the embedded db creation sctipt srcmainresourcesambariddlpostgresembeddedcreatesql incorrectly creates the clusterversion table in the wrong schemacreate table clusterversion it should becreate table ambariclusterversion this will cause a failure when creating a cluster stating that the relation clusterversion doesnt exist
there is a bug in orgapachemyfacesrenderkithtmlexthtmltextarearenderer in method encodeend line is superencodetextareafacescontext uicomponentsuper prefix is not neccessary encodetextarea is not overwritten and this avoids calling to any encodetextarea method from any child class it should be encodetextareafacescontext uicomponenta workaround for this is overwrite the encodeend method too
i just did mvn clean install and got this defaultbundle cxfjaxrssecurity error building bundle unresolved references to by classes on the bundleclasspath errors found in bundle configurationthis works on branch though with same bundle plugin config looking into it
it looks like we download openssl from an external site the external site has revved to so we need to update our url as a general comment our build should not depend on any external downloads or it will be continue to be fragile in this way also see
the core spec says in paragraph second last bullet point on page if an interceptor class itself has superclasses the lifecycle callback interceptor methods definedby the interceptor classs superclasses are invoked before the lifecycle callback interceptormethod defined by the interceptor class most general superclass firstcurrently only the callback interceptor class on the most specific bean is honoredthe attached testcase info post construct info super info info post construct it should givepost construct post construct super postconstruct
trying to open the pdf file results in this error there was an error processing a page there was a problem reading this document trying to restore the xml file administration guide results in this error import failed netsfhibernatehibernateexception error processing backup refer to logs for more details
qmenuabouttoshow isnt getting emitted when qmenu has been set to be a dock menuuse the attached example application to reproduce the issue
protocol properties are never applied the check for applying properties is done on the legacy resource that only registers operation tranformation on old the old property addressoriginal reportwhen the jgroups subsystem is configured to use tcpping the following error occurs when deploying a distributable error msc service thread failed to start service jbossjgroupschannelee orgjbossmscservicestartexception in service jbossjgroupschannelee javasecurityprivilegedactionexception javalangexception property assignment of initialhosts in tcpping with original property value null and converted to null could not be assigned at at at at at at by javasecurityprivilegedactionexception javalangexception property assignment of initialhosts in tcpping with original property value null and converted to null could not be assigned at at at morecaused by javalangexception property assignment of initialhosts in tcpping with original property value null and converted to null could not be assigned at at at at at at at at at at at morecaused by javalangexception conversion of initialhosts in tcpping with original property value null failed at at morecaused by javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at morecode
i dont have logs now but its always reproducible so there should be no problem getting that note to reproduce install only hdfs
we cant move to solr without fixing this issue flagged by sonatype scan of solr build using scanner threat level against solr orgapachehadoop hadoopcommon apache hadoop to to to to to is exploitable via the zip slip vulnerability in places that accept a zip file
after taking the recent update im getting intermittent prompts to enter my password after authentication i am correctly gaining access to my repo but some seemingly random number of minutes later am getting prompted again thx
add a gitignore file to the repository root
the resource tool is not sending out emails when setting priority on high
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelhi full name should be the same like in answers currently is used from confluence i suppose thanks
further explanation we need to display availability information for items in a reading list the reading list will be rendered as normal by sakai but then once the page is ready in the web browser some javascript juice will run which will scan the page for embedded metadata coins and use this information to make additional requests to retrieve availability informationdue to security restrictions see below it is not possible for the javascript to contact an availability service directly the requests from the browser will be sent to lias which will the retrieve availability information an explanation of why this is needed for security reasons browser requests are limited to only talking to the server from which the page originates or a to service on another host that must return data in a specific format to get around this restriction jsonp the source of availability information doesnt currently support jsonp and is hosted on a different server to sakai the document returned when asking for availability information is very large this makes it slow to transfer and then slow to parse by a javascript client the document returned is complex and we would need to embed complex parsing code into the client this limits the ability to reuse the client side codeif the availability source or format changes in the future the clients can be isolated from this change by updating liasreading list requests to liasthe javascript in the reading list page will make asynchronous requests to lias using the document availability information api daia currently may version daia allows for two encodings json or xml to ease parsing on the client side we should initially develop with json but xml should be considered as a future extension example of request from reading list to liasrequest response version schema timestamp institution content university of oxford href document id href items department id rsl content radcliffe science library storage content level department id sccl content st cross college library storage content main libr retrieval of availability by lias from availability service using ex libris primo as an examplethe availability information for items in the can be obtained by making requests via web servicesexample of the response has been trimmed to only show the relevant part some urls have been removed to protect the innocent ox bll checkholdings main libr h general noteslias should map the results retrieved from primo onto daia and return them to the client although the service will deployed initially with sakai it does not bind against any sakai apis so that it can be reused in other environments linksjiuce daia json jsonp
this is much like except i edited the due date for both availability and exception before any student took the quiz also these students remained in the quiz when the autosubmit job ran the tests quizzes page the begin page and popup showed the correct due time new time before any student took the quiz i changed the availability due date from to and the excepted due date from to both students started the quiz after the availability due date passed i ran the autosubmit job the nonexcepted student clicked save and received a message assessment has been submitted the autosubmit job ran at his submission states it was submitted at the original due date the excepted student was able to continue in the quiz but after the excepted due date passed i ran the autosubmit job the excepted student continued in the quiz then submitted on the tests quizzes page her entry shows as being submitted at the total scores page shows a submission time of for the nonexcepted student and no submission for the excepted student even though she has a score
start several servers maybe servers randomly select two servers for reintegration perform the reintegration on two servers after restarting them check for successful reintegration status perform io in parallel during reintegration steps
when running the xsite replication tests and only those tests the others run fine from the clustering testsuite in wildfly against jgroups i encounter failures due warn default problems backing up data for cache dist to site sfo orginfinispanutilconcurrenttimeoutexception timed out after seconds waiting for a response from sfo sync logs preceding this indicate the cause of the warn transferqueuebundlersharedudp null no physical address for sitemasternyc dropping warn transferqueuebundlersharedudp null no physical address for sitemastersfo dropping warn transferqueuebundlersharedudp null no physical address for sitemastersfo dropping warn transferqueuebundlersharedudp null no physical address for sitemasternyc dropping messagenoformatthese messages repeat about or so times over a period of secondsa little investigation reveals that the process for fetching physical addresses for a given logical destination address has changed in a given call to sendtosinglemember would attempt to lookup the physical address by sending a eventgetphysicaladdress up the stack and wait a predetermined period for a response any concurrent calls to sendtosinglemember would also wait but only one thread in a given time period would ever send the eventgetphysicaladdress event up the stackin the process is different in orgjgroupsprotocolstp the findmbrs event is used to lookup the phsyical addresses instead of directly sending up a getphysicaladdress event however looking at the implementation of the findmbrs event handling within orgjgroupsprotocolsdiscovery i see that this triggers a asynchronous getmbrsreq message since this message is sent asynchronously this means that the response from the original findmbrs event will most certainly be empty thus the thread that initiated the findmbrs will most certainly log the physicaladdrmissing warning as will any concurrentsubsequent calls to sendtosinglemember for the same destination until that asynchronous processing completes this is a departure from the logic in where the thread initiating the physical address lookup would wait for some time for the address cache to be updated i should think that the physicaladdrmissing warnings should stop once the original getmbrsreq message is handled but that doesnt seem to be happening hence the or so sequential warning messages over a period of seconds preceding the timeout log message from infinispancuriously i see a orgjgroupsprotocolstpsetpingdata method which seems to be responsible for populating the physical address cache from the findmbrs event results from orgjgroupsprotocolsdiscovery however this method doesnt seem to be referenced anywhere might that be the source of the problem
if you try and run the helloworldwsclient client class but with the classpath pointing to the jars rather than you dont get a class not found error as you might expect but a rather strange parse error when the client tries to load the client scamodule filerunhelloworldwsclient exception in thread main orgapachetuscanycoreconfigconfigurationloadexception unrecognized element at at at at at at at at at at at at at at hello
because of the wrong symbolic linking of jbossmodulesjar the service cannot start both on and ls l jboss jboss mar jbossmodulesjar cat unable to access jarfile somethings wrong in the post installation script
when nm restart containers will be recovered however only memory and vcores in capability have been recovered all resources need to be recoveredcodetitlecontainerimpljava resource capability had been updated before nm was down thisresource resourcenewinstancerecoveredcapabilitygetmemorysize recoveredcapabilitygetvirtualcorescodeit should be like thiscodetitlecontainerimpljava resource capability had been updated before nm was down need to recover all resources not only thisresource resourcesclonerecoveredcapabilitycode
remove dremio corporation from license headers
to make ode work with servicemix
quote from from looking back rollback support is not really useful in our operations we are always able to complete the operation at some point so stuff like create modify table and so on should try to finish the operation instead of giving up and rollback in case of failure eg hdfs hiccup
the various authenticationcontext attributes added into the connector module for the elytron integration say they support expressions they shouldnt as model references should not support expressions as these interfere with model referential integrity checksalso where possible the attribute definitions should be configured as capability references thus automatically turning on the kernels referential integrity checks and allowing cli and hal value completionthe latter is only possible for ads where the containing resource exposes a capability itself the ds and xa ds resources do im not sure about ras but i suspect they dont yet
when invalid query is beeing executed hive server is shutting downnoformatcreate table sampletableip string showtime bigint partitioned by ds stringipz int row format delimited fields terminated by table sampletable add partitiondssf location userhivewarehouse location userhivewarehousenoformat
a few times in regression testing of builds of the branch and also with the testing cycle of on iseries ive seen failures in derbynetruntimeinfothey look like differences in the session id and timing differences in return of text to the clientfor instance this is with ibm on del session session del session session del session session del session session del session session del session session del session session this is an example of a failure on linuxvmware on revision del session session session session del session session select count from syssystables session database wombatcreatetrue user app prepared statement information stmt id sqltext del session session prepared statement information stmt id sqltext select count from syssystables session database wombatcreatetrue user del session session del session session seems to me these are fairly innocent and if they are then possibly the solution is to backport the conversion of runtimeinfo to junit to see revisions and
products are making an assumption that markup generated by soy and js message templates has the class eg auimessageerror this has been renamed to auimessageerror in a backwards compatible way see however its not backwards compatible if products override the markup see eg
error when hiding parser errors in a blade file
started eu from to reach till ‘restart hbase master’ task let it stop ambari server start it back in a now open eu wizard againresultit shows two tasks under hbase upgrade group as aborted and continues to next steps eu reached till finalize screen and allowed to hit finalize thereafter an error for hbase client was thrownexpected result fail eu with ‘holdingtimeout’ status at hbase upgrade group and let user retry the failed task and then move forward
projectbuildoutputtimestamp property was removed in need to add it back for asf parent pom sourcerelease zip file
some users have bad encoding in name
there are autodll errors in some of the experimental tables either remove the tables and associated datamodel or fix the hbmwarn unsuccessful schema statement create table rwikipagetrigger id not null userid not null pagespace pagename lastseen timestamp triggerspec longvarchar primary key id mainorgspringframeworkormhibernatelocalsessionfactorybeanjavasqlsqlexception invalid datatypewarn unsuccessful schema statement create table rwikipagemessage id not null sessionid userid not null pagespace pagename lastseen timestamp message longvarchar primary key id mainorgspringframeworkormhibernatelocalsessionfactorybeanjavasqlsqlexception invalid datatypewarn unsuccessful schema statement create table rwikipreference id not null userid not null lastseen timestamp preference longvarchar primary key id mainorgspringframeworkormhibernatelocalsessionfactorybeanjavasqlsqlexception invalid datatype
upon registration and unregistration of new resource providers eventadmin events are posted to inform interested parties of added and removed resource providers unfortunately these events are posted inside a synchronizedthis block which may lead to deadlock situationsthe solution and right thing to do is to post the events with the eventadmin service outside of a synchronized blocki consider this a critical issue which blocks the next release of this module
trying to deploy a fabriccomposer business network and what used to work fine on the alpha release of hyperledger fabric and the nodesdk now fails when i attempt to do an install proposal the message i get back is codejava error received message larger than max vs at code i dont see anything in the peer logs to indicate anything different i know that grpc has a default limit of for messages which is where comes from i dont know if this limit has been introduced somehow by the node sdk or if the message size has increased dramatically i have got around it for now by changing the constructor in remotejs to include the following line codejava thisoptions code setting a limit to is supposed to set it to infinite but there have been reported problems of this not being accepted so i chose a fixed amount for now this is using nodesdk with some changes taken directly from source to address events needed to be signed in order to work with the docker images released at version fabric fabric ca fabric sdk java
when development is done by multiple teams there should be a way to reference the resources in a modular wayhere is how it is can be done now which is bad not modular since clients need to be aware of every little artifact of individual team and have to reimport all artifacts into a knowledge base one by onehere is a better way to do it where individual teams config may look aseg team long story short droolsresources needs id to be able to ref to it ref to be able to ref to an id droolskbase needs to optionally take a list of droolsresourcesthank youanatoly
now gridabstractcacheinterceptorrebalancetest is running for too long with all subclassed tests it costs more than of all tests timecurrent settings arecnt should try to reduce test running time or parametrize it for fastlong versions
the installer registers placeholders as app version in the online installer instead of the current version for the qt online installer ifw version windows apps features dialog shows maintenancetoolversion for the qt installer framework standalone windows apps features dialog shows ifwversionstr
exception thrown when deleting an exploded esb from the jboss esb statistics inventory it works fine with a zipped archivejavalangexception javalangnoclassdeffounderror orgrhqpluginsutilsfileutils at at at at at at by javalangnoclassdeffounderror orgrhqpluginsutilsfileutils at orgjbossonpluginsjbossesbdeploymentcomponentdeleteresourceunknown source at method at at at at morehappens with the resource itself is not deleted need to be done manually but it is uninventored so you dont end up with a red resource that cannot be removed
git c diffmnemonicprefixfalse c corequotepathfalse c lfscustomtransferbitbucketmediaapipathgitlfsbitbucketmediaapi lfs pull problem accessing gitattributes errors logged to use git lfs logs last to view the log the log github windows go git git version gitlfs pull problem accessing gitattributes extra line filterlfs difflfs mergelfs text env localworkingdireunityprojectstockgameassetstextures localgitdireunityprojectstockgameassetstexturesgit localgitstoragedireunityprojectstockgameassetstexturesgit localmediadireunityprojectstockgameassetstexturesgitlfsobjects localreferencedir tempdireunityprojectstockgameassetstexturesgitlfstmp tustransfersfalse basictransfersonlyfalse batchtransfertrue skipdownloaderrorsfalse fetchrecentalwaysfalse fetchrecentrefsincluderemotestrue pruneverifyremotealwaysfalse pruneremotenameorigin accessdownloadnone accessuploadnone downloadtransfersbasicbitbucketmediaapi uploadtransfersbasicbitbucketmediaapi gitconfigparameterscolorbranchfalse colordifffalse colorstatusfalse diffmnemonicprefixfalse corequotepathfalse lfscustomtransferbitbucketmediaapipathgitlfsbitbucketmediaapi gitlfspathcprogram filesgit lfs gitpagercat
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report steps to replicate modify the default priorities to match the below noformatborderstyledashed id sequence pname blocker noformat use the issue navigator to search for noformatborderstyledashed priority noformat actual behavior jira will return any issues with priority or as the id of priority is expected behavior jira would see that with quotes is a priority name and would only return results by the name alternatively would show a message explaining why it is returning both workaround use the following to search codesql borderstyledashed priority and priority code or rename the priorities eg level dangerous workaround this workaround is dangerous because it involves direct db modification and the order of operations is important if you are switching positions of any two items you must test this on a staging environment first and take a full backup prior to doing this in production this is an example codeupdate priority set id where sequence update priority set id where sequence update priority set id where sequence update jiraissue set priority where priority update jiraissue set priority where priority update jiraissue set priority where priority update changeitem set newstring newvalue where field priority and newvalue update changeitem set newstring newvalue where field priority and newvalue update changeitem set newstring newvalue where field priority and newvalue update changeitem set oldstring oldvalue where field priority and oldvalue update changeitem set oldstring oldvalue where field priority and oldvalue update changeitem set oldstring oldvalue where field priority and oldvalue i you must restart jira and reindex after performing these updates
thanks for discovering the following problems while executing in the binary i got the following error code no main manifest attribute in code for the source after doing maven clean package” i got the following error code jar file is missing please do a full build mvn clean package first code
after old combiners reduce is invoked with reporternull so all the features in reporter eg counter progress are not supported any more the related code is as followscode while valuesmore combinerreducevaluesgetkey values combinecollector reporternull valuesnextkey code
i have this exception on the captcha page without it i can not register an account it just shows an empty page after please fix it the strange thing is that captcha works through technical details on noformat referer url javalangnoclassdeffounderror could not initialize class comatlassianjiraservletnoopimagecaptchaservice javalangnoclassdeffounderror could not initialize class comatlassianjiraservletnoopimagecaptchaservice at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformat
move to a later version of the aws sdk library for a different set of features and issues proposed version one thing which doesnt work on the one we ship with is the ability to create assumed role sessions as theres a check in the client lib for roleduration seconds ill assume more recent sdks delegate duration checks to the far end see assuming later versions will extend assumed role life docs will need changing adding a test in which expects an error message if you ask for a duration of this should act as the test to see what happens think this time would be good to explicitly write down the sdk update process
vscode issue reported at
the storage location of completed checkpoints misses a proper representation because of that there is no place that can handle the deletion of a checkpoint directory or the dropping of a checkpoint specific table current workaround for file systems is for example that every file disposal checks if the parent directory is now empty and deletes it if that is the case that is not only inefficient but prohibitively expensive on some systems like amazon properly representing the storage location for completed checkpoints allows us to add a disposal call for that location that completedcheckpointstoragelocation can also be used to capture external pointers metadata and even allow us to use custom serialization and deserialization of the metadata in the future making the abstraction more extensible by allowing users to introduce new types of state handles
when upgrading from the may release to the june release if a custom logo has been uploaded jira hangs on upgraderepro install may upload a custom studio upgrade to june releasejira hangs on this upgrade main info upgrading plugin comatlassianstudiothemejiranoformatrelevant part of the thread dumpthe problem is that it is trying to retrieve the existing logo via https in order to resize it but studio will not respond to https requests until it is up and running so it waits forever
installer running in console mode doesnt allow user to generate automatic installation script once user gets to the dialogue there is no way out just to terminate the installation process as path validation always fail the issue is a regression against previous releasesactualnoformatwould you like to generate an automatic installation script and properties file yn y select path for the automatic installation script cannot write to path please choose another locationselect path for the automatic installation script homepkremensautoxml cannot write to path please choose another locationselect path for the automatic installation script tmpautoxml cannot write to path please choose another locationnoformatexpectednoformatwould you like to generate an automatic installation script and properties file yn yselect path for the automatic installation script xml written successfullynoformat
i have had the need to change the way that options were escaped i found that in order to change the settings i had to override and cutnpaste the entire method the appendoptionhtml method to make the small fix the change i propose is to refactor the escaping code to another method for easier extension
fixes the newline issue by counting the last row even if it does not have a newline at the end of file but it doesnt fill the row with data if there are partition key columns to materialize this screws up offsets in the tuple and leads later on to a crash this can be easily reproduce by creating a partitioned table load data from a data file without newline at the end then select from table
exception happens when project is dragged over vpe source partcodejavalangillegalargumentexception index out of bounds at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at orgeclipseswtinternalcocoaosobjcmsgsendsupernative method at at at at at at at at orgeclipseswtinternalcocoaosobjcmsgsendsupernative method at at at at at orgeclipseswtinternalcocoaosobjcmsgsendsupernative method at at at orgeclipseswtinternalcocoaosobjcmsgsendnative method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at
seen in our clustering failover tests for remote stateful ejbssetup node cluster one node at the time is shut down gracefullykilled while standalone clients keep calling the application number of clients was lowered from to reduce the log sizedescription the test continues normally for some time minutes then suddenly all the client threads get stuck on invoking remotebeangetserialandincrement and never get a response note we do not specify invocation timeout so its set to its default value we can set it to any value if needededit we cannot see there is extra debugging enabled each ejb client logs these two messages in the beginning of the invocation and after it received a responsecodeinvoking sfsb getserialandincrementresponse acquired serial x delay ycodeyou can see the id number of the ejb client in the log message client logsnippet from client log clients log getserialandincrement but no response comes after edt host response acquired serial delay edt host invoking sfsb edt host response acquired serial delay edt host invoking sfsb edt host response acquired serial delay edt host response acquired serial delay edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host response acquired serial delay edt host invoking sfsb edt host response acquired serial delay edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb edt host invoking sfsb getserialandincrementcodethis is very similar to although there is no obvious connection between cluster topology change and the clients being stuck
i try to build mesos master branch revision with update on windows it failed to build with the following error return cannot convert from error to bool compiling source file error return cannot convert from error to bool compiling source file this issue starts to be reproduce form master branch revision i presume this is a issue in your source code the function inline bool isdir const stdstring path const followsymlink follow followsymlinkneeds a bool type return value but the return value type of errornonfollowing stat not supported for path is not boolin fileinline bool isdir const stdstring path const followsymlink follow followsymlink struct stat s if follow donotfollowsymlink return errornonfollowing stat not supported for path if statpathcstr s return false return sisdirsstmodein fileclass errorpublic explicit errorconst stdstring message messagemessage const stdstring message
followup from the method isshould now only be used from compositereaders reader context to initialize itsself no need to call it from anywhere else
for httplistener httpslistener and modcluster filter in undertow subsystem there are some related attributescode type int description the size of the header table used for hpack compression in bytes this amount of memory will be allocated per connection for compression larger values use more memory but may give better compression expressionsallowed true nillable true unit bytes accesstype readwrite storage configuration restartrequired allservices type int description the flow control window size that controls how quickly the client can send data to the server expressionsallowed true nillable true unit bytes accesstype readwrite storage configuration restartrequired allservices type int description the maximum number of streams that can be active at any time on a single connection expressionsallowed true nillable true accesstype readwrite storage configuration restartrequired allservices type int description the max frame size expressionsallowed true nillable true unit bytes accesstype readwrite storage configuration restartrequired allservices type int description the maximum size of request headers the server is prepared to accept expressionsallowed true nillable true unit bytes accesstype readwrite storage configuration restartrequired allservices codeby default all of these attributes are set as undefined this might be reasonable eg for which in that case might mean that actual maximal value is not restricted anyhow is it actually true but for other attributes this might be misleading for user as he actually does not know what is real default and used value eg for is used in such situation thus i think that we should provide some default values here so user knows what values are usededit also please pay some attention to a maxajppacketsize attribute that is available in ajplistener and modcluster filter there is no default value set here undefined by default although i believe some default is actually used and also no units are specified in resourcedescription for that one bytes i believe should that be
i have noticed that right click does not work sometimes in the idethe sts is based on version of eclipsea restart of ide sometimes fixes the error and sometimes it does not in the latter case i had to restart my machineplease let me know if there are specific files you need from my workspace for error investigation
customers have been increasingly asking for a nice gfsh command that will assess the basic health of their systems to help stave off at the earliest time any issues that might soon impact their clusterssuch a command would greatly increase customer confidence that the system is indeed operating within healthy parameters in addition it could be used by the global support team to greatly decrease the time spent attempting to assess such health issues as we generally take the first minutes attempting to establish such basic health criteria prior to drilling down to some specific issueit is my understanding the most recent hack day produced a small prototype of such a command created by the lynns and others please take this and prioritize this work now that it has some footing i believe the benefits of this command would be very evident both externally becoming a part of customer runbooks and internally for our teams trying to discover root cause of many issuesif you need some emails from customers for this one let me know and i will drive that forwardsuch a toolcommand could be customized based upon what the customer wants to monitor via use of the command this could be configured using properties andor xml ultimately or simply use a basic set of statistics which can be very effective an early indicators of issues impacting the systemcan we take this prototype and drive it forward i believe the benefit of such a command would increase customer confidence greatly
we ship with two xslt libraries xalan and saxon the way that transformerfactory finds an implementation as we ship now is too look for metainfservicesjavaxxmltransformtransformerfactory on the classpath and then use the class listed therein ala serviceloader the problem is that both xalan and saxon ship with a metainfservicesjavaxxmltransformtransformerfactory file which means that the library chosen to implement transformerfactory depends on which of the two files the classloader decides to return first this basically means that the xslt library used in jira is completely dependent on the classloader which in turn is probably dependent on the order that jar files are listed in the file system this is not a good situation to be in
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
clustersclusternamerequests api call to provide user name associated with the request
for some projects maven fails to resolvedownload plugin dependencies whereas maven worked fine could be an aether bug the artifact when resolving in aether has remoterepositories the situation appears to be that it it downloads it from central adds in mavenrepositories asnote this is an internal implementation file its format can be changed without prior noticethu apr nzst then proceeds to only look local only repository which isnt therean example of this problem can be reproduced by building the following project from github just run mvn install with maven it works fine with maven you get the following build failure total time finished at thu apr nzst final memory missing try downloading the file manually from the project website then install it using the command mvn installinstallfile dgroupidorgeasyb dartifactideasybcore dpackagingjar dfilepathtofile alternatively if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there mvn deploydeployfile dgroupidorgeasyb dartifactideasybcore dpackagingjar dfilepathtofile durl drepositoryid path to dependency required artifact is missing for artifact from the specified remote repositories none to see the full stack trace of the errors rerun maven with the e switch rerun maven using the x switch to enable full debug logging for more information about the errors and possible solutions please read the following articles it does this despite the fact that the dependency in question is a on central b in the local repository or c both if you try to install it manually it fails with a message saying that there is already a jar file there
project to upload various open source utility libraries can confirm i own the domain though i have not yet used it for anything i have some previous tickets that can be turned off now since they will be replaced with this new groupid
this is a generic http authentication framework not a servlet authentication framework so should double check the naming is consistent with regards to the http specifications not servlet
the build of karaf has started failing
this covers modularization work on appendix a of the jws http connectors and load balancing guide
steps to create the follow simple application run it actual resultstypeerror error cannot access a property or method of a null object reference at mxpreloaderspreloaderdisplayclasscompletehandler expected resultsapplication loads without a preloader workaround if anyset usepreloadertrue note this was working in flex beta flex builder but is failing with sdk build
seeing following error in recent pr build runscode eslintbridge nodejs process is unresponsive this is most likely caused by process running out of memory consider setting sonarjavascriptnodemaxspace to higher value eg stopping of component orgsonarpluginsjavascripteslinteslintbridgeserverimpl failedjavalangillegalstateexception eslintbridge is unresponsivecodeas a possible solution the sonarjavascriptnodemaxspace property will be set
ocptelco definition of done epic template descriptions and epic goal do not leave payloads behind when syncsets are delete similar to the argo prune why is this important in baremetal where deleting a clusterdeployment leaves the nodes as is anything deployed with a syncset is still running this has security implications and is poor scenarios delete a bare metal cluster acm agent remains and is still trying to talk to the acm hub i delete a bm cluster but the trading application i activated using a syncset is still running i delete a bm cluster but the iam configuration is still in place because the syncset left acceptance criteria ci must be running successfully with tests automated release technical enablement provide necessary release enablement details and documents either delete payload or disable the bm dependencies internal and external bare previous work optional … open questions could we power off the bm cluster on clusterdeployment delete this gives us a similar activity to deleting cloud provider cluster done checklist ci ci is running tests are automated and merged release enablement dev upstream code and tests merged dev upstream documentation merged dev downstream build attached to advisory qe test plans in polarion qe automated tests merged doc downstream documentation merged
after indexing failure od try sample import one one business central pod user can see unexpected error every time someone open and lock asset andor saved asset unlock errors are visible if user open asset on same pod or in different onefor the user working on the pod where unexpected errors are displaying is not possible to work with bc as the user must still ignore exception these exception are displayed even if user is in spaces home page tasks page when i relogin with user to the bc exceptions stops displaying imo this step is not intuitive for users so i see this issue as a blocker
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
we must implement the missing as defined by grammarthat is e
this jira proposes addition of metrics for federation statestore
need annotations to properly reflect properties
for jbide please perform the following tasks make sure your component has no remaining unresolved jiras set for fixversion or unresolved jiras with fixversion check out your existing colororangemastercolor branch code git checkout master code update your colororangemaster branchcolor root pom to use the latest parent pom version code orgjbosstools parent code now your root pom will use parent pom version plugins pomxml pomxmlorig readmemd site tests in your colororangemastercolor branch branch from your existing master branch into a new branch code git checkout master git pull origin master git checkout b git push origin code now your root pom will use parent pom version plugins pomxml pomxmlorig readmemd site tests in your branch too ensure youve built your code using the latest minimum target platform version code mvn clean verify code ensure youve run your tests using the latest maximum target platform version code mvn clean verify code close do not resolve this jira when done if you have any outstanding new noteworthy jiras to do please complete them next search for all task jira or search for integrationtests task jira
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report paneli added an image to a question then i went to add an image effect to the question and it didnt get applied we should remove this setting if were not going to support it
the javadoc portion is not getting builtupdated in the correct location
instructions can be found here
pme benchmark drop on server nodes join
when i run the jpa blueprint example it works fine at the start but after minutes i see the exception belowwhen the blueprint context is created the future for the timeout of dependencies is canceledin aries jpa i use a componentdefinitionregistryprocessor to scan for the persistencecontext annoations and register a service reference for these i think that this triggersthe future for the timeout of such dependencies again if this processor is called after the future is canceled above then the future will not be canceled anymore so after the timeout it willtrigger and stop the blueprintcontainer even if all dependencies are satisfied nowthis is the code that is executed after the timeoutit matches the exception and explains why there are no unresolved dependenciesi would be happy about feedback from anyone with deeper blueprint knowledge is what i do there in aries jpa incorrect if yes then we need a new aries jpa release though i am not sure how to better address the problemif it is correct then we need to fix this in blueprint corea simple fixworkaround would be to check if there are no unresolved dependencies when the future times out and not stop the container in this case a better fix would cancel the future as soon as all dependencies are error rint extender blueprintcontainerimpl orgapacheariesblueprintcore unable to start blueprint container for bundle due to unresolved dependencies javautilconcurrenttimeoutexception at at at at at at at at at
as far as i can tell theres no documented way to reset the admin password with the keycloak operator at the moment if the password gets lost the admin account becomes inaccessible is there currently a way to reset the admin password thats just not documented if so just adding it to the documentation would be fine otherwise adding a way to reset the admin password would be helpful in the worst case that the password gets lost
the following tests
while starting jboss as it unpacks all jar files which are located in webinflib folder of each my war file it means that in tmp folder mostly i see folder with jar file and folder with its content eg jackrabbitserverwar contains library then in tmp folder i see the following folders with when i repack jackrabbitserverwar to jackrabbitserverear which contains jackrabbitserverwar and moved all its libraries to jackrabbitserverearlib then i still see two folders in in this case last folder is empty so it still creates two folders but does not unpack my library also i use exploded deployment so the question is only about jar files not unpacking earwarthe problem is that it slows down application server booting when i repack all my war files as ear and moved war libraries to earlib folder then i save minutes at jboss booting if it is done deliberately so it improves some performance at runtime then would be nice to have a configuration option so during development i can save time to boot my local jboss as
api package has a number of things which are never used extraneous code to handle import cycles can now be removed in several areas extraneous json functions in the crypto package
modules of the same name but with different contents exist in the brms and bpms layers distribution kieeapintegrationbpmsbpmslayerzip kieeapintegrationbrmsbrmslayerzipthe modules in question are modulessystemlayersbmscomopensymphonyquartzmain modulessystemlayersbmsorgapachecommonsloggingmain modulessystemlayersbmsorgdroolsmain modulessystemlayersbmsorgjbpmmain modulessystemlayersbmsorgkielibmain modulessystemlayersbmsorgkiemainhaving the same module same name but with different contents has the potential to create confusion when layering because the brms versions on the modules could be added to the fsw platform which contains the bpms modulesmodules in both products which have the same name should have the same contents
remove idmanager static cover from profileimagelogic
i create this kind of tablecreate external table if not exists logdate bigint servicekey string userid string usercountry stringpartitioned by year smallint month tinyintstored as parquetafterwards i import data from hiveset hiveexecdynamicpartitiontrueset hiveexecdynamicpartitionmodenonstrictadd jar overwrite table partitionyear month select from i run queries select countdistincttuserid from t where tservicekey mykey and and select countdistincttuserid from t where tservicekey mykey and and countdistinct tuserid returned rows in select countdistincttuserid from t where tservicekey mykey and and select countdistincttuserid from t where tservicekey mykey and and countdistinct tuserid as you can see i run the very same query but i get different results do you have any idea what might be wrongthank you
i tried to set javalibrarypath for my tests to use an native windows dll in my case jawindll id tried to do this the following way basedirsrcmainruntimelibi also tried to use the older with projectbuilddirectorylib as base with copied libs of cause with an absolute path and with different fork modes but nothing workedthe only way to get it going was to use djavalibrarypathbasedirsrcmainruntimelib
we should auto mount devconsole into containers when tty is requested because that is the expected behavior
a user is reporting difficulties installing crw on openshift dedicated as described in the documentation at the version of openshift dedicated is has tried also on a different instance of openshift dedicated the failure is replicatedmost recent failure symptom the operator starts postgres starts keycloak does not start and the installation fails after we have no log entries to hint at the reason keycloak does not start
exception paths not testedgettopicmetadata not tested
for jbide ensure all commits pushed to have either been made in master or are intentionally excluded from master below are listed all commits made to that have not been found in master it is possible these commits do exist in master but the patches are not identical it is also possible that the commits made in are not relevant to master or should not be applied if there are no commits listed below please close do not resolve this issue otherwise click on each link below evaluate whether the given commit should be in master if it should be in master please find out why it is not in master you may need to browse masters commit log to find a commit that should match if you cannot find a matching commit and it should be committed to master please cherrypick that commit to master or otherwise merge it in in comments please indicate any suspicious commits ie commits not related to simple version changes whether it exists in master whether you have successfully merged it in now or whether it is not intended to be committed to master or is inappropriate for master when all complete please close do not resolve this issue folder jbosstoolsdiscovery at searching for commits present in and missing from master commit hash is the last common ancestor of and master is commits ago in branch master is commits ago in branch commits missing from master that are in search for all task jira or search for discovery task jira
we have started to provide archives of past ga releases on the website under folders named for the version we could start creating the versioned folders upfront and then redirecting from to and so forthif we want to do that then we should setup physical folders for and and setup the appropriate redirects for and to the latest versions then once each version rolls we could create the and folders and update the redirectsin this way people could link to or and be directed to the site for the latest working milestone in the each minor series we could also create redirects for and to link to the lastest ga milestoren for each major release series one issue to consider is what do we do if a version does not go ga if we had been doing this all along then we would have created a website folder for would we have kept around once we decided it was a permanent alpha or do we delete folders for versions that we know are not going gaif we are careful to constrain the references to a specific version of the website it would be possible to remove beta release sites so that we only retain the ga sites over timefor background see
in testverifiableproducerpy we used to see this error message in verifiableproducerlog when a topic couldnt be created warn error while fetching metadata with correlation id testtopicleadernotavailable orgapachekafkaclientsnetworkclient the test does a grep leadernotavailable on the log in this case and it used to pass now we are instead seeing this in the log file warn error while fetching metadata with correlation id testtopicinvalidreplicationfactor orgapachekafkaclientsnetworkclient and of course now the test fails the invalidreplicationfactor is coming from the new auto topic creation manager it is a simple matter to make the test pass i have confirmed that it passes if we grep for invalidreplicationfactor in the log file instead of leadernotavailable i think we just need to decide if this change in behavior is acceptable or not
qpushbuttons are restyled when undocking a custom widget from mainwindowsteps to run attached undock custom widget from qmainwindowexpected behaviorqpushbutton styles doesnt changeactual behaviorqpushbutton style do change when custom widget is undocked from the qmainwindow
a bit confusing nocode tmp groovyc husage groovyc options classpath specify where to find the class files must be first argument cpclasspath aliases for classpath d specify where to place generated class files eexception print stack trace on error encoding specify the encoding of the user class files f passed to javac for joint compilation hhelp print a synopsis of standard options indy enables compilation using invokedynamic jjointcompilation attach javac compiler to compile java files j namevalue pairs to pass to javac sourcepath specify where to find the source files temp specify temporary directory vversion print the version tmp groovy helpusage groovy options aautosplit split lines using splitpattern default s using implicit split variable cencoding specify the encoding of the files classpath specify where to find the class files must be first argument cpclasspath aliases for classpath ddefine define a system property ddebug debug mode will print out full stack traces disableopt disables one or all optimization elements optlist can be a comma separated list with the elements all disables all optimizations int disable any int based optimizations e specify a command line script hhelp usage information i modify files in place create backup if extension is given eg bak indy enables compilation using invokedynamic l listen on a port and process inbound lines default n process files line by line using implicit line variable p process files line by line and print result see also n vversion display the groovy and jvm versionscode
in the handling of interrupts during hflushclose was changed to preserve interrupt status this ends up creating an infinite loop in waitforackedseqno if the waiting thread gets interrupted since objectwait has a strange semantic that it doesnt give up the lock even momentarily if the thread is already in interrupted state at the beginning of the callwe should decide what the correct behavior is here if a thread is interrupted while its calling hflush or close should we a throw an exception perhaps interruptedioexception b ignore or c wait for the flush to finish but preserve interrupt status on exit
hello experts we are testing daos with roce today and having problem here is network configuration noformat ip a lo mtu qdisc noqueue state unknown group default qlen linkloopback brd inet scope host lo validlft forever preferredlft forever mtu qdisc noop state down group default qlen linkether brd ffffffff mtu qdisc noop state down group default qlen linkether brd ffffffff mtu qdisc mq state up group default qlen linkether brd ffffffff mtu qdisc mq state up group default qlen linkether brd ffffffff mtu qdisc mq state up group default qlen linkether brd ffffffff inet brd scope global validlft forever preferredlft forever mtu qdisc noop state down group default qlen linkether brd ffffffff mtu qdisc noqueue state up group default qlen linkether brd ffffffff inet brd scope global validlft forever preferredlft forever mtu qdisc noqueue state up group default qlen linkether brd ffffffff inet brd scope global validlft forever preferredlft forever noformat but then daos will only recognize the base interface not the vlan tagged interface noformat daosserver network scan scanning fabric for all providers fabric scan found devices matching the provider spec all fabriciface provider ofiverbsofirxm pinnednumanode fabriciface provider ofiverbsofirxm pinnednumanode noformat and if i try to use the vlan tagged interface daos will immediately not recognize the interface noformat validateproviderconfig device provider ofiverbsofirxm returned error device does not support provider ofiverbsofirxm noformat also ben allen doing a quick take a look on netdetectgo and here is his comment so a quick scan of netdetectgo they’re using hwloc to scan for interfaces hwlocls only shows the base interface name associated with for example edited so it makes sense why its failing when you specify but if there’s other code using the same setting to find the ip addr its supposed to use then yea we have a conundrum edited whats annoying is could be named anything so you can’t just pattern match and take the substring
steps to reproduce upload a module to the same site twice notice the one gets appended with in the package list configure the one to send grades to the gradebook observe the gradebook item is created configure the one to send grades to the gradebook observe the operation appears as thought it was successful no error message but the gradebook item was not created during the wicket upgrade i changed how this worked but made a false assumption that it was using the scorm modules top level title as the gradebook item name however because each scorm module can have multiple chapters or sections and each one can have its own gradebook item my assumption has the following problems there is an exception being thrown that tells them to alter the main title it isnt being shown because of a logic error even if it was shown it would tell them to alter the title which has zero effect on what the gradebook item name is its taken from the chaptersection name not the scorm modules title the individual chaptersection names are not user editable they are hard coded in the module itself so instead of catching this exception and reporting it to the user we have to do what it was originally doing just append some number to make the gradebook item name unique
there was tsseleniumdefaulttimeout constant removed in eclipse che typescript tests it have to be reflected in crw tests tsseleniumdefaulttimeout could be replaced with another constant from the list