It is entertaining and aimed at people who are likely to buy the companys products.
It is entertaining and aimed at consumers who are likely to go out and buy the companys products.
But, in Silicon Valley, everyone is from everywhere.
Whereas, in Silicon Valley, everyone is from everywhere.
What about false memories for more than just places false memories for objects, food or other mice?
What about false memories for more than just contexts false memories for objects, food or other mice?
Around 100 crew were involved in the voyage and they tried to travel using only traditional navigation techniques.
Around 100 crew members were involved in the voyage and they aimed to travel using only traditional navigation techniques.
If nding peace and quiet becomes too dif cult, many children will grow up without the experience and I think its a very big problem, he said.
If nding peace and quiet becomes too dif cult, many, many children will grow up without the experience and I think its a very real problem, he said.
Pepper spray After police sprayed peaceful protesters with pepper spray at a University of California campus in 2011, Kamran Loghman, one of the scientists who helped develop the spray in the 80s said, I have never seen such an inappropriate use of chemicals.
Pepper spray After police sprayed peaceful protesters with pepper spray at a University of California campus in 2011, one of the scientists who helped develop it in the 80s denounced its use.
In 2013, Beyonc told a fan, You cant even sing because youre too busy filming.
You cant even sing because youre too busy filming, Beyonc told him.
If people are fascinated by learning, then why not?
If people are genuinely fascinated by learning, then why not?
After the man pulled me out of the water, Dusty swam away but, then, she came back and looked at me.
After the man pulled me out of the water, Dusty swam away but, then, she came back and was looking at me.
He says he doesnt know much about France but the classes are slowly helping him understand the country and the language.
He admits he doesnt know much about France but says that the classes are slowly helping him understand the country as well as the language.
Samuel is one of the projects ten black vultures that are looking for rubbish.
Samuel is one of the projects ten disease-free black vultures that are looking for rubbish.
Before he went to Afghanistan, the prince was photographed naked in Las Vegas at a private party.
Shortly before he went to Afghanistan, the prince was photographed naked in Las Vegas during a private party.
The northern white rhino is the rarest kind of African rhino.
The northern white rhino is the rarest species of African rhino.
He said that it was too early to use oxytocin as a treatment for the social difficulties caused by autism and said people should not buy oxytocin online.
He warned that it was too early to use oxytocin as a treatment for the social difficulties caused by autism and said people should not buy oxytocin online.
A journalist asked the president if the crisis would happen again in a few months.
The president was asked by a journalist whether the crisis would happen again in a few months.
He says that he hasnt seen any effect at this point.
He claims that he hasnt seen any effect at this point.
In 2012, scientists chose the formal name flerovium for element 114, after the Flerov Lab at Dubnas Joint Institute of Research.
When elements 114 and 116 were given formal names in 2012, scientists chose flerovium and livermorium respectively, after the Flerov Lab at Dubnas Joint Institute of Research and the Lawrence Livermore Lab in the US, where the elements were discovered.
Reduced fertility and longer life have led to an increase in the average age of the worlds population in ten years from 26 years old to almost 30.
Reduced fertility and longer life have led to a rise in the average age of the worlds population in a decade from 26 years old to almost 30.
The Paci c Islanders message to the delegates of the Congress was urgent.
The Paci c Islanders have put a lot of effort into their urgent message to the delegates of the Congress.
There are already plans for a new shark exhibition in Orlando and an attraction in San Antonio that will allow customers to swim with dolphins.
There are already plans for a new shark exhibition in Orlando and an attraction in San Antonio that will allow customers to swim with dolphins in a naturalistic setting.
They always believed the law was broken and that they had a right to their privacy.
A source said: They always believed the law was broken and that they had a right to their privacy.
Copenhagen looked at the risks and challenges but it also looked at the solutions.
Copenhagen looked at the risks and challenges but also the solutions.
The Office for National Statistics says that Britain is the loneliest place in Europe.
The Office for National Statistics has found Britain to be the loneliest place in Europe.
The most important thing is that the children really enjoy it.
The most important thing is that the children really enjoy it; otherwise, you couldnt sustain it.
At the correct height, Baumgartner went through a checklist of 40 things with his helper Joe Kittinger.
As he reached the correct height, Baumgartner went through a checklist of 40 things with his mentor Joe Kittinger.
She earns around 30,000 to 40,000 a year and that doesnt include all the freebies she gets on the job.
Her income is around 30,000 to 40,000 a year and that doesnt include all the freebies she gets on the job.
But doctors at University Hospital Birmingham have shown that, if patients are given air with extra oxygen before holding their breath, they can hold it for ve-and-a-half minutes.
But doctors at University Hospital Birmingham have shown that, if patients are given oxygen-rich air before holding their breath, they can hold it for ve-and-a-half minutes.
Banksy himself has not commented on the sale of Slave Labour, but he has condemned people who have tried to sell his artwork in the past.
Banksy himself has not commented on the Slave Labour controversy, but he has previously condemned people who have tried to sell his artwork.
But, now that were here, its great, said Brian Hill, another England fan.
But, now that were here, its great, said Brian Hill, an England fan from Sunderland.
We are creating an organic computer.
Basically, we are creating what I call an organic computer.
E-cigarettes are like a sort of nicotine patch, West agreed.
E-cigarettes behave like a sort of nicotine patch, West agreed.
The two-year study recorded the sound made by 12 different types of ship, including cruise ships, container ships and military ships, that passed through the strait about 20 times a day.
The two-year study recorded the sound made by 12 different types of vessel, including cruise ships, container ships and military vehicles, that passed through the strait about 20 times a day.
Also, there were no dates in his calendar of events he had to attend.
What is more, there were no dates in his calendar of events he personally had to attend.
In Northumberland Dark Sky Park, it is so dark that Venus casts a shadow on the Earth.
In Northumberland Dark Sky Park, as the area was renamed, it is so dark that Venus casts a shadow on the Earth.
Secondly, they will have to say goodbye to all their family and friends, because there is no return ticket.
Secondly, and directly related to the first, they will have to say goodbye to all their family and friends, as there is no return ticket.
In theory, you could imagine that a combination of brains could find solutions that individual brains cannot find alone.
In theory, you could imagine that a combination of brains could find solutions that individual brains cannot achieve by themselves.
From 28 February 2013, at 20.00 hours, he told a gathering of cardinals in the Vatican, the see of Rome, the see of Saint Peter, will be vacant and there will be an election for a new Pope.
From 28 February 2013, at 20.00 hours, he told a group of cardinals in the Vatican, the see of Rome, the see of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a new pope will have to be elected.
Traf c was already bad but this week it is chaotic, said Jecilda Mello, a local person.
Traf c was already bad but this week it is chaotic, said Jecilda Mello, a local resident.
In a speech at the British Science Festival, Dr Paul Kelley from Oxford University said schools should stagger their starting times to work with the natural rhythms of their students.
In a speech at the British Science Festival, Dr Paul Kelley of the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute at Oxford University said schools should stagger their starting times to work with the natural biological rhythms of their students.
Climate sceptics like to criticize climate models because they are sometimes wrong, and we know that they are not perfect, said Sherwood.
Climate sceptics like to criticize climate models for getting things wrong and we are the first to admit they are not perfect, said Sherwood.
We agree with the complex if it creates jobs in the town, said Cristbal Lobato, who has worked at the same beach bar in Tarifa for 30 years.
We agree with the complex as long as it creates jobs in the town, but we are against it if it only benefits a few, said Cristbal Lobato, who has worked at the same beachside bar in Tarifa for 30 years.
Illegal downloading is morally wrong, and it is theft, the same as putting your hand in someones pocket and stealing their wallet is theft, says author Philip Pullman.
Illegal downloading is a kind of moral squalor and theft, as much as putting your hand in someones pocket and stealing their wallet is theft, says author Philip Pullman.
Without a refrigerator (none are made in France), he had to chill his food on the window ledge.
Left without a refrigerator (none are made in France), he was forced to chill his food on the window ledge.
In his office with a view of the square, Rjukans young mayor, Steinar Bergsland, is less interested in the cost and more interested in the benefits the mirrors might bring to the town.
In his office overlooking the square, Rjukans young mayor, Steinar Bergsland, is interested not so much in the cost but in the benefits the mirrors might bring to the town.
But a child born in Britain today has more than a 25% chance of reaching their 100th birthday.
However, a child born in Britain today has more than a one in four chance of reaching their 100th birthday.
The system seems better in France, where they dont tip much but being a waiter is seen as a proper job with job security and good wages.
The system seems better in France, where they dont tip much but being a waiter is seen as a proper job, with job security and a decent income.
Many of us know we dont get enough sleep but imagine if there was a simple solution: getting up later.
Many of us know we dont get enough sleep but imagine if we could x it with a fairly simple solution: getting up later.
The arrival of broadband in the year 2000 has created a generation of digital natives, Ofcom (which checks standards in the UK communications industries) says in its report.
The arrival of broadband in the year 2000 has created a generation of digital natives, Ofcom (which checks standards in the UK communications industries) says in its annual study of British consumers.
Conservationists say there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, because no other cull has only used drumlines.
Conservationists say there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, because no previous cull has only used drumlines.
The building repairs are happening after the Rana Plaza building in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, collapsed in 2013 and 1,138 people died.
The building repairs are happening in the wake of the collapse of the Rana Plaza complex in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, in 2013, in which 1,138 people were killed.
He says the solution is not to tell teenagers to go to bed earlier.
He says the solution is not to persuade teenagers to go to bed earlier.
Were just going to continue to fight this battle.
Were just going to keep fighting this battle.
There are now wolf packs in nearly all the countrys major forests where the wolves exist together with humans.
There are now wolf packs in nearly all the countrys major forests where the wolves coexist with humans.
The first author, Margaret Atwood, gave the manuscript of a text called Scribbler Moon to the project in 2015.
The first author, Margaret Atwood, handed over the manuscript of a text called Scribbler Moon in 2015.
But now, Arianna Huffingtons The Sleep Revolution, a book that says we need to sleep more and promises to change your life, is a New York Times best-seller.
Now, however, Arianna Huffingtons The Sleep Revolution, a book that promises to completely change your life one night at a time, is a New York Times best-seller.
East Africa can expect more short rainfalls and west Africa should expect heavier monsoons.
East Africa can expect increased short rainfalls and west Africa should expect heavier monsoons.
In the novel, the models beauty means that men see her only as a sex object and women are jealous of her.
In the novel, the models looks mean that men see her only as a sex object, while women are jealous of her.
To have wolves, we dont need to remove people from the landscape, said Chapron.
In order to have wolves, we dont need to remove people from the landscape, said Chapron.
But 12 of 18 men gave themselves electric shocks and six of 24 women gave themselves electric shocks.
To the researchers surprise, 12 of 18 men gave themselves up to four electric shocks and six of 24 women did the same.
Children that get a high-quality rst experience will have greater agility, balance and coordination, and are more likely to develop an enjoyment of physical activity and be good at sport as they grow up, he said.
Children that get a high-quality rst experience are those that will have greater agility, balance and coordination, and are more likely to develop an enjoyment of physical activity and excel in sport as they grow up, he said.
UK Sport could not say if a majority of the 1,300 athletes it gives money to were born in November and October.
UK Sport could not say if a disproportionate majority of the 1,300 athletes across 47 sports it funds were born in November and October.
Most (68%) choose five-star hotels overseas.
The majority (68%) choose five-star hotels overseas.
In 2014, ten years after Facebook started, 56% of internet users aged 65 and older have a Facebook account.
In 2014, ten years after its launch, 56% of internet users aged 65 and older have a Facebook account.
Lemnos has wild beaches, where you can swim and sunbathe almost alone, a small nightlife scene and many cultural sites.
Lemnos has dozens of wild beaches, where you can swim and sunbathe virtually alone, a small nightlife scene and many cultural sites.
His literature course had 1,000 enrolments but only 31 people completed the course.
His literature course had 1,000 enrolments and 31 completions.
Because octopuses have no bones, they can fit into very small spaces and can squeeze through gaps the size of coins.
Because octopuses have no bones, they are able to fit into extremely small spaces and can squeeze through gaps the size of coins.
The most surprising result has been with malaria.
The most surprising result has been the malaria figure.
When we came in the next morning and his tank was empty, I was really surprised, said Yarrell, who has not started looking for Inky.
When we came in the next morning and his tank was empty, I was really surprised, said Yarrell, who has not launched a search for Inky.
McKinlay believes humans must still able to take control of their navigation.
Ultimately, McKinlay believes, its essential that humans remain able to take control of their navigation.
Uncut campaigner Anna Walker said Weve chosen to highlight the impact of the cuts on women.
Uncut campaigner Anna Walker said Weve chosen to really highlight the impact of the cuts on women.
But, greenhouse gases are trapping more and more heat and over 90% disappears into the oceans.
But, observations show that heat is continuing to be trapped in increasing amounts by greenhouse gases, with over 90% disappearing into the oceans.
The worlds average air temperatures have increased quite slowly since a high point in 1998, which the ocean phenomenon El Nino caused.
Global average air temperatures have increased quite slowly since a high point in 1998, which was caused by the ocean phenomenon El Nin_o.
This is a sensitive topic in this mixed-raced country.
This is a sensitive topic in this largely mixed-raced nation.
Automation We have known about driverless cars ever since Google began testing the vehicles in 2012 but no-one really knows when driverless cars will become commonplace.
Automation Driverless cars have been in the headlines ever since Google began road testing the vehicles back in 2012 but no-one really knows when driverless cars will become commonplace.
Browning said: This research supports what people think about organic food.
Browning said: This research con rms what people think about organic food.
They can use those fish to feed themselves and to sell in the market so that they get money to buy other food.
They can use those fish to feed themselves and to sell in the market so that they get money to buy other essential items.
A security guard outside one mansion said that the owners were not there.
A security guard patrolling the pavement outside one mansion said that the owners were not there.
They want to be like Americas Burning Man festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, where people have to take away everything that they take to the festival.
They want to be like Americas Burning Man festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, which is a leave-no-trace event, where people have to take away all that they bring.
You could use the mirrors on buildings and spend much less money on air conditioning or maybe you wouldnt need it at all.
You could use this on buildings and spend much less money on air conditioning or maybe you wouldnt need it at all.
Anders Sandberg, of Oxford University, said the work was very important in helping to understand how brains process information.
Anders Sandberg, who studies the ethics of neurotechnologies at Oxford University, said the work was very important in helping to understand how brains encode information.
Instagram, the photo-sharing site, got 30 million new users in the 18 months before Facebook bought the business.
Instagram, the photo-sharing site, got 30m new users in the 18 months before Facebook bought the business.
Rising human populations and use of resources have made many people believe that these animals could soon become extinct.
Rising human populations and overconsumption make many people believe that such animals will soon become extinct.
Flappy Bird Dong Nguyen, the inventor of the mobile game Flappy Bird, removed it from app stores.
Recently, Dong Nguyen, the designer of the mobile game Flappy Bird, removed it from app stores.
The charity said that the $240bn made in 2012 by the richest 100 billionaires would be enough to end extreme poverty four times over.
Without naming anyone, the charity argued that the $240bn made in 2012 by the richest 100 billionaires would be enough to end extreme poverty four times over.
They want me to try to save and I do other things I buy food and I do things around the house.
They want me to try to save up and I contribute in other ways I buy food and I do things around the house.
So thats a lot of stories, thats a lot of people and thats a lot of love for their home city of Prague.
So thats a lot of stories, thats a lot of individuals and thats a lot of love for their home city of Prague.
I dont really want to move out to rent because its more than a mortgage but you need such a big deposit to get a mortgage.
I dont really want to move out to rent as its more than a mortgage but you need such a big deposit to get a mortgage so its a vicious circle.
The words say: Teff: the best gluten-free crop!
The words say: Teff: the ultimate gluten-free crop!
There are many quirky solutions to help make our cities better places to live, such as glow-in-the-dark trees, underground bike sheds and solar-powered bins.
There are many quirky solutions to help make our cities more livable, such as glow-in-the-dark trees, underground bike sheds and solar-powered bins.
But the same people who painted such sensitive pictures of Ice Age rhinos helped to kill them all.
But the same people who painted such sensitive portraits of Ice Age rhinos helped to kill them off.
But very few employees take these days.
In reality, very few employees take these days.
Another criticism is that small charities wont know what to do with the extra money but the MND Association rejects this.
Another criticism has been that small charities wont be able to cope with the extra money, but the MND Association rejected this.
American researchers say that a nasal spray containing the Love hormone oxytocin could help children with autism behave more normally in social situations.
According to American researchers, a nasal spray containing the Love hormone oxytocin could help children with autism behave more normally in social situations.
In 2005, a man called John Shepherd-Barron received a UK honour as the inventor of the automatic cash dispenser.
There have been arguments for years over who is the inventor of the ATM and, in 2005, a man called John Shepherd-Barron received a UK honour as the inventor of the automatic cash dispenser.
In the beginning, when there started to be explosions, I used to have nightmares, she said.
In the beginning, when there started to be explosions, I used to have nightmares, she reflected.
This punishment would send a message to the world and, the couple hope, stop paparazzi taking photos like this in the future.
This punishment would send a message to the world and, the couple hope, stop paparazzi from invading their privacy in the future.
Campaigners say that car makers have tried to delay reforms to car tests.
Campaigners say that the car industry has tried to delay reforms to car test cycles.
The type of teff people eat is different, too: the rich eat the more expensive magna and white teff; poorer people usually eat less-valuable red and mixed teff.
The type of teff people eat is different, too: the rich eat the more expensive magna and white teff varieties; poorer people usually eat less-valuable red and mixed teff and more than half combine it with cheaper cereals such as sorghum and maize.
Jenny Holdcroft, policy director for IndustriALL, which has been closely involved in the Accord, said that the agreement made sure that factories would not lose orders during closure because companies agreed to continue orders with suppliers for two years.
Jenny Holdcroft, policy director for IndustriALL, which has been closely involved in the Accord, said that the agreement ensured that factories would not lose orders during closure because brands had committed to maintain orders with suppliers for two years.
Facebook has lost millions of users every month in its biggest markets.
Facebook has lost millions of users per month in its biggest markets.