教育的五年教育计划。 User: There are three types of Protected Areas under this system: Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) under the Agreed Measures for the Conservation of Antarctic Fauna and Flora (1964 onwards) and Annex V to the Environment Protocol (2002) Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA) under Annex V of the Environment Protocol (2002) Historic Site or Monument (HSM) Guidelines for scientists and other visitors have been developed to protect these areas. Assistant: 该制度下有三种类型的保护区: 南极洲特别保护区(英语:Antarctic Specially Protected Area)(ASPA):根据南极洲动植物保护措施(1964年起)与南极条约环境保护议定书附件五(2002年起)。 User: In June 1987 MKSS was divided in two. Assistant: 1987年6月,MKSS被分成两部分。 User: The study concluded that the exomoon hypothesis is the simplest and best explanation for the available observations, though warned that it is difficult to assign a precise probability to its reality. Assistant: 该研究总结系外卫星假设是该系列观测结果最简单且最适当的解释,尽管该论文也警告实际上卫星存在的几率很难判定。 User: Link finds himself lying on driftwood in the middle of the ocean, with the Wind Fish flying overhead. Assistant: 林克醒来,发现自己躺在大海中漂浮的木头上,风之鱼正从他头顶飞过。 User: Johannes Franz Hartmann (January 11, 1865 – September 13, 1936) was a German physicist and astronomer. Assistant: 约翰内斯·弗朗茨·哈特曼(1865年1月11日—1936年9月13日)是德国物理学家和天文学家。 User: It allowed ActiveX Documents to be stored in the same multi-stream format that ActiveX uses internally. Assistant: 它允许ActiveX文档存储在ActiveX内部使用的多流格式中。 User: Other relevant laws are the Commercial Code (1888, as amended) and the Civil Procedure Code (1961, as amended). Assistant: 其余相关法律还包括1888年修订的商法和1961年修订的民事诉讼法。 User: Bureau agents were supposedly notorious for killing civilians that were caught in the middle of gunfights between them and bootleggers. Assistant: 据称,禁酒探员因在他们与私酒贩之间的枪战中杀害平民而臭名昭著。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Since it was against Greek tradition to open the body, Hippocrates only described and made drawings of outwardly visible tumors on the skin, nose, and breasts. Assistant: 因为希波克拉底反对希腊传统打开身体的作法,他的描述中仅有在外观可见的肿瘤,例如位于皮肤、鼻子或乳房上的肿瘤。 User: In 2005 and 2011, 121 members were elected; 122 members were elected in 2008. Assistant: 在2005年及2011年大选,共选出121席;2008年大选则选出122席。 User: In April 2015, Universal Pictures chairman Donna Langley told The Hollywood Reporter that the second instalment will be "more of a thriller". Assistant: 2015年4月,环球影业的董事长当娜·兰利(Donna Langley)向《好莱坞报道》透露第二集将会有“更多惊栗元素”。 User: Citation analysis in a legal context is therefore an important commercial field. Assistant: 会计伦理在商业世界中,是重要的专业伦理。 User: Louis gave her a pair of earrings worth the astonishing sum of eighteen thousand pounds, his most expensive gift to England that year and certainly more lavish than anything he had ever given Charles' queen. Assistant: 路易十四给她的一双耳环价值一万八千英镑,是路易当年送给英国政要的礼物中,最昂贵的珍品,这也比路易送给英国王后的任何物品还贵重。 User: The result is effectively two or more rockets stacked on top of or attached next to each other. Assistant: 使得二或更多个火箭互相堆叠或放置于其它火箭的旁边"。 User: Eustace received large land grants afterwards, which suggests he contributed in other ways as well, perhaps by providing ships. Assistant: 在此战后尤斯塔斯被赐予了很多土地,有人认为这是因为他在其他方面对此战做出了贡献,例如提供船只。 User: So, in 1874 the desolate buildings on the west side of the street were razed. Assistant: 1874年,街道西侧的建筑被夷为平地。 User: With James Hartle, Thorne derived from general relativity the laws of motion and precession of black holes and other relativistic bodies, including the influence of the coupling of their multipole moments to the spacetime curvature of nearby objects. Assistant: 使用广义相对论,索恩与詹姆斯·哈妥推导出黑洞与其它相对论性物体的运动定律与进动定律,这包括它们的多极矩与邻近物体的时空曲率的相互耦合所产生的影响。 User: Her husband enters. Assistant: 父亲张进。 User: The same 10-round detachable magazine fits the MAS-44, MAS-49 and MAS-49/56 rifles. Assistant: 同样的10发装可拆卸弹匣不会在所有MAS-44,MAS-49和MAS-49/56步枪上通用。 User: She also was given titles such as the "(One) Before Whom Evil Trembles", "Mistress of Dread", "Lady of Slaughter" and "She Who Mauls". Assistant: 她还被赋予“邪魔克星”、“情妇的恐惧”、“屠杀夫人”和“她的袭击”。 User: Furthermore, it can become difficult to change the program, since any change may affect code in several other classes. Assistant: 此外,程序将会变得难以修改,因为对其所做的任何修改都有可能影响到其它几个类中的代码。 User: Appel was married until his death to Nina Appel, dean of Loyola University Chicago's law school from 1983-2004. Assistant: 阿佩尔妻子是Nina Appel,1983年到2004年在芝加哥洛约拉大学担任法学院院长。 User: In some cases, this system is also referred to as mixed member proportional representation. Assistant: 这种制度又被称为混合比例代表制。 User: Preservation campaigns included a several-year effort to enlarge Sequoia National Park (achieved in 1926) and over three decades of work to protect and then preserve Kings Canyon National Park (established in 1940). Assistant: 保护运动包括:为扩大红杉国家公园(于1926年实现)而付出的若干年的努力和为保护并维持国王峡谷国家公园(建于1940年)所做的三十多年的工作。 User: ELIMINATED: Amanda, David, Gunnar & Serena The next day, the 16 remaining designers are awoken by Tim in the early morning hours and given their first challenge: transform the pajamas they are wearing and one bed sheet into an outfit of their choice. Assistant: 在本季最后选拔中被淘汰:David,Gunnar,Amanda,Serena 随后在第二天清晨,仍在睡梦中的设计师突然被提姆·冈恩弄醒,并被要求维持着其睡衣穿着和提着一个床单前往帕森设计学院。 User: The 1979 Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (the "Moon Treaty"). Assistant: 1979年12月的《关于各国在月球和其他天体上活动的协定》(《月球协定》)。 User: However, on 16 July 2009, Canada reintroduced visa requirements for Czech citizens as the overstay percentage was very high because many Roma filed for asylum. Assistant: 然而,2009年7月16日,加拿大重新启动对捷克公民的签证要求因为很多罗姆人进行政治避难申请,导致逾期居留的比率上升至很高的水平。 User: His music is published by Novello & Co (Music Sales). Assistant: 他的音乐由Novello & Co(音乐销售集团的一部分)出版。 User: The Superintendent of the Academy is the commander and senior officer. Assistant: 学校校长是该基地的指挥官和高级军官。 User: Copernicus conducted astronomical observations in 1513–16 presumably from his external curia; and in 1522–43, from an unidentified "small tower" (turricula), using primitive instruments modeled on ancient ones—the quadrant, triquetrum, armillary sphere. Assistant: 哥白尼在1513-16年间大概就是在他的外部法庭从事的天文观测,在1522-43年间,在一座无名的小塔(turricula)上,他使用模仿古代仪器所建的原始设备(四分仪、三棱镜、浑天仪)进行观测。 User: As of May 2012, estimates of IE7's global market share were 1.5-5%. Assistant: 截至2012年5月 (2012-05),IE7的全球市场占有率约为1.5-5%。 User: The three held the uncooperative Hinman hostage for two days, during which Manson showed up with a sword to slash his ear. Assistant: 辛曼拒绝,因此三人将他关押了两天,期间曼森出现过一次,并用一把剑削去他的耳朵。 User: The battle put an effective end to the Pechenegs as an independent people; many of the captives taken in the conflict were settled as soldier-farmers within the Byzantine frontier. Assistant: 这场战役也有效地终结了佩切涅格人作为一个独立民族的存在;许多战俘被安置在拜占庭的边境上成为了帝国的农兵。 User: By the end of 1987 the rifle was extensively overhauled and improved (among the changes made, a series of components were introduced that were meant to be interchangeable with the AK-74, including the bolt carrier, bolt, magazines and the burst fire mode was further refined). Assistant: 到1987年底,该步枪被彻底检修和改进;而在这些变化之中,导入了可以与AK-74互换的一系列零部件,包括枪机机框、枪机本体、弹匣以及点发模式都得到进一步的精细化。 User: On the other hand, the location of brain activity can be difficult to identify in EEG; consequently, this technique is used primarily to how language processes are carried out, rather than where. Assistant: 另一方面,脑活动的地点可能难以在EEG识别; 因此,该技术主要用于语言过程如何 进行的,而不是在哪进行 。 User: A common example of the star operator is the case n = 3, when it can be taken as the correspondence between the vectors and the skew-symmetric matrices of that size. Assistant: 星算子一个常见例子是在 n = 3,可以做为 3 维向量与斜对称矩阵之间的对应。 User: The main part of the Giza complex is a set of buildings that included two mortuary temples in honour of Khufu (one close to the pyramid and one near the Nile), three smaller pyramids for Khufu's wives, an even smaller "satellite" pyramid, a raised causeway connecting the two temples, and small mastaba tombs surrounding the pyramid for nobles. Assistant: 金字塔建筑群的主要部分包括了两座胡夫法老的祭庙(一座紧邻金字塔,而另外一座则位于尼罗河边上),三座为胡夫法老的妻子们而建的小金字塔,一座更小一点的“卫星”金字塔,一条高于地面连接两座祭庙的甬道和围绕金字塔为贵族修建的马斯塔巴墓。 User: The genome size of an enzyme-producing strain of A. niger is of intermediate size at 33.9 Mb. Assistant: 至于产酶菌株 A. niger 的基因体大小为33.9 Mb,介于两者之间。 User: Nulls are not considered equal. Assistant: 空值不被视为相等。 User: Australia, France, Republic of Korea, New Zealand and the People's Republic of China maintain embassies, high commissions, or missions in Port Vila. Assistant: 目前澳大利亚,新西兰,法国,中华人民共和国在维拉港设有大使馆,领事馆或代办处。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: It is in the collection of the Art Institute Chicago in Chicago, Illinois in the United States. Assistant: 现收藏于美国伊利诺伊州的芝加哥美术研究所 (Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois)。 User: Additionally, a four-story condominium project that was under construction in Gulf Shores crashed due to high winds. Assistant: 此外,海湾沿岸一幢在建的四层分契式公寓楼因大风倒塌。 User: When Willie wakes up there after a night of drinking, he realizes he is not lying on the floor but on the living room wall. Assistant: 又一次宿醉的威利早上醒来时发现自己并不是躺在地板上,而是靠在起居室的墙上。 User: The mass ratio of helium to hydrogen nuclei, 28%, is similar to the primordial elemental abundance ratio of these elements, 24%. Assistant: 氢和氦核的比例(质量比氦核是28%)大约与这些元素在宇宙中的元素丰度(氦的质量占24%)相同。 User: The asteroid's name had been proposed by H. Kobol. Assistant: 这颗小行星的名字是H. Kobol提出的。 User: However, the most famous painting associated with the church is paradoxically one which is no longer there. Assistant: 然而,与该堂有关的最著名的绘画却已经不在此处。 User: The Red Flag Party is currently led by Gabriel Rafael Puerta Aponte. Assistant: 它现在的领导人是Gabriel Rafael Puerta Aponte。 User: The first exhibition was on February 24, 1993 in Het Veenpark. Assistant: 玩具主义第一次展览是1993年2月24日在Het Veenpark。 User: This is because they use their abdominal muscles to breathe during locomotion. Assistant: 它们可能是利用其腹部肌肉在运动中呼吸。 User: In August 2017, it was reported that Scott Glenn and Terry O'Quinn had been added as series regulars. Assistant: 2017年8月,史考特·葛伦和特瑞·欧奎恩(英语:Terry O'Quinn)被选中饰演剧中的常规角色。 User: Lebkuchen (German pronunciation: (listen)), or Pfefferkuchen, is a traditional German baked Christmas treat, somewhat resembling gingerbread. Assistant: Lebkuchen(德语,德语发音:( 发音)):在德国传统是一种在圣诞节烘烤并请客的食物,与Gingerbread类似。 User: The castle was reinforced by bastions, and the area inside the moats extended to 400x400 meters. Assistant: 防御工事得到了重建,护城河的范围也扩大到400x400米。 User: Increasing volumes of imports from Asia, which previously landed on US West Coast ports, are now passing through the canal to the American East Coast. Assistant: 从亚洲进口的货物量越来越多,这些货物原本会在美国西海岸的港口卸货,现在它们将通过运河抵达东海岸。 User: It has participated as an automated prediction server in the biannual CASP experiments since CASP5 in 2002, performing among the best in the automated server prediction category. Assistant: 它自2002年起参加CASP实验,在当届CASP5的自动化服务器预测类别中名列前茅。 User: CTXT is an independent Spanish online publication founded in January 2015 that offers long-form news analysis and opinion. Assistant: CTXT是西班牙一家独立在线出版物,成立于2015年1月,主要提供长期新闻分析和意见。 User: His nature of the way and the way of moving around. Assistant: 它的环境,它的道路和它的附近的一切。 User: In 2005 he delivered the Eric Liddell Memorial Speech at the sixtieth anniversary of liberation of the Weishien civilian internment camp. Assistant: 潍坊市政府在2005年纪念潍坊集中营解放60周年的活动中为埃里克·利德尔的纪念碑献花环。 User: The couple appeared together in Tenko Reunion. Assistant: 《二友雅聚》于聚雅堂。 User: It is important to keep in mind that ecotheology explores not only the relationship between religion and nature in terms of degradation of nature, but also in terms of ecosystem management in general. Assistant: 重要的是,生态神学探索的不仅是宗教和环境危机之间的关系,也必须关注一般性生态系统管理(英语:Ecosystem management)问题。 User: Barendrecht worked as a programmer at the International Film Festival Rotterdam and as a press officer for the Berlin International Film Festival. Assistant: 他长期担任鹿特丹国际电影节制作人以及柏林国际电影节的新闻官。 User: Britain and France appeared similarly outraged, although calls for Metternich's resignation were ignored. Assistant: 英国和法国同样表示愤怒,不过梅特涅却并不在意。 User: However, the results for point particles can be used to study such objects by treating them as composite objects, made of a large number of collectively acting point particles. Assistant: 虽然如此,点粒子的概念也可以用来研究这种物体,因为这种物体可以被视为由大量点粒子组成的复合物。 User: Navy helicopters delivered food and water to remote areas of the Baja California peninsula. Assistant: 海军直升机向下加利福尼亚半岛偏远地区送去食品和饮用水。 User: I'll be proud to lead you wonderful guys in battle anytime, anywhere. Assistant: 我会为能够在任何时间、任何地点领导你们这些了不起的家伙感到骄傲。 User: The final stage of Army mobilization, known as "activation of the unorganized militia" would effectively place all able-bodied males in the service of the U.S. Army. Assistant: 动员的级别和顺序如下: (最后的所有未组织民兵动员可以有效地将所有有战斗能力的男性征召到美国陆军的指挥之下。 User: Her husband, Pierre Curie, shared the 1903 Physics prize with her. Assistant: 丈夫皮埃尔·居里,1903年物理学奖。 User: In 1911, he became associated with the Blaue Reiter group, and exhibited with them in the Galerie Der Sturm in Berlin in 1913. Assistant: 1911年,他开始和蓝骑士来往,并在1913年在柏林的暴风雨画廊(Der Sturm)和他们一起举办画展。 User: The entire election now comes down to this one man's vote. Assistant: 》的选拔成员全部入选了本次的选拔成员。 User: South of the Sahara it was a different story. Assistant: 然而在印度洋南部,又是另一个故事。 User: Designs to be printed on absorbent newsprint paper will be more slender as the ink will naturally spread out as it absorbs into the paper, and may feature ink traps: areas left blank into which the ink will soak as it dries. Assistant: 在吸水性新闻纸纸上打印的设计将更加纤细,因为当墨水吸收到纸张中时,墨水会自然散开,并且可能具有油墨扩张弥补的特征:墨水浸泡的区域留空 因为它干了。 User: Laboratory researchers in the U.S. offered some support for the Soviets, at least before the news of Laika's death. Assistant: 不过,美国方面的实验室研究员们至少在莱卡死亡的消息传出之前都是支持苏联实验的。 User: Vertical section of bladder wall. Assistant: 膀胱壁的垂直部分。 User: In 2006 Dent did not play many competitive matches, due to a recurring back and groin problem. Assistant: 丹特在2006年没有参加很多的比赛,由于经常有背部和腹股沟受伤的问题。 User: Many terms, some insulting and others informal, have been used to refer to people affected by alcoholism; the expressions include tippler, drunkard, dipsomaniac and souse. Assistant: 英语中有很多带贬义的俚语,习用于称呼酒精中毒者,例如:tippler, drunkard, dipsomaniac和souse等。 User: Right- and left-invertible relations are called invertible. Assistant: 满足传递性和自反性的对称关系称为等价关系。 User: Both healthy and the sick were required to pay the surcharge, which may have caused healthier persons to remain outside of the market, causing overall health care costs to rise (see adverse selection, risk pool). Assistant: 健康和有病的投保人均需支付该额外收费,这可能造成健康的人不愿投保,造成整体卫生保健费用上升(见不利选择、风险池)。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: On the evening of 31 August, the 140-ton British vessel Spring, which originated from Liverpool, was beached near Cape Romain within the vicinity of the Raccoon Keys. Assistant: 8月31日夜间,从利物浦出发、重140吨的英国船只“春天号”(Spring)在南卡罗莱纳州罗曼角(Cape Romain)附近搁浅。 User: Jund al-Islam, an al-Qaeda-linked jihadist group in Sinai who were formerly affiliated with ISIL, declared their innocence and condemned the attack on the al-Rawda mosque. Assistant: 伊斯兰勇士,是西奈半岛上一个原隶属于伊斯兰国后脱离,与基地组织有关联的圣战组织,声称他们是无辜的,并谴责了对拉瓦达清真寺的袭击。 User: L&L Hawaiian Barbecue, or simply L&L and known as L&L Drive-Inn in Hawaii, is a Hawaiian-themed franchise restaurant chain based in Honolulu, Hawaii, centered on the Hawaiian plate lunch (Hawaiian: pā mea ʻai). Assistant: L&L夏威夷风味烤肉(L&L Hawaiian Barbecue,简称L&L)是起源于美国夏威夷檀香山的特许经营餐厅连锁店,主要售卖夏威夷式盒饭式午餐(英语:Plate lunch)(plate lunch)。 User: The British ignored certain provisions of the Paris agreement and kept troops on American soil long after the peace treaty and American debtors were refusing to pay British creditors, as also required by the Treaty of Paris. Assistant: 英国无视《巴黎条约》的相关条款 ,在和平条约缔结后依然将军队保留在美国境内;美方也无视《巴黎条约》所要求 ,其债务人拒绝偿还英国债权人的债务。 User: Venturia inaequalis anamorphs have been described under the names Fusicladium dendriticum and Spilocaea pomi. Assistant: 苹果黑星菌的无性态(英语:anamorphs)过去曾被称为Fusicladium dendriticum与Spilocaea pomi。 User: In general, since these systems are autotrophic, they are the most difficult and complex known replicators. Assistant: 一般来说,因为这些系统是自养的,所以它们是最难制造和最复杂的自复制机器。 User: Also at the close of 2010, a skin-grafting surgery saved his left foot from being amputated. Assistant: 2010年末,一次皮肤移植术使他的左脚免于截肢。 User: Several statistical studies support the theory that a higher degree of economic freedom, as measured with one the several Indices of Economic Freedom which have been used in numerous studies, increases economic growth and that this in turn increases general prosperity, reduces poverty and causes democratisation. Assistant: 一些研究,例如著名的经济自由度指数,则指出随着资本主义的普及和经济的增长,便会增加社会的繁荣、减少贫穷,并且进一步产生民主化。 User: Men's rights adherents have argued that sole military conscription of men is an example of discrimination against men. Assistant: 男性权利活动者坦言,仅对男性征兵役就是歧视男性的例子。 User: Before World War I, numerous other railways were built. Assistant: 至第一次世界大战前,斯洛文尼亚境内的许多其他铁路也陆续建成。 User: From 1 September 2017 citizens of all countries and territories may apply for tourism, business and group tourist types of visa for 30 or 90 days online through the eVisa system. Assistant: 自2017年9月1日起,所有国家和地区的公民均可通过电子签证系统在线上办理有效期为30日或90日的旅游、商务和团体旅游签证。 User: The second document was the provisional rulebook, which will remain in effect until the next conference. Assistant: 第二份文件是临时规则手册,生效至下次党大会。 User: Hackers can gain unauthorized access to the ISP via the same technique. Assistant: 黑客也可通过同样的技术取得未经允许的访问权限。 User: Here he listened to edifying discourses from the monks, whom he found "not unkind but ignorant". Assistant: 福吐纳托之后高声呼救,但是蒙特里梭嘲笑他的尖叫,让他知道没人能听见他们。 User: The subspecies H. s. titanicus can be found in Sri Lanka and India. Assistant: 其亚种 Heterometrus swammerdami titanicus 可以在印度与斯里兰卡发现。 User: In her will, made in 1472, Margaret refers to Edmund Tudor as her first husband. Assistant: 在她1472年的遗嘱中,称埃德蒙·都铎为她的第一任丈夫。 User: Some sources say that she was imprisoned at Corfe, and others say at Bristol Castle, for all the 39 years. Assistant: 一些资料称她39年来都被关在科弗城堡,或布里斯托尔城堡。 User: The traditional "father" and "mother" roles of the nuclear family have become blurred over time. Assistant: 随着时间的推移,核心家庭中传统“父亲”和“母亲”角色的界限已经变得模糊。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Ron had previously longed for a full set of Chudley Cannons robes offered at the shop. Assistant: 而荣恩则曾经渴望得到店里提供的一整套查得利炮弹队(Chudley Cannons)的长袍。 User: 1940 German Victory Parade in Paris. Assistant: 1940年:纳粹德国军队空袭巴黎。 User: This situation requires ICU admission, monitoring of the central venous pressure (which requires the insertion of a central venous catheter in a large upper body vein), and the administration of medication that increases the heart pumping action and blood pressure. Assistant: 这种情况就需要入住加护病房并监察中心静脉压(这需要在上半身的一条大静脉置入中心静脉导管)和施予药物以增加心脏的泵送功能和血压。 User: Her longest surviving children were: Francis, Lord Hastings (1729–1789), later 10th Earl of Huntingdon, died unmarried and without issue. Assistant: 她活得较长寿的孩子如下: 法兰西斯,洛德·黑斯廷斯(英语:Francis Hastings, 10th Earl of Huntingdon)(1729–1789),后来继承为亨廷顿伯爵十世,终身未婚且没有子女。 User: This was a very rare coin, almost a trial piece, but it did circulate so successfully that demand could not be met. Assistant: 这种硬币几乎像样币一样非常罕见,但它的流通却十分成功以致需求不能得到满足。 User: I have never played a role in which someone's dark side shouldn't be explored. Assistant: 我不曾演过这样一个黑暗面不该被探讨的角色。 User: Chin was not of Japanese descent, but the assailants testified at the criminal court case that he "looked like a Jap", an ethnic slur used to describe Japanese and other Asians, and that they were angry enough to beat him to death. Assistant: 陈果仁并不是日本后裔,但是这两个袭击者在刑事法庭上声称他“看起来像是小日本佬(Jap)”,’“小日本(Jap)"这个词是对日本人和其他亚洲民族的蔑称,他们也承认,当时他们十分生气,所以就把他打死了。 User: The scenes with Mr. Stallone and Mr. Schwarzenegger are a little disappointing — it's their first pairing as top-billed co-stars, yet the script never gives them the kind of memorable exchange that makes fans howl with delight. Assistant: 史特龙和史瓦辛格的场面有点让人失望——这是他们第一次以顶尖主演的联合巨星所做出的配对,但剧本从未给他们带来令人难忘的交流,好让粉丝高兴地尖叫。 User: Sunspots had some importance in the debate over the nature of the Solar System. Assistant: 太阳黑子在太阳系本质的辩论上有一些重要性。 User: In Salem Village in February 1692, Betty Parris, age nine, and her cousin Abigail Williams, age 11, the daughter and niece, respectively, of Reverend Samuel Parris, began to have fits described as "beyond the power of epileptic fits or natural disease to effect" by John Hale, the minister of the nearby town of Beverly. Assistant: 1692年的冬天,在塞勒姆村庄,帕里斯的女儿和侄女9岁的贝蒂·帕里斯(Betty Parris)和她11岁的表姐艾比盖儿·威廉姆斯(Abigail Williams)开始表现出一种奇怪的行为,被约翰·黑尔(John Hale)牧师描述为“超癫痫症状或者超自然疾病”行为。 User: The Sézanne flora is a fossil assemblage preserved in freshwater limestone deposits at Sézanne, laid down during the Thanetian age, when Europe enjoyed a tropical climate. Assistant: Sézanne植物群落是在Sézanne的淡水石灰岩沉积层中发现的植物化石群落,属于赞尼特阶时期,这个时期欧洲为热带性气候。 User: In the middle of 2014, price started declining due to a significant increase in oil production in USA, and declining demand in the emerging countries. Assistant: 在2014年中,油价开始下跌,原因是美国产油量的增加,以及发展中国家需求的下降。 User: I mean board games, card games, ball games, Olympic games, and so on. Assistant: 我指的是桌上游戏、卡片游戏、球类运动、奥林匹克运动、等等。 User: Those with Internet access could listen to the comments by visiting twitter.com/speak2tweet. Assistant: 而接入互联网的用户可以透过访问twitter.com/speak2tweet收听这些推特。 User: Furthermore, in the case that V = W, this vector space (denoted End(V)) is an associative algebra under composition of maps, since the composition of two linear maps is again a linear map, and the composition of maps is always associative. Assistant: 进一步的说,在 V = W {\displaystyle V=W} 的情况中,这个向量空间(指示为 E n d ( V ) {\displaystyle \mathrm {End} (V)} )是在映射复合下的结合代数,因为两个线性映射的复合再次是线性映射,所以映射的复合总是结合律的。 User: A third of the hospitals had no running water and the bribery of doctors and nurses to get decent medical attention and even amenities like blankets in Soviet hospitals was not only common, but routine. Assistant: 三分之一的医院没有自来水,而且向医生和护士行贿以获得良好的医疗乃至像毛毯这样的设施在苏联的医院里面不但常见,还是常规。 User: In front of the desk is an armchair which is a few years older. Assistant: 原址的院中有一棵银杏树,树龄超过700年。 User: Jody's karate instructor, 25-year-old Jeffrey Doucet, had been sexually abusing Jody for at least a year. Assistant: 但是乔迪的空手道教练,时年25岁的杰夫·杜赛(Jeff Doucet)在当时至少对乔迪实施了长达一年的性虐待。 User: The main difference between TeX and pdfTeX is that whereas TeX outputs DVI files, pdfTeX can output PDF files directly. Assistant: TeX和pdfTeX之间主要的不同之处在于TeX输出DVI(英语:DVI file format)文件,pdfTeX能直接输出PDF文件。 User: It was his first marriage. Assistant: 这是他的第一次婚姻。 User: According to May, French and British rulers were at fault for tolerating poor performance by the intelligence agencies; that the Germans could achieve surprise in May 1940, showed that even with Hitler, the process of executive judgement in Germany had worked better than in France and Britain. Assistant: 德军在1940年5月展现的突然性证明,即使有希特勒这样的领导人,德国的行事判断过程也比英国和法国表现更好。 User: At introduction, the 6600 family was only available in PCI Express form. Assistant: 发布时,6600家族只支援PCI-E接口。 User: Later that year there was another failed Republican revolutionary attempt against the government. Assistant: 同年一场反对新政府的共和革命失败。 User: It is similar to the Danish rødgrød and German Rote Grütze. Assistant: 它类似于土耳其烤肉和希腊旋转烤肉。 User: It is partially true: if a short exact sequence of groups is left split or a direct sum (1. or 3.), then all of the conditions hold. Assistant: 它是部分真的:如果一个群短正合序列是左分裂或是直和(条件1或3),则所有条件成立。 User: Sahil Bilad al-Musa Rass Husnayn. Assistant: 西攻瓦剌,东挟兀良哈三卫。 User: This showed that 32% of cases had complications. Assistant: 根据调查数据显示,约有32%的案例出现了并发症。 User: Governor Castro first stated that an inmate was responsible, and survivors initially reported that an inmate shouted "We will all die here!" before setting fire to his bedding. Assistant: 据报道,一位身份不明的男子在火灾发生前就大声呼喊:“我们都要死在这里”。 User: It was first introduced by Louis Bonaparte in 1807, then King of Holland, who awarded the title to cultural associations. Assistant: 1807年由路易斯·波拿巴引入,其后荷兰国王授予各文化协会。 User: The footprint was published as the ichnogenus Tyrannosauripus pillmorei in 1994, by Martin Lockley and Adrian Hunt. Assistant: 这个足迹化石在1994年由马丁·罗克里(Martin Lockley)与阿德里安·亨特(Adrian Hunt)建立为遗迹属,Tyrannosauripas pillmorei。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: In 2003, the People's Republic of China announced it intended to enhance its diplomatic ties with the Pacific Islands Forum, and increase the economic aid package it provided to that organisation. Assistant: 2003年,中华人民共和国宣布其将加大与太平洋岛国论坛的外交联系,并加大对该组织的经济援助。 User: Visitors engaging in activities other than tourism, including unpaid work, may require a visa or work permit. Assistant: 如欲从事旅游以外的活动,包括无报酬的义务工作,亦需申请签证或工作许可。 User: The maximum takeoff weight of an aircraft is unlimited. Assistant: 最大飞机起飞重量是无限。 User: Individuals who tend to experience more social anxiety turn their attention away from threatening social information and toward themselves, prohibiting them from challenging negative expectations about others and maintaining high levels of social anxiety. Assistant: 经历较多社交焦虑者会将注意力从社会上的威胁信息转到自身,去避免自己去挑战他人负面期望,并保持高度的社交焦虑 。 User: The "salt cellar" name refers to a different use for the same shape, in which it stands on a table with the four points downwards; the four open pockets may be used to hold small pieces of food. Assistant: 在“盐瓶”(英语:Salt cellar)名称指的是相同的形状不同的用途,由上往下看起来像四个格子;四个格子可用于容纳一些小件食品或零嘴。 User: And ORF 9 and 14 are identified as putative hydroxylation enzymes. Assistant: ORF9和14被认为可能是羟化酶。 User: Charles Ehresmann (19 April 1905 – 22 September 1979) was a German born French mathematician who worked in differential topology and category theory. Assistant: 夏尔·埃雷斯曼(Charles Ehresmann 1905年4月19日-1979年9月22日)是一个法国数学家,其工作领域为微分几何和范畴论。 User: However, studies suggest that Earth already lies near to the inner edge of the habitable zone of the Solar System, and that may harm its long-term livability as the luminosities of main-sequence stars steadily increase over time, pushing the habitable zone outwards. Assistant: 然而,研究显示地球已经位于接近太阳系适居带内部边缘的位置,随着主序星光度随时间逐渐增加,该区域的长期适居性将被破坏,并且适居带将向外推移,更加远离母恒星。 User: The government shall publish all laws. Assistant: 政府应公布所有法律。 User: General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party is the office of the highest-ranking member of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party and the de facto leader of Laos. Assistant: 老挝人民革命党中央委员会总书记是老挝人民革命党的最高负责人,也是老挝人民民主共和国实际上的最高领导人。 User: In April 12, 2011 it was announced that Ntfsprogs project was merged with NTFS-3G. Assistant: 2011年4月12日,宣布ntfsprogs专案合并至NTFS-3G。 User: The Workers' Party of Hungary 2006 (Hungarian: Magyarországi Munkáspárt 2006) is a political party in Hungary. Assistant: 匈牙利工人党2006(匈牙利语:Magyarországi Munkáspárt 2006)是匈牙利的一个共产主义政党。 User: He was then advanced to the position of deputy chairman of the planning committee of the Riga Executive Committee (city government). Assistant: 后被擢升为里加执行委员会(市政府)规划委员会副主席。 User: He resigned from Lick Observatory when James E. Keeler was made its director instead of him in 1898, despite the fact that he had been acting director since the previous year. Assistant: 1898年詹姆斯·爱德华·基勒(James Edward Keeler)接替他成为台长后,他从利克天文台辞职,尽管事实上自上年来他就担任了代理台长一职。 User: In combination with the stories from its other media, the series possesses a level of storytelling depth and continuity comparable to a serial drama. Assistant: 在和其它媒体的故事结合中,系列具有一定程度故事深度,以及类似于连续剧的分镜剧本。 User: The very sharp printing obtained from the intaglio process is hard to imitate by other means. Assistant: 印刷时苛刻的条件使得凹版印刷过程很难通过其他手段模仿。 User: After winning the 2006 Italian Grand Prix, Michael Schumacher announced his retirement from Formula 1 racing at the end of the 2006 season. Assistant: 在取胜2006年意大利大奖赛后, 迈克尔·舒马赫宣布在2006年赛季结束后退役。 User: The alcohol content is 4.8%. Assistant: 在中国它的酒精含量为4.8%。 User: Pomeroy was founded in 1804 and named for landowner Samuel Pomeroy. Assistant: 波默罗伊建立于1804年,以地主Samuel Pomeroy命名。 User: A European Union initiative of 1999 is called the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, and the online newspaper Balkan Times renamed itself Southeast European Times in 2003. Assistant: 一份在线报纸《巴尔干时报》在2003年重命名为《东南欧时报》。 User: Babylonian Talmud Makkot 3a. Assistant: 之后升上3A的爱荷华小熊。 User: SU-16 refers to a series of semi-automatic rifles and carbines manufactured by Kel-Tec CNC Industries, Inc. of Cocoa, Florida, referred to in Kel-Tec's marketing as "Sport Utility rifles". Assistant: SU-16是一种半自动的卡宾枪,在位于Cocoa, Florida的kel-tec公司制造,SU指体育用途步枪(Sport Utility rifles)。 User: The court came to the conclusion that Cho's steering led the ship to attempt a 15 degree turn for 40 seconds. Assistant: 法院得出的结论是,赵准基的转向导致该船试图转弯15度,持续40秒。 User: During rehearsal, Marge struggles with a scene in which Blanche is supposed to break a glass bottle and attack Stanley, but she cannot muster enough anger towards Stanley to break the bottle. Assistant: 玛琦在排练时遇到瓶颈,剧情需要她打破玻璃瓶并袭击斯坦利,但玛琦实在没法鼓起勇气。 User: Critical health researchers emphasize the positive identities that men can take up post vasectomy, as a "man who takes on responsibility for the contraceptive task" and a man who is willing to "sacrifice" his fertility for his partner and family's sake. Assistant: 女性主义研究者对接受输精管切除术的男性有正面的评价,认为是“一个负起自己在避孕上责任的男性”,也认为这些男性是愿意为了伴侣及家庭而犠牲自己的生育能力。 User: Other 'linear' notations include the Wiswesser Line Notation (WLN), ROSDAL and SLN (Tripos Inc). Assistant: 其他著名的线性记法包括Wiswesser Line Notation(WLN),ROSDAL和SLN。 User: Up until 1866, Corfu had no mayors. Assistant: 在1866年以前, 克基拉不存在市长。 User: When Phaethon came to perihelion in July 2009, it was found to be brighter than expected. Assistant: 当法厄同在2009年7月来到近日点时,它比预期的更为明亮。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: They first printed chemical reaction vessels, then used the printer to deposit reactants into them. Assistant: 他们首先打印出反应容器,接着用打印机将反应物注入容器当中进行反应。 User: President Clinton also signed into law several gun control bills, including the Brady Bill, which imposed a five-day waiting period on handgun purchases; and he also signed into legislation a ban on many types of semi-automatic firearms (which expired in 2004). Assistant: 克林顿上任后,推动允许同性恋参军的不问,不说政策,并且签下了枪械管制的布莱迪法案(Brady Bill),规定手枪贩卖必须一律等候五天,被保守派的批评;他也立法禁止了许多形式的半自动射击枪械的买卖(到2004年终止)。 User: These beliefs were largely constructed on the basis of ideological and political agendas, and were widely accepted despite their ethnocentrism. Assistant: 这些理念大都建立在西方意识形态和政治议程的基础上,虽带有强烈的种族优越感,却被广泛接受。 User: Large stones may have acted as grave markers. Assistant: 巨石可能作为坟墓的标志。 User: Lastly the cross sectional area A {\displaystyle A} is a free variable. Assistant: n维环面的基本群是一个n阶自由可交换群。 User: Twilight Zone's writers frequently used science fiction as a vehicle for social comment, as networks and sponsors who censored controversial material from live dramas were less concerned with seemingly innocuous fantasy and sci-fi stories. Assistant: 《迷离境界》的作者经常使用科幻题材作为对社会评论的载体,因为网络和赞助商通常只会对直播剧集上有争议的内容作出审查,而看似无害的幻想和科幻故事则不太关心。 User: He also took a lively interest in the classics, music, and literature; but the real love of his intellectual life was the pursuit of science. Assistant: 他还对希腊古学、音乐和文学有浓厚的兴趣,但他的真爱仍然是对科学的追寻。 User: The cumulative action of the resonances and the embryos either scattered the planetesimals away from the asteroid belt or excited their orbital inclinations and eccentricities. Assistant: 共振和行星胚胎的累加作用要么使微行星脱离小行星带,要么激发它们的轨道倾角和偏心率变化。 User: In 2011 National Resurrection Party merged to the Liberal and Centre Union. Assistant: 备注:国家复兴党(National Resurrection Party)在2011年并入自由与中间联盟。 User: The common bone scan with 600 MBq of technetium-99m-MDP has an effective dose of approximately 3.5 mSv (3,500 μSv) (1). Assistant: 采用600 MBq 锝-99m-MDP的常规骨扫描所造成的有效剂量则为3 mSv(1)。 User: The amount of ash and gases released into the atmosphere probably caused significant impacts to world weather patterns and led to the extinction of some species, primarily in North America. Assistant: 大量的火山灰和有毒气体释放到大气中可能会对全世界的气象型态造成重大的影响并导致以北美地区为主一些生物种类的绝灭。 User: If the blood concentration is 0.01 mg/mL (1 mg/dL), then one can say that 100 mL/min of blood is being "cleared" of creatinine, since, to get 1 mg of creatinine, 100 mL of blood containing 0.01 mg/mL would need to have been cleared. Assistant: 如果血液浓度为<0.01毫克/毫升(1毫克/分升)>(0.01 mg/mL (1 mg/dL)),那么可以说、血液以<100毫升/分钟>(100 mL/min)清除肌酸酐,因为要得到<1毫克>(1 mg)肌酸酐,<100毫升>(100 mL)的血液含有<0.01毫克/毫升>(0.01 mg/mL)的肌酸酐将需要被清除。 User: Although Great Britain had withdrawn its own troops from the theater, it continued to give significant military aid (money, weapons, food, ammunition and some military advisors) to the White Armies during 1919. Assistant: 英国即使从战区撤军,仍在1919年给白军留下重要的军事援助(钱、武器、食物、军火和一些军事顾问)。 User: In mathematical analysis, Parseval's identity, named after Marc-Antoine Parseval, is a fundamental result on the summability of the Fourier series of a function. Assistant: 在数学分析中,以Marc-Antoine Parseval命名的帕塞瓦尔恒等式是一个有关函数的傅里叶级数的可加性的基础结论。 User: The Open mystery, in contrast, reveals the identity of the perpetrator at the top of the story, showcasing the "perfect crime" which the audience then watches the protagonist unravel, usually at the very end of the story, akin to the unveiling scenes in the Closed style. Assistant: 开放式悬疑则相反,在故事一开始就知道凶手的身份,并展示“完美犯罪”,而观众则跟随主角来破解谜团,通常与封闭式风格类似,在故事结束时才是谜底揭晓的一幕。 User: In 1980 Alan Guth realized that false vacuum decay in the early universe would solve the problem, leading him to propose a scalar-driven inflation. Assistant: 1980年,阿兰·古斯发现早期宇宙的假真空衰变能够解决这一问题,所以他提出了由纯量驱动的暴胀机制。 User: Housing and food price levels were 171% and 145% of the EU-25 index in 2007, compared to 113% and 104% in Germany. Assistant: 于2007年,瑞士房屋及食物价格分别为欧盟25国平均的171%及145%,约为德国的113%及104%。 User: In December 2014, it was revealed that Momoa had signed a four-picture deal with the studio and DC, and he wanted Zack Snyder to direct the solo Aquaman film. Assistant: 2014年12月,据透露,摩莫亚与华纳兄弟和DC签了四份片约,他希望查克·史奈德来执导电影。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: For prizing honor and devotion to duty, House Stark is the closest of the noble houses to heroism. Assistant: 因为重视荣誉与责任,史塔克家族是最偏向英雄主义的高贵家族。 User: Mills and Harper separated in December 1957, when Mills returned from Copenhagen alone, and he divorced in 1959. Assistant: 1957年,米尔斯与哈珀分开,独自返回,随后他们在1959年离婚。 User: Overall, this progress has led to better integration of the field into the rest of mathematics. Assistant: 这些发展使得几何拓扑学被更好地引用于数学的其它领域了。 User: He was the Republican nominee for governor in 1963, but ultimately lost a close election to Democrat Ned Breathitt. Assistant: 他曾是1963年共和党的州长候选人,但最终以微弱劣势不敌民主党人奈德·布里赛特。 User: Each level has three challenges to complete. Assistant: 每题各有三个提示。 User: During the early stages of Prohibition, it was alleged that some agents accepted bribes in exchange for turning a blind eye to bootlegged liquor, mainly as a result of relatively low wages. Assistant: 在禁酒令的早期阶段,据称一些探员接受贿赂以换取对非法私酒睁一只眼,闭一只眼,主要是因为探员的工资相对较低。 User: The installation of a JVM or Java interpreter on chips, devices, or software packages became an industry standard practice. Assistant: 在芯片、设备和软件包中安装Java已经成为一种工业实践的标准。 User: They denounced the domination of Paris and summoned provincial levies to their aid and so fell under suspicion of "federalism". Assistant: 他们谴责巴黎的把持并号召各省征集他们的需求,因此被质疑主张“联邦制”。 User: Zero Defects: Doing It Right the First Time. Assistant: 表轻蔑:phe53,放句首。 User: The painter lives in Besançon (Doubs) where he pursues his artistic career. Assistant: 他现居于贝桑松(杜省),在那里继续着他的艺术之路。 User: Benny started college at age 15, while Rafi attended Dickinson College for two years before transferring to Hunter College, where he got a degree in film studies. Assistant: 宾尼曾于15岁入读大学,但未有完成学位课程;拉菲则曾入读狄金森学院两年,后来转至杭特学院完成电影学系的学士学位课程。 User: This resulted in skirmishes with the Belgrade garrison and, to make matters worse, sixteen of Walter's men had tried to rob a market in Zemun across the river in Hungary and were stripped of their armor and clothing, which was hung from the castle walls. Assistant: 这最后导致他们与贝尔格莱德驻军发生冲突,此外沃尔特的16名部下试图到萨瓦河对岸属于匈牙利境内的泽蒙市集抢劫,结果被剥夺武装与衣物挂在城堡墙上,令事态变得更糟。 User: By evening, the jury had convicted thirty-six prisoners and sentenced them to hang. Assistant: 到了晚上,陪审团已经认定36位战俘有罪,并判处他们死刑。 User: The I2S connection was not intended to be used via cables, and most integrated circuits will not have the correct impedance for coaxial cables. Assistant: I2S 协议并不适合用线缆进行传输,并且 IC 对同轴电缆通常并没有正确的阻抗。 User: Its guidelines cover certificates used for the SSL/TLS protocol and code signing, as well as system and network security of certificate authorities. Assistant: 其方针涵盖用于SSL/TLS协议和代码签名的证书,以及系统和证书颁发机构的系统和网络安全。 User: Sleep involves great changes in brain activity. Assistant: 睡眠会导致脑活动的巨大变化。 User: Sherwood sued for slander after each accusation, but her lawsuits were unsuccessful and her husband had to pay court costs. Assistant: 每次受到这类指控,舍伍德都会反诉对方诽谤,但无一胜诉,她和丈夫还得支付庭审费用。 User: Reaching for the Stars. Assistant: 发为星辰。 User: Design concepts and route alignment were completed by July 1960. Assistant: 设计概念和线路调整在1960年7月完成。 User: She seems incapable of settling down. Assistant: 她为回不了家心情低落。 User: According to the FSF, "The GPL does not require you to release your modified version, or any part of it. Assistant: 据FSF称,“GPL不要求您发布修改版本,或其任何部分,您可以自由地进行修改和留作私人使用,而无需发布。 User: Video Display also makes the display units for the industrial and medical industry sectors. Assistant: 此外公司的视频显示设备也用于工业和医疗行业。 User: On May 6, 1993, he pleaded guilty to three murders and conspiracy to murder several others. Assistant: 1993年5月6日,斯卡帕对那三起谋杀案和其他阴谋表示服罪。 User: Groups like PABBIS (Parents Against Bad Books in School) work to restrict literature considered "controversial" from being accessed by younger children. Assistant: 一些如PABBIS(英语:Parents Against Bad Books in School,反校园坏书家长联合会)的组织则试图禁止更幼小的孩子阅读这些被认为是“有争议的”文学作品。 User: First and foremost, they believe that abortion is murder. Assistant: 一些反对堕胎的人认为堕胎是谋杀。 User: Although he was shot at the Battle of Jarama, the bullet passed through his cheeks and he was not seriously wounded. Assistant: 尽管在加拉玛战役(英语:Battle of Jarama)中遭击中,子弹穿过脸颊,但他伤势不重。 User: The plot is based on an Italian tale translated into verse as The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke in 1562 and retold in prose in Palace of Pleasure by William Painter in 1567. Assistant: 戏剧基于意大利的故事,在1562年被亚瑟·布鲁克翻译为《罗密欧斯与朱丽叶的悲剧历史》,并在1567年被威廉·品特用散文的方式改写为《欢愉宫殿》。 User: At the time, 80% of Square Enix staff were made up of former Square employees. Assistant: 当时史克威尔艾尼克斯职员中,80%为原史克威尔雇员。 User: The phonology of Proto-Polynesian is very simple, with 13 consonants and 5 vowels. Assistant: 原始波利尼西亚语的音系十分简洁,仅有13个辅音和5个元音。 User: She has also planted nearly 8000 other trees. Assistant: 后来他又买了相邻物业总值超过8000亩。 User: The Douglas DC-4E was an American experimental airliner that was developed before World War II. Assistant: 道格拉斯DC-4E是道格拉斯公司在第二次世界大战之前开发的一款实验型客机。 User: Use short first paragraphs. Assistant: 用短的段落作文章开首。 User: He was appointed town medical officer in Vadstena in 1785, district medical officer in Östergötland County in 1789, director of the new Vadstena Hospital (which he had initiated) in 1795, and titular professor in 1803. Assistant: 他在1785年被任命为瓦斯泰纳镇医疗官员,1789年任东约特兰省区医疗官员,1795年在成为新瓦斯泰纳医院院长,并在1803年成为名义教授主任。 User: Four months after the emergence of Pakistan on world's map December 28, 1947 Jinnah said: "We are going through fire: the sunshine has yet to come. Assistant: 巴基斯坦建国四个月后,1947年12月28日,真纳说: 我们正经历烈火,太阳还没有出来。 User: Stories of the famous monk were passed on by word of mouth for centuries. Assistant: 脍炙人口的《梁上君子》历史成语典故千百年来被人们广为传颂。 User: Meanwhile, Persian nobles killed Hormizd II's eldest son, blinded the second, and imprisoned the third (who later escaped into Roman territory). Assistant: 同时,波斯贵族杀害了霍尔密兹德二世的长子,又令他的次子失明,三子被囚禁(霍尔密兹德二世的三子后来逃到罗马帝国的领土)。 User: In 1927, he received a fellowship from Columbia University to study in Europe. Assistant: 1927年,坎伯获得哥伦比亚大学前往欧洲研究的奖学金。 User: An earlier model for censored regression, the Tobit model, was proposed by James Tobin in 1958. Assistant: 早期的删失回归 模型 , 托比特模型 ,由詹姆斯托宾于1958年提出。 User: ETags can also be used for optimistic concurrency control, as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a resource from overwriting each other. Assistant: ETag也可用于乐观并发控制,作为一种防止资源同步更新而相互覆盖的方法。 User: The route began at Madison Square, once the venue for the arm, and proceeded to the Battery at the southern tip of Manhattan by way of Fifth Avenue and Broadway, with a slight detour so the parade could pass in front of the World building on Park Row. Assistant: 队伍从曾展出塑像手臂的麦迪逊广场出发,途经第五大道和百老汇到达曼哈顿最南端的巴特里公园,其间还有小幅绕行,以便队伍能够在《世界报》位于公园街的大楼前经过。 User: Marguerite thus grew up in an atmosphere of music. Assistant: 艺萱是在这样的音乐环境中熏陶中长大的。 User: In 2004 Chandhok stepped up to the main British Formula 3 class with T-Sport, and finished 14th in the standings. Assistant: 查铎在2004年与T-Sport车队晋升至英国三级方程式主要级别,最终在积分榜上名列第14。 User: Athens lost its preeminent status as the leader of Greek culture, and it was replaced temporarily by Alexandria, Egypt. Assistant: 雅典失去了作为希腊文化领袖的卓越地位,并被埃及的亚历山大市暂时取代。 User: After Tolson leaves, Hoover says that he loves him, too. Assistant: 托尔森离去,胡佛也说他爱他。 User: In the ensuing battle, the Egyptian and Syrian armies suffered a decisive defeat at Ramla on 27 August. Assistant: 鲍德温在随后的战争中与埃及和叙利亚的军队进行了斗争,并于8月27日在拉姆拉彻底击败敌军。 User: Most women that do not breastfeed use infant formula, but breast milk donated by volunteers to human milk banks can be obtained by prescription in some countries. Assistant: 大部分不喂母乳的妇女会用配方奶来喂婴幼儿,不过有些国家会将志愿者捐献的母乳放在母乳库中,再让妇女凭医师处方来取用。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: After the Spaniards had left, the natives returned. Assistant: 西班牙人离开后,当地人重新回来。 User: Barre was also confronted with an economic crisis. Assistant: 巴雷也面临着经济危机。 User: In 1994 arrived in Argentina. Assistant: 1994年抵达阿根廷。 User: In physics, the sixth Magic Number. Assistant: 物理学中,第六个魔幻数。 User: In 1953 Donald Staggs, an electrical engineer working for the Illinois State Water Survey, made the first recorded radar observation of a "hook echo" associated with a tornadic thunderstorm. Assistant: 1953年,从事伊利诺伊州水资源调查工作的电气工程师唐纳史戴格(英语:Donald Staggs),第一次利用雷达记录到与龙卷风相关的钩状回波(英语:Hook echo)。 User: In 1838, the Cherokee nation was forced by order of President Andrew Jackson to march westward towards Oklahoma. Assistant: 1838年,总统安德鲁·杰克逊下命令迫使切罗基人西行前往奥克拉荷马。 User: The Littlejohn adaptor was a device that could be added to the British QF 2 pounder (40 mm) anti-tank gun. Assistant: 利特尔约翰适配器(Littlejohn adaptor)是一种可以安装在QF2磅炮(40mm)上的设备。 User: As president, he was a close friend and supporter of the United States and a vocal spokesman against communism during the Cold War. Assistant: 作为总统,他是美国的亲密朋友和支持者,在冷战时期是一个反对共产主义的声乐发言人。 User: On September 7, a cold low pressure developed near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, which would influence much of Dawn's movement. Assistant: 9月7日,北卡罗莱纳州哈特拉斯角(Cape Hatteras)附近发展出冷芯低气压,此后一直在影响唐恩的动向。 User: Irish nationalist/republican parties support a united Ireland. Assistant: 爱尔兰民族主义者反对爱尔兰联合主义。 User: On September 30, 2015, it was announced that the soundtrack composer for the original Mirror's Edge, Solar Fields would again compose for Catalyst. Assistant: 2015年9月30日,前作《镜之边缘》的原声作曲家太阳能场宣布再次为《催化剂》谱曲创作。 User: Harmonically speaking, this means the genre typically incorporates modal chord progressions such as the Aeolian progressions I-♭VI-♭VII, I-♭VII-(♭VI), or I-♭VI-IV-♭VII and Phrygian progressions implying the relation between I and ♭II (I-♭II-I, I-♭II-III, or I-♭II-VII for example). Assistant: 以和声来讲,这意味着重金属音乐结合了调式音阶行进,如伊奥利亚调式行进的I-VI-VII, I-VII-(VI)或I-VI-IV-VII,以及采用介于I与♭II (例如I-♭II-I, I-♭II-III或I-♭II-VII)的弗里吉安调式行进。 User: On 11 December 1962, Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak declared that the Belgian government would support the UN or the central Congolese government should they attempt to end the Katangese secession through force. Assistant: 1962年12月11日,比利时外交部长保罗-亨利·斯巴克宣布,如果联合国或刚果中央政府试图武力结束加丹加的分裂,比利时政府将表示支持。 User: Also in 1914, the States introduced five- and ten-shilling notes, also denominated as 6 and 12 francs. Assistant: 1914年又开始发行5和10先令的纸币,这些纸币也分别标值为6和12法郎。 User: In 1989, the American pop artist Roy Lichtenstein created a giant two-panel mural especially for the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Assistant: 1989年,美国波普艺术家罗伊·利希滕斯坦创建一个巨大的双面板墙,挂在特拉维夫艺术博物馆入口。 User: Its main purpose is to understand why the consumer cares for the brand as well as their underlying mindsets, moods, motivation, desires, aspirations, that motivates and trigger their attitude and actions. Assistant: 其主要目的是要了解为什么消费者为什么会认同品牌,在此背后最根本的思想、心情、渴望、期待、动机,并激励、触发他们的态度和行动。 User: Kesselring was arraigned on two charges: the shooting of 335 Italians in the Ardeatine massacre and incitement to kill Italian civilians. Assistant: 凯塞林主要面对两项指控:造成335名意大利人遇难的安瑞帝涅屠杀案,以及煽动德军杀害意大利平民。 User: Blackpool was the only town in the UK that retained its trams and between 1962 and 1992 it had the only urban tramway in the UK. Assistant: 黑池是英国仅存有电车的城市,在1962年至1992年,更是全英国唯一一座城市电车系统。 User: And it has been cultured from brain abscesses. Assistant: 她被广泛认是洗脑的受害者。 User: In one of his letters Tolkien states that Sauron had a physical form in the Third Age: ... in a tale which allows the incarnation of great spirits in a physical and destructible form their power must be far greater when actually physically present. ... Assistant: 在一封托尔金的信件里,托尔金清楚地指出索伦是有肉身的: “...在传说里,他们远比肉身强大的力量以精神力创造出肉身...索伦的力量非常恐怖,他的肉身比普通人类更高大,但却不是巨人般高大。 User: However, in the US version of Ninja Gaiden III, players only get five continues total before being required to restart the game from the beginning. Assistant: 然而美版《忍者龙剑传》只有五次接关,耗尽后只能重新开始。 User: The Putney community began to take shape. Assistant: 松本的近代工业开始于制丝产业。 User: Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD) standard: ensure that an organization's browsers will find this file without manual configuration. Assistant: 网络代理自动发现协议(WPAD)标准:确保组织中的浏览器在非手动配置的情况下找到文件。 User: Early on the morning of 21 July, the fifth wave of bombers began their attack. Assistant: 7月21日上午,第五波轰炸开始攻击。 User: Impressed by the captain's act of kindness she gives him a red poppy as a symbol of her love. Assistant: 船长的善良给她留下了深刻印象,于是她给了他一朵红罂粟花示爱。 User: During the summer young children use it as a paddling pool. Assistant: 在夏季,幼儿将其用作戏水池。 User: In 1858, Richard Owen reported the find of two new specimens, NHMUK PV R 41212 and NHMUK PV R 1035, again partial skeletons but this time including the skulls. Assistant: 在1858年,古动物学家理查·欧文宣布发现两个新标本(编号NHMUK PV R 41212、NHMUK PV R 1035),都是部分身体骨骼、以及过去没发现过的头颅骨。 User: For the election of the vice president, which was done separately in Korea, Rhee was determined to see his protege Lee Ki-poong elected. Assistant: 至于副总统选举,当时在韩国是分开选举,李承晚决定要使他的门徒李起鹏当选。 User: Even so, the publicity injured Sir Cosmo's reputation. Assistant: 即便如此,媒体还是不断伤害达夫-戈登爵士的名誉。 User: Used prototype-based programming based on ECMAScript, and allowed full procedural programming and object-oriented programming. Assistant: 依据ECMAScript,采用基于原型编程,并允许完全的过程式编程和面向对象编程。 User: Prior to her death, Lily Chin had established a scholarship in Vincent's memory, to be administered by American Citizens for Justice. Assistant: 她死前以陈果仁的名义建立了一笔奖学金,由American Citizens for Justice管理。 User: Abassa was either killed, or, sent into exile. Assistant: 阿拔萨可能被杀,或者流放。 User: Nevertheless, when al-Hadi died it was Harthama himself who released Harun from prison. Assistant: 尽管如此,当哈里发哈迪死后,哈萨玛亲自释放了哈伦·拉希德。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: By the end of 1907, Lenin decided to exchange the remaining 500-ruble notes abroad. Assistant: 到了1907年年末,列宁决定在国外兑换剩下的500卢布纸币。 User: Either two wing-mounted 300 L (80 US gal) or 900 L (240 US gal) drop tanks could be fitted. Assistant: 在机翼下方加挂2X300 L(80 US gal)或是900 L(240 US gal)可抛弃式油箱并加装ETC-500炸弹架。 User: In the 21st century, these trends have continued, and several new approaches have come into prominence, including multielectrode recording, which allows the activity of many brain cells to be recorded all at the same time; genetic engineering, which allows molecular components of the brain to be altered experimentally; genomics, which allows variations in brain structure to be correlated with variations in DNA properties and neuroimaging. Assistant: 这些趋势在21世纪得到了延续,一些新的技术也变得广为人知,包括多电极阵列(英语:multielectrode array),可以在同一时刻记录多个脑细胞的活动;基因工程,可以在实验中改变脑的分子构成;基因组学,可以将脑结构的变化和DNA特征的变化和神经成像联系起来。 User: Unlike the BBC, the majority of GBC's funding comes in the form of a grant from the Government. Assistant: 不像BBC,直布罗陀广播公司的大部分财政经费来自于政府,一部分经费来自于电视授权费。 User: It is shown to contain a remote detonator and a laser. Assistant: 它还装有一个内置式瞄准镜和激光指示器。 User: At late 2005, Mercury, a devout Catholic, was uninvited from a Christmas concert in the Vatican City due to her endorsement of a Ministry of Health campaign encouraging young people to use condoms. Assistant: 2005年底,作为一个虔诚的天主教徒,玛克丽未被邀请参加梵蒂冈的圣诞演唱会,原因是由于她代言的健康运动,鼓励青少年使用避孕套,教会官员担心她会利用这个机会推广使用避孕套。 User: The Ferry Commission and transportation district it oversees, created in 1954, were later renamed for the revised mission of building and operating the Chesapeake Bay Bridge–Tunnel. Assistant: 创立于1954年的轮渡委员会和它所监管的交通区,后来因重新制定了的建造和运营切萨皮克湾隧桥的任务,被重新命名。 User: AS 332C – Production civil version. Assistant: AS 332C – 民用版。 User: The service also offers a premium tier, which enables ad-free playback, audio-only background playback, and downloading songs for offline playback. Assistant: 该服务还提供高级订阅服务,可实现无广告播放,纯音乐背景播放和下载歌曲以供离线播放。 User: On January 5, 1925, the resolution was reported back to the Senate by Wyoming's Francis Warren, unamended, with the recommendation that it pass. Assistant: 决议案当天转交至参议院拨款委员会,1925年1月5日,怀俄明州联邦参议员弗朗西斯·沃伦向参议院递交报告,建议法案不做改动,直接通过。 User: The subsidiary was carried over after the merger between Square and Enix, but was dissolved in 2005 after the establishment of Square Enix China. Assistant: 子公司在史克威尔艾尼克斯合并中随之转入,但2005年史克威尔艾尼克斯中国建立后,公司解散。 User: Hill was Swift's childhood role model: "Everything she said, did, wore, I tried to copy it". Assistant: 希尔是泰勒丝的童年榜样:“但凡她的言行和衣着,我都尝试去模仿。 User: The two moments are described as being linked by a "very similar causative power", so that the seed of the conception takes independent form at an astrologically suitable moment, whereby the impulse to give birth occurs under a "configuration of similar type to that which governed the child's formation in detail in the first place". Assistant: 这两个时刻(受孕、诞生)被形容为有链接以一个“非常相似成为原因的动力(very similar causative power)”,从而使受孕的精子在占星术上地一个适宜的时刻采取独立形式,由此冲动的生育发生于“从这一开始治理孩子的构成内容中相似类型的格局配置(configuration of similar type to that which governed the child's formation in detail in the first place)”之下。 User: He has close ties with the Kremlin and the Russian military, having served as an advisor to State Duma speaker Gennadiy Seleznyov and key member of the ruling United Russia party Sergei Naryshkin. Assistant: 他也因此与克里姆林宫和俄罗斯军方保持密切关系,担任国家杜马主席和统一俄罗斯党主要成员Sergei Naryshkin的首席顾问。 User: On a similar theme objections are made against the perceived injustice of punishing a person for all eternity for a temporal crime. Assistant: 在类似的主题方面,人们认为,仅仅因为一个人一时的过犯而遭到永恒惩罚是不公正的。 User: She later teams up with Terry and Dick Grayson against the Jokerz. Assistant: 她后来和特里、迪克·格雷森一起对抗小丑帮。 User: From here they began their final journey to the death camps.". Assistant: 从这里,他们开始了通往死亡集中营的最后旅程。 User: The majority of these applications support background execution; for example, one may listen to music while browsing the Internet, and then may switch to write a text message or e-mail, without having to close any applications. Assistant: 这些程序中的多数支持后台运行;例如,一位使用者可以在浏览互联网的同时播放音乐;还能在不关闭任何程序的情况下,切换到编辑器中撰写一节文字信息或一篇电子邮件。 User: Through their originality, choice of subject, concept, style, size and quality of their work, coupled with extensive global travel, the crew acquired the respect of graffiti artists and followers the world over. Assistant: 通过创意,主题,概念,风格,大小和他们的工作质量,加上拥有丰富的世界巡回创作,队员们获得了世界各地的涂鸦艺术家和追随者的喜爱。 User: He marries Will's old girlfriend, Alicia. Assistant: 想要娶亚修的妹妹琳达为妻。 User: Despite the loss, she ended her year ranking 15 in the world. Assistant: 后就引颈就义,结束了她在世上十四年的生命。 User: The first ten pieces were handed to the sculptor, who placed them in paper envelopes and took them home to Illinois. Assistant: 铸币局打造的前10枚银币都交给了罗夫斯塔德,后者将之放入纸质信封并带回伊利诺伊州的家里。 User: Ultimately, Secretariat officially sired 663 named foals, including 341 winners (51.4%) and 54 stakes winners (8.1%) . Assistant: 秘书处最终繁殖了663匹马驹,其中有341匹(51.4%)曾胜出普通赛事,另有54匹(8.1%)曾胜出锦标赛。 User: Stowe's novel lent its name to Henson's home—Uncle Tom's Cabin Historic Site, near Dresden, Ontario, Canada—which since the 1940s has been a museum. Assistant: 亨森的家在1940年代成为了一座博物馆,即今日安大略省德累斯顿(英语:Dresden, Ontario)附近的汤姆叔叔的小屋历史遗迹。 User: He contributed much to the mathematical form of matrix mechanics, and developed canonical anticommutation relations for fermions. Assistant: 他在数学形式的矩阵力学贡献颇多,并且发展了费米子正则反交换关系。 User: Not Enough Shaders. Assistant: 传人不多。 User: The service model union focuses more on maintaining worker rights, providing services, and resolving disputes. Assistant: 服务模式关注维护工人权益、提供服务、解决争端。 User: The bombing killed at least 41 people and wounded more than 105. Assistant: 爆炸造成至少41人死亡,105人受伤。 User: This exploration is grounded in what Unger calls a modernist image of the human being as one who lives in context but is not bound by context. Assistant: 这项研究奠基于昂格尔所谓的人类作为生活于环境中但不受环境完全束缚的现代主义想象。 User: Theodor Herzl, the ideological father of Zionism, considered Antisemitism to be an eternal feature of all societies in which Jews lived as minorities, and that only a separation could allow Jews to escape eternal persecution. Assistant: 近代锡安主义思想之父西奥多·赫茨尔认为反犹主义是所有社会的永恒特征,在这样的社会中,犹太人作为少数民族而存在,只有离开这样的社会才能使犹太人摆脱永远的迫害。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The Indian government has worked to extend air, land and sea routes to strengthen trade links with Myanmar and establish a gas pipeline. Assistant: 印度政府一直在努力扩大和缅甸在空中、陆上和海上的交通及贸易联系,并建立天然气管道。 User: That year, the autumn fleet maneuvers lasted only a week, from 7 to 15 September. Assistant: 这年的秋季舰队演习仅持续了一周,从9月7-15日。 User: Einstein was an avid sailor, frequently taking colleagues and family out for excursions on the San Francisco Bay. Assistant: 他是一个狂热的水手,经常带同事和家人在旧金山湾区游览。 User: The developers initially considered "10958" as a short code, but later changed it to "40404" for "ease of use and memorability". Assistant: 开发者们最初使用“10958”作为实验开发所用的短号码,后来为了“方便实用与记忆”将其改为了“40404”。 User: Within the main text, these clusters, referred through the anubandhas, are related to various grammatical functions. Assistant: 在正文中,通过 anubandha 提及的这些簇与各种文法功能有关。 User: Uncial letters were used to write Greek, Latin, and Gothic. Assistant: 安色尔字体用来书写希腊语、拉丁语和哥特语。 User: A new palace was built on the north side of the Bolívar Square, but was destroyed again in November 1985 by the guerrilla movement M-19 during the "Palace of Justice Siege", while the army tried to take control of the building. Assistant: 后来在玻利瓦尔广场北侧建立一个新的宫殿,1985年11月又在“围攻司法宫”期间被游击队4月19日运动所毁。 User: Currently, three subpopulations of Indus river dolphins are considered capable of long-term survival if protected. Assistant: 目前有3个印度河亚种的族群,如果保育得当被认为可以长期的幸存下去。 User: In 1736 the imperial state commenced a persecution which lasted a whole century. Assistant: 从1736年开始了持续了一个世纪的血腥迫害。 User: The censorship monitoring watchdog Turkey Blocks observed that GitHub was blocked the following morning, and associated administrative orders were subsequently posted by the BTK stating that access had been officially restricted. Assistant: 观测网络审查情况的Turkey Blocks(英语:Turkey Blocks)注意到GitHub于次日上午被封锁,并且相关的封锁令被信息与通信技术署逐步发布出来。 User: On 5 November, however, two US aircraft carriers raided Rabaul, heavily damaging four heavy cruisers, which had to withdraw to Truk. Assistant: 然而11月5日时,美军空袭了拉包尔,造成日方四艘重巡洋舰严重受损而必须撤回楚克群岛。 User: One reason for this is that social pressure functions well in small group sizes of 50 to 150 individuals (common to nomadic hunter–gatherer peoples) but not in communities numbering in the millions, as we see today. Assistant: 一个原因是社会压力对于50-150个体的小范围人群效果不错(游牧社会常见),但对如今数以千万的大社会就不好用了。 User: Much of the recorded information about the Mali Empire comes from 14th-century North African Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, 14th-century Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta and 16th-century Moroccan traveller Leo Africanus. Assistant: 许多有关马里帝国的记载是来自14世纪的北非阿拉伯历史学家伊本·赫勒敦、14世纪马林王朝旅行家伊本·白图泰,以及16世纪马林王朝旅行家利奥·阿非利加努斯。 User: The Persian ruler in turn used him as a pretext for his own invasion of Byzantium, claiming that it was done in order to avenge the murder of Maurice and his family and place the "rightful" heir Theodosius on the throne. Assistant: 这位波斯统治者反过来利用他作为自己入侵拜占庭的借口,声称这是为了报复对莫里斯及其家人的谋杀,并帮助“正当的”继承人“狄奥多西斯”夺回皇位。 User: As the previous storm was moving along the coastline of the southeastern United States, a new hurricane was observed in the western Caribbean Sea, about halfway between Honduras and Jamaica. Assistant: 第二号热带风暴沿美国东南部海岸线平行移动的同时,位于洪都拉斯和牙买加间中途位置的西加勒比海出现另一场飓风。 User: After transmission, the tape was erased or cleaned and readied for more recording. Assistant: 发送后,磁带被擦除或清理并准备好进行更多的记录。 User: Just as different groups in software engineering advocate different methodologies, different programming languages advocate different programming paradigms. Assistant: 正如软件工程中不同的群体会提倡不同的“方法学”一样,不同的编程语言也会提倡不同的“编程范型”。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: In modern language, the child has a right to receive these from the parent. Assistant: 以现今看来,孩子有权利从父母那里得到这些权利。 User: In November 2015, in his capacity of Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Clark called in the decision making power in the appeal against the Lancashire County Council's decision regarding a shale gas fracking application made by Cuadrilla Resources. Assistant: 在2015年11月,克拉克动用社区及地方政府大臣的决策权,他致电兰开夏郡议会,迫使其批准夸德里拉资源公司(英语:Cuadrilla Resources)使用水力压裂法开采页岩气的申请。 User: Moreover, the interactions have also caused some interstellar gas to fall into the centers of Messier 82 and NGC 3077, which has led to strong starburst activity (or the formation of many stars) within the centers of these two galaxies. Assistant: 此外,这种引力还导致一些星际气体陷入M82和NGC 3077的中心,并且产生了一些星爆运动(或者形成了一些新行星)。 User: They cause respiratory, intestinal, and eye infections in humans (especially the common cold). Assistant: 他们引起人类呼吸道、肠道、和眼睛感染(尤其是上呼吸道感染)。 User: Between 1945 and 1948, he helped Jewish survivors who were living in displaced person camps in Salzburg and organised, with the Jewish refugee organisation Bricha, the emigration of Jews from middle and eastern Europe to Palestine. Assistant: 从1945年到1948年他帮助在萨尔斯堡的犹太幸存者和犹太流亡者组织了难民组织Bricha, 他们大都是穿过中欧和东欧到达巴勒斯坦的犹太人。 User: Several types of protection existed. Assistant: 有数种形式的保护存在。 User: According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the Danes battled the West Saxons nine times, including the Battle of Ashdown on 8 January 871, where Bagsecg was killed. Assistant: 根据《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》记载,这支来自丹麦的维京大军与西撒克逊人进行了九次大战,其中包括871年1月8日的阿什当之战(英语:Battle of Ashdown),双方伤亡惨重,巴格斯克国王也在此战役中阵亡。 User: Until the outbreak of war, these aircraft would have flown the tri-color roundel. Assistant: 在大战爆发之后,这些飞机皆标志了三色型圆标。 User: Over-irrigation can cause deep drainage from rising water tables that can lead to problems of irrigation salinity requiring watertable control by some form of subsurface land drainage. Assistant: 过度灌溉可能导致地下水位升高,从而导致灌溉盐度问题,需要通过某种形式的地下排水渠来进行防洪控制。 User: The vision of NDS is to provide a leading worldwide map standard for automotive-grade use. Assistant: NDS的愿景是提供世界领先的“汽车级”使用地图标准。 User: In it, he popularized features which would become a hallmark of American English spelling (center rather than centre, honor rather than honour, program rather than programme, etc.) and included technical terms from the arts and sciences rather than confining his dictionary to literary words. Assistant: 在这本书中,韦伯斯特首次引入了他以后一直坚持使用的标志性的东西,包括美国式拼写(例如center而不应该是centre、honor而不是honour、program而不是programme等等),他还加入了一些艺术和科学的专有名词,而不是使用文学词汇充斥他的字典。 User: In October 2011, Airbnb established an office in London, its second international office. Assistant: 随后,在2011年10月,Airbnb建立位于伦敦的第二个国际办公室。 User: Legally blind Marla Runyan ran in the 2000 and 2004 Olympics and won a gold medal in the 1500 metres at the 1999 Pan American Games. Assistant: 视障选手Marla Runyan(英语:Marla Runyan)在2004年和2004年的奥运田径赛中参赛,在1999泛美运动田径运动会(英语:Athletics at the 1999 Pan American Games)的1500米项目中赢得金牌。 User: However, Matthew Jebb and Martin Cheek pointed out that this feature is not present in the isotype held in Singapore. Assistant: 但马修·杰布及马丁·奇克指出,该特征并不存在于存放于新加坡的同模标本中。 User: The IFE found some irregularities, but confirmed the results on 6 July. Assistant: 国家选举委员会(IFE)的确发现了舞弊行为,但于7月6日裁定选举结果不变。 User: State police officers were readied for deployment, while the state health department contacted hospitals to ensure generators were in working condition. Assistant: 州警务人员进入待命状态,而州卫生部门也联系了医院,确保发电机可以正常运作。 User: It has been estimated that the Muslim immigrant population amounts to 70,000–100,000 people, while the "estimated number of Japanese Muslims ranges from thousands to tens of thousands". Assistant: 日本穆斯林总人口为70,000-100,000人,而“日本人穆斯林的估计数范围从几千到几万”。 User: The NEC declared Sirleaf the winner of the run-off on 15 November 2011 with 90.7% of the vote. Assistant: 国家选举委员会在2011年11月15日宣布瑟利夫以90.7%选票成为选举的获胜者。 User: Potter's books continue to sell throughout the world in many languages with her stories being retold in song, film, ballet, and animation, and her life depicted in a feature film and television film. Assistant: 波特的著作仍持续在全球各地销售,翻译成多种语言,并制作成歌曲、电影、芭蕾舞与动画;她的生平也被制作成电影与电视系列剧。 User: Good governance is an indeterminate term used in international development literature to describe various normative accounts of how public institutions ought to conduct public affairs and manage public resources. Assistant: 良善治理是一个用于跨国发展文献中的模糊术语,用来描述公共机构应该如何执行公共事务和管理公共资源的多种规范判断。 User: Except for CPUs used in low-power applications, embedded systems, and battery-powered devices, essentially all general-purpose CPUs developed since about 1998 are superscalar. Assistant: 除了那些低功率CPU、嵌入式CPU、以及使用电池电源的CPU,1998年以后开发的CPU设计都已经是超纯量体系结构。 User: Beall also took classes at the Art Institute of Chicago. Assistant: 贝尔也在芝加哥艺术学院上课。 User: We have a right to yell. Assistant: 答如俱舍解。 User: Beginning in 1841, German Protestant Christians came to Palestine to support the Christian minority in the area through diaconal and missionary work. Assistant: 从1841年开始,德国新教徒来到巴勒斯坦,从事慈善和宣教工作。 User: She attended Methodist mission schools before gaining a scholarship to the University of Lisbon in Portugal, where she studied German and first became involved in independence issues. Assistant: 从教会学校毕业后,她来到葡萄牙的里斯本大学攻读德语专业,并在此时开始参与反对殖民主义的独立运动。 User: It holds 353 rounds of ammunition, enough for approximately nine seconds of continuous fire. Assistant: 它可装填353发无链弹药,足够大约9秒的火力持续时间。 User: I loved you so much; but even then you were already engaged, so it was very painful for me. Assistant: 我深深的爱着你; 即使你已订婚, 对我来说这很痛苦。 User: Activists denied these claims, reiterating their belief that the government was attempting to use the race to "tell the outside world that the whole thing is back to normal" and that "they want to come back from isolation and say that everything is back to normal". Assistant: 另一方面,激进主义分子(英语:Bahrain Centre for Human Rights)则否认了这些说法,并重申他们认为政府仍试图利用这场比赛“告诉外界整起事件已经恢复平和”且“他们想要脱离孤立,才会说这一切都已恢复正常了”。 User: He became the host of The Raleigh Cigarette Program in 1941, on which many of his comedy characters were created, and he had a regularly scheduled radio program until 1957. Assistant: 1941年,他又成为《罗利烟草节目》主持人并一直工作到1957年,在此期间创作出众多喜剧角色,并拥有定期电台节目。 User: At the end of the 17th century, English country dances were taken up by French dance masters. Assistant: 十七世纪末,英国乡村舞蹈被法国人所接受,成为一种巴洛克式宫廷舞的混合舞艺。 User: However, the Mint quickly revised the submission deadline to May 1; this proved optimistic as MacNeil did not submit his models, in the form of bronze casts, until May 18. Assistant: 不过,铸币局很快把递交模具的截止日期推迟到5月1日,事实证明这次调整依然过于乐观,麦克尼尔直到5月18日才交出青铜材质的铸件模具。 User: Choices is published quarterly and is available free online. Assistant: UMLS每季度更新一次,且可以免费使用。 User: In an attempt to assert the Continental System, the French Empire annexed in late 1810 all the continental North Sea coast (as far as Denmark) and the areas along the sections of the rivers navigable for seagoing vessels, including Bremen-Verden and Saxe-Lauenburg and some adjacent territories of Hanover proper. Assistant: 由于大陆体系的影响,法兰西帝国于1810年底吞并了西欧北部的所有沿海地区(远至丹麦),以及通往海上航行的河流沿岸地区,包括不来梅-费尔登,萨克森-劳恩堡和一些与汉诺威相邻的地区。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: In 1998, Évian teamed up with Virgin Records and EMI for the mix album Club Nation. Assistant: 1998年,Evian与Virgin Records和EMI合作为混合专辑Club Nation。 User: Hangama Anwari, the child rights commissioner for the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, commented, "They should not play around with the lives and security of people. Assistant: 阿富汗独立人权委员会(Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission)的儿童权益相关负责人汉伽玛·安瓦里(Hangama Anwari)认为影片“不应该玩弄人民的生活和安全。 User: In all cases, the formalization of the closed-world assumption is based on adding to K {\displaystyle K} the negation of the formulae that are “free for negation” for K {\displaystyle K} , i.e., the formulae that can be assumed to be false. Assistant: 在所有情况下,封闭世界假定的形式化都是基于向 K {\displaystyle K} 增加 K {\displaystyle K} 的“自由否定”--就是说可以被假定为假的公式的否定。 User: With a Lifetime of around 60,000 hours. Assistant: 使用寿命约60,000小时。 User: Pithole is located in northwestern Pennsylvania, 50 miles (80 km) southeast of Erie and 103 miles (166 km) north-northeast of Pittsburgh. Assistant: 皮托尔城位于宾夕法尼亚州西北部,位于伊利东南方50英里(80公里)及匹兹堡东北部103英里(166公里)。 User: The first successful flight of a biological experimental T-7A(S1) sounding rocket transporting eight white mice was launched and recovered on July 19, 1964. Assistant: 于1964年7月19日第一次成功发射生物实验t-7a(s1)探空火箭将八只白老鼠运送到太空并存活返回。 User: All cultural forms rather appear in a constant state of flux ..." (see Lewis 2001b) Having argued against the relevance of the distinction between literate and non-literate societies as a way of defining anthropology's object of study, Boas argued that non-literate and literate societies should be analyzed in the same way. Assistant: 因此,鲍亚士认为文化基本上是动态的:“这些方法一旦被采用,原始社会就失去了这个外表上的绝对稳定性......更正确地说,所有文化形态都呈现一种流动状态......”(见Lewis 2001b) 在鲍亚士对于将有文字与无文字社会间的这项区别,做为一种界定人类学研究对象的方式的适当性,提出反对之后,鲍亚士主张无文字与有文字社会应当以相同方式被分析。 User: When hard times fell on the silk trade during the French Revolution, he became a peddler, and in 1797 started to practice dentistry, which in those days was simply the pulling of teeth. Assistant: 法国大革命期间丝绸贸易衰退,于是他成为一名小贩,1797年成为牙医,当时只是简单的拔牙。 User: It was adapted as a TV play in 1957 and a film in 1976 of the same name, with a screenplay for the latter by British playwright Harold Pinter. Assistant: 该书于1957年改编成电视剧及1976年的同名电影,由哈罗德·品特编写剧本。 User: They have two children: Crown Prince Moulay Hassan, who was born on 8 May 2003, and Princess Lalla Khadija, who was born on 28 February 2007. Assistant: 两人育有两名子女:儿子穆莱·哈桑王储生于2003年5月8日,女儿Lalla Khadija生于2007年2月28日。 User: Then, in 167 BCE, the Seleucid king Antiochus IV invaded Judea, entered the Temple, and stripped it of money and ceremonial objects. Assistant: 公元前167年,塞硫古国王安太阿卡斯四世入侵犹大,进入圣殿,夺走了其中的财务和圣物。 User: The next two decades saw the development of many other major high-level imperative programming languages. Assistant: 后来的二十年中,可以看到大量的其他高阶指令式编程语言出现。 User: He was close to Iranian reformists. Assistant: 他与不少中国官员、越南革命家的关系密切。 User: Another goal of UAA is to provide better support for multi-channel audio in Windows so that, for example, multi-channel WMA Pro audio streams can be played without special driver support. Assistant: UAA的另一个目标是在Windows中为多声道音频提供更好的支持,例如,无需特殊驱动程序支持即可播放多声道WMA Pro音频流。 User: It was later re-released as part of the complete first season DVD in July 2012; commentary for the episode was also included on the DVD. Assistant: 后来在2012年7月完整版第一季DVD发行;此集的评注也包括在DVD上。 User: The Wright Company was incorporated on November 22, 1909. Assistant: 莱特公司成立于1909年11月22日。 User: One of the most important regions it obscures is the Cygnus OB2 association, a large cluster of young stars and one of the largest regions of star formation near Earth. Assistant: 它遮蔽的最重要的区域之一是天鹅座OB2星协,一个靠近地球的巨大恒星诞生区域的星团。 User: Tar and Zip format archives may be created and unpacked using standard tar and zip utilities, while the PHAR format requires custom PHP code using the PHAR extension for PHP, or the PEAR PHP_Archive package. Assistant: 使用标准的tar和zip应用程序可以创建和解压缩Tar和Zip格式的归档,而PHAR格式的归档需要使用自己写的PHP代码(利用PHP的PHAR扩展)或者使用PEAR的PHP归档包来创建和提取。 User: Hillenburg decided to use the name "SpongeBob". Assistant: 海伦伯格决定使用“海绵鲍勃”(SpongeBob)这个名字。 User: These changes highlight Sony's effort to improve upon the lessons learned during the development, production and release of the PS3. Assistant: 这样的变更是来自于索尼在PS3的开发、制造和发售过程中所学习到的经验。 User: The Douglas X-3 Stiletto was the sleekest of the early experimental aircraft, but its research accomplishments were not those originally planned. Assistant: X-3是早期试验机中看上去最先进的,但是这个计划的成果却不令人满意。 User: All content selected for backup is compressed to a configurable target size (4400 MB by default) and stored on the user's hard drive as either an ISO image file or a DVD VIDEO TS folder. Assistant: 所有选定的备分内容压缩到一个配置的档案大小 ( 默认情况下4400 MB),并存储在用户的硬盘驱动器作成一个ISO 映像档案或DVD VIDEO TS的文件夹。 User: The board of the Academy consists of its President, Secretary General and Vice-President together with the chairman, vice-chairman and secretary of the two divisions, Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Humanities and Social Sciences. Assistant: 常任领导包括院长、秘书长、副院长和数学自然科学和人文社会科学两个分部的主席、副主席和秘书长。 User: The New York Times reported that Perot sought the help of operatives to search court and federal documents to find information that might reflect poorly on the potential candidate so that preparations could be made to respond. Assistant: 《纽约时报》报道称,佩罗请人帮忙搜索法院和联邦文件,寻找那些可能会对自己不利的资讯,以便在有必要时作出回应。 User: Since the introduction of the market, New Zealand has experienced shortages in 2001 and 2003, high prices all through 2005 and even higher prices and the risk of a severe shortage in 2006 (as of April 2006). Assistant: 自从市场成立以来,新西兰历经2001与2003年的电力短缺,直到2005年电价都维持在高档,2006年(四月)电价甚至更高,缺电危机更炽。 User: However, I believe he is worthy and qualified in every respect. Assistant: 他在每一个方面都能律己和富有条理。 User: The castle and the city resisted the forces of Castile several times during the 14th century (notably in 1373 and in 1383–1384). Assistant: 该城堡和城市在14世纪多次抵御了卡斯蒂利亚王国军队的进攻,特别是在1373年和1383-1384年。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Some software can automatically produce tagged PDFs, but this feature is not always enabled by default. Assistant: 一些软件可以自动生成置标PDF,但这个特性不被默认启用。 User: The latter part of 2013 saw vocalist Taylor suffer from vocal problems, leading to the band cancelling shows into 2014 in order for him to undergo throat surgery and recovery. Assistant: 2013年下半年,主唱劳伦斯·泰勒因为长期用力过度、声带受损,导致乐团取消了2014年的演出,让他进行喉咙手术以及休养康复。 User: Before the onset of battle, the novel's protagonist romanticized war; what little he knew about battle he learned from books: "He had read of marches, sieges, conflicts, and he had longed to see it all". Assistant: 在战斗打响前,小说主角将战争浪漫化;他对战争的认识停留在书本阅读上:“他读过行军、围城、争斗,他渴望看到这一切”。 User: These business card CDs may be square, round or oblong but are approximately the same size as a conventional business card. Assistant: 这些名片光碟可能是方形,圆形或椭圆形,但大约是作为一个传统的名片大小相同。 User: Vowel-initial words are sometimes written with an unpronounced h, especially if they are very short (the preposition i "in" was sometimes written hi) or if they need to be emphasised (the name of Ireland, Ériu, was sometimes written Hériu). Assistant: 以母音为首的字有时会跟着一个不发音的 h,尤其当它们是短母音(例如前置词 i“在...”有时会被写做 hi)或它们需要被强调的时候(例如“爱尔兰”的古爱尔兰语 Ériu 有时会被写做 Hériu)。 User: Indeed, man stands above all things. Assistant: 于一切处最上自在。 User: For instance, for each n ∈ N, let En = for all integers k; there are countably many such intervals, each has measure 1, and their union is the entire real line. Assistant: 例如对于每一个 n ∈ N {\displaystyle n\in \mathbb {N} } ,令 E n = ,k取遍所有的整数;这样的区间共有可数多个,每一个的测度为1,而且并起来就是整个实数集。 User: In July 1834, he displayed some of his paintings in the first (and only) exhibition of The Society of Artists and Amateurs in Toronto, gaining a favourable review by a local newspaper, The Patriot. Assistant: 1834年,凯恩在多伦多美术家和爱好者协会举办的第一届(也是唯一一届)展览中展出了一些作品,获得了当地报纸《爱国者报》的好评。 User: The hoaxer used Rudd's public domain parliamentary email address but she replied using her private email which is not secure. Assistant: 恶作剧者把邮件发给了路德公开的国会电子邮件地址,但路德用她的私人电子邮件回复,这是不安全的。 User: Exceptions to route numbering and coloring 232: due to route relining, the primary route became 232 and the secondary route 232. Assistant: 路线号码颜色的特例: 232:由于路线经过调整,因此正线为232,副线为232。 User: Romania entered the war at a time of strong crisis for the Entente, drawing upon itself numerous enemy forces, fighting on a very long battlefront and having to change its initial campaign plan permanently. Assistant: 罗马尼亚在协约国战局最恶劣的时刻参战,他的周围尽是敌军,必须在漫长的战线上奋斗,并被迫不断更改原订的战略目标。 User: James Chamberlin of IGN wrote: "It's hard to imagine what The Big Bang Theory would be if it weren't for Jim Parsons' great portrayal of Sheldon Cooper". Assistant: IGN的詹姆斯·张伯伦写道:“很难想象如果没有吉姆·帕森斯对谢尔顿的完美饰演,《生活大爆炸》会是什么样。 User: Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki similarly said the United States could no longer act as a mediator in the peace process because it had become a party to the dispute. Assistant: 巴勒斯坦外交部长利马德·马利基同样表示,美国已成为争议的一方,不能再在和平进程中充当调解人。 User: Geographic patterns seen in the fossil records of planktonic forams are also used to reconstruct ancient ocean currents. Assistant: 浮游有孔虫门生物化石记录的地理模式亦可以用作重组古代洋流情况。 User: The illumination can be obtained from a high dynamic range image. Assistant: 这种光照可以从 高动态范围图片中获得。 User: Elsie Stevens is generally believed to have been a model for Weinman's Mercury dime; her daughter Holly wrote in 1966 that her mother had been the model for both coins. Assistant: 史蒂文斯夫妇当时是他的房客,据信埃尔西正是温曼设计墨丘利10美分硬币的模特儿,她的女儿霍莉·史蒂文斯(Holly Stevens)就曾于1966年撰文称,这两种硬币都是以她母亲为模特儿。 User: They entered the platform which was swarming with policemen. Assistant: 警方来到了广场,与示威人士产生冲突。 User: Total Eclipse (1995) begins with a scene in which a barman prepares absinthe for Paul Verlaine, played by David Thewlis. Assistant: 1995年的电影《全蚀狂爱》(Total Eclipse)以一个酒保为David Thewlis饰演的保罗·魏尔伦备苦艾酒拉开序幕。 User: This was rejected, and the affiliation was subsequently dissolved. Assistant: 但是,这次行动失败了,联盟随后被解散。 User: Despite a later victory at Hatcher's Run, the humiliation of Reams's Station contributed, along with the lingering effects of his Gettysburg wound, to his decision to give up field command in November. Assistant: 虽然汉考克在之后的波伊德顿栈道之战取胜,但里姆站的失利,加上盖茨堡负伤的长期影响,共同导致他在这年11月决定放弃实战指挥权。 User: For example, it predicts that every atom of an inert noble gas, in thermal equilibrium at temperature T, has an average translational kinetic energy of (3/2)kBT, where kB is the Boltzmann constant. Assistant: 例如它预测惰性气体的每一个原子,当于温度T达至热平衡时,会有平移平均动能(3/2)KBT,其中KB为波兹曼常数。 User: The Baltic Sea and the Great Lakes of North America were formed primarily in this way. Assistant: 北美五大湖与波罗的海就是如此形成的。 User: However, SSE2 corrects this. Assistant: 但荀崧就将此让给荀序。 User: The case received extensive attention in the Japanese media, especially in Okinawa, and the crime sparked a public debate over the U.S. military presence in Japan, the privileges of extraterritoriality, as well as the fair-trial practices of Japanese legal system and the Japanese police. Assistant: 案件引发日本媒体、特别是冲绳县媒体的广泛关注,还激起有关驻日美军、治外法权,以及日本法律制度和日本警察公正审判实践的公共辩论。 User: Frost occasionally occurs on some winter mornings. Assistant: 霜冻通常发生在初冬的早晨。 User: Medicalization is studied from a sociologic perspective in terms of the role and power of professionals, patients, and corporations, and also for its implications for ordinary people whose self-identity and life decisions may depend on the prevailing concepts of health and illness. Assistant: 医疗化是以社会学的观点所提出的,探讨医疗工作者、病患以及组织的角色以及权力关系,也探讨这些对于一般人的影响,一般人的自我认同以及生活决策会取决于这些有关健康及疾病的概念。 User: The shells used include pearly green and blue-green maireener (rainbow kelp) shells, brown and white rice shells, black cats' teeth shells and pink button shells. Assistant: 所使用的贝壳包括珍珠绿和蓝绿色maireener(彩虹海带)贝壳,棕色和白色水稻贝壳,黑猫齿贝壳和粉红按钮贝壳。 User: There was some speculation that the lines were caused by a new element, and the name nebulium was coined for this mysterious material. Assistant: 有一些猜测该行是由新元素引起的,这种神秘物质名字气云(Nebulium)被创造出来。 User: Hence the ostensible fibre bundle TkM admits a local trivialization in each coordinate neighborhood. Assistant: 因此,这个表面上的纤维丛TkM确实有每个坐标邻域中的局部平凡化。 User: The king and his mother were promised the throne of a new Kingdom of Northern Lusitania (in northern Portugal), but this plan was never realized due to the break between Napoleon and the Spanish Bourbons in 1808. Assistant: 而原国王及其母亲被许诺可以继承位处今葡萄牙北部大区的北卢西塔尼亚王国(英语:Kingdom of Northern Lusitania)之王位,但该许诺却因1808年拿破仑与西班牙波旁王朝的决裂而未曾兑现,最终不了了之。 User: On February 1, 2008, Vltor Weapon Systems of Tucson, Arizona, announced that they would be resurrecting the Bren Ten with the launch of their Vltor Fortis pistol project. Assistant: 2008年2月1日,亚利桑那州土桑市的Vltor武器系统公司宣布,他们将在推出Vltor富通(Fortis)手枪项目的同时再生产布伦十式。 User: Some Windows Mobile applications were designed to be used with a stylus, rather than finger-touch, and still need a stylus pen to be used effectively. Assistant: 一些Windows Mobile应用程序是基于手写笔进行设计的,而不是手指触摸,因此仍然需要使用手写笔才能有效的使用。 User: Despite attempts to bribe the army he was butchered in September 1845 in the presence of Jind Kaur and Duleep Singh. Assistant: 在1845年9月的一次阅兵,他在Jind Kaur和Dalip Singh Sukerchakia的面前被杀。 User: Although ytterbium is fairly stable chemically, it is stored in airtight containers and in an inert atmosphere such as a nitrogen-filled dry box to protect it from air and moisture. Assistant: 虽然镱的化学性质较为稳定,但它一般仍须存放在惰性环境下的密封容器中,例如氮气干燥箱,以保护金属不受空气和湿气的侵蚀。 User: Forever People Vol. Assistant: 人们要永远遵守。 User: On the other hand, there are 46 registered persons with Icelandic citizenship who are residing in the Philippines as per 2010 Census. Assistant: 另外,据2010年的人口普查,有46名冰岛公民居住在菲律宾。 User: He eventually was persuaded to take a post at Caltech, from which he retired in the summer of 2016. Assistant: 他后来被说服来到加州理工学院任职,于2016年夏季退休。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Formerly, the software came bundled with optional adware software developed by Circle Development Ltd. Assistant: 作者目前捆绑了由Circle Development Ltd.开发的可选择性安装的 广告软件。 User: In the battle Deegan ordered the rookies to protect the refugees as he would deal with the invaders. Assistant: 在战争中,迪根中士命令新兵们保护难民而他自己与侵略者战斗。 User: Development on the series began in September 2016 when Fox ordered a pilot production commitment for Black Lightning. Assistant: 该剧于2016年9月开始计划,当时由FOX预订制作《黑闪电》的试播集。 User: He wrote a paper analyzing the role of investment in explaining economic fluctuations. Assistant: 他发表了一篇论文分析投资角色,解释经济波动现象。 User: Ischinger established the Munich Security Conference gGmbH non-profit foundation in 2011, which he has led since then. Assistant: 伊申格尔于2011年建立了慕尼黑安全会议gGmbH非营利性基金会,并从那时起担任领导至今。 User: In Denmark and Sweden, pellets are used in large-scale power plants, medium-scale district heating systems, and small-scale residential heat. Assistant: 在丹麦和瑞典,颗粒被用在大型发电厂,中等规模的区域供热系统,以及小规模的住宅供热。 User: During the Russian Civil War, Jews were seen as communist sympathizers and thousands were murdered in pogroms by the White Army. Assistant: 俄国内战期间,由于被看作是共产主义的同情者,上千犹太人在大屠杀中遭到白军杀害。 User: In other countries, the concept is less relevant as there is no regulatory distinction between investment banks and commercial banks. Assistant: 在其他国家,全能银行的概念并不流行,因为它们有关投资银行和商业银行的区分并没有那么明显。 User: We lost a beautiful soul with an amazing voice". Assistant: 我们失去了一个有着惊人声音的美丽灵魂”。 User: On lap 34, the gap between the two leaders was 2.1 seconds, before Verstappen came in on the following lap. Assistant: 第34圈,两位领先车手间的差距来到2.1秒,随后,维斯塔潘在隔圈进站。 User: Miller strongly opposed a plan by Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman to ship the city's garbage to the Adams Mine in Northern Ontario, while was ultimately voted down by council. Assistant: 他又反对时任市长赖士民(英语:Mel Lastman)提出,把多伦多市的垃圾送往安省北部阿当斯矿场的建议;建议最终被市议会否决。 User: Note that these are theoretical ideals, requiring perfect alignment of perfectly smooth, perfectly flat perfect reflectors that absorb none of the light. Assistant: 注意这些都是在理想状况下的完美模型,需要把绝对光滑、绝对平坦、不吸收任何光的完美反射器完美地校准。 User: In some locales, 'responsibility measures' are enacted whereby workplaces, schools, neighborhood committees and families are held accountable for monitoring and reporting on Falun Gong practitioners within their ranks. Assistant: 在一些地区,用出了“连带责任措施”,由工作场所、学校、居委会和家庭,负责监视、报告其中的法轮功学员。 User: She talked about acting without a script: "It is definitely a bit nerve-racking on the first day because you don't know where you are going to go. Assistant: 谈及此次无剧本演出时,平托表示“第一天时绝对有点伤脑筋,因为你都不知道要干些啥。 User: This process can also be considered in the time domain. Assistant: 这个过程也可以放在时域过程中考虑。 User: The National Rainbow Coalition–Kenya (NARC–Kenya) is a political party in Kenya. Assistant: 全国彩虹联盟(英语:National Rainbow Coalition,简称NARC),肯尼亚政党。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Champagne wine or Cognac may also be served. Assistant: 香槟或干邑也可以作为餐前酒。 User: While the content is being played back by an MPEG-DASH client, the client automatically selects from the alternatives the next segment to download and play based on current network conditions. Assistant: 当内容被MPEG-DASH客户端回放时,客户端将根据当前网络条件自动选择下载和播放哪一个备选方案。 User: China's next generation of nuclear weapons would contain elements of stolen U.S. design information and would be comparable in effectiveness to the weapons used by the United States. Assistant: 中国下一代的核武器将包含被窃取的美国设计信息的元素,并且可以与美国使用的武器相媲美。 User: In 2015 a church was burned down and another attacked in which a Muslim rioter was shot, causing president Joko Widodo to call for calm. Assistant: 2015年,一座教堂被烧毁,另一起袭击,一名穆斯林暴徒被枪杀,导致总统约多·维多多呼吁冷静。 User: The declaration also allocated federal funds for the long-term recovery of hurricane-stricken residents and business owners, as well as providing federal funds for the state and local governments to pay 75 percent of the eligible cost for debris removal and emergency services related to the hurricane, including requested emergency work undertaken by the federal government. Assistant: 受到飓风打击的居民和店主还可以获得联邦资金进行长期的重建和恢复,联邦紧急事务管理局还会向州和地方政府提供联邦资金,支付杂物清理和飓风相关紧急服务合理成本的75%,这其中还包括支付应联邦政府请求进行的应急工作费用。 User: Compare with güero. Assistant: 通称与八郎。 User: This article uses the term email address to refer to the addr-spec defined in RFC 5322, not to the address that is commonly used; the difference is that an address may contain a display name, a comment, or both. Assistant: 本条目使用的术语“电子邮件地址”指的是RFC 5322中定义的地址规范(addr-spec),而不是通常使用的地址;他们的区别是,“地址”可以包含显示名称和/或注释。 User: It is a multi-purpose stadium that primarily holds sports events and music concerts. Assistant: 是一座多功能体育馆,主要用来举行体育活动及音乐演唱会。 User: Usually, kids were yelling and playing, women were talking, dogs were barking, cars horns were honking ... but, on this morning, all was quiet. Assistant: 通常,这里的孩子们都在叫喊和玩耍,妇女们都在谈论,犬只都在吠叫,汽车喇叭都在鸣响......但是,在这个清晨,一切归于平静。 User: The KS-19's onboard sights can be used to engage air targets; however increased accuracy was achieved if used in conjunction with a fire control radar such as the SON 9 (NATO Reporting name 'Fire Can') and PUAZO-6/19 director. Assistant: 使用松-9(英语:SON 9)火控雷达(北约命名为 'Fire Can')与PUAZO-6/19 director。 User: Fadeyev served as a secretary of the Soviet Writers' Union and as the general secretary of the union's administrative board from 1946 to 1954. Assistant: 法捷耶夫担任苏联作家联盟的秘书,是1946年至1954年行政委员会总书记。 User: They are both physically and functionally identical, except that the E55 has a 'half-QWERTY' keyboard, whereas the E52 revision has a traditional T9 keypad. Assistant: E52和与它同期投放市场的E55在外观结构和功能上十分相近,最大的不同在于E52使用了传统的T9键盘,而E55使用的是SureType键盘。 User: As of December 2018, in-flight accidents have killed 18 astronauts, in four separate incidents. Assistant: 截止2018年,有18名宇航员在执行飞行任务中牺牲,共4次事故,均造成全体乘员死亡。 User: It is currently housed in Warehouse 1 at the Port of Thessaloniki, next to the Cinema Museum of Thessaloniki. Assistant: 目前它设于港口的1号仓库,毗邻塞萨洛尼基电影博物馆。 User: It was a compromise specifically for him, but because of this the name yokozuna became an official rank for the first time after this dispute. Assistant: 这是一个专门针对他的妥协,但正因为如此,横纲这个头衔在争执后首次成为官方排名。 User: Two populations can still be found in Libya, but much of the coastline habitat has been destroyed because of human activity. Assistant: 在利比亚仍有两个群落,但沿岸的栖息地亦因人类活动而遭破坏。 User: Sister cities, known in Europe as twin towns, are cities which partner with each other to promote human contact and cultural links, although this partnering is not limited to cities and often includes counties, regions, states and other sub-national entities. Assistant: 姐妹城市是指将地域或政治上没有关联的城市联系起来,以期促进相互间的人员接触和文化联系,并且这样的联系并不局限于城市之间,在县、地区、州(省)和其他国家以下的行政区之间都可以进行。 User: MA has a tendency to set most interesting cardinal invariants equal to 2א0. Assistant: MA有一个趋势使得大部分有趣的基数不变量皆等于2א0。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Monday edition sells an average of 240,000 copies, while the Thursday edition has an average circulation of about 220,000 copies (2005 figures). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 周一版的平均销量约为240,000 份,周四版的平均发行量约为220,000 份(2005年)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: By July 1992, implementation practice had solved many shortcomings of NFS Version 2, leaving only lack of large file support (64-bit file sizes and offsets) a pressing issue. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:1992年7月的实现版本已经解决了NFSv2的许多不足之处,但是大文件支持(64位元文件大小和偏移量)这一紧迫的问题还没有解决。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Due to the War in Donbass, three smaller municipalities were transferred away from Yenakiieve municipality and transferred to Bakhmut Raion (at that time Artemivsk Raion), among which are Vuhlehirsk municipality, Olkhovatka municipality, and Bulavynske municipality. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 由于顿巴斯战争,三个较小的市镇从Yenakiieve市转移到巴赫穆特区(当时的阿尔乔莫夫斯克区),其中包括乌格列戈尔斯克市,Olkhovatka市和Bulavynske市。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 This article lists political parties in Lithuania. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:本条目列出立陶宛政党。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: They attract many bees. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 吸引了大批的鲸豚。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 That summer John McCarthy, a young Dartmouth College mathematician, was also working at IBM. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:那年夏天,年轻的达特茅斯学院数学家约翰·麦卡锡(John McCarthy)也在 IBM 工作。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: By wearing pins or clothing from the more popular brands in that district, items' effects will be improved; wearing the least fashionable items will do the opposite, and items from brands in between are not affected. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 穿戴此区域所流行品牌的服装与徽章,道具的效果就会提升,而穿着此区域最不流行的服装则反之,其间的品牌不会有影响。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: As such, the condition would be a part of more diffuse sequelae commonly referred to as elephantiasis, which also affects the lymphatic system in other parts of the body. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 因此,如果发病条件会是较弥漫性的后遗症(sequela)之一部分、通常被称为象皮病(elephantiasis),这也影响在身体其它部分的淋巴系统。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The storage overhead of derived images is small. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:衍生图像的存储空间很小。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Caramel color is widely approved for use in food globally but application and use level restrictions vary by country. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 焦糖色素广为用在食品产业中,但其应用以及使用程度的限制会因国家而不同。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Accumulated fuel, old forests, and unabated and exceptionally dry conditions spelled trouble for Yellowstone. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 堆积起来的可燃物、老化的森林、异常的不减弱的干旱情况,对黄石意味着麻烦。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: These results are obtained primarily by the use of polylogarithm ladders. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 这些结果主要是使用多重对数函数(polylogarithm ladder)得到的。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: 62Cu and 64Cu have significant applications. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 62Cu和64Cu有重要应用。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 This can be done through an "initial registration/certification", a "key pair update" or a "certificate update" message sequence. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这可以通过“初始注册/认证”、“密钥对更新”或“证书更新”消息序列完成。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: While at university he performed the Gold And Silver Waltz by Franz Lehár. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在大学里,他表演过弗朗兹·莱哈尔(Franz Lehár)创作的《金与银》(Gold And Silver)华尔兹,广获好评。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This was a cost-saving measure due to low ridership. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这是由于载客量低而采取的节省成本措施。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Rolandas Paksas ( (listen); born 10 June 1956) is a Lithuanian politician who was President of Lithuania from 2003 to 2004. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 罗兰达斯·帕克萨斯(Rolandas Paksas,1956年6月10日-)立陶宛政治人物,2003到2004年担任立陶宛总统。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Similarly, conceptually at least, there is no benefit to a company in returning profits to shareholders by way of dividend. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:类似的,至少在概念上,给股东派发红利也对公司没什么好处。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A day later, a heavy southeasterly gale left the vessel Rocius in a "sinking condition"; her captain and crew were rescued by the crew of the Zurich. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 次日,强烈的东南风又导致“罗西斯号”(Rocius)下沉,船长及其他船员幸得“苏黎世号”(Zurich)救援。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Its natural habitats are open seas and rocky shores. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 其原生生境为开阔的海洋及岩岸。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The 1.6 L I4 EcoBoost engines will be made at the Ford Bridgend Engine Plant in the United Kingdom. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1.6L I4 EcoBoost引擎将在英国的福特布里真德(Bridgend)工厂生产。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The game features various scenarios. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:游戏内含有多个场景。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The collection of data about states and localities continues, largely through national and international statistical services. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 它大量透过国家以及国际统计服务搜集国家以及本土的资料。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: On August 10, Patton slapped Private Paul G. Bennett under similar circumstances. Assistant: 8月10日,巴顿又在另一个医院掌掴了二等兵保罗·G·伯奈特(Paul G. Bennett),情况与几天前的事件类似。 User: Since the European Central Bank plans to redesign the notes every seven or eight years after each issue, a second series (Europa series) of banknotes was already in preparation in 2012. Assistant: 由于欧洲中央银行计划在每次发行的七至八年后对纸币进行重新设计,第二版次的纸币已处于筹备之中。 User: A chair of Mathematics and Astronomy existed at the University of Durham between 1841–1871; Chevallier was the one to hold this post. Assistant: 1841年-1871年杜伦大学设立了一个数学和天文教席,而谢瓦利尔就是拥有这一职位之人。 User: Archaeologists believe that the Lapita are the ancestors of historic cultures in Polynesia, Micronesia, and some coastal areas of Melanesia. Assistant: 考古学家认为,拉皮塔人是波利尼西亚,密克罗尼西亚和美拉尼西亚一些沿海地区的民族的祖先。 User: In 1823, the Federal Republic of Central America was formed. Assistant: 接着中美洲于1823年组成了联邦共和国。 User: These workers find it to be sweet and addictive. Assistant: 此类犬个性相当温和,且温驯。 User: When a recorded vote is held, the clerk calls the roll of the Senate in alphabetical order; each senator responds when his or her name is called. Assistant: 进行书面表决时,院内职员依各人姓名的英文字母顺序唱名,参议员们在听见称呼自己名字时应答。 User: Historically, it was not associated with any particular irregularities in the surface. Assistant: 从历史上看,尚没有任何与此有关的特定不规则表面。 User: In some cases this provides an advantage to shared memory architectures with lower administration costs. Assistant: 在某些情况下,这为管理成本较低的共享内存架构提供了一个优势。 User: The Grand Hotel Berlin, East Germany's top 5-star hotel, was built across from the Hotel Unter den Linden in 1987. Assistant: 柏林大酒店是东德顶级的5星级酒店,1987年建于菩提树下酒店对面。 User: Administering the vaccines in three separate doses does not reduce the chance of adverse effects, and it increases the opportunity for infection by the two diseases not immunized against first. Assistant: 将疫苗分为三剂施打,不会降低出现不良反应的几率,反而增加了在注射第一剂疫苗后,因为其他二种疾病还没有免疫力而罹病的风险。 User: In 1907 Philadelphia Quaker Anna T. Jeanes (1822–1907) donated one million dollars to Washington for elementary schools for black children in the South. Assistant: 1907年,费城的安娜·琼斯(Anna T. Jeanes)(1822年-1907年)把1,000,000元给了布克·华盛顿,并托他为南方的黑人儿童建设一些学校。 User: The Council's major rulings are collected into law reports and commented on by scholars; the Council's official website carries a list of comments on important decisions. Assistant: 委员会的重要裁决被收集成法律报告并被学者评论;委员会的官方网站登载一个关于重要决定的评论的列表。 User: A way to characterize subspaces is that they are closed under linear combinations. Assistant: 特征化子空间的一种方式它们闭合在线性组合下。 User: They are covered with curved roof tiles. Assistant: 它们生活在松软沉积的洞穴里。 User: The town also intends to name a new bridge over the River Frome 'The Jenson Button Bridge'. Assistant: 该镇还打算将越过弗罗姆河的新桥命名为“詹森·巴顿桥”(The Jenson Button Bridge)。 User: Castano stated, "There were two girls standing next to me at the table that were fighting. Assistant: 卡斯塔诺表示“在我桌旁的两位女性当时正在打架。 User: It debuted atop the Japanese video-game sales charts, selling 67,385 copies in its first week. Assistant: 游戏同样也登上了日本电子游戏销售榜,第一周销售67,385份。 User: In territories without a permanent population, a Commissioner is usually appointed to represent the Queen. Assistant: 那些没有常住人口的海外领土,女王通常任命一名专员(Commissioner)代表她的权力。 User: United States Military Standard 464A (MIL-STD-464A) mandates assessment of HERO in a system, but USN document OD 30393 provides design principles and practices for controlling electromagnetic hazards to ordnance. Assistant: 美军MIL-STD-464A标准就要求对系统中的HERO风险做出评估,美国海军的OD 30393号文件则为HERO风险的预防和控制提供了一些设计及实践原则。 User: After the controversy with Volta, Galvani kept a low profile partly because of his attitude towards the controversy, and partly because his health and spirits had declined, especially after the death of his wife, Lucia, in 1790. Assistant: 部分是因为他对分歧的态度,部分是因为他的身体状况和精神状况都变得糟糕起来,尤其是当他的妻子露琪亚于1790年去世之后。 User: In 1989, the Ingush were officially rehabilitated along with other peoples that had been subjected to repressions. Assistant: 1989年,印古什人和其他被遭到镇压的人民为官方平反。 User: Each year, scientists from 28 different nations conduct experiments not reproducible in any other place in the world. Assistant: 每年有来自28个国家的科学家在南极进行一系列实验,这些实验无法在其他环境进行。 User: "A rout in the rain for sorry U's". Assistant: ” 雨之施物以孳,我何意于彼为。 User: By 12 hours after landfall, there was little evidence of a circulation on satellite imagery. Assistant: 登陆仅12小时后,卫星图像上几乎就难以再观测到环流。 User: The scabbard throat flange is stamped "US M8" or "US M8A1" on the flat steel part along with manufacturer initials. Assistant: 在鞘喉凸缘部的扁钢制部件以上标有“US M8”或“US M8A1”以及生产商的首字母。 User: July 8, 1950: Named Commander-in-Chief of all United Nations forces in Korea. Assistant: 1950年7月8日,出任朝鲜战争中联合国军总司令。 User: He returned to England in 1933, where he again became pastor of Westminster Chapel and remained there until his retirement in 1943. Assistant: 1933年他又回到英国,再度担任威斯敏斯特礼拜堂牧师,直到1943年退休。 User: Wilhem de Haan (7 February 1801 in Amsterdam – 15 April 1855 in Leiden) was a Dutch zoologist. Assistant: 威廉·德·哈恩(荷兰语:Wilhem de Haan;1801年2月7日-1855年4月15日)是荷兰的动物学家。 User: Reportedly, poet and columnist Nico Scheepmaker introduced wider usage of the term in the late 1970s. Assistant: 诗人及专栏作家Nico Scheepmaker在七十年代起,开始使用“德罗斯特效应”此一词语。 User: When multiple lesions (known as "foci" of DCIS) are present in different quadrants of the breast, this is referred to as "multicentric" disease. Assistant: 若在乳房的不同象限中有多个病变部分(称为DCIS的“病灶”)时,即称为“多中心”疾病。 User: Perhaps it was the hand of the pilot of the aircraft that I shot down. Assistant: 也许是我击落的班机飞行员的手。 User: All Messerschmitt aircraft that originated after that date, such as the Me 210, were to carry the "Me" designation. Assistant: 从那天起,所有自梅塞施密特公司出厂的飞机都将以“Me”为命名字首,如Me 210战斗机。 User: Lennon and Powell stayed with Sutcliffe's girlfriend, Astrid Kirchherr, at her mother's house. Assistant: 列侬和鲍威尔住在萨克利夫女友阿斯特丽德·基尔赫母亲家。 User: There has, however, been much dispute about whether learning takes place within the cerebellum itself, or whether it merely serves to provide signals that promote learning in other brain structures. Assistant: 学习过程究竟是发生在小脑自身内部,或者它只是给予信号以促进脑的其他结构进行学习,人们还存在争议。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: These were to last until 1975. Assistant: 事实上:在1975年前,他们已做过那些事。 User: Further events were held in 2012 in Yangon, Myanmar and in 2013 in Vietnam. Assistant: 2012年是在缅甸仰光,2013年是在越南。 User: This is a form of Interactive voice response (IVR). Assistant: 这亦是一种互动式语音应答系统(Interactive voice response,IVR)。 User: The Jungfraujoch mountain house and tourist house are destroyed by fire on 21 October. Assistant: 少女峰山坳的旅游屋于10月21日被大火烧毁。 User: On the other hand, surrendering the weapons would violate the spirit of the armistice. Assistant: 另一方面,交出武器又有违停战精神。 User: The power vacuum they left behind was thus filled by their ideological nemesis Jalal Talabani, who, together with his leftist supporters announced in Damascus the formation of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). Assistant: 他们留下的权力真空被贾拉勒·塔拉巴尼填补,此前,塔拉巴尼和他的左派支持者在大马士革宣布成立了库尔德斯坦爱国联盟(简称库爱盟)。 User: Simpson's defense was said to have cost between US$3 million and $6 million. Assistant: 辛普森雇佣辩护团队据称花费了3至6百万美元。 User: As he set fire to it, he proclaimed: "O Dhu-l Kafayn, of your worshipers I certainly am not. Assistant: 黄回在刘休范叛乱时曾对张敬儿说:“卿可取之,我誓不杀诸王。 User: It also has a thriving community art center the Wassenburg Art Center and the award-winning Van Wert Civic Theatre. Assistant: 它还拥有一个蓬勃发展的社区艺术中心瓦森堡艺术中心和屡获殊荣的范沃特市民剧院。 User: Their styles developed into West Coast blues, Detroit blues, and post-World War II Chicago blues, which differed from earlier, predominantly acoustic-style blues. Assistant: 他们的蓝调风格发展成西海岸蓝调(英语:West Coast blues), 底特律蓝调(英语:Detroit blues),和二战后的芝加哥蓝调(英语:Chicago blues),与早期蓝调主要是不插电的原声风格不同。 User: He speaks Chinese. Assistant: 会说中文。 User: The service was rolled out experimentally in 1978 in Brittany and throughout France in 1982 by the PTT (Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones; divided since 1991 between France Télécom and La Poste). Assistant: 该服务于1978年在布列塔尼试验性推出,1982年在全法国推出,由PTT(报纸、电报和电话(英语:Postes, télégraphes et téléphones (France)),1991年拆分自法国电信与法国邮政)提供。 User: Likewise, Metternich has been accused of excessive vanity to the point of complacency, and therefore someone ill-suited to the evolution of constitutional principles. Assistant: 梅特涅也因为他刚愎自用、过度虚荣而受到指责,因为这个导致有些人将宪法原则朝不合适的方向发展。 User: In 2001 it was announced that HD 28185 exhibited a wobble along the line-of-sight with a period of 383 days, with an amplitude indicating a minimum mass 5.72 times that of Jupiter. Assistant: 2001年宣布在HD 28185有视线上周期383日的变化,而它的振幅显示该星体质量至少是木星的5.72倍。 User: With multiple commits and merges a day, partial code for a feature could easily be pushed and therefore integration tests will fail until the feature is complete. Assistant: 通过一天的多次提交和合并,功能的部分程式码可以轻松推送,如此一来整合测试将会失败直到整个功能开发完成。 User: The remnants of Ginger continued east-southeastward until being absorbed by a cold front on October 5. Assistant: 风暴残余继续向东南偏东方向移动,直到10月5日被一股冷锋吸收。 User: The main road from the south (Cagliari) to the north (Sassari) was enhanced (the road still exists today and it still bears the name of Carlo Felice). Assistant: 从南(卡利亚里)到北(萨萨里)的主要道路得到加强(道路现今仍存在,沿用了卡洛·菲力切的命名)。 User: The postal service was a somewhat dangerous occupation, as postmen were a target for bandits and enemies of Rome. Assistant: 但邮差在古罗马时期是种危险的职业,常遭土匪和罗马的敌人侵扰。 User: In July 2008, a large number of executives left Motorola to work on Apple Inc.'s iPhone. Assistant: 2008年7月,许多高管纷纷离开摩托罗拉,到苹果公司的研发iPhone去了。 User: The British resumed the series of air attacks almost immediately after repairs were completed. Assistant: 维修完成后,英国几乎立即恢复了一连串的空袭。 User: Wilson and the bills' supporters requested that Marshall put a gag-order in place to cut off debate, but he refused on ethical grounds, allowing a number of bills to be defeated in hopes that opposition would eventually end their filibuster. Assistant: 威尔逊及法案的部分支持者要求马歇尔发出禁言令来减短这类辩论,但副总统出于道德角度考量拒绝执行,多项法案因此未能通过,只能希望这部分议员会自愿停止阻挠。 User: A highly pathogenic avian flu virus of H5N1 type has been found to infect humans at a low rate. Assistant: 高致病性的H5N1型禽流感病毒,也以缓慢的速度感染人类。 User: This allowed Martin Schwarzschild to draw the connection between red giants and the finite lifespans of stars. Assistant: 这让马丁·史瓦西得以将红巨星和恒星生命有限连结在一起。 User: It was officially established in 1862, but was used as a burial ground as early as 1844. Assistant: 此墓园于1862年正式建成,但早在1844年就已经作为墓地来使用。 User: Construction started in the late 1970s but, due to economic and political instability, the initial stages of the city were not complete until the late 1980s. Assistant: 1970年代末开始动工,但因为国家经济政治都不稳定,第一阶段工程直到1980年代末才完成。 User: Its origin is at the barycenter of the Solar System, with axes that are intended to be "fixed" with respect to space. Assistant: 它的原点是太阳系的质心,轴的指向在太空中是"固定的"。 User: This led to the establishment of the first French Mediterranean port city of Aigues-Mortes in 1246, literally translated to Dead Waters, and the creation of a vast network of salt-evaporation ponds. Assistant: 1246年,法兰西在该地区建立第一个地中海港口城市艾格莫尔特(其字面意义为“死水”),并建造大量海水蒸发池制盐。 User: Central Sulawesi Province has many caves, seven of which have ancient pictures and, based on 2011 research by a joint Indonesian and Australian team, the pictures are known to have been drawn at least 40,000 years ago (about the same age as pictures found in the Caves of Monte Castillo, Spain which are known as the oldest ancient pictures in Europe). Assistant: 中苏拉威西省有许多洞穴,7个洞穴中有古代岩画,根据2011年印尼和澳大利亚联合考察队的研究,岩画绘制于40,000年前(与西班牙的蒙特·卡斯蒂略洞穴(英语:Caves of Monte Castillo)中的岩画成形于同一时期,这个洞穴是欧洲已知的最古老的岩画)。 User: Hybrid DMO/MFT Objects can also be created. Assistant: 混合DMO的/ MFT的对象也可以创建。 User: Attalus submitted Demosthenes' letters to Alexander and pledged his support to the king. Assistant: 阿塔罗斯把信交给了亚历山大,并保证支持亚历山大。 User: An example of a collection of open sets which is not a base is the set S of all semi-infinite intervals of the forms (−∞, a) and (a, ∞), where a is a real number. Assistant: 不是基的开集搜集的一个例子是所有形如 (−∞, a) 和 (a, ∞) 的半-无限区间的集合 S,这里的 a 是实数。 User: Since he came from a family of academics, Dr. Mardon worked hard to live in accordance with his family's heritage of academia, but while in college, he failed every class except for geography. Assistant: 由于他来自一个学术家庭,马当博士努力想要继承家族的学术生活,但在大学期间,除了地理之外,马当在其他课程都没有成功。 User: At the time, neither Dre, Iovine or Wood were experienced in the operation of a company at such a grand level, but Nani Wood explained in 2014: I didn't have manufacturing experience, but I had experience of building something from scratch ... Every time we put out an album, it was basically like building a new business--a unique cast of characters, unique challenges and opportunities, and trying to figure out a unique path to market. Assistant: 然而,当时不论是德瑞、艾欧文或是Wood也在面对要运作一间如此高水平的公司,但Nani Wood在2014年解释说: 我没有生产的经验,但我有一些从无到有建设的经验...每当我们推出一张专辑,这基本上就如要建立新的事业一样 — 有一组独特的团队、一些独特的挑战和机遇,以及从中试图找出通往市场的唯一路径。 User: When in doubt, lone pairs should be placed on more electronegative atoms first. Assistant: 当不确定时,孤对电子要先排在电负度高的原子。 User: Recognizing that their efforts had already called national attention to the civil rights cause and wanting to get to the rally in New Orleans, the Riders decided to abandon the rest of the bus ride and fly directly to New Orleans from Birmingham. Assistant: 意识到他们的努力已经引起了人们对公民权利事业的广泛关注而且还要在新奥尔良举行集会,示威者决定放弃剩下的巴士旅途而直接从伯明翰飞到新奥尔良。 User: In 1929 design work began in the Soviet Union for a new 130 mm 45 caliber submarine deck gun that would have the same external ballistics as the older 130 mm/55 B7 Pattern 1913 gun. Assistant: 1929年开始设计一种新型的130毫米45倍径的潜艇甲板炮(英语:deck gun)与老式的1913年型130毫米55倍径Б7舰炮(英语:130 mm/55 B7 Pattern 1913)具有相同的外弹道。 User: In the biblical narrative, an angel tells the watching disciples that Jesus' second coming will take place in the same manner as his ascension. Assistant: 在圣经的描述中,一个天使告诉在场的使徒们耶稣会以同样的方式再临。 User: In 2010 he was appointed chairman of the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia, and in 2013 general election he retained his parliamentary seat with a margin of 7,715 votes. Assistant: 2010年他当选马来西亚IPO主席,并在2013年大选以7,715票守土。 User: During a national speaking tour, Howard had criticized the FBI's failure to thoroughly investigate the racially motivated murders of George W. Lee, Lamar Smith, and Emmett Till. Assistant: 在一次全国巡回演讲中,霍华德曾批评联邦调查局在对乔治·W·李(George W. Lee),兰默·史密斯(Lamar Smith)和艾莫特·泰尔(Emmett Till)的种族谋杀侦查上存在失职。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: The Red Line opened on 26 September 2004. Assistant: 红线开通于2004年9月26日。 User: She has been a member of the Althing (Iceland's parliament) for Reykjavík constituencies since 1978, winning re-election on eight successive occasions. Assistant: 自1978年起成为冰岛议会中代表首都雷克雅未克的议员,赢得8次连任。 User: In August 2015, Corbyn stated he had had messages of support on his economic policies in general from economists Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz. Assistant: 2015年8月柯宾声明他从经济学家的元老保罗·克鲁格曼和约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨那里得到了该政策原则上的支持。 User: The elimination of manual DMA management reduces software complexity, and an associated elimination for hardware cached I/O, reduces the data area expanse that has to be involved with service by specialized computational units such as arithmetic logic units. Assistant: 手动DMA管理的取消减少了软件的复杂性,并且相关的硬件缓存I / O消除,减少了专用计算单元(例如算术逻辑单元)必须涉及服务的数据区域扩展。 User: Marx was considering an academic career, but this path was barred by the government's growing opposition to classical liberalism and the Young Hegelians. Assistant: 毕业后的马克思曾经考虑继续从事学术生涯,但是随着政府反对古典自由主义和青年黑格尔派的态度日益增长而最终放弃。 User: The machine as a whole accepts if the initial state is accepting. Assistant: 条件3说如果机器结束在接受状态,则接受它的输入。 User: In January 1937, Mellon formally offered to create the new Gallery. Assistant: 1937年1月,梅隆正式提出要创建新的画廊。 User: After the expulsion of the Jesuits from Ecuador in 1767 by King Charles III, many texts describing the history and architecture of the structure were lost. Assistant: 国王卡洛斯三世取缔耶稣会后,许多描述该堂历史和建筑的文献失落。 User: Computer Gaming World in 1988 named the game as the best adventure of the year for Nintendo, stating that Zelda had been a "sensational success" in translating a computer RPG to consoles. Assistant: 《电脑游戏世界》在1988年的一期中称《塞尔达》年度最佳任天堂冒险游戏,是将电脑RPG过渡到游戏机的“轰动成就”。 User: A work package at the activity level is a task that: can be realistically and confidently estimated; makes no sense practically to break down any further; can be completed in accordance with one of the heuristics defined above; produces a deliverable which is measurable; and forms a unique package of work which can be outsourced or contracted out. Assistant: 在活动层级的工作包,其工作任务为: 可以切合实际和自信地估算; 让“无意义”实事求是,以打断任何的更进一步; 可以依据上述定义的启发法之一,完成任务; 产生一个可以衡量的交付标的; 形成一个工作的独特包裹,可以外包。 User: On October 15, 2013, Cupertino City Council unanimously approved Apple's plans for the new campus after a six-hour debate. Assistant: 2013年10月15日,库帕提诺市议会在6小时的讨论后一致通过了苹果公司新园区的计划。 User: Her reforms meant that the government had sufficient funds to pay civil servants and increase salaries. Assistant: 她的改革意味着,政府有足够的资金支付和增加公务员薪资。 User: As for all digital codes, the error detection and correction abilities of polynomial codes are determined by the minimum Hamming distance of the code. Assistant: 对于所有数字码来说,多项式码的误差检测与校正能力取决于该码的最小汉明距离。 User: Many approaches have since been developed to improve the efficiency of mutagenesis. Assistant: 因此,人们开发了许多新方法来提高突变效率。 User: Wheaton commented about his critics in an interview for WebTalk Radio: Later, I determined that the people who were really, really cruel – like the Usenet weenies – really are a statistically insignificant number of people. Assistant: 关于那些人对自己的批评,威尔·惠顿有一次在接受WebTalk Radio的采访时做出了回应: 后来,我想真正很残酷的人——像那些网络枪手一样的人真的只是少数人。 User: Soft-copy workstations are used to digitize features directly from stereo pairs of digital photographs. Assistant: 软拷贝工作站用来数字化直接从数字图像的立体象对中得到的特征。 User: In February 1782, more than 100 returned to their old Moravian villages to harvest the crops and collect stored food they had been forced to leave behind. Assistant: 1782年2月大约100人回到原来的村庄收获他们被迫留下的庄稼和储藏的食物。 User: Burning debris was thrown on the coalition's soldiers entering the city, causing many casualties. Assistant: 燃烧的碎片坠落到正在进城的联军士兵身上,造成了许多伤亡。 User: East Timor inherited no permanent maritime boundaries when it gained independence, repudiating the Timor Gap Treaty as illegal. Assistant: 东帝汶在独立时没有获得永久的海上边界,否认“帝汶峡谷条约”是非法的。 User: Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around – nobody big, I mean – except me. Assistant: 几千几万的小孩子,附近没有一个大人,我是说—除了我。 User: Clinics were intended to give practical experience in law practice while providing pro bono representation to the poor. Assistant: 诊所旨在提供法律实践的实践经验,同时为穷人提供志愿法律服务。 User: In 2011 and 2012, as the nation was undergoing a transition, there was an attempt to add LGBT-inclusive language to a newly drafted Constitution. Assistant: 2011年和2012年,尼泊尔政府曾尝试在新起草的宪法中添加对LGBT人群包容性的语言。 User: In 1932, the main branch moved from Jaffa to Jerusalem. Assistant: 1932年,原在雅法的主要分行迁至耶路撒冷。 User: That means the nominal loop is not allowed to have its frequency value below the constraint for the same frequency, and at high frequencies the loop should not cross the Ultra High Frequency Boundary (UHFB), which has an oval shape in the center of the NC. Assistant: 这表示标定回路的频率值不得比相同频率的限制值低,在高频率时回路不得跨越超高频率边界(Ultra High Frequency Boundary、UHFB),是在尼柯尔斯图中心的卵形图形。 User: The unveiling caused shock and consternation amongst the men present. Assistant: 揭开面纱的行为在出席者中造成了轰动与惊愕。 User: After the 2016 Summer Olympics, 1371 competitors have represented New Zealand at the Olympic Games. Assistant: 2016年夏季奥林匹克运动会后,1371竞争者代表新西兰参加奥林匹克运动会。 User: Internet addiction disorder (IAD), also known as problematic Internet use or pathological Internet use, is excessive Internet use that interferes with daily life. Assistant: 网络成瘾症(英语:Internet addiction disorder,缩写作IAD),亦作不当网络使用(problematic Internet use)或病态网络使用(pathological Internet use),简称网瘾,泛指对于互联网的过度使用,以致影响日常生活。 User: The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol from the IETF supersedes SSL v3.0 while remaining backward-compatible with SSL v3 implementations. Assistant: 传输层安全(TLS)协议来自IETF取代的SSL v3.0,并保持了对SSL v3实现的向后兼容性。 User: Moving up in the world. Assistant: 流行于世界。 User: Since 1801 the Cathedral was gradually renovated in order to be adapted to the needs of the bishops and believers. Assistant: 自1801年,为了适应主教和信徒的需要,主教座堂逐渐翻新。 User: It serves as the county seat of Greene County, being at the geographical center, and housing the County Courthouse, the County Sheriff's Department, Jail, and other Government departments. Assistant: 作为格林县的县城,位于地理中心,安置县法院,县警长,监狱等政府部门。 User: The C register points at the head of the code or instruction list that will be evaluated. Assistant: C 寄存器指向要计算的代码或指令列表的头部。 User: For simulations with Jupiter's migration reversing at 1.5 AU, this resulted in the largest terrestrial planet forming near Venus's orbit rather than at Earth's orbit. Assistant: 为了模拟木星的迁徙在1.5天文单位处反转,导致质量最大的类地行星在金星轨道的附近形成,而不是在地球的轨道上。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: In 2013, Kenneth Goldsmith dedicated his "Printing Out the Internet" exhibition to Swartz. Assistant: 2013年,肯尼思·戈德史密斯用他的《打印互联网》(英语:Printing Out the Internet)展览向斯沃茨致敬。 User: A December demonstration prompted a grant for construction of the full-scale machine. Assistant: 12月的演示为建造一个完整的机器带来了资金支持。 User: He surrendered after being hit in the hand. Assistant: 他在他的腿受伤后投降。 User: The function of the mosque is more than a place of worship. Assistant: 清真寺的功能不仅仅是一个礼拜场所。 User: Rabbinic Jews of varying communities have affiliated with the Karaite community throughout the millennia. Assistant: 在数千年期间,各种拉比犹太人的社群都与与卡拉派社区有联系。 User: Meanwhile, Eric Finch, a veteran detective in charge of the regular police force—"the Nose"—begins investigating V's terrorist activities. Assistant: 与此同时,北方之火的调查部门“The Nose”的部长艾瑞克·芬奇(Eric Finch)总督察被苏特勒指派前去调查V的身份。 User: Her family originated from Russia and Poland; both of her parents were Ashkenazi Jews. Assistant: 她们一家人来自俄国和波兰,她双亲都是阿什肯纳兹犹太人。 User: The game was released for Microsoft Windows in August 2002, and later ported to the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox consoles in 2004, in North America and Europe. Assistant: 游戏于2002年8月于Microsoft Windows平台发行,后来于2004年移植到PlayStation 2和Xbox,登陆北美和欧洲。 User: The short range version of the weapon was unveiled in 2012 to give infantrymen a guided missile between the larger Spike-MR and unguided rockets. Assistant: 这款武器的短程版本于2012年亮相,为步兵提供一款用于填补较大型的长钉-MR和无制导火箭弹之间的空白的导弹系统。 User: Another important source is the bombardment of the lunar surface by micrometeorites, the solar wind, and sunlight, in a process known as sputtering. Assistant: 另一个重要来源是撞击到月球表面的微陨石、太阳风和阳光,进行已知的溅射过程。 User: A pessimistic speech by Lloyd George on 7 May 1941 led Churchill to compare him with Philippe Pétain. Assistant: 1941年5月7日,劳合·乔治发表一段颇为悲观的演说,丘吉尔拿他来和法国总理菲利普·贝当作比较。 User: It has no apparent odor. Assistant: 子实体没有明显气味。 User: 88.2% spoke English and 10.3% Spanish as their first language. Assistant: 88.2%人口的母语为英语和10.3%为西班牙语。 User: Among his Japanese honorifics, it is the one expressing the highest degree of respect. Assistant: 日本僧人行表是他的弟子,行表是最澄的师父。 User: The Bolshevik authorities assigned to every unit of the Red Army a political commissar, or politruk, who had the authority to override unit commanders' decisions if they ran counter to the principles of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Assistant: 布尔什维克当局给红军每一支部队派驻了政治委员,具有假定各部队指挥员违背共产党的原则时替换其决定的权威。 User: While Venus tends to the overall relationship atmosphere, Mars is the passionate impulse and action, the masculine aspect, discipline, willpower and stamina. Assistant: 而依行星的刚柔性质而论,金星趋向于整体的关系氛围,火星是充满激情的冲动和行径或行为、属于男性与阳性方面、有纪律、意志力和耐力。 User: Occurs in May each year. Assistant: 花期为每年5月。 User: He was the pilot on STS-47 in 1992, STS-66 in 1994 and STS-77 in 1996, and was spacecraft commander on STS-85 in 1997, STS-95 in 1998, and STS-103 in 1999. Assistant: 他是1992年STS-47、1994年STS-66和1996年STS-77的飞行员,1997年STS-85、1998年STS-95和1999年STS-103的指挥官。 User: After three major malware outbreaks — the Blaster, Nachi, and Sobig worms — exploited flaws in Windows operating systems within a short time period in August 2003, Microsoft changed its development priorities, putting some of Longhorn's major development work on hold while developing new service packs for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Assistant: 2003年,三个在Windows操作系统上造成严重危害的病毒暴发后,微软改变它的开发重点,把一部分Longhorn上的主要开发计划搁置,转而为Windows XP和Windows Server 2003开发新的服务包。 User: In the sixties and seventies the café experienced its peak. Assistant: 在六十年代和七十年代,这座咖啡馆经历了高峰期。 User: More precisely, each point of an n-dimensional manifold has a neighbourhood that is homeomorphic to the Euclidean space of dimension n. Assistant: 更精确的说,n-流形上的每一点都有一个同胚于n维欧式空间的邻域。 User: When Mamia died on October 26, 1826, his underage son, David succeeded him on the throne under the regency of Princess Dowager Sophia. Assistant: 当马米亚在1826年10月26日驾崩时,在太妃苏菲亚摄政下,其处于幼年的儿子大卫继位。 User: In 1918, Franklin went on a trip to Europe to inspect naval facilities for the war. Assistant: 1918年,罗斯福到欧洲视察海军的备战情况。 User: It is also used in natural gas distribution for measuring utilization pressure (U.P., i.e. the residential point of use) which is typically between 6 and 7 inches WC (6~7′′ WC) or about 0.25 lbf/in2. Assistant: 英寸水柱也常用在天然气管线的用户端压强量测,一般会是6至7英寸水柱或是(6~7′′ WC)或是0.25 lbf/in2。 User: This bloody conflict was eventually brought to a temporary halt in 1392 with the Treaty of Ostrów, by which Władysław handed over the government of Lithuania to his cousin in exchange for peace: Vytautas was to rule Lithuania as the Grand Duke (magnus dux) until his death, under the overlordship of the Supreme Duke (dux supremus) in the person of the Polish monarch. Assistant: 这次血腥的战斗在1392年根据奥斯特洛夫条约终于获得了暂时的休战,条约以将立陶宛交给他的远亲,以获得短暂的和平:维陶塔斯以大公的身份统治立陶宛,直到逝世,要服从由波兰君主亲自担当的至高无上的国王或公爵的权力。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Jupiter's internal magnetic field prevents the solar wind, a stream of ionized particles emitted by the Sun, from interacting directly with its atmosphere, and instead diverts it away from the planet, effectively creating a cavity in the solar wind flow, called a magnetosphere, composed of a plasma different from that of the solar wind. Assistant: 木星的内部磁场阻挡了来自太阳的带电粒子放射出来的太阳风,直接与它的大气层交互作用;取而代之的是使它远离行星,有效的创造出由不同于太阳风的电浆组成的一个太阳风空腔,称为磁层。 User: In 1968, the regulations were changed to allow Group 5 cars to participate, however these highly modified Special Touring Cars would only be eligible for two years. Assistant: 1968年,赛例的变更容许了第五组别的赛车参加,但只用了两年又再改例。 User: For the common people in Swabia, the independence and freedom of the Eidgenossen was a powerful and attractive role model. Assistant: 对于士瓦本的平民大众,瑞士邦联成员们的独立与自由是一个强大而诱人的模范。 User: He lives and works in a 17th-century palazzo in the heart of Crema, a city forty minutes from Milan. Assistant: 他常在米兰离都市40分钟的克雷马市中心的一座17世纪的宫殿生活和工作。 User: The ship was ceded to the Soviet Union in 1946 after the war, renamed Tsel, and served until she was scrapped in 1960. Assistant: 战争结束后,舰只于1946年被割让予苏联,并更名为塞尔号(Tsel),服役至1960年报废。 User: End monopolies, any private citizen who wants to participate in media, television, telephony, should be able to. Assistant: 任何私人公民都可参与媒体、电视、电话。 User: A prototype with a 1 MW transmitter and a separate receiver was installed in Maine, offering coverage over a 60 degree arc between 900 and 3,300 km. Assistant: 1兆瓦发射器和分离的接收器原型安装在缅因州,可提供900到3,300公里,60度扇形的覆盖面。 User: In August 1964, Combs declined a nomination to the bench of the United States District Court for the Western District of Kentucky. Assistant: 1964年8月,康布斯谢绝了美国肯塔基西部联邦地区法院法官职位的提名。 User: He led Boston in scoring in the 1962–63 NBA season (19.7 points per game), 1964–65 NBA season (25.9) and 1965–66 NBA season (23.5). Assistant: 他成为三个赛季波士顿凯尔特人队的得分王,1962-63赛季(场均19.7分),1964-65赛季(场均25.9分),1965-66赛季(场均23.5分)。 User: Despite this, the number of days with major hurricanes was above the long-term average. Assistant: 不过,大型飓风的活动天数还是高于长期的平均值。 User: The principle of operation remains the same as in other fluorescent lighting: electrons that are bound to mercury atoms are excited to states where they will radiate ultraviolet light as they return to a lower energy level; this emitted ultraviolet light is converted into visible light as it strikes the fluorescent coating (as well as into heat when absorbed by other materials such as glass). Assistant: 节能灯的工作原理和其他萤光灯一样:汞原子周围处于激发态的电子在落回低能级时会发射出紫外光,而紫外光轰击荧光涂层时就会被转化为可见光(还有一些被玻璃等材料吸收,变为热耗散)。 User: The objects of translation were chiefly scientific and technical documents, such as articles from scientific journals. Assistant: 翻译的主要对象是科学和技术上的文件,如科学期刊的文章。 User: In addition to its role as a key link in the Allied supply lines and major provider of troops, Madagascar was also briefly considered as the solution to the Jewish Question by the government of Nazi Germany who openly floated deporting Europe's Jewish population to the island in 1940. Assistant: 除了作为盟军供应线和主要部队提供者的关键环节之外,马达加斯加还被纳粹德国政府简单地视为解决犹太人问题的办法,1940年公开提出将欧洲的犹太人口驱逐到该岛。 User: They spent time recording sounds in a graveyard at night, and also had construction workers drop stone blocks for the sounds of boulders firing and landing in The Return of the King. Assistant: 他们在晚间的墓地上录音,又让建筑工人抛下石块来制造《王者再临》里巨石呼啸着地的声响。 User: Since the beginning of the statistical series in 1991, the Federal District, which contains the national capital—Brasília—, has the highest HDI among the 27 federative units of Brazil, being the only one to fall in the category of very high human development according to 2010 figures. Assistant: 自1991年统计系列开始以来,国家首都巴西利亚的联邦区,在巴西27个联邦单位中的人类发展指数最高,是唯一一个属于人类发展水平极高的地区。 User: For the first baroclinic mode in the ocean, a typical phase speed would be about 2.8 m/s, causing an equatorial Kelvin wave to take 2 months to cross the Pacific Ocean between New Guinea and South America; for higher ocean and atmospheric modes, the phase speeds are comparable to fluid flow speeds. Assistant: 在首个大洋斜压模型中,典型的相速度约为2.8 m/s,故赤道开尔文波从新几内亚跨越太平洋传至南美洲约需2个月;对于更高级的大洋及大气模型,相速度与流体流动速度相当。 User: Pig-nosed turtles can grow to about 70 cm (28 in) carapace length, with a weight of over 20 kg (44 lb). Assistant: 猪鼻龟可以生长到壳长大约70厘米(28英寸),重量超过20公斤(44磅)。 User: His siblings were Andrés (1543), Andrea (1544), Luisa (1546), Rodrigo (1550), Magdalena (1554) and Juan – the latter known solely because he is mentioned in his father's will. Assistant: 他的兄弟姐妹分别为安德烈斯(Andrés)(1543)、安德艾阿(Andrea)(1544)、路易萨(Luisa)(1546)——她后来成了修道院院长、罗德里格(Rodrigo)(1550)——他作为士兵同塞万提斯一起在阿尔及尔被俘、马格达莱娜(1554)以及胡安——他只在他父亲的遗嘱里才被提及。 User: After she revealed her attraction toward males to her classmates, her parents removed her from school and revoked her access to social media. Assistant: 在她向同学展示了自己对男性的吸引力之后,她父母将她从学校退学并阻止她进入社交媒体。 User: After large student protests in 1973 and 1980 against overcrowding of the facilities, that institution was decentralised, and other universities were opened in other regions of the country. Assistant: 1973年和1980年大批学生抗议学生太拥挤后大学设施疏散,在喀麦隆其它地区也开始开设大学。 User: Les Clark (November 17, 1907 – September 12, 1979), who joined Disney in 1927. Assistant: 雷斯·克拉克(1907年11月17日–1979年9月12日),1927年加入了迪士尼。 User: On 31 July 1941, 'C' Squadron was officially activated and immediately received orders to prepare for overseas service alongside 'A' and 'B' Squadrons in an unspecified tropical climate. Assistant: 1941年7月31日,C连正式组建,并立即接到命令,准备与A、B连一起前往未指明的热带气候环境作战。 User: While they successfully redirected to Halifax numerous ships carrying British troops originally destined for Boston, some unsuspecting British troop ships landed in Boston, only to fall into American hands. Assistant: 虽然他们成功将许多原本目的地为波士顿的载有英军的船只重新导向哈利法克斯,一些不知情的英军士兵却在波士顿登陆,最终落入美洲人之手。 User: Paradox hoped that this would address a common late-game problem in 4X style games; whereby one faction is so powerful that their eventual victory is inevitable, resulting in frustrating gameplay. Assistant: Paradox Interactive希望借此改善4X类游戏的一个通病:在游戏后期,玩家的势力会变得如此强大,以至于取得胜利变得毫无悬念,而这将大大降低游戏的可玩性。 User: And the people waited until she rejoined the camp. Assistant: 会前使人邢峦等至,审知彼有大艾。 User: The media has called him the most popular psychologist in Poland. Assistant: 他被媒体评为波兰最受欢迎的心理学家和培训导师。 User: In his first term, he had supported free trade with Hawai'i and accepted an amendment that gave the United States a coaling and naval station in Pearl Harbor. Assistant: 他曾在第一个总统任期里支持与夏威夷进行自由贸易,还接受了一项给予美国煤炭补给和珍珠港海军基地的修正案。 User: Kimball," hangs in the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center. Assistant: 现在,博物馆名称为“Rasmuson中心的安克雷奇博物馆”。 User: At 4:00 am, Domery was awakened and fed 4 lbs (1.8 kg) of raw cow's udder, which was eaten without hesitation. Assistant: 他们于清晨4点叫醒了多默里,并给了他1.8公斤生的牛乳房,后者毫不犹豫地吃掉了。 User: In exchange, the MCA agreed that Malaya's head of state would be drawn from the ranks of the Malay Sultans, that Malay would be the official language, and that Malay education and economic development would be promoted and subsidised. Assistant: 为了交换,华人公会同意国家元首由马来亚苏丹轮流担任,马来语成为官方语言,促进和资助马来人的教育和经济发展。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: In the 2001 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 10.2% of girls and 5.1% of boys reported " ever been physically forced to have sexual intercourse when did not want to". Assistant: 根据一项美国在2001年做出的全国青少年风险行为调查,有10.2%的女孩和5.1%的男孩表示“曾在不愿意的情况下被暴力强迫进行性行为”。 User: Following the success of the original World IPv6 Day, the exercise was repeated on June 6, 2012 as the World IPv6 Launch, this time with the intention of leaving IPv6 permanently enabled on all participating sites. Assistant: 随着世界IPv6日的成功,互联网协会决定将2012年6月6日定为世界IPv6启动日,在这一日,所有参与该活动的组织正式永久启用了IPv6。 User: McCann scored the next inning on a groundout by the pitcher McCullers. Assistant: 二局上,McCann靠着投手McCullers打出的一个滚地球成功得分。 User: William D. Porter attempted to signal Iowa about the incoming torpedo but, owing to orders to maintain radio silence, used a signal lamp instead. Assistant: 威廉·D·波特号舰长瓦尔特少校见状立刻试图联络衣阿华号规避,但苦于无线电静默,不得不采用信号灯发报。 User: Luther was summoned to renounce or reaffirm his views. Assistant: 马丁·路德被传召来放弃或重申其立场。 User: It was in origin a purely defensive tower, which was enlarged until it became a sort of palazzetto or small residential palace. Assistant: 它最初是一个纯粹的防守塔,后来扩建,成为小型宫殿。 User: It is one of the most massive and most luminous stars known. Assistant: 它是已知的最庞大和最明亮的恒星之一。 User: These events can only be attended if reservations have been made in advance. Assistant: 如果事先预约,一些有限制的参观也是被允许的。 User: Experimentally, strong suppression of the evolution of a quantum system due to environmental coupling has been observed in a number of microscopic systems. Assistant: 实验上,通过使量子系统与环境的耦合,以抑制量子系统的演化,在多种微观系统中已经被观测到。 User: On 18 December, a Security Council resolution calling for the withdrawal of the recognition was vetoed by the United States, for a tally of 14–1. Assistant: 12月18日,安理会就撤回认可声明的决议进行表决,最终在美国的否决下,以14-1告终。 User: Most jurisdictions, like the United States and France, have a single codified constitution with a bill of rights. Assistant: 大多数的国家,如美国和法国等国家都只有一部成文宪法,并辅以权利法案。 User: The standard iron sights are made of steel or polymer depending on the country in which the pistol is sold. Assistant: 标准机械瞄具是由钢或聚合物制成,视乎出售手枪的所在国家或地区。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The flag is based on a similar flag used during the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, which had a yellow map of the country inside the red disc. Assistant: 此旗以1971年孟加拉解放战争中使用的旗帜为原形,原旗帜为红色太阳照耀下的孟加拉国版图。 User: The two other Promenades were on B and C-Decks, surrounding the Smoking Room and Library. Assistant: 另外两条漫步走廊位于B和C甲板上,围绕着吸烟室和阅览室。 User: Alternatively, it may be defined as ln n/ln 2, where ln is the natural logarithm, defined in any of its standard ways. Assistant: 也可以定义为 ln n/ln 2,其中 ln 是以任意一种标准方法定义的自然对数。 User: The images at the beginning of this section show the orbits of the various constituents of the Solar System on different scales. Assistant: 在这一章节开头的影像显示了在不同尺度上的太阳系各种组成的轨道。 User: Charles-Henri Sanson was born in Paris to Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson and his first wife Madeleine Tronson. Assistant: 夏尔·亨利·桑松出生在巴黎,他是夏尔-让-巴蒂斯特·桑松和第一任妻子所生。 User: Pak and Bapak are literally translated as "father". Assistant: Pak和Bapak意为“父亲”。 User: Queen Hippolyta is a fictional DC Comics superhero, based on the Amazon queen Hippolyta from Greek mythology. Assistant: 希波吕忒女王(英语:Queen Hippolyta)是DC漫画的一位虚构超级英雄,原型为希腊神话中阿玛宗人的女王希波吕忒。 User: Politics of Algeria President of Algeria Assistant: World Statesmen - Algeria 阿尔及利亚 阿尔及利亚总统 User: Service on this line will terminate at the Berryessa/North San Jose Station until Phase II of the project is completed. Assistant: 之后,列车将以贝里耶莎/圣荷西北站作为总站,直到2期工程完工。 User: Britain complained to the UN and the International Court of Justice which, in its first case ever, ruled against Tirana. Assistant: 英国向联合国和国际法院申诉,而后者在它建院以来第一次裁决中判决地拉那方面败诉。 User: All 28 crew were rescued. Assistant: 共28名救生艇船员丧生。 User: Following the Polaris Sales Agreement in 1963, Polaris missiles were also carried on British Royal Navy submarines between 1968 and the mid-1990s. Assistant: 英国在1963年签下北极星订购合同后,该弹从1968年到1990年代中期也曾配属在英国皇家海军旗下的潜艇上。 User: Many countries then shifted to bilateral or smaller multilateral agreements, such as the 2011 South Korea–United States Free Trade Agreement. Assistant: 不过在杜哈回合贸易谈判未能达成协议之后,许多国家又开始订定双边或是小型多边的贸易协定,例如2011年的韩美自由贸易协定。 User: Let’s think about this for a moment, or two, or even three. Assistant: 或坐一二日,或三四日。 User: Return of Discord - Discord first appears at the beginning of season 2, escaping from his imprisonment as a stone statue and attempting to spread chaos throughout Equestria. Assistant: 无序最初出现于第二季的开头,他从监禁在石头中逃脱,开始在全小马利亚制造混乱。 User: It is the seventh installment in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise and was presented in 3D. Assistant: 这是“德州电锯杀人狂系列(英语:The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (franchise))”的第七部,并以3D化呈现。 User: He occasionally appears on NHK sumo broadcasts as a commentator and analyst. Assistant: 他偶尔会出现在NHK相扑广播中作为评论员和分析师。 User: In this case, it is shown that mRMR is an approximation to maximizing the dependency between the joint distribution of the selected features and the classification variable. Assistant: 在这种情况下,mRMR是一种最大化选择的特征的联合分布(joint distribution)和分类变量之间依赖关系的估计。 User: He then moved to France where he was allowed to settle in his Chateau d'Hardricourt in the suburb of Paris. Assistant: 他之后搬去法国,并且获准在巴黎西郊奥德里库尔(Haudricourt)自宅中居住。 User: Although Ginsburg has consistently supported abortion rights and joined in the court's opinion striking down Nebraska's partial-birth abortion law in Stenberg v. Carhart 530 U.S. 914 (2000), on the 40th anniversary of the court's ruling in Roe v. Wade 410 U.S. 113 (1973), she criticized the decision in Roe as terminating a nascent democratic movement to liberalize abortion laws which might have built a more durable consensus in support of abortion rights. Assistant: 虽然金斯伯格一贯支持堕胎权,也加入了内布拉斯加州关于推翻部分出生堕胎法的斯坦伯格诉卡哈特案(英语:Stenberg v. Carhart)(Stenberg v. Carhart)530 U.S. 914 (2000)的法庭意见,但在罗诉韦德案 410 U.S. 113 (1973)最高法院裁决40周年后,她批评这个裁决终止了对于放宽堕胎法的新兴民主运动,而这项运动可能为支持堕胎权建立更持久的共识。 User: In making a case against judicial deference and for judicial balancing of interests, she says: It is the judicial role to devise constitutional tests like a Object of Act – Art 15(4) nexus test or to ensure that a sufficient relationship exists between the means and end of the Act, with the end conforming to an Art 15(4) ground. Assistant: 张教授在评论中反对司法服从行政,也反对司法对利益的平衡;她说道: 司法的责任是制定宪制测试,如行为的对象—第15条第4款关系测试(Object of Act – Art 15(4) nexus test),或确保行为的手段和结果存在足够的关系,而该结果必须符合第15条第4款的规定。 User: The next year, Dalí's father organized an exhibition of his charcoal drawings in their family home. Assistant: 第二年,他父亲就在家中的一栋房子里用达利的炭笔画作品举办了一次画展。 User: 19th century ethnic nationalist Fennomans saw East Karelia as the ancient home of Finnic culture, "un-contaminated" by both Scandinavians and Slavs. Assistant: 19世纪,倾向于国家民族主义的芬兰人党主张东卡累利阿是“没有被斯堪的纳维亚人和斯拉夫人污染过的优秀传统芬兰人的文化故乡。 User: His work had an enormous influence on women's political movements throughout the Islamic and Arab world, and is read and cited today. Assistant: 他的著作大大影响了伊斯兰与阿拉伯世界的女性政治运动,直到今天仍受到广泛的阅读与引用。 User: In 1996, Flynt published his autobiography, An Unseemly Man: My Life as a Pornographer, Pundit, and Social Outcast (ISBN 978-0787111786). Assistant: 1996年,弗莱恩特出版了自传《一个不体面的人:我做为色情狂、权威人士和社会弃儿的一生》(ISBN 978-0787111786)。 User: In the introduction to the issue, the Social Text editor, Andrew Ross, said that the attack upon science studies was a conservative reaction to reduced funding for scientific research, characterizing the Flight from Science and Reason conference as an attempted "linking together a host of dangerous threats: scientific creationism, New Age alternatives and cults, astrology, UFO-ism, the radical science movement, postmodernism, and critical science studies, alongside the ready-made historical specters of Aryan-Nazi science and the Soviet error of Lysenkoism" that "degenerated into name-calling". Assistant: 在争点介绍的部分,《社会文本》编辑 Andrew Ross 说,科学社群对于科学论(science studies)的攻击是保守派因科学研究(scientific research)经费受到削减而做出的反动行为,并将“始于科学与理性的飞行”研讨会刻画成企图“将神创论科学、新世纪替代品与邪教、占星术、幽浮主义、激进科学运动、后现代主义及批判科学论连结为一个具危险威胁的主体,并与雅利安纳粹科学和苏联李斯科主义酿成的错误这些现成的历史幽灵相提并论”而“沦为辱骂”。 User: Only idiots chase them. Assistant: 固执的追赶的娜儿他们。 User: In European politics, there has been a coalition between the greens and the stateless nationalists or regionalists (who also support devolution). Assistant: 在欧洲政治里,绿党与无国籍民主主义或区域主义者(支持权力下放)结盟。 User: The experience also made Robin a vegetarian. Assistant: 这也让罗宾成为一个素食主义者。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: The linking number was introduced by Gauss in the form of the linking integral. Assistant: 环绕数由高斯以环绕积分的形式引入。 User: Dinoflagellates can occur in all aquatic environments: marine, brackish, and fresh water, including in snow or ice. Assistant: 甲藻出现于所有水环境中,包括海洋、盐沼、淡水、包括雪和冰。 User: This would make China the third country in the world, after Russia and the United States, to have successfully test flown a scramjet. Assistant: 中国成为继美国和俄罗斯之后,世界上第三个掌握完整的太空对接技术的国家。 User: In the end, the battle of the hotels and assorted conflicts provided valuable, if costly, lessons to all sides. Assistant: 战斗结局 最终,争夺旅馆的战斗以及其他冲突给战斗各方上了一堂代价高昂的课。 User: It should have been a crown of some sort, which may, or may not, have had the letters "HK" below it. Assistant: 它可能是某种下方带有“HK”字母的王冠,也有可能不是。 User: The tour included their first UK arena shows in 11 years and their first visit to Slovakia. Assistant: 这次巡演包括他们十一年来首次参加英国舞台表演,并首次在斯洛伐克演出。 User: This is a discovery. Assistant: 是一种发现。 User: Psychic self-defense. Assistant: 心理防卫机转。 User: In 1920 there were in all of Iraq only five primary schools that were accessible for girls, and one of them was in Duhok, Kurdistan. Assistant: 1920年,在整个伊拉克仅有5所学校招收女生,其中一所就在杜胡克。 User: By the time Looff rendezvoused with Somali, his ship was down to a mere 14 t (14 long tons; 15 short tons) of coal. Assistant: 在洛夫与索马里号会合时,他的舰只的贮煤量仅剩14公吨(14长吨)。 User: For earlier versions, Symantec rewrote code specifically for Norton 360. Assistant: 在早期的版本中,赛门铁克专门为诺顿360重写代码。 User: In 1949, the area was occupied by the People's Liberation Army and a paper-making factory was built there. Assistant: 1949年后耕织图地区被中国人民解放军占用,创办造纸厂。 User: Cognitive scientist George Lakoff considers the concept of infinity in mathematics and the sciences as a metaphor. Assistant: 认知科学家乔治·莱考夫将数学及科学中无限的概念视为一个隐喻。 User: After daybreak on 27 May, King George V led the attack. Assistant: 5月27日破晓后,乔治五世国王号主导了攻击。 User: Product Hunt is a website that lets users share and discover new products. Assistant: Product Hunt是一个供用户分享和发现产品的网站。 User: According to the official rationale, Paragraph 175 was amended in the interest of the moral health of the Volk – the German people – because "according to experience" homosexuality "inclines toward plague-like propagation" and exerts "a ruinous influence" on the "circles concerned". Assistant: 根据官方的解释,第175条的修改是为维护"Volk"(德国人民)的道德健康,因为“根据经验”,同性恋“偏向像瘟疫一样地演化”,对“有关团体圈子”造成“破坏性的影响”。 User: This close relationship compounds the negative effects of extinction. Assistant: 不过,这种密切关系也会带来灭绝的负面影响。 User: Several character designs, creatures, and musical themes reappear frequently. Assistant: 一些角色设计、生物和音乐主题会经常重复出现。 User: Some experts say that the cases of famine and food insecurity in Africa are due to inconsistent output of food production and the downward spiral of the interaction between population growth and environmental sustainability. Assistant: 一些专家认为饥荒和粮食不安全是由于非洲粮食生产不稳,加上人口增长和环境的可持续性的相互作用每况愈下。 User: This interpretation derives from the Chronicle attributed to the 14th-century chronicler of Scotland, John of Fordun, as well as from earlier sources such as William of Malmesbury. Assistant: 这种解释源于十四世纪富尔顿的约翰的苏格兰编年史,以及早期来源资料如马姆斯伯里的威廉的记述。 User: The victims were so contaminated that radiation can still be detected at their graves, using a Geiger counter. Assistant: 这些受害者被辐射侵害的程度非常严重,透过盖革计数器,甚至在他们的坟墓中也能侦测到放射线。 User: In modern physics, the electromagnetic field is understood to be not a classical field, but rather a quantum field; it is represented not as a vector of three numbers at each point, but as a vector of three quantum operators at each point. Assistant: 在现代物理学里,物理学家认为电磁场不是经典场,而是量子场;电磁场不是由在空间的每一点具有三个数值的向量所代表,而是在每一个点具有三个量子算符的向量。 User: Jesus appears to promise for his followers the second coming to happen before the generation he is preaching to vanishes. Assistant: 耶稣似乎承诺给他的追随者第二次到来会出现在听他布道那代人中。 User: Parties that failed to pass the 4% threshold, but received more than 1% of the national vote were to be allocated annual state subsidies to the amount of 12 leva (€6) per vote received. Assistant: 而如果政党未能通过4%的议会门槛却仍然得到超过1%全国选票的话,保加利亚政府则会以每张票12保加利亚列弗的金额提供年度的国家补贴金。 User: The bridge was designed by the English engineer Rowland Mason Ordish. Assistant: 新桥的工程委由罗兰德·梅森·奥迪仕(英语:Rowland Mason Ordish)设计。 User: Como disegnare Mostri. Assistant: 尤其擅长画猿猴。 User: The Rich Mountains. Assistant: 山上物产丰富。 User: This embellished tale of the royal banquet became the source of intense public outrage. Assistant: 这些关于皇家招待宴会绘声绘色的流言蜚语激起了民众的极大愤慨。 User: Crosland also proposed that education reform allow greater egalitarianism, proposing the abolition of the eleven plus exam. Assistant: 克斯兰德还提出,教育改革应具有更大的平等主义,建议废除升学考试(英语:Eleven-plus)。 User: Some priority rights, called "internal priority rights", are defined by some national laws. Assistant: 某些优先权称为“本国优先权”的,是由一些国家法律所规定的。 User: Therefore, he requested that production designer Jerry Wanek build the "most beautiful, warm, affectionate sets you’ve ever seen". Assistant: 他要求艺术指导设计师杰里·韦尼克(Jerry Wanek)搭建出“你所见过最美丽、温暖而且充满感情的外景”。 User: From then, he became a wanderer, seeking his place in the world but unable to find one. Assistant: 寇四出狱后,欲寻找耿荣贵报恩,但耿荣贵已不在人世。 User: That night Sean once again appears before them but turns into a nightmare. Assistant: 那晚,肖恩再次出现在他们面前,但变成了一个噩梦的生物。 User: TCG continued to revise the TPM specifications. Assistant: TCG持续修订TPM规范。 User: The song peaked at No. 8 on the Billboard Hot 100, achieving the slowest climb ever to the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100, breaking the record that was previously held by Creed from July 2000. Assistant: 在告示牌Hot 100榜上该曲最高达到了第8位,打破了之前信念乐队在2000年创造的纪录。 User: Efforts to save the building failed but are credited with sparking interest in historic preservation in the state. Assistant: 保存这些建筑的努力失败了,但却引发了该州公民对历史遗产保护的兴趣。 User: Means mercy to all mankind. Assistant: 有是指有情众生。 User: New York City itself is noteworthy for high usage of passenger rail transport, both subway and commuter rail (Long Island Rail Road, Metro-North Railroad, New Jersey Transit). Assistant: 纽约市在客运铁路使用方面尤其引人注目,不仅是地铁,还包括通勤铁路——包括长岛铁路(Long Island Rail Road,简称LIRR)、大都会北方铁路(Metro-North Railroad)、新泽西公交(New Jersey Transit)。 User: Ralph Ingersoll Lockwood (1798 Greenwich - 1855 New York City) was an American political writer, lawyer and novelist. Assistant: 拉尔夫·英格索·洛克伍德(Ralph Ingersoll Lockwood;1798年格林尼治-1855年纽约市)是美国政治作家、律师和小说家。 User: Seriousness is often contrasted with comedy, as in the seriocomedy. Assistant: 严肃性通常被与喜剧性对比,如在喜剧中。 User: He was also a member of CEMAC's Inter-Parliamentary Commission and Vice-President of its Economic Affairs Sub-Commission from April 2000 to February 2001. Assistant: 他也是CEMAC的国际议会委员会成员之一,2000年4月到2001年2月任经济事务分会副会长。 User: After the fall of the July Monarchy during the February 1848 Revolution, Tocqueville was elected a member of the Constituent Assembly of 1848, where he became a member of the Commission charged with the drafting of the new Constitution of the Second Republic (1848–1851). Assistant: 在七月王朝于1848年的2月革命中垮台后,托克维尔于同年当选国民议会的议员,他在议会里参与起草第二共和国新宪法(1848-1851)。 User: A neighbor, Robert Parker, told Johnson that if he did not release Casor, he would testify in court to this fact. Assistant: 邻居罗伯特·帕克告诉约翰逊如果不放凯瑟走的话,自己就出庭作证;根据当地法律,如果约翰逊输掉官司,就可能他失去土地。 User: The colors indicate how bits from the code point are distributed among the UTF-16 bytes. Assistant: 颜色指示如何从码点位被分布在所述的UTF-16字节。 User: In 1992 Crawford gave the "Dragon Speech" where he explained that he was going to leave the game industry to make something more interactive and artistic. Assistant: 克劳福德于1992年发表了一个演讲,他指出他将会离开游戏行业以制作更多涉及互动和艺术的作品。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: In the default operating mode the xdv output is piped directly to the driver without producing any user-visible intermediate files. Assistant: 在默认模式下,xdv文件被直接通过管道送入驱动,不产生任何用户可见的中间文件。 User: First of all, with any increase to the dam's height, significant reaches of the Pit, Sacramento, and McCloud Rivers would be inundated. Assistant: 首先,水坝的高度有任何提升,pit,萨克拉门托,Mccloud河的流经区域就会被淹没。 User: In response to the criticisms, a Ministry of Education official pointed out that even though people are accustomed to thinking of chengyu as having passed through thousands of years of history, language is constantly being changed and updated, and the Ministry's goal was simply to widen the material they included in the dictionary to act as a reference for the public. Assistant: 为了回应批评,一名教育部官员指出,尽管人们习惯认为成语有经历数千年的历史,但语言不断地变化和更新,教育部的目的只是为了扩大辞典中所包含的材料,并会听取公众的意见作为参考。 User: D'Anthès, who was accused of cheating in this duel, married Pushkin's sister-in-law and went on to become a French minister and senator. Assistant: 事后,丹特斯被控在决斗中作弊,但他还是娶了普希金妻子的姐姐,还当上了法国的大臣和参议院议员。 User: On the day before the typhoon struck, storm shelters were opened in schools and government buildings that could withstand the winds of Sudal. Assistant: 台风来袭前一天,多间学校和政府大楼设立成风暴避难所,这些建筑物足以抵御苏特的风力。 User: As Maldivians follow the Islamic Shariah, girls below the age of 18 can get married with parental consent. Assistant: 不过马尔代夫的法律依据伊斯兰教法,未满18岁的女性可以在父母同意下结婚,亦即可以性行为。 User: Louis VI frequently summoned his vassals to the court, and those who did not show up often had their land possessions confiscated and military campaigns mounted against them. Assistant: 路易六世频繁召集他的封臣到法院,并没收未现身贵族之土地财产,且以军事行动讨伐他们。 User: They then traveled by train to Chicago to join the rest of the band. Assistant: 随后搭火车到芝加哥与其他成员会合。 User: Signs can be composed of sounds, gestures, letters, or symbols, depending on whether the language is spoken, signed, or written, and they can be combined into complex signs, such as words and phrases. Assistant: 记号可以由声音,手势,字母或符号组成,具体取决于语言是去说、去做手语还是去写,并且它们可以组合成复杂的记号,例如单词和短语。 User: Melanie Joy (born 2 September 1966) is an American social psychologist and author, primarily notable for promulgating the term carnism. Assistant: 梅乐妮·乔伊(Melanie Joy,1966年9月2日-)是美国社会心理学者与纯素运动人士,名气主要来自于宣导肉食主义一词。 User: Bosonic string theory is the original version of string theory, developed in the late 1960s. Assistant: 玻色弦理论(英语:Bosonic string theory)是最早的弦论版本,约在1960年代晚期发展。 User: The Ancient Indian Kama Sutra refers to people of a "third sex" (triteeyaprakrti), who can be dressed either in men's or in women's clothes and perform fellatio on men. Assistant: 古印度典籍《欲经》记载,“第三性”(triteeyaprakrti)可以既可以穿着男性衣服,又可以穿女性衣服,与男人进行阴茎口交。 User: As a consequence of Konstantin Tereshchenko's crash in a GP3 Series race in 2014, new asphalt was laid down on the inside of the final corner, replacing the patch of grass that was there before. Assistant: 由于康斯坦丁·捷列先科(英语:Konstantin Tereshchenko)在2014年GP3系列赛的撞车事故,原先在最后一弯内侧的草地补丁被换成了新的柏油路面。 User: Rover's Morning Glory uses this song's intro as the show's intro song and anthem. Assistant: Rover's Morning Glory在他们的节目中使用这首歌的前奏作为节目主题曲。 User: Five Arab towns remain today. Assistant: 目前记录有五个亚种。 User: The low-latency of Arista switches has made the platform prevalent in high-frequency trading environments, such as the Chicago Board Options Exchange (largest U.S. options exchange), Lehman Brothers or RBC Capital Markets. Assistant: Arista Networks研发的低延迟交换器使这一平台盛行于高频交易市场环境,例如芝加哥期权交易所(Chicago Board Options Exchange),雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)和加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets).。 User: Restoration Movement – Christian movement that began on the American frontier during the Second Great Awakening of the early 19th century. Assistant: 恢复运动(Restoration Movement),又译复原运动,是一个18、19世纪,在美国第二次大觉醒期间的基督教改革运动。 User: Scientific American described The Gospel as "an elaborate spoof on Intelligent Design" and "very funny". Assistant: 科学人杂志把福音描述为“一个为智能设计精心制作的恶搞”及“非常搞笑”。 User: One classic study found that when college students were approached on campus by opposite-sex confederates and asked if they wanted to "go to bed" with him/her, 75% of the men said yes while 0% percent of the women said yes. Assistant: 一项研究指出,当大学生在校园内被异性接触并询问他们是否想和他/她“上床睡觉”时,75%的男性表示同意,而0%的女性表示同意。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: "On their own initiative forward-looking". Assistant: ”于是亲自带头前进。 User: By July 2005, Sega had acquired the publishing rights to Rome: Total War from Activision, and built on the brand strategy by releasing two expansion packs: Barbarian Invasion in September 2005 and Alexander in September 2006. Assistant: 2005年7月,世嘉已经从美国动视获得了《罗马:全面战争》的版权而且该游戏有两个资料片:发布于2005年9月的《蛮族入侵》,展示了罗马帝国的衰亡,而2006年9月发布的《亚历山大》着眼于亚历山大大帝的功绩。 User: Jupiter has the largest planetary atmosphere in the Solar System, spanning over 5,000 km (3,000 mi) in altitude. Assistant: 木星有着太阳系内最大的行星大气层,跨越的高度超过5,000 km(3,107 mi) 。 User: A 3 MJ candidate is described in the paper. Assistant: 在一篇论文中描述了3 MJ的候选者。 User: The YAL-1 was assigned to the 417th Flight Test Squadron Airborne Laser Combined Test Force at Edwards AFB. Assistant: YAL-1被编入爱德华空军基地417飞行测试中队“空中激光综合测试军”。 User: It is named after the nearby Chapelle de La Madeleine, which is still used. Assistant: 它是以附近依然被使用的马德兰妮小教堂命名的。 User: Blow fly eggs, usually yellowish or white in color, are about 1.5 mm x 0.4 mm, and, when laid, look like rice balls. Assistant: 丽蝇卵一般都是黄色或白色,约1.5毫米阔及0.4毫米长,产下时像饭团。 User: Currently, the utilization of CIK cell treatment is restricted to clinical studies, but this therapeutic approach might also benefit patients as first-line treatment modality in the future. Assistant: CIK细胞治疗的使用限制于临床研究,但这种治疗方法也可能在未来进入一线治疗。 User: By the summer, the fast-moving Nian cavalry, well-trained and fully equipped with modern firearms, had cut the lines of communication between Beijing and the Qing armies fighting the Taiping rebels in the south. Assistant: 夏季,移动迅速的、受到良好训练的、完全装备了现代化火器的捻军骑兵已切断北京和南方与太平军作战的清军之间的联系。 User: At the time of resource allocation, each task is allocated to its kin processor in preference to others. Assistant: 在分配处理器的阶段,每个任务就会分配到它们所倾向的处理器上。 User: Finally, there were a series of economic ideas rooted in the conception of economics as a branch of biology, including the idea that energy relationships, rather than price relationships, determine economic structure. Assistant: 最后,还有一系列植根于经济学概念的经济学的一个生物学分支,包括能源关系而不是价格关系决定经济结构的观点。 User: One author described the song of the brown-eared bulbul as "the most unattractive noises made by any bird". Assistant: 一位作者描述了棕耳鹎的叫声称为“所有的鸟发出最没有吸引力的噪音”。 User: At 8:30 p.m., the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Portage la Prairie received a report of a stabbing on a Greyhound bus west of the city. Assistant: 晚上8:30时,加拿大皇家骑警(RCMP)收到发生在灰狗巴士的刺杀事件报告。 User: The New York Times recently described the Grand Tour in this way: Three hundred years ago, wealthy young Englishmen began taking a post-Oxbridge trek through France and Italy in search of art, culture and the roots of Western civilization. Assistant: 《纽约时报》如此描述壮游: 三百年前,接受过牛桥教育的富有的英国年轻人开始前往法国和意大利各地跋涉,寻求艺术、文化和西方文明的根源。 User: In 1913, a Management Committee of four persons was formed to renovate the premises for the ever-growing number of devotees. Assistant: 1913年,一个由四人组成的管理委员会(Management Committee)成立,以便为数量业已增加的印度教徒翻建该庙。 User: In some, the balance even now tips in their favour. Assistant: 这方面甚至忠实地表现在他们的英雄崇拜上。 User: Halligenwei- Halich in old country name. Assistant: 兰仪县,河南省旧县名。 User: Over the years it has gone through many changes. Assistant: 多年来它发生了许多变化。 User: It allows one to look around in one's virtual world, browse menus, etc. For example, many flight simulators use it to switch the player's views, while other games sometimes use it as a substitute for the D-pad. Assistant: 例如,许多飞行模拟器使用它来切换玩家的视角, 而其他游戏有时用它作为D-pad的替代品。 User: Spielberg suggested that "a boy and his car" should be the focus. Assistant: 斯皮尔伯格建议把重点放在“一个男孩和他的汽车”上。 User: A relatively small amount of α-KIC is metabolized in the liver by the cytosolic enzyme 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (KIC dioxygenase), which converts α-KIC to HMB. Assistant: 相对较少量的α-KIC在肝脏中被胞内酶4-羟基苯基丙酮酸双加氧酶(KIC双加氧酶)代谢,该酶将α-KIC转化为HMB。 User: CTXT covers topics relating primarily to politics and economics, as well as culture and sports, in Spain, Europe and the rest of the world. Assistant: CTXT的内容主要涵盖西班牙、欧洲和世界其他地区的政治和经济,同时也会报导体育与文化内容。 User: The subordinate grabbed hold of a gatepost long enough for the American guards to rescue him, but Dodd was taken into the center of the camp and held hostage. Assistant: 雷文紧抱住门柱,直到美军卫兵上前将他救走,但杜德被押进战俘营中央,成了人质。 User: The classification of this species was unclear for a long time. Assistant: 该物种的分类状态在很长一段时间内都不明确。 User: The younger Henry, having little chance of inheriting any land or titles, had joined the reconquista in the Iberian Peninsula in the late 11th century. Assistant: 年轻的亨利没有太大机会继承任何土地或名衔,他因而在11世纪晚期加入了在伊比利亚半岛的收复失地运动。 User: States are the primary subdivisions of the United States, and possess a number of powers and rights under the United States Constitution, such as regulating intrastate commerce, running elections, creating local governments, and ratifying constitutional amendments. Assistant: 州是美国联邦主要的一级行政区划,根据美国宪法而拥有多项权力和权利,如调节州内贸易,进行选举、建立地方政府、以及批准宪法修正案等。 User: When West Germany and France met again in World Cup 1986, Battiston said that the incident was "forgiven and forgotten". Assistant: 在1986年世界杯德国再次遭遇法国,巴蒂斯顿说他已忘记和原谅那次碰撞。 User: Similarly, multiplying af = c on the right by d gives us a = cd. Assistant: 类似的,右乘 d 于 af = c 得到 a = cd。 User: After they take turns kicking her, she crawls to a nearby tree and is stabbed by Weasel and Sadie multiple times. Assistant: 他们轮流踢她;她爬到附近的树旁,多次被威瑟尔和萨迪刺伤。 User: The building was the headquarters of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board (MDHB) for 87 years, from 1907 to 1994, when the company relocated to new premises at Seaforth Dock. Assistant: 这座大厦充当MDHB总部87年之久,从1907年到1994年,此后该公司迁址西福斯码头(Seaforth Dock)。 User: Although Pocahontas was not a princess in Powhatan culture, the Virginia Company nevertheless presented her as one to the English public. Assistant: 尽管宝嘉康蒂在他们部族的文化中不被当做公主看待,弗吉尼亚公司依然将她以公主的身份介绍给英国公众。 User: 26th Regiment Royal Artillery. Assistant: 第26团皇家炮兵。 User: Ginsburg conducted extensive research for her book at Lund University in Sweden. Assistant: 金斯伯格在瑞典隆德大学对她的书进行了广泛的研究。 User: The ambassador for the final was former Swedish international player Patrik Andersson, who won the Champions League with Bayern Munich against Valencia in 2001. Assistant: 本赛宣传大使为瑞典前国际球员柏德烈·安达臣(Patrik Andersson),他在2001年为拜仁慕尼黑打败巴伦西亚赢得冠军联赛。 User: Let (xi)= (x1,...,xn) be a local coordinate system for M in a neighborhood U of pp. Assistant: 令(xi)= (x1,...,xn)为M在p的邻域U中的一个局部坐标系。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: But this merely increased his prestige as leader and hero of the cause and gave him the status of martyr. Assistant: 不过这不但增加了他作为领袖和英雄的威望,还给予了他烈士的身份。 User: Free Software Directory: since 1998 UNESCO and the Free Software Foundation have jointly funded this project cataloguing free software. Assistant: 自由软件目录:自1998年教科文组织和自由软件基金会共同资助的这个项目编目的免费软件。 User: From its inception, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) came under attack from state and federal governments and later the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Assistant: 美国共产党从成立以来,受到来自州政府和联邦政府以及后来的联邦调查局的攻击。 User: Based on his statistical analysis, he concluded that the rate constant is proportional to the "critical increment". Assistant: 基于其统计分析他得出结论反应速率常数正比于“临界增量”。 User: In October, U-138 returned from his second patrol, during which it fired a torpedo at (but missed) the Norwegian merchant steamer SS Dagrun (4,562 GRT), sank the British merchant steamer SS Bonheur (5,327 GRT) and damaged the British motor tanker British Glory (6,993 GRT). Assistant: 10月,吕茨第二次出击返航后,他的战绩有攻击4,562吨的挪威商船Dagrun号(但没命中)、击沉5,327吨的英国商船Bonheur号和击伤6,993吨的英国油轮British Glory号。 User: 1189–1192 In the Third Crusade European leaders attempted to reconquer the Holy Land from Saladin. Assistant: 1189–1192 第三次十字军东征, 欧洲领袖们试图夺回被萨拉丁占领的圣地。 User: Two days later he is found hanged in his cell. Assistant: 两天后,他被发现死在狱中。 User: Six years previously he had been made a corresponding member of the French Académie des Sciences, and in 1830 he was elected as one of its eight foreign associates in place of Davy. Assistant: 6年后,他成为法国科学院成员,1830年,他取代戴维成为八大外籍会员之一。 User: A representative of Dubai Civil Defence said four separate teams of firefighters had fought the blaze. Assistant: 迪拜消防系统的一名发言人说有四队消防人员在努力控制火势。 User: Sebastian Grabowiecki wrote metaphysical and mystical religious poetry representing the passive current of Quietism. Assistant: 塞巴斯蒂安·格拉博维茨基写了很多形而上学而神秘主义的宗教诗,代表寂静主义的消极趋向。 User: Other variants of TAG allow multi-component trees, trees with multiple foot nodes, and other extensions. Assistant: 其他 TAG 的变体允许多种成分的树,带有多个足节点的树,和其他扩展。 User: To the east is the slightly larger crater Aristarchus. Assistant: 东面是稍大的阿里斯塔克斯陨石坑。 User: He spent his entire 13-year career with the Lakers and won five NBA championships. Assistant: 他13年球员生涯均在湖人度过,共获得5个NBA总冠军。 User: 1999 – U.S. President Bill Clinton imposes trade and economic sanctions against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Assistant: 1999年:美国总统比尔·克林顿宣布对阿富汗的塔利班政权实施贸易和经济制裁(英语:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1267)。 User: Currently, 96th Street operates in the same manner as other normal express stations in the subway system. Assistant: 现时,96街如同其他一般快车车站营运。 User: An abbreviated form of the Hermann–Mauguin notation commonly used for space groups also serves to describe crystallographic point groups. Assistant: 赫尔曼–莫甘记号的一种简略形式广泛用于表示空间群,也用于描述晶体学点群。 User: Initial symptoms of ACC usually include seizures, which may be followed by feeding problems and delays in holding the head erect, sitting, standing, and walking. Assistant: 最早的病症包括痉挛,此后可能会在吃饭时出现问题,以及很晚才能把头抬起来,坐起来,站起来或者行走。 User: Formula One Pictures. Assistant: 宜加筹画一折。 User: The rare titan beetle (Titanus giganteus) from northeastern South America is often considered the largest (though not the heaviest, and not the longest including legs) insect, with a maximum known body length of just over 16.7 cm (6.6 in). Assistant: 来自南美洲东北部的泰坦大天牛(Titanus giganteus)一般都公认为体型最大的天牛(但不是最重的,而且连腿一起量度的话也变了不是最长),其已知最大的体长可达16.7 cm(6.6英寸)。 User: Senator Gregorio Honasan (United Nationalist Alliance) denied that he was going to be Jejomar Binay's running mate in September 2015. Assistant: 联合民族主义联盟参议员格雷戈里奥·霍纳桑在2015年9月曾否认自己会成为杰约马尔·比奈的竞选搭档。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Concourse C has 11 gates: C51–C61. Assistant: C大堂共有11个登机口:C51–C61。 User: Flat roofs are hidden behind parapets. Assistant: 猫老大会藏身在物品后面。 User: The claimed continual complication of the law may be contrary to a claimed simple and eternal natural law—although there is no consensus on what this natural law is, even among advocates. Assistant: 他们主张混乱的法律可能会与简单而永存的自然法相矛盾—虽然对于自然法为何并没有一定共识。 User: By the time the German fleet had arrived, the siege of Peking had already been lifted by forces from other members of the Eight-Nation Alliance that had formed to deal with the Boxers. Assistant: 当德国舰队抵达时,北京的外国公使馆之围已经由八国联军的其他成员部队所解除。 User: Paderewski was successful in working out a compromise in which Dmowski and himself were to represent Poland at the Paris Peace Conference while Piłsudski was to serve as provisional president of Poland. Assistant: 帕德雷夫斯基成功制定出一套这种方案,就是让德莫夫斯基和他本人代表波兰出席巴黎和会,而毕苏斯基担当波兰临时总统一职。 User: However, Masaccio was called to Rome before he could finish the chapel, and died in Rome at the age of 27. Assistant: 然而,马萨乔在完成小堂之前被召往罗马,27岁时在罗马去世。 User: The groundbreaking ceremony for the Cao Lanh Bridge, was held on 19 October 2013 and attended by senior officials from the Vietnamese and Australian Governments and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Assistant: 高岭大桥的动工仪式于2013年10月19日进行,并由越南、澳大利亚两国政府的高级官员和亚洲开发银行见证。 User: The Lotus name returned to Formula One in 2010 through Tony Fernandes's Lotus Racing team, which used the name on licence from Group Lotus. Assistant: 路特斯的名字在2010年通过托尼·费尔南德斯从路特斯集团获得许可使用的名称的莲花车队重返一级方程式赛事。 User: Mount Belinda on Montagu Island is an active volcano. Assistant: 蒙塔古岛(Montagu Island)上的贝琳达山(Mount Belinda)正是一个活火山。 User: Hobbes presents his own religious theory, but states that he would defer to the will of the sovereign (when that was re-established: again, Leviathan was written during the Civil War) as to whether his theory was acceptable. Assistant: 霍布斯提出了他自己的宗教理论,但指出他会顺从主权的意志(当主权被重新建立,再次提醒读者:“利维坦”是在内战期间所写),无论主权的理论是否合理。 User: The picture, titled Afghan Girl, appeared on the June 1985 cover of National Geographic. Assistant: 虽然人们不知道她的名字,但是这张题为“阿富汗少女”的照片出现在了1985年6月的国家地理杂志的封面上。 User: RULE OF JUSTICE: The establishment of a social order in the spirit of Jewish morality and prophetic justice. Assistant: 公义的统治:以犹太道德和先知道义的精神建立社会秩序。 User: RS-232 devices may be classified as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) or Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE); this defines at each device which wires will be sending and receiving each signal. Assistant: RS-232的设备可以分为数据终端设备(DTE,Data Terminal Equipment, For example, PC)和数据通信设备(DCE,Data Communication Equipment)两类,这种分类定义了不同的线路用来发送和接受信号。 User: In addition, their common question are also liturgical books in the Croatian language. Assistant: 查方言也是克罗地亚语文学最早的标准语言。 User: Drake co-designed the Pioneer plaque with Carl Sagan in 1972, the first physical message sent into space. Assistant: 法兰克·德雷克与卡尔·萨根博士在1972年共同设计了先驱者镀金铝板,这也是人类首次将物理讯息送入外太空。 User: Line 4 lyrics stays blue when no tag is found. Assistant: 第四行歌词以蓝色开始,因为没有找到标签。 User: It is similar to the timing-based attacks in the later role-playing game Final Fantasy VIII (1999). Assistant: 后来的1999年角色扮演游戏《最终幻想VIII》中的定时攻击和此系统类似。 User: The pellets causing Hong Kong's plastic disaster is made of polypropylene, classified No.5 by Resin identification code. Assistant: 香港胶灾的胶粒由聚丙烯制成,其塑胶分类标志为5号。 User: In the late 1970s, Claus Montonen and David Olive had conjectured a special property of certain physical theories. Assistant: 克劳斯·蒙托宁(Claus Montonen)与大卫·奥利夫于1970年代末为一些物理理论假设了一个属性。 User: Each room the castle contains many enemies and hidden items. Assistant: 城堡的每个房间都充满了敌人和隐藏物品。 User: Once the peacekeeping mission withdrew, a new political mission, the United Nations Office in East Timor (UNOTIL) (May 2005—August 2006), supported the development of critical State institutions and the police and provided training in observance of democratic governance and human rights. Assistant: 东帝汶支助团完成维和行动撤出后,再次新建立了一个政治特派团,联合国东帝汶办事处(简称:联东办事处、UNOTIL,2005年5月至2006年8月),以支持东帝汶发展重要的国家机构和警察、提供遵守民主施政和人权的培训。 User: Einstein adopted the idea and extended it to atoms. Assistant: 爱因斯坦采取了这个概念,并把它延伸到原子去。 User: Value of the singers were previously underestimated. Assistant: 歌曲发行时获得乐评人的评价褒贬不一。 User: Natural law jurisprudence is currently undergoing a period of reformulation (as is legal positivism). Assistant: 自然法体系如今正经历着一场蜕变(如同法律实证主义那样)。 User: During trials the ship's turbine engines were damaged, and Kaiserin did not join the fleet until 13 December 1913. Assistant: 由于在海上公试(英语:Sea trial)期间发生涡轮机损坏,皇后号并没有加入舰队,直至1913年12月13日。 User: As the series progresses, she eventually comes to discover that she is, in reality, merely an autonomous, sentient computer program in the physical and corporeal form of a human being, designed to sever the invisible barrier between the Wired and the real world. Assistant: 玲音在最终发现自己其实是个具有自主权和情感的计算机程序软件,并以人类肉体的形式存在于现实世界中,是被设计来切断现实世界与连线世界无形的隔阂的存在。 User: The RNA 5’end to the PBS site is called U5, and the RNA 3’ end to the PBS is called the leader. Assistant: PBS区的5’端称为U5,而PBS的3’端称为领先区。 User: Vendors have been known on occasion to advertise their languages as 5GL. Assistant: 过去偶尔有软件供应商对他们产品的行销策略,宣称是以5GL编程语言开发的成果。 User: This motto has only three words: Je me souviens; but these three words, in their simple economy of expression, are worth more than the most eloquent speeches. Assistant: 这句格言只有三个单词:‘我仍记得’;但这三个简洁有力的单词远远胜过大多长篇大论的演说。 User: The other one is the Hong Kong Christian Council, formed in 1954. Assistant: 香港基督教协进会,是香港基督教教会联合组织,创立于1954年。 User: To avoid confusion, it is now referred to as the Mozilla application framework. Assistant: 为避免混淆,它现在被称为Mozilla应用程序框架。 User: This experience echoed the memory of mutual accomplishment in the Napoleonic Wars, particularly in the War of Liberation of 1813–14. Assistant: 这一经历与拿破仑战争中的共同成功遥相呼应(尤其是1813-14年的解放战争)。 User: Although most of the fighting ended by late 2004, the country remained split in two, with a rebel-held north and a government-held south. Assistant: 尽管这场战争在2004年尾时已差不多结束,但国家依然分成两部分,当中北部为叛军所控制,而南部则为政府所控制。 User: A healthy dog's wrinkles should not require any special care. Assistant: 埂毛型的狗几乎不需要特别照顾。 User: Walls were built (with three gates), and the windows facing out boarded up. Assistant: 围绕隔都建造了围墙,一共有三座大门;朝外的窗户被木板封死。 User: Later again in the 19th century, many Sephardic Jews from Tetouan settled in Algeria, creating new communities, particularly in Oran. Assistant: 后来在19世纪,来自得土安的许多西班牙裔犹太人定居在阿尔及利亚,创造了新的社区,特别是在奥兰。 User: The ghosts return the following night, giving themselves a second chance to pay him back for giving his money to some homeless people, and also give Michael special instruction not to add too much peanut butter, as it will end in dreadful results. Assistant: 鬼这天晚上回来了,给了Michael第二次机会去,把他的钱给一些无家可归的人,并且给Michael特别指示不要加太多的花生酱,那样会带来可怕的后果。 User: They dropped the sport in 2004. Assistant: 2004年,该体育场被废弃。 User: Write operations always identify the characteristic by handle, but have a choice of whether or not a response from the server is required. Assistant: 写操作始终需要以句柄来标识特征,但可选是否需要服务器返回响应。 User: Each ATOM record (PDB file format) of a crystal structure deposited with the Protein Data Bank contains a B-factor for that atom. Assistant: 蛋白质资料库中的每一ATOM记录(PDB文件格式(英语:Protein Data Bank (file format)))都会包含某特定原子的B因子信息。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Several authentic versions of the list exist, because the names were re-typed several times as conditions changed in the hectic days at the end of the war. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这份名单有多个正式版本,因为上面的名字由于战争即将结束时的紧张和忙碌而重新输入过几次。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: She left Geostar in 1990 to create both WorldSpace and Sirius Satellite Radio. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1990年她离开Geosta并创立了世界空间和天狼星卫星广播两个公司。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The king's second act was - as mentioned above - to build shrines and dedicate them to his god, ancestors, and parents. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 因陀罗跋摩一世的第二批工程是建造奉献给神、祖先和父母的庙宇。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It will detect 7 of the 10 possible twin errors (it will not detect 22 ↔ 55, 33 ↔ 66 or 44 ↔ 77). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 但是,它只能发现数字交换产生的错误中的7/10,不会发现22 ↔ 55, 33 ↔ 66 或 44 ↔ 77。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A disillusioned Adam works with an international taskforce (hinted to be a precursor to UNATCO in Deus Ex) designed to stop the rising wave of terrorism brought on by the disenfranchised and desperate augmented while working to uncover the perpetrators of the events that led to the current state of the world. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 灰心的Adam现在与一个国际特遣部队(暗示在《骇客入侵》中UNATCO的前身)一起工作,打算阻止被剥夺权利和绝望的强化,同时努力发现事件的作恶者而导致目前世界的状态所带来的恐怖主义的上升浪潮。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In Windows Me and Windows XP versions, it can restore an individual file from the original Windows installation set. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在Windows ME和Windows XP中,它能从最初的Windows安装套中复原单个文件。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Some of them decided to emigrate instead. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:有的人更因而选择脱北。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However using port 2 or port 4 as the input results in a 180° hybrid. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 但是,输入端口2或端口4会产生180°混合。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Frémont's successful first expedition led quickly to a second; it began in the summer of 1843. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 弗雷蒙第一次远征的成功导致了他1843年夏进行了第二次远征。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Subsequently, the ban was lifted and the monks returned and devoted themselves to spreading the faith with greater energy. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 随后,解禁和僧侣回来,能投身传播信仰。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Marshall Williams (born July 31, 1989) is a Canadian actor, model and musician. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:马歇尔·威廉斯(Marshall Williams,1989年7月31日-)是加拿大的一位演员、模特和音乐人。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In March 1991, parliament passed an amnesty law that pardoned all political crimes prior to its enactment. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:1991年3月黎巴嫩议会通过了一项大赦法案,赦免了法案通过之前黎巴嫩国内所有的政治犯。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 7 November, rebels launched a large operation in Central Damascus. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 11月7日,反对派在大马士革市中心发动了一次大规模行动。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Consequence of Sound named "Halo" the 23rd best song of 2009. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 Consequence of Sound称《光环》为2009年最佳歌曲第23位。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As relations between Japan and the United Kingdom deteriorated, Japanese expatriates in Singapore and other British territories resettled in Siam to avoid potential internment. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 而随着日本与英国关系的恶化,移居新加坡及其他英属领地的日本人们又再次移居到了暹罗,以恐被英方拘留。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The K5 was introduced in 1989. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:K5于1989年开始生产。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:She is voiced by Virginia Madsen. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 由维吉妮娅·马德森配音。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 During the Korean War, when President Truman dismissed General Douglas MacArthur, McCarthy charged that Truman and his advisors must have planned the dismissal during late-night sessions when "they've had time to get the President cheerful" on bourbon and Bénédictine. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在朝鲜战争中,当杜鲁门解雇道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军时,麦卡锡指责杜鲁门和他的顾问肯定在晚上密谋,喝波旁和贝尼迪庭甜酒“哄得总统乐呵呵”。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For decades it was displayed outside the museum, before being removed in 1998. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 几十年来一直在博物馆外展示,1998年之前被拆除。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Mario spends his earnings on his daughter's law-school tuition and on his estranged wife, Lulette. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 即将出狱的玛利欧用他的钱供养女儿的法律学校学费和他分居的妻子洛莱特。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Jefferson and his supporters had a counter-proposal to establish "a direct system of commercial hostility with Great Britain", even at the risk of war. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 即使要冒战争风险,杰斐逊和他的支持者们对应的提出 “建立与英国商业直接敌对的制度”的提案。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Both had a stiffer suspension than the standard NSX. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 两款车型的悬挂调校都比普通NSX更硬。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Arkham Horror is an adventure board game designed by Richard Launius, originally published in 1987 by Chaosium. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 魔镇惊魂(Arkham Horror)是一款由Richard Launius设计完成首次由Chaosium游戏出版社出版于1987年的桌面游戏。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A number of new treatments and diagnostic methods are under development. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:多种新的治疗与诊断方法都正在研究当中。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In the stage version, Maria sings this song in the living room of Captain von Trapp's house, shortly after she introduces herself to the children. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 在舞台剧版本中,玛利亚在像孩子们介绍自己不久后,在冯·崔普上校的客厅中演唱了这首歌。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Under his son, other Christian cities were subjected to numerous raids. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他的儿子其后又袭击许多基督教城市。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Boquerón now has 4 members and 40 councilors in the executive government. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 博克龙省县政府有四名成员,加上40名顾问。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Initially, terriers competed in events such as clearing a pit of rats. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:最初,㹴犬会参加一些活动,比如清理一个坑里的老鼠。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In 1093, he may have been about nine years old. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在1093年,他可能九岁左右。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The story centers around a man traveling with a large suitcase on his back. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这种旅行袋是旅人们徒步旅行时,用来背着家当的大布袋。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Later that same summer, the 2015 Pakistani heat wave killed about 2,000 people. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2015年特兰伽纳邦及安得拉邦同样受热浪侵袭,有近2,000人死亡。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Instead, he became a school teacher for Major Edward H. McDonald of Charles Town, West Virginia. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:于是,他成为了西弗吉尼亚州查尔斯镇的爱德华·H·麦克唐纳少校的家庭教师。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Later, in 2006, Tim Austin and Itai Benjamini found that for a square lattice of side N, the model will always self-organize to reach full speed if there are fewer than N/2 cars. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 于2006年,蒂姆·奥斯汀和板井本杰明发现一个边长是N的正方体点阵,而汽车数量小于N/2时,模型就一定会以全速运行。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 9 August 1944, when the Allies restored the French government, Lebrun met with Charles de Gaulle and acknowledged the General's leadership, saying that he had not formally resigned as president because the dissolution of the National Assembly had left nobody to accept his resignation. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 1944年8月9日当盟军解放法国后,勒布伦会见了戴高乐将军,并承认他的领导,说他没有正式辞去总统,是因为国民议会已经解散离开,没有人接受他的辞职。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The day after the Renault announcement, Renault confirmed Briatore had resigned from the team, while Briatore himself stated of his departure that "I was just trying to save the team", "It's my duty. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在雷诺公布消息后隔天,雷诺证实布里亚托利已经从该队辞职,而布里亚托利本人对于他的离开表示“我只是试着挽救这支车队”,“这是我的责任,也是我做此事的原因。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 According to government officials in the border town of Maungdaw, the attackers looted several dozen firearms and ammunition from the border posts, and brandished knives and homemade slingshots that fired metal bolts. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 据边境小镇貌夺官员的说法,袭击者从边防哨所夺得了数十枪支弹药,并挥舞着刀和能够发射金属螺栓的自制弹弓。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:After World War II, he was accused of being a fascist, but was cleared of all charges. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:二战结束后他曾被指为甲级战犯,但获不起诉处份。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Countries that had hosted the Games were allowed two members. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 举办过奥运会的国家可以有两名委员。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: LSI, Adaptec, and ATTO offer PCIe SCSI adapters which fit in Apple Mac, on Intel PCs, and low-profile motherboards which lack SCSI support due to the inclusion of SAS and/or SATA connectivity. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: LSI、Adaptec和ATTO提供适用于苹果Mac的PCIe SCSI,以及英特尔PC和由于SAS和/或SATA连接而缺乏SCSI支持的低端主板。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Yes, Samantha, we in the Soviet Union are trying to do everything so that there will not be war on Earth. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 是的,萨曼莎,我们苏联人民正尽一切努力确保地球上不会有战争,每个苏联人都希望如此。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:These actions will raise, lower or maintain the stress level. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这些行动将升高、降低或不改变其压力水平。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In the 1840s, Lincoln subscribed to the Doctrine of Necessity, a belief that asserted the human mind was controlled by some higher power. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1840年代,林肯支持需要主义,这一主义认为人的思想是为某种更高的力量所控制的。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American far-right conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 安·哈特·库尔特(Ann Hart Coulter,1961年12月8日-)是美国的一位保守派社会和政治评论家、专栏作家、作家和律师。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In April 2004, the British tabloid News of the World carried claims by Beckham's former personal assistant Rebecca Loos that he and Loos had an extramarital affair. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2004年4月英国小报广泛报导贝克汉姆与其前私人助理丽贝卡·卢斯(Rebecca Loos)有婚外情。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Due to fossil scarcity, very little more is known about the physiology of H. antecessor, yet it was likely to have been more robust than H. heidelbergensis. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 由于化石的数量,有关前人的生理所知甚少,但有可能较海德堡人粗壮。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It was then dedicated to him. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 此后该作他用。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The organization went so far as to threaten to sue United States government for unauthorized use of four photos from their website that were used in propaganda handbills dropped on various cities in Afghanistan during the 2001 invasion. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 该组织甚至威胁要控告美国政府未经授权使用其网站上的四张照片,这些照片用于2001年入侵期间投放在阿富汗各城市的宣传单。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In class, they are dissecting a fetal pig. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他的一个方式是公开地解剖活猪。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Bill Russell from the University of San Francisco was selected second overall by the St. Louis Hawks and immediately traded to the Boston Celtics for Ed Macauley and Cliff Hagan. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 来自旧金山大学的比尔·拉塞尔在第二轮被圣路易老鹰选中,但随即被交易至波士顿塞尔提克以交换爱德·麦考利与克里夫·哈根 。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Herodotus, for example, claims that Egyptian culture is essentially feminized and possesses a "softness" which has made Egypt easy to conquer. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 比如希罗多德宣称古埃及文化本质上是女性化的,这种“柔弱”使得埃及容易被征服。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A cut fastball or cutter is a fastball that has lateral movement. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 切球、外切快速球或卡特球是一种在进垒时球路会有稍许变化的快速球。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Positive peace is more complicated. Assistant: 如果和平实现就更加理想。 User: Also starring Bruce Willis, Jenna Dewan, and 50 Cent, the movie focuses on a group of young men from Detroit whose attempt at a diamond heist goes awry and brings them into conflict with a mob boss. Assistant: 该部电影与布鲁斯·威利斯,珍娜·戴温,50 Cent共同主演,该部电影描述一群来自底特律的年轻人,原本想要抢劫,却发生了差错并惹到了一个黑道老大。 User: It has been said that in every generation, a person is born with the potential to be the spiritual Messiah. Assistant: 许多世纪以来,这个教派一直主张,每个世代至少会出现一个有资格作弥赛亚的人。 User: Despite these inconsistencies, waste reporting is still useful on a small and large scale to determine key causes and locations, and to find ways of preventing, minimizing, recovering, treating, and disposing waste. Assistant: 虽然数据不全,垃圾报道在个大小范围上都有用,是确定关键致因、地点,找到预防、最小化、回收、处理和废弃办法的因素。 User: The SS-VT, was formed on 24 September 1934 from a merger of various Nazi and paramilitary formations such as the SS Special Detachments (SS-Sonderkommandos) and the Headquarters Guard (SS-Stabswache) units. Assistant: 亲卫队特别机动部队于1934年9月24日由多个纳粹准军事组织与亲卫队特遣队(SS-Sonderkommandos)等单位合并而成。 User: There are three SSXSs with bolometric luminosity of ~1038 erg/s that are novae: GQ Mus (BB, MW), V1974 Cyg (WD, MW), and Nova LMC 1995 (WD). Assistant: 有三个热光度大约在1038 erg/s的超软X射线源,它们都是新星: 苍蝇座GQ(BB, MW)、天鹅座V1974(WD, MW)、和大麦哲伦新星1995 (WD)。 User: Phocea — Judge. Assistant: 三渊嘉子-法官。 User: That same month, Johnny Jewel, College, Electric Youth, and Cliff Martinez discussed the impact of the soundtrack and film on their lives and contemporary music culture. Assistant: 同一个月,强尼·朱尔(英语:Johnny Jewel)、电气青年(英语:Electric Youth (band))和克里夫·马丁尼兹讨论了配乐和电影对他们的生活和当代音乐文化的影响。 User: Yet his previous career had awakened many hopes in him. Assistant: 但是他先前的经历依然让很多人对他抱有希望。 User: When he saw the officers, Macdonough replied, "Gentlemen, return your swords to your scabbards, you are worthy of them". Assistant: 当他看见了官员,麦克多诺回答“先生们,请把您们的剑收回到您们的刀鞘,你们是配得上它们的。 User: Schwichtenberg showed in 1976 that in λ → {\displaystyle \lambda ^{\to }} exactly the extended polynomials are representable as functions over Church numerals; these are roughly the polynomials closed up under a conditional operator. Assistant: Schwichtenberg 在 1976 年证明在 λ → {\displaystyle \lambda ^{\to }} 中扩展的多项式被准确的表示为在邱奇数上的函数;这些粗略的是在条件运算下闭合的多项式。 User: In addition, for several years, she presented the Millennium Child of Achievement Forum. Assistant: 因外型娇小,多年来致力于儿童剧表演。 User: Wilson, following his promise, investigated corruption by looking into the election results. Assistant: 威尔逊遵循他的诺言,透过调查选举结果来调查贪污腐败。 User: Fernando Alonso was seventh fastest for McLaren, but needed a replacement of his car's plank after running wide over artificial grass surrounding the track. Assistant: 费尔南多·阿隆索为麦拉伦取的第7名,不过,因为他曾跑开至赛道旁的人工草皮上,令其车辆须更换底盘。 User: First, it is one of only two protected areas for chimpanzees in the country. Assistant: 第一,它是该国仅有的两个黑猩猩保护区之一。 User: IN/FORMED by the Land. Assistant: 辖区内地形以平原为主。 User: It can be produced through the following reaction: Cs2CO3 + CO2 + H2O → 2 CsHCO3 The compound can be used for synthesizing caesium salts, but less common than caesium carbonate. Assistant: 它可以由以下反应制得: Cs2CO3 + CO2 + H2O → 2 CsHCO3 这种化合物可用于制备其他铯盐,不过碳酸铯更加常用。 User: By 1917, he was back in Vienna and able to focus on his artistic career. Assistant: 1917年,他回到维也纳,得以专心从事绘画工作。 User: Filming began in October 2011 in the state of Georgia, concluding in January 2012. Assistant: 拍摄于2011年10月在乔治亚州开始,2012年1月结束。 User: For example, methanesulfonyl chloride is often referred to as mesyl chloride. Assistant: 比如,甲基磺酰氯通常被称为"甲磺酰氯"(mesyl chloride)。 User: In the American system there is a fundamental right to be heard in due process of law. Assistant: 在美国法律体系中,正当程序有着重要的位置。 User: Bosbyshell had been elected vice-president of the Fidelity National Life Insurance Company in February 1893; in December of that year he was elected treasurer instead, a post he still held as of 1908. Assistant: 1893年2月,波斯比谢尔当选富达国民人寿保险公司副总裁,同年12月,他又成为该公司司库,并且直到1908年仍然担任这一职务。 User: Back-to-the-land movement beginning in America during the 1960s. Assistant: 新灵恩运动开始于1960年代的美国。 User: The main road from Douala and on to Bertoua was widened and improved in 1939. Assistant: 1939年通往杜阿拉和贝尔图阿的主公路被扩展。 User: The DirectX 11 version of the game includes improvements to water physics, light refraction in water, reflections, and visual quality of shadows and textures over the DirectX 9 client. Assistant: DirectX 11版本的游戏有了更好的水面物理效果,水面的光的折射和反射、和超越了DirectX 9的光影和材质质量。 User: The tribes resisted expansion by the fledgling United States, leading to years of bitter conflict. Assistant: 这些部落抵抗美国的扩张,造成了长年残酷的战斗。 User: The church was erected in 1881 to designs by Theophilus Parsons Chandler. Assistant: 该教堂建于1881年,由Theophilus Parsons Chandler设计。 User: Although generally (assuming convexity) an equilibrium will exist and will be efficient, the conditions under which it will be unique are much stronger. Assistant: 尽管一般地(假定凸性)存在一个有效率的均衡,该均衡唯一性的条件要更强。 User: The journal's name is a reference to the Political Register, a 19th century newspaper founded by radical journalist William Cobbett. Assistant: 该杂志的名字参考了《政治年鉴》(Political Register),这是一本由激进记者威廉·科贝特创办的19世纪报纸。 User: The inventor of Becher Bitter was Josef Vitus Becher (1769–1840) in Karlovy Vary. Assistant: 冰爵的发明者是Josef Vitus Becher(1769~1840年)。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: When one network node goes down, any nodes that used it as their next hop discard the entry, and create new routing-table information. Assistant: 当某个节点断线时,每个将它当作某条路径的“下一个节点”的节点会将该路由资讯舍弃,再建立新的路由表资讯。 User: In the same month, Sardinians stopped the attempted French landing on the beach of Quartu Sant'Elena, near the Capital of Cagliari. Assistant: 同月,撒丁岛拦截了正登陆卡利亚里首都夸尔图·桑特-艾琳娜(Quartu Sant'Elena)海滩的法军。 User: According to the Myanmar Peace Monitoring group, clashes between the Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO), its allies, and the government, have displaced hundreds of thousands of people, and created another severe humanitarian crisis in Kachin and northern Shan State. Assistant: 根据缅甸和平中心(英语:Myanmar Peace Center)的说法,克钦独立组织(KIO)与其盟友同政府之间的冲突使成千上万的人流离失所,在克钦邦和掸邦北部造成了又一次严重的人道主义危机。 User: Until 1814 the square was known simply as Quarré or Viereck (the Square). Assistant: 1814年以前,这个广场简称为广场(Viereck)。 User: At least one member of the Assembly was Aboriginal. Assistant: 最初他们其中至少一部分人是印度教徒。 User: Colloquially referred to as "FemShep", the female Shepard had her own dedicated trailers and appeared on the cover of some versions of the game, including the standard version, which featured a reversible slipcase insert with FemShep on one side. Assistant: 女性薛帕德有独有的宣传片,并出现在游戏某些版本的封面上,包括标准版本,其中可翻转滑动插件的一侧有女性薛帕德。 User: Following allegations of government interference in the sport after Mohammed Hubail's prison sentence and A'ala Hubail's trial and the suspension of over 150 athletes, coaches and referees for taking part in anti-government protests, Bahrain could face a ban from world soccer. Assistant: 在穆罕默德·胡贝尔被判监禁和对阿拉·胡贝尔启动审判以及对150多名参加反政府抗议的运动员、教练和裁判停职之后,有人指控,巴林政府涉嫌干涉足球运动,而巴林可能面临世界足球的禁赛令。 User: With the permanent installation of these 6 boilers and three generating sets, production stabilised and it was possible to dismantle the outdated equipment from the Junqueira Power Station. Assistant: 通过这 6 台锅炉和 2 组发电机的安装,发电中心的发电量已稳定下来并能基本稳定满足电力需求,老的胡恩奎拉(Junqueira)发电中心设备已经可以拆除了。 User: South Yemen made its international football debut on 2 September 1965 at the 1965 Pan Arab Games in Cairo, Egypt. Assistant: 1965年9月2日,南也门在埃及开罗举行的1965年泛阿拉伯运动会(英语:1965 Pan Arab Games)上首次亮相国际足坛。 User: It is also commonly used to refer to single scenes within the film to represent the film. Assistant: 它也常被用来指电影中的多个单一场景来表现电影。 User: According to a study conducted jointly by the Business, Economic and Public Affairs Research Centre and Enterprise and Social Development Research Centre of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 16% surveyed companies believe that a standard working hours policy can be considered, and 55% surveyed think that it would be difficult to implement standard working hours in businesses. Assistant: 根据香港树仁大学商业、经济及公共政策研究中心和企业及社会发展研究中心的研究,有16%受访公司认为标准工时政策可“积极考虑”和“值得考虑”,并有55%的受访公司认为标准工时推行有困难。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: There is also a theatrical performance during second semester. Assistant: 漫画第二季中也有不少戏份。 User: Visitors could leave their belongings in the basement of the park, had access to sanitary installations and gastronomic services on the first floor, and could rent bathing articles and swimsuits. Assistant: 游客可以将他们的财物留在公园的地下室,卫生设施和饮食服务在一楼,可以租用沐浴用品和游泳衣。 User: This is considered one of the largest massacres in the Civil War. Assistant: 这被认为是内战中规模最大的屠杀之一。 User: In an outdoor setting, they also provide contact with the natural environment. Assistant: 在户外环境的情境之下,这些技能也提供了自然和环境的接触。 User: Most industrial growth, however, was geared toward expanding the nation's military power. Assistant: 然而多数的工业成长都用于扩张该国军事力量。 User: VxDs written for Windows 3.x can be used under Windows 9x but not vice versa. Assistant: 为Windows 3.x编写的VxD可以在Windows 9x下使用,反之亦然。 User: Although most people who develop PRP are over age 50, individuals of any age, race, and nationality can be affected. Assistant: 大多数PRP的人都超过50岁,但任何年龄、种族和国籍的个人都可能发病。 User: The sculpture was heavily vandalized in the year following its construction and large floodlights were installed on the bridge to discourage further damage. Assistant: 在雕塑安置在大桥的第一年,它受到严重破坏;在其后,政府在大桥上安装大型泛光灯,以阻止雕塑的进一步损害。 User: For each of the hours 1 to 6, the formula is calculated. Assistant: 从1到6的每条时间线,可以用下面的公式来计算。 User: From 1997 to 2000, Wood was an editor, along with Harry Magdoff and Paul Sweezy, of Monthly Review, the socialist magazine. Assistant: 从1997年到2000年,伍德,和哈里·马格多夫和保罗·斯威齐一起,是社会主义杂志《每月评论》的编辑。 User: Of all the metallic alloys in use today, the alloys of iron (steel, stainless steel, cast iron, tool steel, alloy steel) make up the largest proportion both by quantity and commercial value. Assistant: 在目前仍在使用的合金中,铁合金(钢、不锈钢、碳钢、工具钢(英语:Tool steel)、合金钢等)不论是在产量或是产值都是最高的。 User: With a mean depth of 70 m (230 ft), it is the third-deepest loch of Scotland. Assistant: 洛其湖的最大深度有70米(230英尺),是苏格兰第三深的湖泊。 User: One knows what to expect in most situations and the host country no longer feels all that new. Assistant: 他们知道在现阶段应该期待的是什么,并且现在的国家并不像最开始感觉的那么新奇特。 User: A large proportion of block ciphers use the scheme, including the Data Encryption Standard (DES). Assistant: 大部分分组密码使用该方案,包括数据加密标准(DES)。 User: The new bolt also differed from the old in that it was manufactured in 2 pieces (bolt-handle/collar and the bolt body) and then brazed together. Assistant: 新型枪机也与旧的有所不同,因为它是两块式结构(枪机拉柄/领子和枪机主体),然后焊焊连接在一起制成。 User: He considered Wissenburg's chapter to be the only one that engages with the debate about the political turn in general, but noted that Wissenburg's approach is a negative one; Garner considered this unsurprising, given that Wissenburg is a green political theorist with little sympathy for "animal political theory". Assistant: 他认为Wissenburg的章节大致是唯一一篇提到有关政治转向的讨论的,但其观点也是消极的;Garner说这是意料之中的,毕竟Wissenburg作为一个绿色政治理论家,并不太支持“动物政治理论”。 User: That year, Rick Schaden, at the age of 23, and his father, aviation attorney Richard Schaden, opened their first Quiznos franchise in a Boulder, Colorado, shopping center. Assistant: 同年23岁的瑞克·夏登(Rick Schaden)和父亲理查·夏登(Richard Schaden)开设了他的第一间Quiznos加盟店,餐厅位于科罗拉多州波德的购物中心内。 User: By reusing the game engine and graphics from Ocarina of Time, a smaller team required only 18 months to finish Majora's Mask. Assistant: 透过重复使用《时之笛》的游戏引擎与图形,《穆修拉假面》仅需一个规模较小的开发团队及两年时间即可完成。 User: Joan Roughgarden, an ecologist and evolutionary biologist, said that because the hyena's clitoris is higher on the belly than the vagina in most mammals, the male hyena "must slide his rear under the female when mating so that his penis lines up with ". Assistant: 生态学家及演化生物学家拉格登(英语:Joan Roughgarden)指出,因为雌性斑鬣狗的阴蒂比其他哺乳动物更为向下突出,因此雄性斑鬣狗“必须逐渐降低其背面至雌性下方的高度,令其阴茎跟阴蒂平行”。 User: Man Ray's father worked in a garment factory and ran a small tailoring business out of the family home. Assistant: 曼·雷的父亲在一家衣服加工厂工作,同时还经营一家小裁缝店。 User: Findings from aerial footage of both Amazonis and Iceland have shown nearly identical terrain patterns, signifying the comparative ages of the two regions. Assistant: 从空中观看亚马逊平原和冰岛会发现两个区域都显示了几乎一样的地形模式,标示了这两个区域年龄的比较。 User: During the siege, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and most of Jerusalem. Assistant: 在侵占期间,罗马人摧毁了第二圣殿和耶路撒冷的大部分地区。 User: Margaret goes to work for Biggs and the two eventually fall in love and marry. Assistant: 玛格丽特成为了比格斯的助手并且二人最终相爱并结婚。 User: Ito's music is mainly inspired by images from the game rather than outside influences; however, he never played either the original game or the remake. Assistant: 伊藤的音乐灵感主要源自对游戏图像而非外部影响;然而然而原版和新版游戏他皆未玩过。 User: 15–21 days from fertilization. Assistant: 受精后的15-21天。 User: Constraint learning infers and saves new constraints that can be later used to avoid part of the search. Assistant: 约束学习则借由减少新的条件限制,来避免部分的搜寻。 User: This way only Diwane and his Bartians were able to continue the war in the west. Assistant: 这样看只有迪瓦努斯和他麾下的巴尔蒂亚人能继续在西部作战。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Gironde ceased to be a political force. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 吉伦特派不再是一个政治力量。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Joseph Valentin Boussinesq published some critically important observations on Hertz's work, nevertheless establishing this work on contact mechanics to be of immense importance. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 约瑟夫·布西内斯克(英语:Joseph Valentin Boussinesq)发表了于赫兹作品中的决定性重大发现,更确立了他的成果在接触力学屹立不摇的重要性。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Throughout his life, Ye worked a lot for literary movement. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他一生创作了大量作品,这些作品对世界文学的发展影响很大。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Meanwhile, Harrow unexpectedly storms the Artemis Club, massacring many of Rosetti's men and managing to rescue Tommy Darmody, who is held at gunpoint. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 与此同时,哈洛意外地突袭Artemis Club,屠杀了许多罗赛迪的手下,并设法拯救被枪口威胁的Tommy Darmody。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However no one at present is in possession of such arms, and no one is considered chief of the name. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 但是到目前为止,没有人自称是运动的领袖人物,也没有参与者承认有任何领袖人物。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Black Widow Games. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 柔道黑带。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It is used primarily to render pages into bitmaps, but also provides support for other operations such as searching and listing the table of contents and hyperlinks. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 主要用以渲染页面为位图,但也提供对其他操作诸如搜索和列举目录和链接的支持。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: After a short period of experimentation and professional work in Chicago, Beall moved to New York in 1935. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在芝加哥短暂的实验和专业工作之后,贝尔于1935年搬到了纽约。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:SGH full-time students are offered the following fields of study in Polish: Economics, European Master in Law and Economics, European Studies, Finance and Accounting, Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems, Management (Business Administration), Public Sector Economics (Public Administration), Social Policy, Spatial Economic Policy, International Economics, Big Data. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 华沙经济大学的全职学生可选择修习以下领域的波兰语授课课程: 经济, 法律与经济欧洲硕士, 欧洲研究, 财金与会计, 经济与资讯管理的数量方法, 管理学(企业管理), 公共经济学 (公共管理), 社会政策, 空间经济政策, 国际经济, 大数据。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Newton pleaded guilty to one of the six charges against him, claiming that he had assisted Hammond to flee merely to protect his clients, who were not at that time charged with any offence or under arrest, from potential blackmail. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 对针对其的六条指控,牛顿只承认了一条,他承认他帮助哈蒙德逃跑只是为了保护他的客户,而在当时其客户并没有被指违反法律或是在躲避拘捕。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This led to him developing hearing loss, similar to Townshend. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 但闻上方晓入寝云,以是观之,则似为少歇矣。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Arsenic occurs in many minerals, usually in combination with sulfur and metals, but also as a pure elemental crystal. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 砷分布在多种矿物中,通常与硫和其它金属元素共存,也有纯的元素晶体。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Trajectories of these systems are commonly measured and tracked as they move through time (e.g., an acoustic waveform), but in applications like image processing and field theory, the LTI systems also have trajectories in spatial dimensions. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 虽然这些系统的轨迹通常会随时间变化(例如声学波形)来测量和跟踪,但是应用到图像处理和场论时,LTI系统在空间维度上也有轨迹。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Almost half of women in the sample were homemakers for most of their lives. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 样本中近一半的女性几乎终生做家庭主妇。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It is the densest because it contains the highest proportion of protein to lipids. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:它们有很大的密度因为它们的蛋白质比例是最大的。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Tristructural-isotropic (TRISO) fuel is a type of micro fuel particle. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 三向同性燃料(TRISO)是一种微型燃料颗粒。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: His main research area is background aerosol and bio-aerosol and, within the latter, climatic relationships of pollen, i.e. pollen climatology. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 其主要研究领域为背景气溶胶和生物气溶胶,后者包括花粉与气候的关系,即花粉气候学。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 No method guarantees today's decisions will still be valid when a system goes into service years or decades after first conceived. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 没有一种方法可以保证今日的决定,在一个系统从最初构想到投入服务,持续数年、或数十年之后仍然有效。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: In some countries, such as China, it is not uncommon for these institutions to withhold workers' pay. Assistant: 在有的国家,如中国,克扣工人工资的事情常常出现。 User: At that point, three uniformed officers and the two plainclothes officers had surrounded him. Assistant: 此时,三名制服警察和两名便利警察将其包围。 User: Her husband was killed under Saddam Hussein. Assistant: 被自己的丈夫萨丁失手杀死。 User: However, this only causes the boys to flee in terror. Assistant: 例如,恐惧只会引起逃跑。 User: There are approximately 3,100 native speakers in the world. Assistant: 世界上约有3,100名母语人士。 User: Just as there is a need for tax shifting, there is also a need for subsidy shifting. Assistant: 正如有税收转移有必要,也有必要进行补贴转移。 User: The largest timber concession, Oriental Timber Corporation (OTC), is Indonesian owned. Assistant: 东方木材公司(OTC),利比里亚最大的木材特许经营权是印尼人所有。 User: A week after becoming extratropical, the remnants of Cyclone Debbie passed over New Zealand, causing flash flooding over many areas. Assistant: 成为温带气旋一周后,气旋黛比的残余云带通过新西兰 ,造成许多地区的洪水泛滥。 User: The port is also used by fishing boats and commercial vessels. Assistant: 此外也作为货物港和渔港使用。 User: Windows 95 B - (OSR2) included several major enhancements, Internet Explorer (IE) 3.0 and full FAT32 file system support. Assistant: Windows 95 B -(OSR2)包含了几个重大的改进、Internet Explorer(IE)3.0和完全的FAT32文件系统支援。 User: It has a Slovak minority population. Assistant: 有斯洛伐克少数民族。 User: Tunisia has an extensive pipeline network including 3,059 km of gas pipelines, 1,203 kilometres of oil pipeline and 345 km of refined products. Assistant: 其中包括3,059公里的天然气管道,1,203公里的原油管道和345公里的成品油管道。 User: Pipes are created using the pipe system call, which creates a new pipe and returns a pair of file descriptors referring to the read and write ends of the pipe. Assistant: 使用pipe 系统调用创建新的管道并返回一对文件描述符指向管道的读终端与写终端。 User: Already in the Stone Age, Monte Arci played an important role. Assistant: 石器时代,蒙特阿里奇山丘(Monte Arci)起了重要作用。 User: With the Empire's population reaching 30 million people by 1600, the shortage of land placed further pressure on the government. Assistant: 至1600年,鄂图曼帝国的人口达到三千万,对土地短缺的诉求亦对政府构成压力。 User: Goldie himself attended the meetings and successfully argued for including the region of the NAC's operations within a British sphere of interest. Assistant: 戈尔迪本人也参加了会议,成功地将公司的作业范围纳入英国的势力圈之中。 User: On December 1, 2014, the nominations for Annie Awards were announced. Assistant: 2014年12月1日,安妮奖提名揭晓。 User: Her "regular" competitive programs that season were "Fate of Carmen" (short program) and "Lamento D'Ariane" (free skate). Assistant: 关颖珊这个赛季选择的曲目是《Fate of Carmen》(短项目)与《Lamento D'Ariane》(自由滑)。 User: For the line y = m x + b {\displaystyle y=mx+b} , the parameter b {\displaystyle b} specifies the point where the line crosses the y {\displaystyle y} axis. Assistant: 就线 y = m x + b {\displaystyle y=mx+b} 而言,参数 b {\displaystyle b} 定义线在何处与 y {\displaystyle y} 轴相交。 User: Since 2016 vice-rector prof. Assistant: 2016年荣升科大副校长。 User: Between 1972 and 1994, TV1 shared time with TV Pendidikan (Education TV) in the daytime on weekdays, this was cancelled after TV1 introduced full daytime transmissions on Tuesday, 1 March 1994. Assistant: 在1972至1994,TV1和教育TV(英语:TV Pendidikan)在周末共用时间,直到1994年3月1日才由TV1全面播出,TV2的教育TV也在1999年末终止播放。 User: For example, Hassan is a known scholar whose theoretical writings expressly address postmodernity in society. Assistant: 例如,哈桑是个知名学者,他的理论作品清晰地处理了社会中的后现代性。 User: Morris, accordingly, went into the opposition. Assistant: 莫里士随后也加入该公司。 User: According to the 2001 census, it is inhabited by only three nuns. Assistant: 根据2001年的人口普查,新修道院只有3名尼姑居住。 User: Captain America is a 1990 superhero film directed by Albert Pyun and written by Stephen Tolkin and Lawrence Block. Assistant: 《美国队长》(英语:Captain America)是一部由美国和南斯拉夫拍摄的1990年超级英雄电影,由亚伯特·派努执导,由Stephen Tolkin和Lawrence Block编写剧本。 User: However, as Arthur S. Link emphasized, the progressives did not simply roll over and play dead. Assistant: 然而,阿瑟·S·灵克斯强调进步主义并没有翻身装死。 User: Other interpretations emphasize the effect of Lépine's history of abuse as a child, suggest that the massacre was simply the isolated act of a madman unrelated to larger social issues. Assistant: 其它对事件的解读强调勒平在童年受到虐待,或者认为这次屠杀是一次狂人的孤立行为,与其它社会问题无关。 User: This study also found very weak evidence for the presence of a companion with a shorter, 21-day, period, but the data was insufficient to draw a positive conclusion. Assistant: 这个研究也发现更短周期21天伴星的可能性,但是数据不足以证实。 User: More recent work has restricted the discussion to Gibbs free energy because biological processes on Earth normally occur at a constant temperature and pressure, such as in the atmosphere or at the bottom of an ocean, but not across both over short periods of time for individual organisms. Assistant: 近代研究已经将这种讨论,限定来源是吉布斯能,因为地球的生物过程通常发生在恒定的温度和压力下,譬如大气中或在海洋底部,个别生物不能在短时间内跨越两处生存。 User: Illegal smuggling of tobacco became prevalent, and leaders of the Nazi anti-smoking campaign were assassinated. Assistant: 非法走私烟草开始盛行,许多纳粹禁烟运动的领导人被处决。 User: In early 2008, Citrix agreed to sell the embedded business to IntervalZero and Citrix has retained a minority ownership the firm. Assistant: Citrix 于 2008 年的早些时候同意将嵌入式业务出售给 IntervalZero,同时 Citrix 保留了公司的一小部分所有权。 User: To date, only one Metra police officer has been killed in the line of duty. Assistant: 截至目前为止,仅有一名警官在任务中殉职。 User: To counter Scott's hero image, Clay supporters pointed to his service with George Rogers Clark in a 1782 expedition against the Shawnee, but the impact of this line of campaigning was minimal. Assistant: 为了平衡斯科特英雄形象的影响,克莱的支持者称他也曾于1782年参与乔治·罗杰斯·克拉克(George Rogers Clark)对肖尼人的远征,但这对竞选活动影响甚微。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: In the late 17th century, a number of physical astronomy theories drawing from Kepler's work—notably those of Giovanni Alfonso Borelli and Robert Hooke—began to incorporate attractive forces (though not the quasi-spiritual motive species postulated by Kepler) and the Cartesian concept of inertia. Assistant: 在17世纪后期,许多从开普勒的著作产生出来的物理天体学理论——尤其是乔瓦尼·阿方索·博雷利和罗伯特·虎克的理论——开始包含引力(虽然不是开普勒假定的准精神运动类)和笛卡尔惯性概念。 User: The national drink. Assistant: 为国子祭酒。 User: Palma ensured the deliveries arrived in the United States. Assistant: 帕尔马确保货物到达美国。 User: Production aircraft could start being built in early 1969, with the flight testing in late 1972 and certification by mid-1974. Assistant: 而生产型飞机可在1969年初开始建造,1972年末试飞,并在1974年中可取得适航证。 User: The early sixth-century manuscript De observatione ciborum ("On the observance of foods") by Anthimus implies that pistacia remained well known in Europe in Late Antiquity. Assistant: Anthimus在6世纪早期的一份手稿《De observatione ciborum》显示阿月浑子在罗马时代的晚期就已经广为欧洲人所知。 User: Viqueque is on the south coast of Timor, on the Timor Sea. Assistant: 维克克区处于帝汶岛的南岸,靠近帝汶海。 User: But the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans not only put an end to the revolt, it marked the end of an era. Assistant: 但罗马人破坏第二殿不仅结束了反抗,而且标志着一个时代的结束。 User: A time zone is a geographical region in which residents observe the same standard time. Assistant: 时区是地理上的一个区域,在那里的每个人都要遵守同一的标准时间。 User: The name of the Court did not change unlike the other institutions. Assistant: 不过欧洲法院并没有因此而如同其他机构一样改变其名称。 User: The United States Environmental Protection Agency official range is 117 km (73 miles), much less than the 160 km (100 miles) quoted by Nissan. Assistant: 2011/12款 根据美国环境保护署的官方测试,2011/12款的日产聆风续航里程为117 km(73英里),较日产官方所宣称的数字160 km(100英里)要少 。 User: Since perception of expressions and their intensity is subjective in nature, the annotation by experts is essential for the purpose of validation. Assistant: 因为表情及其强度的感知本质上是主观的,专家的标注对验证而言是十分重要的。 User: At the age of 35, Kuramoto had the first of his CD published. Assistant: 在十五岁时,坂本就推出她第一张CD《Grapefruit》。 User: His version is called "Båda sidor, nu". Assistant: 其演出名为‘中华韵·两岸情’。 User: Both DVD Talk reviews agreed that the audio and visual quality were less than perfect, and that the DVD's extra contents were poor; Mathews described the interview as the director answering "dull questions in a dull manner". Assistant: 虽然总体意见上南辕北辙,但马修斯和斯普林都认为DVD的音频和视频品质已几近完美,但花絮内容欠佳,马修斯还称其中对导演的采访问答部分就是“以愚蠢的方式问出愚蠢的问题”。 User: Local street art group TMD (The Most Dedicated) won the "Write For Gold" international competition in Germany two years in a row. Assistant: 而当地的街头艺术团体 TMD (The Most Dedicated)则两度赢得了德国的国际比赛"Write For Gold"。 User: The building was upgraded from an interests section and returned to its original role as the United States Embassy in Cuba, on July 20, 2015. Assistant: 大楼升级为利益代表处,并于2015年7月20日回归其美国大使馆的原本角色。 User: There are several notable reasons described below why the H-theorem, at least in its original 1871 form, is not completely rigorous. Assistant: 有一些理由描述为何H定理(起码最初的1871年的形式)并不完全缜密。 User: Benedict Nicolson suggests that Wright was influenced by the work of Thomas Frye; in particular by the 18 bust-length mezzotints which Frye completed just before his death in 1762. Assistant: 本尼迪克特·尼克尔森认为莱特受汤姆斯·弗莱的作品影响较大;尤其受1762年弗莱死之前所完成的18个铜刻半身画像的影响。 User: RAS is a fairly simple protocol composed of just a few messages. Assistant: RAS是一个相当简单的协议,只是一些消息组成。 User: A group of remixes of music from the game was released as an unofficial download-only album titled The Fabled Warriors: Wind, by the remix website OverClocked ReMix on September 10, 2010 containing 9 remixes; a further four albums are planned to be released as part of the Fabled Warriors set. Assistant: 重混网站OverClocked ReMix于2010年9月10日发行非官方下载独占专辑《传说战士:风》,其中收录9首重混;并计划发行《传说勇士》系列的另外四个专辑。 User: Fingering the vagina is often performed in an effort to stimulate the G-spot. Assistant: 阴道内的 对阴道指交常被用作欲使G点性兴奋的方式。 User: Men Women Two Canadian athletes qualified to compete in the modern pentathlon event. Assistant: 男子 女子 加拿大有两名运动员获得现代五项比赛的参赛资格。 User: The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up. Assistant: 大王若求和,也要少割地并且要有人质作保;不然,必定上当受骗。 User: After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the building was destroyed by the Arab Legion. Assistant: 1948年第一次中东战争后,该建筑被阿拉伯军团摧毁。 User: There is a world of difference between his belief in salvation and a racial ideology. Assistant: 他对救恩的信念和种族意识形态之间存在巨大的差异。 User: Lord Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail's editorial stance towards them in the early 1930s. Assistant: 罗斯米尔爵士是贝尼托·墨索里尼和阿道夫·希特勒的好朋友,因此在1930年代早期时,他将《每日邮报》的社论立场逐渐导向这两个人。 User: This star has one known planet, the extrasolar planet KELT-2Ab. Assistant: KELT-2A 已知有一颗太阳系外行星 KELT-2Ab。 User: The genetic composition of different Jewish groups shows that Jews share a common gene pool dating back four millennia, as a marker of their common ancestral origin. Assistant: 不同犹太群体的基因组成表明,犹太人分享了一个可追溯到4000年前的共同基因库,这是他们拥有共同祖先起源的标志。 User: This way they can avoid the hot, dry end of the summer. Assistant: 另外也能用来抵抗夏天的闷热。 User: Using the find or browse tools, contributors were able to add to and edit existing features on the map. Assistant: 透过搜寻或浏览工具,贡献者可以添加和编辑地图上的现有功能。 User: Aluminum also became popular. Assistant: ALTIMIT也开始个人化。 User: A total of 350,000 were arrested and 247,157 were executed. Assistant: 总共有350,000人被捕,并有247,157人被处死。 User: In many instances, genealogists must skillfully assemble indirect or circumstantial evidence to build a case for identity and kinship. Assistant: 很多情况下,谱写学家必须巧妙地聚合直接和间接证据来确定一个人的身份和地位。 User: The one-man turret of the Soviet light tanks made co-ordinating a tank platoon nearly impossible, because the commanders were kept busy acquiring targets, loading and firing the main gun and machine gun, and commanding their drivers. Assistant: 苏军根据实战经验,发现单人炮塔的苏联轻型坦克要协调整个坦克排的作战是几乎不可能的,原因是车长工作负担太大、过于忙碌,要负责搜寻目标、装填炮弹、指挥驾驶和操纵主炮与机枪开火的工作。 User: According to David Stannard's American Holocaust, 50% of African deaths occurred in Africa as a result of wars between native kingdoms, which produced the majority of slaves. Assistant: 根据大卫·斯坦纳德的《美国大屠杀》所述,50%的死亡出现在非洲当地内战,后者则制造了大量奴隶。 User: In the opinion of many critics and readers, it is one of the best of their novels. Assistant: 品钦被许多读者和批评家视作当代最优秀的作家之一。 User: On 12 November 1975, the First Fraser Ministry was sworn in by Kerr. Assistant: 1975年11月12日,弗雷泽内阁(英语:First Fraser Ministry)向克尔宣誓就职。 User: The attack allegedly targeted a police bus, leaving 25 people dead and 46 wounded. Assistant: 报道称袭击对象是运载警察的巴士,导致25人死亡和46人受伤。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The price had to be lowered due to pressure from the Ministry of Trade, which instructed the IIBC to reduce the profits being generated by the test. Assistant: 这是因通商省对其的施压所致,后者责令IIBC削减来自考试费的收益。 User: The average water depth is 15–20 meters. Assistant: 港内平均水深约在15~20米左右。 User: Immediately after the collapse, Emergency Medical Technicians and trained First Responders of the Texas A&M Emergency Care Team (TAMECT), a student-run, volunteer service, who staffed each stage of construction, administered first aid. Assistant: 就在坍塌之后,急救医疗医生和受训过的德州A&M紧急护理团(TAMECT)(学生运作,志愿参加的德州农工大学第一反应人服务,篝火搭建的每个步骤都提供人员)的第一反应人立马验伤分类病人和执行急救措施。 User: Now I understood why Moebius hated me so intensely. Assistant: 不知为何对莫扎特有厌恶之情。 User: The qualifying process was heavily revised two weeks before the season began. Assistant: 排位赛程序在开赛前两周出现重大修改。 User: Photography: no award Novel: No award given. Assistant: 普通音符:没有任何奖励。 User: Beat 'em up The first game to feature fist fighting was Sega's boxing game Heavyweight Champ (1976), but it was Data East's fighting game Karate Champ (1984) which popularized martial arts themed games. Assistant: 最早以拳头格斗为特色的游戏是1976年的街机《重量级拳王(英语:Heavyweight Champ)》,但1984年的游艺街机《空手道》将本类型推广为一对一武术对战游戏。 User: In 2018, the series was moved from Disney XD to Disney Channel before the series premiere. Assistant: 2018年,该影集在首映之前从迪士尼XD转移到了迪士尼频道。 User: Pellets are extremely dense and can be produced with a low moisture content (below 10%) that allows them to be burned with a very high combustion efficiency. Assistant: 颗粒是非常致密的并可制备低含水量(低于10%),使它们能够以非常高的燃烧效率被焚烧。 User: In 1854, the Emperor's mother, Archduchess Sophie, gave him the Kaiservilla (Imperial Villa) as a wedding present. Assistant: 1854年,皇帝的母亲苏菲,将别墅送给皇帝作为结婚礼物。 User: This exceeds health care costs associated with smoking and accounts for 6% to 12% of national health care expenditures in the United States. Assistant: 这数字已超过吸烟及酗酒问题的医疗保健成本,并占美国医疗卫生支出的6%至12%。 User: And thus my hope is in the Lord, And not in mine own merit; I rest upon His faithful word To them of contrite spirit; That He is merciful and just— Here is my comfort and my trust, His help I wait with patience. Assistant: 我的灵魂颂扬上主, 我的心神欢跃于天主,我的救主, 因为衪垂顾了衪婢女的卑微, 今后万世万代都要称我有福; 因全能者在我身上行了大事, 衪的名字是圣的, 衪的仁慈世世代代于无穷世,赐于敬畏衪的人。 User: But contrary to their seemingly detached nature, ISTPs are often capable of humorously insightful observations about the world around them, and will display a seemingly uncharacteristic enthusiasm for things of great interest to them. Assistant: 但同他们表面上超然的天性不同,ISTP们通常有能力对他们周围的世界作出幽默而充满洞察力的观测。 User: Because he could not afford a typewriter, he carefully wrote in ink on legal-sized paper, occasionally crossing through or overlying a word. Assistant: 克莱恩买不起打字机,只好小心翼翼地用墨水在文件纸上书写,有时候划掉一个字,有时候又叠上一个。 User: In 1922 it was incorporated into the newly founded Ludwigshafen Reichsbahn Division (Reichsbahndirektion Ludwigshafen). Assistant: 1922年,凯泽斯劳滕总站被整合入新成立的路德维希港国家铁路局(德语:Reichsbahndirektion Ludwigshafen)。 User: The new Google translate function allows the user to translate the full content into the reader's native language. Assistant: 新的Google翻译功能允许用户将全部内容翻译为读者的母语。 User: In October 2009, the Dallas Symphony announced the extension of his contract through the 2015/16 season. Assistant: 2009年10月,达拉斯交响乐团宣布延长其合约期至2015/16乐季。 User: Lipinets became the IBF champion, winning by unanimous decision (118–110, 117–111, 117–111). Assistant: 在最终的裁判判决,一致判定爱柏基摩夫的胜出(118-110,117-111,117-111)。 User: The conflict actually became the starting point of a close relationship between Satsuma and Britain, which became major allies in the ensuing Boshin War. Assistant: 这场冲突事实上成为之后萨摩与英国紧密关系的开端,其后双方还在戊辰战争中结为联盟。 User: The order keeps unchanged in the APG IV system. Assistant: 在APG IV 分类法中此分类保持不变。 User: As of November 2008, the FAA has published more LPV approaches than Category I ILS procedures. Assistant: 截至2008年11月,FAA出版的LPV进近程序已经超过ILS一类进近程序。 User: The game ends under one of two conditions: when the stack of Province cards (the highest-value Victory card in the base game) has been exhausted, or when any three stacks in the Supply have been exhausted. Assistant: 要令游戏结束有两个条件:当一堆行省卡(基本游戏中最高价值的分数牌)已经耗尽时,或者当供应区中的其他三个牌堆已经耗尽时。 User: The Y3+ ion is colorless in solution because of the absence of electrons in the d and f electron shells. Assistant: Y3+离子在溶液中无色,因为它的d和f电子壳层中缺乏电子。 User: They had to direct their driver to one of two marked locations using only nautical terminology. Assistant: 他们只能使用航海术语将船引导到两个标记的位置之一。 User: Believing the dissidents were plotting against his life, Smith excommunicated them on April 18, 1844. Assistant: 相信这些和自己持不同意见的人都想暗中算计他,1844年4月18号,史密斯将他们逐出了教会。 User: 1814 – Emperor Napoleon I of France wins the Battle of Craonne. Assistant: 1814年:法国拿破仑取得克拉翁讷战役(英语:Battle of Craonne)的胜利。 User: Northern Norway is surrounded by some of the richest seas in the world, and seafood is the main source for traditional cuisine. Assistant: 北挪威被地球上渔产最丰富的海域所包围,水产是传统美食的主要食材。 User: As Poland emerged from communism in 1989, the original holiday—on its original 11 November date—was restored. Assistant: 1989年,波兰脱离苏维埃的共产势力,恢复原本的11月11日独立纪念日。 User: As a student, Manske was one of the first contributors to the Internet encyclopedia Nupedia, the precursor to Wikipedia, and later wrote one of the first versions of the MediaWiki software that Wikipedia runs on. Assistant: 学生时代的曼斯克是维基百科前身、互联网百科全书Nupedia的首批贡献者,之后他编写了在维基百科运行的软件MediaWiki的首个版本。 User: The number of state variables needed to describe a black-body state is thus reduced from three to two (e.g. temperature and volume). Assistant: 描述黑体状态所需的状态参量便由三个减少为两个(如温度与体积)。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Its theorems are equations and its inference rules express the properties of equality, namely that it is a congruence on terms that admits substitution. Assistant: 它的定理是等式而它的推理规则表达出等号的性质,也就是在容许代换的项上的相等关系。 User: US president Richard Nixon was enraged by Allende's victory and the failure of the CIA's covert actions against him. Assistant: 美国总统尼克逊对阿连德的胜利和中央情报局秘密行动的失败感到愤怒。 User: Stelvio National Park (Italian: Parco nazionale dello Stelvio; German: Nationalpark Stilfser Joch) is a national park in the north-east of Italy, founded in 1935. Assistant: 斯泰尔维奥国家公园(意大利语:Parco nazionale dello Stelvio;德语:Nationalpark Stilfser Joch)是位于意大利东北部的一个国家公园,创建于1935年。 User: In 1973, according to Lincoln Laboratory informal history, the first realtime 2400 bit/s LPC was implemented by Ed Hofstetter. Assistant: 根据林肯实验室的非正式历史资料记载,1973年Ed Hofstetter实现了第一个2400位/秒的实时LPC。 User: Two days later Kaneko was also detained by police. Assistant: 陈克贵报警两个多小时后,亦被当地警方带走。 User: Apart from this you now have a BRTS hub (Bus Rapid Transit System). Assistant: 此外,库里奇巴是公车捷运系统(BRT, Bus Rapid Transit)的发源地。 User: For example, adding 50 milliliters to 150 milliliters gives 200 milliliters. Assistant: 例如,50 毫米加 150 毫米等于 200 毫米。 User: He went back to Europe. Assistant: 他还再度访问欧洲。 User: On 1 November, Midilli left the Bosporus to conduct a sweep for Russian warships. Assistant: 11月1日,米迪利号离开博斯普鲁斯,对俄国军舰进行扫荡。 User: The drawing tool allows simple desktop publishing operations, such as adding graphics to documents. Assistant: 绘图工具可进行简单的桌面出版运作,如在文件中加设图像。 User: In 1983, Rolf Hilmes saw three tank generations and three "intermediate generations", which consisted mainly of upgraded vehicles. Assistant: 1983年,洛尔夫·海尔梅斯提出三个战车代以及三种“过渡”代,后者包括了大部分的升级版战车。 User: On November 23, 2013, BitTorrent announced the release of version 1.2 of the client along with a beta version of the BitTorrent Sync API. Assistant: 2013年11月23日,BitTorrent发布1.2版本客户端,以及BitTorrent Sync API的测试版本。 User: From 1911 to 1912 he publicly campaigned for Mongolia's independence from Chinese rule. Assistant: 在1911年至1912年间,他公开投入外蒙古独立运动中。 User: The following is a standard proof that a complete pseudometric space X {\displaystyle \scriptstyle X} is a Baire space. Assistant: 以下是完备度量空间 X {\displaystyle X} 是贝尔空间的一个标准的证明。 User: In a career with Warner Brothers that spanned 46 years, he rose to become their Director of Sound and won two Academy Awards. Assistant: 在华纳兄弟工作的46年中,他成为了音响总监,并获得了两项奥斯卡金像奖。 User: He also played for two Africa Nations Cup. Assistant: 他也获得过两枚非洲田径锦标赛铜牌。 User: K3: Standard mass-produced variant. Assistant: K3:标准的大量生产的衍生型。 User: However, he also felt the monster class system as counter-intuitive, as frequently said classes emphasized the point of enemies as "designed to pose challenges, not overcome them". Assistant: 然而他还认为,怪兽种族系统违反直觉,正如常言怪兽的种族强调“旨在面临挑战,不能克服它们”。 User: A Quinnipiac University poll found Specter leading 44-42 percent, with fourteen percent undecided, whereas a Franklin & Marshall poll found Sestak ahead 38-36 percent, with about a quarter of voters undecided. Assistant: 昆尼皮亚克大学的民调显示斯佩克特以44%领先42%的对手,另外14的受访者尚未决定;富兰克林·马歇尔大学的民调则表明谢斯塔克以38%反超36%的斯佩克特,但还有约四分之一的受访者没有做决定。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Salami slicing refers to a series of many small actions, often performed by clandestine means, that as an accumulated whole produces a much larger action or result that would be difficult or unlawful to perform all at once. Assistant: 腊肠术通常指一系列常常以秘密方式进行的小动作,能累积整体成为更大的动作或结果,但要一次合部执行通常有困难或非法。 User: There were also plans to join with al-Kamil in attacking al-Mu'azzam in Damascus, an alliance which had been discussed with Egyptian envoys in Italy. Assistant: 他还有计划加入阿尔-卡米尔攻击在大马士革的阿尔-穆阿扎姆,并与埃及使节在意大利就结盟事宜进行谈判。 User: The deal dropped the gun, drug, and gang-related charges in exchange for pleading guilty to inciting a riot within a penal facility, paying a $1,000 fine, serving five years probation, and being banished from Bulloch, Effingham, Jenkins, and Screven Counties. Assistant: 认罪协议放弃对枪支、毒品和帮派有关的指控,以换取在刑罚机构内煽动暴乱的罪名;同时支付1,000美元罚款,处缓刑五年,并被布洛克郡、埃芬汉郡、詹金斯郡和斯克里文郡驱逐 。 User: The DuoDisk was plagued by reliability problems, however, and did not catch on as well as the Apple IIe itself. Assistant: 然而,DuoDisk受其可靠性所害而未能如同Apple IIe一样流行起来。 User: He is active in charity and philanthropy. Assistant: 她现在正忙于世界范围内的体操和慈善事业。 User: Its reported area in the 19th century was 65,804 square miles (170,430 km2). Assistant: 19世纪时,该省所辖面积为65,804平方英里(170,430平方公里)。 User: From 1800 to 1890, between 25,000–50,000 black African slaves are thought to have been sold from the slave market of Zanzibar to the Somali coast. Assistant: 从1800年到1890年,25,000-50,000之间的非洲黑奴被认为已经从桑给巴尔的奴隶市场送到索马里海岸出售。 User: After scoring the goal, he celebrated by putting on a Spider-Man mask. Assistant: 入球后,他戴上印有蜘蛛侠图样的面罩庆祝入球。 User: In the 1996–97 season, Gurbanov was the leading scorer in the Azerbaijan Premier League for Neftchi with 25 goals. Assistant: 在1996-97赛季,古亚班洛夫是阿塞拜疆超级联赛球队巴库尼菲治的头号射手,整季攻入25个联赛入球。 User: The road outside the new building is named Francis Crick Avenue after the 1962 joint Nobel Prize winner, who co-discovered the helical structure of DNA in 1953. Assistant: 新大楼外的道路被命名为弗朗西斯·克里克大道(Francis Crick Avenue),源自于1953年共同发现DNA的双螺旋结构,并于1962年获得诺贝尔奖的弗朗西斯·克里克。 User: The Frasers' design for the half dollar has been widely admired. Assistant: 加利福尼亚州钻禧纪念半美元的设计获得广泛好评。 User: For the Russian Navy and Engineering Troops, the bulletproof vest is combined with a life vest, so that soldiers and sailors who are thrown into the water won't drown. Assistant: 俄罗斯海军与工兵部队的防弹背心则附有救生衣功能,以避免跌落水中的水兵或士兵溺水。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: He died of heart failure in Palo Alto, California, on January 12, 2001, and was interred at Los Gatos Memorial Park, San Jose, California. Assistant: 2001年1月12日,惠利特因心脏衰竭在加州帕罗奥图 (Palo Alto) 市逝世,葬于加州圣荷西 (San Jose)市洛思加图斯陵园(Los Gatos Memorial Park)。 User: Typical metamodels proposed by OMG are UML, SysML, SPEM or CWM. Assistant: OMG提出的典型元模型是UML,SysML,SPEM或CWM。 User: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink. Assistant: 渴了,你们给我喝。 User: Reactivity meters and removable startup chambers are used for monitoring of reactor startup. Assistant: 放射性强度传感器和可移除的启动器仅用于监测反应堆的启动过程。 User: He and Ishi often hunted together. Assistant: 他和梁启超一直保持着联系。 User: Meanwhile, the communist bloc powers of China, East Germany and the Soviet Union established friendly relations with the new government by recognising the country and sending advisors. Assistant: 与此同时,中国,东德和苏联共产集团通过承认国家和派遣顾问与新政府建立了友好关系。 User: Market entry into Taiwan. Assistant: 宣布正式进入台湾市场。 User: It was discovered unexpectedly in 2000 by Charles Steidel and colleagues, who were surveying for high-redshift galaxies using the 200 inch (5.08 m) Hale telescope at the Palomar Observatory. Assistant: 它是在2000年被Charles Steidel和同事们在帕洛马天文台使用200英寸(5.08米)的海尔望远镜进行高红移星系巡天时意外发现的。 User: In 1974, Johnny Carson announced that he wanted the weekend shows pulled and saved so that they could be aired during weeknights, allowing him to take time off. Assistant: 而1974年,约翰尼·卡森却称希望将这档周末节目撤下,改为工作日晚间播出,以便他本人有足够的时间休假。 User: There are several huts around. Assistant: 周围有几十棵松柏。 User: Hobart was instrumental in securing the ratification of the Treaty of Paris, which ended the war; according to McKinley biographer H. Wayne Morgan, Hobart was "almost the president's alter ego, every screw with his legendary politeness". Assistant: 霍巴特在结束战争的《巴黎条约》签订上起到了积极作用,据麦金莱的传记作者H·韦恩·摩根(H. Wayne Morgan)表示,霍巴特“几乎成为另一个总统,用自己传奇般的礼貌转动着每一个螺丝钉”。 User: Some shall live forever; others shall be in everlasting contempt. Assistant: 他们只是寿命很长而已,只要栖息的世界还在他们大概就能一直活下去。 User: The title of the essay refers not to traffic in women for purposes of prostitution, although that is also mentioned, but rather to marriage laws that allow men to rape their wives without consequences. Assistant: 论文的标题与走私妇女进行卖淫并没有关系,而是针对婚姻的法律允许男人强暴他们的妻子而无须受到惩罚。 User: The Saab 9-5 also was one of the first cars to have extensive side-crash protection. Assistant: Saab 9-5也是第一批拥有完整的侧边冲撞保护的车型。 User: It is unclear whether those in outer darkness will ultimately be redeemed. Assistant: 目前,人们还不清楚那些在黑暗中的人最后是否会得到拯救。 User: Several other native species exist in precariously small numbers, and their future on Guam is perilous. Assistant: 其他几种鸟类都只余少量,在关岛的命运岌岌可危。 User: The first nuclear power plant by EDF in France was opened in 1962. Assistant: 法国电力公司的第一座核电厂在法国于1962年开业。 User: At the same time, the cost of living increased sharply. Assistant: 同时生活支出明显上涨。 User: East part of roof was damaged, also the baroque altar. Assistant: 东海道本线也受到破坏,尤其是挂川以西的地区。 User: The islands within the park extend along the Southern California coast from Point Conception near Santa Barbara to San Pedro, a neighborhood of Los Angeles. Assistant: 海峡群岛国家公园内的岛屿沿南加州海岸向外延伸,从圣塔巴巴拉市附近的康塞普申角(英语:Point Conception)延伸到洛杉矶附近的圣佩德罗(英语:San Pedro, Los Angeles)。 User: He, as if wearied, has abandoned this world, and resorted in actual form to the other world – a place won by the merit of his deeds – (and although) he has departed, he remains on earth through (the memory of his) fame (kīrti). Assistant: 浮世意指人们所生活在此的现世、人世间生活百态,它所指称在尘俗人间的漂浮不定,衍伸为一种享乐的人生态度,可以尽显于浮世绘里欢乐荣景的华丽刻划。 User: After putting down the second Pennsylvania mutiny in 1783, Howe participated in the establishment of the Society of the Cincinnati and was the second officer to sign the national charter, with his signature appearing directly below that of von Steuben. Assistant: 平定1783年的宾夕法尼亚兵变后,豪参与建立辛辛那提协会,并且第二个在该协会的全国宪章上签字,名字就在冯·斯托本的正下方。 User: Each question has three possible answers: one righteous, one evil, and one neutral. Assistant: 三发而一知者,言三人,人操一分,相参而不相知情也。 User: He was a student of modern literature. Assistant: 是一名文学系的大学生。 User: Although individual marines stayed on for the few U.S. naval vessels left, the last Continental Marine was discharged in September. Assistant: 虽然还是有少数小单位海军陆战队分散在美国海军当时的军舰上,最后一支也在9月份解散。 User: In July 1992, director Gus Van Sant was signed with Warner Bros. to direct the biopic with actor Robin Williams in the lead role. Assistant: 在1992年7月,导演葛斯·范·桑签约了华纳兄弟公司,并请罗宾·威廉斯作为男主演执导一部传记片。 User: Officials under Khamenei influence the country's various powerful, and sometimes bickering, institutions, including "the parliament, the presidency, the judiciary, the Revolutionary Guards, the military, the intelligence services, the police agencies, the clerical elite, the Friday prayer leaders and much of the media", as well as various "nongovernmental foundations, organizations, councils, seminaries and business groups". Assistant: 哈梅内伊手下的官员影响着各种有权势的组织,包括“议会、总统、法院、革命卫队、军方、情报机关、警察机关、上流教士、星期五领拜者及许多媒体”,还有各个“民间组织、团体、委员会、神学院及商业团体”。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Agents also gossip about the best match, to date. Assistant: 比赛亦选出最优秀之小队,以作典范。 User: It was discovered by a team of astronomers led by Brett J. Gladman in 2003. Assistant: 它在2003年被由Brett J. Gladman领导的一个天文小组发现。 User: A Solid Concepts Browning M1911 replica fired more than 600 rounds without any apparent damage to the gun. Assistant: 一把固体概念勃朗宁M1911复制品可发射超过600发子弹,而不对全枪结构造成任何明显的损害。 User: Rutherford gave Chadwick a part-time teaching position at Manchester, allowing him to continue research. Assistant: 卢瑟福在曼彻斯特为查德威克提供了兼职的教学工作,让他能够继续研究。 User: During the debate over the construction of a new culture and congress centre, the architect Manfred Saß designed a new railway station with an integrated convention centre. Assistant: 随后,在对新建一座文化及会议中心的讨论过程中,建筑师曼弗雷德·萨斯(Manfred Saß)提出了一项新的火车总站方案,会议中心被集成在其中。 User: The original plan had been to build the plant only 25 km (16 mi) from Kiev, but the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, among other bodies, expressed concern about it being too close to the city. Assistant: 核电站建设方案最初打算将电站建在距离基辅仅25公里处,但是科学界担忧核电站与乌克兰首府基辅过于接近,逐更改为现今位置。 User: The pope was also subjected to oaths of loyalty to the Holy Roman Emperor, who had the duty of providing security and public peace in Rome. Assistant: 教宗需要发誓效忠神圣罗马帝国皇帝,而皇帝有保护罗马为一个安全及和平城市之责。 User: As of 2018, Thailand had 310 colleges, universities, and tertiary academic institutes. Assistant: 截至2018年、泰国约有310所学院、大学及大专等高等校院。 User: Statistical significance of supporting experimental results does not improve over time and are usually close to the cutoff for statistical significance. Assistant: 实验结果的统计显著性不会随着时间提高精度,在显著性上打擦边球。 User: Following the events of the original Final Fantasy IV, the second moon leaves the Blue Planet's orbit, and a period of peace begins as Damcyan, Eblan, and the Village of Mist are rebuilt, while the Kingdom of Baron comes under the rule of Cecil and his wife, Rosa. Assistant: 在《最终幻想IV》的情节最后,第二个月亮离开了蓝星的轨道,重建的达姆西安、艾伯伦和迷雾村度过了一段时间的和平,巴伦王国则由塞西尔和妻子罗莎治理。 User: He then returned to Pavia, where he pursued his studies at the university under Francesco Brioschi, and determined to seek a career as teacher of mathematics. Assistant: 后来他回到帕维亚大学,在弗朗西斯科·布里奥斯奇(Francesco Brioschi)的指导下继续学业,并决心谋求一份数学教师的工作。 User: In 1954, Vieux-Lyon, the city's oldest district, became the first site in France to be protected under the Malraux law to protect France's cultural sites. Assistant: 1954年,里昂老城,该市最古老的地区,成为法国第一个受马尔罗法保护的文化遗产。 User: Karl Müller (1866–1942) was a Czech government official and amateur astronomer. Assistant: 卡尔·穆勒 (捷克语:Karl Müller,1866年-1942年)是一位捷克政府官员和业余天文学家。 User: The IAF put air defence systems on alert along the international border and Line of Control to respond to any possible retaliation by the Pakistan Air Force. Assistant: 事后,印度在印巴实际控制线印方一侧的防空系统处于警戒状态,以应对巴基斯坦空军任何可能的报复行为。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The final scene shows the Kid in a cage next to other cages with children, including Six. Assistant: 最后一幕中显示出小孩身处笼子里,身边同样被监禁的小孩里也包括了小六。 User: Google currently is an LLC subsidiary company of Alphabet. Assistant: Google公司是Alphabet的全资子公司。 User: Hood then appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit regarding maintaining in forma pauperis status. Assistant: 后来,胡德向美国联邦第九巡回上诉法院上诉请求保留其免诉讼费(in forma pauperis)的地位。 User: Most of his pocket-money was spent in purchasing the books which had taken his fancy, whether fairy tales, history, or science. Assistant: 他将大部分的零用钱花在吸引他的书籍上,主题涵盖童话故事、历史及科学。 User: Occasionally, acoustic-electric and electric guitars will have built-in effects, such as a preamp or equalizer. Assistant: 电原声吉他或电吉他偶尔也会有内建效果器,像是前置放大器或是等化器(Equalizer)。 User: Sandel subscribes to a certain version of communitarianism (although he is uncomfortable with the label), and in this vein he is perhaps best known for his critique of John Rawls' A Theory of Justice. Assistant: 桑德尔赞同某种形式的社群主义 社群主义 (尽管他对这个标签感到不舒服), 在这种情况下,他最为人知的是对 约翰·罗尔斯的《正义论》的批判。 User: The oral cholera vaccine has been found to be 50–60% effective over 2 years. Assistant: 而口服霍乱菌苗最近两年也已经证实其有效率达50-60%。 User: Saar competed independently in 1952, but East Germany were unable to, and refused to represent a united German team. Assistant: 萨尔代表队在1952年独立参赛,但东德无法如此,并拒绝代表联合的德国队出赛。 User: As these works became more widely available, reviews and essays about African literature – especially from Europe – began to flourish. Assistant: 这些作品流传越来越广,关于非洲文学的评论——尤其是在欧洲——开始增多。 User: The Council proposed Jacques Santer as Commission President but he was seen as a second choice candidate, undermining his position. Assistant: 执委会提议雅克·桑特担任执委会主席,但其实他被视为第二选择。 User: Slugs die at the first frosts. Assistant: 霜降是指初霜。 User: This would have ended the arrangement which has existed since 1957 of having at least one Commissioner for each Member State at all times. Assistant: 这将结束了自1957年以来,任何时候起码一个专员代表一个成员国的安排。 User: Some jurisdictions may make allowances for minors engaged in sexual acts with each other, rather than a hard and fast single age. Assistant: 有的司法辖区可能准许未成年人彼此发生性关系,而不是在年龄问题上一刀切。 User: Since Dausprungas is the only known brother of Mindaugas, Mindaugas' nephews Edivydas and Tautvilas are presumed to be his sons. Assistant: 因为道斯普伦加斯是明道加斯唯一已知的兄弟,所以明道加斯的两侄子埃迪维达斯和陶特维拉斯被认为是他的儿子。 User: After finishing high school, Nimdoma joined the First Inclusive Women's Sagarmatha Expedition, an all-female mountaineering team supported by the WFP. Assistant: 完成高中学业后,宁多玛·雪巴加入一个世界粮食计划署所资助的纯女性的登山队“萨加玛塔远征队”(Sagarmatha Expedition)。 User: On June 15, Aruban and Peruvian authorities announced an agreement to cooperate and allow investigators from Aruba to interview Van der Sloot at Miguel Castro Castro prison in Peru. Assistant: 同月15日,阿鲁巴和秘鲁当局宣布已达成协议,允许阿鲁巴的调查人员到秘鲁米格尔·卡斯特罗·卡斯特罗监狱向范德斯罗特问话。 User: There is only a limited amount of data available from human accidents, but it is consistent with animal data. Assistant: 目前仅能从少量的人体意外中得到数据,但这跟动物的实验数据一样符合。 User: Gymnogyps amplus occurred over much of the bird's historical range – even extending into Florida – but was larger, having about the same weight as the Andean condor. Assistant: 然而,在更新世末期有一个渐变种 Gymnogyps californianus amplus,在该鸟类历史上曾经分布的大部分区域存在,甚至扩散到佛罗里达州,这个渐变种体型更大,几乎和安地斯秃鹰一样重,其喙也更宽。 User: In his first year, he laid down the principle that in order to retain their right to the mining land that they owned, owners of mining land were obliged to see that their land was worked. Assistant: 在他就任的第一年(1877年),他制定了以下原则,即保留他们对所拥有矿山的权利,但矿山所有者必须保证其矿山的开采。 User: His articles appear in such online publications as Newsmax, Reason, and Townhall. Assistant: 他的文章也刊载于一些在线出版物中,例如Newsmax(英语:Newsmax)、理性和市政厅(英语:Townhall)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Developers worry that the applications will not be portable from App Engine and fear being locked into the technology. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 开发者担心App Engine应用程序不能移植到其他平台上,因而被困在单一种技术之内。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Anders Chydenius (1729–1803) was the leading classical liberal of Nordic history. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:安德尔斯·希德尼斯 (1729–1803)导写了北欧史的古典自由主义。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Cities within 50 miles include Harrisburg (12 miles to city center), York (13 miles to city center), and Lancaster (24 miles to city center). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 50英里以内的城市包括哈里斯堡(距市中心12英里),约克(距市中心13英里),兰开斯特(距市中心24英里)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Only the war between France and the coalition of Austria, England and Kingdom of Prussia brought liberty to the Jews. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 但是,法国与奥、普、英国之间的战争,给犹太人带来了自由。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The reverse featured the inscription "ONE DIME," surrounded by a wreath. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 硬币的背面刻着"ONE DIME",周围围绕着花环。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The camera was improved to offer a more precise aiming that included body-specific targeting like headshots. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 镜头经过改进,聚焦更加精确,其中包括类似爆头的特定身体部位聚焦。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: She was with her church youth group in Georgia mountains. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 她曾经在爱尔兰教会的青年团体服务。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Immediately afterwards, the Undisputed Championship returned to being the WWE Championship. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:而后,WWE无可争议的冠军也改称为WWE冠军。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It did not support the extended file names that became available in Windows 95 – including long file names and file names containing spaces. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 它不支持扩展的文件名,直至Windows 95——包含长文件名和文件名包含空格的支持。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 2009, the Grameen Creative Lab collaborated with the Yunus Centre to create the Global Social Business Summit. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2009年,格莱珉创意实验室与尤努斯中心合作创建全球社会商业峰会。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Examples of use: The HIV-1 virus has the mass of about 1 x 10−15 g or 1 fg. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 使用举例: HIV-1病毒质量约为10-18 kg,即10-15 g,可表示为1 fg或1000 ag。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The only difference between the AK-12 and the AK-15 is their caliber. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: AK-12和AK-15之间的唯一区别就是它们的口径。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, the extension of the naval capacities at Gythium greatly displeased the abutting states of the Aegean Sea and the Roman Republic. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 然而,在这种情况下吉雄海军力量的扩张使斯巴达与爱琴海邻国和罗马共和国的关系紧张起来。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For the initial assault on 12 October, Emden was tasked with bombarding a Russian gun emplacement at Pamerort; Heinrich was given command of the landings there. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在10月12日的首轮攻击中,埃姆登号受命炮击设于帕马纳(英语:Pammana)的炮台;因海因里希被授予了登陆指挥权。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 These three overlap: Sagittarius A East is the largest, West appears off-center within East, and A* is at the center of West. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:这三个部分是重叠的,当中人马座A东星最大,西星位于东星内偏离中心的位置,而A*则位于西星中心。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Prior to that, in 1919, she and her husband had provided medical services for the church supported Wai Wah Yee Yin Hospital, which is now known as the Palolo Chinese Home. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在此之前,她跟她丈夫曾在1919年时协助教会提供惠华医院(Wai Wah Yee Yin)医疗服务,惠华医院就是现在的檀香山帕洛洛中国老人院(Palolo Chinese Home)。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: He then studied at Duke University, completing a bachelor's degree in zoology and chemistry in two years. Assistant: 高中毕业后,他前往杜克大学就读,两年内就取得了动物学和化学的学士学位。 User: The basilica, built between 1864 and 1868, was designed by Louis Lenormand and is the largest church in Nice, but is not the cathedral. Assistant: 它是由Louis Lenormand设计,兴建于1864年到1868年,是尼斯最大的教堂。 User: Natural hybrids between them appear to be relatively common around the river Tjampo in West Sumatra. Assistant: 它们之间的自然杂交种似乎也常见于西苏门答腊省的天普河(Tjampo)附近。 User: The WinFS type system is closely associated with the .NET framework's concept of classes and inheritance. Assistant: WinFS型别系统与.NET Framework的类别与继承概念紧密关联。 User: The army entered Moldavia in September. Assistant: 这支军队在9月进入摩尔达维亚。 User: Informally, the case of a point charge in an arbitrary static electric field is a simple consequence of Gauss's law. Assistant: 通俗地讲,一个点电荷在任意一个静电场的情况是高斯定律的一个简单结果。 User: In addition, he was a translator. Assistant: 此外他还是一名翻译。 User: Like other stadiums used in Euro 2004, the Bessa is a new ground but built on top of the old stands, and each one of them was built at a time, which allowed Boavista to continue playing there. Assistant: 就像其他在2004年欧洲国家杯使用的球场一样,贝萨球场是一个新球场,但在以前的看台上加建,而且每个新看台都在不同时间兴建,令博维斯塔不用搬主场。 User: In turn he remained largely supportive of his friends in the media, among them Rupert Murdoch, during the News International phone hacking scandal. Assistant: 反过来,他在世界新闻报电话窃听丑闻期间仍然支持他的媒体朋友,其中包括鲁伯特·默多克。 User: Working independently in April 1954, Gordon Teal at TI created the first commercial silicon transistor and tested it on April 14, 1954. Assistant: 戈登·蒂尔在1954年2月也独立研制出了第一个商用硅晶体管并在1954年2月14日对它进行了测试。 User: Each halftrack was equipped with the FuG Spr G f radio. Assistant: 每辆半履带车都装设了 FuG Spr G f 无线电。 User: On hearing of his nomination as vice president, he announced that he was not surprised, as "Indiana is the mother of Vice Presidents; home of more second-class men than any other state". Assistant: 得知自己成为副总统候选人时他自称毫不吃惊,因为“印第安纳州是副总统的摇篮,走出的二流男士比其他任何州都多”。 User: In 2007, the Cellular Operators Association of India announced that it would conduct a study on the effects of missed calls on Indian mobile networks. Assistant: 2007年,印度移动运营商协会(英语:Cellular Operators Association of India)声明将对印度移动网络上的未接来电带来的效应展开研究。 User: The idea of rebuilding the bridge in stone was first proposed in 1503. Assistant: 以石桥来重建的想法首次在1503年被提出来。 User: Windows CE 5.0 (codenamed "Macallan" because Magellan brand GPS units run it.) is a successor to Windows CE 4.2, the third release in the Windows CE .NET family. Assistant: Windows CE 5.0(代号为“Macallan”) 是Windows CE 4.2的后续版本,Windows CE .NET家庭版的第三个发行版本。 User: In the celebratory atmosphere of the inauguration ceremony, however, the Confederate forces let their guard down, and were ambushed and forced to retreat by Union general Don Carlos Buell. Assistant: 然而,邦联军队在就职典礼的庆祝气氛中放松了警惕,被唐·卡洛斯·比尔将军带领的北军伏击后不得不撤退。 User: The Am5x86 processor is an x86-compatible CPU introduced in 1995 by AMD for use in 486-class computer systems. Assistant: Am5x86处理器是AMD在1995发布的x86相容CPU,使用于486等级的电脑系统。 User: It was built by Duke William V of Bavaria between 1583 and 1597 as a spiritual center for the Counter Reformation and was inspired by the Church of il Gesù in Rome. Assistant: 它由巴伐利亚公爵威廉五世建于1583年-1597年,是一座耶稣会教堂,作为反宗教改革的精神中心。 User: In order to get the spareparts that they need, Merpati needs to wait for 6 months. Assistant: 妊娠期为5个月,幼猴需6个月的照顾。 User: Some of these are given to Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces. Assistant: 冲突双方是叙利亚自由军(FSA)和叙利亚政府军。 User: However, during the 1990s Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad rejected this approach, with his Bangsa Malaysia policy emphasising a Malaysian instead of Malay identity for the state. Assistant: 直至1990年代,马来西亚首相时任马哈迪开始推行马来西亚民族(Bangsa Malaysia)政策,强调马来西亚人而不是马来人的认同。 User: Namco's Tekken (released in arcades in 1994 and on the PlayStation in 1995) proved critical to the PlayStation's early success, with its sequels also becoming some of the console's most important titles. Assistant: 南梦宫(Namco)的《铁拳》(街机1994年、PlayStation版1995年)实证了PlayStation早期成功的关键,续作更成为家用主机重要的作品。 User: Gusts of 80 mph (130 km/h) downed thousands of trees, and one fallen tree killed a man west of Thomasville. Assistant: 时速130公里的阵风刮倒了数以千计的树木,托马斯维尔(Thomasville)有一人被倒下的树木砸死。 User: In 2005, the South Yorkshire Strategic Health Authority announced that it would split the training between Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University – however, the University decided to pull out of providing preregistration nursing and midwifery training due to "costs and operational difficulties". Assistant: 2005年,南约克郡策略卫生局宣布雪菲尔大学和雪菲尔哈伦大学的训练将被拆分,但雪菲尔大学因成本和经营困难而决定淘汰预注册护理和助产培训。 User: After the offspring mature, they mate and then enter hibernation. Assistant: 具庆下,妻叶氏,弟允修(生员),子约;绪。 User: According to The Bible Unearthed, archaeological evidence suggests that the kingdom of Israel at the time of Solomon was little more than a small city state, and so it is implausible that Solomon received tribute as large as 666 talents of gold per year. Assistant: 根据《圣经出土》考古学证据显示,所罗门王国时期的以色列不过是个小城邦,所以所罗门每年收贡666塔伦特黄金根本不可能。 User: After her athletic career, Blankers-Koen served as the team leader of the Dutch athletics team, from the 1958 European Championships to the 1968 Summer Olympics. Assistant: 白兰克-柯恩在其运动员生涯结束后,自1958年欧洲田径锦标赛(英语:1958 European Athletics Championship)到1968年夏季奥林匹克运动会之间的期间担任荷兰代表队的领队。 User: HD 154345 has the planet HD 154345 b, a long period (9.095 years) and wide orbit (4.18 AU). Assistant: HD 154345有一颗行星HD 154345 b,有长周期(9.095年)和广阔的轨道(4.19AU)。 User: She told the reporter that she had sought protection from the police but on receiving no response, had decided to move abroad with her parents after the Eid al-Fitr holiday as she felt unsafe in Pakistan. Assistant: 她告诉记者自己曾寻求警方保护,但未得到回复,便决定在开斋节假期过后与父母移居海外,因为她感觉巴基斯坦不安全。 User: Deputy Defense Minister Resigns. Assistant: 国防部长辞职。 User: Just as radiative forcing provides a simplified means of comparing the various factors that are believed to influence the climate system to one another, global warming potentials (GWPs) are one type of simplified index based upon radiative properties that can be used to estimate the potential future impacts of emissions of different gases upon the climate system in a relative sense. Assistant: 辐射效应提供了一种简化的方式来在许多可能影响气候的因素之间互相比较,而全球暖化潜势也是一种有关辐射特性的简化指标,可以用来估测及比较许多不同气体的排放对气候系统的潜在影响。 User: Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646 function equivalently as character encodings, but The Unicode Standard contains much more information for implementers, covering—in depth—topics such as bitwise encoding, collation and rendering. Assistant: Unicode与ISO/IEC 10646在编码的运作原理相同,但The Unicode Standard包含了更详尽的实现资讯、涵盖了更细节的主题,诸如位元编码(bitwise encoding)、校对以及呈现等。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: On 12 February 2009, the first two male Share users were caught for uploading Child pornography with Share. Assistant: 2009年2月12日,日本拘捕国内首名使用Share分享儿童色情物品的人士。 User: To find methods of depicting the DNA destruction, the team carved vein-like structures from silicone and pumped black ink and oils into them while filming the changes occurring over an extended period of time. Assistant: 为了找到表现DNA被破坏的方法,制作团队用硅树脂雕刻出脉状结构,然后注入黑色墨水和油,并将其之后一段较长时间的变化拍摄下来。 User: The Xserve can be used for a variety of applications, including file server, web server or even high-performance computing applications using clustering – a dedicated cluster Xserve, the Xserve Cluster Node, without a video card and optical drives was also available. Assistant: Xserve可作多种应用,包括档案服务器,网页服务器,甚至是以丛集技术执行高效能运算应用-Xserve丛集,也提供不包含显卡与光驱的Xserve丛集节点。 User: The Aitken Double Star Catalogue, or ADS, is a star catalogue of double stars. Assistant: 艾肯双星目录,或ADS,是一份双星的星表。 User: A subgroup of three elements (generated by a cyclic rotation of three objects) with any distinct nontrivial element generates the whole group. Assistant: 有三个元素的子群(由三个对象的轮换旋转生成)再加上任何一个其它元素生成整个群。 User: Des Moines is located on the east shore of Puget Sound, approximately halfway between the major cities of Seattle and Tacoma. Assistant: 得梅因位于普吉特海湾东岸,约在西雅图和塔科马的半途之间。 User: As of 2011, 118 countries have targets for their own renewable energy futures, and have enacted wide-ranging public policies to promote renewables. Assistant: 在2011年,约有118个国家有自己的可再生能源未来的目标,并颁布了广泛的公共政策,以促进可再生能源。 User: In 1968 the second Ba'ath Coup was successful, and an agreement called the Bazzaz Declaration was reached between the KDP and the Ba'ath. Assistant: 1968年,第二次复兴党政变成功,库民党与复兴党达成了一项名为“巴扎兹宣言”的协定。 User: This coat helps the Tibetan Terrier withstand temperatures as low as −50 °C for prolonged periods of time. Assistant: 这件外套可以帮助西藏㹴长时间承受−50°C这样的低温。 User: If a particle is moving at a constant velocity in a non-expanding universe free of gravitational fields, any event that occurs in that Universe will eventually be observable by the particle, because the forward light cones from these events intersect the particle's world line. Assistant: 若一个粒子在不膨胀的宇宙中以等速移动且不受到重力场作用,那么那个宇宙中发生的任何事件将终究被这个粒子所看到,因为这些事件前方的光锥与粒子的世界线有所交集。 User: In December 2012 Square Enix announced that a remastered version of the game would be released on iOS. Assistant: 2012年12月,史克威尔艾尼克斯宣布更新版游戏将于iOS AppStore发行。 User: The phaser effect was originally a simpler implementation of the flanger effect since delays were difficult to implement with analog equipment. Assistant: 相位器效果最初是镶边效果的一个简单实现,因为延迟用模拟设备来实现比较困难。 User: Unlike the Palo Alto Stock Farm, these lands could be sold and later were. Assistant: 不过不像帕罗奥图,这两个地区的农地均可出售。 User: Nixon states: "Well ... they have to be paid. Assistant: 尼克松表示:“嗯······他们必须付钱,就是那样,必须得付钱。 User: After the Second World War and the victory of the Communists in the Chinese Civil War, many refugees who fled from Mainland China settled in the Philippines. Assistant: 第二次世界大战后,共产党人在中国内战中的胜利,许多从中国大陆逃亡的难民定居在菲律宾。 User: In 1907, he and George Cecil Jones co-founded an esoteric order, the A∴A∴, through which they propagated Thelema. Assistant: 1907年的时候,他和乔治·塞西尔·琼斯(George Cecil Jones)一起创立了一个泰勒玛组织,即A∴A∴,并借此传播泰勒玛。 User: North Macedonia has bilateral free trade agreements with Ukraine, Turkey, and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA—Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein). Assistant: 马其顿与乌克兰、土耳其和欧洲自由贸易协会(瑞士、挪威、冰岛和列支敦士登)签订双边自由贸易协定。 User: To enforce the régime's will, some paramilitary organisations were created. Assistant: 为了宣扬纳粹价值观,一系列组织建立起来。 User: This policy of appeasement was quickly abandoned by Pinochet however. Assistant: 但是,乌姆沙拉尔很快就把佩兰解雇了。 User: The first mention of the service in scientific works was in 2015. Assistant: 科学作品服务的第一次提及是在2015年。 User: Standard keyboards transmit this code when the Ctrl and Z keys are pressed simultaneously (Ctrl+Z, by convention often described as ^Z). Assistant: 标准电脑键盘将在同时按下Ctrl + Z键时发送此代码(Ctrl+Z通常表示为^Z)。 User: Metternich's work during the early 1840s was dominated again by Hungary and, more generally, questions of national identity within the diverse Austrian Empire. Assistant: 1840年初,梅特涅的工作又回到匈牙利上面来了,这次匈牙利要区别与奥地利帝国的民族认同问题。 User: The intention was to form a pan-European defence force as an alternative to Germany's proposed accession to NATO, meant to harness its military potential in case of conflict with the Soviet bloc. Assistant: 目的是组成一个泛欧洲防卫组织作为西德提出加入北约的替代,提供军事潜力万一与东方集团冲突。 User: Whatever your path is it ends with complete surrender to the truth. Assistant: 须知:中途妥协的条件,便是整个投降、整个灭亡的条件。 User: This is a list of Presidents of Somalia. Assistant: 这是一个关于索马里兰共和国总统的列表。 User: In the United States it is about 1.75 USD per dose. Assistant: 在美国,每剂约为1.75美元。 User: Moscow claimed the demonstrators attacked first and the soldiers had to repel them. Assistant: 莫斯科方面声称示威者们首先发起攻击,士兵们因此不得不进行反击。 User: Mohanlal was the protagonist. Assistant: 立安伦 本作主角。 User: They are typically 53–58 cm long; the female weighs 540g and the larger male 640g. Assistant: 它们一般长53-58厘米;雌鸟重540克,雄鸟重640克。 User: ADI founders Alec Gillis, Tom Woodruff Jr. and members of their company, began designing costumes, miniatures and effects in June 2003. Assistant: ADI的创始人亚历克·吉里斯(Alec Gillis)、小汤姆·伍德鲁夫和公司的其他成员从2003年6月开始设计服装、微缩模型和特效。 User: Cowper himself tells of the genesis of what some have considered his most substantial work, The Task, in his "Advertisement" to the original edition of 1785: ...a lady, fond of blank verse, demanded a poem of that kind from the author, and gave him the SOFA for a subject. Assistant: 古柏本人在他的著名作品任务(The Task)1785年第一版广告中说到这部作品的起源: “...一位女士,喜欢无韵诗(blank verse),要求作者写一首这种类型的诗,题目是沙发。 User: It was founded in 1958 for the purpose of arranging international amateur competitions and it organises two World Amateur Team Championships, the Eisenhower Trophy for men and the Espirito Santo Trophy for women. Assistant: 成立于1958年,宗旨为安排国际业余赛事,举办两项世界业余团体锦标赛,分别为艾森豪杯和圣托杯。 User: She has an elected fellowship with the British Psychological Society, where she has been honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007, she is also a Chartered (Licensed) Psychologist. Assistant: 她在英国心理协会被选中得到特殊的奖学金并于2007年被授与终身成就奖, 她同时还是特许(授权)的心理学家。 User: Caning is never ordered on its own in Singapore, only in combination with imprisonment. Assistant: 新加坡的鞭刑从不单独判处,而是与监禁相结合。 User: Arne confessed to her father that she was with child by the god Poseidon; her father, however, did not believe her, and handed her over to a man named Metapontus, King of Icaria. Assistant: 阿耳涅向她的父亲忏悔道,自己与波塞冬生有一子;而她的父亲却不相信她,将她交给了伊卡里亚的国王墨塔蓬托斯。 User: Vitaly Ponomaryov, director of the Central Asia Program at the Moscow-based Memorial Human Rights Center, said, "planes flew out of Andijon beginning late in the evening on 13 May. Assistant: 以莫斯科为基地的俄罗斯人权组织“纪念馆”中亚项目主管Vitaly Ponomaryov声称:“在5月13日晚开始,有不少飞机飞离安集延。 User: Elizabeth Ann Gilmour (née Smart; born November 3, 1987) is an American child safety activist and contributor for ABC News. Assistant: 伊丽莎白·聪明 (英语:Elizabeth Ann Smart-Gilmour,1987年11月3日-),是一位美国的儿童安全运动者以及ABC新闻的合作供稿人。 User: On 2 November, the Army, supported by Hezbollah officers, captured the village of Aziziyeh on the northern outskirts of Safira. Assistant: 11月2日,政府军在真主党军官的支援下夺取了塞菲拉北郊的Aziziyeh村。 User: IGN called Final Fantasy V's graphics "dated" but cited "incredibly engrossing" job system as the game's highlight and praised its music. Assistant: IGN称《最终幻想V》的图形“过时”,但“引人入胜的”职业系统是游戏的亮点,并称赞了游戏音乐。 User: Sometimes Mithras also has other weapons such as bows and arrows, and there are also animals such as dogs, serpents, dolphins, eagles, other birds, lion, crocodiles, lobsters and snails around. Assistant: 有些时候密特拉斯还拥有着其他的武器像是弓与箭,并且还有伴随着动物们例如狗、蛇、海豚、老鹰、其他鸟类、狮子、鳄鱼、螯龙虾(lobsters)以及蜗牛在祂周围。 User: Later, Rodionov claimed in his interview that groups of Georgian militants attacked unarmed soldiers with stones, metal chains and rods. Assistant: Rodionov 在后来的采访中声称,格鲁吉亚武装分子用石块、金属链条和棍棒攻击了未武装的士兵。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:For example, a space is completely regular if and only if the zero sets form a base for the closed sets. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 例如,一个空间是完全正规空间,当且仅当它的零集形成了闭集基。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 President John F. Kennedy immediately responded to Saud's request by sending U.S. warplanes in July 1963 to the war zone to stop the attack which was putting U.S. interests at risk. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 约翰·肯尼迪总统即时回应沙特的请求,于1963年7月派出美军战机到战区,阻止威胁美国利益的攻击。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In 2012, the developers of Borderlands 2 were criticized for referring to a reduced difficulty option as "girlfriend mode". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2012年,《边缘禁地2》的开发团队因为将游戏中的“困难”模式命名为“女朋友模式”而倍受批评。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Donkeyboy's debut album Caught in a Life was released on 19 October 2009. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Donkeyboy的首张专辑《夹缝中的生活》于2009年10月19日发行。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1957 he was appointed Inspector of the Kiev Theological Seminary. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 1957年,他被任命为基辅神学院督查。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Graham Cluley of Sophos said, "Storm's use of encrypted traffic is an interesting feature which has raised eyebrows in our lab. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: Sophos的葛拉汉·库雷(Graham Cluley)说:“风暴僵尸网络对加密流的使用,是引起我们实验室注目的有趣功能。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In those university years he started to promote Italian irredentism. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在大学期间,他开始宣传尚未收复的意大利。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He earned the favour of the Duke of Brittany and was admitted to the French court. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他赢得了布列塔尼公爵的青睐,并被法国朝廷所接纳。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The next morning is June 15 again. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 于6月15日再次开庭。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Being a community about communities, MeatballWiki became the launching point for other wiki-based projects and a general resource for broader wiki concepts, reaching "cult status". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:记载着各社群的社群的MeatballWiki成为其他基于Wiki的项目的发起点,以及更广泛的Wiki概念的总体的资源,已经达到“崇拜状态”(英语:cult status)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On October 19, 2011, a search was performed of the Irwin home, and court documents showed that a cadaver dog turned up a scent of a dead body that might have been Lisa, near the mother's bed. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 2011年10月19日,警方对尔文家展开搜索,法院文件显示警犬在靠近母亲的床铺附近时,有嗅闻到尸体气味的反应 。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: While being filmed by documentary maker Louis Theroux, they picketed a local appliance store because it sold Swedish vacuum cleaners, which the church viewed as being supportive of gay people because of Swedish prosecution of Åke Green, a pastor critical of homosexuality. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 教会在纪录片导演Louis Theroux的拍摄下,对一家当地的电器行进行了纠察,原因是这家电器行贩卖瑞典吸尘器,这被他们看作是支持同性恋的行为。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Timber framing for the rest of us. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:尾木Pro THE NEXT所属。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In young children this may result in pulling at the ear, increased crying, and poor sleep. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 罹患急性中耳炎的幼童,常有拉扯耳朵、哭声次数增加及睡眠品质不佳等情况,有时也会有食欲不振或发烧的情形。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Red light, on the other hand, stimulates L cones much more than M cones, and S cones hardly at all; blue-green light stimulates M cones more than L cones, and S cones a bit more strongly, and is also the peak stimulant for rod cells; and blue light stimulates S cones more strongly than red or green light, but L and M cones more weakly. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 红色光,在另一方面,刺激L视锥细胞远多于M视锥细胞,而几乎不刺激S视锥细胞;蓝绿色光刺激M视锥细胞多于其刺激L视锥细胞,刺激S视锥细胞也更强烈,也是视杆细胞的峰值刺激;蓝色光比红色或绿色的光更加强烈的刺激S视锥细胞,但更弱的刺激L或M视锥细胞。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 But have to meet us halfway. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 闹处相逢在半途。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The image below shows the initial set and five iterations of this process. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 下面的图片展示出最初的集合和前五步分别得到的集合。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, Henry Hudson could only have come by on his voyage in 1607 (if he had made an illogical detour) and he made no mention of it in his journal. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:然而,他只有可能在1607年曾经经过它的附近(如果他曾作出不合逻辑的绕道),而且哈德逊在他的日记中没有提及这件事。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The canal was constructed in 1895, separating the neighborhood from the rest of the island. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 运河于1895年兴建,将此处和岛屿其余部分分隔。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On the night of 27 April, during Exercise Tiger, a pre-invasion exercise off the coast of Slapton Sands beach, several American LSTs were attacked by German E boats and among the 638 Americans killed in the attack and a further 308 killed by friendly fire, ten "Bigots" were listed as missing. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 4月27日晚在老虎演习(一次在士拉普顿滩举行的入侵前登陆演习)中,几艘美军坦克登陆舰被德军鱼雷艇攻击,638个美国人在袭击中丧生,另外308人被友军炮火击中丧生,有10名“比戈”被列为失踪。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 He also served as director of the Jordan Strategy Forum and Jordan's Ahli Bank. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他还担任过约旦战略论坛主任和约旦的阿利银行行长。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He was released on bail, but absconded and went underground. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他被保释出狱,但潜逃后转入地下。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: While an image can be transformed in various ways, pure warping means that points are mapped to points without changing the colors. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然图像有不同的方式转化,纯粹的图像扭曲意味着点对点的映射,而不改变其颜色。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1921, 77.5% of the Czech population was Catholic, 7.7% belonged to the Czechoslovak Hussite Church that broke off the Catholic Church in 1920, 3.4% belonged to the Czech Brethren, 0.3% were other Protestants, 0.7% were religious Jews, 0.1% belonged to some other religious category, and a further 10.3% were irreligious. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:1921年,捷克人口中有77.5%为天主教信徒,7.7%属于捷克斯洛伐克胡斯派教会,1920年中断了天主教会,其中3.4%属于捷克弟兄,0.3%是其他新教徒,0.7%是宗教犹太人,0.1 %属于其他一些宗教类别,还有10.3%是不信教的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 After the conquest of Persia in the 7th century, the academies subsequently operated for four hundred years under the Islamic caliphate. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 七世纪,当波斯被征服后,这些学院随后在伊斯兰教政权的统治下经营了四百年。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The uppermost layer is the canopy composed of tall mature trees ranging from 30 to 61 m (100 to 200 ft) high. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 最上层是由30至61米(100至200英尺)高的成年树木组成的林冠。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 After it received a positive reaction from players, Nomura decided to create the remaining sequences in a similar fashion. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在获得玩家的正面响应后,野村决定以类似风格创作其他的召唤兽。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: 150th anniversary of the German Archaeological Institute. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:纪念德国考古研究所150周年。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Edinburgh has drinking hours that are the envy of all other British universities. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在留学英国期间,钟少云对许多英国的社会体制有感而发。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 1979, restrictive banking rules forced CIT to sell its bank, National Bank of North America. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:1979年,受银行法规影响,出售北美国民银行。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Play media The severe weather prediction for March 3 came to fruition that morning as a broad mid-level cyclone in the northern jet stream pushed eastward over northern Ontario and James Bay. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 最终,当局预计的恶劣天气在3月3日出现,一个位于北部高速气流的广阔低气压向东推进,影响安大略北部和詹姆斯湾。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It is practiced in the automotive industry to reduce the costs associated with the development of products by basing those products on a smaller number of platforms. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在汽车工业中应用汽车平台以降低成本,同时可在少数平台的基础上开发产品。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The main mass was put on display in the Smithsonian Institution from 1978 to 1980, and now resides in the Desert Discovery Center in Barstow, California. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在1978年至1980年,它被放在史密松宁协会展示,现在被安置在加利福尼亚州巴斯托的沙漠发现中心。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Throughout the centuries, the Vienna Protestants did not have their own graveyard but were buried among Catholics in Catholic cemeteries. Assistant: 维也纳的新教徒原无自己的墓地,只能葬在天主教公墓。 User: EST, carrying the first American astronaut into orbit. Assistant: 格伦是第一个进入地球轨道的美国宇航员。 User: The ratio per thousand inhabitants of active military only. Assistant: 现役军人数/千人口:现役军人在每千居民中的比例。 User: Their research studied the patience level of millions of Internet video users who waited for a slow-loading video to start playing. Assistant: 该研究统计数以百万计的线上视讯用户等待缓慢下载之影片开始播放的容忍程度。 User: As of around 2009, about 30% of Vancouver residents had some or more Chinese ancestry, and Chinese ancestry was the most commonly reported out of all of the ancestries. Assistant: 至2009年,约有30%的大温哥华居民有部分或更多的华人血统,祖先为纯华人血统的最常见。 User: Certain species of Anabaena have been used on rice paddy fields, proving to be an effective natural fertilizer. Assistant: 鱼腥藻的某些种类已被用在水稻稻田,证明是一种有效的天然肥料。 User: The men's FIFA Club World Cup involves seven teams, including the six continental club champions and the host nation's national club champions. Assistant: 男子国际足总俱乐部世界杯七支参赛球队,包含六大洲俱乐部赛事冠军和主办国国家俱乐部赛事冠军。 User: In 1848, the company built the first long-distance telegraph line in Europe; 500 km from Berlin to Frankfurt am Main. Assistant: 1848年,公司建造了欧洲第一条远距离电报线,从柏林到法兰克福跨度为500公里。 User: An Australian work boot (or generically elastic-sided boot) is a style of work shoe, typically constructed with a leather upper bound together with elastic sides and pull tabs on the front and back of the boot. Assistant: 澳大利亚工作靴 (或者一般称之为带松紧的靴子 ) 是一种工作鞋, 特色是用 皮革 加上 弹性松紧 边,而且连接靴子前后部突出的部位。 User: The West End branch of the Northern line has been known as the Charing Cross branch since before the 1979 renaming, and this name has continued despite the change of station to which it refers. Assistant: 而北线西端支线在1979年改名前被名为“查令十字支线”,但即使所展示的站名改变了,但支线名称继续沿用。 User: An invalid operation is also not the same as an arithmetic overflow (which might return an infinity) or an arithmetic underflow (which would return the smallest normal number, a denormal number, or zero). Assistant: 无效操作(Invalid Operation)同样也不同于算术溢出(可能返回无穷大)和算术下溢出(可能返回最小的一般数值、特殊数值、零等)。 User: While joins and other table operations provide computationally superior (i.e. faster) alternatives in many cases, the use of subqueries introduces a hierarchy in execution that can be useful or necessary. Assistant: 虽然连接和其他表操作在许多情况下提供了计算上优越(即更快)的替代方案,但是子查询的使用引入了在执行中会很有用或很必要的等级。 User: In October 2007, he tested a Trident GP2 car. Assistant: 在2007年,他还收到了多个GP2车队的试车邀请。 User: He served as the last bishop of the Unity of the Brethren before becoming a religious refugee and one of the earliest champions of universal education, a concept eventually set forth in his book Didactica Magna. Assistant: 他曾担任摩拉维亚兄弟会的最后一任主教,然后成为宗教难民,并且是公共教育的最早拥护者,其理念在他所著作的《大教学论》中提出。 User: The then Prime Minister and party President, Mahathir Mohamad, faced his first party election in 12 years, having been elected unopposed since the 1975 UMNO election. Assistant: 兼任党魁与阁揆的马哈迪自1975年党选以来首次受到挑战,即12年以来其党职生涯皆不战而胜。 User: A Microsoft Xbox version called Re-Volt Live was in development with a very limited beta version distributed to closed beta testers. Assistant: 一个名为“Re-Volt Live”的微软Xbox版本曾经被投入开发,并只面向少数测试者提供了测试版本。 User: UC offers degree programs based on the American credit-based system, with courses taught in the English language. Assistant: UC提供基于美国学分制的学位课程,同时以英语授课 。 User: Main roads are typically gritted in advance, to reduce the disruption to the network. Assistant: 主要干道通常提前洒盐洒砂,以降低交通网络中断的可能性。 User: Duke has taken part in Iranian government sponsored events in Iran. Assistant: 杜克曾经参加伊朗政府赞助的活动。 User: In applications, the numbers ai are sometimes the eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator A with compact resolvent, and f(s) is then the trace of A−s. Assistant: 在应用中,ai有时会是有紧分解的自伴算子A的特征值,从而f(s)是A−s的迹。 User: The editors promised that if their retraction did not satisfy Jackson, they would fully publish any of his additional remarks on the subject. Assistant: 该报纸的编辑们还承诺,如果已经采取的做法还不能让杰克逊感到满意,他们就会全文刊发他对这一问题的任何补充说明。 User: The factor γ by which lengths contract and times dilate is known as the Lorentz factor and is given by γ = (1 − v2/c2)−1/2, where v is the speed of the object. Assistant: 长度缩减及时间加长的比率γ称为劳仑兹因子,其定义为γ = (1 − v2/c2)−1/2,其中v是物体的运动速度。 User: Houses were floated off their foundations and dashed to pieces against any obstacles encountered. Assistant: 房屋被洪水从地基上冲走,并撞向其遭遇的任何障碍物。 User: He also visited the famous prehistoric cave paintings at Lascaux, giving his interpretation of their significance to his pupils. Assistant: 他也参访了著名的拉斯科史前洞窟壁画,并对其弟子解释那些壁画的重要意涵。 User: Francis grew up in Manhattan as an only child, had little contact with Japanese culture, and did not learn Japanese. Assistant: 福山在曼哈顿长大,虽身为日裔,但没有学习日语,也很少接触日本文化。 User: HB was a Christian symphonic metal band, formed in Forssa, Finland in 2002. Assistant: HB 是一支在2002年成立于芬兰福尔萨的基督交响金属乐团。 User: However, under the leadership of Gerhard von Scharnhorst, Prussian reformers began modernizing the Prussian Army, which contributed greatly to the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte during the War of the Sixth Coalition. Assistant: 但是在格哈德·冯·沙恩霍斯特的领导下,普鲁士军队开始了改革,并最终在第六次反法同盟中击败了拿破仑一世。 User: The In-Vitro Diagnostic division provides data and analysis on blood, urine, and other bodily fluid samples for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Assistant: 体外诊断产品部门为血液、尿液和其他临床诊断及治疗所需的体液样例提供数据和分析。 User: Due to Kellaway, many of the infectious disease problems afflicting the military were referred to the Institute. Assistant: 由于凯拉韦的缘故,许多困扰军队的传染病问题都被交到研究所处理。 User: Finally, prime ideal theorems do also exist for other (not order-theoretical) abstract algebras. Assistant: 最后,素理想定理也存在于其他(非序理论的)抽象代数中。 User: At that time it was estimated that a total of between 4,500 and 6,000 non-Serbs primarily from the Sanski Most and Banja Luka areas passed through the camp. Assistant: 当时有约4,500人至6,000人被关押在集中营,主要是来自桑斯基莫斯特和巴尼亚卢卡地区的非塞尔维亚人。 User: During the Trump administration, there is a growing push for "religious liberty bills" that would allow individuals and businesses claiming anti-LGBT beliefs that are religious in origin to exempt themselves from obeying anti-discrimination laws intended to protect LGBT people. Assistant: 在特朗普政府执政期间,人们越来越多地推行“宗教自由法案”,这将使得声称反宗教信仰的个人和企业能够免于遵守旨在保护LGBT人群的反歧视法律。 User: Although numerous storms are recorded each month, conditions are normally calm. Assistant: 虽然每个月都会出现多场风暴,但程度通常较为平静。 User: Both are supported in TeX Live 2010 with LuaTeX 0.60, and in Lyx. Assistant: 两者都受包含LuaTeX 0.60的TeX Live 2010支持。 User: Respect Mag. Assistant: 住欢喜地。 User: In 1989, he co-founded the League for Programming Freedom. Assistant: 1989年,他和别人一起创立了League for Programming Freedom。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: John of Fordun writes that Malcolm defeated a Norwegian army "in almost the first days after his coronation", but this is not reported elsewhere. Assistant: 富尔顿的约翰写道,马尔科姆“在加冕后的第一天”便击败了一支挪威人军队,但其他史料未报告此事。 User: About 10 million years ago, the Sierra Nevada was uplifted and then tilted to form its relatively gentle western slopes and the more dramatic eastern slopes. Assistant: 大约一千万年前,内华达山脉隆起而后偏斜形成西部相对平缓的山丘以及令人着迷的东部山丘。 User: His son James took over as Chief Engineer. Assistant: 他的儿子詹姆斯后续也接任首席工程师一职。 User: Its short length and unique sighting system was designed to facilitate firing from moving vehicles, where the extra length of even a CAR-15 or XM-177 might create a problem. Assistant: 其短小尺寸,独特的瞄准系统被设计为了方在便行驶中的车辆内射击,而这是甚至尺寸较其稍长的CAR-15或XM-177都可能会产生问题的事情。 User: She was born in Brandval. Assistant: 他出生在打箭炉。 User: Modern operating systems strive to reduce the size of the TCB so that an exhaustive examination of its code base (by means of manual or computer-assisted software audit or program verification) becomes feasible. Assistant: 现代操作系统努力降低TCB的大小,使得对其代码库彻底的检查成为可能(通过手工或电脑辅助软件审计(software audit)或形式化验证的方法)。 User: Pier Giacomo Pisoni (July 8, 1928 – February 8, 1991) was an Italian historian, paleographer and archivist. Assistant: 皮埃尔·贾科莫·皮索尼(Pier Giacomo Pisoni,1928年7月8日-1991年2月8日)是位意大利历史学家、古文书学家和档案保管员。 User: The police acquired testimonies that Lord Arthur Somerset, an equerry to the Prince of Wales, was a patron. Assistant: 警察得到证词称亚瑟·萨默赛特勋爵, 这位威尔士亲王的随从也是位主要顾客。 User: Along with her sister Bayern, Baden was the largest and most powerfully armed battleship built by the Imperial Navy. Assistant: 巴登号连同其姊妹舰巴伐利亚号均是帝国海军建造的最大及最强力的装甲战列舰。 User: Nevertheless, in response, Hamas declared an end to its commitment to a ceasefire declared in 2005 and announced the resumption of attacks on Israelis. Assistant: 虽然如此哈马斯决定终止它2005年开始的停火,重新开始进攻以色列。 User: From retirement until the day he died, he devoted himself to philanthropy, particularly alleviating the distress of Jews abroad. Assistant: 自1824年退休后,他将余生的时间致力于慈善事业,尤其是减轻海外犹太人的痛苦。 User: Organization Able to manage multiple projects; able to determine project urgency in a practical way; uses goals to guide actions; creates detailed action plans; organizes and schedules people and tasks effectively. Assistant: 组织力:能同时管理多个项目;能根据实际情况判断项目紧急性;以目标牵引行动;创建详细的行动计划;高效地组织和规划人员及任务。 User: At this point a woman is considered infertile; however, the possibility of becoming pregnant has usually been very low (but not quite zero) for a number of years before this point is reached. Assistant: 女性若没有月经,一般会视为没有生育能力,不过女性在这个时间点之前的几年,其实怀孕的可能性就已经相当低(不过仍不为零)。 User: The mission of the GO Fight Against Malaria project (launched November 16, 2011) is to discover promising drug candidates that could be developed into new drugs that cure drug resistant forms of malaria. Assistant: GO Fight Against Malaria Project(对抗疟疾)项目于2011年11月16日启动,其任务在于寻找可能的药物,以进一步开发出可以治疗具抗药性疟疾的新药。 User: London recovered from the fire and again had between 45,000 and 60,000 inhabitants around the year 140, with many more stone houses and public buildings erected. Assistant: 它从大火中复原,约140年再度拥有45,000-60,000的人口,石屋和公共建筑相继施工。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The plan, later criticised for its size and needless complexity, contained orders to shackle prisoners. Assistant: 该计划,后来因它的规模和不必要的复杂性而受到批评,包括命令活捉俘虏。 User: Lee Chong Cheng (Chinese: 李從正; born 16 November 1965 in Macau) is a member of the Legislative Assembly of Macau. Assistant: 李从正(Lee Chong Cheng,1965年11月16日-),生于澳门,为澳门立法会议员。 User: In 2008, Rolling Stone ranked Winwood No. 33 in its 100 Greatest Singers of All Time. Assistant: 在2008年,《滚石杂志》将温伍德列为史上100位最伟大歌手第33名。 User: Reports surfaced that Academy then-president Tom Sherak approached television producer Lorne Michaels for producing duties with actor and comedian Jimmy Fallon as host. Assistant: 有报道称当时的学院主席汤姆·谢拉克(Tom Sherak)联系了电视节目制作人洛恩·迈克尔斯(Lorne Michaels)负责本届晚会的制作,喜剧演员吉米·法伦(Jimmy Fallon)担任主持人。 User: Their role is fundamental in textbook publishing because it is often the publisher, not the author, who decides on the book's content, scope, and level. Assistant: 在教科书出版中这是一个重要职位,因为担任该职位的通常是出版方(而不是作者),他们是决定书的内容、范围和等级的人。 User: Is the pudding done? Assistant: 辛夷花已开否? User: At that time, Bechstein was the official piano maker for the Tsars of Russia, the royal families of Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Austria and Denmark, and other royalty and aristocracy. Assistant: 当时,光顾贝希斯坦钢琴包括的俄罗斯沙皇,西班牙、比利时、荷兰、意大利、瑞典、挪威、奥地利和丹麦的王室,以及其他皇室和贵族。 User: Repeating this reversal operation a second time produces a minimal DFA for the original language. Assistant: 重复反转操作,就可以得到原语言的最小DFA。 User: Bard Papers is a privately funded literary magazine operated jointly between faculty and students. Assistant: 《巴德论文(Bard Papers)》是一个私募基金赞助的文学期刊,由巴德的教授和学生共同管理。 User: Stehlin subsequently received threatening phone calls. Assistant: 而刘在事件翌日称接获疑似恐吓电话。 User: For example, suppose that the Earth's orbital position is marked at the summer solstice, when the Earth's axial tilt is pointing directly toward the Sun. Assistant: 例如,假设地球在轨道的夏至位置时,地轴的指向的倾斜是朝向太阳。 User: It was modified in 1973 and subsequently applied to all higher education institutions in Denmark. Assistant: 1973年,这一规定得到修正,并很快被丹麦的所有高等教育机构所采纳。 User: At 16:52, Moltke hit Tiger with two main gun shells, but neither of these hits caused any significant damage. Assistant: 在16:52,毛奇号的两枚主炮炮弹命中了虎号,但均未造成任何重大伤害。 User: After news of the battle reached Kaiser Wilhelm II in Berlin, he ordered 300 Iron Crosses to be awarded to the men of von Spee's squadron. Assistant: 当战斗的消息传至身处柏林的德皇威廉二世后,他下令向施佩的分舰队成员授予300枚铁十字勋章。 User: Alegría consistently cited Rainer Maria Rilke's "Letters to a Young Poet" as the impetus for becoming a poet. Assistant: 阿莱格里亚一直引用莱纳·玛利亚·里尔克的“致一位年轻诗人的信”作为成为诗人的动力。 User: If that is true, then Dausprungas is father-in-law of Daniel of Halych and he was also married to Vykintas' sister. Assistant: 如果这事属实,道斯普伦加斯就是加利西亚的丹尼尔的岳父,他也与维金塔斯的姐妹结婚。 User: It operates nine routes. Assistant: 下辖9个街道。 User: A train trip along the causeway takes about 10 minutes, and the time between the auto terminals at Niebüll on the mainland and Westerland on Sylt is about 30 minutes. Assistant: 火车沿堤道的行驶时间约为10分钟,火车在位于大陆上的尼比尔和叙尔特岛上韦斯特兰两个终点站之间的行驶时间约30分钟。 User: In 2018, he signed to Big Machine Records. Assistant: 2018年,他签约给大机器唱片。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: He co-founded the Body Freedom Collaborative in Seattle with Daniel Johnson, Washington state in the US, whose goal is to bring attention for the need for legal clothing-optional beaches through "guerilla pranksterism", among other approaches. Assistant: 他在美国华盛顿州西雅图和丹尼尔强森(Daniel Johnson)共同创立了“身体自由协进会”(Body Freedom Collaborative),其目标是透过“游击队式的恶作剧”,吸引人们注意需要合法的可穿可不穿海滩。 User: The show combines news, analysis, commentary, interviews, and special features, and its segments vary in length and style. Assistant: 这个节目结合了新闻、分析、评论、采访,节目的长度和风格各不相同。 User: This scaling can be done before the perspective division, and is easily folded into the previous transformation calculation by multiplying that matrix with the following: {\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}0.5&0&0&0.5\\0&0.5&0&0.5\\0&0&0.5&0.5\\0&0&0&1\end{bmatrix}}} If done with a shader, or other graphics hardware extension, this transformation is usually applied at the vertex level, and the generated value is interpolated between other vertices, and passed to the fragment level. Assistant: 这个缩放过程也可以在透视除法之前完成,并且可以通过那个矩阵与下面的矩阵相乘很容易地将前面的变换计算融合到一起: {\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}0.5&0&0&0.5\\0&0.5&0&0.5\\0&0&0.5&0.5\\0&0&0&1\end{bmatrix}}} 如果使用shader或者其它的图形硬件扩展完成这项工作的话,那么通常在顶点级进行这样的变换,生成的数值在其它定点之间进行插值,然后传递到片断处理的部分。 User: By late 1992, the Azerbaijani army was exhausted and had suffered heavy losses. Assistant: 至1992年秋,阿塞拜疆军队已精疲力竭,损失惨重。 User: Some Unix-like systems implement the user group wheel, and only allow members to become root with su. Assistant: 一些类Unix系统有wheel组,且只允许组内用户su到root。 User: It was located in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston and ran independently of the Diocese since 2004. Assistant: 它所处波士顿天主教大主教区并于2004年以后独立于教区运作。 User: The Oslo Synagogue (Norwegian: Synagogen i Oslo) is a synagogue in Oslo, Norway. Assistant: 奥斯陆犹太会堂(挪威语:Synagogen i Oslo)是挪威首都奥斯陆的一座犹太会堂。 User: Her emotional frustration leads her into an affair with the gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors. Assistant: 性生活无法满足的挫折使她开始邂逅一名猎场看守人奥立佛·梅勒斯(Oliver Mellors)。 User: He is well remembered for his treatise On Crimes and Punishments (1764), which condemned torture and the death penalty, and was a founding work in the field of penology and the Classical School of criminology. Assistant: 他以作品《论犯罪与刑罚》(1764年)而闻名,在此书中他深刻批评刑求、酷刑与死刑,成为现代刑法学的奠基之作。 User: Such biased allocation of government finances to the urban sector meant that the wages earned by urban workers also include these government fiscal transfers. Assistant: 这样的偏向城镇的政府财务分配意味着城市工人的收入也包括了政府的财政转移。 User: She often invited Osgood to visit them at home, believing that the older woman had a "restraining" effect on Poe, who had made a promise to "give up the use of stimulants" and was never drunk in Osgood's presence. Assistant: 她经常邀请奥斯古德来家拜访,认定这个年长的女人对爱伦·坡有“约束”作用,爱伦·坡曾承诺“不再服用刺激剂”,并且在奥斯古德在场的情况下绝不喝醉。 User: The Global Sales Law Project is a project of comparative law in the field of sales law and contract law. Assistant: 全球货物买卖法项目是关于货物买卖和合同法的一个研究项目。 User: For thou hast said: Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Assistant: 光曰:“小儿辈弄兵,与交手即乱。 User: In India, preventive detention can be extended for up to six months. Assistant: 在印度,预防性拘留最长只能够维持3个月。 User: A second 2008 study found the grid plan to be the least safe by a significant margin with respect to all other street patterns in the set. Assistant: 另一项2008年的研究 表明,和所有其他相比较的路网相比,栅格设计是最不安全的,而且差距明显。 User: Everyone went for their guns and started shooting. Assistant: 每个人都去拿他们的枪并开始开火。 User: India buildings was sold to an Irish company called Green Property in 2009 who still owned it in January 2013 when the former owners, Kallakis and Williams were jailed for fraud. Assistant: 2009年,印度大楼被卖给一家名为Green Property的爱尔兰公司,它仍然拥有它在2013年1月,前业主因欺诈被判入狱。 User: Rangsan was found guilty in 2008 but later acquitted by the Court of Appeals in 2010. Assistant: 朗珊在2008年被判决有罪,但上诉后在2010年改判无罪。 User: The club was reformed as "Leicester City Football Club", particularly appropriate as the borough of Leicester had recently been given city status. Assistant: 球会后来恢复运作,亦差不多在此时改名为“李斯特城足球俱乐部”,这次改名是因应李斯特行政区最近被赋予城市地位。 User: Thus, only sprinklers near the fire will operate, normally just one or two. Assistant: 马戏团,只要有马戏团的地方就有杂技师,虽然通常只有一两个。 User: Marine medium helicopter (HMM) squadrons fly the CH-46E Sea Knight medium-lift transport helicopters; but are converting to the V-22 Osprey, a tilt-rotor aircraft with superior range and speed, and are being renamed as "Marine medium tilt-rotor" (VMM) squadrons. Assistant: 海军陆战队中型直升机中队(Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron,HMM)装备有CH-46海骑士直升机,但正转换装备为V-22鱼鹰式倾转旋翼机,拥有更佳的速度与飞行距离,并改名为海军陆战队中型倾转旋翼中队(VMM)。 User: If one person violates a law, perhaps everyone would—thus there is an obligation and a duty to uphold laws and rules. Assistant: 如果有人触犯法律,每个人都有义务和责任来捍卫法律或规则。 User: After 1482, the island of Pico was also incorporated into his captaincy. Assistant: 1482年后,皮库岛也划入他的领地范围。 User: In 1943, he was told by a Pasadena attorney that the Navy Department was planning to grant Standard Oil exclusive free drilling rights in the vast Elk Hills naval reserve in central California, then thought to be the richest oil reserve outside the Arabian Peninsula. Assistant: 1943年,他从一位帕塞迪纳律师处得知,海军部正打算给予标准石油公司位于加利福尼亚州中部的一片广阔海军预留带的免费独家石油开采权,这一地区的艾尔克山区(Elk Hills)当时被认为是除阿拉伯半岛外石油储备最丰富的油田。 User: Pink Lake is named after a family of Irish settlers who in 1826 cleared a farm in the area. Assistant: 品克湖是以一个爱尔兰拓荒家庭命名,他们在1826年来到当地建立农场。 User: While the German surface raiders which operated against Australia caused considerable disruption to merchant shipping and tied down Allied naval vessels, they did not sink many ships and only operated in Australian waters for a few short periods. Assistant: 德国水面袭击舰确实扰乱了盟军的海运路线,但它们并没有击沉太多的船只,并只在澳大利亚水域停留了很短的时间。 User: Bermuda, however, passed in 1615 to a new company, The Somers Isles Company (The Somers Isles being the other official name of the colony), formed by the same shareholders. Assistant: 1615年,百慕大转交一家新公司──萨默斯岛公司(“萨默斯岛”至今仍是殖民地的正式名称),公司由相同的股东组成。 User: It was his last appearance as a statesman. Assistant: 这是他最后一次以政治家身份露面。 User: The UN would continue to hold them against South Africa until the end of apartheid. Assistant: 后代镇守云南直到南明灭亡。 User: In the new millennium, the term rock has occasionally been used as a blanket term including forms like pop music, reggae music, soul music, and even hip hop, which it has been influenced with but often contrasted through much of its history. Assistant: 在新千年里,“摇滚”有时被用来作为一个包括流行音乐、雷鬼音乐、灵魂音乐甚至嘻哈音乐等形式在内的一个术语,它受到了影响,但在其大部分历史中经常被对比。 User: It is also an invasive species. Assistant: 也是一种入侵物种。 User: When they are formed from the collapse of a rotating mass, they retain all of the angular momentum that is not shed in the form of ejected gas. Assistant: 当它们经由旋转的质量塌缩形成时,它们保留了所有的角动量,而没有随着弹出的气体散逸出去。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:During the UEFA European Football Championship in 2012 capacity was reduced to approximately 40 000 seats. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2012年欧洲足球锦标赛期间,体育场的容量将减少到40,000席。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Torvalds had praised the Pixel screen but not the operating system, which he felt was better suited to slower hardware. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Torvalds曾赞扬Pixel屏幕,但不赞成操作系统,他认为它更适合于较旧的硬件。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:This distinction was conferred on him before 10,000 people in Blégny-Mine, the only mine museum in Belgium. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 此项殊荣在比利时唯一一座矿山博物馆 Blégny-Mine内、在 10,000 人面前,颁发到他手中。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force had 24 Su-30MK2s in service in 2010. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 中国人民解放军海军航空兵于2010有24架Su-30MK2。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: But sometimes, sitting in this chamber, I doubt whether I am allowed to be a Malaysian. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 但有时我坐在这议会厅里,我怀疑自己是否被允许成为马来西亚人。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Cariboo offered two-year academic programs that enabled students to transfer to UBC and the newly established Simon Fraser University (SFU) and University of Victoria (UVic). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Cariboo提供为期两年的学术课程,使学生能够转学到UBC和新成立的西门菲莎大学(SFU)和维多利亚大学(UVic)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The operator must be trained for what each target will sound like, if the target is traveling at a high speed it may no longer be audible, and the human decision component makes the probability of error high. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 但这种方法也有许多限制,操作员必须被训练每个目标的特征,如果目标以高速行进则可能无法听到,并且人类决策可能增加错误判断的概率。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 This covering space is called the orientable double cover, as it is orientable. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这个覆盖空间称为可定向二重复盖,因为它是可是可定向的。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The F571 feature is implemented by few systems however; PostgreSQL is one of those implementing it. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 然而,F571扩展只有少数系统实作;PostgreSQL是实作它的数据库之一。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Since the color change can occur very suddenly, it is important to be extremely precise with all measurements. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 因为所有的元素都可能改变,历元就显得格外重要了。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The San Francisco Citizens' Committee wished to issue a commemorative coin as a fundraiser for a celebration of the statehood diamond jubilee. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 旧金山公民委员会希望发行纪念币来为加利福尼亚州建州钻禧庆典筹资。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This is a terrorist act. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:这是一起恐怖袭击。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: By 1948, the Dodgers, along with Veeck's Cleveland Indians had integrated. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 到了1948年,道奇队和维克的克里夫兰印地安人队都打破了肤色界限。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Brady and Connor Noon as Tommy Darmody – Jimmy and Angela's son. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:Brady和Connor Noon 饰 Tommy Darmody——吉米和安洁菈的儿子。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The UN contends in a report released in early 2003 that the BRSM will mostly be used by President Lukashenko as a tool to recruit officials into his government. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 联合国在2003年初发布的一份报告中说明,亚历山大·卢卡申科会以白俄罗斯共和国青年团作为招募政府官员的主要工具。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Although cell antennas are normally attached to permanent structures, carriers also maintain fleets of vehicles, called cells-on-wheels (COWs), that serve as temporary cell sites. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 尽管蜂窝天线通常被附着在固定的建筑结构上,运营商同时还保持着一些车队,称为“轮上蜂窝”(Cells-On-Wheels,简称:COWs),为临时蜂窝站提供服务。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Alicante 8, also known as RSGC4, is a young massive open cluster belonging to the Milky Way galaxy. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 阿利坎特8(英语:Alicante 8),也称为RSGC4,是属于银河系的一个年轻的大质量疏散星团。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1922, when Disney began his Laugh-O-Gram cartoon series, Iwerks joined him as chief animator. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1922年,当华特·迪士尼开始了他独自的动画片事业时,伊沃克斯加入了他并成为首要卡通设计者。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Arnoux holds an Italian passport. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:伊格莱西亚斯持有意大利护照。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the United States, methylphenidate is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance, the designation used for substances that have a recognized medical value but present a high potential for abuse. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在美国,哌甲酯被分类为Schedule II管制物质,即有公认的医疗价值但具有高的滥用可能性。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He was first and foremost a politician, and in this lied his strength. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 他首先是一个政客,这是他力量的来源。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The park headquarters is located in Fort Smith, with a smaller satellite office in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:公园的管理处位于史密斯堡,在艾伯特的奇普怀恩堡配置着卫星办公室。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Later, actor Val Kilmer presented one to actors Gene Autry and Roy Rogers. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 之后男演员方·基默又引出了一段向吉恩·奥特和罗伊·罗杰斯两位男演员致敬的桥段。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: These errors included the implementation of a program to root out infiltrators called Kampanyang Ahos ("Kahos") and the adoption of an erroneous political line brought about by modern revisionism. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 这些错误包括实施一项意图根除被称为“Kampanyang Ahos”(“Kahos”)的渗透者的计划,和接受现代修正主义带来的错误政治路线。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: CJ then gets up and leaves the house. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:之后CJ离开屋子。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The museum produces two types of exhibitions, usually shown concurrently: one examining a Jewish community or historic event, and the other featuring contemporary artists working on Jewish themes. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:博物馆举办两种类型的展览:犹太人社区或历史事件,以及犹太主题的当代艺术作品。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In 1976 Cohen embarked on a new major European tour with a new band and changes in his sound and arrangements, again, in support of his The Best of Leonard Cohen release (in Europe retitled as Greatest Hits). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1976年,科恩在没有Lissauer的陪伴下,在欧洲开启了新一轮的巡演,表演采用了全新的乐队,在乐器和编曲上也加入了更多变化,这次巡演同样也是为了《The Best of Leonard Cohen》的发行(在欧洲发行的专辑名为《Greatest Hits》)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Burgundians settled in northwestern Italy, Switzerland and Eastern France in the fifth century. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 勃艮第人也在此期间定居到了意大利西北部、瑞士、法兰西东部。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Beware of Time. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 时时警戒着。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He was more impressed by Alexius' son John II Comnenus; he did not approve of John's attempts to bring the crusader Principality of Antioch under Byzantine control, but John's military expeditions against the Muslim states, the common enemy of both Greeks and Latins, were considered admirable. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 阿历克塞的儿子约翰二世·科穆宁(John II Comnenus)则给他留下了更为深刻的印象;他不赞成约翰将十字军的安条克亲王国纳入拜占庭控制下的企图,但是约翰对希腊人和拉丁人的共同敌人穆斯林国家的军事远征,则被认为是令人钦佩的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They dwell primarily at the water's mid-level. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 其主要栖息于水的中上层。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In the experienced hands of Eastern Air Lines and along a route that provided more favorable flying conditions than were confronted by military crews in Africa and on the Hump route into China, the plane did well enough. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然在富有经验的东方航空的手上沿着有着适宜的飞行条件的固定航线而不是军事机组人员而去的非洲或驼峰航线飞行时,此型飞机做的足够好。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: EUV is strongly absorbed by most known materials, but it is possible to synthesize multilayer optics that reflect up to about 50 percent of EUV radiation at normal incidence. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 绝大部分已知的物质对XUV都会强烈的吸收,但它也可以制成多层光学,对垂直入射的XUV辐射可以反射约50%。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The society's famous Dublin Spring Show and Dublin Horse Show were held on its Leinster Lawn, facing Merrion Square. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该协会著名的都柏林春季展和马术表演在伦斯特草坪举行,面对梅林广场。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 For a small file, the transfer would complete, and the duplicate packets would eventually drain from the internetwork. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:对一个小的文件来说,传输会完成,而那些同样的包最终会在互联网上消失。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Armed sections again encircled the Convention to demand the setting up of an internal revolutionary army, the arrest of suspects and a purge of the committees. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 武装的派系再次包围该公会要求建立内部的革命军,逮捕犯罪嫌疑人和对各委员会进行清洗。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The State Reference Library contains a comprehensive and diverse collection of Australian and international research material. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 州立参考图书馆藏有完整而且多重化的澳大利亚及国际性的研究资料。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: By the late 1930s, Paterson led a group of younger writers, many of them other Herald Tribune employees, who shared her views. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在1930年代末,帕特森领导了一个由年轻作家组成的团体,他们中的许多人并不是先驱论坛报的员工,和她抱着同样的观点。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At the end of March 1989 the lighthouse was converted to automatic operation. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1989年8月,灯塔改为自动化操作。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Secretariat eventually sired a number of major stakes winners, including: General Assembly, winner of the 1979 Travers Stakes, setting a track record of 2:00 flat that stood for 37 years. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 秘书处的配种成绩尚算不俗,有不少子嗣更是主要锦标赛事的胜出者,其中包括: General Assembly:1979年特拉弗斯锦标(英语:Travers Stakes)的胜出者,其创下的2分钟赛道纪录维持了37年。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Another scholar, Denys Pringle, described Poggibonsi's account as saying that the Mongols tried to destroy, undermine, burn or remove the gate but without success, and when the Mamluks returned, they had the gate walled up. Assistant: 另一学者Denys Pringle认为尼科洛的记述是说蒙古人试图毁坏、焚烧或拆走该门但不成功,当马木留克军回来后,他们用墙封堵了那门。 User: Poland was among the first countries to extend them recognition, although Polish-Lithuanian relations were strained following the Polish-Lithuanian War. Assistant: 波兰是第一个承认它们的国家之一,尽管波兰和立陶宛的关系在波兰-立陶宛战争中变得紧张。 User: The rebellion collapsed, but William continued to find support at the French court. Assistant: 叛军崩溃了,但吉约姆继续向法国宫廷寻求帮助。 User: If unable to leave on the 12th before sunset or opt to stay at free will, they must perform the stoning ritual again on the 13th before returning to Mecca. Assistant: 如果无法在日落前离开米纳,则在13日返回麦加前,他们必须再次执行投石仪式。 User: The primary objective of STS-69 was the successful deployment and retrieval of a SPARTAN satellite and the Wake Shield Facility (WSF). Assistant: STS-69任务的目的为部署和取回SPARTAN卫星和WSF。 User: He ordered the translation of the scripture to Malay by Makhdum Patakan. Assistant: 他还下令把Makhdum Patakan的经籍翻译成马来文。 User: He was the son of Harold D. Babcock. Assistant: 他是哈罗德·D·巴布科克的儿子。 User: Interest timeout: PIT entry timeouts offer relatively cheap attack detection, and the arrival interface information in each PIT entry could support a push-back scheme in which down stream routers are informed of unserved interests, which aides in detecting attacks. Assistant: 兴趣封包超时:PIT条目超时提供了相对容易的攻击检测,并每个PIT条目中到达的界面讯息能够支持推回计划,让下游的路由器可以被告知未服务的兴趣封包,这有助于检测攻击。 User: Western Conference head coaches selected Roy to the 2008 NBA All-Star Game, the first All-Star for the Blazers since Rasheed Wallace in 2001. Assistant: 西部联合会主教练选择罗伊进入2008年NBA全明星赛,这是2001年拉希德·华莱士以来第一个开拓者全明星赛。 User: And in the dialects of North-Western Norway, it is realized as , much like the trilled R of Spanish. Assistant: 在挪威西北部的方言中,它以的形式出现,就像西班牙语的颤音r那样。 User: As the French foreign minister Vergennes later put it, "The English buy peace rather than make it". Assistant: 正如正如法国外交部长韦尔热纳后来所说,“英国人买和平,而不是制造和平。 User: Louder was released on February 28, 2014, and debuted on the Billboard 200 at number four, selling over 62,000 copies in its first week. Assistant: 在2014年2月28日,《Louder》正式推出,并登上了Billboard 200第4名,并在首周发售超过62,000份。 User: Early travelers to China were shown garments supposedly woven from salamander hair or wool; the cloth was completely unharmed by fire. Assistant: 早期到中国的旅行者据说穿着著由沙罗曼达的毛编织成的衣物,而且那些衣物不会被火所伤。 User: The explosion results from a fire that spreads into the ammonium nitrate itself (Texas City, Brest, Oakdale PA), or from a mixture of ammonium nitrate with a combustible material during the fire (Repauno, Cherokee, Nadadores). Assistant: 爆炸是由火灾蔓延到硝酸铵本身(德克萨斯城,布雷斯特,奥克代尔PA),或由火灾中的硝酸铵与可燃物的混合物(Repauno,切诺基,Nadadores)造成。 User: This time, six LCMs and six LCVPs were used instead of the LVTs. Assistant: 为此,它使用uclibc而不是一般LFS使用的glibc。 User: JSL was the second national league of a team sport in Japan after the professional Japanese Baseball League that was founded in 1936. Assistant: 日足联是日本第二项成立的全国体育联赛,次于1936年成立的日本棒球联赛。 User: For instance, many failures per million circuits due to soft errors can be expected in the field if the system does not have adequate soft error protection. Assistant: 有的系统在多次尝试失败后会暂停登入一段时间,在没有其他安全缺陷时,这种系统可以用相对简单的密码保护。 User: Namco Hometek translation producer Aki Kozu explained that the company eventually passed on an English release due to "Timing and market demand", as well as the development team being too busy with Tales of Eternia to properly support a localization effort. Assistant: 南梦宫Hometek翻译制作人小津秋解释称,公司因为“时机和市场需求”而最终放弃英文化,而开发团队正忙于支持《永恒传奇》(TOE)的本地化工作。 User: Helmut Marko set the lap record in 1972 in an Alfa Romeo 33TT3 at 33 min 41 s at an average of 128.253 km/h (79.693 mph) during an epic charge where he made up 2 minutes on Arturo Merzario and his Ferrari 312PB. Assistant: 赫尔穆特·马尔科在1972年驾驶阿尔法·罗密欧33TT3在一场史诗般的追赶的作出了33分41秒的圈速记录,平均时速128.253千米,他追进了驾驶法拉利312PB的阿尔图罗·梅尔扎里奥(英语:Arturo Merzario)两分钟。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: The club was established in 1957 by the bassist Jan Arnet and took its name from a term for centres of fun and music, Reduta. Assistant: 1957年,该俱乐部由贝斯手Jan Arnet成立,并取名,名字源自于其兴趣和音乐的一个术语瑞都塔(英语:Reduta)。 User: The mountains provided a source of timber and firewood, and small iron foundries dotted the valley below to smelt iron ore taken from the Conewagos. Assistant: 亚拉拉特山地生长著优良牧草和桧树,宜于畜牧,当地居民库尔德人在此牧羊。 User: According to Molyneux, each character takes 1024 bytes of memory. Assistant: 根据Molyneux评估,每个字符需要1024字节的内存。 User: One reason that this particular aspect of intuitionistic logic is so valuable is that it enables practitioners to utilize a wide range of computerized tools, known as proof assistants. Assistant: 直觉逻辑这种特性如此有价值的原因,是它使研究者能够使用广泛的计算机化工具,称为证明辅具。 User: Architecturally, the design is traditional Gothic of French influence. Assistant: 建筑设计模仿了传统的法国哥特式教堂。 User: Aristocracy degenerates into timocracy when, due to miscalculation on the part of its governed class, the next generation of guardians and auxiliaries includes persons of an inferior nature (the persons with souls made of iron or bronze, as opposed to the ideal guardians and auxiliaries, who have souls made of gold and silver). Assistant: 贵族制退化为勋阀政治,当由于其统治阶级的错误估计,下一代的监护人和辅助者中会有低劣的人(灵魂由铁或青铜制成的人,而不是有由金和银制成灵魂的,理想的监护人和辅助者)。 User: While working at the radio station RAW FM, Ms. Dynamite was discovered by Richard Forbes ("DJ Sticky") at a West End club. Assistant: 在RAW FM电台工作时,Ms. Dynamite被理查德·福布斯(DJ Sticky)在伦敦西区一家夜店所发掘。 User: 237Np will capture a neutron to form 238Np and beta decay with a half-life of just over two days to 238Pu. Assistant: 237Np会捕获一颗中子形成238Np,经β衰变之后变为238Pu(半衰期约为2天)。 User: As seen in the article here. Assistant: 本条目所记述。 User: Weather is a chaotic system that is readily modified by small changes to the environment, so accurate weather forecasting is limited to only a few days. Assistant: 天气是一个混沌系统,即依照自然环境的微小改变而不断变化,所以气象学现在的准确度只能够限制在几天以内。 User: Thereafter, Long Island has been owned by Kingdom of England, the United Kingdom, and the United States from 1781 through the present. Assistant: 此后依次归属英格兰王国、英国,1781年后由美国管辖至今。 User: Under Presidential Decree 11 of (6 March) 1989, the National Library fully subsumed the assets of the Library Development Centre and became a non-departmental government institution. Assistant: 国家图书馆根据1989年(3月6日)第11号总统令接收了原属图书馆发展中心的资产,并成为非部门政府机构,不再向部长汇报工作,并通过国务秘书处向印度尼西亚总统负责。 User: Chapman silently handed Lennon a copy of Double Fantasy, and Lennon obliged with an autograph. Assistant: 查普曼沉默地递给列侬一张《Double Fantasy》唱片,后者满足了他的签名要求。 User: The official wiki is the main source of user documentation. Assistant: 其官方wiki 是用户文档的主要来源。 User: Basically any forgeable metal can also be forge-rolled. Assistant: 基本上任何可锻造金属都可以锻轧。 User: The eight-level parking garage has over 8,100 parking spaces and uses a Smart Technology System that lets guests know which floors are full. Assistant: 新的8层的停车库设有8,100个停车位,并使用智能技术系统告诉驾驶者哪些楼层有空余停车位。 User: Smetov's first coach was Akhmet Zhumagulov. Assistant: 斯梅托夫的第一教练是Akhmet Zhumagulov。 User: The 19 World Championship tournaments have been won by seven different national teams. Assistant: 世界男排锦标赛已举办19届比赛并由七支不同的国家队赢得冠军。 User: The passport contains 52 pages. Assistant: 整本护照共有52页。 User: His reputation as a banker and financier also helped bring interest from investors to the businesses that he took over. Assistant: 另外,摩根作为银行家和金融家的名望也为接管的公司吸引了投资者们的兴趣。 User: The Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) is the public broadcaster in Ghana. Assistant: 直布罗陀广播公司(GBC)是直布罗陀的公共广播机构。 User: The model is, in effect, an extension of the IS/LM model applied to currency rates. Assistant: 实际上,这个模型是应用于货币汇率IS-LM模型的延伸。 User: Between 1918 and 1985, the cost was £150 — in 1918 this equates to £7,200 in 2018, when adjusted for inflation. Assistant: 在1918年至1985年之间,金额为150英镑 - 在1918年相当于通货膨胀调整后的2018年相当于7,200英镑。 User: CSS animation has also been put forth as a feature of CSS3, the ongoing draft specification managed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Assistant: CSS动画也被作为CSS3 - 由万维网联盟管理的正在进行的草稿所定义 - 的一种特性而提出。 User: The Windows Experience Index score is not displayed in Windows 8.1 and onwards because the graphical user interface for WinSAT was removed in these versions of Windows, although the command line winsat tool still exists and operates correctly along with a final score when launching the command "shell:games". Assistant: Windows体验指数在Windows 8.1中不会显示,因为WinSAT的图形用户界面在此Windows版本中已被移除,不过命令行版本的winsat工具仍然存在并可正常运行。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Multiregional evolution holds that the human species first arose around two million years ago and subsequent human evolution has been within a single, continuous human species. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 该假说认为,人类最初是在距今两百万年前的更新世初期兴起的,而且在后续的人类演化中,维持着一个单一的、连续的人类物种。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:For instance, if a message displayed to the user is modified, all of the translated versions must be changed. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:例如,如果某个语言中显示给用户的信息变化了,其他的翻译版本都要随之变化。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Here is a list of schools that use the name. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 下表列出了学校在各时期所用校名。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: PFP attempts to contain fires or slow the spread, such as by fire-resistant walls, floors, and doors. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 被动消防试图通过使用耐火的墙壁、地板和门及其他,以遏制火灾或减缓火焰的传播。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They all graduated. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 全学生毕业。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It had been called "George Street South" and then "George Street West". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 宽街曾被称作”乔治南街“以及随后的”乔治西街“。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:One other species has been described, Asteroxylon elberfeldense, but this is now considered to be generically distinct and assigned to Thursophyton. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 另一个物种──Asteroxylon elberfeldense已被描述,但现在一般被认为是不同类的物种,并已被分配到另一属Thursophyton(英语:Thursophyton)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Foch planned a series of concentric attacks on the German lines in France (sometimes referred to as the Grand Offensive), with the various axes of advance designed to cut German lateral communications, intending that the success of an attack would enable the entire front line to be advanced. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 福煦计划对法国境内的德国防线发动一系列攻势(有时称为“大攻势”),并透过截断德军部队之间的横向通讯(英语:Lateral communication)达到一次成功的攻势即可在整条战线上取得战果的目标。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The recognition of the Master Chief has spread to mainstream culture; Madame Tussauds in Las Vegas has developed a wax sculpture of the Chief. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 士官长的认可已蔓延至主流文化中;赌城大道的杜莎夫人蜡像馆已制作出了一座士官长的蜡像。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It shares a great deal with xenophobia, which is often characterised by fear of, or aggression toward, members of an outgroup by members of an ingroup. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 它实际上与仇外情绪有很大交集,通常表现为对外团体成员的恐惧或者是攻击。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:He surmised that witnesses blamed the deaths on Stumpfegger because he was a convenient target, having died the following day. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他猜测目击者把孩子的死亡归咎于施图姆菲格只是因为指责他非常方便(因他第二天就死了)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The software used to read a ShotCode captured by a mobile camera is called ‘ShotReader’. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 用于读取移动摄像头拍摄的ShotCode的软件被称为“ShotReader”。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Because of the town's unusual name, the sign posts for the town are frequently targeted by thieves. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 因为此镇的奇特名称,所以其牌匾经常被盗去。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: January 26 Australian citizenship comes into being. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 1月26日是澳洲日。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 It is estimated that about 35% of the population of Manchester and Salford has at least some Irish ancestry. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 现时曼彻斯特及索尔福德约35%人口均有着爱尔兰血统。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Prior to production, developer Dontnod Entertainment decided that Life Is Strange 2 would feature new characters and a new location to the original. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在制作开始前,开发商Dontnod Entertainment就决定奇异人生2将拥有新的角色以及和相对于前作全新的故事地点。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The house is considered to be the most aristocratic palace in the area. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这所房子被认为是该地区最贵族化的宫殿。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Finally, the maintenance and operation of public works, such as irrigation systems, power plants, schools, and clinics, generally still was regarded as the responsibility of the collective administrations. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 另外,灌溉系统、发电厂、学校和诊所等公共工程的维护和运营,一般仍被视为集体管理部门的责任。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Superfluid vacuum theory (SVT) is an approach in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics where the physical vacuum is viewed as superfluid. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 超流体真空理论(Superfluid vacuum theory或略作SVT)是一套理论物理和量子力学的理论,自然真空被视作超流体。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:French Sudan initially retained close connections with France and joined in a short-lived federation with Senegal in 1959, but ties to both countries quickly weakened. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 获得自主权的马里最初同法国保持密切联系,并于1959年同塞内加尔组成联邦,但此后同法塞两国的联系均日渐弱化,联邦一年后即告解体。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Over the years, Prime95 has become extremely popular among PC enthusiasts and overclockers as a stability testing utility. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Prime95在PC爱好者和超频爱好者中很流行,因为它的数字“粉碎”算法能够很好的测试系统的稳定性。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Maternal alcohol use leads to disruptions of the fetus's brain development, interferes with the fetus's cell development and organization, and affects the maturation of the central nervous system. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 酒精 酒精会导致胎儿大脑发育的中断,干扰胎儿的细胞组织发育,影响中枢神经系统的成熟。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This unit is based in the main building, constructed in 1998. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这是城中唯一一个球场,在1998年建成。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This list contains all spacewalks performed between 12 May 2000 and 22 October 2014 where an astronaut fully or partially left a spacecraft. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:本列表包含了所有的2000年至2014年之间的太空行走;即所有宇航员完全或部分离开航天器的事件。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The game also did not run as well on the GECOS system as it had on the Multics. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 游戏在GECOS系统上的表现还不如Multics系统。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Rocks Market operates each weekend, with around 100 stalls. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 岩石区市集每周开放,有大约100个摊位。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:An interpellation (formal request for information) to the Minister of Colonies Jan Jacob Rochussen did not help. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然殖民地部部长扬·雅各布·罗许森(英语:Jan Jacob Rochussen)受到了质询(正式的获取信息的请求),但这并没有帮助。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Under the new law, wages increases were monitored and those ruled to be unacceptably high were rolled back by the government. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 在新法案下,涨工资受到监管,工资过高会被政府否决。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Zopfli is based on an algorithm from Jyrki Alakuijala. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: Zopfli基于Jyrki Alakuijala的一个算法。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Apart from the administrative offices, the most notable building is the church of Notre-Dame, which dates from the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 除了行政公署,最著名的建筑当属可以追溯到13、14、15世纪的圣母教堂。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Portland sea lavender can be found on the higher sea cliffs; unique to Portland, it is one of the United Kingdom's rarest plants. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在高一些的海崖,可以找到当地特有的薰衣草,这种薰衣草是英国最稀有植物之一。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Justinian and the Quinisext Council excluded from their pentarchical arrangement churches outside the empire, such as the then-flourishing Church of the East in Sassanid Persia, which they saw as heretical. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 查士丁尼和五六会议把帝国以外的教会排除出去,例如当时正在萨珊王朝的波斯冒起的东方教会,被他们视为异端。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Negative symptoms have proven a challenge to treat, as they are generally not made better by medication. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 研究人员已证实阴性症状是会对治疗产生挑战,因为它们通常不能透过药物治疗改善。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Moving toward people in a friendly, loving way. Assistant: 随着与玛琉舰长的相处渐渐的变为互相扶持的恋爱关系。 User: Its population as of 1990 was 190; its population as of 2000 was 248. Assistant: 1990年时人口为190,2000年时人口为248。 User: The Hopkins business school will be named after William Carey's great-great-great-grandfather, James Carey. Assistant: 商学院以威廉·凯瑞的曾曾曾祖父詹姆斯·凯瑞(James Carey)命名。 User: This leads to Cora being fired. Assistant: 但是此事却让莎拉遭到上司萨德给开除。 User: This novel can be interpreted as a double narrative, Offred's tale and the handmaids' tales. Assistant: 这部小说可以解释为一个双重叙事,侍女Offred的故事,以及侍女的故事。 User: On 15 March 1991, the Emir of Kuwait returned to the country after spending more than 8 months in exile. Assistant: 1991年3月15日,科威特酋长在被驱逐超过8个月后回国。 User: Drummer James Kottak, who left the band in May 2014 for rehab, returned to play drums. Assistant: 2014年5月离开乐队的鼓手詹姆斯·科塔克(James Kottak)将在新纪录中返回演奏鼓。 User: In 1992 she founded the Institute of Oriental Communication Studies and managed it until 1998. Assistant: 在1992年,她创办了东方通信科学研究所,并一直领导到1998年。 User: For years, there have been plans to extend the branch to Prizren across the border to Albania, to create a link to the network of the Hekurudha Shqiptare. Assistant: 多年来,曾有过延长支线至普里兹伦穿越阿尔巴尼亚边境以连接阿尔巴尼亚铁路的计划。 User: The station lies within the Fordham Road Business Improvement District, the third largest shopping district in the city stretching from Third and Webster Avenues west to Jerome Avenue. Assistant: 车站位于福德汉姆路商业改善区,是市内第三大的购物区,由第三大道和韦布斯特大道(英语:Webster Avenue),西至杰罗姆大道(英语:Jerome Avenue)。 User: The notion of continuity makes its appearance in homotopy type theory, where, roughly speaking, two computer programs can be considered to be homotopic, i.e. compute the same results, if they can be "continuously" refactored from one to the other. Assistant: 连续性的概念使它出现在同伦类型理论中,粗略地说,两个计算机程序可以被认为是同伦的,如果他们可以“连续”地从一个重构到另一个,即计算得出相同的结果。 User: His illegitimacy tormented Pier Luigi all his life, and doubtless contributed to the formation of his character. Assistant: 皮埃尔·路易吉的私生子身份终其一生都在折磨他,这无疑促成了他性格的形成。 User: The film was preceded by a program of sound shorts, including a sequence with Griffith speaking directly to the audience, but the feature itself had no talking scenes. Assistant: 电影前还有一段声音,包括格里菲斯对观众的演讲,但是电影内没有对话部分。 User: Since no gravitational interactions were detected due to KOI-314.03, this planetary candidate remained unconfirmed as 6 January 2014 and thus kept the same name. Assistant: 因为当时还没侦测到 KOI-314.03 造成的重力变化,因此在2014年1月6日起仍然是尚未确认状态,并保留临时名称。 User: Before the release of Valli's second solo album, a single was released in July 1967 with the A-side "I Make a Fool of Myself", a record that reached number 18. Assistant: 在发行第二张专辑之前,一首单曲《我让自己出丑》(I Make a Fool of Myself)在1967年7月推出,并在排行榜排名第18位。 User: Historian Roland Bainton described the early church as pacifist – a period that ended with the accession of Constantine. Assistant: 历史学家Roland Bainton将成为罗马帝国国教前的早期基督教教会描述为和平主义者,终止于君士坦丁大帝对于教权的介入。 User: Your body is also experienced as a duality, both as object (you can touch your own hand) and as your own subjectivity (you experience being touched). Assistant: 身体当然被经验为二元性的:既是对象(你能触摸到你自己的手),又是自己的主体(你经验到被触摸)。 User: Pedro Figari clearly has a style of his own. Assistant: 马利皮耶罗的创作风格自成一派。 User: They signed ceasefires with them. Assistant: 他们设法与苏联签署了停火协议。 User: Sixty Years of Peril and Daring. Assistant: 二十年,额敏和卓子丕尔敦袭。 User: Magnets – for collecting magnetic dust particles. Assistant: 磁体,用于收集磁性尘屑微利。 User: In the modern American meritocracy, the president may hand out only a certain number of jobs, which must be approved by the Senate. Assistant: 在现代美国的精英选拔,总统只可以伸手一定数额的工作岗位,其中必须得到参议院的批准。 User: This is why the width must be fifteen fingers as it is the half of this length. Assistant: 所以从这个角度来说,五道所包含的范围,是比较广的。 User: For this and other reasons, such as ageing equipment and a shortage of overnight staff, JR made plans to eliminate the majority of the overnight services. Assistant: 加上一些其他原因,比如设备的老化、服务人员的短缺,JR集团准备终止大多数卧铺列车班次的运营。 User: He is the founder of the ChemSpider website that was purchased by the Royal Society of Chemistry in May 2009. Assistant: ChemSpider于2009年5月被英国皇家化学会收购。 User: This pro-business organization within the European People's Party, aims at improving the situation of small and medium-sized enterprises all across Europe. Assistant: 小城商业网目的是促进跨欧洲城市的中小企业。 User: The act creating the twenty-cent piece did not dictate its design, but provided that the new coin was to be subject to the terms of the 1873 act. Assistant: 授权制造20美分硬币的法案没有对设计做具体规定,但仍然表明新币受《1873年铸币法案》的约束。 User: One of those two special courts dealt with cases arising within Tenochtitlan, the other with cases originating from outside the capital. Assistant: 这两个最高法院中,一个主要审理特诺奇蒂特兰的案件,另一个专门负责审理其他地区上诉来的案件。 User: Introduced House Mice are present. Assistant: 原本的米那斯提力斯建在这里。 User: And no matter what, he could record and know when to punch in, punch out, come in and fade, with no sight. Assistant: 试立室中,横视左右,甚为省力,若纵视上下,则一仰一俯,颇为费力。 User: The men abandon the women, treating their relationships as youthful amusements. Assistant: 男人随后抛弃了女孩儿们,将他们之间的感情视为青年的娱乐。 User: If no one confesses an error, the patient may die. Assistant: 若无人忏悔,则该病患可能会死亡。 User: Those who escaped the deportation, shepherds who were high in the mountains, during the deportation combined forces and formed rebel groups which constantly attacked Russian forces in Ingushetia. Assistant: 逃过这次放逐的人(通常住在高山上)集结武力和组织叛乱团体,在印古什不断袭击俄军。 User: At low speeds such as city driving, the FCV runs just like any all-electric car by using the energy stored in its battery, which is charged through regenerative braking. Assistant: 低速时(例如驾驶于市区内),FCV如同电动汽车以储存于车身电池之电能运转,该电池利用刹车制动再生充电;高速时氢气燃料电池则独自驱动电动马达。 User: His main desire was to do good works for God. Assistant: 他的宗旨是力求忠实原著,追求完美。 User: It is not known if this plan has been put into action. Assistant: 并没有人知道这计划是否能实现。 User: Since the actors cannot, by California law, smoke tobacco cigarettes in their workplace, they instead smoke herbal cigarettes. Assistant: 但根据加州法律,演员不能在工作场所抽烟,所以戏中的演员抽的都是草药烟(英语:herbal cigarette)。 User: On April 29, 2009, the Tribune Company announced that it would lay off 61 of the 205 staff members in the Sun newsroom. Assistant: 2009年4月29日,论坛报业公司宣布,《太阳报》的新闻采编室将会进行裁员,205名雇员中有61人将被解职。 User: Via her official Twitter account, Rihanna posted series of "teasing" tweets announcing her seventh studio album. Assistant: 她通过她的官方Twitter帐号发布了一系列“挑逗”信息去宣传她的第七张专辑。 User: Jane Ellen Harrison notes that "Medusa is a head and nothing more... a mask with a body later appended". Assistant: 珍·艾伦·哈里森(Jane Ellen Harrison)对此注释说:“美杜莎仅仅是一颗头而已......有身体的面具是稍后添加上去的。 User: Some assert that, for most of its history, GSP has benefited "richer developing" countries - in early years Mexico, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia, more recently Brazil and India - while providing virtually no assistance to the world's least developed countries, such as Haiti, Nepal, and most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Assistant: 具体而言,普及特惠税制度推出以来,对“较发达”的发展中地区较有裨益,如巴西和印度,以及“亚洲四小龙”等如台湾、香港、新加坡、泰国和马来西亚等,却几乎没有帮助到世界上最不发达的国家,如海地、尼泊尔与大多数在撒哈拉以南非洲国家 。 User: Several thousand people take part each year. Assistant: 每年都有几万人参加。 User: These parasites are released from infected freshwater snails. Assistant: 寄生虫由受到感染的淡水蜗牛释出。 User: Having moved to Texas in 1839, Andrews and his family were almost killed because of his abolitionist lectures and had to flee in 1843. Assistant: 他在1839年前往德州,由于他激进的废奴主义授课言论,他和他的家人差点遭到当地人的杀害,于是他们在1843年逃离了那里。 User: The related species PF5 and AsF5 are monomeric in the solid and liquid states, probably due to the smaller sizes of the central atom, which limits their coordination number. Assistant: 同族的 PF5 和 AsF5 在液态和固态时都为单体,可能是因为中心原子的体积较小,限制了配位数的缘故。 User: Glassblowing, invented in the 1st century CE in Syria, lowered the price of containers. Assistant: 公元一世纪叙利亚发明的吹制玻璃降低了化妆容器的价格。 User: This Italian irredentism succeeded in World War I with the annexation of Trieste and Trento, with the respective territories of Venezia Giulia and Trentino. Assistant: 意大利民族统一主义在一战后成功,因为第里雅斯特及特伦托并入意大利中,分属威尼斯朱利亚及特伦蒂诺两个区。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The life of the nation is compared to the Great Fate, showing the belief that the resurrection will come. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 对将来的生活感到不安,结果不安的生活实现了。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:No Grandes Épreuves were held but some other prestigious races like the Targa Florio were held. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这一年没有举行大赛(Grandes Épreuves),但举行了其他一些像弗洛里奥盾这样有声望的比赛。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Leased lines can be used for telephone, Internet, or other data services. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 专线可以被应用在电话,数据和互联网服务。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Two weeks earlier, the Tachira state campus of the National Experimental University of the Armed Forces, a military university that was converted by government decree to a public university, was attacked with petrol bombs and largely destroyed. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 两周前,塔奇拉州的军事大学国立陆军实验学校校园,发生汽油弹袭击,很大程度上被破坏。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: From the Israeli withdrawal from the Chouf in 1983 to the end of the civil war, the PSP ran a highly effective civil administration, the Civil Administration of the Mountain, in the area under its control. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在1983年以色列从乔福撤离至内战结束,PSP在其控制区下还维持了一个非常高效的民政管理机构“黎巴嫩山民政区(Civil Administration of the Mountain)”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Despite this, Scribner's continually kept the book in print; they carried the original edition on their trade list until 1946, by which time Gatsby was in print in three other forms and the original edition was no longer needed. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然如此,斯克里布纳持续著印刷;原始版一直用到1946年,此后,《盖茨比》有了三个版本,原始版也就不再需要了。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The first rotary fan used in Europe was for mine ventilation during the 16th century, as illustrated by German mineralogist and metallurgist Georg Agricola (1494–1555). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在欧洲,第一台旋转式风扇的使用是在16世纪,用于矿井通风,一如格奥尔格·阿格里科拉(公元1494-1555年)于其著作中所绘。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Leonardo City Tower is the tallest hotel in Israel. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 莱昂纳多城市塔(英语:Leonardo City Tower)是以色列最高的酒店。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In rare cases, a health professional may wish to use an elimination diet, also referred to as an oligoantigenic diet, to relieve a patient of symptoms they are experiencing. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在极少数的情况下,健康专业人员可能使用寡抗原饮食(英语:oligoantigenic diet)来缓解患者的症状。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Its highest peak is the Chersky Mountain (2,572 m) named after the Polish explorer, Jan Czerski. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 贝加尔山脉最高峰切尔斯基峰海拔2,572米,以波兰探险家扬·切尔斯基命名。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the HBO television show Boardwalk Empire, the fictionalized Nucky Thompson lives on the 8th floor of a Ritz-Carlton whose architecture is based on the Marlborough-Blenheim's, rather than that of the actual Ritz-Carlton in Atlantic City that the real Nucky Johnson had lived in. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在HBO电视剧《酒私风云》中,虚构的努基·汤普森住在基于马尔博罗-布伦海姆酒店的丽思卡尔顿酒店第8层,而不是真正的努基·强森所居住在大西洋城实际上的丽思卡尔顿酒店。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 According to IMF estimates, the GDP in 2008 will be almost double its value in 1995 (in constant prices). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 据国际货币基金组织估计,2008年该国的GDP几乎是1995年的2倍(以固定价格计算)。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: On Corn Island, 40 homes, 3 schools and a church were destroyed and the electrical and water grids were severely disrupted. Assistant: 大马伊斯岛有40户民居、三所学校及一间教堂被毁,岛上供电及供水系统遭到重创。 User: Saint James' appearance at Clavijo has been a major theme in art. Assistant: 圣雅各在克拉维霍的显灵已成为一个重要的艺术创作主题。 User: Several critics and scholars have noted that Atlantis plays strongly on themes of anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism. Assistant: 多位影评人和学者指出,《亚特兰蒂斯:失落的帝国》有着强烈的反资本主义和反帝国主义主题。 User: When Rosario was a year old, her mother married Greg Dawson, a construction worker, who "loved and raised Rosario as his own daughter". Assistant: 她的母亲18岁时,嫁给了格雷格·道森,一个建筑工人,他爱罗莎里奥就像爱自己的女儿。 User: Ralph Baer, a supervising engineer at Sanders Associates, came up with a home video game in 1966 that was later licensed to Magnavox and called the Odyssey. Assistant: 桑德斯联营公司(Sanders Associates)的监理工程师拉尔夫·巴尔(Ralph Baer),在1966年构思出家庭电子游戏机,后来授权给玛格纳沃克斯(Magnavox),并称其为奥德赛。 User: His personal best jump is 2.31 metres, achieved in September 1993 in Beijing. Assistant: 他的个人最好成绩是2.31米,于1993年9月在北京取得。 User: The castle was razed to the ground by the Oeselians. Assistant: 城堡被奥瑟利亚人踏成平地。 User: His grandfather Axel Lesser competed in cross-country skiing for East Germany at the 1976 Winter Olympics. Assistant: 他的祖父Axel Lesser曾代表东德参加1976年冬季奥林匹克运动会越野滑雪赛事。 User: In 1994, Scott Chen and David Donoho of Stanford University have developed the "basis pursuit" method using minimization of the L1 norm of coefficients to cast the problem as a linear programming problem, for which efficient solutions are available. Assistant: 1994年,史丹佛大学的史考特·陈与大卫·多诺霍提出了“基底追踪法”(basis pursuit);该方法借由将目标转化为线性规划问题,并使各项系数的L1-距离最小化,以更快速地得到解答。 User: To prevent investigations' being compromised, LI systems may be designed in a manner that hides the interception from the telecommunications operator concerned. Assistant: 为了防止调查被泄露,合法监听系统可能被设计为以一种隐藏的方式进行,与电信运营商无关。 User: Entrepreneurship, commerce, frugality, and communal investment are all business practices and cultural traits that facilitated the rise of Chinese immigrants from plantation laborers to business owners, shopkeepers, and trading moguls. Assistant: 创业,商业,节俭和社区投资都是华人商业惯例和文化特征,促进了华人移民从种植劳动者到企业主,店主和贸易巨头的兴起。 User: NbF4 reacts with water to form a brown solution and a brown precipitate whose components are unknown. Assistant: NbF4强烈地和水反应,生成棕色的溶液和组成未确定的棕色沉淀。 User: The Cebuano people (Cebuano: Mga Sugbuanon) are a subgroup of the Visayan people whose primary language is the Cebuano language. Assistant: 宿务人(宿务语:Mga Sugbuanon),是菲律宾最大民族比萨亚人的分支,其主要语言是宿务语。 User: From 1887 to 1906, Cecil practised civil law, including work in Chancery and parliamentary practice. Assistant: 1887年-1906年间,塞西尔都在进行与民事法相关的工作,当中包括在大法官法庭、议会中实习。 User: Many of the known examples of half-metals are oxides, sulfides, or Heusler alloys. Assistant: 许多已知的半金属都属于氧化物、硫化物或赫斯勒合金。 User: In addition, according to city medical officials, a total of 157 protesters have sought medical aid between 19–23 January, with 72 admitted to hospitals. Assistant: 此外,市医疗官员表示,1月19日至23日期间,共有157名示威者寻求医疗救助,其中72名受到医院救助。 User: It is most commonly flown with the red stripe on top, as the colors appear in a natural rainbow. Assistant: 最通常是红色在最上面,与自然界的彩虹颜色相同。 User: IBM employees did the majority of the development, including hiring ex-Star Division developers. Assistant: IBM 员工继续进行主要的开发,包括雇佣前StarDivision开发者。 User: The film was released in February 2013 on iTunes and in a theatrical run with the other 14 Oscar-nominated short films by ShortsHD. Assistant: 本电影于2013年2月在iTunes上发行,以及在美国ShortsHD频道上与其他14部奥斯卡最佳短片播出。 User: Politically, the Society has also had a major impact. Assistant: 在政治上,它也发挥着巨大的影响力。 User: According to Gábor Vona, the president of Jobbik, after 2014 the party has grown out of its "adolescence" and reached its adulthood. Assistant: 根据更好的匈牙利运动的主席加博尔·沃纳的说法,2014年之后,这个党已经从青春期 发展到了成年。 User: Independence was granted on 7 July 1978. Assistant: 1978年7月7日获得独立。 User: Houlding has also pointed out that differences in tabulated information presented within the Paraphrase and the Commentary "is a telling argument that both cannot be the work of the same author". Assistant: 霍丁亦同样地指出了把《蒲氏释义》和《占星四书评注》里面讯息制成表格而呈现出差异“是一个争议性的说法那两者不可能是相同一位作者的著作(is a telling argument that both cannot be the work of the same author)”。 User: In computer networks, a reverse DNS lookup or reverse DNS resolution (rDNS) is the querying of the Domain Name System (DNS) to determine the domain name associated with an IP address – the reverse of the usual "forward" DNS lookup of an IP address from a domain name. Assistant: 在计算机网络中,反向DNS查找或反向DNS解析(rDNS)是查询的域名系统(DNS)来确定相关的域名的IP地址——通常的“转发”的反向DNS查找域名的IP地址。 User: However, communication between the pilot and the observer was nearly impossible. Assistant: 此外,管制员与飞行员之间的每次交流都需要一定时间来完成。 User: The papers of Vivien Leigh, including letters, photographs, contracts and diaries, are owned by her daughter, Mrs. Suzanne Farrington. Assistant: 费雯丽的信件、照片、合同和日记归她女儿苏珊所有。 User: Many shops are open until after midnight. Assistant: 几乎所有的商店都营业到午夜。 User: They arrived to find the suspect still on board the bus, being prevented from escaping by another passenger, the bus driver, and a truck driver who had provided a crowbar and a hammer as weapons. Assistant: 当他们赶到现场时,疑犯仍在巴士上,巴士司机和一位经过的卡车司机用撬棍和锤子当作武器,防止疑犯下车逃走。 User: According to Richard Pankhurst, an Ethiopia historian, this migration is linked to the first incursions into inland Horn of Africa by Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim. Assistant: 据埃塞俄比亚历史学家理查德·潘克赫斯特(Richard Pankhurst)叙述,这次迁徙与伊玛目·艾哈迈德·本·易卜拉欣(Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim)首次入侵内陆非洲之角相关。 User: Beginning around midnight on 28 January, the Egyptian government attempted, somewhat successfully, to eliminate the nation's Internet access, in order to inhibit the protesters' ability to use media activism to organize through social media. Assistant: 在1月28日午夜时分,为了要抑制抗议者通过社会化媒体的组织能力,埃及政府已经成功消除了国家的互联网接入。 User: It may consist of refractory bricks or cast refractory concrete, or may be absent in zones of the kiln that are below approximately 250 °C. The refractory selected depends upon the temperature inside the kiln and the chemical nature of the material being processed. Assistant: 它可以由耐火砖或浇注耐火混凝土,也可以是不存在的那些情况下大约低于250°C的窑中区所选择的耐火取决于窑和被处理的材料的化学性质内的温度。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Romantic music emphasised a surrender to nature, a fascination with the past and the supernatural, the exploration of unusual, strange and surprising sounds, and a focus on national identity. Assistant: 浪漫主义音乐强调对于自然的敬畏、对于历史和超自然的感情诉诸、对于不寻常的探索和对于民族认同的关注,拥有富于变化的旋律。 User: In 1967, Solanas began self-publishing the SCUM Manifesto. Assistant: 1967年,索拉纳斯开始自己出版《SCUM Manifesto》。 User: The Chinese dishes (especially the Peranakan dishes) are influenced by the local East Coast culture. Assistant: 当地的华人饮食(特别是土生华人)受到东海岸文化的影响。 User: Serb paramilitaries committed atrocities against Croats, killing over 200, and displacing others to add to those who fled the town in the Vukovar massacre. Assistant: 塞尔维亚人武装势力对克罗地亚人施展暴行,杀害了超过200人,其他克罗地亚人则被强制驱逐出武科瓦尔。 User: The 5x86 therefore provided the acme of RiscPC Windows performance. Assistant: 因此该5x86提供RiscPC Windows性能的顶点。 User: The hotel reaffirmed its commitment to its corporate social responsibility programmes, and is looking to raise awareness among the public about para-sports. Assistant: 该旅馆管理层重申它企业社会责任计划的承诺,希望能为残疾人士运动提倡大众醒觉。 User: This involves a renormalization of the theory. Assistant: 这涉及到理论的重整化。 User: Kelley and Walker related their memories of the development of CPM in 1989. Assistant: 1989年,Kelley和Walker回忆了他们与开发CPM相关的记忆。 User: In the same year she was again kept at Gloucester Castle, again under the custody of William Talbot, with whose wife she appeared to have quarrelled. Assistant: 同年她再次被转移到格洛斯特城堡,仍处在威廉·塔尔博特看守下,她在那里曾和他的妻子发生争执。 User: Finally a new green screen experience illustrates what working on the films is like from an actor's point of view. Assistant: 最后还有一个新的绿幕体验,演示从演员的角度来看电影是如何拍摄的。 User: Established in 1987, The Disney Legends program acknowledges and honors the individuals whose imagination, talents and dreams have created Disney magic. Assistant: 迪士尼传奇项目创建于1987年,为了感谢并表彰那些通过他们的想象力、才能和梦想创造了迪士尼魔力的个人。 User: There are several tests used to examine the psychophysical characteristics of the elderly and of them, a well suitable test would be the functional reach (FR) test, and the mini–mental state examination (MMSE). Assistant: 有许多测试可以用来评估老年人的心理物理学状况,其中应用范围较广的有功能性前伸测试(functional reach test,FR)和简短智能测验(MMSE)。 User: He also took the unusual approach of creating the displayed graphics through ray casting, in which only the surfaces visible to the player were calculated rather than the entire area surrounding the player. Assistant: 他还另辟蹊径,凭着光线投射算法(英语:Ray casting)打造需展示的图像,仅运算玩家眼前的表面,没有运算玩家周遭的整个区域。 User: Adamson advised Rendall that it would most likely be a wasted trip as he had not seen Christian's pride for nine months. Assistant: 亚当森告诉他们此程可能无功而还,因为他已有九个月没有看见克里斯蒂安的狮群。 User: Unlike traditional or southern gospel music, this new Jesus music was birthed out of rock and folk music. Assistant: 与传统福音音乐和南方福音音乐不同,当代基督教音乐是起源于摇滚乐。 User: Gloria was the first significant hurricane to affect New England since Hurricane Donna in 1960. Assistant: 格洛丽亚还是继1960年的飓风唐娜以来首场影响新英格兰的大型飓风。 User: In 638, he extended and renovated the Grand Mosque in Mecca and the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina. Assistant: 638年,他主持扩建和修复了麦加大清真寺和麦地那的先知清真寺。 User: And for taste, pizza. Assistant: 主食为披萨。 User: To be sure she is absurd sometimes and has her humours. Assistant: 有时她开朗得竟会主动装傻来逗家人们笑。 User: Both religious and secular Jews reside in Ariel. Assistant: 虔信的犹太人和世俗化的犹太人一起住在俄石哈尔。 User: Thus whenever the scheduler is called due to the current thread leaving its CPU, another thread can always be found to run on that CPU, even if it is only the CPU's idle thread. Assistant: 因此当当前线程离开其CPU调度调度程序时,另外一个线程将会运行在相同的CPU上,即使它只是CPU的闲置进程。 User: The college was founded by Elizabeth I on 27 June 1571 for the education of clergy, though students now study a broad range of secular subjects. Assistant: 学院由伊丽莎白一世创建于1571年6月27日,以培养神职人员,不过现在学生学习广泛的世俗课程。 User: In 1781 he entered the army as a private soldier, and after ten years' service he received his discharge and settled at Valence. Assistant: 1781年,他进入军队成为一个列兵,经过十年的服役他退役并定居在德龙省瓦朗斯(Valence)。 User: In 2010, the temple was upgraded to a national 4A level tourist attraction. Assistant: 2010年,重元寺升格为国家4A级旅游景区。 User: Portugal: Two years, annual limit of 6,500. Assistant: 葡萄牙:两年,每限额6 500。 User: One day, while he sat in meditation, a female demon came to seduce him. Assistant: 一天,他正在冥思的时候,一个女妖前来勾引他。 User: The Look Tin Sing ruling was not appealed and was never reviewed by the Supreme Court. Assistant: 陆天仙案之后并没有上诉,并且也从未被最高法院审查。 User: A henpecked husband attempts to escape from his domineering wife. Assistant: 路易试图摆脱支配他的情妇。 User: He is then tempted by Satan (usually played by the apostles), but orders him away. Assistant: 靠近恶魔的话便会头痛,而美纱的力量能够使他回复平静。 User: When the war ended, Iraq found itself in the midst of an economic depression, owed millions of dollars to foreign countries, and was unable to repay its creditors. Assistant: 两伊战争结束以后,伊拉克陷入了经济萧条之中,政府欠了数百万的外债无法偿还。 User: As Stephen Kotkin argues, 1991 prompted "a return to political history and the apparent resurrection of totalitarianism, the interpretive view that, in different ways...revisionists sought to bury". Assistant: 据Stephen Kotkin的论点,1991年推动了“还原政治史及极权主义的明显再现,以不同的方式解读那个观点......修正主义者试图埋葬的”。 User: Not only is there literature written on each of the aforementioned topics themselves, and how they have evolved throughout history (like a book about the history of economics or a book about evolution and science, for example) but one can also learn about these things in fictional works. Assistant: 人们不止可以从各主题相关的文学中看到该主题随着历史的演进(例如从经济史的书或介绍科学及演化的书),甚至连科幻小说中都可看到类似的内容。 User: Of course, it has been suggested that you can translate any singular statement into a categorical. Assistant: 当然,曾经建议你把任何单称陈述都转换成直言的。 User: Within each of these options, the player can modify the amount of brake assist and steering assist, as well as selecting to turn on or off "traction control". Assistant: 在每个选项内,玩家可修改刹车辅助和转向辅助程度,选择是否打开“牵引控制”。 User: Although the blue discoloration of L. indigo is thought to be rare in the genus Lactarius, in 2007 five new species were reported from Peninsular Malaysia with bluing latex or flesh, including L. cyanescens, L. lazulinus, L. mirabilis, and two species still unnamed. Assistant: 虽然蓝绿乳菇会变质的蓝色是较为稀有的特征,但于2007年在马来西亚发现了5个新物种有蓝色的菌肉及乳汁,包括Lactarius cyanescens、Lactarius lazulinus、Lactarius mirabilis和两个未命名的。 User: He had many students. Assistant: 他有很多学生。 User: These stages can overlap with each other. Assistant: 这些子串可以互相重叠。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: This dark material is probably made of rocks or radiation-processed organics. Assistant: 这些黑暗的物质可能是岩石或有机的辐射过程造成的。 User: Boccherini was born into a musical family in Lucca, Italy in 1743. Assistant: 博凯里尼1743年生于意大利卢卡的一个音乐世家。 User: In 1948, President Manuel Roxas chose Magsaysay to go to Washington as Chairman of the Committee on Guerrilla Affairs, to help to secure passage of the Rogers Veterans Bill, giving benefits to Philippine veterans. Assistant: 1948年,总统曼努埃尔·罗哈斯派遣麦格塞塞去华盛顿参加游击队事务会议,协助美国国会通过罗杰斯退伍军人法案,为菲律宾的退伍军人争取福利。 User: The track is built around an organ accompanied by piano and guitar in the first half and an alternative rock style in the second half featuring electric guitar, bass and drums. Assistant: 这首歌的前半部分由钢琴和吉他伴奏,下半部分的伴奏则以电吉他、贝斯和鼓为主,体现了另类摇滚的风格。 User: The Sullivan principles are the names of two corporate codes of conduct, developed by the African-American preacher Rev. Leon Sullivan, promoting corporate social responsibility: The original Sullivan principles were developed in 1977 to apply economic pressure on South Africa in protest of its system of apartheid. Assistant: 苏利文原则(英语:Sullivan Principles)是一个于1977年初步制定的企业行为规范原则,由非裔牧师里昂·苏利文为了促进企业的社会责任所制定,有两个版本: 原版苏利文原则,制定于1977年。 User: In addition to performing continuing science operations of HST and preparing for scientific exploration with JWST, STScI manages and operates the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST), the Data Management Center for the Kepler mission and a number of other activities benefiting from its expertise in and infrastructure for supporting the operations of space-based astronomical observatories. Assistant: 目前,除了持续执行哈伯太空望远镜的科学任务和准备韦伯太空望远镜的经营管理和科学研究计划之外,STScI还管理和运作太空望远镜档案多工任务 (Multi-mission Archive at Space Telescope,MAST)、开普勒任务的资料管理中心,和以太空为基础的天文观测和基于太空中其他活动而受益的数种专门知识和基础设施的支援中心。 User: The following additional markers have been used by Martin (2000) and Innes (2004): Falling tone in a syllable is shown using a circumflex. Assistant: 以下为三种在Martin (2000)及Innes (2004)里使用到的符号: 在一个跌调的音节里,会在元音上标上抑扬符。 User: He had the task of interpreting his father's sometimes self-contradictory maps of Middle-earth in order to produce the versions used in the books, and he re-drew the main map in the late 1970s to clarify the lettering and correct some errors and omissions. Assistant: 他曾为父亲构思的中土大陆地图的一些矛盾之处作出解释,并且在1970年代后期重新绘制地图,修正了一些错误及补上了遗漏的地方。 User: In February 1990, the first free democratic elections to the Supreme Soviets took place in all three Baltic states and pro-independence candidates won majorities. Assistant: 1990年2月,波罗的海三国举行了首三次最高苏维埃民主选举,支持独立的当选人占大多数。 User: He recalled how he met the Bábí Táhirih and how she would take "me on to her knee, caress me, and talk to me. Assistant: 他回忆他见到巴比教的领袖塔荷蕾时的情形说,“她把我放在膝上,轻抚我,与我交谈。 User: X-2 art director Shintaro Takai remained in the same role for both remastered games. Assistant: 《X-2》艺术总监高井慎太郎在两部移植游戏中担任同样职务。 User: Starting at point A, on the inner ring between L5 and Earth, the satellite is orbiting faster than the Earth and is on its way toward passing between the Earth and the Sun. Assistant: 从介于L5和地球之间内圈的A点开始,这颗卫星运行的比地球快些,它是朝向地球和太阳之间运行。 User: After securing a sponsorship deal with the Chicago-based retailer Sears, Roebuck & Co., Soul Train premiered on WCIU-TV on August 17, 1970, as a live show airing weekday afternoons. Assistant: 在找到赞助商西尔斯百货(英语:Sears)之后,《灵魂列车》在1970年8月17日下午于WCIU-TV现场直播。 User: While at one point, up to a dozen trees were occupied, on July 10 a clash took down all the trees with platforms except for Ron Huber's after the other sitters had left for an overnight meeting elsewhere. Assistant: 虽然某一时刻甚至有多达十二棵树被占据,7月10日当其他树坐者到别处去参加通宵会议之际的一次冲突撂倒了所有的树和平台(Ron Huber所在的除外)。 User: Other than a double pulsar system, these systems also occur: A pulsar-white dwarf system; Such as the PSR B1620-26 binary star. Assistant: 有许多其中一颗成员星是脉冲星的联星系统被发现,这些系统的著名例子有: 脉冲星-白矮星系统,例如 PSR B1620-26。 User: The official Yugoslav post-war estimate of victims in Yugoslavia during World War II was 1,704,000. Assistant: 南斯拉夫官方在战后估计在二战中南斯拉夫有1,704,000牺牲。 User: Hitler chose the former. Assistant: 于是德国选择了前者。 User: Now it was the holidays and they didn't have to work. Assistant: 虽然并非假日,但不一定要上班。 User: Parma Jesuits had developed a strong program of experimentation, such as with falling bodies. Assistant: 帕尔马耶稣会制定了严格的实验课程,如落体实验等。 User: The Real Academia Española (RAE, Royal Spanish Academy) traditionally dictates the normative rules of the Spanish language, as well as its orthography. Assistant: 西班牙皇家语言学院(RAE)传统上规定了西班牙语的规范(英语:Linguistic_prescription),以及它的正写法。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: It was also set to be the home of the British Grand Prix from 2010 for at least 10 years, but the agreement was cancelled due to financial problems. Assistant: 它还原本被定为从2010年起至少10年的英国大奖赛举办地,但该计划由于财政问题被取消。 User: In addition, a new command-line tool called manage-bde replaced the old manage-bde.wsf. Assistant: 另外,新的命令行工具manage-bde替换了旧的manage-bde.wsf。 User: For instance, the Dominican Republic was governed by the Spanish, and thus acquired part of their culture from the Spanish, mixed with African and Native American. Assistant: 例如,多米尼加共和国被西班牙帝国统治,从而获得从西班牙的文化,并与当地美洲原住民和非洲文化融合。 User: In 1998 he was designated as the Director of the Department of Imaging and Functional Medical Physics of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology. Assistant: 在1998年,他被任命为诊断放射科下成像与功能医学物理部主管。 User: Water potential quantifies the tendency of water to move from one area to another due to osmosis, gravity, mechanical pressure, or matrix effects such as capillary action (which is caused by surface tension). Assistant: 水势描述了水由于渗透、重力、机械压力或基体效应(如毛细作用)从一个地方流动到另一个地方的趋势。 User: Shor thus had to solve three "implementation" problems. Assistant: 因此秀尔在这里必须解决三个"实作"的问题。 User: As an Earth-grazer passes through the atmosphere its mass and velocity are changed, so that its orbit, as it re-enters space, will be different from its orbit as it encountered Earth's atmosphere. Assistant: 通过大气层的掠地天体,它的质量和速度都会改变,因此当它再回到太空时,它的轨道也会改变 。 User: The first were ORO-57 launchers, made in variants with capacity of 4, 8 and 16 rockets. Assistant: 第一具是ORO-57(俄语:ОРО-57)火箭发射器,各种衍生型号分别装填4枚、8枚和16枚火箭弹。 User: In most cases, the plows are mounted on hydraulically-actuated arms, allowing them to be raised, lowered, and angled to better move snow. Assistant: 在大多数情况下,雪铲都装在液压驱动的机械手臂上,使他们能够举起、降下、及调整到最好的铲雪角度以搬运积雪。 User: The football club Olimpik Donetsk was formed in 2001 along with a charity regional fund of football development. Assistant: 奥林比当尼斯克于2001年伴随着一个足球发展的慈善区域基金成立。 User: It is also said that the movie star Uttam Kumar witnessed the shooting while on a morning walk, but talked about it much later when drunk; this is the storyline of the 1994 Bengali-language movie Sopan. Assistant: 也有人说,电影明星Uttam Kumar在晨间散步时目睹了枪击事件,后来在喝醉的时候谈论了这件事;这是1994年孟加拉语电影《Sopan》的故事情节。 User: Film critic Jeff Shannon, writing for Roger Ebert, called the short "brilliant from start to finish" writing that the film proved "yet again that traditional 2-D animation is every bit as expressive as computer-generated 3-D". Assistant: RogerEbert.com的杰夫·香农(Jeff Shannon)称赞该片“从头到尾都很精彩”,并认为“这部片再次证明传统2D动画与3D电脑动画同样有表现力”。 User: The fighting had so far cost the American XIX Corps over 400 dead and 2,000 wounded, with 72% of those from the 30th Infantry Division. Assistant: 到目前为止,战斗已令美国第19军有 400人死亡、2,000多人受伤,其中百分之72来自第30步兵师。 User: The Infantry Automatic Rifle program began on 14 July 2005, when the Marine Corps sent Requests For Information to arms manufacturers. Assistant: 2005年7月14日,步兵自动步枪计划正式开始,而当时的海军陆战队亦试图从生产商寻求信息。 User: Not just in the past two weeks. Assistant: 整整两个礼拜没还。 User: While a black hole has a beginning and is inescapable, a white hole has an ending and cannot be entered. Assistant: 黑洞具有一个起点并且不可逃脱的,而白洞是具有一个终点并且是不可进入的。 User: This time, "Langdon doesn't stop and give a speech. Assistant: 而在这次,“兰登不会停下动作再发表言论,而会边行动边解说。 User: No direct implementation of ISWIM was attempted but Art Evan's PAL and John C. Reynolds' Gedanken captured most of Landin's concepts including powerful transfer-of-control operations. Assistant: 没有尝试过 ISWIM 的直接实现,但 Art Evan 的 PAL 和 John Reynold 的 Gedanken 捕获了 Landin 的多数概念,包括强力控制转移操作。 User: Gotō's force passed through several rain squalls as they approached Guadalcanal at 30 kn (35 mph; 56 km/h). Assistant: 五藤的舰队穿过了数片雨区,以30节(56公里每小时)的速度接近了瓜岛。 User: Once there, they discover a plot to assassinate the Flame King, and try to thwart it. Assistant: 他们发现一场要暗杀火焰国王的阴谋并阻止它。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Before the Islamic Revolution, Majlis was also the name of the lower house of the Iranian Legislature from 1906 to 1979, the upper house being the Senate. Assistant: 在伊朗伊斯兰革命之前,马吉里是1906年至1979年伊朗立法机关下议院的名称,而上议院则是参议院。 User: He later reevaluated his decision on the basis of scanning electron microscope images of the seed of the two species. Assistant: 但之后他检查了两者的种子电子显微镜照片,又再次将它们分为了两个物种。 User: In the name of the wretched poverty of the people, the leaders of the Enragés, with Jacques Roux at their head, called for a planned economy from a Convention which had no liking for the idea. Assistant: 作为可怜的贫苦人民的代表, 激情氓流(英语:enragés)的领导人,与雅克·鲁(英语:Jacques Roux)作为他们的首脑,呼吁计划经济,从国民公会反应不喜欢这主意。 User: SAD may cause significant negative effects within areas of social and emotional functioning, family life, and physical health of the disordered individual. Assistant: 社会福利署可能在社会和情绪运作,家庭生活和无序个人的身体健康领域内产生重大的负面影响。 User: In 2007, while writing music for films, she posted Womannequin, a demo she produced and wrote under the name Natalia Cappuccini, to MySpace. Assistant: 2007年在她为电影作曲的过程中, 她在MySpace发表了自己化名为Natalia Cappuccini创作的歌曲 Womannequin 样本。 User: Olson was the CEO of Sleepycat Software, the creator of the open-source embedded database engine Berkeley DB (acquired by Oracle in 2006). Assistant: 奥尔森先前担任Sleepycat Software首席执行官,他还是开源嵌入式的数据库引擎Berkeley DB(2006年被甲骨文收购)的创始人。 User: Many members of the Burmese Chinese business community act as agents for Mainland and Overseas Chinese investors outside of Burma. Assistant: 缅甸华人企业界的许多成员都是缅甸境外中国内地和海外华人投资者的代理人。 User: Moses replied that perhaps Bezalel had been in the shadow of God (בְּצֵל אֶל, betzel El) and had thus come to know this. Assistant: 如伽他说:‘阿赖耶为依,故有末那转,依止心及意,余转识得生。 User: The blue and gold tartan worn by the pipe band and the mascot is a registered trademark of the University of California. Assistant: 乐队成员穿着蓝、金色相间的格子衣服,而吉祥物是加州大学的注册的一个商标。 User: Thus, over the years, an increased number of African-American male/Japanese female unions has produced a culturally hybrid Black Japanese-American population living in Japan. Assistant: 因此,多年来,越来越多的非裔美国男性/日本女性产生了一种生活在日本的非裔日本混血种。 User: On 27 January 2007, around 300 people were evacuated to the nearby May Fair Hotel following a fire alarm in the hotel. Assistant: 2007年1月27日,酒店发生火灾,超过300人需转移至附近的梅费尔酒店(英语:The May Fair Hotel)。 User: In June 2013, Matsumoto became affiliated to Izawa Office. Assistant: 2013年6月,松本成为Izawa Office的所属艺人。 User: ICER is based on wavelets, and was designed specifically for deep-space applications. Assistant: ICER基于小波变换,特别为深空探测任务设计。 User: The state and union territory capitals are sorted according to administrative, legislative and judicial capitals. Assistant: 各邦和联邦属地的首府按行政、立法和司法首府加以分类。 User: He moved to Los Angeles at the age of 16. Assistant: 他出生在威彻斯特,在16岁时搬到洛杉矶。 User: In parting, Sra. Assistant: 配汪氏,封巩昌侯夫人。 User: In July 1959, President Eisenhower sent Nixon to the Soviet Union for the opening of the American National Exhibition in Moscow. Assistant: 1959年7月,艾森豪威尔派尼克松到莫斯科出席美国国家展览会开幕式。 User: After being displayed at the harbor of Long Beach, California, the Hercules was moved to McMinnville, Oregon, where it is now part of the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum. Assistant: 在加利福尼亚长滩港展出之后,大力士被搬到了俄勒冈州的麦克明维尔,现在是长荣航空航天博物馆(Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum)的一部分。 User: The Mamluk sultans Baibars (reigned 1260-1277) and al-Ashraf Khalil (reigned 1290-1293) eventually reconquered all the remaining crusader strongholds, culminating in the destruction of Acre in 1291. Assistant: 马穆鲁克苏丹拜巴尔(Baibars,1260-1277年在位)和阿尔-阿什拉夫·哈利勒(英语:Al-Ashraf Khalil)(Al-Ashraf Khalil,1290年-1293年在位)最后重新征服了所有剩余的十字军要塞,并以1291年阿克的毁灭为终结。 User: 20/20—Renewed for a thirty-fifth season on May 14, 2013. Assistant: 20/20—2013年5月14日官方宣布续订第三十五季。 User: The first stable version of FLIF was released in September 2016. Assistant: FLIF的首个稳定版本在2016年9月发布。 User: It seems impossible all through the season to be close to the top guys and here suddenly we have been competitive from Friday. Assistant: 看似不可能在这整季接近顶端,而突然在这里,我们自礼拜五起便一直具有竞争力。 User: The Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit is a United States national forest that manages and protects public land surrounding Lake Tahoe and the Lake Tahoe Basin. Assistant: 太浩湖盆地管理区(英语:Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit)是一座美国国家森林,用以保育太浩湖以及太浩湖盆地周围的公有土地。 User: He was a devout Northern Baptist and supported many church-based institutions. Assistant: 他是虔诚的北浸礼会教友,并支持了很多教会背景的机构。 User: The last such destruction was in 1988. Assistant: 最近一次重建是在1988年。 User: Transgender individuals can serve openly in the Israel Defense Forces. Assistant: 变性者可以在以色列国防军公开服役。 User: Concrete social problems and issues are addressed. Assistant: 这些都引起了一些社会问题和相关讨论。 User: Establishment of ghettos in Warsaw and other cities in Poland resumed in August 1940. Assistant: 1940年8月,华沙及波兰其他地方犹太区建设重启。 User: I'm not a husband. Assistant: 我不是丈夫。 User: Applicable legislation includes the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Part II), Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994, and the Hazardous Waste Regulations (England & Wales) 2005, as well as the Special Waste Regulations in Scotland. Assistant: 包括1990年环境保护法、1994年废物管理条例颁发许可证条例、2005年英格兰与威尔士危险废物条例与苏格兰特殊废物条例。 User: The experiment began in April 1996 and was shut down for maintenance in July 2001, a period known as "SK-I". Assistant: 实验开始于1996年4月,并于2001年7月停车检修,这一段时期被称为“SK-I”阶段。 User: The book has also been translated into Chinese, and was published in Beijing in 2010. Assistant: 该书还译成了汉语,于2010年在北京发行。 User: Towards the end of the war as the role of strategic bombing became more important, a new command for the United States Strategic Air Forces in the Pacific was created to oversee all US strategic bombing in the hemisphere, under United States Army Air Forces General Curtis LeMay. Assistant: 战争快要结束时战略轰炸的作用变得更加重要,一个新的名为美国太平洋战略空军部队司令部成立,以监督所有美国在东半球的战略轰炸,由美国陆军航空军的柯蒂斯·勒迈将军指挥。 User: The model line up includes two hot hatch variants, the Ibiza FR and Cupra, which compensate for the lack of Polo hot hatch variants (the Polo GTI wasn't launched until 2006). Assistant: 该车型亦衍生了两款车型,Ibiza FR和Cupra,弥补了大众波罗车型的不足(Polo GTI直到2006年才推出)。 User: The United Nations General Assembly also rejected the vote and annexation, adopting a non-binding resolution affirming the "territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders". Assistant: 联合国大会也拒绝承认投票和并吞,又通过一项无约束力决议,申明“乌克兰在其国际公认边界内的领土完整”。 User: The Koryak of eastern Siberia have a story about the fly agaric (wapaq) which enabled Big Raven to carry a whale to its home. Assistant: 西伯利亚东部的科里亚克族,有着关于毒蝇伞(wapaq)的故事,描述毒蝇伞能够使大乌鸦抓起一只鲸鱼回家。 User: Methanol is commonly used both because its boiling point is close to that of ethanol and because it is toxic. Assistant: 添加剂通常用甲醇,因其沸点接近乙醇,而且有毒。 User: Among his fellow prisoners were Ramón Serrano Súñer and Rafael Sánchez Mazas. Assistant: 与他一起关押的囚犯是拉蒙·塞拉诺·苏涅尔和拉斐尔·桑切斯。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, this problem can be solved using MAC spoofing. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 但是,使用MAC欺骗可以解决这个问题。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Unlike the general Hamiltonian path problem, the knight's tour problem can be solved in linear time. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 但是和一般的哈密顿路径问题不同,骑士巡逻问题可以在线性时间内解决。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Version 6.1 was released with the Intel C++ Compiler on June 28, 2009. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 版本6.1于2009年6月28日与Intel C++ Compiler一同发布。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It made landfall on South Padre Island, Texas before degenerating into a remnant low on July 9, and dissipating the following day. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 气旋从德克萨斯州卡梅伦县南帕诸岛登陆,于7月9日退化成残留低气压,最终在次日逐渐消散。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:A former Marine who had been interacting with Facebook posts praising ISIL, was arrested over an ISIL-inspired terror plot on San Francisco's Pier 39 for Christmas. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 一名曾在Facebook的伊斯兰国贴文下回复称赞的前海军陆战队计划圣诞节当天在旧金山39号码头恐怖袭击被逮捕。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Second only to rice is the production and use of wheat. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:仅次于大米的是小麦制品。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Thus, granted large cardinals, the Normal Moore Space conjecture is independent of ZFC. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 因此,granted large cardinals, 正规Moore Space猜想独立于ZFC。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Mini is the cheapest robot made by Sphero at $49. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Sphero Mini是Sphero所生产最便宜的机器人,价格美金49元。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Colon cleansing (colonics, colon hydrotherapy) – encompasses several alternative medical therapies intended to remove fecal waste and unidentified toxins from the colon and intestinal tract. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 结肠清洗疗法(英语:Colon cleansing):几种替代医学,旨在从结肠和肠道除去粪便和不明毒素。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He is currently leader of the New National Party (NNP) and was Leader of the Opposition in Parliament from 2008 to 2013. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 他目前是新民族党(英语:New National Party (Grenada))(NNP)的领导人,是2008年至2013年议会中的反对派领袖。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: 1868 – Cornell University holds opening day ceremonies; initial student enrollment is 412, the highest at any American university to that date. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1868年:美国康奈尔大学在纽约州伊萨卡正式落成,第二天共有412名学生入学。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A 13th-century calendar of saints gives the date of this translation as 20 June. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 一个源自13世纪的圣人历记载此典礼举行于6月20日。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Tuberculous meningitis requires prolonged treatment with antibiotics. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 结核性脑膜炎需要长时间的抗生素治疗。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The prime meridian was therefore long symbolised by a brass strip in the courtyard, now replaced by stainless steel, and since 16 December 1999, it has been marked by a powerful green laser shining north across the London night sky. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 它长期以来原本由黄铜小条放在庭院中做指示,在1999年12月16日升级改用不锈钢,并且以强而有力的绿色激光闪耀在伦敦北边的夜空中。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The program was marred by various concerns, notably the safety of Mir following a fire and a collision, financial issues with the cash-strapped Russian Space Program and worries from astronauts about the attitudes of the program administrators. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 这项计划也饱受质疑,尤其是在一次火灾和一次撞击之后的和平号的安全问题,还有资金短缺的俄罗斯航天局的财政问题。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 After 1820, in response to the inability to legally import new slaves from Africa following prohibition of the international slave trade, some slaveholders improved the living conditions of their slaves, to influence them not to attempt escape. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 到了1820年后,出于无法从非洲进口奴隶,有的奴隶主改善了奴隶的生活条件,劝服他们不要逃跑。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Main impurities in nioboholtite are antimony and arsenic, with trace or minor aluminium iron, tantalum, titanium, phosphorus and hydroxyl groups. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: Nioboholtite主要的杂质是砷和锑,以及痕量的铝、铁、钽、钛、磷和羟基基团。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Paradise Regained. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 该夷复出。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Under Article 410 of the Libyan Penal Code, Private homosexual acts between consenting adults are illegal. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 根据《利比亚刑法》第410条,成年人之间的私下自愿的同性性行为是违法的。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Mexican Army assisted residents in evacuation, and the Navy provided medical aid and assistance to boat owners. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:墨西哥陆军协助居民疏散,而墨西哥海军则向船主提供协助和医疗援助。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Large or increasing ranges suggest traders prepared to continue to bid up or sell down a stock through the course of the day. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 大幅的或增加中的波动幅度表示交易者在当天可能准备持续买进或卖出股票。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The government asked medical experts to declare the Báb insane in order to prevent his execution. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 政府咨询了医疗方面的专家,宣布巴孛疯了,不能被处决。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 According to the official website, Tuzki was born on 6 September 2006. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 根据官方网页,兔斯基的出生日期为2006年9月6日。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: For the type Animal we can make the type Animal, which is an "array of animals". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 首先考虑数组类型构造器: 从Animal类型,可以得到Animal(“animal数组”)。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: He offers him a great job. Assistant: 现在他取得了巨大的功业。 User: Paul Hardy modified it later to support combining characters in the TrueType version. Assistant: Paul Hardy在稍后修改它以支援在新版TrueType中的组合字母。 User: The graphical design was very much keyed into the Commodore 64's graphical capabilities. Assistant: AHX是特意设计的,与Commodore 64的声音尽相近。 User: Displaying cleavage is considered permissible in many settings, and is even a sign of elegance and sophistication on many formal social occasions, but it may be prohibited by dress codes in settings such as workplaces and schools, where sexualized displays of the female breast may be considered inappropriate. Assistant: 在许多场合允许展露乳沟,甚至在许多正式的社交场合是一个优雅和成熟的标志,但这可能在许多场合受到禁止,如工作场所和学校的服装规定,在那些地方,人们可能认为女性乳房的性感展现是不恰当的。 User: As late as 1598 John Stow refers to it as "yet unfinished". Assistant: 1598年,约翰·史铎提到萨府的时候,还说它“没有完工”。 User: As in many East Asian languages (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Thai, etc.), nouns in Bengali cannot be counted directly by adding the numeral directly adjacent to the noun. Assistant: 如很多亚洲语言(比如汉语、日语、泰语等)那样,在孟加拉语中名词不能通过直接增加数词毗邻于这个名词来计数。 User: Data from the Department of Tourism show that Dumaguete and Negros Oriental are among the top ten most visited tourist destinations in the country. Assistant: 来自菲律宾旅游部的数据显示,杜马盖地和内格罗斯均属国内十大最多游客到访的目的地。 User: The result indicates that the rainforest could be threatened though the 21st century by climate change in addition to deforestation. Assistant: 结果指示出雨林在21世纪可能受到气候转变及去森林化的危害。 User: On 18 June 2008, he resigned from the House of Commons. Assistant: 2008年6月18日,他正式辞去了下议院议席。 User: Desi is sensitive to paprika. Assistant: 那不勒斯人对待比萨饼非常认真。 User: White wrote a weekly column promoting music with "artistic merit", while criticizing music with violent or misogynistic themes, and also reworked the publication's music charts. Assistant: 怀特每周都会为杂志写专栏,以“艺术价值”来宣传音乐,同时抨击有关暴力和厌女主义主题的音乐。 User: Screenwriting took place at Ivory's house, Guadagnino's kitchen table in Crema, and sometimes in New York City. Assistant: 剧本在艾佛利的房屋、格达戈尼诺克雷马的厨房桌,以及有时在纽约创作。 User: Rumors in town, however, have been swirling that the real reason was that she had an abortion. Assistant: 然而,镇上流传的谣言称,真正的原因是她流产了。 User: There are 267 types of birds registered as visiting the oblast, including 177 to nest, 58 to migrate and 32 to occasionally transit. Assistant: 267种鸟类居住在卡卢加州,其中177种是营巢, 58种只是不断移民,32种不定期飞入。 User: The referendum was held without consent of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and is not recognized internationally by the UN member states. Assistant: 该公投没有获得阿塞拜疆的同意,并不被联合国成员国认可。 User: The oldest mancala game boards were found in a ruined fort of Roman Egypt and date back to the 4th century AD. Assistant: 最古老的mancala游戏板被找到在罗马埃及一个被破坏的堡垒和追溯到公元4世纪。 User: The German ships departed the following day for Helgoland, to join exercises being conducted there. Assistant: 翌日,德国舰只出发前往黑尔戈兰岛,参加在那里举行的演习。 User: ENIAC, by contrast, was put through its paces for the press in 1946, "and captured the world's imagination". Assistant: 相比之下,ENIAC在1946年大展它的能力,“吸引了全世界的想象力”。 User: The copy is only 5 cm shorter than the Moscow original. Assistant: 复制品仅比莫斯科的原件矮5 cm。 User: There are many ways to stimulate the clitoris. Assistant: 有许多种方法刺激阴蒂。 User: Additionally, since the ILS signals are pointed in one direction by the positioning of the arrays, ILS only supports straight-in approaches. Assistant: 此外由于ILS信号是由阵列天线往一个方向发出的,故而只支持直线进近。 User: In 1960, the Canadian Government, under the Canada Shipping Act, gave the horse population full protection from human interference. Assistant: 1960年,加拿大政府全力保护马匹免受人类干扰。 User: The potential of NADH and FADH2 is converted to more ATP through an electron transport chain with oxygen as the "terminal electron acceptor". Assistant: NADH与FADH2中的还原势通过电子传递链将电子送达作为“最终电子受体”的氧气并被转换为更多的ATP。 User: By now it was mid-August, more than three months since Shackleton had left Elephant Island. Assistant: 现在已经是8月中旬,据沙克尔顿离开象岛已经三个多月。 User: July 13 – John of Kastav finishes a cycle of frescoes in the Holy Trinity Church, Hrastovlje (modern-day southwestern Slovenia). Assistant: 七月十三日:卡斯塔夫的约翰完成了圣三一教堂(今位于斯洛文尼亚西南部)壁画的一个绘画周期。 User: If we are told that at least one of two statements is true; and also told that it is not the former that is true; we can infer that it has to be the latter that is true. Assistant: 粗略的,我们可以说一个或另一个是真;接着我们可以说一个不是真;那么我们可以推导出另一个必须是真。 User: She joined the Byaheng Du30 bus caravan which went around Visayas and Mindanao in support of her former husband's presidential bid at the 2016 Philippine presidential election. Assistant: 她参加了“巡游 杜30”(菲律宾语:Byaheng Du30),一个在米沙鄢群岛和棉兰老岛支持她前夫竞选2016年菲律宾总统选举的30天巴士巡游活动。 User: First, an infinitesimally thin shock wave compresses the explosive to a high pressure called the von Neumann spike. Assistant: 一开始,一个无限薄的震波压缩炸药产生高压,称为冯纽曼尖锋脉冲(von Neumann spike)。 User: This was due to the 747's low-wing design in comparison to the C-5's high-wing design, and also because the U.S. Air Force would have retained ownership of the C-5, while NASA could own the 747s outright. Assistant: NASA原本考虑用C-5运输机来运送轨道器,比起C-5的高翼设计,NASA更看好747的低翼,而且考虑到美国空军可能会保留C-5的使用权,NASA最终选择了747。 User: Its original perimeter was 4.350 km (2.703 mi), and the maximum gradient is nearly 7%. Assistant: 其最初的全长为4.350公里(2.703英里),最大坡度接近7%。 User: The next iteration, FK 3, brought even more increases. Assistant: 下一迭代,FK3方案,则带来了更多的改变。 User: She always talks about shopping with the latter. Assistant: 常常跟安娜在聊购物的事。 User: The manufacture of rum became early Colonial New England's largest and most prosperous industry. Assistant: 朗姆酒制造业成为新英格兰殖民地最大和最繁荣的产业。 User: Lopez was allegedly distraught over financial issues and the deaths of his grandfather and then his mother during a two-month period five months prior to the shooting. Assistant: 洛佩兹据称因财务问题及祖父和母亲在案发前五个月的两个月内相继离世而烦恼。 User: In May 2010, an earlier cut of the film was leaked via BitTorrent. Assistant: 2010年5月,通过BitTorrent泄露了早期的电影剪辑。 User: Hunt was appointed Foreign Secretary in July 2018 following the resignation of Boris Johnson. Assistant: 2018年7月,鲍里斯·约翰逊辞职后接任外交大臣。 User: The Unix domain socket facility is a standard component of POSIX operating systems. Assistant: Unix domain socket 的功能是POSIX操作系统里的一种组件。 User: In November 2005, the party board asked Senator Sam Pormes to give up his seat. Assistant: 2005年11月,党委员会要求参议员山姆·波姆斯(Sam Pormes)放弃议员身份。 User: They decide to go for a long holiday and set off without saying goodbye to their families. Assistant: 进自觉注定无法与丽走在一起,不辞而别。 User: He digs his own grave and places a pistol to his heart. Assistant: 罗辑为自己掘墓,并用手枪对准自己的心脏。 User: In 1953 Langmuir coined the term "pathological science", describing research conducted with accordance to the scientific method, but tainted by unconscious bias or subjective effects. Assistant: 1953年朗缪尔创造了"病科学(英语:pathological science)"一词,描述研究虽然遵照科学方法进行,但研究结果却被无心偏差与主观效应等因素所污染。 User: There was much improvisation in dialogue scenes, because the script was not completed when filming began (the filmmakers had focused on the story making sense and planning the action). Assistant: 片中有许多对白是即兴创作的,因为剧本在开拍时仍未完成(剧组忙着让剧情合理及规划动作场面)。 User: With the help of Mordin's studies on Collector biology, Shepard defends the colony, but is unable to stop a large portion of the population from being captured. Assistant: 凭借着莫丁对收集者的生物学研究,薛帕德防守殖民地,但大部分人还是被抓走。 User: It is noted for its controversial subject matter, and was released November 22, 2004 (the 41st anniversary of the event) by Scotland-based Traffic Games. Assistant: 游戏由苏格兰公司Traffic Games于2004年11月22日(遇刺事件41周年之际)发售,并因争议题材而获关注。 User: Trinity House operates two lighthouses to guide vessels entering Holy Island Harbour, named Guile Point East and Heugh Hill. Assistant: 领港公会在此开设有两座灯塔,分别叫做Guile Point East和Heugh Hill。 User: The New Guinea campaign opened with the battles for New Britain and New Ireland in the Territory of New Guinea in 1942. Assistant: 新几内亚运动于1942年在新几内亚领土与新不列颠和新爱尔兰的战斗开始。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: A frozen piece can freeze another still weaker piece. Assistant: 可另外加入抗冻剂,使凝固点更低。 User: In a 2011 speech to the University of Guelph, Akaash Maharaj, a member of the Canadian Olympic Committee and head of Canada's Olympic equestrian team, said, "In that moment, Tommie Smith, Peter Norman, and John Carlos became the living embodiments of Olympic idealism. Assistant: 在2011年圭尔夫大学的演讲中,加拿大奥林匹克委员会成员兼加拿大奥林匹克马术队队长阿卡什马哈拉杰说:“在那一刻,汤米史密斯,彼得诺曼和约翰卡洛斯成为奥林匹克唯心主义活生生的典范。 User: The Somme led directly to major new developments in infantry organisation and tactics; despite the terrible losses of 1 July, some divisions had managed to achieve their objectives with minimal casualties. Assistant: 索姆河战役直接引导发展出新的步兵战术与组织,尽管在7月1日仍有巨大的伤亡人数,但部分师部队已可实践将伤亡控制到最小的目标。 User: In adults, Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae together cause 80% of bacterial meningitis cases. Assistant: 成年人中,脑膜炎球菌和肺炎链球菌两者的感染占了细菌性脑膜炎的80%。 User: The advantages of Network Level Authentication are: It requires fewer remote computer resources initially, by preventing the initiation of a full remote desktop connection until the user is authenticated, reducing the risk of denial-of-service attacks. Assistant: 网络级身份验证的优点有: 在初始阶段只需远程计算机(英语:Remote computer)的少量资源,用户通过身份认证不需启动完整的远程桌面连接,从而降低了拒绝服务攻击的风险。 User: Robert took areas of dark human consent and made them into art. Assistant: 罗伯特采取了黑暗的人类同意的领域,并使他们成为艺术。 User: Sales of residential units had stopped, but the appointment of a receiver on April 15 allowed sales to start again. Assistant: 住宅单元的销售停止,但在4月15日于接管者的一次会面后销售继续。 User: To that end, "detainees lived in relative luxury and were given everything they needed to practise their faith". Assistant: 因此,“战俘生活相对优渥,并可获得实践信仰所需的一切”。 User: With the development of the Internet and its widespread use, the opportunity to contribute to knowledge-building communities, such as Wikipedia, is greater than ever before. Assistant: 随着互联网的发展和广泛使用,对于那些以社区为基础的论坛,例如维基百科,为它们做贡献的机会大于以往任何时候。 User: A second definition given by Behe (his "evolutionary definition") is as follows: An irreducibly complex evolutionary pathway is one that contains one or more unselected steps (that is, one or more necessary-but-unselected mutations). Assistant: 由 Behe 所给出的第二个定义为(在他的 "演化定义" 中): 具不可化约的复杂性的演化途径是指它的路径中包含一个或多个未选择的步骤。 User: We want to do that really elegantly, at a scale that's never existed before. Assistant: 最后的日子里会有大规模的传道活动,这样的规模是之前从未有过的。 User: The Sicilian Baroque style came to fruition during a major surge of rebuilding following a massive earthquake in 1693. Assistant: 西西里巴洛克风格成就于1693年,一场大地震之后的大规模重建时期。 User: However, in this case signalling is done using RANAP instead of GTP-C. Assistant: 然而,此时控制面使用的是RANAP协议而不是GTP-C。 User: Ten years later, in 872, Harald became king of a united Norway. Assistant: 公元872年,哈拉尔一世统一了挪威。 User: He was charged with possession of explosive substances and sentenced to four years in prison. Assistant: 他被指控私藏爆炸物质并被判处四年有期徒刑。 User: Article 21 deals with the principles that outline EU foreign policy; including compliance with the UN charter, promoting global trade, humanitarian support and global governance. Assistant: 第21条主要在概括说明欧盟的外交政策,包括遵守联合国宪章、促进全球贸易、人道救援以及全球治理。 User: The outdoor museum contains 155 authentic old buildings from all parts of Norway, including a Stave Church. Assistant: 户外博物馆包括挪威各地的155座正宗的古老建筑,其中包括一座木条教堂。 User: The conflict pitted Bahrain and Abu Dhabi against the people of Qatar. Assistant: 冲突是由巴林和阿布扎比与卡塔尔人进行争斗。 User: The Class of 1988 deserves special recognition. Assistant: 1988年获授中将军衔,获独立功勋荣誉章。 User: So many East Germans attempted to flee this way in Danish ports that harbourmasters installed extra life-saving equipment on quaysides where East German vessels docked. Assistant: 想用这种方法从丹麦港口逃走的人实在太多了,港务长不得不在有东德船只停泊的码头周边地区安装额外的救生设备。 User: In French-speaking Canada, it is known as La guerre de la Conquête (the War of the Conquest). Assistant: 在加拿大法语区,这场冲突有时被称作La Guerre de la Conquête(“征服之战”)。 User: Hardware based security or assisted computer security offers an alternative to software-only computer security. Assistant: 辅助计算机安全的硬件为仅基于软件的计算机安全提供了另一个选择。 User: The combined mass of the cluster is estimated to be (0.15–1.5) × 1015 solar masses. Assistant: 星系团总共质量估计约为(0.15 - -1.5)×1015倍太阳质量。 User: A telescope with only one curved mirror, such as a Newtonian telescope, will always have aberrations. Assistant: 只有一个曲面镜的望远镜,例如牛顿望远镜,总是受到像差影响。 User: A pair of young animators discovered the film in 1947 and preserved what they could. Assistant: 一对年轻的动画师于1947年发现了这些胶片并尽可能地保存它们。 User: Redis is able to rewrite the append-only file in the background in order to avoid an indefinite growth of the journal. Assistant: Redis能够在后台对只可追加的记录作修改来避免无限增长的日志。 User: Jenny Holzer's installation, titled White Light, is a large scrolling LED sign approximately 11 feet (3.4 m) high, displaying text specific to the San Francisco Bay Area. Assistant: Jenny Holzer(英语:Jenny Holzer)的设计是大约高11英尺(3.4米)的滚动LED屏幕,显示湾区特有的文字这个屏幕将位于大厅椭圆形天窗下。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: This was followed by a memoir on the theory of the tides, to which, conjointly with the memoirs by Euler and Colin Maclaurin, a prize was awarded by the French Academy: these three memoirs contain all that was done on this subject between the publication of Isaac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica and the investigations of Pierre-Simon Laplace. Assistant: 随后他写了一部关于潮汐理论的论文集,和欧拉以及马克劳林的论文集一起获得了法国科学院的一个奖励:这三部论文集包含了该主题从牛顿的《自然哲学的数学原理》的发表和拉普拉斯的研究之间的所有成果。 User: Malcolm sent messengers to discuss the question and William Rufus agreed to a meeting. Assistant: 马尔科姆派使者来讨论这个问题,威廉·鲁弗斯同意会谈。 User: Bodystorming is a technique sometimes used in interaction design or as a creativity technique. Assistant: 体力激荡(英语:Bodystorming)是在交互设计领域中常使用的一种技术,或也可被视为一种创意发想技术。 User: Thus, all BBC iPlayer TV programmes are accessible from IP addresses allocated to the UK only, as of 2011. Assistant: 因此,所有的BBC iPlayer电视节目只能从英国IP地址收看。 User: 1994 – Sino-Soviet split: Russia and the People's Republic of China agree to de-target their nuclear weapons against each other. Assistant: 1994年:俄罗斯与中华人民共和国互相同意撤走瞄准对方的核武器。 User: In areas with plentiful water and few users, such systems are generally not complicated or contentious. Assistant: 在人口不多或水源充足的地方,水权的问题与制度通常并不复杂。 User: Red Hat initiated a NetworkManager project in 2004 with the goal of enabling Linux users to deal more easily with modern networking needs, particularly wireless networking. Assistant: 红帽公司在2004年发起了NetworkManager专案,其目标是让Linux使用者能够更容易的处理现代的网络需求,特别是无线网络。 User: On December 21, 2005, Clear Channel Communications completed the spin-off of Live Nation, formerly known as Clear Channel Entertainment. Assistant: 在2005年12月21日,清晰频道转投资成立了“Live Nation”和“Live Nation UK”公司,前身为清晰频道娱乐(Clear Channel Entertainment)。 User: The post office gallery no longer exists, but has been subdivided to provide a bar, a restaurant and the hotel foyer. Assistant: 邮局画廊已不再存在,但已被细分为一个酒吧、餐厅和酒店大堂。 User: Fusional languages generally tend to lose their inflection over the centuries – some languages much more quickly than others. Assistant: 另一方面,过去几个世纪,综合语大体上倾向于失去变格——有些语言比其他的快得多。 User: After composing the soundtracks for his first three best-known works, he formed his own video game production company, Sacnoth, for which he was the president and CEO. Assistant: 在完成他最早知名的三个原声后,他建立了自己的电子游戏制作公司Sacnoth,并担任总裁兼CEO。 User: Léonce Pontellier – Edna's husband, a successful businessman who is unaware of his wife's unhappiness. Assistant: 雷昂斯·庞德烈 (Léonce Pontellier) – 艾德娜的丈夫,商界成功人士,他对妻子低落的情绪毫无察觉。 User: Lucy realizes that she still loves Jerry and decides to break off her engagement. Assistant: 最后,Lucy认识到她仍爱着Jerry,打算悔婚。 User: A social media campaign emerged that called upon Nintendo of America to release the model in North America. Assistant: 出现了一个社交媒体运动,呼吁任天堂美国公司在北美发布该小型机型。 User: Rangoon University featured prominently as the centre of civil discontent in Burma during the colonial period with all three major strikes against British rule (1920, 1936 and 1938) starting there. Assistant: 从一开始,仰光大学在整个缅甸历史中弥漫着缅甸公民的不满,所有三个全国性罢工反对英国事件(1920年、1936年和1938年)均爆发于此。 User: Čáslavská's wins at the 1968 Olympics were particularly poignant because of the political turmoil in Czechoslovakia. Assistant: 恰斯拉夫斯卡赢得1968年奥运金牌时的心情相当复杂,带着一部分的辛酸,因为当时捷克斯洛伐克发生政治混乱。 User: The library hopes to remove, restore and relocate this mural. Assistant: 她能够消灭、创造、替换这些梦境。 User: As a result, the Scorpions developed an extended Russian fan base and still return to perform. Assistant: 结果,蝎子开发了一个扩展的俄罗斯球迷基础,并仍然返回执行。 User: Other cultivation techniques (such as watering, fertilizing, weeding, spraying, trimming and mowing) may be performed as a preventive measure only, not to improve the growth of trees or other plants. Assistant: 其他农业技术—诸如浇水、施肥、除草、喷雾和割草—只可以作为预防措施,而不是用以提高果树和作物的产量。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: At the time, Times Square was known as a center of X-rated films, strip clubs, prostitution, and drug addiction. Assistant: 当时,时代广场被称为X级电影,脱衣舞俱乐部,卖淫和吸毒的中心。 User: In 1941 during World War II the ANZAC forces delayed the invading German forces in the area enough to allow the evacuation of the British expeditionary force to Crete. Assistant: 1941年,第二次世界大战中澳新军团部队延迟纳粹德国军队的入侵,让英国远征军有时间撤退到克里特岛。 User: This candidate contains very few stars. Assistant: 这可以解释它们只含有少量的恒星。 User: At the stadium, supporters were searched for weapons. Assistant: 在球场内,球迷不断寻找武器。 User: Director Joe Johnston and creator Dave Stevens believed Campbell was perfect for the role, but Disney wanted an A-list actor. Assistant: 导演乔·庄斯顿和原著作者戴夫·史蒂文斯相信坎贝尔是该角色的完美人选,但迪士尼希望找一位一线演员,不过庄斯顿最终说服了公司。 User: Exceptions occur when this rule overlaps with other rules. Assistant: 在此规则下大满贯为例外情形。 User: It was announced at the Intel Developer Forum 2010 that MeeGo would follow a six-month release schedule. Assistant: Intel Developer Forum 2010中宣布,MeeGo以六个月作为发布周期。 User: It has devoted itself to social and educational activities. Assistant: 它一直致力于社会和教育活动。 User: As a result, both groups resorted to violence. Assistant: 结果两大族群都寻求暴力。 User: Foreign hard rock acts, such as Blue Öyster Cult and Kiss from the US, Rush from Canada, Scorpions from Germany, and especially AC/DC from Australia, climbed the British charts in the same period. Assistant: 在英国之外的硬式摇滚乐团,如美国的吻和蓝牡蛎(英语:Blue Öyster Cult)、加拿大的匆促、德国的天蝎,特别是来自澳大利亚的AC/DC,都在同一时期登上英国唱片榜。 User: Despite being head of the country, Ćosić was forced out of office in 1993 due to his opposition to Serbian President Slobodan Milošević. Assistant: 虽然是联邦的最高领导人,乔西奇在1993年因反对塞尔维亚总统米洛舍维奇而被赶下台。 User: Maoming oil shale industry was developed from the 1960s to the 1990s by Maoming Petrochemical Company, a subsidiary of Sinopec, which built 64 Fushun-type retorts and 48 gas combustion retorts for producing shale oil. Assistant: 中石化子公司茂名石化公司在1960年代至1990年代期间负责开发茂名油页岩工业,茂名石化公司建有64座抚顺式干馏炉和48座气燃式干馏炉,页岩油最高年产量为 18万吨。 User: Judaeo-Italian, sometimes called "Italkian", a term coined by Solomon Birnbaum in 1942, have gone extinct except for one variety, now spoken fluently by fewer than 200 people. Assistant: 犹太-意大利语的各种变种(有时候指意大利化语言,此词由Solomon Birnbaum于1942年首创)如今只有不到200人可以流利地利用了。 User: The date given represents the day: that forest was established as is, a predecessor forest with the same boundaries was established under a different name, or the earliest date of establishment of a forest that was combined in whole with another forest. Assistant: 此处列出的日期指的是:森林最初设立的日期,或者是该片区域最早被划为国家森林的时间(可能中间经历了更名,但森林边界是一样的),或是森林首度与其他森林整体合并的时间。 User: The layout was built during the winter of 1967 and 1968, and into the spring 1968. Assistant: 第一阶段是1967年冬至1968年春。 User: But the Body. Assistant: 而是了体。 User: The result applies to any system, and particularly, it applies to systems within systems. Assistant: 此一理论适用于所有系统,而且它甚至更适合用于系统中的系统。 User: The M had originally run on the BMT Brighton Line to Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue until 1987. Assistant: M线沿BMT布莱顿线前往康尼岛-斯提威尔大道车站直至1987年为止。 User: The region subsequently became part of the Great Moravian state. Assistant: 这个地区后来成为大摩拉维亚公国的一部分。 User: In 1941, he was ordered to cease his medical practice and conscripted into the IJA as an acting medical officer, although he was given an enlisted rather than officer rank because of his American connections. Assistant: 1941年,他接到命令被征召入伍,代理军医官,但由于曾在美国学习而被授予士官而非军官衔。 User: Students as well as faculties are part of team. Assistant: 学生和见习测量师亦属于青年组。 User: The government's lawyers argued, on the contrary, that there was sensitive information in the article, which was not in the public domain, and which, if published, would harm arms control efforts. Assistant: 与之相反,政府一方的律师坚称文章中有不属于公有领域的敏感信息,如果公布将会对防止核武器扩散构成不利影响。 User: Originally, a proof-of-concept gatekeeper was developed by Xianping Chen, Joe Metzger and Rajat Todi for an experiment. Assistant: 最初的版本是由Xianping Chen、Joe Metzger和Rajat Todi所开发,做为实验用途。 User: A climate change policy will be developed first, followed by the strategy. Assistant: 该会主要的工作是协调政策合作,特别是制订中期战略。 User: Using Le Bel-van't Hoff rule, the aldohexose D-glucose, for example, has the formula (C·H2O)6, of which four of its six carbons atoms are stereogenic, making D-glucose one of 24=16 possible stereoisomers. Assistant: 如:D-葡萄糖(醛糖)具有分子式 (C·H2O)6,其中有四个碳原子具有手性,因此D-葡萄糖是24 = 16个可能的立体异构体中的一个。 User: The Left Alliance's participation had been demanded by the Social Democrats. Assistant: 左盟的参与是社民党的要求。 User: Đilas claimed that the new class' specific relationship to the means of production was one of collective political control, and that the new class' property form was political control. Assistant: 德热拉斯宣称新阶级对生产资料的特殊关系是集体性的政治控制之一,而且新阶级的所有权形式是政治控制。 User: Gibbon’s success in surprising the Nez Perce caused Looking Glass’s prestige as a leader to plummet. Assistant: 吉本在出其不意地袭击内兹珀斯人上的成功导致了玻璃镜作为领导人的威望笔直下落。 User: Whereas the pollen of animal-pollinated flowers tends to be large-grained, sticky, and rich in protein (another "reward" for pollinators), anemophilous flower pollen is usually small-grained, very light, and of little nutritional value to animals. Assistant: 一般而言,借由动物传播的花粉颗粒较大,具黏性,并含有丰富的蛋白质(算是对授粉者另一种“奖励”); 而风媒花粉通常是小颗粒,很轻,而且对动物没什么营养价值。 User: Before Lucas arrived, Blesse arrived from Algiers to look into the health of the troops in Sicily. Assistant: 卢卡斯到达前,布莱斯准将从阿尔及尔赶到西西里,了解当地官兵的身体状况。 User: The amplitude of the query is lower than the amplitude of the response because the signal is probed at a location closer to the Remote Terminal. Assistant: 查询的振幅比响应的振幅低,是因为信号探测位置更靠近远程终端。 User: The draw for the final tournament was held on 13 May 2015 at the AFC House in Kuala Lumpur. Assistant: 决赛的抽签仪式于2015年5月13日在吉隆坡的AFC大厦举行。 User: At the coastal cities, Mombasa, Lamu and Malindi, the air changes from cool to hot, almost every day. Assistant: 像蒙巴萨、拉穆镇和马林迪等海岸城镇,每天气温可以在凉爽和炎热之间变化。 User: Heavy bags are typically filled with dense material which have little "give" (e.g. packed sand, grains, etc.); in order to avoid injury, hand protection (boxing gloves, bag gloves, training gloves, hand wraps, etc.) is used during practice. Assistant: 沙袋通常以几乎没有“标示”的致密材料(例如包装的沙子,谷物等)填充;为了避免受伤,在实践中使用手部防护(拳击手套,手套袋,训练手套,手套等)。 User: Two are chambered in 9×19mm Parabellum with part number WAP10001 for the standard model and part number WAP10006 for the Massachusetts compliant model and two in .40 S&W with the part number WAP10002 and part number WAP10007 for the Massachusetts compliant model. Assistant: 其中两种为发射9×19毫米手枪子弹,产品编号的一部分为WAP10001的标准型和产品编号的一部分为WAP10006的MA兼容型;另外两种为发射.40 S&W手枪子弹,产品编号的一部分为WAP10002的标准型和产品编号的一部分为WAP10007的MA兼容型。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Managerial economics is the application of economic methods in the managerial decision-making process. Assistant: 管理经济学则是应用经济学理论于管理决策过程中。 User: Quickselect uses the same overall approach as quicksort, choosing one element as a pivot and partitioning the data in two based on the pivot, accordingly as less than or greater than the pivot. Assistant: 快速选择的总体思路与快速排序一致,选择一个元素作为基准来对元素进行分区,将小于和大于基准的元素分在基准左边和右边的两个区域。 User: These findings were radical at the time and continue to be debated. Assistant: 在当时,这些发现是激进的且依然持续争论中。 User: GAP also provides programmed layer transitions, frame rate change, and move paths, allowing the creation of sophisticated animations. Assistant: GAP还提供程序层渐变、帧速率改变,以及路径的移动,可创建复杂的动画。 User: The move angered Dodgers owner Branch Rickey, who encouraged Chandler to begin an investigation into the gambling habits of Durocher and his associate, actor George Raft. Assistant: 此举激怒了道奇队老板瑞基,他于是鼓动钱德勒对杜洛奇与合伙人、好莱坞男演员乔治·拉夫特(George Raft)的赌博恶习展开调查来还以颜色。 User: European military conflict did not cease, but had less disruptive effects on the lives of Europeans. Assistant: 欧洲的军事冲突并没有停止,但是对欧洲人的生活造成的破坏性影响下降。 User: He enjoyed the film, having experienced last-minute Christmas shopping himself, and was attracted to playing an "ordinary" character in a family film. Assistant: 他表示自己很喜欢这部电影,亲身体验了在最后时刻进行圣诞购物的感觉,并且对在一部家庭电影中出演一位“普通人”感到很受吸引。 User: De Gaulle believed that he could persuade the French forces in Dakar to join the Allied cause. Assistant: 戴高乐相信他可以说服维琪法国在达喀尔的军队加入盟军的原因有很多。 User: It is located in the Pleiades open star cluster, approximately 400 light-years (120 pc) from Earth. Assistant: 它是坐落于疏散星团昴宿星团内的天体,距离地球大约400光年(120秒差距)。 User: He rose in power to a position of "de facto" regent of the country, where he tried to carry out widespread reforms. Assistant: 他以“事实上的统治者”身份掌握了权力后,他进行了大范围的改革。 User: It was a Baroque building commissioned by Duke Albert V of Bavaria, designed by Johann Baptist Gunetzrhainer and inaugurated in 1727. Assistant: 这是一座巴洛克式建筑,由巴伐利亚公爵阿尔伯特五世委托约翰·古内兹海纳设计,于1727年落成。 User: In the Indian independence movement, this sentiment was common. Assistant: 在印度独立运动时期,这种情绪十分普遍。 User: The series sold poorly, prompting critics to blame the involved process by which they were first marketed, and the fact that they were medallions rather than coins. Assistant: 奖章销量欠佳,对此有批评认为最初推出时的营销手段失当,而且这些是奖章而非硬币,本来就不会有多大销量。 User: Merchants from China, Japan and Java were not taxed at all. Assistant: 然而,来自中国,日本和爪哇的客商不征税。 User: It is also found in the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas. Assistant: 也在非科乐美公司的游戏中出现。 User: All sediments are at first in an incoherent condition (e.g. sands, clays and gravels, beds of shells, etc.), and they may remain in this state for an indefinite period. Assistant: 所有的沉积物先处于一个不连贯的表面(如:沙、黏土、砾石和贝壳沉积),而且可能会一直处于这种状态中。 User: Many of today's most respected Russian musicians, writers, film editors and other cultural personalities belonged to the movement, or shared its free, bohemian lifestyle. Assistant: 今天很多最受尊崇的俄罗斯音乐家、作家、电影剪辑师和其他文化名人都曾参与这一运动,或者是接受它自由、波希米亚式的生活方式。 User: On 30 November 2007, the 27 member states of the European Union unanimously agreed to move forward with the project, with plans for bases in Germany and Italy. Assistant: 2007年11月30日,欧盟的27个成员国一致同意将推进伽利略项目的建设,该计划基于德国和意大利提出的方案。 User: In 1942, Stern, after he was arrested, was shot dead in disputed circumstances by Inspector Geoffrey J. Morton of the CID. Assistant: 1942年,斯特恩被捕后,被刑事调查局督察杰弗里·J·莫顿射杀,死况存在争议。 User: Deformation of the Nazca Plate even affects the geography of Bolivia, far to the east (Tinker et al.). Assistant: 纳斯卡板块的变形甚至还影响到了远在其东部的玻利维亚的地理(Tinker et al.)。 User: Around 22 April, Rejtan and the remaining colleagues left the Sejm chamber after about 36 hours of having little sleep and food (Rejtan is said to have refused to eat in the Sejm chamber, saying it would disrespect it). Assistant: 4月22日左右,在36小时不睡觉不进食后,雷伊坦和留下来的同伴离开瑟姆会议厅(据称雷伊坦拒绝在瑟姆会议厅进食,称这是对瑟姆的无礼)。 User: Opportunity traveled for 21 months to Victoria before finally reaching its edge on September 26, 2006 (sol 951), at the newly named "Duck Bay". Assistant: 机会号探测车行驶了21个月,2006年9月26日(第951个火星日)到达维多利亚撞击坑边缘,该地底被命名为 "Duck Bay"。 User: As a result, infected users could not actually send the required payment confirmation to the perpetrator. Assistant: 结果受感染的用户实际上无法向犯罪者发送所需的支付确认信。 User: Station information Assistant: 车站资讯 User: If the defender cannot achieve these aims, he may commit a foul intentionally. Assistant: 如果搏斗不能取胜,岂不是白白地断送一位壮士。 User: It was the highest death toll from a shipwreck during the migrant crisis. Assistant: 这是移民危机期间沉船事故死亡人数最多的一次。 User: The English excelled at open battles; they took up a position whose exact location is unknown but traditionally believed to be near the tiny village of Patay. Assistant: 英军擅长在开放地带作战,他们占据了一个具体位置不明的地点,一般认为应该是在帕提一个小村落的附近。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: He was the son of King James II of England and Ireland (VII of Scotland) and his Roman Catholic second wife, Mary of Modena, and, as such, was automatically Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothesay, among other titles. Assistant: 他是英格兰和爱尔兰国王詹姆斯二世(在苏格兰称詹姆斯七世)与其第二任妻子天主教王后摩德纳的玛丽的儿子,自动得到康沃尔公爵、罗撒西公爵和一些其他头衔。 User: By 1609, according to the list of Ayn Ali, there were 32 eyalets. Assistant: 1609年,根据艾尼·阿里(Ayn-i Ali Efendi)的记载,全国共有32个省份。 User: New characters introduced included Mr. Freeze and Betty Kane, the original Bat-Girl. Assistant: 此时期新加入的角色包括冷冻先生和最初代的蝙蝠女孩——贝蒂凯恩。 User: So they reexamined the NEAT asteroid tracking data set and found this star. Assistant: 于是,他们重新检查NEAT计划的小行星追踪数据库,并发现了这颗恒星。 User: Guernica also was the path of retreat for the Republicans from the northeast of Biscay. Assistant: 格尔尼卡也是共和军从比斯开东北部撤退的必经之地。 User: In 1975, the capital city of Kinshasa obtained the status of a province. Assistant: 1975年,首都金沙萨正式成为省级地位。 User: Hegel believed that civil society and the state were polar opposites, within the scheme of his dialectic theory of history. Assistant: 黑格尔相信公民社会和国家是两极的存在,在他对历史辩证法的结构之中。 User: The Sassaman-Projected method is a modified version of the Sassaman-Efficient, with the purpose for large groups. Assistant: Sassaman-投影法是Sassaman-高效法的修改版,目的是在大群的人中使用。 User: Before the Van Ophuijsen Spelling System was in force, the Malay language (and consequently Indonesian) in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) had been written in the Jawi script. Assistant: 在强制推行范欧普豪伊森系统之前,荷属东印度(今印度尼西亚)境内的马来语(今印尼语)是以爪夷文书写的。 User: Architect Tao Ho was chosen as one of the panel judges to pick Hong Kong's new flag. Assistant: 建筑师何弢作为评审小组的专家之一,来参与选择香港的新旗帜。 User: May launched the Conservative campaign with a focus on Brexit, lower domestic taxes and avoiding a Labour–Lib Dem–SNP "coalition of chaos", but she refused to commit not to raise taxes. Assistant: 特蕾莎·梅发起了保守党竞选运动,重点是英国脱欧、降低国内税收、阻止工党-自民党-苏格兰民族党的“混乱联合政府”,但她拒绝承诺不加税。 User: Harald Gille had acknowledged Eystein as a son before his death, and Eystein was therefore given a share of the kingdom. Assistant: 哈拉尔·吉勒在去世前曾承认过埃斯泰因是他的儿子,因此埃斯泰因可分享王国的权力。 User: Revolutionaries associated national unification with progress. Assistant: 革命派将国家统一与进步联系在一起。 User: Hassan Al Kontar (born 13 July 1981) is a Syrian refugee who was stranded at Kuala Lumpur International Airport from March 7, 2018 until his arrest on October 1, 2018. Assistant: 哈桑·阿尔孔塔尔(1981年7月13日-)是一名叙利亚难民,自2018年3月7日起被困吉隆坡机场,直至同年10月1日被捕 。 User: Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation (1972) Air Cooperation agreement (1975) Agreement on the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Income or Capital (2000). Assistant: 关于科学技术合作的协定 (1972) 航空合作协定(1975) 关于避免收益与资本双重税收的协定 (2000). User: Street punk is a working class subgenre of punk rock which emerged in the early 1980s, partly as a rebellion against the perceived artistic pretensions of the first wave of British punk. Assistant: 街头庞克(英语:Street punk,又作:Streetpunk)是一种工人阶级为主的庞克摇滚,大略成形于1980年代,部分是为了反对第一波英伦庞克大众认知艺术的做作。 User: In Gratz, the Court struck down a points-based undergraduate admissions system that added points for minority status, finding that its rigidity violated the Equal Protection Clause; in Grutter, the Court upheld a race-conscious admissions process for the university's law school that used race as one of many factors to determine admission. Assistant: 在格拉兹案中,法院认为该校以分数为标准的本科招生制度中,为少数族裔加分的做法违反了平等保护条款;而在格鲁兹案里,法院同意该校法学院在招生时,把种族作为确定录取学生的多个考虑因素之一。 User: Other countries were seriously affected; for example, more than 5% of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden were contaminated to high levels (> 40,000 Bq/m2 caesium-137). Assistant: 其他国家,例如乌克兰 (5%)、芬兰和瑞典皆受到高程度上的污染 (污染程度:> 40,000 Bq/m,铯-137)。 User: The term planetoid has also been used, especially for larger (planetary) objects such as those the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has called dwarf planets since 2006. Assistant: planetoid这个名词也曾经被使用过,特别是针对较大(像行星)的天体,像是从2006年起被国际天文学联合会称为矮行星的天体。 User: He could back up this claim by citing relative sizes—if Andromeda were not part of the Milky Way, then its distance must have been on the order of 108 light years—a span most contemporary astronomers would not accept. Assistant: 他引用相对大小的主张 -如果仙女座星云不是银河系的一部分,则它的距离一定是108光年的数量级- 这是当时大多数天文学家都不能接受的尺度。 User: Wine exports grew very quickly as quality wine production increased. Assistant: 随着优质葡萄酒产量增加,葡萄酒出口量快速增长。 User: In January 2010, Tymoshenko called for urgent amendments to the Constitution via the majority of the Verkhovna Rada after a survey or plebiscite is conducted. Assistant: 2010年1月,季莫申科呼吁在民意调查或公民投票结束后,透过议会多数进行宪法紧急修正案。 User: Communities that live close to the equator, for example, are described as having black skins, small statures, and thick woolly hair, as a protective response to the burning heat of that location. Assistant: 生活在赤道附近的社会共同体,举例来说,被形容为具有黑皮肤、小个子,浓密的羊毛状(蓬乱)头发,作为对该地方强烈的燥热、热度之保护性反应。 User: The Spartan 310 is inexpensive compared to other double barreled shotguns. Assistant: 与其他的双管霰弹枪相比,雷明登斯巴达310的价格低廉。 User: On May 6, 2010, Mangum played a 5-song acoustic set at the Le Poisson Rouge in Manhattan at a benefit concert for his friend Chris Knox who was undergoing health issues at the time. Assistant: 2010年5月6日,杰夫.曼干在曼哈顿参与了一场为了中风友人Chris Knox举办的慈善演出,共表演了五首歌。 User: This process of continuous improvement is often modeled as a curve depicting decreasing costs over time (for instance fuel cell which have become cheaper every year). Assistant: 持续改进的过程常常被描绘成费用随时间降低的曲线(例如燃料电池,每年都会变得更便宜)。 User: Following their parents split while Sam and Billie were children, their mother later went on to marry David Chatwood. Assistant: 当父母离婚时,法尔斯的年纪还很小,母亲后来嫁给David Chatwood。 User: No rainforest today can be considered to be undisturbed. Assistant: 但是目前已经没有雨林可以被认为是不受外来影响的。 User: Despite his height, Siewert averaged just 1.1 points per game with the Huskies and had the lowest field goal percentage on the team. Assistant: 不过斯沃特除了身高便一无是处,场均得分只有1.1分,而且投篮命中率是队内最低的。 User: Part of this difference is believed to be due to race, with Caucasians at higher risk, and part due to environmental factors. Assistant: 族群也可能有所影响,如高加索人的风险较高,但这可能也与环境因子相关。 User: Michigan was constructed at the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics Corporation in Groton, Connecticut, and was commissioned on 11 September 1982. Assistant: 密歇根号潜艇由通用动力下属的电船公司在康涅狄格州的格罗顿建造,并于1982年9月11日正式服役。 User: In the unclassified summary of their findings, published in 1978, the Committee wrote: In the development of DES, NSA convinced IBM that a reduced key size was sufficient; indirectly assisted in the development of the S-box structures; and certified that the final DES algorithm was, to the best of their knowledge, free from any statistical or mathematical weakness. Assistant: 在1978年出版的一份公开的总结中,该委员会写道: 在DES的开发中,NSA使IBM确信缩短后的密钥长度也可以满足需求,间接的帮助了S盒结构的开发,并确认最终的DES算法可以在他们所知范围内没有任何统计学的或数学的弱点。 User: Filipino Americans are the largest racial minority in the city of Anchorage, and also have large numbers in the Aleutians and Kodiak Island. Assistant: 菲律宾裔美国人是安克雷奇市最大的少数民族,在阿留申群岛和科迪亚克岛也有很多人。 User: Since 1994, Norway, has been whaling commercially and Iceland began hunting commercially in September 2006. Assistant: 挪威自1994年开始商业捕鲸,冰岛则是自2006年开始。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Senate, however, refused to confirm many new nominations, instead demanding that Cleveland turn over the confidential records relating to the suspensions. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 参议院却拒绝了这么多的新任命,并要求克利夫兰移交暂停权力的机密档案。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: MPEG-DASH is available natively on Android through the ExoPlayer, on Samsung Smart TVs 2012+, LG Smart TV 2012+, Sony TV 2012+, Philips NetTV 4.1+, Panasonic Viera 2013+ and Chromecast. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:通过ExoPlayer,MPEG-DASH在Android上可原生使用,如三星智能电视2012+、LG智能电视2012+、索尼电视2012+、飞利浦NetTV 4.1+、松下Viera 2013+和Chromecast。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: SAT scores range from 400 to 1600, with each of the two sections worth up to 800 points. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:SAT成绩从400到1600不等,两个部分分别达到800分。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Because WEP uses a cryptographically insecure checksum mechanism (CRC32), an attacker can guess individual bytes of a packet, and the wireless access point will confirm or deny whether or not the guess is correct. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 因为WEP所使用的查和(Checksum)算法CRC32在密码学上并不安全,攻击者可以猜测到数据包中的单个字节,而后连接点会对猜测正确与否作出确认或拒绝传输。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The exact effects of any impact would vary based on the asteroid's composition, and the location and angle of impact. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 任何的撞击产生的准确后果的估计要视具体小行星的成分,撞击地点和角度而定。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: They handle many cases of breaches of the peace — drunkenness, minor assaults, petty theft, and offences under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 裁判官负责审理危害公众安宁、醉酒、轻微袭击罪、小额盗窃案及其他根据《民政法 (苏格兰) 1982年》所订定的犯法行为。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The number featured the film's stars and a cast of 150 dancers. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该节目的特点是有电影明星及150名舞者的参与。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: John returns home at night, very proud. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 贾琏晚间归房,冷清清的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Gilbert's remnants turned north and eventually merged with a developing frontal low pressure system over Missouri. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 风暴残留转向北上,最终与密苏里州上空一片正在发展的锋面低气压系统融合。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Belgian scholar Luc Kwanten visit to the Soviet Union in the late 1970s, and was able to photograph the whole of "The Pearl in the Palm". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 比利时汉学家陆宽田(英语:Luc Kwanten)于1970年代末访问苏联时,拍摄到了全本《番汉合时掌中珠》。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In compressed images, for example, the 4:2:2 Y'CbCr scheme requires two-thirds the bandwidth of (4:4:4) R'G'B'. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在压缩影像中,以4:2:2 Y'CbCr作例,它只需R'G'B'(4:4:4)三分之二的带宽。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:To supplement air traffic control, most large transport aircraft and many smaller ones use a traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS), which can detect the location of nearby aircraft, and provide instructions for avoiding a midair collision. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 为了增强空中交通管制,大型运输机和略小些的使用空中防撞系统(TCAS),它可以检测出附近的其他飞机,并提供防止空中相撞的指令。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The system is based on English units of measure. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 英制单位是源自英国的计量单位制。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: After the start of World War I, D'Annunzio returned to Italy and made public speeches in favor of Italy's entry on the side of the Triple Entente. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 第一次世界大战爆发后,邓南遮回到意大利,发表公开演说,呼吁意大利加入协约国。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Jordanian Pattons' failure on the West Bank could also be attributed to Israeli air superiority. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 约旦在西战场的失败并不全然是因为战车的问题,也归因于以色列的空中优势。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The lawyers were escorted to a house used to accommodate visitors. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:他们被护送到一座过去用来招待来访者的房屋里。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The creature vanished as it bounded past. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 已生起者,如何弃除。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As Namshub (shining), he is considered a protective deity, "the shining god that illuminates our path". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:由于纳舒厄是“闪光”之意,因此,他被认为是一位保护神-“照亮我们道路的闪光之神”。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: The symbolic connotations of geese depend somewhat on whether they appear in single, in pair, or in a flock; also whether they are wild or domestic. Assistant: 大雁的象征含义一定程度上取决于是单独、成对还是成群出现,及是野生还是家养。 User: Elektronmusikstudion (EMS), formerly known as Electroacoustic Music in Sweden, is the Swedish national centre for electronic music and sound art. Assistant: 电子音乐研究所(英语:Elektronmusikstudion)(EMS)的前身为“瑞典电声音乐”,是瑞典电子音乐与声音艺术的国家中心。 User: He and other Uighurs like the Bughra brothers wanted to secede from China. Assistant: 他和其他维吾尔族领导人类似于布格拉兄弟打算脱离中国。 User: This bombardment, however, caused only minimal damage; this was the last combined British and French naval operation before the French surrender. Assistant: 此次作战只造成意大利轻微损失,而这也是法国投降前最后一次与英国皇家海军舰队联合作战。 User: Caspar Bartholin, a 17th-century Danish anatomist, dismissed Colombo's and Falloppio's claims that they discovered the clitoris, arguing that the clitoris had been widely known to medical science since the second century. Assistant: 17世纪的丹麦解剖学家巴松林(英语:Caspar Bartholin the Younger)对法罗皮奥和科伦坡等人“发现阴蒂”的宣称进行了驳斥,认为阴蒂自2世纪以来便为医学界广为人知的器官。 User: Sutcliffe refused medical attention at the time and failed to keep an X-ray appointment at Sefton General Hospital. Assistant: 当时,萨克利夫拒绝接受治疗,没有去塞夫顿综合医院(Sefton General Hospital)完成预约的X射线检查。 User: Sport is considered a national pastime in Finland and many Finns visit different sporting events regularly. Assistant: 体育是芬兰的全民性活动,许多芬兰人经常参加不同的体育活动。 User: Tyson was born Laura D'Andrea in New Jersey. Assistant: 泰森生于新泽西州劳拉·D'安德烈家族。 User: The second X-4 (serial number 46-677) was delivered during the halt of flights, and soon proved far more reliable. Assistant: 第二架X-4(编号46-677)在试飞计划中断时被送达,这架飞机很快就被发现比第一架可靠得多。 User: Acadine Technologies has derived their H5OS from Firefox OS as well. Assistant: Acadine Technologies也从Firefox OS中分支出H5OS。 User: Issues:Water. Assistant: 元素:水。 User: However, Mansur suffered a defeat when he tried to infiltrate Russian territory and failed to seize the fort of Kizlyar. Assistant: 然而,曼苏尔在试图进入俄国进内是遭遇了失败,并且未能攻克基兹利亚尔堡垒。 User: In Great Britain, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia, children's playhouses are commonly known as Wendy houses. Assistant: 在英国、南非、新西兰及澳洲,儿童的游戏屋常称为Wendy house(英语:Wendy house)。 User: Gaudí resigned from the project in 1893, at the death of Bishop Grau, due to disagreements with the Chapter, and it was finished in 1915 by Ricardo García Guereta. Assistant: 1893年,格劳主教去世后,高迪因分歧而辞职,工程耽搁了十余年,到1907年至1915年由 Ricardo Garcia Guereta完成。 User: 543 pages. Assistant: 共543页。 User: On 6 June, FIFA extended the ban to worldwide matches, but this was modified a week later to exclude friendly matches and did not affect the English national team. Assistant: 同年6月6日,国际足联将禁令扩大到全球范围内的比赛,但这在一周后便进行了修改,将友谊赛排除在外,同时确保英格兰足球代表队也不受影响。 User: There have been scheduling challenges faced in the design of the Modular Houses sets. Assistant: 进度安排曾经也是模块房屋在设计过程中所面临的一项挑战。 User: Rebekah Mary Brooks (née Wade; born 27 May 1968) is a British journalist and former newspaper editor. Assistant: 利百加·玛丽·布鲁克斯(Rebekah Mary Brooks;娘家姓韦德/Wade;1968年5月27日-)是一位英国记者和前报纸总编辑。 User: Since 1824, the Franklin Institute has maintained the longest continuously awarded science and technology awards program in the United States, and one of the oldest in the world. Assistant: 自1824年以来,富兰克林研究院在美国持续获得最长的科技奖励计划,是世界上最古老的科学奖。 User: In a statement, Maliki urged both sides to show restraint and blamed the incident on unruly protesters. Assistant: 在一份声明中,马利基敦促双方保持克制,并指责在这一事件上不守规矩的抗议者。 User: This was discovered by Benoît Mandelbrot, who looked at cotton prices and found that they followed a Lévy alpha-stable distribution with α = 1.7. Assistant: 比如本华·曼德博发现棉花价格的变化服从稳定分布( α = 1.7 {\displaystyle \alpha =1.7} )。 User: In that interview, Martha's remarkable beauty, charm, and fun-loving nature were laid out in detail. Assistant: 在这次采访中,玛莎的美丽、优雅和睿智,被长篇累牍的描述。 User: They now act as agents of reality, attempting to correct imbalances without directly manipulating events. Assistant: 现在他们充当现实的代理人,尝试不直接操控事物来纠正失衡。 User: First mention. Assistant: 是故先说。 User: The coffee, originating from the UCIRI cooperative in Mexico, was imported by Dutch company Van Weely, roasted by Neuteboom, sold directly to shops and, for the first time, to mainstream retailers across the Netherlands. Assistant: 于是墨西哥UCIRI合作社产出的咖啡豆,从荷兰的Van Weely公司进口,Neuteboom公司烘焙,然后销售到世界商店,以及首次流入一般的主流零售通路。 User: In larger and more precise forms they were also used as observational instruments. Assistant: 更大和更精密的形式则被作为观测仪器。 User: The eggs hatch after 53 to 60 days of incubation by both parents. Assistant: 蛋的孵化期为53-60天,由父母双方共同负责。 User: The channel is aimed at mostly young children. Assistant: 该博物馆主要面向少年儿童。 User: Paul Krugman has worked extensively on the liquidity trap, claiming that it was the problem confronting the Japanese economy around the turn of the millennium. Assistant: 保罗·克鲁格曼评价安倍经济学,认为这是日本从通货紧缩陷阱打破的一个必要的政策。 User: Pages 66–69 of John-Paul Himka's Last Judgment Iconography in the Carpathians provides an illustrated description of some such 15th-century Carpathian icons based on a northern Rus' prototype (p. 193). Assistant: John-Paul Himka在《喀尔巴阡山脉的最后审判图像》一书第66-69页用插图描述大约15世纪的、基于北鲁斯(Rus)原型的喀尔巴阡山脉图像(第193页)。 User: A resident of the village said that installing cameras around the village may make tourists think twice and instead choose only to have a photograph taken in front of the sign. Assistant: 当地的一个居民说在村子周围安装摄像头会使游客在路牌拍照前三思而后行。 User: Glenfield Model 50: From 1966 until 1973, a slightly shorter variant called the Model 50 was produced. Assistant: 格伦菲尔德50型(Glenfield Model 50):在1966年至1973年制造,是一个长度略短的版本。 User: The outer shell is estimated to be about 1,200 years old (Schwarz et al. 1997). Assistant: 估计最外层的年龄已经有1,200年之久(Schwarz 等人 1997)。 User: The first two levels were designed to seamlessly introduce new players to the core game mechanics, without a tutorial mission that might lose the interest of experienced players. Assistant: 首两个关卡之设计理念为让新玩家掌握游戏核心玩法,同时为免使旧玩家失去兴趣而不设教学任务。 User: The Golden Bend is now mainly made up of banks, with a few exceptions, BTC.com a well known and established cryptocurrency company, offices of life insurance companies, and some cultural institutions, like Goethe Institute, as well as a small private-museum, the Kattenkabinet (Herengracht 497). Assistant: 黄金转弯现在主要是由银行占据,也有一些例外,是寿险公司办公室,以及一些文化机构,如歌德学院,以及一个小型私人博物馆,Kattenkabinet(绅士运河497号)。 User: Arab News, 21 March 2013. Assistant: 东森新闻,2013年3月21日。 User: Second, when they do suffer price cuts (as in Japan), it can lead to disastrous deflation. Assistant: 其次,当他们遭受物价下跌(例如日本),这将引起灾难性的通货紧缩。 User: Finally, the Treaty of Lausanne, signed in 1923, formally ended all hostilities and led to the creation of the modern Turkish republic. Assistant: 最终,1923年签订的洛桑条约终止了所有战争,形成了现今的土耳其共和国。 User: On May 12, 2015, she released her debut EP, I Don't Wanna Grow Up, through Warner Bros. Records. Assistant: 2015年5月12日,她通过华纳兄弟唱片发行了她的首张EP“I Don't Wanna Grow Up”。 User: Paul begins his address by emphasizing the need to know God, rather than worshiping the unknown: "As I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Assistant: 保罗开始于强调需要认识,而不是崇拜未识之神: 我经过各处的时候,仔细观看你们所敬拜的,遇见一座坛,上面写着:给未识之神。 User: Further observations made with the VLA in 2008 verified increase in size, implying it is no more than 150 years old. Assistant: 在2008年的观测,进一步的验证了它的大小仍在增加中,这意味着他的年龄不会超过150岁(观测到的超新星的图像年龄不会超过150岁)。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: It is also one of the first mobile phones to feature the game Snake. Assistant: 它也是第一个手机配备游戏贪食蛇之一。 User: Viktor Navorski, a traveler from the fictional country Krakozhia, arrives at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport, only to find that his passport is suddenly no longer valid. Assistant: 维克多·纳沃斯基(汤姆·汉克斯饰)从一个虚构的东欧国家“克拉科齐亚”(Krakozhia)抵达纽约肯尼迪国际机场,他并不知道在旅途中他的国家被反政府武装推翻了,所持有的护照因此失效。 User: Bass guitars and drums may be played live, or be replaced by electronic musical instruments or computers. Assistant: 贝斯和鼓可能会在现场演唱使用,或是由电子音乐器材和电脑代替。 User: I do not want to see Egyptians fighting each other ... Assistant: 我不想看到埃及人互相攻击......我并不管人们怎么说我。 User: While using the method, income from projects could be recorded, although they might not have ever received the money, and in turn increasing financial earnings on the books. Assistant: 在使用此种方法时,项目的收入会被记录,虽然公司并没有收到现金,并且会增加账面上的财务收益。 User: The last Forum was also the biggest and greatest. Assistant: 这最后一个广场也是最大和最雄伟的。 User: When asked about which musicians he would like to collaborate with, he replied, "A musician who has passed away, Miles Davis. Assistant: 在问及他希望和哪些音乐家合作时,他回答称,“一个已经逝去的音乐家,迈尔斯·戴维斯。 User: Anarcho-communist ideas replaced collectivist anarchism as the main anarchist tendency in Europe, except in Spain. Assistant: 无政府共产主义思想在欧洲取代了集体无政府主义成为无政府主义的主流趋势,但西班牙例外。 User: Parker has a well-known friendship with compatriot footballer Thierry Henry. Assistant: 帕克与法国著名足球运动员蒂埃里·亨利有着深厚的友谊。 User: Some studies have validated the program's accuracy. Assistant: 其它研究也证实了项目的有效性。 User: In reaction to the unrest, the Maryland State Police sent 82 troopers to protect the city. Assistant: 为应对骚乱,马里兰州警方调遣82名警察保护城市。 User: Game Revolution's reviewer agreed with Lombardi by believing that "Dungeon Keeper is a revolutionary, terrific game", and also complimented the "terrific" graphics and the "nearly as impressive" sound. Assistant: Game Revolution的评论人员同意Lombardi的观点,认为“地下城守护者是一个革命性、可敬的游戏”,并且赞扬了其令人惊叹的图形和令人印象深刻的声效体验。 User: The school was faced with total rebuilding problems after the war. Assistant: 战后,学校面临着全面的重建问题。 User: The Apple III could be viewed as an enhanced Apple II – then the newest heir to a line of 8-bit machines dating back to 1976. Assistant: 也许长远上更重要的因素是,Apple III本质上算是增强过的Apple II—始于1976年之8位元个人电脑的后继者。 User: The awarding of the prize in 1973 to Nikolaas Tinbergen, Konrad Lorenz, and Karl von Frisch for their observations of animal behavioral patterns could be considered a prize in the behavioral sciences rather than medicine or physiology. Assistant: 该奖项于1973年授予了尼古拉斯·廷贝亨,康拉德·洛伦兹和卡尔·冯·弗里希,以表彰其对动物行为模式的观察,这更像是属于行为科学领域的奖项而不是医学或生理学领域。 User: In HIV treatment, the Tanner scale is used to determine which treatment regimen to follow (adult, adolescent or pediatric). Assistant: 在艾滋病毒的治疗中,谭纳标准可用于确定所遵循的治疗方案(成人、青少年或儿童)。 User: The sangha sent emissaries to him and informed to come and teach Dittivada. Assistant: 不久世祖篡位,任命他为同知中枢院使。 User: Brokaw and his wife spend considerable time at their ranch near Livingston, Montana, which they bought in 1989. Assistant: 布罗考和他的妻子在他们在1989年购入的蒙大拿州利文斯顿附近的牧场居住了一段长时间。 User: It is a cognate of Catherine. Assistant: 海伦的一个侍女的名字。 User: Dante Alighieri, in the Divine Comedy, recounts that he saw Alfonso's spirit seated outside the gates of Purgatory with the other monarchs whom Dante blamed for the chaotic political state of Europe during the 13th century. Assistant: 但丁·阿利吉耶里所写的“神曲”回忆说,他看到阿方索三世的灵魂与其他君主坐在炼狱门外,但丁其实是在指责13世纪欧洲混乱的政治形态。 User: Many are in the open air, such as the Agora of Athens and the Roman Forum. Assistant: 有许多是在露天环境中,如雅典卫城和罗马广场。 User: However, ARSA follows many traditional Islamic practices such as having recruits swear an oath to the Quran, referring to their leader as an emir, and asking for fatwas from foreign Muslim clerics. Assistant: 然而,ARSA遵循许多传统的伊斯兰习俗,例如让新兵向古兰经宣誓,将他们的领导人称为埃米尔,并向外国穆斯林神职人员请求法特瓦。 User: The interconnection between the two domains must occur through a SIP trunk. Assistant: 这两个域的互通需要通过SIP中继链接实现。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Often there was standing room only on the boat. Assistant: 一般在艇的前后都有水密空间作贮存用。 User: Kamo was caught in Germany shortly after the robbery but successfully avoided a criminal trial by feigning insanity for more than three years. Assistant: 在抢劫之后卡莫于德国被捕,但他通过伪装精神错乱而在此后超过三年内免于被起诉。 User: His main goal is to get rid of The Shapies, so he can have the bedroom to himself. Assistant: 这一关会解除影子的催眠,让他加入自己的阵营。 User: Paley cited wings and eyes as examples of complexity of design, analogous to that of a watch, with God as the Divine Watchmaker. Assistant: 佩利引用翅膀和眼睛作为设计复杂性的例子,类似于手表,上帝是神的制表师。 User: China decided to accelerate the modernization process by stepping up the volume of foreign trade, especially the purchase of machinery from Japan and the West. Assistant: 中国决定通过增加国际贸易,特别是购买来自日本和西方的机械来加速现代化进程。 User: Je nach Fettmenge können Plunder mit mind. Assistant: 若多思觉人,念息法门治。 User: Quality Circle Forum. Assistant: 三、建立品管圈(Quality Cirles)体制。 User: It would be a lovely setting for the hotel with a view to attract a high class rich tourists from the west, however by the growth of essential infrastructural facilities the whole environment will face the problem of pollution, socio-psychological depression and harder common life. Assistant: 这将是一个可爱的酒店位置,景色可以吸引富有的西方上流社会游客,但是由于基本的基础设施的增长,整个环境将面临污染,社会心理压抑和共同生活更加困难的问题。 User: He preferred the use of economic sanctions to end the war. Assistant: 他表示现在更愿意借助外交手段结束战争。 User: The primary weakness of the Vigenère cipher is the repeating nature of its key. Assistant: 破译维吉尼亚密码的关键在于它的密钥是循环重复的。 User: Since the 2000s, many of these shops have been substituted with others, like pizzerias, gelaterias and souvenir sellers, servicing tourists en route to St. Peter. Assistant: 自2000年代以来,其中的许多商店已被其他商店取代,如比萨饼店、冰淇淋店和纪念品销售商,服务于前往圣伯多禄大殿的游客。 User: It would provide work during construction and living areas after completion for the Palestinian Arabs. Assistant: 在建造期间提供工作并且在完成后为巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯人提供居住地。 User: Such institutions existed since before the times of the Iliad or of the Odyssey, and modern democracies are often derived from or inspired by them, or what remained of them. Assistant: 这样的制度在伊利亚特和奥德赛的年代前便已存在,而现代民主国家往往是源于这些传统。 User: Burning wreckage was scattered for 200 to 300 metres near houses in Niederhasli, some 5 kilometres (3 mi) northwest of the runway at Zurich's Kloten airport. Assistant: 燃烧着的飞机残骸散落在靠近下哈斯利居民房的200-300米范围内,距离苏黎世机场跑道西北方5公里(3英里)处。 User: Al Sharpton organized a protest in Staten Island on the afternoon of July 19, and condemned the police's use of the chokehold on Garner, saying that "there is no justification" for it. Assistant: 阿尔·夏普顿组织了7月19日下午在史泰登岛的抗议,谴责警方掐死加纳,称这样做没有理由。 User: Initially, only one squadron strong, they received 500 reinforcements in Egypt and a further 600 at Susa. Assistant: 东征初期,他们有一个中队,在征服埃及后,另有一批500人的培奥尼亚骑兵增援,在苏萨时他们的人数是600人。 User: The lake was known to French explorers as Lac des Prairies. Assistant: 这个湖被法国探险家称为Lac des Prairies(草原之湖)。 User: He was buried in his farm on the island of Caprera alongside his last wife and some of his children. Assistant: 他安葬在卡普雷拉岛上的他自己的农场里,与他的最后一任妻子和一些子女并排在一起。 User: Furthermore, the Habsburgs and the Bishop of Chur had been quarrelling over the judicial rights over the region for some time. Assistant: 此外,哈布斯堡与库尔主教还为了库尔地区的低等司法权问题而争执了一段时间。 User: The rock band Backyard Babies and metal band Kongh hail from Nässjö. Assistant: 摇滚乐队backyard babies(英语:backyard babies)和金属乐队Kongh都来自奈舍。 User: Penang's economic growth rate in 2015 was 5.5%, which was higher than Malaysia's growth rate of 5%. Assistant: 槟城在2015年取得5.5%的经济增长率,比马来西亚的5%增长率还高。 User: There were two squadrons of armoured cars, each with a dozen Landsverk M36 or M38 vehicles. Assistant: 荷兰军队有两个中队的装甲车辆,各有12架M36/38坦克。 User: Nevertheless, he tries to remember the order of elimination. Assistant: 团体项目将采用淘汰赛制。 User: Annual Christian Nudist Convocations began early in the decade of the 2000s. Assistant: 每年一度的基督教裸体主义者会议,在2000年代早期开始举行。 User: Impact was severe in Montserrat, with nearly every building destroyed and 100 deaths reported. Assistant: 蒙塞拉特岛遭受风暴重创,几乎所有的建筑都被摧毁,上百人失去生命。 User: However, in 1992 American astronomer Dorrit Hoffleit noted that the two comparison stars used to determine the variability may themselves be variable. Assistant: 然而,美国天文学家Dorrit Hoffleit在1992年注意到,用来测量星等的比较星中,有两颗本身也是变星,因此内阶一可能只是疑似变星。 User: According to Italian historian Petacco, "Garibaldi was ready to accept Lincoln's 1862 offer but on one condition: that the war's objective be declared as the abolition of slavery. Assistant: 根据意大利历史学家佩塔科(Petacco)所言:“加里波底已经准备好接受林肯在1862年的提议了,但是他有一个条件:这场战争的目标得是宣布废除奴隶制。 User: However, in 2010, tourists also have begun to consume the meat. Assistant: 不过在2010年,游客也开始加入吃鲸鱼肉的行列。 User: The fast-moving host, like all military formations, needed supplies. Assistant: 快速行军的部队,像所有军事编队一样,需要有补给。 User: During this period he modified the Prony equation for calculating head loss due to friction, which after further modification by Julius Weisbach would become the well-known Darcy–Weisbach equation still in use today. Assistant: 在此期间,他对用以计算摩擦导致水头损失的普罗尼方程(英语:Prony equation)做了修改,之后又由尤利乌斯·威斯巴哈(英语:Julius_Weisbach)做了进一步的修改,成为知名且沿用至今的达西–威斯巴哈方程式。 User: However, assume also that the steepness of the hill is not immediately obvious with simple observation, but rather it requires a sophisticated instrument to measure, which the person happens to have at the moment. Assistant: 不过,要假设山的陡度不能通过简单地观察得到,而需要复杂的工具测量,而这个工具此人恰好有。 User: King's Bounty is a turn-based fantasy video game designed by Jon Van Caneghem and published by New World Computing in 1990. Assistant: 《国王的恩赐》(英语:King's Bounty)是一个奇幻类回合制电子游戏,由New World Computing的乔·万·坎赫姆于1990年设计推出。 User: As of October 2014 the system can be used with PlayStation Network accounts originating from outside the original launch territories of Japan and Asia following the release of system software firmware version 3.30 update, which also renames the PS Vita TV system to PS TV within the system menus. Assistant: 至2014年10月,随着3.30版本系统固件更新的发布,该功能也可用于日本及亚洲地区以外的PlayStation Network帐户,该系统固件也在系统菜单中将这些地区的PSVita TV重命名为PS TV。 User: From time to time, Rovio has released free upgrades that include additional content, such as new levels, new in-game objects and even new birds. Assistant: Rovio时常发行免费升级包,升级内容包括增加新关卡、新的游戏中物件甚至新种类的鸟。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Studies of lava flows on Steens Mountain, Oregon, indicate that the magnetic field could have shifted at a rate of up to 6 degrees per day at some time in Earth's history, which significantly challenges the popular understanding of how the Earth's magnetic field works. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 对美国俄勒冈州斯廷斯山(英语:Steens Mountain)熔岩流的研究显示,地磁场在地球历史上曾经有过每天6度的偏移速度,这与人们对地磁场的普遍认识大相径庭。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 One was labelled "Gondal Poems"; the other was unlabelled. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:有的被标签是“贡代尔的诗”,但其他并没有被标签任何名称。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Another suggestion (1964) was to consider the usual Hausdorff spaces but use functions continuous on compact subsets. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 另一个尝试(于1964年)则是考虑惯常的豪斯多夫空间,但将映射改为在紧致子集上连续的函数。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 This is a smaller event than the Convention and is attended by fewer members. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这是两个比较小的节日,其参加的人数比许多其它节日要少。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Also, GC does not positively identify most samples; and not all substances in a sample will necessarily be detected. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 同时,气相色谱并不能识别大部分的样品,而且并非样品中的所有物质都可以通过气相色谱检测出来。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Only three impressions survive B4, c. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 假设有三个候选人甲、乙、丙的选举。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The main items on the Congress agenda were the agrarian question, an appraisal of the current situation and the class tasks of the proletariat, the attitude to the Duma, and organisational matters. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 此次会议主要议程是土地问题,对现状和无产阶级任务的评估,对国家杜马的态度,以及组织问题。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 United Nations Economic and Social Council Resolution 22. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 联合国经济社会理事会中国代表。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1999, Hill appeared in Extreme, an IMAX film on adventure sports. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 1999年希尔在IMAX关于冒险体育的电影《极限》里登场。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In February 2010, Lulu Xingwana, the Minister of Arts and Culture changed the town's name to Mahikeng. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2010年2月,露拉玛·辛瓦纳,时任南非艺术与文化部长,同意该城市的名称改名为Mahikeng。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: When all is prepared, the officiant pours wine for those present. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 是日未阅前,官兵均赐食,阅后赐酒。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The claim often given to support "water memory" is that science does not fully understand water. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 经常被用于支持“水记忆”的说法是:科学界目前还没有完全弄清水。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Ansel Adams, photographer. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 安塞尔·亚当斯,摄影师。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This was actually carried through by the authorities in December 1988 when the Soviet Government issued a decree which stated all town, streets, factories, institutions and the like bearing Brezhnev's and Konstantin Chernenko's were to revert to their former name. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这实际上是由当局于1988年12月实行的,当时苏维埃政府发布声明,宣布所有叫勃列日涅夫和康斯坦丁·乌斯季诺维奇·契尔年科的城镇、街道、工厂和机关恢复原名。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Shortly after Ari Sandel was announced as Letterman's replacement as director. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 不久后,宣布亚里·桑多(英语:Ari Sandel)将取代罗勃·莱特曼担任导演。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The digraph sj was used to write , for example sjarat. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 复合字母sj用于拼写发音,例如sjarat。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The 16th-century Codex Mendoza provides evidence that it was cultivated by the Aztec in pre-Columbian times, and economic historians say it may have been as important as maize as a food crop. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在16世纪的曼多撒手抄本提供了前哥伦布时期阿兹特克人栽种的证据,及经济史学家说奇亚籽跟作为粮食的玉米一样重要。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:He was sent to the Eastern Front. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他被征召到前线。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Many are cultivars, some of hybrid origin; of these, some are of known parentage, such as the very popular Cotoneaster × watereri Exell (Waterer's Cotoneaster; C. frigidus × C. salicifolius), while others not. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 很多栒子属园林灌木是栽培种,还有一部分是杂交种,如常见的Cotoneaster×watereri Exell由耐寒栒子(C. frigidus)和柳叶栒子(C. salicifolius)杂交得到,不过大部分不是。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The controversy eventually erupted into a geopolitical dispute involving Muslim and Jewish groups on multiple continents over the application of, and adherence to, international law. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 该纠纷最终爆发为地缘政治冲突,涉及穆斯林和犹太人团体在各大洲遵守和饯行国际法。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In Post-Fordist economies: New information technologies are important. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在后福特制的经济体中: 新的信息技术是至关重要的。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Hi ye? Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 你好? User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The province of Catania was one of nine provinces in the island of Sicily which is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 卡塔尼亚省是地中海最大的岛屿西西里岛9个省中的一个。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The object is not to abolish these vital programs. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 当然,这并不代表上述方案没有包含致命因素。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Transferred nationalism: Oceania's enemy changes, and an orator changes mid-sentence. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:转向民族主义(Transferred nationalism):演说家在句子中间把大洋国的敌人改变;群众的仇恨瞬间转到新的敌人身上。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Controlled burn practices in agriculture and forest management. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 控制燃烧:是农业和林业管理行为。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: One house in Spanish Town collapsed from the flooding, leaving four homeless. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 西班牙镇有一套房屋因洪水坍塌,导致4人无家可归。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: That cannot now be realised. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这在如今已无法实现。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In April 2007, it was announced that a camera trap in Sabah had captured footage of a Bornean rhinoceros eating and investigating the equipment. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 2007年4月,沙巴的一个相机陷阱捕获了一只婆罗犀进食和查看摄像机的镜头。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A few aspects of the Criminal Code may impact the rights of LGBT people living in Cambodia: it is illegal in Cambodia to be a prostitute or live in the same residence as prostitutes. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:《刑法》的其他几个方面可能影响到居住在柬埔寨的同性恋者的权利:在柬埔寨妓女与妓女住在同一个地方是违法的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 During the siege, 11,541 people lost their lives, including over 1,500 children. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 11,541人在包围战中遭到杀害,其中超过1,500人是儿童。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The failure to renew the permanent resident card does not result in the loss of status, except in the case of conditional permanent residents as noted above. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:未能及时更新绿卡并不会导致永久居民身份的丢失,除非该外籍人士仅获得条件永久居民身份。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He died without a legitimate male heir and was succeeded to the Polish throne by his half-brother, John II Casimir Vasa (Jan Kazimierz Waza). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:瓦迪斯瓦夫去世时未有合法男性后代,因此其弟约翰二世·卡齐米日·瓦萨(Jan Kazimierz Waza)成功登上波兰王位。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The Chinese reaction would be instant and total. Assistant: 中方的立场也是清楚、一贯的。 User: Suharto participated in a battle at Kendal where Division III successfully halted a southward advance by the Dutch brigade. Assistant: 苏哈托参与了肯德尔(Kendal)的战役,所属的第三师成功阻却了荷兰军队南下。 User: Sir William Cecil wrote to Sir Thomas Smith that 'The Sergeant Porter, being the biggest gentleman of this court, has married secretly the Lady Mary Grey, the least of all the court ... Assistant: 威廉·塞西尔在给托马斯·史密斯爵士的信中也提及了此事:“看门人,宫廷中最大的绅士,已秘密和宫廷中最娇小的玛丽·格雷女勋爵结婚了......这罪过很大”。 User: In October 2011, NME placed it at number 132 on its list "150 Best Tracks of the Past 15 Years". Assistant: 2011年10月,NME将其列为“15年150首最佳曲目”榜单中的第132位。 User: He is a large, surly, snarling man who frequently speaks through clenched teeth, and is one of the few characters on The Simpsons to have eyebrows. Assistant: 他是又大又粗暴且咆哮的人,经常说话咬牙切齿,在辛普森一家少数人物有眉毛。 User: Joanna arrived in Avignon on 15 March, to have a personal meeting with the Pope. Assistant: 3月15日,乔万娜到达阿维尼翁,私人会见教皇。 User: The eighth pig looked behind the mirror for the food. Assistant: 第八只猪则试图在镜子后面寻找食物。 User: A high opacity or high luminosity can cause a high temperature gradient, which results from a slow flow of energy. Assistant: 高不透明度或高亮度会造成高的温度梯度,这是能量流动缓慢的结果。 User: By the 15th century, the statue, by virtue of its prominent position, was actually believed to be that of the city's founder, Constantine the Great. Assistant: 到了十五世纪,由于这尊雕像的突出地位,被误认为是城市的创始人君士坦丁大帝的雕像。 User: After the Russian Revolution, many Italians were considered fascists and forced to move to Italy. Assistant: 俄罗斯共产革命后,许多意大利人被认为是法西斯主义者,被迫回流意大利。 User: Many shops were boarded up in anticipation of violence, with The Louvre, Eiffel Tower and the Paris Opera also closed. Assistant: 许多店铺封堵门面,避免遭到暴力损坏,卢浮宫、埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎歌剧院也关门。 User: It is a variant of the Unix File System. Assistant: 其实作方式受到Unix文件系统的影响。 User: To the south is Bloomsbury Way. Assistant: 向南是布卢姆茨伯里道(Bloomsbury Way)。 User: In February 2008, she was appointed deputy foreign minister for international cooperation in cultural and humanitarian affairs. Assistant: 2008年2月,她获任命为外交部副部长,负责国际合作及人文事务。 User: For example, the evaluation of 13789722341 (mod 2345) would take a very long time and lots of storage space if the naïve method were used: compute 13789722341 then take the remainder when divided by 2345. Assistant: 例如,如果使用朴素的方法,计算 13789722341 (mod 2345) 将花费很长时间以及大量的存储空间:计算 13789722341,并除以2345求余。 User: In 1951, the Air Force established the Air Force Missile Test Center. Assistant: 1951年,空军成立空军导弹测试中心。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) is the national mountaineering association of Nepal. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 尼泊尔登山协会 (NMA)是尼泊尔的国家登山组织。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The resulting blind signature can be publicly verified against the original, unblinded message in the manner of a regular digital signature. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 得到的盲签名可以对原始的、非盲消息以常规数字签名的方式公开验证。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 At times Dow let his politics interfere with his duties; after being promoted to fire chief, he allowed a liquor store to burn to the ground. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:道有时会出于政治理念不顾自己的工作职责,升任消防队长后,他曾放任一间酒品店烧成白地。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Commenting on the event, President Vučić called the Kosovo state and police terrorists, and that they were out to take over northern Kosovo. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在评论这一事件时,塞尔维亚总统亚历山大·武契奇称科索沃国家和警察是恐怖主义分子,并且他们要接管科索沃北部塞族社区。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: I fear I'm the only survivor. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 一说,此人是唯一的幸存者。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Dracolich hid in the Abyss, which is only accessible through secret Catacombs. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:Dracolich隐蔽在Abyss只能通过秘密的Catacombs到达。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Homer's Iliad records that at the time of the Trojan War, the city of Miletus belonged to the Carians, and was allied to the Trojan cause. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:荷马在《伊利亚特》中写到,在特洛伊战争时米利都城属于卡里亚人,并且是特洛伊一方的盟友。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Chris Greening of Square Enix Music Online reviewed the album as "a sophisticated piano collection" that was enjoyable to listen to, though he noted that the arrangements were "straightforward" rather than ambitious. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Square Enix Music Online的Chris Greening将这张专辑评为“精致的钢琴系列”,听起来很有意思,但他指出这些编曲是“直白”而不精致。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: There are no ads in the station. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:车站内没有任何广告。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Beginning in November 2010, TSA added new enhanced screening procedures. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 从2010年11月开始,TSA增加了新的增强筛查程序。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Guided by Vladimir Lenin's leadership and his firm grasp of scientific Marxist theory, the Party led the "logically predetermined" events of the October Revolution from beginning to end. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 在弗拉基米尔·列宁的领导和他牢牢把握的马克思理论的指导下,布尔什维克党领导了“逻辑上注定”的十月革命的事件。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:On 6 April 1973, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey elected him the 6th President of the Republic of Turkey. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:1968年,杰夫德特·苏奈总统任命他为参议院参议员,1973年4月6日,土耳其大国民议会选举他为第六届土耳其共和国总统。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Jeff Peters of GearWorks Games lauded the gameplay, describing it as unique and intuitive. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: GearWorks Games的Jeff Peters称赞了游戏性,并将其描述为独特而直观。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: With assistance from the Russians and French, American artillery blasted its way through a series of walls and gates into the Imperial City, halting the advance at the gates of the Forbidden City. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在俄军和法军帮助下,美军大炮从一系列城墙和城门中炸出一条路进入皇城,在紫禁城城门暂停进军。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In "The King Is Dead", it was revealed that her birth name was Diane Seidelman. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在《The King is Dead》这一集中显示,她的本名曾经是Diane Seidelman。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The salmon spend about one to five years (depending on the species) in the open ocean, where they gradually become sexually mature. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 鲑鱼接着会在海中生活一至五年(视乎品种),在那里他们逐渐变得性成熟。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Before the Wind Revolution, he and his mother were expelled from the palace, and she died one month later. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在安妮被处决后,她们的母亲也从宫廷中引退,一年后去世。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In emergencies, patient care may be rendered in areas poorly suited for safe monitoring. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在急救工作中,可能会在非常不适于安全监控的区域开展对病人的医疗护理工作。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The following example compares the syntaxes of Haml and eRuby (Embedded Ruby), alongside the HTML output. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 下列例子展示了Haml与eRuby(嵌入式Ruby)的差异。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Similarly, girls learn through observing and assisting their mothers. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 同样,女孩也通过观察和协助她们的母亲来学习。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Among those who benefitted by Dean C. John Tupper's interventions (about five per year) was the son of an influential state assemblyman, who had not even filed an application. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 平均每年有5位学生因院长C·约翰·塔珀(C. John Tupper)的干预而入学,例如一位很有影响力的加州州议员的儿子就是其中之一,后者当时甚至都没提出申请。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Gigante called out, "This is for you, Frank," and as Costello turned, shot him in the head. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Gigante喊道:“这是给你的,法兰克”,当卡斯特罗转过头时,便枪击他的头。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The San Antón Bridge (Spanish: Puente de San Antón, Basque: San Antongo zubia) is an arch bridge in Bilbao, Spain. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 圣安东桥(西班牙语:Puente de San Antón,巴斯克语:San Antongo zubia)是西班牙城市毕尔包的一座拱桥。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In addition, there are three chip select signals (C0, C1, C2), allowing up to eight stacked chips to be placed inside a single DRAM package. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:另外,3个芯片层选取信号(C0、C1、C2),允许最多8个堆叠式芯片层封装于一块DRAM封装上。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: This was Wurz's first full-time race drive since 2000, and his teammate was Nico Rosberg. Assistant: 这是自2000年以后伍尔茨首次成为全职的F1车手,他的队友是尼科·罗斯伯格。 User: The 36th Army was also attacking from the west, but with the objective of meeting forces of the 2nd Far Eastern Front at Harbin and Tsitsihar. Assistant: 第36军团也从西面进攻,但与远东第2方面军在哈尔滨和齐齐哈尔会师。 User: Here m is the molecular mass of the gas, T is the thermodynamic temperature and k is the Boltzmann constant. Assistant: 在这里,m是气体的分子质量,T是热力学温度,k是玻尔兹曼常数。 User: Peligro, the former drummer of the punk rock band Dead Kennedys, was a friend of John Frusciante, an eighteen-year-old guitarist and avid Red Hot Chili Peppers fan. Assistant: 前朋克摇滚乐队Dead Kennedys的鼓手Peligro和John Frusciante是朋友,后者是个18岁的年轻吉他手同时也是Red Hot Chili Peppers的死忠。 User: Abel Tasman tried to land in the vicinity of Adventure Bay in November 1642. Assistant: 阿贝尔·塔斯曼于1642年11月尝试登陆冒险湾(Adventure Bay )附近。 User: Article 3 - The Turkish State is an indivisible whole comprising its territory and people. Assistant: 第三款明确,土耳其国家与领土是一个不可分割的整体,其官方语言是土耳其语。 User: Auckland is classified as a Beta + World City because of its importance in commerce, the arts, and education. Assistant: 奥克兰因其在商业,艺术和教育方面的重要性而被GaWC归类为Beta+世界城市。 User: The old hens also have little commercial value. Assistant: 柚子叶也有不小的价值。 User: As an executive producer he participated in the creation of "House of Romanov, Love and Death ","The Romanovs: the Last Day ", "Mysteries of Stalin - a Version of a Biography "(program-finalist in the TEFI National Competition") and other TV shows. Assistant: 作为一个执行制片人,他参与创作了《罗曼诺夫爱与死之家》、《罗曼诺夫:末日》、《斯大林之谜——一个传记版本》 (TEFI全国大赛决赛入围节目)等电视节目。 User: Edwin May died in February of that year, and Adolph Sherrer supervised the project for the entire construction period. Assistant: 埃德温·梅于同年2月逝世,阿道夫·谢勒(Adolph Sherrer)监督了整个工程的建设。 User: The Newsweek advertisement included many pages dedicated to explaining how MacWrite and MacPaint worked together. Assistant: 那份广告同时用了相当多的篇幅演绎了MacWrite和MacPaint两者如何合起来使用。 User: A British film was defined in the following ways: The film must be made by a British or British-controlled company. Assistant: 英国电影(英语:Cinema of the United Kingdom)是指在英国制作或由英国人制作的电影。 User: Component-oriented Deployment - You can easily define reusable networks of Handlers to implement common patterns of processing for your applications, or to distribute to partners. Assistant: 面向组件的部署-你可以很容易界定重用网络处理器,实施的共同模式处理您的请求,或发给你的伙伴。 User: After further engagements, however, the Yao ended up surrendering to German forces. Assistant: 然而,经过进一步的接触后,约奥族最终向德国军队投降。 User: In the course of events, he is captured by the Ethiopian king and assimilated as a servant in the Ethiopian court. Assistant: 在一系列事件后, 他被埃塞俄比亚国王俘获并成为埃塞俄比亚宫廷中的一个仆人。 User: Much of the vegetation in the gallery forests is similar to nearby rainforest; however, there are some endemic species found only in the Cerrado gallery forests. Assistant: 走廊森林里的许多植物都与附近的雨林相类似;然而,有一些特有物种,只在塞拉多走廊森林里发现过。 User: The name means "burial ground" in the Algonquian language. Assistant: 这个名字是指阿尔贡基语中的“埋葬地”。 User: Information from the FDAU to the FDR is sent via specific data frames, which depend on the aircraft manufacturer. Assistant: FDAU的信息以特定的数据帧格式发送到FDR,具体取决于飞机制造商。 User: Hipper, in Seydlitz, followed closely behind, and ordered the light cruisers to fall back on his ships. Assistant: 身处塞德利茨号的希佩尔紧随其后,并下令小巡洋舰回退至他的舰只后方。 User: By the age of 15, Jagan's father wanted to make sure his son attended school and sent him to Queen's College in the capital city of Georgetown, about 100 miles away, for the next three years. Assistant: 到十五岁时,贾根的父亲想确保他的儿子上学,并在之后的三年里将他送到距离大约100英里远的首都乔治敦的女王学院学习。 User: Nevertheless, during the summer of 2007, Real Madrid CF entrusted him with the direction of the club for both the performance and medical area and he became the leader of Real Madrid TEC. Assistant: 然而,2007年夏天,皇家马德里足球俱乐部委托他领导俱乐部的运动表现和医疗领域的方向,他并成为皇家马德里足球俱乐部TEC的领导者。 User: Some issues, however, such as religious conversion, are controversial. Assistant: 然而,有一些问题,如宗教转换,是有争议的。 User: Sir Thomas Brisbane, before finally departing Sydney for the last time in December 1825, arranged to sell all of his instruments to the Government so the observatory could continue to function. Assistant: 汤玛士·布里斯班爵士,在1825年12月最后一次离开雪梨之前,安排将他的天文台和所有设备卖给政府,使天文台能够继续运作。 User: No legal action was planned; the White House Counsel simply wanted to send a message to Hollywood to avoid unauthorized uses of the President's image. Assistant: 这之后,白宫也并没有采取任何进一步的法律行动,白宫法律顾问只是通过这一方式提醒好莱坞今后应该避免再次未经授权擅自使用总统肖像。 User: The legs are long. Assistant: 它们的脚很长。 User: The Zionist leader Theodor Herzl responded ecstatically to Abdul Hamid's personal request to harness "Jewish power" in order to undermine the widespread sympathy felt for Armenians in Europe. Assistant: 犹太复国主义领导人西奥多·赫兹尔对阿卜杜勒·哈米德个人要求利用“犹太人权力”以破坏欧洲人对亚美尼亚人的普遍同情的态度作出了狂热的回应。 User: Tone marking is found in most literary works. Assistant: 发音标记用在大多数书面作品中。 User: In 2011, the real GDP growth in Estonia was 8.0%, and according to projections made by CEPII, the GDP per capita could rise by 2025 to the level of Nordic economies of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway. Assistant: 2011年实际国内生产总值增长8.0%,根据法国社会展望和国际信息研究中心(CEPII)的预测,人均国内生产总值在2025年将上升到瑞典、芬兰、丹麦和挪威等北欧经济的水平。 User: The Zagreb Assembly is composed of 51 representatives. Assistant: 圭亚那议会实行一院制,由51名议员组成。 User: Instruction address zero might identify a twenty-four bit value, while data address zero might indicate an eight-bit byte that is not part of that twenty-four bit value. Assistant: 指令的零地址可能是二十四位的值,而数据的零地址可能是一个八位字节,而非二十四位值的一部分。 User: But to Adam Smith, it is general social labour — no matter in what use-values it manifests itself — the mere quantity of necessary labour, which creates value. Assistant: 但是对于亚当·斯密,展现的却是一般社会劳动-无论用途为何-的价值,这只是必要劳动的量。 User: Participants in that revolution, such as Jerry Fodor, reject epiphenomenalism and insist upon the efficacy of the mind. Assistant: 包括杰瑞·福多在内的参与者拒绝副现象主义,坚持心灵的有效性。 User: The Lumia 1520 was initially released in Singapore, Hong Kong, the United States, France, China, Germany, Finland, Pakistan and India. Assistant: Lumia 1520首发的国家和地区有新加坡、香港、美国、法国、中国、德国、芬兰和印度。 User: Its original author is GNOME developer James Henstridge. Assistant: 它的作者是著名的GNOME开发者James Henstridge。 User: The storm's circulation center remained poorly defined throughout its course. Assistant: 风暴的环流中心在其整个存在期间组织性一直不佳。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Observations of the transition region and lower corona could then be carried out in conjunction with SOHO to give an unprecedented view of the solar environment during this exciting phase of the solar cycle. Assistant: 发射的时间点计划与太阳极大期的上升阶段相吻合,在太阳周期扣人心弦的这个阶段,能与SOHO一起执行对过渡区和底层日冕的观测,给太阳环境一种史无前例的观点。 User: Branes are dynamical objects which can propagate through spacetime according to the rules of quantum mechanics. Assistant: 膜是动力学物体,因此它们能按照量子力学的规则在时空中传播。 User: It requires a division of labor, and teamwork. Assistant: 协作需要分工和团队合作。 User: (WinZip prior to 11.2 does not support Unicode characters in filenames. Assistant: (在版本11.2之前,WinZip不支持带有Unicode的文件名。 User: It should not be confused with its sister-discipline of palaeography. Assistant: 它不应该被它的姊妹学科古文字学所混淆。 User: Political Animals and Animal Politics has three key aims, and, correspondingly, its chapters are split into three sections. Assistant: 《政治动物学和动物政治学》有三个关键目标,与之对应,其章节也分成了三个大部分。 User: In 2007, the Court ruled that Russia was responsible for the killings of a human rights activist Zura Bitiyeva and her family. Assistant: 举例来说,在2007年时,法院判决俄罗斯必须对杀害维权人士Zura Bitiyeva和她的家人一事负责。 User: In a crusade against the Golden Horde in 1398 (in an alliance with Tokhtamysh), Lithuania invaded northern Crimea and won a decisive victory. Assistant: 在1398年一次针对金帐汗国的十字军中(在与脱脱迷失结盟的情况下),立陶宛入侵北克里米亚,并取得决定性胜利。 User: There is now a new generation of tools called Application Simulation Software which help quickly simulate application before their development. Assistant: 现在有新一代的工具叫做应用程序模拟软件,这些可以在他们开发前帮助快速的模拟应用程序。 User: He was therefore a member of the Lost Generation. Assistant: 他是迷惘的一代成员。 User: He was also head coach of national team in 1972. Assistant: 1972年,他还担任国家队的主教练一职。 User: Microsoft Word Viewer is a discontinued freeware program for Microsoft Windows that can display and print Microsoft Word documents. Assistant: Microsoft Word Viewer是一个可以在Microsoft Windows执行的免费软件,并且可以检视和打印Microsoft Word的文件。 User: Mackey stars alongside Asa Butterfield, Gillian Anderson and Ncuti Gatwa in the Netflix comedy-drama series Sex Education. Assistant: 她和阿萨·巴特菲尔德、吉莲·安德森以及Ncuti Gatwa一起出演Netflix喜剧《性爱自修室》。 User: If the attack were to succeed in capturing Antwerp, four complete armies would be trapped without supplies behind German lines. Assistant: 若攻击成功,夺取安特卫普将可以将四面断绝补给的美军陷在德军战线后方。 User: Several factors hindered Tirpitz's freedom of operation in Norway. Assistant: 有几个因素限制了提尔皮茨号在挪威行动的自由。 User: When the client visits an application requiring authentication, the application redirects it to CAS. Assistant: 当客户端访问访问应用程序,请求身份验证时,应用程序重定向到CAS。 User: A number of economists, such as Macquarie Bank analyst Rory Robertson, assert that high immigration and the propensity of new arrivals to cluster in the capital cities is exacerbating the nation's housing affordability problem. Assistant: 有很多经济学家,包括麦格理银行分析家罗里·罗伯特森确定的认为大量的移民已经迁徙人口聚集在首府城市加剧了便宜供应住房的问题。 User: Some synthetic macromolecules, such as catenanes and rotaxanes, dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers, and other assemblies, have molecular weights extending into the thousands or tens of thousands, where most ionization techniques have difficulty producing molecular ions. Assistant: 一些合成大分子,例如索烃和轮烷,树状物和超支化聚合物,以及其他组件,具有延伸到数千或数万的分子量,其中大多数电离技术难以产生分子离子。 User: Blaise Pascal influenced mathematics throughout his life. Assistant: 帕斯卡的一生都在影响数学研究。 User: The whole thing feels dirty. Assistant: 觉得钱的事情非常肮脏。 User: Fitzgerald married at least twice, and there is evidence that suggests that she may have married a third time. Assistant: 费兹洁拉曾经两次结婚,但有消息指她曾三次结婚。 User: In 1900, a report on the training of teachers, produced by the Higher Education Sub-Committee of the Technical Education Board (TEB) of the London County Council, called for further provision for the training of teachers in London in universities. Assistant: 1900年,伦敦郡议会技术教育委员会(Technical Education Board)下的高等教育小组委员会发布了一份关于在伦敦的大学的教师培训报告。 User: In visual perception, the kinetic depth effect refers to the phenomenon whereby the three-dimensional structural form of an object can be perceived when the object is moving. Assistant: 在视觉感里,动作深度效应指的是三维物体的结构在运动时能被识别。 User: At the end of 1570, he was informed of his father's ill health, so he returned to Knutstorp Castle, where his father died on 9 May 1571. Assistant: 在1570年结束,他被告知他的父亲生病,所以他回到Knudstrup,而他的父亲死于1571年5月9日。 User: It was rebuilt by Giuseppe Sardi for Admiral Antonio Barbaro between 1678 and 1681 and has one of the finest Venetian Baroque facades in all of Venice. Assistant: 这座教堂由Giuseppe Sardi 为安东尼奥·巴巴罗将军重建于1678年到1681年,拥有全威尼斯最美的巴洛克立面之一。 User: A Geography of Unknown Lands. Assistant: 未知地域的地方。 User: The explosions featured in the film were created using Maya and Houdini. Assistant: 电影中爆炸的场景则使用了Maya以及Houdini。 User: In May 2015, Ford issued a recall involving 19,486 of the 2015 Ford Mustang with the 2.3 L EcoBoost turbocharged four-cylinder engine with a production date between February 14, 2014, and February 10, 2015, that were built at the Flat Rock Assembly Plant. Assistant: 福特于2015年2月发布召回2014年2月14日至2015年2月10日间在弗拉特洛克装配厂生产的2.3升 涡轮增压四缸引擎版野马。 User: In 2003, Rowling took part in a campaign to establish a national standard of care for MS sufferers. Assistant: 2003年,罗琳参与推动建立多发性硬化症患者的国家照护标准。 User: For example, in 2002 Jimmy Nilsson reported a significant improvement in performance with Microsoft SQL Server when the version-4 UUIDs being used as keys were modified to include a non-random suffix based on system time. Assistant: 例如,2002年 Jimmy Nilsson 报告说,当用作密钥的版本4 UUID 被修改为包含基于系统时间的非随机后缀时,Microsoft SQL Server 的性能显着提高。 User: An LC circuit, also called a resonant circuit, tank circuit, or tuned circuit, is an electric circuit consisting of an inductor, represented by the letter L, and a capacitor, represented by the letter C, connected together. Assistant: LC电路,也称为谐振电路、槽路或调谐电路,是包含一个电感(用字母L表示)和一个电容(用字母C表示)连接在一起的电路。 User: The employed FPGA also features a LVDS interface to drive the monitor panel. Assistant: 采用的FPGA还具有LVDS接口,用于驱动监视器面板。 User: And he likes them clipped and organized in a certain way. Assistant: 喜欢着实良却也经常捉弄他。 User: In 1845, Shir Ali Khan was killed during the uprising. Assistant: 1845年,希尔·阿里汗在起义中被打死。 User: HDF was originally developed by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and is currently supported by the non-profit HDF Group. Assistant: HDF最早由NCSA开发,目前在非盈利组织HDF小组维护下继续发展。 User: When Dora's mother tried to take full custody over her, Roger killed her. Assistant: 当朵拉的母亲试图获取对女儿的全权照顾权时,罗杰杀了她。 User: Mark mentions a period of darkness in the daytime during Jesus' crucifixion, and the Temple veil being torn in two when Jesus dies. Assistant: 马可福音提到耶稣被钉十字架期间在白天出现的黑暗,耶稣死了时,殿里的幔子从上到下裂为两半。 User: Official website (in English) Official website (in Polish) Final Standing Awards Prize Money Statistics Highlights World Championship Assistant: 官方网站 (英文) 官方网站 (波兰文) Highlights World Championship User: The spectrum displays anomalously high levels of carbon. Assistant: 它的光谱展现出异常高的碳丰度。 User: In 1774, Hogun became a member of the Halifax County Committee of Safety, which indicated his rise to prominence since arriving in the colony 23 years prior. Assistant: 1774年,霍根成为哈利法克斯县安全委员会成员,这表明他在移民北卡罗莱纳殖民地23年后已积累了相当的声望。 User: He described himself as a "misfit" during that time, citing how quiet he was despite being popular and regularly involved in physical confrontations. Assistant: 在那段时间里,他形容自己是一个“不适应环境和不被接受的人”的人,他引用了自己是多么安静,尽管他很受欢迎并经常参与身体对抗。 User: Involvement in OEM operations were curtailed in late 1982 in order to concentrate on Spector bass production. Assistant: 为了专注于Spector低音的生产,1982年底参与OEM的业务减少。 User: The Rajasthani Pathan are entirely Sunni, and have been affected by the influence of the Tablighi Jamat, a reformist Deobandi organization, which is active in Rajasthan. Assistant: 拉贾斯坦的帕坦人完全是逊尼派,受到Tablighi Jamat的影响,这是一个迪奥班德改革派组织,该组织活跃在拉贾斯坦邦一带。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Security Council lifts 11-year-old sanctions against Libya. Assistant: 联合国通过决议,取消对利比亚长达11年的制裁。 User: The end of state subsidies, rapid inflation, higher taxes, widespread impoverishment and the decline of the middle class were especially evident in Antananarivo, as was the growing wealth of a tiny political and economic elite in the city. Assistant: 国家补贴的停止、通货膨胀的迅猛发展、税收的提高、贫困程度的加深以及中产阶级的衰落在塔那那利佛尤为明显,而城中为数不多的政治权贵和经济精英所拥有的财富却变得越来越多。 User: The Supreme Court was reorganized in 1873 to consist of the Chief Justice, the Judge at Penang, and a Senior and Junior Puisne Judge. Assistant: 1873年,重组后的最高法院由一位首席法官、一位驻槟城的法官、一名高级助理法官及一名低级助理法官组成。 User: The double reciprocal plot distorts the error structure of the data, and it is therefore unreliable for the determination of enzyme kinetic parameters. Assistant: 双倒数图扭曲数据结构,因此它不能可靠地确定酶动力学系数。 User: While working under Andrew N. Cleland and John M. Martinis at the University of California, Santa Barbara, he created the world's first quantum machine. Assistant: 在美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的安德鲁·N·克莱兰和约翰·M·马丁尼指导下,他创造了世界上第一台量子机器。 User: Note that the melodic sequence of the "Black Key" Etude that is performed in the film includes both the introductory black key sequence, as well as an improvisation in which the introductory theme of the etude is transposed a half step higher and is played almost entirely on the white keys. Assistant: 请注意,电影中黑键练习曲的旋律序列是包括入门黑键序列,以及一个即兴被调高半度的练习曲介绍主题,并弹奏完全几乎白键的部分。 User: By and large, these seeds cannot resist the effects of drying or temperatures less than 10 °C; thus, they cannot be stored for long periods like orthodox seeds because they can lose their viability. Assistant: 这类型的种子无法适应干燥与低于10°C以下的低温,因此,它们无法像正储型种子那样长时间保存 ,因为它们会失去活力。 User: Chemistry also studies the properties of matter at a larger scale (for example, astrochemistry) and the reactions of matter at a larger scale (for example, technical chemistry), but typically, explanations and predictions are related back to the underlying atomic structure, giving more emphasis on the methods for the identification of molecules and their mechanisms of transformation than any other science. Assistant: 化学也在宏观角度研究物质的性质(例如天体化学)及物质的反应(例如工业化学),但通常解释与预测又要回归到底层的原子结构,这相对于其他科学更着重于分子识别的方式及其转换机制。 User: The luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor (LHCGR), also lutropin/choriogonadotropin receptor (LCGR) or luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) is a transmembrane receptor found predominantly in the ovary and testis, but also many extragonadal organs such as the uterus and breasts. Assistant: 黄体生成素/绒毛膜促性腺激素受体(英语:luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor,缩写LHCGR也作 lutropin/choriogonadotropin receptor,LCGR或luteinizing hormone receptor,LHR )是一种主要出现在卵巢和睾丸的跨膜受体,但在一些性腺外的器官如子宫和乳房也有表达。 User: The city is also serviced by two urban taxi companies. Assistant: 此外,台中市政府还经营2个市营事业机构。 User: However, at the end of the 1926 season, Thompson left Carnegie's employ to take up a post offered by Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History. Assistant: 1926年工作季节结束后,汤姆森离开了卡内基,开始为芝加哥菲尔德自然史博物馆工作。 User: Not recognized by Ukraine. Assistant: 但乌克兰政府则未予以承认。 User: The type system can handle any singly inherited class structure, in addition to non-classed types such as opaque pointers, strings, and variously sized integers and floating point numbers. Assistant: 类型系统可以处理任何单一继承的类别架构以及非类别的型别,如不透明指标、字串跟各种长度的整数与浮点数。 User: In the 2010 LogicalDOC won the Infoworld Bossie Awards in category: best open source applications. Assistant: 2010年,LogicalDOC获得了文档管理范畴的最佳开源应用大奖Bossie Awards。 User: He turned his ship toward the West Indies to attack Barbados and Fort-de-France and the shipping lanes between Barbados and Trinidad. Assistant: 他将舰只转向西印度群岛,意图袭击巴巴多斯和法兰西堡,以及巴巴多斯至特立尼达岛之间的航线。 User: The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority is charged with the responsibility for the security of air traffic within Canada. Assistant: 加拿大航空运输安全局(Canadian Air Transport Security Authority)是负责加拿大国内空中运输安全的机构。 User: Member Hayun uploaded a photo on Twitter on June 19 showing the girls practicing, including a shot of two unknown girls, who fans presumed to be the new members, although they were met with strong criticism when fans noticed that they were lip-syncing during live performances. Assistant: 6月19日,成员Hayun在Twitter上上传了成员们练习中的照片,其中有两个未知的女孩,这两个女孩被认为是新成员。 User: Originally, it was used in reference to Ahura Mazda (the god of Zoroastrianism). Assistant: 该词最初指代阿胡拉·马兹达(琐罗亚斯德教的神)。 User: Leila George as Katherine Valentine, daughter of Thaddeus Valentine and one of London's elite. Assistant: 蕾拉·乔治(Leila George) 饰 凯瑟琳·瓦伦丁(Katherine Valentine):萨杜斯的女儿和伦敦的精英之一。 User: The timer starts out at seven in-game days, but can be extended to a maximum of thirteen days. Assistant: 游戏开始时,内置计时器给予七天游戏时间,最多能延长至十三天。 User: They were loosely bonded by commonalities of religion and tradition, trade, kinship, joint military campaigns, and the presence of captured prisoners from neighboring areas. Assistant: 他们被共同的信仰与传统、贸易、血缘关系、共同的战斗和来自周边地区的战俘松散地联系在一起。 User: Furthermore, the rule of modus ponens allows us to derive the formula Q from the formulas P and P→Q. But in any Heyting algebra, if P has the value 1, and P→Q has the value 1, then it means that P ∧ 1 ≤ Q {\displaystyle P\land 1\leq Q} , and so 1 ∧ 1 ≤ Q {\displaystyle 1\land 1\leq Q} ; it can only be that Q has the value 1. Assistant: 在任何海廷代数中,如果P有值1,并且P → Q有值1,因为它意味着 P ∧ 1 ≤ Q {\displaystyle P\land 1\leq Q} ,所以 1 ∧ 1 ≤ Q {\displaystyle 1\land 1\leq Q} ;因此Q只能有值1。 User: Even though many of these have now relocated elsewhere, it is still an important commercial square in the city and hosts the Palazzo delle Assicurazioni Generali (Palace of the Assicurazioni Generali), the Palazzo del Credito Italiano (Palace of the Credito Italiano) and the Palazzo delle Poste (Palace of the Post Office), former Borsa di Milano (former Milan Stock Exchange). Assistant: 虽然许多 现在已经迁往别处,它仍然是该市一个重要的商业广场,拥有忠利保险公司宫(Palazzo delle Assicurazioni Generali)、意大利裕信银行宫(Palazzo del Credito Italiano)和邮政宫(Palazzo delle Poste,前米兰证券交易所)。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: A further 136 escaped but 19 of them were injured. Assistant: 其余136逃出,但其中19人受伤。 User: The two adopt Ching-Ching. Assistant: 二人有一子张闾琳。 User: They have also been introduced to the West. Assistant: 它们也有在西部出没。 User: Barry was the daughter of Franco-British actress and singer Jane Birkin and the composer John Barry. Assistant: 巴里是英国女演员和歌手简·柏金和作曲家约翰·巴里的女儿。 User: This is where the puffin dog originated. Assistant: 北京狗就这么来的。 User: Also there are toilets adjacent. Assistant: 浴场外还有购物中心。 User: A Dutch newsgroup about homosexuality is called nl.roze (roze being the Dutch word for pink), while in Britain, Pink News is a gay newspaper and online news service. Assistant: 一个与同性恋有关的荷兰新闻组就叫做nl.roze,roze在荷兰语中表示粉红色。 User: The RCA jacks were removed in the first revision, and the Parallel I/O port was removed in the final revision. Assistant: 在第一次型号修订中删除了RCA视频接口,在最后一次修订中删除了并行I/O数据端口。 User: In response to this. Assistant: 对此作出回应。 User: These ships were frequently used by the Romans, as during the second of Caesar's invasions of Britain. Assistant: 罗马人也经常使用双层桨座战船,如第二次凯萨入侵不列颠时。 User: Many monsters could not be killed, and thus could only be dealt with using problem-solving abilities. Assistant: 许多怪物无法被击败,也就是说只能选择以上的方法来破关。 User: Wars without international legality (i.e. not out of self-defense nor sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council) can be considered wars of aggression; however, this alone usually does not constitute the definition of a war of aggression; certain wars may be unlawful but not aggressive (a war to settle a boundary dispute where the initiator has a reasonable claim, and limited aims, is one example). Assistant: 不具有国际合法性的战争(诸如非出于自卫,非联合国安理会批准的,非联合国宪章第51条认可的)均可被视为侵略战争;然而,仅此通常并不足以构成侵略战争;某些战争可能是非法的,但不具有侵略性(例如,为解决边界争端的战争,发动者有合理权利和限定目标)。 User: In recent years the town has worked to improve the look of the new villages with some success. Assistant: 近年来,这个小镇一直在努力改善新村庄的面貌,取得了一些成果。 User: The show was filmed in over 25 countries for over 150 weeks. Assistant: 该节目在超过25个国家拍摄了超过150个星期。 User: Hill D fell back into Allied hands after a short time, finally securing the town. Assistant: 在此不久后,D高地重回盟军掌握,至此总算守住了城镇。 User: The ships engaged each other for the next forty-five minutes. Assistant: 这些舰只遂于接下来的四十五分钟内相互交火。 User: The area was favoured by many musicians at the time. Assistant: 这张专辑影响了当时许多音乐人。 User: On many wall dials, the substyle is not the same as the noon line (see below). Assistant: 在许多的墙面日晷,副晷针与正午线不相同(见下文)。 User: They are produced from egg white, flour, sugar and vanilla or milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate. Assistant: 主要原料有蛋清、面粉、砂糖与香草,或牛奶巧克力、黑巧克力与白巧克力。 User: Gailey's attorney next arranged a plea bargain in which five of the six charges would be dismissed, and Polanski accepted. Assistant: 萨曼莎的律师接下来安排一次认罪协商,五项罪名将被撤销,而波兰斯基也接受提议。 User: Thus an expression represents a function whose inputs are the values assigned to the free variables and whose output is the resulting value of the expression. Assistant: 因此一个表达式表示一个函数,其输入是赋予自由变量的值,其输出是表达式的结果值。 User: The term "masked" refers to the fact that the prime word or pseudoword is masked by symbols such as ###### that can be presented in a forward manner (before the prime) or a backward manner (after the prime). Assistant: 专有名词“掩蔽”是指激发字或假字被符号像是######给掩蔽的事实,而那个符号可以以向前的方式(激发前)呈现或向后的方式(激发后)呈现。 User: Again in 1990 and 1991, Congress provided only half of the year's funding to NOAA, requesting that agencies that used Landsat data provide the funding for the other six months of the upcoming year. Assistant: 1990年和1991年,类似情况再度发生,美国国会只编列一年半的经费,要求所有使用陆地卫星数据的机构提供资金。 User: Following the North American tour Kamelot embarked on a European headlining tour during November 2012, with support on the tour coming from Xandria, Triosphere and Blackguard. Assistant: 在与日暮颂歌的北美巡回后,Kamelot展开了自己在2012年11月的欧洲巡回,暖场团有Xandria、Triosphere和Blackguard。 User: Excavation started on April 26, 2014 as an open event to the public. Assistant: 发掘于2014年4月26日开始,活动向公众开放。 User: Testing very-large-scale integrated circuits with a high fault coverage is a difficult task because of complexity. Assistant: 超大型积体电路的测试平台,要达到非常高的错误涵盖率(英语:Fault coverage)是非常困难的工作,因为它的复杂度很高。 User: It was rediscovered in 1997, several hundred kilometres from the type locality. Assistant: 直至1997年,在其模式产地数百公里以外重新发现了风铃猪笼草的分布地。 User: Even in low air pressure, a small amount of air exists in the tube which would otherwise cause drag forces at high speed. Assistant: 即使在低压环境下,依然会有少量的空气存在,而这些空气会导致列车高速行驶时会产生空气阻力。 User: In August 2006. Assistant: 2006年8月。 User: Rather, its ability to stimulate glutamate uptake seems to mediate many of its effects. Assistant: 它刺激谷氨酸吸收的作用似乎是它的大多数效应的原因。 User: Frank Gatliff in the United States television production The Bunker (1981). Assistant: 法兰克·加特利夫(英语:Frank Gatliff)的美国电视电影《地堡(英语:The Bunker (1981 film))》。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: At the time, Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition was widely criticized as having become bloated and unwieldy. Assistant: 当时,Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition因其臃肿笨拙受到广泛批评。 User: He dropped out in 1988. Assistant: 他于1988年离任。 User: The three major European powers, Great Britain, France and Russia (known as the Great Powers), took issue with the Ottoman Empire's treatment of its Christian minorities and increasingly pressured the Ottoman government (also known as the Sublime Porte) to extend equal rights to all its citizens. Assistant: 欧洲三大强国英国、法国及俄国(下称“列强”)对奥斯曼帝国处理国内的基督徒少数族裔有异议,向奥斯曼政府施压日增,要求它的所有公民都享有同等权利。 User: Cleander replaced Menander as commander of the mercenaries. Assistant: 克里安德取代了米南德成为佣兵指挥官。 User: Mazzini's activity in revolutionary movements caused him to be imprisoned soon after he joined. Assistant: 他在革命运动中的活动令他在加入后不久便被囚禁。 User: The gold coins Ferdinand and Isabella issued to the standards of the ducat were widely copied and called ducats. Assistant: 天主教双王斐迪南和伊莎贝拉依达克特标准发行的金币被广泛仿制,并称之为达克特。 User: Great orators, such as Liberal David Lloyd George, who spoke against the war, became increasingly influential. Assistant: 发表演说反对战争的演说家,如自由党人大卫·劳莱·乔治变得越来越重要。 User: South Korea was given 33 T-80U and 2 T-80UK tanks to pay Russian debts incurred during the days of the Soviet Union. Assistant: 韩国 – 1995年起共从俄罗斯接收33辆T-80U和2辆T-80UK,以抵偿苏联时代的债务。 User: And four masts and four sails, and they often add to them two masts more, which are raised and put away every time they wish, with two sails, according to the state of the weather. Assistant: 弟寿蕃神志坚定,另外绑定四个绳缳,寿富及二位妹妹与婢女一同缢死之后,寿蕃将四人尸体一一抬下放置于床榻,再结一个大缳在门楣,从容自缢。 User: Typical policy rules consist of explicit permissions, for example, which domains the user must possess to perform certain actions with the given target (read, execute, or, in case of network port, bind or connect), and so on. Assistant: 典型的政策规则包含了显性权限;用户必须拥有哪些域才能用给定目标进行特定的行为(读、执行,网络端口中则是绑定或连接)等等。 User: A possible translation is little apple pie. Assistant: 憬憧的演员是小池栄子。 User: Costa Mesa has two public high schools, Costa Mesa High School and Estancia High School. Assistant: 当地有两所高中,即科斯塔梅萨高中(Costa Mesa High School)和大牧场高中(Estancia High School)。 User: His father, Kemel Tokayev (1923-1986), was a veteran of the Second World War and a well-known Kazakh writer. Assistant: 其父科梅·托卡耶夫(1923-1986)曾参加过第二次世界大战,同时也是著名的哈萨克斯坦作家。 User: In 2007, his brother Joseph Yobo set up the Joseph Yobo Charity Foundation, to help under-privileged children in Nigeria. Assistant: 2007年,尤保成立了约瑟尤保慈善基金会(Joseph Yobo Charity Foundation)以协助尼日利亚弱势社群的儿童。 User: But many others worked under him or his influence including Francesco Fiorelli, Luigi Garzi, Francesco Lauri, Andrea Camassei, and Giacinto Gimignani. Assistant: 但其他许多在他手下工作或受其影响的人包括Luigi garzi、弗朗西斯科•劳里、安德烈•卡玛斯、吉奥森托•吉米纳尼。 User: The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg allows citizens of the Council of Europe member states to bring cases relating to human rights issues before it. Assistant: 另外,欧洲人权法院允许所有欧洲委员会成员国的人民就关于人权的议题向该法院起诉。 User: Internet data can be received with a standard DOCSIS Cable Modem connected to the same antenna and transceiver. Assistant: 互联网数据可以用连接到同一天线和收发器的标准的DOCSIS电缆调制解调器接收。 User: L'Équipe (pronounced , French for "the team") is a French nationwide daily newspaper devoted to sport, owned by Éditions Philippe Amaury. Assistant: 队报(法语原文:L'Équipe,意为“队伍、团队”),是一份法国的知名体育性报纸,其所有者为出版集团“Éditions Philippe Amaury”(简称为EPA)。 User: Over the next few years Eleanor often travelled with her husband and was sometimes associated with him in the government of the realm, but still had a custodian so that she was not free. Assistant: 此后数年,她经常和丈夫同游,有时沟通王国政事,但仍被配备了一名监护人,故还是不自由。 User: During the temporary truce, 80 aid trucks were allowed to enter the Strip, some of which delivered industrial fuel to Gaza's power plant. Assistant: 根据临时停火协议,以色列允许80辆援助卡车进入加沙地带,给发电厂提供燃料。 User: However, according to George's representative, she did not intend to do more than eight episodes. Assistant: 但是乔治的发言人表示她无意在8集后继续出演。 User: January 7 – The Leaning Tower of Pisa is closed to the public because of safety concerns. Assistant: 1月7日——意大利比萨斜塔停止对外开放,以进行维修工程。 User: In response, official celebrations have tried to include Indigenous people, holding ceremonies such as the Woggan-ma-gule ceremony, held in Sydney, which honours the past and celebrates the present. Assistant: 作为回应,官方庆祝活动试图包括土著人民,举行仪式,如在悉尼举行的Woggan-ma-gule仪式,该仪式纪念过去并庆祝现在。 User: The legal and social sanctions against LGBT people mean that no formal LGBT organizations or nightclubs exist in Dubai. Assistant: 对LGBT人士的法律及社会制裁导致在迪拜不存在任何正式的LGBT组织或夜店。 User: It is evident that the use of nomina sacra was an act of reverence rather than a purely practical space-saving device, as they were employed even where well-established abbreviations of far more frequent words such as and were avoided, and the nomen sacrum itself was written with generous spacing. Assistant: 圣名缩写的使用明显表现出来一种尊崇而不是节省空间的举动,因为即使像“和”这样更频繁使用的词被避免,而且圣名缩写本身占用较宽的空间。 User: Players begin their journey as a tormented soul within the depths of Hell without any memories about their past. Assistant: 玩家在游戏中扮演一个在地狱深处饱受折磨,失去任何关于过去的记忆的灵魂。 User: In 2004, Warner Bros. acquired developer Monolith Productions. Assistant: 2004年,华纳兄弟收购了美国游戏开发商Monolith Productions。 User: Scripture is not knowledge because scripture does not comprehend anything. Assistant: 而道真所写的书法并没有留存到后世,因此实况不明。 User: He ran his bootlegging and numbers businesses from the old Ritz-Carlton hotel. Assistant: 他在旧的丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton hotel)经营他的私酒和彩票赌博(英语:Numbers game)生意。 User: Igor Stravinsky conducted the concerto in the Dumbarton Oaks music room on April 25, 1947 and again for the Bliss's golden wedding anniversary, on May 8, 1958. Assistant: 斯特拉温斯基之后又分别在1947年4月25日与1958年5月8日布利斯夫妇金婚纪念日在敦巴顿音乐厅指挥了这首协奏曲。 User: The FBI is investigating the case as domestic terrorism. Assistant: 联邦调查局按照本土恐怖主义调查案件。 User: The plan requires scientists and researchers who benefit from state-funded research organisations and institutions to publish their work in open repositories or in journals that are available to all by 2020. Assistant: 该计划要求2020年起,受益于国家资助的科学家和研究人员必须将所有研究成果发表在开放存取的知识库或期刊上。 User: A philosophy of consciousness can therefore become a philosophy of politics. Assistant: 因此意识哲学可以成为一种政治哲学。 User: He is omniscient. Assistant: 故堂子鲜为人知。 User: From the beginning, PISA has been designed with one particular method of data analysis in mind. Assistant: 从一开始,比萨就被设计成一种特定的数据分析方法。 User: These can be activated by enzyme hydrolysis, which causes the sugar part to be broken off, making the chemical available for use. Assistant: 这些可通过酶水解,这会导致糖部分断裂,激活可用的化学品。 User: When Richard arrived in 1191, he and Philip took different sides in the succession dispute. Assistant: 当理查于1191年抵达的时候,他和腓力在继承纠纷中分别支持不同的阵营。 User: At the time the United States was engaged in the Cold War. Assistant: 此时美国正深深地卷入在冷战之中。 User: The common modern understanding of a political community as a modern state is quite different from Aristotle's understanding. Assistant: 应当注意到现代理解的政治共同体是国家。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: On 24 April, the military captured the town of Otaiba, after a 37-day battle. Assistant: 4月24日,政府军在经过37天的战斗之后攻占了奥太巴镇。 User: On April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh attacked the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City because it housed regional offices for the FBI, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and DEA, all of which had carried out raids that he viewed as unjustified intrusions on the rights of the people; this attack caused the deaths of two DEA employees, one task force member, and two contractors in the Oklahoma City bombing. Assistant: 1995年4月19日,俄克拉何马城爆炸案主凶之一提摩太·占士·麦克维袭击了俄克拉荷马州的艾尔弗雷德·P·默拉联邦大楼,该大楼是联邦调查局、联邦烟酒及武器管理局以及美国缉毒局的区域办公地,这些部门遭到袭击的原因是,麦克维认为他们都是压制人权,执行不公的工具;此次袭击导致两名缉毒局雇员、一名任务部门成员以及两名特工死亡。 User: The prosecutor J.C. van Niekerk then presented an outline of his evidence stretching back to 1953 of the liberation movements activities but his evidence was soon interrupted when violence broke out outside the court. Assistant: 检察官J.C.范·尼凯克随后提出了他的证供大纲,可以追溯到1953年的解放运动,但他的作供很快在法庭外发生暴力事件时被打断。 User: Under the Judiciary Act of 1789, each justice was required to "ride circuit", or to travel within the assigned circuit and consider cases alongside local judges. Assistant: 根据1789年的《司法法案》,每个大法官都必须在审判区管辖范围内或在指定巡回法庭内作巡回审判,并与当地法官一起审议案件。 User: Besides, Hawkmen obviously wear the winged helmet. Assistant: 传说中维京人戴着有角的头盔。 User: Built over a 40-year period, it passes through all Greater Manchester's metropolitan boroughs except for Wigan and Bolton. Assistant: 在建造超过40年后,它几乎经过所有除了维冈和博尔顿的大曼彻斯特的城市自治市镇。 User: There were no reported security problems with the NFC technology. Assistant: 没有NFC技术问题的汇报。 User: As of 2012, stockpiles have been eliminated at 7 of the 9 chemical weapons depots and 89.75% of the 1997 stockpile has been destroyed by the treaty deadline of April 2012. Assistant: 到2012年,9个化学武器基地中已有7个基地的化学武器得到销毁,在条约设定的2012年4月截止日期前,89.75%的1997年库存已被销毁。 User: Voters will ignore any common stances on issues with the opposition, and thus scorch the opponent on one main idea (Falcon, 2012). Assistant: 兵马俑蒙天放大闹街市,激发了各自探寻历史真相的欲望,却不知道无意中寻找到了自己上一世的情缘...... 第三世——公元2012年,西安。 User: Nevertheless, M. Appalasuri, one of three members of the Andhra committee, called for participation in Lok Sabha elections. Assistant: 尽管如此,安得拉邦委员会三名委员之一M. Appalasuri,呼吁参加人民院选举。 User: Meanwhile, Maya and the hotel's valet, Lane (David Henrie) become instantly attracted to each other. Assistant: 同时,玛雅和酒店泊车员莱恩(大卫·亨利饰)互相吸引。 User: Public hearings on the naming of the airport began at the beginning of November 2009, with most attendees favouring "King Shaka International Airport" as the new airport's name. Assistant: 公众听证会在2009年11月末开始,多数与会者支持“沙卡国王国际机场”这一名字。 User: Zoroastrianism has become the fastest growing religion with Kurds, especially in Kurdish-controlled Northern Iraq. Assistant: 琐罗亚斯德教为库尔德族中增长最快的宗教,特别是在伊拉克北部库尔德斯坦。 User: The original station was replaced in 1980. Assistant: 原车站在1980年被取代。 User: XULRunner can still be installed separately, and many XULRunner-dependent applications can be switched over fairly easily. Assistant: XULRunner仍可独立安装,并且许多依赖XULRunner的应用程序可以很容易地切换。 User: Likewise they do not have an anxiety disorder merely because they worry more than the nonsensitive, and they do not have a personality disorder (avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive, etc.) merely because their unusualness has been present throughout their lives as an impediment to the cheerful, resilient functioning expected of most people most of the time.... Assistant: 同样的,他们并没有焦虑症,不过是因为他们比那些感觉迟钝的人焦虑得多一些,他们也没有人格障碍(逃避、依赖、强迫妄想等等),不过是因为他们的不同寻常之处,究其一生,不过阻碍了他们像大多数人那样在大多数时间里变得欢乐和愉快......他们没法把世界疼痛的细微之处、短暂的美好、难以名状的残酷和苦难排除出自己的脑海,他们必须在这之中找到自己的意义。 User: History of Mathematics: A Brief Course. Assistant: 著有《Learning from Data: A Short Course》。 User: Numerous techniques exist to derive this black separation from the original image; these include grey component replacement, under color removal, and under color addition. Assistant: 已经有多种技术可以从原稿图像制作这块黑版;这些技术包括灰色成分替换、底色去除和底色增加。 User: The South Morava, which represents the natural headwaters of the Morava, used to be longer than the West Morava, but due to the regulations of river bed and melioration, it is shorter nowadays. Assistant: 南摩拉瓦河是摩拉瓦河流系统的自然发源地,它本来比西摩拉瓦河长,但是通过河床调节它今天比西摩拉瓦河短。 User: Wang Fuzhi, believed Confucius' teachings had become distorted, so wrote his own commentaires. Assistant: 陈宏谋 王夫之,认为儒家学说已被扭曲,因而有自家解释。 User: The brown, wooden church was built in 1961 by the architects Gustav Helland and Endre Årreberg. Assistant: 这座木结构教堂建于1961年,由建筑师Gustav Helland and Endre Årreberg设计。 User: He believes that many errors were made in recent history and that only the acceptance of these errors can provide for any credibility to D66. Assistant: 他认为在最近历史中出现了许多错误,只有接受这些错误才有可信的民主66。 User: In what Hall described as an act of "imbecility coupled with momentary panic", Jonathan Cape sent a copy of The Well to the Home Secretary for his opinion, offering to withdraw the book if it would be in the public interest to do so. Assistant: 在被霍尔描述为一种由“瞬间的恐慌而导致的结合”的行为下,乔纳森·开普为了自己的主张给内政大臣寄去了《井》的复本,说如果内政大臣认为这本书对公众有害他就会撤销。 User: Make Calls to China". Assistant: 也会传达给中国”。 User: To build his cyclotron, Chadwick brought in two young experts, Bernard Kinsey and Harold Walke, who had worked with Lawrence at the University of California. Assistant: 为了建造回旋加速器,查德威克带来了两名年青的专家,伯恩哈德·金赛和哈罗德·瓦尔克,他们都曾在加州大学与劳伦斯工作过。 User: The pavement of the market square will be soon renovated. Assistant: 此夹层在兴建环球广场复合时重建。 User: This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob. Assistant: 此次短暂的轻率行为,已经损害了我生命中最重要的事,以及我最爱和最尊重的人,罗拔,我爱他,我爱他,我真的很对不起。 User: The original bronze is lost. Assistant: 青铜原作已经丢失。 User: A spacecraft in such a halo orbit would be in continuous view of both the Earth and the far side of the Moon. Assistant: 在这样的一条晕轮轨道上的航天器将会连续地看到地球和月球的远端。 User: 25 November 2016. (in Arabic) Assistant: 2016年11月25日(英文) User: In some cases, there may be some confusion as to whether a case should be heard before an administrative law court or judicial court, in which case the Court of Jurisdictional Disputes, or tribunal des conflits, sat by an even number of State councillors and Supreme Court justices and chaired by the Minister of Justice, is convened to decide to whom the matter shall be vested. Assistant: 在一些案件中,可能有一些关于一个案件是否应该在一个行政法院还是司法法院前被听取的困惑,在这种案件中由相等数量的国务委员和翻案法院法官任职并由司法部长主持的争议法院(tribunal des conflits)被召集以决定事务应当被给予哪个法院。 User: He forgives her and the thieves are rounded up. Assistant: 沟穴其弗逾兮,盗贼其无扰兮。 User: DivX, Inc. has since continued to develop the DivX codec, releasing DivX 5.0 in March 2002. Assistant: DivX公司则继续发展DivX编解码器,于2002年3月推出DivX 5.0。 User: The results in Algeria were 99.72% in favour and just 0.28% against. Assistant: 其结果是99.72%的投票者支持独立,而只有0.28%反对。 User: The goal of noncooperation is to halt or hinder an industry, political system, or economic process. Assistant: 不合作的目的是阻止或阻碍一种产业,政治体制以及经济发展。 User: Dual_EC_DRBG uses elliptic curve technology and includes a set of recommended constants. Assistant: Dual_EC_DRBG使用椭圆曲线加密并包含一组推荐使用的常量。 User: In 1914 and much of 1915, Einstein was trying to create field equations based on another approach. Assistant: 在1914年和1915年的大部分时间里,爱因斯坦试图基于另一种方法创建场方程。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: For example, they select health interventions on the basis of their impact as measured by lives saved per dollar, quality-adjusted life years (QALY) saved per dollar, or disability-adjusted life years (DALY) averted per dollar. Assistant: 比方说,他们在改善健康这个项目上,衡量基准是每块钱可以救的人命 — 即质量调整寿命年(QALY)、或是每块金所免去的“失能调整生命年”(DALY)。 User: Jackson sang from childhood, and over time his voice and vocal style changed. Assistant: 杰克逊从孩童时期开始演唱,随着时间的推移,他的声音和演唱风格有着很明显的变化。 User: During sixty minutes of its running time, the film uses extremely low-frequency sound to create a state of nausea and anxiety in the audience. Assistant: 电影有60分钟左右的时间使用了极低频率的次声波,使观众产生恶心和焦虑。 User: Rosa Manuela, a Medician politician and old rival of Di Ravello's, returns to Medici to form a government opposed to his regime. Assistant: Rosa Manuela是一位美迪西政治家,也是Ravello的老对手,在此时回到了美迪西来反抗Ravello政权。 User: The GNU toolchain plays a vital role in development of Linux, some BSD systems, and software for embedded systems. Assistant: GNU工具链在针对嵌入式系统的Linux内核、BSD及其它软件的开发中起着至关重要的作用。 User: The United States and Spain held long, inconclusive negotiations on the status of West Florida. Assistant: 当时美国和西班牙在西佛罗里达地位的归属问题上谈判很久,相持不下。 User: The State of New Jersey was interested in getting the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to take over the railroad, but the Port Authority long viewed it as something unprofitable and had no interest in doing so. Assistant: 新泽西州此时开始有意向将铁路转由纽新港务局运营,但港务局认为其长期不大可能为公司带来利润,便无兴趣接手。 User: Analysis of groundwater contamination may focus on soil characteristics and site geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, and the nature of the contaminants. Assistant: 对地下水污染的分析可以关注土地特征、场地地质、水文地质或污染物本质等。 User: The United States and Japan are frequently criticized for their insistence on stringent safety measures, which often requires animal testing. Assistant: 美国和日本经常批评为坚持严格的安全措施,这往往需要动物试验。 User: They are called Qau-Netjeru ("Elevations of the gods") and Ah-Netjer ("Divine palace") and appear in several stone vessel inscriptions from Qa'a's tomb at Abydos. Assistant: 它们被称为Qau-Netjeru(“神灵的高度”)和Ah-Netjer(“神宫”),并出现在阿拜多斯的卡的坟墓里的几处石器铭文中。 User: Fork and its variants are typically the only way of doing so in Unix-like systems. Assistant: Fork及其变种在类Unix系统中通常是这样做的唯一方式。 User: The plural is modi operandi. Assistant: 它的复数形,则是 modi operandi。 User: How far the center is embedded within the CDO, and the temperature difference between the cloud tops within the CDO and the cyclone's eye, can help determine a tropical cyclone's intensity. Assistant: 中心密集云团区与风眼的距离以及中心密集云团区内的云与风眼之间的温差有助于确定热带气旋的强度。 User: The line is electrified at 750 volts with overhead wires. Assistant: 地铁全线使用750伏直流供电。 User: This is mainly because the bacteria die very quickly outside of the body, making transmission by objects extremely difficult. Assistant: 这主要是因为该细菌在离开人体后很快就会死亡,所以借由生物体来做为传播媒介是几乎不可能的。 User: By the late 1940s, virtually every Indiana college; private or public was a member. Assistant: 1940年秋,进桂林私立汉民中学(后该为公立)教国文、历史。 User: However, in January 2006 he made a surprise move to Qatari team Al Rayyan. Assistant: 可是,2006年1月却突然转会卡塔尔球会艾雷恩(Al Rayyan)。 User: He contributed to the theory of Fourier series and approximation theory. Assistant: 他对傅里叶级数 理论和逼近理论做出了贡献。 User: The economy depends primarily on the mining industry. Assistant: 工业主要是采矿业。 User: Sometimes claims of pyrokinesis are published in the context of fire ghosts, such as Canneto di Caronia fires and earlier Italian case of young nanny, Carole Compton. Assistant: 此外还有声称幽灵控火的案例,例如坎内托自燃事件与稍早前的意大利年轻保姆卡萝尔·康普顿纵火案。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After the war, he became President of the ICRC, serving from 1945 to 1948. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 战后他成为红十字国际委员会主席,从1945年任职至1948年。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Operation Bagration, in combination with the neighboring Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive launched a few weeks later in Ukraine, allowed the Soviet Union to recapture Belorussia and Ukraine within its 1941 borders, advance into German East Prussia, but more importantly, the Lvov-Sandomierz operation allowed the Red Army to reach the outskirts of Warsaw after gaining control of Poland east of the Vistula river. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 巴格拉基昂联同在数星期后于乌克兰发起的利沃夫-桑多梅日攻势,令苏联实际上重新占领其在1941年时边界的所有领土、进入德国的东普鲁士及于天控制了波兰东部的维斯瓦河后到达华沙外围。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Bomber command. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:轰炸机指挥部。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Early PC/ATs were plagued with reliability problems, in part because of some software and hardware incompatibilities, but mostly related to the internal 20 MB hard disk, and High Density Floppy Disk Drive. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 一开始AT非常不稳定,其主要原因是软件和硬件的不兼容,尤其是其内部的20MB硬盘有问题。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Large numbers are also found in markets, confiscated at airports, etc. However, very few records exist from Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, and central Brazil. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 另外亦发现大量龟只流入非法市场,在机场等地被没收;而在秘鲁、厄瓜多尔、阿根廷和巴西中部亦有机会被发现。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For the first time, the individual cities gained a degree of self-administration. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 每个城市都享有某种程度的自治。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Another major focus of the expansion is to update the game with DirectX 11 support. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:该资料片的另一项重要提升是游戏支持了DirectX 11。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Billboard ranked Trainor as the fourth Top New Artist of the year, and placed her 12th on their own 21 Under 21 2014 list. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 告示牌将她列为年度第四最佳新人,以及将她列在2014年21岁以下最热门新星第12位。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: His father's paralysis and the assertiveness of his paternal grandmother, Anne-Marthe Sanson, led Charles-Henri to leave his study of medicine and to assume the job of executioner in order to guarantee the livelihood of his family. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他父亲的瘫痪和祖母安妮-玛尔特桑松的独断,使得夏尔·亨利·桑松放弃了学医,并承担起刽子手的工作以保证家人的生计。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The advent of World War II put the establishment of the club on hold and a Parramatta district club was not proposed again until 1946 when the club was successfully admitted into the Premiership. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 由于第二次世界大战发生使得巴拉马打地区俱乐部的建立搁置,直到1946年才重新提案并成功加入联赛。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In Syria, even the smallest city is centred on a defensible citadel, and Saladin introduced this essential feature to Egypt. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在叙利亚即使最小的城市也有一个可以抵抗入侵的城塞,萨拉丁将这个设施引入埃及。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1981, the Center began its Klanwatch project to monitor the activities of the KKK. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 1981年,南方贫困法律中心开始了一个名叫“Klanwatch”的计划以监视三K党的行动。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Such an encoding can be useful for persistent objects that may be read and understood by humans, or communicated to other systems regardless of programming language. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 资料以这样的编码使存续的物件能有效用,无论相对于人是否可阅读与理解,或与编程语言无关地传递给其它资讯系统。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In this process barium oxide reacts at 500–600 °C (932–1,112 °F) with air to form barium peroxide, which decomposes above 700 °C (1,292 °F) by releasing oxygen: 2 BaO + O2 ⇌ 2 BaO2 Barium sulfate was first applied as a radiocontrast agent in X-ray imaging of the digestive system in 1908. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:此方法的原理是,将氧化钡在空气中加热到500~600 °C(932~1,112 °F)生成过氧化钡,然后将过氧化钡加热到700 °C(1,292 °F)以上分解释放氧气: 2 BaO + O2 ⇌ 2 BaO2 从1908年开始,硫酸钡被用作X光检测消化系统时使用的造影剂。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Those habitually 'irregular' or 'inactive' are usually restricted from serving in any special capacity. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 习惯上不规律或者不活动的人员一般在一些特殊情况的服务中受到限制。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The manufacture of salt is one of the oldest chemical industries. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 制盐是世界上最古老的化学工艺之一。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The change was part of a balanced budget deal between Arnold Schwarzenegger and state Republicans. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该项税收法案的修改是阿诺德·施瓦辛格与共和党之间为了平衡财政预算所达成协议的一部分。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:There were no laws regarding slavery early in Virginia's history. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在弗吉尼亚早期历史上没有涉及奴隶制的法规。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In France the revolution of 1848 became known as the February Revolution. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 在法国,1848年革命被称作“二月革命”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In spite of the attacks of the Calchaquíes and Omaguacas aborigines, the population and activity of the village consolidated and grew. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:尽管这里受到Calchaquí和Kolla等当地部族的攻击,这里的人口和村落活动仍巩固起来并逐渐上升。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Old Madagascar coins and banknotes continued to circulate as this new currency. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 新纸币和英国银币与过去的硬币同时流通。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Nevertheless, considerable damage was inflicted on the industrial facilities, resulting in the loss of two-and-a-half months of coke production and slightly less pig iron production. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 尽管如此,目标还是遭受了相当大的破坏,造成焦炭生产瘫痪两个半月,还轻微影响了生铁生产。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Technology websites noted that by using as the IP address for its service, Cloudflare exposed misconfigurations in existing setups that violated internet standards (such as RFC1918). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 科技网站称Cloudflare使用1.1.1.1作为域名解析服务的IP地址将导致不符合互联网标准(例如 RFC 1918)的已有设置问题。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The first incinerator in the U.S. was built in 1885 on Governors Island in New York. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 美国第一个焚化炉于1885年建于纽约的总督岛(Governors Island)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The second piece was returned on 22 April 2005, with the final piece returned on 25 April 2005. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 第二块在2005年4月22日归回,最后一块在2005年4月25日归回。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: During World War II, when Nazi Germany extended its war operations to Greenland, Henrik Kauffmann, the Danish Minister to the United States — who had already refused to recognize the German occupation of Denmark — signed a treaty with the United States on April 9, 1941, granting the US Armed Forces permission to establish stations in Greenland. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在二战时期,当纳粹德国将其战线延伸至格陵兰前,丹麦驻美国大使亨利克考夫曼拒绝承认纳粹对丹麦的侵略统治,并与美国在1941年4月9日签署了保护协议授权美军在格陵兰驻扎军事基地。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Based on the results and feedback from troops, the U.S. Army decided in May 2011 to replace its entire fleet of M24s, ordering a total of 2,558 M2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifles. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 根据来自部队的结果和反馈,美国陆军决定将全部M24都撤装,并且订购共2,558枝M2010增强型狙击步枪。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Biomass is any organic material which has stored sunlight in the form of chemical energy. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 生物质是太阳光中的化学能的形式存储的的任何有机材料。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 As the design was intended to avoid software exchange with existing PDP-11 models, their ill fate in the market was no surprise for anyone except DEC. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 由于设计上刻意避免与PDP-11机种的软件相容性,其市场上最后失败的命运并不令人意外。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The album was released at midnight two days later, accompanied by a new music video for "My Blood". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这张专辑于两天后的午夜发行,同日发行了歌曲《My Blood》的音乐录影带。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The firm worked with large clients involved in the maritime and harbour businesses of Rotterdam. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 该公司为鹿特丹的海运及港口业务的大客户们提供服务。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The retreat from the city center was seen as either a government trap or signs that the rebel tactic of attacking the government's supply lines was working. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:政府军从市中心撤出既可看做是政府军的一个陷阱,也可视同武装反对派攻击政府军补给线这一战术开始奏效。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Much of the difficulty inherent in recycling comes from the fact that most products are not designed with recycling in mind. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 不少问题在于大多数产品在设计之初并没有考虑到回收。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: You don’t deny that. Assistant: 这一点你不能否认。 User: This area also includes the wall, and the other stone structures. Assistant: 此范围包括石墙和其他石建筑。 User: She was commissioned on 25 June 1900 to begin sea trials, which lasted until 22 August. Assistant: 1900年6月25日,舰只在入役后开始海上试航(英语:Sea trial),并一直持续至8月22日。 User: During his career Fabry published 197 scientific papers, 14 books, and over 100 popular articles. Assistant: 法布里发表过197篇科学论文、14本书、及超过100篇热门文章。 User: Since its founding in 1911, the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) has coordinated, collected, evaluated, analyzed, published, and archived variable star observations made largely by amateur astronomers and makes the records available to professional astronomers, researchers, and educators. Assistant: 自从1911年成立以来, 美国变星观测者协会 (American Association of Variable Star Observers, AAVSO) 已经整理,收集,评价,测量,出版和储存了大量由天文爱好者做出的变星观测结果,并且让这些观测数据能够被职业天文学家,研究者和教育者利用。 User: Despite this victory, even some Republicans who had supported the goals of the Civil Rights Act began to doubt that Congress really possessed constitutional power to turn those goals into laws. Assistant: 再者,甚至一些支持民权法案目标的共和党人也怀疑国会是否的确拥有制订这一法案的宪法权利。 User: Her appointment also made her the highest-ranking female Cabinet member at that time. Assistant: 这一任命同时也使她成为当时排位最高的女性阁员。 User: This file format is supported by many other software packages; it is widely used for rapid prototyping, 3D printing and computer-aided manufacturing. Assistant: 许多套装软件支援这种格式,它被广泛用于快速成型、3D打印和电脑辅助制造(CAM)。 User: It is estimated that ADHD affects between 5.4-8.7% of children in Africa. Assistant: 非洲的数据 ADHD影响了大概5.4-8.7%的非洲儿童,然而此数据的品质并不高。 User: The length of railway within the Principality is 1.7 km (1.1 mi), giving Monaco the third-smallest railway system in the world. Assistant: 大公国内的铁路长度只有1.7 km(1.1 mi), 这也是世界第二小的铁路系统。 User: It was named in honour of British mathematician Brook Taylor. Assistant: 泰勒公式得名于英国数学家布鲁克·泰勒。 User: And third, we see that the function μy y<zχ(y, x) is just producing instances of χ(y,x) i.e. χ(0,x), χ(1,x), ... until an instance yields 0. Assistant: 第三,我们看到函数 μy y<zχ(y, x) 正好生成 χ(y,x) i.e. χ(0,x), χ(1,x), ... 的实例,直到一个实例生成 0。 User: From these hypotheses, predictions about specific events are derived (e.g., "People who study a word list while listening to vocal music will remember fewer words on a later memory test than people who study a word list in silence."). Assistant: 从这些假设推导出特定事件的预测是派生的(例如,“学习一个单词列表,一边听声乐的人会比静默学习记得少。 User: They initially gave false names. Assistant: 天顺初,始赐姓名。 User: Never use your own car. Assistant: 永远不要浪费卡路里。 User: Laird graduated from the London Collegiate Institute in 1893, and attended University College of the University of Toronto after, due to her gender, she was denied an exhibition scholarship where she could have studied abroad. Assistant: 莱尔德于1893年毕业于加拿大伦敦高中,随后入读多伦多大学,但由于她是女生,没有获得她应得的学习成绩奖学金。 User: The ratio of the speed of a fluid to the local speed of sound vp/vs is now called the Mach number. Assistant: 流体速度与局部音速之比vp/vs现在被称作马赫数。 User: Soerabaijasch Handelsblad was established in 1853, under the name De Oostpost ("The Eastern Post"); it was the second newspaper published in Surabaya. Assistant: 《泗水商报》在1853年创刊,当时报章的名称是《东方邮报》(De Oostpost);这份报章是第二份在泗水刊印的报章。 User: Divorce in the United States is a matter of state rather than federal law. Assistant: 在美国,性悖轨法在美军以外是一个州权事物而不是一个联邦事物。 User: Sosa played for Estudiantes between 2002 and 2007. Assistant: 索萨从2002年至2007年效力学生队。 User: Its ultimate failure had two sources, both of which lay with the civilian and military policy-makers in Washington: first, neither group could ever conceive that the North Vietnamese would endure under the punishment that they would unleash upon it. Assistant: 它的最终失败来源于两方面,这两个原因都与华盛顿的民政与军方决策者有关系:第一,决策双方都没有想到北越承受得住大规模空袭,第二,军方没能成功地应用一种能解决手边问题的策略。 User: Research conducted by GreatGameIndia Magazine has revealed that the Rothschild family was one of the controller families of the East India Company. Assistant: 杂志《印度大博弈(英语:GreatGameIndia)》的调查显示,罗斯柴尔德是东印度公司的控股家族之一。 User: It is made up of two equally important components: a network of sensors to detect tsunamis and a communications infrastructure to issue timely alarms to permit evacuation of the coastal areas. Assistant: 它是由两个同等重要的要素所组成:一个是侦测海啸的感测器网络,另一个是即时发布警报以批准沿海区域避难的通信基础设施。 User: It may be seen in waters around Gau Island but is believed to disperse to pelagic waters far from the island. Assistant: 可在恩高岛周边的水域可见,但据信它们亦会到远离岛屿的远洋水域栖息。 User: He has been a member of the Congregation for Bishops and the Pontifical Council for the Family since 12 June 2008 and of the Congregation for the Clergy since 2 February 2010. Assistant: 2008年6月12日,出任为圣座主教部和宗座家庭理事会的成员,及自2010年2月2日担任为圣职部成员。 User: Back in the United States, Joe joined the ranks of the East Coast-based Ring of Honor (ROH) promotion in 2002. Assistant: 2002年返回美国后,乔加入了在东岸一带举行赛事的荣耀擂台摔角(Ring of Honor、ROH)。 User: These revolts were gradually successful. Assistant: 这些叛乱逐步成功。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: In 1844, she, through correspondence, found and accepted `Ali Muhammad of Shiraz (known as the Báb) as the Mahdi. Assistant: 1844年,她通过通信,发现并接受了设拉子的阿里·穆罕默德(即巴孛)为马赫迪。 User: Their rejection of the commonplace was so complete that they could barely acknowledge reality. Assistant: 他们如此彻底拒绝庸常,以至于他们几乎无法了解现实生活。 User: Consequently, it was not until 1832 when Parliament, at the instigation of Archdeacon Charles Thorp and with the support of the Bishop of Durham, William van Mildert, passed "an Act to enable the Dean and Chapter of Durham Cathedral to appropriate part of the property of their church to the establishment of a University in connection therewith" that the university came into being. Assistant: 因此,直到1832年,在助理主教查尔斯索普的鼓励和杜伦教区主教范米尔德特的支持下,国会才通过一项法案允许牧正和圣品们分配部分教会的财产用于在当地兴建一所大学,并给予其扶持。 User: His mechanical nature also makes him far more durable than the rest of the cast, capable of surviving gunfire, explosions, extreme heat, deep water, or hard vacuum. Assistant: 他机械性质也远超过其他人,能够存活枪声、爆炸、高热、深水或真空。 User: Evvie, his wife, is seriously injured in a wagon accident. Assistant: 当他还在越南时,他的妻子卡罗遇上一场车祸而严重受伤。 User: This time, all the pieces fell into place. Assistant: 这时,所有的质子都已完成衰变。 User: One criticism of AirPods is their high price (about $150); however, at launch they were actually priced less than most "true wireless" earbuds on the market (e.g. the Samsung Gear IconX and Bragi Dash) and remain competitively priced with similar products from other major brands. Assistant: 虽然很多人批评AirPods的售价过高,但它的价格实际上低于市场上大多数“真正无线耳机”(True Wireless Stereo, 简称TWS) ,并且保持与其他主要品牌的类似产品的价格竞争力。 User: She is overjoyed by the presence of music, and is shocked when she sees Sebastian performing there. Assistant: 对于音乐的出现,爱丽儿感到大喜,而当她看见赛巴斯丁表演感到震惊。 User: In January 2014, Fallon was appointed Minister for Portsmouth, subsequently being promoted to the Cabinet, on 15 July 2014, as Secretary of State for Defence. Assistant: 2014年1月,法伦被任命为朴次茅斯大臣,随后于2014年7月15日升任国防大臣。 User: Various bits within an HRESULT encode information about the nature of the error code, and where it came from. Assistant: 它是基于数字的错误代码,HRESULT中的各个位编码包含有关错误代码的性质及其来源的信息。 User: In Bayesian model comparison, the marginalized variables are parameters for a particular type of model, and the remaining variable is the identity of the model itself. Assistant: 在贝叶斯模型比较,被边缘化的变量的参数用于特定类型的模型,其余可变标识的的模型本身。 User: For example, this overwrites the first 512 bytes of a file with null bytes: dd if=/dev/zero of=path/to/file bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc The notrunc conversion option means do not truncate the output file — that is, if the output file already exists, just replace the specified bytes and leave the rest of the output file alone. Assistant: 用空字节覆盖文件的前512个字节: dd if=/dev/zero of=path/to/file bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc 转换选项notrunc意味着不缩减输出文件,也就是说,如果输出文件已经存在,只改变指定的字节,然后退出,并保留输出文件的剩余部分。 User: The visitor centre was designed by another RMJM architect, Paul Stallan. Assistant: 而游客中心则由RMJM另一位建筑师斯塔兰·保罗(英语:Paul Stallan)设计。 User: One can also show that every regular Hausdorff space is Urysohn and every Tychonoff space (=completely regular Hausdorff space) is completely Hausdorff. Assistant: 还可以证明所有正则豪斯多夫空间是 Urysohn 空间,而所有吉洪诺夫空间(完全正则豪斯多夫空间)是完全豪斯多夫空间。 User: This caused sudden inflation, which caused privately held cash in the Soviet zone to become worthless overnight. Assistant: 这就在苏占区引发了一场突然的通货膨胀,所有的私人手中的现金一夜之间就大笔贬值。 User: The first two were distributed by Paramount Pictures, while the third film was distributed by 20th Century Fox. Assistant: 首两部电影由派拉蒙影业发行,第三部电影由二十世纪福斯。 User: Formulas in this form are known as BBP-type formulas. Assistant: 这种形式的公式被称为BBP式公式(BBP-type formulas)。 User: Many of the older girls flaunt over him. Assistant: 许多翅膀从它身上长出。 User: He soon learned he had become an object of suspicion among his countrymen, the royal houses, aristocracies, and clergy of Europe. Assistant: 他很快就了解到,他已成为他的同胞,欧洲的王室,贵族和神职人员们共同的怀疑对象。 User: From the Creation of Éa, with which A Wizard of Earthsea begins. Assistant: 而《女王之刃 叛乱》则是原创续集。 User: William remained archbishop of Tyre and chancellor of the kingdom, but the details of his life at this time are obscure. Assistant: 威廉后来依旧是提尔大主教和王国书记长,但是他在这段时间的生活详细情况晦涩不清。 User: Though the Leader of the House is a member of the cabinet and remains a partisan figure, he or she also has responsibilities to the House as a whole. Assistant: 尽管上议院领袖是内阁的成员与某党派人物,他也需要对整个上议院负责。 User: Shanahan was confirmed by the United States Senate with a vote of 92–7 on July 18, 2017, and became the 33rd Deputy Secretary of Defense on July 19, 2017. Assistant: 沙纳汉于2017年7月18日以票数92比7获参议院确认,正式就职第33任国防部副部长。 User: More detailed statistical analysis of the signal, and of 16 days of surrounding data from 12 September to 20 October 2015, identified GW150914 as a real event, with an estimated significance of at least 5.1 sigma or a confidence level of 99.99994%. Assistant: 在对信号经过更为细致的统计分析,并对自9月12日至10月20日中16天的数据也进行分析后,研究人员确认GW150914为真实的引力波现象,显著性超过5.1σ,置信水平为99.99994%。 User: In parallel to the mediation, Prince Edward and King Hugh began negotiating a truce with Sultan Baibars; a 10-year-10-month-and-10-day agreement was reached in May 1272, at Caesarea. Assistant: 与此同时,爱德华王子和休开始和拜巴尔苏丹谈判;1272年5月,双方于凯撒里亚签订了一份有效期为10年10个月又10天的和平协议。 User: In 2002, the Ministry of Health announced that homosexuality would no longer be regarded as a mental illness or disorder. Assistant: 2002年,泰国卫生部教育部公开宣称,同性恋不再被视为一种心理疾病或障碍。 User: Whilst some parties have nominated over 400 candidates, it was always unlikely that any single Party would elect over 200 members. Assistant: 虽然部分政党提名超过400位候选人,但没有一个单一政党能一举拿下200个席次。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: There is evidence that she is based on Woolf's friend Mary Hutchinson. Assistant: 有证据表明她是基于伍尔夫的朋友玛丽·哈奇森而创造的。 User: Several species of animals can be encountered in the game, and are able to distract the enemy as well as make them aware of the player's presence. Assistant: 玩家中可以遇到的几种动物,能引开敌人,或让他们了解到玩家的存在。 User: Their volatile relationship included on-stage fights and the sabotage of one another's instruments. Assistant: 他们不稳定的关系包括舞台上的战斗和破坏对方的乐器。 User: In 2005 the Museum of Modern Art launched an exhibition entitled "Beyond The Visible", a comprehensive overview of Redon's work showcasing more than 100 paintings, drawings, prints and books from The Ian Woodner Family Collection. Assistant: 2005年现代艺术博物馆举办了名为“表象之下”的展览,通过伊恩·伍德纳家族收藏中的超过100件雷东的绘画、素描、印刷品、与书籍全面的概括了雷东一生的作品。 User: For example, californium-252 (half-life 2.645 years, SF branch ratio about 3.1 percent) can be used for this purpose. Assistant: 例如锎-252(半衰期2.645年,自发裂变分支比约为3.1%)便有此应用。 User: Democrats were also hurt by economic factors, including the national economic problems and a severe drought in the state. Assistant: 民主党还受到了经济因素的打击,其中包括全国性的经济困境以及州内遭遇的大旱。 User: Beverly also belittles Leonard by pointing out that his brother and sister are more successful in their respective fields than he is. Assistant: 贝芙莉指出伦纳德的兄弟姐妹在他们各自的领域要比他成功得多。 User: Lobera, Chronica, Capítulo LI, says the famine lasted from 1554 into 1555 and some Indians resorted to cannibalism. Assistant: 洛韦拉的《编年史》第51章说,这场饥荒从1554年持续到了1555年,并且一些印第安人又回到了人食人的行为。 User: The land periodically uplifted and subsided over millions of years giving rise to some small mountains and, eventually, an inland sea. Assistant: 土地于数百万年的时间升沈,最终造成若干小山,以及内陆海。 User: The episode's previous title had been "Hitcapades", before it was changed to "Hitman". Assistant: 此集原名为《Hitcapades》,之后才改为《Hitman》。 User: Protesters sought to block hospitals, and South African media have reported numerous acts of violence against health and education staff who insisted on going to work. Assistant: 示威者试图堵塞医院,南非媒体报导坚持上班健康和教育工作人员遭受暴力行为,志愿者和军队医务人员被召往医院负责协助,有些病人被转移到私人医疗设施。 User: It has ten articles. Assistant: 它有十条条款。 User: Garrison's ideas were not welcomed by a majority of other abolitionists, and those unwilling to include women split from him to form other abolitionist societies. Assistant: 加里森的想法并不受大多数废奴主义者的欢迎,那些不愿意妇女参与的废奴主义者脱离出来成立了别的废奴组织。 User: Critically, this magnetoresistive scenario depends sensitively on the device geometry and current lines and it does not rely on magnetic materials. Assistant: 这种磁阻场景敏感地依赖于器件几何形状和电流线,并且不依赖于磁性材料。 User: The facade and the roof are covered with 18 000 plates of polycarbonate multiwall sheet, in 6 shades, with a total area of 4.5 hectares. Assistant: 立面和屋顶覆盖18,000片聚碳酸酯多层板,板材共有6种颜色,总面积4.5公顷。 User: The Bellas learn that Das Sound Machine (DSM), a German powerhouse group, have replaced the Bellas on their victory tour. Assistant: 美丽女声了解到,德国的阿卡贝拉组合美声机器(DSM)极有可能获得世界冠军。 User: In 2002, NASA launched the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), wherein two twin satellites map variations in Earth's gravity field by making measurements of the distance between the two satellites using GPS and a microwave ranging system. Assistant: 2002年,美国国家航空暨太空总署发射了重力回复及气候实验卫星(GRACE),以一对双卫星通过GPS和微波测距系统测量两颗卫星之间的距离,来获得精确度的地球重力场变化。 User: He now works at Google. Assistant: 他目前在Google上班。 User: Cologne is the fourth-largest city in Germany after Berlin, Hamburg and Munich. Assistant: 科隆是续柏林、汉堡和慕尼黑之后,德国人口第四多的城市。 User: The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. Assistant: 家庭为社会之当然基本团体单位,并应受社会及国家之保护。 User: Phra Buddha Issara said the junta gave in to pressure too easily given government promises to fight corruption. Assistant: Phra Buddha Issara认为军政府轻易就在压力面前退缩。 User: Young snakes hatch in about two months. Assistant: 幼蛇约在两个月内孵化。 User: They were intended as modern warships capable of long-range operations. Assistant: 它们是具有远程作战能力的现代化战舰。 User: For example, the game features some missions to gain the loyalty of the squad. Assistant: 例如,游戏有一些获得小队忠诚度的任务。 User: He is a vegan from 2012 and he collaborates with the International Organization in defense of the Animal Equality. Assistant: 自2012年成为纯素者,并与国际组织合作捍卫动物平权。 User: This variant is unique for the fact that each skewer contains one large piece of chicken, rather than several small cubes. Assistant: 这种沙嗲独一无二的是每个肉串有一大块鸡肉,而不是几个小块。 User: The day of the bombing, 153 people were treated at St. Anthony Hospital, eight blocks from the blast, over 70 people were treated at Presbyterian Hospital, 41 people were treated at University Hospital, and 18 people were treated at Children's Hospital. Assistant: 到第一天的救援工作结束时,距爆炸地点8个街区的圣安东尼医院已收治153人,还有超过70人送往长老会医院,41人送至大学医院,18人送到儿童医院。 User: In addition to providing materials, libraries also provide the services of librarians who are experts at finding and organizing information and at interpreting information needs. Assistant: 除了提供资源,图书馆还有专家和图书馆员来提供服务,他们善于寻找和组织信息,并解释信息需求。 User: There are two Sports Captains. Assistant: 有两个球队经理。 User: A crematorium and gas chamber were added in 1943, just in time to start mass executions when Stutthof was included in the "Final Solution" in June 1944. Assistant: 1943年集中营加入焚尸炉和毒气室,及时在施图特霍夫于1944年6月被列入“最终解决方案“时开始大规模处决。 User: As a result, they played at various festivals in Iceland and Denmark during the summer of 2000 and 2003. Assistant: 因此,从2000年到2003年夏,他们应邀到冰岛和丹麦为各种节日庆典进行演奏。 User: Venus Express entered its target orbit at apoapsis on 7 May 2006 at 13:31 UTC, when the spacecraft was 151,000,000 kilometres (94,000,000 mi) from Earth. Assistant: 金星特快车在2006年5月7日UTC进入目标轨道,当时太空船与地球的距离是151,000,000公里(94,000,000英里)。 User: Canadian Nelson (Nancy Cartwright): Bart's Canadian friend whom he met in Vancouver. Assistant: 加拿大人纳尔逊(Canadian Nelson) 配音:南希·卡特赖特(美国) 在Boy Meets Curl初登场霸子在温哥华的加拿大朋友。 User: The pirates then threw a phone and a two-way radio dropped to them by the U.S. Navy into the ocean, fearing the Americans were somehow using the equipment to give instructions to the captain. Assistant: 美国海军便向海盗扔投了一个双向的无线电话,但海盗怕美国人可能会用这个设备来给予船长指示,于是就把电话给扔进了海里。 User: The tarikh states that a Sultan Kunburu became a Muslim and had his palace pulled down and the site turned into a mosque; he then built another palace for himself near the mosque on the east side. Assistant: 《tarikh》中叙述说苏丹Kunburu成为穆斯林后,推平了自己的宫殿,另建一座清真寺,而他自己则在清真寺的东面新盖了一座宫殿。 User: Jason Bateman also won the same award the following ceremony. Assistant: 札幌啤酒也因此获得了如下奖励。 User: In this sense, mediated reality is a proper superset of mixed reality, augmented reality, and virtual reality, as it also includes, for example, diminished reality. Assistant: 在这一点上,媒介现实是一个合适的包含混合现实,延伸现实以及虚拟现实的超大集成体,同时它也包括被减弱现实。 User: In a manual on Promoting and Protecting Human Rights in relation to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Sex Characteristics the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF) states that "The Principles do not deal appropriately or adequately with the application of international human rights law in relation to intersex people. Assistant: 亚太地区国家人权机构论坛(APF)在“关于性取向,性别认同和性别特征方面促进和保护人权的手册”中指出,“这些原则并不适当地适用于国际人权法与双性人相关,并没有明确区分性别特征。 User: Thus All Greeks are men All men are mortal. Assistant: 比如 所有希腊人都是人 所有人都是必死的。 User: He was the father of Congressman James M. Broom and grandfather of Congressman Jacob Broom. Assistant: 他是众议员詹姆斯·M·布鲁姆(英语:James M. Broom)父亲、众议员雅各布·布朗(英语:Jacob Broom (congressman))的祖父。 User: After a verbal exchange, McMahon insulted the Rock and slapped him across the face, taunting that he wouldn't retaliate because he dare not hit a woman. Assistant: 一番口舌后,麦克马洪侮辱了洛克,扇了他一记耳光,嘲笑他不会还击,因为他不敢打女人。 User: This hypothesis explains (among other things) the Moon's relative lack of iron and volatile elements and the fact that its composition is nearly identical to that of Earth's crust. Assistant: 这一假说解释了月球相对于地球缺乏铁和挥发性元素、以及其组成和地球的地壳几乎相同等现象的原因。 User: If the observed helium abundance is significantly different from 25%, then this would pose a serious challenge to the theory. Assistant: 如果观测到的氦丰度与25%有很大的差异,则将对此一理论提出严峻的挑战。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: The planet with the shortest orbit is HD 219134 b, and is Earth's closest known rocky, and transiting, exoplanet. Assistant: 当中最短轨道的行星是HD 219134 b,是当时已知距地球最近的超级地球。 User: When American singer Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, Twitter servers crashed after users were updating their status to include the words "Michael Jackson" at a rate of 100,000 tweets per hour. Assistant: 当美国歌手迈克尔·杰克逊在2009年6月25日去世时,用户每小时发布的包含迈克尔·杰克逊名字的消息就达到100,000条,导致Twitter服务器一度崩溃。 User: In November 1936, Tedder was appointed Air Officer Commanding (AOC) RAF Far Eastern Forces which gave him command over RAF units from Burma to Hong Kong and Borneo. Assistant: 1936年11月,泰德获任命为英国皇家空军远东地区的指挥官,指挥着从缅甸到香港和婆罗洲的皇家空军部队。 User: In the winters they typically move into the deeper water to escape rough seas. Assistant: 冬季来临时,它们会利用较深的水域以避开沿岸的寒冷海水。 User: There is a public house called the Prince of Wales. Assistant: 有外文图书称其为Prince of Wales Bank。 User: The player works with Nick Stokes in this case. Assistant: 玩家与尼克·史多克斯于本案中一起工作。 User: This was also the last war Sweden actively participated in. Assistant: 这是瑞士至今参加的最后一次战争。 User: These standards cover BGP origin validation, while work on path validation (BGPSEC) is underway. Assistant: 这些标准涵盖了BGP源验证,而路径验证(BGPSEC)则还在进展中。 User: In mid-1983 an initial port of W to Unix ran at one-fifth of its speed under V; in May 1984, Scheifler replaced the synchronous protocol of W with an asynchronous protocol and the display lists with immediate mode graphics to make X version 1. Assistant: 起初在1983年中期W视窗系统的UNIX移植在V操作系统下以1/4速度运行;在1984年5月,Scheilfer将W的同步协定换成异步协定,以及将显示列表换成直接模式绘图,而创造出X的版本1。 User: Filming took place in the Peruvian rainforest on the Amazon River during an arduous five-week period, shooting on tributaries of the Ucayali region. Assistant: 摄制在秘鲁亚马逊河流域进行,历时五周,在乌卡亚利河的支流地区完成了拍摄。 User: Telltale also announced that Lions Gate CEO Jon Feltheimer and Unity Technologies' CEO John Riccitiello joined Telltale's board of directors. Assistant: 除此之外,公司宣布狮门公司首席执行官Jon Feltheimer和联合技术(英语:Unity Technologies)CEO约翰·里奇蒂耶洛(John Riccitiello)加入公司董事会。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The undersecretary for the ministry of the interior and public security reported that the evacuation affected one million people across the country. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 智利内政与公众安全部副部长指出,此次撤离人员共计总人数约为一百万人。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Sarakatsani have also been referred to as Roumeliotes or Moraites, names based on where they lived. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 萨拉卡察尼人还有其他称谓,如鲁梅利奥泰人(Roumeliotes)或莫雷泰人(Moraites),这与到他们被发现的地方有关。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Even if another person performed neglectful action to prevent one person from attending the event, this could instantly lead to isolation, along with other multiple symptoms, including nervous shock, which could cause the victim to keep itself secluded from any sort of future activity to avoid any further damage. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 甚至,当另一个人借由忽略行为阻止其参加这些活动,将可能导致立即的孤立以及包括神经性休克等其他多种症状,并可能导致受害者对未来任何活动皆保持隔离以避免更多的伤害。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 After he began attending Brigham Young University, Reynolds found that he could not "do anything else" and committed fully to a professional music career. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 雷诺兹进入美国杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)就读后,他发现自己没有其它兴趣,便全面致力于职业音乐生涯。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 There is also a number of cafés, art galleries and restaurants; for example Galleri Doktor Glas, a name taken from the novel Doctor Glas by Hjalmar Söderberg published in 1905. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 还有许多咖啡馆、画廊和餐馆;例如格拉斯博士画廊,得名于1905年出版的小说《格拉斯博士》。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In Alcorn's words, "They felt like I was attacking their image, and that I was an embarrassment to them. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 用奥克康自己的话说,“他们觉得我正在攻击他们的想象,我让他们感到尴尬。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: His symptoms began at age 28 with a sudden transient visual loss (amaurosis fugax) after the funeral of a friend. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 德斯特在28岁参加完朋友葬礼之后,出现了短暂性视觉丧失(英语:amaurosis fugax)的现象。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Before dawn on April 26, the soldiers caught up with the fugitives, who were hiding in Garrett's tobacco barn. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 4月26日黎明前,士兵们在盖雷特的烟草仓库抓到藏匿的逃犯。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the upper limit of its range, night-time temperatures may approach freezing and day-time maxima rarely exceed 25 °C. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:在其海拔分布范围的上界,夜间温度可接近冰点,日间温度极少超过25°C。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: I make comics because I like the activity of writing and drawing. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 喜欢看漫画多于动画,喜欢安达充与手冢治虫的作品。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:While on its erratic path off the northern Gulf Coast, Juan killed 12 people, nine of whom offshore due to overturned oil rigs or boats. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 胡安在墨西哥湾北部蜿蜒行进期间一共夺走12条人命,其中9人是因石油钻井平台或船只倾覆致死。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In other words, it is one of the four purposes of human life. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这是大自然的四个基本作用之一。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: That those who fear the Lord will be blessed. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 原来,各国中那敬畏主、行义的人都为主所悦纳。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:They beat Sweden 1–0 in the semi-final, and on 12 July 1997, claimed their fourth European championship with a 2–0 win over Italy, with goals from Sandra Minnert and Birgit Prinz. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 她们在半决赛中以1比0淘汰瑞典,并在1997年7月12日,凭借桑德拉·敏内特(英语:Sandra Minnert)的入球以2比0战胜意大利,夺得她们的第四座欧洲冠军奖杯。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Although he was elected to the National Assembly in the February 1998 parliamentary election, he announced his resignation from the National Assembly in late July 1998, saying that there were "enough deputies to do the job in my place". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1998年2月他再次被选入国会,但是7月末他辞去议员职务,说“有足够多的副手代替我做这个工作”。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Local anesthesia can be used. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 可以使用局部麻醉。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This is a list of the one hundred and twenty counties in the U.S. state of Kentucky. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这个列表列出美国肯塔基州的120个县。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In 1997, Time magazine named McCain as one of the "25 Most Influential People in America". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在1997年,时代杂志将麦凯恩列为“美国最具影响力的25人”。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In developmental psychology, childhood is divided up into the developmental stages of toddlerhood (learning to walk), early childhood (play age), middle childhood (school age), and adolescence (puberty through post-puberty). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在发展心理学中,童年被分为四个发展阶段,即婴儿期(学步期),儿童早期(玩耍期),儿童晚期(学龄期),以及青春期(青春期至后青春期)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: While the White House may think this is politics as usual, what is spectacularly unusual is when a candidate — a U.S. congressman no less — freely acknowledges such a proposal. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 可能白宫觉得这在政治上稀松平常,但这其中非常不同寻常的地方在于,候选人——至少也是联邦众议员——会毫不保留地承认这种提议。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 29 January 2017 President Adama Barrow changed the name back to Republic of The Gambia. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2017年1月29日,阿达马·巴罗总统将国名改回冈比亚共和国。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 2010, the government decided to rebuild it in Jieyang city. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 2010年,天津市人民政府决定在海河南岸重建戈登堂。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Arrested by the Germans, he was released within three days as a worthless catch. Assistant: 后被德国人逮捕,因身无分文他在三天之内被释放。 User: He also appeared in Switzerland's final two matches during the Euro 2004 qualification campaign – a 4–1 defeat against Russia and 2–0 victory over the Republic of Ireland. Assistant: 他也代表瑞士上阵2004年欧国杯预选赛的最后两场比赛,助球队以4-1击败俄罗斯和2-0战胜爱尔兰。 User: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA), while its name can be misleading, is actually a form of dementia that has some symptoms closely related to several forms of aphasia. Assistant: 原发型进行性失语症(PPA),其实是痴呆症的一种,它的某些症状与其他失语症密切相关。 User: Music and dance are an integral part of Rwandan ceremonies, festivals, social gatherings, and storytelling. Assistant: 音乐和舞蹈是卢旺达的仪式、节庆、社交聚会,以及评书弹词活动中的组成部分。 User: A fully automatic version of the Strike One has been offered for the Russian Armed Forces. Assistant: 一种全自动版本亦被提供了给俄罗斯联邦军队 。 User: Venus is the second-brightest object in the night sky, the Moon being the brightest. Assistant: 金星在夜空中是第二个明亮的天体,而月亮于夜空中则是最明亮得。 User: In 1996, genetically modified soybeans were made commercially available. Assistant: 在1996年转基因大豆作了市售。 User: Once the commendation was complete, the lord and vassal were now in a feudal relationship with agreed-upon mutual obligations to one another. Assistant: 一旦赞誉仪式完成,领主和封臣就建立了封建关系,拥有了双方承认的相互间的义务和责任。 User: Thus, he was sent to confinement in Anhui for eight years. Assistant: 八年复并入永康县。 User: Similarly, it is likely that its oceans are shallower by the effect of gravity on the planet's crust, its gravitational field more intense and, a denser atmosphere. Assistant: 同样,由于重力在行星地壳的作用,这类行星的海洋可能更浅,重力场可能更强,大气层密度更高。 User: He came back to France in 1981, published a photographs book Lions in 1983, and became an international journalist, reporter and photographer specialised in documentaries on sports, wildlife and aerial photography for French magazines such as Paris Match and GEO. Assistant: 1981年贝特朗回到法国,于1983年出版摄影书《Lions》,并成为《Paris Match》和《GEO》等法国杂志的国际新闻、体育新闻、野生动物与航拍摄影记者。 User: Before capture, the station was able to transmit an SOS, which was received by the troop convoy, and Sydney was ordered to investigate. Assistant: 在被占领前,通讯站向外发出的求救信号被护卫队收到,于是悉尼号奉命前去探查。 User: In Germany, the book inspired several newspapers to integrate scientific reports into their "Feuilleton" or "culture" sections (such as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung). Assistant: 在德国,在这本书的影响下数家报纸在他们的副刊或文化版面加入了有科学报告色彩的文章(例如Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)。 User: Furthermore, they may incorporate emotional, social, cultural and political thematic elements as an extension of the painted visual illusion; a distinct departure from the older and considerably more literal school of Photorealism. Assistant: 此外,它们可能包括情感、社会、文化和政治主题要素作为视觉错觉的扩展,与照相写实主义有所不同。 User: And he came to the Ancient One and was presented before him. Assistant: 甲讨论的是前者,乙却转移到后者。 User: She has been described as both one of the best female climbers in the world and one of the best climbers of all time. Assistant: 她被看作是世界上最好的女性攀岩运动员之一和有史以来最好的攀岩运动员之一。 User: Additionally, all of the person's property was confiscated. Assistant: 另外,此人的所有财产也将被没收。 User: The 100%KPP World Tour was the debut world tour by Japanese singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. Assistant: 100%KPP World Tour 2013 是Kyary Pamyu Pamyu的首次世界巡回演唱会。 User: Like Darwin, I find the reality thrilling. Assistant: 雾解,达里麻望见大惊。 User: It starts in the south as King William Road, at the north edge of Heywood Park in Unley Park, and runs through Hyde Park and Unley to Greenhill Road. Assistant: 英皇威廉道始于希活公园(英语:Heywood Park)北面,途中经过海德公园(英语:Hyde Park)及Unley,并连接青山道。 User: The ending of the game is purposely ambiguous, and has been subject to multiple interpretations. Assistant: 游戏结局有意地含糊不清,且其目的在引起玩家多种的解读。 User: Armed Forces: Sections 11, 12, & 13 dealt with the future of Indian Armed Forces. Assistant: 第一批编成的纵队是第11、12及13纵队,第14及15纵队由老手与新手混编而成。 User: From an ecclesiastic and theological point of view the Raskol remains a highly controversial question and one of the most tragic episodes of Russian history. Assistant: 但从神职和神学的观点分离教派仍是一个极具争议性的问题,是俄罗斯历史上最悲惨的事件之一。 User: This included 10 dunks, which had only been accomplished by two others players (Dwight Howard and Shaquille O'Neal) over the past 10 NBA seasons. Assistant: 其中包括10次扣篮,在过去的10个赛季里只有两名球员(德怀特·霍华德和沙奎尔·奥尼尔)曾经达成此成就。 User: In the summer of 2007 another committee was formed to organise a larger debate about the course of the party's principles, organisation and strategy. Assistant: 2007年夏季,成立另一个由范欧吉克率领的委员会以进行关于政党路线、组织与策略的大型辩论。 User: He wrote commercials for Skoal tobacco and sold many of his compositions to Muzak, a company that specialized in providing background music to stores and other businesses. Assistant: 他为干杯烟草写过广告,还把自己的许多作品卖给了专为商店和其它企业提供背景音乐的米尤扎克(Muzak)公司。 User: On September 2, 2013 the National Bank of Kazakhstan moved the Kazakhstan Tenge from a managed float and pegged it to the U.S. dollar and Russian ruble. Assistant: 2013年9月2日,哈萨克斯坦国家银行提出的哈萨克斯坦坚戈从有管理的浮动开始挂钩美元和俄罗斯卢布。 User: Perry wrote the song about spending Christmas in Copenhagen with her family. Assistant: 佩芮创作这首歌曲是关于与家人在哥本哈根度过圣诞节。 User: Sizes required for different piece counts are as follows: 500 pieces: 520 mm x 395 mm (20.4" x 15.5") 1000 pieces: Approximately 750 mm x 520 mm (29.5" x 20.4") 1500 pieces: Approximately 915 mm x 660 mm (36.0" x 26.0") The major problem with stand alone construction trays is that they cannot be packed away and stored with a part-assembled jigsaw. Assistant: 常见的尺寸对片数的对应如下: 500片: 520 mm x 395 mm (20.4" x 15.5") 1,000片: Approximately 750 mm x 520 mm (29.5" x 20.4") 1,500片: Approximately 915 mm x 660 mm (36.0" x 26.0") 独立式拼图板最大的问题是它无法被轻易收纳,尤其是对于半完成的拼图部分不易保存。 User: They then cross the desert to find an oasis. Assistant: 他们随后越过沙漠,并且遇到一头大象。 User: She filmed a short video for his show "New York Photographs 1983 - 1993" at Beijing's Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. Assistant: 她为艾未未在北京三影堂摄影艺术中心展出的“纽约照片 1983-1993”拍摄了一个短片。 User: Sackenheim stated that despite the minor add-ons and overhauled textures, Jumping Flash! 2 was essentially a technical update of the 1995 original. Assistant: Sackenheim提到尽管《跳闪!2》具有小的附属物和彻底修正的材质,对于1995年的初版,其仍然是一个必要的技术更新。 User: The certification trophy was presented during her Toronto concert on November 18, 2010. Assistant: 她在2010年11月18日的多伦多音乐会上展示了自己的奖杯。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:For example, √9 = 3, so 9 is a square number. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 例如,9 = 3 × 3,它是一个平方数。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 However, in late February 2019, it was reported that Netflix may give the film a wide theatrical release at the request of Scorsese. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 然而,2019年2月后期,据报导说在史高西斯的要求下,Netflix可能会给本片广泛公映。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 As with the Mackensens, the three ships of the Ersatz Yorck class were never completed. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 与马肯森级相同的是,本级舰的三艘舰均未完工。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Thereafter, an increase in vertical wind shear from the south-southwest caused the system to begin a weakening trend. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:此后,西南的垂直风切变增加,导致系统开始减弱趋势。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Maletti Group would operate as a flank guard. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:马莱蒂集团被用作侧翼警卫。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The current layout was designed by Beaux-Arts architecture firm Carrère and Hastings and completed in 1916. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 它是由Carrère and Hastings建筑事务所设计,于1916年完成。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Sleep deprivation is coercive. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 认为恃强凌弱是无趣的行为。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:They responded to harassment with humor, comebacks, sexual talk of their own, or reciprocation. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 她们用幽默、回击、对自己的性谈论或是交换回应骚扰。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Throughout their career, Dream Theater's live shows have gradually become bigger, longer and more diverse. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在他们的职业生涯中,梦剧场的现场演出逐渐变得越来越大规模、篇幅更长,也越来越多样化。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Other facilities include 12 check-in counters, 3 departure gates, and 2 jetbridges. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 其他设施包括12个值机柜台、3个登机口和2座廊桥。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Royal Moroccan Armed Forces motto, which graces every military base, banner, and ship, is: "God, The Fatherland, and The King". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 每一个军事基地,旗帜和船只,摩洛哥皇家军队的座右铭都是:“真主,祖国,国王”。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Earth's model is about 1.9 cm in size and at 225 m distance from the sun's model, while Pluto's model is 7.7 km away from it. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 其中地球模型尺寸为1.9 cm,距离太阳模型225米,而冥王星模型则远在7.7公里以外。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The commission is working with the International Atomic Energy Agency to implement nuclear power in Ghana as part of a wider project, Sustainable Energy Development for Sub-Saharan Africa. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 加纳原子能委员会(英语:Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)在国际原子能机构帮助下,调研核能的利用, 作为撒哈拉以南非洲能源可持续发展(英语:Sustainable Energy Development for Sub-Saharan Africa)庞大计划的一部分。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: During the first four championship seasons (1950-1953), only Italian constructors won championship races, with the exception of the Indianapolis 500. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在最初的四年的大奖赛季(1950至1953年)中,除了印第安纳波利斯500赛事之外,只有意大利的制造商赢得分站冠军。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Allah alone knows how many thousands of years old it may have been. Assistant: 几乎是一个神的存在,他能长生不老地活了几十万年。 User: In 2006 a triplet carbene was reported by the same group with a half-life of 40 minutes. Assistant: 2006年,《哥谭重案组》在结束了共40期的连载。 User: Bunker Hill is one of the sites along the Freedom Trail and is part of Boston National Historical Park. Assistant: 邦克山是自由之路的最后一站,也是波士顿国家历史公园的一部分。 User: For example, the first phrase of The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night", excluding the syncopation on "night", may be generated from its metre of 4 4 (Middleton 1990, 211): The syncopation may then be added, moving "night" forward one eighth note, and the first phrase is generated (Play (help·info)). Assistant: 例如,披头士的"A Hard Day's Night",去掉“night”的切分节奏,第一句是由4 4的节拍生成而来的(Middleton 1990,211): 在此基础上可以加入切分节奏,将“night”提前一个八分音符,这就形成了歌的第一句。 User: This divergence between two parts of Europe continued over the course of three decades, leading to a profound gap in the mid-1990s. Assistant: 这一差异在欧洲持续了三十多年,导致了双方在1990年代中期的深刻差距。 User: At this time, the concept of a loyal opposition party was novel. Assistant: 那时,忠诚的反对党还是一个新颖的概念。 User: The agency projected the more protective standard would also prevent an additional 26,000 cases of aggravated asthma, and more than a million cases of missed work or school. Assistant: 环保局计划的更严格标准可以预防26,000起严重哮喘,以及数以百万的病假问题。 User: Arana, who was not initially inclined to get involved with politics, began to make occasional statements against the government. Assistant: 阿拉纳起初对卷入政治不感兴趣,但不久后也开始偶发性地批评政府。 User: The eval function in Lisp expects a form to be evaluated and executed as argument. Assistant: Lisp 中的 eval 函数期望一个形式作为一个参数被求值和执行。 User: Until that moment, Lester had a 26-year perfect safety record in rock climbing; he had never even taken a leader fall. Assistant: 直到那时刻,革末拥有二十六年完美的安全纪录;他从来没有过一次先锋跌落 (leader fall) 的纪录。 User: Uruguay is an important global exporter of combed wool, rice, soybeans, frozen beef, malt and milk. Assistant: 乌拉圭亦为世界重要的羊毛、稻米、大豆、冷冻牛肉、麦芽和牛奶出口国。 User: Politician and diplomat Jan Pronk paid tribute to his work at uniting divisions. Assistant: 政治和外交家扬·普龙克(英语:Jan Pronk)赞扬他的工作使分歧收窄。 User: The impeachment process may start in either of the two houses of the Parliament. Assistant: 罢免程序可在国会两院的任何一院展开。 User: Between 11:39 and 13:22, Enterprise recovered 57 of the 73 airborne U.S. aircraft as she retreated. Assistant: 11时39分和13时22分,“企业号”收回73架轰炸机中的57架,当时她远离战场。 User: Chroniclers began to report about blues music at the dawn of the 20th century. Assistant: 编年史开始在20世纪初报导蓝调音乐。 User: The animal is widely believed to be a stylised lion. Assistant: 那只四足动物一般被认为是一只狮子。 User: On 14 May 2005, Folgefonna National Park was established, protecting the glaciers and the surrounding areas. Assistant: 2005年5月14日,福尔格国家公园成立,保护冰川和周边地区。 User: As a result, it may potentially allow one to create a block or gradient copolymer fairly easily and accurately. Assistant: 就结果来看,它可以创造一个共聚物而且相当容易及准确。 User: Three DNA types are of particular interest: mitochondrial DNA that we all possess and that is passed down with only minor mutations through the matrilineal (direct female) line; the Y-chromosome, present only in males, which is passed down with only minor mutations through the patrilineal (direct male) line; and the Autosomal DNA, which is found in the 22 non-gender specific chromosomes (autosomes) inherited from both parents, which can uncover relatives from any branch of the family. Assistant: 三种DNA收到特别青睐:由直系母方遗传下来的,几乎未经突变的线粒体DNA( mitochondrial DNA );由直系父方遗传下来并只表现在男性个体中,同样很少有突变的Y染色体DNA以及可能家族中任何一位亲属都可能拥有的22对非性染色体的常染色体DNA。 User: Soon, Cornelius, Irene, Barnaby, and Minnie are happily dancing. Assistant: 很快,Cornelius和Irene,Barnaby和Minnie便愉快地跳起舞来。 User: A historian of modern China, his work examines China's economic and political development in an international context. Assistant: 作为一位现代中国史研究专家,他主要关心在全球框架下的中国经济和政治发展。 User: However, Chinese characters as the writing system for Fuzhou dialect do have many shortcomings. Assistant: 但是汉字作为福州话的书写系统,有许多缺点。 User: Regardless of the genesis, Kituba has established itself in the large towns that were found during the colonial period between 1885 and 1960. Assistant: 不管它的起源如何,吉土巴语已经具有了在1885-1960年间殖民时期建造的大型城市中的稳固地位。 User: Lille was part of the zone under control of the German commander in Brussels, and was never controlled by the Vichy government in France. Assistant: 里尔受到布鲁塞尔的德国指挥官的控制之下,并未受到法国维琪政府的控制。 User: The department includes the Human Resource Management Unit. Assistant: 管理部分为行政组和人力资源组。 User: The X refers to the fact that transmit wires on an MDI device must be connected to receive wires on an MDI-X device. Assistant: 其中X指一台MDI设备的发送线必须连接到一台MDI-X设备的接受线。 User: Dawud escaped from jail and rejoined the OLF. Assistant: 杜曾派人招抚朱伺,朱伺以年老拒绝。 User: In terms of branching, it is neither purely left- or right-branching, and phenomena of both types can be found. Assistant: 在分支方面,它既不是纯左分支也不是纯右分支,并且两种类型的现象都能找到。 User: Belgium sent troops to protect fleeing whites and two areas of the country, Katanga and South Kasai, subsequently seceded with Belgian support. Assistant: 比利时派遣部队保护逃跑的白人,该国加丹加和南开赛地区脱离比利时的支持分裂。 User: At the IAU General Assembly in July 2004, the WGPSN suggested it may become advisable to not name small satellites, as CCD technology makes it possible to discover satellites as small as 1 km in diameter. Assistant: 在2004年7月的国际天文学联合会的大会上,WGPSN明智的建议不为太小的小卫星命名,因为CCD的技术使得不到1公里直径的小卫星也能被发现。 User: The Cape of Good Hope was first settled by Europeans under the auspices of the Dutch East India Company (also known by its Dutch initials VOC), which established a victualing station there in 1652 to provide its outward bound fleets with fresh provisions and a harbour of refuge during the long sea journey from Europe to Asia. Assistant: 欧洲人在荷兰东印度公司的支持下首先在好望角定居,该公司于1652年在那里建立了一个补给站,为其向外的船队提供新鲜的食物和港口,亦能供船员在从欧洲到亚洲的漫长海上旅程中休憩。 User: The ritual began at dawn with a ceremonial "pancha bali" or the sacrifice of five animals, comprising a rat, a goat, a rooster, a pig and a pigeon. Assistant: 仪式在黎明开始,首先进行“潘恰巴利”(pancha bali)即献祭五只动物,包括一只老鼠,一头山羊,一只公鸡,一头猪,一只鸽子。 User: During this period, he carried out archaeological research on the Muslim history of Bengal. Assistant: 在此期间,他对孟加拉的穆斯林历史进行了考古研究。 User: Borrowing from Herbert A. Simon and also influenced by the ideas of existential phenomenologists such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Martin Heidegger, McClamrock suggests that man's condition of being-in-the-world makes it impossible for him to understand himself by abstracting away from it and examining it as if it were a detached experimental object of which he himself is not an integral part. Assistant: 从Herbert Simon处取经,并且也受诸如Maurice Merleau-Ponty和Martin Heidegger的存在主义现象学观念的影响,McClamrock提出,通过抽离它,甚至把它当作是一个分离的经验性物体一样来检视,在其中他自己已经不是一个综合体,人的生存条件使他不可能这样来理解自己。 User: Classical economists asked questions about the true basis of value, activities that contributed to national wealth, systems of rights, or about the forms of government under which people grow rich. Assistant: 古典经济学家研究价值的真实基础、对国家财富有益的行为、权利体系,或者人们于其治理下得以致富的政府形式。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: The U.S. state of Indiana has 92 counties. Assistant: 美国印第安纳州共有92个县。 User: With the brilliant red europium phosphor, it was no longer necessary to mute the other colors, and a much brighter color TV picture was the result. Assistant: 铕磷光体能产生明亮的红光,因此不再须要调低别的颜色,彩色电视机的亮度也可以大大提高。 User: September 19: Creation of the Louvre Museum displaying art taken from royal collections. Assistant: 九月十九日:卢浮宫被改成陈列皇家收藏的博物馆,向公众开放。 User: SELECT retrieves data from one or more tables, or expressions. Assistant: SELECT从一个或多个表或表达式中检索数据。 User: So help me. Assistant: 襄助朕躬。 User: The Syrian Army later found the corpses of 17 rebels who had been killed in the clashes and then burned by their comrades to avoid them being recognized. Assistant: 在行动中政府军找到了17具被击毙的武装分子的尸体,这些尸体被他们的同伴焚烧以避免被认出。 User: Later that year, Keys was criticized by anti-smoking campaigners after billboard posters for her forthcoming concerts in Indonesia featured a logo for the A Mild cigarette brand sponsored by tobacco firm Philip Morris. Assistant: 那年晚些时候,禁烟运动者批评她在即将进行的印尼演唱会海报中包含了Philip Morris烟草公司的一款温和香烟的标志。 User: Imbued with Truth, you shall meet the Guru. Assistant: 请您把真正的智慧, 赏赐给我们的领袖。 User: The M'Clintocks gave Stanton the table, then Stanton gave it to Susan B. Anthony on the occasion of her 80th birthday, though Anthony had no part in the Seneca Falls meeting. Assistant: 麦克林托克把茶几给了斯坦顿,然后斯坦顿在苏珊·B·安东尼在她80岁生日之际将茶几送给她。 User: In the larger community, Ouchi serves on the Advisory Board of the U.S. Commission on Presidential Debates, on the Board of Trustees of the Japanese American National Museum, and on the Board of Directors of The Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools - an operator of inner-city charter schools in Los Angeles. Assistant: 在更大的社区,大内供职于美国总统辩论委员会的咨询委员会,日裔美国国家博物馆信托董事会,并且在洛杉矶的The Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools(一个市内特许学校的经营者)董事会。 User: In the same way he taught the creation of the world by angels who were sent by the Ennoia. Assistant: 也有说神派遣的审判人类的天使。 User: Before the German invasion of the Soviet Union it was held on 22 June, the longest day of the year. Assistant: 在德国入侵苏联之前,Yhyakh于6月22日举行,这是一年中最长的一天。 User: It reached number 7 on the US bestseller list, the highest position for a debut novel by a British author since J. K. Rowling. Assistant: 它达到美国畅销书排行榜第7名,是自从J·K·罗琳以来,英国作家首部小说的最佳排名。 User: The whole area between the Parramatta and Lane Cove Rivers was originally known by its Aboriginal name Wallumatta. Assistant: 帕拉玛塔和伦巷湾河之间的整个区域,最初它的原住民名字叫Wallumatta。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: It involves not looking directly at the object, but looking a little off to the side, while continuing to concentrate on the object. Assistant: 它包括不直接看物件,看起来有点侧向一边,但仍继续集中注意于该物件上。 User: In its place, Lynch presented Eraserhead, which he had developed based on a daydream of a man's head being taken to a pencil factory by a small boy. Assistant: 于是林奇接下来向他们引荐了《橡皮头》,这个故事是根据一个白日梦改编,梦中一名男子的头被一个小男孩带到铅笔工厂。 User: Many ships were acquired on nationalisation, and others were built for operation by British Railways or its later subsidiary, Sealink. Assistant: 许多船舶是在国有化进程中被征购的,其他则是被为用于英国铁路(稍后是它的子公司Sealink(英语:Sealink))运营而建造。 User: In addition, judges of the Court of International Trade exercise judicial power pursuant to Article III. Assistant: 另外,国际贸易法院的法官依据宪法第三条任命。 User: If trait descriptions, for instance "stupid" or "friendly", have been frequently or recently used, these descriptions can be automatically used to interpret someone's behavior. Assistant: 如果特质的描述,例如“愚蠢”或“友善”,已经是最近频繁地在使用,这些描述可以自动化地用来解释某人的行为。 User: After the end of the Second World War, large numbers of surplus Shermans were supplied to other nations, but primarily to South America and the Middle East. Assistant: 第二次世界战争结束后,大量多余的雪曼被提供给其他国家,但主要是供给南美洲和中东。 User: Such a ruling would have the effect of accepting Texas as fully restored to its place in the Union and render the Military Reconstruction Act unconstitutional. Assistant: 这样的裁决会产生这样的效果,即接受德克萨斯州完全恢复到它在联邦中的地位,从而使军事重建法案变得违宪。 User: She moved to Hong Kong and Singapore, and travelled extensively in Europe, exhibiting her paintings in London, Paris, Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland. Assistant: 何香凝自此移居香港和新加坡,在欧洲各地举办画展,行程遍及伦敦、巴黎、比利时、德国、瑞士等地。 User: The building of the Berlin Wall on 13 August 1961 affected the station indirectly. Assistant: 自1961年8月13日起修建的柏林墙对车站造成了间接影响。 User: Olga tried to draw comfort from her faith and her proximity to her family. Assistant: 奥尔加试图从信仰上帝和亲近家人来寻求安慰。 User: In 2015, he signed for Nantes on a permanent basis. Assistant: 2015年,萨拉和南特签订永久合同。 User: For example, plastic bottles that are collected can be re-used and made into plastic pellets, a new product. Assistant: 例如,收集来的塑料瓶可以再次使用,做成新的塑料颗粒。 User: Impression management is usually used synonymously with self-presentation, in which a person tries to influence the perception of their image. Assistant: 印象管理也常常与自我展示同义,代表人们试图影响他人对个人形象的认知。 User: An increasing number of critics during the 1960s charged that the AEC's regulations were insufficiently rigorous in several important areas, including radiation protection standards, nuclear reactor safety, plant siting, and environmental protection. Assistant: 而在1960年代许多核管制标准被批评太弱,包括辐射剂量标准、环境保护标准、核反应炉的位置与安全标准。 User: He also demanded tougher sentences for those convicted of corruption and an end to monopolies. Assistant: 他也要求以更重的刑罚惩处贪污罪犯,以及结束官场被垄断的现象。 User: In September 2008, Intel announced the X25-M SATA SSD with a reported WA as low as 1.1. Assistant: 2008年9月,英特尔宣布了X25-M SATA SSD,声称WA能低至1.1。 User: Doctors initially thought he had bone cancer. Assistant: 医生最初认为他患有骨癌。 User: In 2009 the average U.S. wage was reported as $39,269. Assistant: 在2009年的美国平均工资的报告为美元39,269的。 User: The governor remains subject to the amended constitution, and in practice to the instructions of the Queen's Foreign Office in the UK. Assistant: 总督保持服从于被修改的宪法,而且实际上服从于在英国的女王的外交部的指示。 User: He fell ill, and his physicians ordered him to travel. Assistant: 他生病了并请求派遣接替他的人。 User: Finding such an inequality is the separation problem, and such an inequality is a cut. Assistant: 找到这样的不等式是分离问题,而这样的不等式就是切割。 User: Scarabaeus sacer was the species which first piqued the interest of William Sharp Macleay and drew him into a career in entomology. Assistant: 神圣粪金龟是最早引起威廉·沙普·马克莱(英语:William Sharp Macleay)兴趣的昆虫,进而使得他踏上昆虫学研究之路。 User: All the Brazilian princes (the Imperial Prince, the Prince of Grão-Pará and the other princes) were guaranteed a seat at the Senate after they reached the age of 25. Assistant: 所有巴西皇子(皇太子、格劳-帕拉亲王和其他皇子)达到25岁后保证在参议院拥有席位。 User: The report alleged the ruse Somerset used was the prince's fondness for buhl furniture: he invited him to inspect a buhl cabinet which was in the house, and the prince remained there for no more than five minutes. Assistant: 该报告指控称萨默赛特的诡计利用了王子对镶嵌家具的喜好:他邀请王子去观看妓院里面的一个镶嵌工艺精致的柜子,但王子在那里停留的时间不超过五分钟。 User: In September 2015, Legendary announced that the film Kong: Skull Island would not be developed with Universal Studios. Assistant: 2015年9月,传奇宣布,电影《金刚:骷髅岛》将不会与环球影业共同合作计划。 User: Frank Eggleston Robbins, editor of the Loeb English translation published in 1940, considered it likely that this was the title used by Ptolemy himself, although he acknowledged that many other Greek manuscripts use the title Τὰ πρὸς Σύρον ἀποτελεσματικά, 'The prognostics addressed to Syrus'. Assistant: 法兰克·埃格尔斯顿·罗宾斯(Frank Eggleston Robbins),出版于1940年洛布古典丛书(Loeb Classical Library,简称洛氏丛书)英译本的总编辑,认为这或许是由托勒密本人所采用了这书名,尽管他确认许多其他希腊手稿是采用着Τὰ πρὸς Σύρον ἀποτελεσματικά,英译为‘The prognostics addressed to Syrus’;汉译为‘向赛芮斯言说的预兆’这个书名。 User: Several prisoners jumped over the walls of the prison to escape the fire, but were reportedly shot at by prison guards. Assistant: 一些囚犯跃过监狱的墙壁逃出火场,而这时有报道称监狱守卫曾经向这些人开枪。 User: This area is often referred to as the "corridor of uncertainty", as unless a batsman knows exactly where his off-stump is, he will have to play a shot at any ball bowled there. Assistant: 这个区域被称为“不确定走廊”,因为除非击球手明确知晓其面向区门柱的确切位置,他必须击打任何投入此区域的球。 User: According to Schleicher, 27% of Shanghai's 15-year-olds are excluded from its school system (and hence from testing). Assistant: 他谈到,上海的15岁的人27%被排除在其学校系统(因此从测试)。 User: The game had a high-profile advertising campaign and was one of the top-grossing apps in 2014 and 2015. Assistant: 该游戏较著名的是有着引人瞩目的广告宣传活动,以及为2014年和2015年最畅销的手机应用程序之一。 User: The movie was shot at Trinity Institute of Technology And Research, Bhopal and some scenes were shot at IES and MLB college. Assistant: 影片是在博帕尔的三一技术研究所(Trinity Institute of Technology And Research)拍摄的,有些场景是在IES和MLB学院拍摄的。 User: Several other black American players joined the International League the following season, including pitchers George Stovey and Robert Higgins, but 1888 was the last season blacks were permitted in that or any other high minor league. Assistant: 第二年球季,又有几位黑人选手加入了国际联盟,包括乔治‧史托维(George Stovey)和罗伯‧希金斯(Robert Higgins)两位投手;然而,1888年却是黑人球员被允许在那一层级的小联盟亮相的最后一个球季。 User: His daughters served as models for some of the figures. Assistant: 他的女儿们也充当了其中一些人物的模型。 User: After the Union of Lublin in 1569 which formed the Commonwealth, Grand Duchy retained much of its autonomy, and Vilnius Voivodeship remained its capital voivodeship, just as Vilnius remained its capital city, although the capital of the Commonwealth was first in Cracow (Cracow Voivodeship) and later in Warsaw (Masovian Voivodeship). Assistant: 在1569年卢布林联合成立联邦后,大公国依然保留其大部分权利,而且维尔纽斯省依然为它的首都省,和维尔纽斯省依然保留其首都身份,虽然联邦的首都一开始是克拉科夫(克拉科夫省),而后来是华沙(马索维安省一样。 User: In the third, they use the energy of plants (agricultural revolution). Assistant: 第三阶段:利用植物的能源(新石器革命)。 User: They also said that two Yemeni journalists informed them that a group of twenty people, believed to be government supporters, went to the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate in Sana'a day earlier and threatened to burn it down. Assistant: 保护记者委员会同样谴责之,他们也表示有两个也门记者告诉他们——一组很可能是政府支持者组成的20人,在前一天曾来到位于萨那的记者部门威胁要烧光那里。 User: One may rent canoes, bicycles, or riding horses. Assistant: 人们可以租皮划艇,自行车,或骑马。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: According to the FBI, the JDL has been involved in plotting and executing acts of terrorism within the United States. Assistant: 根据联邦调查局的资料,JDL一直参与策划及执行在美国的恐怖行动。 User: Nevertheless, the chemical nature of genes and their mechanisms of action remained a mystery. Assistant: 然而,基因的化学性质及其作用机制仍然是一个谜。 User: Political activist Grover Norquist authored an oath, the so-called "Taxpayer Protection Pledge," that 279 Senators and Congressman have signed. Assistant: 政治活动家格罗弗·诺奎斯特撰写了一个宣言,由279位参议员和众议员签署,名叫“纳税人保护承诺”。 User: To reduce this effect, a precision ohmmeter has four terminals, called Kelvin contacts. Assistant: 为了降低这些效应,高准确度欧姆计有四个终端点,称为克耳文接点。 User: Another definition is "a problem whose social complexity means that it has no determinable stopping point". Assistant: 另一种对棘手问题的定义是“问题因其复杂的社会意涵,而没有任何能够确定的停止点 。 User: This agreement leads to the Second English Civil War. Assistant: 该协议导致了第二次英国内战。 User: As in the French, the word, retail, in both Dutch and German, also refers to the sale of small quantities of items. Assistant: 除了法文之外,零售在荷兰文与德文(分别为detailhandel与Einzelhandel),也同样被定义为小型的销售数量。 User: Consequently, the semaphore procedures are prefixed by sem_ instead of pthread_. Assistant: 因而这部分API是以"sem_"打头,而非"pthread_"。 User: The successful treatment of xerostomia is difficult to achieve and often unsatisfactory. Assistant: 口干燥症的成功治疗是难以实现和经常不能令人满意。 User: Following an initial visit, he chose not to pursue the relationship but had found in the community an object of study for later writings. Assistant: 在初次会见后,虽然他选择不再继续这段关系,但是他在这个社区里找到了一个可供日后写作研究的对象。 User: Baibars died in 1277 and was succeeded by Qalawun. Assistant: 拜巴尔于1277年去世,由嘉拉温(Qalawun)继承。 User: The game can have 2 to 4 players. Assistant: 游戏可有2至4个玩家。 User: A complete metric space is also called a Cauchy space, because sequences in such metric spaces converge if and only if they are Cauchy. Assistant: 完备度量空间也被称为柯西空间,因为在这样的度量空间中,数列收敛当且仅当其为柯西序列。 User: In the first international game, Scotland against England on 30 November 1872, England played with seven or eight forwards in a 1–1–8 or 1–2–7 formation, and Scotland with six, in a 2–2–6 formation. Assistant: 1872年11月30日的首场国际性比赛,由英格兰对抗苏格兰,英格兰排出七至八个前锋(阵式为1-1-8或1-2-7);而苏格兰排出六个前锋(阵式为2-2-6)。 User: Pavlik informed on neighbours when they did something wrong, including his own father who left the family for another woman. Assistant: 帕夫利克则举报他的邻居们,并举报了因为别的女人而抛弃家庭的父亲。 User: Then, it had been commercially developed by fPrint, adding Win32 support, and in 2000 it became freeware. Assistant: 然后,由fPrint进行商业开发,增加了Win32支持;在2000年成为了自由软件。 User: Markman hearings are important, because the court determines patent infringement cases by the interpretation of claims. Assistant: 马克曼听证会非常重要,因为法院根据声明内容的解释去决断专利侵权的案件。 User: Perkūnas possesses many weapons. Assistant: Flippy有许多军用武器。 User: The strategos Nicias leased a thousand slaves to the silver mines of Laurium in Attica; Hipponicos, 600; and Philomidès, 300. Assistant: 尼西亚斯将军曾租借一千名奴隶派往阿提卡的劳里厄姆银矿;Hipponicos,600名; Philomidès,300名。 User: Most species of algae can be controlled with very low concentrations of copper sulfate. Assistant: 大多数真菌只需非常低浓度的硫酸铜就可被杀灭。 User: The drum of its dome has exquisite bas-reliefs that depict the Crucifixion, Adam and Eve, and two ministers holding a model of the church above their heads as an offering to God. Assistant: 教堂穹顶的鼓形墙壁上雕刻有精美的浮雕,浮雕内容有耶稣受难十字架、亚当与夏娃,以及两个牧师将教堂模型举过头顶献给上帝的形象等。 User: The deed of cession was signed on April 17, 1900 and listed Manu'a as part of the United States' new territory, but without the signature of its representative. Assistant: 1900年4月17日签署的割让契约将塔乌岛列为美属萨摩亚的组织部分,但上面并没有该岛代表签字。 User: The magnetic field strength of white dwarfs in intermediate polar systems are typically 1 million to 10 million gauss (100–1000 teslas). Assistant: 中介偏振星中的白矮星磁场强度一般介于100万到1000万高斯(100到1000特斯拉)。 User: About 5% of women have two miscarriages in a row. Assistant: 约有5%的妇女有连续两次流产的经验。 User: El Paso: A Centennial Portrait. Assistant: 《还珠格格》:中视八点档连续剧之一。 User: Firstly, the Internet facilitates language documentation. Assistant: 首先,互联网有助于语言档案编制。 User: Institute for Public Policy Research. pp. 24. Assistant: 国立政治大学民族研究所,p.24。 User: She often read aloud to him. Assistant: 他的小说经常令读者捧腹。 User: NB: Two names missing. Assistant: Erbi: 二笔输入法。 User: They may be served alone, or with any of a variety of sauces, such as tartar sauce, cocktail sauce, or sweet and sour sauce. Assistant: 其次,“白羽”葡萄亦别具风味,它犹如水晶白玉,晶莹透明,果粒严实,皮薄汁多,既酸又甜,香郁爽口。 User: Ratti's designs inventively bridge the digital and the physical. Assistant: 拉蒂的设计将数字领域和物质领域联系起来。 User: Most visual browsers show headings as large bold text by default, though this can be overridden with CSS. Assistant: 多数视觉化浏览器预设将标题显示为大型粗体字,虽然其可被CSS覆盖。 User: They agree to climb the mountain so that they can be married by the sunlight. Assistant: 将是光当成兄长仰慕,宣称长大后要嫁给是光。 User: The primary mission of the EJC is to promote European democracy based on good relations between neighbours, mutual understanding and tolerance. Assistant: EJC的首要任务是深度参与欧洲一体化进程、促进基于相互间友好关系的欧洲民主、以及相互理解和宽容。 User: The Dewey Commission established that no such flight had taken place. Assistant: 但是杜威委员会证明没有这次飞行。 User: The comet and its induced magnetic field form an obstacle to outward flowing solar wind particles. Assistant: 彗星和它的诱导磁层形成太阳风粒子向外流动的障碍。 User: In spite of all the shouting, several men thought they heard "the great voice of Looking Glass" booming out orders. Assistant: 尽管到处是吼声,然而一些人认为他们听到了“玻璃镜的巨大嗓音”在低沉地发出命令。 User: In some cases, religious conversion "marks a transformation of religious identity and is symbolized by special rituals". Assistant: 在某些情况下,改宗“代表了一种宗教身份的转换,并通过特殊的仪式表达出来”。 User: An underwater firearm is a firearm designed for use underwater. Assistant: 水下枪械是一种为水下使用而设计的枪械。 User: A large part of the Republic then addresses how the educational system should be set up to produce these philosopher kings. Assistant: 《理想国》里的很大一部分便是专注于建构一种教育体制,希望以这种教育体制培养出适合进行统治的哲学家国王。 User: Sodium is found in many different minerals, of which the most common is ordinary salt (sodium chloride), which occurs in vast quantities dissolved in seawater. Assistant: 许多矿物中都含有钠,其中最常见的是大量溶解在海水中食盐(氯化钠)。 User: Both sides used this time to prepare for war, gathering troops and engaging in diplomatic maneuvering. Assistant: 双方利用这段时间准备作战,在军事上收集兵马,在外交上纵横捭阖。 User: In a game with three players, each player receives 13 cards. Assistant: 在只有三名玩家的游戏中,每位玩家都会收到13张卡片。 User: 15: The Soviet army captures Summa, an important defence point in Finland, thereby breaking through the Mannerheim Line. Assistant: 15日:苏军攻陷芬兰重要防御点苏马,突破曼纳海姆防线。 User: According to unofficial views of some party members, the new name mirrors the party's more conservative position than when it was founded in 2002. Assistant: 根据部分党员的看法,新党名代表了比2002年成立时更为保守的立场。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Typically, a statutory law will authorize, prescribe, or prohibit an action defined in broad terms and require a government order to define its scope and application. Assistant: 通常,一部成文法将授权、规定或禁止一种被用广泛的用语明确的行为,并要求一项委员会命令明确它的范围和用途。 User: These three points have to be next to each other. Assistant: 这三个方面彼此影响。 User: It is also home to the Canadian Children's Museum. Assistant: 它也是加拿大儿童博物馆 的所在地。 User: Softcore films are commonly less regulated and restricted than hardcore pornography, and cater to a different market. Assistant: 软调色情电影通常比硬调色情受到较少的管制及限制,并满足不同的市场。 User: For instance, if a person is preparing to leave, he might break a moment of silence with "ok please" and then announce that he is leaving. Assistant: 比如说,有个人要走了,他可以用 "ok please" 暂时打破安静,然后告之自己要走了。 User: It has traditionally being the center of many linguistic conflicts (see Language legislation in Belgium). Assistant: 现状规划往往是最有争议的方面,语文规划(见文章的语言政策) 。 User: In 1939, with E.L. Ellis, he coauthored "The growth of bacteriophage", a paper reporting that the viruses reproduce in one step, not exponentially as do cellular organisms. Assistant: 1939年,他与埃利斯(E. L. Ellis)共同发表了一篇论文,标题为《噬菌体的生长》(The Growth of Bacteriophage),指出这类病毒的繁殖方式为“单一步骤”,而不是如一般细胞生物是以指数成长方式。 User: If the player does not fulfill these needs, he or she will die, resulting in a loss of $1000. Assistant: 如果玩家不满足需求而死,会收到1000元的罚款。 User: One year after the Heiligendamm Summit, on 8 June 2008, in Aomori, at the Energy Ministerial meeting hosted by Japan during its G8 Presidency, the energy ministers from the G8 and from China, India, South Korea and the European Community agreed to establish the IPEEC. Assistant: 一年后,2008年6月8日,在日本青森举行的2008年八国集团首脑框架下的能源部长会议上,8国集团成员国,以及中国,印度,韩国和欧洲共同市场决定建立国际能源效率合作伙伴。 User: In the July 26, 2007 issue of Nature, the scientific journal's editorial staff listed the episode among "The Top Ten science moments in The Simpsons". Assistant: 2007年7月26日发行的《自然》期刊刊登文章,将本集列入“《辛普森一家》十大科学瞬间”。 User: All of the ship's ammunition magazines, engine rooms, and storage compartments had to be flooded in order to prevent the fire from spreading. Assistant: 舰上的所有弹药舱、轮机舱(英语:engine room)和储料隔间都必须注水以防止火势进一步蔓延。 User: (119070) 2001 KP77 (also written (119070) 2001 KP77) is a 4:7 resonant trans-Neptunian object (TNO) located in the Kuiper belt. Assistant: (119070) 2001 KP77 (也可以写成(119070) 2001 KP77)是位于古柏带,与海王星有着4:7共振的小行星。