here some issues which were found during explorative testing accept applicationjsonodatametadata results in internal server wrong has to result in a bad wrong results in message text „rong“ results in no exception check if gets transfered to the duplicate system query options have to result in an nonexisting properties in an expand select or filter have to result in a instead of a check why application in an accept header gets transformed to calling esinvisible results in a with no exception calling results in a with no exception results in a internal server error
the export to excel feature of the old dashbuilder is broken in bpm sute patchwhenever i try to export any table data i see the following exceptioncodejavathread iddefault begin datethu jan cet groupmainrequest datethu jan cet fedora linux khtml like gecko headerrefererrequest paramdataexportformatxlsxrequest parampactionfactoryrequest paramfbdefaulttableviewerrequest auto commitfalseerror datethu jan cet stack tracejavalangillegalstateexception column was never explicitly tracked and isallcolumnstracked is false trackallcolumns was never called or untrackallcolumns was called after trackallcolumns was called at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at orgjbossdashboarduicomponentsbeandispatcherproxyweldclientproxyhandlerequestunknown source at at method at at at at at at orgjbossdashboarduipanelkpikpidriverproxyweldclientproxyexecuteunknown source at at orgjbossdashboarduicontrollerrequestchainrequestdispatcherproxyweldclientproxyprocessrequestunknown source at at orgjbossdashboarduicontrollerrequestprocessorproxyweldclientproxyrununknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at tried replacing the following jars in eaphomestandalonedeploymentsdashbuilderwarwebinflib by the version which was used in bpm suite ga and the export started to work correctlytherefore we either need to downgrade the version of library used in the patch back to or fix the implementation of orgjbossdashboarddisplayertableexporttool not to throw an exception
in the synapse configuration language description document the rmsequence mediator is not included there should be a description added on how to use this mediator since it is the only way to really use wsrm functionality within synapse maybe there should also be a sample added to show the use of the rmsequence mediator
currently i can only see a few ca of the repositories of the apache maven project which are visible on jenkins the apache maven project has about repositories which usually had been visible therefor a very long time currently it looks like each time i pushed a change on a repo it will become visible again this was my assumption two hours ago but now the repositories which i had pushed to are vanished another time furthermore if i have the icon multi branch pipeline folder icon i can not trigger a build manually if in contradiction having the icon pipeline symbol i can which is a little bit strange cause i could do that for a very long time maybe it could help if i trigger scan apache hosted git folder now from jenkins i have also found some strange things i dont know if this is ok or not within the log which looks like this consulting apache hosted git folder checking repositories checking repository xml ignoring xml checking repository doctype ignoring doctype checking repository html ignoring html checking repository ignoring checking repository ignoring checking repository meta ignoring meta checking repository meta ignoring meta checking repository meta ignoring meta checking repository asf ignoring asf checking repository link ignoring link checking repository link ignoring link checking repository div ignoring div checking repository a ignoring a checking repository div ignoring div checking repository br ignoring br checking repository ignoring checking repository br
related to problem introduced in this scale hardcoding the number of fetch failures to a static number in this case is never going to work although the jobs we are running are loading the systems failures can randomly occur within the lifetime of a map even fetching the data can cause enough load for so many failures to occurwe believe that number of tasks and size of cluster should be taken into account based on which we believe that a ratio between total fetch attempts and total failed attempts should be taken into considerationgiven our experience with a task should be declared too many fetch failures based onfailures n could be failurestotal attempts k could be the first factor is to give some headstart to the second factor second factor then takes into account the cluster size and the task sizeadditionally we could take recency into account say failures and attempts in last one hour we do not want to make it too small
error during installation process cannot open file for reading no such file or directory while installing on linux from staging blocks automated tests installation proceeds if ignore is clicked
we have people working on this project full time and hopefully more people will start contributing in order to efficiently scale we need a single easy to find place where developers can check to make sure they are following the coding standards of this project to both save their time and save the time of people doing code reviewsthe most practical place to do this seems like a readme file in libhdfspp the foundation of the standards is googles c guide found here any exceptions to googles standards or additional restrictions need to be explicitly enumerated so there is one single point of reference for all libhdfs code standards
trying to fetch or pull from or commit to my bitbucket repo i always get an error message like this codejava git c diffmnemonicprefixfalse c corequotepathfalse fetch origin remote too many invalid password attempts try logging in through the website with your password fatal unable to access the requested url returned error completed with errors see above code of course i logged into the account in my browser multiple times no problem git on the command line can pull or fetch from or commit to the repository with no problems maybe some authentication problem well i cant look at the authentication data because of what should i do
in jslocaleelementsgeneratorclass we have apace in our packagename where we really mean apache work on a patch is proceeding apace pun intended
publishing stringflow javasdk to maven with ossrh
the added d debugger option broke the orgapachecamelspringmains parameters consumption
without the workaround the following error is thrown by jvm upon starting eapjboss cli utilising the standalone server is starting orgjbossmodulesmodulenotfoundexception at at at at at ship this plugin with maven repository this is pretty cumbersome and a blocker to migrating application without change of configuration adding an insult to injury workaround will cease the plugin to be able to boot eap on
signup uses a very old version of genericdao that is not compatible with sakai it needs to be updated to a later version is the latest
error messages below while running with the rcmed interface to get dailymax temptraceback most recent call last file line in metadata rcmedgetparametersmetadata file line in getparametersmetadata string file line in urlopen return openeropenurl data timeout file line in open response methreq response file line in httpresponse http request response code msg hdrs file line in error result selfcallchainargs file line in callchain result funcargs file line in return selfparentopennew timeoutreqtimeout file line in open response selfopenreq data file line in open open req file line in callchain result funcargs file line in httpsopen contextselfcontext file line in doopen raise this was resolved temporarily by adding ssl contextthe following shows git diffdiff git aocwdatasourcercmedpy bocwdatasourcercmedpyindex aocwdatasourcercmedpy bocwdatasourcercmedpy classes import urllib ssl import re import json import numpy as np def getparametersmetadata paraminfolist url url paraminfoyes string string contextsslcreateunverifiedcontext datastring stringread jsonformatdata jsonloadsdatastring fieldsname jsonformatdata def getdataurl numpy array numpy array numpy array numpy array string string contextsslcreateunverifiedcontextis this a problem of keelingatmosuiucedu is it worth to add context whenever ocw uses urlopen
the arquilliantomee code has a copy of the moviefun example this needs extending to include some sample tests demonstrating how to use the arquillian adapters
the javafx extension bundle orgeclipsefxosgi is not configured correctly into the configini as a framework extension this happens in the product build it works correctly if the dashboard components are installed via the update site but it doesnt work inside the product buildit looks like the issue is related a change of the bree of orgeclipsefxosgi now requiring instead of will investigate
iheaderblock phbwscreatesoapheaderblocktestheaderiattribute the above code will generate the following soap headerhere the new prefix of name is np which is an undeclared one and so the request fails so the api should check whether the prefix is declared or not before setting itcreateattribute api also sets the prefix of an attribute so createattribute api should also check for this declaration
implementation of javamathmultiplicationmultpap on sse via magics
please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above please consider upgrading the dependency pyarrow the current version is the latest version is cc please refer to beam dependency guide more information do not modify the description above
summary adding an issue key from the new issue view editor does not create a link to the issue the issue key is rendered as a link for a second and then it becomes text only steps to reproduce add a comment to any issue using the new issue view with an issue key on it refresh the page and observe the behavior heres a video of it also my colleague was able to reproduce it but theres a different behavior but it still a bug heres his video expected results the issue key is rendered as a link actual results the issue key is rendered as text only notes switching back to the old issue view shows it correctly workaround disable the new issue view
this feature was removed from the base patch so we can come up with a proper interface for other components to use as well as directly accessing jmx is not an option
a row insert or update in a postgres table which cotains numeric or decimal data type raises the following at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at error task is being killed and will not recover until manually restarted code
after updating from to the following exception is thrown contiously error jpoxrdbms an exception was thrown while addingvalidating classes cant create table errno cant create table errno at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by javaxjdojdodatastoreexception errors were found while autocreatingvalidating the datastore for classes the errors are printed in the log and are attached to this exceptionnestedthrowablesjavasqlsqlexception cant create table errno cant create table errno cant create table errno at at at at at at at at morecaused by javasqlsqlexception cant create table errno at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at morearchiva is successful proxying artifacts but release deployments fail with error deploying artifact read timed out
steps to repro create table testid int insert into table values insert into table values run querybased compactor and it will fail with the following exception codejava alter table test compact major query based compaction caused by javalangruntimeexception orgapachehadoophiveqlmetadatahiveexception hive runtime error while processing row at at at at more caused by orgapachehadoophiveqlmetadatahiveexception hive runtime error while processing row at at more caused by javalangclasscastexception javalanginteger cannot be cast to orgapachehadoopiointwritable at at at at at at at code
as part of a split we go to close the region the close fails because flush failed a dn was down and hdfs refuses to move past it so we jump up out of the close with an ioe but the region has been closed yet its still in the meta as onlinehere is where the hole compactsplitthread calls this calls hregion splitregion calls down the end of the close we get as far as the loginfoclosed this but a dfsclient running thread throws an exception because it cant allocate block for the flush made as part of the close aint sure how we should add more trycatch in debug orgapachehadoophbaseregionserverstore added to debug orgapachehadoophbaseregionserverhregion finished memstore flush of for region in sequence compaction debug orgapachehadoophbaseregionserverstore closed info orgapachehadoophbaseregionserverhregion closed info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient exception in createblockoutputstream javaioioexception bad connect ack with firstbadlink as info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient abandoning block info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient exception in createblockoutputstream javaioioexception bad connect ack with firstbadlink as info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient abandoning block info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient exception in createblockoutputstream javaioioexception bad connect ack with firstbadlink as info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient abandoning block info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient exception in createblockoutputstream javaioioexception bad connect ack with firstbadlink as info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient abandoning block info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient exception in createblockoutputstream javaioioexception bad connect ack with firstbadlink as info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient abandoning block info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient exception in createblockoutputstream javaioioexception bad connect ack with firstbadlink as info orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient abandoning block warn orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient datastreamer exception javaioioexception unable to create new block at at warn orgapachehadoophdfsdfsclient could not get block locations source file error orgapachehadoophbaseregionservercompactsplitthread compactionsplit failed for region bad connect ack with firstbadlink as at at at this as blocker
i made an odata service with jpa and springboot based on this github repository the question is how can i add functionality to the data for example if i store data in a column of type varchar like this codejava encolognedekölncode how can retrieve cologne when user passed en as locale and köln when user passed de as the locale for example via a http get variable
at the moment provider access token is non expiring and given the risk associated with it it could leak and lead to serious consequence especially if it is a token used for deployment purposes one solution could be implementing expiry of such token while a better one could be adding oidc support to provider access token so that the idp provides the needed expiry and validation rules
with above example codes it will raise the exceptionnoformatjavalanginstantiationerror orgjbossresteasyclientjaxrsresteasyclientbuilder at at at noformatlooking into the source code i find thesecodejava orgkeycloakadminclientkeycloakjavaprivate static resteasyclient customjacksonprovider sslcontext sslcontext boolean disabletrustmanager resteasyclientbuilder clientbuilder new resteasyclientbuilder sslcontextsslcontext codeit initializes a clientbuilder instance with new keyword but in resteasyclientbuilder is an abstract class shouldnt be able to be initializedcodejava orgjbossresteasyclientjaxrsresteasyclientbuilderjavapublic abstract class resteasyclientbuilder extends clientbuilder codethe same example code was working in in which the resteasyclientbuilder was a normal class not an abstract class
while working on i found that having the maxprocid in the wal header allows some nice optimizations since is not released yet can we get this in so we can avoid all extra handling
in my testcase i use javaxfacesviewviewscoped for a bean netjsftesttheme which generates my themeyou can see that this doesnt work inside the used css file resourcesmaincsspostconstruct is never called so the bean is not initializedit works inside pageif you use javaxenterprisecontextsessionscoped within netjsftesttheme both cases worksthe problem also occurs in current mojarra implementation
the single parameter for function codejava def transformtransformersupplier transformer statestorenames string kstreamcode is a transformer not a transformersupplier the parameter should be renamed and the javadocs should be updated too
i implemented the sample on the website with an additional registerbackgroundthreadhandler that sends a notification when the message is received this works great only until the device goes into sleep after that point the notyfinghandler will no longer be notified of any new messages not even after the device is woken through other activitythe only way to enable reception of new messages is to open the app againalso once the device is rebooted there is no way to receive a message without reregistering the messagehandler firstthis clearly does not support the basic use case to receive a message at any time i wonder if the issue is because aerogeargcmmessagereceiver extends broadcastreceiver instead of wakefulbroadcastreceiverplease could you suggest a way to receive messages at any time when the app is not active
the recently added modeshapejca module has several things that need to be changed it should not overwrite the mavencompilerplugin mavenrarplugin and mavenjarplugin versions and jdk version vs but should inherit them from jbossparent via modeshapeparent it should not overwrite the mavenjarplugin from whats in modeshapeparent jbossparent all its dependencies version properties should go in modeshapeparent in the section just like all the other modules it should have an assembly profile so that we can distribute it along with the other modules via passembly the packaged rar also needs to be included in the binary assembly
when running qa regression tests exphbaseinterfacenextrow would often run into hbase outoforderscannernextexception on hbase the following shows an example of this exceptionsqlinsert into abaa caaaaaaa aaaa aa abaa aa cbaaaaaa error unable to access hbase interface call to exphbaseinterfacenextrow returned error causejavautilconcurrentexecutionexception orgapachehadoophbasedonotretryioexception failed after retry of outoforderscannernextexception was there a rpc error object does not exist or is inaccessible this is seen on the build installed on clusters it may require some new hbase settings so that trafodion would work more smoothly on hbase at this moment more research is needed to figure out what these settings are this is failing our tests quite frequently and quite randomly so a critical bug report is created to track this problem
problem sometimes tests fails on main branch with an abstract caused by javautilconcurrenttimeoutexception did not observe any item or terminal signal within in sourcemonodefer and no fallback has been configured reason need to investigate and fix the root cause of this fails test orgapacheigniteinternalrunnerappitschemachangekvviewtesttestrenamecolumn in test orgapacheigniteinternalrunnerappitschemachangekvviewtesttestmergechangesadddropadd in upd quick research revealed that the main reason for mentioned above timeoutexception is a poor consistency of raft timeouts most of jraft timeouts are based on electiontimeoutms codejava a follower would become a candidate if it doesnt receive any message from the leader in electiontimeoutms milliseconds default private int electiontimeoutms follower to candidate timeout code for example both votetime and electiontime use exact value of getelectiontimeoutms ms codejava string name jraftvotetimer suffix thisvotetimer new repeatedtimername optionsgetelectiontimeoutms timerfactorygetvotetimername name jraftelectiontimer suffix electiontimer new repeatedtimername optionsgetelectiontimeoutms timerfactorygetelectiontimername code it actually means that lozatimeout that was also initially set to ms just wont be enough in some cases seems that operation timeout lozatimeout should be an order of magnitude more than election timeout during the implementation of naive data rebalance lozatimeout was set to to satisfy this need also a ticket for timeouts research and consolidation was created so taking into consideration that raft operation timeout was already increased from second to it worth to just enable all tests that were disabled under and check whether they are still failing
currently when the statestore is restarted impalad would clear its metadata and never recovers after some investigation the case is that catalogd doesnt send any metadata to the restarted statestore this bug is introduced by
new feature would be usefulcodeshow jobs cid direction fromcode
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelthe table plugin plugin for confluence is no longer working for ondemand customers its only rendering an error message problem for all tables where customers use this plugin they get following error text instead of the tablecodeerror rendering macro tableplus notify your confluence administrator that bob swift software table plugin requires a valid license reason no license found for plugin with key orgswiftconfluencetablecodeeven if the subscription has been added in and the addon has been enabled in ondemand the macros still do not work
when a test doesnt require failure detection we remove the fd protocol from the jgroups stack but we keep fdsock normally this isnt a problem but in rare occasions it can fail to open the ping socked and the cluster doesnt debug testngglobalkeysettasktest viewchange received debug viewchange received debug fdsock pingdest is debug testngglobalkeysettasktest viewchange received debug fdsock pingdest is warn fdsock creating the client socket failed debug fdsock could not create socket to pinger thread is debug fdsock suspecting debug fdsock pingdest is null debug suspecting debug viewchange received debug fdsock socket to was closed gracefullynoformatwe should increase fdsocksockconntimeout and remove fdsock from the stack unless the test uses transportflagswithmerge
the api definition dropdown does not allow the user to pick between definition types
due to recent change in the build started failing on noformat in member function ‘kudustatus kudusetreuseportbool’ error ‘soreuseport’ was not declared in this scope returnnotokprependsetsockoptsolsocket soreuseport intflag make error make waiting for unfinished jobs noformat
i am using mysql data base to store odata informationone of my table has date column with value as and in my jpa entity i map this column to java calender as followcolumnname datecolumndefinitiondatetemporaltemporaltypedateprivate calendar tradingdatebut when i fetch these entities using odata the date comes fact all dates in the table come with some reduction value which may be time zone offset my local time zone is think the date is been converted to gmt or utc by olingo how do i resolve this issue
to reproduce you may temporarily replace the xgconsole in xgejombat with a nonexistent tool for example so code axgejombat bxgejombat setlocal axgejombat bxgejombat setlocal if ibjomnumberofjobs set set xgconsole commandjom jibjomnumberofjobs xgnotthere commandjom jibjomnumberofjobs endlocal code next in the cmd window issue noformat xgejombat echo success noformat the result is noformat der befehl xgnotthere ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden success noformat the problem is that the success is seen it shouldnt i believe this is due to the setlocal endlocal in the script as both xgconsole and buildcosole tools are executables and the script doesnt call out other scripts i dont see a need for using setlocalendlocal and would advice to remove those
the error message is cryptic when starting a mesosmaster when a mesosmaster is already running the error message ismesosmaster workdirmesoswarning logging before initgooglelogging is written to failed to initialize bind address already in use check failure stack trace aborted core dumpedthis can be a new persons first experience it isnt clear to them that the process is already running and they are lost as to what to do next
we removed the view report links column and wanted the responses links to take users to the results page it currently takes users to a page i didnt even realize existed we want anyone who has access to the results to have the active link so that means instructors will have a link if the configuration option is turned on to allow them to see resultsthis was probably due to a miscommunication since i didnt realize there was a response page and thus that there was room for confusion
testinsertqueriestestinsertmemlimit fails with code in testinsertmemlimit multipleimpaladvectorgetvalueexecoption in runtestcase selfverifyexceptionstestsection stre usedb in verifyexceptions expectedstr actualstr e assertionerror unexpected exception string expected memory limit exceeded e not found in actual impalabeeswaxexception query abortedwriting to compressed text table is not supported code
the following error message is generated when using bea weblogic and a queue setup of jms message listener invoker failed trying to recover weblogicjmscommoninvaliddestinationexception destination must be a topic myjmsqueuenote the supspicous code was introduced sometime after version problem is in the following codeclass orgspringframeworkjmslistenerabstractmessagelistenercontainer public void setdestinationdestination destination assertnotnulldestination destination must not be null thisdestination destination setpubsubdomaindestination instanceof topic bea weblogic produces a weblogicjmscommondestinationimpl which is a destination implementing both javaxjmstopic and javaxjmsqueue see the following article the workaround is to change the sequence of properties in the bean definition as follows of critical importance is that pubsubdomain must follow destination
sap hana apis follows odata but the references which metadata contains are of odata metadata files olingo libraries does not provide required implementations for such case for details refer attached file where apiproductsrv is metadata file which contains reference to aggregation capabilities common communication which are metadata files