Ext.ns('Tine.Filemanager'); |
Tine.Filemanager.handleRequestException = function(exception, request) { |
var app = Tine.Tinebase.appMgr.get('Filemanager'), |
existingFilenames = [], |
nonExistantFilenames = [], |
i, |
filenameWithoutPath = null; |
switch(exception.code) { |
case 503: |
Ext.MessageBox.show({ |
buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, |
icon: Ext.MessageBox.WARNING, |
title: i18n._('Service Unavailable'), |
msg: String.format(app.i18n._('The Filemanager is not configured correctly. Please refer to the {0}Tine 2.0 Admin FAQ{1} for configuration advice or contact your administrator.'), |
'<a href="http://wiki.tine20.org/Admin_FAQ#The_message_.22filesdir_config_value_not_set.22_appears_in_the_logfile_and_I_can.27t_open_the_Filemanager" target="_blank">', |
'</a>') |
}); |
break; |
case 901: |
if (request) { |
Tine.log.debug('Tine.Filemanager.handleRequestException - request exception:'); |
Tine.log.debug(exception); |
if (exception.existingnodesinfo) { |
for (i = 0; i < exception.existingnodesinfo.length; i++) { |
existingFilenames.push(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(exception.existingnodesinfo[i].name)); |
} |
} |
this.conflictConfirmWin = Tine.widgets.dialog.FileListDialog.openWindow({ |
modal: true, |
allowCancel: false, |
height: 180, |
width: 300, |
title: app.i18n._('Files already exists') + '. ' + app.i18n._('Do you want to replace the following file(s)?'), |
text: existingFilenames.join('<br />'), |
scope: this, |
handler: function(button) { |
var params = request.params, |
uploadKey = exception.uploadKeyArray; |
params.method = request.method; |
params.forceOverwrite = true; |
if (button == 'no') { |
if (params.method == 'Filemanager.moveNodes') { |
var app = Tine.Tinebase.appMgr.get('Filemanager'); |
app.getMainScreen().getCenterPanel().grid.getStore().reload(); |
return; |
} |
Tine.log.debug('Tine.Filemanager.handleRequestException::' + params.method + ' -> only non-existant nodes.'); |
Ext.each(params.filenames, function(filename) { |
filenameWithoutPath = filename.match(/[^\/]*$/); |
if (filenameWithoutPath && existingFilenames.indexOf(filenameWithoutPath[0]) === -1) { |
nonExistantFilenames.push(filename); |
} |
}); |
params.filenames = nonExistantFilenames; |
uploadKey = nonExistantFilenames; |
} else { |
Tine.log.debug('Tine.Filemanager.handleRequestException::' + params.method + ' -> replace all existing nodes.'); |
} |
if (params.method == 'Filemanager.copyNodes' || params.method == 'Filemanager.moveNodes' ) { |
Tine.Filemanager.fileRecordBackend.copyNodes(null, null, null, params); |
} else if (params.method == 'Filemanager.createNodes' ) { |
Tine.Filemanager.fileRecordBackend.createNodes(params, uploadKey, exception.addToGridStore); |
} |
} |
}); |
} else { |
Ext.Msg.show({ |
title: app.i18n._('Failure on create folder'), |
msg: app.i18n._('Item with this name already exists!'), |
icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, |
buttons: Ext.Msg.OK |
}); |
} |
break; |
case 902: |
Ext.MessageBox.show({ |
buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, |
icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, |
title: app.i18n._(exception.title), |
msg: app.i18n._(exception.message) |
}); |
break; |
case 903: |
Ext.MessageBox.show({ |
buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, |
icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO, |
title: app.i18n._(exception.title), |
msg: app.i18n._(exception.message) |
}); |
break; |
default: |
Tine.Tinebase.ExceptionHandler.handleRequestException(exception); |
break; |
} |
}; |