note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelif a page or its contents are copied and the like plugin is included it immediately fails to work unless the page content is provided by the pageinclude macro
tika was recently released the tika engine should be updated to use the new versionin addition metadata mapping to the different ontologies should be checkedupdated for the newly supported metadata extraction
last checked january the bug the download button on is not centered this is the only thing on this entire webpage that is not centered
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
noformat binaccumulo admin error orgapacheaccumulocoreclientaccumulosecurityexception error badcredentials for user root username or password is invalidorgapacheaccumulocoreclientaccumulosecurityexception error badcredentials for user root username or password is invalid at at at at method at at at at at by thriftsecurityexceptionuserroot codebadcredentials at at at at at at at at at morenoformat
if a clustered replicated cache is indexed and the cluster will split and enter degraded mode not all entries are availablebut the index might be available localso a query might find some entries local and some entries where not all owner are avaiablethis will end in an unexpected nullpointer instead of a availabilityexceptionserver will throwerror error executing command getallcommand writing keys javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at side person name pattern testjun pm checkforerrorsinresponsestatuswarn error received from the server javalangnullpointerexceptionorginfinispanclienthotrodexceptionshotrodclientexceptionrequest for returned server error status javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at operations like get or keyset will show the expected behaviour and the client side error is pm checkforerrorsinresponsestatuswarn error received from the server orginfinispanpartitionhandlingavailabilityexception cluster is operating in degraded mode because of node failuresorginfinispanclienthotrodexceptionshotrodclientexceptionrequest for returned server error status orginfinispanpartitionhandlingavailabilityexception cluster is operating in degraded mode because of node failures at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
found this in clicked watch addon forced to log in clicked watch addon forced to log in
this will act as a safeguard against a splitbrain scenario where a nonleading master still believes it is the leaderas an example this can occur if the disk and network io stall on the leading master in this event most components cannot make progress as they perform logging however components that do not perform logging can continue to operate of particular interest is the slaveobserver which will continue to operate and inform the master that all slaves are unhealthy due to the network being down on the master
hello i would like to add my project resulter into the maven central the project will have some use case and i want to make it available for everyone thank you
for some reason the java compiler in intellj is more strict that the oracle jdk compiler maybe this is something that can be configured away but as it is simple i propose to make the code more type correct code java no suitable method found for findoperatorsupstreamjavautillistjavalangclass method orgapachehadoophiveqlexecoperatorutilsfindoperatorsupstreamorgapachehadoophiveqlexecoperatorjavalangclass is not applicable cannot infer typevariables t argument mismatch javautillist cannot be converted to orgapachehadoophiveqlexecoperator method orgapachehadoophiveqlexecoperatorutilsfindoperatorsupstreamjavautilcollectionjavalangclass is not applicable cannot infer typevariables t argument mismatch javautillist cannot be converted to javautilcollection method orgapachehadoophiveqlexecoperatorutilsfindoperatorsupstreamorgapachehadoophiveqlexecoperatorjavalangclassjavautilset is not applicable cannot infer typevariables t actual and formal argument lists differ in length code and code java no suitable method found for addalljavautillist method javautilcollectionaddalljavautilcollection is not applicable argument mismatch javautillist cannot be converted to javautilcollection method javautilsetaddalljavautilcollection is not applicable argument mismatch javautillist cannot be converted to javautilcollection java no suitable method found for addalljavautilset method javautilcollectionaddalljavautilcollection is not applicable argument mismatch javautilset cannot be converted to javautilcollection method javautilsetaddalljavautilcollection is not applicable argument mismatch javautilset cannot be converted to javautilcollection java no suitable method found for addalljavautilset method javautilcollectionaddalljavautilcollection is not applicable argument mismatch javautilset cannot be converted to javautilcollection method javautilsetaddalljavautilcollection is not applicable argument mismatch javautilset cannot be converted to javautilcollection code
shinglematrixfilternext makes a recursive function invocation when the current permutation iterator is exhausted or if the current state of the permutation iterator already has produced an identical shingle in a not too complex matrix this will require a gigabyte sized stack per threadmy solution is to avoid the recursive invocation by refactoring like thiscodejavapublic token nextfinal token reusabletoken throws ioexception assert reusabletoken null if matrix null matrix new matrix fill matrix with maximumshinglesize columns while matrixcolumnssize maximumshinglesize readcolumn this loop looks ugly this loop exists in order to avoid recursive calls to the next method as the complexity of a large matrix then would require a multi gigabyte sized stack token token do token producenexttokenreusabletoken while token requestnexttoken return token private static final token requestnexttoken new token this method exists in order to avoid reursive calls to the method as the complexity of a fairlt small matrix then easily would require a gigabyte sized stack per thread param reusabletoken return null if exhausted instance requestnexttoken if one more call is required for an answer or instance parameter resuabletoken throws ioexception private token producenexttokenfinal token reusabletoken throws ioexception code
the private note field is labeled assignment notes on grade page and on submit example assignment page they should have the same name in all interfaces to avoid confusion tested on qa on oracle built sakai server screenshots attached
it allow using java language to replace the protocol handling layer in emq x broker
using jetty and mavenfailsafeplugin the example contains this piece of code orgeclipsejetty jettymavenplugin jettymavenplugin should be updated to please see the related issue where i describe the motivations for this upgrade and why the actual example may contain a bug
i tried reinstalling sourcetree and reinstalling osx this isnt working for the stable build either worth mentioning may be that i have access to way more than repos through my github account see screenshot
from steve it looks like this was not developed as part of flume but broughtin from outside shouldnt this be in the lib directory as adependency binary jar instead of source in the src the ahocorasick source files refer to a contributor licenseagreement that describes the terms of use for this package inside thenotices file i cant find a notices file that came down that i got from the flume github repository i canfind the notices file on the source on github for but it doesnot mention ahocorasick i did find this on the web isthis the right license for it
create release notes for ga
general qt for should be qt for symbian lots of instances in various docsnote this is being done by morten e in docs here in oslo
querying for an absent app ie say returns a with a stack trace instead of a from an api spec point of view this is not really an error but just a not found this occurs with web services as well as any web ui page
sakai allows sites to be templates with the property template set to true these sites appears in the worksite setup new screen so you can create a new project course or use a template actually these templates are not there
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
summary under some conditions the goal with the format within xh xm located in the sla panel keeps increasing instead of being a fixed value corresponding to the sla goal this issue seems to happen under the following conditions when the sla is paused when the sla has not breached yet steps to reproduce go to a service desk project settings slas page create an sla with a goal of hours or any other value but the issue is more quickly reproducible when the goal is set to a number of hours with a pause condition for example on the condition entered status waiting for customer create a new issue in the service desk project let the sla to tick for a few minutes pause the sla by transitioning to waiting for customer notice that the goal in the within field is still showing which is the expected behavior wait for a few minutes wait for a few hours expected behavior the goal with the format within should show within observed behavior the goal keeps increasing as the time goes by minutes after the sla has been paused the goal shows within hours and minutes after the sla has been paused the goal shows within workaround roll back to the old sla rendering by disabling the new rendering from the dark feature page by following the steps below go to the page securesitedarkfeaturesdefaultjspa click on the disable button next to the setting sdslaimprovedrenderingenabled
when debug logging is enabled we run mutationstatelogmutationsize this then gets the buffer from the keyvalue however the clientkeyvalue doesnt support a single backing buffer causing an unsupportedoperationexception we need to be able to support both
in our shell we are inconsistent in the way that we colorgroup commands the majority though seem to be as in listsnapshots and listpeers for snapshotting and replication respectively wherease namespaces does namespaceslistif we could start over id have gone w the namespaces format but we are where we are lets fix this before we release post ns commit
an apparent known limitation only strings are currently supportedin order to get it working for the time being i modified the jpatypeconverter to include charclass and characterclass along with stringclassthis is not a fix because it does not address the reverse mapping but hopefully it keeps it on the radar
activemqapacheorgmqtthtml page is saying cant find brush for xmlcodesyntaxhighlightercant find brush for xmlcodeso i cant looking into configuration for mqtt
when defaultavailability parameter for plugin will be set than defailtavailibility attribute will be set on blueprint elementwhen defaulttimeout parameter for plugin will be set than defailttimeout attribute will be set on blueprint element negative timeout will throw exception
the workaround on orgapachefoprenderafpafpimagehandlersvgsetdefaulttoinlineresourcelevel causes all goca svgs to be inline as it is called from afpdataobjectinfo info createdataobjectinfo assert info instanceof afpgraphicsobjectinfo afpgraphicsobjectinfo graphicsobjectinfo afpgraphicsobjectinfo info afpresourceinfo resourceinfo graphicsobjectinfogetresourceinfo setdefaulttoinlineresourcelevelgraphicsobjectinfocodeand since info is a freshly created object here and not read from original tag it always has resourceinfolevelchanged set to falsemy code iscodexmlfoexternalgraphic backgroundtransparent contentwidthscaletofit contentheightscaletofit srcurlclasspathfopimageslogosvg afpresourcelevelprintfile code
the error seems to abort the import but the imported projects seems ok afterwardsnoformatjavalangreflectinvocationtargetexception at at at at by orgeclipsecoreruntimecoreexception problems encountered while setting project description at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at moreroot exceptionorgeclipsecoreruntimecoreexception problems encountered while setting project description at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at error deconfiguring nature orgeclipseajdtuiajnaturejavalangarrayindexoutofboundsexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
hii have a web service running on i have created the clients based on i am using https connection and i have created the truststore required when i try to execute the client i get the following error javaiounsupportedencodingexception plain at at at at at at at at comhdsclientvmvimservicestubretrieveservicecontentvimservicestubjava at at by javaxxmlstreamxmlstreamexception javaiounsupportedencodingexception plain at at at at at at at at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at at at at at at more
qt creator will have intree and with a new new name our installation scripts need to be adjusted to enable the right plugin
in a lookup using the referenceindex now uses new filterimpl which in turn uses new queryenginesettings and this is slow because it is an annotatedstandardmbean and instantiating such an object is quite slow actually it is also wrong because the configured query engine settings are not used in that case
catalinabase is only necessary if youre running multiple instances of tomcat on a single host if only one instance is running catalinabasecatalinahomewhen catalinabase is not set in arquillianxml tomcat managed container you get the following npe tomcatmanagedcontainer could probably assume catalinabasecatalinahome if catalinabase is not explicitly setcodeorgjbossarquilliancontainerspiclientcontainerlifecycleexception could not start container at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at source at at at by javalangnullpointerexception at at morecode
the backport of introduced a new xsd version in eap that does not exist in wildfly it needs to be forward ported to wildfly
if a process group is started as a whole it will not currently trigger a save this can cause problems if the group is started and then the instance restarts the whole group will still be in the stopped state
sometimes the isolators need to pass on some environment variables for the executor that is being launched for example to successfully launch an executor inside a network namespace one needs to set libprocessip to point to the container ip otherwise the executor tries to bind to the slave ip which may be invalid inside the namespace another example is where the file system isolator should be able to specify the workdir depending on if a new rootfs is used
this expand does not work even if the returned json suggests that it should workcodetitleget restapicontentexpandhistorylastupdatedbydetails id type page status current title dummy macro history lastupdated by type known username admin userkey profilepicture path wikiimagesiconsprofilepicsdefaultpng width height isdefault true displayname jens rutschmann links self expandable details codebecause of this we need to do separate calls for each page were exporting
related rfe steps to reproduce start the server on bootablejar devfile make some change in rest endpoint start hot update command the change is not applied on running server you need to build the application again by build command in order to apply the changes
set right default value of for max delta commits for compaction in metadata table as of now its set as which is huge
abstractcontrollerservice is using the deprecated annotation onconfigured possibly should be orgapachenifiannotationlifecycleonenabled
a crash with the following stack trace was observed in one of our nightly builds noformat in raise from in abort from in gnucxxverboseterminatehandler at in at in stdterminate at in cxathrow at in boostthrowexception e at in boostlock this at in boostuniquelocklock this at in boostuniquelockuniquelock this m at in impalagetcacheentryinternal this hdfslibfile typeimpalatypeso entrylock entry at in impalagetcacheentry this hdfslibfile typeimpalatypeso entrylock entry at in impalagetsofunctionptr this hdfslibfile symbol fnptr ent quietfalse at in impalainit this desc state at in impalainit this rowdesc state at in impalacreate texpr rowdesc intermediateslotdesc outputslotdesc state aggfn at in impalainit this tnode state at in impalacreatetreehelper state tnodes descs parent nodeidx root at in impalacreatetree state plan descs root at in impalaprepare this at in impalaexec this at
i have problems deploying snapshot the error is unauthorized when im doing mvn deploy bulk deploying locally gathered artifacts from directory bulk deploying locally gathered snapshot artifacts downloading uploading build failure total time s finished at final memory failed to execute goal injectednexusdeploy on project xmljsonconverter failed to deploy artifacts could not transfer artifact fromto ossrh orgapachemavenlifecyclelifecycleexecutionexception failed to execute goal injectednexusdeploy on project xmljsonconverter failed to deploy artifacts could not transfer artifact fromto ossrh failed to transfer file return code is reasonphrase unauthorized at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at caused by orgapachemavenpluginmojoexecutionexception failed to deploy artifacts could not transfer artifact fromto ossrh failed to transfer file return code is reasonphrase unauthorized at at at more caused by orgapachemavenartifactdeployerartifactdeploymentexception failed to deploy artifacts could not transfer artifact fromto ossrh failed to transfer file return code is reasonphrase unauthorized at at at at more caused by orgeclipseaetherdeploymentdeploymentexception failed to deploy artifacts could not transfer artifact fromto ossrh failed to transfer file return code is reasonphrase unauthorized at at at at more caused by orgeclipseaethertransferartifacttransferexception could not transfer artifact fromto ossrh failed to transfer file return code is reasonphrase unauthorized at at at at more caused by orgapachemavenwagontransferfailedexception failed to transfer file return code is reasonphrase unauthorized at at at at at at at at at at more rerun maven using the x switch to enable full debug logging for more information about the errors and possible solutions please read the following articles
warn cant retrieve clusterid from zookeeperorgapachezookeeperkeeperexceptionconnectionlossexception keepererrorcode connectionloss for hbasehbaseid at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at
to help improve the outofbox experience with openjpa and to improve our performance comparisions against other jpa providers we need to look at including a connection pooling implementation like commonsdbcp in our distribution along with docs and samples on how to use it
according specification processupdates method should work following waycall pushcomponenttoelcall processupdatescall popcomponentfromelhowever this agreement violated in javaxfacescomponentuiinputprocessupdatesfacescontext contextit calls private method updatemodelcontext outside of pushpopbecause of this bug it is not possible to determine which uicomponent called backing bean method during phaseidupdatemodelvalues phase
those entities areorgmodeshapeconnectorstorejpautilstoreoptionentityorgmodeshapeconnectorstorejpamodelcommonnamespaceentityorgmodeshapeconnectorstorejpamodelcommonworkspaceentityorgmodeshapeconnectorstorejpamodelsimplelargevalueentityorgmodeshapeconnectorstorejpamodelsimplenodeentityorgmodeshapeconnectorstorejpamodelsimplesubgraphnodeentityorgmodeshapeconnectorstorejpamodelsimplesubgraphqueryentity
importing a confluence site or space where some user that created content on this space is already inserted in the usermapping table the space import will fail because it will try to insert the user to the aaid column but the user already exists there the space import will fail with the following error noformat comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception unable to complete import error while importing backup jdbc exception on hibernate data access sqlexception for sql sql state error code could not execute statement nested exception is orghibernateexceptiongenericjdbcexception could not execute statement at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at source at source at at at at source at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by orgxmlsaxsaxexception error while importing backup jdbc exception on hibernate data access sqlexception for sql sql state error code could not execute statement nested exception is orghibernateexceptiongenericjdbcexception could not execute statement javautilconcurrentcompletionexception jdbc exception on hibernate data access sqlexception for sql sql state error code could not execute statement nested exception is orghibernateexceptiongenericjdbcexception could not execute statement at at orgapachexercesparsersabstractsaxparserendelementunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmldocumentfragmentscannerimplscanendelementunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmldocumentfragmentscannerimplfragmentcontentdispatcherdispatchunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmldocumentfragmentscannerimplscandocumentunknown source at source at source at orgapachexercesparsersxmlparserparseunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersabstractsaxparserparseunknown source at orgapachexercesjaxpsaxparserimpljaxpsaxparserparseunknown source at at at more caused by javautilconcurrentcompletionexception jdbc exception on hibernate data access sqlexception for sql sql state error code could not execute statement nested exception is orghibernateexceptiongenericjdbcexception could not execute statement at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at more caused by jdbc exception on hibernate data access sqlexception for sql sql state error code could not execute statement nested exception is orghibernateexceptiongenericjdbcexception could not execute statement at at at at at at at at at at more caused by orghibernateexceptiongenericjdbcexception could not execute statement at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at more caused by orgpostgresqlutilpsqlexception error current transaction is aborted commands ignored until end of transaction block at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at source at more caused by orgpostgresqlutilpsqlexception error duplicate key value violates unique constraint unqaaid detail key already exists at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at morenoformat this is mainly because the username that created some content in the source instance has a different username in the target instance workaround contact support so we can check the logs for details on which user has the conflict then we would need to open the entitiesxml file and change the username of the conflicting user to match the username from the target instance update the impact of this bug has been mostly fixed the only remaining case is for cloudtocloud space import where at least one user is a member of both sites and has a different username for each site that will be tracked here
as a follow up to this bug report is a member of a series addressing crucial cli management display nodes aliasesat the moment this is all there is to seenoformatbalancer qabalancer node load status nodeup context clusterbench requests status enabled call to actionwe need to display nodes aliases egnoformataliases karmbrqredhatcom localhost defaulthostnoformatan example from the current apache http server modmanager implementationcolorredblockercolor priority justification numerous aliases are fundamental to common user environments and they are necessary for several crucial test scenarios without this information available via cli it would be impossible to manage any aliases sensitive setup
for jbide please perform the following tasks check out your existing colororangemastercolor branch code git checkout master code update your colororangemaster branchcolor root pom to use the latest parent pom version code orgjbosstools parent code now your root pom will use parent pom version in your colororangemastercolor branch ensure that component featuresplugins have been properly upversioned eg from to code mvn dtychomodemaven code ensure youve built your code using the latest minimum target platform version code mvn clean verify code ensure youve run your tests using the latest maximum target platform version code mvn clean verify code close do not resolve this jira when done if you have any outstanding new noteworthy jiras to do please complete them next search for all task jira or search for webservices task jira
steps to compile and run test click firstname columnheadersortindicator shows up on firstname column also data is click remove column button it removes the first columnsortindicator now is on lastname expected results no sortindicator for the next shifted column workaround if any
in getcertificateauthority the line code let caservice new caserviceimpl url caurl tlsoptions tlsoptions caname caname cryptosuite thiscryptosuite code uses thiscryptosuite which doesnt exist it should use thisgetcryptosuite to ensure it uses the right object property unfortunately it means that getcertificateauthority is not usable at present
zeppelin version version there are classpath defined in the system and start zeppelin unexpected extra classpath etc will be added for spark could cause issues likelib folder contains jackson version which is lower than that spark will be looking for thus when execute spark interpreter it will throw exceptionscomfasterxmljacksondatabindjsonmappingexception jackson version is too old at at at at at orgapachesparkrddrddoperationscoperddoperationscopescala at
several tests fail with dwildflytmpenableelytronprofileteststrue and delytron as seen in having a cursory glance at the build log there also appears to be some tests taking about minutes before failing
amnm protocol changes to support container increasecontainersresourcerequest and increasecontainersresourceresponse pb protocol and increasecontainersresources method in update containerstatus protocol to include relevant test cases
when i tried to create a new issue in the qtonpi project for mtcrosstools component it fails with the following errorcodeassignee the default assignee does not have assignable permission or unassigned issues are turned offcode
the message should read something like no userinstalled plugins currently exist in your bamboo instance or something like thatsince there are no userinstalled plugins by default in bamboo and probably in other products too and since this is the default tab its pretty lame that this is the first message seen by admins
seam needs to work in portals
today i fount the plugin maybe have an issuecodepublic class helloworldaction extends actionsupport private string message public string getmessage return message public void setmessagestring message thismessage message public string execute message hello world i come from action code return success codehelloworldjspcode this is message the message is null and the action cant be calledcode
setup a gradebook as noncalc via the gb setup screen go to the course grades page and enter in a few grades a b c save them a confirmation message appears and the grades entered show in the logs but the field is empty please see attached screenshot
i created a site as user jlinst pwd i go to the sites resources i get an alertalert you do not have permission to view this folderall the permissions are checked for the maintain role which is the role jlinst has in the site jlinst can get to the permissions page but does not have the add link to add resources
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her but as powerful forces descend on houma intent on exploiting the swamp’s mysterious properties for their own purposes abby will discover that the swamp holds mystical secrets both horrifying and wondrous — and the potential love of her life may not be after all public group minutes ago moviesfree co watch online wrath of man complete movies free online full strengthens crusaders and mountan moorish comders rebelled against the british crown how long have you fallen asleep during wrath of man movie the music the story and the message are phenomenal in wrath of man i have never been able to see another movie five times like i did this come back and look for the second time and pay attention watch wrath of man webdl movies this is losing less lame files from streaming wrath of man like netflix amazon video hulu wrath of man chy roll discoverygo bbc iplayer etc these are also movies or tv shows that are downloaded through online distribution sites such as itunes the quality is quite good because it is not reencoded video streams or and audio wrath of man are usually extracted from itunes or amazon video and then reinstalled into the mkv container without sacrificing quality download euphoria movie season movie one of the streaming movies watch wrath of man miles morales conjures his life between being a middle school student and becoming wrath of man however when wilson “kingpin” fiskuses as a super collider another captive state from another dimension peter parker accidentally ended up in the miles dimension when peter trained the miles to get better spider they soon joined four other wrath of man from across the “spiderverse” because all these conflicting dimensions begin to destroy brooklyn miles must help others stop fisk and return everyone to their own dimensions the industry’s biggest impact is on the dvd industry which effectively met its destruction by mass popularizing online content the emergence of streaming media has caused the fall of y dvd rental companies such as blockbuster in july an article from the new york times published an article about netflix dvd no ches frida it was stated that netflix was continuing their dvd no no frida with million customers which was a significant decrease from the previous year on the other hand their streaming no ches frida has million members in a march study that assessed “the impact of movies of streaming on traditional dvd movie rentals” it was found that respondents did not buy dvd movies nearly as much if ever because streaming had taken over the market so we get more space adventures more original story material and more about what will make this mcu movie different from the previous mcu films watch final space season — movie viewers don’t consider the quality of movies to differ significantly between dvds and online streaming problems that according to respondents need to be improved by streaming movies including fast forwarding or rewinding functions and search functions this article highlights that streaming quality movies as an industry will only increase in time because advertising revenues continue to soar on an annual basis across industries providing incentives for the production of quality content he is someone we don’t see happening still brie larson’s resume is impressive the actress has been playing on tv and film sets since she was years old one of those confused with swedish player alicia vikander tomb raider won an oscar in she was the first marvel movie star with a female leader and soon he will play a cia agent in a movies commissioned by apple for his future platform the movies he produced together unknown to the general public in this “neighbor girl” won an academy award for best actress for her poignant appearance in the “room” the true story of a wo who was exiled with her child by predators he had overtaken cate blanchett and jennifer lawrence both of them had wrath of man out of statues but also charlotte rampling and saoirse ronan watch wrath of man movie online blurayor bluray rips directly from bluray discs to or depending on source and uses the codec they can be stolen from or disks or uhd bluray at higher resolutions bdrips comes from bluray discs and are encoded to lower resolution sources ie brrip is a video that has been encoded at hd resolution usually which is then transcribed to sd resolution watch wrath of man the bd brrip movie in dvdrip resolution looks better however because the encoding is from a higher quality source brrips only from hd resolution to sd resolution while bdrips can switch from to etc as long as they drop in the source disc resolution watch wrath of man movie full bdrip is not transcode and can move down for encryption but brrip can only go down to sd resolution because they are transcribed at the age of on the night of this oscar where he appeared in a steamy blue gauze dress the reddishhaired actress gained access to hollywood’s hottest actress club bd brrips in dvdrip resolution can vary between xvid generally measuring and and the size of or or which is larger the size fluctuates depending on the length and quality of release but increasingly the higher the size the more likely they are to use the codec with its classic and secret beauty this californian from sacramento has won the summit he was seen on “ jump street” with channing tatum and “crazy amy” by judd apatow and against more prominent actresses like jennifer lawrence gal gadot or scarlett johansson brie larson signed a sevencontract deal with marvel there is nothing like that with watch the curse of la llorona free online which is signed mainly by women and it feels when he’s not in a combination of fullfeatured superheroes carol danvers wrath of man nirvana as wrath of man antierotic as possible and proves to be very independent this is even the key to his strength if the super hero is so unique we are told it is thanks to his ability since childhood despite being ridiculed masculine to stand alone too bad it’s not enough to make a film that stands up completely … errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired there is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress brie larson failed to make her character charming spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero too bad because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and young nick fury and both eyes the film took place in the in this case if samuel jackson’s rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive the illusion is only for his face once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age details but it shows that digital is fortunately still at a limit as for goose the cat we will not say more about his role not to “express” already the film for stable marvel cinema was launched years ago and while waiting for the sequel to the season movie war infinity the season movie released april home this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing let’s hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes marvel aged to increase levels and prove better ◇ streaming media ◇ streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an enduser while being delivered by a provider the verb to stream refers to the process of delivering or obtaining media in this manner streaming refers to the delivery method of the medium rather than the medium itself distinguishing delivery method from the media distributed applies specifically to telecommunications networks as most of the delivery systems are either inherently streaming eg radio television streaming apps or inherently nonstreaming eg books video cassettes audio cds there are challenges with streaming content on the internet for example users whose internet connection lacks sufficient bandwidth may experience stops lags or slow buffering of the content and users lacking compatible hardware or software systems may be unable to stream certain content live streaming is the delivery of internet content in realtime much as live television broadcasts content over the airwaves via a television signal live internet streaming requires a form of source media eg a video camera an audio interface screen capture software an encoder to digitize the content a media publisher and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content live streaming does not need to be recorded at the origination point although it frequently is streaming is an alternative to file downloading a process in which the enduser obtains the entire file for the content before watching or listening to it through streaming an enduser can use their media player to start playing digital video or digital audio content before the entire file has been transmitted the term streaming media can apply to media other than video and audio such as live closed captioning ticker tape and realtime text which are all considered streaming text elevator music was among the earliest popular music available as streaming media nowadays internet television is a common form of streamed media some popular streaming services include netflix disney hulu prime video the video sharing website youtube and other sites which stream films and television shows apple music youtube music and spotify which stream music and the video game live streaming site twitch ◇ copyright ◇ copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work usually for a limited time the creative work may be in a literary artistic educational or musical form copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work but not the idea itself a copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations such as the fair use doctrine in the united states some jurisdictions require fixing copyrighted works in a tangible form it is often shared among multiple authors each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work and who are commonly referred to as rights holders these rights frequently include reproduction control over derivative works distribution public performance and moral rights such as attribution copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered territorial rights this means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction copyrights of this type vary by country many countries and sometimes a large group of countries have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works cross national borders or national rights are inconsistent typically the public law duration of a copyright expires to years after the creator dies depending on the jurisdiction some countries require certain copyright formalities to establishing copyright others recognize copyright in any completed work without a formal registration in general many believe that the long copyright duration guarantees the better protection of works however several scholars argue that the longer duration does not improve the author’s earnings while impeding cultural creativity and diversity on the contrast a shortened copyright duration can increase the earnings of authors from their works and enhance cultural diversity and creativity ◇ movies film ◇ movies or films are a type of visual communication which uses moving pictures and sound to tell stories or teach people something most people watch view movies as a type of entertainment or a way to have fun for some people fun movies can mean movies that make them laugh while for others it can mean movies that make them cry or feel afraid it is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity however parc argues that contrary to prevailing beliefs imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further this argument has been supported by many examples such as millet and van gogh picasso manet and monet etc most movies are made so that they can be shown on screen in cinemas and at home after movies are shown in cinemas for a period of a few weeks or months they may be marketed through several other medias they are shown on pay television or cable television and sold or rented on dvd disks or videocassette tapes so that people can watch the movies at home you can also download or stream movies older movies are shown on television broadcasting stations a movie camera or video camera takes pictures very quickly usually at or pictures frames every second when a movie projector a computer or a television shows the pictures at that rate it looks like the things shown in the set of pictures are really moving sound is either recorded at the same time or added later the sounds in a movie usually include the sounds of people talking which is called dialogue music which is called the soundtrack and sound effects the sounds of activities that are happening in the movie such as doors opening or guns being fired in the century the camera used photographic film the product is still often called a film even though there usually is no film a genre is a word for a type of movie or a style of movie movies can be fictional made up or documentary showing real life or a mix of the two although hundreds of movies are made every year there are very few that do not follow a small number of set plots or stories some movies mix together two or more genres action movies have a lot of exciting effects like car chases and gun fights involving stuntmen they usually involve goodies and baddies so war and crime are common subjects action movies usually need very little effort to watch since the plot is normally simple for example in die hard terrorists take control of a skyscraper and ask for a big ransom in exchange for not killing the hostage workers one hero somehow manages to save everyone action movies do not usually make people cry but if the action movie is also a drama emotion will be involved adventure movies usually involve a hero who sets out on a quest to save the world or loved ones animated movies use artificial images like talking cartoons to tell a story these movies used to be drawn by hand one frame at a time but are now made on computers buddy movies involve heroes one must save the other both must overcome obstacles buddy movies often involve comedy but there is also some emotion because of the close friendship between the buddies comedies are funny movies about people being silly or doing unusual things or being in silly or unusual situations that make the audience laugh documentaries are movies that are or claim to be about real people and real events they are nearly always serious and may involve strongly emotional subjects for example cruelty dramas are serious and often about people falling in love or needing to make a big decision in their life they tell stories about relationships between people they usually follow a basic plot where one or two main characters each actor plays a character have to overcome get past an obstacle the thing stopping them to get what they want tragedies are always dramas and are about people in trouble for example a husband and wife who are divorcing must each try to prove to a court of law that they are the best person to take care of their child emotion feelings are a big part of the movie and the audience people watching the movie may get upset and even cry film noir movies are detective dramas about crime and violence family movies are made to be good for the entire family they are mainly made for children but often entertaining for adults as well disney is famous for their family movies horror movies use fear to excite the audience music lighting and sets manmade places in movie studios where the movie is made are all designed to add to the feeling romantic comedies romcoms are usually love stories about people from different worlds who must overcome obstacles to be together romcoms are usually lighthearten but may include some emotion comedy horror movies blend horror and comic motifs in its plots movies in this genre sometimes use black comedy as the main form of humor science fiction movies are set in the future or in outer space some use their future or alien settings to ask questions about the meaning of life or how we should think about life science fiction movies often use special effects to create images of alien worlds outer space alien creatures and spaceships fantasy movies include magical and impossible things that any real human being cannot do thrillers are usually about a mystery strange event or crime that needs to be solved the audience is kept guessing until the final minutes when there are usually twists in the plot surprises suspense movies keep you on the edge of your seat they usually have multiple twists that confuse the watcher western movies tell stories about cowboys in the western united states in the and they are usually action movies but with historical costumes some involve native americans not all films that are set in the american west are made there for example western films made in italy are called spaghetti westerns some films can also use western plots even if they are set in other places wrath of man full movie watch online wrath of man full english full movie wrath of man full full movie wrath of man full full movie streaming wrath of man full movie engsub watch wrath of man full english full movie online wrath of man full film online watch wrath of man full english film wrath of man full movie stream free download wrath of man full movie studio wrath of man pelicula completa wrath of man film complete wrath of man
even activemqall shouldnt include the javaxjms specification classes this might cause confusion and classloading issues with for example tomcat and when the server already provides a jms jar and an application is deployed with in a nutshell and as it happens with the servlet jsp and xml specs we shouldnt include them directly
codelivypysparkprinthtml hello code
the change in jtadbpersistenceservicefactory property names from istransactionenabled iscurrentsessionenabledto transactionenabled currentsessionenabledbreaks backward compatibility for configurations which have the old names
the jceks file is parsed for every instance of the metastore conf to populate the password in plaintext which is irrelevant for the scenario where the db connection pool is already active
i get the following segfault on debians big endian systems mips stack trace top code thread tstlayoutfiles received signal sigsegv segmentation fault in this engine unit function codeptr at operator t const return sfromspecialval gdb bt in this engine unit function codeptr at in thisthisentry engine engineentry at in this engine at in qqmlobjectcreatorinit this providedparentcontext at in qqmlobjectcreatorcreateinstance thisthisentry index parent iscontextobjectiscontextobjectentryfalse at in qqmlobjectcreatorsetpropertybinding thisthisentry bindingpropertybindingpropertyentry bindingbindingentry at in qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings thisthisentry applydeferredbindingsapplydeferredbindingsentryfalse at in qqmlobjectcreatorpopulateinstance thisthisentry instance bindingtarget valuetypepropertyvaluetypepropertyentry at in qqmlobjectcreatorcreateinstance thisthisentry parentparententry iscontextobjectiscontextobjectentrytrue at in qqmlobjectcreatorcreate this thisentry parentparententry interruptinterruptentry at in qqmlobjectcreatorcreateinstance thisthisentry index parent iscontextobjectiscontextobjectentryfalse at in qqmlobjectcreatorsetpropertybinding thisthisentry bindingpropertybindingpropertyentry bindingbindingentry at in qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings thisthisentry applydeferredbindingsapplydeferredbindingsentryfalse at in qqmlobjectcreatorpopulateinstance thisthisentry instance bindingtarget valuetypepropertyvaluetypepropertyentry at in qqmlobjectcreatorcreateinstance thisthisentry parentparententry iscontextobjectiscontextobjectentrytrue at in qqmlobjectcreatorcreate thisthisentry subcomponentindex parentparententry interruptinterruptentry at in qqmlcomponentprivatebegincreate this context at in qqmlcomponentcreate this context at in layouttesthelperlayouttesthelper this at in tstlayoutfilesystemlayouts this at in qmetamethodinvoke this object connectiontypeconnectiontypeentryqtdirectconnection returnvalue at code actually the crash happens in line of some analysis code gdb p compiledfunctionformalsoffset val reversing the bytes we get gdb p void compiledfunction val code we are on a big endian system so the bytes of an integer stored in should be reversed however looks suspiciously like an integer stored without reversing bytes i will test shortly
the stormcmd script returns before the topology has been deployed this causes problems when attempting to automate deployments as detecting failures is made difficultit looks like this is because all storm command are ultimately invoked via start b unless stormdebug is set attempting to workaround by setting stormdebug doesnt work as the fix in hasnt been applied to the debug commandit looks like a relatively simple fix apply the fix to the debug route and make the jar command use it by default
hiwhen we clone our repository we get a refs git clone gitbitbucketorgcoinsoacoinsgit cloning into does not point to a valid objectremote counting objects doneremote compressing objects donereceiving objects mib mibs doneremote total delta reused delta deltas donechecking out files also happens on git pullerror does not point to a valid objectremote error does not point to a valid objectwhen we visit out commits and branches pages on bitbucket it displays the went pageyesterday our size was reduced and a lot of garbage was deleted not sure if this has caused the issuethanks
oracle only supports character identifiers for tables sequences etc we define a table with characters issuerankinglog ao adds another for the prefix the code to create an id sequence adds another idseq which exceeds characters in this casewhen creating tables in ao the resulting sequence name becomes exporting the db following is defined for that tablewhen importing that backup same happens with export from hsql and oracle ao tries to drop the sequence with the following errorcode error importing data comatlassianactiveobjectsspiactiveobjectsimportexportexception there was an error during importexport with plugin greenhoppercompyxisgreenhopperjira executing update for sql statement drop sequence comatlassianactiveobjectsspiactiveobjectsimportexportexception there was an error during importexport with plugin greenhoppercompyxisgreenhopperjira executing update for sql statement drop sequence at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by javasqlsqlexception identifier is too long at at at at at at at at at at at at at at more comatlassianactiveobjectsspiactiveobjectsimportexportexception there was an error during importexport with plugin greenhoppercompyxisgreenhopperjira executing update for sql statement drop sequence
seatunnel just entered incubation here is the vote mail please create seatunnelapacheorg ldap deeply thanks
the reservationid key in the request info hash is not available in cluster reservations this key is getting set too late by vcld it needs to be set before requestinfo is passed to the datastructure constructor which does a deep copy on the hash structure changes to requestinfo are not reflected in the datastructure data after the object is created
currently cso doesnt has capability to import certs from secrets due to which cso unable to trust self signed certificatescodejavaleveldebug msgpod added failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item msgpod updated failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item msgpod updated failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item msgpod updated failed with wstringpod phase not running pendinglevelinfo msgrequeued item msgpod updated msggarbage collecting unreferenced imagemanifestvulns msgfailed to sync layer data errget certificate signed by unknown authoritylevelinfo msggarbage collecting unreferenced imagemanifestvulns msgfailed to sync layer data errget certificate signed by unknown authoritycode
make the uimautils module able to create custom uima pipelines eventually using annotatorsdescriptors from other bundlesswitch also the uima dependencies from the osgi annotators to the non osgi released version
its nice to be able to disable an option in a select sometimes even if browser support isnt pervasive yet
debian and ubuntu ship a python interpreter that is linked to a static file instead of a dynamic shared library they also ship a separate package that provides the dynamic shared library but it is not used by any of the std extensions or other packages except for packages that embed the python interpreter in their application pyside though links to the dynamic shared library which means that two sets of python symbols are loaded when pyside extensions are loaded the ones in the interpreter itself and the ones from the dynamic library this causes duplicate symbols which so far have been resolved by the dynamic loader in a way that made everything work the shared library symbols were ignored and the ones in the interpreter were picked up this seems like depending on implementation behavior and will lead to crashes if that were ever changed there is no need for pyside to link the shared libraries if the python interpreter does not investigate implement a way of checking how was the python interpreter built and make the proper decision when linking to the shared library is actually necessary
somewhat different use case than with avrostorage giving a loader schema that relative to the schema in the avro file had an extra filed wo default and expected to see an extra empty column but the schema is as in the avro file wo the extra columneg see the style test which fails on thiscode num storing using writer schema loading using reader schema with extra field that has no default notmq pig qa load typesnumberstxt using pigstorage as intid intintnum intlongnum longfloatnum floatdoublenum double store avro file w foreach a generate id filter by id and id into using orgapachepigpiggybankstorageavroavrostorage schema name schemawriting type record fields name id type null int name type null int exec read back what was stored with avro adding extra field to reader schemau load using orgapachepigpiggybankstorageavroavrostorage debug schema name schemareading type record fields name id type null int name type null string name type null int describe udump ustore u into verifypigscript qa load typesnumberstxt using pigstorage as intid intintnum intlongnum longfloatnum floatdoublenum doubleb filter a by id and id foreach b generate id store c into code
when trying to debug an android application via an emulator or on a device then it will crash when the debugging exits this appears to be windows specific as i cannot reproduce this on a macos based host
if the target filter is undefined for a component before a change is made to its configuration in this case by way of config admin and fileinstall it will always throw this nullpointerexception because the clause at the associated line of code is bad it doesnt sufficiently guard for null return values for gettarget before potentially dereferencing off gettargets returnworkaround is to set any target filter though thats not an acceptable workaround in my opinion at least it worksif a target filter is set it seems to work as expectederror unexpected problem delivery configuration event to javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at
while testing the application timeline server the server would not come up in a secure cluster as it would keep trying to access hdfs without having done the secure login it would repeatedly try authenticating and finally hit stack overflow
the url is referenced quite a few times on the asf website however the automatic redirect does not work because the new wiki is called it would be useful to add an exception for this case because most of the references are in documents that cannot be updated board minutes
i would like to start deploying some of my personal open source projects to the oss and central repos
ivy doesnt resolve nonjar dependencies for example a repo contains a war when specified as a dependency ivy clearly shows that it grabs the pom from the repo but then attempts to download a jar file despite the fact that the downloaded pom calls out a war element feel free to inspect the pom and artifacts referenced in the log below tried found md file for comsunportal rssportlet downloading downloading ok for found in downloading artifacts to cache tried client error not found url warn rssportletjar warn tried warn installing in private installing missing artifact rssportletjar file does not exist published ivy to dependenciesprivaterepositorycomsunportalrssportletivysivy install resolution report
hi team we are getting when we are trying to download snapshot packages from osssonatypeorg below is the command we are trying curl v o from a few servers its working fine and from two of our servers its failing with forbidden error i have attached the curl output to this ticket
embeded sample in the net devfile exposes wrong urlenvironment ocp cluster devfile steps to reproduce go to dashboard and create workspace using default net devfile go inside workspace and run predefined run command wait until dialog window with suggestion to open deployed apllication is displayed and pay attention to url also please notice that it is described as external url screenshot from click to the open link button and pay attention that opened page is blank screenshot from click to the my workspace button at the right panel screenshot from in the opened widget pay attention that two urls are existing external and internal screenshot from click external url and make sure that it works screenshot from expected behaviorexternal url in the dialog windowobserved behaviorinternal url in the dialog window
seems to affect media types with group permissions i a text type and an assignment type and group permissions were respected prerequisite is to create a group and make sure at least one access participant or student is in the group and at least one is not to reproduce for file as instructor add content embed content on page click browse to upload a local movie file into lessons save it click edit and restrict to a group as student in group go to site your access is behaving as expected as student not in group go to site you see a link to the media file but when you click it you get error http status description the requested resource is not available expected not to see the link to reproduce for audio same steps as above but as instructor upload an audio file probably applies to other formats of audio expected behavior hidden to students not in group actual behavior audio can be played within browser and downloaded to reproduce for png image same steps as for file but as instructor upload a png file or probably any image format expected behavior hidden to student not in group actual behavior hidden student sees that alt text
compactionstrategyconfig has a since javadoc annotation but no description as to what the class actually is it should at a minimum have a brief description as to why the class exists in the public api why do users care about this class
currently some groups dont run by default
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
script files in the frameworks directory of the bin distribution should have the executable bit set so they can be run on unix platforms without the need to fix the scripts permissions text files should have line endings dependant on the type of archive crlf for zips lf for targz this distinction should be noted on the download page for the release
making testedproductfactorycreateclass productinstance testerfactory public would suffice
the filter nametori amos will not return an entry in scope that has a cn attribute that equals tori amos or at least i think this is the case workiing off memory here so i would need to confirm thisone way in which this can be solved would be to expand and replace the node with all the subclasses of the attribute for the example above we would expand out to cntori amos sntori amos nametori amos givennametori amos this would work but it would choke the search engine we could do this with an interceptor too ie transform the filter on the way in to a search
memory leak at jetcompilewithparams at compilercpp while eioffice runsvn while profiling a simple eioffice application on harmony using boundschecker the tool detected following memory leaks minfoblockprofilercountersmap are not disposed correctly while eioffice startupshutdownthe issue also reproduced while hwa runhere is stack trace memory leak allocated by globaloperatornewarrayjetcompile chomeoshytrunkworkingvmvmjitrinosrcjetcompilercpp minfoblockprofilercountersmap new chomeoshytrunkworkingvmvmjitrinosrcjetjetcpp chomeoshytrunkworkingvmvmjitrinosrcvmjitinterfacecpp chomeoshytrunkworkingvmvmvmcoreincludedlljitintfh chomeoshytrunkworkingvmvmvmcoresrcjitcompilecpp chomeoshytrunkworkingvmvmvmcoresrcclasssupportcinterfacecpp chomeoshytrunkworkingvmvmemsrcdrlemimplcpp chomeoshytrunkworkingvmvmemsrcemintfcpp chomeoshytrunkworkingvmvmvmcoresrcjitcompilecpp
currently going through the great bitbucket tutorial however now come across a stumbling blocksubsequent to creating an account on bitbucket user i am now unable to access it due to the following error messageyour account has been deactivated please contact bitbucket support for assistancesee attachment can you please fix thisthankscassim
installation of this errata via upgrade failing with following output from rpm command see full logcodeerror failed is needed by is needed by is needed by is dependent on errata contains is dependent on errata contains is dependent on this package isnt neither included in this errata nor available from rhn liveerrata contains these new updated
currently if wildfly is launched as embedded hal fails to load because the embedded launchtype is not in the acceptable modes
convertmapjoin logic can be further simplified
the nmsdestination property is null when receiving messages via an asynchronous listener
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
something being too greedy again maybe the newline tolerance introduced this
the comments in remapconfig describe the configuration lines incorrectly