theres a few places in our code which could benefit from additional validation of arguments and configuration by using the builtin guava predicates this makes some checks that were doing a bit more readable and enables us to do more expressive validation checksspecifically i see room for improvement in our propertytype validators which currently do very limited regex validation and to a lesser degree oaacoreutilvalidatori intend to replace these with proper predicates to determine their validity
currently there is no way to configure the operators added against given relational tree from external file eg propertiesxml etcthere should be a way to configure the added operators externally
when deleting project for the first time i get an error popup with following detailscodeuncaught exception cdi event exception commandtypecdievent beantypeorgguvnorstructurerepositoriesrepositoryremovedevent tosubjectcdieventorgguvnorstructurerepositoriesrepositoryremovedevent sent to caused by an error occurred while invoking getelement this interface should only be extended by templated beans and cannot be invoked before a bean is in service caused by there is no widget mapped to the orgkieworkbenchcommonscreenslibraryclientscreenspopulatedlibraryview bean for the first time only subsequent deletions work without the error
when basic authentication is enabled on hadoop web services apexcli fails to connect with the errors shown below this is because basic auth is not currently supported add this supporterror authentication scheme basic not xxxxxxx warn comdatatorrentstramclientstramagent caught exception when retrieving web service info for app applicationxxxxorgcodehausjettisonjsonjsonexception a jsonobject text must begin with at character of error authentication requiredhttp error accessing proxyapplicationxxxxxws reason authentication requiredpowered by jetty
website generation has been failing since feb code checking out files done usage grep pattern try grep help for more information pushed is is not yet mentioned in the hbasesite commit log assuming we dont have it yet building hbase java hotspottm server vm warning ignoring option support was removed in java hotspottm server vm warning ignoring option support was removed in failure mvn clean site build step execute shell marked build as failure code the status email says code build status still failing the hbase website has not been updated to incorporate hbase commit currenthbasecommit code looking at the code where that grep happens it looks like the env variable currenthbasecommit isnt getting set that comes from some git command im guessing the version of git changed on the build hosts and upended our assumptions we should fix this to rely on gits porcelain interface and fail as soon as that git command fails
skye can you take a first look at this feel free to reassignseeand many other failed querytesttestnestedtypespytesttpch failures testnestedtypestesttpch python in selfruntestcasequerytestnestedtypestpch in assert expectedstr in e assert memory limit exceedednfailed to allocate buffer for collection tpchnestedparquetcustomercordersitemolineitems in impalabeeswaxexceptionn query abortednmemory limit exceedednnnnmemory limit the following tables are missing relevant table andor column e where impalabeeswaxexceptionn query abortednmemory limit exceedednnnnmemory limit the following tables are missing relevant table andor column statisticsntpchnestedparquetcustomern captured stderr call codelooks like this query is now executing against set executing against select maxcnt from customer select countlreturnflag cnt from ccordersolineitems vcode
starting this out pretty broad as it can cover a lot some ideas normal introreadme type stuff user guide how to run in standalonedistributed mode connectortasks concepts and what they mean in practice fault tolerance offsets rest interface copycat as a service etc dev guide connectorspartitionsrecordsoffsetstasks all the apis specific examples for implementing apis resuming from previous offsets dynamic sets of partitions how to work with the runtime data api etc system design more why we ended up on the design we did comparisons to other systems w low level details
during soap transmission adbs beans are serialized if a namespace prefix is already used a new one is generated with this methodprivate javalangstring registerprefix while xmlwritergetnamespacecontextgetnamespaceuriprefix null prefix createprefix private javalangstring createprefix return ns intmathrandom it will always return because mathrandom return a value betwen should be fixed imho
when trying to open any jsp file classcastexception occurs
need to switch jstjsdt to the latest tested tern it contains the important fixes required for added iternnaturecapability interfacereasonjbosstoolsjst is going to provide integration between tornjava and jsdt tornjava is going to be used to improve javascript supportlicense and owner root license is epl owner is angelo zerr core orgjsonsimple epl included into tornfeature below apache license see orgmozillajavascript libjsjar mozilla public license version see terncore epl included into ternfeature below ternservernodejs epl included into ternservernodejsfeature below ternservernodejsnodemodulesternlicense nodemodulesacornlicense nodemodulescodemirrorlicense nodemodulesgloblicense nodemodulesinheritslicense nodemodulesminimatchlicense nodemoduleslrucachelicense nodemodulessigmundlicense nodemodulestypescriptlicense apache license v terneclipseideservernodejsui epl included into ternservernodejsfeature below eclipse terneclipseidecore epl included into ternfeature below terneclipseidejsdt epl included into ternjsdtfeature below terneclipseideservernodejscore epl included into ternservernodejsfeature below terneclipseideservernodejsui epl included into ternservernodejsfeature below supposed to be epl but it is not included anywhere yet has several license files inside download license libnodemodulesnpmlicense the artistic license libnodemodulesnpmnodemoduleslicense epl included into below has several license files inside download license libnodemodulesnpmlicense the artistic license libnodemodulesnpmnodemoduleslicense epl included into below has several license files inside download license libnodemodulesnpm the artistic license libnodemodulesnpmnodemoduleslicense epl include into below has no license files inside download see for licensing information for nodeexe epl include into below has no license files inside download see for licensing information for nodeexe terneclipseidetoolscore epl included into terneclipseidetoolsfeature below terneclipseidetoolsui epl included into terneclipseidetoolsfeature below terneclipseideui epl included into ternfeature below terneclipse epl included into ternfeature below updatesite ternfeature epl see licenshttml ternjsdtfeature epl see licenshttml ternservernodejsfeature epl see licenshttml terneclipseidetoolsfeature epl see plicensehtml epl see licensehtml epl see licensehtml epl see licensehtmloriginal repojboss mirrorsourcesaffected projects jbosstoolsjst jbosstoolsaerogear include in jbdsnotype of dependencydistributionlist of bundles addedremovedtbd need to update pr to use features
steps to run the attached swf or compile and run the attached mxml file actual resultsrtetypeerror error cannot access a property or method of a null object reference at sparkcomponentssupportclassesgridlayoutupdatedisplaylist at sparkcomponentssupportclassesgroupbaseupdatedisplaylist at sparkcomponentsgroupupdatedisplaylist at sparkcomponentsgridupdatedisplaylist at mxcoreuicomponentvalidatedisplaylist at mxmanagerslayoutmanagervalidatedisplaylist at mxmanagerslayoutmanagerdophasedinstantiation at mxmanagerslayoutmanagerdophasedinstantiationcallback expected resultsno rte workaround if any
the testnumericbigdecimalbigdecimal and testdecimalbigdecimalbigdecimal test cases in ansisignaturestest raise overflow errors when run in clientserver mode
the mbox archiver does not appear to be subscribed to the announceapacheconcom mailing list i assume it should be if so i can fix that
noformatnopaneltruethis issue was posted here beforehi subversion teamweve got a strange error when we do a svn log the log output interrupts after a certain revision with the error message svn report von repossvn​​ilename oka log query done locally on the server by svn log filepathtosvn​repostrunkpathfil​enameworks perfectly and shows that the log message for the next revisionthe first which is not shown contains a character the smallgerman uumlaut ü this happens for at least diffrent filessvnssh requests also worked without problems whereas http protocol hasthe same problemthe same is happening under both windows and linuxthe repsoitory is a converted onesvnsshbestdanielnoformatoriginal issue reported by bigtrodat
invokehttp and posthttp make use of the mimetype attribute while this is in documentation it is not as apparent to the user and kind of applied behind the scenes what would be nice is to have a property that brings this to the forefront in the processor configuration and shows that this is mapped to the el mimetype
currently the new jsonb provider coming from is not enabled by default on server side its module is not added as a dependency by default to the user deployments on client side the maven dependency has to be explicitly declared and currently we do that in the testsuite module but then the artifact is excluded at surefire plugin level for almost all tests we should evaluate if it makes sense to enable the new provider by default in doing that we need to consider testsuite regressions possibly revealing backward compatibility issues we could possibly evaluate adding a configuration option for controlling the jsonb enablement by default tck requirements
the event paxexam tests sometimes hang for me locally with timeouts to alleviate the problem all tests should use timeouts
renamed fsconstants which we believed to be a private class but currently the public apis for safemode and datanode reports depend on constants in fsconstants this is breaking hbase builds against this jira is to provide a backwardcompatibility route
i started my ondemand instance bug even though there is an application link between jira and bamboo there is no gadgets display i then added an application link to another jira server the gadgets display i added a gadget to my dashboard i restarted jira bug after the restart all the bamboo gadgets are gone again
quay currently requires a python library called resumablehashlib this library is no longer maintained and would be nontrivial to update and use with python previous investigations a potential alternative was identified rehashthe purpose of this story is to replace resumablehashlib with an alternative or update resumablehashlib so that it can be used on python
is missing msvc debugging tools which are present at least in branch i dont have log for branch available now note in has the tools apparently since our debugger tests work there now but not in
for jbide please perform the following tasks check out your existing branch code git checkout code update your branchcolor root pom to use the latest parent pom version code orgjbosstools parent code now your root pom will use parent pom version in your branch ensure that component featuresplugins have been properly upversioned eg from to code mvn dtychomodemaven code ensure youve built your code using the latest minimum target platform version code mvn clean verify code ensure youve run your tests using the latest maximum target platform version code mvn clean verify code close do not resolve this jira when done if you have any outstanding new noteworthy jiras to do please complete them next search for all task jira or search for hibernate task jira
mockups for the screens are available at the following link it is possible to inspect the mockup for detailed css styling click the handoff button on the bottom left of the screen to enable the feature design notes the page has been broken down into two sections one dedicated to updating user data the other dedicated to changing user password two tabs are displayed at the page header level user data change passworduser data the following input fields are mandatory username email inline validation errors will be displayed as soon as an error is detected eg onblur for the mandatory input fields clicking on the submit button will display a modal asking the user to confirm the action by adding their current password the current password input field in the modal is mandatory will feature an icon button to display the entered text the submit button will be disabled by default and will only be enabled after some text has been entered in the input fieldchange password all input fields are mandatory all input fields will feature an icon button to display the entered text the submit button will be disabled by default and will only be enabled after some text has been entered in both input fields
our current implementation of adminaddpeer only connects with the peer at wire level but doesnt add it to the peer table when we advertise nodes in discovery we advertise peers from our peer table if the peer is not added to the peer table it might never be discovered by other peers in the network done criteria investigate how adminaddpeer should behave implement the change if needed raise docs ji if changes are needed
hellois there spanish models for opennlp for your helpregards
create legacy naming extension for eap akin to what we had for eap so eap clients can do jndi lookups against eap server
i just noticed that sometimes im unable to select filters from the plugin i run multiple intellij frames as the same time i included a screen shot where i could not see any filters in one frame but working fine an another
was trying to test im unable to post the assignment after adding a model answer the page just refreshes and stays in edit mode
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
all programs are failing to link due to an unsat on pthreadonce referenced from the library onceogmake entering directory builddirexamplescc c itopdirincludeansi dreentrant itopdirinclude ibuilddirinclude itopdirexamplesinclude o ansiw topdirexamplesmanualaccumulatecppcc accumulateo o accumulate langstdoff lpthread lbuilddirlib lstd lm c prelinker accumulateo cc c itopdirincludeansi dreentrant itopdirinclude ibuilddirinclude itopdirexamplesinclude o ansiw topdirexamplesmanualaccumulatecpp c prelinker accumulateo cc c itopdirincludeansi dreentrant itopdirinclude ibuilddirinclude itopdirexamplesinclude o ansiw error unresolved text symbol pthreadonce referenced by builddirliblibstdaonceo use linker option v to see when and which objects archives and dsos are loaded info output file removed because of errorgmake error
hi we are using own jgroups configuration in a messagingsubsystem when we use jgroupsstackudp in broadcastgroup and discoverygroup then deployments which use a ra to create connection will trigger error in the jgroups to avoid this errors we have to use the default undefined jgroupsstack or use a value ee the value ee doesnt make any sense from our point of view since there is no jgroups stack with such a namecustomer impact this will cause config compatibility issues between eap and error serverservice thread pool failed to start service orgwildflyclusteringjgroupschannelee orgjbossmscservicestartexception in service orgwildflyclusteringjgroupschannelee javalangexception failed to open a port in range at at at source at at at at caused by javalangexception failed to open a port in range at at at at at at at at at morecode
update envoyproxy to istio
we use modecluster together with a cluster of tomcat containers each container might have multiple versions of the same app deployed using the parallel deloyment of tomcat together with automatic undeployment of old versions now consider the usecasenew version of existing app is deployed to tomcatold app loses all the active sessionsthe old app is undeployedmodcluster removes the corresponding context even though there is still one existing the new version
like the summary says ive encountered and tracked down a bug that prevents dependency exclusions from being honored by plugins when the dependency with the exclusions has a classifier this seems to only occur or surface in multimodule buildsfor example i have a multimodule project structured as followsnoformatmyprojparent myproja myprojbnoformatif myproja produces a classified artifact say an obfuscated jar via proguard and myprojb has it as a dependency with exclusions those exclusions will not be honored by plugins run in myprojb say the webstart plugini think ive tracked the problem down to the replacewithactiveartifact method of orgapachemavenprojectmavenproject specifically see lines through the following if clause does not account for artifacts with classifiersnoformatif refgetartifact null refgetartifactgetdependencyconflictidequals pluginartifactgetdependencyconflictid noformatbecause the classified pluginartifact does not match the main artifact of ref the artifact is not resolved from the currently building projects dependencies as the method continues it is instead resolved with myprojas standard metadata which of course dont include the exclusions in myprojbive marked this bug a blocker because i cant think of a way around it and its badly polluting one of my projects builds due to it a webstart build that only needs artifacts has over i have not yet tried to reproduce it in maven because our company likely wont be moving to it for a couple of months
whatthe protocol used to create the route and call the request cannot be whyit can be http andor https
scenarionoformat noformatall senders and receivers are using the same address which is configured to be balanced when both senders are operating eventually one or both of the sending links will fail due to a sequence errornoformat errorsequencing error expected deliveryid got occurs when one delivery results in a fanout of zero and is placed on the incoming links undelivered list
the table idcontentsofdeploydirectorycontentsofdeploydirectory has gotten very long and it does not fit on a single page but the pdf generation is not trying to split this table into multiple pages the result is that the majority of the entries cannot be seen see the attached image for an example
use casenoformat subsystemmessaginghornetqserverdefaultconnectionfactoryremoteconnectionfactoryundefineattributenameconnector outcome failed failuredescription operation handler failed runtime handling for connector is not implemented rolledback truenoformatand the server outputs the error managementhandlerthread operation undefineattribute failed address subsystem messaging hornetqserver default connectionfactory remoteconnectionfactory javalangunsupportedoperationexception runtime handling for connector is not implemented at at at at noformatthe operation should fail but for another reason we must check whether the discoverygroupname attribute which is an alternative to the connector is defined on the model if it is not its an error to undefine the connectorhowever the code in connectionfactorywriteattributehandler must also be updated to prevent updating an attribute that has no corresponding field in the connectionfactorycontrol interface
as we can currently see on our jenkinsthere is a dependency problem with the repository and repoinitwhen the repository is started there is no repositoryinitializerservice and the repository starts up fine when therepositoryinitializer arrives later it is completely ignoredim not sure how to fix this easiest fix would be to make arepositoryinitializer required but then this would mean only one ofthem is required
show a separate popup listneed a persistence layerwe are only talking about recent history in ideapopup is no big deal
this task is to revisit the configurations to make sps service modes internalexternalnone internal represents sps service will be running with nn external represents sps service will be running outside nn none represents the sps service is completely disabled and zero cost to the system proposed configuration dfsstoragepolicysatisfiermode item in hdfssitexml file and value will be string the mode can be changed via reconfig command
updates the shaded google guava library see it has not been possible for a couple of versions
the table of contents link is displaying during the instructor preview it looks like this link might have been considered to be disabled in the delivery in it should be consistent but the problem is that this bar still has the show feedback on further review it looks like this is more of a recent break from where navintratool fontsize was changed to which is effectively hiding this bar
the xo transaction processors handler uses several bare except statements which could be replaced with except valueerror
presently scan queries over local partitions are not executed optimally if to run a scan query over a specific partition by setting querysetpartition parameter and or querysetlocaltrue and start iterating over entries we will see that the thread that iterates over the data waits for some event to happenin fact the thread waits while a system pools thread prepares an iterator with entries for it and only after that iterates over the returned result set the flow looks this way gridcachelocalqueryfuture is created when querycursoriteratornext is called from the app thread the thread above gridcachelocalqueryfutureexecute methods puts closure that will prepare content for the iterator in the system pool a system thread execute gridcachequerymanagerrunquery reading all the entries from partition and passing them back to the thread at line by calling onpageready methodthe other bottleneck is that a system thread gets all the entries and passes them to the thread which will lead to more garbaged java heap especially if cache is offheaptiredrun attached test scanquerystuff and you will see with visual vm that most of the time the test spends executing the code from system threadsfinally what have to be done if scanquery is supposed to be executed locally setpartition refers to local partition or setlocal is set to true then the calling application thread has to iterate over the data avoiding usage of the system pool internal code mustnt read all entries from a partition initially the iterator has to get one entry next after another this will be a memory backpressure mechanism especially for offheaptiredmy assumption is that the fixed version has to work in a similar way to iteration over local entries cachelocalentriescachepeekmodeprimary run attached localiteratorstuff to see with visual vm that the application thread is fully utilized and system threads are idle
with committed there are a bunch of things that need to get done to make it more digestable for those outside of the asf documentation pylint make a default token saner defaults authentication
codelanguagesqlcreate table if not exists a integer create table if not exists b integer string insert overwrite a values insert overwrite b values foo bar select from a left join b on and select from a left join b on where codeproduces codequery select from a left join b on and foo null null null null query select from a left join b on where foo codebut the results should be equal
hi search component is throwing incorrect error while running below query on sample datahttp error are valid for single valued numeric values not pricehere price is single valued float type i also tried to change type to pfloat but it gave error on parsedouble methodthis is run using solr nightly build check and let me know if i am missing something herethanks regardssumit
if you invoke a sessionbean in a jbpm action jbpm and the sessionbean run in the same jta transaction a exception occursthen the transaction is marked for rollback from the ejbcontainer when the exception occurs in the sessionbeannow jbpm wants to handle the exception see when an exception occurs in a delegation class the process element parent hierarchy is serached for an appropriate exceptionhandler when it is found the actions of the exceptionhandler are executedbut becaue the transaction is already marked for rollback a call to hibernate lazy loading results in a info error performing load commandorghibernateexceptiongenericjdbcexception cannot open connection at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
new service deployment breaks if there is an existing matching ldap user as ambari tries to usermod which only works on local users it does not find the ldap user in local etcpasswdcodeusermod user blah does not exist in etcpasswdcodethere needs to be some provision for reusing existing ldap users needed for a nontrivial kerberos deployment with many end users but what to do about usergroup modifications in such an environment is not clear perhaps ambari should have a tick box for ldap and export a csv that we can script to ensure the users and group service accounts are set up correctly in the ldap directory before proceeding similar to the kerberos principals csvalternatively ambari could just go ahead and create and modify local users and groups but set their uidsgids to be the same as the ldap counterparts so everything lines up although if adjusting existing local usersgroups this could orphan files this is probably not a technically pristine thing to do although weve all made it work properly before on various clusters so i know it does work if youre careful to find and reown any orphaned files im not sure i can recommend this for an automated solution just due to the search time for orphaned fileshere is an example of a service deployment error that seems to be too commoncodestderr error while executing command anytraceback most recent call last file line in execute methodenv file line in hook setupusers file line in setupusers ignorefailures paramsignoregroupsuserscreate file line in init selfenvrun file line in run selfrunactionresource action file line in runaction provideraction file line in actioncreate shellcheckedcallcommand sudotrue file line in inner return functioncommand kwargs file line in checkedcall return callcommand logoutput true cwd env preexecfn user waitforfinish timeout path sudo onnewline file line in call raise failerrmsgfail execution of usermod g hadoop g hadoop spark returned usermod user spark does not exist in etcpasswderror error unable to run the custom hook script ugroup ignorefailures modifying group ugroup ignorefailures modifying group ugroup ignorefailures adding group uuser gid hadoop ignorefailures false groups modifying user uuser gid hadoop ignorefailures false groups modifying user uuser gid hadoop ignorefailures false groups modifying user uuser gid hadoop ignorefailures false groups modifying user uuser gid hadoop ignorefailures false groups modifying user error while executing command anytraceback most recent call last file line in execute methodenv file line in hook setupusers file line in setupusers ignorefailures paramsignoregroupsuserscreate file line in init selfenvrun file line in run selfrunactionresource action file line in runaction provideraction file line in actioncreate shellcheckedcallcommand sudotrue file line in inner return functioncommand kwargs file line in checkedcall return callcommand logoutput true cwd env preexecfn user waitforfinish timeout path sudo onnewline file line in call raise failerrmsgfail execution of usermod g hadoop g hadoop spark returned usermod user spark does not exist in etcpasswderror error unable to run the custom hook script codehari sekhon
blackberryconfigurationmtargetname blackberryconfigurationtargetname members they should not be used anywhere since they contain obsoletemisleading information instead use displayname ndkpath version functions
karaf version i want to change the sshhost parameter from to xxxxxxxxxxxx ie server ip address editing the filethen restart the karaf instance configedit orgapachekarafshellconfigpropset sshhost after the restart instance is not coming uprevert the value to in config file orgapachekarafshellcfg then its working finenow my question is we can edit the config file and the set the ip address will work in karaf version or not i found some fixes in your website its little related to my questionexistingtcp listenexpectation i want to the change the sshhost from to listeni want to bind my karaf instance to the specific ip addressi have ethernet interfaces i want to set the karaf instance has to use the particular ethernetis there any possiblilty to make it possible in karaf version itselfone more question is this sshhost parameter is already available in config fileorgapachekarafshellcfg then why editing this file with the ip address and restarting the karaf instance is not working thanks in advance
clicking on the rss feed icon in all plans code internal server error go to site homepage a system error has occurred our apologies please create a problem report on our support system at with the following information a description of your problem and what you were doing at the time it occurred cut paste the error and system information found below attach the atlassianbamboolog log file found in your application home we will respond as promptly as possible thank you version build build date nov systemerrorrequestinformation request url scheme http server panda port uri bamboorsscreateallbuildsrssfeedaction context path bamboo servlet path rsscreateallbuildsrssfeedaction path info query string feedtyperssallosauthtypebasic stack trace javalangclasscastexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code
if process is scheduled using falcon native scheduler some instances are not getting scheduled as jobcompletionservice is failing concurrent modification exception noformatjavautilconcurrentmodificationexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
the operator should immediately revert any changes to control plane components unless those components are marked as being managed manually as described in
nettyservelet transport stalls jms connections leaving remote jms clients in stalelimbo state if a client idles for a period of time
description of problemtest taskquerybuilderlocaltesttestgettasksbyvariousfieldswithusergroupcallback which is located in module jbpmhumantask fails when executed on supported production db systems exception thrown on oracle is here when tested with hibernateshowsqltrue property it fails on this sql statement the problem is related to group by expression all columns should be in this case part of group by expression or as mriet noted distinct should be used instead problematic method that adds group by clause is taskquerycriteriautilgrouptaskidwhenlefouterjoinspresent versionrelease number of selected component if applicable reproducibleexecute taskquerybuilderlocaltesttestgettasksbyvariousfieldswithusergroupcallback on one of supported production database systems
lets fix javadoc styles regarding the policy startpoint is to remove modules from excludes noformat checkrulescheckstyledisabledmodulesxml noformat and run codejava mvn clean checkstylecheckstyleaggregate p javadocpublicapi code
when creating aws backup integreately backup container fails with the following errorcodeserver version debian pgdumpall version aborting because of server version mismatchcodeit seems we probably need to support multiple version in the backup container
check screenshot when hovering over a jira key which is in lower case the description of the corresponding jira issue is not found while if you hover over the same jira key which is in upper case the description is found would it be possible to make the lookup of the jira issue caseinsensitive
in jconsole some of the operation under jbossassubsystemmessagingactivemqserverdefault are grey and cannot be invoked for example addconnectionfactorysteps to reproduce start eap in standalonefullhaxml start jconsole and connect to running eap instance serviceremote click on mbean panel and go to jbossassubsystemmessagingactivemqserverdefault
need to update the doc to mention views created in flink cannot be queires in hive alter view is not supported in sql client
i found the following logging issues tostring invocationcodeloggertracein anon value from data object datatostringcode string concatenationcodeloggertracetext value is textcode hard work in logging without level checkcodeif loggerisinfoenabled hard workcode
thin clients now can establish connections with multiple servers simultaneously it is implemented this way to make partition awareness work or for fast failover if partition awareness is not used however sometimes it can create excessive load for cluster in use cases when there are a lot of thin clients we should give user a possibility to limit maximum number of active connections established by a client
when a query contains timestamp operations like dayofmonth dayofweek and these are executed when some cells contain null or missing field mongodb throws an exception this exception is not handled by teiid in any way and will fail the whole vdb querynoformatremote commongodbcommandfailureexception serverused ok errmsg cant convert from bson type null to date code codename teiid could work around this somehow so that the vdb query will not fail and affected cells will contain null in the resultfor example this mongo aggregation pipeline which extracts hours from timestampsnoformatdbcollectionaggregate project hour hour datevalue noformatcould be transformed to thisnoformatdbcollectionaggregate project hour cond or eq eq null hour datevalue noformatafter this transformation the hour field will be null as expected for documents where datevalue is null or missing completely
for generic publishing under my domain
replica fetcher thread fails with messagesizetoolarge exception one theory is that this check is happening before decompress assign offsets compress phase hence the final compressed size can be different from that obtained from the produce request this causes replica fetcher thread to be permanently down and prevents the broker from being in error error due tokafkacommonmessagesizetoolargeexception message size is bytes which exceeds the maximum configured message size of at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
hello i have problems with creating an issue on jrjc version here is a sample code codejava public void createissuejirarestclient client list newissuedata throws ioexception issueinputbuilder builder new issueinputbuilderprojectkey bugtypeid final issueinput buildersetphonenumssbuild issueinput input fieldinput pole inputgetfieldsummary string wartoscpola polegetvaluetostring systemoutprintlntworzę zgłoszenie wartoscpola try create issue issuerestclient issueclient clientgetissueclient basicissue issue issueclientcreateissueinputclaim clientgetissueclientgetissueissuegetkey post we can delete issue to reduce clutter finally code i believe i pass every parameters just ok i even tried to print them and they are not nulls they are correct this is a stack when i try to run the method is it some bug in version codejava xception in thread errorcollections at at at at javaxswingabstractbuttonfireactionperformedunknown source at javaxswingabstractbuttonhandleractionperformedunknown source at javaxswingdefaultbuttonmodelfireactionperformedunknown source at javaxswingdefaultbuttonmodelsetpressedunknown source at javaxswingplafbasicbasicbuttonlistenermousereleasedunknown source at javaawtcomponentprocessmouseeventunknown source at javaxswingjcomponentprocessmouseeventunknown source at javaawtcomponentprocesseventunknown source at javaawtcontainerprocesseventunknown source at javaawtcomponentdispatcheventimplunknown source at javaawtcontainerdispatcheventimplunknown source at javaawtcomponentdispatcheventunknown source at javaawtlightweightdispatcherretargetmouseeventunknown source at javaawtlightweightdispatcherprocessmouseeventunknown source at javaawtlightweightdispatcherdispatcheventunknown source at javaawtcontainerdispatcheventimplunknown source at javaawtwindowdispatcheventimplunknown source at javaawtcomponentdispatcheventunknown source at javaawteventqueuedispatcheventimplunknown source at source at source at source at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at javasecurityprotectiondomainjavasecurityaccessimpldointersectionprivilegeunknown source at javasecurityprotectiondomainjavasecurityaccessimpldointersectionprivilegeunknown source at source at source at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at javasecurityprotectiondomainjavasecurityaccessimpldointersectionprivilegeunknown source at javaawteventqueuedispatcheventunknown source at javaawteventdispatchthreadpumponeeventforfiltersunknown source at javaawteventdispatchthreadpumpeventsforfilterunknown source at javaawteventdispatchthreadpumpeventsforhierarchyunknown source at javaawteventdispatchthreadpumpeventsunknown source at javaawteventdispatchthreadpumpeventsunknown source at javaawteventdispatchthreadrununknown source caused by errorcollections at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorrunworkerunknown source at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorworkerrununknown source at javalangthreadrununknown source caused by orgcodehausjettisonjsonjsonexception a jsonobject text must begin with at character of doctype html public xhtml stricten bad request body color backgroundcolor ffffff alink color p address marginleft span fontsize smaller bad request your browser or proxy sent a request that this server could not understand if you think this is a server error please contact the webmaster error xxxxx apache at at at at at more code
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelthe question marks are superfluous they should be removed
goalallow instructors to export the roster with the photos to an excel or csv file include a printfriendly button of the roster list and photos
sometimes would be great to being possible to obtain the specific index of a rowthis is common when we have grid ordered and we want to get the next row
add ability to filter by changed properties in the config filter option dropdownthis option should be shown when in config compare mode but hidden when just browsing config versions
unable to expand the ensemble if the zookeeper password does not match the admin user password uncomment the default admin user in etcusersproperties fabriccreate clean resolver localip zookeeperpassword dodge waitforprovisioning fabriccontainercreatechild resolver localip root fabriccontainercreatechild resolver localip root fabricensembleadd in the following errorcodecaused by javaxsecurityauthloginfailedloginexception password does not match at at at method at at at at at at at at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at at at at at at method at at at at at at at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at at at at at at at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at at at at have tried the work around mentioned in jaasrealms jaasmanage index jaasuseradd admin test jaasroleadd admin admin jaasupdatebut the error persists this work around i believe delt with an admin user not existing and not the password actually matchingi have also tried changing the ensemblepassword but no joy there either fabricensemblepassword admin fabricensemblepassword committhe same caused by javaxsecurityauthloginfailedloginexception password does not match persists
orgapacheooziecommandcoordtestcoordmaterializetransitionxcommandtestmaterizationlookupcodeerror messageexpected but wasstacktracejunitframeworkassertionfailederror expected but was at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
since confluence we are getting this stacktrace in the log when trying to load an image from the current confluence instance in our scroll exporters code error log servletservice for servlet noop threw exception javalangunsupportedoperationexception not implemented at at at at info writetolog request unique id jvm stats allocatedheap availablepermgen usedmemory totalmemory freememory maxpermgen usedpermgen freememoryinmegabytes freeallocatedheap availableheap usedmemoryinmegabytes maxheap usedheap totalmemoryinmegabytes request information url scheme http server localhost port uri context path confluence servlet path path info null query string null attributes javaxservletforwardrequesturi javaxservletforwardcontextpath confluence javaxservletforwardservletpath s javaxservletforwardpathinfo ossecurityfilteralreadyfiltered true atlassiancoreseraphoriginalurl javaxservleterrorstatuscode javaxservleterrorservletname noop comatlassiangzipfiltergzipfilteralreadyfiltered true loginfilteralreadyfiltered true confluencerequesttime javaxservleterrormessage comopensymphonysitemeshappliedonce true comatlassiancorefiltersheadersanitisingfilteralreadyfiltered true cleanuprecursioncounter comatlassianconfluencewebfiltervalidateparamrequestparamvalidationfilteralreadyfiltered true javaxservleterrorexception javalangunsupportedoperationexception not implemented javaxservleterrorrequesturi parameters caused by javalangunsupportedoperationexception not implemented at code for our scroll exporters we are using the trusted applications infrastructure to authenticate our image loading requests with a trusted apps token thats the only way for us to export image effects since those are added on the fly by a servlet filter i guess the method not being implemented will break any other attempt to access the current instance using a trusted apps token as well
actual state tbdfuse on karaf link fuse on karaf rebuild fuse on karaf quickstarts fuse on eap link fuse extras distro link fuse on spring boot sb version bom version sb version version link fuse on openshift images online images k image
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
hiwe are using debezium sql connector in a setup that does not allow for kafka adminclient api usage that creates problem when dealing with history topic even though we created the topic manually and provided the configuration for it for connector we are still running into problems from my code introspection this method cause troublesespecially this particular fragment exists endoffset beginoffsetfor empty topics exists method returns false and triggers topic creation using adminclient api is there any particular reason for such condition is checking for topic accessibility not enough possible option flag could resolve the problem as well create the topic only when explicitly configured please elaborate on this particular implementation detail
consider jboss resteasy which has been released under asl license now
this is continuing compatibility where invm clients can perform actions without triggering management access controlit would be nice also if we could find a way to make it possible to selectively disable this for cases where we want identity propagation between applications and the management tier
ccparts defined in corechincode locally holds nameversionchain of chaincode which is similar to sysccproviderchaincodeinstance we should replace ccparts with chaincodeinstance
when using ink services on macosx to type into a text field consecutive characters output consecutive as entering one character at a time works
epic goal create a prototype that demonstrates how acm can run alongside the hypershift guest cluster control plane in a zero worker topology why is this important this will pave a way to run multiple acm hubs on a single cluster to support edge use case requirements by having multiplea acm hubs running on a single cluster this will help to reduce the total cost of ownership for onpremise deployments where physical clusters are dedicated to clusters hosting acm this is why having just a logical node cluster with schedulable masters is required scenarios acceptance criteria verify all pillars of acm can run in this configuration dependencies internal and external previous work optional … open questions … done checklist ci ci is running tests are automated and merged release enablement dev upstream code and tests merged dev upstream documentation merged dev downstream build attached to advisory qe test plans in polarion qe automated tests merged doc downstream documentation merged
camera viewfinder window is not showing preview disabled when running on lenovo thinkpad tablet theres debug message graph failed to connect filters srcqtmultimediasrcpluginsdirectshowcameradscamerasessioncpp dscamerasessionconnectgraph method
forge runtime doesnt interact with eclipse uiwhat doesnt work project is not imported in eclipse persistencexml is not opened in editor new entity class file is not opened in editor field is not selected outlined in view cd command doesnt change to workspace directory open somejava file dosnt open in java editor open some directory causes nothing to happen in project explorer on standard commands eg mkdir project explorer isnt refreshing
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
creating pipeline works ok npe when trying to run new pipeline dispatching started for pipeline exception in thread javalangnullpointerexception at at at at
the spring framework version thats packaged with the connectorws needs to be upgraded from to
the apppackageshbasereadmetxt file states that in optioni using mvn command the following step will generate the hbase apppackage zip file eg hbase tarball is published locally in maven repository you can use the following command mvn clean package dskiptests phbaseapppackageapp package can be found in apppackageshbasetargetapachesliderhbasehbaseversionapppackagesliderversionzipnoformathowever the zip file is not generated
to be populated there are a few failures to be documented
cannot login to latest release of the keycloak i have updated from to and im getting error when trying to login using adminadmin credentialsmy setupcodeservices keycloak image ports environment dbvendor keycloakuser admin keycloakpassword dockercompose open try to page isn’t workinglocalhost redirected you too many timestry clearing your warn default typeloginerror realmidmaster clientidnull useridnull errorexpiredcode restartaftertimeouttrue
edmmultiplicity is not handled correct for functionimport in edmx parser xmlmetadataconsumerfor function import when the return type is read and there is “collection” the edmmultiplicity is initialized as many but if there is no collection the multiplicity of the return type is not initialized thus the multiplicity becomes null
right now livy returns errors in plain text another bug but with contenttype applicationjsonas a backend livy should return structured error in json so clients can parse and handle livys errors betternoformat message cause stacktracenoformatmoreover when livy is running in development mode it should return the cause and the stack trace too
setup website at apache svn repo
since the cassandra adapter currently expects the port to be numeric which it is when parsed from json it fails when specifying the port in the connection string since all values are represented as strings
hi i would like to publish under the group id ioleonard can you please enable it for me
we are sharing some of our internal tools in hope of collaborating with the open source community
after creating a pop mail account under browse space mail accounts and editing it the protocol choices are limited to pop or pops options for imap and imaps should be available when changing the protocol for an existing account not just when creating a new one workaround is to create a new imap account and delete the pop account instead of editing
i am pulling this problem into its own jira because it is a small but important change that fixes lots of little bugs that we may not even realize we have and i want to make sure to be clear as to what is being changed added the ability to detect mobile devices and have them routed to the mobile portal instead of the main portal automatically by default once the user made an explicit choice to use the mobile portal or the main portal a cookie was set to their preferred portal and the check for mobile device was skipped the solution was to add code before the normal handler loop in skinnablecharonportaljava that forced all requests to the pda handler in the case where the cookie is not set and the device is identified as mobile this is a mistake the only urls that should be forwarded to pdahandler are portal portalpda and portalsite the other urls need to be handled normally by which ever handler is appropriate in particular portaltool should never be sent to pdahandler as the pda output when using iframes used portaltool to display the within frame content noticed that portalrelogin should not go to the pda portal but the fix was only for the one url pattern intead all but site or pda so the fix is to change the code to explicitly look for site or empty as the parameter and only send requests to the pda portal for those urls that are appropriate for the pda the solution is simple lines of code but i do want wide review on the changes to make sure i have not missed something the reason that this was never detected was that turned off any use of iframes in the pda portal before broke the ability for the pda portal to use iframes now in we are doing a more thorough study of the pda portal and leaving a few tools in iframes so that they work in once we started using iframes in the pda portal again the original mistake in surfaced for the first time if you have been following along you might be thinking that this meant that once was done that not all tools worked in the pda portal and you would be right we knew this and if they were on a blackberry or razr it kind of hardly mattered it only started to matter when we decided to make everything work in the pda portal for the release so folks this is also an advertisement to make sure to upgrade to so your ipad users will be happy comments reviews welcome
when trying to run mvn execjava as an eclipse launch configuration forge shuts down automatically the problem only appears on windows and not on linux or macthis is the relevant output without any user input the following occurs dist press ctrld again or type exit to quit dist exit